#Double Edge Shaving Kit
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I started on chapter 38 last night so without further ado, some more Kit pretending to still be with the Resistance while at the jail:
Entering the jail, she found walking through its halls felt foreign to her, a place that she had last seen within a dream. Having last set foot in the place while having her mind stretched and broken by Faith, twisted into the creature she was now. The hallways still felt like they could stretch on forever, walled on each side by a thousand locked doors. This was no safe haven for her, just another place filled with terrible memories and ruled by a man who looked at her the same way her father did – like a disappointment. She hadn’t faced Whitehorse since she’d left to deal with Faith, hadn’t spoken to him since Tracey had flown away with the Henbane’s enemy number one in the helicopter with her – she supposed, in his eyes, she must have taken over the spot at this point.
Steadying her breath and patting Peaches on the head, she rapped on the door of what was once Virgil's office with the knuckles of her other hand – the hand he’d watched her use against Burke.
“Come in.”
The voice was faint from behind the door but it was enough to jostle her nerves. Taking one last deep breath, she pushed the door open and found Earl sitting at the desk going through inventory reports – reminding her of Jacob.
Looking up at her, Earl's deep bags and the lines on his face had seemed to have multiplied in the time since she’d been gone – he looked like hell – and with his hat sat on the desk, he was no longer draped in shadow over his face. She could see every pit and divot in his pores, every scruffy whisker he'd missed while shaving, and every hair that was left out of place as the warm incandescent light of the bulb that hung above him reflected off the bald portion of his head. 
“Cross.” He gave her a nod out of courtesy and then returned to shuffling papers. 
Cold and distant with her, he was still angry that she’d gone behind his back. 
“So they sent you for the former Peggie, huh?" He said, rubbing at his under eyes, the darkened sweat stains in the underarm of his uniform clearly visible as he lifted his arm. "I don’t have to worry about you flying off with him never to return, do I?”
She raised a brow at the slight made against her. “No, sir.”
She shifted her weight onto her other leg, wincing as pressure was put on the thigh with the arrow wound that still needed proper patching. With a quiet hiss, she swapped her resting stance to put her weight back on the original leg. 
“Where is he?”
“Have him kept in one of the cells. Better safe than sorry, just in case this is all some ploy. Can’t be too careful.”
“Makes sense.”
Earl eyed Peaches amber and blue eyes from over the edge of his desk, leery of getting too close to the cougar. “Is that why you brought the cat with you?”
Kit smirked at his uneasiness with her partner. “No, sir. Just like having her around as a friend.”
Standing up from behind the desk, Earl barely looked at her as he stepped past the two guests in his office to open the door. “Follow me.”
The jail had become less of a bustling place as the Peggie problem had become contained in the Henbane. There were less people there looking for their port in the storm, many of them having returned to whatever still stood of their homes. To them the war was winding down, nearly over. She was waiting to see Earl standing at the ashen crater where the Town Hall once stood with a “Mission Accomplished” sign hung behind him. 
Passing by Cougars, they all seemed to ignore the woman they once called a hero, but they all certainly gave a second look to the cat that prowled behind her from which they got their namesake. She could see them slink up against the walls to get space between them and the sharp maw of Peaches. They had every reason to be afraid, wildcats were known to turn on their handlers.
“He already knows he’s set to go to a safe house in Fall’s End. But we’re trying to keep him in the dark just in case he turns out to be a mole. Don’t give him any significant details. If he asks questions, give him the runaround. Got it?” Earl asked, looking over his shoulder as Kit kept a few steps behind him.
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m sure you won’t have a problem with that part,” he muttered.
She ignored the newest jab made against her and focused on her task as she played her role as the Deputy. “How long has he been in your custody?”
“Since the snow storm. Marched his way out here himself, damn near froze to death.”
Kit’s back stiffened, that was a long time. He could have told them John was alive, that Faith’s bunker was still in use, that she’d been staying at Saint Francis. “Has he said anything?”
“No.” Earl shook his head.
Thank God. 
“Says he won’t speak until he’s somewhere safe.”
“And you just took him in just like that?”
“We didn’t have many options. Besides, he’s not asking a lot. It’s the least we can do. We’re still better people than the cult, we can’t forget that.”
Kit sneered at the response. They were morally gray at best. Yes, this was a war. Yes, they had to do things that weren’t nice to survive. But they were questionable at best. There were no good sides or bad sides, and there certainly wasn’t a better side. All there was was winning and losing. The judging would be left up to God.
“No, he’s just asking for a safe place against the legions of the cult who’ve already hammered down the door before.”
“They don’t have Faith anymore. Legions don’t count for anything without leadership. Just look at Fall’s End, without John the resistance got its act together and the Peggies have moved on – we hope to do the same thing here soon enough.”
“Of course,” she said with a roll of her eyes. 
Turning down the hall, they arrived in the cell block where the former Peggie was resting on his cot. With mousy brown hair and what looked like a freshly shaved face considering the amount of nicks that scattered his jaw, he looked out between the bars with warm, hazel eyes. 
“Mornin’ son, your ride’s here.” Earl said as he unlocked the door with the keys chained to his belt. 
Kit stood off to the side, Peaches sitting beside her tail swishing back and forth across the concrete floor. 
As the cultist stepped out, he noticed the red hair and cold stare of the Deputy, the same ones he’d grown accustomed to thanks to all the sinner posters that scattered the county with her face on them. Glancing over at Peaches, currently licking her paw with one eye still kept on him, he swallowed heavily. 
Kit’s reputation preceded her. 
“I’m going with her?” He asked, voice trembling.
“Not gonna be a problem, is it? She is the reason you wanted out after all.”
He tried to stand a little straighter, a little taller so it wasn’t quite so obvious she scared the ever living shit out of him. “No, not a problem.” Forcing a small smile across his lips, he stretched out his hand towards Kit to greet her with a shake. “Good to meet ya, Deputy. I’m Mark.”
Pale eyes glanced down for a fleeting moment at his hand before her brow cocked, appearing utterly disinterested. Kit ignored the hand and turned to Earl. “Is there anything else I’m needed for while I’m out this way, or should I just take him and go?”
“You’re free to go, Cross.” Earl said, passing her a set of cuffs.
Nodding, she grabbed the cuffs from Earl’s hand and then pulled Mark by the arm, slapping the cuffs on his wrists behind his back. Without saying anything to him, she pushed him forwards, back the way she came.  
Walking through the halls back to the lot, Mark kept trying to look at her, his head turning to cast a stare in her direction every few steps. His eyes searched her face for something, to get a read on her, but just like with everyone else she made that extremely difficult for him to do. 
Leading him back out to her truck, she pulled open the passenger door and tossed him up into the backseat. 
“Uh, I’m not gonna have to sit with your um…cougar, am I?”
Her expression remained blank, devoid of all human emotion. “No, she gets the front seat with me.”
“Right.” He nodded nervously. 
Kit slammed the door shut and took her seat behind the wheel, drumming her fingers against it. Any minute now that call would come in. Any minute now Earl would know. Any minute now she’d have the entire county coming down on her head. She sighed and put the keys in the ignition. Revving the engine, she drove off away from the jail. 
Reaching a fork in the road, one direction would lead them towards the Valley, back to the heart of the Resistance. The other headed up into the Whitetails. Pausing at the intersection, she gave a sideways glance to the road that led to freedom for her passenger. Her foot slammed down on the gas, and she took the road that led to the mountains instead. 
Pale eyes flicked up to the rear view mirror, noticing Mark suddenly becoming squirrely in the back. His faced pressed to the window, he could see the turnoff they just missed, his panicked breaths fogging up the glass. 
“I thought the safe house was in Fall’s End?”
“B-but this way leads to –” Hazel eyes looked up at the mirror, wide and frantic like a trapped animal. 
There was a tug at the corner of her lip, a smirk barely contained.
“Where are you taking me?” He leaned forward in his seat, nearly ready to drop down onto his knees and beg for his life. 
“Where do you think?”
“But you’re the –”
The Deputy? She was. In another life. One she had left behind several lives ago. Clearly this was a man who had stopped living with the Father’s words in his heart and head for some time. She was something else now. Something she could be proud of. 
“I’m the Lion.”
With the utterance of the title his eyes nearly popped out of his skull. “Please, please don’t do this. Please don’t take me to Jacob.”
She smiled, her eyes left cold and dead. “Trust me, Jacob should be the least of your worries.”
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16woodsequ · 5 months
Sunday Steve - Day Nine
Things that would be new or unfamiliar to Steve in the 21st century, either due to the time period he grew up in, or his social-economic status and other such factors.
Day Nine: Shaving
Shaving was very important culturally in the 1930s and 40s. "A connection was drawn between shaving and employment: earning a living was a man's duty to himself and his family." (Link)
Razors: The electric razor was invented in 1921 and began to be marketed around the 1930s but Steve would likely never have owned one. He could have heard of it though. (Link) 
I can't find if the army used electric razors on new recruits in the army. However, I have found that if Steve got his hair cut in the field, he may have experienced a similar, mechanical method.
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This is part of a 1945 barber kit. As you can see, the blade is similar to some electric razors, but they are moved manually with the handles of the clipper. Straight razors and scissors were also used. Clippers were used for the hair.
Soldiers in the army and most men in the 30s and 40s were clean shaven (if they did have facial hair it was a neatly trimmed moustache), and we'll get into how they shaved next.
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WW2 Barber using clippers to cut another soldier's hair.
Steve likely would have shaved with a safety razor, also know as the Double Edge (DE) razor. (If you’ve ever seen razor blades, that is the blade used in a safety razor.) Blades could be bought separately and attached to the razor head which was then attach to the handle. Blades could be sharpened with a leather strap called a strop.
Animated Gillette Advert about Proper Razor Use, 1940s (8 mins)
This video is a really good way to see how shaving was typically done. The face is washed, shaving cream is applied to the face with a bristle brush then the shave commences.
Safety razors work like this:
Safety razors are often 3 parts (not including the blade). On a traditional safety razor, there's the handle, the razor bed, and the head of the razor (the head closes off the top of the blade and screws in to the handle). On a butterfly safety razor, the head and razor bed form one piece, and do not detach from the handle. Instead, you twist a part of the handle (usually the base) to open the head of the razor, at which point you can insert the blade into the razor bed. (Link)
These are the two types of safety razors we saw in the video. Butterfly razors were introduced in 1934.
Safety razors are held at a 30 degree angle from the face and it is important to let gravity do the work. You do not need to push or add pressure because safety razors are heavier. If you do these two things you won't cut yourself.
Safety razors are 'safe' because the guard on top of the blade ensures only a small sharp edge is available. This prevents deeper cuts.
How To Shave with a Safety Razor (4 mins)
This video shows how the safety razor works, as well as shaving cream.
As we saw in the first video, razor blades had to be bought to replace dull blades. However blades could be sharpened using a leather strop. Stropping went out of style as Gillette introduced disposable blades but clearly in the 1940 video it was still very much done.
I suspect Steve would have sharpened his razor blades as much as possible because in 1930 ten new blades cost 1 dollar (Link).
Some men also shaved with straight razors, but safety razors were easier to use so men didn't have to go to the barber shop for a shave. 
Two blade cartridge razors were introduced in the 70s. Three and five blade razors cartridges weren’t invented until the 90s and 2006 respectively. (Link) Razors with pivoting heads were also introduced in the 70s. (Link)
"Until the 1960s, razor blades were made of carbon steel. These were extremely prone to rusting and forced users to change blades frequently" (Link).
People who use safety razors today claim they provide a closer shave and are less irritating to the skin. Steve would probably be of the same opinion coming into the future and encountering razor cartridges. It would also take him some adjustment to learn the correct pressure and angle needed for cartridge razors.
It would not surprise me if Steve decided to use safety razors in the 21st century.
Shaving cream: Shaving cream in an pressurized can was not a thing until after WW2. Instead, Steve would have used either round bars of shaving soap (know as pucks) to create a lather in a cup, or shaving cream from a tube. 
Soldiers were issued a shaving kit and expected to remain clean shaven. Most kits included a razor, shaving soap or powder, comb, toothpaste or powder, mirror, toothbrush, and soap. Soldiers had an allowance of one blade a week and were expected to be clean shaven if possible. (Link)
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Shaving kit accessories, including soap. See alt description for item details.
Here you can see soldiers were supplied with soap, a shaving brush and a shave stick. Shave sticks worked like soap pucks, the stick could be rubbed with the shaving brush to make a lather or the stick could be rubbed against a wet face, the brush then used to spread the lather. (Link)
Soap could be lathered into shaving cream as well. All a soldier would need would be a mess cup or helmet to hold water for shaving.
Another option was brushless shaving cream. This is shaving cream that came in a tube rather than in a puck that needed to be agitated into a lather.
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Examples of brushless shaving cream tubes, the most frequent brands recovered on the battlefield. This site also has pictures of recovered toothbrushes and other toiletries.
Apparently brushless shaving cream had many unofficial uses:
It was perfect for sun- and windburn, nurses shampooed their hair with it, it soothed fleabites and softened chapped hands and cracked fingers. And there at Anzio the soldiers discovered that if they massaged their feet with it once a day, it went a long way toward preventing the dreaded trench foot. It’s a shame somebody didn’t shave with it once in a while. (Link)
Shaving brushes were made out of animal hair. Horse hair, badger or boar were the most common, synthetic bristles was also possible.
Shaving gel was not invented until the 1970s (Link) 
As for aftershave, from what I understand soldiers could receive toiletries from family or buy it at commissary. Listerine could be used as aftershave. There are also stories of soldiers using the mouthwash/aftershave Aqua Velva as alcohol. Aqua Velva had a contract with the government during the war so it may have been issued to soldiers instead of bought by them, I don't know for sure what the process was.
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hccn-overseer · 8 months
Issue 26, 10/12/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 11 degrees and a low of -2 degrees. Skies will be sunny throughout the day with patches of pink and orange hues tinting all areas during the late morning.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 6 degrees with a low of -4 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day with hints of mysterious haze.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 8 degrees and a low of 0 degrees. Skies will be clear throughout the morning with showers throughout the afternoon and evening.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be partly sunny and windy throughout the day with wind speeds up to 31 miles per hour.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 3 degrees and a low of -9 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 13 degrees and a low of 5 degrees. Skies will be mostly clear throughout the day with occasional flashes of spider web clouds.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 15 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the entire day with constant downpours.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 10 degrees and a low of -4 degrees. Skies will be partly sunny throughout the day with high winds up to 27 miles per hour.
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Now onto other news below the cut!
Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A collection of Modigliani paintings These long-faced paintings, reproduced for commercialism in the Shopping District, were found scattered throughout Scarland. They depict various men and women in sitting poses with relatively uninterested expressions and exaggeratedly long necks.
Item 2: A beard shaving kit This kit was found in Etho’s ruins and includes a double edge safety razor, pre-shaving oil, after-shave balm, a badger brush, and a beard trimmer. This kit was taken out of a shulker box and left near Impulse’s Dwarven Keep.
Item 3: Three hotel luggage carts These luggage carts were found with several empty unused trash bags piled on them near Hypno’s base. It is unknown what the intended purpose was for these luggage carts, and they are on the brink of falling apart.
Item 4: A book about keeping iguanas This reptile pet-care book was found in Pearl’s tree house and was published in 2022. There are illustrations on each page and the book appears to have been very well-loved over the past year. The illustrations are fully colored and appear to be as detailed as humanly possible.
Item 5: A headband with three skulls This headband has three plastic skulls attached to them and is covered in glitter. The headband itself is black and the skulls are bright orange, purple, and green.
Item 6: A group of miniature pumpkin stress balls These stress balls in the shape of miniature pumpkins were found near xBCrafted’s base and have been painted with various geometric patterns using a rainbow color palette. They glow in the dark and appear to have been ordered from a very old magazine catalog.
Item 7: A cursed box This box, fused shut with an intricate golden vine pattern on the lid loop around the front, has launched its finder into a wall upon them attempting to open it. The finder suggests burying it if opening it is not possible.
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia!
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And that's all for this week folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!
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mksmart · 15 days
double edge safety razor kit
The Baili Shaver is a high-quality grooming tool designed to provide a smooth and comfortable shaving experience for men. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this electric shaver offers exceptional performance and durability. The sleek and ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand, allowing for easy maneuverability and control while shaving. It is cordless and rechargeable, allowing for hassle-free shaving without the need for constant power supply.  https://bailishaver.com/product-category/shaving-kits
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wyatt-06 · 15 days
How to groom Cocker Spaniel?
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List of grooming tools:
        Andis self-cleaning slicker brush
        Andis Premium De-shedding Tool
        So Gentle Hypo-Allergenic Shampoo
        Natural Oatmeal Crème Rinse Conditioner
        Aeolus Cyclone Single Motor Pet Hair Grooming Dryer
        Andis Ultra-Edge AGC 2 Speed Clipper
        Andis blades
        Andis Grooming Scissors
        Andis Thinning Scissors
        Bio-Groom Coat Polish Spray
Andis Double Speed Pet Clipper and Tropiclean Ear Wash Combo Kit.
BioGroom Coat Polish Spray
Andis® 5-in-1 Cool Care Plus Animal Clipper Blade Oil Spray Can.
Grooming your Cocker Spaniel is an essential part of keeping them healthy and looking their best. Their beautiful coats require regular maintenance to prevent matting, tangling, and discomfort. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to groom your Cocker Spaniel, starting from brushing their coat all the way to giving them a polished look.
Step 1:
Brushing the Coat Cocker Spaniels have a double coat, so using a slicker brush is crucial for removing loose, matted, and tangled hair. Regular brushing not only prevents matting but also distributes natural oils and stimulates the skin, promoting a healthy coat. Make sure to be gentle and thorough, focusing on one section at a time.
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Step 2
Bathing Your Cocker Spaniel, A proper bath is essential for maintaining your Cocker Spaniel's coat and skin health. Use a high-quality dog shampoo, such as So Gentle Hypo-Allergenic Shampoo and Natural Oatmeal Crème Rinse Conditioner, that is suitable for their sensitive skin. After the bath, thoroughly dry their coat using a hypoallergenic dog dryer to prevent any skin irritation.
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Step 3: Choosing a Grooming Style Decide on the grooming style you want for your Cocker Spaniel. For ease of maintenance, the "puppy cut" is a popular choice. This cut reduces grooming time while keeping your pet looking adorable. To achieve this, you'll need blades 10 and 15 for your clippers.
 Step 4: Grooming the Face Start with the face. Hold the clipper below the eye and gently shave towards the nose on both sides. Be cautious and take your time. Move to the ears and hold them behind, pulling the clipper towards the muzzle. Shave the area under the upper lip by gently holding the mouth and working from the breastbone upwards.
 Step 5: Shaping the Head Groom the top of the head evenly, ensuring a uniform look. Trim the hair around the eyes using thinning scissors, giving your Cocker Spaniel a polished appearance.
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Step 6: Styling the Ears Maintain the characteristic floppy ears of Cocker Spaniels by clipping only the upper part of the ears. Leave the ends floppy and hairy for that classic look.
 Step 7: Clipping the Back, Belly, and Tail Switch to a 7 blade and follow the natural curves of your dog's body. Start from the head and work towards the tail, clipping the hair in the direction it grows. Trim the tail hair with clippers and then scissors to ensure uniformity. Comb through and check for length and volume.
 Step 8: Trimming the Feet Using scissors, gently trim the hair on your dog's feet. Comb the hair and hold the feet towards you while trimming the hair on top of the toenail. Be cautious around the paw pads and trim the hair in a circular direction while the paw is turned down. Maintain the paw's natural appearance and ensure the toenails are still covered.
Step 9: Cleaning Around the Eyes and Ears Keep your Cocker Spaniel's eyes and ears clean. Use a damp cloth with warm water and shampoo to clean around the eyes, removing any debris. Regularly check the ears and use an ear cleaning solution to prevent infections.
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Remember to check the clipper blade's temperature throughout the grooming process. If it gets hot, apply Andis® 5-in-1 Cool Care Plus Animal Clipper Blade Oil Spray to keep it cool and functioning optimally.
 Grooming your Cocker Spaniel is a rewarding experience that not only enhances their appearance but also contributes to their overall well-being. Regular grooming sessions foster a strong bond between you and your pet while ensuring they remain comfortable and healthy. 
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bestseowork · 2 months
double edge safety razor kit
Indulge in the ultimate shaving experience with the luxurious Baili Shaver. Crafted with precision and elegance, this exquisite shaver is designed to provide a smooth and comfortable shave every time. Made with high-quality materials, the Baili Shaver is not only a practical grooming tool but also a statement of sophistication and style. Elevate your daily grooming routine with the Baili Shaver and experience the difference of a premium shaving tool. https://bailishaver.com/product-category/shaving-kits
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mancunianbeard · 2 months
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Manscaped, Men’s Body Hair Grooming Equipment! You could call it the Swish Arm Knife of men’s hair grooming! Why don’t you start looking after your nuts and balls today with the Manscaped Perfect Package 2.0 Kit Contains: Electric Trimmer, Ball Deodorant, Body Wash, Performance Spray-on-body Toner, Double Edged Straight Razor, Five Piece Nail Kit, Luxury Bag, Shaving Mats?, Trust us your coconuts will thank you! We have an excellent choice of Manscaped products on our online shop. Why don't you come and check us out today? https://www.mancunianbeard.com/product/manscaped-perfect-package-2-0-kit-contains-electric-trimmer-ball-deodorant-body-wash-performance-spray-on-body-toner-double-edged-straight-razor-five-piece-nail-kit-luxury-bag-shaving-mats/?feed_id=9488&_unique_id=65fc37b34f24f #manscaped #mancunianbeard #mancunian #menshealth #mensballs #bodygrooming #bodyhair #mensbodyhair https://www.mancunianbeard.com/beard-product/manscaped-mens-body-hair-grooming/
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lvoon11 · 3 months
CSB Shaving Set Double Edge Safety Shaving Razor Men Badger Hair Brush Chrome Stand Mug Bowl Soap Kit +10 Free Blades one set contains: 1pc badger hair shaving brush 1pc double edge safety razor 1pc chrome stand 1pc shaving soap bowl--ZINC ALLOY BOWL 1pack double edge blades ( 10pcs ) 1pc black gift box How to Use a Shaving Brush Many men are discovering the benefits of using an old-fashioned shaving brush to improve the quality of their morning shave. A high-quality shaving brush, usually made from badger hair, mixes shaving cream with water, allowing moisturizers to penetrate the skin more easily, resulting in a superior shave. How to Get a perfect Shave 1. Moisten the area to be shaved with warm to hot water 2. Dip the badger hair brush into hot water 3. Then dip the brush into your shaving cream or soap and swirl around to create the lather 4. Apply the lather to your skin in circular strokes 5. Leave on the face for 1 to 2 minutes 6. Shave 7. Rinse the brush with clean water 8. Shake excess water from brush and place in a holder with the bristles pointing downwards Use&Care Works well with both shaving creams and hard soaps. After shaving, hang brush upside down on a stand and let air dry to allow bristles to maintain their shape. Keep handle away from wet surfaces when not in use. It’s normal for the tips of the bristles to start to split after several uses. This gives the brush loft a fuller appearance and softer feel against the skin.
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thaonailart · 1 year
Today's males prioritize personal cleanliness just like today's women do. This is true not just because doing so will generally make them feel much better, more confident, and more appropriate. A healthy personal hygiene routine should be followed at all times to ensure that their health is at its peak. And maintaining good hygiene includes paying attention to the nails. You'll need the best men's manicure set to complete the task.
If your regular employment requires that your nails get dirty most of the time, you are aware of the importance of providing your nails the right attention. However, washing your hands and nails with soap and water is insufficient. You will need to include other things in your personal hygiene routine besides just cleaning them off. It will also be necessary to regularly trim and clean your nails in order to ensure that they are not just neat and beautiful.
You don't need to carry the entire manicure kit around with you—you may always have a nail cutter instead. Why then should you continue to look for the best manicure set for men? There is an easy solution. Having a manicure set makes it simple to store all of your necessary nail tools in one place. When you need them, you'll be able to locate them.
These manicure kits are currently on the market. These kits or sets' functionality and content haven't significantly altered. However, both the design and the materials used to make nail tools have changed. Today, stainless steel is used to make the majority of the equipment in manicure sets.
What items can be found in a quality manicure set?
The equipment you'll need for any number of grooming jobs you might have. Typical finger and toenail care tools are included in basic manicure sets and kits. Other manicure kits come with basics for shaving and hair maintenance.
Typically, a men's manicure kit will contain the following instruments:
(Also known as nail cutters or nail trimmers) Fingernail clippers nail trimmers. The larger nail clipper is composed of stainless steel and is capable of slicing through even the thickest toenails. a compact set of scissors. Nails, facial hair, and hair on the nose and ears can all be cut with this.
Tseoa 12-piece professional nail grooming kit
Toenail clippers, nail clippers, diagonal nail clippers, multi-purpose scissors, cuticle trimmers, ear picks, single-edged double-sided push sticks, eyebrow tweezers, peeling knives, nail files, blackhead needle and loop removers, as well as a V-shaped push stick are all included in this high-quality nail kit.
It has a sleek case with an intriguing design that will safeguard your tools. The case is small enough to fit in your pouch because it is 3 inches by 6 inches. Even if you have to travel, you may bring it along or just use it at home.
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Beauty Stainless steel manicure and pedicure kit from Bon
The Beauty Bon manicure and pedicure kit is designed to be portable and lightweight. It comes in a casing made of synthetic leather that can be opened quickly by pressing a button.
The kit comes with a pair of beauty scissors, a single-edged push stick, a v-shaped push stick, two nail clippers, a toenail cutter, a cuticle trimmer, a tweezer, a nail file, and an ear pick, all of which are manufactured entirely of stainless steel.
Professional Pedicure Kit with 18-in-1 Stainless Steel by ESARORA
This ESARORA manicure kit includes 18 items of nail and toenail care equipment that can be used for hand, facial, and foot grooming.
This ESARORA manicure kit includes 18 items of nail and toenail care equipment that can be used for hand, facial, and foot grooming.
The surgical grade stainless steel used in this kit is 100% professional, allowing for safe sterilization, preventing corrosion, and reducing the danger of infection.
Additionally, it has a small synthetic leather casing that is portable and simple to open with a button press.
The fact that this premium nail care package is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee puts the icing on the cake.
20-Piece Stainless Steel Men's Grooming Kit by Keiby Citom
These multi-functional, beautifully crafted nail grooming tools are from a well-known manicure tool manufacturer.
Along with these additional instruments, this set includes a cleaning brush, a curved needle, an acne bowl needle, and a spiral ear spoon.
This manicure set is packaged in a stylish case with a high-quality PU leather texture. Additionally, it is portable and lightweight, allowing you to take it wherever you choose.
This kit includes a lifetime warranty service included with every purchase.
Stainless steel professional nail grooming kit, 15 pieces, from ONME
Here is a 15-piece multipurpose grooming kit that may be used for a variety of tasks, including exfoliation, anti-acne, eyebrow shaping, and pedicuring. The following instruments are included in this set: an eyebrow cutter, a medium and an oblique nail clipper, manicure pliers, a knife, an oblique knife, an acne needle, a scraper, a nail file, a double-headed pick, and an eyebrow clip.
The attractive and fashionable waterproof PU leather case that this grooming kit is packaged in can help shield the sharp instruments. It can be kept or stored anyplace because it is lightweight and portable.
Professional Grooming Kit with Black Leather Travel Case, 16 in 1.
This 16-piece manicure kit from Mifine is last but certainly not least on our list. For the treatment of the hands, feet, and face, the set includes 16 pieces of nail and toenail instruments.
This nail grooming kit's instruments are all constructed of surgical-grade stainless steel, which allows for safe sterilization, prevents corrosion, and also lowers the danger of infection.
It is packaged in a faux leather casing that opens up without difficulty with a light touch of a button. You can carry it wherever you want to because it is lightweight.
This nail care package offers an 18-month product warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee with every purchase.
Be aware that the price range of these nail grooming kits varies depending on a number of elements, such as the quantity of things included in the pack, the size of the kit, the materials used, and the manufacturer's brand.
It could take some time to get the greatest men's manicure set, but it will all be worthwhile in the end. Your nails put forth a lot of effort for you every day. It is only right that you provide them with the highest quality care possible. For a more enjoyable personal hygiene regimen, always carry the best men's manicure set with you.
0 notes
bookmarkingnew · 3 years
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mksmart · 28 days
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0 notes
Maya I need a part two of the blurb you just posted, about Hotch and self-harming. I just need Reid finding Hotch when he’s about to and/or just hurt himself, and then sitting with him and gently bandaging him up. I need the feels, Maya. The feels!!
part one
cw: self harm
Spencer sleeps on Aaron’s couch that night, and Aaron lays with Jack until he falls asleep, then makes his way back to his own bedroom. He lays in bed staring up at the ceiling, replaying the events of the day over and over in his head, terrified of actually falling asleep. Of what he might dream, what his brain might do to him.
After tossing and turning for what feels like hours, he gets out of bed and goes into the adjoining bathroom, pulling a double-edged razor out of his shaving kit without even thinking about it. It takes several cuts on his arms before he even realizes what he’s doing, before he remembers that Spencer is just down the hall and this is exactly why.
He falls to the floor, tears filling his eyes, feeling like a failure in every single way. This one thing – he couldn’t even do this right. He couldn't even accept help from the one person who would never judge him for needing it.
He realizes he left the first aid kit in the kitchen after the last time he used it, so he creeps down the hall, right past Spencer’s sleeping form, and carefully, quietly opens the drawer. Just as he’s pulling the kit out, Spencer stirs, and it startles Aaron enough that he drops the kit on the floor with a loud BAM.
Spencer shoots out of bed, looking around wildly, his eyes finally adjusting to the dark and settling on Aaron, who is looking almost as startled, dressed in pajamas, arms smudged with blood.
“Oh, my god,” Spencer says quietly. “Let me help you.”
He approaches Aaron slowly, as though trying not to startle him, and bends down to pick the first aid kit off of the floor. Then he guides him silently to the couch and turns on the lamp.
“Do you want me to check on Jack before I start?” Spencer asks, and Aaron nods, cheeks burning, ashamed that that wasn’t his own first thought. He sits down on the couch, forearms turned up in his lap, and waits.
Spencer returns a minute later.
“He’s fine,” Spencer says. “He’s fast asleep. No nightmares yet, I guess. That’s good.”
“That’s good,” Aaron repeats, nodding. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Spencer opens the first aid kit and pulls out some antiseptic wipes.
“This is going to hurt,” he warns, and Aaron nods. He knows. He does this all the time.
He still hisses when he feels the sting of Spencer cleaning each one of his cuts, gently wiping the streaks of blood off of his skin. When he’s done, he covers and wraps each one until Aaron’s arms are both decorated in white bandages.
“Is that okay?” Spencer asks, and Aaron nods.
Spencer closes the first aid kit and sets it on the coffee table, then turns to Aaron and looks at him.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Aaron says without thinking.
“No, you’re not,” Spencer says. “It’s alright, Hotch. You don’t have to be okay.”
Aaron nods absently.
“Are you going to be safe for the rest of the night if I leave you alone again?”
“Probably not,” Aaron answers honestly. “I’m afraid to sleep.”
Spencer thinks for a moment.
“What if we both get under the blankets here on the couch,” he suggests, “and we put something on TV to distract you. And maybe you’ll fall asleep, and maybe you won’t, but at least you won’t be alone with your thoughts.”
“That sounds good, I think,” Aaron says softly, and Spencer gets up and grabs his blanket, unfolding it and then sitting down and laying it over both of their laps.
He picks up the remote control and hands it to Aaron.
“Pick a show,” he says, and Aaron finds a nature documentary that looks both calming and boring.
He pulls the covers up to his shoulders and curls up against the side of the couch.
When he wakes up in the morning after a night free from dreams, Spencer is snuggled up next to him.
52 notes · View notes
mancunianbeard · 6 months
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Manscaped, Men’s Body Hair Grooming Equipment! You could call it the Swish Arm Knife of men’s hair grooming! Why don’t you start looking after your nuts and balls today with the Manscaped Perfect Package 2.0 Kit Contains: Electric Trimmer, Ball Deodorant, Body Wash, Performance Spray-on-body Toner, Double Edged Straight Razor, Five Piece Nail Kit, Luxury Bag, Shaving Mats?, Trust us your coconuts will thank you! We have an excellent choice of Manscaped products on our online shop. Why don't you come and check us out today? https://www.mancunianbeard.com/product/manscaped-perfect-package-2-0-kit-contains-electric-trimmer-ball-deodorant-body-wash-performance-spray-on-body-toner-double-edged-straight-razor-five-piece-nail-kit-luxury-bag-shaving-mats/?feed_id=8386&_unique_id=6579b368b0387 #manscaped #mancunianbeard #mancunian #menshealth #mensballs #bodygrooming #bodyhair #mensbodyhair https://www.mancunianbeard.com/beard-product/manscaped-mens-body-hair-grooming/
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jgvfhl · 3 years
Some of these chapters might be uh... less than consistent with the actual chronology of TCW but that's what they get when they don't air the episodes in order! (Read Part 1 and Part 2!)
CT-2222 = Do-si-do = Double Trouble
CT-3333 = Trees = Leafs
ARC-5555 = Fives (duh) = high fives
ARC-1409 = Echo (honorary number lad) = BetterDomino
CC-6666 = Sixes/Death = DEATH
ARC-7777 = Sevenset = RedBoiiiii
CT-8888 = Loops = Loopy
Trees had almost forgotten about the Numbers meeting. Honestly, the only thing reminding him of the day of the week was his own internal clock. A lot had happened, okay? Geonosis was never “fun” for anyone, and he was just glad it was over. His general and commander had both nearly died there--which was only a first for Commander Offee, because that had been the second campaign to Geonosis, and that wasn’t even including the damn brain worms--kriffing sithspit he needed a nap.
But a nap would wait until he could tell the others he was okay. Fortunately, he’d set a reminder for it, so at least he wouldn’t be getting half a dozen comms from Sevenset or Do-si-do about being late. The rest of his squadron was sound asleep by the time the meeting was supposed to start, so out of courtesy, Trees walked to the mess hall, which, at this time, was all but empty. One or two others milled about, looking just as exhausted as Trees felt. He took a seat in one corner, setting the holoprojector on the table and waiting for the transmission to start.
And trying not to fall asleep.
Sevenset started the meeting, Fives and Echo standing beside him like they had last month. They were approaching graduation by now, weren’t they?
“Hey, Trees,” Sevenset smiled.
“How was bug world?” Fives asked.
Trees gave them a deadpan stare. “How do you think? I’m sure your friends in Torrent have plenty of stories.” The 501st had also been on Geonosis--their Commander Tano had been with Commander Offee onboard the medical transport infested with kriffing brain worms.
Echo smirked. “Yeah, we heard General Skywalker and Commander Tano threw Captain Rex off a building.”
“They did what?” Loops had appeared just as Echo had started speaking.
“Yeah, they’ve done it a lot, apparently,” Fives nodded.
“Kinda sad I missed it,” his batcher said.
Trees blinked slowly. “You aren’t. Believe me.”
Sevenset chuckled. “Yeah, you look like you’re falling asleep over there.”
Trees rubbed his face. “Yeah well,” he sighed, resting his chin on his hand, “when your general and commander nearly die twice on the same campaign, and somehow it involves mind controlling parasites, you’d be a little tired.”
The other four all raised their eyebrows at him. Before they had time to ask questions, however, a third hologram appeared. Trees recognized Do-si-do instantly, sitting at a table instead of in his cockpit like normal. But next to him was a new face--as it were. Judging from the glasses on the table and the shifting lighting, they were at 79s on Coruscant. Lucky bastards.
“I found zero!” Do-si-do announced happily. The man next to him gave a little two-finger salute.
Right after that, two more holograms appeared, which made Trees blink and sit up a bit straighter. He was used to Commander Sixes by now--honestly, he was--but after years of training to recognize COs and react accordingly, it was hard to shake the urge to go to attention. But the commander wasn’t the only one joining. Judging by the dull fuschia color of his armor, this was number four, from the Nova Corps.
He looked like he would rather crawl under a rock. Trees had felt similarly upon being press-ganged by Sevenset and Do-si-do to join them.
Sevenset’s face lit up at the two new holograms. “Commander!”
“Stow it, ARC,” came the immediate gruff reply.
“We’ve got two ARCs now,” Do-si-do was quick to point out, tapping the pauldrons of the man next to him.
The commander looked at the newcomer, then looked back at Sevenset. “He knows who I mean.”
“Indeed I do,” the ARC in question answered. “But hey! Two whole new numbers!” Trees couldn’t help the small smile forming on his face. Sevenset’s joy was contagious. “What do we call you guys?”
“I’m Zero,” the man next to Do-si-do replied. He had dark green paint over his armor, --maybe now Trees could convince Sevenset to change his name in the group chat to something other than Green Bean. His pauldrons were both green, and there was an inverted chevron visible over his grey chestpiece. Zero’s head was shaved on both sides, leaving a wide strip of curls down the center, and a tattoo on one side that Trees couldn’t quite make out from the hologram. He also caught sight of wide loops set into his earlobes. This guy almost had Sevenset beat for aesthetic.
They all turned their attention to the marine, who shrank back minisculely from his holoprojector. “Uhm…” He looked like he’d bolt at the next opportunity.
“It’s just your name, marine,” the commander prompted.
Instantly, the man answered, “Fours. I’m Fours.” Fours looked almost regulation from where Trees was sitting. It was hard to tell over hologram, but there might have been the remnants of a dye-job in his short hair, but it was too overgrown to be recognizable. The Nova Corps really didn’t get much time off. The armor they could see on him had vertical stripes painted over each shoulder, ending mid-way down his chestplate, as well as one down the center of his chest, and stripes down each shoulder bell.
Sevenset beamed at them both. “Well, welcome to the party. I’m Sevenset. I see Fours has already met the charming Commander Sixes.” The rest of them introduced themselves one by one, with Sevenset mentioning Echo’s “honorary number status” briefly.
“So… what do you guys actually do in these meetings?” Zero asked afterwards.
Several of the older members shrugged. Sevenset answered, “Eh, just chat. Or… I dunno, spread gossip.”
“They’re largely useless,” the commander said plainly.
Trees smirked at Sevenset’s eyeroll. “Yet, you keep coming to them, Commander,” the red ARC reminded him.
Do-si-do added, “He’s actually never missed one since you dragged him into it.”
Trees could confirm that--he often kept tabs on attendance just so he knew when to be worried if someone missed out. But he also wanted to keep watching Sevenset and Do-si-do taunt Death.
Zero and Fours both looked surprised, although Fours’ expression was a bit harder to read. He was still pretty on-edge. “How did you get Commander Death to join, anyway?” Zero asked, swirling the contents of his glass.
“Sheer willpower,” Sevenset answered smugly.
The commander crossed his arms. “I’m actually waiting for your last functioning brain cell to die from lack of stimulation. It’ll be funnier on camera.”
Fives and Do-si-do both burst out laughing--a problem for the latter, who had just taken a mouthful from his drink and consequently sprayed half of it across the table. Echo and Loops simply had huge grins on their faces, an expression Trees found mirrored on his own face. Sevenset had a sort of strained smile as he waited for Fives and Do-si-do to recover.
“I’m touched you have so much concern for me, Commander.”
“Oh, I’m concerned, alright.” The remark made Fives and Do-si-do break up again.
The commander was definitely warming up to the group, even Trees could see it. He would probably never admit it, but since his first meeting, he’d thawed a bit. Trees almost wished he could have seen their first meeting on Kamino, just to know how close the commander had been to wringing Sevenset’s neck. For old time’s sake.
Once the laughter had died down into smiles, Zero looked to the two batchers standing with Sevenset. “When are you two graduating, anyway?”
“Next week!” Fives announced, beaming with pride.
“Yeah, we get our new gear tomorrow,” Echo smiled.
“Which means this guy,” Fives added, putting an arm around his brother’s shoulders, “is going to stay up all night reading about it, right Echo?”
Echo shrugged his arm off with a well-worn scowl. Trees frowned a little. “Hey, reading up on the kit isn’t a bad idea. I did it. I’ll probably do it again when Phase Two comes out, whenever that’s gonna be.”
Vindicated, Echo folded his arms and lifted his chin at his brother, who rolled his eyes. Zero tipped his glass towards them. “Well, you survived this long. Have fun next week.” He drained what was left of the drink, then slid the glass to the center of the table. Trees really couldn’t wait for leave… he needed a drink after Geonosis. And not just the stuff the boys managed to sneak onboard.
“Hey, Zero,” Loops spoke up, leaning forward a little. “Why haven’t I heard much about the one-eigteenth?”
A good question. Trees knew rather little about Zero’s legion, aside from knowing it was in the Seventh Sky Corps along with the 501st and the 212th. He didn’t even know which Jedi led it.
“Probably--” The green ARC started to answer, then something out of frame caught his attention, and he held up a finger. He stood up and they heard him shout, “Incident! Off the ceiling! Troll, stop helping!” He leaned down. “Hang on.” Then he disappeared out of frame.
“Is someone actually on the ceiling?” Fives asked, looking to Do-si-do for answers.
The pilot nodded, his attention directed upward. “I don’t know how he did it. But he did.”
“Okay, so Torrent should never meet them,” Echo said. “I think we’d watch as the captain went grey from stress before our eyes.”
Fives grinned. “I dunno, it could be fun.”
“No, it would be fun,” his brother agreed, “right until you blow something up and get yourself and others hurt. Then Kix would have your balls.”
“Worth it.” Echo looked between Sevenset and Fives, who had both spoken, then rubbed his face with both hands.
Commander Sixes shook his head. “Never have these problems with my boys.”
Zero returned a minute or two later, another drink in his hand. “Okay. Sorry about that, someone got a balloon stuck in the rafters, and Incident thought it was a good idea to retrieve it.”
“Did he get it?” Loops asked.
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“Why unfortunately?”
“Because he got a reward for climbing to the ceiling to get it, and he’ll probably try it again later.” He took a drink. “Anyway. One-eighteenth. We’re pretty small for a legion, which is probably why you haven’t heard of us. One company of the two-twelfth is probably most of our troops.”
“Who’s your General?” Echo asked.
“General Veekah Bala.” He got mostly blank stares and couple heads shaking. “Yeah, well. She’s pretty awesome. Togruta, double-bladed lightsaber. Kinda young, like Skywalker, but…” He paused, like he was looking for the right words.
“More sane?” Fives offered. Trees smirked. Skywalker had quite the reputation.
Zero shrugged. “I guess? Dunno, maybe she’s just crazy in a different way.”
“What do you guys do when you’re that small?” Loops prompted further.
“Special stuff--kind of like Rancor, actually. The demo jobs, the stealth missions, that kind of stuff. Each company has a specialty.”
Do-si-do bumped their elbows together lightly. “What’s yours?”
“I’m in Whisper Company. We do stealth and recon and stuff like that. Firebolt is our demo team--that’s… where Troll and Incident are.” He cast a glance towards the ceiling.
Motion drew Trees’ eye to Fives, who had leaned over to whisper something to Echo. Echo thought for a second, then shook his head, a small smile on his face. With Torrent’s reputation, they might like Firebolt, from the sounds of it.
“The other two are Blitz, who hate clankers and bugs more than anyone I’ve ever met, and Enigma, who have made it their sworn mission to hack General Grievous,” Zero finished.
“Hack him?” Sevenset repeated, voicing the confusion on the others’ faces. Except for the commander, because his helmet was still on.
Zero sighed, scratching his head. “Yeah, I dunno. They figure because he’s a cyborg, they can hack his cybernetic parts, right? They’re obsessed. The general totally enables them, too. The Enigma hazing ritual is to hack into a B1 as fast as you can.”
Trees’ face scrunched up slightly. They just kept battle droids around for initiation? That… didn’t seem safe. He and Fours seemed to have similar skeptical reactions to it, but Fives and Echo were nodding along like it made perfect sense. Trees was so glad to be in the 41st.
“What about Whisper?” Loops wanted to know.
Zero just smiled slyly and held up something so they could see. Trees recognized it. Most pilots he’d met had a lucky charm of some kind, either painted on their armor, or their ship, or it was an object they kept with them at all times. Do-si-do had the latter kind: his charm was a dark brown rock with a hole through the center, always in his utility belt. But suddenly it wasn’t.
Do-si-do’s eyes went comically wide for a second, then his hand was flying to the empty pouch on his belt. “What--hey!”
Zero put the stone on the table and slid it to him. “That’s what we do.”
“Steal stuff?” the pilot shot back, snatching the stone up and clutching it to his chest.
“We always give it back.”
Do-si-do was still frowning darkly as he carefully replaced his charm in his belt.
“Huh,” Sevenset nodded. “You guys sound pretty cool. Shame I only learned about you now, honestly.”
“Yeah, it’s okay, we’re usually out of the way, anyway. You know what that’s like, right, Fours?”
The marine stiffened at the sudden attention, and at the subsequent attention from everyone else. Poor guy. “Uh. Yeah.”
“Oh, hey, how’s that mission with Death going?” Sevenset asked him, looking between the marine and the commander. “That’s how he found you right?”
Fours nodded. “Yeah. It’s… good, I guess?”
“They needed the help, that’s for sure,” the commander added. “Although, Bacara’s doing a pretty good job without the general around.”
Trees nodded, remembering General Mundi had assisted on Geonosis, and likely hadn’t been cleared to return to the Nova Corps yet after the assault. Some of the others looked a little lost, though. He reminded them.
“How long do you think he’ll be out?” Fours asked quietly. Trees couldn’t tell if it was genuine concern behind the question or curiosity.
He shrugged. “No idea. I never actually saw him, he was with the two-twelfth most of the time.”
The commander made some nonverbal reply to that before adding, “Well, at least he’ll be coming back. Geonosis has done worse before.”
He would know. Trees had looked him up after his first appearance, just like he had done for them. Commander Sixes had taken part in the first assault on Geonosis over three years ago. As Trees had dug a little deeper, he’d discovered almost nothing but casualty reports in connection. The commander had lost all but three of his original unit that day. Of the three left, two had died in combat, and the third just had a lot of “unknowns” in the report. That might explain the prickly shell of a personality.
Yeah, well, there weren’t brain worms the first time, Trees thought, rubbing his face tiredly. He then realized he’d spoken out loud when the guys who hadn’t been there first balked at him. Whoops.
“Brain worms?” Loops repeated, recoiling, his nose scrunched in disgust. Fours had a similar, though silent, reaction.
“Should’ve had Blitz Co there,” Zero remarked, barely fazed by the revelation.
The commander was oddly silent.
Trees shook his head. “Yeah, well, I’m tired, so I’m gonna turn in. Make sure you add Fours and Zero to the comm link.”
Sevenset nodded. “Will do, Green Bean.”
Trees leveled a deadpan stare at him. “Zero’s green too, get creative. And you’re not the only ARC now, ‘ARCBoi with five i’s,’” he told him, then clicked off the holoprojector.
RedBoiiiii: [image file]
Double Trouble: Yes!! Congrats, guys!
d0nut man: yay! nice paint
high fives: hey how’d you get that so fast??
RedBoiiiii: i know a guy :)
Fives+1: thanks do si do
high fives: echo what is your name
Fives+1: *long sigh*
RedBoiiiii: lol you can change it if you want. i’m the only one with the power to change other people’s names bc i created the chat
BetterDomino: got it
high fives: hey
Double Trouble: oof
d0nut man: hey my buddy Pixel has a handprint too
d0nut man: but he sprays paint around his hand instead of putting the paint on it to make the shape
high fives: oh neat
d0nut man: what’s yours for echo?
BetterDomino: captain rex put a handprint on my original kit on our first mission
high fives: in blood
RedBoiiiii: BLOOD???
BetterDomino: not human blood to be clear
Leafs: and that makes it better???
Leafs: oh maker’s sake, sevenset, really? Leafs?
RedBoiiiii: >:3
BetterDomino: it was rishi eel blood
d0nut man: oh okay
Double Trouble: that tracks
Double Trouble: oh does this mean you’re heading back to the 501st?
RedBoiiiii: yes :’((((
high fives: yeah we got back a couple hours ago
RedBoiiiii: i cri
DEATH: sack up sevens, kamino has enough water without you adding to it
RedBoiiiii: why do you only come into these chats to roast me?
DEATH: you keep standing in firepits
Double Trouble: ouch
high fives: commander sixes sir
BetterDomino: oh no i saw his face
high fives: that was amazing
BetterDomino: aaaaaaand fives has a new idol
high fives: hey echo you wanna come down off your bunk and say that?
BetterDomino: nope im all comfy
Leafs: kick his ass fives
high fives: >:)
Loopy: okay well you guys have been busy
Loopy: oh! Congrats domino the kits look awesome
RedBoiiiii: LOOPS!
BetterDomino: thanks loops!
Loopy: hi sevenset, how are those burns treating you?
RedBoiiiii: what burns
DEATH: you know
Loopy: yeah those :)
RedBoiiiii: ah
WELL IT'S BEEN A SIZZLIN' SECOND SINCE I POSTED PART 2 but that's okay :) Life has been a bit hectic, and also I forgot. Also!! Zero belongs to my dear friend @23-bears and the 118th lads and General Bala have their own blog: @118th-special-forces. Go say hi! And yes, I have part 4 written, so hopefully it won't be another EON between chapters 😬
@blsmjoon @nintendolover13 @darth-void @glubtheflyingfish @peacefulwizardfox @theultimatesandwich @alamogirl80
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stusbunker · 4 years
What Lingers Within: Eight
A Supernatural Fan-fiction Mini Series
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Featuring: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Written for: @thisismysecrethappyplace
Prompt: Amnesia
Word Count: 3925
Beta’d by the amazing @itmighthavebeenintentional
Aesthetic by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Divider by: @talesmaniac89
A/N: Set in season 11. Flashbacks are still in italics. Thanks for finishing this journey with me and all your patience! xoxo Stu
Series Masterlist
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     Dean woke up to an empty bed, which shouldn’t have been surprising, yet the realization that she wasn’t there beside him kept hitting him harder each day. She was asleep in the room next door; it was both reassuring and torturous having her so close, never close enough.
    He stood outside her room and debated knocking. It was too early, he reminded himself. He let her sleep, like the day before and the whole week before that. Dean cursed Sam for giving her a room on his every path and headed to the kitchen for coffee. She shuffled in just after ten, looking blurry eyed and warm. Her hooded stare burned right through him as he handed her the mug that had already become hers.
    “Got anything stronger?” she mumbled, trying to play tough. He didn’t buy it.
    “You know, we’re not exactly on a strict schedule here. You could even go back to bed--- if you wanted.” Dean dipped his chin, gauging if he could keep prodding or step back.
    “Sleep is dumb, and besides, my room is boring,” she pouted, cupping the mug in both hands.
    “Thought Sammy had that laptop all set up for you?” Dean tried, brow knit in concern. She glanced up at him sheepishly, the heaviness inside reflected in her posture and the silent plea in her all-too-familiar eyes. Dean couldn’t help but soften as he continued, “Right, well, I was going to skip research today. If you’re up for it, we could do some target practice?”
    Just as Dean had returned her small smile, Sam came in with a breathy, “Hey.”
    Dean closed his eyes, unsuccessfully hiding from the disappointment before he turned to look at his brother. “Where’s the fire?”
    “Sandusky, it’s--- probably her,” Sam’s voice was calm, but his eyes told Dean whatever it was, it was bad.
    Dean nodded. “Okay, well, looks like I’m going to have to take a raincheck.” He faced her and saw all the unsaid things staring back at him. Tendrils frayed between them as he had to pull himself away again. “You gonna be okay by yourself? It’s gonna be a long drive, both ways.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Are you kidding? I’m gonna be ransacking the place when you’re gone. How much do you think the Men of Letters shit will go for on Ebay?”
    Dean shook his head, even though he felt Sam flinch behind him. “Yeah, well, don’t touch anything that isn’t labeled as safe, alright?”
    “Go on, fight the good fight.” Her eyes sparkled with the forced casualness her wit always brought with it, letting them both off the hook.
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    Dean sat in the driver’s seat, squinting in the afternoon sunlight, watching the hospital entrance with growing trepidation. Cas walked out with Sam first, the blood along Sam’s collar the only remnant of his injury. They quietly slid into their respective seats. Dean mumbled a greeting, but continued to stare at the glass doors across the parking lot.
    He ignored Sam’s sad puppy dog eyes and Cas’s perpetual confusion and waited, the keys grew sweaty in his hand against his thigh. She was discharged alongside Sam, though they played it off as a fender bender. Cas explained it all to her, as an off duty officer who happened to witness the ordeal and got them to the hospital in time.
    Dean had little problem bludgeoning her car to back the story up. 
    Fourteen minutes after Sam and Cas made it to the impala, she wandered out of the revolving door and into the life Dean had left for her. His eyes trailed her up and down the rows until she found her crumpled sedan. She fought with the driver side door and he almost got out to help her, but she managed. He exhaled as she disappeared from sight.
    His heart rotted inside his chest, arteries and veins strangled his lungs with the spreading poison. He sniffed and put the key in the ignition. 
    “Dean,” Sam started.
    “Don’t. Don’t say her name.” Dean snapped. “You mention her ever again and I will break your fucking nose, I swear.”
    Sam cocked his head and absorbed the rage in Dean’s words. He side-eyed Cas as they both agreed to those terms.
    Her car creeped behind them as she navigated the overly complicated traffic pattern between the hospital buildings. He gave her three minutes before he eased out of their spot and back onto the road. The only proof of his life with her was shoved into his duffle and buried in the trunk. The proof that couldn’t be written on the back of his eyelids or settled in the bottom of his gut.
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    You stopped in the library for your laptop before settling at the kitchen table with a fresh cup of coffee. Your curiosity was piqued and a quick search brought up the horrors that had been unleashed in Ohio.
    ‘Four Dead, Seven Injured in Nursing Home Altercation’
    You scrolled through the news story wondering how this spelled ancient dark being to Sam. In the weeks with the Winchesters, you had quickly learned what hunters looked for in order to sort out the regular awful and the freaky awful. It wasn’t until the last paragraph of the article that your blood ran cold.
    The CNA that had called the cops said a woman in a black dress had been bent over the patient when she came to take the elderly man to the common room for lunch. But when she asked her if she was the patient’s granddaughter, the woman had disappeared. That patient went on to assault the others at lunch with his spork and his fists.
    Naturally, the article questioned the eye witness’s credibility, but you knew better and so had Sam. You suddenly felt very scared for your hosts’ safety, despite their expertise.
     You closed the computer as Dean’s face ran through your thoughts.
    That night you did lunges down the web of hallways, muscles burning and face twisted in effort and bouts of laughter. It was ridiculous and if anyone had been home, you never would have dared, but it felt good to be silly and to use up the nervous energy that had been bubbling up inside since the guys had left.
    It wasn’t that you couldn’t sleep, but rather that you slept fitfully. Katelyn’s voice snarled through your dreams, the feel of her spit on your hand mimicked by the sweat leaching from your body. You gave up after the second nightmare, texting Dean for an update in the middle of the night before you could think your way out of it.
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    Amara appeared to Dean fully grown, bathed in shadow. The hollows of her face were almost voids as she whispered in his nightmares. The nursing home was a tragedy they couldn’t stop, couldn’t fix. Amara was growing more powerful and there were plenty of souls in one place to feed from. Wherever she had been hiding, she didn’t wander out for long. It felt off.
    She was the itch he couldn’t scratch in the back of his mind.
    He didn’t want to keep chasing Amara, but the quicker she was off the board the better. It was a selfish desire, knowing he wasn’t fully himself since she had been released, but it aligned with the greater good, so he leaned into the hunt. The text he hadn’t replied to still stared back at him almost three days later. 
    There was no update to give and somehow he didn’t want to disappoint Y/N with a “no news” bullshit response.
     The trail had dried up two days before Sam and Dean headed home, the unwillingness to quit wearing them both down to the edge of constant bickering. They stopped chasing their tails and settled on a couple of days to recoup before easing back into the usual hunts. Dean needed a win, but he couldn’t force Amara out of hiding, and even if he could, they had no way to end her anyway.
     They got in close to eleven at night, creeping into the bunker so not to wake Y/N up. Sam showered first, and Dean sipped on a beer in the library before he decided to grab fresh pajamas and the shaving kit he kept in his attached half bath. But when he went into his room, he found a mound of blankets twisted in the middle of his bed, snoring lightly.
       He felt suddenly self-conscious about the state he had left his room and tried to count back to when he had last changed his sheets. But that worry didn’t stop him from blushing with the rush of excitement seeing her in his bed once more gave him. He gently pulled the door closed, turning on the bathroom room light to let him grab his things. 
      She murmured something in her sleep and rolled over, causing Dean to freeze in panic. He was trained in the art of silence, but since she moved in, it felt like he had gained two left feet. Her breathing returned to a steady rhythm, letting him watch her from the wedge of light he stood in. Once his eyes readjusted he saw that she had brought in pillows from her room, but was only  using his. He chuckled despite himself.
      With a final glance at her sleeping silhouette, Dean left for that shower. 
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    You were running through your office, rows of cubicles surrounded you like an endless forest. The click of heels on concrete followed you, despite the banal beige carpeting you were treading. Suddenly everything went dark and then you were looking down on yourself, hands around your own throat as you both inflicted and felt the pressure cutting off your air supply.
    You woke up coughing uncontrollably, flailing in the dark against the non-existent double.
    Your elbow hit something firm and you backed yourself into the corner of the nightstand, trying to escape.
    “Hey, you okay?” Dean’s voice scratched through the dank confusion and you sat up, struggling to cover your chest and tummy with your bunched camisole. 
    “Dean? When’d you get home?” You coughed again, and swallowed thickly.
    “A couple of hours ago.” Dean whispered, propped up on his elbow, he watched you. You slowly made out his features in the dark, pale skin a beacon, hooded eyes and wet lips. He was so beautiful and he was right there.
    “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come in here without your permission, it was just so quiet and being here made me feel sa---,”
    “It’s fine, I mean, you’re still a blanket hog, but I know you haven’t been sleeping,” Dean reassured, before he shifted the pillows so he was propped against the headboard. “So, nightmares, huh?”
    His hands rested in his lap, pajama bottoms firmly above the comforter, practically chivalrous. Especially after you had helped yourself to his bed.
    “Yeah, mostly,” you admitted, swallowing once more, the phantom pain had started to ebb with the conversation. “I should go, let you sleep, you had a long drive.”
    “Hey, come here.” Dean cocked his head, beckoning you to him as he opened his arms. You hesitated. Then he tipped his chin, and you were a goner. Awkwardly you situated your body against his chest, his strong arms framed you just so. “That’s better, in’it?”
    You sank into his warmth, refusing to be self-conscious about being half naked in your tank top and sleep shorts, and just relished in the firmness of his body and how it supported yours.
    He breathed in your hair, his lips grazed your forehead, and you squeezed him tighter.
    “I never wanted to be the bad guy. I don’t know what to do now, don’t know how to deal with this guilt,” you explained, staring at the slats on the bottom of the door.
    Dean pulled back to look you in the eye. “You did what needed to be done. That bitch was going to kill you. There is nothing wrong with defending yourself.”
    “I know. It’s just--- this--- being a fugitive is not where I ever thought I’d be,” you admitted, eyes closed in pained shame.
    The moments ticked away, the weight of your words increasing as your breathing fell in sync with Dean’s. His thumb tapped a gentle rhythm against your side, as you rested your head on his shoulder. You were so close you weren’t sure if you were smelling or tasting him.
    “Life on the run ain’t easy.” Dean shifted so your head fell over his heart. “But I do know you can’t lose yourself to guilt. Trust me, there are things that I have done that still keep me up at night. It doesn’t bring them back, it doesn’t undo anything. Except for maybe your sanity.”
    He let out a sad three-beat-laugh. 
    “Just keep doing what’s right. Make the world better in your own little way and hope that someday you’ll find your own absolution,” Dean spoke as if he was a million miles away.
    A moment before you thought better of it, you asked, “Have you found yours?”
    Dean stiffened in your arms and then exhaled, his fingers threaded through your hair. Slowly he relaxed again, his chest and arms softening to the point of you forgetting which parts were him and which bits were you. 
    “Right now, it feels like I might,” Dean whispered in response to the question you almost forgot you had asked. You blushed beneath the implication, the warmth between you intensifying Dean’s natural magnetism. His honeyed voice and steadfast embrace was hypnotic amidst the exhausted chaos of your thoughts. 
    “Dean, I ---?”
    Dean hummed in response before he shushed you. “It’s fine, just try and go back to sleep.”
    You fell silent, the emotions rolling through you in waves of strung out anticipation and tempering doubt. In the end your mind stopped trying to stay afloat and let you sink into the depths of a ragged slumber.
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    Then one night, you slept. It wasn’t exactly refreshing, and it wasn’t perfect, but it was something. The fact that you had been crawling into Dean’s bed each night, may have helped. 
      Deep down, you felt the shift in your psyche: a glacial slide, the gradual progress of accepting what you had done which sprouted the fissuring magmic ooze that was hardening you into something new. Forged yet still fragmented, you bent to each sweltering degree as you navigated the impossible almost Dean and you had stumbled into.
      Dean was in love with you. 
       You felt it first when he called you honey and invited you to breakfast all those weeks before. And you knew it the moment he shared your past in a handful of worn photographs. Unfortunately, you just didn’t know if he loved the you that you were becoming or the woman you had been. Your past self, which you didn’t even know. 
      Both possibilities were equally terrifying.
      Winter slid into Kansas like a muddied dog, invasive and messy. Your usual and completely unscheduled call from Michelle told you that you were expected back for Christmas. No excuse, safe for an actual arrest, would suffice. You could almost taste your aunt’s green bean casserole already. You smiled to yourself, imagining Dean in an ugly sweater as Sam, oblivious, would knock his forehead on Michelle’s dubiously placed mistletoe.
      Because, of course, they were invited too. Not that you would have gone without them at your side; they were as much your family now as Michelle and her parents had always been. 
     You hung up without promising your cousin anything except that you would stay safe. Though Dean and Sam were never in the bunker for long, you were fairly certain you could persuade them to take a few days off for a real, home-cooked, holiday meal. You just didn’t know if you would be bringing your roommates/ bodyguards or if you would be bringing whatever it was Dean had become and his brother.   
      That would require you to address the real problem. One far scarier than the temporal question of Dean’s affections.
      You hadn’t let yourself fall for Dean. Not completely. You had been holding your breath, so oxygen deprived that you had developed tunnel vision. And no matter how patient or generous Dean had been, he couldn’t get you to acknowledge the silent, unanswered question in his eyes.
      No amount of cuddles or lips brushed warmly over your forehead or strong arms that held you through the terror of your nightmares had emboldened you to fully reciprocate his affections. You remained simultaneously in his arms and proverbially a day’s drive east.
     The problem was if you let yourself love him, you would be giving him permission to hurt you. Again.
      You had time, you told yourself, before you would be introducing your aunt and uncle to the Winchesters. And you would drag your feet the entire two and a half weeks until then.
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One week later   
      The half-truths had grown comfortable, expected, predictable. Dean and Sam would return from a case and Y/N would have food in a crock pot or beer and popcorn waiting for them to unwind before bed. She would duck out early, and then Sam. Dean would have another drink alone, telling himself he’d be brave enough to say something if she turned up at his door again.
    He had too many misgivings about what she’d say. It wasn’t fair to make it about him when she’d get so riled up after the nightmares. 
    It was better to wait for the morning.
     “Dean?” Her voice broke through his internal rationalizing, and he held his breath. She wasn’t upset, no tension nor tears. The look in her eyes felt like a punch to the gut.
    “What’s up?”
    She laughed dismissively, a short trill ending on disbelief. “You didn’t even hear me, did you?”
    “Uh, no, not really. Come on in.” Dean stepped back, letting her in once again with his heart in his throat.
    “We should talk,” she repeated.
    “About?” Dean rested his hands on his hips, straightening himself as he watched her crawl into his desk chair and perch, heels along the edge, as she hugged her knees.
    “Us?” She made it sound like he was slow. His eyebrows shot up; this was happening.
    “Okayyyyyy,” Dean trailed off. She gave him nothing back. “What specifically do you want to talk about?”
     “You’re in love with me.” She smiled that secret keeping half-smile.
      He huffed in exasperation, but couldn’t help but smile back. “Really? You’re sure about that?”
     “Mmm-hmm.” She nodded. 
     “Sooooooo, it’s your turn.” She looked up at him, chin jutted out, challenging.
      “My?” Dean stammered, hand curled at his own chest. “You’re saying--- that I need to---- I don’t know, diagnose your feelings?”
       She was going to be the death of him, that shit-eating grin already creeping up on her lips as she watched him huff and puff and try to pull himself together. He looked at her like a deer trapped in headlights, and she looked back; he felt like he was going to melt under the pressure.
       “I mean---- I don’t---- What do you want me to say?!” Dean chuckled self-deprecatingly. He dropped to the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees as he started at the floor, but finished to her face. “Christ, I know what I want to say, but I can’t say it for you, Y/N. You have to mean it.”
      “And what if I do?” Her feet fell to the floor as she leaned on her palms. She seemed somewhere between coming fully back to him and flying away for good.
    Dean started to let the hope sneak in. “Well, I was kind of thinkin’ you would’ve shown me already.”
    Time stopped.
    She launched at him, and just as he caught her, a notch above the waist, her lips stole his breath. He gave it away willingly, until there was no more to spare.
    Triumph. Relief. Yearning answered.
    Dean’s arms curled around her body, clutching her to him as her momentum pushed their top halves onto the bed. It felt like a dream; Dean wouldn’t open his eyes ever again.
    They tasted and teased each other, lips and tongues, whispers and snickers. She looked down at him like he hung the goddamned moon, and he prayed he’d never do anything again that would change that. He swallowed, not sure what to say next, unwilling to break that impossible moment.
    It just got better.
    She left a trail of punctuated kisses up his jaw and whispered in his ear. “I love you, too, you idiot.”
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    In a flash, Dean rolled you onto your back, sliding you fully onto the bed at last. He practically purred as he nuzzled your pulse point before leaving a sloppy kiss behind your ear. You shivered, bolts of electricity shot through your body, burning from the inside out.
    “I--- just let me tonight,” Dean insisted, hands in your hair as he pleaded over your lips. “Please?”
    “Be my guest.” You didn’t know where all that nerve had been buried, but it was reassuring to find your footing after so long.
    He kissed you dizzy, stubble scraping and lips soothing. Slowly you were able to lay down your worries, alongside your clothing. With each brush of his mouth over your body you became lighter, leaving behind the fear and the uncertainty for something you’d never thought you’d get: trust and understanding. 
     True acceptance. 
     You fell into the moment, head first and determined, enjoying the knowledge he had retained of your body as he planted a firm palm over the thick roll of flesh above your mound, holding you in place before he dove in.
    His tongue told you that you were wanted, his fingers showed you how you were cherished, revered. His lips were lingering reminders that he wasn’t leaving again, that you were just where you were meant to be, that he needed to show you all the things he couldn’t say out loud. 
    That you came first, always.
    Bursting and brilliant, Dean saw to it, gentle yet persistent.
    He never stopped touching you, aching to hold you as long as you’d let him. Maybe longer. He crawled his way back up your body, nuzzling your nose with his before you got your mouth back on him. You drank in his now tangy desperation.
     You locked him in the cradle of your legs, telling him you were just as invested, a puzzle completed. Together you found your rhythm, your promises matched and measured. It was everything, and it was easy: no confusion or second guessing, just bliss. Dean’s moan broke on your name, and you felt it as if it had been the thousandth time, not your first. 
     It was you and Dean, forever as it had always been. These feelings had always existed, and they would never leave because not even the host of heaven had been able to snuff them out. They had lingered within you, and now that they were fulfilled, you knew you were going to make it in this uncertain life. 
      Because as scared as you were, you were certain of Dean. And he’d never stopped betting on your ability to keep fighting, to pull through all on your own. 
      His faith in you had seen you through the mess with Katelyn and years of unknown memories. Now you had nothing but time to regain what you’d lost, because lost things always have a way of finding their way home.
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Series tags: @tiggytaylor @vicmc624 @kalesrebellion​
General SPN tags: @flamencodiva @dolphincliffs @dontshootmespence @thoughtslikeaminefield  @fangirlxwritesx67 @dawnie1988 @mrswhozeewhatsis @cosicas-cuquis @foxyjwls007 @tumbler-tidbits @defenderrosetyler @ericaprice2008 @princessofthefandomrealm @wingedcatninja
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pokenimagines · 4 years
:O ask box is open!!! Okay, so since you said aus are cool, do you think you could write thief!Reader who’s next target ended up being more than they bargained for? Mostly because they got distracted by how hot the mark ended up being and then found out they can also turn into a dragon at will. The dragon is Raihan
So I got two requests for a Shifter!Dragon!Raihan, and halfway through this one, I realized I had accidentally combined the two. So to the person wanting the injured raihan fic, it’s incorporated into this one! I hope you enjoy it because we all need a little bit to dragon love for this man.
Discord - Request Info
Dragon!Raihan x Reader: Injured Thieving
You were, for lack of better words, a thief. It ran in your blood, like your father before you, and his father before that, all had the same occupation. Which was stealing shit and making a run to the next town. It wasn’t the noblest thing to do, but in your defense, most of those people didn’t need five hundred gold bars just sitting in their house. They wouldn’t use it, and they sure as hell didn’t help anyone out with them. You were pretty sure they just kept it because they were shiny.
Still, despite being a thief, you did have standards. You didn’t steal from the poor, only take from the rich, share your spoils with those in need. Like a real-life robin hood…but not as kind because you definitely kept most of that shit to yourself.
You quickly did a check on your map, wondering if your next target was going to be worth it. You’d stolen from shifters in the past, but it was never easy. You had no idea what this person was capable of shifting into, but judging by the sheer size of the rooms and the size of the mansion…well, it was clear they were probably going to be big. You also noted you didn’t see any guards, …which meant they were pretty strong.
You calmed your nerves, reminding yourself that it was just a town rumor that this person was a shifter. Shifters were so damn rare, and townsfolk were fast to point fingers. Shifters were to be killed on the spot if possible, so poor people would usually accuse the rich of being them in hopes their wealth would be spread after death. Thankfully for this person, everyone lacked evidence, and therefore, authorities dismissed it as just the poor pointing fingers.
You slipped through one of the open windows of the mansion and peered into the darkroom. Your senses were pretty good after doing this your entire life, so you were satisfied when you didn’t hear anything going on. You slowly began creeping through the home, searching the rooms for any sign of riches. You knew he had to have something in here, as all rich people did, but the issues were finding out where it was.
As you passed by a room, you paused for a second, and your breath hitched. You could see the slight shimmer of something through the cracked door, but also the distance breathing of a living being. You took in a deep breath before backtracking and looking through the crack in the door. The shimmer of gold and some random gems scattered on the ground gave you the perfect sense that this was the vault.
It was unnerving that the door was a normal one, simply cracked open in the dead of the night with no guards in sight. You slowly opened it, thankful the door didn’t creak and took another look inside. You searched the corners to look for any traps that might be set off as you knew from experience that it was never this easy.
“You know, you’re not as sneaky as you think.” You covered your mouth to hide the scream as you could feel the warmth of a body behind you, and their breath on your neck. You quickly turned around, only to have the person pin you against the wall as he looked over you. You flushed at finally seeing who it was. You had seen a few drawings of him in town, but none of them did him justice.
This man currently had his hair down, covering the shaved sides of it slightly, while those tired looking aqua eyes bore into you. He was presently shirtless, only sporting some pants, and he looked exhausted with bags under his eyes. Despite that, he was still overly handsome, and your mouth went dry as you tried to figure out what to say. You were caught, that was for sure, and were probably going to be thrown into jail. You were never one to fight, and this man towered over you, and if his muscles were any indication, then it meant he could hold his own. He definitely wasn’t like any noble you had ever come across.
“I uh…I got lost?” You tried to squeak out, hoping that maybe your entire black attire, topped with a black cloak that hides your face and black back, wouldn’t be ant indicator. He actually laughed, his breath fanning over your face as you squirmed a bit to get away from him.
“Just like all the others got lost in here? People in this town really aren’t good with directions.” He said, despite his tired expression, he had enough energy to flash you a smirk, and one shocking fang made itself noticeable. Your eyes widened, knowing full well that the fang wasn’t normal. Some people had sharp canines, sure, but this was like looking into the mouth of a snake type of sharp.
“Yes…?” You muttered out before suddenly the man before you started falling to the side. You just stood there as his body crashed to the floor, and you slowly looked down. On his back was a large gash that was currently bleeding out, and it seemed like it finally got to him. He was definitely passed out on the ground now. You just stood there, in shock, thinking over your options. You could just grab the things and let this dude, probably shifter, die in his house. Still, the thought was…well, you weren’t a murderer. You stole, you didn’t kill people. Wouldn’t leaving a poor, injured man alone in his house be considered murder in some form?
You groaned while you bent over and poked his cheek. His face scrunched up a bit, but other than that, he didn’t respond. A whine came from your throat as you realized you’d be needing to do the right thing. You slowly began lifting the man up from under his arm and slinging it over your shoulder. His feet would be dragging behind, but that was the least of your worries.
Mentally, you thanked yourself for being strong enough to lift gold bars out of windows, or else you’d probably have left him due to the sheer weight. You quickly found one of the bedrooms you had discovered while looking around and laid the man down on his stomach. It took a solid half an hour of searching to find a medical kit of some kind, and when you came back, he seemed to be out cold still. You set a bucket of water down on the counter by the bed and lit a few candles before getting to work.
Stitches weren’t your specialty, but they were kind enough to make sure he wouldn’t completely bleed out. You weren’t a doctor and couldn’t do blood transfusions, so you hoped he didn’t lose too much blood. Once he was all wrapped up, you did a quick check to make sure that was the only area that had been injured. Once satisfied, you grabbed a chair and sat yourself down, staring at him.
You weren’t sure when the staring became sleeping, but the only thing that woke you up in the morning was a stream of light coming through the window, along with the groaning of pain from the man. You blinked a few times, not knowing what was going on before you noticed your ‘patient’ was now sitting up and staring at you.
His cheeks and shoulders were covered with these red scales with a small shimmer of teal bouncing off them. His eyes seemed to have a more slitted look to them while his hands now sported claws. You froze while looking at him, your suspicions of him being a shifter being correct.
“Did you patch me up?” Was the sudden question he asked, and you blinked a few times, wondering where you were before your eyes widened at his appearance.
“U…um Ya. You looked like…you could use some help…” You murmured, taking in his current appearance. This had been the first time you saw a reptilian type of shifter, as normally they’d shift into bears or wolves. Seeing the scales reflecting a teal color in the sunlight was almost captivating, if not for how he was looking at you.
“You’re kind of a dumb thief, you know that?” He commented, flashing you a smirk as you flushed. You realized you probably could’ve just patched the asshole up and made a run for it with some gold, but instead, you stayed the night. You didn’t know why (perhaps it was because he was hot and you didn’t want to leave until you knew the cutie was fine), but you stayed.
“You’re a dumb shifter…how did you even get injured? Also, why are you sitting up?” You said while standing up and walking over to him and gently touching his shoulder so he’d get the hint to move and show you his back. He rolled his eyes while turning a bit, and you noticed the witches were already coming out, but the injury looked like it was almost healed up.
“I heal a lot faster than humans; by tomorrow, it’ll be like it never happened.” He said as he went back to sitting. You still weren’t convinced, and he still hadn’t told you what exactly was going on.
“You didn’t answer my question as to how this happened to you.” You said, and he seemed to wince at the memory. He flashed you the toothy grin, though now he had more sharp teeth than before. You shivered at the sight, knowing he could probably tear into you if he wanted. Those were the teeth of a carnivore, and you knew a lot of shifters had no issues eating humans.
“Had some issues in a town nearby. It’s fine, it happens.” He explained, and you now looked curious while you sat at the edge of the bed. He shifted over a bit to make more room for you.
“So you were causing trouble? Were you shifted? What exactly do you turn into? A giant lizard?” You began teasing him almost, letting your childish side out. It wasn’t every day you got to speak with a shifter, so now was your opportunity to see what type of things they got into. Living a double life as both a human and creature seemed to be pretty exciting in your eyes.
“I was shifted, and I wasn’t trying to cause trouble.” He explained, and you made a motion with your hands for him to go on, “And if you can’t guess what I am, then, I’m not telling you.” He said, shooting you his own cocky glare, and you puffed out your cheeks.
“Fine, keep your secrets. I bet you're just some overgrown lizard, anyway.” You said, trailing off at the end before perking up, “Anyway, I should head out. Got more placed to steal from, since this was a bust.” You said, standing up. You suddenly felt a warm hand go over your wrist, though a bit rough form the scales over it.
“If you make me breakfast, I could give you a ruby as thanks.” He coaxed, and you actually laughed, raising an eyebrow.
“Excuse you, do I look like someone after an honest living? If anything, you owe me for stitching you back up. Even with your abnormal healing abilities, if you had bled out, there’d be little you could do about it.” You said, though, you didn’t make a move to remove his hand from your wrist. It was almost like a furnace, something you noticed last night. Even when he was bleeding out, he was still so warm. Like there was a fire always burning inside of him.
“Think of it as atonement for breaking in and trying to steal from me. I could’ve just reported you to authorities and had you thrown into a cell.” He reminded you, and you just shook your head at the thought. Saving a life definitely overshadows any witty thievery on your part.
“Well, I could’ve reported you as a shifter, but I didn’t.” You shot back, though he didn’t look like he was even remotely affected by this statement.
“Who do you think they’ll believe? A noble whose family has lived here for generations or the little rat who broke into his house to steal?” He made an excellent point. Suddenly, you heard your stomach growl a bit, and his eyes flickered with amusement while you snatched your wrist back.
“Fine, dragon boy, I’ll make some breakfast…but I want a ruby and gold bars as payment.” You huffed, spinning around to begin finding out where the hell the kitchen is.
“Congrats on guessing correctly.” He said, and you were only slightly shocked; your assumption was right, “Now come on, I’m expecting the best breakfast in the world for that price.” He got up, and you felt him slinging an arm over your shoulder. His sly smile was enough to let you know he wasn’t planning on letting you off the hook so quickly.
“Whatever…you never told me your name.” You said, and he sighed as he guided you through the halls.
“It’s Raihan.”
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