#Dude I love Juana and just seeing this
mikaikaika · 7 months
Dude as a person whose fav egg was and still is Juanaflippa this is such a convoluted and heart wrenching situation I'm really not sure how to feel and I can't even think how Charlie feels. On one hand, just seeing Flippa here just moving and walking just takes you back to the good ol' days where everything was perfect and she was here backflipping and thriving. On the other hand, seeing this situation from Phil's side really made me realize how fucked up of a situation this is.
Blinded by the initial wave of grief and nostalgia we just ignored everything that was wrong about this. And now just seeing this fake copy being just a mere shell of what the real Flippa was makes me feel disdain for this copy trying to stand in the same shoes where our lil Juana stood. No matter the intentions or the interactions, she was never Juana and she could never be and no matter her attempts it still just hurts so goddamn much.
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imhidingonceagain · 9 months
El Mariana killed JuanaFlippa... again
And that left me thinking.
Warning: Long post (as always)
It's clear that Mariana is super clumsy both in game and IRL .
I don't know if you guys know that Mariana has a dog called Tilín in real life (yes, the same name as Quackity's egg). The thing is... Mariana's mother has been taking care of his pet because he's just not prepared for taking care of a living being (that dude can barely take care of himself).
As Mariana told Charlie when they had that wholesome conversation months ago: He's a fucking kid.
(he literally said that to Charlie when they where talking about Charlie living alone already: "I'm a fucking kid")
So when Juanaflippa was misclicked by Mariana I was not that surprised honestly and a few days ago, when he literally received a Juanaflippa figurine gifted by a fan IRL and he dropped it after 10 seconds first I laughed and then I thought about something in terms of the QSMP Lore.
The whole egg thing started as a way to unite the first habitants of the island (Spanish and English speakers) but think about it:
Not only they had to find a way to understand each other but they also we're thrown into parenthood without a notice.
If we think about Slimecicle and Mariana in terms of lore everything is just super sad. It's clear that none of them were prepared for such responsibility but I think especially Mariana was not prepared for fatherhood (like on real life lol). Both of them loved Juana so much but Mariana was an inestable factor in that dynamic honestly.
I like to think that Slimecicle is more mature than Mariana (same as in real life, it seems like Charlie is much more mature than Osvaldo, not saying that Valdo is immature, I'm saying that it seems like Charlie is more "adult" than Valdo). So I think deep down q!Slimecicle understands how everything was difficult for Mariana and that's why in his birthday he wished not only for Juana to be there, he also wished for Mariana to be there. I think he understands that everything was just so unfortunate and I can imagine he also empathizes with Mari because he also killed a child by accident. It's clear that he misses Mariana and that even though he doesn't miss a chance to call Mariana "bitch" all of his insults towards Mariana are full of sadness.
At the end of the day this all reminds us all that parenthood is more difficult than people make it seem to be.
Now that Juana (or maybe Code! Juanaflippa) is back I can imagine some scenarios where Mariana is of course happy to see his child but at the same time scared of making the same mistake again.
PS: All of this "Young parenthood mistakes" going on with Slimeriana is such fanfiction material honestly.
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namecantbeblank · 9 months
I went into this rolling my eyes. That's obviously not Juana. The code is studying and getting stronger and smarter and evolving. It's picking at Charlie's emotions to get what it wants. It's going to USE him.
But Charlie's cries, oh man his BEGGING for Juana to stay just a moment longer, to see her, to HOLD her after so long of not doing so. His desperate and defeated cries when he realizes she's not coming back right now. His PROMISES dude. Promising he'll be there, that he'll see her again, that he loves her. Even after all this time.
He doesn't want to question it. Because questioning it means it might not be real, that his daughter isn't right there in front of him, that his prayers haven't been answered.
He's holding on to this moment. This hope. This promise.
That's what broke me.
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
what are some spanish books you'd recommend? (i'm probably about a high schooler in terms of reading comprehension, but if you have any difficult/gritty recommendations, that would be perfect) muchos gracias :D
(An anon sent in a similar question looking for B1/B2 level books)
One of the better contemporary authors of what you might consider YA fiction is Laura Gallego García so I'd recommend her especially if you like fantasy.
I first found about her from Las memorias de Idhún. If you're on Netflix, you can see an anime based on it called "The Idhun Chronicles" - and one of the main actresses is Michelle Jenner who is an extremely well-known Spanish actress [she played Isabel in the well-known historical drama Isabel about the Catholic Monarchs in Reconquista times]
If anyone has any other suggestions, please write them in
Other books/stories you might like:
Esperanza renace by Pam Muñoz Ryan
Como agua para chocolate by Laura Esquivel
La casa en Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
La sombra del viento by Carlos Ruiz Zafón [fairly advanced]
La casa de los espíritus by Isabel Allende [somewhat advanced]
El Conde Lucanor by Don Juan Manuel [advanced at times; but it's styled like fables or multiple short stories]
El burlador de Sevilla y el convidado de piedra by Tirso de Molina [advanced at times with language, but very easy to follow; also a play]
I would also say look into translations of things like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, or Hunger Games [Los juegos del hambre] and other YA fiction that is more geared towards highschoolers and teenagers because the language used is not as complex but still really useful. Also, many 1st person novels are really good for showing you the yo forms of a lot of verbs especially irregular verbs.
Also some people really recommend El alquimista "the Alchemist" in the Spanish version by Paulo Coelho. It's a very well-known book for high schoolers though it is somewhat advanced in places
PS Also gotta recommend Hombres necios que acusáis by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. It's a poem, but it reads like the rawest slam poetry you've ever heard and also still frighteningly relevant in feminism
You may also enjoy short stories. If one author has multiple stories I'll just include the name once in the list. Some of these are translations of other short stories you'll probably know of which helps the comprehension better!
El rubí by Rubén Darío La ninfa El velo de la reina Mab La muerte de la emperatriz de China El palacio del sol
Blancanieves [Snow White] by the Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin Pulgarcito [Tom Thumb] La Cenicienta [Cinderella]
Cuentos by Esopo [or, "Aesop's Fables"]
El barril de amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe Los crímenes de la calle Morgue La máscara de la muerte roja
El loco de Sevilla by Miguel de Cervantes [a story within a story; it's from Don Quixote, but it's a very well-known vignette in the novel] La pastora Marcela [also a story within a story; some frame of reference, Don Quixote is riding around and comes across a funeral and people are accusing a shepherdess Marcela of spurning this dude's love and he couldn't handle it - Marcela then appears out of nowhere and drags everyone and we love to see it]
Cine Prado by Elena Poniatowska
El regalo de los Reyes Mago [The Gift of the Magi] by O. Henry
La sirenita [The Little Mermaid] by Hans Christian Andersen
Caperucita Roja [Little Red Riding Hood] by Charles Perrault La Bella Durmiente [Sleeping Beauty]
Las mil y una noches [1001 Nights] by Anonymous
La muñeca menor by Rosario Ferré
El almohadón de plumas by Horacio Quiroga
La noche boca arriba by Julio Cortázar
Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos by Jorge Luis Borges
Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva
This is my usual go-to for reading classics translated into Spanish [there's also the Gutenberg Project if you're looking for ebooks]
Just some general advice:
-Anything by Cervantes is quite old and you will need to find a more modern version or you'll end up with some very antiquated spellings and grammar. He wrote Don Quixote and some other short stories/plays, and all of his mini-stories from Don Quixote are the same general difficulty.
-I do love Borges but for God's sake DO NOT read El jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan "The Garden of Forking Paths". It is advanced, and confusing even for native speakers. I mean this is a story people dedicate a thesis on to try and unravel. It's the kind of thing that you read, you read the wikipedia/rincón del vago entries, and reread and still get confused
-If you're feeling like you want a good challenge, try reading El Popol Vuh which is a book of Maya myths/history/etc, and it's an extremely important in indigenous cultures and history. People have called it the Maya Book of Genesis [though be aware the original translation was done by a Dominican friar named Francisco Ximénez, and there are some modernized versions]
Also, speaking of Rincón del Vago is like a Spanish version of Sparknotes. I'm not saying you should be using it to do your homework, but if you happen to find something like Alice in Wonderland / Alicia en el país de las maravillas you can read through the entry in Spanish as reading practice
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hgduo · 1 year
I remember seeing people like “Omg quackity is going to go to war over Tilin’s death!” And yeah, he will, but also? Luzu is just slightly more likely to cause mass destruction over the loss of a loved one *looks at karmaland* Together they’re literally gonna eviscerate slime -A.D.
Dude he's gonna go fucking nuclear- like- If this man gets his hands on a rocket launcher they're all gonna be so fucked- oh god... Mariana left Juana at Roier's in case of this... but if Luzu ever finds out where she is and decides to go an eye for an eye... it won't be pretty
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baby-bearie · 4 years
1k mutuals appreciation
before i start i want to say a ginormous THANK YOU to everyone who’s complimented my work, followed me and to all my mutuals because you’ve all given me a tumblr family and the funnest friends ever. you all really made me feel like i was important to you, and you made me want to keep writing and being able to improve with a bunch of writers around me really motivated that. i feel special around you guys and that’s something everyone should be able to experience. for real, i love you. all of you. 
@katie-avery lets start with one of my oldest mutuals from our boy band days🥺 kit kat u have been a rock in my life, and are undoubtedly one of the purest people i’ve met. it warms my heart to know you can come to me, because i always feel comfortable talking to you, you make me feel loved and safe.
@maybe-maybanks and @snarkystarkey the moms of the og wdw girls HAHAHA i know we don’t talk as much as we used to, but you both have really been amazing people to me, and i’ve aspired to have your energy and kindness (and talent) towards everyone. it’s crazy that i’ve known you for a year and a little longer, because when i type cool and weird the first words that come into my autocorrect are coolkidcorbyn and keepseaveyweird.
@sunflowermotel mads. maddie. love of my life. same thing. you are SO INSPIRING. your writing is utter perfection and you are one of the calmest, most comforting people to talk to. you’re like home, you make me feel safe and loved. also you’re drop dead gorgeous and i want to remind you. your comments when i tag you in obx fics even though you’ve never watched obx make me so happy. side note: go watch obx. i’m not messing around, mads, i WILL make this happen. 
@drew-starkey ari i have loved you since FOREVER and it has been inspiring watching you grow and change and become who you are now. i love hearing from you, and i love talking to you. your sweetness and ability to make everyone feel better lights up the faces of everyone you touch. i’m so happy i can say i’ve known you since you were a prettymuch blog. 
@5sos-seavey  @heartbreak-hemmings i know we’ve lost touch over the past few months, but i miss u and my boy band gals SO MUCH. you were both constantly there for me, and i always loved supporting you. i hope all is well, and you’re happy.
@jjmaebank nikki my QUEEN my absolute QUEEN i don’t know how you do it. you’re one of Those People, you know? you have an energy that just attracts people to you! you talk to people as if they’re your best friend, you make them feel special. you’re absolutely hilarious, and it’s so easy to talk to you. i STRIVE to be like you.
@ceruleanjj mattie u r my daily dose of seratonin i sWEAR. YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE WHO LAUGHS AT MY JOKES AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! ur obx tik tok drafts are ducking hilarious and u better send me the new one u said u would. also, WATCH NEW GIRL. you’re one of the funnest people i’ve ever talked to, and you get me and my shitty humor like we’re soul sisters.
@adoreyoudrews LIL I LOVE YOU UGH. you’re the sweetest person ever and you’re SO FUN! i see you as a kind of mentor. shoutout to you for putting me in the beans chat you have ALWAYS helped me feel welcomed since i met you! you’re like the cool older sister everybody wants, i love being your friend!
@midnightmagicmusings okay jade i have so much adoration in me for you. you are by far one of the most compassionate, kindest people i’ve been able to talk to, and you make me feel loved when you text just to check up on me. i also love when you pop up on my for you page, i get to be like ‘oh my gosh that’s my friend look at her’ 
@pogue-writings cort, u beautiful bitch. i know we haven’t known each other for very long , but you are so PERFECT. like everything about you screams queen, idol, icon. you’re sweet and put together and don’t even get me STARTED on the writing. cort, my dearest, nobody is perfect. but u come a hell of a lot closer than anyone i know. 
@milaonthemoon dude u are like next level boujee. you’re SO pretty, first of all, second of all you just give off diamond, gossip girl, badass vibes. we haven’t talked much outside of the gc, but you are hilarious. and seriously, i LOVE being able to say we’re mutuals. 
@lavenderpope juana juana juana u make me laugh SO HARD  i swear i’m super bad at talking to you and talking in the group chat in general but you are so fucking funny the things u send are sending me asldlaksjdfj the day you haven’t managed to make me smile is the day hell freezes over.
@rudypankwow maddie the last of my beans i know we like just met, but you seem like such a genuine person. since i’ve started writing for obx and made more friends in this community i’ve always seen you as one of the like super cool, out-of-my-league mutuals so now that we’re friends i feel very in awe of u sometimes. maybe i’m just geeking. 
and to all the mutuals who i don’t get to talk to very often but whom i still adore, i LOVE YOU, you’ve all been so kind to me. @jjtheangel @myjjbaby @rudys-pankow @jjouterbanks @jjswifey @driverpicksthe-music just to name a few. if i didn’t tag you, i’m sorry, i’m just a little pressed for time right now, but i promise i am thinking of you and thanking you for getting me to 1k! excited to keep going with u guys. 
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 years
the tudors, twq, twp, tsp and reign rank them from best to worst and explain why
Best: Reign.  
Easily.  I know, it’s a teen soap opera and it’s dumb as hell with all these random fashion house 21st century clothes and magic and THE DARKNESS and Bash out in the woods.... killing people....   And it did have one unforgivable storyline that almost ruined the show for me.  But Reign knew what it was.  It never tried to sell its story as the truth.  It actually had fairly complex female characters in Mary, Catherine, and to an extent towards the end even Elizabeth.  I appreciate that the show went there with them doing shitty things...  But you could tell that the writers loved them and didn’t want to “punish” them, as the PG adaptations always do.  There was a real love behind Reign, lol, and I also think that the fantastic chemistry between Mary and Catherine, as well as Mary and Francis and Catherine and Francis, kept the show so memorable.
2. The Tudors.  
Mainly for the actresses?  Mainly for the actresses.  I will always love Natalie Dormer’s Anne Boleyn and Maria Doyle Kennedy’s Catherine of Aragon.  Despite the inaccuracies of the show, those two got the spirit of the women really well imo, especially in season 2.  Maria’s Catherine had that dignity and self-righteous belief, to the point that she played the game she wanted vs. perhaps the the game that would have given her the best results.  It’s that self-belief that can only be found in a true religious zealot who has a hell of a lot of belief in her own (corrupt) family.  And while Anne Boleyn was a bit of a cipher vamp in the first season...  Ugh, her arc is so good in the second season.  Her highs, her lows, her desperation--it all played so true without making her this overly perfect heroine.  I also really liked Tamzin Merchant’s Katherine Howard (oh poor baby) and the other wives were well-played too, even if I didn’t love the writing.  Can’t forget Sarah Bolger’s Mary either!  So good.  
So like...  This show was always fucking inconsistent, sometimes borderline insensitive, but like.  The musical cues were great.  I did love that shot of Henry eating a swan in an episode with a swan motif that represented his intense evil and the fact that he could only get a new mate by killing the old one.  I do like that this show really did make me feel like Henry was an EVIL MOTHERFUCKER after a certain point.  Like.  Yes.  There would still be moments of “lmao Henry” or even “Henry is kinda awesome riiiight” (no).  But the end of season 2 played him up to be so VILE (I remember watching the scene of him acting disgusted by his miscarried fetal child with Anne, like it was some dead bird, with my parents back in the day, and they both were like okay fuck this dude forever he’s a monster).  I appreciate that.  I do think The Tudors was far less sympathetic to its protagonist than, say, The Borgias was with Rodrigo, and I prefer that kind of take.  I also love Cromwell.  I don’t think JRM was particularly well-cast, but he had some funny moments and he tried his best with old Henry.... it wasn’t right for him and his acting choices are always kinda bizarre to me, but they worked better here than they do on most other things I see with him?  It’s a mixed bag, but there are really brilliant moment.
3. The White Queen
Not a good show.  Not good.  But!  There were good performances.  Rebecca Ferguson was good, Amanda Hale brought that fanatical aspect of Maggie B. out while also being kinda hilarious, James Frain (who was also a standout on The Tudors) is always a good medieval villain, and I really really do like Aneurin’s Richard III, even though his edit was confusing.
Also, out of all of the PG adaptations I think that this one at least sorta did the most with the witchcraft shit without just being like “THE CURSE!!!!11″.  Like.  If you’re going to lean into witchcraft, just do it.  And I know this is controversial--I do not think Elizabeth of York had an affair with her uncle.  But I also don’t really care if a show as dumb as the PG series goes for that aspect if it’s well done.  It’s not well done here.  BUT IT IS FUCKING HILARIOUS.  Let us remember that I once had a url referencing Richard’s creepy uncle status on this fucking show.
“ELIZABETH... you’ve changed”.  You saw her like a month ago bro.
“If I bed my niece--IF I MAKE THEM THINK I’M BEDDING MY NIECE” a line on this show.
And I will always fondly remember the outrage when people were like “he’s not really doing it Anne Neville and Richard for life” (never mind that Anne Neville is basically a blank page historically, and was used on this show as a flat character everyone could project everything onto, with a flat romance to boot) but then the Starz edit came out months later and it turned out THEY FUCKED IN A TENT.  Oh how smug I was.  Fond memories.
4. The White Princess.
Pros: Elizabeth of York and Henry VII are so well played!!!  Jasper Tudor swanning about always reliable with the LADIESSSS, Michelle did her best with Maggie B. God bless her.
But this was also where they began the trend of the heroines of previous series being evil in the new series.  And the illogical turn of acting like Elizabeth of York was wrong to take her brother out when he was literally threatening the lives of her husband and her sons.  The Perkin Warbeck thing was Bad.  The rape was Bad and basically has to be ignored in order for you to enjoy the series at all.
5 (the worst) The Spanish Princess.
So.  The previous shows could always, even when the shit hit the fan, rely on Performance.  Adelaide, Toby, and Michelle in Reign; Natalie and Maria on The Tudors, then later Sarah and Tamzin et al.; Rebecca and Amanda, etc in TWQ; Jodie and Michelle, etc in TWP.  Now.  There are good actors in the Spanish Princess.  I do like older Henry and Lizzie.
But Charlotte just cannot fucking do this shit.  The chick who plays Juana cannot do this shit.  The streeeeetches made to make Catherine of Aragon seem like she has it coming later?  The fucking REEEEACHES re: Henry VIII in every sense?  No thanks.  And it isn’t even hot, because Henry looks young EVEN THO HE’S WAY OLDER THAN HE WOULD BE IRL GROSS GROSS GROSS.
A mess.
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Jane the Virgin 1x15 Chapter Fifteen
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) I really like how the show has found a way to sneak political commentary without being too political…
JANE: What's the deal with the electoral college?
XIOMARA: Turns out this whole electoral college thing is crazy. We're not even actually voting for our president.
JANE: I know. We're voting for electors who are then pledged to a candidate.
XIOMARA: What?! Then why'd you ask?
JANE: Because you've voted in two elections. It was time you understood the process.
It’s also a small yet relevant moment between Jane and Xiomara because it portrays what type of mother Xiomara is. Jane asks her a lot of questions Xiomara doesn’t have the answers for, yet she doesn’t dismiss Jane’s queries or tells her it’s not important. Instead, she probably goes “I don’t know, but let’s find out.” It’s a very nurturing approach, in my opinion, because you’re telling your kid A) that’s it okay to admit that you’re ignorant, even if you’re a parent, B) it’s okay to ask questions, especially to ask “why.” And C) there are ways to find answers to your questions.
2) Oh, I get this…
JANE: Mom, what does love feel like?
JANE: Just curious. How do you know for sure you're in love?
XIOMARA: It sort of feels like your heart is glowing, if that makes sense.
That’s why in the first few episodes we could see Jane’s heart glowing whenever she was around Rafael. That’s the idea of love she’s built in her mind because that’s what her mom told her so many years ago.
3) Aww!
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4) “I love you” “I love you so much” blaaaa! Am I the only one who thinks this is all too sudden? Please, this is the one question that I want you guys to answer. When you were at this point in the story, did you feel their relationship was rushed? Am I the only one who wasn’t in insta-love with them as they are with each other? Was this ship universally shipped immediately? Just say yes or no.
Well, at least they’re not moving in together yet. Although they might be by the end of this episode, probably.
5) Rogelio is going to be in a sci-fi telenovela, and I think that’s the best concept ever?
6) Ay, Xiomara…
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7) Well, I may not be a fan of Michael, but…
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Not only does he know Jane but he is also very supportive of her interests. That’s cool.
8) I think this kind of supports my theory that Jane might actually be the narrator in the show?
NARRATOR: Jane threw herself into her writing with a renewed energy and passion. And when Jane's writing was flowing, it was as if she had been transformed into another person, a woman named Juana.
The idea that she feels like someone else when she’s writing could easily be translated into her having a different voice as that person, you know? In this case, the voice of a Latino hunk.
9) Regardless of how I feel about this ship, this definitely was an amazing way to propose…
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10) Damn!
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That is so not what someone proposing wants to hear. But, as great as the proposal was, you really need to be super sure that you’re in a committed relationship in which both of you are on the same page and want the same things. Jane had declined his offer to move in together because she felt she wanted to take things one step at a time, even if they’d started their relationship all backward. The fact that he thought Jane would say yes just because that’s “the right order” to do things she’d envisioned her whole life further proves that they really don’t know each other at all.
11) And Xiomara and Alba are back at being Jane’s angel and demon on her shoulder. And again, I side with Xiomara. I tend to always see things through a similar lens than her.
12) Petra must be planning something. Is she going to make Lachlan bus tables or something?
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14) Ay, Alba, taking a compatibility test from a magazine is really NOT the answer…
15) Uh-oh…
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I swear to god, if they finally fucking address this in a proper way with a sensible resolution, I will feel so vindicated.
16) Oh, what a fucking douchebag!
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I hope he gets murdered, seriously. And Rafael, don’t you dare team up with this fucking piece of trash.
17) And as she’s questioning how much Rafael knows her, she runs into Michael and is reminded of how much he knows her. Gotta admit, the flashback where she was reading to him was kind of sweet.
18) Wow, indeed.
XIOMARA: I'm a little late. And I missed a pill or two this month. And I'm worried I might be pregnant.
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He’s definitely not taking it too well, but he did really try to make Xiomara feel okay and not freak her out by freaking out.
19) Oh. Xiomara made it look like it was a joke, and now she’s getting the real reaction. This is not going to go down well.
20) I mean…
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I get that they were trying to make a point of how little they know each other, but maybe they should’ve gone with something other than Jane testing how supportive of her passion he is because that’s probably the only thing he’s done well since day one. He’s always been the one pushing her to become a writer instead of a teacher, so, as much as I agree they really don’t know each other AT ALL, it doesn’t make sense for him to be unsupportive.
21) Oh, you got me good, show!
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22) And what do you know? Jane is the one who messed up. Why would you tell him that “he passed a test”? I get why Rafael would be hurt, that’s not a good way to build trust with your partner and communicate.
23) I don’t know why but I’m not buying Aaron’s saint persona. I think he’s a closeted asshole who is trying to manipulate Petra. Like, that whole, “I won’t judge you” spiel he gave her right before they ate. If you won’t judge, then there was no reason to bring that stuff up right before she started eating.
24) Oh, Rafael, I really hope you’re coming clean to Petra to team up with her because if you’re really trying to blackmail her I will fucking lose my shit…
25) Ouch.
XIOMARA: My period is late.
JANE: But you're on the pill.
XIOMARA: I forgot one. Or two.
JANE: Mom…
XIOMARA: I know. I know. And I knew we should wait, but we got so caught up in the moment.
JANE: Caught up in the moment? You're not 16.
XIOMARA: It was an accident.
JANE: No. No, it wasn't. Me standing here pregnant, that's an accident. You were reckless. I mean, what's your plan? Are we gonna be pregnant together? Did you want to raise these babies like sisters?
XIOMARA: No. Look, I didn't have a plan…
JANE: Yeah, I know. Again. I'm sorry. I just thought… I don't know.I just thought that you would be more thoughtful if you thought about having another kid. Because of… Well, Me.
I get why Jane feels this way, but Xiomara is at a completely different place than she was when she got pregnant with Jane. She’s not a teenager anymore, and she’s already a mom. So whatever happens, she really doesn’t need a lecture because she’ll take care of her kid.
There’s also this underlying judgment every time motherhood comes up in a conversation between these two. Jane always makes it look as if Xiomara has been a terrible, absentee mother who did a terrible job and ruined Jane’s life by raising Jane on her own as a single mother. And… everything that I’ve seen so far proves otherwise? Xiomara is an amazing mother. She’s caring, supportive, understanding, loving, and honest. She may not be a traditional mom, and she might be a bit clueless at times, but she’s not a bad mom by any means, and the way Jane refers to her childhood and upbringing paints Xiomara in a very negative light. Jane is basically telling her that she’s going to ruin another baby’s life, and that’s kind of unfair. Like, what is so wrong and awful about being a single parent?
26) WTF
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27) Yes, Petra, that is such a bold, courageous move!
RAFAEL: I didn't release the tape. It must have been Lachlan. I would never do something like that.
PETRA: Lachlan didn't release the tape. I did.
RAFAEL: What?! But why?
PETRA: Because as long as it existed, he could hold it over my head.
28) Good, Petra and Rafael are teaming up against Lachlan. Although it’s still unclear why Rafael told her he had the tape, his motives were left unexplained and it bugs me.
29) Jane should fucking follow her own advice…
So then date Rogelio and see where it goes. But go slowly. Take it step by step.
30) See? Xiomara is a fucking great mom, okay? So Jane’d better stop mom-shaming her from now on, I’ve had it.
XIOMARA: The time you found Michael's list in the book. That night the smile on your face you were so happy. Even though you'd only known each other a year, you didn't have any questions.
JANE: But it wasn't right.
XIOMARA: That's not the point. You know what it's like to be sure.
31) Good, she finally admitted that they’re moving too fast and that marriage is not a good idea just yet.
32) Why…?
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This seems like a cheap gimmick? Why didn’t she tell her? She was about to, and then the author told her she liked a quiet massage, and she just accepted it?
33) Poor Rogelio…
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Peach just doesn’t make him pop.
34) Aww, they’re moving in together! Xiomara and Rogelio, I mean. Not Jane and Rafel, ew.
35) ….
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Like, I want Rafael and Jane not to be together because it doesn’t feel right to me, I’m not into it, but I don’t know if I want her to be with Michael either?
36) I knew it! I knew this dude wasn’t a saint!
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37) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Pop-punkers kick up little more controversy than last time around...
Jonathan Bradley: Pity Me faves Martha return a bit less punk and a lot more power pop, their effervescent slapdash glee extending now to a pert swing rhythm and attempts to mosh to Huey Lewis and the News. "Love Keeps Kicking" holds its optimism in check with an almost discomfitingly earnest despair -- and vice versa: you barely notice how quick "you were tripping fractals" turns into "sometimes I feel so empty I just wanna leave it all." But there are jokes as well -- "I need a paid interpreter to decipher your midnight texts" is shade worthy of Fight Like Apes. The first time I heard it, it sounded like the kind of classic that immediately asks you to pull together playlists so that it might literally sit beside other effortless classics, like say, "Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone" and "Another Girl, Another Planet" and "Alex Chilton" and "Beat Surrender" and "The Boys are Back in Town." (It's as rousing as any of these.) But it also made me want to cue it up again and again. Martha: I am listening. [9]
Alfred Soto: "Is that Weezer?" the dude at the other table wondered when I played the opening bars without realizing the headphones weren't plugged in. [1]
Ryo Miyauchi: Martha mines from sweeter-than-sweet jukebox favorites, and the verses leading to the big payoff of a chorus are filled with charmingly personal specifics. Every other line makes you want to inquire more about the story. "When you got smashed and tried to mosh to Huey Lewis and the News": they could make a whole other song based on this. [6]
Iain Mew: We're about a decade early for a song to precisely be to Belle & Sebastian's "I'm a Cuckoo" what "I'm a Cuckoo" was to "The Boys Are Back in Town", but never mind. It might be a scruffy ramble, but every time the harmonic guitar comes in it makes all the sense it needs to. [7]
Thomas Inskeep: Martha are supposedly a four-piece punk band, but all I hear on "Love Keeps Kicking" is mewling, whiny Brit indie that makes my teeth itch and my fist clench. [2]
Juana Giaimo: I find it easy to identify with self-deprecating songwriters -- that's probably why I love Paramore, especially in After Laughter. Martha often writes self-deprecating lyrics too, but "Love Keeps Kicking" also sounds really cheerful -- there's even an acoustic guitar strumming as the base of the song. However, there is something darker in the excess of energy. The backing vocals literally scream, and the main voice is too dramatic, as if he was pouring his heart out from desperation. This kind of irony is what makes Martha such a compelling band, able to understand the silly contradictions of love. [8]
Alex Clifton: I suddenly understand why people love pop-punk; I would too if there were fewer whiny frontmen and way catchier melodies like the ones Martha have given us. This will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, and I'm fine with that. [7]
Katherine St Asaph: I love power pop, but with so much of it, you have two choices: Weezer-indebted stuff that coats your inner ears with Reddit gold, and/or great tracks with pinched voices, more like love keeps kicking the shit out of their vocal cords. Note: I'd probably love this if it were a Veruca Salt or Sarge song. [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Songs like "Love Keeps Kicking" remind you that mediocre power pop songs can make you think they're good because of a repeated, catchy guitar riff. Don't be fooled. [3]
Tim de Reuse: Okay, okay, I'm charmed, Martha, you got me. You're not perfect, but you're loose and messy in an energetic way, and you're silly, but just the right amount of silly. I love the awkward pattern of emphasis on the stupendous line "I need a paid interpreter to decipher your midnight texts," and the whole-hearted harmonized "ooh-yeah" of the chorus, and that addictive, twangy guitar lick! The mix is a bit flimsy for my tastes, but they've laser-focused on achieving a particular high-octane atmosphere, and I can't disrespect people who are so clearly good at what they do while sounding like a bunch of goofballs. [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: There is a certain kind of song that exudes kaleidoscopic joy, where every note is so beautifully placed that you can't help but love it. "Love Keeps Kicking" is one of those songs, dazzling in its shaggy glory. It's all jutting edges that hold in your memory, from the guitar lines down to the show-stopper of a bridge. I can't imagine getting this out of my head, and I can't imagine wanting to, either. [9]
Vikram Joseph: When I first heard Courting Strong, Martha's debut, I was enraptured; here was this headlong torrent of empathy, nostalgia, hope and anxiety, contained inside perfect three-minute bullets of jagged pop-punk, fired directly at my hypothalamus. They had grown up and come together as a band some 15 miles from where I grew up; it felt like it was meant for me. That kind of adoration and affinity generates expectations that border on fear, but this band keep on meeting them. The chorus of "Love Keeps Kicking" almost sounds a little too simple at first, until you hear the full phrase that gives the song its name: "Love keeps kicking the shit out of me, and there's no solution I can see." And then, despite the backdrop of rollicking, indie-punk power chords, it's suddenly devastating; they've never sounded defeated like this, and it's like seeing the most upbeat person you know in tears. The big chords dropping out feels like the mask - you know, the one you wear every day at work and when you see your friends so they'd never guess that, some days, you wake up feeling utterly hopeless - slipping to the floor. "No happy pill / no drinking bleach / no permanent lobotomy," sings JC Cairns, his voice endearingly strained as usual, but for once running out of reasons to stay positive or ways to fix everything. That empathy, though, still runs through the song like an artery; the hyper-specific anecdotes in the verses are Martha's way of making the pain communal, as they always have been. Love keeps kicking the shit out of us; remembering that might make it hurt a bit less when it does. [8]
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You wouldn't believe how many label presidents I've heard say, 'Bruno doesn't have what it takes, we don't know how to market him, we don't know what kind of music he does.' You know, 'Who's this beige-looking kid with curly hair? We can't figure him out.' It was devastating. Bruno Mars, 2011 FROM THE ARCHIVES: Caught in Mars' orbit Caught in Mars' orbit The sky's the limit for this Grammy nominee and his cohorts. February 06, 2011|Matt Diehl In early September 2010, Bruno Mars found himself sitting in the posh lounge of North Hollywood's Larrabee Studios, a high-tech temple designed for creating pop-music smashes. Platinum discs from artists who've recorded there line Larrabee's walls, and in an adjoining room, renowned mix engineer Manny Marroquin rushed to complete the 25-year-old singer-songwriter-producer's debut album, "Doo-Wops & Hooligans," due out less than a month later. Marroquin's Midas touch is legendary, blessing hits for Alicia Keys, Rihanna and Usher, among others; in his short career, Mars' ability to create pop blockbusters is proving similarly gilded. At this point, Mars had already helped write and produce chart-toppers for artists such as B.o.B, Flo Rida, Cee Lo Green and Travie McCoy; as a solo artist, Mars' first single, the stirring ballad "Just the Way You Are," was midway through its chart ascent. By early October, that song would reach the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100, attaining triple-platinum status; "Doo-Wops" would also eventually crest at No. 3 in the U.S. and top charts internationally. But Mars didn't know this back in September: Despite the hit-making firepower backing him, he was nervous. His label, Elektra, was preparing to follow up "Just the Way You Are" with a soulful power-pop ditty called "Grenade," and Mars exuded anxiety about its reception: "What's 'Grenade' compared with 'Just the Way You Are'? I'm crossing my fingers, hoping people dig it." They did, demonstrated by Mars' seven Grammy nominations in 2011, second only to Eminem's 10. "Grenade" would also top the charts, making him the only male solo artist to do so with his first two singles. "Hearing Bruno on the radio for the first time is almost like discovering the pre-pubescent Michael Jackson," says McCoy, whose 2010 hit single "Billionaire" was a Mars collaboration. "Bruno is poised to be one of the next generation's greats," notes Green, whose Grammy-nominated hit "[Forget] You" was co-written and produced by Mars and his production team the Smeezingtons. "I'm feeling like a winner right now, sir -- I'm not going to lie!" Mars exclaimed in a recent phone interview between European tour stops. "But I'm still crossing my fingers about the Grammys. They stay crossed: I tend to overthink things. I'm not the guy who screams 'This is a world smash!' when I finish a song." The Grammy Awards take place next Sunday at Staples Center. Indeed, although "Just the Way You Are" was nominated for best pop vocal performance alongside John Mayer and Michael Jackson, Mars seems more excited by his collaborations. "I'm fortunate to work with guys like Cee Lo and B.o.B," he says. "'Nothin' on You' by B.o.B was the first song where I heard myself on the radio. I'd been trying my whole career to write a song like that, which incorporates live instruments with hip-hop and singing." And Green's 2006 hit as part of Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy," captured Mars' imagination: "It epitomized what I wanted to achieve: a song that would be played on pop stations, on hip-hop stations, on rock stations -- just because it was good." (At the 2011 Grammy Awards ceremony, Mars will perform with B.o.B and another crossover success of last year, Janelle Monae.) Mars' voice and production style -- blending classic soul, reggae-tinged grooves suggesting the Police and Sublime, OutKast's iconoclastic hip-hop and Sade's smooth internationalism -- have become pop radio's dominant sound. "Bruno's songs have no boundaries," says John Ivey, program director for the influential top-40 radio station, KIIS-FM. "No one in the past year has had hits as varied. When we first heard 'Just the Way You Are,' it was a little shocking. We'd assumed he was a hip-hop artist, and all of a sudden he's Billy Joel!" Born to a Puerto Rican father and Filipino mother (his birth name is Peter Hernandez), Mars grew up in Hawaii, playing in his family's cover band, the Love Notes. By age 4, he was performing onstage as "the world's youngest Elvis impersonator," and appeared in the film "Honeymoon in Vegas," where he sang "Can't Help Falling in Love." Mars attributes his unique sound to this multicultural upbringing. "Honolulu is a melting pot," he explains. "Melody is everywhere you go. Kids would come to school with guitars and ukuleles on their back, and we'd all jam at lunch." At age 18, he'd moved to L.A., quickly scoring a solo deal with Motown; within a couple years, however, that deal soured. "You wouldn't believe how many label presidents I've heard say, 'Bruno doesn't have what it takes, we don't know how to market him, we don't know what kind of music he does,' " Mars says. "You know, 'Who's this beige-looking kid with curly hair? We can't figure him out.' It was devastating." In L.A., Mars associated with future stars Ne-Yo, Kesha and Kanye West collaborator Jeff Bhasker (with whom Mars performed in a cover band called Sex Panther) as each waited for their big break. "Ne-Yo was one of the first people I saw write a song," Mars recalls. "He'd make something that sounded like a hit record within an hour -- I couldn't believe it. Kesha and I were signed to the same management; we'd call each other up and see what the other was working on, which was usually nothing." To keep his dreams afloat, by 2007 Mars had hooked up with two other young music-industry hopefuls: Philip Lawrence, a singer and songwriter, and sound engineer Ari Levine. "Bruno was a cool, normal dude, but even years ago, when he played his music, it was incredible -- a no-brainer,' " Levine recalls. Working out of Levine's LevCon Studios, set in a ramshackle cottage between a Laundromat and a medical mari- juana doctor on a seedy Hollywood side street, the trio honed their songwriting and production skills as a means of survival. "We worked long and hard in this little shack, hoping just to pay rent and have someone listen to our songs," Lawrence says. Calling themselves the Smeezingtons -- "We'd say a song was going to be a smash, which turned into a 'smeeze,' which turned into a 'smeezington,'" Mars clarifies -- the group developed its distinctive mode. "We're that weird middle ground, where there's live instruments but it's still rhythmic and pop," Levine says. "I'll listen to the Strokes or Black Keys, while Phil can sing any Motown song." "I'm the Nickelodeon version of DangerMouse," Mars adds. He says he's a fan of simple songs "that stand the test of time: 'Just the Way You Are' was inspired by songs like 'Wonderful Tonight' and 'Nothing Compares 2 U.' Writing for other artists helped me figure out that magic you have to capture to make everyone connect with a song." "Bruno is extremely talented, and not formulaic -- and that goes equally for all the Smeezingtons," notes Green (who says he was offered "Just the Way You Are" and holds other unreleased, single-quality gems from their sessions together). Undeniably, Mars' Grammy success represents an equal triumph for the Smeezingtons, nominated in the producer of the year category. The Smeezingtons began writing for the likes of Kn'aan, Matisyahu and Brandy, but their first big hit proved the hook for Flo Rida's "Right Round," catching the attention of Atlantic/Elektra's Senior Director of A&R Aaron Bay-Schuck. "Bruno came in with his guitar and it was love at first sight," Bay-Schuck says. "Among the songs he had were 'Billionaire' and 'Nothin' on You,' which sealed the deal." "Every song Bruno and his team had was a smash," adds John Janick, co-president of Elektra Records. "Immediately, we had to sign him. They were doing something different, creating their own sound." -- Making headlines The Smeezingtons' run continues beyond Mars' solo success: the group produced R&B singer Mike Posner's upcoming single, Flo Rida's current hit "Who's Dat Girl," and much of Koreatown pop group Far East Movement's recent debut album. The anonymity of Mars' studio work has been upended by his pop-star status and some headline-grabbing events, however: He recently took a plea deal on cocaine possession charges after an arrest in Las Vegas last September; coincidentally, he entered his guilty plea right as "Grenade" topped the charts. Although he declined to comment on the Vegas incident, he has quickly become aware of the trappings of celebrity. "I have to be a little more cautious about my surroundings," he says. "I'll be eating breakfast at a hotel, having just rolled out of bed -- without realizing people are filming me with flip cams and cellphones. In that way, life has changed, but that's not that bad. Everything I've ever wanted, I have right now." This past December, Mars, who still lives in L.A., headlined the Blaisdell Center, a 7,000-seat venue in his Honolulu hometown, and all that's happened came into perspective for him. "I'd done arena shows," he says, "but this was my first ticket that said 'Bruno Mars' at the top. The show sold out, but all I could think about was how close I came to giving up before 'Nothin on You' hit. I live for this. The best part is, it's just the beginning. I still have so much room to grow; I'm learning something new every day." According to KIIS-FM's Ivey, he does have it all: Mars' triple-threat status as a performer, songwriter and producer puts him into an elite echelon that appeals to Grammy voters. "Kanye West, Diddy, Prince, Jack White -- these are just music guys who can do it all, and really well," Ivey says. "I'm anxious to see where he goes: We need to hear more to determine what he is. But the sky's the limit in terms of potential. If this is the way he starts off -- man, there's no telling what this guy could be." "Bruno's still a work in progress," Green says. "Life isn't shaped as a pop song. He needs to go deeper, try harder, but that's his ambition: Soon he's going to win in that area, too, and be whole." -- [email protected] ............................................................................................................. In honor of Bruno's birthday, the LA times posted an old throwback article about Bruno from when he was just starting out. It's inspiring to see how far he's come despite the obstacles he's faced. I'm so proud of him. ❤️❤️❤️
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formyboys · 5 years
Jack 2 yrs old
Baby Jack, you were born 2 years ago and 2 days! Oh man I remember those few days. You were so tiny and shmushed and new. I remember how I immediately realized I needed you to be next to me all the time or you needed to be next to me. We needed each other. The first night or two it was just so natural to have you curled up under my arm, it ended up being the only way you or I would sleep for the first 8-9 months of your life. I always felt so guilty like I was doing it wrong, but there was no other way I could do it. It made us both so content. I think all that cuddling and warmth was really good and hopefully you’ll always be that affectionate and warm.
So for your 2nd birthday we had a huge bash. We’ve lived in our house on Oakbury for almost a year and I didn’t really throw you a first birthday party because we were staying in Airbnb’s. So I wanted to throw you a party and see all our friends and fam. It was such a great party! We had in the backyard with a Pizza place that brought their own brick ovens, a balloon making man, activities for the kids and Dakota Fanning even showed up. I mean, that’s pretty damn cool, even if it’s just because we’re next door neighbors. You were the cutest, running everywhere, playing with all the kids, getting in the ball pit trying to coerce partygoers into giving you gummy bears. Lol. I don’t think you succeeded but I heard it was really hard to turn you down.
We had your 2nd year check up yesterday and you’re so perfect. 95% height 85% weight and cute as button. Currently our days are filled with Juana and you can pronounce her name now perfectly in Spanish. And you say it all the time over and over. She comes in in the morning and makes us all breakfast and then takes you on a walk where you meet up with Nelly and the kids she nanny’s. Juana makes you lunch and plays with you and then puts you down for your nap. You sleep most days for 1.5-2 hrs. When you don’t sleep we pay for it in the evening with a fussy toddler. She loves you so so much, she’s super positive and I trust her fully. I’m working from home and super busy but at least I don’t feel like I’m missing your childhood. My favorite is when you get up from your naps and you’re a little sleepy but happy and you give the best hugs. You’re super opinionated and you like things done your way, you like to place  everyone where you want them to be, and you take me by the hand to show me things and ask for things. You’ve learned how to get what you want that’s for sure, you’ll say a word like ‘baby’ which means you want my iPhone to look at pics of yourself, but actually you’ll go to YouTube to watch videos, so I’ve taken to deleting YouTube so that you just access the photos. But when you ask you’re so convincing and you’ll make this little smile like, c’mon mom, I’m so cute! And it totally works I’m such a sucker for my Baby Jack. Didn’t know what it was like to love someone like I love you. You’re my whole world and your dad’s world.
Every night either your Dad or I take you to bed at 8pm we get you some milk and take you up, brush your teeth and read some of your favorite books. Right now you are very into Bunnies. You have a stuffed bunny and we saw a real bunny when we were visiting Lolli and Pops in CO and you were very interested in it. We read you The Runaway Bunny at bedtime when you  ask for the ‘Munnies’ and you love to say ‘Muney’ it’s so freaking adorable! We also read to you Good night good night Construction Site, Good night Gorilla, and Opposites, you love the opposites and you say Opposite like ‘apeetah’ so cute. After we read some stories I sing a coulple of songs to you, Hallelujah and Black Bird, I need some new ones. And then I put you in your crib and kiss you through the bars. And now I can just put a blanket over you and you go to sleep without a fuss. And then Dad and I watch a show or a movie and before we go to bed we always go check on you and take a pic and admire our baby. Love of our life.
Today it was just you and me. Your dad was at a 40th bday celebration with 12-14 of his college friends golfing and eating nice dinners. You asked about him all day long, Dada? And I’d tell you again where he is and when he’ll be back. It’s so sweet how much you love him. We went to baby gym today. So fun to watch you play on everything and now you’ll climb up the stairs to the ball pit and just hurl yourself in. You still won’t say your name when it’s your turn but you only just turned 2 last week and most of the kids and between 2-2.5. I can tell it’s hard to be 2. You have a lot of big ideas and it’s especially hard when you can’t have your way. I try to explain every situation so that you’re not blindsided by anything we do, but it’s hard to be a mom too. I don’t always know what I’m doing and a lot of the time we’re busy and don’t have much time. But when you have ideas that we can help you fulfill I always try and help. Not that long ago you would say vroom vroom and get your shoes in the evening and nod your head like, cmon let’s get in the car! So I made sure we all got in the car and drove around the neighborhood a few times. I haven’t figured out what to do about screen time, because truth is your dad and I spend all of our days in front of a screen. Fortunately you have Juana during the week so your screen time is limited to occasional movies and YouTube with her but I’m way more lenient and your dad is too. Lazy parenting. Not proud of that. I planned lots of play dates this weekend though so that helps. Seems like the more people around the less screen time. I’m making a big pumpkin pancake breakfast tomorrow for my buddies, Brooke is spending the night, Ashley, Dayna and fam are coming over in the morning should be a nice day. And then a 2 yr old party for Siena at Baby Gym. You were driving your toy cars over my head as I put you to bed tonight. Melts my heart. Love you so crazy much baby dude.
Oh baby Jack. You have me wrapped around your little finger. You have since day one. Tonight you insisted that I rock you to cheep (sleep) and if I stop rocking you command me to RA. You are crazy about your ‘money’ (bunny) right now. Because we let you watch Peter Rabbit on Netflix which I actually really enjoy and constantly wonder what negative things it might be teaching you. But you insist on having your money with you to go to bed and to take downstairs in the morning. It’s pretty damn cute. Your vocab is growing exponentially. You repeat what we’re saying and some words I can’t understand and you’re so patient saying then over and over for me... but doesn’t usually help. For all I know they could be Spanish words. I love rocking you to cheep. It fills my soul, my heart, I cherish it so much. Your little body pressed against me it’s the best thing in the world. I spend way too much time putting you to bed. Love you little dude. You make my world go round.
0 notes
thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a duck, so I shake my FWOOP FWOOP FWOOP
Iain Mew: What if "Solo Dancing" was actually about what its video thought it was about, went as direct as "you're the only one I'm coming for" and also chose to use the medium of stuttered vocal sample to explore cry/quack dualism? Complete with the emotional clarity of "Symphony" and the friendly audacity of "Rockabye?" No need to wonder any more, and Clean Bandit's success in everything they try is getting almost too good to believe. [9]
Claire Biddles: After the middling Julia Michaels collab "I Miss You" Clean Bandit are back to their winning streak. "Solo" is a checklist of all the best Clean Bandit characteristics: (literally) banging chorus, cannily-selected guest vocalist, and um, esoteric lyrical content. I've written before about my enthusiasm for their weirdo sensibilities, so I was practically cheering when I first heard that "WOOP WOOP WOOP" wanking metaphor. It feels good to have a pop mainstay as reliably odd as Clean Bandit. [8]
Will Adams: There might be something interesting in the concept of a song about female masturbation that explores its loneliness instead of cheeky, I-see-what-you-did-there empowerment. But it's hard to contemplate that over the sound of "I wanna FWOOP FWOOP FWOOP but I'm broken hearted" and my ensuing laughter. [4]
Katherine St Asaph: Never mind the irony of a supposed female empowerment song -- it's not, not unless you consider "I'm so devastated over this dude, all I can do is desperately masturbate" empowering -- turning Demi Lovato, a distinctive singer with things to say, first into a nondescript voice then into wordless chopped-up babble. We're still stuck with that trend, it seems. The real problem is that evocative babble, as in "Breathe," is hard to pull off; more often, you'll end up in narm, as in "Make Me (Cry)." You just can't convey pathos as Crazy Frog. [3]
Ryo Miyauchi: While Demi goes about it casually without a need to angle it as if it's something out of character, it still sounds a bit too labored with its attempt to center it as its main draw. Clean Bandit has some offenses with its cut-and-paste, self-censoring chorus, but Demi also got some puns in there that bat a wink a little too hard. [5]
Alfred Soto: About a decade ago, the whistle made a comeback to the pop song. Now the stutter's cool. As usual Demi Lovato brings her formidable charisma to a production that could use a Xanax. [6]
Vikram Joseph: Totally passable, profoundly average trop-house-pop. You'd dance to it because your friends are dancing to it and it's easier than not dancing to it; hell, it might even absorb some sort of transient significance if you heard it enough times on holiday somewhere hot. Chances are you won't remember much about it, though. [5]
Juana Giaimo: It's a pleasant surprise to find Demi Lovato having complete control over her voice. The fast EDM beat isn't just suitable for the strong vocals she displays in her own songs. The vocal distortion of the chorus adds some fun effects suitable for a party kind of song. As for the lyrics, many are already pointing it them out as a female masturbation anthem and the music video confirms it. This is still something to celebrate -- considering that for the world, women don't know about self-pleasure. However, it's quite disappointing that it's called "Solo" and not "Sola,", that is, the feminine form of the adjective "alone." [7]
Stephen Eisermann: Demi always sounds best on songs that aren't her own and I'm convinced it's because the producers and people in the studio aren't too scared to tell her to dial it down. Her restrained vocals are more pleasant and versatile than the overwhelming belt she seems to love to use. Much like a kid is better behaved at a friend's house than his own, Demi doesn't bombard us with belts on this track. Oh, and the production is cute, too. [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: While I'm convinced that the best Demi Lovato songs are those that work with -- and justify -- her propensity for unrestrained vocalizing, it's always refreshing to hear her do something relatively tame. "Solo," however, completely hinges on how one reads the chorus. While I'd argue that the stuttering Farmer See 'n Say vocal edits stymie the lyrical themes (female masturbation is empowering funny?), the song would be considerably less memorable without them. So, uh: [5]
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
BAD GYAL - JACARANDA [6.50] In bloom...
Brad Shoup: It's remarkable to hear this much quiet satisfaction on such a deep-hued dance track. During the pre-chorus, Dubbel Dutch pulls notes off the table while Bad Gyal asks a dude to get real close; it's like they're conspiring to fuck with his focus. [8]
Jonathan Bradley: LED synths blink as Auto-Tune spins Bad Gyal's voice into their own ribbons of light. The effect is a dazzling one, even if the dancehall rhythm never finds enough propulsion to turn "Jacaranda" into something that does more than glow. [6]
Maxwell Cavaseno: Almost sounds what life might be if you suffocated to death beneath a sea of bedazzlement or whatever the verb for the process of getting smothered in faux-crystals might be. Via a particularly pinched Auto-Tuning of the Gyal and an artery furrowing sweetness in Dubble Dutch's riddim, "Jacaranda" is a pixilated faerie gif of a record, gaudy and slight at the same time. [5]
Ryo Miyauchi: The fuzzy glow of the synths and the Auto-Tune-baked vocals unwind the dance track to a dreamy slip, though they also cast a certain shade of loneliness. The craving for a body inspires the bodily ticks and stutters behind the swing of this digital dirty rock, so perhaps it's appropriate for Bad Gyal to sound as if she's dancing on her own. [6]
Ian Mathers: This feels less energetic than "Fiebre" (and honestly a bit worse off for it), but the vocal processing works for me, making Bad Gyal's vocals just another digital element ping-ponging through the mix, the whole assortment somehow achieving a hazy, blurry feeling even while each element is still distinctly in focus. Neat trick. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Bass synth stabs, slight synth squeaks, heavy and collapsing drums, solid Auto-Tune but flat singing. [5]
Will Rivitz: I often describe my ambivalence towards the dancehall-adjacent Drake by emphasizing that I like "everything Drake but Drake himself." He combines immaculate production and an incredible ear for hooky glory with delivery and lyrics that suck away most of the power bestowed upon the song by the non-Drake elements, sort of like having all the ingredients for an excellent cake but finding out midway through the baking process that the milk is spoiled. I feel about the same way about "Jacaranda": the instrumental trips over itself sleekly, arpeggios sinking lower than any listener's posterior in whatever venue this tune plays, but Bad Gyal's limp Auto-Tune, sounding much like Drake's own in its flatness, vacuums up a bit too much of the song's bounce. Elements of Bad Gyal's delivery suit this song phenomenally, particularly a lazily melodious pitch correction that pushes her vocal timbre closer to a Future or Young Thug, but by and large it just deflates everything else. Bad Gyal brags that she has "culo pa rebotar" (loosely translated, "ass to bounce") -- it's just a shame that this bounce isn't quite emphasized enough here. [6]
Alfred Soto: I like the quiet, robotic insistence on the power of her culo; no one has to remind her, thank you. The rest of the beat is on the timid side of aerobicized. [5]
Juana Giaimo: "Jacaranda" is a song of how self-confidence results in an honest proposal of love. It has a fun dancehall beat as well as super loud post-chorus, but there is also warmness in the cadence of the last words of the chorus. That's why the lyrics mixing lines about dancing and about genuine love aren't contradictory. Like the Colombian band Bomba Estéreo, Bad Gyal also sees the dancefloor as the means to reach spirituality. She sings that she has "an ass to bounce," but she also sings that she expects to marry her loved one because what they have is "something spiritual." In Buenos Aires, the Jacaranda trees are in bloom and the light-purple flowers cover their branches as people walk beneath them with light summer clothes. I have no idea why this song is titled "Jacaranda," but I feel this is the time of the year to make a dancefloor out in the streets, to own them and to share them. [9]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Jacaranda is a genus of trees native to Jamaica that features beautiful purple-blue flowers. It's been cultivated in numerous countries around the world, one of which is Spain. As such, it's an appropriate title for Bad Gyal's colorful, dancehall-indebted single. Much like "Fiebre," "Jacaranda" captures the rapturous joy of dancing with someone via a glitzy collage of synths and Auto-Tuned vocals. In the pre-chorus, Bad Gyal asks someone to come closer to her. Producer Dubbel Dutch responds by having the instrumentation constantly recede, focusing the attention on Bad Gyal herself. But when the chorus hits, she doesn't aim for an overt hook to lure this person in. Instead, all her lines pan hard left or right, directing our attention to the song's syncopated rhythms. "I don't need words," she asserts, and it becomes clear that she wants her dancing to do the talking. In "Jacaranda," Bad Gyal's vocals are simply another tool that's used to grant the song momentum. This blending of singer with instrumentation points to the act of dancing: when you're dancing with someone, you're not just dancing with a person, you're dancing with the embodiment of the dance floor's transformative properties. After all, it's not just the music and space that contribute to the dance floor's sensuous atmosphere, it's every individual person. As "Jacaranda" closes, a straightforward dancehall beat plays low in the mix. It's as if we've been transported outside, hearing the music from a distance while walking on home. It sounds plain, but it acts as a reminder of how engrossing the dance floor is when one is actually there. With a final repeated line, Bad Gyal summarizes the experience succinctly: "Es algo espiritual." [9]
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
GOLDLINK FT. BRENT FAIYAZ & SHY GLIZZY - CREW [5.25] If not "Team," how about "Crew"?
Adaora Ede: What an interesting snippet of the fusion-y velvetwave coming out of the DMV area! If you're one of those people tired of mumbly apathy flow, Shy Glizzy brings the most interest to this song, sounding like he's about to pop out an Offset-approved ad-lib at any moment. If you don't exactly have any predisposed qualms with that sort of thing, Goldlink slithers all over that beat without a trace. Literally. At times, Glizzy's delivery serves crunk, but Goldlink fails to throw technique in to make his own song, well, his own. Faiyaz's vocals are silky to the point where it's a little jarring to the production, as even for someone who is unfamiliar with him, his hook doesn't come off as a modern creation, but more like a tricky '90s interpolation. The chorus shouts sampled and chopped 'n' slowed, which is a bit too flowery for the cohesion of the song. Barring the stuffiness, "Crew" is a team effort -- these dudes all come together in their collective lamentation to do the damn thing to the slow groove of their separate hearts' contents. [6]
Maxwell Cavaseno: Arguably the best highlight here is Shy Glizzy cutting through the wash and drift of Goldlink's moat haze from the edges of the Kingdom of Soundcloud Rap. Whereas Brent Faiyaz's Miguel-lite murmur and Goldlink's flat rattle set the mood, Young Jefe seems so overtaken with enthusiasm that he threatens to sink the ship. Its that sudden see-saw of approach that makes "Crew" stand out from the seas of similar records, a rare case of contrast. [6]
David Sheffieck: This sounds fine enough: the beat is simple but lazily bouncy, the contrast in energy and flow between GoldLink and Shy Glizzy enjoyable, the hook by Faiyaz smooth in its harsh kissoff. But -- and this may be the first time I've ever said this -- the song's shortness works against it. GoldLink takes until most of the way through his verse to connect in any way with the hook, long enough for me to forget that this is supposed to be a song about gold diggers, and Shy Glizzy surrounds his own with enough landmarks that he might be fucking on an unfolded road map. The result is a brief song about a tired subject that feels surprisingly incoherent, as if none of the artists quite realized they were on the same track. Sticking a hook between the verses could've helped; a better beat might've disguised the issue; verses that actually said something worthwhile would've made for a better song entirely. Albeit a very different one than this. [4]
Juana Giaimo: Sometimes I wonder for how long we will have to listen to hip-hop songs about men surrounded by hot women looking for the men's money and men being too intelligent and realizing that there is no real love there. So they take advantage of women's desire for money to use them as disposable sexual goods because these men have a super big dick and are sex gods. I'm quite sure I've had enough of it. [4]
Jonathan Bradley: On "Crew," Maryland's Goldlink reworks the contemporary West Coast for the East. With an ersatz Frank Ocean hook and a flow marked by Black Hippy phrasings, this is both a respectable take on the style and an indicator of where hip-hop's creative energies lie in 2017. The production, hazy and frayed, is more idiosyncratic. [5]
Ryo Miyauchi: The two rappers here could use a more energetic beat to liven up their outing. The boom bap keeps GoldLink's freewheeling flow locked too tightly. The bells floats too much in a lull to give Shy Glizzy's high-pitched yelp the bounce it needs. The one who feels right at home is Brent Faiyaz, a man who's trying to call out her bluff. He sings about fake love with a wear fit for a beat that sounds like another aimless weekend at the club. [5]
Iain Mew: Framed unusually by Brent Faiyaz's hook at either end, it feels like we're getting a glimpse at something that's just keeping on rolling, rather than a complete piece. That's a mixed blessing that makes the impact of the verses all the more important, and the contrast between GoldLink's hard nasal flow and the daydreamy chiming at least succeeds. [6]
Will Adams: The symmetrical structure is unusual but intriguing; hearing Brent Faiyaz's hook before and after GoldLink and Shy Glizzy helps to emphasize the nice pairing of their bristly voices and the soft, wind chime beat. [6]
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