#I don’t think it’s artblock this time. maybe school?
artfartt · 8 months
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Oh yea and a few other stuff I did
Pirate au by @mack-timelines btw
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Silver you asked for it-
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I really haven’t been drawing much
Uhm…I figured out how to draw in this style
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turtleduckrabbit · 3 years
Honorary Mentions: GingaNinja (Insta)/ @bluepalleteuniverse / @star-gamerxox / @help-im-a-gay-fish / @adorablybubblyfirebug / @ari-cuno / @rikablue27 / @amarald / @zu-is-here (Sorry for the mentions! Hope you enjoy my trashy writing.)
[NOTE]: I have NEVER written any sort of story before, especially one like this, so please forgive me for the horrible grammar, writing, and art.
It’s all black… I can’t see… where am--
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I was in the same classroom, it was lit brighter. The light from the sun shined through the windows and I felt an aching pain in my head. But it could be from the fact I just fell on my head a few sec--- wait. How long ago was it?
I’m starting to remember now.. We’re in a game.. The school was in ruins a moment ago. What the hell is going on here?
I walked towards the door and into the hallway. Where is everyone? The other students? Do we have to meet up in whatever room? I peeked back into the classroom to look for a message on the chalkboard but there was nothing. Sooooo, no clue what to do- uh- I’ll just walk over to the classroom next door…
(Entering classroom/ representatives;2_found/ subunit;studentcouncil)
“Hellooooo? Anyone in--”
“No, but I’m just saying- is it really a good idea to allow timed academic competitions..?”
“Of course it is, don’t be so cautious. Other schools do it, and besides- we were picked out for this subunit, so it would most likely make the most sense, right?”
Uh- am I supposed to be here? Maybe I should leave? WAIT- THERE ARE OTHER STUDENTS, THAT’S A GOOD THING, UH- OKAY-
I walked over and they turned to look at me. A more young masculine looking person and a feminine looking person. One of the students had more fluffy orange-tinted hair, wore the masculine-based school uniform. And the other student had straighter black and faded purple-tinted hair, with their hood up. “My name is Star, I was wondering if I could get some help around here? I don’t really know what happened to my school- adding on that I’ve never seen you two during my entire life at this school-”. I jumbled over my words a little, I have no idea how to explain any of this. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Aim. Listed under the Student Council Subunit.” he smiled. I let out a sigh of relief, they were nice- thank the stars.. I turned to the other student: “And you are-?”.
They stared at me for a second before blinking, like they were bringing themselves back into reality. “OH- sorry.. You can call me Oriana, I’m under the same subunit as Aim. We were just discussing random stuff that I kinda already forgot about--” they scratched their head and laughed awkwardly. “Really….?” Aim glared sarcastically at Oriana. “Yeah, okay. Don’t try that, you’re still a baby compared to me.” Oriana snickered.
I watched Aim get slightly offended before turning back to me. I decided to take them with me to look for other stu--- wait, did they say they’re under a subunit?
‘ ‘ I am your Headmaster Subunit. , ,
“You’re under a subunit, like Yui?” I asked. “Huh- didn’t we say that?” Aim asked before Oriana chimed in. “Yui is a weird kid, I don’t say that often. I’d like to not be compared with them.”.
I quickly apologized and fidgeted with my hands a bit. “What subunit are you listed under?” Aim asked, and as always, I was dumbfounded. Man- I really gotta start paying attention in class. I don’t even remember what subunits are-
“Well-- uh-- I-” I was looking around trying to think. It was just out of habit.
“If you don’t remember, you can just check your student handbook.” Oriana suggested. I thanked them before taking out the student handbook in my pocket. And this student handbook- was VERY personal. Like extremely personal-. Besides the subunit listing, which is normal, there was: blood type, likes and dislikes, family origins, aliases, height, weight in both lbs and kg, even closest allies. “Huh- never knew my blood type before-.” I mumbled. “Yeah- this thing is kinda weird.” Aim noted. “It has info on everything and everyone.”.
“Well, according to this, I’m also under the student council subunit..” I looked up at them. “So we’re on the same subunit?” Oriana asked. I nodded. “That’s soooo cool!!” Aim’s eyes lit up in joy. “We finally have another addition to the unit!!” He cheered as we began to walk into the hallway in search of other students.
“Like I said, he's baby.” Oriana shrugged before laughing. I couldn’t contain my laughter and began laughing as well. “Hey! I don’t really appreciate that..” Aim scoffed dramatically before running in front of us. “Mhm, yeah- okay. Talk to us when you’re older, young one.” I patted his head jokingly. “I’m barely any younger than Oriana! We’re the same age! Just a few months difference!”. Maybe this wouldn’t be that terrible.. I’ve already figured out people to stick with in this game.
I completely forgot..
We’re in a killing game..
Nobody can be trusted, not any of the students.
But maybe… These people are different...
They must be… right..?
(I got artblock, so the art will be reblogged w/ the post)
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shibalen · 4 years
Hi! Can I get a Haikyuu and Demon Slyer matchup? I’m a bi light skinned hispanic girl, Infj sun Pisces and moon Aries, I really love Literature and Art but I hate gym and french. I love going all out on subjects that genuinely interest me but can get worn out very quickly if I don’t like something. I’m working hard to become and artist and when I’m older I want to create a graphic novel. I’d like dates on rooftops or at home pigging out on snacks and watching movies. Thank you! Have a good day!
♡︎ matchup for @mexicansangrita
hello! it's been a long wait but thank you for being so patient with me and also for liking my stuff! i appreciate your support, dear (人*´∀`)。*゚+
|| kimetsu no yaiba: i match you with . . .
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zenitsu agatsuma
• according to your mbti and zodiac sign, you're empathetic, inspiring, intuitive and somewhat of an old soul. your aries moon, in addition, gives you traits such as independence and ambition!
• Zenitsu's quite emotional and he needs someone to try understanding him instead of telling him to just 'deal with it' but still have a good enough head on their shoulder to scold him when he's being unreasonable.
• i feel like you two would be able to build off each other. you helping him have more confidence in himself and him being there as your emotional support, for example.
• he may be a wannabe flirt but when it comes down to it his loyalty for his loved ones runs deep. after meeting you, his womanizing antics gradually fade out of existance.
• you had just been minding your own business on the street, admiring some top-grade brushes from a shop window when this guy with a sword came up to you ??
• his first words to you? you've guessed it: 'marry me'. it's funny though because he didn't hysterically cling onto your leg but instead looked you straight in the eye and said it.
• of course, he went by your looks but also by the bright gleam in your eye as you were looking at those art supplies. you were so beautiful that Zenitsu was convinced you were an angel and it was love at first sight.
• then he cried when you turned him down. it wasn't the best first impression, and Tanjirō had to make him apologise to you.
• but he was set on getting to know you and tried a hundred different methods to get you to notice him. all those conversation topics, flowers and showing off may have come off as obnoxious but you knew from the beginning he had good intentions.
• he has some trouble understanding your personal space in the beginning because you're just too precious and he wants to hold you all the time, but comes around quickly when you say you need some alone time.
• always thinking of ways to make you happy. i'm not joking, you're on his mind 24/7. just wants to make you feel as loved as you're making him feel.
• you're going to get so many flowers because honestly each time he sees one he's reminded of you and immediately wants you to know he's thinking of you (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)/♡
• when he's crying it never fails to cheer him up when you take his hand in yours or pet his hair. he'll melt under your touch.
• Zenitsu goes all out on your dates !! he's a romantic and will do anything to make sure your date is perfect.
• he'll gather blankets, snacks and pillows and bundle them up into a comfortable little nest on a rooftop.
• then you'll lay down next to each other and bask in the sun during the day or gaze at the stars at night. just long conversations and the two of you ♡︎
• he loves listening to you go all out on your favourite subjects. he'll have that silly, lovestruck smile on his face, chin rested in his hands as you talk.
• his great hearing makes it all the better because he can literally hear the passion in your voice. it sends his heart fluttering every time.
• so supportive and encouraging of your dreams, tries his hardest to help you any way he can. you gotta teach him a bit about literature and art first though so he'll know what you're telling him about.
• will be so smug about the stuff you taught him cause he feels so smart now. Tanjirō and Inosuke are getting a bit tired of his constant bragging.
• he understands your hate for training. plus, his two friends get so hyped up everytime it's hard to keep up with them. still, while Zenitsu insists on skipping, you make him go.
• gets 100% more motivated when he remembers he can protect you better if he's stronger. 110% if you promise cuddles and kisses later.
• you're like each others' support when you're pushing through tough assignments. like you cheer him on during training he encourages you through your artblocks.
• when there's time you go out together to buy new snacks in shops, especially after a draining mission. then you bring them back home and pig out.
• Inosuke, crashing through the door while you and Zen are feeding each other biscuits: i HeArD 'PiG oUt' WhAT'rE yA dOiN' wItHoUt Me?!
• all in all a very wholesome relationship ♡︎ Zenitsu knows one day he's going to ask you to marry him for real.
runner up: Kanae Kochō
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
|| haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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yachi hitoka
• is this what you'd call soulmates? you and Yachi would definitely have a very depthful connection from the very beginning of your relationship. you'd understand each other on a deeper, almost spiritual level.
• you're both creative, always ready to help and have quite a vivid imagination. you help the other keep their feet on the ground while leaving them room to improve.
• the artistic couple! your common interest is a great icebreaker as well as something that brings you together. the starting point where you start building off from, if i can put it that way.
• it was the beginning of a new semester and you had Japanese literature together. you sat next to her by chance but you'd better believe she freaked out.
• "w-why is such a pretty girl sitting next to me??? does she need to borrow pencil?? what should i do if she mistook me for one of her friends?? AAAAHHH" Yachi exe. has stopped working.
• meanwhile you were just chilling until her stuttering started to worry you. so, you turned and asked if she was okay. girl dropped her whole pencilcase while looking for a pen to lend you.
• you calmed her down though so your first encounter ended well. you bonded over your mutual love for art and literature and formed a friendship quite fast.
• she accidentally confessed her crush on you when she was talking about you with Kiyoko in the gym. funny how you happened to overhear this from around the corner.
• startled, Yachi screamed and everybody came to see what happened. they automatically assumed you two were dating after hearing the story, and neither of you wanted to correct them in the long run, so . . . here we are :)
• always carries around delicious snacks for you in case you haven't eaten properly or are feeling drained from overworking.
• it's so easy to talk to Yachi about anything you have passion for. not only does she learn more about your interests but it also makes her feel special that you think of her as someone you can easily confide in.
• she can also endlessly talk about the things she loves so she's happy you understand what it's like!
• she tries to make you like french more because it pains her when she sees you getting tired out because of it (,,•́ . •̀,,)
• same with gym. she invites you to come see the boys practice after school, hoping you'll find something fun about moving that'll motivate you
• of course, understands if you still dislike the subjects and will focus on making you feel better.
• very shy with physical display of affection at first, still a bit afraid someone will stab her if they see her being even slightly intimate with an actual goddess like you.
• i know you didn't include this in your preferences, but can I just say study dates at cafés? soft music playing in the background as you two sit next to a window, making pretty notes and sharing cake? yes.
• she gives you good luck charms for tests! though you studied for hours beforehand she wants to do everything she can so you're feeling as relaxed as possible. she doesn't want you to experience any stomach aches from anxiety like she has.
• Yachi has surprisingly good ideas for graphic novels. well, the graphic parts. she gets all blushy when you start discussing plot because then she automatically connects all the romantic storylines with you.
• "so in this rainy scene i was thinking they could have a more intimate moment, maybe even kiss. what do you think?"
• Yachi, who has kissed you before, internally: k i s s i n g y / n kissing y/n KISSING Y/N I N T H E R A I N ᗒ////ᗕ
• sometimes these conversations can drag out as she tends to accidentally get stuck in her little fantasy world, oops—
• hand holding though is common while you're doing every-day activities like reading or walking. but also during dates like movies or rooftop lunches. her hands are very small and warm and the way they fit in yours is perfect ♡︎
• an extremely cute, loyal relationship, one where you can laugh over the smallest, silliest things but also share the most meaningful debates. you bring out the best in her, and Yachi won't fail to make it up to you !
runner up: Kōshi Sugawara
found such soft gifs for this matchup, i'm so happy~ i hope you enjoyed this, and thank you for requesting. stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself ♡︎
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legolaslovely · 4 years
HC: Iolaus has a praise kink. You can't change my mind. -Artblock
How are we SO on the same page? I was just thinking the other night, entering my dark apartment after a long day at work, imagine finding him there to greet you and the phrase “hello handsome” popped into my head and I wondered if he would like it. I think he would. I think this boy has a praise kink. But I don’t think he realizes it right away.
Maybe you’re sparring together or doing drills together and he does something really well- knocks you on your ass. And part of him cheers like nobody’s business, but on the outside, he’s worried he’s hurt you and helps you up and asks you if you’re okay. And you’re like I’m fine! Don’t worry about me, that was amazing! You’re so great at that, you did it perfectly! Well done. Can you teach me? And of course he does, but he notices his chest fill with pride like never before at your praise and his stomach flips and fills with heat and he just thinks he’s embarrassed. So he spends some time teaching you his trick and you say I’ll never be able to do this like you and someone overhears you (like that asshat from the Cramp-ed episode) and he’s like Iolaus can’t do that, don’t ask him for help and you’re there instantly, defending Iolaus and getting a little heated like You didn’t see what he just did, he was perfect, he’d knock you flat on your back in seconds, you should be asking him for lessons, no one does that like him and Iolaus is SOARING. And then when it’s just the two of you left alone again, he tells you that you didn’t have to defend him like that. And you say of course I did, you’ve done so well today, I am really proud of you and that’s when he grabs you and kisses you because he doesn’t know what else to do and if he doesn’t touch you he’ll EXPLODE. And he pulls away, expecting you to smack him and you just ask him if anyone has told him how handsome he is and he just LOSES IT and kisses you again, pulling you closer than humanly possible because he needs you in his hands in his arms in his mouth in his heart.
So “handsome” becomes your name for him, not really publicly because he gets embarrassed, but you use it when it’s just the two of you or when just Jason and Herc are around. (And for my needy ass sake, let’s just imagine the Academy is not like a high school, but a place for like mid twenties people) This is brought into the bedroom and I don’t think it’s exactly planned. Like you take off his vest and run your hands down his body for the first time, just marveling at the lean muscle jumping under your touch and the soft curls over his chest and BELLY (SWOOON) and gods you’re so beautiful slips out of your mouth and you mean it, GODS do you mean it, and he knows you mean it, so he just pounces on you and crashes onto the bed with you under him. But you (being a badass warrior HELLO) flip him over and pin his hands down and your voice comes out so soft like I just want to look at you or I just want to touch you. So he lets you touch him and kiss every inch of him and he starts to believe you and trust you and want you so bad until he can’t handle it and he flips you over, taking charge again. And you tell him how perfect he is, how gorgeous and strong he is, how good he feels and how safe he makes you feel, how much you trust him, and he goes tomato red and hides his face in your neck, but you pull him off and tell him not to hide from you. I mean it. I know what you want, let me give you what you need and you praise the shit out of him until the world around him narrows to you and your voice and your body and he comes completely undone.
You cannot ask me about Iolaus and not expect a rant and a gif so here because BELLLLYYYYYYYYYY
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fenkko · 5 years
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it’s been a while but here’s another batch of asks!! thank you for sending them in
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photoshop and a wacom cintiq! i’ve had it since 2016 and i love it very much
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thank you!!! hmm i’m not sure if i have any tricks to it, but i think that getting in the bnha fandom has been the best thing for my art and motivation in a long time. having a passion for something helps a lot! i kind of have a problem on the opposite end where i get too excited about drawing and draw hours into the night, which isn’t good for my health;; 
something that works for my art process is gathering all my drawing ideas and cool reference pics on my phone and then sketching whatever i feel like sketching! it helps so that i always have different things to draw and i don’t feel obligated to force myself into finishing a piece if it’s just not working, but it also means i have a bunch of months old wips lying around ahaha
i still get artblocked though, i think that’s goes for everyone. when it feels like nothing’s coming out right in a drawing i’ll go work on a different wip, doodle silly things i’m not going to post anywhere, or go take a walk/watch some videos/read a webcomic and return when i’m feeling up for it
for your other question i don’t think i’ve ever had trouble with confidence posting things, even at the beginning where i wasn’t very good haha. it could be helpful to think of it as just posting for yourself to document all your artwork, and think of positive feedback as a bonus!
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usually i’ll get stuff from google images, but sometimes i take my own! nothing fancy, just setting up my phone camera on a timer and taking a pic if i need a pose reference
i look really weird doing it jgfdsf but it’s very helpful
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i think people think of it different ways but i use it to describe the clean up stage! like in this post for example –– first i start with a rough sketch, color it with flat colors and sometimes a bit of shading, and then merge the layers and start defining areas, redrawing lines, adding filters. it’s easier for me to start with different layers so that i can fix stuff quickly, and then begin rendering with the final touches on a single layer when different layers become more troublesome than useful
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ahh i’m probably not the best person to ask because i focus a lot more on deku :’) i think bakugou’s still very immature but he’s getting there? maybe? i’d have to reread
i’m glad his classmates at UA aren’t totally accepting of his behavior like his middle school lackeys, hopefully that helps him grow up a bit. i haven’t watched all of naruto but something that bothered me was how everyone took sasuke seriously even when he was being ridiculous. someone please make fun of this dude and his terrible judgment,,
for me bakugou’s in this weird grey area where his actions are too exaggerated to really think of him as a real person and seriously analyze his character (which sounds silly because they’re all cartoon characters, i hope this makes sense haha) so the way i depict bakugou and his relationship with midoriya + his classmates is more jokingly, or maybe idealized? idk i think this is a complicated way for me to say that i like to draw comics that make fun of bakugou HGFJH (which is probably why i like bakusquad stuff the most out of all bakugou content)
i’d really like a scene where bakugou apologizes or directly faces the consequences of how he treated midoriya but i have the feeling we’re not going to see that;; he’s probably going to stay a bit of a turd for the rest of bnha
also since i think it’s relevant to my thoughts about their dynamic, here are the tags from my last drawing of them! #edit: i got a few messages asking me if i ship bakudeku and i dont. sorry to mislead!! #i drew them more friendly than usual which is probably the closest i’ll get to actual ship content #to be honest i don’t draw even the few pairings i do like more explicitly romantic than them standing next to each other bhfjgh #drawing romance is usually less fun than drawing people doing friend stuff #or in this case #bakugou getting bullied by a pomeranian
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ahh i’m actually wondering that myself :’) i think the big question is whether to go for a company that handles most of the work themselves and gives you a bit of profit, or open a store yourself and have to spend time packaging your own things. i’d really love to do the latter since i want to be able to control the quality, but i’m not sure if i have the time to manage it the way i’d like
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not currently but i finished the ones i already had, so possibly in the near future! the last time i opened them was just on instagram, so i’ll remember to let you guys know here as well :D
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@madeline-makes-stuff i’m not super active on discord but i’m in this bnha art server!
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ahh i feel kind of weird talking about follower counts so probably no raffles or events like that, sorry;; 
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i’m currently attending carnegie mellon university in their school of art!! northeastern is pretty close to my home though so i’m familiar with it –– i was actually accepted there as a game design major and they sent me some valentines candy in a husky box, it was really sweet :’)
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aw i haven’t listened to any episodes in a while but it’s still very dear to me! i’m planning to draw some taz this month B) i love all the stuff the mcelroys make, especially monster factory!
and that’s it for now!! also wanted to say thank you so much everyone for your kind asks, they’re all really appreciated HFJGHF;; i keep them all in my inbox and in my heart
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hebesdrawings · 6 years
You're an amazing artist and I have so many questions! How long have you been drawing, do you have any tips for coloring images, have you been to art school or are you self taught, what program(s) do you use, do you have any tips for artists struggling to imrpove their skills and draw consistently? Ah if this is too much lmk...
OMG I’m sorry for replying so late I haven’t checked tumblr in a while TTATT Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your support
 I have been drawing since forever, I was the artsy kid way back in kindergarten ;’)  My parents used to work a lot (they still do ahahah) so my early years where basically me and the tv alone. I used to be really fascinated by the drawings of every cartoon which aired on the italian tv, and they were mostly lots and lots of anime; so the bigger the eyes the better, and I sat down for hours  copying stuff from the tv (Mew Mew and Doremi thank you).  
 About my training as an artist, I went to art high school and now I’m attending an Academy of Fine Arts in comics and illustration, so I’m not self taught x**  got to specify though, I have been trained only to a certain extent, art high schools in my country are kinda silly.  Not saying that wasn’t useful but it has not much to do with anything I like\am doing, guess everything just comes with its pros and cons.  
The Academy I’m attending now is super cool. I have to say that what is helping me grow at the moment are not the teachers or the assignments but  the fact that I find myself  discovering some sides of Art I didn’t think would be useful to my work. Once I  thought that improving was just all about practice, like the more you draw the better you become, now I realize it’s not just that? We all agree with the fact that you have to draw often to keep your hand trained, however i think that just running randomly the pencil on a paper all the time is just… pointless. What makes a good difference imo is observation, to recognize what exactly is the flaw , and most importantly what to do in order to fix it. And I don’t talk about evident errors like anatomic stuff, which can be easily fixed with the right ref. From your question anon I deduce you are an artist too, and I think you understand if I talk about those moments when you look at your stuff and say ‘ugh it sucks, all of it’ and then proceed to a self-artblock  x** so the key is not to blind foldedly keep on practicing hoping that somehow improvement will be Bestowed Upon You like a Blessing from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ lmaoo, but to seek like crazy for what is The Thing you dislike (idk the proportions, the media, the type of line, the topic of your work)  and go looking for a solution in already existing stuff, not necessarily other drawings, maybe photography, cinematography, music, fashion or literature, will do fine for you. Basically yoU GOTTA EEARRN ITT but not only by drawing, but through research and studying.  For me, having a broad range of knowledge in as much aspects of art as I can is vital, like having a massive suitcase of things you might want to integrate in your work in case of necessity. Also i KNEWWW I was gonna end up writing and essay I’m so sorry I get carried away on specific questions x***
  Ah about the details, I use exclusively Photoshop cs6, my teachers don’t know shit about digital media so I can proudly say I m all research and youtube tutorials about that.
 For colouring images, IIII don’t think I’m in the position to give advice to others lmaoooo but if i have to, I’d say to keep it easy…. like when I first started photoshop I was very enthusiastic about colouring so I would put in as many colours and deepness with light\shade as I could, and that was very ridicolous lmaoo so, few colours and in the right places. Don’t take my words as law, mainstream editorial illustration now is very much flat\clean\graphic shapes, and probably I m just feeling the influence. 
I could write an other entire essay about colouring and such but honestly I m just an ignorant ugly baby and my method is not different from anything you find on youtube… I work with max 2 layers, one for the backround and the other for the rest, I chose colours and composition by gut feeling and  by checking often that the picture looks cute also as a thumbnail and in gray scale.
 Hope I have satisfied some of your doubts! Sorry again for being so dispersive and thank you if you succeded in reading all this wall of text till the end. Love you 
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flyswhumpcenter · 6 years
Turquoise Puddles Under Our Feet [Fever February Day 15: Keep Me Warm]
Summary: After they manage to run away from one of the most dangerous bounty hunters of their city, Kaede and Shuichi have a small talk about school and their duo as a whole.
Fandom: Of Shells and Spells (original work with Danganronpa cameos) Relationships: Saimatsu (Kaede/Shuichi)
Word Count: 1.8K words
Notes: I never specified the prompts had to be whump, did I? Have a nice, exploration oneshot for the reboot of my magical girl(...ish) series Oh Shells and Spells. I've been in an OSAS mood lately, and that's what's breaking that artblock I put myself in. In case you ask why this is such a mess, OSAS is an original magical girl-ish story based around my own original universe, but with other characters thrown in for maximum potential memery (and fun). I had originally planned for only Makoto and Kyoko, but these two entered Shipping Hell lately. There's also gonna be Magical Dads and some other characters. This is set rather late in the story I'm planning, though. The two aren't supposed to know Annabelle from the get-go of OSAS book I, but oh well, this is mostly a test run more than anything.
AO3 version available here.
In the middle of night-time Hellesimbault, run two teenagers dressed in pinks and blacks. Behind them are ever-growing puddles of turquoise water, gaining space, eating away the paved roadway and dark grey sidewalks. There are waves of chills going down their spines and an urge to flee as soon as possible from the source of these waves.
The dark streets allow for two things: not being directly spotted by the bounty hunter running after them, and not seeing her face as she attempts to annihilate the both of them.
“Come back here, young mages,” an eerily calm voice calls for them, flat tone filled with unspoken rage.
They don’t reply. The witch’s waiting for them to say their position aloud so she can track them through their voices. That’s the last thing they need, so they keep quiet, as quiet as they can be when they’re running and have to breathe as they hurry to a possible shelter.
The blonde girl grabs her friend’s arm and pull them both into a corner, her other hand on his mouth to retain a surprised yell trying to exit his body. They see the with walk past them, violent tides coursing through their entire beings, puddles upon puddles of turquoise water where her feet were. An intense cold run through the street, sparing nothing in its path, her red hair flowing gracefully along the waves she emits.
Once she’s past them, the girl gives a quick look, and invites him to exit their improvised hiding spot. With a swift hand, she removes her butterfly-shaped mask, revealing pink irises.
“Are you alright?” she asks him, a gentle smile on her face.
“I… I’m fine,” he replies with a shaking voice. “It sure was scary.”
A small giggle escapes her lips.
“That’s why she’s called The Witch, isn’t she? She’s one powerful mage… Anyway,” she changes in tone, “why not make our way back to Anna’s? It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
The Witch. She’s one of the most powerful bounty hunters of Hellesimbault. She got to know her exact pseudonym through some research: Rei, the second-in-command of the Fragmenta Guild. Rumours say some of its members are teachers in their school, but that never got confirmed. For now, they take the opposite direction, to go back to Annabelle Moinot’s place.
“I told you to call me by my alias when we’re on a mission.”
“Sorry,” he blushes as he apologizes, “I thought we weren’t on a mission anymore…”
“How many times did I tell you to stop apologizing for nothing, Shuichi? Well, it’s not that important. What matters is what you wanted to ask me.”
He gets his mask off but lowers the bill of his hat with his other hand. Better stay transformed in case any bounty hunter other than Rei comes their way. Those rascals must know about her trying to find her missing sister by now.
“Don’t you think it’s getting cold in there?”
Shuichi is rubbing his arms together, blushing, white smoke coming out of his mouth.
“It’s because of Rei’s magic. You seem to be freezing, though… You’re sure you’re alright, Shuichi?”
His teeth are slightly cackling now. This isn’t reassuring.
“Maybe not sure per say, I’m just cold. I guess I’m more sensible to temperature shifts than you, Kaede.”
The music prodigy’s face softens, looking a bit away, then back at him.
“That’s true, Fire elementals are always feeling temperature more easily… Isn’t it Mr Parillot who keeps being cold because he’s a Fire elemental too?”
He nods in agreement. “That’s probably why I’m feeling hotter than you all of a sudden…”
“Excuse me?”
A heavy silence settles between them. Shuichi feels both cold and hot sweats running down his temples and back. An even huger blush installs itself onto his face. He tries to hide even more of his face with his hat, eyes looking away.
“We’re out of the zone Rei has frozen,” Kaede says in a slightly snappier tone, “but it’s still the cold of the night.”
She puffs, crosses her arms, and attempts catching his glaze.
“Shuichi, you’re sick and trying to hide it again, aren’t you!”
The boy flusters even more, and his hat eventually falls down. She catches it with her hand. His entire face is both blushing and flushed.
“I told you before, you shouldn’t go out with me if you’re sick… I’m saying this for you! I don’t want you to get killed because of me!”
“N-no! I’m always here on my own wish, Kaede… I didn’t feel bad enough not to come. It’s just a tiny fever, those happen sometimes…”
Kaede squints her eyes.
“Yeah, sure. For now, let’s go back to Anna so you can have a nice blanket to roll around in. I’m sure Mr Moinot is worried sick for us right now!”
“You’re right, let’s go home before you get sick too.”
She deadpans but smiles afterwards.
“That’s so nice of you to think about.”
On the way to their “headquarters” (Kaede likes the ring of that, it gives it that extra special touch she strives for), they talk about school again. Being a tenth year, a high school freshman feels like being both old and young, in a way. They talk about Mr Parillot again, remembering his weird shenanigans, his movies and his tendency to insert English in every sentence he spews out.
His shivering doesn’t seem to stop. That worries her, because he shouldn’t feel so cold, even if she herself feels some chills from the night temperatures. She has to find a way to make him feel better before they reach the Moinot house.
Kaede casts her battle outfit away, to his surprise.
“The way is clear, so I thought it would be nice to change back to my regular clothes.”
“You’re probably right, but...”
“I know what you’re going to say,” she interrupts him with a smile. “You can remain in your battle gear, Shuichi, if it makes you feel a bit warmer. I wanted to switch back because I have something which could be of some use…”
She feels the weight of her backpack again, which she opens to get a blanket out of.
“I brought this with me in case we stayed very late in the streets and had to find a place where to rest for a bit. It may be a bit too small for that, on second thought, but I’m sure it’ll be useful for you!”
“That’s not necessary, Kaede… You should use it for yourself…”
She wraps the blanket around him, and despite a face of refusal, he clutches it around him and sniffles noisily.
“You always think of me, Kaede… Sorry for being such a burden, you shouldn’t have to always get something for me…”
“Pssh, nonsense. We’re best friends, that’s what best friends are for, right?”
“S-sure, but I can’t ever give you something in return, and you’re usually the one good in battle too… You’d probably be better off with someone better than me, like Rantaro or Kévin…”
Kaede pouts again, barely noticing the fact he clutches his heart with his right hand and the blanket with his left.
“Shuichi! If I wanted to go on such crazy misadventures with them, I would have asked them! Stop putting yourself down like that! I’m sure you would be more powerful if you trusted yourself more.”
He slightly looks at her.
“Thanks for putting up with me…”
She beams him a warm smile.
“You should give yourself more credit, Shuichi. You’ve always been such a help for me, because you notice things better than I could ever do. I would be lost without you, trying to find my sis! The underground world is scary, and if you weren’t by my side, Rei would terrify me beyond my mind… So I think you should stop seeing yourself as a hassle, and more as my partner in not-crime!”
He nods timidly, the tiniest smile on his lips.
They proceed to their HQ.
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viria · 7 years
Hey. I am sorry to bother you, because this is a bit stupid, but may I ask for your advice? The thing is that I had horrible art block and now i have no idea what to do, because when i try to draw my drawings look very bad and when I see them I just want to give up and it gives me a bit of anxiety. Though I continue to draw I don't really seem to improve. Is there anything I can do to end this? (I am self tough in drawing, so maybe going to art school will help?). Thank you anyway.
Art school can, so can different tutorials on the internet! There’s so much helpful stuff you can learn over them! For example, if you’re bad at drawing hands, you can find a tutorial that shows how to draw them in an easier way and a simplified form!
And it’s not stupid at all. We all know how horrible art blocks can be. Usually, when I’m art blocked, I WANT to draw, but I can’t, I get all frustrated because I want to draw things fast and great, but it doesn’t happen like this. SO, I guess my first advice is to not rush it when you try drawing while you’re artblocked. Take it slow, you don’t draw for stats. You don’t have to always feel that urge to draw.
Ideas wise, sometimes it’s good to start with random shapes or even faces, sometimes the idea comes in a process and you’re like BOOM omygod I can draw again.
As for not getting better... I think you do. Everyone does, some people faster, some slower, but none the less. You might not see it yet because you still see many mistakes, which is good! Doesn’t feel like it, but it’s good because your eye can see more mistakes than your current skill can fix, for now. I think it’s worse when you draw and don’t see these mistakes. Seeing them means you crave to fix them, to get better, to keep on. While not seeing you just. draw. thinking hey, it’s great! I don’t have to do anything else.
This craving to get better and frustration with your current level of skill is completely normal and can take you WAYS. I can say from experience, I remember how frustrated I have always been, because I couldn’t do that, and this, and I just wanted to be as great as those artists I admired and I wanted to reach them. I think my obsession took me a long way.
So take your frustration and let it drive you forward! It’s okay if you’re over artblock now, it’s not going to take forever. You’ll overcome it as you overcame many of other artblocks that seemed so horrible at that time. It’s a cycle, having an artblock usually means your mind is filtering new information, lets your body adapt to something new you’ve learn. Once it’s over, you’ll get even better! 
Don’t stop, but don’t beat yourself up if you have to take a pause. It’s normal to take your time to re-charge! 
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