#also her without a headband is so cute
cicadaemon · 6 months
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Decided to have a bit more fun with Himeko
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
practice | jjk
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⇢ PAIRING: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
⇢ RATING/GENRE: m/18+ | college au, fwb, smut
⇢ WC: 8.1k
⇢ WARNINGS: mentions of bad sexual experiences, nickname you guys might find cringey (sorry babes), praise, a little degradation, a little manhandling, oral sex (f recieving), fingering, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm, very brief mentions of anal play, brief mentions of sex toys and masturbation, spitting, titty sucking, protected sex (hes a hoe but not a dummy), jk is kinda a himbo (scratch that last side note), jk running through twice members lmao sorry girlies, pining, maybe unrequited love, maybe not, ill let u decide, oc is in denial in the beginning, oc has that lemon water coochie!!, daddy kink + daddy kink slander (not seriously!), slight corruption kink
⇢ SUMMARY: you usually spend friday nights on your own. tonight, however, your friend and campus fuckboy, jungkook, decides to pay you a visit.
⇢ NOTES: hi friends!! i’m back with my second fic!! i posted this last night but miss ting had a bad case of the typos rip. so I had it beta'd by @kookstempo pls go give her love >:((( ! i found the smut a little easier to write this time. still not that good lol but not as mentally taxing! oc is totally definitely not a little bit of a projection of me haha thisficwassexuallycathartictowrite i hope you guys like it! i would love to know your thoughts! also would be v cool if you checked out my masterlist. love u bye!!
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It’s 10 p.m. on a Friday. 
The night of the week that lures college students out of their suffocating dorm rooms with the promise of parties and alcohol. After days of classes, hours of studying, and minutes of sleep, most people your age spend their weekends unwinding, hopping from frat house to frat house.
One of the many perks of living on campus is the social life. Being surrounded by young adults is exciting. It also means that everyone is horny. Ravenously so. Seriously. Anything with a hole or phallic-shaped appendage is a prime candidate for getting fucked. 
Anything and everyone, except you. 
It wasn’t that you couldn’t get fucked, per se. Although abundant, your options were limited. Given the environment, it was difficult to find a guy you actually felt comfortable with. He didn’t have to be in love with you, but he did have to respect you if he wanted to get anywhere near your sugar walls. With that being said, it was slim pickings.
You coped well, for the most part. But it was hard to shake the lonely feelings that bubbled in your chest from time to time. And the feral ones. Nothing a quick rub from your petite, manicured fingers couldn’t satisfy, you suppose…
Besides, all men do is disappoint you. The only two sexual partners you’ve had thus far were subpar, to say the least. Greedy. Disgusting. Selfish. Not an ounce of concern for your pleasure. As embarrassing as it was to admit, you’ve never orgasmed from sex. Not even close. That left a sour, lemony taste in your mouth. Ever since then, your pussy was on hiatus, locked away in the highest room of the tallest tower, until a worthy knight came to save it from this tortuous dry spell. 
You sigh, peeling the honey-drenched sheet mask off your face and tossing it into the trash with vigor. You eye yourself in the mirror with a scowl. Fluffy, freshly plucked brows knit together as you examine your appearance. You’re wearing a cropped white tank top, nipples poking through the little animated cherubs printed on the front. The baby pink Sailor Moon pajama shorts on your thighs left little to the imagination. White kitty ears headband keeping those annoying baby hairs out of your face. 
You’re cute, right?
Atleast you tried to look cute.
Your roommate, Mina, was visiting family for the weekend, leaving you the dorm to yourself. Without your extraverted lifeline, you decided it was the perfect opportunity to stay in and pamper yourself. 
You’ve already waxed your body, head to toe, with that expensive sugaring wax Mina begged you not to get. ‘It was worth it,’ you thought to yourself when you had spread your peach-scented lotion on the smooth canvas of your legs after the shower.
You even gave yourself a facial. Extractions and all. Much cooler and more productive than partying and getting laid.
You take your headband off, ruffling your thick hair until it falls into place. You reach for your candy-flavored Laneige lip mask, spreading it across your plump pout with your middle finger. Another overpriced purchase.
You exit the bathroom, shuffling towards your twin-sized bed and then falling face first into the plush, ivory duvet. So comfy. It wasn’t even midnight and you were ready to hit the hay. 
You had planned to study a bit before knocking out, but the warm shower left you sleepy. Plus, the past week has been hell. Two papers and an impromptu quiz from your least favorite professor. You were a good student. A great one, even. But you were an overachiever to the core, and still found yourself stressing over assignments you knew you aced.
You let out a small yawn, squinting at the brightness around you. Along the wall beside your bed were vine garlands, embellished with little fairy lights and pink roses. They were such a pain in the ass to put up. It took you and Mina nearly three hours, and a mental breakdown on your behalf, to stick them against the drywall in the right position. High maintenance, but cute, nonetheless. Kinda like you. 
The lights dim as your mind turns hazy, eventually turning into a silent black as sleep clouds your vision. Sweet, blissful sleep. You were teetering into the REM phase when-
Knock. Knock.
The booming noise startles you awake, rattling the brittle wood of your cheaply built door. The wall hangings flutter in its wake. 
Maybe you were being dramatic. The knocks were actually soft and melodic. Almost cheerful as they followed the rhythm of a made-up song. But you were pissed. Even the most heavenly sound would ring demonic and evil in your ears at the moment. 
You shove yourself off of your bed with an exaggerated groan, stomping towards the door and yanking it open, fully prepared to yell at whoever was behind it.
Jeon Jungkook. 
His expression is blank, doe-eyes widening as he takes in your expression. Your body language radiates hostility and violence. The silver barbell glimmers as his thick, dark brows twitch in confusion. He blinks before opening his mouth. “Hey,” he utters hastily. 
Under different circumstances, you would be ecstatic.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Jungkook?” 
“Woah, someone’s cranky,” he laughs hesitantly. “I was bored. Figured you were, too. Mina is gone, right?”
“Are you drunk or something?”
“What- no,” his plump lips form a pout, the matching silver ring on the bottom corner shining as well. 
You sneer at him, pupils darting over his outfit. Oversized gray hoodie, white t-shirt peeking from the unzipped portion at the top. Gray sweatpants. Your gaze lingers on the tight pull of the material in the front. He doesn’t seem drunk, and he isn’t dressed in his usual party attire. 
“I just want to hang out with you. Why are you acting so sus?” 
You roll your eyes, doing everything in your power to exaggerate your irritation. “Why are you here?” 
“Oh, come on, Bambi. Don’t be like that.”
That stupid nickname. 
You and Jungkook had met at a party after you were peer pressured into a game of beer pong. The super boisterous, super attractive stranger ended up being your partner by default. 
"What do you mean you’ve never played before?" He questioned you, voice laced with devastation when he realized you were about to cost him his undefeated streak. 
Despite Jungkook’s best efforts, Mina and her boyfriend, Taehyung, mopped the floor with you. 
"You know what, I like you. You’re a little bitchy but-,” he slurred at the end of the night, helping you gather the discarded solo cups, "Also innocent. Kinda like a baby deer. What the fuck was that movie?"
You answered him curtly with a scowl. 
"Bambi! Right… I can’t wait to ruin you." He was so wasted that night he ended up vomiting off of the second-floor balcony and onto the class president’s Honda Civic. Not drunk enough to forget the awfully humiliating, yet adorable nickname he had bestowed you. 
“Give me one good reason why I should let you in.”
“I have pancakes,” he beams with pride, bunny teeth peeking out. He raises both arms, showing you the crinkled takeout bags in his hands. “Chocolate chip-”
“That’s disgusting,” you scoff. 
“And blueberry,” he retorts with a squint. “Please? I won’t be annoying, I promise.”
You let out a contemplative noise. It wasn’t what you had planned for the night, but you guess company wouldn’t hurt. Especially his company.
If only you could mute your evil brain. 
“I thought you had plans with whatsherface,” you question, stepping aside to let Jungkook enter your room. 
He kicks his slides off at the door, something you’ve drilled into his head with violent words and empty threats. You remember him texting the groupchat a screenshot of his calendar, tonight being marked ‘PUSSY APPOINTMENT’ with the woozy face emoji next to it. The same one that was inked on his middle finger; it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Tonight was one of many slots in his month with the exact same title. That picture was deleted from your phone as soon as you received it. 
“Sana,” he corrects, face unimpressed like he expected you to keep a mental catalog of all his flavors of the week.
You did. Every time a new name was added to the roster, your heart sank. You would never admit it though. 
“I did, but I guess she has a boyfriend now or some shit?” He plops down onto the baby pink area rug beside your bed, immediately digging through the takeout bags. 
“How dare she?” You gasp sarcastically, taking the styrofoam container that he held up for you and sitting criss-cross on your bed.
“I know, right? That’s what I’m saying,” he laughs, opening a syrup packet and pouring it over his pancakes. 
You cringe, foreseeing a sticky, impossible to clean mess all over your floor. “Please don’t fuck up my rug, Jungkook.”
“I won’t,” he mumbles halfheartedly, bringing the pad of his thumb to his mouth. The tip of his tongue pokes out to kitten lick at the sugary liquid before wrapping his plump, pink lips around it.
He sucks gently and then pulls off with a tiny smooch. 
Are you really that far gone? There was no denying that Jungkook was attractive. But were you really that touch starved that you were drooling over every minuscule, minute movement he made? 
“Maybe she was sick of you stringing her along,” you comment, trying to cover up the fact that you were totally just gawking at him.
“Nah,” he murmurs through chubby cheeks, mouth full of pancake. “She knew it was just sex.”
“Did she though? What about Dahyun?”
“Well aware.”
“Are you slut-shaming me?” He points his plastic fork at you, bringing the opposite hand to his chest in feigned offense. “Because I feel very attacked right now.”
You playfully nudge his shoulder with your thigh-high sock-clad foot, deciding to drop the subject. To be fair, he wasn’t wrong. Jungkook had a reputation on campus. Every girl who involved themselves with him knew what the outcome would be. He was very blunt about his desires and disinterests. Sex being the prior. Commitment being the latter.
But you suppose remaining detached was easier said than done. Something about him was… magnetic. He was bold, yet soft. Obnoxious, but endearing. A sweet talker for sure. And easily the freest person you’ve ever known. Add sex into the equation, and it must be nearly impossible not to fall in love with him…
Hm. That’s enough thinking for the night. 
You need background noise to keep intrusive thoughts at bay. He peeps an ‘I don’t care’ when you ask him what he wants to watch. You take it upon yourself. Sailor Moon it is.
The pancakes keep him preoccupied for a while. You glance down at him every now and then. His eyes sparkle as he watches the cartoon on your phone screen. There’s a little speck of chocolate on the corner of his mouth. His tongue makes an encore appearance, licking it away before fidgeting with his lip. How sinful. 
He starts getting squirmy about halfway through the episode. Antsy hands pull at the strings on the border of the carpet below him. Every now and then he draws a shape and erases it. One of the shapes is a penis, something you’d see on the back of a middle school textbook. 
He scoots with a sigh, pressing his spine against the edge of your bed, and then bending his head back. Fluffy dark strands tickle your legs as he peers up at you. “Can you play with my hair?”
“Why would I do that?” You huff, hot and bothered by the sudden contact.
“It helps me stay still. Please?”
“Oh, um- okay,” you oblige, gulping like you’ve dry swallowed a huge pill. You cautiously card your digits through his hair. It’s so soft and healthy. 
He purrs and closes his eyes. 
He's silent once again, enjoying your touch, even pushing into it a bit. Very cat-like.
That lasts for about three minutes. His inability to not speak every single thought that enters the void of his mind takes over.
‘I just realized they’re all named after planets.’
‘Wait, the moon isn’t a planet, is it?’
‘Why are they dressed so sexy to fight space monsters?’
“Jungkook, shut up!”
“But I’m bored,” he whines. “Is this really how you spend your Friday nights?”
“Excuse me, I’d like to see you take STEM classes for a week and then tell me how you feel,” you contend, leaning over to grab your phone off the nightstand. You don’t miss the way his gaze lingers on your nipples. It makes your palms clammy. “Sometimes, it’s nice to just chill.”
“You don’t masturbate?” He asks calmly as if he had just inquired about the weather. 
You give him an exasperated look.
“What? That’s how I destress,” he continues, shrugging nonchalantly. “Don’t you have a vibrator?”
“I- no! Why are you asking all these questions?” You shriek, absolutely mortified.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” He lifts his head off of your lap, craning his neck so you can see his appalled expression, your answer leaving him equally as mortified. “Damn, that’s wild,” he tuts in disapproval.
“I would rather not have to smuggle a sex toy into my dorm room, Jungkook,” you retort.
“You can borrow mine,” he smirks, turning his body to face you, obviously relishing in the reactions he’s pulling out of you. “It’s a Hitachi. It’s really strong too, like, most girls don’t even last five minutes.” 
“Why do you have- you know what, nevermind actually!” You clench your eyes shut, poking your fingers into your ears and shaking your head dramatically. Your reaction is mostly out of embarrassment and partly because the thought of him pleasing women who aren’t you hurts for whatever reason. “I’m done with this discussion!”
“Seriously?” He wheezes, thoroughly enjoying your tantrum. He wraps his long, nimble fingers around your wrists, pulling your hands away. Your skin burns under the touch. “I want to get to know you more.”
“Yeah, but you don’t need to know-,” you rip out of his grasp, flailing your hands around in circular motions, “-those things.”
“I’m just trying to make conversation,” he frowns. 
“Okay, um...” you look around the room nervously, searching for the right thing to say. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Black. What’s your favorite position?”
“I think missionary is my favorite. Very underrated,” he says, tapping his chin like it’s an answer only an intellectual would’ve given. “The kind where her legs are pushed alllll the way back,” he emphasizes the ‘all’ by balling his hands into fists and lifting them up by his head, showing you exactly where he likes them. “You hit the g-spot perfectly that way.”
You level him with a scowl, crossing your arms over your chest. Unamusement written all over. 
“Why are you so mad?” He laughs. “What? You’re embarrassed to talk about sex?” 
A pause. 
“You’re not a virgin, are you?”
“Jungkook, no…” you sigh, rubbing your temples in frustration. “I’m just not like you, okay? I don’t like sex as much as you and everybody else on this fucking campus does!”
He hesitates for a moment as he processes your sudden outburst. The first time you’ve ever seen him rendered speechless. You can picture the cogs turning in that thick skull of his. 
He inhales sharply, eyebrows raising up to his hairline as if something clicked. His tongue pokes at the inside of his cheek, cute dimple peeping out from the pull. His head drops as he huffs out a laugh.
“What’s so funny, Jeon?”
“Ah, I see now.”
“See what?” You groan, bothered by his vagueness. 
“Here's what I think, Bambi,” he mumbles in a low tone, sitting up from his spot on the floor so his gaze is aligned with yours. His palms are on either of your crossed legs, fingers curling into your white blanket. Forcing you to make eye contact with him- his pupils are black, nothing like the soft brown you’re accustomed to. “You’re so uptight because you haven’t had sex in a while- good sex, at least.”
Your breath catches in your throat. You say nothing.
“The guys you fuck don’t know how to treat you, am I right? They can’t make you cum?”
Your lack of response tells him the answer.
When you do speak, your words come out shaky. “Well, what makes you any different?” 
He shuffles closer, knocking his forehead right against yours, invading your space. He’s so close that you feel claustrophobic. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“I always make the girl cum.”
“Mhm,” he hums through curled lips as he nods, silver hoops swaying at the motion, nose brushing against yours. “More than once.”
His dilated pupils scan over your body, pausing at your chest for a moment, and then continuing their descent. A hand slides up your bare thigh, the warm touch leaving goosebumps in its wake. He grabs the hem of your shorts between his index and middle fingers, tugging gently. “These are cute.” He licks his lips, making them pink and glossy, like he’s ready to eat you. “I’d like them better somewhere else though.”
And then he's kissing you. 
It’s soft, like he’s afraid to scare you away by putting too much pressure into it. Little does he know you’ve been thinking about this for a while.
All your protesting and fighting up until this point was futile. Your hands unconsciously make their way to his cheeks. You swear you feel him smirking. It’s like he can read your mind, knowing exactly how bad you’ve wanted this.
He prods his tongue against your bottom lip, urging you to let him in. You do. He wraps an arm around your waist and guides you down, hovering over you.
“You taste like candy,” he whispers against your lips, hot and needy. Take that, Mina. A sneaky hand cups you through your shorts, right where he knows your clit is. The thin material does nothing to conceal how wet you are. “Do you taste like candy here too? Can I try?”
You’re anxious, but you can’t stop. Not when he’s so enticing. Not when the rumors of his sexual prowess are swimming around in your mind. Jungkook could ask anything of you and you’d gladly obey. You give him a small nod. 
“Don’t be nervous,” he teases through an airy laugh, breath fanning across your face. It smells like chocolate and syrup. He turns his head and presses a gentle kiss on your fingertips. You swoon.
Hooking his thumbs into the sides of your shorts, he pulls them below your butt. He dips his head down, biting into the side of your thigh. A predator sinking its teeth into its prey. Not hard enough to hurt. It’s just enough to rip a whine from you. “Fuck,” he grumbles, pulling your shorts completely off. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.”
He’s been wanting this, too?
“Let’s leave these on though,” he sighs, speaking in reference to your socks. It was something you knew he found sexy, overhearing a graphic conversation with Taehyung about kinks and other filthy things. That may or may not have been the motivation behind your purchase.
You cringe. Being naked in front of someone for the first time in a long time was nerve-wracking. 
“No panties?” Jungkook asks, looking at you quizzically. “Dressed so skimpy, Bambi. All for me?”
“I didn’t know you were gonna show up...”
“Oh shit, you’re right,” he chuckles, caressing your legs with his large thumbs. You appreciate the gesture. 
Cool air brushes against your exposed core when he parts your thighs. His gaze locks onto your dripping center. You whine and cross your arms over your face. Maybe if you squeeze hard enough you’ll revert back into yourself and escape this dreadfully vulnerable feeling.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…” he starts, words dying out because his attention is elsewhere. Jungkook has seen a lot of pussy throughout his life, but yours has got to be the, “prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. So fucking wet.” He settles back onto his knees, hooking his limbs around your thighs and pulling you to the edge of the bed. 
Jungkook watches in awe as he spreads your lips open with his thumb and index fingers, stealing a peek at your shiny center. He takes a long, languid lick from your pussy to your clit. He moans when the wet muscle dips between your folds, eyes scrunching as his feature contorts into a scowl. You recognize that face. That angry face he makes when he tastes something he finds incredibly yummy. It’s the same one he made when he ate his pancakes. 
Have you really studied him so much that you’ve picked up on his subtle habits? Nevertheless, the fact that he actually seemed to be enjoying going down on you was jarring. You’ve never experienced this before. It felt so fucking good. You were already close and he has barely touched you. You let out a whimper.
“Mm, you’re so responsive,” he notes, absolutely loving the little sounds you’re peeping. Much different than the blaring moans and screams he is used to. Despite the ego boost they give him, your shy whimpers are a welcomed change. Each one makes his cock twitch, forcing him to bring a hand down, palming himself through his sweats. “When’s the last time someone ate you out?”
“I don’t see why not,” he coos sympathetically, shaking his head in disapproval. He gives you another lick, tongue pressed flat against you. “You taste like lemonade, so sweet.” 
That had you absolutely drenched.
You move up onto your elbows, watching as he throws your legs over his broad shoulders. He licks the pad of his thumb, this time actually sinful. He presses it right to your bud, rubbing it before pulling the sensitive skin taut, lifting the hood and exposing your clit. 
He tuts his tongue, whispering something so quietly you barely catch it, only making out a breathy iteration of the word ‘tiny’. Heavy eyes flicker up to yours as he places two soft pecks on it, then blows delicately.
“Jungkook, please…”
“Sorry,” he chuckles, “I won’t tease-,” sentiment interrupted with an open-mouthed kiss, “I know how bad you must want it.” 
He circles the tip of his tongue on your clit before suctioning his lips around it. You gnaw onto your lower lip, face twisting up in pleasure.
This is easily a far better form of self care than what you had planned. 
It’s obvious that this is something Jungkook does a lot. He is a photography major, and has never struck you as someone who is incredibly bright, but the way he touched is strategic. He has spent the better part of the past decade perfecting his craft, studying the way women move their bodies when he applies a certain amount of pressure. The beautiful noises they make when he stimulates them in certain spots. He has the exact equation to make you fall apart.
There is a pattern to it. He latches onto your swollen nub, cheeks hollowing with a few harsh sucks, before licking over it, letting his tongue dip into your entrance. You can’t help the subtle thrusts into his mouth with every glide of his tongue. The consistency had your stomach doing somersaults.
He sinks further down, lapping at your folds, never straying too far from your clit, burying himself so deep into your pussy that the tip of his nose nudges against it. A big palm slides up your torso, reaching under your tank top to grab at your chest, thumb flicking over your hardened nipple.
“Jung- fuck!” You croak, high-pitched and desperate. “I’m close.”
You expect him to pull away. He, instead, acknowledges you with an ‘mhm’, nuzzling even further into your cunt. 
You can’t help the instinctual, or more so learned, shame bubbling in your stomach. Your hips jerk away. Legs close tight around his head, attempting to save him from the brunt of your orgasm. He simply pries them back open, nails digging into your inner thigh. You grasp onto his hair, tugging it back as you curse under your breath.
He doesn’t like that.
He pops off of your clit with a sharp, annoyed growl. “Can you stop?” The stern edge in his voice makes you flinch, releasing your grip immediately. “You don’t have to control every situation. Just relax.” 
“I’m sorry,” you squeak.
His gaze softens immediately. He didn’t want you to apologize and he definitely didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. “You can touch me, Bambi,” he grabs your hands and places them back on his head, encouraging them to tangle in his tresses once again. “Keep me here, though. Wanna make you cum in my mouth.”
It’s strange, being pampered during sex. Taken care of. 
You peer down at him. His mouth and cheeks are dewy, covered in your arousal. Even the tip of his nose is wet. He’s not uncomfortable in the slightest. 
You push him down, giving him the green light to continue. The descent is quick. Starting in your stomach before it shoots through the rest of your body. You throw your head back, teeth digging into your lip as you desperately try to stifle the lewd moans threatening to escape.
Jungkook guides you through it, slowing down towards the tail end of your orgasm. He pulls away with a satisfied hum, standing up from his spot on the floor. “Taste?” He asks, squishing your cheeks with his big hand. His tongue licks right against yours when you stick it out, lips closing into a sloppy kiss. “Good, right?”
You don’t really taste anything, but you nod anyway. Maybe a slight hint of citrus. Or maybe you were delirious after the best orgasm of your life. The only partnered orgasm of your life.
His eyes are scrunched, but you can still see the stars in his dark pupils as he smiles down at you. You mirror him with the opposite expression, irises wide and blown out. He giggles, nuzzling into the side of your face and then nipping at your cheek. “You’re like a space girl,” your heart melts at the Sailor Moon reference. “So clueless. I wanna do everything to you. Teach you everything.”
“Like what?” 
“Have you ever squirted before?” 
You freeze. “No… I don’t think everyone can.”
“That’s not true. Everyone can squirt with a good partner and the right mindset,” he proclaims enthusiastically, shooting you a thumbs up. The tent in his pants on full display.
“Right mindset?” You giggle, raising a brow at him. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty intense.” He grabs a half-empty water bottle, your water bottle, off the nightstand, taking a big sip. “I can get you there,” he states, a droplet of water dripping down his chin. “You have to listen to me, though. You can continue your ‘girlboss’ bullshit after I’m done with you.”
You roll your eyes. If any other man said that to you, you would be livid. You would literally rain hellfire upon them. But it’s Jungkook. You know he’s joking, and the soft spot you have for him prevents you from ripping him a new one. 
He smiles when you agree, pecking your cheek before unzipping his hoodie and shrugging it off his shoulders. You watch his muscles work. Toned, firm biceps exposed for your viewing pleasures. He recently recolored the tattoos on his right arm. 
You remember him venting about his parents’ disapproval of them, and his major, when he walked you to your dorm after a party a few weeks ago. It was the only time you’ve ever seen the fun-loving, jovial man feel melancholic. You coin that night the night you developed... whatever it was that you have for him now.
“Alright,” he gestures to the cotton sweater, now spread out on your bed. “Lay here.”
“I mean…” he looks at you like you’re stupid. “You don’t want to get this wet, right?” He counters, pinching your blanket.
Cockiness just oozes out of him. It makes wetness ooze out of you. 
You comply, laying down on the soft material. It’s warm and smells like the delicate linen cologne he normally wears. You bask in the scent.
“I usually use lube for this, but…” he clicks his tongue, knowing you don’t have any. “We can make it work.” Leaning down, he lets a string of spit land on your clit. It tickles as it trickles down your folds. He’s quick to collect it with his fingertips, smearing the moisture all over.
“Take your top off, please. I wanna see those pretty tits.”
It’s barely a top. The jagged, raw hem only conceals half of your perked nipples. How ironic is it that you’re wearing an angel print tank while being absolutely defiled. You sit up, taking it off easily and tossing it on the floor before laying back down. 
“It’s not going to hurt, is it?” You wonder, reflecting on his earlier statements.
“Why, you nervous?” He teases with a lopsided grin. It drops when he sees the apprehensive look on your face. “It shouldn’t hurt, but if it does you’ll tell me, right?”
“Right,” you moan, another drop of saliva hitting your pussy. 
“Hold your legs up, keep them open,” he orders, sucking back the extra spit with a hiss.
Pink nails curl under your thighs, bringing them up to your chest just as Jungkook instructed. He pops his middle and ring fingers into his mouth, bringing them down to tease at your entrance before slipping in, palm facing up.
There’s an adjustment period, his fingers being much bigger than your own. You’re so aroused that the tenderness subsides quickly. “Fuck,” you yelp when he starts gently petting at your g-spot.
He doesn’t jam his fingers into you carelessly, an unpleasant sensation you’ve been subjected to in the past. His digits never leave you. Instead, they move in a sensual curl that makes you purr. Every touch is focused, intricately placed on that delicious spot.
“Pussy so wet,” his voice comes out as strained as his pants. He sounds so turned on and filled with lust. It makes you clamp around his fingers. He lets out the tiniest moan, using his free hand to grab yours, sucking three fingers into his mouth. “Touch your clit for me.”
You bring your hand down, rubbing side to side. “Uh-uh, circles.” 
Immediately, you follow his command. You look so delicious he can’t help himself, bending at the waist to latch onto one of your nipples.
“Please, Jungkook, more…”
“Yeah?” He mumbles against your chest, sending vibrations through the sensitive skin. You nod frantically. “I usually don’t give in this easily, but I think you deserve it. Been such a good girl. You can have more, Bambi.” You know it’s just sex talk. A stream of consciousness fueled by his horniness. All the blood leaving his head to fill his cock, making him more dumb than usual, but you can’t help but feel special. 
“It’s going to build up fast, okay?”
You mumble a small ‘mhm’. How bad can it really be?
Jungkook starts moving his hand rapidly, fingers thrashing up and down. There's so much force behind his movements that your hips lift and dip. 
You’re overwhelmed. Constant, vigorous stimulation right to your g-spot. A strange swelling feeling starts pooling in your lower stomach. High-pitched whimpery moans and wet squelching noises fill the room.
“J- daddy, fuck!” It is so intense you can’t form a coherent sentence. There’s faint laughter in the background. “No, no, no…” you plead, wrapping your hand around his wrist, nails digging into his skin. It’s too good. So good that it made you scared.
His movements halt. “Am I hurting you?”
“No, too much… fuck!” You shout when he continues at the same intensity, your body thrashing wildly. You feel out of control.
“Shh,” he whispers softly. “You can take it. Just let it happen.”
You inhale sharply, doing your best to calm down. It’s difficult when he keeps touching you like that. Your fingers curl into his sweater, bracing yourself. As soon as you stop fighting that full feeling, as soon as you loosen the tense muscles, it’s going to hit you.
You relax and a wave of the most intense pleasure you’ve ever felt ripples over you.
There’s an intense, world-shattering, euphoric release.
And then nothing. 
Your head is empty. Your ears ring. Your vision is distorted by white splotches. 
Complete solace.
Your senses come back after a few minutes of heavy breathing. It’s fuzzy, but you can see the ceiling fan swirling above you.
There’s a metallic taste on your tongue. 
You can feel droplets trickling down your inner thighs, a damp puddle under your butt, and a warm set of lips on your temple.
“Welcome back to planet Earth,” Jungkook jokes, pushing away the wispy flyaways that stick to your forehead. You blink absently as you slowly make out his features. You swear there’s a glowing aura around him. “You good?” 
“So good,” you confirm halfheartedly. “You’re so good.”
“You came so much,” he hums in satisfaction, placing a few pecks against your jaw. Jungkook was actually surprised at how much wetness he coaxed out of you. You just kept on cumming. The prettiest waterfall he’s ever seen. Damp fingers brush up and down your bicep, a comforting gesture. “You called me daddy.”
“Shut up,” you groan, covering your face. “Don’t talk about it.”
“I won’t, it was fucking gross,” he laughs, smiling down at you so genuinely that it reaches his eyes. This was just a hookup, you assume, but he’s just so pretty. You can’t stop yourself from pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He reciprocates. It feels so intimate. Too intimate for a pair of friends. You’re so tired but you want more. Everything.
“Take this off, please,” you ball the white fabric of his shirt into your tiny fists, mimicking his words from earlier. “Let me see those pretty tits.”
He quirks a brow at you, standing up straight and pulling his shirt off by the collar. It’s discarded onto the floor, with all the other useless, bothersome items.
His tits are pretty. Chest flushed red from exertion, nipples spiked and tiny. His body is fit, but not overly muscular. Lean and toned. Just what you like.
You snake your legs around his cinched waist, constricting his pelvis flush against yours. 
“Is it my turn now?” He says, loving your sudden burst of confidence. His jaw goes slack when you start grinding on his clothed cock. There’s a slick spot where your bodies meet, heather gray turning dark as the fabric dampens. Jungkook lets you play with him for a bit, rutting against you until he physically cannot stand it anymore. “I’ve never wanted to fuck someone so bad.”
“Then do it,” you whimper, growing impatient. He sighs, hand coming down to fiddle with the sweater underneath you. You crane your neck, watching curiously as he pulls a square packet out of the pocket. 
There’s a sharp pain in your chest when you see it. “Did you plan on us hooking up?”
“Maybe,” he contends playfully. All the amusement in his face disappears when he flicks his bangs back and sees yours. Hurt and disappointed. “I always keep condoms on me, you know that,” he explains, voice soft and wary. 
It makes sense. He was sexually active. Very much so.
That scares you. You could possibly be just another girl he’s sexually active with. A last ditch effort to get laid because the first option bailed. The puzzle pieces start coming together.
You look him in the eyes. His pupils are brown again. They look pleading, concerned for your wellbeing. Afraid they’ve tarnished something so delicate. You can’t tell if it’s just your delusions, post-orgasm bliss. All you know is you never want him to stop looking at you the way he is right now.
“Can I put it on?” You ask, pointing at the condom in his hand, desperate to break the tension.
“I- sure,” he retorts, exhaling deeply like he was holding his breath, relieved. He gives it to you, using his other hand to pull his pants by the waistband, stopping mid-thigh. Too rushed and eager to take them off completely. 
He didn’t have underwear on either.
You squint, trying to read the white font on the packet. Large.
You glance up, eyes bulging out of your skull when they land on his cock. It’s big. So aroused that it points straight up, resting on his abdomen. The tip is bright pink, standing out against the background of his smooth milky pelvis. It’s shiny with precum, a little bead sitting right at the slight. Your gaze trails up the veiny underside, following the acute upward curve. You gulp.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” you say, jittery hands tearing open the foil packet. You cautiously wrap your hand around the shaft. It’s so firm. Rock solid and touch starved. It jumps in your palm as you slip the sticky rubber down, making sure to stroke him along the way. “Big, thas’ all.”
He nods, the corner of his lips pulling up in a smirk. He can tell your words are equally as worried as they are complimentative, though. “I’ll be gentle,” he promises, holding on to your ankle to lift your leg, kissing it through your white sock. Gaze locked on you, making sure you’re watching and that you know he can be soft with you.
He bends both of your knees up to your chest, tapping your outer thigh, indicating he wants you to hold them again. Tattooed knuckles wrap around the base of his cock, laying it flat against your pelvis. “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath when he sees the tip reaches just below your belly button, knowing exactly what to envision when he’s inside you. His cock so deep it’s in your stomach.
He smacks the shaft between your folds. Filthy, wet slapping noises overpower your coos and purrs. The tip tickles your entrance, rubbing up and down your folds, before he brings it to your abused clit again, flicking it up and down like a light switch. Watching your face intently to gauge your reaction, looking for any prick of discomfort. 
“Put it in,” you frown, growing impatient.
“So needy,” Jungkook teases, gripping his cock right under the crown and pushing in. Only the tip. He uses his fingers as a buffer, trying not to give too much too fast. Pulling back agonizingly slow and then diving back in, giving you a little bit more length this time. It was only an inch or so, but the stretch burned. You catch your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill.
He repeats this process, working you open little by little until he’s buried to the hilt. He lets out a pained grunt, overwhelmed by the way your warm wet walls just suffocate him. “Fuck, tightest pussy ever.”
You clench your eyes shut, trying to ease the feeling of getting impaled. Jungkook is so big. The veins that run along his shaft, the thickness, the curve. He leans down and pecks your nose sweetly. His thumb, rubbing tight circles against your clit, provides a decent distraction. You focus on the pleasure instead of the pain.
“Feel okay, Bambi?” He coos, feeling you relax under him. “Can I move?”
With furrowed brows, he pulls out a few inches before thrusting back in slowly. Heavy eyes glued on the way your lips petal around him when he gives you more. The way they resist when takes his cock away. “Good girl,” he praises, voice raspy as he tries his best to maintain a slow, shallow pace. “You take it so well.”
Any pang of discomfort is gone. He prepped you so well that there’s no friction, just seamless glides in and out of your leaking cunt. The upturned tip of his cock tickles that sweet spot in you. You moan, digging your almond-shaped nails into your thighs, arching your back for more.
Jungkook sees your body language. He knows what to do in this situation. One of the most useful sex tips he’s ever learned. He leans forward, pressing his chest against yours, swollen lips latching onto your neck. They suck a sore spot that his tongue quickly soothes over. “Hold on to me,” he commands, wet pout smushed to your skin. 
You let go of your thighs, leaving little crescent indents on the surface, and throw your arms around his shoulders. Hooking your knees into the bend of his elbows, Jungkook hoists you up effortlessly, supporting your weight with his large palms on your ass. The change in position spreads you even further, slides him in even deeper.
“Mmm, f-,” you moan, words cut short when he starts bouncing you up and down on his cock.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Mmm, I knew it,” he chuckles sadistically, right into your ear. “I knew you were just waiting to be ruined. So fucking high-strung and- fuck!” He can feel your arousal dripping down to his balls. “Controlling.”
Arguing is pointless. You swear he's in your head, the tip of his cock scrambling your brain around so that you can’t even think straight. All you can think about is him.
You cling to him, resting your cheek against his shoulder as he lifts you in the air. Letting him have his way with you. You’re never felt more alive. 
‘Orgasms are the pinnacle of the human experience,’ you recall Jungkook telling you one day at the library. At the time, you rolled your eyes. Now, you know exactly what he meant. 
“You just needed some dick, huh? My dick?” You nod, drooling against his skin. “Doesn’t it feel good to let go?” All you can get out is a little moan.
A glint flickers in the corner of your eye. Mina’s mirror. It’s leaning against the wall right in front of you. You can see the expanse of his back. The taut skin on his shoulder blades. Biceps bulging as he moves you. His pants slid down to his knees, so you can see his cute butt dimpling when he thrusts up. Muscles working to make you cum.
“Okay,” he huffs, more to himself than you. Your pussy was so good that it derailed his original plan. Jungkook tosses you up a little, getting a more secure hold as he wraps an arm around your waist. The motion makes his cock slip out, the loss of contact makes you whine.
His free hand tosses his soiled hoodie out of the way. You cringe, making a mental note to mop tomorrow morning.
He places one of your fancy, cooling-gel pillows on the edge of the bed, laying you down on top of it. Your hips are elevated, tilted upwards. Giving him a clear view of your glowy core. He catches a glimpse of the only place he hasn’t destroyed.
“What about this?” He coos, pressing the pad of his thumb right against your clenching hole.
You squeak, shaking your head. Baby steps.
“Alright,” he chuckles, hand retreating promptly. “Maybe next time.”
He wants to do this again. Your heart flutters.
You watch as he guides himself back in, stuffing you to the brim in one swift motion. Much less cautious than earlier. His cock hits your g-spot perfectly. The pillow and his curve doing wonders. Your eyes roll back as your head hits the bed. “Like that, right?” He laughs, snapping into you. 
“Yeah, Jungkook,” you moan out, gripping your ankles and bringing them up by your head, just how he likes. “Don’t stop.”
He could’ve busted right then and there. 
“Fuck, keep saying my name,” he groans, eyes glancing up to your perky tits, jiggling freely with every snap of his hips. His pupils sneak down further, watching his cock plow into your tight, wet cunt, leaving it dewy.
You call his name like a metronome, ‘Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook’. Voice airy, following the rhythm of his hips. It makes him move harder and faster, feeling that familiar pooling at the base of his shaft.
Just like everything about him, his strokes are fluid. His hips aren’t locked and stiff. They move in a dip and roll that makes your toes curl. His pelvis mushes against your clit when he thrusts all the way in, balls smacking against the curve of your ass. It feels delicious. Your third orgasm of the night is approaching fast.
“You cumming, Bambi?” He hums, already recognizing the way your thick brows pull together when you're close. The way your hips rut a little, naturally guiding you to your orgasm.
“Mhm, make me cum Jungkook,” you mewl.
He hovers over you, placing his hands on top of yours, bending your legs back farther. Taking long, violent plunges into you. So close to a piledriver. He’s basically fucking you into the mattress, bed frame cracking against the wall beside it. One of your vine garlands falls down, but you’re so close you can’t even bring yourself to care. 
Your climaxes blend together. You first, clenching and unclenching around his length. Moans coming out sporadic and your shoulders off the bed. Legs trembling in his hands.
His orgasm is stunning. 
“Ah- fuck. I’m cumming,” he croaks through snarled teeth, head dropping to watch where you connect. Something he does often, you notice. He doesn’t stop, even after he spills into the condom, fucking you until he’s completely drained. You whimper, sensitive from the overstimulation. 
“Damn,” Jungkook huffs out a laugh, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You fist the wavy strands at the back of his head, a little damp. 
“Thank you,” you speak shyly.
“I know you’re new to this,” he lifts up and looks at you quizzically, amusement tickling his features, “But that’s kinda a weird thing to say after someone fucks you.”
You laugh with him, eyes darting over his face. He has a small scar on his cheek, something you’ve never noticed before. 
“No, I just mean-” you cringe when he pulls out of you, feeling empty. “You’re the only guy who’s ever… I don’t know. You’re just different.”
He smiles with twinkling eyes, tying a knot at the end of the condom and tossing it into the pink trash can beside your nightstand. “You’re different, too,” he mirrors, plopping down onto the bed next to you. “Special.”
You sigh into his lips when he gives you a soft peck, thumb brushing against the newfound mark of his face. “I’m sorry that I made you do all the work.”
“Nah, don’t worry. Making you feel good makes me feel good.” His words are sweet but there’s a naughty glint in his eyes. “Besides, you can think of this as a practice round.”
“Practice round?”
He hums in conformation, tapping your ass lightly, making it ripple against his hand. “Alright, go take a leak before you get a UTI.” He laughs when you push his shoulder. The same old blunt, shameless Jungkook.
He stops you before you disappear into the bathroom. “I hope this won’t make things awkward between us. Like, we’re still friends, right?”
It takes all of your strength to give him a nod. You ponder over his words as you clean up in the bathroom. Why did you feel so... conflicted? You’re so happy, but you’re also kinda sad. It’s like your mood solely depends on Jungkook. His words have the power to pull you in whatever direction he pleases. You stare at yourself in the mirror.
All these emotions must mean you have a crush on him.
You sigh, flicking off the light and then heading back into your room.
Jungkook is hunkered down in your sea of pillows, soft snores leaving his parted lips. Chest rising and falling steadily. Hair messy, fanned around him.
He looks so beautiful and peaceful.
You tilt your head at the sight. He always told you that he never spends the night after a hookup.
The blanket is only covering his pelvis, strong legs poking out from underneath. His sweats are still on his ankles. You giggle, attempting to slide them off without waking him.
“Bambi,” he mutters sleepily, opening his big arms. “C’mere.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. You shuffle into bed, throwing the covers over both of your bare bodies. 
He wraps his arms around you, pecking your forehead before drifting back into slumber.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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© chryblossomjjk 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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hazbinhotelxreader · 3 months
Heya I saw your GN Child headcannons and I pose this to you:
Reader is the youngest child of carmilla, adopted and wears a cute little horn headband to look like their sisters. I'd love fluff with not only Carmilla but Odette and Clara too!
-Monke Anon 🐒
A/n: yes! This gives me really big Star vibes from SVTFOE lol!
Pairings: Carmilla, Odette, and Clara with a reader that wears horn headbands
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-She finds it adorable. She loves having you wear those little headbands, you just too cute in them!
-She also doesn’t have any horns, her hair is just put up like that, so you two have something in common or similar to each other, you both wear or put something to act like you have horns.
-She probably bought you a small pair when you were younger at some cheap store since you wanted it, but after seeing how often you’d wear them, she started to buy you better ones, more sturdy and longer lasting, and in any color you want.
-She does always remind you that you look gorgeous even without your horn headbands, and that it didn’t matter how you looked, you’re always part of the family.
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-She finds it adorable too. She loves the fact you’re trying to copy her and look like her.
-She seems like the type of person to help you decorate or help you with the horns, and even make personal horn headbands for you that look like her actual horns.
-She definitely starts a small competition between her and her sister of which horns you like the best, she’s always trying to beat her sister and makes you as much headbands as she can that looks like her horns.
-By the looks of it she’s a teenager. So she’s definitely got some other teen friends, and if their over at her house (which is rare since I doubt Carmilla would let other teens over), and if they make fun of you for your headband and tell you to “grow up”, then she’ll talk them Off and kick them out, and then comfort you afterwords
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-She thinks they’re cute, but probably won’t express it often. She seems like the type of person who’s more closed off and serious?
-Though either way she definitely loved having you trying to copy her, she thinks that she’s a great role model for you, and having you want to look like her too? It’s felt great
-She definitely joins in the small competition with her sister, replacing the headbands she makes for you with hers, she just thinks her horns look better on you.
-She’ll comfort you too if anyone has done you wrong by saying your a baby for still wearing headbands, she’ll speak to her mother about after too, she wants this problem resolved not make it worse.
A/n: I hope this is okay! I don’t know much about the daughters and I’ll have to more research! Sorry this request took a while too!
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youthofpandas · 3 months
Call Her Ishmael (or: a trans reading of one of my favorite Limbus characters)
Hi, I have been thinking about writing something like this since Canto V first released and today I finally felt inspired to actually make this... A compilation of the parts of Ishmael's story that lead me to reading her as trans <3 and why I think that understanding her character though that lens works so well
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We begin with a woman stuck in the mundane. No plans for the future, no dreams of a life beyond the one she is currently living in, and that life is one she has long grown tired of. And she decides she would rather quit living that life, even if it would kill her. Everyone told her not to do this, but she wanted (needed) to do something new with her life.
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She finds Ahab here, when she is at this low where she is unsure of where to go from here now that she has cast her old life away. She looks at Ahab and sees a woman with goals, determination, serious plans for the future she is willing to commit to. And she wants to be just like that woman. She wants to be a woman who will choose what her destiny is, choose what life she has.
"I hoped to be like her one day. To be someone who will face the destiny of her own choosing. To have something I could give it my all with conviction and without a moment of hesitation."
And when she gets on that boat and starts this new chapter in her life, well. There she meets Queequeg, and is asked for her name...
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Queequeg asking her name, something that surprises Ishmael, and complimenting her hair is a defining moment in Ishmael's life and in their relationship. And not only is it the first conversation they have, it is the also last thing Queequeg asks of her. To hear Ishmael's name one more time is something that will bring not only herself comfort, but she knows will stabilize Ishmael as well in this moment. That it will bring her back to when they had first met, to the fond memories of a good friend who had asked for her name. Ishmael's name, her identity, the one she forged on that boat even through great difficulty is what shaped her into being herself... That is how their relationship begins and ends...
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There is also a recurring theme of being reborn, of happiness being found in another life that is kinder to them both. Ishmael dreams of a life where they can break out of their cocoons. She wants to bury her past and had no dreams of the future before joining the Pequod, before meeting Queequeg and finding someone she wants a future with. Through Queequeg, through the woman who thinks her hair is the brilliant color of sunset and asked for her name, Ishmael is capable of imagining a destiny of her own choosing just like she had wanted when she met Ahab. (She isn't able to chase after it, not yet, because of Ahab's influence over the Pequod, but she for the first time can at least dream of a future where she is happy)
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When tragedy strikes, she is left as, in her mind, the sole survivor of the crew, she has lost Queequeg, lost Ahab, lost her chance at finding happiness and purpose. It's then that she takes Queequeg's rope (the thing that kept her alive! Queequeg throughout their time knowing each other is always there to save her and help her keep on living) and makes it into a headband, attaches cute bows to it, a bit of femininity that is intrinsically attached to the woman who helped save her. She grows out her hair, her beautiful sunset colored hair, and it is so heart warming. For a long time I assumed that her not cutting her hair was done out of mourning, out of an unwillingness to move on from the life she had on that ship, but instead it was because Queequeg had loved her and she had loved her friend in kind.
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In conclusion I love Ishmael very much and I like to rotate her around. Everything from her metaphors of being stuck in a cocoon and wanting to break free, her envy of Ahab's ability to find purpose so easily, her relationship with Queequeg that helped inspire her to dream for more to dream of a future where she is happy,, it is all very good and to me reading her as trans strengthens the themes of her story. I've watched the final part of the Canto V dungeon several times over when my friends arrive at that part of the story, and the Call Me Ishmael line always makes me start tearing up.
Ishmael starts as an unhappy office worker with no future and it is a life she cannot continue living, she meets an older woman who has the drive and passion to chase after her goals and wants to be like her when she is older, she has a life defining moment where another woman asks for her name and wants to be good friends with her, that woman will save her in so many ways and she will love that woman so deeply for how she helped influence her life, she sees herself trapped in a cocoon and wants to break free, she dreams of her and that woman will persevere, how they will live out the rest of their days, countless mirror worlds of happiness spent at each other's side. She starts the game proper with her hair grown long, ribbons attached to a rope that helped save her that represents the woman who had saved her before. She ends her chapter finding a new adventure to go on, one will she get to explore the world she lives in, she has found a compass in Dante who will help her chart her path forward.
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Also I know we all make jokes about how inconsistent the art is when it comes to her chest but like... Come on look at the difference here.... I'm correct about this. But I mostly wanted to make this post to point out that her narrative arc is also trans and it goes so much deeper than just art inconsistencies.
Okay that's all I can think of now, thank you for reading, I hope you all also love her <3
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vinnieslove · 2 years
skin care
summary; vinnie let’s you do some skin care on him
warnings; pet names (baby, princess)
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it was currently 9:48pm and you were laying and your bed you shared with vinnie while he was playing video games at his desk. you were currently scrolling through tiktok, as you had nothing else to do.
after watching a tik tok about a cute cat, you scrolled to the next which happened to be a girlfriend doing skin care on her boyfriend. you watched as she pulled his hair back with a headband, did a face mask, jade roll, moisturize, and all that other stuff to her boyfriend. you first thought was how cute this was. then suddenly, the idea to do it to vinnie popped in your head.
you hopped out of bed and shuffled you way over to vinnie. you lazily wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders, “hi baby.” you greeted him with kisses on his check and neck.
“hi princess,” he said while leaning into your touch. “what’s up?”
“mmm, can i do some skin care on you,” giving him lots of kisses in hopes of persuading him.
vinnie doesn’t give it much thought before agreeing and finishing his game. “let me finish this real quick. it’ll only be a couple more minutes.”
you never really minded when vinnie played video games like most girlfriends would. that’s because vinnie wasn’t so distracted by them as other boyfriends were. whenever you needed him, or simply just wanted to cuddle, he would 98% of the time stop whatever he was doing and immediately be by your side. that other 2% was if he was nearly done with the game he would ask if he could finish and you always said yes.
it was also a big bonus to see how happy he got when he won whatever game was playing.
while you waited for vinnie to finish, you got out all that you wanted, except for stuff that needed to be cold; you kept that in your pink mini skincare fridge your parents gifted you a couple years ago.
you picked out three of your five skincare headbands for vinnie to pick out. you had also picked out a few different kinds of face masks for him to chose from too.
when you left your shared bathroom, vinnie was laying, waiting patiently on your bed scrolling through his phone. a small smile brightened your face as you made your way to him, setting down the stuff you gathered on the bed. you sat on your knees beside him on the bed and greeted him with a quick kiss then began.
“okay, first, which headband do you want,” you held up all the options. “this one is bear ears, this one’s cat ears, and this one is just a white bow.” you held out each option as you called it out.
vinnie pondered and looked between the three, “the bear one.” he pointed to.
vinnie lifted his head slightly as you pulled it over his head and bringing it up to pull his hair out of his face.
“we totally don’t have to do this and it’s up to you but,” you paused momentarily. “can i do your eyebrows?”
without any hesitation, vinnie agreed, “of course, baby.”
so you got out your derma blade and tweezers. “now, if this hurts, tell me and i’ll stop.” vinnie just nodded in response.
you fixed the top of his brows and plucked some of the hairs under it. each time you plucked the hairs, vinnie would squint in pain. it hurt, but of course he would take it just for you. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry.” you would apologize quietly after every pluck.
“now the hard part is over. let’s get relaxing!” he loved your enthusiasm; it made his heart beat a thousand miles per minute.
vinnies eyes were shut and you were opening the eye mask bag. “wait,” vinnie softly interrupted. “cand you, maybe, explain everything while you do it?”
you chuckle slightly at this, “of course. right now, i’m taking out these little patch things and i’m putting them under your eyes to help with puffiness and reduce eye bags.” you informed the best you could.
“hey! are you saying i have bad eye bags?!”
you gasped slightly, “what? no!” vinnie laughed at you as you got all flustered and eventually you joined in on the laughter.
before getting started, you straddled his lap and vinnie rested his hands on your thighs. you did what you explained and you took the gold under eye patches and placed them under his eyes. “alright, now i’m going to take this rose-quartz roller and gently massage it in.”
you were barely starting and yet vinnie was already getting so relaxed, he felt sleepy. a faint smile appeared on vinnies face, he could practically see the concentration on your face. the way your eyebrows furrow slightly and your tongue sticks out a little.
once you were done, you set the roller aside and discarded the eye patches back in its original packaging, setting it off to the side and mentally labeling it as the start of the trash pile. “now, you are going to pick out a type of face mask to do.” vinnies eyes open enough to see. “we have a peel-off mask, a sheet mask, or one i can wash off with a wash cloth.” you show the options.
vinnie contemplated for a bit before picking the sheet mask. you had picked out one from your fridge that was infused with aloe vera. “this one has aloe vera, ‘k?” vinnie just hummed in response.
you opened the package and placed the sheet mask on his face, adjusting it before taking the roller and massaging it in again. vinnie hummed at the feeling.
you took the mask off, placing it back in the package, and using your fingers to massage the residue in. afterwards, you gave vinnie a quick kiss before moving on. “now i am putting some vitamin c serum on you.” your voice gentle, relaxing vinnie even more.
you place small drops on key components of his face: forehead, cheeks, and chin. you massaged it in again with your delicate fingers.
finally it was the last step, moisturizer. “last but not least,” you started. vinnie internally frowned, he didn’t want this to end. “moisturizer.” you took your moisturizer and rubbed it in gently.
“all done, baby.” you smiled. vinnies eyes flutter open to look at your beautiful self sitting on his lap. he took one of his hands off your thigh to take off the head band. he sat up as you pushed yourself back to let him sit up.
after he sat up, he gave you a quick yet passionate kiss. “that was amazing. you need to do that more often.” giving you another kiss.
“good. i’m glad you enjoyed.”
you both finsihed your night rountines, settling into bed. you curl up to vinnies side before he says, “next time, i wanna do that to you.”
you chuckle, “i would love that.”
you both snuggle deeper into the bed before drifting off into a relaxing sleep.
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weoris · 5 months
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GNRE enhypen fluff drabble roommates au PRNG sunghoon x female reader OTHR makeup I stole a joke from friends ( the best ) WRDS 485 words
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“CAN YOU HURRY UP?” Sunghoon whined as he scrolled on his phone, laying on your bed. You roll your eyes as you put your headband on, “Hoon, I haven’t even started my makeup, it’s been twenty seconds.”
The boy just pouts again and lets you continue.
Sunghoon was just dying to watch the barbie movie, says it’s been his dream to watch it (since 15 minutes ago) and had begged you to go watch it with him.
Honestly, you weren’t a huge fan, but you couldn’t help but agree with his sparkly eyes and pout working its begging-magic. So here you were, applying your blush when you noticed sunghoon staring at you from the mirror with his eyebrow raised comically.
Chuckling, you turned to him. “What, princess sunghoon? You want a schedule at my beauty salon?” He says nothing but walks forward.
“What does this even do?” He says, picking up your brush, and looking at it like it were some unusual artefact. You scoff and take the brush back, “It’s a brush, stupid. It helps with my blush.”
He raised his eyebrows. “You need to wear blush too? I think you’re taking this ‘pink dress code’ thing too far..” he jokes with a chuckle, but it stops when you hit his arm. “Hoon, how are you this clueless? Didn’t you date Haeyoon like a few months ago? You never saw her getting dolled up? For a birthday or an anniversary? Or even a dinner?
Sunghoon pouts and looks up, putting his hands in his pockets and eyebrows furrowing as if he was thinking hard. “Well, she didn’t have a birthday or an anniversary when we were going out.”
“For three years?”
He rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically, “Can you just hurry up please? Everywhere I go, I see people talking about Ryan Gosling’s abs and I have to see them in 4K!”
You chuckle and continue putting the product on, but you feel his gaze lingering on you through the mirror. “I don’t even get why you need all this stuff.. you look.. pretty enough without it.” He tilts his head.
Looking back at him, you say nothing but try to hide your flustered feeling and reddening face with a scoff.
“Look, you don’t even need this blush thing! You’re pink enough right now!” He teased and pointed at your face. “Shut up!” You covered your face and hit his arm.
He stopped laughing and flailing about after a while and put his chin on top of your head, standing behind you and taking your hands in his own.
He slowly removed your hands from your face and chuckled lightly. “You look cute. Now let’s go watch Ryan’s abs, pretty.” Sunghoon smiled, looking at your flush face through the mirror and grazing your hands with his thumb softly, before ruffling your hair and leaving the room.
Also leaving you, a blushing mess.
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NOTE 〰️ r u mad at me for the smau schedule.. figured so I made this 🤣🤣 it’s in the works and abt to be release I swear ❕ love yall + don’t kill me 😁
🐩 | ENHYPEN TAGLIST @w3bqrl @boowoowho @ahnneyong @kynrki @ixomiyu @yunki4evr @flwoie @bubblytaetae @ja4hyvn @dimplewonie @xiaoderrrr @trsrina @adajoemaya @stepout-09-15 @justwannachecksmth @ineedaherosavemeenow @lcv3lies @violetinferno @woncheecks @mijuuv @enhapocketz @star4rin @bubblytaetae @dimplewonie @flwrshee @whoschr @jiaant11 @yeomha @mosssi @j-wyoung @artstaeh @spilled-coffee-cup @cowsmicwu @pockyyasii
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maxrowave · 7 months
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i love drarry and i love women so put it together and you get this, i present to you: Harphine
Harry is consequently now named Harley; Draco is also now named Delphine (Full name Delphinus Lucius Malfoy, however asks to be referred to as Delphine because it's pretty). I decided to keep everyone else the same because the world centres around them. Delphine is the ultimate coquette girl, lana del rey wishes she could be as coquette as her. Mega popular girl and a trendsetter, one day she wears a headband to school, the next day, half the female students are as well. Extreme closet gay, internalised homophobia...
Harley on the other hand is a major tom-boy, as a toddler and young childhood she probably had a buzzcut or short hair because her hair was too much maintenance for the Dursley's. She also wore Dudley's old clothes so she was mistaken for a boy for most of her young life, she only began to grow it out when she started attending Hogwarts and got a major glow-up in third year. and now the multitude of headcanons: 1) Delphine resorts to flirting to get her way with male students, however it is only by accident does Harley discover Delphine is prudent when she flirts with her. Delphine immediately goes red, sputtering incoherently:
"MY FATHER WILL HEAR OF THIS!!!" "good, I'm glad he knows about me so it won’t be as awkward to meet him when I'm over for dinner"
Harley uses this to her advantage and begins to spread rumours about Delphine to finally get back at her for all these years 'Pure Blood Delphine Malfoy, sole heir, is a homosexual?!' It gets out of hand and Delphine's rep gets ruined or somethin
2) Harley is a bit of an artist, she likes drawing/doodling. One day she's sitting in potions class, not listening because fuck that, idly drawing on her parchment without much thought, only for her to realise that hey... this kind of looks like Delphine, and then realising she's just been drawing Delphine in various sitting poses for the past half an hour.
3) Even though Harley really hates Delphine, she has to admit, she's really fucking gorgeous, and in an odd way Harley kind of admires how put together she is. Harley does try to imitate her makeup one day because she wants to know how it feels to be pretty/put together, it turns out shite, Ron laughs at her, Harley beats him up; Delphine also laughs at her. But when they do become good friends, like fifth year or so, Delphine does do her makeup (imagine that one img of the girl on top of the other doing her eyeshadow, that's them).
3.5) Slight extension from the previous one, I mentioned this on my xwitter awhile back -- Harry purposely messes up his tie so Draco can fix it, because Draco's love language is to clean up people, i.e brushing lint off their shoulder, adjusting their collar, kind of like a cat. In this genderbent au, Harley messes up her lipstick everytime so Delphine can redo it.
4) Delphine is a massive closeted lesbian, and is pining for Harley in her own odd way. When they begin to get close, Delphine instictually reels back, because she's used to playing hard-to-get with other guys as a flirting method. She doesn't quite register that it doesn't work with girls, which leaves Harley wondering what she did wrong and why Delphine isn't as interested.
5) When they do finally get into a relationship, most likely like sixth/seventh year, it's very low-key and secretive because Delphine still has internalised homophobia/closeted. But Lucius ends up arranging her marriage because she's an only child and a female to the Malfoy name. What happens next is idk
6) Lucius either dotes on Delphine like a child who is in constant need of being helped and cannot be independent, or never speaks to her ever because he's disappointed he has a daughter.
OKAY THATS IT, I HAVE MORE HEADCANONS THAT I WILL POUR IF ENOUGH ASK FOR IT LOL... i wanna see if I can make Harphine their genderbend ship name, it's cute
also boobs bc im gay and so are they
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lemonxdaisybby · 2 months
Waking up in the morning with Ichigang peeps as their s/o
SFW/NSFW are ok
Hello! Thank you for the ask 💕
I’ve been playing Infinite Wealth, so included Tomi in this too because he is a cutie patootie, and needs some love.
Waking up with Ichiban would be like waking up next to a ray of sunshine.
Well, maybe not at first, as you would actually wake up before him, and he would be snoring away still. However, once he does wake up he’s going to greet you with the biggest grin ever. Every single day. No matter how long you two have been together for, waking up next to you just makes this man so damn happy.
Even though he almost always wakes up after you, and also can’t cook very well, he would still offer to make you a basic breakfast or a coffee.
Loves it when you choose to stay in bed with him for extra cuddles. He would just kind of wrap his arms and legs around you, almost like a koala, and would close his eyes happily as he snuggles in to you.
He has the fluffiest, cutest case of bed-head you have ever seen. It would look like a little bird has nested on his head. He is also a cutie without his glasses, and would be squinting so hard as he can’t see shit.
He loves to sleep in, and is rarely up early if he can help it. He’d love it if you chose to sleep in with him too, and there’d be absolutely no rush to get out of bed.
If he is ever dragged out of bed early, just know that he is not a morning person at all. He would be super grumpy, and everyone would have to listen to him complaining.
Nanba is a big fan of sleepy morning sex. It would be very lighthearted, slow and lazy, as the two of you would still feel half asleep, but it would be very cosy and sweet nonetheless.
Adachi is an early riser, and can’t lie in bed for too long in the morning as he would get a bad back (poor old man). This means morning cuddles would either be very short-lived, or would be non-existent.
If you are also an early riser and happen to wake around the same time, Adachi may just ask you for a quickie, to start the day off on a good note.
He is actually quite cheerful of a morning, especially waking up next you. He’d just feel so content, ready to start a fresh new day with you by his side.
He would absolutely adore it if you made him breakfast. Little domestic things like that would just make him feel all warm and fuzzy. He might try and return the favour occasionally, but he’s not the best cook, and it would be something very simple and quick to make.
Saeko is not a morning person. Don’t speak to her before she’s had her morning coffee, otherwise she is very grumpy.
She would have some pretty cute bed-head going on. Like some parts would just be defying gravity, sticking straight up in odd directions. If you pointed this out, she would immediately place a pillow over her hair, grumbling as she glowers at you from underneath the pillow. She is not amused by your teasing.
Saeko would definitely have a full on beauty routine to follow each morning, and would love it if you had one to match. She’d find it so cute if you both had matching fluffy bathrobes and makeup headbands (the ones with the little bow on top), and you would both carry out your morning skincare or makeup routine together. It would almost feel like a little spa morning.
Seonhee is a busy woman, and would try her best to be up fairly early in the morning, however this would not always be the case.
On days where she is up before you, she would bring you a cup of coffee and probably wake you up to let you know she’s about to leave and get started for the day. She would give you a forehead kiss before leaving.
She’s not a huge cuddler, and tends to prefer a bit of space when sleeping, but on days where she sleeps in late, she would love to just spend the morning tangled under the covers with you, just peacefully chatting about anything and everything.
Probably has the most amazing, sexiest morning voice ever. It would just be so low and husky, and would send a shiver down your spine.
Joon-Gi would be awake well before you. He never sleeps in late, and has probably already done a full beauty regime, showered, and gotten fully dressed by the time you wake up.
He’d just be sat chilling on the bed beside you. Not necessarily watching you sleep, but just patiently waiting for you to wake up. He’d want to be there to greet you, because you are his precious baby.
If you asked him, he would definitely crawl back under the covers to cuddle you. The first few times you ask this, he may feel a tiny bit shy, as it’s something quite new to him, but he likes cuddles, and is more than happy to oblige.
Would tease you if you woke up with bad bed-head or drool on your pillow. He would find it extremely funny, but also adorable. However, if you somehow woke up before him and caught him in a similar, messy state and teased him for it, he would pout and take great offence, heatedly denying it with a light blush dusting his cheeks.
Precious baby without his glasses.
He is a cuddle bug, and would not be happy when you make an attempt to get out of bed. He would just wrap his arms around you and pull you straight back into bed. No escape for you, you’re stuck in bed with him until he says otherwise.
Another one who would tease you for having a case of bed-head or for drooling. Also, if you were snoring during the night, just know he’s gonna bring that up too. He thinks you are just the cutest thing.
If Zhao wakes up feeling particularly horny, just know he’s going to grind that morning wood against your ass. He wouldn’t outright ask you for morning sex, but he is gonna tease and seduce you, until it’s just too much and you’re desperate for him.
He would make the best breakfasts, and would also try to make a variety of things each day, so you’re not starting the day off with the same food constantly.
Tomi would be a whiny baby when you attempt to get up out of bed, and leave him on his own. He would just sigh and complain, commenting on how cold the bed is now, and how empty it feels. Stay with him for a while longer please.
He would adore just lying in bed with you, sleeping in as late as possible, the sun peeking through the curtains and casting warm sun puddles on your skin. It would just feel so peaceful and cosy.
He’s not really a morning person, but mornings are definitely easier with you around.
If you woke before him, and decided to wake him up with a blowjob, he would think he’d died and gone to heaven. He’d be putty in your hands, and would be very chirpy and cheerful for the rest of the day.
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acrobattack · 2 months
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bliss redesign based off one I made in my teens
thought process + various other bits and bobs under the cut
I was 15 and annoyed by everything that moved when this character first came out, so in my own head I was very much making a Point with this redesign. Hence, I made very minimal changes. I wanted to work with what was already there and basically just make the existing design more thought-through. Little breakdown ahead (keeping in mind i myself am very much An Amateur who doesn’t know shit and am just ranting about my opinions and i also haven’t seen a single second of the 2016 reboot so i don’t know much about Bliss to begin with)
1. one of my Biggest pet peeves with Bliss is that the powerpuff girls each have bangs that are simple, memorable, and iconic while also being unique from each other and being reminiscent of irl little girls hairstyles. It’s very neat and clever and I like it a lot
and then Bliss has this confusing jumble of shapes that looks like it changes in style halfway across her forehead
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i have absolutely no idea what the intent is here. My only guess is maybe it’s meant to look weird on purpose like she was trying to cut it herself or something (I suspect it’s something like that since she seems to have normal looking bangs as a little kid from what I can see) but it doesn’t really come off that way if that’s the case. It just looks like baby’s first PPG OC where you Understand that it’s meant to be hair and that it is made out of shapes but have 0 understanding of hairstyle or character design in general. Heck I might have put this exact hairline on a character in the past at the age of like 8
So in my redesign she’s got 5 even notches across her bangs, not thee most exciting change but it does the job I think. It is pretty reminiscent of Blossom but they look different enough from each other that I wasn’t too worried about it
2. low-hanging fruit time, Bliss’s hair color is horrible on the eyes. I’m bewildered at the decision to do this, especially since there is just so much of it, I struggle to think of how she could exist in any scene without hogging all the viewer’s attention constantly. That said, I understand they wanted her to have an unnatural hair color to really signal that she is a Fresh new Teen character from the late 2010’s, which is. Whatever, that’s fine, so she gets purple hair now. I kept the streak for the same reason, especially since she’s got a lot of hair, so no harm in a little extra interest in there.
I also learned recently that her hair glows sometimes? which i did Not know when first drawing her but well i think the darker color helps anyway. It adds some contrast for when she’s normal vs when she’s glowing and makes the latter appear more,, idk threatening or powerful or whatever the mood generally is when she’s doing that.
I did re-add that toothpaste blue to her eyelids though. I like to think it’s also the color of her lasers. It’s a cute color, just not as like 70% of this character’s palette
3. real talk I was drawing this from memory and didn’t mean to change the way her hair flares out from her head. realistically I think the original is fine, maybe just a little boring but fine, so that part of the redesign was an accident. Only thing is, it’s in the exact same position in every screenshot I’ve seen? It doesn’t seem to whip around when she’s flying or anything which looks weird and probably looks weirder in motion, especially since it takes up so much space onscreen. Idk it’s a strange decision, esp since the original show liked to use the ppg’s hair to emphasize their movement, so I’d just bring more movement into her hair. I mean if nothing else it’d make her look cooler.
very very rough little visual of what I mean
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I also ended up making it shorter in my redesign—again, not really intentional, but I think it’s better that it eats up a little less of her silhouette
4. Her headband is largely the same, I didn’t hate the idea of her having an accessory, so I just toned down the colors. I’m not personally a fan of the powder blue and that pink heart is very bright and just doesn’t go with the rest of her (once again the color of her hair is doing it no favors). I also moved the heart over. Not necessarily needed I think, but I feel like it reads quicker as a headband and not a weird crown that way+introduces some asymmetry into her design that I think is nice.
5. my biggest gripe other than her bangs are her hips. I’m not against adding anatomy to this character design to make her read visually as older than the girls, but it’s so awkwardly done and distracting. I feel like it even interferes with her line of action more often than not (which is not helped by her unmoving hair).
Part of the issue is she still has the teeny tiny torso, just… with those square-ish hips slapped on, which makes her legs look all gangly and stretched out. I tried to balance out the proportions more in my redesign, as well as change the hips to a flared skirt. I think it helps differentiate her from the girls and still implies hips underneath, it just also functions as a less clunky transition from her torso to her legs.
Lengthening her torso also allows the stripe to look more like a belt above the skirt, which I think helps to sell her as “similar, but not the same” from the ppg
6. Her leggings(? Idk Im not a fashion person) aren’t a bad idea I think. like a more mature version of the girls’ stockings, but I think the white makes them look really distracting. It would help to make them a darker color I think, but since I wanted to keep them reminiscent of the girls’ socks I kept them white and just shortened them.
7. Not really sure what Bliss is wearing on her feet. I think they’re Mary Janes, but they’re drawn a bit different from the girls’ and I honestly think it’s too babyish a shoe for her to wear. I’m not sure what she’s actually wearing in my redesign either honestly, but the goal was just to make them look like the girls’ Mary Janes while clearly being something different.
8. Uh her signature color is something I’ve contemplated changing a lot but to be real I think it’s fine. I feel it was a very bad idea from a marketing standpoint because people were hype about Bunny and would obviously be mad they didn’t get her once the character actually dropped (and in the long-run she would just end up being overshadowed by the character everyone has already assigned that color to) but I’m personally not bugged by her being purple beyond that. If I were to draw them together though I think Bunny would have a more pinky shade of purple and Bliss leans more blue.
Loosely on the same topic, because of Bliss I’ve had a running headcanon that “only child” types of powerpuffs tend to come out purple. Kind of like how trios tend to have a red, blue, and green. It’s a fun little piece of fake lore to rotate around in my brain
Anyway with all that out of the way, here’s some redesigns I decided to have some fun with. Wasn’t being too precious about recognizability or simplicity or anything like that, but I did run out of steam partway through. There’s also one based off Whoopass Bell bc idk, why not
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Finally, here’s some OCs I only ever drew once before out of a desire to give Bliss her own teen girl archetypes to form a team with. This is Bee and Beetle, who I’ll probably definitely forget about again immediately after posting this
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redysetdare · 10 months
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So uhh.... I really dislike the Traffic light trio kid designs in the show because to me they look like the old art that just made babies look like shrunken adult men because literally nothing changes about the characters besides the height. Which lead me to decide I wanted to show how I would design the traffic light kids.
For Mei, Because her family seems rather strict i decided to make her look a bit more cleaned up. She explained in "Coming home" how she wasn't very proper when she played, which her parents looked down upon. So I imagine they would've liked for her to usually be more refined in how she looked - which means when things get out of place or messed up from her playing it's seen as a bigger deal. I also gave her some scales by her eyes because mei having dragon features gives me life and i think they look cute.
For MK i just made his hair shorter but also it's not exactly sticking up because he doesn't have his headband yet. He's got pretty simple clothes for the most part, with the coolest thing being that he has light up shoes (i like to think that's what drew Mei to him when they first met. she's not allowed to have light up shoes haha). He still is predominantly orange in color palette and I gave him some shorts because he's a pretty active kid so he likes to move around a lot. (Also headcanon that he didn't like pants all that much as a kid because they felt bad)
And then finally we have Red Boy. Which ohh boy i did the most research on this kid haha. I looked at other iterations of Red boy in different jttw media and kinda took inspiration from those! I took the most inspiration from his outfit in the 1986 series iirc (I cannot find my references I had collected...) I also got rid of his glasses because YES it might be petty but glasses hadn't exactly been invented yet in the era that jttw takes place in (Yes i researched glasses for this. Yes it was all done through spite). Anyways I decided to keep his hair long and I decided to put it up into two small buns - mostly becuz to me it would be cute to have them burst into little balls of flames hehe. I also gave him little bull horn ornaments to tie back to his family and also gave him back his spear. There's a version of him with and without a cape because some iterations have him with one and i thought it was cute :)
Annnnd thats all i have to say really.
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gimmethatagustd · 3 months
venor (9) | kth + jjk
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The barista at the university’s café keeps telling Jungkook not to come back, but Jungkook is too busy daydreaming about kissing the beauty marks on his face to be paying attention to his warnings.
○ Pairing: Tiger!Taehyung x Bunny!Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Hybrids, predator/prey, college au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, light angst, eventual smut
○ Word Count: 5,166
○ Warnings: Reference to past parental death. Binge drinking. Minor violence.
○ Notes: Someone on AO3 called Byungchul a "stupid mutt" and I cried laughing. Also, I hope you enjoyed drunk Bunny Koo and Suyun 🥹 They're literal disasters lmfao.
○ Post Date: March 14, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Cross-Post
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
Series Masterlist
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“Do you think I look stupid?” Jungkook asks, turning around to look at his butt in the full-body mirror hanging on the back of his bedroom door.
Through the mirror, Yoongi and Suyun evaluate Jungkook’s outfit, too. Yoongi sits on his bed with a fluffy gray blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He’s got a frown on his face, which can’t possibly mean anything good — or it’s just his regular face, and there’s nothing wrong; Jungkook hasn’t quite figured out how to read him fully yet.
Suyun sits on Jungkook’s bed. She’s easier to read with a toothy grin that makes Jungkook shy.
“You look so cute, Jungkookie! Literally adorable, not to mention how clever the idea is. I promise no one else is going to have a costume like yours,” Suyun gushes, leaning forward to bring her legs underneath her. She kneels, sitting on her heels, and bounces with excitement.
Yoongi snorts. “That’s for fucking sure.”
It isn’t empty flattery that has Jungkook smiling shyly into the mirror. His costume is adorable and clever, and he came up with it all on his own. On the surface, it may not seem groundbreaking, but the meaning behind it is what Jungkook cares about.
Taehyung had forgotten to tell Jungkook that Jackson’s party isn't just a standard college house party but a Halloween party. Luckily, Halloween is one of Jungkook’s favorite holidays.
Perhaps Jungkook was a bit bold to suggest a couple's costume, but Taehyung agreed to it without hesitation, even after he heard Jungkook’s idea.
Jungkook finishes applying black eyeliner, thick and sharp in the corners, to create a bold cat-eye before stepping back to admire the end product: Jungkook is covered in stripes. The only article of clothing not striped are Jungkook’s white Converse.
Nestled in Jungkook’s hair and out of the way of his bunny ears is a headband with fuzzy tiger ears. The ears match his shirt, which is also striped orange and black. His shirt is long enough to hide his bunny tail, making the tiger tail hanging from where it’s tied to a band around his waist underneath his shirt look more realistic.
Jungkook had wanted to wear striped leggings to match the rest of his outfit, but he could only find striped shorts. The shorts aren’t ideal considering how cold it is outside, but Suyun pointed out that they make his legs look good, and that was all the convincing he needed to wear them.
To complete the look, Suyun painted Jungkook’s nose black and his cheeks with thin lines to represent whiskers. That part is just for fun; obviously, Taehyung doesn’t have whiskers, though Jungkook would still like him even if he did.
Jungkook sways his hips with a grin and watches the tiger tail swing around.
Suyun squeals, “Oh, I can’t wait until Taehyung shows up!”
Speaking of Taehyung, Jungkook retrieves his phone from his dresser to check if Taehyung has texted him recently. Neither of them has shared what their costume looks with the other, agreeing that it would be fun to be surprised when Taehyung comes to pick Jungkook up.
“What are you going as?” Jungkook asks as he settles on the bed beside Suyun. He has to hold the fake tail so he doesn’t sit on it, and he wonders how in the world Taehyung manages to live with such a long tail.
Suyun lets out a long groan that makes Yoongi giggle. It’s fun having the two of them together; Jungkook doesn’t know why he never encouraged them to all hang out together sooner.
“Jackson wanted to be zombies. I told him that’s not very sexy, and he said Halloween is about being scary,” Suyun huffs and Yoongi’s giggles turn into laughter that bobs his shoulders.
“Zombies sound fun, though!” Jungkook encourages.
“Mhm, well, I’m going as a zombie cheerleader, and he’s going to wear his jersey to be a zombie basketball player, so at least I’ll be a cute zombie.”
Jungkook’s costume isn’t sexy, but that wasn’t the goal. He just wanted to dress up in something silly. Adding a barista apron would have been the icing on the cake, but he forgot to ask Taehyung to borrow one.
Directing his attention to Yoongi, Jungkook points the tiger tail at him from across the room, making jabbing motions.
“What about you?”
“There’s no way I’m going,” Yoongi grunts with a shake of his head. “Do I look like the type of person to go to a costume party?”
Suyun answers, “No,” but Jungkook insists, “You could be.”
It’s no use trying to convince Yoongi to go, especially not so late. Although the party won’t start for a few hours, Yoongi would have needed to be convinced at least a week ago and reminded daily, perhaps hourly —and even then, it’s possible he’d still back out at the last second.
Yoongi’s stubborn personality doesn’t stop Suyun from trying to convince him, though her efforts are half-hearted because Jungkook has already explained that it’s a lost cause.
Jungkook ignores their playful bickering; he’s too focused on the footsteps he hears approaching his apartment’s front door. Scurrying out of his bedroom, he’s already flinging the door open when Taehyung raises his fist to knock.
“Hey, Jung—” Taehyung is cut off by Jungkook grabbing his wrist and yanking him inside.
“You always want to talk in the hallway where people can see you, Tae!” Jungkook chastises, “You’re going to get in trouble one day.”
Never one to care about rules, Taehyung ignores Jungkook’s scolding and gives himself a moment to look over his costume.
Jungkook lets himself do the same and is surprised by his giddiness as he takes in Taehyung’s costume. It's different to see it in person despite knowing what Taehyung would be dressed as.
Like Jungkook, Taehyung wears a headband. The bunny ears attached to them are small and stand instead of flopping, but they’re black and fuzzy like Jungkook’s. One sticks straight up while the other is bent at the tip, making Taehyung appear sassy.
Also, like Jungkook, Taehyung’s nose and cheeks are painted, though his nose is pink and his whiskers are white. The rest of his outfit is simple: a fitted black t-shirt that shows off the swell of his chest and biceps, black jeans, and black leather boots.
Tilting his head, Jungkook tries to look behind Taehyung and giggles when he notices that Taehyung has a white ball of fluff meant to be a bunny tail clipped to one of his belt loops directly above his actual tail.
“I realized that hiding a tail half the length of my body is impossible,” Taehyung chuckles when he notices Jungkook looking.
Taehyung’s comment reminds Jungkook that he’s also being evaluated.
It’s nerve-wracking to be examined so closely. Jungkook can practically feel Taehyung’s gaze on him, goosebumps pebbling his skin and following the same path down his body that Taehyung’s eyes take. Jungkook’s whole body grows hot as a slow grin spreads across Taehyung’s face.
“You look so fucking cute.”
Taehyung smirks when Jungkook ducks his head too quickly, making his headband nearly fall off. He cups Jungkook’s chin to lift his face, forcing Jungkook to look at him while he readjusts his headband.
“Thank you,” Jungkook responds shyly. “You look cute, too.”
“I guess I can’t call you bun tonight, huh?” Taehyung’s smirk morphs into a sly grin, making Jungkook’s stomach flip. “What should I call you instead? Kitten?”
“Oh my god, can you guys take your kinky shit somewhere else?” Yoongi hollers from down the hallway, Suyun trailing behind him in a fit of giggles. “It’s bad enough I had to deal with Taehyung’s horny pheromones suffocating me after you scented each other in the middle of the fucking apartment!”
Cheeks pink, Taehyung clears his throat and lets go of Jungkook’s face. Jungkook probably should have told him that Yoongi and Suyun were over, but Taehyung is cute when he’s embarrassed, and maybe there’s a tiny part of Jungkook that’s a little bit evil.
“Should we go?” Jungkook tugs Taehyung’s arm by his wrist again.
Taehyung takes a final look at Jungkook, his eyes lingering on his tiny shorts, before humming in agreement.
Flustered, Jungkook nearly forgets to grab his keys on the way out the door. He can hear Suyun’s laughter all the way to the stairs, but he’s more focused on Taehyung interlocking their fingers when he holds his hand.
The restaurant Taehyung takes them to isn’t one Jungkook is familiar with. Nestled between an apartment complex and a dry cleaner, the restaurant is easy to miss if one isn’t looking for it. It’s small, with only enough room to fit around fifteen customers. The patio in the back of the building provides more room, but it’s too cold to sit outside, so the staff have already put away the outdoor furniture.
Despite the humble exterior, the inside of the restaurant is cute. It feels homey, like Jungkook has just stepped into a friend’s house. What appear to be family photos decorate the bright white walls. Plants that Jungkook realizes are real are scattered around the room despite the tight space. Some are stacked in the corners on racks, others on shelves built into the walls, and each table has a tiny succulent in little clay pots. The restaurant’s aesthetic reminds Jungkook of Taehyung’s bedroom.
All the tables are occupied, which doesn’t surprise Jungkook. It’s a Friday evening, after all. It makes sense that restaurants would be busy.
Jungkook hovers at Taehyung’s elbow as they wait near the front door for an employee to notice them. They’re not difficult to miss, being the only people in the room dressed for Halloween. A few customers stare at them. Jungkook isn’t sure if it’s because of how they’re dressed or because Taehyung still has their fingers intertwined.
Jungkook is startled by a booming voice that impressively carries across the restaurant over the guests’ chatter. He peers over Taehyung’s shoulder to see a tall, broad tiger hybrid approaching them. Based on the apron tied around his waist, Jungkook assumes he must be an employee, but he’s more interested in the tiger hybrid’s familiar boxy smile.
“Appa,” Taehyung grumbles when the tiger hybrid crushes him in a hug. “You’re killing me.”
“I haven’t seen my only son in so long!” Taehyung’s father holds him by his shoulders and looks at him with so much love that Jungkook feels his body ache with it. It isn’t a look Jungkook is familiar with. 
“You saw me yesterday,” Taehyung points out. 
“So long ago!” Taehyung’s father bemoans, his hands migrating to hold the sides of Taehyung’s face. “What the hell are you wearing?”
Rolling his eyes, Taehyung takes a step back to free himself from his father’s embrace.
“Me and Jungkook are going to a Halloween party,” Taehyung explains. He reaches for Jungkook’s hand after letting go of it when his father swept him into a hug.
As if he’s only just noticing Jungkook, Taehyung’s father’s eyebrows rise when he turns to look at him. Perhaps he can tell that Jungkook’s anxiety has spiked through the roof. Or perhaps he’s shocked to see a bunny dressed like a tiger.
“It’s nice to meet you, ahjussi,” Jungkook says with a bow that causes his headband to slip over his face and nearly poke him in the eyes. “If I had known I would be meeting you, I wouldn’t have dressed like this.”
“Aish, Taehyung-ah, why are you embarrassing this poor boy?” Taehyung’s father scolds Taehyung, who doesn’t look remorseful.
“He’s fine,” Taehyung says with a squeeze of Jungkook’s hand. Jungkook doesn’t miss how Taehyung’s father looks at their intertwined fingers.
All around them are friends, couples, and families eating dinner, and not a single table holds a mix of predators and prey. For such a progressive city, Seoul still sometimes disappoints Jungkook.
“Well, let’s get you some food!” Taehyung’s father gestures for them to follow him toward the back of the restaurant to the only empty table. “I’ve got to head back to the kitchen, but I’ll send Hyori out. Your favorites?”
“Yes, appa. Thank you,” Taehyung smiles as his father walks away.
Jungkook reaches for the chair across from Taehyung at the table, but Taehyung’s tail wraps around his wrist and yanks.
“Sit with me.”
Taehyung's arm is draped over the back of the chair next to him. He curls his fingers, beckoning Jungkook to come to him.
Of course, Jungkook does. He scoots his chair as close as possible to Taehyung’s and immediately feels his anxiety lessen when Taehyung lowers his arm to rest around Jungkook’s shoulders. He has to fight the urge to snuggle into Taehyung’s side. He doesn’t want to cause any problems for Taehyung if his father doesn’t like the public display of affection—especially when Jungkook is sure he’s not what Taehyung’s father wishes for him.
A woman Taehyung introduces to Jungkook as his aunt, Hyori, brings them water and grapefruit soju while they wait for their food. She’s friendly, like Taehyung’s father, and even compliments their costumes.
“You look just like your appa,” Jungkook points out once Taehyung’s aunt leaves.
“If you saw my eomma, you’d say differently.”
“Can I? See her?”
Taehyung is quiet for a moment. He unscrews the bottle of soju and gestures for Jungkook to hold up his shot glass. Once he’s finished pouring Jungkook a shot, Jungkook takes the bottle to pour one for him.
It isn’t until they’ve taken their shots that Taehyung responds.
“My little sister looks more like my appa,” Taehyung says as he passes his phone to Jungkook.
A picture of a teenage Taehyung with his parents and little sister is on the screen. They’re standing outside the restaurant, their arms entangled to pull each other into an enormous hug. Taehyung’s little sister is making a face that suggests she may have been growling, and Taehyung’s mother has her head thrown back in laughter.
“You’re all so sweet,” Jungkook says with a smile, “I get what you mean, though.”
“I think it’s hard for my appa to look at me sometimes because of that.” 
They pour another shot for each other but let the drinks sit.
Taehyung looks like he wants to say more, but Jungkook doesn’t push him. He knows Taehyung’s mother had been very sick, and he can’t imagine what it would be like to lose one of his parents, even when his relationship with them isn’t particularly healthy.
“What about your family? Do you get along?” Taehyung turns slightly in his seat to look at Jungkook.
Taehyung is so pretty, and Jungkook feels like he can’t breathe being so close to him, with those freckled beauty marks and plush lips taunting him. Jungkook wants to kiss him so badly. That’s all he thinks about now, Taehyung having successfully ruined him. He wants to know how the soju tastes from Taehyung’s tongue, drown in his scent, and feel Taehyung’s strong hands cradling his body like he’s the most precious thing in the world.
“Kitten,”  Taehyung murmurs with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.
“Oh, sorry!” Jungkook sways slightly when he realizes he has leaned into Taehyung’s personal space. “My parents? I’m not very close to them, honestly. They’re very close to me if that makes sense. We just have different ways of seeing the world.”
Taehyung nods slowly. “They hate predators.”
At that moment, Hyori politely interrupts their conversation to bring them their food: japchae and dwaeji galbijjim, Taehyung’s favorite foods his father makes for him. Jungkook’s mouth waters the moment Hyori sets the plates down.
“Taehyung-ah used to cry when he couldn’t get japchae,” Hyori laughs, ruffling Taehyung’s hair before making her rounds at the tables she’s tending to.
Hyori’s interruption and finishing his second shot give Jungkook time to think through how he wants to answer Taehyung’s comment, which Jungkook knows is a question. It’s complicated, but that’s not the answer Taehyung deserves.
“They’re afraid, and I think fear makes people behave in ways that are different than what’s really in their hearts.”
Jungkook holds his shot glass so Taehyung can pour him another. As a lightweight, Jungkook should be more mindful of how much he drinks tonight, but he likes the loose, giddy feeling alcohol gives him.
Taehyung turns to look at Jungkook, something fierce in his eyes. 
“Are you afraid of me?”
“Of course not,” Jungkook says as gently as he can, even when inside, he’s startled by Taehyung’s question. Has he done something to make Taehyung question him?
“Good,” Taehyung murmurs, his feline eyes staring into Jungkook’s wide ones.
The food is waiting for them, but nothing is more tempting to Jungkook than Taehyung when his tongue wets his bottom lip. He considers the consequences of his actions for only a second before leaning in to press his lips to Taehyung’s.
Maybe it’s the soju or Taehyung, but Jungkook feels the world tilt when Taehyung deepens the kiss instead of pulling away like he expected him to. Goosebumps make Jungkook’s skin prickle as Taehyung holds the back of Jungkook’s head to keep him in place as he sucks on his bottom lip.
Jungkook pulls away first. He has to; if he lets this go on, he'll ruin his pants and embarrass himself in front of Taehyung’s family and a room full of strangers.
“Mmm,” Taehyung hums, slow to open his eyes but quick to make Jungkook’s heart skip when he smiles, “You taste good.”
Over Taehyung’s shoulder and across the room, Hyori meets Jungkook’s eye. Jungkook immediately looks away.
“Is your family going to be mad at you?” Jungkook asks, focusing on Taehyung’s pretty lips and the heavy way he looks at him.
“For what?”
Taehyung runs his fingers through the hair at the nape of Jungkook’s neck and gives him a small smile.
“Nah, they’re not like that,” Taehyung reassures Jungkook, dragging his wrist along his neck to scent him when he pulls his arm away. He grabs the chopsticks and hands Jungkook a pair before continuing, “But even if they did get mad at me, I wouldn’t give a fuck.”
The soju from dinner helps Jungkook shake away the anxiety of attending his first real party. He’s more talkative on the drive to Jackson’s house than he had been on the way to the restaurant, much to Taehyung’s amusement.
“Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” Jungkook asks as he gets out of Taehyung’s car, where he’s parked on the side of the street.
“I just drove us here, didn’t I?” Taehyung laughs, his eyes twinkling with an amber glow that cuts through the night. Jackson’s neighborhood is eerily dark; no streetlamp is in sight.
“Do you think people will like our costumes?”
Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s forearm to hold him steady as he finally exits the car and slams the door a little too hard.
“I do,” Taehyung affirms, but Jungkook’s thoughts are already tumbling toward something new.
“I want to scent you, but my nose…” Jungkook touches the tip of his nose with his index finger. Pulling away, he sticks his finger in Taehyung’s face to show him the black smudge of makeup left behind.
The corners of Taehyung’s mouth twitch and Jungkook almost stomps his foot because this is a very serious matter. If he doesn’t scent Taehyung, and if Taehyung doesn’t scent him in return, Jungkook may start crying in the middle of the street.
“You’re so cute, kitten,” Taehyung murmurs, stepping forward to force Jungkook backward until he’s trapped between the car and Taehyung’s body. “Using your nose isn’t the only way to scent someone.”
Lightly squeezing the front of Jungkook’s throat, Taehyung tilts Jungkook’s head back and to the side. It’s almost scary how pliant Jungkook becomes. Rather than protect himself, Jungkook goes where Taehyung wants him to and lets him take control. Once he’s in position, Taehyung slides his hand around to grip the back of Jungkook’s neck and hold him in place.
“You can use your mouth.” Taehyung kisses the base of Jungkook’s throat and hums with satisfaction when Jungkook exhales loudly. “Or you can use your tongue.”
Flattening his tongue, Taehyung licks a slow stripe up Jungkook’s throat, starting at the scent gland at his shoulder and ending at the end of his jaw. It’s hot and wet, making Jungkook’s intoxicated mind wonder where else he’d enjoy having Taehyung’s tongue on him.
“Tae,” Jungkook whimpers and digs his fingers into the soft material of Taehyung’s t-shirt to give him something to hold onto. “Stop, stop, I’m gonna get embarrassed.”
Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s neck with a dark chuckle.
“Come on, kitten. Everyone’s waiting for you.” 
The air inside Jackson’s house is hot and thick, blanketed with the heady odor of alcohol and sweat. Jungkook takes advantage of Taehyung’s large frame by trailing close behind him as Taehyung maneuvers through the hallway. Every corner of the house is packed with mostly predator hybrids drinking from glass beer bottles and plastic cups.
Unsurprisingly, Jungkook doesn’t recognize anyone, but everyone seems to know Taehyung. His name is shouted from the crowds repeatedly, each time a new hand shoots out of the sea of people to wave at him or pull him into a one-armed hug.
It’s difficult to hear over the music blaring from the speakers in Jackson’s living room and the noise of the other guests.
“I feel like you’re a celebrity,” Jungkook shouts in Taehyung’s ear. He walks on his tiptoes to drape his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders, practically hanging off him.
“Are you my bodyguard?” Taehyung shouts back with a grin over his shoulder.
“Yeah! I can kickbox!”
Jungkook considers demonstrating, but Taehyung finally breaks through the crowd and brings them to a much calmer room. The kitchen hosts only a handful of people, most dropping in to fix themselves a drink before plunging back into the sea of guests past the kitchen door’s threshold.
Even friendlier when drunk, Jungkook says hello to every predator that dips in and out of the kitchen, even the ones that look at him with disdain. He hardly notices; soju and whatever drink Taehyung mixes for him make Jungkook’s eyes glaze over with rose-colored giddiness.
“What did you put in this?” Jungkook holds up his plastic cup and tugs on the hem of Taehyung’s shirt.
Taking a sip of his own drink, Taehyung grins at Jungkook.
There are so many people that it’s been roughly half an hour, and they still haven’t found Jackson to say hello. The house isn’t big, but people cramp together in every room and spill out onto the front lawn, nursing beers and mixed drinks in colorful plastic cups. It’s overwhelming, with so many scents and sounds that Jungkook can’t sort out in his head. When he catches wind of a familiar scent, he perks up, head swiveling to figure out where it’s coming from.
“Jungkookie! I knew I heard you somewhere in here!”
Suyun scurries through the kitchen door, dragging Jackson behind her. Their athletic zombie costumes are more creative and well-done than many of the others Jungkook has seen, though he did run into someone in a full camel suit, which was pretty crazy and nothing Jungkook had ever seen.
“You’re so hot,” Jungkook blurts as he grabs Suyun’s wrist to spin her around, admiring how her blue and white cheerleader miniskirt fans out when she twirls.
Taehyung whips around to stare at Jungkook so quickly that he nearly spills his drink. Jungkook doesn’t notice his reaction, but Jackson snickers.
“I know!” Suyun’s face is bright red, and her already large eyes seem even bigger. They’re glossy like Jungkook’s.
Jungkook shouldn’t say it because it feels like something private that he shouldn’t say out loud, but he can’t stop himself when he turns to Taehyung and asks, “Wanna know a secret?”
With narrowed eyes and flattened ears, Taehyung gives Jungkook a suspicious look before nodding his head.
Jungkook grabs Taehyung’s arm and gets on his tiptoes again, leaning all his weight on Taehyung’s body because he’s focused on not dropping his drink. He needs to be close so he can tell Taehyung his secret.
“I’ve always wanted to try wearing skirts,” Jungkook thinks he whispers, but he speaks loudly enough for everyone in the kitchen to hear him.
“Mmm.” Taehyung stares at Jungkook, who smiles sweetly at him.
“Cool, right?”
Before Jungkook can ask Taehyung why he looks like he's in pain, Suyun tries maneuvering between them.
“Oh my god, Taehyung, I was supposed to tell you something, too,” Suyun gasps like she’s just come from running a marathon, “This is Jungkookie’s first party, so you have to treat him nicely.”
Jungkook doesn’t think there’s any other way that Taehyung could treat him but nicely, even if Taehyung likes to pretend to be unfriendly.
“Of course, I—”
“No, listen! Listen to me!” Suyun pinches Taehyung on the forearm with confidence she usually doesn’t have. Jungkook has to laugh when Taehyung yelps and snatches his arm away from her.
“Alright, babe, let’s not do that,” Jackson says as he gently wraps his arms around Suyun’s waist and pulls her against him. Jungkook can’t help but stare at how beautiful his fluffy orange fox tail is.
“Tell him, Jackson,” Suyun pouts.
Jackson gestures to Jungkook, who is watching them in confusion.
“Prey are lightweights. They get fucked up real fast, as you can see.” This time, Jackson refers to Suyun’s level of inebriation. “Feisty little things when they drink.”
Jungkook has never seen Suyun in this state before, and it’s both disturbing and entertaining. He wonders how much he needs to drink before he becomes “feisty,” as Jackson said. Honestly, Jungkook thinks he’s already feisty; he hopes he is. He may be small, and his instincts make him naturally timid, but the person he works hard to be is feisty!
Throwing his head back, Jungkook finishes his drink and tosses the cup on the kitchen counter. However, he quickly picks it up and puts it in the garbage when he realizes he shouldn’t trash Jackson’s house right in front of him.
“I want to dance. Tae,” Jungkook stomps his foot and giggles when Suyun does it, too. “Let's go dance.”
As cooperative as Taehyung usually is, getting him to dance is nearly impossible. It takes more whining, pouting, and stomping to drag him into the living room, where the music playlist is being carefully monitored by Hoseok dressed like Woody from Toy Story.
“There’s a snake in my boot!” Jungkook shouts over the music and beams at Taehyung when Hoseok gives him a thumbs up. “I knew it.”
Shaking his head, Taehyung fights a smile as Jungkook loops his arms around his neck and slowly sways to the music despite how upbeat the song is that’s currently playing. It doesn’t matter; Jungkook wants to slow dance with Taehyung and doesn’t care if the music isn't right.
“Is scenting a private thing?” Jungkook tugs on Taehyung’s shoulders so he’ll lean down enough for Jungkook to comfortably speak in his ear to avoid shouting.
“Do you want to scent me right now?”
“Yes. I want people to know.”
Taehyung pulls back slightly to smirk at Jungkook, his bright eyes roaming Jungkook’s face.
“Know what, kitten?”
“I don’t know if I can say it,” Jungkook admits with a quivering bottom lip.
Jungkook doesn’t know why, but he’s feeling teary-eyed again. Perhaps it’s because Taehyung is so pretty and nice and funny. He’s a talented artist and a kind soul, even though people judge him solely based on what he is and not who he is. He holds Jungkook’s waist with a confident grip that brings Jungkook comfort just as much as it makes his body burn with desire.
“I think you should say it,” Taehyung says, just loud enough for Jungkook to hear him over the music and the noise of the other guests around them dancing and grinding together in the living room.
Ducking his head, Taehyung lightly bumps his nose against Jungkook’s, forcing Jungkook to tilt his head so Taehyung can slot their lips together. Ever since that day in the library, Taehyung has been more freely affectionate. He gifts Jungkook kisses more frequently and doesn’t care if others see them.
Jungkook doesn’t care, either. Other people are irrelevant when Taehyung draws Jungkook against him and kisses him like he wants to eat him. All Jungkook knows is the pressure of Taehyung’s palms grabbing his ass and the taste of vodka punch on Taehyung’s tongue when he slips it inside Jungkook’s mouth.
Unfortunately, reality often has a rude way of interrupting the fantasy worlds Jungkook creates in his mind.
When the lights suddenly turn on, and the music stops, Taehyung frowns and pulls away from Jungkook.
“What the fu—”
“Where is he? Where’s Taehyung?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen when he hears the familiar growl down the hallway. Despite the alcohol swimming in his bloodstream, Jungkook is put together enough to feel panic settle like a rock in the pit of his stomach.
“Taehyung, I want to go home,” Jungkook starts to say as the crowd begins parting for an extremely inebriated Byungchul.
“Byungchul, Byungchul,” Jackson shouts as he rushes behind Byungchul to catch up with him. “You gotta leave, man.”
Letting go of Jungkook, Taehyung steps in front of him as Byungchul approaches them. Jungkook feels ridiculous peering over Taehyung’s shoulder at the furious look on Byungchul’s face. Byungchul has ruined his day too many times; Jungkook isn’t interested in hiding from him again, but Taehyung won’t let him step forward.
“Byungchul,” Taehyung’s greeting is cold, his tone cautionary. “What do you want?”
For a moment, Byungchul does nothing but pant. His face is sweaty and red from alcohol and the fury bubbling under his skin — about what, no one seems to be sure. Perhaps Jackson knows something; he finally jogs over to stand beside Taehyung.
If their goal was to hide Jungkook, they failed.
Byungchul looks at Jungkook from over Taehyung’s shoulder and lets out a dark laugh.
“I’m so sick of both of you,” Byungchul spits. Jungkook doesn’t know if Byungchul refers to Jungkook and Taehyung, or Taehyung and Jackson.
“Byungchul, I already told you that you gotta get out of here,” Jackson attempts to talk sense into Byungchul. “Everyone’s just trying to have a good time, and you’ve had too much to drink. I’ll have Hobi hyung take you home, and in the morning, we can—”
Jungkook thinks he hears Suyun scream when Byungchul’s fist collides with Jackson’s jaw, sending him stumbling backward. It happens too quickly for Jungkook to react. The momentum makes Jackson trip, pushing Jungkook over and falling on top of him.
When he hits the floor, Jungkook gets the wind knocked out of him. He gasps and tries to blink away the spots in his vision. Jackson says something through a pained groan, but Jungkook can’t understand him.
Everything’s happening too quickly.
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Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here.
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ryeriy · 7 months
can I request either jack or trevor making their kids halloween costume and it being cute and fluffy?
Yes omg this is so cute I adore it smm
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my fashionista
warnings: none
a/n: this is so cute this could low-key be a series with this I made with with different scenarios but idk if I will, let me know :)
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"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Alexis came running into my bedroom. She was all excited and climbed up into my bed. "Guess what mommy!" She exclaimed. She was sitting right in front of me. "What is it, sweetheart?" I asked her while rubbing my eyes.
It was late at night. She had woken me from my sleep, but I didn't know how much I was asleep. The last time I checked she was in her bed doing the same. I'm curious to as why she is running into my room. "Daddy is making my costume!" She bounced up and down and clapped her hands.
"He is? Wow Lex!" I sat up resting my back against the headboard. I could see a wide smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile to myself. But I was also confused to as why he would be making a costume at this time of night, considering he just got home from a game.
"He's doing it now too! Come look, Mommy!" Alexis pulled my arm lightly. I picked her up and I got out of my bed, placing her on the ground. She ran right to the living room. "Hurry!" She eagerly spoke.
For being five, she has a sassy side to her. She gets that from me though, so can I complain? I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I walked down the stairs to see Jack sitting on the floor with a hot glue gun in hand, all sorts of colored rhinestones, and an outfit. The TV was on to a hockey game that was on. "What's going on here?" I said while looking at him softly.
"I promised Lex I would make her costume this year and so I'm sitting here the day before Halloween making a butterfly costume," he looked at me and smiled. I laughed and smiled at him.
"You're not tired?" I asked him. He just got home from a game and probably the store to get all of these supplies.
"Oh no, I am, I just needed to get this done for her so I decided to go to the convince store and grab a few things. Care to sit out here with me?" Jack asked.
Alexis was excited to see Jack, she sat down next to him and smiled. He put the glue gun down and lifted her into his lap. I watched him as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead. I walked over to them and sat down next to him watching him glue the rhinestones onto her costume. It was the cutest thing to watch. "I've been working on it for a few days now, but it's almost done, Lexi!" He said while glueing a few more on.
"I thought this was last minute?" I asked him while looking over at him. Alexis was starting to wind down and start to get a little tired. I could tell she was. "This part of the costume, the headband, tutu, and shies were already done," he replied.
"Lexi, baby, wanna see your costume?" Jack asked her. His head looked down to see her with her eyes closed. She had fallen asleep in his arms. "I guess she'll have to wait until tomorrow," he said while chucking a bit. "There's no point of me getting up now since she'll probably wake up if I decide to move," he jokingly said.
I got up before I grabbed Alexis off of his lap. "I've got her, go get some rest now. I don't care if it's in the bedroom or in here just sleep," I smiled as I walked upstairs slowly to her room.
I got to her room and slowly put her down on her bed. Pulled her blankets over her tucking her in. I bent down to stroke her before kissing her on the forehead slowly and quietly closing her door. I sighed in relief as I got her to her room without waking her. I made my way to my bedroom to see Jack lying down. I climbed into bed next to him. "Goodnight, babe," I leaned over and saw him sleeping and kissed him on the forehead before laying down and falling asleep myself.
31 days of Halloween
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mentions: @hischierhaze @67-angelofthelordme-67 @jackhughes-86 @huggy-hischier94 @trevorzegrizz @cole-mcward48 @jackhughesswife
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
SB prompt for ya since it’s almost Halloween!
Gregory for Halloween goes as Freddy and Freddy absolutely goes loses it. I’m just imagining Gregory in the full outfit with shoulder pads, a cute little headband with ears, and face makeup quoting Freddy saying “way to go superstar!” with a huge grin and Freddy just melts.
The mental image of Freddy walking beside a small mini him around the plex is so cute. You can’t tell me Freddy wouldn’t scoop him up and get as many pictures of the two of them as possible.
Also the others would be good natured and jokingly talk about how it’s favoritism and Gregory would just go “well he is my favorite” and cause Freddy’s system to crash.
Here’s tumblr generated prompt number 13! I’m so glad this one got picked, so I can at least say I wrote a belated Halloween ficlet! This is pure fluff! 
Double Trouble
“Hold still!” Cassie complained, not for the first time. Gregory, prone to wiggling, gripped the chair tightly to keep from fidgeting too much. He didn’t actually want to cause problems, for once. 
He desperately wanted to ask if she was done yet, or at least close, but talking would mean moving, and he really was trying to be on his best behavior. He’d asked for this, after all. 
After another few agonizingly long minutes, Cassie leaned back with a pleased smile. “Done! And looking fabulous, if I do say so myself.” 
Gregory leapt from his chair and skidded to look in the mirror. “Cassie!” he cried, beaming. “It looks amazing!” He turned his face this way and that, admiring her work. “I’d ask if you want any help with yours, but…” 
She snickered, tucking herself close to a smaller mirror on her desk to start on her own makeup for her Halloween costume. “You’d mean well,” she allowed, “but I’ll pass, thanks.” 
As she preformed some witchcraft to keep her lines straight and even and symmetrical, Gregory finished getting dressed. He was overly careful not to smudge the Freddy makeup—the blue was a perfect match, honestly, he didn’t know how Cassie did it—thankful that he at least had already put on his shirt. He snapped on the bracelets and slid on the headband with the fuzzy ears and little black top hat hot-glued at a subtle angle. The bowtie was carefully safety-pinned to his shirt, nice and straight. 
The shoulder pads—and Cassie had agreed with him on this—were actually the hardest part of their costumes. They were a little too big and heavy to be clipped, pinned, or glued to their shirt shoulders without them slipping or tugging on the fabric in a way that just didn’t look good. 
Cassie’s dad had solved their problem: backpacks. The shoulder straps were much sturdier and could easily support the foam shoulder pads’ weight. Plus, it made it super easy to take them off without damaging the rest of their costumes. 
Their backpacks were waiting by the front door with their boots. Gregory’s were snow boots covered with foam to mimic Freddy’s feet and the red part of his legs. Cassie’s were just the same, only with Roxy’s purple and black animal print. 
Another bit of practicality, curtesy of Cassie’s dad, who was pretty good at arts and crafts. Gregory’s costume wouldn’t look half as awesome without his help. 
Cassie finished her own makeup (much faster than she’d done Gregory’s, and that wasn’t only because he needed more) and hopped up to finish putting on her own costume. Arm bands, wolf ears—complete with earrings, just like Gregory’s—and fuzzy wolf tail. She blew her green lock of hair out of her eyes. 
“That’s gonna annoy you all night,” Gregory half teased, half warned her. 
She conceded with a disgruntled huff and went to stuff a few spare bobby-pins in her pocket. Pushing him over to the tall mirror hanging on the back of her bedroom door, Cassie squished them together so both their reflections fit. “How do we look?” 
“Awesome. Duh.” 
“Are we missing anything?” 
They each critically examined each other’s costume. Luckily, they weren’t too complicated. 
“Yours looks good to me,” he said. 
“Yours too.” She grinned widely. “They’re gonna freak.” 
Gregory snickered. “This’ll knock ’em both out, for sure.” 
“Perfect,” Cassie said, eyes glinting mischievously. And people thought Gregory was the only troublemaker between them. 
Cassie’s dad took a few pictures once they finished getting dressed up before driving them over to the pizzaplex. The Halloween party was in full swing by the time they got there, and thanks to their special VIP wristbands, they got to skip past all the lines. And bless Mr. King for never asking any questions about how or where they got the wristbands. He just followed along behind them with his own average VIP pass until he split off from them with a reminder to be good, stay together, and text him if they needed anything. 
Unleashed, Gregory and Cassie meandered through the festivities for a while, accepting donuts and cider from one of the many treat tables set up in the building. There were some games scattered around, a few face-painting booths, and reminders for the evening’s activities plastered on every other corner. Almost everyone was in costume, even the employees and some of the STAFF bots roaming around. 
“Oooh,” Cassie said, tugging at Gregory’s arm. “They turned the Fazer Blast arena into a haunted house!” She gave him a pleading look, cheering when he obligingly set off in that direction.
• • •
The annual Halloween party was, at the very least, a pleasant change of pace. It was one of the busiest nights of the year, but Freddy could not bring himself to mind how exhausting it was, not when all the children were in such high spirits. 
The costumes were perhaps his favorite part, though the pizzaplex’s decorations were a close second. They were all so creative and fun to look at. There were costume contests scattered throughout the event, separated by age groups or themes or group costumes. The animatronics were not judges of the contests—they did not have opinions as robots, obviously—but they were expected to attend each one and give out the prizes once the judges had deliberated. 
There was even a contest specifically for all the children who came dressed up as members of the band (with a few of Sun or Moon, or even more rarely, the DJ). One particularly memorable past winner had been accompanied by a service dog wearing a simple homemade wet floor sign bot costume. 
Freddy became increasingly distracted as the night carried on. Gregory had promised to visit during the party, but there had been no sign of the boy yet. It was a large building, and there were many activities to participate in, and so it was most likely that Gregory was having fun elsewhere—he was logically aware of that, of course. 
But that wasn’t helping his patience. 
Gregory had mused about what he wanted to do for a costume since before October had even begun. Freddy had tried to veto all the gory suggestions, though he was still not sure if Gregory had meant them sincerely or was simply messing with him. Last he had heard, Gregory was mostly settled on a character from his favorite video game. 
This was necessary information to better explain the way he short-circuited from surprise when he saw Gregory cross the stage during a costume contest. Specifically the one for kids dressed as them. 
A warning flashed on his HUD that he was in danger of overheating, though he hardly noticed. His friends were all snickering around him, less subtle than normal, as they were safely at the back of the room. 
Gregory did a jaunty spin to show off his Freddy costume—more than one system in Freddy’s body had to reboot, stalling out from pleased shock. 
Roxy elbowed him in the side, grinning, some pointed remark surely on the tip of her tongue, when her jaw dropped open as if the hinge had suddenly broken. 
On stage, Cassie, in a similarly styled Roxy costume, joined Gregory. The announcer was saying something about them being a pair, and both of them were smiling widely as Gregory twirled Cassie under his arm. 
Roxy’s body visibly locked up, and her the lights of her eyes flickered wildly. Beneath his frantically whirring fans, Freddy felt a bit appreciative of karma’s quick turnabout. 
You were saying? he asked pointedly over a private channel. 
Shut—shut up, she sent back. 
They had seen dozens, hundreds, of children dressed as them over the years. They had gotten used to it, and though it was sweet, they did not really feel anything from it anymore. It was nearly comical, then, how these two particular children made him and Roxy feel so much. 
Distracted with trying to regain his composure and stop being on the verge of involuntary shut down, he failed to notice Gregory and Cassie’s approach until the two of them were standing right in front of him and Roxy. 
Given Roxy’s choked little sound of surprise, she had similarly been caught off guard. Curse Monty and Chica for sidling away and not warning them. 
Gregory and Cassie grinned up at them knowingly. “Like our costumes?” Gregory asked, his eyes nearly glowing with mischief. 
“I know you probably see tons just like them,” Cassie said, faux shyly, tugging at the crop top layered over her gray shirt. “Or even better ones. But we did our best!” 
Roxy twitched. Freddy’s attempts at internal damage control were not going well. 
“Yeah,” Gregory said, not nearly as good at playing bashfully innocent when the slant of his smile warned of the one-hit knock-out verbal punch he was about to deliver. “You’re our favorites, after all, and we wanted to be just like you.” 
The punch landed. Freddy’s systems flashed a brief warning before he went into a soft reset. The last thing he registered was Roxy crashing simultaneously with him, which made him feel only marginally better. 
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navnae · 1 year
(A little prompt idea and I got some help from @sarahmadisonxoxo ! Also I’ll write the other prompts when I have time!)
It was only a matter of time before the party decided that they were going to go on a Disneyland trip, it just made sense that eventually they’d do a huge group trip like this and it’s safe to say that they were all excited. The adults, the older teens, and the younger teens came together for this trip. Saving up everything they had to make it possible and a fun experience. All of them drove in separate cars to get everyone in one pace at the same time and once they did that’s when the shenanigans began. The adults parted ways and went ahead to get some drinks for themselves leaving majority of the kids together. Jonathan, Nancy and Argyle were walking around with Mike, Will, and Lucas exploring the different rides that seemed like the craziest ones. Robin and Vickie took Eleven and Max to the nearest store to do some shopping. They looked at all the cute Disney headbands and figurines that were just too adorable to not buy. Robin bought some Mickey ears for the girls, herself, and Vickie. She smirked to herself when she saw a pair of ears that had a rainbow on it and she thought they would fit Steve perfectly, she also thought it would be funnier to give them to him without telling him what they meant.
After their shopping trip they met up with group in passing. They bumped into Steve and Dustin who were jumping all over the place with excitement. So far they’ve been getting on several rides, eating loads of snacks, and running around like little kids. The girls laughed at how all over the place they were, their sugar rushes being more apparent as the day went on.
“You two look like idiots.” Max joked. The girls laughed at the goofy grins on their faces as they rolled their eyes.
“Sadly that’s not a new discovery.” Robin sighed as she put her hand in her hip. She figured since Steve was older he would at least consider acting like an adult once just for today.
“You’re just jealous because we finished ten churros in one sitting!” Dustin bragged he turned to Steve and gave him a high five. The girls weren’t impressed in the slightest but they couldn’t help but smile at the silliness in front of them.
“You really ate ten churros?” Eleven asked still skeptical of the amount that Dustin had told them. Both of them nodded their head.
“Ten.” Steve repeated with a wide smile feeling proud. All of them laughed in unison at the situation. As crazy as it sounded all of them knew that this wasn’t too far fetched for the crazy duo to do.
“I mean that sounds fun but don’t you think that’s a little pricey.” Vickie questioned while directing it mostly towards Steve. He only shrugged in response.
“Nothing is pricey when you’re having fun.” Steve said happily and patted Dustin’s shoulder. The girls smiled at the cute moment between them. It was truly amazing to see their friendship going strong after so many years. Robin took a quick look at her watch and it was getting close to the time that they all agreed on to meet back at the car.
“Alright, it’s getting close to the time that we promised Hopper to meet back up. We’re going to wander a little bit more before then, make sure to be back on time.” Robin warned Steve as she longed her finger at him.
“Sure thing.” Steve nodded his head and both parties parted ways. Before they could get far Robin grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. Steve looked at her with confusion.
“I almost forgot,” She took the Mickey ears she bought before and put them on Steve’s head. The rainbow bow sparkled in the sunlight because of the glitter, as silly as Steve looked with them on no one could deny how cute he looked in them especially with his confused expression. Robin laughed when she took a step back to look at Steve’s new look. “Sweet, they suit you.” She teased before walking away.
“That was weird.” Steve mumbled to himself, he never really understood anything Robin did but that worked because she could say the same for him. Despite being confused he kept the ears on, hey he might as well embrace them.
Him and Dustin continued to explore the park a little more before it was time for them to leave. After a few minutes of just walking around and nothing was really jumping out to them. Dustin’s eyes widen when he saw a short line for a roller coaster ride, with a wide grin he turned to Steve and pointed at the ride.
“Let’s get on that one!” Dustin yelled before he started running toward the ride. Steve didn’t expect to blink and see Dustin already ahead of him. He shook his head then took off running right after him.
Dustin was running so fast that he couldn’t even hear Steve calling out for him to slow down. In a flash Dustin was colliding with another person making both of them hit the ground hard. Steve witnessed the entire thing and his face started to heat up from embarrassment. Once he made it to both of them he took in the entire sight, laying beside Dustin was a guy in a Captain Hook costume and his curly hair was sprawled hot while he laid on the ground groaning. Steve felt obligated to reach his hand out and help him up since he already made the guy’s day a mess. As he reached his hand out Dustin reached for it at the same time, with a quick swat Steve moved his hand away.
“Not for you I told you to slow down. I’m so sorry about that.” Steve said when he turned his attention towards the man. He hesitated at first as he looked at Steve then his hand before taking it and lifting himself up. He stood up to dust his clothes off, the look of embarrassment and anger was in his as he looked around to see if anybody saw. Confirming that no one did he looked directly at Dustin and Steve with an intense gaze.
“There’s no running allowed around the park. Someone can get seriously hurt like that and I advise you to take note of that rule.” The man was direct and focused mostly on Steve when he said it.
“It won’t happen again I promise.” Steve said softly. He slapped Dustin’s shoulder hard earning an “ow” from him and that made the man laugh slightly. “Are you sure you’re ok? You don’t need to see anyone right?”
“Ah don’t worry about it man, I’ve had my fair share of bruises so that was nothing really.” He playfully dusted off his shoulder as if to say he was perfectly untouched. Both of them laughed at the joke while Dustin stood there awkwardly wanting this to end before the line started to get long.
“Still I’m genuinely sorry… Eddie?” Steve said unsure as he read Eddie’s name tag. Eddie chuckled then nodded his head.
“Like I said before I told you you’re good man stop stressing over it. It’s just another day on the job for me.” Eddie reassured Steve with a smile. Both of them blushed as they stood in silence looking at each other and trying to avoid eye contact. Eddie was the one to speak up again after a few seconds. “Nice ears.”
“Oh! Well thanks. My friend put these on me and I think I look kind of dumb with them.” Steve touched the Mickey ears on his head almost forgetting that they were there. Eddie immediately noticed the rainbow on them and felt a little bit bold, those were the pride ears that they were starting to sell. He genuinely liked them and so many people were able to express themselves at the park. Which lead Eddie to believe that Steve was doing the same thing, Eddie took a chance once he saw it presented to him.
“You don’t look dumb with them on in the slightest if anything they add to your cuteness in my opinion.” Eddie said casually. Steve’s face turned into a darker shade of red at the unexpected compliment from Eddie. Dustin rubbed his forehead as he listens to the entire thing.
“Think so? You don’t think they’ll scare anybody away.” Steve said jokingly. Eddie shook his head as he smiled.
“I’m still standing here aren’t I?” Eddie’s voice lowered a bit as he asked the question. Steve had to fight the urge to look away and blush like an idiot. The attention Eddie was giving was coming at him so fast that he didn’t know how to react.
“I’ve heard enough can we get on the ride now?” Dustin said annoyed with the both of them. That made Steve blush harder sone he realized Dustin heard everything. Eddie scratched the back of his neck feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Right. I should let you two be in your way, I’ll be right here all day if you guys need anything.” Eddie smiled at the both of them. He hated that he couldn’t give his phone number to Steve due to policy but he hoped Steve took the hint.
“Sure thing.” Steve smiled back before him and Dustin started to walk away. They got a few steps away from Eddie when the conversation about what just happened was brought up.
“God you two were gross back there.” Dustin fake gagged while holding his stomach. Steve raised a brow not understanding what he meant.
“What are you talking about?” Steve asked. He had no idea what Dustin was going on about.
“Come on Steve, it was obvious he was hitting on you.” Dustin explained. Steve blushed when he thought back on the previous conversation and it did seem like that was the case. He shook his head trying to get rid of those thoughts.
“I highly doubt that besides why would he?” Steve couldn’t grasp all of this at once because nothing was making sense. Dustin rolled his eye and eventually they were going to get stuck one day.
“You’re literally wearing the pride Mickey Mouse ears.” Dustin points at the ears on top of Steve’s head, the rainbow boy still sparkling from the sunlight shining on them. Steve’s fell open in shock.
“Robin!” Steve whisper yelled. Dustin started to laugh at Steve’s scrunched you face. They both made it to the ride and luckily the line wasn’t too long so they could easily slip onto the ride. Steve took a quick glance behind him and saw Eddie in the distance talking to a little boy and waving his plastic hook in the kids face making him laugh. The interaction made Steve smile immediately because it was the cutest thing. He got on the ride feeling giddy about talking to Eddie and he couldn’t deny that he was kind of interested even though he would yell at Robin later for it, he’d also thank her as well.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Hello, how would you rank the gaang+fire ladies in a best sense of style to worst of sense of style?
oooh fun! wait, is this modern au or not?? just in case, i’ll do both…
toph is the worst, obviously. she has no sense of style whatsoever. she does have her little pom pom opera headband, which is very cute, and honestly her fire nation fit is the cutest one (sorry katara), but i don’t think she actually gives a shit about any of that, she just happens to slay regardless because she can’t not slay. in modern au she mostly wears large shirts and sweatpants and flip flops, and yet somehow she still looks remarkably good “dressed like a slob” (katara’s words) because she is simply beautiful enough to pull it off.
i don’t think zuko has a bad sense of style, i actually think a lot of his outfits are genuinely cute (i esp love his one tank top in book 1 that’s such a look imo), but like toph, he also isn’t really putting effort in, so it’s not so much a “sense of style” as it is in his nature to serve cunt. in modern au he actively tries to spice up his wardrobe (with katara’s help), but then he never actually wears any of the stuff they bought together because he needs his emotional support favorite cardigan and/or black turtleneck. he can pull it off because he looks cute and cozy, but no is mistaking him for an expert in fashion any time soon.
i always wonder how aang found those monk’s robes in book 3, whether he made them himself, and if so, with which fabrics. so in that sense, he’s actually a diy style icon. but in modern au, he literally dresses like roman roy in the finale, walmart boys’ color block t shirt, so i’m docking points even though, again, he does look adorable and it is a Look in its own right. the light up heelys also add or dock points depending on who you ask.
from book 2 onward, sokka has a nice, simple outfit that is a good cut and a good color without being remotely flashy or complicated, and he accessorizes with weapons, which are both practical and spice up his outfit. “like toph, he also doesn’t give a shit about his looks, it’s just a coincidence that he looks good,” one could argue. but i think he knew what he was doing with that sleeveless top. and besides, he was excited by the fact that his bag matched his belt. in modern au, sokka doesn’t give a shit about style until adulthood, because he and katara just focus on their respective domains and thus katara has the monopoly on fashion, but then he starts figuring out his gender and sexuality and the world of fashion opens up for him. that said, his idea of going crazy is like, wearing a couple rings, so he’s still towards the middle bottom of this list.
azula doesn’t really have a sense of personal style, she just wears what she thinks looks best for her circumstances, and since her goal is to intimidate, she happens to slay. but if she was like, a farmer, she would not be bothering with the winged eyeliner and red lipstick and perfect hair, because that is a product of her environment rather than an internally motivated mode of self-expression. so in modern au, she trades shoulder spikes for shoulder pads, and knee high boots for tastefully high heels, but the effect is the same. respect me, fear me, take me seriously in my navy blue blazer.
suki never really gets to pick her own outfits unless you count the fire nation crop top, which is cute but obviously wouldn’t be her first pick in garb. that said, the kyoshi warrior armor obviously goes so hard and she looks great in it, so she’s a style icon just for that. in modern au, she dresses in a way that is deceptively simple but knows that it makes her look really hot to her target demographic (dykes and sokka). she generally just opts for flannel and cargo shorts, but on days where she’s on a mission, she’ll wear a short sleeved loose button up with half the sleeves undone, some necklaces, and no bra. and she’s a hero for that.
mai’s outfit is actually my favorite in the entire show (like, i would wear it), but there’s something kind of cutesy about her hair style that i feel like was probably imposed on her by her mother. like don’t get me wrong, it still looks good on her, but i can’t see her actually caring to maintain something so elaborate without the presence of external pressures. i can picture modern au mai’s sense of style so perfectly, though. soft flared pants, in a silky fabric; turtleneck tank tops; leather jackets: dark peacoats; dyke boots to stomp around in; mostly in various shades of dark red, dark blue, and black. she keeps it simple and classy, and has the freedom to experiment with hair styles more as well. when she’s alone, everyone is envious of her effortlessly chic steez, and yet, when she is with ty lee, everyone’s like “awww it’s cute that ty lee lets that kind of schlubby girl hang around her.”
ty lee puts effort into her appearance for the purposes of attracting specific results. she knows she’s beautiful, of course, but she also wants to be beautiful in a cute way, harmless and inviting. pink is less threatening than red, showing skin makes her seem vulnerable and desirable, her braid is simultaneously perfect and kind of messy. in modern au, ty lee would similarly be attuned to the cultivation of her aesthetic for a similar purpose. she wouldn’t just wear whatever she felt like, but rather would have an extremely curated wardrobe of outfits that all adhere to the same theme of making her look impossibly beautiful but in a cute and harmless way. idk man. there’s something wrong with her, i think, but also that thing might just be patriarchy.
katara is the only character who canonically takes an interest in fashion for the sake of fashion (iirc), and so that immediately elevates her in my opinion. she clearly cares a not insignificant amount about her appearance, and takes pride in looking good (as she should, because she’s beautiful). i love the idea that she got her book 2 outfit in the northern water tribe and was so excited about getting a new fit that she literally wore it the entire season even though it was springtime and she was sweating buckets. she’s so excited about dressing up in ba sing se, or when they steal clothes in the fire nation, or when she gets to take kyoshi’s clothing in “avatar day,” or when she goes to the spa with toph, or when she’s telling aunt wu about her skincare routine. it matters to her! and i think that as she gets older, and more resources are available, she gets to expand and experiment with her wardrobe more, and that’s really fun for her. and in modern au, she’d also love fashion of course, and would have a lot of opinions on how to participate in fashion ethically. her wardrobe would be kind of all over the place because it’s mostly thrifted, but she’d put so much effort into curating an outfit every day before she leaves the house, and she can go weeks if not months without repeating an outfit, not because she has an unlimited wardrobe, but because she’s really clever and thoughtful when it comes to what she pairs together on any given day. and she sometimes makes her own clothing, or modifies thrifted pieces, and that somehow looks great on her too. my point is, she wins in a landslide.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Meeting Her - J.Q
hi my loves! i hope you’re all doing well! i feel like i haven’t written for Joseph in ages so here’s a cute little dad!Joseph one, probably has a few mistakes but other than that enjoy <3
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you had been with Joseph for a mere five months. you’d met each other on a night out, both having a few mutual friends and that was when Joseph asked you on a date. from that point onwards your relationship flourished beautifully. on your three month anniversary he let you know that he had a five month old daughter. he was anxious to let you know about him having a baby as he didn’t want to scare you away.
in all honestly when you found out you were a bit shocked but you’d grown to love hearing about the little girl on your dates, seeing Joseph’s face light up as he spoke about her made your heart melt. Joseph had let you know that as soon as she was born the mother wanted nothing to do with her so he was a single dad, this made your heart break. you didn’t want to shame her biological mother but from what you heard she was the most perfect child, how could anyone leave that beautiful baby?
now that Joseph and you had been together for almost a year, he wanted you to meet her. he saw the way your eyes sparkled when he spoke about her and thought this was the best time to do it. Joseph and you agreed that you would meet at a diner and that’s when you’d meet Aurora for the first time. you were very nervous for this interaction. what if she didn’t like you? what if she screamed and cried as soon as she saw you? you just wanted her to like you so that you and Joseph could carry on making your relationship stronger.
Joseph was just as nervous. he desperately wanted approval from the most important girl in his life. he also wanted you to like her, one thing that was making him most nervous was what if you didn’t like her? he knew it was a silly thought but some people like children but when they meet them their opinion changes and he didn’t want that to happen. at the minute, your relationship and him taking care of Aurora were his two main priorities. Aurora’s biological mother, Emily, was in all fairness just a one night stand and she thought the same about him.
they were both drunk and they didn’t intend for Emily to get pregnant but here he was now with his beautiful baby and he wouldn’t want it any other way. he couldn’t see his life without his daughter now that she’d been in it for seven months. he was running late as Aurora had gotten a bit of a cold and he was trying to get her dressed. he sat her on her chancing mat, slipping on her leggings and a jumper before putting on a little headband which had a small bow on the side. Aurora looked like Joseph’s twin except for her mums small nose and eyebrows.
she had Joseph’s hair (which was disheveled all the time but she looked cute). it was more wavy than curly but you could see that her hair definitely wasn’t dead straight. she had his big brown eyes (which his mum says she has the same chocolate button eyes as he does) and his lips. the resemblance between the two is uncanny and you couldn’t wait to finally meet her. “are you excited to meet daddy’s friend? i’m excited for her to meet you sweetheart” he said, lifting her up off of the changing table and stroking her cheek softly, making her blush slightly.
she let her head fall to his chest as a shy smile appeared on her face as he walked down the hall to the door, baby bag over his shoulder. he grabbed his keys from the entrance which had a desk and a bowl by the shoe rack and he left, seeing the time on the wall- he was late. very late. you were sat in the booth, waiting for him to arrive. you’d hoped you hadn’t been stood up but realised he was probably late because he wasn’t just getting himself ready, he was also getting a seven month old ready.
after waiting for thirty minutes, you heard the door open, the bell chiming as they entered. you saw Joseph there, baby bag over his left shoulder and a gorgeous baby on his right. she looked around the diner, taking everything in as Joseph walked toward you. you didn’t know what to do, do you stand up and give him a hug and a kiss like usual? probably not best to do that just yet. you stood up nevertheless and let Joseph guide you as he arrived at the table and lent in for a kiss straight away which you reciprocated but pulled away quickly because of Aurora.
“Aurora, meet y/n. y/n meet Aurora” Joseph said, looking between the two of you. you gave her a closed mouth smile and stroked her cheek softly. “hi sweetheart, it’s nice to meet you” you whispered to her, she looked at you wide eyed before she let her head fall into Joseph’s chest again, obviously shy from meeting a new person. you and Joseph giggled as watched her face turn red from blushing, taking your hand off her cheek. “you getting shy bub? it’s just y/n. i’ve been telling you about her for months” he said, kissing her forehead gently making her dig her head into his chest more.
“i didn’t order anything, i decided to wait until you both got here. i got her a high chair as well, i didn’t know if you want her to sit on your lap but i got one just in case” you said as you both moved around to sit opposite each other in the booth. “thank you. sorry we are late, she wasn’t well yesterday and i didn’t know how she would be today but all she did was fuss when i put on her leggings. she’s also teething so i haven’t been getting too much sleep and neither has she” he replied, placing Aurora into the high chair, passing her a teething ring which she immediately started chewing on.
“it’s okay. you should have said you weren’t getting too much sleep, we could have rescheduled” you said, looking at Aurora chew the teething ring, drool falling down her chin which you wiped away, a force of habit you had from when your brother had his baby. Joseph watched as you stroked her chin, clearing the drool, making him smile at the two of you. “no way, i could t wait for you to meet her” he said, scratching his forehead gently as you turned back to him.
“well, as long as you don’t fall asleep mid conversation i guess it’s okay” you joked, making Joseph laugh along with you. you knew it was early to be feeling this way but you felt like he was your soulmate. there was just something about this relationship you’d never felt with any of your other boyfriends and you were grateful to have Joseph in your life. Aurora babbled along with the conversation, still chewing on the teething ring. as she babbled, you spoke along with her like you were having an actual conversation. she would reply with babbles and a few giggles here and there but to her you were having a full on conversation.
Joseph watched the two of you ‘talk’ to each other and he was just in awe of how quickly you two could warm up to each other. he was admiring you as you spoke to her, he looked at every beauty mark, every freckle, every ‘imperfection’. you were perfect. both of your nerves were long gone after you both sat down. having a ‘conversation’ with Aurora made you feel like you were already close to her. she was such a beautiful girl and you were pleased she took a liking to you instead of crying.
“she’s so cute” you said as you turned your attention away from her and looked back at Joseph. he was looking at you with a kind smile and love in his eyes. “what?” you said, smiling back at him, not breaking eye contact. “you’re so beautiful” he said, hand reaching out for yours. you blushed brightly, turning as red as a tomato as you covered your face with your other hand, a shy smile spreading just as quickly as the blush. “don’t hide” he laughed, pulling your hand away from your face. “thank you” you whispered, looking away from him, in an instant he could make you feel all giddy inside. from that moment Joseph knew you were the one. you got along with his daughter and that was the main thing that mattered to him and he couldn’t wait to see what happened next in your beautiful relationship.
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