#He hasnt kissed someone in years
googiesita · 1 year
touch-starved viktor nikiforov.
touch-starved viktor nikiforov, who has no one, nobody at his side, he should be happy, right? then why does he feels this void in his chest?
he has won many medals, many competitions, he's succesful.
yet every victory feels like a loss.
people like him.
then why nobody actually loves him?
so when yuuri katsuki happened, maybe, just maybe, he wasn't that love-starved.
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coolasakuhncumber · 1 year
I think my 4 year relationship just ended over a message.
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strwberri-milk · 5 months
can i request a puppy reader x jealous diluc nsfw fic? i loved ur kaeya one and i really love diluc aswell <3
idk man i think i wrote so much smut i smutted myself out so ive gotten some hcs instead of a fic bc i reall yhave to be in the mood to write smut and it hasnt struck in like a year
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Diluc doesn't mind letting you do whatever you want to do. He trusts you and knows that some of the more eccentric habits ofor f you have are just the result of the fact that you are a puppy. He tries to give you as much attention as he possibly can, but sometimes with his busy schedule that isn't as often as he wishes it was.
When he sees you've begun to develop a habit of getting some of that attention from someone else he tries not to pay it any mind. It's not until it seems almost excessive to him that he really starts paying attention, biting back his negative feelings as much as he can.
One day he can't hold back the way he feels. Watching you keen for some bar patron's attention when you can't get his and seeing how easily they give it to you makes him almost spill the drinks he has in hand. He's really trying not to do or say anything to you but he can't help but feel some sort of way when you're almost cuddled up to someone who wanted to give you some treats.
As soon as the two of you get home Diluc's got you pressed up against a wall, kissing you hungrily with his nails digging into your hips. It takes all you can to whimper against him, pawing uselessly against the bulk of his chest. It doesn't take him much time to have you pressed down into the sheets of his bed, pounding into you in a way that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
You don't know how many times he's mad you cum, hands wandering up and down your body before they find their place somewhere that can hold you in place as he slams into you.
He's obsessed with the pool of drool you've got on the sheets, competing only with the wetness underneath your bodies. The mix of your shared fluids is only added to with every movement he makes, holding your limp body as you continue to writhe in pleasure from his efforts.
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thyln4gf · 24 days
Cheri cheri lady
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✞ Watching you on the top step of the podium for the first time, while still in your rookie year... It all tasted a little bitter for Lando, but he wasnt complaining too much... he did get the best view out of them all - right from p2.
✞ Word count - 808
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "american jesus" - Nessa Barrett, "heavy metal lover" - Lady Gaga, "flawless" - The Neighbourhood, "take me back to eden" - Sleep Token, "hall of fame" - The Script. Note - i do have a whole playlist. Ask if you want it.
✞ Warnings - none, I guess. A lot of fluffy shite. Slightly suggestive. A short little blurb inspired by Landos first win<3 Gg, my boy.
✞ Lando Norris x Mercedes!Reader
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The sound of a crowd yelling someone elses name annoyed him till no end - it reminded him of the fact that he hasnt won yet, and that hes currently holding a pretty sad record - the highest number of podiums without a win. That, until it came to you - it immediately became something that he wanted to hear over and over. It was almost as sweet as the champagne swirling down his body, the sun kissing his face, or the sweet, sweet sound of an anthem that wasnt the dutch one.
It all started at the beginning of the season, really. He was intimidated by you at first, just a little - for the first quali of the season, your rookie season, you had already grabbed the pole. But, quickly enough, he found himself getting more and more curious about you. He would ask you about the weather, or about the ridiculous activities the media admins made you do - to "see if it matched his". It was far from enough for him though - he wanted to know everything about you. How do you like your waffles? He wanted to ask you about that. He wanted to ask you about breakfast and honey. Sunlight. Do you like strawberry smoothies? What was the name of your childhood cat? Do you have any scars?
There were so many things he wanted to say, but didnt know how to. Thats why he spent quite a bit of his time quietly observing you. He felt as if you were just a mere result of his imagination - one touch, just one taste - and youd disappear.
His newly found obsession, however, was watching the wide grin fighting for its place on your face. You were stood on that step, taking up the space that you deserved oh so much. He was a little jealous of the success that you found yourself in so soon, but he couldnt peel his eyes away from you - the way you were stood there, proud. The golden hour danced on your face, making the sweat drenched features pop out. Just like him, the sun seemed to enjoy your eyes - they looked like the shiniest gems you could find.
The champagne celebration rolled around. He was already giggling, looking forward to absolutely drowning you in the sticky, sweet, liquid luck. He looked at Daniel on the other side, the English anthem for Mercedes coming to an end. They both wiggled their eyebrows at each other, seemingly getting the exact same idea, and locking it in.
They could have planned all they wanted, honestly - but you were just quicker. You jumped off the step quickly, it almost looked like you were flying. To Landos surprise, you didnt go for your usual move. Instead, you seemed to use his - the famous champagne floor smash. He was so pleasantly surprised that he didnt even register a stream of the beverage aimed right into the centre of his face. Wiping the champagne from his eyes, he saw your wide grin - and Daniel getting the back of your head. You shrieked - and it wasnt from the surprise, he knew. You washed your hair just this morning.
As much as he would have wanted that scene to last forever... Like all good things, it quickly came to an end. But that meant that he got to stand by your side for the photo - and it made him nervous, almost like a young, teenage boy, whos crush went to the same school.
He was nervous. Oh, so nervous. He was a little scared of messing something up, taking great measures to avoid exactly that. He did end up on the wrong side of the step, somehow. He didnt even notice, but thats until he felt your hands on his waist, gently gripping onto the material of his suit.
"Youre in the wrong spot, darling." You had murmured into his ear, gently guiding him to where you wanted him. A smirk was so evident in your tone, even if he wasnt looking at your face.
The hands.
The. Gentle. Fucking. Hands.
His stomach quickly got filled with a ton of butterflies, his brain shortcircuiting. He would have frozen in the spot, if the circumstances had allowed him. And he did, at first - was given a slap to the back of his head by Daniel quickly enough to not be noticed, though. Or, thats what he thought - people were talking about it already, and it would continue for days. If not weeks. And not even the fact that you just casually moved him, just like that. Not the placement of your hands - but the fact that he could be seen blushing, all shy, like a little girl.
Despite it not being his victory, it was his favourite podium of all time already. But, who knew. Maybe the next one was gonna be his?
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daistea · 23 days
regarding the possessive obsessive bf mithrun i imagine its to be expected that someone who hasnt had any desires for ?? years would get kinda intense abt the things theyre cultivating the ability to feel desire for !
RIGHT?? take my hand, walk into the light with me..
Honestly, I headcanon that he was like that before the dungeon too. To an extent. There’s this post I like that implies that Mithrun didn’t actually truly love the elf girl from before, he just wanted to possess her because, you know, insecurity and complexes and brother issues.
He wanted to be loved, to possess, to feel worthy. I think that definitely could lead into possessiveness.
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the most gorgeous boy in the world 🫣 kiss kiss smooch smooch, my little walking red flag
Anyway, post-demon those feelings go away. He still has emotions and a personality obviously. There’s still glimpses of who he was, but he doesn’t care about the old insecurities. They’re not there anymore. The inferiority complex is gone. He’s just Mithrun, demon killing machine, living only for one thing. I mean it’s canon that he’s already obsessive.
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(I know the word ‘obsessed’ being used here is probably just translation liberties, but the idea still remains. If it’s genuinely ‘obsessed’ in Japanese though, I’ll be very pleased.)
I do think it’s possible to have a relationship with him at this point, but it won’t be conventional— that’s true of any relationship with him at any point in his life though. You’ll always be second. He’s not as invested, not as possessive, but I do think that’s just a natural part of his personality as well and it would still pop up on occasion.
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Post-canon Mithrun has decided to live, to help make the broth in a stew or soup, to find use in himself. Yay!
I like the idea of Mithrun deciding to spend his life with someone simply because he enjoys their company, but my favorite thought is him developing a new desire— it’s not a simple desire for a relationship, though. It’s a desire for you. It’s very specific.
When Mithrun develops a new desire, he can’t ignore it. He needs it. He needs every ounce of it. If this desire is for a specific person, then he wants every ounce of them. This possessiveness doesn’t necessarily come from insecurity or inferiority like it used to. It’s from desperation and excitement. He trusts you. If he gets jealous it’s not because he thinks you’re going to cheat, it’s because he sees it and thinks, “They’re mine. Nobody else is allowed to have them.” It’s offensive that someone would even try to take you from him.
He wants his desire close to him. He’s clingy. He’s absolutely shameless. He doesn’t hide his feelings, but he doesn’t really say them out loud either, that’s just not how he rolls. He shows his feelings through actions. Are those actions genuinely unhinged sometimes? Yes.
You’ve got a friend who’s kinda worried that this elf guy is getting too attached? Mithrun has Cithis brain wash your friend into supporting your relationship so they don’t try to get in the way. Is that morally wrong? Don’t care didn’t ask
You want to do something very dangerous? Too bad, you’re getting tied to a chair so you can’t leave. Kick and scream all you want, he’s not risking losing you.
And he does it all with a straight face and no dramatics, too. They’re very normal things for him to do, obviously.
He’s very normal about you, obviously.
He wants every bit of your attention, every touch, every second, every year you have to offer. Does he say that out loud? No. But he wants it.
And when Mithrun actually wants something, he’s going to meticulously tear apart the stars one by one to get it. He hasn’t really wanted anything in 40-ish years. Doesn’t he deserve it?
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josibunn · 6 months
HIIIIIIIIIIII I LOVE UR WRITING SO MUch!!! if ure too overwhelmed w other stuff ignore this but i had an idea for one where reader and euro are exes but they were like CRAZY about each other and didnt really separate on their own terms, and they see each other at a wedding a year later (no one in the black circle would take marriage seriously so euro’s kind of forced to go cause his cousin is the one getting married that reader is friends with too😭) euro never fell out of love and when they’re alone he kind of loses his shit cause he misses her insanely and tells her he hasnt been with anyone else since they broke up and it’s all pathetic and sweet and she’s the one who actually makes the first move and kisses him first which leads the craziest and neediest sex
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firstly, AMAZING song choice babe, second, the hair up part? mwah. amazing beautiful perfect. thinking like a little girly ass claw clip with some strands out? aw yeah.
smut! a whole lot. very long, sorry. you guys have sex twice, missionary+ cowgirl. oral on both parts, choking, biting, slapping (only during sex), arguing, you guys are kind of toxic. body worship, daddy kink, sort of dom/sub. you both are stupid crazy, super toxic. but you just love each other so much..so so much. and I made him super hot (with the help of my lovely anon ;3)
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you saw your exs face everywhere. fliers, newspapers, his fucking van, shit, even your job had ads of him on the community board. and of course he did, he was fucking huge, took off with his music. but fuck, could you ever catch a break?
the answer to that was no, by the way. you couldn’t, because there he was standing before you. or so that’s what your gut told you as it flipped you inside out at the thought that the back of this stranger could’ve even had the possibility of being him. no, you thought to yourself. he never ties his hair up. never. especially with a fucking claw clip. and he never wears a suit, doesn’t even own a button down, where’d he even get a vest? he acts like a cave dweller unless he’s performing.
you snap out of your dissociative state as your friend shakes you a little, “what’re you looking at?” she asks, and you take a deep breath, turning your back to his, even if you were far away from each other. “is that him? did he turn around? see if that’s him.”
“wha-who??” she asks. “øystein, I think that’s him but i’m not sure, I got a real bad feeling,” you say, smoothing down your short dress, feeling uncomfortable and hot all of the sudden. “oh! oh, oh. you didn’t know he was coming..?” she whispered, and your eyes go wide. “what? no? what??” you look back, and ooh you see it, his side profile, it was definitely him, you’d recognize that nose anywhere, the one you sat on, rode, basically been inside you many times.
“what the fuck?? why didn’t anyone tell me??” you’re only so shook because it’d been almost five months since you’ve seen him, since you’ve broken up and gone no contact with each other. it was stupid but valid to say the least. you try and say you don’t remember but you remember it clear as day. for someone who doesn’t like groupies he sure has a lot of them!
a lot that crash at his den, in his things! a few that act as if they’re best fucking friends with him. one that tried taking your place every chance she got. and he always told you ‘they’re not mine, I don’t even fucking know them. they’re just sluts varg fucks and ducks.’ and you’d counter it with ‘then tell him to take them to his house!’ like what logic is that? and he just never seemed to care.
but after you found one, that same bleached blonde, mile long overgrown roots sleeping in his office, the one he always told you to not worry about, with his jacket, you were through. you made a scene in his store actually, because you’re fucking crazy of course. you got your shit from his place and didn’t give him a chance to see you, telling your manager to not let him in the store, warning your landlord, everything. you wanted to be through, not him though.
euronymous noticed you way before you noticed him though. he noticed you as soon as you came in, hand in hand with your gal pal and that smile he adored seeing. and fuck did you look good, your tiny white dress hugged every curve of yours so perfectly, every curve he used to run his tongue over and ravish. “holy fuck no way.” he whispered, jan axel catching him staring and his jaw dropping too. “no fucking way,” he says, but he’s amused, such a fun turn of events!
he already knew what type of timing euronymous was on. this was the same guy who would wait for you outside your job for weeks, followed you home, contacted all your friends to get them to plead his case, he wasn’t just gonna let you slip out of his fingers, this was the first time in months he’d been within 20 feet of you. he was going crazy, and seeing you awakened something in him, something primal.
he almost pounced, wanting to get on his knees, rip your legs open and eat you into liver failure the moment he laid eyes on you. “dude. dude I-..why the fuck is she here.” he asks, turning his back to you and facing his friend. “she knows the wife, they go way back of course she’s gonna be here. you gonna do somethin’?” jan says with a smile. “i’d be stupid not to, do you fucking see her? oh my god,” he’s rock hard as he think of how dolled up you are, and your voice that carries echos in his ears.
“later though, can’t do anything right now. she still hates me because of that shit with mArY,” he says in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes as he plants his hands in his pockets, thinking of how he could get you alone, but god knows it’d be awhile before that, the wedding hadn’t even started yet.
“are you gonna talk to him?” your friend asks you. “should I? I dunno, it’s been forever, but fuck he got so fine..” you look back again, admiring his biceps that damn near busted through his shirt. too small, of course. what a slut. “you only live once babe,” she shrugs as you swallow your punch, trying not to look at him. the thought of even being near him got you wet, you hated it, your body was acting against you, but truthfully, you didn’t know what you wanted.
so he stole glances at you as did you, even as you guys got seated at tables, funnily enough you were..a table away from each other, and jan axel couldn’t stop fucking with him. “imagine how many dicks she’s taken since then. im thinkin like five, six?” “i’d fuckin’ kill em, that’s for sure. i’ll kill any guy that gets near her.” he says, watching you talk to some guy that was seated next to you, noticing your giggling as he sipped from his cup. and you caught it from the corner of your eye, glancing quickly before back to who you were talking to, nervousness flooding your system.
just his look alone has you reminiscing, you knew that look. jealously, he hated when guys flirted with you, hed put hands and feet on any guy that even walked your way and looked at you a certain way, and then he’d fuck you in some alley because he told you not to wear that slutty dress. fuck, I can’t do this.
… … …
so after the wedding, at the after party you stood with a drink, chatting it up with the bride you knew, congratulating her before you slipped out for a smoke, you were stressed out about him being here, wondering if he missed you, if he was thinking of you, if he found someone new.
you stood against your car as you smoked, “didn’t know you had people here,” you jump as he leans onto your car next to you, hands in his pockets. øystein.
“the bride is a childhood friend,” you tried to stay calm as you took a drag, “didn’t know you had people here either,” you look to the side. “grooms my cousin, parents said I had to go since they couldn’t make it.” he says calmly, and you internally roll your eyes, how is he so calm?
he pulls out a cig, grabbing your chin softly and pulling you forward before he connect his cig to yours, your brows furrowed with anger as he looks into your eyes before pulling away and blowing away from your face, looking to the side.
“you have a lot of fucking nerve,” he spits, and you scoff, fire igniting in you again. “I have nerve? are you joking right now??” “you come to my cousins wedding, for what?? support? after you fucking leave me?? don’t tell me you didn’t know I was gonna be here.”
“øystein, are you fucking with me? leave you?? you were cheating on me! and secondly you don’t even leave the fucking house, let alone go to shit like this!” “I wasn’t fucking cheating on you! god you’re still batshit insane,” he sighs, shaking his head and you almost laugh.
“so you mean to tell me that bitch was just resting in your leather, in your office?? what do you think I am!” you take a few steps out of anger. “I kicked her out right after you left! didn’t even know she was there until you said something, and I didn’t know she had my fucking jacket, y’psycho bitch.” he rolls his eyes.
“yknow what-that doesn’t even fucking matter to me anymore, it’s the principle, øystein, the fucking principle. you keep bitches around your place and then treat me like a dummy for fucking saying something.” “well if it makes you feel any better, I got my own place. I don’t talk to mary, and I don’t keep bitches around the shop. ok? o-fucking-kay?”
“whatever.” you scoff, taking a drag of your cig as you tap your heel. you guys cool off in silence, looking to the opposite sides. “you look good. beautiful.” he speaks first, and you almost smile. “I know. your hair got longer, and you look slutty.” you say, and he laughs, your heart thumping out of your chest.
“yeah i’ve heard that a lot, shirts too small, I didn’t try it on I just bought it. I look good slutty though, yknow it. I could say the same for you.”
you raise a brow. “I don’t look slutty.” you shrug, but he steps up to you. “you’re in a see through mini dress at a wedding with no fucking bra,” he’s in your face eye contact going crazy. “not only that but they’re poking through and it barely goes past your ass, you’re begging for it.” begging for me, he thinks.
you take a shuddery breath, trying to distance yourself from him by looking to the side. “they’re hard because it’s cold.” is all you say and he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“how many guys have you been with since you left me? jan said he’s heard about you.” you giggle, “heard about me?? i’ve..well if we’re getting technical, I haven’t been with anyone. just like seeing guys and shit.” “I didn't say technically, I said how many.” “like..three.”
his eyes widen, “three?? are you fucking serious??” he spits. “what’s the big deal?? we aren’t fucking together, øystein.” “did they fuck you? did you let them fuck you?” “maybe. I should be asking you that, god knows you’ve gained like thirty bodies.”
“I haven’t been with anyone. why would I? i’ve been trying to reach you for fucking months, you’ve got me blacklisted all over town.” he takes a drag before throwing his cig down. “..you haven’t been with anyone?” you ask softly, shocked. “no. I couldn’t, I can’t.” he shook his head. “but you’re just getting plowed by fuckin’ everyone, huh?”
you ignore his comment, “why can’t you?” “wha- why can’t i??” he throws his arms up and lets them fall, hitting his legs. “because I fucking love you, and I miss you, really fucking bad. the thought of even being with another woman makes my chest hurt.” he tries to keep up the angry act but his words are just needy and hurt as he looks into the distance at the reception.
“yeah?” you say, flicking yours down. “yeah. don’t want anyone else. don’t fuckin need anyone else. I miss you.” he sighs, and the desperation in his voice spreads to his face. “miss you more than anything, miss you in my clothes, my bed, I miss your voice I-I miss your laugh, been goin fuckin crazy. surprised I still have hair.” he chuckled, but you just look at him longingly as he continues.
“I love you man. I fuckin love you, and I didn’t mean for that shit to happen, but it won’t happen again, alright? just fucking..” he can’t find the words, “just come home. please baby, let me fix it,” he keeps rambling but you cut it short, smashing your lips onto his and grabbing his face. he moans in the kiss immediately, grabbing your body and holding it close to his.
he grips your ass as he backs you up to your car, trailing and pulling up your leg to his hip, grinding his bulge against you. you gasp in the kiss, and low moan following as you hold the back of his neck, whimpering at the feel of his lips reuniting with yours after so long.
he pulls away and you whine, searching for his lips again. “my van.” he says, and you gasp, “the van,” he grabs your hand and leads you to his car, the backseats already laid down as you climb in with him. he shuts the door and you climb on him, reconnecting lips as you grab at everything can, his arms, shoulder, head, you just want him.
he’s leaned against the window as he finds your pussy, rubbing you eagerly. you moan into the kiss, brows furrowing as he shakes his head. “yer’ so fuckin’ wet baby, missed this so bad, ydont even know,” he huffs as you pull away, scooting back and allowing him to pull your dress up as you unbuckle his pants and get them down, pulling out his hard cock. your heads fog over as you relieve each other of some much needed tension.
his dick is still just as pretty, being away from him for so long made it seem so much greater, thicker. you two eye each other as you stroke him, he’s biting his lip as he watched you scoot down, you ass in the air as you spit on the head of his cock, using the lubricant to speed up before you take him in his mouth and he hisses, throwing his head back and letting out a curse.
god, he missed how you’d deep throat him on the first run, your tongue out as you lick the underside of his cock. it always sent shivers down his spine and his head tipping back, lips parted as a soft shuddery moan leaves him. he’s desperate, you could edge him and he’d be satisfied, as long as it was you.
“ya’ always do me so good baby, fuckin’ perfect.” he breaths. you move fast, moaning each time his tip hits the back of your throat. hes caressing your head, cheeks red as he props his arm behind his head. fuck, he looked so fucking hot. his eyes were closed, so he didn’t see you watching him, but you always did when you went down him, and you’d be stupid not to now.
his hair falling out the clip slightly, making strands on his hair fall onto his chest and his face, and his arms flexed as he held it up to his ear and his chest huffed, they poked out of his shirt. fuck, had he been lifting? your eyes roll back as you lock your lips around his dick, bobbing your head hard. he groans loudly and his back arched upwards, his other hand grabbing at your hair.
“fuck baby,” he groans out, starting to shove you down himself, and you moan again with each hit to the back of your throat. he catches it, “you like it back there, huh? you miss it?” he nods, and with each hard shove of your head you’re nodding your head dumbly, eyes foggy and low with lust.
“fuckin’ know you did, knew you did.” he rasps, shoving you down quicker on him. he plants a foot on the seats and starts fu king into your mouth, he knows he can’t hold on for long, I mean, all he’s been doing for months is fucking his fist to pictures of you he’s kept, or clothes you left that he neglected to wash because he thought of it as you still being in them.
“baby, baby,” he moans desperately, lifting his shirt as your drool pools on his exposed thighs and dress pants. “missed this mouth so much, feel so fucking good baby.” he’s babbling. “been going fucking crazy,” he says but cuts himself off with a strained groan, his teeth clamped together as he cums in your mouth. you hold his arms as you watch is face come down, pulling off and swallowing.
“that was quick, m’sorry,” he pants as you sit up, catching your breath. “s’been awhile, I-I haven’t—” “honey it’s ok,” you say quickly before your lips are on him again, your arm wrapped around his neck. he holds you around his tricep inside of his elbow, you’re moaning in the kiss as he slips his tongue in your mouth, mixed drool all over your guys face.
you reach down to stroke his already rehardening cock, and his breath hitches at the suddenness. you let go of his neck to pull your underwear to the side, repositioning yourself so you were hovering over his dick.
he gasps and pulls away when he feels his tip against your wet hole, eyes shooting open. “baby—gasp—baby,” he breaths, mouth agape. “slow down,” he warns, grabbing the undersides of your thighs to stop you and keep you up, and you whine. “slow down, yknow you can’t do that on your own.” he almost chuckled at how needy you were, grinning as he pants. “yes I can, cmon,” you beg.
“no, you can’t. when have you ever been able to take me on your own?” he sits up on his knees and lays you out on the seats, spreading your legs. “øystein, please,” you plead again, shutting yourself up with a moan as he licks a fat, long strip against your folds, using his fingers to spread your pussy open and take in your taste, groaning and his eyes rolling back.
“yes. yess.” you sigh shakily, back arching in his hands as he glides his hands from under your thighs to holding where the small of your back and hips met, thumbs pressing into your stomach. he’s devouring you quickly, and god have you missed it. sure, in the span of time you’ve been away from him youve had your fair share of eaters, but none of them did you how euronymous did. he ate at you like an animal, like he crafted you on his own just to break you down.
he loved eating you out, hearing your mewls and moans did something terrible to him, they egged him on. his tongue is so deep inside you that it’s hard to think. to breathe. you’re gasping for air as you hold his head down, grinding on his tongue like a dog in heat begging for some sweet relief to the sensation you could feel in your calves. he’s got your legs on his shoulders, you feel his nose bump against your clit each time you grinded on him, high moans leaving you, it was making him flip inside.
lips and tongue tangling themselves with spit as they circle all over you, open mouth kisses causing drool to pool over your cunt and his mouth. face filthy with you, eyes flickering up to catch how your teeth tug on your bottom and release when he bobs his tongue, your brows furrowing and your eyes squeezing shut.
“øystein!” you moan out, shaky gasps coming from you as he digs you out with devotion. “fuck me. pleeease fuck me baby fuck mE,” youre begging through moans, elbows burning as you slide off them and your back connects with the seats, brows hitting your hairline as you tip your head back.
and just when you think he’s had you, he holds your hips down as he slides his fingers in your throbbing cunt, sucking your clit sloppily, moaning to himself. you suck in a breath at the feeling, your legs falling wider as your back arched and you stammer, trying to find words but you sound so stupid it’s almost cute.
“oh god, baby,” you sound like you’re on the verge of tears you’re so desperate to feel his cock in you again, it was like he got better-the span of time lost from each other made you forget just how good he could please you. your lip is quivering as you grind down on his fingers that pump inside you, clawing at the seat fuzz. your moans fall off your tongue involuntarily, filling the van.
“how bad do you want it baby,” you hear from him. it’s low, almost a whisper. he hovers over your heat as he pumps his fingers into you faster, digging into you deeper. after you sputter he smiled against you, his head on your stomach as he watches you through his lashes, so, so cute.
“you’re not gonna listen to me, hm?” he says, it makes you shoot up, propping yourself on your elbows again. “no, nono, I want it, really bad. please baby please,” you whine, pulling him up. he’s grinning as he gets on his knees and meets your face; oh he’s soaking this in. his little crazy ass girlfriend, EX, begging him to fuck her? if he was told this three months ago he’d probably want to fight because he’d think you were fucking with him.
“really bad?” he cooes. “so bad.” you nod, “want you so bad, you look so fucking good and you feel so f-fucking good,” your voice cracks as you unbutton his vest and shirt, running your hands down his chiseled body.
his eyes are almost rolling back as he glided his tongue along his teeth, feeling you kiss his neck and up his jaw. “so fucking sexy,” you whisper before kissing him, it sets him off. he groans low as he kissed back, his tongue slipping past your lips as he pulls his fingers out and grabs hold of your thighs, pushing them up and wide, making you fall onto your back again.
your hands drape down his neck to his boobs as he stroked his leaking cock, “god m’gonna fuck you,” he breaths in your mouth as you caress his slutty little hips. he rubs his tip against your hole, and you gasp in the kiss, “gonna fuck you so fucking good.” he says before pushing his dick inside of you swiftly, and you moan out loudly, nails digging into his hips as he sinks deeper inside of your welcoming walls.
god, he’s stretching you open like no other, yet you’re pulling at his body for him to somehow sink deeper, even though you feel your thighs hit his body as he bottoms out. “you’re so fucking wet,” he whines, planking an arm by your head as he grabs onto your body, pushing your hips up as he moves into you slowly but hard and needy, his brows meeting in the middle as he breaths into the air, watching himself disappear into you.
“oh my god baby, oh my god,” you watch his strokes with him, holding his neck and simultaneously pulling him closer as he speeds up, still giving deep thrusts—your thighs are turning red with the way he’s hitting deep inside you. your breath is so labored, moans coming out as “uh, uh, uh,” as your chest heaved, your doey eyes coming to meet his, crumbling under his equally needy contact, light glimmering in them as his ears ring with your moans.
“fuck i missed you,” you sigh, holding his cheek now. his face sinks into your hand, brows furrowing as his eyes close, lips parted just slightly as he listens to you. “missed you so bad, y’feel so fucking good,” you whine watching his lip quiver. “we’re they better?” he whispers as his nose ghosts yours. your brows furrow in confusion, trying to register who he meant.
“the guys you were with.” he pants, “we’re they better? did they do you better?” he asks. your heart almost crumbles, you didn’t strike øystein to be the insecure type. “no baby, no,” you coo, and your hands reach up to the back of his head, holding him closer, his head in your neck now, and he’s almost whining as he gently presses the weight of his chest against yours.
“not at all, never ever, no one fucks me like you,” and you were telling the truth, he might not’ve been your first body but he was your best, and he fucks you with such love and devotion, like you’d been married for years on years. “you’re so good baby,” you praise, “they weren’t even fuckin close,” you say breathily, wrapping your arms around him tighter, feeling your knot grow. he always always knew how to find your sweet spot so quick, he knew your body like the back of his hand, even after all this time.
“they couldn’t make me cum, actually,” you giggle. “didn’t make you cum? all of em?” “no, n-no,” you whine, cringing at the memories. “not once. and they didn’t eat it like you,” your mouth parts in a silent moan as he rocks in you slowly, prodding that sweet spot in a way he knew drove you crazy, giving you little love taps that left you unsatisfied.
“they-..” you cut yourself with a whine as you legs latch onto his body, trying to push him deeper into you to prod that spot more, but he resisted, he wanted to hear all you had to say. “were so bad, didn’t know how to..find it like you do, or touch me like you do :(” “oh i bet,” he kisses your cheek softly as he watches you speak, and you could feel his eyes on you lovingly even though yours were closed.
“and they just-oh fuck me, please fuck me baby,” you sob, your back coming off the seat as you feel your orgasm approaching. he pouts out of love, she’s so cute. he can’t resist you, especially after being gone for so long. your chest is heaving as he wraps his arm under you and pulls you closer, digging in you and kissing your cervix just how you like it, making you moan out.
“oh fuck baby! fuck you remember, yes right there, don’t fucking stop s’right there,” you’re babbling, your nails digging in his back and the back of his head again, red lines marking the skin. he put his ear closed to your mouth, he loves how loud you can get when he’s balls deep in you like this, head absolutely vacant, latching onto him like a little koala.
“right here mama?” he taunts, “hm? y’gonna cum?” his lips are against your cheek as your mouth hangs open and you’re brows furrow, eyes shut as tears threaten to fall. he’s got you so hypnotized right now you can’t even moan, too focused on how fucking good he felt. “look at me n’ answer me baby, you know better.” he commands in a coo, cupping your cheeks and shaking you gently. he knew how stupid you got when he had you like this, you just needed the push.
“yes daddy, m’gonna cum, gonna fucking cum,” you whine as his brows shoot up, he didn’t think you’d call him that, let alone remember. he feels his balls tighten as he continues to listen to you, your doey eyes staring into his. “oh you’re such a good girl, my good girl, you missed daddy this bad?” hes pounding into you, cheeks pink as he rests his head in your neck, smiling.
“yes sir, couldn’t stop thinkin-yer’ so fucking good, fuck you’re so good, fuck, fuck?” you moan high with a voice crack as you squeeze your eyes shut, holding his head close to you as your nails redden his back, cute little streaks residing along his freckled frame (personal hc :3). he loved you like this, all dazed and confused because he was just making you feel so good you couldn’t comprehend it.
your eyes roll back as you let out loud shuddery moans, trying to catch your breath that you sobbed over as you squeeze his cock, your orgasm hitting you so hard you think you see stars. “my fucking god øystein, øystein! aw!!” you moan out, ducking your face near his ear, toes curling and calves shaking. “breath baby breath,” he whispers, kissing your shoulder, “I gotchu, yknow I gotchu, daddys gotcha.” he coos, holding your arching back.
“daddy m’cumming, fuck i’m cumming, don’t stop, keep going,” you cry out, hearing the plap plap plap as your slick coats his dick, a feeling you longed to feel again for months. “not stoppin sugar, trust that,” he pants, hands on the side of your head as he lifts up, head titled as he watched you grab his bare forearm, trying to ground yourself as he rocks you through a much needed orgasm.
“not fucking stoppin,” he repeats in a whisper, strands of hair sticking to his sweaty neck and forehead as he hovers over you, mouth agape in a pant as he scans your body, taking in everything’s he’s missed, from your stretch marks, to your little belly tramp stamp he loves, to your tiny fingers that always hold onto him so you don’t float off the earth, to your sweat stained neck.
“fuckin perfect,” he rasps. he runs the back of his hands down your cheek and your jaw, you whimper and lean into his touch as his knuckles kiss you before his finger moves down to your collarbone, tracing its shape before moving it up to your pretty neck, taping your throat slightly. he used to be your necklace, his huge, callused hands squeezing you and jerking you however he wanted, pulling you in for a kiss, or just holding you down when he fucks an attitude out of you.
he bits his lip harder and groans at the memory, brows furrowing in pleasure as he grabs your neck again, hearing you squeak and watching your lips part as you grab at his wrist weakly. his free hand is pushing down on your shoulder as he slams his cock in you, eyes low and fogged over. his cock jumps at your high and surprised moan if his name, head tilting as he looks at you like he’s in a trance.
“never gonna fuckin loose you again,” he moans, staring into your eyes. “never ever. my girl, my fucking girl.” his voice shakes a little and his eyes rolls back, head tipping back and face contorting as he feels his orgasm approach. “my god baby, my god, just so fuckin perfect for me, built for me,” he’s yapping on, straight babbling as he squeezes his neck.
“s’why no one else can make you cum. fuckin made you, ure mine, all mine, no one else’s, no one does you like me, n’no one does me like you,” he gasps, his abs tightening. “just us, babyboy,” you say softly, a small smile on your face as he sucks in a shuddery breath. “you baby, oh you, fucking you.” he moans, not even sure what he’s saying, he just…you do something to him.
“god im cumming, gonna fucking cum in you, yeah?” he breath before he lets out a breath, head shooting down to watch his cock continuously disappear in you as he cums in you, a shuddery breath leaving him each time he ruts into you. “only need you, love you so much,” he’s still rutting inside you as he leans down, his hand holding your head as he kisses you, and you both moan at the contact, your shaky hands coming up to hold his hot face.
he stills inside you as you continue to kiss, now laying on your sides as his cum leaks out of you. “baby,” you pant. “pull out.” you say, and you both share a little laughs as he pulls away, holding your leg and scooting out of you, sitting up on his side as he looks down at you, you two sharing little smiles. “please give me another chance, i’ll be better, swear.” he pants as you sit up, stretching.
“just..just one.” you sit on your feet as you rub his shoulders, “and I don’t wanna see that bitch, or any bitch at the shop again.” you say and he nods, fighting back a laugh. “yes ma’am.” he pecks your lips as you crawl into his lap, his hands immediately finding your body.
“did they really not make you cum?” he asks, making you giggle. “yeah, they were really bad. you know my body best.” you take his hair out of the clip, allowing it to fall dow. his shoulders and chest, biting your lip. “missed this so bad, you’re such a pretty girl.” you taunt. “jan called me a lesbian when I put the clip in, even though he’s the one who made me wear it. it’s itchy.” he says and makes you laugh, nodding.
“oh yeah, it’s cute but with a price, that’s just girl world.” you smile. your hands run down his arms, groping him. “n’ you got so big, you been workin’ out? who the fuck you tryna look good for?” “you.” he chuckles. “figured if you saw how good I looked you’d want me back, did it work?” he joked as he flex’s his right arm in the air.
“oh yeah, I love it. even more handsome, n’ your mustache is coming back,” you kiss around his mouth, “feel like a cat in heat. can’t stop starin.” you kiss him, which turns to making out again, “we’ve been gone for a minute,” he says, even though he feels himself reharden. “they’re probably wondering where we are.” he whispers, knowing you’re far from caring at this point.
“only been like-an hour,” you say back, “just one more time,” he say, and you’re sliding down onto his cock before he can register it, a breathy “oh my god” coming from him, his arms immediately latching around you again and bouncing you on his cock, stopping you and letting him manhandle you, bear hugging his body as your lips stay on his and your hands run through his hair.
he bites his lip at the contact and leans his body back onto the seat, hands tight around your hips as he rocks you on him, eyes coming to a close as your guys shared breath take up the silence of the car. all the windows are fogging again as you plant your hands on his abs, eyes scanning his body he worked so hard on.
“you’re fucking perfect, øystein.” you correct and watch his face contort as he whines, cheeks going pink. “did it for you, everything’s for you,” he pants, thumbs caressing your stomach. “you look so beautiful right now, just like this, missed being on top,” you ramble, and you know he’s sinking into this feelings.
“fucking hate everyone but you. kay? you’re all mine.” you breath, your sudden possessiveness has his head fogging over, so flustered he’s wanting to hide his redding face. “all mine, I was stupid, okay? I said it, I just fucking love you, n’i can’t let anyone have you. ever, never ever, ever.” he nods, biting his lip as his chest puffs with eaxh breath.
“my beautiful boyfriend, so fucking handsome. used to wanna rip my hair out when i’d hear bitches talk about you, especially that mary girl.” you rasp, bowing your head in embarrassment as your hands creep up his collarbone. he bites his lip, “keep goin baby, let it out.” “and..fuck she eye fucked you all the time, always touching you, don’t know how you didn’t know..” you whimper.
you lean down and reconnect his lips, pulling his hair back which makes him moan, holding you close. although it wasn’t the time nor place to get so vulnerable, this had been eating you for months. “doesn’t matter though, cuz you’re all fuckin’ mine. yeah daddy? answer me, ya belong to me right?”
he nods, “all yours sugar, don’t worry. god you’re gonna make me cum sweetness, keep going,” he sighs, throwing his head back, his nails digging into your hip. “sweet thing, sweetest girl in the world, make me fuckin’ cum, lemme have it, let daddy have it.” he breathes, chest heaving.
“cum in me baby, cum for me, fuckin deserve it. look at you, sexiest thing in the world, huh?” you smile, hearing him strain a groan as he continues to shove you down on his length. “give it to me daddy, make me yours again,” and with that he’s groaning out, that sends him over. heavy pants echoing the van as he holds you close to his chest and turns you on the side again as he fills you up once more, mouth open as he pants and you smile up at him, caressing his cheek.
“make me yours again.” replays in his head before he opens his eyes, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck. “that was so quick, m’sorry, but you got me so worked up..” he shakes his head. “s’ok honey, we..we do gotta get back though.” you frown, and so does he as he pulls out and sits up with you, kissing your sweaty forhead.
… … …
you and øystein walk back into the after party, seeing his friend and your roommate sitting together at a table wit drinks in his hand. you guys walk hand in hand to the table, sitting next to each other, both smiling. “oh look who decided to come back!” she says, and you giggle. “told you they were fuckin together, I walked out to go to the car for a smoke and it was fucking rocking.” jan axel groans and shakes his head, sipping his drink.
“yeah we..we had to do some making up.” you smile, and it was obvious what kind of making up you meant. you had bruises on your thighs, mascara smeared around your eyes and hickeys littering your neck while his hair was let down, clip out of sight along with his tie, his neck mirroring yours as his cheeks still lay pink, just a small smile on his face.
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andddd fin!!! GOD i LOVEDDDD this one, I put so much into this one, thank u sm again anon. mwah, mwah mwah!! love u so much and I hope u enjoyed <3
taglist: @vanlisbon @sugarinte @monkeyfart @444rockstargf @bambi-horror @u1trear0tic @auggiethecreator @bluemercy2 @lankysimp @wonkinoo
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0schmeat0 · 5 months
AN: english isnt my first language and tips on writing are always welcome, just be nice:]
Warnings(?): non specific religion, memtions of period and loss of virginity, maybe Königs a little toxic, slightly nsfw, Olive oil,
She/her is used for reader
An Au where women are higher sat then men and are the only ones allowed to be holy figures, because fertility is everything.
And every now and again women, from every temple, get to choose a man or two, depending on status, to use to praise fertility;>
And a young könig who usually isnt allowed by his mother, to enter the choosing ceremony, is finally able to convince her that he can take it, he's been training, and that he's emotionally ready.
So when the day arrives he is brought, like the rest of the boys and men in his village, in front of the temple, a white loincloth around his waist and Olive oil on his Skin, to be chosen (hopefully:>)
König is in the front row, bigger than most young men his age, he was put there because the ladies of the temple usually prefere men of bigger stature, or so its rumored. The gaurds have always done it so the ladies' prefrences were easy to see in the crowd, its just tradition.
When he hears the ceremony bells he feels himself grow tense, What if he isnt chosen? What then? What will his mother think? Or what if the priestess ends up not wanting him anyways? Its happend for others.
And than the first priestess steps out, shes the oldest and most expirienced, but doesnt partake anymore, because she doesnt bleed. And after her follows the second oldest and the third and forth and so on, until...
Youre the most beautiful thing hes ever seen, curves in all the right places and a white robe draiped over your body... wait... a white robe... white, this is your first ceremony! He feels himself redden, What if you chose him? His first time would be with a newly become priestess. No he shoulden hope, he'll be sad if he isnt chosen than, but are the most divine, lush women he has ever laid his eyes on, he almost wishes he could take you for himself:<
The Bells ring again and the priestesses start choosing, the oldest still partaking, of course goes first, choosing the same man as the few years prior, priestesses at her age have usually chosen a prefered man at this point, and going into the crowd to get him off his knees. When it comes to you, you quietly walk up to the eldest and whisper something in her ear and the eldest whispering something back to you, a shy look on your face and your cheeks going Red.
After a small talk with the eldest priestess, you walk into the crowd going right past König... oh König feels his heart drop, you must have chosen someone else. A short while after you walked past him he hears your soft steps coming back his way, you must have found him, König looks down, he bets its some puny, little weakling-
A hand on his shoulder signals youre standing infront of him.
He looks up to an outstretched hand and slowly feels his brain melting away, youre more beautiful then anyone he's ever seen before... And youre choosing him.
He hears you clear your throat and realises that he hasnt taken your hand and his own two immidiatlly move up to yours, he has seen people accept being chosen before, he just has to place a kiss on your hand and get up and follow you.
But he cant, all of a sudden he feels too dirty to even touch you, and at that thought he feels you slowly pull away, looking up at you he sees your face, red and embarrased? And, fuck, he's fucked up. With a speed and pressure, he maybe didnt expect from himself, he reaches out and pulls your hand back into his, kissing your knuckles and all the way down to your finger tips, before slowly getting up, and standing tall above you, letting you lead him into the temple.
He almost cant wait!
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joulex · 18 days
Predictions for bridgerton s3 part 2 from someone who hasnt read the books but vaguegly knows what happens
- im kind of conflicted on lady w, cause it would make a change in the show if penelope were to quit as she does in the books, but given that penelope wont be as prevalent in the show moving foward, it leads me to believe that they would stick to it? Idk if thet would revele it, maybe they come to some agrement with the queen so that in order for her to not be like shamed in society, she will not tell everyone that penelope is lady w if she quits and they can move foward from there
-prudence (i think thats her name) will be revealed to be a lesbian or some kind of gay. she looks so sad whenever shes kissing her husband and shonda has talked about exploring queer stories and as much i would like it to be cressida and eloise i asume they would go that route
-i kind of want to see colin find out about lady w once hes already married to penelope maybe, i think it would be boring if they were to interrupt ANOTHER WEDDING
-cressida blackmailing penelope somehow with lady w as a revenge for lord debling maybe. And the stress of that, eloise, colin, etc, is what will make her pass out at the engament party (if im guessing correctly by the clips)
-Im basing this of a tiktok i saw about the actor being credited on part 2 buuut theo makes a comeback, maybe helping penelope in one last big lady w blast, or (most likely) after the queen does the reward for finding put who lady w is so maybe eloise tells cressida about the printer thing she discovered in s2 and cressida goes there and finds theo. Im going insane
-i personally believe benedict season is next bc it has been a long time and idk how much longer than they show him painting, fucking, etc, etc without getting repetitive, and this is my theory on how he meets sophie: theres the mascarede ball (if i remeber correctly that how he meets sophie) at the end of the season, after polin wedding, the woman he was fucking i dont remeber her name, stops talking to him or they get in a fight of some kind and benedict wants to get her back, so he goes to the ball and he thinks that its that woman and they somehow end up dancing and hes startruck bla bla you know the drill. The dance is over, sophie runs off and benedict, still beliving shes the other woman chases her BUT stops when he stumbles INTO THE WOMAN AND REALISES THAT THE GIRL HE WAS DANCING WITH IS SOMEONE ELSE, AND CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. This is more of a fanfic concept and theory rather than a prediction but i needed to share it. (I realize now that this theory does mot make sense given the speculative actress that is going to play sophie, but i took so much time writing that im going to left it here)
The other option is that the lady is sophies stepmother and she says that shes running out of money or something so she marries so that she doesnt go broke and breaks things off with benedict and he sees sophies father with the lady and bumps into sophie, whose there with her father, so to make the lady jealous dances with sophie but they end up getting along and benedict is starstruck but he asks for her name she runs off(? Bc of something idk im not that creative and bc this is taking place in a mascarade ball, benedict doesnt know neither her name or her face. So s4 will have benedict after a time jump of a year o more maybe (he forgot her voice idk) with a conflict between the lady, bc he genuenly liked her, and getting to know sophie and the strange memory of her in that dance.
- i think francesca will get engaged by the end of the season or will be very close to it.
Anyways i almost wrote a s4 script in this more than imagining what will happen in part 2 but oh well :)
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lu-vin-it · 2 years
𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
𝗕𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 33, but there is some dialogue not counted.
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱: All (Any time theres a pronouns used it says he/she/they)! <3
A/N: Has some cliches *swoons* also not proofread so if you see any mistakes lmk
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Okay so I was thinking this is like 7th year, and James is starting to lose hope on Lily.
The christmas ball is announced and he asks her and she says no so he asks her again and she says no and he ends up giving up around the fourth try
So he goes to the ball alone just sort of hanging out with Remus and Sirius who went together
You always sort of kept a low profile at school, you were a Hufflepuff and never really stood out
You got good grades, never had detention, etc
You had a few friends, and of course your best friend, Manon
She was the one to convince you to not only go all out for the Christmas ball but also to even go.
“Please, Y/N! It’d be so fun, we’ll be together the entire time, and we’ll dance together, and gossip, and- oh my merlin- who else am I going to criticize others with?” She begged, literally on her knees in front of the couch you were reading on.
“I don’t know, Manon, I’d have to buy (a) dress/dress robes and I’d probably never even wear it/them again so…”
“So you can rent one/some! I’ll help you get some that make you the best dressed there! And you’ll shock people, and then you’ll get asked to dance, oh my.. this is an amazing idea.. please, Y/N!” You take one look at her and cave, letting out a big sigh, you nod.
“Okay, fine, we can do it.”
“Fuck yes!”
Okay so time skip to the night of the ball
Manon leaves ahead of you so you can have a dramatic, cliche, entrance
And when you do, all eyes are on you
You look unrecognizable
James’ eyes are among those eyes and he pretty much falls in love with you as soon as he sees you.
He walks up to you and you guys kinda immediately click
Like have you ever met someone who is like your perfect fit??
You guys were like jelly on toast
Super cliche thing to say but like yknow
You guys dance a bunch and you dont even really talk to anyone else except Manon when she’s leaving and asks if you’re going to go with her
You didn’t.. obviously..
You and James danced, laughed, and talked all night
You guys were some of the last to leave
James walked you back to your common room and he doesn’t make a move or anything but you sorta do
You, on a whim, kiss him on the cheek before leaving him looking like a fool in the hall
When the door closes he literally freaks out
Like that boy has been pining over the same girl for the past six years and he hasnt even thought of anyone else so I am a FIRM believer that boy is touch starved.
He makes his jolly little way back to his dorm
The next morning he is like happily whistling and Sirius is like 🤨🤨
So he of course interrogates him at breakfast.
“Alright, this has gone on long enough. What did you do to make you this excited?” Sirius asked, leaning into his best friend.
“What? Am I not allowed to just be in a good mood?”
“No you’re not. It’s 9 in the morning and you were out till 2!”
“Well let’s just say maybe I do have some moves.” He smugly replies, smirking. Sirius dramatically gasps and grabs his heart.
“Lily finally gave in?” James scrunches up his face.
“What? No. Y/N L/N. The person of my dreams.”
Sirius has like no clue who you are even after James describes you in great detail.
You’re the topic of their conversation for the rest of the day.
Speaking of the day, James is looking out for you whenever he can but doesn’t really see you until he sees you and Manon come into the great hall for dinner.
“Holy shiiiiiiit. There she/he/they is/are! How do I look?” James asks, turning to Remus, who will be the bluntest out of all his friends.
“Your hair is sticking out every where.”
James gets up and walks over to you and Manon winks at you and then sits down.
“Why hello there Y/N! Fancy seeing you here.” James says dawning a smirk.
“It’s the Great Hall.” You giggle. The brunette boy stares at you blankly.
“Oh. Yeah. How was your day?”
“It was alright. I keep almost falling asleep though. Someone kept me up after all.” You grin at each other.
“I bet he was very charming.”
“He sure was! I had a great time last night.”
“He probably did too. He’s also probably wondering if you would want to go to Hogsmseade with him on Saturday.” This flusters you.
“Hm.. well if you happen to see him, let him know he could probably pick me up at 11.”
“I will!” James leans down and kisses your cheek. “Have a good dinner. I’ll see you Saturday!” You laugh as he jogs back to his table.
He goes back to his table to celebrate with his friends and you just watch fondly as you go to sit with Manon.
Over all, the boy is smitten.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗜 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ꨄ
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softxsuki · 4 months
HIiiii! Could I request a letter for your Valentines Day Letter Event?
I’d like one with Nanami Kento with civilian Fem!Reader please. For pet names, im a sucker if he called me ‘love’ in the letter.
We’re in an established relationship for a few years; meeting him during his office era and supporting him going back to being a sorcerer
Tone/Genre: adoration and attention. he’s been very busy and hasn’t been giving me much attention so he acknowledges the things that I’ve been doing and praising them.
Location: we live together, but hasnt been home in a while since he’s been busy with work. He left the letter on the bedside table saying that he’ll see me very soon (he took the day off and is making breakfast now)
Other info:
Were around 27/28 I’m a very loud person but only when comfortable and don’t need the praise of others; however it’s rewarding when I think someone doesn’t care is actually very attentive on what I’ve accomplished. I carry out my own activities (sports, music, cooking) while striving for my carrier (studying and planning). But gets lost easily and gets touched starved and he’s there to ground me, even though it doesn’t seem like he likes it, it’s always something he’s looking forward to.
Thank you! And btw I really admire the changes you’re making within your blog!! Been here since the beginning and will be here to support. Always sending hugs!
Nanami's Love Letter to His Girlfriend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Nanami x Fem!Reader| Genre: Fluff | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 790 |
Warnings: kissing
Note: Hey! Thank you so much and Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you like your letter from Nanami! &lt;3
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You awaken that morning with a sigh as you look at the empty space beside you–another day of not seeing your boyfriend. Of course you knew he was busy with his sorcerer work, claiming there was a rise of curses around and they needed as many hands on deck to get rid of them.
You felt bad for him, knowing how much he hated working overtime and would much rather do the work he needed to do for the day so he could return to you, but that wasn’t possible. 
Sighing once more, you turn around to hop out your side of the bed, when a small envelope with your name on it catches your eye. With furrowed brows you sit with your feet dangling off the side of the bed and open the envelope to read it’s contents;
Good morning love,
I’m sorry I’ve been away for a few days, you don’t know how much I missed falling asleep beside you, holding you tightly in my arms; it’s the only way I can get a full night of rest now. 
Thankfully I was able to finish up my work quick enough to make it back today. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. Is that cheesy to say? I just love having a day where I can love you till my heart's content all day long; not that I'd complain about doing that every day, you know I would.
I see how hard you’ve been working, keeping yourself busy while I was away to help pass the time. You’re truly a remarkable woman, I can’t believe you’re mine. You’ve been with me through it all, and I hope I can do the same for you now. Despite this heavy burden of being a sorcerer, I’ll make it all up to you, I vow this to you.
I’ll see you sooner than you think. I love you dearly.
Your heart races as you read the letter. Had he stopped by to drop it off while you were asleep? Excitement runs through you at the thought of being able to see him again soon. Especially on a day that was supposed to be dedicated to love…it was perfect.
A sudden rustle from outside your bedroom door has you alert as you think of the worst. Was it a curse? An intruder? Or…possibly the man you were longing to see?
You quickly tuck your feet into your slippers before hastily running towards the sound, not caring that it could be something dangerous, just knowing there was a chance that it was Nanami, had adrenaline running through your veins.
The sound carries you all the way to the kitchen where lo and behold, a tall blond was standing with his back facing you, as he worked away in front of the stove, the sudden smell of food filling your nose. He had your apron tied around his waist with his sleeves rolled up, showing his forearms–his usual attire on.
“Kento…” you mumble, causing Nanami to spin around, his eyes softening as they meet yours. He moves the pan off the stove and hurries to where you’re standing, scooping you up in his arms (IDC IF YOU'RE 80 POUNDS OR 500 POUNDS, THIS MAN WILL SCOOP YOU UP! OKAY????)
He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, his arms wrapping tightly around you, “Good morning, love” his soothing voice whispers in your ear, nibbling on your earlobes as he does so, getting a reaction out of you.
You have to stop the tears from spilling from your eyes as you wrap your arms around him, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
“I missed you,” you say softly, clinging onto him for dear life. You wouldn’t let him run away from you again today. Today he was all yours. “When did you come back?”
“Not too long ago. I finished what I needed to do. The situation is stable for now. The others have it under control so I came to see you. I have to leave again tomorrow though, but today, you have my undivided attention,” he mumbles, gently pulling your chin up, his lips crashing onto yours.
“Mm and first on our schedule is breakfast. Hope you’re hungry,” he presses one last kiss to your lips before putting you down and taking your hand as he leads you to the stove where an array of different foods are already cooked for you.
He had gone above and beyond for you that morning, but it was the least he could do for the one he loved dearly. And it was only the beginning of your day together. He had plenty more up his sleeve to show you how much you truly meant to him.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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justalia · 3 months
i keep assuming sp and 3p are broken up similar to that one post from days ago. but i keep being proven wrong. like they didnt post for vday so i assumed they broke up but then i find out theyre seen kissing on campus and that sp just thinks im obsessed with him. he hasnt texted me in 2 months and refuses to because hes “happy with her” and hes “more in love than ever”. i just feel crushed and hurt. ive been manifesting for over a year now. idk whats wrong with me
nothing is wrong with you, you’re choosing not to take full responsibility for what is happening to you. if you looked within you’d see exactly what “caused” those situations to happen.
ask yourself why do you rely so much on the external for validation, why do you “assume” they’ve broken up? even if they did what good would that do to you? your sp could still choose someone else, you’d always be worried that someone else is in the picture because you don’t feel secure enough, your sp could decide to stop dating anyone for years. assuming “they broke up” doesn’t make any difference.
and on top of that “assuming” a problem is not there will only keep it there. all is consciousness, if you assume you “don’t have a problem” you are recognizing that problem as present and wanting to get rid of it. assume everything is already perfect aka go to the end.
ask yourself why you’re so insecure, work on that, i’ve been there and i recognize the insecurity. you need to remember who you are.
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desire-mona · 13 days
dead poets society chars but i assign them random things ive seen happen on the internet / random videos or posts i remember (not based on anything it is genuinely at random):
neil - tony crynight's fnaf animation series which i dont entirely remember the plot of but i'll try to describe. so basically its fake mangle lore to say that mangle is the way they are (all broken and shit) because Mangle kissed Foxy and Chica got jealous so she took a Machete to Mangle to Mangled them. and then the gang tries to save mangle or whatever
todd - fluffle puff, someones pink fluffy mlp oc who was in lesbians with chrysalis (i think thats her name, i never watched mlp). mosy notably known for the animation to pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. also the creator is a pedophile i think
charlie - sorrow tv and his entire existence. sorrow tv was a youtuber who made videos reading out reddit videos in silly voices. there was a whole posse of youtubers who did this, and he was the most popular just bc his voice acting was rly good. i still watch him every couple months even tho he hasnt posted since 2021.
cameron - does bruno mars is gay? i think about cameron man door hand hook car door every day, so i obviously need to point to my third favourite silly trying to be serious sentence. most ppl know this from game grumps but im not linking a game grumps video on here. rumour come out!
knox - venturiantale, the youtube channel usually consisting of 4? siblings playing gmod together usually. the channel itself was ran by this guy named jordan i think? and his siblings has their own channels. i knew them best for their fnaf gmod videos and their fanmail videos. turns out they were all very christian? and the whole family was abusive and way deep into said christianity if i remember correctly, one of the siblings who left first made a video on it. the venturiantale channel hasnt posted in like 2 yrs and the slow death was kinda sad to see bc he (jordan) blamed it all on The Algorithm.
meeks - that one nagito komaeda kinnie back in Whenever it was cutting off their finger to. i guess prove that they were a nagito kinnie frfr? if u dont know danganronpa lore then nagito gets his hand cut off and replaced with junko enoshima's hand because sheeeee got... executed? i wont lie i dont remember this part of the games story sorry. but essentially that one person was like I Gotta Do That........ anyway im jk the audio was faked and nothing actually happened + the person is fine LAWL
pitts - the key of awesome's parody of tiktok by kesha called glitter puke. theres no lore to this the key of awesome is / was ? a silly little song parody channel. this video was made in 2010 and it kinda shows in some moments but other than that it holds up. just checked and the key of awesome is Not still going, it ended 6 years ago and the last video was actually rly good and genuine
keating - onma island is buried a treasure chest. ok so basically mr beast made a video talking abt a private island and he buried. a treasure chest for a viewer to find. during the video he said "on my island is buried a treasure chest" but it sounded like "onma" which this one youtuber (pinely) found rly funny. it became an inside joke with his friends (one of whom got a tattoo) which then became a lowkey meme. mr beast even tweeted it so. good lord thats a lot of links sorry there isnt a know your meme page or anything
chris - i dont have any links for this one sorry, im just gonna tell the story and u have to believe me when i say i swear it happened (its very a believable fandom story im sure you will). so back when the genshin impact was still in its fairly early days (late 2020-early 2021) the phrase "hear me out" to refer to characters n stuff started becoming popular I THINK at the same time. so people in the genshin fandom were like hear me out with increasingly more heinous shit. started with characters, then npcs, then enemies, then bosses, then weapons, the stamina bar at one point, etc. a lot of these were jokes or straight up bait but back then (maybe now too - i havent been part of the genshin fandom for a LONG time) people took bait far more often than they didnt. so it became a "genshin fandom bad" gotcha to point out That One stamina bar post.
ginny - $300 junko enoshima wig! sorry for double dipping with danganronpa it was just the first fandom i actually started like. on purpose noting fandom happenings with + a lot of shit happens in that fandom. this one cosplayer who at the time was called snowthesaltqueen / badguyincorporated started selling pre-made (and styled) junko enoshima cosplay wigs for $300. which WOULD be fair (i think? idk how cosplay commissions work) if said wig was styled well or quality at all, but what was ACTUALLY provided was a rly basic wig base and few clips with no note or no nothing, and rly flat. like on purpose. like that was "the styling". also you may recognise this cosplayer for 1) getting in trouble when they did a cosplay photoshoot (danganronpa cosplay funnily enough) in a graveyard, posing ON a gravestone. 2) KILLING SOMEONE. they were screwing around with a firearm and fake pointing it at someone and then they accidentally shot them.
i could do this forever like actually. i have SO many internet stories in my brain its actually bad.
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t8oo · 3 months
I know Larry as the token straight is hysterical and I know he has canon dialogue where hes like I really tried to be attacted to men but I couldnt but to me this isnt an admission of heterosexualité but rather hes straight with some tendencies. He didnt try enough. I think he wrote "handsome man" on bing and stared at it and it did nothing for him so he was like Guess I'm straight ! He just hasnt met his typa men yet ! I think with such a wackoo unpredictable character if he ever comes to phoenix' agency being like hey I have a boyfriend and its a man nobody is even gonna lift an eyebrow. everyones gonna be like haha funny larry. lets take bets on if this relationship will reach the 2 months millestone. Plus his best friends are Phoenix and Edgeworth also known as Bisexy Nick and The Gayest Most Homosexual Man With A Stick Up His Arse In the Entire Japanese Judiciary System and youre telling me he doesnt have a single inkling toward other genders ?!?! Youre telling me he didnt fool around during college years ??!? He didnt tweak in the club bathroom and kiss someone he thought was a very handsome twink whom turned out to be a lesbian ?! come on
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stateswscarlet · 4 months
i keep assuming sp and 3p are broken up similar to that one post from days ago. but i keep being proven wrong. like they didnt post for vday so i assumed they broke up but then i find out theyre seen kissing on campus and that sp just thinks im obsessed with him. he hasnt texted me in 2 months and refuses to because hes “happy with her” and hes “more in love than ever”. i just feel crushed and hurt. ive been manifesting for over a year now. idk whats wrong with me
girl im sorry but what does you manifesting them breaking up do at all? have you read my threads? source material? anything? you manifesting a break up doesn’t mean your sp is going to want you. he can be single forever, be in a 86 year healing phase, or go and date someone else. are you going to spend your life removing 3ps? youre not assuming they’re broken up, you’re actually still putting awareness on the circumstance. why are you making reasoning for the 3D when the 3D doesnt change? when the SP in the 3D is NOT the version you are in a relationship with? stop seeing the 3p (or any circumstance) as a problem and simply let yourself enjoy being with your boyfriend in imagination ONLY, it has absolutely nothing to do with the 3D since you ARE NOT GETTING THE VERSION OF HIM WHO IS DATING SOMEONE ELSE. leave them alone, leave the 3D completely alone!
also stop identifying with “manifesting” him because you’re NOT manifesting, you’re EXPERIENCING what ALREADY manifested for you in imagination which is the relationship. the more the keep trying and waiting on a MIRROR to show you what you aren’t even being, the more frustrated you will be. you need to give up on changing the 3D and let things be.
let yourself be upset and then make sure you are 100000% fulfilling yourself FOR THE RELATIONSHIP, and who YOU ARE in the relationship. not what sp is doing, not that he broke up with the 3p, not that he “came back”, only that you guys have been together for x amount of time, what does your life look like IN the relationship? do NOT focus or bring any circumstances into imagination.
and for the love of edward PLEASE study source.
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eiightysixbaby · 4 months
omg stop this is cute. I didn’t really make his offer a joke but I hope this is still suitable?
“just go on the date, what’s the worst that could happen?” jonathan asks, shoes kicking at the dirt beneath his feet.
you sit beside him on his front porch, legs extended in front of you into the grassy yard. he knocks a knee against yours, looking over at you.
“I mean, a lot of things? he could be a serial killer,” you say, shrugging.
“it’s andrew,” jonathan says. “he was in chess club in high school for god’s sake, he’s not a serial killer,” he laughs lightly.
you avoid looking at him, wringing your hands together in your lap.
“okay, what’s going on?” he asks. “you said he was so nice when you ran into him. and you admitted you thought he was cute in school. why don’t you want to go on the date?”
you chew at your lip, staring out into the yard. you know you shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk to jonathan — your best friend — but your stomach turns at the weight of your confession. you can feel his soft brown eyes staring at you, waiting for any words to come out of your mouth.
“it’s… it’s embarrassing….” you murmur, chancing a glance at him.
“you can tell me anything. you know I’m not going to judge you,” he says, leaning towards you to bump shoulders.
“I’ve never… kissed anyone,” you say softly, exhaling the breath you’d been holding.
“I told you, it’s embarrassing—”
“no, jesus, no. it’s not embarrassing. I just… I thought… what about that guy you said you kissed at that party senior year?”
“I made that up. I didn’t wanna tell the whole group that I haven’t had my first kiss,” you admit. “if I go on this date, he’s likely going to want to kiss me,” you continue, your voice small.
“is that a bad thing?” jonathan asks, clearly confused.
“I want my first kiss to be with someone I trust. someone I really like. I barely know andrew. and, on top of that, I don’t even know how to kiss! what if I’m horrible at it?”
he stays silent for a moment, sitting with this information. the toe of his sneaker continues to scuff a dent in the dirt.
“you could practice with me,” he says finally, shrugging softly as he meets your eyes.
“what?” your brows furrow — now it’s your turn to be confused.
“I just mean like… I’ve had some experience. and you trust me and we’re friends, so then it gets the first kiss out of the way with someone you’re comfortable with,” he explains, scratching the back of his neck. “I can show you the ropes so it isn’t such a shock if he tries to make a move.”
you don’t say anything, staring at him with a look on your face that he can’t read.
“never mind, honestly, I shouldn’t have suggested that,” he covers, rubbing his palms on his knees before standing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“jonathan,” you interject, soft in tone but loud enough in volume to get him to listen. your heart pounds in your chest, nerves bubbling up in your stomach. “I’d like it. if— if you kissed me.” you stand alongside him, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
he smiles, a soft thing that exposes his dimples. “let me show you how it’s done then, yeah?” he inches closer to you, not stopping until you’re chest to chest.
he lets a hand find your waist, the other one reaching up to caress the side of your face. his thumb strokes your cheek, your heart skipping a beat.
“it’s all about taking things slow,” he instructs. “if you rush, it’ll be sloppy.” his breath fans your face with each word, your eyes focused in on his lips.
you feel like your breath gets stuck in your throat as he leans in, pressing his lips so softly to yours. you didn’t realize how badly you wanted to kiss him until now.
it comes so much more naturally than you would’ve thought, your lips slotting together with his easily. he holds you so gently, his mouth so soft against your own. every worry you’d had washes away as you slowly learn the way he moves.
you can feel him smile into it before pulling back slightly. one hand still cups your face as his pretty eyes search yours.
“is it wrong that I don’t want to stop kissing you?” he asks quietly, a shy smirk crossing his features. his cheeks flush a deep pink, his nose brushing yours.
“I don’t either,” you tell him, a giddy feeling coursing through your veins. you bite your lip, a futile attempt at forcing back the grin that threatens to break loose. “I’m gonna tell andrew it’s a no on the date.”
jonathan lets out a breathy laugh, sounding sweeter than ever, before pulling you back in. “thank god.” he murmurs, planting his lips to yours once more.
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
ooooooh ok juicy sfc posts happening !! i rly honestly truly love to see it. here's my unasked for two cents, as someone who did find the story really hopeful. im posting this not to like, discourse or disagree or discount what im seeing, but to just maybe offer a different pov for ppl who might be trying to file this story away in a less devastating way.
i, of course, think baz deserves better than what he gets from his family. we all deserve to have families that love us unconditionally, and so many of us DONT have that -- including baz. that hurts !! i also think simon didn't deserve to lose his magic, and penny didn't deserve to take on the sole responsibility for keeping simon safe, and agatha didnt deserve to be shoved into every princess/damsel role ppl cast on her, etc etc. 
what i like so much abt this series is that ppl dont get what they deserve, but theyre still okay. its why i also love the end of awtwb -- simons LICH ER ALL Y crying lol. he got a whole mega-bucket of extra trauma dumped on his plate that he hasnt even started to process. but its still so clear that he's got the support he needs to live a good life alongside this terrible knowledge. the mage fucked him over even more than he knew, but he doesnt have to define himself by these terms anymore -- we've seen his growth in this regard.
bazs main arc in the series is about how he sees himself -- in crudely simple terms, he rly wants to be a Good Guy (you know, not a vampire, straight, a good pitch etc etc) but sees himself as cursed with that impossibility. this continues as his idealized Good Guy self develops over the course of the books into something that actually feels more achievable to him and is less reliant on the shit his family put on him growing up. 
the cool thing about snow for christmas is that -- just like when simon finds out abt the mage at the end of awtwb -- we get to see baz's new sense of self tested. we get to see what he's using to draw the lines of morality. and we get to see that while of course he still cares about what his family thinks, and it still causes him anxiety and trauma and all the shitty things that he doesnt deserve -- he has grown from that place where their value system can make him hate himself.
and moreso on the hope part -- the grimms value, above all, the ability to fit into the roles they think theyre supposed to hold. its bullshit, and they've both caused themselves problems and absolutely are fucking up their children. daphne fully had to be saved by a cult bc of it and shes still not over that mindset -- these ppl need therapy lol. so it's def sick n twisted that they're celebrating baz being able to hide better rather than celebrating who baz is, but is this not the utmost sign of love that they're capable of? baz gets to fit in better -- that's all they've ever wanted for him, whether we agree with that or not. baz seems to recognize the balance of this in the story. he narrates the rest of the dinner with a sort of dry, relieved, disbelieving tone. it’s like hes huffing a laugh, shaking his head, thinking, “did i really used to pin so much of myself on this stuff? how silly.” he is not distressed bc he understands his parents, and he has, again, divorced his sense of self from their expectations. so much so tht he says fuck it and gives simon the lil kissy at the end, because THIS is his new value system: he ALWAYS kisses simon goodbye!
so, is this a step forward for the grimms being more supportive parents? yeah, maybe not. maybe it never gets better than baz hiding his fangs at dinner and everyone doing the bare minimum to accept simon's role in baz’s life. that's not what baz and simon deserve. but it could be enough, because simon and baz have different ways that they measure their happiness by. they have each other and penny and shep and ruth and agatha and niamh and every other person they'll meet in the many, many years ahead of them whose opinions they can choose to make important to them, or reject. i love this for them! the true queer hope story imo. thats what i want for myself and for the people i love. 
to be clear: this story made me sob so hard i scared my cats. (im not rly a crier, they did not know what to do). i had to put it down in the middle because i couldnt see the page. any queer person who has Family Shit is bound to get whammied lol. but! i personally find comfort in the idea that we can coexist with people who are important to us but also very difficult to be around, even if its not totally what we deserve. its a very quiet, somber hope -- but that only makes it feel more real to me. 
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