#Fuck Dumbledore
starchaserdreams · 3 months
I want to start a club called the Anti-Dumbledore Army, who's with me?
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What if Snape's favoritism over Slytherins was only to spite Dumbledore's favoritism over Gryffindors?
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 5 days
the song cassandra was actually written for mary macdonald
"So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst And tried to tell the town So, they set my life in flames, I regret to say Do you believe me now?"
mary didn't trust dumbledore, even when everyone else basically worshipped him, and it turned out she was right to be wary, because everyone who trusted him ended up dead.
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"help will always be given at hogwarts to those who ask for it" SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP
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irunsometimes · 2 months
Westwing au with mauraders and our skittles
McGonagall is obviously the president (screw ablus)
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cat-s0ul · 11 months
What if... when Dumbledore dies some kind of spell is broken and Lily, James, Regulus or whoever else had defied Voldemort for “the greater good” lives again???
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o-birdseed-o · 6 months
I believe it is 100% Dumbledore's fault that Sirius Black didn't get a trial. Because if Sirius hadn't gone to Azkaban, Harry would have gotten a loving home with his Godfather. Instead he was left with his abusive Aunt and Uncle for YEARS. Dumbledick knew of every bad thing that Harry was going through and didn't do anything. Dumblewhore wanted Harry to be so broken and without love so he'd willingly die to kill Voldemort.
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legendofmorons · 8 months
Here’s a random question for you!
If you could punch any singular character from any media source with zero consequences for you, who would you punch?
Would your answer change if they got 15 seconds to retaliate?
That's honestly a hard question. It took me a good few minutes to settle on an answer, but I'd punch Albus Dumbledore.
I have a personal hatred for him that I won't get into. Like - as a character, he's interesting and all, but if I knew him in person, I wouldn't want him around.
And no, my answer dosen’t change if he can retaliate. He isn't likely to kill me or zap my memories so I'd face whatever.
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withtheoldstars · 9 months
Dumbledore was such a dick for giving a bunch of points just for Gryffindor to win the House Cup in the 1st book like AFTER it was confirmed that Slytherin won and had all the banners up
like that 10 points to Neville like please and it doesn't even make sense like you can get points until the ceremony? fuck this
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starchaserdreams · 3 months
I decided to reread Harry Potter and make a list of every reference in the entire series to the marauders era.
But while I'm working on that, I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of other things to think about. Here are the first two:
1. "Couldn't you do something about it, Dumbledore?" "Even if I could, I wouldn't. Scars come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground."
First gut reaction (I hate Dumbledore): how tf is that possibly a helpful response? Does the scar look like a map to you? Like sir.
Second reaction (trying to see logic in it): I wonder if he already thought there might be a connection to Voldemort (whose current status was unknown) and he was trying to preserve it, just in case. He already had the mindset that Harry's connection to him might be longer than the flash of one spell. I don't know if he already had the theory about Lily dying for Harry, but he might have.
(Side note no more could have been known about what James did vs. what Lily did - they BOTH sacrificed themselves for him, they BOTH tried to save him and died for him. In the movie Lily's words to Voldemort were presented as though they were fact, even though no one was there. Not sure if I'm forgetting something I'll run across on that. But BOTH of his parents stood in Voldemort's way to save their son. Wouldn't the love protection magic have worked with James' family too? We don't know of any close family members of his so maybe he didn't have any, but this love bond thing is always presented specifically referring to LILY's family only. As though James' sacrifice was somehow lesser.)
2. Voldemort killed Lily and James on the night of October 31, 1981. Hagrid had him until the next evening, November 1, 1981. That night, Dumbledore left him on the Dursleys' doorstep. Outside. Overnight. In November. I looked it up out of curiosity and it actually rained that night. But even if it hadn't, November nights can be very cold in the UK. Dumbledore, that is already disqualifying child abuse, you aren't allowed to care for children anymore, goodbye.
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haldirs-melda · 1 year
Severus did not have it in him to argue. He simply nodded, and left the office, his robes swirling behind him as he headed straight to his chambers. A twisted satisfaction knotted within him as students gave him a wide berth, fear in their eyes at his scowling mask. Fill them with fear, lest they know how brittle the mask truly was.
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Chapter 26 Uploaded to Ruby Red!
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mr-moonbeanies · 2 years
i find it hilarious that fucking jkr made dumbledore the gay “representation” in the harry potter fandom but the majority of the community hates his guts.
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 1 month
dumbledore had no use for anyone who didn't hang on every word he said and there's no better proof than sirius black. sirius was a rebel, and dumbledore knew he would question him, so dumbledore leaves him in an abusive household and lets sirius remain guilty for a crime it was proven he didn't commit. if harry had know sirius, he would have been harder to manipulate. if harry hadnt grown up in an abusive household, he wouldn't have accepted his own death so quickly.
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stupidstrawberrystars · 8 months
This is a Dorcas and Regulus appreciation post (mainly Dorcas but still)!
And it’s how Dorcas and Regulus could’ve killed Voldemort together (if not for one crucial thing).
So, let’s talk canon for a second.
Dorcas Meadows, we don’t know what house she’s in canonically. What we do know, is her name means “she gives her time, money and skills to others”. So canonically I think she’s a hufflepuff.
That’s why Dorcas and Regulus didn’t kill Voldemort together in canon…
You see, it put her in Hufflepuff and so she spent all her school and then war time worrying about others and not herself.
So in my non canonical universe, Dorcas is put in Slytherin, meets Reggie, learns to put herself first sometimes. 
She knows she doesn’t want to be a death eater, but she’s not being prepped to join the Order BECAUSE SHES A SLYTHERIN! 
So she can watch from the outside as Dumbledore fucks people over and therefore have her defences up.
So she joins. She spends her year with these people. And then she gets an owl. It’s Regulus, the person she listened to at school and taught him to understand what being a blood traitor is (and that it’s actually a good thing).
And he asks for her help, with a horcrux. And they don’t trust Dumbledore so they don’t tell him. And when they meet Regulus warns Dorcas there are plans for the Dark Lord to kill her himself (call him Voldemort, not the Dark Lord, not anymore Regulus).
And Dorcas saves Reg, giving him a reason to carry on fighting and not drown.
And they set a trap for Voldy. And they go deeper into the horcrux’s, learn that there’s more, and Reg collects and destroy them from the inside, while Dorcas protects the Order members and manages to move them into safe places because she has an insider.
She steals the invisibility cloak (between her and Reggie they definitely knew it existed) and they protected the others from Peter (Regulus hated having to tell her that one) and they do it all and they win.
Dorcas, the brightest fucking witch so powerful that Voldemort feared her. And Regulus, a boy who could’ve changed it all, but had no reason to. And they fucking kick butt and kill Moldy Voldy alone (or with vague help but whatever)!!!
So yeah, I think Dorcas was canonically a Hufflepuff, but that was a mistake, and she should’ve been a Slytherin! 
Anyways, if anyone has a fic like this pls send it my way. 
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
The chokehold the "Professor, you need to protect Effie or my father will kill her" "miss black I can assure you she'll be okay" to "Professor dumbledore, if she finds out I'm with James she'll kill him" "regulus my dear, that is not in my power to change" pipeline has on me
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not-lame-llama · 4 months
i wish harry potter was the exact same except:
1. James’ parents are still alive
2. Dumbledore is less of a DICK so Harry is raised by Remus and Sirius (plus his grandparents)
3. Draco is actually nice and is part of the gang
4. Remus, Sirius, Tonks and Fred don’t die
5. Snape IS talked about like the bad guy he is
6. OH AND Minerva is the headmaster. She’s just better. In every way. I love her.
Now, someone please recommend a fic <3
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