#I know a lot of this is probably a hot take
nayziiz · 3 days
I don’t know if you taking any request, but I would love one where reader and Carlos share birthday and he is turning 30 and reader is turning 26, and they have a surprised birthday party but after a while they disappear because they want to be alone, maybe running to the beach where things turn hot, but at the same time super cute
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (Y/N)
Warnings: None, just a lot of softness
Author’s note: Thank you for this request! I loved writing this. I actually had a birthday-themed one shot planned for Carlos down the line, so I’ve meshed the two together. Hope you like it, anon!
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The Sainz family were big on celebrating birthdays, always were, and probably always would be as the grandkids began emerging. From grand feasts to meticulously decorated cakes, their gatherings were legendary in their circle. They embraced every reason to celebrate life, and birthdays were at the top of that list.
Carlos Sainz, however, felt differently. Ever since he was a child, he found the hullabaloo of birthday celebrations overwhelming. It wasn't that he hated his birthday—he appreciated the love and thoughtfulness behind it—but the anticipation, the parties, and the surprises weren't his thing. His family, exuberant and enthusiastic, never quite understood his reluctance, though they respected it as best they could.
That all changed when he met Y/N.
Y/N was the embodiment of birthday joy. She revelled in the surprises, the laughter, and the attention that came with her special day. Every year, she looked forward to the creative and sometimes outrageous plans her friends concocted. The excitement of not knowing what was in store made her feel alive. Birthdays, to her, were magical, a time when the world seemed to celebrate her existence.
When Carlos and Y/N started dating, his mother made a special effort to make Y/N feel welcomed and cherished. She saw in Y/N the same spark she had in herself for birthday celebrations and went all out to ensure Y/N felt like part of the family.
Carlos couldn't help but be amazed by the twist of fate that had brought Y/N into his life. What were the chances he’d meet someone, fall hopelessly in love with her, and discover they shared the same birthday? It seemed like destiny had a sense of humour, pairing two people who were polar opposites in their approach to celebrating their day.
At first, Carlos found it challenging to reconcile their differences. Y/N’s infectious enthusiasm for birthdays was a stark contrast to his quiet appreciation. Yet, as the years went by and Y/N moved to Monaco to be with Carlos, they found a balance. They began spending their birthdays with the Sainz family, where Y/N's excitement was met with warmth and Carlos’s quieter nature was respected.
During their long-term relationship, it quickly became a friendly competition to see who would get up first on their shared birthday morning to make pancakes, decorate the apartment with streamers, and get the cakes ready. Those mornings were some of their most cherished memories, filled with laughter, love, and a playful spirit that defined their bond.
The tradition started one early morning a few years into their relationship. Y/N had woken up extra early, determined to surprise Carlos with a breakfast of fluffy pancakes and a kitchen festooned with vibrant streamers. When Carlos awoke to the smell of vanilla and the sight of his favourite breakfast, his heart swelled with warmth. The joy on Y/N’s face as she presented the spread was infectious, and he knew this was a moment he wanted to repeat.
The next year, Carlos decided to turn the tables. He set his alarm even earlier, sneaking out of bed with the stealth of a ninja. He whipped up pancakes, decorated the apartment in Y/N’s favourite colours, and had everything ready before she woke up. Her surprised and delighted reaction was priceless, and thus, their annual birthday competition was born.
Each year, they tried to outdo each other in creativity and effort. Some mornings, Y/N would weave intricate garlands of flowers along the walls and ceilings, while other times, Carlos would arrange for balloons that played a soft melody when touched. They would take turns crafting the most delightful pancake designs, from heart shapes to animals, making breakfast a feast for both the eyes and the stomach.
One particularly memorable year, Y/N had managed to enlist the help of their closest friends to create a pancake buffet with every topping imaginable. She had transformed their living room into a whimsical birthday wonderland overnight, complete with a makeshift pancake bar. Carlos, despite his best efforts, found himself wonderfully defeated that year, laughing as he marvelled at the sheer extravagance of her plan.
In return, Carlos spent months planning the ultimate birthday surprise the following year. He created a treasure hunt that began with a simple pancake breakfast but led to hidden clues throughout their apartment, each one revealing another cherished memory or inside joke. The final clue brought Y/N to a small, beautifully decorated room where Carlos had set up a projector to play a montage of their happiest moments together.
These mornings were more than just a friendly competition; they were a testament to their love and the lengths they would go to make each other feel special. Each year, they created new memories, their playful rivalry a celebration of their relationship’s enduring joy and mutual adoration.
For the first time in five years, Carlos’s family could not be with them for their birthday. A new baby niece had arrived, and naturally, all attention was focused on the newest family member. Carlos didn't mind; he adored his niece and understood the excitement surrounding her. The decision to stay home and celebrate his 30th and her 26th birthdays alone was a welcome change of pace, a chance to create new memories in the comfort of their own space.
The night before their birthday, they sat together on the couch, wrapped in a cosy blanket, reminiscing about their past birthday adventures.
“It feels strange not having the family around,” Y/N said, leaning her head on Carlos's shoulder. “But I’m excited to have a quiet day, just the two of us.”
“We can do whatever we want. No elaborate plans, no fuss. Just us,” Carlos nodded, a smile playing on his lips.
When the clock struck midnight, Y/N grinned and sprang up.
“Happy Birthday!” she exclaimed, kissing him gently. Carlos returned the kiss, his heart full of love for the woman who had transformed his view of birthdays.
The morning sun streamed through the windows, waking them naturally. They both stirred, blinking sleepily at each other.
“Truce?” Y/N suggested, laughing. “Let’s make breakfast together this time.”
Carlos agreed, and they headed to the kitchen, side by side. They mixed the pancake batter, playfully arguing over the best way to cook them. The kitchen soon filled with the comforting aroma of pancakes and coffee. As they sat down to eat, Carlos reached under the table and pulled out a small gift.
“For you,” he said, handing it to Y/N. She unwrapped it to find a delicate bracelet, each charm representing a shared memory or inside joke from their years together.
“It’s perfect, Carlos. Thank you.”  Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly.
It was wishful thinking that they would have a quiet day to themselves. Late in the morning, Carlos got a call from his manager, Carlos Onoro, asking if they could join him and his partner for a celebratory lunch, just the four of them. Carlos glanced at Y/N, who gave an understanding nod and a smile. They both knew how important these relationships were, and besides, a lunch out sounded nice. So, they got dressed and drove down to a beach-side restaurant to meet.
They should have known what was waiting for them. The cars parked around the restaurant should have been a dead giveaway. As they approached the entrance, Carlos and Y/N noticed a few familiar vehicles but didn't think much of it, attributing it to coincidence. When they walked in, however, they were met with a thunderous cheer.
Everyone screamed and shouted in jubilation for the couple sharing a birthday. Streamers and balloons adorned the ceiling, and a large banner reading “Happy Birthday Carlos and Y/N!” hung prominently on the wall. Y/N quickly cowered under Carlos's arm, their faces both flushing with surprise and delight. Neither had expected so many of their friends; not once did surprise party bells go off in their heads.
Carlos Onoro, with a mischievous grin, stepped forward and embraced them both.
“You didn’t think we’d let you two be alone on your birthday!” Carlos Onoro exclaimed as he enveloped the couple in his embrace. “The big 3-0, how’s it feel dating an old man?”
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head. Before he could respond, Y/N interjected with a playful grin.
“Consider me pleased dating a silver fox, then,” she teased as she gazed lovingly at him, her eyes sparkling with affection. Their friends laughed, and Carlos couldn't help but blush, feeling both embarrassed and touched by her words.
“Well, if I’m a silver fox, then I guess I’m pretty lucky to have such a beautiful partner,” he replied, kissing her forehead softly.
Their friends gathered around, offering hugs, well-wishes, and playful jabs about how surprised they looked. The restaurant was filled with familiar faces, friends from Monaco, family members who had managed to slip away, and even some colleagues from Carlos’s racing world. The air buzzed with excitement and love.
Carlos's eyes scanned the room, settling on the carefully arranged decorations and the table laden with their favourite foods. It was clear that a lot of thought and effort had gone into planning this party. He turned to Y/N, who was already tearing up from the overwhelming affection surrounding them.
After a few hours of chatting, eating, and drinking, Carlos was exhausted from the attention. The constant stream of conversations and well-wishers had been wonderful but draining. He scanned the room, searching for Y/N amidst the laughter and animated discussions. Spotting her laughing with a group of friends, he made his way over.
“Hey,” he said softly, touching her arm. “Can I steal you for a minute?”
Y/N turned to him, immediately sensing his need for a break.
“Of course,” she said, taking his hand. She excused herself from the group, smiling apologetically at her friends.
“If I hear someone say happy birthday one more time-” he moaned into her neck as he pulled her against him, squeezing her butt in the process. “Want to get out of here for a bit?”
She nodded, her heart beating a little faster. Hand in hand, they slipped out of the restaurant and made their way to the beach. The cool sand under their feet and the gentle sound of the waves created a perfect escape from the lively party.
They walked in comfortable silence for a while, the moonlight casting a silvery glow on the water. Eventually, they reached a secluded spot where they could still see the lights of the beach house but felt like they were in their own little world.
“Can you believe we've been celebrating our birthdays together for five years now?” Carlos turned to face her, his expression soft and contemplative.
“I can't imagine celebrating it any other way,” She smiled, looking up at him.
Without another word, Carlos closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a tender kiss. It was a moment filled with unspoken emotions, a blend of passion and affection that they cultivated for years.
“The world wouldn't be this bright without you, you know?” Carlos told her, causing her to blush.
“Happy birthday, my love,” she replied softly, running a hand through his lush black hair. The touch was tender, and it sent a comforting warmth through both of them.
“I don’t hate hearing that as much when it comes from you,” Carlos smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection.
“And you, Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro and whatever else makes up your very long name, are my favourite birthday gift,” she stated, her eyes twinkling with playful affection.
“Well, when you put it that way, I guess I'll have to live up to the title,” Carlos chuckled, the sound warm and genuine.
“You already do, every single day,” she laughed, leaning in to kiss him softly. 
“You know, today didn’t turn out exactly how we planned, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Being with you makes everything perfect,” Carlos held her close, feeling the deep connection they shared.
“Agreed,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. “Here’s to many more birthdays together, filled with love and surprises.”
They stood there, the cool ocean breeze wrapping around them, and shared a quiet moment of understanding and gratitude. The love they had for each other was palpable, a beacon that made every celebration special, no matter the circumstances.
“Shall we head back inside?” Carlos asked eventually, his voice soft.
“Yes, let's,” Y/N replied, taking his hand.
They rejoined the party, the energy and joy of their friends and family enveloping them once more. As the evening continued, Carlos and Y/N found themselves frequently stealing glances at each other, sharing secret smiles and touches that spoke of their unspoken bond.
The night wound down, and as they finally made their way home, they felt a deep sense of fulfilment. They changed into their pyjamas and climbed into bed, wrapping themselves in each other’s warmth.
“Thank you for making today so special,” Carlos looked into Y/N’s eyes, his heart full.
“Every day with you is special. Happy birthday, Carlos,” Y/N smiled, her hand caressing his cheek. 
“Happy birthday, my love,” he whispered back, pulling her close.
With those words, they drifted off to sleep, knowing that no matter what life brought their way, they would always have each other. And that was the greatest gift of all.
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novelbear · 2 days
hiiii lovely, welcome back!! 💗 could i request some protective/angry prompts before they’ve started dating? with maybe a bit of the angst that comes with not knowing/being able to explain why they are so upset?
protective dialogue prompts (but they're not dating yet)
a prompt list by @novelbear ᵔᴥᵔ
"i could have handled that myself, you know."
"would you rather me just stand there and let that happen?" "yes! that was not your battle to fight!"
"you had no right."
"i didn't want anything to happen to you.."
"i don't think you should go out tonight." "well it's a good thing you don't get to make those decisions for me, isn't it?"
"what is your problem? you always pull this shit."
"i care about you." "if you cared so much, then you'd know i'm capable of defending myself."
"i didn't mean to embarrass you. i wasn't thinking." "you got that right.."
"not even [partner's name] steps in that much.." "don't you think that says something?"
"we need to talk. like seriously."
"you turn into like a completely different person when stuff like this happens. what's going on?"
"i can't take you anywhere, can i?" "i could say the same for you."
"what were you thinking??"
"i think we need to spend some time apart for a while...until you can figure whatever this is out."
"can i explain myself?" "you have two minutes."
"i'm sorry." "you'd better be..."
"i was worried and i panicked." "and i appreciate that but why? i've tried to ignore it but it's been a lot lately. if anything i'm worried for you."
"look, i know i probably should have backed off and i apologize." "no, honestly it was kind of hot." "what??"
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flemingsfreckles · 2 days
Physio’s Daughter Part 11 (18+)
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Read the rest of the series here!
Warnings: smut! fingering (r receiving and giving), oral sex (r giving and receiving), minimal dirty talk, a little accidental overstimulation, marking, it’s a little awkward so if that isn’t your vibe that’s fine, cursing
WC: 8.1k (I know, it got out of hand)
If you are reading this series but aren’t one for smut, feel free to skip this chapter. There is nothing super instrumental to the plot happening here besides the physical relationship. Anything plot related will be reiterated and explained in Part 12 so that anyone who doesn’t wish to read this content doesn’t feel lost by skipping it.
Also I’ve mentioned this before, this is not typical hot/heavy/wildest fantasy smut, I wrote this more realistic, it’s a little awkward at points, but I liked writing it this way for this story. Basically, if you’re reading smut just to get off this probably isn’t it, feel free to read my other smut
The walk back to the hotel was relatively quiet. You weren’t able to tell what was running through Jessie’s mind but yours was all over the place.
A sudden feeling of uncertainty was running through your body. You’d had done this before, a few times with a “situationship” you found yourself in your first year of university, and then a few times with drunken flings that you found at the college bar, nothing with much feeling behind it. This felt more serious than that, this was more serious than that. This was Jessie. This wasn’t a drunken decision, this was something you’d wanted for months now.
On top of those nerves came a feeling of inadequacy. She was a professional athlete. She had defined muscles, toned legs, a toned core. She had a cardio stamina a hundred times better than yours. You were just average in comparison. Your job kept you on your feet and moving around but not nearly in as good of shape as Jessie was. The nerves had you keeping your eyes on the ground ahead of you, your hands if not already occupied with the picnic basket would’ve been fidgeting with your shirt or picking at your skin.
At the same time the nerves came with an overwhelming feeling of excitement. This was Jessie. She wanted to sleep with you just as much as you wanted to sleep with her.
The second the door clicks behind the two of you Jessie has you pressed up against it. It’s reminiscent of your first kiss, up against the wall of your office. Only this time it could go as far as you both wanted. There was no risk of someone walking in, the two of you being caught, and you were ready to take advantage of that.
Putting your hands on Jessie’s waist you gingerly begin to push her backward. Much to your dismay, Jessie takes her lips off of yours and steps back.
“Sorry.” She’s quick to apologize, your hands still on her waist.
A whine of frustration almost comes out, you clear your throat and question her. “Why?”
“If that was a lot, I came on a little hard there.” Her hands wave rapidly in the space between the two of you.
“It wasn’t too much.”
“I just figured since you pushed me off.” Her thought trails off. You didn’t want her off of you.
“I wasn’t pushing you off Jessie, I was trying to push you toward the bed.”
“Yeah.” You point at the bed over her shoulder and she turns to look at it as if she didn’t know it existed.
“Well in that case, can I kiss you again?” You barely nod before Jessie is coming toward you, her hands coming to your face. One of her hands finds the back of your head, preventing you from bumping your head into the door as her body comes up against yours.
This time when your hands push on Jessie’s hips she steps backwards but doesn’t break your kiss. The two of you make your way to the bed carefully, your hands pushing her as she takes cautious steps backward. You get a step away from the bed and lighten the pressure on her hips.
She quickly climbs onto the bed, kneeling before turning back to kiss you as she kneeled up to your height. Her arms reach for you and she pulls you toward the bed. You join her kneeling onto the mattress for a moment before Jessie breaks your kiss and situates herself on the bed. Her hand reaches, clutching the collar of your shirt, pulling you down. Practically falling on her you just barely catch yourself before your face collides with hers.
Ignoring the fact that you both almost had broken you noses against each other, you kiss her hard again. It doesn’t take long for Jessie’s hands to wander. They’re on your shoulders, then running down your sides, she moves them to gently grip your ass, pulling you toward her. She’s caressing every inch of you that she can reach. You want to do the same but your hands are the only thing keeping you from crushing the woman below you.
Her hands then find their way to your chest and now it’s her pushing you back. You break the kiss this time, sitting back to put your weight on your knees.
“Take my shirt off.” Jessie says, breathlessly. Part of you felt like you were in a dream, this was happening, actually happening. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of the midfielder like this before, below you, her hands on you and yours on her, those dreams never lasted too long but you always woke up with your heart racing, just as it was doing now.
“Are you sure?” You say with your hands inches from grasping Jessie’s shirt.
“Yeah I’m sure.” She looks up at you. You can’t help but get lost in her eyes for a moment. You get distracted, leaving your hands frozen reaching out toward Jessie. The way she was looking up at you was intoxicating, her eyes soft a small ring of brown surrounding her wide pupils, you could look into them forever.
“Are you okay? You’ve done this before right?” Jessie’s words break you from your gaze.
“Sex? Yes, I have! Oh my god am I that bad?” You were ready for the floor to open up and swallow you. Mortified that Jessie was under the impression that you had never done this before, that you were clueless.
“No! No, nothings been bad, we’ve barely done anything, it's just you seem pretty nervous,” she pauses before pointing to your hands. “Your hands are shaking.” They were, you knew they were, you just thought maybe you had gotten away without Jessie noticing.
“Just a little nervous.”
“I thought I didn’t make you nervous?” Jessie’s cocky smile is able to put some of your nerves to rest.
“Usually you don’t, but yeah, this is making me a little bit nervous I guess.” Finding a sudden interest in the wall color, you keep your eyes fixated there, avoiding Jessie’s stare up at you. Now you were even more nervous, thanks to her comment.
“We don’t have to do this, if you’d rather wait or just not.”
“No!” Now you’re looking back down at her. She looks at you funny, you realize it maybe sounded like you were saying you didn’t want to. “I mean yes, I want to, I want to have sex, the nerves aren’t bad nerves, it’s just a little adrenaline I think, plus I don’t want to embarrass myself because I really like you. Although at this rate it seems I already have embarrassed myself.” You barely breathe between your sentences, rushing them out to try and limit the embarrassment you’re already feeling. You planned on being red in the face and a little sweaty when this was all done not before you even had your clothes off.
“Sorry I really didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Jessie’s thumbs rub comforting circles on your thighs.
“I’m good.” You were good, incredibly embarrassed, but good.
You curl your lips in biting them between your own teeth and just look at her.
You could get lost in her eyes all over again. The brown color, you never knew why people complained about brown eyes, they were warm, inviting, you loved looking at Jessie’s eyes. Jessie was expressive with her eyes too, it told you a lot about her feelings. Right now her eyes were a mix of lust and a small bit apologetic.
“I really didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed, I promise it’s been good so far. Plus I’m a tiny bit nervous too.” She looks down for a minute then back up to you. “Its an excited nervous and also just regular nervous, because I really, really like you too and I don’t want to mess this up, but I haven’t,” Jessie clears her throat diverting her eyes to a spot on the ceiling, “It’s just been a while since I’ve done anything with anyone.”
“Worried it’s been so long they’ve changed the fundamentals of sex?” You can’t help but crack the joke to her.
“Hey,” she playfully shoves you, “I didn’t poke too much fun at your nerves.”
“Right, I’m sorry. While we’re airing out everything, it’s been a while for me too, a year, at least.” You think maybe expressing your own lack of recent formication will ease Jessie’s nerves.
“Well then we’re in a similar boat.”
“So if they’ve changed it neither of us will know.” You shrug at her.
“Just come here.” Jessie says before she doesn’t give you a choice, her hand grabs a fistful of your shirt again and pulls you back down to her. Before your lips touch she looks you in the eye before whispering “Kiss me until your nerves are gone.”
You do just that. You bring your lips to Jessie’s, kissing her softly a couple of times, just a few pecks. Her hand remains on your thigh, the other running through your hair. Her thumb still gently rubs circles on your thigh, a soothing and grounding feeling. Her hand squeezes ever so slightly as you open your lips against hers and her hand in her hair pushes you closer to her. Kissing Jessie lets your mind go blank. You become engulfed in the feeling of her lips on yours, you’re no longer caught up in the nerves and overthinking.
The two of you stay kissing for a couple minutes Jessie’s hands finding their way to your waist, her fingers teasing at the skin under your shirt. You pull away finally, pressing yourself up using your hands on either side of Jessie’s head. She smiles up at you, her hair is messy, as you're sure yours is as well from her hand running through it. Jessie’s fingers continue to gently stroke your skin mindlessly as you two look at each other.
“You can take off my shirt, if you want.” You offer, knowing Jessie probably wouldn’t make the move to take it off of you without you asking. Her fingers are quick to grab the bottom of your shirt before pulling upward. Jessie being below you gives her an awkward angle trying to pull your shirt off meaning it gets caught on your elbow on one arm and on your head. It causes you to laugh as you’re sitting in Jessie’s lap, shirt stuck over your head, you can feel her let out a quick laugh, her stomach tensing beneath you.
“Here, I’ll get it.” You feel Jessie’s hands let go of the shirt. You maneuver it quickly before ridding yourself of the shirt, tossing it to the floor.
“Sorry that was really not smooth.”
“It’s fine Jessie.” You bend down kissing her again and your hands now find the bottom of her shirt, finishing the action you had planned to do many minutes ago. “Can I?”
“Yeah, let me sit up.” You put your weight onto your knees instead of Jessie’s lap, allowing her to scoot herself up to sit. She taps your hips once she’s sitting up, “Sit back down.” You do, now sitting more on her thighs than her waist. She sticks her arms up and you slowly pull her shirt up and over, tossing it in the same direction as yours.
Jessie’s eyes trail from your face down to your bra and down your waist, her hands find their place on your shoulders where your bra straps sit. You noticed her fingers, again making small movements, tracing soothing patterns into your skin. She leaned forward putting her lips below her hand, kissing your collarbone. She placed a line of kisses across the prominent bone before switching to give attention to the other side.
Her lips then found their way up your neck, those kisses more intense, open mouthed, her tongue running over your skin, making goosebumps appear across all of your exposed skin. You let the breath out of your chest and your eyes flutter shut as you feel her suck slightly just above the base of your neck.
She pulls back, “good?”
“Mhmm.” You hum before pushing her neck gently back in the direction of where her lips had just been. She obliges, reconnecting with your neck and sucking harder as you encourage her, your hand pressing her into your neck.
She pulls away a minute later and you open your eyes, tilting your head back down to watch Jessie open her own eyes.
“Oh my god.” Her hand clasps over her mouth, her eyes open wide and glued to your neck, a horrified look in her eyes.
“What?” You ask, but you already have a good idea of why she was staring.
“I left a mark.” Eyes still wide with fear, she doesn’t look at you, vision glued to what you assumed was a bright red marking.
“Jessie!” Your hand immediately clasps over where the warmth from her lips was still radiating. “You gave me a hickey?!”
“I wasn’t trying to, I wasn’t even sucking that hard!”
“I guess I should’ve mentioned I bruise easily.” You slowly take your hand away. “Is it bad?”
“Uh.” Jessie looks from your neck to your face and back to your neck. “It’s there. It’s definitely there. And it’s definitely too high up a shirt won’t cover it. A sweatshirt maybe. Oh my, your Mom is going to kill me.” Jessie’s words are quick and scrambled with her panic.
“Nope, nope.” You bring a hand to cover Jessie’s mouth and stop her talking. “We’re not talking about my Mom while I’m sitting in your lap.”
“Sorry.” Jessie mumbles into the palm of your hand, you remove it and put it back on her waist. She squeezes her eyes shut, tilting her head down with a slight shake. “I really didn’t mean to, I would’ve asked for permission if I planned on leaving a mark, I’ll help you cover it, I can see if Janine has makeup-”
“Take my bra off.” Her head shoots back up as you interrupt her.
“Are you sure? I figured I killed the mood by giving you a hickey like an inexperienced teenager.”
“No, you didn’t, to be fair, it felt really good. Plus it’s half my fault, I pushed your head. So, if you want to keep going, I’d like you to take off my bra and maybe you can put those suction skills of yours to work somewhere more hidden?” You raise your voice at the end, indicating you were asking her a question, more making her an offer.
She nods, her loose curls bouncing slightly around her face. She brings a hand around your back, you feel her fumble with the clasp for a second, Jessie face scrunched in concentration. Just as you’re about to offer help you feel the elastic give and the straps on your shoulders slip down slightly. The feeling, realizing you were suddenly going to be exposed brings back some of your nerves. Her hands move to hold the straps, she looks up to you again.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You nod at her and her fingers gently pull the straps down your arms, she keeps eye contact with you, not looking at your chest or the bra, not watching her own hands. Once your bra is off and on the floor with the growing pile of clothes Jessie’s hands come back to your body.
“Can I flip us over?” Her hands rest on your lower back. You give her permission and with ease she moves you off of her and onto your back before rolling over to position herself between your thighs. Your legs wrap gently around her waist. The position reminds you briefly of how the two of you were laying on top of each other at the field, her on top of you, her weight and warmth pressed into your body. You watch as Jessie takes in the sight of your bare torso. Her eyes make a path from your neck down, looking left to right, her attention being grabbed by your actively hardening nipples. She trails her eyes down the rest of your stomach before coming back up to look at you.
“You’re perfect.”
Jessie’s lips returning to your neck brings you out of your thoughts and back to the present. Her kisses are more tentative, likely she doesn’t want to accidentally mark you again. Part of you wishes she’d suck another mark. This time after making passes on your collar bones, Jessie’s mouth makes its way down the valley of your breasts.
You hum in content as Jessie moves her mouth to the flesh of your chest. She sucks just as she had on your neck, you watch as she works, her eyes are closed, focused expression on her face. She sucks a little harder making a groan bubble up from your throat. She doesn’t release her mouth but her eyes open, locking to yours while she seductively sucked harder. Jessie removes her mouth, taking a second to admire her work, a dark red circle sitting just under your nipple is left behind, she smiles before repeating the process on the other half of your chest.
Her hands have remained off of you while her mouth worked. You wanted her touch. Your own hands are all over her, they’re in her hair then on her cheek, then gently scratching down her back, squeezing her waist, holding her shoulders. You couldn’t make up your mind on where you wanted them, you wanted them everywhere. As Jessie continues to mark and tease your skin with her mouth you bring your fingers into the elastic band of her bra. You gently dig your fingers under the band hoping she’ll get the hint. She does, releasing the suction she had on you, giving each of your nipples a quick kiss before she sits up and away from you. You sit up with her, keeping your fingers just dipped under her bra.
“Can I take this off?” You look up at her. She doesn’t answer right away, she's just looking down at you, her eyes are glossed over . “Jessie?”
“Yeah?” She blinks a few times.
“Your bra? Can I take it off? If you want to keep it on, that's okay.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry, I just got distracted looking at you. You’re so pretty.” She leans down giving you a quick peck. Her words have your cheeks flushing pink. She’d complimented you before, but it was different, the way she got distracted looking at you, lost in her thoughts because she was looking at you. It made you feel wanted and that made you want her even more. Your fingers dig further under her bra and she moves her arms to raise them over her head. You’re able to get the bra about halfway off her arms before you can no longer reach and Jessie gets stuck for a moment, letting out a small giggle as the bra covered her face before she used her own hands to remove the fabric fully.
You weren’t sure if you should look. You wanted to, you wanted to admire every inch of her, but she had restrained her gaze on your own chest for a bit, so you do the same, looking at her face instead. Seeing you staring at her Jessie leans down to press her lips to yours. You sit up even more, putting the two of you in the same position from the other night, Jessie straddling you as you two made out. Only now instead of layers of clothing between the two of you, you felt her bare skin on yours.
The warmth of her chest on yours sends a shiver down your spine. You want to hold her tight to you like this forever. Her nails gently scratch down your back causing you to moan quietly against Jessie’s lips. She gets the hint you like it and she digs her nails in a bit harder, leaving red streaks down your back. The action has you throwing your head back away from Jessie to let out a louder moan.
“Hmm, someone likes that.” Jessie teases you, a smirk across her face. You roll your eyes at her, you want to make a smartass comment back but you can’t come up with anything in the moment too overwhelmed with the situation to come up with a coherent thought. Instead you sit up on your knees, pushing Jessie back so that you could climb on top of her, taking back a little bit of control.
Now you’re finally able to take in her figure. Your eyes float down to her chest, the sight has you nearly rolling your eyes back. Jessie was perfect, of course she was, but it still shocked you for some reason. You let your eyes take in all of her skin, smooth, her nipples hard, a couple of scars and scratches across her body, ones you had seen before with medical treatment, most of them from being an athlete. Her toned stomach. And then of course there’s her freckles.
You get distracted by her freckles. Of course the freckles on her face have always been a prominent feature you found adorable. You had seen the freckles on her shoulders and back before when you treated her. But now you take extra notice of them, she has freckles across her whole body, down her neck, across her chest, down her stomach, resting above her waistband, they’re everywhere. You have the urge to put your lips on every single marking on her skin, but you refrain, maybe you could do that another day.
Bringing your lips to her skin you begin to make your way down her neck, placing soft kisses before moving further down until Jessie’s hands hold you firm in the spot against her collarbone. You gently suck at the spot, feeling Jessie let out a sigh followed by a quiet whine. You can’t help but smile at her reaction, losing the suction to her skin. Taking your hand you place it on her stomach before slowly sliding it upward until you hit the curve of her breast. Not hearing any protest, you slide your hand further cupping her, giving a gentle squeeze before your thumb focuses on her nipple.
“That’s good.” Her words come out breathy. Her eyes flutter shut as your lips connect with her other nipple. Your tongue gently circling the bud. “Fuck.” The profanity is said so quietly from Jessie’s lips you barely hear it.
You continue pleasing her, switching between your hand and your mouth making sure you give even attention to both sides. You start to notice Jessie moving her hips. She grinds gently upward against your thigh as you suck a small mark into the skin below her breast. You give in to her movements, placing your thigh strategically to put pressure between her legs, you lean into her and she groans, flicking her hips upward.
You bring your hands to the button on her jeans, looking up at her for her permission. “Go ahead.” She puts her heels into the mattress and picks up her hips so let you shimmy her jeans off her pants. You don’t mean to but you realize as you get her jeans halfway down her thighs that you’ve grabbed her underwear too.
“Oops, sorry.” You separate the two waistbands and begin to just pull down her jeans.
“Don’t be sorry, just take them off too.” Jessie props herself up on her elbows to look at you. You listen, your hands going back up to start pulling down both her pants and underwear. You add the garments to the pile. When you turn and see Jessie, who was now completely naked in front of you, propped up on her elbows watching you with a stare, you freeze.
You didn’t know what to do. Well you did, you’ve done it before, you just, this was Jessie, someone new, you were starting from square one. You feel Jessie’s hands grab yours bringing you back into the moment. “You alright?” She says, giving each hand a squeeze.
Her voice and grounding gesture remind you that while yes this was Jessie, that’s what was going to make this easy, it was Jessie. “Yeah, I’m good.” You flash her a smile. “Uh so,” you glance down between her legs then back to her face, “is there anything you definitely don’t want me to do? Mouth, hands, anything?”
You watch as Jessie thinks for a second, “No, whatever you’re comfortable with is good but just as a tip I probably won’t get off just from you know, inside, I usually need, outside,” she lets her voice drop off and you’re not sure if she’s done with her sentence or if she just got shy.
“Yeah, I’m the same way.” You offer her the suggestion about your own body now while she’s showing her own vulnerability. “Inside and outside usually is easiest for me.”
Jessie nods “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Leaning over you let go of Jessie’s hands to brace yourself above her. You give Jessie a peck on the lips and then one on her cheek and all the way down her neck. You nestle your head into the crook of her neck, kissing her neck and shoulder as you bring your right hand down and between her legs. You find her thigh first, gently dragging your fingers on the inside of her thigh higher and higher to let her know where you were going. Her skin is smooth and you feel her thighs clench as your hand gets higher and higher until you can tell your just in the crease of her thigh. You let your hand sit for a second.
“Touch me.” Jessie murmurs into your ear which is conveniently placed just next to her lips with your head in her neck. You take a deep breath and you do as she asks. Your fingers run over her once before you dip your ring and middle fingers lower. You start to feel her arousal coat your fingers before you run them upward through her. You pause when you hear Jessie’s breath hitch in her throat as you don’t hear her let the breath out.
“Are you okay?” You pick your head up to ask her.
“Mmmhm.” She hums. “Keep going.”
Bringing your fingers back down you feel her entrance and the slick that’s covering it. You’d come back to that you decided, bringing your fingers back up and finding her clit. You start with barely any pressure, just circling the bundle of nerves once then twice, before lifting your head again. “Is this okay?”
“Good, more pressure though.” She guides you and you follow, increasing the pressure on your fingers. After a few minutes of the movement, Jessie lets out a pleased sigh followed by a deep moan. “That’s, that’s good, fuck.”
It wasn’t often you heard Jessie curse, once or twice on the field, a few other times, but this was now your new favorite way she said it. Letting profanities fall from her mouth because of the feelings you were providing was definitely an ego boost. You keep circling her clit, listening to the noises she made, telling you if you were doing the right thing. Caught up in the way she was whining, your name coming out from her lips a few times, you were surprised when you felt her hand come down to grasp yours.
“Can you put them inside?” She says when you remove your head from her shoulder to see why she had grabbed your hand.
“Of course.” You want to bring your fingers to your lips, to taste her, instead you have a better idea. “Can I taste you, while I finger you?” You clarify.
“God you’re hot asking for what you want.” She pushes your hand toward her opening. “Yes, you can.” Her permission is all you need and you’re moving off of her and lying between her legs, you grab them and place one over your shoulder and push the other up and out to give you room for your hand. You can see the arousal you spread with your fingers coating her. Using your fingers you gently spread her before placing your tongue flat against her core and licking a long slow strip up. When your tongue crosses her clit she bucks her hips, already sensitive from your fingers. You get lost in her flavor, tasting her, enjoying the feeling of your tongue on her in the most intimate way.
Alternating your movements you suck and lick her core until her hands are on your head, pushing and pulling you while she ground her hips into your face. You were surprised by how noisy Jessie was in bed. She wasn’t necessarily loud in terms of volume. She didn’t say too many words but she filled the air with moans, whimpers, deep breaths, the sound of her breath catching, all noises that were spurring you on. “Add your fingers please.” Her voice is barely a whisper.
You bring your two fingers to her entrance and begin to push into her. You both moan as you slide one in. The feeling of her warm and tight around your finger is enough and you can tell your underwear would be plenty damp when it came off. You give her a few thrusts with one finger before pushing in with two to no complaint of Jessie. You pump with both fingers slowly at first before beginning to speed up adding a curling motion.
Jessie’s grip tightens in your hair. You also notice the slight trembling on her thighs and the way she’s practically riding your face and tongue. You try keeping your movements the same, obviously getting a positive reaction from Jessie but it was hard as she would unexpectedly jerk her hips or pull your hair. You weren’t complaining though as you felt her begin to tighten around your fingers. “That feels so good.” She lets out a sigh. Her legs start to move, closing you in and holding you tight to her. “I’m going to,” she tries to warn you as her orgasm interrupts her, a moan of your name is the next thing out of her mouth.
You can feel her pulsating around your fingers, you keep moving them slowly, easing Jessie through her orgasm. Her hips jerk against your tongue a few times before she pulls up and away and her legs fall back to the bed from where they had tightened around your head. Slowly you removed your fingers, watching the small string of her arousal still connected the two of you as you pulled away. Lifting up onto your elbows you look at her. Her cheeks are red, she’s panting, her chest rising and falling rapidly, but most importantly she’s beaming, a big toothy grin on her face.
“Was that okay?” Obviously she had finished but this was about more than that, you wanted to make sure she was okay, comfortable, that she felt okay with what you did.
“That was more than okay.” She motions for you to come closer to you. You crawl up her body and she pulls you into a passionate kiss, it’s slow and deep, your tongues meet and you know she can taste herself on your lips. “Thank you.”
“Hey, no need to thank me, I had just a good of time as you did.”
“Can I return the favor?” Not only is she asking with her words but her eyes are looking up at you, practically begging as well as her hands are resting on the waistband of your pants, implying she wanted them off.
“Only if you want to, I don’t expect you to.”
“I want to, if you want me to?”
“Yeah, I do.” You climb off of Jessie standing next to the bed and bringing your own hands to the button of your pants. Just as you start to fiddle with the button Jessie speaks.
“Can I do it?”
Standing up she made her way in front of you. Her hands dropped to meet yours. Gently removing your fingers she replaced them with her own, undoing the button and zipper.
“Hang on,” Your hands come back to pause hers. “I just, I’ve been so busy with work, I haven’t shaved in a little while, my legs, or anything else.”
Pinching her eyebrows together Jessie gives you a goofy look. “I don’t know if I should be offended that you’d think I’d care about something like that. I clearly hadn't shaved too recently either. Whatever you’re comfortable with. Does it bother you, because if you’re uncomfortable doing this because you haven’t shaved we don’t have to.”
“No, I just wanted you to know, before you saw.”
“Okay, we’ll just so you know, in the most polite way, I don’t care.” You pull your hands back up, off of hers to let her continue. She pulls your pants down squatting in front of you to help you step out. You use her shoulder to brace yourself as you slide out each foot. Staying squatting Jessie brings her hands up to your black underwear. You nod before she can ask and her fingers hook into the band, slowly dragging them down, again helping you step out of them.
Instead of immediately standing up Jessie brings her lips to your thighs, placing a kiss before moving over to your other thigh repeating the process. She places kissing alternately legs all the way up to your hips, intentionally avoiding where you desperately wanted her to be. She then stands putting you face to face again.
“Lay down.” She glances to the bed and you’re embarrassingly quick to lay down in the center. Once you lay, you notice Jessie’s eyes on you, scanning your whole body before moving to crawl onto the bed.
Her hands find the skin just above your knees, giving them a gentle push, encouraging you to open your legs. You spread your legs and can’t help but feel self conscious as you watch Jessie’s eyes fixate at the apex of your legs. You know she can probably see how desperately you want her, you can feel your own wetness between your legs. She lets out a breath and moves to kneel between your thighs.
Her right hand slides up your thigh, fingers gently caressing the skin as she moves up, pausing just on the crease of your leg. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” You didn’t want to sound too impatient but you also wanted her to touch you, to fuck you.
You notice her hands are cold when they first touch you. She slides her fingers between your lips, opening you to gather some of your wetness on her fingers. She drags her fingers upward finding your clit. Her touch is foreign, unfamiliar, different from what your body knows, which is the feeling of your own fingers.
“Still okay?” Jessie asks as she circles your clit with her fingers.
“Mhhhhmm” Your eyes are fixated watching her wrist, the way her forearm flexes as she touches you.
Jessie continues her movements, she smiles when you start to shift your hips in time with her fingers. She dips her fingers again, gathering more of your arousal to coat her fingers before she places them back to your opening. She just lets her fingers sit there looking up to you for permission. You give her a nod.
You feel her start to gently push into your entrance with two fingers, already feeling a slight stretch, you grab her wrist.
“Go slow, please, your fingers are bigger than mine.”
“Of course, let me know if it’s uncomfortable. I technically have lube.” You cock your head learning that.
“Why do you-”
“It’s with the condoms, I didn’t pack it, they give all the athletes condoms, there’s lube too.” She shakes her head slightly before glancing over to the side table, likely where the condoms were.
“Oh, I didn’t know that. I knew about the condoms, not the lube.”
“Yeah.” You both just look at each other, as if you both have forgotten what you’re in the middle of. Jessie adjusts the way she’s sitting, making her fingers slide along your opening, bringing you back to the activity at hand.
“I should be fine, I mean, I’m wet, just it’s been a while, so just go slow.”
Jessie nods and readjusts herself again so that she’s lying next to you, her fingers still resting at your opening, placing the slightest pressure into you. She brings her mouth to yours into a open mouthed kiss and at the same time begins to slide a single finger into you.
Her first finger slides easily, she moves slowly knuckle by knuckle until her palm is resting against you. She pulls out and pushes back in faster this time. Her fingers were not only thicker than yours but longer too.
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah, feels good.”
The room is relatively silent with the exception of the labored breathing between the two of you, the sound of your lips on each other, and the noise coming from between your legs as Jessie’s finger pumps in and out.
Jessie pulls out and pauses this time, you feel her place her second finger next to her first. She pulls away from your kiss to watch your face as she slides in her fingertips, you feel yourself clench around her and she pauses for a moment.
“Doing alright?”
“Yeah Jess, feels good.” You’d never been with anyone so attentive, so focused on making you feel comfortable. You take a deep breath as she slides her fingers in further, there’s a stretch but not uncomfortable. You adjust your legs, opening them more to try and ease the feeling of tightness.
Once her fingers are in, Jessie doesn’t pull them out, she gently curls them up and lets her hand rock against you. The base of her palm applies pressure to your clit. She lets her hand rock against you a few times and the tightness begins to fade, the pleasure from her palm rubbing your clit taking over.
Moaning into Jessie’s mouth as she kisses you, encouraging her to keep up her movements. She does, rocking her hand more aggressively. She pulls her lips from yours and buries her head into your side to kiss below your ear and down your neck.
It was a good feeling, her fingers inside of you and her palm bumping your clit but you could tell it likely wouldn’t be enough, you needed a little more stimulation. “Jessie.” You get her attention.
“Can you use your other hand on my clit? This feels good but I think I need a little more direct stimulation.”
“Of course.” Jessie gives you one last kiss before she moves her head away from yours. Jessie climbs over your thigh to sit between your legs again. She brings her previously free hand down, her thumb finding your clit while her other hand continues to work in and out of you.
Immediately feeling the wave of pleasure from the direct attention she was giving your bundle of nerves, you throw your head back, letting your mouth fall open with a moan of appreciation. “That’s good.” You manage to whisper.
Tilting your head back down you watch Jessie. She’s still naked. Her bicep is bulging on the arm thrusting into you, her cheeks still dusted with a blush, she’s staring where her hands are touching you with such focus it’s as if nothing else in the room existed.
You could stare at her forever, watching how her face reacts when you let out a whine, a smirk of satisfaction coming across her lips, how she pinches her eyebrows in concentration. But the more she touches you the more you feel the tightening in your stomach. The tightening that meant this would all be over in a matter of a few minutes.
Screwing your eyes shut you debate having her change what she was doing in an attempt to prolong your orgasm but when you open your eyes again and you’re met with her eyes watching your face a flash of heat runs through your body and you know there’s no stopping the inevitable now.
“Jessie.” You’re cautious not to moan her name too loudly, but loud enough that she hears it. “Keep going, I’m going to cum.” Your hips start to roll into her hand, chasing your high. Your hands come up to grasp at the pillow behind your head as your back arches up and off the bed. Her fingers inside of you feel so deep, hitting every pleasurable spot, your walls start to clench around her and you see her give one last cocky smile before your eyes slam shut as the wave of pleasure crashes over you.
A string of profane words falls out of your mouth, you’re not even sure what you’re saying, all of your senses overwhelmed with the pleasure of your orgasm, your heartbeat in your ears, the grasp of the sheets in your hands, the tingle running across your skin. Jessie continues her motions, exactly as she had been, letting you jerk your hips and legs as needed to get yourself through the high. She only slows once you start to squirm away from her touch instead of pressing into it.
You slowly open your eyes, blinking a few times to clear the spots you had from shutting them so hard. You look up to see Jessie looking back at you with awe as she kneeled between your legs. “You’re really hot.” Her compliment mixed with the come down of your orgasm has you blushing, throwing your hand over your face, peeking at her through your fingers. She’s smirking at you, her bottom lip between her teeth. You pull your hand away to look at her.
Keeping her eyes on yours she brings her fingers to her mouth, sucking off your release. A small hum of satisfaction falls from her throat. “You taste so good. Can I?” She glances down to your core.
“Can you what?”
Jessie pauses and you can tell she’s contemplating what to say. “With my mouth, can I, uh, eat you out?”
She’s looking at you, wide eyes with excitement. The fingers previously in her mouth rest on her bottom lip. You weren’t one usually for back to back rounds, you needed a little bit of time between, but the way Jessie was looking at you like she was ready to devour you changed your mind. It wouldn’t hurt to let her try. “You can try, I might be too sensitive.”
Not hesitating she quickly moves herself between your legs. Her hands come up to the bend in your knee, gently pushing your legs up and out. Jessie sticks her tongue out flat so it rests along her mouth toward her chin and brings her face to your already wet and sensitive core. Her first lick is slow, feather light, she’s barely touching you. Her second pass is more firm, still slow but with pressure. By her third lick you can tell she’s not just feeling you out anymore.
“Oh fuck.” Your suspicions are confirmed, you’re sensitive, the feeling of her tongue bordering on immense pleasure and also overstimulation. You can tell she’s enjoying herself the way she’s moaning into you, sending slight vibrations against you, so you let her keep going. Fisting the sheets tight with your hands you try to relax, ease into the pleasure and away from the overstimulation. She continues, her lips providing a soft suction while her tongue flicks over your sensitive skin, causing you to jerk away from her, her arms wrapped tightly around your thighs makes your movement almost pointless as she holds you in place.
“Fuck, shit, Jessie stop, too sensitive.” You gently push her head away which she obeys and you close your legs. “Sorry, I thought I’d be fine.”
Jessie lifts her head, you can see your wetness covering her lips and chin. “Don’t apologize. You say stop I’ll stop, no questions. I’ll just start with that next time.”
Next time. She said next time. You prop yourself up on your elbows to look down at where she was laying, her cheek pressed against your inner thigh as she rested her head looking up at you.
“Next time?” Repeating her words back to her.
“I mean, only if you want to. I didn’t see this as a one time thing, I hope you didn’t either. I thought with the date, we could maybe keep going on dates and then that way we’d get to do more of this too.”
“Yeah, next time, I like the sound of that.” Smiling at you Jessie unwraps her arms from your thighs and moves up your body to place a kiss on your lips. It’s a slow and sloppy kiss in a way that’s passionate and yet still relaxing.
She rolls off of you and lays next to you. The two of you lay in silence, it's peaceful, not uncomfortable, the hum of the air conditioner making the only noise. Her hand finds yours and she laces your fingers together momentarily before she plays with your fingers, tracing patterns across each one and then doing the same to your palm. Her movements are relaxing and you feel yourself starting to doze off only to be jolted awake by the elbow in your side.
“Don’t fall asleep yet, you’ve got to brush your teeth and you should probably pee.” Jessie says softly to you.
You roll to look at her. Half open eyes you give her a sleepy smile. “But I’m comfortable here.”
“Come on.” Jessie hops off the bed, extending a hand to you, you take it and let her pull you up. “I’m going to shower, there’s extra towels if you want to as well.”
“Yeah that would probably be nice. I’ll brush my teeth and then leave and you can shower first.” You say as you both walk into the bathroom.
You flick on the light switch and look in the mirror taking in your appearance looking at your face first. Your cheeks are red, your hair is a mess, you look tired. It’s then that you see the mark Jessie accidentally made on your neck. “Oh my god Jessie, what the hell?” You lean into the mirror to further inspect the damage. The mark was darker and larger than you had expected, and it was undeniably a hickey, you wouldn’t be able to argue you burnt yourself on a curling iron like you had in high school. It was also near the middle of your neck, you’d be lucky if a sweatshirt covered it.
“I know, it’s only gotten darker too, I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean it. I’ll call Janine in the morning, she’ll have stuff to cover it.” Jessie looks guilty, an apologetic tone obvious in her voice.
“I cannot believe you.” You say all while slowly shaking your head and smiling at her in the mirror. You really weren’t upset, it was going to be hard to cover but not impossible.
“Let me make it up to you?” She bats her eyes at you a few times in the mirror.
You turn to face her. “Yeah? How are you going to do that?”
“Get in the shower and I’ll show you.”
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chosolala · 1 day
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ jjk birthday headcannons
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okay so! this is just my headcannons for how i think the jujutsu kaisen characters would your birthdays!! (mostly relationship stuff and how they’d suprise you)
characters: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, yuji, megumi, yuta, inumaki
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
satoru gojo
forces everyone to throw u a big suprise party but is so stupidly obvious about it
like he can’t even think of a good excuse to get you into the room everyone’s waiting to suprise you in so he ends up just dragging you in
he gets you something like a promise ring or something nerdy you like like a rare figure or something
also throws a really dumb card in there
he’s laughing before you even open it
suguru geto
he gives me like acts of service vibes so he’d probably do something really big for you
like he builds you a car or something 😭😭
but like more realistically he would do something really sweet like go on a hunt around town for your favorite desert or cake then take you out for a fun day in the park or at an amusement park, whatever you want to do really :)
he struggles with choosing a gift because he’s so scared you won’t like it so he probably just settled for a bunch of snacks and a very thoughtful card
kento nanami
he does NOT play about your birthday
he would book you guys a room at some romantic resort for the weekend
expect expensive gifts and chocolates
massages, spa days, late night hot tub trips, candle lit dinners, this weekend is all about you
all these pictures are going up on his facebook so make sure you look cute 😭
choso kamo
i feel like he wouldn’t really understand the big deal around birthdays but he’d try his best
he makes you cupcakes and gives you a hug 😭 he’s trying his best he doesn’t know what to do
if you get upset by how he’s acting he would probably bring you to a cool spot he knows with a good view of the city
you guys just talk and eat junk food while the sun sets :]
yuji itadori
he’d probably try the suprise party approach but only for the two of you
he’d set up everything in his room and surprise you with gifts, snacks, balloons, everything
he does NOT play about birthday planning, he makes sure you feel special
he probably takes you out bowling or go karting, then you end the night watching movies and playing videos games back at his place
megumi fushiguro
he doesn’t really know what to do either
he knows he doesn’t do much for his birthday but he doesn’t want to not do anything for you and make you feel like he doesn’t care
so he buys you one of those lunchbox cakes and a cool manga he thinks you’d like
he also invites you to his dorm to play board games
when it’s time for you to head back he apologizes for how your birthday went, he feels like he didn’t do enough
you have to reassure him a lot for him to feel like he did good
yuta okkotsu
he also surprises you
he convinced the others to keep you busy while he decorated your room with balloons, ribbons, sweets and gifs
when you get back to your room he greets you with those confetti poppers and a bouquet of flowers
he takes you out to eat to your favorite restaurant ;)
toge inumaki
he would probably make you think he forgot your birthday for like an hour (his plan was to make you think he forgot until night then suprise you) but he literally couldn’t wait and ended up saying happy birthday to you pretty quick
he got you a bunch of snacks and manga
you guys spend the day playing your favorite video games and laughing together
he is surprisingly very funny for someone who can hardly talk
this was actually SO FUN to write!! should i write how they would want to spend their birthdays? lmk :P
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melodic-haze · 14 hours
Hmm i just had a thought about the recent fic w Arlecchino
What if she had a muzzle on w bunny suit🧐
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☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Breeding, size kink, reader has a cock/strap referred to as such
☆ — NOTES: I'm ngl it's been several Arle fics now that idk which one you were on ab but it's okay gwenchana. Anyway you lot really want to breed her huh (same though)
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Good luck convincing Arlecchino to wear a bunny suit actually HAHAHA
She'd do anything for you, really she will!!!! She's so dedicated to you—worshipping you in the same way a diety was meant to be worshipped—that it's actually scary for the both of you, how much of a hold you have on her. But she has some reservations about such a risqué bit of clothing 💀
Not like you blame her though, considering how it wasn't usually her style. Lucky for you, however, YOU get special treatment :3 all it takes is one look at the outfit, one look at her and some time and voila!!! She'll concede—hell, she might even surprise you :3
"You're.. you're sure, right? I know you were kinda against it at first—I feel bad if I ended up forcing you into something you-- mm."
A finger was on your lips, the gesture's message quite clear as your beloved spoke amidst your commanded silence, "I'm sure, yes. I admit I am.. apprehensive, but your longing gaze is more than enough to convince me to, ah.. experiment."
"Yes. You do not take me for my word?"
"No, I do! It's just..." You huffed out a sigh as you gently took the hand on your lip and took it in your own, "I just don't want you to feel as if you were obligated to entertain my every whim."
You see her eyes soften at your concern and she squeezes your hand as a form of reassurance from your often-so-stoic lover, "You should know better than to believe I would ever compromise my own comfort for something like this."
"And besides," she continues, "surprisingly, I've come to enjoy being.. well, your prey of sorts. Perhaps the outfit may elevate the interest to another level, hm?"
You couldn't help but stare at her, boldness practically radiating off of your lover despite the position you both know she truly holds within the privacy of your bedroom walls. Such boldness prompted an imagined flash of images in your mind—blackened hands all tied up, drool escaping her lips within confining barriers, tears escaping as sinful noises of wet skin-to-skin impact echo along with her moans—and you feel something akin to a hot flash within your core.
Ever so observant, her eyes go half-lidded as she looks up at you, her grin a touch sharper than before, "I see that I have awakened your imagination."
"You need not imagine it, my beloved." Her voice reduces itself to something of a low purr, "All you need to do is command me, and I will do whatever you wish."
"That's a dangerous promise to make."
"Coming from a dangerous woman such as I, I dare say it balances the scales."
I love dialogue lol anyway tell her to do so and she will do it ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ and next thing you know you're facing a woman much shorter than you've always known her to be, clad in such a revealing outfit and a muzzle to prevent her from biting so much. She had 'protested' against the latter at first, but you both know from the way that she so very easily accepted such a thing that she was all for the extra torture, not being able to make a mark on you (she forgets that her nails'll probably do the job for her anyway LMAO)
When she's laid out 'helplessly' on the bed as you tower over her, when you put your hand on the flat of her stomach and the both of you see the clear size difference, when you look at her and see so much anticipation and carnal lust practically glazing her eyes? Oh god the both of you KNOW you're not going out this room for a WHILE
She is COMPLETELY at your mercy—you can toy with her all you want, alternating between overstimulation and edging her with whatever is at your disposal until she can't take it anymore so she has to actually beg you to fuck her dumb and reduce all trains of thought into mush. She considers begging as below her, and yet she can't help but let out these reluctant pleas that only seem to gain a more.......willing quality with them in due time. Just make sure to torture her until her composure snaps, giving her her own sort of medicine and having her experience her very own mindbreak through overwhelming pleasure
To see this woman, who is so utterly feared to the point where crowds would part for her in fear that she would plunge her blackened hands into their chest and staining them red, cling to you and hump your cock like a bitch in heat is such a harrowing contrast.......but there is certainly that feeling of something more
Perhaps it's the fact that there was the urge to pin her down into a mating press and stuff her silly until she gets kids on her own ☺️ seeing her take all these children in at the Hearth and not having any herself.....why, for some reason you found yourself feeling like you just had to give her some children of her own. She seems to adore them, so whyever not ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
Even as dazed-out as she is, she can see something change inside you as your objective goes from fucking her silly to something a lot more feral. Doesn't necessarily help that, yk, you have her in a bunny suit. And yk how bunnies just love to breed
As much as Arlecchino had tried to tell you to slow down for a brief moment, it's as if all noise has been blocked out from your senses, save for the sounds your lover makes and the sinfully wet noises that are produced as you piston into her again and again and again and again.
You roughly pushed her down into the matress, now damp and messy from a mixture of your bodily fluids, as you made sure to bottom out inside her as quickly as you drew back—the harsh assault on her hole had hit spots within her she didn't even realise you could hit, not to mention the force of your movements being more than enough to easily stretch her out and mold her insides to fit you and only you.
It was obvious that there was no way any mercy was going to be given to her. The Harbinger could only lay there and take everything you give her like some kind of fleshlight, the 'fight' within her long gone (if she even had some left in her to begin with).
God I need to separate these bc I can't just choose one thank yew bc both are very very very VERY good
If you had a dick:
You were so utterly determined to fill her and making sure your seed takes by the end of your session. If it meant basting her insides with white-hot cum and having it all stuffed inside her to the point where it has no where to go but out by force, then you'll cum inside her over and over again until you can't anymore.
And when your hand goes to press down on her abdomen, you can see the mixture of cum inside her practically spray out at the edges. She can't take it anymore, even she says so, and yet you can't help but wonder just why is her pussy still milking you as if her life depended on it?
Because she's greedy.
Because right now, no longer was she Arlecchino—she was your very own rabbit, hungry for your potent seed.
If you're using a strap:
You know of your limitations—without anything extra such as magical means, you cannot actually have her bare your children. But whyever would you let that stop you, especially when you had benefits that more than makes up for your lack of organic appendages?
If you had the real thing then you could stuff her silly until it takes (and even beyond that), but one can easily make up for it in other qualities such as size and shape.
And really, whatever's stopping you from filling her to the brim with artificial cum instead?
The world is your oyster, and Peruere was nothing but your very own porcelain fuckdoll at this point.
I need to breed her every which way idc if I don't have a dick, if there's a will there's a way
When she realises what you're trying to do, she can't help that sudden jolt that completely overtakes her—her hips practically shoot from the bed, pushing your cock in even deeper, before you push her back down while she lets out a silent scream. By GOD the fact you want to breed her, fill her, make sure a child of YOURS growing inside her, making a mark beyond just her skin.........oh it gets her going in ways she never would've fathomed before
By the end of your VERY long and productive session, it's VERY clear you've both fucked like rabbits from the mess all over the place and the liquid practically gushing from her abused hole. After everything, you finally take off her muzzle, only for you to lead her drool-coated mouth all the way down to the base of your cock to clean it up. She doesn't even protest either, easily taking it like a good girl and making sure that she does a good job in cleaning you up and finishing you off. All you need to do is plug her up properly, feeling all the cum stuffed inside her through the small pauch of her abdomen, where her womb is 🫶
"..I had known this was a possible outcome, and yet I cannot help but be surprised by your control, or lack thereof."
You groaned, covering your face with your hands as you rolled on your side, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me! You just looked so irresistible and before I knew it I just--"
"Don't take my words as a form of reprimand, darling." You feel her hands take your own from your face, her lips finally kissing them—you—after a long time of having it muzzled, "I enjoyed it. You are already aware of my.. likes and dislikes, especially when it comes to the rougher parts of the activity. I gave you control, and you willingly seized it."
"I guess..."
"And besides," she muses with a small smile on her face, "I am.. not necessarily opposed to the thought of it."
"Of what?"
"Getting bred."
A warm flush spreads through your cheeks as you gave her a light swat, "You! You are so shameless! What happened to being polite and cryptic?!"
"Do we really need such pleasantries by this point? Seeing that you were rather determined to take me all for yourself, after all..."
"Oh my god."
A deep laugh rumbles within her, the sound so rare and precious that you'd want to keep it all to yourself, and you can't help but laugh along with her as you bask in the afterglow. When your laughter settles down, the two of you end up with your legs tangled up together as you lay there in companionable silence.
Though eventually she decides to break it, "Shall I go and run us a bath?"
"You can stand after all that? Geez, seems like I did a bad job," you joked.
Arlecchino huffed out lightly with a smile, "No, you've rendered me utterly near-useless—a feeling that I don't usually enjoy. Yet the fact that I don't seem to mind it all that much should show that you are special to me."
You feel that heat in your cheeks again at the proclamation, "Archons, and when I aim to have you all sappy like that in public you don't even dare move a muscle."
"Time and place, dear. Time and place. Now," she questions again, "shall I run us a bath? We can take care of the mess later."
You nodded, "Mm, if you don't mind then. But can we take it together?"
You see her eyes crinkle, the glow that the red crosses within them softening like a tender flame, "Of course. I shall be back in a few moments, then."
She gets up, and you pride yourself for being the reason why your lover temporarily goes off balance from a sudden tremor in her legs before collecting yourself.. and you can't help but stare at the remaining cum staining the sides of the plug and the apex of her thighs as she walks off.
She doesn't take the plug off when you go and take the bath together. Wonder why 😋
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mulletmitsuya · 18 hours
Tokyo Revengers Groupchat (final timeline)
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, mentions of grooming (it's not serious), the word "pedophile"
Desc: a discussion about pride month takes a detour
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Kazutora: what does pride month mean?
Kazutora: like is everyone supposed to be gay for the month or?
Mikey: yeah exactly
Mikey: basically we all have to kiss each other
Kazutora: oh
Baji: we can do a circle jerk session to start off pride
Mitsuya: Kazutora, don't ask just google it
Kazutora: what's a circle jerk session
Mitsuya: 😒
Mikey: i don't think it's necessary to go that far, Baji
Smiley: some of us, are in relationships
Baji: why did you say that as if you're the one in a relationship?
Smiley: just defending my guy Draken
Mikey: Ken-chin will you still be at pride even if you have a girlfriend
Draken: i mean, i guess.
Baji: does Emma even know you like boys
Baji: nvm she probably does. she did have to compete with Mikey for your attention so idk maybe it's obvious
Chifuyu: are you guys actually going to the pride parade? it's gonna be on tv i'm pretty sure
Chifuyu: which means people from school would see us
Chifuyu: or work
Mikey: we haven't been in school for years?
Baji: are you scared to be found out Chifuyu
Baji: bcs everyone knew in school
Baji: you made it glaringly obvious
Baji: closet made of glass and whatnot
Chifuyu: does it count as actually being gay if it's one guy tho
Chifuyu: like if i cook one time, am i chef?
Chifuyu: something to think about
Mikey: dude you're in a relationship with him, what are you talking about🤨
Takemitchy: Mikey-kun you're actually pretty famous so a lot of people would recognize you
Mikey: i'm pretty sure people know that i've tasted the rainbow
Mikey: people make edits of me and Ken-chin
Mikey: they're pretty cute
Mikey: people also write fanfiction about me
Mikey: guys do i look like a daddy dom
Mikey: serious question
Mikey: could i pull it off
Draken: what are edits?
Mikey: don't worry about it
Draken: no no, Emma was bugging me about it earlier and i had no idea what she was talking about so just tell me
Baji: search "Doramai edits"
Baji: don't know how Emma's dealing with all that
Mikey: Takemitchy are you and Hina coming
Takemitchy: can allies come?
Baji: "ally"
Baji: that's all you are??
Baji: sure
Takemitchy: ?
Draken: what the fuck is this shit
Draken: how do you report this
Draken: this is all taken out of context
Draken: Mikey you need to release a statement about this. what the fuck
Draken: i have a wife
Kazutora: guys i'm still confused
Izana: can you guys please use your own private little groupchat
Izana: no one, of the 15+ people on this group talk, but you 6
Mikey: are you and Kakucho coming to pride
Izana: stop ignoring what i just said
Mikey: do you and Kakucho explore each others bodies?
Baji: who tops?
Baji: nvm, wrong question. who doms?
Ran: if Kakucho and Izana were to be together romantically it would count as grooming
Ran: just putting that out there
Mikey: so what i'm hearing is that Izana is a PEDOPHILE🤔
Mikey: interesting
Mikey: i'm telling Shin
Izana: oh you're telling Shin? i'm so fucking scared
Izana: kill yourself
Mikey: please don't try me. i WILL do it🙏
Draken: wait are you guys actually together? cause that's an actual problem i'm pretty sure
Draken: wasn't he 14 while you were 18
Ran: i'm sorry Izana, that's my bad, didn't mean to make this a thing
Ran: and in his defense, that was 10 years ago
Rindou: 10 years of grooming
Rindou: sorry, i wanted in on the joke but it just looks bad
Mikey: Izana why aren't you defending yourself
Izana: because Kakucho and i aren't in a romantic relationship? i don't know what the fuck you guys are on about
Hakkai: didn't the Haitani's go look for Emma at her middle school when she was 13 and they were 17 because they heard rumours about Mikey's "hot" younger sister
Ran: we didn't know she was 13 😐
Rindou: she was 12, actually
Baji: why did you double down
Ran: jesus christ
Ran: 12??
Ran: we still didn't know
Chifuyu: literally all pedophiles say that
Mikey: i beg your pardon
Mikey: why were you guys looking for Emma
Rindou: people said she was hot
Rindou: those people were definitely pedophiles, yeah
Rindou: which we aren't, btw
Rindou: we saw her coming out of the sixth grade classes and realized we'd didn't get enough information
Rindou: our bad
Baji: what would Ran be doing with Emma anyway
Baji: aren't you gay
Ran: no?
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Mikey: why would you add that question mark Ran
Mikey: why are you acting suprised that people think you're gay when you act like that
Rindou: sorry Ran i can't defend you on this one
Ran: is it cause i'm flamboyant?
Draken: who describes themselves like that man
Ran: Koko's flamboyant
Ran: do you guys accuse him of homosexuality?
Ran: nvm
Chifuyu: i was about to say
Koko: well actually
Koko: i am a bisexual man
Koko: i like men and women
Koko: the man i like is inupi
Koko: we are in a relationship
Inupi: you didn't have to do all of that dude
Inupi: but thanks 👍❤
Koko: i am out and proud
Smiley: i know this is supposed to be sweet but this isn't the place to do this shit😭
Draken: are you guys going to therapy? good on you guys
Ran: didn't you like his sister?
Rindou: she died
Rindou: keeping it in the family i see. i respect it Koko
Ran: that doesn't mean what you think it means
Takemitchy: Rindou why would you say that
Smiley: the Haitani's are weird as fuck
Smiley: can we kick them out
Ran: at least we're not ugly
Rindou: and we aren't even weird
Smikey: i'm fucking adorable, don't play with me
Inupi: Akane isn't dead. what are you talking about
Rindou: the fire
Mikey: what fire😐
Mikey: the fire never happened. i made sure of it
Inupi: what?
Rindou: nvm y'all, i'm tripping
Rindou: i suddenly got a vision of Inupi with a huge scar on his face
Rindou: and his sister being dead
Ran: i told you to stop spending time with Sanzu
Ran: he's schizophrenic
Rindou: schizophrenia isn't contagious🤨?
Rindou: and i don't think he's schizophrenic i think he has autism or some shit
Ran: 2 very different mental illnesses??
Rindou: he has the evil kind
Ran: what?
Rindou: evil autism
Rindou: like he weaponizes it
Ran: that literally doesn't make sense
Rindou: it makes perfect sense, fym
Sanzu: i'm not schizophrenic?
Sanzu: or autistic?
Rindou: sure buddy
Baji: what's autism?
Mikey: what's up with Haruchiyo!!
Baji: isn't he just gay?
Ran: why is that your conclusion to everything?
Ran: i'm starting to think you're the gay one
Baji: i've never denied that🤨?
Ran: oh
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demonsword586 · 3 days
Hades pp headcanons! (Only the nobles)
I am...SO FREAKING SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I AM IN MY FINALS MONTH AND I HAD SO MUCH TO DO AND I'M STILL NOT FINISHED!!! I am still writting but it's going slow since I don't have much time. In any case,I will be free in 2 weeks so this series should pick up the pace. Anyway here is more penis.
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- Judging just from that bulge.... It's big,his balls I mean. The dick I presume is rather normal.
- 17 cm, 14 cm when soft.
- With how much time this man spends naked,you think he would have a tiny bit of tan. All over his body,his dick too since this man forgets what clothes are for when he sees the sun. But nope! He uses sunscreen with 120+ protection. You probably can't even see anything when he's around. The sunshine illuminates right off of him,making him as sunny as his personality.
- His dick is a bit on the leaner side. It's nice and slim like a rose stem. Suprisingly,he's circumsized! His tip is also a very gentle shade of rosy pink.
-It is a very beautiful penis,fit for a man like him and he's proud of it too! Unfortunatelly when you have a king as envious as Leviathan,it may be the best to keep it hidden when he's around. Barbatos had to learn this the hard way...
- Anyway the only thing that makes his pp a bit...unperfect,is the giant ballsack under it. A very pretty pp with big,squishy balls. Very squishable,but please don't play with them for too long. He's a bit of a tease so whatever you do to him,he will do it twice as pleasureable to you.
- Also,has a few small cuts on his inner thighs and butt. He likes to sunbathe around roses he grows and he's not the type of gardener to cut the thorns off. So he has to suffer the consequinces. But he's not too bothered by the little sting of those flowers when they bloom so beautifully and can still be fierce.
-But if you're sunbathing with him,he will be very careful to not let the thorns get you. He places you on top of him and holds you against his bare body. After all,you are the most perfect of all the flowers in the garden and he can't risk his rose to get pricked by thorns.
Glasyal La Bolas
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- He stinks.
- This man is literary putting his pp into corpses. That thing smells and not the nice Beel smell but a smell of expired meat.
-He showers after...um....doing his thing,but this specific stench is quite hard to get rid off. In shame,he had to ask Orias for the strongest shampoo he knows off and 100% alcohol disinfectant from Paradise Lost. His king knows everything that happens in Hell,because of a certain invisible spy. You can imagine what horrors await him if his king found him walking around with a dirty willy.
- It's very cold too. No one knows how he does it but his body is naturally cold. Almost as if he's a corpse himself....meaning his pp can be quite refreshing in hot summer days!👍
- Now if you two are planning to have sex,berate him to take a shower. Even if he already did,make him do another one. I don't know about you,but I don't trust this man or his cock.
- Speaking of cock,we should talk about it. He is....large. Very large. He could have a shlong fight with Mammon if that ever happened. He is a centimeter behind Mammon though....still that thing is a beast.
-Some who got a glimpse of it said it is the stuff of nightmares. Not because of the size but the shape.
- He's thick,long and has a very unique tip. His tip is a bit spikier than most but only enough that it's noticable and very much pleasureable when he makes love with you. It's like his tip it designed by God to reach just the right spot in your insides. Not only that but his shaft naturally leans up when he's hard. It's like a pillar of monstrosity....If only you didn't know what he used that amazing dick for.
- But as amazing as it is,you need a lot of preperation to take him. It takes awhile for you to actually start to feel good and...he's not a very patient man. A night with him is like flipping a coin. You can either end up in heaven or in a hospital. Marbas as another big-pp owner always scolds him when you need to be healed up.
-Glasyal is not a monster though. He feels bad when you suffer because of his lust,though he will never admmit it straight. He does apoligise to you but not only with his words. He will put that evil mouth of his to good use and please his dying darling.~
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- Shiny~
- He's...average in lenght. Nothing special,just a nice 15 cm pp.
-The color however!! Mm,tasty-looking. The shaft is a pretty,milky color with a pinkish hue. And the tip is just like his horns. A beautiful crystalic rainbow. It's a bit firmer than the rest of his cock. It also shines like a crystal when light hits it.
-He once skinny dipped in the sun with Barbatos and accidentally became the focus of gossip in Hades for a few weeks.
-It was a very sunny day and as soon as his pants fell to the floor,his member feeling the fresh air...Barbatos and a few by-standing devils got blinded by his penis. The sunlight shined right on his cock or more precicelly at his tip and blinded the eyes of many innocent devils.
-From that day onward he was rumored to have stolen a chip of the sun and now decorates his cock with it.
-The rumors ended up reaching his beloved king's ears...Let's just say Foras got a thorough examination by his idol while also threatened to be castrated by the envious king. Still the best day of his life.
-But do not worry about his shiny pp when you two are being intimate. He now always makes sure his foreskin is covering the tip. He will only show it once you two are in private without any natural light being close to it.
-Has a mole on his pubic area. Just a bit higher than where his member stands and on the left side.
- His cum...is of low quality.
-Mostly because it's invisible. You won't know when he's finished unless you check on his face. His face is very honest when it comes to pleasure.
- But yes,his seed is invisible. You can taste it in your mouth but can't see it. (If you randomly slip on nothing,it's his fault.)
- No hair. This man is as smooth as a baby's ass. Only because he thinks it would be rude of him to stand in his majesty Leviathan's presence while knowing there is pubic hair growing inside his pants. What if his king one day orders him to strip and be of service?! Oh...and for you too.
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-....I fear him and his penis.
- He has a body of a young adult so...you can see why I am not sure if this is right of me to do...
(I will do Orias if people want but I am scared this could get....controversial.)
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hangup119 · 2 days
12. #NOTACANNIBAL written chapter | 2.8k words
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“WHAT, YOU DON’T feed your plants?”
Seunghan tilts his head. “... Why should I?” 
“Then what the hell kind of owner are you, dude?” you accuse, adjusting the strap of your bag as the two of you head towards the car parking lot. “Who doesn’t feed their plants?”
Seunghan pauses, eyebrows furrowing, before a smile breaks out on his face and then he’s throwing his head back to laugh. He opens the door of the passenger seat for you, saying, “You mean, like, feeding them fertilizer? Wait, how often do you feed them anyway?” 
Seunghan looks concerned. “Um, I don’t think that’s right…” 
You shrug, hopping into the car. “My plant seems to love it, though. It has never looked this alive! That obviously means I’m doing something right, right?”
He blinks when the door finally shuts, wondering how that even works. What kind of plant do you even have in the first place to require fertilizer every single day? He thought it’d be just some room plant, something low-maintenance, but maybe you’re actually a secret plant-connoisseur since you’ve been keeping it alive all this time? Hell, for all he knows, you’re probably developing your own venus flytrap that could digest a whole-ass elephant or something… a part of some secret society with mad scientists obsessed with plants and Seunghan’s just none the wiser…
He promptly starts the vehicle, dismissing such thoughts. He really needs to stop watching those crazy Sci-Fi movies with Sohee every Wednesday. 
When the car finally gets out of school property, Seunghan takes one quick glance at you. “So,” he starts, hands admittedly a bit clammy as he steers the wheel and stops at a red light. “Anywhere you’d like to go? I was thinking maybe we should get some food, or something. We should have really planned this out, huh?” 
A notification ping suddenly rings out after he finishes; an awfully familiar sound at that. 
“Do not open your goddamn phone to play Pokemon Go right now, Seunghan,” you warn, and he immediately deflates at how easily you’ve read him. Then, you smile sweetly, “But, yeah, we can go get something to eat first!” 
He laughs anyway, swerving towards downtown. “Alright. Also, I wasn’t even going to open Pokemon Go. Just saying.” 
“Yeah, okay, and I’m definitely not going to jump out into oncoming traffic right now.” 
“Please don’t.” 
After spending some time eating at a nearby cafe Eunseok has been asking to go together with the guys, the two of you manage to get through a whole hour without glancing at each of your phones, too focused on the other to truly care whether or not there are pokemons in the area. During that whole hour of you casually attempting to flirt with Seunghan in your own little way, you find that perhaps he’s not as obsessed with the mobile game as much as you believed him to be—which is good, even though you do find it a little bit cute, but at least he’s not addicted or something. 
Seunghan pulls out his phone after you’ve stepped out of the establishment. “Holy shit? There’s a Piplup just a block away!”
“Seriously?” you squawk. 
“Yeah!” he excitedly responds, only to end up getting smacked on the arm. “Oh, not what you meant. Okay.” 
You give him a fixed stare. He returns it.
“Can we please catch it?” Seunghan pleads, forming his hands into a prayer. 
You falter, attempting to look at anywhere but his face. Hot nerds are a curse, you think miserably.
“Please, Y/N? It’s Piplup!” he continues, finally taking your hands in his. You flush, believing that he can just go ahead and go catch the damn pokemon himself but instead chooses to spend more time begging you to go with him in order to catch it together. Right. Because you’re on a date. And Seunghan isn't an asshole. Right. Guy who had a girlfriend for four years over here. Someone already cooked before you. 
“Okay, fine,” you finally surrender, mentally cursing yourself for going down such a rabbit hole. Who cares about his ex-girlfriend? She was the past, and you’re the present (hopefully)! “But just Piplup!” 
Seunghan laughs, crossing the road with you. “I promise I won’t make this a Pokemon Go date.”
He’s still holding your hand. Like a real couple. You have to mention it.
“You better not,” you say instead, squeezing his hand in return. 
After acquiring the stupid Piplup loitering by a fire hydrant next to a pissing dog, Seunghan leads you back to his car to spend a couple more minutes marveling at the 25th Piplup on his screen, before starting the ignition to make your way towards the arcade. There he finally pockets his phone and drags you towards the nearest racing game, where you both duke it out in a Fast & Furious racing game, with you ultimately ending up as the winner after two rounds. Of course, you made sure to rub it in Seunghan’s face for a good three minutes, before he’s dragging you towards the claw machines like every arcade date out there. 
Amidst the presence of screaming children and tired parents chasing after them, Seunghan holds your hand as if it was second nature, the sight of his back a constant reminder that he’s not willing to lose you among the crowd and the dirty, soda and gum-flavored floor. 
You wonder if this is what it would have felt like had you been his girlfriend in high school. Sitting next to each other in class while trying to ignore your friends’ teasing remarks, partnering up for school projects, doing community service together, or buying snacks right after school and heading to the arcade. Then he’d walk you home, or depending when he got his license maybe drive you, and you’d ask him to text you back when he gets back home. The little things that make up being highschool sweethearts, or whatever the hell he experienced with his ex-girlfriend before they broke up. 
Fine, you’re jealous. You’ve always been jealous. But who doesn’t? You’ve always liked Seunghan—everyone knows that—and you’re aware that the missed opportunities you could’ve had with him over the last four years are a result of your own cowardice and lack of assertion, but what gives? After four years, you can finally have him? Just like that?
They say that a man who yearns is a man who earns, but now that he’s right next to you, on a literal date with you—why can’t you take it? 
Because you cling too much to the past. Do you still like him as much as you did before? 
You’ve always believed that liking someone for so long is a stupid thing, especially someone who wasn’t even available in the first place. Why cling to someone who can’t look at you the way you want them to? And yet you held out for hope anyway, clinging to the possibility that maybe someday Seunghan can look at you like how he did his ex all those years. That perhaps you had a chance with the boy who was one day partnered up with you and your friends for that one project in AP World History, and unknowingly becoming the object of your affections for the next three years and still into college. 
“Just focus on my awesome skills,” Seunghan exclaims, rolling up the sleeves of his flannel as he steps closer to the machine. “I’m gonna get you that Pikachu.” 
You roll your eyes. “Of course you choose the machine with the pokemons.” 
“This is who I am,” he simply responds after inserting the token, moving around the joystick to situate the claw exactly to where he wanted it to go. “And what I am is a Pokemon fan.” 
“You do know that these things are a scam, right?” you ask, stepping right next to him. 
Seunghan curses when the plushie falls out of the claw’s grasp. “It works out, sometimes. You just gotta have hope, you know?” 
You spare him a thoughtful look. Funny how he says that. 
He goes for three more rounds to no avail, the Pikachu plushie never budging from its place next to the Charmander. Seunghan feels as if they’re mocking him from within the glass, and he feels embarrassed, but he promised (in his head, at least) to get you that Pikachu no matter what. And he won’t go home until he does. 
What he doesn’t expect is for you to push him out of the way. “Move, you’re just wasting money,” you say, inserting a token into the slot as he tries to regain his senses. “I will get you that Pikachu.”
Seunghan stammers, moving closer to you as you maneuver the claw to align with the lone Pikachu in the corner, before confidently pressing on the button. “There’s no way that’s gonna work,” he says, eyeing the descending claw. “It’s too far.”
“Just watch,” you simper. 
Much to Seunghan’s surprise, the Pikachu plushie makes it all the way to the exit without a hitch. “What?” he exclaims in shock, watching as you crouch down to take the plushie from the machine, dust it off, and proceed to hand it to him with twinkling eyes. 
“Ta-da!” you exclaim, pushing it towards him. 
Seunghan snaps out of his reverie, handing it back to you. “Why are you giving it to me? I’m supposed to be giving it to you.” 
The side-eye you give him is almost scathing. “What, like the girl can’t give the guy a gift?” 
Seunghan flushes. “That’s not what I meant!” 
But you’re already laughing, inserting another token into the slot while he’s just helplessly holding onto the Pikachu plushie you won’t take. "Sure, you fake-progressive."
"I am very progressive."
He observes as you focus in on the Squirtle next to an Eevee, before changing your mind and going for the upside-down Bulbasaur. Within seconds, you manage to get it again. 
“What’s your secret?” he wonders, taking the plush when you hand it to him as you’re already inserting another token to get the Eevee. “Why are you so good at this? Who’s controlling you? Are you even real?” 
You don’t catch the Eevee this time. You’ve also run out of tokens. 
“Nevermind,” Seunghan says with a smile too wide for your liking. 
You remember back in tenth grade when you were complaining to Sunoo about the upcoming project for history because you simply didn’t want to do it when you had a Chemistry test to study for. Miraculously, you ended up getting grouped with some of your friends and another kid, Hong Seunghan. You thought he was cute, sure, but nothing else after that. He was just some kid who had a huge friend group consisting of six other guys, which somehow included your childhood friend Anton, and the only times you’ve thought about him was when he and his friends walked too slowly in the hallways for your liking. 
But then a day before the submission day of the project, you had forgotten to fulfill your part after getting too caught up with your other classes. Knowing Sunoo would never  forgive you for tanking his grade, you ended up panicking throughout lunch trying to research and paste together a comprehensible summary of your research, hoping that if the group wasn’t getting an A then you would at least get a B. After getting your sources printed out in the library, the only thing left to do was find whoever had the physical presentation, which had been Jaehyun, but then he told you he left it to someone else’s care. Just great, really. You’ll only have a few minutes in class to assemble it, but surely you’d manage, right? 
Wrong. Your frustrations finally caught up to you, and you felt like a ticking time bomb with your unpasted sources and incomplete project. Sunoo was gonna hate you for not even being able to finish something so simple, and you’d be letting down your whole group. Nothing was going right, and you were gonna fail. 
But just as you were about to burst into tears from the stress and resorting to fess up to Sunoo, Seunghan came jogging to you five minutes before lunch ended with the physical presentation in hand. He started apologizing for hogging it, but quickly paused once he noticed tears streaming down your cheeks at the relief of seeing that all was not lost. As you frantically wiped away your tears, he had awkwardly taken the printed sources from your hands and began pasting them into the decorated cardboard, aligning them with wherever they needed to be all the while attempting to comfort you. 
Thinking back on it now, it was a very embarrassing situation. None of that would have happened if you had simply stopped procrastinating and actually did your work, but you hated the prompt your group was given, which lowered your motivation as well. Stupid, but you were just a stupid fifteen-year-old, too. 
Yet you would never forget that very understanding group mate of yours. Seunghan didn’t have to comfort you while he did all the work of gluing and cropping the pages for you, but he did it anyway because he noticed your shaking hands. He could have told you off, said a sarcastic remark about your mishap, but he never did. He did the work and walked with you to class, even offering to buy you a drink from the vending machine to calm you down all with a smile on his face. It doesn’t take a genius to know that what he did was very kind and very attractive, so naturally you ended up forming  a crush on him. 
What you didn’t know was that it would take almost four years for you to make a proper move, albeit indirectly. But it’s the little things that matter. 
“I guess this is it,” Seunghan says after pocketing his keys, walking with you towards your dorm building’s entrance. “I had fun today, Y/N. But I guess I should thank Anton for this, huh? I mean, he was the one who made it possible,” he clasps his hands into a prayer and looks up at the night sky, “whoever made Anton drunk that night, thank you.” 
If only Seunghan didn’t smile at you that day, then you wouldn’t be this hopeless in front of him. 
You snort. “We’re not even of age to drink.” 
“You really think there wouldn’t be any alcohol at Gigi’s party?”
“Fair point,” you shrug, the both of you pausing by the entrance. You turn to him, a gentle smile on your face. “Thanks for the drive, Seunghan. Please take care of Pikachu and Bulbasaur, but since you’re a major Pokemon nerd I’m sure that isn’t an issue for you.” 
Seunghan chuckles, rubbing his nape. “You know me so well.” 
“I wish I knew more,” you joked. “All those years in high school and we’ve only had full conversations three times.” 
He falters. “Ah, yeah… What a waste, huh?” 
“Goodnight, Seunghan,” you say, quickly turning around to erase the image of him looking so awkwardly in front of you. Why’d you have to mention that on the first date? God, you must be some grade-A idiot or something because— 
“Y/N, wait.” 
You pause, trying to ignore the way Seunghan tried to grab your wrist K-Drama style only to end up missing it completely. He fumbles at first at his mistake, attempting to hide the heat quickly rising on his cheeks. “Even if Anton didn’t set us up,” he starts, slowly, trying to find your gaze, “I’d have still wanted to go on this date with you. You’re really fun to talk to, and to hang out with… and you’re also really good at claw machines.”
You smack his arm, and he cracks up a smile again. “Idiot, that’s all you have to say?” 
“It’s true, though! Those things are a scam!” he reasons, before clearing his throat. “But seriously, do you wanna go on another date next time? I really had fun with you. I promise I won’t try catching pokemons at the randomest times ever again, and I’ll try to get you that Eevee plushie next time. And you said that I’m a good driver, so maybe we can catch a drive-in movie or something… what do you think?” 
Hopefully you don’t notice how fast Seunghan’s heart is beating right now, but that’s probably only because yours is beating just as fast. 
You shove him away gently, and he sends you a smile as he waits for your response. “Well?” he goads, but he immediately fails to hide the surprise in his face when you hold up your phone screen in front of him. 
“We can drive around and catch some pokemons next time,” you say, before turning around and walking away. “Bye!” 
And Seunghan watches just until you’ve entered the building, before tripping on the way to his car. 
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SUMMARY. pining after hong seunghan has always felt like an unachievable reality; however, just a few months into your first year of college, it seems that the gods have finally listened to your prayers when news breaks out that your long-time crush is single once again.
AUTHOR'S NOTES. idiots to lovers core
TAGLIST. @shoberi @miyawwn @starwonb1n @hwadejectedyoung @revehosh @alwayswook @rksbae @emohoon @nujeskz @ilovejungwonandhaechan @meowbini @nakam00t @siuewnb @cake1box @dearmarklee @kyusqult @snowyseungs @ffixtionista a @odxrilove e @hisrkive @saeist @lilysflower1 @seunghancore @eternallyhyucks @syzavxy @calumsfringe @yipyipmorals @user7520 @tojis-luver
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drdemonprince · 3 days
Anon who yearns after his boss here with a follow up.
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to form such a detailed reply and to include your followers, I really appreciate it!
I’d like to elaborate on what I meant when I said it would have no impact on my job. I do volunteer work, so I am not financially dependent on this job, and my boss unfortunately leaves the company in a month and I would probably wait until then to make any sort of move. So no matter how this plays out, it will pose no risk to my livelihood.
To answer your question, this is a pretty common dynamic for me. For some reason I have been in a lot of work/school/etc. settings where an attractive older man sees potential in me, I start working extra hard because of it and he starts giving me lots of attention and we fall into a really intense mentor/mentee relationship. This dynamic is so hot to me that I just end up in top of my class or employee of the month or whatever from being fueled by pure lust lol. Nothing compares. But I’ve never managed to take it to the next level because I either chicken out or play it too straight forward, which doesn't work like you said.
As for what you said about straight men looking for attention from queer men to fuel their ego, that is a very real possibility. He hides his insecurity well by being a jokester, but he's obviously a sensitive guy. It wouldn't surprise me if this is more about his ego than about attraction.
Him not viewing me as a guy is also a possibility, but I don't care too much. I get so horny that I lose any sense of self lol. He does treat me like a man though. I work at the furniture department of a second hand store and he never underestimates me to be able to lift something heavy or assemble something. He also compliments me all the time on getting stronger and handier, and all the progress I’m making.
Then on the other hand, he treats me with a certain gentleness and intimacy that I don't see him portray to my other male coworkers. We’re able to confide in eachother and get vulnerable. He tells me secrets no one else knows, like how he'll be leaving the company soon.
There's all these little moments throughout the day, like we'll be assembling a bed together and he jokes about how it has a certain eroticism to it, or how it turns him on when we work well together lol. When he sees me implement something he taught me, he's beaming at me with the biggest smile. We also have this running gag where I pretend to be his boss and tell him what to do, and he's always very obedient which is hot but also shows that he trusts me.
I love your idea about meeting up outside of work, because that's exactly what I was planning lol! He's really into photography and I asked him if he wanted to meet up sometime to show me the ropes, and he very enthusiastically agreed! So if I were to make any sort of move, it would be then.
Anyway, I’m really curious to see what you and your followers think now with all this extra information.
this is only a volunteer position?? he's leaving in a month?? he compliments you on getting stronger??? and says that assembling a bed together has a certain intimacy to it???
waht the fuck dog. my only concern now is that he's being weird and unprofessional af with volunteers. but no concern for you. you're clearly creaming your drawers for it. i say play ball.
you made this sound more forbidden than it actually was because that's exciting to you, you little minx. i see you. you've gotten us all involved in your erotic game, now you can go enjoy it.
let's re run the stats on this
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wonuumelody · 2 days
« Don't cry »
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pairing: Dk x fem!reader genre: fluff / ⠀comfort warning(s): y/n is insecure | @the-sn0wy-0wl ask
It was a random snowy friday night, you felt alone, and strangely sad. It was been a while now that you started feeling this way. You started feeling alone, all your supposedly friends weren't giving you the attention you needed and nobody was here for you. Nobody except for your cherished boyfriend : Seokmin.
Seokmin was your opposite. He was a sunny person, always with a bright smile on his face, showing his perfect white teeth. Moreover, he always did everything he could to make you smile when you were sad. He was affectionate, altruistic, optimistic and simply endearing. His endearing quirks and kindness could make everyone's hearts melt and that's why you loved him. He was the most devoted person in the world and you were sincerely grateful to have such a wonderful boyfriend.
But this time was different, you didn't wanted to bother him once again with your sadness and anxiety. Because yes, you were getting really anxious again. There was something in the air that was making you feel sick. You felt like you couldn't getting air. Something dark was sitting on your chest, putting a strong pressure on it and keeping you from breathing properly.
You just decided to occupy your mind and sat on the couch, watching kuroko's basket on the tv not paying much attention to it while breathing heavily. You had one of your pillows resting on your chest while you closed your eyes to, desperately, try to breathe better. Hot tears started rubbing down your cheeks and chin. "how can I be so sad and anxious while not even knowing why?" you asked yourself while crying hardly, all curled up on the couch, your decorative plaid now resting on you, being half a plushie, a handkerchief and a blanket.
Probably an hour later, you heard someone knocking on your door, with keys opening it a few seconds later.
"Baby?" you finally heard your boyfriend's voice in the entrance, followed by the door closing and him getting off of his beanie, jacket and shoes. Since you were feeling bad all day, you didn't looked at your phone. Bad idea. Seokmin was worried about you and had sent you a lot of texts, not expecting to find you crying on the couch when he came home.
"Baby, did your phone die- hey what happened?" He said, concern rising to his throat, as he entered the living room and saw you crying. Not answering him, you looked up at him a few seconds and started crying harder.
His first reaction was to sit next to you and to take you against his chest, arms resting on you while he holded you to ease your heart.
"my love, why are you crying so much?" he asked after a while. Every time you were crying he always hugged you and waited for you to explain everything and deliver what you had on your mind and heart.
You were now able to explain everything to him.
"I don't know, I'm feeling really bad and anxious since a few days and I don't even know why, and I started crying an hour ago and I didn't wanted to bother you, that's why I didn't called you, but I probably should..." And then you started yapping and he was just, listening to you.
That's one of the things you liked the most about him. Even though he was a big yapper too, when you needed to talk he was the first listening to you, to your stories about your past, your days, the bakery owner that messed up with your order... Always quiet and rubbing the small of your back with his thumb or just holding you next to his chest.
"Baby, I am here for you, I love you so so much okay?" he said while holding your face between his hands and giving you a gentle peck on the lips. You felt better with him, he was your medicine.
Hi guys <3 don't forget to tell me what you think about this one, it's not my best story but idk I still like it :( + snowy I hope you like it!!
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Alright @undertheopensky and @violet27writes (hope you don’t mind the tag! Sorry!)
This one is for you guys 😂
Part two to this fic!
Can be read separately but will make more sense if you read that one first.
Time and Four have Issues as the rest of the chain tries their best to get their resident skyloftian back.
6358 words!
Warnings for torture, violence, mentions of death.
Sky takes a slow breath, his return to consciousness rather unpleasant.
His head aches, a dull thrum deep inside his skull.
Weak coughs rattle in his chest, and he a metallic, coppery taste lingers in his mouth.
He’s pretty sure he’s laying on the ground, but it seems… rocky. Tilting and moving and rolling underneath him… as if he’s on a boat.
His head pounds.
His tongue is bleeding… had he bitten it?
He… right… he’d been captured… He’d heard Four screaming his name… Four! He’d head Four screaming- he tries to sit up and immediately collapses back down, floor swaying underneath him.
“Four?” He groans, moving his head off the rough, hot wood. “Four? Smithy? Time?”
He wants to look around, to see if they’re with him, to see if they’re ok, but he’s too weak.
He takes a slow breath.
“Four?” He pleads, jolting when metal clatters.
“You’re awake, good! Hate to think we’d killed you before we got to have our fun! Those other two didn’t last long.”
He manages to look up, finding one of the people who captured them.
Shakes his head, straining from the effort of looking up.
A laugh. Cold and harsh, no humor in it.
“The little one was weak. All bravado until we got him figured out. He wasn’t so brave when his organs were being removed!”
His blood boils at the thought of them hurting Four, face twisting into a glare.
“I’ll kill you.” He promises, forcing himself to sit up and look at the face properly. He’s going to remember this guy and kill him for laying a finger on his friends-
Another laugh.
“I wish you the best of luck.”
And he starts walking away.
“I’ll kill you!” He screams, unsure of where the sudden strength is coming from. But he’s grateful for it. “I’m going to kill you, you hear me?! You’ll pay for their blood with your own! I’m going to kill you!”
He has to pause, out of breath now. Slumps back again, tears burning in his eyes.
They can’t be gone… they… no.
No, they’re the strongest people he knows, Four and his unwavering bravery, unshakable Four. And Time, unwavering and confident… no.
He refuses to believe it- they’re trying to break him.
So he takes a slow breath, scrubs his face off, and lets the self pity wash away into fury.
“How’s that cut on your stomach feeling?” He asks, undoing the bandages on Four’s bicep. Brushes his scarf out of the way, too.
“Sore,” Four admits in a volume just above a whisper. He doesn’t think the kid’s talked in full volume- or even half volume- since he woke up for good. “But not terrible.”
“That’s good, these are looking a lot better too.”
“Can we take the stitches out of my thigh?” The smith asks quietly, and he pauses.
Chews his lip- the answer is probably not, but he doesn’t want to just say that. So… “We’ll look at it in a minute.” He decides on, and Four nods.
Hyrule inspects the four slices on the smith’s calf, murmuring softly that they’re healing well.
Four doesn’t like those cuts. Not at all. All the deliberate cuts have four of them- the ones on his calf, on his arm, his bicep, and the four deep gashes on his thigh that he’s honestly still worried about.
He’s sure the four cuts and Four’s namesake isn’t just a coincidence. Something in particular happened with those ones.
“Can I ask-” he starts gently, but the kid interrupts.
“No.” Four says quietly, looking away.
“Four, buddy, we need to know-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
And they let it go.
A few minutes of silence as they clean, rebandage, note the progress and areas of concern- until Time walked into the room.
Four’s whole demeanor changes instantly, tensing up, face going stony.
Both he and Hyrule pause nervously, waiting for the explosion…
Time’s gaze flicks between the three of them, then slowly steps into the room.
“How-” Time’s voice cracks and the old man pauses to clear his throat. “How are you doing? Those… healing up ok?”
Four’s eyes are ice cold, not even sparing him a word.
Just ignores him, staring determinedly at the cuts over his bicep. He’s finished cleaning them, careful of the forming scabs over them.
“These are healing well.” He says again, if only to make Four feel… better.
It’s disheartening to see the kid so defeated.
Four just nods, expression unreadable.
“Let’s leave the bandages off tonight. Let it air out.” He suggests softly, and Four nods again.
Just looks… so worn down.
“Ok… Rulie?”
“Yep, looking good here. Cleaned and healing well.”
“Good, let’s look at the ones on your thigh.”
Four nods again and scoots his pants down, shifting the fabric of his underclothes up to reveal the deep cuts.
“How are those, any changes?”
A shake of the head.
He gently inspects the cuts, looking for signs of infection, scabbing, straining or pulling stitches…
“Looks good. Want to take these out?”
It’s a bit early, but… they could get away with it if Four wants. He’s desperate to get a smile out of the kid.
He only gets a shrug in response.
“You asked earlier.” He pushes a bit. “Do you want to take them out?”
A long second, then Four nods. “Yes.”
“Alrighty. Want me to help you, or you want to do it?”
Four holds up a trembling hand in response, answering that question.
“Well. That answers that, then.” He says lightly, accepting the small scissors that Hyrule hands him.
He doesn’t get a smile. Just a sad flick of the eyes in response.
“There you are, think that’s good.” He says, tightening the bandages around Four’s thigh.
Four stands to adjust his clothing, then looks up at him.
“Thank you.” The teenager whispers, and he nods.
“Yeah. Anytime, Smithy. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do, alright?”
Four nods, drifting to the door.
“Four-” Time tries, but Four ignores him again.
He and Time watch Four slowly leave the room, shoulders hunched.
Time sighs slowly, sinking down into a chair.
“I see you’ve made progress with him.” He says, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t know what else to do.” Time says flatly. “He won’t talk to me.”
“You can’t force him.” He shrugs, moving over to the desk. Time sighs from the other side of the room.
“Did you notice Four was limping?” He asks, genuinely curious if anyone else has noticed.
“What?” Time asks quickly. Apparently not.
“Yep. Had a limp. Right knee. Hiding it well, but it’s hurting him.”
“Is his knee injured or accommodating for…”
“His ribs? I don’t know. We need to leave tomorrow, we can’t risk another day. Take the five of us, search the place top to bottom, not leaving until he’s found…”
“If his ribs are hurting him from walking he might just be accommodating to that.”
“Yeah.” He offers offhandedly, not really paying attention anymore. His mind is on their plan, frowning over the map of the base they’d sketched out. What can they do better than last time?
Things had gone wrong quickly last time- the three of them hadn’t been together, they didn’t get all of them into the base, Legend had been discovered, and Four…
He tries not to think about how bad Four’s injuries were. The way they fought to keep him breathing, to keep him alive.
They weren’t expecting any of them to be that injured. Banged up, sure. Some serious injuries, if they were unlucky. That?
They hadn’t even brought a potion- glass was… noisy. That’s a mistake they won’t be repeating when they get Sky out.
He shakes himself out of the unpleasant thoughts, focusing on what he can control now. Their plan.
“We have to assume security is going to be increased… should we brute force it..? We don’t have the numbers. Stealth mission… Wild, Legend… Hyrule? Twi will insist on going, I’m going to insist on going… is five too many?” He mutters under his breath, letting his gaze drift around the room.
Time understands he’s more talking to himself than to him, and he appreciates the quiet.
“Four’s gonna be pissed when I tell him he’s not coming… but we can’t take him. Hmm…”
It’s late. He can worry about this tomorrow- he needs some sleep to clear his mind.
He sighs, setting the quill down and standing.
Time glances up at him, looking exhausted.
“Get some sleep, Sprite,” He says softly, dabbing his inky fingers on the parchment so he doesn’t stain anything. “You look exhausted.”
“You-” Time starts, but he cuts the man off.
“I’m just going to check on Four, and then I’ll be heading to bed myself in a minute.”
Time nods with a sigh, standing and blowing out the lanterns in the room with him.
“Goodnight, Captain.” Time says quietly, and he gives a small nod as they exit the room together.
“Goodnight, Time. Sleep well.”
His stomach rumbles as he walks down the hall, reminding him suddenly that he’d completely forgotten dinner.
So he alters his destination to the lobby of the inn, finding both of his desired goals- a plate of sandwiches Wild had made, and the smith he’d been looking for.
And a bonus- the rancher, who blinks up at him in surprise.
Four’s… dozed off on Twi’s lap.
Twi makes a slashing motion across his throat, the meaning coming across clearly: you wake him, you die.
He nods his understanding, heading to the plate of sandwiches Wild had made for dinner hours ago and taking one.
Studies Four, a task made difficult by the fuzzy blanket engulfing him.
Slow, gentle rise and fall of his chest… lips slightly parted, small hands lightly gripping the fabric of Twi’s tunic, head resting just over the rancher’s heart. Shifting slowly every so often, giving a sleepy mumble every so often.
“He alright?” He asks, and Twi sighs softly.
Makes a weird shrugging gesture, one arm gently wrapping around the smithy.
“I… I don’t know, Wars. He’s a mess.”
He nods with a sigh.
Four has been a mess since he woke up for good.
Barely sleeping, barely eating, refusing to rest from his near fatal injuries, refusing to talk about what had happened unless he thought it could help Sky…
Talking to himself, zoned out all the time, getting his attention was difficult, getting him to do something he didn’t want to do was impossible. Rest his ribs and relax for an hour? Nope.
Sleep for the night? Not happening.
Eat something for dinner? Don’t even think about it.
If you pushed the kid at all? You were on his ‘I don’t like you’ list for a good day or two.
Unless you were Time, who seems to have a permanent place on that list.
The kid could barely stand to be in the same room as their leader- he sees this causing a lot of problems if this continues.
But for now the kid sleeps- somewhat restlessly, he admits, but still sleeping.
He scarfs down another sandwich, ignoring Twi’s raised eyebrow, thinking back to the last time he ate. Did he eat lunch? Yes, he must have, it was… it…
Well… ok, did he eat breakfast? Did he… sleep last night?
No wonder he’s so exhausted.
He blinks slowly, shaking his head at himself. He’s a mess. He stands with a yawn, eyes finding Twi.
“I need to get to sleep, you want any help with him or something? Getting him to bed?”
“Nah, I’ve got him. Thanks, Cap. Sleep tight.”
“You, too, Rancher.” He nods, heading down the hall, finding his room, flopping onto the bed and crashing almost immediately.
“What’s with the urgency, Cap?” Twi asks as he walks in with Legend.
“Plan to get Sky back.” He answers, and all the heroes perk up.
Even Four focuses on him long enough to meet his eyes, then slowly returns to staring out the window.
Now that everyone’s in the room and he’s got all their attention, he starts explaining his plan.
“Ok. Plan is to go tonight- Wild, Hyrule, Me, Twi, and Legend. We’re going stealth rather than force, so let’s try to make this an in and out entry. Hopefully no combat.”
“I want to go.” Four says quietly.
He takes a slow breath, meeting the kid’s eyes.
“Not happening. Wild, you’re good at stealth and can offer us stealth potions. We’re going to need those, the ones that last as long as you can manage. We’re going to split and search, Wild and Twi on the bottom floor, Me and Hyrule will take the ground level-”
“Hyrule and I.” Someone corrects- Twi.
“Oh, can it.” He rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. “Legend, your job is to use all those fancy tools and tricks of yours to figure out if there’s any secret rooms or anything they could be hiding him in.”
“I want-”
He meets Four’s eyes and holds his gaze.
“Four, for the sake of your safety, no. You’re recovering, you’re exhausted, I understand you want to come with us, but your ribs are still busted, your wrist is weak, you’re in pain- fighting is going to be a challenge for you.”
“But the goal is to not be in a fight-” Four tries, and he smiles softly.
“That doesn’t guarantee there won’t be one, Smithy. You’re not coming with us. I’m sorry.”
For a second he thinks Four’s going to cry.
Then the smithy’s eyes dart away and the kid slumps in his seat.
A long moment of silence.
He addresses the group once again. “We’re leaving in six hours- nightfall. More security, but less general activity. Get what you need, eat a bite, whatever. Meet back here at nine chimes.”
Some nods, and they all disperse.
Both the smith and the rancher linger, Twi raising an eyebrow at him after glancing at Four.
Expecting an argument, he waits for the smithy to talk first- but the kid just slowly slides out of his seat and carefully makes his way out the door and down the hall with a sharp sniffle.
He makes a mental note to check on the kid in a minute.
Glances at Twi, waiting for the rancher to speak.
“He had a panic attack earlier.”
His heart sinks. “Four?”
“Yep. Kept saying… you know. What he’s been saying. Sky’s dead and there’s… no point in…”
Two trails off, and they stand in a horrible silence.
“Well.” He sighs slowly, “I was about to go talk to him anyway. Maybe…” he trails off.
“Yeah.” Twi says quietly.
Then- “Do you really think-”
“No.” He says firmly. He refuses to consider it. “Sky… no. He’s fine. They didn’t kill Four, they didn’t kill Time… I think he’s alive. They want information, and… Sky doesn’t have it. He’s gonna be in rough shape, but he’s going to be alright.”
They don’t mention the horrible minute Four wasn’t breathing.
Another long silence.
“Well…” he starts, mind going back to the smith.
He makes to leave, but Twi hesitantly takes his arm and stops him. “Wars… this is going to work, right?”
Taking a deep breath, he musters a smile. The confident, easy going one he was known for back in the day. “If everything goes to plan.”
Twi nods, unconvinced. “I don’t know what it’ll take to break that kid, but I don’t want to see it. This has to work.”
“It will,” he promises, though they both know it’s empty words.
Four is a lump of blankets on the bed of his room when he gently pokes his head in after receiving a small ‘hm?’ When he’d knocked.
“Hey, buddy, you doing ok?” He asks softly, making his way to the bed.
The lump of blankets rustles, making room for him to sit.
He does so with a groan as his knees ache, stretching out and laying on the bed.
Four’s frozen for a moment, but slowly scoots closer.
“C’mere,” He says quietly, and Four shifts to slowly nestle into his side. He’s not a touchy person, but Four needs a hug. He can manage for a moment or two.
His arms gently wrap around the kid, rubbing his back with a yawn.
“You in pain?” He yawns, only getting another rustle from the lump of blankets.
Four clearly doesn’t want to talk, so he lets him be. Just rubs his back slowly, the kiddo slowly cuddling back, small but toned arms wrapping around him.
His eyes close for a moment, giving another yawn.
He’s never been very relaxed with physical contact, but he finds himself enjoying the relaxation.
Four somehow seems to realize this, or perhaps it’s merely a habit when Four slowly starts drawing small circles into his back.
Tracing little loops, eventually switching to what he assumes is letters and words, continuing even when his hand stops and he’s gone still, savoring every moment.
Eyes closed, until he’s drifting… drifting…
“Captain?” A voice says softly, and his eyes flutter blearily. Not wanting to be awake, he slowly sighs and curls into the blankets around him more.
“Wars, hey, time to start getting ready.” The same voice says gently, and he sighs again. Gives a mumble that even he’s not sure what he’s saying.
There’s a soft laugh, a hand touching his shoulder-
He snaps awake, shoving the hand off him, heart rate spiking panickedly in his chest.
“Hey… sorry, we’re getting ready to leave.” Twi offers quietly, and he nods slowly, trying to calm his breathing down.
Glances down at Four, ignoring Twi’s second apology. The smith is still sleeping, hair all in his face.
“Leaving… yeah… what time is it?” He says as he blinks away the grogginess, standing carefully.
“Almost nightfall. Eight and a half chimes. You should eat, we’ve still got a while.”
His eyes linger on the kid on the bed- despite Four’s insistence, he couldn’t convince himself that Four was of age.
“Wars, hey, you fell asleep, that’s all. We’re going to get Sky back. Are you alright?” Twi asks softly.
“I- yeah. Yeah, sorry.” He says, shaking his bleariness off. “Just… don’t remember falling asleep.”
It’s easier than explaining he fell asleep with Four cuddling him and the kid was at the opposite side of the bed when he woke up.
He looks back at the bed. Four’s… still asleep. Breathing slowly, lips slightly parted, face peaceful…
He shakes his hesitation off, following the rancher out of the room.
Fifteen minutes.
He starts strapping his armor to his body.
Laces his boots.
Straps his sword and shield to his back.
One knife on both arms, one in his boot.
“Please let me come.” Four whispers, and he jumps.
Looks at the teenager, sitting up on the bed, looking miserable.
He moves back to the bed, taking a seat next to the kid. Four’s eyes slowly find him.
“Do you trust me?” He asks softly instead of giving the response Four knows he’s going to get.
Soft grey eyes blink at him.
A small nod.
He reaches and gently takes Four’s hand.
“Four, buddy. I’m gonna get him back. I promise you. I’m not leaving without him. When I get back tonight Sky is going to be with me. I promise you that.”
Ten minutes.
“I’m worried about you, smithy. I think you’re pushing away what you went through to focus on Sky.”
Four looks away.
Swallows, blinking.
“I want to help you, buddy.” He practically whispers. “But I don’t know how. Do you trust me? For real?”
Four looks him in the eye again, nodding.
With much more confidence this time.
“I’m glad.” He says quietly, patting Four’s arm gently. “I trust you, too, you know. I’m not leaving you behind for anything you did. Or because I don’t trust you, or… or anything. I want you here because I’m worried sick about you. That’s all. So… can you do me a favor while I’m gone?”
Four nods slowly, blinking again.
“Eat something for me. Drink some water. Clean your wounds off, see how they’re doing, maybe even take a bath. Take some time to take care of yourself.”
Another nod.
He offers a smile, and almost gets one in return.
It’s the best he’s gotten since he got the smithy back.
“Thanks.” He says, patting the smith’s shoulder.
“Be safe.” Four whispers, and he nods now.
Offers a little smile, walking to the door.
“Safe is my middle name.”
He swears he hears the tiniest laugh before he closes the door, leaving Four behind.
He’s sitting against the wall, pressing his forehead to the cold stone.
The guards open the cell door, carrying his food for the night, and he waits.
Waits for the one to get closer… grabs the neck of his uniform, scowling.
Shoves him roughly against the wall, using his forearm to cut off his oxygen.
“You’re going to tell me where my friends are,” he says calmly, despite the rage burning through him. “And maybe I’ll consider letting you live. Do we have a deal?”
He’s weaker than he’d like- woozy, not quite steady, hunger and pain making him less aware than he’d like.
But this is his chance- and by the goddess is he going to take it. His hand slowly finds the concealed weapons the guard has- a knife, a heavy but short club-type thing…
Takes the knife, tossing the other thing away.
“Good.” He releases some of the pressure on the guard’s neck. He feels no guilt as the man wheezes and coughs. This is the same one who bragged about torturing Four.
“I don’t know.” The man rasps shakily. “They’re just- gone. We tortured the little one- we were attacked afterwards. It was- it was chaos.”
Another long coughing fit.
“Your friends were gone. The boss was furious- we might’ve killed the small one.”
His hand trembles, knife nicking the man’s throat.
A drop of blood runs down the guard’s neck.
Before he can reply, he’s shoved roughly.
Losing balance in his weakened state, stumbling away, and something cracks over his head. He gasps, knife plunging into something soft-
For a second, he’s blind. Only seeing white, his knees hit the ground, nausea clenching in his stomach-
Loud ringing.
He slowly scoots to find the corner of the cell as he hears sounds of a struggle through the ringing- metal on metal of swords clashing, a pained grunt-
“Sky! Sky, Sky, hey… hey, talk to me, buddy, where are you hurt?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m here, Sky. I’ve got you. Where are you hurt? Drink this, bud.”
A cool bottle is nudged to his lips, hands easily moved when he attempts to push it away.
“Where’s… others?”
“Shh… drink.”
He takes a sip, sighing softly as the pounding in his head fades slowly. The ringing fades slowly. His vision clears, revealing a dusty and slightly bloody friend.
The body of his captor on the floor next to them, unmoving.
His knife sticking out of the little space between pieces of armor.
“Most of us are here, we got Four and Time, they’re alright. Promise. You just drink that, Sky. Rest up.”
He slowly finishes the potion, feeling much better afterwards. Achy and exhausted for sure, but… no longer feels like he’s burning from the inside out.
“Mm…” he tries, but his lips don’t really work.
“Good…” Wars says softly, hand slowly reaching out but backing away at the last minute. “Let’s get you to the inn, yeah? You’re safe now. I’ve gotcha.”
“Wars?! Hyrule?!”
“In here! I’ve got him!” Wars calls, making his head pound again.
“W’rs… Four?” He repeats, and Wars shushes him gently.
“He’s safe, Sky, I promise.”
He blinks grime out of his eyes, forcing himself to squint at the captain.
Legend runs into the room, kneeling next to him.
“Hey… hey, Sky.” Legend says softly, and he manages a small smile.
“Hey, Lege… how… y’doin’?”
“Good, really good, you alright? You hurt?”
“ ‘ve… been better.” He confesses, gratefully slumping into Legend’s arms when the veteran carefully scoots him away from the cold wall.
“I got him a potion, he doesn’t seem to have any serious injuries…” Wars is saying softly, and he can hear more voices slowly adding to the chorus.
Chorus? Singing… Zelda sings… he misses Zelda.
Zelda… he ought to write to her again, it’s been a while… because he was captured…
Hm. He probably shouldn’t tell her that, though.
“You can rest, Sky.” A voice whispers softly, and he manages a drowsy nod before giving in to the pull of sleep.
“I got him a potion, he isn’t injured too bad anymore, he just needs some rest and food. Let’s get him back, we’ve been here too long.” He says, and the little group nods and readies themselves quickly.
It’s an easy trip out, to all their surprise. Sneaking past their security is… not difficult, and they only guard the cells. With little activity going on around the base, getting out unnoticed is easy.
There’s absolutely no urgency to get back to the inn like there was with Four. Sky… is… well, mostly ok.
Not really all that injured, as far as they can tell.
And he’d already had a potion.
Sky dozes off in Twi’s arms as they walk, having eaten some spare snacks and water they’d had when they got out of the base.
Not much, but more than the knight’s probably had in days.
The master sword is strapped to his back, and he has the oddest temptation to draw the sword.
His mind itches, unsatisfied with the results. He feels like he’s missing something- something important.
But Sky is with them, he’s fed and healed and sleeping gently, they have the master sword… nothing is wrong.
The skyloftian twitches.
It’s a quiet walk back to the inn.
They walk in the door, scanning Sky over for the hundredth time, meeting the others in the lobby as they walk in.
“He’s alright, he’s-”
Four’s at his side in an instant, eyes flickering over Sky, hand reaching out to gently brush over the Skyloftian’s shoulder.
“We’re guessing a nasty concussion, broken ribs, starvation and malnutrition, dehydration-”
“He has a head injury, look at his arms, put him down-”
And that’s when the seizure happens.
Twi yelps, immediately setting Sky down, Four practically shoves all of them away from the man, forcing them all to watch helplessly as Sky convulses.
“Stop!” Four says quickly when he tries to move toward his friend, and he freezes.
And they wait- not too long, until Sky slowly stops twitching and goes still.
“Sky?” Four asks softly, slowly kneeling next to the skyloftian. Blue eyes find Four slowly.
He moves next to Four, and the smithy lets him this time.
“Hey, Sky, how you feeling? You ok?” He asks softly, noting how confused the man looks.
“Mhm… ‘m ok.” Sky mumbles, eyes flicking to him before back to Four.
Four’s holding Sky’s hand… checking his pulse. Eyes lingering on his chest, watching for rise and fall…
“Sky? Can you answer some questions for me?” Four asks softly, and Sky nods.
“Good… where are you right now?”
“An… an inn. We were in the cell… Wars n Legend got me…”
“Good. Let’s get you a potion, alright? How are you feeling?”
He’s got a potion in his hands in a flash, handing it to the smithy. Four nods his thanks, eyes still on Sky.
“Just… sore. Tired.”
“Weak? Lightheaded, dizzy?”
“No.” Sky answers, and Four nods again.
Offers the potion, slowly getting to his feet.
Sky sips at it slowly, still seeming really out of it.
“Think he’s alright.” Four says quietly, looking at the ground. “That’s common after a seizure. And he had a head injury… not surprised he had one. Get that potion into him and let him sleep.”
And the smith is gone, out the door of the inn.
It’s a long night.
Four comes back with a thick book about seizures, sitting in the room Sky’s taken with him. The kid doesn’t sleep at all, and he doesn’t have the heart to try to force the teenager when he’s not sleeping either.
So they’re both exhausted when it’s morning.
He glances at the door when he hears it open, meeting Time’s gaze. “Morning, Sprite.”
“Morning, Captain.” Time says distractedly, looking at Four. “Morning, Smithy. How’s Sky?”
Four’s eyes don’t move from the man on the bed.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” The smith says in a whisper.
Time steps into the room and closes the door. “I’m sorry to hear that. I’d quite like to talk with you, though, and you’ve been refusing for days.”
He holds his breath, the tension in the room unbearable. But the silence lingers- neither one says anything.
“Four, I’m sorry.” The old man says quietly, not moving from the door.
In case Four tries to escape.
“You’re not.” The smith mutters.
Time sighs deeply, eye closing. “Ok. I’m not. I wasn’t about to watch you die when Sky-”
“Shut up.” Four whispers, eyes flicking briefly to the door.
“Four,” he pleads, and the kid jumps. “You don’t even know what happened. Sky wasn’t in the cell when we found Time, he wasn’t with you, you were actively bleeding out, we looked for him briefly but-”
“You should’ve found him, no one cares if I-”
“BUT chances were he was in much better condition than you were!” He continues over the smith.
“You didn’t know that.” Four says, voice flat.
The kid’s fighting tears back. Good- the kid needs to process things somehow. If this is how it’s gonna happen… so be it.
“We didn’t, but-”
“If it were Wind you would’ve torn the base apart looking for him.” Four whispers, voice shaking. Then looks at Time for the first time. “If it were Twi you’d want to be the one left behind.”
The old man physically flinches.
“You don’t get to choose-” the smith’s voice breaks, and the kid stands quickly. “You promised me.”
Four’s hands jump to his eyes, scrubbing furiously at them. “You promised me. And you lied.”
He stands, too, moving slowly to the smith.
“I am sorry for that, Four. But I could never live with myself if you had died.”
Tears drop down Four’s cheeks.
“And if Sky had? If he still does?” Four chokes, grey eyes flicking to the bed again.
“I still-”
“You don’t get to play god. You don’t get to choose who dies and who doesn’t-”
Four’s voice breaks again, and then the kid is just crying.
“You promised and you still lied to me.” Four chokes, staring at Time with pure hurt.
Time slowly moves to sit in the chair Four had abandoned, meeting the kid’s gaze.
“I never intended to hurt you, Four.” Time says softly. “I took a risk- I was hoping Wars or Legend had found him, and when they didn’t… you had deteriorated so quickly. We had to get going right then. We took a risk- as far as we knew, Sky wasn’t injured badly. You were. I won’t ask for your forgiveness- I only ask for your understanding. We took a risk, and I’m not sorry for saving you. But I am sorry for the pain that choice caused you and breaking my promise.”
Four scrubs at his eyes again, sniffling.
Tries to talk, but he only manages a choking noise before the kid is just bawling.
Knees on the floor, arms around himself, face tucked into his arms to hide it.
He stands quickly and kneels next to the smithy, putting a soft hand on his back.
Which quickly turns into the kid curling into his chest, arms around him.
“Shh…” he whispers as Four cries. “I’ve got you, buddy. It’s ok. It’s gonna be ok.”
“This is all my fault.” Four sobs, and he freezes.
Then grabs Four tightly, startling the poor kid, crushing him tightly to his chest.
“No. No, you listen here. This is not your fault. You hear me? Everything was way outside of your control- no part of this was your fault. I promise you- you trust me, right? This was not your fault.”
Four chokes weakly, face pressing into his chest.
Hands weakly grabbing his tunic, sniffling sharply.
“I promise you.” He says, much more softly. “There was no part of this that was your fault. You didn’t choose to be captured and tortured. You didn’t choose any of this. It isn’t your fault. And I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it, ok?”
Four finally gives a weak nod, pulling back just enough to wipe his eyes, then sinks back into him.
And they sit there, supporting each other in silence.
Sky wakes up slowly.
Much… nicer than when he had before.
Not nearly as much pain, just some lingering soreness… and he’s on a comfortable bed.
Four sits next to him, in a chair next to the bed.
Eyes locked on him, looking… nervous.
“Four.” He rasps, trying for a smile. He bursts into tears instead, startling the hell out of the poor boy.
Then Four’s fretting over him in a panic, asking if he’s hurt, what he needs, should he get Wars-
“You’re ok?” He sobs, grasping Four’s arm tightly before the kid can move.
Four nods, blinking oddly. Another nod, and Four makes an odd noise. Like a squeak.
He coughs, Four slowly helping him sit up and drink a bit of water.
“Yeah.” Four says softly, slowly taking his hand once he leans back again. “Yeah.”
He wipes his eyes, nodding.
Four still hovers, watching.
“It’s ok… c’mere, Four.” He chokes, patting the bed next to him and carefully scooting to the side. “We’re ok, we’re…” his voice breaks again, and he almost laughs.
Four joins him without hesitation, curling into his side with a shaking breath.
He slowly hugs his friend, rubbing his back. “Hey… hey, what is it?” He asks softly, and Four chokes.
“Nothing, it’s nothing, I’m fine-” Four cuts off weakly, swallowing thickly.
“Hey… hey, talk to me, what’s going on?” He asks softly, and Four sniffles.
Silence. He looks down at the teenager, worried-
“ ‘m sorry.” Four whispers suddenly, voice choked.
“No… no, no no, kiddo, you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn’t do anything wrong, ok? I promise.”
“They hurt you cuz of me- because I got hurt and had to leave- ‘n they didn’t try to find you-”
“Shh… breathe, kiddo. Just breathe. It’s not your fault. I promise, ok? You did nothing wrong. I’m glad you’re ok, and that’s all. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to you if you were… I’m just glad you’re ok.”
Four sniffles again, but nods slowly.
Then- “Love you.” The kid whispers, making a small gulping sound.
He squeezes the kid tighter, blinking yet more tears out of his eyes. “I love you too, kiddo.”
Sky doesn’t have another seizure.
He improves rapidly, much to all of their relief.
He grows more comfortable, the lethargy wearing off, gets back to walking around, eating with them…
The skyloftian clings to Time and Four in particular.
Time still tends to stick to himself- never one for intimacy like that- but Four…
Four won’t leave Sky alone.
The smith follows the skyloftian around as often as he can, sitting next to him during meals, sharing the room and eventually even bed when Sky assures the kid he’s ok with it, and doesn’t sleep well unless Sky’s nearby.
Sky seems to enjoy it, never pushing the smith away and seeming… happy.
Their both dealing with their kidnapping and torture, but… he’s glad they can find comfort in each other.
Always has an arm around the kid, or his sailcloth, letting Four lean on his side when they rest…
Sky in particular struggles with nightmares and flashbacks, which Four helps with. A lot.
He confesses once, in a shaky whisper, that Four’s screams haunt him. The ugly scar on Four’s side that Sky’s eyes linger on, Four’s hand lingers on when the skin is exposed… and Four sleeps curled up on that side. Protecting it.
It’s a sad realization that Sky actually points out without meaning to.
Four’s drifted off early, curled up with his head on Sky’s leg, and the skyloftian casually asks “Is that the side he was cut open on?”
They all pause to look at the kid, and he nods slowly.
“Yeah. The side he’s curled around? Yeah… see the stitching in his tunic? From being repaired. That’s the side. Weird he sleeps on it, wouldn’t that hurt?”
“He always sleeps on that side. Won’t sleep otherwise. It’s like he’s protecting it- see how his arms are?”
Dead silence as they all realize this.
He slowly shifts Four to undo the belt the kid wears all the time, slowly pulling his tunic up-
“What are you doing? Wars?” Sky protests quietly.
“Making sure nothings wrong with it.” He says equally quietly, and that silences the group.
It looks fine, just a long gash of scabbing from his rib cage to his hip. Hyrule gently prods it, checking for tenderness and other signs of internal bleeding, reporting that there’s nothing.
So he’s not in pain. Probably.
Just… well, traumatized.
Sky helps him pull the kid’s tunic off, taking his headband and boots off so they can actually put him to bed. Unsurprisingly, Sky goes with him.
He carries the smith, waking past Legend, setting him gently on the bed when he gets to the room Four and Sky had been sharing.
Knees tucked up to his chest, arms wrapped around his stomach where the cut was.
“How the hell can he sleep like that?” Legend says, having followed him to the room.
Sky gets ready for bed, too, giving a small smile at them.
He has to laugh. “Right? Looks crazy uncomfortable.”
They watch the pair for a moment, then he sighs and leaves the room with the veteran.
“Think they’re gonna be ok?” Legend asks, uncharacteristically uncertain.
He takes a glance at the veteran, then nods his head.
Starts down the hall to his room, stretching slightly.
“Yeah. Yeah, they’re gonna be just fine.”
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lemon-natalia · 1 day
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 7
and there are red eyes all around Nona in her dreams? given how relevant eyes have been to the narrative so far this feels significant but i can’t remember any characters having red eyes specifically. Nona being hungry in the dream is also weird & more than a little ominous
and there was some kind of massacre at the barracks? these barracks feel important to the overall political situation but i’m still not really certain of what went/is going down there
i first thought the individual Pyrrha was talking about when she mentions how Palamedes is ‘subjecting her thalamus to to appalling stress’ was Nona, but it feels more likely to be Camilla here - sharing a body does not feel like a good long-term solution, not just on an emotional level but a physical one 
oh and Camilla obviously can’t remember anything that happens to her body while Palamedes is in it, including eating etc. that’s gotta be very strange
hmm they’re making Nona do muscle stretches a lot, which perhaps ties in to how there seems to be something wrong with her body?
aww I don’t know if Harrow, Gideon, or Nona have ever really gotten presents at all. Harrow probably has had the best chance, but even then the Ninth’s so ‘doom and gloom’ that they probably consider doing penance the only gift one needs, or something equally as depressing
oh shit Honesty got punched? hopefully it’s some kind of schoolyard fight rather than anything war related 
i quite like the way Hot Sauce’s relationships with the others in the school is being depicted, she is definitely the ‘popular’ kid and the leader of their little group, but not in like a Regina George popular way, more the ‘cool kid’ 
why does Honesty talking to Hot Sauce sound like he’s talking to a mob boss, these kids are so dramatic 
okay whatever’s happening to those guys with the all white eyes is very creepy. kind of reminds me of colum’s all black eyes when he had that weird possession thing going on? and Ianthe’s eyes went all white briefly when she was becoming a Lyctor. either way it feels like something bad is going down
‘you’re my boy. I’ll take care of you’ i'm aware Hot Sauce is 14, but what age is Honesty exactly? it’s pretty sad that Hot Sauce is taking upon herself to have this protective role given that she’s only a child herself
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justwannalookprettyy · 14 hours
𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝒶𝓃𝒶 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 !!
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disclaimer!! these are MY rules. u can use them if u want by all means, but just know fasting is easier than restricting 4 me and different things work for everyone <3
i was gonna apply these on monday but how am i gonna take accountability if i keep shoving it off... ah shit here we go again💀
🎀 𝒻𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓉 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝟧 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀
🎀 𝟣,𝟢𝟢𝟢 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀𝓁𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉
🎀 𝓃𝑜 𝒷𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝒻𝒶𝓈𝓉
🎀 𝒶𝓉 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝟧 𝓂𝒾𝓃 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝑜𝓊𝓉 (𝓌𝒶𝓁𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝓈)
🎀 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀 𝒻𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝒻 𝒾 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒾'𝓂 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉
🎀 𝟣𝟢 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓈 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉 = 𝟣 𝒽𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓈𝓉
🎀 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝑜𝓃 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈
🎀 𝓃𝑜 𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝓇𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝓃𝑜𝓃-𝒻𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈
🎀 𝒶𝒾𝓂 𝓉𝑜 𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝟥𝟧𝟢 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜 𝑒𝒶𝓉, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝟨𝟢𝟢 𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝒷𝓈𝑜𝓁𝓊𝓉𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓍
🎀 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓈𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓅𝓅𝓁 𝒶𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒸𝓊𝓏 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒾𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔..
tips, binge control, safe foods, etc.. below the cut
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𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒶𝓈𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓉𝑒?
remember to look at things in your house that you can easily fake eat :) for example i can do sandwiches since my family eats bread a lot, they wont notice im not using any
breakfast foods: yogurt, toast, bread and jelly, pb sammy, fried egg, scrambled egg, cereal, oatmeal
lunch foods: sammy, tuna salad, tuna packet, tortilla, burrito, leftovers, soup
dinner foods: leftovers, konjac noodles, soup, tortilla, burrito, salad, pasta
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"i ate earlier"
"i was just about to get something"
"im not hungry, ill have something later"
"i just brushed my teeth"
"i have a stomach ache"
"my teeth are sore" (works for braces + invisalign)
"i didnt really like what you made so ill make myself something later"
"im chewing gum right now"
"i will after _" (long task, like cleaning ur room, painting, taking a shower)
"i have a stomach bug right now, eating isnt a good idea"
"that food will probably upset my stomach" (can u guys tell i have a sensitive stomach...)
"i ate a big meal earlier"
"i already had some of that earlier"
"i snacked a lot earlier, so right now im not hungry"
"i ate while i was out, so im still full from that"
(if push comes to shove, you can always just pretend to eat it and hide the food in ur pocket...)
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𝓈𝒶𝒻𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝑜𝒹𝓈 (𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝒶𝒹𝒹𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓈 𝒾 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇)
my serving size; listed serving size ~ sf = sugar free ~ all cals rounded up
(this list excludes conventional safe foods, e.g. strawberries, lettuce, egg whites, yada yada...)
lucky charms: 35 per 1/4th cup; 110 per 3/4th cup
laughing cow cheese: 25 per one wedge
fettucine miracle noodles (js konjac noodles): 10; 5
bell peppers: 15; 33
walden farms dressing: 0
tuna packets: 20; 60-110
keto tortillas: 25-70
ham slices: 35
yogurt: 20 per 1/4th cup; 70 per 3/4th cup
fudgsicle pops: 40 per 1
sf gum: 0 (gum cals dont count ill fucking fight you on this)
hot sauce: 0
soy sauce reduced sodium: 2 per tsp; 5 per tbsp
sf coffee syrups: 0
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𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒷𝒾𝓃𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑔? (𝒿𝓈 𝟦 𝓂𝑒, 𝒾𝓂 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻, 𝓃𝑜 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝑒𝓁𝓈𝑒 !!)
ft. meanspo???????????
look at thinspo
go watch mean girls
look at megan fox
scroll on pinterest for 15 mins
maladaptive daydream
look at moldy food
drink water until you think you're about to vomit
throw on a playlist and pace around
scream sing the lyrics to hope is the thing with feathers (stuck in my head for the past 4 days D: ITS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD?? IT LITERALLY SOUNDS LIKE CHURCH POP OR WTVER. IDK WHY I LOVE IT SM.)
look at grosspo
smell vinegar
look up pics of moldy food and imagine eating it
remember the chunky milk you accidentally drank... the one fucking time i have regular milk istg. my 13th reason why
play wuwa ("b-but theres nothing to do!!" yeah how bout u go finish the main story line n ur 13 side quests???)
play hsr (same thing w wuwa. dont feel like spamming space bar? farm for firefly then :D)
play genshin (yeah you can skip this one. i dont wanna play navias story quest either.)
paint your nails
watch a movie
watch a movie with your mom
shitpost on tumblr
think about eating bugs
dig your newly painted nails into your skin until you bleed
make bracelets
practice piano
clean ur room (ik that shelf is dirty girl go tidy it up)
fold your clothes
organize your closet (not blaming u if u skip this frfr i dont wanna clean either)
tv shows
take an everything shower!!
make some tea
pour sparkling water over ice (so fancy ik)
cuddle with your stuffed animals and cry yourself to sleep. its probably 3 am when ur reading this. go to bed.
cai?!?!?!?!???!???! (not me outing myself rn nobody better be fucking reading this my god im cringing so hard)
jack off or smth idk
msg ur irl friends ik youve been ignoring them,,
live laugh love huohuos signature lc. go look at that. (shes literally like 11>????)
take a walk through the neighborhood
remember the cutesy "im literally starving myself to death >.<" ahh aesthetic u want so bad
??? just say no? binges can not legally happen without your consent
whore literally just keep fasting and dont binge its actually not that hard
𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈?
that's okay, you can eat. just remember this is why you aren't 77lbs yet :))
ty for reading!! idk how you sat thru that but congrats!! yay!!! ur finally done reading all my bs!!!!
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diazsdimples · 8 hours
I Need Inspiration Saturday
The semester is finally (almost) over, and once I've handed in my last 4 assignments (that are all due on Monday and I think I might cry) I'll finally be sinking my teeth into some of my wips again. Only problem is, it's been so long since I properly looked at any of them that I have no clue which one to work on. So, I'm gonna put little outlines/ blurbs of all my wips, and then a poll and y'all can tell me which one sounds like something you'd want to see more of. Yells seem to fuel me so this is the best way to get me going I feel. So, here are the wips!
Single Dad's AU (Buddie) - 19.3k written, probably 1/6th done (ish)
Buck is a single father to 2 girls, Carrie (7) and Lily (5), and is a probationary firefighter at the 118. He meets Eddie Diaz at school pickup one day, as Carrie and Christopher are in the same class. Buck and Eddie become fast friends, as do their kids, and Buck convinces Eddie to join the 118. This fic follows canon timelines from seasons 2-3, and shows Buck and Eddie's journey to becoming a family together.
Frostpunk AU (Buddie) - 16.6k written, probably like 1/4 done
The world is a desolate and frozen wasteland, with small clusters of humanity. Buck is a Scout from Sector 118, and he comes across a father and his young son, half frozen, on one of his scouting missions. Buck and his scouting team bring Eddie and Christopher back to Sector 118, where they heal and start their life as citizens of Sector 118, living in Buck's tent with him. Eddie reveals to Buck that he has a mission he needs to complete, one he knows will put him in immediate danger, and begs Buck to look after Christopher once he's gone. Buck refuses to let Eddie go alone and the two brave the elements to search for the missing parts of Eddie's life, their survival resting entirely on their ability to trust and work with one another.
Sleepy Mornings (Buddie) - 2.3k written (2/13 chapters complete)
A selection of small oneshots of all the times Buck and Eddie woke up next to each other, including after Dosed, after the Tsunami, after Eddie's shooting, after Eddie's breakdown, after their first kiss, etc. Cute and fluffy with minimal angst and lots of Buddie pining feels.
Doctor's AU (Buddie) - 2.4k written, fuck knows how close to finished
Eddie Diaz is an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist and Evan Buckley is a Pediatrician, both working at Cedars-Sinai hospital. They meet after Eddie comes to the NICU, upset after a rough c section, and continue to bump into one another at work. They build a fast relationship and have a reasonable amount of sex in ill advised parts of the hospital, whilst performing risky surgeries and saving lives. Also lots of pining (mostly from Eddie) and eventual Buddie relationship.
Ballet Au (Buddietommy) - 1.8k written, *shrugs* who knows.
Buck is a new principal ballerina at the New York City ballet, performing the Nutcracker. He meets Eddie and Tommy, both seasoned ballerinas, and they quickly take him under their wing. Buck didn't factor in falling in love with both men, and initially doesn't know how to act around them. However, when it's clear that they also both want Buck, they fall into an easy dynamic, and quickly become the power-throuple New York never saw coming (honestly this is still very much in the Vibes era)
Sauna Sex (Buddie) - 1,3k written, probably 1/4 done.
Buck and Eddie have sex in a sauna as a way to blow off steam, as it were. Porn without plot, there's really not much else to say other than hot, sweaty men fucking each other's brains out and probably being way too dehydrated.
Buddietommy Kid Fic (Buddietommy) - 4.1k written, probably 75% complete
Buck, Eddie and Tommy celebrate their first father's day with their kids. Just lots of Buddietommy family feels, big brother Christopher, and big men tiny babies. Not saying how many babies though. That would be cheating.
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alicentsultana · 23 hours
Since I have trust issues with HOTD but a lot of trust with you ,I would life to ask ,how would you imagine the whole Alicole buildup for that scene?
We all are collectively trembling about this omg. Thanks for trusting me 🤗🙈 I would need to write a serious scene to express everything, but let's call this a conversational rambling draft
This is a imagine and a headcannon (for those who are coming to look for the rumors)
Ok so let's go with two (ideal) possibilities:
1. Before b&c
I would say they would need to meet after a tense council reunion, or something along stressful and bordering chaotic - we can also talk about the riot scene, though we don't know when that scene will happen.
They would need to spend some time together, so their "free time" would be night as they now are very busy people, it would also need to happen away from Larys Strong, he have an agenda.
If we go more into discussions over political/realm matters, it probably would involve wine and I don't really think it would evolve a openly/overly romantic dialog. But we could enter in diverse matters, including the elephant in the room- Rhaenyra. They could discuss about their feelings and how their story turned out because of poor choices and their involvement with the targs. We know through the delete dialogs that Criston would often flirt with alicent (courtly love! courtly love! courtly love!), so he could do it and also express being displeased with some lord in the council or otto trying to marry her off again, something along these lines.
However, Alicent could be open to it in a very it doesn't really matter doesn't really really matter (AW you will always be famous) and just advance over him, let's test how devoted he is- and yk there's no husband around, but I don't know about his oath, because it will be brought up, but criston is not just a knight anymore, and this man had to ask for lemon cake out of season because Queen Alicent asked him for while she was pregnant, there's nothing he wouldn't do if she simply asks.
"Would you break your oath again? for me, as your queen?"
"I will not fail you."
Hahaha sorry, I had to.
Despite the back and forth I believe they would be rather passionate about it. They deserve it. I think this would fall into your wishes for a slower moment, they would be taking their time.
The outcome of it, however, could result in a fallout (that I think is not the case bc they have a high amount of trust into each other and one time wouldn't break it only leave some thirst and want or would result in religious guilt because b&c will happen anyway.
2. After b&c
I picture it as a "take my mind out of it" or/and a desperate "need you rn", this one would be more idk heavy? Fast? Blood, sweat and tears (figurative blood***)? I'm my own victim. But I believe this outcome would be way more hot and sexy for the amount of feelings. It def would fall into my wishes for no candlelight and clothes in the floor.
After b&c would definitely be more of a fleeting moment, especially if it's only one time/first time, because it will be desperate, but also very dependent, showing how they depend on each other, Alicent has no one but her children, otto don't count much, and others are allies, Criston raised her kids, both saw each other at their lowest, and b&c will be a blow to everyone of them, and he included, he's a grandpa, I take no criticism. So it would be something both of them need, for everything that happens between them.
I like tragedy so I would love to see it happen after b&c, for the raw emotion of it, also, it would result in a much more open and intrinsic need for each other and the deep dependence be more exposed/more real, more noticeable. Alicent would feel guilty anyway, in a should have been grieving but I'm fucking instead, but I don't think it will affect her so much.
Conclusion: in both cases, I don't think Criston will be forceful, simply because he never was to her, he's just her Husky, hers. I also believe that he would incentive her to ask, "you can ask me anything you want and I'll give it to you.", we have seen him as her extension, and how he's just always there no matter what, so I don't think it would be any different in their sex scene.
Oh no, I'll need to write it, I'm sorry for my wips
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This pic got me so much I'll glue it on my wall next to saint alicent of the broken hearts-
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cankersoregirl · 2 days
i'd be interested in your recent movie list - it's nice to hear what people are watching 🥰
OOOHHH thank you for asking!!! This gives me the perfect excuse 2 talk abt some of my favs ty hehe <3 The genres, years, countries, etc. might be wildly different and there’s no particular order to what I’m gonna list but here we go:
1. The Spook Who Sat by the Door
Ivan Dixon; action/political drama; America; 1973
EVERYONE needs to watch this honestly… it’s probably my favorite film I’ve seen this year. The movie’s about the first Black man, Dan Freeman, to be trained by the CIA, who then quits and takes the techniques he’s learned to create a team of Black youths to fight for freedom and against racism. Even though it’s a fictional plot, the real FBI pulled it from theaters for being too radical, and it has indeed been described as “the only true Black radical movie ever made.” I seriously can’t recommend it enough
2. Medicine for Melancholy
Barry Jenkins; romance/drama; America; 2008
If you’re familiar with Moonlight, you already know this filmmaker. Medicine for Melancholy is Barry Jenkins’ first film, about the romance between Jo and Micah after a one night stand that takes place in San Francisco. Some things I like about it are the ways the city and its racial issues so heavily influence the characters’ relationship so much so that it essentially becomes a character in itself. Since this is Jenkins’ first film, the budget was smaller ($15k) and it has a different feel from his newer movies which I personally really liked
3. They Cloned Tyrone
Juel Taylor; sci-fi/mystery; America; 2023
This movie was released on barbenheimer day and was WAY BETTER THAN BOTH OF THEM!!!! When Fontaine, a drug dealer played by John Boyega, seemingly gets shot and killed, Slick, a pimp, is shocked to see him walking around the next day as if nothing happened. Together, Slick, Fontaine, and Yo-Yo, a sex worker, work to uncover what actually happened and find that it’s much bigger than they could’ve imagined. This is a FANTASTIC sci-fi film with some fantastic writing (a lot of great one-liners lmao) and all the actors do amazingly. Also, the title goes hard!
4. Bad Genius
Baz Nattuwat; thriller; Thailand; 2017
I literally watched this last night (happy birthday Nonkul!) lol. In this movie the character Lynn gets paid to work with her friends to help other high school students cheat on tests. When I tell you this had me SWEATING from stress. It was very entertaining, I really liked the way it was shot and how it consistently kept the tension up
5. Do the Right Thing
Spike Lee; drama/comedy; America; 1989
Taking place on an unbearably hot summer day, racial tensions rise between the Black civilians and the Italian owners of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. This is a v famous movie, directed by Spike Lee, and honestly many of the themes still ring true today
6. Sorry to Bother You
Boots Riley; sci-fi/comedy; America; 2018
Set in the Oakland, Cassius Green becomes a telemarketer and uses a “white voice” to do better at his job. But when his coworkers form a union, he decides to take a promotion instead, leading to unexpected consequences. I don’t want to spoil anything, and this is another famous movie that many people have probably already seen and have probably been spoiled BUT. there is a crazy twist. I really enjoyed the messages and craziness this movie had to offer
7. Marry My Dead Body
Cheng Wei Hao; comedy/mystery; Taiwan; 2022
I saw this with my friend on my birthday and honestly it could not have been a better way to watch it. A homophobic cop accidentally gets into an arranged marriage with a dead gay ghost. Is that not one of the best plot descriptions u have ever heard. It’s horror, it’s comedy, it’s gay, it’s a romance (TO ME! And like everyone else who watched it)… WHAT MORE COULD U WANT!! It gave me a similar feeling as Secrets in the Hot Spring & Pee Mak, two movies that somehow seem to cover So Many Genres & that I love sooo much (the former is my fav movie ever). I literally laughed so hard I almost peed myself at times <3
Other than that some other movies I watched & enjoyed this year are: Love Lies Bleeding (2024), Claudine (1974), Eve’s Bayou (1997), and Bottoms (2023). I don’t wanna make this too long so I’ll stop it here but I hope you enjoy these films too if you decide to watch any!!
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