#I am but a humble lesbian
denkryn · 2 months
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bahoreal · 1 year
whole first ten minutes of s3 ep5 havent taken in a single word keelys tits are insane
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undercoverangell · 2 years
the dark thoughts won im drawing kalina in a big fur coat
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almoststedytimetravel · 7 months
Why is the male form so hard to draw?!?!?!?
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ineffable-aaaaaaaaaa · 6 months
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manifesting the lesbians for season three :))))))
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layzorr · 7 months
Fun fact: literally any kink gets hotter (in my personal taste) if you add praise kink. It goes with anything.
Corruption kink? Praising them for resisting for so long even when it must be *so* hard to handle it, as a backhanded working them up more thing. Or praising them for just giving in and being so desperate and *easy.* Humiliation and praise kink is a god tier combination.
Edging? Praising them for taking so much, including more backhanded working them up more thing. But also dom rewarding them for not cumming, rewarding them every time they pleaded them to slow down so they didn't cum. Saying they'll only get to cum once they've earned it but since they're *so* good, they shouldn't have a problem with it. Cooing that it must be so hard but they're doing SO good and they're so perfect, they deserve all the rewards they're getting and they're gonna make sure they feel so good when they finally get to cum.
Masochism? Boom, praising them for how much they can take. "Does that hurt enough? Oh, you're barely even flinching. I bet you could take more." OR if you have a thing for sub tops, may I offer: praising them for how strong they are. Sub sadists you are underappreciated and ily.
Pet play? Do I even have to answer that question? Have you ever met anyone into pet play???
Divinity kink? I mean come on. Being of all mighty power owning you and telling you you're perfect and made for them. I think anyone into divinity kink would just Die.
You could incorporate it into pretty much any scene if you tried hard enough, or any fantasy scenario. No officer I don't have a praise kink this is a total coincidence.
Feel free to add on!
(cishets and minors dni, everyone else you can stay)
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reactionimagesdaily · 9 months
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Submitted by @valentines-for-a-dyke
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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warm up for today!
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fulcrum-art-fox · 5 months
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How is she allowed to be so pretty covered in blood?
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moregraceful · 5 months
accidentally invented a new form of no bedtime called 11pm glass of emergency-c + 4pm latte + 8pm cup of black tea + 9pm cup of black tea
#the real question is can i go to church on less than 5 hours of sleep and still function lol#i unlocked my instagram bc church wouldn't stop tagging me to direct people to me for stuff but that meant i had to delete a bunch of pho#tos AND rewrite a bunch of captions for photos i didn't WANT to delete bc i was too mean to random sharks prospects#which is fine if it is u know the anonymity of tumblr but not public instagram where my church won't stop FULL NAMING AND TAGGING ME#''anonymity of tumblr'' i doxx myself on here like 80 times a day in front of more people than i went to college with#anyway my point is i was going through deleting all evidence of politics pens fandom and legal documents and i was like damn#my attitude towards my team SUCKS. i gotta be way less of a hater!!!#what did my prospects ever do wrong besides everything NOTHING. the system is BROKEN. i am sorry i will be so much nicer guys :(#also if u really want to be humbled. scrolling back to 2012 on your instagram and re-experiencing senior year of college. BAD#i've deleted i think everything that would reasonably get our nonprofit status pulled but what a horrific journey it was#two full hockey intermission periods of deleting shit plus another hour at home doing several more passes and then rewriting captions#so that some poor 21 year old prospect randomly searching their name doesn't see me full ass call their teammate cringe#their teammate IS cringe. but i love him. but the nuances are lost on instagram people don't understand these things they take everything#at face value#don't know why i just assigned shakir mukhamadullin they/them pronouns#i think i need to go lie in bed with a blanket over my head until i suffocate#this ALWAYS happens i get too hype about mackenzie blackwood and start listening to selena gomez and then it's like almost 3am and i'm just#fresno oilers.txt#oh and. a friend sent me screenshots of the girl she's been flirting with on a dating app and they are SOOOOO cute#i hope they make a good run of it i really do bc it was SO cute. living vicariously through episcopalian lesbians as one does#but then i was trying to figure out how to edit my dating app profile to dissuade chasers but still honeytrap guys who are tall enough#or athletic enough to pick the tangerines at the top of the tangerine tree. bc i couldn't reach this week#but there were still like god maybe 150 tangerines on the tree. i was like this could be feeding people but i'm TOO SHORT#and my life will be like this. FOREVER#icb the future of this garden is so psychologically burdensome that i'm having to build it into a dating app profile lol#well now that i'd treated this entire tag set as twitter for and hour and a half#time to go try to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling and then wake up in [checks notes] four hours
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cyborgdragongirl · 7 months
I am the butch who opens pickle jars, and I am the femme who tops
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grandma-course · 2 months
Her girl was a razor her girl dug to bone marrow her girl didn't stick to the script her girl had a bomb had a bomb HAD A BOMB God wasn't she such fun! 
Her girl would blow them all up and she would let her her girl would come out on top and that was sexy. That was sexy! 
Her girl said loosen up her girl said you only live a quarter her girl said nothing's ever enough so fuckit be ugly
Her girl wasn't like the others her girl went to another school you wouldn't know her her girl wore sunglasses inside and pins in her hair her girl was proud to have a head full of death 
Her girl was never held her girl didn't know god was he the arsonist outcooling her in the neighbor district her girl didn't know about the sun but she'd heard he was real cold a motherfucker wifebeater maybe she'd scorch him next. her girl said party what party aren't i the party baby her girl said watch me dance I SAID WATCH ME her girl hung herself from the tinsel when she blinked
her girl was lighter than air her girl was sustained on a diet of men and gasoline her girl said you don't have to lick it if you're not that into me that's why i set the whole place blazing babyboo
her girl didn't want you saying sorry when you meant mama said no and no girl's worth my mama
her girl was gone before you knew what hit ya her girl was lightning her girl was the key on the kite her girl ate you backwards spat you out a fagger blesseder than the virgin mary
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
How did Pabit gain sentience? How did Habit get him?
I would imagine Habit probably made him same as the Carlas...! in both Pabit and the Carlas' case I think the funniest possible answer to "how did they gain sentience" is "no one knows, including Habit. he's very scared"
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goolfriend · 2 years
maybe 😏
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farbeagle · 9 months
Started thinking about trans Cynthia... then I started thinking about t4t SnazzyShipping...... but they're BOTH transfem
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freshcut-chetney · 10 months
The fact that Larian makes me choose between Karlach and Shadowheart..............
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