#I think it was in the context of the wack too
tricerotopicpt2 · 3 months
half spoilers for recent fable lore!
I was just trying to watch some vods for comfort and came across this.....
Looping the Beginning | Fable smp S3 36:20:
Centross: "Now it's an omen, your gonna kill the world"
Icarus: "I think i was already gonna do that"
It was just a joke at the time..... little did we know....
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horce-divorce · 2 years
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As someone with dysautonomia, and as someone who also uses a bidet in a cold climate, this joke is absolutely transcendent. Thank you Reddit user mdsg5352 for my fucking life. I'm gonna use this one every single time I pass out from now on
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I've noticed something very interesting about the structure of The Locked Tomb series recently, in that it is a series that is immeasurably more than the sum of its parts. Not that that's an uncommon thing for serialized media, it's literally the point of the format to tell a deeper story as a whole than is told in any one installment, but I think tlt is a particularly extreme example.
Like, gtn is the only book in the series that works at all as a standalone story. In most series, if you skip a book, you'll be confused about specifics and backstories and what have you, but you'll probably be able to follow along and get the gist of the theming, even if you miss some details and subtleties.
With this series, though, the subsequent books (especially HtN but also NtN) are essentially incomprehensible if you've skipped the previous books. They don't follow a predictable trajectory from the previous books that can be back-extrapolated from their stand alone contents. Like, genuinely try to imagine what you would think the previous books must have been about if you just read Nona. Imagine what you'd think the themes were. It's completely out of wack.
This is because each new book in the series isn't just a continuation of the previous books - it is in dialogue with the previous books. Each new book is a commentary on what came before, a reinterpretation that forces you to rethink or even reread the previous books with a different perspective that draws more layers of meaning to the surface. It makes the series feel like a knot that you're slowly unpicking - each new thread that is revealed to you changes how you perceive the weave of the previous threads.
I fucking love this. It makes the series incredibly rereadable, and it rewards spending a lot of time contemplating and theorizing about what you've read, which is excellent because the books are written in such a way that they invite you to ask questions without giving you answers. It make you feel ecstatic when you achieve a new level of understanding of a story you had thought you already understood.
There's a drawback to this, though, in that it makes the first read-through of a new book in the series the worst read-through. Again, HtN is infamous for this, verging on incomprehensible on a first pass but bristling with rich meaning and evocative prose on a second, but it's a trait that applies to all three books released so far. On a first read, lacking the context of the later series, GtN's story feels straightforward, sometimes juvenile, full of relatively simple but evocative characters, and burdened with what seems to be needlessly obtuse and obscure worldbuilding that only exists to slow down the reader's attempts to solve the murder mystery and to act as a backdrop to be cut through by Gideon's harshly modern and irreverent quips. (Sidenote, but as much as that is a thing that a lot of the fandom really enjoys, I know a few people who found that choice extremely jarring and unpleasant. It is a polarizing structural choice, it just doesn't seem like it because people who don't like it don't often stick with the series long enough to get invested in the deeper themes and plot of the series).
NtN too follows this format, although we don't yet have the added context of it's sequel, so a lot of what it has to say remains maddeningly out of reach. It certainly enriches rereads of the previous books, though; a lot of people have gone into great detail about how Nona's perspective on Kiriona reframes our perception of Gideon as a narrator. And John's accounting of the end of the world and the Resurrection adds so many more layers to all the interactions we witness in HtN.
It's just a very unique way to build a story, to start with something fairly simple and self-contained and then spend the next two books layering more and more meaning on those events. For me, it's not the characters (much as I love them) but the structure of the series that keeps me so fucking obsessed with these books.
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filurig · 3 months
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decided to go fawk it and make it so that nattramn and basilisks are able to hybridise in pareidolia yay!!! more info under cut
as for how its possible, irl clearly these species would be too distant from eachother to hybridise but ok its fantasy and also. i think part of it might be that as basilisk ancestors evolved their odd trait of picking up aspects of other fauna around them during fetal development, it just resulted in their genes being really wack and spontaneous and for some reason that made it so that they can procreate with nattramn again. i think the ancestors shown in the last image for example could not concieve together bcs the basilisk ancestor species had not evolved the wacky genes thing yet.
societally i think it varies on how they're treated. generally hybrids are accepted as parts of their societies, but depending on several factors they can be somewhat alienated. in nattramn society, "basramn" hybrids are generally more well accepted due to a combination of societal and religious reasons. "nattlisks" usually mingle with basilisk communities much easier for similar reasons. the kind of folklore that sprung up surrounding them in these communities may depend on the fact that basramns have an easier time fitting into nattramn society (due to nattramn putting a lot of importance on flight) while nattlisks have an easier time shapeshifting and can usually fit in basilisk communities easier because of it (basilisks celebrate their shapeshifting ability culturally quite strongly), and the folklore sprung up as sort of a "post hoc" justification for potential alienation/embracing of hybrids. because of this this means that union between a basilisk and a nattramn and whether or not its accepted depends on the context bcs of what hybrid it produces. thinking this may be further reinforced with old legends about mythical (or real, potentially) historical figures in their cultures. (have to think more about this)
also i dont think ive mentioned it here but the reason why these hybrids arent TOO uncommon to see is that nattramn and basilisks are closely intertwined, and while its unusual to see a nattramn mingling with basilisk communities, its quite common for basilisk communities to exist within nattramn settlements and their attitudes towards one another are generally amicable/positive.
"nattlisk" and "basramn" are not canon terms for them, and in universe theyre generally referred to either as basilisk, nattramn or harpy depending on what the observer/local culture thinks they are lol. humans especially dont really know the difference - i think maybe nattlisks may be interpreted as some sort of other vätte like a rå or a troll due to their more humanoid look
generally have similar lifespans to nattramn/basilisks, overall they do rather well for being hybrids other than miscarriages (or, well, since theyre egg layers, failed/unhatched eggs) and nattlisks being more susceptible to illness early in life.
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comicaurora · 1 year
I mean, you've said before that the greek gods were more reflections of what was true then what was good. Life was cruel, unfair, and horrible, so the gods were too. People probably didn't like poseidon very much, but they probably didn't like floods or earthquakes or serial r*pists that much either. I kind of assumed it was very much a 'reverence via fear' thing.
It's a reasonable assumption, but it's important to recognize that it is an assumption.
Most of us do not live lives with many gods in them, and the cultural permeation of christianity has produced a sense of theological normalcy where gods are typically found in the Singular or in the One With A Lot Of Saintlike Sidekicks arrangement. This presumes a nature of divinity that is both benevolent and very divorced from the practicalities of day-to-day life and which typically only acts in the form of rare and irreproducible "miracles". The tropes of godhood we recognize are sunbeams in churches, eyes pointed heavenward, faith and belief over skepticism. Even in fictional stories that are totally separate from reality or are evoking elements from wildly different religions, these tropes still recur because they have been culturally normalized to the point of near-invisibility.
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Like, for example, Young Hercules kneeling in a huge, empty, cavernous temple to pray to a Zeus he isn't sure is listening.
Like all forms of normalcy, we're very impressed the first time someone breaks it for us. "What if these gods DIDN'T work like that?" seems groundbreaking because we don't realize we've acclimated to an outlier. There are many, MANY other ways a culture can see its gods, and there are many reasons to be skeptical of any interpretation of that angle that highlights "their gods are cruel and mercurial because so were their lives." It flattens not only the religion but the lives of the people who practiced it into a Planet Of The Hats trope that just happens to be excitingly different from the one we think is normal. It also buys into the whole "historical life was all nasty, brutish and short" myth which is always something to watch out for in the subtext zone.
Even in the context of Ancient Greece, the gods are characterised wildly differently by different writers. Even just Artemis has been a helpless victim to be rescued by her brother, a cruel and unforgiving mistress to her followers, an arrogant young girl violently put in her place by her queen, the mistress of the muses and foremost of the goddesses, a protector of young women, a killer of young women, an untouchably expert hunter, and a hundred other things. To say "hunting is a risky business and that's why Artemis is Like That" is to diminish her and reduce what could be centuries of fascinating cultural and personal context down to the literary equivalent of "damn that shit's pretty wack, so anyway."
The fact is we will never know for sure why these gods were characterized and worshiped the way that they were, because these religions died out centuries ago. We can make educated guesses, but when we aren't certain, we shouldn't act like we're certain. This is an angle of context I like, but one of the most risky parts of tumblr-brand academia (and now its sequel, tiktok academia) is that confident, quick assertions lodge in the audience's head like facts, and this is not a space where facts live anymore.
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mr-jack-letterman · 5 months
Even more au doodles because I have way too much free time.
This time around 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 Anti-Power Couple Au 🎉🎉🎉🎉 (by @starry-blue-echoes)
I think my Hol Horse bias is showing-
Anyway cute Holpol nonsense YIPPEEEE (click for better quality)
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I simultaneously love and hate the design I made for him. Cause on one hand I think he looks cool as hell but on the other he has so many details the amount of times I forgot his ear piercing/braid/stubble/bullet necklace/strings on his hat/wedding ring/which side the wrist bands went on is low-key ridiculous and completely my own fault 💀/silly
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These are the best hands I've ever drawn in my life ngl.
Fun fact: "Mon petit chou" with no context means "my little cabbage" when directly translated to English. Because you know if Polnareff is gonna call Hol a French pet name it's gonna be something simultaneously rly sweet in French but wack in English NSNDNNDD
There's more context than that behind why "my little cabbage" is considered a French term of endearment but that's an info dump for another day 😭
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I don't have much to say for this one other than the doddle of one of the Sex Pistols holding Emperor is one of my favorite things and I'm using it as a reaction image now.
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I wish I could have done more with their outfits but I just didn't have the time to design anything rly unique 😭.
I genuinely hope the random huge drops of fanart aren't overwhelming or anything for ya- I just get in a flow of doin em and don't realize how much I've done until I've ran out of scenarios to draw :') wish ya the best ✌️/gen
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m0rninglatte · 1 month
Monster from Epic and Icarus analysis because the thoughts do be real
“How did suffering become so endless?”
- Icarus thinking it should have been done by now, but it's not. It's still going
“Do I need to change?”
Moving on.
“I'm surrounded by the souls of those I've lost”
- Icarus talking about Aurelius, Enderian, *Centross*, Momboo, etc.
- The idea of everyone who has died is a sacrifice, and they will be brought back, but also Icarus ability to not grieve properly because of it
"What if the greatest threat we'll find across the sea, is me?
- Icarus wondering if they are failing and they are going to slip up to the point everything crashes because they made one wrong move.
“What if I'm the monster? What if i'm in the wrong”
- I like to think this line as Icarus beginning to think of each reset and all the "antagonistic" acts they've done and thinking if they are and have always been a monster because they in their own eyes can't seem to do anything to help people as they just end up hurting someone.
“What if i'm the problem that’s been hiding all along”
- Icarus in “Lady of the world” talking about how corruption has always been there, how whatever they did then was always there they just pushed it back of their mind until corruption made it the forefront of their mind.
“What if i'm the one who killed you”
- Icarus debating if it was Quixis that killed Momboo or themselves.
“What if I’ve been far too kind to foes but a monster to ourselves”
- Foes = Fable, ourselves = everyone else minus the co-workers
- Although Icarus currently wants to fix everything and stay with Fable, i like to see this as Icarus debating if they are on the right side.
The Polyphemus section is Centross, mainly the Violet Reaper
“Or does he end my men, to avenge his friend”
- S1 funeral. 
-“Avenge his friend” is a line you could annotate “friend” to be Enderian
- If you wanted to, you could almost switch into "...,to serve his goddess"
The Circe section is Enderian 
"When the witch turns men to pigs, to protect her nymphs"
- Corruption of Ominus Bane
- You could see this line in my opinion as either to protect her realm or to prove her point about Overworlders and how they are the same, for example, resorting to violent outcomes
The Poseidon section is Fable
- This section is a mix of things, I can see mixes of Fable during the war and Fable currently, and Icarus is like thinking of the similarities and differences between Fable and himself.
The Odysseus section about him during the Trojan War is Icarus and the Wack
“Does a soldier use a wooden horse to kill sleeping Trojans cause he is vile”
- Icarus using the wack to kill Momboo
"Or does he throw away his remorse and save more lives with guile"
- Icarus querying if he should just throw away his regret for any actions he has done and attempt to help people through sly and cunning intelligence (literally the definition of guile)
The section after the Odysseus section is Icarus wondering if they should just become the monster to everyone else but not the co-workers and yk Fable 
“I lost my best friend, I lost my mentor, my mom, 500 men gone…”
- Best Friend is Centross.
- Mentor is a funky one because i could see it be switched into my brother, but at the same time, you could keep it as mentor and annotate it to be Quixis
- Mom is Isla -> "Like King like Prince" : Icarus finding her portrait and realising Fable hasn't told them where she is and that he can't remember her aswell as Rae
- 500 men gone = the people and gods who have died and or been husked
“I must get to see Penelope and Telemachus”
A) remove the context of the names, no wife, no son, none of that
B) This could be annotated into two different ways but i can mainly see it as Momboo and Centross and Icarus’ hope with all this they can come back
“I’ll go where Poseidon wont reach us”
- Poseidon could be annotated into Enderian, but one that I think works well is the faction, mainly Ocie.
“And if got to drop another infant from a wall in an instant so we all don't die”
- Icarus being like if i have to kill another person, fuck it, whatever it is I need to do to prove myself or help in anyway.
The end section with Odysseus choosing to become the monster I could see as Icarus state of mind of their not meant to be helping people as all they have done is hurt people, so that's what their meant to do, it's what they were ment to do from the beginning, so they will.
Thoughts and feelings go bonkers and bit of aaah and bit of RA
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belowzion · 5 months
Below Zion: Rethinking Valentino
Hello everyone! Today I wanted to show you how we've been rewriting Valentino. As stated in my previous blogs, the characters are given different feels to make them as distinct from their show counterparts as possible so that eventually this can be its own thing. While still inhabiting the pimp lord aspects, Valentinos way of thinking, motivations and even what he does in his past-time should change how this character works and why I grew a fascination in writing about his character recently. Make no mistake, he is a villain and funnily enough, a stark contrast to Charlies ideas.
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"Oh, the sex work is great! Tino is garbage. See, I haven't left the industry. I just ran from that self-rightous prick…" - Hip-Lash, one of Angels best friends, left the 'industry'. Hasn't seen Angel for 30 years. To understand where Valentino comes from and why he is the kind of person he is, some context is needed. In Below Zion, sinners are completely incapable of making pacts with other people. Their power instead depends on how sinful they were in life. If you sinned too much, you get thrown into Penance Machines, where you are excessively tortured and bleed out all that sinful energy for runes! Runes pass off as currency in Hell. But if you were not a cannibal serial child killer, you get to enjoy some amazing powers! Or if you got bailed out of these machines through some higher power. While nothing too crazy like what Alastor might be capable of, these sinners are still very powerful with the Wrath they possess. Valentino is no exception. His hazbin is an interesting case of a person hiding the true degeneracy that they possess deep within them. See, Valentino, known before as Mikhail "Milo" Tarentino, was a yoga teacher, originating from India! The guy, not really enjoying his position in India due to the fact that yoga was already quite popular there, decided to move to Italy where yoga wasn't as prevalent! Tarentino was a social butterfly, able to get many contacts and many students into his class! However, his true debauchery also began here. He would often have sexual intercourse with his own students, coercing them, grooming them and eventually fucking them! It does not help the matters that most of these women were married.
"Oh goodness, I did not expect to have a new neighbour! Welcome! I actually remember you, you know? You agreed to collect dirty things for Butcher Pete." Sledge nods. "So I did." "Gross job. Glad they had rubber gloves my size." He says, raising a paw, and wiggling his pudgy fingers… It reminds Alastor a little of one of those asian lucky-cats… cute. "Why ya callin' him 'Butcher Pete'?"
"Oh! No reason! There is just a very catchy song that I wish I NEVER paid any attention to the lyrics of!"
He says as he spins his microphone!
"Would you like to give it a listen? It reminds me of the kind of sinners that I find often here in Lust…" "Sure."
From Als staff - a combination of magical and technological - comes out a very upbeat tune! "Hey everybody, did the news get around? About a guy named Butcher Pete! Oh, Pete just flew into this town, And he's choppin' up all the women's meat!
He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'! He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'! He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'! He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat!"
And also... this.
"Yeah, I see your point there, Al... but I got a question for ya~" He says with a sinister grin~
"Very well, i shall bite! Shoot!" "Say, have you ever had a pump and dump at a family reunion~?"
"[Oh no...]" The T.V Demon grows... concerned for what is about to be retold.
Velvette begins to giggle maniacally!
"I know Some of those words! Likely Not in the context You Want them to be in, though!"
"Then you do know the context I am referring to~ Don't worry Al, I am not talking about ones own family reunion, obviously, but somebody else's."
"You Are talking about FILTH then. No Val, i have done Nothing of the likes!"
"Oh come on, never had the fun? I had this one where I was invited to one of my students', I was a yoga teacher back in the day, you see? Anyhow, I eventually found myself banging different women. See, because they are all related, they had like, slightly different mommy boxes, but I was test driving 'em, right? Seeing how evolution has shaped each one a little differently so that you can find one that's just right?"
[No, Val stop, Al is already-]
"I call this goldilocksing~"
"And this relates to hunting... hoooow...?" Velvette seems perplexed...
Val thinks for a moment...
"I forgot what I was getting at, my bad~" He says as he takes a puff from his cigarette.
Al... looks grossed out. He thinks about this... And shivers in mild disgust again, a few moments after the first time.
As you can see here, Valentino kept his "trade" a secret in his human life, but he was also very good with it. Being able to get around fucking the entire female half of a family. Living in Italy though, he envied the mafia families that always seemed to be able to get what they wanted. More so because one day, one of those families caught Tino and his disgusting tendencies and... lets just say that he was never found on Earth again.
This eventually landed him in Hell. While he did sin quite excessively, it did not compare to the likes of Velvette, Alastor, Eve, Angel Dust or Agatha. However, he did gain one very prominent power from this... The red mist. The mist he puffs out whenever he smokes, the stench that leaves his body, the morphine that binds people to him like soul contracts!
Its an addictive substanance. Some people even describe it as off-puttingly as possible by saying that its his "musk". Valentino, while possessing not a terrifying amount of strength compred to some other powerful sinners out there, he possesses an ability that can dominate each one of them without trouble.
One such case being Angel Dust.
See, Angel, being the son of a ruthless mafia boss, when arrived in Hell, he wanted to become famous and wealthy immidietly! Get rich quick without much work! Well, with work he loves to do~
This is where Valentino steps into his life, offering him such opportunities while... making sure Angel inhales his mist as much as possible. Keep him addicted, don't let him get away~
Valentino is especially abusive towards Angel both sexually and physically. However, this stems not from his actual love for Angel Dust, but his hate.
Valentino, ever since he arrived in Hell, has gained a sick fascination towards punishing the sinners that think they are hot shit.
"He has a… self-rightous attitude lets say. If he thinks you had it too good and don't appriciate the stuff you have… he'll get ideas~" -Velvette
Valentino is the essence of Hell. He punishes the winners of hazbin, not the losers. Seeing Angel Dust, being this mafiaso that loved and CRAVED sex in every opportunity and got what he wanted without ever thinking about the implications, gives Valentino this certain feeling of moral superiority. He feels like a punisher, a true demon of Hell that is there to become Angels worst nightmare for all the horrible things he has done in his life.
It gets better due to the fact that Valentino knows he is weaker than Angel, yet due to his addictions, he wins over him. Its not some pact that binds Angel, its his own Lust... and Sloth. His desire for easy success and wealth led him to this disgusting mess.
When Charlie rolls around with the idea of redemption, of course he hates it. To him, punishment is well deserved and bad boys like Angel need to be made an example of.
This also presents the reader with an interesting question. Does Angel deserve what Val does to him considering that he was CERTAINLY not a good person in his own hazbin? Or does he deserve redemption? This is literally Charlies ideology, being asked to the viewer. Should the sinner be punished or redeemed? Angel was a despicable human being that murdered, tortured, raped and was bound to many external substances. Does he deserve punishment in the hands of Valentino? Or does he deserve redemption in the hands of Charlie?
Valentino is also not just doing this to Angel. This goes for ANYONE he thinks they had it too good for too long...
Welp, that was all! Valentino is an asshole pervert fueled by hatred!
Please do write feedback, I'd love to hear your ideas if you think of any!
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lotus-sunn · 2 months
@katentines this is your fault/pos
So lotus-moonn I have been THINKING ABOUT HER. And I decided since my pfp is sweet mikey I thought maybe if lotus-moonn existed
they would use covert-mike (Mikhali) as their pfp since well if you know anything about covert mikey then its fairly obvious why I choosed him
I thought of her personality and I conclude..Shes a fucking dick. or atleast more blunt and straight forward not caring about someones feelings and wouldnt see the reason to soften the blow. Would say "that looks like shit" to your face and call you out for more of your wrong doings
I love the DRAMATICS but i think too much is wack so maybe she would have a love for all types of dramatics.
I love to make a good first impression and I am pretty sensitive when it comes to being yelled at in a aggressive way. I start to cry as the yelling continues, so she would NEVER (rarely) cry. It would take a lot for her to cry, and first impression? who gives a shit she is gonna do what she wants and not give a shit if you like her or not.
Not a hugger or very touchy its rare for her to even touch anyone (fucking insane i know) Suprisnly less of a realist. (im a realist) More of a lets just do it and find out. Doesnt care for people who overthink she doesnt get it. like cmon your thinking too much LETS GO.
Not much for reading feelings she just freezes if they confide in her. She is pretty serious. If you told her a joke she would take it literally.
social cues??? she doesnt know what that is?? context clues what??
(fucking dumbass)
Doesnt swear. literally man she doesnt. I swear like sailor so she wouldnt. Why use swears when you can insult someone in more creative ways? she doesnt get the appeal.
really really smart in the education level. Works slow and good, doesnt work well under pressure.
opptimistic? no? but also yes.
one thing I wont change. She is stubborn but not me type stubborn. She is fucking STUBBORN once she decides something its set in bedrock she ingraved it into its very core your not changing her mind
(people trying to rehabiltate lotus-moon get meet with her fist)
was a kid who was more reckless and got more injuries (i was the same. but she actually broke a bone.)
faking confidence? she doesnt do that depressing bullshit. her confidence is real but that gets in the way of most of goals she has so much faith in herself she grows arrogant. She thinks that whatever she puts her mind to WILL happen doesnt matter who come in the way
I dont get sick easily. She does tho (LOSER COULDNT BE ME) its cold and she doesnt wear a scarf and jacket GET SICK BITCH (and very sensitve when sick. Im not i can function well enough. she is like fucking DEAD like family guy dead pose.)
hopeless romantic? fuck no romance is icky she doesnt like it.
very Social. ikr what the fuck?? if anything she wouldnt be. And you'd be right but Im not very social i have a close friend group of 5 people THATS IT. so she would be very social despite her dumbass not knowing of social cues.
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hueberryshortcake · 9 months
"And if you ever get a war without blood and gore / I'll be the first to go"; An Exploration of Draft-Dodging Activity in DuckTales Characters
Obviously we're all asking ourselves this question: Would Scrooge McDuck be a draft dodger? I endeavor to answer this question to its furthest extent, and to expand upon these implications and the potential actions of his comrades were they in danger of being drafted.
Some notes:
It is past my bedtime and this is probably significantly less funny than I think it is but I'm a history major who knows slightly more about this topic and the "duckverse" as it were than I probably should; additionally, I am using this as an opportunity to pretend that I'm not supposed to be reading Descartes right now. god i love my life
listen to Draft Dodger Rag by Phil Ochs for the full experience. I too have a wracked up back, am allergic to flowers and bugs, get epileptic fits when the bombshell hits, and am addicted to a thousand drugs.
if I get canceled for this at least I'm going out with a bang
I said ducktales in the title as an attention grabber but I'm not working exclusively with dt17 characterization or context. I'll probably use what I know best which is the shows and a smattering of American comics
im american obviously
"what war are they drafting for" idk maybe it's peacetime maybe It's a wwii scenario maybe [elroy patashnik voice] It's Vietnam Baby! maybe I'm making shit up idk use your imagination don't think about this too hard or take it too seriously [<- guy who spent 3+ hours writing + read an essay about Thomas Hobbes to put this together]
Scrooge McDuck
Okay so. Obviously he is technically elderly and also has bad eyesight so like he wouldn't have to. Let's ignore these factors because it's way more fun.
For at least half his life Scrooge has the funds to discreetly buy his way out of military service. However, it is a well-distinguished trait of his that he refuses to use his wealth as a ladder to success. Given this, it is easy to conclude that he would use his hardworking grit or whatever and con his way out of the draft the good old fashioned way. He could fall back on any existing or faked conditions but I'd prefer to think he'd end up doing something round-about and ridiculous because it would be way funnier.
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if my meaning is caught here.
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Goldie o'Gilt
Any and every iteration of Goldie can and will dodge the draft by any means necessary. The more dastardly, the more fun it will be for her. She will bribe an official. She will seduce an official. She will claim conscientious objector status despite having little-to-no qualms about violence [citation needed]. Barks' Goldie will be so so so sad and pitiful and say think of the orphans. 1987 Goldie will shoot any government official who tries to come collect her. 2017 Goldie will do whatever is most entertaining to her at any given time.
[Footnote: Maybe she's Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. idk]
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wholehearted dodger
Bentina Beakley
(Within 2017 context) this question is difficult for me to answer. Yes she is old. No she is not physically unfit. No she is not huge on deception. Yes she loves rules. No she probably is not excited about the government or the military. Yes she is, it you will excuse my being so blunt, a girlboss.
My conclusion?
I know she's an elderly British woman but Bentina Beakley IS Captain America
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Not a dodger
Huey, Dewey, and Louie
In the time of Vietnam my grandparents may or may not have snuck drugs to someone so that when the government went to do their medical examination this person was having wacked up symptoms and they were presumed to be unfit for service. Barks' triplets especially would be doing this sort of thing all over the place (see "Gladstone Returns" (1948)). The 1987 triplets could be convinced to act similarly.
The 2017 triplets may also do this, but it would inevitably play out differently, as former incarnations of HDL have generally relied on them as a unit to interact with other characters and plot elements, while the 2017 boys' strength is largely in their interpersonal dynamics; as such, there would be significantly more push-and-pull between the three of them narrative-wise. I could theorize further but I don't really feel like it.
Suffice it to say: No but only because they're perpetually twelve.
[Footnote: the Quack Pack (1996) triplets are more likely to be in the running for the draft (they're old enough to drive by the time the show takes place, so they're likely 16 or 17. The US conscription cutoff was lowered to 18 in 1942. They had better be damn careful). As Huey explained his plans to get out of military service, Louie would say, "Do you guys ever think that by conning our government we're breaking the social contract we've created with our sovereign authority and actually betrayed the self-preservation we're claiming to protect, much like Thomas Hobbes outlined in his 1651 novel Leviathan?" at which Huey and Dewey would look at each other and then say "what's your point" and that would be that. For the purposes of this exercise you may exclude them from your rankings now.]
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Not dodgers but only by technicality
Gyro Gearloose
Much like Leon Theremin Gyro would be pulled from a gulag and forced to create devices to aid the USSR cause.
[Footnote: if i remember correctly the USSR killed all the scientists and or put them in gulags and then got confused when they didn't have any scientists to help them against the US in the cold war. lmao.]
[Secondary footnote: Yes that was the guy who invented The theremin. he also invented a listening device that was hidden in the white house]
[Tertiary footnote: Gulag kermit]
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Not a dodger but mainly on threat of death
Flintheart Glomgold
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Gladstone Gander
Gladstone would dodge the draft if he had to but his luck would result in his lottery never being pulled and/or the government losing his profile. Donald would be so fucking mad.
fuck I ran out of space for pictures. I'm doing some of these out of order [dodgeball.jpg]
Dodger but on a technicality
Fethry Duck
Fethry is perpetually a college student and also (points to beatnik archetype) probably stoned out of his mind at all times. I claim the "addicted to a thousand drugs" clause.
Dodger but not maliciously
Launchpad McQuack
I haven't watched Gomer Pyle since I was like 10 and I remember almost nothing from it but I feel like that would be his experience
Not a dodger
Webbigail Vanderquack
she is 12 years old
Not a dodger
Donald Duck
I'm saving my favorites for last. I know you've all been waiting for them. here are the Duck twins
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2017 Donald I'm gonna be real I'm not really sure. 1987 Donald joins the military on purpose. Quack Pack Donald would really really really not want to and would probably try to dodge in the saddest most cowardly ways possible (I support him). he could and would fake an injury, any of those old cartoon-esque tricks. I feel Barks Donald may fall into this category as well.
Donald is Schrödinger's serviceman; he both is and is not a part of the military at any given time. Like the gods of old, his mythos transcends the limits of many labels and characteristics. He would love to serve his country; he hates doing things for other people and being told what to do. He feels a sense of duty; he is beholden to no one but his hammock.
[Footnote: Here the author would encourage the reader to ponder the wonders of homosexuality in the American Navy of yore. Okay cool moving on]
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man idk
Della Duck
Della would have no qualms about resisting the draft. Drawing on the Phil Ochs song for inspiration, possible methods include:
being 18
(pretending to have) bad eyesight
flat feet (all ducks have flat feet....)
getting a boyfriend
poor old invalid aunt (read: claiming to be caretaker for scrooge, who is soooo old and frail and can't be left alone, come on guys)
college student
working in a defense plant
allergic to flowers and bugs
addicted to a thousand drugs
Straight up just not showing up when conscripted
Claiming to be homosexual (she doesn't have to be lying)
Convincing the medical examiner that she's hysterical
Bribery I guess but it's kind of tactless
Becoming pregnant with triplets
and I have considered this extensively.
her ass would join the air force. like for funsies. now to be honest this is like a really really really bad idea in war time because if you've ever looked at the statistics (I have) "As Donald L. Miller writes In *Masters of the Air*: "By the end of the war, the Eighth Air Force would have more fatal casualties—26,000—than the entire United States Marine Corps. Seventy-seven percent of the Americans who flew against the Reich before D-Day would wind up as casualties.""
like. not a great choice
[Footnote: at this point my thought process is almost entirely centered around the 40s]
As a result I feel that Della may let herself get involved in the war effort in some capacity (ie nursing (she would hate this), working in a factory (she would hate this), being a test pilot like the WASPs (she would love this but everyone would hate her bc she's reckless and insane), or being an air force pilot if able. she would do this to be sooooo bisexual
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generally speaking I feel the second that she was put into active combat or got bored she would desert immediately
In closing,
I spent three hours compiling this and I have more thoughts that I could have added but left out for the sake of brevity (ie thoughts on Daisy and the USO)
I'm sorry that I think draft dodging is funny it runs in my family idk
war is bad
not a huge fan of the draft either
big fan of Phil Ochs though. my mom makes me perform that song when we have guests over
scrooge mcduck says don't trust the government. or do I'm not your boss
this concept got out of hand so quickly. so quickly.
I hope this post is not a cancelable offense but if I go down for speaking the truth I'll do it with my head held high
I am going to go eat microwave ramen [it is midnight and I have to leave at 8:30 so I'm really cutting it close here]
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icarusbetide · 3 months
my odyssey with the shitshow that is legends and lies, the patriots
i'm watching bill o'reilly's show legends and lies, the patriots and it is wild. 💀 for a show that claims to disperse legends and myths it sure does feed into a lot of narratives. it's actually impressive, how it dramatizes these events and people to the point where every single figure is inaccurate and somehow less entertaining than their actual selves. didn't get to every episode because not all of them are online.
up to the war it's mostly a lot of dramatization that doesn't really add anything and is still horrendously awkward. but the constitutional convention onwards is where i sat there and went. oh, this is bad.
it's obviously not equipped to handle the jefferson-hamilton rivalry and the resulting political factions because it dilutes both figures so bad lmao.
jefferson is just pouting 24/7. they have the actor say the quote from the letter he sent washington about the dinner bargain where he went " hamilton tricked me sirrr he literally duped me into a compromise" without any context. and when washington later calls him out on his sneaky newspaper bullshit he just sits there sulking. like give the guy some credit, he could scheme! he was a far better politician than hamilton! if you're going to try to break down the mythological image of jefferson as the holy patron of the common man then do it all the way! he wasn't like "but sir :(" and then gracefully concede defeat wtf. they make it seem like jefferson lost to hamilton and then later suddenly won (?) without delving into the attacks on hamilton's reputation and how it was a very effective campaign.
also, there is a lot to explore in jefferson's arguments themselves. it would be worthwhile to delve deeper into why exactly he opposed hamiltonian policies, how he thought it would affect the union, etc. to be fair the show does talk about how he thought hamilton would create a monarchy, which is true - but it's just barebones, you know? maybe a bit more detail to actually strengthen both sides' argument if your goal here is objectivity and truth.
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i'm a little lad who wants berries and cream!
and you could probably guess this from what i just said about jefferson but hamilton is exactly the ambition-crazed machiavellian schemer you would expect him to be. what's worse is that they don't go into his actual actions that can be critiqued all that much. like why exactly did he want the whiskey tax? what consequences did it have? there's a lot of complexity to dig into, both in how he reasoned he was taxing a luxury, how the farmers reacted, etc. or how there was speculation (duer) that strengthened jefferson's concerns; none of that's really addressed properly. once again, just barebones. this man did not conceal his thoughts, there's a lot of ammunition and yet.
it's hilarious because from his very first appearance as aide-de-camp they kept doing these sneaky cuts to his face where he's just side-eyeing with this deadpan expression. at the time i was like "wtf is wrong with this editing" but i think they were trying to foreshadow 😭. for the rest of the show he's always sitting in corners, smoking and staring at jefferson/washington.
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and the quasi-war is so bad. so bad. they address hamilton wanting to use the war as an opportunity to establish a standing army but go about it so heavy-handedly it just becomes wack. in the show, hamilton is so crazed by his jealousy towards adams that he'll do anything to take power (his ambition did have a role in it but it's weird that they don't say anything about what the french were doing at this point, why americans were divided? not even sure if non-history buffs will immediately realize that this war with france is due to the french revolution and la dih dah.) and this what he says after mchenry claims that adams will want washington as general again:
"But His Excellency is far too old to command from the field. He will give his command to a trusted friend. Someone...perhaps...he once thought of as a son. *smirk with McHenry*."
the last part? "someone he once thought of as a son" BITCH if you did any research you would know that hamilton was screaming crying throwing up at the mere THOUGHT of being considered washington's son. you can hear the villain music in the background. no, literally, you can actually hear villain music. i love this show so much.
then it tells us "yeah hamilton took power" but where is washington in all this? the guy who insisted on hamilton being his 2nd apparently out of love for his "son" (lafayette found dead in a ditch). dying in bed according to the next scene lmao.
so yeah hamilton is a shitshow but that also ruins washington because he's in that weird position of being idolized and also diminished. "yesss slay washington you are so talented as a spymaster and spotting talent but also you were manipulated by hamilton! but also you fully supported hamilton's agenda! you were such a good president i love you."
and john adams is so weak it's an insult to the man. at least show us that hater energy. wdym adams went "i had thought you had stopped this obsession of yours" to jefferson when jefferson was complaining about hamilton? maybe he didn't hate hamilton as much at that point if that's what they're implying? but the show makes him into this affable guy, who didn't want an army (the man longed for military glory) and only dismantles it because he realizes that jefferson was 100% right and it was all hamilton's quest for power. the french are nonexistent in this french-american war, which is my biggest grievance.
and aaron burr...the less i say about this show's aaron burr the better. didn't even try for historical accuracy. didn't try for anything besides "mwahahaha i am a politician! with no ideas! and i will say that to your face hamilton" so yeah the hamilton that they portrayed as crazed for power (in the same 40 minute episode i tell you) is suddenly a great judge of character. maybe at the end they did make him slightly sympathetic? it talks about his public fall from grace after the duel so some points for that.
and look at this shit y'all. can't make this up.
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sigh. a historian says "jefferson insisted on seeing hamilton as a power-hungry monarchist" but then the show makes it seem like that's the truth. all the historians are saying things and then the show's scenes are saying something completely different so the entire thing is ???? wtf is the goal of this thing?
besides all of this, it's a wild ride based purely on the absolutely terrible hair. you will not believe how bad the hair is. i shit you not i screamed ten times wondering where the hell they got wigs that can look that bad. watch it just for the hair actually.
and of course the strange, awkward editing and flashbacks that are probably confusing to people who are normal and don't keep historical dates/events marked up with these people's lives. washington dies and comes back to life in flashbacks like 3 times.
it sucks! it's not even entertaining but there are moments of humor and ridiculousness; the bad hair really saved this thing. i might be harsh, given that i just defended hamilton the musical for its relative inaccuracy, but i find it fundamentally different because this show claims superior historical accuracy. it looks and feels like a low-budget documentary and it's just. wrong. at certain points. if it wants to get real into the nitty-gritty of these complex people then you have to commit! it couldn't quite abandon the common impression a lot of americans have towards jefferson, couldn't abandon that perspective of hamilton. but then it doesn't delve into the actual mistakes and darker actions of these people. maybe it was in a different episode but i saw no mention of the reynolds pamphlets, jefferson's relationship with sally hemings, diplomatic deals, or whatnot.
not only is it a ultimate failure at clearing up legends and lies, it probably created some new ones instead. only part that was relatively okay was benedict arnold's i think.
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freddie--fagbear · 1 month
I listened to the entirety of The Tortured Poets Department.
it was not to my tastes, these lyrics were the most hard to listen to.
Also im on mobile and also i started writing this like a week ago n i've lost the plot a little but whatever
1. Fortnight (feat. Post Malone)
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Not even explaining this one but also how could I, I can't figure out what it even means. It feels like she's just saying words to check them off a list. "What are middle class white women in their late 20s mad about? their blossoming alcoholism! their [probs racist] boyfriend not noticing their new coastal granddaughter themed wardrobe!" .
that being said, it's catchy and can be fun in it's own way, there's a lot of american department store and doing chores to mainstream radio vibes in this album and I do respect that as it's own kinda genre. HOWEVER i do NOT respect pretending it is deep or interesting.
2. The Tortured Poets Department
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As I've said before, I stg her writing feels like its off a list of buzzwords her fans like but this is awful original or not. Especially since it's allegedly about that fuckin racist guy from the 1975 or whatever
3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
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I didn't even think this one was that bad, I genuinely enjoyed it in that silly catchy taylor swift song way, would love to wander a TJ Maxx to this, It's here because there's gonna be a pattern emerging of Rhyming™️ that she recites in almost the exact same tone with almost the exact same beat in like half the songs on the album.
4. Down Bad
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This one I also enjoyed in that silly-catchy way, it would be so fun to vacuum to this. Except for this line, this line rly shot the middleschooler in me who was having fun in the foot.
5. But Daddy I Love Him
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Again with the buzzwords she knows her fans like. Also, the rhyming here is not exactly but SO close to the other examples in here. Point being the title of this song combined with the rest of her discography and public behaviours leads me to believe that she did not infact say "the 1830s but without all the racists" as a younger woman i think she said "the 1830s" and then maybe did a faux guilty chuckle if someone mentioned yknow slavery or racism or women or native americans or--
6. Florida!!! (feat. Florence + The Machine)
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Taylor Swift's net worth is 900 Million Dollars.
Which isn't to say she can't sing lyrics like this it's just that they're made a tad infuriating by that. Like girl you are a part of the reason people are working their lives away.
(Florence + The Machine i'm so sorry)
7. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
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White women saying stuff like this raises the hairs on the back of my neck, I am afraid, You are scary and you know that and in context you're probably using it to be wack asf. anyway, Otherwise this song is like whatever.
8. loml
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Taylor Swift's net worth is 900 Million Dollars.
Beyond that this just feels mocking both in the sense that her music selling hinges on it's relatability to her target audience (which this isn't, at all, for several reasons) and that her music's marketing and the marketing of Taylor Swift the public character is in and of itself a con to buy people into the idea of her enough to sell them merchandise. Also, again, I enjoy manufactured pop music and I think it has a place in the world as an art form; my issue with this whole thing is that it's playing pretend and it's not even pretending well.
9. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
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This comes off really ingenuine for so many reasons but the ones that stand out the most to me are that she both disses Joe Alwyn or whatever his name is for being depressed for too long on a different song on this album and also that it feels again written to be consumed not as a an actual expression of anything.
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black-suns-rim · 2 years
Random adhd thoughts about yautja
Music has to be a big part of their culture right? They must have to have some kind of stringed instruments since the obviously can't play any woodwinds with how their face structure is.
Would yautja like heavy metal music? Would they like screamo? Would they see it as a battle cry?
Yautja must have some kind of war cries or battle cries/chants when they are in battle or before they go to battle as a fear tactic. Just imagine a whole army of yautja running straight at you while chanting some ancient battle cry.
How would yautja meat taste like? Would it be sweat or bitter?
Do yautja have any natural medicine that works as a laxative? Like how we have plumbs and dates as natural laxatives?
How does that fruit stew of their's taste like? (Forgot the name of it)
How strong is c'ntlip of an intoxicating beverage for humans?
Since the Matriarchs run things back on Yautja-Prime, it means their society is a Matriarchy. Do they have specific slurs for male yautja that are degrading?
Not me thinking about how yautjas canonically have nipples... at 2am...
Is it normalized for a female yautja to hit on a male and not seen as creepy by their society no matter the context or would it be seen as creepy no matter the context?
Sucklings (pups) would definitely be raised by their clan and their parents as one big family unit.
I feel like the yautja's predlocks would feel smooth, slightly soft, and a little oily. I can see them taking care of their locks by rubbing special oils into them. I can also see couples/mates doing this with each other since their predlocks are very sensitive.
I can't get the image out of my head that the male yautja love to get prettied up for their female counterparts when they aren't out hunting.
I can imagine how agressive and protective a mother yautja gets after giving birth. Like her hormones gotta be really wack, so she sees everyone as a threat. Even her mate.
Do yautja have candy or sweets? Like something simular to chocolate or ice cream? Maybe something like hard candy where they can just lick it
I wanna give a yautja peanut butter and watch them struggle to eat/lick it. I wonder if that would be torture to them...
How would a yautja react to eating ice cream? Would they love it? Oh lol, they would probably get really bad brain freeze after taking a whole bite out of a cone or something thinking it won't be that cold but then, surprise, brain freeze.
I wanna give a yautja an energy drink and see what happens.
I can see yautja having floor tables like how some Asian households have. They just seem the type to have those since they are easy to store ans don't take up much room. Just imagine all those young mouths that they older yautja have to feed
Since yautja live much longer than humans, they must age a lot slower too. Probably like 2.5 times as slow. So would they develop that slow too or would they pick things up pretty quick like human babies?
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
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@punderfulfandoms (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) this is what i strive for, getting deep reading of my fanfic lmao, thank u and bless
these are all very good points!
i have not been forthcoming with everyone's age (except you now have a reference point with korvin and dick, re: ch3). jason's closer to korvin in age than he is to dick, but that's still a bit of range to play with (the math has been left as an exercise for the enterprising reader lol)
whfagt and my recent teaser snippet has little hints of the jason & korvin dynamic. i personally think it's wack wild and hilarious but who knows how it'll be received
bc you're signing up for my academic rants (in the tags, but they can happen anywhere if relevant)...
another gripe i have w common cliches is the stem/math vs english major false dichotomy
yes, that's pretty true at the lower levels of those fields. but at the higher level, it's all critical thinking. the tools may be different, the common language and operations might be different, and the context too.
my advisor jokes (w a whole rice bag of truth rather than just a grain) that a phd in anything is still a philosophy major flavored with whatever we're obsessed with. PhD -> doctor of philosophy, yeah? logic, rhetoric, argumentation, ontology--these are concepts that can be applied to any field. in fact, that's the point of phd dissertations in stem, esp in such an applied field like aerospace engineering. we are to take a concrete problem, abstract and formulate a fundamental subproblem from the application, and demonstrate rigor in handling the subproblem such that a generality can be formed and contribute to a larger understanding of the field.
is that not the same with literature analysis? i just deal with shitty greek letters most of the time rather than prose, is all.
@rozaceous and i would be that english vs math major thing, yet we have the exact same brainrot and nitpicks, house on fire status of getting along.
(it's because she's also a philo minor, technically could have been a philo double major)
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ai-the-broccoli · 23 days
sometimes I would encounter takes in the wild that is clearly of very surface-level understanding that make me think “wow damn this could not be more wrong, they def haven’t paid nearly enough attention to the relevant text because the point totally went over their heads there”, and then a long time later I would think back to it and realise “wait. that was sorta right actually, just completely not in the way they intended”
anyway [???] personal hc below the cut. kagura san
after DB came out there were a few people who called San a narcissist, which was wack to me because I thought well I like that kind of egoistic characters and I like San too but that is just a total misreading of her character??? Like the god thing is just... really not like that at all, especially when you just look at the context. that’s what i felt about it
…and then 2+ years passed and i thought back to it, and. wait. call me insane and I know this is a very niche and personal hc but… actually with all we got on her after that, I don’t think it’s impossible to make an argument for the interpretation of San Kagura comorbid autism & NPD. just entirely not in the way these people meant
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gregoftom · 1 year
I'm the anon who just got into tomgreg before, I've now reached half of season 3, finally get to what's the Nero and Sporus scene everyone's been talking about! So like yeah that's insane and mind-blowing but also I accidentally saw, for like a second before I lost the post because tumblr was being glitchy, a gif of tom casually touching/stroking greg's cheek in passing and that was actually even more mind-blowing to me??? Because what??? I know Tom is a bit touchy feely with the Greg (usually with his forearms I think, maybe playing with his tie) but in the future it's to the point of casually caressing his cheek without thinking?? Now maybe I just don't know the context and it's not at all what I thought but it's still insane to think about from the pov of someone who is still in the middle of season 3.... Sorry for the rant I couldn't help it
OH YEAH honestly, it just gets more and more insane as it goes. s4 gets a very mixed reaction i’ve noticed but for me personally i really enjoy it because you get to see their dynamic shift into one of true friendship, love and trust. i didn’t watch it week to week i got it all at once so i can sympathise that ppl felt a bit bereft of tg but honestly when you watch it all at once it’s actually quite astounding how far they’ve come. to me it’s a good sign the way they act in s4 and like. it’s not like they aren’t still crazy about each other. tom still isn’t normal about greg in the slightest, he’s just not. you know. throwing water bottles at him lol. he’s letting him in. we’re seeing a relationship develop in reverse - we got the intense crazy sexual energy at the beginning and the trust, love and friendship being built towards the end. they stumbled backwards into it. i love that. and i find it funny ppl stopped taking it seriously as a ship or started hating it the second it started developing into an actual viable relationship from its beginnings. very inch resting.
SORRY got off track a little i have beef lol BUT yeah. tom is super touchy with greg and greg starts to learn he can be touchy with tom too, it’s so meaningful bc every single other character greg tries to touch or hug recoils. every single one. but not tom. greg’s love language is validated and so is tom’s in kind. it’s soooo fundamental to their relationship as well as their characters.
they do indeed get to that point and yeah seeing the future when you’re at a certain point in the show is wack like, it’s amazing to see it not only developed to that point, but that the show allowed it to be? there’s also loads more to look back on you might have missed when you rewatch. i love them and bless you for coming to my inbox to talk about them, i love seeing new fans of tg pop up 🥰
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