#HAH- relatable
drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1: What was left behind. - Part 1 <- Part 2 <- Part 3 <- Part 4 <- Part 5 <- Part 6 (here)
Act 1, Omake: Master of Time - read here
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weevmo · 9 months
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I relate to him more than I'd like to admit -
- his Styles are understandable - and he gets where he needs to be eventually!!
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booasaur · 9 months
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Special Ops: Lioness - 1x07
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alyona11 · 1 year
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*gently holds*
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st cassians show and tell would go fucking hard
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hotarufutaba · 6 months
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badly laid out comic about bunnys 🐰
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batwynn · 10 months
I have the urge to write again.
The editor doubter is loud in my ear.
A heavy touch ripping away commas, words, and thoughts.
It’s been years of her
snapping up my words.
She wants stand up straight
and spell it correctly.
No made up words.
No sentences that start with. And
I was slow to learn.
Letters and numbers mixed up and bumbling over ahead several words ahead.
I was told I couldn’t write.
Don’t even try.
Don’t do it that way.
Do not do it this way.
He said, she shouts, they whisper.
Be more creative, more descriptive.
Write what you know.
I know I moved on, I let the editor doubter go.
Looked past the carefully chosen words from the thesaurus to describe:
And there she is again.
10th grade English class, standing taller than me. Dark hair. Angry. Telling me to stop,
telling me I’m doing it wrong—
so don’t do it at all.
I want to write again.
The urge is biting at my fingers faster than she can erase my words.
i dont care if it’s bad
I want to write again.
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my-world-my-stories · 5 months
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The hardships of co-parenting between PeaceKeepers dads
🧡Trondo: Yo, I saw a booth at the fair that's selling wooden swords. Does Wild need a sword??
💚Gunnar: No! Absolutely not!
🧡Trondo: Double negative, so that means it's a yes to the sword. I'm getting it
💚Gunnar: That is NOT what I said!!
🧡Trondo: Sorry, can't hear ya, it's too loud here.
💚Gunnar: Oh so you're deaf all of the sudden?? How convenient!
💚Gunnar: Listen Trondo, if you get her a freaking sword, she's gonna train with you all weekend and wreak havoc on you and the others with that! Your choice buddy!
🧡Trondo : Bet!
🧡Trondo: Boris already approved this!
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allamericanb-tch · 5 days
me after my father reads an article to me about how most (i can’t remember the percentage) of gen z feels as though they are living a double life online
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b-lizi · 2 years
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You know, having Teldryn over the phone can be something so personal.
I drew this marvelous man at the end of July and completely forgot to finish the colouring! Here he is, in a 1920's AU setting because I love the aesthetic.
He's of course talking to the Dragonborn, before and after entering in their service.
I like his shoes
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the-ascendant-doodler · 2 months
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything really) then send it to 10 of your most cherished friends or followers
I am obsessed with my saxophones. Alto and Tenor player here, and I literally have separation anxiety from my saxes it's actually terrible 😭😭😭😭
I play the kalimba as a hobby. It's honestly the most enchanting sounding instrument I play it's so mystical I always feel so unreal after I play it
My favorite artist ever is Laufey AUGGHHHHHH SHE'S JUST SO. INCREDIBLE I LOVE HER SM
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booasaur · 1 year
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Class of ‘09 - 1x06
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bird-nobody · 2 months
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solarwreathe · 6 months
Yet another Yiga poll!
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(sidenote i'll never get over how they pose like a boyband)
points for 1:
it balances out their advantages in combat, and i think limitations create more fun ways to think around it.
it would explain why, despite having such seemingly overpowered abilities, they're still lurking in the shadows, targeting lone unarmed travellers instead of attacking any settlements (even ones with very few fighters to defend themselves.)
points for 2:
plenty of sheikah have been shown to use runes without needing talisman. what makes their teleportation/illusions any different?
think of the trees!
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
ok but reinhard x julius would simultaneously be the most hilarious yet tragic pairing of all time. reinhard thinks they met when he was fourteen and julius was sixteen and like yes they did, but julius vividly remembers being ten years old and learning about reinhard and julius was like METAPHORICALLY FROTHING AT THE MOUTH BC REINHARD?? MOST POWERFUL MAN ALIVE?? ILL NEVER MEASURE UP TO HIS LEVEL.... meanwhile reinhards like hahah julius is such a good friend of mine, im so lucky to have him haha we met when we became knights when i was fourteen haha. reinhard sees him as an equal while julius is vividly aware of the Distance between them while joshua is VIVIDLY AWARE OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN HIM AND JULIUS AND LOATHES JULIUS FOR IT. joshua loathes reinhard too so its like this big giant envy triangle from joshua to julius to reinhard and julius doesnt know about joshua and reinhard doesnt know about julius OR joshua and reinhards so head empty hes like haha julius and joshua are so nice haha. meanwhile joshuas CLENCHING HIS FISTS AND FIGHTING BACK INTENSE RAGE BY GASLIGHTING HIMSELF. hes like haha i love my brother i love my brother i love him so much haha EVEN IF HE HAS HIS HIMBO OVERPOWERED PERFECT BOYFRIEND WHO CAN KILL ANY OF US WITH JUST ONE TOUCH WHILE ALSO PERFECTLY COOKING ANY MEAL IN EXISTENCE....
meanwhile heinkel takes a five extra shots every day on top of the usual bc reinhard and julius clock in at work every day and make lovey dovey eyes at each other EVERYWHERE. joshua and heinkel are going INSANE while julius has a bad case of ace gay person who doesnt know if they wanna Be their crush or if they wanna Be With their crush and Am I Even Having Romantic Feelings? and then theres the crisis of. oh god im not allowed to have this anyway. i have to marry a girl and have kids like a good noble knight. meanwhile reinhard has no idea about any of this, partly bc hes dead inside partly bc of Too Many Powers partly bc of neurodivergence partly bc of also probably being ace partly bc of having to continue the sword saint line.
until one day he has skin to skin contact with julius and is like haha oh whats all these emotions haha? are you okay julius? :,DD and julius promptly decides to NEVER HAVE SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT WITH REINHARD AGAIN. meanwhile felix is pulling his hair out watching all of this unfold. heinkel and joshua have joined forces and are HATING EVERY INCH OF THIS DEVELOPMENT bc they WILL be homophobic only bc its REINHARD AND JULIUS. subaru gets involved in the family drama and julius personally thanks him for clowning on julius’s crush’s dad, who is also julius’s boss. and then reinhard forgets julius even though reinhard was like the MOST LIKELY PERSON to remember julius. and then reinhard’s great great great x100 grandfather vibe checks julius into oblivion. 
and thats the end of reinhard x julius a tragicomedy in several, several parts. 
#reinhard van astrea#julius juukulius#clowns. both of them.#joshua juukulius#heinkel astrea#i have way too many feelings on reinhard x julius. funniest and saddest couple alive. they dont even know theyre a couple but they act like#it.#i stand by my ace spectrum reinhard and julius headcanons.#ALSO WITH ANY JULIUS X ANOTHER GUY PAIRING. REID GOING HAH youre gay. IS GONNA BE TRUE.#EVEN WORSE IF ITS WITH REIDS LITERAL DESCENDANT....#the hilarity of heinkel being at work and then suddenly reinhard and julius get caught holding hands (soooo scandalous) and he'll be RAGING#WHAT DO YOU MEAN REINHARD HAS A CRUSH ON THE F I N E S T OF KNIGHTS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. hes immediately homophobic purely bc its#reinhard and the other most famous knight.#joshua is like one of those anime little siblings thats going INSANE bc their older sibling now has a partner#hes gonna be like NII SAMA CHOSE REINHARD OF ALL PEOPLE??? THAT PRETENTIOUS FUCKING PRICK????#THE LITERAL SWORD SAINT???? URGHGHGHGHGH.#maybe i should start a tag just for my rambling...#arc 5-6 spoilers...#rezero#and its like.... julius and reinhard can relate to having Expectations to follow... family expectations. societal expectations. the pressur#to be refined and perfect and good.#and the importance of Your Name....#the importance of upholding family legacy....#and theyve both known loss from a young age thats for sure.#and they both cast large shadows on others... especially their own family.#they had to mature too quick......#and. of course. julius being the tender age of ten and meeting reinhard CHANGED HIS LIFE.
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gh0stgr1nder · 7 months
btw reminder we're normal about fictionkins in this house . like "remember when people thought they were karkat vantas from homestuck" we're still here + imagine being so boring you make fun of any differences people have that you dont personally approve of + shut the actual fuck up
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