#I just want the Darkins to have something nice
Even after Xerath is taken down and placed somewhere where he cannot hurt no one and no one can hurt him, Azir cannot rest.
For he must put an end to the Darkins, which he also caused with his stupidity and selfishness.
And to come to the root of the problem he must come to the one who shattered his old friends in the first place. Yes: he will climb Mount Targon and find the Aspect of Change, to make a pledge to make it right.
Myisha isn't there, of course (for Azir would have punched her in the face and it wouldn't have been diplomatic). There's a new Aspect, Zoe is her name, and...
Azir sucks at many things, but dealing with a child? That's HIS field.
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inventors-fair · 5 months
Rewind Commentary: To Years Ahead
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What a year, captain.
The Fair has been going for a lot longer than I ever though I'd be with it for, and yet, it's one of those moments where you don't think about how long something's been in your life until the rest of life starts moving faster. Like...a suitcase, a microwave, a particular book, the position of photographs on a wall. A set of draft sleeves. A pack you've never opened.
2024 is going to bring a lot more cards and lot more shakeup. The product lineup is as big as it's ever been and the cards we can make are as weird as they're ever going to get. Magic has a way of surprising us more than we can articulate until the cardboard hits the table. For the time being, though, we've got jobs to do, and that job right now is commentary.
When we go into the new year, there may be some upcoming changes to how commentary goes about. I've written a novel's worth of commentary this year alone, and we've reached a point where that's just not sustainable. We'll be talking more about this in January, but in the meantime, we do want to know: what alternate forms of commentary would be helpful for you all? The manpower that goes into writing is daunting, to say the least.
Let us know what you think. In the meantime, here's what I think about the cards this week:
@bergdg — Lekti, Naktamun Survivor
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I don't know what to call this card past it being generally 'good.' It's a typally-relevant commander that fills a niche, and I do respect that. Jeskai pseudo-impulse is a good constructed archetype for sixty-card decks. Commander-wise? There's this inherent issue of every card having some kind of relevance or impact with no repeats. For variance, I get it, it can make for fun gameplay. Whether or not it feels good to lose one of two important cards makes it difficult to decide whether or not it's worth attacking.
But it's a fine blocker, too. There's a bit of a fun twist where you're rewarded for having both Bird/Phoenix cards AND having noncreature spells, so you can build off of the prowess or off of the fliers, your call. Which one would you pitch, though? I don't think that this is necessary the best benefit for either side centrally. Now if you want to have this as just a "good Jeskai card," then I can futz with it. As for whether or not is has a strictly strong identity in either direction, I'm not seeing that with this iteration.
@dabudder — The Darkin War
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League of Legends, more like...reading the wiki was definitely helpful here. I have absolutely no history with this franchise or its lore. Deep, yes, absolutely, or at least expansive—impressively so. I think this is one instance where familiarity deepens the meaning far more significantly than it would be with just using guesswork or whatever, because that last chapter made no sense until I saw what the sealing process was for the, uh... I've been awake for 22 hours and forget a bunch of names, I'll admit.
What I like about the design is its clear commitment to commander-focused interaction. Two creatures fighting each other can be extremely powerful even at "sorcery speed," as it were. Even then, I'm not a huge fan of that transformation, not because it's not cool but because it's opening up a whole lot of weird doors. Counters, being permanent, can get messy when they remain on the swordified creatures. What about massive token/counter decks? Blinking? Tracking a board state can be easy on Arena, but definitely not on paper. Conditions that grant equipment cool abilities are nice, but I feel that the complexity you're asking for is more than needs to be handled.
@deg99 — Draugki, Immersturm Tyrant
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I knew something was weird about this wording but I wasn't sure what. I think the problem is that you're trying to do a zillion things at once that grok but don't grok with wording. Rakshasa Vizier and Old Rutstein want to help. Each one kinda wants to be a separate trigger, and each one also kinda wants to be an "if this, then this" clause, and together... Eugh. "Whenever one or more cards are put into exile from a graveyard, if a creature card was put into..." No, because the "this way" or "that way" wouldn't necessarily work. I honestly don't know how to work with this one.
But, this second paragraph is being written several hours later, so I can say with confidence that I still don't know. Tired-me had something going on. "Whenever a spell or ability exiles one or more cards from graveyards" allows for "this way" to happen, which this card may or may not need to make all these abilities work. It's quite frustrating how well it groks versus the wording that would have to go into it. To be honest, having this be an end step trigger that looks at all the things that were exiled from a graveyard over the course of a turn might make it easier. If anything I truly want to convey how cool a card this is conceptually. I would have loved to have polished this in the workshop with you.
@dimestoretajic — Jeskai, The Way to the Eye
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I had kinda forgotten that the clans were named after dragons. Were they? ... Okay, research into this reveals nothing so far, but that's how it is. Maybe the new ones were and the old ones kinda were, I have no idea. REGARDLESS. In terms of elder dragon lore, this is kind of a weird one. Even though I'm personally a fan of a big dragon teaching little humanoids martial arts in a teacherly manner, that doesn't feel exactly draconic to me, certainly not with the dragons of Tarkir. I'm not sold yet.
Mechanics are pretty great though. If there's a way to cheat spells, well, this card certainly does that. One free counterspell on each of your opponents' turns sounds amazing. Actually, that sounds awful to play against. Maybe "each of your turns" would be a little better. But the idea is solid! Let's talk about wording, though, and I wanna stress how much Oracle text helps to make these cards better for you. For the second line, you need "instant and sorcery SPELLS" instead of just "instants and sorceries." For the third, I believe it would be worded: "You may pay {0} rather than pay the mana cost for the first noncreature spell with mana value 4 or less you cast each turn." Wordier, but necessary.
@hypexion — Prism Shifter
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Now this is a fun little evoke trick. Kind of. The thing is, like with Banishing Light and such effects, you'd have to know to stack the triggers in such a way so as to get the effect right and blink your target from the exhume trigger. That said, the "flashback for creature effects" feels like a sweet spot with unearth that you can do for cheaper, and this card in particular feels like a strong contender for versatility. (And, as was pointed out after I wrote this, a strong contender for making sure that you check your wording so this can't exile itself next time...)
The comparisons to unearth will be pretty stark, though—and the inability to attack would be a majorly divisive factor. But, this is still one card of however many, and I think that we're in a place that it's okay to have this kind of mechanic in a set as necessary and flavorful. I wonder where you imagined it and what kind of identity you see, because it's not really worded like Lorwyn's elementals usually are, and it implies color-crystal-y possibilities, and the mechanic itself is kinda macabre but not really... Actually that's another wonder. Why that name in particular for the mechanic? I suppose it makes the most sense. When it shares a name with another MTG card I can see where comparisons would be drawn but there really are only so many words that would fit. Maybe additional flavor exploration would yield a different result?
@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Unexpected Voyage
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Oddly enough, this vibe feels a little unnaturally mean to me—for green, I mean. Green is the color of community, and this card specifically represents a group of...villagers (?) sneaking away from a village for an unknown reason, and maybe they're being chased, maybe they're vagrants and thieves, maybe they're just adventurers, but I don't know what the mood-to-card connection is. Perhaps "mean" isn't the right word that I'm looking for. It's simply off-putting; I don't have the full idea of what you're looking to convey.
What I do know is that the one thing this card could use would've been an off-color kicker. We have anti-search and searching-punishment effects, and those are primarily in black, adjacently in blue and white and kinda red, too. Green has nothing to do with one's ability to search a library by itself, and certainly not with an effect that also locks out things like Field of Ruin effects or whatever. Even if it was, why does the ability read for the next time and not that they just can't search this turn? I don't get this card flavorfully or mechanically; it's Rampant Growth with extra steps that's expecting me to meet it halfway and I don't know how.
@izzet-always-r-versus-u — Locked Room
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So something tells me that you intended to do the whole Oblivion Ring trick here, oui? Sacrificing the room with the trigger on the stack and exiling something forever? Or perhaps that's unintentional... (For those of you not in the know, what you can do with this particular set of effects is something people used to do with Oblivion Ring, where you got rid of O-Ring with its exile trigger on the stack, and so it wasn't on the battlefield when the return trigger would've happened, leaving the Thing in perma-exile.) If that was intentional, then shame on you for the exploit—only because it doesn't grok well, though. The stack is, as I've found, a pain in the butt to explain to burgeoning players.
I suppose for the "return" contest it works fine; the "sacrifice" contest was supposed to be a wee bit weirder with it. I don't hate this card but it sure doesn't sit well with me for the exploit reason and that alone. Otherwise, hey, it's kinda awesome if you think about it from a twist on the Cinderella (Beauty and the Beast?) perspective. With a little nastier sending-away, perhaps. Limited is full of these effects and that's totally fine. The question is what could be done to avoid that exploit. Perhaps two different kinds of sacrifice triggers, one to leave permanently exiled, one to just draw? I'unno, there are lots of options.
@just--a--penguin — Karrthus, Essence of Jund
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I'm gonna level with you, captain: if I'm sacrificing my dragons, I want a better effect than this at a cheaper cost. If I have to sacrifice three creatures each turn in order to get a big thing, then I want it worth my while. How many dragons do you think it would take for this to be not just a waste of dragons? Maybe underwhelming-ness aside, this card conceptually would be cool. Karrthus is an awesome character—for being a giant screaming flesh dragon, anyway. The fact that he's destroying other dragons is pretty rad for him.
Still, dragons are one of those things you want to keep around. Why would I sacrifice my other dragons if I could instead keep them around? What kind of deck does this card want to be run in? If you run it in a little-creature sacrifice deck that makes lots of sacrifices, you're going to want your dragons to support that, i.e. stick around. If you're running a deck with a lot of big dragons, you'd want them to be impactful beforehand and you probably aren't making that many sacrifices each turn. Y'feel me? This card is pulling in two directions and not quite meeting in the middle.
@nine-effing-hells — The Brothers Wittebane (JUDGE PICK)
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Once more we step into the territory of thank-goodness-Abel-actually-knows-a-media-property. Y'all would be astounded by how much I don't know. Witches and Alex Hirsch, though? We're right on schedule. I think that this card as well makes perfect sense for the story that it's trying to tell, and I like the fact that, in line with some of the other sagas from Magic's past, it tells the story of a long-ago moment with real-time consequences. Yeah, I know that's what all sagas are supposed to do, but this one feels more apt considering how linearly the story goes and how directly it can be followed. I also just happen to know it better and it's based on a really straightforward section of a story.
It also follows that the simplicity has led to a card that's more or less fine, but not explosively spine-tingling. It's certainly useful and good for deadly-taxey kind of decks—remarkably so, in fact. Perhaps I'm underestimating this in the late-game stages, where you can boardwipe, play this, and your opponent's locked down for a turn while you're drawing removal spells and whatnot. Is this far better than I'm giving credit for? Perhaps! It's happened before. I've also faced down some really frustrating Doom Foretold decks, so, y'know, I've had my share of run-ins with this kind of build. But overall I like this card a lot and appreciate its existence! Kinda want to make double-sided human tokens now...
@railway-covidae — Nab
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I had forgotten about this contest! I liked it a lot, from what I remember. I think. I know that I was the one running it because it's a weird one. Love what you've done with it, though, great use of an action piece. On terms of having a neat name, that's a success. If I recall, I wanted something that was a little different or out of color for the piece in question, but whatever, this card is still kinda cool.
I say "kinda" because the flavor implied is great and the card's execution could use a lot of work. You've got this part where you're stealing a small artifact (or artifact token!) but not giving it haste, which is still relevant in any format that has artifact tokens. It's so narrow that, at common, it would get passed around the draft pod without having any use beyond sideboarding—and even then I dunno what you'd really want it for. And there's no fun flavor text to boot! Still, the biggest question is: at common, what could this card do to make itself more playable or prominent? How can you keep the effect with the art but lose the baggage of that narrowness?
@reaperfromtheabyss — Maroon on the Reefs (JUDGE PICK)
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I think this card is more blue than maroon, but whatever, that's just a theory—a color theory. Regardless, the only mechanical thing I would change is from "you don't control" to "your opponents control" in the vein of Bond of Discipline. The way this card can curve out allows for whatever blue 3-4 drops you got to swing on in, and if you're running a second color, you can have a little extra aggro for a turn to really close out games and/or find answers to the massive cards your opponents play. But maybe the Islands are key. Is this worth going primarily into the one color? I'd argue that the amount of stunning says yes for limited.
The Islands being a limiting factor is always going to hinder a card like this, but that's just what happens, really. These kinds of cards like the BRO uncommon cycle will always be a little iffy except in the late-late game. Flavorfully, I really think you could've condensed the flavor text to be more ominous. The "thankfully" there feels almost sardonic in an otherwise serious card, and I don't feel that it's necessary all things considered. The danger of the Hullscrape Labyrinth (which is a pretty awesome name) is what I want to focus on here. Pirates in danger, y'know? More a tale to scare the young sea-dogs.
@sparkyyoungupstart — Countdown to Destruction
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Power Rangers, on the other hand, is something I haven't watched since I was probably five or six. Hoo boy. Thankfully, the wiki condensed this and the finale was available online. Your art direction being a little more abstract reminded my of the Doctor Who sagas, in a way, with the portrait of the episode being a bit more spread out. I do like how sagas look, which is fun for this card. I'm praising this part because there's a lot mechanically that I'm not quite meeting. As for whether or not this fits the show precisely, I'm not one to say; I think that you did the best you could with what was available, even if I don't get the menace part necessarily.
What we have here is an issue with the downsides. Giving all your opponents' creatures menace on turn five means that you'll be dead before you get to boardwipe unless your opponent is terribly far behind. The fact that you're also sacrificing one of your blockers on chapter II says a lot as well. If your opponent just wants to swing with what they have, hey, that works, and then they'll hold back until their stuff is more-or-less destroyed. The "survivors turn into humans" is fun flavorfully but really doesn't have meaning in any average game. The minimal amount of indestructibility makes this more confusing than intuitive. The long and short of it is that this card would be fun to think about but, in-game, it'll kill you right after the novelty wears off.
@squeezyboi — Gavi's Contingency (JUDGE PICK)
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I really don't think this is as powerful as Fierce Guardianship. Thank goodness. I hate that card with a burning passion, except not really. This card's still ridiculously powerful if you have a hate-on-sight Voltron-y commander, but not so much that it's comparable to any other counterspell. Plus, it doesn't counter boardwipes and stuff. The fact that it's almost better than negate is still incredible, though, with the added Preordain for one generic more at instant speed. Should this cost 2UU for that? I honestly think it might, but that may be my Legacy brain kicking in.
I don't even think I need to talk about the flavor. It's so good! Ikoria is a complicated world and I wish we had stayed there for more than one set. So many of these worlds needed more than just one set. I'm eternally pissed at WotC for skipping around to these set-dressing one-and-done theme-of-the-week places, but I've said as much a zillion times before. Gavi is a pretty cool character from what I just read up on, and a mother's love is indeed conquering here. This is a moment where she gets to exert a little more power in a way that's heartwarming, to say the least. Commander cards don't get as much love in the story that much, but this one makes me feel a bit better about her, y'know? Good card, good direction, good feelings.
@wildcardgamez — Armont and the Beasts (JUDGE PICK)
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Reading up on the lore behind Armont and the story involved, this is a really interesting card that passes for a lot more mechanically than it does story-wise, and yet the story doesn't entirely fall flat. Turning everything into monsters is one thing, but then they get more powerful, and then presumably Armont destroys the curse of the monster role. Right? But there's a zillion monster roles and only one destruction, so I guess that's THAT story... Heh. All semantics. Doesn't matter when you have something this strong.
I played an incredible amount of WOE. Trample was far more powerful than I thought it would be. The ability to have a Thrive-like effect, but perma-trample and also holy crap, Tanglespan Lookout—yeah, there's a lot going on. I think in the right shell this card can overwhelm your opponents easily. In many shells, it can overwhelm folks, because again, boost plus saga, pseudo-overrun, yadda yadda. I would've loved to have played with this card! Whether or not that kind of effect would be a bit much for the set is debatable. I'm glad that Auras were the theme above something like adventures for the archetype, though. Much more powerful.
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See y'all on the flip, kids. @abelzumi
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turnthemasunder-if · 1 year
Hey I really like this demo! I can't wait to see more of it!^^ oh and I wanted to ask on how were you able to come up to this IF?🤔 And a bit of classic ask 🤣 but how would the RO's react when someone is flirting with the mc?(both in crushing and relationship stage) if it's spoilery then it's alright if you don't wanna answer it^^👍
That's good to hear, as for your first question its just basically a compilation of my favorite things in life. Like for example the game Devil May Cry and Blade, then of course Van Helsing. Then I just combined those stuff together and that's the birth of this IF. Another one is Kayn from League Of Legends with his crazy relationship with the darkin Rhaast so that's the inspiration for Alpha.
Now let's go for the flirting part so a head up by the way in this MC will be a jackass and very egoistic of themselves 😜😎 Plus, only the crushing stage will be written here. We don't what you guys getting spoiled now do we hahah!
A song to make the mood happen and the answer is below the cut
(Angel's POV)
I chuckled, my laughter reverberating through the room as I slammed my fist against the worn-out brick wall. Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pity for the person foolishly attempting to flirt with Tarnish. Having known them for what felt like an eternity, I understood all too well that Tarnish was simply toying with their emotions. It was just their way, unable to resist the allure of hearing compliments from another.
I cracked my knuckles, placing my hand confidently on my hip as I sauntered towards the duo. Closing the distance between us, I noticed their heads snapping in my direction, their attention abruptly diverted.
"Hey An—" I cut them off, lunging at Tarnish and pressing them against the rough surface of the wall. In a swift motion, I pressed my lips against theirs, causing a momentary struggle that soon subsided as Tarnish surrendered. Pulling away, I glanced at the uncomfortable onlooker, who promptly decided to make a hasty exit.
I slowly licked my lips, savoring the taste of the impromptu kiss. "A nice way to greet somebody!" Tarnish quipped, a playful tone in their voice.
Cupping their cheeks in my hands, I smirked. "I don't sugarcoat, Tarnish," I replied, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.
Tarnish burst into laughter, their amusement contagious. "Is that so? Can you put that sugar coating on my lips then?" they asked, their voice dripping with suave charm.
Raising a finger, I playfully tapped their lips. "Maybe next time," I teased, my words laced with a hint of promise.
As we walked away, side by side, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment settle over me. Tarnish might be a player, but they were my player, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
(Chase's POV)
Leaning casually against the wall, a smug smirk played on my lips as I watched the hapless individual attempt to flirt with Tarnish. It was a pitiful sight, really. They were already sweating profusely, stumbling over their words, and audibly gulping in nervousness, all while Tarnish merely smiled back at them. What an amateur. It irked me to witness such a pathetic display of failure. Flirting and complimenting were child's play, and here they were, failing miserably at the simplest of tasks.
A voice inside my head whispered, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." Smoothing my slicked-back hair with a self-assured gesture and moistening my lips to give them a tantalizing sheen, I sauntered toward the duo. The stranger was the first to notice my presence, their gaze locked behind Tarnish, until finally, Tarnish's curiosity compelled them to turn around.
"Ch—" Their attempt to address me was quickly silenced as I raised a hand, cutting off their words. Stepping closer, I pressed my hand against Tarnish's chest, pushing them firmly against the wall. My other hand found its place on the wall beside them, allowing me to lean in, our faces mere inches apart. The air crackled with anticipation.
"Careful there, Tarnish," I whispered, my voice laced with flirtatious intent. "Hearing you say my name is making me…" I trailed off, my lips brushing against their ear, "Do things I won't regret come morning."
Drawing back, I observed with satisfaction as the stunned individual made a swift exit, their words abandoned in their mouth. Clearly, my dazzling display had left them speechless.
Tarnish let out a chuckle, drawing my attention back to them. "Promises, promises, promises," they drawled, clicking their tongue in playful reproach.
I laughed, a low, throaty sound that exuded confidence. "Well, they say promises are meant to be broken," I replied cheekily, a playful glint in my eyes.
Without warning, Tarnish grabbed my clothes, swiftly spinning me around and pinning me against the wall this time. The sudden change in power dynamics was exhilarating. Their closeness sent shivers down my spine, as I stared into their smoldering gaze.
"If that's the case," Tarnish challenged, their voice dripping with a mix of desire and amusement, "how about I break you instead?"
I raised an eyebrow, licking my lips in anticipation. "Go ahead," I replied, a smirk playing at the corners of my mouth. "Break me however you please."
Tarnish let go of my clothes, stepping away from me and causing me to pout in frustration. "Nah," they waved their hand dismissively. "You're enjoying this much more than I am," they said, crossing their arms over their chest.
I let out a sigh, my frustration melting away as I trailed behind Tarnish, lost in my own thoughts. "Foreplay. I never liked it, and I never will," I grumbled, my tone irritated.
Tarnish glanced back at me over their shoulder, a sly smile playing at the corners of their lips. "Get used to it then," they shouted back, their words laced with playful defiance.
I rolled my eyes, a wry chuckle escaping my lips. "Always so sure of yourself, aren't you?" I quipped, my words dripping with sarcasm.
Tarnish only shrugged nonchalantly, their movements fluid and relaxed. "Why shouldn't I be?" they asked, their tone smooth as silk. "I know what you like, and I know how to give it to you."
Despite myself, I felt a shiver run down my spine at their words. Tarnish always did have a way of getting under my skin, of making me feel things I didn't quite understand. But there was no denying the raw, primal attraction that pulsed between us, drawing us closer and closer with each passing moment.
(Charles' POV)
Fury coursed through my veins, my fist clenched tightly as a wave of uselessness and misery washed over me. The reasons for this overwhelming anger eluded me, but it swirled relentlessly, threatening to consume me. Surely, the object of my rage couldn't be the person shamelessly flirting with Tarnish. "Surely!" I repeated the word bitterly, grinding my teeth in frustration as I watched the person's smile widen, their jokes eliciting laughter from Tarnish.
I couldn't bear to witness this scene any longer. With a determined resolve, I decided to make my presence known. And make it known I did. "Tarnish!" I called out their name, my voice sharp and commanding, causing both of them to turn their attention toward me.
"Charles fan—" Tarnish words were swiftly cut off by my commanding voice. "Scram!" I bellowed, my words ringing through the air like a thunderclap. Without hesitation, the person turned and fled, leaving behind the unmistakable scent of fear and a tinge of urine. Was I truly that terrifying?
Tarnish's laughter grated on my nerves, mocking my actions. "You just had to scare off my playmate, didn't you?" they taunted, their voice dripping with sarcasm, igniting a spark of irritation within me.
I took a deep breath, attempting to regain my composure. If I didn't, Tarnish and I would undoubtedly find ourselves locked in a heated confrontation, bodies pressed against each other, skin on skin. But why was I even entertaining such thoughts? I needed to focus. "Why did you summon me here? Is there an urgent matter or an emergency?" I demanded, cutting to the chase.
Tarnish's laughter echoed once again, fueling my frustration. "No emergency, Charles," they replied, their voice oozing with confidence. "I just wanted to have some fun with you."
I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose in exasperation. "So, all of this was simply a ploy?" I questioned, my annoyance seeping through my words.
Tarnish stepped closer, casually draping their arms over my shoulders, their intoxicating perfume wafting through the air. "Yup, and I know you're going to refuse, but why not give it a chance? I promise you won't regret it," they coaxed, shaking me playfully, attempting to bridge the gap between us, as if we were close friends.
Their invitation hung tantalizingly in the air, as conflicting emotions warred within me. One part of me urged rejection, sensing the potential for regret, while the other whispered that this could be my chance to get closer to Tarnish. I knew deep down that the words about to spill from my mouth would be laced with regret. "Fine!" I grumbled, feigning resistance. "Angel and Mari are in the midst of a heated quarrel at HQ, and I could use some peace and quiet." I pretended to reason, my voice dripping with reluctant acceptance.
Tarnish leaned in, planting a gentle peck on my cheek, leaving a lingering warmth in its wake. "Nice!" they exclaimed, swiftly removing their arm from my shoulders, already forgetting our previous proximity. "Follow me and don't dilly-dally," Tarnish commanded, striding ahead confidently. I brought my hand up to my cheek, feeling the remnants of their kiss, a silent reminder of the mark they had left upon me.
"Tarnish," I replied casually, masking the lingering imprint of their kiss on my mind. It was crucial to maintain an air of nonchalance, even though my heart raced at the mere sound of their voice. I turned towards them, my expression a careful blend of amusement and indifference.
They raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Lost in thought, were we?" they teased, their tone laced with a hint of seduction. "Or perhaps lost in the memory of that kiss?"
I scoffed, feigning nonchalance. "Kisses come and go, Tarnish," I retorted, my words dripping with the confidence of a seasoned flirt. "But you'll have to do better than that to leave a lasting impression."
Tarnish's laughter filled the air, a melodious sound that sent shivers down my spine. They took a step closer, their presence magnetic and captivating. "Is that so?" they countered, their voice low and velvety. "Well, Charles, consider me up for the challenge. I'll make sure every kiss is unforgettable."
Me and Tarnish continue to walk side by side with them still teasing me about the kiss and me remaining composed even though my heart is beating loudly and my nerves rattling when thinking about it.
(Maria's POV)
The room grew dimmer, casting an atmospheric shadow over the scene. My eyes remained fixated on Tarnish, effortlessly captivating and flirting with yet another stranger. It had become a tiresome routine, an endless cycle of their pursuit for hearts and attention. Frustration simmered within me, an ember ready to ignite a storm. "Oh, so now you're just getting jealous?" a voice whispered in my head, taunting and mocking.
I clenched my fists, refusing to let the voice's insidious doubts infiltrate my resolve. "I'm not jealous!" I shot back, my words laced with defiance. Deep down, I couldn't deny the truth lurking beneath the surface. The voice persisted, relentless in its assault. "Liar! You can't help but gush and blush whenever they call you their bunny!"
"I don't!" I retorted, my tone tinged with frustration, before turning my back on the persistent voice. Moments later, Tarnish's voice sliced through the turmoil. "Yeah, I agree with Maria," they interjected, their voice laced with smug satisfaction. "Imaginary enemy!"
Locking eyes with Tarnish, curiosity mingled with anger coursed through my veins. "So, you're finally here. What happened to your friend?" I demanded, my annoyance seeping through my words.
Tarnish chuckled, shaking their head dismissively. An air of confidence and arrogance surrounded them as they replied, "They were utterly basic and boring. A few smiles, a few compliments, and they were practically begging me for a date!"
"And you agreed?" I shot back, my statement veiled as a question.
Straightening their stance, Tarnish closed the gap between us. "Nope! They couldn't hold a candle to you, my bunny," they proclaimed boldly, their words igniting a warmth that spread across my cheeks. In an attempt to hide my blush, I averted my gaze.
Tarnish's laughter filled the space, resonating deep within me like a melodic symphony. "Aww, didn't mean to offend you, my bunny," they teased, their voice dripping with affectionate playfulness. "Alright, how about 'feisty bunny'? Does that sound better?" they added cheekily.
A surge of emotions surged within me, a whirlwind of amusement, frustration, and something more enigmatic. "Call me bunny one more time, and I'll show you what feisty truly means," I warned, a lethal glare aimed in their direction.
Tarnish leaned dangerously close, their proximity igniting a fire within me. "Are you planning to kill me with kindness and love?" they taunted mockingly, a mischievous glint in their eyes.
I let out an exasperated groan, my eyes rolling in exasperation. Tarnish had an uncanny ability to turn even the simplest threat or comment into an innuendo. "Are you in heat or something?" I quipped, my words laced with a touch of amusement.
They casually raised their finger, a nonchalant expression adorning their face. "Oh, my dear bunny, whenever I'm near you, you ignite my mind and set my heat ablaze with just a smile and a glare," they replied, their voice dripping with playful desire. A mischievous wink accompanied their words, sending a jolt of anticipation through my veins.
A soft murmur escaped my lips as I leaned in closer, unable to resist the magnetic pull between us. "And I can say the same about you," I whispered, my voice barely audible but charged with an undercurrent of longing.
Tarnish chuckled, their laughter a melody that echoed through the room. "I'm glad we're on the same page then," they remarked, their words tinged with a knowingness that made my heart skip a beat. In that moment, I cursed my forgetfulness, realizing all too well that Tarnish possessed supernatural senses, able to read between the lines and decipher the unspoken truths.
"That's not what I meant," I stammered, desperately attempting to salvage the conversation and deny the confession that lingered beneath the surface. But Tarnish simply grinned, their expression radiating confidence and mischief, sending delightful tremors through my body.
"Whatever you say, my bunny," they teased, their voice a velvety caress that stirred a maelstrom of emotions within me.
"Now," they continued, extending their hand towards me, an invitation laced with adventure and daring. "What do you say we find something to occupy our night, something more adventurous and daring?" they proposed, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.
As Tarnish's invitation hung in the air, the room around us seemed to fade to the background, leaving just the two of us. My heart pounded in my chest, torn between the caution that come from having walked on the edge of danger before, and the exhilarating possibility of the unknown path that lay ahead.
My face wore a deadpan expression as I tried to keep my poker face in place, while Tarnish clapped their hands together with glee. "I like that look on you, Bunny," they drawled, their eyes alight with mischief. "Serious and sexy, just like I always knew you could be."
I tried to hold in a snort at the compliment, but it escaped as a huff as I couldn't help myself. Tarnish had a knack for spinning flattery into an art form, effortlessly weaving words that could charm the most hardened of hearts. But I knew their game all too well. They could shower me with compliments all day and night, and still, their supply would never run dry. "Enough with the compliments!" I snapped, trying to ignore the way my body reacted to their words. "You could flatter a fish into jumping out of the sea, and I'm not going to fall for it."
Tarnish's lips twisted into a smirk as they shot me a look filled with amusement. "Oh Bunny, you wound me," they said with a playful pout. "It's not my fault you're so easy to compliment. You're like a work of art, just begging to be admired." then they put a hand on their chest and hand outstretched towards me. "And you know I could spend an eternity crafting new compliments just for you."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Tarnish's latest round of flattery. It was hard to resist the urge to indulge in our banter, even as I knew it was all just a game to them. "An eternity, huh?" I drawled, my words laced with just a hint of sarcasm. "Well, let's not waste that precious time on flattery. We've got a night ahead of us, remember? Adventure awaits."
Tarnish's eyes sparkled with excitement as they eagerly nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right, my daring companion," they replied, their voice alive with anticipation. "Let's leave the realm of words and step into the realm of action. The night is ours to explore, to unravel its mysteries, and to forge memories that will last a lifetime."
With that, Tarnish took my hand and led me out into the city, the promise of adventure and mystery hanging thick in the air between us. As we made our way down the bustling streets, the night was alive with the sounds of car horns, music blaring from open windows, and the chatter of the crowds.
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pcrplevenom · 7 months
Yoink + and it's the whole squad: Sett, Kayn, Arkon, Rhaast, Rhitta and Truth
Send “YOINK” to pick up my muse and run away with them.  
(Each one gets a seperate response because I'm extra like that. :D I'm refrencing what we discussed on Discord too!)
Shieda Kayn
"Thiss iss not how you carry 'yer wife!" Soldan blushed nervously, body going limp in her own defeat. "You have the personality of a reckless chainssaw, but I admire that trait anyway." patting the top of his head, sighing. "You owe me a cuddle session, jokingly. Or am I joking? Who knowss."
"You have five minutess to properly carry me, or I'll bite your arm." A quiet glare at the taller darkin, tongue flicking out and scowling. "I love 'ya too, but this seemss unconventional and a bit dangerouss to my own ssafety." pressing up closer, huffing under her breath.
"When I ssigned up to be a pit fighter apprentice, I'm pretty ssure being toted under your arm wass NOT part of the deal." Her fins lowered, the corner of her mouth twitching. Soldan wasn't going back on it, yet this was something not tolerated well enough. "I can walk perfectly fine!"
"Ya'know what I told Rhaast? I'm not biting you, but maybe not let my legss dangle off the ground." Squirming, then stopping. Soldan writhed if held too long, prefered freedom on her own terms. "Or at leasst let me consider a better option?"
"Well, this is different. I'll allow it for a minute, until I sstart squirming to get back onto the ground." Soldan crossed her arms, looking off to one side. "You seem nice, sso I might not move much at all and I'll try to behave as much as possible."
"One way, I suppose. But I could've ssat on your back and held on for dear life insstead!" Holding onto the tail lightly, a good grip to not fall off. Soldan didn't want to question why, just seemed to have accepted within her own reason.
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bells-of-black-sunday · 8 months
Has transitioning made you feel happier, or more comfortable? What was the best part? Are there any details that make you feel particularly "at home" in your body/identity?
Who was the first person you came out to? Did they accept it?
Do you know anyone else who happens to be transgender or went through a transition process? Or perhaps someone who wants to?
-> Tarhos
Questions For Trans Muses | Accepting
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Has transitioning made you feel happier, or more comfortable? What was the best part? Are there any details that make you feel particularly "at home" in your body/identity?
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With Tarhos this question is tricky, because really he never did transition in his base verse he just got blessed with good hormones (even if they are unbalanced), so he just plays his role in society as usual and is acknowledged the same any other man would. I feel like particularly for him it's his height and how easily he gains muscle, it's probably his favorite thing about himself. How even though he isn't seen as human by so many other people, they're still wary of him because of his stature. He's a rabid dog on a leash and so many fear what would happen if that leash were to snap.
Modern Tarhos on the other hand, transitioning very much did help him from improving his health to improving his image of himself. He still likes his height and how easily he can gain muscle, but he did get bottom surgery which is another thing for him to be proud of.
Darkin Tarhos is interesting because the darkin use hemomancy to craft their bodies how they see fit even if they'll never be able to fully reach the forms they had before. Tarhos forged his body how he seen fit and basically transitioned in his own way using and discarding parts and organs from the dragon he bent the will of and took over and well- he's very happy with himself even if he misses his fur and horns he used to have when he was ascended.
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Who was the first person you came out to? Did they accept it?
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I feel like it would probably have to have been the captain when he was stripped of everything that reminded him of home and by the time he was taken into that mans "care" he had already hit puberty even if it was early in it's stages. That's when he was first called weird or further dehumanized by being compared to something as heinous back then as a devil, his mother never called him that.
But it's something he'd get used to being called all his life and eventually as he learned about the lies of religion, it's something that doesn't bother him anymore. He uses it to his advantage more often than not. I feel like Durkos, Sander, and Alejandro all know and don't really see him any differently, they're all stuck in the same hell together and he helped them through so much hardship why would they care about what's beneath his clothes.
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Do you know anyone else who happens to be transgender or went through a transition process? Or perhaps someone who wants to?
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Though Haruko is constantly put in womens clothes and referred to as a woman to dehumanize and try to humiliate him (he likes wearing nice clothes like that), he is cis and that's probably the closest thing he's ever come to seeing another trans person. Tarhos just thinks of himself as a man born with a weird birth defect and that's why he has a hard time explaining it to other people. It's fine though, it's not something he actively thinks about.
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jojikawa · 3 years
Fatal Attraction | Kayn x Fem!Reader | League of Legends
˗ˏ✎ [Honey-Maron] *ೃ
✧『Fandom』: League of Legends
✧『Character』: Shieda Kayn
✧『Word Count』: 2,960 words 15,587 characters
✧『Summary』: As a child soldier, Kayn had only made one friend who he wanted to protect during the battles against the Ionians but during his final battle, he was too busy defending himself to see what happened to her. Her body was never found so he knew she wasn't dead and now it was his goal to find her.
(This hasn’t been proof read enough times so bare with my typos)
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There was a time in the Noxus military where the battle was getting hard and the Commanders needed a new tactic that would surprise the Ionians. The idea that ended up going through was for the military to pick up poor children off of the streets and train them to fight well enough to distract some Ionians for more capable adult soldiers to come and pick them off.
Kayn was amongst these many children along the way he had met a small and dainty girl that he wanted to protect. When he was injured, she always knew how to patch him up, even if it were with a dirty cloth and a minimal amount of medicine. He assumed that her previous family was doctors and them being tragically killed is what lead you to be on the streets at such a young age.
She was the only person that showed him compassion and the two of you formed a natural bond. Whatever happened, he wanted to make it out with her alive.
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During the training the children were issued to have, you were having a hard time getting used to the sudden change. You were always so small and fragile, Kayn was always doing things for you. He knew that once the battles started that he wouldn't always be there to protect you, so whatever he learned from Noxian commanders, he taught you in secret so that as time went on you wouldn't fall behind the next day.
Eventually, the day of the battle came and on such short notice too. It was assumed to be the last day of this group of children before they would need to go out and fetch a new batch.
“(y/n),” Kayn called to you. “Remember the promise you made to me.” His voice was young but stern. You nodded, too nervous about the fighting for you to reply any other way.
The two of you and others like you were so young and were forced to engage in such violence at the hands of your own commanders as bait and when everything started, all you could do was watch as kids you knew were cut down in front of your eyes.
You had lost Kayn and with a sword and dagger among the fighting, you were left to fend for yourself. You didn’t want to attack these people, instead, you wanted an adult to come to save you but you knew that would never happen, and out of fear you ended up killing more men than you can count on your own two hands.
You weren’t even thinking about the promise you made to Kayn, you were just so scared and couldn’t bear the thought of dying such a horrible death. You wanted to run but at every turn was a man trying to corner you to kill you.
Most children who didn’t die took the chance to run away before they were noticed so, as time went on you had gotten more and more outnumbered.
A group of three men had surrounded you. You could take one, maybe two but three wasn’t something you were made for. Not to mention your own physical strength was still lacking.
Kayn had heard his own name faintly in the crowd of people fighting. The Noxus regulars had come to take care of the real threats but there were too many people in the way for him to get to the voice he was so familiar with.
The fighting lasted around a day or two before it was over and word got around that Noxus had attacked an Ionian village.
All the kids who part took were all dead or gone.
Kayn had been left behind. He had been scooped up by the Order of The Shadow not long after.
Master Zed offered to take in Kayn since he had the fighting spirit and tenacity of no other but he didn’t listen to his plea of look for you once more even when he begged to.
It was very hard on him since members of the Shadow kept pushing him to believe that you were dead and your body simply couldn’t be found or maybe your body was there but was ravaged beyond recognition. You were in a better place now.
Kayn refused to believe that and he bided his time in the Shadow until he felt like he was strong enough to make the move of looking for you so that he can have closure once and for all. He felt that if he were the new leader of the Order of The Shadow, he would have the proper resources to locate you somewhere in Ionia.
When Zed had given Kayn the task of retrieving a Darkin weapon in Noxus territory, he saw this as his opportunity.
Kayn had underestimated the journey of obtaining Rhaast but he had done it. His own will kept Rhaast from stealing his body. Now he felt like he could be the most powerful man in the world.
Kayn went back to the Epool River, where everything had taken place and where everything had gone wrong. What remained of it was still damaged from long ago and unwanted memories had flooded his head. He pushed all of that to the back of his mind because knowing if you were really dead or not was his top priority.
Apart from damaged structures and now a small grave honoring those who fell that day, some locals were unable to move and still reside in what’s left of the village. The only thing he could think of was asking locals about you before he decided to take more extreme measures.
“Excuse me” He called out to one person.
“I’m looking for a girl-, uh, a woman I mean.” He said to another. “She has (color) hair and (color) eyes.”
No one was able to help.
He had been asking around all day and at this point, Rhaast had been urging him to start killing people, which would be what made them talk. Kayn refused.
It was the evening when Kayn was about to give up for the day when he was approached by an older woman who seemed extremely nice.
“I’ve never seen you around here.” She commented. “You’re really unique looking as well. You’re not from around here.”
Kayn frowned. “No, I’m not from here. I just came to look for someone, is all. This is where I lost her. It was years ago and I don’t think she’s here anymore.”
“You’re looking for someone? What makes you think you would find her here anyway? This place hasn’t been the same since that terrible invasion that happened years ago. So many children died. Most locals left to a safer place after that.” The old woman remarked as she looked at all the destroyed homes that had never been repaired.
Kayn was hesitant at first but it ended up coming out anyway. “She was here when that happened! We got separated and then when everything stopped she was gone. Have you seen her?”
“Really? I’m so sorry the two of you had to endure that. Those Noxians are as cruel as they come. There were a few children we found that survived. They ended up leaving but a girl stayed behind. Maybe you can ask her where this person you’re looking for went.” The old woman explained.
Kayn’s eyes widened. He suddenly got a second wind. Is it possible? Could finding you really be this easy. “Yes, please! Where can I find her?” He asked frantically looking around.
“She doesn’t live in the village anymore. She lives a bit far out in the forest. She lives alone as well, so try not to startle her.” She warned.
Kayn smiled but it wasn’t his usual devious smile that he would wear while killing Noxians. It was so hard for him to contain the excitement he had boiling inside of him when he got this news. Just when he was about to give up as well.
Kayn carefully followed the directions he was given. This woman was deeper in the forest than he thought. How could anyone "normal" live this far out and be okay with it?
He made his way through and eventually he began to realize that he was at his destination. It was a small neat cottage next to a small pond some yards away.
At first, he saw no one, so he had tread along the cobblestone path quietly. The pit in his stomach was very present and it made him nervous. Rhaast could sense this and only laugh at how silly he looked.
Then Kayn had heard faint water sounds.
Someone was at the pond nearby!
When he got there, he saw a small, young woman. She was covered in scars and wore a simple white dress and a sun hat as she gathered water from the pond below.
She must have not heard Kayn’s footsteps because she has not acknowledged his presence at all.
“Excuse me.”
Kayn’s voice visible startled the woman, causing her to knock over the bucket she had been putting clean water into. She quickly turned around and was immediately frightened.
“I’m looking for a woman...” His sentence was unable to be finished once your eyes met. It’s like he had already known.
The skin, the hair, the eyes. It was you. You were alive!
“(y/n)? You were here all this time?” His knees became weak and he collapsed to the ground at the realization.
“Who are you? I don’t know you!” You furrowed your eyebrows at him, upset at this man for disturbing you at your cottage.
“It’s me, Kayn! Don’t you remember?” A satisfied look dressed his face gracefully as he dropped Rhaast and slowly began crawling toward you.
“No! You’re not Kayn. He’s dead. If you’ve come to kill me just do it already!” You closed your eyes and kicked, sending you back and further away from him. You could feel the water of the pond touching the edge of your palms.
“No, I never died, I’ve always been here. I thought I was the only survivor. Trust me! I taught you how to fight- at the camp, remember?” You could hear the speak of desperation in his voice.
Did you really believe he left you behind like that?
You opened your eyes and really looked at him. He did have black hair and the same color eyes but his body was different. It was...demonic.
“What happened to you...?” Your voice was soft. “I thought you died and that’s why you couldn’t-” you cut yourself off with a choked sob.
Ever since that day you’ve been so alone. The only person that really understood you, you believed to be dead and gone. You had even been trying to move on but then he suddenly appears, unharmed.
“This weapon. It’s special but we can talk about it later. I’m not what’s important right now. I’ve been looking for you ever since we’ve been separated.” He started. “If only I knew this village was still standing. I would’ve come sooner.”
To Kayn, you looked so different but he was able to tell that it was still you. You were so...beautiful. Just as small and fragile but with a strong will to live.
“You were looking for me? I’m sorry. I thought you were dead. I-If I knew, I would’ve tried...” you then mumbled something Kayn couldn’t hear. You were so shy.
Your eyes were glossy like you wanted to cry. So soft and delicate but you were covered in scars that only a warrior could have. You were truly so unique. Too kind for this world.
This was all too much for you. Maybe he should think of something else to talk about that would help since this was a lot for both of you.
“This is your house? So this is where you’ve been hiding out all this time. We should go inside.” He remarked.
“O-Oh, well, okay.” You stood up and grabbed the bucket. Despite knowing Kayn was alive, a sad, sunken look graced your features.
It had been a very long time since you two have been together but it seemed like something more recent was troubling you.
“When we go inside, please remove your shoes. I try really hard to keep dirt and dust outside.” You told him and he did as he was told.
It was so warm inside and the lingering smell of baked goods and cinnamon filled his nostrils. Were you really living here all by yourself?
“S-So, I’ve been wondering.” You touched your index fingers and looked slightly off to the side as he stood in front of you.
A blank look covered his face, confused at your sudden urge to speak to him, but it was welcomed with a curious silence.
“Where did you go? You were...nowhere to be found...when I needed you.”
“There were too many!” He blurted out. “I heard you but I couldn’t get to you. Please don’t think I abandoned you. I’m here now.”
You gasped at his sudden outburst but then sighed when you had processed what he had said. “You can sit if you want.”
The two of you sat on the couch together, drinking a homemade drink you had made. You held your cup but didn’t drink.
“And you?” Kayn broke the silence.
“You asked what happened to me and I wanted to know what happened to you.”
You frowned. “No, I meant what happened with you being gone for so long. I figured that you died but you’re here. What were you doing all this time?”
“Oh, I...” should he tell you? Was it against Master Zed’s rules to disclose something like that? He couldn’t t...
No. You were more important than some old man’s rules. He was going to be the new leader anyway and in his new vision for the Order of the Shadow, you’re there with him.
“I have been training with a group called the Order of the Shadow. I’ve been with them ever since.” He said with confidence.
“Are they responsible for what happened to your body?” You pointed out that the left side of his body was different.
“In a way, yes. But it’s not by force. I have a great plan and me looking like this won’t last for long.” He explained. This didn’t make you feel better at all.
“I see.” That was all you said in response.
“When I lost you,” you had begun, clenching the drink you had made. “I was surrounded by a lot of men. I had already killed so many of them but I was tired, I couldn’t fight anymore.”
“I-I feel so bad.” You saw the glass on the table and grabbed your head. The memories of gore and bloodshed etched into your brain, haunting you every moment of your life. “They were just trying to help me and I hurt them.”
Kayn didn’t know why but he felt like he should comfort you somehow and he did. He rested a hand in your shoulder. “It’s not your fault. A lot happened that day. They probably would have killed you. You were just defending yourself.”
“NO!” You yelled. “I stabbed one of them because I was scared. Then I was knocked out by the other. When I woke up I was in someone’s home. They took care of me and the person I stabbed died. I’m such a horrible human.”
“Don’t say that! You’re amazing. It was war and you were scared. I’m here for you.”
Your breathing began getting out of control. You were a monster. You destroyed so many people's lives and took lives that can never be brought back.
“Why did I have to live?” Hot tears began spilling out of your eyes. “They were innocent people.”
Kayn was at a loss for words. You were right, they were innocent people but you were too. It was just an unfortunate situation in the wake of war. He had no idea how to comfort a person in such a complex situation.
He hugged you, squeezing you and letting you sob into his chest. He felt so bad. You were hurting all this time...alone.
“Those who’ve died will forgive you. You were forced into this life. You had no bad intentions. Please understand that you live for a reason. Think about it. The two of us were in a horrible situation where we both could have died.”
Your sobbing had ceased, but only just a little. “But here we are, alive and together. Sole survivors.”
“Growing from this won’t be easy but you aren’t alone anymore.” He added.
You clenched onto him. “Ever since that day, it’s been so hard for me to form a real connection with someone. I’m so glad you lived.” You shyly reached your hand up to his face.
His skin was soft and although he didn’t expect this, he didn’t pull away from you. “You’ve grown so much and you’re so capable. I’m very proud of you.” You’re leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his.
Kayn didn’t know what this feeling was. It was almost like nervousness with a bit of excitement. All this time he’s missed your voice and caring nature. He was naturally drawn to you and you were to him. He was your only family.
“I love you, Shieda.”
Kayn immediately kissed you. You weren’t surprised at all. You kissed him back and he held you close.
Tears, of sadness of your pain and the joy of being with Kayn again, streamed down your soft cheeks. A hole inside of you was filled and now you could begin healing mentally and emotionally.
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Suke “hugehugesword” Su. Made for Riot Games.)
In my constant and continued effort to deny Ezreal’s existence I finally had to get around to building him. Again it’s not that I don’t like him... I mean I don’t. But I kinda forgot what I was going to build him as. Lol.
Dorans & Dragons also made a build for Ezreal back in like... early 2020. Christ that’s before the world went to shit, ain’t it? Well regardless they also made their build before Tasha’s Cauldron came out and I think I can make a build that is different enough to warrant my build existing alongside theirs.
In short: this is an elaborate excuse for me to make another Artificer build.
Gawk at this! - We need many a glowing projectile to spam at foes before blowing them up. Ezreal isn’t the type to just autoattack.
I always know a shortcut - Flash on a 15 second cooldown is nice. We’ll need to be able to blink around constantly throughout the entire fight.
Time to show 'em who's best - Nothing’s more dangerous than a well-placed Trueshot Barrage sniping through the entire enemy team.
Back to good ol’ Variant Human. As a Variant Human you can increase two of your ability scores by 1: increase your Intelligence and your Charisma, to be the hot smart twink you are. You also learn a Language of your choice along with a Skill of choice. You spent plenty of time studying The Void so Abyssal would make sense as a language, and for your skill Perception would help you spot traps or incoming ganks... as long as you remember to ward.
For your feat we’re going to be grabbing Arcane Shift as fast as possible with Fey Touched so you can start Flashing. (Not like that!) You can increase your Intelligence score by 1 and also learn the Misty Step spell. You can also add a Divination or Enchantment spell to your list and a little Heroism never hurt anyone. You can cast both of these spells once without spending a spell slot, and can then spend spell slots on them after the fact.
15; INTELLIGENCE - Archeology is a lot of history and facts... If you do it the boring way, that is!
14; DEXTERITY - Repeat it after me: “something something Medium armor.”
13; CHARISMA - You’re a pretty boy twink who got at least two girls on the Rift to fall for you.
12; WISDOM - Traveling through ancient temples and traps takes a degree of common sense. Not necessarily common sense you have, but a bit of boost never hurt.
10; CONSTITUTION - You’re an ADC, which means you’re squishy.
8; STRENGTH - Twink.
Feel free to swap Constitution around with another stat for better health but worse roleplay.
“Archaeologist” is just the nice way of saying Tomb Raider, which is the mean way of saying Adventurer! You get proficiency with History and Survival (hey you’ve gotta tough it out in the desert sometimes!) You also get proficiency in a language of your choice (I went for Dwarvish because Dwarves seem to have built most ruins) and proficiency in either Navigator’s Tools or Cartographer’s Tools... “Who needs a map?”
You spent enough time in ruins to pick up some Historical Knowledge on ancient dungeons and temples to know who made them. And if you find anything that belongs in a museum you know how much it’s worth to the museum!
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(Artwork by Sangsoo Jeong. Made for Riot Games.)
Starting off as Artificer to “borrow” a few inventions. But also because you get training in Arcana to know your magical artifacts, Investigation to find said magical artifacts, and Calligrapher’s Tools to slay Ascended and Darkin alike in one blow. You also get Magical Tinkering to wave that gauntlet of yours around on some Tiny objects, making them glow or play sounds or do all sorts of things that Prestidigitation would probably do better. But at least you can play your own theme music too!
But of course the main appeal of being an Artificer is the Spellcasting. You can learn two cantrips from the Artificer list like Message to coordinate with your support and Guidance to help yourself find treasure! (Or help others I guess.) You can prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your Artificer level (rounded down.) Cure Wounds will let you summoner spell Heal yourself or your Support. Faerie Fire will serve as a more basic version of your Essence Flux, making an enemy easier to hit (therefor making them take more damage!) And Feather Fall is always useful in a pinch!
Also yes you don’t have your gauntlet yet so you’re going to have to use a Light Crossbow for now. Feel free to take a combat cantrip if you want but you don’t really need it.
Second level Artificers can make Infusions, special definitely-not-stolen magical treasures that make them more awesome than everyone else. For a little more AD an Enhanced Weapon is useful to have. You can also put those goggles on your head to use by making Goggles of Night to see with your dumb human eyes. A Mind Sharpener may feel like a cheat, but I’m not going to say no to keeping Concentration in check. And for your final infusion? A Rope of Climbing might be useful? Honestly the more impressive stuff comes after you’ve done a bit more exploring.
You can also prepare another spell like Alarm, just in case someone’s planning to steal your... legitimately earned treasure.
Third level Artificers get to choose their specialty and Armorers don’t have to wear an entire suit of armor; just a gauntlet! Along with proficiency in Smith’s Tools you can turn any suit of armor you find into Arcane Armor. The armor has a variety of benefits: no Strength requirement, the inability to have your armor removed against your will, the ability to take it off or put it on as an action, and some replacement limbs. But notably it works as an Artificer spell focus!
There’s two different Armor Models and we’ll be going for the Infiltrator variant for a Lightning Launcher. This makes your Gauntlet a weapon that deals a d6 of lightning damage, with a regular range of 90 and a long range of 300 in case you want to go for long ranged snipes. Additionally once per turn you can pop Essence Flux to do an extra d6 of damage on hit! And I didn’t even mention the best part: this works off your Intelligence! So no more need for the crossbow.
You also get your boots for Powered Steps, increasing your movement speed by 5 feet. And thanks to your Dampening Field you can hide in bushes with free Stealth advantage! I’d recommend trying to get a Breastplate because that’s the best armor you can get that doesn’t also impose stealth disadvantage, but even with Half Plate you can still be sneaky! Heck, you can even wear Platemail if you want! "And my boots are not waterproof. Fantastic."
Oh and you get some Armorer Spells! Magic Missile will autoaim for you like your Arcane Shift projectile, and Thunderwave is helpful for some self-peel.
4th level Artificers get an Ability Score Improvement: seeing as we have uneven Intelligence take the Observant feat for +1 Intelligence and a boost to your passive Perception and Investigation to watch the minimap for people to snipe! Additionally you can spy on the bad guys if you want and read their lips to gain knowledge of all their secret plans!
More Intelligence does also usually mean more spells prepared but I’m going to wait for...
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(Artwork by Xu “Crow God” Cheng. Made for Riot Games.)
5th level Armorers up their Attack Speed with Rising Spell Force, gaining an Extra Attack with the attack action!
You also get Mirror Image and Shatter added to your list of Armorer Spells, and can prepare spells like Rope Trick for a safe place to rest for awhile, and Heat Metal to really lay in that Essence Flux.
6th level Artificers get more Infusions which is what I was waiting for! A Radiant Weapon is all the fun of an Enhanced Weapon but it also doubles as a flashlight for your dumb human eyes! And Boots of the Winding Path will let you Arcane Shift back to safety in case you accidentally run into danger.
Feel free to swap some of your old infusions around too. A Lantern of Revealing or Cloak of Elvenkind would be helpful... and Gloves of Thievery never hurt anyone.
And finally you can prepare Aid, as your natural awesomeness rubs off on your allies. "Oh, please, don't die. I can't lose a sidekick. Not again."
You didn’t think this would just be a pure Artificer build, did you? Even if that would’ve been stronger I’m legally obligated to needlessly stick multiclass levels into all my builds. And Wizard is definitely a good multiclass for more slots to do Spellcasting! You learn 3 cantrips and six leveled spells as a first level Wizard:
To help your allies land their shots take Mind Sliver to weaken an enemy’s saving throws.
Prestidigitation will let you do a bunch of simple magic, and if you want you can have your own hero music too!
Finally Friends is good to make friends you don’t mind losing after they tell you where the ancient ruins are.
I basically just took everything with the Ritual tag. Alarm (yes you have it as an Artificer spell but you can swap that out), Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Identify, Tenser’s Floating Disk... and sure why not Find Familiar too? Seeing as you can ritual cast at will most of your early level stuff is going to be reserved for Ritual Casting, as you’re probably going to be spending most of your first level slots on Magic Missile and Faerie Fire anyways.
You also get Arcane Recovery, letting you recover spell slots equal to half your Wizard level (rounded up.) So right now you can get a first level spell slot back at the end of a Short Rest! And later on you can get more!
Second level Wizards get to choose the school that their parents left them in before disappearing in the jungle, and the School of Evocation has a surprise tool that will help us later. Along with being an Evocation Savant (allowing you to copy Evocation spells into your spell book with half the time and cost) you can Sculpt Spells so that they only hit the bad guys: when you cast an Evocation spell (from any class, not just Wizard!) you can choose a number creatures equal to the spell’s level + 1. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save. This will be really useful when we get our (pseudo-)Global ultimate; wouldn’t want to fry your pals now would you?
We may as well grab some of those Evocation spells, right? Earth Tremor will let you hit an AoE Mystic Shot because Riot decided that Tiamat should have a cleave I guess, and I mean... Shield is never a bad thing to have?
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Back to the big brain plays: 7th level Artificers can make the biggest brain plays thanks to Flash of Genius, letting you boost an ally’s skill check or saving throw with your own natural perfection. The boost is equal to your Intelligence modifier and you can use this reaction a number of times equal to double your Intelligence modifier.
8th level Artificers get another Ability Score Improvement? Well seeing as Intelligence still controls just about everything we do it would do good to increase that by 2! That does mean you can prepare more spells (both as a Wizard and as an Artificer) but I’m going to wait for...
Every ADC dreams of being six-slotted; now you can be with Armor Modifications! Your Armorer armor counts as 4 separate items for the sake of your Infusions: the chest piece, boots, helmet, and the armor’s special weapon can all be infused. Far more importantly however you can have two extra infusions! Those infusions have to be on your armor, but you can put the Radiant Weapon (weapon) and Goggles of Night (helmet) onto your armor and save your other infusions for your allies! Or for yourself; yourself works too.
And we can’t forget the third level spells! You get Hypnotic Pattern from your Armorer Spells for an AoE stun, but far more importantly you get Lightning Bolt which will serve as Trueshot Barrage! And since you’re an Evocation Wizard you can shoot past your friends without blowing them to bits. "Oh, a plan. Yeah, I totally have one of those."
You can also prepare spells like Haste for more DPS (just don’t get stunned), Blink for some Duskblade invisibility, and replace Alarm with Revifify... Ya know: just in case.
As an ADC it would be good to get six-slotted, and Magic Item Adept lets you get your 4th Legendary item! That’s because you can now attune to 4 magic items at once! (And can also craft Common and Uncommon magic items more easily.)
Speaking of Infusions, we can make more of them, such as a Cloak of Protection or Winged Boots! These are just generally useful but not really Ezreal specific; they’re mostly for your allies. "The gauntlet's for show... the talent's all me."
You can also prepare another spell like Fly which is just universally useful, and holy shit you get another cantrip. Take Mage Hand and maybe try to be a little more cautious when tomb raiding?
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(Artwork by Bo “chenbowow” Chen. Made for Riot Games.)
Do you want a lot more Mystic Shots? 11th level Artificers can make a Spell Storing Item and put an Artificer spell of first or second level inside. What’s cool about this is that anyone can use it, allowing them to cast the spell as if they were you!
My recommendation? Give them Mirror Image. It’s an amazing buff that doesn’t require Concentration. Even a low DEX Paladin will appreciate the chance to not be hit, and a high DEX ally can really get value out of Mirror Image. Yeah the Barbarian technically can’t cast while raging, but they can use this before going into a Rage to be very hard to hit!
And speaking of spells you can prepare another one, so how about you grab Create Food and Water to keep yourself sated on longer archeological trips. "Why didn't I eat before I got here...? Ezreal, why?!”
12th level Artificers get another Ability Score Improvement... we got all we need in terms of stats (Intelligence lol) so now it’s time to really make some impressive trick shots: the Sharpshooter feat will let you attack at long range without disadvantage and ignore cover bonuses, but most importantly you can take a -5 to your attack roll for a whopping +10 to damage! Don’t use this on high AC targets obviously but if you think you’ll hit why not go for the one-shot? "No applause, please. ...Okay, maybe just a bit of thunderous acclaim. ...A little?"
I do still want more spell slots, as well as more spells known! Truthfully there isn’t too much I want from second level, so take Locate Object to find hidden treasure and Augry (added to the Wizard spell list thanks to Tasha’s!) to know what to expect in the next dungeon... sorta. "No plan survives first contact with me."
4th level Wizards get an Ability Score Improvement: we got all the abilities we wanted really, so why not Get Lucky? The Lucky Feat will give you a bit of anime protagonist power to guarantee that you make the perfect daring escape. Feel free to take Warcaster or just increase your Constitution however; by this point Ability Scores don’t matter too much.
You can also learn two more spells like Melf’s Acid Arrow for another Essence Flux-esque DoT ability and See Invisibility, in case you need a Sweeper Lense to deal with any clowns.
Ima be honest I kinda just wanted third level for Thunder Step to get an Arcane Shift that does damage. Artificer 18 / Wizard 2 (or even just Artificer 20) would’ve been a fine build for Ezeal too, if you don’t think this one spell is worth a 5 level class dip.
Anyways you also learn another cantrip and I mean... you may as well take Shocking Grasp for some defense up close? You also get one other spell and I’m gonna suggest Galder’s Tower this time which is like Tiny Hut... but awesome. And really small. This is mostly just a way for me to talk about a fun spell and also recommend my homebrew fix for it.
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(Artwork by Alvin Lee. Made for Riot Games.)
You got third level spells as a Wizard, you can now prepare 4th level spells as an Artificer! Fire Shield and Greater Invisibility are both available as Armorer Spells, one of which is far more useful for you than the other one. Bro imagine how crazy Evelynn would be with Evelynn’s passive. But yeah feel free to swap around your prepared spells a bit for more 4th level spells, since you definitely have the slots to do so.
14th level Artificers are Magic Item Savants who can attune to 5 magic items at once, meaning that along with your boots which are technically magical but whatever you can finally be properly six-slotted! But far more importantly you can attune to any item, regardless of any class or race restrictions tied to the item!  "I can't get hauled into wizard court again. Technically I don't have a permit for the gauntlet."
Speaking of more attunement: more Infusions. An Amulet of Health will let you boost your bad Constitution from a 10 to a 19, giving you a solid 76 health boost near max level! Other than that more movement speed is never a bad thing, and Boots of Speed may give you more value than your other magic boots.
But holy shit forget all that because you finally get your 4th Artificer cantrip! Grab Mending because somehow we don’t have that yet; gotta keep your outfit in check! Oh and you can get around to preparing another 4th level spell! Truth be told though the 4th level spells for Artificer are kinda... bad? But at least Tasha’s gave us Summon Construct which is a surprisingly strong summon!
"Last time I was in Shurima, I decoded some glyphs. Something about a jackal head... End of times... The usual. All I wanted was this ruby scarab. It looks great on my mantle."
Our final level is the 15th level of Artificer for the Perfected Armor Armorer capstone. When you shoot an enemy you mark them with Essence Flux, giving them disadvantage to hit you. In addition the next attack (including your own I’m pretty sure!) has Advantage against the enemy while they’re marked with  Essence Flux, and if they’re hit they’ll take an extra d6 of Lightning damage!
Blast 'em, gauntlet! - With your capstone ability you do 4d6 + 10 damage with your Lightning Launcher, and that’s before using Sharpshooter. Even without your capstone 3d6 + 10 is still really good damage output, especially when you can cast spells for big bursts of damage.
See if you can handle this! - Speaking of spells your slots go all the way up to 7th level, and while you’ll mostly just be upcasting a 12d6 Lightning Bolt is nothing to sneeze at! Not to mention other options like a 7d8 Fire damage Heat Metal or +30 HP Aid.
If anyone asks, I didn't see any of these priceless artifacts for sale - It goes without saying that having two more attunement slots than the average character is massive, especially when you can stick infusions onto your armor to maximize the amount of treasures on your person.
I wasn't strong enough? - Investing fully in INT gives us maxed out combat stats but it leaves a lot of our other abilities lacking. We’re nowhere near Charismatic enough to sell (somewhat) illegitimately gotten gains, and while Infusions can help augment our health (and even our Strength if you grab a Belt of Giant’s Strength) your Wisdom and even your Dexterity are rather mediocre, which is bad for both skill checks and saving throws.
Impossible comebacks are sorta my specialty - Most of your coolest stuff is tied to spell slots and other Long Rest dependent mechanics, and while you have a lot of spell slots (as well as Arcane Recovery to get some of them back) they are still quite limited. You’re perfectly viable as just an auto-attack and Q spammer, but who doesn’t want to shoot lasers and explosions, ya know?
Never met a problem that I couldn't blast away with magic... that I don't even understand - 5 levels in Wizard give us big spell slots but that’s about it, and yeah a 7d6 Lightning Bolt (that won’t hit your allies) is nothing to sneeze at but for the most part you are more of a Martial character. Just saying that level 18 of Artificer would’ve given you Magic Item Master for a whole 6 attunement slots! And level 20 of Artificer would’ve given you Soul of Artifice, essentially operating as a +6 to all saving throws and a 6 time use Guardian Angel.
But if a teamfight breaks out you’re more than a capable ADC. Artificers are the masters of magic items and it doesn’t matter if you make them yourself or “borrow” them from an ancient tomb; you can be the hero mom and dad always wanted you to be! Just concentrate on your farm in the early game and don’t take unnecessary risks. You may be the perfect man of magic but you’re not immortal, despite what the ADCs I’m forced to support always seem to think.
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuesting. Made for Riot Games.)
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riftimagines · 4 years
today someone was super mean to me and made me cry and ruined my day and I was wondering would you be so kind as to write one of these champions of your choice sticking up for their friend or love interest who is normally peppy getting put down or told to give up and do something else and they are just crushed? I like Kayn, Jhin, Draven, Xayah and Rakan but I dunno who to request so would you be so kind as to pick one of them? I wish you a lovely day
Aww I’m sorry anon. I know how you feel I just had a bad day myself but things do get better it just takes time. I wound up doing all of them because why not. I hope these make you smile even a little bit!
Sticking up for their Peppy Love
-Someone has upset you? Who are they?They will learn their place NOW. He handles most problems like this with extreme violence and threats especially when it comes to anything or anybody hurting you somehow. He second he sees you crying he’s mad and someone’s going to pay.
-He hates seeing your normally chipper disposition, that even keeps him in good spirits, gone because someone said something terrible to you. If they’re still near by he’ll become tunnel visioned and chase them down. He’ll take out Rhaast and phase through the terrain just to get to them. Be thankful you can’t see what’s happening. At best he’s beaten them to a square inch of their lives and at worse, we’ll let’s just say Rhaast is a happy Darkin.
-By the time he comes back people are avoiding you like the plague. It’s not you they just don’t want to be on the painful end of the man with madness and rage in his eyes. Kayn will stare them down and everyone will be avoiding eye contact and trying to go back to business as usual.
-He’s more upset about the ordeal then you are but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to wipe away your tears and hold you close for the rest of the day. He won’t be in a much better mood until your feeling better though. He’ll leave kisses on top of your head every now and then until you kiss him back only then will he chill out a bit.
-You ever seen those moments in Anime’s where a character gets enraged and their eyes dilate with murder in their eyes. Yeah that’s basically what happens with this one. He’s very good at pretending to be fine but he’s not, at all.
-Who do these disgusting ugly beasts think they are to upset his precious flower, his beautiful Muse, the only living beauty in this hideous world? He’ll take note of their every detail and keep it to mind. Make his love lose tears and he’ll make sure they lose their lives.
-Later of course, first let him knock these loathsome pests all the way down into the filth where they belong. He has a very sharp tongue and wit, not at all afraid to voice his opinions and cut down your aggressors into minced meat, of which they will be literally by morning.
-No lowlife shall ever take your lovely perky smile and radiant personality from him, not while he lives. Now dry those tears my dear and bloom with your vibrant colors once more.
-Draven knows for a fact that whatever they said to you isn’t true because he only really loves things that are as good as himself. He loves you not them and that already makes you way better than them and they’re just jealous.
-He is, pretty obviously, quite arrogant but actually has skill to back it up. He’ll more then happily get in their faces and tell them how wrong they are and if they want to challenge his opinion then they can. He needs new victims for his axes anyway.
-For a lot of people that like Draven, that is a LOT of people, his word is practically law and if he doesn’t like someone for some reason then a lot of them won’t like those people either and they’ll get treated they way they treated you. It just comes full circle.
-He never likes to see you sad and will do whatever it takes to make you happy again. He’ll throw his arm over you shoulders kiss your tears and tells you he’ll do whatever you want to do. Nothings too much for his love.
Xayah and Rakan
-They love your chipper bright personality. It’s such a nice thing to have especially since Ionia is seemingly getting more chaotic and negative since Noxus invaded. So seeing your happy face makes everything seem alright even for the day. If your smile is gone because of some jerk wad they’re gonna get it.
-It will literally turn in to a Babe hold my flower I’m gonna kick someone’s teeth in situation. You’re their love and if someone hurts you they hurt them as well and that won’t stand, at all.
-They are both in your face kinda people and can be very overwhelming when they work together. Rakan is the louder of the two and a tad more colorful with the insults. Xayah is the more physically aggressive. Forming her feather daggers and probably throwing a couple for good measure.
-They make sure that person is either running for the hills or knocked out flat on their face then they turn their attention on you. Very lovey and comforting. You’ll be swaddled in them and their feathers and they’ll hold you for a while until Rakan decides to make a stupid joke to try and make you laugh and just makes Xayah facepalm and swat him in the back of his head, which then would probably make you laugh and Xayah will point out that she has better humor. This will make him fluff his feathers and starts the line of horrible jokes he has. You’ll be beaming by the time he’s done.
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halcionskies · 3 years
midnight solace [nsfw]
She wasn't sure why she was nervous. Maybe it was the way he had emerged from the shadows of her bed room; quiet and still like the night. Something prickled at the base of her neck which alerted her that someone was encroaching within her personal space and she sat upright with a shocked audible gasp. Her blue eyes scanned the deafening darkness until she barely perceived the slightest movement, there, in the shadows. Her black hair pooled around her shoulders and cascaded down her back and chest, a single hand coming up to swipe her bangs from her cerulean eyes. What was he doing? She immediately recognize him once she laid eyes on him; the man whom stirred her heart and made her stomach twist into knots of anxiety and giddy excitement. She was suddenly self-conscious; it was the middle of the night and she was clad in nothing but a white night gown that clung to her voluptuous form like a soft hug. It accentuated the curve of her breasts, a chill reverberating down her spine as her nipples inadvertantly perked up to press through the flimsy fabric. The way he looked at her like that; deep, smoldering eyes with a slight hint of..vulnerability? What was wrong...
He took a few tentative, unsure steps into the room and into the soft glow of the moon filtering in through the window shade next to her bed. He wasn't sure why he was here; he felt compelled to be here, with her. He was drawn to her, like a moth to flame. She was kind, generous, and sweet - everything he wasn't. He'd never known anyone like her and he might have acted as if he could care less about her in public; showcasing a bravado of false flippancy, but in reality he cared. He cared what she did, where she went, who she was with. He let the hand holding Rhaast fall to his side as he set the blade against the ground only to lean the handle against the wall. He wasn't going to need him, not tonight. No matter how angrily the darkin protested at his inner musings; he didn't care anymore. He was human and he had an urge and he needed to see it through.
She pursed her lips watching him, unsure of what he was doing. It was like he was settling in. But for what? Her hands slid down to the comforter that covered her lower half, throwing it to the side as she slid out of bed. Her bare feet touched the floor and she turned on her bed side lamp, casting a soft yellow glow in the immediate area. She blinked the sleep away from her eyes a few times and looked at him. He looked so...determined? Vulnerable? Something was going on inside of him and she wasn't sure what it was. "Shieda...what....are you doing?" She all but whispered as her eyes met his. He only permitted her to call him by first name when they were alone; something that he was adament about.
He closed the distance between them and was all but on her in the time it took her to gasp. His large yet rough hands cradled her skull as he looks down at her, that lone red eye glinting in the darkness and light. He'd managed to reign Rhaast in, the claw that once had been there now replaced by his own hand. He'd rather go to the abyss than risk hurting her, and even though it was hard, he controlled the influence Rhaast had over him. He'd rather touch her with his own two hands than have the darkin touch any part of her. He presses his forehead to hers, his hair tickling her cheeks as he looks down at her through half-lidded eyes, "I...need you, Minami..." Was all he said, as if admitting the single most vulnerable aspect about himself. He shouldn't need her and he couldn't fathom why he did, but he did.
Her fingers lazily traced down his forearms and around his elbows until they found purchase against his chiseled abdomen, grasping at him, "I'm right here...I haven't gone anywhere." She smiles up at him, her lips curling into a sweet smile as she nuzzles her nose against his. They'd had their fair share of cute moments, and it was very endearing that he came all the way to her like this. She just wanted to hold him and reassure him.
He traced her face with his one hand, curling his fingers around her shoulder as he caressed down her side. She was so innocent, so pure; and he wanted nothing but to be with her in the worst kind of way. He clenched his fingers against her hip, scrunching the fabric at her side as he pulled her closer against him as he tilted her head back with his other hand, looking down into her eyes. His eyes were clouded with some darker intention and he looked at her with an almost pained expression. "I don't think you understand, Minami. I need you..." He said once more, but the way his velvety voice said it laced with dark promises and desperate need spoke the rest of the intent for him.
Her eyes open wide with realization, her lips slightly parted as she leans into his ministrations as he pulls her. The way she was against him and the radiating heat he exuded coupled with that god forsaken sexy voice of his; it did things to her. It made her insides squirm and her heart race, skipping a mile a minute as she watched him, never once looking away. Did he mean...? Oh...the way her hips connected with his. He wasn't..he wasn't wearing all of his normal attire. All he had on were his pants and shoes, how did she miss that? His skin was so hot to the touch and she could feel the heat searing her cheeks. He wanted...to take her to...bed. She was by no means naive, but she'd never been in a situation like this before either. She suddenly felt unsteady on her legs, swaying closer to him and subsequently being held tighter, the hand that was assaulting her hip wrapped around her waist to support her, nearly fully as she curled her fingers against his upper chest. She felt so small and fragile there in his arms; inexperienced and afraid yet excited and some part of her wanted this. She managed to choke out her response that was nothing more than a mewl, overcome with emotions, "I'm...here..."
He held her tighter, supporting her smaller frame against his as he brushed his lips against hers lightly, "You're afraid...I can feel and sense it..." He tilted her head back so he could see her face fully in the light, letting her dark hair sway behind her. He let a devilish grin grace his lips as he gently repositioned himself against her, letting her feel the entirety of his body.
Her lips quivered as she almost clawed at him, leaning over his arm as her face recoiled from the brightness of the light. Of course he could read her body and her emotions better than the average person. He was an assassin after all. She inwardly chided herself; of course this man knew what he did to her..that smug grin..but it was so attractive. "I..I've never..." She admitted, reluctantly, her big blue eyes staring up at him with longing.
He pulls her back up, a soft and low chuckle rumbling from his chest as he slides her against him. His lips descend on hers and his nose nudges her head to be cradled in his other hand. He coaxed her softly into the kiss, never rushing her; he wanted her to say yes, to acquiesce. Her lips were soft and warm and he took the time to memorize their feel as his tongue slid against her lower lip, nudging her with his nose as his fingers worked against the back of her neck, kneading her and coaxing her into him and she finally gave in and opened her mouth to him. It was like unlocking some secret box with a treasure inside and he hummed in approval as he deepend the kiss, curling his tongue against hers and dominating her. He pulled back to look down at her, watching the way her chest heaved and her eyes stared at him. She was dazed and for some reason he enjoyed that look on her face. "Let me..." He didn't finish his sentence, it seemed bold and presumptuous to proposition her..he shouldn't.
She felt like she had the air sucker punched out of her. The way he kissed her was scandalous and yet it felt nice. She'd day dreamed these silly kinds of things, but never once did she think he'd be here in her bedroom...wanting her. She didn't want him to stop; not now. Not after he got her into a feeling like this. She didn't know what she wanted but she didn't want him to leave. She slides her one hand up his chest and cups her fingers around his neck, pulling him closer. She didn't know how to verbalize anything. "Don't go." She stammered out, her fingers trembling against his neck. Her cheeks were so red and her entire body was slow burning and her insides were fluttering. Every time he touched her, it caused these intense feelings. "Y-yes." She searched his eyes and finished his previous thought with the answer he was wanting. She wanted him to continue. She was afraid...but she didn't think he'd hurt her.
He closed his eyes for a brief moment, letting his chest rise with a deep breath as he opened his eyes slowly. He rotated her head in his hand as his lips gently kissed across her cheek and down her jaw, his nose delving into the crook of her neck. His lips dragged against her skin with the faintest hint of bared teeth, his tongue lapping against the soft skin of her neck. She squirmed against him, rubbing against him without the faintest clue as to what her movements were doing. He opened his mouth against her skin and gently nipped down on her, suckling at her skin in a possessive way as he held her against him. Her hand hand was digging crescents into the nape of his neck but he didn't care, he kept going. His hand let go of her head, his fingers tracing the contour of her neck as he drug the rough pads of his fingers down against her night gown, inching it over the swell of her shoulder only to slip further down as his fingers feathered across her collar bone and down to cup her newly exposed breast. He smirked against her skin, kissing below her ear as he grasped her breast in his hand, his index finger and thumb pinching the nipple between rough pads. She was so sensitive, everything he did she reacted to; she truly was untouched. He was the first man to touch her and some part of that greatly excited him.
Oh spirits, what was he doing to her? A choked moan escaped from between her lips as he nipped and suckled at her neck; the action of him suckling caused a pooling of heat in her nether regions; something that often happened when she day dreamed about anything akin to this in regards to him. She squirmed against him, rubbing against him; why did something so benign as what he was doing feel so sinful? The way she moved against him felt even better, like minutely staving off some deeper desire momentarily. She gasped audibly when he dropped the one side of her night gown down, revealing her partially only to whine in protest as he groped her chest. His hands were big, warm, and rough and she gritted her teeth as he toyed with her nipple between his fingers. It hurt but it twinged deep inside and was quelled by way she squirmed against him. His breathing was even, but she could feel the excitement as his chest rose and fell against her one hand.
He caressed down her chest, his fingers kneading against her breast and down her stomach until he palmed her hip, his fingers sliding down the short distance to grapple with the hem of her night gown. He found his purchase and slid his hand up her hip until his fingers brushed her core through her panties. He could feel what he was doing to her; the way she moved against him and the sounds she made. He was barely doing anything to her and she was so wanting and receptive. He had to do right by her and take this slow; he couldn't just lay her out and get on with it. He rubbed her through the thin fabric, his thumb hooking under the hood to massage her clit as he pulled back to gently kiss her, the hum of approval he elicited low and sultry.
She couldn't help but to moan the moment he touched her down there. The sound was swallowed by his mouth as she pressed against him, her body on fire and squirming against his ministrations. Oh gods...this felt better than the times she's touched herself. The object of her affection and desire was touching her...so intimately. She was so electrically charged that she didn't realize her other hand grabbed the bicep of his arm stroking her so gently, all bug tugging on his arm and his neck. Oh she wanted more, what more, she didn't know. Something. Something was missing and it felt empty.
He broke the kiss to lean back, watching her struggle against him. She was trying to pull him closer though he stood fast like a rock against her. He grinned as he worked his thumb against her, his breath quick and steady; he was master of keeping himself calm in situations, but this...this excited him. She's pervaded his thoughts in the early morning hours; and he'd be lying if he hadn't thought of her beneath him more than once. He gripped her waist with the arm that support her and he slowly walked her backwards, all but holding her against him as his hand withdrew from her. His fingers hooked the fabric of her night gown and bunched it up, dragging it up her body and over her head, tossing it aside as he pulled her up against him to let her bare chest press against his. He held her reverently against him as he kicked off his shoes, to stand barefoot with her beside her bed. He loved the way her cheeks were dusted red and the way her chest heaved and fell; the way her eyes stared at him with desire. "Minami...are you sure...?" He said, giving her a chance to say no before things got too hot and heavy. He couldn't live with himself if he hurt her; he wouldn't force her into anything she didn't want to do.
She attempted to cover herself and failed futiley as he held her fast against him, her arms having nowhere to go but around his neck as she looked at him. Her legs were shaky and she struggled to stand, her toes barely supporting her as she gave in to him and pressed herself against him. She shyly tipped her face upwards towards him, her nose brushing his chin, her voice was just as shy sounding and quivered as she spoke, "Shieda...I'm sure...please.." She was so sweet sounding as she pleaded with him. He did funny things to her insides and when he touched her like that..it..it stroked a fire deep insider her.
He picked her up with a sweeping motion and edged his knee onto her bed, placing her in the middle of her bed, forcing himself to settle between her legs as he looks down on her. She seemed frightened the way she looked at him, but he nudged her backwards with his lips, kissing her as he eased her backwards into the softness of her bed. He'd never hurt her; he'd rather hurt himself than hurt her. He splays one hand beside her head as he kisses her, tilting his head to deepen the kiss as his other hand travels up the expanse of her long leg, finger tips dancing around her smooth skin. She was so soft and smooth; he'd slept with his fair share of women, but there was something about her that was just calling him. Perhaps it was her demeanor and her overall softness. His hands stroked the soft fabric of her panties and he teased her; fingers dancing across her core and hips, painfully slowly, to the point she whimpered against his lips, her hands reaching and grabbing at his arms. She was so shy yet she was wanting; it was as if she couldn't express what she wanted because she'd never experienced it before and he smirked against her lips. He loved that he'd be the man to help her figure it out. He pulled back to sit on his haunches between her legs, looking down at her with dark, lust filled eyes; he was exacting a sort of patience with her that he normally didn't exhibit with most women. Minami meant something to him, and even though he wanted nothing more than to take her right here and now, he couldn't do that to her. Not after he confirmed she'd never slept with anyone before; he had to be gentle. His hands grasped her hips and made quick work of her panties, edging them off of her and tossed them aside, delving back down towards her. He settled on his stomach between her legs, propping himself up on one elbow as his other hand traced her lower lips, nipping at her thigh.
She made a sound of disbelief, watching him with wide eyes, attempting to protest against him. He gave her a look that quelled her protests and she watched him with fascination before she moaned; his hand, those fingers, again...they were doing things to her. She felt herself clench down there as his fingers parted her folds and she could feel the wetness seep out onto his fingers as she watched him do this to her. He was looking right at her and her cheeks brightened a darker shade of red at the thought of him touching her like this and knowing how wet she was. His eyes were smoldering and that smirk on his face; oh gods that smirk. The air was so sexually charged between them right now and she was breathing heavy and she attempted to close her legs but he refused to let them close, his fingers slowly stroking her up and down, parting her lips and allowing the liquid to leak onto her and his fingers. Before she realized it she cried out, her hands pressing against the bed as she arched her back, her head tilting downwards only to see his head between her legs. His mouth was on her core, his tongue swirling around that hardened bud as his index finger forced its way inside of her. Oh gods, yes! No...oh no YES. This felt amazing and she felt so guilty for liking it, but oh gods did she like it. She trembled as her toes curled against the sheets, her hands grasping his head as her fingers tangled in his hair; she was panting and her chest was heaving with effort yet she'd done nothing. "Shieda...haa.." The way she said his name was like sin itself.
He kept going, curling his finger inside of her as his mouth suckled at her clit; she was writhing beneath him and those moans were like music to his ears. She was so tight, clamping around his finger and he coaxed another finger inside of her; he pumping his fingers in tandem with the rotation of his tongue, working her deeper with every twist of his wirst. He could feel her trying to push his fingers out but he doubled his efforts, twisting and turning his fingers as he slips a third digit inside, lapping at her clit. He could feel her bearing down and the way she fluttered against his fingers, he knew he had to stop. He withdrew his fingers from her and raked his tongue from her entrance all the way up to her clit, leaning back as he slides his fingers inside of his mouth only to suck her juices from his fingers in a blatant display of obvious like. He watched her laying there, out of breath with quivering legs and his hands reached for his pants, fingers undoing the restraints that kept them up. He slowly peeled his pants open, revealing more and more skin each time, as if he were playing it up for her. The way his musculature led her eyes downwards as he slid his pants down his hips to let his member spring forth to reveal exactly how aroused he was, one hand grasping it firmly within his grasp as it pulsed. He slid his hand up and down that thick, long shaft with a moan as he tilted his head back watching her watch him pleasure himself; her eyes were wide and that fear crept back onto her countenance at the sheer size of himself and he clenched his muscles, flexing.
She made a sensual sound of approval, her legs squeezing shut as she rubbed her thighs together. Watching him touch himself was so intimate and sexual in a way she'd never thought she'd be with someone, yet here she was, lusting after a man she most likely shouldn't be with. She was so wet and seeing his member...it was like she longed for it to fill the void within her. Was this what she was missing, what the empty feeling was? Her inner walls fluttered as she watched his hand slide up and down his shaft, suckling her lower lip in anticipation.
He let his pants fall further down his thighs before he let go with a reluctant groan, taking her knees in both hands as he forced her legs apart, towering over her. She was ready and he was more than ready. He settled between her thighs, lowering himself over her as he pressed her further into the bed, settling onto an elbow by her head as he used his free hand to slide his member up and down her wet folds, his breath quickening as he guides the tip to her entrance, pressing in ever so gently. He knew this was going to hurt for the briefest of moments for her, but he'd make it up to her after the pain ebbed away. He brought his hand up and caressed it over her cheek, his lips descending on hers, distracting her as he forced himself inside of her with a swift thrust of his hips, sheathing himself to the hilt with a cry from her that he swallowed. His lips moved to the corners of her eyes, kissing away the tears in an apology for the pain before he rubbed his thumb over her lips before kissing her again.
There was no denying that it hurt; that it was an intrusion of another sort that she'd never experienced. He was big and pulsing inside of her and she felt every inch of him, her walls vice gripping him as she kissed him, her hands cupping his face as she slid her thighs against his hips. She was so full, even through the pain it felt strangely good. She'd fantasized about this a time or two, embarassingly enough; reality was way better. It took a few moments, but she realized he was experienced and that he was waiting for her to be comfortable. He was quiet and patient and she knew he was being gentle for her sake. He at least thought enough of her to do that much.
He started to move once he felt her relax, her hands creeping over his shoulders as he set a slow yet even pace, pulling out of her to the tip only to crash back into her. He buried his head in her neck, his breath finally breaking it's even rhythym with a groan. He thrust into her, over and over, his lips sliding over the previously given love bite, the hand holding her face sliding down to wrap around her back as he held her. She wasn't the type of woman he intended to ever throw away, he just couldn't see himself loving her and leaving her, ever. She arched against him and he rolled his hips into hers, drawing out a moan from her as he breathed heavily into her neck. She was so tight, so wet; he bottomed out inside of her with a deep thrust and he ground his hips against hers causing her to grip him tighter. He hissed with a gutteral moan, pulling her body flush with his as he supported himself on the one cradling her back, his newly freed hand snaking between them to stroke her clit gently with the pad of his thumb. She was so tight that he felt himself edging closer and he wasn't about to finish before her. He slid in and out, grinding as he bottomed out inside of her swirling his thumb against her clit in perfect rhythym with his thrusts. He could feel her building up, the way she gasped and moaned, the relentless clenching of her around him. He had to hold on just a little longer...
He picked up the pace, thrusting more insistently into her, rolling his hips with each motion which only elicited every resounding sexy noise from the woman beneath him. There. He felt it, the wave of orgasm peaking as she shuddered beneath him, arching against him as she clawed his back. Her nails dug into him and she pulled him, rolling her hips against him and writhing against him, crying out his name loudly. Oh gods, he never thought he'd hear a woman say his name like that ever, but here she was, yelling it into the night as she came for him. He thrust into her faster, his thumb drawing out her orgasm as he moaned loudly into her ear, his member stiffening and releasing his seed inside of her as he stilled against her, his mucles flexing into those fingers of hers, rippling against her nails. He pushed himself up, as if he was about to push himself up, watching the dazed expression on her face, his lips parted as he panted, "Fuck...Minami..." He said breathlessly.
He rolled off of her with a groan, dislodging himself from within her as he landed on his back beside her, curling his arm as he brought her to his side. His bangs splayed out on either side of his face and he looked down at her. He didn't even bother to pull his pants up, not that they were down that far either way, but he did pull the cover up with his other hand to give her decency. His chest heaved and he just watched her, wondering if she was okay.
She curled up against his side, nestled against his side, her eyes watching him as she offers him a small smile. She pulled the blanket up, greatful for the modesty he was offering her. She just lay there looking at him like he looked at her. She wasn't sure where this left them, but...it couldn't be such a bad spot, right?
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riftimagines · 4 years
Spirit Blossom!Thresh x Shadow Assassin!Kayn
This is literally just smut with a hint of plot. I’m not the best at writing smut but I was inspired to write this after someone, you know who you are :3, introduced me to this ship and we shared a lot of headcanons with them in different AUs but this is the one that came out. LOL. Also I recently made a A03 acc. called RiftWrites where I’m probably going to post my one shots there because Tumblr is kinda annoying with posting long stories RIP.
Warnings: Smut, Blood mentions, This has Thresh ffs XD
The smell of blood and death thickly floated in the air. The invading Noxians stood no chance against the blurry shadow that swept through the field and cleaved through them like animals for slaughter. It was like a creature from their worst nightmares but this creature was no creature but in fact, a man. The sheer speed and fluidity of his moments made him look like a living shadow, something that was created by magic and in a way was. The gifted shadow magic Sheida Kayn possessed was only enhanced further by the defeat of the Darkin scythe, Rhaast. Its defeat gave him unholy amounts of power and transformed the young man into a terrifying shadow assassin. His power showed on this day as there was more blood then grass on this once pristine grassland. Bodies lay askew where flowers once bloomed and from the corpses rose a particular bloom. A Spirit Blossom. This year was the year they had returned after thirteen years and now sadly they would leave again and with them the souls of the dead of this land both Ionian and Noxian. The sky began to fill with the blossoms of the dead Noxians and began to float away, good riddance. Now to get rid of what little was left.
In the not so far off distance a force was awakened. The sounds of lost spirits called out and from the realm of the dead came a seeker of said souls, a demon that sought to collect all the spirits and show them their true potential. Its unnatural purple skin and white hair contrasted against the natural hues of the forest. It seemed not to care as it stood out for anyone to see its vision became set as the brilliant flowers in the sky sang to collect them.
“No worries little spirits, your safe with me now.” Its reverberated voice rang out. From its left side it brought forth a lantern in the shape of a demons face almost similar to his own. A smile curled upon its lips from beneath its golden jaw plating as the Spirit Blossoms came down and closer to him. The spirits are completely unaware of what was happening when the lanterns mouth suddenly opened and began to pull all the souls into it. So many spirits to gather today, like harvesting wheat freshly cut in fact they seemed like they were. The Spirit Blossoms were fresh, very fresh, and seemed to becoming from a certain direction, interesting. Curious as to where they were coming from the demon begins to walk towards the origin of all these blossoms while gathering them a long the way. It did not take long for the purple hued evil to find the source. A battlefield, how quaint. There had been much delectable suffering and pain. Ah, if only he had heard the screams, the sweet tones of misery. As if on command of thought, the sounds of screaming and wailing called, now that was a lovely sound he could not resist. The siren sounds cried out like the most beautiful chorus and soon lead to its singers.
The bodies fell left and right as a blur of blue and darkness swooped through the poor mortals and razed them. There was no mercy, only pain just like the demon liked it. Its bright lavender eyes became transfixed at the lithe form doing a dance of death leaving blood and agony in its wake. Who was that glorious creature? It did not seem to notice the demon at the edge of the battle watching every deadly moment in awe. The dance continued for a few moments longer before the final howls of despair fluttered into nothingness. The shadow finally stops and reveals to the demon a divine looking man. He had never seen a human look so, alluring. His pale skin tattooed with dark lines that traveled from his eyes across his face, down his chest and completely engulfed his forearms. Such a lovely being, he must know more about this beauteous agent of death, no time like the present to make a blunt entrance. With a couple spins of its sickle it launches it at high speeds to the target and it snags its very soul.
Kayn is completely confused as a small scythe attached to a thick cord wraps around him. It should have been easy to cut but the cords were seemingly harder then steel and did not break, instead they pulled harder as the strangest looking fiend he’d ever seen comes flying at him. For a moment he feels panic as his powers don’t let him escape, the magic cord holds him still. No attack ever came though, just the sound of evil laughter fills his ears. He looks at the monster before him with wide eyes. What was this thing?
“How adorable, so confused and so scared. I won’t hurt you though little one. I am Thresh, collector of the Spirit Blossoms. Do not let my frightening visage fool you, I am but a humble guide to these poor spirits and bring them up to their full potential. It seems though you have found your full potential early, so tell me what are you my dear?” He coos softly. Kayn was having none of that though.
“I am Sheida Kayn, and I care not what you are monster I will not obey you!” Kayn’s scythe came barreling towards Thresh’s neck and had he been anyone else he would have been dead. The demon sighed then pulled hard on the chains sending Kayn into a tree and his scythe out of his hands.
“A feisty one aren’t you? I’m not surprised but make no mistake, I do know how to put wild spirits back in their place.” He says as he picks up the shadow assassin by the throat, pushes him against the tree and squeezes slightly. A sudden moan that catches both Kayn and Thresh off guard. A wicked grin spreads upon the demons face and Kayn seizes up. He squeezes again experimentally and again the soft moan flutters into his ears. Oh now that is a nice sound. Kayn suddenly feels fear, a feeling he had not felt in a long while, and tries to phase though the tree only to be stopped by the white cord wrapped around his waist keeping him from escaping.
“ Now, now, little pet, don’t leave so soon, we just discovered something new! Here lets make this more interesting shall we? I believe the blossoms from this field should be enough.” Suddenly the demonic lantern opens up again and the Spirit Blossoms make their way inside. It’s eyes begin to blaze and the demon removes its hand from Kayn’s throat to call upon its power. A pulse of energy burst forth from Thresh and five ghostly purple walls seemingly arise from nowhere. The more startling part wasn’t the box that surrounded them now but the fact that the demon was changing. Its dark purple skin became a light alabaster, hair a dark black with purple hues, and its horrifying mask was now replaced with a gorgeous man. It was so jarring to see something so terrifying turn into something so beautiful. Thresh smiled smugly at Kayn, no one could resist this form, perhaps now he’d get more of those lovely sounds.
“Ah, how is this? Not to bad if I do say so my self. Now where were we?” His hand returns to grasp at his neck this time though his other hand begins to graze his sharp claws down his chest. A nail catches his skin and leaves a little scratch it its wake making Kayn hiss. Thresh’s eyes glaze slightly at the sound of pain, so heavenly, he needs more. Dark purple nails trace all over Kayn’s torso leaving more cuts and scratches all over but none enough to be agonizing or lethal, Thresh is having too much fun with this one for him to die yet. Through the rough ministrations on his body Kayn’s breath had hitched and his nerves turned on to high. Every touch was doing something to him that wasn’t really pain. A tight, warm feeling starts to form in his lower abdomen. Thresh can see a redness spreading upon Kayn’s face.
“Enjoying your self? It’s rude to keep all that pleasure to yourself you know?” With unseen swiftness the small gap between them is closed and their lips are intertwined. It’s a rough and hungry kiss almost like he couldn’t get enough. Kayn had not experienced much physical affection but this was something greater then those little kisses he’d seen couples share. They are both bare chest to bare chest breathing hard into each other until Kayn could not breath. They break panting hard and Thresh’s eyes are fully glazed over and glowing deviously. In a split second his mouth is on Kayn’s exposed neck and is biting down hard. Kayn yelps loudly then goes into a deep moan as Thresh works the bite into what will be a deep dark bruise. The tight feeling rushes downward to his groin and an involuntary buck of his hips follows. The demon stops biting his neck and moves up to nip at the shell of his ear before whispering low and deep.
“Such an eager little spirit. You want me to claim you don’t you? Want me to collect your body and soul?” Kayn can’t speak the sheer amount of arousal is drowning his mind but he can feel himself nod and his hands try to pull Thresh closer. The cord unfurls its self from his waist and find new residence binding his hands instead now. Thresh raises his hands and the cord upwards to a branch to keep Kayn’s hands up.
“Yes, I know you want me but you’ll get me as I give myself to you. No sooner, no later.” He purrs lowly. With hands now bound and pinned above his head it gave the devious soul collector free reign of Kayn’s body. His talons raked across his body and mouth working anywhere that looked like a tender spot. Scratches and bruises start to decorate pale skin and leave their new owner writhing in pleasure. The firmness in his pants was agonizing, far more so then the slightly bloody cuts. Thresh was in a no better state. His normally composed visage was flustered across his face all the way to the tips of his pointed ears. His own member throbbing for attention.
Not wasting anymore time those claws were put to the test as they tore through the thick cords that held up Kayn’s pants effectively loosening and dropping them. Kayn gasps as his warm, hardened nether regions are exposed to the elements, clear fluid already seeping from the end. The demon growls deeply at the sight and is quick to rid himself of his binding clothing. Tossing them aside he strokes his manhood gently, electing a rumbling purr from his chest. Kayn can see through half lidded eyes the demons length and a shiver runs down his spine. He isn’t familiar with others genitals but he is bigger then himself by a bit and quite thick. Thresh moves in again and lifts Kayn’s hips up to line up before pushing in. Kayn’s eyes go wide at the foreign felling of being filled. He’s moaning, writhing and trying desperately to get accustomed to this new sensation. Tears start to pool and fall down his face which are then licked up by the eager demon.
“Easy now my pet, just relax. Let me handle everything.” He coos into his ear and leaves a kiss where a stray tear is falling. The pleasantries are gone in moments though as Thresh begins to move. The pace starts slow but then begins to build and soon its a quick relentless pace that leaves Kayn completely breathless. His whole body feels limp as if all his strength has left him, the strength of the demon alone is the only thing keeping him up. Every harsh thrust seems to hit a spot that has his eyes rolling back and him moaning and gasping loudly. The sounds and the sensation of Kayn tightening around him sends Thresh on a marking spree, covering as much skin as he can into deep colors. It’s all so much for Kayn and in a moment of bliss his sight blurs and he can finally feel himself release. He can hear a deep animalistic growl and for a few seconds his hips are grabbed so hard he swore the bone would bruise as Thresh rams into him sending Kayn’s blurred vision into pure white and his hearing completely gone. The whole world fades for who knows how long before his vision is restored and the demon is slowly pulling out of him. He now hangs there on the tree limply, unable to will his now exhausted muscles to move even an inch. A whine escapes him as Thresh fixes himself up.
“Now, now, I know you miss me. I’ll get to you in a moment.” He places his clothing back into place and almost seems like nothing happened to him at all. He goes to the side of the tree and binds the forgotten scythe to his back before coming around and pulling Kayn’s pants back up. As soon as the cord to the sickle is removed Kayn drops like a rock right into Thresh’s arms. His body is too weak to fight him off and lets his head lull onto the demons shoulder. He smiles down at the tired human in his arms and places a small kiss upon his crown.
“You may rest now dear. I won’t let anything happen to you. Your mine now you know, nothing will take you from me and you certainly won’t get away from me from now on. So get used to being where you are for your going to be there for the rest of eternity.” He says all too gleefully while holding him tightly. Kayn thinks for a moment of what he’s done. He’s now bound to a soul taking demon, but a soul taking demon that has given him more attention in about an hour then he’s received in his entire life. Thats not entirely to bad he thinks. He looks up at the handsome face that looks down at him with a smirk and dips down to place another kiss, this time to his lips, that’s most certainly something he could get used to.
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riftimagines · 4 years
Ok, so I'd totally like some hcs for my blood magic girl Faye x Kayn please!! if that's ok- I hate to blab but for more info on her Faye's just like? A sweetheart who acts really friendly and cheery but also adores Latona (who encourages her to become more powerful and ruthless-) and violence, when she gets the chance to use it?? But she'd be affectionate and totally supportive of Kayn's lifestyle nonetheless? And gives him advice on having a good relationship with Rhaast too, if he'll take it-
Hey again! I do appreciate all the character info! I wasn’t sure how much changed so I went with her personality in this post. I hope these came out ok though 😅
As a note this character was a teen but has now been aged up. Just for anyone who read the previous post to this.
Faye (OC) x Kayn
-Ionia was such a breath of fresh air for Faye. Coming from a Demacian house of nobility was so stuffy and uncomfortable. Having this freedom with her Darkin staff, Laatora, was amazing. She didn’t need her old home or family, not that they wanted her after she found Laatora, she had what she needed and would be just fine.
-She is amazed at seeing another Darkin user. Laatora look that one is a scythe do you know them?! She is quick to swarm Kayn with her chipper and friendly disposition. Rhaast is telling him to kill her and she tells him that’s rude. Kayn should teach him some manners and tell him to be nicer. Do you want to learn how? He is intrigued.
-It’s nice to have someone so sweet and kind around. It makes him feel wanted, Rhaast calls him weak for liking the attention. Faye will hush him and gives Kayn some affection right in front of his eye just to ire him and to make Kayn feel more comfortable with liking her affection.
-Faye is a little strange with her Darkin apparently being her mother figure but that is usually forgotten when they are fighting. Her blood magic is something he’s never seen before or was even aware it was something Darkin could do. Rhaast was incapable of magic and tells Kayn he prefers to savor his kills. Laatora tells him Rhaast was too stupid and impatient to learn.
-Sometimes Kayn feels like his assassin ways are a bit too much for Faye even though she is not bothered by it at all. Her kindness makes him forget she is capable of being ruthless, violent and the fact she is quite powerful. She supports him and his lifestyle fully. It’s fun to travel around killing people with their Darkins and spending time with him. She’d be happy to keep going with him for as long as they can.
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