#I promise!
bepoucorp · 5 months
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happy new year!!
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catgirljaneway · 5 months
if there's one thing Kathryn Janeway is gonna do, it's look at her employees like the 🥺🥺 emoji
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bretwalda-lamnguin · 8 months
I’m not sure if this is a controversial take or not, but I don’t think Fingon was a particularly good or capable king. The Silmarillion almost seems to damn him with faint praise, his bravery and selflessness are always singled out. But nothing about him seems to suggest he’s a great leader.
All of his best and most heroic actions are either individual or directly leading small numbers of troops, the rescue of Maedhros, routing Glaurung with his horse archers. Not much is said of his leadership during the battle in Hithlum, between the fourth and fifth battles.
I think it’s quite notable that his lands in Dor-lómin are just handed over to Hador. It suggests to me that Fingon either had very little following there or that he wasn’t doing a good job of ruling it and even Fingolfin saw this. After Fingolfin’s death he’s the only viable Nolofinwean heir, Turgon and Aredhel are missing, Argon is dead.
I also think it’s notable that everyone calls the alliance the Union of Maedhros, and Fingon is unable to leverage Orodreth and Nargothrond to back it. Maedhros is the power behind Fingon’s throne, and everyone knows it. Maedhros is the politician and the military strategist. Fingon has little skill or little interest in these I think. I also like the idea that despite the love between them, Maedhros is manipulating Fingon at least a bit. Maybe unintentionally, but Maedhros is a Machiavellian at heart, a determined and capable pragmatist. He will trample the hearts of those he loves to get what he wants.
I also think it’s notable that Fingon charges in after Gwindor while Turgon hangs back. Fingon has let the tail wag the dog, and been drawn into breaking his strategy by one of his subordinates. He’s passionate and emotional, Húrin has to restrain him from charging even before this! Turgon doesn’t get drawn in even when Fingon does, and I’m pretty sure that Fingolfin and Maedhros would not have done this either. That’s not to say Gwindor should have been abandoned to die, but providing some force to relieve them and cover their retreat when they inevitably get bogged down and have to pull back (like Turgon did for Fingon) is very different to committing the whole army to a gamble made with no prior thought.
I like Fingon! He has many good qualities, and up until the 5th battle was a major factor in the success of the Noldor. He’s brave and dashing, selfless, a good cavalry commander. He rescued Maedhros and stopped a civil war! He routed Glaurung! But I do not think he was ever a good king.
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selfshipseaside · 2 months
☆ Reminder to any self-shippers with a big bust/chest, your f/os love you!
No matter your gender or how you present, they love you and your chest the way it is, and they also support anything you want to do with it! They understand the plights of it. Whether it's having a hard time feeling like shirts fit nicely on you, or if it even makes you feel dysphoric, no matter what problems you might have with them, they'll be there to listen and help as much as they can. They don't think your bust is too big or that you look bad because of it!
If you ever wanted a reduction, they'd be your biggest supporter!
Top surgery? They'd cheer you on the entire way through and help you through recovery!
And if you wanted to bind your chest for any reason at all, they'd assist you no problem!
Just wanted to find some properly sized clothes and help with the intense back pain? They got your back, literally!
If anyone is ever making you feel objectified because of your bust, your f/o would make sure to help you sort through those feelings and to try to put a stop to the source. You deserve to exist with your body and not feel objectified by just being there!
So, no matter what you might think or want to do with your bust, your f/o loves you for it and supports you all the same!
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Fic Masterpost
UPDATED: 30 May 2024 9:54 p.m. PST
(Organized by: Title, Chapters Posted, Chapters Written, And Progress/Completion)
Almost There (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Ango (Dwelling in Peace) (4 chapters posted; 4 written; In progress) arrowfam
An Oyster's Pearl (10 chapters posted; 14 written; In progress)
A Yellow Ribbon (11 chapters posted; 11 written; In progress) flashfam/superfam/yj98
blood on your altar (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) arrowfam/titans/aquafam
Bloody Valentines (9 chapters posted; 9 written; In progress) batfam/titans/titans west/gl corps/flashfam/losh/new gods/shadowpact/superfam
Blue Ribbon Birdie (Oneshot; Completed) batfam
Bruised Figure (2 chapters posted; 6 written; In progress) batfam
Catch and Release (17 chapters posted; 17 written; In progress) batfam
Central City Lemonade Stand (2 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Daily Planet Classifieds (10 chapters posted; 11 written; In progress) superfam/yj 98/titans
Eyes and Ears (19 chapters posted; 41 written; In progress) batfam
Five Little Ducks (13 chapters posted; 13 written; Complete) batfam
Five Stages of Mamma Mia (15 chapters posted; 20 written; In progress) batfam
Frozen in Time (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) jli/gl corps
Hair Trigger (7 chapters posted; 25 written; In progress) batfam
Heels Over Head (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) flashfam
Honor in Crisis (1 chapter posted; 9 written; In progress) dc comics/batfam/titans/ntt/jli/gl corps/arrowfam
Human Cannery Co. (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) yj98/superfam/flashfam
If There's Nothing Missing In My Life... (16 chapters posted; 16 written; In progress) superfam
In The Soup (10 chapters posted; 10 written; In progress) batfam/superfam
into the silent land (4 chapters posted; 4 written; In progress) batfam
It Takes A Village (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) yj98/flashfam
Kitten Heel (7 chapters posted; 7 written; In progress) arrowfam/titans
Library of Ashes (5 chapter posted; 5 written; In progress) batfam
Lily of the Valley (21 chapters posted; 21 written; In progress) batfam
Lost Boys (4 chapters posted; 16 written; In progress) batfam/superfam/titans
Midnight Swan (2 chapters posted; 5 written; In progress) batfam
Ocean View (1 chapter posted; 12 written; In progress) superfam/batfam
Oracle of Jersey (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) bop/batfam
Phantom Grin (15 chapters posted; 18 written; In progress) batfam
silence of your song (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) flashfam
Space Oddity (8 chapters posted; 8 written; In progress) titans (fab five)/aquafam
Sweet Honey Bee (2 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Tangerines (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) batfam/yj98
The Brother Trap (16 chapters posted; 16 written; In progress) flashfam
The Flames That Burn The Brightest (2 chapters; 2 written; In progress) titans/arrowfam
The Juice Box Jubilee (3 chapter posted; 3 written; In progress) batfam/yj98/titans
The Spin Out (5 chapters posted; 5 written; In progress) batfam
Titans Academy (8 chapters posted; 8 written; In progress) titans/arrowfam
To Touch Fate (23 chapters posted; 23 written; In progress) batfam/batman beyond
Traveler's Guide to Yesterday (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) flashfam (rogue's gallery)
Wild Eyes (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) batfam/batfam (rogue's gallery)
Views From the Mountain (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) flashfam/titans (fab five)
You're Just Like Quicksand (11 chapters posted; 13 written; In progress) batfam/batman beyond
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ballcrusher74 · 4 months
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cool cinematic screenshots a friend got of inspector in game... still so happy with his suit n' shit
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d3m0l1t10n-lvrs · 5 months
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mi-ch · 7 days
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More of the silly...
See the one at the top left in the second picture? I'll probably end up making some digital art out of it.. So uh.. yes..
Most of them look silly since they have a bit of time in my sketchbook and I was exploring different styles to draw him. And yes, yes there is an attempt of Julie.
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kaelidascope · 1 month
Small Update:
next MM chapter might be a couple more weeks cus I'm in BG3 hell and I picked up some overtime to help prepare for the coming move in July. It's not dead I've just got limited free time for the time being sorryyyy
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edgycarr0t · 8 months
Some recent stuff from my graphic arts classes!!
3 of these are printed with a plate that I messed up a bit, which actually gave me some super cool patterns. Happy accident!
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ask-the-omori-gang · 2 months
(To all from rw) So, how many of you are queer? 😉
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Sunny: "...." (out)
Basil: "uhhh, whats that?" (Closeted)
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Hero and Mari: straight allies who are 100% supportive. Hero is pretty sure he's straight, but Mari is exploring her sexuality:)
Kel: an aroace disaster (out and proud)
Aubrey: "girls are pretty i guess" (in denial)
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amethystina · 3 months
Hey! Just wanted to tell you how deeply in love I am with Who Holds the Devil. This is a stunning story, it's so in character and so realistic, it's really like S2 that you chose to bless us with. Of course I love the show's ending, but it leaves so much up in the air that seeing it explored in such meticulous detail is a blessing! Wishing you all the inspiration and joy. When they FINALLY kiss, I'm going to lose my mind, lol.
Hi! Thank you so much! 💜
I feel you on the ending of the drama. I think it was a pretty satisfying ending considering everything that had happened, but it's true that it left a lot unsaid, unresolved, and unexplored. And so, unsurprisingly, my first thought was that I wanted to know what happened next. But I also soon realised that the only way I would get it exactly the way I wanted was to write it myself, so here we are.
Tale as old as time xD
I didn't set out to write what is essentially turning out to be a second season, though, (my timeline for the first draft was very contained and to the point!) but as I started writing I just couldn't help going deeper and deeper, adding more and more details. I guess because the characters are just that interesting? And there's just so much potential? And so much to explore? Every character has so much room to grow!
How could I possibly cut any of that out?
So yeah. I just can't help myself. And I'm so happy to hear that the characters feel accurate and realistic! I think that's probably one of my trademarks by now — I make a sport out of trying to capture the characters' personalities as well as possible. And so it's very satisfying to hear that I've managed! Thank you!
As for when they finally kiss, I'm probably going to have a mental breakdown when we reach that point, simply due to the pressure I'll be under. What if I don't deliver? What if it's not what everyone is hoping it'll be? I'll never be able to forgive myself if the kiss ends up being underwhelming after such a long wait x'D
Like, I know exactly how and when it'll happen (not when as in which chapter but at which stage in the story) but I also have to write it well. At that point, I will have put you all through such a long, drawn-out slow burn that the stakes will be incredibly high. And I am terrified of disappointing you.
But, that said, I'm too stubborn (and too fond of this story) to let that stop me. So we'll get there eventually! And I hope you will enjoy it when we do! And that the road there will be just as enjoyable as it has been so far!
Thank you so much for the kind words 💜
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dotster001 · 3 months
I was rereading your Elder God series for the umpteenth time, and if you don’t mind, I want to just throw out some of the thoughts and questions I had.
With the context of the second part, I assume the reason Jade said the reader smelled of death is because of Idia and/or the talismans. Idia must come visit often for the reader to have his presence clinging to them.
Why was Idia so insistent that nothing would happen to the reader? Does simply having the favor of the death god prevent them from having any unfortunate accidents?
In the first part, you included this line, “He said he understood, but there was something in his tone that gave you pause.” Why was Idia acting so weird about the reader rejecting his offer the third time? He stated himself that he wouldn’t recommend it during the first time asking.
What was Azul talking about when he said that “They initiated the deal with me. I was prepared to let them go”? I checked back and clearly the reader never directly struck a deal, unless he was talking about the reader’s terrified plea? I would hardly consider someone abducted to be a sacrifice and begging for their life making a deal.
Finally, what would have happened if the reader had stayed inside when Azul came to claim the reader’s soul?
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1. Idia, while established that he is the god of death, has taken to living in the human world. And while he didn't plan to befriend any humans, his neighbor Y/N quickly won him over. He visits every single day, but mostly because of your cat that's a lie he's there to see you so yeah, you smell just like the god of death. Luckily humans can't pick up that scent, so you'll probably be okay 😁
2. Idia knows humans die. He gets that. But the more time goes on, the more his chest hurts at the thought of losing you. He doesn't want you to die. And he's well aware of what deals with Azul end up looking like. He loves you far too much for that. In a similar vein, while at first he didn't want you to give him your soul in exchange for permanent protection, the more he is faced with a future where you might not be there, he begins to feel a little selfish. If he can just bind your soul to his, nothing will ever happen to you, and he can go on living the way he's been living.
Also, there's a part of him that's upset. He knows that you don't know that he's the god of death (yet) but when you reject the pact, it feels a little like you're rejecting him. He knows that's not the case, but it still stings his fragile heart a little bit.
3. It shouldn't be a deal. And in most cases, it wouldn't be. Azul would have absorbed your essence as the sacrifice you were meant to be, and all would have been well. (Not exactly well, but you get it 😂) But if Jade, who is only a servant to the God of the Seas, can smell Idia on you, then so can Azul. He knows. He knows how much you must matter to his old nemesis. And he's intrigued. What would the God of the Dead find so wonderful in this human? So he does what he does best. He twists your words. Makes it seem like you made a deal with him. And he doesn't give you the chance to fight back, because that bite makes it permanent.
You know what they say. You need to be careful how you speak to the fae. And, unfortunately, Azul is not fae. He is something much worse.
4. If they had stayed inside, they would have been safe long enough for Idia to figure out what to do next. An extra day would have bought him time to negotiate, or, if he absolutely has to, find a way to end Azul. He'd do it for you. As Ortho brings up in part two, the God of the Dead's domain is always expanding. He's far stronger than he even wants to think about. And far too in love with you to hesitate when it comes to drastic measures.
He has to be careful now, though. Now that you're fully transformed into one of Azul's servants, he can't be sure if killing Azul will kill you as well. Besides, a small part of him wants to believe that he can still talk things out with Azul. That if he can convince Azul of how important you and the human realm are to him, then Azul will listen.
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mountinez · 1 year
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You did not break me I'm still fighting for peace
Date & Time by Phil Kaye // Rhythms of Rebirth by Christian Bosse // Lisandro Martinez has elevated Manchester United’s defence to a whole new level // Elastic Heart by Sia // Antony of Brazil praises Lisandro Martínez // Don't Forget Who You Are by Miles Kane // Giorgio Chiellini admits he made mistake about Lisandro Martinez // Be Still by The killers
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coffeebanana · 9 months
look i'm not me if i don't come up with 2 to 20 fic ideas each week that i swear i'm totally going to write. frankly it's a miracle i actually end up writing some of them down
and the fact that some of those ideas actually get finished? mindblowing. showstopping. incredible
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fagladder · 6 months
Have you ever drawn any xbralis?
yes! a bunch actually… but i can’t post any here because OH JEEZ THE CONTENT WARNINGS
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