#I genuinely got the impression Vanessa was helping Will over up things
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FNAF Movie William judges Vanessa's friends..
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redtoondevils · 3 months
I don't think that Vanessa really is a bad person in SB.
I don't think that Vanessa really is a bad person in SB. If anything, Gregory is showing himself to be a troublemaker. Then that of Cassie. I mean, yes she had quite the attitude on her.
And she treated Gregory with dis respect, and kind of abusive. That she locked him in, in her office, and gone to get changed into the Vanni suit, to stalk him. Likely, to spook him.
Still does not make it okay. Yet, on the other hand, she is doing her job. And she must of been a good police officer, especially how she appeared in the movie.
By the looks of things, she wasn't bad. She genuinely looked like a good woman, and is helpful. And eventually, we find out, that she has problems. A lot of people have problems of course.
In SB, she was helpful. Like the DCA, she has a dark side. Only difference is, is that she's human. So far, with what's happened in the main game, with the virus.
It also brings the worst out of them, too. And put it this way, let's reverse the roles between Vanessa and Gregory.
What if she really was on the lookout for Gregory, because of what he might be up to? Gregory is a strange kid, you'll find out that he's homeless as the end.
There's not much background for him, and his situation is sad. But the things that he can do, to get what he wants. He can manipulate that. He once baited Chica into the crusher.
And rammed Roxy with the go cart. Even though, the animatronics were on persuit with this boy. But, he still taken care of them, by his own hands. (Even if it's no other choice kind of thing.) He will do it, and he's going to do it brutally.
Overall, he is a complicated child. But, he will do things, even if it means to destroy the property. It's kinda scary for a kid to do.
There are motives of him, that are not clear as of yet. When he asks you what to, some of his requests are a little odd. How far can we trust this kid? I know, you would be referring him as the Mimic, that it was him that lured Cassie in.
That wasn't Gregory. I'm talking about, how he first met Vanessa. When he said, "No! No. I don't trust her!" there's a question. Why, doesn't he trust her?
She didn't do anything wrong to him, from the beginning as of yet. She did alert the other animatronics. But maybe, you got to ask. Perhaps she didn't know they were under control?
As Vanny, I thought that she was the master mind over every animatronic. From the base game. But then, when more games has been released showing more material about Vanny.
And also, with the Princess Quest mini game. It turns out, at the end of those comics that Vanny is also victimized too. I thought that she was all out psycho.
When Vanny has been revealed, as Vanessa by Gregory in the SB comics. It looks like, she looks just as scared, and confused just like Gregory.
And how she appeared at the arcade box, with the Glitch trap in her hand. And she squished him, and she was really large. What is Interesting with this Villain. Vanessa isn't really an all out villain.
It's like in a way metaphorically, that Vanny has been under control, and been through manipulation with Glitch trap. (I think.) That she's been looking for revenge for quite some time, and she finally got it.
And when she waved at the player. Stright away, you'll get both Impressions. She waved to you like to say, 'Good job. And I'll see you later!" Or "Finally! You found him for me! He's gone, goodbye I'm free now!" And Vanny is gone.
If that is correct, then there is a possible chance. That Vanny, as Vanessa is actually not bad. And was pretending to be evil, because Glitch trap was corrupting her. It isn't safe to say that she was Innocent.
She wouldn't after being reported of stealing kids. But, it is something to know that she is a villain, that has childlike lore about her. And finding out, that she had also been used.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
idk if im doing this right but,, could you do saihara x shsl mathematician! reader?
Shuichi Saihara with a SHSL Mathematician S/O
turn my swag on ok my history work makes 0 fucking sense i'm so unnerved like how can people read complex stuff and just understand it like ??? i don't understand shit if it isn't said at a reading level of at most 10th grade. this is so stupid just talk normal u get nothing out of being fake intelligent by using big words lardass
^ it might also be because i have such idv / my dark vanessa brainrot that i literally can't think of anything else so trying to do work in that class feels like a punishment from god
i'm gonna be a scoundrel and ask people what they wrote down as answers.
currently listening: die in a fire by the living tombstone
playlist: for my book
-Mod Souda
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❤ You can help him in a lot of departments. When it comes to doing investigations around a school, you can double in as a teacher - gathering information from the inside. You can also force your way into businesses, governments, land surveying, and some engineer work. Being a mathematician above all else makes everything you say sound extremely intelligent; you're good at getting people to believe whatever you say. When he thinks about your SHSL he thinks about its versatility. You're also pretty good at predicting things like the places a culprit would be in comparison to the victim - you can do equations in your head as quick as a blink. Pythagorean theorem is the most useful here.
He doesn't tell you that he knew you didn't go to bed last night until the car starts, leaving you trapped inside with him. When he brings it up, you look out the window, your mouth forming into a playful smile that you try to hide.
"It's not... healthy," he says. "It would make me feel better if you got a lot of sleep."
You still don't turn to look at him. A workaholic, he often calls you. He's one too - and it definitely takes one to know one. He's right, though, you were up all night working on a theory. Sometimes everything just falls into place so perfectly that there's no way you could give up just then. You were so sure that you were quiet as you wandered around the house - him sleeping just a few rooms over in his own bed.
"If you have a... hard time sleeping you can sleep in my bed," he adds. "I think I'm ready for that."
"You are?"
"I think."
"We can test it out, then." You analyze him from the corner of your eye. You can't tell if he's lying to make you more comfortable or if he's being genuine. Is he bringing up you sleeping with him in response to your lack of sleep - or your lack or sleep in response to you sleeping with him?
You raise your eyebrows in a shrug - making the expression whether he can see it or not. "I'll sneak into your room next time I 'can't sleep'."
"Thank you," he says with a soft voice. You look over at him, seeing his pink cheeks and the polite way he avoids your gaze. It makes you smile.
❤ If the murder weapon is something that is thrown, all you need is circa distance and the weight of the object and boom - you can easily predict where exactly the killer would have been standing and probably by the impact, how hard they threw it.
❤ Outside of that, you always seem to impress him with your brain.
❤ You'll hear him walking downstairs and predict the amount of time between the steps and how fast he was going, knowing perfectly when he'll arrive next to you.
❤ It's makes him a little insecure at times - being around somebody who constantly outsmarts him.
❤ But he realizes that it's literally your speciality and he outta get used to it or hit the road.
❤ Plus, there are a lot of things about detective work that he knows more than you.
❤ ^ That satisfies him.
❤ He also loves it when you correct other people (especially people he doesn't like).
❤ If somebody he doesn't like expresses their annoyance towards know-it-all's then he's going to introduce you two!
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softlass27 · 3 years
here we go, a little robron-ified fix-it fic to soothe my anger after this week’s episodes. there’s slight divergence in that i've had debbie and cain not leaving for scotland just yet, but other than that everything’s still canon!
AO3 link here
There was a building headache throbbing behind Robert’s eyelids and it was called Chas Dingle.
He’d been in the pub for what felt like an eternity, listening to his mother-in-law hold court behind the bar, rehashing the latest Charity-related drama in excruciating detail with the rest of the Dingles.
Apparently Aaron and Robert had missed a lot during their week-long holiday to Scotland with Seb. They’d only popped in to pick up a takeaway, but within seconds of stepping through the door they’d been roped into sitting with the group, had two pints set down in front of them and now they were well and truly stuck.
“I mean, this is a new low, even for Charity,” Chas lamented for what had to be the fifth time, shaking her head and gesturing to Paddy, who was standing close by to nod in agreement to everything she said. “We’re done with her. She’s a liability, I can’t work with her anymore. The sooner she gives up her half of the pub and lets Marlon buy her out, the better. And I won’t have her under my roof, either.”
“Well, I’d offer her my room now that I’m staying in Jacobs Fold, but Mandy would probably put up a fight,” Belle said with a shrug. “Besides, Dad says he doesn't want Charity there either.”
Robert thought it seemed a bit harsh of Zak to dictate who could or couldn’t stay in the cottage, considering he didn’t actually live there – or even in the village – anymore, but he kept that to himself. Getting involved in the debate would take more energy than he cared to use.
“Well, she’s not still living with us, that’s for sure,” Chas insisted, her mouth pursed into a thin line. “She’ll have to go.”
“I’d let her stay with me and April, but we don’t have room,” said Marlon, looking concerned. “Not with Billy and Ellis, too. And I don’t think she’ll want to, now that she knows I’m the one buying her out of the business.”
“Oh, I wasn’t hinting, Marlon, it’s fine. Frankly, I don’t give a damn where she goes.”
“Hm, she can sleep in a ditch for all I care,” Debbie sniffed, nose crinkling like there was a bad smell hovering around the bar.
“Alright Debs,” Cain grumbled quietly. “We get the picture.”
“It’s no less than she deserves!” Chas cried, quick to back Debbie up. Robert didn't know when it had happened, but the two of them seemed thick as thieves ever since Debbie had come back to the village.
“Oh, come on, you two,” Marlon said tiredly, rubbing his temples. “Charity’s gone through a lot these last few months, she’s been struggling ever since she lost Vanessa. Maybe we should be tryna help her instead of letting her self-destruct?”
Chas snorted, hand propped on her hip. “What, after she dropped Debbie in it with Al? And tried to sleep with him? After what she did to our Noah?”
“What, stopping him from being daft enough to join the army while hiding a life-threatening medical condition?” Robert snapped before he could stop himself, his patience hanging by the thinnest thread. “Wow, better call social services.”
He found himself on the receiving end of a very familiar glare, Chas’s nostrils flaring as she looked at him with disdain.
“I was actually referring to the slap she gave him,” she said lowly. “Were you not listening?”
“No, not really,” Robert muttered into his pint, earning himself a small snort from Aaron.
As the Dingles continued bemoaning the current situation, Robert nudged his husband and leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“Can we please get the hell out of here? I can’t take much more of this.”
Aaron sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Still need the takeaway, I’ve been dyin’ for this burger.”
“Do you see Marlon going to the kitchen anytime soon?”
“Oi, Marlon!” Aaron barked, making the taller man jump. “How much longer for the food? We’re starving.”
“Oh, er, Luke’s in the kitchen, he’s sorting it.”
“Great,” Robert groaned, the pain in his head increasing. “They’ll probably be burnt to a crisp if that idiot’s the one making them.”
“Fuck it, let’s just finish these pints and go, pick up some pizzas from David’s or summat,” Aaron muttered, scowling when Paddy’s voice joined the heated discussion.
“I don’t care if she’s regrets it, she’s pushed things too far this time,” he said decisively, arms folded to match Chas’s. Robert absently wondered if he had a nice view up there on his high horse.
“I know what she did was terrible,” Lydia piped up. “And I’m not impressed with her myself. But she seems genuinely sorry, I’m sure she’d do anything to fix things.”
“Yeah, but that’s her all over, isn’t it? Act first, feel bad about it later,” Debbie drawled, swigging back her glass of white wine. “Honestly, I don’t know why any of us are surprised. She’s always been selfish, Noah deserves better.”
“Sure you’re not just sore about losing all that cash you nicked?” Robert asked, brows raised.
Debbie just narrowed her eyes at him and carried on talking. “I can’t see Noah giving her another chance, not after this.”
Chas nodded in agreement. “Even if the poor lad wanted to forgive her, I wouldn’t let him.”
“Maybe just let Noah and Charity sort things out for themselves,” Marlon tried, but that just had Chas’s finger flying up to silence him.
“No, I’m sorry, Marlon, but this is the final straw. I mean, we all know Charity’s never been a perfect mother but slapping him was a step too far. Some things are just unforgivable.”
“Bit rich coming from you.” Aaron’s quiet interjection swiftly brought the conversation to an abrupt halt.
After a brief pause, Chas’s head swivelled to look at Aaron in confusion, clearly uncertain as to whether she was the one he’d been addressing.
“Sorry, what?”
Aaron shrugged. “Just sayin’, if smacking your kid around’s an unforgivable offence, bad enough to get you kicked out the family, you probably shouldn’t be here. You and me wouldn’t even be talking right now.”
Robert held his breath and watched as Chas froze. He was aware of some of the altercations between Aaron and his mum in recent years. Aaron had told him during one of the many nights they'd spent curled up together, sharing all their memories, thoughts and secrets, about some of the things she’d said and done. Like slapping him in the face when she found out about their affair, for one.
Now, he could see some of those events playing out in her memory as she floundered, eyes darting nervously between Aaron and the rest of the family, who were all watching the pair in silence.
“Aaron, you and me, we’ve… I know we’ve had our ups and downs over the last few years, had our fair share of rows, lashed out… And I’m sorry, but that’s different, we’re both adults. Noah’s just a kid.”
“And what about when I was a kid?”
Robert stiffened at the words, and he quickly turned to look at Aaron’s hunched profile. That, he knew nothing about. Aaron’s face remained impassive, giving nothing away.
“What’s this?” Cain said, frowning.
Chas stared at him for a moment, before turning back to Aaron with a slightly bewildered laugh.
“I've got no idea. What’re you on about, love?”
“When I was, what, 11? 12? You hit me then, too.”
“No.” She shook her head quickly, before speaking over the sound of a few surprised intakes of breath from the group. “No, that can’t be right, you didn’t even live here when you were 12.”
“It was when I was visiting,” Aaron said. “Course the family weren’t there to see that one like they saw Charity and Noah. It was just the two of us, back there – ” He pointed towards the back of the pub. “ – in the kitchen. No witnesses.”
Robert saw the exact moment a flicker of recognition appeared in Chas’s eyes.
“Oh… ”
“Coming back to you now, is it?”
“Chas, is that true?” Lydia asked, looking shocked.
Chas ignored her in favour of staring at Aaron with wide eyes, caught off guard. “Oh love, that – that wasn’t – ”
“You had a go at me for not wanting to stay with you or preferring Sandra to you, I dunno. Can’t remember now. But I do remember you tellin’ me I ‘didn’t deserve a mother’ and then slapping me across the face. It left a mark.”
Robert's hands clenched on the bar as red hot anger rapidly surged through his body, and he glared furiously as Chas. She looked around helplessly, turning to Paddy for support. He just opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, looking lost and uncomfortable at the unexpected turn of events.
“Christ’s sake, Chas,” Cain grumbled from his spot next to Debbie, looking thoroughly unimpressed.
“I’m – I didn’t – ”
“I was probably being a bit of a little shit to be fair,” Aaron cut off her stammering with a rueful smile. “Mouthing off – like Noah was doing to Charity, from the sounds of it.”
“Aaron love… I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise you still – that you were still upset about that… ”
“I’m not,” said Aaron, matter-of-fact. Robert believed him, too. He knew his husband well enough to tell when he was lying or putting on a brave face to hide his hurt. This wasn’t one of those times. He wasn’t upset, he was frustrated.
“I’m not after an apology, this ain’t about me. All I’m sayin’ is, you might wanna take a look at that big glass house of yours, before you start chucking stones at Charity for doing the exact same thing you did to me more than once.”
He drained the last dregs of his pint and slid off the bar stool.
“You’re the last person who should be judging someone for making mistakes with their kids. I should know.” Aaron cast a quick glance over the group. “Same goes for the lot of you.”
Cain and Marlon had the grace to look somewhat sheepish, while Belle looked down awkwardly. Debbie just huffed and took another gulp of wine. Aaron rolled his eyes and grabbed his coat, shoving his arms in the sleeves.
“Robert, give Charity a ring, would you? Tell her we’ve got a spare room with her name on it.”
Robert pulled his phone out of his pocket. “My pleasure.”
“Er, no, hang on!” Debbie snapped, a hand flying up to halt them. “We’ve already agreed she’s not part of the family anymore, it’s decided.”
“I didn’t agree to anythin’,” Aaron snapped right back. “You wanna fall out with Charity, that’s your business. It’s got nowt to do with us.”
“Besides,” Robert waved his phone in the air with a smirk. “I’m technically the one inviting her and since I’m not a Dingle, your weird little rules don’t apply to me. Thank god.”
“Come on, Rob, let’s go.”
“Aaron no, get back here, this needs sorting! Aaron!”
Aaron ignored Chas’s protesting shrieks and started walking towards the door. Robert began to follow him, before pausing and turning back to the group, zeroing in on Debbie.
“Correct me if I'm wrong, but it wasn’t that long ago you were tryna do her in – ” He gestured to Chas. “ – for shagging your bloke while you were still with him. Threatened her with a… shotgun, was it?”
Debbie’s mouth twisted in displeasure.
“You weren’t even here then!” Chas cried, jaw hanging open in outrage. “That is none of your – ”
“If you can get past that,” Robert spoke over her. “Then you can stop calling Charity the devil for nearly-but-not sleeping with your scumbag ex. Get over yourself.”
Aaron touched the small of his back. “Come on. If we start listing everything this lot have ever done wrong, we’ll be here all night.”
They stalked out of the pub without a backward glance. As they stepped out onto the street, Robert exhaled heavily.
“Always fun catching up with your family.”
Aaron huffed a small laugh and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Didn’t even get our food after all that.”
He made to start walking towards David’s, but stopped when Robert gently touched his arm.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, m’fine.”
Robert hesitated, fingers curling on Aaron’s sleeve.
“You… never told me about that. That she hit you when you were… ” He trailed off uncertainly, not wanting to sound accusing, like Aaron owed him an explanation.
Aaron hummed and turned to face him, their bodies naturally swaying into each other.
“Haven’t thought about it in ages, if I’m honest. Not for years.”
“I’m sorry.”
For all Aaron said he was fine, that Chas’s actions from 20 years ago didn’t bother him anymore, Robert knew from his own experience the lingering scars that kind of event could leave.
“It’s okay.” Aaron gave him a small smile and pulled him in for a soft kiss.
They stayed like that for a few moments, until Robert’s phone buzzed in his hand. He pulled away regretfully to read the words on the screen.
“It’s Diane. She says she’s with Charity, found her crying in the gazebo.”
Aaron sighed and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Come on, then. Let’s go get her.”
Robert fired a quick text to Diane, telling her they were on their way, before slinging an arm over Aaron’s shoulders as they started walking.
“We’re really gonna have Charity as a housemate again, then?” He asked with a teasing grin.
Aaron groaned and leaned into him. “Looks that way. But if she pervs on us in the shower again, she's out on her ear.”
Robert winced as that particular memory came rushing to the surface.
“God help us.”
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Riverdale//without you i’d be nothing
Request: Reader plays a Northsider River Vixen on Riverdale and when the show’s on hiatus the cast takes a trip to New Orleans and her boyfriend Douglas Booth invites them to see him film a scene as Nikki Sixx for the Netflix movie The Dirt and he and reader are super cute after he finishes the scene and the cast totally ships them. The scene is from the YouTube video The Dirt - Shout at the Devil/with backstage (Turkish subtitle). Nikki’s bass guitar in the opening of the scene is really cool.
hey! i really hope you like this!! and i also hope you’re having a good day! 
“Hey guys! It’s me, Madelaine and welcome to the last day of shooting before our hiatus!” Madelaine beams into the camera and you lift your head up from your phone to watch her talk excitedly at the camera. 
“I’m sort of sad because I’m gonna miss all of these.” She does a twirl to show off the rest of the cast sat waiting to start filming and they all take a break from talking to wave and smile at the camera. “But I am very excited for the break. Plus, we won’t really be away from each other for long because in a few days we’re going on holiday!! Aren’t we guys!” She asks and zooms in on Charles while he scrolls through his phone. 
“Huh?” He asks when he feels everyone looking at him. You all stifle a laugh before looking back at Madelaine again. 
“Okay, let’s see what everyone is doing.” She smiles playfully and wiggles her eyebrows before flipping the camera and choosing who to annoy first. “KJ. What are you doing?” 
“Eating.” He replies through a mouthful of food before glaring at the red-head. 
“Ignoring you.” She replies, not bothering to look up from her phone. 
“You know, you all think that Vanessa is lovely, but this is what I have to put up with.” Madelaine frowns. “What about you Y/n?” She asks and you glance at her before sending your text. 
“She’s texting her boyfriend.” Jordan teases as he looks over your shoulder and you roll your eyes at his childishness. “Aww, they’re sending each other kisses. And now she’s opening Instagram and liking a picture of him-wait, that’s not his real hair is it?” He asks and you send him a look. 
“Of course not.” You laugh. “It’s his costume, for the Mötley Crüe movie.” 
“Ohh.” He replies. “Okay.” He starts again, faking a British accent and you roll your eyes again. “Now, she is liking the photo of her boyfriend and his cast members. She’s typing something and now she’s going into her notes and typing something else. It’s for me, and it says Jordan...fuck off.” He trails off and a playful pout replaces his smile. 
“Somebody please send help.” Madelaine deadpans as she flips the camera back. “I’m gonna have to put up with all of this for another week.” 
“Holy shit.” Madelaine mouths as she shoves the camera in her backpack. The rest of the cast are just as mesmerised with the stage set up in front of them. 
The stage is more light than actual stage and for a while you can’t really decipher between the lights and the many, many speakers they have. Four microphones are dotted around the black stage, just waiting for sound. The guitar amps wait to be plugged in and you remember watching Douglas walk in and out of your bedroom as he tried to master the way Nickki Sixx would walk on stage. Tommy Lee’s drum sits at the back of the stage and the pentagram really brings the whole dark aesthetic together. 
It genuinely looks like one of their shows. After Doug was offered the role, the two of you sat and watched countless videos of their shows together, just so he could really get into his role.
Normally you’d join them in staring wide-eyed at the bright set, but you’re too excited to see Doug that you can barely take in anything surrounding you other than him. Your eyes scan the countless people passing by. Crew members carrying large speakers and microphones back and forth, and hundreds of extra’s mill about around you, making you feel like you’ve just walked through a time machine. 
You feel eyes on you and it’s only when you look back at them do you realize you were bouncing slightly. 
“Be cool.” Jordan shakes his head and you flip him off making him feign offence. 
“Can I help you guys?” A woman asks and you quickly direct your attention to her. 
“Hi!” You beam. “Douglas Booth invited us to watch him. He said he got the okay from the director. I’m Y/n, his girlfriend. Nice to meet you!” You smile and stick your hand out in front of her. She blinks, trying to process what you’ve just said in the short space of time before a small smile twitches at her lips and she introduces herself. 
“I’m Amy.” She replies. “And I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you in person instead of being shown countless of pictures of you.” She teases and your cheeks heat up.
Cami and Lili share a look before nudging you and you stare at the floor, too embarrassed to look at them again. 
“Come with me.” She tells the rest of the group. “And help yourself to snacks and drinks.” She says and everyone’s head’s perk up at the mention of food. “We’re just about to film, they’re putting the final touches to everything, but if I see Doug I’ll let him know you’re here.” 
“Thank you!” You grin and sit down. Behind the camera’s are a bunch of seats, none of which match and it’s a race between the ten of you to get the comfiest seats first. It ends in KJ and Casey standing and they grumble quietly to each other while the rest of you smile sarcastically back at them. 
“Okay. Quiet on set!” Someone shouts and you stand up to crane your neck over the camera’s. For a second everything’s quiet, and then the lights go up and everyone screams. 
“Ladies and Gentlemen, from Los Angeles, Mötley Crüe!”
Douglas looks out into the crowd and your sure he’s seen you, despite the room full of people. Then the lights come up and the spark machines go off leaving all you to stare in awe at what is happening. 
The sound of drums pound along with your heart while you watch your boyfriend transform into somebody else in front of your very eyes. He strums the guitar in time and hops backwards while looking out into the darkened crowd and you follow his gaze, wanting to see what he’s seeing. 
You watch as the camera zooms in on Douglas’ strumming and you nudge Cami excitledy as you point proudly at him. She stifles a laugh before the two of you continuing watching. 
“Title track is from our up and coming album. We call it ‘Shout At The Devil’” Danny shouts and the crowd goes wild. The camera zooms in on Iwan playing guitar.  
‘Shout, shout, shout!” They sing, the camera zooming into each of them, focusing longer on Colson as he twirls the drum sticks around in his fingers.  “Shout, shout, shout! Shout at the devil.” Danny kicks his leg out and does a spin before starting to sing again and you can’t believe what you’re seeing. 
They all look so cool! Especially Douglas and you can understand why bands back in the day had so many groupies if they did stuff like this on the stage. The atmosphere is electric and it’s not even a real concert, so you can only dream of what it would feel like to be at a real one.  “He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night. He's the blood stain on the stage.” Danny points out into the crowd and you hear a few screams and squeals making you laugh. “He's the tear in your eye. Been tempted by his lie.” Douglas rocks back and forth, and despite your earlier teasing through texts about the wig, it does look good when he’s up there head banging. “He's the knife in your back, he's rage!” Colson raises a hand in the air before banging the drums again. 
Danny leans forward, his voice going up an octave and you watch impressed. “He's the razor to the knife. Oh, lonely is our lives. My head's spinning 'round and 'round.” He points out into the crowd again and you catch Pete Davidson’s eye. 
Colson throws a drumstick in the air again before drumming, and you don’t know where to look anymore. There’s so many incredible things happening and you wish you could film this or take a picture or something so you can remember. It’s going to be amazing when you see it in the actual film, but to see it being recorded in real life, that’s something you don’t think any movie theatre will be able to live up to. 
“But in the seasons of wither, we'll stand and deliver. Be strong and laugh and-” 
“Shout, shout, shout. Shout at the devil! Shout, shout, shout!” Flames erupt from the stage during each beat and all ten of your eyes widen when you see someone flash the band. They head bang and jump around and your eyes widen each second that passes. 
But it’s over far sooner than you’d like it to be. You could spent forever watching your boyfriend pretend to be a famous rockstar, and you’re surprised at how at home he looks up on stage. 
The band shout and cheer, before the director shouts cut and they suddenly all erupt into laughter. Douglas and Iwan high five before they disappear off stage and previously still crew members start moving again. They hurry past you, with props, costumes and coffee in hand. 
And you wait excitedly for Douglas to appear. 
“So, we’re on the set of a super important Netflix movie. We’ve just watched them film literally the best thing ever. Like I have goosebumps, look. Anyway, I’m not gonna show you much, but I am going to show you this.” Madelaine whispers, a soft smile lighting up her face before she flips the camera and zooms in on you and Douglas. 
You wrap your arms around him and he picks you up, twirling you around making you squeal. He puts you back on the floor and wastes no time in capturing your lips in a kiss. You’ve been waiting months to kiss him again and it was definitely worth it, even if he is wearing that ridiculously large wig. 
“I’ve missed you so much baby.” You mumble against his lips. 
“Me too.” He replies and kisses you again. 
Madelaine flips the camera back to her and she pouts in response to how cute the two of you are. 
“She hasn’t shut up about him since he invited us out here.” She says and rolls her eyes. “It’s been the only thing we’ve heard. Hasn’t it V?” She asks the shorter girl as she walks behind her. 
“What?” Vanessa asks and takes a sip of the coffee Cole stole for her from the snack table. 
“Y/n and Doug.” It’s only three words, but it sets Vanessa off into a whole ramble about how excited you’ve been to see him. 
“It’s a good job they’re cute.” She replies making Vanessa giggle and the two of them watch as you and Doug catch up with each other. You move his wig from his face and he smiles thankfully, before kissing your cheek. “Something that isn’t cute though is these two.” Madelaine interrupts her own vlog by swapping the camera again and zooming in on Jordan and Drew taking pictures of each other with badly put on wigs. 
Her and Vanessa shake their head and watch as they laugh loudly and try to knock the other ones off their head. However their laughter soon dies down when a crew member comes over and scolds them for tampering with props, and now it’s Vanessa and Madelaine’s’s turn to laugh. 
“I can’t wait for the internet to see that.” Vanessa giggles before sending a disapproving look at the two men now pouting sadly in the corner. 
“Knowing them, it’ll just make more people love them.” Madelaine rolls her eyes. She turns the camera off and lets Vanessa lead her to where the majority of the cast are. 
“Hi guys.” Douglas introduces himself nervously and the conversations slowly die out. You stand beside Doug, your hand in his to keep him calm and a reassuring smile on your face. 
He’s never normally nervous when meeting new people, however he’s only ever met a few of these people a handful of times and he knows how important they are to you so he wants to make the best impression he possibly can. 
Although, you’re pretty sure he already has done with that they’ve just watched. You’re sure that could turn even the most cynical and hard to impress people, so you’re not worried. 
“Hi!” They all reply, each of them moving to shake his hand first. 
“Can I just say, that was great. I’ve never seen anything like it!” Drew gushes and Doug waves him off bashfully. 
“Seriously. Y/n is very lucky.” Jordan replies making you shove him lightly. 
“I’m definitely the lucky one.” Doug replies and kisses you gently. Your friends roll their eyes and gag in response, but you know they’re doing it out of love. 
“So, how are you all enjoying New Orleans?” He changes the subject.
“We haven’t really seen much of it. We got here yesterday and we spent the majority of it sleeping.” Casey explains making him frown. 
“Why don’t we go sightseeing.” He smiles. “Before you guys get kicked out.” He adds and looks at Jordan and Drew who smile back awkwardly. 
“You guys go ahead.” You interrupt. “We’ll catch up with you.” 
“Ooo.” KJ teases and you flip him off making him laugh loudly. “Get out.” You shove him and Lili grabs his arm pulling him towards the exit. The rest of the gang follow until it’s just you and Doug standing in an empty room. You’re only company is the very large snack table and various chairs dotted around the room. 
“I’ve missed you so fucking much.” You admit and wrap him into a tight hug. He wheezes at the force but hugs you back and warmth fills your chest. “You were also amazing up there. I mean, it was like I was at a proper concert!” You ramble proudly and he rolls his eyes. “You are so talented.” 
“Nah.” He shakes his head and you send him a glare. “It was all you, you’re my good luck charm.” 
March 18, 2019, ArcLight, Hollywood. 
The fabric of your dress, bunches and un-bunches in your clammy palm. The pale blue silk is soft against your skin and it’s quite a comforting feeling, it’s good to know that you can still feel something, even if the rest of you does feel numb. 
Camera’s flash outside the tinted windows of the black car, and you can hear hundreds of people shouting and screaming. The last time you were at a movie premiere, it didn’t feel anything like this, and it’s not even your movie. You wonder if you maybe need to do more than two acting jobs to get used to stuff like this, maybe you never get used to it. 
The more you think of it, the weirder it feels. All of those people lining the streets and wanting to take pictures of you. Riverdale premiers feel a whole lot less scary than movie ones. You thought it was because you always have your friends around you, or maybe because you’ve been to every single one of them since the show started, you kind of know what to expect as they’re all the same. 
But then you glance at Doug and you feel a whole new set of nerves creep up on you. He looks so good in his suit, and you watch his fingers tap anxiously against his knee as the two of you wait for the door to opened. 
Maybe you’re more nervous because it’s him. You have no reason to be though, the small part that you saw being filmed was amazing, and if the whole film is like that, then he’s got nothing to worry about. But you know he’s nervous and maybe that’s what’s making you feel the same. 
“Doug?” You place a gentle hand over his, stilling the movements of his fingers and he looks back at you, his expression softening as he takes you in. 
“You look beautiful.” He smiles and presses a kiss to the back of your hand. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” You reply and he rolls his eyes. “Are you okay?” You ask and the question seems to take him by surprise.
“Yeah-I. Why wouldn’t I be?” He stutters and you send him a look. He knows you can read him like a book, it’s something you seemed to have mastered by the first day you met him. 
“You just seem a little nervous.” You shrug and give his hand a squeeze. 
“I’m okay.” He shakes his head. “Maybe just a little bit. But nerves are good.” He finishes and you look at him unsure. “Why? Are you nervous?” 
“A little bit.” You admit and drop his gaze. His finger hooks under your chin and pulls it up again so you can look at him. His hazel eyes seem to see straight through you and the way he’s looking at you makes your heartbeat increase. For a few seconds, it just feels like the two of you sitting in the tiny cab. 
The rest of the world disappears, it’s just you and him, and that’s all you could ever really need.  
“Come on, you’ve done scarier things. Remember when you found out you had to do that British accent. I’m pretty sure you told me, you’d considered dropping out of the film.” He says and you nod your head. 
“I suppose, yeah.” You agree. “That was very nerve-racking. Especially when I had to do it in front of the cutest British boy I’d ever met.” You add and he rolls his eyes playfully. The two of you giggle quietly to yourselves
“We’re ready for you.” A tall man dressed all in black tells you once opening the door. You look at Doug and the two of you take a deep breath. 
“Are you ready?” You ask and he nods slowly. 
“As I’ll ever be.” He grins and you mirror it. The nerves turning to excitement when you think about how proud you are of him. “Wait!” He shouts and you freeze, dropping your purse in fright. “Sorry.” He apologises awkwardly and you roll your eyes at him. “I just wanted to get a picture with you before we’re both whisked off by our adorning fans. I want to show off how lucky I am, and I want Danny to see what he’s missing.”
“Where did you say he was again?” 
“He’s off filming some other film. But I think he did a video message or something, basically thanking everyone.” He replies. 
“Oh, that’s sweet.” You nod. “Anyway, adorning fans?” You repeat and he nods, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “You know this is a premier for a film that you’re in right? I’ve got nothing to do with this.” 
“One. We all know that the majority of the people here, are here for you because they just assume you’re coming with me.” 
“They assumed correctly.” You nod and cross your arms. You raise an eyebrow as you wait for him to continue with this point that you know is going to be stupid. 
“And two. You have everything to do with this.” He says and your roll your eyes, pushing him bashfully. “I’m being serious Y/n.” He says, making you look at him. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to say yes to all the offers I got, I wouldn’t have been able to recover from the many no’s. I wouldn’t have been able to learn my scripts and come to you for advice and support and just for a hug. This has everything to do with you, and the way you looked at me when you watched me film, gave me all the confidence I needed to keep going, even when the hours were long and I missed you like crazy.” 
“Douglas Booth, you’re going to make me cry and my makeup is perfect.” 
“And you look beautiful.” He replies and wipes a stray tear away. A curl falls in front of your face and he tucks it behind your ear, his fingers leaving a trail of heat along your jawline. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You laugh and wipe away another tear. 
He gives you one last smile before grabbing your hand. You step out of the cab and into the bright flashing lights and the overwhelming sound of your names being shouted. He looks back at you, concern growing in his eyes but you grin back at him and he mirrors it. 
The two of you make your way up the red carpet, posing together and separately as people shout your name from all angles. The camera’s always disorient you, but as soon as you’re back beside Douglas and he wraps an arm around you waist, you feel yourself become more comfortable with the sheer amount of press. 
Douglas talks to a few of his co-stars and you take the few minutes of zero attention to really take in the moment. There’s so many people here, all of them to see your talented boyfriend and his friends and you feel like your heart is going to burst with pride. 
Your gaze catches Jordan, Drew and KJ, all three of which are staring wide eyed as the real Mötley Crüe walk the red carpet. You watch as they try their hardest not to implode and a chuckle escapes your lips when they finally realize that you’re watching them. 
“Holy shit!” Jordan mouths and you roll your eyes. Drew points awkwardly at them and KJ makes small talk with Tommy Lee before he stares at you in shock. 
“Be cool!” You mouth back and roll your eyes at your friends. The three of them just stare back at you in shock before they notice Vanessa and Madelaine having a full on conversation with all four members. 
It looks like they’ve just bumped into each at the grocery store with the way they’re talking to each other, and even you must look a little surprised. 
“I’ve seen you’re show!” Nikki says and your jaw drops. “It’s fucking weird.” He adds making the girls laugh. 
“Yeah.” Madelaine nods. “It sure is.” She adds before they walk away to get their pictures taken. Madelaine and Vanessa stare at each other, frozen for a few seconds before they grab each others arms and squeal. 
“Your friends sure are weird.” Vince says and it takes you a few seconds to realise he’s talking to you. 
“Oh yeah. There are.” You laugh awkwardly and the rest of the band greet you. You take a second to glance back at your friends who are all staring at you with varying degrees of shock on their face. 
“Are you ready to go in?” Doug pulls your attention away from the silent conversation you’re trying to have with Vanessa, and a soft smile graces your lips. 
“More than ready.” You nod excitedly. “I’m so proud of you baby.” You whisper in his ear and a blush creeps up his neck. 
“Not as proud as I am of you.” He replies and nudges your arm. The two of you take a deep breath before stepping through the door, ready for whatever adventure is waiting for you next. 
support my writing! if you want! 
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shuahoonie · 4 years
you. [tom holland] - eight.five [interview excerpt]
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A/N: hiya babes, if you clicked this holy shit??? thank u so much??? tbh, you can really skip this so no pressure if you didn’t wanna read it. this is just an full interview article that i wrote just in case you wanted to know more about y/n! 
though I did the small collage above, the photos used aren’t mine!
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | 
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Many seem to forget that celebrities are very human too. As Y/N L/N is the recent talk of the town—by capturing people’s hearts with her charms and impressive acting, she gets candid on her love life, how the limelight practically changed her life and how glamour isn’t everything. 
Y/N L/N, 22, is currently dominating the screens all across the world—especially as Amelia in the hit sci-fi thriller series, Alchemist. The television show follows the story of Amelia and her journey in avenging her father. Amelia was known to be intelligent, resilient, and hard-headed. 
As Y/N eased into the interview, still wearing one of her outfits from the photoshoot, she was asked about her resonation with her character. “I see only tiny bits of myself as her—that being hard-headed and using self-depricating jokes as a coping mechanism,” she answered with a small laugh. 
She added: “Amelia, to me, is someone whom I aspire to be. She’s resilient and not to mention, highly educated.” 
Y/N openly admits that the struggle of trying to book acting gigs became exhausting for her and almost costed her to give up on pursuing her career. She expresses that she has been acting for a couple of years—balancing her education and acting career. 
Y/N tells that she was in her second year of university when she dropped out and decided to focus on her acting full-time. “I was a political science major and at some point, trying to balance uni and acting was impossible. I gave my acting career a shot and there came a time that I thought dropping out of university was the worst decision I’ve made.” 
She expressed that she had spent two years trying to book major projects but ended up being defeated. “I was in a catch-22. I practically threw away my education and I couldn’t even land a stable gig.” 
She thought she possibly made a huge mistake of ruining her future. Luckily, Y/N received a casting call for the show Alchemist. “I still believe it’s pure luck. I’m lucky that I got the part and the show helped me shape my career, however, I can’t deny that I was really close to giving up.” 
“Not everyone with the same dream gets to have this, and I know I should be the type of person who must encourage people to follow their dreams and do whatever makes you happy—which you should.” 
Y/N stressed that luck and privilege plays a vital part in all of this. She believes that people should be encouraged to pursue their studies—whether it’s achieving their high school diploma or completing their post-secondary education. 
When asked about her love life, she seemed rather shy admitting as to what her current status is. Y/N L/N has been rumoured to be dating Marvel’s very own Spiderman, Tom Holland. Although the couple hasn’t confirmed anything yet, they have been spotted spending a lot of time with each other which only leaves the fans questioning what’s the real deal between Tom and Y/N. 
“Yeah, I am seeing someone.” Y/N admits with a soft smile. “People know who he is and frankly, I don’t think I have to explicitly say his name as who I date shouldn’t be anyone’s business.” Her cheeks were flushed red as soon as the words came out of her mouth. Y/N was kind enough to explain that she didn’t mean it to sound so harsh, but she still stands firm with her words. 
As for Y/N and her lifestyle, she openly admits using air quotes that she isn’t the most ‘glamourous’ person out here. “Oh, I might be in the heart of L.A. but I still have the lifestyle of a 20-year-old college student.” 
Y/N talks about she still lives off on caffeine as if she’s still pulling all-nighters for exams and papers. She also talks about there are some days that the only food she has in her cupboard are those dollar-instant ramens or boxed mac n’ cheese. “I buy the most unhealthy things—whether it’s junk food or takeouts— and I’m required to have a trainer for the show, so you can imagine how frustrated she is with my eating habits.” 
“It makes me miss my parents a lot, actually. I definitely took those home-cooked meals for granted,” Y/N laughs. 
Y/N L/N had an interesting way of navigating her childhood and her teenage years. As she is both an American and Canadian citizen, she practically spent half of her studies between each country. “I lived mostly in Canada, basically. My parents moved here in the U.S. for a job during a bit of elementary years so I finished elementary here. We moved back to Canada when I was starting the Ninth grade so I had to graduate high school there. I moved to LA at the start of my post-secondary education—but you know, I dropped out.” 
“It was confusing, honestly, but I enjoyed it. I do miss Canada a lot though, the way of life is really different there and to be honest, if none of this worked out, I would’ve moved back.” 
Before wrapping the interview, Y/N was asked with a parting question: Would you ever do this all over again in your second life? 
Y/N had to think for a while before answering, “Yes and no.”
“Yes— because I genuinely love what I do and I don’t think I would ever trade it for anything else.” She says with pure sincerety in her words. “Also, no—because if it comes to a point that I see that this isn’t mentally healthy for me, then I don’t think I could ever forgive myself for letting me go through that.”
“I guess the bottom line is: I would only do this again if I still genuinely love this job and my mental health isn’t put on a pedastal.”
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wonderofwillows2 · 3 years
The Training Part 1
There were no young men who came to the resort without a sponsor. Be it a wife, a girlfriend, a sister, mother, or aunt. No young man was allowed there without a sponsor and none were allowed without meeting certain very strict criterion. Some were specific and fit into neat categories that were known as the “basic minima of entry”. For the first basic minimum no more than one man could be there for every eight women which meant there was almost always a waiting list of sponsored young men up to a month. The second was that the young man be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, though those over twenty were rarely taken. The third was aforementioned sponsorship and generally at least two sponsors known to the group were required though some more respected members of the group could bring another. The fourth was that the young man must be circumcised prior to getting to resort with enough time to heal and be ready for intercourse.
There were also the three more abstract criterion. The first of these was that a young man must be physically attractive both in the body and face and have hygiene befitting his qualities. He was to be judged by a panel and if they found his physical features attractive enough he could join, if he was deemed near enough, he would be given three months to correct whatever issue as best he could. Allowances were made for small things like acne that a young man might not perfectly control. Most often it was simply that a young man was expected to become more fit or to simply improves his grooming. There were generally few who fell into this category.
The second was that the young man should be of some intelligence, he had be able to understand instructions given and, he had to understand the deeper relevance of them. He would have to be able to understand the lessons and mantras repeated on a daily basis. There would be plenty to learn for those impressionable young men who were taken there and it was important to know the lessons would become ingrained though the indoctrination those young men would receive. Few young men who left would have said that it did not leave an impression on them.
The third was personality and more broadly speaking social skills. The young men had to posses those requisite social skills to at least avoid being boring to the women of the resort and to be able to pick up some minimum of the women’s emotions and desires. Of course this was not a hard thresh hold as young men were to be further educated in these skills. Indeed most of the women there were eager to teach the men who came there how to further anticipate a woman’s needs. Some even took it to the point of being like a sport or challenge. To see how much they could spur a young man to further development in this category. They would show off to one another how well their charges and students could read their body language and the inflections of their voices and how thoroughly and eagerly they responded.
The brings us to to Victor, a handsome young man of Russian-Canadian origin who lived Toronto where his father and mother had settled and become firmly middle class. He was tall, about 6’1” but perhaps just a bit more with a lithe frame and with some musculature though he was by no means one gifted to be a true athlete. His features were fine and sharp with a pale complexion and fine blond hair. He had a well sculpted face and though not at all feminine he was not what one would call overly masculine. He turned eighteen early in his senior year and this had bought him some initial popularity as he could buy alcohol but that soon waned. He had always been shy and so it surprised him one day when hi sister called him in the first week of October from university to tell him she had helped to arrange a surprise and that a friend of his, Priya, had set up the very idea. He was to travel with them in one week, to see small resort several hours north.
Priya and he had been friends since they met eight years prior when she came to his elementary school. She was outspoken and intelligent and the two had bonded immediately though they contrasted in many ways. Physically she was petite and feminine in every way with no androgyny to speak of. Her complexion a fine color like that of cinnamon. She was outspoken and vigorous about stating her opinions and able to talk to anyone with ease I contrast to Victor who was sometimes shy. Yet they were able to form a bond in terms of being older than their respective classmates, though not by much, as well as being from immigrant families and speaking different languages.
The idea came as a shock to Victor but he was certainly open to it. His sister, Any, had always been supportive of her younger brother and despite an age difference of four years he always felt that he could come to her for advice in comfort and ease. One would be hard pressed not to assume they were related by looking at them as they shared some physical features though Anna was the more practical and wished to be a researcher while victor pursued softer studies. He hoped one day to be a human rights lawyer and Anna was the only one in full support of this. His father and mother thought he ought to go for the highest paid position and not pursue lofty ambitions. After all this is how they had overcome their initial poverty.
The week passed an Victor was excited to see his older sister once more. He had asked Priya about the details of the trip though she had been reluctant to share too much. She had told he conservative parents she was going with a girlfriend and suggested that he find a suitable person to use as an alibi as well. It would be fun she was sure but she did not want to arouse suspicions in their school nor to raise alarms about the seemingly odd group going. Since unattached straight men are usually not invited on trips with women whom they are not seeing intimately. Nor was it at all usual that his older sister was going. However none of them were bothered by this, all of them knew each other too well for that. Sometimes the assumptions of others are off base. In this case though expectations would indeed conflict with reality.
When Friday night of the next weekend came Victor hugged his parents goodbye before descending the steps of the house to the waiting car below. Priya and his friend Paul were in front and Victor got in the back with his small backpack. His parents warned him to be aware of bears and be careful one last time and then they waved the small group off. It was not three blocks before they dropped off Paul and changed the GPS to the coordinates of his sister’s school. It would be an hour before they even got there and then another three to the cabin. It would be a remote place for certain and cold this time of year, there would likely be frost. Eventually they reached the apartment near his sister’s campus. The sun was beginning to set and the sky had turned a variety of beautiful and fiery colors. They would soon be in wild lands. They called and waited and in a few minutes Anna appeared closing the door with grace and nearly bounding down the steps with a smile on her pale face. She dropped her bag into the trunk and then took her place in the back seat. Pleasantries were exchanged and short laughs were had.
The group set off in the now near darkness. Victor was having one of the most pleasant times that he could remember as they chatted in the car and share old memories. Priya and Anna having many to share themselves with Anna being like an older sister to Priya as well in many ways. Priya was the oldest in her house too and of course was often in need of advice when she was younger, about boys, makeup, or the life in Canada her parents were reticent to teach her off. They knew each other well and their friendship had grown from a the role of mentor and student to a more genuine and equal footing.
It was past nine when they arrived at side road leading down a path which terminated in a large packed earth parking lot and a small set of beautiful and carefully made wooden buildings with a set of four small cabins. Priya steered the care to the left into the parking lot and then up to the main building. Stopping the car she turns the keys and stops the engine.
“I’ll just be a few minutes, I need to check us in and get the keys before we can go the cabin” Priya anounced with a small smile before opening the door and departing into the cold night.
“So in all seriousness, Anna, what prompted this trip?” Asked victor.
“In all seriousness I just felt the need to get away. We just had a round of exams and I wanted to let off some stress and see people I knew well. We all need comfort.
“That is true. I actually came along partly to see you, we haven’t talked in a while and I am sorry for that.”
“It’s ok, I am sure you are busy at school. Have you met any girls?”
“I know them all at this point I think. I really only talk to Priya.”
“Do you still mostly hang out with Paul, Kendrick, and Mit?”
“For the most part yes.”
“How are things with you and Vanessa, are you still fighting?”
“No, we patched...”
The car door opens interrupting and Priya returns with the keys.
“I’m back it’s cabin number four.” She presents the cabin key before starting the car and then engaging it. She backs out of the parking space and drive parallel to large main building before making a left and then a right and parking in front of raised wooden cabin with small windows and a propane tank beside it.
“We’re here she announces and turns off the car. The group exits, each stretching upon their immediate exit. Priya and Victor walk around to the trunk while Anna grabs her articles from the seat beside her in the rear of the car. Finished with unloading the group climbs the stairs and approaches a beautifully finished door made of thick planks of wood.
“I can’t believe we got this for such a price” Victor muses.
Priya unlocks the door and they enter the cabin. It is a cozy space but more than suitable for four and lightly decorated with the beauty and finish of the construction materials playing the main role in the aesthetic. There is a small wood stove on one side and s small gas stove next to it giving choice to the renters. On each side of the main room are two sets of beds with bunk pressed against the wall on the right where the wood stove allows more room. Past the gas stove on the left is a small bathroom with a toilet sink and shower. The general amenities of civilization all seem present in the small retreat. It’s warm inside as the heat was left on for them. They pick their beds and with the ample choice there is no difficulty, the women choose the beds on the left and Victor picks the right. They each take their turns bathing and changing into night clothes and Priya turns up the heat to allow for the light bedclothes she packed.
A bottle of wine is opened and shared among them while they talk of old times and laugh while reminiscing. They talk about the time Priya developed a deep crush on her math teacher. They talk about Victor’s infatuation with skateboarding when he was younger and his broken ankle. They finish with more pleasant stories as they finish the bottle and then brush their teeth and turn in to sleep. They all sleep soundly after being thoroughly exhausted by the day and the enjoyment of each other’s company. They awake in the morning and Priya announced that there is a free breakfast the first day. So they dress in the bathroom and depart to the main building, walking down the bumpy earthen path and ascend the flight of stairs opening the main door. A young woman in her twenties with a plump frame attends the desk. Priya talks to her and hands her some papers and the young woman directs them to the left hand hallways. They walk up a short amount of stair and see two rooms. Priya indicated that they should head to the send and they do. She claims they should be seated and make small talk while they wait. Suddenly they are interrupted by three women.
“Is this the one one?” A tall and strongly featured woman asks them.
“Yes it’s him. Victor my little brother.” Anna answers smiling from ear to ear. One of the women makes a note on a small clipboard.
“What is this?” asked the poor, confused victor.
“It’s just something we arranged for you.” said Priya with a smile.
“I don’t understand, is this like an intervention? You both know I never do anything.”
“We know Vic. But this isn’t about that, imagine it as a different kind of intervention. You see we both know the lessons you got from mom and dad growing up and we think that a bit of modernity might help you. It might help you loose your virginity too.”
“You tokd her?” Victor turns to Priya with a hurt expression.
“I knew Victor.” Anna assures him
“pleasure just trust us.”Priya assures him and places her hand on his shoulder.
“Is this a brothel did you hire a prostitute for me.” Victor asks.
Priya laughs and shakes her head at him and Anna smiles knowingly. The other women seem to be amused as well and one lets out a small giggle.
“No it’s not that.” Priya assures him.
“Just trust us. It’s more of a workshop on social skills” Anna assures him.
“Alright I’ll trust you for now.” Victor says, still nervous.
“Don’t worry your sister is mostly right.” The lead woman in the group assures him.
“Besides we have the car keys until tomorrow evening so why don’t you follow us?” She adds and turns to leave the room. Priya and Anna stand immediately to follow. Victor is reticent at first but Anna and Priya pull reassuringly on his arms and soon he stands and begins to follow.
The end of part one.
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vs-redemption · 3 years
for the character ask game: Luck, Magna, Finral, Gauche and Vanessa
From Cindy: Hey anon! I’m sorry this took so long to post! I just had to really think about some of these! It was super fun to write though, so thank you so much!
*Sorry this is so long!*
Luck Voltia
First impression
I had a tough time getting over the fact that his English VA was the same as Midoriya from BNHA at first, but thankfully that went away pretty fast. I pretty much loved Luck immediately though. I heard him trying to fight people with that crazy look on his face and was sold. I also lost my mind a bit when they started calling him the “cheery berserker.” Like, please give me a nickname like this please.
Impression now
I still love Luck a lot! My initial reasoning still stands, but I’ve also enjoyed that we’ve had a few peeks into his past and inner workings of his mind to understand not only WHY he acts the way he does but also gain an understanding that he has complex emotions and isn’t just a crazy fighting machine.
Favorite moment
All Luck moments are great, but I always laugh when I think about the time Mereoleona blasted into the Black Bulls hideout to kidnap people for training. Everyone else looked horrified to be dragged away by her fire claw arms, but Luck just has this super happy excited look on his face! He’s so cute.
Idea for a story
What about Luck discovering he loves a hobby other than fighting? Like singing or drawing? Or an AU where he’s in a boy band or something ahaha
Unpopular opinion
I do love his friendship with Magna, but I do feel like it’s a bit unbalanced at times and maybe toxic for Magna. I’ve said this before, but Magna is pretty sensitive and seems to get genuinely upset when Luck manages to outperform him, especially when Luck managed to get into the magic knights and he didn’t. Luck is also kinda blunt about things sometimes, and even if he doesn’t really mean any harm by it, it makes me feel bad for Magna.
Favorite relationship
Despite what I just said, of course I enjoy Luck and Magna’s relationship. Luck inspires Magna to get stronger, and Magna is patient enough to endure Luck’s antics while also serving as an example of what human relationships should look like since poor Luck has such a weird, unhealthy relationship/attachment to his mom.
Favorite headcanon
It’s hard to imagine Luck in a romantic relationship since he’s just a small ball of crazy energy, but I’d like to think he’d be super warm and cuddly with someone he loves.
Magna Swing
First impression
I had a hard time knowing how I felt about Magna at first. I never disliked him but I went back and forth about him a lot and I’m not sure why. I’m naturally drawn to characters associated with fire, so I liked his magic right away. I suppose it took me a while to get used to his personality though. I think his appearance threw me off a bit too.
Impression now
I’m cool with Magna! He acts loud and tough all the time, but inside he’s actually really sweet. He’s a hard worker, which I respect, and he deeply cares about his friends and teammates in the black bulls.
Favorite moment
I like when he introduced that new vanishing fireball attack (I think against Asta in the royal knight exam). That was so cool that he adapted his power and learned from the mistakes from previous fights. I also just love any time he freaks out and starts batting fireballs at Luck. It’s funny. Or any time he screams about his crazy cyclone.
Idea for a story
What if someone wrote a fic where Magna joins the Crimson Lions instead of the Black Bulls? He could train his fire magic with the Vermillion family. That might be neat.
Unpopular opinion
Magna isn’t really my type, looks wise, but I definitely did a double take during the elf fights when his sunglasses were off and his hair was all disheveled.
Favorite relationship
I really like Magna’s relationship with Yami. Magna really respects the captain, and it’s nice to see them go out and do their gambling together even though it usually ends up with them returning empty handed and naked. haha
Favorite headcanon
Magna seems pretty shy about relationship stuff. He looks and acts like a punk, but I bet he’d be a perfect gentleman to his significant other. I can imagine him defending their honor or just taking care of any assholes who try to bully them.
Finral Roulacase
First impression
Oh Finral! It’s hard to remember clearly, but I think I felt disappointed with him at first. He was just kind of this guy that was obsessed with getting a date and used by Yami for making portals. I didn’t like how lazy and unmotivated he seemed.
Impression now
I am a firm believer that Finral is a precious bean and I love him so much! Now that I know where his insecurities come from, I can understand and sympathize with his nervousness and low self-confidence. I absolutely love how he’s been working harder and learning to use his magic in more useful ways to become a more valuable member of the team though. He’s starting to stand up for himself and become not only a better magic knight, but a better person in general too. (Although his flirting never bugged me that much)
Favorite moment
I don’t like that Finral got hurt so badly, but the moment where Langris was attacking him and every member of the black bulls rushed to stop him was really powerful. It showed that he was a loved member of the squad, plus the whole fact that he was finally making a stand against his brother was a big deal for him.
Idea for a story
I’d like to read anything about Finral with someone, either a friend or partner, who gives him lots of affection and verbal praise so the poor guy can build up his confidence a little. He deserves that. Smother him with love and affection! Do it!
Unpopular opinion
I don’t really care for the whole “competing to marry Lady Finesse” thing. I want Finral to find happiness and be able to have a comfortable and respected role within his family, but I’m not too concerned about if he ends up with her.
Favorite relationship
I’ve been thinking about this for a few minutes and I honestly can’t come up with one, which is sad. Maybe I’m forgetting someone but it doesn’t seem like Finral has any close relationships/friendships. I know he’s friends with everyone in the Black Bulls but nobody stands out as being especially close to him.
Favorite headcanon
Finral probably has a lot of guilty pleasure hobbies that help him manage his anxiety. For example baking, knitting, reading romance novels, or listening to cheesy love songs.
 Vanessa Enoteca
First impression
I feel like I was just curious and confused about most of the Black Bulls when they were first introduced because they all seemed like… lazy or unmotivated, so I didn’t understand why they were even in the magic knights or how they passed the exam. Turns out Yami just hands out Black Bull robes like Halloween candy. lolol
Impression now
I like the growth her character has gone through during the series. She seemed like a lazy drunk at first, but when she is motivated she is REALLY motivated. Her loyalty to the Black Bulls is so absolute that it seems like she’d sacrifice ANYTHING or pay any price for her friends.
Favorite moment
When she goes back to the witch queen and offers to give up her freedom to try and save Asta’s arms. It is such a selfless thing to do and it just shows how much Vanessa loves her teammates.
Idea for a story
Uh… a soulmate AU that involves her red thread magic?
Unpopular opinion
I thought it was kind of random that she apparently has a crush on Yami. Like, its fine… I also have a crush on Yami, but I didn’t think it was necessary. Her admiration for him could just be platonic and that would be just as meaningful.
Favorite relationship
Either her relationship with Finral or her relationship with Yami probably. Even though I’m not a huge fan of the green in Finral’s hair, I think it’s cute that he came to Vanessa for advice and that she wants to help him reinvent himself.
Favorite headcanon
Why did I just think of Vanessa and Gordon running an apothecary together? They can just brew potions and poisons together and it would be great. I don’t know.
Gauche Adlai
First impression
Was I supposed to have any other impression than that he was a super creepy sister lover? haha
Impression now
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over the sister thing. That actually upsets me because everything else about Gauche is so cool to me. His magic is really awesome, and I love how unique and creative it is. And honestly, I don’t even care that he’s obsessed with his sister. I get that she’s the only family he really had and that he’s protective, but it doesn’t have to be that weird. It really doesn’t.
Favorite moment
I really liked when he used his magic to make a bunch of doubles of Asta, and every other time he caved and actually worked together with other members of the Black bulls. I also like whenever he blasts Asta with a mirror out of nowhere because Marie said something about liking him. Poor Asta has no idea why he’s getting attacked.
Idea for a story
Oh! How about Gauche taking over the church where his sister lives and becoming the protector of all the children? Or he could run a “scared straight” program where he intimidates delinquents into becoming better citizens.
Unpopular opinion
I’m not sure but I think most of his lines about Marie are actually hilarious. Like when he wouldn’t attack Sally’s monster thing because it looked like Marie. That was amusing. It’s just that when his nose starts bleeding and stuff, that makes it go from funny to awkward and creepy.
Favorite relationship
I’ll go with his relationship with the nun. He is such an asshole to her, but she throws it back without hesitation.
Favorite headcanon
I have no idea, but can we start shipping him with that scales dude (Damnatio Kira). I just thought of that and it’s making me happy to imagine it.
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nateserenas · 4 years
blairvannesa was my biggest blair ship before s4 and idk i just think they have a lot of potential.
like remember that episodes in s3 where they’re both going for that speech and end up miserable and there’s that ‘misery loves company’ line? like i genuinely thought that they were going to become close after that. and i think they should have. like they start spending more time together and realise that they give each other good advice and push each other in interesting ways. like we see through the show that vanessa was never particularly great at pursuing and getting what she wants. like the petition and bar stuff in s2 i think and the speech and even dating dan and nate. like she’s try but she wouldn’t fight as hard as she could. and then there’s blair who at that point was feeling incredibly lost. first at nyu trying to get people to get people to admire and respect her by impressing them but realising that fancy parties and clothes weren’t really getting her that far and that terrified her because being queen was a part of her identity and people thinking she’s brilliant is something that was always so important to blair. and i think there was a part of her that lost herself in her pursuit of approval for others. and i think in those respects, they could have helped each other grow a lot. like blair fought so hard for everything she wanted. she’d throw her entire heart and soul into everything she did. she would pursue everything she wanted and not give up until she got it. and i think that with them getting to know each other, it’s something vanessa would come to admire in blair and something blair would help vanessa improve at. and then there’s vanessa, fiercely herself in every situation, never compromising her values or who she is for anyone or anything. vanessa who is always herself and loved for that. but who is also okay with not being loved by all. and i think blair, desperately fighting for admiration would see vanessa and her fearlessness in being true to herself and learn that maybe she too could be who she is and be loved for it. and even be okay with everyone not admiring, being happy with just the approval of herself rather than needing admiration from those around her.
i’ll always love that moment when vanessa makes a joke about chuck and blair just giggles. like this is blair cornelia waldorf who is surrounded by walls and pretenses and in that moment, when they barely even know each other, vanessa breaks through them and makes GIGGLE. like, they realise that they share a sense of humour. they both have that sort of dry wit and biting sarcasm. and not to mention the fact that they have many common interests. like one of the biggest things danblair and danvanessa bonded over was a similar taste in books and movies and art. and if danblair and danvanessa bond over those things, surely blair and vanessa would do the same.
and i think at first in their relationship, they’d antagonise each other and both have a lot of fun doing it. but then, slowly their relationship changes. and i think that change starts in that misery loves company episode where they’re sitting together and i think they give each other advice. and then they spend more and more time together, at nyu, doing dan’s play and they keep discovering things. that they have very similar tastes in art. that they make each other laugh. that they push each other to be better. that the advice the gives them is always honest and earnest and blunt but also full of heart. and they keep turning to each other. going back to each other. them seeing the strength and courage and compassion in the other and deeply admiring each other.
them realising that they work amazingly together with their strengths and weaknesses being compatible meaning that when they are together they are a force of nature. them seeing the other as a force of nature. strength and courage and beauty (and hilarity). and at some point they fall into love.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
You're All I Want (for Christmas), Part 1 (Branjie) - Kiki
A/N: College ending for the semester means I am trying to force myself to feel as festive as I possibly can by writing Christmas fics lmao. I hope you guys enjoy this, it’s gonna have another two parts and I had so much fun writing it, hope you enjoy! 
Summary: A classic Christmas past, present & future fic. Brooke and Vanessa meet at a club one night and hope to have the best Christmas ever.
12th March 2018:
Brooke Lynn had never wanted to be at home more than she did right now. It was Detox’s birthday, one of her best friends from college, and while she should be excited to spend the night celebrating with her friends, all she wanted to do was go home, have a hot bath and go to sleep. She had been absolutely killing herself at work recently, trying to impress the senior partners at the law firm she worked at which had meant pretty much little to no relaxation time and the one night off she could afford to take would have to be spent in a club? Not ideal, at least not for Brooke.
She walked into the club with Nina at her side. Nina had spent the last ten minutes outside the club giving Brooke a pep-talk as to why she shouldn’t bail on this birthday party and eventually Brooke agreed to stay for at least an hour or two. Brooke knew that the reason Nina wanted her to stay so badly was so that she wouldn’t be left alone with Detox’s work friends but Brooke could understand that. She wouldn’t want to be left alone with complete strangers in a club either.
They handed their coats into the coat check and as soon as they turned the corner, they were straight in the middle of the club’s dancefloor. It didn’t take long for them to spot Detox in the massive booth that she had reserved for them, dancing on the table and drinking straight from a bottle of champagne. Nina rolled her eyes fondly at the birthday girl and Brooke knew deep down that this was going to be a messy night if Detox had her way.
It seemed as though they were the last two to make it to the club. There were only two empty seats left at the table and after they had said hi to Detox and wished her a happy birthday, the two girls sat down opposite each other. Brooke turned to her left to say hi to whoever she was sitting next to, just to be polite, but what she saw took her breath away. The girl next to her presumably worked with Detox and considering they worked in the fashion industry, all of Detox’s friends always looked phenomenal but Brooke was absolutely overwhelmed by this girl’s beauty. Brooke had to physically make an effort to close her mouth because if she didn’t her, her jaw would have probably been on the floor in a matter of seconds.
“Hey…I’m Vanessa.” The girl smiled brightly at Brooke and Brooke knew that she must look like an absolute creep considering that she had just been staring at her and not saying anything. Brooke quickly recovered and was able to hold a conversation with Vanessa without making herself look like an idiot. They talked about work, about how they knew Detox, just basic things that strangers would talk about. But there was something about how at ease Brooke Lynn felt the entire time she was talking to Vanessa. It was easy…almost familiar.
Detox kept ordering rounds of shots for the table and was refusing to let anyone get away with not taking one. Everybody had been on the dancefloor and doing things that normal people would do when they went to a club, but not Brooke and Vanessa. They had spent the entire evening getting closer and closer to each other on the couch after each shot was brought to them.
Brooke swore she had never laughed as much as she did that night. Vanessa’s stories were hilarious and the way she told them made Brooke captivated by her every word. She genuinely believed that Vanessa could read the phone book to her and Brooke would still be highly entertained. Vanessa’s humour aside, they seemed to have an amazing connection considering they had only met two hours ago. Brooke found herself opening up to Vanessa more than she would to her own family members and that said something about how approachable Vanessa was.
After the third hour of talking to Vanessa, Brooke knew she had to get her number. She couldn’t let her get away without asking her out on a date. She knew that they were both tipsy but surely Vanessa must feel how intense their connection is too, right? Brooke was working herself up to ask Vanessa, all of her usual confidence with flirting with women completely gone, when something ruined her chances.
That something was Nina. She had been out dancing with Detox and the rest of the group and came back to the table and loudly announced that she was going to puke all over the floor if she didn’t get out of there immediately. Any other night, Brooke would have laughed at Nina since she is notoriously known for being bad at holding her liquor, but tonight Brooke found herself being a bit upset that her night was being cut short, which was a big change to how she felt at the beginning of the night.
Brooke apologised to Vanessa but of course Vanessa understood that she had to take care of her friend. Nina bolted towards the exit of the club, leaving Brooke to grab all of their belongings and run after her, hoping that Nina didn’t puke on the floor before she got there.
Vanessa was sad to see Brooke go. She hadn’t felt a kind of connection like that with anyone in a long time. She awkwardly went to go and join Detox and the rest of her work friends on the dancefloor knowing she would immediately get teased by everyone for spending her entire night with a stranger. But damn, to Vanessa, it had been all worth it.
20th March 2018:
Brooke was sitting in a local brunch spot with Nina waiting for Detox to show up. She always knew in advance that Detox would be late to everything that wasn’t a night out in a club but every time it still managed to shock her. They had been waiting for half an hour now and Nina had not stopped apologising for how drunk she had gotten the week before at Detox’s birthday party. Brooke was hoping Detox would show up soon, not just so they could order their food but so she could stop listening to Nina apologise for the hundredth time in a row.
Finally, Detox decided to grace them with her presence and they all ordered their food and of course, Detox put an order in for three mimosas and Nina immediately turned it down. Nina started to, once again, apologise for how drunk she had gotten and Brooke had, once again, reassured her that it was no big deal and that it happened to all of them every once in a while. Detox told them the stories of what had happened after Brooke and Nina left the club and from the sounds of it, Detox had gotten even drunker than Nina had.
“Vanessa had to bring me back to my place, I could barely fucking remember my own address!” Detox laughed while telling the story which seemed to comfort Nina a lot, but Brooke couldn’t help becoming more interested in what Detox had to say once she mentioned Vanessa’s name.
“Vanessa seemed really nice…” Brooke said kind of quietly, trying not to show the effect that Vanessa had had on her. In reality, Brooke had not stopped thinking about her. She could still hear her laugh and could still picture the excited look on her face when she was talking about something she was passionate about…but Detox didn’t need to know that.
Detox raised her eyebrow, clearly picking up on Brooke’s unsubtle words. “Nice? Really, B?”
“Yeah, we talked for a bit and she was a really nice girl.” Brooke tried to act completely uninterested but she knew that it wasn’t going well for her.
“A bit? Brooke Lynn Hytes, you spent the entire night with her.” Nina said while laughing and Detox joined in, both of the girls clearly enjoying that they had something to tease Brooke about. Brooke rolled her eyes in annoyance and realised that this wasn’t going to be as easy as she had previously thought.
“Fine, can you please just give me her number, D? I really wanna talk to her again.” Brooke Lynn admitted and thankfully, Detox had a smile on her face and seemed impressed that Brooke had just asked for what she wanted instead of being too proud to admit that she had a crush on someone.
“Finally, I was waiting for you to ask…she’s been bugging me all week for me to give you her number, she can be the most annoying person when she gets her mind set on something,” Detox picked her bag up off of the floor and started searching through it, taking out a small business card and handing it to Brooke. “Here. Vanessa’s a wild one but she’s got a heart of gold, hope you enjoy.” Detox ended her sentence with a wink and Brooke could feel her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. She decided to wait until she got home to send the first message to Vanessa and she was beyond excited.
As soon as she got back to her apartment, she got changed into some comfier clothes and sat down on the couch with her phone in her hand. She didn’t know how to start off the text to Vanessa. She didn’t want to appear desperate or uncool. But she also didn’t want to sound like she didn’t care. She decided to just play it safe and say hi, even though she knew deep down that it would probably be an extremely boring text for Vanessa to receive.
B: Hey, it’s Brooke Lynn from the club. Detox gave me your number, how are you?
As Brooke pressed send, her heart rate immediately sped up. She hated how lame she sounded but she couldn’t help but stare at her phone waiting for a response. Thankfully, Vanessa replied almost immediately.
V: Well well well, Miss Brooke Lynn Hytes. You took your damn time texting me, didn’t you? ;) 
B: Actually, Detox only gave your number to me an hour ago. She made me ask for it before she gave it to me lol
V: Aww, so you wanted to talk to me again? That’s sweet :)
Brooke felt like she was in middle school again. Texting Vanessa was just as addictive as talking to her in real life had been. They hit it off again right away and started talking about random things; how their weeks had been, how work was going and how much Vanessa wanted to adopt a kitten. After an hour and a half of texting and enough flirting to last a lifetime, Vanessa had enough.
V: So Brookie, when are you gonna ask me out on a date?
B: Lol, how about I ask you now?
V: Seems like a good idea, you should never keep a lady waiting
B: Dinner next Saturday? Promise not to keep you waiting again
V: Can’t wait <3
27th October 2018:
Six months later, Vanessa and Brooke were still together. Brooke asked Vanessa to be her girlfriend on their second date and since then, they were inseparable. Every moment they had off work was spent in either Brooke or Vanessa’s apartment (usually Vanessa’s since it was bigger) and they would cook each other dinner and just hang out, enjoying each other’s company.
Vanessa was in her kitchen making pasta for her and Brooke to have for dinner that night. Brooke was coming over as soon as she finished work, which was any minute now, and Vanessa was nervous. She was going to ask Brooke to move in with her. Realistically, she knew that it might be too soon to ask but Brooke’s lease was coming to an end soon and she knew that Brooke hated her own apartment so the timing was perfect. Brooke hadn’t renewed her lease and that gave Vanessa hope that maybe she was thinking about moving in together too.
Another factor that made Vanessa think this was a good idea was that they had said “I love you” to each other after just one month of dating. Vanessa had a smile on her face as she stirred the pasta sauce whilst thinking about their relationship. She knew deep down in her heart that their relationship was meant to be and that moving in together was the next logical step.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door and Brooke let herself in. As soon as Vanessa heard Brooke’s voice, the nerves came rushing back. She knew that there was no backing out now.
Vanessa had timed the dinner perfectly; it was ready as soon as Brooke had got there. She served the pasta into two bowls and handed one to Brooke and they sat down and enjoyed their meal together. Brooke noticed that Vanessa seemed different today, she was her usual energetic self but in a different way. Instead of seeming excited, she seemed nervous and jumpy. After they finished their meal, Brooke asked Vanessa what was going on and while Vanessa had an entire speech prepped in her mind about how she wanted to ask Brooke, all that came out was: “Move in with me.”
There was a deafening silence in the room that made Vanessa even more scared and just as she was about to start rambling all of the different reasons that had made her even think of saying that, Brooke simply replied by saying “Okay.”
“What?” Vanessa was shocked. Brooke planned everything out in advance. She had thought it would at least take some convincing to get Brooke to even consider the idea of moving in with her but no, she had agreed almost immediately.
“I said okay, I’ll move in with you.” Brooke replied like it was no big deal and got up to go hug Vanessa. Vanessa had an enormous grin on her face and decided that a hug was not enough. She grabbed Brooke’s face with her hands and gave her a massive kiss, not allowing either of them to come up for air until Vanessa was satisfied. Brooke picked Vanessa up with ease and brought her over to the couch where she laid her down and kissed her some more.
After a while, it hit Vanessa that this was really happening. Brooke was really going to move into her apartment. Their apartment. They were going to live together, see each other every single day. When she woke up in the morning, Brooke would be the first person she would see and when she went to sleep, Brooke would be the last person she spoke to. She was beyond excited.
“So what are you thinking about Christmas? What kind of decorations should we get?” Vanessa asked with a tone that was so serious yet so endearing to Brooke at the same time. She laughed at her girlfriend’s eagerness and wrapped her arm around her side.
“October isn’t even over yet, babe. Let’s make it through Halloween first.” Brooke said with a laugh while she placed a kiss on the top of Vanessa’s head which made Vanessa giggle.
“Okay, fine…but if I find out you’re one of those bitches who likes those tacky colourful lights on their Christmas tree instead of white ones, I’m not gonna be happy.”
10th December 2018:
Brooke Lynn walked out of the café near Vanessa’s office with two takeaway coffee cups and a paper bag in her hand. She had gone to work super early that morning so she could finish earlier and surprise Vanessa by picking her up from work. She picked up some of the luxurious hot chocolate and some champagne truffles (two of Vanessa’s absolute favourite treats) and walked into the large building in Manhattan where Vanessa worked. She took the elevator to the 42nd floor and walked over to the area where Vanessa’s office was located.
Vanessa’s eyes lit up every time Brooke walked into the room and Brooke didn’t think she could ever get tired of seeing it happen. Vanessa quickly ran over to her girlfriend and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing the hot chocolate and telling Brooke how much she loved her, which of course, Brooke replied to instantly.
“You guys make me nauseous, stop being so in love,” Detox said loudly as she walked by with a ton of files in her hand. “Some of us have to work, we can’t just have our girlfriend pick us up and leave at five o’clock on the dot.” Brooke rolled her eyes fondly and Vanessa turned around to face her.
“Shut the fuck up Detox, maybe if you arrived to work on time you could actually leave on time for once!” Vanessa stuck her tongue out at Detox which made Detox break her bitchy façade and laugh back at her. Brooke loved sharing a best friend with Vanessa, it always made hanging out with people so much easier when they already both wanted to hang out with the same people.
Brooke noticed that Vanessa had been a little down recently and she was on a mission to cheer her up. Her mom was going to visit her grandmother in Puerto Rico and Vanessa wasn’t able to take that much time off work to be able to go with her so it was going to be her first Christmas that she had ever spent without her mom. Therefore, Brooke had made it her own personal goal to make sure that the entire festive period was super fun for Vanessa so she didn’t even have time to think about missing her family.
As soon as they left Vanessa’s office, they went to pick out a Christmas tree for their apartment because Brooke insisted the real ones were nicer to look at and smelled better than the fake ones. Plus Vanessa had never owned a real tree before and Brooke’s Canadian heart just couldn’t accept that.
When they got the six-foot tree back to the apartment and got it all set up in its holder (meaning Brooke got it set up while Vanessa watched), Vanessa revealed all of the boxes of Christmas decorations that she had ordered in the last few weeks that she couldn’t wait to put up. There were a ton of different baubles for the tree, Vanessa had decided on a red and gold theme with, of course, the white Christmas tree lights. Vanessa even got a star to go on the top of the tree that had “B&V” written on it which made Brooke a lot more emotional than she cared to admit.
Once they were finally finished decorating and Vanessa had finished her rendition of All I Want for Christmas is You, the apartment looked like a Winter Wonderland. Vanessa knew that Brooke didn’t love Christmas as much as she did and that all of this was done to make sure that she was feeling okay about not being able to see her family and that made it all the better for Vanessa. Knowing that Brooke would do whatever she could just to make sure that she was okay made her happier than anything else ever could.
16th December 2018:
Vanessa had her surprise for Brooke planned since September and she was extremely proud of herself for not ruining the surprise and telling Brooke everything immediately. She even checked with Nina and Detox to make sure that Brooke would absolutely love what she had planned for her and they agreed that, yes, she would enjoy it a lot.
Brooke used to be a ballet dancer and was good enough to be a professional but had to quit because of an injury that didn’t heal properly. Vanessa figured out quite quickly after knowing Brooke that ballet still meant a lot to her and was still one of her passions, even if she couldn’t do it the same way she used to. Brooke told her stories of how her parents used to bring her to see a ton of different ballet performances any time they left their hometown of Toronto to visit New York City because, in Brooke’s opinion, that’s where all the best ballet shows are. Brooke especially loved it during the Christmas season because that’s when her absolute favourite ballet, The Nutcracker, was performed.
And that was exactly what Vanessa had bought them tickets to go and see. Vanessa knew that Brooke would never buy the tickets for herself. Working at a law firm was such a demanding job and she knew that if Brooke had time off, she would spend it with Vanessa instead of watching a ballet performance. So that’s why Vanessa felt that it was a necessity for her to spoil her girlfriend and treat her to something she wouldn’t even dream of buying for herself.
Since it was a Sunday, neither of them had to go to work and they spent the day relaxing in their apartment not doing much. But around three o’clock, Vanessa told Brooke that she had a surprise planned and that they needed to start getting ready and putting their fanciest outfits on and to be ready for six o’clock.
Vanessa worked for a fashion company, it was her job to choose and put together outfits for the brand to then go on and sell so when she saw how put together Brooke’s personal style, it made her very happy. Vanessa took her time curling her hair and noticed that Brooke was practically busting with excitement and Vanessa was overwhelmed with joy.
They hopped in an Uber and went to Brooke’s favourite French restaurant and Vanessa felt so sneaky that Brooke believed her when she said that was the surprise. Brooke was so happy with having dinner but little did she know what was coming next.
“I love you so much, V.” Brooke said as they were sipping on their wine and eating their meal.
Vanessa smiled and felt her heart tug with joy. “I love you too, baby,” Vanessa had to stop Brooke from taking the dessert menu when the waiter offered it to them and Brooke looked so disappointed. “We have places to be, Brooke Lynn. We can order your cake next time.” Vanessa paid the bill and took Brooke’s hand. Brooke was already asking her a million questions about where they were going next and it took every fibre of Vanessa’s being to stay quiet until they finally reached their destination: the Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts.
Brooke’s jaw dropped when she realised what building they were standing outside. “V…you didn’t.” Vanessa reached into her clutch bag and took out two tickets that said “The New York City Ballet’s production of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker”.
“Yup, Brookie…I did.” She waved the tickets in front of Brooke’s stunned face and Brooke grabbed them from her hands in shock. Vanessa watched as her girlfriend’s face went from shocked to ecstatic in just a matter of seconds and she was so happy that Brooke had reacted just how she had wanted her to. Brooke grabbed Vanessa’s face and kissed her like her life depended on it.
“Careful, babe…we’re going to the ballet, you can’t ruin my lipstick. I gotta look all fancy.” Vanessa said, taking out the small mirror she kept in her purse and making sure her makeup wasn’t ruined. Brooke laughed at her girlfriend’s dramatics and took her hand, leading her inside. They took their seats quickly and the show started at exactly eight o’clock.
Vanessa had never been to a ballet show before so she didn’t really know what to expect. She was grateful that she was at least a tiny bit familiar with the Nutcracker as it was probably one of the most well know ballet storylines. But she didn’t watch much of the dancing. Brooke’s eyes were glued to the stage, she had a massive smile on her face throughout the entire performance her eyes were sparkling with delight. Vanessa spent most of the performance watching Brooke. Watching how happy the surprise had made her made Vanessa feel so proud that something she did had made the person she loved so happy.
22nd December 2018:
Brooke woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of a text notification on her phone. She felt relieved when she saw that Vanessa’s side of the bed was empty. She had gone to finish off her Christmas shopping and Brooke needed her gone to be able to collect and set up her Christmas gift before she got home. She was beyond excited to see Vanessa’s reaction to what she had got her. She just knows that Vanessa is going to love it.
At first, Brooke had been a bit disappointed that she couldn’t keep the gift hidden until Christmas Day but that would have been impossible given the circumstances. Vanessa would definitely hear the gift making noise throughout the day. Plus, all of the shelters were closed on the 25th.
Brooke quickly got dressed and braced herself for the cold weather. She walked the short walk to the shelter near their apartment and almost immediately after she arrived, a tiny kitten in a travel cage was brought out to her. Brooke fell in love with him instantly.
She brought him home and was again thankful that Vanessa was gone for the morning so that she could get all of the supplies set up for their new family member. She had somehow managed to order most of the things online and keep them hidden from Vanessa which she thought would be a lot more difficult than it actually was. Usually Vanessa could tell when Brooke was hiding something but thankfully Brooke was able to keep it together this time. She went to the closet in the guest bedroom and lifted up the blanket that she had used to hide all of the supplies. She got him a new bed, a collar, some food and a food bowl, a litter tray and probably about twenty different toys. She knew that she may have gone slightly overboard with her purchases but could guarantee that Vanessa would love all of it.
After she gathered all the supplies and brought them to the living room, she opened the door to the cage and tried to coax the kitten out. The people at the shelter said it might take a while for him to be brave enough to come out so Brooke decided to start setting up his bed and give him the space he needed. As soon as she was done setting up his new sleeping area with all of the different blankets, he slowly walked over to where Brooke Lynn was sitting on the floor.
Brooke was so happy that she had met the little cutie a few times before bringing home. Now he wouldn’t be with total strangers as he had been able to get used to Brooke, even just a tiny bit. Brooke was being very still so that she wouldn’t frighten him and he immediately cuddled into her side and began purring. Brooke didn’t think she could love an animal as much as she currently did and she had only owned him for about ten minutes.
She picked his tiny little body up and sat down on the couch with him, gently stroking his head. The kitten started to fall asleep and Brooke swore she had never felt as peaceful as she did in that moment. That all changed when she heard Vanessa using her key to open the door. She leapt up off the couch and put the kitten into his new bed and rushed to the door to greet her.
“Hi baby,” Vanessa said as she opened up the door with about ten different bags in her hands. “What have you been up to?”
Brooke Lynn could barely contain herself. “I have a surprise for you.” As soon as Brooke said that, Vanessa heard a tiny bell ring and as she turned the corner into toe living room, she saw what created that noise. It was a bell attached to a collar…on a tiny little kitten. The exact type of kitten that she had told Brooke she wanted.
The kitten was standing in the middle of the room just staring up at her and Vanessa almost died from how cute he was. She ran straight to him and held him in her arms and it was clear that it was love at first sight for the both of them. The kitten rested his head in the crook of her arm and Vanessa never wanted to move a muscle again in case she disturbed his rest.
Vanessa immediately started crying and Brooke knew that it was a happy cry. Vanessa often cried when she was overcome with love and Brooke was so happy to see it happen now. Brooke walked over to her small family and wrapped her arms around Vanessa’s waist.
“So what are you gonna name him?” Brooke whispered, not wanting to startle the cat.
“Thackery. His name is Thackery.”
They spent the rest of the evening obsessing over his every move. Vanessa’s Instagram story was about thirty minutes long full of videos of her cuddling the cat and the cat playing with Brooke and even the cat falling asleep. It was safe to say that Brooke Lynn’s Christmas gift for Vanessa was a success.
24th December 2018:
Christmas Eve had always been one of the most peaceful days for Brooke and Vanessa. it was their first ever Christmas that they were spending together but they both had their own family traditions that helped make the day an extra special one.
Brooke woke up to the smell of pancakes being cooked and felt her stomach growl with hunger. As she walked to the kitchen, she felt herself being eternally grateful that the companies she and Vanessa worked for were one of the nice ones that actually closed on Christmas Eve.
When she reached the kitchen, she found Vanessa already dressed, flipping multiple pancakes on the stove and adding blueberries to them. The kitchen counters were full of bags from the grocery store and when Brooke took a peek inside them, she saw nothing but baking ingredients. Brooke simply raised an eyebrow at Vanessa who immediately began to explain.
“We have to make Christmas cookies because its my family’s tradition and we have to make the chocolate Christmas cake that you love because it’s your family’s tradition. Duh.” Brooke laughed at Vanessa’s response and was flattered that Vanessa always seemed to remember the little details about her childhood that Brooke told her.
“Babe, I don’t think we’ll be able to eat all of that.” Brooke said and watched as Vanessa immediately rolled her eyes when she heard Brooke’s words.
“We will eat nothing but dessert for the next few days if we have to, this is a necessity.” Vanessa said seriously and Brooke tried her best to hold back a laugh. She decided to just agree with whatever will keep Vanessa happy and once they finished their amazing blueberry pancakes, they got to work.
They spent at least three hours baking that day and both of their creations turned out really well which filled Vanessa with delight. What they failed to notice was Thackery climbing on the counter and getting flour all over his paws and leaving the tiniest little pawprints all around the apartment. Usually, a mess like that would make both of the women angry but they couldn’t find it in themselves to be angry at Thackery. He was just too cute to be mad at.
Once they had Thackery’s mess cleaned up, Brooke made them both a cup of hot chocolate and they sat down on the couch all cozied up with their blankets.
“What movie do you wanna watch, babe?” Brooke asked, knowing that Vanessa has an extensive list of favourite Christmas movies and that they would probably end up having a marathon of all of her favourites. As Vanessa began to list the pros and cons of each movie she was considering, Brooke knew that this was the best Christmas Eve she had ever had.
25th December 2018:
Vanessa had been lying in bed for what felt like hours. The alarm clock on her nightstand let her know that she had been awake since 6am and while that would have been an acceptable time for her to wake up at on Christmas morning as a child, she figured that Brooke wouldn’t appreciate being woken up at the crack of dawn as much as her mother used to.
As soon as the clock changed to 7am, Vanessa decided that she couldn’t possibly wait any longer and woke her girlfriend up by kissing her over and over again until her eyes began to flutter open.
“Merry Christmas, B.” Vanessa whispered as Brooke opened her eyes properly for the first time that morning. Brooke pouted her lips slightly, signalling that she wanted a kiss from her girlfriend, which Vanessa happily obliged to.
“Merry Christmas, Ness.” Brooke wrapped her arms around Vanessa and Vanessa lay her head on Brooke’s chest. For the first time that morning, she felt totally calm. But she knew that if they lay there for much longer, they would fall back asleep and Vanessa just couldn’t accept that. Not when there were gifts that they had to give.
Vanessa spoke to Brooke’s mom and found out that she always made French toast on Christmas morning so Vanessa had to carry on that tradition for Brooke. Vanessa finished her breakfast in about two minutes and spent the rest of her time telling to Brooke Lynn to eat faster so they could start exchanging gifts.
Brooke finally finished her food and they headed to the sitting room where the Christmas tree was (Brooke had managed to convince Vanessa to let her delay the process by making a quick cup of coffee so she could match Vanessa’s energy levels) and Vanessa immediately sat on the floor and got ready to give Brooke everything she had gotten her. There was one gift that she was the most excited about and she couldn’t anticipate how Brooke was going to react.
Brooke decided that she wanted to give Vanessa her gifts first which made Vanessa’s nerves grow slightly but she forgot about all of that when she was able to start opening up her gifts. Of course, Thackery was Vanessa’s main gift from Brooke and he sat watching his two moms from his bed, still not awake enough to join in on the fun.
Brooke had still made sure to get Vanessa lots of little things that she could put under the tree to keep her girlfriend excited. She got her a ton of her favourite makeup products and Vanessa was insanely happy about that. She also got her some massage vouchers for a new spa that opened up near where they lived and she got her some Italian cooking classes with a professional chef that they were gonna take together since Vanessa adored Italian food.
Vanessa was so happy with everything that Brooke had gotten her and decided that she would give Brooke her smaller presents before she gave her the big one. She got her some clothes that she had designed which made Brooke love them even more. She also got her a ton of books that she thought Brooke might be interested in and a bottle of her favourite perfume because she noticed Brooke was running low.
There was just one box left under the tree: it was a small box and Brooke guessed it must be some sort of jewellery item. She opened up the box and it was a necklace, but when she looked a bit closer, she saw that there was a ring on the necklace where a charm or diamond would usually be. She held her breath as she read what it said on the box: “I promise to be yours forever”. Brooke Lynn could feel the tears coming into her eyes and Vanessa was so happy that she didn’t react badly.
“Just to clarify, I’m not proposing to you or anything…it’s a promise ring that you can wear around your neck and one day, it’ll be your engagement ring.” Vanessa said softly, taking the necklace and moving Brooke’s long blonde hair out of the way so she can put the necklace on her. Brooke’s hands immediately went to hold the ring as soon as it was on her and she finally let the tears fall from her eyes.
“I fucking love you so much, Vanessa. I can’t wait to wear this ring one day.” Vanessa wrapped her arms around Brooke’s neck and they shared a kiss filled with so much love that Vanessa thought she might just get down on one knee and propose properly right then and there. But she contained herself. All she knew was, she had never felt so in love as she did in that moment.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Three Leafed Chaos
Chapter 1/4
I've had this sitting in my drafts for a while and finally posted the first chapter! It's a bit self indulgent but whatever. Enjoy!
Warnings: alcohol use, language
The three leaves of a clover represent faith, hope, and love. On the holiday known as Three Leaf day, citizens of the Clover Kingdom prepare a gift for a special someone. The receiver must give one of those three virtues in return. Faith and hope are good and everything, but the reward everyone is really looking for is love. 
Well, almost everyone. 
"Alright everyone, listen up! You better all be on your best behavior today. And get this damn building cleaned up! If anything goes wrong, I'm skinning all your hides."
Yami had bigger issues on his mind than Love. His squad, the Black Bulls, was notorious for being a group of unproductive ruffians. That was true, sure, but Yami still wanted to improve their reputation. Julius entrusted him with a squad, after all, it was the least he could do. Today might be a good day to achieve that; an official from the Castle was coming by to conduct an evaluation, which could directly affect squad rankings. If there was a time to get serious, it was now.
"Captain, Captain! I have a question!" Magna exclaimed, raising his hand. "Who exactly is it that's coming?"
Yami sighed and took a drag of his cigarette. "Some new official at HQ. I don't know the guy, but they're as green as they could get... probably some prissy noble boy, if I had to guess."
"Ooh, are they cute~?" Vanessa slurred from the couch. 
"Probably not... by the way, you better be dressed and sober by the time they get here!"
Luck giggled and punched the air. "Ooh! Ooh! Can I fight them? I bet they'd like that!"
"Absolutely not."
"Maybe it's a girl!" Finral swooned. "If so-" 
"Don't even finish that sentence."
Gauche sneered and held up his photo of his little sister. "Captain, there's no reason for me to be here. Can I go-"
"No, you can't go visit your sister."
"That's enough! Everyone get cleaning!" Yami barked. The squad broke off to go do their chores, all anxious about tonight's evaluation. Yami sighed and sat down in his chair, pulling out a newspaper to distract himself. This could go really badly... it doesn't help that we're the last squad to get visited. This evaluator is going to be comparing us to all the other squads...
"Captain! I didn't expect you to be so tall! I mean, I've seen you before, from afar, but up close you're like a giant! Does it run in your family?"
Gueldre Poziot had no idea what to do, for the first time in his life. He and his squad were prepared better than anyone for this evaluation. He was well aware of the problems in his squad, and would rather conceal them than have them get fixed. Everything was in place, but he never expected this problem...
No, the problem wasn't the evaluation. It was the Evaluator. 
Oh no. She's cute.
He didn't expect this official to be an extremely cute girl, that was for sure. "I- Uh- yes, actually, it runs in the family," he finally replied, trying to keep it together. Gueldre wasn't the type to get flustered like this, but there was something about the way she looked at him with those wide, bright eyes, and how cheerful and genuinely interested she seemed to be in him. He wasn't used to people being... nice to him. His squad obeyed him, sure, but that's as personal as it got. "So... let me give you a tour of our place?"
She closed her eyes as she smiled. "Of course!"
To his delight, she actually took the arm he offered her. Gueldre was practically giddy as he walked. 
Look at me... could this be love?
    Charlotte Roselei could only bring herself to love one man, Yami, but she was pretty sure she would never have her feelings returned. However, she did develop little crushes on women very easily. This was definitely one of those times. 
"Wow, she seems like a cool person," Sol said to her captain. The two of them were watching from afar as the evaluator talked cheerfully with some of the other squad members. "Don't you wish that she would join our squad, sis?"
"It's captain, Sol," Charlotte corrected, a light blush on her cheeks. "And yes... I suppose I do."
Her heart jolted as the girl turned and jogged towards them. That was another cute thing about her... she was always moving, whether it be tapping her foot or pacing around, or fiddling a pen between her fingers. She never walked, she ran from place to place, even if it was just a short distance. She was so full of life and excitement, Charlotte couldn't help but feel drawn to her. 
"Captain! What an amazing squad you have!" she burst out as she skidded to a stop. "So many powerful women! I wish I were a magic knight now, haha!"
Charlotte laughed to herself. It was surprising; she usually got so worked up over crushes, but this girl put her at ease. "It's not too late, you're welcome to stay here!" 
"Oh, that's so nice of you! But, I couldn't possibly leave my current job... Marx says that my coffee is the only thing keeping him alive!"
Charlotte frowned. She knew Marx was one of the Wizard King's closest associates. "Coffee? They don't have you acting as a servant, do they?" The thought of a girl like her being reduced to such a role...
Luckily, the girl shook her head adamantly. "Oh, no no! It's not like that at all! I mean, I used to be a servant."
"Oh? So, you're not nobility?" Charlotte asked, wondering how this girl managed to climb so high in the ranks. 
"Nope! I was a peasant, but my magic happens to be very convenient," she explained. "So, I worked in the castle as a royal servant. It wasn't great, but it was a job... but then, someone told me that I needed to go, er, spend time with the king... I was so scared! They made me wear a tasteless outfit and everything..." The girl laughed nervously, but Charlotte could tell by the look in her eyes that it was a truly bad memory. The Captain wanted nothing more than to grab her in her arms right then and there, and protect her from this cruel, evil world. 
"But!" Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she started to talk so fast that it was a little difficult to tell what she was saying. "I was so scared, I decided to run away! I started using my magic and making a big hole in the wall to jump out because otherwise I would have to go back through all the guards... but then, who should walk by but the Wizard King! I had never seen him before and thought he would be old and ugly like Augustus (Don't tell him I said that please), but he wasn't either of those things! He asked what was going on and I told him, so he took me with him instead! And, ta da! Here I am." She spread her arms out cutely to punctuate her point. "Well, that's all I really have to do here. I have three squads left to check out." She turned and waved goodbye. "See you later, Charlotte!"
Charlotte blinked, then realized that it was too late to ask the girl out. Dammit! I'll have to invite her to tea or something next time.
"Big Sis?"
Sol poked Charlotte in the cheek, the older woman having zoned out watching the Evaluator run off out of sight. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no! Nothing." Charlotte blushed. "And it's Captain, Sol."
"Got it, Sis!"
Despite Sol's antics, Charlotte had a little smile on her face.
Three-leaf day is coming up soon after all...
    "Are you sure you want to come? It might be dangerous." Fuegoleon frowned down at the young woman who was sent to evaluate his squad. They were about to leave on a mission to round up some dangerous magical beings out in the strong magic region.
However, the girl wasn't dissuaded. "What better way for me to evaluate you guys than go on a mission! I probably can't stay the whole time, I have one more squad to visit. And also!" She grinned and punched the air, trying to look tough. "I can take care of myself!"
...cute, Fuegoleon thought to himself, but was suddenly drawn from his thoughts as his sister Mereoleona, who was here to visit for a few days, slung her arm around the evaluator's shoulders. "I like you! There's nothing I love more than a tough woman!" the flame-haired woman laughed. "And if you get in trouble, I'll be the one to save you." She sent a playful glare over at Fuegoleon, but her message was clear. Hands off. This one's mine.
Fuegoleon sensed a challenge, and smirked to himself. Over my dead body. "Very well. You may accompany us."
They headed off to the strong magic region. The magic creatures were like large, purple octopuses, flinging rocks around with their tentacles. "Make sure to just knock them out! We've been ordered to relocate them!" Fuegoleon ordered. The Crimson Lions yelled back in response before rushing into battle. Fuegoleon crossed his arms and watched, glancing out of the corner of his eye at the Evaluator, who was entranced. "So? What do you think?"
"They're wonderful!" she exclaimed. "So many powerful knights, and they're all so well coordinated..." She turned to beam up at Fuegoleon. "That's because of your leadership though, right?"
It took everything Fuegoleon had to fight off his blush. "Ah- er- I suppose. The squad all works hard, though."
"Mhmm! And Mereoleona's wonderful!" She pointed at his sister, who was kicking one of the octopus's ass. "I've never seen someone fight like that!"
"Big bro! Can I get a little help?" Fuegoleon looked over to see his brother Leopold struggling with one of the beasts. He let out a deep sigh. "Sure." He ran off to help, and the two of them quickly dispatched the enemy. Haha, look at that! That must have impressed her... Fuegoleon turned around to see that she was, indeed, shocked at the power he just gave off. But what really got his attention was what was coming up behind her.
"Oh no! Look out!"
The evaluator turned around just in time to see one of the Octopuses barreling towards her. Both Mereoleona and Fuegoleon sprang into action, sprinting towards her as fast as they could. Shit! I'm not going to get there in time! Fuegoleon's eyes widened as the beast prepared to crush the small girl with its tentacles. It's going to kill her! FUCK-
The Evaluator raised her hand, her Grimoire already open in front of her. "Dehydration Magic: Vanishing Vapor!"
As soon as the spell was cast, the beast suddenly started to wilt up as all of the water vapor in its body was squeezed out. It let out a squeal of confusion as it shriveled up, shrinking down rapidly. A moment later, the once-fearsome animal plopped on the ground at her feet, the size of a normal octopus.
Fuegoleon and Mereoleona skidded to a stop, their jaws hanging open. The girl giggled and picked up the octopus in her hands, as it squirmed around helplessly. "I told you I could take care of myself, right?" They had no words. "Here." She handed the creature to Fuegoleon. "You two are impressive, and so is this squad! Unfortunately, I really need to get going, but this was fun!" They both waved goodbye weakly as she turned, grabbed her broom, and flew off into the north. The sun was setting.
"...Damn." was all Mereoleona could say. "She was... interesting."
Fuegoleon nodded, smiling to himself a little. That was... kind of hot. There was a strange feeling in his chest, something he hadn't felt for a long time. "I hope we can see her again soon."
"Hmm." Mereoleona hummed in agreement. "After all... Three Leaf day is coming up soon."
    "Hi everyone! Sorry I'm so late, I got caught up in a mission with the Crimson Lions! How are you doing tonight?"
Yami and the other Black Bulls stared at the girl in front of them. This was the evaluator the Wizard King sent them? Slowly, Yami looked her up and down, then smiled to himself. Julius... thank you for making my day. No, for making my week. He cleared his throat. "It's fine. Come on in."
The others watched in silence as Yami and her walked around the base, discussing the latest missions and squad performances. "Wow... she really is a cutie," Finral said, hearts in his eyes. "Do you think she would talk to me?"
"Probably, but just to be nice," Charmy responded, breaking the man's heart.
"And besides, I think Yami would kill you if you did," Magna commented. "I mean, look at him."
"What about him?"
"Use your eyes," Gauche grunted, Gordon peering over his shoulder at the scene. "He's going to try and hit that by the time she leave."
"Hit that? What do you mean-"
"By the way, where is Vanessa?"
Speak of the Devil. Vanessa came staggering around the corner, still in her underwear, and spotted the Evaluator. "Oh! They're here! And they're a girl!" She giggled and slung an arm around the girl's shoulder.
Yami glared at her. "Vanessa! I told you to get dressed! Are you still drunk?" Not only could this ruin their evaluation, but it might ruin his chances with this pretty girl.
"Yami, she's just comfortable in her own skin, that's all!" The evaluator giggled and let Vanessa lean on her. "And besides, everyone enjoys a drink now and then! Even me."
"Yeah, but Vanessa here enjoys like 30 drinks," Yami commented, a little nervous about it.
"Awww, not only are you cute, but you're also kind~" Vanessa tapped the girl on the nose.
"Cute? Ahah," the girl laughed nervously and blushed. "Well, thank you."
"Now! Come have a drink with me," Vanessa coaxed. "it's Squad tradition."
"Sure! I love traditions!" Everyone cheered and started pulling the girl off toward the dining room. Yami let out a frustrated breath. This wasn't going to end well.
And end well, it did not. Charmy made a feast as the others poured their drinks, and tried to feed it to the Evaluator. "Try this! It's one of my favorite recipes!"
"Thank you!" The girl took a bite, and stars were instantly in her eyes. "So good!"
"Here, a toast!" Vanessa handed her a glass of wine then raised her own. "To... tradition!"
15 minutes later, everything was in chaos. Luck and Magna were fighting. Guache was yelling at Charmy and Gordon, Grey was squatting in the corner, and Vanessa as forcing another glass into the poor Evaluator's hands. "Here! One more couldn't hurt!"
"Vanessa, that's enough," Yami was trying to stay calm for the sake of appearances but it was getting hard to do. "Look at her, she's at her limit."
Indeed. The evaluator was flushed pink, her eyes glassy. However, she snapped out of it at Yami's words. "No way! I can handle more!" She grabbed the glass. "I need to surpass my limits! Watch me!"
The words were like the arrow of cupid, which sailed right into Yami's heart. He could do nothing but stare in awe as the girl chugged her glass before letting out a laugh. "See! I did... I..."
Uh oh. Her eyes suddenly went dark.
She couldn't say another word. The evaluator passed out right there on the couch, slumping down like a deflated balloon.
"...look what you've done!" Everyone suddenly paused, terrified at the sight of the unconscious woman. Yami checked her pulse and breathing. "She's alright, but she could be sleeping for a while. We really messed this up..." He clenched his jaw. Not only did I let everyone get wild, but I couldn't be in control of the situation... I really am a shitty captain sometimes.
"W-what are we going to do with her?" Magna stuttered, pointing. "Isn't she supposed to work in the castle? They might think we've kidnapped her!"
"No... I doubt it'll be that serious," Yami said, grabbing a blanket and pillow and tucking the girl in. She made a soft sound and buried her face in the pillow. "We'll watch her carefully tonight."
"And I'll make her breakfast in the morning!" Charmy piped up.
I have a feeling she's going to be more interested in purging her stomach than filling it, Yami said, staring down at the sleeping woman. However... she is really, really cute when she sleeps...
Suddenly, he tensed up. He could feel something rocketing towards the base, a magical signature so powerful that it could only belong to one man.
"...uh oh."
Something made impact with the ground outside, and a moment later there was a knock on the door. Yami steeled himself for what was inevitably to come. "Everyone. Stand up straight. Don't act up for once in your pathetic lives."
Everyone was confused for a couple minutes, until Yami opened the door to reveal none other than Julius Novachrono, the Wizard King himself, standing there. "Good evening, Yami! It's good to see you... say, have you happened to see-"
Yami got straight to the point. "You're looking for her, right?" He stepped out of the way to point at the sleeping lump on the couch.
"Ah! You killed her?!" Julius rushed by in a panic, stopping next to the couch with a distraught look on his face. "No, not killed... but Yami!" He frowned and crossed his arms. "What on earth happened here? Why is the evaluator I sent you asleep on the couch?"
"She got... uh..." Yami kicked his toe into the ground sheepishly. "She's drunk."
"Yami! People die of alcohol poisoning all the time, you know," Julius scolded. Yami expected this, but it hurt all the same. "She's a lightweight, too. Honestly..." Julius let out a sigh and turned back to the couch. 
Yami felt the disappointment radiating off of the older man, making his heart clench more. "...I'm sorry."
Julius raised an eyebrow, surprised that Yami actually apologized for once. "It's alright... at least she had fun." He smiled a little. "Anyway, thanks for making her comfortable." He said nothing else before leaning down, carefully picking her up in his arms as if she were some glass thing he was afraid would break. Julius let out another sigh through his nose, but this time it felt more like relief. "You'll hear back about the evaluation in a couple days. Have a good night!" Despite the tension, Julius smiled at them warmly before turning around. With a flash of light, the two of them disappeared.
"... great. Of course he had to show up and see everything for himself," Yami grumbled, pulling out another cigarette.
"Captain... we're all very sorry, we shouldn't have-"
"No. Just... go to bed. I'm not mad," Yami cut Magna off before walking off to his room. Right now, he needed a good shit and a good sleep. However, despite this debacle, Yami felt a pit of warmth in his chest.
Even after everything that happened... I'm glad I got to meet her. He smiled to himself. And, after all...
Three Leaf day is coming up.
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palizinhas · 4 years
For the asks, I'll ask Phineas and Ferb! And if you've already done that, Phineas for the character asks! :)
You know what, I’ll do both!
This is enourmous though, so under the cut.
Favorite character: Ferb!! I just think he’s so chill and fun to watch. So many of my favorite moments in the series come from him, because he may not say much, but he says everything he needs to say and more than makes up by his lack of lines by crushing every single one he does have. Also helps that whenever he sung the song was an absolute highlight for me.
Least Favorite character: God. Linda. It’s just. IDK. She’s so unable to take Candace seriously, and if she really thinks that “there’s something wrong with her”, she should do something about it. I know, I know, it’s just for the jokes, but that has always bothered me.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): My only real pnf ships are Phinabella and kinda Perryshmirtz (it’s just this thing where there’s so much cute art for them that I’ve just come to accept it as not being that weird, though I don’t blame people for being grossed out by it). I’m also lowkey fond of Candace/Vanessa and Buford/Baljeet, but I’m not sure I’d say that I really ship them. To round it up with number 5... I’ll cheat and say PnF SW Phinabella, just because PnF really got me to buy into the Skysolo expy huh.
Character I find most attractive: Growing up it was definitely Vanessa, but they’re all my children now.
Character I would marry: Lawrence seems like a chill husband.
Character I would be best friends with: Baljeet’s subplot in CATU being how much he likes Space Adventure was super hashtag relatable as someone who is super into SW. We could nerd out together, it would be fun.
a random thought: I wish they’d make a sequel to PnF SW. I’ve joked about it being named “Emperry Strikes Back” in the past, but it’s just... I love SW. I love PnF. PnF SW is a masterpiece. Let me have more of it.
An unpopular opinion: I’m not even sure what counts or not as unpopular, I’m not that involved with the PnF fandom like I was three years ago, but I think I enjoy CATU more than ATSD. Not because I think it has a stronger story - ATSD just has a lot of plotlines everyone always wanted to see, so no PnF movie will ever touch it in that sense - but I just think CATU is more fun. It definitely has a better soundtrack, but even outside of that I find myself thinking about CATU more than I ever did ATSD outside of writing fic where they remember everything.
My Canon OTP: Phinabella, of course. It will always be so weird to call them “canon”, but they are. AYA’s quality or lack thereof aside, I’ll always be glad for the episode for being the first PnF episode I watched in years and getting me back into the show, and I don’t think that would have happened were it not for my 13-year-old self struggling to read in English because there were no good PnF fanfics in Portuguese.
My Non-canon OTP: I already talked a bit about Perryshmirtz, so I’ll talk about Candace/Vanessa instead. I just think it’s so cool how their relationship evolved over the course of the show. A great thing about PnF is that despite having a very strict formula, there are some relationships that changed over the course of the summer, and these two legit had never even met before the show began and turned out to have such great chemistry.
Most Badass Character: You can’t not say Isabella. There’s Perry too, of course, but I think Isabella impresses me more because she’s not some badass secret agent, she’s just... a kid.
Most Epic Villain: Darth Ferb!!! I went into PnF SW mostly unspoiled and that was so cool.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Um. I have nothing against Canderemy, per se, but I always preferred Candace when she had plots with her brothers or Vanessa than her plots with Jeremy.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sometimes I think about the Mission Marvel episode and randomly get mad. It’s not even one specific character, I just don’t think that crossover worked. It’s probably the only episode of the show I only watched once, and I just... really don’t like how some of the characters were written in it.
Favourite Friendship: The kid crew is the best, man. All five of them are such fun characters, and I love all of their interactions. My favorite pair within it is probably Buford and Isabella, who I just think had some really fun scenes together, but you can’t go wrong with these five.
Character I most identify with: Growing up it was definitely Baljeet, as the nerd kid who got picked on and all that. Now, I’m not sure?
Character I wish I could be: Honestly, any of the fireside girls. They seem like they’ve got their life together. Wish I could relate.
How I feel about this character: Phineas is such a good kid. I always preferred Ferb, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think Phineas is awesome. He’s so nice, such a genuinely great person who just wants to help everyone so they can have as great a time as he is having.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Isabella, really. I think there’s probably some good fanfic that makes a case for Phineas and other people (Baljeet could be cute, I guess?) but I just can’t really see Phineas with anyone else.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Ferb!! They just get each other so freaking well, and for all that the actual story of PnF is less about the two of them and more how the other characters react to them, I don’t think the show would have worked if their relationship wasn’t as good.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Again, not sure what counts or not as unpopular. Maybe that I wasn’t into the “Phineas gets angry at Candace” scenes? Like, I remember before CATU came out people would always talk about wanting another, but I was so glad when the movie came out and we didn’t get one. Get on the trike was funny, but after that it got annoying.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I found the Phineas and Ferb Effect (the actual thing, not the episode) a weird choice, but if they were going to go there, I’d have enjoyed some actual aknowledgment on how weird it was. I know a lot of things got cut from the crossover for time, so I get it, but I do wish there was more of a reaction from Phineas and Ferb to finding out about it.
Favorite friendship for this character: I do really enjoy Phineas and Isabella’s friendship? Like, while I do ship them, I was never really one to wish they’d get together within the show because I didn’t want their dynamic to change, because it was just so good on its own. They’re such good friends regardless of anything else and I really appreciate that.
My crossover ship: I don’t do crossover shipping most of the time, tbh.
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kaimcclains · 5 years
the last time (’cause i could never say no to you)
“I’d prefer to keep this to ourselves for now! I mean, wow that sounds bad, but I just don’t wanna share y-”
“It’s okay, I get it!” Adam flashes what he hopes is a convincing grin. So Kai didn’t want Mira to know he was bisexual/pansexual/a different sexuality Kai hadn’t specified, but he’s hedging his bet on bisexuality. That’s fine. He’s not fond of the excitement that washes over him at the thought of Kai trusting Adam with a secret.
He can definitely say he isn’t a fan either of how Kai smiled at him like he hung the stars in the sky or a euphemism equally as ridiculous.
Nothing prepares him for when Kai laces his fingers securely through Adam’s, and the way he beams at the ground from beneath his red fringe like nothing else exists.
In which Kai believes he's being obvious, Adam pines ridiculously hard, and Mira is a good and patient friend. Also known as the "didn't know we were dating" fic.
“Was it something you’ve always known, or something you picked up?” Adam asks curiously, absent-mindedly stirring a finger in the dirt below him. Kai’s seated a few inches away, elbows propped up on his knees as he stares at the sky. Mira’s resorted herself to making small talk with Benjamin and Benjamini, once it was apparent to her that Adam was off in his own little world with Kai (and who was she to deny him of talking to his oh-so-obvious crush?)
“I don’t know where I got it from. It’s similar to walking, you’ve kind of always assumed you can do it without any thought or anything.” Kai replies. He rubs the back of his arm sheepishly, eyes finding themselves splayed to the length of Adam’s side profile. “Nothing to write home about.”
“Seriously? I know I couldn’t figure out how to fix an entire space ship just at first glance!” He also wants to tack on a question - Why are you always doubting yourself? - but with Kai’s volatile nature, Adam’s sure he would’ve managed to piss the guy off.
They find themselves in that cycle a lot. Kai and Adam are friendly towards each other, making Adam think he might have finally gotten through the younger boy’s barriers, and then Adam says something wrong and he loses whatever semblance of friendship he had gained. It frustrates him to no end, but Kai likely isn’t even aware of it. Kai isn’t aware of a lot of things.
“It’s seriously nothing,” Kai says quickly before Adam can have a chance to interject and protest. “Wanna see something cool though?”
He extends a hand out to Adam, and together they walk to one of the broken-down rollercoasters. Adam’s not actually sure what is supposed to be happening, but he’s not one to complain. Kai voluntarily spending time with him is a concept unheard of until now and he doesn’t want to ruin it.
Kai sits, motioning for Adam to do the same. “See, there’s a part of this that connects to one of the ejectors from the ship you crashed-” he pauses to glare at Adam, cracking a smile once he sees how spooked the other boy looks. “I’m just playing, man. Anyway, I think-”
Adam stops paying attention. The beaming sun that had been relentlessly shining upon their group isn’t doing much for him in terms of comfort, and although he enjoys any moments he can get alone with Kai, he’d much rather like to sit in the shade, preferably under the merry-go-round or in the forest around them. Anything to escape this heat.
“Sorry, is there a point of chilling right in the middle of all this sunshine? I swear my insides are overheating.” Adam complains. Kai conjures some fire, which manifests quickly on his fists and seriously-? Not helping at all.
“Maybe I can beat up the sun,” says Kai with that cocky grin of his that makes Adam’s knees buckle a little. “I guess we’d have to be closer to do that though.”
Kai’s invading his space in the blink of an eye. He has an arm secured around Adam’s middle before he can process what exactly is happening, breath coming out in short puffs on Adam’s collarbone. Adam wraps his own arms around the other boy’s shoulders, too scared to do anything else.
“Kinda like this,” he replies quietly against Adam’s neck. He shivers.
And then Adam can’t feel the ground beneath him. What he can feel is the flickering embers radiating from Kai’s fingers licking at his legs. Dazedly, he wonders if he’s in heaven or hell right now.
“You can open your eyes, dude.”
He almost doesn’t want to because there is a very possible chance he passed out earlier and this is just one of the many bizarre dreams he’s had the pleasure of dreaming lately. They all start and end with shadowy figures drifting inexplicably out of sight in the corner of his vision, and an outstretched pale hand, but Adam has always been too afraid to grab it.
Despite there being no point for doing so, he eventually listens to Kai and cracks a hesitant eye open. They’re well above the specks of trees below, and what Adam believes is the fairground. “Wow, this is incredible,” he breathes out.
Kai seems to grip onto him a bit tighter, but maybe he’s imagining that.
“I was practicing how to fly earlier, it could be useful for later,” Kai explains as if it’s the most casual thing in the world that he not only knows how to control fire, but knows how to fly with it. Adam would point it out if he knew it wasn’t going to result in a petty five-minute argument that usually ends in Kai downplaying the compliment repeatedly while Adam grows more and more frustrated.
“I’m uh, impressed,” he says in an attempt to banish the period of uncomfortable silence they were encroaching the territory of.
He probably imagines the slight red flush that tinges Kai’s cheeks as he smiles at him too. It’s soft and fond enough to have Adam hurriedly breaking eye contact with him to instead focus on the gentle treetops whizzing behind them.
“Did-” Adam’s voice cracks - oh god, why did it do that - “Did you show Mira yet?” Because what Adam doesn’t get, is why Kai would rather show his frenemy-at-best his newfound flight ability when he could have shown off to his crush instead.
“No, why would I?” Kai sounds genuinely confused like he can’t possibly fathom what Adam is hinting towards. Adam considers himself a fairly straight-forward dude most of the time, and Mira has never complained in regards to any communication issues, so he only shrugs. Kai will understand, he just needs a minute.
He does.
“I’m not into Mira, you know,” he states lowly. Kai has got to quit using that voice, it never fails to nearly launch Adam into cardiac arrest. “I think-” Kai coughs. “I’m more into someone else, actually,” His voice raises a few octaves, to the point where Adam winces.
“Cool,” Adam can hear himself reply distantly. “You should tell her.” Who else can it be but the other lovely lady they had encountered, Vanessa? Adam would’ve thought he’d move on from someone who manipulated him quite thoroughly, but he knows first hand how cruel love can be.
“Him.” Kai coughs again, dipping low enough in flight that Adam can nudge the tips of his sneakers through a couple of sparsely interlocked branches.
“You- oh. Um, that’s cool! Great!” Adam says intelligently. He doesn’t want to ponder the intricate details of the Reeve vs. Skeet debate he’s ready to kickstart in his head right now, so he settles on keeping his mouth shut. Kai likely didn’t desire any questions about his potential love interest either.
“Yeah,” The other boy answers, a lopsided goofy grin slowly overtaking his features. It looks unbelievably good on him. “Wow. I can’t believe I finally admitted it. I never thought I’d be able to tell you.”
“Me neither,” Adam chuckles; That action seems like the best response he can give at the moment. He kind of wants to know whether he fancies Reeve or Skeet, but he’s not in the mood to hear his cr- teammate speak adoringly about the enemy team. Or at all, really.
Minutes pass by, the two of them lazily floating a few feet off the ground as Kai slowly descends lower. Adam senses Kai’s eyes on him every once in a while, but whenever he moves his head the barest inch, Kai snaps his gaze to somewhere else.
They land because all good things must come to an end Adam quietly laments.
“That was fun, right?” Kai asks, peering up at Adam through his oddly long eyelashes. He almost sounds vulnerable. Unsurprisingly, that’s the desperation in his head talking.
“Yeah. I had fun, Kai,” They share a small smile, in which Adam thinks he can hear his heartbeat throbbing away somewhere in his skull. Kai’s eyes crinkle at the corners; The noise gets louder.
“I’d prefer to keep this to ourselves for now! I mean, wow that sounds bad, but I just don’t wanna share y-”
“It’s okay, I get it!” Adam flashes what he hopes is a convincing grin. So Kai didn’t want Mira to know he was bisexual/pansexual/a different sexuality Kai hadn’t specified, but he’s hedging his bet on bisexuality. That’s fine. He’s not fond of the excitement that washes over him at the thought of Kai trusting Adam with a secret.
He can definitely say he isn’t a fan either of how Kai smiled at him like he hung the stars in the sky or a euphemism equally as ridiculous.
Nothing prepares him for when Kai laces his fingers securely through Adam’s, and the way he beams at the ground from beneath his red fringe like nothing else exists.
“I was wondering when you guys would get back!” Mira exclaims the second she catches sight of her two favorite boys. They’re holding hands; Mira gives herself a reminder to ask Adam what that business is about later. For now, she’s just happy to see them.
“Yeah, I showed Adam something,” Kai winks, making the other boy flush. Adam takes his hand back now that Mira is with them too, even if it slightly pained him to do so.
“Is that so?” Mira asks, quirking an eyebrow in Adam’s direction. ‘Help me,’ he mouths.
“Now that we’re alone, I-” Adam jumps off the log he had previously been seated on, struggling to catch his breath from the sudden interruption. “Oops sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya!”
“You could at least warn a guy,” he groans morosely. Mira hides her stifled giggles behind her hand as she nudges Adam over.
“What’s the deal with Kai?” Mira punctuates her question with one grossly exaggerated eyebrow waggle. Adam sort of regrets opening up to her about his Kai situation at all. He’d been relieved to get what had morphed into the biggest problem he’d faced to date off his chest, outside of demon dogs and Death and everything else that had happened, but not when it gave Mira permission to shoot him finger guns every time Kai did something mildly gay.
She still never let him live down the demon monk incident - “You totally cradled him in your arms, dude. And Kai didn’t even pull away!” -  that occurred a week ago. It’s not Adam’s fault that he’s the worst at controlling his damn emotions.
“I can’t say.” He subconsciously wraps his arms around himself. There’s a lump forming in his throat for no discernible reason other than he doesn’t want to admit that Kai confirmed he likes guys, he just doesn’t like Adam. Like hell he’s going to admit that out loud.
Mira frowns. She wraps an arm around Adam’s thin shoulders, tugging him into her side. The obligatory question of what happens goes unspoken, but it doesn’t matter with the way Adam spills his guts out to the open air. Keeping a secret from Mira is like asking him to kill a puppy; He simply can’t do it.
“He likes Reeve or Skeet. I don’t understand why!” He vents purely out of frustration with not only Kai but himself as well. If he were a better leader, or if he was more handsome, then maybe-
“I can hear you overthinking from here, dude.” She gives Adam’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. A wave of guilt washes over him, making him exhale a heavy sigh. It’s hard to summon the energy to plaster a faux smile on presently, but if he was smiling, maybe he would forget that he was sad in the first place.
“It’s fine. I’ll get over it,” he says in an astonishingly level voice for someone who feels as if he is on the verge of a breakdown. Pathetic, really.
Mira doesn’t look convinced in the least, concern seemingly radiating from the small dip of her lips downwards. He silently begs her to let the subject go, and while she’s still looking at him with all the worry only a mom friend can possess, she shakes her head.
“Well, all right. But it’s not healthy for you to bottle up emotions like this, just so you’re aware.”
“I know.”
Mira gets up and wrings her back out, hands flailing wildly in the air for a few seconds before one is extended towards Adam. “Now come on. Kai’s probably worried!” She exclaims cheerfully as she drags both of them back to their temporary campground. Adam supposes he has time to dwell on his dilemma later when his teammates are safely and assuredly asleep.
Adam awakens to someone messing with his hair. Or more accurately, someone running a lazy hand along the expanse of his head, intertwining scraggly strands with their own fingers. It’s soothing, and Adam’s tempted to resume sleeping before common sense kicks in. Someone is touching his hair.
He manages to give himself a headrush with how fast he sits up. A wary glance at who was responsible for disturbing his sleep has him believing that he hadn’t actually woken up in the first place. He’s clearly somewhere off in Dreamland, where devil dogs can’t hound him down and where Kai is unabashedly grinning at him as if he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Because there’s no way that could happen in his waking life.
Except it does, and Adam can feel the spot where Kai’s fingers are woven positively burn. “Good morning! I was wondering when you would get up,” he smiles sweetly. The other boy takes his hand back, still maintaining eye contact with Adam.
Adam must have done something unspeakably evil in his past life, because that’s the only explanation he can come up with pertaining to why Kai is suddenly being so warm around him. Fate had to constantly toy with his feelings like it was nothing, like he was nothing. While he can’t say he’s in a foul mood, thanks to his stupidly dumb feelings for Kai, he doesn’t particularly want to deal with them this early in the morning.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep so late,” stumbles out of Adam’s mouth. He knows damn well why he woke up later than usual but like hell he’ll admit the reason to Kai. He receives a half-hearted shrug and a curt apology from the other boy.
Kai then grasps his hand. Adam’s ninety percent sure he could physically feel his heart stop beating. “Let’s eat breakfast. Oh, and I’m not sure if Mira’s awake yet either.” Odd... Adam had already made the assumption that Mira was awake. Then, does that mean…?
“Were you, um… waiting for me? T-to get up.” He can barely spit out the last three words; The cracked ground beneath them had suddenly become much more interesting.
Kai shoots him a ‘duh’ look, resulting in Adam diving headfirst into a mess of confusion and adoration for the blunt idiot he, unfortunately, has a crush on. “Yeah, is there an issue with that?”
He can’t exactly fathom why Kai would wait for him (were they finally becoming better friends?) other than for company maybe, but that wouldn’t explain him fiddling with Adam’s hair. He’s also starting to give himself a headache, but at least he’s holding hands with Kai.
They don’t separate until Mira wakes up and is strolling towards them.
The hand holding happens more and more frequently to the point where Adam’s sure he spends more time with his and Kai’s hands interlocked than they do apart. He’s too afraid to bring it to Kai’s attention, half because he doesn’t want Kai to distance himself again, and half because he gets an admittedly very guilty pleasure out of Kai’s attention. It’s wrong to revel in his friend’s attention as deeply as he’s been doing lately - especially when Kai still has an unconfirmed crush on Reeve or Skeet - but he’s only human.
He had just mastered the art of keeping his traitorous heartbeat in check when Kai reaches for one of his hands, and he swears Kai is on a mission to destroy him.
They don’t do it around Mira; Kai always allows his fingers to drift away milliseconds before she can notice. It’s as if the two of them are in on one huge secret, but what Adam doesn’t understand is why they’re hiding? Is Kai ashamed of being more open around him?
Or is Kai just ashamed of being his friend?
Adam swallows harshly, attempting to ignore the giant lump that had settled itself in his throat. It’s an irrational thought and makes zero sense, but Adam might as well be Boo Boo the Fool. The more he mulls it over, the more it starts to make sense that Kai wouldn’t want to be seen getting along with him when Mira’s around.
He concocts a brief list in his head.
Kai doesn’t have a crush on her if he likes Reeve or Skeet, so it can’t be because of that.
Kai also doesn’t act antagonistic towards him in front of their other teammate, and if he wanted to keep up appearances, surely he would be back to his old ways of trying (and failing) to one-up Adam in everything that happens to them.
Maybe Kai found out about Adam’s crush on him and is searching for ways to let him down gently, but doesn’t want to rope Mira into their problems. Subsequently, that would make Adam an asshole because he’s already discussed his stupid crush on Kai with Mira at least six different times so far without Kai’s knowledge.
Kai must be doing all of this to save his reputation. The only problem is, why would Kai care this much about impressing Mira still? They’ve all been through hell together multiple times, and he’s sure it isn’t about to come to an end anytime soon with their track record thus far. He decides he needs Kai’s input on the whole matter.
The next time Adam and Kai find themselves alone, Adam brings up his concerns about Mira with him.
Kai eyes him over, head cocked adorably to the side as he takes it all in. “You think I’m trying to impress Mira?”
Adam can’t fathom why Kai doesn’t see it as an issue. They’re teammates, and Adam considers them both to be his best friends. It doesn’t matter that Adam might see one of them as a soulmate; Kai obviously doesn’t feel the same, so he needs to drop it already.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do or not, we just shouldn’t be keeping any secrets from her,” Adam says. He watches as fear dances across Kai’s eyes, mouth pulled down in discontent.
“I thought you were okay with keeping it secret,” Kai finally says, bitterness laced in the undertones of his voice. Adam can’t seem to figure out why it’s such a big deal to admit that they get along now in front of Mira. It would be better for their morale overall if Mira wasn’t constantly dealing with their petty issues. Granted, they haven’t had a disagreement in a while but there’s always the possibility that Kai could go back to his old ways of picking fights with Adam over nothing. Adam wants to avoid that in any way possible; It isn’t good for his mental health in the slightest.
“She’s our best friend, and I think you should be acting like she is, is all I’m trying to say.”
“Huh?” replies Kai. “I just didn’t think… I mean, would she be okay with-” He pauses to gesture between himself and Adam, eyebrow raised questioningly.
“Why wouldn’t she be?” Adam’s really hoping this isn’t the part where he loses whatever standing he’s been holding with Kai and they revert back to one-sided rivals.
“I-” Kai lets out a frustrated breath. He pulls his knees up to his chest and lets out another angered exhale. “If it would make you happy, I guess I’m fine with telling her.”
Adam feels a tiny pang of guilt in his heart. He hadn’t intended to make Kai uncomfortable, but the other boy is acting like it’s such a big deal. He opts to put an arm around Kai to make up for his lack of a response. To his surprise, Kai leans into it and buries his head into Adam’s shoulder.
“I’ll be right there with you when you tell her, if it’ll make you feel better.”
Kai removes his head from Adam’s shoulder to give him an incredulous look. “Why wouldn’t you be? Weirdo.” It must give him some sense of relief though because Kai’s biting back a couple of giggles.
And then Kai plants a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“He kissed me! He literally kissed me!” Adam exclaims when he and Mira find themselves in each other’s company later.
“Was it on the mouth?” Mira asks, and it’s obvious she’s holding back her snickering through the way she keeps bringing her hands to her mouth. Adam hasn’t been able to keep it off his mind all day; Kai was making his crush worse earlier when he grabbed Adam’s hands and gave them yet another kiss, and flashed him one of those smiles Adam swears he could photograph and put in a museum. He’s never had the heart to pull away, to say ‘Kai, you’re ruining my life, and can you stop getting my hopes up because it’s fucking killing me-’
“No!” Adam exclaims. Mira startles at his sudden outburst, but he can’t bring himself to care when Kai’s actions from earlier keep playing in his mind like a broken record on repeat. “But he keeps doing all of these things that make me want to kiss him for real, and I can’t do that because-” He takes a moment to recollect his thoughts, flailing his hands wildly in the air. “Fuck!”
“Oh come on, he’s into you. I don’t know how you’re blind enough to not see this. The guy kissed your cheek and your hands for God’s sakes!” Mira exclaims. As much as Adam appreciates her letting him consistently vent to her, it makes no sense. Why does Kai keep doing things that makes Adam want to positively ravage him?
“You’re forgetting that he likes Skeet or Reeve! I don’t have a chance.” “Did you ever even stop to consider that maybe, just maybe, the guy he likes is you?” Mira says, folding her arms across her chest.
The fantasy of Kai liking him keeps him up the rest of the night.
They sit Mira down the minute they’re all awake and ready to take on the day. Adam still feels dead inside, and he’s sure his eyebags reflect the fact that he’s running on three hours of sleep. Nonetheless, his other companions don’t say anything so it must not be that obvious.
“So, uh… Adam and I have something to say…” Kai trails off, sheepishly bringing a hand up to his neck. Mira raises an eyebrow, eyes shining with intrigue.
Kai looks to Adam for strength, who gives him what he hopes is a reassuring grin and a hand squeeze. Kai smiles back confidently, turning his attention back to Mira. “Okay so… Adam and I are dating and I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable telling you, but he told me you wouldn’t mind and I-”
Adam is drifting half in and half out of the confession due to his eyelids’ constant drooping, but the word that instantly snaps him out of his stupor is ‘dating.’ Kai and him are what?!
“We’re dating?!” He shouts at the exact same time that Mira bursts out with a similar reaction. Adam frantically surveys his surroundings before his eyes land on a distraught Kai’s expression, hands dropping meekly to his sides.
“W-what?” Kai asks timidly before he turns his gaze to Mira, who’s staring at both of them weirdly.
“Since when were we dating?!” Adam yells out. He doesn’t mean to sound this alarmed, but the boy he’s certain he’s in love with at this point just stated that they were dating and- What even happened to the crush that Kai was harboring on Reeve or Skeet? Did Kai like him this entire time? Was he joking?!
“We- I-... y-you didn’t know?” Kai runs his hands through his hair and squeezes his eyes shut. “I’m so fucking stupid, I thought you knew when I confessed to you a-and…” He opens his eyes suddenly, revealing the few lone tears rapidly making their way down his face. “I didn’t think you wanted to k-kiss yet because we were taking it slow but-... oh my god you probably don’t even like me.”
Adam and Mira share wide-eyed, open-mouthed expressions together while Kai furiously rubs at his eyes. It takes a solid minute for Kai’s entire rant to kick in, but at that point, Kai’s already running away from them.
Adam is a huge fucking idiot.
“Kai?” Adam calls out. He’s been walking around the forest and nearing the edges of the carnival grounds again for a good half-hour now, but he hasn’t seen a single hint that Kai is around the area. God, he hopes Kai isn’t lost, or God forbid, encountered another enemy. He screams his name again in vain.
He feels awful for leaving Mira behind with no explanation of what’s going on, but he hardly knows what’s happening himself. Kai really thought they were dating the entire time…? It would certainly explain the hand-holding, and the cheek kiss that still makes Adam feel warm inside.
Speaking of, he’s starting to sweat in this particular area. It’s not that hot outside today, which is puzzling, but he immediately halts in place once he sees a small lick of fire land on a branch only to immediately fizzle out. Shielding his eyes from the sun, he glances up to find Kai curled up on a peculiarly wide branch, sniffling softly to himself.
“Kai, will you get down from there?” He requests, leaning up against the tree so the sun doesn’t damage his eyes as much. Kai self-consciously wraps his arms around himself, eyes glazed over as he hangs his head and doesn’t respond. Adam supposes he’ll have to go up there himself.
A few minutes of scaling the moderately-sized tree later (in which Adam barely manages to prevent slipping and falling on his ass once), he nudges Kai over with his shoulder. “I- I um… didn’t mean to make it sound like I was rejecting you or anything earlier. I’m actually kind of confused.” Adam admits, although he might as well be talking to air with the way Kai avoids any sort of contact with him like he’s poisonous or something.
“What’s so confusing about it? Friends don’t wait for friends to get up while playing with their hair, or hold each others’ hands so often, at least not the kind of friends I think I’d have,” Kai says quietly. His body is still angled away from Adam’s so it’s a tad hard to hear him, but the pieces fit together in his mind anyway. Kai is a naturally affectionate person, at least from what he’s perceived of him so far, but the little things such as hand-holding or cheek kisses must mean a lot to the younger boy. Adam wants to vocalize just how much of an idiot he’s been, how he wants to hug Kai close and never let go, but he doesn’t.
He maneuvers Kai around instead until their bodies are pressed against each other, and kisses the boy he’s wanted to be with since they woke up in that awful bunker, nameless and anxiety-riddled. Kai’s quick to encircle Adam with his arms, pulling him impossibly closer as Adam tries to convey all of what he’s feeling through a simple press of lips to lips.
“I’m sorry. It’s always been you.” Adam says with a small smile once they naturally break apart. Kai beams at him like the rest of the world doesn’t exist, and Adam smiles back in a manner he’s reserved just for Kai.
When Adam goes to sleep that night with Kai by his side, he watches the shadowy figures phase in and out of the corners of his eyes. The pale hand is extended towards him like it always is, but this time he holds on tight.
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jordnconnor · 5 years
TIME FRAME: 29th March 2019, morning. LOCATIONS: Royal Sonesta Hotel & Looking For Alaska set, Louisiana.  DESCRIPTION: Madelaine comes to visit and Jordan takes her to work with him. Ft. @madelame-x
Madelaine: 7:10 AM, and there she was, looking in a mirror and applying the second coat of red lipstick on her face, trying to make sure she didn't go out of line with it with her hands shaking so much. Jordan had told her to meet him down at 7:15, since he had an early morning but got off at about midday, so she had arranged herself to put together an outfit that was proper to go out for lunch and maybe some drinks in the afternoon, but also was appropriate to wear at this time in the morning. A nice tan skirt with a black shirt and a pair of heeled army boots, that would do the trick and make her not look like she was worrying to much. Quick on her feet, the actress pulled her hair back and ruffled it with her fingers while dusting in some dry shampoo for volume and she was out like a rocket, racing to the elevator and wishing he wasn't downstairs waiting for her. He was. Whoops "Hi hi hi, I'm here, I'm sorry it took forever, I didn't know what to wear and- Ugh" She said, ranting as she found her place next to him, a big smile cracking her face now that they were together again "But I'm here now, ready for duty!"
Jordan: Jordan hadn't entirely thought the whole 'taking Madelaine to set' thing through. Only a handful of people knew she was there visiting him, all of them being crew members rather than the actual actors, who he knew he'd have a real swell time trying to explain the situation to. Still, he wanted them to meet her. To show her this new chapter of his life that he was admittedly very excited about. They'd cross the bridge of awkward introductions when it came to it. A little later than they had arranged, Madelaine appeared in the hotel lobby, and he silently reminded himself that next time he'd encourage her to share a room with him so he could hurry her along in the morning. Not like he was mad, though. It was almost impossible to be mad at someone for making you late for work when that someone looked that damn good. "It's cool, I can make the time up on the road. I'm just happy you're coming today. Work just got that little bit more exciting" he assured her, beckoning her out of the door and towards the car park.
Mads: She’d met so many of Travis’ friends when they were together, but this was co-star, these were guys that Jo was gonna see for the next three or four months, so Madelaine was pretty adamant in making a good impression. “Yeah, of course, I wanna be there” She said with a soft smile. She didn’t know how to work around Jordan now that she was out in the clear with her feelings, and he was feeling that too. She wanted to lean up and kiss him, grab his hand, but she needed to hold herself back. Following him towards the car, she slipped in and buckled up “I’m so ready. Are you gonna be working all day today? I can make myself useful or like, scarce. Like I can go and film something? Don’t feel like you need to worry about me” She tried to explain, she wanted to make sure he wasn’t caring after her.
Jordan: Setting off on the short journey to set, Jordan relished leaving the windows rolled down as the Louisiana air was a lot milder than that in Vancouver. It was a welcome change for him that he could leave the house sans his hoodie, although he still rarely did, and the drive to work was only made better by the scenic route that he past daily as they shot on location. "I'm only doing a short scene today, it'll probably take a couple of hours so it's up to you what you wanna do in the mean time. I mean, you can come watch me get my horrific hairstyling done and meet everyone, then it might be nice for you to take a walk around the place? We're shooting around the authors old boarding school, and there's a pretty nice lake right in the middle of it. Makes a change from filming in a backlot. But if you get bored, you can always go in my trailer. I'll give you the keys."
Mads: Madelaine looked at Jordan for a little bit too long when he rolled down the windows and started the car. There was something a little bit special about seeing him driving in total peace, the wind blowing his hair back... There was something special. Madelaine leaned her back against the car and took a deep breath in, running her hand donw her hair “Oh the Bieber hairstyle? I get to see how that gets created? Damn, I’m a lucky girl. But yeah, don’t worry about it, I’ll keep myself occupied. How’s this shoot been for you? I mean, have you started shooting yet or has it just been prep?” Mads asked, looking sideways at him with a small smile.
Jordan: Shaking his head slightly along with the soft chuckle that fell from his lips, Jordan could tell there wouldn't be any living that hairstyle down among his Riverdale castmates for quite some time, and he thanked the lord that he didn't have to look quite so comical on set with them all the time. "Yeah, we've already started shooting. We're on the second episode at the moment, so you've got quite some time for it to come out yet, no digging for spoilers already, a'ite?". Glancing over at Madelaine, Jordan couldn't help but grin at her - the fact she was even here was surreal enough in itself. He had always thought Drew or Vanessa would be the first to come and visit him, but oh how the tables were turning. Ten minutes later, they were pulling into the lot of the old boarding school, and Jordan blitzed through the security they had set up there to lead Madelaine to his first stop of the day - the hair and makeup trailer. Unsurprisingly, Charlie and Jay were already in there - the two whom were playing best friends with a rivalry of sorts with Jordan's character, when in reality, they all got along like a house on fire. Immediately, Jordan went over to the pair with Madelaine in tow. "Should've known you two would need an earlier call-time for the make up team to work on your faces." He quipped, greeting them both with a gentle slap on Jay's back. Then, he noticed theirs eyes graze past him to Madelaine, and so he gestured towards her, eager to get the introductions over with. "This is Mads, obviously." As if he hadn't brought her up in conversation before. "And Mads, this is Charlie and Jay. Or, Pudge and Takumi, should I say?".
Madelaine: Laughing when Jordan spoke about spoilers, Madelaine put her right hand up and crossed her heart, zipping her lips shut and nodding "Girl scout honor, I promise" She added with a serious tone before cracking up "No but seriously, I'm so excited to see what this is all gonna be about and see you doing your thing" She said, nudging his arm gently as he drove. Pulling into the parking lot, the redhead followed suit beside Jordan as they went over to hair and make up, where she officially met two of his cast mates. -Be cool, be nice, don't be awkward, it's just friends- Madelaine repeated in her head as she saw Jordan interact with them and then having eyes fall on her "Hey guys" She said, reaching around Jordan to greet the two boys with a hug and then stepping back "It's good to finally meet the guys who are gonna be spending as much time with Jo as we have... All I have to say is good luck, you're gonna need it" She teased Jordan rolling her eyes back and looking at him sideways, giving him a small wink.
Jordan: Jordan couldn't help but feel a certain kind of glee while watching his castmates interact for the first time - he would always consider Riverdale his proper roots within the business, and the cast his original acting family, so it was nice getting to merge the two together rather than feeling like he had performed a cut and run. Already, they were bantering, of course with him as the butt of the jokes, but that was to be expected considering he was the common 'denominator'. "Yeah, yeah, you all know you'd be lost without me." He retaliated, immediately being dragged into the makeup chair by the stylists for making them wait. "Mads and I are probably going to hit up Bourbon Street for some drinks later, if anyone's down for it? Someone drop Kristine, Sofia and Landry a text so she doesn't have to put up with our asses without more female company". Turning back to Madelaine, with clumps of hair already being dragged across his forehead, Jordan shot her a thumbs up. "Got your back".
Mads: The anxiety of meeting new people and dealing with unknown situations was starting to die down. Make up trailers weren’t something foreign to her, and the people around her were being genuinely nice to her, so as the minutes passed, Madelaine could feel her shoulders dropping and the tension leaving her body. Looking at Jordan as he proposed his friends join them on Bourbon street, the redhead nodded her head and smiled “Yeah, of course, you guys should come! The more the merrier, since I’m stuck with this one the whole weekend” She joked, thumb pointing at Jordan. Winking back at him for the thumbs up, Madeline couldn’t help but smile a little “Thanks, bud. Nice hairstyle we got going on” She teased him, earning a chuckle from the other two guys.
Jordan: After the agreement from the boys, Jordan finally sat still in his chair to let the crew get to work on him, satisfied that he'd set up an evening that would hopefully show Madelaine a good time. He'd be damned if she'd travelled all of this way and went back home with no memories to take from it. He was just about settling down when his hairdresser asked the question that had him writhing in his seat "so this is your girlfriend, Jordan?". Great. He should've expected it, bringing her to work like this, but his voice still managed to crack as he responded, eliciting a quiet snort from Charlie. "No, no, no. Just a friend. A good one. She wanted to come hang for a while. Right, Mads?".
Madelaine: Yeap, there was the question she knew would come, but damn it came a lot sooner than she imagined. Madelaine had been looking down at her phone, scrolling away on Instagram and having her stories at the ready for when Jordan was all Bieber-ed up, but hearing his hair girl ask the question almost had her dropping it screen down. His voice cracked, and she felt hers go a little bit higher than usual "Yeah... Yeah we're friends" She said with a nod, looking from Jordan to the hairdresser "I wanted to come see what this was all about! I've been reading the book to be a supportive friend and I wanted to witness it coming to life" Because coming here just for Jordan was a red flag if she'd ever seen one.
Jordan: Jordan was glad he didn't get into costume until after the hair and makeup or there was a great possibility he'd be sweating into Kevin's clothes right now. Seeing Madelaine squirm along with him almost made up for it, though. At least he wasn't the only one feeling completely awkward about it, but he had to give her kudos for her quick thinking. He was pretty sure she hadn't started reading the book, or she would've told him about it, wouldn't she? Seeing an opportunity to get Madelaine a little more worked up, Jordan shot a smug smile over at her which went unseen by the hair stylist. "Oh you have? What's your favorite part, Mads? I don't think you've told me this before".
Madelaine: What an asshole. What a raging asshole, he was doing this just to wind her up. She was a pretty good liar, she could bullshit her way out of most situations, parking tickets, getting pulled over for speeding, you name it, she's done it. But this, she couldn't get out of this. "Yeah well, started reading it on the plane on my way from Los Angeles last night, didn't really have much time to talk to you about it. Only got into the first chapter, so that's... That part's good" She said with a smile towards him, the smug look on his face making her want to punch him.
Jordan: It was almost impossible not to break into a laugh while watching her struggle, but she managed to pull through without a hitch and Jordan had to inwardly applaud her for it. The hair stylists wrong assumption seemed to have her not wanting to overstep again, so she didn't say much else for the rest of the time that it took to do his hair and powder his face, then he was done and it was time to get into costume. Grabbing the clothing bag which contained all of Kevin's outfit for the scene, Jordan made his way back over to Madelaine and placed a hand on the small of her back. "Come on, I'll show you my trailer" He encouraged, earning a quip from Jay about how he needed to be back for filming in twenty minutes, so they'd better 'hurry'. Jordan knew exactly what he was implying, and figured he'd play up to it, so as they were making their way out the door he threw a response back over his shoulder. "You give me too much credit. I only need five".
Madelaine: The time in the make up trailer went by so quickly after their little wordplay, which made Madelaine feel a little uncomfortable at first, but now she was back in her own skin and she was looking forward to exploring a lot more of what the set of Alaska had to offer. Watching Jordan get up and grab Kevin's wardrobe for the day, Madelaine nodded stepped out of his way for him to leave first, the trailer was far too crowded with her just standing there. Jay's words made her laugh, rolling her eyes at the implications. Boys. The redhead chose to remain silent and laugh a little when she saw Jordan's face saying he only needed five minutes before exiting the trailer. "Five minutes? Looks like you're all talk but no game there, bud" She said, falling into step right next to him "Also, asshole! I've not even started the book, fuck you!"
Jordan: As they made their way towards his trailer, Jordan finally let the shit-eating grin that he was holding back overtake his features once she cursed at him, and he slung an arm over her shoulder to draw her into him. "Ah, don't fret over it, you saved yourself. Couldn't resist making you feel even more uncomfortable. I'll make it up to you". He promised, spinning the keys to his trailer round on his finger before letting them inside. "Welcome to my humble abode, gingey. Make yourself at home. I've just got to get all Kevin'd up". Before everything...before their video, before Vanessa's party, before their confessions, Jordan would have shut himself in the trailer bathroom to get into his costume, but that didn't cross his mind now that they had reached a new level within their...friendship. Hell, he had already stripped down to his boxers infront of her at Nesschella, why should this be any different? With that in mind, he wasted no time in pulling his hoody off from over his head and kicking off his boots, acutely aware of the time slipping out from under him. "So, does that mean you actually plan to read the book then?".
Madelaine: There was a strange feeling when she felt drawn into Jordan's side, biting on her lower lip and sliding her arm around his waist as well, slipping her hand in the middle pocket of his hoodie and looking up at him. The closeness was one thing, but they could've had this in any other time. It was the lack of awkwardness ever since they'd had the talk that made life a lot easier for Madelaine and her mind. Stepping inside the trailer, the redhead couldn't help but look around. It was just like every other trailer, but there were a couple things here and there that made it feel a bit more personal to the character. She threw herself on the couch, feet tucked under her bum and she watched him change, the sight of him stripping to his pants wasn't even something she flinched at or tried to look away "Pretty good looking trailer you've got here bud, I'm glad they're treating you nicely or I would've had to have a talking to" She said with a small smile "Yeah of course... Gotta be supportive, gotta know what you're gonna be talking to me about, you know?"
Jordan: Now that the barrier had been broken down between them, Jordan knew he was going to relish holding Madelaine that little bit closer, and trying his luck with little bursts of affection that he had so desperately been craving since his break up. He had gone from having it all, to getting nothing, so it was an understatement to say it was nice getting to even cuddle into someone again. Hopping on one foot as he haphazardly got out of his pants, Jordan tossed them aside and got into his 'weekday warrior' clothes instead - the whole get up looking far more Reggie Mantle than Sweet pea. "That might just be the cutest non-girlfriend thing ever." He teased, referring back to their conversation with the hair stylist. "Alright, I've got to dash." Moving over to where Madelaine sat, Jordan folded himself over to lean in closer to her, riding a random surge of confidence now that they were alone, spurred on also by the fact he'd admittedly missed her lips. "Think I can get something for good luck?"
Madelaine: Scrolling through her phone and texting her friends while Jordan changed, Madelaine looked at his brand new clothing style and sighed a little bit "You know, I do miss the leather jacket and ripped jeans, the snake tattoos... You suit that vibe a lot more than preppy stud kinda guy" She said with a small laugh, letting herself relax for a moment. How they'd gone from walking on egg shells around each other and beating around the bush to this level of confidence around each other was baffling, it escaped her. "I know, right? I'm just so adorable all the damn time" She said, throwing her phone on her lap and framing her face to try to pull of the most angelical face. Nodding her head when he said he had to dash, Madelaine was just about to say something about exploring and filming some content for YouTube when he got all close and personal with her, and she couldn't help but give him a smile when he asked for a kiss. Her hands went to the edges of his jacket and brought him down to her level, pressing a kiss on his lips and lingering for a little longer than a regular good luck kiss "How's that for luck?" She said with a small smile when she let him go "Go kill it, Kevin, and have fun"
Jordan: He agreed with her to no ends about the costume - Sweets wardrobe felt like a second skin to him, so switching it up was weird, and he missed his fake little switchblade. Still, it wasn't going to prevent him from acting like himself around Madelaine, even while dressed as a stranger. He couldn't help but smile against her lips, and he was sure she'd be able to feel it, so he kept it plastered on even when she pulled away. "I think it kinda had the opposite effect - what are my lines again?" He quipped, straightening up and beginning to head out of the door. "I'd have a lot more fun staying in here, but I'll try. See ya in a bit, Mads. Have fun doing...whatever it is you're going to do".
Madelaine: The little smile that formed on Jordan’s lips when he pulled back from the kiss mimicked her own, and it looked so good on them. They had both been in very long and very committed relationships, and the idea of jumping straight back into another one wasn’t the best one, but she was happy he was on the same page and they had been able to talk about it and now, it felt like the most comfortable thing ever, and Madelaine was very happy about that. “Mhm, better remember them fast or I won’t be allowed back here” She said with a laugh, leaning back down on the couch “I’ll stay here, then maybe go out for some coffee and do some exploring? I promise I won’t get in trouble. I’ll see you when you’re done, Jo” She said, blowing him a kiss from the couch.
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anonymouswriter2311 · 6 years
Badge’s and Barmaid’s, Chapter 17
AO3 Link
Charity wasn't one for helping out others. In fact, she made a point to avoid it at all costs. But on the morning of the skills auction, the bumbling blonde found herself organizing paddles, allocating numbers and overseeing the food. It wasn’t cause she particularly cared about the auction - even though Leo was technically family – it was more that she just found the need to busy herself out of an uncharacteristic nervousness that had been plaguing her for the last few weeks. The cause was quite obvious, Vanessa. Ever since they started this little back and forth, Charity had been a haven of nervousness. Her palms would start to sweat at the thought of the blonde, and any time Charity would catch a small glimpse of her, her heart beat a mile-a-minute. These reactions, they were so new to Charity. Sure, she’d had crushes in the past, especially during her limited schoolgirl years. But after being thrust into adulthood, she couldn’t understand where these reactions were coming from; and more importantly, she didn’t know what they meant. She wanted Vanessa, this was much was obvious, but to what extent? Did she want a few glorious, hot, steamy nights together? Or something more…a relationship? Hand holding, goodbye kisses, cuddles on the sofa, ‘How was your day babe? Charity, like always didn’t have all the answers and she was afraid to even approach what the possible outcome of them being together would be. There was a lot at stake, her family, her reputation…and Vanessa. Either she’d lose out on an amazing, feisty woman that makes her heart race with a mere glance…or she’d become the black sheep of the family – once again – Charity didn’t know what to do, or where Vanessa stood on this whole situation. They needed to have a proper talk, the kind that Charity despised, but first, Charity had an auction to win.
 The pub was buzzing with excitement by lunchtime, and the turn out had shocked the blonde barmaid. Local business owners, a bunch of regulars, Vanessa Dad, some members of her own family, all scattered around the pub, ready to bid on the long line up skilled members of the community. But Charity couldn’t care less if Pete Barton was offering up his handy service, or if the new school principal was doing a spot of tutoring. She had her sights set on the cute blonde, with an unusual knitting talent, and she was going home empty-handed.
 “Pint?” Charity blurted out as soon as Vanessa was in earshot. The DI froze as the gravelly voice reached her ears, and slowly she turned to face the smiling blonde she had been avoiding for the last few days. “On the house, yeah?” Charity asked again, now that she had Vanessa’s attention and quickly began to pull a pint of her favourite larger before she could object.
 “Thank you…but I’m still on shift.” Vanessa smiled apologetically while moving her yellow raincoat to the side to reveal her gun and badge secured to her hip.
 “Rhona bringing in the big guns?” The blonde joked sadly as she put the fresh pint to one side.
 “Oh yes. Got the whole of Hotten police on standby and everything.” The smaller woman joked with ease, as she hopped onto the bar stool in front of Charity. “I’ll take an orange juice please.” She nodded sharply while playing with the bar mat and avoiding any eye contact with the blonde. The tension between the two was thick and suffocating. Vanessa wanted to talk about things, but she knew Charity well enough by now and guessed that all she would get is snappy, sarcastic remarks in response if she even dared to touch on the subject of their pending relationship.
 “How have you been? Johnny alright?” Charity asked nonchalantly as she poured, trying to create the illusion that she didn’t really care, in case anyone was listening in on their conversation.
 “He’s good. Made a new friend at nursery bless him.” Vanessa smiled softly, wondering how Charity would react to the interesting news her son filled her in on the night before. “Little boy called Moses.” She finished, studying the barmaid’s reaction carefully. Surprisingly so, Charity couldn’t fight the smile creeping onto her face when she heard that her son had finally made a new friend.
 “You’re kidding?” She gasped as she placed the orange juice in front of the blonde, before leaning on the beer tap as she waited to hear all the sordid details that she had missed out on with it being Ross’ night with Moses last night.
 “Nope. Came skipping in yesterday to tell me all about it.” The DI watched a wave of relief wash over the barmaid, and for once the blonde looked genuinely happy.
 “That’s a relief.” Charity let out a shaky sigh, before lowering her voice slightly and leaning towards Vanessa. “Moses, he’s a shy boy. Had a real hard time making friends, so I’m glad that him and Johnny are getting along.” She informed the smaller woman with a shy smile, her whole face lighting up as she talked about her son.
 “Me too.”
 “We should have a playdate, bring them to the park or something?” She suggested excitedly, seeing this newly found friendship between their son’s, as the perfect excuse to spend more time with Vanessa.
 “Yeah, we’ll set something up.” Vanessa nodded along, glad that Johnny was finally settling in. The two sat in silence, their hands lay mindlessly on the bar millimetres apart, longing to be joined once again, but neither willing to take the risk. The pub was full to the brim of nosey neighbours and even nosier relatives, making the scene much to public for Charity’s liking.
 “Ness, can you help me with something?” Rhona called out from her place on the make-shift stage, decorated simply by Charity. The shy smile plastered on the barmaid’s face was quick to vanish as Vanessa waved back to Rhona, telling her she’d be over in a second.
 “And that’s my cue to get back to work.” The DI sighed and jumped off the barstool. She had actually enjoyed her limited time with Charity, and a small part of her wished that she hadn’t let the blonde’s comment get to her.
 “Hey, umm.” Charity called out as Vanessa tried to walk away from the bar. “What do I get if I win?” She smirked playfully while biting her lip in anticipation.
 “I’m sorry?”
 “The auction DI Sunshine.” She rolled her eyes in amusement, completely infatuated by the shorter blonde. “What do I get if I win Hotten’s finest?”
 “The same thing as anyone else Charity. A knitting lesson.” The DI shot back a sad smile before turning on her heel and walking over to Rhona. She missed this part the most, their friendly banter and cheeky flirting. It had been the best part of her day for weeks, and now she couldn’t help but feel her heart sink as she thought back on all the cheeky winks and devious smirks. They could have been perfect together, or at least great. But now all they would ever be was meaningless flirting across the pub.
 “Ouch.” Chas’ voice cut through the barmaid like a knife. She knew that she had struck out with Vanessa once again, only this time she had a much larger audience.
 “How long have you been listening?” Charity cringed as she turned to face her smirking cousin.
 “Not long.” The younger woman smiled boldly as she strutted over to the mortified blonde. “Glad Moses has made a wee friend though.” She added with a wink and small hip bump. It had been quite the entertaining encounter, Chas not used to seeing her man-eating cousin strikeout.
 “How would you like it if I were to listen in on your conversations with Paddy?” The taller woman snapped, not in the mood for getting the mick taken out of her by anyone, especially her family.
 “Listen all you like.”
 “Nah, can’t afford the therapy sessions.” A shiver of discomfort and disgust ran through her body. The walls of the Woolpack were thin, and Charity had already heard more than enough to scar her for life.
 “So, you gonna bid on her then?” Chas asked through her own laughter as she watched Charity stare out into the pub crowd, her eyes firmly fixed on the blonde detective.
 “That’s the plan.” Charity nodded slowly as she bit down on her lip, her gaze never leaving Vanessa. “We need to talk, and every time I try, I always seem to put my foot in my mouth and make her angry.” She explained to the curious brunette, a slight sadness very present in her tone. This side of Charity was refreshing to the pub owner, she was so used to the sarcastic, vindictive and cruel blonde, but ever since Vanessa came into her life she’s been different. She’s nicer, more helpful, she doesn’t snap so easily, and she’s even trying to better herself as a Mother. Chas couldn’t help but smile as she watched the subtle changes come to play, and while she didn’t know if it was just Charity’s need to impress Vanessa driving the changes, she was still thankful for the blonde and hoped that things would work out between them for everyone’s sake.
 “How is winning an auction going to stop that from happening?” Chas quipped while watching Vanessa over Charity’s shoulder, she could definitely see what had drawn her cousin in, Vanessa is a very beautiful woman, in a plain-ish sort of way and from what Chas had seen, Vanessa could hold her own when it came to Charity, which was always a good thing.
 “It won’t. But, she also won’t be able to walk away so easily.” The blonde pointed out before turning and walking right into the brunette, who she didn’t know was behind her.
 “Gonna tie her up with her wool?” The pub owner joked as she found her footing once again, and shot a warning glance to any punters that may have been watching.
 “Why do I even bother?” Charity shook her head, before heading out back to see if Marlon had any food orders that needed to be served before the auction began.
 “Because you love me!” Chas shouted after her, nothing but supportive playfulness laced in her voice.
 “Yeah righ-” Charity shouted back before catching a glimpse of a certain teenager that was meant to be in school. “Noah! What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” She shouted at the young man whose arms were full of stolen crisps packets and a few bottles of lemonade from the cellar.
 “Half day.” Noah shrugged with a weak smile, hoping that his Mum would buy the pathetic excuse.
 “Oh really? And how about I go and ask your principal out there?” She smirked back, as she watched Noah turn as white as a ghost. “Back to school. Now!” She demanded while pushing him back into the living room, and throwing all but one packet of crisps and lemonade bottle onto the sofa.
 “I wanna watch the auction, please Mum,” Noah begged, but he knew that there was no hope as Charity continued to push him towards the back door of the small home.
 “Noah, school is important. You can’t keep bunking off all the time.” Charity warned as she draped a loving arm over the young boy's shoulder, hating the soft frown that played on his lips, but she knew that she was right on this occasion and no amount of frowning was going to change that.
 “You never went to school.” He shot back, his usual teenage angst seeping into every word as he avoided any eye contact with his Mum.
 “And I regret that so much Noah.” She snorted, the painful memories of her youth attacking her mind momentarily before she quickly locked them away once again. “I wish I had half of your brains.” She gently ruffled his short hair, laughing slightly as he tried and failed to escape her clutches.
 “Must come from the Tate side.” Charity froze as the sting of Joseph Tate’s voice danced through the air. The blonde quickly began to feel her blood start to boil, as she turned to lay her eyes on his disgusting rich boy smirk. “Hey, I’m Joe.” He looked right through Charity and directly at Noah, the predatory glare intensifying as he moved closer, followed by his two lap-dogs Graham and Ross.
 “Don’t you dare come near him, in fact, don’t even look at him.” Charity stood in front of her son, ready to pounce on the jerk in front of her if he so much as took one more step towards Noah.
 “Feisty, feisty.” Joe chuckled, his arrogant smirk fading slightly as he stopped a few feet away. “I just want to have a chat with Noah. Surely that’s not too much to ask for?”
 “Get to school Noah.” The blonde ignored the man and instead turned around to face her curious son, praying that he would listen to her for once.
 “But-” Noah tried to argue back, part of him wanting to get to know his brother and learn about his Dad’s side of the family.
 “Now Noah.” His Mother warned forcefully, effectively getting her point across to her son. “We’ll talk when you get home.” She nodded a little softer than before, as the grumpy teenager set off.
 “Sorry…” Noah whispered to his half-brother as he passed, not daring to stop out of fear for what his Mum might do.
 “See, he talked to me and the world didn’t end. Why are you fighting me on this?” Joe smirked once Noah was well out of earshot.  “He’s my little brother. I have a right to get to know him.” He added while taking a few steps towards the furious blonde.  
 “Over my dead body!” Charity spat at him, daring him to come closer so she could finish him off once and for all.
 “Name a time and a place. I can have that arranged for you.” He shot right back, the mutual feeling of hatred boiling over between them.
 “Is that a threat? Because there is a copper in there, that I’ll happily bring out here.” She smirked, her heart racing as she thought of Vanessa coming to her aid once again and wiping that smug look from his face.
 “Let me guess. Detective Inspector Woodfield?” Joe shot back at her, curious as to the hold Charity seemed to have over the new Detective. “I’m getting tired of her constant harassment. Maybe another call to her boss is in order.”
 “Leave her out of this. Do you not think that you’ve destroyed enough lives around here?” Charity warned almost instantly, her need to protect Vanessa seeping out.
 “No. Not yet.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth, before sending Ross and Graham a fleeting look, informing them that it was time to go. “See you around Charity.” He shouted over his shoulder, as the trio headed back to the car, Joe extremely happy with the progress he had made.
 Charity’s heart tightened as she watched Joe drive off down the road. She wished that she could whisk Noah away from all this, and especially from the Tate’s. He deserved better in life, and Charity knew that no good would come from Noah getting to know his half-brother, no matter how much he wanted too. He was a Dingle and had more than enough family already, he didn’t need anymore.
 Her head was reeling as she stalked back into the pub that was sizzling with excitement, the auction was well underway. Charity’s leisurely walk, quickly turned into a panicked run as she feared she was going to miss her chance to bid on Vanessa. “And that’s £50 for world-class knitting session, going once, twice, sold to Rishi.” Rhona’s voice declared Charity’s fear as she stepped back into the pub and watched Vanessa step down from the small stage. She was too late, and the £100 in her pocket - that she had collected from tips over the last few days - suddenly weighed down on her even more.
 “You have got to be kidding me.” Charity swore under her breathe, catching the attention of her cousin.
 “Where the hell did you go? I tried to bid, but I didn’t know what your limit was.” Chas quickly approached her, as she spoke in a hushed whisper.
 “I had to deal with Noah.” The blonde spoke defeatedly as she watched Vanessa chat to Marlon and Paddy happily, “Great…just great.” She muttered, mentally cursing herself for getting sucked into Joe’s trap and missing out on her chance to show Vanessa she cared.
 Charity sat at the bar defeatedly for the rest of the auction, not tempted once to put her hand in her pocket and bid on anyone else. She watched along as people drank and laughed together. She watched Vanessa be chatted up by randoms and wished she had the nerve to walk over and make it known to everyone that she was hers. By the time the usual lunch was over, the pub was slowly starting to empty, and Charity took this as her opportunity to try again with Vanessa.
 “Vanessa, wait a sec.” Charity called out, catching the blonde as she was about to exit the pub.
 “I have to get back to work Charity.” Vanessa rolled her eyes in annoyance, letting the fact that Charity was nowhere to be seen during her auction get to her.
 “I wanted to bid on you,” The taller woman tried to reassure her once she saw the look of hurt flash across Vanessa’s face.
 “Let me guess, knitting didn’t fit with your whole ‘bad girl’ thing you’ve got going on?” The DI snapped before giving Charity the chance to explain herself, afraid that she was going to be hurt by what she had to say. “I don’t have time for all this back and forth Charity.”
 “And I do?”
 “Seems like it.” Vanessa shrugged. “Look, I like you Charity…and I wanted to see where this could go. But I’m not hanging around for someone who is just looking for a good time. So once you’ve figured out what you want, let me know, until then…I’ve got to get back to work.” She forced a sweet smile onto her face, feeling slightly bad for avoiding all of Charity’s calls and texts over the last few days. She knew that avoiding the blonde wasn’t going to solve the festering problem that plagued Vanessa’s mind, but it did give her some time to think things over. And truthfully she missed the thrill that raced through her body when she was around Charity. Things with her were new and exciting, just what the DI craved in her life. She wanted things to work out between them, but she wasn’t in the business for playing whatever game Charity had her sights set on, no matter how much she craved her. So instead of waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and exited the pub.
 “I want Vanessa.” Charity stormed over to Rhona as soon as Vanessa left the pub. She was done with whatever messed up game was going on between them, and she was going to make Vanessa hear her out whether she liked it or not. But first, she needed a little bit of help.
 “I feel like this is the type of conversation that you should be having with Vanessa.” Rhona looked up from her clipboard worrisomely, not interested in getting in the middle of Charity and Vanessa’s relationship anymore, especially when she had much more pressing things to worry about.
 “I wanted to bid on her.” The blonde rolled her eyes, before shooting the brunette a pleading glance.
 “So why didn’t you?” The vet asked directly. She knew that Charity disappearing before the auction had bothered Vanessa.
 “I got called away by Noah. I’ll give you twice what Rishi paid.” Charity offered, hoping that Rhona would take her generous offer.
 “What’s your deal here Charity? Why are you going through this much effort just to blow it again?” Rhona asked bluntly, the barmaid seriously starting to get on her nerves when it came to Vanessa.
 “I don’t plan on doing that.” Charity promised, unsure of why Rhona was being so hard on her. “Please, Rhona. I really like Vanessa, and I know that sounds weird coming from me because truthfully I don’t like anyone…but I like her. And I want to show her that…that maybe I don’t want just a bit of fun.”
 “Yes, I’ll tell Rishi that there was an anonymous donation that was greater than his.” Rhona smiled slightly, content in Charity’s explanation.
 “Thank you.” The smile on the blonde’s face brightened as she pulled out the bundle of notes from her pocket and added an extra £20 on top of the £100 that was already there. “Oh and here’s a little extra for the kid. He is a Dingle after all.” Charity shot the brunette a wink, before strutting back to her job behind the bar, her confidence restored and mind flooded with hundreds of ideas. She finally had her chance to get things sorted out with Vanessa once and for all, but first, she had to decide on how to get the blonde back on her good side…again.
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pftones3482 · 6 years
God, what a blast from the past. I haven’t written Phineas and Ferb fanfiction in literally almost two years (my username has become more sentiment than anything lol)
Commission for @crazyfanatic97. Halloween-esque, because who doesn’t enjoy Halloween in July? 
Consider donating to my Ko-fi if you like my writing. 
Vanessa was going to kill her father when he got back.  
It wasn’t just that he had left her alone, at this Halloween party that he had insisted on throwing for the whole neighborhood for some reason. It was that he left her alone because he turned into a fucking were-cow, if Perry’s posts on Instagram were to be any kind of clue.  
She sighed and set her phone down, checking her hair one more time before grabbing her things and exiting her room. She headed down to the lobby of the building – no evil castle this time, thank god – and observed the guests for a moment from the stairwell before showing herself.  
Like before, even though her father had set it up, Vanessa had called Phineas and Ferb to double check party decorations, various lights to make sure they wouldn’t accidentally kill anyone, and the like. They were still hanging around, Phineas in a Luke Skywalker costume and Ferb in a Darth Maul one, weirdly enough. She didn’t understand the choices, but she didn’t really question it either.  
They had brought along their friends, who were bounding around in themed costumes helping guests, and Vanessa shook her head and smiled. Always the helpful kids, she supposed. She’d have to thank them for it later.
Stacy and Candace were in the far corner, Stacy dressed as Jasmine from Aladdin and Candace as the human version of Ariel. Ironically, they all kind of matched. She walked over to them first.  
“Hey guys,” she called out as she got closer.  
When they looked over at her, their jaws fell just a little, and Vanessa couldn’t help but be smug about it. “Girl,” Stacy gasped out. “You look INCREDIBLE! How did you get your hair to look like that?”  
“How did we all theme ourselves as Disney princesses without even discussing it first?” Candace wondered.  
Vanessa was decked head to toe as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, right down to the golden ball gown that she had hand sewn for months. She wasn’t why she had felt so compelled to make it; someone at school had told her that she had the complexion and the hair for the Disney princess, and after a little bit of researching, she had agreed.  
Something about the story of Beauty and the Beast had inspired her too. The way that it implied that anyone could find love, regardless of their background? It was kind of nice to think about, all things considered.  
Speaking of...
Vanessa pulled her phone out from the pockets she had stitched into the dress at the last second on a whim. She was glad for that now.  
Perry had put up another post on his private Instagram. Her father was somewhere on the south side of town, rampaging through some bushes or something. The image was a very unamused looking secret agent in the foreground, with her father passed out behind him.  
Vanessa snorted, hit the like button, and clicked her phone off again, setting it away. She looked up at Stacy and Candace, who were chatting about their homework.  
“So did you guys come here with your boyfriends?” Vanessa asked, simultaneously wanting to play good host but also genuinely curious.  
They grinned and nodded at the stage, where a group was setting up to play. Jeremy and Coltrane, both dressed as matching princes to their girlfriend’s princess, were up on stage tuning instruments, chatting together and with their other bandmates. “Phineas and Ferb got them to bring the whole band,” Stacy informed her.  
Vanessa nodded, a bit impressed. “Nice.”
“So....do you have a date?” Candace asked. Her tone held a teasing lilt to it, and her eyes sparkled in amusement as she nudged Vanessa.  
Vanessa wrinkled her nose and ducked her chin. “Not...not really, no.”  
“How do you mean?”
Vanessa could feel Stacy looking at her sympathetically; seeing as she knew the whole dilemma with Perry and Monty and Monogram, she wasn’t surprised. She didn’t look at her when she answered. “My...the guy I invited probably won’t be able to come. Our dads don’t like each other a whole lot.”
“Your dad isn’t even here,” Stacy pointed out.  
Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Trust me, everyone is grateful for that right now.”  
Her phone pinged softly, another alert from Instagram, and she hid a grin. “I’m gonna go check on the other guests for a bit, you guys have fun, okay?”  
They chorused an affirmative and Vanessa moved aside, pulling her phone out and glancing at the screen. Another check in, this time from a bit closer to the center of town, in a pumpkin patch about two miles towards the suburbs. Perry didn’t look very amused anymore, just sleepy.  
Jeremy and Coltrane started up their music, a quick, rolling number that had people scrambling for the dance floor in all assortment of costumes. Fairies, witches, wolves, vampires, snake people, Greek partyers – there was something for everyone.  
Halloween was one of Vanessa’s favorite holidays, which always made people snort upon hearing it. Of course the goth girl would like Halloween, right?  
But no, she liked it for what people could dress up as, seeing the creativity that came every year. It wasn’t like Christmas, a false sense of cheer and fake gratitude for gifts you didn’t want or need, not dealing with rude family members at dinner who ruined the festivity.  
Halloween was a small enough holiday that it didn’t require family get togethers, but large enough to have a Hallmark section in the store and a massive following online. It was the one time of year where anyone could be what they wanted and no one could judge them for it, only praise them for really cool costumes.  
Vanessa supposed she liked that sense of freedom. She wasn’t super girly in her day-to-day life, but on Halloween, she could be Belle, and no one would blink twice except maybe to ask why she hadn’t made her undead...which was definitely a thought for next years costume.
“Didn’t know if I would be able to find you here,” came a soft voice from behind her. “Though with that outfit, you’re pretty much wearing the most amazing costume here.”
Vanessa stiffened and turned slowly to find Monty standing there, a warm smile on his face and a hint of a blush on his cheeks. He was dressed in a modest vampire outfit, so simple that, had he not been wearing a cape and small fangs, Vanessa wouldn’t have noticed, it was more like a suit than anything.  
They honestly probably couldn’t have matched better, in a weird, sort of ironic way.  
“You came,” she breathed.  
Monty shrugged, a boyish grin on his lips. “Of course I did. You sent me an invitation, after all.”
“I didn’t think your dad-”
Monty laced their fingers together, cutting her off, and twirled her gently, his eyes taking in her outfit. “What my dad doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Care to dance?”
They had taken barely two steps when the wall behind them crashed open and her dad, still a fucking cow, bolted through, mooing at passerby. People in the immediate path dove for cover and everyone else clapped and whistled, probably thinking it a stunt.  
Vanessa wasn’t about to correct them.
Perry charged through after him, wearing a fake mustache and glasses to hide his identity, and rolled his eyes at her when he saw her. Vanessa bit back a chuckle. “As much as I want to dance, I think maybe we should help Perry,” she laughed, kicking off her heels.
Monty shook his head and removed his fangs. “Couldn’t agree more.”  
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