#squire bot
tanya-shiza · 3 months
Fancy Pants rushes to carry out the order (actually a simple request, but he takes everything too seriously) // Nexo Knights FanArt
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Just look at this style! I usually draw very slowly and meticulously, so I often don’t finish, but with this style I didn’t bother myself too hard and it turned out so pretty!
I drew this in less than an hour. At 3 a.m. Ha-ha 😃
I love how nervous Fancy Pants is on literally any occasion. 🥰 My favorite bot ♥️ And also the way SquireBots run with their hands up is so cute ☺️
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digital-darling-arts · 8 months
There must have been a plague in Knighton, why else would they exist?
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Hi! So uhh silly little squire bot OC! Meet Dez!
He is a totally legitimate plague doctor with a medical license!
I'm still figuring out a lot but this is what I have:
-They have battery issues, really easy fix but she prioritizes her victims patients more.
-They always diagnose simple illnesses as the plague, he's convinced it will return!
-he mostly issues he/they but personally doesn't care if called a she.
-if anyone calls Crow the "crow" a hummingbird they will personally prove you wrong.
-due to the battery issues most of the time he works himself for "death"
-Will stab as a warning
-was once with the merry mech after getting lost for a month
-Dez's voice claim concept- Eclipse -Security breach Ruin DLC-
He's so silly, I love him
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knightly-bastard · 1 year
Thera ref is finished! 
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She's just a funny little squire bot to help you with your mental health.  She’s probably gonna mostly exist through shitpost’s tbh, but expect to see more content of her in the future as I obsess to the non-existent season 5 and the squirebot lore that comes along with it
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
No, I am not going to stop shitposting abt Evil Robot Hoodlum and Dennis‼️‼️
Songs that I think would fit them (or at least my interpretation)
Stalkers Tango by Autoheart (Also recently listened to Lent which is in the same album as ST and that shit hits HARD recommend 100%)
Kiss me Kill Me by TerryJerry
Darling by MARETU (please correct me if the translation is wrong I will correct it)
iRobot by Jon Bellion
If y’all got songs that would fit them too I will hear you out 👀
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merloksdigitaltoes · 4 months
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woohooo we're being self indulgent or something.
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i am so tired lmfao hope y'all enjoy my goofy ass squirebot ocs
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
If I may?
Roland's axe:
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(Gwen made it for her)
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i hope you know that i shaking so hard. you...you are the most beautiful being to ever walk the earth i hope your days are blessed and full of everything you dream. you have full permission to strike me down where i stand and i wouldn't be mad. i humbly kneel at your feet and question how i became ever so graced with a presence such as yours
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fangedjester · 2 months
Hello, my name is Freddy, I am 26 years old and I have Cystic Fibrosis, a respiratory deficiency that limits my daily activities.
I need medication for life to prevent my lungs from collapsing, this implies permanent treatment with steroids, oxygen therapy, control of oxygen in the blood and antibiotics to prevent the development of bacteria in the lungs.
kindly consider donating anything, donation link is available on my pinned post
Sad news: This is a bot Ok news?: This bot sent good links for those in Gaza. AVOID THESE BOTS AND TRY TO TO DONATE TO REAL CAMPAIGNS like this
or this
and if you want to help those with cystic fibrosis, donate here , here, or to your local healthcare facilties.
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Please please please please PLEASE!!! I NEEEED to know more about the knight au!
I will GLADLY tell you more dear anon! Its still in production, BUT my thoughts go something like this:
The Bots and Cons have landed on Earth in the 8th century rather than the 21st. Due to series of mishaps, the Autobots end up scattered all over the world initially. They get back together quickly once groundbridges are established, but the bots have already taken on new appearances by that point. With no vehicles of reasonable technological quality on the planet, the bots have instead taken on the only metallic thing on the surface, that being armor.
The story progresses differently with Fowler being a sword for hire from Baghdad territory and June being a former Abbess. Jack is June's son as normal and he is training to be a Squire. Rafael is the eighth son of the resident Lord and has taken to training to be a scholar since it was either that or the monastery. Miko is a young Japanese recently orphanage child who got picked up by Wheeljack when he found her freezing to death on the streets. The language barrier between her and the others is quite real and so she largely relies on Wheeljack and Bulkhead to translate as she learns the language.
This story takes place in England and the Autobots camp out in a castle that Fowler took for himself and his mercenary crew a few years back. The Con's keep their warship but struggle to locate the Autobots due to the lack of any and all tech on the planet.
Its still a work in progress, but here are the design bases I have so far.
Ratchet landed in Norway and ended up getting himself Norse armor design something like this:
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Bumblebee was plopped down in Wessex and choose Saxon styled armor as his alt of choice.
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Bulkhead got thrown toward China against his will and found himself bulky as ever.
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Wheeljack was thrilled to find himself in Japan when he arrived and promptly picked the armor that suites him best.
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Arcee crash landed in Baghdad territory and chose the only armor that allows her to move.
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Cliffjumper landed himself in North America and was rather starved for options, but he chose anyway.
He has the weakest armor out of all the team. He tried his best, but his armor barely qualifies as such due to the lack of metal. He looks the part though.
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As for the Cons? Haven't thought too much about them yet, but Soundwave got himself something like this:
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classicanalyzer · 27 days
Fallout Series Thoughts and Reflection
"Everyone wants to save the world. They just...disagree on how." Maximus
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It's one day until one month since this amazing series was released and I have a lot to talk about Fallout!
A Vault Dweller (Lucy MacLean), a Brotherhood Squire (Maximus), a Ghoul Bounty Hunter (Once a human called Cooper Howard)...and a dog (Dogmeat) travel the Wasteland in pursuit of their goals. In doing so, all four will change the Wasteland for better or worse, and discover more sinister secrets. And as Siggi Wilzig, an Enclave defector, asks Lucy in their first encounter,
"Question is will you still want the same things......when you have become a different animal altogether." Siggi Wilzig
The opening (The End) was perfect. The tension reminds me a lot of TLOU’s opening. We look into the eternal 50s culture United States in the 2070s. Cooper's reaction to the first bomb dropping is just acting perfectly. He at first tries to assure his daughter, Janey, that it's just a fire...only to see the smoke turn into a mushroom cloud. His reaction then just turns into one of pure horror that conveys how this is the end of society. That shot of him and Janey looking at the mushroom cloud and the ignorant American families watching TV says everything. As the rich family hides out in their bunker (the father punching his friend which is a foreshadowing moment of humanity's desperation for self-preservation), we see Cooper and Janey ride on their horse as Lose Angelos is bombarded with the title card popping up (Each episode has a unique variation of the title card based on what's going on).
The show captures the dark comedy and the satire of 50s America, Capitalism, and the Cold War. When Wilzig talked about how the cyanide pill (which tasted like bananas too!) was the most humane product Vault-Tec ever made (it really is), that was Fallout humor alright. We even have a pre-war bit where Sebastion Lesie sold his vocal rights to RobCo for their Mr. Handy bots for around $186 (I know it could be 186 thousand but I love the possibility he only got literally 186 dollars). Another is when the "execution" of Lucy by the inhabitants of Vault 4 which was very elaborate to set up death by beheading... turns out out to be death to the surface (as the Overseer is trying horribly to cut off the rope). A funny meta joke is how the teaser joker poked about Amazon Prime being the company with 2-day shipping in the teaser trailer. Then the show was released 2 days earlier than its stated release date (The show came out on April 10th, 6 PM PST when its original release date was April 12th).
"The future, my friend, is products. You're a product. I'm a product. The end of the world is a product." Sebastian Leslie
The attention to detail in this show is also amazing. In the first episode, the radio mentions the President not present at the White House. That follows the lore of the President moving to the Poseidon Oil Rig. I also love how in Episode 2, Maximus mentions Tidus' Power Armor having Tempered Lining and Lucy brought it up too in Episode 5. In Episode 8, The Ghoul mentioned the weakness of the Power Armor suit just below the chestplate. It further explains why Maximus didn't die to the Ghoul since the Ghoul was trying to aim for that but due to that modification, Maximus was able to survive. They also brought back the hacking mini-game when Norman was hacking into the Overseer's computer.
There's also the question of how to rebuild humanity. Each faction (Vault-Tec, NCR, BoS, Enclave) has its own vision for the Wasteland. Maximus perfectly described the setting perfectly well in his quote at the top.
Lucy’s (Positive Karma) naivety and optimism really show her as the heart of our main trio. Even by the end where she gained a lot of cynicism, it’s still her underneath it. I also appreciate her character so much when she doesn’t follow the “character’s bond with another is broken because they lied” trope. I like how the folks of the Wasteland can't stand Vault Dwellers because of their nativity, self-centered attitude, and how it was really for the rich and privileged who could afford to go to a Vault. However, she proves herself to be an earnest character who truly wants to make the Wasteland a better place, and adapts to survive... but doesn't lose sight of who she is unlike the Ghoul. I cannot wait to see how S2 takes her character. Her relationship with Maximus is also pretty sweet as they both help each other out and bring out the best in each other.
"I just doused an innocent man's face with acid, and I've only been up here two weeks. The wasteland sucks." Lucy MacLean
Maximus’ (Neutral Karma) character development was nice to see. He still has a long way to go but he’s starting to understand what being a “hero” is about rather than just having physical power. A hero knows to sacrifice your desires (The Power Armor) to help others (giving back the fusion core). He wants a life beyond the Brotherhood and is clearly disillusioned with the organization. When his friend thought he killed Moldaver and declared him a Knight, his face tells another story of how he felt about this.
The Ghoul (Evil Karma) may have been a cruel bounty hunter who believes in the worst of the Wasteland...but there are moments of his former self still inside. His taking a liking to Wilzig's dog (whom he eventually named Dogmeat) and granting his Ghoul friend Roger a mercy kill reveals there might be hope for him yet. His former self, Cooper Howard. is nothing like his current self. I love how the show made it clear he was once this human who couldn't initially bring himself to kill someone... even if it was for a movie! Even when he tries to initially deny the evils of Vault-Tec and buys into American Cold War propaganda, it's clear he still values his friends (even if they're supposedly "Communists") and eventually starts to really question what the hell is going on.
"I'm not a Communist, Mr. Howard. That's just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren't insane." Lee Moldaver
The reveal that Vault-Tec was responsible for dropping the first bomb (or at the very least planned to do so) was genuinely one of the most shocking bombshell reveals ever. You feel the nervous breakdown of Howard Cooper as he’s trying to process his own wife advocating this insane genocidal plan. I wonder if the shadow figure overseeing the meeting of the corporations is from the Enclave. I also really love the detail that Mr. House is the only one questioning the logistics and the proposal (Daily note that Mr. House is just as bad as everyone in this room, it's just that he sees less value in causing the end of the world). It shows why he decided to go against this insane conspiracy plan as we see the fruits of his preparations in New Vegas. I also love seeing Frederick Sinclair (Also New Vegas), the owner of the Sierra Madre Casino, Leon Von Felden (Fallout 1), the mad scientist behind the FEV and the Mariposa Military base, and Julia Masters, the chief financial officer of REPCONN Aerospace who sold out the company to RobCo.
"It's a fun idea. There's a lot of earning potential with the end of the world. But we're talking about making a significant investment based on a hypothetical. How can you guarantee results?" Robert House
"By dropping the bomb ourselves." Barbara Howard
Moldaver is no saint (she did let raiders massacre Vault 33 and almost killed Lucy, her friend's daughter), and it shows how far the NCR has sunken to achieve its aims. However, a lot of her actions are based on the horrors and crimes against humanity she witnessed. She wanted to rectify them and give the Wasteland hope, no matter the cost. She had seen her failures to stop the old world from being destroyed, and she would not stop until she could make the Wasteland better, even if that meant the NCR not living to see that better world.
Lucy's quest to rescue her father is like a twisted Fallout 3 narrative where the Lone Wanderer's quest was to find their father. But instead of her father being a scientist who wants to further heal the Wasteland, her father is responsible for destroying one of the most developed nations post-war because they weren't Vault-Tec. It's also implied it might've been out of jealousy since the show hints that Moldaver and Rose MacLean were more than just friends.
The collapse of the NCR was something I knew would happen based on the state of it in NV, but the final nail in the coffin being at the hands of Vault-Tec was something I did not see coming. I love that the last action of the NCR Remnant was to restore Shady Sands's power with the cold-fusion reactor. Even when the NCR is gone, whatever arises from the NCR will not only do the job better but now benefit from infinite energy. This is in comparison to the US government whose last action was to nuke the world and for the Enclave, leave the American populace to die.
The West Coast of the Brotherhood took advantage of the NCR's collapse to reestablish itself and with the help of the East Coast's BoS, they're now the largest military presence in California. The final battle between them and the NCR Remnant is a mirror foil to an event mentioned in New Vegas with the Helios Power Plant. We see how Maximus grows disillusioned with how far the organization has fallen and its own Knights not being the heroes he looked up to, even his superior agrees about how the Brotherhood is not what it once was.
Vaults 31-33 may not have an extreme experiment as the other Vaults and in this case, Vault 4, but the experiment is still horrifying. Vault 32-33 are meant to be breeding pools for Vault 31, full of Vault-Tec personnel in cryogenic pods (which I think is how maybe Lee Moldaver survived), to create the "best" Vault-Tec personnel. Vault 4 is a vault where scientists govern the people...which went as well as you might expect (The experiments going berserk and the Vault Dwellers revolting). I also love how the Gulper we saw in Episode 4 is one of Vault 4's experiments (also explaining the human-like finders inside its mouth) and who also ate the Overseer. I wonder what Norman will do given how Bud puts in him a seemingly impossible situation.
Then there's the Enclave and the pre-war Corporations. The Enclave really only shows up for a flashback sequence for Wilzig but, interestingly, the show glosses over them. What interests me the most is that Wilzig knows about the Vaults 31-33 experiment and Lucy's full name. Obviously, the Enclave still has observations of the Vaults, but as I mentioned before, that shadow figure observing the corporate meeting might be them. Speaking of the Corporations, we see the results of unchecked Capitalism with no regulations in this franchise and this show. We see the insane troll logic that these mega corporations will win the "great game of capitalism" by outliving everyone. Mega corporations have no logic other than their insane troll logic that what matters is they survive regardless of who suffers or dies in the name of profits.
"So, the U.S. government has outsourced the survival of the human race to Vault-Tec. Vault-Tec is a private corporation that has a fiduciary responsibility to make money for its investors. And how does it make money? By selling vaults... The cattle ranchers are in charge, Coop." Charlie Whiteknife.
You can tell how much Nolan and his team love Fallout by the work they put into this show. They did such an amazing job that Tim Cain, one of the OG creators of Fallout, praised the hell out of this show for bringing Fallout to life. I cannot wait to see what S2 will bring us.
"War never changes." Barbara Howard and The Ghoul
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pink-gladioli · 1 month
okay so like what are y'alls ideas/hcs for why knighton is to advanced in tech but not socially?
I mean, king halbert is considered different for not marring a nobel or other royal when like Hama's cousin is a mayor of a town meaning that like her family wasn't really a "commoner" or "peasant" because they probably had some poltical power or general influnce if one of their daughters was able to become a mayor despite knightons slightly sexist beliefs.
I think they probably just had some tech descovery through magic like 5 generations ago which eventually got to the point it was able to support itself without magic.
but like monsters havent been seen in only 100 years which is like 2 generations which is too short of a time for most of the wizards to die and for tech to advance that fast. and we know tech didn't exist when merlok was out here fighting monstrox because he litterly says a line about how in his time they didn't have all these fancy velchies, only magic and knights.
so like when did this all happen????
just how long ago was the order of eight??
where magic and tech ever one??/
are the squire bots really sentient or do they just think they are??
do they hAVE RIGHTS???????
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ao3feed-nanago · 2 months
by Still_sleepless “He’s just posted a picture of the sandwich that he ate for lunch today, one from the new cafe that’s opened on campus. It was actually the best he’s had in a while and he hopes someone will ask him where he got it from, just so he can promote the place. There’s a good amount of likes already and yet Nanami is looking at something in the replies. It’s another porn bot. One in a sea of many others except this one is strange.   "MY CURVACEOUS ASS IN BIO, SCRUTINISE IT NOW!" It proclaims, sounding more like the town squire than a series of ones and zeroes coded to appeal to people who have had their minds melted by an unfiltered access to the internet long before their frontal lobes could ever develop.” Or: Nanami finds out that not all the porn bots on Twitter are actually bots. Words: 1636, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Jujutsu Kaisen Ensemble Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Social Media, Twitter, Fluff, Light-Hearted, Sex Work, Alternate Universe - College/University, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via https://ift.tt/zx7QRh5
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knightly-bastard · 1 year
Awhile back I made a Nexo knight oc...but it became clear to me that I haven't introduced anyone on here about her, so have some doodles (ref will come later...maybe...idk)
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Shes a funky squire bot therapist...don't ask me how she can comprehend human emotion enough to BECOME a therapist but let's be honest everyone in Knighton needs one...seriously....especially the knights + Jestro
Best part about her is that she's named Thera Piston (I absolutely adore nexo knight naming puns) 
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xzbat-loverzx · 1 year
Nexo Knights fandom, please tell me I’m not crazy:
Techno-mancy, a type of magic in the Nexo canon where a magician/wizard can use technology based magic, was created by Dracov, who was stripped of his powers by Monstrux disguised as Merlok, it’s also stated in the first episode that their haven’t been monsters in over hundreds of years, assuming that’s how long Monstrux was trapped in the Book of Monsters(hold onto this because I’m gonna go on a tangent)
Throughout the show we can theorize that technology has existed for a LOOOOONG while, [Ex: Ava calling cable cords old school, the horse bots being called outdated, etc] (there was another instance that I can’t remember but oh well)
Squirebots have also proven to themselves not only to be durable MFs, but also long lasting [Ex: Dennis saying he raised Lance “Since he was in metal diapers”]
But Dennis isn’t the only instant; Persnickety Marge was put in charge of the snow globe that Merlok trapped Monstrux’s lair in… how long did Merlok wait to put the lair in a snow globe? It seems pretty weird for him to trap Monstrux, then wait 90 or sum years for squirebots to be built and to then trap the lair in the snow globe just to give it to PM.
And while, yes we did see TONS of terribly injured squirebots, we have not seen any dead squirebots, like, at all. So while they’re may be a possibility that squirebots can be killed, but are unable die of old age unlike humans
Going back to my first points, if Dracov created techno-mancy, then was trapped by Monstrux, then Monstrux was trapped by Merlok, and Monstrux has been trapped for over a hundred years, that means technology in general has been relaxant for MORE than over a hundred years, but the squirebots’ models have also been shown to last a while two… :could there be a possibility, that the squirebots have been around for maybe almost as long as magic users have been around?
Conclusion: Magic and wizards and technology are old as fuck but so are tiny comic relief robots
Conclusion Conclusion: Tommy Anderson if you bring back Nexo Knights PLEASE make a wizard/magician/mage squirebot, or like a personal squirebot that served for the Wizards Council PLEASE
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merloksdigitaltoes · 3 months
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Professor milk here to tell you to turn your robots into zombies if you want. Don't be worried if it's going to overshadow another character's big evil moment, when written correctly anything can be implemented into your story. And anything written incorrectly can always be edited in the future!
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selena-nightroll · 1 year
Robin's parents!
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They are based on @/knightly-bastard's cool concept!!
The Underwoods live in Mechingburg and work in a squire-bot factory.
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fangedjester · 2 years
lack of gun control.. roe vs wade overturn.... restrictions for trans citizens... re-consideration of gay and interracial marriage rights..
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