#I imagine her hair is very silky and very soft
cicadaemon · 6 months
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Decided to have a bit more fun with Himeko
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wyvernest · 11 months
would you be able to write something about chubby!reader having body issues and thinks she doesn’t deserve miguel because he’s so sculpted and beautiful, but miguel reminds her how perfect she is? (in whatever way you think is best)
i just love reading these types of fics and they really help boost my confidence 🥹
tysm! <3
hope you like it<3
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pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
warnings: fluff, established relationship, body dysmorphia
summary: you start feeling self conscious right before your date, and miguel isn't having any of it
translations are at the end
Miguel had finally made time to take you out. You are well aware of the fact that he is a busy man, and had decided against pressuring him to abandon his work overtime.
But tonight was for you. He had planned out the perfect date, from the restaurant, reservations, to the tiniest details; what day would be best in terms of weather, your job, and his duties. 
To say you were overwhelmed with excitement was an understatement. He had always been so caring and considerate, looking for ways to make you feel valued and appreciated even when time itself stood against his efforts. Finding unadulterated joy in asking you out like it was your first time getting closer to each other over and over again, the 'honeymoon phase' spark never once leaving your relationship, contrary to popular belief.
And so here you are, in your shared home, getting ready for yet another date with the most handsome man you've ever seen. 
He's already fully dressed, fixing himself in the mirror. His black suit sits oh-so perfectly on him, hugging the shape of his large back and shoulders, tight enough around his biceps, so that they still bulge through the material when he brings a hand up in his hair to tame some dark strands that had fallen out of place. It accentuates the line of his abdomen, having his large thighs finish off the whole look. 
He stands in front of the bedroom mirror, in his striking royal height, the man that ancient Greeks probably had as a muse when they sculpted the ideals of the male body. His dark, cocoa brown hair is brushed back, silky and soft. His perfectly contoured face is dimly lit by the low, warm bedroom lights, his features prominent: the bridge and line of his nose, squinted piercing eyes along with a downright intimidating set of brows His sharp jaw is held up high while he works with his tie, expert hands skillfully experimenting around an array of various knots, pondering upon which fits best.
He truly is quite the sight, you melt at the tableau before you, holding back a sigh seasoned with nothing but the very heights of being irrevocably enamoured.
His whole presence screams strength and mature dominance, with a hint of incontestable luxury.
Resuming your own outfit, your own body still only adorned in nothing but a pair of panties and a bra, you head to the closet for the one dress you have been imagining yourself in for the whole week since he offered you the invitation. You couldn’t be more excited to finally try it on and admire yourself with it, have people look your way while wearing it, with an arm hooked around the one and only Miguel O’Hara. 
Putting it on and adjusting its stretchy fabric over your curves, your smile starts to fade. This isn’t what it looked like the first time I tried it on, you mentally conclude, and the more you look at it, the more things you wish you hadn’t noticed. You pull at the material, the hem, the sides, the neckline, anything you can think of that maybe, just maybe, could fix it. Panic starts to drip into your nerves, what will you do now if it just won’t look good? Screw it and go out with it anyway, and then feel all eyes on you for the rest of the evening? What will people think when they see you, merely decent, next to him? And otherwise, what other option is there? To pick some other dress that can’t possibly be more appropriate for the occasion, since you had bought this one specifically for the place you’re going, and still not look the part?
Your breathing starts to quicken as you keep fumbling with the textile around your shape, attention half directed to the open wardrobe, scanning every shelf and hanger for a second option. 
Suddenly, the floor creaks, bringing the echo of incoming footsteps. And there he is, standing behind you, hands on your tense shoulders. You almost despise the image before you; his impeccable, calm and stoic image, next to you, discouraged and deeply insecure in evident comparison.
“What were you thinking about just now?” his words river down over the shell of your ear on a hot breath that has shivers shot down your spine.
“Nothing, I’m getting ready”, you cover it up in a sing-song voice, not wanting to dig deeper into letting him know that you don’t deem yourself pretty enough for him, let alone expect him to find you more attractive than you do yourself. Unfortunately, he’s too smart for your little diversion.
“Don’t lie to me.”, his tone serious, voice deep. His eyes rank up and down your body in the mirror, and you feel an acute need to just disappear. “Que guapa.”
He presses a kiss to your temple, and you feel rosy heat rise to your face.
Your mouth speaks before you think.
“Does it look good?”, he senses the hesitancy in your voice.
“Baby, you’d look like a goddess wearing a potato sack.” he speaks matter-of-factly, as if his statement equals water is wet, the honesty in his declaration evident with the speed with which the words left his mouth. You can’t help but let a giggle break through your disconcerted face, surprised with the association.
“What, like Marilyn Monroe?”
“No, mi alma, like you.” He wraps his arms around your middle, pulling you back into his embrace as you look at eachother in the reflection before you. His expression softens, visibly relaxed and happy to have you close to him. 
“These curves, every part of you, I know them as I know myself.” His palms slide over your hips, and all the way back up to your shoulders, effectively chasing away any hint of doubt and worry, cleansing you of anything that isn’t love.
“Eres la mujer de mis sueños.” He bends down, his lips reaching the crook of your neck. “No hay nadie como tú."
You let yourself fall back into his tempting embrace, knowing that he’s exploiting your weakness for him speaking Spanish so low and deep into the vulnerable skin of your pulse point, completely forgetting about the date and the dress. 
“And if you don’t like the dress, I’ll gladly rip it off.” He exhibits his talons as a warning, the curved edges of the claws grazing your bare shoulders intently. “If anything, the dress isn’t good enough to be worn by you.”
que guapa - how beautiful
mi alma - my soul
eres la mujer de mis sueños - you're the woman of my dreams
no hay nadie como tú - there is no one like you
a/n: again, if any native speakers see anything wrong with my Spanish please let me know🤍
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yndrgrl · 11 months
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your classmate, yandere! bakugou, is deeply & utterly infatuated w/ shy, little you, & he isn't afraid to tell you just how much you occupy his mind.
fem! reader. quirkless! au. ooc! bakugou. long ass fic. soft! yandere.
a/n: based on this video (https://youtu.be/BoHAw_pEtOA), i'm literally OBSESSED w/ it. it's like, imagine being so stunning to someone that you're on their mind 24/7 like GAHHH WHAT.
warnings: slightly disturbing content, nsfw, dirty talk, stalking, swearing, very much "joe goldberg" vibes, smut asf, male masturbation, degrading, sexsexsex, gagging, praise
you are sweet. you are a gentle, kind soul-- so shy & reserved. to the big, bad katsuki bakugou, you are truly eye-catching. the way you didn't draw attention to yourself & yet would say the most profound things during online discussion posts made him wonder what was going on in that cute, little head of yours.
the way you're just the complete opposite of him made him crave you.
the first time he noticed you, you walked through the classroom door with your bulky headphones on that were clearly a part of your first-day-of-school outfit. enthralled was the only way he could describe how he felt. maybe shocked as well. how could someone so beautiful just walk into class?
he scoffed at his own thoughts, knowing damn well if he heard kirishima or denki say anything like that, he would've rolled his eyes. if she's beautiful, he thought, then she must have a terrible personality that i don't want to get to know.
unluckily -but also luckily- you were assigned the seat right beside him. you, with your pearly, white teeth, flashed him a courteous smile. you placed your bag on the floor, shrunk into your seat, & pulled out your binder.
what. a. nerd. katsuki laughed in his head. he could already read you like a book, he believed. a goody-two-shoes who stutters after every word, no confidence, & lives in her own little bubble, is what he deducted.
& yet he couldn't help but notice how fragrant your perfume smelled. it reminds him of a time when he was at peace, without a worry in the world. "god, how much perfume does a girl need," katsuki loudly said.
it took you a second to register that, beyond the music playing through the speakers of your headphones, there was a voice muffled. slipping your headphones down around your neck, you questioned, "i'm sorry, did you say something?"
"whatever," katsuki mumbled beside you. you felt bad, not meaning to ignore him. however, before you got the chance to apologize, the bell rang, & the professor walked to the front of the classroom. a professor that he could already tel he would hate, by the way.
that was the first day of the semester.
katsuki saw you everywhere after that. it's not like he wanted to or anything. the campus should have been big enough for the both of you, but it wasn't. he would see you at lunch with your goody-goody friends, or walking back to your dorm building with your heavy bag, or in different classes that you didn't sit with him.
one day, as the days grew slightly colder, katsuki needed to blow off some steam. he didn't know what was making him pent up. correction: he didn't want to admit that he knew why he was all pent up. since when can a person can make the great katsuki bakugou pent up?
since the first day of the semester, that's when.
bakugou, in a tight-fitting compression shirt & sweatpants, sauntered into the campus gym with his army green duffel bag slung over his shoulder. at this time of day -that being 6 in the morning- the gym was bare. only the early birds & forced athletes occupied the gym.
& apparently, so did nerds.
there you were, in all your glory. you wore black leggings that accentuated your legs. your silky, soft hair held up by a clear claw clip. your beaten up converse told the story that you are an avid gym-goer.
stationed in front of one of the only squat wracks that had a window view, the morning sunlight gazed upon your features. the soft hue made bakugou choke on his own spit. as he gawked your stature, he watched as you took sips from your water bottle. then he watched as you went to the bar, ducked under, & got ready to squat. he felt something twitch as you began your set.
"hey, bakugou~" a feminine voice spoke, causing him to almost jump. he shifted his bag so it hung in front of him. "whatcha doooing?"
"mina, what does it look like?" he scoffed.
"it looks like you were staring at-"
he cut her off. "i wasn't staring at anyone. it's just weird to see nerds like her in the gym."
"nerds like her?" she questioned, then she quickly changed the subject, "whatever, you're gonna work out with me & kiri, right?"
after that, bakugou deducted you were an anomaly. he learned how kind & attentive you are when he just so happened to read a text you sent out between you & a friend. he learned how confident you truly can be when you believe it's just you-- no eyes looking at you. he learned that your reputation was the opposite of his.
you see, bakugou was rough around the edges, to put it softly. he wore edgy clothing that made heads turn, thanks to his fashion designer parents, of course. he was proud to show off how big his muscles were & how many tattoos & scars littered his skin. he often skipped lectures, which didn't matter in the end because of his high scores on the exams.
on the other hand, you were just a beam of heaven-gate sunlight. always getting the best grades, acing tests, showing up on time, & taking pretty notes with pens, no need for pencils because you never mess up. you were also quiet, almost seeming untouchable.
the first time he caught himself truly thinking about you was late at night. he fell asleep on his dorm bed after a day of ditching classes. soon, images popped into the black void. it was a blur, colors mashing together until it was clear. there you stood, a gasp escaping your pink lips. it was as though he was watching a movie of himself.
he touched your body, scorching your skin with a red blush. he squeezed your thighs, your ass, your tits. nowhere left untouched, & you liked it. your fingers tangled themselves into his blonde tresses. you pulled him closer & begged in his ear to stick his heavy cock into your sopping pussy.
he awoke, breath heavy & a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. his dick was still incredibly hard. it was almost painful. his roommate/classmate/best buddy, kirishima already left for his early morning class & wouldn't be back until later that afternoon. katsuki knew that.
in hopes to dull the pain, he took his cock into his hand & started jerking it. though it helped, he needed something more. he took a breath, & with his other hand, he unlocked his phone & went onto instagram-- your instagram.
the most recent picture you posted was from summer. it was a college of the outfits you wore & activities you've done before fall semester. his favorite one was a candid your friend must've took. you were on the beach surrounded by people katsuki didn't care about. you were in such a scandalous swim suit that left little to the imagination. it was taken from behind so it shamelessly displayed how your swim bottoms did nothing but cover your important bits.
god, what he would do to you if he ever saw you in the swimsuit. he would bend you over, slip your bikini bottoms to the side (because he couldn't waste any time taking it off) & fuck you senseless in front of everyone. he would make you clean off his dick with that pretty, little mouth of yours. he would-
he came. he came all over his abs, & yet his cock was still throbbing. still beating for you. "shit," he whispered. as much as he hated it, katsuki was often self aware of his emotions. it's a nerdy thing to do, he knows. however, after finishing to the thought of you, he knows that he's obsessed with you, & there's nothing he can do so why fight it?
it was another day, another lecture. there sat katsuki, slumped in his seat before you even entered the class. as you did, he watched as your beautiful eyes connected with his & widen with shock. he hasn't been in class in a week, there was no big exam in class, so you were curious why he even showed up.
walking towards your desk with your eyes averted to the floor, katsuki took your figure in. he still couldn't get over how your fashion sense reflected your personality, your aura, perfectly. you seemed so comfortable, nearly confident & he loved it.
you knew he was staring; it would've been unnerving if it were anyone else. however, you found katsuki unbelievably attractive. you were flattered-- of course. what if i'm just being delusional, you wondered, denying that he was looking at you. curiosity would've gotten the better of you if you could hold eye contact though.
you sat in your seat beside him. as per usual, you took out your binder of notes, your colored pens, & placed your headphones around your neck like you do every day in this class. the professor announced that, because it is a communications class, it's important that everyone communicates. the assignment was to create a simple, few-slide presentation introducing your passion project for the rest of the year. dedication at its finest, everyone. it was an easy assignment that required nothing but a few sentences pulled out of your ass & a slides template you can download online.
as soon as he was done with his expectations for it, he let his students loose. the professor was clearly not in the mood to teach for whatever reason. you considered it a blessing because you have stacks of homework & a pile of laundry waiting for you after classes.
you pulled out your laptop you've had since forever. after signing in, you started immediately on the project. it's better to get it out of the way then to forget about it, you told yourself.
you were about to slip your headphones back on when someone questioned, "what are you doing yours on?"
it took you a second to realize it was your deskmate. it took you two to realize he was talking to you.
"um... i'm sorry?" you looked at him, confused. you didn't have any friends in this class. not that you minded.
the blonde hard head scoffed & said, "god, are you deaf? what are you doing your project about?"
"oh, um," you looked back at your computer. the blinking edit line taunting you. "i don't really know yet."
"tch, really? we're almost a month into this class," he responded. "i expected a nerd like you to be already on the last assignment for the year."
"i-i haven't really found the time, i guess."
"yeah right, don't sweat it with an explanation, nerd."
there was a silence, a silence you decided to fill.
"... what's your project about?"
"none of your damn business," he said back. that's your sign you never talk in the class again.
"hm right, just asking," you muttered, going back to brainstorming ideas you could build upon for the next year that doesn't sound too niche. or maybe you want to do something so niche that no one would know if you were right or wrong. so many options.
"i'm gonna do mine on chemical explosives."
he was talking to you again. does that mean he wants to talk with you? only you? you were looking to far into it, but you couldn't help but blush.
"oh wow, that's pretty hardcore," you responded quietly, as not to disrupt everyone else's small conversations. "what made you choose that?"
"it's a passion project; that's a passion of mine," he said as-a-matter-of-factly. he was so reserved, it only added to his bad boy charm.
you took a deep breath, deciding to -for the first time in your college life- to put yourself out there & pointed out, "the curriculum says we have to present our projects to someone of our choosing... would you want to present it to each other?"
you asked that & it felt as though fireworks blew up in katsuki's heart. his stoic face didn't show just how excited he was that you were the one to ask him. if you asked him to be his partner, then you've clearly been thinking of him, & if you're thinking of him, you're practically all his, &-
"yeah, whatever. you better have an interesting passion project."
that was the very first, full-blown conversation the two of you shared.
katsuki replays that moment in his head, thinks about what he should've said differently, about how he would've made a move if the two of you were alone (which he probably wouldn't have).
you ran even more rampantly in his mind. every thought crossed back to you. he constantly wondered how you were doing, what were you doing, who you were with. it drove him mad, giving him a headache. there was no medication he could take to soothe it. he found that he was only at ease when you were in sight or ear shot.
you were his clarity, & what sane person lets their clarity go? it started out small & in such a subconscious way.
katsuki was wandering the campus as he waited for his friends to get out of class when he spotted you. you must have a thing for windows because you sat on a lounge chair facing the grand window in the library. you were focused on your computer screen, so unaware of your surroundings. your brows furrowed, probably thinking about your passion project. your earbuds played whatever podcast you decided to listen to.
so, you're studying by yourself, katsuki took a mental note of that. when he did, he felt the pressure on his temples relieve. he entered the library for no other reason than you. you didn't notice him, why would you? he sat on a table behind you with his phone in his hand. katsuki's ruby eyes darted around the library before opening his camera & snapping a quick photo of you. he told himself that it would be the last time he would take a photo of you like that.
he lied to himself.
as the school year continued on, his private folder of sneaky pictures of you only grew & grew. at first, it was once every so often, but addiction kills, & he just couldn't stop.
the change that came with you was noticeable. the usually brash & unpredictable katsuki was now collected & cool. one thing that didn't change was the permanent scowl etched on his face.
his friends could see through his one-note facial expression. so it was only natural that, during a hangout in one of the dorms, they would ask, "you good?"
"yeah, why wouldn't i be?" katsuki retorted, popping a hot cheeto into his mouth while he focused on the small tv screen. katsuki wanted nothing more than to have you under his arm at the moment.
denki chimed in, "well it's just that you haven't called anyone stupid yet."
"thought you guys would be happy i didn't insult you," he rolled his eyes.
"bakubro, you can tell us anything. we've all gone through a lot together-" kirishima was cut off.
"yeah i know, there's just nothing to tell."
katsuki noticed his friends glance at each other, unconvinced. he supposes he can't blame them; he is acting so strangely afterall.
"how do i say this-" kirishima (poor man) was cut off again-- this time by mina.
"do you like someone?" she snickered. out of all the things she could've asked, that was one of the last things he thought she would ask.
"what? no! i don't like anyone," he said defensively.
"then are you lonely? i can set you up with someone," mina pulled out her phone & started pulling up a picture of said someone, "let me show you her."
"no i'm not lonely either, raccoon eyes! it's none of your damn business!" he shouted, honestly sickened at the thought of being intimate & romantic with someone who wasn't you.
"are you sure~?" mina dragged the last word out in a sing-songy voice.
"don't be mad-"
"what the fuck did you do?"
"i already invited her," mina chuckled, quickly stuffing her phone into her back pants pocket.
"WHAT?" katsuki shouted. what would you think? would you even care?
"listen, she's a really sweet girl, & i think that-" mina's defenses were cut short by the angry hot head.
"i don't care, tell her she's uninvited or something." it really wasn't that difficult.
mina stayed silent. katsuki already knew why. as if on cue, there was a knock on the door. "i was only kidding with you, ya big baby. i just invited another girl, no date required," mina joked. she muttered right after, "hopefully you two will hit it off so you're not so grumpy."
kirishima opened the door right as bakugou yelled, "what was that, you pinkie pie bitch?" the sakura-haired girl waved him off, popping to her feet to greet her guest.
she cheered, "y/n!" mina threw her hands up & stepped towards you for a hug. katsuki's head snapped towards the door, cheeks slightly pink because he knew that you heard his outburst.
"hi, mina" you softly said, accepting the hug. you wore loungewear; you wore a black crew neck with a rib cage vinyl design & shorts. "thanks for inviting me."
"of course! let me introduce you to everyone!" she ushered you inside the dorm room, & kirishima shut the door behind you. "that one," she points to the man who shut the door, "is kirishima." he smiled his classic, toothy grin. "that's sero, right next to him is denki," she said. they both -with mouths stuffed with snacks & hands occupied with controllers- said a brief "hi."
"& that one is-"
"i know her already." katsuki had a habit of cutting off his friends. was it polite? no, not in the slightest. did he care? no, he did not. "we're classmates."
"oh, um... i didn't know you were gonna be here," you admitted, cheeks flushed in shock.
"oi! you stalking me now, nerd?"
"no, not at all!" you quickly defended. you really didn't know he was going to be sitting in front of you, he knew that.
mina stepped in, "be nice to her, bakugou! i'm trying to make new friends, remember?"
"yeah, yeah, i remember you yappin' about it," bakugou responded as he laid back onto the dorm bed. he felt your eyes on him. just your mere attention got him riled up. he didn't know how to handle it. he felt as though he were burning up. his eyes shot towards your figure, eyes locking with your deep ones. "quit staring."
"i don't mean to stare-"
"get over yourself, bakubro," kirishima joked. he chucked a throw pillow mina insisted they get to "liven the sad, jail cell of a room."
that night, katsuki couldn't help but stare. hypocrite, he knows. but he just couldn't look away. you were a magnetic force, chipping away at his self-control. even with such modest clothing, he still found himself yearning for your body, your mind, your entire being as you already had his.
time flew by fast. he could tell you were slowly getting used to the dynamic his friend group shared. your shoulders slumped throughout the evening, & you sat without your hands in your lap. denki even got you to play a round of mario kart against mina. though you didn't like being in the spotlight, you thought it was fun seeing everyone's shocked faces after you beat the self-proclaimed queen of nintendo.
the night came to a close after kirishima, denki, & sero passed out on the floor while mina slept on the bed. you fought sleep, eyelids drooping with every passing second.
"tired?" katsuki questioned. he chuckled when you suddenly turned alert.
sheepishly, you confirmed, "yeah, just a bit. i think i'm gonna head back to my dorm."
"waking up your roommate isn't very nice of you," katsuki pointed out.
"my roommate dropped out, & they haven't assigned me a new one."
"is that so?"
you stuffed your keys into your left pocket & your phone in your right before replying, "yeah, lucky me. dorm room all to myself for the semester."
"what building?" dumb question, katsuki already knew what building you lived in.
"building b, floor three," you told him. you stood up & slipped on your slides. "i really should get going. weirdos start coming out at this time."
there was a silence that followed. in katsuki's head, the gears were grinding. never has he thought so much about a decision pertaining another person in his life. would it be too pushy if he walked you back? would he be shitty if he didn't?
"fuck it," he whispered. it was so quiet in the room that you heard him clearly. "let me walk you," he spoke with more clarity.
"you really don't have to!" you didn't know he was going to offer you such a thing. "i mean it, really. i have a mace keychain-" katsuki stood up & threw on a random hoodie that was on his chair as you rambled, tiredness getting to you, "-& i have my phone so i can call the police."
"just shut up & let's go."
the walk, at first, was awkward, to say the least. the night was still, no breeze to dance with the crusting leaves. there was no one in sight, nor were there cars that zoomed past the university.
"if i would've known you were gonna walk me, i would've left earlier," you broke the silence in a hushed voice.
maybe it was because he was still awake hours past his bedtime, but katsuki responded in a softer way than expected. "did you have fun?"
"yes i did," you told him with a small smile.
"then don't worry about it."
he was so sweet to you in that moment that you couldn't help but swoon. cheeks stained pink as you averted your eyes.
katsuki stared at you through his peripheral, catching how you began to mess with the hem of your shirt.
soon enough, the two of you reached the dorm building. katsuki stood there, about to turn around when you quickly whispered, "wanna walk me up?" you gulped. you didn't even know if you could consider him a friend, & now you're practically barking orders at him; what's wrong with-
"of course."
you both reached your room. once again, in that precious voice of yours, you suggested, "you can stay the night here, if you want."
when he remained quiet (due to shock & a growing boner), you back tracked, "w-well because the extra bed is still in here, & you did me a favor so now i owe you, &-"
"i have a confession," he said, "invite me inside."
"o-oh, yeah of course," you stuttered, unlocking the door & opening it for him. you shut the door & locked it. "what do you have to tell me?"
you quickly pulled out another blanket while he sat in a chair.
katsuki experienced some things throughout his life. he experienced fights & competitions & other stupid shenanigans. he's been questioned by cops & dealt with firefighters. however, he's never felt this nervous in front of anyone. his heart leapt into his throat & used his skull as a pounding speaker. he could barely hear his own thoughts. "i don't know how you'll react."
"i won't get mad," you promised, curious. "if that's what you're worried about." you expected that, since it's confession hour or something, he'd reveal things about his past.
"i think about you, y/n." that's not what you were expecting. "i think about you all the fuckin' time."
"w-wha?" what more could you say? from behind, you heard shuffling then warmth & a looming figure. you turned around & met his eyes, trying to find if he was messing with you.
"& i can't stop thinking about you. at first, you were so annoying. with your little outfits & perfume & shit. i found you everywhere i went. i started looking out for you, wondering if you'll show your annoying, pretty face," he confessed. katsuki didn't break eye contact as he sandwiched you between him & your bed.
"you're such a goody-two-shoes. such a fuckin' nerd. but you're the only girl who's ever caught my attention, you know that? why is that?" katsuki's fingertips began to trace your clothed legs then up & under your sweatshirt. he leaned down to your ear, "are you okay with this?"
all you could do is nod, afraid that if you were to speak, it would come out as a mere squeak. he pulled away, staring into your eyes once more with his glowing ruby ones.
"good. i still don't know why it's you. maybe it's cuz of how hard you work, or how disgustingly nice you are no matter what. you're such an angel, & that must make me a demon then," he told you. you felt your entire being light on fire-- cheeks hot, ears red, & you needed to get out of your clothes. "god, let me be the one to taint you, to ruin you."
the blonde pulled you in close to his chest by wrapping his muscular arms around your frame. your hand grazed on a bulge in his pants & he jolted. "you feel that? that's how hard you get me during class."
muffled, you let out, "b-bakugou." & with those big, innocent eyes, you looked up at him.
"it's katsuki, baby."
"katsuki," you corrected yourself before continuing, "you mean all of this, r-right?" you felt tears well up & your throat tightening when you began thinking it was all a joke.
his love-drunk expression shifted into an offended one. "you think i'm sayin' all this shit cuz i think it's funny?"
"i-i don't know."
rough yet lovingly, he grabbed your chin & leaned in, noses centimeters away from each other. "this is real to me, & it will be real to you."
your gaze darted to his eyes, furrowed brows, his moonlit hair, then his lips. the moment you looked at his lips, he smashed his lips against yours. the force of his kids caused you to prop your elbows against the bed all while he snuck his knee between your legs. he pressed his thick thigh against the aching warmth.
you let out a muffled moan, & he mistakenly took that as an invite to roam your mouth with his tongue. you pushed it back with yours but, like in every other aspect besides academic, he dominated you.
the two of you ran out of air eventually. he pulled away, eyes half-lidded. "let me get you out of those clothes." he almost sounded needy, if your ears didn't deceive you.
"please, katsuki." that's all you had to say. it was like a command to him, & he was your ever loving soldier. he helped you take of your sweatshirt. gawking at your chest, you didn't wear a bra.
he scoffed with a smug smile, "sneaky girl." he saw right through you. it's true, you didn't wear a bra because of a fantasy you didn't know you were going to fulfill tonight. easy access. you wanted to give him easy access. "i knew there had to be something about you, & i figured it out."
he fondled your tits while he whispered in the crook of your neck, "you're a filthy slut, huh?" you nodded, grinding against his thigh; he chuckled before he started to mark your sensitive neck with hickeys upon hickeys.
at this point, it was getting hard to keep quiet. you knew it was only going to get harder from there. you bit your pink lip as a form of self restraint as katsuki took off his shirt & slipped off your sweatpants. you wore a lacy thong.
katsuki muttered, "oh fuck." he so badly needed you. his fingers rubbed your arousal through the fabric. he loved knowing that he made you so wet. his other hand pushed his boxers & pants down in one swift motion. katsuki needed to feel you around his poor, throbbing cock.
you might've had self restraint, but your lover didn't. he ripped the panties off of you & threw them somewhere in the dark room, not that he cared. if you were upset about it, he'll just buy you another pair he'd tear off. "fuck, y/n. i need you to tell me you want this- no you need this, need me."
you stroked his forearm with your fingers. this was so out of your comfort zone but you still managed to spit out, "i-i need you, katsu-"
there goes that habit of cutting you off again. he shoved his tip into, causing you squeal. he let you stretch, then stuck in more of his cock until you were finally well-adjusted to him. you felt the weight of cock inside you as your walls tightened around him.
you couldn't help but moan as a way of begging him to move. he demanded, "use your words, angel."
"katsuki~" you whined. his calloused hand clasped around your marked neck.
"tell me what you want, & you get to breath."
"y-you! i want you to fu-fuck me!" you choked out, eyes rolling to the back of you head as you desperately tried to breath. he let go, satisfied that you were slowly coming undone.
"such a quick learner," he praised, "i love hearing that voice of yours." you clenched around his hung prick.
he started to move, shallow humps turned into powerful, bed-rocking thrusts. he through your feet onto his shoulders while your wrists were held down to your sides with his hands. your brain turned into bimbo mush, babbling about how he needs to go harder, to keep going. katsuki happily obliged-- anything for his favorite girl.
every thrust your tits jiggled & your ass slapped against his hips. god, how was your body this divine? "such a good whore, handling my cock so good."
"k-katsuki, wanna cum- i'm cumming, i'm cumming!" you told him, scrunching your bed sheets under your grip. your mouth widened. with lightning speed, katsuki shoved something in your mouth; it was your ripped thong. the one you thought was lost in the room.
"fuck yeah," he moaned while he played with your clit. "cum all over my cock, i'm all yours." katsuki was so mean, yet so romantic. he ruined you so effortlessly & still managed to make you feel like you were a goddess amongst men.
you came. that wasn't the last time that night. he pulled out & flipped you over. "ass up, we're not done."
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baldval · 1 month
Could you do individual head cannons of Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty, and Husk's responses to a female reader asking to play with their hair?
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characters: charlie, vaggie, angel dust, niffty, husk
warnings: any of these could be read as platonic or romantic!!
a/n: the headcanons constantly change between general headcanons to more story-like depending on the character??? i just did whatever i felt like doing sorry if that feels confusing
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ᯓ charlie is a busy girl
ᯓ and with everything that's been going on at the hotel, she most definitely needs some rest
ᯓ so just imagine her at her desk
ᯓ there are papers everywhere, on the floor, around her, under her
ᯓ she thought she’d only rest her eyes for a moment
ᯓ you cannot help but run your fingers through her hair as you walk by, wanting to brush it away from her eyes
ᯓ it will tickle otherwise
ᯓ you don’t want to wake her
ᯓ you know she needs rest
ᯓ but how can you resist when she looks so beautiful, softly breathing in her peaceful slumber
ᯓ and so your body moves of its own accord
ᯓ she lets out a small moan, her eyes flickering open in quizzical confusion
ᯓ and you retract your hand, hoping she’ll go back to dozing if you can just walk away silently enough
ᯓ long, warm fingers instantly grab at you, guiding your hand back to the soft, silky locks on her head
ᯓ “don’t stop,” she murmurs with a blissful smile on her face as her eyes close once more
ᯓ you can't help it
ᯓ you love playing with vaggie's hair as much as she lets you
ᯓ which is often, because she secretly loves it
ᯓ even if she won't admit it, vaggie sometimes craves the feeling of your fingers running through her hair
ᯓ in her defense, you have gentle hands
ᯓ for you, it's because her hair is soft
ᯓ and all too "sweepable"
ᯓ and you often brush the strands away from her eyes
ᯓ especially during lazy moments lying in bed, or canoodled on the couch
ᯓ other times, you'll lay against her chest, letting the rise and fall of her breath move you
ᯓ and you'll unconsciously reach up to toy with the soft ends of her hair
ᯓ or she'll occasionally allow herself to lay in your lap while you have your way
ᯓ angel loves when you play with his hair
ᯓ it's amazing how he immediately leans into your touch
ᯓ without any doubt, he's at his most relaxed when he feels the gentle sweep of your fingers
ᯓ could be in his hair, massaging his head, stroking his face or his neck
ᯓ although there's something about your fingers combing through his hair that just makes him feel so... soft
ᯓ and you know he loves it
ᯓ it's gotten to the point where you do it almost absently, out of habit
ᯓ sometimes he even falls asleep at your ministrations
ᯓ but he's also very aware of your touch
ᯓ in general, he's all too self-aware when it comes to people touching him/drawing within his personal space
ᯓ could be a consequence of all the abuse he's gone through, though he doesn't acknowledge it
ᯓ you don't even realise this, but you're helping him just with your calming touch.
ᯓ it comforts both of you, if in different ways.
ᯓ niffty is the type of person who just LOVES her hair
ᯓ she keeps it always knotless and almost impossibly clean
ᯓ she won't really let anyone touch it in fear of seeing it messy
ᯓ however there are some exceptions
ᯓ one of them being you, of course
ᯓ one day you comment how good she would look with two pigtail braids
ᯓ she turns to look at you
ᯓ "why, thank you! i just... i don't really know how to braid my hair"
ᯓ and so you offer to braid it for her
ᯓ and she accepts
ᯓ and she LOVES it
ᯓ not only the final result but also the way her head feels as your fingers separate her hair and start combing through it
ᯓ so from now on, whenever niffty is feeling like it, she'll ask if you can braid her hair
ᯓ and you'll accept it
ᯓ and you'll both love it
ᯓ when you first realised how much husk loved when you played with his hair, you were surprised
ᯓ because he loves LOVES it
ᯓ so let’s say you’re sitting on a chair or couch or whatever and he’s chilling on the ground between your legs while you guys watch a movie or show
ᯓ and suddenly, just because it looks so fluffy, you reach out and comb your fingers through his hair
ᯓ first time you do it he tilts his head all the way back to look quizzically at you
ᯓ and you apologize but he’s like “no no no- do it again”
ᯓ and you do and he sighs happily and puts his head back down
ᯓ as you get more comfortable with it and roam your fingers across his scalp
ᯓ and gently scratch his scalp he nearly starts purring
ᯓ generally, his body oozes with pleasure
ᯓ i’m talkin shoulders slumping, muscles relaxing, he probably goes kinda dead-weight
ᯓ when he relaxes his neck his head kinda flops either to the side or backward
ᯓ so either into your lap or against your knee or thigh.
ᯓ he can be pretty vocal about it too
ᯓ like a heavy but content sigh, or really long hum, or praises
ᯓ and when you play with his hair just the right way it’s all of the above
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dellalyra · 9 months
𝐑𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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pixie says: i got him i got hydro daddy so here’s some celebration fluff ft my babies the Melusine’s.
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Imagine Neuvillette coming to you, a small box in his hands and a Melusine skipping alongside.
You had been close to the Iudex for a very long time, two of the eldest beings in Fontaine. The Hydro Dragon and the leader of the remaining Naiads were bound together by fate - spirits and embodiments of the nation’s elements. Although he posed now as the Chief Justice, as you as a florist - you maintained that friendship from all that time ago.
However, his arrival at the beach you would always sit on after work with his small companion, Liath - you recognised - was unexpected. The fact he knew where to find you was enough to set your heart alight.
“Madame Y/N, please do excuse our interruption - I hope we are not intruding?” Neuvilette asks, poised as ever.
“Nonsense, Neuvilette. Come, sit. Hello Liath, how has your day been?” You say, patting the space your large cloak has been spread out on the sand.
Liath immediately pulls Neuvillette by the hand and they sit down beside you, the Melusine immediately climbing to sit on the man’s lap and the soft smile on his face makes your stomach feel warm and fluttery.
“I’m afraid I must ask for your assistance, it appears a skill of yours has eluded my talents. A skill in which Liath is currently searching for.” He says.
“Oh? How can I help?” You smile, turning to sit facing them.
“Liath came to me today, mentioning how much she admired the style you wore your hair in several days ago - however, I am not well versed in the art of braiding.” He says, face extraordinarily serious for a man asking for braiding advice.
“Oh well that is something I can help with! You want your hair to be like mine, Liath?” You ask, patting her small hand.
She nods and turns to Neuvillette who passes her the box on his right. Her small hands present the blue box tied with a blue ribbon to you and you unravel the bow to find a ridiculously excessive amount of hair clips, bows, ribbons and bands laying underneath a silver soft bristled hair brush.
“I was not entirely sure of what accoutrements you would need for this endeavour, Madame, so I collected everything I could think of. I do hope the brush will suffice, it is my own.” The man says, resting his cane against his leg as Liath crawls from his lap into yours.
“This is more than enough, I could braid the hair of every Melusine in Fontaine with all of this!” You smile.
“Can you do my hair like yours, please? The one long plait with a big ribbon at the end?” The darling on your lap asks.
“Of course, sweetling. Monsieur, sit closer - I will teach you how to do this in the event I’m ever occupied.” You say, patting the space beside you, to which obliges and shifts to sit at your side.
You pointedly ignore the hammering in your chest when the breeze wafts his scent toward you: sea salt, fresh air and something cool and calming.
You begin to brush the Melusine’s hair, soft gentle strokes removing any tangles and easing a path for the style.
“So you just gather hair as you go along, make sure you have three strands - and you overlap them like so, see? If it’s tighter, it will last longer - however I find if they’re too tight it tends to give me quite the headache so I’ll do it nice and loose for this little angel.”
Neuvillette watches your fingers weave through the silky strands and deftly manoeuvre it to your will - or rather - Liath’s will.
“And ta-da!” You say, securing the soft pink ribbon at the end.
Liath reaches up and feels her hair, before looking at the small compact mirror you produce from your bag and smiling.
“Oh thank you so much! I look almost as beautiful as you now! Papa - doesn’t it look pretty!” She spins toward the man beside you.
“Beautiful as a pluie lotus, dearest.” He responds.
“I’m going to show Sedene!” She scampers off toward the Palais, leaving you with the Iudex.
Somehow - this became routine. Every day, Neuvillette and Liath would show up to your spot on the beach, or your florist as it rains - and you would fix the hair of the Melusine. However, the second day - Sedene joined too. Then Aeife, then Elphane, then Blathine and soon you had a gaggle of giggling Melusines decorating each others hair in a chain of styling.
“Madame Y/N?” Liath asks about a month into this newfound tradition.
“Yes, sweetling?” You say, finishing up her hair as she turns to curl into you.
“Are you our mama?” She asks, yawning and nuzzling into you.
At this, the Iudex snaps his head from the newspaper he was reading across from you.
“Would you like me to be?” You ask the cuddled up bundle.
“Very much so. You do our hair, and take care of us if we’re not well and give us kisses. And since Monsieur Neuvillette is like our papa - and he thinks you’re beautiful and he feels a lot of love when he looks at you then that would make you our Mama!”
The Melusine has no idea what she’s said.
You snap your head to look at the hydro dragon.
His eyes are wide, newspaper held tighter in his grip as he looks between you and the little gossip.
“Does he now? Well, then - I suppose I am your mama, if you would allow me the pleasure.” You smile, settling a blanket on the sleepy child.
As she drifts off to a well deserved nap - the man turns to you.
“I do apologise, Madame. Liath - I did not expect her to be so free with her words. If my presence makes you uncomfortable I shall take my leave immediately.” His horns seem to droop slightly, and the sky turns a little bit greyer.
“Well - someone had to make a move. After all, I have been waiting for 700 years.” You smirk, shifting to stand and lay Liath on the armchair of your apartment above your shop.
Neuvillette snaps his head to you.
“I - 700 years? That was when -” The man stands up and walks toward you.
“When we met, yes.” You take his hand and pull him to your kitchen - where you can speak without volume concerns.
He looks at you as if you’ve grown another head.
“I have been in love with you since the moment I stormed into your old home with intention of befriending the mighty Sovereign of Hydro.” You laugh, taking your hand and placing it on his cheek to which he subconsciously leans in to - every touch starved ounce of his body singing in delight.
“A Melusine revealing my love for you wasn’t quite my intention, yet I fear my lack of romanticism would have impeded any attempts made by myself.” He says, and you huff a small laugh at him - never giving himself enough credit.
“Yet, as we are here now - I’ll do my utmost. You have enchanted me, body and soul, from the day a young Naiad flung open my doors. I’m sure you’re reasoning for keeping these feelings to yourself are similar to mine - you were far too precious and integral to my life to allow myself the risk of you no longer being a part of it.” He says, stroking a long finger across the rise of your cheek. You agree with him, voicing the same opinion that he was far too meaningful to you to potentially lose, yet you figured he felt for you about 50 years ago - but thought it best for him to figure it all out by himself rather than moulding things for him - given his nature and responsibilities. You can see a trail of shimmer on his lower lashes, this sweet, oh-so sensitive man. You wipe the beginnings of tears from his eyes.
“Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, please don’t cry.” You smile, seeing him grin down at you and the mirth in his eyes lights your heart.
You tilt your head up to him and he cups your face with his large hands.
“May I kiss you, my darling girl?” He asks in the gentlest voice imaginable.
His soft lips press to yours and you feel as if you’re floating in the purest, warmest most divine pool of water as the clarity of kissing your love sets in. The kiss is gentle, romantic and full of pent up longing - the soft swipe of your tongue across his lower lip makes his hand grip tighter on your waist as you wind your hand into the silky white hair cascading down his back.
He pulls away, both needing a reality check - he looks at you as if to ensure you’re real and you smile at him, pecking his lips once more.
“I love you, Neuvillette.”
“I love you, dearest Mate of the Hydro Dragon”
“And we love you both too!”
The cheerful, loud voices of 3 melusine’s make you both jump as they appear at your door - boxes of cakes and sweets in their arms.
“Liath! Wake up! Papa finally kissed Mama!”
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kiatheinsomniac · 11 months
Hiii!! can i request a scenario where in a cold night, alucard pulls reader down on his lap just to cuddle into her/their warmthness, and acts all clingy and handsy towards her/them??? sorry if it sounds vague, is just a short scenario i have in mind, feel free to fill with anything else <3
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──── 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘! ˊˎ -
☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I've mostly been prioritising my commissions which is why my lineup from my 2k followers event but I've hit a bit of writer's block so I've decided to do a little request to try and feel more refreshed and get writing. But in the meantime, my 2k followers lineup is still paused for my midsummer sale 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes x Reader 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 0.7k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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You enter the drawing room, hair wet from the bath you've left not ten minutes ago. After a day of helping to repair the damaged castle, you found yourself covered with dirt and in need of a wash before settling down for the evening.
Trevor and Sypha are gone so it's just you and Alucard now and - as much as you miss the other two members of your little quartet - you're almost glad that they're gone because you finally have time alone with Alucard. Since you first started working together after you and Trevor defeated the cyclops, freeing Sypha and later awakening Alucard, you've felt something. Some spark between you that just didn't have the conditions to catch fire just yet. But you've got it now and you couldn't be more grateful for what's blossomed between the two of you in the meantime.
You giggle as Adrian pulls you down into his lap the moment you're in arms reach, limbs tangling as he lets himself topple over on the sofa with your added weight. He's careful though, attentive as he always is. The back of his hand cradles your head and his arm curls around your waist to pull you close to his strong body as you fall together, assuring that you won't get so much as the slightest bruise as you fall down in an embrace together.
Immediately, he's letting out a pleased hum and holding you as close to him as possible. He tucks your head beneath his chin and then tilts his head down, burying his face in your hair. He inhales deeply as he squeezes you a little tighter and his entire body then slackens in relaxation when you wrap your arms around him in return.
Since the two of you have finally had time alone together, he's been very clingy and you don't blame him at all. He's been so alone since his mother died, he's faced monsters and has been made to kill his own father. He hasn't really spoken about any of it yet but you're sure he will soon enough, once he's had ample time to gather his thoughts and begin to process his feelings. You can't imagine what it might have been like for him if you weren't here to keep him company. Then again, you're sure that Trevor and Sypha wouldn't have left him at all after knowing he's had to kill his father to save Wallachia.
You bury your face in his chest, finding it surprisingly pillowy for how toned he is. Shortly after, you can feel Adrian tangling your legs together and you openly embrace it as the two of you lay there together. His hands roam over your body and you let out a content little hum as they squeeze your hips and roam the plains of your sides. He takes to rubbing your back and you shift a little so that you can tuck your face into where his neck meets his shoulder. His hair tickles your face a little but it's soft and silky against your skin and the feeling of his hand rubbing your back while his other arm stays protectively and affectionately curled around you lulls you into a sleepy state.
Intimate touch like this has grown so common in the days since your quartet has split in half. The two of you finally have time alone for your relationship to grow and for you to be able to be so openly affectionate with one another like this.
You're not sure how long the two of you lay there, just chatting about your plans for repairing the castle and hold, the next day, but you find yourself veering off topic with one question:
"Adrian... can I sleep in your bed tonight?" You squeeze him gently, "You're so warm..." His hand stops rubbing your back in favour of reaching up to brush your hair away from your face.
"Of course." He says gently and there's a practised sincerity in his voice. He's trying to hide his excitement. He'd love nothing more than to hold you in his arms all night; to have you be the last thing he sees before sleeping and the first thing he sees upon waking up.
Tenderly, he tilts his head down just a little so that he can press a lingering kiss upon your forehead. You close your eyes and smile, filled with a warmth that will only grow as this night goes on.
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☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not : ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ commission me? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
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house-of-kolchek · 1 year
Dress (18+)
Leon Kennedy x Reader
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gif is not mine but I'm still obsessed with it.
@chaosandbubbles I take your Taylor Swift prompt and raise you: "But what if it was angsty?"
Pls be nice I wrote this and did not edit it :')
Word Count: 3.3k
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He turned, clearing his throat, eyes searching for the familiar face belonging to that voice. You greeted him with a smile, your eyes bright as they found his. Leon grinned back, taking a few steps towards you, and stopping to look you up and down.
“You look great!” He reached a hand out, offering assistance in getting up to the stairs. A perfect gentleman.
Your ears burned, your cheeks growing pink, and you hoped that either your makeup, your hair, or the dim lighting of the hall would be enough to hide it from the man as you hooked your arm around his, allowing him to lead you into the party.
Leon himself was dressed very well, just toeing the line of appropriate for a work event. He was in a fully black suit, rather than the usual navy and white set he sported in the white house. His silky button down was open, showing off the skin of his collarbones, leading down to the first hints of his chest. 
It wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before, but it still had you practically buzzing. 
“New dress?” Leon whispered as you made your way into the crowded banquet hall. The interior was lit in a dark wood, creating a warm, inviting aura. “I haven’t seen that one in the rotation before.” 
You nodded, deciding against elaborating any further. The woman at the shop had complimented your appearance when you tried it on the week before, noting that it was just perfect for the occasion. The slit along the side rode up to your mid-thigh, exposing the strength in your legs and the flash of the complimentary heel you’d chosen. The dress made you feel strong. You would even dare to say it made you feel sexy. 
Leon’s gaze hadn’t left yours, and you found yourself stuck in it. You’d found yourself caught in looks like this more recently. The softness in his gaze, the flicker of movement in his focus that was so quick you’d convince yourself you’d only imagined it. His looks like those made you feel special, like you were the only thing he was seeing.
And at the same time, his arm broke away from yours. 
Your smile barely faltered, and you stayed put as Leon travelled throughout the room. In all technicalities, this was a work event, and so you found yourself seated at a random table with some other agents you recognized.
Taking a seat beside Ingrid, you greeted her with a smile, blushing as she raved over your dress. Idle conversation passed between the group, and you remained generally silent, listening in and chuckling at all the right moments. It was quiet enough and only slightly boring.
“What’s this whole gala celebration for, anyways?” one coworker of yours - Beth - asked. Her cheeks were rosy, clearly having been through a few drinks at that point. Ingrid pushed a glass of water in her direction. 
“To recognize the accomplishments and importance of all the DSO agents,” she recited, remaining fairly monotone. You couldn’t help the snicker building in the back of the throat. Even Ingrid thought this was stupid - and that was saying something.
That itchy feeling of being watched washed over you suddenly, and you drifted away from the conversation. Lifting your head, you swerved back and forth until the offending pair of eyes were found.
Leon was standing in another group, all while his eyes remained focused on you. It was clear he was ignoring every word, as his lips twitched, and he flicked his fingers to the side in one of the ‘secret gestures’ you’d come up with over the years. Nodding your head, you watched his grin widen before he excused himself from the conversation.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive at your table with a drink in either hand. You took your designated cocktail from him, offering your thanks and stealing a sip of his whiskey. Leon rolled his eyes, moving to elbow you softly in the side, though you dodged away at the last minute. As you turned to face him again, you noticed his eyes flicker back up, from where they had been studying… something. 
You raised a playful brow, willing the onslaught of heat to stay away from your face. It didn’t listen.
“How many of those have you had?” you asked, walking with Leon across the room. The conversations were starting to exhaust you, and you hadn’t even been present for an hour. You took a generous sip of your drink, allowing the gentle burn of the alcohol to warm your throat. 
“This is only my second, mom,” he teased. You raised your hand up in surrender, before poking him in the side. It was easy, poking fun at each other and sharing those closer, tender moments that others wouldn’t even dream of. 
As the night dragged on, Leon drifted between your side and a few feet away. You lost count of the mindless conversations, the bored jokes from the other employees who didn’t want to be there either. You had only made it through your second drink, glancing over to notice that your friend was on the tail end of his fourth.
He seemed a bit more loose - as loose as Leon Kennedy could get at least. Some of the smiles, the laughs he shared with other guests seemed even genuine. It was a pleasant sight to see, one that others didn’t get very often. Genuine, carefree smiles like that were even an uncommon occurrence with you.
You hummed as Leon’s hand found your back, gently interrupting your conversation. It drifted lower as he settled beside you, forcing some of the breath from your lungs. In that moment, you wondered if he knew the reactions he elicited from you, if it was a game, a sign, or if he was just innocent and clueless. 
You didn’t get the chance to find out, as another man in a suit bumped into Leon’s arm, sending the last few sips of his drink spilling out of his glass, and straight onto your dress.
“Hey!” Leon snapped, turning to reprimand the offender as you muttered a silent curse, taking in the darkening amber stain against the pale fabric of your dress. Leon was quick to notice the stain as well, letting out a curse of his own as he searched for a napkin.
“Shit - I’m sorry.” Your name fell from his lips, his focus on removing the stain until you rested a palm on his shoulder.
“It’s fine, Leon. I can just get it dry cleaned,” you soothed, and he stopped his ministrations, though there was still a furrow in his brow. You glanced around the room, taking in the thinning crowd. “I think I’m ready to take off anyways. Are you good to drive?”
Leon paused for a moment, and you could see the gears turn in his head as he contemplated his level of sobriety. 
“Probably not,” he admitted, letting out a weak chuckle. At least he was honest. You shook your head, bidding your coworker a quick goodbye and making your way towards the exit doors. 
“C’mon, you can crash at mine.”
Leon followed behind you, muttering a quiet thanks as you lead him to your vehicle. It wasn’t the first time you’d let him sober up at your place overnight, though it was nice to see that he wasn’t overly drunk. He still seemed to have his wits about him.
Though he did seem particularly fond of staring at you while you drove.
“What is it?” You sent a glance to him from the corner of your eye. His gaze finally flickered away, towards the oncoming road as his lips pursed together. He seemed to be deeply in thought, and you glanced towards him a few more times before you stopped anticipating an answer.
You weren’t too far from your house, anyways.
“I’m really sorry about your dress,” he said again, and a quick glance confirmed he was looking at you again. You sighed.
“I promise, it’s okay.”
Leon was quiet, but his brows were twitching and there was a small frown on his face, as if he was truly upset about something. After a moment, you let out another breath. Maybe it was the way he’d been staring at you through the car ride, or at the gala. Maybe it was the little bit of alcohol in your own system. Or maybe it was just this build up of feelings you felt towards your friend of many years. The man who’d kept you sane, been alongside you at every achievement and fall.
“I only got this dress for you anyways.”
As soon as the words came out of your mouth, you begged God to return them. The silence felt loud, your clipped breathing turning into what felt like a scream. 
“What do you mean?” Leon asked, his voice was low, growing raspy. Conveniently, you’d just arrived at your home, and you pulled the car into the driveway before you could meet his eye.
Were you really about to admit your feelings for the man? In the car, clad in a stained dress that you’d bought purely in hopes of silently catching his attention?
“You’re my best friend…” your words were tight, the rest of them dying on your tongue as you met his gaze. He was looking so intently at you, blinking slowly, his own mouth moving as if he were running a list of thoughts through his head. 
And maybe he understood the words unsaid, because the next thing you knew, he was kissing you.
Leon had seen your room before. Many times, even. In the years you’d known each other, grown closer, Leon had seen nearly every aspect of your life. He’d seen your hungover mornings, your nightmares and your raging bedhead as you searched for coffee. He’d seen you fall apart and pick up the pieces to put yourself back together. Leon had spent many nights on your couch, even in your bed - on opposite ends with at least two pillows stuffed between you two. 
But Leon had never been in your bed like this before. Not with a lusty look in his eyes and his shirt split open to the last button. He propped himself on his elbows, watching as you kicked your heels to the corner of your room. By the time you’d made it to the foot of the bed, he was sitting up, gathering the skirt of your dress and bunching it upwards as he wrapped his arms around your lower back. 
“God, this dress. It’s driving me fucking crazy,” he whispered against your jaw. You had no time to be concerned by the slur between each word as his mouth found yours, capturing your lips in the messiest, sexiest kiss you’d ever received.
Your hands flew around his neck, streaking up into his hair. He hissed between your lips as you tangled your fingers between the darkening strands, scratching against his scalp and tugging at the ends. His teeth tugged on your bottom lip, his tongue briefly meeting yours before his kisses fell back to the corner of your jaw.
Leon pulled you forward, and you all but fell into his lap, the unexpected motion causing you to tug particularly hard at his hair. His head snapped back, but he made no indication of any pain. He merely groaned, tilting his head before he moved to suck a harsh mark into the side of your throat.
“Fuuuuck,” you breathed, letting your hands slide down over his shoulders, resting against his biceps. You felt them flex as his hands slid further up your back, dragging the fabric of your dress with it.
“Arms up,” he growled, and you listened. There was a brief loss of contact as the dress was pulled over your head, and as your arms fell back down to his shoulders, you couldn’t keep the blush from dusting across your cheeks. You opened your eyes, waiting to see Leon’s reaction.
But his gaze wasn’t on your breasts, your panties, or even the exposed skin of your stomach. His eyes were on yours, a little bit glossy and heavy with lust, but they held that glimmer; the softness that had been skipping your heartbeats for months, years.
You heard the fabric pile to the floor, and Leon’s warm hands rested on either side of your ribcage. And then he leaned forward to kiss you - gentle and warm compared to the searing ones he’d been offering to you all evening.
And only after that did his attention finally fall to your chest. His gaze darkened again, growing even hungrier than before as he wrapped one arm around you, using the other to brace the weight as he spun you to land on your back against the sheets. He leaned back, finally shedding the button down and offering you a moment to just look at him, clad in nothing but messy hair and a pair of black dress pants. 
Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him back to the bed.
Leon fell over you, supporting his weight on his forearms as his lips attached to your collarbone. He left a mark just under the bone, trailing his lips downwards until he reached your breast. He ran his tongue flat against one perked nipple, tweaking it with his fingers before giving the other the same treatment. One of your hands returned to his hair, the other reaching under his arm to run your fingers along the strong muscles in his back. 
He dropped his hips, grinding his core against yours and drawing a gasp from your lips. Your sounds only seemed to spur him on, as he repeated the motion, his lips faltering on your breast as a ragged moan cut through his throat. Instinctively, you drew him closer, meeting his hips, and digging his face further into your skin.
With a growl, Leon bit down on the spot just above your breast. You whined, throwing your head back into the sheets. His hand traced down the length of your abdomen, teasing at the skin of your waist, the line of your panties, until finally, two fingers circled your clit through the fabric. You let out a long breath as his tongue prodded against your skin, your senses catching as he pushed the fabric of your underwear aside to trace along your entrance. 
“You’re such a tease,” you murmured against his cheek as he leaned up to kiss you again. You felt his grin on your jaw as one finger curled into you, wasting no time in prodding against that rough spot within you. You rolled against his hand, your clit brushing against the heel of his palm as he snuck another finger in, twisting and curling them together until you were panting, breaths hitching in your throat. 
Leon’s breathy laugh warmed your throat, as his lips traced and sucked deep marks into your skin. Your grip fell to his shoulders, digging your nails in which each curl of his fingers. Your hips jerked to meet his hand, driving yourself further into a pleasure-seeking daze. 
You muttered his name, and Leon tilted his head up to look at you. The lighting was dim, but you could still see the glassy, dazed look in his eyes. His gaze flickered across your face, landing on your parted lips, before his thumb curled against your clit, and you threw your head back as your release washed over you. 
Leon looked absolutely drunk on you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, his hand stuttering in its movements before finally pulling away from your core. With a whine, you curled further into him, brushing the top of your thigh against the front of his pants. He groaned, his teeth sinking into the corner of his lip as you traced your hands from his shoulders, down along his solid chest. You traced the ridges of his abs, your stomach twisting again at the hard edges in his muscles - you’d seen Leon shirtless countless times before, but never had you been able to appreciate his dips and curves in his kind of way.
His patience seemed to fall apart at the seams, because the next thing you knew he was bucking against your thigh, digging his face into the junction of your neck and shoulder. He reached for his belt, freeing the buckle with a surprising swiftness and shimmying straight out of his pants.
“Can I?” he breathed against your neck. He was already prodding against your entrance, running the tip along your folds, your clit. With a gasp, you nodded, and he groaned. “Use your words, baby.”
“Fuck- Just do it already!” you whined, and he wasted no more time in entering you.
Leon started with shallow thrusts, inching in deeper until he finally went flush against you. With a long exhale, he stalled for a moment, allowing you to adjust to the intrusion, and based on the scrunch in his brows, to hold himself back from the edge he was teetering on. And then he fell over you, caging you in between his forearms, and his hips started moving again. 
Your senses were full - almost too full - because it was Leon. It was Leon and he was looking at you like the rest of the world meant nothing, and his lips were brushing against your shoulder and he was with you in the most intimate way. 
And you let out a breath in his ear that sounded a lot like a confession.
When you opened your eyes, your senses felt like they were fuzzy. It took a moment to fully recollect the events from the night before. A stain on your dress, Leon unable to drive home, the sight of his clothes falling to the floor.
An arm tightened around your waist, bare and incredibly warm. 
You felt Leon’s steady breaths against your hair, his nose digging between the strands. One of his legs was tangled between yours, and his also bare chest was flush against your back. He was still asleep, muttering incoherent gibberish under his breath as he seemed to snuggle further into your form. And it felt amazing.
You stayed unmoving and quiet in that position for a long few moments, your mind going over and over the night before, until Leon’s breath stuttered as he fell out of his slumber.
Your eyes were still closed when Leon shifted, a quiet grunt catching in his throat as he stretched. With your back to him, you could only hear the sharp intake of breath, feel the way his fingers brushed against your arm.
You heard the silent “Fuck,” under his breath.
There was something in that word, something with more substance. It was strained and low as if he was fighting against something. It sounded like that time he approached the president, laced with guilt over the bad news he was about to share. It reminded you of the time he’d really fucked up. Admitting to you how he’d thrown himself needlessly into a firefight, almost losing his life in the process. That guilt in his voice had your heart plummeting into your stomach. So you didn’t open your eyes. You didn’t move, regulating your breathing to the best of your ability.
Leon sucked in a breath, gently detangling his arms and legs from your own, and snapping the threads of your heart with them. You felt the soft structure of a pillow against your back as his warmth left the bed, and the sheets fell flat beside you. There was a flurry of steps around the room, another whispered curse. A short rustling of clothes and the ring of his belt. 
Another long, pensive breath.
You stayed firm. You didn’t open your eyes until you heard the soft click of your bedroom door shutting.
And you didn’t hear from Leon for six weeks.
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@obsessedwithtoomanythings hi I love you
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dilfsfordinner · 6 months
a/n- yeah, i’m still not over the leaks
“-it funny. Just the idea of Annabeth trying to sit quietly and draw all day,” you spoke into the quiet atmosphere of your bedroom, a queasy Megumi nuzzled into the valley of your chest, little sniffles coming from him as you read a chapter from one of his favorite books.
A heavy comforter was thrown atop your bodies, his body supplying more than enough heat on its own, but the doctor said warmer was better anyway, especially when cold sweats would pelt his form simultaneously. “Athena expects her children to create things, not just tear them dow-”
“I thought Athena was the war one,” came a scratchy voice to your right, the usual teasing tone Gojo used with you gone from his arsenal, replaced by the signature rasps of a sore throat. Looking up from your book, you turned to look upon your very sick lover, his blue eyes red and shot from fatigue, slow blinks indicating he was genuinely awaiting your answer.
A sympathetic smile pulled at your lips as you just nodded and pulled him closer, his soft hair tickling the skin of your neck as he rested the back of his head against your shoulder, his long form sinking down the bed, hip just below your hip, side to your side.
“Then why would she like architects,” he mumbled, eyes closing to get his much-needed rest, relaxation melting his limbs before a jab was dealt to his side, ribs aching from a tiny elbow, its little bone just sharp enough to knock a cough out of him.
“Listen,” came Megumi’s irritated response, the boy clearly too tired to put up with your lover’s antics, huffing as he nestled back into the comfort of your arms, which used his back as a makeshift table, holding the book up once more to continue reading.
Stifling a laugh at the scowl you knew was gracing Gojo’s features at the moment, you read to your makeshift patients, trying your best to mediate between them and keep the peace whenever a petty argument rose.
“… I am Thalia,’ the girl said, ‘Daughter of Zeus’”.
Closing the book with a contented sigh, you peeked down to find Megumi sleeping soundly, his pale face finally gaining a flush of color after days of palidity. Combing his hair away from his forehead, you tested his temperature with the back of your hand, your hope for his recovery short-lived as his skin felt as scalding as ever.
“Fuck,” you whispered, worry for the little boy lying on top of you building as you imagined how bad he must feel and the fact that you couldn’t cure him on your own.
“He’ll be okay,” came that scratchy voice again, a warm hand rubbing smooth circles on your thigh, Gojo sensing your racing thoughts of desperation, could tell from your shift in mood alone that you were scared Megumi’s sickness could possibly get even worse.
“I promise,” he added, his own fingers carding through Megumi’s silky hair this time, the two of you watching the young boy, his uneven inhales slightly evening out at the feeling of his “father’s” touch.
The sight had the worry sitting in your chest dissipating, if only for a moment, and you relaxed back against the headboard, nodding to acknowledge that you trusted him, trusted that he wouldn’t let anything happen to Megumi.
“Besides, we’re unkillable, love” he somehow purred, rough voice aside. An incredulous scoff bubbled out of you at his comment, shaking your head in disbelief at Gojo’s pure nonchalance, his own laugh slipping from his lips. Once again, Satoru Gojo knew exactly what to say to push buttons, the only difference being that it was an adult elbow jamming into his side this time.
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maxie-fallon · 16 days
It is currently 8 am and I stayed up all night writing. This idea I had a while ago crept its way back into my mind and would not let go until I had written this thing out. Please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, I am very sleep-deprived and have not properly proofread it.
After Morgause’s ritual Ygrain may have vanished from Arthur’s sight but she did not leave his side. She watched his rage build as he rode back to Camelot. She watched as he confronted Uther about his newly acquired knowledge of the circumstances of his birth. She watched as the man she once called husband so flippantly dismissed the charges laid against him and felt her own rage boil inside her, echoed in the fury of her son's words. She watched as Arthur threw down his gauntlet, as the seriousness of the situation finally hit Uther. She watched their fight with a sick mix of satisfaction at Uther finally facing consequences and horror at Arthur’s actions.
By the time the servant boy arrived horror had won out. She was relieved when he managed to talk Arthur down. She desperately wanted Uther to face justice for what he’s done but not this way, not by Arthur’s blade. The murder of one's father is a stain on the soul that can not be washed out and one she would never wish upon her beloved son.
She understood why the boy, Merlin, had lied to stop Arthur. In the state of mind he was in she doubted that anything else would have stopped him from running Uther through. Though she could tell it pained him to say such words. Since the day Merlin had arrived in Camelot Ygraine had watched this boy protect her son with magic and now he forced himself to speak ill of it in order to protect his soul. She’d grown fond of Merlin as she’d witnessed the growing bond between him and Arthur but this instilled an affection for him in her that almost rivaled that of her love for Arthur. His care and devotion to Arthur was as endearing as it was heartbreaking.
That night she watched over Arthur as he slept, as she had done many nights before. As she expected he had trouble falling asleep and what sleep he found was not restful. She knew she could do little to soothe him but she hoped that on some level he knew she was there and that her presence would help.
Currently, he lay on his side, face smushed into the pillow and hair fallen over his eyes. For now, he had stopped tossing and turning in his sleep and seemed to be getting some level of rest. Ygrain smiled at the image he made. Oh, how she loved her ridiculous boy.
She reached out, wishing to brush the hair away from his sleeping face. When her fingertips reached the golden strands she expected them to pass through, instead she felt their softness against her skin. She pulled her hand away with a gasp. Surely she had imagined it. But then she looked closer. The hair she had reached for sat differently than it had before. The difference was miniscule but it was there. She had touched her son’s hair. And her touch had caused it to shift ever so slightly. 
Slowly she reached out again and could not contain a smile as her fingertips connected with Arthur’s hair once more. She lifted her hand upwards towards the side of Arthur’s head and marveled at how the strands of hair followed her movement. She shifted his fringe away from his eyes and smoothed out the hair that stood on end. She ran her fingers through those silky golden threads with reverence. 
She never thought she’d feel what it was like to touch something again. She thought that brief moment during the ritual would be the first and last time she’d get to hold her son. She never thought she’d get to experience this simple joy of stroking her baby’s hair while he slept.
As she continued to tentatively move her hand she felt him shift beneath her fingers and she froze. The last thing she wanted was to wake him. But that wasn’t the case. No, instead he leaned into her touch. She released a breath she didn’t need and continued her ministrations. Arthur nuzzled into her touch, his face so relaxed and peaceful. Ygraine wished she could stay in this moment forever.
Minutes passed, or it could have been hours, Ygraine was uncertain. But eventually, Arthur rolled over in his sleep and out of her reach. With the moment broken, Ygraine turned her attention to the things around the room. Could she touch them? 
A glinting of light caught her eye. The sun was beginning to rise and the morning rays were peaking through a small gap in the curtains covering the windows, shining off of the gold tassels. She made her way over to them and eagerly reached out to grab hold of the closest one. A huff of quiet laughter escaped her as she felt the expensive material in her hand. She moved her arm this way and that way, amazed as the heavy fabric followed her movements. She delighted in the way they caused the light to shift and sparkle off of the tassels. With a sudden burst of confidence she scrunched up her fistful of curtain and flung it to the side, pouring light into the room. Behind her, she heard a groan from Arthur.
“Too early Merlin” He grumbled before settling back to sleep.
Whatever spell Morgause had cast had changed things. She could touch Arthur. She could move the curtains. She could interact with the physical world.
Ygraine smiled. It seems she has some unfinished business to attend to.
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mushroomly · 1 year
hi! I am not totally sure how to request...but I'll do my best! What about Douma with a reader who likes to do his hair? Braid it, put flowers in it, etc. I just imagine him going to the Upper moon meeting with his hair done by reader, and everyone else's reactions (especially akaza lol)
a/n: this is perfect! I love specific rqs bc they’re so much easier, so this was great! I love Douma sm
Tws: fluff
gn reader, not proofread
- He absolutely loves affection
- and his hair
- affection +hair?
- Douma is very happy
- it calms him
- like, you’ll be in bed cuddling
- and you’ll just be playing with his hair
- he’ll nuzzle his head into your hand
- and purr like a cat
- Happy Douma hours
- One day, you decided to go out to the meadow to pick flowers
- let’s say that you know Douma is a demon
- u don’t mind tho
- anyway, you collected the flowers
- after making a flower crown for yourself and him you went back to the cult
- with a basket of flowers
- you had Douma sit down and surprised him by braiding flowers into his hair and “crowning” him with the flower crown
- he was delighted (like actually, not fake delighted)
- little did u know he had an upper moon meeting (had you known, you’d still have done it)
- Douma gets biwa’d in
- he’s still all flowery
- akaza sees him and is like
- ”Dude”
- He grumbles something about
- “Princess douma and his army of fairies”
- then cackles at his own joke (he’s definitely the type of guy to laugh at his own jokes)
- anyway
- meeting goes as usual
- muzan is questioning
- kokushibo doesn’t care
- Hantengu is scared
- gyokko considers it “art”
- dakis jealous bc douma is prettier than her
- gyuutaro is jealous bc douma is pretty
- once he gets home, he immediately goes to see you
- “i look beautiful darling! Thank you!”
- doumas hair is really soft and silky
- its really nice
- playing with his hair while you sit in his lap at a meeting
- playing with his hair as you fall asleep
- he loves you, and everything you do :)
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raccoonfallsharder · 3 months
˚₊‧✶ headcanon 21 ✶‧₊˚
i write about raccoon sense of touch a lot [this kinda spicy rumination] and i think about it a lot
like two-thirds of a raccoon’s sensory perception area in the cerebral cortex is just… focused entirely on interpreting tactile data. their fingers have whiskers (okay, vibrissae) so they can identify objects without even making paw-contact. their hands become hypersensitive when wet (lord). if they identify things with their paws, they can remember them for up to/around a year without touching them again.
so yeah, when you press a kiss to rocket’s palm, it damn near lights up his whole brain. holding hands? palm-to-palm? it’s so intimate that he’s probably absolutely scarlet under all that fur. he probably thinks it feels like you might as well be reading his mind. he memorizes you the same way he memorizes every gun he takes apart and every bomb he puts together.
i suppose this means he thinks mostly in tactile sensation, too. when he’s imagining you, it’s less about the color of your hair (assuming the high evolutionary’s made sure he can see the same color-range as humans, anyway). it’s not about the clarity of your eyes, or how you’d looked with the sun haloing you that morning on xandar when he’d first let you touch his shoulder. nope. when rocket thinks about you, it’s how warm your hands are, every little soft pillow and rasping callus on your palm and fingertips. the brush of them through his fur, every one of his little hairs standing on end in its follicle. it's the shape of the bones in your wrists from that time he traced them into memory.
similarly, rocket doesn’t remember lylla’s liquid-dark eyes so much as the silkiness of her pelt, the cool graze of her vibranium-alloy hands. the delicate touch of the damp fabric on his forehead that very first day, and the squeeze of her arms on the very last.
and so, the natural outcome of all this is that he dreams in touch, too. it’s not the silver flash of scalpels and the blood on the ground — it’s not even the gunshots and floor’s desperate pleading and his own wails, or the scent of laser-burnt fur and blood — though of course those are all there too. it’s the pain he dreams of: feeling it fresh in his body, every incision and broken bone and careless laser-stitch, every screw and metal plate soldered in. it’s not the lights for their white-brightness; it’s the tearful squinting squeeze of his eyes, the burning in his pinpoint-pupils. it’s the way lylla’s body had buckled and loosened, and pulled from his arms to the ground by gravity — the last of her warmth wisping through his fingers, already a ghost between the cold arête cages. it’s the plummet in his own belly — that terrible twisting knot that dropped when his first family did, and never ever stopped.
all that pain. it’s so much. it’s so much to make up for.
it’s so much to make up for.
but you’ll get started.
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headcanons & imagines masterlist
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You've Got Another Thing Coming
Pairing: ModernDayRockstarEddieMunsonxReader
Request: This is for one of my very favorite people and a supporter of mine from damn near day one when I first posted a book on Wattpad @mmunson86 I hope I did your request justice BB! I had a lot of fun with this one.
Alright not me jumping into this right away with a request buut whenever you can can you do a one shot of Eddie Munson x reader but modern day?
Eddie is a rockstar & reader is his wife/the bands personal hair stylist
Okay soooo here we go he is in a meeting for an upcoming tour, and she is back in the hotel lounging around , he has not seen her most of the day so he starts to text sexting her , sooo she takes it a step further and sends him a very suggestive picture, when i tell you this man is ready to bolt out the door!🤣
He tells her that he is going to destroy her & she keeps testing him till he gets back to their hotel room and does exactly that this man destroys her shoot even calls her names is rough ( obvi its consensual & that's what she wanted from him) after they are done maybe some fluff🥹🤍
18+ ONLY
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Eddie rolled his neck, drumming his fingers on the top of the long table, trying not to tune out as everyone around him talked lighting, stage set-up, whether there should be a fog machine or not. They were starting a new tour in four months and he’d been told he had to attend this meeting but he never understood what he was here for. He played music. He didn’t care if the lights were LEDs or if they tried some new spotlight during his guitar solo. 
Slyly, he pulled his phone from his pocket. He hadn’t seen you all day and he could just picture you in his mind right now, spread out in that King sized hotel bed in those tiny shorts and that soft cami that concealed nothing, perfect little nipples pressing against the silky material as you relaxed, probably watching some serial killer documentary that you found. Damn, he’d be much more useful in that bed with you than sitting in this conference room. 
Getting an idea, he opened the text thread with you, tongue darting along the side of his mouth as he typed.
Hey princess, relaxing and enjoying the quiet?
No. I’m reading and I want you in this bed next to me.
Oh yeah? Reading some of your smutty shit again? 
Yeah, and now I’m all turned on and there’s no one here to take care of it but me.
Eddie grinned, nibbling his bottom lip. Fuck, how long was this meeting going to take? He raised his head every now and again, nodding and smiling, trying to appear like he was invested in whatever the hell they were talking about now but he was far more invested in this text conversation. 
Aww, sweetheart. You need me to make you feel good? You want my fingers deep inside that pretty little pussy? 
Yeah. I need you, baby. My fingers just aren’t the same, Eddie. I try closing my eyes and imagining it’s you but it’s not enough. 
Eddie’s head jerked back as a photo came through. He growled low, deep in his throat. You were on your back on the bed, hair fanned around you on the pillow, those little shorts gone, your own fingers buried within you. He could see those perfect nipples through the silk of the tank but your eyes…Jesus Christ, you were giving him your best fuck me eyes and he was instantly hard as granite, shifting slightly in his chair, trying to allieve the pressure. His eyes darted to the door. Would anyone really care if he just left? They couldn’t stop him if he just ran. What the hell was he even here for?
Fuck princess, I am going to destroy that pussy when I get back.
Another picture came through. Eddie’s lips pressed together, suppressing the groan that so badly wanted to come out of him. You were on all fours, your legs spread apart just enough to give him the perfect view of your pink pussy all ready for him. You looked over your shoulder at the camera, eyes inviting him. 
Are you sure you want to keep playing this game, sweetheart? This meeting is going to end sometime.
I’m dripping wet, baby. I need to come. If you don’t get here soon, I might have to finish without you.
In the third picture, you were on your back again, spread open, but with your vibrator in your hand, an amused smile on your lips.
Don’t you fucking dare. You put that away and lie there like a good girl until I get there and then I am going to make you come so hard, you’ll still be feeling the aftershocks for days.
Promises…promises…I just don’t know if I can wait…
“Alright, so I think we have this all settled. It all sounds great guys,” Eddie said, jumping up from his chair. “Really good meeting. Tour is going to be awesome. Thanks everyone.”
He practically sprinted from the conference room, through the lobby, and to the elevator. His cock was throbbing, eager to get up to the room so he could follow through. Eddie knew what you wanted when you got all bratty like this and he was more than happy to give it to you. The elevator took forever but finally the doors opened and he ran down the hallway. 
Using his keycard, he slammed the door open, hearing the buzz of your little toy. He walked around the corner to find you with that subpar mechanical replacement for him pressed against your clit. You moaned, eyes closed, and he stood watching, running his finger over his lower lip. The door closed audibly and your eyes popped open, catching sight of him. 
“I thought I told you to put that sorry excuse for pleasure away,” he said warningly. 
“You were taking too long,” you replied, spreading your legs further, giving him more of a show. “And I was so horny, baby.”
“That’s because you’re a needy little slut.” Eddie grabbed the vibrator, throwing it across the room. He grabbed her jaw tightly, tilting her head back. “I told you, I’m the only one who makes you come. Say it.”
“Not when you’re not here,” you said, testing him, challenging him, wanting to push him as far as you could. 
Eddie’s free hand cupped your pussy and you released a long, low moan, hips rolling toward him as your body tried to get what it really craved. A slap sounded as he smacked your pussy roughly, his other hand keeping it’s tight grip on your jaw.
“You want me to take care of you?” You nodded, your head barely moving in the grip he had on it. “Then be a good girl and say it,” he hissed, lips right next to your ear.
“You’re the only one who makes me come,” you whimpered.
“That’s what I thought,” Eddie stated, keeping your pussy cupped in his hand but applying no pressure anywhere you needed it. “I was in a very important meeting and you sent me those dirty photos? Those perfect little nipples all hard, pointing at me, just begging for my teeth.”
His hands came to the straps of your cami, appearing to pull them gently down your arms, but then he gave a forceful tug, ripping the entire top in half and the fabric fell away. His thumbs came to each achingly hard bud, running gently over them back and forth before pinching them both harshly and twisting until you squeaked. 
“That’s right. Naughty little whores have to take their punishment before they get what they want. Now, you’ve left me with a painfully hard cock, princess. You’re going to need to fix that.”
You moved to sit up but he shook his head. Eddie made quick work of his belt, pants, and shirt before moving to the bed. He spun his finger and pointed and you knew what he wanted. Maneuvering yourself, you laid across the bed, your head hanging off the edge. His throbbing length hung over your face, wet with pre-cum that you could see gathered along the slit. Your head bobbed up, gathering the sticky substance on your tongue and he hissed in appreciation before roughly grabbing your jaw again. 
“That’s a start. Now, open that pretty mouth for me so I can give it a proper fucking.”
You obeyed, opening your mouth and he thrust, sending his cock straight to the back of your throat, gagging you. But this wasn’t gentle Eddie, the boyfriend who was concerned, the one who would ask sweetly if you were okay. This was feral Eddie, the Eddie who took what he wanted from you and your center was aching for all that was to come because this had been your intention from the moment you sent that first photo. He fucked your mouth, watching the tears stream down your face, his hands roughly grabbing your breasts, twisting and pinching your nipples until you were a whimpering mess. 
“That’s my good little whore. Take it all, baby. Can’t be so bratty when your mouth is stuffed with my cock, can you?”
Eddie slapped your tits, causing you to jump and squeal as he hit the back of your throat again and again. His dirty talk ceased, replaced with grunts and groans and you knew he was close. He always lost the ability to form coherent thoughts when his orgasm was upon him. He thrust once more and your mouth filled with his release. You closed your lips around his cock until he was through, swallowing every last drop. 
“Oh, that’s a good girl,” he gasped, dark locks plastered to the sides of his face and forehead. “Good girls get rewarded.”
Then he was spinning your body, lifting your legs up, draping them over his shoulders, the crooks of your knees balanced on him, your pussy in front of his mouth. You gasped as he dove in like a man starved, his tongue pressing into your entrance, his nose moving over your clit as he shook his head back and forth. 
“Fuck!” you cried, gripping the sheets tightly in your fingers.
Eddie’s hands gripped your ass, pressing into the supple flesh, and you were helpless beneath them, this position allowing you no purchase to do a damn thing but go along for the ride. His mouth traveled away from your center, teeth biting into the tender skin of your inner thighs, marking you. You gasped, digging your heels into his back, back arched in pleasure, body quaking with need. 
“You’re so pretty when you’re so needy,” he growled, grinning down at you before he took your clit between his lips, turning his head from side to side, taking it with him, pulling at it painfully but fuck, it was so damn good. “See? This is what good girls get. Don’t you want to be a good girl?”
You nodded helplessly, a chorus of mumbling moans falling from your lips as his tongue began flicking over your clit, up and down, side to side, bringing you closer and closer to the orgasm you’d been craving since you’d sent him that photo. 
“Oh, my princess is close. I can feel it,” Eddie crooned, his tongue running from your clit to your entrance and back again. “Come for me, baby. Let me taste you.”
“Fuck!” you screamed, your body shaking, Eddie gripping your hips so you didn’t collapse with the force of your release. 
You gasped for air, but didn’t have time to process anything before he was maneuvering you again, twisting your body and propping you up on all fours. You moaned, prepared for his cock, shocked when you felt two fingers press into you, curling, exploring. He hit that perfect spot and you cried out. 
“Oh yeah, there it is,” Eddie breathed, his other hand coming around to find your breast, this time massaging it gently, his fingers rolling your sore nipple tenderly, always knowing exactly what you needed. “I’m not done with you yet. I promised you aftershocks, baby.”
“Shit…” you whimpered, rocking your hips back against him, grinding yourself against his hand as he continually hit that sweet, spongy place that had you seeing goddamn stars. 
“What were you thinking using a vibrator?” he asked, his hand gripping your hair, pulling your head back. “You’re going to throw that pointless fucking toy away, aren’t you?”
“Yes…yes…” you gasped, your body already racing toward your second orgasm of the night.
“That’s right. You don’t need it, princess. That’s what I’m here for.”
“Yes…I…oh…fuck…fuck…fuck!” you screamed as you rode out the next high. Your body was covered in sweat, every muscle trembling, feeling like it was ready to give out. You collapsed forward on the bed but Eddie’s hand came under your stomach, propping you back up. 
“Oh no. You started this, you dirty little whore and you’re going to finish it with me like the good girl I know you can be,” he growled, those ring clad hands wrapping over your hips. “I’m not done with you yet, princess.”
A cry of pleasure ripped from your lungs as his cock thrust into you from behind. Eddie drove into you relentlessly, fast and hard, your skin audibly smacking against one another. He groaned above you as you dropped to your forearms, your face pressed into the mattress. 
“Fuck, yes, take every single inch of me,” he commanded, his hand snaking around your hips and between your legs, coming once again to your dripping center. “Come on, pretty girl, I know you have one more in you. You’ve come on my tongue and my fingers and now I want to feel you come all over my cock.”
“Eddie, fuck baby, that feels so good…oh shit…I’m so close…”
“I know you are. I can feel it, pretty girl, the way your pussy just swallows me up, fits me like a fucking glove. Shit, I crave this goddamn pussy like I crave a nicotine fix,” he growled, fingers moving over your clit, determined to get you there before him.
He pressed down on your back with his free hand, causing your legs to spread just a bit wider. The position had his cock pressing against that spot again. He was like a fucking sorcerer, the way he always managed to find it. His fingers continued working your center, moving over your clit, so sensitive now it was almost painful. 
“Fuck yes baby!” he groaned loudly as you screeched, fingers clawing at the sheets as you came for the third time. As your walls pulsed around him, pulling him tighter, he quickly followed, hands gripping your hips again for purchase as he thrust through his release. 
You felt as his cock slipped out of you, your body collapsing to the bed, spent but so damn satisfied your skin felt like it was humming. You jumped when you felt something between your legs again but it was just a warm, damp towel. Eddie gently turned you over, cleaning you up, his lips pressing soft kisses over your belly, your hips, your thighs as he did so. 
You lay, eyes closed, exhausted, feeling as if you couldn't move, didn’t want to move. But then his arms were gathering you up, carrying you. Opening your eyes, you saw he had started a bath in the massive jacuzzi tub. He set you down inside, stepping in behind you and pulling your back up against his chest. Fingertips trailed lightly up and down your arms, his lips pressing against your hair, cheek, jaw, just under your ear. 
“Such a good girl…” he praised softly. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“No,” you breathed, melting against him, completely relaxed between the feel of his body and the warm water. “That was so fucking incredible.”
“Mmm…I agree.” His arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly. “I fucking love you, you know that?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty fond of you too,” you teased and he splashed you gently with water before burying his face in your neck, peppering it with kisses. 
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elllisaaa · 6 months
I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much to ask for an imagine with any of the skz boys. (Biased to lee know and bang chan). The reader is a girl who has a Korean pixie cut (looks like lee know's), and she gets some really rude comments about her looks from some idol looking girls behind her back while her and one of the boys are out at like a restaurant or bar. And these rude comments cause a lot of anxiety and self consciousness. And then just followed by soul melting fluff. And maybe some fluff smut, "babygirl" kink *because I know most of these men are just big soft dom teddy bears deep down*. (Even though the girl has a pixie cut she's actually quite feminine, but like in a soft cutie innocent kind of way yk.) Love you sooo much btw♥︎
hiii lovely !!! firstly thank you so much for sending an ask and taking the time to read me, that's so sweet &lt;3
don't worry, it's not too much, all of you have such wonderful ideas that constantly motivates me to write, i love it so much ! and this idea... yeah, that's what i like. because you're so right, short are not often described ! i am guilty myself even if I try to be as neutral as possible ! since you let me choose, I really hesitated with chan buuut I'm too in love with seungmin these days 😭 also, i choose to not include smut (hope it'll be okay !) because i felt like the vibe was too fluffy for that !
anyway, i hope you'll like it, thank you for sending an ask and supporting me !!
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-> pairing : kim seungmin x fem!reader
-> words count : 1.1k
-> genre : fluff, hurt/comfort
-> warnings : self-deprecating thoughts, overthinking, mention of struggling with body image.
-> sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated !
-> skz masterlist | masterlist
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You had always been pretty confident about your reflection in the mirror. Surely, there were times when you struggled with your image and body, just the way you looked, but for the most part, you loved yourself and your appearance. So you didn’t really know why these girls' remarks were sending you spiraling like that.  
It was supposed to be a cool day with your boyfriend, a little date just like you loved them : eating at your favorite restaurant, then going for a walk in the park and going home to cuddle while watching a movie. It was supposed to be perfect. But all it took was a commentary about your haircut for you to suddenly feel very self-conscious. 
“- Did you see that ? She looks like a boy, and an ugly one at that !
- Stop, she might hear us ! Maybe she’ll shave her head if she’s angry !”
The two girls behind you bursted out in laughter, unaware that you, in fact, heard them and that they did a good job at bringing you down. You lowered your head to your half-empty plate, suddenly not hungry anymore. You knew that Seungmin was talking to you, but you couldn’t hear a word he said. 
You always loved to experiment things with your hair. When you were little, they were very long and as you grew up, you tried to dye them in funny colors. And then, you cut them shorter, and shorter, until the point you were now : a pixie cut. You loved it, it was so easy to style and so much more practical than longer hair in everyday life. But at times, you wished you didn’t go for such a different hairstyle. Maybe they were right. Maybe you were the strange one. 
It was not helping that these girls were so good looking, with their pretty, long, silky brown hair. It was not helping either that your boyfriend happened to be Kim Seungmin, and that he was so handsome too. Were you looking ridiculous besides him ? Was it looking like he was doing you a favor by going out with you ? Maybe it was the case after all, maybe he agreed with them and thought that you were ugly. 
“- Baby, are you alright ?”
You lifted your head, trying to smile at Seungmin so he wouldn’t notice all the things that were going through your head. He obviously didn’t hear what the two girls said, and it was better like that. You didn’t want to bother him with your little problems. It was nothing, nothing he needed to know at least.
“- Yes… I’m just not very hungry, don’t worry about me.”
You could see that Seungmin was confused. He was not dumb, and he knew you better than everyone else, obviously he could tell that something was indeed upsetting you. But he also knew that you won’t bring it up right now, so instead, he settled on holding your hand all day, and being extra careful. Everytime he looked at you, you could see how worried he was even if he didn’t voice it. And you were feeling guilty because it was so rare for you to go out like this, and you were messing it up because of some stupid comments. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to ignore them, the words spinning in your head and spreading like poison in your veins. Until you got home, Seungmin didn’t say a word about your quiet and anxious attitude of the day, but as soon as you crashed with him on the couch, cuddled inside of your warm blankets, he was finally ready to investigate what troubled you.
“- What happened baby ? You've been so quiet since we left the restaurant…”
You didn’t dare to look up at him. Because you knew that you would melt if you saw his puppy eyes, pleading for an explanation. 
“- It’s stupid, don’t worry about it.”
Seungmin shuffled on the couch until he was facing you, his soft gaze making your heart beat faster, but also feel heavier. You didn’t want to hide things from him, you promised to be honest with each other even if it was not easy sometimes. 
“- It’s not stupid if you still think about it, and if it bothers you, then it’s bothering me. Tell me baby, you know I would never judge you.”
You nobbed at his words. Of course you knew that. He may act as if he was tough sometimes but behind closed doors, he was a softie. 
“- It’s just… The girls behind us, they made comments about my haircut and I… I don’t know, I started to feel a little self conscious. Does it look ugly ? Should I let them grow again ?”
You tried to remain calm, but it was obvious that your voice was shaking the more you talked. And suddenly a tear rolled down your cheeks, and you were sobbing loudly, all the emotions you kept for yourself today overflowing. Seungmin didn’t waste a second to engulf you in a warm, comforting hug, whispering sweet nothing in your ears and caressing your back to get you to calm down. He let you cry in his arms as long as you needed to, but he felt a weight on his chest. How could you doubt yourself when you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen ? When your breath finally became rhythmic again, Seungmin cupped your cheeks to force you to lift your head and look at him. The vision of your teary eyes and wet cheeks made him want to protect you from the world forever. 
“- Listen to me baby. You look perfect just as you are, you don’t need to change because other people don’t like it. And actually, they have really bad taste because this haircut suits you so well !”
His joke earned a quiet laugh from you, and a little smile that brought one to his lips too. 
“- More seriously, I find you beautiful, and no matter what your hairstyle, makeup or clothes will be, I’ll still love you. I love you when you just got out of bed in the morning and your hair is all ruffled and you’re still wearing your pajamas. And I also love it when you get all dressed up when we go out together. Either way, you’re gorgeous, the prettiest girl in the world, and I love you so much.”
When Seungmin saw your eyes watering again, he pouted, making you laugh again as several tears rolled down your cheeks again. But this time, it was just because your boyfriend was very cute, holding your face and grinning at you. 
“- Thank you Minnie, I love you too.
- You don’t need to thank me for that baby, I’m just doing my job as your extraordinary boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, and Seungmin whined, but the bright smile on his face as he tightened his hug was telling you everything you needed to know.
“- Plus, your pixie cut makes you look like a fairy. And I think you might be one, because you really casted a spell on me.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@puppy-minnie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls
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btsbabe7 · 5 months
November Prompt 29: Fairytale
Words: 605 | Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
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In this very moment, everything has become one gigantic blur. It’s as if you’re standing on the outside looking in, watching a soft filtered version of the life you’d always dreamt of. Draco seems more boyish in a way, though you two are just at the peak of everything. Draco swirling you around the ball felt otherworldly, then running through the corridors with him after breaking free from your groups of friends felt like that scene you watch in fairytales. The part where the princess runs off with her prince, hair blowing and dress flowing a trail behind the two. That’s what it feels like now, like freedom, like a fairytale.
Giggling under the floorboard of the Astronomy Tower, your warm hands caress both sides of Draco’s face. Whatever he’d been saying up to this point comes to a halt when your eyes finally meet in the starlit space.
Soft words, “kiss me,” spill into the space between you two before your mouths collide. His hands slip into your hair, massaging through the curls that fall from your hair pins before caressing your jawline.
The space is filled with old furniture, dusty dust covers cling to their silhouettes with twisted gold ribbons to keep them in place. Everything here seems to have been abandoned, but it couldn’t be cozier than the openness just several feet above.
Draco’s lips press into your collarbone, squeezing a soft giggle from your lips. He didn’t do this often, the privacy of your robes usually made it difficult, so you allow yourself to drift into the pleasure. His platinum locks are pillowy against your palms and your eyes roll back as the kiss travels towards your neck and jawline.
“You’re beautiful, so beautiful,” he groans against you before falling from your grasp completely.
Your eyes flutter open, readjusting to the faintly moonlit undercover. When you look for him, you find him still in front of you, eyes on you as always, but butterflies swirl in the pit of your stomach at the sight of him on one knee, still looking as boyish and young as ever.
“I think I’ve known since I first laid eyes upon you, but it’s become more evident in all the nights we’ve spent here together that I want to be with no one other than you, Y/n. Before I never seen myself anywhere, but I’ve never been happier, genuinely happier than I am when I have you near or when you’re in my arms… and I just love you so much,” he half laughs, half scoffing at his own dramatics. “I just… I know we haven’t even graduated yet, you haven’t even seen the world, but will you marry me?”
Draco pulls a small emerald box from a hole in the floorboard and you wonder how long it’s been there. All these nights you’ve shared above on the deck, watching the stars and just giggling together and enjoying each other’s presence had led to this. And even if you’d traveled the world a million times and were twenty years older, you can’t imagine finding someone that means as much as Draco does to you. So, head over heels in love, you plop down on your knees in your silky white dress and nod as hot tears stream down your cheeks.
“Of course,” you laugh through burning tears and rush your arms around him, never wanting to let him go.
And when you finally let him breathe, he slips the gold banded diamond and emerald ring onto your finger and everything feels perfect and magical, just like it does when the princess finds her prince in the fairytales.
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Please be sure to check out my other latest fics:
⚡︎ November Prompt Challenge (days 1-30)
⚡︎ For You Always - reader x Snape
~ Navi: masterlist (all fandoms) & (bts imagines/drabbles)
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, but please don’t copy! Written purely for fun :) Please only repost to other socials w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
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spark-my-nature · 1 year
Screen Time - JMK
Hi friends! It snowed a whole bunch last night and I'm feeling cozy, and I finally had some time to write again. As usual, this idea came from a conversation with the lovely @gretavanblunt, my muse, my inspiration, my platonic soulmate, go read their writing too!
Summary: Getting naughty with your boyfriend, cyber-style.
Words: 4.4K
Warnings: Masturbation, sending nudes, explicit texting, phone sex/FaceTime sex, swearing
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Steam obscured your view of yourself in the mirror as you toweled off after your shower. Your slightly wrinkled fingertips swiped at your phone to pause the shower playlist you’d had shuffling as background noise, then haphazardly swiping your hand across the condensation to watch yourself blurrily applying your moisturizer. You were that much more relaxed this evening without the presence of your roommate, her parents having her back home for the week. 
You liberally rubbed lotion into your silky soft legs, freshly shaved in your extra-pampering shower. You always treated yourself to a little extra care during the first shower after your period ended, and this one was an extra special one. You unconsciously smiled to yourself as your mind drifted to the gorgeous guy from your film history class you’d been seeing the last while, the adorable curly headed golden retriever of a boy called Josh. He was easily the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on, to the point you couldn’t believe he wasn’t a figment of your imagination. And so far he’d been the perfect gentleman, taking you on cute little dates to the park or the bowling alley, holding your hand during walks and stooping down to pick flowers for your hair. Plus, he constantly had you in stitches, his dry sense of humor perfectly allotting with your own. 
Needless to say, you were rabid for him. 
A soft ting from your phone alerted you to a text message. Speak of the devil, you thought, unlocking your phone and smiling at the message from Josh. 
Hi pretty girl :) Just got back from rehearsal, whatcha doin?
You typed back quickly, leaving your phone open on the counter as you brushed through your hair. 
Hiya handsome ;) just got out of the shower haha
You giggled watching the typing bubbles appear and disappear several times, knowing exactly where his mind was. He was a boy after all, a very flirtatious one too. 
Oh yeah? You miss me as much as I miss you?
You slowly smirked. He was testing the waters, feeling out what kind of mood you were in, but he was tasteful and sweet as always. 
You walked to your bedroom, still wrapped in your towel as you texted him back. 
Hmmm, idk, how much did you miss me baby? ;)
You bit your lip, setting your phone on the edge of your bed and walking over to grab some fresh undies and a sleep shirt. Picking out a cute but comfortable pair and your softest tee, you took them over and laid them on the bed before your eyes caught on the screen. 
So much. Wish you were here with me…
Your heart fluttered at the message. He was giving you the power to steer the conversation. You could easily guide it down a sweet path, gushing over how much you missed his cuddles and his smile and leave it at that. But he’d left the door open for you to be a little naughty as well, and what was life without a little excitement?
You quickly answered his message.
Me too, so many things we could do ;)
You giggled softly to yourself, crossing your legs as you sat down, the towel still tucked around your chest. You pictured Josh’s excited panic on the other side of the phone, wondering if the conversation rousing the same butterflies in him as it was in you. 
Another faint buzz in your hand drew your attention back to the screen. 
What kind of things did you have in mind sweet girl? 
You typed back quickly.
Not sure you’d still think I’m sweet if I told you. 
If you were here, I’d see for myself how sweet you are. 
Your jaw opened a little reading that one, his answer immediate. Smooth fucker. You bit your lip as you answered. 
What if I want a taste too?
You held your breath, nervous excitement fluttering in your stomach, watching his typing bubbles reappear and disappear again. No doubt he was deleting every message he started to type, second guessing himself. Finally, the soft buzz accompanied his message.
Naughty girl. I bet you look absolutely divine right now, fresh out of the shower. Are you dressed?
You shifted, pressing your thighs together, suddenly hyper aware of your nakedness under the towel. You looked down, an idea popping into your head as you smirked and let the towel fall around your hips on the bed. 
No need for clothes, my roommate’s out for the night. What about you?
Imagining Josh naked was certainly a welcome train of thought. You pictured him sprawled on his bed, his cock resting against his stomach and twitching from neglect as he typed. 
I’m a naturalist at heart, sweet girl. No need for clothes in bed, anyway, don’t you think?
You smirked at that. You contemplated the little camera icon beside the text box. There was something clumsy about sending pictures through text, though. Snapchat however, was built for a reason. 
You swiped away, opening the little yellow ghost app instead. You found Josh’s contact, double tapping and setting the phone down for a second. You wrapped the towel back around yourself, laying back on the bed with your head on the pillow. You found a good angle, biting your lip and holding the tuck of the towel against your breast, your cleavage dangerously exposed. Quickly snapping the picture, you tapped to add the message, “towels don’t count as clothes, do they?”
Aaaaand, send. You sat up again, watching the screen closely. Josh opened it after about ten seconds, making you giggle. If you knew him at all, you knew he was probably flustered as hell right now. This was brand new for you two, thrilling new territory. 
After a moment or two, a little red square replaced the hollow red triangle beside his name. You took a deep breath, not sure what to expect. Tapping it opened a picture of Josh laid out on his bed, his skin looking gorgeously tan against his cream coloured sheets. His entire chest was visible, clearly naked, his blankets draped over his groin low enough that you could trace the muscular V-shaped indents of his hips. His pink lips were parted sinfully, allowing a small glimpse at the adorable gap between his front teeth, and the picture cut off just above the tip of his button nose. 
The message read, “Neither do bedsheets.”
It was sinful how gorgeous he was, and he hadn’t even shown you anything explicit. 
You pondered what next, wanting to tease him a little more. Rolling onto your stomach, you let the towel fall away completely. Your breasts pressed against your bedspread, accentuating your cleavage, and your hair framed your face in damp tendrils. You gave your best fuck-me-eyes, taking the shot and adding the caption, “Best to just lose them both, I think.”
Josh opened it in four seconds this time, which you barked a laugh at. You found his eagerness adorable, and you loved knowing he was waiting with the app open in anticipation just like you. You had his full attention. 
He took a couple of minutes to answer, and your mind raced at the possible implications of the delay. 
Finally, his reply came. You made yourself wait at least a few seconds before opening it, but dear god, you weren’t prepared for it. 
He had used the light coming in from his window to backlight the shot, in which he held his thin white sheet vertically across his body. It was a side angle, and the soft light casted a perfect shadow of his very erect, very large cock through the sheet. The perfect silhouette of it made your mouth water, not to mention the rather beautiful and artistic photograph technique. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his perfectly arched length, standing straight up at attention behind the sheet’s cover. God, he was gorgeously shaped, not scarily large, but bigger than average, and you could just make out the soft ridge around his tip. 
Finally glancing at the message, you read, “Two can play the teasing game, mama.”
Cocky little shit. 
You sat up, cross legged, and carefully arranged your damp hair to drape over and cover your nipples. It was just long enough to rest over them, stopping just underneath so most of your breasts were exposed, and you gently hugged yourself around your middle as you took the picture, squeezing your tits together in the process. You gave a naughty smirk to the camera, a few strands of hair falling over your face in that effortlessly sexy way you knew he loved. The shot cut off at your waist, denying him the viewing pleasure of anything below your bellybutton. 
“You learn those photography skills in class Joshy? I’m impressed.”
Your heart fluttered excitedly as Josh opened it, wishing desperately you could see his face.
Then it felt like your heart stopped dead for a few seconds. A purple square appeared beside his name. A video. He sent a video. 
You shamelessly opened it immediately this time, too impatient to hold on. 
His perfect pouty lips were pulled into a smug smile, flushed and swollen from biting no doubt, and the angle only showed down to his stomach. But good lord, you watched as his abs clenched rhythmically, and his breath hitched, and then he let out a soft needy-sounding moan from between those perfect lips, his fluffy brows tilted upwards in the middle of his forehead. He pulled his bottom lip under his teeth just as the video ended, and you were left gaping at the screen.
He left no doubt as to what was happening just under the cut of that clip. His moan… your head was reeling, and all of a sudden, the heat was cranked up to eleven. Then a little blue notification popped up beside his name. Opening the message, you nearly moaned yourself. 
The thudding in your heart tripled, but in the best way. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, you quickly closed snapchat, opening facetime instead. You quickly laid on your back, climbing under the sheets, draping them lowly across your chest to barely cover your nipples. Your finger combed your hair back into place and hit Josh’s contact. 
After a few nervewracking rings, he answered the call, the screen lighting up with his sweet, boyish face, his cheeks unusually flushed.
“Hey there, baby,” you flirted, smiling mischievously. Josh’s eyes immediately dipped down his screen quickly, returning to their previous fixation as he swallowed, his breath noticeably picked up from its usual rhythm. 
“Hey mama, you look absolutely beautiful tonight,” his voice smooth and a touch deeper than normal. Breathier, too. 
You smiled wider, blushing and shrugging one shoulder, drawing his attention back down to your chest. You wanted his eyes there, you felt on fire as he drank you in like fine wine. 
“And you… you look devastatingly gorgeous, Josh,” you told him softly, a raspy edge coloring your voice. You let your eyes wander down his torso as far as the camera showed you, just grazing his belly button. 
Josh smirked lazily, his tongue peeking out to wet his bottom lip, and then you noticed the faint movement of his right arm, just barely within the shot. 
“You know, you’re being an awful tease, tonight, honey,” he told you, matter-of-factly. 
You bit your lip, flashing him your best innocent doe-eyes. “I’m sorry baby, what did I do?” you breathed, subtly bringing your knees up and using your legs to tug the sheet down an inch or two, and the sheet slipped down past your breasts. Your peaked nipples hardened further at the cool air, exposed to Josh’s gaze. 
Josh’s eyes widened, his lips parting with a rushed exhale. His right arm tensed, subtly moving faster. 
“Oh my god…” he muttered, sounding painfully out of breath. His brows knit and you watched his eyes flicker slightly from side to side where they were transfixed lower on his screen. You felt a rush of arousal gathering in your core under his mesmerized gaze. “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart, mm-“ His words were cut off by the hitch in his breath, his eyes fluttering shut for a second from what you assumed was a particularly nice tug on his cock, still out of view. 
You whimpered softly, squeezing your boobs together as his eyes returned to them. Your free hand trailed up to cup and squeeze at your breast, watching Josh’s jaw drop slightly. “Can I… can I see?” you whispered shyly, dipping your eyes suggestively. 
Josh swallowed hard, nodding softly after a second, and the camera panned down his body, and oh fuck-
His hand was wrapped tightly around his gorgeous cock, lazily pumping it in his fist. You let out a soft whine of desire, watching the movement of his hand, drinking it all in, his soft dusting of pubic hair, his balls drawing tighter to him every once and a while, his perfectly lean, muscular thighs clenching. 
The camera shook unsteadily in Josh’s shaky hand, and he huffed slightly, his adorable boyish nature peeking through in the petulant noise. You bit your lip, waiting as he readjusted, the bed creaking through the speakers. 
Josh shifted, sitting up and leaning back against his headboard, propping his phone against a pillow. You now had a near full body view of him, the angle giving the perspective as though you were laying on your stomach in front of him, a very welcome point of view that you’d love to experience for real. 
“Fuck, Josh…” you sighed, chewing your lip in want. 
He smirked breathlessly down at you through the screen, “You like this better, sweet girl?”
You nodded, in a trance as you watched him jerk himself. 
He hissed quietly, continuing, “Yeah?” he swallowed, “’M so hard, all for you, mama, want you so bad,” he confessed, his desire leaking into his tone. 
You snuck a hand down absently, desperate to relieve the ache between your legs. Josh noticed the movement, letting out a soft whimper. “You touching yourself too?” 
You nodded slowly, circling your finger around your clit, spreading your wetness through your folds. “Yeah babe… you’re so hot, I can’t- I had to.” 
Josh’s hips bucked slightly into his hand, you noticed his fist tightening too. “Naughty girl… so jealous, wish it was my fingers.”
Your eyes tore away from his now leaking cock to see his face, twisted in desire. With a surge of confidence, you confessed, “If you were here, I’d want so much more than your fingers.”
Josh’s face looked up at yours at that, surprise mixing with lustful adoration, making your heart flutter. “What else would you want, mama?” 
You whimpered, “mm, Josh please…” your fingers circled your clit faster, already so worked up from the buildup. 
Josh’s head lolled back, exposing his flawless arched neck until he focused back on his phone screen. “Fuck, you say my name so nice like that,” he sighed shakily. He swallowed, his face becoming almost nervous. “Do you think… can I watch too?” 
You blushed, but you wanted it badly. You wanted his eyes on you, on your most intimate part of your body. You wanted him to see you. You also wanted to tease him a little more, first. 
“Watch what, Joshy?” you asked innocently, suppressing a smirk.
His eyes drug up your form to your face. “You know what, little tease.” His tone was dark, but his ever-expressive face gave away the playful meaning behind his words. 
You bit your lip, leaning forward into the camera slightly. “Maybe I wanna hear you beg me.” You blushed at your own boldness, but Josh’s frustrated whine made it worth it. 
He sighed, brows knit as he licked his lips. “Please, honey, show me that pretty pussy, I need it so bad,” he whispered raggedly, sounding so genuinely needy that you felt another wave of heat rushing down your body. 
“Mmm… good boy,” you smirked. Josh’s eyes squeezed shut quickly at your words, grunting softly. Interesting. 
Carefully, you sat up, propping your phone on a throw pillow the same way he did. You saw him bite his lip hard at the motion of your chest swaying in front of the camera, a quiet muffled groan sounding faintly from the speakers. Sitting back and leaning against the head board, you kept your knees closed teasingly, curling your legs to the side.
Giving him a playful smirk, you traced your fingertips up your shins and over your knees, running your hand over your thigh and your ass seductively. Josh’s eyes followed the movement closely, a short grunt huffing out of him. “You look fucking stunning, mama,” he struggled, relaxing further to his side, the angle change giving you a gorgeous side view of him as he pumped himself harder. “Can you open your legs for me? …p-please?” he added shyly.
You slid your fingers back down, letting them slip between your thighs out of his sight, a high pitched sigh released from your throat. You looked down at Josh, biting your lip hard as you watched his hand working himself. You wedged your hand into your slick folds, running your fingers up and down your wetness. “Josh…” you whispered breathily, drawing out his torture as long as you could, bringing your other hand up to cup and squeeze your breast. You were perhaps exaggerating your little show a little, but it was to your benefit just as much as his. His unwavering hungry gaze was making you feel sexier than you’d ever felt before, knowing how badly he wanted you. 
Josh whimpered through the speakers, “…please…” a quiet desperate noise that you didn’t think he meant to release, but the sound flooded your lower half with heat.
“I wish you were with me so fucking bad, Joshy.”
Josh groaned softly, “Talk to me, pretty girl, what would we be doing?” His lazy smirk reappeared at his request, and you returned it, albeit slightly shyer. “You never answered my question.”
Your fingers slipped quicker through your folds as you answered, “Wanna taste you, want you in my mouth.”
Josh’s sharp intake of breath made your confidence soar, and you continued, “I’d suck you until you cum down my throat, til you beg me to stop.”
Josh’s jaw fell open as his brows knit tightly together. “Oh fuck-“ his breath hitched, his fist flying up and down his length now, and you watched hungrily as his other hand slid down from his abs to fondle his balls. Then his glazed over eyes refocused on your form, your hand still hidden behind your thigh. He licked his lips tentatively, and you figured he earned it, being so patient.
Josh breathed, “God, please… let me watch you. All of you,” his voice shaking endearingly. Your heart warmed from the care in his voice, not wanting to coerce you into anything you didn’t want to give him, despite his desperation. 
You held eye contact (camera contact?) with him as you smiled reassuringly, your eyes twinkling mischievously. “Mmm, yeah? You wanna see that bad, huh?” you teased breathily, lifting your leg teasingly. 
Josh nodded quickly, “Need you, I wanna watch that sweet pussy dripping, wanna see you cum, please baby,” he begged, his thumb swiping over his tip causing a sharp gaspy moan, “fuck I need you so bad.” He barely sounded lucid anymore through his desperation.
You moaned softly, rubbing over your clit once more before bring the knee closest to your phone over and letting your legs part, spread open to his full view. 
Josh let out a feral sounding groan, and you caught the faint reflection of sweat beading on his forehead. He bucked into his hand, his mouth hanging open now. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, god, you’re so fucking perfect, so beautiful,” he babbled, his voice strained and breathy as he fucked into his hand. 
You brought both of your hands down, spreading your pussy open further with one set of fingers, using your middle finger of your other hand to tease and gently circle your clit. 
Your boyfriend’s broken cry told you he was more than enjoying the show. “You’re so fucking hot, I’ve never wanted anything this bad in my fucking life,” he whined, “Jesus christ I want to fuck you until my body just gives out.” 
You moaned, tossing your head back and rolling your hips as you ground into your fingers. “Fuck Josh, want you so bad, wanna ride your cock, want to sit on your face, I want it all,” you rushed through your panting. 
Josh suddenly gasped, “Oh my god, I’m so close, mama, ohhh, ‘m gonna cum.”
You nodded furiously, your mouth watering at the thought of watching him completely coming undone. “Yes, baby, cum for me, please, cum,” you begged him. You watched in complete awe as Josh spit quickly down on his own cock, spreading the lubrication with his fist never slowing down. His constant stream of raspy, fucked out moans got more and more choked and breathless, his glistening cock twitching in his hand. 
His eyes never left your body, zeroed in with razor focus on your fingers flicking furiously across your clit in a blur. Your orgasm was quickly building too, the fire burning as white-hot as the desire between the both of you. You quickly sunk two fingers of your other hand into your sopping wet entrance, fucking yourself in rhythm with your other hand’s rubbing. You were positive Josh could hear the lewd wet noises sounding from between your legs, but apparently the sight of your fingers flying in and out of your tight hole was enough to send him over the edge. 
He let out a choked groan, his head falling forward as his fist’s blurred motion picked up even more, seemingly unable to get enough friction to satisfy the aching need under his fingers. You moaned loudly, watching him buck into his hand erratically, his brows knit as ropes of white cum spurted from the purplish head of his cock. He let out an animalistic cry of your name as his body quaked from the force of his orgasm. His eyes blinked in and out of focus as he started to come down, trying hard to keep his gaze on your body, not wanting to miss you following shortly after. 
Watching him cum could’ve stopped your heart, it was so indescribably erotic. You pictured yourself licking up the warm results of his orgasm from his soft tummy, riding his thigh, and you pictured fucking your hips against his hot wet tongue, and you were a goner too. Furiously spasming around your fingers, you felt a small surge of wetness trickling down your thigh. You clenched through the most intense waves of pleasure you’d felt in ages, crying out as you rode your fingers, abusing your poor clit through your orgasm. “Jooosh, shit shit shit, yes,” you sobbed helplessly, coming down from your peak slowly, shockwaves of pleasure still lighting up your nerves.
Your eyes fluttered open as you relaxed, withdrawing your fingers as your chest heaved, setting into your afterglow. You picked up your phone and focused your eyes on Josh with a lazy, bashful smile. He was catching his breath too, returning your hazy grin and wiping his forehead. “Wow,” he chuckled breathlessly. 
You giggled, tugging the sheet up under your armpits and nestling back into your bed. “Wow is right…” 
He smiled wider, sitting up and throwing his sheets off his legs. You blushed slightly, catching his softening cock as he stood and raised the camera back up. You watched the background of his room moving away after he pulled a pair of sweatpants on. He leaned into the camera, lips puckered as he blew you a kiss through the screen. You giggled, “What’re you doing now, babe?” 
He looked down at you, the most lovesick puppy eyed smile you’d ever seen, instantly melting your heart all over again. “Coming to see you, pretty girl.”
Your jaw dropped, and he set the phone on his table. You recognized the ceiling of his entryway, and you heard the zip of his jacket, and the thudding of his shoes as he pulled them on. “Wh- now? You’re actually coming over?” your question raised in pitch but soft, unable to believe his sweetness.
Josh picked up his phone, smiling that gap-toothed boyish smile that made it impossible not to fall for him. “Of course. I want cuddles,” he giggled.
You smiled wide, giddy with love and excitement, “…me too,” you whispered. 
“See you soon, sweet girl, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he winked with a click of his tongue, shooting you a finger gun through the screen. 
You giggled rolling your eyes, “See you soon, dork, I lo-“ 
Josh’s eyes widened as you cut yourself off, face paling at your slip-up. You just swallowed, looking at him uncertainly. His face broke out in a wide smile, and he held his phone up closer to his face. “Say it,” he asked softly. 
You picked at your finger nervously, examining his face for any trace of disingenuity. Finding only pure love and hopefulness, you said quietly, “I love you, Josh.” 
Then Josh’s smile widened impossibly, cracking his face in two, and he spun around. He actually spun in a circle, the screen making you feel dizzy. He sighed deeply, running his hand through his mess of curls. “I love you too, I love you, I love you so much,” he giggled at your beaming smile that you tried to hide in your pillow. Your muffled giggle of joy gave you away, and he said softly, “look at me.”
You glanced up at him shyly, and he cocked his head. “I’ll be there before you can blink, and I’m gonna tell you again when I’m there- no, I’m gonna show you. Nah, actually, I’ll do both,” he rambled excitedly as his door opened. His keys jangled and he once again brought his lips to the camera, making smooching noises that made you giggle and shake your head. “My pretty girl. Love you, see you soon,” he cooed, climbing into his car. 
“Love you too, Joshy,” you told him softly, “see you soon baby.” 
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memethebum · 5 months
Had a Inukag fic sitting in my wip pile for a while now, so I decided to shoot it out before I completed forget about it again lol
Kagome hadn’t realized how marriage would give her a heightened awareness of almost every thread which wove between her relationship with Inuyasha and the domestic life they’d carved out for themselves after three long and agonizing years of being separated.
She was sure that the soft caresses her hands would massage into Inuyasha’s bare skin would offer some sort of new understanding for the man she’d chosen to wed, but the weight seemed to be much more real and heavy than anything the miko-in-training could’ve imagined.
The realization came in slow waves, like the way her eyes would dart towards the scarred skin around her husband’s heart while she worked her lips along his collarbone or how her thumbs would silently trail through a fresh cut he’d gotten from working in the fields.
He trusts me enough to see what his life has been like, both before and after being sealed on that tree Kagome sighed to herself as she laid within Inuyasha’s grasp during a breezy spring evening.
“Hm, what ya’ thinking about Kagome?” Inuyasha questioned, causing the young woman to tilt her head up and regard him a gentle smile.
“Just how much I love…you know all this ,” Kagome responded, eliciting Inuyasha to give her a loving gaze of his own before rubbing his palm along the skin of her back.
Their lips then reached towards each other in a silent tandem, serving as the only gesture she needed to lull herself into sleep.
“It’s almost ready,” Inuyasha called before Kagome hummed from her cocoon within the blankets on top their futon.
She then let out a steady sigh while shedding the covers and raising her arms in a stretch.
“What were you cooking again?” the young woman asked Inuyasha as she began a lethargic crawl towards their fire pit.
She recalled him mentioning that it was a dish his mother used to cook frequently for breakfast, which caused her to bask in the fact that she was continually being gifted more information about the highs and lows which made up his life before meeting her.
“It’s kinda like a stew. My mother…would say it’s usually made with spices, but she obviously ain’t add those in because I wouldn’t like it,” Inuyasha elaborated as Kagome finally reached the warmth radiating from the fire pit and wrapped her arms around him from behind.
“It smells delicious,” Kagome added before planting a small kiss on her husband’s earlobe and then gently raking her fingers through his silky hair.
The young woman couldn’t help but smile to herself while watching Inuyasha’s ears begin to slightly twitch in content, prompting her to split his hair into two parts in an attempt to loosely braid it for him before they both had to go tend to the fields.
Kagome’s eyes then wandered from the base of his scalp to the start of his tanned neck, causing her to let out a gasp at what she saw.
“Hm, what’s wrong Kagome?” Inuyasha immediately questioned as he shifted his weight in order to meet her eyes, which remained glued towards his neck.
“Inuyasha, h-how long have you had these?” Kagome murmured before gliding a finger over the faded maze of scars that outlined the entirety of her husband’s nape.
She usually found a very vague explanation behind each of his scars, but the area before her had never served as a juncture for a story that could only be told through bated breaths and tight embraces.
“Heh? Oh, probably some demon tryin’ to grab me back when I was a pup. Damn thing never got me though, so I’d say- hey are you crying?” Inuyasha then exclaimed before angling his head to the side once more, causing Kagome to vigorously rub at her eye sockets.
“Ugh, you know these things get me emotional,” the young woman rebuffed while gently waving her husband away, only to stop in her tracks when he suddenly cradled her hand within his own.
“I know, I know. Wasn’t trynna make fun of you woman,” Inuyasha murmured before gently placing his lips against the back of Kagome’s hand, eliciting her heart to flutter within her chest as he circled his arms around her figure and let out a low sigh.
“I won’t deny that the memories still sting but…being able to talk through each of the scars with you is all the healing this hanyou needs really,” the young man mumbled, probing Kagome to gently rest her forehead against the smooth surface of his kimono and let out a sweet hum in understanding.
A comforting silence then passed between the two until an aromatic smoke began to waft it’s way through their home, forcing Kagome to tilt her head upwards after feeling Inuyasha’s hands begin to trail along her ribs.
“Fuck, hope it ain’t burnt,” her husband exclaimed before loosening his hold upon her with a small peck to her forehead, crawled across their creaking floorboards, unclasped the lid ontop the large metal pot situated within their fire pit, and let out a boisterous aha! as the aroma of a rich stew began to waft around the room.
The miko-in-training couldn’t help but let out an airy giggle at the domestic nature of the moment, only for her grin to widen even further when Inuyasha looked back at her with a serene smile in understanding.
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