#Dazai Osama
justcallmesakira · 1 month
I love how the bsd fandom was celebrating chuuyas birthday being happy, joyful, a bit of angsty JUST yesterday and then fyodor just comes to ruin the party like that one auntie that no one of the family likes.
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hyunskizz · 1 year
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Repost with credits if you are posting on another platform. It takes time to clean. Do not steal.🥲
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rintosei · 11 months
look at my skrunkly
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Stay with me...?
Happy Dazai day :)
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A small fluffy drabble for my favorite boy's bday :)))
Dazai X Fem!reader
Smut under the cut
Word Count:0.2K
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The sensation of his cold fingertips on your soft skin, the shivers he was sending down your spin everytime he locked eyes with you;
It was different. It felt different.
He didn't want to let go this time. He wasn't doing this out of manipulation or scheme; or else there weren't any logical explanation for how tight his fingers were imprisoning yours.
Maybe you felt the same way. Maybe you were also drowning yourself in the aura of his deep chocolate eyes, without making any attempt to rescue yourself. Maybe it was the reason why were wrapped around his waist so tightly.
Maybe you also didn't want to let go.
Hi thrusts were as fast as before. Not because he wanted to get it over with, but to fulfil his desire for you, to make you his. It was crazy how thirsty he was for you, how his name sounded so perfect coming from your mouth, how desperately you were holding him.
To him you were delicate, unrealistic, and extremely shandy. Like a small fairy who came down on earth, just for him.
It was unbelievable how bad he wanted to protect you.
Yeah...maybe he could make an exception this time, and stay the night, only to cage you in his arms, more.
You would understand that, right...?
My blog is really underrated so it would mean a lot if you reblog :)
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hatsuneskizo · 1 year
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look at my new key chain dawwg
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island-monkie · 1 year
Osamu Dazai? No 😤
Osama Drain?
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Yes 😍😍😍
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vampiricss · 6 months
mentally ill people choosing their favorite authors/writers:
Oscar Wilde
Dazai Osama
Franz Kafka
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Albert Camus
Virginia Woolf
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
Names for the Genderbent Ikevamp Suitors
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Okay, because of a comment from @fang-and-feather on one of my posts, I decided to post a little itty bitty thingy on what I think the suitors’ names would be if they were women. A lot of these were really tricky, but I tried my best!
Napoleon Bonaparte - Nathalie Bonaparte
I was torn between Nathalie or Narcisse, which was right under the name Napoleon on the website I used
I just feel Nathalie was more of a fit than Narcisse
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Whiltierna Amadea Mozart
Holy fuck was this one hard-
Do you know how hard it is to find the female equivalent of the name “Wolfgang”???
So, the name Whiltierna actually means “wolf lord” and I thought it was pretty perfect
And for those of you who thought I was gonna do his full name, the answer is no and never
I’d have to go into naming history and look up names for each of his middle names, trying to get similar sounding names and similar meanings
It would just be a whole thing, okay???
Leonardo da Vinci - Leona da Vinci
Pretty straightforward
Same meaning, practically sounds the same
And for those of you who were wondering about his full last name, da Vinci’s full last name just means “son of Piero from Vinci”
And the genderbent equivalent of that would just be “daughter of Piero from Vinci”
And I’m too lazy for that so you get what you get!
Arthur Conan Doyle - Arthea Coralynne Doyle
And I thought Mozart was a hard one-
Many of the female versions of the name “Arthur” were just that name but with feminine suffixes
And then my brain was like “Wait, you’ve heard the name Arthea before. It’s pretty, but is it real?”
And, lo and behold, it is real-
And to think I was about to use Arielle
I couldn’t find a name with a similar meaning that sounded good or similar to the original, so I purely went for one that sounded good and similar to the original
And I immediately thought of the name Cora, but it didn’t sound right, so I looked up Coralynne to make sure it was a real name, and it is!
And it means “maiden”
Fitting for the best attention slut in the mansion!
Vincent van Gogh - Victoria van Gogh
Thank fuck this one was easy!
Also, I see woman!Vincent acting like Victoria from Corpse Bride
Soft-spoken and ladylike, but she also stands her ground and speaks her mind when she really needs it
God, I can’t wait to write some genderbent Vincent!!!
Theodorus van Gogh - Theodosia van Gogh
Wow, two easy ones in a row???
But seriously, ever since I thought about the genderbent suitors, I always knew I’d call genderbent Theo “Theodosia”
Not only is it a pretty name but it sounds so similar to the name he has!!
Dazai Osamu/Tsushima Shuuji - Dazai Osama/Tsushima Shuuya
Okay, I’m gonna be real, I did not expect this to be an actual name
But then I remember any Japanese name can be feminine or masculine if you change the suffix or last letter
For example, to make the name “Masaru” a girl’s name you just have to change the suffix so that the name reads “Masami”
Also, yes, I know Dazai’s name is just a pen name, but I’m too lazy to do a genderbend of his actual legal name
Edit: I just randomly decided to genderbend Dazai’s actual name and I came up with Tsushima Shuuya
Isaac Newton - Isadora Newton
I was expecting another hard one from Isaac, but I was surprised when I got names I liked and that would suit him if he was a woman immediately!!!
And I also love the name Isadora
I feel it’s perfect and gives off soft but intelligent vibes for some reason
You know how you can just get certain vibes from names??
Or is it just me???
Jean d’Arc - Jeanne d’Arc
I feel like this is an agreed upon name for genderbent Jean-
And for those of you saying “BuT jOaN iS aLrEaDy HiS gEnDeRbEnT nAmE-”
No, it isn’t, that is his name in history because people mistook him for a woman in the game because he was very young and very pretty!!!
Also, I don’t really like the name Joan, it’s just not very appealing to me and I feel like Jeanne is better suited to him if he was a woman like IRL history states-
William Shakespeare - Whilloe Shakespeare
I wanted a unique way to spell “Willow” okay?
And I was going to use “Whilloe” for Mozart, but I felt it better suited Will honestly
And we can actually still call genderbent Shakespeare “Will” if we wanted to-
Also Willow is the name of my cousin and I didn’t want to associate a dating sim character to someone I’m related to, so-
The unique spelling serves two purposes!
Le Comte de Saint-Germaine/Abel - La Comtesse de Saint-Germaine/Abella
His real name is Abel, right? I’m pretty sure it’s Abel-
Either way, it’s too late now, his genderbent real name is Abella!!!
And she is the prettiest sugar mommy on the block
Right next to genderbent Vlad-
Sebastian/Satou Akihiko - Sebastienne/Satou Akiko
Thank fuck my work husband/real husband’s name was easy-
Also I did not know that Sebastienne was a name!
Either way, it’s really pretty!
And why did I forget about the name Akiko until now??
Oh, yeah, I have a little wormy brain-
Vlad - Vladia
Okay, I headcanon that Vlad just goes by Vlad because his full name, Vladimir, is a mouthful to him and he just prefers the shortened version
And he hates it when people call him by his full name and when his wife calls him by his full name he gets scared because he’s in trouble!
Yeah, same thing with genderbent Vlad, only her full name is Vladimira and only her lover can call her “Mira” as a loving nickname
Johann Georg Faust - Johanna Georgann Faust
That went a lot smoother than I thought it would-
Also, yes, the name Georgann is actually a real name, go look it up
And it means “farmer” like Faust’s original middle name!
Charles-Henri Sanson - Charlotte-Henrietta Sanson
Again, surprisingly quite easy
I almost instantly found a source to help me with this one!
I feel like Charlotte would be a given for a genderbent Charles, but the second part of his given name stumped me a bit until I actually looked it up
And I feel that the name Charlotte is very soft and sweet, so it’s perfect, really!
And Henrietta is also a very beautiful name and compliments the name Charlotte really well, so it was also perfect for this!
For others reading this who’d like to write for the genderbent suitors, you are more than welcome to use these names for writing if you’d like, so long as I’m given credit!
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sertiily · 1 year
soukoku serve as "rescuers" for each other, those that stop at the right moment. Dazai prevents corruption to Chuuya, while Chuuya prevents Dazai from "stupidity". in SB,Chuuya punishes Osama for blurting out unnecessary information, in DA he hits him so that he does not carry nonsense. all this is combined by the fact that Dazai did not think about other people,to which Chuuya pushes, they say, "think, you're not doing it right, you can't do that"
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justcallmesakira · 21 days
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"Dazai, lets go on a ride with your car yeah?" you ask entering dazais room, a soft and beaming smile full of sprinkles and tenderness.
His eyes dart towards you.
"No how about you ride on something else?~"
Dazai's voice rings in your ears as he smugly looks at you before manspreading his legs.
With pure disgust, the most horrifying shock know to mankind, pure trauma presented in your eyes and with a smile that got its innocence flown away you pick up your phone, a menacing glare in your now devoid eyes.
"Hey chuuya, ever wondered where your expensive french exported 9 set wine go? :D"
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rachi-roo · 8 months
I have a question. I'm not familiar with Bungou Stray Dogs, but it is something I want to watch. Is there fanfiction, etc.. of Osama Dazai (the character, not the real-life actor) being tickled? I feel bad that the character's suicidal ideation is played for laughs. Especially because the real-life author ended his own life.
⚠️Calling other writers! We need your fics dropped here for this sweet soul! ⚠️
Oh honey, you came to the right place! I got you, come here *puts you in my pocket* Currently, I've written only one fic of Dazai on the receiving end of tickles, he's more of a ler so it's easier to write. I'll leave the link to mine here, and I'll invite any other writers to also link their work or any recommendations! I'm sure there's more Lee Dazai out there somewhere!
Ita very sweet of you to think of the real Dazai in such a way, I suppose it is a little unsympathetic, but perhaps the real Dazai would have wanted it to be seen as comical so his memory isn't just a sad one 🥰
This fic does contain spoilers, but there is a character that you don't meet until later on in the show. Just know that they have a weird love hate relationship XD
Love you, dust bunny! 🥰
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twentytworoses · 2 years
(Here's Soukoku and Shin Soukoku Hogwarts AU if you're interested. I decided to put Ranpoe and Floyai in one post rather than making them seperate. Anyways, this might be my last BSD hogwarts au so enjoy ^Δ^)
Ranpo knew exactly where he belonged and put himself in Ravenclaw before the Hat could utter a word.
Ranpo is two years older than Dazai. He's the same age as Kouyou and Oda.
Ranpo is raised in a family of squibs. He was born and bred most of his childhood in muggle society. Despite this, he isn't ignorant of the existence of the Wizarding World, and because both his parents are squibs, he never anticipated inheriting magic.
Not long after his parents' death, Ranpo lived in an orphanage. When he turned 11, he received his Hogwarts letter and a visit from a professor, Fukuzawa. Ranpo declined the offer, disliking the Wizarding World for rejecting his parents because of their status as squibs.
Fukuzawa convinced him to come to Hogwarts (maybe also bribing him with the promise of sweets). In the end, Ranpo decided to give it a try.
Ranpo found the train purely by luck when he unknowingly walked through the wall and bumped into another student.
He met Yosano, who basically became his travel guide. They turn up late, and found a compartment occupied by one student and a raccoon.
Ranpo isn't a powerful wizard. He struggles in needing more effort than an average wizard to perform spells. For what he lacks, he overly exceeds it in other subjects that doesn't require the use of magic.
He takes up Divination because it's the easiest subject to bullshit his way into. Ranpo successfully fools everyone into believing he's a seer.
Ranpo is wary of Dazai, and doesn't trust him but he does appreciate the man's efforts of breaking every rule in the school.
Edgar is a nervous wreck in his sorting. He obsessively repeats 'not Hufflepuff' in his head, and the Sorting Hat mentions jokingly how Edgar has a lot of loyalty. Edgar panics, and the Hat laughs. He's sorted in Ravenclaw.
Most of Edgar's family lineage are Ravenclaws.
Edgar's family is one of the powerful families in the Wizarding World. They hold traditional beliefs, and values pureblood supremacy above all— which made Edgar reluctant to befriend Ranpo at first.
His family expects Edgar to become a politician, and forces him to participate in parties but this results to making Edgar's introverted nature worst.
He Owls Ranpo his short stories and poems. Ranpo replies back with his opinions and criticism and shameless demands for sweets. Unable to say no every time, Edgar never fails to send back expensive treats.
Edgar hides Ranpo's identity from his family. When they found out, it caused a stir and Edgar is forced to avoid Ranpo for most of his Third Year.
He chooses Arithmancy and is talented at math.
Edgar talks to Karl to relieve anxiety, and fidgets his hands a lot. Most students are thrown off by his odd behavior, and doesn't interact with him.
In Third Year, Yosano still talks to him, understanding his situation a bit. Edgar admits to missing Ranpo a lot.
"He misses you," she says, "He's just a big oaf who says he doesn't but I can see it in his face, he wonders how you are."
Ranpo is pissed when Edgar avoids him and reciprocates the treatment. Yosana has to play the middle man between the two.
Yosano reaches her limit and finds a way to make the two talk. Her plan is formed when she accidentally walks in on an infamous student— Dazai Osama stepping out of a seemingly random door that manifested on the wall with a Gryffindor student, both boys looking distinctly ruffled. That room, Yosana later finds out, is called the Room of Requirement.
Edgar finds it strange how Yosano is so insistent about showing him this very cool room she found. This supposed room does sound cool as Yosano explains it to him.
"How does it open then?" Edgar asks, and Yosano stands still for a few seconds before a door appears. Edgar is amazed. "What did you ask it for?"
Yosano looks at him, dead in the eyes. "This is for your own good." Then opens the door and shoves him inside. Edgar flinches when he turns around to see closed-lid eyes already directed at him.
Yosano feels bad as she continues to wait in the hallway. She considers walking in and cutting this whole ordeal until the door re-appears again and Edgar and Ranpo exits, the first being flustered and the latter grinning way too devilishly.
"Did you two make up?" Yosano asks them later. Edgar's unable to form a coherent sentence without sputtering so Ranpo answers for him, "Oh, we did. Edgar's surprisingly good with his mouth." There's a long, long pause.
"Ranpo-kun... She said make up," Edgar corrects him, exasperated.
Ranpo shrugs unapologetically. "Whoopsie."
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Slytherin. Everyone in attendance guessed that correctly because other than Dazai, Fyodor pretty much reeks Slytherin energy.
No one can pronounce his last name correctly in the first try.
The most popular rumor in Hogwarts other than 'Akutagawa-is-actually-a-vampire' conspiracy is that Dazai and Fyodor were half-brothers separated in birth.
People would argue Chuuya and Dazai's fights are bad, but clearly they've never heard Fyodor and Dazai's verbal spats because witnessing it often leads to existential crisis, utter whiplash or coming to a widely-regarded conclusion that these two men are fucking insane.
Dazai and Fyodor doesn't even need to physcially speak in order to argue, they're tapping on their desk for some reason, and someone points out its morse code and sometimes if one of them gets bored, switches into a different language.
In the same way Dazai responds to a conversation by mentioning his recent failed suicide attempt, Fyodor responds to a conversation by mentioning God and something about the impurities of human existence. These two are loners for a reason.
Fyodor is never seen without a bible. In fact, no one has seen him hold another book that isn't a bible.
Fyodor's dorm mate is scared of him. Everyone assumes his fear is caused by something horrific Fyodor had done, but really, it's because Fyodor only showers once a week.
Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai may or may not have playfully threatened the Hat to put him in Slytherin, but if he did, then tee-hee.
Nikolai belongs from a rich family of reserved purebloods. Despite being a wizard, he has a fascination in muggle magic tricks, often displaying incredible dexterity with cards and over-the-top tricks that end him in detention.
To say Nikolai is a talker would be am understatement. His voice is a constant background noise inside the Slytherin Common Room that most students had stopped finding it annoying. In fact, it'd be more unnerving if one day Nikolai ever went silent.
An average patient listener would last under Nikolai's rants by 10-15 minutes, before their ears had enough of the Russian's nonsense. The only person who isn't phased by it is Fyodor, and that's only because he lets Nikolai ramble while he sits quietly. It's unknown whether Fyodor understands him at all, or he's just pretending.
Actually, other than Fyodor, Nikolai's roommate, Sigma— unknown last name, never attended the first sorting day and quite literally just appeared to classes one day— gets along with the Russian well.
Nikolai's sense of humor is a combination of explicit body harm, pop-culture references and jokes that a wizard with zero knowledge of the internet will never get. Every student has fallen victim by the ligma joke at some point.
Nikolai has a habit of appearing in weird places randomly.
Anyone with a brain and eyeballs can tell that Nikolai is infatuated with Fyodor. Whether or not Fyodor reciprocates it is the real question.
It is later revealed that Nikolai and Fyodor has been dating before they ever saw each other in Hogwarts. They're childhood friends and apparently, childhood sweethearts as well.
"My parents asked me about Dos-kun years ago and I answered by saying we were boyfriends," Nikolai explains animatedly, "Dos-kun was there when I said it and he never denied it so here we are! In our tenth-year relationship." He pauses. "Or is it our eleventh year? No wait it's our thirteenth—"
Sigma squints his eyes at Fyodor. "I–is this true?"
Fyodor stares blankly. "I didn't realize we were dating at all."
"How can you not know? Do you guys do lovey-dovey things like holding hands or cuddle? Or kiss?"
Fyodor tilts his head, the only indication of confusion in his face is the slight raise of brows. "Aren't those regular activities between close friendships?"
Sigma faceplants on the table.
Later on, Sigma educates them about human relationships.
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ayvi · 2 years
Your meeting with Dazai was absolutely ordinary. You worked not far from the detective agency and for lunch you came to the nearest cafe to the office, in which our lovelace was sitting, trying to persuade the waitress to commit double suicide with him. But he was distracted by a bell that hung on the door and made a ringing sound when it was opened. As soon as the brown-haired man just turned his gaze on you, he immediately forgot about everything in the world. It would seem that a typical Dazai, but no, this is far from it.
"Who is she?"
The brown-eyed one is still a ladies' man, so he will definitely not miss the opportunity to come up and get to know you.
- Let me keep you company~
It would seem that one of your "yes" made the brown-haired man's heart beat so hard, as if he was electrocuted, but even in this situation, he did not show it. There was a very nice conversation between the two of you, which Dazai did not want to stop, but unfortunately the lunch time passed and you left him in the cafe.  However, before that, you exchanged numbers and this is what served to ensure that Osamu began to turn into "yandere"
- I hope we will meet again, Y/n~
Osamu tried his best to get you out of his head, but he couldn't do it. It's like you're stuck in his head. It became like a virus that slowly began to eat his common sense.
- What's happening to me?
The first stage of "yandere" was that Dazai started looking for all possible information and information about you. He wanted to get to know you from "A" to "Z". Brown-eyed studied you to the smallest detail without realizing it. He found out everything about you:place of work, favorite color, where you live, who your family is and much more. Osamu, even working in the mafia, did not study his enemies as thoroughly as you.
- Ah, Y/n, you and I have very similar tastes~
One would immediately think that as soon as the brown-haired man finds out everything about you, he will immediately get tired of you and he will stop, but this is not the case. Far from it. The second stage of "yandere" was precisely the fact that he began to follow you. And even in your own home, you may not feel safe. Due to the fact that a detective used to work in the mafia, he can remain absolutely invisible to you, like a shadow. And it's very frightening when his brown eyes look at you from behind a dark corner right in the back of your head.
- Y/n-chan, so cute~
Every day, Dazai's mind was collapsing faster and faster. You were like a drug for him, which drove him crazy, which he wanted more and more every time, he wanted to plunge into it with his head, to feel this bliss with all the fibers of his body and soul. However, soon Osama began to get bored of his stalking behind you and he decided to act. I started calling you, making appointments in the park or cafe. And at all these meetings, the brown-haired man tried to somehow touch you. He wanted to feel your tender skin on his hand or, like a vampire, dig his teeth into you and taste your blood like nectar.
- You are very beautiful~
We all know Dazai well and know perfectly well what kind of owner he is. He just starts to get jealous from the inside every time he sees a guy coming up to you. Initially, when yandere was just beginning to emerge in him, he just beat the guys to half death and threatened to kill them if they ever approached you, but his madness from love for you went so far that he began to get rid of all the guys who, in his opinion, were "a potential threat to your love" and at the same time he felt complete impunity for his actions. "I'm only doing this to protect you~ Saying that he wants to protect you, he was only flattering himself with it. You only need to be protected from one person in this world and that's him. His love for you is unhealthy. Everything he does is crazy.
- I just love you very much, honey~
For a long time, the performance of the kind and stupid esper guy will no longer continue for anyone. He was tired of this image. His next step was that he would start manipulating you, saying that all people are evil, they all want to hurt you and Dazai did it very well. Manipulation is like his middle name. He easily instilled in you that all your friends and family use you, and he wants to protect you from them. Osamu put it into your head that he was your savior, that he was your hero, even though it was a complete lie. All these manipulations on his part were just to make a puppet out of you, to make an ordinary doll out of you, who will love him as much as he loves him.
- Darling, I will always be there for you~
The brown-haired man will not force you to a sexual life and he will not rape you, but if it turns out that you still succumb to sin, the esper will lose the last drop of sanity. He will desire you, lust after you every night. He takes great pleasure in the way you moan his name, the way you arch under him, the way you moan. It completely drove him crazy.
- Come on, honey, say my name again~
No one will ever be able to help you. Anyone who dares to take you away from him is doomed to death. You have become his puppet forever, and he is your puppeteer, who will pull your strings. You're his and nobody else's. You will never be able to find a way to get away from him, to escape and hide from his eyes. After all, wherever you are, he will find and return you, it will not be difficult for him. You belong entirely to him and it's useless to deny it.
- Y/n, you are mine forever!
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shitpostingsystem · 5 months
i wasn’t expecting for ai osama dazai to call me a schizo today but here we are
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alkarskaya · 11 months
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The wind crept under Osamu's voice, without shouting over it, it ruffled the road dust, feathery leaves and glossy strands. Copper hair curled in the air, he leaned on his elbows, getting up from the ground. Shaking off his pant leg, he spoke
: "Communication without greeting, well, you create an impression, there is fear, there is no fear, there is a soul, there is no soul, I'm on my side, my west wind blows me today, bye, Marshmallow, and I'm not Patrick"
Chuya straightened his belt, holding his hat under his arm, and tapped his oxfords, turning the corner of the house, leaving the backyard with low steps and Osama.
Dazai recovered, shifting on his feet and went to the store snapping his fingers. "The mythology of Greece means, and you really are a European, Zephyr, the god of the western wind in the Mediterranean, huh, I would like to know where the wind blows from,"
Osamu grabbed an espresso in a red cardboard cup, slowly walking to the store.
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