#Even with that I still feel a bit restrained I wanna push him even further!! Cartoony!!! I get excited with every step closer hehe
sysig · 11 months
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Red Tape tied in a bow (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
Also decided to give a go to the caption thing again since this one’s rather dialogue-heavy!
[Panel 2] Peepers: Uhm...sir? Hater: What. Peepers: Could you- do you have the full paperwork on our health plan?
[Panel 3] Hater: Health plan? Peepers what in grop’s name are you talking about??
[Panel 4] Peepers: It’s really no big thing, I just wanted to see what was (and wasn’t) covered-
[Panel 5] Hater: Commander Peepers. Are you planning to commit insurance fraud on my dime? And you’re asking me how?
[Panel 7] Peepers: P- hahahaha! I would never dream of it, Lord Hater!
[Panel 8] Hater: Then-? Peepers: I just want to see what’s covered, sir. Like I said already...
[Panel 9] Hater: Hrmph. It’s all personally approved by me, so feel free to ask, Commander.
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Lord Hater#Oh I had an InOrdinate amount of fun with this lol#Bunch of quiet little inspiration pieces all clicked together into a full page in one sitting that was too fun to set down and go to bed lol#First of all doodling Peepers in a binder? Sparks joy completely#He's not satisfied tho - I considered angsting it up a little or having a discovery mini plot but I feel like those are so done :P#Rather just let him skirt the line and see how close he can get without tripping over it! :D#Hhhhh they're both so fun to drawwwww <3 <3 <3 Peepers with his expressive body language - his leg tucked behind the other in the second!#Also that BG >:3c Hater's room is cool haha#And then Hater himself ah ♪ His face is especially satisfying to work bit by bit until he looks like himself! :D#I was mostly striving for consistency in these so a lot of his expressions are quite similar to the preceding panels - hopefully noticeably!#The ones of him backlit and in profile tho were also very fun! ♪♫ Peepers' posing in the latter as well ahh :D#Even with that I still feel a bit restrained I wanna push him even further!! Cartoony!!! I get excited with every step closer hehe#Also thinking a lot around their early relationship ahh ♪ We never got to see their backstories ouq It's a shame#But we do see Hater and Wander's early dynamic and how Hater changes the more he's exposed to him lol so it's fun to extrapolate from there#A semi-serious paranoid evil electric skeleton man still getting used to having to depend on others <3 Until Peepers proves himself#I mean if he's already a Commander by this point he must've been doing something right but for Watchdogs that's a kind of low bar lol#It's fun to think he was motivated for his own selfish(?) reasons until he started seeing Hater as a proper comrade :)#But until then >:3c Trust very shallow all the way around! Awkwardness and uncertainty! Ah! <3
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cheonstapes · 8 months
geto suguru stars in... 'CHOKE ME OUT' (☆_@)
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a/n ~ thinkin about when kenjaku was drooling as he choked himself...yeaaaaaaaa
summary; play fighting with your man leads to some...interesting discoveries.
wc; 700+
pairing; geto suguru x reader
cw; SMUT!!, m!masturbation, choking kink, switch!geto, switch!reader, thigh kink, cumplay, they tussle a lil, geto wants reader to suffocate him basically, nawt proofread - surprise!!
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you knew your boyfriend was 100 times stronger than you, but that didn’t stop you from trying.
he always went easy on you anyway, he sees you as his delicate little princess - he doesn’t want to hurt you — but he still always won. that is what made you wanna take him down even more. you were standing on opposite sides of the room, circling each other all predator like. “c’mon baby, you scared?” fuck no. in fact, he didn’t know that you’d been training for this - you were gonna take. him. down.
 “shut up, ‘guru.” you murmured, dipping behind the couch as you crawled on the floor to sneak up on him. “huh? the fuck are you doing?” he couldn’t help but laugh at how serious you were taking this, standing with his hands on his hips as he looked around for you. ok, now he was a bit lost. it’s like you no clipped through the floor, he couldn’t see you at all. “baby? where’d you-“
you suddenly sprung up from behind, jumping on his back. he let out a little gasp, gripping your thighs as they wrapped around his waist. “what-!” both of you fell onto the couch, his body shuffling down to try and get out of your grip. his hands pushed and prodded your thighs, trying to pry them from around his neck but they wouldn’t budge. you tightened them, grabbing his wrist in your smaller hands to restrain him further. “looks like you’re in a bit of a predicament, babe. you gonna give up?” 
you knew you won, finally. his body relaxing slightly as he let out a small groan. snickering quietly as you let go of his wrist and peered over at his face. seeing him like that, was the last thing you expected. his face was flushed, eyes rolled back as drool slipped from his lips. the more you looked, the more desperate he got - his bulge fat and aching, twitching under the weight of your gaze. “fuck…stop- stop lookin’ at me like that.”
he’s never felt so turned on in his life. having his girl wrap her beautiful thighs around him, choking him out within a inch of his life was his biggest dreams — if he died in between your thighs, he would die a happy man. your smile was downright sinful as you realised what got your boyfriend so worked up - wrapping your legs even tighter around his thick neck. “oh-ho, you like this?” he nodded as best as he could, a hand slipping under his waistband to fish out his cock whilst the other roamed your thigh.
“harder, baby. need you to choke me with those sexy thighs of y’rs.” his large hand worked his cock, lips coming down to bite your flesh, sucking little red marks along them. he couldn’t believe this was happening. he could practically taste your slick pouring outta your cunt, you clearly liked it as much as he did or else you wouldn’t be so fucking wet. “harder? god, you’re such a masochist.” 
his hips chased his fist like a madman, body trembling as he could feel himself getting lightheaded. the way you panted above him, your hips now starting to grind softly — searching for some kind of friction. you were just so cute, if he wasn’t about to pass out — he would eat you out like it was his last meal. “bout to cum, angel. s-shit, gonna bust ‘cause of your pretty fuckin’ thighs.”
his whines were so pretty. his hair tickled your skin as he writhed under you, veins in his hands bulging as he fucked his hand to completion. “fuuuck me! i love you, baby, so — so perfect f’r me.” thick ropes of gooey cum jetted out of his red tip, his thighs trembling and mouth salivating. the dopey grin he had when he looked at you melted your heart, and made your clit throb — you so badly wanted to suffocate him with your cunt till he was begged you to stop. he was too cocky for a guy who was just begging his girlfriend to choke him out.
he shuffled out of your grip as it loosened around his neck, raising a cum soaked hand in between your thighs — spreading his cum on the crotch of your panties.
“want me to choke you with my thighs now?”
“not a chance, suguru.”
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-cmere ill let you choke me
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More Judd smut?
More Judd smut yay (,:
Tags: fem! Reader, porn with a little plot?, what the fuck is hormone monster dialogue, everyone is horny fr, Nick and Andrew are creeps, but also scared of Judd, and very curious, questionable babysitting?, smoking, participating in the act of “getting stoned”, smoking inside, use of the word simp un-ironically, Judd gives super useless dating advice, not so safe sex, please use protection! please do not read if you’re uncomfortable with smut(,:
Summary: you and Judd are the designated babysitters for the night.
Read my OG Judd story? Here
Author’s note: hi gang (,: I remember when I was like “mental illness funny haha” but it’s really not funny anymore 🥹 I know I disappear all the time,, and I don’t even wanna apologize this time lol. But anyways, this has been brewing in my docs for like MONTHS and now I’ve come back, humbly offering you another Judd smut since the other one is surprisingly popular. Eat well, my children
The one where Judd gives dating advice
4,4K words
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(Note, Judd is so cute and I love him :,)
“I don’t care about those horny little shits, I’m just saying they’re old enough to fuck off and do whatever they want. I don’t want my pissstain of a brother hanging around you, your sister is also fucking weird—“ 
You gently elbowed him. “—You’re fucking weird, Judd. And the kids aren’t really that bad, you’re a bit dramatic, babe,” you said, and he angrily grumbled something in response as he slammed the microwave shut. The microwave made a noise, and you watched the third batch of popcorn slowly expand and start to pop. 
Unfortunately for Judd, your parents had collectively decided to go out the day you had promised him a date. Mr and Mrs Birch got a coupon for a recently opened Thai restaurant and decided to invite yours, Missy’s and Andrew’s parents out for dinner, making you the designated babysitter of the night. Leah had ditched the whole ordeal, and Judd was planning to ditch as well until you sent him a picture of your tits and told him he could still come over if he behaved. 
With Maury clouding his judgement, there was no fucking way he could say no to that. 
So now, he was stuck making popcorn for a bunch of middle schoolers. Not to mention he had a pretty bad track record with the kids, they were all absolutely terrified of him. Except of course Jessie, who was deeply in love with him. He grunted in annoyance, turning around to face you with his arms crossed over his chest. 
He had been muttering complaints under his breath ever since you started setting up for the movie. He was absolutely livid that the kids stole away his one-on-one private time with his girlfriend, but for you (and your boobs) he tried to somewhat restrain himself. 
“Judd, baby, look at me,” you stepped out in front of him, reaching up and gently rubbing his cheek, forcing his attention on you. “I know this is not ideal. But, if you play nice, I have a little something for you when the kids go to bed,” you purred, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
He grabbed your waist, kneading the soft flesh in his big hands. Even though he looked intimidating as all hell, not to mention he absolutely towered over you, he was wrapped around your pinky finger. 
He leaned down and buried his face in your neck. “It better be good, slut..” he grunted, brushing his lips over your neck. You slapped the back of his head, feeling him frown against your skin. “I said behave, bitch-boy.” Your tone was sharp, and he knew not to push you any further. 
“Fine, alright. Whatever.” He grumbled, hugging you closer to his body. 
It was precisely 7’oclock when the kids arrived. Jessie was still in her room, not wanting to hang out with you and Judd alone; she had refused to come out after your parents left. 
Surprisingly, Judd was the first at the door. He grinned evilly. “Welcome to purgatory, you little shits.” He said, looking down at the 8th graders menacingly. “Bitch! Your sister's dumb friends are here!” He called over his shoulder. 
You huffed audibly. “Are you gonna let them in or what, numbnuts?” You called back to him, pouring the last packet of popcorn into a bowl. 
He frowned and stepped aside, letting the now pretty frightened kids inside. Missy walked in first, smiling nervously at Judd, then came Andrew and Nick. 
Nick was about to step inside, when Judd put a hand on his shoulder. The younger boy stopped dead in his tracks, praying to whatever god he could think of that his brother would let him off easy. “I didn’t do anything! Judd, I swear, please let me go!” He shouted, voice breaking multiple times.
A ghost of a smirk crossed Judd’s face. “Don’t try shit, or I will rip your tiny dick off and force it down your throat. Got it, asslicker?” 
Nick swallowed thickly, frantically nodding his head. Of course Judd had picked up on his brother's crush on you, as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Y-You got it, Judd!” He confirmed, panicked chuckles escaping him. 
“Judd. Let him inside.” You stomped up to them, looking so livid you scared Judd back into being nice as you crossed your arms over your chest. Nick looked away quickly, a pink flush covering his face and neck. 
Judd pushed Nick inside with a frown, once again not being able to refuse you. The kids looked on in bewilderment as the intimidating teen seemed to slightly cower under your glare, complying to your will. He looked down at them with something akin to shame, before following after you like a lost puppy.
The kids were in complete shock. Had Judd been fucking possesed?
You called out to Jessie, telling her to come out of her room, before dragging Judd back into the kitchen. 
“Y/nnn! Can you start the movie already?” Jessie whined loudly.
A bit of shuffling could be heard in the kitchen. ”I-In a minute! We’re just fixing some drinks!” You called out, voice slightly shaky.
“.. do you really think they’re getting drinks?” Missy asked, after an agonising minute of silence. The kids sat stiffly on the couch. 
You had told them to make themselves at home, but none of them were able to really calm down with Judd in the house. 
Jessie scoffed. “Does it sound like they’re getting drinks? My sister's kind of a slut if you haven’t noticed.” She spat. 
Nick rolled his eyes. “So is Judd.” 
The two of them weren’t able to get over their jealousy of your relationship, somehow not yet registering that they didn’t stand a chance with high schoolers. 
“Come on guys, that’s not a very nice thing to say,” Missy said nervously, glancing at the kitchen door. 
“Jessie, do you think it’s possible I can get a glass of milk? I feel very dehydrated right now,” Andrew muttered, wringing his hands. 
Jessie sighed and Nick immediately began explaining in detail how Judd would murder him. But ultimately, after a long and intense discussion, the kids decided to venture into the kitchen.
“You promised to be nice,” You said over your shoulder, holding Judd’s hand as you pulled him to the kitchen. 
“I am nice.” He huffed, letting go of your hand and instead reaching out to grab your waist. He gently lifted you, setting you down on the counter top before stepping in between your legs. For a moment you thought he would lead it somewhere, but your face morphed into a gentle smile when he buried his face in your neck, hands gently rubbing up and down your sides. 
You softly stroked his hair, making the angry agent of chaos visibly relax as he melted into your touch. “You didn’t even last ten seconds,” You muttered, immediately recognizing his actions as jealousy.
He breathed out against your neck, and you couldn’t help but softly laugh at the tingly feeling. “It was nice enough for me to make the popcorn, do you want me to fucking hand feed them too?” He grumbled, straightening up so he could glare down at you. 
You rolled your eyes. “Calm down there, Mr. grumpy-pants. All I ask is that you remain civil for the night, or at least until the movie’s over,” You gave him your very best puppy dog eyes, reaching up to gently brush your hands over his jaw again. Reluctantly, he leaned into your touch, fighting to keep his angry glare. 
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t deny how absolutely soft he was for you. Your touch calmed him like no other, not even horror movies or tormenting the neighbourhood made him feel as gleeful as when you touched him. 
He hummed in response, not really registering what you said, too focused on your touch. His own hands travelled from your waist to your thighs, gently squeezing. You let out a soft little sigh and instantly Maury appeared. 
‘What? What’d I miss? You’re gonna fuck?’ The hormone monster asked, observing the situation. ‘Oooh! You should totally have a quickie, let’s see how many fingers you can stuff in her before the kids find out!’ He grinned, shaking Judd by the shoulders.
“Shut the fuck up.” Judd growled, making Maury let out a series of horse laughs. ‘Oh ho ho ho! At least get a good feel of her boob, we need something to get through the movie!’ He said dramatically, before patting Judd’s head and walking off in search of new entertainment. 
Judd thought about it for a moment, before slowly sliding his right hand up your tummy until he could palm one of your tits. 
“Judd,” You said, placing your hand over the one he had on your chest, but not removing it. “You gotta behave, alright? Just for tonight. And you can touch aaall you want after, I promise,” You said, finishing the sentence with a long kiss to his cheek. 
“Fuck. Okay, fine.” He relented, removing his hand from your boob and intertwining his fingers with yours instead. He leaned in, pressing a series of wet kisses to your jaw and neck. 
You hummed happily, half closing your eyes until you caught movement somewhere over Judd’s shoulders. You immediately straightened up, opening your eyes fully only to make eye contact with four completely stupefied middle schoolers. 
The kids were too stunned to speak, literally.
Andrew was stammering incoherently, Nick seemed to find the ceiling very interesting, Missy and Jessi had both turned completely red in face but for very different reasons. 
“Oh. Hello,” You said awkwardly, pushing Judd away and jumping off the counter quickly. 
Your boyfriend in question let out a disappointed grunt, murderously glaring down the kids but keeping quiet. You all stood in complete silence for a few, agonisingly long seconds, until Andrew finally spoke up.
Still wringing his hands, the preteen stepped slightly closer to you. “Y/n, I’m very sorry to interrupt. But could I maybe get a glass of milk? It would really help with my nervous stomach—“ You cut him off before he could go into further detail about his digestive system and smiled warmly at him. 
“—Of course. Why don’t you follow Judd back into the living room, he’ll start the movie for you and then I’ll be right out. Okay?”   
If looks could kill, you’d be six feet under. 
Judd bore holes through your back with his eyes, as you turned to open the fridge. “O-okay! Once again, thank you Y/n,” Andrew said, seemingly relieved.
Slowly the kids turned to walk out the kitchen, drizzling out one after the other. Jessi bore a somewhat mischievous smile, walking a bit slower on purpose in hopes she could walk next to Judd. Your boyfriend sighed heavily, uncrossing his arms and following after the kids. He was slowly coming to realise that he had no other choice, than to be a slave for a gang of middle schoolers. 
The kids were again stiffly seated on the couch, this time with Judd sitting in the far end. Jessie had glued herself to his side, shamelessly sitting as close to him as possible. He was sure he would accidentally hit her if he moved his arm just the slightest.
He was holding the remote, quickly flicking through movies on netflix as the kids fought over what to watch. 
“Shut the fuck up.” He barked. “I’ll find you a good movie,” And by “good movie'' he meant the absolutely goriest horror flick netflix had to offer. 
Judd grinned sinisterly as he chose a movie, looking over to see the kids all sporting comically shocked expressions. 
Andrew carefully glanced at Judd. “Excuse me, Judd, but are you sure this movie is suitable for children?” He asked. 
“Y-yeah. Doesn’t that say you have to be sixteen..? My mom said I shouldn’t watch scary movies until I feel ready,” Missy added.
Nick didn’t say anything. He was scared enough of his brother already to disagree openly with him, and he also didn’t want to seem like a wimp in front of Jessi. 
“It’s about time you little pussies grow up. Be quiet and just watch the fucking movie,” Judd said, as mischievously as his monotone voice would allow him to sound. 
Jessi nodded gravely. “Yeah, guys. Shut up. It’s just a movie,” She said, looking up at Judd with big eyes for approval. He only grunted, pressing start on the remote. 
Within the first few minutes, Andrew and Nick were clinging to each other. Missy was curled in on herself, watching the movie through her spread fingers. Judd grinned evilly, satisfied with his choice as he started digging through his pockets.
He was quick to dig up a lighter and half a blunt. A bloody jumpscare in the movie made Jessi jerk and grab onto Judd’s arm, slightly shaking. He sighed deeply, annoyed, but let it slide. He lit the blunt, throwing his feet up on the coffee table and tilting his head back as he inhaled deeply. 
“Judd, I told you not to smoke inside,” You grumbled, returning to the living room with drinks and even more popcorn. Judd raised his head slightly, cocking an eyebrow at you. “Shut up,” He simply said, gesturing to the way Jessi was clinging to him. 
You had to stifle a laugh, quickly setting the snacks on the coffee table and handing the milk to Andrew, who reached out to take it with a shaky hand, refusing to look at the tv.
Upon noticing the lack of space on the couch, Judd beckoned you to his lap. You happily sat down, Jessi giving you a disturbed look as your body gently pushed hers away. 
“What the hell are we even watching?” You asked, Judd shrugged. “Dunno. Summer camp massacre something,” He said, handing you the blunt as you got comfortable on his lap. 
You took a long drag, nuzzling into Judd as his hands came down to hold your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Guys,” Missy suddenly whispered, eyes glued to you and Judd. “Is that.. Marijuana.. As in drugs?”
Judd chuckled, you could feel him move beneath you as you struggled to keep from laughing yourself. 
You said the only appropriate answer you could scrape from your brain; “Well.. Yeah.” 
Missy’s eyes grew to sorcerers. “You can’t do that! Marijuana is a gateway drug! It could mess up your brain- Oh fudge! It could mess up my brain from inhaling secondhand!” 
This time you couldn’t conceal your giggle, handing the blunt back to Judd as you leaned forward. You smiled softly at the younger. “Don’t worry about it, Missy. You’re way too smart to be corrupted by secondhand smoke,” You said. Missy nodded reluctantly, a small smile appearing on her face as she accepted the compliment.
“Mom will actually kill you,” Jessi mumbled and you fondly ruffled her hair. “She won’t if you keep your mouth shut.” You teased, as she scowled at you. Her eyes quickly left yours, to blatantly stare at Judd as he blew clouds of smoke out his nose. He truly looked like an angry dragon, staring at the movie screen with furrowed brows. 
Jessi went bright red, looking away immediately when Judd turned to meet her gaze. You grinned, ruffling her hair again before relaxing back into your boyfriend. Judd gave another annoyed grumble, but soon relaxed himself. 
Somehow, the kids managed to be quiet for the duration of the movie as you finished the blunt and most of the snacks.
Jessi fell asleep against you, having ended up clutching your hand for safety (probably from the masked killer on screen). Missy fell asleep against Andrew, the two huddled in a pile. Nick had slid down from the couch, attempting to hide from the movie but ending up sleeping under the coffee table.
By the time credits came on screen, you and Judd were the only ones awake. Pleasantly hazy from the smoke session, you turned your head to smile at him.
“You were so good. I like nice Judd,” You muttered, leaning up to press a soft, slow kiss to his lips. 
He immediately deepened the kiss, claiming his price. In a horny daze, his hands migrated to your butt and his tongue invaded your mouth. You sighed, a bit too loudly and let your own hands wander. Over his shoulders, rubbing down his chest and abdomen till eventually they rested just over his belt. 
The hiss that escaped him as your hands pressed to his crotch, definitely did not go unnoticed and you responded in kind by moving from his lips, messily gliding wet kisses down his jaw and neck. You bit him playfully, but still hard enough to leave indents in his perfectly smooth neck. 
‘Oooh, baby!’ Right on time, Connie appeared at your side. She purred like a cat, curling around you and Judd on the couch. ‘Why don’t you hurry and jump right on up on that delicious dick of his? You know he can make you feel reeeeeaaaal good,’ She drawled.
Barely acknowledging her, you dumbly nodded in agreement. 
‘Hurry, dumpling! Don’t got much time before the kiddies wake up,’ She urged you, poking Jessi with a long fingernail, and indeed, your sister was starting to stir. 
You could only let out a frustrated huff. Judd had your hair fisted in one hand and your hip clutched tightly in the other, helping you rut yourself against his growing bulge in long, hazy strokes. He felt good, you felt good, everything felt so, so good and moving away from the heavenly friction could not be more of a bother. 
You leaned forward a bit, which came with resistance considering his tight grip on your hair, and whined lowly in his ear. 
Gently, you nosed at his cheek. “Judd.. the kitchen. C’mon,” You breathed.
He retaliated by grinding up into you, much harder than before, allowing you to feel the entirety of his now, very hard, length. You moaned loudly in response. 
“We need to.. the kitchen— they’re waking up,” It was a difficult task to form the right words, with the increased amount of pleasure, so you scratched his shoulders, gently, to get your point across. 
Leaning in, he captured your lips in a hard kiss, licking into your mouth with such fervour your head was spinning. He let go, biting down on your bottom lip and dragging it back before pulling away completely. 
“Stupid fucking kids,” He gritted, tongue swiping over his lips, plump from kissing. 
Heaving, you bit your bottom lip and batted your eyelashes at him in a most sultry display that was sure to make Connie proud. A sinister grin spread across his face, when he got an idea and he let go of your hair in favour of kneading your ass in both his hands.
“I’ll fuck you on the table, slut, be grateful.” It was a demand, but you didn’t mind because right at that moment, nothing truly sounded more pleasing than getting railed on the dining table in your mothers kitchen. 
A shudder went through you at the thought, warmth slushing in your belly and still, you grinned coyly at him. “Only because you were so well behaved. I’m starting to think you actually like them, Juddy-Wuddy?” You said, motioning to the four kids as you cooed at him. 
You got him with that one. Watching with glee as his jaw clenched and he sent you a look that could only mean one of two things; he was going to kill you or plow you until you could no longer walk. You highly suspected the latter.
Your boyfriend scoffed. “It’s almost cute how damn smart you think you are, huh? You fucking bitch.” He glowered. He despised when you called him that, one of the many terrible nicknames you had overheard his mom call him, and he always fell right into your trap. 
Before you could start to respond, he was rising from the couch, hands manoeuvring under your thighs to lift you up with him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, legs tighter around his waist to keep his clothed cock pressed up against your core, and nuzzled your face into his neck. 
His hands were warm on your thighs, so big they almost covered them entirely when he spread his fingers. You latched onto his neck again, engraving lots of little purple marks, just how he liked it. 
His response came as a strained grunt, as he barreled into the kitchen and dropped you on the corner dining table. 
The table was cold, you squealed as your thighs dragged along the cool surface and Judd wasted no time, leaning over you and pushing your skirt up to expose your panties. 
A sinister grin spread across his face when he found your panties were already damp and soaked, his award for being a prime example of a boyfriend this evening.
You bucked your hips, mewling for attention and hoping he would be quick to relieve you of the throbbing between your thighs. 
He laughed, low and husky as he watched you writhe on the table beneath him. Your lips were swollen and plump, a deep blush covered your cheeks and your hair was messily spread out over the table’s surface. His dick ached.
‘Boi-oi-oi-oing!’ Maury was right behind him, a wild smile split his face and he let his tongue hang out, looking more like a rabid dog than a hormone monster. 
‘C’mon! Shove your fist inside her, she obviously wants it!’ Maury barked, shaking Judd by the shoulders. The teen shook him off, grumbling a threat as he returned to the task at hand. 
You heaved in a breath, tongue coming out to wet your lips again. “Judd, I swear to god, do something—“ You pleaded, desperately. 
“— have patience. And shut the fuck up.” Judd grunted, long fingers creeping towards the wet patch on your panties. Then, he pressed down, right in the middle of the wetness where your much neglected clit sat.
Gasping, you reached out to grasp his bicep. He pressed down again, keeping his thump there and swirling it in circles. You gasped and whined his name softly, the wet fabric glided over your most sensitive part so well it was hard to think about keeping quiet. 
He was quick to silence you with a kiss, however, as his left hand finally, finally, left the wet patch to pull your panties off. You helped him shake them off, too focused with the cool air blowing on your hot core to notice how he crumbled up your panties and stuffed them in his back pocket. 
You begged for him again, whines disappearing into his open mouth as he kept it slotted over yours. 
He shushed you, putting his weight on his right hand as he leaned in further between your legs, suddenly stuffing two fingers into you, in one smooth motion. You cried out so loudly and desperately that not even Judd’s wet kisses could conceal it, he gave you another rough thrust of his fingers in retaliation.
Your eyes were half closed, lips forming an ‘o’ as he pulled away from your mouth to bite at your neck. His fingers reached a depth that your own could not, hitting a softer, mushier spot in your pussy that had you seeing stars each time. He was so rough with his thrusts too, working quickly and effectively to bring you to ecstasy and making the table rattle slightly. You could only pray that the slight scraping on the tiled kitchen floor could not be heard in the living room.
What was much louder, however, were your own loud gasps and breathy moans of your boyfriend's name. The closer you got, the louder your pleas became. 
Judd bit your neck again, hard enough to turn the skin purple. “I said, be quiet, bitch.” He groaned into your neck, panting slightly as the pace of his hand increased. 
You tried, but really couldn’t. The lewd squelching sound and the rapid stroking of his two fingers against your g-spot had you mewling and bucking against him. And it certainly didn’t help, when his thumb pressed down on your clit as well. 
His slender fingers didn’t create much of a stretch, but you knew he was preparing you for his monstrous cock and because his fingers were so deliciously long the waiting time was never disappointing. 
You could vaguely hear Connie bustling about in the background, shouting her encouragement and coaxing you to tell Judd all sorts of lewd things. You didn’t listen, you couldn’t when you were so, so close to your breaking point. 
With your body on fire, liquid pleasure in your veins, your toes curled and you tilted your head to allow Judd better access to the unmarked parts of it. He graciously took the opportunity, returning his grip on your head to position you just how he wanted.
Your thighs clenched around Judd’s arm, lip trembling as your eyes crossed in pleasure. “Judd..!” 
And then he was pulling away, you whined desperately in the process, only to be silenced with a large hand slapped across your mouth. 
“I told you to be quiet, bitch.” He snarled, his voice now so deep and feral it made you shiver. He squeezed your cheeks together, a bit of drool escaped your mouth and smeared on his hand, as he pulled you to a sitting position. “Didn’t I?”
Your pussy throbbed, clenching around nothing at both the rough treatment and being so suddenly void of stimulation. 
With your cheeks squished together, you couldn’t respond, so you opted for frantically nodding your head, softly whining out for him. You needed him inside you, and it had to be now. 
You rutted yourself against the table, slick following you and making a trail on the wooden surface, it felt good, but definitely not as good as Judd’s cock would feel. 
“Pw-pf..a..e.. Pwase!” You begged him, hands wandering towards his belt, feeling him up and unbuckling his belt buckle. You gasped quietly, he was so hard it had to hurt and the feeling of him pressed to your palm made you clench around nothing again. Despite the layers of clothes between you. 
He moaned, but reached down to gather both wrists in his free hand and pinning them together. “You think you think you deserve that? After all the fucking noise you made?” 
You cried out and nodded. Judd grinned sinisterly. “You’re so pathetic, you little slut. You know that?” 
You wanted to kick him, or at least insult him back but the throbbing in your cunt and the fact that his words only made that throb so much worse, made it quite hard to do so. 
Then, he leaned in, resting his chin on top of your head and inhaled your hair deeply. “You’re my little slut.” He grunted and, oh, you could have cum right there. 
You nuzzled into him, burying your head where his neck became his chest and started leaving small, wet kisses. 
He didn’t let go of either your wrists or mouth, instead he barked one simple order; “Off.” and brought your bound wrists towards his crotch again. 
You didn’t need to be told twice, immediately getting to work and shoving both his pants and underwear as far down as your position would allow you to grab at his dick. 
Hissing in pleasure, he pulled you closer to him. He was throbbing and warm in your hand, heavy and so swollen the head had almost turned purple, you tried lifting yourself up, tried to get just the tiniest bit of friction. 
You pumped him slowly, he was sticky with pre-cum already and he dropped his head into your hair again, burying his face into you with a strained groan. He, too, was close to his breaking point.
Letting your wrists and cheeks free, he opted to grab under both your hips, lifting them up to hover above his dick. You let go of him, fingers coming to scratch at the table as he did the remainder of work for you and you fell back on the table. 
“This what you want?” He grunted, thrusting experimentally and nudging his cockhead against your swollen little pearl. 
“Yes.. yes, yes! Please, Judd, it hurts, I need it..!” You blabbered, cheeks puffy and face screwed up as you felt your empty pussy ache with anticipation. Only your boyfriend's dick could ease the twang in your lower belly. 
He inhaled sharply through his nose, face set in stone and brows drawn together as he finally thrusted into you, filling you so completely in that one thrust, that you suddenly felt too full. 
The bit of pain from the wide stretch you felt melted into white-hot pleasure almost as soon as it appeared and when Judd pressed a bit more into you, his hip bones meeting yours, you came instantly. 
You cried out, overwhelmed by the sudden and immense pleasure. Judd cursed, rather loudly and tried pressing further into you, holding you flush against him as you clenched uncontrollably around him. You were even tighter now, so tight it almost hurt and so he waited for you to ride out your orgasm, breathing heavily. 
“Shit.. fuck you! Ah!” He nearly whined at the feeling, blunt nails digging into the plush flesh on your hips. 
Panting, sobbing and sighing, you slowly came down from your orgasm, not at all ready when Judd suddenly started thrusting again. You were already overstimulated, but the wide stretch and feeling of his cock inside felt so heavenly.
You couldn’t help the never-ending mantra of his name that escaped you, matching each of his violent thrusts. He wanted you to feel him as deep as possible, you knew, and he made sure of it. Leaning in over you to hit you at a deeper angle, pressing down on your belly as he fucked you to see himself bulging through. 
“Judd, m’so full,” You slurred, digging your nails into his shoulders, as deep as they would go. He grunted a response, sweat gathering on his dark brows; “You gotta be quiet, baby.” He was strained as he spoke, teeth clenched and warm breath fanning your face.
Then, he squeezed under your thighs again, sliding you towards the edge of the table. “Spread your legs.” He demanded gravelly, and you easily complied. He pressed himself to you further, barely pulling out after each thrust, but doubling the force in which he thrusted. 
The table scraped loudly against the floor, you whimpered and tried to quiet yourself, face heating as the room filled with squelching sounds that definitely didn’t leave anything to the imagination, should anyone overhear. 
Already, you started to tighten around him again, your thighs quivered as you did your best to keep them apart. Judd noticed almost immediately, bringing his thumb down upon your puffy clit. 
“C’mon pretty girl, cum for me again,” He panted and you followed suit, before you could cry out, though, he captured your lips with his own, chest pressed to yours. 
You sobbed into his mouth as his tongue licked flames into you, clutching him to you. His thrusts became irregular, driving you into the table until he couldn’t hold out anymore. He moved to pull out, but you stopped him, keeping him pressed against you. “Don’t.. they’ll see— in-inside.” You panted into his mouth, and almost immediately felt a slush of warm liquid fill your lower belly. 
Judd grit his teeth tightly, jaw fully clenching and breath heaving. His green eyes were dark and glazed, he straightened up a little, raising himself on his forearms to look down at you. 
You were drooling slightly, makeup a bit smudged as you laid out on the table, revelling in the feeling of complete satisfaction and Judd’s cum filling you.
He waited a while to pull out, watching with interest as your tummy swelled ever so slightly from the combining force of his dick and his spend. 
“You’re fucking horrible at being quiet,” He eventually stated.
You puffed out your cheeks, sitting up and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “It wasn’t me who made the table move,” you countered.
Judd’s hands ventured up your back, holding you to him. “You whine like a bitch in heat,” He countered, monotonously, in the most endearing way he could possibly put it. Because honestly, he loved the sounds you made. 
Maury clapped him on the back and barked something at him, reminding him that the two of you were indeed not alone and he pulled out of you. You sighed as he slipped out, feeling your combined liquids leak out a bit as well. 
He was quick to pull his pants and boxers up, turning from you to fetch a roll of paper towels. As he always did, he insisted on cleaning up for you. 
You had asked him about it once, getting the lame response of; “I like to keep my things clean.” 
Fixing your skirt to cover yourself, you found that your panties were nowhere in sight and fixed Judd a look. 
Your boyfriend shrugged. “This is your house, just get another pair.” You blew a raspberry at him. “I’m actually gonna run out of underwear because of you.” 
He didn’t care, it was quite obvious, so you kissed his jaw and jumped from the table, to get yourself a new pair. Judd didn’t miss his chance to roughly squeeze your ass as you walked past him. 
Nick awoke to a strange sound. The loudest being the scraping of something on the floor, then he heard you cry, loud and continually as though you were in pain. 
Immediately he sat up. The room was dark and the tv static, he drowsily looked around, his four friends sleeping soundly on the couch. Andrew moved his foot, coincidentally pinning Nick down with it. Groggily, he sighed and pushed Andrew off him. 
He swayed a bit as he stood up, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. His brother and you weren’t anywhere to be seen, the spot where you previously was sitting now occupied by Jessi, sleeping in a starfish position. 
That was when he heard the sound again, the scraping and then the desperate gasping. This time, though, he heard his brother’s raspy voice as well. What the hell was going on?
‘Judd and Y/n are wrestling,’ Suddenly his temporary hormone monster, Tyler emerged from the kitchen with a disturbed look. 
“What?” Nick was way too tired to process something like that. 
‘They’re rolling around on the table! Like this!’ Tyler got on top of the coffee table, and started intimidating something that definitely did not look like wrestling.
Tyler noticed Nick’s confused expression. ‘Yeah! And she keeps crying and saying his name— like, like this!’ The monster proceeded to do an utmost terrible impression of you calling for Judd and Nick cringed. ‘— and then, Judd told her to shut up and called her a slut! I think he’s gonna get her in a chokehold. I wouldn’t put my money on Y/n, though, she’s not even trying to fight him off—‘
“— Yeah, I don’t think they’re wrestling, Tyler.” Nick deadpanned, cutting the deity short. He felt his face grow increasingly red, as your sounds grew. Now, even he could hear you beg Judd for all sorts of lewd things. 
‘Oh.’ Tyler blinked a couple of times. Nick shivered, he definitely did not need to hear his brother bone his girlfriend (on whom he had a crush) or explain the situation to his hormone monster. 
The two of them remained in uncomfortable silence for a while, Nick pacing back and forth to clear his head of any inappropriate thoughts that Tyler was coaxing him into, once he had figured out the situation. 
Eventually, Nick settled on waking Andrew. 
“Andrew,” He pushed his friend and whispered again. “C’mon, wake up, Andrew,” 
The latter mumbled something incoherent, adjusting his glasses in his sleep. Nick groaned and shook him, not relenting. “I never peed in that pool!” Andrew woke up shouting, and Nick tumbled back in surprise. 
“What?” Nick hissed. Andrew looked about wide eyed, seemingly as groggy as Nick. “I— what?” Andrew repeated. He blinked at his friend slowly, not yet aware of the circumstances. 
He pulled Andrew from the couch, and put a hand over his mouth. “Listen,” He whispered, and watched as his friend's expression turned from annoyed, to confused, to very very startled. 
“Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god!” Andrew stammered. Nick removed his hand. “Is that— are they?” His head snapped from Nick to the kitchen entrance and back again. 
The shorter nodded once, stiffly. “What do we— do we do anything? We could go back to sleep before Judd— oh god, what if they find out we heard?”
Nick turned to his panicking friend, determination clear in his eyes. “We need to go see for ourselves.” 
Andrew’s eyes grew impossibly larger, to the size of sorcerers. “What? No! No, no, normally I come up with those kinda terrible ideas— are you okay, Nick?” He put a clammy hand to Nick’s forehead, fauxingly checking his temperature.
Nick clicked his tongue, annoyed, and waved his friend’s hands away. “Think, Andrew! You have a crush on Y/n, I have a crush on Y/n, haven't you imagined her like that a lot of times, anyway? We can just look, really quickly,” 
“Uuhh, I— I don’t know,” He stammered, eyes flicking to the kitchen door. 
Nick sighed. “I’m going to go look.” His statement was final, as he marched off. Andrew wrung his hands, definitely not unaware of his own desire to see what his two designated babysitters were up to, and his legs seemed to follow after Nick all by themselves. 
The two stopped by the door, neither daring to actually peek inside yet. 
“Judd, m’so full,” 
Both boys stiffened at the sound of your voice, breathy and begging and definitely not how you usually spoke to them. 
Then, Judd grunted; “You gotta be quiet, baby.” Followed up by a harsh command of; “Spread your legs.”
Nick swallowed, and Tyler pushed him further towards the door, squealing at him to look. Suddenly, his previous courage had completely disintegrated and he looked at Andrew, panicked.
The other was just as alarmed, sweat beating his forehead as the scraping sounds picked up and they realised the weight of the situation. 
They stood there for a while, completely perplexed, having been so scared off by your vulgar statements that neither dared to move. Andrew shut his eyes tightly, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he heard Maury in the room as well. He was barking orders at Judd, all of which went completely ignored, and cheering the two of you on.
Then, after what felt like aeons, the noise quieted down and the two preteens listened as you had a quiet conversation. Judd was way less mean, when he talked to you in private, they both noted. Only when you went off to get another pair of briefs, did they realise their mistake. But it was too late for them to move, instead they both stood there with rapidly beating hearts, faces bathed in red with sheepish expressions as you exited the room. 
You stuck your head out the entrance first, yelling in surprise when you caught sight of the two boys. “Oh my god.” You breathed, then realising that they probably heard most of what just went on.
Caught red handed, you couldn’t bear to look neither of them in the eyes. You straightened, quickly walking past them and holding your skirt tightly around your bottom. 
Levelling your voice the best you could, you called to them over your shoulder; “Judd’s in the kitchen, if you need anything,” You squeaked, bounding upstairs to your room before they could properly take in your dishevelled appearance. 
Nick panicked, now they had to go in the kitchen, or suspicion would surely arise. He grabbed onto Andrew’s sleeve, willing his legs to move and take the final few steps into the kitchen.
Into the dragon's den, where Judd, the dragon resided. 
“H-hi. Judd.” Nick stammered. Judd had his back to them, raiding the fridge for anything to drink. You had only stocked up on diet sodas.
The older teen acknowledged them with a grunt, not bothering to turn before his drink-mission was complete. The two boys stood awkwardly in the middle of your kitchen, waiting for whatever reign of terror Judd would have prepared for them; but none came. 
Judd slammed the fridge door shut, and to their total surprise, threw each boy a Diet Coke. “Need anything else?” He drawled, sauntering to the table and slumping down in a chair. He opened a coke for himself and got comfortable in his chair, downing almost the entire can in one go. 
Andrew and Nick shared a glance, and simultaneously inched towards the table. The two of them sat down quietly, still waiting for Judd to scare them away. 
But he was completely out of character, for once, he looked kinda relaxed. Albeit a bit sweaty and tousled, but as calm as Nick had ever seen his older brother. His eyes lingered on Judd’s neck, where he bore a collection of teeth indents, smudges from your lipstick and hickeys.
The three sat in silence for a bit, listening as the light under the cabinets buzzed and eventually Judd got up to fetch another soda. 
“You want any more?” He asked the two, and they politely declined. He shrugged and returned to the table with a new can. 
Nick fiddled with the top of his can, eyes flitting around the room nervously. “Judd. Can I ask you a question?” He dared not look up as he spoke, keeping his eyes planted on the table.
Judd grunted, his way of saying ‘go ahead.’
“Why are you being so nice to us?” The question visibly caught Judd a bit off guard, he stopped drinking for a brief moment, thinking the question over before his stoic exterior returned. 
“Y/n wants me to be nice to you. She likes you small assholes,” He shrugged. 
Andrew looked at the older bewildered. “Y/n told you to be nice to us?” He asked, voice cracking as if he couldn’t believe his own ears. 
Judd frowned. “That’s what I said, wasn’t it?” He snapped.
Andrew swallowed thickly. “Y-yeah. Sorry,” 
“But— I mean, why? She’s not even here, and, you usually don’t listen to anyone,” Nick was unrelenting, now past the point of caring if Judd would beat him up for asking questions. 
A pregnant pause wove through the room, as Judd thought about the question. He still looked considerably less angry than usual, but his features were set in a frown and his brows drew together and made it look like he was planning something sinister. 
“I do what she says because I love her.” He said eventually, glaring off into space as he thought his answer over.
Neither of the two boys could believe their ears. The Judd Birch had just declared his love publicly. It must have been the post-nut clarity. 
When they failed to respond, he continued on; “Sometimes you gotta do dumb shit, even if it’s fucking annoying, to keep a girl.” He mumbled, still deep in thought. Had the situation been different, Nick would have found it quite funny to hear Judd talk about such tender things in his gruff voice. 
Andrew leaned over the table, adjusting his glasses. “Is— Is that how you get a girlfriend?” 
At that, the corners of Judd’s lips moved upwards ever so slightly. He turned fully to them, a wicked look in his eyes. “That’s how you get laid, numbnuts.” 
Then Nick cut in; “But what after? What if I like this girl, and I really wanna touch her boobs, but I also want to talk to her. I mean just talk. Because she’s smart, and funny, and really nice,” 
Judd dug through his back pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and opened the window on the wall behind him. He stuck one between his lips, and offered the pack up to the boys. 
“We’re twelve.”
Judd merely shrugged and lit his own cigarette. “If you wanna touch her tits, you gotta talk to her first. And don’t be a little creep. Charm her and shit,” He explained. 
Nick deadpanned. “Charm her?” Judd was everything but charming. It would forever remain the greatest mystery to him, how his brother managed to pull any girls at all. 
Andrew pushed up his glasses. “Actually, what Judd is saying is true. You need to make her feel as if you care about her—“ 
“—I do care about her!” Nick protested. 
Judd flicked a bit of his cigarette off over the window still. “Then it’s easy. Just talk to her, pussy.” He inhaled a long drag. “If she’s into small pricks, you’ll be just her type.”
The younger pouted. “Not funny, Judd.”
Judd cackled, lowly, sinisterly. “Then, how do you know if a girl likes you?” Andrew asked. 
“She lets you touch her tits.” 
Nick sighed. “C’mon, Judd! There has to be more to it— I mean, you have a girlfriend, so you obviously know.”
The eldest grunted and exhaled smoke through his nose. He thought for a bit before replying; “I was at a party, and I saw this girl, Y/n, and she was really fucking hot. Is really fucking hot,” He fixed the two middle schoolers a pointed look. “So I talked to her, turns out she’s really fucking sweet too. And when you meet a girl like that, all the rest comes naturally,” He finished his explanation, a bit smug as the two boys looked at him in wonder. 
“Not to offend, b—but haven’t you dated lots of girls? How’d you do that?” Andrew asked. 
Judd put his cigarette out in his, now empty, coke can. “Sure I have. You can also just fuck girls, but it’s a lot more fun if you like them,” He said. 
“How do I do that, then? Do I have to talk to her too, even if I don’t like her?” Andrew was a bit eager now, but Nick had to admit that he was also itching for answers. 
“No matter what, you gotta talk to her. Maybe not for long, and if you just wanna fuck, you have to say the right things,” He said, and then quickly added. “But don’t do that. I don’t want you two turning into little dicks,” 
“Then.. What if you’re already friends with her?” It was a bit of a jump in topic, but Nick had to get answers, and right now was probably the only time he had the opportunity to ask. 
Judd snorted. “You want to fuck one of your friends out there?” He cackled, motioning to the living room. 
Nick turned red very quickly. “No.” 
“Fuck, you’re a little simp!” The eldest was finding Nick’s personal troubles a little too funny, and he huffed, glaring at his brother. “But all the rules still apply. Be charming, talk to her, and don’t be a creep.” Judd eventually added, nodding at his brother. 
“Thank you, Judd.” Nick muttered, and he meant it. 
“Yeah, thank you, Judd,” Andrew echoed. 
Judd grunted. “Yeah, whatever. But don’t, ever, spy on me and Y/n again. I mean it. Or I will gut both of you like fucking fish.”
Hi, hello,, thank you of making it this far!
Originally, I wanted to label this “16+ do not interact if you’re younger” but honestly I ate shit like this tf UP when I was 13 💀 idk if I made Judd a little too OOC, sorry big mouth writers ☹️✋ I hope you enjoyed, though
Small rant + update; tumblr has been acting up on my phone lately, idk what I did to make it so laggy lately, but I have to post from my computer now ),: ALSO I’m so mad I keep forgetting that the cursive I make in Google docs doesn’t work in tumblr ahhhhHHHH so I had to go over the whole thing again, I’m pressed
And anyways, I’ve been working on a really big project for a while now, it is literally my baby, and it’s a Loki x reader because I finally watched some marvel movies lol, I’ll wait with posting it till it’s completely done bc rn it’s kinda a mess (and not nearly done) but if anyone would be interested in beta reading the first 5 chapters please don’t hesitate reaching out to me!
You are wonderful! Thank you for reading <3
Request something? HERE!
Tags? @dlfvrr (this was the only instance I could find of someone wanting to be tagged in my Judd stuff, please reply to this if you do want to be tagged)
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rinstaro · 11 months
Twi with a virgin reader. It’s their first time and all that and I just wanna see a soft twi In ur writing style
uhh... hey y'all. i wrote this in 2 hours with not a single break. enjoy
cw: soft twi barely restraining himself, fingering, virgin reader, no p in v this time :') but he’s very gentle with you still <33 reader has a vagina with no pronouns! not proofread.
minors do not interact.
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“hey hey— just let me do the work, darlin’. don’t want you liftin’ a finger.”
your lover grabbed your wrists, stopping you from taking off your shirt. slowly, he pulled the shirt above your head. you grew hot, squirming as he gazed at your bare chest. “there we go… look how pretty you are, my sweet lil’ darlin’… can’t wait to eat you up…”
you let out a low whine, face flushed red at his words. he’d been treating you so gently, even during your make out session. this was the first time you’d gotten this far, and you were filled to the brim with anticipation.
when you told twilight that he was your first, he was delighted. no one before him meant that every single time you had sex, you’d be trembling with pleasure— no one before him to disappoint you. he wanted to make sure that toe curling pleasure was all you knew.
he gently laid you on your back, beginning to kiss at your neck. you squeaked, sensitive to his every touch. he chuckles, “may i go further?”
of course, you nod in response. twilight leaves wet kisses along your neck and chest, slowly going down to your stomach. you twitch and whimper with almost every kiss. you’re just so damn cute, he thinks. he stops at your waistband, coming to look at you. you knew he was asking for permission and you love him dearly, but you wish that he’d hurry. you nod quickly.
and who is he to deny you? slowly, he slips off your shorts and underwear, revealing your dripping cunt to his hungry eyes. twilight licks his lips, eager for a taste. he doesn’t rush, though. he was making sure to take his time with you.
he lays a gentle kiss to your clit, making your breath hitch. the grip on your thighs tightens. he’s holding himself back for your sake. he wanted to devour you, and he would, just not yet. twilight licked a long, slow stripe up your cunt, moaning out loud at your taste. you moan in response, your body twitching at the foreign sensation.
“o-ooh…” you let out a sweet moan, music to twilights ears. he took it as a sign to continue. he ever so slowly laps his tongue over your clit, paying close attention to your every reaction. you twitch and squirm so beautifully for him. and the way you taste... he could've gone to heaven. he couldn't help but wonder how you'd react when he really gave it to you. but he'd restrain himself. this was about you.
which is why he doesn't stop to breathe, not even for a moment. he keeps a steady pace with his tongue, giving extra love to the spots that made you squeal the most.
"f-fuck, f-feels..! hnnm, link!" you cry, your hips canting up into his tongue. god, twilight loves this. his patience was wearing thinner and thinner. forget his own pleasure. he wanted to pin you down and make you cry on his tongue all night. but you'd asked him to take you, so he'd have to wait another night.
twilight brought his fingers to your soaked folds, pausing for a moment. he finally detaches his lips from your clit to look up at you.
"gotta prep ya so you can take me, okay darlin'? are you ready? or do ya wanna stop?" he asks softly, gauging your reactions. this would be a big step for you, and he didn't want to push you. what he didn't know was that you were desperate for him to touch you more. you didn't even know what you needed, you just knew he'd be able to give it to you.
"y-yes, yes! p-please, baby. i'll tell you when i want you to stop, just please keep going," you beg, your voice a high pitched whine. twilight looks at you in awe. your cheeks are warm and your chest heaved. your eyes are glossy, glazed over with lust. maybe he was being a bit too gentle with you. maybe he didn't have to treat you as if you were glass, but he couldn't help it. you were his little darling, and he'd only ever bring you pleasure.
however, he hadn't expected you to beg for it.
twilight felt like his body was moving on its own. he pushed a single finger into your cunt, making you gasp. the sensation was strange, but it wasn't terrible. he sat still for a while, letting you adjust. twilight then began to move his finger slowly, searching for the sweet spot that'd make you squeal. you let out a shaky moan, your legs twitching. "a-ahh, hah.."
your eyes slipped shut, the pleasure building as he begins a steady pace. the feeling is so odd, but its so good. you throw your arms over your eyes, sensitive body twitching every time his finger slid back into your wet cunt. you feel another finger at your entrance, which he pushes in just as slow. his fingers are bigger than your own and they stretch you out. you let out a hiss, to which twilights eyes snap up to meet yours. "darlin'?"
"i-im good, feels good! p-please, please dont stop!" your lover can only obey your commands, continuing the steady pace of his fingers. you moan and beg so pretty, his dick cant stop throbbing in his pants. twilight begins to pant softly as well, almost as much as you are. you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid his eyes upon. and so damn tight around his fingers. it took everything in him not to cum untouched.
in order to satiate his own greedy desire, twilight brings his mouth back to your clit. you squeal, your legs seizing up. twilight holds onto one while the other tries to close in on his head. you moan and whimper, throwing your head back in ecstasy. his tongue with the new sensation of his fingers was making you delirious.
"ahhn, hahh... o-ooh, please! feels so good.." you sing, the praises going straight to his cock. he crooks his fingers a few times, letting out a low growl when he finds the spot that makes you tremble. your hands find his hair and your back arches as a loud moan escapes you.
soon your body begins to tremble even more, the continuous onslaught of pleasure becoming too much for your body to take.
"ouuuh, t-think 'm close! i f-feel it, feels so good!-" you're cut off by your own moan once again, your sensitivity increasing by the second. it doesn't take long for your orgasm to come crashing down on you. but it does take twilight by surprise.
twilight lets out a moan of his own, his eyes almost rolling back at the taste of your cum. he lets you ride out your orgasm, but doesn't push you any further. no matter how bad he wanted to keep eating your pussy til you came on his face again. he rose slowly.
"you okay? was that too much?" he asks. he watches as you pant, your chest rising and falling quickly. your legs still shook, but you seemed to be coming down. you look at him with those eyes he loves so much, reaching your arms out for him. you bring him in for a sweet kiss, almost as if it was a thank you for the pleasure he just gave you.
its twilight that lets out a shaky moan this time, pulling away to just stare. you break the silence first. "w-was so good. thank you, made me feel so good..." you sigh, looking at him adoringly. he can't help but smile, placing a kiss on your temple.
"glad i could please you, darlin'. you were amazing. did you... wanna keep going?"
you nodded eagerly. "w-want all of you. tonight."
twilight shuddered. this was really it. you wanted him to take you. if that wasn't even the main event, twilight could only wonder what you'd look like when you came on his cock. you could only wonder how much pleasure twilight will have given you by the time the night is over.
and you were desperate to find out.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
Omg i just read all of the angel and devil steddie au things you wrote and I AM OBSESSED! Literally you are so good at writing and I am so jealous that I’ll never experience this irl lol. Anyway thank you for making so many amazing pieces of writing!! :)
Could you write something where Eddie makes Steve watch him slowly tease and finger the reader, using his tendrils to keep Steve against the wall in a chokehold when he tries to come over and touch you? You get a bit worried, but Eddie says that he’ll let go of his grip on Steve once the reader cums a few times, so he makes the reader squirt and then Steve joins them and plays with her boobs and kisses her, then they fuck her until she’s overstimulated? Eddie’s degrading her and Steve’s praising her?
(Sorry if that didn’t make sense, also feel free to write it however you want, whatever sparks your creativity!)
Thanks! :)
a/n: oh my gooooddd I cannot tell you how hard it was not to write this into a whole, huge fic! if only I had all the time in the world...
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | devil & angel AU masterlist 
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“Come on, baby,” Steve attempted a slow exhale to calm the throbbing within his jeans, staring at you intently from his restrained spot across the room, “please cum. Do it for me. Let go so that I can come over there and have a taste, please.”
“Eddie,” you whined shakily in protest of the devil’s purposely feathery light touch over your still panty-clad cunt, tickling your throbbing clit so rudely that your whole body trembled in need of more. 
Settled comfortably behind you, the doe eyes you tilted your head to flash the creature didn’t sway him one bit as his tongue simply flickered across his smirk, “what?” a condescending chuckle rippling through him, “what is it?”
“M-more Eds, please,” you whimpered in his arms, “I wanna cum so bad.” 
“Oh yeah? You wanna cum, do you?” he taunted, not changing his teasing touch in the slightest, his stubby nails drawing slow circles over the agonisingly thin barrier covering you up, tickling the obvious wet spot to grow as he further drew your body into madness, “you wanna get off so that your precious little angel can get what he wants, huh?”
“Yes,” you nearly cried. 
“You know what I think? I think you can cum from just this,” he purred, sucking your earlobe in past his lips, “hell, I think you could even squirt for me, soak those pretty little panties and show Steve just how much you want him inside of you,” you felt like clawing up the walls from just how intense and overwhelming the lightness of his touch felt, “come on, cum for him,” he breathed, his fluttering caress steady on your mess of a trembling form, “come on, you can do it,” not even truly realising how far his teasing had pushed you, your desperate moans didn’t register in your own ears as his airy petting conjured a warm trickle to slowly darken the cotton between your quivering thighs, “there you go, honey,” he chuckled as the gush itself had flown completely over your own head, “fuck…” he suddenly gave the sodden gusset a sharp tap, the clear contrast to the previous rude butterfly that had been his touch caused your whole body to jolt and additional squirt to sputter out, your whole centre literally dripping from your juices, “such a pretty fucking mess…” 
Dazed, you peeked out of the crook of Eddie’s frame that had become your hiding spot, “c-can you let go of him now?”
His eyes briefly flickering up towards the angel enveloped in the familiar forceful and inky tentacles, his smirk then redirected to you, “if you cum for him twice in the next 5 minutes,” you felt his long fingers finally breach the waistband of your underwear, your teeth clamping down on your bottom lip as you caught sight of the vision of his hand bulging underneath the drenched cotton, “then I’ll maybe consider it.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble
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sebastiansluts · 2 years
AO3 Ask
Ask: I love these thank you so much. Please can you do one with a dark doctor Bucky and innocent reader with him pissing and overstimulation if you can. Love your work xx
You're welcome! Thank you for commenting!
Bucky Barnes x Reader; dub!con, nipple play, vaginal sex, size kink, overstimulation, piss kink
You were in for your yearly physical, but your regular doctor was gone, so you had to see a replacement, Doctor James Barnes. You sat in the office, waiting for him in only a robe like instructed by the nurse, your butt sticking to the paper under you. Just as you were shifting, peeling the paper off your thigh, the door opened and Doctor Barnes walked in, closing it behind him. He was a large man, easily over six feet tall, with big bulging muscles that threatened to rip the seams of his doctor's coat. He came towards you, moving to the side at the last moment, going around your legs, dangling off the bed. He rested against the desk in front of you, his blue eyes studying you.
You pulled at the collar of your robe, feeling somehow restrained by it, and it slipped down your shoulder, the messy tie you had made in the back falling undone. Doctor Barnes' eyes focused on it, and he stood up, reaching a hand out to pull it further down, exposing one of your breasts.
Your breath caught as he palmed your tit, then pinched your nipple hard. Your cunt clenched and you moaned in shock, Doctor Barnes' eyes darkening rapidly as he pushed you back against the bed. He ripped the gown from your body, tossing it behind him as you shivered in the cool air, trying to cover your body.
Doctor Barnes knocked your hands away from your tits and spread your legs apart, getting between them. "Don't hide from your doctor, doll, need to see your whole body, how else'm I supposed to know if you're healthy or not?"
Your eyes widened as he undid his slacks, pulling out his thick cock. "Let's see if this cunt is big enough for me, huh? Or if it's so tight I just tear you apart," Doctor Barnes said wickedly, grinning as you shook in fear, trying to pull away. He held you tight, keeping you in place as he pressed the tip of his dick to your entrance.
"Doctor Barnes, please, it-it's too big, it won't fit," you said hesitantly, but he ignored you, pushing into your cunt, making you gasp and shake with the stretch, tears in your eyes.
"Yeah, fuckin' take it, just like that doll, nice and tight around me," Doctor Barnes groaned, rocking his hips back and forth until his entire length was inside you. You were whimpering quietly, your hands fisted in his doctor's coat, pulling him towards you as you tried to adjust. "Look at you, already acting like a desperate slut, needing me closer, deeper," he grunted, thrusting his hips and making you yelp.
"Doctor Barnes, please-"
His hand clamped down over your mouth. "Quiet, we don't need anyone interrupting us, though maybe you'd like that? Hmm? Would you like if you were lying a table under bright lights, surrounded by other men like me? Or would you rather it just be me, fucking you over and over again, until you can't speak?"
Your eyes were wide, with both fear and arousal, your heart beating double time as Doctor Barnes fucked you, one hand on your hip, the other still covering your mouth.
"It doesn't matter, I don't think I can share you just yet, doll. This pussy is too good, wanna keep it all to myself, forever," Doctor Barnes whispered in your ear, licking a stripe up your neck. You shivered and his hips moved even faster. He bent his head and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, making you keen beneath his hand.
He bit down, rolling it between his teeth, your body jolting on the bed as he you tried to get away, pain and pleasure swirling together until suddenly you were coming, feeling like the floor had been kicked out from under you. Your legs wrapped around Doctor Barnes' waist and squeezed, making him grunt as he was forced deeper into you.
He didn't release your nipple, sucking harder as you shook, building you up higher faster, your core clenching tight. He was practically humping you, grinding his dick across your spot, mouth still firmly attached to your nipple.
You started crying as you felt yourself come again, core tightening and releasing in waves. Doctor Barnes finally released your nipple, red and swollen, the cool air making it pebble and harden. He kept moving his hips, standing back upright, fingers going down to your clit. You sobbed as he rubbed at it, not letting you come down from your last orgasm before he was pushing for your next one.
"Come on doll, gimme some more, wouldn't you like another?" Doctor Barnes asked, smirking as you weakly pulled on his coat, not sure whether you trying to bring him closer or farther away.
You jerked in his hold as he kept hammering your spot, fingers pinching your clit and rolling it between them. Tears spilled down your face, soaking Doctor Barnes' hand, still firmly over your mouth.
Doctor Barnes licked a teardrop all the way from your sore nipple up to your cheek, whispering, "I know you think you can't, but you can and you will, because you're a good girl, and good girls come when they're told."
You whimpered in the back of your throat, fresh tears falling as you came again, squirting around his dick, unable to hold back. Doctor Barnes groaned deeply, hips moving faster as he came, sliding through your wet pussy obscenely loudly. He pulled out, staring down at the wet spot you had made on the floor.
"Jesus doll, you've made quite the mess. Why don't you get down in it and we'll add to it, just a little. There you go, on your knees," Doctor Barnes directed as he helped you down to the floor. You sat back, blinking up at him tiredly. "Open that pretty little mouth baby, let's make you really dirty," he said, beginning to piss as soon as your mouth opened.
You sputtered, shutting your mouth as you gagged and spit. Doctor Barnes laughed, pissing over your face and tits, then grabbing your head and forcing your mouth on his cock, filling your mouth with piss. He released you, letting it spill out, down your chest, the taste lingering on your tongue as he finished.
Doctor Barnes stood back from you, taking you in, makeup a mess, spit drying across your chest, piss clinging to your eyelashes as you stuck your tongue out, grimacing at the taste on it. "What a sight," he murmured, one hand tight in your hair, keeping your head up and looking at him. "Let's finish the exam, shall we?"
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Holy shit yes give us that picnic date gone astray give us Sooga railing Kohga on that innocent picnic blanket WE HAVE A MIGHTY NEED FOR THIS
"Is this a good spot?"
"Mmm. To the right."
Truth it, Kohga liked the spot Sooga picked. But he LOVED it, making Sooga move their stuff over and over. It was sexy, getting to boss around such a big, strong man, and he didn't complain ONCE.
"Mmm. Nah, to the left, actually."
He could do this all day, but they had frozens, so he should finally let Sooga finish. He nodded, and Sooga set up the blanket under the tree. He put the basket down, then offered Kohga his favorite pillow to sit on. Kohga sat, THEN Sooga followed suit. He knew better than to sit before him. Sooga opened the basket, immediately checking on the banana ice cream.
"It's still cold, Master Kohga. Would you like them now?"
"Fuck it, why not?"
He accepted the frozen treat by the stick, putting it against his lips. Sweet, a little phallic, the perfect treat. They watched the stables for a moment. They were a bit out of view from everyone else, but they were able to see everyone else pretty well. Sooga sighed, finally relaxing as he started to eat his treat. God, he looked good with something in his mouth. Sooga caught him staring, and he offered a gentle smile. Polite, afraid of over stepping.
"Master Kohga?"
"I would...like to say some that maybe inappropriate."
"I love inappropriate, hit me."
Sooga licked his lips free of the dripping cream, ever the clean freak.
"I adore your smile. And I KNOW it goes against tradition, but...it feels awful, the world not seeing your smile. It's like blocking out the sun or sniffing out a fire in the cold."
Ugh, he was TRYING to get him going. Praising him like he deserved.
"You like my lips huh? Like watching 'em?"
"I...don't know if I should admit that in public-"
Kohga grabbed his face in his hand, squishing his cheek.
"If I tell you to fuck me right in a horse stable, you're gonna do it. Now, answer my question."
He let out such a shuddery breath, like he was trying to restrain himself. God, he couldn't even have a picnic without this guy giving him a reason to knock him up.
"I do. I love your lips. So much."
"You wanna see a neat little trick I can do with 'em?"
"Yes, please."
Kohga put the treat back into his mouth. Then more. And more. He did it slowly, letting Sooga fantasize. He pushed it further, till his own fingers touched his own lips. He pulled the stick out slowly, and swallowed the treat entirely, licking his lips after. He stuck out his tongue to show him he was done, and he swore he heard the poor thing gulp in pure nervousness.
"My lips can do loads. Literally."
"What? Not convinced yet? Alright."
Kohga let go of his face, and instead grabbed Sooga's hand, the one holding the treat. It was melting in the heat, and Kohga decided to be a pal and take care of him. He dragged his tongue alongside his wrist, over his hand as he savored those fingers. Then, he slowly dragged his tongue alongside his treat, flicking his tongue towards the end.
"M. Master Kohga?"
"I don't...think I got enough of my treat."
Sooga finally took a dive, and pressed his lips against his. And there we go, he finally roped his dumbass in. Sooga was his to do with, and he didn't hesitate to put him on his back. Pushing their masks up a bit, to reveal their faces. God, he looked good under him.
"You just can't help yourself, huh, Sooga? Gotta make me do something so risky. We could get caught like this. You aren't exactly talking me outta this."
God, he loved yiga attire. His ass could feel that boner as he started to grind against this giant, muscle man underneath him. Sooga was loving it, being still like a good boy, letting him get all hard and worked up.
"I was t-trying to, but you're being unreasonable and-"
God, he was so much cuter when he was being kissed. Kohga kept moving, letting that cock feel like it'd dip into his hole any minute. God, Sooga's mouth was so whiney and pathetic. He kept whimpering in between kisses, not saying SHIT. He was a smart boy, knowing not to talk when Kohga was.
"God, look at you. I don't think it's JUST my ass you like. You like this tongue of mine. It feels good? Letting me fuck your mouth? You like how fat my tongue is? Go on, say something ~"
He couldn't. Not when he was drooling in between kisses, moaning like a dog in heat. God, he was pulsing now, he was gonna fucking cum. Such a talented boy. Kohga pulled down his pants, letting his cock free. If Sooga pulled on his own attire, he could get into his ass. But he knew better. He was just going to feel the heat of his asshole, nothing more, nothing less.
"That's it, cum, cum while you're kissing me with those pretty fucking lips."
He obeyed, and how. Hot, thick cum spilled all over his ass, and Sooga arching his back was fucking dreamy. Kohga chuckled, wiping his drooled up lips with his thumb.
"You know what happens now, Sooga?"
"N...no, Master Kohga. What?"
"You're gonna sit there, jerk yourself off while I sit on your chest. And you're gonna watch me eat all the food in the basket. Understand?"
"With honor, Master Kohga."
Ugh, he loved their date days.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
BEGGING you to expand on bully bakguou
tw ;; toxicity, v minor dubcon, bully!bkg, kirishima being a shit, fem!reader 18+
hear me out. hear me out everyone just like -
you know i don't disinterested men so this is not one of those situations where bkg is just like.. kind of mean to you. bakugou is your number one devotee
i can't help but picture him doing it to someone a little nerdy but mostly just quiet.. unimpressed by bakugou and his loud and outstanding presence. bakugou is used to attention and loads of it so as soon he sees your distant gaze out the window, you happen to catch his interest.
he doesn't care until he does - until you're a group project and you don't seem star-struck that he's a campus athlete and big and strong. you just seem.. bored and that bothers him. something about your nonchalance rubs him the wrong way, frustrates him to his fucking core.
it's hard to call it bullying at first but you're certain he's picking on you. at first it's small - knocking things over, tugging at your hair like a little kid. but the more into you he gets, the harder he finds it to restrain himself from teasing you completely.
you're just.. not very notable but that's what makes you stick out like a sore thumb in his eyes. he only gets worse, more mean and more often. he tugs your skirts and pants down whenever he gets a chance, and he holds things over your head and makes you beg to get them back and he refuses to leave you alone. calls you petty nicknames, teases you about every little thing.
he just can't help but feel angry the more you brush him off. the frustration that bubbles in his gut when you refuse to see him. what's it gonna take?
you come around his friends and well.. they don't see bakugous obsession but they like you. and you.. you like kirishima a lot. kirishima is nice to you and he smiles a lot and shields you from bakugous treachery. puts a strong hand on the side of your head and tells you to ignore him when he's mean to you
do you think he doesn't see the way you flounder under his touch? oh it makes him sick and so angry. is it so hard to figure out why he treats you like that?
well kind of - because it's probably the first time he realizes that he might actually like you. and all the teasing and bullying are because he likes you. and watching you go all heart-eyes for kirishima is making him want to tear rock from the ground
it comes to fruition because he catches you studying in the library alone one night. you're wearing a jacket at least 3 sizes too big and it looks familiar and it's..
he's never been so pissed in his life, yanking you from behind before spitting with so much venom what the fuck do you think you're doing? you're literally just confused at first, annoyed even and that only makes him more upset.
"why the fuck are you wearing shitty hairs jacket?"
you flinch, annoyed as you pull back and wrap yourself further in the comforting material. bakugou swears he's gonna kill that fucking bastard when he sees him next - seething as you nuzzle into it innocently.
"he gave it to me cause i was complaining about being cold," you look so damn pleased with yourself "it's comfy"
oh he's gonna kill him for sure.
he demands for you to take it off. the ice in his tone is unlike everything you've ever heard before so you do so without even asking. wordlessly, he tugs the one he's wearing off and drags it over your head
"put it the fuck on,"
you do. obviously you do because he's pissed and you don't really wanna make it any worse so you tug it on and god, fuck you look so damn cute. so fucking annoying and so cute.
you fix your hair a bit and once it's on he just.. stares at you before practically throwing himself at you. kisses you so fucking forcefully that you feel like your mouth is being bruised and it all happens so fast that you don't even get a chance to adjust, smacking his chest at first before slowly melting into it.
you're so lost and he's just grunting, hands coming up on your thighs with a deep sigh.
"shitty fuckin' dweeb makin' heart eyes all fucking day. you don't have shit else to do?"
"why're you so mad?" and it's a genuine question. he's never been so angry with you before - not once and you just wanna know why. he's still too.. him to confess to you properly so he doesn't.
"the only fucking person you should look at like that is me, shitnerd," and he leans in so close to you, you can feel his breath fan on your skin "did it get through your thick fucking skull yet?"
when you sputter a question, you know it's the wrong move. it takes less than a few minutes, a few seconds for you to end up on your back. your shorts are bunched at your knees and your hoodie and clothes are pulled up barely over your tits. and nevermind you're in the middle of the fucking library during the week - he's decided he'll fuck the lesson into you if he has too.
and you're too turned on to protest, weak shoves to push him away turned into pinned wrists with his clothed leg between your thighs. he lets you grind your cute little pussy into him with a fucking sneer.
"dirty fuckin' bitch," but he leans into kiss you while you moan and whimper and please - so dizzy from the speed of everything happening "do it again,"
bakugou takes you with such vigor and force - your lungs feel like the might collapse. hard cock pounding away at you so hard the whole place fills with the lewd sound of your cunt being ruined - broken in by the campus bad-boy. he holds your legs together and goes and goes and goes. watches you become ragged and breathless with a snarl in his teeth.
"who's fuckin' pussy is this, huh? answer me"
you sob, but he asks again. asks until you reply with a broken "yours!" that has him grinning.
"there you go - not so fuckin' dumb after all. damn right it's mine. all of you is fuckin' mine, yeah?" he gives you an especially rough thrust, his hand on your stomach putting pressure and pleasure down "this sweet little pussy and that pretty face, all of you is fucking mine so don't you dare look at kirishima like that again - got it?"
unable to speak, you nod and drool. and you let him cup your face and kiss with you tongue while you fall apart so hazy on his cock.
it's your fault anyways. you should've noticed, right?
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haruchuiyo · 2 years
A sweet touch
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making out with wakasa imaushi after a sparring session.
content: suggestive. fluff, make out and fluff and more kisses.
this wakasa is from the time period in the pic up there. And hopefully he got white hair lol
You pinned Wakasa down on the floor inside the boxing ring, his chest down and you turned his arm on his back and restrained him.
“I got you!” You exclaim out, satisfied with your moves. “It was about time you got the upper hand.” Wakasa says as he turns on his back, still pinned under you. How he managed to do that is a wonder you don’t wanna figure out, so you let it slide.
“Oh shut up.” You poke his forehead, pushing his head back when he was about to lean his head up.
“Good job though.” Wakasa tells you, a prominent proud smile on his lips and his face expression told you he was genuine about it. You beam down at him, a rush of happiness inside you as you cup his face and lean down to place a quick kiss on his lips. “Thank you.” You murmur softly against his lips as Wakasa places his hands on each side of your hips, and inches his face up closer to yours. He places a delicate kiss on your lips as if to see if you wanna take his further, which you reply with a another kiss on his lips.
Your hands crane down from cupping his face to interlocking them behind his neck. The kiss was soft and sweet. You could feel the sweat on Wakasa’s nape from where you held him and you felt his hands trail up from your hips to your waist, his fingertips touching the skin close to your ribs. Sighing into the kiss cause of the sensation of his hands on your skin, you relax even more as your chest touches his and the kiss deepens.
Wakasa felt like everything he felt heightened every time he could touch you, kiss you, smell the scent of you. How he could feel your chest heave up and down as he kisses you breathlessly. The vibrations that he felt running up and down his arms as he touched you is intoxicating and you tasted so sweet. He thanked whatever for the experience and position he is in now cause he wouldn’t trade it for another.
“Waka…” you let out a soft moan as you felt him gently bit down on your lower lip, softly pulling on it and goes back to kissing you again. Your hair reaches his hair, tangling your fingers between his white locks.
“So sweet…” Wakasa mutters into the kiss as you trail your fingers down the side of his face to his jaw, allowing his tongue to slide into your mouth. Wakasa roams his hands around your body, rubbing circles, moving his thumb up and down your skin on your back. He moves his hands further down your body, slides the material of the shorts up your thighs and strokes the back of your thighs, caressing the skin as he feels heat radiate off from you. He thanks whatever once again, especially to you for wearing his basketball shorts. Wakasa moans into the kiss as he felt you graze upon his growing erection.
Wakasa breaks free from the kiss. Lips barely touching, you leave a chaste kiss once in a milli second feeling breathless from the kiss. Feeling irrationally breathless. You weren’t alone on that matter. The man pinned below you is breathing heavily as he looks up at you with dazed eyes then seconds after pulls your chest down on his face as he nuzzles into it. You giggle at the feeling as you softly scratch his hair.
“It’s kind of ticklish.” You tell him as you scratch his hair. Wakasa doesn’t reply but turns you on your side so you were facing him now.
“Wanna spar again?” He asks which you happily nod to.
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sweetdreamlandstuff · 2 years
My favorite dessert
NSFW / Minors don’t interact
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x female reader
Summary: You go to a fancy dinner with your boyfriend Gojo and he just can’t keep his hands to himself 
Content: established relationship, finger sucking, semi-public sex, fingering, dirty talk, one spank, penetrative sex, breeding
Wc: approx. 2100
“Oh… so you wanna be the prettier one of us today huh?”
You turn around, seeing Gojo leaning against the doorframe of your shared bathroom. A wide grin graces his face as he ogles you in your dress. 
You frown at him “Well” you rake your gaze over him in played distaste “you obviously aren’t”.
His loud laughs reverberates through the bathroom. You watch him, so tall and handsome in his suit and you both know this couldn’t be further from the truth. He tuts, shaking his head as he takes long strides over to you.
His strong arms circle around your waist, as he presses you flush against him. You almost drop your lipgloss when his breath fans over your neck. 
His lips hover over your ear as he whispers softly “I love when you are feisty like that.” His hands travel up your body, cupping your breasts in his hands. His voice dips lower as he whispers “You want to be late for dinner?”
You smile, shaking your head although you lean a little into him. “No, not today, Satoru.” you mutter, your voice coming out a bit hushed. 
Gojo hums agains your neck. “But I don’t know how long I can restrain myself when you look so beautiful” his voice is laced with sweetness. You gulp, entangling his arms from your waist, before you completely melt into him. You push him off you softly, your cheeks burning from his praise. 
“Wait outside. I’ll be ready in a few minutes." you say. "You won’t get me today” you add, although your resolve isn’t that resolute. This wouldn’t be the first time where you and Gojo were late to dinner, or didn’t even make it. And today you don’t want that. You have a reservation at a fancy restaurant and you want to be there. 
Luckily for you Gojo complies, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before he retreats. You return your attention back to your face, applying your lipgloss. You see the flustered look on your face and you feel your heart warming when you remember that after all these years Gojo still makes you flustered, riling you up with just a few touches of his. 
You get out of the bathroom when you’re done, seeing Gojo lounging on the couch. He perks up his head “You ready?”
“Yes. I just have to put on my heels and then we can leave” you move down the corridor to put on your shoes when you feel Gojo’s palm on your lower back. 
“Let me help you” he says, taking the heels out of your hand. 
He crouches down, circling your calf with his hand as he puts your heel on. You gulp at the sight of Gojo kneeling at your feet. Then he moves to your other heel. When he’s done he stays like there for a moment, raking his eyes from your feet to your face. When his hungry eyes meet yours you think you two really are going to be late. 
But instead of making a move on you, Gojo just smoothes his palms over your legs before he gets up again. You gulp when he towers back over you, a teasing smile on his lips. “So are you ready to go now?” He asks. And you know, if you don’t answer immediately he will have his way with you right now.
“Yes, let’s go” you breathe.
You know Satoru is touch-starved and clingy but this evening he really can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. Throughout the whole fancy dinner his hands are on you somehow. Holding your hand on the table, smoothing his thumb over your skin. He even moves his chair so he can sit right next to you, his large hand grabbing your thigh under the table.
You’re both eating your dessert when he stops you. He cradles your face in his hand, turning your head slightly to face him. 
“You’re so messy” he tuts playfully, his finger grazing over the cream that is hanging on the bottom of your lip. He smoothes it onto his finger. “Open” he demands, his voice low and hoarse.
Your gaze flickers up to his eyes. They are fixed on your lips, watching how his thumb presses against your plush bottom lip, trying to drag it down. Heat pools at your core when his eyes meet yours, the dark blue look of lust making you press your thighs together unconsciously. You see it in his eyes clearly; his desire for you pent up since you two have left.
You part your lips and he leaves you no time to open it fully before his finger is in your mouth. You suck on his finger, your tongue dragging along the circumference, licking the cream off. You let go of his finger with a quiet pop. You avert his gaze, feeling all flustered. You look around the restaurant, hoping nobody saw what just happened. 
You take a deep breath and try to focus back on your dessert. But that’s hard; Gojo’s hand squeezes the flesh of your thigh occasionally, while his hand moves further and further under your dress. You act like you don’t realize it, ignoring the heightened lust cursing through your body. When his finger grazes over your panties, you whip your head around.
“Satoru” you say warningly, trying to glare at him. But your words come out weak, your gaze flickering down to his plush lips just for a second. He cups your clothed pussy with his hand under your dress, as a vicious smile appears on his face. Your heart beats against your ribcage violently as you try your best to uphold your composure.
He dips his head low, his mouth hovering above your ear now. His hot breath fans over your neck causing a shiver to run down your spine. He chuckles boastfully. “You’re mad that I make you this wet?” He asks in a condescending tone, his voice dropping lower and lower with every word he utters. 
You take ahold of his hand that still cups your increasingly wet pussy and move it off you. “I’m going to the bathroom” you mutter. You quickly get up and you practically feel Gojo’s eyes burning on you as you retreat.
You wonder how no one in the restaurant suspected anything when you see yourself in the bathroom mirror. You’re blushing furiously, your pupils blown-out as you stare at your own reflection. You wash your hands with cold water, hoping that this will cool you down. 
That is when you hear the bathroom door opening behind you. You turn around, seeing Gojo entering. Alone the sight of him standing all tall and handsome in his suit has your breath quickening again.
“What are you doing here?” You ask him dumbfounded, a frown etched onto your face.
“You know what a sweet tooth I am, baby. I think I need more dessert” he grins at you, his eyes raking over your figure shamelessly. 
You roll your eyes at him but you can’t help grinning back at him, as he steps closer to you. His hands find your waist, smoothing up and down your sides. He looks down at you, his blown-out pupils making the grin drop from your face right away. You inhale deeply when he dips his head low, trailing soft kisses onto your neck. You feel him smiling against your skin when he mumbles “I wanted to rip that dress off of you since I saw you in it.” You sigh quietly when he adds “I think I can’t wait any longer”
He takes ahold of the hemline of your dress, pulling it up to reveal your panties to him. He pulls them to the side, letting his large fingers glide over your pussy. He feels your arousal transpiring onto his fingertips. He grins down at you, as he thrusts one finger into you. “I knew you would be dripping for me already” he practically purrs, watching your face scrunch up in delight.
You hang onto his lips, hypnotized by his words, feeling your cheeks burn hot. You desperately hold back your moan, not wanting to give him all the satisfaction of riling you up. But you know it’s true; the lewd sounds of your squelching pussy reverberating through the vacant bathroom, giving it all away.
“Someone could come in, maybe we should move that into a stall” you mumble, as Gojo resumes, trailing kisses down to your throat. 
“Don’t worry about that” he whispers against your skin. You hold onto his shoulder when his finger circles your clit, painfully slow. You’re too concentrated on the sensation to wonder what that even means.
“I just need to indulge a bit. Okay babe?” He asks in a husky voice.
You breathe a yes, which quickly turns into a quiet moan one’s his finger stimulates your clit faster. His lips latch onto yours, swallowing your whimpers, moans and every doubt you have about someone entering the room.
He thrusts two fingers into you now, his thumb rubbing over your clit while his other hand holds you steady on your hip. You hold onto his shoulder almost desperately as your legs begin to tremble. You’re just as surprised as Gojo when you come undone. Your walls spasm around his fingers as he draws your orgasm from you. His lips leave yours, his eyes fixing on your blissful face to watch you come for him. 
Wanton moans leave your lips freely now, your eyes shut as your orgasm washes over you. You slack against him, he plunges his fingers out of you, pulling you against his sturdy chest. You can feel his hardened dick throbbing against your body, the heat seeping through his trousers. 
Gojo presses a sloppy kiss onto your parted lips, your hands tugging at his white locks shortly. Then he takes ahold of you, turning you around, pulling your panties down. You comply shakily, your hands resting on the sink. You stare into the mirror ahead, watching Satoru pulling down his pants, revealing his large dick to you. No matter how many times you’ve seen him already, the sight still makes you gulp. Gojo catches your eyes in the mirror, a teasing smirk laying on his lips. 
He swirls the tip of his dick over your sensitive clit, eliciting you a soft whimper. But this isn’t the place or time for teasing. Gojo hurriedly pushes inside of you, stretching you open until he bottoms out. “Fuuuck” he curses, his hands grabbing your hips forcefully. He stays like that, buried deep inside you finding your eyes in the mirror again before he pulls out of you, just to go even deeper. 
You gasp, his dick hitting that sweet spot inside of you. He falls into a steady rhythm and you just watch him, his hands firm and steady on your hips. Your moans and whimpers mix in with the slapping of skin and Gojo’s groans. 
He’s fucking you fast and he looks at you in the mirror almost deliriously. You look at your reflection and you stare in awe at yourself. The sight of your parted lips, flushed cheeks, blown out pupils and fucked-out expression is nearly pornographic. 
Gojo’s fingers find your clit and he stimulates your bundle of nerves while his dick plunges in and out of you. You whimper, your legs quivering at the sensation. You grip the sink’s basin tighter, your knuckles turning white. Your vision becomes blurred and you close your eyes only to hear Satoru’s hoarse voice behind you “Keep your eyes open for me, baby” he demands. His hand comes down hard on your ass like a reminder, causing you to jolt forward. 
You whimper at the impact, trying to hold your eyes open for him. And you do, but it’s so hard when he makes you loose your mind with his touch.
His thrust become sharper and harder and you feel that familiar coil forming inside of you once again. Gojo feels your walls fluttering around him and he moves his finger faster until he has you gasping. Your pussy clenches around him, his name falls from your lips as you come again. Your orgasm washes over you, honey cursing through your veins as he continues to thrust into you. 
You continue to watch him fuck you, his large figure appearing blurry through the veil that lays over your eyes. Gojo comes with a staggered groan, as he grips your hips more forcefully. You feel his dick pulsing inside of you as he paints your walls white. He thrusts into you lazily a few times, cum and arousal dripping down your thighs until he hisses from the overstimulation. You both sigh when he pulls out of you.
You watch him through the mirror, still holding onto the sink. His eyes are fixed on your swollen pussy, watching his white cum adorn it. 
“Don’t worry about that mess” he mutters, his eyes meeting yours, determination laying in them “I’m gonna fuck that right back into you once we get home.”
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mitsuyaya · 3 years
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[ in the backseat ] okkotsu yuuta
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♡ contains: car sex, kind of jealous sex, blowjob/fellatio, riding (a bit), unprotected sex, creampie, characters are aged up, yuuta calls you pretty girl
♡ summary: Yuuta finally found a perfect place for you, not by someone else's side, hell not even his side! The perfect place for you is by his cock inside you, in the backseat of his car.
♡ end note: big shout-out to my little sis for blasting BMW by BECAUSE for 2 days straight :') I hate this it seems trashy and rushed, ong throw me into the nearest dumpster.
jjk masterlist
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Yuuta is known to be the second greatest sorcerer, one that can rival even Gojo Satoru. Recognized as the best of your generation. But even with all the missions he accomplished and completed, the only thing he brags the most is you.
His beloved girlfriend, his perfect trophy, his brat of a lover.
“Fuck pretty girl, just wanted me to do this hm? Made me watch you flirt with my best friend” He looked down on you, face already flushed red from alcohol and from your tears. Hair disheveled, makeup ruined, cheeks stained with tears, mouth filled with his cock.
He had his head thrown back, his hand placed on the top of your head, not hard enough to push you further, but hard enough to hold you in place. He can clearly hear how you choke and gurgle on his cock, a symphony he's obsessed with.
With a pop, you remove his still erect cock from your mouth with a string of saliva connecting your lips and the tip. “Just wanna make you fuck me, want you so bad Yuuta”
Yuuta wasn't one for taking things too rashly, he wanted to take it slow and easy, just like how he works on his missions. But with you, taking his time wasn't an option. He wants you faster, as soon as possible.
He craves for your pussy like a drug, a taste that he could never get enough of, the warmth of your velvety walls. It all made him crazy, made him yearn to fill you up. “Claim your seat then, come on pretty girl ride me”
He helped you on his lap, straddling both of his legs. He pumped his cock at the view of your glistening cunt, already wet, clenching around nothing, begging for attention. Yuuta bullied his cock inside you, hissing at the tight and warm walls clamping down on him.
“This is mine yeah? No one else's, not even you” it's a warning, a mere result of your little show earlier. not that you didn't want it, him muttering those words are like heaven, like the voice of an angel. “Mhm yes, all yours”
Space is construct– in your opinion at least. the proximity, the tender yet hard hand gripping your hips, the warmth of skin-to-skin contact, and the humid atmosphere, it all felt impossible to stop. It felt hard to resist, like a vice, a temptation that neither of you couldn't withstand.
“F-fuck” with every movement, you could feel his pubes bumping your clit, it drives you insane. The pleasure, his crooning voice, how his hands are all over you, leaving no space untouched and left out.
Yuuta's mouth was on your neck, nipping the exposed skin, decorating your neck with hickies– marking you up, claiming his territory. “Baby– please more I want more”
Your words are his weakness, no matter how hard he tries to restrain himself, it always drives him wild.
With a swift movement, he laid you into the backseat, back colliding, heels digging into the seat beneath him, pushing down your legs close to your ears. He entered swiftly, impaling you on his cock, hitting your cervix with precision.
The view in front of him is erotic; the way you screw your eyes shut, mouth wide open, drooling, back arching, babbling words and addicting mewls, his head is swarmed with thoughts of how fucking hot you look right now. How your expression is like to those porn scenes you both watch.
“Baby 'm gonna cum” you dug your nails into his arms, eyes closing tightly. Yuta crawled his fingers into your heated bodies, pressing down on your clit, drawing idle patterns to make you cum faster.
“Cum for me pretty girl” your entire body responded to his words, orgasm coursing through your veins, convulsing and creaming around him.
“I'm gonna cum pretty girl, gonna give you my cum” He slammed his length into full force, ignoring your attempts to push him off due to your sensitivity. He pulled out at the last minute, spurting his cum on your pussy.
Watching as the mixture of your and his cum oozes onto the seat below. It's a sight he'll never get enough of. He hung his head low, foreheads touching as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
Just like all the recognitions he received, he always finds a way to store them, to place them somewhere he finds fitting. But with you finding a perfect position is difficult.
The perfect place for you is not by someone else, that'll be ridiculous, not by his side, although he admits he prefers it other than the latter, but the perfect place for you is not by his side.
But rather his cock inside you, in the backseat of his car, getting lost in each other's heat and pleasure.
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ᴀ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ’ꜱ ɪɴꜱᴛɪɴᴄᴛ | ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ ; ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ!ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ x ᴅᴇᴍɪ ɢᴏᴅ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ⚠️NSFW [19+]⚠️
Heyoooo!!! It’s been a second hasn’t it? Lololol my bad uwu;; I’ve been doing a lot drawing lately, so I’ve been focusing a lot on that instead of writing— mainly since it requires less brain power for me SKKSSKSK anywho, in celebration of crowning Zhongli in game, I’ve decided to sin—- after talking with Admin T for a bit LOLOL thus, another Femdom fic is born SKSKSK 
As always, thank you all so much for the love and support~! We really appreciate it~!
Art is from my Art Blog: @ko-ffeine​
TW: BDSM ; Chains ; Flogging ; Overstimulation ; Blindfolds ; Shackles ; Collars / Leashes ; Muzzles ; Bondage / Restraints ; Riding ; Face Sitting ; Marking ; Vibratiors ; Breath Play
》》Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
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Decades. It had been decades since her arrival to Teyvat. Thinking back to it, (y/n) hadn’t even realized the bonds she’s made after awakening in the depths of Dragonspine. Though it was best for her to not dwell on the past. After all, she learned early on with her revival that sticking to the past only brought unwanted trouble. 
The sound of chains clattering against marble awoke her out of her thoughts as she peered back to the bundle of chains on all fours. A long scaly tail whipping back and forth impatiently as heated glowing amber orbs bore deeply into her own (e/c) ones. 
A soft sigh escaped her as she made her way over to the former archon. The loose hanfu that danced along her smooth skin had the dragon keen in want. The metal cage strapped to his mouth prevented his fangs from sinking into her supple flesh. The desire to mark and claim what was rightfully his was strung up high in his head as he strained against the enchanted chains that bound his wrists together. The hefty weight of the gold collar around his throat only further added  to his inability to surge forward as the chain attached to the device around his throat only allowed him so much distance. 
“You were being so good earlier. What’s gotten you riled up?”
Though soothing in tone, (y/n)’s expression was anything but as she marveled at the way the Geo Archon was presented before her. The night before his heat had gotten a hold of him, he had given her permission to be just as rough with him to ensure her safety—- and well, she wasted no time in taking advantage of the opportunity presented to her. 
In a flurry of motions she had skillfully wrapped the archon’s body in beautiful golden ropes. Each one accentuating the toned muscle from eons of war and battles. The delicious flush of red that painted his skin as she continued to further restrain the male only set her belly a flame. 
After all, the initial restraints were only mild. It wasn’t until the late evening did she realize how intensive she had to truly restrain her lover. Enchanted chains shackled him down. A leather muzzle had initially been placed to keep him from biting her, but was quickly forgone as he had ruined that within the span 15 minutes. Thus resulting in the current metal cage that adorned his haughty features. 
The collar and leash combo? That had only occurred when she had attempted to leave for the bathroom— only to be slammed into the floor with a lustful dragon dry humping against her as he snarled and growled at the fact he wasn’t able to sink his teeth into her flesh. 
The end resulted in the intensive flogging that only further fueled both party’s lust. 
“Little one~….”
A pang of warmth hit her as she broke out of her memories from last night to meet his impatient amber orbs.
“I should’ve attached the one with the bar in between just so you wouldn’t distract me.”  
Shaking her head, she made her way over to the male, and once she was within reach his tail immediately latched onto her leg. Easily trailing up to press against her cunt as he fervently surged forward to press himself against her. Yet of course, due to the damn muzzle in his way he could only be tantalizingly a breath away from his goal. 
The pressure his cock held did little to alleviate the pain as the desire to breed into her deeply sprang forth.
A hefty growl came from him as he pushed her even more until she tumbled onto her back. The morning sun only added to the ethereal effect as he pressed himself as close to her as he could. 
“Let me fuck you, Little one…wanna breed you until you’re full of my seed…bearing my children…”
A blush dusted across her features as he continued on before he was suddenly yanked back. A choked gasp came from him as he struggled against the Dendro vines that appeared as the vineyard appendages held him still. Each intimately wrapping around him to keep him seated in a frog tie. The leash having been jerked enough to keep him still as he let out a garbled growl.
“So feisty…this is getting interesting little one…”
“I think it’s time for you to stop talking Morax. I’d rather hear the sounds you truly want to make.”  
“Oh ho? How do you plan on doing that?” 
Taunting and ever so prideful, the mighty dragon refused to back down as he strained to get as close to her as he could. Her nearing form did little to deter the desire to fuck her thoroughly. Though before he could even do much the vines came forth to hold his head still. Smaller ones easily kept his lips open as he struggled to chomp and tear the greenery away. Yet with this, he failed to notice her swiftly remove the muzzle before replacing it with a strong and sturdy ring gag. His mouth now forcibly open as drool began escaping down his chin. 
“Not so tough now huh? Like the chains, my lovely Archon, this was also enchanted~. I had the chance to put some of my former power into this device. So I’m confident that it won’t break~.”
Grinning, she watched as the funeral consultant tested the new device before grunting as a flare of his nostrils showed his displeasure in the newly placed device.
“Now that that has been settled, I do believe you should be put to use.” 
A guttural sound of confusion came from Zhongli before darkness overcame him. Leafs? He wasn’t sure. All he knew was that his sense of touch was beginning to heighten and his sense of smell was driving him over the wall as he could practically taste how wet her cunt was. 
Almost as if a learned reaction, the dragon’s tongue fervently searched for her as he reached out. His once ‘normal’ tongue now long and thick as his fangs extended ever so slightly over the metal ring of the gag. Freedom from the device was so close, yet as this occurred…
“Guh?! Haah..nnn ”
The metal shifted to accommodate the change Zhongli brought on; and as if to spite him, the device seemed to meld to form a stricter grasp around his face as a metal band formed over his nose bridge, further enforcing the fact that the device was not coming off.
“Ahhh, is, ish nah wha ah wha—ed” 
“Oh? You’ll have to use your words more clearly, love~”
Her tone only further fanned the flames of lust in his belly as he continued to obscenely drool all over the marble floors. Though his attempts at reprimanding her were stilled as he let out a muffled grunt before an animal like moan and growl tore through his throat as he finally got a taste of her juices. 
Oh how he wished to sink his claws into her supple flesh. Mark the terrain with his love bites and scent. Yet with all the restraints scattered about his body, all he could do was eagerly lap at her pussy with his tongue to the best of his abilities. 
And by the sounds she was making, he was doing quite the job. Easily, with his long tongue he teased and taunted her slick walls. All of her weak points, the secret little motions that he knew brought her immense pleasure. 
Though (y/n) couldn’t see it, she knew that her lover’s eyes had rolled up into his head. Especially when she could feel his tongue stutter as she not only buried his face into her wet cunt, but as the heel of her foot began to grind on his weeping cock. 
Muffled moans and grunts came from the man eating her pussy as he strained against the various layers of restraints she bestowed upon him. Just the very sight of him dressed in her materials had her groaning before cumming against the male’s face. 
As she stepped back, she couldn’t help but admire the state she left her lover in. Panting, drooling with a dash of her cum splattered in and an angry red cock. 
A sadistic cord snapped within her as she cupped his cheek. 
“Mmmm…you’re my good boy, aren’t you Morax?”
“If you can handle my game well, you can fuck me and fill me with your seed~.”
The mere mention of being able to sheath himself into her had the dragon’s tail whipping back and forth quickly as he leaned into her touch even more.
“Let’s see how well you can hold your breath. If you do well, then you win~.” 
Immediately a twitch of his cock was enough to spur her forth as she searched for the last couple of items she needed. With a grin, she easily worked a plug into the ring. Easily, the object filled the dragon’s mouth as his loud pants became muffled grunts and moans. 
Though before she decided to attach the smooth leather muzzle over his mouth and nose, she went to work with laying him on his side. The action causing a confused muffled grunt to come from the dragon before a gasp and moan came from him as he squirmed and struggled at the sudden intrusion of the vibrator up into his ass. 
“I didn’t say that it would be easy, Morax.”
A teasing lit came from her as she watched how the dragon’s hole greedily ate up the vibrator before she turned the toy on low. The reaction was immediate as  the dragon flinched from the sudden motions as mewls and lewd moans continued to leak out from his lips. 
“Ah~ You’re so cute…so weak and pliable just for me~.” 
Cooing, (y/n) gently ran her fingers along the beautiful horns adorning her lover’s head. Now that they were in full bloom and not stumps like yesterday, she had the ability to properly gaze at them. Though as she got to the base of his horns a muffled cry came from the dragon as spurts of cum splattered against her and his abdomen. 
“Ho? I didn’t realize your horns were an erogenous stimulant Morax.”
More muffled whines and growls came from the trembling dragon as he impatiently flicked his tail against the marble. In response, the Demi god pressed a kiss to his forehead before humming.
“Let’s begin our game then~.”
With a grunt and some of her former strength, she sat Zhongli up before she grabbed the leather muzzle. The smooth homeless mask glistened back at her before she placed the item over the dragon’s plugged mouth and nose. The straps behind now buckled securely as silence— save for the vibrations— filled the room. 
Smirking, she tested the waters by lightly rubbing her fingers along the tip of his cock. The motion resulting in a highly muffled moan as the dragon trembled. The flourish of his scales along his arms only further served to show how much control he had lost. 
“My, my…so sensitive. Then…let’s do this~.”
Immediately, she positioned herself over his weeping cock and in an instant sheathed his cock. The motion causing the bound dragon to writhe and buck his hips immediately up into her as his cheeks reddened with the lack of oxygen going to his brain. 
If only she could see his expression. His eyes rolled so far up his head as nothing but pleasure and pain hit him as he felt the burn of his lungs for oxygen and his voice sound so meek amidst it all. Of course that high went away as she tugged lightly at the tip of the mask. Fresh air immediately streamed in as he coughed and sputtered with pleads and moans for more as his cock twitched inside of her. 
“S-Shit…easy there baby…”
The pet name only further fueled his whines as he leaned forward into her as he pressed his face the best he could into her neck as she struggled to keep the mask away from his nose to ensure he got enough oxygen to his brain. 
“Let’s see if I make you cum first or if you make me, how about it Morax~?”
Before he could even try to answer the mask was pressed tightly over his nose again and the slow tell tale sign of their game began as he could feel her hips work their magic. Her heavy panting and groans only seemed to egg him on as he began to partake in the game. His hips meeting hers evenly as the foggy feel from the lack of oxygen began to pull at his lungs again. 
The feeling of helplessness and being an all powerful god tamed by a Demi god had his mind reeling from the pleasure of humiliation as he came hard into her. As he did so, he could feel her walls tighten around him only further over stimulating the male after his high as he struggled to keep up. 
Soon he was met with the lovely breath of air once again as the mask slipped away and he could finally smell her intoxicating scent. Sweat mixed with his musk never failed to fan at his belly as he fervently dug his face into her neck. Quickly chasing after the high, yet a gasp and muffled broken moan came from the male as he felt her move her hips once again. 
“Oh, you thought I was done baby? Not yet~. Didn’t you mention that your heats lasted a week?”
As she mentioned this he couldn’t help but feel his cock swell inside of her again, yet he couldn’t help the keen that came out of his throat at the overstimulation he was about to receive. 
“I’ll take good care of you, love. Even if it means me drilling into your dragon mind that I’m the one who is in control~.” 
Again, the slapping of skin filled the room as muffled whines came from the dragon. His claws straining against the binds as he wanted nothing more than to sink his claws into her hips to cum into her again. 
Yet no, he was at his lover’s mercy; and honestly he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
It wasn’t until she turned the vibrator on high that he came again. A large load coming from him again as he filled her full. His seed seeping deep into her as he  rubbed his cheek against her neck even more refusing to allow her to leave as he wished to keep her plugged up. Just as she did to him.
“I suppose I’ll stay like this….but only for a moment. Then we try to feed you…alright?”
Softly murmuring against his hair she couldn’t help lovingly caress his hair as she basked in the moment of calm that a momentarily tired out dragon could bring. After all, she still had to deal with this for the next 6 days. 
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quindolyn · 3 years
Hiiii i heard a headcannon that james potter would love shower sex and i was wondering wether you could write something like that? No specific’s do whatever you want with it just sex in the shower ;)
 You in Here? || James Potter
Word Count: 2268
A/N: I hate this perhaps more than anything I’ve ever written but I need to write if only to remind myself that I still can because sidofhdfwqifbr. I feel like I haven’t been productive in weeks and posting is gonna hopefully help me with that. I’ve hated other things I’ve posted as well and y’all seemed to react positively to those so who the hell knows.
Warnings: Degradation, daddy kink, kinda proof read, little bit of exhibitionism 
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“Jamie,” You called out, your voice echoing as it bounced back off the tiled walls of the Quidditch showers. 
You hadn’t been able to grab James after the Quidditch game, where he’d led him and his team to victory, before he had headed off towards the locker room, being stopped by Dobson who was subbing in as keeper for the game. The team’s usual keeper in the hospital wing with a bad case of blood poisoning he’d contracted from an unfortunate Care of Magical Creatures lesson. 
You’d never really given much thought to the boy as he was a year below you and you didn’t much run in the same circles but neither of those facts seemed to discourage him as he pulled you aside after the game.
His desperate and frankly pathetic attempts to flirt with you, the team captain’s girlfriend, had stalled you too long apparently as by the time you’d managed to break free of his bad pickup lines and clumsy winks James was nowhere in sight and Sirius had to direct you towards the showers where he’d seen him disappear into. 
And now stumbling around the locker room looking for your boyfriend you followed the sound of running water to the back corner of the showers.
“There you are,” You murmured as his dripping form came into view. Blocked by a sheet of warped glass all you could make out of his figure was the outline of his strong physique as he twisted and turned to let the water wash over his ridiculously toned body.
“James?” Your voice lilted up in a question as you wrapped your knuckles against the glass of the door.
“(Y/N/N)? What are you doing in here?” He asked, his voice rough which you assumed was from screaming over the roaring wind to communicate with his teammates. 
What you hadn’t noticed before escaping James’ subordinate was the aforementioned boy lurking a few feet away, jaw clenched, the vein in his forehead pulsing as he glared down the boy who seemed to have abandoned all of his inhibitions.
Though you had missed him, James most certainly hadn’t missed you and heading off to the showers he’d hoped that a hot shower would soothe the possessiveness bubbling up in his stomach but it had not had the desired effect. 
“Came looking for you Jamesie,” You explained, “Wanted to congratulate you,” A sly smirk tugged at the corners of your lips, painted a brilliant red as you began shedding the numerous layers of clothing you’d been bundled up in to shield yourself from the biting wind.
“Why don’t you congratulate that Dobson kid?” The edge to James’ voice was impossible to miss.
You frowned as you reached around your now nearly bare torso, having made quick work of your top layers, to unclasp your bra, shrugging it off of your shoulders to let it fall to the ground. Left in only your panties you spared a glance over your shoulder before abandoning those as well and opening the door to the shower.
Even after all this time you still had to stop your jaw from dropping whenever you saw James’ body, the defined muscles of his abs, the way they shifted in his back as he reached for things and just went about with his daily business.
His legs. Those fucking legs.
And don’t even get you started on his arms because you could go on and on for hours about them, about every part of him quite frankly.
You stood dumbstruck outside the shower cubicle before James pulled you in by your arm before someone walked in and saw you naked. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” The boy growled, towering over you as he wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you tucked into his strong chest. You could feel his half hard cock pressing against your stomach as one hand drifted to your ass, squeezing it to the point of pain before releasing and smacking the afflicted area with the palm of his hand. The burning hot water didn’t help either with the pain as it washed over your backside, amplifying the sting from your boyfriend’s harsh touch.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You asked incredulously, having no clue what he was talking about. “That hurt.”
“Good,” He responded curtly, returning his tight hold on the supple flesh of your bottom, squeezing even more harshly than before, no doubt leaving bruises in the shape of his fingers. 
“S’ what you deserve after teasing me like that with that fucking prat, and then right now, standing naked in the middle of the locker room, anyone could’ve walked in at any point and seen your arse.”
“No one was gonna just-”
You were cut off by his fingers meeting the side of your face more harshly than you anticipated.
“Ow,” You squeaked, “Was that necessary?”
Growing more and more frustrated James pushed his index and middle finger past your slightly parted lips, shoving his long fingers further and further until the tips of his rough, calloused digits bumped the back of your throat and had you struggling to breathe as he triggered your gag reflex.
“Shut your fucking mouth,” He grumbled, catching your wrist with his hand before you were able to grab at the wrist of the hand gagging you, “First flirting with that little prick and now talking back to me, who the fuck do you think you are?”
Your response was garbled as you tried to speak around his fingers, but no matter what you were trying to say it was muffled even more as he pushed his fingers even further down your throat. 
A sick smile grazed his face as you gagged violently, tears slipping from your tear ducts and rolling down your face in twin rivers, collecting in pools at the curve of your jaw.
“Oh don’t cry baby,” He cooed mockingly, pulling his fingers from your mouth, allowing you to take deep gulps of air as he moved his hands to cup your jaw, his thumbs wiping away your tears.
One hand trailed from your face, down your torso, pausing at your tit to take the nipple between his fingers, pinching harshly and pulling a strangled gasp from your lips as the action sent pleasure mixed with a healthy amount of pain zipping up your spine. 
Eventually finding his way to your pussy James ran his index finger through your sopping folds, smiling cavalierly at the pool of slick he found there.
“Fucking pathetic,” He muttered, staring at his finger as it teased your cunt, “You got off on that?” He asked, lifting his visage to meet yours, “You got off on Daddy fucking choking you with his fingers?”
After a beat of held eye contact, you realized that it wasn’t a rhetorical question and that the man in front of you expected an answer. 
“Yes, Daddy.” 
Satisfied with your response James’ gaze dropped back to your pussy where he was now lifting up your clitoral hood, exposing your sensitive bundle of nerves to his touch.
“What was that you said about congratulating me slut?” He asked, harshly pinching your clit between his thumb and forefinger, smirking as you whimpered and brought your hand up to clasp his bicep, supporting yourself as you felt your knees weakening. 
The pleasure he could bring you from just his fingers was enough to have you in a puddle by his feet, clawing at his ankles and begging for more.
“Think as a reward I’d like to mark you up, show everyone how much of a desperate whore my baby is. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes Daddy, wanna be your slut.”
“My whore,” He corrected.
“Your whore.”
At your agreement James latched his lips onto the side of your neck, sucking vicious hues of purple and blue into the delicate skin that resided there.
“Fuck,” You swore, tipping your head back so that he could have even better access to your skin.
A pathetic whine slipped from your trembling lips as James pulled away from your neck, instead attaching them to yours, delicately brushing his against your own. As you tried to lean forward, wanting to deepen the kiss you felt James’ hand bury itself in your damp hair, gripping tightly at the root, using his hold to keep your head in place as he pulled back.
“No swearing pretty girl,” He murmured as his lips brushed yours ever so lightly against yours, “Pretty babies don’t swear, yeah?” 
He peppered kisses across your lips as you nodded your agreement, tickling your skin before finally deepening the kiss as you so desperately wanted. You savored the taste of his lips as his tongue delved into your mouth, exploring the warm expanse before mingling his tongue with yours. 
You were no match for his aggression as he dominated your tongue pulling a moan from the depths of your belly where you felt a know tightening as the slick between your legs continued to collect in a pool of your own arousal.
“Gonna show you how good I can make you feel,” James promised, crouching to loop his arms underneath your thighs, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist, and moving to support your bum as he backed you into the wall, using that to help support your weight. 
“Gonna show you how good I can make you feel when you’re mine.”
“Please Daddy,” You begged, pleading eyes looking up at him as you pushed your bottom lip out in a pathetic display of your submission, “Want your cock please.”
It was funny really, how quickly you went from feisty to his submissive slut. And you didn’t even have his cock yet.
Your begging spurring James on, he didn’t bother restraining himself any longer and instead pushed his cock into your warm, pulsing pussy.
A cry tore its way through your throat as he didn’t even bother to ease his way in, not wanting to wait another second, just wanting to be inside of you.
“Shh,” He hissed, clasping a strong hand over your mouth, hanging wide open as you barely had control over yourself to keep your eyes open, much less make the conscious effort to keep your mouth closed in order to keep in the moans and whimpers that shamelessly tumbled from your agape mouth.
James’ pace was relentless as he thrusted in and out of you, watching as his cock appeared then disappeared as he moved in and out of your cunt, your pussy squeezing him to an almost painful degree.
“So fucking pretty,” He swore, palming your tits with his strong hands, leaving your nipples hard as he pinched them again, just as he did earlier, watching the look on your face as he twisted them to the point of pain. 
You snapped your mouth shut so that you wouldn’t let out a curse, not wanting to disobey Jamie. 
“Mine, all mine,” Jamie grumbled as he let go of your boobs, preferring to watch them bounce as he sped up his thrusts, the spongy tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot, pulling a strangled sigh from you as you lost more and more of yourself in pleasure.
“All yours Daddy,” You agreed, leaning your head up against the cold tile of the shower wall as you focused on the pleasure James was bringing you with every deep thrust. 
“That’s right slut,” James said, remembering his earlier frustration, “If s’all mine, all f’me then what the hell are you doing talking to that little dick?”
His hard gaze met yours and though they were swimming with lust it did nothing to dilute the seriousness they held, making it clear to you that he expected an answer.
“Didn’t mean to Daddy, didn’t mean to be naughty,” You explained, hoping that he would realize that you really had had no mal intent in speaking with the boy, you just hadn’t wanted to be rude.
Seemingly paying your response no mind James attached his lips to your collar bone, laving his tongue over it before retracing his steps and sucking marks that matched the ones he’d previously left on your neck. 
As he worked to paint your skin in rich hues he lifted your hips so that he could reach even further depths inside of you, sheathing himself completely inside of you before pulling back out, all while moving his fingers to your clit, where they had once previously resided. 
The combined stimulation of him so deep inside of you and his strong fingers on your clit had the knot in your belly tightening as the stimulation on your clit sent tendrils of pleasure shooting up your back.
It was all too much, the overwhelming stimulation from his cock combined with his fingers pinching and rolling your sensitive bundle of nerves between the pads of his fingers, and the steady streams of scalding water warming your skin almost had you forgetting to ask to cum as you felt the pleasure boiling up in the depths of your tummy. 
“D-Daddy may I-”
You were cut off by the sound of the locker room door slamming open quickly followed by the rumbling of voices.
“Potter!” One of them called out, “You in here?”
Recognizing the voice as that belonging to none other than the very boy who had landed you in your small predicament you studied James’ face, with wide piteous eyes as the sound of footsteps slapping against the tile floor approached your little enclave.
James smiled deviously at you before responding, “Yeah, we’re back here.”
tagging:@randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @pinkandblueblurbs @st0nesnglitter @thatvenusbabe @itsmentalillness @zzzfour @greenlyblue @emmaev @temporaryissue @gubleryum @msmb r @miraclesoflove @velmasteas @drachoesimp @ashlovesthemarauders
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Kinda Like It When You Lie
Pairing: Destroyer!Chris x Reader
Summary: You discover the reason why Chris has been lying to you about his whereabouts.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: le smut, le angst, le toxicity but a sorta happy ending I guess???
A/N: I tagged everyone in my Everything Bucky tag list because why not lmfao okay but no, I’m not sure how often I will be writing fics for Seb’s other characters so I won’t be having a separate tag list for that yet. If this isn’t something you’re not interested in, feel free to ignore skskks
I am dedicating this piece to @lookiamtrying​ who got so pissed off that her mans Chris got a lower vote count than Mickey (prior to the release of Monday) when I did my character fic survey lmfao ilysm, Mina!!! This was also inspired by FLETCHER’s If You’re Gonna Lie
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Chris kissed you as if it was his last day on earth. It made your insides twist in a blissful way, the kind of kiss that literally took your breath away and made your head spin. You could feel your lungs burning up from the lack of oxygen and yet you didn’t want to pull away.
All you could focus on was how his lips moved against yours, how his tongue danced around your mouth as if he owned you. And in that moment, he really did.
You got lost in Chris— his taste, his rough palms against the smooth expanse of your skin, his weight on top of you as he pressed you down against the cheap motel bed.
It wasn’t until you tried to touch Chris that you realized he had restrained your wrists with something cold and hard. Pulling away from his fervent kiss, you glanced up and saw that he had both of your wrists handcuffed against the headboard.
Tugging at your wrists, you let out a chuckle. “What’re ya, a cop?” you asked.
Chris breathed out through his nose, “Kinda.” he rasped out before taking your bottom lip in between his teeth, tugging at it before sliding his tongue back into your mouth.
You moaned into the kiss and opened up your legs to fully accommodate Chris’ huge build, his pelvis thrusting against your clothed core making you whine against his lips.
“You gonna arrest me or somethin’?” you asked playfully, tilting your neck to the side as you allowed Chris to nip at your skin, his thick beard scratching you much to your delight.
He pulled back to look at your eyes, “Only for stealin’ my heart, darling.”
What you thought was a one-night stand turned into something more. Not that you were complaining, in fact, you’d quickly fallen head over heels for Chris. How could you not when he was the most honest man you’d met in your entire life?
After that first night, Chris told you everything about him and his job. An FBI agent who needed to go undercover as a drug dealer in order to infiltrate a huge drug syndicate. He had been undercover for a while now and it was consuming, he said. That’s how you found him drinking alone at the bar you worked at.
“You planning to consume our entire stock of beers or what?”
Chris let out a breathy chuckle as you placed two more bottles of beer on his table. The man had been in the bar for hours now, drowning his miseries away since his arrival. You noticed him as soon as he sauntered into the bar— all beard and tattooed muscles on display with the denim vest he wore.
“I’m sorry.” he huffed out and you were surprised at how soft spoken he was despite his tough exterior. “Work’s been stressing me out, is all.” He explained with a firm smile.
You couldn’t help but return the gesture, “Thought you were stressin’ over your girl.” You smirked.
Chris narrowed his eyes at you, tongue darting out to lick his lower lip. “Got no girl to come home to.” He said, voice an octave lower and a little bit rougher.
You bit your lip and shrugged, “Man like you can easily find a solution to that.” You said and winked before heading back behind the bar, swaying your hips a little more than the usual.
By the time you reached the bar, you looked back at Chris and caught him staring with a certain look in his eyes.
The same look he would give you whenever you get mad at him for coming home late. The look that always won you over no matter what.
“You said you’d be home by eight, Chris. That was four hours ago.”
Chris rubbed his face and dropped his keys on the tray by the front door. You watched him with suspecting eyes as he trudged towards you, eyes tired yet apologetic.
“‘m sorry, sweetheart. Went out with the guys, you know how it is.” he said and tried to reach out to you but you were quick to step back.
“Could’ve texted me, y’know? I made dinner, your favorite. Got cold and decided to throw it in the bin when you didn’t show up.” you said, shaking your head in disappointment and turned around to retreat back into the bedroom.
Chris caught you and gripped your waist in his strong hands, preventing you from further walking away. He pulled your back against his chest, nuzzling his face into your neck as he whispered apologies into your ear.
“I’m sorry, babe. Let me make it up to you, huh?” he murmured roughly into your ear. “Wanna make you feel good, make you forget my sins.” he teased, earning a soft chuckle from you.
He sucked the skin beneath your earlobe, making your knees weak and your core throb. Chris gently turned you around to face him until your eyes met his-- dark and still apologetic, you wondered why because you’d already forgiven him the moment his hands touched your skin.
Your question was immediately forgotten when Chris kissed you, tongue quickly finding its way into your mouth. His kisses were always so urgent, so hungry and feral.
He always kissed you as if it was the last time.
Clothes strewn everywhere, raspy grunts and high pitched moans, sweaty bodies moving against each other. Every single time you and Chris argued, it always ended the same way, with you giving in to his sweet words and hot touches.
A hand on your nape kept your cheek pressed down onto the mattress as Chris pounded you from behind. Laying flat on your stomach, you could feel every ridge and every vein of his cock as it dragged against your walls. Gripping the sheets tightly, your knuckles turned white as you slightly lifted your ass up earning a harsh spank from Chris.
“You fuckin’ like it when I fuck you rough?” he growled, spanking your ass again before squeezing it into his large hand.
You whimpered at the cold sensation of the rings on Chris’ fingers, wanting it to mark your skin as soon as he was done with you. You moaned when Chris pulled back until only the tip of his hard cock remained in your tight pussy. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes when he pushed your nape further into the mattress at the same time he slammed back in with such force that made you elicit a sound akin to a wail.
“Right there, Chris!” you wantonly pleaded, your drool soaking the sheets beneath you.
“I got you, baby. Gonna fuck you so good you’d forget what you were mad about.”
And forget you did, not just once, not twice. Not even thrice. Every single time Chris came home to you smelling like someone else’s perfume when he claimed to be out with his friends, you always ended up willingly forgetting about it. Chris had you wrapped around his finger and you knew it.
You knew he was lying about his whereabouts and the thing was, you chose to believe in it.
Because with each lie that slipped past his lips, came the sweetest apology followed by a promise to make you feel good and Chris always delivered.
You’d rather hear Chris’ lies than to hear his goodbye just so you can have him in your bed again and again and again.
The last lie you tolerated was when he forgot about your anniversary and came home the next day, all moody and grumpy. He went straight to the bathroom, mumbling about how he was tired from work and you didn’t know whether he was lying again or not.
You’d believed too many of his lies by now that you couldn’t even determine which ones were the truth and which ones weren’t.
“Happy anniversary to us, Chris. In case you forgot.” you said as soon as he got out of the shower.
Chris’ face fell, eyes refusing to meet yours from shame. He should be ashamed and so should you, because you’ve tolerated his lies for a year now and no matter how much you wanted to confront him, you always ended up forgiving him.
“Fuck.” he cursed. “I’m sorry, it’s just that...the buy bust operation was last night and it slipped my mind.” he said.
And there it was again, the look in his eyes that turned you into a moaning mess beneath him as soon as his lips found yours. Whenever Chris would lie, it always seemed to be so fucking worth it. Because he always fucked you senseless until you were stupid for him, enough to let him get away with his pathetic excuses.
But not tonight, because as Chris bent you in half with his cock slipping in and out of your wet cunt, you promised that this will be the last time you’d enjoy the aftermath of his lies.
“Come on, baby. Give me one more. Want this pussy to milk my cock dry, c’mon pretty girl.” he urged, slipping a hand in between your sweaty bodies, his thumb swiping at your clit until stars exploded behind your eyes.
His name was chanted out like a prayer, your lips red and swollen from being kissed and bitten. A few more hard thrusts and you felt Chris spill his seed into you, warm ropes of his cum painting your walls. He carefully slipped your legs off from his shoulders before laying down on top of you, pressing open-mouthed kisses on your chest as the both of you caught on your breaths.
“Where were you last night?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Chris turned his head to you, trying to read your face but you kept your gaze on the ceiling. Tears escaped your eyes as you laid on the bed, blinking them away when they wouldn’t stop spilling.
“I want the truth, Chris.” you added, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
The bed moved when Chris sat up, reaching for your face and turning it to wards him. Your lips were trembling, fighting back your sob. Chris closed his eyes and shook his head.
“I’m sorry.” he said.
“I don’t want your apology, Chris. I want the truth, please.” you begged.
“I can’t stay with you anymore.” he said.
You frowned and sat up, bringing the sheets up to cover your naked body. “Who’s she?” you asked. “I know you’ve been seein’ someone behind my back, I want to know. Who is she? ‘nother FBI agent? Or someone you met while you were undercover?” you were more of mad than hurt now, all your suppressed emotions finally resurfacing and begging to be released.
Chris swallowed and refused to meet your gaze, “It’s...it’s not like that.” he said.
“The fuck you mean, Chris?” you asked.
There was silence for a brief moment, as if Chris was gathering up all the courage he had left in him. And then he looked at you with the same guilty, apologetic eyes again. But it was different now because you knew that there wouldn’t be anymore lies which meant no more sweet talk and no more Chris in your bed until the next morning.
“I never cheated on you.” he huffed out. “I’ve always been...with Erin.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You were a part of my undercover. The leader of the drug syndicate I was trying to infiltrate frequented the bar you worked at. Needed to get as much as information as I can and I easily got that when we started—”
Your hand trembled after landing a solid slap on Chris’ face. Your heart ached, your vision spun and suddenly, nothing made any sense to you anymore. All this time, you thought that was Chris was being unfaithful to you when in truth, he was cheating…with you.
Now you finally understood why he always kissed you as if it was the last time, why he looked at you with those apologetic eyes whenever he came home late, whenever he lied.
Chris told you the entire truth, that he was at the bar during an operation and not after. He manipulated you into believing that everything he told you were real, that he was a good and an honest man, that Erin was nothing but a partner at work.
“When you said you love me, was that a lie too?” you asked, voice breaking because this was too much. Everything was too much.
Chris held your face in between his hands, rubbing his thumbs across your cheeks, “No. No, that wasn’t a lie. I do, I love you. As soon as the operation was done, I couldn’t say goodbye. I always said I’d tell you the truth but I couldn’t. I wish I hadn’t met you like this.” he reassured.
You pushed him away and covered your face with your hands, unable to believe that for an entire year, you’d dedicated your life and your love to someone who had been using you.
“Does she know about me?” you asked.
Chris nodded, “She does.”
You scoffed, “She fuckin’ pities me, doesn’t she? Probably told you to take your time, ‘cause the truth will fuckin’ ruin me.” you said and chuckled bitterly.
“You used me, Chris. Fuckin’ used me and made me a goddamn fool. Is Chris even your real name? Who the fuck are you?” you asked.
“I lied about everything except for two things. My name and when I said I love you.”
You shook your head, wiping away your tears. You’ve finally woken up, brought yourself back to consciousness and decided to accept that Chris was never honest and that not once did he become yours.
Picking up the pieces of your broken trust was very much like working with the shards of a broken mirror. At times you came out unscathed but for the most part, you were left wounded and bleeding and in pain.
Putting all the broken pieces back together was definitely not easy and it took you years to do so. No matter how careful you were though, the mirror was never completed. There were ugly cracks and everywhere that you couldn’t hide and there was a missing piece. But that’s alright, because you tried to put yourself back together and you weren’t perfect but at least you did your best.
The bar you started working for was quite new, which explained how busy it was even on a slow Wednesday. It wasn’t as big as the old bar you used to work at, but this was newer and catered to a more classy crowd.
No rough bikers, no FBI agents going undercover, no funny businesses.
“Two bottles of beer for table seven.” your manager called out, “Thought it’d be slow today, boy was I wrong.” she commented to which you chuckled.
Taking out two ice-cold bottles from the fridge, you weaved through the crowd and tables until you reached your destination. Placing the bottles on top of the table, you asked the customer if he wanted to order something to go with his drinks.
Taking out your notepad, you finally looked up and was met with a pair of familiar blue eyes. You almost didn’t recognize Chris if it weren’t for those eyes. He was no longer sporting a buzz cut and had longer locks, his beard had grown out but was well-trimmed. His tattooed arms weren’t in full display and instead of the usual denim outfits he wore, he was merely clad in a plaid, maroon button down shirt.
You couldn’t help but scoff, “Let me guess, you’re undercover and your target is a frequent customer here.” you said.
Chris laughed mirthlessly and shook his head, “I quit from that job years ago.” he said, much to your surprise.
“You stressin’ over your girl?” you asked.
“Got no girl to come home to...anymore.” Chris replied, those damn apologetic eyes making your knees weak once again.
You rolled your eyes at him and placed your notepad back in your apron, “If you’ve nothin’ else to order, then enjoy your beer. I guess.” you said and turned around but was quickly tugged back when Chris grabbed at your wrist.
Scowling at him, you eyed his hand and then back up at his eyes. They didn’t look apologetic though, you realized, he was giving you the same look but something was different.
You just didn’t know what changed.
“I did love you.” he said. “And I still do and I want to come home to you again.” he quickly added, tightening his grip around your wrist as if he was afraid to let you go.
Surprisingly, there was not an ounce of anger left in your heart. It had been a complete three years since the incident. He left you feeling used and broken but you managed to fix yourself. Not completely, but enough to find it in your heart to forgive Chris for what he did.
“I want to believe you, I really do. But it’s hard for me to do that now.” you explained.
Chris nodded in understanding, “I know but I want to start over again. Make things right, if you’d let me. No lies this time, just me and my truth.” he said, his thumb rubbing soft circles against the inside of your wrist.
Honesty. Pure and genuine honesty— that’s what changed in the way Chris looked at you. There wasn’t any guilt in there anymore, no hidden agendas and whatnot.
Just the truth and the missing piece you never knew you needed to complete your mirror.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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luimagines · 3 years
You give them a kiss!
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Despite the earlier confusion, I’ve got it done! Here you go Anon!
Since there wasn’t any specification, it’s set platonically (but maybe hidden feels) so I hope that’s ok.
Content under the cut!
You hear Wind call your name. It’s loud and joyful and inexplicably full of excitement.
It immediately light your heart and you turn to see where the voice came from. Wind is starting to run in your direction something clenched in his hand. You can see it sway from his grip but he’s moving too fast for you to get a good view of what it is.
He stops in front of you, hiding what he had behind his back with a a wide grin his face. “I’ve got something for you!~”
You smile and drop what you’re doing, giving him your full attention. “What is it Pirate?”
“Close your eyes.”
You raise an eyebrow.
You oblige.
There’s a moment of silence before you feel something being placed on your head. It’s light but it feels oddly familiar and you open your eyes.
Whatever was in Wind’s hands before is gone and he’s staring at you with a pleased look on his face.
You slowly raise your hands to touch what it is and feel yourself smile.
It’s a flower crown.
“I made it myself!” Wind declares proudly. “Hyrule showed me how to make them. It’s not exactly the first one I made... That one didn’t come out as good, I think. But I like this one and thought it would look great on you!”
Your smile widens to a grin and you pull Wind into a hug. Your heart swells in adoration for this boy and you spin him around somewhat. “I love it! Thank you!”
You pull away slightly and give him a kiss on the forehead as thanks. “You’re very sweet.”
There’s a slight blush on his face as he pulls away from you, but his smile never falters. “Well, I’m glad you like it.”
"Hey Twilight!" You skip to his side and place your hands on your hips. "How are you on this beautiful day?"
"I'm doing mighty fine, thank you." Twilight tosses a grin over his shoulder before he goes back to checking through Epona's supplies.
"What-cha doing?"
"Just checking through an old bag of mine. I'm looking for a new shirt."
This piques your interest. "Why?"
"My current one is starting to smell to kingdom come so while it needs to be washed, I need to find my other one."
"Well... I mean it's not that....Yeah..... Wild and I didn't want to say anything, but at least you're aware."
"Ok. Thanks." Twi deadpans. "I can feel your support from miles away. I am so glad that I'm traveling with you lot."
"We like having you around too!" You grin and punch his shoulder lightly. "Enough so that it's easy to tolerate the dog smell."
"You know what-" Twilight takes a swing in your direction but you easily dodge it. He's quick to follow you and take another swing.
You catch it and bring his fist towards your mouth to place a quick kiss on his knuckles.
"Maybe a shower will help too." You grin.
Twilight groans and takes his hand back. "I'll take that into consideration."
He begin to absentmindedly rub his thumb over where you kiss him even as he turns away from you and back to Epona.
"Glad I could help."
"Get out!"
You leave laughing.
"Excuse me, but I need your assistance." Warrior walks up to and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. "It'll only take a moment."
"Sure thing Capitan." You grin and drop your little project into your pocket. "What do you need?"
"I heard that you have a specific set of skills that I believe would help me greatly in a personal endeavor of mine."
"Drop the fancy talk." You deadpan. "It only makes you look suspicious."
"I want you to teach me about flowers." He admits in a rush.
"...Seeecret." Warrior hisses through his teeth, unwilling to tell you why. "You're good at knowing what plants do what and how they help people. You're the best person to go to."
"It comes with the territory of herbalism." You grin. "But it's not all about flowers. I'd have to know what you're going to do with the plants if you want me to help you."
Warrior pauses and he takes a while to think about your reply. There's a moment where you can see that's he's battling himself about your conditions. Somewhere among the lines he comes a consensus and sighs. "...But it was supposed to be for you."
There's a blush on his face and he begins to scratch the back of his neck. He's not meeting your eyes.
His reveal surprises you and you smile at the soft confession. You stare at him for a little moment longer you snort. "Ok fine. I'll let you keep your secrets. I've been teaching Hyrule about being an herbalist and he's learning at an incredibly fast rate. He's your second best bet at this point."
"The Traveler?" Warrior blinks. "When did you start doing that?"
"A while ago." You shrug and skip in his direction until you're toe to toe.
"Whatever your surprise is I'm sure I'll like it." You say and go up onto your tip toes to place a quick kiss on his cheek. "You're a sweetheart. thank you in advance. I'll be waiting!"
You hear Warrior audibly gulp as you leave. "Ok! I'll- I'll get working on it!"
"Wild! I'm bored!" You cry out and flop onto the ground.
You were placed on Wild babysitting duty, curtesy of Twilight, while the others went to go scope out the nearest village for both supplies and information. But because of Wild stepping out of line and going against orders, he was benched until further notice.
"We're both bored." Wild groans and flops on top of your stomach.
You grunt with the unexpected pressure and force from the hit and drop your arm onto his face. "What can we do!?"
"I don't know!"
"But you always have something on your mind."
"That doesn't mean I can just pop out an idea whenever I want!" He shouts back. "My creative process is an enigma. Not even I can control it or will it into action."
You sigh. "So now what?"
A moment of silence.
"Wanna make out?"
"What?" You sit up, pushing Wild off of you in the process.
"Kidding! Kidding!" Wild laughs and holds his hands up in surrender. "I saw an opportunity and I took it."
"Wild." You deadpan, not elaborating on anything else. You do not continue your sentence.
Wild descends into snorts and giggles at your unamused face and he's completely lost himself in his own head.
In the distance you can hear Legend and Warrior arguing with each other and know that you're time alone with the wild child is up. A wicked streak kicks up inside you and you smirk to yourself.
Before the others can come close enough to see the both of you, you maneuver upwards and into Wild's personal space and place a kiss smackdab on his cheek- stilling him entirely.
"Next time-" You say as you stand. "-Tell me what you want to do before the others can come and interrupt."
You send him a quick wink and leave him to his thoughts. You're quick to greet the others and act as if nothing had happened at all.
Wild is still stunned and red in the face where you left him even as the others come close to the camp.
Twilight goes to question what's wrong with him but from what you can hear, Wild doesn't kiss and tell.
Time calls your name with audible hesitation.
It's unusual to say the least and it's enough for you to drop every you're doing and give him all of your attention. "What's up? Is something wrong?"
Time doesn't say anything nor does he make eye contact, and it's even more concern as the moment passes.
"Are you ok?" You stand and make your way toward him.
Time clears his throat for a hot second and takes a steadying breath to meet your eyes. "Everything is fine, it's just, I wanted to ask for your opinion."
You're confused. "That's it? Time, you freaked me out for a second. Ask away."
"Um..." Time stalls intelligently. "Wind pointed out there's a shore line nearby. I was thinking the boys could use a day off....play in the water or the sand, just a break to-"
"YES! Yes! Yes!" You scream and jump up in excitement. "Really? Are we that close? We can have a beach day? Are you serious? Can we go?"
You can feel yourself beam and if he were to say that everyone was getting ice cream and can sleep in tomorrow then you were sure you'd be vibrating.
He looks at you with mild surprise but a soft smile crosses over his face.
"Link, that's a great idea!" You jump on him, hug him, wrap your arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek. "This is great! When? Today? Tomorrow?"
You drop and jump a bit on your toes still.
He grins. "I wanted to see if we could camp there tonight, and spend the whole day tomorrow just relaxing."
"I can do that! We can do that! This is great! It'll be so much fun! I hope there's waves. I've wanted to teach Wild how to surf and maybe we can get Twilight to join. This is great!" You're too excited to think about where to go but Time points in a direction behind with a wink.
"How about you go help pack up the camp? I'll go collect the boys!"
"Absolutely! You absolute champion!" You run off to go meet up with some of the others and do your given task.
Time chuckles a bit and places his fingertips against where your lips were. It wasn't the reaction he was expecting, but he's not complaining.
"Excuse me Mr. Hero, what do you think you're doing?" You walk up behind Legend and put your hands on your hips.
You had caught him going through your bag. As obvious as it was that he was trying to be stealthy, he wasn't fast enough to get out before you came back.
Legend freezes on the spot and doesn't turn around to look at you.
"Why are you going through my stuff?" You raises an eyebrow and try to not yell. It's a barely restrained rage that flows through your blood as someone goes through your things without your permission. But it's Legend, you trust him and you don't want to take things out of proportion or escalate things higher than they should.
"I... Um..." Legend gulps and stands up, leaving your bag alone. He kicks the flap over, hiding the insides of it from other prying eyes.
You keep your eyebrow raised and watch as he squirms uncomfortably under your stare.
"I was trying to see if you needed anything." He somehow manages to look up and look you in the eye.
"Like?" You press.
"Just stuff." Legend snaps and walks away. "We got back from shopping. I just wanted to know if you needed anything."
"And you didn't think to just ask?"
"It's whatever!" He storms away a little quicker than you think he would normally. He's hiding something.
You quickly make your way to your bag and shuffle through it.
You're not missing anything.
Nothing of yours is gone but there's a new thing you notice.
You see three new healing potions that were decidedly not there before along with four packs of trail mix and food stuffs that look nothing like what you usually pack for yourself.
Understanding cascades over you like a wave and you take a deep breath to calm the last of your budding anger.
You seal your bag and leave it there, quickly following after Legend before he can get too far.
You power walk next to him and stop him with a hand on his shoulder. "Hey."
"I didn't do anything!" Legend pulls himself away from you.
"Doubt it." You lean in and place a quick kiss on his temple before he can get away from you entirely. "Thank you. I saw what you did."
"And what did I do?" He wipes it off aggressively.
"Something very kind."
Legend stills once more and keeps rubbing off your kiss. "...It's nothing."
You snort and begin to walk away from him. "Regardless, thank you."
"...You're welcome."
“Would you believe me if I said that I’ve never seen someone be able to do this before?” You ask Hyrule one day out of the blue.
“Do what exactly?” He pauses the spell, your wound stays only marginally healed because of it.
“Do magic.” You shrug. “It’s... not really a thing where I’m from. We have magician but they’re all for show and it’s mostly illusions. You know, smoke and mirrors and the like. If you can figure out how they do it when it’s pretty simple.”
“That sounds... depressing.” Hyrule twists his face and goes back to healing you. “I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“It’s not so bad. It’s mostly for fun.” You try to sit up now that the pain isn’t as severe. Hyrule doesn’t let you. “Can’t lose what you never had.”
“But it’s all I’ve ever had.” Hyrule’s eyebrows furrow and you can see the gears turning in his head. 
You let him think in the time it takes for you to get fully healed. Hyrule has always needed a little space to get his thoughts together before he says something. 
You’re fully healed in seconds and Hyrule leans away from you. You get to finally sit up fully and you take his hand in yours. He lets you take it and lets you study his hand with gentle fascination. 
No words are exchanged between the two of you and you pull his hand even closer to you. Before Hyrule can even think of pulling away you place a kiss against his knuckles.
“It’s a gift.” You say. “Don’t take it for granted.”
Hyrule smiles slightly and grips your hand. “Thanks. I think you might have a concussion though.”
“It’s nothing you can prove.” You answer with a loopy smile.
Hyrule snorts and stretches his hand by your head.
“Oh, yeah.” He grins. “That explains it.”
Four calls your name with slight hesitation and you instantly give your attention to him out of concern. 
When you see him, he’s hiding something behind his back, slightly hunched back and has a blush on his face. He doesn’t appear to be injured or in any sort of pain so it can’t so bad.
“Four?” You stand up fully and begin to walk in his direction. “Everything ok? Is something wrong?”
Four shoots up and begins to stammer slightly. “No, I- You see- It’s nothing! Everything’s fine.”
“Nothing’s wrong. It’s just- it’s nothing.” Four laughs unconvincingly and scratches the back of his neck. “Here. I made this for you.”
Four holds out a little package covered in cloth with both of his hands and refuses to make eye contact with you.
Intrigued, you close the distance between you two and reach out to take it. The cloth seems high quality and you wonder how much it must have cost to get even a fraction of the square he’s just given you. The package itself is hefty or at least heavier than you thought it would be. 
Four is still refusing to make eye contact but he stays with the clear intent of watching for your reaction. 
You unfold the cloth over the weight and hold it from under. Repeating a similar action for the other side, you see underneath it two beautifully crafted twin daggers. The hilt is what catches your attention the most. It has red and black accents, each of the colors swirl around each other and mimic the wings of a butterfly when placed side by side. There was a hook at the end of each dagger, expertly hidden and you wouldn’t have found it if it hadn’t nagged your sleeve as you passed your fingers over the blade.
You looked with intrigue and gently picked up the blades out of the cloth. You tossed the cloth onto your shoulder and hooked the blades together out of curiosity. 
They fit together perfectly to create an elongated weapon.
“You made this?” Your breath leaves you in a whisper as you admire the craftmanship. “How? When?”
“It’s a secret.” Four grins softly, not bothering to hide his self satisfied smirk..
“And it’s for me?” You grip it tighter and flip it through your fingers, spinning it slowly. 
You don’t reply, too enraptured in taking it all in. Even as you spin it, it’s astonishingly light for both of them being combined than you feel it should be. 
It must have taken a while to make this.
“Do you like it?” Four returns to be being bashful and kicks the dirt softly.
Your head snaps in his direction and you fling your arms around him. “I love it!”
Four takes a step back from the collision and is too shocked to hug you back.
“Thank you!” You shout and give him the biggest kiss you think you get away with on his cheek.
“I’m totally showing these off!” You bounce off of him. “Wild’s going to be so jealous! Thank you Four!”
You run away to find something to use them against as Four stays behind.
A hand slowly reaches up and touches the cheek where you kissed him. “You’re welcome.”
“SKY!” You shout and take off in a running sprint. You’re by his side in seconds and you’re quick to wrap your arms around him. He wraps his arms around you as well and turns your momentum in a spin.
“Well hello there!” He calls back in return, a grin on his face. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”
“Would it just be enough to say that I just missed you?” You grin back and get off of his back, keeping your arm wrapped around his shoulders.
"Perhaps, if I didn't know you as well I do." Sky replies with a subtle smirk.
"Am I wrong?" Sky raises a teasing eyebrow.
"That's what you think. I am a ball of mystery." You let him go and step away. "I am in no way predictable. There's no way you can know all my moves."
"I bet that I could."
"I doubt it."
"Try me."
"Alright." You tilt your head up and place a kiss squarely on his cheek.
It stuns him in place and you grin at the result.
"Bet you didn't see that coming."
"Admittedly-" Sky gulps and blushes all the way to his neck. "-I did not."
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
I’m so excited your requests are open!!! Can I request a blurb of rough sex with Charlie where he throws around and manhandles his girlfriend (it’s all safe and consensual). I just know he’s a bit burly dude who would have no problem picking up his girlfriend with one arm
Watch Your Mouth
warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), vaginal penetration, manhandling, size kink, tummy bulge, praise kink, sub!reader/dom!Charlie, mentions of edging, spanking, overstimulation, UNPROTECTED SEX (wrap it before you tap it), kind of subspace (nothing too intense), also unedited because i am lazy ✋🏻😔
“But it hurts.” You whined into your boyfriend's ear.
Subtlety was fading fast in your act, after Charlie spent all night last night teasing you with the idea of an orgasm but never actually letting you get there you were far past the point of just horny.
Charlie placed a warning hand on your thigh, fingers gripping the flesh tight enough to have you squirming, “Eat your food and behave.”
His tone was husky, whispers harsh as he tried to keep you at bay in front of his family. Perhaps dinner at the Weasley’s- a usual Friday event- wasn’t the best place to start acting up but really it was Charlie’s fault. He had to have known his teasing would result in something of this sort.
You also knew his hand could be heavy when he wanted it to be, spanks from Charlie always left a mark that could be felt for days following. So you listened to him, quietly picking at your roast as your mind wandered to what might be in store for you once you two got home.
“Yeah, better get going, it’s getting rather late.” Charlie announced as he stood up from the couch, your hand in his.
You had to restrain from vibrating with excitement as you stood up next to Charlie, your head barely reaching his broad shoulders.
Everyone bid farewell to you two, a longer exchange than you would’ve liked but you managed. Finally Charlie pulled you into his side, tucking you under his arm as he appareled you two to your flat- after the war he wanted to move closer to his family and you had no complaints.
Leaning on the hardwood floor of your living room, you stumbled a bit only to be grabbed by Charlie. His arm wrapping around your waist to lift you up and off your feet, carrying you to the bedroom. He grunted through the doorframe, making sure he wasn’t going to hit your head on the wall as he passed through before tossing you onto the bed. Upon hitting the mattress your body bounced roughly, only adding fuel to the fire of your excitement.
Charlie pulled his boots off hastily, hands moving to unbutton his shirt and fling it somewhere in the room to be retrieved later for you to wear. In just a pair of tight black boxer briefs and a single silver chain dangling between his pecs, a dragon tooth at the end.
You watched him with wide eyes, breath hitching as he grabbed your hips and flipped you over with ease. His palm, open and heavy, rested on your plump backside. You panicked, trying to turn around to face him, because you knew what that meant but you thought you had been a good girl.
“But I was good.” You whined trying to move your butt away from him.
He tutted, pulling your hips back to where they were, “You were good...after I had to tell you to behave, and now you’re questioning me.”
“Because I was good. If you hadn’t been mean, not letting me cum, then I wouldn’t have been so needy. S’your fault.”
The silence was deafening and you realized you should’ve kept your mouth shut.
“My fault?” Charlie questioned, his voice unnervingly calm.
You shook your head quickly, trying to back track as best you could, “No, no no, I didn’t- I’m sorry, I’m your good girl, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, “My good girl wouldn’t blame me for her being a horny slag. My good girl wouldn’t question my authority. My good girl would take her punishment, but no. You just had to open your mouth, didn’t you?”
Charlie didn’t give you a chance to respond, instead grabbing the material of your tights and quite literally tearing them apart, exposing your g-string and soaking cunt. He continued to rip and tear your tights until whatever was left didn’t have enough structure to stay on, he picked up the pieces and tossed them to the floor before roughly tugging your shirt and bra off. 
There was a moment of silence again, as Charlie adjusted the rings on his fingers. You barely allowed yourself to calm down before he was sitting on the edge of the bed, grabbing you by the waist to roughly pull you across his lap. The action made you squeal, your legs kicking up in an attempt to stall the punishment that was coming. He wasn’t having it, forcing your legs under his thick thigh to keep them out of the way before playing with the thin string that made up the back of your thong. You let out a muffled whine as he pulled on it, lifting it up and making the front of your panties rub against your throbbing clit then letting it go, snapping it against your skin.
“Only thing I wanna hear out of your mouth are apologies after every swat. Understood?” He asked, hand running across the globes of your ass.
You nodded, not wanting to anger him further.
“So you do know how to watch your fucking mouth, good.”
You had little time to prepare before his hand came down onto your backside with a painful sting sending pools of arousal straight to your core.
“I’m sorry, Charlie.”
Another swat hit your warm flesh, then another, and another. With each slap apologies fell passed your lips along with muffled cries, fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
Forty spanks later your butt was beet red and practically numb, his ring clad hand massaging the raw skin making you whimper. He dipped his hand down to your core, running two fingers up your slit collecting your juices before teasing your entrance making you jolt. His other arm came down to keep you still as his fingers entered you, making your walls clench. You bit your lip, trying to suppress the moans as he started to thrust his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace, alternating between fast thrusts and massaging the spongey spot that made your vision go fuzzy.
You gripped his calf tightly as your orgasm neared, your legs started shaking and you could only hope he’d let you finally get off. Only you weren’t so lucky, Charlie pulled his hand away quickly watching as you writhed around in his lap.
“You wanna cum? I’ll make you cum until you’re begging me to stop.”
His hand dove back in between your legs, this time with an unbelievably fast pace making you let out loud, wanton cries. Charlie’s arm pressed down on your hips firmly, giving you no wiggle room as your toes curled and eyes screwed shut, orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks.
You were shoved onto the bed as you heaved, Charlie having no trouble moving your from place to place without your cooperation. He got down on his knees, eye level with your pussy clenching pathetically around nothing.
Making sure you were still sensitive from your first climax, he was quick to dive into your weeping cunt. Tongue lapping at your glistening folds and nose nudging your clit, your twitching was uncontrollable as he was relentless with his mouth. Your hands tangled themselves in his deliciously wavy red mane as his copper beard rubbed the insides of your thighs raw.
You were unable to form coherent sentences, choked cries, waterlogged moans, and desperate pleas were the only things leaving your lips. Charlie gripped your thighs tightly, keeping them open after they had started to close around his head. You came again, loud sobs sounding through the room as he continued his torturous lapping at your cunt only to pull away seconds after your second orgasm hit you to aggressively rub at your clit.
“Go on, cum, you were begging for this.”
The back and forth motion only got faster as you tried to close your thighs and push his hand away, a third orgasm washing over you before you could even realize. Charlie pulled his hand away after giving your clit a harsh slap making you cry out again. 
Charlie took his time peeling off his briefs, his prick taut against his abdomen with precum leaking from the mouth watering tip. He had always had a rather gorgeous cock, the lively red of the spongey head contrasting the creamy beige of the shaft had you clenching your legs in need. You’d never say no to that no matter how worn out or sensitive you were, he was just far too beautiful. But the sheer size alone had excited nerves mixing in your belly, regardless of how often you’ve seen him nude. His tip was dangerously close to his navel, and not only was he gifted with length but his veiny cock was girthy- never failing to stretch your aching pussy out just how you liked it. 
You watched as his hand gave a few languid strokes to himself before your eyes traveled over the expanse of his torso. His skin was dappled with countless freckles and a few scars scattered here and there from misbehaving dragons or rowdy brothers, most of the time his sheer size as a human had your walls convulsing. Charlie was big, he was tall but by no means lanky, his thighs were deliciously thick along with his biceps, his entire being painted in the likeness of Norse mythology’s Thor. 
“How cute, my little girl is staring.” Charlie teased, hand abandoning his cock and coming closer to you on the bed again. 
He gripped your hips with his large hands, pulling you up onto your knees with your ass in the air. You were too tired to hold your head up, opting to rest it on the mattress instead as you watched Charlie - as best you could from this position- as he paced a hand on the still raw skin of your backside. You didn’t need a mirror to know that a few visible handprints would be left on the skin for a while. The cool feeling of his hand on the skin made you jolt forward, but Charlie hunched over carefully and placed a handful of feathery kisses on the tender skin- you could’ve sworn the pain started to subside immediately at the contact. 
You whimpered as you felt him start to prod at your entrance, he chuckled at the way you wiggled your butt back into him hoping for more. Giving you what you wanted, he pushed in all the way, careful to go slow keeping in mind that he was rather large. 
“Look at you, taking m’cock so well.” He grunted, bottoming out. 
Cries emitted from your parted lips as you nodded into the sheets, words and sentences long gone as he started to thrust. You knew what was in store, and it only made your moans and chants of Charlie that much louder. It was no secret he had stamina, a product of his insatiable libido was usually you getting to cum twice before Charlie even thought of filling you up himself. Seeing as tonight you had already trembled through two, four and five seemed a bit daunting- but you need it. 
He quickened his pace, eagerly thrusting into your tight cunt as his voice started to crack with each grunt and groan before looping an arm around your midsection and pulling your back flush against his chest. The new position had your head lulling back, pornographic moans crooning from your mouth and into his neck. Your hand came up to make its way the back of Charlie’s head, fingers carding through the copper curls at the nape of his neck as his hips snapped up into you at a hellish pace. His hand, the one not occupied with holding you up, moved to rest on your lower belly wanting to feel the way your tummy bulged with each of his thrusts. You were so tiny compared to him, so dainty, and it made his thrusts get that much harder.
His breath fanned over your ear and neck as he spoke huskily, “Such a tight little cunt f’me, can feel my cock in your belly.”
You hummed in response, his hand pulling yours down to rest where his was just moments before. The outline of his dick, each time he thrusted, running up the inside of your palm making you clench around him. 
“S’like I’m gonna slit you in two, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
With pathetic cries and nods you answered, “Yes, want you t’split me in two, need it.”
Orgasm number four hit you before you could even register what was happening but Charlie didn’t slow his thrusts, instead dropping a hand to your pulsing clit to rub rough circles and the engorged nub. His other hand, still holding you up, shifted so he could grab a handful of your breast, pinching and pulling at your erect nipples as best he could while he kept you upright. The overstimulation had you seeing stars, orgasm number five was already knocking on your door ready to come barreling in. At some point, your not sure when seeing as your mind was foggy from your fast approaching orgasm, Charlie had doubled over with your body firmly held in his arms as his hips continued to thrust into your weeping pussy at lightning speed, your back still held tightly against his chest only now your chin was hitting the mattress with each rough thrust. 
You could register the stuttering of his thrusts meaning he was nearing his own release and you could finally let go for a fifth time. The weight of his body on top of yours mixed in with his forearm pressing into your abdomen and fingers massaging your clit while his balls were slapping against your glistening and used pussy had your body trembling uncontrollably in his grasp. Charlie gave a choked moan of your name as he finished deep inside you, your body spasming along with the walls of your cunt as you came with him. 
Charlie held you to his chest still, but shifted so he was now on his side and you were no longer taking any of his weight. Slowly he went to pull out of you, making you whimper at the feeling, your over used cunt far too sensitive for the movement.
“Shh, you’re ok,” He cooed, gentling running a palm down the side of your face and through your hair. “Gotta get you cleaned up, yeah? Then I want my best girl’s cuddles, ok?”
His voice was gently, coaxing you to open your eyes and look at him as you answered with a feeble nod, “Ok, then cuddles...” you murmured.
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