#Golden Cherry Fizz
therealcoolfooddude · 8 months
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(via Golden Cherry Fizz) The combo of the deep purple of a black cherry with the wine and the richness of the yolk make this Golden Cherry Fizz drink very special. 
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 6 months
For the Wholesome OC Asks, I want 20 questions of your choice that you have yet to answer for Sunday. Go. Go go go go go go.
(jk. I mean, I *want* that many, but I won't ask that of you. Instead, give me two and two and two for Sunday, Envy, and Ava!)
I am *so* late answering this. I'll do a bunch to make up for it! (EDIT: Turns out CTRL+ENTER posts shit! Which is bad when you're maybe just trying to SHIFT+ENTER.)
Sunday 13. Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favourite season and why? Sunday vastly prefers warm temperatures, and can tolerate hot and humid weather more than cold. She despises winter weather, even if she likes the aesthetic. That said, her favorite season is autumn! Samhain, Halloween, and her birthday all line up around the same time, she feels magically powerful, and the weather's really nice for a while. 38. Find one quote from a book, a song, or a piece of media that would make them feel at peace. There's a ton of quotes that make me think of the gal, but one that would make her feel understood is from Virginia Woolf's The Waves: "I am made and unmade continually. Different people draw different words from me." 41. If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality? If Sunday was a bath bomb she would give no shits about staining your tub. You'll have a gloriously goth bath experience, and step out feeling renewed and silky smooth, but it'll cost you some scrubbing later. Color wise, we're looking at either blood red or pitch black, with swirls of golden glitter throughout. It would have a strong scent, with notes of rosemary, sage, amber, and clove. Kind of incense-like, but still botanical. It's not for everyone, but it could be for you.
Ava 41. If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality? While I'm still thinking about bath bombs, Ava Sunbeam's would be deceptive. The outermost layer would promise pink glitter and cloyingly sweet raspberry sugar, but once you let it fizz, it would turn out to be a purple, black, and silver galaxy with very few traces of the original pink glitter to be found. The true scent, once revealed, would be a far richer combination of patchouli, plum, and black cherry. 5. What is the song you most associate to them? I'll take this opportunity to plug Ava's playlist, which you can find below! It's hard to pick one quintessential Ava song, but my top three in no particular order are You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring; Mastermind by Taylor Swift (shocking, I know); and Magic's In The Makeup by No Doubt.
42. Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say? "Admitting this feels like confessing my faith is weak, but... I'm exhausted. Do you know how hard—" Here, Ava assumes her usual valley girl fry, "—Like, how hard this is? I'm surrounded by flippin' idiots, like ALL THE TIME, and everyone thinks I'm stupid! I'm not stupid! They don't even know what's coming for them! They don't know a thing!" "And then, I like, have to pretend that I LIKE them? That I'm some vapid pop star that's there to look pretty and suck dick? I don't even think I like dicks! And then that asshole, Nathan, wants to talk about how 'metal is deeper than pop' and how I 'couldn't understand the depths of his darkness?!' News flash, douchebag, I come from the darkness! I have witnessed brutalities beyond human comprehension! I—" Ava clears her throat, checks to make sure she's still alone, and continues, softly, "I'm just, like, tired of this. I know it's important, but it's a thankless job. The worst part is, sometimes I feel bad for Toki. Gag me. Like, he's just as important as the others, and he gets shat on ALL THE TIME. Ugh, I wish I could just make the Prophecy turn a little faster. Every time I hang out with them, there's a moment where I think about how easy it would be to kill them all. I don't know how much more of it I can take, I guess. And don't get me started on the Seer..."
Envy 1. Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours? I'm feeling a hot apple cider right about now— the kind of drink with just enough spice to warm you up inside and out. Envy doesn't go for cider that often, though. Given the choice, she'd much rather have a cup of hot tea. She collects unique blends, and is the kind of person to have a favorite strain of oolong (Green Heart oolongs from Taiwan). She's always got a pot of something at the ready when she's home. 17. What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life? The worst moment of Envy's life (and there's been a king's ransom of highs and lows) was the first time she had to use the nail bat in the back of the bar. She'd been living in LA for about a year and a half at that point, and had just recently started presenting as a woman. She kicked out a group of skinheads fairly early into her shift, and a couple of them skulked around outside until close. The fight was closer than she'd like (and really, she was lucky they didn't have knives or guns), but she prevailed. Between the wonderful knowledge that she could still win a fight and the oddly affirming experience of being insulted as a woman, she walked home with newfound confidence. This developed into the self-assurance she still carries to this day.
37. Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy? Nothing cause I'm broke as hell If she had unlimited play money, she'd spend it on clothes, shoes, and DIY construction projects. She likes to dress boldly for work and cozy at home, and she can never have enough slouchy cardigans and band tees. Let alone her bondage gear and dominatrix outfits... Anywho, she's the type of person who always has a project. She's fixing shit at her bars, building something new, or sprucing up the community garden. If someone needs a new garden bed, she's diving right in.
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gh0stbunnywriter · 2 years
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Gold Dust Woman
Robin Buckley × Nancy Wheeler
Ch 6: Lousy lovers pick their prey.
Friends to lovers, explict, mutual pining, sharing a bed, fix it fic, everyone lives.
When Robin caught view of her golden silhouette, glowing from the afternoon sun, she felt her worried grimace turn slowly to a grin, matching the wide one Nancy was sporting. Her white dress was dirtied and it slid over her scraped knees, blood dotting her clothes with leaves sticking in her hair. Nancy’s excited giggle filled the air and ran through her bones like cherry soda, fizz lifting her heart up to her throat.
Never in a million years, not until very recently, did Robin think Nancy would ever kiss her, let alone in public, in front of anyone that wasn’t in their very small social circle, never to prove a point . Robin Buckley never thought she deserved love like that, especially from someone like Nancy Wheeler. But Nancy had, quite literally, punched the root of her fears in the face. She was so glad their friendship ended that way, turning into deeply carved admiration that ran equally both ways. She finally felt safe, confident even, that she’d never lose her.
Finish reading on Ao3
Likes and reblogs appreciated ❣️
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funnyfooddatabase · 1 year
My Oreo Creation Flavors
Type of Funny Food: Event
Introduced: May 2017 / April 2018
Location: Online / Supermarkets
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With Oreo creating so many flavorful variations of their typical sandwich cookie, it wasn't a shock that the company eventually elected to let customers have input on a new one. Enter "My Oreo Creation", an online contest that allowed creative Oreo fans to submit their flavor concepts for a chance to win a grand prize, as well as the opportunity to see their creation come to life on supermarket shelves.
The contest began in May of 2017, but the three finalists weren't announced- and released into stores for public consumption- until late April the next year.
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These flavors were-
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Kettle Corn, a golden Oreo cookie with kettle corn-flavored cream filled with puffed millet pieces,
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Cherry Cola, a half-vanilla, half-cherry cookie with popping candy inside to simulate fizz,
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and Piña Colada, a thin golden Oreo cookie with pineapple and coconut flavored cream.
After many many votes, it was Cherry Cola that ended up on top. The person who submitted it, a woman named Eden from California, earned $500,000 for her entry.
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lacuna-lunax · 28 days
Sat - 4 Fizz - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Cookie
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
FULFIL Chocolate Peanut & Caramel Vitamin & Protein Bar  
Terry's Chocolate Orange Minis
Sun - 10 Fizz - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Oreo
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Kellogg's Rice Krispies Squares Marshmallow
M&M’s Peanut
Mon - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
FULFIL Chocolate Peanut & Caramel Vitamin & Protein Bar  
Cadbury Dairy Milk Giant Buttons
Tue - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat Free Southern Style Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Barebells Caramel Choco Soft Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Orange Chocolate Giant Buttons
Wed - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Salted Peanut
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
220 Yoghurt
Misfits Plant Powered Choco Protein Bar White Choc Cookies & Cream Flavour
Cadbury White Giant Buttons
Thurs - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Fudged Up
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Cherry Yoghurt (224)
Barebells Crispy Nougat Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons Twisted Chocolate
Fri - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Raspberry Yoghurt
Barebells Coco Choco Soft Protein Bar
Cadbury Caramilk Golden Caramel Chocolate Buttons
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nepofm · 4 months
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SPOTTED   at   the  met   steps   wearing   last   season’s   jimmy   choos  ?   i’d   leave   the   steps   in   the   next   24   hours   before   nepoupdates   catches   them   !   if   it   were   me   ,   i’d   definitely   go   back   and  review   the   checklist   of   golden   rules.
vivienne  “vivi”  sweet   coco  jones  ,  muse  o
coco   jones.     she/her.     cis   woman.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   vivienne   'vivi'   sweet   ,   most   likely   listening   to   gone   girl   by   sza   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty5   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -headstrong   yet   +diligent   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   the   thrill   of   a   win   ,   a   sharp   gaze   and   an   even   sharper   mind   ,   the   fizz   of   a   fresh   bottle   of   dom   pérignon   ,    and   only   ever   accepting   the   best   ,   followed   by   tom   ford   lost   cherry   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   rumor   has   it   the  industry's  latest  SWEETheart   couldn't   pass   the   bar   exam   and   made   her   daddy   drop   bands   to   push   her   music   career   instead   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   dani   ,   twenty2   ,   she/they   ,   pst   .   )
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bullard90kendall · 5 months
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In the hushed glow of the city's heartbeat, illuminated by the whispers of red tail lights that fizz like cherries in a soda, stands a woman with a gaze steadfast and dreamy, a gentle tempest. She's a vision spun from the golden threads of urban moonlight, her hair a cascade of pale silk that dances with the secrets of the wind - tendrils of smoke against the shadows of skyscrapers. The night wraps around her like a well-worn leather jacket, fitting just so, with the hint of rebellion sewn into the seems.
She's draped casually in enigma, a half-smile curled on her lips, as if she knows the punchline to a joke the cosmos told eons ago. With boots laced with the echoes of confidence and a skirt that flirts with the breeze like an old-time movie star, she's the unsung sonnet, the walking verse of city folklore. This maven of twilight seems to hold court with the stars, standing there, a lone lighthouse beacon guiding lost souls to the shores of dawn. Her presence is a bonfire, daring and warm - a promise that even in a metropolis that races past at the speed of sound, you can find a gentle eddy, a still point in the turning world.
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kendall-coded · 3 years
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buried like a dog ((art by @seanchaidh7))
stiles/derek, 2.2k, t
alternative universe: human, meet-cute, flirting
“So,” Stiles starts, trying for casual, “do you want me to ask if it hurt or would you like to ask me first?”
The guy huffs a laugh as he shakes his head, filled to the brim with good-natured exasperation. Stiles smiles, feeling a little bubbly on the inside, fizzing like cherry cola. “Alright, me first then. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven,” he takes in the costume, making his best guess, “or are generic horror zombies impervious to pain?”
Mystery Man leans down, the swing halting with a creak. His elbows come to rest on his knees while he curls over toward Stiles. “So close,” he clicks his tongue. “Werewolf.”
Stiles is sitting in the backyard. He isn’t sure whose backyard, a friend of a friend of a friend, but it’s nice - trimmed hedges and colorful flowers and a neatly-shorn lawn. It looks like the picture-perfect ones that are printed - all pixelated and blurry - on the boxes that inflatable pools are sold in. He runs his fingers through the grass, feeling the cool prickle of it. For just a moment, he imagines that there is an old family dog buried out here somewhere. That has to be the one fault: a picket fence and a sprinkler system and poor old Rex beneath the green green grass. Probably a golden retriever. Suburban rich people always have golden retrievers.
Time is indiscernible, it’s not nighttime, not really, but the sun is on the other side of the world by now. The party lights keep rotating and beaming through the windows, coloring everything outside in flashes of color - neon purple and orange and green. There’s a haze shifting around him, a thin gray fog that is sheer enough to be almost nonexistent but impermeable all the same, like if he reached out to touch it his hand may very well be met with rigidity, stopped mid-air rather than slicing the entire way through.
The porch light is on, coating everything in a not-quite-opaque yellowed white that’s aided by the streetlamps dotted along the road on the opposite side. None of them flicker or are crooked from careless drivers, not like the ones on the street holding Stiles’ childhood home. He is sitting criss-cross in a mesh top with a ribcage printed across the front, probably not at all close to the position of the actual bones. It does little to shield him from the damp cling of night-heat, an almost uncomfortable warmth pooling under his shirtsleeves, streaming toward the dips at the base of his spine. A bead of sweat dribbles down his temple and lands on his pantleg, milky white from the paint on his face. It took him so goddamn long to paint the skull over his skin, an unsteady hand and a dollar-store cream stick leaving shaky pale streaks until he looked more thing than man. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
He’s drunk. For the past fifteen minutes he has been trying to deny it, stumbled outside for the sobering remedy of fresh air only to stagger a little too hard and fall on his ass. He’s been in the same spot since, too prideful - even while shitfaced - to act like this isn’t exactly where he intended to be. Sighing, he leans until his back is pressed to the lawn, a little wet, misted from the neighbor’s sprinklers. Staring up at the sky, he notes there aren’t really any stars, just a hazy black-blue vastness. It’s fitting. He turns his head to survey the other people out here with him. There are two girls on the porch steps, one of them is pale-white and barefoot, clothes all ripped up and dirty, a neon yellow toe-tag on her left foot. It’s clever and Stiles feels a small smile tug at his lips. The girl next to her has a vampire cape and plastic teeth. It’s cute, if a little on the safe side. But he’s got no room to talk. A bit farther back, rocking slowly on the porch swing, is a guy who’s far too hot to be at some college kid’s D-list party.
Stiles thinks it may be too off-the-cuff to sit next to him, a little too on the wrong side of personal, so he plops himself down in the space by the porch’s support beams, maybe a foot away from Hot Guy’s legs.
He sends Stiles a questioning glance, all scowling lips and furrowed eyebrows crowning emerald eyes. Yep, Stiles thinks. Just yep.
“So,” Stiles starts, trying for casual, “do you want me to ask if it hurt or would you like to ask me first?”
The guy huffs a laugh as he shakes his head, filled to the brim with good-natured exasperation. Stiles smiles, feeling a little bubbly on the inside, fizzing like cherry cola. “Alright, me first then. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven,” he takes in the costume, making his best guess, “or are generic horror zombies impervious to pain?”
Mystery Man leans down, the swing halting with a creak. His elbows come to rest on his knees while he curls over toward Stiles. “So close,” he clicks his tongue. “Werewolf.”
Stiles snaps his fingers in defeat. “Ah, man. That would have been my next guess!” Stiles rubs his palm against the rough wood beneath him. “How about best two out of three?”
“How about you are very drunk?”
“How about,” Stiles leans in conspiratorially, “you are very, very handsome.”
“I would say the same but,” Werewolf says, gesturing to Stiles, “I’m not quite sure who you are under all of that.”
Stiles thinks that’s what Halloween is about, shifting and morphing until all that anyone sees is kaleidoscopic face paint, a plastic party cup that pulses color beneath the blacklight, a bass-boosted mood ring coated in the smell of rum and body-shot lime wedges. Halloween is about everyone looking at you and no one remembering anyway.
“Is that so bad, Mister Wolf Man?”
“I guess not,” the man hums, leaning back, the porch swing squeaking beneath him, “it just means we’ll have to see each other again. Maybe.” It’s careful flirting, planting the idea but not actively watering it. Pushing the buttons on someone he may never see after tonight. Toeing the line but not quite crossing. It’s Halloween, Stiles figures he is allowed to engage in harmless flirting with a werewolf in a beanie. For once, Stiles is a bit at a loss for what to say in response, feeling just a little like he has been picked up and shaken around, boiling hot wax sloshing around in a cheap lava lamp.
“Derek,” the guy says after too many beats of silence.
“What?” Stiles croaks.
“My name is Derek.”
Derek. It seems fitting. A strong name for a strong man, all trimmed stubble and angles and the hard planes of his abdomen peeking from the tears in his shirt.
“I’m Stiles,” he offers in return, flushing at how Derek cocks his head. “It’s shorthand for Stilinski, which is my last name. If I told you my real first name it’d probably spook you, and not in a fun Halloween way. Trust me.” Working up the courage, he shrugs, sighing out, “Besides, that’s leaning toward second date material, anyway. Better discussed over dinner and whatnot.”
“You think so?”
Stiles nods gravely, pulling his face down solemnly. “I do.”
Derek laughs and Stiles tries not to puff up with pride, forcing his heart to stop clawing at the bone cage surrounding it, that residual itch from being the blabbermouth loser in high school finally scratched by some guy he just met at a no-name’s costume party.
After a moment, Stiles jerks his thumb over his shoulder, indicating the lawn. “How many golden retrievers do you think are buried in the yard?”
Derek turns and squints beyond the flashing lights, as if seriously considering it. “I’d say at least three. But not all from the same family. And maybe a guinea pig. Young rich children always want guinea pigs.”
Stiles laughs, a real one, neck craned back as he feels it heat his chest. “And a goldfish, too, no doubt.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
Clearing his throat, Stiles raises his eyebrows, trying to think of what to talk about when Derek says, “Do you talk about dead animals with or every guy you meet at parties?”
Stiles shakes his head, saying sagely, “No, just the ones I like.”
Derek gives him this smile, then, this disarming and completely unfair sort of thing. He has teeth like a child, when they are still too small and everyone always coos and says they’ll grow into them. It’s endearing and Stiles gets a little lost in it.
“How would you feel about going out sometime?” Derek asks, completely at ease.
“I feel like that’s the start of a bad joke,” Stiles teases, “a skeleton and a werewolf walk into a Dave and Buster’s…”
The scoff of disbelief Derek releases is worth its weight in gold. “What are you, twelve?”
Stiles holds a hand up to silence him. “I have a Power Card with tens of thousands of tickets on it, thank you very much.”
“Of course you do.”
“Hey, that card has gotten me into so many pants.”
Derek smiles and huffs sure under his breath while Stiles reiterates, “So many pants,” grinning too big for his face. He can feel the paint cracking along the lines of his smile.
“Were they satisfied?”
Stiles wiggles his eyebrows. “Wanna find out?”
Derek rolls his eyes and Stiles tries not to feel too pleased with himself. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he curses, squirming until he finally has it in his hand.
Scotty: locked out of dorm again
Scotty: am drunk
Scotty: …,,.very
“One of your Dave and Buster’s trysts? Ticket prize conquests?”
“So close,” Stiles mimics Derek’s earlier words. “Drunk roommate. Lifelong best bud.”
“Ah,” Derek hums, “that was my next guess.”
Sighing, Stiles pushes himself up, stretching out the stiffness. “Well, that’s my cue,” he drawls, leaving it hanging because he isn’t sure if he should ask Derek to walk him to the front of whoever’s house this is. The campus is only about a fifteen minute walk, twenty to get to the building that Stiles’ dorm is in.
But, when Stiles steps away, Derek levers himself up, indicating for Stiles to walk ahead of him. Opening the back door, they are smacked with a sensory overload: too many lights, too many people, too much noise, too much alcohol. Weaving through, Stiles has to squeeze between the crowd, and suddenly a warm palm slips within his own, calloused fingers slotting into place. His heart pounds an erratic rhythm as he wills his hand not to turn clammy and gross beneath the press of his nerves.
When they finally breach the front door, Stiles holds his phone to Derek, who drops the link of their hands. “I would like to have your number.”
Derek smirks and takes it from Stiles, inputting his information. “What, you wanna give me a call when they finally dig up Fido?”
Stiles nods. “And half the cast of G-Force, too.”
Handing the phone back, Stiles sees that he’s sent a text to himself, a series of completely indecipherable emojis. Derek raises an eyebrow. “Only half?”
“I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.”
For a second, they just look at each other, and Stile gets it. What the songs sing about and the poets write about and the high school kids glorify movies about. Yeah, he gets it, meeting someone and thinking you might love them. If not now, then later.
“Can I kiss you?” he blurts, feeling himself flush red and becoming unspeakably grateful that it’s coated in white paint.
“You’re drunk,” Derek insists, brows quirked.
“What,” he grouses, “you’ve never been drunk and wanted to kiss someone until they couldn’t breathe?”
“I have,” Derek refutes, staring into Stiles. Then Stiles has Derek’s hand moulded along his ribcage like an open-palmed branding iron, molten hot fingertips pressing through the mesh as he licks into Stiles’ mouth, tongue tracing the seam in his palate in a way that tingles. It’s over too soon and when Derek pulls away, Stiles chases, kept back by a halting hand on his chest. “Save some for when I see your Power Card,” Derek murmurs and Stiles makes himself step back so he doesn’t attempt to combine the two of them into one being.
“Is that a euphemism?” Derek just grins and Stiles sighs dramatically. “Fine,” he relents, no bite in his tone, “but you don’t know what you’re asking for.”
“I have a feeling it won’t be so bad,” he assures, grinning. “Go let your roommate in.”
“Go dig up the back yard,” Stiles calls back, consciously forcing each foot to step in front of the other. When he gets down the street, far enough that he can’t see the house anymore, his phone buzzes.
(530) 748-3396: Try not to run into any other generic horror zombies posing as werewolves.
He sends back a blurry photo of his middle finger, feeling like maybe the sky’s not so starless after all.
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mooshys · 3 years
hq + aesthetic lists pt. 2
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aesthetic lists I have made with the hq guys! these are things that remind me of them, no matter how mundane or grandiose they may seem. based off 2015 tumblr with those “tag yourself as an aesthetic” posts.
➝ pt. 1
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hinata ➝ sand between your toes, surprise sunflower bouquets dropped off at your front porch, trampolines, fraying shoelaces, flying kites at the park, denim bucket hats, summersaulting into a pool, popsicles from an ice cream truck, smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt, packing for a road trip, fruit cut into cute shapes, flip flops, pressing a cool water bottle against your forehead when it’s hot outside, the scent of citrus
kageyama ➝ blueberries, monochrome outfits, sharing an umbrella in the rain, freshly baked bread, simple silver jewelry, the sound of a train passing by in the distance, lines of birds sitting on the wires of power lines, neatly folded laundry, soft smiles, pocket planners, the sound of a ticking clock, meeting up with your friends during the weekend, hand salve, changing into your pajamas after a long day, seeing the sunrise
oikawa ➝ sangria by the beach, alfajores, trying to connect the stars together to make out constellations, pearl necklaces, sea foam green, moonlight shimmering on ocean waves, postcards from different cities, tan lines from the summer, rosy lips, navigating your way through an airport, “this reminded me of you” text messages, yellow tinted sunglasses, falling back onto a hotel bed and laying there for a moment after traveling for hours, a collection of souvenirs
tendou ➝ flashing lights on carnival rides, confetti in the air, doodles on white sneakers, silly eraser caps topped on wooden pencils, stifling laughter in the library, red licorice, rainbows after a storm, making pillow forts in the living room and sleeping there instead of in the bed, fireworks bursting in the sky during a summer festival, strawberry candies, blowing bubbles and watching them float up in the air, colored pencil shavings, merry-go-rounds
kenma ➝ stickers on laptops, hair tied up into a messy bun, putting up the hood of your jacket, the sound of keys clicking on a laptop, collectable figurines of your favorite character, watching horror movies on halloween and making fun of the film the entire time, lo-fi hip-hop playing in the background, oversized sweatshirts that cover your hands, personalized ringtones, LED lights decorating your room, fuzzy socks for comfort
bokuto ➝ contagious laughter, running through the rain to get back home, cheesy love songs, fingers sticky from honey buns, dusting powdered sugar on cookies, curly handwriting, hopscotch on the sidewalk, fluffy comforters, tulips, enjoying a day off in the city, seeing an old friend for the first time in years, dancing when no one’s around, wearing a new outfit for the first time and feeling confident, stuffed animals from childhood, homemade birthday cakes
sakusa ➝ chaste kisses at the door before parting ways, charcoal portraits, london fog mornings, cobblestone paths, rain drops cascading down windows, art museums, watching a meteor shower from your apartment balcony, mixing wine in the glass before taking a sip, staring down from the top of a spiraling staircase, iced americanos, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, creaking floorboards, leather gloves, rhythmic drumming of fingers against the wood of a table
atsumu ➝ picking up the phone on the first ring, opal in the sunlight, golden retrievers licking your face, blue skies free of clouds, failed winks, sakura petals falling on your nose, finding each other in a garden maze, the fizz of sparkling water, blowing a dandelion to make a wish, racing up to the top of a hill, eyes full of admiration, plucking a daisy from the ground and putting it behind your ear, perfect first dates, drawing hearts on the back of your hand, candid photographs
osamu ➝ tying cherry stems with your tongue, lazy sunday mornings, the sound of a kettle whistling once the water is hot, the flicker of a flame on a candle wick, steam coming out of a rice cooker, bedhead, the light breeze of a perfect spring day, backyard gardens, laying in the grass together to stare at the clouds, old grocery lists folded and faded after being forgotten in your jean pocket, light humming while cooking breakfast, the first rays of light creeping into your room, simple meals made with love
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
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chdarling-tle · 3 years
Hey!! Since tomorrow is James birthday, could you post a little snippet???🥺🥺🥺. No pressure at all, it’s just that am really excited!!!!
Ahaha, well I was originally planning to post the TLE2 trailer for James’s birthday, but once again my impatience got the best of me. And I can’t possibly let my dearest darlingest James’s birthday go uncelebrated so…here, have some early TLE2 Jily. >:)
This scene is definitely spoilery (although all pretty minor in the scheme of things), so if you don’t want spoilers do not click the handy dandy “keep reading” button below.
Excerpt from The Last Enemy: Dark Marks (Coming this June!)
She was halfway through chapter one when a familiar voice pierced through the clamor of the pub.
“Dunne, you can’t do this to me. You can’t do this to Gryffindor!”
Lily looked up from her book to see James Potter a few steps from the bar, locked in an impassioned argument with Burdacke Dunne, the fifth year Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
“What do you want me to do?” complained Dunne. “My mother said I have to drop Quidditch this year to focus on my O.W.L.s. I don’t have a choice, mate.”
“Yeah, you do! You can choose to ignore her and play the match anyway.”
“You don’t know my mother. She’s…scary!”
“Dunne,” said James, clasping his hands together as if in prayer, “it’s two weeks until the first match. How am I supposed to find and train up another Beater in that time? McFarlan doesn’t know a Bludger from a broomstick right now. I was counting on you. Gryffindor was counting on you!”
“I’m sorry Potter. I don’t have a choice.” And Dunne pushed past him and disappeared into the crowd.
James collapsed at the bar with a groan. He was blocked from Lily’s view by the bearded warlock finishing his cherry fizz beside her, but she saw Madam Rosmerta bustle over and heard James say miserably: “Four butterbeers and a dram of firewhiskey, please.”
“Try again,” was Rosmerta’s dry retort.
“You’re right,” sighed James. “Make it a brandy.”
“Four butterbeers, coming right up.” There was a tinkle of glass as Rosmerta collected the tankards from behind the counter.
“Aw, c’mon, Rosie. Just this once? I’m drinking away my woes.”
Butterbeer gurgled from the tap.
“Girl trouble?” asked Rosmerta.
“Even worse,” said James. “Quidditch.”
“Well, getting drunk won’t make you fly better.”
“I fly perfectly fine, thank you very much. It’s my Beater who’s just abandoned us.”
“And in a year,” said Rosmerta above the clink of tankards being placed on a tray, “when you are of age, I will mourn with you in the appropriate fashion over a bottle of Ogden’s Old. Until then, enjoy your butterbeer, sweetheart.” And she strolled away across the bar.
“I’ll be seventeen in five months!” James called after her, and Lily could hear his grin.
The warlock beside her slurped up the last of his drink, set his glass down on the bar along with a smattering of Sickles, and shuffled away, just as James was collecting his tray of butterbeer. Lily looked quickly back to her book so as not to catch his eye, but no luck. He had spotted her.
There followed a brief pause as James seemed to debate how to proceed. Then he said: “Did you really come all the way to Hogsmeade to sit alone at a pub and read a book?”
“Maybe,” said Lily, lowering her book and giving him a single, haughty glance before turning to quickly survey the pub for Harvey.
“Always with the book sniffing,” said James with an easy grin. “How does that one smell?”
Lily narrowed her eyes. “Like roses.”
“You know, some people believe that the intimate relations between a girl and her literature should be kept to the bedroom. This is a family-friendly establishment, after all. There are third years here.”
“Oh, sod off.”
But James did not sod off. Instead, he moved over to the vacated spot beside her, leaning an elbow onto the bar as he observed her in that infuriating way he had that always made her cheeks grow hot. “So what’s it about? Must be good if you’ve decided to swear off human company for its deliciously-scented pages.”
Lily shoved the book out of sight. “For your information, I’m meeting someone. He’s just running late.”
“Ah,” said James, leaning back slightly. “Who’s the lucky bloke?”
Lily considered him for a moment, then shrugged. “Harvey Harris.”
“No kidding,” said James, looking faintly surprised. “Huh.”
“Your face is saying something.”
“No, it’s not. My face is as mute as a mime.” Then: “Just never thought he was your type.”
“What do you know about my type?” demanded Lily, feeling unreasonably nettled.
“Nothing, clearly.”
“Harvey is really nice.” She didn’t like the defensive tone in her voice, but there it was, lingering and wagging a finger at him.
“Absolutely,” agreed James. “No arguments here. You look up ‘nice’ in the dictionary, you find a picture of Harris. He’s like a big, friendly golden retriever.”
Lily wanted to refute this but found she couldn’t quite. It was an annoyingly apt description. Instead, she heard herself say rather stupidly: “Some people like golden retrievers.”
“What’s not to like?”
“Well, what about you? Who’s your hot date today?”
James smirked. “I’ll have you know, I’m here with the most attractive, desired person in this school.”
Lily rolled her eyes. “I’m sure. Who’s that supposed to be?”
James pointed across the pub, where Sirius Black was seated along with the rest of their gang. Sirius, catching his eye, threw up his arms impatiently as if to say, Where’s my butterbeer, you prick? James blew him a kiss.
Lily almost laughed, but she bit it back just in time. “Well, I can’t say I envy you.”
“You might not, but every other girl in school does. Feeds my ego.”
“Yeah, because your ego is starving.”
“Anyway, enjoy your date with Harris. If you get bored, I hear the hill by the Shrieking Shack is great for playing fetch.”
For some reason, it was this comment that made Lily’s temper flare. “I thought you said you were going to leave me alone. You’ve been doing such a good job, don’t spoil it now.”
James’s lighthearted expression stiffened ever so slightly at this. Before he could respond, however, a voice cleared its throat above them. Both Lily and James looked up. Harvey had arrived.
“Potter,” said Harvey, his tone hovering somewhere between aggressive and uncertain.
James nodded at Lily. “That’s my cue.”
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exosmutfactory · 3 years
Six Phases 006 Pt 1
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Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
A/N:  Hello!~ Long time no see. Are you ready for what comes next? 🤭😇
This chapter update is 20.5k so far... and it’s only the 1st “section” of Chapter 6 so you can imagine how this is gonna go (<.<) oops
[ contains: romance, fluff, angst, & smut (in part 2) ]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 P(1) ✓ P(2)  ----- P(3)   P(4)
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
⏰🌹Six Phases Tag List: 🌹⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @insta1010 
(I was unable to tag one of you guys, sorry love💗)
If you’d like to be added next time, please check out this blog post. Thank you ^^ 🌹
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
A/N: I will be making the story layout more pretty ^^ Hope you like it! Let’s go!~
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Track 01
It's funny how the most important people in your life can enter your world at any given moment. So suddenly—so unexpectedly that you can't imagine your new acquaintance becoming one of your best friends, a flirty friend of friends looking out for you, or even winning a playboy millionaire's heart.
Sometimes these people come out of the blue, and you may not see it then, but they will become pillars to help you hold yourself up; practical family members that you can go to in times of uncertainty—and you will thank your lucky stars every night for not being dumb enough to push these pillars of strength away. Especially if one of them holds the key to your heart…
As dumb as he can be with some things.
And there's just something about observing a silver-haired man walking through a world of white. Snowflakes clinging to the top of his head and his brown winter coat as he struggles with a large box in his hands.
• • • 
The adorable pout on his lips makes a giggle escape mine. I watch him from afar with a fond smile, cupping my hands around my mouth. "Baekhyun!"
My loud call seems to startle him. I burst into laughter as he stumbles over his feet again. "Here, here." Chuckling, I quickly run across the parking lot to assist him. Thankfully without slipping on a patch of black ice along the way. "Let me help you."
"Please do." His warm brown eyes meet mine under the dim street lights, a pout still on his lips. "You sure we'll be alone tonight? This box is quite heavy."
I shoot him a small, secretive smile, neatly tucking my hands under the box along with his, my mitten-covered fingertips brushing against his leather gloves. "Yes babe, it's just you and me~"
Baekhyun hums, unconvinced, as we walk the box to his car, carefully setting it on the floor in the backseat. I catch a whiff of his heart-fluttering, cinnamon-scented cologne before he walks around to the driver's side. "Ready to tell me what's in it?" He raises a brow, resting his folded arms on the top of the snow-covered Audi, a smile playing at his lips.
"I'll think about it~" I chirp, slipping into the passenger seat as he climbs in with a chuckle, hovering my palms over the vent when he starts the car and cranks up the heat. "It's a surprise though."
He hums, carefully backing out of the empty parking lot.
"Oh!" Turning to him with my best puppy eyes, I softly ask, "Can we stop by the convenience store?"
"If you tighten your seatbelt," He advises, taking a quick glance at me and a moment to adjust his own before turning onto the road.
I lean back in the comfortable leather seat, humming along to a familiar song on the radio as he taps his fingers to the beat on the steering wheel. A smile forming on my lips while admiring his side profile against the snowy backdrop of the fogged-up driver's window.
He glances over with a smile of his own, "What?"
I can't help but giggle. "Nothing." Cheekily resting my chin on my palm and balancing my elbow on the handle of the door, I muse, "Just admiring my handsome boyfriend."
Even with only the glow from the radio and the occasional streetlight, I can spot the telling red color on his cheeks. "Shh, you're distracting me." He insists in a flustered murmur, steering the wheel.
Chuckling softly, I turn to face the window, sneaking a peek at him every now and then.
• • •
After I flashed the cashier my ID and purchased what I desired at the store, I held the bottle in my lap for the rest of the ride home, carrying it up as Baekhyun assured me he could manage walking the box on his own to the elevator. Of course, I held open the door for him to make both our lives—and my subconscious—easier, and I unlocked the one to our shared apartment.
He had asked me to move in with him the night of our one year anniversary. The question came so out of the blue, I nearly sprayed champagne all over his nervous features across our chandelier-lit table at an upscale Italian restaurant. I mean… I love surprises—and him as well—but damn man, not even a subtle warning!? And why the hell does he want to live with me anyway?
"I want to wake up every morning to your sleeping face curled up by my side," He murmurs, cheeks rosy. From his confession or the champagne, no one knows. My face doesn't feel like it's doing any better either. "Your hair products cluttering our dresser and your toothbrush next to-"
—Okay, okay. Baekhyun is a hopeless romantic who I'm forever trying my best not to melt into a lovestruck puddle on the floor because of his heart quaking words. And what he wants is what he gets. Most of my clothes are stored in our closet, my purple toothbrush next to his golden one, and my 'emergency' duffle bag is stuffed in the farthest corner of the large space.
Now that I'm officially considered, "Baekhyun's woman," Among his group of friends, I have plenty of options for places to crash for a few nights if the need arises. I'm still getting used to his face being the first thing I see in the morning and sometimes I need a little breather, especially when I sense an argument on the rise. It's all fun and games until we're both running low on sleep and high on adrenaline. A girl's always got to have a plan B.
Even Jongdae offered me his guest bedroom for shelter—and sleepovers!—since Jenny moved in with him after graduating earlier in the year. Must be nice, I got a few classes to finish up while diligently editing the current novel that Park's Publishing is working towards welcoming to the public. It's a lengthy fantasy read full of cheesy romance and battling monsters I can't even think to name—typical shit, a few twists and turns along the way, you get the gist.
Baekhyun carefully sets the box down in the living room while I remove my white coat and snow-covered shoes, quickly skipping into the kitchen with the bottle in hand. "Still trying to figure it out?" I call over my shoulder, moving to get ice from the freezer.
"They're definitely canned," He murmurs, padding into the room on sock-clad feet; his arms wrapping around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder as I work on the countertop. "Did you order exotic food again?"
I shake the bottle in my hand, "What goes good with vodka?" Looking over my shoulder, I find his eyes shifting back and forth between the drink in my hand, and the two iced filled glasses on the counter. His brown eyes light up in realization. "Cheerwine?" He chuckles at my excited nod, "You were serious, weren't you?"
"I miss my homeland soda, okay!" I huff, grinning at his endearing laugh before batting my eyes up at him, "Mind opening the box, babe?~" My eyes flutter closed as he presses a lingering kiss to my forehead.
"Of course," He murmurs, soft lips curled in a smile.
As he goes to unpack the drinks, I put my focus back on the ones in front of me, carefully pouring roughly an ounce of vodka in each glass. There is no desire to party too hard tonight when both of us have work in the morning.
"Are you ready, babe?" I tilt my head towards him, holding a glass in each hand. At the confirmation of him indeed prying open the box, I bring the drinks into the living room, neatly setting them down next to the two red cans on the coffee table. "Ready to relax?" I utter playfully to his lean body stretched comfortably across the entirety of our black & white striped couch. His black button-down shirt and matching snug jeans straining deliciously over his thick thighs and firm chest.
Baekhyun nods with a soft hum, and I won't even deny the way my heartbeat skips when he sits up, welcoming me into his open arms with sparkly brown orbs. "Come here."
Accepting the invitation—what am I gonna do? Say no? No way in hell—I carefully nestle myself in his lap, snuggling into his firm chest as my cheeks warm. They burn even more as my eyes catch his fond-filled ones. "Uh-uh." I gulp, squeaking, "Drinks?" Carefully pulling the tab on the first can he hands me before leaning forward to pour an even amount of soda in each glass. Relishing in the familiarity that washes over me in wake of the soft fizz.
Baekhyun hums, a soft smile playing at his lips. He hands me a glass and collects the other for himself. The feeling of his racing heart on my back has me hiding a smile of my own in the fabric of my pastel green turtleneck. I watch his reaction as he takes a tentative sip; his jaw moving while he seems to savor the taste before taking another, briefly meeting my eye.
I blink expectantly, "Well?"
Baekhyun chuckles, planting a heart-fluttering kiss on my nose. "It has a nice cherry flavor. I like it."
I hum, arching a brow, not quite satisfied. "Better than Cola?"
He laughs, nodding as I sip on my own. "Yes, baby," He murmurs, soft lips brushing over my forehead while pulling me closer, "definitely better."
With a nod, I let the conversation lull into a calm silence, nothing but the tinkering of shifting ice and the reassuring beat of Baekhyun's heart interrupting the blissful atmosphere. Nights like these are my favorite: staying in and curling up to each other for warmth. Away from the loud bustle of our daily lives.
Thankfully with my hard work ethic, (read numerous sleepless nights,) the higher-ups have allowed me to work from home as long as I come in for important meetings and I am present three days a week. I rarely miss more than a day every few weeks though; I have no issues working in my designated office there. However, having the option to pack up my laptop and go spend lunch with Baekhyun in his company a few blocks over is always a treat. And the cutest expression of surprise that forms on his features... I'm never taking it for granted.
I stir a little at a soft pressure on the top of my head, blinking a few times before looking up at an equally sleepy Baekhyun. Giggles soon escape us both. "Cheerwine is a sleeping drink, hmm?" He smiles, eyes twinkling.
"It's really relaxing okay," I smile as more laughter rumbles in his chest, melting further into him as his hand rubs soothingly over my back. "I had a lot through high school."
"Helped to prepare for finals?" He inquires, gently combing warm slender fingers through my hair, melted ice swirling around the bottom of his glass.
I nod, briefly closing my eyes with a hum. "That and facing idiots every day. I almost didn't want to go to college, man."
A gentle smile lights up his face, "But you did." The sparkle in his eyes as he gazes down at me warms me up from the inside out. "And then you met me."
"—The persistent idiot from a frat party."
"Yah!" He complains as I erupt into another giggle fit, squealing when he starts leaving ticklish kisses all over my neck.
"Hey, I'm drinking here!"
Baekhyun chuckles, stopping his playful attacks; his small smile pressed to my neck.
"What?" I mutter breathlessly, savoring the remainder of my drink while regaining my breath. Trying not to waver despite the heat rising in my cheeks under the warmth of his stare. His comforting grip on my waist isn't easily ignored either.
"Nothing," He murmurs, looking me over for a moment. Adoration shining clear in his bright orbs as he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, uttering softly, "Want to take a bath with me?"
"H—Huh?" I squeak, wide-eyed, hiding behind my hand. My face damn near bursting into flames. "Why?"
Baekhyun laughs softly, briefly squeezing my waist. "I don't know, I just…" He falters, fingers fidgeting, an all-telling red hue filling his cute cheeks. "Just thought it'd be nice."
"Nice, huh?" I mumble over the rim of my glass, licking a few stray drops before they can fall while arching a brow; my lips curling at the tint of red crawling up his ears.
"Y-Yeah, I mean," He stutters, focused on my cherry lips.
"I think you just want to see me naked," I tease, leaning forward to set my glass on the wooden table behind his blushing form sitting against the armrest of the couch.
"No-" Baekhyun's breath hitches, tilting his head back at my cold lips softly exploring the warm skin of his gorgeous neck. "M-Maybe…"
"Mmhm." Gently nibbling where his neck meets his jaw and putting his half-full glass away as well, I murmur, "That can be arranged."
Baekhyun sits there for a long moment, blinking owlishly at me before he straightens up. He swoops his arms under my knees and behind my back, standing up without a word, his biceps flexing at the motion. Soft eager lips press to my squealing ones as he walks down the hall to our bedroom.
I wrap my arms around his neck with a shy smile, smirking inwardly at the rapid beat of his heart under my palm resting against his neck.
"Give me a sec," He mumbles, entering the master bathroom. He sets me down on the spacious counter and opens a nearby drawer. "Can you open the cabinet for me?"
"You're gonna light a candle?" I blink, eyes widening at the box of matches in his hand.
"Not a candle," He braces his free hand on the countertop, capturing my lips in an unhurried kiss that makes me gasp. "Many candles."
"How romantic," I chuckle, breathy as he pulls away.
"Everything for you," His lips curl into that adorable, boyish smile; his hand patiently waiting. I retrieve the container of cream-colored candles from beyond the mirrored door behind me, carefully closing it before turning back to him, watching as he lights the match. The flickering flame reflects beautifully in his brown eyes while he holds it to the first candle, the scent of vanilla filling the room. A knowing smile forms on his lips at my unwavering stare.
I clear my throat, gripping the edge of the counter, "I'll go start the water-"
Baekhyun wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me back to him with a shake of his head. "No, I'll do it."
"Baby," He has that pleading look in his eyes, lowering the lit match held between his fingertips. "Let me pamper you." 
"You're gonna make me spoiled," I grumble, eyes fluttering shut at the soft brush of his lips over my cheek.
"You're my girl," He murmurs, chuckling, softly squeezing my waist. "Of course I'm going to spoil you."
My chest nearly bursts under the weight of my surging affection. "Well then..." I begin, calm despite my racing heart, sliding my hands down to unbutton his shirt and tug at the belt on his jeans. I pull up his tucked-in t-shirt, aimlessly searching for his lips. "Do it properly."
My eyes flicker open just in time to catch his adam's apple bobbing, his little nod causes my lips to curl up. He hands me the lit match before shrugging off his shirt; his black t-shirt not too far behind. I lick my lips, trailing my gaze over his honey-toned torso. Smiling before pressing my mouth back to his soft pillows, mindful of the flame between my fingers while wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. "My favorite view."
Baekhyun's bashful smile presses more firmly to mine, strong arms holding me flush to his body. I don't know if the sudden heat in the room is coming from my thick clothes or the proximity of his firm chest.
Just as I start to feel overwhelmed by the warmth, he detaches our lips with a loud smooch, carefully taking the match from my hand. The passionate fire in his orbs burning brighter than the flame between his fingers is enough to make me scorching hot under the collar.
Baekhyun has that knowing little smirk forming on his face again, lighting a few more candles before blowing out the match. "I'll start the water."
I can only giggle, completely enamored with him. The twinkling sparkle in his eyes in response to my laugh makes my heartbeat skip even more. I duck my head to hide from his amused expression and adoring gaze.
He just chuckles, planting a fleeting kiss on my forehead before stepping towards the grand tub on the other side of the room. Grand because the damn thing has three white steps leading up to it and it's at least as big as our king-sized bed in the other room.
The soothing sound of running water fills the air, mixing with the sweet aroma of vanilla and the view of Baekhyun leaning over the tub. His back muscles flexing alluringly, black belt tugging perfectly on his hips.
I look away, covering my red face with a muffled giggle, tugging at the collar of my shirt. Just what has this man done to me?
"What?" He glances over his shoulder, an amused smile playing at his lips.
"Nothing." Hiding my smile is nearly impossible until it falls off my face entirely in wake of him running a wet hand through his silver hair. The soft strands pushed off his gorgeous forehead with those dancing brown eyes of his watching me. I'm not blushing, I swear it's the humidity in the room.
He steps back over to me with antagonizing slow strides, his hands resting comfortably on my waist. "May I?" He murmurs, sliding them down to take hold of the hem of my turtleneck. The warmth of them somehow manages to seep through the thick fabric of my shirt.
I can only gulp, nodding meekly as he smiles, pulling the soft material over my head. The way his eyes drift over my tank top makes my cheeks warm—even more so when he rids me of it without hesitation.
"I should consider underwear," He mutters distractedly, one hand swiping under the edge of my bra while the other slides warmly up my back.
"You wanna compete with them too?" I arch a brow, leaning into his touch.
"No," He shakes his head, wrapping his arm around my waist, lifting those brown eyes back up to meet mine. "I want to see you with my name."
I can't help but snort despite my racing heart, giving him a disbelieving look. "You'd make a whole clothing line just for me to wear?" My amused grin falters at his serious nod. "I wouldn't be the only one wearing them, Baekhyun."
He hums, leisurely peppering kisses to the exposed skin of my chest. Goosebumps rise under his gentle caress as he pulls off my bra, quietly muttering, "You're the only one that matters."
There's no hiding my quickening heartbeat with his lips pressed so firmly to my skin; his brief smile not helping the state of my flushing cheeks at all. Just as I part my lips, my breath hitches—words forgotten with his hands trying to slip under the waistband of my thick leggings. I tsk, lightly smacking them away. "Yours first, mister."
"Mmm." He smiles, his palms sliding down my thighs. He's got that look in his eyes again that tells of unspoken mischief. "I kinda like the sound of that-"
"Never in a million years, Byun."
He chuckles, warm breath fanning over my cheek. "Remember last time? When you just-"
"Baekhyun!" My hand clapping over his mouth does nothing to muffle his contagious laughter. I can only shake my head, reaching to unzip and pop the button of his jeans. He gets quiet as I push them down to his calves. "Don't give me that look," I mutter, running my hands over his back, already well aware of the barely concealed problem he has.
"Why?" He murmurs, seeming to be content with painting me in gentle pink hues with his soft lips.
"You're staring."
Baekhyun chuckles, lifting his head, meeting my eyes with his twinkling ones. "I love admiring art."
"Oh, so I'm an object now?" I arch a brow, leaning back on my palms braced against the countertop. 
"No." He shakes his head, brown eyes still focused on mine, long strands of silver hair cascading down his forehead. "You're the source," He pauses, smiling almost shyly, "Of my love and affection." 
I'm ignoring the urge to coo at his reddening ears, merely planting a kiss on his cheek before wiggling out of my pants and carefully sliding off the counter. I collect our scattered clothes from the floor, tossing them into the wash basket a few feet away, curiously venturing over to the tub. Funny how we haven't used it since I moved in with him months ago. Then again, dating a CEO or not, I still think it is a waste of water just to fill up half of this thing, let alone what kind of water bills come with turning on the internal jacuzzi mode that will set the water into motion. But tonight is a special occasion.
No need for fancy anything—well, excluding the expensive bathtub—just being by his side is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world.
The steam rising from the still water makes my face feel dewy and refreshed. Coaxing me to dip into its heated depths. I gather my hair up into a bun, reaching for my hair-tie only to find out that it isn't on either of my wrists.
"Ah—do you need one?" Baekhyun mumbles, pausing mid-stride, pink lips pouting as he ruffles his silver hair.
Smiling adoringly, I make my way back to him with a shake of my head, grabbing his wrist. "No, it's fine."
"It's alright, Baekhyun." Noticing the uncertainty playing on his features, I giggle. "It's not going to melt off, you know?"
He still has a furrow between his brows.
Fighting my smile, I shrug after a few moments, scrunching my nose, "My hair just gets a bit puffy—but." Holding my hand up at the sight of his dancing orbs, I narrow my eyes, muttering, "If my head ends up underwater, we are going to have a problem."
"Alright," He nods, lips curled up in a sheepish smile. "I can work with that."
I smile softly, taking a deep breath as he steps closer; heart palpitating when his familiar scent hits my nose, mixing with the aroma of vanilla permeating the air. His wet hair flops over his forehead in the most endearing of ways, outlining the cute droop of his eyes and his brown irises lit with the flickering candle flames. I doubt I will ever find a more comforting place than the shelter of his strong arms, fully content with melting into the security of his honey-toned skin. 
"The water's getting cold," I blurt, muffled in the safety of his shoulder.
Baekhyun laughs, briefly dipping his hand into the water. We strip off the rest of our clothes and slip into its pleasantly warm depths.
'Wow,' I mouth, settling against the far side of the tub, relaxing under the water comfortably lapping at my shoulders.
"Nice, hmm?"
"Nice!?" My eyes drift to him as he moves closer. "Dude, I could spend an entire lifetime here if I wouldn't shrivel up like a prune."
I catch a glimpse of his sugar-sweet smile before he moves to sit behind me, pulling me close until my back is resting on his chest. Relaxing completely against him, all tension seems to leave my body, only a sense of warmth and security fills my being.
This kind of closeness—this intimacy—is something I'm definitely up for getting used to. The steady beating of his heart, the soft puffs of his every breath... It makes me inwardly scold myself for not doing this with him sooner. But when I stop to think about it…
I shoot down the thought quickly, fighting the urge to squeeze my eyes shut. The past is in the past. It shouldn't define the present, nor should I think about it. No matter how painful it is, I rather focus on Baekhyun's fingers gently playing with the ends of my hair instead of getting lost in the reminders of why my chest aches from time to time. The unanswered questions and concerns that easily plague my mind if I'm not careful enough.
I'm brought back to the calming waters of the tub by the feeling of Baekhyun's hand sliding down my stomach. "What are you doing?" I grumble, peeking an eye open.
"Appreciating," He murmurs with a small smile, wet strands of his hair tickling my ear as he plants a kiss on my shoulder. "I want to wash your hair. May I?"
Both my eyes flutter open with a quiet hum, a lazy smile forming on my lips. "Only if I can too," I propose, peeking over my shoulder at him. The view of his slender neck bared while his head rests against the back of the tub with water lapping at his chest is damn near intoxicating. Like what the hell, I swear this man grows finer by the day—or maybe I'm just a sucker for him... At this point, it's probably a mixer of both. Possibilities are endless when it comes to being in love—especially the cringe-worthy ones.
Baekhyun hums, brown eyes shimmering brightly as I turn around to face him, resting my palms on his lean abdomen for stability. "I'd love that," He murmurs, arms wrapping around my waist.
I shoot him another sweet smile, reaching to grab his shampoo bottle left on the edge of the tub. An all-too-familiar citrus scent wafts into the air when I open it. Squeezing a bit in my palm, I rub my hands together. "Close your eyes—just in case," I mumble sheepishly. I'm not about to risk him getting soap in his eyes tonight. Between his luck and my clumsiness, we must take all precautions. 
Baekhyun chuckles, his eyes fluttering shut as I carefully run my hands through his hair, shifting into a comfortable position on his lap. He rubs soothing circles on my back, making me smile shyly, treating his soft strands with care.
"Your roots are showing," I note, gently ruffling his silver locks.
"I know." He tsks, cracking an eye open. "I'll get it done in a few days. When inventory calms down."
Humming, I swipe away shampoo drifting down his forehead, looking into his eyes sternly. "Enough of that. Less talking, more washing." 
Soft laughter rumbles in his chest. "Yes ma'am," He mumbles, brown orbs shining in amusement, shutting his eyes again.
I massage the shampoo into his scalp, thoroughly covering the hair at the nape of his neck, pausing at the soft peck he presses to my lips. My cheeks burst into flames, "Lay back for me?"
"Oh?" He peeks, soapy suds sliding down his jaw. "This isn't what I was expecting, but I'm not complaining," He murmurs, smirking.
He's full-on laughing, causing the water to ripple around us. I shake my head, smiling a little, shielding his forehead and scooping up water to rinse his hair.
"Almost done," I mumble distractedly, my gaze drifting over his handsome features in the meantime. There's nothing like seeing a peaceful expression form on his face, or being the one to help him relax after a tiring day. Witnessing the way his stern eyes soften into the purest brown pools of love makes me feel like a criminal. "There."
"Thank you, baby." He hums, eyelashes brushing his cute cheeks before his sparkly brown orbs focus on me. He leans up for a sweet kiss that washes my every worry away, his warm breath causing goosebumps to form on my skin. "Your turn."
I don't even try hiding my smile, relaxing at the rare feeling of his hands carding through my hair. Something about the gentle way he does it makes me giggle, giddiness bubbling in my chest.
"What's so funny, hmm?" He murmurs, biting my ear.
"Baek!" I squeal, nearly opening my eyes as he chuckles, pressing a ticklish smooch to my neck.
Stealing a peek at him, I could melt at the adorable concentrated look on his face. Moments like these remind me how much I love this man. His every habit and cute mannerisms. Even on days when we've had enough of each other, where we teeter close to the edge of a breakup, I rather try a thousand times with him than start over with someone else. Stubborn personality and all, no pride of mine outweighs my never-ending love for him.
Nothing compares to how much I would do for him. Rain, sleet, or snow, I'll be there—and knowing he'd do the same, that he feels the same—is the greatest feeling imaginable.
"Hmm?" He lifts his head from the edge of the tub, holding me close to his beating heart, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. The warmth of his gaze and the familiarity of his palm cupping my cheek send my adoration to new heights.
Taking my time to gaze over his features, I map every soft slope, every stunning curve, every unique freckle of his skin to memory. The little imperfections that make him even more perfect to me, reminders of why I haven't given up completely on humanity. I could spend forever with you. "I love you."
His beaming smile is the most heart-fluttering gesture in the world. "I love you too."
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The sizzling of meat and the mouth-watering aroma of seasoned beef fills the air, popping to the tempo of my anxious heart. I blow away annoying strands of hair dangling in my eyes, painstakingly swirling the steadily cooking, thinly sliced marinated strips around the pan. Monitoring the rice cooker on the other side of the stove while being mindful of the glass plates neatly set out on the counter. I'm grateful that this recipe is as simple as the online articles have stated, who knows what kind of disastrous mess the kitchen would be in by now if it were any more difficult on this Friday night. 8 straight hours of back and forth with a picky, opinionated novelist has left me ravenous, I can't imagine what Baekhyun must be feeling.
The familiar sound of the security code being typed in is audible over the quiet atmosphere, bringing a smile to my lips as the front door opens.
"Honey," That honey-filled voice chimes, beautiful even with the tiredness in his soothing timbre. "I'm home-"
I carefully slide the food out of the pan, giving his plate the bigger portion, glancing over my shoulder at him while trying a piece of meat. He's just standing there in the middle of the room with parted lips, his white dress shirt straining against his chest and black blazer hanging off his biceps.
"Welcome home, Baekhyunee," I murmur, an amused smile tugging at my lips.
He hangs up his coat and blazer with an acknowledging hum, neatly placing his dress shoes on the shoe rack before slipping into his black house slippers, entering the kitchen with quick resounding footsteps. 
My eyes flicker over to the beeping rice cooker as I finish emptying the meat from the pan, barely taking two steps before he's wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're home early."
"That I am," He muses, pressing a kiss to my hairline, strong arms tightening around me. "What's all this?"
"...Do you not recognize Bulgogi?" I frown, giving him the side-eye while scooping rice out of the cooker, smiling at the result. It's not overdone or undercooked. Perfect. "—Wait, is it that unrecognizable? Did I fuck-" I gasp, disoriented from being spun around so quickly.
Baekhyun chuckles, brown eyes twinkling in awe as he smiles down at me. "You didn't, baby." His thumb brushes over my lips, dexterous fingers curling stubborn strands of hair behind my ear. "I'm just surprised is all. What's the occasion?"
"Well..." I mumble, spooning a piece of meat on top of some rice. "I'm tired of getting takeout all the time. We may be busy, but I'll be damned if we buy food that we can cook in mere minutes like what's the point? When we can just-" My eyes flutter close, heart rate exhilarating at the feeling of his soft pillows pressed to mine.
"Let's cook more often," He proposes with a smile, leaning down to take a bite of the spoonful of food held in my frozen hand. Not even two seconds go by before his eyes widen.
"What?" My eyes enlarge the longer he's quiet; he's chewing so nonchalantly I have the urge to run away in a burst of panic.
"It's amazing," He mumbles after a few minutes, eyes sparkling so brightly while gazing at me, planting a kiss on my nose. "I love it."
"You…" I blink a few times, lightly smacking his arm. "You jerk!"
Baekhyun just laughs, pulling me further into his warm embrace. Brown eyes forming cute crescent moons.
"I thought you didn't like it," I mumble, slumping in defeat, unmistakable warmth rising on my cheeks.
"Why wouldn't I?" He murmurs, planting a kiss on top of my head. The tiredness from a long day of work only amplifying the sexy rasp of his voice. "Even if you burnt it to a crisp, I'd compliment you."
I scoff with a racing heart, stepping out of his hold, "That's not very honest."
"Mmhm, but-" He chuckles softly, taking me by the hand and spinning me back around, love shining in those deep brown orbs of his. He's breathtaking under the dim overhead light of the stove that will need to be replaced soon. The faint glow and coupling shadows cast over his features in a captivating way, making him appear older and reformed yet reflecting the youthful emotions in his eyes all the same. His silver hair is blinding under the reflective light; surprisingly the least bit ruffled in its state over his forehead. How someone can look so stunning after working all day will always astonish me, but that's just him.
"I'm honestly in love with you," Baekhyun utters in a heart-quaking hush as if sharing a secret, setting my cheeks aflame. "—And your cooking. Holy shit, what did you put in this?"
I shoot him a small, secretive smile, resting my hand on his bicep, "It's a secret~"
"A secret, huh?" Baekhyun muses, arching a brow, fighting a smile. He briefly glances down at my mouth at that moment, licking his lips before leaning in.
"Ah-" I take a step back just as his soft pillows brush against mine, bracing my hand on his firm chest when he steps closer. "Don't you dare."
"What?" He mumbles, meeting my eyes, pink lips jutted out in the tiniest pout.
Shifting my gaze away from the unfairly adorable sight, I mutter, "I spent all afternoon marinating that meat. You better not let it get cold."
"I'm hungry for something else at the moment," He murmurs lowly, biting his lip. Just those words alone from his sinful mouth make my insides quiver. I clear my throat, trying my best to keep a flush from reappearing on my face as he runs a hand through his silver hair, giving me those darkening brown eyes.
Spotting a magazine out of the corner of my eye, I grab it just as he's leaning in again, promptly smacking his arm. "Dessert comes after dinner—if," I breathe, bottom lip brushing against his, "you're lucky." 
"May luck be on my side then..." He hums thoughtfully, swiping his thumb over his lips; slender fingers softly squeezing my waist. His dark brown orbs lift back up to mine, eyeing me intensely for a long minute. My cheeks redden at the implications.
Baekhyun finally shifts his attention back to the steaming plates. "I'll handle these. Go sit down."
He turns those dark brown eyes onto me again, the mischievous promises swirling within them enough to weaken my knees. I spin around on my heel without another word, hurrying to the dining table. He brings both the plates over, setting them down on the winter-themed table mats placed in front of our designated seats. We prefer sitting next to each other when having meals together at home—some nights spent with my right hand being held securely in his left one.
Baekhyun slides into his chair just as I pick up a pair of chopsticks, the faint scent of his cologne tickles my nose. Would it be silly to say that the room seems to warm up whenever he is around? He's like a little source of comfort and warmth, relaxing me in any situation. It doesn't matter where I am; if he is there, I'll know I'm safe, that everything's going to be alright.
"Say ah," Baekhyun's melodic voice rings, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
I pause mid-bite, glancing over at him. He continues to hold up a piece of meat despite my incredulous stare, "Really?"
He just smiles sweetly, patiently waiting, his bright brown eyes sparkling when I take the offered food with a playfully annoyed sigh.
"I missed you today," He murmurs warmly, pointedly staring down at his plate. My heart nearly jumps out my chest at the sweetness. I bite my lips to fight back a smile, holding back a giggle. It's always heartwarming to know that even after all this time, I'm not the only one bursting at the seams with my love for him. He's so fucking adorable.
"I missed you too," I mutter, kissing his rosy cheek before shifting my attention back to my food. "Eat up, you've had a long day."
"Oh baby, you have no idea." He groans. The familiar sound of metal cutlery clinking against glass dishes fills the room.
"Wanna share?" I inquire, resting my chin on my palm, carefully picking up a few pieces of beef and rice. I gaze intently at him with an encouraging smile.
"I've had three meetings since the afternoon," He grumbles, a tired smile briefly tugging at his lips. "Someone kept messing up the orders and a truckload of the material conveniently ended up shipped to the wrong facility."
"Conveniently?" My gaze flickers to his glass of water on the table, dangerously close to the edge. I move it closer to the center of the table mat, eyes widening slightly at the clench of his jaw. His eyes are full of that stern businessman gleam he only gets when he's restraining the urge to go off on a subordinate.
"Mmm." His body is rigid despite his calm tone, voice deeper than usual, "I swear that they are out to get on my nerves." He speaks slowly as if containing his anger. "We've been at this for years, why haven't they got their shit together yet?"
"Did you get the shipment?" My voice is soft as I tentatively rest my head on his shoulder, stroking his arm.
Baekhyun hums, relaxing a little, resting his head on top of mine. "It's frustrating." He sighs.
"Good thing you're the boss then," I chirp, peeking at him, cheekily adding, "You can yell at them and you won't get fired."
Thankfully, my words make him laugh, breaking the tension in his broad shoulders. The joyous sound rumbles his chest and echoes off of the walls.
"Shh!" I whisper, softly covering his mouth, making a show of looking around. "Yah, don't wake the neighbors. They might think I'm watching questionable comedy again."
Baekhyun only laughs harder, pressing a kiss to my palm before taking my hand into his own, his brown orbs lit up in amusement. "That movie was a wild ride."
"Literally," I agree, raising my brows to broaden his smile. "How much longer do you have to work these long hours?" My tone comes out whiner than intended, but I just hide my face in his neck, basking in his comforting scent.
"A few more days," He mumbles, kissing my head, gently tangling his fingers in my hair. "Why? Do you miss me?" He teases, curling a strand around his finger.
My heart downright quivers. "Nah, I'm just curious—of course, I miss you!" I retort, scoffing, shooting him a look. "12-hour shifts are too much. You're gonna start getting gray hair for real."
"Just until Thursday, baby." He murmurs, chuckling at my doubtful expression, tucking hair behind my ear, and cupping my cheek in his warm palm. "Two more days and then I'm all yours."
"Are you sure about that?" Muttering under my breath, I get lost in the mocha brown of his eyes, my own fluttering shut at the light kiss he presses to my lips.
"Mmm as sure as I am about loving you," He smiles, caressing my cheek with his thumb, gazing adoringly into my eyes.
If I was standing, I'm positive I would have stumbled over my feet by now. I swear this man and his affection will make me melt into a damn puddle one day—possibly today at this rate.
The loud buzz of a phone goes off in the room. Heavy vibrations come from the left pocket of Baekhyun's black slacks, warmly pressed against my thigh. He pulls it out without breaking eye contact, but the sight of a child out of the corner of my eye draws my attention. My heart quickly sinks at the realization that…
This kid looks just like the man next to me.
"Hello?" Baekhyun hums, closing his eyes, a peaceful expression forming on his features until they snap back open. "What did you say?" He breathes, straightening up, face going pale the longer the person's muffled speech filters through the phone.
My eyes shift back and forth between him and the blank screen of his phone, the image of that child still circling around my mind. Who is he? Why is there a picture of a child that resembles him so much on his phone?
Baekhyun and I never really talked about his family, despite him meeting mine. I just assumed that it was a touchy topic or something, so I never—
"I can't—I can't," He grits out, abruptly leaning away from me, knuckles white from his tight grip on the device. He roughly runs a hand through his hair, growing more agitated by the second. "My schedule is packed for the next two weeks. I won't be able to..." He goes quiet, listening as his brown eyes drift over to mine. The nearly blank look in them makes my heart race, and not in a good way.
"I understand," He mutters, ending the call.
The silence that stretches out in the space between us while he re-pockets his phone is unbearable. Even more so with the way he seems to avoid my eye, crossing his arms over his heaving chest; a faraway look within his dimmed brown orbs.
It takes a few deep breaths for me to dare to say anything, reaching out towards him only to lower my hand back to my lap, curling it into a fist. "...Baekhyun?"
"Hmm?" His head snaps up, blinking a few times before meeting my gaze. The unfamiliar daze in his tired eyes is worrisome, "Yeah, baby?"
"That…" I bite the inside of my cheek, not sure how to go about the question I'm dying to ask. Baekhyun rarely gets like this—he gets angry, yes, but to reach this extent of...rage? I only recall witnessing it last fall when I had my phone off all night, and that one time I almost sliced off my thumb while trying to peel potatoes. Multiple chirps of his phone has my eyes darting back down to his pocket.
Baekhyun follows my line of sight, realization dawning on his features. "Ah..." He nods, adam's apple bobbing in his throat, smiling a little before reaching out for me. "Sorry about that, my love."
"Who was that?" I try my best not to seem stiff when he pulls me into his arms, but by the way his smile falls off his face, he already knows.
"My brother," He mumbles, pressing kisses to my forehead, gathering me closer despite the protesting squeak of our chairs.
"And the kid?" I look at him dead in the eye, leaning back regardless of the frown forming on his face.
"Hmm?" He tilts his head for a moment, brown eyes soon widening. "Oh! That." His sheepish smile is borderline guilty as he ruffles his hair, uttering quietly, "That's my nephew. Isn't he adorable?"
Nodding slowly, I hum, turning to poke aimlessly at my cold food. "Looks just like you."
Baekhyun's arm tenses up under my hand. He pulls the phone back out of his pocket. "You mean his father. See?" After a few swipes of his finger, he holds it up; the device displays an image of the little kid and an older-looking version of Baekhyun. "Baekbeom and I got confused a lot growing up."
Uh-huh... My heart squeezes uncomfortably in my chest as I twirl a chopstick around my plate. "Why do you never talk about them?" I whisper, taking a peek at him.
"Why don't you ever ask?" He shrugs, lips twitching—an almost annoyed tone in his voice.
"O-Oh well..." The painful throb in my chest is immediate. I grit my teeth, lowering my head and pushing away from the table. "I'll go wash the dishes-"
"No—wait." Baekhyun grabs my wrist, gently pulling me to him. "Come here." He whispers, wide eyes flickering all over my person.
"The chair's gonna break," I mutter, avoiding his eye, reluctantly sitting on the edge of his lap.
"Shh—baby." His voice has taken on that soft comforting timbre he reserves for dreary nights and hushed calls between meetings. His strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me further into his warmth. "Look at me, please?" He tucks a finger under my chin, coaxing me to face him.
Shaking my head, I keep my eyes down on my hands, fully content with examining the state of my chipped nail polish instead.
Baekhyun sighs after a while. "I'm sorry," He mumbles, hugging me to his chest, nuzzling his nose into my hair. "I had a long day and shouldn't be taking it out on you."
"And I cooked for you." I huff quietly, crossing my arms. "Next time I'm making food for myself. You can stick to your precious takeout."
"No," He whines, hiding further in my hair. "I want your food. Your cooking is the best."
"You only had one meal." I roll my eyes.
"And I want them all." He pulls back, cupping my cheek in his hand, staring deep into my eyes. "I want all of you."
There's no holding back the smile that automatically forms on my face, but his words do nothing to ease the lump in my throat or the burn of his actions. No amount of butterflies in my stomach can hide the fact that... there are parts of Baekhyun's life that he refuses to share with me. But there's no point in getting upset over something I've known for over a year, is it?
Baekhyun peeks over at me mid-bite. "What?"
"Nothing," I murmur, breaking out of my daze, mustering up a smile. Gently wiping away a grain of rice from the corner of his lips. "You're just so cute, I bet you were adorable as a kid."
"Mmhm." He nods nonchalantly, though his reddening cheeks are a dead giveaway. "Our kids will be lucky."
I splutter, damn near dropping the glass in my hand. "Baek!" My light slap on his chest does nothing to disturb his laughter. "Stop playing, I'm still upset."
His chuckles evaporate in an instant. "I'm not." The serious tone of his voice mirrors the determination in his eyes. "I mean it."
My eyes widen, "Oh..."
"Do you ever think about it?" Baekhyun's voice barely reaches a whisper, he meets my eyes with a bashful expression before looking away. "Having kids, I mean."
"Yeah?" He breathes, wide brown eyes focused on me. The utterly surprised look on his face is refreshing to say the least.
I nod, choosing my words carefully, "I wouldn't mind 2, 3, 4 mini me's."
"Four!?" The chair creaks as he leans back in astonishment. If his eyes were wide before, they are the size of saucers now. "Are you mad, woman?"
"No! I just-" It's hard to formulate words with his fingers mercilessly tickling my sides. "Stop." I groan, laughing, batting his hands away. "Can't I dream about having a bunch of cute kids?" I shrug, looking away. "I dream big, so what?"
"Nothing." He smiles, bright orbs dancing, softly squeezing my waist. "Keep dreaming, baby."
"Mmhm." Relaxing against him, I wrap my arm around his neck, giving him a look. "What about you?"
"Don't 'hmm' me." His widening smile is contagious, I just want to kiss it off of him. "How many kids you want?" I murmur, picking lint off of his dress shirt, peeking under my eyelashes at him. He stays quiet as I gently curl his hair around my finger, "Go on. Spill."
"Doesn't matter," He mumbles, pressing a kiss to my palm, picking up his chopsticks again.
"Really?" I arch a brow, not the least bit convinced. "Are you sure? I bet you want two."
"Nope." The word comes out muffled around the cheek-full of food in his mouth. Even his audible chewing is adorable and attractive.
I scoff in disbelief, smiling a little with a tilt of my head, resting it on his shoulder. "How many do you want then?"
"Doesn't matter the number or gender," He shakes his head, neatly setting his chopsticks down on his empty plate. "I just want them." He peeks at me, "With you."
My brows raise in surprise. "Thinking ahead, are we?"
He shrugs, a smile quirking at his lips. "I like being prepared."
"You know life is unpredictable, right?" I mutter, narrowing my eyes at his cheeky expression.
Baekhyun smiles sweetly, pulling the collar of my oversized shirt off my shoulder, brushing his lips over my skin. "Then I hope life predicts me with you."
It takes everything in me to hold in a gasp, tangling my fingers further in his silver locks. "What are you up to now?"
"Making it up to you." He leaves a trail of soft smooches up to my collarbone, nibbling at the sensitive skin, gently digging his fingers further into the swell of my waist.
"Making it up..." I mumble, melting into him, resting my hand over his heart. "How exactly?"
"Well." He pulls back with a tiny grin, biting his lip, pure mischief swirling within his sparkling eyes. "There are many ways my mouth can apologize..."
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 P(1) ✓ P(2)  ----- P(3)   P(4)
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A/N: What is Baekhyun up to now? I swear he grows more complex by the day. Do I write the fic or does the fic write itself? (>.<) let’s not talk about the filth that leaves his mouth (<.<) *coughs* 😳🔥🌹  onto part 2 we go~ 
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footballxwrites · 3 years
Cute date night mason mount please xx
Valentine’s Night ♡
Nice long one for the occasion, enjoy the read and I throughly enjoyed writing this! <3
To be fair you didn’t really expect to be celebrating the day seeing as the both of you haven’t for the last two years due to your work schedules and just not being that fussed about the whole romantic gestures sort of thing so you were caught off guard when you walked through your front door to find a trail of rose petals leading down the hallway. Of course being intrigued, you began following the path of flowers and candles along the floor of your house until you reached the stairs, “Mase?” you called up the staircase, hoping to get some sort of response however nothing but a silence and a cool draft could be heard and felt. “What are you up to Mount” you whispered with a slight giggle, climbing the stairs in search of your boyfriend, the roses continuing on each individual stair filling your heart with happiness, remembering just how lucky you are to have him in your life. You weren’t the fittest soul going and by the time you reached the top, it took you a minute to gather back your breath and in that time, your bedroom door caught your eye as it gently swayed back and forth, which you were presuming was where the breeze was coming from, so you tiptoed towards it, on your way finding the biggest bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen, a mixture of white and pink lilies that were wrapped in a gorgeous golden bow with a little card attached reading “to my love”.
“Mason” his name faded off your tongue as you opened the door to find him stood there, suited and booted for a proper night in, wearing a simple white tee with some grey joggers (which you went absolutely mad for) and a huge smile painted on his face as he held in one arm a Cadbury’s milk tray and a card in the other. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around your waist and as you leaned in to place a kiss on his lips, he gently pulled away and whispered a small “follow me” into your ear before taking your hand in his and leading you outside onto the balcony that was connected to your master bedroom. You had the most perfect view of your back garden and into the distance, over the trees, you could just about notice the busy city of London, seeing a little peek of the iconic shard rising into the night sky and seeing as you lived on the outskirts, there was nothing but peace and quiet for miles, which was exactly why you chose the house in the first place and it meant you could enjoy one another’s company without the interruption of anyone else.
“What the-? You really did all this for me?” you gushed as your eyes became glued to the little setup of pillows (hundreds of them) that were under the duvets and the bottles of fizz on the table with a few cherry scented candles surrounding them in a heart shape (he really went all out) as well as your favourite snacks and treats, oh not forgetting the giant cuddly bear in the corner. “Happy Valentine’s darling” he grinned softly before closing the space between the pair of you with a kiss, you right away gripping his soft, ungelled hair as he held you tightly in his arms and the two of you slowly fell into the mess of blankets in the heated moment. You could feel Mason smile as he mumbled a small “I love you” against you lips whilst he hovered over you before deepening the already very passionate kiss and leaving little trails all down your neck as you traced patterns along his abs over his t-shirt, “loving the comfy look, those grey joggers do all sorts to me” you giggled, slightly moving away to catch your breath, “glad you like them, they’ll be coming off in no time tonight though” he winked as you nodded in agreement.
“Right stop distracting me with all your beauty we have a date to get on with” he smiled, sitting up as you laughed, watching him struggle to pop open the champagne, “come on use those muscles you love to show off about” you joked as he purposely put on a show, flexing as hard as possible and eventually get the cork out, causing it spray all over the side of the balcony. “For you m’lady” he gleamed and without hesitation you sat in between his legs so your head was resting on his chest and the two of you looked into the cool night, admiring the stars that were clear in the sky, “I never noticed how much of a beautiful view we have up here” you stated in awe as Mason nodded, “me neither till the other morning, somewhere over there’s the Tower of London and to the right of that there’s Stamford Bridge” he said, pointing in amazement, not quite believing how much of the urban city you could actually see from your house.
“I can’t thank you enough for being in my life, I’m sorry we haven’t had a proper Valentine’s in a couple years” your boyfriend said, leaving a lingering kiss on your lips as you gazed at him and chuckled heartily, running a finger over his cheek, “it’s ok, waking up next to you every day is enough for me” you replied, reaching for the bear he bought you, “and I couldn’t have wished for anything more than this big fella” the both of you falling into a fit of laughter as he rolled his eyes, “will never be as cuddly as me though” he promised, snuggling into the crook of your neck even more. “Right what will it be, pizza and a movie or do we skip the whole meal deal and make up for lost time with the past Valentine’s 👀?” he asked, of course knowing it was an obvious question as you didn’t think twice about straddling him and ripping his top from him, kissing down his body as he let out a small moan of delight before you traced back to his ear, “I think we”ll eat later” you seductively said, ridding yourself of your clothes as top you began showing him just how much he meant to you right there and then on your balcony ❤️
Picture this house and balcony with this set up...
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mahouref · 4 years
Masterlist of words to use in magical girl names!
(Some are very themed such as fruits or colours, others are more general like ‘magical’ or ‘heart’. I’d suggest matching a themed word with a general word to make a magical name, but use this list however you like!)
angelic / angel
aqua / aquatic
beautiful / beauty
blossom / bloom
celestial / celeste
charm / charming
cheer / cheery
cloud / cloudy
cosmic / cosmos
cosy / cozy
dancing / dancer
delight / delightful
devil / devilish
dreamy / dream / dreamer
fizz / fizzy
flame / fire / flare
flutter / fluttering / fluttery
gem / gemstone
glimmer / glimmering
grace / graceful
heart / heartful
ice / icy
lemon / lemonade
lovely / love
magical / magi
melody / melodious
milk / milky
mint / minty
miracle / miraculous
misty / mist
night / midnight
passion / passionate
peace / peaceful
peach / peachy
pearl / pearly
princess / prince / princette
rain / rainy
rosy / rose
serene / serenity
shining / shiny
sky / skies
sparkling / sparkle / sparky
spirit / soul
starry / starlight / starlit
sugar / sugary
sunny / sun / sunshine
tiara / crown
twinkling / twinkle
zap / zappy
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lacuna-lunax · 3 months
Um. Um.
Saturday - 2 Fizz - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Cookie
Monster Energy Ultra Fiesta Mango
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
Maxi Nutrition Filled Creamy Core Hazelnut Nougat Protein Bar
Galaxy Minstrels Milk Chocolate Buttons
Sunday - 2 Fizz - (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Oreo
Monster Energy Ultra Gold
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Cherry Yoghurt
Maxi Nutrition Filled Creamy Core Chocolate Cookie & Milk Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Caramel Nibbles
Monday (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
So Sticky Toffee Yoghurt
Lindt Gold Bunny Milk Chocolate 10g
PhD Smart Bar Salted Fudge Brownie
Milkybar Buttons White Chocolate Raspberry Ripple
Tuesday (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra Fiesta Mango
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Strawberry Cheesecake Yoghurt
Battle Bites Dynabar Chocolate Caramel Flavour High Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons Twisted Chocolate
Wednesday (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Salted Peanut
Monster Energy Ultra Fiesta Mando
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
Strawberry Cheesecake Yoghurt
Pro Fit Vanilla Caramel Crunch Protein Bar
Cadbury Caramilk Golden Caramel Chocolate Buttons
MOTHER MOTHER Thursday (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Fudged Up
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Wagamamas Kare Burosu Ramen (589, 23)
NOMO Fruit & Crunch Chocolate Bar
Cadbury Mini Eggs
Friday (1400):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra Fiesta Mango
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Raspberry Yoghurt
FULFIL Chocolate Salted Caramel Vitamin & Protein Bar
M&M’s Peanut
0 notes
uwua3 · 4 years
golden boy.
🌸🌷 sakuma sakuya
summary: summer was sakuma sakuya—forever your golden boy
warnings: angst, flings, ocean, summer romance, unrequited/temporary love
author’s note: please help i am going through sakuya brainrot because of a certain someone (you know who you are) who spammed me with lucifer! sakuya !! in order to prevent it, here’s a self indulgent angst one shot about summer fling! sakuya ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ (why is my automatic response to write angst that Hurts My #Feelings,,, okay???)
below are multiple quotes about summer that made me think of golden boy sakuya himself! :D
word count: 1,913
music: animal crossing – shawn wasabi, sophia black
“All in all, it was a never to be forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.” — L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s House of Dreams
There’s something about summer—it’s more a feeling than a season, isn’t it?
At least, that’s how you felt about Sakuma Sakuya. Golden boy himself who instantly warmed your skin with a slight touch, the god of sunlight who lived in a world where it was always June. That was who Sakuya was to you: a fleeting, sickly sweetness that left too quickly. Anything was possible during summer, where the days overlapped one another and stretched into infinity. That was your only time with Sakuya.
“How are you, my golden boy?” You murmured lazily upon the balcony, sweat slick against your forehead and it felt like you were in the deep end of a pool. Barely breathing with this humidity, suffocating on an empty promise that only held true in the last few summer months. Regardless of the suddenness from your absoluely perfect nickname for him, you could hear Sakuya’s genuine, light laugh from beside you.
“Couldn’t be better.” Sakuya whispered back, as if he couldn’t dare break the hazy daydream keeping you two together. He only bumped his elbow into yours, it reminded you how little you needed to move to make him yours. You could only imagine how gorgeous he must’ve been with a blush across his sunset–lit face, so you reached your hand out to take his. It was shaking slightly, but Sakuya squeezed back anyways with a light press of a kiss to your knuckles. His lips must’ve tasted of ripe strawberries and juicy watermelon, which you would confirm soon with a smile.
With the smell of celebration in the air, the indescribable setting of idleness meeting hopeless dreams, and a fling only the sun would bear witness too, you were certain of one thing and one thing only. Summer was Sakuma Sakuya—forever your golden boy.
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“Summertime is always the best of what might be” — Charles Bowden
Life was beginning again all because your golden boy, and you could slowly forget who you were before this summer. Until, it stayed, reminding you of how soon this would all end like the noisy cicadas. Just like a warning, that summertime could not last forever even with the son of the sun himself.
That evening, the ocean spoke in tongues you couldn’t understand, curling around your bare ankles with the guidance of the full moon. Unprecendented mysteries beneath the waves, nothingness that cost lives to be discovered, and secrets taken to the grave were just beyond your reach. All past your fingertips brushing against the salty water as it retreated into the depths of the unknown. Sand molded around your feet seemed to take you in deeper and deeper, willing you to stay in this summer bliss forever.
But, it was June. A day of hanging by the beachside in perfect weather, a blue sky above with no clouds, and savoring the time you two had together made for memories you’ll never forget. Perhaps it was how that seashell you kept in your hand matched his eyes, or how it felt in the moment to go underwater with him hand in hand, but you sighed softly into another sunset. Summer went too soon, and like a fool, you wished for more time.
Feeling a gentle lingering touch against your shoulder, his hand rested upon your skin, unaware of how you burned guiltily from his summer love. Sakuya sat down as well, taking a second to appreciate the quiet intimacy you both shared. The sun was setting during golden hour, the ocean was painted in a dreamy shade of purple pastels, and more pretty souvenirs of sea glass surrounded you. It was perfect—he was perfect.
“We should head back home.” You slowly said after a while, to which Sakuya hummed something akin to disagreement before resting his head against your shoulder. You subconsciously wrapped your arm around him, delicately toying with the salt–dried strands of his hair at the nape of his neck. Sakuya wanted this feeling to last for the rest of his life: romance bursting alive like the world when it was summer, hot and fiery, everything it was meant to be.
“Stay with me.” Sakuya turned his head to mumble in the space of your neck, his warm breath ghosting over your collarbones. You knew his words had a double meaning, that spending the night was just a small part of what Sakuya really desired. Ever the hopeless romantic, Sakuya dreamt of a year–round, committed relationship with his fated soulmate. But, you weren’t his for a lifetime, just this summer.
So you ignored his demand and instead replaced the dwindling newfound freedom of responsibility with a temporary love, standing up and putting your hand out. You both knew what your answer meant deep down inside, and Sakuya should’ve ran away, but he gently took your hand anyways. Walking away from where the waves met the shore, you two headed to your place in the humid summer heat, laughing and smiling like you two weren’t mortals on borrowed time.
When you kissed your golden boy made of sweet nothings, temporary fixes, and momentary love that night, you saw summer and only summer.
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“You are so much sunshine in every square inch.” — Walt Whitman
Sakuma Sakuya—to you, perhaps those were the two most beautiful words in the Japanese language. Whenever you said his name, it tasted like sticky, melted ice cream and a wave of happiness embraced you like a sunny afternoon. His existence itself was a simple joy, one you could never have enough of; he came near the definition of perfection in this imperfect world.
It was... easy, being with Sakuya. You liked it—the frequent, meaningful displays of affection that held all the love in the world, the light shimmer of dreaminess that came with his thoughtful, gentle words, the impulsive willingness to do anything and everything for acceptance in return. You knew Sakuya loved this (you) to an unhealthy, unexpected level, that he woke up and jumped out of bed to see you and wished on every dandelion to sleep in your arms. It was the romance of it all, the possibility that your chance encounter was a product of destiny. He often sleepily giggled about soulmates, and when he gave you that innocent look under the stars, you didn’t have the heart to disagree.
Tonight was one of those nights. The sheets messily tangled around your bodies, clothes from this busy morning wrinkled from wearing them all day. His shirt was too big, and his baseball cap was still on your head; it was so mismatched but somehow, it worked out. The puzzle pieces fit despite the oddness of it all, and you liked his intricacies. The comforter was thrown on the floor at this point, the windows were open with a light breeze swaying the translucent white curtains. The moon glowed from up above with the constellations watching your summer romance painfully fizz out like a firecracker.
Sakuya was playing with your fingers, his hands delicately holding yours as he rambled about anything that made his day. You diligently listened, savoring every word that escaped his lips as you laid on your side. July was beautiful on him, even though he was a creation of spring. His half–lidded eyes sparkled despite yawning, and when he looked into yours, he grinned and moved in closer. Sakuya slowly held your hand tighter, curling up in bed to face you. He rested your joined hands between you two, watching and admiring your ethereal shine.
You knew what he wanted to say so desperately, the three words that would change everything. Before Sakuya could start, you pulled him into a tight hug and closed your eyes, mumbling a, “Good night, golden boy”. He ran his fingers through your hair, sighing contently as you two dozed off to greet a new summer dawn.
This was Sakuya’s first ever taste of love, and boy was it sweet. But, for you, this was just another pastime you knew would go too soon.
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“Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons. But when all is said and done, they have one thing in common: They are shooting stars-a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they’re gone.” — Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
Sakuya was forever curious, innocently naive about anything that slightly piqued his interest. So, when he asked a question on an everchanging summer’s night, you realized it was August.
“What are we?”
You inhaled the nostalgia brimming in the festival atmostphere, the crowds apart of a distant background that couldn’t hide you from the inevitable. Sakuya looked so, so pretty in his newest yukata, the cherry blossom design highlighting his bright hair and eyes underneath the glow of the paper lanterns. But, his face was uncertain as he glanced upon your expression to find some idealistic truth. You didn’t let it show, just cast your gaze against the night sky, waiting for the annual fireworks show upon a grassy picnic blanket.
It was something you could tell Sakuya wanted an answer to for a long, long time. Maybe before the start of summer even, when catching one another’s eye lasted too long, or when you’d always find yourself in his room a little too late. It was a response you wish you could bottle up and throw into the ocean, watch it sail away into the abyss with no remaining evidence of its impact. But, you couldn’t do that. It was nearing the end of summer, and you knew this would be one of the last times you could see Sakuya was more than a friend.
“We’re...” You started before a firework exploded above. The surrounding groups reacted with awe, staring at the vibrant night lights with buzzing excitement. Even Sakuya fell victim to the firework’s spell, his big eyes reflecting the sparks with a starstruck smile. You couldn’t bring yourself to continue, instead swallowing the rejection and sneaking glances at his side profile. He looked so happy, so distracted, you couldn’t remind him summer was over along with the fireworks.
When Sakuya turned his head towards you, a wavering, scared smile graced his lips. He spoke, but the fireworks cut him off. Sakuya’s face was illuminated by neon shades of the rainbow, as festival goers cheered for an encore. You knew he said those three little words that meant everything to him, so boldly and proudly like it would change your relationship with him.
You attempted to blink away the tears, but Sakuya worriedly cupped your cheek, using his thumb to brush away the singular tear that trailed down your face. Before he could ask what was wrong, you placed your hand over his with a sad, sad smile.
“I’ll miss you, golden boy.” You weren’t overshadowed by the fireworks this time, and Sakuya smiled, too, despite the tears. He suddenly understood what you meant, and repeated himself.
“I love you, I’ll always love you beyond summer.”
Summer was Sakuma Sakuya—but, he was no longer your golden boy.
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scone-lover · 4 years
Sour Cherry Scones
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True to my name, today I’m sharing my tested-and-true recipe for incredible sour cherry scones! ❤️
I’ve been thinking about these scones since reading Carry On, specifically the line: “I just can't pass up the scones if they're there. They're soft and light and a little bit salty. Sometimes I dream about them.” 
Me too, Simon, me too.
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I use my own small-batch scone dough base recipe, which was originally adapted from the blog dessertfortwo. I also drew some inspiration from the recipe from fiction food cafe. I haven’t made @cookingmywaythroughcarryon‘s recipe but I’m hoping to try it soon!
These are quite different from all of those, and I’ve tested them about 4 times now (and not just because I want to eat them again... and again.) Fiction Food mentioned they might be round in canon, and while I prefer triangle scones, I cut these round with a mason jar lid and they turned out really nice—very English-teatime looking.
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butter: I actually don’t like to use frozen butter. It tends to result in a crumblier texture than I would like. These scones are flaky on the outside and dense inside. I don’t use a pastry cutter or food processor—I cut cold butter into cubes, then rub/smush it into the flour with my hands. I’ve found that results in the best texture. 
cherries: I did a lot of research on sour cherries (this post from The Kitchn) and used dried Montmorency cherries from Trader Joe’s. A friend recommended soaking them in liquid (water, OJ, rum) to plump them, which I haven’t tried but might do next! The dried cherries worked great for the texture. Although fresh would be ideal, obviously, I would be careful with the amount of liquid they add during cooking, which can lead to a soggy scone.
baking powder: My first two batches fell flat because my baking powder was expired! You can easily check this by adding some to hot water and seeing if it fizzes.
salt: The amount of salt in this depends on what kind of salt you have on hand. I used pink Himalayan and ½ tsp was the perfect amount so you could taste it and have that salty/sweet combo. If you’re using kosher salt, ½ tsp should also be fine. If you have sea salt I’d reduce to about ¼ tsp. You can use table salt in a pinch (I prefer not to bake with it) and I’m guessing that would be ¼ tsp as well.
egg: I think dessertfortwo uses just an egg yolk in order to maintain proper liquid proportions for the small batch recipe. However, I found that using just an egg yolk also reduces fluffiness, which is ideal—we want a scone, not a muffin. An unexpected perk is that it contributes to that beautiful golden colour!
The photos in this post are mostly from the best-tasting batch I made with the recipe posted here. However, they spread out a little in the oven because my baking powder was expired. The paler scones were made with an experimental recipe which turned out far worse, but I used non-expired baking powder (lol) so I’m putting them here for a height reference.
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Recipe is below, and scroll/click “keep reading” below that for a step by step with photos!
Makes: 6 scones
1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup sugar
¼ to ½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons salted butter, cold
⅓ cup cold heavy cream, plus extra for brushing
1 egg yolk
¼ cup dried sour/tart cherries
Preheat the oven to 400ºF (205ºC).
In a bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and baking powder.
Cut the butter into squares and add it to the flour mixture. Work the butter into the flour mixture using a pastry cutter, forks or knives, or your hands. It should be evenly distributed in pieces the size of peas.
Add the sour cherries and mix. (You can also do this after adding the wet ingredients for a better sense of how many cherries you want.)
Whisk together the egg yolk and heavy cream in a separate bowl. Pour it into the dry ingredients and incorporate using a spatula.
Place the dough on a lightly floured surface and shape it into a circle about an inch thick. Using a cookie cutter or anything round (I used the top of a mason jar), cut the scone into circle shapes.
Place the scones on a baking sheet (optional lined with parchment paper). Brush the top of each piece with heavy cream.
Bake for 13-15 minutes, until the scones are golden brown on the edges and a toothpick comes out clean.
Enjoy with butter or cream, tea, and a book :) (Preferably Carry On)
Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
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Cut the cold butter into squares and add it to the flour mixture. Use your hands (or a pastry cutter or utensils) to distribute the butter until the chunks are pea-sized.
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Combine the heavy cream, egg yolk, and vanilla extract, then add it to the flour/butter mixture.
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Stir until it forms a shaggy dough. Add the sour cherries if you haven’t already.
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Flip the dough onto a floured surface and push it together with your hands until it forms a ball. Pat/roll it into a circle about one inch thick.
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Use a circular cutter or whatever you have on hand, cut out the scones. Do not twist the cutter -- the ragged edges are part of what helps them rise.
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Place the scones on a baking sheet either greased, lined with parchment paper, or a silpat mat.
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(Can you tell which photos I edited for my blog, lol)
Brush the tops of the scones with heavy cream. DO NOT SKIP THIS - it’s heavenly and gives them a wonderful crunch on the top. Much better than egg wash. It’s seriously decadent.
Bake the scones at 400ºF (205ºC) for 13-15 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.
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Make a scone-butter sandwich and pretend that you’re Simon Snow. 
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Enjoy, my loves ❤️ 
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