#Having the same image on both posts was starting to confuse me a bit so I made a different one for that post as well as one for this post
cherrirui-official · 5 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 3/7)
PART 3 RAAAAGH!!! SO SORRY THIS ONE TOOK SO LONG AAAH!!!! But it's here now, yippee!!! And just in time for Christmas too, wowie!
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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Designs under the cut!
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The light scars/ cracks on her body were injuries formed while she was accidentally sent through Turo's time machine. Unlike the paradox pokemon/ miraidon, GrAce's body isn't made of iron or metal, so her body wasn't able to withstand the large amount of tera energy used to power the machine as easily as the paradox pokemon were.
Luckily, she was just barely able to hold out against the time machine's energy until she made it to Turo's lab in the present day. Unfortunately, she can't be sent back because she would literally die if she went through the time machine again. Sooooo she's stuck in the modern era.
Very familiar with Area Zero and the various pokemon that reside down there, but moved out in order to continue producing music as well as familiarize herself with current-day Paldea.
She only vaguely know Clavell back when he was a rebellious teenager, though she didn't know his name. Clavell, on the other hand, was one of her biggest fans back in the 50s-60s.
Funny enough, when she sees "Clive" for the first time, she recognizes him! But not as Director Clavell, she just barely recognizes him as the random teenage fan that would occasionally ask her to sign various GrAce posters he had bought. She is also under the belief that he too, was sent from the past into the present, unaware that he simply just grew up.
Likes doing random poses for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
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Believes that everything can be solved without violence, but can and will throw hands if need be.
Everyone in Braidy's family greet each other by playfully ramming into one another. So when Peppy and his team were getting chased down by Braidy's family during their journey, they weren't trying to attack them, they just wanted to say hi!
Braidy is really good with kids due to his experience with being the eldest sibling, as he'd often have to take care of his younger siblings.
Mykyie and Braidy shop at the same clothing store.
Speaking of Mykyie, the lighter parts of Braidy's fur appeared only after Mykyie passed...
As of now, he's still an apprentice, but he has great potential to become an all powerful wizard... someday.
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Artist's note: I couldn't fit their children in the bio sorry girls and gays. I'll probably draw them out later on after I'm finished with everyone else.
Their stomachs are basically voids, so every time they eat the food just disappears, which is why they're ALWAYS hungry.
HIGHLY flammable.
It is speculated that they're poppets, but you don't have any proof of that, do you?
If you listen closely, you can hear soft bell noises every time they walk. It is unknown why this happens, but I believe it is best not to ask.
Aaaaand that's it! I plan on taking a short break from these bc I wanna draw some other stuff. Dw, I'll continue to work on these very soon!
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
i know some of you have been pressing your faces to the glass waiting for me to see this one in particular SO i saw "the nurses" the other night and am still thinking about it!!
i love love love it when characters get pushed to a point where you can almost see their childhood selves pop out, like are they even talking about what's happening right now? or are their 12-year-old hearts just screaming?? i love that margaret's outburst is both irrational (the hostile work environment is coming from inside the house; i was yelling at my tv "baby it's your fault!!!") and so so honest.
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[this turned into a bit of a character thesis, so not only is there a readmore, there will also be a reblog soon with the rest of the post because i maxed out the image limit] [edit: part ii now in the reblogs!]
this whole time, margaret has treated her subordinates with a heavy hand because she thinks it's the right and fair thing to do. the rules say this is how it works!
she maintains a high standard of excellence in brutal circumstances, but she's also reactive, moody, and unforgiving. she's often shown on the edge of losing control and authority, she inflames situations by overreacting, and the thing she punishes most egregiously is disrespect (toward frank, toward the army, toward herself). she intentionally underlines the distance between herself and the other nurses at every turn.
from season 3 "there's nothing like a nurse": [all IDs in alt]
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really, everything she thinks and does comes from a place of "they're not supposed to like me," but the childish part of her that is completely unable to see her own behavior is confused and hurt because "i'm just doing my job so why don’t they like me???"
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it's her job to maintain discipline, but especially here in 4077-land, she doesn't have to lead with the whip. henry was beloved because he was an overly permissive clown, which will never be her speed, but colonel potter has all the same training as she does. he's loved and respected as the Good Regular Army Guy because he leads with discernment and mutual respect.
it's easier for him. he's more experienced, he's respected and supported from above and below, and he has a calm temperament — which isn't nothing.
from season 4 "the interview":
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whether she's aware of this as a problem or not, we at home can see how margaret's inability to control her emotional reactivity causes her as much grief as her inability to control other people.
if she were capable of laughing off small slights, hawkeye and trapper wouldn't have used her as a chew toy so much, and henry might have taken her real concerns more seriously if they weren't lost in the noise of daily fits, you know? she rarely started it, so i'm not blaming her for the hostile chaos circus of seasons 1-3, but i am saying she would have had a better time if she knew how to take a few deep breaths.
this description from the script, after the near-brawl in the nurses' tent in act one, is basically her character thesis statement:
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and here, when she's reacting fully emotionally, the truth comes out! the reason that she won't be flexible and show compassion to the nurses isn't because of the rules, but because they're mean to her!!
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that's obviously a very bad place to lead from. she has enormous institutional power over them, including controlling their freedom of movement, but she feels like all the other girls in school are hanging out together and they hate her. because they are! and they do! the fight in act one boils over when they make fun of her hair, and that sent all of them back to middle school.
and in many ways, that's where margaret's emotional maturity is stuck (which is, i think, why i find her so endearing). she can't see herself. she knows they don't like her, trust her, or want her around, but she doesn't understand how she dug this hole herself, or how to get out of it.
to add insult to jealous injury, one of the nurses (mary jo, who gets between margaret and baker to stop the fight and takes care of the others in different ways) is margaret's age, and the others look to her as their chosen leader and personal support.
and i'm sure margaret had NO IDEA this was the messy truth until she heard it come out of her mouth.
and her emotionally breaking on the "one lousy cup of coffee" in particular…
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i wonder, how often does some version of that first tent scene happen? does she deliver their assignments every night? she walks in already defensive, they immediately stop laughing, and then... she either finds a reason to scold them or they ice her out until she leaves. (and they probably start laughing again as soon as she does!)
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from her perspective, when she arrived for the dreaded sleepover and they turned out the lights the minute she walked in, it's like they cancelled the nightly coffee klatch just to avoid spending one social minute with her.
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i also think the nurses are right when they assumed that she wouldn't have accepted an invitation to hang out with them (and might even have snapped at them for being inappropriate for asking). she doesn't cross that emotional line, even when she should — she didn't know gaynor was spiraling after losing so many patients in a row, and didn't respond compassionately when she learned.
has she ever invited them for coffee or a friendly chat? no.
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...... but her circumstances have recently changed.
[reblog with the rest of it is here!]
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Connection Between
Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Prt 1. Prt 2
Summary: Based off this post
Warning: none
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Yn/3rd person pov
"You" they both murmured as ronal gently pulled me further into their home as tonowari followed they brought me to their room and I looked around in amazement it was filled with interesting trinkets and decor.
"Do you feel it to" ronal asked letting go of my hand so I can look around I gulped before speaking "I couldn't sleep last night" I paused looking at them "every time I tried I just saw images of you two" I whispered the last part as I carefully touched the ends of a dream catcher.
"The same happened to us" tonowari murmured pulling his mate to his side "but in a different situation" he said making me look at him in confusion "he moaned your name instead of mine as I was riding him last night" I choked on my own spit as ronal spoke.
"W-what" I squeaked as blush immediately covered my cheeks "oh he wasn't the only one" she laughed looking up at her mate who scratched behind his ear "while I was eating her out she also moaned out your name" he chuckled.
I blinked a couple times wondering if this was real or not "w-what" I murmured my hands starting to shake this is all happening so fast it felt like my heart was gonna burst out my chest any moment.
I felt light headed and stumbled a bit and tonowari caught me as I was about to fall "woah" he whispered settling me onto the floor and kneeled beside and ronal did the same "what are you saying" I asked looking at both of them.
Ronal looked at tonowari before looking back at me "yn we think your our second mate, we feel a connection to you like you do to us" she said looking into my eyes almost pleadingly.
"But a second mate is unheard of" I murmured tonowari shook his head "my great great grandfather had 2 mates and his grandfather before him" he said putting his hand on my lower back.
"It is seen as a blessing from eywa to be blessed with another mate and surprising to say their more cherished then the first" ronal whispered looking down at the floor.
I picked her face up with my fingers under her chin making her look at me "I would never do that to you" I murmured "you may be mated already and have a way longer relationship and now I'm coming in here and missing it up but I won't you guys mated first and I'll see no wrong if you care more for her then me" I said bluntly looking at tonowari.
"She is your mate and your villages Tashik I am a baby in the water" I smiled making them laugh "I have a lot to learn from you guys before I can fit in" I slowly got up bringing them with me.
"Your so considerate" ronal giggled blushing a bit "a great leader she will be" tonowari grinned kissing ronals cheek before mine.
"A perfect third mate for us".
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redslug · 6 months
Denoiser wisdom
Since a lot of people showed interest in my workflow of using SD like a renderer for existing sketches, I'll be sharing the little tricks I find while exploring the capabilities of SD with Neuroslug. Read the inpainting post to understand this one. When inpainting, the model takes into consideration what is already in the area it regenerates and in the areas around it. How exactly it'll follow these guidelines is determined by denoising strength. At low values it'll stick closely to the areas of color it sees and won't create anything radically different from the base. At high denoising strength it'll gladly insert colors, shapes and silhouettes that weren't there originally. Basically the more you trust your sketch the smaller your denoising strength should be. It doesn't mean you won't need the high denoising at some point. Let me explain it using yesterday's artwork. It all starts with a rough sketch.
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Since I have a particular composition in mind and want it to be maintained, I'll be using a low denoising strength to fully regenerate this image.
It means that the algorithm won't have enough freedom to fix my large-scale mistakes, it's simply not allowed to change the areas of color too dramatically. So if you want to do this yourself make sure to set the image to black and white first and check that your values are working and contrast is good.
To make sure the result isn't too cartoony and flat I used brushes with strong color jitter and threw a rather aggressive noise texture over the whole thing. This'll give the denoiser a little wiggle room to sprout details out of thin air.
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It kept the composition, the suggested lighting and the majority of flowers kept their intended colors too. This was denoising strength 0f 0.4. To contrast that, same base image with denoising at 0.7:
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It's pretty, but it's neither the style nor composition I wanted. Let's refine the newly redrawn base to include the details that were lost in transition. These were intended to be roses.
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It's here where I learned a little trick. You can mix and match different models to achieve the look you desire. Neuroslug is good at detailed moths and painterly environments. It's not good at spitting out really detailed flowers, they end up looking very impressionist which is not what I want in foreground. So, I switched to an anime focused model and let it run wild on this bush with high (0.7) denoising strength.
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Nice definition, but it looks too smooth and isn't in line with what I want. Switching back to Neuroslug with denoising at 0.5 and letting it work over these roses.
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This way, I get both the silhouette and contrast of the anime model (counterfeitV30) and the matching style of Neuroslug. It's also useful in cases where the model doesn't know a particular flower. You can generate an abstract flower cluster with the anime model and use the base model to remind the AI that what you want is in fact a phlox specifically. So I did this to basically every flower cluster on the image to arrive at this:
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It's still a bit of a mess but it has taken me about 80% of the way there, the rest I'll be fixing up myself.
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My "Lazy Foliage" brush set was really helpful for this. I'll release that one once it accumulates enough brushes to be really versatile. Now we block in the character.
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Yes, I left the hands wonky since I intend to be drawing them manually later, same about the foot. There's so much opportunity for the AI to mess them up that I'd rather have all the control on these details.
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When it renders the face it can really mess up everything, so I do it with low (0.45) denoising strength to discourage new eyes popping up in inappropriate places. Take note that I kept the antennae out of the mask. AI is easily confused when one subject overlaps the other.
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Good, good. Wait. Why are your eyes hairy? Now, mask out the eyes, remove all mention of fur from the prompt and
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That's about right. Since the eyes are all one color block I can afford to raise the denoising strength for more wild results. Same for areas of just fluff on the entire body, it's all one texture and having the denoiser at 0.6-0.75 is beneficial because it's going to add locks, stray hairs and other fluffy goodness. Just make sure to not make the mask too tight to the silhouette, it needs some space to add hairs sticking out.
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With the skirt it was back to really low denoising. The folds I blocked in make sense with the position oh her legs under it, so I didn't want it to be lost.
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Lastly, I drew in a flower that she's planting and ran over it with moderately high denoising to make it match the surrounding style. Ignore the biblically accurate roots there, I'll fix them by hand.
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One last pass over the whole thing in Procreate. I draw the hands and add details such as the round pseudopupils, face ridges and wing markings to keep the character consistent with the previous image of her. And a bit of focal blur for a feeling of depth. Phew, even with generous use of AI this whole thing took an entire day of work. In the end what determines quality isn't the tool you use but the attention you choose to pay to finding inconsistencies and fixing them.
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haecien · 3 months
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Birthday Wishes X.MG
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A/n - this fic is for my baby @mirxzii <33 HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY !!!! I literally love u sm I'll try to get this out on march 20th or the start of march ! Also we are both march babies and your birthday is 6 days ahead of mine<33 (we are literally twins atp) I HOPE U ENJOY THE FIC <33 Also happy birthday to everyone else who is celebrating their birthdays on march mwa <3 (divider creds @/cafekitsune & @/saradika-graphics)
Also babka looks so good👁
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Synopsis - Being an idol is tough, especially with your strict diet. You wanted to celebrate your birthday in peace but your company thought otherwise, but here comes your boyfriend to the rescue.
Genre/s - Idol!Minghao x idol!reader, fluff, secret relationship, tried to make this gender neutral so y/n is in a split group (kard situation just imagine whatever gender you wish to be! <3), also a mix between smau + written!
Warnings - Mentions of food, Strict(ish) diets mentioned, Cursing, Body shaming(?), use of petnames, If you find more warnings I should add lmk! <3
Wc - est 700 words?
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You just got back from a fan meeting, you're so tired and exhausted from it. You were annoyed from how many aegyo requests you got today though.... but you're atleast happy you got tons of gifts from your fans.
" My God... this is a mountain of gifts, so many jewelry this time tho! — "
One of your bandmates butted in " Well... you did mention on a weverse post you been wanting to buy new jewelry, and it is your birthday soon anyways— " Oh, my, God.
Did you really just forget your own birthday? Your OWN birthday?
" I— I JUST FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY. MAKES SENSE WHY I RECIVED SO MANY GIFTS I WHAA- " you again got cutted off but this time by your manager.
" Listen up, we have a busy schedule today and the next few days. And I know y/n its your birthday in a few days, we'll host a weverse live and all that— " " Will there be cake? "
" What? " " You heard me, will there be cake? "
If there was one way to describe you, its that you love your sweets very much. There are numerous compilations of just you eating and adoring sweets as your fans found your sweet tooth the most cutest thing ever.
" Y/n please tell me you're being serious right now— Some netizens are noticing you're putting on some weight. That's a risk to your image! " Your manager scolded you, leaving you and your band members to be silent for a bit.
Your bright smile quickly faded into a slight frown, you were about to say something but quickly closed your mouth.
The leader of your group stepped up and tried to break the tension, " Thank you manager-nim, let's talk a bit later since the members are tired from the fan meeting— I'll see you in the afternoon. "
Your leader bowed down, as the manager left, " Y/n, I know you're a bit upset but you need to know hes trying to look out for you. If they say you need to limit on the cake then you need too. "
You nodded, looking upset.
The leader sighed and looked at you, reaching for there wallet. " Lets buy some Babka, you said you were craving that right? " suddenly you wernt feeling sad, your eyes lightened up. You quickly nodded your head, the leader giggled at your expression and your band headed out of the building to buy foods and treats.
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That was your boyfriend for you, the one and only Xu minghao. The public doesn't know you two are dating besides mutual friends and members. Really you both didn't expect you'd be dating each other, your first meeting of each other was scuffed.
It was just when you newly debuted a year after seventeens debut, you were both at a music show award and they won their first award. You rarely knew these guys but you felt so happy for them.
Later after the awardings you saw the same band backstage, you wanting to be friendly approached them. " Hi! I'm y/n from (group name) , I just wanted to congratulate you guys for your first win! " the member who was closest to you looked a bit confused but just gave you a polite smile and a simple thank you, it was a bit awkward so one of the other members from seventeen came forward.
"Thank you y/n, oh I'm seungkwan! That was the8, hes a bit shy and he is still learning Korean and English so bare with him please... " you laughed it off and said it was fine.
After that it felt like the universe just wanted to make you go together at every award show at this point, it was like you couldn't escape them.
So naturally you both expected to always see each other during award shows and sometimes even variety shows. Some of your fans started to notice it and made a little fun inside joke which you all talked about with each other.
When one group is absent the other gets confused, usually after the show you'd be frantically texting each other bombarding everyone with "WHERE ARE YOU" texts. Because of these interactions your groups were very close behind the cameras, so its expected the whole fan base would be shocked to see a picture of you and minghao walking together, alone.
The company cleared it up by saying how it wasn't really them, obviously that didn't work... but the issue died down and no one really remembers it. Non the less after all of that you both still managed to have one of the most best relationships you both have.
But, telling the members the news of you guys dating sent them absolutely going bat shit crazy. After that some members slipped in a little joke or hint about you two, though the fans suprisingly didn't notice.
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Time skip — The day of your birthday.
The day has started and you open your weverse notifications and you were bombarded with happy birthday messages, all of your colleagues, members, friends, family all greeted you a happy birthday.
Your birthday live was canceled due to conflicting schedules and you not having the energy but you assured your fans about it saying how you'll do a live as quickly as possible.
Your birthday was great, it was still missing one key thing. Ofcourse the cake, you and your members had a little private party and your company strictly told your members to NOT give you any sweets or anything that might make you gain weight, all you could eat was stupid salads and like one cupcake.
What a killjoy.
You saw everyone else eating whatever they wanted, you envied how much some people didn't care about their weight. It made you feel sick over how people were just eating and stuffing their faces with all kinds of sweets, on your own fucking birthday.
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After your little party you went back to your dorm, you were surprised to see your door unlocked though.
You swore it was locked an hour ago, what if someone went in? Shit worse a fan went inside and maybe installed cameras inside?
Or left a creepy note with cameras! Your heart was beating while you slowly entered your dorm, closing and locking the door. You heard a metal sound, its sounds like something fell from the kitchen.
Scared, you grabbed a umbrella that was beside your door and held onto it tightly. You ran towards the kitchen and just started swinging the umbrella around trying to hit whoever or whatever was there.
You heard a thud and looked up, " Fuck— HAO? "
Minghao rubbed his head and looked down at you, " Happy birthday? " he had cake frosting all over his face and hands, and chocolate on his lips.
You dropped the umbrella " Oh baby I'm so sorry for hitting you oh my— you look fucking messy by the way." Minghao rolled his eyes at you.
" Thank you genius. "
Minghao pulled you in his arms and gave you a little peck on the cheek, " Now your face is covered in chocolate too. "
" Ew, the chocolate tastes good but ew... "
"Oh boo hoo, I know you're happy to see me. "
Yeah, he was right. Of course you're happy to see him. The only thing that could cheer you up after having a shitty day was your boyfriend.
Even if sometimes your schedules are packed for the week you still both secretly met up on breaks, hey what can I say your companies are close.
You peaked behind minghao and saw a glimpse of a beautiful wrapped box before he blocked your view again, " Aha, not now love. Later you'll see what I have prepared for you. "
"Come on, you love me right? Can't I have a little peak? " you cupped his cheeks in your hands, shaking his head a bit. " Nope, that doesn't work on me. Even if it's your birthday. "
" It will ruin the surprise ! "
Minghao convinced you to go into your living room and put on your favorite show to keep you distracted for a bit.
— After awhile Minghao covered your eyes and lead you back into the kitchen again.
" Happy birthday my dearest, y/n. "
Your kitchen was beautifully decorated, the balloons in your favorite color, the smell of the candle filling the room. The snacks on the counter, freshly made just for you and him.
And most importantly, the strawberry cake on the table.
Your reaction made Minghao giggle, " I'm assuming you like it baby? " you felt like you were about to tear up, " Hao, I love it so much, its better than the party my members did. "
" Im glad you like it, I'm sorry if I don't have much for your gifts but here. "
He gave you an envelope, labeled " To my dearest, y/n "
You opened it to see a letter. You quickly read the letter ;
" My dearest, y/n.
No matter how old you're turning today, I wish I'd spend all of my lives seeing you. I want to grow old with you and stay by your side, I want you to be my first and last, the person I'd marry and have my future with.
I know things haven't been the most easiest but I'm so glad you're still with me til this day. You have dealt with me for so long, you helped me when I was at my lowest. I wish to repay you back with every cent I have.
But if I cant repay you with money then I shall repay you with my life.
Happiest of birthdays to you my love. "
TAGLIST — @slytherinshua , @weird-bookworm , @woozvc , @bangantokchy , @mayashu , @mirxzii , @glosskirt , @amxlia-stars , @addicsvt , @isabellah29 , @hrts4hanniehae
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someone sent in this ask and I spent literal hours putting together this tutorial but then it wouldn't let me post it and when I went back into my inbox the ask was gone?? good thing I copy and pasted it, so here it is in its own post
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I'm not sure if this will work with programs other than photoshop, but this is how I do it. I know @shinobi-bacon has a tutorial here on how they do it which is pretty different from the way I do it, so if my tutorial is confusing maybe theirs will click with you better lmao. I stole the greenscreen idea from them anyway
SO FIRST, you want your villager on a green screen background. to do this, go to harv's island and use a custom pattern to make the walls and floors bright green. If the villager you're using has green in their design, you'll have to pick a different colour that isn't in their design, but for most villagers green is fine.
if your villager has every colour on them like pietro or stiches then rip you're gonna have to do some manual editing frame by frame. try to choose a colour that doesn't touch the edges of their silhouette too much in that case because it'll make life easier for you
so once you have them in green purgatory, record them doing their emote or whatever. I just use the built-in screen record function that the switch has. press and hold this button to record the last 30 seconds that your switch displayed:
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next send that video to your computer and trim off the start of the video so it starts right before a recognizable part of the animation. for this emote I cut it off right before the blink. if you have a slow computer, you'll probably want to trim the end off too so the video is only a little bit longer than one full animation loop
(you can use the video editing software of your preference, I just use quick time player Edit -> Trim)
okay time for photoshop. go File -> Import -> Video Frames to Layers
for "range to import" select "from beginning to end" (or you could skip the last step about trimming the video and select a range here, but I find it kind of finicky), and make sure "make frame animation" is checked
once imported, if it doesn't pop up on it's own, go Window -> Timeline to get your animation at the bottom
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click through those frames at the bottom until you find an easily recognizable frame (I chose the first frame where her eyes are closed) and delete all the frames before it. in the layers panel, the layer from the frame you've selected should be the only one turned on. delete all the layers below it
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now go through the frames to find the next identical frame. this is where the animation loops. delete that frame and all the frames after it, as well as all of their corresponding layers (note in the picture, frame 121 is selected, and it's exactly the same as the frame from the start of the animation)
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hit the play button on the bottom left to double check that it loops properly
next, make sure both THE FIRST FRAME AND BOTTOM LAYER are selected, and crop and reduce the image to your desired size. you can do this step later if you want, it's just that doing it now will reduce the load on your computer and make it run a bit faster. just as long as the first frame and bottom layer are selected, you can do this at any time
SAVE HERE because if you mess up this next part it's a pain to fix, but it's easy to quit and start over if need be
now it's time for my best friend the actions panel !! say hi actions panel !! (Window -> Actions). what the actions panel does is record your steps so you can quickly automate repetitive tasks.
in the actions panel, click the folder and name it whatever you want
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then click the little plus and name that whatever you want and hit record. You'll see the dot turn red to indicate that your actions are now being recorded
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now with the BOTTOM LAYER AND FIRST FRAME selected (ignore that I have the wrong layer selected in the pictures, I fixed it after), go to Select -> Colour Range
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click on a part of the canvas that would be green
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shift+click on the rest of the green background and adjust the fuzziness until just the character's silhouette remains
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hit OK, now the background should be selected. go Select -> Inverse so that the character is selected, and click on layer mask.
click the next frame button (you MUST click the button, not the actual frame. you need the recording to recognize "go to next frame" and not "select frame 2"),
then keyboard shortcut option + ] to select the next layer up (again, you MUST use the shortcut so it knows to move up one layer and not just "select layer 2"),
and then stop recording.
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now just repeatedly click the play button and it will do all those steps we just did for each frame :)
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this part is usually where it gets messed up for me. if it did something weird like duplicate the same frame or layer your animation over a static frame, just quit and reopen that save I told you to make earlier. the action recording you just made will still be there when you reopen photoshop, so just select the first frame and bottom layer and repeatedly hit play again. if it STILL doesn't work, you probably did something wrong
the recording is now saved in photoshop forever until you delete it, so you can reuse the recording for other gifs! but if they use a different colour background, you'll need to make a new recording (you can see I have separate ones for blue and purple screens). also if you were working with one of those colourful villagers and parts got masked out that shouldn't have been, you'll have to go frame by frame and manually fix them. that's why we masked out the background instead of deleting it.
now it's time to make it into a gif! go File -> Export -> Save for Web. make sure Matte is set to "none" so you don't get those weird white flecks. colours and dither you want as high as they can go, but you can lower them if you need to make the file smaller (though I'd recommend resizing the image smaller first). the bottom left shows your file size. currently as of January 2024, tumblr allows gifs of up to 10MB
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and there ya go! gif! :)
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reverieblondie · 18 days
oh my good lort
what if zev is out and about as he tends to be and winds up meeting a few of her exes? they're all classically handsome and honestly look very similar,he gets a little confused and maybe down on himself when he finds out. BUT they all thin shes a giant bitch! like she never cooked or baked or doted on them, she was momentarily willing to be seen with them and when she got know them better she just BOUNCED. zevs so short next to them, listening to them complain about her and his his gears are just sticky cause hes sure they cant be talking about the same woman.
just imagine them all wondering what hes got going on that shes with him and hes just also confused. eventually hes able to focus and tells them to shut up about her, shes not their business any more and so on.
shes just out shopping and happens across him yelling at them to shut up
"My sweet biscuit! leave them be, they're no matter."
so he leaves and helps her carry her bags, they exes are just watching her dote all over him BAFFLED
This is my new obsession 💖
My house has no power currently so just writing these little blurbs for Zevlor and his high elf girlfriend has been giving me life as I sit around bored. Please check out @faerunsbest post about it!
They came up with the idea of Zev being with just a beautiful woman and she is just completely enamored by him, not only does she think he handsome with all his propionate features but he’s kind and strong.
Plus I can totally see this scenario happening. I image that when they get back to her place he’s a bit quiet not because he is mad at her he is still mad at them and why they said those terrible things about her…he shouldn’t let them say those things! He’s going back!
But before he can go back she’s grabbing him by the arm pulling him back. Zevlors breaths start to steady when shes holding him. Her cool skin calming that raging fire within.
Turning he holds her in a hug, his nose being buried in her hair, “I do not care what they say…to me you are an angel…the sweetest person I have ever known. I often feel unworthy of you…but know that I will always be here…if you want me…”
She feels her eyes starting to well up in tears, “Zevlor, I have not always been…a good person, I have been selfish and a coward…crast and cruel. But you, my beautiful flame, I want to be better. I want to be the one who is worthy of you…”
She looks up and him and traces her hand over his cheeks then to his jaw then tracing a finger over his lips, tracing the little crease there. “I love you…”
Zevlor feels his heart flip, its the thing he had been dying to tell her and now she is confessing it to him. Zevlor can’t help to bring his lips to hers to taste those sweet words he had been dreaming of, for someone to love him…to think he hung the moon and the stars. He threads in fingers through her soft hair and she pushes herself closer to him. Breaking the kiss he can only mutter the same thing over and over like reciting a prayer, “I love you…I love you…”
The kiss continues and before they both know it she is jumping in his arms her legs wrapped around his waist and he walks blindly to find her room. That was the first night they made love ❤️
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A couple of replies today!
Anonymous asked:
Edmundedmundedmundedmundedmundedmundnebulacollegeedmund YESSS I have been fed content and I'm so motherfucking happy
The boy looks wonderful in both bunny suits ❤️
Hehehe thank you so much!! I love love love drawing boys in bunny suits, so I am very happy for the opportunity to draw Edmund wearing it…both options~
Anonymous asked:
If Jack and Ortho sees Vil in that outfit, I'm sure they find it attractive.
Of course they will, everyone would~ not only these two.
(related to the latest event)
But I would love to see their reaction to Vil in that outfit as well… I feel like Jack would get visibly flustered, but wouldn’t look away even for a moment.
Ortho would take pictures and record Vil just so he always has the image of Vil looking so good in his head lol
Anonymous asked:
Ok, but those Crewel/Deuce comics, fulfilling another fantasy of mine 😩👌
Actually, the funniest thing is that I've always imagined that those two would have a secret relationship and only would start "officially" dating when Deuce graduated nrc. Like on the weekends, Deuce would tell people that he's going to visit his mom or a cousin, but in reality, he's going to Crewel's place for "extra credit."
Funny scenario: 19/20 y/o Deuce posting on Magicam that he's in a relationship with Divus and all his notifs are from his friends blasting "ayo? 🤨" Then he gets a text from his mom like "DeeDee, you know I will support you in everything and anything but don't make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger, this is how you were born 😔"
(related to this comic; sorry for the late reply!)
Thank you, Anon, I am happy you liked the comic!
Out of all the first years, Deuce does feel like the type to officially go out with a teacher after graduating lol I can’t explain it, but it feels right in a weird way. I wonder if any of the first years would suspect that Deuce isn’t really visiting his mom or a cousin whenever he leaves to spend time with Crewel…
Also! His poor mother, this boy just keeps making her worry lol At least Deuce isn’t going to get pregnant, so that should be a relief…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
If we had a battle of crossovers, who would win: GreenViolet or LilIdia
Hmm, how are they fighting? Is this a fist fight? Then Lilidia, because Lilia would outsmart Greenhill, and Violet and Idia both are wimps who can’t fight lol
In terms of a relationship… it’s a bit difficult to compare them because both couples are kind of confused within themselves. Greenhill is a bit oblivious about Violet’s feelings, and Lilidia are both confused about them being online friends lol so now I imagine these four looking at each other confused because they don’t know why are they even here and what is going on.
If both ships are established relationships though, it would be a tough fight, because Greenhill and Lilia are both competitive.
GreenViolet could win because Greenhill knows Violet better than Lilia knows Idia. And Lilidia could win because Lilia is a war veteran who would get super excited about winning and then teasing Idia about them being the best couple ever…
Anonymous asked:
All You Wanna Do by Samantha Pauly, the live Broadway version reminds me of Alois. Especially the last two minutes…
Wow, listening to this while thinking about Alois was quite a journey! 😬 It really does fit him in a lot of ways, and the last two minutes are especially heartbreaking. Ghhh I love Alois’ story so much.
Thank you for sharing, Anon.
Anonymous asked:
The last ask regarding the Leech parents and their reputation if both of their sons started dating. Out of all the characters you ship them with, which one would make the best impression? My first thought was 🥁 Riddle 🥁
If Floyd would ever settle down (which is hard to imagine with his unpredictable personality), it would definitely be with Riddle. I also think Riddle would make a great son-in-law. Even though Riddle would be very nervous meeting The Leech parents. Riddle Leech has a nice ring to it. Maybe Floyd would take Riddle underwater  to live in the coral sea. Goldfish Riddle confirmed??
But then again, I wonder how Mrs. Rosehearts would feel if her son decided to marry the son of a "Yakuza" boss. Mrs. Rosehearts and Mrs. Leech meeting each other?! 👀
(this is related to this reply)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! Your ask got me thinking as well, as you can see lol
The Leech parents would absolutely love Riddle! Both because he is hilarious (so uptight, I mean, upstanding!) and because he is genuinely a surprisingly good pick. Just like you said, he is so polite, so well-educated, at times it almost feels too good to be true, how come Floyd of all people brought home such a good boy? They always expected Jade to be the one…  They’ll absolutely let the boys know about it lol embarrassing all of them.
Riddle would be super nervous and a bit scared, but parents are parents, even if they are scary fish mafia parents. So he has to be respectful and polite. Which is honestly only going to amuse Mama and Papa more – Riddle is so tiny and cute with his baby face and tiny hands and stuff, but oh so serious. He’s like a baby doll… they would woobify him a lot lol and tease him in general, but always try to be stealthy about it. Maybe they just don’t want to scare him away because there is no way Floyd finds someone else similar to Riddle lol
Also! Riddle being a goldfish merman is such a fun theme, I love it when people draw him like that. Floyd really should turn him into a merman, poor Riddle is going to be so confused. He is reversed Ariel lol
Oh Mrs Rosehearts is going to hate this so much… Leaving her alone with Mrs Leech is such a bad idea, because Mama Leech is going to play along at first, complaining about how having sons is such a huge source of stress, how rude and ungrateful they are sometimes, and just how much she wants them to just be good and proper at everything that they do. Mama Rosehearts could even think that they are on the same page at first (even though this Leech woman is way too dramatic…)… Mama Leech would just troll her the entire time, just as she does with everyone she talks to… but she’ll like her a lot, she’ll consider her a good friend afterwards <3 and call her every day.
Another potential partner that the Leech parents would love is Idia, and we have some thoughts about them, but I’ll share them a bit later – there is another ask related to this topic that I’ll try to write a proper reply tomorrow. So consider this a teaser and thank you for your patience 👀
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ask-a-goldsmith · 2 months
In writing my last few posts, I have realized that there is quite a lot of basic(to me) knowledge required to understand most of this stuff. I've done my best to explain as I go, but I think this deserves its own post. So, here we go!
Junior Gemology 101
This post is mostly about diamonds! I am well aware it's called Junior Gemology, but 90% of what I deal with on a day-to-day basis is diamonds. Also, a lot of this applies to coloured stones too, so no need to repeat myself.
What is a diamond, actually?
Diamonds are carbon! That's all there is! Except for inclusions. And coloured diamonds. Those have little bits of other materials in them. And are also a topic for later. I digress. Like always.
Specifically, diamonds are carbon atoms bonded together covalently in a tetrahedral shape. Confusing enough yet? This means that each carbon atom is bonded to 4 other carbon atoms. It's ok if you don't get it, I spent about 3 hours trying to understand diamond structure before things started to make sense. This website has a 3D model of the tetrahedral structure seen in diamonds and is what I used to finally wrap my head around it. The important part is: diamonds are made of carbon atoms connected in a pattern. If the pattern was different, It wouldn't be a diamond! If the carbon was bonded in hexagonal rings, it would be graphite! Same atoms, veeeerrrryyy different result.
What makes diamonds so darn special?
I've told you what a diamond is - so why do people care about this very specific pattern of carbon? The answer is(mostly) that humanity LOVES shiny things, and diamonds are great at being shiny. Why have diamonds become THE shiny thing to have? A combination of some REALLY successful marketing campaigns and some of diamond's unique characteristics. These characteristics include things such as their hardness, brilliance, and fire. I went deeper into these characteristics and what they mean in terms of telling diamonds from other stones in this post, but I'll give you a quick run-down here.
Diamonds are very(and famously) hard. They're a 10 on the Mohs scale, and almost nothing is harder than them. This doesn't mean diamonds are impervious to damage - while they are very hard, diamonds can also be brittle, and a hard smack in the wrong place can chip, crack, or even shatter a diamond. Trust me, I know. I've broken a few by accident.
Brilliance and fire are what give diamonds their characteristic bling. Though they are classified as different things - brilliance being the bright white reflections of light and fire being the rainbow reflections - they're both caused by diamond's Refractive Index. Refractive index(RI) is the measurement of the speed at which light travels through different materials - for our purposes though, think of it as how much a ray of light bends when it moves from one material to another. Diamonds have an RI of 2.42, which causes high brilliance and a medium amount of fire. RI isn't super important for most people to know - it really only comes into the conversation when comparing diamonds to simulant materials.
What are the 4 Cs?
The 4 Cs are the meat and potatoes of diamond basics - Carat weight, Colour, Clarity, and Cut. These four terms are used to describe diamonds worldwide, each describing a different part of a diamond's look.
Carat weight is the weight of a diamond. Pretty self-explanatory. What's not clear is what a carat actually is - no, not a carrot. A carat. A carat is 0.2 grams. Therefore, a 5 carat diamond(good lord) would weigh 1 gram. With me? Why do we weigh diamonds in carats instead of grams like sane people? Because way back yonder, carob seeds were used as a counterweight to weigh diamonds, and language did what language does.
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Image from loosegrowndiamond.com
Colour refers to - you guessed it - the colour of the diamond. There are two basic systems that GIA(The Gemological Institute Of America, and the accepted authority of these things in North America) use; the normal colour range and the coloured or fancy diamond range. The normal colour range is used for stones that are colourless, light yellow, or light brown. These are the most common colours of diamond, thus the "normal" colour range. These stones are graded alphabetically D-Z, with D being colourless and Z being quite noticeably yellow or brown. Normal range colour grades are sorted into 5 groups based on the general amount of colour; colourless(DEF), nearly colourless(GHIJ), Faint(KLM), Very Light(N-R), and light(S-Z).
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Image from GIA article 4Cs Color
Stones that fall outside this range (stones that are too yellow or brown for the scale or show any colour other than yellow and brown) are graded using the fancy colour grades. Fancy colour grades are an entire thing, but generally pretty self-explanatory. The grade will include 1 or two colours(the more dominant of which goes last) and an intensity descriptor such as light, intense, fancy deep, etc. For example, a stone may be graded as a fancy greyish blue - this means that the stone has a middling amount of colour and is blue with a hint of grey. Easy peasy.
Clarity is how many inclusions are in a stone. Well, technically it's more complicated than that, accounting for placement and contrast and type of inclusion etc etc etc. Really, clarity is how many inclusions you see in a stone. Inclusions are things in the diamond that are not diamond, such as included crystals, or imperfections in the diamond itself, such as cracks(called feathers) or chips.
Clarity grades are, frankly, confusing as fuck. There are 11 grades, broken down into 6 grade groups. From highest to lowest, they are; Flawless, Internally Flawless, Very Very Slightly Included(VVS), Very Slightly Included(VS), Slightly Included(SI), and Included(I). VVS, VS, and SI are each broken into 2 grades - 1 and 2. I is broken down into 3 grades - 1, 2, and 3. The lower the number within a grade, the better the grade - a VS1 stone would be less visibly included than a VS2. You know what'll help? Visuals!!
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Images from GIA D&DG Chapter 11. Credit to John Koivula/GIA
The diamond on the left is graded as a VVS2 - the red arrow points to the inclusion that gave it this grade. The diamond on the right is graded as an I2. No red arrows are required - this stone has many highly visible inclusions. If you want a little more info (and examples) of clarity grades, GIA has a lovely little tool that explains it quite well.
Cut refers to the shape of a diamond - specifically, the combination of shape(face-up outline) and cutting style(the arrangement of the facets). A classic round brilliant is what most people think of when they think of a diamond, but there are dozens of different cuts. When talking about cut grade, cut refers to how well executed the cut is. Are the proportions ideal? Is everything symmetrical? Is the polish well done? These determine the cut grade of the stone. Cut grades are as follows, best to worst; Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor.
What are the parts of a cut diamond?
Specifically, the parts of a round brilliant diamond. Round brilliant is the name of the most common cut of diamond. Think of a diamond. Is it round? That's almost definitely a round brilliant. Think I've said round brilliant enough? Round brilliant. Whew. Done with that now. This is best explained with diagrams.
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The parts we're most interested in are the table, crown, girdle, and pavilion. The way those 3 parts are shaped and proportioned has a huge effect on the looks and value of a diamond.
Knowledge Check
Let's say you're looking at a 1.01 carat round brilliant diamond - it has a colour grade of F, a clarity grade of SI1, and an excellent cut grade. So, what does this mean to you?
Round brilliant is the cut of the diamond. It has a round outline and a brilliant cutting style. 1.01ct is a fairly large diamond - this one in particular is 6.42 mm in diameter (that's a quarter inch!). This stone is colourless - F is the lowest colour grade in the colourless range, but it is still classified as colourless. The diamond will either have one large or several small inclusions that are easy to see under 10x magnification, but hard or impossible to see while looking through the table of a stone with the naked eye(they may be visible through the pavilion with the naked eye). The diamond will be very well cut - the best cut grade possible, in fact! There will be no visible variation in the girdle outline, and all the facets will be well-placed and symmetrical.
It's up to you to decide if this stone matches your criteria - is SI1 a good enough cut grade for you? Is 1.01ct the right size? How "good" a stone is depends on what you want - there will always be bigger, clearer, more colourless diamonds on the market. What makes a stone "good" is if it's the right fit for you. Another stone may be better quality, but if it's out of your price range, then it's not a good stone for you.
In Conclusion
So, you made it this far! Congrats! Hopefully, I haven't bored you too much. We've really just scratched the surface - this was enough information to give you a good idea of what's going on and allow you to navigate the mysticisms of those strange numbers and letters you see associated with diamonds. All information was taken from the GIA Diamond Essentials 130 and Diamonds and Diamond Grading 230 courses and my 6ish years in the jewelry industry. If you have questions about specific pieces of information or want more resources, send me an ask! I will be delighted to answer.
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
Why Kawi Felt Inentionally Ace Coded
This is the second post I am making about this show for this week, the first was about what I think went down around time travel in this ep and I will directly reference those theories.
Also I just think the way this episode was playing with flash forwards and backs (with both Piseang’s conversation with his mum AND Max’s convo with Kawi – ALSO A FLASHBACK FYI) is VERY INTENTIONAL. (for the purpose of keeping us both in and out of the loop)
Okay so, for the record I really didn’t plan to actively engage in BMF this week, I am mid spiral on an entirely different TV show and this show did not have my full focus while I watched it this morning.
This moment
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[Image ID: Kawi saying "Do you think it's possible for two people dating to have no sexual activity at all]
Took my attention and kept it, I was yelling and I made 2 quick reaction posts about the fact that I was yelling (1, 2)
I will add here that @dropthedemiurge posted about Kawi being definitely ace coded LAST WEEK (I couldn't find it sorry but I remember reading it) as well as this week 2 and @heretherebedork had two different posts about this this week.
Also there is legit evidence for this being about touch starvation and intimacy issues (@shouldiusemyname) and if they do this well I wont be mad but…
And it felt a bit smack in your face ace coded in a way that to me was throwing up giant WE ARE GOING THERE flags. These flags, to me, were primarily in the LANGUAGE that was used more than Kawi’s physical body langue (which was more ambiguous between the two theories), and this is even trickier because of the layers of translation involved.
So lets talk about those flags
(Also I’m demisexual and demiromantic so my own lens is definitely colouring my view)
Max’s convo with Kawi
I actually loved this convo FOR Max’s response, not because he responded well (if Kawi is ace) but because he DIDN’T respond well. This show is doing a really good job of allowing it’s characters to be flawed and I reckon both Max and Piseang got to be flawed in this episode.
Max has been our gay Yoda
Max has been on point with all his advice
Kawi and Piseang are together in part due to Max’s advice,
But do you know what else Max is?
Max isn’t the person Kawi needs to talk to in this moment, because Kawi’s experiences are no longer aligning with his, and all of his advice thus far has been based on HIS OWN EXPERIENCE (which he literally says by the way):
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[Image ID: Max speaking while the subtitles translate the start of his sentence as "Personally,"]
Kawi’s language in this convo was REAL SUS
On top of the first line pictured above, their conversation includes
Max: You’ve already crossed the line, what are you afraid of?
Kawi responds
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[Image ID: Kawi saying "I'm not afraid. I just don't think it's that significant."]
Then we get Maxs scoff (SCOFF!!): "Right, The word from someone who’s never had sex"
And his positive take on how important sex is for a relationship and an Individual
And the implication that doing it with someone you love is even better
Max: Are you going to sleep next to each other holding hands forever?
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[Image ID: Kawi saying "That's good." with an acesexual black, grey, white and purple flag added to the image]
@sparklyeyedhimbo I like the flag one so I borrowed it.
Then Max points out that it will only work out if Piseang feels the same way.
my thoughts:
Max is very dismissive of Kawi in this convo, there is a real disconnect with Kawi’s tentative questions and Max’s certain responses. Again I THINK THIS IS INTENTIONAL as per above. (For anyone who wants to check again its part 3/4 from around the 2 minute mark)
Kawi doesn’t seem afraid, he seems genuinely confused about not wanting sex. And personally, I’ve BEEN THERE.
Back in the bedroom
Now here we get some fear as Kawi finds condoms, panics and pretends to sleep.
Something I find interesting about this is he doesn’t pretend to sleep facing away from where Piseang would lie or curled up, he is still placed fairly centrally on the bed. His body language isn’t overly defensive (in my uninformed opinion). Now this could just be that he trusts Piseang regardless but I wanted to point it out.
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[Image ID: Piseang standing at the foot of the bed look at Kawi apparently asleep in bed]
Then Piseang Time Travels (Full clown, I’m committed)
(I just watched the scene again and Kawi opens his eyes and we don’t see Piseang while the music plays, this scene is legit from Kawi’s point of view and we’ve already seen that the travel isn’t visible to the person not holding the magic globe so I AM EVEN MORE CERTAIN)
Anyway back to this post
Piseang goes to bed and looks at kawi like this
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[Image ID: Piseang staring at Kawi]
(I’m just putting this here and choosing to interpret it as weighted with future knowledge lol)
Which post is this again?
Ah yes Ace!Kawi
So we get bed in the morning and Kawi pretending to sleep and then Piseang goes
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[Image ID: Piseang rolls to lie on top of Kawi]
And Kawi informs him that he’s heavy.
There’s no recoil
There’s no fear
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[Image ID: Piseang says "Would you like to get on top instead then?"]
Even then he’s startled more than scared in my humble opinion
Until Piseang tries to kiss him
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[Image ID: Kawi making a very surprised/scared face]
Then Kawi pushes him off and leaves
Piseang continues to try and encourage intimacy
(I’m less convinced about my projections for what happens in the future, Piseang looks so content, maybe he just get’s a glimpse of domestic bliss…It needs to be next week already. FOR THE RECORD I’m sticking with clown theory 1 if I have to choose).
We get this moment
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[Image ID: Two images of Kawi as Piseang wipes something off the corner of his mouth and Kawi's expression goes from anger to something softer]
And Kawi’s change of experession here is so tender, I feel like this could be coded either way intimacy issues or strong romantic feelings, it’s not lust though that’s for sure. (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be using coded for intamacy but *shrugs*)
(oooo I wonder if the language play came from his glimpse into the future)
I’m going to skip ahead to the theme park or this will go forever
The bits in between feel more ambiguous to me
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[Image ID: Piseang saying "If you just wanted to eat, why did you ask me to take you to a theme park? then Kawi saying "I just wanted to get the vibes. The thing that can make me the happiest is eating"]
Food over sex is a legit part of the ace community (the same way tucked in shirts and clear phone cases are part of the bi community from what I understand)
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[Image ID: Kawi still saying "The thing that can make me the happiest is eating" now holding up a corn cob]
(If Kawi had held up cake here I would be ALL IN)
Then we get the rollercoaster metaphor!
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[Image ID: Kawi and Piseang both looking at the rollercoarster, Piseang looks excited Kawi looks concerned/apprehensive/is making a woah face]
I’m just going to transcribe here it’s quicker and I’m running out of time before I go out tonight:
K: This is too much. Not this ride
P: Come on, Let’s try it first
K: No, I don’t like it.
P: You haven’t tried it yet. How do you know if you like It or not. You said you’d never been to a theme park.
P: If you don’t try it, it’s the same as if you’ve never been here
e.g. Coming to a theme park isn’t the same as enjoying the ride
Then P holds out his hand
P: If you’re scared, just hold onto my hand, Okay?
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[Image ID: Kawi looking at Piseang]
K looks at Piseangs hand, Looks at Piseang, Looks at the ride and says
K: No! I won’t get on it. You can go alone if you want to. I’ll just wait here
And walks off
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[Image ID: Piseang looks disapointed]
This again felt to me like a rejection of the fear as the primary motivation, he directly says he’s not afraid but he still doesn’t want to
I’m not sure about this scene in the car, it mostly just felt like Kawi was fed up at this point.
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[Image ID: Kawi and Piseang in the car]
Possibly this scene highlights the different places there in and how Piseang is open to new experience and Kawi’s not? This feels more intimacy coded than ace.
Restaurant Scene
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[Image ID: Kawi and Piseang looking tired in the restaurant]
Both Kawi and Piseang look so worn out in this scene, they both spent the whole day not communicating their true wants and fears and it’s left them all worn down
But Piseang doesn’t give up
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[Image ID: Piseang saying "Whatever I did wrong today, you can tell me." and Kawi responding "Today was great."]
Kawi responds to this sincerity and reaches out to hold Piseang’s hand.
KAWI is the one WHO REACHES OUT, again this reads as specifically felt to me as a reason against touch starved.
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[Image ID: Two images of Piseang and Kawi holding hands in the restaurant]
And then we’re in the bedroom (time skip anyone).
I’m actually not going to analyse this scene at all much. If Kawi is ace then he can still choose to have sex provided he and Piseang have communicated and if it’s intimacy issues then I also think it’s okay provided they’ve communicated first. ( idon't actually currently think Kawi is demi for the record)
(even when Piseang takes his shirt off, Kawi’s eyes stay on Piseangs face)
(although Piseangs do too actually…)
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[Image ID: Two images of Kawi and Piseang after they have removed their shirts staring at each other. The first image contains the subtitle of Piseang saying "are you sure?"
(god his eyes are so big here compared to their often squintiness)
He doesn’t pull back but leans into the kiss. He’s clearly sure of his decision. I’m just not sure about his reasons.
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[Image ID: Piseang and Kawi kissing]
Both Piseangs hands are on Kawi, but Kawi’s hands are straight down, I think this could go with either theory but personally on the few occasions I’ve made out with someone “what do I do with my hands?” loops in my head lol so I found this relatable.
Make of this what you will!!
Thoughts on Kawi and Kissing Piseang while he’s drunk
Honestly this doesn't feel weird to me, romantic attraction can involve kissing and drunk!kawi is just giving in to his confused thoughts and feelings, Aesthetic attraction can trick you too if you're not aware of your own identity (lol I had sex with someone before I experienced sexual attraction for the first time and felt very confused about why I didn't really feel like doing it again after even though it had been a positive experience, It was WILD), Kawi kisses Piseang because he likes him and is then confused about Why TF it doesn't feel like it's "supposed" to, *shrugs* make of that what you will.
Additional Thoughts
I’m reading into past future events now but I wonder about Pear and Kawi’s relationship.
Did they have sex?
There was clearly something fundamentally wrong with it, and the show talks about Kawi prioritising work, but it’s all a bit ambiguous and we never got any impression of intimacy. The fact that Pear is pregnant and Kawi doesn’t question if he’s the father, how long have they been broken up? Why did Pear seek out Not in the first place? Did Pear assume Kawi was gay because they didn't have sex??
The scene where Kawi stares at Piseang while he was sleeping (Ep 9) I'm not going back to find it now or this won't get posted for like another 14 hours but it also felt ace-coded but I shrugged it off.
(@lurkingshan and @clairificusrex since you helped with my thoughts)
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A while back @fuccerito did an absolutely AMAZING comic and I was so inspired I wrote it out as a chaptered fic! They were also kind enough to let me post it!
For the summary: Many less than harmonious pairs of bots, both Autobot and Decepticons, awaken to find themselves unexpected contestants on "Bang for Your Buck", a Quintesson game show where love and making it is the only way to win! Stuck in boxes with no weapons or hope of escape, the stakes become even higher when their hosts offer the Omega Key to the winning pair. Can any of them out aside their differences long enough to endure the increasingly erotic challenges? Read this or the original comic by fuccerito on their Twitter to find out!
Chapter One: Introduction
"Ugh... What...?" Thundercracker moaned as he came to, the entire world spinning around him whilst he tried to lift his helm. Blinking the blur from his optics, he sat up in a daze and found himself in a room unlike any Cybertronian dwelling he'd ever seen, his helm pounding as if he'd downed enough engex to give a Titan a hangover. 
"Where the hell am I?" he asked out loud, trying to feel a bit less dizzy as he looked around for an explanation. Finding quite literally nothing, not even a window along the spotless white walls, he was left thoroughly confused. A room without doors? What the fuck? he vented to himself, having no clear route for attempting an escape. Blinking to clear some of the sleep from his optics, he briefly considered trying to smash his way out before a second voice startled him fully awake.
"Bumblebee?!" he shouted as he beheld the scout rising from the floor. Looking just as haggard as he felt, Bee winced at his booming volume, covering his audials and making an expression of deep annoyance.
"That is so loud..." he whined, not even looking as Thundercracker swung his weapon mounted around for an attack. To his surprise, horror, and mild embarrassment, the Seeker found his arm utterly rid of a gun, not that Bumblebee even bothered to see him as a threat. Squinting around at the lack of windows and doors and appearing just as frustrated as the other mech had felt, the Scout looked ready to make a sarcastic quip before an electric buzz startled them both.
In the blink of an optic, a holographic screen appeared before them, glowing bright with oversaturated colors and a flamboyantly dressed Quintesson beaming into a microphone. 
"Welcome, friends from Cybertron! I bet you're wondering where you are right now!" the alien cracked with a snap of his tentacles, triggering one of the more obviously fake laugh tracks across the galaxy. Both bots exchanged a mutual expression of disbelief and wondered if it was possible to share the same fever dream, only for the background music to swell and confirm everything they were seeing was happening.
"Well, buckle in. You're the lucky bots selected for our prestigious game show - I'm your host; Emceeus!" the charismatic alien announced with a wink and a flourish of the microphone. At the lack of cheers from his captives, the nonplussed host continued, smiling with a level of charm few would have thought possible with so many rows of teeth. Bumblebee briefly started wondering if he might be able to smash his way out as Thundercracker doubled down on the same thought.
"You may notice I am a Quintesson - fear not!" Emceeus assured them, speaking more softly as he closed his eyes in time to a series of tender, mood setting images flowing across the screen. Flowers, hearts, and space puppies played in perfect time to sappy music. "We here are not like our violent brethren - we are a peaceful rogue colony..."
To the gathered bots horror, the screen shifted to a lovely but extremely explicit clip of two bots making passionate love, their campy moans compelling the captive's optics to find the most interesting possible things on the floor.
"And we love love!" the Quintesson announced sweetly over the audio of the mechs going at it, tentacles waving showily before a few space pot leaves made a cameo on the screen. A small addendum acknowledged them as the pre-recorded audience awwed over his words to preserve the mood. " ...And space weed. "
"As for the issue of why you're here, it seemed you were having a battle of sorts in our sector of space - so nasty, it destroyed the comet where we were hosting auditions!" the Quintesson continued over footage of said conflict, which allowed the bots to finally recall what they'd been doing before their unexpected casting. The recorded audience gasped in fake awe as the respective sides maintained fire on one another, filling the void of space with brilliant flashes of cannon fire that beautifully illuminated the aforementioned asteroid... before careless fire from both sides smashed it to pieces. Bumblebee and Thundercracker exchanged a look of guilt and concern before the host clapped his tentacles together with delight.
"What a show of passion! We just had to cast you!" he declared to a repeat of the applause effect from before, absolutely beaming into the camera to the brief relief of the captives. Smashing someone's comet usually got you way worse punishment than a forced game show recruitment.
Elsewhere, perhaps not too far away in a completely identical cell, Starscream and Soundwave glared at a hologram of the same broadcast. 
"...what show?!" Starscream continued to complain, something he'd been doing since the moment he'd woken up. Hands on his hips, the Seeker had already demanded to speak to the alien's manager to no avail, compelling Soundwave to stand in pained silence as their host finally appeared to acknowledge them. 
"You're on; "Bang for Your Buck!" - a show where contestants can show us their love to win a fantastic prize! Our audience will give you a prompt, and you will be given two cycles to complete it! Tap out, and you'll be out of the running!" he explained cheerily, bringing up a diagram to better explain. Three sequential images displayed a pair of contestants getting a prompt to kiss, carrying out the act, then celebrating their victory. The true ramifications of what was being proposed started to dawn on the captive participants, and a wide variety of mostly negative looks were exchanged amongst an intense flurry of even more negative emotions. "You'll see your first prompts appear in s-"
"Excuse me." Bumblebee interrupted as he held up a servo, voice broadcasting out to all the other contestants for the sake of the plot. With strength disproportionate to his size, he addressed their captors with a thoroughly disapproving glare. "What's the prize?"
"That little thing you were all fighting over - the Omega Key!" Emceeus answered just as eagerly, gesturing to a stock photo of the aforementioned artifact. Seemingly oblivious to how displeased his contestants were to be there, the host was equally nonplussed when they all stood up in a panic at his mention of the key, collective attentions now fully engaged.
"What about-" a single bot spoke up before being interrupted by a final sweetening of the deal.
"And five million Shanix!"
"Dope." came the mostly satisfied reply. 
"You'll see your first prompts on your screen!" the host announced as the fake audience cheered, disappearing from view to leave a loading screen. Every bot was left to await their fate for what felt like a purposefully cruel length of time, the annoying suspenseful music making every second drag on like five. In their tiny but not necessarily claustrophobic room, Bumblebee and Thundercracker got their first prompt at the same time as the others, the flowy text scrolling almost mockingly onto the screen.
Hold Hands!
Somehow, the chaste prompt was more embarrassing than the most erotic of acts could have ever been. Both bots flushed bright pink, turning to each other with an expression of hopeless despair mixed with embarrassment. It was abundantly clear there would be no escape; without weapons or anything resembling a weak point in the structure around them, they had few reasons not to comply. With those reasons consisting of nothing but schoolgirl levels of bashful self consciousness, they both more or less came to the same conclusion after powering through their reservations. Neither would forsake their duty for fear of cooties.
This is so ridiculous, but I guess I need to get that key... Bumblebee thought to himself, raising a hand as he faced the other mech. Thundercracker didn't look any more pleased with the situation, but he at least appeared willing to cooperate, albeit with the same level of hesitation. The Seeker gulped and flexed his digits.
Shit. I guess this is happening. This is straight out of one of my favorite fanfics... he thought in a rush, able to clearly recall multiple bookmarked fics with the exact same premise. When he'd read those, however, he had been imagining anything but Bumblebee. Not that he found the scout ugly or anything, he just typically didn't fantasize about bots with Autobot insignias... Considering what was at stake, he swiftly set about convincing himself to face the challenge, as overwhelming as it may have been.
"Well, if..." Bumblebee started, turning to face the floor as he shuffled forward and started to offer his hand. Following the lead, Thundercracker began blindly groping for the other mech, nodding along as they both continued to avert their optics while convincing themselves. 
"If it's for the Omega Key...?" he added with open uncertainty, stepping backwards and blushing that much harder as they got closer. If this succeeded there would still be a battle for the prize, but at least it would be back in Cybertronian control. For the good of their species, he needed to persevere. 
"...We all need to get it." Bumblebee continued as he squeezed his optics shut and turned away entirely, blushing so fiercely he was sure his face would be combusting at any moment. He was halfway certain he'd hit his head during the battle and would wake up at any moment, the absurdity of it all feeling more like a concussion dream than anything with any basis in reality. The warmth steadily approaching his outstretched digits challenged that theory.
"Yeah." Thundercracker covered his closed optics as their hands finally touched, arms held nearly straight to keep as much distance between the two of them as physically possible. Barely able to nod, he summoned all the courage remaining in his spark and did what needed to be done. Their hands came together with a burst of pure embarrassment that was mirrored by their fellow contestants, though most of the aforementioned bots were feeling far more murderous than bashful. 
Mere feet away, a mercifully soundproofed room was still trembling from the raw outrage within, its display screen buzzing a most infuriating prompt to the furious occupants. 
Kiss with Tongue
There were few bots who would have taken the idea well in regards to their greatest nemesis, but Megatron was uniquely incensed, his rage so overpowering it could have warped time and space had the Quintessons not used their technology to bolster it just in case.
" WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT?! " the Decepticon leader roared, optics and veins bulging as the mech at his side expressed his equal rage with significantly more decorum.  
"This is heinous to ask of enemies!" Optimus agreed, stressing the final word to remind their captors and himself that he had NO interest in Megatron. Their feelings to one another consisted of nothing but hatred mixed with an acceptable amount of respect for the other's physical prowess... nothing else, not in the slightest. Megatron made to shatter the screen just before the cameras shifted most conveniently to the next room over, his explosive rage making it clear he had much more yelling to do before they could hope to enter the competition for real. 
In the next room over, a mech who would have given any number of things to be napping at that moment was glaring at his own screen, the bags beneath his optics almost as deep as his dissatisfaction with his assigned partner. Said partner was looking mischievous and delighted, his lips curling up for a fang accented grin as he secured a hold on Ratchet's shoulder. The older mech could almost feel Drift's optics staring a hole in the most sensitive region of his neck. Worse, the buzzing screen seemed to mock him with the simplicity of its request. 
Oh, Primus... he thought with an internal sigh, utterly done even before they'd had a chance to begin. How had he ended up with the only mech that managed to be as hot as he was infuriating?
Back in the room where Starscream and Soundwave miraculously hadn't murdered one another, the two were tapping into their competitive nature to tackle their embarrassing but mostly manageable prompt. 
Wing Massage
"Ow! You're doing it wrong!" Starscream hissed as Soundwave roughly handled the Seeker's wings in what could only be called the loosest approximation of a massage. It looked as ridiculous as it felt, but both mechs soldiered on, the former grumbling as the latter doubled down.
"Soundwave: simply giving Starscream what he deserves." he said tensely, motivating himself with thoughts of all the revenge he'd enjoy once they were free. Putting on a good show was a humiliating but simple enough challenge, and he was fully confident there'd be no character development of any kind along the way, not from himself or any of the cast. They'd all just have to double down for a thoroughly unsexy time...
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @rosieathena - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x gender neutral!reader
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First Kiss
As per usual on a Friday night, you and Spencer were cuddled up on your armchair watching horror movies. Despite it being a couch built for just one person, and you having a perfectly good normal sized couch also in the room, you and Spencer always silently decided to share that armchair. As an escape from the stresses of your shared careers, you tried your best to ensure that every Friday spent not working a case, was instead spent hanging out with each other. Because best friends who see each other literally everyday at work need an excuse to hang out at each other’s homes, right?
That particular Friday though, was different. The evening started off the same as any other, with you and Spencer choosing a couple of horror flicks to watch until you inevitably passed out wrapped up in each other, a jumpscare would wake you sometime later leading to you both stumbling up to your bed, to fall asleep with your backs pressed together, only to wake up in the morning with your head on his chest - or at least, that’s how you imagined the night would go.
A jumpscare sent your face hiding away in Spencer’s button up shirt as you squealed in fright, and he chuckled.
“After all the horrors we see on a daily basis, you’re still scared by fiction like this?” He teased.
“Of course! We dont encounter supernatural beings that can never die and will continue to stalk you until you die!” You protested, causing Spencer to laugh harder at how jokingly defensive you had gotten.
“Alright, alright, that justifies it.” He noticed that you were still hiding, and his tone changed. “Nothing is going to come and get you, you know, I wouldnt let it within ten miles of you.”
You giggled, pulling away from his chest to look up at him and meet his gaze, which was already locked on you in concern. “You’re the sweetest.”
Spencer smiled at your words. “Only to you.” He paused, and the room fell silent, the sounds of the horror movie suddenly so distant that you pondered if the television had turned itself off, but in reality the moment had wrapped around the both of you and was separating you from everything else.
“Can I kiss you?” Spencer whispered, his voice sounding dazed, but still nervous with the weight of what he was asking.
You nodded wordlessly, and your eyes fluttered closed as he leaned into you. As soon as his lips made contact with yours, the whole world seemed to stop and enjoy the long awaited scene that was unfolding. Silent fireworks of every colour ignited as your souls danced together, the most beautiful sentiments being exchanged between you without the need for words. Your mind was blank while simultaneously being filled with thoughts of him, the sensation of his hair between your fingers, his lips on yours, the countless images of his smile that you have been lucky enough to have ingrained in your memory, the sound of his voice, the sound of his heart. You had never felt more encapsulated in your life, you were completely trapped by him in the most beautifully free way, and it was everything you had ever dreamed it could be.
Pulling away, the both of you stared into each other’s eyes, breathing heavily. Spencer bit his lower lip, and you could see an expression that was a mixture of disbelief and worry, which mirrored yours. Both of you were caught in the confusion of what had just happened, and whether the other felt the same. But words were lost, neither of you could find any, there were none to say. Your breath caught in your throat, and before you had time to mentally talk yourself out of it, you pulled him back into another kiss, sending your feelings loud and clear in the only way you knew how. And the reciprocation from Spencer was enough to confirm that he felt the same way. His arms went to your waist and pulled you onto his lap so that you were straddling him, your hands grabbing at each other with a previously wittheld desperation that had finally been unleashed.
First, Spencer broke off into a smile, and you quickly followed suit, causing the kiss to break into a fit of giggles. No words were exchanged, they werent needed, you just turned yourself back around and rested your head on his shoulder, trying to get back into the horror film that you had been ignoring. But, when you looked up and planted a kiss on Spencer’s cheek as though acting on autopilot, you knew that it would be utterly impossible to focus on anything but him.
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hotteoki · 1 year
the ex factor (c.b.g.)
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pairing: choi beomgyu x fem!reader
genre: angst?, fluff, exes-to-lovers
wc: 1.2k
cw: /
notes: i had this idea a while ago and i thought i was so clever for the title i still think i am ngl 🤭
part one (can be read as a stand alone)
for @rgyui and @iwaplant here's a part 2! probably not what you expected tho...
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🗣️welcome to your weekly dose of the ‘ex factor’! tonight, we’ve invited a freshly broken up couple, only an astonishing two months ago! as per usual, we will offer a series of questions and you, our dear viewers, will vote whether they should get back together… or stay apart for good?
(a pause as the intro rolls in)
🗣️the two will be placed into different rooms, unable to hear each other. however, they’ll be asked the same series of questions. will they have similar answers? or completely different? stay tuned to find out!
(the screen cuts to beomgyu)
🗣️how long did your relationship last?
beomgyu: two years, or, well, almost two years. one year and eleven months to be exact.
(the screen cuts to you, and it flickers continuously between the two of you)
you: one year and eleven months, so, two years, basically.
🗣️and what was the reason for your untimely ending?
beomgyu: it wasn't, like, one argument or one thing that broke us apart. it was more of a build-up, i guess you could say? it was a kind of silent, mutual agreement or something. yeah, something like that.
you: there was a kind of tension, or something, in between us a month before we broke up. i'm not sure why there was, i don't think he does either, to be honest. it just, kind of happened. i think we're both still confused about the whole thing, i mean, we just stopped being as clingy towards each other out of nowhere, we just kind of... drifted.
🗣️how did you meet?
beomgyu: it was at this local coffee shop i used to work at. she ordered a caramel macchiato, and i stuck a post-it note with the lyrics to bts' song 'coffee' onto it, it was kind of stupid, now that i look back, but hey, she came back to the cafe the next day. i was surprised she liked my post-it note idea, to be honest.
you: we met at a cafe where he used to work at, and i ordered the first drink that came to mind, and when i went to receive it, the other barista told me i should visit the cafe again the next day. i thought he was joking until i saw a post-it note stuck onto the cup with lyrics from the bts song and a pick up line underneath it.
🗣️what were your first impressions of each other?
beomgyu: the first thing i noticed about her was that she was extremely cute. then i realised that it was her first time ordering coffee, so i started flirting with her, which is very unlike me, but i guess past me agreed that we would do anything for her. (he laughs)
you: he was very flirty. now looking back, it was very out of character for him. then again, we were younger then, so i guess he was a bit different. but i was also thinking about how cute he was. he was probably my first ever crush, to be honest.
🗣️what do you think lacked in your relationship to cause its ending?
beomgyu: i think there was a lack of communication. it was obvious to anyone and everyone that we loved each other so, so much, but at the end of the day, it was hard for both of us to be vocal about our problems, so we just started ignoring each other, and eventually we agreed to break up.
you: the fact that we weren't used to talking about our problems. we were both comfortable with each other, but not in the way where we'd talk about what was bothering us or making us upset. we'd just let it simmer out on its own, and that ruined the perfect image of our relationship, i think.
🗣️what was your favourite memory in your relationship?
beomgyu: when she tried to make me coffee. she walked me to the cafe when i still worked there before it opened, and opening hours wasn’t until, like, an hour later, so i asked her if she wanted to try making coffee. (he pauses) yeah, it was absolute shit. but her smile was so gorgeous it made the food poisoning worth it.
you: probably that time we went to this carnival nearby and he got me a teddy bear just so i could name it after him. (you laugh) he ended up getting all jealous over the attention the bear was getting, and the poor thing got put in 'time out', which meant giving it to our friend's hedgehog.
🗣️is there anything you regret about your relationship? whether it be something you did to each other, or something you didn't do?
beomgyu: i didn't give her enough of my time. like yeah, i was dedicated to the relationship and i loved her even more than myself, but i knew, even back then, that i wasn't spending enough time on her, but i never bothered to do anything about it, so i guess that's something i regret and didn't do. that's probably why i haven't texted her anymore after our breakup. i know my work has crazy schedules and that's not going to go away anytime soon. i can't.. (he sighs) i can't give her what she deserves.
you: i think i was a bit too demanding at times. i hate this thing about me, but sometimes i get a bit too bossy without meaning to. like, i have this perfect image of a relationship, and when the person i'm with doesn't meet that standard, i kind of push that belief on them, if you get me. i don't know if it's because of him, or me, or anything, but it happened with all my past relationships as well. i'm not even sure if i know what love is, i just keep picturing a perfect relationship and every time, they're all the same scenarios, just with a different face. i don't know if it's love i'm looking for, or just comfort. it's too much for me to bear, let alone him.
🗣️what did you love most about each other?
beomgyu: the way she has this ability to always bring out the best in me. i know it sounds really typical but it's true. she's one of the biggest reasons why i'm still going. she got me through such a difficult part of my life and i'm so, so grateful for that. every day is a reminder that she was the one who encouraged me to keep going. everything i do is for her.
you: his presence. i can't seem to put it to words, but he's my walking definition of 'home'. he's my home. even though we've broken up, even though we haven't seen each other in months, i still consider him my comfort zone, because that's what he is to me. he reminds me of the warmth of your cozy bedroom after spending a day out in freezing cold. yeah, that's how i'd describe him.
(the screen cuts back to the host momentarily)
🗣️and now, for the question our audience has been dying for us to ask!
(screen cuts to beomgyu again)
🗣️if given the chance, would you start your relationship again?
(the audio is muted)
🗣️(there is a pause, and a disappointed expression) i see...
🗣️well! dear audience, be sure to put in your votes on whether they should try again or not! and tune in next week again to see the guests' answers! this has been 'the ex factor', and we'll see you soon!
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caramelstarlight · 11 months
Hello! First time requesting on your blog so I hope I do it right.
Could I request Zhongli with an s/o who's a sea demon? The two were originally enemies because of reader's immensely powerful control over water and the two would fight for the silliest reasons. But after a bunch of fights, Zhongli began to fall for and eventually they got married but hid their relationship from the public.
People still believed that the two hate each other, so imagine their shocked faces when Zhongli and reader meet up and start kissing while calling each other pet names.
I lost my energy to post the past days so… yes ✅/⭐️.
Love me some gods :) first archon request wooo!!!!!
Gonna make this so we call him by Morax just bc I feel like we would say that until or when In liyue harbor.)
Lovers Hidden in Plain Sight
Zhongli x sea demon reader
Fluff / Angst ~ Hehehhehe…. :D (idk how old yanfei is so she isn’t included, some adepti aren’t included as well. Shenhe and yaoyao aren’t here either)
(SeaGazer and Skybracer are dead, but not in this. Skybracer was the one in lantern rite 1.3 running in the sky and SeaGazer was the bird in 3.4, or well modeled after the bird lantern.)
“Morax!” You said as you saw him eat a bit of your sandwich. Slightly angered at him as he opened his eyes and looked at you.
“Sorry Y/N I was hungry.” He replied as you came closer. You scoffed at him and hit him lightly. The adepti watched you and Zhongli at the picnic.
Xiao was with Ganyu and the other yakshas Seemingly interested by cloud retainer and mountain shaper. The birds entertained the them.
Madam ping and moon carver focused on the wellbeing of the picnic and little gathering. With gouba helping out with them.
You looked at Zhongli with anger. Trying to get your desired sandwich back to which he responded by handing it over and splitting it into two.
You were shocked and take the half he gave you. Staying silent as the kids came up to you. Also wanted some of your sandwich. You gave them the half Zhongli gave you as they all took pieces.
Zhongli noticed this and gouba gave him more food. Handing a full sandwich to you and ate his. SeaGazer and Skybracer focused on keeping everyone safe. Watching from afar to make sure no one would bother the group and ruin the gathering.
The event was enjoyful and would have many more to come in the future. Except the archon war… ending the lives of some of the adepti. Effectively protecting liyue and dieing in honor. -_-_-_-_
Many moons have since passed since the dreadful war. Many thoughts still clouded your mind of the images of fallen soldiers and adepti. You shaked your head clearing it out of the memories. Making your way to one of the restaurants you had a reservation for.
Seeing as Zhongli was waiting for you. Both of you went inside and enjoyed your lunch. Going out and playfully fighting. Many were puzzled. Weren’t you and Morax enemies? Staying close to Zhongli on a bench you kissed and called him a pet name with him doing the same back.
Many were confused as you got bombarded with questions. Answering as many as you could before rushing off somewhere with him. “Too much people for my liking it was like a crowd.” You said as you arrived to the spot.
“It’s understandable. Would you like some tea and to go take a stroll?” “Yeah! We can go tomorrow.” You said with a smile and dangled your feet. “Why are you so dedicated to hiding your archon form?” Asking him in a whisper. “Well they think I died remember?” “I wasnt there.”
“Oh.” You both said to eachother and laughed. Looking at the view ahead of you both. Watching the cranes fly and animals move around was relaxing.
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viilpstick · 1 month
Anyways!!! Here's the very very beginning of the event, it's not the event itself it's more of a prologue, and like I said I'll formally post it later once I have stuff figured out (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ enjoy!
Tagging @justm3di0cr3 too!!
“Uhm… I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, Isabelle but…” Poppy began, using her spoon to mix the sugar in her tea, staring at it nervously. “You seem a bit… off today.”
“Off?” Isabelle repeated, lifting her eyebrow.
“I must agree.” Adeline explained. “You’ve been sighing and frowning more than usual. Don't tell me…” the blonde gave her a knowing look and Isabelle rolled her eyes. 
“No, it doesn't involve Leona. Different from what you believe, Delih, my world doesn't revolve around him.” Adeline pouted and Poppy let out a small giggle. Isabelle sighed. “I must return to my kingdom this friday and start preparations for the ball.”
“Ah, you must be referring to the Rose Ball.” The blonde said, a happy smile on her face as Isabelle nodded, but Poppy just continued confused. Adeline chuckled. “In Roseneuve, that is, our housewarden’s kingdom, there's a ball held once every 10 years to celebrate the end of the curse of The Cursed Beast and the bravery of The Fearless Princess for breaking said curse.”
“Wait, our Fearless Princess?” 
“Indeed. My kingdom is where the story of the wonderful princess our dorm is based on originates from.” Isabelle continued and Poppy grinned, a little 'oh!' escaping her lips, making the older one smile from such reaction. Still, Poppy tilted her head in confusion.
“Wait… but why are you upset, Isabelle? Isn't it an honor to prepare for this event? I’d be over the moon!”��
“Well… it should be but… let's just say my considerate older sisters decided to throw all the responsibility onto me this year.” Isabelle clicked her tongue in annoyance. “They're exactly 7 and 10 years older than me, yet they fail to have basic decency… I'm the youngest one yet I'm expected to take care of such an important date…!” Isabelle breathed in and out, trying to calm her nerves and sipped her tea. “Well, it's not like complaining will change anything, so nevermind all that.”
“That's a shame… I wish I could help you in any way.”
“Me too, but unfortunately said ball is destined only to royals and nobility.” Adeline said, sipping in her own tea and Isabelle groaned, hand on her forehead.
“Do not remind me… to think I have to deal with such people…” she complained, but then lifted her eyes to Adeline, her eyes shining in delight as an idea popped in her head. “Wait– that's it! Adeline, Poppy you two are geniuses!”
The two girls looked at each other and then to their housewarden, tilting their heads almost at the same time, creating a comic image. “We are?”
“Papa always insists that in every ball if I want to bring friends over, I can! Exceptions can always be made for the Desrosiers’ acquaintances!” Isabelle clapped her hands in excitement. They didn't need to know that her father only said this to encourage Isabelle to make more friends, and they definitely didn't need to know that it failed hundreds of times. “I must call papa immediately– oh, that is, if you two want to come with.”
“I’d be delighted!” Poppy cheered and Adeline seemed to think it through, an anxious expression on her face.
“Delih? What is it, would you not like to come?”
“No, no– well, it's just…” she looked between the girls and sighed, letting cautious out the window. She could always use her Unique Magic to flee if someone happened to figure out her real status. “I suppose it would be fun.”
“That's wonderful! Oh, girls you two are the best.” Isabelle quickly got up and kissed both of her friends’ faces, running away to her room and letting most of her tea untouched. Poppy sighed dreamily.
“A ball, a royal ball at that! I wonder what Epel’s gonna say once I tell him!”
“Yes, I wonder…” Adeline mumbled, half of her hoping Malleus wasn't invited this year, and another one hoping he did.
ADELINE USING HER UM TO RUN AWAY IS SO REAL LIKE- "Oh, aren't you the princess of-" WOOSH!
she was there than she is no longer there
mah istg i am SO EXITED to see what you are up too LKJAKAJKLJ
giggling as i will anxiously wait for the rest frfr
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mustelavison · 11 months
The differences between minks and ferrets
On many social media platforms I have seen minks being called ferrets, and ferrets being called minks. Even on Discord when I post art of a mink, people will proclaim “I love minks!” and then proceed to post a gif of a ferret or an ermine. There is no harm in this, ofcourse! But it does frustrate me a lot because they can easily be differentiated by much more than just color. 
Please note that this is by no means trying to gatekeep what you can call a mink or not. There may be inaccuracies or things left out, as this is all based on my own research. Half of the reason for writing this post is also simply so I have a bit of a reference for myself too when drawing ferrets and minks. I will also only be referring to the American Mink in this post, seeing as they are the most well known due to the American Mink being the species used for fur farming. 
So without much further ado, let's begin! 
The Head
When looking at the average mink and the average ferret, it is obviously very easy to pick apart the two. Ferrets have their signature bandit-like mask, which minks usually do not have. Minks typically range from dark or reddish brown to black with a white chin. In this case it would be very easy to learn the difference between the two.
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But what about situations where both have the same coat color? Some minks in fur farms are bred to have a white coat, and similarly some ferrets also have the same color. This is very often where I see confusion between the two species. And what if minks sprout the polecat mask that ferrets are commonly known for?
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With my art, it is easier to tell the two apart. Especially considering I have noted which is which. But when applied to real life it becomes harder. In fact, when looking up white ferrets for examples I was actually met with an image of a white mink. (And also a lot of ermines, unfortunately.) In situations like this you have to start looking at more anatomical features instead. It is however good to know that white ferrets typically have little to no polecat mask. 
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As you can see here, I have traced the heads of both a white mink and a white ferret. Although, one image is clearly more zoomed out than the other. I have lined the traced result up with each other so it is easier to spot the differences. 
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First of all, the head is broader on the mink and rounder. The ears are also much smaller on the mink when compared to the ferret. The muzzle is also much broader and rounder on the mink, too. 
There are also smaller differences between the two that don't really matter much and more just fun facts. A ferret’s skull is slightly shorter than a mink’s. Ferrets however, do have longer canine teeth!
The Body
Obviously, aside from the head there are also differences in the rest of the body. Fur farm minks on average, are much bigger than a ferret. Minks are also a lot stronger than a ferret. 
There are also coat colors present in only minks and vice versa! The texture of the coats is also very different, which is logical considering ferrets aren’t quite as popular for being used to make coats. 
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Ferrets generally have a rougher coat than ferrets. Their guard hairs are much longer and sparser. The mink on the other hand has a much denser coat, with the purpose of waterproofing the fur as much as possible to keep the mink warm while swimming. 
There are some coat colors usually found only in minks and ferrets respectively. This also works as an identifier because you will not find a jaguar ferret anywhere. 
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A lot of the different coat colors in ferrets are actually a variation of the standard polecat/sable coat color. That being said, a lot of mink coat colors are actually variations of the standard brown/black coat color although it is not as obvious as it is with ferrets.
The final two differences are the paws and tail. These are not really very different for the most part, and on images you’d see on Instagram or whatever other platform you see a mink on you won't really notice these quickly. Minks generally have longer tails than ferrets, and being semi-aquatic they also have partially webbed feet. 
Thanks for reading this entire thing! It's pretty long, I know, but I hope it was of some use to you anyway. Hopefully you learned something new or maybe you could use this as an art reference in some way. 
On a footnote: If you can't tell the difference between a stoat/ermine and a mink or ferret then please get your eyes checked. If you didn't know they were different species then I sure hope you know that mink, ferret and ermine are not synonyms for each other and are all different species. Quite frustrating to see ermines pop up so much when searching for white minks or ferrets, you know?
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