#Gabriel luna x reader
only4miller · 2 months
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me when curly-haired latino actors who are diagnosed with babygirlism
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musings-of-a-rose · 11 days
Falling Slowly - Chapter 10
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 3900+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I'm sorry this took so long to post! Originally this was supposed to be it, but this chapter took a lot more to write than I anticipated, so you'll have one more chapter after this one!
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Falling Slowly Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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Tommy was right about Joel. Not only did he refuse to come, he got into an argument with Tommy, calling him all sorts of names before storming out. Rose and Sarah both think he's just scared of losing Tommy, and they're probably right. My pants would be engulfed in flames if I said I wasn't scared shitless.
But the alternative is staying here and, as much as I love this cabin and our family, we can't stay here with this raider situation. I cannot lose my husband.
Tommy ends up having to do one more raider mission, but he knows that I'm packing up our things, quietly. Jax is mostly upset about leaving Sarah, but he understands why we have to leave. He may only be 13, but he's fairly observant. He's seen the weight on his father's shoulders and knows that it can't stay that way.
I get everything gathered up, provisions, any personal items that we'd need, like our packs. I fill up canteens and water canisters they had lifted from an old Walmart a couple years back. When Tommy and Joel return, Tommy actually has a little pep in his step. He pulls me in for a hug, whispering in my ear.
"I have a Firefly meetup location."
That had been the reason Tommy had gone out once more, to scout more information about the Fireflies. I don't know how he did it, but he did, the scowl on Joel's face all the confirmation I need to know it's legit.
We all take full showers, not knowing when we'll have this luxury again, Tommy and I lingering a little longer than was necessary in ours. After a full night's rest, or as much rest as we can get, when the sun has barely risen, we're putting the last of our things in the back of the SUV. Rose and Sarah had come down and made breakfast while we finished packing and loading. Joel had come down but said nothing, eating silently as we all joked and ate, trying to push away the real idea that we may never see each other again.
Rose and Sarah walk Jax and I to the SUV out front, idle chatter trying to cover up how scared we were. Tommy and Joel are still inside and we figured we would give them their space.
"If he changes his mind, just find the Fireflies. They'll know where we are," I reassure Rose as she leans over to hug me. "Even if we end up leaving them, we'll leave word with where we go."
Rose nods against me. "Did you get the extra med kit I stashed in your bag?"
I chuckle. "Yeah. Thanks, mom."
She pulls back and cups my face. "Please be careful."
"You too."
She hugs me briefly again before stepping back. "Who knows, maybe Joel will change his mind."
Sarah blows a raspberry with her tongue. "Yeah, that'll happen."
I pull Sarah to me, still in shock that she's somehow 24 and not 12. A whole entire ass adult. She hugs me tight, like if she squeezes just a bit harder that I won't go.
"You watch out for your dad, Sarah. Don't let him get in his head. You know how he is."
She nods and pulls back, wiping tears from her face. "Pulling his head out of his ass should be fun."
Fuck I'm gonna miss this kid.
The front door opens and Tommy and Joel walk out, Tommy chatting away to a stoic faced Joel.
"...can change your mind, you know. We can pack everything up and be gone in a couple hours?" Tommy ends with a hopeful note, but his face quickly falls as Joel shakes his head.
"I already think you're fucking stupid for leaving this place."
"Fair enough. Well, you know how to find us." Tommy tosses his pack in the backseat and turns to give Joel a hug, their embrace lasting a little longer than it normally would have. Tommy moves on to Rose and Sarah, Joel stepping back to give them their space.
I walk up to him and squeeze his hand, his brown eyes, so like his brothers but so very different, finding mine. "Please think about it, Joel. Even without the Raiders, you know it's only a matter of time before the kids would want to leave and make their own lives."
He nods. "I can't promise we'll leave, but I promise to think on it."
"I'll take it."
Joel pulls me in for a hug, which always still surprises me a little, as I'd thought for the longest time that he hated me, only to find out he was pissed at Tommy for not asking me out for forever.
"Uncle Joel?" Jax cuts into our embrace and Joel whispers something in his ear, which must have been some joke between them because Jax starts laughing and Joel even cracked a small smile.
"We gotta get going, Daisy." Tommy touches my arm and I look at him, nodding before looking back at everyone, exchanging our last goodbyes and I love you's.
Driving away from our little corner of this new world into an uncertain one was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
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"Welcome to the Fireflies," A woman named Marlene, who appears to be the big leader, welcomes us into their makeshift camp.
"Thanks for having us," Tommy shakes her hand and she nods.
"Anyone willing and able to join the fight. And from what I hear, you're an excellent shot. Military background?"
"Desert Storm."
Marlene nods. "We could definitely use that. Everyone pulls their weight around here. What can you two offer?" Marlene looks pointedly at me and Jax and it's then I realize that she wouldn't give two flying fucks about us if it it were between the mission and us. Something to keep an eye on.
"I'm really skilled with gardening."
"I swear this woman could grow an apple tree from a broken stick," Tommy chuckles.
"That's great but we don't really have much need for a gardener."
"Oh. Well I'm pretty good with medicine. My...sister in law was a doctor. I helped her a lot."
"Medicine? That we can definitely use. What about you?" She turns to Jax, who's eyes widen at being addressed directly, which make sense since he's only talked to us since he was 3.
"I uh, I'm good with ani-"
"He was learning medicine. Alongside me. He makes a good assistant."
Marlene looks between me and Jax for a moment before nodding. "Alright. Both of you report to the med room in the morning. You all have the rest of the night to settle in. Your room is at the end of the hall, the door with the Barbie sticker on it. I'll see you in the morning, Tommy." Marlene walks off, another Firefly immediately approaching her and speaking in a low voice.
"Well. Let's go see where our for now home is."
Tommy picks up his pack and a bag, all of us copying his movements, and heads down the dingy hallway. I'm sure this building was gorgeous, back in it's day. But the years since the outbreak haven't been kind, water had leaked through the roof, the wallpaper peeling back in places, piles of rubbish strewn about or pushed aside to make a path. We reach the door with the Barbie sticker and Tommy pushes inside, the room not much cleaner than the hallway. There were two beds in this once hotel room, but I'm not certain I want to sleep on them.
"I miss home," Jax says under his breath.
"Yeah, bud. Me too. But this is an adventure! And temporary. We can deal with this."
I appreciate his optimism, but I am also doubtful about the conditions of our living situation changing while with the roaming Firelfies.
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Life with the Fireflies was constantly busy. It seemed like they were trying to fight multiple battles, people often going on missions away for weeks at a time, our camp always on the move and not just in one area but across the country. Tommy was often away, either helping Marlene strategize or actually putting his own boots on the ground. I hated when he had to do that. He'd get this look in his eyes, much like when he has PTSD dreams about his time in the Army.
After a time, Jax asked me why I had lied to Marlene about him helping with medical things as opposed to his gift with animals. I told him I wanted him close, which was the truth. It wasn't that I thought he wasn't capable, but I wanted him near me in case something happened. I didn't trust them. Not entirely.
About 2 years in, we were stationed outside of the Denver QZ, which was still controlled by FEDRA. It took them a few months of scouting and gathering intel before Marlene finally approached Tommy and another member, Eugene, about infiltrating the QZ, attacking them from the inside.
"I'm sorry, she wants you to be, what, a terrorist cell or something?" I couldn't believe what Tommy was telling me. I knew he had to be doing some things he didn't like, his PTSD was really bad these days, but this?
He nods. "Yeah, something like that. Except we aren't terrorists, Daisy."
I count on my fingers. "Infiltrating a city, gathering more intel, setting off bombs or some shit, and probably fucking.. I don't know, torturing people or whatever terrorists do? That's not terrorism?"
He shakes his head. "It's not like that, Daisy. FEDRA is a military dictatorship. Those civilians in there are struggling and dying under their bullshit terms."
I scoff. "So you're going to free them from their oppressors by bombing them?"
He pauses. "I don't make the call."
"No. You just follow orders." The anger and hurt in Tommy's eyes cut into me and I sigh. "I'm sorry, Tommy. I am. I'm just...I'm scared."
The anger softens and he takes my hand. "I know. I am too. But those people need our help."
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6 months. Tommy had been gone in his "not terrorist cell" for 6 months. Marlene just avoided me now, not even bothering to see me when I demanded an update. She kept telling me she'd tell me when she knew something, but how do I trust her? She sends her people in like pawns, their deaths for the cause are justified in her eyes.
I remember the day he left. A soft kiss to my lips in my early morning daze, the press of his hips against mine, my moans catching in my throat as we have to be nearly silent.
I adjust his jacket by the front door, smoothing it down before running my fingers over his hair, which he'd let get a little longer these days, the curls sometimes tumbling over his forehead.
"I promise I'll come back, sweetheart."
"You better. Or I'm coming in the afterlife and dragging your ass back out."
He laughs, a sound I had become unfamiliar with, and it brings tears to my eyes. He cups my cheek, his thumb brushing away the tears. "I don't doubt that for a second."
"Please be safe. And don't be stupid."
He pulls me to him, my face nuzzling into his chest as I inhale his scent, trying desperately to etch it into my memory.
"I love you, Daisy. Keep Jax close."
"I will. I love you."
One last kiss, a swipe of his tongue in my mouth and he's gone, a small smile and freckles the last image of him before the door closed. He'd told me a few weeks, maybe a month tops. Or 2.
But it had been 6. Half a year.
Jax turned 16 shortly after Tommy had left and I could hear them trying to recruit him to be boots on the ground. Not that age really matters to them. I've seen them parade kids through here, no more than 11, putting a weapon in their hands and telling them they have a chance to fight for freedom. But Jax will have none of it. He took my warning when we first joined and poured himself into his role as a medical assistant, helping the other healers but always staying near me. I knew his heart wasn't in it, not like it was with animals. But that calming nature the animals loved allowed him to calm anyone who came in, whether they were dying or not.
It was late. I sent Jax to our room, letting him crash a bit earlier than normal because he just looked so weary. I start to tidy things up a bit, never really having the time to during the day. When I put the last tray up, I hear shuffling and mumbled voices in the hall. I listen, not to eavesdrop but to hear if they were coming my way. They were, and in a bit of a hurry. The door is kicked open and 2 men enter, carrying a 3rd man in between them.
Relief and terror washed over me as I take him in, the 2 men laying him on the makeshift examination table. I swallow down everything to focus on the healing part. There would be time for more later.
"Daisy, can you handle this?" Marlene asks from somewhere in the dingy room.
I nod, a tray already in my hand. I bark orders at one of the men and he scurries about, trying to gather up the things I need. Tommy lays on the table, nearly unconscious, the other man, Eugene, has his hand pressed tight against Tommy's side.
"What h-happened?" I manage to choke out.
Eugene looks at Marlene for permission and I see red.
"If my husband dies on this table because it's some classified-"
"Shrapnel. We didn't see the grenade. Tommy saw it last minute and pushed me out of the way. He cleared the blast but it sent shit flying."
Fuck. Fuck fuck FUCK. Not the time to panic.
"Marlene, go wake Tenari. I'll need another pair of hands."
"What about Jax?"
"He doesn't need to see this."
She nods and heads out the door, setting a brisk pace.
I pour some alcohol over my hands and wipe them together, disinfecting them as best as I can. "Ok, Eugene. I need you to move your hands so I can see."
"Yes ma'am. I just didn't want it to jiggle."
I swallow hard and can't help the gasp that leaves my lips when Eugene's hands are clear of Tommy's body. A sharp piece of metal sticks out from the side of his abdomen at a strange angle, his shirt ripped and soaked in blood. The other man comes back with the supplies just as Tenari comes in. She glances at Tommy and immediately moves to our makeshift medicine cabinet.
Fuck. I wish Rose was here. This is very out of my league. But she did tell me a bit about foreign objects in the body. It's not just the shrapnel I'm worried about. It's how dirty the metal was.
"His blood is red so it missed his liver," I note as Tenari sets down some herbs and medicines next to the bandages and rags that the other man had brought.
"That's something at least. You want me to stitch? You know I have a steady hand."
I nod. "Yeah. That might be best. I'll get by his head."
Eugene stands next to me, grabbing Tommy's arm. The other man moves by his feet. Marlene comes back in with someone else, each of them taking another leg and arm. I lean over his face, his eyes still closed, placing my hands on his cheeks.
"He's going to wake up when I pour this on him and take it out. You gotta hold him still. Everyone ready?" A quick glance and everyone nods.
Tenari wastes no time. In one quick move, she picks up the alcohol bottle and dumps it on the wound. Tommy immediately wakes, shrieking and yelling, his body pushing against everyone holding him down as the alcohol burns him.
"Hey baby. Ssshhh it's me. It's Daisy."
His eyes flash up to mine, tears leaking from them. "Make it stop, Daisy," His voice is small and raspy, choking back pain.
"I know, baby. I know. But the alcohol is doing its job. But, hey look at me," Tommy's eyes had started to wander, noticing Tenari grabbing something from the little side table.
"Tell me."
"You took shrapnel. It doesn't appear to have hit your liver, which is good. But we have to take it out and stitch you up. You gotta stay still, which we will help you with."
"This is gonna fuckin' suck, isn't it?"
I smile a little down at him, brushing some curls from his forehead. "Yeah, baby. It's going to really suck. But I'll be right here, ok? Feel my hands on you? I'm right here."
He's scared, but he'd never admit it. A moment's pause before he nods. "Just do it."
Tenari looks around at us and we nod, everyone bracing. My eyes don't leave his, not when she pulls out the shrapnel, not when the scream erupts from my husband's throat, not when he involuntarily pushes against everyone, his body trying to escape the pain. I call his name and he looks at me, pain in his eyes and I smile gently at him. I start to sing, one of his favorites and he focuses his attention on me, grunting out when Tenari starts to sew his skin back together. By the time she's done, he's stopped fighting it, his eyes solely fixed on me. Tenari places a hand on my arm, letting me know she's finished. Everyone lets him go and I end the song, Tommy still looking at me, a faraway look on his face as his eyes start to close from the stress of it all.
"You got it from here?" Tenari asks.
I nod. "I got it. Thank you."
She squeezes my arm before gathering up all the things that need to be washed, Eugene and the other man helping her. As they leave, I hear Marlene tell Eugene he needs to find his wife. Something about her not being happy.
I sit on the stool next to Tommy's makeshift bed, a clean rag and a bowl with soapy water in my hand. I start to clean him, making sure all of the blood is wiped away so we can keep a good eye on his stitches. I make a poultice from our medical stash, placing it over his stitches so it can hopefully keep away any infection. We managed to get some antibiotics in him, but who knows if those still work after all this time?
When I'm all cleaned up, I sit back down in the chair next to his bed, taking his hand in mine. I lace my fingers with his, using my other hand to push his hand back from his face.
And then I lose it.
Tears pour from my eyes like I've never cried before. My body shakes, my stomach in knots. My heart feels simultaneously like it's being ripped from my chest but also relieved that he's finally back with us. I calm down enough to kiss his cheek, speaking directly into his ear.
"You are not allowed to die on me, Tommy Miller.....please don't die on me."
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Tommy sleeps for nearly 3 days straight, only waking once to take a sip of water before slipping back into sleep. Tenari says that's a good thing, that his body is trying to heal.
He was a little warm that first day, but by the second he was cooling down. By the end of the third day, any trace of a fever was gone. The strong smelling poultice was doing its work.
He croaks out my name and my head snaps up from where I had been dosing off next to him.
"Tommy! Hey baby, how do you feel?" I feel him squeeze my hand. Even though it's weaker than normal, I still think that's a good sign.
"Like I had a piece of metal ripped from my stomach."
I chuckle, unable to stop the tears that started flowing the second I heard his voice. He reaches up and wipes away a tear from my cheek.
"Hey none of that. You really think a dinky piece of metal is gonna take me away from my family?"
I sob, nodding. "Either that or infection."
"Come here."
He pulls me to him as best he can, holding me while I sob into his chest, speaking gentle phrases into my ear to calm me.
"I'm not going anywhere, Daisy. Well, I'm not dying anyway."
I sit upright, looking him straight in the eyes. "Don't tell me you're going on another mission?"
He shakes his head. "No, baby. I think...I think we need to leave."
Relief surges through me. "Are you serious?"
He nods. "When I was in the QZ, I managed to get a job working the radio. Lied. Told them I'd had experience. Anyway, I was listening in one night and I heard some people, not in the QZ, talking about some settlement up north. Somewhere in Wyoming."
"Wyoming is fairly large, Tommy."
"Yeah, I know. Supposedly it's somewhere in Teton County."
"Another QZ?"
"No, nothing like that." He grunts, but declines my offer of more pain meds. "It's like a proper settlement or somethin'. They didn't hear much after a few radio sessions, but they did say they were working on the radio."
"So it could be overrun? Or non existent?"
Tommy shrugs. "I think it's worth a shot."
"And...and what if it's not real? Or overrun?"
He takes a deep breath and winces. "Then we find some remote cabin up there and figure it out."
Being with the Fireflies isn't really safe. We've had more close encounters with clickers being with the Fireflies than we ever have. The QZ's didn't look like great places to live either. I guess we have as decent a chance as any trying to find this place. We still have our truck so at least it won't be entirely on foot.
"Get Jax. We should ask him," Tommy gestures towards the door to the stairs that leads to our little room.
"He's only 17."
"Yeah. A man."
"17, Tommy."
"This world is different. He's smart. Just...let's hear his opinion."
Jax immediately agrees to leave, tired of this hectic life, tired of the Fireflies trying to take the medicine from his hands and replace it with a weapon.
And so, a month or so later at the start of fall, once Tommy has mostly healed, we pack up and leave the Fireflies, telling Marlene where we were heading just in case Joel or Rose or Sarah reach out. I can tell Marlene isn't happy about Tommy leaving, but she did say we were always free to go.
This time, I don't look back.
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General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @booksarekindaneat @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @heartpascalispunk  
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angsty-twihardxx · 1 year
heyy victoriaaa!!
i was reading thru your tommy masterlist (because i'm just craving good tommy content) and an idea popped in my head.
if you're taking requests/concepts in, maybe you could do a tommy x reader where reader is shy and "innocent", but to their friend (insert random name) they talk about how badly reader wants to "save a horse, ride a cowboy" w/ tommy miller, and juuust as reader finishes saying that, tommy hears it, so he just spends a week teasing + seducing reader, until she does something about it (maybe tease him right back)
MICHELLE—!! Your very much correct because I did in fact enjoy! ❤️
Warning: 18++ (minors y’all better get outta here I stg) smut, PnV. Tommy being such a tease, but it’s okay you get him back.
AN: y’all voted for smut on the poll so I provide, come get y’all juice <3
P.s teehee imagine him looking up at you like this when your riding him 🫣
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Springtime in Jackson had a lot of benefits, like more animals to be hunted, better harvest with lots of different types of crops which made for better food. The only downside, for you at least was how more precise patrols had to be. When the weather was warmer meant a higher possibility for infected and poachers. Which unfortunately for you meant that Tommy was out slot longer than you would like.
It was nearing ten at night when Tommy, Joel and the others finally arrived back home from patrol. Being stuck dealing with hoards of infected, it came to be no surprise that all he wanted to do was come home and see you.
After packing away his horse and gun, Tommy began his walk down to the Main Street. When it came to you staying up late for him to come home, which was alot more often as of late— Tommy knew exactly where you would be waiting for him.
Down inside the Tipsy Bison you were currently leaning against the bar along with one of your girlfriends, who came to keep you company. You were grateful that she stopped by because you always had the tendency to worry whenever Tommy would, your mind would flip through every worst scenario in your head like a good book. But Louise knew how to distract you, which apparently was by telling you her latest late night rendezvous with a particular coworker of yours.
“Okay Lou, please spare me the details. I’m working with him tomorrow morning and I don’t want to be traumatised.” You giggled, the few drinks the two of you drank together were already beginning to have its effect.
Absently your eyes drifted towards the saloon doors, your boyfriend still nowhere in sight. Sadly no amount of alcohol could ease your worries when it came to Tommy, the man was headstrong— which wasn’t always a good thing. “Hey I’m sure he’s okay.” Louise squeezed your hand reassuringly, despite your bubbly personality, she could still see how worried you were. “Now c’mon enough about me and more about you.”
Tommy smiled when the sound of your laughter filled his ears, after being gone all day all he wanted to do was spend the rest of his night with you. He felt bad, as of late he had been gone out on patrol longer than he was home with you. As he walked up behind you though, he was not expecting his hears to perk up at the mention of his name.
“Oh my God! You're worse than me! Does Tommy know about this?” Louise exclaimed hysterically,
“No-no but it's a thing I swear, I heard it's a saying. ‘Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”
Tommy couldn’t help but raise his brows in surprise, you never mentioned such interests to him before, his sweet innocent baby had a dirty little secret.
His mind instantly flooded him with images of you bucking your hips on top of him, his hands gripping on your warm velvet skin. The moans that would fall out of your mouth as you rolled on top of him as you reached your orgasm.
“Hey Tommy!” Louise called out to him, her pestilential voice rang through his ears. He returned her wave with a painful smile for the sake of niceties.
Your head quickly spun around to look behind you, the man you had been worrying about for the past couple of hours was standing behind you with a wide smile. “Had me worried for a second there.” You mumbled against his denim jacket, his muscly arms engulfing you into his chest. Everything felt perfect again now that you knew he was back safe with you.
"Sorry darlin.” He spoke softly as he kissed your hair, taking in your scent. A quiet groan falling from his mouth but luckily for him it was far too loud for you to hear. Tommy really couldn’t believe that you were hiding this little secret from him, especially one that he was quite fond of.
Tommy had a plan to get it out of you though, that was for sure.
. . .
You had no idea what your boyfriend was up to but you didn’t know how much more you could take. Since that night out with Louise he had been nothing but an absolute tease, and he knew what he was doing. He was always a flirt but he had taken it to a whole new level. His hands wandered more than usual, he flirted way more than he usually would.
What would usually be a quick peck in the morning before work, turned into a steamy kiss with his hands gripping onto your ass; making it absolutely infuriating when he’d pull away with some bullshit excuse. Leaving you high and dry, it was driving you insane!
The morning after your night out with Louise he got you as far as a writhing hot mess with both of your lips locked onto each other, only stopping to take gasps for air. You moaned against his mouth, as his tongue danced against yours. Arousal begins to pool in between your legs as he drops his warm kisses down to the nape of your neck, every now and again sucking on the soft skin.
“S-shit Tommy.” You let out a broken moan, your fingers gripped onto his crimson curls. Tommy couldn’t help the playful smile when an evil idea popped into his head, lifting his lips away from you.
No words left your mouth as it fell agape, your eyes looking up at his confused. “Why don’t you take what you want sweetheart?” Tommy whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. For a moment you stood still in shock, never had he just plainly offered up the power to you like this. You had no idea what to do so instead you sat beside him frozen, noticing the devilish grin on his face.
“I-I dont–” Your head shook in confusion as you stuttered, this wasn’t the first time he had you lost for words like this. Tommy was a flirt, just as bad as he was the night he met you.
“It’s okay baby, why don’t you get ready for work? Wouldn’t want you to be late.” He gave you a chaste kiss on the lips before getting up from the spot beside you on the sofa and moving to the kitchen to make your coffee for the morning. Tommy wasn’t able to wipe the smile off his face as he thought about how wet you’d be all day thanks to him. Maybe you would give in quicker than he thought.
. . .
The next time was a few days after when he informed you that Joel invited the two of you to his home with Ellie for dinner, which you were elated about. Maybe if you were with the company of his brother, Tommy might actually calm down. You were beginning to get agitated with your lack of orgasm in the past couple of days, Tommy was the biggest tease and you didn’t know how long you could hold on.
You figured that he was surely finished with whatever game he was playing.
Well, that was what you thought until you arrived home and moved straight to your shared bedroom to get ready, and out waltzed Tommy in nothing but a towel wrapped around his toned torso. You froze because of course you did, he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
The muscles in his arms flexed as he brushed his teeth but your eyes fixated on his hands, you wondered what he would do with them if you rode him. If he would run them through your hair and pull on the ends so he could leave purple marks on the soft skin of your neck. Or if he would wrap his hands around your neck, taking the air straight out of your lungs.
His hair was still wet, beads of water dripped from his curls onto his bronzed shoulders. The faint remnants of how close you got to getting him the way you wanted only a few days ago. Red scratches lavished his olive skin like an artist's signature on a painting. A sense of pride washed over you with the thought of him taking his shirt off during the hot days in Jackson, how he loved the idea of everyone knowing you were his and vice versa.
You were so busy admiring the man in front of you that you didn’t even realise his eyes on you. When Tommy offered you a wide smile you quickly adverted your gaze, pretending your eyes weren’t just greedily glued to the raven hair path that stopped at the top of his towel. Your cheeks reddened as you turned to get changed, ignoring the pulsating yearning feeling you had to take him right here. Dinner be damned!
Tommy knew that his plan was working from the way you always avoided his gaze when he’d catch you watching him. He was driving you crazy and he knew it, he loved catching you in the act. How flustered and embarrassed you’d get. You wanted him just as much as he needed you.
He had you exactly where he wanted you.
Tommy couldn’t for the life of him, stop thinking about you. His teeth pressed against his knuckles, his eyes would glance back at you as you would speak. His usually soft caramel eyes were nearly black as he undressed you with his eyes. Those devilish denim shorts that were driving him wild, he wanted your thighs wrapped around his waist as he drilled into you. Fuck he needed his hands on you.
You jumped the second Tommy’s hand reached over to graze along the soft skin of your thigh, the two of you sitting beside each other at Joel’s home. Surely he wasn’t going to try anything with his brother and Eillie in the same room? His thumb kneaded your skin as he kept his eyes on Joel, the two of them engrossed in conversation.
You tried to ignore the arousal that was pooling in your underwear, his rough fingers danced dangerously close against the end of your shorts. Silently, you cursed the hot weather for giving your boyfriend the upper hand. Without warning he nonchalantly extended his arm so his pinky grazed against the soft fabric of your underwear.
With a shocked gasp you turned to face him, with eyebrows raised you stared at him I’m disbelief. Tommy only smiled in return as he knocked down the last of his whiskey, sending a wink your way.
‘Oh two could play that game’ You thought to yourself as you stood up, excusing yourself and making your way to the bathroom. You had an idea up your sleeve, for the perfect payback for teasing you all week.
Now it was his turn.
“Y’alright baby?” Tommy teased in your ear as you took your seat beside him, thinking he was getting you all roused up.
Little did he know.
Joel had called Ellie to help him with dessert, this was the perfect time for you to get your revenge. You returned him with an smile, nodding innocently has you placed your hand in his.
Tommy almost felt bad for teasing you all week, especially with small intimate moments like this. When you were happy with something so small, finding comfort just having his larger hands envelope yours. Key word being ‘almost’, moving your hand into your lap Tommy looked down to see what you left in his palm.
Your fucken underwear.
Quickly he stuffed the thin material into his pockets as he covered the smirk off his face with his hand. He was going to get you back for that one.
Dinner couldn’t have finished quicker, the two of you swiftly say your goodbyes to both Joel and Ellie before making your way home in the dark. Your hand instinctively reached out for Tommy’s, which he took before pulling you into his chest. “Pretty good trick you pulled in there.” He mumbled into your hair, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You feigned ignorance, enjoying how the roles were reversed, now it was you that was driving Tommy insane.
As soon as the two of you were in the warm confides of your home Tommy's mouth latched onto yours, pushing till your back came into contact with the wall. You returned him the same amount of desperation, a whole week you had been waiting—you didn’t want to wait any longer. Both of your tongues fought for dominance as you groaned back into him.
“You’re going to be the death of me, women.” Tommy groaned against your mouth, his hot breath fanned against your mouth. “Could say the same for you, y’don’t think I know what you're up to?” You gasped in between touch-starved kisses, it felt like you had been waiting since forever for this moment.
“What was it you were sayin’ the other day to Louise? Telling your friend your dirty little secrets but not your boyfriend.” He tsked, shaking his head as his hands cupped your cheek, almost studying your face to see your reaction. “You heard that?” Your voice jumped, you knew you shouldn’t care. But a part of you worried with the thought of your boyfriend knowing your sexual desires.
“Yeah, n’here I thought you were all innocent, keeping dirty secrets from me.” Instantly you felt your cheeks redden in embarrassment, Tommy actually heard you that night and your drunken rambles. “I–I didn’t–” You stuttered but Tommy quickly shushed you, “I didn’t say it was a bad thing darlin’.” His Texan accent sends chills down your spine.
“Stop talking.” You breathed against his mouth, silencing him by sliding your tongue back into his. “You’ve been teasing me all week, I think it’s only fair if I get what I want.” The fingers you laced through his hair tugged just enough on his curls, a surprised gasp fell from his lips. “Yes ma'am.” Tommy drawled, feeling the blood rushing down in between his legs. Even though he hadn’t yet admit it to you, he loved it when you took control. Since he heard about your secret desire, he couldn’t stop thinking about you riding him and now it was finally happening. He felt like the luckiest man on earth,
Tommy dropped down onto the sofa, shimmying his jeans off in anticipation. His cock springing to life, your eyes instantly glued to the angry red tip that glistened under the light. Standing in front of him you made quick work throwing off your shorts and leaping onto Tommy’s lap. You wasted no time lining yourself up and slowly inching yourself down his thick shaft, a moan falling from your lips as you stretched around his cock.
Your cunt swallowed him eagerly as you started to rock your hips, his cock hitting all the right places. Once you had eventually adjusted to his size you picked up your pace, occasionally lifting your hip to then slide back down to his pelvis. “O-oh shit baby.” Tommy let out a shuddered breath as his head fell back onto the sofa. You felt a sense of pride, seeing how quickly you could render him speechless.
As you grinded into him the familiar arousal began pooling in the pit of your stomach. Tommy teased you all week, getting you so close to climax without you actually orgasming— you weren’t going to last long. And by the gasping mess that was Tommy, you knew he wasn’t going to as well.
Tommy's hands then clasped onto the soft flesh of your hips, you already knew his death grip was going to leave marks—Tommy was a sucker for letting everyone know who belonged to.
Suddenly you were lifted up, only to be slammed back down at a bruising pace. A loud slapping sounds echoes in the room as your thighs collide with his hips, your mouth fell open as you felt his cock hit the top of your cervix.
“Shit Tommy—" you mewled into Tommy's shoulders as you used your momentum to bounce on top of him. You clenched your eyes shut only being able to focus on how perfectly Tommy filled you up, feeling your orgasm fast approaching. “M’gonna come!” You whined as your body trembled, the tight knot in your stomach finally releasing as your orgasm washed over you.
“Oh fuck yeah baby—“ Tommy groaned into you as his dick twitched inside you, with his fingers still dug into your skin he sunk you back down with a bruising force. The two of you caught your breath in each other’s embrace, your hip still twitching as you felt him coating your walls. Neither one of you dared to move. “Holy shit.” You sighed out of breath, slight amusement in your voice.
“Baby, you gotta promise me to do that more often.”
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augustghosts · 1 year
Tommy Miller x Fem!reader
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Part two of Plastic Trees.
Thank u for the love on part one <3 I’m excited to keep writing this story! I wanted to focus more on tommy and readers' relationship in this so had to get rid of everyone else lmao, anyways. <3
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: 18+! Fingering. Choking. Unprotected PinV. Lots of dirty talk. Kinda dom!tommy. He's a lil rough, but we like him that way, don’t we? Maybe breeding kink if you squint. Slight size kink? Idk I just like to talk about how tall Tommy is. This is like violence from the get go lol. Guns and a few graphic descriptions. Lots of swearing. Lots of pet names, bc i just feel like tommy is the type to use them every other sentence lmao. It gets a little fluffy and awkward at the end. This is also looong as fuck (sorry). Not proofread as always.
Tommy is, rudely, jolted awake by someone aggressively shaking him.
“Dude! Get the fuck up!” An equally aggressive voice hisses beside him. His eyes snap open to a gun pointed right between his eyes. Before he can even process who is on the other side of the weapon, the person holding it is taken down. A loud gunshot rang out from the side of him - Joel. His saviour, of course.
“Come on!” Joel yells.
Tommy shoots up and joins Joel in crouching beside the couch. He doesn’t have time to process what is happening- more shouting and gun shots sound from throughout the house.
“Shit.” Tommy whispers. “I gave my gun to that other asshole.”
He looks around frantically, his eyes landing on the body of the man Joel had just shot. Tommy crawls over and swipes up the gun that had been pointed at him just seconds earlier,
“What the fuck is this?” He asks.
“No fuckin’ clue.” Joel responds. “All i know is we gotta get the fuck out of here. We’re close enough to the door. We can wait for a window- fuck those other guys.”
Tommy nods - he only has one thing on his mind. He looks behind him to the basement door, it’s still closed.
“What about the basement?” He asks as casually as he can.
“Fuck her. I don’t give a shit.” Joel doesn’t even look at him as he responds. “She’s probably the reason they’re here.”
“I don’t think so. These don’t look like the guys who hired us, Joel. Raiders probably.”
“And?” Joel is still scoping out the house. His eyes darted around. “She’s probably dead already. Someone might have already gone down there.”
“So we should go check! We can still get paid!”
“Fuck that.” Joel hisses. The house is suddenly quiet. “Let's go!”
Joel heads to the front door. Tommy is still staring at the basement. Fuck it, he makes a split second decision. The image of the way she looked at him last night and how soft her hands felt flicker through his mind, and his legs almost work on their own as he heads to the door. Whoever had broken into the house is upstairs now, he probably only has a few seconds until they clear up there and come down here.
He storms down the steps, what the fuck is he doing? He thinks about what Joel said - she’s probably dead already. Shit, he hopes not. He reaches the bottom of the stairs and he’s praying that he doesn’t get down there to see something awful. He breathes a sigh of relief when his boots hit the concrete at the bottom and he sees her curled up in the corner. Her knees pulled up to her chest, her head on her knees. She looked adorable.
“Hey! It’s me.” He says. Her head shoots up, her eyes have that fearful look again. The one that got him so fucking hard yesterday. He has to resist hauling her up into his arms.
“What’s happening?” Her voice sounds small.
“Get up.” He spared another look up the stairs and held his hand out to her. “We need to go. Right fucking now.”
She looks between him and his hand, she’s hesitant. Honestly, she feels like she can’t figure him out. Is he really saving her or is he following his brother’s orders again, and taking her out there to kill her. Are the guys that hired her here? Is that where he’s taking her?
“Now!” He practically orders her. His voice was loud and stern. He notices the way her breathing hitches before she reaches out to take his hand. He pulls her up and turns back to the staircase.
“Stay behind me, okay?” He says. She does as she’s told, which he fucking loves. More gunshots that sound too close for comfort have him pausing in his tracks. Tommy jumps as a body collapses at the top of the stairs, she squeaks behind him as blood from the man's head trickles down the stairs.
“Okay, uhm.” He turns to her. “New plan.”
“Could you get yourself through that window?” He asks as his eyes land on the small window in the corner. It’s not tiny, probably small enough for her to fit through.
“Yeah. Yeah I think so.” She looks over and nods. He walks over and looks through. The window is high, eye level. The coast looks clear and he hurries to stack some boxes under the window and call her over. “Get through and when you’re outside, wait there. Don’t move.”
“Wait! Where are you going?” She asks frantically, her hands grasping the sleeve of his coat like she had done last night.
“It’s okay. I’m gonna go upstairs and I’ll come get you.” He gently pries her hand off of his sleeve. “It’s okay. I promise.”
Fuck, as much as she doesn’t want to do this, as she looks up into his big brow eyes she nods. She trusts him. He nods back and when he realizes he’s still holding her hand he drops it - much to her disappointment. He turns and goes up the stairs, he’s gone before she can even blink.
What the fuck? She’s shocked for a moment, but a loud crash from upstairs springs her into action. She climbs up onto the boxes Tommy had stacked and pushes the old rusty window open. Shit, she really hopes it is Tommy that finds her out here and not anyone else. Once she’s on the other side, she realizes this is the first time she’s been outside in weeks. It’s sunrise and she can’t help but stare at it. The sky looks beautiful. If it was someone else who finds her out here, she wouldn’t mind dying while looking at this.
A pair of gloved hands clamp down on her shoulders and she jumps, whirling around ready to… fight? She doesn’t know how to fucking fight. But she doesn’t need to when she lays her eyes on Tommy. He’s staring at her, thinking about how beautiful she looks outside. He’d only really seen her in the basement, guilt hits him as he thinks about it. He hates how much he wants to kiss her - he’d gotten so close last night.
“Where are we gonna go?” She asks.
He doesn’t know. He stays silent as he looks around - they need to get out of here. He takes her arm and pulls her forward to start walking. She accepts her fate and follows him. Despite their rendezvous last night, she was still scared of him. He had still been an accessory to kidnapping her, she doubts that him coming in her mouth had changed anything.
“So, what did you save me for?”
They’d been walking for a while, Tommy knew where they were heading. An empty house he’d scoped out a few weeks prior. A safe house, if you will. He knew it was safe, his mind was reeling when he heard her voice behind him.
“What?” He doesn’t look behind him. He’s walking much faster than her and he can hear how fast she’s walking to keep up.
“Did you bring me out here to kill me? Or are they meeting you out here?”
“Who?” He asks. He turns slightly, she looks up at his gorgeous side profile.
“The people who hired you. Was that them at the house? What happened to the other guys? Your brother?”
“I don’t know.” He sighs. He doesn’t know which one of her questions he’s answering. Why did he save her? He doesn’t fucking know. He hears her sigh behind him, a small oh leaves her mouth. They keep walking for a while and she keeps quiet. Watching him walk - his broad shoulders and his leather gloves that cling to his large hands. The gun he has slung over his shoulder. She’s thinking about how she’s sure he was going to kiss her last night. She’s sure of it. Remembering how he had caught her above the stairs and how his hand had covered her mouth. He was so confusing, he had touched her last night and saved her this morning- now he was walking ahead acting as if he was burdened by her.
She takes the hint and stays quiet. When they reach the house, it looks the same as all the rest. Run down, plants taken over and growing up the walls. She had always thought that was beautiful. Nature taking things back. Tommy unlatches the rusty gate, kicking some leaves from the overgrown lawn out the way. She follows him in, he turns before they reach the door. He’s looking around - looking for someone following them. Because knowing Joel, he would. He has to use some force to push open the door, his gun is pointed forwards and he walks around the rooms with it - she just watches. He walks around for a while, looking through cupboards and trying to make a small fire in the fireplace. The windows are all boarded up so no one can see the fire, it makes the her feel a little claustrophobic but she’s grateful because it is fucking freezing.
“We’re safe, for now.” He says, swinging the gun off his shoulder and placing it down. “We’re gonna stay here tonight. We’ll get movin’ tomorrow.”
“Okay.” She sits on an old couch. “Where?”
“You ask a lot of fuckin’ questions don’t you?” He says.
“I-i just want to know what’s going on.” Tears fill her eyes, she looks away from him. She is not gonna cry in front of this motherfucker again.
“I know of a place.” Tommy continues. He hates to admit seeing her cry does something too him. The same thing it did to him last night. “A community, I know some people there. Joel is probably making his way there too. Might take us a while to get there though.”
She nods at him. He takes a step towards her, he’s towering over her now. He always does, but the fact that she’s sitting down makes him look even bigger - and her even smaller.
“So, if you want to come with me and if you want me to keep you safe, you’re gonna have to be good. You’re gonna have to trust me. And follow my rules.”
She just nods again, dumbly looking up at him with wide eyes. He steps forward some more, standing directly in front of her now. He lifts his hand to grasp her chin, tilting her face up to look at him. The warm leather of his gloves made her melt into his grasp, his long fingers cupping her jaw.
“Can you do that?” He whispers, his voice gets lower and raspier. “Use your words.” He says when she nods again.
“Yes.” She whispers. “I can be useful.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks. “How?”
“Whatever you want.” She says. “I’ll follow your rules. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Fuck baby.” He utters. His raspy voice makes her stomach swirl and heat spreads between her legs.
“Was I not useful last night?” She asks as she reaches for his belt. “Do you want it again?”
“Help yourself, gorgeous.” He spurs her on. His hand that was cradling her face moves to her hair as she takes his cock out of his jeans. He’s already semi hard just from teasing her, but he suddenly remembers something he had said last night.
Her hands wrap around his length and he sighs as he lets her jerk him off a few times. Her mouth is watering, but before she can lean forward and take him into her mouth his other hand comes down to cradle her head. He tilts her head up to look at him again and says, “You know what? I believe I made you a promise last night.”
“Huh?” She’s confused. The only thing on her mind being his cock and the heat between her thighs - the thighs Tommy cannot wait to get in between .
“We were interrupted yesterday.” He says, using his grip on her face to pull her up to a standing position. “I recall telling you that you deserved to be touched. Since you were so good, and you’ve been very good today.”
He leaned in, their mouths inches away - mirroring their position from last night. Fuck it, she takes one for the team and leans up to press her lips to his. Both of their lips are dry from being outside in the wind all day but neither of them seem to care. Tommy kisses her back with a passion, like it's his last kiss. She moans into his mouth when his tongue pushes between her lips and he thinks he could have come right then and there.
“Jesus darlin’, you sound beautiful.” He pulls away to grip her ass, hauling her up into his arms, her legs wrap around his waist and he presses a kiss to her neck before he sets her down onto the couch. “I wanna hear you making those sounds all damn night.”
He climbs on top of her, kissing her feverishly again. Now he’s started he feels like he can't stop. It's been too long since he'd been kissed like this. Her warm mouth is a delightful contrast to the cold world outside, and as much as he wants to feel that warm mouth wrapped around his cock again he cant help but want to give in to the soft spot he has for her. And so he does. He begins to kiss down her neck, standing up to strip his jacket off begins a trail to her legs.
Even with the fire, the house is too cold to completely strip - so this will have to do. Besides, neither of them want to get caught in here and not be able to escape quickly. As much as he wants to kneel down between her thighs and make her legs shake, he knows he’s going to have to wait. He pulls her jeans down just enough to be able to slip his hand into her underwear. A breathy moan of his name that she lets out, when he reaches her wetness, hits his ear and makes him shiver. She feels it, and she can also feel how hard he is against her thigh.
“You’re already soaked, sweetheart.” He whispers before biting into her earlobe, she moans as he circles her clit. “You’re gonna have to be quiet for me baby. Can you do that?”
She nods as he pushes a single finger inside of her. His finger pauses as he hums a “hm?” into her ear, lifting his head to look into her eyes. He wants her to answer, wants to hear her voice shake. She looks so small under him, caged into the sofa. He wants to fuck her so badly but he loves to tease. He wants to hear how pretty she sounds when she begs.
“Yes!” She sounds breathless, moving her hips to try and get him to do something.
“What do you want? Hm? Ask me.”
“More! Please, Tommy.” She moves her hips again as she speaks.
“Yeah?” He sounds so condescending as he slides a second finger into her and begins to stroke her walls. God hes an asshole, she fucking loves it. He loves it too. He has a huge grin on his face as he builds up a rhythm with his fingers. Watching her reactions closely as she writhes underneath him.
“I want you to come all over my fingers.” He says, his other hand coming up to grip her face - his fingers squeezing her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. “And then im gonna fuck the shit outta you. I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.”
His fingers are still moving, they feel so perfect inside of her and she can feel a heat building in her stomach. She reaches up to claw at his arm, he’s confused for a second and almost stops what he's doing, even though he can feel her pussy squeezing around his fingers, before he realizes what she wants.
“Holy shit.” He grins as he moves his hand to grip her throat. Her moans get louder, the sight of her being choked by his hand almost makes him finish in his pants. “You’re so fuckin’ dirty baby. You gonna come for me so i can fuck you?”
“Yes!” She whimpers, “I want you so bad, Tommy.”
The groan he lets out at her words is enough to have her moaning his name as she finishes around his hand, his grip on her throat tightens just enough to make her feel a little lightheaded. She doesn’t remember anyone ever making her feel this good. What a fuck up, the man who kidnapped her in an apocalypse is the one to give her the best orgasm of her life with just his fingers - and he hasn’t even fucked her yet.
“Oh my god, Tommy.” She laughs. He laughs too, it’s beautiful. She almost forgets about the situation they’re in.
“Stand up for me, baby.” He presses one last kiss to her lips before he stands up, she follows - waiting for him to do something. His large hands cradle her waist and maneuvers her so she's standing in front of him. His strong back pressed to her chest, the arm of the couch is in front of her and one of his hands pressed on the small of her back to bend her over the couch.
She can’t believe this is happening right now, neither can he. They're both basically fully clothed, she's bent over a dirty couch in a run down house. The fire is still crackling beside them when he pushes into her without warning. She surges forward, grasping the couch in front of her as she sighs his name.
“So fuckin’ tight, babygirl.” He moans from behind her, hissing through his teeth.
“Please move, Tommy.” She hisses, “You feel so good.”
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you baby.” He sighs as he begins to thrust into her. Her pussy squeezing him is almost too much. It’s been way too long, given that it’s hard to find someone to fuck in the apocalypse. She looks so good bent over in front of him.
“I can’t wait to fuck you properly.” He says, his fingers grip her hips harder as he speeds up his thrusts. “Can’t wait to have you naked in front of me, I’ll fuckin’ worship you, darlin’.”
His words go straight to her pussy, intensifying the fire growing in her stomach. Her hand reaches down to rub her clit, her hand at an awkward angle since her jeans still weren’t pulled all the way down. Just enough for Tommy to be able to fuck her.
“What do you need, baby? Ask for it.” He says when he notices her hand, stopping his movements all together.
“Please don’t stop.” She whines below him. “I’m so close!”
“Yeah?” He grinds into her, relishing in the way she whimpers below him. “You wanna cum?”
“Yes! Please, Tommy!”
He grabs a handful of her hair and tugs, pulling her up so her back is pressed tight to his chest. It completely changes the angle of his cock inside of her and she whimpers his name in a way that makes his cock ache. He wraps his whole arm around her neck and she brings her hands up to grip his bicep.
“Beg for it.” He whispers into her ear.
“Please.” She whispers. Moving her hips to try and get him moving.
“Pathetic.” He says, squeezing his arm tighter around her neck. “You can do better.”
“Please make me cum, Tommy. I need it.” Her voice is strained from the pressure he’s putting on her throat. He thinks she’s never sounded sexier. “I wanna feel you cum. I want you to fill me up, please.”
“Jesus,” He snarls as he begins to slam back into her. “I wish I could, baby. You’d look so sexy with my cum dripping out of you. You’d love that wouldn’t you?”
“Yes!” She cries, “Yes, I'd love it! Please!”
“Don’t worry baby, I've got you. Come on, cum for me.”
She does as he says, as always. And finishes around his cock with a scream of his name. He thrusts into her a few more times and pulls out of her, shoving her forwards into the couch. She doesn’t question him as he slams his hands onto her shoulders and turns her around to roughly shove her to her knees in front of him.
“Open your pretty mouth, baby.” He groans breathlessly, his hand fisting his cock. The sight of him getting himself off with his hand makes a new wave of wetness rush between her thighs. She obediently opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, looking up at him and watching as his brows knit together as he comes. The moan that leaves him is delicious and actually makes her feel proud of herself. His cum lands on her tongue and he pants at the sight before him.
“You look beautiful like this, fuck.” He says. He’s out of breath - now Tommy likes to believe that he has good stamina. But he also believes that the sight before him would be enough to make anyone breathless.
She remembers how he had told her to swallow the night before, and she brings her tongue back into her mouth to let his seed drip down her throat. He’s shocked. And he’s still kind of hard and honestly, he wants to fuck her again. But he remembers the world he’s in, and remembers they will need to get moving in the morning. So he cradles her jaw in his hands and guides her up to her feet. Tilting her head up to kiss her deeply. It’s almost soft, almost loving.
When they pull away neither of them know what to say. They stare into each other's eyes for a second and she almost looks like she wants to say something but Tommy beats her to it.
“So, uhm,” He begins to tuck his cock back into his pants as he speaks. “So, we’ll get moving in the morning. You should get some rest.”
He’s awkward again, her heart breaks as she watches him revert back to the man who had kept her in the basement. The man who had just fucked her slowly fading into the darkness.
“Oh, yeah. Sure.” She mumbles, doing the button on her own jeans back up.
“I’ll keep watch for a bit, but uh - we should be fine.” He sits down on the couch, reaching for the gun he had put down and props it up beside him on the couch. He sits back and spreads his thighs as he gets comfy. She doesn’t really know what to do. She kind of just stands and stares at him. He looks at her and stares back for a good few seconds. Why the fuck was this awkward? He sighs and reaches his arm out to her.
“Come here.” He says, a lot softer than she’s ever heard him sound before. She takes the hint and steps timidly towards the couch, sitting down beside him and letting him wrap his arm around her. He guides her head to his shoulder. They sit there for a minute in a comfortable silence. He shocks her, yet again, when he reaches down to pick up her jacket and places it over her body like a blanket. She feels like she has whiplash right now - what the fuck is going on?
“Stop thinking. Go to sleep.” He says, his hand squeezes her shoulder and she cuddles up to him. The same thing is going through Tommy’s head. What the fuck was he doing? He can tell her to stop thinking all he likes, but he can’t stop himself. And that’s what he does for most of the night until he sees the soft light of the day begin to stream through the crack underneath the door - he thinks.
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sweetenerobert · 5 months
the tattoo artist | masterlist
tattoo artist!tommy miller x male reader
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summary: when you first met tommy, you were getting a tattoo, and you can’t seem to get him off your mind, knowing that he’s dating your sister
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, each warning will be listed on every chapter, some may have dark themes that some people maybe uncomfortable with, so if the themes make you uncomfortable, it’s okay. you don’t have to stay. ✨
chapter one: fiction vs reality
chapter two: with a client
chapter three: backstage pass
number of chapters undetermined
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ay0nha · 1 year
Sugar For the Trail | Tommy Miller
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(obsessed with this gif, I couldn’t help but use it again)
SUMMARY: Each experience was different; they ranged and fluctuated, but it was a business, one you were good at creating a show for. You fulfilled fantasies; it required creativity and asked for the patience of a saint. However, this felt different. 
PAIRING: cowboy!Tommy Miller x brothel worker!f!reader (western au)
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+), little plot alotta porn, mentions of guns, etc.
A/N: Thank YOU so much for this request. My god, was this what my brain needed. I wrote this SO fast so mind the errors and if it seems rushed. Now, let’s all all remember SEX WORK IS WORK. As always, MANY thanks to @from-the-clouds​ YOU are the best. Enjoy!
No kissing.
No marking.
No refunds.
The sign had painted lettering tainted by the dust the men carried in. Its movement screeched with every spurred boot that stepped past the swinging doors. The rules lived in the same grey area of the world occupied. If there was no one to enforce them, respect was rarely given.
You watched the oils separate in the tepid water of your bath, floating away in bubbled clusters. The small ritual of the water helped your shift. It was a moment of peace before the unpredictability of the night. The bar was open even when it wasn’t; the men shouted and gambled, but it felt quieter than normal, still.
You could make out the slow yet agonizing clock ticks; you could feel your allotted time disappearing. The metronome rhythm drove you crazy. The sound followed you even as you sunk deep under the water. Yet, the water rippled, announcing someone’s presence as it carried the vibrations of their interruption.  
Reemerging confirmed that privacy was unknown in the establishment, especially as your closest confidant threw you a scoff. “Drowning yourself already?”
You pushed yourself out of the wooden basin. “Don’t be bleak, Charlotte.”
“There’s new company tonight.” She wrapped a towel around you tightly, wiping at the water droplets that met at your chin. “Some of the girls think he’s wanted, an outlaw.” The newer girls always gossiped while the more seasoned spun exaggerated tales. “Doc said he’s a sharpshooter that can spot bounty from a mile away.”
“He can’t be both.”
“Doesn’t matter; he’s the best there is. I can feel it.”  
“Every man claims to be the best.” Your eyes rolled, tying a delicate robe around your waist. His status hadn’t mattered to you, knowing he’d be a forgotten whisper by the morning. “Who’s he with tonight?”
“Doc wants you to meet him…” Charlotte hid her envy as she pinched your cheeks. She always commented you needed more color.  “...Says you’re the only one who won’t fall in love.”
He hovered close to the door after firmly shutting it behind him. The dark-brimmed hat covered his face, but you noted the curls underneath. He moved slowly as if fatigue would take him at any moment. Like every client, he counted the pay and moved to get comfortable.
“Mind if I?” His drawl deepened when his eyes met yours, gesturing to his hat. The candlelight flickered over his features, allowing you to take in his appearance. They were right, he was handsome.
“Please,” You encouraged him. It wasn’t until he went for his jacket that you helped pull it from his broad shoulders.  “Will I get a name?”
“Charmed.” You blew out a handful of candles near you, leaving the lit ones as a trail to the bed before sitting on it. “You coming from far, Tommy?”
He hummed. The healing marks below his eye were the only thing he carried for the past few weeks.  “I have further to go.”
“Well, I’m glad you stopped for the night.”
Tommy could tell the polite exchange was rehearsed. It was supposed to gauge him and ease him into flirtations. You wondered what got him here of all places, but that question was put aside as you watched him move to his gun belt and holster.
“You sure you want to do that?”
His lip twitched, revealing a cheeky side that had been so far suppressed. “You planning on shootin’ me?”
“Some of the men down there say you play dirty.” You repeated their complaints. Tommy stalked towards you, spreading your legs open with his own. You reached for his waist, feeling for his muscles, but instead, you felt a familiar outline. He had tucked the cards there when the game started to reflect his loss. “They’ll kill you if they find those.”
“You gonna tell on me?” Something settled deep within your stomach when you felt his breath fanning your lips. You chased his lips slightly, just for him to tease you, as he pulled back,  “Hmm?”
On the busier nights, you wore elaborate things and trailed your fingers along the nape of the necks of the men downstairs, whispering filthy promises to get them to leave their company. Tonight was slow. There was always commotion, but now everyone's voices were hushed to hear about the cowboy dressed in black. The very one that tantalizingly pulled at your robe.  
Tommy traced the curves of your body with his hand, going over the dip and rise of your waist and hip. It was a delicate dance to see how your skin reacted. The lace you wore was bought with borrowed money. You prayed Tommy wasn’t the type to pull until it ripped. But you didn’t care as his fingertips grazed everywhere, bringing each nerve ending to life.
His eyes locked with yours as he sank to his knees before you. The fabric was pulled slowly, falling to your ankles just to end in his back pocket. Settling himself between your legs, Tommy splayed his hands wide on the insides of your thighs, pushing them out and exposing you in the most vulnerable way possible to him. His lips trailed closer to your core, touch warm when he went to devour.
“What are you doing?” The sensation was easy to get distracted by, but your eyes snapped open. Between your legs, he felt welcomed; your words betrayed you.  “We don’t offer those services here.”
“What am I supposed to do if I can’t kiss you?”
Tommy’s pupils were blown, and his voice desperately held back lust. There were always considerate men to help balance the opposite. It was always the young ones, the innocent ones. On the off-chance, the widower just wanted to be held. But there had never been this. Your thoughts lagged, inhibiting your words. Tender touches were unheard of without conditions attached.
“I’ll pay double.”
Another grey area, one you’d never participated in. Yet, you desired the touch. The establishment was ruthless with their pay, entirely arbitrary and stolen half the time. The rates were based on looks and desirability. The rules were designed to be broken, but rarely in your favor like this.
“Okay.” Your nod was eager.
Staring at you, Tommy lowered his head and licked along your slit. His mouth was everywhere, his tongue dipping and gliding as he consumed you. At your bud, he gave you the softest kiss. A few more kisses and you were mewling. Your back arched, and he knew he wanted to hear more of those pretty little sounds from you.
“That’s it.” Tommy praised you. His tongue worked you so well, with an ease that came only from a great extent of knowledge. “Keep makin’ those noises for me.”
He needed this. His journey required him to exert so much of himself, but he could never be selfish like this. Your body, your warmth, held a kindness he could never have for longer than a night. He made a sound of satisfaction as he glided his tongue over you, his hand releasing your thigh to stretch you further.
Tommy freed a hand, giving attention to where his tongue had left bare—first one, then two. Moaning quietly, your hands sunk into his curls and gripped at the root, earning a groan from him that vibrated through you.
“Oh, god–” Your moan was genuine as you couldn’t keep it in. You graced him with what he wanted. You sighed his name in the same pattern he set for you. “—Tommy.”
The sound of his name slipping out of your mouth like that, all salacious and full of yearning, made his cock harden and his pride sore.
“Tell me what you need.”
“Don’t stop.”
The feeling of his touch soothed you. How long he spent working you over, you had no idea.  Your peak was already approaching before you could consider faking anything. Each experience was different; they ranged and fluctuated, but it was a business, one you were good at creating a show for. You fulfilled fantasies; it required creativity and asked for the patience of a saint. However, this felt different.
Your chest raised towards the bed’s canopy, and you pushed your hips further into his face. With a purposeful suck on your clit, your body tensed and snapped. Tommy’s hand dug into your thigh as he continued pumping his fingers and inhaling your clit to prolong your orgasm.
You felt the harsh rise and fall of your chest, thinking the reason Tommy pulled such an authentic reaction from you was from the long work days. You deserved this, you thought. He relaxed your body in a way that nothing but a completely fresh start would.
Tommy stood, his lips shining with you in the candlelight as he finally undressed. You eyed him hungrily in your dazed state, watching his shirt flutter to the floor, followed by his bottoms. Your faltering breaths filled the otherwise quiet room. Settling between your legs once more, he hovered above you. You could only hold his dark gaze briefly before your eyes drift downwards.
You needed to feel him just as much as he needed your touch. You followed the dark trail of his navel to feel his heavy cock in your palm, giving an experimental stroke from base to tip. You repeated the action, trailing your thumb along the vein you felt on the underside.
Tommy’s forehead dropped onto yours, his breathing deep. A flick of your eyes upwards showed you that his were closed, his jaw clenched tight. The sight sent tingles through you. With a tightened grip, you stroked him again, thumbing at his leaking head.
Panting, Tommy’s words blended together, “W-won’t last if you do that, sweetheart.”
The statement exhilarated you. Many men had a quick release; it was the only thing their drunken desires could allow them. Yet, the cowboy in your arms wanted nothing more but to stretch his time with you, every touch entirely at your disposal.  
Tommy let you pump him a few more times before he twisted you in his arms, encouraging your ass to perk in the air and legs spread beneath him. Grasping himself in one hand, he slowly pushed into you.
Gradually, he pulled his length out of you before pushing it back in at the same pace. You felt so full. It felt so good.
“Say that again.” Tommy all but growled, reacting to something you hadn’t realized left your mouth.
“You feel so g-good.”  Your teeth snagged your bottom lip as he moved in and out of you. You’re warm and tight—so tight, around him, and it has him on the brink of madness.
You gasped at the sensation as Tommy set a measured pace, slowly dragging his hard length out of you before slowly pushing it back in, ensuring you felt everything. The slow pull out, the perfect roll of his hips back in— the fullness was divine. He was ingraining every inch, every moment of this—him, into your memory.
You turned your head, so your lips are against his ear. “Tommy, I need you–” You purred again at the shell of his ear. “Faster.”
“Your eyes,” Tommy commanded in a tone so low you felt the rumble of it against you. ”Let me see your eyes.”
Something was clawing at your stomach, and you couldn’t deny the request. You tilted your head back to meet his gaze. With him behind you, the look on your face made him even harder as he put a little more power behind his next thrust, watching as it makes you moan again.
“Oh fuck.” You gasped, feeling the coil within you tightening again. He gave another deep thrust, the force pushing you slightly up the bed.  
“Takin’ me so well…” He soothed, sneaking a hand down to your clit. The cool touch caused you to thrust back, and Tommy groaned, pushing back deeply, his speed increasing. “I’m going to be dreamin’ ‘bout you for days.”
Every roll of his hips made you dizzier, pushing you higher every time the head of his cock dragged inside you against that one spot, and all you can do is moan through bitten lips. You weren’t usually this soft-spoken, but you were terrified of what you would confess.
Tommy was savoring the feeling of your cunt clenching around him as he fucked you, the saltiness on your neck as he sucked on your skin, and the bouncy flesh of your ass as his fingertips dug into you. You whimpered, the sensations building within you. You’re so close; you’re right there.
Combined with his circling finger and deep thrusts, you fall apart, breathing out Tommy’s name as stars erupted behind your eyes; a pleasure so intense your eyes rolled back, making your whole body tighten and relax repeatedly as you whine for Tommy as you swam in ecstasy.
“You're beautiful." He knew the position he had put you in already tested your generosity. But Tommy was fearless with his admission.
You could feel him twitch in you; all you wanted was for Tommy to fill you so completely that you’d feel him for days. But, pulling out of your pulsing heat, Tommy spilled over your back with a wrecked moan.
Tommy dropped onto you, his arm bending to take most of his weight so he doesn’t crush you entirely. His forehead fell between your shoulder blades, your heaving breaths matching as you return to yourselves, unprepared to face the shared mistake.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
The Feeling is Mutual - Gabriel Luna x Reader
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Summary: Coco is getting sick of you telling her and Pedro how much you like Gabriel so she takes matters into her hands and let’s just say you’ll have to thank her 
Words: 1.8k 
Warnings: teasing
“Men are stupid,” I’m growling as I storm into Pedro’s trailer. He just glances away from his phone, Coco raising an eyebrow at me as I flop onto Pedro’s bed, “I have been flirting with Gabriel all fucking week and he is so fucking oblivious.” 
“Have you told him you’re flirting with him?” Coco asks and I just turn my head to face them, an adorable smirk on Pedro’s face while Coco’s just gone back to making his hair Joel-like. I send a glare at her because she’s right but they both know I’m too shy to outwardly just tell the Texan that I am in love with him. I’m not really anybody compared to everyone else on set, being Ashley’s younger sister and here for the fun of being an extra in a game and show my sister helped bring to life, “I’ll take that as a no.” 
“No.” My voice is muffled from pushing my face into the pillows, relaxing at the comforting smell of Pedro: a strange mix of peppermint; rosemary and something woodsy like eucalyptus or lemongrass, “I can barely form a sentence in front of him let alone let him know I like him.” 
“So how have you been flirting then?” Pedro quirks an eyebrow at me while Coco’s typing furiously on her phone, a heart sinking smirk on her face. It has me jumping up and racing across the trailer to her but she’s pressed send and gives me a slightly guilty look. She’s just messaged Gabriel. My heart drops and I’m shimmying under the covers, pulling them over my head and letting out a small groan, “Coco, what did you do?” Pedro’s asking his stylist and there’s a pause before he lets out a quiet “Ahh.” 
Before either can speak they’re being called for, Pedro to go act and Coco to go help go stand by for touch ups. A gentle hand squeezes my foot before they’re both gone with the click of the trailer door, letting me pull down the covers and just stare up at the ceiling wondering what the fuck Coco sent Gabriel and how I’m going to get out of this without embarrassing myself. He’s probably laughing at the message, thinking I’m so stupid and immature for liking him. I mean I probably am because he’s the Gabriel Luna and I’m just Y/N Johnson… I’m nothing like my sister, no matter how much I’d love to be just like her but the acting tables have never been in my favour, only getting extras and sympathy roles like this. I’m only here as an extra because of who Ashley is but I guess I can’t really complain too much as I’ve become such good friends with Pedro. 
I didn’t believe people when they said he was one of the most down to earth and humble celebs they had ever met until I got introduced to him. He ignored my hand held out to shake and pulled me into a hug, telling me loved my role in Lockwood and Co. as if he watches it. It’s a show for young adults and no way would he watch the show just because we’d be together during ‘The Last of Us’ filming like he told me. Ashley told me that he had watched it to get to know me seeing as I’m going to play one of the kids from Jackson that is going to be prominent in season two. The show runners wanted to add a character that balanced out the Jackson Trio so they cast me when they heard who I was and what significant I have to the show. Well, what significance Ashley has to the show seeing as she voiced Ellie in the game. I’m not envious of Ashley, I really admire her and am so fucking happy she’s who I am related too it’s just a lot when people compare us. 
“Knock knock.” That deep southern rasp makes its way through the door and the thoughts swirling around my mind. It’s a voice that makes me weak at the knees and usually I’d love to heart right now? I want to just melt into the bed and stop existing. 
“Nobody’s home,” I call back, that sweet laughter no longer muffled when he swings the door open and steps inside. He closes the door behind him and just watches me, unruly curls falling in his face, cognac eyes bright with amusement and those freckles adorning his cheeks bright against his sun kissed skin. He’s smiling softly, hands on his hips as I mumble out a weak, “Hi Gabriel.” 
“Hi there sweetheart.” He moves towards me, face soft and actions slow as if not to spook me which yeah probably could happen. I’m not great at facing my fears and prefer to just leave the problem to sort itself out so when the problem rears its head like Gabriel coming here to see me I tend to panic and freeze, “So I heard something quite interesting.” He tells me, sitting on the bed in front of me as I sit up. 
“Hmmm, yeah?” I can’t keep the slight shake from my voice when he leans forwards, closing the gap between us until there’s centimetres. He smells like coffee and cedar wood and it’s so intoxicating, I can’t get enough of it.
“Yeah,” He breathes, those dark eyes flicking down to my lips and back up to meet my gaze, “Is it true?” I don’t trust my voice so I just nod and look away, feeling my cheeks heat up but those long delicate fingers catch my chin so I have no choice but to watch him again. His cheeks are just as read as he leans even closer, stopping when his lips are almost brushing mine, giving me the opportunity to pull away if he’s wrong which he’s most definitely not. In a rare moment of confidence I surge forwards, closing the gap and a small sound escaping when his lips move against mine. It’s soft and pulling, his hand cupping my cheek and thumb rubbing soothingly over my cheekbone, drawing me closer. I’m sliding onto his lap and his other hand is migrating to my hips as we separate for air, his thumb never stopping its soothing gesture, “I’m glad it’s true.” 
“Would I be kissing you if I didn’t?” He raises an eyebrow at me and I just grumble, burying my face in the crook of his neck, face feeling like it might set fire to itself. His shirt is silky against my cheek, fitting him perfectly so I can feel the strong muscles under it, “Hey sweet girl, there’s no need to be shy around me.” He’s drawing me away from his shoulder and into another sweet kiss that has me tangling my hands through his curls, groaning at how soft they are and he moans back when I tug at them. Fuck. This is definitely unexpected but very much everything I’ve though about. He’s leaning back a little, hands on my hips, eyes dark and lips parted when he looks up at me and the sight has me letting out a low sound as he looks so fucking good. 
“You’re gonna ruin me if you keep looking at me like that,” I groan and his tongue just darts out to wet his lips as he smirks. He’s leaning forwards, lips attaching themselves to my neck and he’s sucking a hickey to the sensitive skin, causing me to arch into him both of us gasping when I accidentally roll my hips down into the tent in his tight jeans, “G-Gabriel, fuck.” 
He’s standing, setting me on my feet but keeping a hold of my hips as he walks me backwards until I hit the wall with a soft ‘oof’ and he’s pressing a leg between mine and capturing me in a kiss that has me tugging on his addictive curls. He’s crowding around me, being that much taller than me and it’s so fucking hot, being pressed against the wall by his body flat against mine. He’s pulling away too soon, murmuring, “I want to take you on a date first sweetheart and I don’t think Pedro would be too pleased if we did anything in his trailer.” 
Shit. We’re in Pedro’s trailer and I was meant to go find Ashley for lunch when Pedro and Bella went to film for the afternoon. Gabriel’s frowning, tilting his head when he sees the panic across my face, my hand reaching for my phone in my pocket as it rings. Ashley. 
“Ash! I’m so sorry!” I answer before she can speak and Gabriel just grins a cheeky look on his freckled face and he’s diving forwards, lips attacking my neck, “Am I-I too late to meet you?” 
She just sighs fondly as I try to hold in a moan, my breath hitching when Gabriel finds the soft spot just under my jaw, “No, of course you’re not, dumbass. Just get here soon okay? We have some catching up to do and you need to tell me all about Bella and Pedro. I’m actually really nervous to meet them!” 
“Y-yeah sure, give me half an hour.” My breath hitches again when Gabriel’s grip on my hips forces me to roll down onto his knee and my free hand is yanking at his hair by accident, a sound leaving his lips and there is no way Ashley didn’t hear it, “I’ll be there soon!” 
“Y/N, who-“ 
“Bye!” I’m hanging up and Gabriel’s chuckling, biting hard before his tongue soothes the pain and then his lips are on mine. They’re plump and velvety, leaving me wanting more when he nibbles at my bottom lip before his tongue darts out. Holy shit, I could kiss him all day but Ashley’s waiting for me and if I’m much longer she’s going to get suspicious. I’m never late to things like lunch with her and the fact she definitely heard Gabriel. 
“Go on baby girl, I’ll be here when you get back.” He pulls away and I whine at the emptiness surrounding me but he’s right. Ashley’s gonna get annoyed if I leave her handing for too long and Pedro is probably going to want an empty trailer when he’s done filming. He wonldn’t be mad or upset or anything if he found me still in here but I think I might get banned from his trailer if he finds Gabriel in here with me. 
“I won’t be back in time.” I whisper, keeping his hand in mine. 
“Alright then sweetheart, I’ll be at the hotel. Room 403, see you there baby girl.” He steals a chaste kiss before nudging me out the door of Pedro’s trailer, a smirk on his face as I’m unaware of the hickeys adorning my neck. His public mark of that I’m his and his alone. 
If anyone knows of any other Gabriel Luna fanfics please let me know - he is highly under appreciated 
TAGS: Tag List Form
@iraot @gemimawrites @pedropascalsrealhusband @twopercentmilk @sxnshinebxcky @nelsoomon @urnewghostfriend @sonhee-a​ @dizzyforyou-blog​ @grooveandshit​ @reyas-world @canpillowscry​ @jell0buss-37​ @androgynousgaz​ @not-a-unique-snowflake89​ @kalllistos​ @mediocrewallflow3r​ @certifiedhunter​ @alexis-doggy-76 
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Every Beginning Ends
Pairing: Pedro!Joel Miller x OC!Mary Hernandez (slow burn); other pairings to be added
Summary: Mary moves to Texas after being in a bad accident, leaving friends and family behind.
Any trigger warnings will be at the beginning of each chapter. Be vigilant, friends.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Note: This is an AU. The outbreak never happened, everyone’s alive and well. Also, please note that while this is an AU, I have no experience writing these characters and have no background in the fandom. I haven’t played The Last of Us games, I’ve only seen the first few episodes of the show. If I’m getting the characters wrong at any point please let me know. Any pointers from you guys is also highly appreciated.
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limerence4u · 10 months
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gabriel luna is so boyfriend coded <3
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Summary: You’re finally pregnant and Joel can’t keep his hands off of you. With another raider group getting too close to Joel’s community he has no choice but to leave you behind in the very capable hands of his brother.
Pairing: Raider! Joel x fem. reader / Raider!Tommy x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.7k
Rating: E
Warnings: Raider!Joel, Raider!Tommy, smut (unprotected sex, oral sex), jerking off, slapping, dirty talk, established relationship, unspecified age gap (around 15 years prob), lactation kink, cucking (kinda), pregnancy, kinda pregnancy kink?, derogatory language, infidelity kink ?, Joel and Tommy do not touch or really interact with each other but are in the same bed, but if that's not your thing kindly move on, thanks!
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
Part of Desire
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Joel got even more protective of you once you found out you were indeed finally pregnant. 
Only a very trusted circle of people were now allowed near you and you could count the days he had chose to leave you to take care of something up on one hand. 
That was until a rather disgusting raider group had gotten a little too close for comfort to the place Joel had marked as his territory. 
He had told you that he had to leave for a couple of days to take care of this himself, his cock steadily drilling into you from behind while his hands both were playing with your tits. They had grown quite a lot and now in your sixth month of the pregnancy he was waiting impatiently for your milk to come through. 
He had put all kinds of pictures and thoughts into your head about how he would milk you dry the moment he had his first taste. 
He would be so mad it finally happened once he had been gone for almost a week.
You woke up wet. 
Which was not uncommon. You had been even more horny since you found out you were pregnant, but this morning you woke up with your shirt wet. 
„Fuck,“ you sighed, your fingers ribbing over the wet spots over your tits. 
„Watsgoingon?“ A tired voice behind you mumbled, an arm sneaking around your waist, a warm palm cradling your belly. 
„Joel is gonna be so upset,“ you pouted as you cuddled against Tommy’s chest, feeling his chin rest against your shoulder. 
Since Joel had to leave, he left the only person he trusted to look after you behind and in charge of the compound. 
His brother. 
And Tommy has been instructed to do everything to keep you happy. 
And boy did he.
With his mouth. His fingers. His cock. 
There was just something about Tommy Miller calling you a cheating cock dumb whore that did it for you. 
Not that you were cheating. No, this arrangement between the three of you had been going on for years. Though you and Joel were strictly faithful and only fucking each other, his brother was something like a treat Joel granted you for being a very good girl. 
And you always were a very good girl for Joel. 
Joel liked to watch when you and Tommy got together. His presence in the room making it somehow even more filthy. 
You just had to stop fucking Tommy once Joel had decided that he wanted to be the one who got you pregnant. The first time.
But playing with the scenario of being caught cheating did something for you that drove you over the edge every single time. 
Tommy had a lot of sex. With both men and woman. 
He had two wives who currently were pregnant themselves. 
You did not like both of them though. 
But it was you who he always came back to. 
He began to kiss up your neck, his hands rubbing over your belly, his cock poking against you from behind. 
„Think my milk finally came in,“ you mumbled and he stopped, taking a deep breath before he carefully turned you so you were laying on your back. His dark eyes were on you as he reached over to the side to turn on the lights and you both looked down to your chest where the fabric of one of Joel’s shirt you had put on to sleep were drenched. 
„Fuck,“ he cursed lowly before he came to kneel between your legs. 
„Joel’s gonna be so pissed he wasn’t here for that,“ he said with a shake of his head, before his fingers traced over the cold damp fabric of the shirt, your nipples hard and you shivered. 
He helped you out of the shirt, throwing it behind him and he just looked at your tits with pure hunger. 
You knew he wanted a taste. 
But Joel was clear. 
No one but him was allowed to taste you. Not even his brother. And he shared almost everything with his brother.
You saw him close his eyes as he took a deep breath before he lowered himself between your legs and began to eat you out, most likely as a distraction for himself, not that you were complaining. 
Your hands ran down your body, your fingers brushing through his hair, before you gathered the long strings of his hair into your hand in a makeshift ponytail, keeping his hair out of his face as he looked up at you with hungry eyes, his tongue slipping though your folds. 
Tommy’s hand gripped your thighs, pulling them further apart as he feasted on you, his tongue playing with your clit, teasing you. 
„Tommy please,“ you let your head fall back, your arms spread out on the mattress beside you. 
He sucked your clit into his mouth while one of his hands came up to touch your left tit and you shattered, coming with a cry of his name, your whole body shaking. 
You had been overly sensitive for a couple of days now, the lightest touch leaving you shaking and hungry for more. 
He cleaned you up, slurping obscenely and you sighed, before he came up, smirking up at you before he kissed your belly. 
„Wanna sit on your cock,“ you hummed. 
„Oh yeah?“ He asked, kissing up your body. 
You nodded. 
„Just gimme a minute. Can’t feel my legs yet,“ you joked and he hummed self satisfied before he laid down next to you. He wrapped his hand around his cock and slowly jerked himself off. 
Sucking your bottom lip in you looked at how his hand moved over his length, your pussy clenching in anticipation at having his cock inside of you. 
„See something you like, doll?“ He teased and you nodded before you rolled to your side to get onto your knees. You crawled over to him and he grinned up at you. 
You were about to straddle him, when he shook his head. 
„Turn around. Wanna see that ass bounce on me,“ he said and you obeyed, turning around. You sat down on his legs, feelings his hands pull you back, your pussy rubbing over his cock. Grabbing his cock you lined yourself up before you slowly sank down on him with a long moan. 
„Fuck yes,“ Tommy groaned before he slapped your ass. Hard. 
Sucking your bottom lip between your teeth you slowly began to move, rolling your hips on top of him. Your hands came up to cup your tits before you began to ride him, bouncing on his cock, while Tommy continued to slap your ass. 
Closing your eyes you only focused on the way he was filling you when you heard the door open. 
Opening your eyes you smiled widely when Joel walked in. 
„Hey baby,“ you hummed, crying out when Tommy chose this moment to thrust up into you. Joel crossed his arms as he leaned against the door, his dark gaze focused on you as you rode his brothers cock, your belly swollen with his child. 
„Having fun?“ He asked and you nodded.
„Missed you,“ you whimpered and he smiled before he walked over. He bend down to kiss you, his hand on your throat possessively, and you moaned against his lips as Tommy continued to thrust up into you. 
„Yeah?“ He asked and you nodded, looking up at him. You gasped when Tommy slapped your ass again. Joel chuckled as he sat down on the bed. 
You moaned when you felt Tommy pull you against his chest and carefully turn the both of you so you were lying on your side with him behind you, his cock still inside of you. His hands were on your hips as he continued to fuck you, now a little harder, his cock twitching. 
He was close and so were you. 
„Guess what?“ You asked, biting your lip and Joel raised his eyebrow. 
„Wanna taste my milk?“ You grinned and Joel’s eyes widened before they darkened. He laid down in front of you, kissing your lips first, his big hands both palming your tits before he slipped down the bed, his lips closing around one of your nipples. 
Tommy groaned behind you, his fingers now between your legs playing with your clit, bringing you to the edge.
And then Joel sucked.
And you? 
You came with a loud cry of Joel’s name, your hands flying into his hair to keep him against your tit. 
Your eyes rolled back, the sensation of Joel sucking on your nipples and Tommy cumming inside of you so overwhelming you almost passed out. 
„Fuck, Fuck, Fuck,“ you heard behind you, Tommy fucking his cum into you. 
„Oh my god,“ you moaned, still riding out your orgasm. Out of breath you whimpered once Tommy pulled out. He kissed your shoulder as he rolled out of bed and you felt Joel pull you against him.
Within seconds Joel had you in his lap.
You were still asking yourself when he had taken his clothes off when he impaled you on his cock, groaning at the feeling. 
He moved you on top of him, his eyes fixed on your tits before he leaned in again, sucking on your other nipple and you shivered. He hummed as he sucked on your tit, your milk filling his mouth, the sensation so foreign, yet so fucking good. 
There was a knock on the door and he released your nipple with a plop, his cock thrusting up into you.
„Whatever it is, ask Tommy. I’m busy,“ he yelled, slapping your ass and you moaned loudly. 
„You been a good slut for Tommy?“ He asked you and you nodded. 
„He taste you?“ He asked and you shook your head. 
„Good,“ he hummed, his face leaning back down against your tits again. 
„Cause this is mine,“ he grunted before he pulled one of your nipples into his mouth again. 
„Yours,“ you gasped with a smile. 
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only4miller · 2 months
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oh, my good-looking boy...
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musings-of-a-rose · 8 months
Falling Slowly - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 2000+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes:This started as a simple idea for Tommy. He had different ideas and I can’t say no to those freckles and smile. Thanks to @mermaidxatxheart for helping me get unstuck. You always have such great ideas!
And a big thanks to @wyn-n-tonic for helping me form thoughts and give this a little shape. I hope I can be a quarter as talented as you one day!
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**Reader is not described. Divider made by @benkeibear
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Falling Slowly Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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It’s crowded in here tonight. Not quite theme park during season full, but close enough. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t seriously need a drink after the day I had at work. And this bar was the closest place to home that was still open.
Or maybe I just pulled into the first place I found.
I somehow manage to score a seat at the crowded bar, sliding quickly onto the stool that’s still warm from its previous occupant. I raise my hand to the bartender and she nods, taking another 2 orders before taking mine.
“Rum and Coke. Less Coke.”
She smiles, tossing me a wink before she walks off to make the drinks. I have to admit I’m mildly impressed by her memory, as she had taken at least 10 drink orders before mine and memorized them all. No wonder she has an overflowing tip jar.
It probably helps that she has giant tits too.
I take a few sips, letting the warmth of the rum spread through me, loosening my muscles before setting the glass down. The music playing is stupid loud, but the people seem to like it, jamming their sweaty bodies together in a tight group in the middle of the dance floor. 
I’ll admit, this isn’t typically my scene. But the patients today were really on their game of trying to piss me off and I decided I earned a drink. I just wish I’d known how loud it would be. Thankfully, I'm not on call tomorrow.
“Hello, gorgeous.”
A man sits next to me, shifting his body so he’s facing me. When I don’t respond, he repeats himself, a little louder.
“I’m ok, thanks.” I try to let him down easy, but turning down a man who’s tipsy and looking to get laid is not an easy thing to do.
“Not yet you aren’t. We haven’t even spoken yet.” 
Sighing, I turn my head to look at him. He’s all blue eyes and light hair, a slight tan on his face but one from hanging out at the pool and not from manual labor. I’d be surprised if this guy had to work for anything.
“I’m flattered, really, but I just want to drink in peace.”
“Oh, come on now, gorgeous. A little conversation won’t hurt.”
“Really, I’m good.” I turn my head back to my drink, removing my hand from the top of it to take a sip. 
“You look stressed. I can help with that.” 
His hand finds its way to my thigh, squeezing me slightly. But before I can do anything, a different, larger hand removes it for me. 
“She said she was done talkin’.”
This new guy is gorgeous. Broad shoulders, a barrel chest, arms that could totally lift me, coupled with beautiful black curls, freckles speckled across his olive skin, accentuating his eyes, which I'm sure are normally kind when they aren't staring down an asshole. 
The man who was talking to me yanks his hand away and stands up, the bar stool scraping across the floor. 
"Fuck off, friend."
"Not until you leave the lady alone."
The man puffs up his chest, sticking his pointer finger out, jabbing at the man with the curls that I'd love to touch. 
"Why don't you fuck off so you don't get hurt, hhmm? Me and the lady were getting along just fine."
The man with the curls looks at me and I shake my head, both to say I'm never going anywhere with this man and please don't get yourself hurt.
"Doesn't look like she wants to go with you."
The man glances over at me and I fix my face into what I hope is confidence. 
"No way. I'm not going anywhere with you."
The man narrows his eyes. "I bought you a drink. The least you could do is come home with me."
Curls laughs and oh, I would love to hear that sound again. "Imagine being such a dick that you think forcing a drink upon a woman entitles you to sleep with her."
The man draws his fist back and quickly releases, punching Curls straight in the nose, his head flying backwards. He stumbles but doesn't go down, his hand swiping at his nose to see its already bleeding. The man tries to grab for me but Curls stops him, landing several good punches of his own. 
"Stop! He's not worth it!" I try to step in but it's pointless. I can't get close enough to stop anything. 
A minute or so later it doesn't matter because the cops show up, separating the men and loading them both into the back of cop cars, Curls meeting my eyes and giving me a small smile before he's pushed into the cab. 
"Excuse me," I stop one of the cops. "Which jail is he going to?" 
"Travis County. The one on 10th."
The men load up and take off as I turn to walk to my car and head to the police station. When I arrive, the desk officer tells me I'll have to wait a while for them to be processed, but that they will both make bail.
So I wait. 
Several hours later, the kind desk officer rouses me awake and let's me know I can post bail. I do and they ask me to wait in the lobby while they bring him to the front. When he comes around the corner, he's talking to the officer that's escorting him.
"Yes sir, but can you tell me who posted my bail?" 
The officer nods in my direction while extending his arm out, indicating that the man should proceed without him. Curls turns in the direction the officer pointed him and locks eyes with me as I stand, folding my jacket over my arm. He smiles as we walk towards each other, making my cheeks feel warm under his gaze. 
"You bailed me out?"
"I had to. You saved me."
God his smile is like sunshine. "Oh, you didn't owe me anything, darlin'." 
"I definitely did. That guy was a creep and who knows what else he could've done?"
"Well at least let me pay you back the bail?"
I wave my hand at him. "No way."
"There must be some way for me to pay you back?"
I gesture at his face. "How about you let me take care of that?"
He touches his nose and looks at his hand, seeing some dried blood. "Oh, no that's ok. I'll just go clean up-"
I step closer to him, hand stretching towards his face. "I can't believe they didn't get you checked out."
"Ah I'll be alright."
"Stop arguing and come with me."
He looks at me, all brown eyes and tiny freckles, a small smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. "Yes ma'am."
Oh I am so fucked. 
He follows me to my car and gets in the passenger side. As I turn the key on the ignition, I realize I don't even know his name. 
"I'm Tommy by the way." 
I tell him my name. "But my friends call me Daisy."
"Well it's nice to meet you, Daisy."
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We make it back to my place, as his truck had been impounded and so unavailable until morning. Tommy tries to decline my offer of a place to stay while he waits for his truck, until I ask if I'm so offensive looking that he wouldn't want to come up to my apartment. 
"No way, ma'am. Quite the opposite."
He follows me upstairs, kicking off his boots when I kick off my shoes. He looks around nervously and I see him scanning all the windows and doors. 
"You serve?" I ask. 
He looks at me, eyebrows raised. "Yeah. Desert Storm. How'd you know?"
"My dad always scans a place when he enters it. I'm assuming you'll want your back to a wall too? Exits visible?"
"I…yeah. That would be preferable."
I gesture to my couch, which is against the wall. "Have a seat. Let me get my first aid kit."
I grab my kit and some ice in a bag and sit next to Tommy, who turns his broad chest towards me when he sits up. His eyes glance behind me at my bookshelf.
"That shelf looks like it's on its last leg."
I chuckle. "Probably is. I've had it forever and it wasn't high quality to begin with. Just some Ikea shit."
He groans, like I’ve just offended his entire ancestor line. "No, not Ikea! I could make you some new ones."
"What, are you a carpenter or something?"
"Similiar. Contractor. But I do know my way around wood."
"So do I."
Tommy shifts his legs at my implication and I smirk, dabbing at the now dried blood on his face, cradling his chin with my other hand. 
His eyes are on me, so close I can feel his breath puffing out against my skin and I feel heat starting to pool between my thighs.
"Pride and Prejudice?" He asks. 
"On your shelf."
"Oh. Yeah. Haven't read it in a while but I was obsessed when I was little. Wait - have you read it?"
He smirks. "Are you surprised?"
"A little."
"My niece needed help with her book report. So I read it to be able to help her."
"You read an entire book to help your niece with a paper?"
"That's really sweet. Not many people would do that."
"Oh I'm not many people."
"That's for sure.. hey Tommy, are you hungry? I have some pizza left over."
His eyes flick between mine, a soft smile appearing on his face.
"I love pizza."
"Great!" I move to the kitchen and start getting out the pizza, putting some slices on my pizza stone and turning on the oven to preheat it. 
"I rented the new X-Men movie from Blockbuster. Have you seen it?" I ask as the oven bings and I slide the pizza in it. 
"You managed to snag a copy?"
"I bribed the cashier."
He chuckles. "I haven't seen it yet."
"Ok cool. I'll put that on for us."
The pizza finishes reheating and I divvy it up, offering Tommy a beer. We sit on the couch, plates on the coffee table as I get out the DVD. Tommy whistles. 
"You got a DVD player?"
"Yeah. It was my one splurge on myself when I moved here. Well that and a new mattress."
I fast forward through the commercials, cursing the makers for not adding a "skip ad" button. 
"Is your boyfriend gonna be alright with us hanging out?"
“Yeah, no. I don’t have one of those.”
Tommy sits up a little straighter. “Oh? Why not?”
I shrug. “I just moved to a whole new city and wanted to settle in. I don’t like long distance because it just never works out. Plus I can’t deal with all the-” I twist my wrist in a circle “- neediness?”
Tommy chuckles. “Neediness?”
“Yeah. My job takes a lot out of me and honestly, I don’t have the mental space for a boyfriend right now. That’s why I like you.”
Tommy points to himself, eyebrows raised in question. “Me?”
“Yeah. I’ve only known you a few hours but you’ve already saved my ass and don’t act all high and mighty. Plus you have great taste in books and movies.”
Tommy and I finish watching the movie and I drive him back to the impound lot now that it’s open. We exchange numbers and promise to hang out again, both of us missing the glances in the other’s direction. Although I’m pretty sure he caught me staring at his ass when he was standing at the checkout counter. 
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“So you’re just….friends?”
Tommy nods, taking another sip of his beer. “That’s what I said, Joel.”
Joel studies his brother, his eyes narrowing. “She pretty?”
“So pretty she’d make a man plow through a stump.”
The corner’s of Joel mouth tick up for a second before he fixes a stern look on his face. “Be careful, Tommy. It’s hard for men and women to be friends if they’re attracted to each other. Someone’s bound to get hurt.”
“That would mean she’s attracted to me, big brother, and there’s no way. She ain’t lookin’.”
“‘Sides, don’t you want a good example set for Sarah? That boys and girls can just be friends?”
Joel shakes his head, pointing at Tommy. “I don’t want her near any boys for any reason for her entire life.”
>>Chapter 2>>
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General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989
116 notes · View notes
angsty-twihardxx · 1 year
I was wondering if you can write Tommy has reader sit in front of a mirror and Tommy is behind reader. He decides to finger reader in front of the mirror while having reader being forced to watch themselves by holding reader by the throat. He makes them come a couple of time and the reader squirts to. Also, he praises reader a lot, does nipple play, a lot of neck kisses, and giving reader hickey’s
A/N: This drove me insaaaane, I just had to do it to em, I’ve added this to a lil series with inexperienced reader. It can be read as its own stand alone fic, bit it also works as a sequel to the first, Riding Lessons.
Anyway I hope this tames you horny beasts, plz feel free to send me some more smut ideas/requests for this sexy Texan. No use of y/n. My apologies if this is crap, I’m just built that way ig *shrugs
Warnings: 18+ (minors go play Fortnite or sm) smut obvi, fingering, reader squirts good for her. Idk if this is deserves a warning but reader is very new to sex, but its okay because Tommy is very reassuring. Mentions of body issues, talk of not feeling good enough that kinda jazz. But again don’t worry Tommy makes ya feel good. Ya‘lol are beautiful and ily
P.S: My computer decided to die so we have to do this on mobile so wish me luck x
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*his lil smirk*
You thought that maybe you were having a panic attack by how tight your chest felt, your heart was beating way faster than you usually would first thing in the morning. Sitting up you wiped the thin layer of precipitation off your head, which usually only ever happened when you had a nightmare, which you definitely did not have.
Your thighs vibrated at the memory of your dream from before, Tommy’s warm grip that scratched against the soft doughy skin of your hips. His touch on you was hard, the polar opposite to what he had been the entirety of your relationship.
You didn’t realise how much you missed it, his thick fingers digging into you as he rocked your hips along his clothed thigh. Even though it had been nearly a week since the night of your first orgasm, it was all that you could think about. The way that your entire body shook as you were completely overwhelmed with pleasure, you wanted Tommy to make you feel like that again.
After stretching you rolled around to see his beautiful freckled face, but instead you were met with his cold pillow. The frown that began forming on your forehead weakened at the small crinkled piece of paper with his handwriting on it. ‘In town for breakfast, see you there.’
. . .
The morning air was still frosty despite the warm glow from the sun on your face and shoulders. Even though you were wrapped up in thick jackets, including one of Tommy’s very own button downs, you were still freezing. You found Tommy sitting on an old bench in front of large dining hall as he waited for you, his hands sat in his pockets as he turned to see you walking towards him. His moustache tipping upwards, returning your curt wave with a wide smile.
Everything just felt easier with him now, there was no sexual tension that was always weighing heavy on your shoulders every time he was around you. Not that there was any pressure ever with him, it was only ever pressure that you placed. On yourself out of fear.
There was no longer a voice in your head that pressured you into doing anything out of fear of being left for someone more experienced. None of that mattered now because the two of you were happy, you were happy. Even though you hadnt ‘gone all the way’, you still felt comfortable knowing that he would guide you.
His arm moved to wrap around your shoulders as you dropped down in the empty spot beside him, using his arm to pull you into his chest he pressed a soft kiss in your hair. “Here, managed to get one extra for you.” Tommy nudged your shoulder as he handed you the sandwich, still warm wrapped neatly in wax paper. Food came in plentifuls in Jackson, but if you wanted one of Maria’s freshly made sandwiches you’d had to get in early.
“Startin’ to think you might love her more than me.” Tommy chuckled to himself as he watched you devour the food like it was the first meal you’ve eaten in weeks, which was definitely not true. “Well I guess it comes down to your sandwich making abilities.” You quipped back in between bites.
“Looks like I don’t stand a chance.” Tommy pretended to pout before dropping his head into the crook of your neck. His moustache ticked the soft skin of your neck as he peppered you with kisses. “Oh baby, that reminds me, how did you sleep last night?” Tommy teased, knowing fully well how you slept. Only imagining what it was doing to you, when you sent stiff in his arms.
The main reason Tommy was up so early was due to the wet dream you seemed to be having. If neither of you had work today he would’ve done something about it.
Tommy adjusted himself, just the memory of your sleepy voice moaning his name had his blood rushing down to his dick. You were driving him insane, and you didn’t even have a clue. He cooed playfully as he watched your cheeks warm up, you simply nodded in response knowing that if you spoke your words would fail you.
“I sure hope so because I got a little plan for us tonight. How’s that sound baby? You up for another lesson?”
Your body stiffened as you felt his hand grasp tightly onto your thigh, darting your eyes around you checked to see if anyone was watching. Was he really doing this in the middle of town? “It’s alright darlin’ no one’s payin’ attention to us, what’d’ya say?” All you could concentrate on was how his breathe fanned against your ear as his rough hand tightened on your soft skin. All of it made your body crave him more, you couldn’t think of anything better. “I think that sounds perfect Tommy.” His grip on your leg softened, clapping against your denim jeans before standing up with a groan.
“Well in that case, I’ll see you tonight.” He sent a wink your way before turning to walk away, leaving you turned on to the max. He was going to be the death of you.
. . .
Your fingers rapped on top of the hardwood table as your eyes impatiently hovered by your front door, which remained unopened. As the hours ticked by, the more restless you were becoming. The second plate of food beside you had long gone cold, as did the arousal you had been harbouring onto all day.
You had now grown tired, after a long day working in the stables all you wanted to do was cuddle up with Tommy till you fell asleep.
You knew better than to be upset with him, he worked hard in Jackson. He made an effort to earn his keep, whether it was helping with patrols or assisting in construction. It made you happy knowing that he was finding his purpose in his new life, but it just felt at times that you were moved to the back burner.
It definitely didn’t help when you went upstairs to shower, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. To say it was a kick in the guts was an understatement. Even though looks wasn’t a priority in the post-apocalyptic world, you couldn’t help feeling inadequate. Your skin was flushed after standing under the hot water. Your hair was always messy, you wondered what Tommy saw cause it surely couldn’t have been what you were currently looking at. Could it?
It was a dangerous rope you were balancing on, you knew you had better things to be worrying about than your own appearance. You wish you could stop.
That was how you ended up in your bed, wrapped up in blankets with a book in your lap. Reading the small print you tried to keep your mind busy, so you didn’t get yourself again. You were so enthralled by your book that you didn’t even hear your front door open.
Tommy leant against the door frame as he watched you. He noticed the frown forming on your forehead, and the way your bottom lip stuck out. He felt so bad being late home again, Tommy was never good at time management, or maybe it was the fact that he could never so no.
Right when he was finishing up the barn he was constructing, Maria had come by and asked to see if someone could come and fix the light in the projector at the cinema. He knew he should’ve just left it and gone home to you, but he knew the guilt would’ve eaten away at him.
You were alerted of his presence when he cleared his throat, you saw him propped against the doorframe. He sent an apologetic smile your way, his brows tipping upwards when your eyes met. “M’sorry I’m late baby, I got caught up with some work.”
“It’s alright. Dinners in the oven by the way.” You murmured with a tight lipped smile, hoping he wouldn’t notice your teary eyes. “Thanks darlin’ I’ll pack it up for tomorrow. Maria made us some food as a thank you— which reminds me. They got some pretty good movies they salvaged, some space one I reckon you’ll enjoy.” Tommy smiled like a happy child before retreating to the kitchen, which was pretty perfect timing because he missed the way your smile dropped.
‘It’s just Maria, you have nothing to worry about.’ You tried convincing yourself but it was no use. Your eyes already began to water, Maria was nice— you liked Maria.
Like a cruel monologue your mind gave you a list of reasons why she was better than you. To start she was confident, being in charge of an entire commune she was smart and well liked by literally everyone. So it would make sense that Tommy would like her too right?
“Hey everythin’ alright in here?” Tommy startled you as he was suddenly behind you on the bed. You quietly tried to wipe the tears from your cheeks. “Y-yeah I’m alright. M’sorry just tired.”
Tommy tilted his head in a frown, he knew you better than to believe you. “C’mon talk to me darlin’” His hand fell to give your thigh a gentle squeeze, contrasting his grip on you this morning. You would do anything to be in that moment with him again, not like now where his sad eyes watched you intensely.
“I- it’s nothin’ Tommy.” You tried to shrug him off again, but of course it didn’t work. He cocked a sceptical brow your way, you hated how well he knew you.
“It’s so stupid.” You groaned into your palms, so embarrassed of your own stupid brain working against you. “I just- I don’t know what it is you even like about me, I mean let’s be real I’m nothing like half the girls in Jackson and I—“
Tommy’s lips muted the worrying in your mind, his lips danced with yours. You pressed back on his lips, when you kissed him it felt like nothing else mattered to you. Not some teenage insecurities, Tommy was a man not a stupid teenage boy— and even better he was your man.
“Now where’s all this coming from, hm?” He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, his soft brown eyes peered up at you like you could tell him everything. You could tell him everything, but that could wait, right now you just wanted him.
“It doesn’t matter, can you just kiss me?”
“That I can do.” He chuckled before bringing his lips back onto yours. You pushed hard with a fever, the fire being ignited inside you again as a moan escaped your lips. His hands grasped your cheeks, pushing you even closer to him if that was even possible. Tommy lifted you to straddle on his lap, as instinct your hips grinder on his crotch. God you wanted him so badly.
“Didn’t you say you had a little lesson planned for me?” You breathed into him between hunger-filled kisses. Tommy looked up at you in what seemed to be a mix of surprise and excitement, never did he see you so confident, he loved it.
The glint of mischief in his eyes returned, he took your clothes off in a fever. Your eyes fell to the ground out of instinct, avoiding your reflection in the mirror. You suddenly became hyper aware of how vulnerable you were, Tommy had never seen you completely naked before. He offered to sit in between his lap on the edge of your bed. “Y’know I think you're beautiful right? I mean can you blame me?”
His large hands softly climbed up your side till his fingers danced along your shoulders as he moved the strand of hair that exposed the nape of your neck. You felt like a lightning bolt struck through your core as his lips sucked onto you softly.
You let out a moan as his free hand moved to grasp your entire breast in one hand, he kneaded the soft skin and the familiar feeling of arousal pooled in between your legs. Tommy noticed how your legs clenched when he flicked your now budded nipples. Soft moans mewled from your open mouth as your head fell back onto his shoulder.
“Nu-huh baby, I want your eyes on me.” Tommy tapped your cheek, bringing your attention back to the room. You looked at him confused, “But I- I am—“
“‘Not at me, me.” Tommy nodded his head towards the mirror in front of you- “‘Oh.”
“Can I try somethin’ else with you baby?” You felt a shiver down your spine as he whispered into your ear, his eyes met yours in the mirror. “What is it?”
Without answering Tommy pushed your knees to the side, exposing your eager pussy. “D’you trust me baby?”
“‘Yes.” You murmured as you felt your body tremble in nerves but also as much eagerness. There wasn’t anything you wanted more right now than Tommy’s hands on you.
Your skin burned as his rough fingers grazed the inside of your thigh, you followed his fingers in the mirror as he moved painfully slowly to where you needed him the most. Your hips bucked against his touch, showing him exactly where you wanted those fingers.
“So eager darlin’”
“Tommy please.” You whined as your back curving instinctively, rocking your hips against where his dormant fingers laid dangerously close to your exposed cunt.
You let out a surprised gasp, his thick fingers filled you up perfectly. He started off soft, slowly easing in his middle finger as he let you adjust to him. “H-holy shit Tommy.” You breathed as his free hand moved to slowly massage your aching clit. “Yeah? That feel good baby?” He smiled wickedly into your hair as you nodded frantically, pleasure already filling you up as your head dropped back onto his shoulder, but snapping your head up as you remembered his instructions. “Tell me how good it feels darlin’” Tommy’s voice was at least an octave lower, sending more chills down your spine.
“S’really fucken good Tommy.” You gasped as you felt his finger stretching you open, if this was how good it felt to have his fingers in you you could only imagine what his dick would feel like.
Pressure in your stomach began to build as his pace quickened. You felt your orgasm coming quicker then last time, you welcomed it as you rocked your hips involuntary pushing his finger in deeper.
“That’s it baby, y’doing so fucken good.” He brought his mouth down to suck at the soft skin on your neck, while his hand pumped into you relentlessly. “Tommy!” You screamed as you felt your orgasm unravel throughout your entire body, your pussy clenching around his finger as he kept going.
You were a shivering mess, only a mixture of whines and ‘oh my gods’ falling from your already parted mouth.
Your legs still trembled as Tommy soothed you, his hand brushing back the strands of hair that stuck to your forehead. “Good job baby, you did so good for me.” He cooed into your hair, pressing gentle kisses as your chest heaved.
That was when you realised, nothing else mattered. Tommy was the one making you feel this good, no one else. He cemented that as he repeated in your ear how much he loved you, his facial hair tickling your already sensitive skin as he did so. God you really did love this man, huh?
“Y’reckon you could go again for me?”
All you could was nod in response, your mind feeling like it was going a million miles a minute. He didn’t start straight away though, he was patient with you. He waited for your heart to start beating at a normal pace before bringing his fingers back to your aching hole, you watched as he added another finger.
Filthy moans filled the air as you adjusted to his extra finger inside you, you felt like you were being stretched open. Already your hips were shaking, his thick fingers felt like they were hitting your cervix. It was almost hypnotic, watching the way his fingers would disappear in between your folds before pulling back out just as swiftly.
His free hand remained glued to your now swollen clit, as he menacingly taunted it with his rough fingers. Only egging on your climax more and more.
No words fell from your lips anymore, Tommy had basically turned you into a writhing mess as your stomach tightened.
For a very brief moment it felt like you weren’t a world where you had to survive with Cordyceps and people that hunted and killed, it was simply you and Tommy in this room. That was how you wanted it.
The feeling was getting so intense you shut your eyes out of instinct. With your eyes closed you could concentrate on the way your hips rocked with each thrust of his hand, you knew you weren’t going to last long.
“Eyes up, I want you to watch.” Tommy growled as his free hand moved up to envelope your neck, not hard but enough to bring your head up to catch a glimpse of your position in the mirror. His thick fingers around you shouldn’t make you even more aroused, should it?
“Good girl.” He was going to be the death of you.
“Fuck!” Your eyes squinted shut as you felt the tight knot in your stomach unravelled again, but this time it was so much better. Almost like a gush erupted from you. Your ears rang as your eyes squinted shut, suddenly overly aware of the bright light that overhang your bed.
Your second orgasm in a row felt like a hundred times more intense, it felt like your whole body was vibrating. Like you were going a million miles a minute, or maybe it was the room that was spinning.
“You okay baby? You did so good for me.” His voice was soft as he turned to face you properly now, his eyes checked you over one last time. He looked at you with nothing short of amazement and you wish that he never stopped.
After a few seconds you came back to, your eyes just stuck to the ceiling as your chest heaved while you tried to catch your breath. Then you noticed the warmth pooling on your bedsheets, Tommy noticed your confusion and gave you a reassuring squeeze.
“You fucken squirted baby.” He breathed out in amazement.
“Bet you never knew you could do that.” Tommy hummed in amusement as he looked down to where he held you. Your cheeks were rosy as your half-lidded eyes connected with his, a dopey smile grew on his lips.
“If I did I would’ve brought a towel.” You couldn’t help the laugh that fell from your lips, amusement filling the room as the two of you chuckled together. You loved how easy it was for the two of you, even after he stole a second orgasm from you he could make you laugh. It was his Texan charm, according to Tommy but you knew it was just him.
“C’mon darlin’ let’s get you cleaned up.” He pressed a chaste kiss on your cheek before standing up with you in front of him, your legs quivered as you stood up for the first time in what felt like forever. “Tommy? I don’t think I can walk.” You looked up at him with worry, was this normal?
“It’s okay baby, it means I’m doing my job right.”
He thought about what you were saying when he found you crying in your bed, how you didn’t know what he saw in you. There was never just one singular thing, a multitude of reasons that he loved you. And the fact you didn’t see a reason why he would love you dumbfounded him. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure you knew.
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tommysversion · 1 year
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Request Status: Open (Selective)
Pedro Pascal Characters I Write: Din Djarin , Joel Miller, Javier Peña, Oberyn Martell, Javi Gutierrez, Ezra (Prospect), Frankie Morales, Comandante Veracruz, Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels.
Gabriel Luna Characters I Write: Tommy Miller, Boro Polonia.
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Be My Future - Din x Reader (Breeding Kink)
Touch Starved Din
Teaching Din To Eat You Out
Take It - Dom! Din x Reader (Breeding Kink)
Over Eager, Inexperienced Din
Din Spanks You With His Belt
Din When You're Pregnant
What's In A Name? - Din Djarin x Named OC (SFW)
Din As A Girl Dad (SFW)
Domestic!Din x Teacher!Reader (SFW)
"I'm Not Wearing Underwear" - Prompt
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Jealousy, Jealousy - Jealous!Reader x Joel / Jealous!Reader x Tommy (Most Popular Fic!)
Jealousy, Jealousy (Part Two) - Jealous!Reader x Joel
Joel's Kinks
That's My Girl - Jealous, Possessive Joel x Reader
Differences Between Game!Joel & Show!Joel
Playing Rough - Joel x Reader (ft spanking & the knife handle).
Mine - Possessive!Reader x Joel
DBF! Joel Catching You Staring At His Arms
'Accidentally' Getting Joel A Shirt That's Too Small
DBF! Joel Has Enough Of Your Teasing
DBF! Joel With A Bratty Reader
Joel Sees Your Scars (SFW)
Seducing Joel
Joel Wants You In Sub Space
Oblivion - Joel x Reader (Established Consent / DubCon CW)
Breathe Through It - Joel x Anxious!Reader (SFW)
Pre Game - DBF!Joel x Confident!Reader
Plus Size Reader Is Reassured By Joel (SFW)
“We Have To Make This Quick” - Prompt
Joel When You’re Sick (Headcanons)
Curls - Jackson!Joel x AFAB!Reader
Honeypot - Joel “kisses it better”,
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Heat - Ezra x F!Reader
Taste - Ezra x F!Reader, short continuation of Heat
Ache - Ezra x AFAB Reader (Sex Pollen Fic)
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Jealousy, Jealousy (Alt Version)
Bedside Manner (TLOU2 Spoilers!)
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Part One (SFW)
Part Two (SFW)
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Tennessee Nights (Part One)
Tennessee Nights (Part Two)
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Fall In Love In A Single Touch - modern!Oberyn (fluff & hurt/comfort)
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A Breath Of Fresh Air - (Dubcon Smut)
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ay0nha · 1 year
Dead Man Walking (II) | Tommy Miller
SUMMARY: “Jealous?” The warmth you felt helped the teasing statement be excused. Tommy scratched at his facial hair, trying to cover for himself, emanating a light laugh. But you only continued to joke.  “Maybe if you knocked him out for me, I’d be kissing you better.”
PAIRING: Tommy Miller x femme!reader
WARNINGS: not too much, pretty fluff oriented, grumpy reader getting hit on poorly, mentions of guns, little bit spicy (not smut though), hot mess because I rushed the ending, cliches/tropes, etc.
A/N: Soooo, here’s a part two! I was struggling with this one a little bit, but I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that it is what it is. Enjoy! AS ALWAYS Huge thank you to @from-the-clouds​ who continually listens and helps!
The house always seemed to groan. It held ghosts of previous owners that begged for their lives back. And yet, you moved through the home as if your name was on the deed.
Tommy let you pick, but the choice was purely based on distance rather than vanity. The families congregated in colorful homes that they made their own. Other neighbors shared goods, extending themselves selflessly. But you couldn’t engage as they wanted you to, so willingly unguarded.
You can trust us.
Tommy’s words were compelling. Yet, you hardly left the provided house without him luring you out with promises of fresh air and target practice. It kept you sane to place your catharsis into something outside the confines of the town.
But you needed to stretch your legs further; you wanted to join Tommy on patrol. You never asked, though. You hadn’t planned to until you got over the fact that it was purely due to how the separation impacted you.
“Let me get you another glass.” A man interrupted your solitude. You knew what his attention suggested. Regardless, your glass was pushed forward in mild resignation.
During your time in Jackson, you learned quickly about the liquor they stored. It was the only thing that comforted you with familiarity. The man recognized that, providing a glass full to the brim. You thought to thank him, but instead, you showed appreciation through a few continuous sips.
“There’s no rush, little lady.” The look on his face could have been misconstrued as being impressed by your actions. But the laugh he let out revealed his amusement. “I’ve got plenty more to share.”
You requested more, to which he happily obliged. The bottle was settled on the wooden table you unintentionally claimed. It sat in the back of the dining area, where your back could never be to the door, and you could keep a careful eye on Tommy.
“I was thinking-
“Didn’t think someone like you was capable of that.” It may have been the longest sentence he had heard come from you. But it was far from the cruelest you had pent up.
“Ah, come on now, I’ve got some brains up here. ” He feigned offense, but his smile spread. To him, you were hard to get, someone seen as unattainable who, through his flirtatious efforts, could massage something sweeter out of you. “Enough to know a pretty thing like yourself shouldn’t be so lonely.”
“Not sure I’m convinced…” You clicked your teeth with sarcasm, toying with your glass. You decided once it was low enough, you’d find something else for entertainment. “Think you might’ve missed the point of why I’m over here.”
“You don’t make it easy to stay away.”
You ignored the way his eyes drifted along your body hungrily. They were always on you with the jobs you shared. He was never subtle, but you doubted subtly was his priority.
“Then, I’ll have to try harder.”
The bottle’s contents lowered as you helped yourself to another glass. The man before you took it as your walls coming down, acting on a moment of what he took as vulnerability.
"I know everyone says you're… shy…” The community considered you a recluse. Their gazes questioned if your additional mouth to feed was worth it. “But I can tell you’re fun…just need to open you up a little.”
He insinuated something you would never entertain. His hands inched towards yours across the table to enrapture you. Yet, your focus was on Tommy across the room. You were determined to meet his eye, but he was engrossed with his company. A smile pulled his face occasionally as he contributed to the friendly conversation.
You would have memorized the way the corners of his eyes crinkled, how his laughter started deep within his chest just to echo its way to you. Typically, you’d scold yourself for admiring him that way but indulged regardless. Tonight, it hadn’t come as naturally. It was his final night before the next patrol, and you sat idly stewing in discontent.
“Look–” You’d forgotten about your date. When your eyes shifted to him, you saw how he tried to be genuine, but men like him could never accomplish that. “–I get this is new, meeting people and all that.  I felt the same when I was saved, but–
If your eyes lingered ahead just a beat longer, you would have caught the moment Tommy checked on you. But the words spoken begged for your undivided attention.
“You think I needed saving?” You mocked the pity. You heard what they said, the rumors they spread about you. But this was new; you being viewed as the product of mercy.
“You deserve better–someone-” He paused to speak more definitively. “Someone who keeps the bed warm when things get lonely.”
“Let me guess, that’s you?” There was something inside you that knew better, but the moment to be a bigger person never found you.  “The man that shovels shit for a living. Lucky me.”
“I knew you had a mouth on you.” He wet his lips with his drink, finishing it off.  The bottle was in his hand as he went to leave, but typical of any man, he needed the last word. “Shame I won’t be able to put it to good use.”
Anger had been your companion all night. The alcohol was a catalyst to match his stance. There were murmurs around you, eyes looking for a spectacle. With a hand on the pistol attached to your hip, you hadn’t noticed Tommy detach himself from the group, knowing your next move.
“Say that again.” Cocking your head on a tilt, your expression hardened into something wild. “I didn’t quite hear you.”
The man laughed, smile morphing from something amiable to something sinister. “You know, a bitch like you needs controlling–
“That’s enough.” Tommy cut in before the insult could materialize. Your tongue was sharp and ready, but the hand that settled on your spine caused the words to die. “Now, join the others.”
“Tommy…” He started again, trying to reason, man to man. “She’s been nothing but– I was just trying–
“I wasn’t suggestin’.”
Tommy's hand remained on you every step to the door. The touch was foreign, but you could tell through the warmth it was more for his sake than yours. It was as if he were holding back from doing more damage than you.
“I had that handled.” You voiced your frustration, moving languidly from drunkenness. Brushing off his hand, you spat again, “I didn’t need your help.”
“I was helping him.” The cool air carried his words. He was calm, almost happy to have left the festivities. “If I waited any longer, he wouldn’t be standing.”
Your expression diffused slightly at his comment, "He would have deserved it."
“Oh, I don’t doubt that.” Tommy looked to the stars instead of you. “He always sweet on you like that?”
You gave him a once-over.
“Jealous?” The warmth you felt helped the teasing statement be excused. Tommy scratched at his facial hair, trying to cover for himself, emanating a light laugh. But you only continued to joke.  “Maybe if you knocked him out for me, I’d be kissing you better.”
The irony was palpable. The times Tommy got in trouble for the sake of saving someone’s honor could no longer be counted on one hand. He would have easily fallen into the trap all those years ago, but now he only watched how you stumbled beside him.
“Think it’s time to call it a night.”
You stared heavenward as he had, the icy air making tears prick your waterline. It was all too much too soon. The happiness was nauseating, and the community’s collective eye made you cynical.
“Walk me back?”
You led the path back, choosing the long way purposefully. You had waited long enough to spend time with him, and with him in your grasp, he was yours for the night. Your shoulders brush but never quite touched, and you tried to think of something to say. You didn’t know what you could say if you were brave enough to say what you wanted. It remained like that until you unlocked the front door.
“How are you settling in?” Tommy took the state your home. Things looked untouched, your bag still packed, ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
“I’m not tryin’ to argue.”
Tommy diffused lightly, choosing to settle in the living room. He always looked for something to fix in your home, an excuse to knock on your door. You watched his fingers trail the fireplace, assuring the caulk hadn’t cracked.
“We’re not arguing.”
The idea stung; that every interaction the two of you had led into disarray. Tommy wasn’t blind to the fact that it wasn’t a personal attack, just a moment of progress only he had the privilege to be a part of.
“Thought you would have killed these by now.” Tommy played with the petals of the flowers he’d collected. They were wildflowers he plucked. After borrowing some dirt from the farmers, he placed them in an old tin. A housewarming gift, he called it.
“So did I.”
Some days, you’d sit there and watch the flowers bloom into the centerpiece for the coffee table. Some petals started brown, others falling off completely. But you encouraged the emerging buds with water and company. It was the only other living thing to occupy your home other than Tommy.
He knew you chose to be quiet. There were times you’d ramble when he hit the right topic. But you’d quickly retreat once you saw how warm his gaze was. Even now, fumbling through your cabinets, you held back. The glasses you found were already full when you spoke up again.
“Want one?”
“I leaving early tomorrow.” Tapping on the sofa’s side, Tommy hesitated but ultimately declined. You stayed with your back to him, but he watched you tense at the mention of the patrol.
“Two for me, then.” There would be no point in stopping you in your own home of all places. But you knew if you turned, you’d find a grimace, a judgment of your actions.
“We’re only going a few miles out.” Tommy attempted again. The air was thick with reservation. But you remained quiet, busing yourself with whatever was before you.  He called your name, desperate for a proper response. “I won’t be gone for long…”
You suppressed the previous anger you held, it felt too hard to call upon it. But everything felt cyclical, a need for an answer to an obvious question never said aloud. “Why don’t you let me join you?”
“We both know the answer to that.”
Sitting now, Tommy looked like he belonged. Like he’d just had a long day at work, body open and inviting for any sort of tension relief he could provide. It had almost distracted you from your antagonism. Almost.
“I can handle myself.”
“You think I don’t know that?” He looked at you with genuineness, eyebrows pinched with slight worry.  At least that’s what you believed it to be until he worked through his confusion, “You worried about me, is that it?”
“No.” The answer was just swift enough for Tommy to read between the lines. But it was only half of your reasoning. “They don’t need you every time, there are plenty others.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
Tommy owed more than his life could offer to the community. You knew his feelings countered yours. “How noble.”
“Thought we wasn’t arguin’.” Tommy’s lip twitched into something teasingly smug. “Careful now." He warned cleverly,  "It’s starting to sound like you care.”
Curiosity transformed the air, “Is that how you would talk to me?”
Tommy let out a questioning hum, his eyes trained on your every movement. Neither noticed how you crept towards him, practically knocking your knees with his.
“Before.” You encouraged him, instructed him. “Talk to me like you would before.”
You expected resistance. But with his long, slender hands, on which the weather had taken its toll, Tommy reached for you.
Standing between his legs, his head lulled back, “Let’s see…” You squirmed to his pleasure, confirming the next words were all the more accurate, “I would say somethin’ about that blush of yours.”
You refrained from taking place beside him until now, knowing the work of your bourbon would take over. You weren’t daring enough to settle on his lap, but with every ounce of courage, you mustered, your legs were flesh with his.
“Yeah.” An arm settled behind you as Tommy played out the scenario. He had given plenty of thought to it. “I’d make sure you knew I only have eyes for you.” There was your smoking cowboy.  “Then, I’d–I would–
“Go on, tell me what you’d do…” Your voice was just above a whisper. You were intent on distracting him. Especially when your hand dragged along his jean-clad thigh, going higher and higher, trying to reach an unexplored destination.
Steady as ever, Tommy’s eye contact remind strong, and his breathing even. You wished you could read his mind to know how if your fingers continued to dance on him, he’d do himself in.
“You lost?”
You avoided his question as you pressed your lips to his. You finally were relieved of the fog that you carried with you. This, the clear solution. You pulled him by the shearling of his jacket  to only hold him closer as you attacked his lips.
It was easy for Tommy to get lost in the sensation. He used his position to his advantage to deepen the kiss, thumb playing at your temple. He held you firmly despite his continual gentle touch. It was as if he got more relief from it than you had, but it was hard to tell as you melted into his touch.
Yet, he quickly pushed back, hand finding purchase on your jaw, "W-wait-Wait."
Your lips were swollen, all his doing, which only made the words that left them all the more beautiful, "Stay with me."
Relief washed over you when he agreed. You were bolder now, no longer using your inebriation as a crutch. You thread your fingers through his hair while Tommy passed along another peck in gratitude. The moment he stepped through your door, Tommy sought the invitation. The toll of patrol worked both ways, and staying with you allowed something for him to hold onto until he returned. A little dryness in the mouth, lethargy in the muscles, and clumsiness in the tongue would be the only memory of how Tommy stayed until the sun rose.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Lie To Me - Gabriel Luna x Reader
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Summary: Y/N does the vanity Fair lie detector test and it gets dragged out of her that she has a raging crush on her co-star Gabriel Luna 
Words: 1.5k
Warning: none
Notes: If you have any Gabriel stories you want me to write please ask, there's not much content on him online so he’s a lot harder to write for him but I'm not gonna stop as he needs the love ❤️
“Is your full name Y/N Y/M/N(s) Thornberry?”
“Yeah that’s correct, pronounced right as well. Props to you.” 
“Are you an actor?” 
“I’m definitely something. An aspiring actor feels more accurate, The Last of Us being my second big role really.” 
“Are you about to take a polygraph exam?” 
“Yup and I’m shitting myself about it! Can I swear? I can swear right?” 
“Why are you nervous?”
“Look at this? I’m hooked up to the machine and neither of you seem to like to smile. Like at all.” 
“We shall start with the category of your career.” 
“Alright, starting big.” 
“Some would say Supernatural was when you really became famous and a fan favourite, do you think you’re the best Winchester?” 
“Oh no, I’d say I’m the least favourite, joining in season-“ 
“She’s lying.” 
“Wait what? I am?” 
“Do you think you’re the best Winchester?”
“No, that would be Dean. I’d say I’m the second best, sorry Jared.” 
“That’s the truth.” 
“Was there a lot of pressure coming into the show so late?” 
“I wouldn’t say pressure as Jared and Jensen made me feel right at home almost immediately. It was scary seeing the fans of the show react to Eleanor being brought in so late and so suddenly but the initial response blew me away and I could ask to be part of a better fandom.” 
“There a lot of fan accounts for Supernatural, do you ever look at any of them?”
“Actually I do, my best friend Pedro and I like to send each other videos and memes we see made of each others characters or if we see any that are really amazing. There are some really good editors out there who really put Nell and Maria in such a beautiful and badass light.”
“Do you have a favourite account?” 
“Yeah actually… Ummm, Pedro and I send a lot to each other from an account called Lunaberry4life with the for being the number 4.” 
“So you play Eleanor Winchester in Supernatural, did you ask to wear flannel?” 
“Did I ask to wear flannels? I love the Winchester flannels and some of them may actually be in my wardrobe at home. The costume crew do such an amazing job with making me feel comfortable in everything I wear as well as capturing the badass nature of Nell.” 
“So you would say you’re a fan of flannels?” 
“For the show and what they represent with the fandom yes but as an everyday item I’m not sure. I’m more of a fan of sweatpants or jeans and a casual tee shirt or sweater.” 
“You were a barista before you became an actress correct?” 
“Yeah, I adore coffee. Can’t live without it really and so I became a barista before I got dragged into the acting world by probably one of my best friends, the lovely Barbara Palvin or as I get to call her: Barbie.” 
“Who would you rather invite to your birthday party? Barbara Palvin or Pedro Pascal?” 
“I wouldn’t have one if I couldn’t invite them both. In their own ways they’ve become very special to me and I couldn’t do it. I don’t have the heart to go without one of them. I’m a little selfish like that, why have one if you can have both?”
“Would you invite me?” 
“She’s lying” 
“So you just finished filming The Last of Us, correct?”
“Yeah, it was a really great experience, being able to meet and act alongside such great actors like Pedro and Bella. Bella is a force to be reckoned with as she has this fire I wish I had when I was her age and I can really see her taking over the world.”
“Who did you enjoy working with the most from the cast?”
“Probably Pedro as he’s just so sweet and sincere. I never expected a man as famous as him to be so humble, he was always able to make us laugh, especially when filming those really intense scenes. That man has a habit of randomly emoting!”
“That’s a lie. Pedro being her favourite, not about Pedro.” 
“Are you lying?”
“Who did you enjoy working with the most from the cast?”
“Well I did enjoy spending time with Gabriel Luna, he’s just an all around person and I loved playing his wife. He’s get such an addictive personality and would always manage to help me calm down whenever I got too anxious and I will say those curls are so fucking cute.” 
“When Pedro was in your position he was asked if he thought himself a heartthrob. Do you think Pedro Pascal is a heartthrob?” 
“Yeah, he’s definitely a heartthrob. I mean the world has already declared Pedro as the hottest man and he’s just such a Daddy, ya know?” 
“What about Gabriel Luna?”
“Oh! Umm, well… have you seen him? He’s definitely hot and very underrated. He’s got a very charming southern accent and I don’t know if you’ve noticed the freckles across his gorgeous skin and his eyes seem to be the brightest shade of brown I have ever seen, much like cognac. He might be like eighteen years older than me but he needs more recognition for what he does- oh I’m rambling…” 
“You seem to have thought about this a lot.” 
“I-I wouldn’t say that…”
“She’s lying.” 
“Moving on…”  
I’m dragging myself from my bed at the knock on my door, having just ended a FaceTime with Pedro who of course had a good tease about my vanity fair lie detector interview. It got released last night and already the fan accounts are blowing up my phone with edits and ships of me and different actors. Pedro called me as soon as he woke up, being a few hours behind me at the moment and first checked on how I was doing before he let himself tease me a little. I hung up on him to call back a second later, him waiting for the call back and a grin on that stupidly cute face as he chuckled. 
The knock at the door gets more persistent as I pad through my apartment, wondering who the fuck it could be. Barbie has keys so it won’t be her as she’d just let herself in with a call of my name to let me know it was her and Pedro is still doing his Mandalorian press tour so it’s definitely not him. 
Flinging the door open I’m greeted by dark curls and warm cognac eyes. Gabriel’s standing in front of me, out of breath and an overnight bag hanging from his shoulder. He’s watching me, eyes scanning my face as I just stare in shock. Gabriel Luna is standing outside my door. He’s at my apartment. How the fuck did he get my address? Oh wait, I know, Pedro probably. That motherfucker. 
“Is it true?” Gabriel’s southern accent rolls off his tongue like warm honey as he steps forwards, into my apartment and I take an instinctive step back, “Y/N, is it true?” 
“I-is what true?” My voice catches in my throat when my back hits my kitchen island, the door being kicked closed before Gabriel’s dropping his bag and stalking towards me, my mouth drying up at his every step. He places his hands either side of my hips, against the edge of the counter as his dark eyes scorch my skin, face dipping down close to mine. 
“Don’t play dumb with me sweet girl.” He coos, voice deep as he dares a glance at my lips and back up. 
“Please.” I whimper, the sound dying on my lips when his crash against mine. It’s sweet and tantalisingly slow as we both relish in the feeling of wanting each other. His hands move from the counter to my hip and my cheek and I’m gripping his shirt to pull him flush against me. I think I might be dreaming still but when his blunt nails dig into my hip I know this is real; he’s here and he’s actually kissing me. He’s intoxicating, the mixture of coffee and cedar wood addictive and I never want to stop but my lungs are burning and we’re pulling apart with a gasp, “Fuck me.” 
“Let me at least take you on a date first.” He mumbles, lips curving into a smile against my neck, stealing a gasped laugh from me as I do the one thing I have always wanted to do: tangle my hands in those perfect curls and tug, testing the waters. The dirtiest moan I have ever heard falls from those cupid bow lips and his cognac eyes darken even more, his voice husky as he growls out, “You keep doing that and I’ll have to skip taking you out on a date and asking you to be my girlfriend.” 
I tug on his soft hair again, groaning out a quiet, “Ask me.” 
“Will you go out with me?” 
“Fuck yes.” 
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#Gabriel luna#Gabriel luna x reader#Gabriel luna x oc#Gabriel luna fluff#Gabriel luna x you#Gabriel luna smut#Gabriel luna fanfiction#Gabriel luna fanfics#Tommy miller#the last of us#the last of us 2#the last of us x reader#the last of us smut#the last of us fluff#tlou#tlou2#tlou x reader#tlou fluff#tlou x you#tlou x oc
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