doomboy911 · 1 month
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Demigod (Eltab)
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Creature Codex Art Challenge
So I had much bigger britches planned for other gods and then car troubles got in the way. I call it having the genuine artist experience. Not much to say outside of trying to study muscles on a figure who's only in action poses. I worked on my line work colors (since I prefer it to solid black) and I think the difference really shows.
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Palette Picked
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Demon Lord, Eltab
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Image © Paizo Publishing, by Andrew Hou. Accessed at the artist’s deviantArt here
[Commissioned by @tar-baphon​. This is the single longest monster entry on the Codex. This is because it has full listings for three types of fiendish boons, plus an artifact, plus a demigod level creature. And it could have been much longer. Eltab is a demon lord from the Forgotten Realms with a frankly ludicrous amount of backstory, involving such setting highlights as the Witches of Rashemen, the Red Wizards of Thay, the gods of Mulhorand, and a group of real world Russians. The commissioner paid for three additional entries around Eltab and his cult. So I have decidedly pared down the backstory here, but still think it’s pretty intensive. It’s also kind of redundant with the Worldwould--both Eltab and Deskari seek to bring the Abyss into the fabric of the planet. If you’re using Eltab’s demoncysts in a game, I would advise not using Golarion as your planet, or at least put him on a different continent from Avistan.
Also, as an aside. The carnivorous plant angle is new-ish to this interpretation. Champions of Ruin, the book with the most detail about Eltab, makes a lot of hay about his Abyssal realm being filled with carnivorous plants, and the art makes his horns look somewhat like branches. I went with it in order to keep myself entertained, and avoid yet another Death/Trickery combination of domains]
Demon Lord, Eltab CR 29 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This hulking humanoid has skin like bark studded with thorns, particularly along his neck and shoulders. He has hooves for feet and a pair of irregularly branching, antler-like horns. Although bindings of metal and leather surround his wrists and jaw, he appears unencumbered by such fetters.
Eltab Lord of the Hidden Layer, the Chained Beast Concerns carnivorous plants, patience and terror Domains Chaos, Death, Evil, Plant Subdomains Demon, Fear, Murder, Thorns Worshipers evil druids, the vengeful, witches Minions glabrezu, fiendish carnivorous plants, succubi Unholy Symbol A chain stretched between the tines of two antlers Favored Weapon greatsword Obedience feed something or someone to a carnivorous plant, and watch the process of ingestion and digestion for 1 hour. During this time, meditate on those that have wronged you. Gain a +4 profane bonus to saves against the extraordinary and supernatural abilities of creatures of the plant type. Boons for Eltab’s obedience are below the cut.
Eltab, Lord of the Hidden Layer, is something of an anomaly among demon lords, in that he does not live in the Abyss. He was called to the Material Plane in a mythic feat of conjuring more than fifteen centuries ago, and after he broke free of this control, decided to remain. Part of this choice was pragmatic, as the spells binding him could only be broken by sundering the Adamantine Binding, a mythic item that can only be sundered by a particular good aligned artifact. Part of this is out of peace—the many enemies Eltab faces on the Material Plane are easier for him to deal with than rival demon lords. And part of this is out of ambition; Eltab seeks to merge his layer with the Material World he is trapped on, eventually sucking the entire planet into the Abyss. He maintains his connections to his original layer through his seneschal, the balor lord Ndulu, who plots to somehow kill Eltab and take over his layer in total.
The key to Eltab’s plan are the demoncysts, self-contained patches of the Material Plane where the fabric of the Abyss has seeped in. Eltab has planted more than two dozens of these wicked seeds, which are slowly expanding in size, and their occupants in influence. The largest of these cysts is Eltab’s truest domain, the Hall of the Hidden Throne, where he was originally called to the Material in the first place. Eltab himself travels between his demoncysts regularly, stoking their growth, encouraging them to calve off, and stirring the demons and other Abyssal life within to glorious violence.
Eltab is a powerful combatant, but he doesn’t deign to face ordinary foes himself. These he leaves to his armies of minions—among demons, he is fondest of glabrezu and succubi, as they often share his gift of patience. Most enemies who reach him are sent scattering by his aura of fear, and those that stand firm are slain with a mere glare, charged with enormous amounts of negative energy. Anyone who survives these onslaughts is faced in melee, with Eltab wielding a huge greatsword, Stormsplitter, along with his natural weapons.
Moaning Crown of Ndulu Major Artifact Ndulu the balor lord sought to conquer Eltab’s layer for himself, and forged himself a crown using the essence of six dread wraith necromancers in order to signify his rule. When Ndulu visited the Material Plane to inform Eltab of his stake, Eltab beat him within an inch of his life, sundered his crown, and sent him back to the Abyss to serve as a puppet regent. Eltab kept the broken crown, which now sits in a silenced vault in the Hall of the Hidden Throne—Eltab only wears it on special occasions.
The Moaning Crown of Ndulu appears as a broken crown made of black smoke and distorted humanoid faces. It is incorporeal; both Eltab and Ndulu can manipulate it easily with their ghostly grasp ability, but other creatures need to wear ghost touch gauntlets or the like in order to manipulate it. Regardless, once affixed to the brow of a sapient creature, it will remain there on its own. Any creature that wears the Moaning Crown of Ndulu must succeed a DC 23 Fortitude save each round or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. Any creature slain by this Constitution drain becomes a free willed dread wraith in 1 round.
The Moaning Crown of Ndulu moans constantly, as the name suggests. This moaning causes intense despair, as the crushing despair spell, in any non-evil creature within 60 feet that can hear the crown as long as they remain in the area and for 1 minute thereafter (Will DC 23 negates). Evil creatures that can hear it are instead empowered, as per a bard’s inspire greatness, as long as they remain within 60 feet of the crown. An evil creature can only gain the bonus temporary hit points from this ability once per day. In addition, three times a day by command, the wearer of the Moaning Crown of Ndulu may use it to cast wail of the banshee (CL 21st, DC 23) Aura overwhelming necromancy; Weight –
Eltab       CR 29 XP 6,553,600 CE Large outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +10; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +48, tremorsense 60 ft., true seeing Aura fear (60 ft., Will DC 38) Defense AC 46, touch 19, flat-footed 36 (-1 size, +10 Dex, +27 natural) hp 752 (35d10+560); regeneration 20 (deific or mythic) Fort +26, Ref +31, Will +29 DR 20/cold iron, epic, and good; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, electricity, fear effects, energy drain, negative energy, petrification, poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 40 Defensive Abilities Abyssal resurrection, freedom of movement Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (good), burrow 30 ft. Melee Stormsplitter +54/+49/+44/+39 (2d8+27/17-20 plus 1d6 electricity), gore +47 (2d8+7) or 2 slams +49 (2d6+15), gore +49 (2d8+15) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks death glare Spell-like Abilities CL 29th, concentration +40 Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing At will—blasphemy (DC 28) (B), command plants (DC 25), detect good, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 23), greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. objects only), major curse (DC 26), suggestion (DC 24) (B), telekinesis (DC 26) (B) 3/day—control plants (DC 29), control undead (DC 28), mass suggestion (DC 27), empowered stormbolts (DC 29), summon demons or plants, quickened thorn body, quickened wall of thorns (B) 1/day—power word kill (B), shapechange, unholy aura (DC 29) (B) = Eltab can use the mythic version of this spell-like ability in his Abyssal domain Statistics Str 41, Dex 31, Con 41, Int 32, Wis 30, Cha 32 Base Atk +35; CMB +51 (+55 overrun); CMD 75 (77 vs. overrun) Feats Acrobatic, Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Empower SLA (stormbolts), Great Cleave, Greater Overrun, Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (thorn body, wall of thorns), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Toughness Skills Acrobatics +52, Bluff +49, Climb +50, Diplomacy +46, Escape Artist +45, Fly +54, Intimidate +49, Knowledge (arcana, history) +46, Knowledge (planes, religion) +49, Perception +48, Sense Motive +48, Spellcraft +46, Stealth +44, Swim +50, Use Magic Device +46 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan, Terran, speak with plants, telepathy 300 ft. SQ anchored, demon lord traits, ghostly grasp, item use Ecology Environment any land and underground Organization unique Treasure triple standard (Stormsplitter [Large +5 shocking burst greatsword], Moaning Crown of Ndulu, other treasure) Special Abilities Anchored (Ex) Eltab is anchored to the Prime Material Plane and cannot leave it, willingly or unwillingly. If subject to a banishment or other spell that would otherwise send him to his home plane, Eltab is transported to the Hall of the Hidden Throne and cannot leave it for 1 week. Aura of Fear (Su) All living creatures within 60 feet of Eltab must succeed a DC 38 Will save or be panicked for 35 rounds. On a successful save, the creature is shaken for 1 round. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to Eltab’s aura of fear for the next 24 hours. Demons are immune to this effect. This is a mind-influencing fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Death Glare (Su) As a swift action, Eltab may cast his gaze upon a single creature within 30 feet. That creature takes 290 points of negative energy damage (Fort DC 38 half). Eltab may only target a creature with his death glare once per day, but may use it at will. This is a death effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Ghostly Grasp (Su) Eltab’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon he wields, affect incorporeal creatures as if they were ghost touch weapons. Eltab adds half his natural armor bonus as a bonus to his AC against incorporeal touch attacks. Item Use (Ex) Eltab can use any spell completion or spell trigger item as if Eltab had that spell on his spell list. Summon Demons and Plants (Sp) When Eltab uses his summon demons ability, he may call plant monsters with the fiendish template instead of or in combination with demons.
Eltab’s Boons Exalted Boons 1. Servant of Thorns (Sp) thorn javelin 3/day, warp wood 2/day or command plants 1/day 2. Verdant Endurance (Ex) You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep and stunning effects. As long as you spend 8 hours a day in sunlight, you do not need to eat. 3. Call Thorny Vassal (Sp) Once per day, you may summon a fiendish viper vine as a standard action. This viper vine remains for 1 round per character level or until slain, and obeys your commands. This is the equivalent of a 9th level spell.
Evangelist Boons 1. Death Dealer (Sp) ray of enfeeblement 3/day, death knell 2/day or inflict serious wounds 1/day 2. Item Mastery (Ex) You may use spell trigger and spell completion items as if those spells were on your spell list, as long as those spells are of the conjuration or necromancy schools. 3. Mournful Cry (Sp) You may cast wail of the banshee once per day as a spell-like ability.
Sentinel Boons 1. Demoncyst Warrior (Sp) divine favor 3/day, barkskin 2/day or thorn body 1/day 2. Crown of the Chained Beast (Ex) You grow a pair of antlers and gain a gore attack as a primary natural weapon. This deals damage as normal for a creature of your size, unless you already have a gore attack, in which case it deals damage as the superior gore attack at one size larger. This gore attack overcomes damage reduction as if it were a chaotic, evil weapon. 3. Channel Stormsplitter (Su) As a swift action, you may grant a single weapon you are holding the shocking burst weapon quality. You may use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your character level; these minutes do not have to be consecutive, but do have to be in 1 minute increments.  
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Justice League #12 - "Rescue From Within" (2012)
written by Geoff Johns art by Jim Lee, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, David Finch, Scott Williams, Sandra Hope, Jonathan Glapion, Mark Irwin, Matt Banning, Rob Hunter, Joe Weems, Alex Garner, Trevor Scott, Alex Sinclair, Gabe Eltabe, Tony Avina, Sonia Oback, & Pete Pantazis
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drkenancrnkic · 5 years
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Novo izdanje moje prve knjige na Albanskom jeziku!!! Hvala ELTA BS🙏 Libri bestseller në Ballkan dhe në Amazon edhe në gjuhën shqipe. Sigurojeni një kopje dhe do bindeni që nuk është rastësisht bestseller i përkthyer në 10 gjuhë dhe në tirazh mbi 250 mijë kopje🔥 Shitjes: [email protected] Phone - viber +383 44 500274
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thunderdices · 5 years
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‪omg, 100%. Can you imagine your conversations with your patron as a warlock though?
It was a dark day, smoked seeped into every corner of the burnt husk that used to be a town. We had not choice... we needed to kill this dragon, preferably before the war with Waterdeep got bloodier and...
« minitel song »
- ... i can hear you grandpa, no, no need to shout.
- grandpa, press the video button. The bright green one next to the phone symbol?
-ahhhh it works, it works. Hello !!!
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- turn the other side of the camera, you just press... nevermind nevermind. Listen I’m really sorry I have a bit of a dragon situation at the moment and...
-ooooh dragon?! I bet your dad has not upgraded your Armor in a while sweety. Oh oh he can be so forgetful. Why don’t you help grandpa connect to The Google, and I’ll give you a little something for your eldrich blast? Delph doesn’t answer and I really need an oracle before the next bridge game with the lass. Don’t tell your dad though, he thinks I spoil you too much.
-... we have a deal.
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aliguesdecatalunya · 5 years
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#Repost @angelspam • • • • • • Ara si que ja hi som. Bona #patum2016 a tots #tradició #Berga #berguedà #patum #festa #ok_catalunya #catalunya #catalunyaexperience #eltabal #balldelaliga __________________________ #LaPatum #AligaDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCat #Aliga #Aguila #Aguiles #Aligues #CulturaCatalana #FestesDeCatalunya #BestiariPopular #FiguresZoomorfiques #ImatgeriaFestiva #CulturaPopular #BestiariFestiu https://www.instagram.com/p/BvMe9eChzIE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wsjx2m2ul4d8
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xiphosuras · 4 years
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Some more drawings from my campaign!
The first is the ruined village Wit Licht (White Light), which used to be a tiefling logging settlement (created by my friend @zieeeej as part of her character’s backstory). The nearby city guard raided it under the guise of clearing out criminal activity, but actually just wanted control of the logging industry. They didn’t take into account that Wit Licht had special arrangements with the other forest residents which the city doesn’t have...
The second picture is of some ancient ruins centered around a charred tree that was hit by lightning. The tree hides a secret tunnel which leads into a dimensional shard where the archdemon Eltab is imprisoned. The party has visited there once before to free the demon in exchange for the resurrection of a deceased party member. This second time, they’re trying to prevent a teenage cleric from being lured in after having banished said demon...
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Oogie my elderly lizardfolk warlock of Eltab, his quest is to become immortal so he never has to pay his demonic debt~
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weekendnd · 2 years
Aventura 64 - O Filactério de Szass Tam
Uma vez de volta a Waterdeep os aventureiros passam alguns dias no conforto de sua ilha voadora, mas no dia seguinte Vajra visita a ilha. Ela parece ter urgência em seu olhar. Segundo ela, Waterdeep e seus aliados estão preparando uma investida final contra o Reino de Thay com o objetivo de destruir Szass Tam. 
Mas para que isso possa acontecer, o poderoso lich precisa ser privado de duas coisas que o proporcionam um poder quase divino e o tornam invulnerável.
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O poder quase imensurável de Szass Tam vem do arquidemônio Eltab que, preso embaixo da cidade de Eltabbar, funciona como uma bateria que amplifica os já imensos poderes do lich. Além disso seu filactério precisa ser encontrado e destruído assim como os de seus generais. Enquanto ele estiver intacto, Szass Tam é imortal. Vajra pede que os aventureiros ajudem ela a descobrir uma maneira de encontrar esse filactério e lidar com a situação do demônio.
Nesse momento Glor entra na sala de planejamento do castelo, sua armadura em frangalhos e seu musculoso corpo de pedra exibindo profundas cicatrizes negras. O goliath conta que Eltab já não existe, mostrando a pedra que agora armazena o espírito desse demônio ancestral. Vajra fica sem palavras e logo pássaros mágicos de papel com mensagens da sua rede de informação invadem a sala. Com o demônio fora do caminho, só resta o problema do filactério de Szass Tam. 
Alysaaria se dirige até o alto da torre com o intuito de se conectar ao Mythalar. Seu objetivo é potencializar o Panopticum e amplificá-lo a ponto de expandir sua visão para um patamar inimaginável. O procedimento é perigoso, uma mente mais fraca teria sido imediatamente destruída, mas Alysaaria consegue controlar o imenso poder combinado do Mythalar e do Panopticum e através deles ela localiza precisamente onde está o filactério. O corpo de Alysaaria paga um preço por esse abuso de poder. A elfa vê seu físico definhar, mas agora ela sabe que o filactério se encontra no distante reino de Amn, numa caverna profunda, soterrado embaixo do tesouro de um dragão vermelho ancião chamado Firkraag.
Derrotar um dragão ancião seria um desafio aterrador, mas Zook se lembra que ele havia libertado um filhote de dragão dos calabouços de Thay. Ao se ver livre ele havia mencionado que era filho de Firkraag e que seu pai não esqueceria da dívida se um dia cruzasse seu caminho.
Sem tempo a perder os aventureiros se dirigem ao covil de Firkraag com a esperança que eles possam conversar com o o terrível dragão ao invés de combatê-lo.
No caminho os aventureiros passam por um cemitério de dragões onde encontram um misterioso homem chamado Andante. Ele pinta uma tela que retrata os aventureiros atravessando a planície repleta dos ossos magníficos dos dragões de outrora. Andante parece conhecer os aventureiros diz que anda pelos reinos pintando cenas que podem mudar os rumos desse mundo.
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Entrando no covil do dragão os aventureiros se deparam com o orgulhoso e altivo Firkraag. Seu colossal corpo dracônico é adornado com imensas e magníficas jóias, anéis e brincos, muito provavelmente mágicos. Sua presença instila medo até mesmo nos mais corajosos, sua voz retumbante exige respeito completo.
Relutantemente Firkraag decide não matar os aventureiros devido à sua dívida e apesar de estar furioso com Szass Tam por ele ter escondido seu filactério no seu tesouro sem seu consentimento, ele não vai ceder esse item sem algo em troca. O dragão vermelho sugere um jogo de charada. Se eles acertarem a resposta, podem levar o filactério, se errarem, serão consumidos e devorados um por um. A charada consiste em uma pergunta e quatro pistas.
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6 dragões (Azul, Preto, Vermelho, Dourado, Prateado e Verde) lutaram até a morte. Qual dragão matou o dragão vermelho?
As pistas:
1- O dragão de ouro é o único sobrevivente da batalha e matou apenas um outro dragão.
2- O Dragão de Prata não foi morto pelo Dragão Vermelho.
3- O Dragão Vermelho matou o Dragão Verde e um outro.
4- O Dragão Azul matou o matador do Dragão Prateado.
Depois de muita deliberação os aventureiros dão a sua resposta. O dragão que matou o dragão vermelho foi o dourado. Firkraag cumpre a sua palavra e deixa os aventureiros escavarem seu tesouro à procura de uma grande caixa negra que contém o infame filactério de Szass Tam.
Fora do covil, Zook abre a caixa depois que Alysaaria dissipa os feitiços que a protegia. Uma vez aberta a caixa parece ser uma passagem para um pequeno espaço extra-dimensional. Uma sala completamente negra com um trapo de pano depositado no centro. 
Caolho pula pra dentro da sala e no mesmo momento que descobre que a sala é um ambiente sem ar, uma imensa criatura morto-vivo de sombra e ossos o ataca. O restante do grupo vêm e seu apoio e depois de uma luta acirrada  onde ninguém é capaz de respirar e Caolho quase morre, eles conseguem derrotar o andarilho da noite.
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Para surpresa de todos o filactério se revela ser um boneco de pano, um brinquedo de criança com os trajes vermelhos dos arcanos de Thay. Escrito no boneco na letra de uma criança estão as seguintes palavras:
"Um dia eu vou ser o mago mais poderoso do mundo pra impedir o papai de machucar a mamãe". Os aventureiros destroem o filactério fazendo o céu enegrecer e relampejar. Com um grito de angústia a alma de Szass Tam se dissipa para sempre.
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sageadvicednd · 5 years
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Red Wizards using Eltab to win independence from Mulhorand My fool's quest to reverse engineer your original Realms continues. In FR6, did these aspects come from you: Red Wizards using Eltab to win independence from Mulhorand, Eltabbar being a glyph that weakens when mapped, 1 zulkir for each magic school, gnoll enforcers?
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Demon, Balor Lord, Ndulu
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“Nefarox, Overlord of Grixus” © Wizards of the Coast, by Aleksi Briclot. Accessed at the GameLore Wiki here.
[Commissioned by @tar-baphon​, the second of four monsters revolving around Demon Lord Eltab. In the original Forgotten Realms lore, Ndulu was just the most powerful of the rivals to Eltab’s throne, but I wanted to build a little more frisson into their relationship (and explain how the Moaning Crown was broken without going into its thousand year backstory; see the Eltab entry for information on the Moaning Crown). Choosing to give Ndulu a polearm was solely due to this amazing artwork; I was uninspired by the various bits of balor art I could find, and looked slightly further afield.]
Demon, Balor Lord, Ndulu CR 23 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This mighty demonic figure is wreathed in flames and crowned with horns. It carries a massive polearm with a hooked blade.
Ndulu the Ghost Eater is a balor lord of great power and greater ambition. He is both servant to and enemy of Eltab, Lord of the Hidden Layer, who has coerced his service through layers of magical curses and mundane threats. Ndulu currently acts as a regent, occupying Eltab’s abandoned fortress and fighting other Abyssal powers that seek to rule his territory. Ndulu’s current plans involve finding a way to stop Eltab from making demoncysts and siphoning Abyssal power. If Ndulu succeeds, Eltab will be stripped of power and rank, becoming a nascent demon lord and therefore a much easier target for the Ghost Eater’s physical violence.
Unlike most balors, Ndulu disdains fighting with two weapons at once. He keeps a flaming whip as a back up weapon, but his primary armament is a massive polearm, which he wields with both power and finesse. His tactics involve dominating the battlefield with reach and mobility, and he can and has slain entire armies single-handedly. His epithet comes from his conquest of undead monsters; he can strike incorporeal creatures effortlessly, and can heal his wounds by slaying the living and undead both.
Ndulu’s forces include both powerful combatants such as vavakia and mariliths, and more subtle agents such as glabrezu and succubi. The latter he has sent into the camps of enemy demons and to work among mortals, both leads pursuing a way to cut off the power of the demoncysts. An adventuring party of good aligned characters might find themselves working for the Ghost Eater at several layers of remove, their mentors corrupted by a demon working for Ndulu to clean out demoncysts and sever their connection to the Abyss. Although referring to the creature as an ally may be a stretch, a nightwave nightshade keeps counsel with Ndulu, and elite units of nightwalkers and nightwings have fought for Ndulu’s cause.
Ndulu     CR 23 XP 820,000 CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +38, true seeing Aura flaming body, unholy aura (DC 27) Defense AC 40, touch 22, flat-footed 31 (+4 deflection, +9 Dex, +18 natural, –1 size) hp 492 (24d10+360) Fort +33, Ref +21, Will +29 DR 20/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 34 Defensive Abilities lifedrinker, negative energy affinity Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) Melee +2 vorpal unholy bill +39/+34/+29/+24 (2d6+23/19-20x3) plus 2d6 unholy) or +1 vorpal flaming  whip +38/+33/+28/+23 (1d4+15 plus 1d6 fire and entangle) or 2 slams +37 (1d10+14) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with bill or whip) Spell-Like Abilities CL 20th, concentration +29 (+33 casting defensively) Constant—true seeing, unholy aura (DC 27) At will—dominate monster (DC 28), enervation, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), haste, heroism, inflict critical wounds (DC 23), power word stun, telekinesis (DC 24), unholy blight (DC 23) 3/day—control undead (DC 26), horrid wilting (DC 27), quickened waves of fatigue 1/day—blasphemy (DC 26), fire storm (DC 27), summon (level 9, any 1 CR 19 or lower demon 100%), wail of the banshee (DC 28) Statistics Str 39, Dex 29, Con 40, Int 26, Wis 26, Cha 29 Base Atk +24; CMB +39; CMD 62 Feats Blind-fight, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Following Step, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical (bill), Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (waves of fatigue), Stand Still, Step Up, Step Up and Strike Skills Acrobatics +33 (+37 when jumping), Bluff +36, Diplomacy +36, Fly +38, Intimidate +36,  Knowledge (history) +32, Knowledge (nobility) +32, Knowledge (planes) +35, Knowledge (religion) +32, Linguistics +24, Perception +43, Sense Motive +35, Stealth +32, Use Magic Device +36; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Necril, Protean, 13 others; telepathy 100 ft. SQ death throes, ghostly grasp, shorten grip, vorpal strike, whip mastery Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization unique Treasure standard (+2 unholy cold iron bill, +1 flaming whip, other treasure) Special Abilities Death Throes (Su) When killed, Ndulu explodes in a blinding flash of fire that deals 120 points of damage (half fire, half unholy damage) to anything within 100 feet (Reflex DC 37 halves). The save DC is Constitution-based. Entangle (Ex) If Ndulu strikes a Medium or smaller foe with its whip, he can immediately attempt a grapple check without provoking an attack of opportunity. If Ndulu wins the check, he draws the foe into an adjacent square. The foe gains the grappled condition, but Ndulu does not. Flaming Body (Su) A balor's body is covered in dancing flames. Anyone striking Ndulu with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes 1d6 points of fire damage. A creature that grapples Ndulu or is grappled by him takes 6d6 points of fire damage each round the grapple persists. Ghostly Grasp (Su) Ndulu’s natural weapons and manufactured weapons deal full damage to incorporeal creatures as if they had the ghost touch weapon property. Lifedrinker (Su) Once per round when Ndulu kills a living or undead opponent, he can heal 150 hit points and remove any status effects as per a heal spell (CL 20th). Shorten Grip (Ex) Ndulu can shorten his grip on a polearm as an immediate action, threatening all squares within 10 feet instead of the polearm’s normal reach until he lengthens his grip with another immediate action. Vorpal Strike (Su) Any slashing weapon Ndulu wields gains the vorpal weapon quality. Weapons retain this quality for one hour after Ndulu releases the weapon, but after this the weapon reverts to its standard magical qualities, if any. Whip Mastery (Ex) Ndulu treats a whip as a light weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting, and can inflict lethal damage on a foe regardless of the foe's armor.
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Letterer: Wes Abbott
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Letterer: Wes Abbott
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Artists: Scott Godlewski
Colorist: Gabe Eltabe
Letterer: Wes Abbott
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Artists: John Timms and Scott Godlewski
Colorist: Gabe Eltabe
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[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
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Artists: John Timms and Michael Avon Oeming
Colorist: Gabe Eltabe
Letterer: Wes Abbott
  Reviewer: Tony Farina
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