#I don’t like sand
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meiloorunn · 2 years
with all of cassian’s beach related trauma i reckon he could give anakin a run for who hates sand the most
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vocalwarrior24 · 28 days
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If there’s anybody out there going on any fancy dates with anyone today, don’t forget to pull out THIS classic pickup line right here! Number one way to pick up chicks right here!
Oh, and don’t be afraid to sound a bit like Daffy Duck today. May the fourth be with you!
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legendoftortor · 1 year
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Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones
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thehowdytooter · 2 years
Dude Anakin Skywalker would totally hate Morpheus
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nowimthevillain · 1 year
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toastedtortelloni · 1 year
Smoked a joint thinking I could just chill in my room, continue my BoTW play through, but my parents wanted to watch Star Wars episode 2, and I decided to make popcorn and brown some butter to put on it. Solid 7/10 experience, anyways here’s the browned butter I’m gonna watch some hot Jedis do some sick acrobatics
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flying-princess · 2 years
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Behold! My first art I made using my new tablet I got for my birthday! ...And *sigh* there's a lot to be desired here. 😓
Before I get to roasting myself, this is the Rey drawing that I made that post for, asking which concept outfit did people want to see me draw Rey in a while back. This outfit was the most popular out of all three choices on the social media platforms where I posted the poll. I always thought Rey should have been given a new outfit for the last sequel movie but they didn’t. I know why they didn’t but it’s still a bummer. There were so many cool ideas for outfits for her.
Okay, now for the roast.
So, I don't like how parts of the outfit don't look the way they should like with the hood/sash thingy she's wearing at the front. 😣
I mistakenly took some liberties that were out of my comfort zone that I clearly wasn't ready to do for this being my first art with a tablet and using an entirely different art platform that I'm still getting used to. I mean, thin AND coloured lines? WTF was I thinking?! Doing coloured lines is what caused the major shift in the outfit's colour scheme for this drawing as you can probably tell from the third slide.
Also, I couldn't get the pose I was going for to look right. No matter how hard I tried to fix it I just couldn't. It got very frustrating to deal with so just I forced myself to run with it.
I've been so used to drawing with a mouse for, like, 12 years or so and then going over my shakey mouse lines with the paths tool on Gimp. Drawing with a pencil-like stylus is like going back to the old days when I was drawing with a pencil again. It felt weird but I didn't hate it though. Change is good. I just gotta get back into drawing this way. Maybe I'll give this Rey design another go when I'm more experienced with a more steady hand with full-body poses.
But I hope some of you like it anyways. Even though I don’t think it looks all that great I really did try my hardest on this one. 🥺
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wwiisoldierdanzig · 1 year
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We just landed in Normandy, we’re storming the beach now
- June 6th 1944
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ember-not-amber · 1 year
“I used to switch out these Kens
I’d just ghost
Rip the band aid off and skip town like an ✨asshole outlaw✨
Freedom felt like summer then
On the coast
Now the sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings”
Damn, Taylor became Anakin Skywalker
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puppyeared · 1 year
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What did they do to you
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empress-of-myria · 2 years
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samanthasgone · 2 years
I’ll be at the beach and hoping I don’t get sand on me.
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lyriumsings · 4 months
I keep seeing people talk about Palestine as if all hope is lost like they’re already gone and “the least we can do it remember them” and quite frankly I reject that. These people are fighting for their lives demanding the world to pay attention to them. Demanding their freedom and their right to exist on their own land. In light of the absolute atrocity that is happening in Rafah I am urging everyone to remember why we’re protesting and that these people ARE HERE. They’re alive, they’re real, they have a beautiful culture that needs to be witnessed and celebrated so here are some Palestinian creators you should follow because Palestine is not lost. It is not an empty land that’s gone. They will never be gone and we should all keep fighting until Palestine is free and not a second before because Palestine WILL be free again. I’m focusing mostly on Palestinian creators on tiktok because I think it’s important to see the physically and listen them and just acknowledge that they’re people, they should have linktrees to their other social media. I encourage you to visit their pages and interact with them because they are also being censored especially on tiktok. My platform isn’t big here so please feel free to reblog and also add more links, I would love to follow more Palestinian creators as well!
None of us are free until we all are. From the river to the sea. 🇵🇸🕊️🍉
@/mxriyum - a Palestinian woman who shares her amazing recipes passed down from her mother. She hasn’t posted in a while but there are many Palestinian recipes on her page that are absolute delicious. Please give them a try.
@/anat_international - a Palestinian woman giving updates on what is happening in Gaza but also shares about Gaza before the genocide. She is currently being heavily censored by tiktok for talking about the genocide and is doing more “influencer” like videos to beat the algorithm. So she’s sharing more stuff about the culture like Tatreez clothing, and organizing pottery painting sessions with people who are palestinian and allies. Extremely informative! She’s taught me so much.
@/sammyobeidthem - a Palestinian man who is a comedian. Genuinely so funny! And proudly Palestinian and talks about Palestine in his sets!
@/elyanna - a Palestinian singer. Her voice is insanely gorgeous. She has a song that has not been released on spotify called olive branch that is about the ongoing conflict in Gaza.
@/monamakeupdoll - a Palestinian make up artist, she’s absolutely gorgeous! She share tips and tricks and make up brands that support Palestine!
@/thatfalahigirl -A Palestinian Influencer she has a link in her link tree to purchase a Keffiyah if you haven’t yet there is even a discount! All proceeds go to Gaza via Pious Projects! She shows various ways to wrap it and shares her cultural clothes and I learned what dabke is because of her and it looks like so much fun!
@/amalzhamm - A Palestinian influencer she posts about her lifestyle and food and her family and it’s just so important right now to see happy Palestinian people. Palestinian mothers and fathers and children just existing. Like all of us do every day. And she shared this absolutely beautiful video of what palestine is like.
I’m going to end with this next one the very first person I saw on tik tok that educated me through his videos on Gaza and Palestine in October last year.
@/iamsbeih - a Palestinian influencer he posts about what is happening right now and what has been happening to the Palestinian people for over 70 years. He talks about his own family and his roots in Palestine the correct way to pronounce Gaza and Palestine. Just so much crucial information and i’m so grateful for him being willing to spend the time making these videos to educate people like me. He even posted a couple of palestinian songs (iirc they’re folk songs a lot of Palestinians in the comments know them) recently and they’re very beautiful.
Thank you. Free Palestine.
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