#Dunno WHY there is a huge gap there
melodythebunny · 2 years
This is fine - monster au
Between me finding that comic yesterday and @ninjastormhawkkat mentioning snuggles I decided to write...
(Or something-)
Tagging you guys so you can be subjected to my 3 am writing 😈
@drtwobrainsstuff @liloskull343 @spaaceeboyy @lartmacabre @earth-420-69 @ninjastormhawkkat
There was many things Carrie knew she would look back on later in life and tell her kids and grandchildren about.
She was simply minding her own business, going shopping if for the evening. NOT trying to be robbed AND DEFINITELY not trying to be whisked away by a local criptic.
Yet here she was hanging from the creatures mouth, dangling like a leaf in the wind as it ran. It took while before it slowed down and by then, she was already dizzy and disoriented. The young woman shook her head trying to get rid of the nausea she was feeling from being jostled around.
It was crawling at a normal speed by now, giving her time to examine her surroundings. It looked like an old abandoned factory. similar to the old cheese factory just outside of town she saw an old cheese advertisement, confirming her suspicion.
So the fiend had been hiding here the whole time!
One the company lost A ton of money, the workers just left. They didn't bother packing any equipment with them. And due to time and climate many of the tools to run production began eroding away.
The mouse like creature turned into what used to be the cheese vault. Chewed through boxes and wrappings were telltale signs the creature ran through the old supply. Which would have lasted the town for 10 years on average.
in the middle of the enormous storage room, was a messy pile of hay, paper, cardboard and as well as some cotton.
It had taken her to it's nest.
Was it going to eat her? No. She read from the numerous reports that the were beast only had an appetite for cheese.
Mice usually lived in groups called mischiefs. There however was just one weremouse… so maybe it was just lonely.
"uhh…Thanks…for helping me?" Her small voice barely ducking in the large space.
carrie wasnt sure if the weremouse could even understand her. Then again it helped her from those men, so maybe it could. She kept speaking in a calm tone despite her underlining fear. After all it wasn't like you see a giant mouse everyday.
Aside from the were mouse's height, Carrie frowned at her shortness. It made the floor seem a longer way down. She closed her eyes trying to take her focus off that, being that she had a mild discomfort of hieghts.
"but ummm…could you put me down now…?" She asked cringing inwardly as her voice became somewhat high pitched from fear.
It blinked before slowly lowering her to the ground. She sighs in relief. She falls into the pile bits of hay sticking to her hair and clothes. the ginger brushed them off as best as she could. Barely gotten to take a step forward before she was pulled backwards.
Carrie Lets out a small "eep!", startled by the sudden movement. Her brain was still processing the last few moments.
The mouse's paws gripped firmly, keeping her in place. The message was clear.
'This is okay…i'm fine. This is fine.' she thinks trying to calm herself.
cautiously, she glanced over the now laying weremouse. Her jade eyes meet its crimson red ones.
It nudged over a price of some cheese. Gouda…smoked gouda. She wasn't hungry right now though. Even if she was, she was too busy trying not to panic.
Carrie would've attempted to leave again but decided against it. The last thing she wanted to do was tick the mouse off. The creature's fur was warm and soft. Like a soft carpet or blanket. She yawns suddenly feeling sleepy. Low snores came from the mouse. The eyes were closed signalling signs of sleeping. well, it wasn't trying to hurt her, so that was a plus?
Exhaustion eventually caught up. Spending countless nights, trying to help Steven catch the weremouse. She sighed. How ironic. she wasn't going to be back home in time. Their sorta first kinda not date and she wasn't going to be able to make it. Sorta because the restaurant they were going to sounded costly and fancy. kinda not because, Steven was a bit hard for her to read sometimes. He had two kids from previous relationships and his work kept him busy all times of day and night.
date or not date, Carrie didn't want to stand him up either way.
Another yawn.
It was getting harder to keep her eyes open.
A nap wouldn't hurt. She couldn't go anywhere and possibly for the next few hours she'd be will be stuck here.
'sorry steven…'
Carrie snuggles into the fur, feeling safe. maybe it was sleep deprivation talking but hearing the breathing and steady heartbeat of the were mouse was strangely comforting. that added to her sleepiness.
Eventually she blissfully nods off as well.
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darabeatha · 1 year
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-Pats the empty passenger seat of his mecha horse-
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#IM SURPRISED??? WAS IT THE B.OOBS?? IT WAS WASN'T IT-#i understand#also very surprised about v.lad in there as well#if he gets dehydrated; ur giving him ur b.lood now-#that aside; it IS the famous wooden horse from the troy war#except--- its not made out of wood-- and its a mecha#BUT- the idea is there#ody brought the idea which in question sounds very funny like;; why would YOU (as parts of the trojans.meme)#-accept a huge wooden horse like that?? from ur enemy??#not only did he bring in the matter but my guy was lit inside there as well with the other soldiers#HE'S LIT THE 'oh dont worry about it' meme#also curious fact of the day that might sound obvious but it wasnt to me#u know how there's a kind of m.alware called 'trojan horse' or just 'trojan' ; its in reference to the wooden horse#as in this case; symbolically the wooden horse comes to represent the idea of letting in a foe into a securely protected place#which is what happens when the malware installs itself into the computer#funny story; i once got a turbo trojan on my old pc like LIT-#-10/10 would not recommend#;dash comment#;o.dysseus#i once saw a comic where i dunno who it was that asked him why did he have a gap specifically in the middle of his b.oobs and#how it would just make it even a more noticeable target if someone were shooting arrows or something#but the catch was that it was intended to be that way and the arrows just bounced off OITROINH#i think thats quite ic to how his plans tend to be-#TBH;; it makes sense#like; his third skill is lit that; it lit says its an invincible armor that carries the conceptualized defenses of the gods#of course; me thinks that it must be something like k.arna's golden armor where its not -impossible- to damage#but def a nice thing for him
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pinkcultgirl · 2 months
ok but marcille is a groomer of falin. but go off i guess!!!!
I was originally just going to ignore this ask, but I honestly want to try to articulate why this way of thinking about farcille is a huge disservice to your enjoyment of dunmeshi-
I don't feel the need to really explain why two consenting adult women with an age gap doesn't equal grooming, but in an effort to empathize with your pov, let's dissect the assumption Marcille is "too old" for Falin.
Isn't that watering down one of the main characterizations of what makes Marcille, i dunno, MARCILLE? She's literally spent her whole life not knowing peers or friends that see her on an equal level. Of course Falin, the one girl she meets and falls for once her maturity has stablized, would be incredibly important to her.
To water down her backstory to "groomer" is such a perversion of the complexity Kui shows through Marcille, and dungeon meshi as a whole.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Crossing The Line | Part 7
Again. Right. Okay. Again, Kas wanted him to say it again. Cool. Definitely wasn’t high key anxiety inducing to do it the first time. Robin was right, straight from wooed to the apartment? Probably not going to happen, he was super overestimating his level of game.
He had no game. None, nada, zip, zilch, bupkis.
He almost bailed, almost bolted with his tail between his legs but no, no he’d be brave, sure this man was kind of an asshole to him and honestly it may be a bad idea because what if he was still an asshole, like… what if he was just constantly an asshole, like… toxic kind of asshole. He had to hope though, someone that pretty couldn’t be awful, right? In what universe would that be fair?
“Uh… you, me, dinner? Tonight maybe? Or tomorrow if that’s better. Or… or y’know, any day this week, I’m flexible.”
“Why?” The guy practically choked, his grip on the rolling pin loosening a little. “I mean—why me?” Why him? Why him? God why him? Why the nerdy metalhead whose name he didn’t even know? Why the guy who’d spent a whole week bitching him out over social media over an experiment? Steve didn’t know.
He had no idea! He didn’t know why he’d fallen so hard so fast, why he’d spent hours just watching those talented fingers dance along the neck of that beautiful warlock, he had no idea, Steve was just following the dopamine and Kas seemed to be an endless supply of it for him.
“Uhm, I like you?”
“You don’t even know me, dude. In fact, the only knowledge you have of me is that I bitched you out for a week.” True, he didn’t seem to be gearing up to apologise for that either. The anxiety was only growing by the second, oh no. He felt so small all of a sudden, so stupid, of course it was stupid, he never should have come. “And now you come and what… hunt me down at work and ask me out? That’s so fuckin weird an I’m—"
“Grass, bitch, and I’m the mower!!” Steve had to spin round fast just to catch Robin as she stormed in there having been listening close by the door, the grip on that rolling pin tightened again.
“Jesus H. Christ!” The rolling pin poised to launch.
“Robin, no!”
“No he’s being mean again! I’m not having it! You spent a whole week just lying there mooning over this fucking idiot’s hands for crying out loud even when he was being a dick to you for something you only did for fun and now we’ve come all this way and he’s being mean in person and I’m not having it, I refuse, lemme at him!” Honestly ‘Kas’ was lucky Steve was as strong as he was, Robin would have gotten out of that hold easy if he were any weaker.
“Mean?! I’m being HONEST, you psycho!”
“Motherfucker, I’ll show you psych—"
“ROBIN!” She stopped struggling. Steve rarely raised his voice, honestly the only time he ever raised his voice was when the kids were involved. When pushy labels or producers tried shit with his kids, that was the only time Steve ever raised his voice. Also that one brief stint in acting where the script demanded it. “Go back outside.”
“Go, i’m a grown man, I can fight my own battles, now go back out there.” His voice back to its usual soft tone, she shot the other man a sharp glare before returning back through the swinging door “go sit down! Away from the door!”
“FINE!” She’d have only lingered behind that door again if he hadn’t told her not to. Steve kept an eye on the door for a moment, just in case, before turning back to Kas, his shoulders slumping as a deep sigh escaped him at the sight. The poor guy was backed right into that little gap, rolling pin clutched tight to his chest, this was a bad idea, he looked so freaked.
“I’m sorry.” Steve breathed softly. “I’m sorry for Robin, she’s uh—she’s protective, and um, for turning up out of nowhere, for scaring you, I really didn’t mean to turn up at your work, this was… this was hugely by a weird amount of chance,I just… I was going to go to your gig? We even bought clothes for it but uhm… shit, I should have just... I dunno, dm’d you or something, it would have been easier.” Probably wouldn’t have wasted the money on the flights or the apartment that way, Kas could have just rejected him over DM! “And uh… I’m not stupid, like… I know I don’t know you, I still don’t know your actual name, or if you even like guys, I wasn’t assuming just… hoping, but… I dunno, I was hoping at dinner I could get to know you an y’know… we’d hit it off despite our obvious differences in musical preferences…” maybe they could have been friends if nothing else.
The silence drew on for a moment, Steve had said his piece, and Eddie was clearly processing it, eyes flitting, micro expressions creasing his brow, his jaw shifting in a way that made it obvious that he was chewing on the inside of his cheek, and the grip on the rolling pin had relaxed again.
“…You were going to come to my gig?”
“Mmhm, Tuesday 9pm, right? Robin forced me to get different clothes because what I was going to wear probably wouldn’t have cut it.”
“What were you going to wear?”
“You’ll mock me.”
“I won’t.”
“You will”
“I promise I won’t.”
“Scouts honour.” He even put the rolling pin down to do the little hand gesture. Cute, Steve thought to himself.
“I’m dubious of your history of boy scoutery” he could see the quirk of a lip, just a little ghost of a smile at the corner of Kas’s lips “but fine, okay, I’ll trust you to be gentle, I have this really nice grey sweater vest, and I was gonna put a—” his words cut short by the snort of a laugh that bubbled from his ridiculous crush “You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“Sweetheart, I said I wouldn’t mock, I said nothing about laughing” sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart— moving on. “A sweater vest at a metal gig? Cute.” The way his voice dipped? Unfair on every level.
Every single goddamn level.
“Y-yes well, now I have a new outfit, so you won’t get to see the sweater vest.”
“Oh, oh no” Kas clutched his hand to his chest as if pained “the pain! Jail for you, jail for one hundred years, you’ve hurt me so very deeply. Jail for the pretty boy.” Pretty boy? Steve felt those invasive little bastard butterflies kick up a flurry in his chest, pretty boy? “I really won’t ever get to see the sweater vest? That’s just a goddamn travesty, truly” it sounded sarcastic but honestly it also didn’t. It was a weird mix, like he was taking the piss but also being genuinely honest. “Worst punishment you could give me, no sweater vest for Eddie.”
“No sweater vest for Eddie” Steve parroted with a smile so full of sunshine warmth that Eddie couldn’t stop himself from mirroring it. Maybe… maybe it wasn’t a lost cause then… maybe he could still make this work maybe— “So… uhm… dinner?” Maybe he wouldn’t get shot down if he asked again.
“…Ask me again after the gig if you enjoy the show.” Oh the hopes, they were HIGH, he knew he’d like the show! He knew he would! “Now, about that coffee you and your menace to society came in for.”
“Fuckin heard that you moms' basement dwelling bitch baby!!”
“She seems lovely.” Steve only let out a quiet snrk of a laugh.
Part 9
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violet-1atte · 6 months
Kinktober Day Thirty: Professor/Student - Chan/Jeongin
Tags: Prof!Jeongin, student!Chan, age swap, age gap, taboo relationship, semi-public sex (office), thigh riding, blowjob
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Chan adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder and took a deep breath. He had read the label on the door at least three times already. Dr. Yang Jeongin. His music theory professor. And the man he had been pining after since he had started college the year before. Jeongin was one of the youngest professors at the university at thirty years old, and it was no secret that half of the student population had crushes on him. He was hot, and Chan was not going to deny that. He was included in the population that liked him after all. 
That was why he was so nervous. This was his first time coming to Jeongin’s office. And the worst part was, he did not have innocent motives. Sure, his grade in the class wasn’t that great and the recent homework he had gotten on music theory was too complicated for even the most seasoned musicians to understand, but that was not why he was there. He wasn’t there for help. He was there for Jeongin. 
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Chan clenched and unclenched his fists. He could do this. He had put a little more effort in his appearance today. He was wearing a pair of ripped skinny jeans that made his ass look amazing and a crop-top that showed off his hard-earned abs, and he had done a bit of smokey eyeliner. He thought he looked pretty good and he just hoped Jeongin thought so too. 
He finally knocked on the office door and heard Jeongin call, “Come in!” from the other side. A thrill passed through Chan’s body and he opened the door, stepping inside Jeongin’s office. Jeongin was sitting at his desk, flipping through some papers, and when Chan entered he smiled. “Chan-ah, come in! What brings you here?” Another thing that everyone loved about him was how nice he was. But Chan wasn’t hoping for niceties. 
He set his bag down and stretched a little bit. His top rose up, landing just underneath his pecs. “Ah, so you know how my grades are, yeah? And the new homework you gave us,” he started, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt. “I was just…I dunno, I just want to do good in the class, but I’m having a hard time.” He could do better if he really tried, but Jeongin was a huge distraction. Half the time he ended up staring at him instead of writing notes. And sometimes, he felt like Jeongin looked back. But he never wanted to assume. 
“Alright,” Jeongin said with a nod. “You’re right, your grades in this class aren’t…the best , but you’re doing great in all your other classes.” Chan gulped. “Is there any particular reason you might be struggling in my class?” 
Someone in the hall giggled as they walked by and Chan’s heart raced. “I don’t know. I feel like I…might be getting a little distracted in class.” He tried to stifle his nerves as he looked Jeongin up and down. “And the material is more difficult to understand.” 
Jeongin met his gaze and adjusted his glasses. “Okay…distracted? By what, Chan-ah?” 
Chan loved when Jeongin said his name. It flowed off his tongue like honey. “I think you know, yeah?” he said, dropping his head a bit so that he could look at Jeongin through his lashes. Jeongin immediately caught on. He swallowed visibly and straightened up a bit. 
“Chan…” He said his name like a warning but Chan wasn’t listening. 
“I really need your help, Professor,” he said, pouting. “I want to be a good student.” 
Jeongin tongued his cheek and the action made Chan’s stomach swoop. “I’m your professor…I don’t…I don’t think this is appropriate.” 
Chan tilted his head innocently. “What? I’m just asking for help. I don’t get it.” He took a couple slow, deliberate steps towards Jeongin’s desk and placed his hands on the edge of it. 
“Don’t play that game. You know exactly what you’re doing,” Jeongin said, eyeing Chan pointedly. 
“That’s the problem, I don’t think I do. So tell me, please Jeongin-ssi, is there something I can do? Any extra credit I can do at all to bring my grade up?” Chan asked, continuing to play up his act. Jeongin’s gaze hardened and a shiver went down Chan’s spine. 
“I don’t think so,” he said, but there was some hesitance in his voice. Chan leaned in a bit and Jeongin’s breath hitched. Hook, line, and sinker. 
Chan’s top stretched across his chest as he leaned over his hands. He watched with giddy excitement as Jeongin’s eyes went from his face to his defined pecs and then back to his face like it was nothing. Oh he wanted him so badly. “Are you sure? There’s nothing at all?” 
“Chan-ah I can’t–” Jeongin wet his lips. “I can’t do that. Not for extra credit. That’s wrong.” 
He frowned and let out a little sigh. “Okay…but what if I want to do something whether extra credit is involved or not?” He looked Jeongin up and down and his stomach sparked with arousal at the way Jeongin’s breathing turned shallower. 
“I’m your professor. And I’m ten years older than you,” Jeongin stated, but it sounded like excuses in Chan’s ears. 
“I’m an adult and that doesn’t matter to me. Do you want it or not?” he asked. “I promise you won’t regret it.” 
Jeongin tongued his cheek and looked from Chan to the door and then back to Chan. He narrowed his eyes. “Chan-ah, shut the door. I want to discuss something important with you.” Chan’s eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. He wasn’t expecting Jeongin to actually agree. He was expecting to get totally rejected and sent from his office with his metaphorical tail between his legs.
“I said shut the door.” 
Chan was brought back to the moment and he quickly nodded, making his way over to the door to close it. “Yeah, sorry.” When he turned around, Jeongin was getting up from his desk, his finger hooked around the neck of his tie to loosen it. Any of the previous shyness in Jeongin’s demeanor was gone, replaced with the Jeongin Chan had seen whenever students were acting up or someone decided to disrespect him. It made his whole body tingle. 
As Jeongin stepped into his personal space, he was suddenly hyper aware of their height difference. Jeongin didn’t tower over him, but he was tall enough that he had to look up to make direct eye contact. 
“You know, I could lose my job,” Jeongin said as he cupped Chan’s cheek. 
“I wouldn’t let that happen. I’m not going to go around telling everyone,” Chan said with a slight frown. Jeongin huffed out a gentle laugh and his fox-like eyes crinkled a bit around the edges. 
“I know. You’re good, Chan,” he said, his voice softening. It ran over Chan like velvet. “I just want you to know. This is a big risk. I think that should tell you what you do to me.” 
A full-body shiver hit Chan full force and he sucked in a breath. “Oh.” 
Jeongin smirked and it twisted Chan’s stomach in delicious ways. “Mhm. Oh .” His other hand found Chan’s waist and then suddenly his lips were on his and they were kissing. Chan instantly became puddy in his hands. His knees felt weak so he grabbed onto his shoulders to stabilize himself and pressed his body against his. His lips were so soft and the warm scent of his cologne invaded Chan’s lungs, making him dizzy. The rush kissing Jeongin gave him was instantaneous. His heart had already been beating a thousand miles a minute, but now he was worried people outside the door could hear it. He was kissing Jeongin. His professor. Jeongin was kissing him . 
He was quickly growing hard in his jeans and it only got worse when Jeongin began using his tongue, flicking the tip over his bottom lip before dipping in to taste him. Chan had a lot of experience with kissing and he knew he was good at it, but Jeongin was godly. It was clear he had a lot of experience and that thought made Chan shudder. While he had a lot of experience kissing, he didn’t have a lot of experience with sex. Fuck, he wanted Jeongin to teach him. He wanted him to make him never want anyone else. 
A whine crawled up Chan’s throat and he dug his fingers into Jeongin’s shoulders. “Professor,” he mumbled against his mouth. Jeongin continued kissing him and the constant press of his lips made it hard to think. But his pants were starting to feel so tight and desperation was beginning to tug at his stomach. “J-Jeongin-ssi, please.” 
“Mm?” Jeongin hummed, pulled back a bit. “What do you want?”
“I’m–fuck—you’re such a good kisser,” Chan groaned. Jeongin smiled widely in amusement. 
“I could say the same about you.” He stroked Chan’s cheek with his thumb, then moved his hand to the back of Chan’s head to tangle his fingers in his dark locks. “So tell me, what do you want? I don’t have anything here since I wasn’t really expecting any of my…students…to proposition me. But there’s still things we can do.” 
He pushed his thigh between Chan’s legs and he gasped, mouth falling open. He rolled his hips forward without even thinking and Jeongin grinned. “Yeah? You want to get off on my thigh like this?” 
Chan’s cheeks burned with shame but he continued grinding down on Jeongin’s thigh. The stimulation was perfect and Jeongin’s thigh was solid and muscular. He wasn’t as built as Chan himself was, but he was still strong and solid. 
Jeongin pushed his thigh up to meet the movement of his hips and the moan he let out was far too loud. If anyone had passed by at that moment, they would have heard. There was a tug to his hair and he whined again. “You’re so sensitive. And so loud. You have such a pretty voice, just like when you sing. But you’re gonna have to hold back for me now.” 
Chan swallowed thickly and nodded. He bit his bottom lip and did his best to swallow down his noises even when Jeongin dipped his head to mouth at his neck. He kissed just below his jaw and then began kissing down, occasionally grazing his teeth along his skin. He didn’t suck–it was too risky to send Chan out of his office with marks–but that was okay. Just the wet press of his mouth was enough to make the heat in Chan’s stomach grow like a wildfire. 
He continued rutting against Jeongin’s thigh, biting his lip so hard it tasted metallic. The friction against his cock was almost painful but the pleasure dampened the pain so he didn’t stop. When Jeongin licked up the column of his throat and tugged on his hair again a moan vibrated in his throat and his cock throbbed. 
“You gonna come on my thigh?” Jeongin asked, the brush of his lips sending tingles all over Chan’s skin. His eyes rolled back and he nodded. 
“Yeah. Yeah, ‘m gonna come,” Chan breathed, still trying to keep his voice low even though all he wanted to do was cry out Jeongin’s name. It was embarrassing that he had gotten close this fast, but he had been craving Jeongin for so long. He’d already been semi-hard the moment he walked into his professor’s office. 
“Thought with all that confidence you’d hold out a little longer,” Jeongin teased. 
Chan trembled. The words shot straight to his cock even though shame burned hot in his gut. “I’m–I’m not the most experienced,” he admitted. Jeongin’s breath hitched and he exhaled shakily. 
“I’m surprised. You’re so beautiful. I would’ve thought other students would be lining up to have you,” he said before kissing the side of his neck. 
“Yeah? They–I dunno. I’ve only wanted one person here.” 
A hum vibrated against Chan’s skin and he shivered. He was so sensitive all over. It felt like every sense was heightened to new levels and it was almost too much. Everything was so hot–Jeongin’s mouth on his neck, his thigh between his legs, the throbbing of his heavy cock as he grinded against him–he felt like he was going to explode. 
The familiar tightening of Chan’s stomach and the tensing of his muscles came before he could even process it. When the pressure reached its peak he dropped his head to Jeongin’s shoulder to muffle his moans against him. His cock twitched pathetically in his pants, spurting cum into his underwear. It was embarrassing to come like this, even though Jeongin let him, and wanted him to. His pants were soiled and there was a wet stain forming on the front. 
But Jeongin looked at him with nothing but hunger and fondness. “That’s a good boy. I knew you’d be pretty when you came.” 
Chan flushed under the praise but he accepted gladly anyway. “Thank you,” he said, biting his lip. He looked down at Jeongin and took in the sight of his tented dress pants. “I want to make you come, too.” He pressed his palm to Jeongin’s erection and he hissed. 
“A-ahh,” Jeongin moaned softly. It was music to Chan’s ears, prettier than anything he ever heard. But Jeongin shook his head. “I have a meeting soon. I don’t think it would be good to show up…after that.” 
Chan frowned softly. “But can you show up to a meeting hard?” 
Jeongin pursed his lips. “I–it can wait.”
“Please,” Chan said, removing his hand and dropping to his knees. He’d only given a couple of blowjobs before, but Jeongin could lead him. “I was good, but I need to get an A plus. I can do even better.” There was mischief in his eyes as he looked up at Jeongin and the professor could see the playfulness behind his words. 
He glanced at the clock and then looked back down at Chan. When he reached to undo his belt, a giddy grin split across his face. 
“You’re gonna have to swallow, Chan-ah,” he said, reaching down with one hand to thread his fingers through his hair. He pulled out his cock and saliva pooled in Chan’s mouth. He could feel himself already twitching again in his pants, but he would have to ignore that. For now. 
“I won’t let a drop go to waste,” he said, determined. Jeongin smiled. 
“I knew you’d like that. Now open up.” 
Chan’s eyes sparkled and before he let his jaw relax, he licked his lips and said, “Yes, Professor.” 
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gynandromorph · 3 months
i dunno dude the one person who said that if they saw the fairy they'd ONLY be wrong about 1 thing ("fairies don't exist") whereas they would be wrong about MANY things with a walrus was insane to me. a fairy actually makes you wrong about so, so many things, fundamental things that the entire field of science is built on, things that explain why our planet is getting warmer and why animals are dying and why plastic in your body is killing you and why your car works and why the doctor knows what to give you for your mysterious illness to make it all better, because somehow there is another sapient form of life with FUCKING MAGIC around that's been sitting around shoving their thumbs up their asses while all of this happens and they decided to knock on YOUR AVERAGE JOE DOOR for some reason, i mean i could spiral into how many THINGS go wrong with a fairy knocking on your fucking door but they don't need to be said, what DOES need to be said is i don't know how you could still form coherent sentences when the gap in your ability to reason is so CATASTROPHICALLY huge that you think a magical, mythical, fully intelligent creature makes you "wrong about just one thing" and it's made me CRAZY thinking about it. i wish i could study this person in a laboratory because i would be able to write a better, stupider jessie
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booasaur · 1 year
Any new upcoming series with w/w?
Lol, I had a whole answer typed up and almost completed last night, I could only remember a few upcoming shows but added a bunch of ongoing and recent with descriptions and then the post editor hiccuped and removed most of it so I angrily went to sleep instead.
But maybe that was for the best, because this morning a video of upcoming f/f shows in April came out so now I can add a few more.
There's Dead Ringers, that show with Rachel Weisz playing twin gynecologists and since it's a genderbent adaptation of an existing movie we already know it's gonna be super messy. It would be pretty wild for Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies to not have some wlw and luckily it does, the trailer itself reveals a couple. Tiny Beautiful Things, with Kathryn Hahn and Sarah Pidgeon (Leah in The Wilds) playing her younger self, apparently Kathryn Hahn's character's daughter is queer. Slip is a kinda scifi, where a bored wife cheats on her husband and realizes every time she has sex with someone, she wakes up married to them. The show's about her trying to get back to her original life, and there are a series of different husbands, but also a few wives (also, the first "replacement" husband is played by Boorman's actor from Willow!). There are also the upcoming Thai dramas Be Mine, Reverse 4 You, and 23.5, as previously mentioned.
In terms of returning series coming back, there's the Disney cartoon The Owl House, getting its final ep. Single Drunk Female's second season is returning soon. It has a bi lead, and she did have a female love interest but it was pretty temporary compared to the will they/won't she has with the main character male love interest. Her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, also a very main character, is a lesbian, and she's married but her wife's actress is a regular on another show now so I dunno if she'll be back.
Welcome to Eden, a Spanish thriller about people trapped on an island with a cult, ended the first season on a major cliffhanger so it'll be exciting to see what happens now, though it feels like anyone could die so that's a bit nerve-wracking. It has a lot of different kinds of rep, f/f, m/m, trans, one of the gay guys is deaf too and it's a plot point that his boyfriend won't learn sign even though his friends have.
The Epix series From is a pretty well done horror series about people trapped in a town and who get hunted at night, it's more ominous and suspenseful than outright gory. It actually has three wlw, though one is mostly with one guy, the one who's engaged to a woman outside the town seems to be about to start a romance with another guy, and one is a teen who's crushing on the first woman, feels unrequited. I didn't know about any of them when I started, so they're a bonus, the show itself is rather compelling.
As for current shows, The Power (lol, get it, current) started last night on Prime, it's nice that after the misreading of Class of '07, this new show about girls does immediately have a wlw. Gap's already finished but it made such a splash, if you haven't watched, I'll mention it again. The other Thai drama, Show Me Love, is still airing. Fantasy Island is honestly kind of sweet, it feels like one of those '90s shows, episodic, bright colors and optimism, and great guest stars. One of the two leads, I'd say, or at least the second billed main, is queer.
We got our three firefighter shows, 9-1-1 with a solid (now) established relationship, Fire Country, a lesbian character but not much screentime, and of course Station 19, which is honestly winning me back in a huge way with their current storyline (if they land it).
Cop wlw update (why are there so many of them!): NCIS Hawai'i remains super cute, especially when Lucy is on, looks like Ayanna on Law & Order: Organized Crime got herself a new gf with a super hot voice, The Rookie: Feds still has Niecy Nash playing a super likable and bi lead. I couldn't stand the egregious copaganda in FBI: Most Wanted, and like, imagine how bad it'd have to be, when I can still watch all the rest of these shows, but Sheryll's still there, so. Sin Huellas (No Traces) has already finished but gets another mention for being as funny as it was, with a cute, hot couple at the center. Rabbit Hole's just started, but the initial antagonist/probable grudging ally's an FBI lady who within the first 10 minutes of the first ep dropped that she had a wife. Van der Valk has started its third season and though I'm gonna keep hoping Lucienne's INCREDIBLY hot ex from 2x03 returns, Lucienne, second billed, is plenty hot by herself. Ariana Guerra, who played the novitiate in Helstrom, has joined the second season of CSI: Vegas. Her character's bi and has a main character boyfriend but he seems like he'll most likely end up with a different character.
I'm not really going through these in any particular order, except combining the above two types, but let me just blow through the rest of the ongoing shows: the Canadian family comedy Run the Burbs has been quite sweet in how it's written the teen daughter, How I Met Your Father comes across as an old fashioned sitcom, except one of the characters is a lesbian. It's kind of fun in its familiarity and low stakes. I didn't expect to be as drawn into The Watchful Eye as I did, the trailer felt quite soapy and it was, at times, but all the nannies were great, and I ended up quite liking the f/f side couple. It's amazing what actual personalities can do. :o A Million Little Things is winding down its final season and Grace Park's character is engaged to Cameron Esposito's character so it feels pretty endgame at this point.
If you didn't watch or stopped watching Carnival Row because the main m/f relationship seemed so especially trite, you maaaay want to give it another look. I'm not nearly caught up with Bel-Air, but in the first season they wrote Ashley's sexuality really well, especially since she's so young. I'm sure you can't have missed my Perry Mason gifsets by now, but I can only reiterate what a great character Della Street is. One of the kids in Gotham Knights is bi (and her brother is trans!) but I'm not sure it's worth getting invested before cancellation. Unless the CW is only going to keep projects involving the Supernatural trio?
At this point, hoping everyone who's into wlw has at least tried Yellowjackets or is aware enough of it to know they don't want to try it. Las Pelotaris 1926 is a Spanish language historical drama about female athletes playing--well, the sport is basque pelota but if you need a reference point, it's like squash or racquetball. If you haven't yet caught up with RWBY, now would be an okay time. Lastly, I've still never watched any of Riverdale or even Choni clips, but its final season has just started and you know, I gotta respect the longevity of whatever they've been doing with them, however up and down they seem to have been, and perhaps this final season will be an up. From what I've seen on SM, they seem to get endgame soulmatey treatment more than any of the other ships and I can respect that.
Aside from the Thai dramas that might air after April and a few of the other shows that ended their seasons in March (or February in Gap's case), all of these have eps airing this month. After this year of cancellations, I think it's worth enjoying what we can, even as we acknowledge how much lead/main character rep and longevity we're losing. :o
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ineffableigh · 8 months
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 2
Ran out of characters. See previous post here! [linky]
We resume during Muriel's initial visit to the bookstore. They're having a nice look at a cupperty.
Crowley arrives in a bluster with all his plants - we've only seen him angrily say No about the Bentley and yet he seems to be going along with it anyway. He asks the important question: why not take the train? Why go by car? It's an eight hour drive each way! Train or even plane is WAY FASTER!
Crowley's the one that does the 'humans are weird/a few days' line for some bloody reason. Crowley what are you doin' man lol pick a better lie!
It feels Important that we see so many one on one moments with Nina, but not Maggie. Like we're building Nina as a character, but not really Maggie, y'know?
The show also really wants us to see how uncomfortable Nina is with discussing her love life at all, but everyone in the story just kind of blows past it.
"Dance Macabre" in the Bentley eh? A tone poem about Death calling the dead from their graves to dance for him? Like, I dunno, Gabriel says later in his Tempest line? A piece that quotes Dies Irae?
I love the musical conflict going on in the background once Crowley takes control of the Bentley's Vibes back lol.
Interesting that we have an entire moment to see that Beez is unhappy with the status quo in Hell, and the lack of recognition for all the work they seem to constantly have to do down there. Especially since we hear later they're very 'short staffed'.
Crowley moving seemingly random books from upstairs to downstairs, cosplaying a bookseller (ostensibly). Seems very chill about chatting gravity with Jimbriel, and we get our first Direct Fly Callout. Might be the second, not sure re: 'flyswats' when the archangels visited.
Pub imagery: Jesus raising Lazarus on one side, and the 'butcher' Dalrymple on the other side. Hmmm two sides of Heaven anyone?
It has to involve Aziraphale somehow because the Production Designer had that painting of Jesus done with the tomb opening being exactly like the 'eastern gate' of Eden in s01. Seems like a big effort to go to if not to draw parallels!
I find it interesting that Aziraphale a) seems super excited to hear about the 'Masons' b) there's a lodge next door to the pub, but c) we don't investigate that OR the person Gabriel was with. Y'know, the little shaggy haired demon with a bowler hat covered in flies? Normally would be quite conspicuous, yes? We know that Azi knows what Beez looks like from the end of S01.
Post-minisode we cut DIRECTLY to Aziraphale at the graveyard. What did he do between the pub and then? Did he walk there, drive there? Another huge gap to account for that's just swept under the rug.
Convenient that No Regerts and Friend are there, both being comically intense tough guys openly talking about Grindr lol. Just hanging out in the fog with no phone minutes left like ya do. Very convenient they were there, though I'm not sure what the advantage of that phone call even was. It's so strange a scene across the board that it feels like something is missing.
Back in town, Maggie is chasing Nina to talk about getting stuck in the cafe. I don't know what it is about their talks but to me they feel strange, or at least Maggie's side does. Might just be a by-product of us not seeing Nina 'acting like it's Maggie's fault' but it all feels very out of the blue, y'know? Always when Nina's busy working and can't really escape.
"I'm not your type." "You have no idea." Maggie SHE HAS A PARTNER AND SHE JUST SAID THE PARTNER SUSPECTS CHEATING, NOW IS NOT THE TIME LOL. See what I mean about Weird Vibes though?
Sudden Tempest Prediction from Gabriel. Very weird that he has these moments, either by forcing himself or these triggers. Do you have to be Empty to channel God?
Multitude of Shax Visions - this sequence seems odd to me. We've seen Shax impersonate a human once, yes, but this back to back thing seems unusually competent for her. I do wonder if we're getting a Crowley's Very Stressed Perspective thing going on here. Poor lad sure is stressed.
I was wondering how Shax figured out where Aziraphale was, but I bet she probably just tried to teleport to the Bentley like most demons seem to when Crowley was in it, but probably got punted outside by the Invitation Only magic. Or something.
The interaction with Shax here is really weird, though. It seems purely designed to freak Aziraphale out rather than actually get information. She says now she knows Gabriel is in the bookshop, but nothing about the discussion actually pointed to it any more than she would have known beforehand.
Shax then goes on to tell Beez that Gabriel is in the bookshop. Why she's so confident, I still don't really know, like I said above. All she knows is both the Husbands are being obfuscating dorks, but maybe that's enough.
Also like, Beez, you maybe should have just. Gone to the bookshop? Instead of attacking it? When you know Hell is short staffed? This is a Weird Plot Point too, if Beez just wants Gabriel. Why go straight to war?
As they're bringing Crowley's plants back to the car I hear glass shattering??? What's up with that??
Azi you dingle why are you hiding the Shax visit from Crowley. They really DON'T talk and for no good reason.
Next Instalment: [Linky]
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
dunno if u still wanna take requests for angst night but: Rudy getting beat half to death in front of like basically the whole team all bc he won’t give up info that could put the rest in danger? go wild w it
So, fair warning, I couldn't think up a piece of information, so he doesn't actually have the information they want and they don't believe him. (Also, it's not angst night anymore but I loved this prompt so I decided to do it, anyway.)
There was something oddly humiliating about being untied when all of you friends are tied up. Especially when you knew there was only one reason why you were left untied.
Waking up in the middle of a circle of chairs, his gear having been stripped from him, and realizing that everyone he'd gone on this mission with was tied up in chairs, staring at him with a mixture of confusion and concern was... violating in a uniquely awful way.
Maybe it was because he knew what was coming. The Narcos were smart. They knew he'd immediately be up to undo his friends' binds, so this had to be a conscious choice.
He shielded his eyes to the light, sitting up. Breathe evenly, don't panic yet. He counted his friends. Soap, Alejandro, Price, Gaz... Every single member he'd went on mission with. Ghost had went off, alone, for a separate mission.
Fuck. All of them looked disoriented, though Alejandro and Soap both looked pissed as hell. Rodolfo took in the room. It was huge and there were several Narcos, standing almost casually. "You're awake." One of them commented, stepping through a gap between chairs. There was a decent amount of space, which only made Rodolfo more afraid.
Rodolfo shielded his eyes again, trying to get a good look at him. He didn't say anything, having been kidnapped enough times to know that begging for his life would not spare it.
"Silent man, eh? We will fix that." The man, Rodolfo's eyes had adjusted enough that he started to recognize him. His name was Luiz, he was one of Valeria's Narcos. "Where is El Sin Nombre?"
Rodolfo frowned. "I do not know. El Sin Nombre and I have had no contact."
"Will one of your friends know?" He gestured to them and Rodolfo shook his head. He was telling the truth. He hadn't spoken to Valeria since she was released from their arrest. He had no plans to, either.
Luiz narrowed his eyes at Rodolfo. "You're lying. I want El Sin Nombre's location, now."
"I do not have El Sin Nombre's location." Rodolfo glared at him, irritated. "Trust me, I'm sick of him. If I had it, it would be yours." Even though he hated Valeria, he wouldn't blow her cover.
Luiz sighed. "You should cooperate with me." He crouched down, putting his face in Rodolfo's. "You're not going to like this if you don't."
Rodolfo had the feeling he wasn't going to like this, either way. "I am cooperating and I am telling you the truth." He kept his tone even, his voice smooth. He didn't want to provoke him.
Luiz stood, watching him for a moment. Then, he gestured one of the others forward. He cracked his knuckles. "What do you want broken first, boss?"
"His hand. Start small."
Rodolfo really had to fight the panic, now. "I don't know where he is!" Rodolfo tried not to look at any of the others, but his eyes met Gaz's. He looked terrified. Rodolfo knew he was a soldier, but he was so young... He shouldn't have to witness this.
Rodolfo didn't fight it as his hand was grabbed and laid on the floor. He bit back a scream when it was stomped on, feeling the break, immediately.
"Will you speak now?" Luiz asked. "Or should I break your arm?"
"I. Don't. Know. Where. He. Is." Rodolfo repeated, panting from pain. His hand burned and throbbed, though he was used to this pain. He'd broken it himself many times.
Luiz shook his head and went to Alejandro, ripping the tape off his mouth. "Where is El Sin Nombre?"
"Go fuck yourself. None of us know." Alejandro glared at him. "If I did, he'd be in my prison, immediately, awaiting trial."
"You are Mexican special forces, no? Tell me where he is."
"We don't know!" Alejandro cursed at him.
Luiz snapped his fingers. "Break his arm." He gestured to Rodolfo. Rodolfo let out a soft frustrated noise, but didn't say anything.
Alejandro, however, immediately let out a strain of several curses and threats.
The other Narco did as commanded, yanking Rodolfo up and twisting his arm. Rodolfo couldn't suppress his cry of pain, that time. Thankfully, it was the same arm, and he was let go again. "Why can't you listen to us??" Rodolfo asked, holding his arm. "We don't know!"
"Because you're lying." Luiz seemed to consider. "I think he likes pain." He commented to Alejandro, who was glaring deeply at him. "Beat him until his lips are loosened. If he dies, pull one of the others out of the chair and start on them."
Rodolfo shook his head. "We are telling the truth, I swear it, we are telling the truth. I'm not lying, we don't-" He paused as he was lifted again, struggling as much as he could. "Please... we are not lying."
It was no use. Luiz didn't even look at him, just grabbed Alejandro's face and forced him to stay looking at Rodolfo. Rodolfo gasped in pain as his gut was punched and he hunched over, immediately, unable to breathe.
It was punched again and again until he was vomiting blood. He slumped over as he was dropped, cringing to find he was at Price's feet. He didn't like the apology that was in his eyes as he looked up and met them.
He was kicked away from him, landing on his back. He stared at the ceiling, needing to catch his breath, but he wasn't given that chance, lifted again.
It felt like it lasted for hours until Rodolfo almost couldn't keep himself conscious, the only thing keeping him away being the occasional pain that ripped through his body from some new impact.
When Luiz crouched down, Rodolfo realized that he knew they didn't really know. He could see it in his smirk. The smugness that was there. "Do you want to tell me now?"
"You know we don't know..." Rodolfo was exhausted. He wanted to just collapse. He hung his head, shaking it. "Why? Why are you doing this?"
Rodolfo suppressed a whimper of pain as his hair was grabbed and his head was lifted. "She thinks she's so clever. But I know the truth. She's not invulnerable." He pat Rodolfo's face before standing and getting out his gun. "One last chance-" Luiz stopped as the doors open.
"Luiz? Torturing people without me?" Valeria stepped in. Several men followed her and she gestured. Rodolfo tensed. This did not soothe his nerves one bit. Her being there was not a good thing.
Rodolfo, however, couldn't keep himself up to really fight it. He collapsed, rolling on his back and trying to breathe, staring at the ceiling. He drowned out the sound of cussing and gun fire, closing his eyes.
When he opened them again, he almost jumped back at blue eyes staring into his own. "Why is it always you that they pick to torture?" Ghost asked, shaking his head.
"Why are you always a pain in my ass, cabron?" Rodolfo retorted, crying in pain when he was lifted. "You're too tall-" He was passed to Soap and so he shut up, leaning heavily on him. "Where's Alejandro- nevermind, I hear him."
Loud Spanish yelling could be heard from the hallway right outside the door. It was a mix of Alejandro's very distinguishable voice and Valeria's very distinguishable voice and Rodolfo shook his head. They were arguing about her timing.
"Apparently, Ghost went and got her when he realized what was going on." Soap explained, helping guide Rodolfo around the dead bodies. "She was pissed."
"I hear." Rodolfo chuckled, closing his eyes for a moment. Cold flooded his chest. "I can't... I need to sleep..." He struggled to keep himself awake and was soon falling off of Soap, out before he even hit the floor.
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m-anarrr · 5 months
امبارح كنت بستخدم اللون الابيض كتير ومكنتش مركزة في حاجة ان الالوان مسكت في شعري ..
دلوقتي ببص في المرايا اكتشفت ان اطرف شعري كلها بقيت لونها اشيب كده ولوهلة اتخضيت بعدين استوعبت اللي حصل .
I miss this kind of feelings and tbh i dunno why i stop ..why there's always a huge gap between my paintings
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
All Too Well, part 4
Part 3 can be found here
Word count: 10.2 k
Warnings for the series: drinking, cursing, mentions of food, mentions of pregnancy and allusions to fertility issues, abandonment, SMUT pretty early on(readers first time, choking, penetration, oral f&m receiving, breeding kink with the intentions of pregnancy, birth control slip up, spanking, squirting, slightly dom Hotch, bondage, use of a vibrator, masturbation, Somnophilia, watching porn, use of a Polaroid camera to take nudes, having sex on camera, facefucking, brief sir kink, cockwarming kind of, if I missed anything let me know)
Flashbacks and text messages are italicized. Pieces of the letter are in bold text
"I dunno, Penny. I'm not really ready to meet anyone," she'd been dying to introduce you to her boss, Hotch. According to Penelope, he was exactly your type, strong, in charge, and especially handsome. You were supposed to be meeting all of her friends from work tonight, a group of strangers sat waiting across the bar for you.
"This is my friend, Y/n. She freelances and she does my hair sometimes," Penelope boasted, introducing you to everyone, but your gaze was fixed on who you hoped was her boss. He was huge, tall and broad with strong shoulders and dark, deep eyes. His hair was dark and striking, and the Gucci tie around his neck told you that he knew how to dress everyday, and not just on a night out.
"Y/n, this is Hotch," you saw the twinkle in Penelope's eye as she sat you next to him, but he was quickly correcting her.
"Call me Aaron. It's nice to finally meet you," he offered his hand for you to shake and you took it, noticing how large his hands were, and the shiny Rolex on his arm.
"I've heard a lot about you," Penelope had told you everything she knew about him. He knew that she was trying to set him up, and he'd came anyway, so he must've been just as curious.
"So have we. Apparently I have you to thank for making sure she stays in the Bureau's dress code policy," he joked, and although she was eccentric, you'd never done anything wild to her hair.
"Don't thank me, I'm just the tool. She makes all the final decisions," you shot back, easily falling into conversation with him. Everyone else went to dance but you stayed at the table, your legs brushing his beneath the table as you talked. Neither of you bothered to move, but you were too busy talking to Aaron, listening to him tell you about how he'd been working on a book filled with profiles that he could publish for the Academy to use as a teaching resource.
"No way! I'm writing a book too," you had more in common than you ever would've thought given your age gap, but if he cared about you being younger than him, it didn't show.
"You know what they say about great minds thinking alike," he grinned, taking a sip of his drink.
"So, what are the chances that I see you again?" You weren't usually so up front, but you wanted to get to know him better.
"I'd say if you're not doing anything tomorrow, I don't have anything planned."
You went your separate ways that night, but not for long. You went home that night and thought you must've been dreaming, that there was no way someone as perfect as him had fallen right into your lap, and he was just as interested in you. You had been laying in your bed, nearly asleep when he sent you a message that woke you up with a jolt.
Aaron: I can't wait to get to know you. I have a feeling you're going to change my life.
Instead of texting him back, you were calling him, hoping he picked up.
"Hey," he sounded like you'd caught him off guard, like he wasn't expecting it.
"Hi. I'm not sure why I called but I don't really want to wait until tomorrow to talk to you again," you felt pathetic admitting it, and you thought he'd hung up when he didn't say anything at first.
"Do you want to come over? I'll come and get you," he sounded more than eager, like he was praying for you to say yes so he could find out more about you.
"Are you sure? It's late," the clock read nearly 1 AM, but you'd never been more awake.
"I don't mind at all, really."
Within twenty minutes, you were standing on the stoop, waiting for him to pick you up. His car rounded the corner and you climbed in, buckling your seatbelt.
"I hope you aren't missing sleep for me," he was already in his pajamas in the drivers seat, a hoodie on over his clothes. It was weird to see him so casual after seeing how sharply he'd dressed that night, but seeing him in gray sweats and a t-shirt made you just as giddy.
"I was going to be up regardless but I'm glad you were up. I uh—I wanted to see you again," you were glad you weren't the only one curious, because he'd been all you thought about after you left.
"I just couldn't wait until tomorrow," you agreed as he pulled into the lot of his apartment complex. You followed him up to his place, walking closely behind him in the dark. He led you straight to his bedroom, so you sat crisscross on the bed and he sat across from you, his hands in his lap.
"I'm really glad I listened to Garcia and came out tonight," he said, and you knew then that it wasn't his style, but he'd came anyway just to meet you. It wasn't your taste either, but you'd been so curious about the mystery man that you couldn't help yourself.
"For future reference, I prefer to stay in," you shot back, and he nodded in agreement.
"Then we'll get along just fine."
You stayed up talking with him until almost four in the morning, until he yawned profusely and it made you yawn too, giggling at how sleepy he looked. His eyes were glassy, he looked like he could fall asleep at any given minute.
"Want to share the bed?"
You hadn't expected him to ask, but you nodded anyway, slipping off your sweatshirt. He took it and hung it with his on the back of his door and crawled into the bed next to you, turning off the lamp.
"Wanna cuddle?" Your sleepy voice was honestly too sweet for him to resist, because he didn't even try. He rolled over on his side and tossed his arm over you, and one of his legs too. It felt more natural than sleeping alone. You'd never slept with another person before, but you fell asleep quickly in his arms, muttering a goodnight to him before your eyes shut. You barely heard him tell you how happy he was that he met you, but you hadn't missed it, and it was something you'd never forget.
He became your best friend the very next day.
You were inseparable. If he wasn't on a case, you were at his apartment everyday for a month before he even worked up the courage to kiss you. It was unexpected but perfectly timed all at once. You hadn't seen him in a week, and when you saw his car pull up to the curb, you thought you were imagining things. He hadn't called, so you didn't know he was even in town. Usually you were the first person he told that he was coming home, and you were in his car the second he pulled out from the airstrip.
You met him at the door, wrapping your arms around him in an immediate hug. You'd missed him, and you'd worried. He spared you the details, but the case had been a rough one, and you could tell it was taking a toll on him from your nightly calls. His arms welcomed you eagerly as you walked into them, holding onto him tightly. You'd read somewhere that a hug could heal someone a little bit if you held on long enough, so you hoped to fix him little by little every day, and he'd never even know it.
"I missed you," you mumbled into his shirt, the scent of his cologne washing over you; it was the recognition of this familiar smell that made you realize how fast and how far you'd fallen for him in just a few weeks time.
"I missed you so much, sugar. I know I should've called but I just couldn't wait. I needed to see you," he didn't want to let you go, so you stood in his arms, secured by his strength. His hugs were warming, comforting. You could tell he poured every ounce of love he had into holding you.
"I'm glad I was your first stop," you looked up at him, his eyes scanning your face briefly before he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You didn't hesitate to kiss him back, gently cupping his face. His tongue found your mouth and you let out a small whimper in response, which made him grip your waist tighter. You felt his breathing hitch before he pulled back to look at you, his nose brushing yours lightly.
"I've wanted to kiss you for so long," he said lowly, and it rumbled through you, making your skin flush all over.
"You can kiss me any time you want."
You didn't even bother packing a bag, you had clothes at his house already, things you'd left behind on purpose that he'd cleared a drawer for, and things he'd given specifically to you that had belonged to him. You could usually be found in one of his t-shirts at all times, especially when he was gone. It was your way of being close to him, even if he wasn't around.
You were already marking his home as your own, and he didn't mind a bit. You'd tried to take your stuff back home once before so it wasn't in his way but he assured you that the drawer was yours if you wanted it, so each time you stayed, you'd leave something behind. You hadn't even really established what you were doing yet—he felt like your boyfriend, but neither of you had talked about putting a label on things either. Right now, you were just two people that had kissed, but there was so much more there, waiting to be discovered.
"I'm going to shower and we'll order food and watch a movie or something that requires the least amount of effort possible," he let you get comfy in his bed while he took off in the direction of the bathroom, letting you pick something to watch. There was a scary movie marathon happening on one channel, so you chose it and waited on him, propped up on your side of the bed.
You took the liberty of ordering dinner while he was in the shower; you were starting to learn his orders everywhere, simply because you paid attention. You wanted to know as much as possible about him, and you were quickly on the way to finding out.
When he joined you, you told him about ordering dinner, earning a smile from him in response as you told him what you ordered for him.
"That's my favorite," he confirmed, joining you in the bed. You held open your arms for him to lay in, letting him take refuge on your chest. He sighed heavily, relieved to finally be home and away from the horrors of his job. You raked your fingers through his hair, studying his face as he laid on you. He was finally beginning to wind down, not so on edge from being away for so long. You knew from previous cases that he held onto everything, every ounce of stress that his team suffered, every excruciating detail of each case, he had to come home and carry it all. It was more than any man should be burdened with. If it was your place, you'd beg him to slow down, take it a little bit easier, but he'd never listen.
"I think I hear the doorbell," he got up long enough to go get your food, so you sat up and went to the kitchen. He liked to eat at the table, it made him feel a tiny bit normal.
"We're breaking the rules today," he tugged you back in the direction of the bedroom, so you could eat watching the movie. He never took anything but your nightly candy into the bedroom, so you were shocked to say the least. You assumed he just wanted to lounge as much as possible after the week he'd had.
"So tell me what I missed while I was gone," he urged you, so you told him what you'd been up to, but it wasn't much. You'd worked and waited on him to return, occasionally hanging out with Penelope if she was around. She didn't have the same schedule as the rest of his team, but she stayed pretty busy, so you saw her whenever you had the chance.
"I know it's hypocritical of me considering the work that I do, but I'm really glad your schedule is easy for me to work around. I'm glad I get to see you as often as I want," you'd finished eating, so you took your takeout boxes to the trash and returned to his bedroom, climbing over him so you could settle into his bed. You spent the majority of your time at his house in the bed, talking, reading. The two of you read together a lot; he would read you the really good parts of his book and you'd do the same, thankful you had someone you could do peaceful things with. You didn't know a single guy your age that would sit in bed and read with you.
"I don't mind your schedule. I just really start to miss you," you leaned into him as a new movie began to play on the tv. His arm wrapped around your shoulders as you watched the movie, his free hand reaching out to take yours.
"I'm glad you can handle it. I know it's rough, and I'm sorry."
You shook your head, assuring him there was nothing to apologize for.
"You don't have to apologize, Aaron. This is your life," you let your hand caress his face, and his lips leaned forward and captured yours, taking you by surprise. You hoped he'd take your advice and kiss you all the time; he was already such an affectionate person. He always wanted to touch you, hold your hand. It made you giddy, you loved every second of it.
"I want you to be a part of my life too," he mumbled against your lips, too caught up in you to stop. You loved his honesty, the way he showed you how much he cared for you, he didn't just tell you. You could feel it in his touch, the way he kissed you so tenderly.
"Im here as long as you'll have me," you promised him, coming to straddle his lap. You continued to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you.
"I've uh— I've only ever been with one person before," he whispered, but your lack of experience went far beyond that. You'd never been touched by hands that weren't your own; you'd never trusted anyone enough to give yourself to them like that.
"I've never done anything," you replied, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks at your innocence. You'd been waiting for the right person, and you were certain you'd found him now.
"You're serious? Sweet and innocent," he replied, his voice like silk.
"Something like that," you were secretly dying to be anything but innocent with him. There were a plethora of things you wanted to try, and he was the one you wanted to do them all with.
"Well, if you ever want to change that, let me know," his hips shifted slightly to conceal the bulge growing in his pajamas; you knew he was probably just as turned on to be the first one to touch you as you were thinking about it.
"Really? Just like that?"
He nodded, his hands on your hips. He was longing to touch you, you could feel it flowing throughout the room, his desire for you.
"Just like that. I'm yours whenever you want me." All of the air left his lungs as he said it, as if he were afraid you might reject him, but you were feeling bold as you toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck. He was covered in goosebumps, a side effect of your fingers against his skin.
"What if I said I wanted you right now?"
He groaned, his hips bucking into you involuntarily, because he tried to hide it as soon as he'd done it. You met his movements, leaning forward to kiss his neck lightly.
"We don't have to,—" you weren't sure if he was ready, so you took a moment to scan his features, leaning back to look at him. He was silently deliberating on what to do, you could see the hesitation on his face.
"I am dying to touch you..But I'll only touch you tonight. We'll save your first time for when I can make it special for you," he decided, his fingers lacing through yours. You could tell it was taking all of his restraint not to have sex with you, and you respected him more for it. You wanted him badly, but you were willing to wait because there was no one else you could see yourself with like that.
"I really want to touch you," you purred, making him take his lip between his teeth. His hands moved to your thighs, rubbing them gently before he took a deep breath and sat up straight. You could feel him, stiff and needy beneath you, but he was trying hard to ignore it for now.
"There's one more condition," he toyed with the hem of your shirt, eager to take it off. Only a sliver of skin was visible but he couldn't stop looking, making you feel wanted, desired. It was almost indescribable, the way he made you feel so good about yourself, and he didn't even have to try.
"I'm listening," he smirked, planting a quick kiss on your chest before responding.
"I want to be able to call you my girlfriend, officially," you felt a smile break out on your face, making him smile back at you in return.
"I was hoping you'd be my boyfriend soon. I've never had one before," you were absolutely giddy, snaking your arms around his neck.
"I can't believe I get to be your first for everything," he kissed your neck, your collarbone, his mouth sucking gently at your skin. You shivered, slipping your fingers beneath his t-shirt to feel the tone, hard flesh underneath. You could barely contain your excitement as he slipped his shirt off, so you did the same, watching him suck in a breath as he looked at you.
"You're perfect," he stated, reaching behind you to feel for your bra clasp. He looked to you to make sure what he was doing was okay with you, so you gave him a small nod and he was undressing you, letting your bra fall to the floor. His mouth quickly ducked down and began to pepper your chest with open mouthed kisses before he brought your nipple to his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. You didn't even try to muffle the moan that escaped, feeling his cock throb beneath you right after.
"Feels so good, Aaron," your hands were in his hair as he repeated his actions with your other nipple before he trailed back up to your mouth, kissing you hard, taking your breath momentarily. You were grinding your hips against him, anxiously awaiting what was in store for you.
"Can I lay you down?"
You climbed off of him and he helped you settle in next to him, his fingers dancing across your body before he settled on tugging your sweatpants off, letting them crumple in a pile at the foot of the bed.
"Tell me how you're feeling," he was worried that you might be uncomfortable, but truthfully you felt more at ease than ever.
"I'm fine, I promise. I'd tell you if I wasn't," you assured him, tugging at his pants so he'd take the hint and shrug them off. By the time he was in his boxers, his hands had started to ease towards your center, spreading you apart at the thigh. His fingers toyed with you over your panties, no doubt feeling the wet patch that only continued to grow as his hands explored your body.
"Thank you for trusting me like this," he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and got them off with your help. He took a deep breath as he teased your folds, slick with arousal. He groaned audibly before attaching his fingers to your clit, and you quickly felt your brows pull together at how good his fingers felt; much better than yours by far. He was loving, tender. His mouth kissed at your neck until you turned your face to meet his, your tongue slipping into his mouth. You moaned into him, making him speed things up a little, but only by a fraction. He was taking his time in learning you and you were perfectly fine with that. He was having just as much fun as you, a soft smile plastered to his face as you let him be the one to touch you for the first time. It felt more than special, it was sacred, and you'd never forget how you felt in the moments before your first orgasm not by your own hand. Your breathing became ragged and unsteady, so he took the opportunity to climb between your legs so he could watch your body tremble.
"You're stunning. Everything about you makes me crazy."
Your back arched off the bed and he coaxed and praised you through your orgasm like he'd never seen anything so spectacular.
"I was just thinking the same thing about you," you said sweetly, making him grip your thighs with force as he lay between your legs.
"Can I taste you, sweetheart? You have no idea how badly I want to," he pressed his lips to your thighs, kissing your skin gently as he peered up at you.
"Please," you barely managed to choke out a reply before he was crashing into your center, his tongue lapping wildly at you. It was almost overwhelming, how good it felt, the new sensation. The heat of his mouth was enough to have your skin covered in goosebumps, every slight movement had you wiggling against the mattress. You could practically feel the smirk on his face, satisfied that he could bring you so much pleasure, and to be the only one. You didn't realize then what it had meant to him, but he was happier then than you'd ever seen him, because you were officially a part of his life now, and he could keep you around. You were the first chance he'd taken in a long time; his wife had divorced him but losing her had still been difficult for him, and he wasn't in the market for anyone when you came along. But the two of you couldn't stay away from each other, and you weren't sure what it was that drew you to one another, but he was borderline obsessed with having you as close as he could get you. Even the first night, he'd held you all night long after you asked him to cuddle; you woke up still in his arms, buried in his neck.
Every night after had been no different. If he was in town, you were in his bed, no questions asked. He'd call you from the airstrip, and you'd pack a bag, meeting him where the pavement met the sidewalk every time he called. You were just as infatuated, spending all of your time either with him or thinking about him. You had been planning to tell him you wanted him to take your virginity but you were glad he wanted to make an occasion out of it instead of doing it tonight. You wanted to be more prepared, pamper yourself to the fullest the day of so you could feel good about yourself during and after. You couldn't wait to touch him, to have your hands on his body, but you loved the way he felt; he had you a moaning mess as you gripped the sheets tightly, your orgasm shaking all of your senses momentarily, running your fingers through his hair as he worked between your legs.
"I'm really glad I'm doing this with you," it came out as a whimper but he heard you anyway, kissing your thigh before he licked a stripe up your center, sucking on your clit, making your head hit the pillow.
"Me too. You're exactly what I needed, sweet girl. I knew really early on that I didn't want to let you go," you wondered when it had clicked for him—you'd felt it too. It had been just as strong, an incredible force that had you on your toes ever since, fearing the day you might lose him.
"Then keep me," you pleaded as you came on his tongue, his hands gripping your thighs to pull you closer to him. His tongue never stopped swirling in your center, he stayed between your legs for what felt like hours and more orgasms than you knew you could have in one night. You were practically begging to touch him, tugging him up to kiss you. His mouth met yours with haste, his hips rutting into you wildly.
"Please let me touch you," it was needy, but you didn't care. Your only desire was to please him the way he'd been taking care of you. You were eager to learn how to make him feel good, and you knew he'd be happy to teach you.
"You're sure?" He was afraid of rushing you, moving too fast. You were ready, though, and if he'd let you, you wanted to memorize his body, to taste him the same way he'd tasted you.
"I'm sure, Aaron. I'll beg if that's what you want," you would too, if begging was something he was into; you were willing to try anything with him, simply because that's how deep your attraction ran for him.
"You don't have to beg, baby. I just don't want you to feel pressured by me," you shook your head, kissing him sweetly as you traded places with him, climbing on top of him.
"I don't feel pressured. I want to, Aaron. I really want to," you left a trail of kisses across his chest, waiting for the green light to be able to relieve some of the ache he was feeling.
"As long as you're sure. I can guide you through it, if you want," you nodded enthusiastically, scrambling between his legs so you could pull his boxers down. His dick sprang free, and you leaned forward curiously, wondering how you'd ever fit all of him in your mouth. You looked up at him before propping up on your elbows in front of him, taking his dick in your hand. He reached out to cover your hand with his before he flicked his wrist and began to touch himself, showing you how to do it silently. He moved his hand and let you take over, watching in awe as you figured out what you were doing.
"Feels so good, sweetheart," he let his eyes flutter shut and in a moment of bravery, you were taking him in your mouth. His head whipped up quicker than you could register, worried you might be in over too deep, but he let you continue as you swirled your tongue around the tip of his dick, making him hiss. You took as much of him in your mouth as you could, his hand on the back of your head to make sure you didn't get carried away. He didn't exactly guide your mouth, but he kept his hand in place to make sure you knew he was there to instruct you if you needed it.
You worked the rest of him with your hand, flattening your tongue against him so you could take the rest of him in your throat. You could tell you caught him off guard as you gagged furiously around him, making him sit up slightly so he could watch. After a minute he was finishing in your mouth, his legs shaking beneath you as he gave you every drop of himself, weaving his fingers through your hair. He struggled to catch his breath as you settled in at his side. His arms instantly wrapped around you, bringing you closer to him. You couldn't wait to give your body to him completely, to have him in the most special of ways.
"Your mouth feels better than anything I've ever experienced," he said lowly, kissing your forehead as he shivered against you. You had enjoyed yourself so much that you were already anticipating the next time you got to touch him; you loved the way he couldn't keep still, the way he was powerless to you as soon as you had him in your mouth.
"I want to try everything with you," you said confidently, and he chuckled in response, pulling you into his lap.
"I can make that happen. You have no clue how special it is to me that you're going to let me be your first," he captured your lips, his hands cupping your sides. You could tell he was trying hard not to touch you, but you didn't hold back one bit. Your fingers grazed his shoulders, his chest, every inch of his skin that was visible. He laced your every thought, and you needed more of him. You wanted to beg him to make love to you, to spread you open and take you as his own, but he'd never give in, not since he had decided to wait, even if he wanted you just as badly.
"Whenever it happens is entirely up to you," you told him, giving him complete control over the situation. You'd let him take the lead because he was best at it—you'd never seen someone more in charge.
"I was thinking tomorrow night I could take you out on a real date."
Your chest fluttered as you nodded, because now you had it to look forward to. It was going to happen so soon, but still it seemed so far away.
"I'd like that a lot."
He'd dropped you off that morning so you could get ready, and you both agreed that as soon as you were dressed and ready to go, he'd come back and pick you up. He was off for a couple of days and he wanted to spend it all with you, as much of it as he could. He didn't like being away from you, not if he could help it.
You had already decided on a strappy red dress and heels, doing your hair and makeup a little more dramatic than usual. After an hour and a half, he was calling you, a bit desperate on the other end of the line.
"I miss you, baby. You almost ready?"
You were nearly finished, but you enjoyed getting to hear him squirm, anxious for the events that the night would bring.
"I'm mostly ready if you want to come get me," you could finish quickly with the time you had left, putting on a layer of lipgloss and securing the strap to your heels.
"God, I thought you'd keep me waiting," you could hear him walking to the car, slamming the door as he climbed in.
"You miss me that bad?"
He made a soft hum sound as he started the engine, and you heard the undeniable click of his seatbelt.
"I do. I always miss you when you're not around," he wouldn't pull out until he'd hung up the phone; he hated talking and driving.
"Then you better hurry up and get here," you teased, hanging up the phone so you could rush him in your direction. He only lived ten minutes away, so you were able to get everything situated with your outfit before he arrived, knocking at your door lightly to signify his arrival. He looked gorgeous in all black, the top buttons of his dress shirt undone so you got a peek at his chest.
"Look at you," you raked your eyes over him shamelessly, kissing him lightly so you didn't transfer any lipgloss to his lips. He held out a bouquet of your favorite flowers, making you squeal with delight as you put them in a vase.
"Red is your color. You're perfect," he kissed your cheek as he led you to his car, opening the door for you. You were thrilled to be going on an actual date with him, but your stomach churned with excitement as to what would happen after. You wondered if his stomach was filled with butterflies too, if he was as filled with wonder as you were to know his body on a deeper, more connected level.
Dinner was really a late lunch, but you'd already made plans to cook together later if you got hungry. You often cooked together, quickly realizing you worked well together in the kitchen instead of getting in each other's way.
The entire meal, you couldn't take your eyes off each other. You felt like the only two people in the world, secluded at your little corner table in the back of a gorgeous restaurant that had magnificent chandeliers, red velvety curtains and the most expensive silverware you'd ever seen. Aaron wasn't in the mood to admire the place you were eating though, his only focus was on you, his eyes dark and lusty the entire time you were out. By the time you left the restaurant, his hands were on your sides and he was pulling you in for a greedy kiss in the parking lot, letting his hands cup your face.
"I have a surprise for you at the house," he told you proudly, going around to the other side to get in the car. You could only sit and wonder what it was, because he offered no other clues.
"You make me feel really special," you said, taking his hand across the console as he drove you back to his apartment. He squeezed it lightly, trying to keep his eyes on the road when it was obvious he just wanted to look at you.
"Because you are. You're the best thing to happen to me in a really long time," you weren't sure what to expect when you met him, but it certainly wasn't this; you never thought you'd be getting to know him so closely, spending your every free moment with him.
"I'm crazy about you," you said finally, pulling into the driveway. He couldn't get you in the house quickly enough, leading you to the master bathroom. They were unlit, but there were candles around the garden tub, so he sat you on the counter and instructed you to lift your legs so he could remove your shoes.
"Have I finally convinced you to use the tub?" He had a massive tub with jets that went untouched because he always used the shower. You'd always tried to get him to take a bath, let it help him relax, but he always said he was able to relax more in the shower.
"I figured we could use it together. It's big enough," he ran the water to his liking and helped you to undress before guiding you in, and he joined you shortly after he lit the candles and got undressed. You waited until he climbed in and then you went to sit against him, pressing your back against his chest.
"See? This is fantastic," you mused, the warm water soothing your body, combined with his calming presence.
"Tonight's all about you," he whispered against your cheek, his hands kneading the muscles in your shoulders from behind you. You let your nails drag softly against his skin, feeling him tense up underneath you.
"I want you to have fun too," you countered, feeling him smile against your back as he kissed your shoulder blades.
"Trust me, I'm having the time of my life with you."
You soaked in the tub for a while, until the water began to turn cold. He wrapped you in a towel before grabbing one of his own, helping you to step out of the tub. Instead of getting dressed, he handed you the robe he'd gotten for you; you had one at your house too, but he thought you needed one for his place so you didn't have to bring your back and forth. You followed him to the bedroom, more candles, making the room glow almost angelically.
"All of this is for me?" You questioned, climbing on the bed, watching him cross the room to come join you. You felt the sheets, new, silk, soft and smooth beneath your touch. He was going above and beyond to make your night special.
"I just want it to be memorable for you," he lifted your leg and planted a kiss on the inside of your ankle, his towel still secure around his waist. You took off your robe and hung it on the bedpost, opening your arms for him to climb into. He let his towel fall to the floor before he crawled up your body, getting comfortable next to you. He pulled you into his lap, his fingertips lightly brushing your sides as he took you in, naked on top of him.
"I think you're perfect," you beamed, snaking your hands around his neck to pull him forward. His mouth crashed against yours, teeth clashing together at how impatient you both were to touch one another.
"I hope you stick around for a long time. We could make each other really happy," he breathed, smothering your chest in affection. His tongue swirled around your nipples, making you push your chest forward so he could continue his gentle assault on your skin. His hand rested on your lower back, holding you in place. He looked delicious in the soft light of the candle flames, golds and yellows making his skin stand out against the gray sheets.
"I'm here for as long as you'll have me, so you better get used to me," you smiled at him as he brushed your hair over your shoulder so he could kiss your neck.
"I'm already used to you, baby. There's no one else in this world that I want," he was laying you down, caressing your naked body, silently worshipping you. His mouth covered your skin, his tongue trailing down your stomach and hips before he settled in front of your thighs.
"Me either," you promised him as he dove between your legs, kissing your clit lightly before pulling it between his lips, sucking furiously. He had you close in no time, teasing your entrance with his fingers before he slipped one inside of you. You soaked his finger shortly after, begging him for more.
"I'm going to add another finger," he breathed, holding his breath as he slipped another digit into you. There was a tiny bit of pressure before it turned into pleasure, his tongue never stopping on your bundle of nerves. He curled his fingers into you, making you wiggle against the bedsheets as your orgasm took you over.
"That's it, baby. I bought these sheets for us to ruin," he said proudly, a smirk on his gorgeous face. You weaved your fingers through his hair and he let you use his mouth as you wished, directing him to where you needed him the most. He was in a state of bliss, being controlled by your hands, moaning into you as he made love to you with his mouth.
"Do you want to try? If it's too much, we can stop," he assured you, but you were ready to feel him.
"I'm ready. I'm on birth control," you told him, watching with wide eyes as he crawled on top of you, kissing you fervently, like he couldn't get enough of you. He used his hand to line himself up with you, watching carefully as he started to slide into you. There was a slight pressure as he took his time easing into you, gripping your thighs harshly as he tried to control himself. You'd never seen him more focused; his eyes were trained on your core, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded and he reached for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he pressed further, nearly halfway inside of you. He kept going at a snails pace, inching into you tentatively so he wouldn't hurt you. By the time he filled you, the pain had subsided, and pleasure was beginning to take its place.
"I—I'm gonna move now," he decided, rotating his hips slowly, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. You let out a small whimper, and he stopped for a second until you urged him to continue, your hands on the back of his legs to pull him into you.
"Please don't stop," you pleaded with him, and as gently as possible, he started to thrust in and out of you, the pain gone entirely. He made you feel whole, complete. His eyes never left yours, boring into you as if you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen. His hand caressed your face as he tried to keep a steady pace; he didn't want to go too fast and hurt you, but you could tell it was hard for him to slow things down, and you appreciated his efforts.
"You're doing so good baby," he praised, going just a tiny bit faster. The bit in your stomach began to build rapidly, and you knew you were getting close; you could only shake and shudder as it overpowered your body, the unfamiliar feeling of his own release coming right after. It was odd at first but satisfying, because he'd trusted you enough to give that part of himself to you. His mouth was on yours immediately as the two of you panted for breath. The air was thick and heavy with tension from moments prior as he slid out of you and used a towel to clean you up, rejoining you on the bed.
"Are you okay?" He held his arms open for you to climb into, always craving to be close to you.
"I'm perfect. Thank you, Aaron. I'm so glad it was with you," you kissed his cheek, knowing this was just the beginning. Now that you weren't a virgin anymore, there were a ton of things for the two of you to try.
"I'm glad too. Now that I've had you, I can't imagine sharing you with anyone else," you could hear in his voice how badly he wanted to keep you around. He cared deeply for you, even after just a couple of weeks. He'd already began to open up to you, and now you shared an unbreakable bond; he was your one and absolute only.
"I don't want to be shared. I want to be yours," you promised him, the two of you still naked on the bed. The candles were still lit, flickering against the wall, casting a shadow across you. You straddled his lap, nuzzling into his neck. You kissed him gently, your lips dancing feather light against his already sensitive skin.
"I want to keep you forever," he whispered, making your heart swell in your chest. You loved the idea of forever with him, finding out everything about him.
"Forever sounds good to me."
You woke up before he did, slipping from beneath his arm to make a pot of coffee. It was sleeting, but it wasn't sticking to the ground that you could tell. It was freezing, so you added wood to the fire, making sure it stayed warm. You wanted to let Aaron sleep as long as possible, because the two of you had a lot planned for the day. You were setting up the nursery to your liking, and hoping it didn't cause an unwanted argument. A baby was a sensitive topic, but you were hopeful that things would work out fine this time around.
You made breakfast, wanting to surprise him for when he did wake up. By the time he was stirring, you were finishing up his omelette, pouring him a cup of coffee.
"Good morning, sugar."
"Good morning, baby. I made you breakfast," he sat down at the bar, his hair a mess on his head. For a moment, he just stared at you across the bar, a serene smile resting on his face.
"I love it when you make me breakfast."
You sat down and joined him, drinking your coffee while he ate. You were eager to start painting, to make your vision come alive for your future baby. You couldn't help but wonder how he'd look at you when you were pregnant, with a baby bump and a radiant glow.
"We're still working on the nursery today, right?" He was just as ready as you were, making sure that plans were still the same.
"That's the plan."
Half an hour later, you were rearranging furniture so you could paint the walls and Aaron was taping off the ceiling. He started on one side and you began on the other, working tirelessly until you'd met in the middle. You did a second coat and half of the day had managed to fly by, so you took a break for lunch.
"I think the gray is a good gender neutral color. We can do an accent wall later if you want, but I think it's perfect the way it is," he put his hands on his hips and admired your handiwork, taking a step back so he could look over the entire room. He was absolutely tickled that it had turned out the way you wanted, and you were happy that despite your struggles, you still got it done. The room had felt like an unbearable weight on your shoulders, and you hadn't wanted to step foot inside. Now, you weren't so easily scared, even though the crib in the corner haunted you occasionally. You were hopeful that eventually, you'd end up having a little mixture of the two of you running around.
"I like it too. I think we did a really good job," you hugged his waist, met with his hand gripping you back firmly at your side. He leaned down to kiss you, his hands moving to your waist.
"Thank you for doing this with me. I know being in here is hard for you."
You froze because you hadn't realized it was so obvious, your disdain for being in the nursery.
"Why do you say that?"
He hugged you tightly because he understood. He knew what kept you out of that room and why, because he felt it too.
"Because it still bothers me, so I can only imagine what it does for you, sugar. I know it isn't easy. I know how badly you want to be a mother. One way or another, I'm going to make that happen for you. I promise."
You didn't want to let him go. You were filled with emotion, with gratitude that he appreciated you enough to tell you that he felt your pain. He'd hurt you but he was also trying to heal you, piece by piece. You'd give him the chance because you loved him too much to let him go again.
"I love you Aaron. It is hard but mostly it just makes me feel like a disappointment. I know how much you want to be a dad and I just wish I could give you that."
He shook his head, cradling you in his arms.
"You're not a disappointment. It's nothing you're doing wrong, baby. We can keep trying and if it doesn't work, we'll go from there. We didn't try long last time," he reminded you again, and he was right. You'd only given it about a month of trying beforehand and you'd been unsuccessful. The plus side was, you had all the time in the world to try now that you were back together, and you hoped he wouldn't give up on you.
"You're right. I just get so scared. I don't want it to come between us," your voice quivered as you let your biggest fear be known. Losing him would be hard enough, but him leaving over a baby would destroy you inside.
"I swear it won't. We tackle this together, no matter what."
His confidence was unwavering as he led you to the kitchen to make dinner. The two of you decided to cook together per his request. It had been a long time since you'd done it, and it used to be a daily thing. You washed your hands and set to work chopping veggies while he worked at the stove. You shuffled your music and let it play on the counter, swaying lightly to the beat as you worked.
"The weather is supposed to clear up in the next couple of days. I can't wait to bring my stuff up," he was excited to move back in, and you were too, the transition would be a lot easier with both of you making the leap at once.
"You're sure about moving back in together?" You didn't want to seem doubtful but he'd been sure once before and changed his mind just as quickly. You were terrified of losing him again, because you were already making memories and promises to one another that you needed to be kept, for your sanity's sake.
"I've never been more certain. I understand why you asked though. I don't have a very good track record of keeping my word."
That hadn't always been true; he'd only disappointed you once, but it was enough to break the seal of trust that had been established. You were finding it again, but to regain it fully would take time.
"I'm just afraid of getting my hopes up and being alone again."
He turned around long enough to give you a sympathetic look before he was wrapping his arms around you from behind, kissing the top of your head.
"I'm sorry I hurt you so badly sugar. I hope you know how much I regret it. I don't want to do that to you again. I know it'll take a lot more than saying it for you to believe me, but I'm going to show you that I can be the person you deserve."
He'd always been someone to be desired; you were surprised that more women weren't calling his phone rather than just Beth. He was charming, astoundingly handsome, and his determination was something to be admired. You had been crazy about him from the very first night, and you knew deep down you always would be.
"I really want this to work. You have no idea how much I hated the thought of selling this place. We had our whole future planned out here."
He was back at the stove but dinner was almost finished. He was making two plates so you sat at the bar and waited on him.
"We're already off to a great start. This place looks brand new and you have the kitchen you always wanted."
It was slowly turning into your dream home, little by little. You knew by the time you finished, it would be the perfect place to settle down, despite its history. You were putting that behind you to move forward, more concerned with what the future now looked like than the idea of it before. You were different people now, more mature and ready in a lot of ways that you weren't prepared for the first time.
"There's only the bedroom left to do," you were hoping to start on it tomorrow if he was up for it, because it would take the longest to do.
"And when spring time gets here, you can plant all the flowers you want, just like you were going to before." He stood up to pour you both a glass of wine, before leading you to the couch. He added wood to the fire and you got warm, the sleet outside stopping altogether, but bringing in a slight chill through the night. After tomorrow, you'd be able to drive and the real fun would begin.
"I have really high hopes for this place. Remember to ask Derek about an office addition," you reminded him, your own ideas coming to life as you imagined the potential the house held.
"I can see the gears turning in your head. What's on your mind?"
You couldn't help but blurt out the first thing you'd thought of.
"A playroom. With a big chalkboard wall and a rocking horse, downstairs," he put his arm around you before he finished the remainder of his wine, pouring another glass from the bottle on the table.
"I suppose a play room would be essential given the lack of living room space. Would you be willing to stay home with the baby? I wouldn't want you working, it would be a lot of stress on you."
It was the first conversation you'd had about what would happen to your career if you had a baby. You didn't mind giving it up; it was a more than fair trade in your opinion.
"I wouldn't mind staying home. Imagine how smart our baby would be if I could spend all of my time with them," you couldn't help but think about spending your days toddling around outside exploring with a rambunctious kiddo, constantly on your toes.
"I think you were made for it. You'd be such a great mother," hearing him say it out loud only made you want it more. You knew he'd be a terrific parent, you had no doubts. The two of you together would be an unstoppable pair, completely devoted to your child.
"We're going to be great parents. We just have to give it a little time."
"I'm serious, you should quit it. Let me give you a baby," you were laying in his bed, tossing around the idea of pregnancy, if it appealed to you or not. You'd been together over a year now, more than comfortable with each other. You'd talked about a baby often lately, and you couldn't help but think about what a joy motherhood would be.
"If you're sure, I'll quit," you decided, giving him plenty of space to change his mind if he wanted. You didn't want to move forward unless he was absolutely certain, because a baby was a big step. You'd just recently started living together in his apartment, but you were toying with the idea of a bigger place in the very near future.
"I've been reading about the side effects. You've been on it a long time, yeah?"
You'd been on the pill since high school to help with acne and breakouts, regulating your period, that sort of thing, and it wasn't a big deal if you missed one. When you met Aaron, all of that changed because once you started having sex, it was crucial that you remembered it. You hadn't had a scare yet thankfully, but now he was suggesting actively trying, quitting altogether.
"Almost ten years. I should probably apologize in advance for how moody I'll be," you giggled, knowing that you'd probably cycle through every mood possible until you were adjusted.
"Should I take off work for a couple of days while you're getting used to it? I will," he assured you, but you shook your head. You didn't want him missing work for cramps and a couple crying episodes.
"I'll be okay. You don't have to miss work over it," you promised him, but that night, he left for seven days after convincing you to quit taking it, and by the day he finally did arrive, you were miserable, missing him terribly. He'd been so busy he hadn't called in two days, and he wouldn't until there was a break in the case. He was too focused, his mind trained at work knowing you were safe at home. You wore one of his t-shirts, laying in bed with a heating pad on your stomach. You were cramping like crazy, and the heating pad was the only thing that seemed to help. You were watching one of your favorite movies when the phone rang, and his name flashed across the screen.
"Miss me yet?"
"I've been wondering where you were," you were happy to hear from him, even if it was only for a short bit. He never called for long when he was on a case.
"I'm leaving the airstrip now. I'll be home in half an hour," you immediately perked up, sitting up in bed despite the sharp pain in your stomach.
"I can't wait to see you," you breathed, although it sounded strained, and he took notice of it.
"What's wrong, baby? You sound hurt," you heard the slamming of his car door and his engine roar to life, so you briefly explained what was happening, and what you were doing to fix it.
"I'll be home soon. Don't move a muscle until I get there," he sounded serious so you stayed out, only moving to get more comfortable. You were only in your underwear and his t-shirt which was pretty normal at any given time of the day. He loved it when you wore his clothes, especially if that's all you were wearing.
By the time he arrived, he was slamming the door and coming straight down the hall, sitting on the bed next to you so he could hug you. He held you right, careful not to hurt your stomach, a soothing hand rubbing your back.
"What can I do, baby? Tell me how I can help," he was already shedding his coat and tie so he could get comfortable, letting his pants and belt clatter to the floor. He swiftly unbuttoned his shirt and crawled into bed with you, letting you lean against him.
"Just hold me. I missed you so much," you couldn't help the sudden surge in emotion now that he was back in your grasp. The tears came unexpectedly, falling from your skin to his, making his tilt your face upward.
"Oh, baby, don't cry. I'm here now," you couldn't explain to him that the tears were because you were so happy to see him, you'd been alone for a week and your hormones were raging up a storm.
"Just happy you're here. I am an emotional wreck," you warned him, and he only cuddled into you more, making sure your heating pad was placed in the middle of your stomach.
"Would a bath help? We can go take one together," he'd been more keen on the idea of baths after you convinced him the first time. It was become a weekly occurrence, usually when he was just back home from a case. He didn't want to admit it, but soaking in the tub was just as soothing for him as it was you.
"Mhm. Let's go," you let him lead you to the bathroom and as he ran the water, you started to undress, stopping halfway when he came to help you. He lifted your shirt over your head and helped you step out of your panties before he had you climb in. You sat to one side, waiting for him to get in after you, and then you sat between his legs, leaned against him. You'd do that under the water turned cool and the both of you started to prune up.
"Feel better already," you told him as the water filled up around you, encompassing you in warmth. Everything felt much more peaceful when Aaron was home; you were still hurting but nowhere near as badly as before, and your emotions were beginning to level out.
"I'm sorry I was gone so long, sugar. I know it's not easy. I'm thankful every time I come back home and you're still here." His fears were always centralized around losing you, coming home to find that it was too much for you, that you'd decided to go. You'd never walk out on him, though, despite his job making you lonely more often than not. You were excited to try for a baby because it meant always having someone else around, someone to spend your lonesome days with.
"You don't ever have to worry about that. I'll always be here, no matter how long you're gone." It was a bittersweet trade off, because when he was home, you had his undivided attention, but you were lucky to see him on the weekends, and sometimes you didn't even see him then. There were times he was gone for two weeks or more, and unless you heard from him, you just had to assume that he was okay, and that he'd call when he could. It was an exhausting game to play sometimes, especially when you wanted nothing more than to hear from him and it wouldn't happen for two or three days.
"I love you. You make me want something more than the BAU. You make me want something much slower," you weren't sure what he meant, but he was quick to explain.
"I've been thinking about stepping out of the field for a bit. If we're going to try for a baby, I'll need something more stationary."
You could feel the pounding of his chest, but his voice was unfaltering. He seemed to have his mind made up.
"What do you mean, Aaron? You love your job," you sat up so you could turn around and look at him, but he shook his head lightly, sighing heavily.
"But I love you more, and if we want to have a family, I need to be around." This was the first you'd heard about him slowing down, so you assumed he'd decided when he'd been gone for the week. It was a lot to deal with but you were handling it well.
"I'd never ask you to leave." That you were certain of, he'd been at it since long before you came around.
"You're not asking me. I'm telling you, as of today, I'm home for a while."
You raised an eyebrow at him as he explained he was taking his Annual Leave so the two of you could house hunt, and he'd be home for the next two weeks. After that, he wasn't so sure if he was returning to the BAU. He was indifferent, even though you urged him not to give up his career.
"So I have you to myself for two whole weeks?" You were thrilled that he was home for a bit, that he'd get to fall asleep and wake up with you. That was important to him, and it didn't happen as often as you'd like it to.
"Two weeks of doing whatever you want, but we're house hunting at some point. We need some place bigger," he suggested, telling you that you'd start looking the following day, when you weren't trying to relax.
"Still seems surreal to me that I have you," he murmured lightly, his nose brushing yours before your lips met. It was the kind of kiss you didn't get very often, tender but possessive, his tongue slipping past your teeth. Your hands cupped his face and just like that you were lost in one another, water sloshing in the tub as he situated you on his lap. You'd tried tub sex once before and nearly flooded the bathroom, so you knew not to attempt it again. You'd tease him until he couldn't take it anymore, and he had to drag you from the tub.
"Get used to it. You'll always have me."
It isn't anything that you've done. You've been the most supportive partner I could've asked for, but I can't ask you to take it anymore.
Taglist: @ssamorganhotchner @rousethemouse @wheelsupkels
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titanicfreija · 2 months
Something Else
Even before they got close, they could smell the death. The bodies strewn nearest the entrance clutched weapons and a few featured steaming green wounds. Not fresh but not old either.
"Our work?" asked Freija. "Looks like we've been here."
"I can't tell if it's us or Hive. It's really hard to tell," said Thomas. "It doesn't help that we take our enemies' weapons so often. There's definitely Hive magic here, but it could be relics or Thorn or Striga..." He shrugged.
"If it was the Hive, they'd still be here," Rex said.
"Then they've either gone or they've hidden their energy signatures," Sunny replied.
"Glimmer says the latter," Thomas agreed, checking his Perpetualis and adjusting his gloves.
Freija and Thomas ventured into the derelict Golden Age building, Ghosts over shoulders providing light. The lobby was empty except for puddles and dust and Eliksni corpses.
"I'm gonna guess you're more okay with genocide when it's Hive?" Thomas asked.
"In a cultural sense," Freija admitted. "Dunno about the species, but genocidal cultures get to die by the sword. Or gun. Whatever. It was your line, you know what I mean."
"It's another old one. Live by the sword, die by the sword," Thomas said. "I was being cynical at the time."
"I know. But Xivu is literally genocidal. There is no treaty to be had here. If-- when we get them down to the last thrall, it'll be trying to kill us just as hard as Xivu Arath herself, because all it wants is to kill. If this is where hunting to feed takes the Hive, they need a predator to keep them in check or they need to be wiped out."
"At least two entities in the universe believe that about us," Rex said snidely.
"I don't think they're wrong about us needing to kill, but we can kill each other just fine. If left to our own devices.... That's pretty much exactly what the Warlords did."
Rex didn't answer, but Thomas chuckled quietly. "He likes you."
"This looks a lot like hating you," Sunny said. "It means he'll actually hunt you down to be antagonistic."
"Oh. Then he's liked me for a while. Since the Imbaru Engine." Freija looked back at Thomas. "He all but stalked me any time I came back to the Tower, giving me shit about my names for the Hive symbols."
"Aww," teased Thomas. 
"If the Hive have been in here, they decided it wasn't worth nesting in," Freija said. "Looks like Guardian work."
"Corpse count is high. We're normally pretty bad about disintegrating everything."
"I don't see dead --ohhh."
The facility opened into a huge room of desks with screens, littered with Hive and Eliksni corpses. Mostly acolytes and dregs, with a couple of knights and Captains. A single wizard lay amongst them.
"If anyone survived, they fled," Thomas said. "Not that I blame them."
Sunny and Rex scanned the ruined computers while Thomas and Freija searched the room. Just corpses. Couple of ether tanks.
"There's another server room down the hall," Rex said. He and Thomas strode ahead while Freija watched his back.
Freija shot by reflex, immediately regretting it when she finally saw the dreg, but they didn't fall. They ran back into cover, glowing shield from its servitor saving it from the Guardian.
"Hey-- velaask?" Freija called.
Thomas watched the crack in the wall where they vanished into.
"I hate to kill a last survivor. Always feels dirty," Freija complained. "Why the fuck do they keep trying to fight?"
"Wouldn't you?"
"I'm immortal, that's different."
"If it was Hive?"
Freija's mouth twisted. "I wanna say I would be smarter than that but I'd be lying," she admitted. "So good point. Either way." She directed her external comm into the ruined wall. "Look, guy, we're here for data retrieval and nothing else. Not fighting. Get out. Illa tokal aaska."
Thomas turned back to his task, trusting her to handle this. "Your enunciation has gotten a lot better. You getting practice?"
"A little."
She deliberately moved past the gap so the alien could see her do it, went to a t-junction of the corridor, and pretended to ignore them. She watched her radar as they snuck through the wall and up the hall, away from them and toward the exit. She stuck her head into the room to check for others, finding nothing threatening.
Thomas banged around in the closed room and Freija did her best to keep still as he swore at the terminal and a chair he kicked, and the soft crackle of electricity immediately followed by a hiss of pain.
Sunny ventured in and Rex hovered out, refusing to look at any of them. Freija could hear the low hum of electric device working for the first time in centuries.
After a few minutes of silence, she called in. "Anything?"
"My name," Thomas said. "And an employment history. Apparently I did tech work. My name was-- You're kidding."
"Ambros Zaunbrecher."
"What, like ambrosia? Or amber?"
"It translates to immortal. Roughly. Zaunbrecher means 'fence-breaker'."
Freija didn't make a sound, to the extent that Thomas wondered if she muted or changed channels.
"When we figure out time travel, I'm going to ask my original parents why," he promised himself. "I was cursed from the first life," he added under his breath. "Let me find out my middle name was wizard or something.... No. Schreiber. I think that might be worse. Cursed, cursed, cursed. And I'm a second! There's no way the other guy with this name is still dead! Suddenly I understand your feelings, Freija, calling him my father felt weird."
"Right? Even after Crow pointed out that dead family is still family. Got anything else?"
"Not much. I was with a Braytech subsidiary, doing network maintenance, according to this. Nearly ten years. Clean disciplinary file except one time listed as "insubordination" with no details, that sounds fun. Termination date 30-6-2471. Less than a year after that write-up."
"Sounds like you found the good dirt," Freija chuckled.
"With the name, I can find lots of other things, but not here. I won't have data in the Tower like you did, but first name and last name is fantastic. Secondary education was Heinmann Polytech, they're gonna have more details. Can maybe look up some news stories if I can find a good catalogue...."
"I could make a hobby of this," sighed Sunny happily.
"Did we want to make sure the Hive are cleared out?" Freija asked.
"What happened to sparing the last survivor?" Thomas teased.
"Shut up, I know it's a double standard, but Eliksni run and Hive don't," she grumbled. "I'll be right back."
When Freija came back out, covered in ashes and carrying a lump of cloth, she found Thomas holding a glaive at the servitor's eye while it and the dreg dangled helplessly, tangled in green threads.
"I spared them for your sake," he told Freija. "But it shot first."
"I found why," Freija said, shifting the bundle. Thomas sucked a breath when he saw that the hatchling was dead.
The Eliksni struggled in its bonds with a harsh squawk and loud chittering. The servitor groaned as it tried to get an eye on them, fighting hard and losing.
"Tell me you didn't," he breathed. "And you brought it back up here?"
Freija shook her head solemnly and wrapped the bundle, securing the cloth. "I didn't. They wouldn't have gone if it was alive when we got here. They were guarding the body. They were trying to keep us away from it. Let them down." Thomas backed off and let the hold fall away. Instantly, the servitor shielded the Eliksni, which charged at Freija with two knives. She knocked one knife away and curled a shoulder as if protecting the hatchling. The Eliksni stopped short, stumbling back, second knife falling wayside.
Freija waited to make sure the attack stopped, and she held the bundle out. The Eliksni crept up cautiously and took it at the length of their reach. They brought the bundle to their chest, clutching it with their lower stumps and one upper arm. The other slowly moved across their torso to stop near the other shoulder, and they offered the subtlest of nods. Freija nodded in return and said, "Illa tokal aaska," again. "Sunny, can you give the servitor coordinates?"
"I... think so?"
"Can you send them to a waypoint and contact Three?"
Thomas almost cried out in surprise. "Three? You call up Three? Ever? Don't you guys hate each other?"
"Mutual distaste, but we agree on some stuff, including that the Eliksni need help, not war." Freija stepped away from the Eliksni, holding her hands clear of her weapons. Both Eliksni and servitor stepped backward, refusing to look away from the Guardians until they backed around the building's lobby door, out of sight.
Thomas watched Freija for several long moments, then sighed and shook his head. "I'll hear about this in the city later," he declared incredulously. "I'll go to the Eliksni quarter and I'm going to hear about this Guardian that found the sole survivor of a Hive attack and sent her a ride to the Tower with her dead hatchling for proper funeral rites. And you make this look easy, like it's easy to just peacemake, like she didn't try to kill both of us twice. You know fifteen words in their entire language and at least two of them are swears, and you--" he shook his head and turned away with a heavy breath. "You are something else."
"The Eliksni don't want to fight," Freija said with a shrug. "Most, anyway. Some of them are angry at us for stealing the Traveler, still, and some of them are angry because of what we've done to them and theirs, but fuckloads, even the raiders and warriors, would rather just fucking not. I can't do it in big groups or anything, laying down arms in front of an army is a great way to die, but one on one, one on a few, they  know I'm the biggest threat in the area, and if I stop, they don't wanna start."
Thomas nodded slowly and fixed his Perpetualis under his arm. "Something else," he repeated.
The Database
Something Else
Campfire Stories
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system-society · 9 months
(cw for fusion talk) hey, i dunno if this is the place for this sort of question, but we have an issue with one of our headmates. they're a previous host who wasn't suited to the role, kinda shoved into it during a bad period of time, and during that time they lost connection to the rest of the system and essentially became a singlet for a little bit before rediscovering the system; that was a long time ago at this point, but one issue that they kept having was feeling like they were taking fronting time away from everyone else, since it was just them alone most of the time while we were still trying to repair our switching and communication functions. after a while we got more people into our fronting rotation and eventually they stepped down as host and stopped fronting super frequently. but they still, even as recent as yesterday, feel guilty for fronting literally ever because they feel like they're taking time away from everyone else. they didn't realise that they haven't fronted in over a month and yet still left front very quickly because of the guilt.
this has led to,, we think they're starting to fuse into the rest of the system? which is absolutely terrifying to us- the feeling of fully losing a headmate in the system, where they're gone and cannot be reached again, freaks us the hell out. other headmates, some who have been around unchanged for a while, are suddenly and randomly picking up traits that they didn't have before, ones that were very distinct to this headmate. when they front they're much less distinct, they're losing a lot of the grip they had over a lot of the system functions that are typically easy for us. one way we differentiate between people in-sys is their relationships and emotions about other people in the sys, and any relationship "threads" that might still be connected on one end are just blank on theirs. as if the information that was there is just Gone- there is just zero emotion on their end and it's very disorientating. which is further contributing to their guilt as it leads to them just not having any motivation to interact with anyone else in the sys, even people they were very deeply in love with, and they feel like they've ruined all their relationships with this self-destructive spiral.
usually we try to solve this stuff internally as we're pretty good at solving things like this, but it's been months and we don't really know what to do. we noticed this process happening back in may, and thought if we focused enough on it we'd be able to fix it, but it hasn't stopped. it's been a very gradual process- that feels normal for this headmate, it took over six months for them to form initially- but the gaps between them showing up in front are getting longer and the space they occupy in headspace is feeling emptier by the day.
we don't want to lose this headmate, as a huge amount of us care about them very deeply. but also losing this headmate might damage our functions a lot. they were one of the absolute best at managing and navigating the system, taking on the role of archivist after host. we have other archivists, but this headmate's connections to so many others made it a lot easier for them to have access to almost the whole system, which is something we struggle with as a very large system with a ton of barriers between sidesystems. we're already sort of struggling to keep our current fronting group together, as they were sort of the "glue" that kept all our mostly-disconnected groups together.
sorry if this is a lot. we're just very worried, and we don't know why this is happening or what we can do about it.
Hey there anon, I totally get your worry and concern. My best advice? Take a deep breath, and try to hold on to them best you can. Find ways to ground them in the inner and outerworld. Sometimes, there’s not much you can do against the brain, so plan contingencies, okay? But best of luck to you.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Hmm I'd say that they revere their father enough for them to qualify as religious. Like, if god was real would religious people still count as religious? Or would the existence of God be shelved alongside scientific knowledge rather than religion and faith?
I always envisioned thk seeing pk as beyond them, despite being a god themselves, as a way to push away any doubts they had. Then they meet the radiance and she is blinding, seeing her as a twisted version of their father's soft pale light. But by the time their body begins to decay and their world sense making it clear that their father is gone they can't help but acknowledge that she is so much more than they could be, and gain some sort of reverence for her as a form of sick comfort.
I dunno it's mostly me projecting but I find the concept of a godling having religious trauma interesting
I don't believe hollow sees themselves as much of anything. They're a god yes, but that's just so they serve their function better. They're a tool, a deadly tool, one far above the common bug, but a tool nonetheless, nothing like the full fledged god that is the pale king.
Basically thk may be bug Jesus but they see themselves as bug Adam (if that).
Okay I don't get what the difference is between Jesus and Adam at all (not Christian), but I think that I can kind of see what you're getting at here. I think the main difference is simply that I view the gods as being a separate class of entities, one that can view each other as individuals to be challenged vs how a mortal might view a god- as something untouchable and far beyond what they could ever imagine. For example, the way I characterize Hollow's view of the Pale King is that he is everything that they are not, while also being their father and creator, while the Radiance is an enemy and a threat to their kingdom that they must destroy. To a mortal being, trying to fight the Radiance would be like trying to fight the sun, but Hollow is not a bug- they are night itself, and they know it. Because of this power difference, the Pale King and the Radiance's abuse of them is far more personal. PK is closer to someone who you look up to with blinders on to their faults, while the Radiance is just straight-up a physical, emotional, and mental abuser. The main difference is that PK and Radi have a huge age and experience gap over Hollow, which is why their touch was so devastating to them. I also think that Hollow was aware that their father was flawed, but much like PK shoved away any doubts that his child was pure until it was far too late, Hollow did the same for PK. Emotional suppression runs in the family, after all
I think our characterizations of Hollow differ as well- my interpretation of Hollow is that by the time they are sealed, they are a full-fledged Higher Being with the instincts and power that comes with it. They don't view themselves as a god that holds territory and authority over a sect of mortals, but they do know what they are and hold that same sort of aggressively protective instinct over the people of Hallownest. And while I don't think that PK ever made their nature clear to the civilians, I do think that he subtly encouraged them to view Hollow in a near religious light with the addition of the memorial fountain, which empowered them and gave them more strength to fight the Radiance. Hollow doesn't lean into this role because they don't believe that they really deserve it, but they know that they are a god, and view this as being a necessary part of their creation and role as the Pure Vessel; they need to be a Higher Being in order to kill the Radiance. In this way, PK sort of reared them up into a position of divine power that was subservient to him, yet in an odd sense of the word, they were both gods of Hallownest. PK was the elder who held control over the populace, but Hollow was the hound in the shadows who was supposed to keep them all safe. And while Hollow did their best to remain thoughtless, they automatically leaned into that role on instinct, and it was part of what made them so determined to remain pure.
I also characterize them as not having any sort of reverence for the Radiance, because being a god means they are hardwired to view her as a threat to be usurped and destroyed. The emotions they have for her- not that they would ever admit it- are a potent mix of fear, awe, and genuine hatred, as well as an overwhelming instinctual urge to destroy her and take her place as ruler of her realm. This instinct gets beaten out of them quite quickly once they realize that she thoroughly outmatches them- there's an age difference of roughly 13,000 years here in my headcanons, which means that even though Hollow is hardwired as a young god to kill and usurp their elders, Radi is WAYYY too strong a challenger for them to do so when alone- but the hatred and fear lingers, and is strengthened the more she tortures them. She hates them, hates them for their element, who they are, and what they represent, and while years with her rot them from the inside out, they never stop trying to kill her in turn. The way they were originally taught doesn't work, but that cutscene where they tear her face open and stare her down while she's being ripped apart makes me think that they were always internally raring to go at her in a less passive manner. They were born and raised to kill her- at that point, after so many years of suffering, how that is done doesn't matter. They just need to have a hand in her death and her pain in order to be able to rest.
That doesn't mean that the concept of Hollow with religious trauma isn't interesting! But I'm really the wrong person to go to for it. I am not religious at all and most of my trauma with religion comes from Christian culture and xenophobia being pushed on me from an external source, not from the actual iteration of Islam that I was raised with. So I tend to look at the gods from more of a biological standpoint rather than a purely religious one, which makes me ill-suited to write the Hollow Knight with any religious trauma at all. Most of how I write them is a mix of inspiration from Bloodborne and my own draconic worldbuilding after all, so I'm not the best person to reference here, though I would love to read about it all the same!
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chidoroki · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion EP5
aka: many questions, no answers
“If you’re gonna play here, you better speak when spoken to.” “Hi.” Pfft, can’t get anymore bare minimum than that reply.
Oof, what a quick punch! & Y’all can’t get angry at Maru for punching when you started the drama in the first place.
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that isn’t an actual tooth he pulled from his mouth? like it could be since he took a kick to the face but it doesn’t really look like one either.. despite the clear gap in his smile now.
A little late the party Kiruko, but a swift kick nonetheless.
“It’ll grow back.” “It won’t grow back. It’s an adult tooth!” Thank you for saying so, but it still looked weird, unless Maru has a weird body like those kids in the institute? I dunno.
Or maybe not. He was born somewhere else apparently and during the year of the great disaster. Whatever that is.
How would this Mikura lady know how to kill Hiruko with that odd touch thing Maru has?
I keep thinking Kiruko’s va sounds familiar but I literally don’t know her from anywhere else.
“So, if Mikura taught you everything, does that mean she has the Maru-touch too?” “No, she said only I could do it. And that’s why I need to go to Heaven.” That’s what I was wondering! But then how did she even know how it works or that he had it in the first place?
“There’s a group abducting people with the right skills and expertise to get civilization back to how it was.” Is this Ministry of Reconstruction place the same facility those kids are in? Regardless, Robin knew of it?
Poor Kiruko almost had a heart attack when Maru wasn’t home only to be found over in the next room..
Oh my, that’s certainly one way to ruin the hug.
Ah come on, don’t mention the possibility of past and future timelines, I’m gonna get so confused if that’s the case.
I knew one of the adults was gonna notice that footprint Tokio left on the wall.
What do you mean that sick and frail child Tarao could once lift up a whole ass boulder??
Speaking of the boy, r.i.p. But “Ten'ei 17” is the year they’re in?
Nothing says good morning like attending a funeral before breakfast. But do they have this huge institution for only 23 kids? That’s all?
Yo what the hell? I dunno who this Asura kid was but they sure as hell didn’t die from the same disease if Kona saw them literally hanging from the ceiling whoever ago.
Mmmhm, so that was a suicide. Thanks for clearing that up. Thought it was a punishment for trying to escape at first.
And that was five years ago.. if their time works the same as ours does.
“If an illness developed within a body built with immunity to everything, then it’s possible that all the children could fall ill.” So are you like.. genetically making these kids or what?
“The Day of Fate is the only thing that can’t be changed. Until then, figure out what it is and how to cure it!” Whenever I think I have an idea what’s going on with this show they just keep adding more elements to get me lost. Last week I was feeling okay and now I have many unanswered questions.
Immortal Order? And a doctor that supposedly keeps you alive forever?
“If you transplant part of a monster onto a human, they become extremely powerful and have immortal life.” Ah hell.
Sooo Tarao was cremated but some weird looking thing was left behind? And it definitely doesn’t look human.
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birindale · 1 year
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Journey to Mizar [2/2]
After saving a winged woman who fell from the sky, She-Ra must journey to the kingdom of Mizar to liberate its people from Catra’s siege. Following an assault by a flock of catbirds, Angella flies on ahead with Swift Wind, leaving Adora to find her own way.
[Part 1]
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: 7 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “Journey to Mizar”.
Page 1:
"How COULD you let yourself go so?” Adora demands, pointing sternly at the poor dragon. “But I can change all that if you are prepared to give ME something in return!"
"Will you trade the Map of Lights for a little BEAUTY MAGIC!" says Adora, with a sly little smirk.
"Well, I dunno..." says the dragon, blowing a smoke ring.
“I suppose I'll never use the old thing anyway! Can't make hide nor hair of it anyway!” says the dragon, passing Adora the Map of Lights.
"Yes! Yes! Keep it!" says the dragon, passing a thick red folder to Adora.
"Now make me bee-ohh-tee-ful!" she continues, batting exaggerated eyelashes like a green version of Dragon from Shrek.
Adora snaps her fingers, with "SNAP" and "POOF!" sound effects.
A huge, legless lepidopteran with a noseless human face materializes, evidently the result of Adora's beautification magic 'fixing' the dragon. "That's one LESS dreadful dragoness to deal with!" says Adora.
"Now for a look at this map and on to Mizar!" she says, tugging a piece of paper loose from the envelope.
End Page 1.
Page 2:
"According to the Map of Lights, my journey to Mizar must begin from this very spot! Why, LOOK! A water raft!" says Adora. A vivid orange canoe just so happens to be floating before her, carved to resemble a bird of prey. Ornamental wings sweep along its hulls, like a boat designed by someone who knows OF strakes, but not what they're for.
She gets in the boat, silhouetted as it drifts down a stream.
"C-c-caw! Caw! You shall not escape us this time, She-Ra! The Map of Lights is as good as ours!" says a catbird, as the flock descends once more upon her. "You shall be TRAPPED in the dark forest!" says another.
"OH NO YOU DON'T! How about a little hot foot, barbarian bird?!!!" yells She-Ra, clinging to the folder containing the map as a catbird clutches it with all four paws.
"Ahhhh! My feet! They're BURNING!" yells the catbird, three-fingered talons releasing the map in a cloud of sparkles. She-Ra clings gamely on.
"THE CRASHING ROCKS!" says She-Ra, attention returning to the water.
"No time to waste... must ride these rapids!" she says, pulling out the Sword of Protection and using it as an oar. The prow of the canoe, carved into a raptor, glowers forward.
"And hope to make it safely through in time!" says She-Ra, steering deftly through a gap in the rocks.
The catbirds careen into the cliff face, with huge "OOMPH!" and "WAUGHH!" sound effects.
End Page 2.
Page 3:
A yellow text box reads, "As her band of evil thugs attacks Mizar, Catra watches She-Ra's every move..."
"SO... you escaped my birds of prey! Well, She-Ra, I'm not through with you yet! Try THISSSSS!" says Catra, watching She-Ra through a crystal ball. A mountain rises in the background, wreathed in clouds and winged creatures, surrounded by water at its base.
"SSSSSSSSSSSS" says the water in Catra's crystal ball.
Three sea monsters rise out of the water around She-Ra's canoe, dripping menacingly.
"I'm tired of all this toil and trouble! I cast a spell... sea foam and bubble! Swallow up these fearful beasts! Make of them a scrumptious feast!" says She-Ra, lifting the Sword of Protection to the sky. "They'll make a tasty monster stew! I must be gone... there's much to do!" She then thinks to herself, "Hmmm ... that's not bad, even if I do say so myself!" which is both blatantly false and very unnecessary given that there's no dialogue in two panels in either direction.
A "ROARR!" sound effect heralds a huge wave, which swallows the sea serpents and sweeps She-Ra towards the shore.
"LAND HO!" says She-Ra.
End Page 3.
Page 4:
"Enough of this meddlesome maiden!" says Catra, holding her mask and scowling as She-Ra paddles the canoe onto the beach with her sword.
"She sets one foot on this shore, and she is DOOMED!" says Catra, putting on her mask and transforming into... a little kitty cat! 
Like just a regular sized house cat. No armor or anything.
Adora (as she’s Adora again) beams up at Mizar, the folder containing the Map of Lights in one hand and her magic net in the other.
Mizar looms overhead, tall and purple and majestic.
"Purrr-fect! The Map of Lights is MINE!" says kitty-Catra, snatching the map from Adora's grasp, apparently possessing a four foot vertical leap, "AS MIZAR WILL BE!"
She transforms back into her human form, which raises the question of 'why become a house cat in the first place', and says "Even as we speak, the final seige begins!"
"She-Ra! You are too late! Hisssss!" says Catra, so I guess she knows Adora's identity. "I think not, cruel Catra! It's not over yet!" says Adora, "Swift Wind and I will see to that!"
Adora sticks her middle and index fingers into her mouth, which definitely isn't how you're supposed to whistle but I'm sure it's useful for, you know, other stuff, with a sound effect reading "TWEEEET!"
Swift Wind, still transformed, wheels overhead.
End Page 4.
Page 5:
Swift Wind lands in front of his rider, while Catra stands two feet away, not attacking. "To Mizar... and HURRY!" says She-Ra, as Swift Wind swoops away with her on his back. "CURSES! Foiled again! But mark my words, you... you TROUBLEMAKER!" says Catra, shaking her fist after them, "We shall meet again!"
A yellow text box reads, “At Mizar...” and we see our heroes fly next to its steep cliffs. "Perhaps the Seer's mysterious net will stop these vile villains in their tracks!" says She-Ra.
Cat creatures, humanoid with feline heads and long claws, are scaling the face of the cliffs.
"If it works, I have a plan to lay the evil beasts to rest... once and for all!" says She-Ra, casting the net over the nearest cat-people.
"WHOA! What's this? Stuff's tough as rubber..." says one of the cat-people, evidently fully sapient, if on Catra's side.
"CAN'T BREAK FREE..." yowls a second, as Angella and several other winged women look on from the walls of the city above.
End Page 5.
Page 6:
"On the great powers of Etheria I now do call... to turn these vile beasts into a fortress WALL!" says She-Ra.
She lifts her sword, casting a beam of magic on the living, speaking cat-people, who are at this point only guilty of trespassing kind of near the city.
"Their powerful evil ends with this charm... turned to stone, they will protect Mizar from HARM!" says She-Ra, literally turning them into stone. Their terrified faces and cowering, net-covered bodies barely stick out of the mountain, and honestly probably wouldn't do much to deter someone who's already climbed 90% of the way up. But cool spell I guess.
"Hoorah! She-Ra... it WORKED!" says Swift Wind, swooping around their petrified corpses victoriously.
"Kind SHE-RA! Noble SWIFT WIND! You have saved my people and our fair city from harm!" says Angella, approaching them as they land. Several winged figures lurk in the background, beaming. "We owe you many MORE thanks than we can ever repay!"
"Please stay and be out guests!" says Angella, "The key to our city...” She holds out her arms, wide and welcoming, “And our hearts.. is YOURS!"
"We most gratefully accept the key to Mizar!" says Adora, stroking Swift Wind's muzzle, "but I am afraid we cannot stay!"
In red text, she adds, "Angella, remember this moral. A friend in need is one indeed and we are happy to have served you!"
"Catra does not DARE return to harm you!" says Adora, allowing Angella to clasp her her hands gratefully. "The spell I cast will see to that! But there are others in Etheria who will need our help! We must take and hold your friendship in our hearts till we meet again!"
"Good bye! Farewell!" says Angella, waving after them as they fly away. "Good bye, dear friends!" says Adora, waving back as Swift Wind takes to the sky.
End Page 6.
End ID]
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