#I hope you guys enjoy it
chongoblog · 3 months
A Moment: A Short Story
Simon had always heard about just how beautiful Zion Canyon was, especially from the end of the Angel’s Landing trail which lead to a breathtaking view over the canyon. Now that he was there, he knew in his heart that his 50 day hike was worth it. At least, he assumed that’s about how long it would have taken if time had moved a single second. The hardest part about stopping time for this long is that it was so easy to lose track of just how long it had been for him since time had moved. No clocks or watches to keep track. No day or night. It was just him wandering across the world within that one single moment.
But what a moment it was. He paused to drink in the view from the top of the trail, even if he had all the time in the world to do so. The sun was setting, bathing the wall of the canyon in a warm glow. The trees that peppered the canyon walls reached up to the orange sky, adding touches of life to the hard rock that made the gorgeous structure. In the bed of the canyon, life exploded with greater abundance, with thousands of trees and even a small town settled along the river. 
While the view provided Simon a sense of peace, he felt something underneath his foot. His instincts led him to move his foot to see what had disturbed his tranquility, finding a pebble. He tried to kick it off of the steep cliff face to watch it fall, only to see the pebble remain completely unmoved. Frozen in time, just like everything else. 
What good is stopping time if you can’t change anything?
The question lingered over his thoughts like a vengeful specter. This so-called “superpower” of his was a joke. When he had heard of people stopping time in movies and comics, it usually had more utility than this. The superheroes could use the time-stopping to move from one place to another instantaneously, or to perform long and arduous tasks in the blink of an eye, or even to play some kind of prank. Simon couldn’t do any of that. Everything was completely frozen in place, and time could not continue until Simon returned to where he had begun. 
At least he had chosen a good moment to pause time, with the gorgeous sunset rewarding his efforts. His mother had always told him how amazing the view was from atop Angel’s Landing, since she once hiked this trail when she was his age. 
He sat down atop the rock to take it all in. He had all the time in the world, after all.
Simon had been on plenty of nature hikes with his family when he was a child. While his father had passed away a few years ago, his mother continued to take him hiking in his stead. On almost every hike, she would say “Well the hike up is the tough part! Once you’ve seen the sights at the end, the hike back doesn’t even feel like a hike!” And while that was true for most hikes, walking all the way home from Utah to Boston still felt like a hike.
Just like the nature hikes, this trail known as “I-80” was full of wondrous sights, like the incredibly flat prairies that seemed to go on forever with nothing in sight except more highway and some power lines. However, in case he somehow got bored of stewing in his own thoughts, there were always gas stations. They weren’t exactly Niagara Falls in terms of majesty, but they were a break in the monotony, especially if he was lucky enough to catch them with the door open. 
Somewhere in Iowa, he came across a cheap looking fuel stop with its door open, and decided to go check it out. After all, he had time. 
The dim fluorescent lighting illuminated the small, cramped building. The fragrance of cheap corn dogs hit Simon’s nose like an unconvincing temptress, making him glad he didn’t have to eat to stay alive in frozen time. His eyes looked around to see what everyone was doing at this moment in time. The cashier was giving a customer change for a twenty, with Simon noticing that the cashier was accidentally giving the customer one too many dollar bills. The customer was paying for two bags of Funyuns, a bottle of grape soda, and a bottle of orange soda, all placed on the desk. Behind him was a young boy, who Simon couldn’t help but focus on. He was holding an ice cream cone, but the ice cream scoop was falling towards the floor.
Simon looked at the expression this kid wore on his face. It was a face of shock, surprise, pain, even grief that stared at the ice cream scoop as it fell victim to gravity. Obviously, this wasn’t going to ruin this kid’s life, but the look on the kid’s face at this precise moment told a different story. At this moment, the child felt more sorrow than could be put to words. 
When Simon was walking to Zion Canyon, he had stopped here as well. He hated this child. Yes, it was a child, but someone feeling this much pain over something as trivial as ice cream sent him into a fit of rage. 
Simon stared at the agony written on his face for a few minutes (or at least, a few minutes for him), and finally spoke for the first time that felt like months. “That sucks, what happened to your ice cream. I wish that I could use my power to stop this from happening to you. But I can’t.”
He crouched down, meeting the child at eye-level. “But it’s going to be okay. At this moment, you probably feel awful. But…time heals all wounds. Once I start time back up, your dad will probably offer to get you another one. Or at least, I hope he does. Until then, there’s nothing wrong with feelin’ bad over it. You just…can’t stay like that forever.”
After another few seconds, Simon sighed. “I gotta get back home. The sooner you get a new ice cream cone, the better.” He stood up, and left the store, continuing his long, long, long hike. 
Simon was finally home. The world around him had been frozen for what felt like months, and yet Simon still felt the knot in his stomach swell as he approached Tonio’s Pizzeria. It was always his favorite restaurant, since they always melted the cheese in their cheesy crusts just right. He and his mom had just finished their meal celebrating his acceptance letter into UMass Boston. The delightfully tacky exterior flooded its multi-colored neon lights all across the few available parking spaces in front of the building. Unfortunately, Simon and his mother couldn’t find any available parking in the front. After fighting the knot in his stomach, he walked behind the pizzeria to where they had ended up parking their car.
Unlike the front of the pizzeria, the parking lot out back was shrouded in darkness of nighttime. There were only a few cars in the parking lot, but next to one of the cars was a familiar sight that still managed to freeze Simon in place. 
There stood two people. A masked man with a gun, holding it towards his mother. In the air between the two of them was a single bullet, directed straight for his mother’s head.
Before he had embarked on his expedition out west, Simon had spent a long time in this parking lot. He lost count of how many times he had tried to do something. He had tried moving the bullet. He had tried moving his mother. He had tried picking up something to throw at the bullet. He had tried punching and kicking the masked man. He had even tried moving himself between the bullet and his mother and resuming time. But nothing had worked. Everything had been set in stone, with Simon meant to stand right next to his mother.
Simon took a few deep breaths, knowing what he had to do. If he didn’t, that kid would be crying over his ice cream forever, now wouldn’t he? Every step felt heavy as he made his way into the correct position. He could hardly bear to look at his mother’s face one last time. It was a face that he could never forget. One stricken with shock and fear, but with an unmistakable look of acceptance.
“You were right, mom. Zion Canyon was…incredible.”
And so, Simon resumed time once more. 
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tangylemonade · 19 days
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No One Else pt. 2
Jeonghan x afab reader
18+ MINORS DNI (istg 🫵🏾 ಠ_ಠ if I catch you)
Word count: 11.4k
꧁ ☂︎(angst) & ⚠︎(smut) w/ a pinch of ☁︎(fluff) ꧂
🍋’s Query’s: Did this fic make you think of a song when you were reading it?
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WARNINGS: unprotected sex (don't forget the casing before you stuff your sausage), cursing, mentions/descriptions of abuse/violence, Mafia au, mentions/descriptions of injuries. Jeonghan smokes a bit. Please let me know if I missed anything.
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*The night you first woke in the hotel, after Jeonghan left*
“A liability!” Your father glared at Jeonghan as he spoke. “If you are willing to jeopardize a mission then it’s a liability.”
“Everything went well, Father. There was no other way than to kill her.” Jeonghan responded. Forcing himself to remain calm knowing that getting angry would be of no benefit.
He slammed his fist on the table and stood up from his chair, sending it flying into the wall.
“A liability Jeonghan. You deal with it or I do.” He walked to the door.
“Don’t you dare.” Jeonghan said. His voice was serious and cold. It scared him when he heard it.
His father turned around sharply, his hand raised in an angry fist. “Is that a threat boy?”
Without so much as a flinch Jeonghan stared at his fathers angry eyes. Suddenly his father chuckled, clapping Jeonghan on the shoulder.
In his fathers old age he’d become slower and weaker. Jeonghan noticed how the old man's touch didn’t leave behind as much fear. Jeonghan held his place, glaring at his father and maintaining his icy stare.
“Do what you will, boy. But if you ever go against my orders again… you too will be considered a liability. And I never leave loose strings Jeonghan. You know that best of all.”
Jeonghans father walked out of the room leaving Jeonghan all alone in the dimly lit lavish office to massage his aching shoulder.
His fathers words echoed heavily in Jeonghan’s mind as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself.
The woman his father claimed to love. The woman who carried his unborn child. It didn’t matter that what she did was to save her life, and the life of his son. She was a liability so he dealt with it leaving their prematurely born baby crying and hungry until the maid took pity.
Jeonghan was raised by the head housemaid Kim, living in the servant quarters and only being allowed in the main house to attend lessons and training. He spent his adolescents clawing his way through insults and blows just to prove himself. It wasn't until he was older that he realized he would never be enough and trying so hard wasn't worth it, but by then the damage was done.
He had a bruised ego and a misplaced heart that struggled to tell the difference between right and wrong.
But in this very moment he was certain about one thing. No one was going to lay a finger on you, not even his father.
His clenched fist left cuts in his palms until the sharp pain sobered him. Without another moment wasted Jeonghan left that dreadful house, his heart only steadying once he was in his car driving towards…you.
“Why do you think Boss sent us together?”
Jeonghan paced in boredom smoking his second cigarette as his slightly younger brother Jisoo worked on opening the newest shipments crate.
“He didn’t. I lied.” Jisoo smiled at him, charming as ever. “Why do you still call him boss? You’ve known he was your father for-like-ever.”
Jeonghan angrily stuffed his hands in his pockets. “He’s no father of mine… wait what do you mean you lied?”
Joenghan kicked at his brother but he dodged it without even looking and continued his work.
His brother stopped fiddling with the crate he was opening so he could shrug. “I just didn’t want to go alone.”
He then turned to Jeonghan so he could speak to him directly. “I don’t know why you insist on saying that.”
“What? Why wouldn’t I? " asked Jeonghan. He was starting to feel annoyed with his brother's lack of understanding. “You and I both know he only told me because DongYul is a failure.”
His brother’s expression turned serious as he placed his hands on Jeonghan's shoulders. “Don’t speak about DongYul like that. Besides, it does us no good turning against each other. And listen, Father made sure you got the same experiences as us, only now you understand why. Shit man you probably had it better.”
“How so?”
“At least you have Kim. Our mother didn’t even tell us before she left.”
“Well my mother is dead. My *father* killed her, remember?”
Jisoo shrugged.
Jeonghan looked down. Jeonghan wondered if Jisoo could see the glistening in his eyes as they began to sting. He shrugged off his brother's arm in hopes of shaking off the emotions as well.
“Hey aren’t you glad that finding out about your lineage included the perks of two awesome brothers?” Jisoo said, changing the subject.
Jeonghan scoffed. “DongYul was a piece of shit, Jisoo.”
“He never got over the fact that your mom was the mistress that made our mom leave. He's actually really sensitive, you know?
“Oh Jisoo The Great Defender of The Sad and Sensitive.” Jeonghan said with a condisending bow.
Jeonghan’s experience with his older brother had been nothing short of cruel. If Jisoo hadn’t kept the peace Jeonghan and DongYul probably would’ve killed each other already.
Jisoo rolled his eyes at his brother’s dramatics. “I know he wasn’t the kindest to you but you have no idea what he’s been through.” Jisoo continued. “The things he’s had to do.”
But Jeonghan did know. He knew of the burdens that came with being the eldest son of Yoon DongHan. He was always nearby when Kim would tend to his brothers after training, missions, and… disciplines. He would hear their horror stories as they recounted in jest to distract from the pain, Dongyul drinking alcohol to numb it before he was even 15. He learned before anything else that their father tolerated little.
Mr. Yoon would decorate Jeonghan and his brother for even the slightest incompetence. He would always say “You either learn here or you learn out there, and the world is not as forgiving as I am.”
Their father was right. At least he would stop before they died.
DongYul being the eldest was hit with the brunt of responsibility. He was constantly busy with transactions and helping with the many businesses the Yoon family owned. DongHan only recently split the workload between his sons, not out of compassion but rather for efficiency.
But did it really excuse the way DongYul treated him? Did it matter that his brother was in far more pain then he would put Jeonghan through? And most of all… why did Jeonghan miss him?
When jeonghan opened the door to the cabin a fragrant aroma filled his nose. Looking around he discovered the source, a pot simmering on the stove.
He turned around to find you reclined on the living room couch, your chest rising and falling with each soft breathing you took.
Jeonghan sighed, his hands scrubbing his eyes as if that could rub some sense into his thoughts.
Taking another look he picked up a blanket from nearby to drape over you. He hesitated as his eyes took you in up close. There you laid in only panties and one of his white tees that were practically see through. It was hot in the living room and the thin sheen of sweat on your visible skin made it seem as if you were glowing under the warm light.
Smiling, he discarded the blacket and went to turn on the fan.
The noise of the appliance was enough to startle you awake causing you to slide right off of the couch. But before you could hit the ground Jeonghan reached out, catching your body in his arms.
“Careful now.” Jeonghan's voice fell soft against the pounding of your heart in your ear drum.
“Sorry.” You mumbled as you fixed your (his) shirt and sat up straight. “When did you get here?”
You had been in Jeonghan's little secret cabin for a couple weeks now so things naturally began to slip into a rhythm. Jeonghan would visit in the daytime a few times a week and never stayed the night so you couldn't help but wonder what he was doing here.
“Just now.” He said standing and heading upstairs.
Scurrying to the kitchen you turned off your stew and and the walked upstairs after him.
“Are you staying long? I made dinner and it just finished so I'm about to eat.”
His room door was open so you stepped in while you continued to speak. “Good thing you showed up or I might have burned the house down. I knew that book was too boring but I wanted to give it a fair shot, you know? Next thing I knew I was…sleeping..” Your voice disappeared as your eyes laid on Joenghans naked form.
He stood there relaxed and un bothered by your intrusion only raising an eyebrow before continuing to undo the clasp of his watch.
You quickly turned around in shame. Before you could slip out of the room he called your name and you froze in place.
“Oh I’m sorry I- the door was open- I’m so sorry.” You started to walk out again when Jeognhan called out.
“Wait. Help me with this.”
Assuming he meant the watch he was just struggling with you answered quickly. “Of course.’
Trying your best to angle your eyes upwards you turned around and began walking towards him only to be stopped in your tracks once again.
His watch laid neatly on his bed and his hands were busy stroking the semi-hard on he was now sporting.
“If you’re gonna walk around like that you could at least have the decency to help me out.”
You looked down at your thin clothes and wanted to perish in the spot.
“I didn’t know you were gonna be here tonight. If you called I would’ve put on more clothes.”
“Well then, my apologies.” Jeonghan said incredulously in that nonchalant way that you recently discovered made you see red.
“What do you think I-“
“Follow me.” He said firmly, cutting you off and walking towards his bathroom.
You stood there defiantly. What did he think this was? Did he really think you were just going to listen to him? You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. He is just so…so….ugh. Does he really think you were just at his beck and call?
But weren't you?
This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. And it wasn’t the first time you’d helped him out.
Your voice of reason screamed at you as you walked into the bathroom.
The shower was already on and you could hear a soft grunt coming from behind the curtain.
Your heart pounded through your body as you once again vaslated between your choices.
‘Fuck it.’
You quickly strip before carefully sliding the curtain over. His back was turned to you, his head under the shower as he slowly pumped into his fist. If he noticed you entering the shower he made no show.
Standing closer to him one arm wrapped around him, resting on his stomach, while the other steadied the hand that he stroked himself with. He relinquished his cock to you, his tired body instantly leaning back into your embrace. His eyes shut in contentful as your soft hands enveloped him.
Pumping faster and faster you pleasured him until his hot seed coated your hand and the shower wall. Still leaning against he let both of your arms wrap around him, one hand resting on his heart and feeling the slowing rise and fall of his chest as the water splattered against your bodies.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly. You wanted to savor the moment but his abnormal behavior was making you worried. Normally after he’d finish he would simply clean up and leave. But today he didn't move, his heart still pounding.
Jeonghan didn’t respond. Instead he turned around pressing you against the shower wall, his knee pressing into your swollen core before moving over to spread your legs.
His calloused fingers wrapped around your neck with gentle pressure, his lips hungry attaching to yours. The kiss was fiery and urgent, his teeth pulling your bottom lip and drawing blood that you tasted on his tongue as he slid it into your mouth. His free hand wandered your body squeezing and kneading your flesh with gusto. The wayward hand eventually found purchase on your hips, holding them in place as he unceremoniously pushed inside of you.
Your vision blurred as the pain stretched into pleasure, his size pushing deeper into your hot and wet cunt.
Jeonghan groaned into your neck in between sucking harsh bruises into the sensitive skin. Without giving you any more time to adjust he thrusted again, this time coaxing tears from your eyes and his name moaned from your swollen lips. His strokes were quick and angry but you could feel the tension in his body begin to dissolve. With now slower movements you were able to match his pace with the rocking of your hips. It wasn't long before you were both falling apart, his arms holding you in place as your exhaustion took over.
After showering off and helping you to do the same, Jeonghan pulled you to his bed. You didn't let your bafflement stop you from laying with him and allowing him to rest on your bosom, his arms holding you close.
“Jeonghan…” You softly ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp the way you always did after at some point realizing it always relaxed him.
He softly shushed you, his voice thick with exhaustion. “This is nice.”
He was right. This was so nice it hurt. You knew it wouldn't last. A relationship without honesty is destined to fail.
Nevertheless you selfishly savored the moment, holding him tighter as if it would keep him with you forever. But Jeonghan was gone when you woke up.
Getting up you brushed your teeth and examined your skin in the mirror. The bruises that were kissed into your skin last night and the previous nights now took the place of your old ones that were filled with the haunting memories of your capture. You briefly wondered if that had been his intention before shaking the thought away and getting dressed.
Downstairs there was a simple breakfast on the table for you of toast and eggs. You poured yourself some water, ignoring the food and going back to bed.
Laying in his bed Jeonghan looked at your soft and warm bare body sleeping soundly beside him. His fingers gingerly traced your skin as he breathed in your heavenly scent. Although his heart knew you were safe besides him, his mind still tormented him with the images of you the night he found you. Paranoia forced him to watch over you even though he knew you were safe and sound.
He had killed Stella himself. It wasn’t the first life he’d taken. But it was the first he’d wanted to take. His first kill that was not an order.
When he saw her crouching over your bloodied body… the wicked smile on Stellas face when she saw Jeonghan was the last moment before... he snapped.
The memory of it all played through his mind time and again. He was supposed to bring her in, there were still assets to recover and accomplices only she knew the location of now gone forever.
But Jeonghan didn't hesitate until he was holding you in his arms again.
He did it for you. He did it for…Dongyul.
His eldest brother had been his biggest enemy growing up. But now…it all felt so insignificant.
DongYul who craved compassion his whole life was met with the harsh glares of his father and even harsher blows. Like a moth to flame Stella was intoxicating for him. Despite Jisoos pleading words he would run to her, taking comfort in the lies she wrapped him in.
Only a few weeks ago he’d busted into Jeonghan's room, rage burning in his blown out pupils. But Jeonghan didn't fear him anymore. He stood up looking his brother who no longer towered over him in the eyes.
“Get out.” Jeonghan said calmly and was met with rough hands on his collar.
DongYul reeked of alcohol and his tanktop allowed Jeonghan a view of the needle marks that decorated his skin.
“DongYul! What is this!” Jeonghan grabbed his brother's arm, ignoring his brother's aggression. “What were you thinking?”
His concern for his brother surprised them both.
“Save it!” Dongyul growled. He shrugged Jeonghan’s hand from his arm before letting go of his collar.
“What do you even know? You just lay around while everything gets handed to you.’ His voice was bitter and angry.
He pushed Jeonghan hard and Jeonghan stumbled back, banging his head on the wall. Securing his footing, he prepared himself for a fight but DongYul only sat on the bed, burying his face in his hands.
“You won Jeonghan… you can have it all…but I need her.” His brother's voice was slow and slurred now.
“What do you mean?” Jeonghan asked as you rubbed his now pounding head.
“Kim…Jisoo…S-Stella…” his brother mumbled as he continued to sink as if he weighed a ton.
“…DongYul” Jeonghan began as he walked towards his distressed family member. “I'll call jisoo… we can help you whatever it is.”
His brother stood up suddenly on shaky legs. “It's too late. I screwed up big time.’
He’d never seen his brother who didn't even flinch while getting stitched up this…broken.
It petrified him.
“Sit here, I'll go get you some water and find Jisoo. Please…we can fix this.”
Jeognhan carefully sat his brother down. Taking his compliance as an agreement Jeonghan rushed to get their youngest brother and grabbed a bottle of water before hurrying back.
But Dongyul was gone.
Unable to look inside his casket, that night was the last time Jeonghan saw his older brother. A raid on what was meant to be a routine weapon exchange ended as a bloody massacre that killed almost ½ of fathers men…including his eldest son.
On the night of his eldest son's funeral Mr. Yoon called Jeonghan into his office.
“It’s about time you start taking on more responsibilities as a member of this family. Not just trades, there is more important business for you to attend to.”
Jeonghan did even know why he was shocked, this was exactly like with father. But it still made bile rise in his throat.
“The soil hast even settled yet…’
“As my eldest son I expect you to know your place.’ He cut Jeonghan off without even looking up from the work at his desk. “Don’t become foolish like your brother. And don’t be a coward like your wench of a mother.” He said before waving his hand, ending the conversation and sending Jeonghan away.
“Don't speak about my mother like that!” Jeognhan said without control. Normally he wouldn’t speak back after being dismissed.
His fathers glare wasn't enough to make him back down.
“Do not over step, boy. I suggest you learn your place before you end up learning it like her. I told you already, I clean up my own messes.”
He looked up at Jeonghan with dark eyes that shone like the devils in the dim light of his office.
Jeonghan used all of his strength to calmly walk away. He shut the door before racing to his bathroom and hurling in the toilet. Kim, who had heard of his meeting with his father from Jisoo, came to check on him.
“Oh dear.” She said when she found him leaning against the bathtub.
She left and returned with tea before sitting next to jeonghan on the bathroom floor where he layed, tears angrily falling from his eyes.
“Did you know?” He asked quietly.
“Know what darling?” Her soothing voice did nothing to calm the turmoil Jeonghan was feeling.
Jeonghan looked at her with tearful eyes. “Did you know that that monster killed my mother?”
Kim could only nod.
She wiped his tears as her own began to fall. “I watched it happen...”
Jeognhan sat up and looked at the woman who his heart now broke for.
Kim had raised him as her own after having a stillbirth only a week before his birth. To her it was meant to be. When the other maids all cowered in fear she stepped up taking the shivering baby in her arms and wrapping him tightly in her sweater. Her body that had been preparing to be a mother fell right into step as she fed and held him close while she worked.
Although that period in her life was hard to look back on, she still felt Jeonghan should know so she held his hand as she spoke.
“Your father would have done anything for your mother. He was crazy for her but he wasn’t careful. It didn’t take long before one of his many enemies had her. She was young, pregnant, and… so scared. Then one day she was back. She said they got lazy, that she had escaped while they were distracted.’
Kim paused to swallow the lump in her throat.
“You don't have to tell me.” It disturbed Jeonghan to see her struggling.
Kim shook her head and continued.
“She used to always hang around smiling and chatting with the workers but she wouldn't leave her room. One night she called for me and the state she was in scared me half to death. She was all panicky and high on whatever they had given her while she was there. That night she broke down and told me that she gave them information in exchange for her freedom. She loved your father but she didn’t fear him…and that was her downfall. Then I found out that she wasn't the one who called for me. When she wouldn't talk to him, he knew she would talk to me. He killed them and then he…”
Kim couldn't continue, her sobs swallowing her words. Jeonghan could only hold her as heartbroken tears spilled from her eyes.
Waking up you stretched out as you always did, this time your arm knocking into something. Opening your eyes you turned over quickly to find Jeonghan laying in your bed next to you. He stirred before opening his eyes.
“You’re still here?” You asked in surprise.
“Ouch.” Jeonghan chuckled and propped himself on his elbow, looking down at you with a smile.
“No no, I didn’t mean it like that.” You said, sitting up and turning towards him. “It’s just that you’re normally gone by morning.”
He nodded at you but his eyes seemed distant.
“What is it?” You asked scooting closer to him.
“It’s been over a month and yet no one has come asking about you.”
“Wasn't that the point?’ you snipped back, pulling your knees to your chest and burying your head in your arms.
You felt his arm on your shoulder causing warmth to spread through you but you shrugged his hand away. You were starting to feel aggravated with him.
“What are you getting at anyway Jeonghan?”
“Well…if I kept you here forever no one would even care.”
Your eyes welled with tears as you looked at him in horror.
“What the hell is wrong with you!”
Jeonghan instantly noticed the heartbreak in your voice.
“I didn't mean it like that i-”
You stood up now, grabbing the robe that hung beside your bed and covering yourself with it.
He pulled himself to the edge of the bed and grabbed your arm.
Your view of him began to blur and your breathing came quickly. His arms were around you fast, pulling you towards him and holding you tightly.
“I promised to keep you safe.” He whispered to you.
“…This…this isn't living, Jeonghan. I’m going crazy. Trapped here as you come and go. You hardly speak to me. When I wake up you’re gone and then I'm left here feeling used and …all alone.”
He sat there quietly holding on to you.
Feeling dejected from his lack of response you started to free yourself from his grasp. “Never mind.”
“At 7 years old I’d gotten my first broken bone. Training, my father called it. Preparation. My leg still hurts when it rains.”
You stilled in his arms as you listened.
“He used to make us spar. The winner was whoever was still conscious. Loser was locked in the penalty box without food and water for a few days. He chose the number in pair with your level of failure.”
The way he spoke was so indifferent as if he was simply recounting tales of a grocery store run instead of years of abuse. Turning on his lap so that you were facing him you held his face in your hands.
“Then run away with me. We don't have to live like this.” Your face was inches from his as your lips hovered together. Holding your hand he stroked your knuckles. “We can leave this all behind and never look back.”
You felt Jeonghan’s lips smiling against your cheek where he kissed your hot tears away.
“Don’t be so naive.”
His words cut through you like daggers.
You pulled back, searching his soft eyes for answers that they never gave.
“I told you all of that so you can understand how I was molded. So you can understand that all reality with me in it will never be peaceful. ”
“Jeonghan-“ your voice broke.
“Have you ever taken a life before?” He asked so quietly you nearly missed it.
“You can never understand how silly you sound at this moment.”
Frowning at him you hit his chest. “Don't you patronize me.”
He grabbed your wrist so tightly it hurt a bit.
“Let me go Yoon Jeonghan.”
His gaze lost its softness as it pierced through you but you didn’t back down.
“You wouldn’t last a day in my world.” He said, his voice bitter and harsh.
Pulling your wrist from his grip you fixed him with your own icy gaze.
You began to move again but this time his hand on your hips secured you against him.
You frowned at him. “I said let me go!”
“Stay.” He said softly. “I need you to stay.”
You felt the fight deflating from you, only exhaustion remained. “I’m suffocating, Jeonghan.”
He rubbed circles into your hips, his voice soft and low. “Without you it's all unbearable.”
How did he know just what to say to you? Your heart was racing and your skin felt clammy and hot.
No! You can’t live like this. This isn't living.
But were you okay with never seeing him again? Never feeling his warmth? Never tasting him?
Holding your face, Jeonghan roughly pulled you closer to him, placing a hot kiss on your lips. He was fiery and addicting. Your answer was clear.
“No.” You whispered, gently pulling away although it pained you. “I won’t be your pet, I can't.”
This time when you went to stand he didn't hold on, his arms fell to his sides dejected.
Backing away from him slowly you turned around and began picking your clothes off the floor.
“Either you take me home or I find my own way.”
Jeonghan didn’t call out for you or plead. He only nodded before walking out. After a few minutes you heard his car start.
Nothing here was yours so you quickly dressed before leaving.
“Get your ass up!” Jisoo yelled, kicking Jeonghan in his side. We have to go check the shipment today and Father is starting to notice that you haven’t been showing up to meetings.”
Jeonghan groaned and rolled over, pulling the blanket over his head. His brother hit him again and ripped the blanket away.
“I’m serious dude. And I still need to vet a new treasurer because the last one was skimming whom I had to handle last night BY MYSELF. I’m tired of covering for your ass.” He walked out screaming “I swear to you Jeonghan I will come back with a taser.” Before shutting the door behind him.
As much as Jeonghan wanted to punch his brother he knew he was right so he begrudgingly got up and got ready. Walking into the kitchen he stopped short when he saw his father seated at the kitchen table.
“You still follow around Kim like a blind puppy.”
Jeonghan angrily pulled out a chair, sitting down across from his father.
“I live here, remember.” He grumbled as he poured himself a cup of tea. His appetite was gone at the sight of his father.
“Yes, well I expect you in the main house by the end of the week.”
“What! Why?” Jeaonghan was completely caught off guard.
“It’s time you stop lazing around and get to some real work.” With that his father stood and headed out the door showing that his word was final.
Jeonghan slammed his cup down, breaking off the handle and spilling tea on the side of the table.
“Oh my.” Kim said, suddenly in the kitchen and rushing to clean the spill. “And I really liked that set.”
Jeaonghans mood relaxed as he looked at Kim's somber expression.
He knew she had hundreds of tea sets all around this house, all which she called her favorite.
He gently held her hand and she leaned down into a hug.
A quiet sob shook her shoulders.
Jeonghan knew as well that his world would change completely once he left. Even in Kim’s warm embrace he still felt the weight of his fathers expectations on his already heavy soul.
Trying to get back into the swing of life proved to be as difficult as you’d expected. Eventually you got the strength to go and collect your things from work. You realized that it wouldn't be appropriate to ignore anymore of your bosses calls, the final one saying that your things were going to be disposed of if you didn’t come for them, by the end of the week.
There was nothing important there but you went and got it anyway. You tried to smile and ignore the concerned questions and glances of your ex-coworkers but they still bothered you. If only they knew how right they were to worry for you.
You spent the rest of the day outside just roaming around aimlessly. Your house felt so small and lonely. Once the sun had set you forced yourself to go back home.
Walking into your house you placed your box of your things on the counter instantly reaching for the bottle of wine you’d left there this morning. You felt around but when you still couldn’t find it you sighed and turned on the light.
Frozen in terror your brain rushed through all of its possible escape options as your eyes looked to the stranger that was sitting at your dining room table sipping your wine.
“You know I’ve never drank the cheap stuff before but this really isn't half bad.”
He took another swig before flashing you a charming and all too familiar smile.
“Are you Jeonghan’s brother?” You asked, your hands reaching for your keys. You remembered Jeonghan mentioning his siblings but you couldn't remember their names.
“Astute.” He said without a genuine smile. “But not smart if you think those keys will do anything other than piss me off.”
The man stood up and walked towards you, stopping before he got too close. “My name is Jisoo. I come in peace.” He showed you his empty hands before putting up two peace signs and waving them at you with a goofy smile.
“I’m here to offer you a job opportunity.”
All that you'd packed fit only in one duffle bag. Has your life really been that small?
You knew that you were absolutely crazy to say yes to Jisoo. The new treasurer for one of the biggest gangs on this side of the country.
“It will require you to move.” Jisoo said, still a little surprised by how quickly you agreed.
“Sure. no problem.”
Jisoo only shrugged before scribbling his information on a napkin.
“Call me when you’re ready.”
With what he downed the last of the wine, gave you a wink, and walked out of the door leaving you drowning in your thoughts.
You periodically dried your hands on your jeans while clutching onto your duffel bag.
“You’re a pretty one.” Jisoo said, looking at you instead of the road.
You returned his comment with a frown. “Pardon?”
“You know I didn't really get a good look at you before because your house was all dark and depressing but now I can see why Jeognhan has been all screwed up.”
Jeognhan hadn’t even so much as tried to contact you since your last interaction. Hearing Jisoos words made your heart constrict. Was Jeonghan feeling just as shitty as you were?
The Yoon house was more like that of a palace. Now parked, you tilted your head to see the top of the huge building through the car window.
“Beautiful isn’t it.” Jisoo said, stepping out of the car. “You’ll be working in the main house but your room will be in the servants quarters…which is this way.” He grabbed your bag from you and walked away leaving you no choice but to follow him.
“Don’t worry, it’s also very nice.”
He was right. Although the servant quarters were significantly smaller than the main house it was still beautiful and grand.
You followed him inside and he led you past the kitchen and into a spacious and elegantly furnished bedroom.
“You’re free to use anything in this house. This is your room. I’ll call you to the main house when you have business to attend. For now just get settled and comfortable.”
You looked around the room taking in the beautiful layout when a familiar small frame peaked into the room with a warm smile.
“Oh and this is the head maid-“
“Kim!” You said excitedly. You ran to her and gave her a hug, her arms wrapping around you warm and welcoming like soup for your tired soul.
Even though you only saw her a few times she already felt so familiar, causing a breath of relief to wash over your anxious mind.
“I see you've met already.” Jisoo said but was ignored as you and Kim caught up with each other. “Well since you’re in good hands I’m gonna head out ... .aaand I’m invisible.”
Jisoo shook his head and walked out of the room.
“Oh darling, it's lovely to have you here.” Kim said holding your hands. “Now I can have someone to talk to.”
“Aren’t there other house workers?”
“Oh there are plenty. But none of them are like you” She winked at you with a smile that you couldn’t help returning. “These workers come and go so often I stopped bothering with pleasantries. But I have a feeling that and I darling are going to be great friends.”
It felt nice to know there was someone around that you felt you could trust and rely on.
By now you had been in and out of the house plenty of times as you got acquainted with their records and log books that you needed for work. And yet… you still had not run into Jeonghan. Was he avoiding you?
You rolled your eyes as you packed your things and headed back to the servants quarters. What would you even say if you saw him?
It was late and you had been working all day trying to sort the mess of files Jisoo had dumped on you. The last guy really did a number on them and Jisoo wanted it fixed as quickly as possible. You wondered what happened to the last treasurer but ultimately decided to shake off the thought. ‘Best not to over think.’ You told yourself.
After a long hot shower you still weren’t in the least bit sleepy. Insomnia was wrapping its cold fingers around you and it was starting to become more and more exhausting. With a sigh you put on your pajamas and made your way to the kitchen to brew yourself some tea.
You brought some files back with you to sort and review while you sat down and sipped on your tea. Preoccupied and completely engrossed in your work, you didn't notice the gentle sound of the door opening and shutting.
“Kim?” A voice softly whispers as a familiar frame creeped into the dim kitchen.
You’d recognize that voice anywhere.
Turning around quickly your eyes landed on the slender man that stood before you. Even after months apart your treturus heart remembered the dance it did just for him.
“Y/n!” Jeonghan looked truly shocked, his eyes wide with confusion.
“What are you doing here?” You asked. “Jisoo said you live in the main house.”
“I was looking for- wait shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
You shrugged. “I live here. I’ve been working as your treasurer for a bit now. Didn’t Jisoo tell you?”
“No… he didn’t.” Jeonghan said a little distractedly. “You shouldn't read in such dim lighting.”
He went and turned on a light that was on the side of a cabinet, filling the room with a bright glow.
“So that’s where that was. I couldn't find it and just gave up.”
“You could've asked someone.”
“Everyone is sleeping.”
You both fell into an awkward silence as you looked everywhere but at each other.
“Uhm…Do you want some tea?” You asked. You smiled timidly and you saw his body relax a bit.
Jeonghan carefully pulled out and sat in the chair right next to you.
You got up, grabbed another cup and poured Jeonghan a cup of tea, placing it in front of him.
In the time it took you he was already flipping through your papers only taking a pause to taste the tea.
“This is good.” He said, taking another sip. “Where’d you buy it?”
“Thank you, I mixed it myself. Please don’t mess with my papers.” You quickly gathered up your papers from where he had moved them in front of him. “I’m trying to sort them and you’re making a mess.”
You reached for the papers in his hand but he smiled and pulled them out of your reach.
“That’s really mature Jeong- '' as you reached for the paper you slipped and fell into him, his arm wrapping securely around you and holding you close.
With Jeonghan's close proximity all but your beating heart had abandoned you. In a stupor you allowed his warm lips to wrap around yours, tasting as sweet as you remembered them.
You pulled away with hot tears suddenly spilling from your eyes..
“Absolutely not Yoon Jeonghan.” you stood and backed away from him, his face blurring in your eyes.
The way his voice called your name was deadly for your health.
“I told you already. I’m not your plaything.”
He stood up now, reaching out for your hand but you swiftly pulled away as you took another step back.
“I hate feeling used by Jeonghan. My whole life… never again.”
He walked closer and his darling scent filled your nose. Green tea and cigarettes… and liquor. You hadn’t taken notice before but… had he been drinking?
He reached out again but this time you stayed still, allowing his calloused hands to softly hold your face, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks and swiping away your tears.
In the next moment you were watching his back as he left you feeling confused and …tired. You cleaned up and went to bed falling asleep as soon as your head touched the pillow.
“Jisoo you piece of shit.”
“Good morning to you too. I'm a little busy right now.”
He gestured to the moaning mound underneath his covers, no doubt his flavor of the week.
“The new treasurer. Jisoo what the fuck?!”
“Oh so you’ve met her.”’ He placed his hand on the mound, stopping the movement as he looked up at Jeonghan’s angry face. “I thought I told her not to come over without telling me?”
“I ran into her last night when I went to check on Kim.”
“Good god, Father is right, you do follow her around like a puppy.”
“Don’t you ever quote that dick head to me again.” Jeonghan’s voice came low and serious.
“Okay okay calm down. What happened to you? You used to be so chill? Listen, you know Father hates distractions. Don’t give him a reason to think Kim or Y/N are, okay?”
Jeonghan felt true horror at what Jisoo was insinuating. He knew that his brother was right.
Jeonghan leaned against the wall feeling deflated and dizzy with anger.
“How did you find Y/N anyway?”
“Seriously?” Jisoo asked sarcastically. “Super sexy by the way.”
He followed the last sentence with a smirk that was met with Jeonghan’s furious glare.
“Oh relax. You’re no fun anymore.” Jisoo said dismissing Jeonghan’s attitude with the wave of his hand. “Listen Jeonghan, brother to brother, you need to get your shit together before Father does it for you. I can assure you he won't be as careful about it as you. Now get the fuck out of my room.”
Jeonghan left without another word, the moaning starting up again before he closed the door. He knew his brother was right, It was time to pull his head out of the sand.
In a job like Jeonghan’s there was always something that needed to get done. The bigger you are the less people think you notice. Unfortunately for them you don’t grow from the lack of concern, there are eyes everywhere.
As Mr.Yoon got older his lifestyle allowed him more youth then his peers but alas age was catching up on him. That meant the Jeonghan and Jisoos responsibilities were increasing 10 fold.
In a family like the Yoons where they didn’t take the easy way out through human and drug trafficking business management was important. Jeonghan's job tonight was dealing with an overzealous CEO of one of their liquor companies who was brave enough to start a slush fund.
Thanks to their new and ever so clever treasurer a lot of those kinds of parasites were coming to the surface.
Jeonghan wished the man had just chosen the easy way but irrational and crazy was always the theme. Father always told them that if someone started a fight it didn't end until one of you was dead. Even though the ass hole had gotten a few good slices in, Jeonghan had been the victor.
Coming home tired and exhausted he just wanted to shower and… see you. Wracking his brain for an excuse to visit the servant quarters he pulled off his bloodied shirt and headed to his room. A light peaked through the cracks of a study room door andJeongahan figured Jisoo was working late. As he walked closer to check in on his brother when a familiar laugh filled his ears.
Suddenly high alert he crept closer, his back to the wall as he listened in.
“No no, those don’t go over there Jisoo!” Your voice came like honey to his ears. “You’re not helping.” There was that laugh again cutting through Jeonghan more than the tussle earlier that night had.
“Whatever you say Madam. I’ll just sit here and watch you work your magic.” Jisoo’s voice was coated in honey as he laughed along with Y/N.
‘What’s even so funny?’ Jeonghan grumbled quietly to himself. He took a deep breath before opening the door and casually strolling into the room. He saw red when his eye landed on you sitting crossed legged on the table in a tank top and shorts as Jisoo leaned over your shoulder reading the paper in your hands.
Jisoo looked up first, a smile playing on his lips when he spoke. “Well you look like shit.”
You looked up, your face crumbling with concern the moment your eyes met with Jeonghan’s battered body.
He had a bloody shirt in his hands and fresh cuts on his slim frame, the biggest of which was still bleeding through the bandage that was haphazardly wrapped around it.
“Thanks.” Jeognhan said sarcastically to his brother before throwing the shirt at him and sitting down on the chair near the wall. His hair fell into his face but the shadows draping around him couldn’t hide the bags under his sleepy eyes. Jisoo blocked the shirt and it fell with a wet thud to the floor.
“Gross! This isn't all your blood is it?” Jisoo wined, wiping his hands on his pants.
The urge to brush his silky hair aside and hold him to your chest was so all-consuming it made you feel nauseous.
“You could’ve helped me, you know.” Jeonghan continued to his brother, completely ignoring you.
“Serves you right after the shit I did for you.” Jisoo retorted, still wiping his hands in disgust before smiling smugly at Jeonghan. “Besides I knew you could handle it and I had to keep my new friend company.”
He placed his hand on your shoulder, giving a squeeze and smiling down at you.
“Eww, don’t touch me with those hands!” You laughed and brushed Jisoos hand away before quickly looking at jeonghan and catching something flicker across his face that left as quickly as it came.
“Well.” Jeonghan said standing and walking to the door. “Don’t work too hard, I’m going to bed.”
The moment he shut the door behind him you hopped down from the table, giving a good stretch before you began stacking your papers.
“Well I better go before it gets too late.” You said with a shy smile as you suddenly felt awkward.
“Booo, you guys are boring.” Jisoo leaned against the table, his eyes watching you as you gathered your things. “You know there’s no point ignoring him if you're waiting around for him anyway.”
“What?” You looked up at Jisoos' bored expression.
“Sleep with me.”
You searched his face for something to tell you he was joking, rolling your eyes in frustration when you found nothing of the sort.
“Both of you are so…so…ugh” You gave up with an exasperated sigh as you finished picking up your things.
“I'm just saying…” Jisoo began with his hands up defensively. “If you don’t want to sleep with me you must still want to sleep with him. So why are you giving each other the cold shoulder?”
“Oh my- good night Jisoo.” Waving goodbye you left the room in a huff.
Jisoo was crazy just like his brother. Crazy and annoyingly right. But you didn’t need Jeonghan’s handsome and extremely slutty younger brother to tell you you still wanted Jeonghan.
After a quick shower and a cup of tea you found yourself tossing and turning in bed as you thought about that man who plagued your heart.
Was he okay? Those cuts looked pretty bad. And he was still bleeding. Did he need help?
You groaned in frustration holding your pillow over your head. What even was your life?
Jeonghans shower proved difficult with open wounds. Most of the blood on his body wasn’t his so he couldn't bear another moment longer with it on his skin. Struggling to wash his hair with his sore arms proved drying as completely impossible. Only having the energy to pull on pants he flopped on the floor and leaned his head back, his damp hair leaving a wet spot on his blanket.
Drifting off he figured he had imagined the gentle rapping on his door but when it came again he got up and took a look.
“Y/N!” He said in disbelief. “How did you find my room?
“Jisoo told me.”
You didn’t wait for him to let you in, pushing past him you hurried through the door in fear of being spotted. You carefully placed the bag of things you brought for him against the wall. “I wanted to see if you needed help.”
He was quiet for a moment, carefully letting the situation flip around in his head before speaking.
“Well…my hair is still pretty wet…”
You nodded and headed straight for his bathroom finding the blow dryer abandoned on his sink counter.
Finding an outlet near his bed you sat down before gesturing for him to come.
He silently sat between your legs with his back leaning against his bed, his head resting on your stomach.
Your thigh was soft and warm against his arm as your fingers delicately combed through his hair as the warm air blew.
Feeling completely relaxed the moment passed too quickly for Jeonghan and he found himself wishing he never replaced his broken dryer that barely worked.
He felt disappointed as you stood but you only picked up the bag you brought with you and pulled out a first aid kit and a canteen.
Walking towards him you placed the canteen on his nightstand and sat down next to him on the floor.
“These don’t look like they need stitches but I’ll ask Kim to check in the morning. For now I’ll clean and bandage them, okay.”
All Jeognhan could do was nod as your soft fingers tenderly cared for him. You finished quickly and once again he found himself feeling ridiculous as he wished that he’d taken a few more cuts in the fight.
You sitting so close to him left him feeling incomprehensibly ravenous.
Your body felt a shift in the atmosphere so you quickly stood up and scurried to the door. You feared your own treacherous desires in his presence.
“There is some porridge in there for you. I can’t promise it’s good but it is still warm.” With that you grabbed your bag and slipped through the door shutting it silently behind you.
You came and left like a breeze leaving Jeonghan to wonder if maybe he’d imagined it all. But the still warm container of porridge on his night stand and that sweet scent of you that lingered in the air told him that it had all been true.
Each bite made him more tired then the next but he forced his eyes open as he finished the savory meal you prepared for him. Feeling peacefully warm he slipped under his covers and fell fast asleep.
You quietly cleaned up the kitchen, apologizing to the workers who were just getting in for the noise before going upstairs to your room and slipping into bed. Flashes of earlier flooded your thoughts but it wasn’t long before you were fast asleep.
The ringing blare of the main house sirens alerted you awake. Quickly jumping from your bed you ran from your room only to be swept in the crowd of staff that were rushing from the house. Once outside and still in a daze you stopped in your tracks and looked up in terror.
People crashed into you as you watched the huge dark gray bellow of smoke that rose from the main house. An entire wing was engulfed in bright orange flames. Someone knocked into you hard causing you to fall to the ground. The wet earth seeped through your thin nightwear as you watched staff rush to set up the hoses to the water lines. Finally snapping out of your stupor you pulled yourself up and rushed to help.
When the fire was gone and the commotions died down the silence settled like the embers that lightly fizzled out in the damp grass. The news traveled fast amongst the staff in waves of shock and horror.
Mr. Yoon was dead.
While his sons were away on a mission someone had killed him and set his mansion wing ablaze. Carefully trekking through the rubble a few of his men retrieved his body.
The funeral was private with Yoon Dongmin’s place of rest being somewhere only his sons knew.
Everyday following the house was quiet and somber as the brothers worked tirelessly in search of the culprit.
Some nights they would walk through the door of the servant quarters with exhaustion slowed steps and blood splattered across their clothing. It wasn't sadness that fueled their restless hours, it was pride and principle.
“It doesn't make sense!” Jisoo yelled, kicking over the chair beside him.
You looked up from the files you were tirelessly pouring over every night to get their business affairs in order after their fathers passing.
Jeonghan ran his hands through his hair in equal frustration. He took another drag from his cigarette but it didn't calm him.
“How could someone not only sneak in to our high security house but also find Fathers room and catch him off guard enough to slit his throat!” Jisoo was pacing now as he spoke.
“Maybe it's someone he knew?” Jeonghan said pensively. “A prostitute? A set up?”
Jisoo shook his head. “He would never let his guard down like that. And also how would they know the layout enough to shut off both our main and backup cameras.”
“An inside job?” you threw out into the conversation.
“We question everyone with that level of clearance…extensively.'' Jeonghan said, flexing his fingers to soothe the aching of his bruised knuckles.
“We've all got a shareholders meeting in the morning and you guys are beyond exhausted.” You said soothingly. “Let's all get some rest and regroup tomorrow.”
“You're right.” Jisoo mumbled, suddenly aware of his exhaustion.
The boys had been sleeping in the servants quarters recently for safety measures so Jisoo tiredly trudged to his room and shut the door.
After you were done packing your things away you turned to Jeonghan who hadn't budged from his chair.
“Do you want me to put on some tea?” you whispered with a small smile.
When he didn't respond you got up and turned on the electric kettle. You pushed in your chair and sat down in the one beside him.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Without a response Jeonghan leaned over resting his weary head on your shoulder. You hesitated for a moment before gently running your finger through his hair. The kettle clicked off telling you water was boiled but you ignored it.
“Come with me.” You stood up pulling Jeonghan along with you to your room and shutting the door.
You stripped down to your underwear tossing the day's exhausted clothes in your hamper and then encouraged Jeonghan to do the same. He looked at you with curious amusement but still complied.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his small smile giving away his fatigue.
“Just trust me okay? Let me take care of you. Please?”
Once he was done you pulled him into your bed, laying him down with the push of your hand against his chest.
You laid down next to him, resting your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, giving a sqeeze.
To Jeonghan, the feeling of your warm body flush with his had healing properties.
“I think I sort of get how you feel.” Your voice was soft and careful as you spoke. “When I found out my brother died it felt so weird. I hated him so much but…”
“He’s still family.” Jeonghan finished for you.
Jeonghan lifted his head and looked into your face framed by the cool moonlight.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Moving on to his side he propped himself up, gazing down at you with what resembled the twinkle of a galaxy in his eyes. You smiled up at him, your cheeks bashful from his attention. Holding his face, you pulled him towards you until your desperate mouths met in a fever.
His body was hot and heavy on you as he leaned into your embrace, stealing more of your kisses.
Butterflies from his touch sprinkled across your sensitive skin, the velvet of his tongue intoxicatingly potent. Reaching under you he unclipped your bra, pulling it off, throwing it aside, before leaning down and kissing in between your soft mounds right above your heart.
You lost yourself in dizzy lust as his nimble fingers skillfully played with your swollen clit.
“W-wait.” You said, stopping his hand.
His lips vibrated against your nipples as he hummed to question you.
“Let me take care of you.”
You gently pushed at his chest until he layed back on the bed. Sitting up you straddled his hips and looked down at his amused face.
Jeonghan couldn't take his eyes off your alluring physique. The way your perked nipples still wet with his kisses glistened in the moonlight made it hard for him to form any amount of a coherent thought.
He couldn't resist squeezing your tensed thighs while you rubbed your pussy, wet and warm, up and down his painfully hard erection.
Sultry sounds fell from your pretty lips and made his cock twitch with need.
Just as Joenghan was sure he couldn't take more of your teasing you lifted on your knees and rubbed his tip at your silky entrance. Completely entranced by your touch he fell apart just from watching the way you pulled your lips into your luscious mouth and crimped your eyebrows as your glistening core slowly swallowed him up.
Once you fit as much of him as you could, you stilled and blinked to halt the spinning of your lust hazed mind. The titillating feeling of your hot hungry walls squeezing around him caused his hips to lift into you in search of more.
Steadying yourself with your hands on his chest you worked your hips against him. His soft grunts poured lustrously in your ears filling you with pride as you continued your movements despite the increasing exhaustion of your hips. As the coil tightened in your core you steadied your breathing so you could last longer for him.
You felt Jeonghan's hands squeezing and guiding your hip, one hand slipping down to your clit and sending your mind into a static like fuzz. Your movements slowed but Jeonghan didn't mind taking the lead a bit by lifting his hips and meeting you halfway.
Missing your lips he reached up and pulled you to him, your sweaty skin rubbing together as the new position pushed him into you deliciously. The drink of his lips accompanied with his thrusts filled you with more ecstasy than your body could contain. The rush of your high overloaded your senses, shutting you down and leaving you feeling as if you were floating. You came back to the mumble of your name spilling from Jeonghan's lips as his hot seed filled you, mixing with your juices and slicking between your sticky spent bodies.
His heart beat like a drum beneath you, his chest rocking you with every breath. Using your remaining strength you lift yourself up and peppered Jeonghan with lazy kisses on his smiling lips. The fluttering of his feather-like eyelashes was hypnotizing as you watched him fall peacefully asleep.
Smiling to yourself you moved his sweaty hair from his face, holding a kiss in between his tensed brows until they softened.
“Sweet dreams my Hannie.” you whispered into his neck as you snuggled into him and shut your eyes for the night.
You thanked past you for the alarm that woke you two up in time to get ready for the early morning meeting you had to attend. You shower first before waking him up. Instead of getting ready he laid still watching you with a smile as you scurried around and pulled on your clothes in a panic.
“You know it's okay if we're late.” Jeonghan spoke with a teasing lilt to his voice. He was thoroughly enjoying watching the way you wiggled your pants on.
You looked at him, smiling when you saw his signature mischievous head tilt that destroyed your every defense . You closed your eyes for a second to reset your weakening heart.
“I dont think being late is appropriate if you want to show respect and dignity.”
You sat down next to him on the bed to pull your socks on when he reached over and tickled you.
“Loosen up.” Jeonghan said laughing along with you. He sat up, pulling you closer and placing a kiss on your bare shoulder.
You took the chance to tickle him back but his reflexes were quicker. Grabbing you he fell back on the bed, pulling you atop him.
You stopped his lips between your two fingers as they littered your breast with kisses. You felt him growing hard beneath you and lifted yourself back up with a teasing smirk.
“I'm going to make breakfast.”
Pulling away from his pleading grip you patted him playfully on the chest and stood up walking away with a sexy sway of your hips leaving him to figure out his own issue.
Jisoo raised his eyebrow at you when he heard the sound of the shower from your room's direction instead of Jeonghans. Without a word he poured his coffee, shaking his head and laughing at the blush that now colored your face.
After the meeting you went home first to finish up with the files in their fathers office.
When lunchtime rolled around the brothers ate and then went for a little walk before they had to get back to the stuffy offices in their stuffy suits while stuffy people bored them to death.
“No wonder Father was so fucking miserable, this is depressingly painful.” Jeonghan said to his brother as he stretched and rubbed his eyes.
“Jeonghan. I think that old lady’s been following us.” Jisoo grabbed his brother's arm before he could turn around and look. “Let's just keep walking until we get somewhere more private and then we'll confront her.
Jeonghan nodded and they slightly picked up pace only taking small glances to check if the woman was still following them, which she was.
As the crowd thinned out, suspecting she wasn't alone, the brothers prepared themselves for a fight.
But when they turned around the little old lady stood there by herself.
She smiled and stepped closer. Instinctively Jeonghan stepped over to block his brother without taking his eyes off the woman's hands that were hidden in the sleeves of her jacket. Jeonghan reached for his gun and Jisso quickly turned around to make sure no one was behind them.
“I came alone.” she said, her voice soft and low.
The old women had long silver hair pulled elegantly into a bun. She wore a sweater dress with a collar that was low enough to reveal a ghastly scar across her neck. Jeonghan couldn't shake the familiar feeling she felt when he looked at her.
“How do you know my name?” Jeonghan demanded, now pulling out his gun and pointing it at the woman.
He knew never to underestimate an opponent so despite her small frame he was still on guard. She wouldn't get a chance to hurt him or his brother without a bullet through her head.
She put her hands up to show that they were empty.
“Please, I mean know harm. I just want to talk.’
When Jeonghan did not respond she inched closer.
Once she was a few feet away she smiled up at Jeonghan and spoke. “Jeonghan it's me. It's your mother.”
At that moment he saw it. The young face that smiled brightly in the picture he found in his fathers draw when he was younger. The face that Kim had shown him when he had begged her to know more about his mother. Now small and thin her eyes still shone the same whimsical way.
Jeonghan could only lower his gun in quiet shock but Jisoo’’s words spoke his mind. “No, that's impossible. You're dead.”
She shrugged casually. “Your father should've known best of all the importance of burying your own bodies.”
If it wasn't for his brother's support Joenghan might have fallen over.
“It was you, wasn't it?” he asked quietly. “You killed him.”
Jisso looked at his brother in confusion until all the pieces clicked together for him as well.
“That's how the killer knew where to find the cameras, and his room…” Jisoo thought aloud, his voice sounding almost impressed.
“He was so surprised when he saw me.” she bitterly chuckled as she recounted the night. “I'd never seen him look scared before…” she touched the scar on her neck before stepping closer again.
“So what exactly do you want?” Jeonghan asked, he was struggling to hold back the unidentifiable wall of emotions he was feeling.
“Nothing. I only wanted to free you of that monster, it was all I could do for you.”
She reached for Jeonghan's face and he let her put a gentle hand on his cheek. Looking into his estranged mothers eyes made tears well in Jeonghans.
“And to tell you that I love you so much.”
Jeonghan reached to wipe away the rivers that spilled from the woman’s shaking eyes but she timidly backed away.
“Take care.” she whispered.
“Wait!” Jeaonghan called out but the woman quickly turned and hurried away.
He started after her but he felt his brother's hand on his shoulder. He turned to Jisoo to find his brother shaking his head.
Suddenly Jeonghan found himself laughing. Of all the emotions that whirled through him he wasn't sure why laughter was his outlet but he didn’t fight it. At first Jisoo blinked at him, completely baffled but soon he was joining his brother.
“I think we've lost our minds.” Jisoo said, wiping tears from his eyes as their laughter finally subdued.
“Actually, I feel great.” Jeonghan said, draping his arm over his brother's shoulder and walking back to their car. “Let’s go home Jisoo.”
Tiptoeing down the cold hall with your bare feet and your throw blanket wrapped securely around your barely dressed body you searched for your lover. Poking your head in each room as you passed it you finally rejoiced upon finding him in his study. His body languidly poured over the papers in front of him as he finished up the day's work.
You carefully creeped towards him in hopes to startle him in his focused state but he looked up at you and smiled.
“You’re not exactly a ninja, love.”
He tilted his head in that adorable way that still owned your heart.
You spun his chair towards you and threw yourself in his lap.
“Come to bed.”
“I will, soon.”
Jeonghan took a deep inhale of your scent as your deliciously warm body straddled his lap. “You smell delicious.” he said playfully biting your shoulder, your giggle filling him with energy as you swatted him alway.
“Did you talk to your mom today?”
“Umhm. She went back to Japan last night so she called me when she landed.”
You could tell he still felt weird talking about her so you changed the subject.
“Can I stay here while you finish up?” You said with round pleading eyes that he would never resist.
“You have to hold on, I need my hands free so I can work.
“I've got an idea!”
Jeonghans eyebrow raised at you as you lifted the hem of his tee shirt, ducking under and crawling inside, resting your head on his chest.
The vibration of his laughter was soothing as he wrapped the cover around you, tucking the sides so it wouldn’t fall off.
“You are a very peculiar person.” He said while rubbing your back to still the shaking of your giggling.
His shirt was large and it secured you nicely against him, the warmth of his body and scent completely relaxing you.
“Hey! Don’t tickle me.” He said patting your butt in jestful scolding.
“Then don't call me weird.” You said poking him once more.
“Either you stop or I toss you out.”
You exaggeratedly gasped. “You wouldn't dare.”
“Try me.” He said, grabbing hold of your waist and began pulling.
“Okay okay I won't tickle you.”
You had to wrap your arms tightly around him to stop from slipping as you laughed.
“Read aloud so you can stay awake and I can go to sleep.’
He playfully slapped your butt again but obeyed your order nonetheless. The soft hum of his voice vibrating through his chest was absolutely serene causing you to drift into a comfortable sleep.
When you woke up again you were in his bed still cuddling against him, his arms like a cocoon around you.
You could get used to this.
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Showering with Lyle (Gym buddy edition) 18+
Someone asked for the shower scenes following my first headcanon for gym buddy Lyle I think it was @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed ? As I said in my first my headcanon, my piece was inspired by @xandy-toady and their works (please go check them out they are awesome). Gif was taken by @deactivated173845 Also I wrote this high so if there’s bad punctuation/ spelling just let me know and I will fix it when I’m sober
Contains mature themes so anyone under 18 DNI
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* For as eager as Lyle is to see you naked, when you get to the bathroom he sets you down and lets you undress at your own pace. That doesn’t mean he won’t stare while you do it though
* You were still a bit flustered from being picked up like you weighed nothing (man’s stacked what can I say?). “Can you turn the water on already?” You ask trying to distract him a bit to catch your bearings.
* “Alright, but you gotta tell me if the water temp is okay.” He seems to catch the hint so instead of oogling you he starts to undress himself. He takes a giant hand and turns the knob of the shower to turn it on. Just by the position you know the waters going to be freezing.
* You take off your pants first and spend some time staring at him instead. “You’re going to need to make it warmer than that. I don’t like cold showers.” His tail sways to the side and he adjusts the temperature a bit more, sticking his hand under the water to feel the temp.
* “More” you instruct as you take off your final garments. Lyle shakes his head but turns the water up more. “Greedy are we? No wonder why everyone complains about not having hot water.” He turns his head to see you and his breath catches.
* There you were in front of him with nothing to cover your body from his eyes. It had been a hot minute since he’s seen anyone naked, let alone someone as attractive as you. He knew you were smoking but you hid under baggy clothes most of the time and he was not expecting you to be so fine.
* He turns to face you fully, gesturing his arm towards the shower spray. “Ladies first” he gives you a smirk. It was your turn to gawk at him and you were taken by surprise. To say that he was huge was an understatement, he was *very well-defined*. Without all his clothes in the way, you could see why he flexes in front of the mirror. He was hot as hell.
* From his big biceps all the way to his calves there was so much muscle and all you wanted to do was run your hands over them. Even his dick was huge and you wondered for a minute if you got yourself into trouble by asking him to join you.
* Lyle startled you out of your thoughts, “I don’t know how much longer we’ll have hot water if you keep staring like that.” Your face heats up and you pad your way over to the water, sticking your hand out to check if it was warm enough. Lyle watched you as he leaned casually against the wall.
* He was trying so hard to suppress his lust so he wouldn’t pop a boner and scare you off. He wanted you so bad but could also tell that if he lined you up with his dick it would go past your belly button and then some. He wanted to make sure you had an out if you needed one.
* You step under the water fully and let out a big sigh of relief when the hot water touched your sore back. Lyle sent you a smile as he maneuvered himself under the water too. “Let me know if I’m crowding you alright?” You were at a loss for words with his dick being damn near face level so you just nodded.
* You tilt your head back and let the water run over your scalp as Lyle clears his throat. “I don’t want to rush you, but I want you so bad.” You look up at him and he looks torn and you get your courage back from earlier.
* “Why don’t you come down closer?” You ask, motioning him to kneel down. He does as you ask with no hesitation and he settles in on his knees. He was still taller than you at half his height but it wasn’t a problem for you. In fact, you found it quite hot.
* You grab one of his big hands and guide it toward your body placing it against your waist. You reach for the other one and bring it to your chest, splaying his fingers out to cover as much skin as possible. His hands are calloused but he’s gentle as he runs his hands along your skin. You bring your own hands up to his face and cradle him. His eyes flutter shut and his tail darts around you to wrap around the back of your thighs.
* You reach up to touch his face and remember just how tiny you are compared to him. One hand traces the tiny white dots covering his face and your other hand lands on his pec. His eyes open and he runs his fingers over your nipples, leaning down as he places a kiss on the top of your shoulder. The hand holding your waist goes around you and cups your ass pushing you into him further. Lyle was doing his best to be gentle and went slowly to avoid scaring you off.
* You move closer to him and while he’s distracted you take the chance to give his right nipple a tug with your fingers. Lyle jerks under your hands and you feel a breathy laugh against your neck. “Was that really necessary Short Stack?” You give him a quick peck on the side of his face, “I just wanted to see how you would react is all.” You feign innocence and feel his hand tighten on your ass.
* Lyle nuzzles your shoulder again but this time he opens his mouth and bites down playfully. When you moan and bring your hand up to his cheek he pulls away and whispers smugly “I just wanted to see how you would react.” Before you can sass back he lifts you up and lowers his head slightly to reach your chest. At first, it’s gentle kisses, but then it grows heavy and his hands are everywhere at once. It was honestly a bit over stimulating but you could hardly complain about how good it felt.
* A soft bite around your nipple pulls your attention into focus again as a loud moan leaves your throat. “Damn you make some cute noises.” As an act of retaliation, your hand lifts up and tugs on the tip of his ear which almost causes him to drop you. You think for a second that maybe you hurt him but then you see his mouth lift in the corners with a sly smile. “Is this how you’re going to be for our first? Feisty, I like it.”
* You each trade kisses with each other along with a few pinches and tugs here and there which cause both of you to moan into the other's mouth. At one point after a nice hard tug to his other ear he grinds you down onto his hard cock and you gasp in surprise. “Already? I haven’t even put it in yet” He teases and slides your body against himself again. You send a flustered smack to his forehead and he just laughs and squeezes you tighter in his hands.
* He arranges the both of you so his back is against the wall and straightens his legs out causing you to wind up in the cowgirl position resting above his dick. You don’t know where it comes from but you tell Lyle to give you his Queue and he complies, throwing the braid over the front of his shoulder. You grasp the braid lightly, inching your fingers lower as Lyle pulls your hips down harder into himself.
* You wind up a few inches above the tendrils covered by his braid. You look up and Lyle watches you with hazy eyes, not seeming to care that you were almost touching a major part of his biology. With Lyle still grinding into you, you hold the Queue in one hand and tilt it upward to look at the wiggling mass. You knew the purpose of the tendrils and what would usually happen if connected to another Pandoran species. Out of curiousness, you bring your other hand closer and let the pink limbs wrap around your fingers.
* Lyle’s eyes squeeze shut and his fingers are gripping your sides hard enough to bruise them. His mouth falls open and he lets out something that sounds oddly like a purr. One of his big hands goes up to your face, his thumb resting on your cheek while his other fingers wrap around the back of your head. His eyes open and the way he looks at you sends a shiver down your spine. “Short Stack, whatever you’re doing- keep doing it. Fuck you feel so good.” You gently start rubbing your fingers against the tendrils and Lyle immediately starts purring again with sharp breaths and deep grunts mixed in with it.
* You removed your fingers and position the queue to meet up with your nipple, or at least that’s what you planned to do before someone opens the door. Before you can turn your head to see who it is you just hear a chorus of: “Lyle what is taking- Y/n?!” You knew there were at least three of the other recoms by the mixture of voices you heard. Your hands fly up to cover your chest (even though your back is facing them) and Lyle snaps out of his hazy grinding fast enough to give you whiplash.
* He pulls you tight against his chest, using his large hands to cover most of your naked body, and lets out the loudest hiss you have ever heard. Lyle reaches out to his side and grabs the first bottle he can, chucking it against someone’s face judging by the sound of the impact. “Damn- Okay! Jeez! Sorry!” You hear the door slam shut and feel an immediate sense of relief. Lyle lets you slide away from his chest and makes eye contact with you. “I won’t let any of them bug you about this, they say anything and they’re dead.” You put your hand on his pec, feeling his strong heartbeat under your palm. “Well with the hell of a reaction you had, they might not say anything.” You send a hand up to gently slap his cheek and it breaks him out of his seriousness.
* “You just like hitting me don’t you Short Stack?” He grabs your wrist, tugging it to his mouth where he not so gently bites your forearm. He didn’t bite hard enough to draw blood but there’s definitely a Lyle-sized bite mark staying the night. He grabs his Queue with one hand and holds it up, a smirk on his face. “Now what exactly were you planning to do with this I wonder?“ You act confused “Hmm I can’t seem to remember. What a shame.”
* His confidence falters for a minute and he gets a knot in his stomach. Lyle starts thinking to himself ‘Shit, what if she got weirded out by the hair thing? Damn, I don’t want to-‘ and he’s suddenly shaken out of his thoughts by a warm tingling sensation taking over his whole body. He looks down and sees you holding the Queue to your breast and letting the tentacles wrap themselves around your nipple.
* Yeah, Lyle was *definitely* a tits man. He feels his chest begin to vibrate and realizes that he’s purring again. It was a weird sensation and it made him feel a bit self-conscious, but when he heard your little giggles he didn’t give a damn. He reaches one of his hands down to your pussy and feels around gently for your clit. When you gave a little shiver Lyle realized he found what he was looking for and started rubbing slow circles into it.
* He watches as your mouth falls open and brings his free hand up, resting a large thumb against your lips. You made eye contact as you wrapped your lips around his thumb. Lyle’s tail was swinging wildly back and forth on the ground and he was honestly surprised he could even feel it at all with how much pleasure was shooting through his body. Before this, he never gave a damn about the stupid braid on the back of his head but now? He is sending mental thank yous to every god he can think of. He could feel each individual tendril move around your nipple and it was driving him crazy. The only thing he could remotely compare the sensation to was an orgasm but it was happening all over his spine and he could feel the tingling all the way down to his fingertips.
* Just as he’s about to speak he hears a loud pounding against the door. “Lyle,” He can hear the Colonel on the other side of the door. “I understand you may be busy at the moment but duty calls and I need you out in 5” He lets out a frustrated groan, his ears slanting back. He looks down at you with a frown.
* You were flustered once again, but this time you were also pretty damn horny and you mentally cursed out Quaritch in your head. You gently detach Lyle’s Queue from your skin and let out an exasperated sigh. Lyle follows your actions and gently places you back on your feet. He pushes himself against the wall to stand up while turning off the water. He grabbed each of you a towel and holds yours out to him. “Just so we’re clear, this is so not over.” You put a hand on your hip and say “Yeah no shit, I’m not done with you yet. Let's meet again tonight during lights out.” Lyle nods, “Sounds good to me”
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orchidscurse · 8 months
Ep. 03 of coffee & film is finally here - I have worked on this one for ages. Today also marks 30 years since Riv passed away, so it seemed fitting to release it at this time. 🤍
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graveyardgremlins · 8 months
Chapter Nine of two slow dancers, last ones out has just been posted on ao3.
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Summary: In Danny's desperation to help others, he finds himself involved with yet another vigilante. A ghost that does not behave like a ghost. This time, it may cost his anonymity and the protection it brought to the Infinite Realms. While he attempts to help the ghost, he will have to face his shortcomings and face his longest-standing rival one last time. And maybe save the universe in the process.
Jason doesn't know how to cope with being a Ghost. So he decides that the healthiest thing he can do is to focus on his new crush. He is wrong. Obviously.
Here are the trigger warnings for chapter 9: suicidal ideation, mentioned self-harm, mentioned suicide, mentioned drug abuse/overdose, intrusive thoughts, implied addiction, unhealthy copying mechanisms, dissociation, anger issues, and PTSD.
Click here to read.
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hebuiltfive · 1 year
Hope was a Fragile Little Thing
I don't know if I need to tag it as such, but spoilers for the last season of Thunderbirds Are Go.
This was just a short piece that I thought up whilst I was listening to Bigger Than The Whole Sky, by Taylor Swift.
"I've got a lot to pine about; I've got a lot to live without; I'm never gonna meet; what could've been, would've been, what should have been you" got me thinking about how Jeff would have probably had doubts that he'd ever see his boys again, and that he would never see them continue to grow, especially his baby boy.
Thus, this drabble was born. It was written quickly, and comes in at just over 1,000 words, but I thought I'd share it anyway.
I hope you enjoy reading it. I'm sorry for any pain, and I refuse to take responsibility for any heartbreak caused. <3
It was cold out here, wherever here was. 
He still wasn’t sure that this place wasn’t some kind of purgatory, that he was wrong in thinking that the blast from the explosion had sent him spiralling off into the depths of space, and that he was actually waiting to be judged by a higher power, whoever that might have been. Jeff Tracy wasn’t sure which outcome he would have preferred. Was that something to worry about? He didn’t know. All he knew was that it was so much colder than he could ever have expected.
After a few days inspecting the wreck, Jeff decided that he had indeed been flung out into space and that this wasn’t purgatory. At least, not in the biblical sense. He still wasn’t sure whether that was something to ponder on, or where he’d ended up. Apart from the cold, all he knew now was that he was far from home. From his family. His boys. The capsule in which he’d unwittingly ridden out here had plenty of rations that he could live on. For a while. When they ran out, he’d have to think up something else. His suit would protect him from the elements. Brains always built equipment to last. He could survive. That was the easy part.
Learning to live, however… That would be tricky.
For the first few months, Jeff grieved, not to dissimilar to the way his family were no doubt grieving his loss. Did they even know he was alive? He couldn’t bare to think about it. His mother would have been broken. His sons… They’d already lost one parent, and now he’d left them essentially orphaned. God, he hoped they knew he was still alive, if only so they wouldn’t have to grieve his (not-actual) death. He had hope that they’d find him, but despite what he had instilled in his boys, what he told the rescuees whenever he was on a mission, Jeff knew that hope was a fragile little thing. If they found a way to find him, they’d come. He knew that. Until then, he was alone.
So desperately alone.
Jeff tried to commit his son’s faces to memory, drew the island upon which their rescue service was built. It almost seemed ironic, how he was the one in need to rescuing now. Jeff refused to give up, however. Hope may have been fragile, but he would use each and every day trying to find a way back to his family. He would tinker with what was left of the Zero X. He would explore the rock which he was cast upon. Jeff Tracy would fight tooth and nail to get home, to get back to his family.
With only the thought of his boys to keep him going, he eventually passed the one year mark. One year of being trapped in a desolate part of deep space, with no way of reaching out to anyone. He had tried, and he would keep trying, but the odds of some ship flying in deep space picking up his signals were slim to none. Jeff Tracy had learnt to live with those odds. He had made peace with it. Yet his mind would constantly torture him by wondering what his boys had become, and about how his family had coped after so long without him. Jeff never had any doubts that they would thrive. The Tracy family fought hardships and continued regardless of the situation. That ethic was what helped International Rescue thrive. 
International Rescue. 
His sixth child, so to speak. 
Was it still operational, or would the family shut down the service? Jeff found himself hoping for the former, and not because it helped keep that hope that they’d find him one day. He had built that organisation up so it could outlive him, even if he had banked on his demise being a fair few more years down the line that what it had been. Life never was fair like that. His boys were experienced enough to carry the torch now, his youngest fast approaching the rest of his brothers once he’d finished school.
Alan had always held a special place in Jeff’s heart, and whilst Jeff thought of all the boys everyday, it was Alan he found himself crying for. It was Alan he missed the most, because it was Alan’s adolescence that he would be missing out on. Jeff had watched each of his boys grow up and become the remarkable men that they were. Alan would be the only one he’d miss out on, and the thought of him not being able to see what would become of youngest broke his heart.
He had hopes and dreams for all of his boys. Though he wasn’t a religious man, Jeff found himself praying, to whoever would listen, that those wishes would come true for them. He hoped that Gordon would go on to win many Olympic golds in swimming one day. He hoped that Virgil’s art would hang in some prestigious art gallery somewhere. He hoped that John would help Alan realise his dreams of becoming an astronaut once he’d finished his schooling, and as for his eldest, Jeff just hoped that Scott wouldn’t ever blame himself for what had happened. Scott deserved more than that. He deserved to be happy.
As the days passed, and Jeff continued to try and make sense of time in the vastness of nothing, the bright, burning flame of hope began to dim. It never quite extinguished, but Jeff began to accept the brutal truth; that he’d probably never see his home again, that he’d never know if any of his dreams and wishes that he’d granted his boys had come true.
It was just another routine supplies run. He’d left his make-shift base for five minutes. He had to start thinking about getting off this rock before it disintegrated. Jeff wasn’t sure how he’d get off it, or where he would go, but he returned to find a familiar figure. Falling fast. He had no time to acknowledge how quickly that flame of hope reignited with fervour. Jeff wasn’t even sure if he was hallucinating. He’d done his best to stop himself from going mad whilst stuck out here alone, but time flies even when you’re not having fun, and perhaps it wasn’t who he thought it was. Perhaps he’d finally cracked. Perhaps the blue and grey helmeted silhouette, so similar to his own uniform that he still wore, wasn't real.
It didn’t stop him, though. His years of training kicked in and, working on autopilot, Jeff was running, and jumping, and catching… Scott. His boy.
He was real.
He was here.
“I’ve got you, son.”
He was saved.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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Summary: In which Squirrel and Gawain take care of a stubborn and badly injured Lancelot while making their way to the Fey camp. Along the way, Lancelot begins his path of healing and redemption. Takes place immediately after 1x10.
Tagging: @orithil, @dinosaurswant2rule, @wonderwhump, @waitingforrescue, @disappearinginq, @deepwoundsandfadedscars, @sowhumpful, @aarkose, @shadow-warren-whump, @theladyoffangorn, @jo-castle, @whumpappreciation, @whumpypepsigal, @whumpthencomfort, @jane--thors, @witchy-ace-of-hearts, @whumpwhumpwhumpwhump, @bauqui, @classicwhump, @nessadb2, @99point9percentwhump, @whumper-butterfly, @cosmicwanda
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cj-the-human-disaster · 4 months
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It's time for a Ball, B*tches! And it's gonna be a fun one
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saintofthepaint · 1 year
Sooooo,,,happy for everyone that gets to hear hozier's new ep before me
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lalalenii · 10 months
Seit der Explosion auf dem Schrottplatz sind einige Wochen vergangen und Justus, Peter und Bob werden von ihrem Alltag, ihren eigenen allzu unterschiedlichen Leben eingeholt. Um ihre neu gewonnene Verbindung aufrecht zu erhalten, forciert Bob ein weiteres Treffen. Doch außerhalb eines Falles, ohne Ermittlungen, die ihnen den Deckmantel des Teams, das sie einst waren verleiht, stellt sich schnell heraus, das nichts mehr so ist wie früher.
Zwanzig Jahre gehen eben nicht spurlos vorbei. 5.555 words | Part V of Interludes (this was not planned)
it's done!!!!
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honeyedlashton · 1 year
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Santa Baby
by Honeyedlashton ~6.6k
Bottom!Luke Hemmings/Top!Ashton Irwin One Shot
Porn with plot, daddy kink, voyeurism (kind of)
“Hello, Santa, baby. What's your name?” The glittering blonde asked like he hadn’t just used it before the break ended. Luke fixed his heavenly gaze on Ashton once again and the man felt his body warm—probably the stage lights. “For the audience.”
“Ashton!” Luke’s perfectly colored lips formed the name the way he imagined a beautiful model would eat an ice cream cone. “Isn't Ashton handsome, everyone? Give him a round of applause if you find him as scrumptious as I do!”
The audience roared to life again. “Ashton, baby, are you familiar with the concept of the game, ‘Christmas Catalog?’” Luke's warm hand rubbed his shoulder blades over the velvet Santa coat.
“I can't say that I am, Lukey. Mind tellin’ me?”
“Well, it's a pretty simple game. I show you all sorts of prizes from various price ranges, and you have to guess what the sum total of everything is.” Luke’s sweet explanation was like the cooing of a dove. He swore he could see the little fake wings flutter a little. Like a giggle, that winning grin curving across glossy lips.
“That seems easy enough to understand. Even for a guy like me…”
Ashton is on his dream game show at Christmas time, and the grand prize is better than he even thought it would be…
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Snapshots Of Summer- Fireflies
Alright the next chapter of Snapshots! This time based on the fireflies pictures. I thought it was an adorable picture and wanted to do that one next.
Next one might not be a cannon picture, but an idea I have. We'll see.
Word Count: 1K
AO3 Link
Summer time, before school started and Luz had to spend most of her time away, meant that standard human time traditions had to be done. That’s at least what Luz had decided, and none of them had really protested it. 
Gus had personally taken each new experience as a research opportunity, and Willow’s recent photography habit had her hooked to the point she carried the camera with her everywhere now.
Luz had been giddy about something all day, refusing to let anyone other than her mother know what the plan was. She’d just smile, and promise them they’d see later.
The only thing they’d gotten was that Vee had seen her collecting some jars, while Willow heard her muttering something about nets.
They didn’t have to wait terribly long to uncover the mystery though.
The closer to night it got the more excited Luz seemed to get. She’d been fidgety during dinner, and had started gathering the jars up around sunset, seeming to go over the number of them again and again. When the sky had been dark for about an hour Luz was glued to the window looking out and like she was waiting for something.
Everyone but Camila was keeping an eye on her, but had settled by the fact that Camila hadn’t done anything beyond laugh at her excitement.
She cheered when she finally caught sight of whatever she’d been waiting for. The noise had startled the other kids, breaking the peace that had settled over the house. 
Vee accidentally smacked Amity’s feet with her tail when she jerked from the surprise, while Gus startled hard enough to drop the book he’d been reading. 
“Oops. Sorry guys!” Luz looked sheepish, rubbing at the back of her head as the others looked at her. “But it’s time!” 
“Time for what?” Willow asked just as Luz dashed back to collect her jars. Willow frowned a bit before rolling her eyes with a smile as she heard Gus and Amity snickering.
“It’s time for fireflies!” Luz had the jars precariously balanced in her arms, her mother holding the ones that would’ve fallen if Luz had tried to take them. 
“Fireflies?” Amity’s brow furrows “The Human Realm has something like that here?”
“They’re not like the bees back in the Isles.” Luz amends, shifting the jars for a better hold “They’re also called lightning bugs in some places, but we call them fireflies out here. You guys have got to come out to see them!”
They all head out towards the backyard, Luz leading the way while Camila trails behind them. 
Once they were all outside, the kids stood there taking in awe at the sight that awaited them. All around them were flying, flickering lights that certainly did look like flying embers.
“These are fireflies?” Vee askes, following a few with on their path as they blinked in and out of sight.
“They are.” Camila’s voice is warm as she takes in the awed expressions on the kids “They only come out during summer before leaving.”
“And we’re going to catch some!” Luz starts handing out jars, one to each person. “It’s something I used to do all the time as a kid. I thought you guys might like to try.”
“Catch them?” Amity eyes her own jar warily. “How do we catch them?”
“And is it safe?” Gus’ grip on his jar is tentative, and he looks the least excited at the prospect of actually catching the bugs.
“It’s perfectly safe Gus.” Luz unscrews the cap of the jar she’s still holding, waiting a moment before a few fireflies drift into her range before cupping them into the jar and putting the lid back on. “And this is how you catch them!”
“We just use the jars?” Willow asks, a grin growing on her face as she looks over the open space.
“You can use your hands to catch them. It’s just a little hard to keep them in the jar.” Luz shrugged, before unscrewing her jar and shaking it just a bit to help encourage the bugs to leave. “Once we’re done we’ll let them back out.”
She looked at her friends and waved hand out toward the yard, giving an encouraging smile “Well what are you guys waiting for? Come on!”
Willow was the first out to try to collect the bugs, followed in quick order by Hunter and Vee while Amity came at a more controlled pace.  Gus lingered before taking tentative steps out into the yard. 
It took a while for anyone to get enough fireflies to count as a ‘full’ jar. The fear of the bugs possibly still being literal fire made even the bravest of them hesitate and flinch back before they could catch more than one or two at a time.
It was Hunter who first got enough to really have a jar that glowed, stealing his nerves and carrying through when a good number of them flew in front of him. 
He stared in awe of his jar, crouching down closer to the ground and just watching insects floating around in the jar.
Luz came up behind him, leaning over and looking at the jar as well. “Nice job Hunter.”
“They look like little light glyphs.” Hunter’s voice is quiet, eyes still wide as he stares.
“Yeah, they kinda of do!” Luz’s grin is wide on her face, and that’s when Willow manages to catch them. 
She quietly picks up her camera, and snaps a quick picture of the scene. When it develops, she laughs a little, attracting waving Amity over to share. She’d been so focused on Luz and Hunter she’d managed to miss Gus in the background.
Amity giggled as well, looking up and watching as Luz and Hunter helped Gus overcome his nerves to catch his own jar of fireflies.
Later they’d all let the captured bugs out of their jars, watching them all fly back up and away. They had all agreed that it was a fun experience, and they were excited to see what other fun ‘traditions’ Luz and Camila were going to share with them.
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buggachat · 7 months
something so fucked up about Chat Noir’s whole deal is that he is in a lot of ways Adrien playing a character. Like Adrien picked up his miraculous and was told he’d be a superhero so he was like “ok, time to act like a superhero!” and he lets himself have fun w it and play up the role and let loose and kind of just allow himself to be silly and goofy and have fun and for once in his life not care about performing Perfection™.
But. But none of the other characters KNOW THAT. So everyone just sees Chat Noir and is like “look at this guy’s ego. He’s so full of himself. Surely it’d be fair to knock him down a few pegs” without being aware of how few pegs he actually HAS. He’s like the “insecure character who overcompensates in ego” trope except he’s really not doing it unironically, he’s just having a fun LARP pretending to have self worth in his off-hours but nobody else is on the same page about it being a game and he refuses to tell them. He just dramatically pouts about it and lets them laugh and pretends like he’s not internalizing it and it is almost 3 am and my brain forced me to write this instead of sleeping I’m gonna take a melatonin
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little-eye-guy · 1 year
"this is too raw of a line to come from—" shut up. beauty and meaning is everywhere
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yeonzzzn · 9 months
I have a hueningkai imagine dropping later ❤️
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the most anticipated comic from this blog: White Boy Goes Dancing (follows directly from this)
Everyone's been sending me asks for this! I have a second part to this planned for the future. Watch this space!
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