#Eunho kim is amazing too
smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 6
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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24th January, 2019
This is my first entry ever. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and my life has been a little too happening for the past 24 days. I came to live with my best friend in Korea, only to be kidnapped by a dangerous man who called himself Kim Taehyung. And these 24 days, I have been living with him. That's right. Living.
I have to admit, I was scared shitless at first. I thought I was pretty much dead and there is no way Yoona can save me. But can you imagine my surprise when Kim Taehyung turned out to be a sweet gentleman? And it's not just him. All the people who work with him are just as nice to me. Especially, Jungkook. He makes me feel like I have known him for a long time. It's not really bad living here. Taehyung's house is like four times bigger than Yoona's house and I sometimes get lost. It gets boring when no one's home but I manage. I think my little complaint made Taehyung buy me this diary. It's really pretty and it has my name sewn onto the hard cover. He says it's an apology present but I know he's probably annoyed with me. He just wants me to keep to myself. It isn't my fault, is it? Kim Taehyung is just a very…. intriguing man. I find myself being pulled to him all the time. But this is a secret. Between you and me.
Yours Lovingly,
A knock on the door made you close the diary and hide it under your pillow. You cleared your throat and pulled the covers up to your neck before mumbling a 'come in'. Minho's head peeked in through the door, a small smile gracing his lips as he took in your form. He slowly got inside and closed the door.
The sun was shining through the windows, the chirping of the birds outside giving you hope that today's gonna be a good day.
"Hey." He mumbled, glancing at his feet and leaning against the door. You gulped, the awkwardness in the room becoming very obvious. You hadn't spoken to Yoona or Minho the day before. Jungkook's words had left you anxious and suspicious, if it wasn't for the diary then you would have surely lost your mind. Since you were too tired the previous night, you hadn't touched your diary at all. But your curiosity had you waking up early and flipping open the pages.
Strangely, Minho hadn't bothered you since you fainted and you wondered how your relationship with him used to be.
"Hi." You replied, mustering a small smile and sitting up straighter. 
"Did I wake you?" He asked, wincing a little at the thought. You immediately shook your head, your hands itching to grab your book and read more of your thoughts.
You could feel the headache coming, clearly, the information of you having been kidnapped was too much. 
So Taehyung became your best friend after he kidnapped you?
That's the only possible explanation. And also, he doesn't seem to be lying either since your entry made sure to tell you how much you liked being in his presence.
Wow ...what an interesting story.
"Y/N, are you listening to me?" You snapped out of your thoughts, mentally slapping yourself for completely forgetting about Minho. 
"I-uh yeah... I'm sorry I'm just... there's too many thoughts." You apologized, biting your lip and shaking your head slightly. Minho smiled apologetically at you, his hand enveloping yours. You blushed, gaping at the sudden gesture.
"It's okay, I understand. I just came to tell you that Yoona has gone out for some work. So I was wondering that maybe we should go out and you know, not let you get too cooped up?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
You blinked at him, thinking of ways to say no but you couldn't do that to him. As much as you lost yourself, everyone else did too. What they need is for you to tell them that you aren't gone completely. You'll be back. You are on your way.
Reluctantly, you nodded, eyes narrowing at Minho's hand on top of yours. 
"I'd like that." You said, giving him a comforting smile. His hand was warm against yours, the kind of warmness that Jungkook had brought to you. It was so...brotherly.
He's your boyfriend.
You cleared your throat, pulling your hand away from him. Minho noticed your uncomfortableness and stood up, giving you a nod.
"Okay then. Uh.. I'll wait for you downstairs. Take your time." He said, waving at you before leaving you alone. 
You sighed, leaning against the backrest. In all honesty, you did feel a little grimy. You had barely gotten out of bed since yesterday.
You pulled out your diary, running your fingers across the hard cover. There was a certain amount of hesitation in your heart. You didn't really know the story that was hidden between the pages. It was like you were getting to know yourself from your own perspective. You couldn't tell if you were ready or not.
"Fucking hell!" 
Taehyung's voice echoed through the house, making everyone turn their heads towards the study. Namjoon frowned, nodding at everyone to let them know that he was gonna check up on what exactly Taehyung was doing.
He dragged himself up the open staircase and leaned against the doorway of Taehyung's study, frowning on seeing the mess. The room reeked of alcohol, an empty bottle of whisky sitting on the table which used to be a lot more cleaner in your presence.
Namjoon's heart ached at the thought. Such a shame that life is so quick to take away important people. The only thing Namjoon was grateful for, was your existence. At least, you were alive. 
Taehyung rummaged through the cardboard boxes in the room, throwing out everything that he wasn't looking for. Namjoon sighed, concluding that Taehyung was, indeed, drunk.
"What are you doing?" Namjoon voiced, watching the younger male with a cold expression. It was absolutely demotivating to see Taehyung slowly spiralling back into the darkness that he was saved from. As much as Namjoon wanted to do something about it, he felt helpless.
Taehyung closed his eyes, sitting down on the carpeted floor and rubbing his eyes. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night, his mind too busy replaying his encounter with you.
"I can't fucking find her diary. I swear I had packed it up in one of these boxes.." Taehyung replied, his words sounding very unstable. 
Jungkook stood outside the study, peeping in from behind Namjoon and wincing on seeing Taehyung's state. There was absolutely no way he could tell Taehyung what he had done. Taehyung would probably get mad that Jungkook had done this without telling anyone. But what could he do? 
He seemed to be the only one worried about your sanity because you were staying with Yoona. Something had to be done to save you. To make you feel like you still had control over your life.
"You're too drunk to be looking for anything. Go and get cleaned up first." Namjoon ordered, kneeling down beside his brother-like friend and patting his back. Taehyung shook his head, his red rimmed eyes begging Namjoon to help him.
Jungkook decided that he should probably step in. So he did.
"You really should go and clean up. We'll look for it." Jungkook stated, walking in with his hands in his pocket. Taehyung sighed, reluctantly nodding. He stood up, stumbling on his own feet but Jungkook caught him.
Taehyung nodded at Jungkook in acknowledgement and Jungkook cracked a small smile.
"Just, please find it. That diary makes me feel like I still have her even though I don't." Taehyung requested, glancing at both the men before making his way out. 
Jungkook frowned, looking down at his shoes. Should he have not done that?
Yoona shivered, her body still hot and bothered from what she had done moments ago. The silk sheets beneath her body felt cool, her fingers tangling themselves in the red satin. Her eyes followed the man across the room, smiling at him with all the affection she had. But he seemed to be unaffected, too focused on putting on his clothes and lighting up his cigarette.
"You're leaving so soon?" Yoona voiced, disdain evident in the way her shoulders slumped. She knew that Eunho had a life apart from her but she couldn't deny the liveliness she felt when he was with her. She felt special. She felt like she was doing something right, even if the world didn't believe that.
Eunho shook his head, running his fingers through his brown hair. 
"I'm not going anywhere, you are. This is my house and I have things to do so get out."
Yoona's jaw dropped at the harshness delivered to her. She could hear the shattering of her heart, her chest tightening as she sat up straighter. 
"Why are you saying that? I...I don't understand." She frowned, pulling the sheets up to cover her body. Eunho sighed before chuckling bitterly to himself. He turned towards Yoona, taking a long drag from his cigarette and sitting beside her on the bed. He tilted his head, mocking her with his pitiful eyes.
"You stupid stupid girl. Did you think I'd keep you with me forever? I must admit, the sex was amazing at first but now, it's just boring. So, give me back the money you took from me and get lost." He stated bluntly, crossing his legs and staring at Yoona in amusement. 
Yoona's breath hitched, her eyes warming up as tears began to pool in them. All these months, she had thought that Eunho was the one for her. Even though he was a gang leader, he was nice. He was better than all the others she had met. She had trusted him with all her problems and he had also given her money when she had to pay Taehyung back. 
This was not something she expected. She leaned forward and held Eunho's hand, tears freely falling down her cheeks.
"No, Eunho, I'll do whatever you want. Don't end this here. I don't even have the money. If I had it, I wouldn't have borrowed it from you!" Yoona begged, her voice cracking in the middle. 
Eunho was her pillar and maybe she had been naïve enough to let him manipulate her but she was in too deep now. She was in love and she knew that. She just couldn't believe that Eunho could say such things to her. He only wanted her for her body? Bullshit.
Eunho yanked his arm away and stood up, throwing icy glares at Yoona as he crouched down to her eye level. 
"You don't have the money? Hmm...then we have just two choices." Yoona's eyes lit up with hope. This was good. There has to be some way in which she could repay him and convince him to stay.
At her lack of response, Eunho smirked and leaned closer, placing his fingers under her chin. Yoona could feel his breath on her lips, the smell of his cologne mixing with that of the cigarette.
"Either you get me the money somehow…." Yoona's breath hitched when his hand trailed down to her neck, his fingers wrapping around the skin. 
"...or you get me the girl who was in the middle of all this."
Yoona's eyes widened and she immediately pushed Eunho away. Her breathing became heavier and her jaw clenched. 
So he wanted Y/N?
Eunho could sense the anger he had planted in his dumb lover, a wave of satisfaction crashing over him. He loved seeing Yoona getting so riled up over nothing. Because how much was her best friend really worth? 
Eunho just wanted a taste of the girl who had captured Kim Taehyung's heart. It was just mere curiosity and he was sure that he'd let her go after one night. But if she was really special, then maybe he'd have to keep the little birdie with him. 
What was her name again?
"You're sick! I'll fucking give you your money, one way or another but you'll never ever get your hands on Y/N!" Yoona seethed, rushing to put on her clothes. All of her trust and affection was thrown out the window in a span of seconds. 
"Oh? Okay then, I guess you wouldn't mind if I informed Taehyung that this whole kidnapping thing was your doing."
Yoona froze, her jacket clutched tightly in her hands as a shudder ran down her spine. She gulped, slowly turning around to look at the pathetic man who was threatening her after using her to his heart's content. 
"You wouldn't." She mumbled, her tone cautious and doubtful. As much as she wanted to call it a bluff, Eunho's eyes told her otherwise. He had always been a competitive man, his ego too high to please and too easy to hurt. 
Eunho raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer to Yoona.
"You think, baby? Fine, don't come to me when Taehyung sends his people after you."
Yoona shook her head furiously, her jacket falling to the floor as she swallowed thickly. Her stomach churned and she wanted to throw up. The smell of Eunho's cologne was now becoming intoxicating. She couldn't stand it.
"You can't pin this on me. I asked you to hurt Taehyung!" She yelled, pointing at Eunho while he simply smirked. 
"That's the point, baby. You asked me. You let your friend rot in Castillo's basement. You decided that she needs to be given electric shocks to forget Taehyung. So tell me. Who's the bigger culprit?"
The tears that had dried up made a comeback, endlessly streaming down Yoona's cheeks. This was low, even for Eunho. But it was her fault for believing him in the first place. You used to be a cautious girl when it came to men and Yoona used to think you were being too stuck up. Now she understood why. She had made a big mistake with no way to undo it.
Eunho tutted, wrapping his arms around Yoona and letting her cry. He patted her head and rocked back and forth.
"You have two weeks. Get me Y/N and we'll all be happy." He mumbled, his soothing tone contradicting the warning of his words. 
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Taglist: @min-t-posts @annoyinglyunabashedangel @bringitseijoh @kpopgirlbtssvt @jeonjello @shadowstark @bangtanniexxx @wendyiiwl @imlostindarkness @sinnersblogg @jazzytfw @lovestrucked-again @hopetookmysoul @angelwolfexorcist @taes-strawberry @ireallylikefoodandyoutube @annoyingpessimist @hajimaoppaa @atwoodscott @kawaiimusiccollection @byeolizzie @sleepysavya @sensiblebutch @maiden-mars @soundofwonderland @the-fangirl-lorax @btsarmysvtcarat @youthandtears @novelread000 @glitterytreephantom @chocolatemilk1221 @cookiemonstermusic258 @iamcrazyforkdramas @luckyzipperscissorsbat @kpop-is-life100 @entitledtolove @somewhereinthestarss
Look at this family, we really growing, huh? How do we feel about the plot twist? I hate Yoona 😔
Tell me if you wanna be tagged! As much as I think this was a bad chapter, I hope you guys still liked it!
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 years
10 Kdramas I Recommend part 2
Hey~I’m back again with a part 2! I finish kdramas so slowly, so this took me a while to get to. Sorry if I ramble.
Here is part 1.
1. Life
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Year of Release: July-September, 2018
Lee Dongwook as Ye Jinwoo
Cho Seungwoo as Cha Seunghyo
Won Jina as Lee Noeul
Lee Kyuhyung as Ye Sunwoo
Yoo Jaemyung as Joo Kyungmoon
Synopsis: Ye Jinwoo is a doctor at Sangkook University. One night, the hospital director dies. Though his death is ruled as a heart attack, Jinwoo believes otherwise. Koo Seunghyo becomes the new director of the hospital, despite being a businessman. He sees the hospital as something to profit from, and decides to forcefully transfer three departments, including the emergency medical center, where Jinwoo works. Jinwoo and the other staff members protest this and start to scheme to have their new director removed.
Thoughts: I went into this for Lee Dongwook and Won Jina only, and only thought it sounded vaguely interesting. I’m not much for hospital dramas and politics, but this drama really ended up piquing my interest! Not only were the actors amazing, but it shaped up a really good story. It showed the bad and good characteristics of everyone, even the so called protagonist and antagonist. I did find it frustrating at times, but only to the point that I felt that I had to watch more to make sure everything got resolved right. From a writer’s standpoint, the ending of this was wonderfully crafted, though watchers might have found themselves deeply sighing. 
Rating: 8/10
2. Healer
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Year of Release: December, 2014-February, 2015
Ji Changwook as Seo Junghoo
Park Minyoung as Chae Youngshin
Yoo Jitae as Kim Moonho
Synopsis: Kim Moonho is a famous reporter who enlists the service of a mysterious night errand boy, Healer, to find and protect Chae Youngshin, a junior reporter who he believes is connected to a decades old mystery surrounding five friends. The three become intricately connected as they navigate their shared past, the mysterious incident, and current day politics as people in positions of power try to cover that incident up for good.
Thoughts: I LOVED THIS DRAMA! I watched it in around three weeks (it’s a 20 episode drama), and loved every single minute of it. It was the fastest I have ever watched a kdrama. I thought about starting it many times, but always pushed it off because the summary never sounded interesting. Yet after watching a trailer and deciding to see how it was for Ji Changwook, I was instantly tossed head over heels. This drama is thrilling. Secret identities, reporters, mysteries, romance (!!! y’all there’s this one cute scene that really makes me squeal), trauma, pain, and everything in between. You will seriously not regret watching this. 
Rating: 10/10! 
3. Come and Hug Me
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Year of Release: May-July, 2018
Jang Kiyong as Chae Dojin/Yoon Namoo
Jin Kijoo as Han Jaeyi/Gil Nakwon
Heo Junho as Yoon Heejae
Kim Kyungnam as Yoon Hyunmoo
Yoon Jonghoon as Gil Moowon
Synopsis: Namoo and Nakwon were each other’s first love in high school, until Namoo’s psychopathic father, Yoon Heejae, murdered Nakwon’s parents. Twelve years later, the two meet again--with Namoo as a police detective who goes by Chae Dojin, and Nakwon taking after her late mother as an actress by the name of Han Jaeyi. She suffers from severe PTSD. Together, the two of them navigate their rough past and try to move forward and heal, even as the past threatens to return to their present.
Thoughts: I can’t begin to stress how much I like this drama. It is a drama with a darker theme, but I really liked how they focused on Nakwon’s PTSD and a) how people reacted to the rumors of her mental trauma, b) how they didn’t end up pushing that it made her weak, but rather showed how she grew through it. Every single actor in this was fantastic, especially the child actors! I was really glad to be introduced to Jang Kiyong and Jin Kijoo! They looked so great together :). If you’re a fan of healing dramas with a touch of serial killer, you should definitely check this one out. It checks all the romance boxes, but also all the fun, crime filled ones too.
Rating: 9/10 
4. Descendants of the Sun
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Year of Release: February-April, 2016
Song Joonki as Yoo Shijin
Song Hyeko as Kang Moyeon
Jin Goo as Seo Daeyoung
Kim Jiwon as Yoon Myeongjoo
Synopsis: Shijin is a captain of the special forces, and Moyeon is a doctor. They meet at the hospital, and decide to date. Unfortunately, it does not work out, as they realize that Shijin as someone who takes lives and Moyeon as someone who tries to save them are not a good pair. The two part ways, but it seems like fate is looking out for them, because eight months later they meet again when Moyeon is assigned to go to Uruk with a medical team, where Shijin is stationed. 
Thoughts: DOTS is a drama classic, and a must watch. I went into watching it expecting to to be very different than it was, but I was not disappointed in the slightest bit. It delves into a lot of topics on morality and making decisions in the midst of a life and death situation. The Song-Song couple’s chemistry was off the charts (and they got married in real life, too!), plus the second lead couple was awesome too! Each character brought something unique to the show. DOTS made my heart leap and feel all sorts of things--especially when Onew (he played a doctor) was crying his eyes out, like dude, I wanted to bawl. This is a classic you cannot pass up.
Rating: 10/10
5. Romance is a Bonus Book
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Year of Release: January-March, 2019
Lee Jongsuk as Cha Eunho
Lee Nayoung as Kang Dani
Jung Eugene as Song Haerin
Wi Hajoon as Ji Seojun
Synopsis: Cha Eunho is a popular writer and editor who works at a popular publishing company. He is close friends with Kang Dani. With a twist of fate, Dani--who used to be a popular copywriter but has recently fallen upon hard times--manages to get a job at Eunho’s publishing company by lying on her resume. 
Thoughts: Any drama with Lee Jongsuk is going to be good (well...most dramas), and this drama was the perfect mix of funny, romance, and a dash of mystery. Dani’s character was very relatable. She’s awkward, kind, old timey, and genuine. I loved getting introduced to Wi Hajoon as an actor through this drama. He and Jung Eugene were great second leads/supporting actors. The rest of the cast are each very unique in their own way, and lots of kudos to the writers for showing us little slices of how they live and their own problems without making the storyline messy. 
Rating: 8/10
6. My Strange Hero
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Year of Release: December, 2018-February, 2019
Yoo Seungho as Kang Boksu
Jo Boah as Son Soojung
Kwak Dongyeon as Oh Seho
Synopsis: When Kang Boksu was in high school, he was falsely accused of school violence by his friend (Oh Seho) and his girlfriend (Son Soojeong). Years later, as an adult, Boksu has the opportunity to return to school and graduate. He takes up the offer with the idea of getting revenge, as Soojeong has just become a teacher there, and Seho is the new director as he battles to take control of the school from his mother, the chairman. However, things don’t go as Boksu plans, and he soons find himself tangled up in a major school corruption. 
Thoughts: Okay!!!! I usually get tired of hearing the same old corruption spiel since apparently kdramas love to point out the problems with Korea’s school systems (while nothing changes), and while Chairman Oh definitely made me want to slap her straight across her dumb face, it wasn’t enough to make me completely stop watching. First off, I love all three main actors (or I did as soon as I saw them in here). Yoo Seungho is always enjoyable to watch, and Boksu and Soojeong were sweet and fluffy and balanced each other out perfectly in the relationship. I also fell for Oh Seho! I know a lot of people found him a terrible person...and yeah, he was definitely a prime example of like an anti-villain, but he also had a great redemption arc and I just...wanted to give him the hugest hug.
Rating: 8.5/10
7. Cheese in the Trap
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Year of Release: January-March, 2016
Park Haejin as Yoo Jung
Kim Goeun as Hong Seol
Seo Kangjoon as Baek Inho
Synopsis: Hong Seol is a hard working college student and Yoo Jung is her good looking, smart, and rich sunbae. Over the course of college, Seol and Jung eventually start a delicate relationship despite other obstacles in their path. However, a friend from Jung’s path, Inho, returns and also starts to fall for Seol.
Thoughts: This drama...I actually only watched it for Seo Kangjoon and he’s the only reason I finished it. This has the biggest second lead syndrome you will ever find. Personally, he’s the only reason this is making it to my recommendation list (that and the fact that I’m horrible at finishing dramas). On the other hand...let’s just say that I hated Park Haejin for so long because I could not get over how much I disliked his character in this drama. It was an interesting character, but I couldn’t stand how manipulative he was. CITT is based on a webtoon, so maybe that’s why it’s so crazy, but it took me so long to finish this. It took me a year because I stopped watching it so many times. This show seriously drove me crazy. There are only a couple things that get me genuinely riled up when I have to talk about them, and this show is one of those things. I don’t know, some people really liked it, but while there were good characters and some nice parts, in the long run it was just really not that good.
Rating: 6/10
8. Bad Guys
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Year of Release: October-December, 2014
Kim Sangjoong as Oh Gutak
Ma Dongseok as Park Woongcheol
Park Haejin as Lee Jungmoon
Jo Donghyuk as Jung Taesoo
Gang Yewon as Yoo Miyoung
Synopsis: In order to combat the rise in violent crimes, the Police Detective tasks Detective Oh Gutak with putting together a group of criminals to take care of the problem. Gutak, who is currently suspended for excessive violence, puts together a team consisting of gangster Park Woongcheol, hitman Jung Taesoo, serial killer Lee Jungmoon, and Police Inspector Yoo Miyoung. Together, the team tackle the rising crime rate and dangerous criminals.
Thoughts: This show was only 11 episodes, maybe why I was able to watch it so fast. It’s violent and dark--the perfect fit for the crime/mystery genre. I also like to call this Park Haejin’s redemption drama, because after this you know who I liked x.x. There were also a lot of plot twists that made me need to watch the next episode immediately. There’s a sequel to the show with a new cast but the same premise, but I’ll warn you that that show has definitely more violence and blood and death and stuff (I’m still watching it; I’m kind of stalled out right now since a certain episode made me lose faith in that entire show, ahem episode 8). 
Rating: 8/10
9. Kill It
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Year of Release: March-April, 2019
Jang Kiyong as Kim Soohyun
Nana as Do Hyeonjin
Roh Jeongeui as Kang Seulgi
Kim Jaewon as Philip
Synopsis: Kim Soohyun is an elite assassin who is searching for clues to the past he cannot remember. Do Hyeonjin is the adopted daughter of an important congressman who is a new Police Detective. She is still searching for the killer of her boyfriend, even though nine years have passed. Soohyun and Hyeonjin start to cross paths, finding a connection from their past that leads to a growing relationship.
Thoughts: Sounds like every au ever, right? Jokes, it’s my favorite au of all time and I freaked out when I found out Jang Kiyong was going to the lead. It sounds cliche, but I swear it’s very good. I love the fact that there’s not really a romantic relationship between the two, like it’s not supposed to be romantic, but rather focuses on the platonic, friendship between them. It’s a dark, twisting drama, another one showing how deep corruption runs in the government (that’s always a theme because you know, it’s a thing), and the ending freaking killed me but you know :((. 
Rating: 9.5/10
10. He Is Psychometric
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Year of Release: March-April, 2019
Park Jinyoung as Lee Ahn
Shin Yeeun as Yoon Jaein
Kim Kwon as Kang Seongmo
Kim Dasom as Eun Jisoo
Synopsis: Lee Ahn has a special ability, psychometry. When he makes skin to skin contact with someone, he sees their darkest memories and secrets. He dreams of becoming the first Police Psychometrist. Yoon Jaein has been running her whole life, ever since her father was charged with the arson of Yeonsung Apartments, where Ahn’s parents died. The two first meet in high school, but their connection is cut short, only for them to reunite two years later and start to solve the mystery behind the fire and the other crimes that connect to it, along with Ahn’s non-biological brother, Prosecutor Kang Seungmo, and Police Detective Eun Jisoo.
Thoughts: OKAY, let me take a deep breath before I get into this one. He Is Psychometric is one of the best dramas I have ever watched. It’s right up there on my top five, I reckon. I didn’t drop this or anything; I watched it from the moment it started airing to the time it didn’t. Fair warning that if you expected happiness, this is not the drama to go for. It’s so twisty and has so many turns, like everytime something was uncovered there was still more threads to follow and it was insane but amazing. Especially for me, being a huge psychology fan, I loved digging into these characters and how unique they each were. The relationships, bromance and romance alike, were so intricate in this drama. I went through a million feelings and emotions in the span of a minute. This drama is also one that you can’t see coming. You can theorize (and believe me, I theorized the heck out of that thing) and guess, but it manages to blindside you almost every time. This show will break your heart and how you think of the world and humans and for that, you have to at least give it a try. 
Rating: 100/10
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scandalouskc · 5 years
hi the first writing i actually read from you was the park jihoon variety show au and i've been obsessed with it to the point that i had to actually request for another with the same plot somehow but with another character?? can i request for a ha yoonbin au this time where y/n is a from a rookie group which is a big fan of yoonbin even before her debut??? thank you
yaaay! my first yoonbin request! i had so many jihoon requests i was beginning to get writer’s block. i hope you enjoy!
requested - yes
genre - fluff
warnings - inappropriate language? i don’t know there’s like a handful of cuss words
word count - 800+
+i’m sorry it’s so late, i have a lot of other requests to get to, so i’m really really sorry yours is super late
stage collaboration - ha yoonbin
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y/n was a newly debuted idol, in fact she was a rapper. her name became wildly known after becoming a part of high school rapper. after she’d won, she was signed into a label and resurfaced just 5 months after. she was quite lucky, very lucky actually.
after being in a group for 6 months, it was safe to say y/n was taking a liking to her new life. she loved seeing how flustered her fans would get when she reached out for a hug or showed her aegyo.
*jesus after not writing for a straight two weeks, my koreaboo self did not hesitate to jump out wow LOVE that*
MAMA 2019 was coming up soon and her group would be there. they were excited to say the least, and it was even announced that the group would be collaborating with another rookie group, MA6NUM. y/n tried hard her best not to show the amount of excitement she had when it was announced.
y/n was a big fan of MA6NUM before they were even MA6NUM. she was a huge fan of the survival show and had grown to like yoonbin. he was her age and she liked the way he rapped. she liked how his voice adapted to the beat given, deep and husky in some parts then he’ll hit you with a soft adlib in the middle. she couldn’t stop herself from liking him.
now, y/n sat with her group members in the dance studio waiting for the arrival of MA6NUM. they waited for 20 minutes before the boys gently opened the door and began bowing repeatedly and introducing themselves. they chatted between themselves as they awaited the arrival of the choreographer. y/n was beyond happy when yoonbin approached her.
“y/n-ssi... do you mind if i ask how high school rapper was like?” he hesitated asking the question, almost like he was unsure of the conversation he was trying to start. and he was. yes, y/n liked him, but what she didn’t know was she also attracted yoonbin.
he was fan of her since she was featured on high school rapper, collabing with one of his favorite artists.
“no, of course not. to be honest, it was incredibly overwhelming. the lights and the people watching you. then the judges, jessi-sunbaenim is my idol, just seeing her... wow i was star struck and then hearing how much she liked my rap, i was amazed and embarrassed-“
“why? i really liked it...”
y/n’s eyes widened,”you watched?”
“yeah! of course i did!”he said, like his answer was obvious.
“uhm i-i just didn’t think it was my best work... honestly i liked the freestyle rap she asked me to do more than the written one...”y/n shrugged, yoonbin was about to compliment her and gush about how good her rap is, but the choreographers walked in, specifically lia kim and kim eunho.
it was almost obvious that they would be doing a couple dance as soon as they had walked in. they were paired up individually, luckily based on their positions. unfortunately, yoonbin and y/n weren’t partnered. she was partnered with yoshinori, she wasn’t complaining and actually really liked yoshinori. he was a hard worker and helped her with the choreography when she needed it. he even made jokes to lighten the mood, and through that they became incredibly close to the point of exchanging kakaotalk id’s. they texted nonstop and became best friends pretty much.
the two groups worked together for about 2 months on the collaboration and y/n and yoshinori couldn’t have been any closer. y/n would immediately hug yoshinori when he came in through the door. out of all the couples, they had the most chemistry. they constantly earned compliments from lia and eunho. with y/n blinded from her new found friendship, she couldn’t see yoonbin and how much he despised their chemistry. well, he didn’t despise it... he just strongly disliked it. he wanted very much to be y/n’s partner, but his wishes weren’t fulfilled.
yoshinori knew very well what the two felt for each other and wasn’t meaning to interfere... it just happened. he didn’t catch feelings, no no... well not for y/n, but instead for another member. the leader. his eyes were set on her, so yoonbin really had nothing to worry about. but he’s a bit jealous.
when MAMA came around, yoonbin couldn’t help but be relieved. yoshinori and y/n wouldn’t be interacting as much, but that would also mean that he wouldn’t be able to, either. so, he made a plan: a plan to get her number, finally. it was long overdue and he was only now ready.
after the performance, he planned to grabbed her by the wrist, like in the dramas, pull her close and whisper in her ear how much he likes her. it sounded romantic in his head.... but that’s not quite what happened.
yoonbin did pull her closer by her wrist, but instead of keeping her steady, she fell into his arms and their lips touched. like touched . both of their eyes wide in shock, and of course, there was yoshinori and y/n’s leader cheering in the background. they pulled away shortly after and laughed it off with a bright, rose shade blush on their cheeks.
“i like you a lot, y/n”
“i really like you, too, yoonbin.”
and that’s how yoonbin and y/n became a couple!
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namjhyun · 7 years
School 2017 Episode 15
“Iced americano and your number. I heard you don’t have a boyfriend right now.” DAMN! Dae-hwi, you smooth bastard. Why have you denied us your moves and can we get more?
The scene between him and Nam-joo was everything I have been waiting for weeks to happen. It was time Dae-hwi made a real effort if he wants Nam-joo back. I was glad we got more background on her story too and I’m hoping to see her at school and Dae-hwi’s side in tomorrow’s series finale.
It’s been a real pleasure to see Dae-hwi going from desperate and spinning out of control teen to a happy and fulfilled young man. Yes, some of his troubles are still the same, but now Dae-hwi knows he has a real support system in his friends and that his own moral compass won't be allow him to hurt others in order to get ahead. He has a better grasp of who he is and who he wishes to become.
This is the first time I’m seeing Jang Dong-yoon in any drama but he makes me curious as to what other works he has done so far or what he will do next. I know he got great reviews for his work in Solomon’s Perjury, I will check it out.
I knew the lack of Hee-chan last week was going to bite us in the finale. This kid won’t admit defeat but I have to admit this character is far more menacing for our Dream Team than the Principal has ever been. So, yes, I love to hate him but I detest everything he has done. Once upon a time, I wanted to believe he would have one redeeming quality but it’s clear he doesn’t want understanding nor forgiveness, I don’t even think he knows what he has done wrong. Watching Hee-chan’s face on that final scene was priceless.
As fort he faculty in the school, I’m glad Teacher Gu is still on the side of the kids and I will never get tired of saying he is the one that deserves to be the Principal of his school. And while I would love to see Teacher Shim in a place of more power inside the school, I think he’s best suited to be in front of a class and in direct contact with the kids. He’s the kind of Teacher that inspires young people not only to be better students but also better people. And kudos to him for going strong with Officer Han.
I must mention of course the amazing work Kim Jung-hyun has done on this show. I discovered him last year through the drama Jealousy Incarnate, where he immediately won me over on his first scene, but after School 2017 I’ll watch whatever drama or movie he’s in. Kim Jung-hyun is clearly leading man material: all charm, talent and Oppa-ness, and I hope his career takes off the way it did for his School series predecessors (ex: Jang Hyun and Kim Woo-bin).
Today, Tae-woon truly came into his own in order to protect the people he holds dear. No more pranks or masks. It’s Tae-woon, not Suspect X, coming through for Eun-ho, even if it means hurting his own father because now that the corruption within the school has been exposed, and with Officer Han already investigating, this will have consequences for Dad.
It wasn’t an easy decision to make but if we’re been honest, Eun-ho has been more of a family and home to Tae-woon than his Father ever was in recent years and events. Not that Tae-woon wasn’t already ready to sacrifice himself for her but he took a new approach -in my opinion- thanks to two factors: One, Eun-ho’s confession to Sarang about how much she loves school. And two, Eunho’s awesome family sticking up for her against the Principal... even after she confessed to them on being part of the X Team! This is something Tae-woon’s own father has never considered nor done for him and I think it gave him a new perspective on how to protect those you love while taking responsibility for your actions.
It was difficult for me watching Tae-woon’s conversations with his father, he look so defeated, and you could tell even Dad was having a hard time watching him like this. I even thought that I saw Dad second-guessing his decision to use Eun-ho to control his son, but by the end of the episode Tae-woon’s fighting sprit was back and I’m looking forward to see how these two will solve their differences. Mostly, I want Dad to realize just how good is for Eun-ho and Tae-woon to be in each other’s lives because those two belong together. From here to 108 years later, and other future lives too. YOU GOT ME??
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mochiinet · 7 years
Break Room
Characters: SF9’s Rowoon & OC
Word count: 2139 words
Summary: Dating is prohibited between employees, and you aren’t usually one to break the rules, but one of your co-workers has made you question if you want to quit and find another job, just so you could date him.  He has you tied around his finger, but you don’t let him know that and do your best to play his little game.  But one day in the break room…
It was Monday morning and you walked through the large glass doors at around 8:30 as per usual and scanned your ID card at the security checkpoint before heading over to the elevators.  It was another day at work, and you were going over your schedule for the day on your phone as you waited for the elevator to reach the ground floor.  Unknowingly, the space around you had become crowded with other employees and the doors opened with a ding.  You did your best to get to the side corner of the elevator nearby the buttons and you succeeded.  You were about to press the 9th floor but someone reached over and pressed it right before your finger touched the button.  You turned and sighed.  It was Kim Rowoon, one of the producers for your channel, and he had been driving your crazy ever since he joined the team.  He smiled at you teasingly and pulled his hand away from the buttons to stand up straight and check his phone.  You rolled your eyes and went back to checking your phone as well.  
You worked at a big media firm in the heart of Seoul, and you were currently topping the charts with your newest radio shows.  You’d been in the business since you’d graduated college and you were still going strong, four and a half years later.  Rowoon was also a competitor who had talents that could match yours.  After working at another media firm, he was picked up by our boss and started working here about three months ago.  He was your senior age wise, but he was working under you for the time being.  You knew it wasn’t going to last long, so you treated him decently well compared to the rest of the team, and they understood that as well, thinking of the possibility that they would eventually be transferred to work under him instead of you once he got promoted.  But for now he was yours to mooch off of, and he never ceased to amaze you.  
The elevator emptied slowly, doors opening on each floor.  You and Rowoon walked out on the ninth floor and headed to your team’s office.  “Good morning everyone.” You said as you walked in.  Your team each stood up quickly, mumbled good mornings and then sat back down.  You were never too strict on your team, knowing how hard it was to get things done, but when project deadlines were coming up you could be a dictator.  And they knew not to get on your bad side if they wanted to keep their jobs.  They had a certain amount of respect for you as you did for them.  Except your newbie Rowoon.  He constantly crossed lines and sometimes even gave off a haughty attitude, and it was driving you nuts.  He was playful and liked to push buttons, but when he was concentrated or focused, it was hard to break his attention.  You were more of the laid back type, collected and precise.  
“Meet in my office in ten minutes to go over today’s schedule!” You said as you walked past everyone’s desks and headed to your office.  “Okay!” The replied, continuing to prepare.  You walked in and closed the door behind you, setting your bag down on your desk.  You set your phone down next to it and shed your blazer, hanging it on the coat rack back by the door.  Your office was pretty spacious, but it was one of the smaller ones compared to the others in the building.  It was rectangle shaped with your desk in the corner by the window.  There were a few file bins and a small couch with a coffee table as well.  One of the walls in your office had windows so you could look out into the office space at your team every so often.  You shared the ninth floor with another team, but they were on the other side of the elevator hallway.  Each side had a break room for the occupants and ours was always fully stocked with our favorite snacks and drinks.  There were some good conversations in the break room and sometimes your next big project would come out it.  Let’s just say it was a pretty magical place.  
You opened the blinds in your office and opened the window slightly, to let in the breeze.  Then you walked back and sat at your desk, and started going through your schedule and documents for the presentation later that day.  Soon you heard a knock at your door, and you checked clock, ten minutes had passed.  “Come in!” You called out.  Your team of ten filed in, standing and sitting in their usual spots before starting the meeting.  You quickly went over the important points for the day, everyone’s roles and what they needed to get done by the end of the day/week.  When you were done, you answered quick questions and then went onto the preparations for the presentation later that day.  “Okay so after today we start getting a bit busy, after we give our presentation later today we’ll be given feedback immediately, and then we’ll be working until our deadline on Friday to make it perfect.” You said.  “I think we have about an hour or so before the presentation starts,” your right hand woman cut in to confirm, and you continued, “Soojin, take a couple people to go set everything up, another group get snacks and drinks ready, and Eunho send reminders around to the list of staff that needs to be present at the meeting.” You ordered.
They all nodded and everyone slowly trickled out of your office, a couple staying behind to ask a couple more quick questions, and then you were by yourself as the last team member closed the door behind her after walking out.  You went over the presentation a couple more times and then headed out around fifteen minutes later.  The office was empty as everyone was doing their jobs, and preparing for the presentation.  You walked down the hallway to your team’s break room to grab something to drink and eat before going to see how the preparations were going, but you stopped after opening the door.  His back was turned towards you as he faced the microwave, two sticks of instant coffee opened and ready in his right hand as he supported his tall frame on the counter with his left.  He turned at the sound of the door opening and smiled at you.  “Want some coffee?” He asked.  “That would be nice.” You said, reaching for your mug in the cabinet next to him.  
He watched you as you reached up to the shelf and grabbed the mug yourself.  Filling it up with water you set it aside while you looked for your instant coffee packets.  “Here.” He said, handing you the opened packets.  You had a usual mixture of two types of instant coffee so you were going to refuse, but looking at the packets he’d given you they were the same as yours.  “Are you stealing my coffee?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.  “Maybe…” He said, reaching into your cabinet to take out two more packets.  The microwave beeped and he took out his mug.  You glared at him, it was one of your top pet peeves, people taking your things without asking.  You silently swapped places with him and put your mug in the microwave while opened the packets with his teeth and poured them into his water one at a time.  You crossed your arms and looked at him, waiting for him to apologize.  “I saw you do this about a month ago and I thought I’d try it.  And before you get mad at me, I bought new boxes the other day for when we run out.” He said, throwing away the now empty packets.  
He picked up his mug and leaned on the fridge, looking back at you.  You looked back at him and stared him up and down.  You honestly had to admit, he was the best looking guy on the floor if not in your entire branch.  He always caught your eye whenever he walked by, or got up from his desk in the office space since he was so tall.  He was good looking and he knew it, but he put on a modest face in front of the higher ups, and it was a good face.  There were moments in the past three months he’d been working with you that you questioned whether or not to ask the chief to just give him his own team already, and you were stressing over it.  Obviously, dating was prohibited within the office and recently you were starting to question the rules, which was something you didn’t do often.  “You know if you keep staring like that, I’ll get uncomfortable.” He said, setting his mug down.  You rolled your eyes, but you could feel your cheeks starting to flush.  
Suddenly he started to come closer and he planted his left hand on the counter to the right of you and he was dangerously close.  His right hand landed on your left and you were cornered, he stared down at you and you suddenly felt small, his entire frame covering you.  You pushed yourself back against the counter as much as you could, there was only so much you could do.  You could smell his cologne or whatever shampoo he’d used that morning and it was almost intoxicating.  He leaned to his right a little and leaned his upper body even closer, moving his right arm, brushing it against your left, and you leaned away.  “Yah! What are-,” You started to speak, getting ready to push him off, but he interrupted you, “Your water is done.” He said, opening the microwave that had been beeping, but you had been completely oblivious.  He took the mug out and set it down and then grabbed the coffee packets from your hand and emptied them into the mug full of hot water.  Then he went to the freezer and grabbed a couple of ice cubes and walked back and slowly put them into your mug one by one, exactly how you did every time you made coffee in the break room.  
You were still leaned up against the counter, not wanting to make any sudden movements.  He grabbed his mug and walked towards the door, not forgetting to flash you one of his signature smiles and a quick wave before leaving the room.  The door closed and you stood there for a couple more seconds and then let out a deep sigh, your body becoming fluid against the counter as you had to calm yourself.  “That boy will literally be the death of me…” Your hand went up to your chest as you straightened yourself and turned to grab the mug.  You were surprised and confused, because you didn't really remember him being in the break room with you often enough to know exactly how you made your coffee every morning.  Hot coffee wasn’t really your thing since you’d burned your tongue too many times in the morning, being half asleep, so you always added ice to cool it down a little.  You stared at the cup and ruffled your hair in frustration.  Your face was flushed and you checked your reflection in your phone as you calmed down and fixed your hair.  Once you had collected yourself, you grabbed the mug, took a quick sip, and then headed out to go to see how the preparations for the presentation was going, not wanting to face that cocky little a-hole after that…
BONUS Rowoon walked out of the break room and hurried out to the hallway by the elevators.  He set his mug down on the little table next to the buttons and looked around to make sure no one else was there.  Then he shook his body, cringing at his own actions.  He spazzed and got all the writhing out from his body, his face flushed and embarrassed at what he’d just done to you.  There was another side of him that he hadn’t shown you, or many other people for that matter.  It was his cute and soft side, that only came out when he was alone or with someone close.  In all honesty he got embarrassed quite easily, but he was a great bluffer.  He laughed to himself and checked his reflection in the window, fixing his hair up as he waited for the elevator.  He heard the ding, and he grabbed his mug waiting for the doors to open.  *I guess the break room is a magical place…* He thought to himself as tilted his head and stepped into the elevator.  
LMAO so after I updated my upcoming scenario list I finally got the inspiration I was looking for, at least for a Rowoon scenario.  It was actually supposed to be a trainee-idol thing in the FNC break room (inspiration from Seungyeon-Jonghyun WGM couple when they visited FNC LOLOLOL I remembered I was watching it the other day and I immediately wrote this).  But yeah let me know if you liked it, if there are any mistakes, or whatever you’d like :) Please follow!! 
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briefinternetlady · 5 years
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"A book may not be able to change the world but I'm sure it can still leave something warm inside someone's heart." -Kang #RomanceIsABonusBook ending is probably one of the most pleasing & awe-inspiring finale i've ever seen in any kdrama.it was filled w/stories of love,friendship, new beginnings & full of life lessons.❤ Dan-i finally was back at Gyeoroo,the way everyone welcomed her was so heart warming that i was having a teary eyed.Eunho heart gestures was too charming.SJ reading his dad's diary was moving,i was into the backgroumd music.Hearin's effort to comfort SJ was truly admiring.Eunho & SJ rushing moments to go to Mr Kang was blue.it was really a sad scene that the 2 wasnt able to make it,that made me cried.i liked the editing of the finale,the switching of scenes specifically.the new edition of April 23 was a very great idea,im in love w/the concept.the storytelling while every character was shown was really impressive.Go & Kim tandem was cool.Haerin & Seojoon debate turned into love atmosphere was too lovely, #JungYooJin & #WiHaJoon did great on their roles on the series,gonna miss their bright smiles.must say that Gyeoroo is everyone's dream workplace.the lunch party of the whole gang,that was entertaining.i so love how the series tickled everyone's heart about reading book & thougths about books in general,that is amazing to see in this so called modern world.the blind recruitement policy,can everyone do that?,fond of it.the after party walked of the gang,that was heart melting.how Eunho & Dan-i declared their love was so appealing.their kissing scene at the last part,that was the loveliest way to end the series. #LeeNaYoung gave life to Dan-i amazingly.kudos to #LeeJongSuk for pulling off his first romcom role excellently,that was applaudable.the epilogue,that was a unique idea to completely close the series,twas filled with LOVE.😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #kdrama#koreandrama#한국드라마#드라마#한류#로맨스는별책부록#love#heart#books#thoughts#loveit#howtopublishlove#romanceisasupplement#inspiration#reading#concept#iloveyou#friendship#ideal#unique#beautiful#amazing#fun#life#moon ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ p.s to everyone at RIABB,the moon is beautiful.thank you for your hardwork & congrats!❤⠀⠀ (at Granville, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJAdTYhKA-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vm2s3k1iqbqw
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 7
Absolutely unedited, apologies!
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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You stepped inside the dainty pie shop, the smell of cake filling your nostrils. It was quite a contrast from the cold air outside, your eyes wide in amazement. There were multiple flower pots sitting along the window, basking in the little sunlight that came in through the glass. There were a few people occupying the tables in the middle, leaving the one by the window vacant. You glanced at Minho over your shoulder before moving to sit where you wanted to, the roses and the morning glorys all calling out your name.
You were taking a trip of all the places that you liked going to previously, you remembered some of them, Minho remembered some of them for you. You could say your day had been well spent so far. Surprisingly, it wasn't too hard to talk to Minho about anything.
No awkward sentences. No nervous glances.
For a while, your mind had danced away from the thoughts of your diary and you were living your life quite nicely. Yes, once in a while you'd think of Taehyung or Jungkook or even Yoona, but you weren't too keen about knowing the truth for now.
An old lady went around the eatery, asking people if they needed anything until her eyes landed on you. Minho was sat on the opposite side of the table, his back to the old woman with greying hair as she gasped and rushed towards you. Your eyes widened in confusion, an awkward smile placing itself on your lips, her eyes telling you that she knew you. 
And you didn't.
A pang of sadness poured over your heart, your smile faltering even if it was for a millisecond. The woman was now standing beside your table, her hands clasped as a wide grin showed you her pearly whites. "Y/N, my darling, it's been so long." She squealed, her arms reluctantly stretching wide open for you to embrace her. You glanced at Minho, a simple nod from him told you that he probably knew her too. He trusted her with you. So you stood up and wrapped your arms around her back, her own going to the back of your head. Your eyes closed automatically, her scent giving you warmth and a sense of familiarity. Before you could comprehend your own actions, your hands tightened around her, making her laugh. It was nice. Her laugh was nice.
"How have you been?" She asked, pulling away. You bit your lip, tucking your hair behind your ear. Her question was simple, wasn't it? Then why couldn't you answer it?
Because you didn't know.
"So you missed her but not me?" Minho interrupted, narrowing his eyes at the old woman playfully. You mentally sighed, grateful for his interruption. The old woman turned towards him with a shake of her head, her smile still the same. You zoned out, your thoughts drifting away to the glass counter that had a number of pies aligned inside. Concluding that you probably won't be needed in this conversation for a bit, you slowly walked towards the counter and peeped inside, staring at the cakes and pies in awe.
"Why would people eat something so sweet?" His deep voice rang in your ear, causing you to roll your eyes. Your nose was pressed against the glass, your breathing fogging it up for a second until it became clean again. You turned your head to the side, narrowing your eyes at him while he leaned against the wall nearby. His eyes bore into yours, his brown hair covering his forehead and an annoyed sigh leaving his mouth. You placed your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him as if to challenge him. "Because unlike you, people actually wanna enjoy life. Do you not know how happy sweet things make you?" You asked, frowning when his lips stretched into a smile. He took one long step towards you, his arms immediately going around your waist. Your heart skipped a beat, blood rushing to your cheeks as your eyes frantically looked around for anyone watching you two.
"Taehyung…" You mumbled, his nose brushing against your cheek. He hummed, his lips moving right next to your ear. "I have this sweet little thing here who makes me very happy. So yes, I do know how amazing sweet things are." He replied, making you close your eyes at the way your heart swooned. You nuzzled your head in his neck, trying to hide your shy smile. You heard him chuckle, his hand caressing the back of your head before his lips met your forehead. "I love you…"
"Earth to Y/N." You gasped, your eyes darting to Minho who stood behind you with concerned eyes. You looked around the shop, realising that you had just seen the same thing in your dream. Dream? 
Was that really a dream?
"Did you...say something?" You asked, rubbing your forehead on feeling a subtle ache beginning to settle. Minho pursed his lips, glancing at the old lady who now stood beside you. She placed a hand on your shoulder making you look at her. "You look pale, Y/N. Are you not feeling well?" She asked. You shook your head in response, mustering up your most genuine smile although her face told you didn't believe you. 
"I was just wondering if I could get a slice of that blueberry pie." You stated, pointing at the delicious looking pie placed at the middle of the bottom row. You mentally patted your back. 
Good save, Y/N. 
But what now? You had to talk to someone about that ... dream, right? It felt too familiar to call it a dream. It could be real for all you knew. Maybe Taehyung and your relationship was much deeper than he let you believe. Maybe Jungkook was referring to Taehyung when he said that everyone around you was lying. You placed your hand inside the pocket of your jacket, the piece of paper inside making you calmer than before. Of course it did. It was his number. 
"Is that it? Should have asked me sooner, darling!" The old woman chirped, making her way behind the counter and getting your order ready as she rambled on about something that you didn't want to know. It was sad that you didn't remember her at all. And here you thought you were having a good day.
"Tell me, Y/N, where is that hot headed lover of yours?" Your attention was back on her as she placed the slice of pie in front of you on a small pastel pink plate. Her words had you growing confused, your eyes moving to Minho who stood frozen beside you. Does this mean….
"You talk as if I'm invisible." He mumbled, gulping nervously. You could tell he was trying to hide something, absolutely failing to do so. Your eyes narrowed at him, your brain malfunctioning as you tried to figure out what the hell was going on. So everyone was lying around you? Great. You really needed to go and read your diary before someone tweaked that too.
"Nonsense. If it was you, I'd remember. I'm talking about that tall man with the deep voice." 
It had to be Taehyung. Yes, Minho was tall but his voice wasn't deep at all. Your fists clenched unknowingly, your head throbbing as you glared at the floor. Did you not deserve to know the truth about your own life?
Yoona sat curled up on the couch, her eyes fixed on the fireplace as her mind replayed all the things that had happened since the morning. She really was a fool for falling for that bastard. He was good for nothing and she knew that now. Unfortunately, her temper wasn't the best either. 
After Eunho had demanded Yoona to bring you to him, she had screamed and pushed him away, yelling that it would be over her dead body. That wasn't the best thing to do but she wasn't in her right mind. All the things she had done to bring you back, only for Eunho to take it all away? No. Never.
Eunho was a very egoistic man and he took everything seriously. Yoona's words hit him badly, his anger getting the best of him as he landed a sharp slap across her cheek. She could still feel her cheek throbbing but it was nothing compared to the fear that had settled within her. Eunho was truly crazy. Yoona had witnessed it all and she knew there was only so much she could do to protect you. Maybe she had to let Taehyung know.
With a heavy sigh, she stood up and grabbed her jacket. Switching off all the lights, she headed out the door, concluding that she needed to distract herself before her head exploded. Yoona was aware that you were out with Minho and she could only hope that you were having a good time. If by any chance you happened to like Minho then her lies won't have to be lies anymore. She could get rid of Eunho with Taehyung's help and soon he would be out of your life too. Yoona smiled, feeling her confidence grow as she made her way to her favourite club. Alcohol was her best friend when she was lost. Whenever she was drunk, her problems became easier to deal with. No, she wasn't an addict but she could definitely see herself being one in the future. Anything for her best friend.
Minho cursed under his breath, taking off his seatbelt and getting out of the car. He was going back home with you when he had gotten a call from someone, telling him that his sister had passed out after drinking too many shots at her regular bar. As if Minho had less problems, Yoona had to go and do this? 
The entire car ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. You hadn't said a word to him since what had happened in that pie shop. Minho knew he shouldn't have taken you there but it used to be your favourite place. He still remembered how you used to eat a lot whenever you were upset. It wasn't really his fault for not knowing that you had shown that place to Taehyung, was it? 
Minho glanced at you from the open door, frowning apologetically at you.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. Just stay here and I'll get Yoona, alright?" He rushed inside the building, not even waiting for your response. You were exhausted and you just wanted to sleep. You couldn't bring yourself to ask Minho what that woman meant. Mainly because you didn't trust him to be honest with you anymore. You sighed and pulled your legs up on the leather seat, tucking your knees under your chin as you stared out the window. It was dark outside, the cars on the road slowly lessening in number. That pie shop ended up being a little too far from your house, half of your day having been spent inside the car. 
A sudden ding caused you to flinch, your eyes falling on the phone that lay on the driver's seat. It was Minho's. You bit your lip nervously, slowly wrapping your fingers around the sleek metal as you lifted it up. To your surprise, it was unlocked. An idea nagged at you, your fingers itching to take out the paper from your pocket. You didn't have anything to lose anyway. 
And what will you say to him?
You frowned, trying to come up with an answer. But there was none. What would you say? 
'Hey, I just called to say good night.'
You winced in embarrassment. With a defeated groan, you held the phone loosely, giving up on the brilliant idea you had.
The overwhelming silence in the car was making you feel suffocated, your hands unlocking the door for you to get some air. You placed the phone in your pocket, saving it from the risk of getting stolen. It was getting colder with every passing second, the occasional slurring of drunk people stumbling out of the bar made you shiver. It was definitely not safe alone on the streets. You wondered what was taking Minho so long. He only had to bring Yoona back, right?
The blaring music from inside made you curious. You had definitely been to clubs before but it had been too long. You knew you shouldn't be going in at all, considering your health but you just wanted to take a look. Looking for Minho could easily be used as an excuse to go inside and look around. Before you knew it, your feet were taking you towards the large and intimidating bouncers who looked like they were not going to let you inside, no matter what you said. 
You swallowed thickly, taking a step back when one of them glared at you before a look of recognition passed over his features. He nudged his partner, your brows meeting in confusion as both of them smiled at you and lost their intimidating posture.
"Ms Y/L/N! Would you like to go inside? Mr Kim hasn't shown up today but I'm sure he will do that eventually. He has been making his rounds here every night." The one with jet black hair stated, making you widen your eyes momentarily. What? Mr Kim? So you had been here before and they knew you well? 
You were about to speak up when a loud BANG echoed inside the club followed by screaming. Your blood ran cold, the bouncers in front of you mirroring your wide eyes as they ran inside, leaving you to wonder what just happened. 
That was certainly a gunshot, you could tell. And...oh no! Minho and Yoona. With bated breath, you rushed inside, tears pooling your eyes when you saw people running over each other in an attempt to leave. You could smell the blood, your mind taking you back to the basement. Your eyes frantically looked around the crowd, spotting a couple people who had been shot and a couple of them holding guns. Your hands trembled, your feet frozen in place. You just couldn't move until you saw one of the gun holders holding his gun against Minho's forehead, his head drooping towards the floor and a drunk Yoona passed out on the floor nearby. 
The crowd was still there, making it hard for you to make your way towards your friends. The music had stopped and now it was just screams and cries of pain. The attackers were masked, the dark club not helping you identify them either. One of them was standing on the bar counter, searching for someone in the crowd. You were ready to go be a hero when his eyes stopped at you, his mouth stretching wide into a grin.
"I found her!" He yelled, alarming everyone in the room. Your heart picked up it's pace, Minho and Yoona no longer your concern. You blended into the crowd, ducking as the masked men jumped in the mass of bodies to find you. You glanced at a dark hallway, assuming that it was probably the way to the bathrooms. With a shaky breath, you lunged forward, hearing another gunshot booming behind you. You were quick to enter the bathroom and locked the door as best you could. It seemed as if no one had seen you since there was no one banging on the door for now. Your head was pounding and so was your heart. You looked at the long mirror, breaking down into sobs as you fell to the floor. Why were they after you? 
You ran your fingers through your tangled hair, closing your eyes and trying to come up with your next move. After a beat of silence, you heard the familiar ding of Minho's phone in your pocket, your eyes lighting up with hope. You took out the phone with shaky hands and pulled out the piece of paper, a tear sliding down your cheek and onto it. You dialled his number, placing the phone next to your ear and praying that he picked up on time. A few rings later, a click sounded, indicating that your prayers had been answered.
"Taehyung, help me…"
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Taglist: @min-t-posts @annoyinglyunabashedangel @bringitseijoh @kpopgirlbtssvt @jeonjello @shadowstark @bangtanniexxx @wendyiiwl @imlostindarkness @sinnersblogg @jazzytfw @lovestrucked-again @hopetookmysoul @angelwolfexorcist @taes-strawberry @ireallylikefoodandyoutube @annoyingpessimist @hajimaoppaa @atwoodscott @kawaiimusiccollection @byeolizzie @sleepysavya @sensiblebutch @maiden-mars @soundofwonderland @the-fangirl-lorax @btsarmysvtcarat @youthandtears @novelread000 @glitterytreephantom @chocolatemilk1221 @cookiemonstermusic258 @iamcrazyforkdramas @luckyzipperscissorsbat @kpop-is-life100 @entitledtolove @somewhereinthestarss @vertueuxeuse @anothermisspark @xanny91 @mayumioutloud @rulz0821
Sorry if I failed to tag anyone. Let me know what you think and also if you wanna be tagged! Ily, bye!🖤
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