#I don't like how still tsukasa is standing
bugstung · 9 months
Ok I found my problem with the wxs redesigns, and it's that they're all so.. White? Like why is white their main colors? I loved how colorful they all used to be
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nian-7 · 4 months
Can I request Toya, Akito and Tsukasa with S/o who insulted them after a difficult day due to emotions? And then asked for forgiveness when calmed down ^^
hi! hope you enjoy, anon!!
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Akito, Toya, Tsukasa x gn!reader
✧lashing out after having a bad day
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-Akito is honestly a little bit offended but can understand where you're coming from. He does get a bit angry with you for insulting him like that since that's not how you should treat anyone!
-He scolds you for it, hopefully knocking some sense into you so that you could apologize and talk it out with him. He won't hold a grudge to it as long as you do apologize.
-If his scolding doesn't knock some sense into you and you're still upset, he'll leave you be as to not aggravate you even more than you already are. You can come to him when you're ready and he'll listen.
-If it does knock the sense back into you, he'll let you hug, kiss, cuddle, whatever you need from him until you feel better. He's a better listener than advice giver so he'll listen to you rant or cry it out and not say a word other than some physical contact so you know he's there.
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-Toya himself isn't very good with words but when you lash out at him, he can't help but feel a pang of hurt inside. He's really hurt by your words and just kind of stands there in shock for a moment.
-He's not really sure what to say or how to say what he does want to say because he doesn't want to make it worse. In the end, he lets you come to him when you're ready.
-He's not about forcing you to apologize because he hopes you'll realize lashing out at him wasn't right and you'll come apologize to him when you calm down.
-There isn't much of a reaction once you apologize other than a soft smile as he accepts the apology. He's glad you didn't mean it and will offer a hug if you need one because he understands that sometimes days don't go well and you just need to calm down before talking it out!
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-A little bit of panic sets in when you lash out at Tsukasa. Possibilities to why you'd say such a thing run through his mind because he's not sure what he did wrong if anything.
-He does try to ask what's wrong and try to comfort you. He doesn't really care if you apologize for it or not because he knows you love him and hopes it was just because you weren't feeling yourself.
-He hopes you feel better if you end up pushing him away for a bit to have time to yourself and is happy when you walk up to him and apologize for yelling at him.
-Very cuddly after, he wants to make you feel better so he tries his best to cuddle and listen to whatever you have to say to him, if anything at all.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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lovely-showtimes · 7 months
out on the balcony . . . ♡
characters - tsukasa, emu, nene, rui.
type - scenario.
contains - gn reader. reader having a nightmare while at a sleepover with wxs and is pretty freaked out by it, but no details of it are specified. reader is stated to be a big fan of jellyfish in rui's so i'm very sorry if you do not like them!
a/n - haven't been having the best of times lately, so i decided to write this. based on a daydream i've been having w/ these 4 ever since i got into project sekai pretty much. enjoy <3
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You jolt awake in the middle of the night, your heart pounding in your chest. Your sweaty palms desperately grip your blanket as you try to make sense of where you are and what's real.
That... That was a dream, right? You think, exhaling deeply. I'm... I'm not in there. I'm with my friends now.
Quietly as possible, you roll onto your side to look at the other four. They're all fast asleep, snoring peacefully (some of them louder than others). Somehow, knowing that they're here beside you calms you a little.
But this living room, despite being massive, still felt way too stuffy to you. Making sure to not awaken your friends, you carefully get up and stumble away.
Emu's house was definitely way too large, and even though you've been here a couple times before, you still felt utterly lost. After blankly wandering about for a few moments, you finally manage to find a balcony overlooking the city.
The cool night air hits your face as you step out onto the balcony. It's a little chilly to be out here in only your pajamas, but you don't care about that right now.
Looking up, you can see the stars twinkling high above in the sky. There's something grounding about watching them like this, and you can forget about your nightmare for a while.
You're not sure how long you're out there, it feels like hours and minutes at the same time. Soon enough, however, you hear someone softly call your name from behind. You turn around and...
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You're suddenly met with the warmth of a blanket wrapping around your shoulders, immediately causing you to feel warm and snug.
"You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here like this," Tsukasa lightly scolds you. "It's important that you stay healthy! I would hate for you to become sick."
You stare at him blankly for a few moments, shocked to even see him here in the first place (how does he not get lost in Emu's labyrinth of a house??), before realising you should probably say something.
"Um, thanks." You smile awkwardly, holding onto the blanket to make sure it doesn't fall off of you. "Do you just... carry a blanket around with you?"
Tsukasa chuckles lightly and shakes his head. "No, no. When you got up to leave, you accidentally nudged my arm a bit and woke me up. I thought you were just getting a glass of water or something, but you didn't come back for ages so I decided to come find you!"
Tsukasa folds his arms and frowns. "But then I found you out here, and... Listen, if you want some time alone, that's fine! I'll go back to the others! I just didn't want you to be cold, because I could see you shivering..."
You didn't realise you had been that cold in the first place. You barely noticed the cold, you'd been so wrapped up in your own thoughts.
"I'd actually quite like it if you stayed out here with me, if that's okay." You speak softly, gaze averted in embarrassment. It's such a simple request, but for some reason, you feel guilty asking for it.
"Of course that's okay!" Tsukasa declares, placing his hands on his hips with a grin. "I'd be more than happy to stay out here with you for however long you want!"
He strides over and leans on the balcony beside you. You both stand in silence for a few moments, and you wonder if you should say something. Do I tell him about the nightmare? Maybe it's best if I just keep it in...
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, only to notice him staring up at the night sky above. He has a small, content smile on his face as he gazes upwards.
He looks so much calmer than usual. You didn't know he liked stars so much.
Without thinking, you shuffle over and lean your head on his shoulder. Somehow, he feels softer and warmer than the blanket swaddling you.
"Hm?" Tsukasa turns to you in surprise, before he soon relaxes again and wraps his arm around your shoulder, bringing you in close.
A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you relax against him. Being in his presence like this is making you feel so much more at ease than before. Your eyes begin to droop closed as the two of you stand together, your nightmare long forgotten.
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"Oh, Emu. Hi."
The short pink-haired girl stands in the entryway, her head tilted to the left ever-so-slightly. She bounces on her feet ever-so-slightly as she rushes to you, skidding to a halt in front of the railing.
"You're awake!" She exclaims, wide eyes studying you carefully. "Aren't you super sleepy right now?"
"Not really." A yawn cuts in between your words, as if to prove you wrong. "I can't sleep."
Emu stays silent for a few moments. You feel like her bright pink eyes are going to stare right into your mind and pluck out your secrets for all to see.
"Okay. I'll wait until you're tired, then." Her forearms come up to rest on the railing, on which she rests her head.
You open your mouth to object, to tell her that it's fine and she should just go back to bed, but you realise you want her company. You turn to face the view once again.
The two of you stay silent for a while. It's not usually like this with Emu - she's always quite talkative. But right now, she's not saying a thing.
She's probably just tired, you reason with yourself. I doubt she's used to being up this late, unlike... some other people I know.
That's when she speaks up again to prove you wrong. You really feel like she's reading your mind or something.
"Do you wanna see something cool?"
You turn your head slightly. "Uh, sure. What is it?"
"Follow me!" Emu beams and takes your hand, leading you off the balcony.
You have to follow her for quite a while. You don't think you'll ever get used to this place, and you have to wonder if Emu ever feels lost in it herself.
Eventually, she starts leading you up some stairs into what appeared to be an attic. Emu hops up some precarious-looking stairs and opens a small window to the roof. She grins, beckoning you over.
"E-Emu, is this safe...?" You question, feeling apprehensive as you cautiously climb the stairs.
She nods enthusiastically. "Don't worry! I've done this plenty of times! You'll be just fine~!"
You don't have a choice except to trust her. You carefully climb the stairs and look through the window, where Emu has climbed through.
You're at a fairly high point of Emu's home, although not quite the highest. You're on a flat roof, with walls surrounding it so that neither of you would accidentally fall off.
"Oh," you murmur, climbing out and standing on the roof beside her.
Emu collapses on a couple pillows and blankets she has positioned on the roof and smiles at you invitingly. "Come sit!"
You take a seat beside her as she lays down and points at the sky. "Look! You can see the stars super well!"
Upon lying down as well, you realise she's right. The stars look even more beautiful from up here, and you love it.
"I wish I knew more stuff about stars," Emu sighs. "One of my friends loves them! I like listening to her talk, but she has such a calming voice that it makes me sleepy..."
You glance at her out of the corner of your eye. "I know a few constellations, if you'd like to learn, maybe?"
Emu's eyes sparkle in joy. "Yes, yes!! I'd love that!!"
You smile softly, before turning your attention to the sky and pointing. "Okay, see those up there? That's Ursa Minor..."
As you start to talk about the different constellations in the sky, Emu's gaze briefly wanders to you, and the content smile on your face.
They don't look so sad anymore, she thinks gleefully as she turns her attention back to the sky.
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"Nene? What are you doing awake?"
The green-haired girl hesitates in the doorway, as if she's thinking carefully.
"I could ask you the same thing," she responds. "I just got up to get some water. Why are you out here?"
You feel pretty reluctant to tell her about your nightmare. It sounds embarrassing in your head to tell someone you had a nightmare, as if you were a child. You grow uncomfortable as your gaze drifts to your feet.
"...Can't sleep." Is what comes out of your mouth.
"So, you had a nightmare." Nene cuts in immediately, as if seeing right through you.
You clear your throat in embarrassment and turn away. You didn't expect her to figure it out so quickly. Was it that obvious?
Nene takes a couple steps closer. "Usually whenever I have a nightmare, I like to play some games for a while before I go back to sleep. It helps me get my mind off of it."
You glance back at her, brow furrowed slightly. "Don't you only play those violent shooter games? Wouldn't that just make it worse?"
"N-No," she splutters, cheeks tinged pink, "I-I don't just play those! I play some other things too..."
You can't resist the urge to smile at her embarrassment, which causes her to glare at you and huff.
"Do you want to play a game with me or not?" She demands.
You laugh slightly and nod. "Yes, I'd love to. Thank you, Nene."
She quickly turns around and heads back into the home. She's back soon enough, holding two handheld game consoles - yours and hers - as well as a blanket. She sits down on the ground, before tilting her head up to you.
"C'mon. Sit."
You sit beside her, pulling one end of the blanket around you as Nene takes the other half. You had just realised how cold you were, so you lean against her as you boot up the console.
"So, what do you wanna play?" You ask softly.
Silence. You thought maybe Nene was just thinking about it, but she's just not responding.
She clears her throat as you prompt her. You catch a glimpse of her red face out of the corner of your eye. "Sorry. Um, I bought this game recently, and I think you told me you liked it...?"
You scan her screen quickly and sit up, beaming. "Oh, that's one of my favorite games!! I'd never thought you'd play it, because it's not really your style. Thank you, Nene!"
She hides her face in her hair as you speak so you don't see how red she's getting. Nene boots up the game as she speaks. "No... No problem, I guess."
You beam and continue resting your head on her shoulder as you open the game as well, eager to play it with your friend.
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You come face-to-face with Rui, who's watching you with an odd expression. He's smiling as usual, but you can sense some concern in his gaze.
He walks over and leans on the railing beside you, before tilting his head in curiosity.
"Didn't expect you to still be awake at this hour," he comments casually. "What brings you out here?"
You look away, clutching the railing a little more tightly and bowing your head slightly. "Can't sleep."
"Are you sure? That's all?" Rui further prods, leaning his head on his arms. You feel like his piercing yellow eyes have already seen all your secrets, somehow.
You look away. "...Yeah. That's all."
You know that he knows you're lying, his soft "I see" after you speak tells you that much. You just can't bring yourself to talk about it right now.
You tilt your head down to stare at your hands. You're clinging to the railing so tightly that it's starting to hurt your hands, and you didn't even realise til now. You release your death grip, but continue resting your hands on it.
Suddenly, you hear something... mechanical? It sounds as if something is moving. You glance over to see some kind of contraption balancing on the railing. Instinctively, you put your hand around it, stopping it from falling off the railing just in case that would happen.
"R-Rui?!" You snap your head around to stare in bewilderment at the inventor. "You can't just put these guys on such precarious areas! What if it falls off and gets damaged?"
He only laughs at your fretting. "Its legs can stick to any surface it likes. Don't worry."
As if to prove this, the robot walks around the railing, hanging on underneath for a few moments before walking back up again. It beeps at you proudly.
You reluctantly remove your hands. "...Fine. What does it do, anyway?"
Rui pouts at you in the saddest way he can. "Ah, is walking around and sticking to surfaces not enough...? Don't you love him the way he is?"
The robot lets out a few small, sad beeps. Before you can respond to his antics, Rui's signature smile returns like it never left.
"Anyways, yes. It can create small projections in the air. For example..."
On queue, the circular top of the robot lights up, and a couple butterflies appear in the air, flying around without a care in the world. It was surprisingly realistic, enough that you were almost convinced that there were butterflies in front of you.
"...Woah." You breathe, watching in awe. "You made this?"
Rui nods, smiling warmly as the projections change - this time to a bird flying through the sky.
"You got its movements down so well," you murmur. You carefully reach out to brush your finger against it, but of course, it just goes right through. It is a projection, after all.
It lastly switches to a projection of jellyfish slowly floating through water, which makes you really excited. You love jellyfish, after all! They're just so pretty, and seeing them in front of you like this brings you so much joy. Even if it isn't real.
Rui chuckles at the way your eyes light up. "I had a feeling you'd like that one." He grins and leans his head on his hand as he continues watching you.
"And hey, you're not so down anymore, are you?"
You halt immediately, realising he's completely right. You'd totally forgotten about your nightmare thanks to Rui's little contraption.
"Yeah. Thanks." You offer him a small smile. "If you have them with you, could I see more of your robots?"
Rui's eyes flash with glee at being asked a question like that. "Why yes, of course! I'd be very glad to show you some more!"
He cups his hands and moves closer to you, where you can see a large variety of contraptions, way more than anyone would normally need to take anywhere.
Dumbfounded, you turn your gaze to him. "You seriously took all of these here?"
Rui shrugs, as if it's a normal occurrence for him. "I just enjoy being prepared. Now, look here. First, this one can bring small objects to you if you ask..."
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6-zao-xing-9 · 6 months
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You Don't Need to See With Eyes to See the Heart
Pjsk boys x fem! reader
Summary: How do the boys treat their blind girlfriend?
Form: hc
A/N: definitely gonna be way shorter than usual since this isnt a req so i dont feel pressured to write a decent sized ff
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Kamishiro Rui:
loves loves loves it when you touch his face
And his hair
He just melts into a purple lil puddle
Likes to just pull you on his lap and play with your hair
Teases you a lot if you accidentally touch his lips while feeling his face
Loves it when you touch his nose as well
Always stands up and protects you if you ever get bullied for you blindness
Holds your hand 24/7
He knows you can still navigate with your cane and all, but he likes to be sure youre good
Always reassures you that you're perfect the way you are if you ever feel insecure about your blindness
Loves to feed you
Loves it when he uses you as a lap pillow and you just gently touch his face like that
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Tenma Tsukasa:
wasnt really used to people touching his face
Doesnt mind it tho !
Get super quiet and calm when you do
He finds it oddly relaxing and he suddenly ran out of things to say
Sometimes forgets that your blind
he'll be like “Hey, look at this thing I found!”
He then shoves the phone in your face before remembering that you cant see
Then he'll immediately retract his phone and apologize profusely
Is happy to describe anything and everything if you ever want him to
Also guides you around a lot and sometimes treats you like a grandma—
He doesn't do it on purpose, ofc, but its just a habit of his
Is always extra careful when crossing the street with you
Yells at you in horror to watch out when he sees that a bug is about to crawl on you
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Aoyagi Toya:
is super careful with everything
What he does
What he says
He doesnt want to accidentally offend you
Also likes to guide you around is super careful when crossing the street
Hes avoided many opportunities to cross just because he thought it might not be safe even though it clearly was
Melted like ice cream in the summer heat when you first touched his face
Still does
He never thought he could feel so calmed and relaxed
Gets influenced by you and is slowly starting to rely more on his other senses instead of just eyesight
Talks about how pretty and sweet your smile is, before catching himself
Will gladly describe how beautiful you look if you ask though
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Shinonome Akito:
acts a bit awkward around you at first
Hes never rlly met a blind person before
Kinda scared he'll say smth wrong
Gets used to it eventually though
Will gladly stand up for you and even fight someone if they bully you or tear you down for your blindness
Aggressively tells you that your blindness doesnt make you worthless if thats what you think
Turned pink when you first touched his face
It was so weirdly relaxing
He could just sleep like that tbh
When hes had a bad day, he'll just go to your house and place your hand on his face, asking for you to gently touch it
Hes never gonna say this, ofc, but he loves it when you do that
He becomes super quiet after you do, tho
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Reblogs are appreciated !
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1800rue · 1 year
you're on your period: TBHK X READER
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
characters: hanako-kun, yashiro nene, minamoto kou, minamoto teru, akane aoi, mitsuba sousuke, & yugi tsukasa
warnings: not rly a warning; but the reader would be a female at birth, but in this chapter so it's fun for all to read.
acronyms: f/f = favorite flavor ,, n/n = nickname
word count (minus intro): 840  
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;; hanako ! 👻
   · he knows what a period is, but he doesn't know how exactly painful it is. 
 · has no idea what to do when you get moody, he just has yashiro deal with you when your angry.
 · when your sad, on the other hand, he'll hug you until your chest explodes. he's the type to just jump at you and wrap his arms around your chest and his head in the crook of your neck as you both just stand/sit there.
· "are you comfortable, y/n?" 
 · scared to touch you when your crying from the pain, so he presses kisses to your temple and says your going to be okay. it doesn't last for so long. 
 · knows when your on your period because he basically lives in the school bathrooms. 
;; yashiro ! 🌺
 · yall can suffer together </3
 · bakes you sweets (mostly donuts) when you have cramps/or having a shitty period day. 
· "y/n?..it's just me. i made you some donuts, (f/f) to be exact! i'll just leave them here for you."
 · both of you go pad shopping, both of our nervous to use tampons (unless you're not, then it's just yashiro).
 · both of you sneak chocolate into class, and pass each other the chocolates you want.
· always tells you when she's on her period, and you tell her. 
· if your complaining about the period cramps, she'll offer to hug you, but if you don't want to b touched she'll do anything to get you to stop crying. 
;; kou ! 🗡
· knows somewhat about periods, but still doesn't know how to comfort you.
· he doesn't get upset when you get all moody because he knows you can't help it.
· but surprisenly he's already perpaired?! 
· pad? check.
· tampon? check.
· heating pad? CHECK!
· lets you hug him if you want a hug durning the period pain, but if you don't want to be touched he'll understand fully and leave you be.
· "can i- touch you?"
· couple hours later your begging for his attention and affection. 
;; teru ! 🪐
· does not panic because he knows a bunch about periods.
· that makes girls fall in love with them even more. 
· anyways, he'll literally go up to you and ask if your on your period?
· he is willing to lie in bed with you, his hand rubbing your stomach slowly to keep you at ease every time you're in pain.
· gets you pads/tampons, or anything you need to stay happy. 
· he also gets you pain killers if most needed! 
· "thought you could use these? thank me later, sweetheart."
· kisses your temple while cuddling with you.
· chuckles as you complain about the period pain, and asks if you'd like him to hold you.
· he doesn't rush anything with you, you don't wanna be touched, he won't touch you.
· such a gentleman to his soulmate <3
;; aoi ! ·💐
· laughs when you get embarrassed.
· resures you wou'll be just fine in her hands.
· gets you pads, tampons, pain meds, and a heating pad. 
· you need some chocolate? name the brand, aoi will be there in less then two shakes of a bunny's tail. 
· nene and her are your go to girls if you need any extra pads durning class. 
· " of course, (n/n) what size?"
· hugs you, cuddles with you, makes you tea, and just helps you with the period pain. 
;; mistuba ! 🌷
· gets grossed out when you tell him.
· can't imagine the pain. bleeding in your pants/skirts every day of the month. 
· shivers at the thought. 
· thought it was contangious at first, so he didn't touch you no matter how many times you asked for a hug.
· "you're bleeding down there everyday?! gross!" 
· after a couple months of finding out about periods, gets a little more comfortable around the topic. doesn't mean he's fully comfortable yet, give him time, he's so confused.  
· gets annoyed a little when he hear's you complain about the pain and with a blushed face, he asks if you want a hug? of course, it leads to you both cuddling against each other <3
· i love this ghost boy OML-
;; tsukasa ! 🕸
· starts to baby you, no fr, he's making you sit down and not have to get up.
· you need the bathroom? he's carrying you to it.
· want food? he's brining it for you.
· want sleep? not alone you're not! 
· hates seeing you in so much pain. it makes him feel pain.
· "GaSp- that's not a smile i see on your beautiful face, baby! what's wrong? ... aw~ your tummy hurts?" 
· FUCKING BABIES YOU- FAACK- *slaps myself in the face* anyways
· kisses your tears away if the pain is that painful. and strokes your head while cudding you. 
· has no idea what pads are, so you're going to be explaining this to him for the next two hours.
· he got you the wrong size the first time ;-;
@1800rue  · 2023 
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kerizaret · 2 months
Hello everyone and welcome once again to my brain! Today I want to ramble a bit about
✨️ Tsukasa and Rakunosuke (Emu's grandpa) parallels ✨️
Because I feel like we don't talk about them much. Or at all actually
Now, I'm not pulling this out of nowhere. It's quite literally stated at least once, outright, in the game, that Tsukasa is really similar to Emu's grandpa (or even twice – but the other time I'm unsure 100% whether its about Tsukasa specifically, which I'll get to later). That's not to mention the other little things throughout the stories that I think similar between the two
So here's just some thoughts I've had on the topic after rewatching some events, more or less cohesive
1) Tsukasa's PXL auditon & WMS speech
Starting at the very beginning, we've known ever since the wxs main story that there's something in Tsukasa that has drawn Emu in to him already the first time she's ever saw him, at his audition for PXL, which made her hire him herself. She says "found you" at that moment, as if she's been searching for someone exactly like him. Out of all the possible candidates who applied who she might've seen, why Tsukasa specifically?
It could be just about him boasting about making fantastic shows, which of course is a part of it. But I feel like this isn't all, that there was something else that she noticed, that maybe she didn't fully realise at that moment
Then later, in Wonder Magical Showtime, after Tsukasa's motivational speech, Emu specifically thinks back to that audition and how she felt something special there. And, most importantly, she thinks it as if she's talking to her grandpa – like he's somehow tied to it, to her realisation that Tsukasa is the one
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Putting aside the fact they were fighting for Rakunosuke's park, which obviously makes Emu think back to him, there's something more. Emu doesn't think anything of the sort about Rui, even though he was the one who came up with the night show, or about Nene. Nor did she mention any kind of this strong feeling/conviction about having them on the Wonder Stage in the main story
She's focused on Tsukasa, because he's the one that brought all these people together and gave them the last push they needed to fight for PXL. He's the one they listen to, he who understands what this park was all about and why they need to save it. He's standing on the stage her grandpa built, looking at all those people working here, and he's leading them, telling them this dream CAN be made a reality and it's more important than anything else
And I feel like she could have looked at that and been reminded of her grandpa a bit, with how much he loved the park he built and brought people together with the same ideals and love and made dreams come true
2) Miles
Speaking of WMS, I'm sure we all remember Miles, the sorcerer Tsukasa played in the night show in WMS, and how he was a character very clearly based on Rakunosuke. It's not very surprising it's Tsks who got this role, but it's still interesting to me. It feels like no-one else would've been able to get this character right and neither would Emu as Shao with someone else playing Miles
I won't get into what "Miles" Tsukasa says in the play, because that's just the script and not a representation of Tsukasa himself, but I do want to draw attention to the specific scene where Emu's father is watching the night show and looks at Tsukasa, then says this:
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This is the first time that – i suspect – Tsukasa is outright "stated" to be like Rakunosuke. Here I say "suspected" since I'm not 100% sure of it for two reasons. One of them being that as we know, the ensekai translation is sometimes often bad. For that I looked up the original text as well as an old translation of the event on YT to check for differences
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The line ends up being similar in meaning, more or less, but a bit more vague. That also ties to my second doubt though, which is that Emu's father might be referring not to Tsukasa himself, per se, but rather to the character of Miles he's playing
I feel like both can make sense, in their own way (and the event is a Tsukasa focus for a reason, too), but for here I'm throwing it more as a hint than any kind of outright proof. Food for thought
3) Tsukasa and Rakunosuke's deams
Then, as we reach Popping in my Heart! and learn more of Rakunosuke from Riley's pov, there's another interesting thing that pops up. That is, the fact that Tsukasa and Rakunosuke share the same dream
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And then, that's when Emu confirms what I've talked about before – that this whole time, she's felt something about Tsukasa being so reminding of her Grandpa
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So Tsukasa has all this time "carried the same spirit" as Rakunosuke – which is possibly the reason why Emu has been feeling strangely drawn to him from the beginning
4) The Wonderland SEKAI
Hey. Hey. Remember this line?
(tl by tsukasa's #3 fan on YT)
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Yeah, this one. The same reason why wxs even has "Wonderlands" in their troupe name
You know what else has Wonderland in its name?
That's right! Tsukasa's SEKAI!
Tsukasa's SEKAI. A different world that's created from his feelings, that's a place born from his desire to make everyone smile with his shows. A world that just recently expanded to include plushies representing all those different shows – different worlds – wxs created as a troupe. It's a world that Tsukasa, in a way, made by himself (albeit unconsciously)
Oh did I mention the Wonderland SEKAI is also, primarily, pre-wl, a theme park? With a big ass ferris wheel and several stages and a castle and a train and a merry-go-round, a rollercoaster and more? You know, kind of just like Phoenix Wonderland? Which was built by Emu's grandpa?
Do you ever think about that? That both Tsukasa and Rakunosuke "made" their own "Wonderlands"? That the SEKAI is so similar to PXL? Because I do
Anyway. Those were the main similarities or references I noticed, but I still have some few other miscellaneous thoughts i had aside from that that I'll sum up a bit quicker
Tsukasa and Emu's grandpa both care more about the shows (& pxl) themselves and the effect they have on people to make them smile than any kind of fame or recognition
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A reminder, too, that despite the movie's popularity, nobody really knew that Rakunosuke worked on "Smiley" (or that it was even a Riley Entertainment movie at all)
There's also the fact that both tsks and rknsk get stuck more on the excitement they want their audiences to feel rather than on the technical sides or worries about how it would be possible – as seen with Rakunosuke convincing Riley to include all his dreams and ideas in "Smiley" without focusing as much on the budget and all to install that wonder in the viewers, and Tsukasa doing anything to perfect his acting, and also agreeing to most of Rui's stunts and experiments and production ideas as long as it gets the audience to become more immersed
I noticed as well that they're both people who wear their hearts on their sleeves, who easily get emotional and enthusiastic, who empathise a lot with the others' emotions and struggles, becoming happy when something good happens to them
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^ he cried here. And later at the fan festa seeing nene sing confidently and happily he teared up again
And also just *gestures vaguely at pandemonium event and Rui's "tsukasa's friends' happiness is his own happiness" line*. Yeah
Most importantly, Tsks and Rknsk both care so, so much about shows ending with smiles and not tears
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And overall about everyone smiling and being happy. Like Tsukasa telling Emu in the main story, on the ferris wheel, that when her grandpa meant making EVERYONE smile, it included Emu, too, and he wanted to make sure she's happy as well
There's also everything with Emu, too. The way she's very clingy with Tsukasa, always throwing herself at him (not that she isn't with everyone, but she does seem to jump at him the most often)
She's also implied to open up a bit more around him – in Smile of a Dreamer, when wxs expressed their worries about emu hiding her problems, KAITO implies that its unusual she "hasn't told EVEN Tsukasa"
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And it's Tsukasa who first understood that, despite how it may seem that "she always is so optimistic and says whatever's on her mind", in the end "the bigger the problem, the less likely she is to talk" (paraphrased quotes from smile of a dreamer). And also underdstood what's the most important to her and how to give her a push to voice her worries to them
It's Tsukasa who Emu first got so scared of leaving their troupe and her behind
I simply feel like Emu is aware of the similarities her grandpa and Tsukasa share and, subconsciously, trusts him a lot and gets attached to him easily
Anyway. This is just a bunch of thoughts that came to mind that I wanted to share and hear your thoughts on maybe too. I love emukasa so much they have such a great dynamic, and I feel the implied similarities between Rakunosuke and Tsukasa add a lot to that too. I'm really curious if it'll be something they'll explore more in future events. Because I feel these parallels are there for some reason
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Hihihihi requests are open omg never seen that before okay so can I please rq pjsk boys hcs x reader and like how they’d confess. You probably did this before so if u have you can make it so reader confesses first? Or just ignore it idc. Have a great day fhdjdjjd
I know it's basic prompt but I don't think I did neither of those! So I did two versions right here~
confessions with Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui
TagList: @vodka-glrl @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen @bleachtheidiot
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⊱ Akito prepared for his confession for so long... and in the end, he needed someone to force him either way
⊱ he's the type that tries to act all tough and like it's really nothing to him but inside, he already died at least 3 times
⊱ he doesn't go with ant long speeches and just says everything instantly
⊱ he's SO awkward. He tries to act tough but it only adds onto it and it's noticable he's stressing even if he's trying to hide it
⊱ if you accept his feelings, he'll act like he was expecting that but small relived smile shows on his face, showing his stress just evaporated
⊱ if you reject him, he'll act like he doesn't care at all and just leave with small "okey" or so
"I kinda like you... a lot. So... how about you?"
⊱ if you're the one that's confessing, his first reaction is stand is shock just to clear his throat and act all tough again
⊱ if he doesn't feel the same, he'll try picking the most gentle words but he's still very straightforward with his answer so it has 50/50 chances of being gentle...
⊱ if he does feel the same, again he'll be just straightforward but he blurts out his answer way faster than needed which tells you how much he indeed likes you
"Yes I do. Ehem... I mean... yeah, yeah, we can try this. Why not..."
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⊱ Toya's the type to go ages with his feelings just to make sure what he's feeling is real and forever, and to think of some confession that can charm you
⊱ he'll probably try to be a bit romantic but neutral at the same time, he'll most likely invite you for friendly hangout in the park just to ask you for a bit more of time when you're about to leave
⊱ he thought that it'd be the best to confess when you leave since meeting wouldn't be so awkward (Tsukasa most likely helped him with that)
⊱ if you accept him, he won't hesitate to show you how happy and relieved you just made him, and that's already obvious by big relieved sigh he let out
⊱ if you reject him, he'll give you a small smile while assuring you it's alright and asks if you can still be friends despite that, he'll try to get across his feeling for the sake of your friendship
"Y/N, since around 9 months, I've felt stronger feelings about. I stopped seeing you as just a great friend and started hoping for future with you."
⊱ if you're the one confessing, it's easy to say that you catched him off guard because of the way he suddenly stopped moving and his eyes went a bit wide
⊱ soon tho, he's back to his normal state even tho he's more shy than usual
⊱ if he doesn't feel the same, he'll pick gentle words and you may not even realize what he's trying to say at first because of the words he uses
⊱ if he does feel the same, he'll let you finish before trying to give you some speech himself but it ends with him just saying he loves you back
"I can't believe it... you're also the... most perfect... person I met... I... I mean that... I love you as well."
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⊱ Tsukasa was trying his best to charm you by showing off and being really kind and nice to you but the moment of his confession had to come either way it seems...
⊱ he tried to make you confess first by giving you hints he likes you but now he's not sure if you didn't saw them or just don't like him so he prepares to make final move
⊱ he wants to make the confession a bit special so he'll most likely take you to your favorite place and then find a bit more quieter spot there where he confesses
⊱ you can literally mistake him for acting out some romance drama... but he's really just putting his heart into confession
⊱ if you accept him, he won't be able to hold back anymore and will hug you close with big smile on his face while saying how happy you've just made him
⊱ if you reject him, he stand there stunned, his speech failed... he really starts to feel awkward and is quick to start rambling to cover up for this and he ends rambling with "goodbye", not really giving you a chance to say something
"The moment our eyes met, I knew you're the one I want to share my future with... so please... let me make my dreams a reality."
⊱ if you're the one confessing, you'll be able to see his shocked and flustered expression at once!
⊱ but if he doesn't feel the same, he'll immediately spoil you with compliments and just explain that he sees you like a family
⊱ if he does feel the same, he'll go extra mode and start rambling onto how long he was waiting for this moment and of course how your feelings are returned
"That's the best day of my life! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment... I love you too! I loved you since a long time and I'm glad we finally get the chance to be together!"
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⊱ Rui was declining his feelings and to confess the moment he saw how serious he sees you...
⊱ it's not that he hated you, he was just scared of ruining your relationship
⊱ but in the end, he needs to face it and so he does... he prepares mentally for a long time so there's a lot of chances that he avoided you for some time
⊱ he wants to make it quick so one day he just invites you to school roof or to calmer part of corridor, where he tells you how he feels
⊱ he picks words carefully, to not be too blunt but to also make it end quickly
⊱ if you feel the same, he'll be so surprised and so relieved at the same time, he might even cry a bit from happiness!
⊱ but if you don't, he'll give you a small smile before explaining that he just wanted to tell you how he feels
"Y/N, I don't want a more of time, I just wanted to say that you're very dear to me and that I have serious feelings for you. I have fallen for you..."
⊱ if you're the one confessing, he's stunned... he never expected anyone to like him!
⊱ and if he likes you too, he can't believe it even more. Of course he gladly accepts, even with small tease despite his face being all red
⊱ if he doesn't feel the same, he feels bad but he knows nothing good will come out of forced relationship so he gently rejects you while reassuring you'll find someone better one day
"You love? Oh would you look at that~ I have strong feeling for you too, my dear."
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poetryandfluffycats · 3 months
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A/N: this was meant to be for a request but I went off the rails a bit, hope you all still enjoy! I also tried something new with the photo on the top, not sure if I like it
Pairing: Tsukasa Suou x fem!reader
Warnings: none, just wholesome bliss, arashi has screentime
Content: The press has been obsessed with your friendship with Tsukasa lately, which is crazy. Your crush was completely one-sided!... right?
Words: 1.6k
Oneshot under cut!
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"So, how's your boyfriend?"
Arashis words nearly gave you a heart attack. You whipped your head around, staring dumbfounded at the blond woman as she raised her eyebrows at you. The two of you were in the Knights dressing room putting some last minute additions onto a new outfit for their next performance. They had asked you to help Arashi sew the puffs onto the sleeves since most of the members were busy, which you had happily obliged to. Who wouldn't want to hang out with Arashi? You were starting to regret your decision.
"B-boyfriend!?" You stuttered out, your face turning as red as a tomato. "Who are you talking about?"
The model rolled her eyes. "Don't be coy with me, I see the way you look at him! You can trust me, I won't tell~" She leaned over to you, resting her chin on your shoulder. "I can just see it now, Knights king and queen of the stage! Tsukasa Suou and (name) (last name)!"
You shoved her way, a very obvious pout on your face-although you tried to hide it. Of course she was talking about Tsukasa. Anyone with a brain would be able to figure out your little crush. It wasn't your fault, he was just so cute! And strong, and so talented! He was the most amazing person in the world-
Dear lord, you had it bad.
"We're not dating! He's a friend, nothing more" You lied through your teeth knowing damn well Arashi could see right through you. Turning your head back to your handiwork, you continued to stitch the sleeve, trying your hardest to ignore the eyes burning into you.
She let out an over-dramatised sigh, standing up from her place on the floor and skipping over to her bag, rummaging through the contents. "Fine, don't tell me! I already have my evidence"
Evidence? What on earth was she on about? From out of the corner of your eye you could see her pulling out a magazine, probably some sort of student-issued gossip rag. The kind that published complete bullshit about the ES idols just to get a quick buck. There was no possible way there was any reliable 'evidence' that you were dating Tsukasa anywhere, especially not in there.
"Here! You two made the front page!" Arashi slammed the magazine down in front of you, a cocky grin on her face.
Your blood ran cold at the grainy image on the front cover. It was from the day you and the redhead had gone out for cake together, and it was angled in a way that made it look as if the two of you were kissing. But that wasn't what had happened at all, it was a simply platonic meet up! Or at least, you thought so? Maybe you should have kissed him? Would he be a good kisser?-
Shit, stay focused (name)!
"I-its just pointless gossip! This isn't even real proof, anyone who thinks so is delusional" You huffed, pushing the magazine away and trying your best to hide the bright red blush that covered your face.
Arashi let out a "Humph!" and pushed the paper back over to you, flipping the page over to another article. "You're missing the best part, they got more"
"More!?" You shrieked, snatching the paper out of the blonds hand, nearly crumpling it in the progress.
The second page was littered with more photos of the two of you. Some taken from Knights live shows, some from public appearances at events, even some taken from within the Knights training room. How this person got their hands on those, you had no idea. The main one that stood out to you however, was a picture from a party that had taken place a few weeks ago. It was zoomed in on you and Tsukasa dancing together, both of you smiling like dorks with crazy blushes on your cheeks.
The headline that accompanied the image just made it all worse.
"Knights star seen getting frisky on the dancefloor!"
Frisky? Frisky!? Were they trying to imply that the two of you had been sleeping together? Sure, you liked the guy, but come on! You'd probably pass out if you so much as held his hand, to even think about doing anything more intimate made you want to jump off a building.
"This is absurd, who would believe this? Its not even true!" You tried to sound calm and collected but it came out more as a flustered whine.
"Oh I know, the media is just horrible aren't they?" The model said in mock sympathy, a shit-eating grin still stuck to her face. "Horrible for you, that is. I'm loving every minute of it"
You scoffed, throwing the magazine back at the girl, only narrowly missing her face. "Go back to work, Narukami, we're not talking about this!"
"Okay, okay! But, you have to tell me. Are those rumours true? Is it true he has a really nice-"
That conversation with Arashi still hadn't left your mind by the next day when you were sat in the training room, watching the members of Knights practice their new choreography. You were there to help out and give tips on how to improve, but you couldn't help but feel a little distracted by a certain someone.
Screw that, you were very distracted.
The way he moved so gracefully with each step, how his small but defined muscles tensed up and glistened with sweat, the way he panted softly and how his hair fell out of place-he was perfect. You were a woman possessed, using every ounce of willpower you had to not run up and kiss him right then and there.
You wondered, would he be a good kisser? Would he taste sweet, like the cakes he chose to eat? Or would he taste salty from the sweat that accumulated on his face? How would he kiss? Slow and passionate? Rough and sloppy? Would he take the lead, or would he be more submissive? You wouldn't mind him either way, just as long as you got to hold him and feel his soft, warm skin against yours-
"(name)? Are you okay? Everyone else left already"
Your fantasises were interpreted by a concerned Tsukasa, who was now standing in front of you with a towel wrapped around his neck. The training room behind him was completely empty, leaving only you and the man you had been ogling over for the past half hour. You shook the blush from your cheeks as you stood up to gather your things. Was there a way to say "sorry I spaced out, I was thinking about kissing you" that didn't sound creepy and stalker-like? Probably not.
"Y-yeah! Fine, I'm fine!" You chirped, although it most likely sounded more like a high-pitched stutter. "You must have lots of things to do, right? I won't keep you, good job today!"
Nice. Not suspicious at all.
You turned on your heel, making a beeline for the door. If you didn't get out of that room you just knew you would end up saying something stupid and ruin everything.
Just before you could reach your sweet exit, however, a firm hand grasped onto your wrist, pulling you away from your escape route. You spun around, now finding yourself mere inches away from the redhead, close enough that you could feel his breath hitting your face. A cute blush dusted his cheeks, those big purple eyes staring deep into yours. He was so cute, too cute. He could ask to pull your teeth and you'd still think he was cute.
"Wait, (name), before you go" He paused, releasing his hold on you and clasping his hand together in front of him "I have a confession to make"
A confession? Was this it? Had the moment finally arrived? Was he going to confess his undying love to you and sweep you off your feet? Maybe he was asking you out on a date?-
"Augh! This is so embarrassing! But I-I must get this off my chest!" He cried out, cupping his face in his hands to hide his ever-growing blush. "I've read those articles about us and..."
"And?" You urged him on.
"(name), I think you're the prettiest girl in the world! And I think you're so kind, so wonderful and so talented! Please, I'd be honored if you were to accompany me on a romantic outing-I mean a date! I would like to take you out on a date"
Tsukasa bowed down before you, his face so red it rivaled his hair and legs shaking so hard that he nearly toppled over. After hearing his little speech, you felt as if you had died and gone to heaven. He liked you back, the king of the stage liked you back! Your mind spun at million miles per hour as you tried to think of a decent response. There were so many things you wanted to say all at once that you couldn't find a way to string them all into a coherent sentence.
So, instead of using words, you decided to show him how you felt.
Before the trembling boy could register your actions, you swiftly dropped down to his level and crashed your lips against his. Tsukasas body stiffened at the feeling, but slowly eased into kissing you back tenderly. It wasn't particularly elegant or long, but it got the message across. Pulling away from the kiss, you took in the sight of the now very flustered Tsukasa, his face beet-red and mouth hanging open like a fish out of water.
"I'd love to go on a date with you"
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izvmimi · 5 months
cw: spoilers for the end of dr. stone! smut near the end. minors dni. angst at the beginning. reader implied to not be from japan.
Your subtle gift of premonition truly never fails you, and you realize so once more when you're crowded around Senku's laboratory with the remainder of Yuzuriha and Taiju's closest wedding guests and staring up at the monstrous contraption Senku is designating as a time machine.
While the remainder of the party is in curious astonishment, the uneasy feeling that's been sitting heavily in your chest since the morning of the wedding only solidifies further. 
Now you know why you woke up sick to your stomach on what should be a happy day.
Tsukasa stands close to you, pensive as always, thinking before he adds his own commentary, ever so careful with his words. There's a small smile on his face, and you read that as awe and amusement at Senku's relentless pursuit of scientific advancement; something he had once tried to suppress, he's come to appreciate, and while you'd normally be pleased with how far he's come in that respect, in this very moment it feels like a betrayal. 
A time machine would change everything.
Truly everything, and the selfish part of you scorns it. 
Tsukasa finds your hand besides him, still mulling over the details as Senku explains his roadmap to the group, and squeezes it gently without looking. Your corsage of pink flowers brushes against the sleeve of his suit, and you watch a few petals fall. Suddenly you are far too overwhelmed, and would much rather run of the room, but when you see hope warm Tsukasa's brown eyes, you hold in your unease as best you can. 
"Senku really is amazing, isn't he?" you say through a smile that should come easier than it does. Tsukasa hasn't turned to return your smile yet, still watching the machine, eyes wide. 
"He really is."
That evening, Tsukasa in his contrarily roundabout but very direct way of speaking, reaffirms his intention to marry you someday. In a small way, you might as well be married - you're inseparable, you live together with Mirai who calls you big sister and means it every single time, and he makes you feel his love every time he holds you in the dark, and presses deep into you, relishing in the sound of his name as it falls off his lips.
Something big if you want it. Something small will also suffice. Something that makes everything even more real, he says to you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. Pillow talk should make you feel warm, warm as the liquid seeping between your legs. Warm as his arms. Warm as the sensation of his tongue in your mouth, on your skin. 
"Tsukasa," you finally speak up in the dark.
He pulls you closer, and you pause before the words bubble up inside you and force their way out -
"I don't want to lose you."
A lamp flickers on and Tsukasa takes in your tear-stained face with as much alarm allotted for someone so naturally stoic. His palm takes your cheek and rubs it gently, the other arm pulling you in closer to press against him. Your face buries into his chest, and there you let yourself really cry.
He lets you tremble in his embrace for a few more moments, pressing soft kisses to the top of your head. He has no idea what you're talking about, because how can he when you've remained in your head all day?
Once your sniffles have slowed, he pulls back so that he can look at you in the eyes again, making sure you're still within an arm's reach.
"How can you lose me when I've never left?" he asks. 
You swallow, and then decide if you must sound awful, now is the time.
"Without de-petrification, there's no way we would have met."
Tsukasa tenses for a moment, which makes your heart sink, but then he pulls you closer, then on top of him. Sliding upwards so that his back is propped up by the headboard, he strokes your forehead. He mulls the thought over for a moment, and you look up into his beautiful face, your heart pounding in anticipation. 
"I'd find you," he says, confidently, and you're stunned practically silent. Simple as that.
You blink for a moment, surprised by his answer, then find your face growing hot.
"What do you mean, 'you'd find me'? We lived on the opposite sides of the world? You would have been famous and I just... some girl with some normal job, and-"
He kisses you again to interrupt you, then presses his forehead to yours.
"Trust me. I'd find you."
You can feel your breath halt and he smiles.
"You don't believe me, do you?" he says. His gaze is soft, and he grins wider, confident, flipping you over so that he's over top of you. You can feel your face growing hot again but for a different reason now. Sucking in a breath, you wrinkle your nose.
"Were you gonna pluck me from my grad school classroom?" you ask him.
"If I must," he says. He kisses your neck, then parts your legs to wrap them around his waist. Your eyelashes flutter.
"Unrealistic," you reply. 
"I'd find you," he says again. His fingers intertwine with yours as he rubs against your center. You sigh, but he's taken all of the worry out of you and replaced it with playful jest. He's so good at this, the way he validates your fears, but doesn't allow you to feel afraid because he lacks that fear, and is always strong enough, good enough, brave enough to protect you. Even from yourself.
"Would you send me special signals through MMA's greatest knockouts montages on Youtube?"
This time he actually laughs, falling back on his heels.
"Yes," he answers. "Whatever it takes."
He's hard again, and the heavy thickness slaps on your pubic bone, and you tense, your heartbeat quickening, your mouth drying in want. He runs his hand through his hair to free the strands sticking to his face before he descends on you again, the other hand gripping the base of his cock to line up with your entrance.
He blows air from his nose, then pulls one of your legs over his shoulder. His teeth flash at you - he is your perfect, sweet, confident love of your life, and all of your worries cease.
"You should be less worried about universes where we don't meet and more concerned about the fact that you can't escape me in any timeline."
He fills you up, your back arching as his hands grip around your waist.
"You're always mine to love."
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dumping-ideas · 7 months
what do you think about how tsukasa acting ? is his procedure some kind of method acting ?
(spoiler for protagonist story event)
during his acting, rui is commenting with concerned face about him "becoming" his character and tsukasa got "too involved" today (rui also think about the practice before, that tsukasa is doing fine with balance of his charatcer's shining but yeah he got too involved on chapter). i just think that if the story it has anything to do with this ? not just balance and ability to read the flow of the show but with tsukasa's procedure. method acting is such a risky procedure btw.
tbh i doubt that pjsk will touch this issue but still wonder what will be tsukasa's conflict during this act (plus the world link that gonna come around like march 2024, maybe SEKAI related conflicts ?)
Oooooh boy I was like clapping my hands when I saw that. Especially when Tsukasa was monologuing in his mind, the name in the text box is not Tsukasa but Nakayama. Like, holy he managed to be him. Good for you, Tsukasa! Nakayama is really alive! This feels like Rio all over again woohoo!!
But then Rui is like "oh this is bad" because Tsukasa's acting is too good he destroyed the balance of the stage. In other words, a supporting role needs to be in the background, but Tsukasa is too eye-catching so he just unnaturally stood out. Whoops. (Kato director also said that Tsukasa is a man who had light in him but an actor needs to learn how to tone it down and we know Tsukasa is anything but that, especially because he usually plays as the main character).
I think the reason why Tsukasa was able to balance Nakayama the supporting role and Nakayama the person in practice is because there is no audience. We know that Tsukasa always strives to be the best for all his audiences, so he just... got into too deep with Nakayama because he wants his audience to feel that Nakayama is alive. Bakuno also plays the supporting role because he wants them to be in the spotlight, but Bakuno himself naturally doesn't stand out that much and he thought of the supporting roles as companions. On the other hand, Tsukasa naturally stands out, so when he plays the supporting role as the main character and he got too deep into his role the supporting role also stands out.
I also think that his approach to acting is shifting now ever since Phoenix? I've read about method acting before (and I agree Tsukasa employs that tactic too), and I think you're right while Tsukasa is making leaps and bounds of progress he's also slowly going down a slippery slope. He's literally endangering his own health in his own quest to understand Rio after all and it's not... a really good thing imo. Somehow it feels like... Tsukasa is being swallowed by the characters? Like, he doesn't make those roles as his but he's the one that becomes them. I'm glad that Tsukasa has a strong sense of identity so he could go back to being himself after he stepped off the stage but what if one day he took it a bit too far? Like, in his own quest to perfect a role he hurt himself or others, or he internalized a character too much there's a shift in his personality or habit. Imagine if he plays as a horrible person and he's too deep in character? God, that would've sucked.
I don't know if proseka would discuss it but I hope they would at least discuss how to balance yourself and your characters with Tsukasa's plotline.
I discussed what I think WxS world link event would be in another ask, so maybe you can read that one too, anon!
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onlyrains · 9 months
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— t/w: slight angst
that day wasn’t a good day to start for tsukasa. no, it wouldn't be good on any day if he saw you wholeheartedly laughing with someone else. he knows for sure that his relationship with you had been over for almost 6 months and it looks like you've gotten into a new relationship. he will never admit that he still feels a strange reaction in his heart every time he sees you around but acts cool and indifferent in front of everyone because why should he show it? for what? he is aware of the matter why his relationship ended so he will not beg you to come back to him.
“they look really happy, don't they?” todoroki appeared behind him and tapped his shoulder. “still can't get over it, huh?”
tsukasa chuckled. todoroki was the only person who knew about his relationship with you. “she looks happy now. it's all that matters.” he looked straight to the scenery where you and your new boyfriend were being goofy with other oya boys.
todoroki scratched his ear. “i can't hear cheesy word, y'know? not even from you.” he put his arm around tsukasa to lead him walked closer to the others. his arrival added even more excitement to the atmosphere than what was already happening. only you became silent in a split second.
“tsukasa-san!” nakagoshi called him to sit next to him which made him closer to you so you lower your gaze. fortunately, your boyfriend wasn’t notice your sudden change.
“fujio-san bet you can't wink with your left eye. you can, right?”
“why are you betting about me?”
fujio chuckled and shrugged. “i just know you won't do it.”
“please, tsukasa-san! he'll owe me lunch!”
“i won't.”
fujio laughed. “see?”
“pleaseeee!” nakagoshi twined his arms around tsukasa.
he giggled and accidentally glanced at you. that was enough to make him change his mind and want to act foolish in front of everyone. “you mean like this?” he winked his left eye.
fujio gasped dramatically. “tsukasa, you okay?”
“what did you eat for breakfast?” tsuji asked worriedly.
meanwhile nakagoshi jumped and embraced tsukasa to thank him for giving him a free lunch.
“oi, i'm the one who will buy you lunch. you should've been thanking me!” fujio stood up.
“yeah, but still, he prefers my side!”
tsukasa just giggled at the two and absentmindedly stared at you who sat in the sofa in front of him. the way your face lit up when you defended your boyfriend—who is also his friend, the way you confidently talked and joked around with the other—just like the way he had hoped you would.
it wasn't like he wanted you to be someone else. he just felt that you needed to be more confident and relaxed so you wouldn't always depend on him in every situation and could stand up for yourself. but then he realized you couldn't and maybe it was just not the way you were. maybe he needed to love the way you were or he couldn't which is why he ended the relationship before could become more complicated and toxic.
he had ended the relationship and now he was aware of how cruel and wrong his attempt to change you had been. and today, seeing you sitting there in front of him, looking and doing so well with your new boyfriend just like he wished you would made his heart ache.
“is something wrong with my girlfriend's face, tsukasa?” fujio clapped to pull tsukasa back to reality.
todoroki glanced at him.
“nah, it's nothing.”
he admitted it. fujio really brought out the best in you just like he never did.
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seangelfish · 9 months
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"Just hold onto me, okay?"
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Izumi Sena x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, mutual crush, she/her pronouns ♡ Word count: 2,444 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by the gacha story Dance on Ice in which this card is featured in. Reader is a soloist idol that has also acquired a photoshoot at the same ice rink Knights was having theirs at. However, you haven't ice skated before, so Izumi lends you a hand. ♡ A/N: I need more Izumi x reader fics.
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"Hm, what? Were you guys looking for me?" asked Leo curiously.
"Not the two of us; just Anzu," Izumi stated. "She says she needs to talk to you about work. She already told me what it was about, but I can't make a decision on my own, right?"
Leo laughed. "Well, it's only natural for the leader to make decisions. So, what kind of work is it?"
Anzu explained that the work she had for them was a pinup photoshoot for a magazine in which the theme was 'Knights on Ice.' Since the theme was geared towards Knights, Izumi suggested that they should take on the offer. Leo agreed on how convenient the offer was to them, and to be on ice would perhaps spark inspiration for new music.
"Naru-kun has skating experience and Kuma-kun will probably be fine too. I'm not sure about Kasa-kun, but I can teach him if he doesn't know how to skate," Izumi rambled on. "Ou-sama, can you skate? It'll be embarrassing if you slip awkwardly. Do you want me to teach you along with Kasa-kun?"
Leo rejected his offer, stating how he has crossed and walked on ice before. "Oh, since we're going ice skating though," he began. "Shouldn't you ask (Y/N) if she wants to join?"
"We're going to be at the rink for work," said Izumi. "We aren't there to have fun."
But the mention of your name did make him think of whether to bring you along. Izumi knew how much you have always wanted to try ice skating, but since you were a soloist at Yumenosaki which took up all of your time working on perfecting your performances, you never really had the time to try out the activities you've always wanted to do.
Leo pointed a finger at him. "You know you want to, Sena! Come on, the client won't even be mad if we bring her along. She's (Y/N) (L/N) after all!"
Izumi flicked his hand away. "I know how much everyone's trying to get their hands on her," he said with a tone of annoyance in his voice. "...I'll think about it."
"Hahaha, so that's a yes then!" cheered Leo before realising that the two have been excluding Anzu in their conversation. "Oh, don't worry, Anzu. You won't get in trouble if we bring (Y/N) along. She actually knows the client very well, seeing that she keeps getting constant job offers, hahaha!"
"Anzu, you could come into the kotatsu instead of standing there like that," said Izumi before continuing on the subject at hand. "But if it does bother you, then we won't bring her–"
"Oh no, it's nothing like that," she said with a light chuckle. "I also got her a photoshoot at the rink too!"
Izumi was actually excited upon hearing those words. The next day, when he arrived at the ice rink, he scanned the area all over for you. Though, he wasn't only looking for you, but for Leo and Ritsu too.
Irked by their absence, Izumi sighed. "I've already given Ou-sama a warning, so I thought he'd be fine... He said he doesn't forget about the important things, but it has completely slipped his mind..."
Tsukasa went off to go find Leo whilst Anzu offered to find Ritsu. Izumi knew that Arashi had a photoshoot before this, so he wasn't too worried about her. But where were you? Anzu had informed him that your photoshoot was set an hour before his, so you would’ve been finished with it, right?
He would’ve called you, but he didn’t want to disturb you if you were still busy. Though, he sent you a text, hoping that you’d read it soon.
“Since we’re here at the ice rink, I guess I’ll warm up,” he muttered to himself.
Izumi kicked off his heel as he started to slide through the ice with grace. He circled the rink effortlessly, performing beautiful tricks with ease.
You watched him quietly from behind the barrier. Your photoshoot hadn’t even started despite it being booked an hour before. Since you told the client you didn’t know how to skate, they gave you an extra hour to learn which would’ve been nice of them, but they specifically said, “Alright, teach yourself then. We don’t have all day.”
This was the first time you’d ever dealt with a rude client, so your usual happy-go-lucky mood had shifted to a gloomy one. However, watching Izumi skate so elegantly made all those bad feelings go away.
You were amazed at how beautiful he looked as he skated. He was light on his feet, his movements mesmerising. You could watch him all day, but you knew you had to practise your own skills before you had to go back to your photoshoot.
Izumi wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings whenever he skated, he was only focusing on himself in that moment, but when he caught a glimpse of your silhouette, he immediately came to a stop.
His eyes lit up and his lips curled into a genuine smile. There you were.
“(Y/N),” he exclaimed. “I was wondering where you were. You must be finished with your photoshoot, right? So, why didn’t you reply to my message?”
You smiled at him sheepishly. “I… haven’t even started with my shoot,” you admitted. “…I don’t know how to skate after all, so they told me to go practise—”
“Wait, they didn’t have someone on the team to teach you?” he asked with concern in his voice.
“No… they told me to teach myself… I have an hour to do so.”
Izumi’s smile was wiped off his face. He had experience within the fashion industry and with modelling, so he knew how unprofessional it was for your client to not teach you how to skate let alone leave you to do it yourself.
He couldn’t believe that you were already having trouble with your client. He never wanted you to experience anything like that at work even if it was inevitable.
He was going to speak to the staff on your behalf right after he was finished.
But right now, he was going to teach you how to ice skate.
“Alright, get in the rink,” he said, skating towards the entrance. “I’ll teach you.”
You instantly smiled at these words, but you were still pretty nervous. You haven’t ice skated before and you were scared of falling. Falling in front of Izumi would be embarrassing too even if you two were close friends.
“You should’ve called me beforehand since Ou-sama and Kuma-kun aren’t here yet,” he continued. “But it’s okay, I can teach you how to skate in twenty– fifteen minutes.”
You hesitated. Your hands gripped onto the barrier as you tried to get into the rink, but couldn’t due to how frightened you were.
This is so embarrassing, you thought. I can’t even get in…
Izumi stretched a hand in front of you. “Don’t be afraid. Come over here,” he said gently with a smile on his face. “Just hold onto me, okay?”
You nodded, taking his hand as you entered the rink. He took your other hand in his as he glided you across.
You held his hands tight which stung him a bit. “(Y/N), relax. I won’t let you fall.”
“B-But this is scary!” you fretted, your grip tightening even more. “Izumi, please don’t let go of me…!”
“I wasn’t planning to,” he stated. "Alright, look straight ahead. Don't look at your feet even if you're scared. If you can't help it, then just focus on me."
You lifted your head a bit and locked eyes with him. His blue eyes mimicked the background the two of you were in right now. Despite how blue and icy his eyes looked, there was some warmness in them as they looked at you.
You blushed and instantly looked away.
"Ah, no. Don't look away!"
You couldn't help it. You were holding hands with him and now you were looking into his eyes? It seemed like the two of you were a couple with how close you two were together.
"People are going to take this the wrong way..." you muttered.
"So? Why not let them think that way?"
Izumi shook his head. "Let's get on with the lessons, okay?" As he kept hold of your hands, he taught you how to skate by bending your knees to keep your balance, then using your body weight from one side to the other to start moving.
He taught you how to glide and to stroke. It was difficult at first, but you were improving really fast. Midway through your session with him, you were getting the hang of it, but the two of you still kept your grip on each other's hands.
"Haha, this is so fun!" you chirped happily as the two of you skated around the rink together.
Izumi smiled. "See, it wasn't too bad, was it?" he said. "You're doing great... as expected from you."
"Thanks to you, of course!" Your fingers began to lock with his. "Izumi, thank you for teaching me, I really do appreciate it."
"Of course, anything for you," he replied, mumbling the last part of his sentence so you wouldn't pick it up.
"Now, let's spin!"
"Wait, what–"
You pulled your body weight to make the two of you start spinning. Unfortunately, since you were still a beginner, it did not work, so Izumi had to try to steady you both again before either of you fell.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed. "You're always like this..."
"S-Sorry, I got too carried away..."
"If you wanted to spin, then you should've let me do it."
Izumi had let go of one of your hands but kept a soft grip on the other. He brought you closer to him and then lifted your hand to twirl you around.
It was a short twirl, but it had excited you. It made you incredibly happy that even his cheeks were tinted with a soft pink colour.
"Haha, that was so cute!" you beamed. "Let's do it again, please?"
Izumi just couldn't say no to you, so he twirled you again, and you looked beautiful. Even with the coat hanging over you, you looked beautiful to him. Your eyes glistened as you looked at him, and he fell for you all over again.
"Again!" you squealed.
"Don't you have a photoshoot to be getting ready for?" he said with a slight smirk. "Our lessons were over once you started spinning us around."
"Oh, right! My photoshoot!"
Izumi sighed. You reminded him so much of Leo, but at least you didn't cause trouble.
"Have a good photoshoot," he told you, lifting your hand up to his lips before planting a soft kiss. "I'll be here waiting for you once you come back."
Your cheeks were hot even when the rest of your body was cold, yet you couldn't stop smiling.
"Off you go then."
Your hands parted from his even if the two of you didn't want it to.
You waved him a short goodbye before skating back to your preparation team. He watched you trail off as you began to get ready, slipping off your coat to reveal the dress you were hiding underneath. You really were breathtaking.
"I found Leader," said Tsukasa as he began to berate the Knights' leader on why he kept getting lost every single time they needed him. Anzu was dragging a coffin in which Izumi assumed Ritsu was sleeping inside.
Once Ritsu woke up, Izumi informed the staff that they were all here. Arashi had been waiting inside for them for a while now.
"I didn't know (Y/N) was doing a photoshoot here as well..." Arashi whispered into Izumi's ear. "She's pretty, isn't she?"
Izumi flinched at this, but calmed down almost immediately.
"Let's just do a good job, okay?" he said.
Your photoshoot lasted longer than you expected, but you preformed well especially since you had help from Izumi earlier. The client was a little bit nicer to you this time, but even if they continued to be rude, you wouldn't let it get to you. Nothing could sour your mood now once Izumi left a kiss on the back of your hand.
Knights were finished with their photoshoots too, even the one where they competed against UNDEAD.
You skated towards the crowd, waving your hands at them to notice you.
"Ah, here comes (Y/N)-chan~" sang Arashi, teasing her silver-haired friend. "Uwa~ her dress is sooo cute~!"
But before Izumi could reply to her, you had slipped. "(Y/N)!" cried Izumi, rushing towards you.
"Ow... ow..." you hissed. I guess I'm still not cut out for this after all.
"You okay?" he asked you worriedly, crouching down on the ice as he lifted your back. "Nothing's broken, I hope?"
"N-No, I'm fine," you replied. "Although this IS kind of embarrassing... I was hoping not to fall today and I was doing so well..."
Izumi chuckled as he leaned down closer to you, hugging you ever so slightly. You were surprised by this affection, but you weren't complaining. You rested your head on his chest, finding comfort in his grasp.
"You did do well and I am so proud of you."
You grinned up at him. "I like it when you're like this," you began. "You could be so sweet..."
"Haha, alright. Let's get you up," he said, noticing how much you were shivering. However, you kept him in place before the others could check up on you two.
"I like you so much."
Now it was his turn for him to turn red. Hehe, revenge, you thought. But you weren't lying when you told him you liked him – you really did like him. You wanted to hold hands with him again, to be within his comfort again.
"I like you too, (Y/N). I always have."
Izumi didn't inform you about this, but he did speak with your client before your photoshoot officially started. He berated them on how unprofessional they were with you, and how they should've had someone on the team to help you with skating instead of leaving it to your own hands.
He didn't want you to experience any more rudeness from them as he knew you wouldn't be able to stand up for yourself. It was one of the ways he wanted to protect you, and it worked because you couldn't stop smiling at him throughout the rest of the day.
Hand in hand, the two of you left the ice rink together with Knights, your fingers interlocked with each other.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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harucafelatte · 1 year
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐞
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synopsis: drabbles on why the relationship didn't work out and how it affects them
pairings: suou tsukasa, sakasaki natsume, sena izumi, saegusa ibara x gn!reader (separate)
genre: angst with absolutely no comfort (depends on how you want to interpret)
content warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, really just relevant lyrics so people who know the song may go “what?”, wrote this at 2am and on my phone so don’t come after me, self-doubt (tsukasa), slight resentment towards reader (ibara), natsume and ibara are a bit mean to the reader, crying (izumi)
song: dried flower by yuuri
word count: 1,896 words
author's note: wrote this after listening to enhypen's jay covering 'dried flower' with the original artist, yuuri! (please listen to it!!) jay sounds so good singing in japanese?! also, special thanks to @venushotline for allowing me to use her format! do check out her works!
taglist: @kazemiya, @tomago (fill in the taglist form to be added)
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you who now stand next to someone else / i wonder if it's going well for you
SUOU TSUKASA always self-doubted himself
"tsukasa? are you alright? you've been really quiet the entire time." your concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"o-oh? have i? sorry…" he replied, giving you an apologetic look, "and don't worry, i'm alright."
lies. he wasn't alright.
in fact, he found himself questioning your relationship with him for the past few months. am i treating them well? am i doing the right thing? they didn't seem too happy with the gift i got them, did they not like it? do i deserve them?
"if you say so…but please tell me if anything's bothering you, okay?" you smiled. you got up from your seat and walked out of the room, leaving tsukasa slightly flustered.
there it was. the smile that made tsukasa fall in love with you in the first place. he swears that you have the best smile in the world. i'm so lucky to have them as my partner.
wait…are they lucky to have me as their partner?
tsukasa grumbled. he knew he had to discuss this matter with you soon.
the next day, tsukasa sat you down on the couch and knelt in front of you, holding both of your hands. "i'm sorry, y/n…i just think that i'm not the one for you and that you deserve someone better. someone who treats you well. someone who can make you happy every day. sadly, i can't be that person."
you knew about tsukasa's lack of confidence but you never thought it would affect your relationship. no matter how much you tried to comfort him, he insisted he would never be enough for you.
"don't say that, tsukasa! i'm sure that-" you were cut off by tsukasa wrapping his arms around you burying his head into your neck.
"i think it's best if we went separate ways, for the benefit of us. i'm truly sorry, y/n." he mumbled. he stayed still for a while before he finally pulled away.
"it was an honour to be yours, y/n…" he whispered, placing one last kiss on your forehead.
tsukasa thought his worries would go away but he was wrong.
ever since the two of you broke up, he couldn't stop thinking about how you were doing.
are they happier? did they find someone better? are they taking good care of them?
tsukasa knew letting go would be difficult. you were one of those who knew about his lack of confidence and always helped him with it. he would always be grateful for having you by his side.
and the thought of you standing next to someone else makes him sick.
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such a sad break-up but / time makes you forget
SAKASAKI NATSUME’S harsh words hurt you
"what do you know about this indusTRY? what do you know about being an iDOL? it isn't as easy as you think it iS!" he snapped, glaring at you with annoyance reflected in his eyes.
you were taken aback. you were trying to comfort natsume who was upset about messing up the choreography for one of the performances. tsumugi warned you about natsume being in a bad mood and advised you to leave him alone but you couldn't stand to see him being so harsh on himself. all you did was try to cheer him up but it seemed to do the opposite.
"stop acting as if you understand because you clearly don'T. you're not helping me in any waY. useLESS..." he mumbled the last part under his breath, thinking you wouldn't hear it.
you did, and without saying another word, you left the room.
a million thoughts ran wild in your head as tears threatened to spill. does he not love me anymore? i was just trying to comfort him. did he ever love me?
that night, when natsume arrived home, he was shocked to see you packing your belongings. were going to leave him?
"are you…going to leave mE?"
you turned to look at him, "i think it's for the best."
"is it about what i saID? you know i didn't mean iT!" he was now getting desperate. he didn't want you to leave him.
"natsume, you should be careful with the words you use. not everyone in the world will take them lightly, even if you don't mean it." you say as you walk past him with your belongings. "i'll be staying at my apartment so don't worry about me. goodbye natsume."
as the front door closed, natsume felt a wave of guilt wash over him. he couldn't believe you were gone. and it was all his fault. . . . after you broke up with him, natsume couldn't stop thinking about you even after trying to convince himself that he had to let you go. it was as if you cast a spell on him.
he missed waking up you sleeping next to him every morning, adoring your peaceful form. he missed returning home to you greeting him with open arms and pulling him into a hug that never failed to make him immediately melt into your touch, allowing all his worries to leave his mind - you were more important. he missed all the times when the two of you fought, laughed and cried together.
why couldn't he stop thinking about the memories he made with you? ah, that was because he still loved you.
and all he could do was wait for the memories, which he held close to his heart, to fade away.
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colors float in the darkness / red, yellow, blue in the depths of my heart / keep calling out your name / feelings of love still leave a scent
SENA IZUMI was always away
“you’re not.. you’re not leaving again, are you?”
izumi averted his eyes from his watch to you. you were leaning against the door frame, staring blankly at the cup of warm tea in your hands.
"look, y/n, you know how my job requires me to travel overseas." he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
"i know…but you just came back…do you really have to go?" you asked, eyes still not meeting his.
silence filled the room. the two of you knew the answer to the question.
finally, you raised your head to look at him and spoke up.
"izumi, i don't think this working out." you smiled softly, trying to mask your sadness.
izumi's eyes widened upon hearing your words. he knew what you were talking about.
"it's just that…you've been so busy with work these days, we haven't been able to spend time together. i just want to be with you but it's almost impossible with you always away..."
the moment you finished, izumi hugged you.
"i'm sorry for not being able to be a good partner, y/n." he whispered. and with that, you allowed yourself to let all your emotions out. the once-silent room was filled with your cries.
none of you wanted this but nothing could be done. . . . after the two of you broke up. izumi tried to keep himself busy with his work but it didn't work.
walking through the streets of cities was no longer enjoyable for him knowing there was no need to find a gift for someone dear to him anymore. in the past, he spent hours in different stores to find a gift for you, knowing that it was the least he could do for you to make up for the time he couldn't spend with you.
whenever he was away, the two of you video-called each other regardless of the time difference. as long as one of you was heading to bed, the other made sure to pick up the call. izumi missed hearing your soothing voice and spent every night in his bed thinking about how you were doing.
"i'm sorry, y/n…i still love you…"
he wished his message could reach you.
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your voice, your face, your awkwardness / all of it, all of it I hate
SAEGUSA IBARA always put his work before you
"all you do is work! did you forget that you have someone living with you? a partner?" you groaned, walking out of his study to try to calm down.
"y/n!" ibara called after you.
it was happening again. another one of your weekly arguments over ibara's tight schedule was happening again.
all your friends thought that you and ibara rarely argued due to his composed nature. yes, when the two of you first got together, arguments were rare. he was patient and loving, always finding time to spend time with you. all that changed one day, he began coming home late from idol training and shut himself in his study to work on business issues.
how you wished things could be the same as they were in the past.
ibara found you on the couch, with your arms crossed, and walked over to sit next to you. the moment he sat down, he saw you tense up. confused, he asked, "you okay?" "ah, i was just thinking about something…aren't you busy with work? " you replied, looking away.
"just wanted to spend time with my beloved." he smiled slightly, placing a hand on your head. usually, the gesture would instantly make you feel better so it came as a surprise when you brushed his hand off.
"oh so i have to remind you about having a love life for you to spend time with me?" you asked, slightly irritated.
"what are you trying to say?" ibara questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"you know what i'm trying to say! this place is always quiet! i'm always starting the conversations and checking up on you! have you ever thought about checking up on me? do you know how worried i am about your health? you haven't been getting enough sleep these days. you always push people away. i just thought you’d never do it to me." you snapped. " and you know why? apparently, to you, work is more important than anything, even your own health!"
"is that how you feel?" ibara hissed. "do you still not understand how important my work is? if you can't support me, then maybe we should break up."
surprisingly, you didn't feel sad when he said that.
after you broke up with him, ibara told himself he hated everything about you.
whenever he thinks about the memories you made with him, he hates your smile, your voice, your laugh, your touch, your flaws, and everything else about you.
but all the hate disappears when he sleeps - when he dreams about you.
he loves your smile, your voice, your laugh, your touch, your flaws, and everything else about you.
there was something different about the dreams from the memories. although the memories reminded him of the fun time you shared with him, they also reminded him of the arguments he often had with you. however, the dreams showed him the possible new memories he could have made with you if he had not broken up with you.
if he had just tried harder to show you how much he loved you.
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flowers that have yet to wilt / i place with you / forever, forever, forever, forever / hold on to them
he couldn't bear it anymore.
he misses you so much.
no matter how hard he reminded himself that the relationship had ended, he couldn't stop thinking about you.
he wants to see you, hear your voice, feel your touch.
he wants to be with you.
all because he still loves you. . . . now, he is waiting at the meeting spot, holding a bouquet of fresh flowers.
he had texted you the day before, asking if you were free to meet him today.
he did not receive a reply but saw that the message was delivered and seen.
there was little hope that you would show up. still, he held onto that small hope.
suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching him.
he took a deep breath, clutching the bouquet tightly.
was it you?
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6-zao-xing-9 · 6 months
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"Snowball Fight!!"
Pjsk boys x fem! reader
Summary: [Character] finds you, his girlfriend, outside his door one cold and snowy winter day. You've got that cute and mischievous grin on your face.... What are you gonna do this time?
This writing contains.... Blunt, cute, 5'0 1/2", energetic, and mischievous reader.... Fluff.... Lots of fluff.... More fluff....
A/N: I think I kinda messed up at Rui's part.... I said snowball fight but his part kind of drifted off track.... I do like it though. Hopefully you guys will too. Tsukasa and Akitos part are the only ones that live up to the name tbh. Super proud of Akito's part.... He's so fun to write doebsuhdoamaodb✨
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Kamishiro Rui:
Just as I'm about to head to my room with the soda candy in hand, a knock sounds at the front door.
Seeing that I am the one nearest to the said door, I decide to open it, and am immediately met with Y/N's adorable facing staring right at me.
"Ah, hello there cutie. What brings you to my doorstep? Couldn't stand being apart from your boyfriend for 24 hours?"
I tease, grinning as I place a hand atop her head.
"Actually, I couldn't."
Your blunt response doesn't surprise me one bit, and only causes me to let out a small chuckle.
"Now come on! Have you seen all this snow that's outside?!"
Before I had a chance to respond, I find myself being dragged by Y/N's small and delicate hand, my grin only expanding further on my face.
"Ah, wait, if we're gonna spend the day outside, let me go get my jacket."
I retrieve my hand from her grasp and quickly run inside to get said jacket.
I come back outside seconds later, only to get pelted in the face by a now crushed snowball.
"Snowball fight!!"
My eyes widen by a centimeter for a split second before a teasing grin curls on my lips.
"Ah, so this is how it's gonna be, hm?"
I then duck down, avoiding another snowball of hers as I start forming and shaping my own.
Once I finish making a few, I stand up and aim at the short cute girl that's giving me that adorable grin.
My snowball flies, and then lands straight on her head, now making it look like she has a melted scoop of vanilla ice cream drooping on her head.
"Whoops, guess it landed there because you're such a shortie~. Perhaps it would be easier to hit you if you were taller. Ah well. You're lucky you get an advantage."
"I am not short! I'm 5'0 1/2"!"
A chuckle escapes my mouth as my expression shifts to a smug one.
"Sweetie, do you not know the definition of 'short'?"
I walk over to her and pat her head gently.
"It means you aren't tall, or below average. Now if you think 5'0 1/2" is average, then I guess you just haven't learned the height of enough people."
"Most people are around my height!"
"Oh really, like who?"
"Nene is 5'1"! And Emu is..... 4'11"? Yeah!"
I can't help but release another chuckle at her reasoning.
"And you think because two of your friends are around the same height as you, that makes your height the average? Tell me, who else is as short as you?"
"Um.... Well, shizuku.... Hm, no..... Honami.... No..... ichika.... She's not either...."
I take a step closer and place a hand under her chin smugly.
"Just admit it. You're short. It can't be that hard, right? Or maybe your pride is just a bit too big."
After hearing my words, I watch her bend down, shape a lazy snowball, and then throw it smack in the middle of my face.
My smug grin only stretches before taking her cold hands in mine, preventing her from forming another snowball.
"Aw, come on now, don't be such a sore loser, N/N. Why don't you stop what you're doing and giving your boyfriend a kiss?"
I lean forward slightly, the snow from before still masked on my face.
"You're kidding, right? I'm not kissing you with that face."
"Well it's your fault I look like this. You only have yourself to blame. Now, come on. Kiss me, or I'll force you to."
"No! I'm not— mmph!"
I cut her sentence short by placing a sweet kiss to her lips, the smug grin on my face only wider after pulling away.
"Don't be so uncooperative next time, dear. There are consequences you know."
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Tenma Tsukasa:
Knock knock knock
A big smile graces my face as I open the door and am met with my beloved girlfriend.
"Good morning my dear co-star!"
"Good morning Tsukasa!"
Her energetic smile sends the butterflies to my stomach, only causing my own smile to grow just as bright.
"What are you doing here?"
"Did you look outside?"
"Uh... Yeah?"
"Then let's go!"
She then grabs my hand tightly and leads me to an open space, not even giving me a chance to react
"W-Woah! Slow down!"
I shout as she almost causes me to fall, her lack of height and her grip on my hand causing me to tilt forward.
"Wh-What are you doing?"
I ask curiously as I watch her bend down and do something with the snow, her back turned to me.
"Snowball fight!!"
It takes me a second to process her words, and a second for me to get hit to right on my chest, just about where the top of her head is.
"H-Huh?! Why did you—! S-Snowball fight?"
"Yes! Surely you know what a snowball fight is, Tsukasa."
"I... Of course I do!"
"Then come on!"
She speaks before kneeling down again to make a few snowballs.
"Fight me!"
She then throws another snowball; it landing on my shoulder this time.
"Alright! If you insist! But be prepared, this star is an expert at snowball fights! You may end up covered in snow on every inch of your body once we have finished!"
"Hehe, bring it on!"
She's got that cute smirk and a handful of snowballs. What more could fire me up?
A snowball landing straight under my neck.
That's what fired me up more.
Oooh, that's cold.
"Alright, here it comes!"
I see her open her mouth to respond, but doesn't get the chance to speak as I launch a snow ball right into her mouth and slightly on her cheeks.
"O-Oops! My dear co-star are you okay?!?"
I rush over to her as she spits out the snow.
"Ptooh! Ptooh! Eulgh.."
"You know, snow is just water, so it's not really that bad."
"That's like telling me it's okay to drink rain water, Tsukasa!"
She says before immediately throwing a snowball on my nose as payback.
Her cute giggle rings through my ears before take I hold of another snowball and hurl it at her. Unfortunately, she dodges the attack and bends down to get a snowball of her own.
The two of us laughed, chased each other, and played until the time for nighttime had arrived.
Being the good boyfriend I am, I walked her home; all the way to her doorstep before she turned around to face me.
"I had so much fun, Tsukasa! We should play again soon!"
I placed a hand on her shoulder before agreeing with her.
"Indeed! We should definitely play together again! Now go and get a good night's rest, okay?"
I spoke before leaning into give her a brief goodnight kiss on her lips.
"Good night, my dear Y/N!"
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Aoyagi Toya:
Ah, it's such a lovely winter day, and the snow really makes it complete— Hm? Is that Y/N at my front door? What's she doing at my house? Is she looking for me?
"Hey, Y/N."
I walk up to her from behind and gently place a hand on her shoulder.
"Is there a reason you're standing on my doorstep?"
She quickly turns around after feeling my touch, a bright smile plastered across her face.
I feel my heart melt as she pulls me into one of her warm hugs, her touch alone brightening my day.
"Good morning! I came here to see you! Do you wanna play in the snow?"
Patting her head softly, I look down at her fondly as I sway her bangs slightly before placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I'd love to play in the snow with you, if that's what you want."
She then grips my hand before leading me off the doorstep and onto the snow a few feet away.
"So, what snow activities do you have planned?"
I ask with a small smile as I watch Y/N crouch down and take some snow in her hands, slightly confused.
"Snowball fight!"
I stand stunned for a few seconds as she throws a snowball at my forehead, the cold and fuzzy water sending shivers down my spine.
"H... Hm?"
"You heard right! Snowball fight!"
"Ah, my apologies, but I am not very experienced in the area of snowball fights. Perhaps we could try something else?"
"Nononono, you're gonna learn how to play, and I'm teaching you."
"I... You are?"
"Yes. It's very simple."
She then takes my hands and plops some snow into them.
"All you have to do is shape some snow into a decent sized ball...."
She does just that, but with my hands instead of her own. I watch her intently, taking mental notes of her every word and hand movements.
"Now, all you have left to do is throw it!"
Leaving the round ball of snow in my hands, she steps a few feet away.
"Go ahead! Throw it!"
"... Alright."
As requested, I throw the snowball towards her. I aim for her head, but end up throwing the white fuzzy snow almost a foot above her head.
"Ah, I'm not really good at this stuff."
"Th-That's alright! Everyone has to start somewhere, right?"
She walks over to me, a determined smile curled on her lips.
"How about I teach you how to throw? See, now, if you want to throw downwards..."
As she speaks, she takes my arm and pulls it backwards slightly, tilting the second half of my arm upwards.
".... You get into that position! Now if you want to throw it, then you just move it forward, then release it with a good amount of force!"
She hops away as she speaks to me.
"Now try it again!"
I follow her instructions and give it another go, the ball landing on her forehead this time.
"Oh— Y/N, are you alright? Maybe I shouldn't have done that."
I rush in front of her and brush the snow off of her face gently.
"I'm fine I'm fine Toya. It's just snow."
"If you are certain. But, I'd rather not continue and risk hurting you. I do appreciate you teaching me how to throw, though."
I place a hand on her cheek and lean down to kiss her sweetly; it's a small 'reward' for her effort.
"Now, let's go get some hot coco."
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Shinonome Akito:
"Hm.... If move this sound over here and take this sound out.... No, I should probably..."
Ena barges into my room, without permission like usual, leaving me pissed.
"Ena, I am not going to run one of your errands again, I'm in the middle of something right—"
"Your girlfriend's at the door."
That seems to shut me up as I let out a sigh, placing my headphones aside.
I soon arrive at the front door, wondering what she wants.
"Hey, Y/N, you—"
My sentence stops midway due to the freezing snow that was thrown at the middle of my face.
I wipe the snow off and glare at the culprit.
"... Sorry, my hand slipped."
She then sprints off into the snow with me tagging close behind.
Having approached some of the wet snow, I crouch down and start shaping the snow into a round and spherical shape.
"You asked for it!"
I shouted slightly as I hurled the ball at her, aiming for her neck but end up getting the top of her head due to her ducking.
"Snowball fight!!"
She shouts back before throwing a snowball of her own, landing it straight on my chest.
Ooooh..... That hit hard... Guess I'll just have to hit harder!
As an act of revenge, I throw one of my many snowballs towards the same spot: her chest.
She was a bit busy managing her underwhelming pile of snowballs that she was a bit too late to duck...
Bull's eye!
I laugh victoriously at the short girl, a wide smirk plastered on my face.
After seeing my big accomplishment, she starts hurling all of her snowballs at me, one after another. Most of her snowballs hit me and turned me into a living and breathing snowman. What really hits hard though is when she throws the snowball in my eyes.
Painfully, I back away slightly, rubbing my eyes immensely as I hear her approaching.
"Oh no! Did it get in your eyes? Are you okay?"
She sounds worried.
I smirk before wrapping my arms around her in a death grip, tickling her non stop.
"No! Lemme go lemme go lemme go!"
"Shut up or I'll..."
I decide to leave my sentence unfinished for now, before diving in to plant a teasing kiss on her lips, slightly flustering myself in the process.
"Or I'll kiss you."
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thelunarfairy · 2 months
I've seen (on twitter/X) that some people think that Professor Yugi could be Tsukasa but he took Amane's place, what don't you think about that?
For my part I feel that a very well-founded fear given that we do not know what event exactly they changed. Was it something from the festival? That Tsukasa never returned to Amane after making his wish?
Anyway, wouldn't Tsushigomori know?
On a side note, I would really love it to be Amane. [Removing the part that, if it was something from when they were children then Amane would never be in school as a ghost] Amane is the one who cannot, does not want to and does not know how to let go of Tsukasa.
It would show us that the most dangerous person is Amane. Amane, who locks up Nene, Tsukasa, to keep them safe (in her eyes). It is Amane who sacrificed Aoi, who killed and committed suicide alongside his brother.
[Hanako? Amane? Was there ever any difference?] joke
Well, it depends. Was Amane he meant to be like Hanako? Jealous, possessive, protective to the core and obsessive?
Was his attitude that we saw really always due to what we knew [the sacrifice, the brother with a creature, death? Or did we just take it because we didn't know another timeline?]
Amane/Hanako is the one who holds on. What if she achieved her goal with the Great Clock?
I think we're about to see what Amane is capable of, not what he did and we let [and the manga characters] happen.
I think we'll see how dangerous, disastrous and obsessive it can be, capable of something that really returns us to "this is a horror manga even if we laugh and it seems more like a tragedy"
Or maybe I'm putting too much expectation on it.
Let's hope we don't recover like it always happens, I want to see the consequences in the same timeline we are on
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Ah, I saw this theory, but the question I ask is: Why would Tsukasa do that?
Why does he want to take Hanako's place? How will this help? How will this change?
If Amane dies and Tsukasa didn't sacrifice himself, why would he pretend to be his twin brother?
I mean, if he continues with his own identity or takes on Amane's identity, the same thing will happen. His parents know that Amane was the one who was sick, Tsukasa was healthy, so the information doesn't add up.
The most I can think about it is that maybe Tsukasa did this to get rid of the clock keepers, but that also doesn't make sense because it's not the kind of thing Tsukasa would do.
Still, Tsukasa's goal is to save Amane, not take his place. Tsukasa doesn't care about growing up and having a future, he wants his brother to live, to be happy, that's all.
I think Tsukasa would be more likely to take his own life, if Amane died, than to take his place.
And even if Tsukasa tried to bring Amane back after death, as a supernatural, why would he change his identity? He can do it like Tsukasa.
Hmm….. I'm trying to make this theory fit the information, but it's difficult.
Amane is acting ordinary, at least to me. Amane has always been Amane, he is that way, it is part of his nature to be that way. He has his good side, of course, but the dark side is still there.
And, I believe he still remembers what happened in the other reality. What happens is that he does not accept or allow the person he loves to be separated from him, and he will do everything in his power to achieve this.
As Machiavelli said, "the ends justify the means" That's what Hanako does. He doesn't care who suffers the consequences if it will make the people he loves stand by his side. He doesn't even care if it's going to be something that hurts the people he loves, like he did to Nene and Tsukasa.
We shouldn't be surprised by this side of him, Amane is like that, he's not acting like "Tsukasa", he's just showing us a side he usually hides.
Plus, he's acting like himself, the pose of him walking down the hallway, there's no doubt about it. The clothes he wears are the same as ASHK's, there's no doubt, it's him.
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I could be wrong, yes, but that's what I think, for now. That cunning act of his, totally Hanako. Yes, Hanako is dangerous, not someone you can trust, I'm just saying that, and I like him a lot.
But, it will be fun to see how far Hanako will go to get what he wants.
Tchaaaaau <3
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the-amazing-wonderss · 11 months
Waste it on me
A/N: ...OKAY SO NOT TWICE BUT BTS THIS TIME DONT@ME ABT MY SONG CHOICES 🤡‼️ Also my first time writing for Sakura because Mod 👻 wanted me to so i'm sorry if she sounds OOC, same with the others !! ⎯☠️
Content: Fluff, No gender specified for reader other than the terms 'lady/gentleman' used in Natsuhiko's part, yandere-ish behavior on Tsukasa's part, rushed and not proofread/edited. Summary: In which you are an anti romantic that's persistent to deny your feelings to them but they notice.
Characters: Sakura, Natsuhiko, Tsukasa
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You say love is messed up, you say that it don't work. You don't wanna try, no, no (you don't wanna try, no, no) ⎯ From pushing and pushing, you don't seem to budge from where you stand. Instead you're waiting there for me. Waiting for my answer that you've already predicated. Am I that obvious? Or did you predict this as well?
It's actually hard for you to even notice that she knows. With her stoic expression and all, as well as her unbothered attitude, you never would've found out about her knowing until you had eventually confess.
But before that can even occur, SAKURA would remain silent and resilient to whatever nonsense you had to say about love. How it's foolish, silly, a lie, etc.
However one thing she does notice when you start talking about it is how each time you mention something different about it, there's always a distant look in your eyes.
Whether it's mentioning the way some couples act sickly sweet to each other or how they'd bring their significant other to some place special, there was always this... Longing expression that you yourself might've not noticed, but she did.
The way you stared afar for a while, making it quite easy for her to admire the look on your face. It makes her a bit sadden to see how you weren't honest with your feelings, but also understand why you weren't so open about it.
That's why she doesn't speak up about it, or try to approach you on the topic. She's the type to wait for your answer, and if you still weren't willing to? Well one way or another she'll eventually draw the answer out of you sooner or later.
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I don't know your secrets but I'll pick up the pieces. Pull you close to me now ⎯ Why don't you leave me alone? Why are you such a thorn to my side? Can't you see that I hate you? That you make me sick? Just looking at you makes my stomach churn, so what's with that dumb look on your face for?
Oh he knows. He knows and he fucking loves it so much. Basking at even knowing but still chasing after your love is so exciting for him, especially when you kept trying to push him away and deny it all, he just keeps coming back.
NATSUHIKO as we all know him very well, is a romantic at heart ⎯ he'd go far and beyond to show his love for you, heck, even showing it off despite your counters against it.
And although he might not say it out loud for you or anyone to hear, he is a bit ... Hurt? For you, seeing as you weren't honest with your feelings and kept pushing it down, was it because of his previous acts of flirting to others that made you feel as if he'd toy with yours? Or was it perhaps a past relationship that made you see things the way they are now?
He didn't know, he wants to know but he didn't want to drag you into saying it.
So instead, he awaits for whatever your reason or answer might be while also still trying to court you in the best ways possibles for a lady/gentleman such as yourself.
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Treat me like a comma, I'll take you to a new phrase. Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away ⎯ I don't understand what's so special about me that makes you act like this, so childish yet so loving... Is this some kind of joke to you? Are you pulling on the strings of my heart simply because it's funny? You're cruel to make me fall for you even more.
He knows and he's pestering you about it. Upset that you're trying to keep it from him while also finding it so entertaining, especially about the little comments you make on love.
Why did it upset you? Why are you denying it? It's interesting to see how you shy away from his touches due to not 'wanting to be in love' but at the same time, looking like a love stricken fool.
TSUKASA doesn't necessarily take too kindly if you keep up with this act though, as it soon becomes more irritating than interesting for him. So if you aren't admitting to your feelings by the time he starts switching up, you might be in a lot of trouble and find some of your classmates going missing.
He sees no point keeping them around if you aren't willing to have him either.
But...if you do end up confessing to him before all of that could happen, he would be so overjoyed! Bouncing around and clinging onto you as if he hadn't just threatened demanded for your answer earlier!
It did came out as forceful... Maybe even a bit worrying from how he made you get straight to the point rather than beat around the bush for too long ⎯ but in the end, you did end up getting what you wanted, right? You have him now and he has you.
(Gonna add this extra part here just in case some readers aren't a big fan of yandere endings: But Sakura would talk to Tsukasa at one point about it and let him know of your feelings before you even got the chance to. Instead, having him confront you about it rather than the other way around ⎯ so that he could take the initiative and put the end to this cat and mouse chase.)
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