#Dennis the squirebot
xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
POV: Dennis judging Goldie and Cuthbert’s parental skills
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selena-nightroll · 2 months
Sketches that I'll probably never finish because I'm too lazy :p
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merloksdigitaltoes · 1 year
the recent discussion of squirebot payment is making me want to post my headcanon on squirebot history and their relationship with humans. mainly because a common misconception, because of robot hoodlum, a lot of people think he just helps broken squirebots but even then it's canonical he helps poor squirebots in particular/squirebots who were mistreated by bad people. In fact, the dude even brings up he only robs RICH people to give to the poor, and i'm pretty sure refused to rob the knights at first. at least until monstrox messes with his circuits. not that there are squirebots who aren't mistreated. (Some are, but as a society it would seem they simply co-exist with humans. Heck, humanity made robotic food so that squirebots could know what it's like to eat/taste things.) I might make a more long winded rant later, but for now, here is dennis enjoying a robotic chicken wing
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legodrilknights · 7 years
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bumblebrambles · 7 years
Late Knight Perfection pt 3
ive had this written for a super long time but the story has taken some MAJOR plot changes so I wanted to wait until I had that figured out before posting
He had a feeling something was wrong before Dennis had even tried nudging him. No one could pace like that and not have something wrong. That didn’t mean he wasn’t surprised by the way Dennis clicked his claws together, electricity arcing over his frame.
“What’s wrong? What’s-”
“It’s Master Lance! I’ve tried everything, but I can’t snap him out of it! I’ve tried offering to do his school, sneaking him his favorite commoner food, sharing his selfies on social media, but he won’t-”
Clay was already up and walking to the door. “What’s wrong with Lance?”
“He’s - He’s - He’s -”
Clay sighed, watching Dennis twitch and try to reset himself before he crawled through the servant’s door
Lance's room was dim, the only light emanating from the fairy lights strewn up over the beds canopy. Dennis must have plugged them in while trying to snap Lance out of it. Most of the time the blonde would plug them in himself to get the lighting he liked for his selfies. All it did now was highlight the way he was curled up at the head of the bed.
He shifted, a long hard sniffle echoing through the room. <i>Oh boy.</i>
“Lance?” He approached carefully, kneeling a respectful distance at the foot of the bed.
The blonde clutched his knees harder, just barely lifting his head to see his servant. His hair, a tangled, straggly mess, hung low, covering part of his face. The rest of his face was marred with black streaks of mascara that continued to run the longer he cried.
Seeing someone like Lance, who took so much care into how he looked, looking like <i>this</i>. Clay found it unsettling.
Lance must have noticed how long he had staring, as he twisted, flinging himself into his bottomless pit of pillows with a cry of “Don't look at me!”
Dennis had composed himself - or rebooted, whatever squirebots did - and scurried to Lance’s side with a box of golden tissues. Lance rolled to face him.
“Dennis,” He croaked softly, making his servant jump to offer his tissues. His master made no move to take them, “I don’t want to cry anymore. Won’t you cry for me instead?”
It had to have been the nicest he’d heard Lance talk to Dennis. Of course Dennis scrambled to comply. It was a valiant effort, but robots couldn’t cry like a person could, and Lance started whimpering again.
“Lance, Lance, hey.” He was overstepping, a servant wasn't supposed to do these things; but he couldn’t stand by with Lance so downtrodden. Clay rested a hand on Lance's shoulder. It really said something that Lance didn’t complain.
“<i>You</i> need to cry.”
“But I don’t - “
“I know you don’t, but you’ll feel better if you just let it happen.”
“The only thing that could make me feel better at this point is a spa day - for a fortnight.” Lance turned away, watching the black along his cheeks as the tears kept streaming in the vanity. He let out a sudden, harsh sob and buried his face into his hands. “And my hair-!”
Clay was <i>definitely</i> overstepping his position now, but he climbed up onto the bed and sat behind Lance. He thread his fingers through his hair and carefully set to brushing it. Dennis caught on quickly and gathered Lances makeup kit from the vanity, fishing out a golden brush.
Sobs turned to sniffles and Lance melted back against him. Clay moved him to lay comfortably before settling down at the foot of the bed again, staying by his side.
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im-here-for-clay · 7 years
Nexo Knights season 3 nonsense
Ok, I feel like I gotta start this by saying season 3 ROCKED! Like, there was a lot of nice things that made me really happy. Then there’s the season finale... shocking. Really left my heart stone-cold.
Well puns aside, I have to put my thoughts somewhere and since they have nowhere to go... it’s time for me to talk some nonsense about season 3: things I did and did not like!
I think my favorite episodes were eps 5 & 8 (don’t remember if those were the numbers). It made me really happy to see Dennis go with Robot Hoodlum... he’s so gay for him, I cannot believe it. And then ep 8, I REALLY needed to know if the lava monsters were ok and seeing them happy and safe was the best... I just love squirebots and lava monsters!
King Halbert’s obsession with his mech ... I loved that, why is he such a cinnamon roll
I WAS SO WORRIED FOR CLAY DURING THE WHOLE SEASON. He’s my favorite knight, I’m going to miss him so much...
When I realized Aaron was going to be the new leader I was so... upset! Probably because I hate him (I still love him as I love all the other characters, though. I don’t even know why I hate hi, he used to be my favorite knight. It just happened). But also because... Macy deserved it! I know she’s a princess and all but ep 7 showed us what a great leader she is... even Aaron agrees
What Clay tells Aaron in the end of ep 7... why? What did he do? Macy was the true heroine of that episode and she will always be the true (new) leader of the Nexo Knights in my heart
It was so cute to see Alice working with Lance. She was so happy, I love you Alice
Jestro was too evil, I could hardly recognize him. What did you do to my son Monstrox
tl;dr I just want Monstrox to die
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
Git Dennised LOL
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Bonus: Gaybots
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
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When the art arts 👀👀👀👀👀
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
Made some more
I cleaned up the first one a bit too and added my own Dennis Design!
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selena-nightroll · 1 year
it's true
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
Dude i want to thank Mother Nature for giving us a snow day in my area I just had to speed run a slideshow for Spanish class that’s due tomorrow AAAUUGHH anyways Chibi doodles
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
I saw this and imagined it and now the rest of you fuggin’ have to as well
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
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Get angsted loser
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
No, I am not going to stop shitposting abt Evil Robot Hoodlum and Dennis‼️‼️
Songs that I think would fit them (or at least my interpretation)
Stalkers Tango by Autoheart (Also recently listened to Lent which is in the same album as ST and that shit hits HARD recommend 100%)
Kiss me Kill Me by TerryJerry
Darling by MARETU (please correct me if the translation is wrong I will correct it)
iRobot by Jon Bellion
If y’all got songs that would fit them too I will hear you out 👀
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selena-nightroll · 2 years
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
I just noticed something, Robot hoodlum’s face has a weird looking outline that noticeably isn’t on any of the other squirebots.
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RH made the Merry Mech to help out squirebots, BROKEN squirebots. His team also consists of broken squirebots(Dennis with his electrical shocks and Johnbots two heads) it would make sense if he was also a broken robot by chance…
Did… did he get his face chopped off Withered Bonnie style?
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