#I have blocked 7 people for variations on
bellflower-goat · 2 years
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neurosharky · 4 months
ASPD: The Desire for and Run from Intimacy
This post will only contain my personal opinion and experience. It may not be applicable to all other people with ASPD and may likewise be relatable to people who do not have it.
I am only going to be talking about emotional intimacy, but this post is definitely also applicable to the other type of intimacy!
I'll make myself pretty vulnerable in this post, by discussing my personal experience, so you better not make me regret that!
ASPD = Antisocial Personality Disorder
ASPD is a disability caused by prolonged childhood trauma (with many possible variations), that develops in order to protect the brain from said trauma, or rather to help the brain deal with it in some way!
While the consequences of this in the context of intimacy, look different for every person with ASPD, many do report: a difficulty with developing bonds, having problems trusting people & giving away control, losing feelings for people quickly and abruptly/getting "bored" of people, responding extremely to arguments, having problems dealing with peoples emotions/ problems with being close to people etc.
This may be due to a variety of factors, but does often tie back to having no or few positive experiences with intimacy, having not learned how to exist in relationships properly/a lack of being socialized, not having the necessary prosocial emotions and mechanisms to deal with it and other similar things.
While this causes some people with ASPD to develop a brain, that does not have a need for emotional intimacy at all, others develop a brain, that craves the emotional intimacy it has been denied, but which will also fight said intimacy at every turn.
Thats as much generalized info as I can give you, as the exact representation of this is highly individual, but I will offer my personal experience on the following slides!
What you need to know is that I was accidentally neglected for huge parts of my childhood and teens and did not get my emotional and social needs met most of the time, while also knowing that my parents were theoretically capable of that, as they were giving everything I lacked to my sibling.
This caused me to grow up with a burning desire for intimacy, while being disappointed by people time and time again, failing to actually develop the things needed to experience this intimacy and partially growing to resent it and viewing it as "weak" and "bad".
Ever since then I have been stuck in what I like to call the "ASPD stages of running". Theres different points in getting close to people (in any nature of a relationship), that'll send me running and feeling like I am "weak" for wanting it, or as if being close to people is the worst thing that could happen.
The stages (simply put) are:
1. Desiring/Daydreaming about my dream relationship
2. Looking at peoples relationships/Looking at people with the intent of getting closer to them
3. Talking to people (online or irl)
4. Getting closer / being friends with people
5. Being friends with people for longer
6. Getting so close that a romantic relationship may happen
7. The moment of getting in the relationship / the days after
8. Being in the relationship for a bit
At any of those stages, I'll very likely have one or multiple moments where my ASPD will try to get the better of me and will try to convince me to just run away, drop contact and never talk about it again. Even just admitting to this and talking about it is hard as fuck, because it is so deeply ingrained in my brain to see emotional intimacy as a weak and dangerous thing.
What this will look like exactly really depends on the person and situation, but things that have happened in the past were:
• blocking the person and everyone I am friends with and pretending I am no longer alive
• my brain fixating on their faults in order to give me a good reason to hate them so I don't get closer to them and can hold them at arms length
• responding less often/more dryly or ignoring messages entirely
• not replicating the energy of the conversation/relationship
• staging an incident so I ruin the relationship
• running at the first signs of a disagreement
• avoiding people when they are emotional
• feeling uncomfortable around people as a whole => isolating
• beating myself up about letting it happen again
• impulsively bumping the relationship to another stage, just to immediately regret it (in a "fuck that has consequences" way)
• shutting off all my emotions, dissociate or otherwise make sure to stop the feelings (or just lose them automatically)
To put it in a shorter and more simple way, I'll usually either get the fuck outta there, or make sure to change the relationship/my personal position in the relationship to a more comfortable and less vulnerable and intimate level. This may also just look like me shutting off, becoming distant, or seeming mad, when all I am is overwhelmed by the intimacy and grossed out that I actually need and desire that.
As you can possibly imagine, that is not the most useful thing, as it causes issues in relationships, cuts friendships short and makes dealing with people a lot harder!
The most frustrating thing about this for me though is, that even if the most perfect friend or partner came along and even if the relationship would work at first, I am very very likely to crash it against the wall, simply because my brain cannot handle having the things, that it needs and desires.
It desires a hug and runs from the one who offers it.
It needs help and bites the hand that does.
It needs love and gets grossed out by whoever offers it.
It wants attention and can't handle it when it gets it.
It wants gifts, but doesnt know what to do when it gets them.
Whatever it wants, it can't have, so it keeps wanting, keeps yearning, keeps desiring and has to watch itself be unable to accept any of it.
And if that sounds painful, thats because it is.
Its a vicious kind of pain when you have to watch yourself ruin yet another thing, because your brain can't handle it, while you scream at it in frustration to get its act together, because it also is everything you desperately need.
ASPD sucks when it comes to intimacy and it especially sucks when it comes to talking about it, or being honest about these problems. It developed to protect me from being too "weak" to deal with the trauma and now its practically preventing me from showing any "weakness" or seeking out what previously hurt me. Which wouldn't be this bad, if I didn't still have this kid in me that just wants to be loved and daydreams about all the things, the ASPD hates.
When your shell disagrees with your core and you're not strong enough yet to break your shell, what does that really leave you with, other than curling up into a spiky ball and letting the shell do its job? I know I still need the protection, but I wish it wasn't actively preventing me from learning to live without it.
First posted on my instagram (same @)
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glassygate · 1 year
The thing I kinda love about dp x dc crossover fics are all the ways people explain why Justice League never attempted to help Amity Park with their ghost problem.
This point, the ones I have seen are (in no particular order)
1. People tried to contact JL, but they thought it to be a prank call
For some reason this variation almost always blames Green Lanter (Hal or Guy) for this. I have also seen couple where Flash took the blame or some “non-hero” workers Watchtower has.
2. People tried to contact JL, but GIW-Vlad-Tucker are blocking the info to keep  heroes from finding out.
Once saw a version where Justice League Dark was hiding Amity from non magical heroes.
3.No-one tried to inform League and since no one believes in ghosts, Amity Park’s weirdness was just an urban legend and/or it was thought to be some kind of gimmick to attract tourists.
4.Danny’s accident happend before Justice League was even a thing and he become active around the same time as Batman and Superman started their careers.
5. The League has made Amity “DO-NOT-ENTER!!” zone and never informed Amity Park about this.��
You would think they would let at least let the Mayor (Vlad or the one before) know, but I have never seen people to hint they were contacted.
6.League knows about the situation but they don’t want to step on Phantom’s toes. Usually this includes them thinking Phantom is an ancient being and not a teenager.
7. Justice League knows and they did send someone to check if Phantom wanted help.
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floofanflurr · 6 months
What's a Papyrus made of???
Other than a skeleton.
Well, those too! But how do people draw you? You aren't made of the same shapes as your brother, after all!
He's made of circles.
Hmmm, I guess you kind of have a point, but—
...Well! I digressed! Here's a little thing I put together containing a lot of my observations about how artists commonly draw Papyrus! There's a lot of variation, (a lot a lot!) but I have found some common trends! Like building blocks!
A Papyrus-shaped puzzle!
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Not pictured here is the variation in the top part of the skull! (What I have depicted as a circle here.) Some people draw it more angularly, or even more like a square.
...Are you sweating right now?
...Hmmm. Anyway! This post is getting long, so there's more under the cut!
Well, this is a tumblr post, so that means that I want to put some of the longer content I make behind a read more line. That will collapse the rest of the text so that it doesn't make it too hard for people to scroll.
Sans uses tumblr?! Oh no...
...Well, onto the rest!
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There's a lot more variation of Papyrus's mouth. People can get really creative! But most of the common depictions I see follow these building blocks.
Yeah! Puzzle pieces.
Wait, no— Papyrus put that down! This is not a spike kind of puzzle!
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And finally, eye sockets! I've seen people do them in a lot of different ways, including like Sans's sockets but slightly longer. But again, this is how I see it done most frequently! And Papyrus has a lot of more extreme expressions, such as his eye boggle and his sparkling sockets that adds even more variation.
And that's it for now! There's still a lot I didn't go over, and I don't know if this could be counted as a tutorial? (Though if it helps, that's great!) I'm more just here to ramble about all the cool art I see of Papyrus!
I didn't get a chance to go over Papyrus's nose, nasal ridge, or the way people draw his neck. Not to mention the rest of his body! And his clothes! There's lots more common depictions (building blocks!) there.
Puzzle pieces. Like scarf vs. cape, gloves vs. mittens, round battle body or more square. (Or even a normal crop top!) Shorts vs. bowl, black tight material vs. bare bones...
That's not even getting into the AU Papyri! They also have common building blocks! (Puzzle pieces, I know.)
Ahem. ...Debatable. (Fell gives you a run for your money in the handsomeness department—) ...Nah, you're right.
(I'm also not as good at drawing them...)
Well. Needless to say, there's a lot to cover! And I've spent... huh. 7 hours on this so far! So I'll leave it off for now and maybe do a bit more if there's any interest.
Never change, Papyrus. Never change.
Huh. Surprisingly true.
Well. Thanks for sticking with this so long!
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How do you draw Papyrus? I'd love to see! Do you use any of these building blo... puzzle pieces?
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dreamteamemojis · 11 months
How-To Tumblr for Dtblr :]
So, I've seen a few newer blogs start arriving from people who have never used this site/app before and I just thought this might be helpful to get started because it's quite a bit different from Twitter.
To start, the dtblr community has dwindled since last year so there are literally only about 500 of us left I'd say and thats being generous and including lurkers. Speaking of that, lurking is a great way to learn how to use this site! Follow a few blogs or lurk in the main tags for a while to get vibe of how people use this app. When you find a blog you like, see who they are reblogging from and check out their blogs, its a good way to find people to follow since people like to keep their follow lists private.
Making your blog! First things first, get a pfp and a basic bio at least or people will assume you are a bot and block you if you follow them.
On tumblr we have Main Blogs and Side Blogs. Everyone has one Main Blog, and you can add a bunch of side blogs, people use them to keep their fandoms separate and to save urls (don't hoard too many urls on blogs you dont use, it kinda sucks and is technically not allowed, but around 5-10 isnt so bad). A lot of people also might use side blogs because they dont want to get blocked by someone they are following or liking from that is in a different fandom. Like, if you wanted to follow blogs from other mcyt communities, I would stongly recommend making a dtblr side blog instead of a main, because you will most likely get blocked. There are a couple of differences between Main and Side blogs though, here is a link to the main tumblr help post about them but a couple quick things here-
-Main blogs are where you (and everyone else if you don't turn it off!) can see your likes and follows. Everything that you like or follow will show up under your Main blogs url, so keep that in mind.
-Main blogs are what you send Asks off anon from, you cannot send asks using your Side blogs url, so again, keep that in mind.
-When you block someone, it will only block them from your Main blog, you have to manually type in their url to block them from your Side blog. You can also ip block Anons who are being shitty or harassing you.
Lots of people will have Pinned Posts that you can basically use a longer bio (I recommend making them non-rebloggable). You don't have to make one and it's not weird if you don't, but you have the option. Lots of people have 'Blinkies' in their pinned, you can make them here if you want.
Tips for your settings!
-Hide your Likes and Follows!!! Even if you come from Twitter and you think it's not a big deal, it's kinda seen as really weird here to leave them visible and it makes you stand out and people weary of you, plus you should enjoy the privacy!
-Under Account, turn off 'show top posts'. You can also choose whether or not you want to allow Anon asks from there. if you are getting hate, I recommend turning them off for a while.
-I recommend going to Dashboard Preferences and turning Off 'best stuff first', and then turning On'shorten long posts' and 'snooze Tumblr live' (you will have to snooze tumblr live every 7 days but trust me basically everyone does it).
-This is actually pretty important, go to Account settings and turn OFF 'let people blaze my posts'. That feature allows other users, without your permission, to pay to have your post boosted as an ad basically to a certain amount of random people. this can even be done with your asks, and it has the potential to cause harassment and I strongly recommend turning it off.
-Under Account setting and Content you see, that is where you will be able to filter out tags that you do not want to see. For neg I would recommend, #neg #negativity, #discourse etc. If you don't want to see certain ships you can filter those. For stuff like spiders, I would do a couple variations of #spiders, #tw spiders, #spiders tw #arachnaphobia, etc. because there are a lot of different ways people will end up tagging stuff like that. This is also where you can change your Mature Content setting. They default to Hide, so set those as you prefer. You can Hide, Blur, or Show.
This is a link to the x-kit extension, it has a lot of customizable settings for tumblr, but it can only be used on desktop and requires a little more knowledge about using the site but its here if you want it.
I think those are the most important things, other settings can be left up to your personal preference (try out the color palettes to find your favorite!!)
-Tags and Tagging are super useful on Tumblr! This post has a very good rundown of how Dtblr uses Tags to filter content for the community, pls learn these they will help you a bunch!!!
-When you make a post, the first 5 tags are the most important, they will show up in the tracked tags. So make sure you use community/main tags first if you want your posts to be seen, this is most useful for artists or gif makers etc.
-When you reblog a post, the tags are just for adding commentary and organizing your blog, you dont have to worry about your tags from a reblogged post ending up in the main tag searches. Talking in the tags is very fun and a great way for even shy people (me) to interact with the community. They are used a lot more than Replies, it tends to be mostly mutuals that use Replies on each other's posts, but it wouldn't exactly be weird if you did choose to comment in the Replies.
-You can use custom tags for your blog! Lots of people come up with custom tags for their asks, their personal posts, just pick your favorite variation of gnf, gogy, gogs, georgie, and many more to organize your george gifs! and its also pretty common to see someone post a . (just a lone period or comma) and then just rant in the tags. people do that if they want to vent or something but dont want it to be reblogged. - if someone reblogs a post and tags it with 'prev' they are referring to the tags of the person they reblogged the post from, the 'previous' tags. (tumblr recently nuked this feature with the new update but you might still see people doing it, its just super hard to find the source now)
-#709 and #404 are common tags that people will use on posts from outside of dtblr to stay covert/subtle so as to not get mass blocked when referencing our ccs. #709 refers to Dream and #404 to George.
-Tagging posts as #nsfw has the potential to get your blog restricted. I recommend using #nsft (not safe for tumblr) or #not sfw instead.
Liking and Reblogging- Tumblr does not have an algorithm, liking posts is basically just bookmarking them. If you want to support writers/authors/gif makers etc. PLEASE reblog their posts, it is the only way for them to gain visibility. You can even make sideblogs specifically for reblogging art or fanfiction if you wanted to.
We don't make call-out posts here. If you have a problem with a user, block them, end of story.
And we do NOT interact with Anti or Critblr posts. Critblr is tumblrs Leaktwt, do not interact with them, follow them, reblog from them, or bring attention to them, you will be blocked by the majority of the community if you do. We are very small, and interacting with anti posts will do absolutely nothing but bring us all mass harassment and invite them to start interacting with us. Pls do not screenshot their posts and share those either especially with the url visible. If you feel the need to have discussions with antis, do so on twitter. Please ask before screenshotting and uploading someone's post to twitter. A lot of us are not comfortable with it at all, and some of us are okay with it as long as you leave out the url but please ask because we generally dont want our stuff on that platform where CCs could potentially see it.
And I think thats all I've got i think, so I hope this post helps you guys with getting started on Tumblr! :]
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ladystormcrow · 2 days
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
🥤-- I'm a huge, huge fan of @flagbridge's works. So much love for All Vows!
🏜️ -- I have a weakness for people mentioning specific details or lines that they liked or that stood out to them.
🌿 -- For one thing, it's okay to feel such things! Even the most famous, successful creators aren't creating 24/7. It's healthy to take breaks from a project, or focus on something else if you need to (I've seen this described as "mental crop rotation", and that's an excellent way to think of it).
☁️ -- I've used some variation of this username since I first started going online regularly at age 15; it was the nickname I'd been using when I was in the Tolkien fanclub at my high school (we'd all picked character-based nicknames of our choice). If you see a Lady Stormcrow somewhere in the old and deep places of the Internet, there's a decent chance it's me. Oh god please don't go looking.
🐝 -- Oh damn, there are a lot of people who are huge supporters to me, in all sorts of ways! I'll pick two who immediately come to mind:
@cornistasiathecoblinking is wonderful at bringing people together and making them all feel welcome and supported -- anyone who has them as a friend is lucky.
@chaifootsteps is brave and perceptive, and not afraid to defend the things and people he cares about -- I admire that about him so much.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 9 months
random thought cause, why not:
i like to think logan & hesh pull out their phones/tablets to record anything just for the fuck of it. doesn’t matter if its on a mission or anything, they are pulling out any electronics they have on them just to record. fight? expect to see 2 phones up or a phone and a tablet up in the air. people arguing? same process. the only difference whenever logan and hesh are doing this is hesh is jumping up and down excitedly or has a face of pure joy(smiling or lightly giggling, this really depends on the how big the situation is) while logans stone faced.
since logan & hesh are probably the only gen z’s in the team besides the main 7(5) (everyones a fucking millennial…), i feel like whenever they do this they get shocked ass stares or laughter by the rest of the ghosts. do they record with shame? hell no, if anything its with no hesitation and so casually you need to do double turn to process what you’re witnessing. whenever they do this you can tell the difference between whos a millennial and whos gen z, especially since if you include rorke & elias, the oldest member is 53.
(the blackmail they probably have has to be INSANE.)
hesh snatching logans tablet from where ever the man has it on him to record something cause 1) his phones dead or 2) he forgot it somewhere.
(logans using his own phone(if he has one besides his tablet) or hesh’s phone that hesh hasn’t realized he has cause logan put it in a different case that he stole.)
(i also forgot to give credits to a reddit story that inspired my last ask(i was rereading it for the 10th time and thought i gave credits, sigh.), but i will say that reddit story was sad though :( (i cant find it sadly). also, i decided that i will write the mama walker ask ! not sure when exactly cause well, yea…but i know its gonna be long as hell. (looking about like…7k-11k words or more if i dont get writers block or plan it out well.))
Oh pleaseeeeee, this is hilarious. You seen that clip from the new Mortal Kombat where it pans over a lot of the characters and Johnny Cage is just filming whatever the hell they're staring at? It's that. And it's glorious.
Logan and Hesh realize the Ghosts think it's funny so they start pretending to record random ass things so the ghosties will get confused and come over to ask what's up. Logan and Hesh take the bit one step further by "recording" random ghosties to see how they react.
Merrick does the "Celebrity vs paparazzi" hand thing, Keegan will freeze up and look like a spooked deer, Kick will just start "posing sexy" (It's not sexy), so on and so forth with goofy variations for all of them.
The Johnny Cage behavior in question Via Brian Rocha on tiktok
Fun fact: In Ghost Stories (Ghosts opening mission) you can see people recording the rods as they're falling on San Diego.
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samthecookielord · 5 months
CURRENT LAYTON STATUS: AL chapter 6, got past that huge gate past the fossil room with the minecraft block on it
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That's right, I'm dedicating a post to all the Layton content I've consumed and will consume. Wish me luck gamers. (I'll also add the status of my gameplay videos!) (And a list of layton AUs at the end)
Mainline Trilogies
(note: i call the games by which version i played (UK or US) but i tag by US titles)
(note 2: we only record towards the end of the game because my computer space will CRY and also i do not want to edit all that hope this helps)
CURIOUS VILLAGE: 100% completed
(not recorded)
DIABOLICAL BOX: 100% completed
Chapter 7: (Part 1) - (Part 2) (fun fact: part 2 features the first instance of me using animated sprites for me and my friends!)
LOST FUTURE: 100% completed, all uploaded!
Chapter 9: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) (fun fact: part 1 is the first time i use game sprites to give visuals to our improv bits, as well as generally being the start of me putting a lot more effort into editing and trying new stuff!)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: (Part 1) - (Part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) Epilogue: (Part 1) (Part 2)
LAST SPECTRE: 100% completed
Chapter 8: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) (fun fact: from this point on, our playthrough group has increased from 3 people to 4!)
Chapter 9 -> 2 parts
Chapter 10 -> 2 parts
Epilogue -> just one
MIRACLE MASK: 100% completed
Chapter 6 -> 6 parts left (HELP)
Chapter 7 -> 6 parts left Chapter 8 -> 1 part left Epilogue -> 2 parts left
AZRAN LEGACY: ch6, started recording
Chapter 5 -> 6 parts left
Chapter 6 -> 3 parts so far
Epilogue -> ???
Spinoffs & Extras
ETERNAL DIVA: Watched :]
Improv Fandub will come out soon. Probably
LB MYSTERY ROOM: completed
(not recorded)
PLVSAA: not started (will play after mainline)
will probably record? perchance?
MYSTERY JOURNEY: not started (will play after plvsaa)
The anime: not started (will watch after mystery journey)
Cheerful Mystery: i saw the lost future one lol ill go check out the rest later probably. I also read up to ch28 of the lbmr manga
Layton AUs
i have a lot of clive aus. here's a slideshow. here's their interaction tag
Puzzles Gone Wrong AU: (belongs to pastel-player) A take on "evil Layton" where we ask what if he wasn't evil evil, but morally dubious. Basically he's a dictator now but he hasn't really done much harm to the city of London. He's making some questionable decisions, but... he's still the polite gentleman Layton who cares about his loved ones. Said loved ones have many conflicting feelings about him. Takes place at least 1 year after main trilogy, unclear when exactly. (Ao3 series)
Pastel wasn't doing anything with Clive in this AU so I picked him up and ran off then came back with a whole new design and stuff. Anything I make with PGW Clive that doesn't involve Timeline Hopper Clive's shenanigans is proobably canon to the AU. Basically I'm the ceo of this one guy within this AU and nothing else <3
(PGW Clive's tag)
Layton Assassin AU: (belongs to snekatiemainy and thia-quiche) Layton but he kills people with swords. And also Luke beats people to death with shovels. And Flora also sword. Yayy!!! Initially inspired by our jokes from playing Curious Village, mainly Luke saying the phrase "this man is being VERY RUDE we should KILL HIM" (Ao3 series)
Assassin AU Variant: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) A variation of the assassin au where Clive is adopted by Layton. Clive picked up a gun and has never been the same since. Guy who loves his 20 guns and is sooo annoying about it <3 Honestly 90% of my assassin au tag is just the variant instead of the actual original au hdtdhdhrfd
(Ao3 series)
(AV!Clive's tag)
Timeline Hopper Clive: (belongs to me, inspired by a-queer-kitkat's post) Post-canon Clive that starts getting tossed across dimensions at random intervals due to an abandoned machine prototype left by one of Dimitri's scientists. Often crosses over with Puzzles Gone Wrong and Assassin AU. He gets worse but then he gets better. Then there's a version where he gets worse again and weird buggified.
Clive Triton AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) what if clark adopted clive. Send post
The BEHUH??? AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) ???? goddamnit timeclive what did you DO (BEHUH??? stands for Butterfly Effect HUH???) (two guys chilling in the river 5 feet apart because get pitted idiot)
CSAU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) clive is adopted by descole. I encourage you all to ask us what CSAU stands for several times.
Little Hershel and the Curious Playground: what if it was all elaborate playground roleplay, and targent is a group of school bullies? (some ideas come from conversations with friends on discord)
Apprentice Nils AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) that random miracle mask npc's parents died so layton yoinks him
Randall Possession AU: (belongs to snekatiemainy) what if he became a ghost and hung out with his best friend Layton forever now
Layton Object AU: based on those silly object show things. They're living objects with limbs and faces etc etc and the only real changes in this au right now is just names, designs, and minor things that come with those design changes. i make this kind of au for almost anything i touch loll
Vampire Layton AU: what it says on the tin. One of my earliest tagged AUs. It didn't really go anywhere but it's fun to think about sometimes. Based on a joke we made while playing Diabolical Box.
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anamericangirl · 10 months
Math and science are not equivalent fields and 2+2 does not always equal 4. When we teach children we often resort to telling them oversimplified explanations that are easier to grasp so that later we can teach the more accurate answers and have em be better understood than if we started with em. Roy G Biv for the colours of the rainbow despite there being far more than 7 colours in the spectrum, the earth is a sphere when it is more of an irregularly shaped ellipsoid, that XX and XY are the only sexes in existence that directly attach to man or woman despite various mutations proving otherwise, the earth revolves around the sun when technically no it does not and various other lies we tell kids because they do not possess the knowledge to fully understand these concepts. That one must ignore evidence to the contrary to maintain the oversimplified explanation from grade school should indicate it is incorrect. The idea that sex is not just a or b is about as unproven as the idea that it is the difference being that one is what you were told as a child. If your genetics do not determine your sex than what exactly does? Do all those individuals that do not have the simple XX/XY genetics no longer count as human in your eyes?
None of those things are lies. They are the foundation and building blocks of further learning and you lost a lot of credibility by stating 2 + 2 doesn't always equal 4.
I don't know why you think I don't think genetics determine sex when that's literally the argument I've been making the entire time.
Yes, people with genetic mutations are still human. They are still male or female. You guys don't seem to understand what genetic defects are which is concerning, to say the least.
No matter what chromosomes you have you are either male or female. Genetic mutations can cause chromosome variation not to be a binary, but sex is always a binary. Get it now?
I sure hope so because I'm about at my wit's end with this.
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
I got curious, so I went through and looked up how many fics there are on AO3, tagged by arc. The main thing I learned is that most people do not tag their fics by arc (for comparison, there are close to 28k fanfics in the Bleach fandom tag at large).
Canon Arcs Agent of the Shinigami (non-canonical*) - 1** Soul Society - 39 Advance Team (non-canonical) - 7 Hueco Mundo - 62 Turn Back the Pendulum - 123 Fake Karakura Town - 21 Winter War (not actually an arc but ok) - 64 Fullbringer Arc - 29 Thousand Year Blood War - 188 No Breathes from Hell - 3 Filler Arcs: Bount Arc - 9 Captain Amagai - 0***?? as far as I can tell?? Zanpakutou Rebellion - 17 Reigei Arc - also 0?
Movies: Memories of Nobody - 1 Diamond Dust Rebellion - 8 Fade to Black (non-canonical) 1 Hell Verse - 14
I was absolutely not surprised by the fairly high number of Turn Back the Pendulum entries, because that is Peak Fill-in-the-Blanks Fanfic territory. I could also come up with several possible reasons why there are so many TYBW, but suffice it to say, it makes sense. I'm honestly perplexed by the 21 fanfics in the Fake Karakura Arc tag, even after scrolling through. I kinda expected there to be more in the No Breathes from Hell tag, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*For those who are not well-versed in the AO3 tagging system, after enough people use a tag, it may be made canonical, which means that it appears in the autocomplete, using variations on the tag spelling are linked to the main canonical version, and you can use it to filter.
**Your numbers may vary slightly from mine, depending on if you're logged in or not, and if you have people blocked or muted on AO3.
***For the ones I couldn't find in the tag search, I looked up a few characters from that arc, but still couldn't find a tag for the arc generally, but it's possible there's some other phrasing I didn't think of. ****There are many additional pre- and post- tags, like "Post-TYBW", etc, but I got tired. This is a Tumblr post, not a Master's Thesis
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llawlieta · 6 months
Sweet lil Lau Lau may I please have 23 and 25 for the fandom ask game? 16 also made me think of you but you already answered it, so no worries if you don't want to again 🧡
Hi hi hi!!!!
23. the fandom you’re curious about because of a mutual
HMM. I have gotten very curious about the iwtv show from many people I follow, and I definitely want to watch it one day, but the gears haven't turned just right in my brain yet! I'm also curious about a lot of videogames but they often... do cost money... Also I'm particularly curious about bg3 but I get motion sickness with certain videogames and I kind of feel like that would be one of them. I can't be sure but I'm pre-mourning it. Oh well I'm bad at that kind of videogame anyway so WHATEVER... [kicks a rock]
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
Death Note is the first fandom I've been truly immersed in and it's made me learn to block people more liberally. I used to be kind of afraid of doing it because it felt rude and I am a fragile little flower I guess but now I block people whose, like, ultimately inconsequential opinion pisses me off in a certain way. I also used to feel bad about filtering tags for things I don't like, even skjskfj Now I've got like 6+ variations of the same tag filtered for a super specific fandom thing and I live a happier life for it. The basic tips that everyone but me seemed to already have interiorized, basically!!! But sometimes I see people get really mad in a way that would suggest they may need to either block someone or filter out a couple tags.
Oh, speaking of getting mad. For ME personally it is self-care to get mad privately with my friends instead of out in the open. I'm not gonna lie I do love when someone is brave enough to make an angry little post about a thing I secretly agree with or whatever BUT I still think it's better to keep your petty anger (which is FINE, we're all petty) to yourself and your circle of friends. It is taking care of yourself and others and your public online space and your mindset and the attitude with which you approach fandom. To Me.
Also assuming good faith is also good to ensure your mindset is not negative 24/7... Like imagine that stupid ass take wasn't written by an actively malicious person but instead by, say, someone you could be friends with in another life who simply worded something weirdly or a bit aggressively or just didn't have the same information about a certain canon detail that you have or whatever. Sometimes people are actively malicious... But sometimes they aren't!!
And I'll answer 16 again with another little thing!!
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I think every interaction between L and Aizawa is very interesting and fun to watch!! Underrated!
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mushiewrites · 11 months
hi hi :D
for the character thing: can you do questions 7-13 for both cc!dream and cc!sapnap? I wanna hear you rant about dreamnap <333 my boys <33
thank youuuuu
- cal <3
from this post!
dreamnap our babies ): <3
7 - who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
dream: george + sap!
sapnap: karl, george + dream :3
8 - who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
dream: george 100%. they can't keep their hands off of each other normally, but when george wants to be a menace, his hands are almost always glued to dreams tummy. and, about 50% of the time you can find sap right by his side, helping hold dream down
sapnap: karl. oh my gosh it's karl. it's definitely george and dream too, because karl doesn't live with him, but every time karl is with sap, he's tkling him at all times, whenever and however he's able
9 - does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
dream: yes. dream is a baby and he can't hear it at all when it's aimed at him. he can say it sometimes if he's feeling confident or if he's wrecking someone, but most times you'll never catch dream saying it
sapnap: this little panda pup cannot say it or hear it, I'm sorry but he's just so tkly and flustered and embarrassed
10 - are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
dream: I think dream is kind of shameless when it comes to his sensitivity. he's a puppy, after all. he loves getting tummy tks, and the more people that know he's tklish, the more tummy rubs he can get! :D
sapnap: he is very very VERY embarrassed about how tklish he is and absolutely denies it. he's a tiny lil big tough man who should not be that sensitive!! no one should know this incredibly embarrassing weakness!!!!! (but everyone does, and they tk him to let him know how loved he is and how adorable he gets when tkled)
11 - would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
dream: for dream I think that digging in for most of his spots is what drives him crazy the most. but there are certain spots (the sides of his tummy, his back) that when tkled lightly get him howling
sapnap: I think for sap gentle tks get him a TON. he's someone that can have light tks or rough tks and you can get almost the same reaction, but I think gentle ones fluster him and get him the most (and gentle ones are his favorite <3)
12 - is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
dream: T U M M Y!!!!!!!!! literally no explanation needed this boy is a PUPPY
sapnap: I think sap likes when people get his neck / chest / collarbone area ): it just makes him so giggly cause he's so sensitive there, but it's kind of a hard spot to block and he loves the helplessness of it all <3
13 - is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
dream: bellybutton, dream can't take it. he's way too sensitive, it's way too small of an area to focus on, and he doesn't understand why something so evil is allowed to happen to a tiny spot like that (don't worry he absolutely adores it still, just cannot handle it at all for even a second)
sapnap: my poor angel, his ankles and feet. he's just so tklish there, the thought of anyone even going near those spots sends him into a lil panic (much like dream though, he does love it, he just cant take it)
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Choose Violence Ask Game
4. What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I don’t typically block people— I like seeing terrible takes especially for the purposes of screencapping and sending to friends lol. But if someone’s outright rude to my face I will block. I guess most recently someone was like “did you even read the book” or whatever in my replies and I didn’t feel like dealing with it so I just blocked them. I will also block fairly liberally if people spam tags/post irrelevant stuff in tags.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I’d say the Darkling but he’s also my fave and I love him 🤷‍♀️
9. Worst part of canon
Low hanging fruit but the R&R ending! I would’ve been fine with many variations of different things happening but Mal coming back to life + Alina losing her power + they go live in the orphanage they started out in is just suuuuch regression. I also just hate the deus ex machina feel of it that only extends… to Mal? Nothing else??
Anyway I think I would’ve been fine with Alina keeping her power but faking her death and leaving the capital, or her losing her power… or keeping it lol… but staying to rebuild ::cough:: Nikolina endgame ::cough::
Like baseline I think Mal should just stay dead. It undercuts the tragedy and sacrifice of the last book so bad otherwise! BUT if he must come back and the narrative is taking that kind of “have your cake and eat it too” direction then Alina needs to keep her power.
The main story question is whether Alina will turn out like the Darkling: corrupt, feelingless, power hungry.
R&R answers it by removing that opportunity for her altogether. But imo she needs any opportunity for that outcome whatsoever for her not turning out that way to feel satisfying. Eye prefer something where she’s standing on the precipice and it’s framed as an active choice she needs to make all her life. Which is why I like scenarios where she remains at court/why I find Nikolina most compelling as an endgame for her. But I think her keeping her power but refusing to meddle in Ravkan politics could also work. Like she goes back with Mal to rebuild Keramzin and now she uses the Cut to chop wood and summons light as a magic laser pointer to play with Oncat lmao. Like honestly I think that could be fine for her!
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This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my bloodsugar. please help me with a small donation or share, reblog any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings🙏 ❤
scam ask breakdown time again guys
this blog's oldest post is 2 days old (march 7 5:15 am CST)
furthermore, the archive of their blog also doesn't have any posts further back than that
i honest to god don't think i've ever seen legit donations go door-to-door in askboxes like this, lmao
i can copy paste this ask into search engines and find it pasted all over tumblr and reddit from various accounts in the past few months
all of these accounts have slightly different variations of this username. seems like they keep getting deactivated, hmm?
as a cherry on the top, plenty of those results are actually other people debunking this scam. that's just amusing, honestly.
blocked and reported. keep watching out for scammers loves! xo
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sluttypalace · 2 years
my posts, content and blog is ONLY for 18+ sapphics, lesbians, enbies, women, butches, studs, transfem/transnonbinary/ transmasc butches, wlw, nblw, bi women, bi enbies, pan- (basically all *non-men)
Blocked if no age in bio, empty blog or I don't fuck with your vibes
💖 Hi~ I'm Menace
💖 21
💖 Sub
💖 Brat
💖 Princess
- taken
- not looking
(with full disrespect) Cis Het Men
Transphobes / terfs
Misogynists / Sexists
Raceplay blogs
Misogyny kink blogs
De-trans / mis-gendering kink blogs
Sissy blogs
Feederism blogs
Orientation play blogs
I post / reblog / like nsfw posts bout the following kinks.
Soft kinks
❤️‍🔥 dom/sub (power imbalance)
❤️‍🔥 praise
❤️‍🔥 orgasm control (overstim / edging)
❤️‍🔥 begging
❤️‍🔥 brat
❤️‍🔥 authority / control
♥️ royalty / regency
♥️ bondage / restraints
♥️ body marks (hickys, bruises, bites)
♥️ dumbification
💌 pet play
💌 size kink
💌 sensory control
💌 body writing
CW : RACK / extreme kinks
❤️‍🔥 cnc/dubcon
❤️‍🔥 objectification
❤️‍🔥 forced submission
❤️‍🔥 breeding / forceful breeding (no pregnancy)
❤️‍🔥 ownership
❤️‍🔥 fear
❤️‍🔥 mind break
❤️‍🔥 punishments
❤️‍🔥 primal
❤️‍🔥 exhibitionism
♥️ somnophilia
♥️ manipulation
♥️ degradation
♥️ humiliation
♥️ monsters
💌 free use (amongst friends)
💌 weapons (knives/guns)
💌 fake safewords
💌 obsession
💌 impact play
💌 stockholm/stalking
💌 cam recordings / pictures
SOFT LIMITS [ turn-ons / willing to try under very specific circumstances ]
2+ people
corruption (?)
temperature play
public play
electro play
sub sharing
Ddlg / Ddlb variations
ED, feeding
scat / piss
RELIGIOUS, blasphemy
Medical play
Oviposition / Eggs
Any and all content posted here is under the pretext of sane, enthusiastic consensual acts between legal adults
If you wanna be friends asks and dms are open, I love friends 👉👈
Unsolicited nudes will be blocked!
*Do not demand that I reply. You are not entitled to my attention. You are still a stranger on the internet. I do have a life outside Tumblr, nor am I horny 24/7.
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90363462 · 2 years
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Birth Control 101: Choosing The Best Contraceptive Method For You
There's short-acting, long-acting, and barriers of protection. Which one suits you?
Shonda White
Sep. 23, 2020 08:00AM EST
I remember the day of my wedding…when I started feeling my contraception ring coming out of my vagina. I had only recently started using the ring even though I was more used to taking the pill. There I was in the bathroom stall with one of my bridesmaids, and she was literally helping to guide my ring back up into my vagina because I could feel it slipping out of me. Although quite embarrassing, let's just say that we're forever bonded by that experience. So, have you ever tried a new birth control method that wasn't the best for you but it seemed to work well for others?
During a recent interview with Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Dr. Chimsom Oleka, she provided a list of all of the birth control methods currently available, which can potentially serve as a starting point for those of you who may be exploring new contraceptive methods.* As you continue reading, you'll notice that the list is organized based on what Dr. Oleka refers to as Short-acting (hormonal and non-hormonal), to Long-acting, to Barriers of Protection. 
Before we dive into the list, let's first clarify specifically what birth control does. As. Dr. Oleka explained, for most methods, birth control releases certain hormones in your body which contributes to the ultimate end goal: block ovulation or keep an egg from being released, thicken the mucus in the cervix so that sperm can't pass through, and/or thin the lining of the uterus, which decreases chances of implantation. Each birth control method is designed to do each or all of these things, but depending on the method, they will either do them better, worse, or not at all.
Choosing The Best Birth Control Method For You
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Note: Throughout this section, you will notice references related to "continuous" or "extended" usage. As Dr. Olekaexplained, many of us have a false idea of what the period is supposed to do. Contrary to popular belief in terms of what our menstrual cycle does and why it's "necessary" every month, ultimately its main purpose is for pregnancy. That's it.
As Dr. Oleka expertly pointed out, "It's the birth control's period, not your period. Your birth control will start stimulating the lining and doing all of the things that cause you to bleed." So, as long as you have a hormone that's assisting with protecting and keeping your uterus lining thin, and as long as you've consulted your physician beforehand, then you don't have to necessarily worry about shedding the lining every month (i.e. having a period).
Consider, for example, women who have bleeding disorders (i.e. their bodies bleed too much or won't stop bleeding), female athletes, as well as those who may suffer with things such as menstrual migraines…situations like these support the case for continuous or extended methods.
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Method: Birth Control Pill (Hormonal - Estrogen and Progesterone)
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How It's Administered: Self-ingested orally, daily
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate (i.e., approximately 1 in 10 will get pregnant)
Description & Overview:
Birth control pills usually come in 28-day pill packs (four rows of seven pills) including a week of placebo, non-active pills. There are different variations as well, but it's critical that you take it every day at the same time.
The most commonly used pill has both estrogen and progesterone. With estrogen, it tends to help provide more stability of the lining. However, some people may not want estrogen or they may have an underlying medical issue that conflicts with the estrogen. There is a risk of blood clots, although fairly low, but the risk of this goes up when you're pregnant. With the pill, it helps regulate the bleeding, which in turn, helps make it predictable. It's known to have protective benefits such as helping to decrease risk of certain cancers and it can help reduce symptoms related to fibroids.
Also, you can use this method, as well as other methods, continuously or in an extended way so that you can delay or skip the bleeding (i.e. going on vacation). For example, if you wanted to try an extended use, then you could delay the withdrawal bleeding (period) for a set number of weeks or months by skipping the last row for let's say two months. Then, you would take the last row of inactive pills the third month, so that you would only bleed approximately every 10 weeks.
On the other hand, if you're someone who decides "I don't want to bleed at all," then you could skip the last row of inactive pills and move forward with starting the new pack each month. Keep in mind, if you don't bleed or you bleed too heavily already, there may be other medical issues going on, so as always, you'll want to consult your physician about this.
Side effects can vary, but some of the most common side effects include: nausea, breast tenderness, and initial irregular bleeding.
Method: Birth Control Pill (Hormonal - Progesterone Only)
How It's Administered: Self-ingested orally, daily
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate
Description & Overview:
This method basically works pretty much the same as the first pill mentioned above, but it doesn't include estrogen. It only includes progesterone.
Progesterone-only pills can be harder for some women to use because you have to be really consistent. If the daily pill ingestion time is missed by as little as three hours, then it loses its efficacy. Hence, it's critical that you take the pill every day at the same time.
With the progesterone-only pill, there's also a greater chance of irregular bleeding. Hence, this method is usually recommended by the physician if there are estrogen-related conflicting medical issues.
Method: Vaginal Ring (Hormonal – Estrogen and Progesterone)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Self-inserted through Vagina
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate
Description & Overview:
The vaginal ring is a soft, flexible ring approximately two inches wide and four centimeters thick that is self-inserted and removed in/out of the vagina. Some women will tie a string to the ring and there's also an applicator that can be used to assist with insertion and removal.
The vaginal ring stays in for three weeks and releases hormones every day. Once removed for seven days, it allows withdrawal bleeding (period) to occur. Then, a new ring is inserted every four weeks. This method can be used continuously if you bypass the seven days and move forward with inserting the new ring every three or four weeks, or in an extended way if you bypass the seven days every few months or so.
The ring has been known to cause breakthrough or irregular bleeding. Not to mention, there are times when the ring can slip out during sex, which of course can directly impact the efficacy.
Method: Copper IUD  (Non-hormonal)
How It's Administered: Inserted vaginally by physician (through opening of cervix, into the uterus)
Efficacy: Less than 1% failure rate
Description & Overview:
Similar to the IUD previously mentioned, the copper IUDis a latex-free, t-shaped, plastic piece but it also includes areas of exposed copper. By releasing copper salts into your body, the copper tricks the uterus into thinking something foreign is inside, creating an appearance of a "chaotic" environment in your system, which ultimately blocks sperm and prevents reproduction. It can last for 10 years, but it has been known to be effective for up to 12 years.
The copper IUD is ideal for someone who doesn't want to deal with hormones, or someone who is certain they don't want children for a long time. There are instances where it can be used as emergency contraception but it won't work if something has already been implanted.
Because this method doesn't affect ovulation, this method is also ideal for women who want to continue bleeding or women within certain cultures where the idea of contraception isn't readily accepted. This can serve as contraception method without anyone else truly knowing that you're taking it because you will still have a period as normal.
The most common side effects usually include more painful cramping or heavier bleeding.
Method: Contraceptive Implant (Hormonal – Progesterone Only)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Implanted in arm by physician
Efficacy: Less than 1% failure rate (the most effective method)
Description & Overview:
The contraceptive implant is a flexible, plastic rod that's placed inside the upper arm. It's small and thick - approximately 4 cm long and 2 mm thick. It releases hormones daily, and lasts for three years, although recent data shows it may last longer than that. After three years, you get a new one if you choose to do so. Otherwise, you will return back to your baseline fertility.
Some of the most common side effects can include irregular bleeding, no bleeding (approximately 6%), or heavier bleeding. For those who experience irregular bleeding, there are ways to decrease it and make it more manageable. Also, there are rare occasions where, if placed improperly, it can shift or migrate.
The most common effects for any of the following methods can include vaginal discharge and irritation. After the use of these, the return to fertility is usually fairly quick.
As it relates to a lot of these barriers of protection, Dr. Oleka likes to think of it this way, "Condoms should be used more so for STD and HIV/AIDS protection, and less for pregnancy prevention." Nevertheless, they are still considered methods for both pregnancy and STD/HIV prevention.
Method: Male Condom (Non-hormonal)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Applied by male on his penis
Efficacy: 15% failure rate (research across the board states this although it seems quite questionable by both the expert and the writer)
When to Apply: Right before sex 
Description & Overview:
Condoms are usually latex or you can opt for lambskin if you're allergic to latex. However, anything non-latex has been known to be less effective in preventing pregnancy as well as STDs. With condoms, common things like inconsistent use, slippage during sex, and the risk of it tearing are a few factors that can directly impact the overall efficacy. 
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Featured image by Shutterstock
The Difference Between Your Period And Ovulation - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
Birth Control - Mayo Clinic Health System ›
Which Birth Control Method Is for You? 19 Types, Pros, Cons, More ›
Find Your Birth Control Method 2020 | Power to Decide ›
Choose the Right Birth Control - MyHealthfinder | health.gov ›
5 types of birth control options: which is best for you ... ›
Birth control options: Things to consider - Mayo Clinic ›
Best Birth Control For Me Quiz | Choosing the Right Contraceptive ›
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