#I just think it'd be a shame for them to be lost since they have narration
weather-cluddy · 29 days
Is anybody planning to buy the Milgram scripts? If I'm reading right they'll only be available until the end of the month.
Maybe we could gather funds between several fans, and whoever gets it scans it for everyone else?
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little-diable · 2 months
Guilt - Feyd-Rautha (smut)
So, I watched Dune again, and this came to me mid movie. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
!Contains spoilers!
Summary: The reader is married to Feyd, she felt him being touched by Lady Margot – now he has to prove to her how much he loves her.
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (f), implied cheating/somewhat not really since she knew it'd happen, some angst, strong-headed reader, still some fluff (?)
Pairing: Feyd-Rautha x fem!reader (1.3k words)
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“You know, na-Baron, sleepless nights can be cruel.” Her voice echoed through their dark chamber, back turned to him as her eyes stared outside. Feyd froze in his step, he had just entered the room, careful not to wake her. (Y/n) held a blade between her fingers, letting her fingertips stroke along the sharp edge.
“Nightmares again?” A scoff wanted to claw through (y/n) at his question. Feyd was playing her, thinking she hadn’t noticed how he had slipped out of the room, hiding away from his own celebrations - only to run into Lady Margot. (Y/n) had felt it the second the woman had touched him, in ways only (y/n) had been asked to touch her very own husband. 
But the way was cruel, guided by power-hungry women who thought of them better than her. 
“You dare lie to your wife?” (Y/n)’s voice was sharper than ever before, she didn’t see the way he slightly stumbled back, not expecting that chilly tone of hers. Feyd ran his tongue along his black teeth, trying to fight against an emotion he hadn’t felt before, an emotion he had been a stranger to – until now. Guilt. A sensation that wandered up his body, making him almost choke on his bile.
“It needed to be done.” Within seconds she stood in front of him, with her blade pressed against his throat, with her eyes burning holes into his skin, with tears about to drip from her eyes. It was true, it had to be done, and she had known that the Bene Gesserit order would grasp any chance they could get to fulfil it. Feyd-Rautha was a puppet of their game, a puppet who had now offered all his weaknesses to them. 
“I ought to kill you with that blade, rip you to pieces the way you’ve ripped my heart to pieces. I thought you were stronger than that, husband, it’s a shame I’ve married a man who behaves like a child.” No word left Feyd at the harsh words she spoke, words he’d kill others for without blinking once. But all he did was wipe away her tear, one single drop that dared to escape her glassy eye. “Wash yourself clean, I can still smell her on you.”
“Join me, na-Baroness.” Her hand met his cheek before he could see it coming, shakily inhaling at the rage now simmering inside of him. Feyd’s black teeth ran along his lower lip while his hand found her wrist, harshly tugging her against his chest. “The next time you raise your hand at me, I won’t be as gentle with you, wife.”
“Gentle? You breed another woman, you embarrass your wife, and now you threaten her? I have never feared you, and I won’t start now, bound together by a promise that has lost its meaning.” It was pathetic of her, to treat him like her enemy because he had done what had needed to be done. But her pain weighed heavier than her rational thoughts, guiding her on as Feyd cupped her cheek before interlacing their fingers.
No word left him as he began to lead (y/n) into the washroom, tugging on her nightgown to expose her naked body. Pleasure had always been one of his few weaknesses, and even though he had found pleasure in fucking the Lady, it hadn’t felt like it did with (y/n), not as raw, as intimate as he was used to by now. 
Feyd sank into the water first, but his eyes didn’t leave her naked frame once. Wordlessly, he reached his hand out for her to take, to pull her into the bath. (Y/n) shuddered in his hold, she tried to shake off the emotions thumping through her like a sandstorm set to bury her alive, and yet she miserably failed at it. For the first time since knowing Feyd-Rautha, she lost her grip on her emotions. 
“I love you.” Three simple words Feyd hadn’t ever spoken before rolled off his tongue, words that hadn’t ever managed to leave his mouth, held back by his black teeth that wouldn’t dare part. But now they had rolled off his tongue all too easily, surprising him and her. 
“The wonders of guilt.” A humourless laugh left (y/n). “Don’t keep lying to me, husband. I’m not your pet nor your toy, don’t lure me into false comfort with pretty words and thin lies.” Feyd tightened his grasp on her cheeks, squeezing them to keep her from saying another word. A rough kiss was pressed to her lips, drawing a moan out of (y/n) at the familiarity of the sensation. 
“I love you.” He repeated the words, pronouncing every single one of them as if he were speaking a threat, hoping to open her eyes. She stared at him for a while, trying to figure out how sincere the words were - if they were sincere at all, but the pain tugging on his expression told her everything she needed to know. The sigh leaving her made Feyd loosen his grip on her cheeks, letting his hand wander down to her neck. 
“I love you too, even though I try to hate you, now more than ever.” Another rough kiss was shared between them, drawing moans from both lovers. Feyd’s cock twitched against her, in any other scenario he would have fucked her by now, murmuring into her ear that he’d pump her full, desperate to see her with a round belly, but today he didn’t. A wise decision she was grateful for.
But even though he stopped himself from forcing his cock into her cunt, his hand didn’t stop moving, cupping her heat with an almost soft grin tugging on his lips. Their eyes held contact as he circled her pulsing bundle, using just enough strength to leave her shuddering. Her mind screamed at her, but her body craved his touch like a drug as if she was high on spice. 
“You know it had to be done, but you need to know it wasn’t like this.” His words weighed heavy, telling her that their bond would survive every attack, even death they’d overcome together. “You are my end and my beginning, na-Baroness.”
Two of his fingers pushed into her tightness, engulfed by her fluttering walls. Her moans filled the washroom, echoing off the walls like screams of prisoners, slashed by Feyd’s blade for his mere enjoyment. An exciting sensation he had always craved, just like the orgasms he lured out of her, watching them clash through her shaking body. 
“My beautiful wife, you were made for me, destined even.” (Y/n) couldn’t reply, her eyes rolled back into her head as her fingernails left crescent-shapes on his shoulders. Her orgasm was close, pushed into her high by his cold fingers, feeling them on her clit and against her swollen spot, hers forever.
“Cum for me, show me how much your body craves me.” She came with a gasp, tightening her grip on Feyd as her high clashed through her. Heavy pants spluttered from her lips at the blinding sensation, too distracting to study Feyd’s smirk, the satisfied expression tugging on his handsome features. 
“You’re forever mine, (y/n), and nothing may change that, no prophecy, no destiny.”
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akutasoda · 3 months
I think Jing Yuan is definitely the type to cling to his lover and just NOT let go.
You're smaller than him? Perfect! Good luck trying to move this humanized cat out of your lap. (Spoiler; you can't)
Taller than him? Still perfect! Hope you like having to carry the Xianzhou general around while he just attaches himself to you. Arms and legs wrapped around your torso while he rests his head on your shoulder.
It was charming the way he acted when you even came into his peripheral vision. He could be having a normal chat with someone, but the moment he sensed your presence, it would immediately be "oh, seems like something very important just came up" while the biggest cat grin would appear on his face as he walked up to you.
"Loooove~" You didn't even have the time to react before feeling his weight drop on your back. "Missed you." It had been a total of 30 minutes since the last time he had seen you.
You can't even bring yourself to tell him to let you work or for him to get off of you. How could you? Look at that goddam adorable (—ω—) smile he has on his face; it felt almost illegal to even give him a side-eye.
You two always made everyone so confused. Jing Yuan is known for his incredible strength and intelligence, and here he is acting like a neglected cat around you (something he would say after you didn't pet him for 0.1 nanoseconds).
And God forbid you actually push him away, saying "not now" or something like that. He's gonna obviously oblige to your request, but you can bet all your credits that he WILL look like a kicked puppy after it. (How dare you) So much so that Fu Xuan had to come find you and ask for you to "fix" him.
And she will make you fix him so he can go back to work properly.
"You're so..." You tried to speak, but something inside your head wouldn't allow you to be mean towards Jing Yuan when he stared at you with such lovesick eyes. Only a grunt escaped your lips as you opened your arms to invite him for a hug. In which he took it gladly.
You could feel the smug grin on his face; his plan worked perfectly to get you to give him attention again. "Love you too," he purred. (Ps: Mimi wants to join your cuddling sessions too)
(Ps 2: In this house we believe in touch starved Jing Yuan 🫡 )
i am in full support of touch starved jing yuan 🫡
he absolutely would have no shame in draping himself on you or holding you anywhere, anytime. who's going to dare say something to the general?
your presence would be something he'd grow all too fond of. it'd become his personal safe space. affter all this time he could finally have somebody who wasn't going to leave him, somewhere that felt like home, somewhere he could feel loved without the worries of titles and upholding appearances.
at home he'd be even worse. he'd follow you around from room to room and whenever you stopped he'd have to have atleast one arm around you, personal space just doesn't exist in his opinion. mimi would catch on to his actions and would start copying them and so whenever you walked around at home you'd have two lost cats trailing after you and your affection.
uwwe his hair would be so fluffy as well! it'd tickle your face whenever he buried his face in the crook of your neck, i think i would just have the urge to play with his hair especially if i knew i wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon!
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@rosekillermicrofic 2nd May: Dread (it's like 03:15 in the morning and I probably have a fever lol)
Cw: mention of homophobia
Word count: 798
Shit, shit, shit.
Barty frantically rummaged through his backpack. It wasn't there. His journal. Not a diary, mind you, that was for lovesick teenage girls.
Although Barty couldn't even be sure if he wasn't a lovesick teenage girl anymore.
Ever since he realised his feelings for his best friend two weeks ago, it's been eating him alive. Every waking thought, every dream, was filled with him. His Evan, his Rosie. And Barty began analysing every interaction with Evan. To be honest, he wasn't even trying to figure out if Evan likes him or not, he was sure Evan didn't. He was analysing his own behaviour to be sure he wasn't too obvious.
That's why he got the journal, too. Because his head felt like it was going to burst with all the running thoughts.
And now it wasn't there.
Who could've taken it? Or did Barty forget it somewhere?
He tried to summon it, but no such luck.
He sighed. He better get to lunch before Evan and Regulus get suspicious. Maybe he can look for the journal afterwards.
He managed to eat lunch without Evan noticing something was wrong with him. Regulus had some errands to run, so he wasn't at lunch.
But then he saw them - Mulciber and Snape. They had his journal. And they were looking this way.
No. Please.
He was immediately filled with overwhelming dread. And shame, too.
These two read about his deepest secret, and there was no chance they'd keep it to themselves.
Just what were they planning to do? Expose him, that's for sure. But how? When? Will they humiliate him in front of the whole school, or just Evan?
Well, it didn't matter much. If Evan found out… Barty wasn't sure what he'd do.
Shit. They were heading here.
What should he do? Ignore them?
"Hey, Crouch!" Snape yelled, an evil smirk plastered on his face.
"Lost something?" Mulciber laughed, waving the journal.
"Give it back," Barty pleaded quietly.
Of course, they didn't. Mulciber barked out a laugh and held the journal in the air, just high enough so Barty couldn't reach it.
"I didn't think you'd be bent, Crouch. You surprise me," Mulciber sneered, "is it the daddy issues?"
"Wait, Barty's gay?" Evan asked, surprised.
"Bisexual," Barty muttered. "Doesn't matter. Give it back."
Mulciber just laughed.
"Hey, he's right. Give him the journal back," Evan said firmly, stepping forward to reach for the journal.
Mulciber just smirked and lifted the book higher, out of Evan's reach.
"Wanna know who he's gay for, Rosier?" Snape laughed.
Something like hurt flashed in Evan's eyes, before he schooled his features into a practiced pokerface.
"I believe Barty will tell me about his crush when he's ready," he replied icily.
"Aww, you're not even the smallest bit interested?" Mulciber mocked. "That must've hurt, didn't it, Crouch?"
"Shut up," was all Barty could say. His breathing quickened, and he was sure everyone could hear the beating of his heart.
"It must've hurt, to know your little crush doesn't even care it's him, right?" Snape laughed. "Here, take it," he handed Barty the journal with a condescending smirk. "I don't think I could read one more disgustingly sweet line of your hopeless pining over poor Rosier over here."
Barty swallowed his tears, grabbed the journal, and bolted out of the Great Hall. He didn't dare to check Evan's reaction. He was sure it'd break his heart.
The astronomy tower.
He ran upstairs, and then sat down, pressed against the cold wall. It was a bit grounding.
Tears were streaming down his cheeks, and his breathing was quick, ragged. He was clutching the journal tightly to his chest.
He heard quick footsteps. Evan appeared at the top of the staircase.
"B? Thank Merlin I found you," Evan sighed, out of breath. "I was worried you'd do something stupid."
"Just leave me alone, Ev," Barty sobbed out. "You don't have to rub it in."
"So it's true, then?" Evan ignored his request. "You really like me?"
"Yeah. Sorry." Barty replied and hid his face in his knees. "Now go away, will you? I'm already humiliated as it is. I'm sorry for making it weird between us, and for making you uncomfortable. We don't have to be friends anymore. But please, don't tease me about it even more," he choked out.
"Oh for the love of- come here," Evan sighed, exasperated. He sat across from Barty and pulled him into a hug.
"I like you too, alright? Honestly, I can't believe you didn't figure it out earlier, I'm not exactly the most subtle person."
Barty looked up at him, searching for a trace of joke in Evan's face. There was none.
He smiled slowly.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered.
"Of course," Evan smiled, and leaned in.
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Spider x Neytiri (mother-son) a mother's day special
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synopsis: after the Sullys return to the forest, Spider has constantly been struggling with the thoughts of Neytiri not hesitating to kill him in exchange for Kiri; serving as a reminder of just how replaceable he is. When mother's day comes up and the Sully kids all shower Neytiri in love, Spider is once again reminded that he'll never have a mom to care for him like he's always wanted.
extra info: Neteyam never got shot during the battle of awa'atlu and Spider didn't save Quaritch so the dialogue and plot in this is a bit different than atwow.
author's note: I just wanted to write this little fic for mother's day when it came in mind. Spider has basically been an orphan his whole life and although he hangs out with the sully kids, he's not officially part of the family, or of anyone's family. So I thought it'd be nice to write something good for him.
warnings: fluff but a little angst at first, some violence, small mentions of death/killing(no one dies), some mentions of self hate, angst to comfort
word count: ~ 3.5k -3.7k
"Release, or I cut" Neytiri threatened.
"What, you think I care about some kid? He's not mine. We're not even the same species." let out Quaritch, not wavering for his own biological son.
"Just plea- please don't hurt her. Just please, Let her go, PLEASE." managed Spider as Neytiri held a knife to his chest.
"Don't kill him." whispered Kiri.
"Listen to me, let her go. Don't hurt her" pleaded Spider.
"Mom, don't kill him." Quaritch's knife dug deeper into Kiri's skin.
"A child, for a child." Neytiri's grip on Spider tightened.
"Please, don't hurt her." he pleaded once more.
"I cut." hissed out Neytiri as she cut through Spider's flesh.
"Spider! SPIDER!" Spider was ripped out of his thoughts as Kiri's voice waved through his ears.
"Sorry, I was thinking."
"Isn't it me who's usually supposed to be spaced out, lost in thoughts?" teased Kiri
"yea," He gave out a light chuckle.
"Are you fine, you've been acting strange ever since mom did you know what..." Kiri gave a questioning look.
"No, no it's fine. I'm fine. She was just trying to save you, she was mad at Quaritch so she acted out. It's understandable." reassured Spider, though inside, he felt unwanted by Neytiri and a burden to the Sullys.
He knew Neytiri didn't accept him as he wasn't a Na'vi and to make things worse, he's the son of Quaritch, leader of the group of sky people who tried to destroy Pandora, kill her family, and wipe out her people. How could Neytiri ever care for Spider as one of her own?
"Spider, it's okay to feel upset. I know I would." Kiri saw right through him, she wasn't stupid.
"Come, it's Mother's Day. The sky people usually gift their mothers gifts on this day to show their appreciation for her. You, out of all of us should know that," tugged Kiri as she tried to cheer up his spirits by involving him in family activities.
"Actually, I don't think Neytiri would want to have me around. If I gift her some flowers or food, she might throw them out, feed them to her ikran, or say a palulukan ran over them. Even worse, they might stink of alien blood." He lowered his head in shame as he played with his songcord.
"Spider! How could you say such a thing about yourself! She wouldn't do that! You are part of the family, she cares about you like she does about me!" exclaimed Kiri.
"That's the problem; I'm not part of the family. I don't have a mom or dad-"
"Neither do I, but Neytiri has become my mother. I love her just as much as I love Grace, and she does too." Kiri squatted down to Spider's height, and she placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"You are Na'vi, I'm not. That's why she's accepted you as her own! She doesn't like me because I'm human." he barely let out in a whisper.
"No! Norm and Max are not hated by Neytiri, she even cared about Grace and Trudy as well. Don't you remember the stories of the clan, they even painted Trudy in Omaticaya war paint for battle! She doesn't hate humans!"
"But I'm not them! Were they related to Quaritch? NO. They weren't a burden, they could care for themselves, and they were Jake's friends. Jake and them chose their friendship, but me, I'm just one big accident. I should have never been born. Why did the scientists save me anyways, to burden everyone, and so I could never have a place to call home? Is that why?!" he threw his songcord on the floor in anger as he stood up. "She would never let me call her mom, and I wouldn't blame her." He stormed away, somewhere into the vast forest as to be left alone.
Kiri just stared as her mouth hung open in shock, not knowing how to react. She ran after him, trying to catch up, not knowing what she was going to say next.
When the coast was clear, Neytiri moved from behind the tree and approached the spot Kiri and Spider were previously at. A sigh left her lips as she picked up Spider’s disregarded songcord and held it close to her.
“Oh great mother, forgive me,” an almost silent prayer as she closed her eyes in realization of everything she just heard.
“Mom, mom! Happy Mother’s Day! I got this for you!” Tuktirey held up an assortment of tiny flowers she had picked for Neytiri.
“Oh, thank you, Tuk! I love them, they smell wonderful.” Neytiri smiled as she lifted them to her nose and breathed in their scent. She opened her arms, gaining a hug from Tuktirey, then patted her head and gave her a small forehead kiss.
“These will go with my bow.” she walked into her tent and was met with a surprise, Lo’ak, Netetam, Kiri and Jake all standing together. Kiri held a bouquet of even bigger flowers and Jake held a necklace matching two arm bands that Lo’ak and Neteyam each held, all containing a similarly woven pattern.
"Happy Mother's Day!" they all let out in unison.
"Oh my!" Neytiri beamed as her children and husband all gathered together to shower her in love and affection.
"These are for you." Kiri handed her the bouquet she picked out.
"And these as well." Jake presented as Lo'ak and Neteyam each handed her an armband.
"These are so beautiful! Oh, thank you-"
"Try them on mom!" squealed the youngest, excited to see the pretty accessories on her mother.
"Tuk, calm down." Jake warned but Neytiri just laughed at her excitement. She slid them on and turned her arms to look at them.
"So, how do they look?" She questioned.
"Beautiful!" exclaimed Tuktirey as she clapped her hands in excitement.
"I love them, thank you guys so much." Neytiri placed a small peck on everyone's forehead, including Jake's.
"Wait, we're not done yet." Jake opened the flap to their marui and they all walked out. He walked behind their shared tent and came back around with an ikran saddle in his hands.
"What is this?" Neytiri side eyed Jake, curious at the new object in his hands.
"It's an ikran saddle for you mom, your old one is all worn out, so we made you a new one." explained Lo'ak.
"For me?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, for you!" Giggled Tuktirey as she now sat on Neteyam's shoulders to get a good view.
"I- I don't know what to say. These are beautiful. And they match my arm bands as well!"
"You don't have to say anything, happy mother's day! Thank you for being the most wonderful mother to our children." Jake placed a small kiss on her lips.
The sully's all gathered around Neytiri and embraced her in a warm hug, everyone was happy except for one watching, Spider.
He was hidden behind another clan member's tent and had seen how Neytiri had cherished all of her children. Once again realizing, that he didn't have a family and never will.
A small sigh left Spider's lips as he dropped the flowers he had picked for Neytiri and turned around, leaving for a quiet spot to ponder on his thoughts. Unbeknownst to him, Neytiri had spotted the flowers drop and him walking away. Her heart ached at the sight as she wished to call him, but shame and guilt got in the way.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Jake saw the look on her face.
"No, nothing! Everything is fine. Thank you, my loves, I really appreciate your wonderful gifts. May Eywa bless you all" she forced a smile and gave each another small kiss and went on to saddle her ikran.
It was midday, and Spider had been sulking. He had faked his energy around the Sullys the whole day. His earlier talk with Kiri put him in a bad mood, and everything he witnessed further deepened the pang in his heart. Spider was filled with sadness, jealousy, and confusion, not knowing who, what, or where he was supposed to belong.
"Hey Spider, where's your songcord?" once again broken out of his thoughts but by Lo'ak this time.
"Oh um... I guess I lost it." Spider shrugged, not having much interest in it anymore since he didn't consider himself as one of the people.
"What do you mean you lost it, that has all of your life stories in it! What are you gonna do?" Lo'ak questioned, shocked at Spider's lack of care for his songcord.
"I don't know, man. I guess I'll go looking for it later on." he suggested in a dull voice.
"It'll be eclipse by the time you start searching." Lo'ak pointed to the sky.
"Meh, what's the biggie?" he sighed
"WHAT'S THE BIGGIE? What if you get eaten by a palulukan, or get attacked by some hungry nantangs (viperwolfs)? You'll be a GONER!" Lo'ak waved his arms in exclamation.
"Then I'll be doing everyone a favor." Spider muttered under his breath, not high enough for Lo'ak to hear.
"Nothing, I'll be fine. Go have food with your mom, she probably made lunch by now." Spider got up and patted Lo'ak's shoulders in reassurance.
"Bro, aren't you at least gonna eat?"
"I'll be fine." he waived as he walked away to another section of the clan. Spider didn't have in mind to go looking for his songcord, but he knew it gave him a good excuse to wander off by himself. Not like any of the Omaticaya would care about his well-being, or so he thought.
Before he could make it too far from home tree, the sound of Neytiri's voice made him stop. "Spider!" He turned around.
Huh? Shit, I must have done something wrong to make Neytiri upset. Did I bump into Tuk by mistake, did I break one of her toys? What if I accidentally stepped on the bow Neytiri's father gave her?
His thoughts ran wild as he thought of all the possibilities of why Neytiri could possibly be upset with him.
"Y- yes, on my way!" he huffed out and approached the tent, flap open as all the Sullys had just gone inside to eat. "You called?" he cautioned in nervously, getting ready for an earful.
"Eat, where are you going without your lunch? You will become weak and unable to catch up with the others if you keep this up. And you will become the next meal for a nantang if you plan to go into the forest like that.” Spoke Neytiri as she handed off some bowls of food.
"I, I'm sorry. I'll eat right away." he let out, not knowing what else to say, shocked as Neytiri had called him to eat, and not to scold him.
He sat down and ate, finishing his food as quickly as he could. “Thank you.” He let out and Neytiri simply nodded.
“Lo’ak, go clean the bowls by the river and take your brother with you. Neteyam, please collect some water, our vases are running dry and we’ll need some for later and for tomorrow morning.”
“Ooh can I go? Can I, can I, can I? Pleaseeee.” begged Tuk.
“Lo’ak, keep an eye on your sister.” Neytiri stacked the bowls and handed them to Lo’ak.
“But mom, she’s just a distraction!” pleaded Lo’ak.
“Silence! You will bring your sister with you. She needs to learn how to chores as well.”
“Ughh” Lo’ak let out a groan as he rolled his eyes and made his way out of the marui with Neteyam trailing behind him and Tuktirey already skipping her way along the path.
“Well, it’s time for my lessons with Mo’at. I’ll get going.” Kiri thanked Neytiri for the food and also left the tent, leaving just Jake, Neytiri and Spider inside.
“Don’t you have some business to attend to?” Neytiri questioned.
“Who, me?” Jake pointed to himself
“Well, who else has the duty of being Olo’eyktan? Some of the clan members were having a quarrel about something. You better go check.” Neytiri waved off Jake as he left the tent with a sigh, wishing he had more time to relax after his meal.
Spider stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.“I better get going.” He let out and was about to leave the tent until he was stopped by Neytiri.
“What is this I hear about you losing your songcord?” She questioned, not lifting her head as she cleaned up the marui.
“Err, I must have dropped it earlier today, but I think I have a good idea of where it’s at.” Spider scratched his head as he came up with what sorta felt like a lie. He remembered throwing his songcord to the floor in frustration as he spoke to Kiri earlier today.
“I suppose you are going into the forest to find it?” Neytiri looked at him.
“Yes, I guess so.” He motioned to turn around, but was once again stopped by the voice of Neytiri.
“Nonsense, it will be late by the time you reach deep enough into the forest to find your songcord. It would be dangerous for you to go alone. Get your bow and we will go find it.” Neytiri motioned with her hands for him to leave the tent and he did just that.
Spider was confused as to why Neytiri was helping him. This was the first time in his life that she ever offered her assistance to him, besides just sharing food with the Sullys.
Though, he wasn’t the only one confused, Jake had been listening from the other side of the tent and was now wondering what Neytiri was planning. Although he loves his wife and trusts her, this sort of behavior from Neytiri towards Spider was odd and maybe he doubted just a bit that she wouldn’t try to harm him. In fact, she probably would, especially with how she acted during the battle against Quaritch.
Is she gonna try to kill me? What if she abandons me or leaves me to my own defenses against a wild beast? No, come on, be rational. She wouldn’t try to kill me, or would she? She didn’t hesitate to try to kill me back then, what would change now? Shit, get yourself together, Spider.
Spider walked back to the Sullys’ Marui with his bow in hand. “I- I’m ready” he nervously breathed out.
“Good. Let’s go.” Neytiri led the way into the forest and Spider followed behind. The both striding quickly, unknowing of Jake closely trailing behind them, just to make sure that Spider would be fine. Or for extra protection in case an animal tried to attack them; the excuse Jake came up with, in case he got caught.
“I think this is the spot Kiri and I were at earlier” affirmed Spider as he searched for his songcord.
“I don’t see it anywhere.” Neytiri pretended to look around, though she was holding it the whole time.
“But I was right here! It couldn’t have disappeared unless someone took it, and who would have come here?!” He grew desperate as he knew the approximate spot he threw it at.
Neytiri quickly bent down and placed part of it under a rock as Spider faced the other direction, looking for it behind a bush. She stood up and pretended to continue looking. Spider approached her area and looked everywhere, lifting every twig, branch and leaf.
“I found it!” He yelled out in excitement, slightly feeling happier as Neytiri had treated him kindly.
“Good, and it’s still in one complete piece.”
“Yea” Spider smiled at the songcord in his hands
“But-“ Neytiri let out
“oh, but what?” Spider tilted his head in confusion
“It’s missing a piece.” Neytiri pointed to an empty spot on his songcord.
“Oh, it’s not missing anything. I just didn’t have anything to fill that spot yet.” reassured Spider.
“No, it is missing something.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not understanding.” Spider stated, now confused.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something. That is why I called you to the forest out here with me.” She let out, eyes not meeting his as she grew worried with how she was going to deliver her explanation.
“But I thought you wanted to help me find my songcord? I found it!” Spider looked at Neytiri intently as she shied of any eye contact with him.
“Spider, sit.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and lightly pushed him down. She continued standing up, too nervous to stay still as she paced back and forth, tail swishing in anxiousness.
“I knew where your songcord was.” Neytiri admitted
“Huh, how?”
“I put it under the rock.” Neytiri let out as she looked down.
“Oh, you could have just told me that you found it. You didn’t have to do that to make me feel like I actually found it.” Spider smiled at what he thought was a kind gesture from Neytiri.
“That’s not what I meant.” She let out a sigh. “I saw when you threw it earlier today.” Neytiri’s ears bent down in embarrassment at the admittance of listening in on his conversation about her.
Spider’s face dropped as he realized she heard everything he said. Horrified, he stood up, trying to quickly think of an excuse to come up with.
“Don’t be nervous, sit back down.” reassured Neytiri as she pointed to the spot he was previously at. Not knowing what else to do or how to react, Spider sat down, uneasy for what was going to happen next.
“I’m sorry.” Let out Neytiri. Spider’s eyes widened in shock, unsure if he misheard her.
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“Oh great mother!” Neytiri briefly turned around as pleaded for help with her words.
“I’m sorry, Spider. I know it must have been so hard for you to have always been watching my family grow up and not feel part of it. To feel like you have no true home and no one to comfort you for that. I have been a horrible person to you,” managed Neytiri as she looked at Spider nervously, not knowing how he was going to react.
“I, I don’t know what to say…” It was the first time Spider had received such an apology, and the first time Neytiri had showed concern for how he was feeling.
“I know it is difficult not having any parents. I’ve lost my father and that has been very hard, but I was already grown up and had direction in life. I could even not begin to imagine the struggles you have faced while living without a mother or father to raise you as their own.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and continued on.
“We all know that Quaritch is your biological father, but that is no excuse for the way I have treated you. You are not him! And that day when we fought Quaritch and I had your life in exchange for Kiri’s, that… that was unacceptable of me! That was foolish...." she trailed in a low voice. "I had no excuse to take out my anger for Quaritch on you. NO EXCUSE!” She let out.
"If I had caused the death of an innocent child that day, I would never be able to continue to live with the guilt of such an act. And even though it did not go through, I still regret doing that, treating you as some sort of bargai-"
“No! You had to save Kiri, it’s okay, I understand!” Spider reassured her, but mostly himself, trying to come up with excuses in his mind. The words coming out of Neytiri’s mouth were too much for him to handle. Years of internal pain and anguish hidden from everyone until now. She was pouring out all of his inner thoughts and feelings so quickly and suddenly that he thought he was going to burst.
A lump formed in his throat as he tried to hold back tears and simply looked down, not being able to say anything else without the risk of a sob escaping from his lips.
“Please, let me start over with you.” Pleaded Neytiri as she looked up, struggling to prevent the tear that was forming in her eye from falling. “ I will care for you as I have cared for the rest of my children and Kiri. You have always meant only well to my family and have done nothing to deserve such harsh treatment from me. Forgive me.” Neytiri looked into his eyes, waiting for a response.
A small sob escaped Spider’s lips, taken aback by Neytiri’s request for forgiveness.
“Come here, my son.” She motioned for him to approach her.
“Son?” Spider asked.
“Yes. Please, let me care for you as my own son. It's the least I could do to make up for my behavior towards you." Neytiri opened her arms as a single tear stained her cheeks, guilt overtaking her as she prayed that he would accept her plead.
"You want to be my mom?" his mouth hung open, brain barely making the connection at the sudden appeal.
"Yes, I want to be your mother. After years of suffering, it is what you deserve." Her tears now flowing down in numbers. "Please, forgive me. Give me another ch-" Neytiri was cut off.
"Mom!" Spider ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug, streams of tears ran down his face as he closed his eyes and wept.
Neytiri bent down to his height and embraced Spider as one of her own, thumb wiping his cheeks as she held onto him tightly, comforting him and herself in the process.
She held up Spider's hand that was holding his songcord, "Your songcord is missing a piece." she stated.
"I still don't understand what you mean by that." Spider let go of the hug to face Neytiri.
"You are one of us now, part of the family. You now have a mother."
Spider beamed in joy, now having someone to belong to and a mom who would take care of him.
Mom, a word with a new meaning: home, where he belongs.
"Son," Jake smiled behind the tree where he had intently been watching them both.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
haha, I never thought that I would be writing for Spider but this idea popped into my head and I just KNEW that I had to write it
I hope this came out good and you all enjoyed it. I know this was a bit wordy and had a lot of dialogue, especially the second half. Hopefully it didn't come out cringey(it sounded a bit off and rough in my head while rereading it but I didn't know how else to fill up the details😬), this is my first fluff fic so bear with me🥴
any interaction is appreciated
do not steal my work and pls don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: #1FED6A and #24EDE0
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Do you got time for a yandere Twilight Sparkle headcanon?
This is more season 1-2 Twilight, I hope that's okay! c:
💜 You were most likely somepony Twilight had met early on when the unicorn first moved into Ponyville. Perhaps someone she spoke with at the Summer Sun Celebration, or one of the first guests she had at the library. Either way, Twilight was eager to get to know you and expand her limited knowledge of friendship. And… It was fun. Really, really fun! Twilight had no idea that she could connect this way with another pony before! What had she been missing all these years? To make up for lost time and make the most of her research opportunities, it'd surely be for the best to spend all her free time with you. Speaking of which, were you free tonight? She just had her first sleepover with Rarity and Applejack, and it was so much fun! Though, it'd be a whole lot more fun if they had followed the rules! She'd love nothing more than to have one with you where everything is done by the book and see the results when done right!
🌌 Speaking of research, she's made her own little research book dedicated all to you! It's a little strange, sure, but it's a practice she's enacted since she was a filly. Whenever she was particularly fascinated with a subject, she'd pour all her focus on it ravenously, devouring every bit of information and putting it all down in writing and graphs and charts and drawings, all organized and sorted into categories so the information is easily understood and readily available to look over again and again and again and- well, you get the picture! See? It has different sections devoted to your appearance, your schedule, your relationships, your likes and dislikes, your special talent, what you do for a living. It's even color-coded! And it's decorated with pictures of you and her (which she laminated herself, thank you very much), and Twilight even made little drawings of you in the corners and margins! Adorable and informative - just like you - the perfect combination! But, it's a bit embarrassing, so it's for her eyes only…
💜 She was sure this was all entirely normal behavior, before her five closest friends (besides you!) gave her quite the reality check. This wasn't normal? She was doing it wrong? A cold feeling of shame and shock settles into Twilight. She had only just started her friendship studies and she was already failing? One of the unicorn's eyes twitched. She ran a hoof through her hair, messing up her mane but managing to soothe herself somewhat. Oh sweet Celestia, what would her mentor think if she knew Twilight was getting it all wrong?! The Element of Magic is only drawn out of her silent ruminations by Rarity's teasing insistence that Twilight had a crush on you. A… Crush? Twilight was already out of her depth when it came to discovering the magic of friendship, so when it came to the mysteries of romance, she'd have no idea where to begin. She was so sure everypony had an extra special friend. Hm. It sounded like she needed to do more research on the subject! All the more reason to spend even more time with you!
🌌 Hanging out with you was exhilarating! She had a feeling Rarity was right, considering what Twilight had read up on the subject. Thinking about your crush often? Check! Feeling euphoric during close contact with the object of your affections? Check! Prioritizing your relationship with that pony over all others? Check! Although, there were some behaviors she was exhibiting that weren't detailed in her readings. She found herself unable to think clearly when not around you, which was usually the opposite problem ponies experienced - in fact, it had gotten so bad that she could hardly focus even when reading! None of them seemed to include any mention of intense jealousy of others, fixation on exerting control over objects of affections (it just… Really irked her when you didn't do what she expected of you - like devoting your time to anypony but her!), following you around town when you both weren't actively hanging out. Perhaps seeking out information from a secondary source would be the best course of action? She knew Rarity had at least some knowledge of romance…
💜 Twilight left Rarity's Boutique with a messier mane and far more stress on her shoulders than she had when she arrived. Apparently, her behavior was unusual and bordering on unhealthy. Outwardly, she presented herself as understanding,  but the moment she left, she nearly collapsed in despair. Unhealthy. So, not only had she gotten everything wrong, but she was hurting you, as well! Not only was she a failure, but she was being a bad friend on top of that! But, now she was in far too deep. She had already become addicted to you, your presence… And it felt so right to do what she did. She didn't want to stop. Maybe… Maybe she wasn't in the wrong. Maybe it was everypony else that was wrong! She'd prove she wasn't a failure and that she was in the right! All she needed was research materials, the right environment for conducting the study, and her favorite pony in the whole wide world!
🌌 It's the longest time she'd spent away from you since you met, all in order to get the library set up for you. She could barely sleep, unable to think of anything but you. and the next time you and Twilight met, she's absolutely manic, her mane a mess, bags under her eyes, twitching sporadically. She dragged you into the library with her magic, talking a mile a minute and ignoring any questions or objections that came from you. She took you down into the basement, locking the door behind her before prancing around as she went on and on about how excited she was to have her first date with you, that it'd be the start of the rest of your lives together and you'd live happily ever after forever and ever! Spike, clearly uncomfortable, snuck up to whisper to you, reassuring that he and Twilight's other friends had already expressed concerns about the unicorn's behavior to the Princess. The moment Celestia arrived, you'd be set free and Twilight would come back to her senses! … At least, he hoped she would.
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pomplalamoose · 4 months
Hey bae 🙏 do you think we could get something about turning sith!luke to the light side?💗
Hiii dear anon, thank you for your ask🩵
It's been a while since I received one and I'm sooo excited, especially since I get to talk about Sith!Luke, my beloved
I wasn't sure what exactly you wanted but I hope you like this discussion of possible scenarios anyways <33
• when it comes to turning Sith Luke back to the light, I think it really depends how and why he choose the dark side in the first place and what interpretation of him we're talking about
• if, for example, he turned during the original trilogy, you'd have to approach him differently than it would be the case if he grew up raised by Vader
• while his struggle to remain on the right path for himself and the galaxy is often highlighted in the movies and books, trilogy Luke never strays too far away from what Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him
• he certainly has his darker moments in which he considers everything he loves lost, but ultimately, even then, he'd rather sacrifice himself for the greater good than reach for the power Vader, and later the Emperor, offer him
• "Never. I'll never turn to the dark side"
• "Soon I'll be dead and you with me"
• so should he fall or, for whatever reason, deliberately make the decision to join the dark side, I see two possible ways in which this could turn out, his stubbornness and wish for justice and equity being one of the more important factors
• 1) he's convinced it's for the best and in favor of many
• it's hard to resist a seemingly easy solution in times of crisis, especially if it's offered in a tempting way and Luke is by no means unreceptive to manipulation
• however I do believe he'd realize his misconception rather quickly and so the most prominent thing keeping him from pursuing the light again wouldn't be his ignorance but his deep shame
• because of the weight he carries he's very hard on himself and no less so as a Sith
• consumed by the dark side he'd probably be less focused on improvement but on self doubt and hatred instead
• he may even go as far as to remain in this situation willingly as a way to punish himself
• not only would he think himself deserving of being miserable but also think it's for the better if he never comes near his loved ones again, afraid to hurt them
• here his stubbornness hurts him decidedly more than others because obviously there's still good inside of him, he just isn't allowing it to be there in favor of another misconception and self doubt
• ("I don't deserve to be around my family after what I did.", "Because what if I'm truly evil and don't know it?", "What if they fall victim to one of my mistakes and get hurt?")
• in this case it'd definitely be possible to make him see reason
• Luke is able to and eager to learn from the past, as well as adapt to a new point of view
• if he can believe it's for the best to join the dark side, he can believe the opposite once more
• it may need patience and coaxing, much affection, assurance and insistence but through your love (romantically as well as platonically) he'd be able to find himself again
• 2) his opinion of the galaxies political situation changes to such an extent that he's convinced his fall to the dark side is genuinely important in order to implement a just system
• I will be honest, I have no idea how that would even happen but let's stick with the idea anyways because we're taking about Sith!Luke here
• (maybe he was brainwashed???)
• in this scenario I imagine it to be rather difficult to make him reconsider
• not only is he now convinced of what he's doing is inherently good but also of the fact that the people not sharing his opinion have some devious plans to make those he's so set to protect suffer
• Luke firmly stands by what he believes in and while that is a wonderful attribute to have it's rather problematic when it's used for harm
• that man is ready to fight for his convictions and I see him defending them in a way similar to how he resisted the dark side in RotJ
• he's still Luke though and not stupid, I belive it still possible to reason with him especially if you're someone he admires or otherwise holds dear
• in order to get him to listen to you though you'll need time and patience to get under his skin
• now let's take a quick look at the interpretatiom of the Sith!Luke I write about
• to some extent he's still the same person as trilogy Luke but while they share certain traits, they turned out like opposites due to the circumstances they were exposed to during their lifes
• basically my Sith!Luke is a "What if Luke and Leia were raised with the dark side by Darth Vader"-version in which he grows up in a galaxy after the Empire defeated the Alliance and thus doesn't know anything about Jedi since they just,,,don't exist anymore
•(granted, this is a rather dark AU but I saw no other way in which Luke would act like he does in my fics, without any hope of him changing his ways)
• (there are of course works that discuss a different outcome, exploring Luke turning to the light side despite being raised as Sith, so it is of course a possibility if that's what he's set up to do)
• (I, however, like to center my Sith!Luke around the idea of just that being unthinkable since it's so far fetched and ooc for a person so full of light and good)
• (please keep that in mind when continuing to read, xx)
• this too is the only case in which I think it wouldn't be possible to turn him to the light side because the concept in itself is a foreign and outdated one
• it does exist, yes, and Luke is aware of it too, after all he's well studied and educated, has to be if he is to be the successor of his father
• but it is nothing that seems worth looking into further since the classical "fight" between good and bad is a thing of the past
• because while Luke may not agree with every political stance his family takes he knows he'll be the Emperor sooner than later, able to make changes as he likes
• in this regard, depending on the role you take on in his life, you might be able to slightly influence his decisions and/or his treatment of a certain group of people
• if you're important enough to him he'll listen to what you have to say, though he won't necessarily implement it into the system
• you are well advised to approach such attempts carefully though since you don't want him to suspect you of disregarding his status and position
• or, even worse, want to alienate him from his family and loved ones
• because no matter the universe, Luke would move worlds for those he cares for and accordingly (mainly Sith!Luke) grows easily suspicious when someone so much as questions their behavior, motives, etc. or insinuates to be against them
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reanimationstation · 10 months
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guess who's really late to the fusion trend. THIS GUY. in my defense, i really never planned on making one, but this combo popped into my head and i absolutely had to draw it. rambling copy pasted directly from discord under the cut
Connie Lay (Sammy & Constance fusion) (they/them)
i can only imagine that before they got hired they were working at a theatre? They were originally just helping out backstage, but over time started playing the piano for shows. i imagine they usually stuck to the pit or maybe even playing in the wings, but since their sister got sick someone needed to cover her part in a show that required onstage playing. they do (both because they want the show to go on and because they know they're gonna be promoted to musical director soon so if they didn't it'd look bad). something something, joey (or joey equivalent lol) goes to that show and decides he has to have them for the studio, offering them the position of musical director once he hears about their future promotion. Connie never actually wanted a career in music, it was something they enjoyed immensely, sure, but they were saving up to go to college in order to study chemistry. that dream is on hold as they work for jds
i dont have any of the rest of the theoretical cast decided which is a shame because i need to decide who they get to be a pair (do not separate) with (or even a trio lol)
but right so, working at jds goes as smoothly as you'd expect up until ink starts coming into play. they're still wildly annoyed about all the interruptions, as per usual (honestly this fusion is probably even more short fused than the two separately). except this time the ink catches their interest. their sanctuary is more of a mini laboratory, a place to clear their head from the troubles of work and calm down for a little science. or a nap.
the pipe incident still occurs, except this time Connie's actually a little stoked to be able to record the effects the ink is having on them. they get a little carried away, but in their research figure out the iron oxide solution and manage to keep their inkfection at bay for much much longer through it. of course, they're sort of reliant on it now, since it's still hard to ignore the ink's call.
i think whenever they do Succumb to the ink fully they would still be a weird, not quite a lost one, not quite a toon, hybrid, because of all the iron oxide that's leftover in their system. how sammy's prophet thing comes into play is basically just. you ever meet a scientist so obsessed with their research its almost reverent. the ink probably skews with their mind to the point where they see all of this as a good thing, that this research is worth sacrificing their life, their future, over. they could "worship" the ink itself, or maybe bendy is a figurehead for it to them? still thinking that over. or, they could worship the machine... its a toss up between worshipping the ink itself, bendy, or the machine.
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Before I reveal the contestants, I want to shout out some characters that didn't end up getting in, for one reason or another, but stood out to me
Prince Peasley (Superstar Saga): I mentioned him as a character I really enjoyed learning about, but since he won the Luigi ship competition, I'm unsure of his obscurity status and he may overpower the other characters. I'm sorry your highness, please know I love you
Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition): I was stunned to see not one, but 2 people submit this character. I'm endlessly entertained by his weird ass game. He would've been a shoe in had he not been submitted twice. Sorry buddy. Also if he was I would've put in my own propaganda, consisting only of this image
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and a video of the squirrels that make monkey noises
Crow T. Robot (Mystery Science Theater 3000): the only reason he's not in is because another MST3K I consider comparatively more obscure was submitted, but I am going to post part of the propaganda for him now because I really loved it and it would be a shame if I was the only one who got to read it:
i have to take a chance on crow, for he is my #1 blorbo and my favorite mst3k character since forever. i charted out a whole TIMELINE for him and there's like. 4-6 of him just existing in various locations. he's shaped like a friend. he can be folded into a torpedo. he has legs and i constantly forget this until he has them on-screen and i'm like OH SHIT this guy is mostly leg (he's around 5'4"). he managed to kill mike (the human guy he lives with in space) TWICE on accident and neither time stuck. all of his presentations are insane and completely factually inaccurate. he claimed women were myths like bigfoot in a short-film style black and white presentation. he's friendly/friends? with pearl, one of the main antagonists (and a woman, who he just claimed didn't exist). he can play the trombone. he just kinda bounces up and down sometimes and is so shaped. he spent 500 years alone because he got bored of being pure energy at the edge of the universe after five minutes. he wrote patrick swayze christmas, the only christmas song ever. he's constantly doing t-rex arms. he keeps falling from extreme heights. to a few ancient romans he's a spider-duck god. he's a bit of a pyromaniac. he went to thanksgiving in deep 13 and walked away unharmed (everyone else got poisoned). he causes an illusion in the theater where it looks like he's staring at you instead of the movie. he's an absolute menace. he contains so much gender yet none at all. he's different! he wants to decide who lives and who dies, and i think he should. he is simply so guy. ty for reading my crow rant sorry for the wall of text
Thank you for this. I love Crow and MST3K too, you are in good company
Mister Qi (Stardew Valley): In the propaganda section, the submitter wrote: "He sucks and I hate him. It'd be really funny if he lost." and it made me laugh
Chuck Cunningham (Happy Days): The submitter's dad told them to submit him and that was also funny to me
Vincenzo (kdrama of the same name): Submitter's dad has a crush on Vincenzo <3
Pioneer 9 (17776): This was the most submitted character, with a total of.....4 submissions! Wow!
Husky (+Anima): This is the second most submitted character, with 3 submissions! I'm sorry to you both but this means you are automatically excluded from being picked for the competition.
Less specifically, shout out to the many characters who were just barely well known enough to drop out of priority. And the major characters/protagonists of major series. A couple were clearly jokes, but several were not.
And all of the characters from albums, commercials, various Real Life Things, myths, some OCs, etc: I have a plan for you. It's not the main bracket, but you are not being left out here. More information on that when the time is right.
Thank you for all your submissions! The list of contestants and their matchups are coming soon!
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pocketramblr · 1 year
5 headcanons for a krakenverse AU where Tamaki's mother married First instead of All for One. (Playing it safe with the weaker but less evil brother.) Tamaki is their son.
1- Amaji has an interesting definition of playing it safe, because AfO killed his brother's lover Second (and possibly his next and last lover Third idk but either way 100% murdered lover rate) but when she manages to catch First alone to explain it, he agrees- it'd be political, but it would hopefully offer protection to Ozoko and freedom to First, as long as he spent some time both in the city and back with his brother.
2- AfO protests, naturally, even citing that he should be married before his little brother, but First points out he had centuries to do that before he was even born and didn't, so he lost his chance.(Shame about Sorahiko, I suppose) Knowing his brother will try to kill Amaji anyway, he also tells him that they plan to magically seal their lives together- if Amaji dies, so does he, and vice versa. The catch here tho, is to do this, they'd need someone somehow related to both of them by blood. (This is related to the spell and method in krakenverse canon that keeps AfO from even lifting a hand to his relatives, but less powerful) As they do not share any relatives, Amaji and First would need to make one... Fortunately for Amaji (on a time crunch because AfO would kill her long before nine months were up) and First (gay), witchcraft exists!
3- which, I guess, makes their marriage technically also a shotgun wedding? Ok sure why not. AfO grits his teeth and says they must really love each other to do that, but he can't not attend the wedding, and when he sees the little tiny Tamaki he decides he really needs to find a way to brainwash Amaji so he can have his brother back... And his little nephew, who's adorable (his hair is lighter here, closer to Nejire's shade) and a potential heir to the throne of Ozoko. Which means he has to play nice, to ensure they are within his home and not the city as much as possible
4- he also just... Acts like Tamaki is named after him. He tries to get his pods to treat him special so he prefers it to the city aquatics, but Tamaki is as shy about the obvious and forced coddling as he is getting sideways looks, so he hates both and he especially hates how his uncle keeps forgetting his name, even if he's the only one who is honest about considering Tamaki weak and ill suited for the city. Instead of drawing this towards the Kraken like AfO hopes, it draws him further into his own room in Ozoko, reluctant to ever leave and worrying First, who can't imagine trapping yourself with so much potential freedom right there.
5- AfO, frustrated that what he considers "playing nice" isn't working, wonders if getting married himself would solve the problem, get First to visit more, perhaps a child would draw Tamaki out. He thinks about suitable options, but there's not really anyone. Inko was pretty, but she got married to someone on land, poor tastes just like her mother. The rest of the pod isn't really attractive either, and if he picks one of his more violent and loyal followers, his brother will never want to visit.
As he muses on the issue, Amaji and First lead their son up to the surface to meet Queen Inko and her boys, slightly desperate to get the kid some positive socialization since neither the Kraken's territory nor the city seem viable options.
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Hi, I wanted to ask, given that Tumblr's been uh. Having some Issues recently. Have you considered making an additional page somewhere to back your translations up to in term of public viewing? Because I feel like it'd be a shame if we lost all your Evillious translations because of everything going on with internet platforms. Thanks if you reply, and have a great day!
Oh, good, it's not just me having problems.
I've been making offline backups of the blogs themselves for a while now in the event that tumblr ever comes down. I think I'll need to do it again soon (I think it's been a year? So any corrections since then wouldn't be in them), but even without that, I keep all of them in offline word documents (though again, without the corrections I've made since creating them).
I think there are other websites that specifically bill themselves as being good for tumblr backups--in the interest of not creating too much work for myself, I'll save the uploading for when it actually becomes necessary--but yes, I have been thinking about it, to answer your question.
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yandere-sins · 2 years
another prompt i love (this might not be your wheelhouse, which i'd totally understand): The tables have turned. i'm actually doing "role reversal" in the kinktober promptlist dsfjkghg although that one isn't nearly as dark so not quite as sexy
but just... hhh. yandere who keeps you imprisoned for so long, who gives you nothing to live for except themselves. so when you DO get an advantage...
you know your life is ruined. you're not happy about it. but you just can't seem to see a future without them in it. you get anxious at the thought of being without them for too long, about not being able to see them, about them not being there to smile and kiss and touch and love you, even when you're not in the mood...
well, if it was love for them to do it, it's still love when you do it back, right?
(you can do this in a generic way, if you like! in obey me it'd fit nicely with lucifer or satan playing ego games with you,,, "deal with the devil style" to punctuate your helplessness, and then you end up winning one and force him into a pact)
Reading this, my mind immediately wandered to one of the worst-case-scenarios for darlings: What if the yandere doesn't come back? They decided to teach their darling a lesson just how much they need them and the darling is freaking out.
Like, what if Satan put his sweet but feisty darling into a pocket dimension with everything they could meet but they just don't stop accusing him and throwing tantrums! What if even hurting them, letting his wrath unfold on them, doesn't stop their constant pestering and complaining and they never just let him hold them or get a hug from them when he comes home?
So he decides to take a different approach, leaving them like always in the morning and just... not come back. One day. Two days. The have ratios so they won't die from starvation or thirst, but he watches them pace the dimension, always looking at where he usually likes to emerge from.
They are still definant in the beginning and while he loves them being so cat-like, he realized he loves it much more as they begin to worry. Not about him at first, mostly about themselves, but sitting in their dimension alone they start having nervous thoughts, anxiety bubbling in their stomach.
Who's going to come for them if something happened to Satan outside? Who will save them from the dimension since they can't breath out on their own? Who'll feed or keep them company? Are they really all alone now?
Even though it's hard not to go to them then and there and reassure them he's still with his darling, Satan waits it out, watching them cry softly at night and ratio their food and water as another day passes by. They grow more anxious by the hour and he loves imagining that all their thoughts are: "Where is Satan?"
So when he finally does return to them, he is greeted by a surprise hug, their body smashing into him before they start to go on a rampage on how he could do this to him, hammering their fists into his chest as they cry tears of relief and joy. But at least for a second, Satan got what he wanted, now knowing it worked.
And so he sits them down, pets their head and feeds them fresh food, telling them how well they did waiting for him and that he'll try to do better from now on. Well... at least if they try to better themselves too. Would be a shame if he lost interest again, wouldn't it?
Surely his darling will think twice if they want to defy and displease him again, knowing Satan will just simply drop them and do something else if they can't keep his attention on them.
He could never leave them alone to rot, but it feels so good when they hesitantly hug him, their fingers digging into his back as if they are scared he's going to disappear.
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whoreofavalon · 5 days
What does Andymion think about the party?
Oohh exciting, I love talking about my FFXIV D&D campaign/NPCs!! For context, Andymion is my D&D parties regular quest giver and the leader of the resistance in a 200 year war between the Church and the mages of the Citadel. Let's see...
Andymion knows Miffy doesn't like him and definitely wants to win her approval, since she's one of the most talented and dedicated mages he's met. He also has a lot of respect for her since she's just as physically fragile as he is but still finds herself on the battlefield constantly, something he's not really been able to do.
He also has a mild heart attack every time Miffy contacts him cause it's always with either phenomenally good news or catastrophically bad news. He has invested in a fainting couch for these calls.
Reno -
Reno is a bit of a mystery to him still, though he views Reno as....not quite the leader, but the one holding the leashes. He knows Reno is the level headed member of the team that balances out the party. He's also incredibly fascinated in Reno's gunblade craftsmanship and has been waiting for a free moment to ask him about his craft since he's interested in crafting firearms and pyrotechnics himself.
Andymion has seen a lot of people turn from the Church to the Citadel, disillusioned by the church's ideals or turned off by its cruelty, but Purp is very different. She had a moment of "No, this is wrong" and turned away from everything she knew, but without losing her faith. Most people he sees come to the Citadel have completely lost their faith but Purp changing sides only seemed to strengthen it, and he has a lot of respect for that. He also feels like if anyone would be a good choice to succeed him in leading the resistance, it'd be her.
At first Andymion was extremely intimidated by Anka. She's big, loud, rough and rowdy. But he's seen over and over that she can be incredibly pragmatic, compassionate, clever, and above all, loyal. The biggest thing he feels towards Anka though is shame.
After the party fought the gargantuan statue of Asura off the shores of Olera, Andymion and a small entourage of Citadel ships came to support the party and offer support and protection to the Olerans affected by the ordeal. They then promptly got ambushed by Saint Sartorius, our BBEG and the leader of the Church. Andymion couldn't do anything to stop him as he cast Power Word: Kill on Anka. A 200 year war against this man, and Andymion was powerless to stop him from snapping his fingers and killing someone right on front of him. Andymion still feels guilty for having failed both the party and Anka personally, even if she was revived after the fact.
Overall, Andymion has the highest amount of respect for the party, and definitely feels bad having to task them with so many dangerous missions. But he also recognizes they've provided the first advantage the Citadel has had in 200 years, and believes they're the key to ending the war altogether. He'll spare nothing to support them and ensure they can succeed.
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deaddoveadventures · 9 days
🥀 romance headcanons
tagged by: @undyingmedium ((thank you so much I suck at romance so this was interesting to fill out)) tagging: @windwithinmyveins @springvaletales @astralfox0893
name: Curumë
nickname: He doesn't really have one ic
gender: Male
romantic orientation: Pansexual
preferred pet names: He doesn't like receiving pet names, but he will dish them out. They are all meant to tease in some way, like adding "little" in front of someone's name or profession.
relationship status: single as a pringle
opinion on true love: "Love will be love. It comes it goes, nothing's built to last forever. Rather than looking for 'true' love I prefer taking whatever love I've got and enjoy it to the fullest without questioning it too much. What's the point in spoiling the feeling."
opinion on love at first sight: "Some certainly manage to catch my eye at first glance and it'd be a shame to miss out on them." <- ((fuckboi statement if I ever heard one))
how ‘romantic’ are they?: I wouldn't call Curumë romantic. If you get into a relationship with him it's more like a thrill-seeking rollercoaster (yes I am aware of the red flags). He likes relationships that have friction. Nevertheless, I think if he settled with someone he really cares about there would be moments of sweetness, oddly quiet moments that are actually spent in earnest and he'd value them very highly. He'd also respect his partner deeply.
ideal physical traits: Smaller than him, dexterous, and sporty. Has a bit of muscle and knows how to fight. He thinks freckles or beauty marks are cute. Same with curly hair. However, he also does appreciate long, well-taken care of hair. Either eyes to get lost in, or eyes that have a fiery spark in them. Dimples from laughing a lot. Slender fingers and hands.
ideal personality traits: Feisty, wild, untamed. Can rival his stubbornness. Can rival his chaos with their own chaos. Doesn't pry, and enjoys their own freedom just as much as he does. Self-confident and headstrong. Selfless. Thrill-seeker. A partner in crime so to speak.
unattractive physical traits: Frail and weak, unsporty, dull eyes, and on men he dislikes beards and "bara" body types a lot.
unattractive personality traits: Too much selflessness, self-righteousness, religiousness to the point of fanaticism. Goodie-Two-Shoes. Martyrs, and "Heroes". Cruelty without reason, self-love, and arrogance without having anything to back it up. Hypocrites.
ideal date: Honestly, I hate to admit it but at this point, getting into a passionate argument and agreeing to disagree while having hate-sex. (He is not a healthy partner we all know.)
do they have a type?: Yeah I guess any other rogue-ish type and rebel
average relationship length: Short. Maybe a maximum of half a year. But if he finds someone he truly loves and cares about I can see it last for multiple years, though, maybe on an on-and-off basis.
preferred non-sexual intimacy: Being close to each other, just spending time together doing whatever. Standing close to each other, even without necessarily touching. Wrapping arms around their partner from behind. Ruffling each other's hair. Forehead kisses. Spooning in bed if they are serious about it.
opinion of public affection: "Hells yeah, everyone should know about us and we should be an eyesore to look at."
past relationships?: The more I wrote about Caydranth I think he had a crush on her to be honest. I can't help but feel he did. Also, he had various flings in the past. A lot of these flings hate him because he is somewhat of a fuckboi. One time he got serious about an elvish rogue from a rival gang, who ended up betraying him. That kind of burnt him. But he also kind of thinks it was a clever move. He has issues. He still admires her for being clever, but they haven't seen each other since that day.
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cainluvr69 · 11 days
Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow - Chapter 23
Previous Chapter
Rutile: …Maybe it'd be a moonless night. One where you can only see the stars twinkling above. Or snow could be falling, or rain could be pouring down, or there could even be a raging storm that very night…it's all the same.
Akira: …Yeah.
It felt like Rutile's understanding smile was pushing me forward. I kept talking.
Akira: If I never opened my curtains, I never would've had the chance to see the scenery beyond my window.
Even though what I was saying was a little disorganized and honestly a little out there, no one tried to cut me off or stop me.
Akira: Miss Luca.
The delicate rainbow scales from Roxy's wings had dusted over Luca's cheeks, like makeup carefully applied to a porcelain doll. How beautiful, I thought.
Akira: Is there really nothing besides the world inside your picture books that calls to you? No lands you've seen outside your window, nothing else you've done in the world outside? If you let yourself become a part of this world, you'll never have a chance to see or do anything else outside again. It'll all be lost to you. …And I think that…it'd be a terrible shame to let it all go to waste like that.
I hadn't even realized that I'd extended my hand towards Luca until the moment my fingers gently brushed against her cheek. But at the same moment I did, the mess of vines shuddered, and her chrysalis of flowers began the final steps needed to finish swallowing her up forever.
Rutile: Master Sage…!
But I wasn't the vines' target--they went after Rutile, catching him when he was off balance from trying to protect me.
Mithra: <Arthim>
The moment the vines chose Rutile as their target, though, Mithra's magic lashed out. It was automatic, instinctual, unhesitating. And for a moment, the world around us…strained. A chill of anxiety ran down my spine, and then the ground below us began to scream.
Akira: …?!
The world began to shake harder than it ever had before and, more worryingly, began to tilt as fissures ripped themselves open in the ground. My wizards responded immediately, taking to the air on their brooms. I, too, was tucked securely against Rutile's back.
Mithra: Rutile, are you hurt?
Rutile: N-no. But, Mithra, your spell…!
Mithra: I can't be bothered to hold myself back anymore. How that girl chooses to erase herself has nothing to do with me. And you are far more important to me than she is.
Rutile: But…
Mithra: Those who give up on living are bound to die either way. There's no encouragement you can give that'll pull those who chose to continue living as cowards, never finding their own pride, out of that. They're already nothing more than corpses whose vital signs haven't quit yet. I'd rather just die than let that happen to me.
Murr: What about if they just haven't had the opportunity to find that pride yet?
Mithra: Excuse me…?
A cheery voice with a keen, intellectual edge to it cut into the conversation. Murr sat astride his broom, head tilted to one side, his gaze needle-sharp and just as good at piercing to the heart of things.
Murr: Living a life without anything to spur me forward is flat out impossible for me, too! That said, I have my beloved. It's hanging in the sky right now. Of course, my love for it is what smashed my soul to pieces. But despite that, I still yearn endlessly for the moon, trying to get close to it time and time again. And I'm sure that will never change no matter how many times it shatters me. I can't imagine myself living a life where I'm not in love with the moon!
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Shylock: ……
Rutile: …For Luca, this world is a precious treasure she's had since the day she was born. I…I can't even imagine how painful it is for her that she's losing it. She must feel like her heart is being pulled in two…reality can be cruel. But… But I still want to hope that there's still joys and bright prospects just waiting for her to find them. She just hasn't lived long enough yet. And I'm absolutely certain that the "pride" you're talking about, Mithra, something similar to Murr's love of the moon, is somewhere in their number.
Akira: Rutile…
Rutile frowned sadly, clutching his hands to his chest. He slowly closed his sincerely shining eyes, the color of freshly sprouted grass, and then opened them again. It seemed like there was something specific on his mind.
Rutile: And…I can't forget her smile. I won't forget it. She looked so happy when she ate the sugar I made for her. And the face she made when Murr made that shower of sugar shined so brightly, too… …And we saw Mister Aslan in the pieces of Luca's memories. When he was exposed to a world he knew nothing about and showed interest in it. For that to have been sealed into one of these pearls means that it's a memory as precious to her as the time she's spent with her friends, right?
Mithra: …
Shino: Listen up, Luca!
Shino sliced his way through the encroaching vines, confidently facing Luca as he made his declaration.
Shino: I'm someone who had to look for the place where I belong, too! I totally get how hiding yourself in your own little world feels so much better than facing how awful reality is. But when I pulled myself out of mine, I met the single most precious person in the world. That meeting changed my life. Meeting him was like…it was like the world suddenly had color now, that's how much it changed. And I bet there's someone out there, someone or something, that when you meet 'em, it'll completely change how you view yourself. Obviously I can't promise anything, but…isolating yourself means you'll never even have the chance of that happening. If you just shut your eyes to everything, then everything's gonna ignore you, too. And right now's the best time to be brave about it!
There was no slowing down the curling, twisting vines, but there was no stopping Shino, either. He was opening a path to Luca through the vines--and Arthur was the one who took it.
Arthur: Luca Carroll! I was overjoyed to have the chance to meet such a talented artist as yourself. You see, I love this beautiful world that I was lucky enough to be born into. Through your art I got to see landscapes I'd never seen before, and that made me love this world even more than I already did. I want to know everything about this world I live in. And I want you to tell me about a world that I don't know. A world I've never seen. A world I didn't even know existed! Even if you one day lose that world…your experiences within it can never be taken from you. I am certain that there are things that only you can do, that only you can share because you've lived in this world. And…I am sure that your memories of this beautiful world won't fade easily. Not only the memories you have now, but the ones you will make in the future as well. And when you make them, would you be so kind as to tell me more about this world that you love so much?
The vines began targeting Arthur, but they got kicked off course by the one and only Murr.
Murr: I wanna know more about your friends, too! There's so many things in the world that you see, that you illustrate, that don't exist in aaaany literature or documentation in the whole wide world. And that makes you a super special reference for them! Because, hey, even if you stop being able to see them, if you come back out to the outside world, you can look for a method to see them again! How's that sound? It up and disappearing on you is a waste, I agree, but I think that deciding that that's the end of everything is even more of a waste. If it were me, I'd keep searching to the ends of the earth for a way to see the ones I love again! I think there's way more value in chasing after something you're willing to stake your life on, instead of just up and dying here. I mean, you've got the rest of your long wizard life ahead of you!
As my wizards spoke, I felt like I could see the movements of the vines slow down a little. Like they were hesitating about something.
Aslan: …Luca.
His voice trailed off…but I could still hear the heart he was putting into his words. Aslan had regained consciousness. As if in response to the sound of his voice, the vines and even the flowers that held Luca in their ephemeral embrace stilled their movements, calming down. Arthur weaved his way through the vines down to Luca's side, and Aslan slid off his broom. He approached Luca with unsteady legs and Arthur's support. And as he took each step he spoke--or sang, perhaps, his voice the gentle, almost melodic sound that, say, a man not too used to singing lullabies would have as he tried to sing one for his adopted daughter after she had a nightmare.
Aslan: …I was dreaming. I dreamt of the day when you first told me about the beautiful world that I can't see. Of the gentle smile you had while you told me about your beloved friends. I'm truly so, so sorry that…I didn't realize you weren't able to see those friends anymore. …You must have felt so scared. You must've felt like you were going to lose everything important to you.
Aslan gently stroked Luca's hair, and I thought I saw her long eyelashes flutter.
Aslan: But you know, Luca. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist anymore. They'll always be right at your side, watching over you. …Don't you think so?
Roxy made a perfect circle in the air and then landed on Luca's chest. The glittering rainbow scales that scattered whenever it flapped its wings seemed to shine even brighter against the backdrop of this faded, collapsing world.
Rutile: Please, Luca. Accept your memories back into you. I know that right now you're terrified of having to say goodbye to this irreplaceable world full of your friends, but… I'm sure you can find things to love in the world outside your picture books, too. I won't say that the real world is nothing but fun and smiles, but there's still so many beautiful places to see and people to form special, one of a kind bonds with.
Rutile and I held out our hands to Luca together, presenting her with the six pearls once again.
Rutile: Your very brave friends did their best to keep these precious memories safe. That's why we were able to gather them all together in one place. Say, Luca. Did you know? My dream is to create and publish my own picture books one day, too. I want to draw all of the Sage's wizards and create a wonderful, warm-hearted story. So, I'd like to be your friend. Because I'd like to protect your world…and you yourself, of course.
Akira: Me, too… I want to talk with you so much more, Miss Luca. There's so many things I want to ask you about. It won't be like what's in your world, but…how about we go looking for new sights and sounds and places that make your heart dance? Maybe it'll be the differences in how the sun sets every evening, or in a sky that has stars spilling out of it, or maybe a cheery, noisy breakfast time…
Murr: Hey, do you like stars? Let's go to the Observatory of the Unknown and you can use its telescope to look at all the stars you want! I'll introduce you to the love of my life, too. The sea of sparkling stars vanishes once the sun rises, but we'll be able to meet it again once the sun sinks past the horizon line. So we can stay there for as many days as you want!
Arthur: In Northern Country, the sight of the morning sun over a pristine silver field of snow is beautiful enough to take your breath away. And those breaths will turn white right in front of you. It never gets old to me, no matter how many times I see it happen. There are frozen lakes you can skate over the top of, or you could open a hole in the ice and try your hand at fishing. I'd love it if I could share how fun these things are with you.
Shino: There's nothing as pretty as the rays of sunlight you see deep in the forest. I'll take you to a good place and you can see 'em for yourself.
Rutile: Oh, I can take you to Tycho Lake! We can go shell hunting. The shells there, when you crush them and mix them up just right, they can turn into amazing paints.
Mithra: …Do I need to say something too? Well, dying is something you can do whenever. If you leave and decide you'd really rather not be out there, I can turn you to stone on the spot if you'd like. And if you decide you'd like to stay, then…perhaps you'd like to ferry some corpses across the lake with me?
Just then, the pearls in my hand began to glow. They floated into the air towards Luca, as if drawn to her, and once they'd all gathered above her chest they melted into a single, shining pearl. Beyond the dazzling light, I saw Luca's eyes quietly flutter open. Her pale, bloodless lips moved weakly.
Luca: …I…want to see… …The sweet, sparkly rain…again.
Next Chapter
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singular-yike · 1 year
The Name "Saragimaru"
A Challenge From JynX
Now that Kanae's 80-hour BotC work marathon is over and I am free man once more, I've suddenly gotten an inexplicable burst in motivation to work on the JynX & Len’en Tweet Collection.
It's exactly what it sounds like, Twitter is, well what it is, these days, and it'd be a shame if we lost such a treasure trove of Len'en history and lore.
It is in the middle of this that I stumbled across this pair of tweets, which is quite interesting indeed:
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RIP Clause aside, what really got me is that bit about Yaorochi and Saragimaru's inspirations, especially that bit about how their inspiration right there on their names.
With Yaorochi it's extremely obvious, both its pronunciation and kanji clearly allude to Yamata-no-Orochi; But with Saragimaru, things fall apart real fast. What on earth was their name based on?
Let's take a very, almost certainly overly close, look at the name Saragimaru (蛇穴丸), and try to piece together what it may be about.
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Splitting the Name
This is a completely blind area of research for me, and I could scarcely find anything about this on both Japanese and Chinese wikis that had Len'en information.
Searching Saragimaru (蛇穴丸) on its own got me nothing but Len'en either, so I decided to split the name in the most logical way I could think of: Saragi + maru. Now let's take a look at them separately.
-maru (丸 lit. "circle, round") is a fairly common tomeji (止め字), suffixes commonly added to kanji names, such as ko (子 e.g. Kanako 可南子 or Minako 美奈子) or tarou (太郎 e.g. Kentarou 健太郎 or Kotarou 虎太郎).
Nowadays, -maru is most commonly associated with ship names, but it's still used in a wide variety of names, from people to animal to object names.
It's unclear where it originated from, but a dominant theory is that it comes from the Heian period first-person pronoun maro (麿 or 麻呂). This later came to be added to the names of people who were loved and respected.
This idea of love and treasuring the thing being named would become one of the central ideas of the -maru suffix, often being attached to pet names, especially dog names, as well as names of swords.
Additionally, it's believed that maru, meaning "round", was a euphemism for excretion. It's thought that naming someone with particularly loathsome names could actually protect them from demons and disasters, so they were commonly used for the names of young boys, especially those who were to become warriors.
It is this last angle that I think is relevant here, -maru as a tomeji used for warriors. Saragimaru is certainly a warrior themself, wielding both a one-handed sword and a naginata.
To be honest, this whole ramble about the -maru ateji could really end up being nothing. On one hand, -maru is very likely just another ateji for the everyday Japanese person, but on the other, this is JynX we're talking about, so I though to give it a dive all the same.
Now onto the main focus, Saragi (蛇穴), the good thing is that this was a phrase that shows up intermittently throughout Japanese history, so we do have several possibilities to go off of.
Unfortunately, none of them really feel that connected to Saragimaru, so I'm not sure if I'm on the right track at all. Nevertheless, let's check these out from most relevant to least.
Saragi and Autumn
First, let's ignore the reading of saragi and just look at the written phrase 蛇穴, literally "snake hole". It's used in a kigo (季語), words or phrases associated with a season in traditional Japanese poetry.
The phrase is "entering the snake's hole [nest]" (蛇穴に入る), which points autumn in the 9th traditional month, since that is when snakes enter their burrows and hibernate.
This is potentially relevant as EMS in fact takes place in autumn.
Saragi and Pottery
Next, we look at a proposed etymology of the word saragi.
It's believed that the way snakes curled themselves up to dig their burrows used to be called saraki (さらき), this was later loaned to refer to clay pottery, as the process of shaping the pottery was compared to a snake curling up.
This would be relevant to Saragimaru through Sukune Kanato, a clay pottery artisan with whom Saragimaru had some dealings, even requesting the clay replica of the Tasouken from them.
Saragi Village
There is a settlement named Saragi (蛇穴), located in Gose City, Nara Prefecture. There are several theories as to how this name came to be, and is where the above point came from.
But rather than the name itself, what I'd like to draw attention to is a local festival, the "Snake-pulling Soup-scattering Festival" (蛇曳き汁掛け祭り), which takes place on the 5th May every year.
The story goes En no Gyōja (役行者), an ascetic and mystic said to be the founder of Shugendō (修験道), would pass through Saragi Village every day on his way to train on Mount Katsura.
A young girl from the village fell madly in love with En, but he would not even glance at her. Eventually, her feelings grew so strong that she transformed into a snake and chased after him.
However, it happened to be the rice-planting season, and the villagers were working in the field. It was then that they saw a giant snake spewing fire as it slithered across the field.
In their fear, the villagers took the miso soup that was meant to be a light meal for the field workers, and threw it at the snake, chasing it away. The villages gave chase, finding that it ran into a well. They covered the well up with a great boulder, trapping her.
There they built the Noguchi Shrine (野口神社), next to the well the snake was sealed in, to enshrine and provide for the girl's spirit.
The shrine is also dedicated to a dragon god, who has dominion over water. While it's not too clear where it comes from, it seems safe to me to assume that it's the same great snake that the girl transformed into, especially since snakes and dragons were often considered similar beings having power over water.
Below: The "Snake Mound" (蛇塚), where the snake is said to have fled into.
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This leads to the "Snake-pulling Soup-scattering Festival", which, as the name implies, has two major events.
First is the "soup-scattering", which is believed to summon rain for good harvest in the coming year.
It used to be that the miso soup is actually thrown at the attendees of the festival. Though because the soup is actually constantly heated by fire, this is no longer done for safety concerns.
Below: The priest of the shrine scattering the soup, yes this is literal.
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Next is the Snake-pulling, a giant snake made out of rice straws is made, said to carry the blessing of the dragon god of the Noguchi Shrine, and is even offered a whole bottle of sake.
It's brought to every house of the village, ensuring everyone gets a good harvest. At the end of the parade, its brought to the well, where it's positioned to sit in a coiled position over the well.
Below: The great straw snake atop the well.
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That concludes, roughly, the tale of Saragi Village and its extremely unique festival (with some extra details too cause dang it's interesting).
There could be some rough threads drawn between the two
The girl's all-consuming love for En no Gyōja could be compared to Saragimaru's intense devotion to Yaorochi.
The girl's transformation into a great snake, rendered similarly as 大蛇 (lit. "giant snake") in the records.
The festival's purpose to calling upon rain could relate to Saragimaru's ability to manipulate cloudy weather.
In the end I won't say it's really a perfect fit for Saragimaru, but it's certainly the closest I think any of these saragi-related lines of thought have brought us.
And that's really all I was able to find, no satisfactory conclusion this time, just a few potential connections for you to ponder on and drawn your own conclusions with.
This, at the very least, would placate my burning desire to figure out what JynX really means with that tweet, even if it's not the right answer.
As usual, I hope you enjoyed~! :)
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