#FoM Aizawa
clustercatalyst · 2 years
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More FoM Hizashi!
The small pic is him trying to feed the smaller mouths a potato chip.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
Could I get the mysme boys with an insecure fem s/o bc a past lover didn’t sexually desire them? NSFW if possible? and if not them, then Dabi, Aizawa, Toshinori(if you write for him), and Mirio instead? Thank you! ❤️
i was actually planning on doing bnha but maybe i’ll do it next time~ also, i will not be doing v and saeran yet because i haven’t been to their routes still >< i’ve been farming zen’s route for weeks now lmao
warning/s: only slight nsfw, fluff, heart-wrenching dialogues ><
Zen would immediately sense your troubled look before anything can even progress. Out of all the boys, he’s the one who would be the fastest to figure it out because you’d be showing signs of anxiety whenever you two would start being intimate.
“What’s the matter, babe?” his voice was soft, like how the way he caresses your cheeks. His assertive plum eyes would be scanning your own, his breath mixing with yours while staying on the position of his face near yours.
“Do you want us to stop?”
You’d immediately raise your hand to grasp onto his wrist that was has a hold of your face, your breath quivering unconsciously as you felt your heartbeat quicken. You have to tell him. If you don’t, then yo-
“I...” you start, but no words followed. He’d tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as he gives you a warm smile, not showing any signs of forcing you but still giving you some time to speak and contemplate.
“I don’t want to stop” you say after a deep breath, “-but are you really sure? About me?”
He’d look appalled and answer instantly with, “Of course I am.” he’ll lean in, landing a gentle peck on your lips. “If I didn’t I wouldn’t be doing this right now, right?”
You wouldn’t help but smile at his voice, sensing his sincerity in it. This time, it was you who would move close to kiss him with a newfound courage, pouring out all of your emotions.
After the kiss, he’d gently put your head on a pillow, his hand assisting the back of your neck.
He’d gaze at you with a mesmerized look, taking in the moment. When he sees the anxiousness still in your eyes, he’d lean down to your neck and press kisses there, moving down to your collarbones and lower.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes would open, unknowingly squeezing them close.
“Jagi, look at me.”
When you do, he was smirking up at you, one that made you feel a whole lot different more so when he leaned in and took one of your nipples in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue while still looking at you.
You’d moan at his ministrations an he’d be releasing you fom his mouth, looking very proud at himself for making you pull off those kinda of sounds and faces. He’d pull himself to peck at your lips saying, “My baby is so pretty,” he’d pull your hand up and press a gentle kiss on it, lookin at you lovingly with his eyes. “and so kind, and loving and I love you so much that I would gladly do this with you. That ex of yours? They didn’t know what they were missing.”
Yoosung would be very attentive with your reactions, especially if your face would be scrunched; your brows furrowed, lips pursed tight, looking troubled.
“What’s wrong? A-am I doing something wrong??” he’d be anxious too and would pull away from your neck, where he had been placing open-mouthed kisses previously. His eyes would show the concern and fear that he’s feeling, making eye contact with you.
You’d hesitate to tell it to him at first but when you felt that he was getting anxious too, you’d find yourself explainin to him of the past that you thought you had buried already to the depths of your mind.
“-so... I’m asking you right now... if you truly want to do this... with me.” you’d conclude, biting your lower lip while looking at Yoosung with hopeful but fearful eyes.
At first, Yoosung would look distracted and confused, then he’d say, “I-I’m really sorry if they did that to you...” he’d whisper before coming cloe to you, his hand finding yours, gently caressing it with his thumb forr comfort. “But... but I’m right here now, (y/n). I want you more than anyone else in this world. And if you’re not yet ready, I... “but I... I just want you to know that I really want to do this with you.”
His smile would widen, genuine and full of love that you just found all the worries slowly vanishing. You’d put your hand on top of his that were holding your other and mimic the smile that he has.
“Thank you, Yoosung... I wouldn’t mind continuing what we started.”
He’d blush but then, that night woud be amazing, with you two enjoying each other’s presence and passion.
Jumin might not notice it directly but rather, he’d be the one who will learn about your anxiety when he asks for permission.
He was holding you on your waist with his hands, your back on his chest as he kisses the side of your face softly and sensually, without rush. Butterflies would flutter in your chest the feeling of anxiety drifting away, but it was still there, lingering like a shadow looming behind everyone. No matter how much love and assurance Jumin’s actions would be, your fears wouldn’t just surpass.
“Is this alright for you, love?” he would whisper, pulling you out of the abyss you call your mind. It was a gentle tone, patient and loving, and it made your heart melt but mind frantic.
“Jumin, I-“
He’d pull away slightly to capture your eyes, waiting for your next words.
Still, you stuttered, pictures of an unforgotten memory flashing momentarily in your mind.
“I... I should be the one asking you... that.” you weakly say. And right there and then, Jumin takes note of how you had been acting that way ever since before when he’d initiate being intimate. He’d then conclude in his mind about the possible reasons why you must have been feeling this way but that would be a conversation for later. For now, he’d have to provide an answer before asking questions.
He’d spin you around then, surprising you with the suddenness.
He’d lean in, taking your chin on his hand as he pulls you close, looking directly in your eyes with a serious but gentle gaze.
“I have wanted you since the very moment I laid eyes on you. There’s no need to worry about those things, my love.”
Seven would not notice it if you’re good at hiding it in the first place, or if you were trying your best to do so because you know the boy also has his own fear and anxieties. But he would eventually, and was in the process of taking off your pants and kissing sensually on your thighs.
“Why? Are you-are you still not ready?” he would try to sound comforting and understanding, but his voice would stilll be laced with the concern and his own panic. He’d pull himself up and hold onto your elbows.
“We could stop if you’re not. I mean, I’d have to go to the bathroom but-“ you and him would chuckle at his words, small smiles on your faces before he continues, “if... if this is about me-“
“No, not, it’s not about you...” you’d have to stop him then, refraining him from continuing. “I just... there was just someone from the past who did not... want me. And I... I just want to make sure that you are doing this because you want me and you’re not pushing yourself.”
“Of course I am.” it would be his turn to reassure you after you’ve done so with him. “(Y/n), I... I love you and I would love to make love with you even every night if you want to.” his lips would curl into a soft grin, one that had your stomach be overflowing with butterflies, and your heart swell in delight, slowly exterminating the fear that you’d been carrying for quite awhile now.
He’d lean in to press a gentle kiss on your forehead, then down to your cheek, and to your lips. “Letis make this one of the best nights of our lives, yeah?”
yay! done with my very first request~ i hope i did this well >< feel free to send more and answers are posted every thursdays and saturdays~
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cardboxshelter · 3 years
In the last picture fom chapter 321, Izuku seems to be falling
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But why would he be falling? OFA withhelding the Float quirk? Seems unlikely since the 2nd user just supported the idea of Izuku's friends helping him this chapter. Did Aizawa erase his quirk while both students were mid-air and only one could float? It seems too risky, and a bit illogical. Did he got hit by a quirk erasing bullet(even a temporary one like the one that hit tamaki)? Danger sense probably would announce the thing and Izuku would dodge without any issue
So any bet about what is about to happen?
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loudlyyellow · 3 years
Mic: -in a coma-
Aizawa: -bonds with Toga, starts accepting help fom others-
Hitoshi: -stops antagonizing Toga, spends more time with the family-
Toga: -starts attending UA, makes great progress in socialization-
Mic: -wakes up-
Mic: so all it took for you all to work out our family issues was me taking a nap?
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secretshinigami · 7 years
what L and Matsuda talk about
Author: pashmina-dhaage For: izaori Pairings/Characters: L Lawliet, Touta Matsuda, Light Yagami Rating/Warnings: None Prompt: Matsuda and L gossiping about celebrities Author’s notes: I couldn’t figure out a good reason for L and Matsuda to talk about celebrities apart from this so here you are. The celebrities mentioned are NOT from 2007 because a) I have no idea what was going on in 2007, so the timeline is not very uh, accurate and b) all of them are American, save one, because I am not aware of any Japanese ones.
Hope you like it!
L scowled at the computer screen. Twenty minutes ago he had asked Matsuda to make himself useful and bring him coffee. The man was nowhere to be found.
‘What’s bothering you?’ Light asked, glancing at him.
‘Why, Light-kun, is something bothering you? Is Kira’s plan not going well enough?’ L shot back. It was wholly unnecessary, but he was bored and it was no secret that he liked riling Light up.
Light, to his credit, refused to rise to the bait. ‘He probably fell asleep on his way back from the kitchen. No one’s getting enough sleep these days, thanks to you.’
L bristled. 'Thanks to Kira, you mean?’ he said pointedly. Light rolled his eyes. 'I’m going to the toilet and maybe I’ll find him snoozing in the corridor on the way.’
Matsuda was not, actually, snoozing in the corridor. He was sitting on the bathroom counter, deeply absorbed in his phone. So absorbed, in fact, that he didn’t realize who was peeping over his shoulder till L spoke in his ear. 'Matsuda, you idiot.’ Matsuda jumped so badly he almost dropped his phone. He looked around, terrified and found L’s face inches from his, his eyes boring into his face. 'Where’s my coffee, Matsuda?’ L enquired. At some level, he did enjoy terrifying the poor guy, but mostly, his incompetence was just annoying. 'I was on my way to the kitchen, I swear! But then Misa-Misa sent me this message-’ 'Is this pertinent to the Kira investigation?’ 'Well, no, but-’ 'Then I want you back in the room with my coffee in five minutes’, L turned to leave, before Matsuda spoke, sounding hesitant. 'It’s actually about Light.’ L stopped. 'What about Light-kun?’ Did Misa accidentally confessed something? 'Well’, Matsuda shoved his phone under L’s nose. L stared at the screen. 'Matsuda, what does Zac Efron have to do with Light Yagami?’ 'Zac Efron!’ Matsuda exclaimed. 'That’s his name! I forgot! Misa-Misa thinks Light looks like him, and I just don’t see the resemblance, honestly.’ L looked dumbstruck. For a moment, Matsuda wondered if L would hit him. Then L snatched the phone away from him. 'It’s the hair.’ 'Huh?’ Matsuda asked stupidly. 'It’s the hair, the bangs covering his forehead’, L muttered. 'Of course Misa-Misa thinks he looks like Zac Efron, he’s very…attractive. Light-kun, on the other hand, not so much’, L said, opening the browser on Matsuda’s phone like it was his own. 'You don’t think Light-kun is attractive?’ Matsuda looked surprised. 'I have seen better’, L said dismissively. 'Actually, Light-kun looks more like…this guy’, he said, pointing at the screen. Matsuda gasped in surprise. 'He so does! I love his songs…we should show him!’ L smirked. 'Yes, we should. And, oh I see, it’s not just Light, you compared the rest of the task force too…’ Matsuda sputtered. 'Oh well-um, we were just-, can I have my phone back L? Please?’ He asked, trying to snatch his phone from L’s hands who quickly turned, putting it out of his reach. 'Misa thinks Soichiro looks like Tom Selleck?’ L almost laughed out loud. Well, the moustache certainly was impressive. 'That was actually me- please don’t tell him, L!’ 'Hmm, we’ll see about that. And who does Misa-Misa think she looks like?’ 'Melanie Martinez. I see it.’ 'Interesting…Misa reminds me of Harley Quinn, personally’, L mumbled, biting his thumb. 'I said the same! It made her angry for some reason, maybe because I said it would make Light the Joker, ha!’ Matsuda laughed, but stopped, looking unsure as L looked at him steadily. 'Not bad, Matsuda’, L said, after a short pause. Matsuda glowed fom the praise. 'That smile does look very forced at times…’ 'Uh, I wouldn’t say that about Light…’ Matsuda looked hesitant again. 'Wait, who do you think Mogi resembles? Misa said Idris Elba but I am not convinced…’ 'Zachary Levi’, L piped in, showing him a picture. 'Huht’, Matsuda considered the picture. 'Misa Misa thinks this guy looks like me, but I just don’t see it.’ 'Goki Maeda?’ L held up the phone beside Matsuda’s face. 'Hmm…yep, he looks exactly like you. If they ever make a TV drama about the Kira investigation, he’d be the first choice to play you.’ 'Really?’ Matsuda looked offended. L rolled his eyes. 'So…Aizawa?’ 'Er…I don’t know, don’t tell him because I don’t know how he’d react but he totally looks like John Legend to me.’ L blinked. 'He…actually does….what have you done, Matsuda…’ Matsuda bounced on the counter excitedly. 'Right? Misa Misa also agrees!’ L nodded slowly in agreement. 'Hey, do you want to see who Misa Misa thinks Watari looks like?’ Matsuda exclaimed, taking his phone back. 'The butler from the Batman movies!’ L snatched the phone back. 'He does indeed’, L said in an expression resembling awe. 'Hmm, I’m honestly flattered Matsuda, that would make me -’ Before Matsuda could stop him ('Um, wait - L-’) , he swiped his finger across the screen. There was a long, uncomfortable silence, during which Matsuda prayed to every god imaginable. 'Matsuda’, L spoke quietly. 'Does Misa Misa think I look like Kermit the Frog?’ Matsuda didn’t know why he spoke up. 'That’s actually…not…Misa Misa…’ There was another long, even more uncomfortable silence, during which Matsuda wished he could glue his mouth shut. 'Get back to work, Matsuda. And your phone is confiscated.’ Matsuda groaned as L left the washroom, scowling.
'You look even more pissed than you did before’, Light commented lightly, as L came back to his seat. L said nothing as he crouched on the chair. Then he cleared his throat. 'Matsuda thinks you look like The Joker.’
[The Kermit comparison was actually Light’s doing. Poor L being made to think he is Batman when actually everyone just thinks he is a frog. Also Misa think Mogi is super hot, hence Idris Elba]
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ao3feed-shinkami · 5 years
A death dose funny things to a child
by The_gayest_fuq_and_on_hell_of_a_fujoshi
The death of bakugo katsuki's dad leaves him in greef and when his mom can't cope with her hushed being gone she becomes abusive ~ Kirishima and bakugou has been dating a year when the redhead lerns about his boyfriend's secret witch leads katsuki to heal with the support of his boyfriend
Bakugou katsuki has depression and haven't had the support to get over his father's death but maybe just maybe with the help of his friends and his boyfriend he can learn to live again
  *hi this shit I grafic af and deals with depression and the many grim thoughts that comes with it and also child abuse so if you are sensitive to any of this subjects please don't read stay safe kids don't do drugs~ psa fom your author *
Words: 3335, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou's Parents, Kirishima Eijirou's Family, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Masaru/Bakugou Mitsuki, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting, Established Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou Has Two Moms, Depressed Bakugou Katsuki, Self-Harm, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Boyfriend, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Protective Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Abusive Bakugou Mitsuki, Dead Bakugou Masaru, Homophobia, Child Abuse, Abuse, Depression, Homophobic Language, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Alternate Universe - High School, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21336856
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clustercatalyst · 7 months
Okay it’s been a bit, but do y’all want more Mothman Aizawa or more Forest of Mutiny.
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