#I tried the pennies website
shytimelady · 11 months
maybe the wrong place but I am requesting AID if anyone has tips on how to google search for very specific clothing items you encountered approximately 7 years ago I would love to hear from you
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llyfrenfys · 6 months
"Fascism and Welsh Nationalism", or "Stop Fawning over the FWA you cont"
This is inspired by things I've been noticing around Aberystwyth lately while out and about.
Some mfer is putting up Free Welsh Army (FWA) stickers and I have to keep on pulling them down. Why? You ask.
Because of the not so subtle links between the FWA and fascist movements (of which those links are quite frankly underdiscussed) this post is necessary.
So, starting with the stickers:
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This is just one of three identical stickers I've pulled down this last week in Aberystwyth. They appear more to be car stickers than anything else and must have cost a pretty penny to print and/or purchase. They appear to have been bought directly from a website using FWA imagery and slogans - yet does not claim to be the FWA (that I can see, at least). I'm not going to link to it because they don't need any more web traffic. But we will get onto why this is significant in a bit.
Anyway, returning to the stickers - I pulled down the first one off of an electric box on North Road, opposite Vaynor St in late November. I pulled down the second (pictured) also in late November on Penglais Road off the bus stop near the hospital. And in early December I pulled down the third one off of a wall near the Spar at the end of Vaynor Street. Right off the bat we can assume the guy who wasted a lot of money on these stickers lives local to where the stickers I've found so far were. So they're lazy, for one - not venturing much further than their own front door by the looks of it.
I've written about the iconography of the FWA before here but it bears repeating that if fascists approve of your iconography, then that's a sign your movement is already overrun with fascists.
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This is the sticker design which I've been noticing about town. Top to bottom we have "Cymru Rydd/Free Wales" which on its own is fine. No qualms with that. But between the Welsh and English text is a symbol. This one:
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Now, this was the symbol of the Free Wales Army. Note that I say *was* because the FWA doesn't exist any more. Yet various actors have tried to resurrect its very unsuccessful corpse over the years. These stickers seem to belong to a new organisation which is the latest to try and capitalise on the ghost of the FWA. Now, if you're like me, you'll have already noticed this design is, for lack of a better word, a bit dogwhistley. The angled, blocky, swastika-like stylisation of what is supposedly an eagle, the black and white void of any other features and the very fact it *is* an eagle depicted all seem a bit *too* similar to the iconography of the Third Reich, don't you think?
Their design choice is no accident. It is a design which appeals to fascists while also has enough Welsh cultural reference for apologists to hide behind with a plausibly deniable reason for why their eagle Looks Like That. The white eagle is a reference to the 13th C. poem Mab Darogan, in which Myrddin prophesises that "a king shall come with heroism from among the Welsh people" and that "generous men shall be reborn of the lineage of the eagles of Snowdonia". The eagle could have literally been drawn in any way. But it rather specifically was drawn like this. That choice is not accidental.
Now this new organisation which is trying to reanimate the corpse of the FWA (we'll call them EW) has incorporated the FWA symbol into their sticker. An endorsement of the failed so-called 'paramilitary' organisation on their part, to be sure. EW also have included a different style of white eagle on their sticker as well - which is blatantly stolen from Wikipedia (the copyright is expired, but 0/10 artistic effort on their part even so). Also not to nitpick but the eagle on the sticker is grey not white so that's also a fail.
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Artistic criticisms aside, the sticker is loaded with dogwhistley iconography all round. The Celtic knot border isn't necessarily problematic, however, fascists and/or neo-nazis love to slap Celtic knots onto things because they associate Celticity with whiteness. The colour scheme may also be a coincidence, but it does remind me of the fascist symbol which is the 'Flag of Kekistan" which uses the same colour scheme.
Why does this matter and who were the FWA?:
The FWA were a Welsh nationalist (supposedly 'paramilitary') outfit which formed in Lampeter in 1963 and disbanded in 1969 (just 6 years of activity). They took a lot of their cues from the IRA and were effectively fanboys of them. The group was never really considered a threat and mostly consisted of middle-aged men playing paramilitary dress-up. They did claim to be funded by the IRA and that they had dogs trained to carry explosives. Their claims remain unproven.
HOWEVER - and here's where things get sticky. A lot of the issues the FWA were publicly concerned with were and are actually valid issues (e.g. the drowning of Capel Celyn, the Aberfan Disaster etc.). The problem is that fascists or fanboys of fascists love to get their foot in the door by addressing genuine issues. But what happens is that invariably a minoritised group is blamed for the existence of said issue and naturally that leads to discrimination and violence.
The police started to get a bit antsy with the investiture of then-prince Charles as prince of Wales and the possibility of the FWA doing some terrorism. So some of the FWA's leaders were arrested just prior to this. The group officially ended in 1969.
The nationalism advocated for by the FWA was of the 'blood-and-soil' type. Not just your common or garden nationalism (which still has issues but given context is perfectly able to exist in a non-fashy way). And that's why the idolisation of the FWA in years since is sus. It appeals to romanticised nationalist notions of brave men in uniforms helping free Wales - when in reality they did little terrorism and little to actually further the Welsh nationalist cause. In fact, the leadership of the FWA fell apart after they started to disagree on whether their actions were damaging the cause rather than helping it.
Julian Cayo-Evans founded the FWA and ran it with Dennis Coslett and Gethin ap Gruffydd. Gruffydd went on to found other youth nationalist organisations after he left the FWA due to disagreements with its direction - e.g. he founded the Patriotic Front in 1964 which was later outlawed by Plaid Cymru in 1966. It goes without saying names like 'Patriotic Front' are deliberate nods to other, similarly named fascist organisations like National Front.
Legacy and The Present:
FWA's only legacy is the sycophantic fanclub which ressurects the corpse of the FWA every few years to parade it around and relive the 'glory days' of paramilitary cosplay. But aside from functionally being useless, their iconography and politics are still very much under the fash umbrella and that must be resisted at every opportunity (hence why I'm tearing down their stickers - I don't want fascists to feel welcome here). Part of why people may turn a blind eye to the FWA/sympathise is that they may not be aware of the history of the FWA or see the dogwhistles laden in their work and symbols. Some may even just assume without any other context that they're just another Welsh-language preservation group and may even support them without realising the deeper nature of the organisation beyond just preserving the Welsh language.
Which brings me back to EW. I'm going to put the rest of this under a cut, I do encourage reading the rest though and reblogging to get the word out that
It is always morally okay to tear down fascist propaganda
If you see some in your town, don't hesitate to let fash know they aren't welcome here.
So, onto the latest in a long line of paramilitary wannabes who idolise a long-dead organisation from the 60s.
The EW website seems... sketch. Lots of banners and sections asking to 'donate now' and 'take action' (with money). So right off the bat this looks like a cash-grab.
Secondly, from their own 'About' section they claim that the Welsh Independence movement has "become inundated with authoritarian Marxist entryists who regard Welsh independence as merely a vehicle for furthering their own political agendas". Which is pretty bold stuff coming from an organisation trying to do The Exact Same. There's also a LOT of emphasis on youth involvement and youth nationalism.
There's also a lot of ahistorical claims in the About section too. E.g. on the prophecy of Myrddin "From this legend derives the very name of Cymru’s greatest mountains, with ‘Eryri’ meaning the ‘Seat of the Eagles’ in Cymraeg." - this is contested as there is no one agreed upon etymology of Eryri. To claim that this is The Etymology suggests that they picked this one just because it conveniently fits the version of the mythology they're presenting. They also claim that "Owain ap Gruffydd, would adopt three such eagles as his royal coat of arms" - this is blatantly incorrect as Owain ap Gruffydd lived before the Age of Heraldry and the three eagles are actually later attributed arms.
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In EW's FAQ there's a section on supporting their organisation - with one paragraph saying that you can buy stickers instead "If you aren’t eligible or willing to commit to becoming an activist". Lol at 'if you aren't willing to fully commit to our FWA fanboy club you can put up some stickers instead'. Also the button to buy stickers suggests you pay via paypal "We’ll accept quick payments using PayPal and will have them shipped to you First Class" - which *totally* sounds legit (what do you bet they ask people to pay via 'friends and family instead of through business means?).
And... that's it. There's very little else on their website. It *looks* like they're trying to be a movement, but appear to lack substance (and money, judging from how many different Donate Now buttons are plastered all over the site). A hollow organisation blatantly bending history and mythology to fit their narrative, proudly using symbols designed to appeal to fascists while asking people to trust them with the future of Wales?
Dim diolch.
For further reading on why we should guard against fascism in Welsh language revival and independence, see my other post here.
Reblogs welcome for an antifascist independent Wales.
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AITA for asking my parents to pay my tuition for the semester, lying about how I lost my scholarship, and then planning on lying to my dad regarding his requirements in exchange for him paying the tuition?
My (20X) college has a scholarship for offspring of faculty members, and I was lucky enough to have my application accepted by the college that my dad (53M) works at. This means that I get a full ride scholarship; if I graduate within 4 years, I won't have to pay a single penny to my college (books and supplies not included, of course).
Unfortunately, the scholarship does have two requirements; I need to have taken at least a certain amount of credits semester before (not a ridiculous number), and for that semester, I need to have gotten over a 2.0/4.3 GPA. Easy enough, right? Who can't get a GPA over 2.0?
Well. I suffered a mental health downfall the past semester and I ended up failing half my classes. I was unable to sit my finals. I know this wasn't smart of me, and I think I should've done something about my academic situation other than just wait for the semester to be over, but I had quit a semester due to my mental health decline previously and I didn't want a repeat of that. In any case, I got a GPA of about 1.6. I'm not on probation but I did receive a warning.
Fortunately, this doesn't mean I lost my scholarship for good. I just need to fulfill those requirements in the upcoming semester and I get it back.
I realized I did need to pay my tuition this semester two days before tuition fee acceptance closes and I debated telling only one of my parents. My mom wants me to finish college no matter what, and my dad has told me that he does not care anymore as long as I don't stress him out. He's also told me he no longer has any expectations for me whatsoever. I did also consider talking about it with my brother and borrowing money from him to put together the tuition fee.
I figured I'd bite the bullet and just told my dad, who I know has been stressed about my future and how badly I'm doing in college. I just casually dropped it as I was making breakfast for myself and then we had a lengthy conversation that my mother (51F) joined when she got back home.
I don't remember much of the conversation (I may have memory problems) but the AITA mentioned part is that I lied to my parents and told them I did sit all my finals and try my best. I didn't. I tried that for mid term exams but I had nothing to write, so for finals I didn't sit them at all. This happened with three of the classes I was taking. I just didn't take my finals. My dad was suspicious of my claim; he said that as a professor himself he wouldn't fail students who at least submitted homework and sat their exams to write anything at all, but I maintained that I tried.
The conclusion was that my dad would be willing to pay my tuition if I got my shit together and also deleted my social media, which he thinks is a drain on my time and energy. He's not wrong. I deleted my Twitter accounts immediately afterwards (which my parents don't know about) because I've been thinking about it, but I can't really bring myself to get rid of Discord, where so many of my friends are. People I've met while studying internationally, long-term friends who moved to other countries; Discord is the only way to contact these people.
This is the AITA part; if my dad follows up on that particular requirement to check if I deleted Discord, which he particularly dislikes (he has previously confiscated the electronics I bought with my own money that I earned, after he saw me on muted call at night with some friends), I plan on deleting the app/program on my devices but using it anyway as a website. This would be a betrayal of my dad's trust in me, but there's no love lost between us anyway. He's already told me he doesn't love me unconditionally. (Yes, I'm his biological child and he did raise me.)
I also feel like an asshole because I could've settled this with the help of my brother; I'd pick up a job during the winter break to pay him back, but it would have been done eventually. Or I could've just gone to my mom. She works her own job, and we could've figured it out together without telling my dad. I told my dad anyway, wanting him to pay the tuition, even though I knew that talking about having to spend money on his kids stresses him out deeply.
My mom also told my dad to go to therapy (in detail, so I know it wasn't just something she said as a throwaway thing) during the conversation. It did get heated. I don't disagree, but I don't know if that'd be okay; mental health is stigmatized where I am, and my dad as a grown adult man and a respected professor if seen going to therapy could have his reputation kind of effected. It wouldn't have happened if I just brought up this whole situation quietly up to my mom, or just my brother.
So I lost my scholarship, I lied to my parents about the technicalities of how that happened, and I'm asking for some amount of money from my parents but also planning on lying to them in regards to the terms they set out. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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formulinos · 7 months
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Hello everybody! Today, I come to you off-character to touch on such a heavy topic that is the ongoing genocide taking place in Palestine. For the past month, Gaza and the West Bank has been unrelentingly attacked by Israel in retaliation against a surprise attack by Hamas - an armed Palestian group, who was in fact partially funded by Israel in the 70s.
Currently, Gaza stands practically without resources such as fuel, water, food and medical supplies while bombings continue. The little that manages to pass through is thanks to the continuous work of organisations that help to pass on donations to the people inside.
As we witness such a strong wave of hate take over our society due to the escalation of actions of a powerful group of bigots way back in the 20s, it truly is painful to see how they have succeeded in dividing us to their own gains. The Jewish have suffered too much to now have to see a settler state commit the same crimes it was once inflicted upon them. Likewise, the Palestinians have been in forcefully stripped of everything they have, and now what’s being demanded of them is their families and their lives. Nobody deserves this.
Therefore, my goal here is to try and fundraise whatever little possible in benefit of Palestine. There are three ways I wish to help:
1) Donations to the UNRWA: The United Nations Agency Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East is one of the main sources of assistance for Palestinians as circa 717 000 people are currently sheltering in 149 UNRWA facilities. Most recently, one of their schools has been bombed in Jabalia, resulting in the 15 deaths and 70 injuries.
2) Donations to the Medical Aid for Palestinians: MAP have been instrumental in providing help to Palestine, managing to supply them with essential medication, medical supplies, hygiene kits and even mattresses and blankets. One of the main consequences of this siege is the eminent threat of a public health crisis with a possible spread of infectious diseases and it’s instrumental to Palestinians to have access to more supplies as soon as possible.
3) Donations to #ConnectingGaza: This is an initiative from writer Mirna El Helbawi to supply eSIMS to people. Connections often go dark in Palestine as Israel shuts them off prior to attacks, so Palestinians often rely on these eSIMS hosted abroad to reach their families, obtain help and coordinate the delivery of donations.
I’ve created a PayPal account for this purpose with the money being split equally between these three organisations. I have a small blog but my number of followers is non-negligible, and as every penny counts I could not ignore the possibility of being there for Palestine in the only way I could. Please, whatever you can give works just well, and if you don’t have anything to give you can still reblog this!
If you don’t trust an internet stranger, however, and you wish to donate directly to these charities, by all means do! In their websites they have instructions on how you can collaborate, this fundraiser is only here to make it even easier for you to help. I fully intend on updating you daily with how much has been raised and passing all I have directly to the organisations above. Whoever tries to con you guys with such a severe topic is going straight to megahell.
Here’s my PayPal: LINK
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zecretsanta · 5 months
To: @penny-nichols
From: @soraritsuka
I was soooo excited to draw Clover!! I tried to combine two of the prompts: Cute Clover/Clover just doing teenager things. I thought what’s more “teenager” than hanging out on her phone in her room? I gave her some makeup, snacks, a manga and books, and of course little 999 Easter eggs with the 444 phone case (similar colors as the 999 logo), sequin Funyarinpa pillow, and axe pillow. I tried to incorporate some of her design elements with a gyaru/casual loungewear look. I hope you enjoy the photo!! You can also see it on my instagram: bonus_points_shop and website: BonusPointsShop.com 💖
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strqyr · 1 year
i find it funny how ruby's "then you must've forgotten who raised me" is taken as gospel and proof that yang raised ruby alone for several years when it's. preceded by ruby outright lying about the reason why she ended up in the ever after: at no point was ruby planning to jump into the void after yang. they all thought it meant death, and after ruby drank the tea yang didn't try to follow her, either. it feels... absurd to take what ruby is essentially saying—"i would follow you to death because that's how you raised me :)"—as the truth when later it's made clear that yang isn't reciprocating in the same, self-destructive manner.
like. it just makes yang seem super awful?? that she would raise ruby to follow her to death, but she won't do the same in return??? is this really the hill people are willing to die on???
anyway. yang is upset that ruby is there after she tried to save her, and ruby is trying to make yang feel better. that's what the scene is about. much later, when ruby snaps, she says this to yang: "'gotta stay positive!' right?! smiles all around! maybe even get our feelings sorted out!"
ya know. to yang, who makes jokes to hide her fear, her discomfort, her pain.
according to yang, tai "kind of shut down", but we know this doesn't mean that he fell into a depression so deep he couldn't even get out of bed; yang needed to wait for him to be out of house to sneak out—meaning he was attentive of them—, ruby relates to penny for having a dad who worries a lot, he reads them bedtime stories, he was busy with work, ruby's memories have him right there present even after summer's disappearance, etc.
(and that's without mentioning that ice queendom's website description for tai sites him as having raised ruby and yang on his own. or that according to the writers and voice actors alike, yang can't cook.)
everything that we've learned, from V1 to V5 discussion between yang and weiss to V9 points towards the issues of yang and ruby's childhood being emotional. tai didn't literally 'shut down', he just wasn't the same happy, positive person than he was before summer disappeared—and of course he wasn't, he was grieving. and yang took it upon herself to be that person, to 'pick up the pieces', to stay positive and to be smiles all around, making jokes to hide her true feelings, just to bring that little bit of normalcy back to their home.
and ruby followed along. there was no time to sort out feelings, you just had to be happy in the face of great grief. no one in this family really has: tai was focused on raising his daughters (a trait ruby and yang both exhibit: focusing on something else, doing chores or helping others, even when they're not doing do well themselves), he wasn't going to burden them with his issues, and who knows where qrow was doing that time, drowning in his own sorrows; and yang and ruby were busy staying Positive™... until the fall of beacon happened, and yang got to start her journey of sorting her feelings outs. maybe she hasn't quite reached the end of that journey, but she's well on her way. ruby isn't, tho, hence her words to yang when she snapped: it feels unfair, that they've been in the same spot for so long and now yang is moving forward but ruby can't. doesn't feel she's allowed to.
and i feel like V9 perfectly showcased how it was in their childhood even if they were asked "are you okay?": avoid the question, pretend you're okay, happy, smiling, whatever. there's only so much one can do to force the issue if the other person is avoiding it altogether.
anyway. they're finally getting out of the cycle of toxic positivity. the wound is now healing.
can't wait for summer to appear to open a new one.
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luzwastaken · 1 month
some of these are inspired by other headcanons i've seen for her :)
also sorry if this is a little long i just have so many feeling about her LOL
headcanons mostly for younger regressors :3 (sense i am one lol)
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⭐️oh she is so fun ! she'd play any game with you ! think Bandit and Chilli like she doesn't care about making a fool of herself especially if it makes you happy !
⭐️speaking of Bandit and Chilli, Nemona would know all your favorite shows and movies and probably asked Penny to pirate them for her so you can watch them at any time
⭐️SPOILS YOU like so much, makes sure you have all the little gear you want, also, she doesn't like mooching off of her parents but she would if you gave her puppy eyes for a expensive toy
⭐️physical touch is her love language so lots and lots of hugs and cuddles :))
⭐️babies you and praises you so so much
⭐️would carry you and give you piggyback rides as long as she can, it's a great workout for her (as long as it isn't uphill !)
⭐️THE TYPE TO KISS YOUR BOO-BOOS <3 (honestly even if your not regressed too lol)
⭐️thinks it's adorable if you try to count the freckles on her face or shoulders (i hc that she has more freckles than her model shows)
⭐️definitely protective, but not in a bad way (IM LOOKING AT YOU WEIRDOS) she doesn't want you to get hurt or see something you don't wanna, especially when your in little space
⭐️this one has been done but pretend pokemon battles are so real, like with plushies or maybe you being the pokemon yourselves !
⭐️takes you to have cute picnics somewhere quiet, and plays with all of your pokemon together
⭐️if you like she doesn't mind having 'Ar-ben' and 'Pen-pen' over for some fun too :)
⭐️listens to music and would have little karaoke sessions with you
⭐️if you babble at her she would pretend to understand and have a conversation with you, and sometimes copy your babbles back at you
⭐️she's not the best at comforting, but if your having a rough time she'll try her best, she would hold you close if you'd like and say things like "i love you, mi tesoro" and "you're gonna be ok" over and over till you feel better :)
⭐️panics if your regression gets triggered in public, but she'll bring you to a quieter spot if she can to help you out if you need
⭐️she thinks being your caregiver is wonderful, always
⭐️would let you wear her clothes, sense she's pretty tall wearing her big clothes makes you feel tiny and safe
⭐️she takes being your caregiver very seriously, and tries her best to make sure she's the best she can be for you
⭐️SPANISH PET NAMES AHHHH (mi cariño, tesoro, pequeña/o, chiquita/o, amor, corazón, bebé, etc)
⭐️and if you don't know Paldean she would teach you like a parent teaching their kid how to talk LOL
⭐️she loves it when you give her any nicknames too, Nene, Mona, Mama, Sis, etc
⭐️if you'd like she would carry a paci or small comfort item in her bag just in case :)
⭐️if you make a drawing for her she would adore it, and maybe even frame it on her desk with photos of you two and your friends, or stick it on a wall by her desk :))
(pov: me trying so hard not to write her as the 'perfect' caregiver when she just pretty much is to me 😭😭 like i love her so much guys she's literally perfect 😭😭😭)
i had a hard time coming up with unique headcanons sense the ones people had already done where already so perfect !!!
(don't be surprised if i make a part two one day >:3)
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chouhatsumimi · 1 year
How to Get (Free) Manga in Japanese from Honto.jp*
(*If you already have an account!)
I hope to get out a post about setting up an account sooner or later, but we'll give this a go for now!
Go to honto.jp There's an option to use the site in English, but we're skipping that for now. We're also only buying digital at the moment, so we're going to skip worrying about shipping. Close the pop-up.
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2. Type the name of the book/series you're looking for into the search bar. This time we're looking for とつくにの少女, The Girl From the Other Side. (Note that I tried searching for 外国の少女 and didn't get the correct results, so do be careful how you type in what you're looking for.) Unselect the green option (紙) from next to the search bar, since right now we're only looking for digital (電子). Then click 検索.
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3. You can see various volumes of the series appearing below. Right now it's showing up with the most recent at the top, so we'll scroll down until we see とつくにの少女(1). Alternatively, they often sell sets up to the most recent volume released, so if you want to go all in, you can look for the option [全1−11 セット] とつくにの少女. In this case we need to scroll to the bottom and go on to the next page. Just a note that they do sell "complete" series even if the series is still publishing new volumes, and you'll have to buy future volumes as a new purchase. Also, it will not allow you to purchase both the full set and a single volume of the same series at the same time. Buying as a set vs. buying individually does not affect how the volumes appear in your library, but it can affect how coupons apply sometimes, if there's a deal on sets.
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4. Here we are! とつくにの少女(1)! If you don't want to buy it right now, you can click 欲しい本に追加, but we're purchasing, so we're going to click the big orange (電子書籍を)カートに入れる.
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5. Now you can see it's changed to カートを見る, and there's one item in our cart up top! Before we check out, though, let's take advantage of some of the perks of using honto.jp.
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6. By hovering over Myメニュー at the top right, we can get to あしあと抽選ポイント and クーポン一覧.
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7. Let's visit あしあと抽選ポイント first. You earn points by buying things on the website (1 point for 100 yen, I think?), but you can also enter the point lottery for a chance to win free points every day! Usually you only get one point, but it's still fun and a penny saved is a penny earned, right? Click the big blue button that says あしあと抽選にチャレンジ!
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8. Next go to クーポン一覧. Go through and collect 取得する on the right side of all of them, we don't care. They're free. Most of them are for smaller publishers and only apply to specific books we're not interested in, but the ones at the top are going to help us get 20%~25% off if we're lucky! 25% is about the best deal you get on honto.jp, every once in a while you may get 30% or perhaps 40%. There are better sales, but they won't apply to the popular items.
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9. All our coupons now having turned from blue to gray and saying 取得済み, we go to our bonus round... the free manga area! Click the logo in the top left to go back to the main page, and then look for 無料の電子書籍 right underneath the search bar.
There are hundreds and hundreds of free options, usually the first or first few volumes of a series. (They're to get you to buy the rest of the series, but they can save you some money!!) A lot are kind of whatever, but there's usually a few really good ones there, case in point Blue Giant (first 4 volumes) and Shadow House (first 3 volumes) are free right now! Sometimes they're only free for a limited amount of time after which they'll still appear in your digital library but you can no longer open them, but we don't care about that right now, go get your free stuff!
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You can add the first volumes to your cart very quickly by clicking the orange button underneath the covers, but if you want all the free volumes, click on the cover to open in a new tab, which will take you to the page for the first volume. Click on シリーズ一覧 under the title and author, and that'll take you to a list of the volumes like we saw before, if you scroll down.
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Now that we're here, go crazy hitting the orange button, but make sure you're doing it on the volumes that say 0円. They like to mix the paid volumes in with the free ones. If you look at the title you can see the free ones are only going to be available to read until March 16th, but whatever! Free stuff, even if it's temporary!
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Something weird is going on with Shadow House, I don't know why there are two different free ones, I think that's an error on the part of the site. We'll just pick one for each volume. This one says 期間限定無料配信, so I think that means you get to keep it as long as you get it for free during the free availability period!
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10. Now that we've rounded up what we want, click on your cart (電子書籍のカートを見る) in the top right. This'll pop up when you hover over the cart icon.
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Look over your list, make sure your free books are free, and your total off to the right is what you're expecting, then enter your password on the right to continue, then hit the orange button that says 購入の手続きへ進む.
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11. Now it pretty much looks the same, except we're logged in. It saves your payment information, so you won't have to enter anything (danger!! if you like buying books, there's no step of having to get out your credit card to make you think about your life choices!)
BUT we do want to save money, so we'll use our coupons and points! Click on the white box with the blue outline that says クーポン/ポイントの利用
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12. Apply your coupon!! (One per purchase). But see, this is why we collect all the coupons, because apparently とつくにの少女 happens to be from one of the publishers that has a good sale on now! I think it automatically applies the best one, but it's good to check, especially if you have more than one item in your cart that costs actual money. You can see how it reduced from 605円 on the previous screen to 363円 here. By clicking 全て利用する on the right, I can also apply all my points to bring it down that much further! (Or click the lower options to use some or none of your points.) If points expire, I buy things off this site too frequently to have noticed... Then click 変更する in blue at the bottom to save your changes.
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13. STOP, think about if you're ready to pay!! Then to finish, click the orange ご注文を確定 on the right! You can see I'll earn 2 pts to save on future purchases from this order. (It looks like it's less than 1 per 100円...)
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14. DONE! You can open up the app on your preferred device, download your new purchase(s), and start reading! You can also read in-browser by clicking ブラウサで読む.
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You'll see your purchases on My 本棚
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Hover over the cover to bring you to this screen, then select シリーズの本棚を見る to go to the mini-bookshelf for all the volumes in that series (I only have one of とつくにの少女, but that's what shows up anyway).
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It shows me the volumes that are missing in gray, but if I hover over the one I have, I again see ブラウザーで読む. Click on that to finally read!
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Ta-da! I think it also pops up with instructions about using the arrow keys to move the pages, or your can click on the sides of the pages to get them to advance in that direction.
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Happy Reading!!!
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hi Joy!
I was looking to see what keyboard your are using and found the pink one you have, I was just wondering where you got it and/or if you have a link?
Started a work from home job and I need a smaller keyboard and also a non-kitchen chair chair but that I have my eyes set on one that will be pink.
No worries if you don't have spoons! Have some puppy!
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This is our puppy we're getting from a small breeder in CT. He comes home to us on the 21st of October!
Awww, congratulations on the new puppy! He looks so sweet! And I think I got my Logitech MX from the Logitech website, but if you want to toss a few pennies my way, here's an Amazon affiliate link. (And here's the mouse and keyboard combination.)
Fair warning, it doesn't come with a dongle as standard, and I found the typing lag insufferable (the Bluetooth signal was competing with the mouse).
Fortunately, there was an easy fix, and it's the Logitech Bolt Receiver. It also looks like they now sell it as part of a bundle, which wasn't an option when I first bought it. Once the signal issue was fixed, it's been an outstanding little keyboard for both my physical needs and also my work environment. I tried using a standard-sized keyboard the other week after I spilled water on this one, and the pain from stretching my fingers was immediate. Also, it's just plain pretty, lol😂.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy using it as much as I have. And congrats again on the new puppy and the job!
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boiledbirdy · 1 year
Duke Thomas Headcannons
⭐️He is either insanely talkative quoting memes sarcasm dripping out of his ass or completely silent
⭐️Duke is the type of person and leader that doesn’t need words to have an impact on people, but does use words primarily
⭐️He’s a people watcher, the type of guy to order one blue berry scone and a vanilla cream coffee and sit there for hours, barley noticeable scone half eaten and sits in seeming focus while watching the ins and outs of the coffee shop
⭐️Is the type of person to have everything but the one specific common thing EX Duke has a mini magnet chessboard, tissues, hair ties, flashcards, a few extra snacks for his friends, pens every color of the rainbow (except for black) like hoW?
⭐️Has doctor hand writing (very ineligible)
⭐️Relating to the one above takes most of his school notes in doodles that just make sense to him
⭐️Is the kid who can do really cool pen tricks when no one notices, if you ask him to do it consciously he cannot
⭐️Detective wise he cannot use the professional terminology that Bruce has tried drilling into him for hours upon hour, case notes are various ways of typing thing or thingy that Duke has to translate before entering into the database cause his brain just can’t compute
⭐️Low-budget Sci-Fi movies are his shit, its on a sketchy ass website or youtube 50/50 on whether you can recognize the costumes from JC Penny
⭐️He is as scared of villains as he is of his own powers
Sticks his tongue into his cheek when he’s thinks really hard
⭐️Authority figures have failed him to many times that he just does not trust them.
⭐️after yr 1 with the Waynes he knows that they aren’t family in his eyes but more the closest friends which makes him scared of what happens when his parents get back conscious. - will he ever be the stereotypical family that’s been driving him for all these years. - will he actually be a child or just be a caretaker to his own parents????
⭐️Love and Family aren’t words he likes much but trusts more through actions
⭐️I think he may have 3c or 4a hair???
⭐️Knows seemingly everyone in Gotham??? Like oh thats Richard he’s a plumber yeah he has two little girls and he’s a single dad (gives a whole flashback for this middle aged man)
⭐️His room decor is really obscure band and movie posters and the live laugh love like signs that he found in hobby lobby, thrift shops, or tjmax
⭐️In spars and in real combat will bite people if he needs to or feels trapped
⭐️that being said Duke motherfuckin’ Thomas is feral like the type of feral where you get a shiver up your spine before he comes in a room
⭐️Chronically listens to Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chillipeppers, Joy Division, 2Pac, and Drake (theres more but thats short hand)
⭐️He has tumblr and has announced to the world through twitter that he sees all of the Wayne posts on there and supports those accounts especially the more bizarre ones
⭐️Favorite color is that deep deep lucid blue that seems to just be the paint of clear night sky (#030640) is the hex color code
⭐️he texts like a psychopath with the correct grammer everywhere but spell check is off and the short hand acronyms are constant
⭐️favorite soda is probably mtn dew which I disapprove but it’s the fact of my brain
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dragynkeep · 10 months
Hey so I dropped out of *wby years ago and I can see the latest volume created waves. So uhhhh what's this I hear about my favorite character committing fucking suicide?!
yeah ruby ends up being emotionally & physically tortured, alongside being isolated, after suffering alone with the trauma of penny's death & her friends & sister not doing a damn thing to help her.
she ends up drinking a tea that she explicitly thinks will kill her & does so right in front of jwby while they just stood there looking gormless at her for over 20 seconds & she slowly brings the cup up to her lips. rwby shills have tried to defend it with "she didn't actually die" as if her suicidal ideation & this being explicitly coded as suicide because ruby thought she was going to die.
there were also no specific trigger warnings & just a generic "helpline" number which is only in the description on their website. they've posted this exact clip on their twitter with no tw, as well as violating multiple national guidelines on how to depict suicide.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Blue Ribbon Birdie
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Tim Drake meets Ted Kord at his fifth-grade science fair.
Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Tim Drake, Ted Kord, Janet Drake, Jack Drake
Additional Tag: Bittersweet Ending, Parent-Child Relationship, Hurt Tim Drake, Absent Parents, Angst
Tim stood beside his trifold poster board, rocking back and forth on his heels and toes, waiting for his parents to arrive. They promised they'd come, but it was getting late, and the judges were about to arrive to judge fifth grade. He wasn't the best student when homework assignments were involved, but he put his whole heart and soul into his science project. Tim thought that if he won, his parents would stick around longer than usual to celebrate. He'd worked tirelessly on the project for weeks, hoping it'd sustain their attention. It wasn't like there was a big competition. It was the usual run-of-the-mill volcanoes, clean pennies, solar systems, and potato batteries. He was a shoo-in.
He thought it'd be a regular science fair with teachers for judges, but he was in for a shock the moment the door opened. Ted Kord. Most kids there didn't know who he was, but Tim did. Ted was his tech hero. He was a modern-day inventor and an all-around good guy.
His heart skipped a beat as Ted made his rounds. Tim was in the very back corner, so he knew he'd be one of the last people Ted spoke to if he had time. And oh man, did Tim hope Ted would have time. Had he known Ted Kord would be a judge, he would've worn a better shirt. His mind raced as he tried to hold onto one central thought. His presentation. Tim rolled his shoulders back and went over his speech in his head. He'd given the same speech hundreds of times before to his nanny. He wasn't sure she was listening, though.
Tim wasn't sure if anyone ever listened to him, but it didn't matter. He liked things that way. At least that's what he told himself. But today was different. He'd impress Ted Kord, and then his parents would have to notice him.
Ted Kord approached Tim's table and smiled. Ted reached out to shake Tim's hand and introduce himself, but before he could speak, Tim took a deep breath, and words spilled out of his mouth. "You're Ted Kord! You're the greatest modern-day inventor there is," Tim smiled.
"I don't know about all that," Ted grinned, "It looks like you've brought something extraordinary to the table. Literally. I don't think I've seen a QR code at one of these things before... I'm excited to see what you've got for us today."
Tim took a second breath and shut his eyes before explaining his science project. He explained how he used coding to develop a quick crisis hotline for Gothamites, even providing a way of exiting the site for fear of being caught. He started to doubt himself, wondering if his project was good enough, but the look on Ted Kord's face told him everything he needed to know.
Ted beamed. "May I? I won't be able to think until I scan the code," Ted whispered. Tim nodded and watched as Ted scanned the code and navigated the site. "If this whole elementary school thing doesn't work out, you've got a job with me. Seriously, though, this is impressive... For anyone. I don't know about the other judges, but I'm ready to give you the big blue ribbon and a patent. This is-. I mean, wow... What else can I say?"
The other judges said their piece, but Tim couldn't hear anything after Ted's commendation. Tim could feel the warmth in his cheeks as he smiled. He stared at his feet and nearly burst into tears when Ted knelt on one knee and pinned the first-place ribbon to his shirt. "You should be so proud of yourself. You made a sophisticated website that can be put to use to help people in need. That's the coolest thing in the world," Ted whispered. Tim was so overcome with emotion that he hugged Ted. The sudden display of affection took Ted aback, but he hugged Tim back.
Tim let go and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry-."
"It's fine. Where are your folks? I'd love to meet them." Ted looked around, and so did Tim. They were nowhere to be found. Another broken promise.
"They're out of town on business," Tim answered, "It's okay, though. I'm gonna write them all about it... Can I-? Would it be too much to ask for your autograph so I could show them that I met you?"
"I'll do you one better. Wanna take a picture?" Ted suggested. Tim nodded and smiled despite the pit in the bottom of his stomach. His teacher took pictures of Ted and Tim standing in front of Tim's poster board, and Ted signed the back of Tim's poster board.
Once the school day ended, he rode home, carrying his poster board with tears in his eyes. He kicked himself for being upset, but he thought things would be different this once. The house was empty, except for his nanny. "How'd you do?" she asked. Tim took his ribbon off and set it on the counter. "What's with the long face? You won!"
"I'm just tired," Tim mumbled. She nodded and let him go to his bedroom. He sat on the floor and shed tears, face hidden in folded arms.
His parents came home the day afterward, thinking they were in time for Tim's big day. "Told you we wouldn't miss your big day for anything-."
"It was yesterday," Tim interrupted, "I forgot to remind you that the timezone's a day ahead here..." Janet frowned and elbowed Jack.
"How'd you do?" Jack questioned.
"I got first place for fifth grade, but I'll know how I did for the school-wide part once the judges go over the fourth, fifth, and sixth winners," Tim answered. He couldn't be moved to display any excitement. He wanted to, but he also wanted them to feel bad for missing it. It was selfish and childish, but goddammit, he was the child. And it wasn't fair. They should've been there cheering him on like all the other parents.
"Oh wow! Tim, that's great news!" Janet exclaimed as she showered him with kisses. It made him feel better, but not enough to provoke a smile from him. "That must've been so exciting!"
"It was... I met Ted Kord and everything," Tim whispered.
"Ted Kord was there?" Jack questioned. Tim nodded.
"I got his autograph. It's on the back of my poster board," Tim replied. Jack picked up the poster board and turned it over.
"How about we get ice cream to celebrate?" Jack suggested. Tim shrugged.
Ice cream wouldn't fix this. Everyone's parents showed up. Except his. And he won! If there was any time when a tantrum was warranted, it'd be right then and there. "You guys promised," Tim cried, "You promised that you'd be there no matter what... And everybody's parents were there! Even the parents of the kids with dopey science projects were there! I worked really hard, and nobody showed up! It's not fair! It's not fair!"
Janet and Jack frowned. They weren't sure what to do with Tim's emotional outburst. To them, it seemed sudden. Janet sat on the floor, unsure what to say, so she reached for him. Tim fought her at first, but he eventually gave in. Jack messed up his hair. It didn't change anything because that wasn't what Tim wanted. Tim wanted an apology but wasn't willing to ask for one. It was the first and last time Tim openly displayed his anger and disappointment in them.
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g-on-ef · 2 years
Fuck booktok like no seriously fuck that hell part of tik tok.
None absolutely none of them know or understand or even care that it's a privilege to be able to afford books that it's a privilege to be able to read books that it's a privilege to have access to the library or be able to go to a library that is so close to you !!!
Also news flash not everyone can afford kindle unlimited not everyone can go to their public libraries not everyone can pay for ebooks or join an authors arc website
And it's not being lazy many have probably tried every legal way to read books before finally settling for pirating like some of these booktok people don't even care for the authors because they know wit the piracy situation it can cost them a pretty penny as well sad but true any ways I hope people find more ways to pirate books and this time gate keep shit from tik tok cause those fuckers can't keep their mouths shut at all
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Mr. Clive or... Penny, whoever see's this first.
Director Clavell isn't really going to be removed as the schools Director is he?
I... I tried to ask Geeta earlier today. 'Cuz today's my internship day with the league. And she just told me to focus on my work!
What the hell? I-I can't focus if I don't know if the dude who saved my ass is staying at this school or not! Your stupid website isn't even that important anyways... who needs a whole web page on each of your Pokémon, huh? Prissy princess... even more than Nemona, geez.
Ugh. I think I got sidetracked. But I... really don't know... I mean, he doesn't act worried, but... I guess I just gotta believe, huh?
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under-the-eye · 9 days
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Joshua’s Prayer Journal
Dear Watcher,
It’s my eighteenth birthday, and James is gone. He ran away in the middle of the night with Jonah Shearer. 
Mom hasn’t stopped crying all day. Dad has been driving around looking for them, and sometimes he calls to yell at mom, saying it’s her fault and calling James all kinds of names and slurs.
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I’m sad that it had to come to this, but I’m not sad about James. I know my brother. He was always so reserved, so afraid of something being wrong with him or getting on Dad’s bad side, but when he was with Jonah he just opened up. He laughed, told jokes, grinned in that way I’ve rarely seen since we were eight. Being with Jonah makes him happy. 
The Irisites always preached that being gay was wrong, because of a quote from the Book of Sclera: 10. Lie not with those to which you are unwed, nor a man with a man or a woman with a woman, for I have created them as two halves of one whole, to be joined in sacred union that can never be broken.
But today, while Dad was driving around and Mom was crying, I snuck onto the computer the way Penny taught me and went to the website of the Scleran church she goes to in Willow Creek. They had a PDF of your book that was a different translation than the Irisite one, and in that one the verse read: Nor a man with a boy or a woman with a girl, for I have created children as one half of a whole, to grow in trust and love that should never be broken. To me, that sounds more like outlawing child abuse than forbidding gay relationships. 
I don’t know for sure which translation is right. But what I do know is that Jonah makes my brother happy, and in the Book of Symns it is written: The Gaze of the Watcher is not a burden to be borne, but rather a holy gift of joy. 2. To find joy in one’s life is the greatest joy of the Watcher, the Holy Creator who crafted each Sim in perfection, who knows all of one’s flaws and desires. 3. It wants nothing more than for It’s children to find joy, as a parent does their child. That translation was the same in the Scleran version of the book. 
I’m starting to have second thoughts. Not about you, but about my parents. About the Irisites. It never seemed like anyone in my church was ever truly happy. Everyone pretends to be happy, because they’re supposed to be, but none of it ever felt genuine. 
I promised James I wouldn’t try to get in contact with him until he made the first move, in case our parents found out and tried to use me to get to him, but it might be time to talk to Penny.
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undeadorion-archive · 7 months
Do Not Participate in Tapas Inksgiving
Their practices and policies are more akin to micro-transactions in video games, and use the same deceptive pricing structure. But it's even worse because they use the veil of "supporting artists" to get you to overlook the problems. They turn around and weaponize that as "you'll hurt the artists" if you criticize the company.
Several years ago, I tracked down and calculated exactly what Tapas is getting and how much artists are getting and it's worse than I realized. Nothing has changed since then, despite promises to change the language around Ink.
This started in November 2019 and the conversation on the forums lasted until April of the following year. And it's still a problem.
Here are the prices you pay when you buy Ink:
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What I found extremely strange was the "bonus" values. Why is it 4000 + 1000 and not just 5000 for $5? Because that's part of the deceptive, predatory micro transaction behavior. You'd be able to easily figure out 5000 ink for $5 is 10 ink for every penny. But it also shows their hand a bit. If you take away the "bonus" ink, the math becomes a lot easier. It's 800 ink for every $1, or 8 per penny.
Seeing that, I plugged in all the values into a spreadsheet:
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Purchase amounts were rounded up by 1 penny make the math a little easier.
Now, what's that actual value? Well, I did a bit of an experiment. I created a burner account, purchased $2 worth of ink (the 1600 tier) and sent it to my main account. What arrived was valued at $1.33 before any fees were taken out. Well, that's strange. If I paid $2, and there's fees taken by Tapas at the end, shouldn't it still be $2? Where'd that $0.67 go?!
I'll get to that in a moment, but let's look at those fees for a moment. These are what they were back in 2019/2020, but they revoked my access to my ink dashboard so I can't verify if they're still the same, but this is what my math was based on:
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How it works is they take the transaction fee out, depending on where the ink was purchased. Now keep that in mind, these are taken out at the cash out stage. If the ink was purchased via an app, it's 30% but via the website it's 15%. After that, Tapas takes their cut. If it's donated from users that's another 15%. But if the ink came from ad revenue (yes, they pay in their internal currency), it's 30%, though they don't take the transaction fee from that.
So how does that work out? Let's say you buy $10 worth of ink, the "most popular" tier, and give it to a single artist. That's 10,500 ink total. This is a quick summary of what happens to that $10.
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Now, let's look at what happens to that $10 that turns magically into $8.70 somehow when an artist tries to cash out, accounting for either web purchase or app purchase:
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So in both cases, $1.30 (13%) goes immediately into Tapas' pocket. Yes, that's almost as high as the share they take later. No, it doesn't figure into that fee. In fact, this "mystery" fee that I've labeled "Transaction Loss" is not documented anywhere on the website, and most people will refuse even exists (including staff members), but I've had these values confirmed officially (I'll get to that further down).
After the transaction loss, they take the "transaction fee", which varies by platform. That's $1.31 or $2.61 lost. Out of what's left, Tapas takes their 15%.
What started as $10 on the web is now $6.29. That's $3.71 lost or 37%. But if purchased through an app, it's now only $5.18. A loss of $4.82 or 48%.
What's even worse, is artists can't cash out until they reach $25 after fees. It's not as clear to work out what that would be at purchase due to the convoluted tiers, but it takes 41,600 ink for an artist to get $25.
The lowest amount paid up front to give an artist $25 is actually $40 (buy 2 of the $20 tiers). The most expensive is $52, requiring 26 packs of the $2 tier (excluding the "one time offer"). If you were feeling absurdly generous, and purchased the $50 tier and gave all of it to an artist, at cash out they'd have $36.13 if you purchased through the site and only $29.75 if purchased through an app.
Something important to note is that the 30% fee is enforced by the app stores. But any other decent company is up front about that fact and simply charge more to the user when making said purchase. Most notable is Twitch Bits and YouTube Premium. Both are cheaper when purchasing through a browser.
My original issue was with the change in value. The staff speaking on it said tracking the original price was impossible and they wanted to be able to offer "deals" to their users.
Well, if that's the case, how can they possibly know where ink was purchased after it was transferred to an artist, if they can't track what was originally paid for it? At the time, I had zero programming knowledge. Now I can call utter fucking bullshit on that. It's not an amorphous pool. Every single transaction has a database entry. Those entries have values attached. This includes original price and purchase location. This is made even more obvious by the reports that will show in the dashboard of how much you are given by each donor. So the value change is completely BY DESIGN.
Now, let's get to the validation of my calculations of $1 = 1200 ink after purchase.
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This is the very last message received from Michael Son, then Senior Editor in Chief now VP of Content. Text reads:
I apologize again - I haven't been keeping up with this topic due to the number of notifications hitting my inbox. I will review the ongoing discussions and respond early next next to clarify questions in regards to the deployment of the new dashboard language ($0.01 = 12 Ink) when hovering over the revenue coach marks. edit: waiting on approvals from other teams. will have some updates later.
After this, the thread was closed and I never heard another word from him. By this point, my access to the dashboard was revoked, so I could not confirm if this change ever actually happened.
This was not the first confirmation I received. Earlier in the thread, Yoon Kim (Chief Technical Officer) confirmed a lot of details mentioned here. Including the strange claim that they couldn't account for how much someone paid to buy the initial ink. Which is a flat out fucking lie.
Don't buy tapas Ink. Give directly to artist, instead. Tapas is using deceptive practices (and blatant lies) to obfuscate the process so they can take anywhere from a third to half of every dollar you try to give creators. Even the numbers assigned for ink is deceptive. On twitch it's easy, 100 bits = $1 to the creator, while you the user pays slightly more than $1 per 100 to account for fees. It's easy math to do in the moment. But calculating 1200 ink = $1 isn't nearly as intuitive.
This whole system is by design.
People love to treat Tapas like this itty bitty company run like Comic Fury. Like it's just a small team working in their free time. I got a lot of "leave them alone, it's the holidays" comments. They're a multi-national company with offices in at least 2 countries. They have investors. They were relatively recently purchased by a massive Korean media conglomerate. They are in no way a tiny company surviving on meager donations from users. They're taking well intentioned money just because they can.
Don't buy tapas ink. They're stealing your money.
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