#I also headcanon him to be my dads age on accident 😭
nerflufser · 3 months
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He’s so EMOOOO🖤🖤
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yatsugareboyf · 3 years
hi :o,can i request soukoku headcanons with an adopted daughter? like, what kind of parents would they be for your daughter and how would they act in some situations? i really want to see this plss🥺
this is so cute 😭 btw (p/n) is just gonna be in place of like mom or dad just in case any of yall arent comfortable w mom/dad or any parental term and to keep this gender-neutral
nakahara chuuya and dazai osamu with an adopted daughter.
nakahara chuuya
hes so inlove. very inlove. not only w you but w his daughter :(
you probably got her when she was little, not even a year old.
her name is kian and shes currently a 3 year old introverted kid
she was orphaned at a young age because of an accident her birth parents were in:(( and you were friends w her parents and couldnt bare to give her away
"chuuya, remember my friend tht got in an accident recently?"
"yeah, what about it?"
"they left behind a kid, she's probably not even a year old. i- can we keep her?"
probably had to think about it for a while before asking to see the child
and he fell inlove w her like omg :(
she was so small and fragile, not to mention how she smiled so brightly at chuuya when he carried her
he was silent the whole time while holding her, while kian was laughing up a storm
you let the worker in the orphanage take her back when it was time to go, and not even two steps outside chuuya went like
"let's get her today. let's just get her stuff before we go home. we're going to get her now."
and you couldn't agree more
so you came back and took baby kian with you home, driving by the mall to buy her a crib and all the othet things
almost bought the entire baby girl section.
on your first night, he refused to let kian sleep in her unbuilt nursery. so in the mean time, she slept in the middle of you and chuuya in your room.
she wasnt noisy or demanding, she was very shy and quiet which worried chuuya
"isn't.... isn't she supposed to be crying?"
"pls don't ask for it if she cries i dont know what to do"
at night she did cry a lot, probably realized that she isnt sleeping with her parents in their home anymore :(
it took a while for chuuya to calm her down, but she found comfort in chuuya and slept peacefully after that, whining whenever he had to part from her
probably swore over his dead body that he wont ever leave her side
which he know realized, after a few days, would be much harder than he thought it would
hes in the mafia, goddamnit, hes always on-call and hes gone most of the day and into the night so how the fuck will he see his daughter
he thought of bringing her with him at work but you refused, like so much it turned into an argument like
"she's going to be fine! the port mafia isn't kid-friendly but at least i'm there to protect her!"
"no fucking way, you just said it isn't kid-friendly, what if she walks in or sees something she's not supposed to see? she's gonna turn into a liability for the mafia? you are not bringing her there"
"she'll be in my office the whole time, do you think im stupid enough to let her run around a giant ass building? no"
eventually y'all settled down bcs poor kian was so confused why the both of u were yelling her name over and over 😭
you still didnt let chuuya bring her to the mafia but you also cant leave her since u have work/school too
finally, you decided it was best to let chuuya bring her, but only to have her escorted by you all the way to his office to ensure that she's in his office ONLY.
y'all couldnt hire a babysitter bcs kian alr had too many changes in her life and adding another guardian would probably overwhelm her
you worked it out and now kian is happily spoiled by his father 24/7
he wouldn't take any risky missions the first few weeks that kian was there so he wouldn't have to leave her, but once kian knew kouyou and trusted her enough, she started looking after kian whenever chuuya ran to do an errand
ofc nothing would compare to chuuya and the moment she would run to his arms when she saw him again is heartwarming
kian loves chuuya and chuuya loves kian end of story
dazai osamu
i think dazai is... indifferent with children
like, yeah they exist but he never rlly thought of having one? would he even live that long? yeah he didnt think that far
but when he met you, he almost immediately knew that you were taking care of someone at home
he wasn't sure if it was a child at first, but when you showed up one day with the sticker of a diaper on your sleeve, he deduced tht it was a baby, maybe even a toddler.
now tht u two are dating/in a relationship, you had told him abt your adopted baby boy and why u decided to adopt him
your friend loves attending events for adoption centers, retirement homes and charity events and you decided to tag along to some of them
one of them was at an adoption center where you met little baby tadashi, a baby who was abandoned by his parents because "they wanted to live their lives"
you adopted baby tadashi even if u didnt mean to adopt anyone in the first place, you couldnt seem to let go of him
dazai wasn't surprised ofc, he kinda knew alr
at first, he didnt really feel any obligation towards tadashi, like he was dating you and not your son
but the longer you two stayed together, he got to know baby tadashi and see him grow up
he didnt see tadashi that often but when he moved in, he couldn't help but watch him all the time
he felt a tiny connection with tadashi until it grew so much that he would prefer hanging out with tadashi more than going to work apparently
would take him out to the park when hes a bit older, since hes a bit energetic, or bring him to an amusement park to eat all the sugary sweets he likes and ride all the rides he sees
you were so happy to see them get along, but you always reminded dazai that he doesn't really have an obligation to take care of tadashi, since he's your child, but omg
"what do u mean? he's our child now, isn't he? he grew up with us two here with him, it'll be too confusing for tiny little tadashi to say that im not his father."
tadashi calls dazai "osa" ever since he was a baby (or how old a child can talk....) and he calls you by your nickname, never rlly by any parental terms
but when tadashi grew old enough to ask, you weren't afraid to tell him the truth, that he was adopted but you and osamu loved him very much
he didnt really mind it, but he started to try and call you by p/n and osa by dad
the first time tadashi called dazai "dad*, dazai probably cried inside ngl
"dad, can you come to my basketball game tomorrow?"
ofc he plays it off and just smiles at your son and goes "of course! what kind of dad wouldn't be at their son's basketball game?"
he hugged u for so long while tadashi was gone 😭😭
would definitely listen to every story tadashi had to tell
would to everything for your son, in general, whether it be learning to play a sport to play w him or teaching him math he never really learned or driving him to school or bringing him to play dates
he loves tadashi so much 😭 like that's the light of his life right there
probably a bit strict (?) just because he wants him to be safe
bcs of this, they probably get into arguments a lot and its just a while before one of them (or both of them at different times) come to you to tell their side of the story
but dazai is so gentle w his son and talks it out with him and in the morning they would get ice cream together just GAJFJFVJDJAJ
sigh. dazai w a son.
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