soullessjack · 8 months
I am so not getting into it now bc sleepy exhausted but there is something so terrible and bleak about jack never fully going evil even during his obligatory evil arc. like I’m sorry but I don’t care about the nonbelievers he put worms in bc he literally thought it was like hunting and he literally thought he was making sam and dean happy and he’s already been shown to be violently reactive by nature He is not any different than he was before .he’s just himself but worse
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trashforgubler · 5 years
The Soliloquy
Word Count: 1463
Summary: Amelia goes in for a post-op MRI and has a panic attack
Extra Info: This has been sitting in my word docs for so long oh my god I cant believe I finally finished it. Also plsplsplspls listen to “The Soliloquy” by Noah Mac because it is literally the GOAT
Warnings: Panic attack, vomiting, swearing
Requests: Open pls send (even if its just a song you like that you want me to do something with)
Feedback pls and thank
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Amelia had been dreading this day for far too long. Today was the day she had to get an MRI. Today was the day her worst fear may come true, that her tumor could be back. There weren’t any signs of relapse, but that didn’t mean that fear didn’t creep its way back in every time she thought of getting a scan done. The fear would never be gone, it started suffocating her the moment she stepped into the room, even with Owen right beside her.
“You good?” he asked her, already noticing that she looked off. Her skin was paler than usual, and she wasn’t talking. She hadn’t said anything in the car ride here, and barely anything at the house that morning. The normally chatty Amelia was nowhere to be seen, instead, a shadow of her stood next to him.
Amelia couldn’t do anything to respond to his question, not even conjure up and unconvincing smile. She simply continued walking towards the machine, each step becoming harder than the last. Her heartbeat echoed in her chest, and it was so loud she could almost hear it in her ears. She wiped her sweating hands on her thin hospital gown as she sat down on the table and laid back. Owen took the silence from her as a little case of nervousness. Of course, she was nervous, she had every right to be. Hell, he was nervous.
“Okay well I’m going to be right in that little room the whole time, so if you need anything just ask.” Owen waited a moment for a response but got none. Refusing to make eye contact, Amelia stared blankly at the ceiling, praying to a God to let her be okay. Please, let her be okay.
“You’re going to do great, and after this is over we can go home and watch Game of Thrones, how does that sound?” Owen asked with a smile. Nodding emotionlessly, her eyes darted around the tile above her, unable to focus them on a specific spot. Owen gave her one last small smile before he put the plastic headpiece over her head. Amelia flinched as it locked in, and immediately her chest began heaving. She was trapped under a metal cage she was unable to get out of, left alone in a giant tunnel that made the loudest noises known to man. The door closed behind Owen as he walked out of the room, and she could feel his eyes watching her, only making her panic more.
I am going to die in here. She thought. I am going to stroke out and die because I can’t fucking breathe.
Of course, the fear of death only scared her more, and her heavy breathing quickly escalated to short, strangled grasps for air.
As Owen stood in the room, he could hear her struggling for air through the microphone. His heart ached at the sound of it.  
“Amelia, you’re going to be fine, okay? I’m right here.”
His words did nothing to help her, she was only getting worse, and quickly.
“Wha- what if I can’t be a surgeon anymore?” she said breathlessly.
“Amelia-“ Owen said, tilting his head to the side, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Don’t Amelia me Owen.” She was angry now, her once soft voice becoming sharp. Owen felt a stab of pain in his chest as she said it. He knew she had a point. There was a possibility that she may not fully recover, that she wouldn’t be the same surgeon she was before any of this happened. Even from behind the glass, Owen could see her scratching at her balled up fist, something she always did when she was nervous. Amelia’s brain was a wildfire. A small spark had lit an entire forest of fear ablaze and now she was suffocating. She couldn’t see anything but the cage holding her down.
“Owen- Owen I need out.” She choked a word out between each gasp for air. The technician gave Owen a look and a slight shake of his head, telling him to leave her.
“She’ll be fine just give her a minute.” He stated emotionlessly.
“She’s hyperventilating!” Owen yelled, gesturing roughly at her as he did.
He had always been one to be protective of his loved ones, especially when they were in pain. Especially when it was Amelia. The tech remained motionless not really acknowledging or caring about his sudden outburst.
“Owen I said get me out now!” Amelia screamed wildly. Tears began streaming down her face as her voice cracked with fear. Owen gave the techintinon the death glare as he left the room and ran to Amelia.
“You’re okay, I’m here,” Owen whispered, trying to remain as calm as possible as he lifted the headpiece off of her. In reality, he was scared. He had never seen Amelia like this before. She was always one to put on a brave face for anything and everything she stumbled upon. This time something was different.
“I can’t breathe.” Amelia gasped as she scratched at her chest, pulling at the hospital gown she was wearing. “Owen I can’t breathe.” Her blue eyes were wide with panic and glistening with tears as she looked up at him. Owen wrapped his arms around her back to help her sit up.
“Yes, you can, just slow down.” He rubbed her back gently as she struggled for air. “Slow down.” Amelia looked down at the ground as her hands gripped the sides of the table so hard her knuckles turned white.
“They’re never gonna let me do surgery again.” She stammered
”Yes they will, you’re gonna be fine, okay? Just breathe.” Sweat began collecting on her forehead as she became paler and paler. Kneeling down in front of her Owen took her raw hands in his. “Mia, look at me.” Amelia shook her head as more tears rolled down her red face, too ashamed of herself to make eye contact. “Mia,” he repeated softer. Reluctantly she looked up at him, her once vibrant blue eyes had turned dull from the pain. “You are a surgeon. You’re going to be a surgeon again, but right now you need to focus on healing yourself before you think about healing others. You are the strongest, most resilient person I know, but that doesn’t mean that this won’t be hard. It will be, but you're going to be just fine.” He gave her a small smile as he wiped away a falling tear with the edge of his thumb.
As sweet as he was, Amelia could barely listen to the words coming out of Owen’s mouth, she was too focused on the growing sensation of nausea in her stomach. She wasn’t sure whether she was actually sick, or she was just so freaked out she had made herself sick. Either way, it didn’t seem to matter, the feeling was starting to creep its way into her throat. She broke out into an ice cold sweat as she struggled to keep what was left of her composure, but it was too late. She threw her hand over her mouth to keep from losing it all over Owen. Owen stood up and scooted to the side on instinct, immediately recognizing what was about to happen. He returned his hand to the center of her back and began rubbing gentle circles on it.
“Breathe Amelia. Deep breaths.” he coached.
Amelia gagged and purged a small amount of bile that tasted so sour it made her eyes water. She gagged again before vomiting on the floor. Owen ran his fingers gently through her hair, making sure not to touch the sore spot from her surgery, and gathered it into a loose ponytail right before she heaved and vomited again, coughing as a new flood of hot tears streamed down her face.
“Done?” Owen asked.
Amelia nodded slightly. Owen went to the corner of the room to get a washcloth and wiped the saliva from Amelia’s mouth.
“Can you walk?”
Amelia nodded again as she got up from the table. Owen put his arm around her back, holding her up. He could feel the heat radiating off of her as he held her, and felt her body tremble against his.
They walked slowly down the hall and into the on-call room. Owen sat Amelia down on the bottom bunk and untied the now dirty hospital gown. He removed his own shirt and gave it to her even though it was far too big for her small body. He then helped her lay down, and she curled up into his side, feeling the warmth of his bare skin. Owen wrapped his arms protectively around her and watched her fall promptly asleep, lulled by the sound of his heart beating.
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greyjoy-archer-blog · 7 years
Tea Time Torture Talk
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairings: Renly Baratheon x Loras Tyrell, Robb Stark x Theon Greyjoy
Summary: Loras meets up with Theon and they have a small talk about things. Mostly how they were brutally tortured and trying to move on from it. 
Word count: 2126
Loras Tyrell looked at the clock and prayed that he wasn't late. He had only gotten the text 3 hours prior but it had still be awfully last minute. He knew he had to come no matter what. He had given Renly his goodbye kiss and told him he would be back as soon as possible. It was of the up-most importance that he attend this meeting.
He walked into the modern looking café and looked around to see if he could see him. He didn't see anything yet so he assumed that perhaps he was early. His eyes glanced up to the menu and he mentally decided what he would order while he waited. He was slightly nervous about the times and checked his phone again to make sure he was right. He couldn't help but notice the shaking in his hands as he did so. The faith still having a lingering effect on him.
It was only when he was looking to the left hand side when he saw the person he was looking for.
"Loras. Over here." Theon said as he signalled the Tyrell over to him. Theon was sitting in undoubtedly the most isolated part of the café. Loras had no idea why Theon wanted to talk to him but since they were sort of support buddies he would do it in a heartbeat. They were able to talk to each other without having to worry about anything.
"Hey Theon." He said looking at the Greyjoy. He was a lot different since the last time he had seen him. A lot healthier. He was still a twig by all means but he had gotten a bit of meat on his bones which was a good bit of progress. Also some of the colour had come back into his hair. What had once been a bleached white was now more of a dirty snow kind of colour.
Theon wasn't exactly one for being social. At one point in time sure he would have been the best person in the room to talk to. That was before Ramsay Bolton happened. Now he was back to normal but he was a hell of a lot quieter and more jumpy at things. Loras placed his order and went back to Theon.
"What did you get?" Theon asked taking a sip from the yellow bubble tea. It seemed like he was the one who had arrived here first, already having his order in hand.
"Herbal tea. It's good for you." He said as he sat down on the small green chair opposite him. Theon nearly chocked with laughter on sip he took.
"Of course you did you high garden fuck." He said laughing at the obvious choice for the Tyrell. It was obviously a joke. Theon's sense of humour was an odd one but it was good that he hadn't completely lost it at the hands of that psychopath. Loras simply rolled his eyes and thought of the brilliant response he had planned in his head.
"Oh excuse me Mr "I only drink bubble tea because it has Tapioca pearls in it and my house symbol is to do with the Sea." Theon smirked at Loras's response. He could see he was influencing the boy to be as sarcastic as he was. Loras was happy to see him smiling, it was unusual for him to be doing it because of what he had been through.
They both enjoyed the remark and got comfortable. If Loras guessed correctly it was going to be something to do with Theon and his emotional baggage. A waitress came over with the teapot and Loras thanked her. Theon had to look away for a moment. He envied how easy it was for him to be able to just talk to total strangers like that. The last time Theon did it the result was getting to know a certain Ramsay Bolton.
"How's Renly doing? Heard you two are getting serious." Theon said in an attempt to make small conversation. Loras smiled and nodded. Theon seemed a little relieved that Loras appreciated his attempt at speaking. His previous master would always hit him when he tried to make small talk during any event.
"Yeah, we're actually getting married." Loras told him showing him the golden band around his finger. Theon shot him a look of congratulations. He never actually expected them to last but stranger things had happened.
"That's good…Robb and me aren't sure yet with his mum and everything but we'll get something sorted." He said as he rubbed his neck. He was clearly wanting to get to some point but he was having trouble arriving at the destination. Loras could see him tapping what fingers he had left on his right hand on the table. If he and Robb ever did get married they would have to choose another finger because Theon's wedding finger was no longer attached to his body. A certain Mr Bolton had made sure of that.
There was a small silence after the congratulations and Theon could see the small glace down to his tapping finger so he stopped, not wanting any more attention on it.
"Why did you call me here Theon? You always call me when you need support and can't speak to Robb about it." Loras knew Theon well enough at this point to know he needed to get something off his mind.
They never expected to get on so well. If they hadn't met at a PTSD group meeting them they probably never would have talked at all. The funny thing was neither of them had wanted to go in the first place but it was rather their significant others who had dragged them along as they desperately needed the help. Sure enough they bonded over how they were inhumanely tortured by other sadistic people.
Theon sighed. He had been busted. He should have supposed he was smart enough to figure that out. He took another clear swig as so his voice wouldn't crack and he wouldn't break down in a public place. He thought of the breathing exercises that his therapist had shown him and let it out.
"Ramsay's going to get out soon… two weeks to be precise."
Loras had to take a moment to make sure that he had heard the Greyjoy correctly. The madman who had tortured him was getting out after only three years. "Theon I'm so sorry to hear that." He didn't know what else to say that would help console him but it seemed that no words could describe it.
"It's okay. There's a restraining order and if he does try to come near me he won't live to see another day."
"Why so soon? He did all those things." Loras would have yelled it out but there were other patrons in the café who probably wouldn't appreciate the yelling.
"His dad was Roose Bolton. He got 7 years originally but apparently his behaviour was so good they decided he can re-join society." Theon said in a manner that was half sarcastic yet half realistic and utterly terrified. They had tried so hard to get him a longer sentence but the Bolton lawyer had been too good.
Ramsay Bolton hadn't just tortured Theon. He had broken him into a million tiny little pieces then reassembled him into Reek. There was all types of torture involved, Things that made Loras's blood curdle at the mention of it. He had seen the news report and needless to say it had not been pretty. It may have only been three years since it happened but the damage was still present. It wasn't obvious to the untrained eye but it was there.
There was also specific body language. He would flinch if you got too close and he still had trouble keeping eye contact with people. Loras found that some days he would be the same. The violent flashbacks of the members of the faith beating him within an inch of his life and left him alone in a small dungeon like cell with a constant voice telling him to repent for his sins.
"Sorry Loras. I just needed to talk to someone else who knows what it's like." Theon said feeling a strong need to apologize for dragging him out here just to talk about his emotions. Now he was beginning to regret it. He could hear Ramsay words coming back to haunt him. How pets have no business talking to other people and he only needed him and him alone.
Loras gave a sympathetic sigh. "It's okay. The high sparrow is never getting out. Ramsay should have gotten the same sentence." He said patting him on the back to let him know it was all going to be alright.
"The high sparrow? What he did to you was worse." Theon said in an attempt to make his own suffering feel smaller. He had heard from Robb what the group did to him and it had sickened him to his stomach and considering what Ramsay did that was a difficult feat to accomplish.
"You got it worse than I did Greyjoy. I still have my…Shit I'm sorry." Loras was going to make a joke but he knew it would probably be in bad taste. He was right but Theon was used to it by the Stark family by this point. He got as many dick jokes as Tyrion Lannister got dwarf jokes.
Theon gave a small nervous laugh while his eyes unconsciously went up to look at the now covered up star shaped scar that was on his head. Say what you wanted about Loras but the boy knew how to apply his make up well. He could guess that having a knife carving into your head was about as painful as a castration process.
Loras had been kidnapped by religious fanatics called the "The faith of the seven." They were a group which claimed to go around and stop perverts and heathens and make them clean in the eyes of the gods. They had kept him in a dark dungeon and tortured him simply for the crime of being with Renly. It had been bad when they found him. He was as skinny as a twig and he had the faiths symbol literally carved into his forehead. Renly had stopped at nothing to find him. Much like Robb had with Theon.
"Look at the two of us. Comparing who was tortured the worst." Loras said in a half-hearted attempt to lighten the mood. He knew that Theon was looking at it. He would often catch people just staring at him like he was some kind of monster. The only reason he let Theon do it because they both knew what the other had been forced to suffer though.
"It's fucked up." Theon said in response taking another sip to stop himself from staring for too long. He knew it was rude but he couldn't help himself. He knew the feeling of being gawked at. Whenever Ramsay bathed him he would look at him naked and Theon would still sweat just thinking about it. They both laughed. It was true. Both of their situations were pretty messed up but it was something they could strangely talk about together. They both knew it was either too awkward or just plain hard to talk about with Robb or Renly. Especially with Renly. Loras did want to tell him about all the things the faith militant did but he thought that he couldn't put his love through the pain of hearing it all over again.
And with that they continued their talk through the hour. While Loras was hesitant at first he actually found that he was able to talk about some stuff he needed to get rid of as well. All of it done with light bits of sarcasm and ass hole style humour to help ease the tension of course. They got the balance just right.
Before they knew it the both of them had been there for about an hour. Loras was the first one who had to leave. Planning a wedding was very time consuming. Theon supposed Robb would be wondering where he was.
They both finished their drinks, Loras with his herbal tea and Theon with his sugar high smoothie. They paid the bill and went their separate ways saying they would see each other at the next meeting. Loras to go back to wedding planning and Theon back to try and get Robb to even begin thinking about a wedding.
They both felt strangely better after having their talk. They both agreed with themselves that they should have a tea time torture talk more often.
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maknaekink · 7 years
coffee or tea?
this is written for my yugyeom slut buddy @ifnt-nwh
also for myself. because yugyeom. seriously. STAY IN YOUR LANE (or not i dont mind we can both fit on my bed).
Words: 1,261
Rating: F for fucking cute ass fucking yugyeom
Summary: You’ve been spending a majority of your time recently studying for your finals in a cute coffee shop down the street. Half because you find it peaceful, and half because you really like looking at the owner’s grandson. You really, really, really like looking at his face. Like a lot. One day, clumsy ol’ cutie with a nice butt spills coffee on your perfected chemistry notes. What’s he gonna do to make it up to you?
The first time you went to Cafe Rio, you fell in love. Although it was small and tucked away from most of humanity, it was still bustling to an extent. You knew immediately this was going to be your new study spot. Quiet, great coffee and the old lady who owned it was literally your new best friend. Hyun Jin was a sweet lady who worried about you like you were her granddaughter. She constantly commented on how you were looking thin, how you were too pretty to be single and how she thought you should meet her grandson, who was ‘really really handsome”.
You got used to her behavior after the first three months, learning to laugh off her consistent attempts to set you up with her grandson. You knew ‘really really handsome’ was old people speak for ‘he has an okay face, but a great personality’.
You began to frequent the cafe everyday. Whether it was for a quick cup of coffee before school or an intense study session before prelims, you made a beeline for the tiny cafe two blocks away from your house.
Then. Then the handsome grandson decided to make an appearance six months into your stay at Cafe Rio. And boy, was Hyun Jin wrong about him. He was fucking hot. Like hotter than the flames that danced around your throne in hell. Tall, lanky and in desperate need of a break from his school schedule, you watched him waltz into the coffee shop, jaw agape.
“Halmeoni!” He grinned widely at his grandmother, who abandoned her conversation with you to greet her grandson with a warm hug.
“Gyeomie! What are you doing here? I thought we were having dinner on Thursday with your parents and your brother.”
“I need a favor...” He paused for a second when he finally noticed you, thank god you had managed to close your mouth and were busy staring at your cup of coffee, contemplating life.
“Oh, Yugyeom, this is Y/N. She’s a regular here.”
“Hello.” He said politely, bowing slightly. You blushed and returned the gesture with a quiet reply.
“So what do you need, sweetie?”
“A job. Just for the holidays and the weekends. I need somewhere to get away from stress. And you know how much I love this place.”
“Of course, darling, you can work here as long as you need.”
“Thanks, halmeoni.” He hugged her tight and moved to the back of the shop to start.
“I told you he was handsome.”
You spat your coffee out on the table.
“Refill?” He offered to you, causing you to look up from your laptop.
“Yes please!” You gave him your mug before returning to clicking away at your keyboard.
“What are you doing anyway? You have been in that position for the past three hours.”
“Creative writing task. I have to write an alternative ending to my favorite book.”
“Sounds interesting.” He glances around to make sure that all the customers were attended to before plopping next to you, “Do you think I could read it?”
You gulped as you noticed his overwhelmingly close presence next to you, “Um, sure?”
He leaned closer, causing your heart to beat faster.
You spent the next hour and a half conversing with him, before the door to the cafe opened, signaled by the bell ringing.
“Yo, yo gyeomie!”A tall blonde boy and his equally tall friend bounded into the small cafe.
“Jackson-hyung! Mark-hyung! What are you doing here?”
“We came to see you hard at work and to visit Hyun Jin.” Mark grinned and waved at the old lady, who disappeared to the kitchen to make their drinks.
“Who’s you extremely pretty friend?”
You blushed at his comment.
“This is Y/N.”
“Oh! This is Y/N.” Jackson smirked at his dongsaeng.
“What?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“Halmeoni talks about you a lot!” Yugyeom said quickly before glaring at his hyung, “I think your coffee is ready, hyung, better get going.”
“Alright, have fun you two.” Jackson cackled as he walked out of the shop with Mark.
Yes. C’mon short, tight shirt. Give me a glimpse. Yes. Yes. Yes. You thought to yourself as you observed the tall boy in an apron reaching to grab the sugar from the high cupboard. You sipped your Americano and sighed, deciding that your study break had been long enough. You placed your cup down and continued to read your bible of the day. Your chemistry textbook. Equilibrium constants were a pain in the ass, but alas, you had to press on.
“Gyeomie, go around refilling. I think-” Hyun Jin’s order suddenly became hushed, and Yugyeom’s ears turned bright pink before he set off to follow through the task set. You, of course, made no notice of it.
“So, chemistry hu-AH!” Yugyeom yelped as the cover for the coffee jug fell off, causing ice coffee to spill everywhere. Everywhere meaning your perfected chemistry notes.
“AH!” You scramble to save them, but alas, there was no salvation.
“Shit! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry.” He repeated as he started to wipe up the mess he made.
“Omo! Gyeomie!” Hyun Jin exclaimed as she watched from afar.
“My notes...” You placed your head in your hands. It took you three hours to write them.
“Y/N! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to I swear! I just wanted to refill your mug and then-”
You held your hand up, halting his sentence.
“When I go home in an hour, you are coming with me, and you are going to re-write everything for me. Understood?” You said through clenched teeth.
“Deal! Of course! I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He bowed his head in embarrassment as he walked away defeated.
“You can’t even ask a girl out properly.” Hyun Jin smacked her grandson on the head.
An hour into re-writing your notes, Yugyeom’s stomach growls loudly. He was hungry and frustrated that he had yet to make a move on you. His phone was blowing up with notifications from his hyungs, telling him to grow a pair and just kiss you, but he had muted the group, wanting to find the perfect moment. Maybe he would be able to come up with a plan after eating.
“Take out?” He asked stretching, which allowed you to catch a glimpse of his waist and stop breathing for a couple of seconds, “My treat!”
“Sure.” You smiled brightly, “Pizza?”
“Chicken and Pizza?”
You laughed and nodded. An hour later, Yugyeom was stuffing his face with pizza and chicken, momentarily forgetting that he was in the presence of another person.
“Gyeomie,” You chuckled, “You’ve got sauce on your face.”
“Whaerh?” He said, mouth full of chicken.
He swallowed before asking again.
“Here.” You leaned over and wiped the corner of his mouth with your thumb.
His eyes went wide with the intimate gesture before smirking, finally coming up with a way to make a move on you. You sat down quickly, heartbeat speeding up.
He then dipped a finger in the chicken sauce and wiped it on your lips.
“Gyeomie-ah! What are you doi-” He cut you off with his lips placed on yours.
It was your turn to go wide-eyed. He pulled away, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Sorry, jagi, you had something on your face.” He licked his lips, “I think there’s a bit left.”
You pulled the sauce away from him as he reached out to dip his fingers in them again.
“Just kiss me babo.”
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Adventures in Louisiana (pt. 2/?)
Eric Northman x Reader
Read Part One Here
Words: 1,843
Warnings: Swearing, blood, kinda mildly sexual, blood drinking
Summary: You finally find out what Eric meant and wanted by “I’ll see you later”
A/N: This one’s a little more detailed than the last one, with a little bit a sexual stuff thrown in, but I promise all that smut goodness will come soon. Also, yes I did take a little bit from season 4 episode 1 with the “you. are. mine” thing. I just can’t get over the way he says that UGH. Anyway, have fun!
"I'll be seeing you later."
His words echoed in your mind for the next few days, forcing you into an odd state of anxiety. A simple phrase, when said with such finality, sounded much more like a promise than anything else; and from Sookie had told you, you weren't sure if you should be scared or annoyed. And from what you saw of him, were you also a little... excited? Handsome as the devil he was, but the worst part was he knew it too. However, something underneath that cocky exterior intrigued you. Something dangerous and primal, but also kind deep in there. Kind enough to care about if two human women were in Shreveport by themselves and stop by, though you were perceptive enough to tell that he had been attempting to play it off as simple curiosity.
But the question still remained: when exactly was "later"?
As it turned out, "later" meant about two weeks of anxietal hell since the night in Shreveport, when a letter arrived at your house addressed simply to "Y/N".
"Fangtasia, tomorrow night. If you don't show I'll have to come get you myself. -E.N."
You didn't believe he'd leave an empty threat and, considering there was no postmark on the envelope, you assumed he had the letter delivered by hand, meaning he knew exactly where you lived.
"Hey Sook, I need your advice," you asked while on your shift that day. "Eric finally held to his word and wants me to go to Fangtasia tomorrow night."
"Y/N, no. Don't do it. I've known Eric long enough to know that anything he wants is bad news, especially for anyone he could potentially call dinner," she responded, sincerity in her voice.
"I don't doubt it, but he's kinda giving me no choice in this one," you replied, "I'm just not sure what to do."
"Well I guess if he's not giving you a choice then alright, but be hella careful, Y/N. Like I said, everything Eric wants turns out to be bad news."
You nodded in understanding. "Okay, I'll be careful. Thanks Sookie."
The next night you decided that dressing at least somewhat nicely was better for you than showing up in jeans and a t-shirt, considering your life could literally hang in the balance of whether or not Eric was pleased with you or not. With how catatonic he could be, you weren't about to risk it. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=214283360
After you got ready, you got in your car and drove the twenty minutes into Shreveport, palms sweaty on the steering wheel with nervousness. When you pulled into the parking lot of Fangtasia, sitting there watching people get let in by the bouncer at the front door, you contemplated being sarcastic or not. He didn't say that you had to go IN Fangtasia, so technically you could hold up your end by sitting outside. It gave you a chuckle, but you decided against it.
Getting out of the car, you walked up to the bouncer, who glared at you over his folded arms. You cleared your throat “Uh, Eric should be expecting me?” you stated, unsure of yourself. The bouncer said nothing and stepped aside for you to enter. “Thanks.”
Inside was a bustle of vampires and humans dancing and drinking promiscuously amongst the loud music. You had never been inside a vampire nightclub before, so the atmosphere was completely new to you. The dancers on their poled pedestals, the smell of sweat and just trace amounts of actual blood mixed with true blood that left a metallic scent in the air. It took you a moment to finally see Eric sitting on his “throne”, for lack of a better term, up on the main stage. He, of course, had been staring at you since you walked in, a smirk having crawled up on his face. His hands were clasped under his chin, elbows propped on the arms of the chair. Without separating them, he lifted a finger and beckoned you up to him. Sighing heavily, you wriggled your way around the masses of dancing bodies till you reached the edge of the stage.
“Y/N, I’m glad you came.”
“You didn’t exactly leave room for no as an answer,” you replied saltily. Eric’s smirk seemed to widen at your remark. He moved his legs off of the short ottoman that matched his chair.
“Please, sit,” he said, waving to the glorified stool. Despite his use of please, it still wasn’t much of a choice for you, so you sat down. He stayed quiet for a moment, looking at you as you surveyed the crowd out of habit (plus it gave you something else to focus on rather than him). After a few moments of silence between you two, curiousity got the better of you.
“So why am I here?” you asked, turning to look at him.
“I figured you needed someone to show you around, seeing as you’re new and all,” he replied, voice calm and almost bored.
“A month and a half isn’t exactly what I would call “new” here.” Eric simply shrugged in response, looking back out at the crowd. You eyed him scruitingly, he definitely didn’t seem like the person to just randomly give a newcomer a tour, so why? “What the fuck do you want from me?” you asked, visibly irritated, earning you another smirk.
“There are many things I could answer, and all of them would be true. But I doubt you’d like them all,” he said. Was that a joke? Or was he serious? Regardless, the thoughts of what some of those answers may be caused you to blush lightly, and suddenly you didn’t want to ask any more questions.
Well, at least for a few more minutes. But as you opened your mouth to ask another question, Eric rose from his seat and walked down the steps of the stage. You had an eerie feeling he wanted you to follow him, so you did. He led you past the bar and through a doorway into what seemed to be his office, and he stopped at the desk, turning towards you and sitting on the edge. “Close the door behind you.”
Oh god, not good, not good, you thought to yourself, but closed the door anyway. “What?” you asked, mild terror starting to set in, of which Eric picked up on with the sound of your heartbeat rapidly increasing. It seemed to amuse him.
“I’m making you mine now,” he said calmly. You were dumbfounded.
“Come again?”
“You’re going to be mine.” he repeated, still cool as a cucumber.
“What? Why? Huh? What? No!” you scrambled, but Eric just chuckled.
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter,” he said, standing upright again and moving towards you, which caused you to recoil into the wall.
“W-Wait, what happened with your- I mean, I thought you were all sorts of hung up over Sookie?” you tried to reason, perhaps even change the subject, but you could see that Eric was going to have none of it.
“I’ve grown weary of chasing things I can’t have. Besides, there’s something about you that seems… Much more interesting,” he said, having gotten close enough to you that you could feel his soft breath on your cheek. Your eyes widened at his statement as he moved a strand of hair from your face, much gentler in comparison to his gravelly voice.
“More interesting? How the hell could I be more interesting than Sookie? She can read minds and shoot the sun out of her hands for fuck’s sake!”
“She does it because she was born that way. You, however, are perceptive enough to figure out what people are thinking, aren’t you?” he asked, leaning in to your ear, taking in your scent. “Now that takes skill.” His reasoning seemed sound enough, but deep down, Eric couldn’t deny the magnetic pull he felt when he was near you.
You swallowed hard, and you could feel your heart pounding a thousand times a second. “It doesn’t take skill to figure out what you’re thinking right now,” you said, trying to feign as much confidence as you could despite the emotions flooding your mind. Was it fear? Maybe it was excitement. You couldn’t tell the difference to be perfectly honest, but what you could tell is that you kinda liked it.
Feeling a low rumble of a laugh emit from Eric’s throat as he pulled your hair away from your neck, exposing the skin beneath. “Then you know what comes next,” he said softly, only giving a moment for you to take a breath before unsheathing his fangs and digging them deep into the flesh of your neck.
You weren’t sure what to expect, as you hadn’t let a vampire bite you before. At first you thought i was going to hurt, but the only thing you felt was a small pop of a puncture followed by a ‘holy fuck that feels good” sensation that almost made you weak at the knees. You gripped his shoulder with one hand, while the other found itself digging into the blonde hairs at the back of his head as he shoved you harder into the wall. He wasn’t too rough with you, thank fuck, cuz god only knows how easily he could snap you like a toothpick, but he pushed you into the wall hard enough that the pressure made your back ache.
Before you knew it your vision had become just a little blurry around the edges, and just as you were about to say something, he stopped. He pulled back to look you in the eyes possessively, showing you as he pricked his index finger on a fang to press it to the punctures in your skin, almost in a way that said “You’re mine” without having to speak the words. You were entranced by it, though you could tell that he was in no way glamouring you.
Eric seemed to notice that you’d grown quite paler than he had prefered, and he promptly bit into his hand, offering it to you “Drink, you’re too pale for me to be comfortable letting you leave.” You listened to him, taking his hand into your mouth and drinking. Again a new experience for you, but instead of the expected metallic taste of regular blood, it tasted like some sort of sweet ambrosia. Jesus, you’d been missing out on this taste for how long??
Eventually he pulled his hand away from you, to look you back in the eyes. “Now don’t forget, you’re mine now. You. Are. Mine,” he repeated with a wink, taking a step back so you could leave. You weren’t sure what to say, so you kept quiet and walked out of the office, keeping your eyes on the floor the whole way out of Fangtasia; even when Pam shot you that classic glare of hers.
It wasn’t until you got back in your car that you really processed what just happened.
“Holy shit, I belong to a vampire.”
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