#Household Goods Wholesalers
gbfsdelhi · 4 months
The Power of Grow Business for Sure in the B2B Marketplace
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In the dynamic realm of B2B commerce, finding the right platform to expand your business is key to success. Grow Business for Sure emerges as the premier choice for home supplies wholesalers and manufacturers, offering a myriad of benefits in the bustling world of the B2B marketplace. Let's delve into why Grow Business for Sure stands out and how it can propel your business to new heights.
Unmatched Connectivity: Grow Business for Sure serves as a nexus, seamlessly connecting millions of buyers and sellers across the globe. Whether you're a household goods wholesaler or a manufacturer, this extensive network opens doors to limitless opportunities, allowing you to reach new markets and forge valuable partnerships worldwide.
Streamlined Transactions: With Grow Business for Sure, conducting business has never been easier. The platform's user-friendly interface and advanced features facilitate seamless transactions, from product browsing to negotiation and finalization. Say goodbye to cumbersome processes and hello to efficiency, as Grow Business for Sure empowers you to transact with confidence and ease.
Enhanced Visibility: Stand out in the crowded marketplace with Grow Business for Sure's targeted marketing tools. As a household goods wholesaler or manufacturer, you can leverage these tools to boost your visibility and attract the right audience. With tailored marketing strategies and access to valuable insights, Grow Business for Sure ensures that your products are seen by the people who matter most.
Access to Market Insights: Stay ahead of the curve with Grow Business for Sure's valuable market insights. Whether it's emerging trends, consumer preferences, or competitive analysis, the platform equips you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. Leverage these insights to fine-tune your strategies, seize new opportunities, and stay one step ahead of the competition.
Dedicated Support: At Grow Business for Sure, your success is our priority. That's why we offer dedicated support every step of the way. Whether you need assistance setting up your account, optimizing your listings, or resolving an issue, our team of experts is here to help. With Grow Business for Sure, you're never alone on your journey to success.
In conclusion, Grow Business for Sure is the ultimate destination for Household Goods Wholesalers and Household Goods manufacturers looking to thrive in the B2B marketplace. With its unmatched connectivity, streamlined transactions, enhanced visibility, access to market insights, and dedicated support, Grow Business for Sure empowers you to maximize opportunities and achieve your business goals. Contact us today to discover how Grow Business for Sure can transform your business trajectory.
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lucentglobe · 1 year
Lucent Globe
At Lucent Globe, we are a local supplier of eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets. Our products contain no nasty chemicals and are free from single-use plastics. We are the only company in Australian that sells certified biodegradable laundry sheets.
Address: U 202/1 Christine Dr, Coomera QLD 4209
Phone: 0403 586 707
Website: https://lucentglobe.com/
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Help! My Mother-In-Law Buys A New Outfit Every Time She Pours Jet Fuel on Chilean Sea Bass and Throws Their Carcasses, Flaming, Into the Rainforests from the Open Belly of Her Private Plane
Care and Feeding, Slate, 1 May 2023:
Dear Care and Feeding, My husband and I have two children (2 years and 6 months). We recently moved back to my husband’s hometown to pursue a career opportunity for me. My husband has been home with the kids but was just offered a job. We found a daycare, but it can only take the kids three days a week right now (we’re on waitlists for full-time, but it seems like it could be months or more before we find two full-time spots). My mother-in-law has generously offered to watch the kids for the other two days. Overall, she is a lovely, responsible woman, but we have some significant value differences around environmental issues and I’m not sure how to navigate them. Our household focuses heavily on environmental awareness. We drive electric cars, we compost, we limit our air conditioning, we limit our flying, we eat all leftovers, we avoid plastics whenever possible, and we buy exclusively secondhand clothing. My mother-in-law is a big fan of consumption. Her house is full of plastics. She throws away whatever is left on her plate at the end of a meal, she keeps her house so cold in the summer that I need a sweater and she drives a minivan. I’m concerned about the message it sends to the kids if we stick to our values, except when to do so would be inconvenient. How do I bridge our two very different lifestyles going forward? —Environmentalist Mama in Limbo
Dear Environmentalist Mama,
I'm not sure how you can describe a person who air-conditions her home and drives a minivan as "lovely" and "responsible" but I will assume that this planet-hating harpy has gripped you so tightly in her environmentally irresponsible talons that you cannot see the wildfire-ridden forest for the trees (which she is personally cutting down for fun and profit). Do not let yourself be hoodwinked by promises of familial love and generous offers of free child care, as if these things matter more than assiduously composting! This woman is a monster who is single-handedly destroying the only earth your precious babies have to live on. Imagine the tragedies that will unfold if your children experience a loving connection with a person who purchases items made of plastic? They could come to believe that other humans are whole people with their own interior lives and decision-making apparatuses and values instead of ugly nasty baddies who dare to oppose Mommy's One True And Only Way?
You simply cannot bridge two lifestyles as different as the two you describe here. On the one hand, we have your blameless and perfect eco-conscious little household of brave, Dumpster-diving Oliver Twists, and on the other hand, we have an ethically compromised, unscrupulous, indefensibly ignorant shitbird who probably barbecues her factory-farmed meats over asbestos tiles and flies to Australia to distribute the ashes over the Great Barrier Reef. If Planet Earth does not spin out into an apocalyptic ball of climate disaster by the time your children are old enough to be knifing their peers over tire fires for their share of rat rations, it will be because your uniquely virtuous family had the moral fortitude to drive an electric car and limit your flying. After all, electricity comes from magical climate-neutral fairies and the jet fuel industry is waiting with bated breath for the day that you ground your family and send an international behemoth into wholesale free-fall.
If there is one guaranteed way forward through the climate crisis, it is to silo ourselves into individual categories of "good people" who use paper straws (like you! you are so good!) and "amoral reprobates" (such as your mother-in-law, who sucks!) who do not. The very future of humanity depends on demonizing and shaming other people until they behave as we want them to, privileging individual actions over collective resistance to and accountability for the worst global offenders, and rejecting community-building opportunities in favor of being the only best good person ever.
Build no bridge with this woman! She would probably just drive over it with her minivan, and then the blood of billions will be on your hands.
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tofueggnoodles · 2 months
Saiyuki Novel by Minekura Kazuya/Misagi Hijiri (published by G-Fantasy / Square Enix in 1999): Introductions and links to translations of the Drama CDs
This post was inspired by @miss-fiery’s musing on Sanzo’s seemingly unlimited supply of bullets. 😁
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As stated on the Saiyuki fandom wiki page, the novel consisted of three volumes. Interestingly, I have always thought of each volume as a separate novel.
Why? The plots are independent of each other. To understand and enjoy the stories, you do not need to read the novels (or volumes) or listen to the Drama CDs in order.
Now, on to the introductions and my brief thoughts on each volume.
Volume 1: Kaen no Zanmu
Goku rescued a baby in a wooden crate floating down the river (sounds familiar, right). Hakkai got rid of a salamander youkai who turned up to claim the baby as his prize. On closer examination, the Ikkou discovered that the baby possessed red eyes and hair.
They entered a nearby town, only to be greeted with hostility by the townspeople. It turned out that the town had a pact with a youkai, a different one from the youkai that Hakkai had killed. Each household were to send a member as a sacrifice to this youkai. Otherwise, the town would be attacked by the youkai.
The Ikkou met the baby’s young aunt, Rikei, who told them that she intended to send her nephew to the youkai again. The penalty for not sending a sacrifice was a wholesale massacre of the household. Moreover, since the baby’s parents were dead and she was his sole surviving relative, she reasoned that the baby would not survive anyway if she were to offer herself as the sacrifice.
The Ikkou, or rather, Goku, came up with a ‘brilliant’ plan to save both the baby and the town.
The hanyou baby served as a plot device and to highlight Gojyo’s and to a lesser extent, Sanzo’s pasts.
Translation of the Drama CD by KonnyakuHonyaku can be found here.
Bonus: Horiuchi Ken'yū played the unfortunate salamander youkai who met his end at Hakkai’s hands.
Volume 2: Kyouka Suigetsu
A bloodthirsty mass-murderer seemed to be making their way toward Chang’an. Several nearby villages had already been wiped out at the start of the story. Because of the gruesome way the victims were killed (torn apart as if by a youkai’s claws) and Hakkai’s past, the monk-enforcers tasked with investigating the murders considered him the prime suspect.
Goku befriended the sole witness to one of the mass murders, a boy called Yoku, who seemed to still be in shock. Yoku had no idea how the murderer looked like. He only remembered hearing the unseen murderer utter the word ‘Kanan’....
Meanwhile, Gojyo had to deal with a hostile new housemate whom Hakkai had brought home one rainy night. Sanzo was away on a mystery mission from the Three Aspects, a mission apparently unconnected to the case of the mass murders.
Hakkai’s past is the focus of this volume, which also explained how he met Hakuryuu/Jeep and why our lovable little dragon seemed to have two names.
Translation of the Drama CD by Anthey Oom can be found here.
Note about this translation: There are places that did not make sense to me until I listened to the corresponding sections in the Drama CD and realized that those translations were technically correct, if one were to substitute the phrases with their homonyms. My guess is that the translator did their best in a pre-jisho.com era. Although their grasp of Japanese did not seem to be as good as KonnyakuHonyaku’s. the mistakes are understandable, since Japanese is rife with homonyms.
[As an aside, virtually all subtitling projects of Japanese (TV) Dramas today employ Japanese subtitles, which can be machine-translated to English and then checked manually. One has to be very brave and foolish (or a die-hard fan) to translate by ear these days. I am still looking for a machine-translator that can handle Drama CDs and do not require installations on a Linux/Unix machine or expertise in Python. DeepL and Google Translate might work with short sentences but not an hour worth of dialogues. Until then, I am slowly translating some favorite BL Drama CDs in my free time, averaging 1-2 minutes worth of dialogues each night....]
Volume 3: Rasen No Koyomi
Having run out of bullets, Sanzo asked Hakkai to make a detour to a small town, where an old blacksmith acquaintance lived.
During the drive to the town, we hear a juicy tidbit from Hakkai about how Gojyo narrowly escaped a forced marriage. Later, we get more insight into why it is a bad idea for Gojyo and Goku to room together, at least, bad for the proprietor of the inn.
The flashbacks reveal an adventure of Kouryuu’s not long after he left the Kinzan temple. Wounded after an encounter with some youkai and having lost his consciousness, he woke up in the dwelling of a strange man, who sardonically replied to Kouryuu’s curt question of “You are?” with: “What do you want to know about me? Age? Name? Or my type when it comes to the ladies? My three sizes?” 🤣
Back to the present, after an apparently humdrum walk, Gojyo returned to the inn with a guest. The problem is, only Hakkai and Sanzo were able to see the guest, at least in the beginning....
The focus of this volume is obviously on Sanzo, but 39/93 fans will enjoy the tender moment between Sanzo and Goku near the end.
Translation of the Drama CD by KonnyakuHonyaku can be found here.
You can download the Drama CDs here, courtesy of @seiten-taisei.
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episims · 6 months
Judi negotiation skill appreciation post
I've already played Judi's household so it's unlikely I get a chance to let her explain how buying Hanna was for her. This super self-indulgent post sheds some light on Judi's point of view!
No pictures. If you're not dying to know, this probably isn't for you lol.
So let's chop this scene into pieces:
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Judith “You’re not stupid, Craig. You must realize that if I didn’t have a pressing reason, I wouldn’t be here.” Chase “Hmph.” She’s right. “I’m listening.” Judith “Thank you. I would rather negotiate indoors if that suits you.”
Judi has literally called Chase a nutcase, and that was before Chase slept with her ex. She needs to really compose herself to be polite.
Even more so to flatter him, as Judi tries to do by acknowledging Chase's intelligence. It works; it's a small step forward to get Chase to agree about something. Being inside the house also makes it slightly harder for Chase to just walk out of the situation.
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Chase “-no. She’s not for sale.” Judith “Oh, I’m sorry for my choice of words. Do you wish me to call it a she?”
Since the goal is to get Chase to sell Hanna, it might be a problem that Chase humanizes her. So Judi lures him into changing the pronoun, hoping that it creates some emotional distance too.
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Judith “I agree. But I could point out that I can afford to pay its current market value in full. I evaluated its components; many of them are outdated. Its wholesale price will only continue decreasing.” Chase She’s researched based on what Jonas has told her. I was careless with him. “The components don’t matter. They hold their value as scrap metal.”
Chase doesn't take Judi's bait about Hanna's decreasing market value so seems like he isn't hugely interested in cash. It's a bit of a setback for Judi; she doesn't have anything else than money to offer.
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Judith “So it comes down to the code. Do you have proprietary over it?”
Spoiler alert: Judi knows damn well that Chase doesn't have proprietary over Hanna's code. She indeed did research. But considering how tightly Chase has pursed his lips about his past, bringing it up would likely only get Chase to raise his guard.
But the negotiation isn't moving anywhere so Judi tries to subtly push Chase to a more uneven ground. She's careful to make it look like an innocent question, something that would make sense to ask.
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Judith “I’m not desperate to buy, Craig. I can hire home aid, just as well. There’s clearly a lot of potential going to waste with this project ending with the first prototype, but you’re right. It’s your concern, not mine.” Chase “Hmph.” Hanna’s value decrease was inevitable. But… the market has advanced for my benefit as well. It shouldn’t be impossible to find equivalent parts anymore.
Would Chase sell Hanna if he didn't feel it was completely by his own choice? Probably not, so Judi gives him room to make that decision. And while she has money to spend, it doesn't hurt to leave the impression that she's not ready to pay anything.
Since she now knows that Chase can't be won over by cash only, she tries to convince him that selling Hanna wouldn't take away his lifework but offer a means to continue it.
You can tell that Judi found the right lever as Chase stops to think about the possibility of selling for the first time.
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Judith “What I need is a childcare assistant so it’ll only be for a few years. After that, it can break down all the same.” Chase Most of Hanna’s components have extended their lifespan by then, anyway. “It would be cheaper for you to hire a person.” Judith “Cheaper, not easier. Thanks to these idiotic restrictions, I would need to find a local for it. That aside, as you well know, I don’t need sleep. Having service available around the clock would be beneficial.”
Yeah, right. Judi has pretty good connections, of course she could find someone who has the right to pass to Foxfire.
The thing is that Judi wouldn't have considered buying Hanna if Jonas hadn't asked for it. That is a strong motivation for Judi to get the deal done; being seemingly ignorant of Hanna's fate is a bluff to hide that. Assuring Chase that Judi isn't trying to monetize Hanna herself is important, too.
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Judith “It’s important that you answer in short. Do you understand?” Hanna “—yes.” Judith “Good. Do you know how to cook?” Chase *mutters* “Of course she knows how to-” Judith “Let me review the product, please.”
It's an act, aiming to close the deal for good. Judi attempts to keep the conversation with Hanna simple so that she doesn't accidentally talk to her in a way that conflicts with what she just told Chase.
So, here you go! If it seemed easy, it's only because Judi's a crazy good negotiator.
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exemplarybehaviour · 4 months
tumblr at large is very bad about reinforcing various forms of misogyny, including just dismissing examples of misogyny wholesale, and this post that's been on my dash a bunch recently is a good example.
basically, it's a really common trend to address one piece of a conversation and then be like, "well, EVERYONE deserves [thing]" in such a way that just.... ignores the actual problems being brought up. in this case, OP states that men DO deserve praise for doing chores, and so do women! because yes, of course everyone deserves praise for household chores. i regularly have conversations with friends where we hype each other up for doing basic tasks like the dishes or laundry. this is a true statement, which make sit attractive for engagement, but it's been framed in a way that erases the original conversation.
the "men want praise for doing barely anything" complaint is because of the societal trend of men viewing chores as something exceptional and special that they do every once in a while as a treat, whereas the same chores are just daily activities for women and not worth mentioning. (and yes-- obviously not every couple has this dynamic. not every man does this. it's a pattern, not a rule, and we don't need to hear you chiming in with how you know a guy who's alright. we ALL know guys who are alright. the fact that i have to disclaim this is part of the problem.) when the housework is hilariously skewed toward your wife doing 99% of it, obviously she's not going to think to praise you for doing the dishes one time. you spontaneously starting to praise her for her own housework might not even fix that. a lot of women have even further complaints: husbands wanting praise for doing tasks poorly or incompletely, implying SAH wives "do nothing all day", complaints about the house not being perfectly neat when the wife ALSO works full time, etc.
saying, "well, you deserve praise too!" as the solution is DISMISSING these concerns. it is IGNORING the actual problems being discussed. it is not a brilliant o progressive take
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cerastes · 2 years
Thoughts on Rita Skamandros (Horn)?
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Wolf girls and tank tops, you know.
But also being an absolutely implacable hardass who is immune to even the strongest forces of the universe (Bagpipe's smile beam) and who chooses to fight not only bureaucracy that keeps her tied down by simply disregarding it but also opponents that are her exact counterpick, leaving her no chance at victory, but still going through with it because if she doesn't, she's endangering the lives of many innocent, weaker civilians that have no way of defending themselves definitely helps.
It's a curious thing, you see, how the narrative of Arknights seems to dance a tarantella with the concept of "Knighthood": The country that touts its knighthood as a commodity, is the least knightly of them all, which makes sense! Knighthood is something you show through actions, not baubles, trinkets and titles! And so, if you look properly and cleanly at certain characters, you'll find knights where you wouldn't think you would.
I think one of the characters that embodies knighthood the most is W, for example. She's living and fighting wholesale for the sake of the ideals of her Sarkaz King, Theresa, to the point that she refuses to identify with the symbol and title of "Rhodes Island Operator", see, it's why her affiliation is still explicitly Babel. You can simplify that to simply love for Theresa, if you choose to be so base that you are unable to read between lines, but it isn't just that: It's love for the person and devotion to the ideals, to the goal, to the objective that must needs be accomplished, what this person she so loved and admired wished to see through.
In the same vein, Horn is likewise a knight, in my eyes: She is part of an imperialist nation, and yet, for all her efficiency and skill, she's a known troublemaker, ideologically speaking, in the Victorian army: It's because she embodies the ideals, rather than the greed, of the Victorian mission and vision. When a Victorian politician says they need to do something for the greater good, they are thinking of lining their pocket with that sweet, sweet imperialist money and get some PR in the process. When Rita Skamandros says she wants to do everything she can for the people around her, she's exposing flesh and bone to danger in order to see it through. Rita has not fucked around a single day in her life, and the Skamandros household is apparently well known for these "contrarian" actions: Her father, whom she admires, is often derided as a hopeless idealist.
Then in their eyes she, too, must be a hopeless idealist, and I care not to question what an imperialist's definition of idealist is, I am deeply familiar with that line of thought! No, it's the "hopeless" part I wish to discuss. Hopeless? You are out of your mind if you think someone like Rita is hopeless. Hope guides her cannons, my friend, and love gives them strength. How else would you explain someone so eager to defy orders the moment it becomes clear that the safety of the common man is compromised?
And in the eyes of inevitable defeat, did she buckle?
No. Horn fought with clenched teeth and the devotion of the Devil if it meant putting what she believed in in concrete terms.
Blood and gunpowder spoke louder than canned reprisals. Language is a beautiful thing, it's true, I love its allure, but it'll take far many more years before spoken tongue can compare to the sincerity of clashing bone and sinew, for actions deafen.
Her actions deafen, that's why I like Horn.
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bread-tab · 11 months
i bought a cheap squishy toy and it smells like something i should definitely not be inhaling at all (kind of like gas/petrol but more factory-plasticky? i'm a retail drone not a chemist) and, of course, it was made in china.
("of course" not so much because of the price or quality but because everything is. at every price range and standard, tbh. i'm not trying to say everything made in china sucks. for the tumblr-pedantic record. rip to the workers in the stinky plastic factory though. :/)
so i was like "if this was made in america i could figure out where. we put the company address on everything here. but can i do that with an overseas company?" and the answer is yes maybe (i found the import/middleman companies and there are "trading" websites that track this stuff) but also no because i can't read mandarin. (sorry ancestors)
anyway that's how i find out about this place
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yiwu "market" aka "international trade city." alleged "world's largest wholesale market." the mall to end all malls. this place sells stuff to the entire world by the shipping container. didn't even slightly exist in 1980; now does billions of dollars in trade annually which supports a city of 2 million people. which previously was just. like. a farming village.
(btw take this info with a grain of salt *please* i got it from youtube, google and wikipedia and i'm existing in an incredulous sleep-deprived haze)
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literally miles of showrooms of every random manufactured item you can imagine. toys, clothes, electronics, household goods, christmas decorations...
i cannot stress enough that we do not have this kind of thing here. (... do we?) but. we have the stuff. this is where all the stuff is from. all roads lead to yiwu, apparently
sometimes you just get reminded... world big. but also. world interconnected. not so small after all. but so connected.
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year
The “Jonathan and Nancy are both alive but single” scenario I’m most worried about is (a) Jonathan stays with his family and goes to community college and (b) Nancy goes to Emerson with zero friends. I’m not super-worried about it because I think it would be a downright bizarre writing decision to have everything play out exactly like Jonathan resignedly planned early in S4, but I know some people would consider it a “good” ending (because Nancy would be a strong independent single woman and Jonathan would be operating in the capacity that even many of his haters find somewhat sympathetic). But I would hate it so much for both of them, for different reasons.
For Jonathan, it’s about the messages that such an ending would send (i.e., that it’s a positive thing for a parentified child to never leave that role, and that a working-class young person shouldn’t aspire for much). Practically speaking, I don’t think community college or a gap year is a terrible idea in his case. He’s exhausted and traumatized, leaving his family would be a huge undertaking given his enmeshment and all the bad shit that’s happened, and he could knock out some gen eds before transferring. However, the show doesn’t have the time to get into all of that, so we’re left with the message that this is fine. For someone like him.
For Nancy, the message isn’t so bad—it’s good to spread your wings as a young person and not make your decisions around a man—but, Jesus Christ, I’d be worried about her, more so than I’d be about Jonathan if he stayed at home OR went away for college. Jonathan has some complicated family stuff going on, obviously, but there’s a lot more warmth and closeness than there is in the Wheeler household. And his friendship with Argyle shows that his loner status is more a function of Hawkins sucking wholesale ass than an inability to connect with others in unfamiliar situations. Meanwhile, the closest thing Nancy has to a friend early in S4 is Fred, which seems to exist mostly through the newspaper and is made somewhat unpleasant by Fred’s sour grapes re: Jancy. College is hard enough without all she’s been through, and it would be harder still with no existing support network. She is a strong independent young woman, but she’s not totally invulnerable.
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fly-chicken · 1 year
TORONTO friends! My coworker introduced me to the cheapest produce box! All locally grown produce delivered right to your door. It’s a weekly or biweekly box so you basically always get whatever is in season rather than selecting specific items, I got my first one yesterday;
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For 35$ TOTAL (after tax and shipping, right to my door in an apartment building too!) we got the following;
In it
-bag of onions
-bag of carrots
-7 apples
-bunch of bananas
-broccoli floret
-2 sweet potato
- 8 purple potatoes
-head of lettuce
-jar of honey from local bees (beekeepers are also unionized; bonus local honey helps increase antibodies to the local pollen, lessening spring allergies too!)
-loaf of bread made from repurposed barley (barley was used for beer, local baker reuse it to make sourdough)
Notice the limited packaging too! I’ve repurposed the box into a cat hideout too! Such a better deal than getting it all at the store and since it’s all local farmers, you also reduce the transport costs and fuel to ship as well.
The box is called FoodShare and the link is below. This isn’t a paid advertisement, I’m just genuinely flabbergasted that more people don’t know this exists since it’s such a steal and for good local produce.
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sleepycoffeecups · 9 months
Cheddar has a long history dating back to the 12th century, in a community in Somerset, England. Its namesake, Cheddar Village, is a small town with gorges and caves that farmers used to keep milk cool on hot days. The myth behind the birth of cheddar is that a milkmaid forgot about a pail of milk in one of the caves. When she returned, she discovered the milk had hardened into the perfect golden goodness that we know and love today.
Soon enough, English monarchs developed a taste for it. There are records of King Henry II purchasing 10,240 pounds of cheddar in 1170; he declared it the best cheese in England. His son, King John, carried out a tradition of buying cheddar for royal banquets. King Charles I—who reigned in the early 17th century—apparently pre-ordered his wheels (a necessary measure at the time, given the high demand for cheddar), while Queen Victoria received a colossal wheel of the aged stuff—weighing more than half a ton—as a wedding gift.
While cheddar may have descended from the English countryside, it is hardly exclusive to the British, having migrated all over the world throughout the 19th century. British colonists who moved to America brought their cheesemaking techniques with them, and by 1790, they were exporting cheddar to their home country.
The mid-19th century was a time of modernization in both the US and the UK. In England, Joseph Harding—dubbed by many as the “father of cheddar cheese”—cleverly applied science to come up with reliable techniques for crafting this beloved wheel. According to The Oxford Companion to Cheese, he used a curd scalding method to obtain the desired fine texture for cheddar. He’s also believed to have improved the cheese mill, which breaks up curds into tiny pieces (a key step in making cheddar).
Meanwhile, in 1851, the world’s first cheese factory opened in upstate New York, and it specialized in none other than cheddar. More factories followed, and this large-scale production of cheddar proved to be extremely successful, efficient, and profitable. In fact, much of its output was exported to Britain, which was late to the factory game.
Given the fact that cheddar was the first mass-produced cheese, it’s not too surprising that it’s an ingredient in processed Kraft singles, or what everyone else in the world calls “American cheese.” In 1903, Canadian James L. Kraft moved to Chicago to sell cheese wholesale. He wanted to purposefully “recycle” discarded chunks of cheddar and in 1916, he came up with the recipe for the Kraft Single: repasteurized shredded cheddar and sodium phosphate. The product ultimately became a favorite in American households (and for many kids, their first taste of cheese) and was a staple food for US troops in both World Wars.
In the 21st century, cheddar is a ubiquitous cheese, especially in English-speaking nations. Whether clothbound or waxed, dyed or natural, or aged for a few months or a few years, it’s safe to say that cheddar will remain a classic favorite for many turophiles.
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mintys-corner · 1 year
Been thinking about what would the Bullworth staff be like when they were younger and what sort of cliques do they'd fit into.
I was surprised by how much I had to say about Miss Danvers and Dr Crabblesnitch. I had some stuff to say about Galloway and Ms. Philips, Edna and Mr Hattrick, but it turned out way too long so I might a follow-up post for them instead.
Crabblesnitch always was authoritarian, even as a student. He genuinely believes that bullying is a force for good, it just so happened that he enjoyed it. He was the head of the bullies clique back in his day, and terrified most of the students. Despite this, he was able to become a prefect, and later head boy, because he was able to keep his record relatively clean by sticking mostly to methods of bullying that they couldn't trace back to him, intimidating students into not ratting on him and delegating physical bullying to his clique members. That, and the fact that ,aside from his bullying, he had immaculate grades, perfect attendance and participation in many extracurriculars.
Besides encouragement from his mother, he was motivated to become a prefect in order to genuinely improve the school, which he aimed to achieve by instilling law-abidingness by harshly punishing misbehaviour. He was also partly motivated to become a prefect because it permitted him to beat students with a paddle, which he made ample use of. With the permission of staff, he had his name engraved on it and ,upon graduation, he was able to keep his paddle. It hangs in his home ‘til this day.
Dr Crabblesnitch was absolutely ruthless when it came to enforcing school rules and stricter than any prefect since. He used his position to bully students, but he genuinely thought (and still thinks) it was in their best interest in the long-term,  believing that it toughens them up, creates high moral standards and makes them appreciate moments of peace more ,though he isn't introspective enough to critically examine this belief or think about where it stemmed from. He just believes it wholesale.
I reckon that Crabblesnitch grew up in a household where his mother was a staunch disciplinarian and instilled the values he has now, since he says 'it's a tough calling, but a noble one. mother would be proud'. Though it makes me wonder if his father was a present force in his childhood or not. He has a great deal of respect for his mother, though he wouldn't admit this to his peers in fear of being labelled as a mamma's boy.
Crabblesnitch used to do gymnastics, but since most of the student body feared him, they never dared to make fun of him for it ,at least not to his face, or else he’d be more liberal with his paddle next time he saw them misbehave. That, and that fact that he was genuinely great at it. Like, even people who actively hate him have to admit that his gymnastic skills were impressive. He'd stick to a strict, self-imposed dietary plan and exercise schedule in preparation for competitions that his mother enlisted him in, though he never had any plans on becoming a professional.
Since he was a prefect in the '60s, he would definitely call any misbehaving student a hippy or punk ,and would reprimand male students’ if their hair ever reached past their ears or if they even slightly strayed from the uniform. He would absolutely despise hippies and punks. If there was a clique that promoted anything that remotely resembles such ideas, he’d pray to find of them skipping class, breaking dress code or doing drugs; anything that would permit him to paddle them senseless or get them expelled. 'Incense & Peppermints' still elicits a deep urge for violence within him. In order to further distance himself from hippies, and because his mother's influence, he styled his hair shorter, resembling what might've been fashionable a half a decade prior, even if it was considered deeply outdated to his peers. He hasn't changed his hairstyle since.
He likely had a keen interest in history, particularly studying the Spartans, bordering on a nerdy extent, though he'd try to conceal it as being dutiful to his studies.
Miss Danvers
When it comes to Miss Danvers, she's evidently deeply devoted to serving Crabblesnitch, and although he shows some appreciation for her service, he ultimately doesn't reciprocate her feelings. Her unrequited devotion to Crabblesnitch is definitely unhealthy and absolutely gnawing at her. I don't think Miss Danvers was just a normal, emotionally healthy person before meeting Crabblesnitch, and it's likely that this behaviour may be a reoccurring pattern for her.
Although we can only speculate the cause, whether it be because she was put under a lot of pressure from her parents (and with no real outlet, simply became docile and rule-abiding) or in a situation where she had to move place to place and constantly needed to make friends fast, ultimately, it led her forming her identity around being rule-abiding and useful to other individuals. Serving and completely devoting herself to a system/someone makes her feel valued and that she belongs to something larger.
I can picture her finding fulfilment in there being a set of unchanging rules to live and act by, rather than stifling. When she was a student, she might've mostly turned to teachers, prefects etc to resolve conflict, and never really learnt to resolve conflict without appealing to guidelines set by authorities or intervention of rule-enforcers. That may be why her favourite student is Sheldon, a teacher's pet, because he reminds her of herself when she was younger.
I like to picture Miss Danvers as being physically incapable of talking to adults her own age in a neutral social environment. If she put into a normal conversation, she'd struggle to not be bored and just nod along, only pretending to listen. This is because she mostly kept to herself when she was younger and her not really being used to having her input being valued ,so she didn't develop decent social skills. She was either completely friendless ,besides polite small talk with acquaintances, or 'the filler friend', with conversations usually excluding her since was only valued by her 'friends' when she was useful to them.
She'd either chameleon herself into a (rule-abiding) clique, where she'd likely devote herself to the clique leader, but if people distrusted her or disliked her desperate 'sucking-up' ,she'd remain and non-clique who'd behaved like a teacher's pet.
I don't think she has any hobbies tbh. She seems very task-orientated, but not ambitious or passionate about anything other than Crabblesnitch and rules (not necessarily enforcing them, but reminding herself of them, like reading the school disciplinarian for fun), so I'd imagine she'd spend most of her time giving herself work to do, reading over school rules and maybe maladaptively daydreaming over whoever she's infatuated with. It's possible that her infatuation with Crabblesnitch might just be an extension of her love of rules, given that he's renowned for his educational theories, and it's possible that was how Miss Danvers found out about him.
It's possible that she thought of being a prefect at some point, but decided against it because she wouldn't actually want to deal with trouble-makers herself, and would rather just snitch to them instead. She'd probably be on good terms with the prefects, and probably the closest thing she would have to a normal friendship with somebody her age, but could never develop an actual friendship with any of them.
This is kind of shifting to how she is as an adult and just wild speculation, but one thing I noticed is her disliking of Beatrice, saying 'She's such an annoying cheater!' .I'm unsure why she hates Beatrice, since Beatrice doesn't seem particularly trouble-making, but maybe she projects the negative aspects of her school experience onto Beatrice? While Sheldon reminds her of the comfort she found in abiding by rules, strict routine and turning to authorities, Beatrice reminds her of how she was only valued because her friends would ask to copy homework off of her. This might be grasping at straws but whatever.
One thing I thought was weird was that ,according to Hattrick, she 'poisons the head against (him)' ,suggesting that she's sticking her neck out for Galloway I think?? That, and the fact that she says 'Oh, he's been drinking again, I'm certain of it! Someone should really talk to that man' ,which is probably talking about Galloway, but the way she says it makes it sound like she's sympathetic towards him? or at least doesn't want to see him get fired immediately for breaking school rules? Since one of Galloway's lines is 'have you ever been infatuated with a colleague' and Miss Danvers' infatuation with Crabblesnitch, it's possible that maybe they confided in eachother about it? though idk if Miss Danvers would start rooting for him just because of that. It's a bit weird but I just wanted to mention it and I'm unsure what it says about her character.
Another line I thought was a bit strange was 'I don't trust her. She's trying to seduce the good doctor. I'm certain of it.' because I think it's speaking about Ms Philips, since Ms Philips says 'Crabblesnitch's methods are so outdated, it's a travesty' ,so maybe Miss Danvers thinks Ms Philips is either trying to sway Crabblesnitch to be more lax about rules (which is something Miss Danvers doesn't like) or that Ms Philips is trying to romantically seduce Crabblesnitch (which is likely a jealous delusion)
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jackhkeynes · 8 months
hapr "groceries"
hapr /ˈha.pr̩/ [ˈha.pɐ]
groceries, produce, commodities, shop-bought foodstuffs and sometimes other household supplies;
(loosely) shopping, recently-bought goods that are relatively inexpensive and characteristic of daily or weekly purchases;
(strictly) fruit and veg, goods which may be bought at a greengrocer's
Etymology: direct descendant of Old Borlish happle "fruit, collectively; yield of a fruit harvest" (since displaced by native frugt < Latin frūctus), borrowed from Old English æppel "apple, fruit; sphere". The appearance of the initial h- is unexplained, but may be a hypercorrection; at this point /h/ was absent in native Borlish vocabulary and was being reintroduced via Germanic loanwords. Its modern sense is influenced by the compound haprman "greengrocer; (later) wholesaler".
J'eye sauf a aïr y hapr yent. /ʒiˈje sof a ɛˈjɪr i ˈha.pr̩ ˈjɛnt/ [ʝɪˈje sof a ɪˈʝɪː‿ʀi ˈha.pɐ ˈʝɛnt] 1s=go-ipf except to have-inf def groceries get.p.pst I'd nearly got all the groceries.
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marmiteprinter · 9 months
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The following morning, Pietro and Talia tucked into one of Lucas' grilled cheese sandwiches each for breakfast.
Pietro decided to have a chat with his tween daughter. "So, Talia. I noticed that you're good friends with that young lad Daniel. Is he a special friend?"
Talia pulled a face. "He's one of my best friends, if that's what you mean?"
Pietro hesitated. "I mean... is he your boyfriend? Or would you like him to be?"
Talia was outraged. "Dad! That's gross! I don't know! Why are you asking me about that?"
Pietro shrugged and said, "I just wondered. Forget I said anything."
Talia was confused. Why on earth would her dad be asking her about boyfriends? She was only eleven!
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Pietro headed into work again that day still hoping to earn a decent amount of money for the household. He may have gone a little too hard with the selling for some of the townies.
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Still, it worked in terms of ranking his business up. The market stall is now Level 5 and he chose another wholesale discount to help him save money.
As a Level 5 business owner, he could theoretically join the Business career now, but I don't think that's in Pietro's nature. He's more focused on sorting out his big empty house and hopefully converting this market stall into an actual brick-and-mortar shop.
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blorbology · 9 months
The other day I was thinking about the fact that I've been told my longer fics are written in a fairly unique way. While I view this observation as neither negative nor positive (it is what it is), I thought it might be interesting to dig into that particular topic more.
I feel like writing style works similarly to artistic style: you tend to come into your own eventually after enough practice and work at your craft. I couldn't actually cite a specific writer as inspiration for my writing style (or "voice" I suppose), but I also tend to not want to mimic prose styles—not even the ones I like the most. Because of this, even my earliest "writing voice" would probably feel somewhat familiar to anyone used to my work.
It feels weird to say I've always had a stable writing voice, but that's more or less the truth for me. I've bettered it over the years (versus finding it the way some do), but I think I've always felt secure in what I had. It probably helped that the old days of FFN gave me hundreds of reviews on 'fics and a lot of encouragement.
A long time ago, I saw a piece of fanart I really liked, and sought to redraw it in real life. This was the early 2000s, maybe 2002 or 2003. It was an MLP fanart of...I want to say Glory and Baby Glory (from the 80s), and I redid it on a huge piece of paper I'd taken from my school's art room. I busted ass to replicate the piece. It was a great replica, actually, and I posted it online, eager to share my hard work. I'm sure you can imagine what happened! The community recognized the source immediately and was annoyed with me. They scolded me for copying an artist, explained why that wasn't a good idea, and I never did it again. (I felt stupid but I realized that day that nobody cared how well I could replicate someone else's hard work; people wanted to see my spin on the idea.)
After that, I always had my own very recognizable style of art and I didn't seek to recreate the work of others, even if I liked it a lot. I just started drawing what I wanted how I wanted to do it—in my own style.
While I found many things to like about the prose of friends and published authors, I never tried to mimic someone else's prose wholesale. I've never even been tempted by it; writing like someone else feels so incredibly unnatural; I'd sooner give up writing entirely than tell my stories the way someone else would.
That said, this post isn't really about writing "voice" so much as the specific way I tend to tell stories, though I do think actual writing style factors in here, and I'll get to that in a second.
My favorite genre of fiction for a good number of years was historical "inspirational" fiction. You may laugh if you wish, but I grew up in a very strict Christian household, and...frankly there wasn't much literature to choose from. My mom loved doing "daily devotions" and at some point, on the recommendation of someone else, she started reading us "Love Comes Softly" by Janette Oke. All four of us kids really loved it. We memed the hell out of it and to this day we have at least one in-joke based on it. It was part of a long book series, and eventually I read them all. This book tackled a surprising amount of issues, including domestic violence, and had a great trope that I still adore: a marriage of convenience.
I was obsessed with Janette Oke's books after that. Roses for Mama, The Bluebird and the Sparrow, A Bride for Donnigan, the four-book seasons series, and They Called Her Mrs. Doc. There were plenty more, but those were some of the most iconic to me.
If you didn't know, the very specific subgenre of Historical Inspirational Romance Fiction (can I call it HIRF?) tends to read similarly across the genre. Some novels play up the romance a little more, some the relationships between the characters, some the faith aspect, but generally speaking these books tend to have predictable elements. The male lead usually has a bestie he's emotionally vulnerable and open to. The female lead's friends, siblings, and/or other family members are important to her and play a role in the story. These stories tend to feature or utilize animals. There is almost always a focus on relationships overall, in every story. In Roses for Mama a family of four is orphaned and the oldest two siblings raise the youngest two and run the farm. The primary relationships are between the four siblings and their friend group(s). The challenges of "parenting" siblings are here. Kids tend to act like kids in these books too. There are huge varieties in the ages of characters and some young women have best friends who are decades older than they are. Some of these writers are very serious too about being accurate regarding the places they're writing about (coal towns full of immigrants who are mistreated by the coal companies for example).
The first book I loved was I'll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm. The Velveteen Rabbit also holds a place in my heart.
Relationships are ALWAYS at the core of everything I write these days. I love exploring how people affect the world around them. I like to write about the complexities of sibling relationships and friendships over the years. I love history and how "the times" impacted the way relationships worked. HIRF was foundational to me as a reader and a lot of those elements are things I have chosen to carry with me. Everything I write is about a character journey more than it's about anything else.
Yes, I want to write about the blorbos in situations, but these situations are a means to an end. I want the situation to happen but I want to explore every facet of how it affects the blorbos.
Dumping a baby on Raine in Break Open the Sky was a way to explore a character trying to do the right thing but feeling completely overwhelmed by it. It was about breaking cycles and doing better for the next generation. It was about choices, about how difficult they can be to make even when they're selfish. And it was about learning to trust and love while finally having a place and the safety to begin healing from trauma. The baby was the means to that end—a plot vehicle, yes, but hopefully she didn't feel that way because she had her own needs and impacted the story right to the very end.
I think my particular writing style, my "voice" if you will, lends itself well to this particular type of slow-burn character-study-esque storytelling. I try to hit a middle ground with descriptions and write a lot of engaging dialogue. I try to write people being people without being too sparse or detailed. Both sparse and detailed writing have their places and genres they do really well in, but in the very weird subgenre of writing I've nestled into I do think my voice tells the story to satisfaction.
As to what subgenre I'm writing in... I honestly don't know what to call it. It's like HIRF in spirit, but I tend to substitute more "adult" themes for the romance and have less or no focus on religious faith (though it depends on the characters). I don't actually think there's a name for it, though of course if someone has a name for it, I'd be happy to learn what it is. In the meantime I'll just consider what I write to be HIRF-adjacent.
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Hit Promotional Products
Customized Beach Tote Bags Promote Your Service!
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Are you seeking an one-of-a-kind, attractive method to advertise your service? Customized beach shopping bag are a fantastic alternative! Not only are they valuable for your customers, however they are likewise a walking signboard for your brand. Your logo, presented completely color on the front of this bag, will certainly turn heads as well as attract attention to your brand name.
Maintain reading to get more information concerning just how custom coastline bags can help promote your organization in a sophisticated and unforgettable method.
A customized carry can assist promote your company in many different methods. Initially, and also most significantly, these products are a wonderful means to obtain your brand and also logo design out there. Whenever someone makes use of among your carriers, they will be revealing your brand name to every person around them!
Your free gift recipients can take these bags for a day at the beach. They can also utilize them as a chic picnic lunch service provider at the park. Or, also as a carry-on travel bag at the flight terminal! Wherever this bag is lugged, it will serve its individuals' functions well.
Secondly, these fashionable marketing devices are an excellent method to demonstrate to your customers that you appreciate them and also their demands. Your firm will certainly be right there when it is time to pack up every little thing that is needed for a vital discussion. Or, there is an unexpected demand to bring even more beach towels along vacationing! This type of bag is qualified and prepared-- just like your company.
Furthermore, this promotional gift will certainly await boutique trips while vacationing, or for added traveling devices throughout household outings. By offering your clients a functional and also elegant product like this tote, you will definitely make a positive impact.
Customized coastline shoulder bag are an excellent means to increase brand name understanding and loyalty. When people use as well as love your products, they will certainly remember your brand name and also come back to your business in the future.
There is no question that your tailored carry will certainly come to be the mainstay container in your consumers' bag lineups. When your giveaway receivers require to depend on their carrier, your own will be the one they reach for. The result? A subconscious, however indelible commitment to your business and also the goods and also services you can give.
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Since you know the many benefits of using this type of advertising product to promote your service, you could be asking yourself just how you can start with this advertising technique.
The first step is finding a reliable promotional item firm. Discover one that offers personalized tote and can provide them for you wholesale amounts. Easy on the internet ordering systems make producing your well-known bags a stress-free as well as easy experience. With numerous alternatives for imprint place and color customization, you can easily create the ideal design to represent your business.
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The reinforced takes care of on customized coastline totes make certain that your things will certainly withstand the daily roughness of heavy usage. And also, the length of the takes care of makes this supremely convenient to rollover the shoulder, leaving hands complimentary for various other products.
Make certain that your clients have an available outside pocket to maintain their phones, secrets, as well as other vital products within reach. A generously sized main area produces a service provider that can double as a coastline towel bag or a recyclable shopping lug.
In this day as well as age, it is important to offer your customers with green alternatives. Personalized tote are reusable, which suggests that they will certainly help reduce the amount of waste produced by your consumers. Plus, when the bags have gotten to completion of their useful life, every one can be recycled!
It will certainly be obvious that your firm takes care of the environment. Then, as a result of your sustainable option, your consumers will most certainly cultivate a positive perception towards your brand name. Not only is that a win for you, however a win for the planet!
Decide what functions will certainly be most beneficial to your consumers now, yet likewise to your potential customers. Usage that as your base to create the ultimate customized beach bags that will be utilized over and over again.
When you have chosen the excellent design, all that is left is to purchase your personalized giveaway. Next off, hand them out to your clients at trade convention or company events. It is as simple as that!
Customized coastline carryall are an excellent way to promote your company! They are practical, trendy, and most significantly-- they work. Benefit from what this type of top quality product can do for your service.
With a lot of advantages, it comes as no surprise that a growing number of organizations are utilizing this form of marketing magic. So what are you awaiting? Begin today! custom beach tote
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