- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY???????? THE WAY OUR SOULS ARE LITERALLY BONDED ATP 😭😭😭😭 DUDEEEE im going a lil crazy. plsplspls i need to know ur fave character…. and ur fave skill……. and maybe ur fave quote if u have one……….. its legitimately like my favorite thing ever ever ever that game changed my LIFE
AAAA and. u asked for poetry book recs in ur other ask so i am here to deliver 🙏🙏🙏🙏
first of all!! richard siken…. he has two poetry books out at the moment, crush and war of the foxes!! i used to prefer crush but now i like war of the foxes more. its rly just a matter of personal preference, both are super good…. i said this already but i associate literally every single poem of his w at least one jjk character. mostly gojo or geto or kenny or shoko (i am predictable)
for some reason u can find literally all his poems on genius psjfjs but here are some of my faves from crush (first three) and war of the foxes (last four)!!
straw house, straw dog // planet of love // wishbone
landscape with a blur of conquerors // self-portrait against red wallpaper // portrait of fryderyk in shifting light // glue
but siken aside!!! frank bidart my beloved <333 hes so weird. his style of writing is very unique and can seem a bit very odd but u get used to it quickly!! i love him. my absolute favorite frank bidart poem is half-light, i’m fucking obsessed u dont understand, pls read it. (its so satosugu to me) and then u can find some other poems of his here! coincidentally his writing reminds me a LOT of disco elysium which is. probably maybe why i love it sm in the first place LMAO
AND AND AND…. lastly. ive tried getting into franz wright but i didnt like the collection of his that i bought :’3 HOWEVER hes written this one poem i absolutely adore, dedication. its so so so good. ”it’s true i never write, but i would gladly die with you” // ”although i never write, secretly i long to die with you, does that count?” have permanently altered the course of my destiny
… that was probably a lot im sorry PJDKFB i didnt even mention clementine von radics…. she has an instagram account where she posts some poems i think. ive run outof links so i cant show some i like but </3 her collection mouthful of forevers is super good!!
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disneyprincemuke · 4 months
of drunk regrets * fem!driver
the morning after vegas
what does one do when you have no recollection of getting married?
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, max verstappen x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, mick schumacher x fem!driver
notes: hi late update and that’s because i was crocheting the entire day lol
(series masterlist)
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she hums turning around, her arm landing on something solid instead of a soft pillow. she opens an eye, flinching back when her eyes land on someone’s clothed back, then groans when nausea slowly hits her.
“who the fuck is this?”
the person next to her hums. they left their head before dropping it back into the pillow. “mm.”
she looks around to the best of her ability, snorting when she realises that amidst all her drunken antics from the night before, they didn’t even end up on the bed. they’re sleeping on the carpeted floor of her hotel room.
she lifts her head, ignoring the nausea hitting her all at once. the bed is empty.
a hand comes up to nurse her head, looking down at the body lying next to her with the blanket draped over their shoulder loosely. she brought somebody back to her hotel room with her? now that’s just a tabloid rumour waiting to blow up in her face when she opens up her phone.
she leans forward, wobbling slightly, as she tries to get a glimpse of their face. her eyes widen, landing a smack on their shoulder with some force. "what the hell are you doing here?"
"don't hit me, i'm trying to sleep."
"mick! you're in my hotel room!"
"what?" blue eyes are exposed to the dim lights of the room, disappearing once more when mick shuts his eyes. "what am i doing here?"
"how would i know?" she sighs, slowly lying back down on the ground. "i don't remember anything."
"we didn't do anything... did we?"
she looks down at herself, surprisingly dressed in her pyjamas without any recollection of even making it back into her hotel room in the first place. "i hope not."
"you hope?" mick cries, shaking his head in dismay. "this is not good."
"give me a second. i need to think," she sighs, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. "start thinking. do you remember anything from last night?"
mick also sighs, simply shaking his head. he pulls the blanket over his body and snuggles back into his pillow. "no, but wake me up when you've figured it out. i'm really hungover right now, mate."
"really? you don't think i am?"
"i'm sure you are, but– what the hell is this on my finger? when did i get a mood ring?"
"you have a mood ring?" there's a momentary pause. "oh, look. i've got one too. when did i–"
they both sit up hurriedly, hissing in pain as they point at each other with a loud gasp. "no! are you serious? did we really do that? when did we even have the time to do that?"
mick cries. "my mother is going to kill me."
"mine will kill me – i'm barely 21, mick!"
"i'm going to american jail! you're not even legal here!" he rubs his eyes. “i don’t wanna go to jail here!”
she scrambles around for her phone, eyes widening at her notifications.
SUPERMAX you and mick???
RATSELL what's ur ig post about m8?
LOWGAN when u wake up, there's a cup of water and an advil on the bedside for u also, check ur instagram
PASTRY you did the funniest thing last night.
LILLIES thanks for the free pizza wish i could've been there for the actual ceremony though? it's ok, maybe at your next wedding
ALBONO please tell me you didn't
LAW SON i think u may have sent logan over the edge cuz wtf is bro doing in my hotel room ranting to charlotte and i at 5am
MICKEY ur asleep rn i can't sleep when do u think we should renew our vows??? oh no we got married!??!??!
BLYTHE mate u got married without me in attendance??? not saying i'm offended but like seriously?
THE BETTER SARGEANT who u married to? if it's logan istg omg is it mick? i saw ur instagram
if i’d known sooner, i’d have bought you a wedding gift before landing in vegas
i’ll get one before the last race i promise
SEBASTIAN ur very funny, do u know that? text me when ur up, we should talk
MUMMY wowww let me know what wedding gift to get you you grow up so fast, my love
PAPA what is all this ruckus i'm hearing between mum and blythe about you getting married? call me.
KRISTEN (PR) team meeting asap. bring the schumacher.
she glances at mick. "my dad's going to kill you."
mick turns to her, shoulders slumped with his eyes widened in panic. "i really really hope my mother gets to me first." he shakes his head and pats around the ground for his phone. "you know what? i'll just tell her myself."
“don’t bother,” she scoffs, lying back down in the pillow sprawled on the floor. “i vividly remember you calling gina when we were getting pizza that you married me in vegas.”
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kristen chews on the inside of her cheek, scanning the group around her. "what is this? i only told you to bring mick."
the girl takes off the sunglasses on her face and sighs. "you think i didn't try telling them off? is this your first time meeting these losers? i– listen, i'm too hungover to tell them off, kristen."
"please let us stay?" max smiles, batting his eyelashes at the older woman. "i promise we'll be quiet. i'm just curious over the events of last night."
"so am i," kristen points out in a soft voice, moving her eyes over the pair seated on the couch on the other side of her table. at that point, they are the least of her concerns. "do you know the pr nightmare you just caused over a couple of drinks? do you have any idea the reckless thing you just did?"
"please don't shout," she says softly, eyes closing. "it was stupid, we know. in my defense–"
"they shouldn't have even let us in the chapel in the first place in that state," mick sighs, shaking his head disapprovingly. “so technically, whose fault is it, really?”
“both of yours for even coming up with the stupid idea in the first place!” logan screams, pointing at them in frustration. “you made a bad decision!”
kristen glances at logan, shooting him a side eye for disrupting her meeting. when logan shrugs, she simply looks back at the married pair her seats. “you’re not even 21! you did this in america too! god!”
“and they shouldn’t have permitted it knowing that i wasn’t 21!” the young girl shrieks, immediately defending herself. this is a hill she is willing to die on. “let’s focus more on the fact that they let two drunk idiots get married instead of the fact that i thought of it.”
“you came up with that idea?” max throws his head back, hissing softly as he shook his head. “why am i not surprised?”
“right? you have to tell her how stupid she is for this,” logan rambles in frustration. “seriously! you couldn’t go one year without making a stupid decision?
she rolls her eyes, glancing at mick from the side of her eyes. he flashes her an apologetic grin and she shrugs with another eye roll in response.
“i mean, you’re an adult. you can do whatever you want, but do you know how legally exhausting the entire process will be from here on out?” max continues, throwing his arms in the air. “knowing you, you won’t like it! there’s a lot of papers to sign!”
“and paper work to read!” logan adds on. “seriously!”
“god, (y/n), how could you be so stu–“
“i came up with the idea,” mick speaks out, turning to max and logan with a small smile. “it’s not her fault, you guys. come on. lay off her a little bit.”
she shoots him a questioning stare. “no, wait–“
mick laughs. “the deal at the pizza place just looked so good. i’m not excusing it because we were drunk, but cut us some slack.”
sebastian, sitting quietly in the corner of the room, finally stands up. he folds his arms over his chest. “it doesn’t matter who came up with the crazy idea to get married in vegas.”
“you’re still not mad?” logan raises an eyebrow. “there’s got to be some part of you that is.”
“how about let me conduct my meeting with my driver in peace? unless you want to take over my job of being her pr officer…” kristen speaks out, looking around the room to shut down any more forms of interruption. she looks back at her. “let me see the marriage certificate.”
“the what?”
“you signed one, didn’t you?“
she scrunches her nose and looks at mick. “did we sign one? i really can’t remember.”
“i don’t,” mick cuts himself off, looking just as clueless, “i literally blacked out last night. i don’t remember anything.”
sebastian beams, standing a little straighter. “i have it right here! look at it, kristen.”
he puts down a piece of paper on the table. the entire room watches the woman read over the paper, lips pressed together.
a small laugh bubbles from her, grabbing the certificate into her hands and bringing it closer to her face. her laugh gets a little louder, sebastian eventually joining her with a hand over his mouth.
“what is so funny?” she sighs, rolling her eyes. “all i can think about is the shopping spree i can’t have this month over the lawyer fees.”
“and the fact that i could end up in american jail for marrying a 20-year-old!”
kristen grins, slamming the certificate down onto the table. “it’s illegitimate.”
“surprising turn of events!”
a hand slams into the table, the youngest in the room jumping to her feet. “illegitimate? what about my free pizza? how is that illegitimate? i’m not a schumacher anymore?”
“you changed your name?” oscar pipes up, roaring in laughter, covering his face. this entire ordeal has been very amusing to him.
she turns around sheepishly with a small smile. “i was planning to. how cool would it be to be a schumacher?”
“what the fuck?” logan says to her, bewildered at the thought process. “you’re not married and you’re telling me that’s the only thing you’re concerned about? not being a schumacher in the eye of the law?”
mick giggles, looking up at her with an impressed expression. “schumacher does go along well with your name.”
“i know. should we get married for realsies after this weekend and legally change my name?”
“have you learned nothing from this?” kristen throws her hands into the air. she leans back into her seat, letting out the heaviest sigh of relief as she no longer has to engage with any legal teams. pr wise, it would be easy.
she shrugs, sitting back down into the cushioned seat. “don’t get drunk with mick in vegas.”
“first and last time i’m drinking that much with you,” mick adds on with a snort. though, there’s a small smile playing on his face as he looks at her.
they both know that won’t be the last time they’ll be sending their pr officers into a frenzy. they’re truly a force to be reckoned with.
and, it could have been worse.
“i paid for all the pizzas you ate and threw up last night,” sebastian sighs, shaking his head. “you owe me like $100.”
she nods. “okay, i’ll pay you. still no shopping spree for me this month, i guess.”
mick clicks his tongue, giving her a thumbs up. “i’ll pay him. consider it my wedding gift to you, wife.”
“she’s not your wife,” logan points out with an eye roll. “didn’t even get married in the first place, remember? illegitimate. not even a real certificate. never happened. literally no record of it.”
“i’m curious,” max furrows his eyebrows and lips pouted out. “how did you pull this off to make it seem real, seb?”
“i arrived to their ‘wedding’–“
“not real!”
“logan, cut it out.”
“–before them. i spoke to the receptionist before they arrived; they don’t let drunk people get married. i convinced her to give them the slot anyway just to teach these two a lesson.”
“impressive?” kristen smiles. “you just saved me a lot of paper work.”
“and mick the beating he’d get from her dad if it actually ever happened to go through.”
she smiles, leaning over the arm rest to whisper at mick. she taps him on the shoulder. “we should celebrate with ice cream.”
— bonus
they flood out of the office collectively, the young girl looking down at the mood ring around her ring finger. “we should keep the rings, shouldn’t we, mick? keepsake.”
“to remind you of your bad decision making?” logan questions.
“no, to piss you off.” she turns around and shoves him back gently. “of course, just to keep memory of the one time i was almost a schumacher!”
sebastian tilts his head. “you know you’ll still be you, right? even if you’re legally considered a schumacher? you won’t get his blue eyes.”
“i could,” she hums with a smile. “so, husband. watching the race from my garage tonight like a factory manufactured wag?”
“can’t, wife,” mick sighs. “i work for mercedes.”
“i could get you the second seat if you wanted.”
“you have the power to do that?” she nods. “that’s hot.”
“cut it out, you guys are making max uncomfortable!” oscar grunts, pushing the pair apart.
beside them, max has his fingers plugged into his ears and is humming softly to himself. “it’s not real, it’s not real. they’re not actually married,” he whispers to himself. “and it will never happen.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @darleneslane @meadhbhcavanagh @namgification @inejismywife @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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tastesousweet · 1 month
Can we get a toxic!babydaddy Matt fic like I’m craving something about my man like it’s been days and I haven’t eaten
⭒ blurb : toxic!bd matt who . . .
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toxic!babydaddy matt x poc!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, dad!matt (i understand if u don’t fw it), idk what else :P
mickey speaks: this is kinda different for me so ty for the req!! ik this is just a little headcannon set but i hope you luv this anon 💐
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TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . brings some girl he’s been “hanging out with” to your daughter’s third birthday party just to piss you off
he’d then get mad when you ignore him and his “friend” the entire party…
he’d come up to you as you watch your daughter play on the decorated playground from afar, “the fuck you bein’ petty for, y/n? i thought we were cool with seeing other people?”
“well i just think it’s rude, you didn’t tell me you were bringing anyone else. i don’t care who she is or what you two do it’s annoying from a planning perspective.”
“that’s my bad… you look good though,” he’d glance around for a second before coming behind you and hooking his arm on your neck.
he’d whisper in your ear while you both stare out at your lively daughter, “can’t believe she’s so big now… lookin’ just like her pretty mama.”
you’d roll your eyes and shoulder matt off of you, “matt, go fuck on the bitch you brought here. and stop saying shit like that to me.”
“jesus- watch your language there’s kids everywhere, y/n.”
you blankly stare at him and his cocky smirk that just aggravates you to pieces, “go awayyy, matt.” you whine out and pinch your eyes with a sigh.
and he laughs because everything’s a fucking joke to him.
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . your friends hate but you will always have a soft spot for, he is your daughter’s father after all
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . sends hundreds of roses to your doorstep for mother’s day
when you text him a picture of the ridiculous bouquets with a “????” he immediately facetimes you, “for the best mama in the whole world. you like ‘em?”
you shake your head and hide a smirk beneath your hand to scold him, “you do too much, matt.”
“uh huh i knew you’d say that…” he’d then ask to see his favorite girl, “now where’s my baby at?”
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . can’t mind his business to save his life. he’s always asking you questions about your personal life; and you always shut him down
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . can sometimes be a little too desirable when he drops your daughter off at your place (dressed nicely, smelling good, eyes bright yet droopingly eye-fucking you, etc), leading you to invite him in for a glass of wine or two
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . you sometimes find in your bed again when you feel particularly lonely and nostalgic
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . loves the few times he gets to to wake up to his daughter pulling on his hand and you by his side, fast asleep
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . tends to start arguments from the smallest things to get you to talk to him longer than you need to
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . will always put effort into being a great father (which you respect) despite never putting that same effort into your relationship
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . makes sure you’ll never forget he loved you first and is connected to you far deeper than any other man ever could be
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nickfowlerrr · 11 months
Bellllaaaaa hiiii:)
I’m hooked on biker/bartender bucky(even tattoo artist bucky) with fucking Tats right now and I’d totally love if you could maybe write him and chubby/plus sized reader having a flirty relationship, maybe they’re like a fling or something. She works at his bar/tattoo shop, whichever au you pick, and they’re just fucking flirty and so naughty together lol
Smut is always welcomed!!
Thank u bby in advance<3 mwahhh🥺💋
about how it started..
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pairing: bartender!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. pining. flirting. smut. a little tiny hint of voyeurism/exhibitionism. if i’m missing something pls lmk!
words: 3.1k
notes: thank you, mickey, for sending this and sorry it took so long! i kind of wanted to incorporate more mention of his tattoos but i felt like i kept screwing it up so i kept it very vague - i’m sorry. but i hope you like this! i really love the idea and i’d love to do more with them in the future, too (including more of his tattoos too 🥴), so thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🥰
also this gif isn’t necessarily the bucky i was picturing but the visible tattoo feels right so whatever 😌
i hope you guys enjoy this! thank you in advance for reading and reblogging. as always, feedback and comments are always welcome and so appreciated! 🖤
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You know you should be checking tables right now. You know. But goddamn if you can’t take your eyes off of the brawny, blue eyed, six foot something beauty that is Bucky Barnes.
You’re leaning against the far end of the bar, eyes fixed on him with no plans of trailing anywhere else.
He’s making another Sex on the Beach for the less than subtle, leggy, bleach blonde who’s been fawning over him since she got here. When she and the other college girls showed up, seeming to have already been pregaming, you knew tonight wouldn’t be uneventful.
You could obsess over the fact that the twenty one year old, who looked like she stepped right off a runway, was currently pushing her chest out and twirling her perfectly styled hair as she continued rambling on and on to Bucky, but his disinterest was clear to you as he kept a polite smile and entertained her as he finished the drink.
That, and because you had no right or reason to obsess over who was flirting with him and when.
You pushed the thoughts away as you admired Bucky’s profile. The way some of his hair had fallen out of his bun and hung around his perfectly sculpted face. How his brilliantly blue eyes shone still through the dark strands. And god did you envy his perfectly shaped nose. Your eyes fell to his lips as he smiled at something the girl said, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care, you were so caught up in the beauty of it. He gave her the drink before he tucked the loose hair behind his ears.
You watched as the girl held out a twenty with a sultry smile and a wink before Bucky took it with a small laugh as she sauntered off back to her friends.
He put it in the cash box and then pushed up his sleeves as he took the time to count out how much the bar had made so far tonight.
You swear your mouth went dry as his tattoos were on display now. The dark ink that told story after story lining his forearm, and though you couldn’t see them right now, led all the way up his strong arm only added to the endless list of things that made him attractive. The artwork was mesmerizing. Just like him.
“You just gonna stare at me your whole shift, sweetheart?” he says to you without looking over, a smirk playing on his lips.
You take in a breath before pushing off the bar and walk over to meet him where he stands.
“Who says I was staring at you?” you question and lean over just slightly to glance at Torres who was pouring shots at the other end of the bar.
Bucky turns to follow your gaze and gives a laugh when he sees who you’re referring to.
“You and Torres, huh?” he plays along, smirk never faltering. He finishes his count and tucks the box back under the bar before he turns fully to you, blocking your view of the younger man completely, not that you cared.
Bucky walks into you, backing you up until you’re forced into the dead corner of the bar. You nearly stop breathing when he leans into you, his cologne invading your senses, his warmth surrounding you as he keeps you trapped between him and the bar, his thick arms on either side of you. Your lips part on an inaudible gasp when his lips brush against your ear.
“He know I was guts deep inside you last night? How you were screaming my name, begging me not to pull out? So fuckin’ desperate to be full‘a me,” he reminds you as his hands find your waist and he squeezes your softness before pulling you flush against him and letting his hands slide down to your ass. “How many times did you come again? I think I lost count,” he taunts as he leans over you and gropes you shamelessly.
You can see out past his shoulder as he nearly nuzzles into your neck, your eyes growing heavy with desire as your lips stay parted in heated awe.
Your eyes meet the blonde Bucky had just served as she looks on in a bit of a stupor before blinking and turning away with a hint of a blush warming her cheeks.
“Watch it, Barnes. You’re gonna lose out on tips if you’re not careful,” you warn playfully, if not a bit breathily.
When he starts kissing your neck, your knees become unsteady as a warmth starts to grow in your tummy.. and lower. Your hands latch onto the front of his shirt in an effort to stay steady.
You’ve noticed he’s been getting more brazen every day, more teasing and touching when he knows full well people can see, and the fact that he really doesn’t seem to care sparks a bit of hope that maybe this could grow into something more than what it started as.
But as Bucky nips and then gently kisses your pulse point, all thoughts fly right out the window as your main focus is solely on not melting into a puddle right then and there.
“Don’t care,” he says against your delicate skin, placing another kiss to your neck before you push him back just slightly. “What?” he asks as a half smile adorns his face when he stands up straight again, looking down at you.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish right now,” you say as you hold his smoldering gaze.
“You think I won’t fuck you right now?” he challenges, his seriousness sending a thrill up your spine.
You let out a nervous, disbelieving laugh as you push him to turn around. “I think you have some patrons waiting for your attention,” you say, ignoring the desire burning deep within at his words.
He sucks his teeth as he walks back over to the lively area of the bar, but not before eyeing you with a look that promises he isn’t done with you tonight.
You watch him back before spinning around and coming out from behind the bar to start checking tables.
You’re leaning over a newly emptied table close to the bar when you feel his heavy gaze on you.
The low cut scoop neck of your top already offered a generous view of your cleavage, but as you’re leaning over to wipe the table down, you’re sure he can see right down your shirt. You hide your smirk as you walk around the table and make a show of leaning over once more, your tight black skirt that hugs your tummy riding up your thick thighs as you do. You’d forgone underwear under your opaque black tights and wonder for a second how much he can see as you bend further over the table.
You don’t have much time to wonder as suddenly Bucky is right up behind you. You stand up against him, your ass brushing against his crotch. His hands are on your skirt as he adjusts it back down for you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, voice low and husky.
“Cleaning a table,” you answer innocently as you stay where you are, enjoying the feeling of his large hands on your wide hips and his solid chest at your back.
“Yeah? Cuz from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re purposely being a little tease.”
“Me?” you say in faux offense, turning to face him. “I’d never. Just doing my job, boss.”
He pushes you back against the table just slightly, “So, you’re telling me you haven’t been thinking about how hot it’d be if I came up behind you, ripped your tights open and fucked you stupid right here on this table?”
You swallow hard as you feel yourself growing wet at the scene that plays out in your mind. The bar is near empty as you’re both getting ready to close up but the idea of Bucky taking you right here and now, onlookers be damned, has heat creeping up your skin.
“Say I have. What are you gonna do about it?” you whisper wantonly, eyes swimming with lust.
A sinful growl escapes him as he presses himself closer to you. You can feel his growing bulge against you and it takes everything in you to not let out the whimper that threatens to slip past your lips.
Joaquin left twenty minutes ago after him and Bucky served last call, so it’s just you two and the lingerers who are slowly making their way out.
“What am I gonna do about it?” he repeats as his hand comes up to hold your chin. He leans down, face to face with you as he continues headily, never taking his eyes off yours, “I’m gonna fuck you stupid. Right here. On this table,” he breathes each sentence before he finally takes your lips in his. It’s gentler than you expect as your eyes flutter shut and the sound of the entrance door closing behind the last patron signals that you’re alone now.
You sigh into his mouth before you pull him closer, the kiss growing more heated with each moment that passes.
You let Bucky ruck up your skirt as your hands fumble with his belt before you start working on his button and zipper. You stop him for just a second, grabbing his hand, “You rip ‘em, you buy ‘em,” you tell him, earning a grin from him.
“Deal,” he says before easily tearing your tights and turning you around, forcing you down against the table.
“No underwear, huh?” he taunts as he rips your tights even more, his thick fingers wasting no time in playing with your wetness on full display for him.
Your legs are spread as you moan at the delightful feeling of his fingers pushing into your sex, opening you up for him as he scissors his fingers inside your tight heat before curling them the way he knows you like.
“Fuck, Bucky, please,” you whine as you clutch onto the table, pushing your hips backs and trying to fuck yourself on his hand.
“Jesus, fuck, you’re perfect,” he swears before landing a stinging slap to your ass and pulling his fingers out. He quickly tugs down his jeans and frees himself from his boxers, his erection hot, heavy, and throbbing.
“Make me so fuckin’ hard, you know that?”
You only mewl in response as he runs the head of his cock through your folds, teasing you. He doesn’t have as much patience as he normally does, though. He’s been thinking of you nonstop since you left his apartment this morning. Been wanting you close again from the second you left his bed.
He knows this was just supposed to be a fun fling, but from the first time he kissed you, he knew he was done for. He knew he’d only want more.
And he was right.
He wanted all of it with you, not just sex. He wanted to spend his days cuddling you in his bed, watching movies, talking about nothing; hell, he even had to stop himself from texting you the other day to see if you were busy when he had to go get groceries because he wanted your company.
He was hooked on you completely.
But this “fling” was your idea and he didn’t want to run you off with the idea of commitment so soon. So for now, this would have to do. And who was he to complain about the nights he got to spend flirting with you, teasing you, taking you apart only to put you back together in his arms come morning.
He’s pulled from his thoughts as the head of his cock catches along your slick entrance, a hiss emanating from him as you gasp at the feeling.
He slowly lets himself push in, deeper and deeper until his hips are flush against your ass and he’s filling you completely.
Your soft moans urge him on as he begins to fuck you, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass filling the quiet of the empty bar. As he starts to thrust harder, the squelching noises of your fucking grow louder and louder as you moan without care, your hips hitting the edge of the table over and over with his every thrust.
His hands frame your waist as he holds you tight, rutting ever deeper inside of you, his cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly as you whine and gasp in pure pleasure, the coil in your belly tightening with each glide of his cock along your walls and every nudge against your g-spot. Bucky slips a hand down and finds your puffy clit, circling it as he feels you getting closer, your walls squeezing him tighter and tighter.
Your toes are curling in your shoes as your feet arch and slip against the floor when the muscles in your legs and core tighten and strain as your walls clench down on his thick cock and your orgasm hits you hard.
In the same instance, Bucky growls as the swinging of the entrance door sounds. You don’t even bother to look up as you’re lost in the euphoria of your high.
“We’re closed,” Bucky barks, his hips never faltering as he continues to fuck you while your eyes screw shut in overwhelming pleasure.
You vaguely hear a fumbling apology and the door closing once more as Bucky buries himself inside of you, leaning over your bent body and rutting into you as his groans and moans tumble heavily from his lips. With one more thrust, you sigh breathily as you feel him spill inside of you.
The weight of his body on top of yours is a comfort you can’t help but revel in as he holds you still and gets all of his release out, your velvety walls milking his cock as he fills you with his hot come.
He’s breathing heavily as he comes down from his orgasm and gently pulls his cock out of you. You instinctively press your legs together, your thick thighs making it easy. You push yourself up off the table after a moment and turn around, fixing your skirt as you do.
“Fuck,” you breathe under your breath happily. “Maybe lock the door next time?” you suggest playfully, “Or, at least turn the ‘OPEN’ light off.”
“Next time?” Bucky says with a raised brow and a smirk as he fixes his pants. “You like getting fucked in the bar that much?”
“Well, you did say something about fucking me stupid.. And not that that was bad at all, but, I’m not feeling very stupid right now.”
He licks his lips as he takes you in, taking your hands in his and tugging you close. “Why don’t you come home with me and I’ll get you there,” he says smoothly.
“That’d make it three nights in a row,” you say, a little unsure. “You sure you wanna risk it? I might not wanna leave.”
“I might not want you to,” he says, surprising you by how soft and sincere his voice is.
You meet his eye and swear you could drown in the glimmering blues as he smiles that schoolboy smile. You let out a shaky, nervous laugh.
“You fallin’ for me, Barnes?” you tease playfully - just a hint of hope laced in your tone.
He surprises you again as he takes hold of your chin, peering deep into your eyes, before he brushes his nose against your, his lips inches away from your own as you breath each other in for a second.
And then he kisses you.
Soft, yet firm and as you lose yourself in it, a deep yearning for Bucky that you’ve kept down from day one rears her head once more.
You part for a second to breathe before you crash your lips into his again, pulling him closer to you by the front of his shirt.
Your tongues glide against one another as he slips his in expertly before kissing you deeply.
He lets his forehead fall to yours as he parts from you.
You're breathless as he wears a nervous smile you’ve never seen on him before.
“Say I have. What are you gonna do about it?” he repeats your earlier taunt, trying to hide his anxiousness as he waits for you to respond.
You suck your lip as you consider him, biting back the smile threatening to take over your face.
“I’d tell you that, maybe, I’ve fallen for you, too,” you admit shyly, looking up to see his cocksure smile back in full force, just the way it always is.
“Then I’d tell you to take me back to your apartment,” you say, leaning into him for another sultry kiss. “So you can fuck me stupid,” you breathe against his lips, “as many times as you want.”
You nearly squeal as you're taken off your feet in the next second, Bucky’s strong arms holding you securely as you wrap your own around him.
“That I will happily comply with,” he says, kissing you hotly as you smile into it. You pull away just slightly to speak.
“We didn’t finish closing,” you laugh.
“Don't care,” he says, kissing you again as he easily walks to the bar, holding you with surprising ease that you aren’t sure you’ll ever get used to before he sets you down. “We can do it tomorrow,” he excuses, grabbing his keys from behind the bar and flicking the lights out. You grab your jacket and bag from the shelf you kept them on and follow behind Bucky as he locks the doors, escorting you out and to his car.
Before you get there, he turns on you, both of you stopping in your spots.
“We really doing this?” he asks, wanting to make sure this is really what you want, too.
You smile and nod.
“Yeah,” you whisper.
He lets himself smile in return.
“So I can call you mine, now?” he asks, grabbing your hand, pulling you to him.
“I’d be good with that.”
“You sure? Cuz once we make this official, I’m gonna let everyone know. I might never shut up about it.”
You can’t help but laugh at how excited and proud he sounds. “I think I’m okay with that,” you smile up at him, meeting his lips in another kiss before he leads you to the car and opens the door for you to get in.
You know you’re okay with that. It’s what you’d been hoping for from the first time you’d kissed, for this to lead to something real, something more. Now here you were.
He wanted to officially call you his, and Bucky was finally, truly yours.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
saw ur request is finally open dlsksksks i hope modern au is your jam 🤞🏻
I would love to get your thought on buggy, shanks, and minawk reacting to reader accidentally sending them a nude pic 🤧
Oh I love you RN ❤️
Okay so did I go overboard? Absolutely Do I care? HELL NO!
You Accidently Send them a Nude Pic!
Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk
You are gonna need some Ice cubes 🧊 after this one ;D
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"For fucks sake" You grumbled as you looked through google- You needed a specific pose for this commission, it was an expensive NSFW one and yet you could not find the right pose and for some reason couldn't figure it from memory-
"Fuck it time to go old school-" You grumbled, Peeling off your clothes and walking to the bedroom were your mirror was, Setting up you snapped a few pictures in the pose needed.
Looking at the few shots you couldn't help but pat yourself on the back. You looked good and got the pose perfectly- Dressing back you went back to your computer.
You kept your phone gallery opened to look at the photo, embarrassed you had to go to such lengths to do so- But money was money.
As you continued your sketch you saw a message ding and smiled- It was non other then Buggy, your close friend and truthfully your partner in crime.
Buggy Boo 🤡: U busy?
Me: Yeah I'm trying to find some references, but what's up?
Buggy Boo 🤡: NVM wanted to hang out
You smiled at this.
Me: You can still but at a price 😌
Buggy Boo 🤡: Price? 💰
Giggling you open up your text gallery. You scroll through the photos to find the McDonald's meme youd saved earlier and quickly sent it-
Me: Gotta Bring Me The Mickey D's 😩 💦
However you saw two images loading to be sent with the text. Raising a brow as you waited for it to load- However when it sent and showed you the second image you threw your device across the room.. there just below the McDonald's Meme was your nude reference photo.. You tried to panic unsend but saw he read it instantly.
Expecting a call or a WTF text of some sort but .
Silence- You didn't see him text back or anything. Fear eating you up inside as you thought the worse.. He's going to fucking hate you now- you two had just been really really good friends for years and maybe had a few drunken nights together however nothing like this!
In your panic you didn't realize how much time had passed before a knock snapped you from your thoughts.
You heard frantic knocks in your front door, surprised by the urgency of them and walked over- Opening the door your face flushed with what you saw. There was Buggy, with a shirt barely and clearly backwards, his hair down in thick waves looking wet and barely holding up his pants like he had gotten into clothes on the way to you however the 4 massive bag of McDonald's in his hand clued you in he had stopped at the restaurant right before.
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"Buggy?-" You say shyly and face cherry red at seeing him in such a disheveled state- that and his boxers didn't exactly hiding him very well.
"I came over as fast as I could- I also got everything on the menu-" He said breathlessly holding up the bag and you glance to see his car parked sideways in your driveway, words seemed to leave you as you could practically see the desire in his gaze as he grinned widely.
He stepped forward and gently pushed you back into the house closing your door behind him as he quickly closed the space between you two, handing you the bag whicj you could barely hold onto.
"Gotta say, that was a welcomed surprised from you. I loved it~" He purred out, You squeaking in surprise at his words as his hands found their way to your hips.
"I have some modeling I'd like to see you do~ For art purposes of course" He said with a wink.
"Y-You actually liked those?" You manage out- Buggy laughed at this.
"Of course! It was sexy, flashy, surprising all at once. Not gonna lie if it wasn't for me needing to get the McDonald's I'd have came straight here and fucked you into the floor" He growled out in desire. You decided to not tell him you were joking about the McDonald's thing.
"In that case-" You sent the bag to the side and smiled as you felt him practically waiting for you to give the OK.
"Food can wait~"
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So bored- You thought as you laid on the couch of your boyfriends apartment. Shanks, The famed biker gang leader in your state. It was famous for his skills, the brutality of his gang and the unfortunate missing arm from a accident to save a child.
However for you he was just the love of your life- and also the one who had left 3 hours ago to do some sort of meet up with his gang which always ment leaving you behind-
Deciding to text him you open your phone to snapchat seeing he was still at the bar and sent a message.
Me: Red I'm Bored 😴
Red Head: I know Babe but I'll be home soon.
Me: It's been 3 hours 🙃
Red Head: Almost done here. I'll Bring you flowers if you're good.
You rolled your eyes- Flowers if your Good hm? You stewed for a moment before jumping up and marching to the bathroom. Maybe it was boredom or sexual frustration but you figured some teasing was in order- Deciding to take off your bottoms you poses in the mirror and snapped a quick picture. Smiling as you loaded it to send
Me: Good like this? {Image}
Prepared to hit send you stopped yourself and sgiggled... This was so stupid. Why would you do this? Rational thought clearing your heated mind and you tossed the phone on the couch to stop yourself.
"Just watch TV Jesus-" You said to yourself and plopped down. Turing in the TV but heard your phone rapidly ding, raising a brow you picked it back up and your face fell- It had sent dear God it had sent. It seemed when you tossed it the screen pressed sent by accdient.
Red Head: I'll be damned-
Red Head: Holy Shit did you just take this now?
Red Head: Baby?
Red Head: I'll be over in 10 minutes..
You saw Shanks text and you felt your face grow hot. This was not how you wanted it to happen but you weren't mad either-
In 8 minutes you heard a knock on the door and you quickly rushed over to open it. Assuming his hand was full-
He smiled at you, Holding the flowers in hand which had somehow survived his speedy ride to you.
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"As promised flowers" He said with a grin and you stepped back so he could enter fully and took the flowers that were handed to you.
"Thank you" You say shyly but can't meet his gaze.
"You just love giving me a heart attack hm Love?" He purred out grabbing your chin gently to look up at him.
"I had to put away my phone so quickly cause I was at the bar with the gang" He said with a chuckle as you held the flowers close to your chest.
He leaned forward releasing your chin and began to kiss your check- His body pressing into you and you felt dizzy and warm.
"I-It was an accident" You Squeak out as Shanks layered kisses down your neck- His hand pulling you by your waist as he pulled you closer, your hand setting the flowers to whatever was closest to you as you felt warmth flutter through your body.
"Really?~ Didn't seem like one to me. As yoj said you were bored~" He said softly, you hadn't realized it but he had worked you two backwards till you felt the couch hit the back of your legs and you fell with a surprised yelp. Shanks smiling at this as he pulled away his leather jacket.
"Well let's make sure I don't leave you bored again~" He winked and lowered himself right after you.
Seems you were about to have the ride of your life~
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You kicked off your heels with a sigh as you finally made it back to your home. Flopping on the couch with a groan- be a lawyer they said, You'll make a lot of money they said- BULLSHIT!
You were overworked, under paid and under laid- it was brutal honestly but you did like your work to some degree and you got to meet interesting people.
You hear a ding from your phone and sigh, already prepared for some client to email- But instead you were met with a text Ling saying your photos were ready.
Photos?... OH The Nude Boudoir Photos of yourself! Jumping up you quickly press the downloadable link and open it up quickly.
It had been a gift for yourself, when your confidence had been down and wanted something to make you feel beautiful and sexy. Opening up the downloaded folder you smiled, it was a bit weird to admire pictures of yourself but the photographer had done such a great job!
However you were cut off when another email rolled in- Sighing heavily as you saw it was non other then you poss and CEO of the firm Mihawk Dracule. The man was a sticklier about everything and he was just lucky he was hot or else you would have slammed a folder in his face by now-
Mihawk D: (Y/N) I need the file for Eros vs Tuller Case. Seems file did not send correctly.
You sigh, that wasn't hard and you'd already downloaded it on your phone. Attaching the document from you phone quickly you sent it-
So lucky!-
There it had been the last thing you...downloaded- wait... it hadn't been the last thing you downloaded.
Dread filled your chest as you slowly opened up your phone once again and clicked the downloaded tap- Seeing two downloaded files, slowly opening the file you sent Mihawk only to see your naked body...
You stared at your phone and screamed- Bloody. Murder
'NO NO NO NO-!!' You panicked as you literally through your phone across the livingroom.
"I'm so so fired I just sent my boss my naked photos!" You sobbed as you fell to the floor, your face as red as a tomato and you damn near cried. You hear another ding and crawl to your cracked device and took a look.
Mihawk D: Come to my office tommorow morning early. We have things to discuss.
You were dead- So very very dead... You cried that night and shot out your resume to several firms and waited for the next morning.
On cue you arrived to the firm brighf and early, having to psych yourself up before going in. You walked in to the building and up to the executive office- you half expected to see a box and a pink slip waiting for you- your head low as you stepped into your bosses office.
"Sir?.." You say softly, looking up you saw Mihawk sitting there looking through some papers- Your eyes focusing on what he was so interested in and you damn near had a heart attack. Seeing professional prints of your boudoir images on his desk and he was looking through them calmly, He glanced up at you finally seeing your wide eyes and flushed face he pointed you over to him calmly.
Slowly stepping forward you stood next to him behind the desk- Seeing the expensive professional prints of your intimate photos sprawled out.
"A-Am I fired?.." You finally asked, Your voice no better then a shaky whisper.
"No. I quite like these infact- I've had many people in my company who have tried to flirt, I was even curious when youd act.. But ive never seen one as bold as this" He said clearly amused, the humiliation burned in your chest- especially since he knew you had a crush on him.. but now you were curious why he didn't want to fire you.
He flicked back to one of the photos, one were you had worn something akin to a playbunny outfit made of lace. He tapped the imagine a bit playfully.
"I must say, This is by far my favorite out of the lot... I'd like to make a proposal to you" He said, craning his head to meet your eyes as a smirk played on his lips.
You felt your brain turn to mush.. first that he liked them and second that Mihawk Dracule was smiling- Had you died?!
"A date if you will, But I'd like to explore your skills in your modeling afterwards. Back at my home. If you're more comfortable with a written contract that is fine with me, but verbal is just as good" He stated calmly, Heat flushing your form at his words and you skittishly nodded.
"What would be the terms of this contract?" You ask shyly, Now more interested then you thought it would be. Mihawk reaching into his caot and pulled out a satin case, opening it to reveal a beautiful necklace, it was very classy looking and could truthfully be worn with anything- but you realized it was a infinity choker with a key lock in the back.
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Warmth hitting your body once again asnyou realized what this represented.. A collar.
"Dates, a more personal relationship and some.. let's say recreations of these works?" He said calmly still holding his favorite one.
You thought for a moment, before running your fingers over the necklace and nodding softly.
"I agree to those terms" You say a bit playfully, Earning a smile from Mihawk. He stood up calmly and picked up the necklace, moving behind you as he carefully clasped it and locked it into place.
"Wonderful" He practically purred out and admired you for a moment. Head flooding your body once more at his golden gaze.
"I will pick you up tonight then, 8 sound good?" He asked, you agreeing and he patted your behind playfully.
"Good. Now Run along now Bunny, I still need the file for the Eros vs Tuller Case" He said amused, You nodding quickly.
"Yes Mr. Dracule" You say softly and as you stepped out a blush on your cheeks and a smile on your lips.
That went better then expected~
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lovelytsunoda · 7 months
castle on the hill // lando norris
summary: young and in love, with money to burn, lando treats his girlfriend to the winter disney trip she’s always wanted.
pairing: lando norris x youtuber! reader
guys ignore that it says receptors where it’s supposed to say recipes in one of the tweets I have no idea how that happened 😭
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landonorris and y/ntube just updated their stories!
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liked by riabish, landonorris and 2,345 others
y/ntube walking in a winter wonderland
see all comments
maxfewtrell please tell me that you made lando buy a pair of mickey ears
-> y/ntube tackiest ones I could find, sending u pics rn
-> landonorris blocked (i love you and I would wear the tackiest mickey ears in the park just to see you smile)
yourbestfriend marry me pls
-> y/ntube my heart is yours (just do not tell lando under any circumstances)
user god how do i find a lando?
user queen I think u dropped ur crown
user leave ur boyfriend for me queen 🥺😏
-> landonorris no
-> y/ntube double no (sorry love, i hope you find someone who cherishes u!)
y/ntube just updated her story!
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landonorris just posted!
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liked by maxfewtrell, maxverstappen1, y/ntube and 53,471 others
landonorris i walked with you once upon a dream
see all comments
y/ntube guys i cannot make this up, lando is currently being chased around by a mickey mouse actor who wants his autograph but lando thinks this is some kind of "five nights at freddy's shit"
->riabish lando knows that they're just actors in suits, right?
-> y/ntube honestly sometimes i doubt that...he was very starstruck meeting peter parker
-> mclaren so are we expected to keep the mariachi skeletons out of the garage in mexico?
maxfewtrell if she's wearing mickey ears and eating a mickey cookie, does it become cannibalism?
maxverstappen1 lando norris in mickey mouse ears . . . never thought i would see the day
-> landonorris don't get used to it. you will never see it again
y/ntube all jokes aside, i love you darling
-> landonorris i love you too, my darling darling girl.
-> danielricciardo god he used the words 'darling darling girl', he only ever does that when he's horny, you guys know there are children here, right?
user lmao lando is getting fucking DESTROYED in his own comments section
-> landonorris unfortunately thats not new
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @userlando @lorarri @cartierre @love4lando @oconso @thatsdemko @sidcrosbyspuck @httpiastri @twinkodium
838 notes · View notes
brightbertalt · 1 year
Just the thought of requesting a Hobie x reader gets constantly hit on and receiving tons of gifts including chocolates but regardless she rejects them cuz she’s with Hobie just a cute thought I had😅💙
love this!!! i can relate bc im so hot and sexy and cool 😎 and I hope u love this!!!
warnings - creeps bein creepy!
thanks! but…
you sat in your room, devouring a box of chocolates and some mcdonalds fries like no tomorrow. you remembered the situations that led to this earlier today-
“hey, uhm, here!”
the man said, pushing the box out in front of you, along with a card. he seemed very nervous.
“uh..have a good day! bye!”
before you could ask questions, he speed-walked away. you should be better at reacting to this. it’s been like the 3rd time today. you didn’t know what it was about you, you thought you looked like a perfectly average person. what could it be about you?
“sorry! i..uh..have a boyfriend..”
later that night, you decided to go get some fast food. nothing can satisfy a craving like greasy, cheap food. after you ordered you waited to the side, texting your boyfriend.
where u at hun
at mickey d’s u want anything?
contributing to the corporate machine?
yeah bc im fucking hungry
ill be there in 5
after you got your food, since hobie decided that he was gonna be there now, you waited. jesus, hopefully no one was gonna-
“hey sweetheart, how about you come back to my place and hang out?”
oh jesus christ. why does this always happen to you? seriously, this town had a problem with creeps. you walked out of the joint, starting to walk back to your apartment.
“hey hun-“
“oh my fucking god you better get the hell away from me or I swear to god!”
“hun, calm down.”
finally, it was a random creep. it was your creepy boyfriend. you two walked back to your apartment, the conversation mostly consisted of you ranting about your day and how this town isn’t friendly to women.
“I just don’t understand! it feels like I just get bombarded by every creep in this city! why?”
“cuz you’re beautiful. and i’ll beat the fuck out of ‘em if you want.”
“i’d like that actually.”
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howlinchickhowl · 2 months
It's posting day for my @gallavichthings Gift Exchange gift! I got @rayrayor and I wrote a little something for their prompt about Mickey being a 'straight' patron of Ian's gay bar. Happy gift exchange, I hope you enjoy it!
(There's no warnings and it's fairly PG)
You're Like In Love With Me - a gallavich a.u. fiction 🫶
Someone at the brewery has it in for Ian, he’s decided. They’ve assigned him the world’s weediest delivery guy, who manages to shift one keg for every seven Ian hauls off his truck, and always gets to Ian ‘after lunch’, which, tends to be closer to dinner than lunch in Ian’s opinion, and leaves him very little time to get everything stocked and inventoried and get a break in before the evening rush starts.
He’s sweating buckets as he waves the guy off and staggers back out into the main bar for some ice water. He rounds the bar and snags a dishcloth from Joni who wrinkles their nose up at him as he swipes it over his forehead and the back of his neck.
Joni doesn’t sweat, it’s a point of pride for them. Ian isn’t sure if they actually aren’t capable of sweating, or if they just avoid any activity that could possibly cause them to perspire.  If he was at home with his siblings, Ian would shake his head like a wet dog, sending droplets flying all over every surface and into the faces of any person standing close enough. But last year when he took over from Gigi she made him sit through like thirty hours of online health and safety and food hygiene training, and there is an open container of cut limes on the back bar that he can’t in good conscience condemn with his bodily fluids. So he holds himself back and focuses on getting himself a drink and trying not to be too obvious about checking out his favorite regular.
Mickey Milkovich has been coming to The Scratching Post since before Ian’s time, before it was ever even a gay bar, according to the man himself. When he was a kid, before the neighborhood ‘went to shit’ – Mickey’s colorful way of saying got gentrified by the u-haul lesbians and professional gays – it was something of a slum. And Mickey grew up a regular little slumdog. Before The Scratching Post was The Scratching Post, it was The Alibi Room, and the way Mickey tells it, it was basically his dad’s office. He’s told Ian stories about how he used to sit in one of the booths and watch his dad take book or make deals, how he got his first tattoo from the owner’s cousin who was trying to rustle up enough bail money to get her boyfriend out of jail after he shot up their apartment during a bad trip. How his older brother lost his virginity in the upstairs room when it was a short-lived brothel. How the whole fabric of his life is tied up in this place, like he’s just as much a part of it as the stains on the carpet that they’ve never bothered to change.
So now that Mickey is out of prison (attempted murder, but according to Mickey it was a trumped up bullshit charge and if he wanted to murder someone he would fucking succeed) and back living in the house he grew up in, he likes to drink in his neighborhood bar, even if it’s turned into some sort of haven for the L-G-B-T-Q-Whatever (his words). It’s home.
Ian doesn’t mind. Mickey’s a fast drinker and he can hold a lot of booze, and it never hurts to get some steady business during the day. And he likes Mickey. Kind of really likes him, actually. Sort of wouldn’t mind licking the inside of his mouth or tasting the sweat on the back of his neck. And that’s where he gets into a certain amount of trouble. Because Mickey Milkovich? Is straight.
Straight as a ramrod. Straight as a ruler. Straight as the day is long. Capital S Straight. So Ian tries not to think too much about how soft his lips look or how good he smells, and he also tries to keep it under wraps exactly how much he likes to look at the guy. He’s not gonna not look at him. But he doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable in, from what Ian can gather, one of the only places he feels comfortable. And he also doesn’t want to get his ass kicked by a guy he has a crush on. He had enough of that kind of fun in high school.
So he grabs his pint of ice water and wipes his forehead with his stolen rag and he limits his glances to two seconds long with twenty second intervals. Or at least he thinks he does until Joni rolls their eyes at him and announces they are going on a smoke break, since he’s clearly gonna be there for a while anyway. He’d be annoyed but honestly, they’re right.
Mickey always sits in the same spot, on a high stool at the bar just where it’s curved around enough so that he can easily see the door but not so far that he can’t see who’s coming and going from the restroom or the back. His vigilance is quiet, but noticeable if you know what you’re looking for. Or if you just spend a lot of time looking.
He’s in his spot today, left hand curled loosely around his beer like he likes to be ready to drink at any moment, and he’s smiling down at his phone in a way that has Ian’s tummy start to fizz with little sparks of jealousy. What’s got him smiling like that? He’s desperate to know.
He doesn’t always talk to Mickey every time he comes in, he tries to show a respectful level of interest, though if you polled his employees they would probably say he fails at that. He does some quick math in his head while grabbing another rag and starting to wipe down the bar top, making his way down toward Mickey’s end. Today is Wednesday, Mickey didn’t come in yesterday, on Monday Ian kept his distance, and he hadn’t worked Sunday. That meant that their last interaction had been Saturday. Four days. That’s a decent interval, he figures, and he carries on wiping over the bar, trying to come up with a subtle way to find out what has made Mickey smile.
“That your girl?” Is what he’s got by the time he’s stood in front of Mickey, and it may not be subtle but it’s all he could think of.
“Huh?” Mickey asks, looking up.
“You uh, you look like something in your phone is making you real happy, I thought maybe it was a girl.”
“Oh, Uh.” Mickey looks down at his phone and then back up at Ian, his lips tugging down into a half frown. “No.”
He closes his phone and shoves it in his back pocket, eyes shifting around the room as he takes a sip of his beer. There’s something kind of shifty about it, like Ian’s made him uncomfortable somehow, and if Ian had more self-control he’d call this one a loss and find an excuse to leave him be. But his discipline only extends to his exercise regime and diet apparently because he finds himself unable to walk away, quietly desperate to know what Mickey had been looking at.
“So what d’you win a bet?”
Mickey huffs a laugh and sticks hi phone in his back pocket, Ian wipes a spot on the bar that he’s already wiped clean three times.
“Naw man, just a picture of my sister looking fuckin’ dumb in a squirrel hat.”
Ok. Not what Ian had been expecting.
“A…squirrel? Hat?”
“Yeah it’s for her job or whatever, she looks like a fuckin’ idiot.”
His words are harsh, but the smile that’s spreading over his lips is kind of soft, like he is actually kind of fond of his sister. Ian’s never seen him smile like that before. His smile is always kind of dirty, or wry, or sometimes bordering on a grimace, this is different, and Ian feels like he’s unlocked a new Mickey nugget. He wonders if he can get some more.
“I didn’t know you had a sister.”
“Two brothers, one sister.” He takes a gulp of his beer and then does a thoughtful little shrug. “That I know of. The way my dad was though, wouldn’t be too shocked if I got a bunch more I don’t know about.”
There’s that wry smile that Ian’s used to, with a half an eye roll that belies a lifetime of dealing with a parent who never stops disappointing you. It’s an eyeroll Ian has performed many a time himself.
“God yeah me too. I got at least one half-sister who showed up out of the blue a few years back, but I could be related to half the city for all I know.”
“Half the redheads at least.” And there’s the dirty smile. He’s mentioned Ian’s hair a few times, most people tease him about it a little, it’s no big deal. He imagines Mickey would have terrorized him if they’d known each other as kids, chasing him around calling him Carrot Top or Little Orphan Annie. This is kind of a gentle tease though, something warm, accompanied with a squint that could almost be a wink, if Mickey Milkovich was the kind of guy who winked, and it spurs Ian on.
“I knew this girl in high school, her dad had so many kids running around that she had to ask people for their family tree before she would hook up with them.”
Mickey almost chokes on his beer.
“Fuck me, should I be doing that?”
“I don’t know. She had a close call once, and her dad literally had like, thirty kids.”
“No shit.”
“Yeah, so, next time you’re lookin’ to hook up with someone, just, ask for a DNA screening first I guess.”
Mickey nods, and then the air sort of drops out of the conversation, like it has nowhere left to go. Mickey gulps the last of his beer in one huge mouthful that puffs his cheeks out and sort of makes him look like he’s chewing it, and the only thing Ian can think to say is to ask him if he wants another.
“Nah I’m good, gotta get back.” He throws some cash down on the bar to cover his tab and is out the door with his arms still shoving into his jacket before Ian can even say syanora.
And then he doesn’t come back for three weeks.
It’s not like Ian’s moping, Joni can fuck off for implying that. The bar is busy and he has a lot to do and employees to manage and siblings to deal with. But in the afternoons sometimes he’ll find himself staring at the empty space where Mickey would normally be and wondering, kind of forlornly, if the guy is ever coming back. Trying to figure out what he did or said in that last conversation that pissed him off so bad he would forsake his childhood bar.
Ian misses him. His expressive face and his disgusting sense of humour, and the way he makes Ian feel, like on edge and at ease at the same time. It just sucks, not seeing him, and not knowing why.
And then one day, three weeks and four days since The Scratching Post had last seen hide or hair of him, he’s back, sitting on his regular stool when Ian gets done mopping the bathrooms.
It gives him a jolt, a little shiver of excitement running down his spine as he shoves the mop in the corner and rounds the bar.
“Haven’t seen you around here lately.” He greets Mickey, as casually as he can, and Mickey looks up, kind of startled, and then looks down at the bar. Or. There’s a white envelope sitting there, and he seems fixated on it.  
“Everything ok Mick?”
Mickey nods, a quick little jerk of a thing, eyes fixed on the envelope. He doesn’t even have a drink in front of him.
“You want a beer?”
He shakes his head, brings his right hand up to lay his fingertips over the envelope and slide it across the bar toward Ian.
“What’s this?” Ian picks it up, there’s no name on it, no details, it’s not sealed but he’s still not sure if he should open it. Mickey’s looking up at him when he’s done inspecting it.
“It’s uh.” His bright blue eyes flick away and then back again, are they wetter than usual? They seem so shiny when they finally rest back on Ian. “It’s a DNA test.”
“A DNA test?”
“Yeah. We um. We ain’t related. So.”
He raps his knuckles on the bar a couple of times in a short sharp knock that he must think serves as a suitable stop to this most bizarre of conversations, and clambers off his stool, heading for the door.
“Wait Mickey—What?!”
“Just. Read it.”
The door has barely had time to swing shut before Ian is practically tearing the envelope in his haste to look at the paper inside. It’s exactly what Mickey said, a DNA test, comparing Mickey’s DNA to his own, which, he’s gonna have to talk to him about where he got a sample of Ian’s DNA from, and confirming that there’s no overlap. In the top right corner, in a chicken scratch of a hand, Mickey has scrawled the words ‘just in case’ and then a phone number, and Ian almost drops his phone in the ice trough in his rush to pull it out of his pocket and send a text.
[2:34pm]         I thought you were straight?
The reply buzzes through almost immediately, like maybe Mickey’s stood outside looking at his phone waiting to see what happens.
[2:34pm]         Good.
It’s a very Mickey text, and something about it makes Ian feel warm, like he’s being trusted with something Mickey doesn’t trust a lot of people with.
[2:35pm]         Where did you get a sample of my DNA??
[2:35pm]         That really what you wanna be asking me right now?
[2:35pm]         I’ve got a lot of things I want to ask you.
[2:36pm]         So come outside, I don’t got all day.
It’s possible that Ian knocks over a stool and drops his dishcloth on the floor, he’s got bigger fish to fry.
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pookiebearmick · 30 days
Laughing/smiling into kisses; pulling away and looking at each other with softened smiles !
this one is so cute!!! i'm doing a little bday moment for ian <3
The last thing Ian expected to wake up to on his birthday was an empty bed. He rolled over to find that his husband was gone, which was definitely out of the ordinary because Ian always had to coax Mickey out of bed after their multiple alarms let them know it was time to get up and ready for work.
Ian checked the time, 7:52AM, earlier than their usual 8AM alarm. This made it even stranger that Mickey wasn't in bed with him. He listened closely to see if he could hear anything to signal that Mickey was moving around somewhere in their small apartment. Strangely, he felt like he could hear a pin drop.
"Mick?" he called out to what seemed to be an empty apartment.
No reply. He rolled back to his other side and reached out for his phone, pulling up his messages to shoot Mickey a quick "where tf r u" text. It was Thursday, after all. They needed to be ready to leave their apartment by 9:30 to get to the growhouse for their first pickup of the day, and Ian was really hoping to have some lazy birthday sex before hopping in the shower.
He gave himself a couple more minutes in bed, scrolling on Instagram and responding to some "Happy Birthday Ian!!" text messages from his siblings, before he decided that it was time for him to get up and start some coffee. Fiona had sent him a french press and some coffee grounds from her favorite local shop in Florida for his birthday, and Ian was enjoying his fancy new kitchen gadget.
Mickey still hadn't responded to his text, so Ian started calling him as he measured out the grounds. He listened to the line ring two or three times before hearing jingling of keys and the unlocking of their apartment door.
"Where'd you go off to before 8 in the morning?" Ian asked, glancing over at the door as it opened before ending his phone call and grabbing the kettle to fill up with water.
"Well," Mickey started, shuffling out of his boots and moving into the kitchen, "I was hoping to surprise you with some breakfast from that café you're always talking about, but it seems the cat's outta the bag on that one."
Ian chuckled softly, setting the kettle on the burner and cranking it to high heat. "I told you you didn't have to do anything for my birthday, Mick. Getting together with the family for dinner and cake feels like a celebration enough for me."
He turned to face his husband, who was standing next to their small table with a soft smile and eyebrows raised. Mickey had just set down two styrofoam boxes of take out on the table, but still had a small bouquet of blue flowers in his hand.
"Wanted to," he said quickly to Ian, stepping forward and closing the gap between them.
Ian wrapped his arms around Mickey's waist and leaned down to kiss him, pulling Mickey in closer as he slotted their lips together.
He pulled back and looked at the flowers in Mickey's hand. "Sap," he teased with a small giggle, before leaning in and kissing Mickey again.
"Yeah, yeah," Mickey grumbled. "Your birthday's so close to Mother's Day that all the shops had flowers on sale. Couldn't fuckin' get out of there without someone putting flowers in my face." Despite the grumbling, Mickey was smiling softly up at Ian.
Ian absolutely loved that his husband was sweet and loving with him like this, getting up early to get him flowers and a special breakfast for his birthday. "Sure, Mick," he said sweetly, smiling back at Mickey. He leaned down and kissed Mickey once more through a big smile.
"Happy Birthday, lover," Mickey spoke softly, smiling sweetly back at Ian and meeting his gaze.
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lupeloto · 3 months
“just for you” ficlet
hi okay so i had an anon send in a hc about this situation and i loved it so much so i wrote a little ficlet about it! enjoy them being nasty (if u saw this yesterday no u didn’t, i changed some things hehe)
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“that’s bullshit and you know it,” ian grunts, yanking the front door open with a fury.
“the fuck it is!” mickey shouts back, stomping through the living room with exasperated mumbles, “need a beer.”
“great, just do me a favor and drink your three six-packs away from me,” ian spits, a flippancy in his voice that only mickey brings out in him.
mickey purses his lips, squints his eyes, and flips ian the middle finger before angrily taking a swig of his old style, “gladly.”
he heads over to the couch, outwardly faking indifference about the situation while quietly cursing himself for letting ian and himself get so worked up over practically nothing. he’s not even sure he can recall what started it in the first place.
he angrily tears his shoes off, popping them on the ground before laying back in the couch and flipping through the channels. he mindlessly stares for about an hour, drifting to sleep before hearing a knock on the door. he ignores it, spitefully waiting for ian to come clamoring down the stairs with mumbles of how lazy he is. he’s still pissed about earlier; ian having picked a fight out of seemingly nowhere just because he woke up crabby. the knock turns to a bang. mickey sighs, mumbling varities of fuck this, fuck that as he begrudgingly makes his way to the door with significantly pronounced stomps just loud enough in hopes that ian will hear.
he vigorously yanks the door open, prepared to spit a quick “can i fuckin’ help you?” before he catches sight of those dewy green eyes and goofy smile.
“the fuck?” mickey whispers before ian pulls his hand out from behind his back. he reveals a bouquet of wilted white roses that look as if they could talk, they would be begging to be put out of their misery.
“climbed out the window,” he flashes a bashful grin, “this is all they had at the store,” he gives a sad smile towards the roses and then back up to his husband.
“i’m sorry,” he says sincerely, a tinge of shame plaguing his voice as those green eyes go soft. “go to dinner with me?”
mickey takes in the sight, his heart doing backflips in his chest, “jesus christ,” he stares down with a wide grin.
“those flowers look like shit.” he says plainly. ian gives him a shrug, clearly fighting a smile.
“‘m sorry too,” mickey steps aside as ian meets him in the doorway.
“you’re a sappy asshole, ya know that?”
“just for you,” ian smirks, abandoning the flowers and grabbing mickey by the waist to meet their lips. he pulls back, bringing his freckled hands up to cup mickey’s jaw. he runs his thumb along mickey’s cheek, tracing his nose and under his eyes. mickey blinks slowly, leaning into the touch as his eyes flutter shut.
“wow,” ian whispers as he scans his husband’s face, getting lost in soft blue eyes and dusting of light freckles across porcelain skin.
mickey leans in, devouring ian with a hunger before ian pulls away and slows the movement. “dinner after?” he huffs through slow kisses down mickey’s neck.
mickey’s head leans back, “dinner after,” he says through hiccuped breaths. they take their time up the stairs, giggling between kisses as they stumble all over the place; door wide open and wilted white rose petals scattered across the floor.
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juli19varez · 8 months
Maybe one with gavi where u guys go to Disney together and just do cute coupley things
Princesita | Pablo Gavi X Reader
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sumarry: a day at Disneyland with pablo.
warnings: none! only fluffy
author note: i really don't know spanish at all (even taking classes for like two years lol) so i hope i didn't write anything wrong. also hope this was cute enough (i never visited disneyland so write it was a little challenging) hope you enjoy! (requests open)
when you guys finally did have free time, Pablo suggested to go on a short trip, and the destination would be at your choice. you didn't took a long time to reply, already with Disney on your mind since he said about the trip, it was your childhood dream, and go there with pablo felt more right than anything.
when the day came, the two of you where walking around the place looking for a specific store, and when you finally landed your eyes on them, you grabbed pablo's arm and started pulling him, with him only smiling at your happiness and excitement. "pablito pablito! can we buy these please??" you asked when you found a pair of Mickey and Minnie ear headband, doing the best puppy eyes you were able to do.
"of course amor, let's get those and anything else you want, hm?" you started jumping like a little kid at his words, running around the store to get some plushies of your favorite characters. pablo just followed you around, helping to get the items that were in the highest part of the shelf.
when you get off the store, you handed him the headband with mickey ears, smiling at him. "okay, now you're gonna put these and we'll take a photo together, vale?"
pablo looked at you with a funny face. "do i really have to?" "pleaseeee!!!" pablo gave up fighting when you grabbed his arm like a child asking his parents for candy, putting the headband and asking you to take the photo already, feeling a little embarrassed, while you giggled, putting yours and asking him to do a heart with you, taking the photo of the shadow on the ground.
when the day ended and you both arrived at the hotel room, you left the bags at the door and threw yourself on the bed, feeling tiredness taking over your body. pablo sat down beside you stroking your hair. "did you like our day, princesita??" "i did amor, i just... need to sleep now" you said yawning, taking his hand in yours. "thank you for today, pablito!" "everything for you, mi nena, now let's get ready to sleep, hm?"
you nodded and soon was tucked in bed, with him lying next to you and your head on his chest. "we could go to the park again tomorrow to see the firework show, what do you think?" you were very excited about it but didn't have enough energy to reply, so you only made a small noise agreeing, feeling your eyes close slowly.
pablo noticed that and left a kiss at your hair and both cheeks. "buenas noches mi nena, eres mi princesa favorita"
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oughhhhhhhhh i’m reading the knight!sugu fic again……………………………. maybe . i’ve already hit my peak
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planetpiastri · 1 year
do you know that I would be so honest to god grateful if you did the comparing hand size prompt w roosty? i just am already jaw dropped thinking about it
this blurb is brought to u by this lovely req + me watching fant4stic way too late at night bc i was in a miles mood. enjoy anon<33 | [wc - 1k]
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Bradley’s arm around your shoulders was heavy and comforting, and it was all you could do to keep your eyes open and focused on the television screen. You could hear the others chatting in the kitchen, and you were pretty sure that someone had turned on the grill outside. Was that bacon sizzling you smelled?
All in all, it was a pretty normal kickback at Hangman’s.
The movie you were watching wasn’t even particularly good; it was yet another low-budget Fantastic Four remake. Fanboy had turned it on, promising everyone would be amused if not at least entertained, and fifteen minutes in he and everyone else had promptly gotten up and stopped watching. The only ones left were you and Bradley, curled up together on the couch—and you’d only stayed because to get up would be to abandon extreme comfort.
“Hey, that guy kinda looks like you,” you mumbled, squinting at the screen.
Bradley snorted, and the sound reverberated through you from the place where your back was pressed to his chest. “I don’t see it.”
“Who’s hungry?” called Payback, coming in from the back porch with Fanboy following behind. They both carried big plates that confirmed that, yes, it had been bacon you’d been smelling.
Everyone immediately swarmed the two, oohing and aahing.
“Nothing excites drunk people more than bacon,” you mumbled.
“Why is that guy made of rocks?” Bradley said.
“Get me some bacon,” you said, swatting at his arm.
“Like, why wouldn’t he just get the ability to grow rocks? Or harden his skin? Why does he have to be made of rocks?”
“Bradley!” you said, laughing and jostling him. “Bradley, bacon!”
“Okay, okay. Move.”
You shifted upright long enough for him to disentangle himself from you and stand up. Then you flopped back down onto the cushions, appreciating the leftover warmth his body had left. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself, burrowing your nose into the soft fabric and breathing in deeply. It smelled mostly like Hangman and the aftershave he swore by, but there, buried in the fibers—Bradley’s cologne.
God, you loved that smell. It smelled like home. 
“What is the deal with you two?” said Fanboy, sitting down at the end of the couch so suddenly that you yelped in alarm.
“Mickey!” you gasped, pulling your feet out from under him. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Bacon!” he replied, like that was a normal place to go during a party. “How’s the movie? Hilarious, right?”
“It’s definitely something.”
“Are you gonna answer my question?”
Your cheeks burned, and you pulled the blanket up to your nose, hoping Fanboy wouldn’t be able to pick up on your nerves. “What are you talking about?”
“You know,” he said, gesturing with a stray piece of bacon, “the deal. The carpooling, the cuddling, the sleepovers. I’ve never seen Bradley so… happy,” he said finally. He took a bite of bacon, chewing thoughtfully. “None of us have.”
You really didn’t know what to say to that. You’d never considered that there might be more to your relationship with Bradley. He was your best friend, and that was as far as you’d gotten. You’d met him fresh off a new heartbreak, and you hadn’t been eager to throw yourself towards another one. You knew him well enough to know that heartbreak was the most realistic outcome if you did get yourself involved, so you stayed away from any feelings like that, and you stayed friends. 
And you were fine with that. You were happy with that. 
So why the hell did Fanboy have to go and say something lovely like that and throw you off?
“Okay, budge up,” said Bradley, stepping back around the coffee table and waiting for you to sit up so that he could position himself behind you again. Once you’d settled back into his lap, he handed you a napkin delicately folded over three warm slices of bacon.
You weren’t really hungry anymore, but you didn’t want Bradley to think Fanboy had been saying anything weird, so you picked one up and took a dainty nibble.
“What the hell happened?” Bradley said, staring at the screen. “I was gone five seconds, how are they on a different planet?”
“Isn’t that the greatest part?” said Fanboy. “I was here for the last few minutes, and I don’t even know!”
“You’re not eating your bacon,” Bradley told you.
Embarrassed warmth flooded you. “I am!” you said defensively, taking a bite to prove it. “Thank you very much for getting it for me.”
“This movie completely wastes Michael B. Jordan,” said Fanboy to nobody in particular.
“You’re still not eating it,” said Bradley. “I thought you liked the crispier pieces.”
“I do!” you protested, but it was no use. Bradley was already pulling your napkin out of your hand and giving you his instead, with his juicier, fattier slices of bacon.
Then his hands stilled over yours and he said, “Have your hands always been this small and I just never noticed?”
You smiled in spite of yourself. “They are not small.”
“They’re tiny,” he insisted, setting both napkins of bacon down on the coffee table.
“They’re not!” you argued, holding them up to the light. “They are normal, proportional, human-sized hands!”
Bradley’s arm around your shoulders rose up, and one hand traced the inside of your wrist briefly. Goosebumps erupted down your arms, and you were thankful you’d decided to wear long sleeves. Then he pressed his palm flat to yours, turning it this way and that in the light, seemingly assessing whether your hands were as pitifully minuscule as he seemed to suspect.
“See,” you said, your voice sounding far away even to yourself. “Normal sized hands.”
“Hmm,” said Bradley. Then he shifted his palm by the slightest margin and pushed his fingers forward, lacing your hands together.
Electricity jolted through you, and you were sure he could feel your heart pounding. At the other end of the couch, Fanboy was staring at the tv so hard that he couldn’t have actually been paying attention.
“Yep,” Bradley said decisively. “The perfect size, I’d say.”
“You doofus,” you said, pleased warmth flooding your body. But you tucked his hand against your chest and curled against him, and you felt pretty happy to be watching a terrible movie on the couch of a party with this lovely man.
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tastesousweet · 2 months
⭒ blurb : “if a girl walks up to you …”
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bf!hamzah x poc!reader
summary : headcannon/blurb based on the tiktok trend “if a girl walks up to you and flirts what are you doing?”
mickey speaks : randomly had this thought tdy & hamzah has been on my mind lately soooo this one’s for my slushy girls 💐 PRETTY FLUFFY (but i hope it’s not like … cringy instead of cute)
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you’re both fully in pajamas, tucked and wrapped in each other’s arms when you come across the tiktok trend that has flooded your for you page as of late
hamzah’s naturally aloof (due to a long day spent with you and it currently being almost 1 AM) and unfocused as he fights sleep while watching his tenth episode of teen titans.
so when you quickly unravel yourself from him and move across the room, adjusting your low hanging sweatpants accordingly, he’s dumbfounded and asking you what you’re doing and why you’re leaving him.
“you’re so dramatic, can you come here? i wanna do something”
“insulting me and asking a favor in the same sentence…” he sighs then pauses with a hand closed over his mouth, muffling “wow.”
literally and metaphorically tugging his arm to get him to participate but he’s adamant on knowing what exactly he’s getting up for
when he’s almost out of bed you tell him it’s “this tiktok thing” and he exaggerates a “NOOOO” and releases all of his weight so that he falls back on the bed and you practically fall with him due to your connected hands
of course he’s eventually convinced with a few kisses
hamzah fiddles with your hand while listening to you explain: “okay, pretend im not here and some girl comes up to you at target.”
he just stands in the center of the frame looking around the room as you walk away then return in character
you approach obnoxiously and begin some surface level flirting “hey good looking”
“you can back up a little bit,” he looks you up and down
“pause- did you just check her out???”
“no? you know there was definitely some judgement there.”
“sure ok, resume… now.” you play with your hair, “what’s someone as cute as you doing in a place like this?”
“bruh, we’re at a target” hamzah laughs through his words
you stop your role again, “and why are you taking time to respond to her?!”
“oh kill me for being distracted! you couldn’t have hired an ugly actress?”
you look up at him with squinted eyes, “you need to learn to resist the hot girls too!”
“i’m tryingggg!!!!” he rubs his eye harshly, “restart, restart.”
it cuts to a clip of you two acting once more
“yeah, we both loooveee target we’re, like, so alike,” you go to grab his arm and he turns completely away from you
“ok, and i have a girlfriend” he pretends to grab something off of a shelf
“that doesn’t matter if i don’t see her…”
you continue pestering so he resorts to plugging his ears with his fingers and talking over you, repeating that he has a girlfriend
eventually he turns back to face you and yells “OH MY GOD GIRL, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!” right into your smiley face.
he then fully manhandles you over his shoulder and spins you around before dropping you onto the plushness of your shared bed
he doesn’t even look to check on you (you’re outrageously laughing and yelling “it hurts!” in regards to your poor stomach cramping)
he runs to grab your phone from the desk while recording himself in faux panic, “guys, you can’t tell y/n i just beat up a woman please, please, pl- AHHH”
he and the video are cut off by you jumping on his back and attacking his cheek with kisses through your loud giggles.
you cuddle in bed again after turning off the lights and hamzah rewatches it for a third time since you’ve posted it to your spam account (everytime it’s over he says, “no, that was actually pretty funny.”)
by the morning it has thousands of likes and plenty of comments either full of love for the two of you together or calling hamzah the funniest man in the world (they’re just like u fr!)
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kandyzee · 3 months
Favourite gallavich kiss ? And why
Thanks for asking !!
My favourite gallavich kiss is the s3 wedding kiss. U can probably tell cause of my pfp.
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I like it for a few reasons. First cause it's the first long kiss we get, and it has a LOT of emotion.
The fact that mickey kisses Ian here means so much to me. You would expect Mick to be more standoffish after what happened with Terry. Up till this point, it was pretty much always 1 step forward 2 steps back with him. When Ian goes to see him before the wedding to talk to him, mickey is as expected, not very nice. He doesn't want to talk to Ian or even look at him. But now mickey is kissing him. Instead of that 2nd step back, mickey is progressing again.
This is such a pivotal moment for Mickeys character imo. This, to me, is the real start of mickeys desperation to be with Ian. Yeah, mickey has kissed Ian before this point, but it didn't have this kinda passion. Some of Mickeys biggest fears had just come true, but he loves Ian so much that he pushes past that fear and kisses him again. Not only is he kissing Ian after something that traumatic, but he's doing it in a place he knows he could easily be caught by the wrong person. When he kisses Ian the first time, he makes sure no one is around, and its fast so no one can catch them (man was probably nervous too). Even when he invites Ian to stay, he does it because he knows Terry will be gone. Mickey is choosing Ian in the moment over his own safety. He's taking a big risk, something he hasn't done to this level before. Mickey keeps making big steps after this happens.
Ian kissing him back is just as important to me. Ian has no real reason to keep chasing mickey, but he does anyway. Mickey beats him up , and he still goes to the wedding to try to convince him he can do better. It shows just how much good Ian sees in mickey. When Ian kisses back, it's because he has hope that he can make him and mickey work. Ian can seem like he doesn't always understand the mickeys situation, but he just got first-hand experience on how bad things can be with mickey. It would make sense for Ian to give up and take himself away from the danger. Ian doesn't do that he is there for mickey. He keeps trying and pushing.
And just look at the way they are holding each other.
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Mickey pulling Ian down is PERFECT.
I can literally feel the way mickey is choosing ian, the faith Ian has in mickey.
Forever going insane over them
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em-harlsnow · 17 hours
mickey would do the trend of texting your S/O something dirty while at a family event
oh I agree.
it's family movie night, and mickey's bored. he usually likes carl's suggestions, but for some reason he just can't find fucking fast and furious 2 interesting. vin diesel isn't even in it. sure, Paul walker's okay, but he looks like a goody-two-shoes.
no one minds when he starts flipping through his phone.
for once, mickey's on the armchair, not the couch, with Ian on the couch where he has a better view of the TV. while mickey has a great view of Ian.
he scrolls through TikTok, sound down. god, the app is really addictive.
and then he finds the perfect thing to get rid of his boredom.
he flips over to his text chat with Ian.
usually, they don't need to send dirty texts. they're together all the time, why would they?
now seems the best time to start.
he thinks about what to type to get the best reaction, and settles on
m: if we were home rite now, id suck ur dick until I choke
he smirks as he sends it, and has to contain his grin when ian's phone buzzes. mickey watches as Ian sips his beer, eyes half on the movie and only darting quickly to his phone. ian's not very good at keeping his cool, spluttering a little and coughing slightly when he swallows the beer in his mouth. Ian looks up at him, part glare part interest. mickey grins back.
m: wld have to go real deep in my throat to make me choke
m: im sure that won't b a problem 4 u
he types out and sends.
ian's reaction is to scowl at mickey and he can see him typing swiftly.
I: what are you doing
is all he says.
I: nothing, just explainin what imma do wen we get home
mickey responds, trying to look innocent as he does
m: you don't want your dick sucked?
m: i'll just ride u into the couch then
he watches as Ian takes a deep breath
I: you need to stop
Mickey smirks again.
m: don't what that either?
m: u wanna pound me from behind?
m: shoving my head down into the mattress?
ian's leg starts bouncing, and mickey's so sadistically happy.
I: watch the movie
urgh, and ian's still playing hard to get. even though he can see how badly he's effecting him
m: rather watch u
m: love watching ur face when I deep throat
m: such a big fucking cock
m: make it poke out of my cheek so u can see it
Ian bites his lip at that, trying hard to keep composure.
I: ur an asshole
m: u wanna see my asshole?
m: wrapped around ur dick?
and that's enough, apparently, because ian's getting up.
"there's an emergency at work, me and mickey have to go." Ian tells them, grabbing mickey's arm and pulling him from the chair.
"what? a weed delivery emergency?" lip scoffs, disbelieving.
"yup." Ian says in the worst lying voice ever.
Debbie glares at them as they pull on their coats, taking notice of mickey's proud, self-satisfied grin. "you guys better stay for the whole thing next movie night."
"sure thing, debs." Ian smiles, and then pulls mickey out of the door by his elbow.
once they're well and truly out of the house, almost at the car, Ian leans in to whisper in mickey's ear. "you're doing all that shit the second we get home."
fuck yes, toktik clock app is actually good for something.
I don't usually write NSFW, but I hope this met expectations!
-> send me prompts for TikTok trends <3
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