#General Kai x Reader Drabble
General Kai x ReincarnatedLover!Reader || Drabble
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Ah! Me actually doing something I said I was gonna do on the day I said I was gonna do it??? I am so proud of myself XD 😅😅
Plot: Kai has come to reclaim you- pity you have no idea who the heck he is, what he’s talking about or…  well, you do have an idea what he wants. BUT WHY? This doesn’t make any sense.
Warnings: N/A  
Dedicated to the Anon who had this great idea!! ^^ Its rough but I hope you like it 😅
He’s terrifying.
He’s so terrifying, that when he first crashed down- from the sky- into your rice paddy, destroying a whole field of crops, you had tried to run! You took one glance at this behemoth of a bull, with glowing emerald eyes, double sided blades attached to long, powerful chains, and a devilish grin on his face, aimed at you, and-
You tried to run. You turned around, very nearly getting a mouth full of mud as you tripped, but instead catching yourself with a hand, pushing yourself back up and forcing yourself forward. Over the sound of your pounding heart you had heard him chuckle at what you assume he considered a feeble little escape attempt, and the sound was like thunder cracking across the sky during a storm. Not quite so loud, but deep enough to feel it, and otherworldly, and- it sent fear shooting through your blood stream. If I can just get out of his sight, you had thought. It would be fine.
But that was not apart of his plan.
The blades that were in his hands were faster than you, racing ahead of you, crossing over each other and jamming deep into the ground. The chains surrounded you, you stopped- and then he started to pull.
You tried to get out of the way and escape but he was stronger, the blades drug through the muddy ground fast back toward you and then they were on you. They tripped you, causing you to fall into the mud, hands and knees covered in the stuff, as he drew you right back to him in no time at all. It wasn’t a fair fight, you felt weak, and terrified.  
“Heh… “ When you were back beneath him, while you’re feeling even smaller then before on the wet and dirty ground now, he crouched down and leaned his monstrous arms around both sides of you and yanked his blades back out of the ground. Spirits- this man was only wearing a loincloth! And- ugh. Your nose had scrunched up, turning pointedly away from his face and cringing into yourself. His disgusting, clotted hair smelled. When he didn’t pull away fully right away though like you thought, you turned back to his face - now mere inches from your own as he stared at you, assessed you, glanced all over you, - with wide eyes. Your lips part, at this monster in front of you still looking all-to-amused, meaning to ask what he wants, but he beats you to it. “Hm… you really don’t remember me, do you?”
Your eyes widened even more if it were possible. “I… I don’t know you.” … Should you?
Finally he pulls back and stands up again, leaving you with some space once again so you can breath, and you watched him look around at your thoroughly destroyed fields and the stormy sky surrounding them; Breathing heavily. Thinking.
As he breathed out, he emitted visible air from his nostrils. “Nah… I guess not. It has been five hundred years… ” Your mouth fell open once again, wishing to ask if he’s absolutely positive- but he once again cut you off before you could speak. This time with his eyes, those lime green, glowing orbs - green eyes on a bull? That made you nervous even more than his huge frame did, - flickered back down to you again… and he looked fond.
… Which was not the kind of look you wanted to see on someone so powerful, who claimed they knew you. Who could easily just take you.
“Yes, I’m positive, little one.”
“I- I… didn’t ask.” You say now, eyes wide. How did he know you were thinking that?
“Yeahh, but you were thinking it.” He shrugs, casually rolling those boulder-like shoulders. It moves his entire body, the jade stones hung on his belt clanging against each other at his hips. “You may not know me, but I know you.” He smirks, eyes once again flickering up and down your body still knelt in the mud. “Trust me.”
“… You’re crazy- “
“Crazy?? Ha… Okay. Yeah. Maybe I’m a little crazy.” Nodding, he shrugs his shoulders once again and gives another deep chuckle- a short one, this time. “But that’s what the spirit realm’ll do to you, I guess.”
Blinking, and wondering why on earth you have ended up in this insane situation with the delusional, ludicrously over powered loin-cloth bull, you push yourself up to your feet and wipe your hands on your already ruined pants. You’re still uneasy, but the bull doesn’t seem to be trying to hurt you just this second- just your crops he’s still trampling- “The spirit realm??... “
He makes a sound like mhm, grunting, and seeming to take your questioning tone as an opportunity for a little bit of casual chit chat. “Yep. 500 years… “
… You don’t believe this crack story for a second. “Uh- “
You’re cut off by a great big sigh, and look up in time to watch him roll his eyes just as deeply. “I know, I get it- you don’t believe me. And hey, that’s okay. Doesn’t change anything… You, little one, are still mine. And we’ll find a way for you to remember. If we don’t… you’ll just have to fall in love with me again. Eh? Not so hard.”
At this your jaw actually drops, taking a step back from him. “Yours??” Love???
“Yep.” He nods, refusing to back down, and popping the ‘p’.
“No- “ You try to get away again immediately, turning to walk away, but this time he doesn’t even let you get two steps; Throwing his hand, with a double edged sword in his grip, directly in your way. Eyes widening, you back up from it, following his arm nervously up to his face. “I think you have the wrong person.”
“In a manner of speaking, I do!” He quickly agrees, surprising you- but then his eyes narrow, and you feel unbearably small before him. “… Different body, sure. But I know you… and your Chi?... “At this his eyes take an even brighter glow and you watch him breath in deep, his chest rising until it falls again. “That’s the same… “
“Are you… “ Pausing, you take a deep breath in an attempt to steady your tone, eyes closed as he calmly watches your every move- calmly, because he knows you cant do anything. You can’t escape. “A- are you… “ Damnit. “… suggesting… r-reincarnation?? And- and we… ” You… and him?? This massive, terrifying monster right in front of you right now??
An intimate smirk crosses his face then, eyelids half-hooding on you and eyes glowing brighter once again. “We… yeah… And I’d really like to get back to that, so come on- come with me. Willingly. And we’ll figure out howta get there, together.”
“If… “You start, heart beating heavily in your chest as you give the beast an uneasy once-over. “… I say no?... “
“Well, then I’ll take you unwillingly! Hah. That’s not gonna be fun for you- I suggest the willing rout.
… Oh I’m Kai, by the way.”
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dracocheesecake · 3 months
What do you think Kai would do with a protective s/o? Like, does the all supreme warlord really need protection? Not really. Is she on his power level/fighting skill? Absolutely not, the thought’s nearly laughable (or at least, probably laughable to Kai anyways). But if anyone so much as poses half a threat to the bull, is she going to start going off into as much a war mode as she can muster to defend him? Yea, without a second thought.
I just think its funny, it’s like having a guard dog but you’re a navy seal and the guard dog in question is just like a very feisty chihuahua.
Oh my goodness this is a hilarious/adorable thought. Especially if we're going with Spirit Warrior Kai- an immortal- and a mortal s/o it becomes even more so. X'D Kai would definitely find it amusing andadorable, to say the least.
Now if we're going with warlord mortal Kai, then it's still an incredibly hilarious situation. Oogway cracking jokes about Kai's little "bodyguard". Kai would probably give her the title "lapdog", or "gnat". I can just imagine they're in a meeting with another general- a loose ally of sorts- and when the conversation gets more heated she starts hurling threats and insults the other general's way, while Kai's leaning back smirking the entire time. "You might want to be nicer to me. I could sic her on you."
She'll probably try to take care of whatever cuts and scrapes he accumulates, too, all while scolding him for being stupid...
No, no, hold it-drabble incoming:
"Do you think you're immortal?" She snapped, cleaning what many would have thought a small scratch on the bull's hide (especially the bull himself), but to her was a wound as severe as anything. Kai's ear twitched in her direction, and then he looked over his shoulder at her.
"What answer would make you more angry?" He asked, smirking.
She slapped his back, and he chuffed in amusement.
"Stop being stupid! What if you're wounded even worse next time?"
Kai shrugged, undoing some of her work- she was no healer, and the peeling bandages showed her painful efforts- vain in attempt, but not sentiment.
"No one has managed it so far."
She snorted in disgust, and the noise buried the worried sob that had actually been building; his arrogance was a danger, not only to his soldiers but his physical being. He really did think he was immortal. Still, for his sake she held herself together, focusing on her work.
She patched up the rest of the cuts and patted his back again. "Now go get some rest. You'll need it if you're going to lead the march tomorrow. We'll be crossing enemy lines, soon."
Kai rolled his eyes. "As if I need a wetnurse," he grumbled. There were notes of affection in his tone, though, poking through the exasperation, and despite his objections he obeyed.
She waited for his breath to even out, and then she reached forward and brushed her fingertips against one of the scars tracing across his ribs. Then another one, on his chest- and there!- A nick on his throat she had missed.
Kai was an excellent fighter, he was right, he didn't need her protection- but she thought about all the ways he could be hurt, about how his own carelessness could kill him, and tears welled in her eyes, knowing she could only do so little to protect him. One of Kai's hands reached up, clasping around her wrist, and she quickly blinked her tears away. She perked up as his eyes opened and steeled her voice.
"Sorry," she said, "I was just checking these scratches. I didn't mean to wake you."
Kai watched her for a moment, his eyes searching hers. Then his grip and gaze softened.
"...Does it bother you that much?" He asked.
She couldn't contain herself anymore. That spark-bright rage that had been known to jump to General Kai's defense the moment anyone even thought to cast him a ill glance now turned against him. Hot tears, now flooding over the dam of her restraint, poured down her cheeks.
"Of course!" She cried, "Do you know how hard it is, watching you march out to battle every day, you being as stupid and arrogant as you are, when I can't do anything to protect you? Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be so weak?"
She may have barked much more such things at him, half unintelligible through her rageful sobs; she couldn't remember. She couldn't even remember exactly when he had taken her in his arms, or when she had finally lost her breath. All she knew was that she was now sobbing straight into his chest.
Kai just held her for a long while, and then he sighed, shrugging. "I told you that it's hard to care for me. Just ask Oogway."
That only made her more angry, and she sobbed even more. Kai must have realized his mistake, because he then continued, his tone turning slightly more apologetic, urgently so:
"-Not that I don't care! I'm not that stupid, or ungrateful...It's just...It's- you're only-"
She glared up at him, and Kai groaned, cursing, probably loud enough for the occupants of the nearest circle of tents to have heard it and woken from their sleep.
"I'm not trying to- I mean, I just- I don't...Dammit."
Kai held her closer, so much closer that it almost squeezed the breath from her, but then his grip relaxed. He snorted and then released her- but only to cup her face in his hands. His shoulders hunched somewhat, his attempt to make eye-contact on her level.
"I get it, you care about me, for some reason-stupid choice, really- and trying to look after me makes you feel better...but you're only a gnat."
He sighed and pressed his forehead against hers.
"Even so...thank you. For everything...And I will try to be more careful, if it means you won't go into hysterics and scare away all of me and Oogway's allies, or yell at me after every battle."
And then that smirk returned, though a little less mean-spirited than before; but she understood his meaning. Her tears dried, and she smiled a little. Then she reached forward and nipped at him, making him grin and lean away.
"You better!" She snapped, "Or else I'll do more than yell at you!- And you know General Hayou had it coming!"
Kai raised his brows. "He just sneezed in my direction."
"He could have made you sick! He deserved to get chewed out."
Kai snorted in amusement and leaned back onto his cot, pillowing his head on his hands. "I don't get sick. Besides, if it ever came to an actual fight, I think I can handle him."
"He's a crocodile almost twice your size, you arrogant cow!- See, this is why you need me!"
"What? To nibble the ankles of all my enemies?"
"Shut up and get some sleep!"
"You know- maybe we should put you on the front lines tomorrow, instead- you could glare at Fenhua's army, and they'll probably take off running. Would save us a lot of trouble."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "If they know what's good for them, they'll take one look at you and take off running- knowing that I'm right behind you, and knowing what I'll do if they even touch a single strand of your fur."
"What? Nibble their ankles? So scary!"
"And worse."
Kai laughed, finally settling himself down and closing his eyes. "I don't doubt it."
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lemondragoncheesecake · 8 months
Bored: General Kai x Reader Smutfic
Kinks: outdoor, spontaneous, riding, roughness, some mild cum inflation, Kai denying you aftercare because he's a jerk, etc.
It was one of those slower days. There wasn't much to do, now that camp had been cleaned up and you and Kai were traveling again- you never knew where, exactly, for the most part you just followed Kai around wherever he felt like going on this strange mission of his. You never minded, really, just enjoying the ride and his company while it lasted.
But it was a slow day, all the same. Boring, dull, just you, him, the road, and the quiet, bland monotony of the forest for miles all around. That, and the intense silence finally got to you. You sighed loudly.
"I'm borrrrrred," you hadn't intended to whine (you know how he felt about whining), but you couldn't help it; besides, even a little irritation from him might be entertaining.
He glanced at you for a moment, frowning, his eyes roaming up and down your body. Your muscles tensed. Then the corner of his lip slowly turned up in a smirk.
"Bored, huh? Maybe I could help with that."
That was far from the expected response. You paused where you were, and then blinked at him for a moment. Your muscles relaxed. But then confusion turned to curiosity, and you returned his smile. "Oh? How so?"
He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in, his breath warm against your ear. "...Hope you're in the mood."
And with no more than that, he lifted you off your feet and slung you across one of his large shoulders. His head was tilted slightly to the side, avoiding poking you with his horns. The grip he had on you was steady, and one of his hooves squeezed your rear; you didn't have to guess what he wanted. Your face flushed.
He hummed a tune, occasionally bouncing you and chuckling whenever you made a slight grunt or noise of protest. There was a clearing here, isolated save for the ring of trees and brush, and he set you down on a boulder and immediately began to loosen the ties on your clothes. You assisted, heart hammering; oh, this was definitely going to be fun.
For his part, undressing was easier. All he needed to do was take off his belt, and then his cock was free, burgeoning out from his crotch. You saw it, and your legs immediately fell open. Kai chuckled and then gently pinned you against the rock. He wasn't the one for teasing or foreplay, and neither would you have allowed it; you were both impatient, your mutual arousal as sudden as it was consuming, and consume and consummate you did- immediately. He never wasted a second.
Kai released a long, content sigh as he eased his way in, and then he pressed his cheek against yours, the coarse stubble scratching your softer skin. You settled into the stretch with a quiet moan, then wrapped your legs around his broad waist. It had taken much work to get to this point, that he could almost hilt in you, and none of that effort had been easy: but by the gods, was it rewarding.
Then he started thrusting, slowly at first, ensuring you were comfortable and settled before he found a nice pace that suited you both, and the momentum started to build. Kai lifted your leg, placing it over his shoulder. You grunted softly, and then he picked up his pace, hitting some places just right, and you moaned louder. But a little longer, and the position began to wear; the friction on your skin from the rock beneath you was starting to chafe. You winced and reached up, placing a hand on his chest.
"Switch places?" It was a somewhat timid request- it had to be, you never really knew just how Kai would react to certain things, and this was one of them- not that he would ever hurt you physically, of course, such a thing was unthinkable; You just never knew how he'd respond to any given suggestion.
There was a pause. You tensed. He looked down at you for a moment, though those glowing green eyes didn't expose any of his thoughts, even as they searched into yours. You held your breath, wondering to yourself if maybe you had made the wrong suggestion at the wrong time- but then Kai sighed.
Then he gently pulled all of his length out of you and laid on his back on the ground, patting his thigh invitingly.
You sat up. "...We don't have to," You said, "I was just-"
"Just get up here before I change my mind," he said, but there was nothing genuine in the threat. You obediently climbed up, straddling his waist, and he held his member steady as you lowered yourself onto it, though it was already erect enough.
His cock filled you again, and you bit your lip to suppress a moan- though Kai quickly corrected that. He reached up, pressing one the flat end of the cleft that acted as his thumb against your chin, right under your lower lip. His other hand pushed against your inner thigh, spreading your legs a little bit wider. One thrust upwards, rough, fast, and you let out a much louder cry.
"That's better," he chuckled, and laid his head back down. His hoof squeezed your thigh, running up and down the sensitive skin. "I want you loud. Don't make me force you again."
And you made sure he didn't; soon you were moaning shamelessly, gasping his titles between thrusts, screaming his name, your body trembling from the pleasure he worked out of you.
He tilted his head back, running shallow grooves into the soft dirt with his horns. The motion exposed all of his throat to you, and you took the opportunity to kiss his Adam's apple. A rumbling chuckle was his response. The clefts of his hooves ran into the folds of your hips, and then dug in, keeping a steady purchase on you as you gently moved up and down.
Eventually, the pace began to pick up. His snorts came in quicker and faster, and his grip on you tightened- you were going to have bruises, but you couldn't say you cared. The building surge you felt was causing your muscles to tighten, and you gripped his wrists with all your strength (miniscule, compared to his- you wouldn't even leave a mark) just to hold on to something to keep you grounded- and then he grunted again, a lower sound more like a bellow, and then you were screaming his name, and then your mind went entirely, blissfully blank.
Every nerve was alight with ecstasy. The general grunted again, and you felt his cum filling you, felt him move his hips just to keep it from spilling out, and then there was a sense of perverted pride in you: pride that you could take so much of him, and hold his load.
As soon as you thought it was over, you made to climb off of him, but then his grip on your hips tightened. You looked down at him. He smirked.
"I'm not done with you yet," he growled.
Of course, being a Spirit Warrior had its perks: nearly limitless stamina being but one of them. An excited thrill ran down your spine, and blood rushed to your groin anew. Kai grinned and pulled you back down, and you screamed again in delight. Shame was long gone from you; you were alone, anyway, and even if he was taking you in the middle of a crowded spice market you wouldn't have cared.
Kai used you like an object. His cock pounded up into your core, slamming certain nerve bundles just so, his hips forcing yours to move with them or be bashed- and you loved every second of it- tenfold, when he would stop suddenly, full hilt, just as he came. Sometimes you came first, others he did, and the best times came when you both reached that peak together. It was rough and loud and sloppy, and you couldn't ask for better.
Yet another climax was coming, you could feel it in the way his muscles tensed under you, how his pace suddenly increased; then he groaned, his back arching, hilting right at that sweet, sweet moment.
"There you go," he said, his voice barely more than a low, cocky purr, "full enough? Or should I fill you again?"
Now that he had allowed your nerves time to settle down this time (such rare consideration for your mortal state), you could actually feel the other sensations in your body; the soreness, the ever so slightly painful tinge of the bruises from his grip, bruises he rubbed so gently now...how incredibly, satisfactorily full your belly was.
But you couldn't take any more: that was clear. You were soaked in sweat, shaking, and exhausted. You tried to swallow past a throat gone dry and scratchy from all of your cries and screams of pleasure earlier, tried to answer him, but couldn't get anything out. Kai raised his brows, but the smirk on his face was telling. You swallowed and tried again:
"Th-thank you...Sir, but I think...I don't think I can take anymore."
Kai chuckled and released another sigh- longer, softer and more content than any other thus far. He lifted you slightly, then began to pull out of you, a slow process that made even more of a mess, leaving you strangely empty and sore- though you couldn't say you minded much. You shifted, laying on top of him with your head on the pillow of his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, keeping you warm even as your bodies began to cool.
A soft moment- You catching your breath, only you, him letting you, simply enjoying this as it was- and then you heard a noise. You pressed your ear against his chest. It began to vibrate softly, and then a long, low note began to emit from somewhere deep in his belly. A sound he rarely made, save during moments like this- moments when he was truly content and at peace.
You glanced up at his face. He had his eyes closed, his expression softened in a way you had only ever seen once or twice, again only exclusive to these rare occasions. Beneath you, his chest rose and fell and vibrated at an even, soothing rhythm. He wasn't asleep, though: spirit warriors had no need of sleep.
In a way it was almost as if he was obliging you by pretending to sleep whenever you slept, and letting you lay on him like this while you did it. You were very tired, especially after what just happened, but you couldn't help but stay awake and ask just one more little thing from him. Your hand reached up, gently tugging on his moustache. Kai snorted.
"Still bored?" He grumbled, his eyes still closed.
"Hm. Maybe-" his eyes didn't open, but you felt his grip tighten on you again, and he began to grind against you, your rear pressing against the base of his member. You realized the danger you would unwittingly bring on yourself, and you were quick to correct it. "-I mean- no, but..."
Kai stopped grinding and chuffed. His grip loosened. "Hm. Well, if you want, you could get started on the fun part," he said.
That piqued your curiosity. "Fun part?"
He opened one eye slightly, smirking at you. He cast a glance at the clothes strewn everywhere behind you, and then at the mess between your bodies, then back up at you again. His smirk grew.
You gazed at the mess, realized his meaning, and suddenly you felt very exhausted. With a sigh you laid your head back down on his chest. "...Consider my boredom cured," you said.
Kai chuckled and closed his eye again, rubbing your back. "You're welcome."
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satocidal · 7 months
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𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳“15 missed Calls”—Geto Suguru
Synopsis: Suguru wasn’t a jealous or angry man but then you usually didn’t flaunt your ass a round in a tiny dress either- but hey, Halloween’s every girl’s pass at being a whore, right?
── ˚₊✩‧₊ A/n: ok yeah I’m late to post for Halloween but it’s like barely anything to do with it so <3 also I did stray away from what I’d planned to write but then hehe👉👈 also, thanks to @romiyaro for beta and in general (I swear I’ll get pouty! Reader in some Drabble now💀)
── ˚₊✩‧₊ word count: 3.9k
── ˚₊✩‧₊ warnings: MDNI!!smut!!fem! Reader x Suguru; pussy inspection; degradation; jealous (but totally not toxic) Suguru; orgasm denial; hinted power dynamics; reader is more or less a brat; spitting; Suguru is almost a soft dom? It was supposed to be just smut but idk (PWP)
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You stared at him blankly, “Now,” Suguru added, brows raised- a smirk wide on his face as you drop to your knees.
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“I’ll be back late, don’t wait up on me Su’”
A nod he passed mindlessly—“Sure thing babe- just lemme know if I have to pick you up and don’t get wasted, send me a message if you change locations and-”
A heavy pause settled in, you walked in skittishly—a bashful grin on your face, “This ok?” Question which referred your dress in place.
Mostly, it wasn’t ok—definitely not appropriate in the way the small little satin piece hugged your body, so short Suguru was sure you would flash somebody after two drinks.
But it was Halloween—every girl’s free pass at being a whore.
A sigh Suguru let out, “it’s gorgeous, you’re gorgeous…”
Your smile, guilty, only spread further, “..but?”
He smiled, shaking his head, “Nothing, just take care ok?” A step towards you and a turn of his finger to give him a spin—chuckling as you twirled excitedly and then hugged him—he was very sure it would be a long night.
15 missed calls, 25 messages with the same connotation of “are you ok?” And “where are you?”
A single slurred reply to you 40 messages with a “suguwu :)):) m’ kay. Pck me up im 20?”
And with all obviousness, it wasn’t well received at all—so evident in the way tension hung heavy in the car, your seat belt properly holding you in place—his piercing gaze, and the certain placement of his hand on your thigh that kept you as sober as possible.
“Mm sorry,” you slurred out again, head lolling to the side to look at him—stuck at the way his jaw clenched at your words.
Not a word he passed, not a word after that, did you.
And hence, ride back home was quiet, awkward and…in some way, scary.
Click- the door fell shut, locked, entrapping what was of you and Suguru alone in the house.
And just so suddenly, every stitch in the hem of your flimsy red dress began seeming interesting—“What did I tell you?”
You winced and groaned, internally at his tone—“The fact that I trust you to- to, gods,” he paused as if searching for the right words—but you saw it, the switch in his eyes as they darkened just the slightest—“To leave the house dressed as a cheap little whore, one thing I asked for. Your fucked out lil’ brain can’t even do that?”
You stood there in the middle of your apartment, frowning and loosely, berated as a little kid, it seemed.
“Mm’ sorry Su’ it’s just- the girls-”
A sharp glare from him, enough to make your excuses die down your throat—“The girls this and the girls that right? Why was there nobody when I picked you-”
“-I ordered them all Ubers,” you muttered under your breath, a silence resting again.
“And you couldn’t one for yourself, why?”
You paused, hesitated—never once looking at him, “I thought…I thought I had you so…”
That was when Suguru took notice of the pout you held—the one you did all the time, The one he mostly loved.
“Besides,” you began—attention strained on the memory as you thought hard, “I’m not a child to be taken care of, or someone who’ll get lost-”
What you had assumed would quieten everything down only seemed to uproar a side of him you barely saw.
“Excuse me?”
You gulped, hard—“well yeah-”
“Shut the fuck up.” He snapped, moving all so close—“You were down right freezing and shivering when I pulled up, I don’t care what your girls do but your tits were almost hanging out, like a damn slut. Hell, why did you have those 20 dollar bills stuffed in there?”
You almost wanted to chuckle at the last part- it would make for a funny story, but the look on Suguru’s face screamed that it would have to wait till at least, the next day.
“I was alright,” you scoffed, a hand pushing him away—not a budge that it caused in his stance, “The bartender…he was nice- didn’t even let no one come near our drinks and- and even offered me lemons after closing and-”
“-woman,” Suguru interrupted quick, a long sigh withdrawn, “it was me who offered you lemons,”
You waited—a pink tint already dusted your face, ears burning at his words, “oh.”
He sighed again, seemingly recollecting his thoughts as you bit your lip—gods how he adored you—especially when you wobbled slight, wrapping your arms around his torso and pulling yourself into him, head resting in his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled softly, against his body—his hands resting on your sides, “I know you’re a big girl alright? I know you can look after yourself,” he pulled away slight, a kiss landing on your forehead, “but it’s my responsibility too you know? And it was majorly annoying to have you gone like that,”
A nod you passed, again an apology mumbled except this time you were met by the shake of his head.
“No you’re not,” he mumbled, “you do this a lot you know?”
And you do, not informing him of the late night work sessions and what not, not informing him on time of a date cancelled, he was rightfully tired.
“Now, here on I’ll just punish you doll, you can deny it and we’ll go off to sleep and deal with it another time or you can be a good girl, my good girl and take everything because frankly, I’m a little too mad to sleep right now,”
You looked into his words, it wasn’t a bad idea, particularly, you would of course never utter a no.
But then, you knew what it entailed, you knew how it ended last time, how embarrassing but then just how much you loved it too—a nod, all the affirmation provided.
“Strip,” a command from there on, “quick,” he added, eyes boring into your form as he did so.
And strip you did, it wasn’t anything new but just the way your fingers trembled, as did your thoughts as you pulled down the satin dress down—Suguru’s groan was loud, sounding throughout the apartment—your breasts well out easily, “No bra?” And you wanted to snort at the obliviousness of the question, of course, no bra.
“At least tell me you’ve got your panties still on,” you licked your lips, face warmed up at his words—it wasn’t anything new, but then why did that certain tone of condescension feel just so right?
Suguru held back another groan as the white g-string came to his view, the one that he bought, “such a slut,” he whispered.
Over the couch, he motioned you—the sound of his tongue clicking as you stepped forward.
“I’m sure only good girls get to be with dignity,” there on his face, he held a grin which you wanted to slap away too—but all to no avail.
“Crawl” everything in his voice assured you that a brat was not what he would appreciate tonight.
You stared at him blankly, “Now,” Suguru added, brows raised- a smirk wide on his face as you drop to your knees.
It was simply embarrassing, in the way your hips swayed a little as you moved, all that was your dignity remained flitted to that small piece of clothing that you knew Suguru would probably tear away.
Your gaze remained downturned, too ashamed, humiliated to even look him in the eyes—but just one glance and you’d see that amused smirk, the satisfied expression on his face as he took in the sight displayed for him.
You halted near his feet- a ginger lick of your lips, unsure, uncertain on the sequence to be followed, tugging on the hem of his pants in a confused manner.
“Hm? Don’t know what to do? My, and here I thought the big girl was all so smart to do as she pleased,”
You let out a loud whine at his words, startled a little too as he squatted down to your level—“sh,” he muttered, pressing a finger to your lips, “all I want to hear tonight is an actual apology,”
Another nod, tersely you snapped your eyes away, knowing that’s as all you could do tonight.
He hummed along as well, getting up and motioning you with a finger too, “on the couch please doll,” and you were sure what was to come here on.
Across the arm rest you lay, biting your lip—so exposed, so vulnerable and to think he hadn’t shed a single piece of clothing himself.
His fingers were gentle in the way they touched you, you knew he wasn’t mad—but you knew you’d also end up crying by the time he was done.
They traced you gently, over your back, feathery touches to your spine—tickling almost, he bent down just at that too, down to your ear, “Feeling ashamed hm?”
A hum was all to add to his words as you lay yourself easy, tension ebbing away with the way he massaged you—“you know,” he began, “you should be more ashamed of your actions, acting like a brat rather than being ashamed of your pussy and bare ass on display,”
Just at that you wanted the couch to engulf you, you knew that he knew you did—that was the purpose, “You deserve some punishment eh?” A squeal you let you as his pinned you inner thigh, pushing it apart—“should get your pretty little girlfriends too eh? Make em watch since all of you seem like a bunch of sluts to me,”
All in good humour, you reminded yourself, but a small pout found it’s way along your features, as it always did when Suguru got degrading.
“15 spanks,” he mused, “just pink enough right?” — the sentence was ended with another pinch, 15, you but your lip—there would be something more to it.
“15 and you thank me for each, yeah pretty thing? Your pretty head can do that f’me tonight?”
you bobbed your head, not daring to even turn your head and look at him once.
A patient quiet settled in, your body relaxed further—Suguru smiled wide as he looked at you, so perfect for him, “remind me why you’re here sweetheart?”
The sweetness in his vice was sharp still, condescending in every way, “b-because I uh- I…I was out late? Didn’t—did not call o-or inform you-ah!”
Your words simply fell short as the slap landed hard on your ass, so sure to grab it right after and and squeeze—Suguru pulled back, and waited.
“Thank you, Suguru,” you sighed, and you waited right after, expecting the next hit.
“We can stop if it’s too much-”
“-I’ll take it, wanna be a good girl, please i-”
A sharp slap on your right cheek and then the left, aimed carefully, accurately proportional, “atta girl,”
“Thank you,” you groaned at his words, eyes clenched shut, surprised in the way he chose not to hold back in midst of your words—but then, typical Suguru.
Just so, many a times Suguru landed the flat of Palm down on your ass, dusty pink to a rosy one, the process was slow as your backside gained its hue, so pretty.
18 spanks in, Suguru never spanked just the amount he promised, always more—the 19th spank sounded like a crack against your warmed up ass, you didn’t bother showing your gratitude.
A small pause, Suguru chuckled, “nothing? Why don’t I just-” a sharp pain elicited in you bottom half as another slap sounded in the room- a hard spank on your pussy, just hard enough to have you gasping.
“Thank you,” you mumbled out—tears forming at the brink of your eyes now,, form slumping onto the couch, exhausted and spent, sore from the position he’d had you hold so long.
“Bet you are, especially from all this wetness,” another slap on your pussy, “getting wet from your punishment?” Another slap, the tears threatened to spill, at this point, “that’s how sorry you are?”
You wanted to scream at him, thatyou were sorry but it was Suguru and this conversation was nuts to begin with so you remained your quiet, the pout slowly turning to a frown.
“On the couch, legs wide apart,” scrambling to your feet, you detested the way he chuckled as you grabbed onto him for support, the booze never helped and the way you were all so sore from hefty time spent in that uncomfortable position, nothing helped at all,, but that was fine, Suguru was gentle in the way he helped you settle.
“Just a small inspection, ok doll?”
The words and the fate of it came crashing down on you fast.
You gritted your teeth at his words, you knew what that meant—he would find your arousal, shame you for it, punish you maybe and you loved the process, every bit of it.
Sprawled across the couch, feet planted to your side onto the couch, while Suguru rested in the place between, warm breath tickling you, making your hole clench around nothing.
“If I slip these panties down,” you’re weren’t sure why he even bothered asking, the wet spot was all so apparent, “will I find you wet?” Even so, you lay audacious—a shake of your head, his smirk widened.
Fingers hooked into the waist and of your g-string, he pulled quick, not a second wasted , he’d been wanting to do this all evening.
An amused raise if his brow, eyes stuck at the string of your juices that worked its way from your pussy to the gusset of your flimsy panties.
There, finally, in all its glory, your pussy lay glistening with arousal under his gaze—“liar,” he grinned as he stared at it hungrily, “such a fuckin’ liar,” he repeated, almost in a daze.
Subconsciously though, your hips rolled, almost lifting to feel his touch, another set of clicking sounds, “don’t act like a cheap whore, you think I’ll just touch your pussy like that?”
Your eyes watched him, confused, as they stared down at his form in between your legs, kneeling for you, hair tied back.
“Need to see if this pussy’s still worth it babe,” and soon enough, everything made sense—a whine of disagreement rose through you, a glare from him acted enough a filter.
“Please, I’m sorry-”
“-prove it doll,” was all he muttered as he dove his fingers onto your pussy, mindful to only cause discomfort as he prodded at your folds, no more or less.
“Let’s see…” he snickered, “gods,” he chuckled, “think I gotta clean all of this before I can even start eh?”
Your eyes bounced around ditzy, you wanted just him, anything—“but the question is do we do this the right way and I wipe you clean? Or…” and all before the statement even came to its end, Suguru had dived in, pressed his hot tongue flat against your folds, basking in the gasp that you let out.
A sharp inhale you took as he pulled away just as fast, his eyes stuck onto yours, “I think cheap whores like you shouldn’t get the better end of the stick so…” with that, you cursed internally at the box of wipes that Suguru and you kept on the coffee table all the time—you cursed as the pulled out three tissues with ease.
“It’s supposed to cause discomfort so be prepared for that but if it hurts or is too much, let me know, ok?”
You nodded at his words, nervousness flickering on your face and he chuckled, squeezing your wrist slight—little comfort that it provided.
The first dab was ginger, as if testing his boundaries, soon came the second and then the third—until Suguru was easily navigating and cleansing you, almost felt infantilising.
How so very humiliating indeed.
“That’s your apology hm?” The smile jo longer rested on his face, “look at only me when I’m down here,” he added, noticing the slight hang of your head and almost closed off eyes.
“Such a naughty girl that you are,” he mused, “am I to believe you got this turned on from a spanking? Or was it something your girls did hm?” A sharp smack that ended on your hardened clit, he stroked it a little while he was there, “how absolutely pathetic doll,”
Shame blanketed you slight, not covering all of what you wanted for you still remained absolutely naked and open on for him, a satisfied hum he passed, tossing away the second tissue after dragging it from your slit all the way down to your other hole.
“Now that I begin inspecting my girl,” he chuckled at the pout you’d held the entire while, “you brought this upon yourself baby,”
And you had, but particularly, Suguru did think you held up better than most times.
You watched as he eyes your pussy, unsure of how to embarrass you further—he grinned, “my my, it’s so pink underneath all that slick hm? Almost as pink as your sweet ass,” with that he landed a sharp slap to your ass, just as a reminder—giggling at your squeal.
Thick fingers spread apart your folds slowly, tracing it over your pussy lips—a tickling sensation, “is your cunt clean enough to be used hm?”
You let out a sigh as he pulled at your folds, making sure to not once lay a finger on your clit—yet accurate enough to just pull back the hood of it.
“Is it clean enough that I can use your little hole now as a cum dump?” His fingers patted down onto your bare cunt, relishing in the wetness that seeped out your hole—“maybe you don’t deserve it all hm?”
With that, Suguru spit on your cunt, the wetness only ever grew as he Smeared it around, “had to make sure,” he snickered mischievously, “that this pussy’s still mine.”
You wanted to whine and groan, shove his head into your pussy so he eat you until you cried—but you know, you knew all too well that any attempts would only get your hands tied and mouth gagged with your soiled panties.
Suguru hummed, snapping his fingers, “eyes on me doll—now, I think, from the outside, you’re ok,” he smirked, “but I’d need to check the inside too right?”
You nodded at his words mindlessly, of course anything he said would he correct, “you’re lucky I’m not mad at ya, would’ve made ya bounce on that dildo of yours till ya’ cried,”
And by now, your patience was running low—Suguru was a tease, apparent from the way your clit itself twitched for his contact, your hips rolled and hole clenched uselessly—you were dying to fight back.
But you wouldn’t, because Suguru demanded a good girl tonight.
A finger moved into you slow, very slow, hips bucked only to be pushed down harshly by Suguru at that—“Take only what I give you,” he warned, loving the feel of your walls clenching about his finger.
You were to watch him, sure but nothing mattered anymore as your head fell back—“please,” you whimpered, “just a little more.”
He smiled at the way your face contorted about his thick finger, slow as he moved it about, a circular motion and then pushing it against your walls before pulling away entirely.
The slick coated his finger just as before, only this time He brought to his mouth still, tasting you right there and humming.
“Good as always,” he muttered, eyeing carefully your ministrations, “please Suguru,” you cried out, “touch me p-please,”
Tricky slope.
Suguru was going to touch you anyways, of course he would but your statement only ever pushed away the ebbing orgasm he would’ve provided.
“Of course, my love,” he grinned—slyly before pushing in two fingers roughly into your hole—loving just how you gasped and mewled about it.
Then again, nothing mattered to you anymore.
"S-S—Suguruuu, harder... please. Moremoremore!" your begs fell in a hoarse voice.
“A sweet spot already?” A toothy grin he held as he pumped the two fingers into you slowly, loving the way your eyes rolled back at his touch.
Your thighs were spread out wide on the couch — raised now in the air as he leaned his body close, reaching knuckle deep and curling his thick fingers up into a gummy spot that made you shudder and grip a cushion.
"Ouh, Fuck! Sugu—"
“Ah, ah, ah, only apologies I said, right?” His tone was so soft even so, almost heavenly that you felt.
You pinch your bottom lip between your teeth as he hits deep strokes and massages his fingertips into your gummy walls— sticky juices are all over his hand because of all that cleansing he worked out of you earlier. Suguru smiled to himself, knowing you wouldn’t appreciate getting that couch wet with your juices in the morning—to hell with that.
You looked cute, as you gasped and moaned in his fingers—he took note of the ever present pout on your lips, oh how he wanted to fuck it out of you—but then, the mean thrusts diluted down to gentle strokes soon enough, boy was he soft for you.
Suguru was doting still, knowing that no way you could’ve taken his cock without prep—struggling with even his fingers tonight, he loved being bigger than you.
Bigger, faster, harder and merciless as they pursue your orgasm.
"Gonna cum and make a mess for me again? Yeah?"
"Yes! Please, pleasepleaseplease — make me cum!" you whisper frantically against him.
He chuckled when you moan, pumping his fingers faster and faster, fingering at your clit with his other hand to tip you over the edge.
“Nothing unless I allow it,” he announced finally, ah—that was why he’d been lenient earlier—gods how you hated him.
He studied you intently as your orgasm built up, if only that was his focus onto other things— maybe if he would have had the same determination in general as he does now when finding your G-spot, then he perhaps wouldn’t have struggled with daily life issues as much as he had to.
Suguru's dampened forehead rested against your thighs. He felt the radiating heat of your pussy in this proximity. Those dark eyes never stop staring at you, making sure you're as flustered as possible even in this pleasure-drunk state.
"Fuck... you're gushing..." he says in awe, " 'promise to lick my fingers clean after, yeah?" he rasps against you.
"Yes yes yes!" you say. He's pretty sure that you would have said yes to anything right then; you were so blissed by the way his fingers worked into your soaking hole, by the way they stretched you open just right.
The apartment was filled entirely, with the sound of your gushing pussy squelching with his thrusts—so tempted to attach his tongue onto your cunt but he knew you’d never be able to control yourself after that.
But to tease you was the goal—just slightly, almost a feathery touch he lay on your clit as he began rubbing it again, “shit doll, I do think your pussy’s worth turning a cum dump into,” you groaned at his words—mind almost mush as you chased your high, clenching at his fingers—until he pulled out immediately.
Until your high entirely ebbed away.
A confused and betrayed look you passed him, “wa-wait what? Suguru-! I-”
He simply giggled at your state, slapping your ass one more time as he got up and away, “you’re an idiot if you thought you’d be cummin’ t’night,”
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All of this work is entirely original and my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
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lovelyhan · 1 year
Kai hi! Don't know how and why but, I've been experiencing severe Seventeen brainrot in general so, I'm here to supply hard thoughts. (Also, I reread the JeongCheol x Reader trilogy you wrote and it remains a favourite of mine.)
I don't know who to start with so, I'll go with my man lol. The thought of being forced to cum on Cheol's ridiculously thick fingers makes me need to sit down. You know he'd be running his mouth too and, telling you how good you're doing for him.
the svt brainrot is well-deserved <3 and JAAHFJHD i'm so touched you reread inflection point thank you so much TT BUT HELLO? being forced to cum on cheol's fingers.... [kai.exe has stopped working]?!??!?
it kind of reminds me of the oneshot i wrote after he posted those pics on ig :| his fingers,,, what i'd do to get to cum around them /gen,, you can treat this drabble as a short continuation to that fic :3c
⟣ forced orgasm with cheol ⟢ wc: 0.8k words minors do not interact!
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Choi Seungcheol is a man of his word.
When he tells you he'll pick you up at seven o'clock on a Friday evening despite his harrowing schedule, he'll pull up at the curb in front of your apartment with five minutes to spare. When he promises to call you every night he's away on tour, he'll phone you despite the time differences, and the fact that he sounds way too tired to be asking you about your day.
So when your boyfriend promises to stuff you full the next time you see each other, you know better than to call his bluff.
About twenty minutes since he hung up, you hear the telltale knocking on your door. You don't bother putting your underwear back on -- fully confident of the identity of your late-night visitor.
It's safe to say that when Seungcheol sees you behind the crack in the door wearing nothing but a flimsy tank top with your pert nipples straining against the fabric, you were completely at his mercy.
You don't even make it back to your room. Seungcheol simply brushes past you and makes himself comfortable on your couch -- dark eyes hooded with equal parts arousal and disappointment as he manspreads all over the cushions. Fuck.
"If I wasn't the one who was outside, what would've you done then?" he asks gruffly. "I didn't know you were such a fucking slut, princess. Answering the door wearing nothing but that top of yours. Might as well have done it naked."
You humor him with a laugh before striding over to take a seat on one of his thighs, making a mess of his sweatpants as you rub your needy pussy all over the fabric.
"That's just how badly I need you, Cheol," you whimper, sliding your hips against his thigh for the friction you've been craving since you saw those pictures he posted. When you feel those big, warm hands of his sliding up your thighs, you can't help the moan that spills from your lips.
"Turn around and sit on my lap," he commands, and you're much too willing to comply.
The moment your back is pressed against his broad chest, Seungcheol pries your legs apart -- gathering your slick between his fingers before prodding your lips with them. When your boyfriend whispers a quiet, "That's my girl," you practically preen at his praise.
And that's how you find yourself writhing on your boyfriend's lap as he fucks you open on his thick, large fingers -- whining and crying as your walls clamp down on each digit. Seungcheol deigned to start with three, as you've already loosened yourself up during that sultry phone call you shared before he came over, and he delights in how depraved you are from his mere fingers alone.
"Such a good fucking girl for me, aren't you?" he rasps, sinking those digits into your cunt before curling them just so. "You miss me that much, baby? Want to keep me all to yourself?"
"F-Fuck, Cheol!"
You can't even bring yourself to respond. He's so thick, and so, so deep, and he hasn't even brought out his dick yet. But when your brain manages to make you remember how you felt seeing all those fans thirsting for your boyfriend, you end up hissing through your teeth as you grind down on his hand.
"Mine, mine, mine. You're mine," you mewl, barely hearing the sound of Seungcheol's amused laughter before he smashes your lips together.
"All yours, princess," he whispers, and you cry out when those few, subtle words end up becoming the catalyst for your inevitable release.
But even as your walls spasm around his fingers, Seungcheol is relentless. He continues fucking into your cunt with unending fervor -- as if he means to engrave the idea of how much he's missed you as well into your body. You're practically twitching on his lap as he mumbles an incoherent string of words against the skin of your neck, but you're not exactly in the right headspace to tell him off.
"My beautiful baby, always so pretty when you cum for me," is what you first hear when the white noise finally recedes from your ears. You realize that you're still moving your hips despite the overstimulation, so fucking desperate to have any part of him inside you again. "You want more? I've fucked you stupid with my fingers alone, and you still want more?"
You do. You do want more.
"I remember a certain someone saying he'll blow my back out the moment he's back here with me," you sigh, tilting your head so you can kiss the corner of his mouth. "Is he going to make good on his promise?"
The ravenous glint in his eyes is enough of an answer. After all...
Choi Seungcheol is a man of his word.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
fool for you ~ jjk | final
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you have to decide if jeon jungkook is perfectly wrong for you.
✨ title: fool for you | ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader ✨ word count: 7.7k | ✨ rating: R ✨ genre/au: romance, light angst, fluff | college, fake dating, strangers to friends to lovers ✨ warnings: language, jk is a sweet dummy, but we love him anyway, jieun is just as insecure as reader and jungkook (yes, i'm trying to make y'all feel bad for her), confessions, taehyung's a good friend, time skip, jin's shoulders (you'll understand when you see the photo), yoongi shows up again, kissing, making out, marking, a smol, not so smol erection 🙈, groping, touching ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: okay, so, i'm just not happy with how this fic went T_T i literally have no one to blame but myself! the end of part 4 was actually never supposed to happen, but i wrote it in anyway *facepalm* i was stressed for days bc i'm like how do i redeem this cute, fluffy couple?? *sigh* but i tried my best(?), and i *do* explain why jk did what he did, and if you don't like it, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk what to tell you. anyway, sorry for the rant, but i just wanted to thank @here4btsfics for listening to me ramble about this fic and talking me through some plot points. ily. ✨ a/n 2: this is also not beta'd bc well, i'm impatient af. so if you see typos, that's why lol. ✨ if y'all want any cute or smutty (must be off anon) drabbles with this couple, just drop it in my inbox :) ✨ Any feedback, reblogs, and asks are appreciated.
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Jungkook was ashamed of his actions at the carnival. It wasn't fair that he kept the kissing booth from you. Instead of letting it unravel as it did, he should have told you the truth. He didn't want to do what 'old Jungkook' would have done to make Jieun jealous. Because you had nothing in common with her. You were thoughtful and generous. And he realized he was bringing out a side of you you didn't know you had until he showed up - and that wasn't fair.
But he did enjoy that you took ownership of him, dragging him away from the line of girls. That was sexy for him, but that's beside the point. He made a mistake and needed to make amends before it was too late.
So, he got up early and put on some decent clothing besides his standard oversized shirt and sweats. He double-checked his reflection in the mirror. Before opening the door, he tugged at the collar of the brown flannel and flattened the black slacks. However, he was greeted by none other than his ex.
"What are you doing here?" he deadpanned.
Jieun somehow looked like shit today. With barely there makeup, hair in a bun, an oversized hoodie, and leggings. "Can we talk?"
He stepped through the threshold, closed the door behind him, waited for her to continue, and was displeased to see her.
Jungkook eyebrows knitted together in confusion, thinking okay, then leave.
"I'm moving back to New York." Jieun had mentioned it when they were still together, but she never made the decision.
"'Kay, have a safe trip then," he mumbled, stepping aside from her. He had places to go anyway.
Jieun put her hand out to stop him. "Kook–we're going to leave things like this?"
Jungkook clicked his tongue. "What do you want me to say, Jieun?"
She shrugged. "I don't know…are you going to miss me? Us? The way we used to be?" Jieun had been kicking herself ever since she had slept with Jimin. She had no idea how lucky she was with Jungkook. She was certain she had lost him and could not get him back. She reasoned that the best way to let go of Jungkook was to start over in a new city, far away from all the pain and suffering she had caused.
Jungkook wasn't made of stone. He'd been with her for a year. Although their relationship was mostly physical, they had fun together. She was fun to party and sleep with, but he couldn't see himself with her in the future. Their relationship was never more than that. Was he to blame? Hers? Perhaps both. Could it be that they hadn't met the right person with whom to do all that 'relationship' stuff?
He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." Jungkook didn't want to be a jerk. After the fiasco with her and Jimin, many of her friends completely abandoned her. He could tell she was lonely.
Jieun chuckled, reaching for the fuzzy pink bunny keychain attached to his keys. "Remember when you tried so hard to win that for me?"
Jungkook peered at the keys in his hand.
"Was that our first date?"
Jungkook nodded.
"You spent so much money. And I swear that game's rigged, plus that guy wasn't letting you off the hook either," the two of you chuckled at the memory.
"And then at the end, when you won it, you said you worked so hard for it that you were going to keep it." She leaned over, trying to catch his gaze. "See, we did have fun together."
He wasn't sure where she was going with this. Maybe she needed some sort of forgiveness or closure from him to move on with a new chapter of her life.
"I know you hate me, Kookie—"
Jungkook interrupted. "I don't hate you." Even though she has hurt him, he does not believe he will ever hate her, and he will never in his heart hate anyone. "I was upset and hurt, but I could never hate you."
With the number of women Jungkook had dated, one would think he was a fuckboy, but he was quite the opposite. He was always true to the person he was dating, which was one of many lessons his parents taught him.
Jieun smiled half-heartedly. "Kook, you're only saying that because you have a good heart. That is one of the many reasons I will never forget you." She moved in closer, fiddling with his shirt collar. "I know you don't owe me anything, but can I ask one thing from you, and then I promise you'll never have to see me again?"
Was she really going to be out of his life for good? She'd been a menace since she saw you and Jungkook together. But, out of the goodness of his heart, he would trust her one more time. "What is it?"
"Can you kiss me like you mean it?"
Jungkook let out a scoff. "Are you kidding me?"
After everything she's put him through, she dared to ask this of him. Jieun was at the top, having everything handed to her on a silver platter. Only now to be at the bottom, searching for anyone to talk to her. So Jungkook was her last resort because she knew he had a good heart even though she had hurt him.
"I know it's stupid to ask of you, but I love you, Kook. I just…I just want to remember us–you like how we used to be, you know…before…." She paused, not wanting to bring up her infidelity again. Her guilty conscience ate her alive, sucking her in like there was no tomorrow. She knew she messed up a good thing when she asked Jungkook to kiss her, going in knowing he'd say no, but she couldn't help but try.
"If I do this, you'll stop trying to come between Y/n and me?" Jungkook didn't know for sure if she'd go back on her word. But considering she was moving back to New York, he was putting his faith and trust in her.
She extended her pinky, hoping he'd reciprocate. He hesitated but chose the kiss over the pinky promise. He kissed her but felt nothing because he didn't have feelings for her—it was you. Jungkook knew he'd have to tell you about Jieun's kiss. He knew telling you was risky, but he'd rather tell you the truth than a lie.
Jungkook pulled away, cupping her face, gazing into her eyes one last time. "Goodbye, Jieun."
Jieun began to back away. He quickly opened the door to his room, closed his eyes, and exhaled deeply. He now had to find the strength to tell you he had kissed his ex and then confess his feelings. He anticipated you to reject him and move on.
Jieun noticed you approaching as she walked to the hall entrance. Jealousy resurfaced in her body as she realized she'd never get back on Jungkook's good side. Jieun did what she was good at—-she mocked you, saying you'd lost. But she was only saying those things to make herself feel better, even though she was miserable. She was well aware that she couldn't compete with you. Jungkook had fallen head over heels when she saw you kiss him at the party. She wished you would treat Jungkook a million times better than she could.
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"I might kiss you," he whispered.
"I might just let you."
Every fiber of Jungkook's wanted to kiss every inch of you. Wanted to know your ins and outs, wanted to see what you loved, what your body craved, but he stopped himself. He thought, what was he doing? This isn't how he wanted to treat you. He wanted to treat you better than anyone he's been with before.
"I'm sorry… I'm sorry. I'm being stupid and selfish and thinking with my dick instead of my head," he said, pulling back from you.
You couldn't believe how much you wanted to kiss him despite knowing he had kissed his ex-girlfriend. You hadn't even bothered to ask why he did it. "We're both stupid," your voice trembling, "I just saw you kissing your ex, and now I'm about to kiss you as well. I should...I should leave," you said as you turned to unlock the doorknob.
"Wait–do you even want to hear my explanation?"
You sighed, turning back to him. "What's there to explain Jungkook? You'll always be with girls like Jieun, and I'm not in her league. So I understand if you want to rekindle your relationship with her. People like you deserve to be together."
"So, you won't even give me a chance to explain? And what do you mean, people like us deserve to be together?"
"It's nothing–I…should go before I say something I regret."
"I was kissing her goodbye!" Jungkook cried out because he felt you would leave before he could explain himself.
You shook your head and scoffed. "That's some goodbye kiss. Bye, Jungkook."
"Look, I know you don't owe me anything, but can we just talk about this?"
You weren't sure what else there was to explain. This all started because you decided to shoot your shot with Jungkook. Then agreed to be his fake girlfriend and ended up liking him because he seemed like a decent enough guy. But in the end, it was you who was a fool.
If Jungkook truly cared about you as a friend, he would have told you about the kissing booth. He wouldn't have kissed all those girls in front of you if he was a good fake boyfriend.
But unfortunately, he was neither of those.
"You wanna talk?" you took a step toward him, pressing your hand on his chest, pushing him back. "Let's talk."
Jungkook was taken aback by your sudden boldness. He walked backward until he hit his bed and sat down.
"You could've told me about the kissing booth–as your fake girlfriend, that was unfair. Why are we pretending to date if you want to go around kissing other girls? If you were sucking faces with other girls, Jieun might not have cared, but I'm not her, and I care. I understand you had unfinished business with Jieun, but did you have to kiss her too? I was naïve to believe I could be friends with you because I didn't know who I was kidding when I tried to separate my romantic feelings from you. And, despite my best efforts, I fell for you."
Jungkook had previously had girls confess their feelings for him, but this was different. This felt real---genuine. You sounded like you were speaking from the heart. He's never had a confession like that before. After hearing everything, a part of him wanted to flee. He was afraid of not being good enough for you, especially after his actions. You deserved better than anything he could ever give you. He had no idea what you saw in him.
You stared at Jungkook and then at the floor, waiting for him to say something. "Well, you said you wanted to talk."
He paused to gather his thoughts before moving toward you while maintaining his distance. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his hands were sweating profusely. He was never good at having deep conversations.
"I'm sorry for not telling you about the kissing booth. I did it to make you jealous, to see how far you would go for me. I know it's stupid—you don't have to tell me twice."
Your eyes caught his for just a moment before looking away.
Jungkook let out a sigh. "I'm also sorry about Jieun. I won’t try to explain it further because I should have said no to her. But I was on my way to see you before she arrived. I came to tell you how much I like you and how I'm afraid of being in a real relationship because I'm afraid I'll mess up. And getting to know you over the last few weeks has made me realize you're far too good for me. That you are deserving of better than anything I could ever offer. I understand if you don't want to be friends or see me again, but I felt you should know how I felt about you."
His doe eyes explored your face trying to figure out what you were thinking. "So, what now?"
You shrugged. "I don't know, Jungkook. This whole thing is a mess." He nodded. "Maybe we should just stay friends."
"You still want to hang out with me?"
"Not like how we used to. At least for a little bit."
You needed time to recover. To keep your distance from Jungkook. To regain your footing. Get in the right frame of mind because everything Jeon Jungkook has clouded your judgment.
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Everyone had final exams and presentations during the last week of school before the summer break. Fortunately, you only had one more exam before finishing your junior year.
It was a beautiful day to sit outside and study for your exam, so you did just that. You sat down beneath your favorite oak tree on campus, took out your world-lit book and notes, and flipped through your scribbled notes.
You looked up to see Taehyung running over to you. Great, now what? You thought. "Hey," you replied, thinking you should be nice.
"Where are you headed for the summer?" he asked, inviting himself to sit next to you.
You found it odd because he's never struck up a conversation with you before. "I'm heading to my Aunt's in San Francisco," you said reluctantly, wondering where he was going with all of this.
You set down your book and notes, glaring at him." Why are you here, Taehyung?"
"Damn–a guy can't be curious? Sheesh–what's got your panties in a twist?" Taehyung cocked his brow.
You deadpanned, waiting for him to explain why he was talking to you.
"Okay–I'm here to talk about Jungkook."
You continued to stare blankly at him. You needed to understand what Jungkook had to do with anything. It's been a week since you last saw or spoke to him. You two agreed just to be friends and nothing else.
Taehyung cleared his throat, adjusting his position. "I need you to take him back."
"What? What do you mean?"
"He's been mopey and lovesick ever since you stopped dating. It's quite sickening to see it unfold in front of my eyes. All he can think about is how much he misses you, how much he misses hanging out with you, how much he misses this and that. He literally wears your hair tie as jewelry around his wrist. When you think about it, it's kind of creepy." For a brief moment, he looked off into the distance. "Anyway–all this to say is, for the love of god, please get back together with him. I can't stand him being like this anymore. I'm gonna fucking scream."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his request. It's strange how the tables have flipped. You were head over heels in love with Jungkook, and now you were the polar opposite. Granted, you were still trying to suppress your feelings for him, but hearing him be so lovesick over you made your heart skip a beat.
"He didn't tell you, did he?"
"Tell me what? That you guys were fake dating? He told me what went down after the kissing booth. I told him he was dumb for kissing all those girls if he really liked you, told him he should've just been honest with you from the get-go."
Wow–you definitely weren't expecting this conversation when Taehyung sat down next to you.
"Did Jungkook tell you to say all of this?"
Taehyung gave you a funny look. "What? No. I came here on my own accord. Just because I like to party and sleep around doesn't mean I don't care about my friends. Jungkook has always been there for me when I needed him, so I'm returning the favor. You can accept it as is or continue to make assumptions about my intentions."
"Sorry," you mumbled, "I hope you understand why I'm cautious about everything. But you understand why, right?"
"I get it. Jungkook hurt you by not being upfront about his feelings, but it's never too late to start over again."
"You're a good friend, Taehyung."
He flashed a boxy smile at you. "I know."
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Arriving back at your dorm after dinner, you couldn’t stop thinking about your conversation with Taehyung. Your heart wanted to forgive Jungkook right away, but your head told you to slow down because that's how you got into trouble in the first place.
Your room was empty due to you and Lyla’s things being packed up and stored for the summer. Laying on your bed, a ding from your phone went off.
Jungkook 9:27 PM Hey. When are you leaving?
You 9:28 PM I’m leaving tomorrow. My flight is at 2.
Jungkook 9:29 PM Is it okay if I talk to you tomorrow before you leave?
You 9:30 PM Yeah. Meet me outside of my hall. Around 10?
Jungkook 9:31 PM Great! I’ll see you then!
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The following morning, you woke up extra early to prepare for whatever Jungkook needed to talk to you about. You stood in front of the mirror, telling yourself, 'No' several times.
"What are you doing, weirdo?" Lyla asked as she came in, brushing past you to get her toothbrush.
"I'm hyping myself up to say no to Jungkook."
Lyla snickered, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush. "Uh-huh. Good luck with that, babe."
"You're very encouraging. Thanks," you said sarcastically.
She placed a kiss on your cheek before beginning to brush. "You're very welcome!"
You could see Jungkook waiting outside your hall's lobby as you walked through it. One thing you liked about him was that he was always on time. When you opened the door, it creaked loudly, alerting him to your presence.
Jungkook peered at you, sending a soft smile. "Hey."
"Hi," you answered with a thin smile, standing next to him.
"You look beautiful today."
Jungkook looked effortlessly good. He could never look bad if you were honest. He could wear a garbage bag, and you'd be on your knees. Today, however, he wore a blue and white windbreaker with a white tee and ripped jeans. You wished things had gone differently for the two of you.
You crossed your arms and mumbled, 'thank you,' curious why he wanted to talk. Perhaps he was trying one last time to convince you to be more than just friends. You'd think about it, but that was your heart, not your head. You knew better, and you'd been practicing saying one word, two letters, and 'no' all morning.
"You wanted to talk to me about something?"
"Yeah, um, I know we're just gonna be friends, and I'm totally cool with that,  but I was wondering if you'd mind if I texted you this summer? Not all the time, but occasionally, just to check in on you and stuff?"
Okay, you thought. This is progress. You could do this–texting. It was pretty harmless, right? And it'd only be once in a while. Because one thing was for sure, you didn't want to go all heart eyes for him so quickly.
"Yeah, I think that'd be okay." Jungkook beamed when you said okay. "And where will you be this summer?"
"I'll be at my uncle's in Seattle. Gonna spend time with him and my Aunt. You should come to visit." You let out a chuckle, and then Jungkook realized what he had asked of you. "Sorry–I'm getting ahead of myself there."
"'S okay," you said. You found Jungkook's eagerness adorable. "Anything else?" You were hoping that was the only thing because you feared the longer you were in his presence, the more you'd want to give in to him.
"I hope you have a good summer," he said, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets and glancing at you.
"I'll talk to you soon?"
You nodded, watching him walk away ahead of you. "Jungkook!" He turned around, his doe eyes wide open. It took everything you had not to say everything that was on your mind, but you had to bite your tongue. "Have a good summer."
His dimple was deeply etched into the softness of his cheek, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile. He gave one last wave before departing.
When he was out of sight, you breathed a sigh of relief. Wanting to pat yourself on the back because you didn't let on more than you should. Your answers to his questions were short and concise, without hounding for more. Whew.
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~ One month later ~ 
Staying at your Aunt's was great. You loved San Francisco. It was a completely different vibe from southern California. The weather was breezy, the sun was always out, and there were many things to do in the Bay Area.
Halfway into the month and you hadn't heard anything from Jungkook. It's not like you were jumping at every notification when your phone buzzed, but he did say he would text you.
"Why do you keep looking at your phone?" Your Aunt Jo asked, peering at your screen.
You flipped your phone over to hide your lock screen. "I'm not," you countered.
"You're waiting on a boy, aren't you?"
Flashing a thin smile, you quipped back at her. "I'm not."
"He'll call you, don't worry so much. It always happens when you're least expecting it."
Your Aunt's had her fair share of men and women, and tonight was no different. The new guy she was seeing insisted on cooking for her.
"Aunt Jo–how do you meet these guys?" you asked, wanting to know her secret. The new guy, Jin, was young, tall, handsome, and a chef in town with a hot new restaurant.
"Friend of a friend," she said with a cheeky smile. "He's cute, isn't he?"
You couldn't help but give him a once-over. Those shoulders were big enough to land a plane. You shielded your mouth with your hand, whispering, "Super cute."
"Okay, ladies. Are you ready to try my famous dish?" Jin asked, bringing over two plates with seared scallops on a bed of quinoa, apple salad, and butternut squash puree. You'd never had anything this fancy before.
"Thank you, baby," Aunt Jo flirted at the handsome man, reaching for a kiss, which he reciprocated.
A ding from your phone resounded through the kitchen. You eagerly reached for it but stopped yourself.
"You're not gonna see if it's your boyfriend?" Aunt Jo teased before taking a bite of her scallop. She groaned at the heavenly taste.
It was going to bug you if you didn't check. You grabbed your phone and nothing but a measly email. You're not sure why you were getting so worked up. You were the one that told Jungkook you only wanted to be friends, but here you were, glued to your phone in case he texted.
You sighed, trying to get a grip. You had integrity and dignity, and you weren't going to break down just because a boy hadn't texted you.
So, instead, you opened up your camera, taking a picture of this beautiful dinner. Then just as Aunt Jo had said, another ding indicating a picture message was sent to you.
Clicking on the bubble, it was a message from Jungkook.
Jungkook 7:36 PM This corn dog isn't as good as the one we had at the pier.
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You 7:37 PM
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Jungkook 7:38 PM Where's the rest of the entree?!
You 7:39 PM wdym?? 😂 That's it!
Jungkook 7:40 PM You should demand to get your money back. You were scammed.
You 7:41 PM This is fine dining! My aunt's boyfriend made this. He's a chef at a place called Trestle.
Jungkook 7:41 PM Fine dining, hmm? You like that stuff?
You 7:42 PM Idk. Never really cared for the finer things in life.
Jungkook 7:43 PM I'm offended! What about me?
You 7:43 PM 😂 Are you trying to get me to compliment you?
Jungkook 7:44 PM 😎
You 7:45 PM 😒 You're okay-looking. You should see my aunt's boyfriend. He's mighty fine.
"Earth to my favorite niece in the whole wide world! Remember to eat! You've been smiling ever since you picked up your phone."
"Have not!" you protested.
"My Jin can attest to that. Can't you?"
"Jojo is right. You've been smiling like a creepy doll and have yet to try my food, and that's an insult to me," Jin teased.
"Let me take a picture of you." Jin turned to you, giving you a smolder and pouty lips. "Thanks!" you said, returning to your phone.
"Wait–wait! Jinnie, take your shirt off!" Jo cried as Jin turned back around.
"Aunt Jo!"
"If you're going to make this boy jealous, might as well do it right." Your aunt gave her boyfriend a pouty face and he willingly did what she asked. He tugged his shirt off, telling you to get his best side, which apparently was his back side. And well, you couldn't disagree. Jungkook would definitely be jealous of Jin's worldwide shoulders.
You 7:50 PM
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You 7:51 PM Blame my Aunt Jo. She suggested it. Anywho, time for dessert now. Byeee.
You have yet to hear back the rest of the night from Jungkook. It was good for you to be the first to end the conversation because, knowing you, you could text him all night, which would defeat the purpose of just being friends. You wanted to be cautious about becoming friends with him because it was all too easy to cross the line again.
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~ Two months later ~
Texts with Jungkook were simple, a little flirty, but nothing more than that. He'd send you random pictures of things he was doing or food he'd be eating, and you did the same. Harmless and cute. Distance from him was a good thing, keeping you from getting in trouble.
Your goal this summer was to explore new things to do and see in San Francisco. Your Aunt and Jin helped by giving you a bucket list.
On today's list was Alcatraz. You weren't a fan of boats, but it was the only way to get onto the island. The nice thing was you had a friend to accompany you on this trip. Yoongi made a surprise visit, checking out a doctorate program in the area. He mentioned wanting to check it when he was your TA, so you thought it'd be fun to explore with him.
Jungkook 1:11 PM Made it to the gum wall.
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You 1:20 PM 🤢 Don't get sick. Did you put one on there too?
Jungkook 1:21 PM 😎 Ofc I did. What's your view rn?
You 1:23 PM
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Jungkook 1:24 PM Fun. You have a visitor today?
You 1:30 PM Yeah, he's checking out another school here.
Jungkook 1:31 PM Cool. Have fun!
"Who's that? Lover boy?" Yoongi teased.
You glared, tucking your phone away in your back pocket. "I don't have a lover boy," you huffed at him.
"What happened with you two, anyway?"
You shrugged, not really wanting to go into detail about your whole ordeal with Jungkook. What happened, happened and now the two of you were just friends.
"Well, whatever happened, just don't be so hard on yourself. You both probably screwed up, and neither of you is perfect, so learn from it and move on," Yoongi said casually, moving on with the rest of the tour group.
Shaking your head, you chuckled at his words. He was never a man of many words but you appreciate him for caring about you.
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~ Three months later ~
You 10:27 AM
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What's good here?
Jungkook 10:30 AM
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What's good here? You're in Seattle? 🥲
You 10:32 AM YOU'RE IN SF?! 😩 This is like a missed connections ads lol
Jungkook 10:33 AM I guess this is what happens when all we do is send pictures, huh? 😅
You 10:34 AM Guess so lol
Jungkook 10:35 AM Have fun in Seattle.
You 10:36 AM Have fun in SF. I'll see you when we get back to school?
Jungkook 10:36 AM Definitely 💛
"What happened? You look sad," Aunt Jo mentioned when she saw the frown on your face.
"Oh, it's nothing," you stated with a wry smile, stuffing your phone in your bag. Today was not about you. It was about Jin.
"Were you expecting to see your boy while we were here?"
You rolled your eyes at her. No, you weren't expecting to see Jungkook because you assumed he'd be as busy as you were. Aunt Jo invited you to accompany her to Jin's new restaurant in Seattle, and you jumped at the chance. Okay, so you thought there was a chance you'd see Jungkook while in town. Unfortunately, luck was not on your side.
"I–no–I mean, maybe."
Aunt Jo stood before you, raising your chin and forcing you to look at her. "Sweetheart, it's okay to miss him or want to see him even though he hurt you. It's only natural, and you can't deny what your heart wants."
"Exactly–" Jin interrupted, "The heart wants what it wants," he said, kissing Aunt Jo's cheek from behind.
You debated if you should text him back, but what would it do? What would you even say? Hey, after thinking about it, I kind of wanna be more than friends? You were the one that initiated being friends again. What kind of person would you look like? Being super wishy-washy with your decisions. It was hard to keep your sense of worth when it came to Jeon Jungkook.
Throughout the rest of your trip to Seattle, you were good. You didn't text him besides when he would send you photos here and there of activities he was doing in San Francisco. You were proud of yourself for not giving in to your wants, and you stood your ground.
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Returning to San Francisco felt bittersweet because you assumed Jungkook had already left. You didn't want to ask where he was going next for fear of sounding nosy or needy. You'll just have to guess. Maybe he was already back in SoCal.
"Knock, knock," Aunt Jo said, holding your door open. "I know we just got back, but Jin invited us to a special event at his restaurant tonight. So get your cute little butt showered and dressed up, 'kay?"
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Free food? I'm there."
Aunt Jo whistled when you walked down the stairs in your outfit. The only semi-nice thing you packed was a black slip dress. Then you threw on a black leather jacket.
"You couldn't have chosen better shoes?" Aunt Jo asked, gawking at your pair of black and white checkered Vans.
"What? I wanted to be cute and comfy," you said, pulling the strap of your bag over your head, letting it drape across your body.
When the two of you arrived at the restaurant, you expected it to be packed, but it was completely empty. You got out of the Uber and waited for your Aunt to get out of the Uber. You turned around only to see her smiling like a lunatic.
"Aren't you coming?"
Jin called your name and waved you over as he exited the restaurant. You cast a glance in his direction, curious as to what was going on with them tonight.
"It's just you, sweetheart, have fun tonight!"
"We forgot to mention it's a private event for you," Jin grinned, sending you a wink. He stepped into the Uber, and then they were off, leaving you utterly confused on the sidewalk.
A high-pitched ding from your phone went off. Opening your bag, you checked your phone to see a text from Aunt Jo.
Aunt Jo 6:22 PM
Gonna stay at Jin's tonight.
Please be responsible. Love you.
Her text was cryptic and vague, leaving you even more puzzled. You sighed as you turned to face the restaurant and walked to the door. When you first walked in, the atmosphere was quite cute and quaint. Many tables had been cleared away, leaving one in the middle of the restaurant. Someone was sitting with their back to you, and when they heard the door close, they turned to see you standing there.
He got up from his seat and walked over to you. He was dressed in his favorite color, black. A black open button down, tucked into black joggers, black combat boots, and finished with a thick silver chain. The biggest bunny smile you'd ever seen on him adorned his pretty face.
"What are you doing here? How–how did you–"
"I might have done some digging, called around, and got ahold of your Aunt's boyfriend."
Your jaw opened and closed, amazed by how sneaky everyone was–including Aunt Jo and Jin. "So you planned all of this?"
Jungkook shrugged. "I had some help from your Aunt. She's a pretty cool person. Jin too." You couldn't stop smiling, and your cheeks were beginning to ache as a result. "Do you want something to eat? Because I'm hungry, and the food smelled delicious while I waited, "He smiled.
You nodded in response to his question. He extended his hand, and you accepted it without hesitation. When your hand found his big warm ones again, your heart raced at a million beats per minute. He escorted you to the seat across from him, pulling out the chair and pushing it in while you sat.
You felt so flustered and scatterbrained you didn't even hear when Jungkook called your name. "Hmm?"
Jungkook chuckled. "How was Seattle? Did you like it?"
"I liked it a lot. It reminded me a lot of San Francisco. Minus the gloom," you giggled. You mentally kicked yourself when you realized you had just giggled in front of Jungkook. It was too hard not to get all excited over this. So you took a deep breath to ground yourself and remember that he is just a boy–a friend–nothing more.
A server greeted both of you, handing you the menu. Everything sounded so fancy, and for half of the items, you needed clarification on what they were. Nevertheless, it was free, so you'd try anything.
After placing your orders with the server, the pair of you couldn't stop smiling at each other like young teenagers in love. It was pretty nauseating if someone were watching the two of you.
"Ahem… you're growing out your hair," you said, finally breaking the weird smiling contest between you.
Jungkook touched the hair resting on the nape of his neck. "Yeah, I thought I'd try it and never had it this long before."
"I like it."
Your compliment made him look away, a sheepish smile plastered on his face, showing off his dimple.
The rest of dinner continued. You both groaned at how delicious everything tasted. It's no surprise that people enjoyed fine dining, but you didn't enjoy the cost. But one rule Jin lived by was that he would not charge people an arm and a leg just to eat good food. He thought it was ridiculous and vowed never to do it again when he owned his own restaurant. And you thought it was very honorable.
As the last course came out, you ordered the coconut custard while Jungkook got the chocolate cake, one of each, so you could enjoy the desserts instead of picking one.
"How is it?" Jungkook asked when you took a bite.
"It's good," you swallowed, "but it might be too coco-nutty for me."
Jungkook set his fork down after taking a bite of his cake. He pushed the small plate toward you. "Here, take mine. I'll eat it if you don't like it."
"Jungkook, we're supposed to share! I can't let you do that."
"It's fine! I don't mind, honestly!" He pushed the cake further to you while taking the custard away from you. You felt he wouldn't give up, so you let him have it.
After dinner, Jungkook insisted on taking an Uber with you to make sure you got back to your Aunt's okay, and then he'd take off to his hotel for the night. As the car arrived at Aunt Jo's, Jungkook followed after, walking you to the door.
You turned to Jungkook. "Thanks for dinner. It was a lot of fun."
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't do much. It's all thanks to your Aunt and Jin for helping me set everything up."
"Yeah, I know, but you put a lot of thought into it too, and I really appreciate that."
He nervously toyed with his lip ring, letting it flip back and forth. "Um, well, I guess I should say goodnight, and I'll see you when we get back to school?"
Your eyes flickered to his. "Do you want to come in? My Aunt's gone for the night."
"Are...you sure?" Jungkook stammered.
"Yeah, we can watch a movie or talk."
"Uh, okay. Let me tell the driver. Be right back."
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The time was almost nine, so you opted for a nightcap. You grabbed a bottle of wine from Aunt Jo's cupboard and two glasses, setting it down on the coffee table before pouring one for you and Jungkook.
Jungkook quickly finished his glass which made you chuckle. Was he nervous? You didn't take him that type of guy.
"Why did you come to San Francisco?" you asked after taking a sip of your wine.
He chuckled. "Is it not obvious?"
You could take a stab at why he was doing this, but you needed him to say what he wanted.
"I'm shooting my shot," he said casually.
Trying to hold in a grin, you stopped it by devouring the rest of your wine glass.
Jungkook turned his full attention to you. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all summer–what you were doing if you were happy or sad, lonely. I wanted to call so many times, but I didn't know if I could. That's why I only sent texts since they were less intimidating."
"You could've called. I would've picked up."
"I know, but I didn't want to mess up being your friend 'cause I'm not good at this stuff, and I've never just been friends with a girl or even known how to date. But all I do know is you make me want to learn how to do all that stuff."
"To learn how to date or be my friend?
A beat passed before Jungkook answered, "Both, I guess? I just want to get to know you, so I wanna do whatever you wanna do. But that's if you want to..." he trailed off.
The buzz from the wine began warming up your cheeks, and the invisible walls you had up were starting to crumble. Jungkook's rosy lips looked too luscious not to want to try again. "I...really, really want to kiss you."
Jungkook gulped, unsure of what to do next. He didn't want to screw this up, but he also didn't want to pass up an opportunity to kiss you. His gaze shifted from your eyes to your cute nose, then to your lips. He lingered on your lips, trying to recall how they tasted. But it'd been far too long since he'd kissed you.
"I want to kiss you too, but I don't want you to regret it afterward."
You shook your head. "I won't." You shifted closer to Jungkook on the couch, your knee brushing up against his as you leaned in, waiting for him to do the same.
Jungkook brought his hand to cup your cheek, gazing into your eyes, wanting to confirm if this was really what you wanted. "Are you sure?"
"Positive," you said as you closed the gap and pressed your lips against his. His other hand cupped the opposite side of your face, drawing you closer to him. Your lips continued to explore each other softly and slowly as if time had stopped to allow you to discover what you had been missing.
You withdrew, only to find yourself straddling him. Jungkook's eyes widened as he realized the new position. However, he didn't mind it one bit. When his hands fell to grip your waist, urging you closer to him, your entire body buzzed. It didn't take long for Jungkook to become aroused by this heated make-out session, his cock twitching in his strained pants. You tangled your fingers in his hair, causing him to groan in your mouth while you smiled into his. Then your hand reached for the thick silver chain around his neck, gently pulling him as close as you could.
When he pulled away, you let out a quiet whimper. His lips began to trail wet kisses down your jawline, leaving soft purple bruises on your neck. His hands dragged up to your shoulders, where your dress's delicate straps lay. His fingers tinkered with them, debating whether to slide them down, so you decided for him. Your hand reached out to take the straps off, but Jungkook stopped you.
"Sorry, I'm sorry," Jungkook said breathily, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
"No...No, you're good. I'm sorry. I got a little carried away."
Jungkook leaned against the couch, shifting himself from beneath, hoping to adjust the erection straining in his pants. "As I said, I'm fine with taking things slowly, I'm not in a hurry, and I'll wait as long as it takes if it means I get you in the end."
It took everything in you not to want to rip off your clothes and his right at this moment. But he was right because you didn't want to fuck this up, either.
"You just know the right things to say, huh?"
Jungkook laughed and nodded. He leaned forward, asking for a kiss. "It's getting late, and I still need to pack for my flight tomorrow."
You slid yourself off of him to a standing position, adjusting the strap, just begging to fall. "Let me get an Uber for you."
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The following day, Aunt Jo knocked on your door, asking if you were decent enough for her to come in. She covered her eyes as the door opened. "We good in here? No cute, naked boy in your bed?"
You laughed. "No, Aunt Jo. No naked boy in here."
"Darn," she teased, handing you a cup of coffee. "I'm surprised he didn't stay over."
To be honest, it would have been far too easy for you and Jungkook to fuck without first properly establishing what you two were. Again, you tried hard not to rush into things with him, but it was difficult not to.
"He was the one who stopped it from going any further, actually," you commented.
Aunt Jo took a sip of her coffee, nodding slowly, surprised at your words. "Interesting."
"Well, at least you know he's trying to do things the right way this time, so that's gotta count for something?"
She was right. You'd wanted and hoped to do this thing with Jungkook correctly. Let's not fuck it up this time.
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Over the last couple weeks of summer break, you and Jungkook constantly texted, called, and video-chatted. You couldn't wait to get back on campus to see him again.
As you settled into your new apartment with Lyla, the boxes in your new room were piled high. You reached for a box on your tiptoes when you felt two hands snake around your waist and a kiss press against your shoulder. When you looked over, you saw a happy Jungkook wrapping his arms around you.
"Hi," he whispered into your ear before kissing your neck.
You mumbled a 'hi' before squirming away from his embrace, proceeding to finish your task before he rudely interrupted. Your hand reached into the box, holding onto the fairy lights you loved so much.
Jungkook sat on your bed, watching as you strung lights up on your wall. You crept on the bed, attempting to string the lights behind Jungkook, but he refused to move, so you crawled over him. When he suddenly leaned backward, pulling you on top of him, you yelped.
"Jungkook!" you cried, playfully hitting his chest, trying to break away from his hold, but he drew you back toward him for a kiss.
"One," Jungkook whispered, connecting his mouth to yours again. "Two."
"Why are you counting?"
He grinned from ear to ear. "Cause I owe you 100 kisses, remember?"
You rolled your eyes. "Forgot about that, and I paid good money for that, too," you laughed.
"Mm…I didn't," Jungkook pressed another kiss on your lips. "Three." He placed another on your jaw, causing your skin to burn hot underneath his lips. "Four."
"Jungkook," you whined, "I have so much to unpack."
"I'll help you later, but right now. I just wanna kiss you for a while."
You groaned. "Fine."
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Although your and Jungkook's relationship began in an unusual manner and had its share of ups and downs. You wouldn't have made the mistake of foolishly falling for someone other than him.
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briaroftheroses · 3 months
Request Rules
I’m finally getting around to writing out my request rules! If you would like to request a fic, hc set, drabble, etc. please read over these rules before submitting. Please also check this post regularly as I will add things as I go.
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Things I Will Write For
Fem/GN reader, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, dark themes/fics, praise, degradation, use of strap ons, p in v, creampies, throat fucking, both m and f receiving oral, multiple characters in one fic, choking, impact play, dacryphilia, pain play, bondage (nothing with legs specifically being restrained though), blood play (mostly only for AHS fics), d/s dynamics, BDSM, dub-con/non-con, piss, boot play/worship - feel free to ask about kinks not listed here because there is no way i named them all
Things I Will Not Write For
Male reader, character x character with no reader, beastiality, pedophilia, scat, underage characters (except platonically), gore and non-canon character death (except for in the case of things like murder house and hotel in which they would become a ghost), real-life people (such as actors), even though I might write for dom reader please do not request it.
If there’s anything not mentioned here, feel free to ask before making a request.
Specify the general length of the fic you want.
Please keep in mind that requests can take a while and I may switch between writing them and my own personal projects.
Keep in mind that if you’re vague with the description then I am less likely to write what you imagine and it will take me longer.
When asking about unlisted characters, please include the type of fic you would like to request with them.
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Characters I Write For
Evan Peters
Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Austin Sommers (please no spoilers in the requests for any characters after Hotel), Peter Maximoff, Warren Lipka, Luke Cooper - feel free to ask about any others that aren’t here
Vivien Harmon, Violet Harmon (platonically), Billie Dean Howard, Alma Walker, Lana Winters, Sister Mary Eunice McKee, Zoe Benson, Marie Laveau, Madison Montgomery (depending on the request), Cordelia Foxx/Goode, Misty Day, Fiona Goode, young!Fiona Goode, Amazon Eve, Desiree Dupree, Edward Mordrake, Dandy Mott, The Countess, Sally McKenna, Ramona Royale, Winter Anderson (please no spoilers in the requests for any characters after Hotel) - feel free to ask about any others that aren’t here
Matthew Gray Gubler
Spencer Reid, Chip Taylor, Thorn (King Knight), Raymond (Suburban Gothic), Wes (Dollface), Paul ((500) Days of Summer) - feel free to ask about any others that aren’t here
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau, Elle Greenaway, Cat Adams, Megan Kane - feel free to ask about any others that aren’t here
Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, TJD (only if including Rhea), Liv Morgan, Becky Lynch
this list will be updated regularly as i watch more shows/movies/seasons of ahs, so feel free to check regularly :) also feel free to ask about characters not listed, but there is no guarantee i will write for them.
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love-bokumono-fics · 5 months
Fresh Crops! December 18 - December 31, 2023
That last of 2023's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Her Voice Within - by syavwits; Complete, 7/7, 15k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Back To Nature Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Gray; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Pete the Farmer, Gray, Rick, Kai, Cliff, Doctor | Trent, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Karen, Popuri, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Elli | Elly, Manna, Duke, Doug | Dudley, Old Ellen, May | Mei, Stu | Yu, Zack, Won | Huang, Anna, Basil the Writer, Saibara, Harris, Gotz | Gotts, Kano, Louis the Entomologist | Chuu, Greg, Barley | Mugi, Aja | Adge Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Romantic Soulmates, Soul-Searching, Mystery, Mute Protagonist, Found Family Summary: It's not that Claire can't talk, she sometimes speaks yes, but only when she really put all her energies to do it. Then there's Gray, the stoic guy with the famous resting b*tch face, he doesn't want anything to do with anyone, everyone, even the new girl although she's… cute. While Pete tries to save his farm, he also confides in Claire and asks her help to search for his unknown childhood friend, his first love, who apparently is one of the girls in Mineral town?!? Will Claire manage to find Pete's long-lost Best friend? Will Claire find what she truly desires in her second chance at life?
Cooking Lessons Part II - by blushroomx; Complete, 1/1, 3.5k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Flora / Vesta; Characters: Flora, Vesta Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst Summary: The sequel to "Cooking Lessons", Flora's POV.
Restraint - by MidnightArrow; Complete, 1/1, 4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Celia| Cecilia / Marlin | Matthew / Pony; Characters: Marlin | Matthew, Celia | Cecilia Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tragic Romance Summary: Cecilia studied the area where his fingers met her wrist. The farmer's face flashed through her mind. She thought of the long afternoons they spent analyzing Matthew's stray touches and unexpected smiles, the farmer gushing over his every move. She thought of Matthew beaming at the end of the aisle on his wedding day. She thought that she couldn't love Matthew if he went any further.
We're Friends - by dicelady20; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Kill la Kill Characters: Matoi Ryuuko, Gray Additional Tags: POV Third Person, Double Drabble, One Shot, Friendship, Gray, ryuuko Summary: This drabble is an aftermath of an incident, where Gray (Harvest Moon) saves Ryuko (Kill la Kill). Now she returns the favor and drags him to a closed mini-mart.
Rainbow Curry - by Anonymous; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Multi Fandoms: Grand Bazaar Characters: Hansel, Gretel, Daisy, Ivan, Freya Summary: Oliver sold Anita's peculiar grass collection, and now she's upset because she needed them for the rainbow curry she always prepares during the holidays. Oliver ventures into the city with Daisy and Ivan to find new ones for her.
Sex for Christmas - by Daryls_Favourite; Complete, 1/1, 1.5k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Daryl /reader; Characters: Daryl, Reader Additional Tags: Sex, Fucking, Oral Sex, its just a mature one shot x reader, Unprotected Sex Summary: It’s Christmas time in the valley, and this more demanding reader-chan is gonna get what she wants
Out of Reach - by MidnightArrow; WIP, 5/11, 2.6k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Sunshine Islands, Island of Happiness Relationships: Chelsea/Vaughn | Waltz, Sabrina | Sefiina/Vaughn | Valts, Chelsea/Mark, Mark/Sabrina | Sefiina; Characters: Vaughn | Waltz, Chelsea, Mark, Sabrina Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers Summary: "What's it like to be in love?" Chelsea and Vaughn share a bittersweet moment in the meadow that slowly unravels their friendship. Will something new take its place?
Live a little, love a lot - by IslandsOfAvalon; Complete, 1/1, 7.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Wayne; Characters: Wayne, Female Farmer, Original Female Character(s), Ludus, Ethan, Yuzuki, Lisette, Siluka, Stephanie Additional Tags: Stephanie doesn't speak but I mention her enough that she counts, and a good few others who're mentioned but don't speak!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Rodeo, That's right folks this is a Rodeo AU, I call it "the Trio Rodeo", Fluff, Country & Western, Rodeo Competitions, Cowboys & Cowgirls, Alternate Universe - Western, Horses, Horse Racing, I spent so long doing research for this please let it pay off, I sneaked in a little bit of Lisette x Ludus because I'm soft, Dancing, Love at First Sight, because he is and I will repeat a dork, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like my crops the second the season changes, I spent way too many hours listening to country music while writing this Summary: There used to be magic in their world, once upon a time, and it’s widely accepted that magic is still very much present even if humans no longer have the ability to use it. Wayne blames magic on the way Hinata falls off his horse, boldly wrestles a steer to the ground as fast as he can manage while the animal struggles valiantly against his hold, and somehow makes it away completely unscathed.
Twice Shy - by JillOfAllTrades__x; WIP, 1/2, 6.7k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Molly/Matthew, Mark/Cecilia mentioned; Characters: Muffy | Molly, Marlin | Matthew Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort, Heartbreak, Drunken Confessions, Christmas Party Summary: Last Winter Forgotten Valley bore witness to Mark and Cecilia’s nuptials, leaving two residents reeling from the ceremony. A year later, Rock’s impulsive Secret Santa holiday party gifts them the potential for closure.
Home For The Holidays - by TheBeckster; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandom: Grand Bazaar Character: Lloyd Additional Tags: Ranch Story Secret Santa 2023, cozy vibes, coming home, home is where people love you Summary: After a long time away from Zephyr Town, Lloyd returns just before Starry Night.
deja vu - by FountainOfDreams, pinkfrogsndaylilies; WIP, 2/?, 3.4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade, Tree of Tranquility Relationships: Angela the Farmer & Kevin the Farmer, Candace/Kevin the Farmer, Angela the Farmer/Chase, Everyone & Everyone; Characters: Angela the Farmer, Kevin the Farmer, Hamilton, Gill, Chase, Candace, Wizard Gale, Witch Vivi, Harvest Goddess Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Sibling Bonding, Past Lives, Alternate Universe, Crossover, kind of, Evil Plans, replaying the games and felt motivated to repost this, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, Slow To Update, Older Sister Angela the Farmer, Brother-Sister Relationships, Chatty Cain, being revamped as we speak Summary: Siblings Angela and Kevin move to Castanet, a faraway island in the middle of nowhere, to start their new lives on a farm. Their days passed peacefully, everything the same as the last; wake up, water the plants, care for the animals, give Chase his marmalade, visit the town, repeat. It was all very...familiar. One day, a strange small fairy showed up in their kitchen in the middle of the night looking anxious, and scared? Something wasn't right about this town, and Angela and Kevin now feel obliged to get to the bottom of it.
The Princess and the Carpenter - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 50/50, 7.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Magical Melody, Save the Homeland, Hero of Leaf Valley Relationship: Dia/Kurt | Hayato; Characters: Dia, Kurt Summary: They weren't so different from one another although others may not think so. Just because she was a "princess" didn't mean that the carpenter didn't belong with her. It just took a bit of chiseling to see who they really were deep down. And even then, they would only show those halves to one another.
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kayedium-writes · 2 years
a short (re)introduction + my masterlist(s)!
Hey! Since making this account, I’ve had such a great time interacting with people in my fandom, and outside of, along with my readers and fellow writers alike! I thought it was appropriate to make a bit of an updated introduction here for anyone joining me now that I have my footing!
About Me:
You can call me Kay, and please do. Pronouns: he/him. I’m a political and legal nerd in the U.S. who’s neurodiverse and has been writing their entire life. I’ve really fallen in love with the world of fanfiction this year, but I do write original fiction as well, just none that I’ve shared here! I love rom-coms, sitcoms, literary fiction, and nearly every type of music, though I’m partial to jazz. I’m a hopeless romantic, an occasional poet, and sometimes a bit of a walking disaster, but aren’t we all? I’m also over the age of 21 and as an adult writer, for adult readers, I do write and post nsfw material.
Here on my blog, expect to see me post updates, writing plans, snippets, teases, and fic ideas! My asks are always open for questions, interactions, or sending me ideas — I’m here for it all — though I don't take formal requests. I’m also tag-game friendly, and love “meeting” people that way. And I’m always down to chat!
Below the cut, you can find a little bit about what I write, what to expect, and a link to my masterlist and AO3 profile!
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What I Write:
My fanfiction journey started because of my love for Padmé Amidala from the Star Wars Prequels. I wanted more stories that centered on her, and so I started writing them!
A majority of my stories (written, in-progress, and to be written) are Padmé x Anakin, occasionally with those little Skywalkers as well. I personally enjoy AUs of all types for reading and writing. A lot of my work you'll find is set in a Modern AU because it allows me to explore different facets of the characters' personalities in worlds with new situations and different backgrounds for them to navigate.
As a general rule, I also like focusing on friendships and familial relationships along with romantic ones, so expect to almost always see other characters joining along the way in all of my writing. Many of my stories are domestic or family fluff, but there is some slice of life, hurt/comfort, and light angst mixed in. 
While Anidala is definitely my OTP, I am both multi-fandom and a multi-shipper, so expect to see many other ships in my work and on my page!
If you're here for Anidala, you can find all of my fics for them listed and linked in my Anidala Masterlists!
If you're wondering about my other work, you can find those listed and linked in one of the following lists: MCU Masterlist, SW Sapphic Week 2023, and Star Wars Masterlist!
Or, if you prefer, you can find all my fics, from drabbles and one shots, to ongoing longfics and series, on my AO3 works page!
I appreciate every bit of support and interaction I receive, and I try to always make that known. I can’t wait to see where this journey leads me next, and who I meet along the way.
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rose-lord-of-simps · 1 year
Request Rules
All rules can change at any time.
Updated : 12/19/22
TWST request Rules
They get their own list because it was already made by the time I’m making this.
For more specific NSFW rules go to my NSFW blog!
No incest
No yandere
No pedophilia
No hate
No requests for full length fics right now
Gender bend in the sense of like Lucifer form obey me suddenly turning into a girl out of nowhere and the reaction
X reader
Neo pronouns - I have a house rule where if there is a fic of mine that you like but is in the wrong pronouns you can request for it in your pronouns! I try to keep my reader as neutral as possible.
Platonic situations just please specify you want it platonically
Family dynamic again just specify
Specifying a sexuality or romantic attraction
Transgender reader or character just specify
Genderbend character (please note this means that the character you are requesting would be cis the opposite sex or cis in a different gender for example, Lucifer from Obey me would be born a female or born non-binary or born genderfluid, we’re in a fantasy land we can do whatever we want)
Head cannons have a character limit of 3 per ask but feel free to send in as many asks as you want!
Drabble have a character limit of 3 (unless it is a polyamorous relationship then there is no limit)
I will write for quite a few triggering topics. But please specify at the beginning of your request it is a triggering topic.
I do write for mental health struggles.
Angst or fluff! You can request smut here but it’ll be posted on my nsfw blog and the request will be answered with a link to the specific post.
My Hero Rules
Please don’t request anyone from 1B, I don’t know the characters that well.
I will do NSFW for any character that is canonically 18+
I don’t write for Bakudeku. If you ship Bakudeku you are very much welcome here, I just don’t write for it.
I will age up characters as long as it isn’t for NSfW purposes specifically
General rules
Arcana Rules
Main 6 only
general rules, they’re all adults and not related to each other
Mystic Messenger Rules
If you want a character or reader to date both twins, no. Pick one. If you don’t then I’ll pick for you or ignore the request.
The general rules, they’re all adults
Obey me Rules
For polyam choose one of the brothers and then whoever else that is not related to them
Anything Luke is SFW and platonic or familial
No Rafael x anyone, I don’t know the character too well
General rules
Sk8 the Infinity Rules
I will not age up Miya or Reki’s sisters just for NSFW purposes. No NSFW for them. At all.
No Reki or Langa x the other cast members aside from each other (Reki x reader or Langa x reader is okay though!!!!!)
Um no Adam x anyone (including reader) although I do find Adam x Tadashi entertaining so if you wanna talk about it feel free to send an ask but I don’t write for it.
General rules
Ninjago Rules
No Lloyd x anyone in the cast
None of the oldies x the youngins that’s too big an age gap for me-
Kai or Nya x whoever, pick one of the siblings for a polyamorous situation not both please
My post about their ages here
General rules
Bungo Stray Dogs
No Fyodor
No Atsushi x reader x Dazai or stuff like that, if you want a polyam situation between characters, reader included or not, no like- I don’t even know how to explain it but I think you understand? (Yes I’m aware Atsushi is 18)
No Kyouka x anyone in a romantic sense
If I don’t know a character well I may reject the request
No Naomi x Tanizaki of any kind, for a polyam situation you must pick a sibling if you want to include them
General rules
I am interested in other fandoms and will write for them these are just the ones I write about enough or think about enough to have rules and masterlists for. If a fandom you like is not in here, feel free to ask me about it!
I have an Aphmau blog
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Kung Fu Panda Villains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plot / Includes: The common theme is tea XD
General Kai x Immortal!Reader: After coming back to the living plain as a spirit warrior, Kai’s first stop is to find you, an immortal ex-lover. Will you be happy to see him, though??
Lord Shen x ChildhoodFriend!Reader: You make Shen some tea because he’s always so uptight, and you crave a nice moment with him ^^
Tai Lung x Reader: The first thing Tai Lung does after escaping prison is visit you, his girlfriend/boyfriend/romantic partner from before he was imprisoned- and you’ve been waiting for him ^^
Annnnd, this is my first attempt at writing any of these guys, so I’m sorry if they aren’t quite right!
Warnings: I guess Tai gets a little frisky with you? But not really XD He’s just happy to see you!! XD
General Kai:
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… A spirit warrior. This man leaves you for war, starts stealing peoples chi, doesn’t come back for 5 hundred years- and when he finally does come back, he is something called a spirit warrior??
You are deeply unamused. And he knows it- how could he not? You are standing in your doorway looking up at him with a scowl on your lips. He better be intimidated.
“So… “Your voice is as cold as ice, eyes narrowing in distaste as he rubs the back of neck in nervousness at your reaction to him after all these years. Not because he is nervous, but because he has the good sense to look it. “how did it go??”
“Wh- uh… the war??”
“Well, I um… Oogway banished me to the spirit realm… “
“I heard… “
“Oh, you know. So- uh- you know, that’s why I haven’t been around… not that I didn’t wanna see you, or forgot you or, or anything… “
“Uhuh… “
“Look, can I come in?” He suddenly snaps, dropping his large arms to his sides and moving in closer to you, letting go of the façade of nervousness. “I got other places to be.”
“Oh! You have other places to be??” Immediately Kai realises he has said the wrong thing, when you light up like this. “Great! Go there!”
Then you slam the door in his face. You think he was so close that it knocked his nose- you hope that it knocked his nose. You stay by the door just long enough to hear him grunt on the other side, before sweeping off further into your house to start forgetting he came at all. You spent over 500 years missing him, he can’t just come back one day and treat you like a stop along the way.
Also- what he did, what he is no doubt still trying to do, is unforgiveable. And you refuse to be party to it. No way.
When your door literally flies off the hinges behind you, slamming into the ground with a huge, loud THUD, you whip around with wide eyes and take in a deep breath- ready to yell at this bastard for knocking down your goddamn door-
But he strolls on in, breaking your door further when he steps on it, and holds a hoof up to your face- silencing you. “Y/N… Come on, lets just talk about this.” As you stay completely silent then, Kai takes the opportunity to soften a little bit, using those bovine eyes on you in that way he knows used to make you melt once upon a time. “I missed you.”
… damnit, it still has an effect on you. Not quite the same effect, you’re still holding together - you’re still pissed, - , but that little part of you that was there since you saw him today that desperately wants to accept him back- get a little bit louder.
Now, you can’t do that, you can’t just forgive him, but you can hear him out. On your terms, but… you can be okay with him being in your house… at least. You guess. So, straightening up, you brush his hoof out of your way with the back of your hand, relishing inwardly in the way his face drops at the motion, and head towards the kitchen.
“… fine. Fix that door and if you manage to do that before I finish the tea, you can have some. Deal?”
“I’m on it.”
Lord Shen:
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“Shen? I made tea, and thought you might want a cup before you leave?”
“Tea?... I don’t need your tea- “
“Agree to disagree. Sit down.”
This made Lord Shen look at you as if you grew 3 heads and shat on the rug for a good long moment, but you don’t remove your gaze from his even though he’s scary, and after a few moments, he narrows his eyes at you and sits down on the other side of the mat. Success-
“Just a sip.” He tells you, in that hushed voice of his that can be goddamn terrifying depending on what you’ve done, as he picks up a cup in is wing. “I’ve never had tea from you, before… Wonder if it’ll be palatable.” He thinks out loud, half to himself and half to bother you, peering into the cup.
Oh, now- Rolling your eyes, you raise a cup to your own lips, feeling the warmth in your hands, and nod to him. Go on. “Well only one way to find out.” You’ve known Shen for a long time now, you grew up together, so his meanness doesn’t do quite the same thing to you as it does to others. Also, you’ve always been rather resilient, and a little naïve. No matter how hard someone may try to convince you, you cant truly believe that Shen is evil. Evil doesn’t really exist, and if it does then surely it has worse things to do then live inside Shen.
You feel like people calling him evil is just an easy way for them to compartmentalize, and you would rather know him. Which you do. That’s how you kept up eye contact with this insane bird-
“Right… “
As you take a sip yourself, and feel the warm liquid slide down your throat and fill your insides with lovely heat, you wait patiently for Shen to do the same. It takes him a moment, scowling at you as you drink your tea, before he lets out a dramatic sigh and tries it himself. “Alright, alright.” You watch his pretty face change, no longer does it look like he smelt something awful- it actually looks… surprised. Vaguely pleasantly surprised, as a matter of fact, as he looks back into the cup. “… hm.”
“Hmm?~ “
“Its… well, I’m not dead.”
“Did you really think it would kill you, Shen? That I would try to kill you?” You deadpan, but raise your brows expectantly when he raises his eyes to you.
… He pauses. “… well- “
“You’re right, you wouldn’t have what it takes, would you? No… “ Smirking, Shen takes another sip of his tea. “Thank you, though. This tea is remarkably edible.”
… sighing, you roll your eyes look away as you take another sip yourself. “Thanks. You’re welcome.”
Shen steals your attention again, though, as he drains the last of his tea and holds out the cup to you, an oddly adorable - yet still crazy, - expression on his face. Soft, and almost pleading. “… Can I have some more, then?” His voice, of course, is still terrifying.
A slow grin spreads across your face. “… I thought you were on your way out?”
“Oh shut up, and pour me some tea.”
Tai Lung:
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“Y/N!” A familiar voice yells, banging at your front door.
“Tai??” You ask, wide eyed and shocked as you pull the door open and see him standing there.
“Y/N.” He says again, unbelievable and desperate relief in his tone as he pulls you against his chest in the warmest hug you’ve ever experienced- well, since you last saw him. 20 years ago. He breathes in at your head, taking as much of your scent as he can. As he breathes out, he releases a growl, but it is not an unhappy one- its full of comfort. When he speaks, his voice pitters into a bit of whine, at the end. “It’s been too long… “
You just squeeze him closer to you, burying your face in his shoulder and closing your eyes. Its unbelievable to you that he’s here, with you again. How did he get out?? You don’t even care. You don’t even care if he should be out, or what he’s going to do now that he is, you just want to stay here tucked away in him, listening to his heartbeat and holding on to it.
After a few minutes, though, you begin to get nervous someone will see him and call someone- and he would be taken away again- so, sniffing, you pull back gently, and flash him a warm smile; nodding inside. “Do you- do you want some tea??”
Still holding onto your hands/the ends of your wings/paws/etc, his paws being so much larger than what you have, he keeps you close to his body and warmly grins. “I don’t want to let you go, little one.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Alright then.”
You lead him inside and he closes the door behind you both, and while you’re pouring the water into the kettle he wraps his arms around your body from behind and sets his head on top of yours, curling his tail around one of your legs as well. He purrs.
After you set the kettle over the fire Tai Lung sits himself down on one of your kitchen chairs - again, not letting go of your hand/wing/paw/etc at all for even a moment, - before urging you onto his lap where he wraps himself back around you again. “I’ve missed you… “He growls into your hair. “So much, little one… I thought about you, in there, you know… all about you… “
“Oh, I’m assuming you thought about other things, too… “You reply, rolling your eyes, though still very much happy he’s here. Other things, like the scroll… dragon warrior… Shifu… escape…
Chuckling against you, and brushing his tail against you, Tai nods. “Yes, but when I was thinking of you… “ He suddenly squeezes your waist in his paws, making you yelp. “You were the only thing, on my mind… “
“Hmm,” You just him, leaning your head on his chest.
After a few more moments of blessed enjoyment of each other’s company, each other’s touch and warmth, Tai speaks up again. This time, there is a hint of nervousness in his voice that causes you to lift off of his chest in order to watch his face; Concerned. “Were you… uh, I mean, have you… “ Sighing, he looks away for a moment and gathers himself. Then looks back, serious. “Is there anyone else?... “
The look on his face is saying that he wouldn’t blame you, if their were. You were without him for a long, long time. And he would prefer you be happy, with someone else… then depressed, and alone. It would hurt him… but he loves you.
It tells you that you made the right decision in waiting all this time.
With a small, sad smile, you shake your head at him. “I promised you- I would wait. I’m yours, Ta- Ah!“ He kisses you then like he cant help it, growling into your mouth.
When he pulls back, his paw on your jaw, theirs a pleased grin on his face- but unbelievably fond look in his yellow eyes. “… I’m yours too, Y/N.”
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dracocheesecake · 9 months
Hii how are doingg
What do you think of a trope(?) like Kai and scholar travel alongside? Sure Kai is not that stupid or whatever if we try to make fun of this contrast. Nevertheless I find it hilarious if Kai would say something jokingly (or mock the scholar someone lol) but the scholar, in turn, develops a theme and goes into philosophy so Kai ends up getting an existential crisis💀💀 Since then Kai tries not to bring smthg that would bring scholar into such ramble. Buuut imagine if Kai lets it to tortue someone lskssksksklld like here’s my secret weapon, you won’t be the same person after they start their ‘thing’😈
And yeah the scholar is extremely smart but tiny bunny and weak :>
Oh oh imagine them arguing about past times where scholar tells Kai how things stood because dude u know I studied that sht. And Kai tries to prove him that things were different because btch I LIVED THERE I KNOW BETTER😂
I’m interested of your opinion of that :D
I like it! I think Kai is actually educated (it was very common for generals in ancient China, and he does speak pretty eloquently, if dramatic). Though I think he finds scholars themselves to be pretentious, so he wouldn't hesitate to try to belittle and annoy the bunny scholar as much as possible.
But oh! How the tables turn! The bunny is much more clever (and annoying) than Kai thought! It starts when the bunny brings up one of his past victories.
Kai, preparing to brag: "Oh, that battle. I remember it well. See, we were almost outnumbered-"
Scholar: "Nuh-uh."
Kai would then calm himself, pick the rabbit up by their ears, and then take them to the scene of the battle. He plops them down, pointing out all of the places of the major happenings, sketching out every single detail, practically re-enacting the battle from memory; all the while the bunny follows him around, excitedly taking notes and murmuring to themselves how these details weren't in the texts they studied!-However, even after all of that:
"But you're still wrong, of course; the 34th battalion came from the east, not the north. Your side couldn't have won this battle, not with that number of soldiers flanking you."
General Kai's eyes widen. His jaw nearly drops in disbelief; how could one little rabbit be so stubborn as to argue with a literal immortal about what happened back in his own time?- No, this isn't going to slide.
They argue for ages over it, and then Kai finally snaps. He grinds his teeth. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't step on you and end this argument right now. Permanently. "
The bunny smiles up at him, unperturbed. "Because then I'd know I'm right."
The bull snorts, then shakes his head, holding up his hooves as if the little scholar convinced him.
"Alright, alright, that's it: I'll spare you for one more day- just to prove that you're wrong, so I can rub it into that smug little twitching nose of yours," he says, flicking it for emphasis.
And from there on they're pretty much stuck together.
Ok, but also imagine Kai provokes them on purpose by pretending to be dumber than he actually is or acting like something that is clearly wrong is a fact (Ex: "Taoism is the study of down. That's why it's called 'down-ism'. Of course it is! You claim to be a scholar?!") I can just see a scene- maybe laying out by a campfire, Kai laying there with his cheek propped up on his elbow, watching the bunny scholar trying to write their findings fervently by the flickering firelight- and then Kai glances over their work, smirks, and says something completely incorrect and just totally wrong. The scholar's instinct kicks in, they immediately try to correct him, but Kai's smirk only grows, and he doubles down, telling the bunny that they're just an idiot, and that actshually, Taoism is the study of down; they just clearly didn't study it.
The bunny starts raising their voice, even stepping closer just to wag a finger at Kai; but the bull snorts and nudges them over with his forehead. "No, you're wrong," Kai says, "and nothing you say will ever convince me otherwise." He's grinning, now, those green eyes glowing with satisfaction and amusement; but even then, the bunny knowing that Kai's just trying to get on their nerves doesn't stop them, and they again try to make it into a contest over who can annoy the other more.
Just saying I think this is an adorable idea hshdhdhdhsdhd
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lemondragoncheesecake · 3 months
General Kai x Reader: Breathtaker
Warning: Mild breath play, degradation, chain bondage, throat fucking, rough oral
Author's Note/Disclaimer: I've never written breath play before. This was just a naughty idea I had that turned into a drabble, so if there are inaccuracies I apologize in advance, don't be afraid to correct me (gently) in the notes, and please know I don't condone any actual unsafe practices. This is just how I feel canon Kai would be in this sort of situation- but PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT.
That being said, enjoy~!
Kai is a Spirit Warrior: he doesn't need to breathe. Unfortunately, he may have forgotten that you do.
He has your head in a rough grip in one hand, the other pulling the chains wrapped around you taut. They were almost cutting into your skin, keeping your arms pinned helplessly at your sides and your ribcage restricted to short breaths- and those were rare, when you could manage to catch one.
All you could hear was Kai's soft grunts and moans as a background ambiance to the cacophony of your own gagging and the sloppy, overlapping sounds of his drenched cock sliding in and out of your throat. He was rough and fast, mercilessly slamming his hips into your face, never giving you a moment to breathe. Your lungs were beginning to feel the strain.
Stinging filled your entire ribcage. Your oxygen starved lungs were screaming for a breath, darkness was beginning to close in around the edges of your peripheral vision. Your gagging came during longer intervals, and eventually stopped altogether. Then the desperate survival instinct kicked in, alarmed muscles contracting your diaphragm, attempting to force hyperventilation so you wouldn't suffocate.
You heard Kai cursing softly under his breath, half you understood, a few other words in a language you didn't. And then he pulls his cock from your throat, slowly, making you gag and cough as you tried to adjust to the lack of his size, air flooding into your deprived lungs. Drool oozed down your chin as you panted, gaping for air as you never had before. Kai took the edge of your chin in his hand and tilted it up to face him. Your vision began to unblur slightly, and his face came back into focus, though there was still a aura around the glow of his eyes. In his other he held the edge of your jaw, rubbing the sore muscle.
"Sorry," he said, in a tone that was barely apologetic, "I forgot. Mortals have to breathe."
He snorted, squeezing your chin somewhat tighter in a way that made you wince, and then he snorted again, wiping your lip clean of saliva with his thumb.
"Stupid, drooling slut. Choking yourself on my cock. You're lucky I noticed before you passed out."
You would have defended yourself, save you had neither the breath, the energy, nor at the moment the will to tell him that it had been his fault, keeping your arms chained up like that and your mouth too full to speak- but then again, you also knew that this was Kai's way of toying with you. He enjoyed deliberately getting under your skin, making little comments and degrading you until your pride caused you to snap- and of course, that was exactly what he wanted. You played along, of course- but to a degree; couldn't let him get away with everything, or there would be no end to it.
Instead, you kept your jaw deliberately and stubbornly set, even as your chest rose and fell heavily. A smirk pulled at the corner of Kai's lip, the sadistic gleam in his eyes making them glow brighter. You knew the trouble that was coming, and it only made you more aroused. You felt your mouth watering with his hardening cock.
"Oh, but is that what you want, pet?" His voice had lowered into a dangerous rumble, the threat it entailed as sharp and real as if he had pressed one of his blades to your throat, "You want me to fuck that tight throat of yours raw? Until it all goes black?"
He pulled on the chains again, and you gasped, feeling the cold metal links constricting your diaphragm again. The head of his member pressed roughly against your lips, still wet after its first turn in your throat.
"Bite me if you need me to stop. Open up."
And you did, as wide as you were able- even then, Kai's girth made it feel as if your jaw would pop out of place with just a little more width- but it didn't. You gagged horribly, feeling as some of his length hit the back of your throat, but you held it. Another kind of pride, more perverted, filled you, to be able to swallow that much of him. Your air pipe constricted, and you tried to adjust, taking the moment to breathe through your nostrils.
Kai didn't allow it. He grabbed the back of your head again and shoved it forward, pushing his hips in the same rough, quick motion. You almost choked, your throat contracting again. Kai made some soft chuffing noise and picked up his pace.
"Fucking brat," he grunted, "always running your mouth. You were begging for this."
You would have moaned out an agreement, save his member was gagging any attempt. Your breath was too short at the moment to waste any precious oxygen on even trying. Again, the muscles of your diaphragm were beginning to contract. Tears ran down your cheeks, not from any sort of distress besides that on your lungs.
Kai chuckled. "This is a much better use for it, anyway."
Of course you agreed; either it was the lack of oxygen making you woozy, or arousal turning off your brain, but you agreed. You wished he would stop playing with your throat and start fucking you straight out, but you had to "survive" this ordeal first. Your chest was stinging, the build up of trapped breath in your lungs straining against the chains binding you.
Saliva ran down your chin, down your throat. Tears blurred your vision, small rivulets marring your cheeks, mingling with your sweat. Kai used those chains like reins, pulling you in as close and tight as possible, his other hand gripping your hair to hold you still while he worked. Blackness started to creep into the edges of your already tear-soaked vision. That space between your legs was burning along with the space in your ribcage, both contracting in starvation, both yearning for something Kai was denying- and then-
Your vision cut off, but you felt something rushing down your throat, thick, heavy, enough to have choked you if your airway hadn't already been blocked. Again, your diaphragm was making those painful motions, and you heard Kai's voice vaguely, as if it were an echo from far away, his cursing...everything was so, so dark, but peaceful...
And then Kai pulled out, your sore jaw popped painfully back into place, and then you actually began gagging and choking on his cum. It took awhile, Kai patting your back the entire time, but eventually your airway and vision cleared. You were shaking, Kai's cum and saliva running down your chin. The chains had been loosened. Kai snorted.
"I told you to bite me if you wanted me to stop," he said, "next time you might actually choke." He chuckled again. "Not a bad way to go, all things considered."
He wiped your face off with a rag, cleaning it a little as he held your chin. It took a moment, but finally you were able to force words past your raw throat.
"But...I could think of...a better way to go..." Some of this sentence had to be more motion than word, pantomimed by grinding against his knee.
That had been the wrong move. There was a cruel gleam in Kai's eye now as he looked at you, and he held you in place, pressing his knee hard against that spot. "Maybe next time, if you're a good little pet, I'll let you," he said, as he began tying up his belt again with one hand. You frowned.
"Getting...tired...old...old cow? Need to...be...put out to...pasture? Selfish...motherfucker..." You panted. It was almost a whisper.
Kai's ear twitched. Then he grit his teeth. Oooh, you got him now. You braced yourself, panting, trying to hide your grin as he grabbed the back of your head and forced your cheek against the cold ground, his other hand lifting your hips.
"That's it," he snapped, "take a deep breath. You're going to need it."
Then you felt the weight of his hips on yours, and then he thrusted in with one brutally wonderful motion, and you cried out, voice hoarse from lack of air- but you expected to be even more breathless after he was done with you...but of course, you wouldn't be satisfied otherwise.
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A not so offical masterlist
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Txt and their favourite places to kiss you(obnoxiously intimate but fluffy)
Txt reaction to a virgin significant other (suggestive but pretty much just fluff, ot5)
Txt as acts of non-sexual dominance (ot5 fluff)
Txt as the five love languages(fluff, this is a receiving version, things that make the members feel loved IMO)
Txt as types of hugs ( self-explanatory fluff)
Txt as the little things that they do for you (huh, my very first posts, complete fluff, ot5)
Yeonjun headcanons (as a friend, in general, as a significant other, smutty shit)
Soobin headcanons (as a friend, in general, as a significant other, smutty shit)
Beomgyu headcanons (as a friend, in general, as a significant other, smutty shit)
Taehyun headcanons (as a friend, in general, as a significant other, smutty shit)
Kai headcanons (as a friend, in general, as a significant other, smutty shit)
Rebel for the night (A hueningkai x reader gender-neutral fluff drabble. 0.5k)
Facemasks (A yeonjun x reader gender-neutral fluff drabble. 0.5k)
Full fics
Watermelon sugar ( a smut-filled Yeonjun x femme reader (reader with a vulva) work of fiction. 9.3k. First story I ever posted)
Focus (Short and sweet Yeonjun x femme! reader smutty fic. 1.5k)
A boyfriend for Christmas (First and last Christmas 2021 series thingy. A hueningkai x reader fic. Smut. For sure. With a mix of comedy, kinda.7.7k
Sweet phantom (A dark fantasy phantom of the opera Phantom!Mentor!Taehyun x Opera singer!femme!reader themed AU.14.4k)
Green tea and honey(part 1) (Fluff and Angst, love. You down? A Tiger hybrid!Beomgyu x reader fic where sadness gets sadder. 1.6k)
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seokth · 2 years
mother knows best | 13
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— drabble 13 ; of breakups and bouquet tosses —
pairing | ot7 x female reader (platonic), ot7 moms & female reader
summary | being the only woman in a friend group with seven men automatically makes you the love interest in seven mothers’ wistful romantic stories. though your relationship with the guys remains completely platonic, the marriage fantasy their moms frequently project onto you and their sons has them coming up with all sorts of shenanigans to make you their daughter-in-law. mother knows best, you suppose.
warnings | overbearing moms, attempts at humor, platonic, slice of life au
series index | general masterlist
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It’s a fine day today, not too sunny, not too cloudy, either; yet Jung Hoseok finds himself blinking a few times because his eyes can’t quite comprehend the sight of you laughing with a bunch of his cousins here at his sister’s wedding.
His hand comes up to his arm but the sudden pinching sensation he feels is definitely not his own doing.
He looks down on the thumb and index finger squeezing the flesh of his exposed forearms before realization creeps up on him.
“Hm?” Mrs. Jung hums innocently as her son breaks away from her hold.
“Stop pinching me. You’re not still mad, are you?” he asks, rubbing the sore skin.
“Oh? So you agree? There is something I should be mad about?”
Hoseok grimaces. Though his mother is usually gentle, the accusatory words coming out of her mouth weren’t exactly new. He sighs.
“Eomma,” he repeats. “There is nothing to be mad about. It was you who invited Y/N here.”
“As your plus-one!” Mrs. Jung retorts, not looking at him and instead glaring from across the room at what seems to be a cozy conversation happening between you and one of her nephews.
“O-kay?” he draws out the syllables in uncertainty. “If that’s your intention, then what’s the problem? She’s here, isn’t she?”
“No, my son,” she tuts at him, shaking her head despondently instead of angrily. “She’s not here,” she waves a hand at the empty space on her son’s side, “she’s there. Talking to your cousin. Laughing. Without you.”
He sighs. Both because his mother’s (and all the guys’ mothers’) antics were getting even more ridiculous now, and because while he usually wouldn’t have a problem granting his mother’s wishes, this particular request proves to be more complicated than most.
“It’s not that easy, Eomma. Not anymore.”
Another sigh escapes him. Though your romantic relationship ended all those years ago back in college, you both remained civil and friendly (and on a good day, close) with each other, being in the same friend group. But now that he’s thinking about it, this is probably the first time in a long time that you and him are in the same social setting together without the company of your six other friends.
Those weekly Sunday lunches always involved the other guys and the moms. That bungee jumping adventure was buffered by Seokjin. Come to think of it, there was never a time when the both of you were completely left alone.
Does he even want to be alone with you? Does he even want to place himself in what is sure to be a bit of an awkward situation? Can he even be alone with you, when both of you had shared parts of each other that most friends hadn’t?
Mrs. Jung softens at the contemplative expression on her son’s face.
“You’re overthinking things,” she says softly. “I know I keep badgering you to rekindle things with Y/N, but honestly? The best thing that could come out of this is you two being comfortable with each other again, just like how you were before.” She pauses. “Remember, Hoseok, you were friends first before you became a couple.”
“But how do I— What do I even say?”
“Well, you tell her she looks beautiful, for starters. Then,” she gives him a smile, “you tell her you’re glad she came.”
The double meaning isn’t lost on him.
So he gathers his courage and finally approaches you just as his cousin, the one you were talking to, moves away. You catch his eye when he’s a few steps away, and to his utter relief, you give him the brightest smile.
“Hi,” he says unsurely yet determinedly.
“Hi,” you respond softly yet welcomingly.
The soothing sounds of the acoustic guitar serves as a background noise for the both of you. Though the wedding guests are now clamoring as the bride and groom are taking their first dance, the two of you are stuck in your own bubble for a few short moments.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, Hobi.” You see him grin at the nickname. “You look beautiful, yourself.”
“Thanks,” he says, chuckling. “Anyways, you made it!”
You let out an exaggerated sigh. “I almost didn’t. Traffic was terrible! Almost gave up halfway and turned around, but I wanted to be here for you and unnie. You know, since the guys couldn’t make it today.”
He grins in appreciation. “Thank you,” he says earnestly. “Even though it wasn’t easy, I’m… I’m really glad you came.”
The double meaning isn’t lost on you, either.
“Yeah,” you respond softly. “It… It was tough, but I’m really glad things happened the way they did.”
Something shifted in the air that moment. Something tells you that awkwardness, hesitance, and uncertainty aren’t gonna get in the way of your friendship’s full potential anymore. Something in the air tells you that your friendship, though already around a decade old, is only just beginning.
Just as Hoseok opens his mouth to invite you bungee jumping again (but maybe this time, without Seokjin), an all too eager form is clutching your arm excitedly and dragging you away to the middle of the dance floor.
“Mrs. Jung?”
“Less talk, more walk,” she shushes both of you while beckoning her son to follow, as well. “It’s time for the bouquet toss! Y/N, dear, stand here.”
You both come to a stop in the middle of the dance floor in a sea of bride’s maids and other women.
“Y/N,” Mrs. Jung repeats, cupping your cheek to ensure your full attention. “That bouquet is yours for the taking.”
“What?” Your face is filled with questions.
“Don’t hold back, okay, sweetheart? I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. Just give it your all and catch that bouquet, got it?” She doesn’t wait for your reply before she leaves you standing there. “Good. Now, where’s Hoseokie? I need to get him ready for the garter toss…”
“But, Mrs. Jung, wait—”
Your words are silenced. Both because Mrs. Jung is already out of hearing range, and most importantly, because a beautiful, elegant bouquet suddenly fell from the air and right into your unexpecting hands.
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Halloween Masterlist
All Halloween/Spooky Season based fics from 2017 till 2021
I decided to compile all of the Halloween fics from every year into one Masterlist. And rather than separate them by year, I am just dividing them by fandom/character.
Not all of these are strictly Halloween themed, but are instead spooky/thrillers, etc.
*All fics are gender neutral reader inserts
(Link to Main Masterlist)
- - - - - - - - -
- - Marvel - -
Gif Imagine: Going to a Halloween party at Stark Tower
Headcanons: How the Avengers react to you dressing as them for Halloween (Cute/Casual)
Peter Parker 2.0 x reader: “Have you ever heard about what happened in that house?” (ghost story/mentions of death/thriller)
Eddie/Venom x reader: “Don’t Touch Me” “I Didn’t” (action/thriller)
Bucky Barnes x Reader: “Was that a wolf?”’There are no wolves here” (Suspense /Little Humor) Bucky Barnes x Reader: Werewolf AU + Reader Insert; (Written by Guest Writer ‘Jay’; Casual/Spooky) Bucky Barnes x Reader: 'Haunting' (thriller/spooky; protective Bucky)
Steve Rogers x Reader: “Are you scared?” (Haunted House/Fluff)
Thor x Reader: ‘Halloween Makeup’ (Casual/Cute)
- - - - - - -
- - Teen Wolf - -
Spending Halloween with the pack (general)
Lydia Martin x Reader: Locked Out/Couples Costume (comfort/angst) Lydia Martin x Reader: Halloween Party Planning (general/humor)
Theo Raeken x Reader: Halloween Maze Race (humor/fluff) Theo Raeken x Reader: Couples Costume (fluff)
Coach Finstock: They’re not answering because they’re dead (humor)
Derek Hale x Reader: Stuck in the woods (thriller/action/fluff) Derek Hale x reader: “I told you to bring Holy water for a reason!” (action/angst) Derek Hale x Reader: ‘Jumpscare’ (Humor/little fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - Supernatural - -
Gif Imagines:
Imagine Sam and Dean being chased by Pennywise
You and Sam get stuck in an elevator with a clown
Castiels First Halloween (casual/cute)
Dean Winchester x Reader: Halloween Party Hunt (action/thriller/humor) Dean Winchester x Reader: “This can’t be a zombie apocalypse…” (comfort) Dean Winchester x Reader: ‘Maze of Horrors’ (action/thriller)
Sam Winchester x Reader: “I’m not a witch” // “I think that scarecrow just moved” (action/thriller)
Sam and Dean + Reader (platonic): Ghost Sickness (angst/action)
Castiel x Reader: “This was a horrible idea” (humor) Castiel x Reader: 'It was a dark and stormy night' (casual/light fluff)
Lucifer x Reader: ‘Second Chance’ (action/suspense/angst)
- - - - - - -
- - MacGyver (Reboot) - -
*no longer write for
Gif Imagine:
Angus x Reader: Going to a Pumpkin patch
Angus MacGyver x Reader: Pumpkin Carving Contest (humor) Angus MacGyver x Reader: Unacceptable (general/humor) Angus Macgyver x Reader: Decorations (humor)
- - - - - - -
- - Criminal Minds - -
Gif Imagine:
Hotch reacting to you wearing a sexy Halloween costume (suggestive)
Going to a haunted house with the BAU (humor)
Spencer Reid x Reader: Movie Marathon (comfort) Spencer Reid x Reader: Pumpkin Pickings (fluff) Spencer Reid x Reader: Bonfire Scare (humor) Spencer Reid x Reader: “This was a horrible idea” (humor)
Derek Morgan x Reader: 'Escape Room' (suspense/thriller)
Aaron Hotchner x Reader + Jack: 'Pumpkin Patches and New Beginnings' (cute/fluff)
- - - - - -
- - TVD/Originals - -
Gif Imagine:
Imagine wearing a Couples Costume with Elijah
Damon Salvatore x Reader: Halloween Party
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader: “I think my fangs are coming loose” (general/humor)
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader: “I’m not the only one with blood on my hands” (action/graphic/humor)
Kai Parker x Reader: ‘Rescue’ (action/light fluff)
- - - - - -
- - Leverage - -
Gif Imagine:
Carving Pumpkins with the Leverage team
Eliot Spencer x Reader: 'Need' (NSFW/Smut) Eliot Spencer x Reader: ‘Scary Stories’ (casual/humor) Eliot Spencer x Reader: Pumpkin Carving (cute)
- - - - - -
- - Harry Potter - -
*Golden Trio Era & Marauders Era
Draco Malfoy x Reader: 'Costume' (general)
Sirius Black x Reader: “Making out in a graveyard?” (humor/fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - Sherlock (BBC) - -
Mycroft Holmes x Reader: ‘Scared’ (humor/fluff)
Sherlock Holmes x Reader: ‘I’ve never celebrated Halloween’ (casual/cute)
- - - - - - -
- - Prodigal Son - -
Fic: Malcolm Bright x Reader; 'Sometimes, people are just monsters' (angst/action/little fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - Star Trek - -
*DS9; Enterprise and AOS
Phlox x Reader: Matching Costumes (fluff)
Jim Kirk x Reader: ‘Dreaming of You’ (soulmate au/romantic)
- - - - - - -
- - Kingsman - -
Oneshot: Eggsy Unwin x Reader: If you say Halloween one more time (humor)
- - - - - - -
- - The Man from UNCLE - -
Illya Kuryakin x Reader: Spending Halloween with Illya (general/cute)
Illya Kuryakin x Reader: “The legend said it only goes after virgins…” (humor)
Illya & Napoleon + Reader: Pumpkin Carving (humor)
- - - - - - -
- - BBC Merlin - -
Percival x Reader: “We only have to make it until sunrise…” (thriller) Percival x Reader: ‘Lost’ (action/angst/fluff/humor)
Arthur Pendragon x Reader: ‘Faded’ (angst)
- - - - - - -
- - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - -
Spike x Reader: “Is it just me, or did it just get really cold in here” (action/angst/fluff) Spike x Reader: “I’d take a bullet for you” “It’s not romantic when you’re immortal" (angst/fluff) Spike x Reader: “Lost in the Woods” (action)
Angel x Reader: “If you say let’s split up I swear to God” (thriller/action)
- - - - - - -
- - Doctor Who - -
Tenth Doctor x Reader: 'Corn Maze' (action/suspense)
Eleventh Doctor x Reader: ‘Run’ (action/intense)
Twelfth Doctor x Reader: ‘Trick or Treat Confession’ (fluff/humor)
- - - - - - -
- - Stargate Atlantis - -
Oneshot; Carson Beckett x Reader: Halloween Party (humor/fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - M*A*S*H - -
Oneshot; M*A*S*H Unit x Reader: “Where’s the Halloween candy?” “I don’t know” “Y/n” (humor)
- - - - - - -
- - 911 (Fox) - -
Oneshot; Evan Buckley x Reader (+Other characters) 'Never Again' (haunted house; humor/general)
Oneshot; Eddie Diaz x Reader + Christopher Diaz; 'Trick-or-Date' (cute/fluff)
- - NCIS - -
*no longer write for
Tony Dinozzo x Reader: What can I say Baby? written by @smolpersonbigworld
McGee x Reader: Lazy Autumn Stroll (fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - Bones - -
*no longer write for
Oneshot: Finn Abernathy x Reader: Haunted House (humor/fluff)
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- - Cinderella - -
Prince Kit x Reader: Carving Pumpkins (fluff)
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(there are currently 79 links in this post)
*for me to keep track since the limit is (I think) 100 links in a post.
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