#Gow fanfic
queer-irritator · 6 months
Everything Has Changed | Kratos x reader
A/N: I was listening to music and Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift came on and it made me think of how one look at Kratos and I was in love lmao. I think Kratos deserves a whirlwind, sudden teenage dream type romance. Pure fluff!
Fem reader, no use of pronouns, but feminine descriptions used.
CW: Adult language, mention of death, mention of mysophobia. 
Word Count: 4,535
You lived alone on a small island in Svartalfheim, near Dragon’s Beach. Since the towns nearby were built with dwarves in mind, you didn’t exactly find it the most comfortable to live in Nidavellir. So, you built your own little slice of paradise. You had a quaint home, not unlike those housed by dwarves. You also had your own garden to grow food, and a few pets to keep you company. You found your way into the tight-knit community created by, and for, dwarves after being taken in by the most unlikely candidate in all of Svartalfheim, Sindri.
Left an orphan after your parents were murdered under Odin’s orders, you were stuck wandering the town of Nidavellir at the age of 6. Your parents were adventurers; brave and curious truth-seekers. But when their curiosity brought them to Svartalfheim, dangerously close to what you can only assume was something very sacred to Odin, they were killed. Or, that’s what you think anyway. Odin and the aesir claim there was an “accident” when they were exploring. You didn’t know any better at the time, but Sindri did. Somehow he had convinced Odin not to take you away with him, gods know what he would have done to you if he hadn’t been successful. 
Since then, you’ve looked to Sindri, and the entire community of Nidavellir, as family. It had been almost two decades since then, and now you work hard helping out the dwarves any way you can. You perform chores that are made easy due to your height advantage over them, but most importantly you make yourself available to listen to the community, sort of like a self-appointed therapist. That’s where you were at this very moment, on a hill a few minutes walk outside of town, you call your “office”. You saw a few people each day, but today was slower than usual. On days like this you liked to practice magic and tend to your garden. You took an interest in nature, so Sindri taught you how to manipulate some natural elements, get food to grow quicker, some healing magic, stuff like that. You were planting some seeds for the upcoming harvest season. Your hands, covered in soft, cold dirt, carefully poked holes into the tender earth. You dropped a few seeds in each hole before gently covering them back up. 
The snap of a twig to your left tore your focus away from your current task. You turned your head to meet the sound and couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You saw Sindri stepping out from behind a tree, you hadn’t seen him in a few months, the both of you had been consumed in work as of late.
“Sindri!” you called to the dwarf as you dusted the dirt off your hands and stood up.
“Hey, it’s been a while. I-”
You cut off Sindri’s words by running over to him and embracing him in a bone-crunching hug. You were careful to keep your dirty hands away from him, but he hated being touched nonetheless. This was the longest you’ve ever gone without seeing each other, so he was just going to have to deal with your close proximity. You could feel his body tense up around your arms, signaling he had enough. 
“I’m sorry, I know you hate it, but I haven’t seen you in forever!!” You flashed him a sad smile, pleading him not to be upset with you. 
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just… take a bath in bleach.” He was standing so none of his limbs were touching each other, like an awkward sparring dummy. 
“Don’t be so dramatic.” You teased him as you knelt down to rinse your hands in a bucket of water nearby. 
“We breathed the same air for nearly 20 years, a hug is nothing.” you attempted to reason with his brain. You stood up once again and really took in the sight of Sindri standing in front of you. Despite his mysophobia that refused to waver, you really missed him. 
“So, what are you doing here? Just dropping by?”
“No, I… I actually need your help with something.” Sindri’s tone had shifted from annoyed to more serious. “Anything for you, Sin’.” you smiled at him, trying to keep the conversation light. You couldn’t imagine he would have anything horrific to ask of you. You turned to a small shelf and grabbed a clean rag and a bottle of cleaner and handed it to Sindri. 
“Here. I can’t take you seriously with you standing like that, man.” You chuckled. He mumbled out a ‘thanks’ and swiftly began to clean himself.
While Sindri was getting himself into a state of cleanliness that he deemed suitable, he told you of the favor he needed. He explained that the World Tree was dangerously close to becoming overgrown, and Ratatoskr had his hands busy trying to parent the lindwyrms, who were not ready to care for the world tree on their own quite yet.
“Ahh, so now my “dirty hobby” has come to be useful!” You crossed your arms smugly as Sindri rolled his eyes with a scoff. 
“If that’s how you want to look at it…” he murmured. “Just, come to my house when you’re ready. I have to take a bath now.” 
Before you could even agree, Sindri was gone. You chuckled to yourself and began to clean up and get ready to be away for awhile. You said a spell over your newly planted seeds to keep them healthy and watered for the time being. Next you collected some clothes and supplies into a small satchel and picked up your sword. Its hilt was crafted from dwarven steel and the blade was made out of wood from a poison tree and wrapped in thorny vines. You slid it into its sheath on your back and headed to the nearest mystic gateway. 
Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir had just returned from freeing the Hafgufa from Vanaheim. There was a trail of sand following behind them.
“I’m really glad we got to set the Hafgufas free, but I don’t think I wanna go to any realms with sand for a while…” Atreus stated as he brushed some sand from his hair
“Aye, I’ve got sand in me neck stump!” Mimir shared Atreus’ disdain for feeling sand in every crevice imaginable. The sound of the front doors opening pulled the men’s attention from their current discomfort.
You took a few steps through the front door before you stopped in your tracks as you locked eyes with perhaps the most invigorating man you’ve ever seen. You hadn’t expected to see anyone else at the house, let alone someone so tantalizing. It felt as if all the breath was stolen from your lungs as you looked deep into his amber eyes. The scowl the man had on his face only a second before had noticeably softened now. It was as if the two of you were the only people in all the nine realms at that moment. After what felt like years of staring into this man’s soul through his eyes, it was cut short as sound filled the air. 
“Y/n! About time I saw you again.” Brok greeted you as he walked out from behind the counter of the workshop. You held your gaze with the giant man for just one more second before reluctantly tearing your eyes away to greet Brok. 
This was no big deal, you just had to act like you hadn’t just seen the most attractive and magnetizing person in your entire life… If you didn’t believe in love at first sight before, you sure as Hel believed in it now.
“It’s really great to see you, Brok.” You smiled at the blue dwarf and bent down to engulf him in a hug. You could only hope that he couldn’t feel your heart pounding in your chest. 
Although your back was turned, you could feel the man's eyes on your body. You stood up straight and took a deep breath, readying yourself to speak to the handsome stranger. You turned towards him and held out your hand to greet him as you found yourself drawn to his eyes once again. 
“Hi, I’m (y/n).” You introduced yourself. The man glanced down at your hand and then back at you. He reached his hand out to grasp yours in a surprisingly gentle handshake. 
“Kratos.” is all he said. The sound of his voice was better than anything you imagined. You could have melted into a puddle of goo at that very moment. 
“Kratos.” You smiled as you repeated his name. “It’s very nice to meet you.” You said, letting go of his hand, missing the warmth of his body heat immediately. You looked to your right to see a teenage boy. You had almost missed him in all the feelings and thoughts swirling around in your head. 
Kratos placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, “This is my son, Atreus.” 
You reached your hand out to greet Atreus as well, “It’s very nice to meet you too!” you smiled at the boy. He returned your smile and shook your hand, with much more grip and enthusiasm than his father.
“Good to meet you as well! So, how do you know Sindri?” Atreus asked, assuming only people close to the dwarf would be allowed access into his home. You chuckled slightly, thinking he was joking around. When he glanced around awkwardly you realized how serious he was. 
“Oh…” you started, confusion showing on your face, but it soon turned to agitation. “Oh my gods.” You quickly turned your head to Brok. “He… He doesn’t talk about me?” You practically yelled in astonishment. 
“Hey, don’t take it out on me… But, uh, let me take a look at yer sword.” Brok knew just how to evade your annoyance. You took out your sword and set it down on the workshop table with a scoff as you repeated your words with disbelief, “He doesn’t talk about me…” 
Kratos and Atreus silently exchanged glances to each other as they were left guessing how you and Sindri were acquainted. One situation in particular was swirling around Kratos’ mind, that you were romantically involved with the dwarf. Disappointment had crept up onto him as he began to entertain this thought. 
“Uhm… Are you and Sindri, like… dating?” Atreus awkwardly asked you, staring at his own feet to avoid your gaze. 
“No! Oh, no, not at all! He raised me!” You had been so lost in your annoyance that you never answered the boy's question. 
Kratos felt relief wash over him. He wasn’t sure why he was relieved, or why he cared if you had been something more than a friend or family member to Sindri. He had just met you, he should not be having these types of thoughts or feelings about anyone, let alone a stranger.
“Ohhh!” Atreus chuckled a little, finally looking up at you again. “Wait- Sindri had a kid?” He glanced at his father and then back to you. “Are you-”
You cut Atreus off before things could get awkward again, “No, I’m like an adopted sibling he never wanted.” you cleared the air. 
Seemingly right on cue, Sindri entered the house.
“Oh! I didn’t realize you three would be back already...” Sindri shifted his weight from side to side, seemingly unprepared to introduce you to his guests. But his awkward demeanor soon switched to panic as he noticed the pool of sand in his house. 
“Really?!” Sindri sighed loudly as he fetched a broom from a nearby closet. “You two, get outside!” He commanded Kratos and Atreus, pushing the broom at their heels to rush them out of his previously pristine house. 
Once the duo had been escorted outside, Sindri shot them a warning, “And do NOT come back in until you are sand-free!”
Sindri propped the front doors open and began to sweep the sand out of the house. You were left watching the entire ordeal with a slightly amused look on your face. You figured you could give Sindri shit later for not telling his friends about you, he had enough on his plate for the time being. For now, your gaze drifted back towards Kratos.
“Uhm, I’m gonna go take a bath.” Atreus notified his father before turning his back to walk through a small wooden gate on the side of the house to clean up. 
Kratos grumbled slightly and unhooked Mimir from his belt, setting him down on the bottom step of the stairs leading into the house. He then proceeded to take off each piece of his armor and shake the sand out from them. You took your time to look over his upper body. Your eyes trailed the bright red tattoo, from the sharp edge on his face to the swirl on his bicep, and the curve on his abdomen. You couldn’t help admiring his muscular physique and taking note of the large scar on his stomach, and a smaller one over his eye. 
“Alright, quit yer drooling.” Brok’s voice snapped you back into reality. He set down your sword on the counter in between the two of you.
You whipped your head towards the dwarf, a soft pink blush falling over your cheeks. 
“Fuck off, I was not drooling…” You defended yourself, snatching your sword back. You took a moment to look over Brok’s upgrades before returning it to its sheath.
“Whatever you say, princess.” Brok teased you further. 
You rolled your eyes and started to walk down the steps outside. You were careful not to make any more of a mess for Sindri, but not careful enough to notice a severed head on the very last step. In your effort to avoid stepping on the head, you tripped over your own two feet. Instead of feeling the harsh impact of the ground, you felt a warm hand on your upper arm. You looked up to see Kratos holding onto you. His piercing brown eyes were staring right into your soul, again. You felt your heart rate pick up, you opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. His grip loosened on you and he returned his hand to his side. 
“You should be more careful.” Kratos advised you. 
“Yeah- uhm, I’m sorry about that.” You turned to the severed head on the steps, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s the big oaf’s fault for settin’ me down there.” The head was surprisingly forgiving of your clumsiness. A tinge of pink settled across your cheeks as you looked back to Kratos. The man just grunted in response to the head. 
“I’m Mimir, it’s nice to meet you.” The head introduced himself at last. You sat down on the steps next to Mimir. 
“Right back at’cha. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier.” You felt guilt for over-looking him earlier. Although, you did overlook just about everyone except for Kratos… 
“Don’t even mention it. How could ya have seen me?” Mimir continued to joke at the expense of Kratos. A smile spread across your face. Before you could continue your conversation, a voice rang out.
“Master (y/n)!” A familiar voice entered your eardrums, Ratatoskr. A small sigh escaped your lips as you stood up. 
“Duty calls.” You announced. “I’ll see you two around.” You gave a smile to Mimir and a wave to Kratos before walking over to speak with the abnormally large squirrel. It was time to find out what exactly you’ll be helping him with. 
Kratos’ gaze followed you as you walked away from him. His eyes raked over your figure, memorizing the way you walked and how your hips moved with each step. 
“Father?” Atreus’ voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Hm?” Kratos turned his attention to his son and continued to shake the last of the sand out of his waist armor. 
“I was just saying that the bath is ready for you, and I can clean up out here.” Atreus shifted his gaze between Mimir and his father. Kratos simply nodded his head, dropping the armor he was holding and headed to get himself cleaned up. 
Atreus began to gather the armor from the ground. “Uhh, do you think he’s acting a little… weird today?” 
“I think he might be a wee bit tired from all the traveling, lad. Speaking of, would you mind helping me clean up a bit?” 
“Sure, no problem Mimir.” Atreus smiled and got to work. 
You spent the next few hours getting a tour of the World Tree and extremely detailed instructions from Ratatoskr on how to care for it. He explained how to prune the branches, what limbs held which realms, what you should never touch, the list went on and on. Your head was so filled with new information it felt like your brain was going to explode. You walked into the house just as it was getting dark outside after finally being relieved for the evening. Even though the realm between realms doesn’t have a sun and a moon, it was still nice to have it simulate days and nights, so as to not lose track of time. The scent of meat and spices filled your nostrils, Brok was in the kitchen stirring a large pot, of what you assume was dinner. 
“That smells amazing.” You said, walking towards Brok. You stopped in front of the giant pot and picked up a spoon to give the stew a taste test. “Tastes amazing too.” 
“It ain’t ready yet.” Brok snatched the spoon out of your hand. You put your hands up in defense.
“Sorry, I guess I’ll just wait then… and never compliment you again.” you turned your back and headed to where you used to sleep growing up.
“Wait, that’s-” Before Brok could finish his warning, you opened the door to be greeted by Kratos sitting on the side of a makeshift bed. The only item of clothing he had on was dark brown pants. He almost looked like a different person without all his armor on. There was even more scarring hiding under his wrist armor, it looked like chains had been branded onto his forearms.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were staying in here.” You apologized for intruding. 
Kratos looked up to meet your gaze, “It is fine.”
You gave him a small smile and looked around the room, “This place hasn’t changed much. I used to stay in this room when I was younger.” You leaned against the wall as a flood of memories entered your mind. 
“You can have the room if you wish.” Kratos said as he stood up with a slight grunt. 
“No, I couldn’t kick you out of your room. You probably need it more than me. Plus, the chair out there is pretty comfy.” You assured him.
“Mh… Let me know if you change your mind.” He began to wrap some red cloth around his forearms. 
“So, how did you come to have a talking severed head as your companion?” You questioned him.
“I cut it off.” Kratos replied to you plainly. 
“Huh?” You had confusion written all over your face.
“He was trapped. Imprisoned in a tree and tortured everyday. He asked me to cut off his head to free him. So I did.” Kratos further explained. 
“Oh, that’s actually really kind of you.” You said, reflecting on the odd, but thoughtful, request.
Kratos grunted in response.
Just as you were about to ask him more about himself, you heard Brok announce that dinner was ready. You gave Kratos one more look over. His lack of clothing was incredibly inviting, but you were hungry and tired. 
“I’ll see you out there.” You excused yourself and walked out to the table to sit down and get some food. 
Dinner was nice and casual, there was no residual awkwardness from the days prior events. You got to know more about Atreus, that boy really likes to talk. He was going on about the different types of monsters he’s fought with his dad. He seemed the most proud of defeating a huge electric dragon a few years ago. The most surprising detail of the story was that Sindri utilized one of the dragon’s teeth to enhance Atreus’ bow. Swapping stories around the dinner table made the time go by far too fast for your liking. It felt like the six of you had been friends for a lifetime. When the conversation had died down, you stood up and collected the empty plates. You made your way to the kitchen to wash up while Kratos and Atreus went into their respective rooms.
“I can get that, you should get some rest.” Sindri’s voice came from behind you. You turned your head to look at him.
“No, I really don’t mind!” You insisted, turning on the water. 
“Okay… Well, to be honest I don’t trust anyone else washing the dishes but me.” Sindri admitted. 
“Mmmh, the truth comes out.” You chuckled and stepped away from the sink. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
“You just rest. You’ve done a lot for me today… Thank you.” Sindri gave you a small smile and got started on cleaning up. 
You had an idea brewing in your mind. You couldn’t get your mind off of Kratos. You just wanted to know more about him, he was all you could think of. You found a spare piece of paper, scribbled down a note, slipped it under Kratos’ door and made yourself scarce. 
“Brother, someone’s slipped a note under your door.” Mimir alerted Kratos, who was laying down on his makeshift bed. He pulled the weight of himself up with a slight grunt and walked over to where the note was. He bent down and picked it up, unfolding it carefully. 
Meet me at the side of the house. 
Kratos furrowed his brows and let out a confused grumble. He set the note down on a crate near his bed and stepped out of his room. 
“Aye, what did it say??” Mimir questioned, but the only response he got was the sound of the door closing and heavy footsteps leading further and further away. 
You were sitting on a barrel, leaning your back against the side of the house and nervously tapping your fingertips on your thigh. You heard the front door open and close, causing you to spring to your feet and run a hand through your hair to tame any fly-aways. You watched as Kratos entered through the side gate, latching it behind him. Your heartbeat started to increase with each step he took toward you. He stopped a few feet away from you.
“You wanted to see me?” Kratos spoke with a hint of confusion laced in his words.
“Yeah, I did…” You took a step toward him, taking in a deep breath before looking up into his eyes. “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, and I just wanna know you better.” You confessed your infatuation with the man.
“What would you wish to know?” Kratos asked you. 
“Everything?” You responded, taking another step closer to him, leaving only a few inches of space in between you.
“Mh… That may take awhile.” Kratos looked down at you, his chest steadily rising and falling with each breath he took. It was beyond your grasp how he could remain so calm and stoic, but it made you want him more than ever. 
“I have time.” You told him with a small smile. You lifted your hand from your side and carefully placed it on Kratos’ cheek, right where his beard began to sprout. You looked in his eyes for any signs of hesitation, but you found none. You leaned up on your tippy toes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. 
You leaned back just a few centimeters from him and opened your eyes. He hadn’t moved a muscle, it was like you had kissed a statue. Kratos had a look of surprise and confusion sprawled across his face. His eyes were raking over your facial features, searching for any hint of disgust. He was waiting for you to shove him away, to start laughing at him. He was expecting to hear you question who would ever want to touch a monster like him. But you were just staring right back at him, looking increasingly worried by the second. 
“Are you okay?” You spoke, barely above a whisper. Had you broken him? Did he not like you? Was he trying to find a way to let you down without hurting your feelings? Your embarrassment started to manifest itself as redness across your cheeks, darkening with each moment of silence that passed. 
Kratos nodded ever so slightly and one of his hands ghosted just above your hip, barely making contact with your body. 
You placed your free hand on top of his, encouraging him to make full contact with you. You placed both of your hands on either side of his face and kissed him again. Only this time, you weren’t as gentle. You started with a firm kiss and then began to move your lips against his, trying to encourage him to kiss you back. You felt his hand on your hip pull you closer to his body and then you finally felt his lips start to move against yours. He dipped his head down so you didn’t have to strain to reach his lips. You couldn’t hold back a faint moan erupting from your throat as you wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to get even closer to Kratos. He now placed both his hands on your hips, tilting his head slightly to the side to deepen the kiss. After a few more moments, you weren’t sure if it was a lack of oxygen, or if you were getting drunk off of the feeling of Kratos on you, but you were getting dizzy. You stopped kissing him and placed a hand on his chest to steady yourself and took a moment to catch your breath. Kratos watched you cautiously, he gently brushed a strand of hair out of your face with the back of his hand. Your face was flushed pink and your lips were wet with the mix of both of your saliva. He hadn’t had any feelings like this in a long, long time. 
“Uhm…” You looked up at Kratos, pleasantly surprised to see he was watching you carefully, “Would you wanna get a drink with me sometime?” 
For the first time you saw the man’s cheeks firm up into a slight smile and heard the sweet sound of a chuckle escape his lips. 
“Why don’t we go now?” He proposed.
You nodded in response, “Yeah, that sounds great.” You smiled back at him, not caring if you looked like a complete idiot. 
“Let us go then.” He declared, walking towards the gate and holding it open for you.
“Okay, I know just the place.” You walked through the small wooden gate and excitedly waited for Kratos to catch up to you at the mystic gateway. 
A/N: Thank you for reading! I very well may do a part two to this story. Feedback and interaction helps me know if you want me to continue!
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Ok, hear me out:
Kratos, after the events of the Valhalla DLC, is sleeping peacefully in his home, until someone knocks on his door.
"I didn't know who else to go to." says Thor.
Thor, who had ascended to a higher existence after being killed by his father, rejected that existence and decided to live another live. He wanted to be better for his family, but he didn't want to return to them the way he was. He wanted to change first. So he went to the one person who knew how.
Kratos tells Thor about his past and he realizes that if Kratos can change then so can he.
"You kid is lucky." Thor says. "I hope mine can be as lucky as yours one day."
Kratos decides to take him to Valhalla as a start. An opportunity provided to Thor by Odin's betrayal.
Kratos goes to Lunda in the realm between realms and gets a mace and shield for Thor like the ones Modi had. On his way out of the house, Ratatoskr asks Kratos for a favor and says he'll reward him with materials. Kratos asks for another reward instead. For bitter squirrel to be Thor's partner in Valhalla. Kratos believed the similarities between them would make Thor feel at ease.
Kratos, Mimir and Thor, with much conversation between the three on the boat, go to the same shore and after much trouble, convince Freya to help them and not tell anyone. Especially Sif and Thrud.
"Well, at least with Odin gone, there's no one for him to serve. We could make good use of-" Freya says
"No." Kratos cuts her off. "He is Odin's monster no longer, and he will not be ours. To help us or not is your choice."
Freya sighs "I'm only doing it for you, you know."
"Thank you, Freya."
"Of course."
Thor, with bitter as a partner, tackles Valhalla.
Many obstacles stand in his way: The fact that he simply isn't a disciplined warrior, but a fat dude swinging a hammer, and the new weapons are something he isn't used to. The years of trauma inflicted on him by Odin. The death of his mother which he blames himself for. His refusal to embrace the Johtunar part of himself. His refusal to think and feel.
He tries and fails for many months. He lives with Kratos and Mimir and they get to know eachother better. He has Kratos train him, and eventually, with the help of Kratos, Mimir, Tyr, Freya and surprisingly bitter who turned out to be a better companion for Thor than Kratos could ever for, Thor manages to come to terms with his past, and finally battles Tyr and wins.
However, as soon as he peeks at what's behind the door, he quits. He decides that he doesn't wanna try anymore. Everyone else is wondering why, but Kratos knows why. He knows what's behind that door, or rather who.
Killing his son. Thor could could never come to terms with that. It took Kratos over a hundred years to heal from that.
He goes to the spot where Modi died to remember his son. He looks above, and he is caught by the last thing he wished to be caught by.
He battles it, but due to not having his hammer, and the poison being his weakness, he loses and is knocked unconscious.
He wakes up a bed, wrapped in bandages. It wasn't Kratos's home, or any he'd ever known. The little boy sitting on the edge of the bed greets him. He has red hair darker than his and doesn't look older than three winters. His mother, a dwarf woman, tends to Thor and tells him that her husband saved him and to rest while her husband hunts for food. He tries to decline and just leave, but he can barely walk two steps.
Thor complies, and stays in bed.
He finds out that he is in a magical forest. Those unwanted and shunned by their own people come here to escape. Some dwarves, some giants, some Aseir, Vanir and many others, and that the forest is hidden by her husband's magic, and that he insisted on bringing him here.
Bedridden Thor occasionally talks to the boy and bonds with him. He finds out that the boy has giant blood in him, and works out that his father is a giant or at least has giant blood. No wonder his father never wanted to meet him.
The GiantSlayer he was would strike fear in any giant. He was nowhere near being better. His progress didn't matter to these people. but then why did he save him? That didn't matter as well. As soon as he gets better, he's leaving. It's better this way.
One day, he woke up at sunrise and found that no one was home. He found that he could walk and decided to just leave. He made his way through the forest, but it was a labyrinth. He found himself lost. It must be the father's magic. The excited laughter of the boy playing with his father and mother echoed through the forest. He wanted to thank them and say goodbye to the boy. He followed their voices. The boy was playing hide and seek with his father. It sounded like the boy was the seeker and his father was winning.
The father's voice was familiar. His heart grew heavy as he got closer to the source of the voice.
"It can't be." He whispered to himself.
He reached them, and the sight of the father struck him like a thousand lightning bolts.
-Think I should continue this fic?
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followyourfleart · 1 year
Kratos loves it when you touched him. The habit first started when he got injured and you massaged him so you can take care of him.
Also, he loved the way your soft hands would run over his body when you would sleep on top of him. His favorite spot is when you trace or rest you hand on the crook of his neck. He finds it soothing. 
He never asked you to do it, but he would never say no when you started.
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abbyaart · 1 year
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Lil doodle I did of Daddy-I mean Kratos…
247 notes · View notes
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Fated to Fall ~ Sindri x Reader [Pt 5]
|Chapter Selection|
|Previous Chapter|
You paced for a while outside, curses and rage-filled words falling off your tongue in murmurs. You had never felt so small, so useless, so discarded.
It hurt
It hurt to be left here, to have no way out. As if you were an animal. You didn't deserve this. It wasn't your fault- IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT!
After a few minutes of the held-back anger bubbling and brewing under your skin, you let out a fury-filled scream before taking the ax on your back and throwing it at a nearly tree-shaped branch of the Yggdrasil.
In a crackling sound the ax left your hands, glowing yellow and white flecks of light following it before it landed in a sudden bright explosion that sent you flying backward with its sheer force. You quickly covered your head as you landed and bits of the tree splintered and shot in all directions. It was seconds later that the clanking of your ax was heard a few feet away as the remnants of the explosion ended.
Slowly your arms fell, your eyes glued on the place the Yggdrasil once stood. Instead, there was nothing more than flecks of yellow light and a crack of gold that stood alone in the air. You knew it would soon fade, but that didn't make staring at it any less stomach-dropping.
Your anger was gone, overtaken by the shock of what you had caused. You didn't move, you couldn't.
You hadn't meant...
You had never, not in so very long at least. Even if it showed in small shines you had never been so out of control of that part of yourself. Like your grip on it was weakening, falling out through bursts of emotion you usually controlled so well.
You sat stunned on the ground, your mind slowed and quiet now. So quiet in fact that the only words you could hear were the ones usually so silent against the others.
This was why your name never graced the walls of the Jotnar.
You were their unnamed monster. A name better left unwritten to those who would hear the story of the giants. You were no savior, no child of their kind.
You were a monster marked in gold.
"Hey! For the love'a- pull yer damn self together!" you were suddenly pulled from your stunned shock when Brok shook you, where upon you blinked back into existence before immediately pushing him away. You quickly stood to your feet and stepped back, your throat tight as you looked at the dwarf who, despite the destruction you had caused, didn't seem fazed.
"Ain't no needs ta go pushin' me every fuckin' time" he commented as he stood. You didn't move for a long moment. Your shock still held strongly onto you, those previous words once so quiet now echoing through your head. Brok brushed himself off before turning around to the destruction. He shook his head a bit.
"What went and blew yer fuckin' lid?" He questioned before turning back to you. You couldn't find the words in your throat, let alone have any fall off your tongue. After a long pause a solemn look soon took over your features. You shook your head slightly as if it would shake off the reality of what you had caused before turning to go grab your ax.
With the shock still flickering through your shaky hands you simply couldn't bring yourself to address anything that had happened. You had gone so long, had controlled it so well, only for it to come out in accidental destruction caused by your inability to stay calm.
So you numbed. You let all your shock and disgust and hatred and- and anger. You felt it leave though not in any way relieving. It instead fled from your body like the ocean before a tidal wave.
"That bad huh? Well c'mon then. S'go get all them splinters off ya 'for Sindri gets back" he continued as he waved you over. You were confused a moment before you noticed the slight gashes that covered your skin, the pain numbed. You blinked away your confusion, grabbing your nearly destroyed ax before following Brok back inside more out of a need to find any sort of distraction than any actual want to return into your temporary prison.
The place was quiet besides the sound of yours and Brok's feet along with the crackling fire left simmering. You continued to follow Brok into the workshop where you quickly took a seat, setting your ax beside you.
Your face was cold, empty. It was familiar, this emptiness. At least you assumed so given the nonchalant way Brok disregarded your clearly dazed state. He instead took the ax at your side with a whistle.
"Banged this one up bad didn't ya?" He commented, your eyes falling from him and instead to your wounds. Glancing to your right you noticed the bandages he had left beside you. You promptly went about dressing your cuts. They still didn't feel all that painful even with bits of glowing gold dripping through the crimson red. It made you cringe a little, seeing the glow. But you dealt with the wounds quick enough.
Slowly the silence of your mind came crashing down, cascades of such loud sounds running through your head. You attempted to breathe, to numb further. You had to. You had to choke down all that was burning through you. Numb it. Just numb it all.
Your attempts at apathy were the only thing keeping any of them alive.
It...it wasn't your fault. None of this was. You weren't like this, like him. It wasn't you when those explosions came. When you couldn't swallow it all down anymore. Why was it that you weren't allowed to feel like others did? Cursed to calm yourself or risk harming those around you, harming yourself. You never asked for any of this.
You wouldn't have been pushed this far if he would just listen-
You stopped yourself at the thought, guilt overtaking the moment you let it set in. You weren't sure if it was because deep down you knew you had no right to blame him. Not after all he'd been through, not after he had grown so much in your absence. Or if maybe you did blame him. Because he never changed fast enough for you, he never grew into who you needed. Because it was too late. Because you would always know him as the ghost your mother loved. The shadow you never stepped near. The monster that never needed to speak to instill deep fear in you.
But mostly...mostly the guilt came from the fact that you needed someone else to blame. That you needed a reason for what could have brought this on to you. Because in the absence of anyone else, who else was there but you? A monster among monsters, yet you dare judge those among you?
"...feelin' a bit better now?" Brok suddenly asked as he broke the silence you hadn't even realized had formed. You looked up from your spot to see his back turned as he worked. His voice was softer than his usual flippant tone. While it had been years now since the last you'd seen him it seemed almost as if nothing had changed. Nothing but the fact that his already strange voice felt even more painful now as it asked that silent question. That question he had never gotten the answer to even on your journey up the mountain and through the many passages your mother painted onto rock faces.
He'd seen you like this more than once, all those years ago. You had been pieces then. Shattered at your mother's death. You traveled alone but he had always been there. Always around the corner, always a few steps ahead. You weren't sure why he had taken such pity on you in those moments. In fact, you had tried to keep him away in fear you might hurt him with your outbursts. But he never listened, as stubborn as he was. You supposed he didn't like being told what to do and helped purely out of spite.
But that question. It always caught you off guard no matter how many times in how many different ways he phrased it. Because you couldn't catch this man speaking much of any sort of comfort, no matter how distraught you were. So when his voice grew softer and he couldn't turn to meet your eye, it always felt so...strange. As if you weren't supposed to have heard him. And you'd respond as if you hadn't, holding onto your silence. Because how could you ever explain it?
You only turned back down to your bandages, continuing the tedious motion of covering your wounds. Silence suffocated the air and it somehow was harder to breathe than any other of these moments you'd had with him.
Thankfully said silence didn't last long as the front door flung open, frantic feet flooding in.
"Brok! Brok are you in here?!" Sindri's voice called out in almost a panic.
"Over here ya panickin' tilat!" Brok yelled, his usual tone returning immediately as if nothing had happened. Sindri's head turned towards the workshop, relief falling on his face as he did.
"Did you see what happened outside? There are pieces of Yggdrasil all over the place! What happened-" his eyes paused as they fell on you, bandages still held in your hands with the final wound just covered.
"To you!" He exclaimed, his hands motioning in a way of shock and confusion with a look that asked if you were alright.
"They went ahead and met one of them young Lindwyrms s'what they fuckin' did" Brok didn't miss a beat with the explanation, his tone showing no indication of his lie. Sindri didn't even think twice about it.
"Really? Strange" Sindri spoke in an almost befuddled tone
"They usually keep to themselves quite well!" He added, almost as if he was trying to convince you of something. You gave no response and his eyes quickly fell back to his brother.
"In any case, I'm glad neither of you are dead" he stated as his previous panicked tone calmed, a huff leaving as he finally caught up with the situation. Or at least the version he knew of.
"I'll just uh...head back to work" he spoke slowly, a bit hesitantly you might even add, before walking off. He looked as if he had meant to say something, but hadn't. For a moment you thought maybe Brok's face had given away his bold lie, but you severely doubted that. Especially as the golden-plated dwarf didn't share the same short pause towards you as he walked off.
Brok turned to you, a look all too familiar in his eyes.
"I'm fine" you answered before he could say anything. But there was still that air of knowing he always gave off. As if he'd always be able to see through you, to stare through your being and still give so little away as to what he had gained from such a search. Your eyes prodded back with their own recognition of him, but with as much as the two of you had been through you still had such a hard time figuring him out. He never let anyone see anything he didn't want them to and considering how easily he was able to lie to his own brother, you knew he was quite capable of deceiving you. Or was it more so that no one really suspected him of anything more than what he always so blatantly showed?
"I know you are" he answered, walking past you and further into the shop, his eyes finally leaving you. You breathed a bit of relief at that, but his words set you further on edge. This had to be one of the more strange encounters you'd had with him. Fimbulwinter had changed him. Hel, it had changed everyone. So you weren't sure why his change felt so much stranger. Or why his sharp tone as he passed felt so much worse.
Your lips parted to say something. Anything. Just a word even. But there was only silence that followed as your lips slowly closed once more. What even was there for you to say? Nothing he would care much to hear. He had done you service enough bringing you down from the sudden violence that had consumed you. That was enough. That was more than most were willing to do. That was more than you could have ever asked out of him.
"They's gonna be gone awhile. Best find somethin' ta occupy yer time while they ain't here. Don't know whys you even fuckin' stayed-"
"I didn't want to" you quickly spoke back, a sudden sharpness on your tongue as you felt your anger flare at just the mention of it. The moment you noticed it you froze yourself, swallowing the feeling with a breath. You couldn't afford to have another of such events.
Brok's movements stopped for a moment as he took a short glance over his shoulder to you. He then soon went back to his work, turned away from you all the while.
"S'that what happened?" He asked, implying the reason for the explosion of the Yggdrasil branch. You once again only found silence as an answer, too afraid that any words to leave your mouth would only bring the potential for danger. You didn't really need to answer though. It was easy enough to assume. After all, you were fine before you started talking to Kratos.
He said nothing.
Hours had passed. Excruciatingly boring hours. Hours with nothing to do and no one to talk to. The dwarves had been so busy they hardly took note of you as they moved around. You didn't mind it, they were pretty busy people After all. Then again it wasn't like you liked the silence either. Nothing to occupy your mind as all of your equipment was either damaged or left at home. So you aimlessly roamed hoping that maybe you'd come across something while simultaneously wanting nothing there at all. You were driven by a need to occupy your mind but a fear that any task you take up would somehow be dangerous. It was times like these when you'd begin a new carving.
Knives against wood had always calmed you, but you had left your satchel full of supplies at home, a place you currently couldn't go due to being trapped here. You had thought to ask one of the brothers but thought better of it since they were so occupied. So you wandered.
That was until you noticed Sindri in the forge. He paced back and forth as he grabbed things and, seeing as he looked to be preparing to leave to somewhere, you approached. But he had been so absorbed in his task that he hadn't seen you, nor did he as he turned back and forth. So, after a bit of silence waiting for him to notice you standing at the bench, you spoke up.
"What are you doing?" You asked, causing the dwarf to jump nearly ten feet in the air at the sound of your voice. His head whipped toward you, relaxing a little once he'd seen you, though remaining a bit tense.
"Oh! Well, I was uh- I was about to head out! Why? Do you need something?" He asked before slowly turning back to the task of preparing for wherever he was heading off to. You shrugged your shoulders a bit, even though he wasn't looking at you anymore.
"No. Just looking for something to do and you looked busy so..." You trailed off as he nodded to you. The conversation died for a moment before you decided to ask another question.
"Where to?" You asked as you leaned on the table a little. Maybe he'd let you come. Maybe you'd even be lucky enough to get your stuff from home.
"Niðavellir" he answered simply though his answer greatly piqued your interest. So much so that your relaxed posture changed to go upright, your eyes fully staring at him.
That's where the three had headed off to.
"Can I join you?" You asked, your voice a little too eager. He stopped what he was doing, turning to you with a stiff movement. His face was cautious and his hesitation had you quickly hoping to convince him.
"I can give you something in return if you'd like. I...I don't have much, but I've got some hacksilver at the house. Not a lot but some. Or if you'd prefer I'd be willing to do a favor of some kind. I'm not any sort of god killer but I can stand my own where I need to." You rambled on, trying to pursuade the still mostly stranger to allow you to join him into what was likely more than a few secluded areas. Which, you know, isn't exactly easy.
Finally Sindri was able to manage a response.
"That won't be necessary. I can bring you-"
"Hold your fuckin' horses now" Brok spoke up as he appeared and walked into the forge.
"You's ain't prepared ta step one fuckin' foot in no place, let alone Niðavellir. You's better get some damn equipment first" he chastised and you shot him a light glare, one more full of annoyance than any sort of anger.
"All of it's back at the house. A place I didn't have the luxury to look through before being brought here" you shot back sarcastically, a smile finally cracking itself on his face at the comment.
"Well I'm sure ol' numb nuts here ain't got's a problem takin' ya ta go grab yer lil' toys then" he replied, his usual self returning finally. It relaxed you a little. You didn't like the way his eyes stared when he was worried. You turned back to Sindri with an expectant look.
"Do you?" You asked, it seemed to fluster him a moment as he stumbled a bit before he spoke again.
"Well I um- well- of course not! Sure thing!" He spoke, swiftly pushing a whole table of tools into his bag. As he did Brok handed you the ax he had finished. It looked better than it did even before the explosion, though that was to be expected from the dwarf. However what had changed was a new rune held on the top of it. You eyed it down before turning to him with a questioning look.
"Just in case you go blowin' yer lid again. Should help" he murmured before quickly walking off. You hardly had any time to stop him when Sindri stood in front of you.
"After you" he spoke, gesturing to the door. You gave a nod, moving towards said door as he followed. You took a final glance over your shoulder towards Brok who, despite the smile on his face, gave an unfamiliar apprehensive stare.
You quickly turned forward as you decided it better than seeing such a foreign look in his eyes.
| Next Chapter |
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rigormortisriot · 1 year
i just desperately want a gow fanfic where atreus gets turned back into a small child and Kratos gets the chance to do better for that short time while it lasts (ofc its temporary but the characters dont know that at first). Like the angst and fluff you could put into that??? Kratos watching his son hide away from him out of fear of his anger, Atreus being super confused on why his dad that as far as he remembers doesnt talk to him, is suddenly loving and open??? The rest of the crew being unsure how much to step in to help but believing in Kratos to be a good father for this time being. ajdf;sjsl please...if anyone ever writes it, please send me it
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felassanis · 1 year
- Unwinding The Ties
Freyr x Original Female Character
Warnings: Smut +18 ONLY
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Vali. A name once, her name. But now it was more of a command. Uttered to instruct, to demand. She hated hearing her name from the lips of her supposed family. The ones who looked at her with scorn, with confusion. Odin with his expectant stare, always watching her like an owner waiting for the dog to perform a trick. She loathed the way her name sounded from him.
But not with Freyr. She longed to hear her name spill from his lips. Heavy on his breath, a curse and a prayer. Her name has never sounded as sweet. Hands slide through her hair pulling her away from his lips before he can suffocate.
It was just another way to rebel against her father at first, her and Freyr. It started with long walks through Vanaheim. Carrying herself through the forests with the same self-importance and entitlement as her father. Not only to get away from the dull everyday of Asgard, but to prove to herself that not only could she do anything she liked, but that she had the balls to. 
And to prove that the All-Mighty Odin couldn’t control her movements, and the wise god was none the wiser to her ventures.
And when she met the Vanir prince, who had initially been hostile to her, she realised she could spite the All-Father even more. Freyr and her saw in each other the same pain that only victims of similar experiences can. Both of them were missing something Odin had torn from them. Both wearing the scars of his cruelty. His burn marks, and her adult form. This silent understanding made them fast friends.
And so she slipped them intel on Aesir movements to help him with the war. And by doing so advancing her silent rebellion against the All-Father.
And sleeping with Freyr? The All-father’s daughter with the prince of the Vanir? It brought a smile to her face.
Soon, it became more than a simple beneficial relationship. Soon Freyr saw an Aesir working against her people, and respected her. He saw a daughter immune to her father’s infamous manipulations and admired her. 
When she would slip through the realms to his humble camp, he’d insist she stay for food and drink. Welcome her presence at the campfire and encourage her to sing and dance with the rest of his people. She was more than a tool, and that had been a first.
Vali had never been a child for more than a day thanks to her father. And so never developed that fantastical idea of romance that forms from hearing stories and that sticks with you until you mature. Building up expectations and hopes that will soon be crumbled by the reality of men. She had been stuffed with the experiences and intellect of an old, wizened man. And so she saw people as pawns. As means to an end. 
Perhaps that was the only reason she was not so quick to bend to the whims of her father unlike her brothers. In many ways, Vali was Odin. And only Odin knew what a fraud Odin was.
Freyr changed that. He gave the experience she had always lacked yet unknowingly craved. Human connection.
“Vali,” He whispers into her skin. His nose nudges at her chin to look up, to which he immediately trails a journey of kisses along her jawline. Suckling on the skin. “Don’t go yet,”
“Hmm,” She notes the smile pressing into her skin as her hum vibrates in her throat and against him. 
“I mean it,” A light nibble on her neck. She knows his game by now, luring her further into him by doing everything she likes. To stall her return to Asgard.
“And if Odin realises I’m gone? How do I explain my absence?”
Freyr’s arms snake round her waist, letting her know he really has no intention of letting her slip away. “You’re wiley enough to come up with a story,” 
At this point, the warmth travelling through her has lulled her into complete laziness. She wants nothing more than to push Freyr onto the floor, knowing that if she left for Asgard now she would be unbearably cold. 
“I was taken hostage by an impossibly charming Vanir,” She starts. “He had me trapped by force. I could not hope to get away,” Her arms shimmy to his elbows, pulling them so his arms tighten around her. “Then…he interrogated me relentlessly for an hour…”
“Not all night?” He pulls away from her neck briefly to shoot her a knowing smirk. A smirk which sends a shock of excitement through her.
“My, my. Freyr of the Vanir is not easy on his prisoners, is he?”
Freyr laughs, a sound she wishes she could bottle and take home. “That’s my girl. See? How could Odin see through that?”
Upon hearing her father’s name again, a wave of frustration spurs her next movements. She struggles out of Freyr’s iron grip. And the look of worry on his features is quickly broken when Vali pushes on his chest. Sending him on his back and huffing on impact, with her hurriedly straddling him.
“Enough about Odin. I come here to get away from him…”
Freyr puts a hand over his heart. Feigning offence. “Not for any other reason?” 
“Well…” Vali leans over him, her lips but a hair’s width from his own. “There might be other reasons. But suddenly, my memory is so…hazy?”
Fingers snake behind her neck, nails lightly digging into the nape pulling her to close the gap between them.
“Let’s jog your memory then, sweetheart,”
They’re lucky Freyr’s portion of camp is removed from the rest. Hugging the edges as Freyr liked to be the first line of defence should they be attacked. 
That was her Freyr, always thinking of others. That extended to the bed covers as well. He was no selfish lover, always tending to her needs before even letting her think about touching him down there.
Her robes come off quickly, leaving her chest bare with only slithers of her skin covered by the myriad of chains and rope that dangle from her neck. Freyr’s hands languish over her stomach, over her ribs, trailing an agonisingly slow trail until they come to where she desires them. Fingers rubbing over her budding nipples as she sighs into his mouth. Her necklaces clinking against his adventurous hands as she licks at his bottom lip telling him what a good job he is doing already as her fingers dig into the dirt beside his head.
Before Freyr opened her eyes to it, sex had never been a point of fascination before. She knew what it was of course. Yet any enthusiasm was eclipsed by her father’s attitude. Rotten by the idea it merely served as reproduction, as a means to continue his line. 
All of his attitudes were ingrained into her. Attitudes Freyr was slowly unwinding…
Freyr loved her with the devotion of a worshipper. Gazing upon her like art, touching her like she was woven of the finest silk, lapping at her like wine to be savoured and devoured…Her one and only worshipper. The only one she would ever need.
“Freyr,” Vali whines as too much attention was on her breasts and not enough on the pooling heat that was between her legs. She pulls away and Freyr gazes upon the jewellery adorned along her chest in amazement.
“Yes?” He says breathless. Still not meeting her gaze as his hands continue to fondle.
“Don’t act coy now…” Her cheeks flush over her embarrassing whine. Her hand clasping over the one that has her breast in his palm. He was going to be mean, wasn’t he? Satisfied that he had been successful at convincing her to stay. Well, she could not have that.
“I’m no mind reader, Vali,” He leans forward. Kissing the valley between her tits. “Tell me what you want,”
I'm glad you are not. She thinks briefly, before shaking those thoughts out of her mind as Freyr bites her other breast. Abusing it with tongue and teeth.
“What I want?” She gives an experimental roll of her hips. Feeling his hardening member just as she expected. It made her chuckle that the God of fertility would become hard so quickly. Fitting she supposed. “Silly boy, you know what I want,”
He groans into her, biting harder out of impulse which rips a whine from her throat and a hand snapping to his head. 
“What’s the saying? All good things come to those who wait?” He murmurs.
“I have one for you too, since when have you known a God of Revenge to be patient?”
Her hands clutch his long chestnut locks and pull him forcefully away from her chest. Her skin throbs from pain that would burn blue come morning, yet she loves the way her flesh burns from the scrape of his teeth and the suction of his lips. A delicious kind of pain.
Vali looks down at him, her eyes hooded with the same intensity she reserves for battles she knows she’ll win. At first, he simply remarks on his handy work with a smug grin. Staring at her chest like an artist reviewing his work. Until he finally looks up, caught under the gaze, his smile shifts from pride to excitement.
“Is that what you want?” He tilts his head. “Revenge for making you feel this way? This good?” 
She rolls her hips again hard, feeling his cock twitch underneath her, answering his question. 
Perhaps the rest of Freyr’s company could hear her shouts as Freyr’s lips land on her sex as soon as they rid themselves of their clothing. How she croons loudly as his tongue finally entered her after tackling the many layers to his attire. But she doesn't care if all the nine realms heard her. Sex was blissful, it was raw and intense and damn it if she was going to restrict her journey of it by being silent. 
Freyr seems to agree. Lapping at her sex more intensely as if her cries were not loud enough. As if his efforts were not appreciated enough. His hand stroked her inner thigh tenderly, while another pressed against her stomach. Keeping her from writhing away from his attentive mouth.
“Fuck!” She thrusts against his mouth as her eyes squeezed shut. Solely focusing on the alien yet pleasurable feeling of Freyr’s tongue entering her over and over and over again. 
“That’s it, come on…” He encourages softly. Turning his attention to her clit. Sucking diligently while wrestling her bucking hips with the ease of a man merely enjoying a meal.
When she opens her eyes to peer down out of curiosity, she is not ready for the sight of Freyr down there. Hooded eyes watching her intently as he eats her out. Nor the complete bliss in his face as he registers her awareness. She was taken aback by the expression, that she alone was the one to make him look like that. And soon her thighs clamp over his head, fingers scratch at his scalp,  and finally heavy waves of ecstasy befall her. His mouth is still working with her as she rides out the high.
Freyr removes his mouth from her once her body stops writhing, wiping his lips with the back of his hand he starts making his way to her lips. Peppering kisses here and there and nipping along her stomach and chest along the way. Happy at how dishevelled and content she looked beneath him. He gives her lip one kiss, the tip of his nose lightly brushing hers.
She catches her breath, cradling his neck lovingly as she pecks his lips back. “Not bad,”
He snickers, bumping their foreheads together. “Not bad? Is that it?”
“What do you want? A review?”
“Couldn’t hurt. I barely get compliments anymore,”
She grins up at him, feeling bold and slightly guilty, she draws her hands downwards till they land on Freyr’s shoulders. His skin is hot and glowing beneath her fingertips like a molten furnace. Slowly she pushes him onto his back with her above him like they were before. 
She likes it this way. Peering down at him when he is in the throws of passion. She watches him organise battles and missions all day hunched over that damn war table. The weight of his world on his shoulders. Vali wants to take control away from him, allow him to simply enjoy this without worrying about taking over. 
She reaches down; taking hold of him and stroking slowly. “I can think of something better than compliments,” 
Freyr’s breath come quickly now. “Hah…so can I,”
A few pumps, enough to get Freyr to roll his head back in pleasure, and she starts to line him up with her entrance. Merely stroking herself with the tip for the moment, just to elicit a few whines from his beautiful lips, before sinking down on him.
She’ll never grow tired of that feeling fullness he gives her. Like a piece slotting into the right place, like he was scratching an itch she didn’t know she had. She pants as she takes him all the way, smiling as Freyr’s hand grabs at her hips to steady her yet this be over before it truly begins. 
She gives him a moment, and when he finally looks up at her, she’s taken aback by how beautiful he is. Sure, Vali noticed Freyr’s beauty when the two of them met for the first time. She noted how he seemed to personify Vanaheim, with his natural grace and easy charm, his untamed hair adorned with feathers and beads from the land. But this was a different sort of beauty. It was one only she was allowed to witness; of his parted, puffy lips and blown out eyes. His dishevelled hair like a halo around his head. It was unique to her, allowed only to her. And therefore so much more valuable than the beauty of an eclipse.
She begins to move, keen to watch every expression flash across his features. Freyr huffs, trying hard to maintain eye contact yet his head kept rolling back from the pleasure as if manipulated by a magnet. Skin slapping on skin in a delicious symphony
“Freyr…I-” She can feel her abdomen clenching with ecstasy as she huffs. Building up like a hot ball in her stomach as his member thrusts in and out of her at hurried speed. She’s set on unwinding with him yet he seems to be unwinding her faster than she can comprehend. As if her body has a mind of its own, slamming her hips down all the faster as she chases that high.
Freyr gets other ideas however, wasting no time in securing her waist in his arms as soon as he senses her closeness. Tossing her over easily onto her back like she weighed nothing while still moving inside her. She yelps in surprise yet is very quickly muffled by his lips melding against her. All the while he keeps a brutal pace deep inside her. 
“Fuck!” He sobs, burying his face into the crook of her neck as she wraps her arms around his shoulders. Doing everything in her power not to scratch at the rippled skin from his scars. 
At this vigorous pace it isn’t long before Freyr’s hips stutter into the cradle of her hips, his movements rapid and messy as he breathes hard into her neck. One slow glide of his cock however, and Vali’s cries are finally dragged out of her again. A strangled cry as she comes, feeling her limbs shake and her walls clamping down on him. Serving to tear the waves of pleasure from him too at the feel of her.
He moves in and out of her, pumping slower and slower until his weight collapses on her. The smell of sex and nature is all around them blending into a rich smell as their breathing slows down. And Freyr finally finds the strength to roll off her and lay beside her. His arm came up to twiddle with a strand of her hair, still needing to maintain contact somehow. 
“Whoo…that was…” He swallowed thickly. They both stare at the canopy of trees looming overhead, eyeing the trails of stars that exist between the leaves. Their only witness to their love.
“Amazing,” She finishes, feeling her body completely drained and satisfied. Each time they do this serves to be and more invigorating, only fueling her desire to keep laying with him. If only to chart the parts of him she has yet not experienced. 
Freyr turns his head to gaze upon her. “Still thinking about going back to Asgard?”
She meets his gaze. Suddenly feeling the urge to sleep for a thousand years. “No…not tonight,”
It was clearly the answer he wished to hear. As a great big smile creases against his freckled cheeks. The hand that had been loving fidgeting with her hair glides to her cheek, caressing her as he moves to plant a kiss to her lips. When he pulls back however, that smile is surely replaced by a look of contemplation. Which unwinds into hesitance…
“Good, I want you to remain. I hate seeing you go back to that maniac…not knowing if you’ll return,”
“He needs me,” She answers nonchalantly. 
Freyr frowns, shaking his head. “You say that like it’s meant to reassure me,”
“It means he has no intention of getting rid of me-”
“While he needs you,” Freyr sighs. “That’s what I’m afraid of. The day when he doesn’t need you anymore…”
She knows he has a point. Odin’s children were less like family and more akin to tools; assets part of a grander scheme. Cogs easily scrapped when they stopped working…
“For a God of fertility, you’ve got shit pillow talk,” She muses, hoping he’ll work with her to change the subject.
Freyr looks down. “Well, we haven’t got pillows. Just the nice hard ground,”
“So I’ve noticed,” She makes a show to stretch out her aching limbs.
“Never say I don’t spoil you,” He shoots her a guilty look before propping himself on his elbow to peer over her. “When this is all over, I’ll take you somewhere nice,”
“Nicer than the forest ground? Impossible,” She snorts. Moving her hand to his chest, hand over his beating heart. Charting shapes across the freckled skin, careful not to linger on the burn marks. “I’m not a flowers kind of woman. The forest floor, the war table, in a tent…hell if you wanted to try the trees I’ll do it. So long as it's with you,” 
“You’re right. Your pillow talk is much better than mine. Maybe they ought to make you the God of fertility,”
“After your performance, I see why they call you that,” She smiles.
Vali is a real god from Norse Mythology, having been a babe for only a day before Odin aged him up. He is the one who punishes Loki for killing Baldur, personifying vengeance in this regard. I thought he was an awesome character considering how very metal he is in the mythology and how he is not present in God of War.
I have essentially genderbent this deity and made her my own character. Though I explain her situation briefly in the fic, I thought putting a note here would also be required. I hope you enjoyed the fic!!
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amateursatelier · 1 year
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✦ sif / reader
❀ synopsis. meeting sif for the first time in the forest + headcannons. (angst + fluff, mention of blood, mention of choking, and a dead mother.)
❀ note. i was so upset by the lack of fanfics for sif that i decided to intervene. I pulled an all-nighter just to satisfy my need to read content about her. ( music I listened to while writing: exist for love by aurora, soft universe by aurora, and ribs by lorde.)
────── . ⸙.°
A LOVELY AZURE PAINTED the early morning sky. chirps of birds echoed in the forest, reminding all those that hear them of a new beginning. but unfortunately, it was another day you would spend mouring your mother after ragnarok.
ragnarok is a tragedy you would never forget. on that day, the potent smell of blood choked you to the point of tears, but the feeling of it on your hands was far worse as you tried to save your mother's life after a piece of debris shot through her torso. the last expression that you ever saw her make haunted your conscious, making sleep nearly impossible.
it felt like a miracle when you had willed the strength to get out of bed so early in the moring and bake fattigam, a delicious dessert that your mother made whenever she was having a particularly good day. you smiled fondly while you make it, and although it hurt, you couldn't help but to think of you and your mother would be conversing if she were still alive.
once the fattigam was done, you set it in a basket and put on marred cloak. with a deep breath and for the first time in however long, you left your cottage to venture into the forest and watch the sunrise, an ritual you commonly did with the only family had left. immediately your lungs felt refreshed by the heavenly morning air. you don't remember when, but you decided that if there was nothing you could do to bring your mother back than you could at least honor her and show gratitude by keeping her alive in the little things you two did together.
you had been walking for quite some time. you sighed in relief once you finally found a lake to rest by. kneeling down, you cupped your hands togther and gathered some water. before you could take a sip, you heard faint sounds of…sobbing.
the closer you got, the more painful the sobbing sounded, the source of it must have been hurting so deeply and it saddened you. you wondered what could've happened to them.
but strangely your curiosity was immediately satisfied once you saw who it was. although you could not see the individual's face. you knew exactly who it was from their familiar tattoos and smooth golden hair that was braided to their ankles.
lady sif, the goddess of wheat, harvest, earth, and…family. your chest began to swirl in discomfort.
before you succumbed to your greif and locked yourself away in your cottage, you had caught wind that her husband, thor, the prince of asgard, died by the hands of his own father, odin. you never could've fathom such a thing.
although you didn't know what it's like to lose a lover, you understood what it was like to lose someone who loved you deeply and vice versa. out of empathy, you secretly hoped that atleast she didn't have to see him die right in front of her as you had with your mother.
you begun to turn away to give her privacy, however, you accidentally stepped on a twig causing a sharp snap! to echo approximately ten meters. you tightly shut your eyes in frustration when you heard a sharp gasp from behind you. turning back around, you made eye contact with a teary-eyed lady sif, you immediately showed yourself and bowed your head to her.
“I..I'm sorry for the intrusion, lady sif. I mean you no disrespect, i was just simply passing by.” you kept your head down to embarrassed to make eye contact again.
you were even more embarrassed when you heard her let out an offended huff.
“than why are you still here, mortal?”
you flinched at the harshness of her tone but you knew better than to take it personally. you knew all to well how grief could affect a person, you refused to judge her.
“your right. I'll be on my way right now. forgive me, lady sif.” as you began to turn away, lady sif suddenly stopped you.
“no! wait─”
you turned back to face her and watched as she composed herself. she wiped her tears and turned fully towards you with soft smile. although you could tell it was forced, a weird warmth radiated in your chest.
“I'm sorry. that was rude of me.” she said.
you smiled softly at her and bowed again. “it's alright, lady sif. I understand.”
she frowned slightly at your words. “you understand? you think you know what I'm feeling?”
her tone held both regality as well as slight irritation.
your heart worked faster than head. “with all due respect, lady sif, although I don't know what it's like to lose a lover. I understand all too well how it feels to lose someone you cherish.”
despite not showing it on your face, you felt bashful by your own words. you don't know what could've possessed you to speak so boldly to a goddess.
“you speak of your mother, yes?” her inquiry almost caused you your neck. you looked up at her quite fast, in disbelief that she knew who you were, your eyes were now the size of dinner plates.
“you..know who i am?” you asked in a demure tone and slowly straightened your posture.
lady sif smiled sofly at you, it didn't seem as forced as before. “of course, you're the offspring of a very talented baker. she was kind woman, as well. I was very fond of the desserts she would gift me to show her graditude.”
a sad look flashes in her eyes before she closes her eyes. “I'm sorry to hear that she has passed.”
hearing lady sif speak so fondly of your mother made your eyes sting. you held back your tears as to not make lady sif uncomfortable. you composed yourself and put on your best smile.you walked a bit closer to lady sif and cleared your burning throat.
“pardon me if I'm overstepping, lady sif, but..if you would like, I was planning on watching the sunrise while eating some fattigman,” you held up your basket in front of her to show off said dessert. “would you..perhaps care to join me? my mother often said said that desserts taste better when you share them.”
she looked at you with surprise. embarrassment slowly waved over you, you sucked your lips into your mouth in regret. you internally berated yourself questioning why you, an ordinary mortal, even dared to ask why a goddess would share a dessert with you.
however before you could stutter out an apology, a charming sound tickled your ears. you looked at her only to see a most ethereal sight. a geniue smile graced her face, dilating her already goddess beauty. she looked at you with enlightenment.
“yes, i'd like that.”
you smiled at her as the warmth in your chest from before returned.
──── . ° ♡ pursuit of romance.
from then onward, sif and you had establish a friendship with each other. at first, it consisted of share memories about each other's lost loved one.
she confided in you about thor’s acholoism due to odin treating him like he was a mindless beast capable of nothing else but destruction as if he wasn't a loving husband or a even father that loved his children deeply.
in the beginning, sif rarely talked about her deceased children with you, but as your relationship grows stronger, she trusts you more and allows herself to be vulnerable with you. sometimes, she would visit you cottage and stay past dusk. under the night sky, she would tell stories of magni and modi when they were children with tears streaming down her face. in those moments you could only hold her and encourage to let it all out.
speaking of her children, the closer you got with sif, the cooler you were with thrud who was happy that her mother made a friend after her father's death. thru absolutely loves the fact that you can bake, and often makes requests whenever you visit her mother. sometimes she'll visit you to talk to you about wanting to be a valkerie and eating whatever you make.
when sif sees you being close thrud, a familiar warmth radiates in her chest and a first, she feels ashamed. she discards it as just loving to see her daughter happy but deep down, she knows what she's feeling.
sif didn't want to betray thor or strain her relationship with thrud all over again, so she tried to ignore the warmth that bloomed in chest when she around you. however, there had been moments when she slipped up such as staying at your cottage for longer than usual, hugs feeling a little tighter than before, soft lingering gazes, and even her laugh louder than usual.
at first, you interpreted it as sif trusting you more, to the point of displaying friendly affection. friends are supposed to be affection, right?
as time moved on, there was an inkling of suspension that sif’s affection wasn't as “friendly” as you thought it was. especially after she started randomly gifting you flower crowns and the most elegant daggers you've ever seen. but even so, as to not ruin a good friendship, you kept quiet.
it wasn't until during one of thrud's visits that your suspension was, in a way, confirmed.
“my mother definitely has a thing for you.” you almost dropped the bowl you were in the middle of mixing cake batter in.
“what makes you say that?” you asked. thrud quirks an eyebrow as if to say 'seriously?’ while using her thumb to point to all the flower crowns and daggers decorating a shelf in your living room.
after a through talk with thrud about how she would feel about you being involved with her mother and it ending on a good note. you finally decided to confront sif, and so, you made a plan with thrud.
while thrud worked on somehow getting her mother to visit where you and sif first met. you prepared a basket of fattigman and ventured off into the forest until you reached your destination. while waited for your possible future wife, you rehearsed Hoe you would confess, giving the animals of the forest a good show.
when sif finally showed, you where so worked up by your nerves, you held her hands and blurted out your affections for her right then and there. the warmth that you felt for the first time in this exact place felt even warmer.
sif was speechless by your confession. you could see so many emotions in her eyes. sif cleared her throat and averted her eyes. “what if thrud doesn─” she was swiftly interrupted. “I'm cool with it!” thrud shouted in the distance before holding her thumbs up and running off. “I suppose that answers your question.” you laughed.
a smile graces sif’s face it, but it doesn't last for long. her eyes suddenly turned glossy. “but…thor.” she whispers. at that you frown, not out of jealousy but rather understanding.
“thor will never be replaced, sif. if you're not ready for this, I understand. but, I want you to know that wanting to love and wanting be loved isn't betraying thor. it's natural. you deserve to be move onwards and be happy.” you rubbed circles on her hands to reassure her.
sif’s glossy eyes widened at your words. a few tears sliding down her face. as she thinks, you prepare yourself for rejection only to be taken by surprise when she abruptly pulls you close kisses you. her lips felt divine and the kiss was so delicate yet passionate that you knew it was engraved into you until you died.
sif slowly pulled away and looked deep into your eyes. her gaze was filled with so much affection and adoration, you had look away to fully catch your breath only to lose it again when she cups your chin and makes you look at her.
she rests her forehead against yours you both couldn't help but to laugh at the excitement you both shared, as if the warmth in both of your chests bloomed flowers between your ribcages, and just like that, a new love begins.
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────. ✰.° thank you for reading !
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thaboah · 1 year
Bones and flowers!
I had and idea. This is my first fanfic and english isn't my first language. I'm sorry for all the mistakes.
Couple: Heimdall x modern!Reader
Summary: You're a witch, a modern witch. It's 2023 and all your friends call you crazy for still believing in magic. But you're sure as hell that you're going to have a 10 on the test tomorrow, all thanks to your spell. Maybe you were going to have a 10 but, wait a minute, this is not your room. Where the hell you are?
Warnings: Bad lenguage, Heimdall being Heimdall, female!reader, reader isn't very smart.
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One more candle and it's done. You have finished the spell, tomorrow you're going to have a 10. All of your friends are going to be so jealous, and they will have to accept that magic is real. At least that is what you thought before going to sleep.
- Part 1: Where I am? -
I woke up on what at first I thought it was my room, then when I sat on the bed I saw. Something was clearly wrong. What the fuck? When my room had been cleaned? And where is my stuff? WHY IS EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD?
My first reaction, I think it's the reaction that everyone would do in the same situation. Scream, I screamed like a child, while I was walking around the room trying to figure out if this was a kind of sick joke. Maybe somewhere in that place was hidden a camera.
I understand that I wasn't in any kind of joke when a woman show up, telling me to shut up. The woman was huge, she had long blond hair, and she was dressed with a blue dress. I can't say more about his aparience. In self-defense, I was scared as hell and I decided to pick the first thing I saw. It was some kind of cup with water. I didn't put to much attention on details, and I threw the cup at the mysterious woman.
— What are you doing?! — The woman yelled at me, maybe it wasn't my best idea. What follows, I think it's even worse. I ran away.
— Okay, Y/N, this shit is happening, some kind of creeps have kidnapped you. — I said to my self while i was looking for a way out. I saw a giant gate, so I tried to push it but it's heavy so it can only open a small gap which I went through. Where the hell I am? This is clearly not my house, not my city. I mean, this isn't even a city, this is a village.
The woman came out behind me, opening that door as if nothing had happened. She seemed very angry, but I decided not to stay to check it out.
— HELP! SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP ME! — I began to scream with all my might, with tears of fear I witnessed the great wall that practically surrounded the entire city. There had to be a door, right? What kind of person builds a wall without a door?
The screams of the woman saying to go back there were already far away, she was beginning to think that she would get out of this. Although he still did not understand where he could be. Maybe in some kind of sect? Had sectarians kidnapped me? It didn't make sense, but at the time nothing seemed to make sense.
Before I wanted to realize it, I had collided face-first into the wall. I looked up, I definitely wasn't going to climb that wall, it was so tall, what kind of suicidal idiot would?
I had thousands of questions, but I couldn't stop running. At least my clothes were intact, for once I was glad to wear a tracksuit to sleep, instead of normal pajamas. If I couldn't cross to the other side of the wall, at least I wasn't going to stop.
Although I was beginning to get tired, I was not a very athletic person, only what was necessary and what was necessary had already exceeded its limit for a while. I got to what looked like some kind of corral and jumped over the fence, though I landed on my face.
I hadn't even processed what had just happened, I had just sat on the ground caressing my sore cheek, when I saw what looked like some kind of pissed off bull-lion. The universe had to be playing some kind of practical joke on me. That wasn't even a real animal!
I crossed my arms in front of my face to protect it and squeezed my eyes shut. I had already assumed that he was going to hit me, but I didn't even have the energy to dodge. It all got very strange when the blow started to take too long and the voice of someone approaching sounded in the distance.
— I've seen stupid mortals, but you, oh girl, you hit the jackpot. — I looked up to see a young man, wearing a strange outfit decorated with gold and various symbols. He was definitely in some weird kind of cult. He had never seen anyone wear something like that, not that it looked bad on him but it was weird.
— AaaaAAaaA — It was all that came out of my mouth, without leaving the ground I backed away as the unknown approached, I couldn't stop looking at his eyes and his hair, they were beautiful. Although again my head was unable to function. There were so many things to process, I was so confused and scared that when my back hit the fence the only thing I could think of was to pick up a broken stick that was next to me and point it at the man. — I don't know who you are but if you take one more step I'm going to-! — In fact, I didn't had a blunt threat. Hit him with the stick when he had a sword at his waist? Wait. WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE CARRY A SWORD?
As he came closer to me, I gripped the stick even more tightly. Which was pointless because as soon as I bother him I just rip it out of my hand and throw it away.
— Are you so stupid that you don't even know where you are or who I am? — I shook my head, staring at him. Which he also did, he kept looking at my eyes, which made this the most uncomfortable situation in the world. She was desperate for an answer and for it to be correct. Although answering helped me, I said the first thing that came to mind while shrugging my shoulders:
— Madrid and you are from Madrid? — Maybe if I had paid more attention in class now I would know how to answer. The man seemed confused for a couple of seconds, but then, with a kind of anger that he tried to control. He lifted me by the shoulder and forced me to stand up.
The man began to walk as he spoke, I followed him without many other options:
— Stupid mortal, you are in Asgard and I am Heimdall, God of foresight. — I had long since stopped questioning things. If that boy wanted to be God of something, good for him. I followed him through the streets without saying anything.
— I'm not sure of what plans has Odin for you, but i'm sure you're going to be a big disappointment. —
Odin, where have I heard that name before?
Finished, hope you like it. And wish me luck, now I have an exam! Haha :)
Part 2
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silencedturbul3nce · 4 months
After Ragnarok, Atreus and Kratos didn’t part ways. They returned home where they belonged.
After surviving Ragnarok, Atreus and Kratos return home to face the emotional aftermath of the events they endured throughout their journey, grappling with the burdens that now weigh heavily on their shoulders.
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Heimdall: I heard giving an apple mean in Greek is similar to confessing love.
You: Yeah, father told me that.
Heimdall:Do you remember the first day we met?
You: When Atreus and I climbed the wall of Asgard?
Heimdall: Yes, and I tossed an apple to you
You: (your face blushes)
Heimdall held your hands then
Heimdall: First love at sight, I guess
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queer-irritator · 6 months
Imagine Kratos discovers it's your Birthday...
Kratos finds out when your birthday is. He has fond memories of celebrating birthdays and other holidays as a child. It was perhaps the only time he was surrounded by joy and he had a break from spartan training.
You told Kratos to not make a big deal about your birthday. All you wanted was to spend time with him, Atreus and your friends, and share a meal together.
However, Kratos’ Greek hospitality and love for you would not allow him to settle for a small celebration. 
The weeks leading up to your birthday, he’d keep an eye out on his excursions to find gifts for you. Any artifacts, jewelry, or pottery he thought you would like got scooped up and taken back home.
He would also go out of his way to gather any supplies and ingredients he needed to give you a proper celebration.
One month before your birthday, Kratos had gotten some grapes, honey, and spices to make up a bottle of wine so it would be ready just in time for your birthday.
The night before your birthday he would sneak out of bed to bake you a classic honey cake, as tradition from his homeland. He would add something extra to make it special, maybe some nuts, fruit, or wine. Whatever he thought you would like the best. 
The morning of your birthday Kratos would enter the room the two of you shared, holding a cake with as many candles as years you’ve been alive, plus one. 
Kratos would tell you, “Χρόνια Πολλά, Ό,τι επιθυμείς” meaning Happy Birthday; that he wishes you many more years to celebrate, and that all your hopes and desires come true.
You would thank him and blow out your candles, wishing for every birthday to start out this way.
A/N: It’s my birthday today, so I did some online digging about how long birthdays have been celebrated and if the ancient greeks celebrated birthdays. I found out they probably would have, at least around the time Kratos was growing up, somewhere in early 500BCE. This is all just random internet searches, not meant to be taken too seriously of course. I found that they may have started to celebrate mortals birthdays (not just gods) at least around 200BCE. They would bake cakes in the shape of the moon and but candles on it and light them so it shone like the moon as well. This was used as an offer to the goddess Artemis, the goddess of childbirth. Apparently the Greeks were always known to throw good parties with lots of gifts, wine and cake, so let’s turn up.
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Modi's potential
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Hey @charalysis. I wanna read your thoughts on a perspective for Modi I had while writing my fic.
I previously said that Modi was trying to be like his father and yet failed, right?
Well, who is he actually like?
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Think about it. Modi tried to be like his father in battle. Rushing into battle without thinking, not wearing armor and dressing like his father, and having a mace that mimicks Mjolnir. But he couldn't mimic his father's lack of caution or concern for his safety. He got a mace that can shoot lightning from a distance. He got a shield. He has a blinding technique with his brother. Modi is a man of caution like his grandfather. He likes using magic more than physical attacks. He likes to defend himself and hinder his enemy before finishing them off.
When Thor comes to Kratos's house, he is polite. He asks permission. He brings a gift. He sets his weapon down. He doesn't talk lowly to Kratos or insult him. Modi is not like that. Odin is not like that.
Odin barges into the house, struts around like he owns the place, insults Thor and his children drinks from both cups and just flaunts his power. Modi threatens Mimir, makes fun of Atreus and angers him, and insults Faye and Kratos. Modi is a talker. A flaunter like his grandfather.
Modi is like Odin in many ways. He is Half-giant and probably exhibited signs of giant magic before Thor beat it out of him. He is stuck between trying to be like Thor and being his nature which is similar to Odin. I think if Modi turned out to be alive and started embracing his nature. He would use a Spear/Shield combo. The spear is a dangerous, long distance melee weapon and it can double as a magical staff, and the shield to protect him. I think he would start embracing his giant magic as well and learn many spells like Odin.
If Modi was alive, and stopped trying to be like Thor, he might have become like Odin. Even became his right hand when he was alive. I say he would no longer be afraid of his father and seek revenge against him. You might say he'd be traumatised, but he has spent his entire life in fear of his father that the near-death beating he gave him was basically a breaking point.
What do you think?
*Writes new ideas and notes for my fic*
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followyourfleart · 1 year
Kratos definitely is the big spoon. Like I can see you laying down in your bed and him taking off all his armor and being stressed because of Atreus, and just going behind you can cuddling against your neck. He’s basically a big blanket. 
But, he loves it when you spoon him. At first it made him uncomfortable to have someone constantly touching his back, but he got used to it. He likes it when you try to make him warm, like you care about him ♡♡♡  
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sr-elias · 1 year
Kratos and Atreus in an alternate universe. My twitter https://twitter.com/Yeah_confirma?t=jMnbYuKY70c3XpVfHCIK6g&s=09
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angyvalentine · 1 year
Summary: «Daddy?» A simple grumble from his chest made her know he was listening «Do teginas make people happy?».
Follow up of Reunited, at least for a while, because I need MOAR fluffiness with Kratos and his first family.
Words count: 4.5k+
Pairing: Kratos x Lysandra
Read it on AO3! :D Feedbacks are always very welcome 🥲❤️
The sun had yet to set when he reached his home. As days before, his wife and his daughter weren’t in the garden, but he wasn’t worried at all – they probably were waiting for him inside, just like when he came back from his last campaign.
But when he opened the door, he just saw devastation – broken furniture and dishes all over the floor, doors scratched, ripped curtains. It was like a whole army had raided his home.
The image of Lysandra and Calliope, in the middle of that chaos, woke him from his trance. He quickly crossed the room, searching for them in the bedrooms – Calliope’s one was empty.
The other one…
He found his wife crying in the middle of their room, the lifeless body of their daughter in her arms. She was sobbing uncontrollably, all he could hear were her repeated “I am so sorry, my baby” while she was cradling her child.
«You told her you would have protected us.» she could barely speak between her hiccups, her eyes low on Calliope – and she was ignoring all the wounds on her own body, solely focused on her child «Why weren’t you here for us, Kratos?».
She slowly raised her gaze on him.
And all he saw were empty eyes, and tears of blood.
Kratos suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling of the room even if it took him some time to actually realize where he was. Slowly, he exhaled a trembling breath, allowing his body to relax once again. It was so rare for him - feeling his own heart hammering in his chest for fear, seeing his worst nightmare - his wife and his daughter hurt - right in front of his eyes, all because he hadn't been able to protect them. A movement caught his attention, while he heard Lysandra muttering something in her sleep. Her arm was laid across his chest in a sort of protective embrace – how ironic, he thought -, and it seemed the sudden increase of his heartbeat had bothered her. She softly squeezed him, rubbing her cheek on his pec, and let out a deep sigh before relaxing again, somehow assured he was there with her. Kratos stayed still, looking at her face to be sure she wouldn’t awake because of him – but apparently Lysandra was lost in her deep slumber, following her dreams, maybe peaceful ones for once. He pressed his lips on her head, holding her with his left arm and following her slow breathing to calm himself.
He didn’t know for how long they stayed there – it was something he didn’t had the chance to enjoy everyday. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sensations his body felt – the rhythm of his heartbeat, that was slowing down; the contrast between his muscles and Lysandra’s body – the softness of her breasts pressed against his torso, or the light touch of her hand near his neck. Unconsciously, she occasionally gripped his shoulder – who knows what she was dreaming…
And the faint scent of nardus, from her hair. Maybe the only quirk she had – washing her long dark locks with that essence.
After a while, Kratos noticed the faint light of the dawn from the window. It was way too early, but he knew he wouldn’t have been able to fall asleep again. He carefully moved his legs from Lysandra’s ones – they had entangled them while sleeping, apparently -  and slowly rolled from under his wife’s body, placing her arm on her pillow and covering her with the light blanket. He rubbed both his hands on his face, taking a moment before getting up and grabbing some clothes – something different from his usual gear. The grey stole covered just the right side of his body, while his left one was left bare as usual. He fixed the wide belt on his waist, making sure all of his clothes were in order, before getting out of the room. He was welcomed by the scared gazes of the helots who were busy lighting the fire in the hearth – and surely they didn’t expect to see their master so early in the morning. One of them made fall the log he had in his hands, startling when it hit the ground.
«F-forgive me, my Lord-» he stuttered, falling on his knees in fear.
But Kratos wasn’t really interested in his excuses.
«Begone.» he grunted, taking a step toward them.
The servant made the log fall again, much to Kratos’s annoyance, and scrambled away when he saw his master bending to pick it up.
They had just closed the door when Kratos heard hinges creaking behind him.
«Daddy?» Calliope  peeked out from behind the door of her room, slowly pushing it open to get out.
«Calliope.» he threw the log in the fire and knelt in front of her, petting her messy curls «Why are you up so early, little one? Did they wake you up?»
She lazily rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, holding her rag doll with the other one, and yawned before replying to him.
«I thought you were gone already, daddy.» she murmured, hiding her face against his neck and seeking his warmth «Last time you didn’t say bye.»
«I am not planning to leave so soon, Calliope.» Kratos slowly rubbed her back, hoisting her up and walking toward her room «You can go back to sleep if you want.»
He felt her hugging his neck, muffling a whining protest – that sounded like a weeping she didn’t want him to hear. Kratos held her close, slowly cradling her in his arms. For a moment, he thought how ironic that situation was – how the most important people in his life were so affectionate, despite Spartan’s customs. Maybe he wasn’t the perfect husband and father – in his defence he never had had a proper example in his family, yet he remembered how much his mother Callisto had loved his brother and him. All while he was trying to be the perfect Spartan soldier for the city that had sheltered him when he was a child.
But he couldn’t deny how much he loved Lysandra’s touch on his skin – that perfect equilibrium between affection and passion, from simple hugs and caresses to heated kisses and scratches on his back, while their hands explored each other’s body with the purest sense of possession for the other one. But it wasn’t something merely physical – that woman knew how to stand up to him, and was so damn good and smart with words – to the point that even the king admired her for that. So humble and kind, yet so fearless when needed. Taking her hands wasn’t something he was ashamed of doing, he liked how smaller Lysandra’s hands were compared to his own ones. And thanks to her, he could have the most precious treasure of his whole life – their daughter Calliope.
That very same daughter that was so desperate to have him there, to enjoy his company while he was at home, that she feared to let him go and go back to sleep for a few hours. His voice was low like a deep rumble when he called her name, but she didn’t loosen her grip on his neck, sniffling and awkwardly rubbing her nose on her own shoulder, her beloved doll forgotten on the floor. For a brief moment, Kratos didn't know what to do. He wasn't used in comforting people, even if that was his own child. For Lysandra everything seemed so natural… but that child in his arms was his own daughter, and she deserved all the care he could give her.
«No more tears, little one. I am not leaving.» holding her against his chest he bent to collect a cloth from a cabinet, using it to clean her face and her running nose «I promised you we would spend the whole day together, today, did I not?».
Calliope didn’t answer but weakly nodded with her head, still holding her gaze low and squeezing her little fist on her father’s stole.
«Do you know what else did I promise, Calliope?»
She fumbled with the fabric in her hands, briefly spying on her father with watery eyes and trying to understand what he meant. But he didn't add anything else, just stared at her, so she gave up and looked at him, rubbing an eye with the back of her hand.
«The round fluffy sweets...» she murmured, sniffling again. She blew her nose when Kratos put the cloth near her face «The teginas…»
«Not the teganites only, my child.» Kratos took a deep breath, sitting near the fireplace. He made Calliope sit on his knees, so that she’d face him «It is something I promised to your mother, Calliope, even before you were born. I promised her I would have kept both of you safe. Even if it means staying away from you for long time.».
«But cannot you do it staying here?»
Bless her and her naivety. He lifted a hand to caress her head, gently cupping her cheek in his palm.
«Sadly not. There will be times when I will have to depart to fight. For you, for you mother. For Sparta.».
«But mom is strong too! She can help if you stay…»
«I know she is strong, my child. But she would, first of all, care for you. You are too precious for both of us, Calliope.»
It seemed like she wanted to protest but couldn’t find the right words. Kratos knew his daughter was way too young to fully understand his reasons. He hoped one day she’d have been proud of her father – even if he knew what he had said weren’t all the reasons why he often left for war campaigns. But that aspect of himself – an aspect his wife was very aware of, and she still criticized – was something she wouldn’t have known for a very long time. He didn’t want to see fear in his child’s eyes, while looking at him. And in front of him, Calliope seemed so small and frail. He was always very careful while holding her, aware of his own strength. And with the very same care he held her small shoulders in his hands, searching for those golden eyes so similar to his own ones.
«Can you promise me something, little one?»
Calliope raised her gaze toward him, slowly nodding.
«Promise you will always listen to your mother. You know she is the wise one, between us.»
«More than you?»
He chuckled, petting her head «Absolutely.»
«And this is why you married her?»
«That was one of the many reasons, yes.»
«And the others?».
«You are being a little too curious, Calliope.» Kratos gently tickled her sides, glad that he had managed to distract her enough to make her forget the saddest part of their discussion – but now it seemed he was getting involved in a too personal one. Even if he wasn’t ashamed of his love for Lysandra, it was still hard for him to explain his feelings with simple words.
Calliope squirmed on his lap, trying to stop his hands with her own smaller ones – all while freely giggling. Kratos smiled faintly, holding her in a tender embrace. His daughter relaxed in his warmth, pressing her face against his chest. And there she stayed, in silence, so calm that after a while Kratos thought she’d have fallen asleep once again. But when he tried to spy on her face, he felt her move – hiding once again in his hug. Apparently, she wasn’t willing to let him go yet, despite his attempts to ease her worries.
«Daddy?» A simple grumble from his chest made her know he was listening «Do teginas make people happy?».
He didn’t expect a question like that, an in all honesty he really didn’t know how to answer. There were very few things, beside his family, that made him happy, and while most of them couldn’t be discussed with a child, surely food wasn’t one of them. But Calliope was such an innocent soul, that still knew very little of the world around her – how in the Spartan customs there wasn’t quite place for cute things that could bring happiness – that maybe it wasn’t so strange she would’ve thought at food as source of joy.
«I cannot be so sure about it, Calliope. Maybe yes, for someone eating teganites can be something that make them happy. Why do you ask?»
She fumbled again with his stole, hesitating. Her voice was low, and quite serious, when she talked again.
«Do you think mom will be happy if you give her some teginas?»
That was… another unexpected question. He was afraid to inquire what she really meant - and again, he couldn’t give her a proper answer. Maybe he had missed some hints, was Lysandra so unhappy that even their daughter could notice it? He knew – he knew he could have been a better husband to her. He didn’t like to stay far from his wife and his daughter for so long either – yet he felt he had duties to protect their city state, his family. He had to prove to be a perfect soldier for Sparta, to avoid any stain to Lysandra’s reputation as well. He had to be the best one, as to bring her a great honour. He was maybe one of the very few ones that had found real love in their marriage, and despite all of their quarrels about his atrocious ways in war, he didn’t want to lose her. He wouldn’t have lost her, or his daughter.
«Maybe she will like them with some honey.» he suggested, talking with the same low tone. He distractedly caressed her cheek, pensive, his gaze on the door of their bedroom – where his wife was still sleeping «Do you want some too?»
Calliope nodded, a tiny smile lifting the angles of her lips.
«Please.» Her hands reached for his one, holding it for a moment, then rubbed her face against his palm «Your teginas are the best in the whole word.»
He avoided correcting her again about the name, but sneered shaking his head «I doubt they can be that good.»
«They are, I say!» she grabbed his stole in her little fists, almost offended «And mom taught me to always say the truth.»
«Come on, then.» he squeezed her again against his chest, getting up «Will you help me prepare them for your mother?»
Kratos did his best to complete his task with a  single hand. He occasionally asked Calliope to hold on his shoulders, supporting her with his forearm, while he busied both his hands with the bowl and a fork to whisk the batter. But maybe thanks to the dim light in the room, or maybe because it was still too early in the morning, at some point Kratos didn’t feel her move anymore. He took the chance to spy on her while waiting for the batter to start bubbling in the bowl – and indeed she had fallen asleep,  sucking her thumb and resting her head on his shoulder. He slowed his breath, gently rocking her – it was a strange sensation, but it felt like the first time he had held his daughter in his arms after those three endless weeks of research and battles – his heart swelled, almost painfully for emotions many thought he wasn’t able to feel, and for a moment he held her a bit closer to him.
His little treasure, his precious sweet Calliope.
Lysandra slowly opened her eyes, frowning slightly at the light from the small opening between the curtains. She turned on her side, pulling the blanket on her shoulders and trying to find shield in the warm body of her husband – just to find his spot cold and, most of all, empty. She moved her head on his pillow, burying her face on the fabric to breath in the scent of his skin – musky, wild, somehow mixed with earth.
What a silly – she thought – he would have slept again there the following night. Hopefully for a longer period, before his next raid. While she dreaded the day he’d have departed again, she wanted to enjoy his presence as much as she could – and in order to do it, she had to get up. She quickly detangled her hair with her fingers, styling it in a soft braid. It was still early, and maybe they’d have had the time to have breakfast together before Kratos’d have to leave for the daily training in the gymnasia with his soldiers.
The shawl she normally used in the morning was on a stool nearby, and Lysandra wrapped it on her shoulders, the cold stone under her feet making her shiver. She could hear slight noises from the kitchen, and she surely wasn’t ready for what she saw as soon as she opened the door – Kratos was at the hearth, cooking something sweet – and by the Gods, the smell was amazing. Calliope was curled up in his arms, her head resting on her father’s shoulder. Never in her dreams she’d have thought of seeing something like that – and she didn’t dare to interrupt what for her was a wish came true right in front of her eyes. So she stayed there, on the doorstep, filling her eyes with the vision of her husband that was preparing breakfast with their daughter in his arms.
But apparently she hadn’t been silent enough – or maybe Kratos wasn’t focused only on his task.
«I know you are there, Lysandra.» his voice was low and husky, and he slightly turned his head in her direction.
She sighed with a smile and slowly walked to them, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades and gently caressing his back.
«I didn’t want to interrupt.» she murmured, welcoming his lips when Kratos bent over to kiss her «What are you up to?».
«Calliope wanted to surprise you.» he explained, flipping one of the teganites on the burning plate. He was careful in moving as less as possible, he didn’t want to bother the child’s sleep «She woke up too early.»
«I know.» she simply said, refusing to elaborate any further –it would have ruined the mood. They were together. Enjoying some peace, the three of them, in the comfort of their small home. He seemed so at ease, as if he had spent days cooking at home with a sleeping child that was drooling on his stole. But apparently he didn’t mind at all, focused on his task – while exchanging a few, whispered chats with his wife.
«Care to take her for a moment?» Kratos turned toward her, carefully moving Calliope from his left side to the right one. At that point he didn’t want to wake her up, nor put her back to bed - chance given and beside his duties, he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his family.
Lysandra gently took her in her arms, going to sit and placing her on her lap, wrapping the shawl over her shoulders. Calliope muttered something, gently squeezing her mother’s chiton in her hand. Lysandra moved her curls on her forehead, giving her a light kiss. Meanwhile, Kratos had placed the plates in front of her – with the freshly cooked teganites and smaller cups with honey. Wine was served too, with a cup of milk for Calliope. One of the plates had another reversed one on top, to keep the teganites soft and warm for their child.
«Well, if this isn’t a very lovely surprise…» Lysandra smiled, breathing in the sweet smell of the pancakes «Thanks, my love.»
«I have been just the arm.» he chuckled, cutting a piece and slightly dunking it in the honey. He waited until it stopped dripping, before extending the fork toward Lysandra’s lips and flicking his chin pointing at the sleeping girl «The mastermind is right there.»
«Still, it has been nice of you.» she replied, biting the soft pancake. She hummed in appreciation, closing her eyes «And these are even more delicious than what I remembered.»
He nodded, cutting another piece. Lysandra seemed comfortable, gladly eating that meal while cuddling their daughter. She didn’t seem… unhappy. Maybe Calliope was wrong, she was so young after all. Even if she was the one who spent more time with her mother, could she really understand the full extension of Lysandra’s feelings? Not that he’d question his wife’s fidelity – they both swore their fidelity to each other when they got married, and while he knew Lysandra was a woman true to her word, she knew as well how personal their marriage was to him. She wouldn’t have sought comfort in another man’s arms. Yet, he couldn’t get his daughter’s question out of his mind. He got distracted when he felt Lysandra’s fingers gently brushing his arm, while she was staring at him.
«What is on your mind, Kratos?».
He shook his head, passing her another bite of the teganites. But oh, Lysandra knew something was bothering her husband. She slowly chewed, before taking the fork from his hand and putting it on the table. Kratos stared at it for a few seconds, then sighed raising his golden gaze on his wife.
«Calliope thinks you are unhappy.» he stated, carefully taking her hand in his one.
Lysandra looked sincerely surprised, throwing a quick look at the child in her arms and then back at him.
«I… never said that.» she murmured in a low tone «But I cannot deny I am happier when you are here with us. Is that so wrong?».
He took a few seconds before replying in the same faint voice, his thumb distractedly brushing her knuckles.
«… no.»
«I do not want to hold you back, Kratos.» she stopped his finger, holding his hand in hers and staring into his eyes «You are well aware of what I think about your methods in war, but please, can we avoid this topic? At least for now? You will have to go to the gymnasia soon, and…»
«Not today.» he interrupted her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze «Calliope, she… yesterday evening I promised her we will spend the day all together. I will leave the soldiers under Ortho’s supervision.»
Kratos got up, bending to kiss his wife once again.
«Tell her I will be back soon.» that said, he lightly caressed his child’s head before turning around and getting out of the house.
Soon Lysandra heard his steed galloping far from there, leaving her and Calliope alone, in complete silence. She sighed, lowering her gaze on her daughter and then back again toward the door. It didn’t take long before she started to wake up again, lazily rubbing her eyes. She leaned in her mother’s caresses, muttering something in her half-asleep state.
«Slept well, sweetie?» her mother asked, gently rubbing her cheek. Calliope slowly nodded, looking around – and Lysandra well knew who she was looking for «Your father will be back soon. He had to warn his soldiers that he will not join them today.».
They had just finished getting ready when Kratos came back. The sun was a bit higher in the sky, and the air was pleasantly crisp. He told his wife to wear something comfortable to ride the horses, while he took care of their daughter. He maybe wasn’t used in preparing surprises for his child, yet he hoped Calliope would have liked what he had in mind for their day. He tied a bag with some supplies to his horse’s saddle and hoisted Calliope up, straddling his steed with her – Lysandra mounted her own horse, a beautiful palomino Nisean that Kratos had gifted her after one of his raids. They left their home and the city behind, reaching the woods after maybe half an hour of riding. Kratos held Calliope tight with an arm, while she clung herself on his chest like a little monkey, no fears in her heart even when her father made the steed sprint at full speed – Lysandra close beside them on her own horse. Her father’s (and mother’s as well) arms were her safest place on Earth, after all. Her joyful laugh was music to his ears.
«Higher, daddy!» Calliope got out from that small mountain of leaves, running into his waiting arms. He pretended to throw her again into the pile, but then caught her once again before actually throwing her into the leaves.
Calliope squealed in delight when Kratos threw her again high in the air, letting her fall into a big pile of leaves. He didn’t feel sorry for the helots that would have had to fix all the piles; his child was having way too much fun.
Meanwhile, Lysandra was resting under the shadow of a big tree. She was pleased to see her husband and their daughter having so much fun together – he now was helping Calliope forming an even bigger pile. She was so sure their little one would have been drained from all of her energies by the end of the day.
They shared their packed lunch enjoying the music the nature around them could offer, taking the chance to rest when they saw that Calliope was falling asleep. She climbed onto her father’s lap, using his chest as pillow, and rested there – forcing Kratos to stay still, sat with his back against a trunk. Lysandra sat beside him, holding his hand and resting her head on his shoulder. That felt good. Even for her, it was strange. Nice, yet strange – knowing they were just sitting there, in the woods, without doing anything.
What a blasphemy for their Spartan customs… somehow, Kratos knew he should have felt guilty about that. But honestly, it meant so little to him. What really mattered, that day, was seeing his wife and his child broadly smiling during their time together. Especially after what he and Lysandra had talked about after breakfast, that morning. That day, the most important thing for him was making his beloved ones happy.
He carefully closed the door, walking toward his own bedroom where his wife was waiting for him. Kratos joined her under the blanket, holding her close to his chest. His hand gently grabbed her side, sliding a little lower and making her chuckle.
That evening, Calliope just made in time just to eat and take a quick bath before falling asleep once again. She had had so much fun with her parents, and they had ridden for so long… that had been a good day. She squeezed her rag doll, smiling when Kratos kissed her forehead and bid her goodnight.
«You surely do not lack in stamina, my love.» she murmured, playing with his goatee.
«I do not, indeed.» he replied, before kissing her – in a very different way from the brief kisses they had exchanged the day before. It was slow, languid. So full of desire «You do not know how much I missed you, love.»
«I think I am going to find it out…?»
She surely was. And they spent the night devouring each other in their mutual desire, discovering once again what gave pleasure to the other giving all of themselves, unconditionally,  basking in the blissful bubble of their love.
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