#I try the handle but no spindle so this has no effect
the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Dear god I should not be allowed to own a screwdriver let alone a house
#I'm an absolute eejit#FIRST I go on a DIY frenzy because my house doesn't feel like home and for some reason I think if I tart up my interior doors a bit#It will fill the deep and empty void in my soul#So I order the wrong door knobs#SECOND in attempting to remove the OLD door knobs I stay up WAY too late on a Saturday night when I have to be up early the next day#The backplate of the door handle is attached with stripped screws and my tiny cheap £2 flathead screwdriver can't get it off#I manage to get one side off and remove the spindle to see whether the new door knobs might work anyway#I then work away at the other screws for another hour or so before finally going to bed because I am dead on my feet#FLASH FORWARD TO POINT THE THIRD#I have been in the capital all day doing volunteering; meeting up with old friends last-minute; buying last-minute birthday presents#I have taken a bus all the way back home#I am dead on my feet by this point with like four hours sleep#And no food#I come in and wander into the guest bedroom to open windows; check stuff etc before putting on dinner#Seeing the door handle I pick up the flathead and attempt the screws again idly#I manage to get one more off and flushed with success attack another with gusto thinking it must be the right time#Too much gusto#Door pushes shut#I try the handle but no spindle so this has no effect#I am now stuck in an bedroom three floors up and with no phone#Luckily my keys were in my pocket so eventually after hanging out of the front window for ages I managed to hail a neighbour#Drop the keys down to them with the bit of string and spindle I had in the diy box which luckily was in the room with me#And they came up and let me out#At least I met a nice dog#But honestly#No phone no spindle no way out#I was half-convinced This Is The End#Anyway#The house is working out well#Earth & Stone
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yuusa · 3 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟏𝟔
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟓𝟓𝟖
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟏𝟔:
You rubbed your eyes as you sat up from your bed. There were several messages from Yuki, saying that he would be busy for the day since his family is going to a lodge near the lake. Must be nice to be able to go swimming in a remote area, you thought. 
You stretched your limbs before swinging yourself off of the bed to get dressed. You didn’t have many plans today, actually, you usually never have much planned. Your workplace is giving you time off today which was nice, maybe you could do something relaxing today.
You might even visit Aikyo today and help out at the store, that sounds like a good idea. You sent Yuki a reply back, telling him to have fun with his lodge trip with his family. Apparently, they were taking Hatori on the trip as well, something that Yuki confessed was a bit strange but didn’t question it. You wondered why Akito didn’t attend any of the family events. 
“Do I have to reeducate you, I wonder?” The shine in Yuki’s eyes completely disappeared, leaving only a dark and dull look in them, “in your special room? Will I be forced to spend long days teaching you proper disposition again?”
Akito traced his finger against Yuki’s lips as Yuki tilted his eyes away from him, trying to avoid his deathly gaze. His body was violently trembling as Akito continued to press him further.
You shook your head, it seems as if it might be a better idea to separate the two. You sighed underneath your breath as you walked out of the house. You still didn’t understand the relationship between Akito and Yuki. The two of them looked as if they were formerly close, but it doesn’t seem like it at this point. You didn’t know how to feel about Akito, he seemed too unpredictable and quite intimidating as well. The way he talked to Yuki made it seem as if they weren’t friends at all. 
“(L/n)-san, it’s nice to see you again.” 
You shifted over and saw Akito standing in front of you, his hands in his pocket. Speak of the devil and he shall appear type of situation. You froze in his presence as he gave you a friendly smile. 
“Akito-san, what are you doing here?” You asked, tightening your fists at the sight of him. 
“Shopping of course.” You saw that he was empty-handed and raised your eyebrows, he shrugged in response, “window-shopping, there wasn’t much worth buying around here.” 
“. . . I see.” As you were turning to walk away from him, he speed-walked to your side, perhaps shaking him off wasn’t going to work at all. 
“What are you doing today (L/n)-san?” He hummed, the two of you steadily walking to the nearby mall, “you seem a bit tense there, is everything alright?” 
You halted your steps when your surroundings were clear from the crowds, “Akito-san, what is your relationship with Sohma-san?” 
Oh? Akito thought, his smile widening innocently, “we’re childhood friends. Yuki and I have known each other since we were just small little kids, we used to be very close.” 
“Used to? So what happened?” You asked, trying to take advantage of the situation being played out in front of you. 
“Hm. . .” Akito hummed, “It seems as if you think I’m the villain here. Yuki always comes to the New Years Banquet, but he missed out on it. You know I was sad to hear about the news. . . I was looking forward to it after all.” 
You felt Akito’s hand intertwined with yours as he guided you around the mall, “wouldn’t you feel disappointed when your old friend didn’t come to visit you? You would feel lonely don’t you?” 
“I guess so. . .” You turned your head away from him, trying to focus on the different shop names and items being sold by advertisers. 
“But. . . You make me feel less lonely in this world (L/n)-san.” Akito tilted his head towards you as your eyes widened.
“What do you mean?” 
He smiled in response, “fate always brings us together. . . It was like we were fated to meet, don’t you think that as well? I feel as if we are much closer than you are with Yuki.” 
“. . . We barely met Akito-san, I don’t know for sure if that is true.” You replied, causing Akito’s smile to falter as he tried to remain calm, reassuring himself that your resistance was only there because of unfamiliarity. 
“Yuki almost never tells you anything, don’t you feel a bit betrayed?” Akito felt your hand twitch underneath his, noting the way that your nails almost dug into his pale hand as he remained calm, “I’m answering all of your questions unlike him, I trust you (L/n)-san, but can you really say the same for Yuki?” 
“Even though you are friends, he almost never talks to you personally about your problems,” Akito continued, “he doesn’t really care for anyone but himself, if he did he wouldn’t have left you behind in that race.” 
Your blood ran cold at Akito’s words, feeling unsure as your insecurities began to eat away at your guts. You’ve always been trying to put a little more effort into what you do, but you’re beginning to feel slightly worried that you aren’t enough. 
“. . . Are you saying that so I stop being friends with Sohma-san?” You questioned, nibbling on your bottom lip as the two of you continued walking, the other people in the crowd whispering to each other. 
“Not really, I’m just telling you as your friend that Yuki isn’t good enough for you,” Akito responded, pulling you into one of the stores filled with a variety of flowers, “what you feel right now is only because of your own self-doubts.” 
“How would you know?!” You snapped, pulling your hand away from him, “you. . . You don’t know anything about me.” 
“Is it fun for you to mess with me like this Akito-san?” Akito pressed his lips together in a frown as he glided his fingers over the stems of the camellia flower he stood in front of. 
You wondered why he was even trying to spurt nonsensical lies to you. You grit your teeth at the thought of his words, trying to dismiss them but they continue to linger in your mind like the aftertaste of chocolate, one that was bitter yet it was reminiscent of the previous sweet taste.
“I’m not messing around,” he bluntly replied, his eyes staring at you as you realized the seriousness in his own voice, “(L/n)-san, I wouldn’t have asked you out on that date if I didn’t like you.” 
“You barely even know me!” You tightened your fist until the knuckles turned white, your blood beginning to boil with anger, “. . . I don’t even know who to trust if you’re trying to make me hate Sohma-san.” 
“(L/n),” Akito dropped the honorifics, “you feel betrayed and frustrated don’t you?” 
You gasped as you took several steps back, shock running through your spine. 
“You feel like you want to break free from something. . .”
Your body began to feel sick as your environment twisted violently, the area becoming more scratched to reveal the blood underneath the fabric-like realm. You clutched your head as the world continued to peel away like the outside of an orange, the spindle fibers curling and waving around while you became swallowed up in a sea of red.
“Die! Just die already! I hate you!”
“You want to cry and scream. . . But you’re hiding away your own self because you think everyone can’t handle you, you think everyone would be afraid of you,” Akito took a couple of steps in front of you while you continued to move back in fear, “you think you’re not enough for other people, but I don’t see that at all.” 
“N-No. . . You’re wrong. . .” You stuttered. 
These sweet words were sinking into your chest, you desperately wanted to cling to any sort of hope in this world, but your mind is telling you that this is merely a ruse. You felt your tears pool at the corner of your eyes as you blinked them away.
Did Yuki not care about you at all? Even though he would send messages once in a while and talk to you, could you really believe him if he never told you anything? These were all hypocritical thoughts that would normally drive you away, but they felt like needles pricking your skin and embedding themselves in your flesh.
“Sohma-san. . . Sohma-san wouldn’t lie to me!” You clutched your clothes tightly as your lips trembled, your eyes shutting themselves closed, “I-I’m. . . I’m sure he has a reason not to tell me things. . .” 
You felt so vulnerable in front of Akito like your skin had been ripped away and he could see every little muscle fiber in your body, he could react to the heavy beating of your heart as you trembled. You felt exposed as if he truly knew everything you felt, the pain you experienced, and the memories you desperately wanted to be erased in this world.
“Do you really think Yuki is enough to protect you?” Akito retorted, your eyes snapping right back open as he pulled you close to him by the arm, “he can’t even do anything for himself, what are you even getting out of this?”
No matter how hard you wanted to stray away from his grip, your brain always became fuzzy as if you had been put under a spell. You didn’t understand why he had such an effect on you. 
“My judgment is surely correct. . . You’re stronger without him and you’re worth much more than what others think,” he brushed back several strands of your hair behind your ear, “Yuki doesn’t know it. . . But I do. I know how you feel (L/n), I can give you anything you ever wanted in this life because you are dear to me.” 
“I know how it feels to be lonely at the top. . . So let me take care of you. . .” Akito raised his hand to cover your eyes as you felt his lips touch the crown of your head, “I won’t let you feel alone in this world, with you by my side we can do anything you ever dreamed of. . .” 
“Why do you want me. . .?” You whispered, your eyes covered by his hand as the darkness swallowed your vision while Akito smiled.
“Because you deserve so much more.” You pressed your lips together in a straight line.
If what Akito saying is true. . . Then he might be the person to rid you of the painful memories that constantly haunt you every day. You instinctively grab onto the fabric of his shirt as he brought you into a tighter hug, only able to cling onto the one person in front of you. 
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“(L/n)-chan! Are you okay?!” Aikyo rushed over to your side as you began to wobble towards the backroom. Her grey-white hair was pulled back in a bun as she dropped her box of supplies to run towards you, panic and concern written over her face. You were growing pale and your body was beginning to feel sick as your surroundings became hazy. 
Akito left you behind at the flower store after putting a red camellia into your hair. You internally panicked as your stomach began to twist, the sick feeling bubbling in your gut as you rushed over towards the only place you knew that was close. 
'Not that color. . . Anything but that. . .' You held onto Aikyo's sleeves with a tight grip, the poor woman wincing as your nails dug through her clothes. 
She carefully carried your body towards a nearby trashcan as you threw up into the plastic bag that was covering the metallic body. You clutched onto the trash can with an iron grip as Aikyo quickly came over with a bottle of water. 
She grabbed onto the red camellia and violently crushed it in her hands, the red petals falling through her fingers like sand slipping away from her. You watched as she dropped the entire flower and stomped on it, her heel digging into the yellow center. 
“I wish you could actually die! You god damn monster!”
She smeared the petals against the wooden floor with her foot, tearing apart the thin sheets of the flesh as the red color created a stain, a bloody and horrifying smudge of crimson. She reached out to the other flowers in the vase and ripped them off of the stems, the thorns pricking her skin as she ignored the pain. 
“Mother. . . Please stop.” She turned her attention to you before picking you up by your hair. 
“Stop it already!” You screamed. 
“(L/n)-chan snap out of it!” Aikyo gently shook your body, grabbing onto your hand and putting the bottle of water in it, “keep it together!”
Your chest was aching, it felt like someone is stabbing it with pins and needles thousands of times over, piercing you again and again as if to torture you. Your lungs were burning as you hyperventilated, your mouth and throat feeling dry as you continued to empty out your stomach into the trash can. 
“(L/n)-san?” You snapped your neck to the voice at the door, his grey hair and eyes staring at you in shock. “What are you doing. . . ?”
You dropped the shard, the piece shattering into even smaller pieces as you stared up at him in shock, his face was slightly blurred but you interpreted him as someone significant.
“M-Monster.” He turned his attention onto the bleeding woman, the red color of her blood staining the white walls as she clutched her skull. “Y-You’re a monster!”
“N-No. . . I’m not. . .” Your eyes began to weep as you held your hand out, trying to reach him, “don’t leave me! I-I’m not a monster!”
Before you could even make the effort to stand up, he had already run through the door, leaving you behind.
“Don’t leave me!”
You uncontrollably sobbed into the trashcan, your brain already beginning to break down as you continued to throw up into the plastic bag. The red camellia fell from your hair and into the trashcan, the fluids and disgusting mess engulfing the flower as it floated above the grime. 
“What happened to your daughter (M/n)? Is everything alright with you?” 
“It’s a tragedy really.” 
You watched her place the red camellias onto the altar, clapping her hands as she lit up the incense. Your mother’s long hair draped over her face like curtains, her (e/c) eyes now dull and lifeless as they fluttered close. 
“Everything is your fault, damn monster.” 
“(L/n)-chan! Look at me!” Aikyo gripped your cheeks as she pulled you closer to her, forcing your eyes to meet with hers. Your tears were flowing down your face, the waterworks never stopping or slowing down whatsoever. 
“Everything is fine! You’re going to be fine!” She embraced you into a tight hug, your body becoming numb to the feeling as you stared off at the blank ceiling.
“Calm down, everything is okay. You’re okay, take deep breaths dear.” 
Aikyo’s body was warm. . . It was comforting. She held onto you comfortably, not too tight to crush you or too loose to be distant from feeling your beating heart. She brushed your hair softly, never letting you out of her embrace as felt yourself drifting off into your own world. 
Is this what it was like to be cared for by a mother? Was this the touch that made all children smile in glee? 
Your tears slowed down as your eyes closed, your body still staying silent as Aikyo continued to brush through your tangled and slightly damp hair. 
You were so scared of people finding out who you really are. 
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
In the Face of Fear (4)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by @stellar-trinity​
Summary: Kashyyyk has its own charms and surprises, but what if one of those said surprises rear its ugly, unpleasant head right in front of you in the form of a spider that’s the size of a boulder?
Tags: Arachnophobia, Wyyyschokk, Matriarch Wyyyschokk, Kashyyyk, Arachnophobic! Reader
A/N: My bad! Realized just now that I didn’t put the links of the chapters! ;;;A;;; So sorry!
Also in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 | Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 5 | Masterlist
4 of ?
The glow of your lightsabers have either attracted or irritated them enough to make them crawl out of those holes in the wall.
Literally back to back with one another, you and Cal are being circled by the spiders. There are at least five closing the ring.
“BEE, BEE-TRIIILL!!” shrilled a panicked BD-1.
“I know, I know! I see them!” you shrieked back.
Your fighting grip falters around your saber, your swings are flimsy, and your strikes bore little damage—it could only graze their hides and anger them more, which is never good. One Wyyyschokk had its head full of eyes on you, flickering its mandibles with a gluttonous excitement, it lured closer while you backed away. The normal-sized ones were somewhat less of a challenge for you to overcome your phobia, still a challenge nonetheless. You’re only hoping the mother doesn’t show up and get itself involved.
Cal cut through their numbers effortlessly. You envied him. Envied the fact that these arachnids don’t bother him to the same degree as they do to you. Fighting these humongous crawlers felt taxing, though you still fought them to get it over with; when this wave finally settled, the two of you went on the move, going in blind into their labyrinthine dwelling.
“This way!”
“Are you sure?!”
“I know it!”
Holding his saber over his head, Cal leads the way—twisting and turning, you don’t know anymore if you’ve turned left or right this time but you still followed him. Hope burning within you that both of you will get out of this horrendous place alive soon. The two of you continued running, hand-in-hand, you looking out for the rear while he takes the lead; eventually, you got to the edge, and hopped along the rock platforms which vaguely resembled the path to the Gorgara’s pit in Dathomir.
“We’re just going further in!” you gasped at the realization.
“Don’t worry, there’s surely a way out,” reassured the boy.
There was barely any light in the deeper pit that you’ve jumped into. You strained your neck, tilting up to examine the area, searching for any visible opening that could serve as a way out, until you found one—high up in the ceiling of the cave is a rabbit hole of sorts.
“Look overt here!” you pointed to the cave’s oculus.
Cal scanned the hole and its surroundings, planning out the climb route. He knows you’re not equipped with climbing claws, instead you’re armed with a grappling hook appendaged to your gauntlet. You were doing the same thing: mapping out where to shoot the hook.
“There’s a small enough ledge I can perch on. From there, I can wire my way through...” you paused. “I think.”
He shot you a look that easily translates to “You think?” and he stares at you for a considerable amount of seconds until you look back at him, throwing back a look that responds as “What?”
“It’s doable!” you argued.
“I don’t doubt that,”
As you navigate around the deeper pit, something about it gives off a different ambience. Waving your saber around, you notice that the tree bark and the walls made out of rock were dappled with silky, white wisps. You even shone a light on animal carcasses and insect husks—you even spotted the remains of what ought to be a juvenile Tach.
“Trill... Beeep...”
I know, BD-1, we’re getting out of here sooner than you think,” Cal calmed the droid on his shoulder.
Looking around some more, you find more and more animal carcasses—many of which have fallen prey to a trap that rendered them immobile and defenseless against the monstrosity that created such an elaborate trap.
“This is no cave,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly. “This is a nest.”
Cal held his head up, using his saber as a torchlight, and absentmindedly spun around to register that it is indeed a nest. However, his ankle slighted backwards, the heel of his boot sticking to the web-trap laced with a viscous adhesive; strings of the substance formed between his shoe and the soil, hindering his footsteps. He didn’t feel it in the first few inches, only did he realize he was in trouble and the Wyyyschokk that had been lurking and following you around had gotten him in its grasp before he could alert you.
His grunt caused you to turn around and just when you think this day couldn’t get any worse, the Wyyyschokk that got him is the Matriarch Wyyyschokk.
“[Y/N]!!” Cal cracked, squirming in its coiled legs around his body.
Poor Cal saw his life flashing before his eyes, he could see it all replaying past the wide-open maws and fangs of the great Wyyyschokk. For a moment, he knew what your phobia felt like, and had a deeper understanding of it. The sheer horror overtook him and rendered his throat voiceless.
You melted to the muddy floor, you knees have lost their foundation, and your senses have dulled with your eyes glued to the monster. You blindly patted the soil, searching for anything, holding your unwanted gaze at the vibrant, prismatic color of the spider like that of a crow to a shiny trinket.
As the Matriarch Wyyyschokk slowly puts her would-be prey closer to her mouth, a hard, solid thump interrupted her—you had picked up a stone and lobbed it, hitting her head. When she turned around to face you, the creature was expressionless but somehow you can feel that wave of wrath gradually boiling within her.
“Oh damn it!” you immediately regretted it and scrambled to your feet, your heels failing to hold themselves upright, along with the wet soil not being very helpful.
You attempt to outrun the Matriarch Wyyyschokk at the last second; knowing full well that you’re literally an arm’s reach, the spider stretches out her free leg to your direction. It’s a twisted imagining to think of her holding these two humans and wave them about like dolls.
Saber in hand, you thumbed the switch. A radiant beam of light wildly growling out of the emitter. You could almost feel the hair of the Matriarch’s leg just centimeters away from your spine; with one swing of your arm, in result, she lost hers. The mother spider reared back in pain, though, remarkably, she was able to keep a firm grip on Cal—she just thrashed him around, suspended in mid-air, her swerving throes dizzied the poor boy.
You crawled into a thicket the size of a bramble bush, offering enough protection from being grappled by the Wyyyschokk, but you wouldn’t leave Cal behind. While the Matriarch was distracted in trying to claw you out of the thicket, Cal had finally broken out of her grip and scrambled away himself. Immediately igniting his saber, he watched the lumbering beast of an arachnid look at her now-empty leg, turn around in search of her prey, and hiss angrily at him for escaping.
Now that the Matriarch isn’t after you, it’s the perfect time to get out. Cal was holding out on his own just fine, but you knew you had to help him—the intent is there, but your fear was the main hindrance of you doing so. Cal turned to you.
“[Y/N], get to safety! I can handle this!”
“No, I’m not leaving you!”
While the two of you argued, the Matriatch Wyyyschokk—which is too smart for an animal—took the opportunity of her preys being distracted with each other and quick tucked her legs closer to her fangs, they moved with great precision and speed. The glands just underneath the spider’s jugular were doing its work, excreting a substance that’s greenish-white and thin as string, her amputated leg was still capable of holding it while the other spun and spindled the threads.
It was too late when Cal returned his attention to the spider. At the last minute, the Matriarch Wyyyschokk lobbed her spooled creation towards the boy—instantly trapping him in a cocoon of her own web. He discovers the material to be stronger and thicker than the regular Wyyyschokks’ thus harder to break out of. He can’t even move his fingers to get to the switch of his saber!
You shrieked out Cal’s name; he squirmed as he plopped to the ground, essentially helpless and immobile—like the remains of prey during their final hours—the Matriarch must have thought she’s finally resolved this one nuisance. The spider closes in on the cocooned redhead writing on the floor, when she towered over the Jedi boy, he felt like the only thing that could break out of this silky prison is his wildly beating heart. In the spur of a moment, you threw yourself between the Matriarch’s jaws and Cal, and deflected her as she was about to lunge and sink her thick fangs into the boy. Effectively, your saber singed her mandibles and perhaps the roof of her mouth when she “bit” into the blade. The Wyyyschokk stepped back in a fit of burning pain, while doing so, you turned to Cal and figured out how you’re gonna get him out of there.
You broke one of the most fundamental rule of fighting.
Never turn your back on the enemy—until it’s truly dead.
“The web’s too thick!”
You straightened your back while kneeling and held your saber mere inches over his body, “Stay still so I don’t burn you!”
“W-Wait!” he fretted, his clear green irises popping out of the whites of his eyes.
“Don’t worry, I got a steady grip,” you reassured, clueless of what he’s really panicking for.
“No, [Y/N], look out!”
The Matriarch had snatched you the same way she did with Cal. While you wriggle in her leg, she pulls you in closer to her face—it doesn’t matter if her mouth’s burned, all she needs to do is devour you, thus you’ve been rid of—though it was an opportunity: you gathered all the power in one leg and stamped her face hard with the sole of your boot, so hard in fact, that the mud that had caked the sole left a mark on the spider’s face. Afterward, you kicked her in th eeyes with the point of your boot, and did this repeatedly until the Wyyyschokk budges and lets you go.
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imgoingtocrash · 4 years
knowing (of everything she doesn’t)
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: G
Word Count: 9,097
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Michelle Jones, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker
“Mister Stark means a lot to me, M,” Peter says firmly, effectively ending the discussion.
“I know,” she answers, squeezing his hand where it rests over the cupholder between them.
Looking out the window, what she thinks to herself is: do you mean that much to him?
Maybe it’s overprotective or presumptuous of her—she’s only known Peter well for a couple of years and has been dating him for less than one.
It’s just—in all that time, in all of the stories of his alter-ego’s exploits that he’s finally shared…she just can’t see how the universe-saving multibillionaire fits into all of this.
MJ joins Peter for a Thanksgiving visit to the Starks' lake house. It turns out that even after years of quiet observation and a few months of dating, there are still things about Peter Parker and his life that manage to surprise her.
Read on AO3
My gift for @peter-stank for @friendly-neighborhood-exchange!!! Happy belated Birthday, Beedee, and thank you so much for your amazing contributions to the fandom. Hopefully you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3 (Fic also under the cut, as requested by the exchange/until reveal.)
They’re an hour into a two and a half hour drive when Michelle decides to drop the question.
“Isn’t it weird?” MJ asks. “Casually being invited to your boss’s house for Thanksgiving?”
Peter shrugs, but she can see the way his shoulders tense underneath his hoodie when he answers, “Maybe. Before.”
Before doesn’t need to be clarified. The Blip.
“Besides, he makes a mean turkey stuffing. I promise, that’s worth it,” Peter attempts to deflect, the barest hint of a smile directed her way.
But Michelle has never been good at leaving well enough alone. She asks too many questions, sometimes makes people uncomfortable. It’s how she got good at academic decathlon and how she (mostly) figured out Peter was Spider-Man.
“What changed?”
“The Blip was traumatic for everyone in one way or another. Why did it change things with Tony?” She never refers to him as Mister Stark despite Peter rarely ever calling his mentor anything else.
“It just…did.” Peter shrugs again, eyes determinately focused on the road ahead and far away from her. “He lost me, I almost lost him, it sucked. That’s all.”
“Okay, but—“ It just doesn’t make sense to her that he was an intern at SI or a superhero colleague or whatever, and somehow it added up to…whatever this is. Schlepping up to the Catskills in Peter’s hand-me-down Toyota for a few days at the Starks’ cabin. Like, that’s just a thing that Peter has been invited to do, and he doesn’t think anything of it.
“Mister Stark means a lot to me, M,” Peter says firmly, effectively ending the discussion.
“I know,” she answers, squeezing his hand where it rests over the cupholder between them.
Looking out the window, what she thinks to herself is: do you mean that much to him?
Maybe it’s overprotective or presumptuous of her—she’s only known Peter well for a couple of years and has been dating him for less than one.
It’s just—in all that time, in all of the stories of his alter-ego’s exploits that he’s finally shared…she just can’t see how the universe-saving multibillionaire fits into all of this.
They arrive at the lake house just as the sun’s setting, the orange hues reflecting across the water.
A loud thwack breaks the relative silence that’s formed by the car’s engine turning off.
“Petey!” shrieks the high pitched little voice that accompanies a little blur of movement out of the house.
Peter’s already unbuckling his seatbelt, a smile blown wide across his face. He kicks the door open—used to the way it sometimes sticks—and just barely misses hitting the brown-haired little girl that can only be Morgan Stark in her precious little head.
“Morgie!” Peter shouts in a parrot of her tone, not bothering to shut the door behind him before he picks up the five-year-old girl, spinning them both around in circles while she screams with laughter.
“’S so good to see you,” Peter says, pressing sloppy kisses to Morgan’s cheeks. “Did you miss me?”
“Yeah! Daddy said you were coming for a whole week this time, and I have a whole list of movies that you have to watch with me, and—“
Morgan trails on, but MJ is watching Peter—his attention is zeroed in on the girl in his arms, his megawatt grin on full display. He’s comfortable with her. She called him Petey—a nickname she knows is usually reserved only for May. She knew Peter was close with Morgan, but she’d always assumed it was in that way she sees her younger cousins every holiday and they think she’s the coolest person in the world for exactly eight hours, and then they don’t see or speak to each other again until the next family event, rinse and repeat.
The girl stops herself, moving her eyes directly to MJ and locking on. She’s always kind of hated that about little kids—they look into your soul and just kind of know things.
“Who’s that?” Morgan asks, more firmly wrapping her arms around Peter, as if to protect him.
(The only danger Peter’s been in from MJ in the last three hours was during their argument about road trip playlists. Particularly, Peter’s memetic gag of repeating What’s New Pussycat? on the same playlist multiple times and thinking she wouldn’t stop it before the first It’s Not Unusual.)
Michelle decides to get out of the car and introduce herself instead of awkwardly staring through the open door. It’s a bit of a chore—the passenger door’s handle is finicky—but she gets out without landing her ass in the mud and considers it a win. She still wipes her hands on her pants as she rounds the car, trying to remove any weird, nervous sweat. She’s not worried about it. She’s fine.
“I’m, um. Michelle,” she states, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”
Morgan’s head quirks to the side, looking Michelle up and down before she screams, “Daddy, Petey brought some weird stranger to Thanksgiving!” directly into Peter’s ear.
“Ow,” he hisses, rubbing at his earlobe. “Morgan, that’s not cool, MJ is—“
Morgan doesn’t let Peter finish, sticking out her tongue and wriggling out of Peter’s arms, running off towards the house as fast as she came out of it.
Tony Stark himself opens the screen door of the cabin next, chuckling as his daughter weaves between his legs. The effects from the battle with Thanos are clear—though it’s less intense than she imagines it was a year ago. White scar tissue spindles through the right side of Tony’s face, following down under his t-shirt and transitioning into to the metal arm painted the iconic Iron Man color scheme of red and gold.
Peter showed her the specs of that arm shortly after they got together—apparently Tony finished his rehab just after their trip to Europe, and it was supposed to be a gift from Peter. Seeing it on the man himself is…daunting, to say the least.
“Sorry about her,” Tony says, easing himself down the stairs as he approaches. There’s no kind of limp, but he seems to take his time with it all the same. “She gets a little territorial with us sometimes. Pep says we need to get her around more kids her own age, but the idea of sending her off to preschool…”
He shakes his head like he’s clearing cobwebs. She has to admit, he seems more human like this, surrounded by nature, talking about his daughter, the sun showing the lighter, grey strands of his hair more clearly.
“Hey, Pete,” Tony says, pulling Peter into a hug. It’s not just a one-armed casual sort of hug either, but a full one that goes on for a minute, dramatically rocking them back and forth. “Ugh, I missed you.”
“It’s only been a few days, Mister Stark!” Peter’s laughing reply is muffled into Tony’s shoulder. When they come apart, the smile from earlier has returned. Tony’s hands—robotic and human—have moved to Peter’s shoulders.
“A week. A whole week! I can’t spend that much time away from you anymore. It aggravates my angina.”
“Now you’re just trying to be embarrassing,” Peter grumbles, reluctant when the other man runs his hand through Peter’s gelled hair and musses it up just so.
“Absolutely,” Tony admits. He turns to Michelle. “You must be the famous scary girlfriend.”
“You’re just as bad as Morgan!” Peter whines. MJ isn’t sure she’s ever heard him sound so childish in his life despite the fact that he acts like a giant, overexcited goofball ninety percent of the time.
“My reputation precedes me,” Michelle ends up replying, shaking Tony’s hand when it’s offered. For some reason she was more nervous to meet Morgan than her father. Maybe it’s just her instinct to not be intimidated by rich tycoon types. Then again…she and the rest of the world know that he’s much more than that. Still. Old habits die hard.
“Now see, she can take a joke. I like her,” Tony says, nodding at Peter. Peter’s face goes a soft red, just edging on a full blush. She doesn’t really care if Tony likes her, but Peter clearly does.
Tony hooks an arm around both of their shoulders, leading them up to the house.
“Seriously, it’s good to have you guys. I’ve kind of been dreaming about the holidays—it got me through a lot of my physical therapy sessions,” he admits. It seems to be a more vulnerable comment than he lets on—Peter leans his head onto Tony’s shoulder. He’s almost too tall for it, but it’s…weirdly sweet. Peter’s big on physical comfort, as she now knows. Apparently even Tony has gotten used to it.
“Christmas is going to be a goddamn blow out, trust me,” Tony continues, breaking their grouping to lead them into the house. “Wall to wall Avengers, a mountain of presents. I’m slowly but surely convincing Pepper to let me build a fully functioning Santa’s sleigh to put on the roof.”
“No, he’s not,” comes a voice from deeper in the house. Pepper Potts steps in from what must be the kitchen, wiping flour off on the apron around her waist. “I will accept the light-up ones that are meant to be decoration and nothing else.”
Pepper presses a finger into her husband’s chest firmly, spreading a puff of flour and accenting her point with a quick peck to his lips. It’s a surprisingly domestic scene. She looks at Peter, and he’s looking at her already, soft doe eyes and a mind probably full of gross, sweet things that are way, way in their future.
Dork, she mouths. His returning smile is predictably un-cowed.
“You kids are just adorable,” Tony comments. Pepper nudges him with an elbow on her way to Peter.
“Hi, sweetie,” she says, pressing a kiss to his head and holding her hands up. “I’d hug you but—“
“All good,” Peter replies. “Anything I can do to help?”
“No, no. You unpack, relax. I’ve got it, just—semi-literally have my fingers in a lot of pies, right now.”
“That’s code for please, god, don’t let a Parker near my cooking,” Tony whispers to her.
“Enhanced. Hearing.” Peter’s look at his mentor is the closest to peeved that he really gets. (She has to admit, though—there’s a reason they mostly go out or order in on dates. Cooking isn’t really either of their fortes.)
“Boys,” Pepper hums. It sounds like this is a common occurrence in the Stark household. “It’s nice to meet you, Michelle. Peter talks about you all the time. Again, I’d shake your hand, but—“ She holds up her palms, shrugging.
“No it’s—super awesome to meet you. Thank you for having me.” It’s actually beyond awesome. Despite her beef with Stark Industries and their ilk, she has to admit Pepper Potts is pretty high on her list of inspirational female powerhouses. She became CEO at 40 with only a Bachelor’s in Business and a Fine Arts minor, and Stark Industries entered a historic era of technology production and philanthropy under her guidance.
“Oh my god, you’re totally starstruck right now, aren’t you?” Peter questions in her ear, quieter than Tony so that only she hears.
“Shut up,” she says between her teeth, swatting at his arm without breaking her smile at Pepper.
Pepper smiles, giving Tony a look that Michelle can’t decipher. It might be flirtatious? Are she and Peter reminding Pepper of Tony and herself when they were younger? Her life is so weird, right now.
“I’ll go get our stuff,” Peter offers, out the screen door before she can argue that she doesn’t need his help. Like, it’s nice that her boyfriend can lift an entire car’s worth of stuff in one go, but she doesn’t always need him to. It feels a little…exploitative of his powers, somehow.
“I have a five-year-old to console,” Tony says, then quirks his head. “Chide? Eh, I’ll feel it out in the moment. Maybe a little of both. Make yourself comfortable, Michelle.”
Pepper watches Tony ascend the stairs, a what can you do? sort of look on her face towards MJ.
“Seriously, you and Peter have the afternoon to yourselves. If you need anything, just ask FRIDAY.” Pepper points up to the ceiling, as if that’s where the AI lives—which, maybe it does—before she turns around and attends to the beeping timer coming from the kitchen.
Michelle’s had a little experience with Peter’s AI, Karen, but the whole house being run by a super AI is something totally out of the norm. Honestly, she’ll probably just ask Peter any questions to avoid conversing with it.
She takes the chance alone to really observe her surroundings. From the outside the house looked like a pretty rustic cabin, but inside it’s a mostly-open floor plan mix of modern design and homey decor.
In particular, she notices the walls and surfaces are covered in pictures. The entryway features what can only be a shot of Tony and Pepper’s wedding day. The lake is featured behind them—Tony in a suit, Pepper in a white maternity dress that accentuates her pregnant belly.
Further into the living area there’s a larger variety of shots: Baby Morgan in Tony’s arms at the hospital, a few older shots with faces Michelle recognizes—Bruce Banner, James Rhodes, and even a group shot of the Avengers, smiling and receiving Medals of Honor from the Mayor of New York.
Nestled in a few shots of Morgan at a few different ages is a familiar face. Peter is pictured with Tony—it’s a selfie that was clearly printed, Peter making a goofy face combating Tony’s unamused expression. Next to it is a more recent picture. It appears to be from the spring shortly after the battle. Morgan is sitting in Peter’s lap, her hands covered in sticky popsicle juice while Peter is taking a lick from the offered desert over her shoulder. Clearly a candid moment.
Finally, nestled in-between a shot of the Starks teaching a younger Morgan how to swim and a press picture of Tony and Pepper from a gala she can’t identify is one of Peter and Tony on the very couch next to her, both of them asleep and pajama-clad, like they’d fallen asleep like that the night before and someone caught it the morning after.
“Ugh, that one’s so bad,” Peter says, suddenly behind her. He has a talent for sneaking up on her, one that would probably be more useful if he wasn’t always running his mouth and announcing his presence, particularly to bad guys. “Of course you found it.”
“I didn’t realize—“ she starts, but frowns, unsure of exactly what she’s thinking. It’s so…homey, here, and Peter’s clearly welcome. She knew he visited a lot, but this… “You’re all over the place.”
Peter clearly doesn’t think anything of it, shrugging. “I, um. We didn’t have anywhere to go after, you know?”
He’s never comfortable talking about the Blip or the battle against Thanos. A lot of people aren’t, but Peter in particular always stumbles through it. In the months of their dating, he’s only brought it up if she’s asked, never on his own.
“We lived here for a while. Our old apartment belonged to someone else, but May wouldn’t take any charity, wouldn’t accept the Starks’ penthouse in the city. She and Pepper looked for a place in Queens for months, but there were suddenly all of those people looking for housing…”
He loses himself for a moment. He does this sometimes too, drifting off like he’s disconnected, unable to keep himself in the here and now.
She takes his hand, and with a squeeze he comes back. There aren’t any tears, but there’s a weight in his eyes that she recognizes: guilt. For having a home when others still don’t months later. For failing at stopping Thanos the first time. For any number of other things he’s yet to reveal to her.
“Peter…” she tries, but what can she say? It’s times like this that she wishes she was…more. That she was better equipped to handle this superhero life that he’s so dedicated to. He takes the weight of the world on his shoulders, and she hasn’t figured out exactly how to give him a break, to take some of the weight as her own, or if she ever can.
“It’s fine, I’m—anyway, it was just…kind of nice, after everything that happened. Tony was recovering from here, Pepper was working from home a lot, Morgan was scared, I was…” He clears his throat, not finishing the sentence. “It was good to have everyone under one roof for a while, that’s all.”
She tucks herself into his side in a hug, unsure how else to respond. He would accept platitudes but he wouldn’t believe them. She rarely knows the right thing to say, anyway. Maybe this is the best she can do.
He pats her shoulder, breaking the quiet. “Come on, I’ll show you upstairs.”
Peter keeps his arm around her as they walk, squeezing them both up the stairs with their backpacks in hand.
“We’re staying in my room.” He stops walking, stiffening in a way that makes her feel—well, her age. They haven’t even really discussed sex, but any discussions past their first few chaste kisses have turned out a little awkward, stumbling forward because neither of them have dated before this.
“I mean, as long as that’s okay with you, I can take the couch, or—“
“No, no, that’s fine. We’ve shared before,” she mumbles, knowing there have been a few times May must have seen them asleep on Peter’s bed and let them be. She assumes his aunt’s open door policy will stay in place, likely why the Starks are okay with them sharing. Not like she has much desire to do anything in the Starks’ house, and especially with a five-year-old only a few rooms away.
“Your room?” she asks, moving them along. She assumed he and May just shared a guest bed or something that he just took over whenever he visited, not that he had a room of his own.
“It, ah—Mister Stark insisted,” Peter laughs, but mixed in with the slight embarrassment is something warm too, shown by how Peter’s gaze turns to the door clearly labeled Morgan’s Room in a pretty cursive font, likely Pepper’s work. She can hear the soft murmurs of Tony’s voice in the room, meaning that Peter can probably hear the entire conversation.
There’s a bathroom in the hall that’s a mix of Morgan’s colorful bath toys and what she knows is Peter’s deodorant sitting on the sink counter. Next to Morgan’s room is another bedroom, likely Tony and Pepper’s. At the end of the hall is where they stop, the unmarked door holding a room that is different from Peter’s in New York, but funnily enough, almost more expressive of him.
Peter hasn’t made it a secret that he doesn’t love his new apartment—it’s smaller than their old place, and devoid of the memories from his Uncle Ben’s presence. He seems to think there’s not much point in decorating it with the future expectation of college dorms ahead of them, and has apparently spilled most of his personal effects across this room instead.
The A New Hope poster on the wall is one of the nicer reproductions, framed and—signed by Mark Hamill, of course, probably a gift from Tony. A hologram is up on the desk, the Spider-Man symbol lazily floating around like a desktop screensaver. There are a few Lego sets unfinished in the corner—Peter rarely finishes them without Ned to keep them on task.
It’s Peter spilling out of every crumpled sheet of loose-leaf paper, every sneaker missing its mate.
Peter immediately takes to cleaning up the array of dirty clothes on the floor, mumbling apologies. She spies a faded hoodie with the cracked screen-printing of MIT’s logo among the mess before he scoops it up too.
“I was in a hurry last time I was here, sorry. Pepper says she won’t clean up after me because it sets a bad example for Morgan—which I totally get! But also, I mean, you’ve met me.”
It’s as self-explanatory as he makes it sound—he has a busy life. Sometimes, when stuff is crazy, a few dirty socks on the floor don’t really matter so much.
However, she also senses that some part of him likes the mess. His room in the city is a cramped box, and the charging case for the Iron Spider takes up an entire corner on its own. Here, he’s free to spread himself across the floors and up the walls as much as he likes.
“Yeah, Parker, you are kind of a mess,” she teases, only smiling more at his response of wrinkling his nose up at her.
“Anyway,” he continues with a grunt, flinging a sock into a hamper that’s overfull like he’s some kind of basketball star and frowning when it bounces into the floor instead. “Since Pepper’s kicked us out of the kitchen and Mo is being a grouch, we can do whatever. FRIDAY has any movie or show you could want—comedies, romcoms, that sad documentary about polar bears you like…“
“It’s not sad, it’s realistic.”
“What’s real is that you watched me cry about the ice caps melting for like thirty minutes, M.”
He brings her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and swaying them in place like it’s some kind of grand romantic moment, the two of them bickering in the middle of his messy bedroom at Tony Stark’s house. For some reason she has the impression that he’ll spurt into a tall and lanky mess in a few years, but for now she’s still looking down at him just a smidge, meaning he’s looking up at her all…mushy and enamored.
“As we all should,” she replies, failing to sound serious because she’s suddenly distracted by the hint of Peter’s teeth peeking out of his smile. Her boyfriend is so cute, which, yes, she knew that, but it’s just—he’s so much, Peter Parker, and she’s barely even scratched the surface after quietly watching him for years and thinking she had him all figured out. It’s intimidating, to see the open emotion on his face and know there’s even more that she’d never considered underneath.
“I—“ She takes a breath, trying to recover from the flustered blush that’s creeped up her cheeks without her permission. “Nap. I could go for a nap. That sounds good, right?”
Peter’s smile grows—he’s always so entertained when he breaks her brain like this, so smug that he’s one of the only people that can.
At her warning look, he lets her awkward stumbling drop, holding up his hands. “Yeah, MJ, that’s—sounds good.”
“That’s what I thought.”
If she picked that activity for an excuse to hold Peter close for a few hours alone after the barrage of meeting so many new people, well, no one has to know.
“Pete.” A voice she only vaguely recognizes is within the edge of her consciousness. It’s not her step-father, so she chooses to ignore it, snuggling into the warmth under her head further. “Spiiiider-baby. Kiddo, c’mon, wake up.”
Her eyes open just a slit—watery vision turned milky by the overpowering beam of light that leaks in. In the darkness of the room, she finds Peter’s face, still firmly buried in his pillow. Behind him, partially obscured by the curve of his shoulder and the powerful light from the hallway, is Tony.
He smiles when he catches her eyes. “Not the one I planned on, but hey, one out of two’s not bad.”
“Peeetey,” Tony tries Peter again, this time accompanying his calls with a touch to Peter’s head, he’s—running his hand through Peter’s hair? Is she dreaming? “Buddy, it’s time to get up. It’s dinnertime.”
“Hm?” finally comes Peter’s groggy response, slurred as he turns into Tony’s hand.
“Magic words,” Tony jokes to her, stroking Peter’s curls again, fully mussing what’s already been ruined by their nap.
“Feels nice,” Peter sighs. He squeezes the arm he has around MJ, as if for emphasis. “M’comfy.”
“Aw, they’re so cute when they’re sleepy,” Tony full-on coos, and that seems to do it, eliciting a groan from Peter’s chest against her ear.
“You’re so embarrassing, Mister Stark.” Peter bats Tony’s hand away this time, rubbing at his eyes and flitting them over to the holographic clock on the desk—6:30 PM.
“We slept a while.”
“I’ll say. I had Morgan all primed for an apology and you two were totally passed out.”
MJ removes herself from Peter’s hold, running a hand through her loosened ponytail and catching a few matted curls with a frown.
Tony turns up the lights slowly, sliding the switch to half-power.
“I negotiated that you two would watch Mulan with her after dinner, by the way. She tests people with how they react to Disney movies. Don’t ask me why.”
Peter nods solemnly, stretching his arms with a few quick pops.
“I got Tangled. Ned and I went to see it with Ned’s little sister as kids, but I still got all choked up at the whole hair-cutting scene. Cemented me with her for life.”
Peter literally rolls off of the bed, landing on his feet as if he’d simply sat up and stood like a normal person.
She and Tony are similarly unimpressed.
“The fact that you also act like her personal spidery-jungle-gym probably doesn’t hurt either,” he comments.
“You’re just mad that she doesn’t play Iron Man as much anymore.”
Tony sniffs, but doesn’t deny it. “Pizza’s getting cold. Pepper was too tired to cook anything else tonight, and I instantly agreed.”
“But have you ever had pizza for Thanksgiving?” Peter inquires, tapping his skull with his pointer finger like this idea holds the secrets of the universe. “You order the night before and eat it reheated the next day. No cooking required.”
“Just say May burned a turkey the year before and you were scared,” Tony replies. “It’s so much faster that way.”
“I’ll have you know it was Uncle Ben who was scared—“
By the time they’ve moved on to weighing the importance of tradition versus creating new traditions, Michelle has managed to brush her hair back into a more controlled ponytail and has splashed a little water on her face in the bathroom.
They’re still in Peter’s room going at it when she returns.
“You guys talk a lot,” she interrupts.
They both go silent, look at each other, then shrug. It’s like looking into a mirror, in a weird way, and she’s concerned that she’s dating half of that mirror when the other half is Tony Stark, who spent years flying around in a suit of armor and almost died on multiple occasions.
“Daddy!” Morgan thumps her way up the stairs, sliding into Tony’s legs on socked feet. “Mommy said you’re taking too long.”
Tony easily brings his daughter into his arms, bouncing her on his hip and leading them down the stairs that way.
“Oh she did, did she?” he asks, voice taking on a playful quality. “That doesn’t sound like Mommy. She usually just tells me to hurry the fu—“
“Mister Stark!” Peter interjects, slapping his hands over Morgan’s ears and awkwardly hovering over Tony’s shoulder on the stairway to do it. Honestly, it would probably be more comfortable for him to just get on the ceiling at this point.
“Oh, I’m kidding! I wasn’t actually gonna say it!”
Tony pulls Morgan out of Peter’s loose grip, moving all of them forward and almost sending Peter toppling down the stairs. MJ grabs the back of Peter’s shirt even though she suspects his feet are doing the steadying for him.
“You guys are like some kind of messed up comedy troupe,” Michelle comments, watching Peter pout and dust off his clothes as if it will rid him of any embarrassment.
Pepper shakes her head at all of them as they enter the kitchen, probably having heard at least some of that. “More like a circus,” she grumbles.
“We do have an alpaca,” Tony adds, placing Morgan onto her feet.
“I think that’d be more of a petting zoo,” Peter argues.
“Michelle, I’m sorry about them,” Pepper says. “Get whatever you want, we always order plenty for Mister-Mega-Metabolism over here.”
Pepper points to Peter, who has already unceremoniously shoved half of a slice of pepperoni pizza in his mouth and has a trail of grease slipping down his chin.
“You guys are so mean,” he sulks without bothering to swallow, meaning the words are a garbled, spitting mess. “Mister Stark’s the one that keeps nagging me about my blood sugar!”
“You’re attracted to this,” Tony says to Michelle, pointing at Peter. “This? Really?”
“He’s alright,” she answers, dragging both a slice of vegetarian and a slice of cheese onto her own plate without bothering to look at Peter’s fake-hurt expression.
“MJ, you’re supposed to be on my side, this is—I can’t even—“
In his distraction, Morgan decides to be sneaky. Only MJ seems to catch her subtle movements toward Peter, using her short height to her advantage and the element of surprise to steal what’s left of the piece of pizza from Peter’s hand. She giggles to herself triumphantly, biting into it herself.
“Morgan, sweetie, that’s—“ Pepper tries, but seems to lose the end of the admonishment that was probably about germs.
Peter only smiles, crouching as if preparing for a fight.
“Here they go,” Tony hums, expectant in a way Michelle certainly isn’t.
“You better watch out, you little—!” In a fit of laughter, Morgan sprints out of the kitchen, Peter hot on her heels. They run a lap around the living room furniture.
“Peter, leave your sister alone, she needs to eat her—aaaaand they’re already in the yard,” Tony sighs. He and Pepper seem to give up, bringing their own plates and the so far unused plates of Peter and Morgan to the table. MJ follows suit, placing herself an empty chair between the two table heads.
“I swear to god, they’re normal, like, ninety percent of the time.” Tony pauses. “Eighty-five. Solid eighty percent.”
“Did you…?” MJ feels awkward asking about it, but maybe it’s something Peter hasn’t told her yet, something she wasn’t supposed to know that just slipped out. Tony said—he called Morgan Peter’s sister. “Is there something I should know?”
Both Tony and Pepper look at Michelle like she’s not making any sense.
“What you said—that Morgan is Peter’s sister, it’s just—I can keep a secret! I just didn’t know he was, you know. Yours.“
“He wishes,” Pepper snorts into her ice water.
Tony’s responding smile is far too wide.
“I keep asking May for partial custody, but she just won’t budge!” He snaps his fingers in a very exaggerated, aw, shucks way. Pepper and Tony both laugh.
“Ah,” she lets out, embarrassed to have even had the thought that Peter might be Tony’s secret child or something, picking at her pizza toppings to avoid looking at the Starks.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetie.” Pepper pats her arm comfortingly. “Before the Blip there were articles with pretty similar lines of questioning. All shut down because they photographed a minor, of course.”
Pepper seems pretty proud of that, and MJ supposes she should be. People definitely would have made the Spider-Man connection sooner if Peter and Tony were in the paper together all the time.
More seriously, Tony says, “I’ve looked at the kid’s blood…more than I wish I had, honestly, but he gets injured, it happens. Anyway, yeah, no. FRIDAY would have figured that one out pretty quickly. DNA scanners and all.”
She nods, and the awkward silence thankfully only has to sit for a few more seconds before Peter  bursts back into the house, Morgan wriggling around and squealing in his arms.
“I caught a wild Morguna!” Peter cheers.
“Is that the name of an actual Pokémon?” Tony asks, switching his gaze between Pepper and Michelle for an answer. “Did I accidentally nickname my kid after a battling monster thing? I only know like three of them, help me out here.”
Peter rolls his eyes, placing Morgan down with a quick tickle to her ribs that sends her flying towards the table.
“Come eat, Little Miss,” Tony commands, patting his hand on the chair to his right. Peter sits automatically to his left. “Michelle won’t want to watch a movie with you if you misbehave.”
“Do you like Disney movies?” Morgan probes, kicking her feet under the table and creating a light vibration.
Michelle shrugs. “Depends on which movie.”
Morgan squints, accessing. She nods.
“Good answer.”
Next to her under the table, Peter gives her a thumbs up, another piece of pizza already in his other hand.
The answer of where he got the food is clear as Tony shoves his other piece over to Morgan.
Pepper rolls her eyes and stands to presumably help re-fill his plate from the boxes on the counter.
Mulan was as good as MJ remembered it being when she was a kid.
Morgan seemed pretty pleased when she started mouthing along the words to I’ll Make A Man Out Of You, but less so when that prompted Peter to turn it into a dance number including the jumping kicks that almost resulted in a broken glass coffee table.
Despite their earlier nap, Michelle and Peter both find it fairly easy to fall asleep that night.
Still, it may be because of the nap that she doesn’t sleep as hard. She feels a disturbance, physically—Peter’s warmth leaves the bed, the steady pressure of his spine against her own is no longer there.
At first Michelle thinks it’s just a quick bathroom trip. Then she finds that she’s not as comfortable as she was those five minutes before without Peter because he keeps the room warm and he’s cool under the sheets (possibly because of the spider-man thing, she’s never asked).
So she waits.
She thinks about the English paper that will be her final for this semester that she only has half an idea for, and what drills AcaDec should be running for their first practice after the break, and…still no Peter.
She thinks about the pictures she spotted of Peter and Tony in the kitchen—the one of them from his internship next to one of Tony in a hospital gown, Peter on the hospital bed, his body covering Tony’s lost arm, both of them smiling with wet eyes and what it all means.
He still isn’t back yet.
She scoots over to Peter’s side of the bed and peeks her head out of the open door. There’s not even a light on in the bathroom.
Well, now she definitely has to investigate.
The cabin probably isn’t old enough for any squeaky floorboards, but she watches her step just the same, aware of every little noise in the half-dark of the night. She makes it to the stairs before she finally sees the dim glow of lights on downstairs accompanying the sound of someone talking.
“…it’s just so—messy.“
“Then explain it to me.”
She goes to her tiptoes, moving just a few steps down. On the couch she identifies the owners of the voices—the backs of Peter and Tony’s heads are silhouetted in the light of the fireplace in front of them.
“Tony…” Peter says, clearly hesitant, curling further into the couch.
“I can handle it, Pete. It’s worse for me when I don’t know what you’re going through, trust me,” Tony replies.
“I don’t even know what I’m going through,” Peter jokes, but his voice is weak, and Tony doesn’t laugh.
Peter sighs. “It was just—one thing to another. Like, I was under that building, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and then it was Titan, and I couldn’t breathe and I could feel myself—I could feel it happening and I was reaching out to you, but then you were—“
She can’t see Peter’s face, but his arm moves over his eyes, and the sleeve comes away tear-stained. He’s crying. Peter’s crying, broken, and her heart strains to do something about it, but this is—all of this is so much and she’s just overhearing it, what is she even doing?
“You were dying and I couldn’t…I heard when your heart—when you—” Peter’s words hitch into sobs, quiet and purposefully muted, like he’s scared to release them.
“Oh, buddy, no, no,” Tony brings Peter closer, his arm bundling Peter against his chest. Earlier she’d thought of what Peter might look like years from now, but now he looks smaller, younger.
The things Peter’s seen…he fought aliens in space, he was dusted and remembers it, his hero, his mentor, this man taking on Peter’s tears and pain with his whole body, his heart—another father—almost died right in front of Peter’s eyes. God, Mysterio almost put a bullet through Peter’s head for revenge—they’re still children, how can Peter handle this, how could anyone?
“Shh, I’m right here. I’m here, I’ve got you,” Tony soothes easily, like Peter is Morgan, just another one of his children seeking comfort.
“It’s okay, Pete. Everyone is okay. Just let it out, you’re okay.” Tony presses a kiss to Peter’s head, rubbing Peter’s back, so gentle, so soft, so unlike anything the world has ever shown her about Tony Stark, something precious and kind.
Something saved only for Peter, for his family.
Michelle sits at the top of the stairs for too long.
Too long thinking of every epic story Peter’s ever told about Spider-Man—the bruises he brushes off, the cuts and scrapes that he can hide away within a day, all of the times that he wins, the failures glided over as footnotes to a success story.
There’s so much she doesn’t know.
She knew he carried guilt, responsibility, but never this. This is a raw, deep wound of loss. It’s a fear scraping at him in the dark that he hides in the light. That he hides from everyone. From her.
Peter is curling into Tony for that comfort instead, burying his fears and worries into the man who brought him into all of this. If there’s anyone that could understand, of course it would be Tony.
She doesn’t know what do to with this knowing of everything she doesn’t. These are things she’s scared to know, things she wants to know anyway because they’re a part of Peter, and she wants more of him despite the sensical parts of her brain that scream for her to run off to California for college and leave dating a literal superhero that regularly risks his own life behind.
As Peter’s tears start to taper off, she stands from her place on the stairs, tip-toeing her way back up to Peter’s bedroom just as quietly as she came, leaving Tony's final whisper of, “I love you, it’s okay,” behind her.
She lies down, bringing the covers that smell of Peter's body wash up to her neck, the familiar scent comforting.
She only falls back asleep as the first dregs of sunshine begin to peek through Peter’s blinds.
Peter doesn’t come back to bed.
Unlike the day before, Thanksgiving morning is a quiet affair. A fog seems to have fallen overnight, leaving the outside of the cabin wet and hazy, matching her mood after the night before.
MJ wakes lightly a few times: the scent of coffee hits her nose, a high-pitched giggle echoes from Morgan in the hall, the sounds of doors opening and closing downstairs break the spell on and off.
If Peter enters the room to get dressed, he doesn’t wake her. She’s not sure if she wants him to or not.
There’s this—knot, buried right in the middle of her chest. Guilt for watching a private moment. Disappointed that she hadn’t thought about it sooner, that she’d let herself accept his constant assurances that he was fine, that there was nothing for her to worry about beyond the norm.
It’s Happy that ends up waking her.
“Knock, knock,” he announces, pulling open the already cracked door. Michelle doesn’t think she’s ever seen him out of a suit before now—usually he’s playing driver for them after school or hovering around Peter and May’s place, something Peter’s only become minimally more comfortable with since May and Happy's dating-ish-thing started. He’s picked a dress shirt and dark jeans instead. Not far from casually formal, but still…weird.
“Morning,” she announces from her blanket bundle, sulky and comfortable.
His eyebrow raises, wrinkling his balding hairline. “Do I wanna know?”
She shrugs.
“Okay, well, Tony and the other kids are making breakfast. Doesn’t seem like your thing, missing out on good food.”
“Are you fat-shaming a growing teenage girl?” She raises an eyebrow, her face dead serious and her tone purposefully instigating.
“Of course not, why would you—“ he catches on quickly, used to her tricks by now, her jokes that aren’t jokes. His lips hint at a smile under his goatee. “Very funny, kid.”
“I thought so.” She smiles.
“Food in ten,” Happy reiterates, turning around to shut the door.
“Happy—wait,” MJ calls, hesitant. He looks back at her expectantly, but she isn’t sure what to say without saying everything, her emotions caught in her throat.
“You—Peter’s worked with you for a while, right?”
She sits up from under the covers, ignoring the borrowed t-shirt of Peter’s hanging off of her frame and the messy wrap containing her curls. This is Peter’s family, in a way, and Happy saw her unhinged and wielding a mace back in Europe. Surely they’re at the point of being able to ignore things like appropriate dress, or whatever.
Her hands end up wringing themselves together. She’s unsure where to look—the whole room is a reminder of Peter, a collage of all the different parts—the hero, the boy, the growing man.
Happy’s facial expression questions the non-sequitur, but he redirects to Peter’s bed anyway, situating himself comfortably, probably realizing this isn’t just about what she’s asking.
“Working with, not so much. Looking after his scrawny ass…” He nudges her with his shoulder, but she doesn’t brighten up much, so he sobers.
“In the beginning, I spent a lot of time ignoring him when he needed me the most. Tony and I both did, and we both regretted it. After the Vulture, things changed. I listened to every asinine voicemail, Tony instituted lab time every other weekend…”
Happy clears his throat, his eyes honest. “Don’t tell him this, but after we lost him, I spent so much time wishing I hadn’t missed a minute of it. I kept wishing I could get him back, listen to him babble about his nerdy crap in the back of the car for just one more hour. Stupid stuff.”
“But then he came back,” she supplies.
He nods. “Then he came back. Tony was out of commission, and I promised myself that I wasn’t ever going to miss another call, even if it was just the kid rattling my ear off about free churros or a dress that he thought looked nice on you at school that day.” At the ending comment, he bumps a hand at her leg, emphasizing.
“Ugh,” she groans, but puts a hand over her mouth to hide a smile. Happy doesn’t appear fooled.
“What’s this about, Michelle?” he asks, meeting her eyes.
She sighs, crossing her arms and leaning back against the bed’s headboard.
“It’s just—after everything that’s happened, after everything you’ve seen him go through…do you think—is Peter okay?”
Something dawns on Happy’s face, followed by a somber kind of smile.
“If you ask me, the people that choose to do this kind of thing—these hero types…none of ‘em are anything close to okay. I mean, you’ve seen the kind of stuff they’re up against first hand. Weird tech, magic, aliens…it doesn’t exactly scream mental stability if you’re going towards that kind of danger.”
It’s not meant to be comforting, and he doesn’t say it as such. It’s just a fact: normal people don’t put on suits and fight bad guys and come out on the other side unscathed. That’s why so few ever do it, powers aside.
“But it does speak to a lot of heart. People didn’t understand that about Tony, when he started: you have to care about people a whole hell of a lot to want to keep saving their ungrateful asses over and over again.”
“I know that Peter cares—and I love that about him!” She blushes at the heated admission, but Happy seems content to let it go with only a kind smile. “It’s just—I didn’t realize how hard it must be on him. He doesn’t tell me how hard it is. I don’t know what to do.”
“Talk to him?” Happy suggests with dry condescension.
She frowns at him, because very clearly she’s not there yet, which is why she’s talking to him.
“I had to try,” he sighs. “Look, I know it’s hard to see someone like him going through all of this. It’s even harder when they don’t admit things are tough. Sometimes it’s just—there’s not much that you can do. We sit on the sidelines, we pitch in where we can, and when they do need us…”
He trails off, looking out Peter’s window. The lake ripples with a light rain.
“When they do need us, we show up. We show up and tell them how stupid they are for acting tough. We’re there when it matters, even when they’re being stubborn and telling us to go.”
Happy shrugs. “Well, that’s always been my tactic, anyway.”
MJ shrugs back, biting her lip. “It’s not the worst advice I’ve ever heard.”
“Tony?” he questions.
“Captain America. Those pre-recorded seminars make you want a big bag of weed more than any college stoner alive.”
Happy actually does laugh at that, patting her knee over Peter’s comforter.
“You two are good together. And I’m not just saying that cause I’m romantic or something—though I did know Pepper and Tony would be perfect together before anyone else, and you can quote me on that.” He points his finger at her, dead serious. Clearly that’s a regular argument at the Stark family get-togethers.
“He’s not going to get lost in this alone. He has too many people on his side for that. But if you need him to be more honest, you’re probably going to have to ask for it. Multiple times. Explicitly. These geniuses have concrete skulls protecting all of that brain matter.” He taps against his own head for effect.
“Yeah, I—thanks, Happy.”
“No problem,” he replies. Then he groans as he lifts himself from the bed, standing. “Now get up, or Morgan’s going to hog all of the syrup. Tony’s not above stealing from her syrup pool, but I personally think it’s an abomination.”
Despite the quiet morning, downstairs is filled with activity once she arrives, her floral dress toned down by one of her favorite grandpa sweaters, grey and a little garish.
Happy arrived with James Rhodes, apparently, as the Colonel is currently swinging Morgan around the living room like it’s a playground. Pepper and Happy are involved in something at the stove, crowded together and bickering about whatever they’re attempting not to burn. Tony is absent at the moment (out feeding their alpaca, maybe,) but Peter’s gaze finds her from his place at the counter where he’s seemingly just stealing bits of fruit out of a bowl instead of contributing.
His smile makes her feel floaty, like the department store dress and thrift store sweater are something more elegant, something he’s revering from across the room. She has value outside of his opinion, yes, but she likes his stuttering compliments, the bloom of pink on his cheeks, the tentative hand he links into her own.
Michelle likes him, might even love him one day, and she wants to get past all of this business where she’s torn up about his other life as a superhero and get back to his eager attempts to get her to full-belly laugh, holding his hand in the hallway, sneaking chaste kisses as rewards for acing flash cards.
“Hey,” Peter says, but he looks just as pensive as she feels. Maybe he knows how she’s feeling, senses it with his weird tingle-thing.
They end up breaking the following silence at the same time.
“Peter, I—“
“Can we—“
She tilts her head to the porch, smiling. They’re both kind of ridiculous. “Outside?”
Peter situates himself on the porch’s bannister, swinging his legs from his perch. She chooses to lean on the wood next to him.
She’s trying to prepare exactly what she wants to say when Peter says, “I know that you were there last night. I know you heard…well, everything.”
Michelle’s eyes go wide, turning to him apologetically. Of course, his super senses. He probably heard her heartbeat.
“I really didn’t mean to pry, you just didn’t come back to bed and when I overheard you were clearly so upset and—“
“It’s okay, MJ.”
“Is it, though?” she asks curtly. “Because it didn’t seem like that was the first time something like that’s happened.”
He looks away. “It’s not.”
She nudges his side with her own, swaying him on his ledge a little.
“I’m sorry. It’s my fault, bringing everything up like I did.”
“M, no, that’s not—“
She holds up a hand, asking for his silence.
“I just feel like I kept…pushing. You don’t really talk about all of this—Tony, the battle with Thanos, everything that made you want to become Spider-Man. And I realized I never really asked, either.”
She knows that she doesn’t have to take this burden on for him, but she wants him to know she’s listening, that she cares.
“I mean—Tony Stark is kind of your dad, dude! And I had no idea.”
Peter laughs, rubbing the back of his neck as if embarrassed. He also doesn’t deny it.
“It just…it made me feel like a crappy girlfriend, ‘cause I never thought about how all of that felt for you. That’s all.”
“You’re not a crappy girlfriend,” he replies, bringing her hand to his lips for a quick kiss. “Just ask Mister Stark—for all that I like talking, telling people about my problems…” He shakes his head in distaste. “I hate it. It feels like I’m just complaining.”
“Well, I personally love complaining, and would love to hear you do it more,” she says.
He lets out a breath of a laugh through his nose, but he sobers again, keeping hold of her hand and squeezing.
“The stuff with Tony…it can be hard to talk about him without mentioning everything that got us here. It’s easier to let people think what they want to.”
MJ nods, understanding. Tony has been a public figure for his entire life. It makes sense that he’s pretty insular about the people that he considers family. Anyone important can be a liability—at least, she knows that Peter also tends to see it that way.
“It’s cute that you care about my relationship with him so much, though. I didn’t realize you were so protective,” Peter teases, hopping off of the ledge and onto the porch next to her.
“Oh, shut up,” she grumbles, swaying their still-attached hands between them.
“Yeah, yeah,” he hums, smile wide across his face. He’s used to the parts of her that go hot and cold, and takes them in stride.
It feels good to have this out in the open, a previously closed door now tentatively cracked and inviting her in. It's a step closer, she thinks. A step closer to him and his world, this family he's made for himself.
A familiar look overtakes his face, and she feels a rush of warmth in her veins.
When they kiss—really kiss—it’s always tentative, a silent game of question and answer.
Peter inches closer, slow enough that she could turn away if she wanted. (She never does.)
Michelle tilts her head, reaffirming his desire. Are you sure? (He always is, his confidence always so much easier than hers.)
Together they take the final step, their movements more confident now as they’re slowly gaining practice. The slight difference of height between them often means she catches his top lip and his hands have a way of snaking around her waist, pulling them closer.
A wolf-whistle breaks them apart abruptly.
It’s Tony, walking over from what appears to be a barn not far from the lakeside, a teasing caught-the-canary smile in place.
“Well, well, look at you two,” he says, working his way up the steps with a little more pep than the day before.
“Please don’t start,” Peter begs, shrugging off the metal hand that immediately goes to ruffle his hair.
“Hey, you’re lucky it was just me. Rhodey has a real hard-on for breaking up PDA.”
“Please never say hard-on again in my presence.”
“Say it in mine,” Michelle interrupts. “I want it on camera.”
“I mean, I’m sure it already is if you look hard enough.”
Peter groans.
“I’ve never hidden my past from you, Pete. Now, Morgan—I’m hiding as much as possible from her internet searches until she’s at least sixteen.”
“I personally love the old flip-phone one of you drunkenly dancing on a bar-top to Toxic.”
“Oh, yeah! I actually remember that. Nice girl, Miss Spears.”
“I regret introducing you two,” Peter sighs, pouting.
“Love you too, kiddo,” Tony replies, opening the door ahead of them. “Now, c’mon. Happy’s going to deep-fry the turkey and you gotta watch. It’s some real Food Network shit.”
“Mommy! Daddy said your word again!” comes Morgan’s call from the living room area.
Peter shrugs to her, a smile on his face like he’s apologizing for getting her involved in all this.
She takes his hand again, giving it a squeeze before following him back into the Starks’ lake house and shutting the door.
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7,
Chapter 8 "Easy, son. We'll take this one step at a time. Just watch were yer walkin'," Daniel said to his son as they carried a wagon wheel over to the craftsman shed. "I'm fine, father. It would take quite a lot for my wounds to spring any leaks."
"That's what they all say until it happens. Exercise is good for mendin' the body. But the way you abuse yours, those wounds might not ever heal properly."
Kaleb helped his father hoist the massive wheel onto the augur then placed a securing pin through the vertical spindle. He looked over the array of tools then picked up one of the rawhide mallets and began vigorously tapping some wooden pegs into place.
"I'm just trying to get back into the fight, that's all. Once this thing heals, I'll be good as new," he said while pointing his thumb towards his back.
His father just shook his head and scoffed. "No question where you get your tenacity from, that's for sure."
"Hey. Once I'm done here, I would very much like to head on over to see Ulfgar. I haven't seen that old norn since before my deployment."
"He'll be delighted to see ya of course. Go right on ahead, son. I'll take care of things from here."
The elder Grimwald waved for his son to leave just as the youngest member came rushing out from the back kitchen door.
"Katie! Hi sweetheart." His youngest sister rushed up to him then gave him a big hug.
"My goodness. You have the strength of a bear. Did some norn kid slip some animal spirit ale in your drink?" Kaleb laughed as he spun his youngest sister around. Within seconds, he winced in pain forgetting that the war wound was still quite painful.
But in spite of his injuries, he made absolutely sure to hold onto Katie as he gently brought her down to the ground.
"Awww. Does it still hurt? You don't need to spin me around if it hurts you."
He knelt down to look her in the eyes. "You don't hurt me one bit. I'm just a big, dumb brother who sometimes forgets his own limits sometimes. Isn't that right dad?"
Daniel smiled and waved to his youngest daughter then beckoned for her to come to him.
"C'mon, darlin'. Wanna help me fix up a wagon?"
She nodded then ran off to greet her father. Kaleb headed back inside to get into some better attire.
Several things had changed in the Grimwald household since Kaleb was away. For one, their family was one of the first to have indoor plumbing with hot and cold running water. And secondly, Rachel was taking a serious interest in attending one of the Asuran colleges in Rata Sum.
The warm shower felt so relaxing against his skin. A days' worth of grit and grime all washed away in a matter of minutes plus he never had to leave the house.
Warmth. He missed that sensation when she held his hands those five months ago. Her smile, although not human, was enough to bring a glow to his heart. Those amber eyes... how he longed for a chance to stare into them more deeply.
Kaleb closed his eyes as the steaming water streamed down his face. He could see her feline form lying on the bed, grooming herself. His mind began to wander, imaging other possibilities.
How would it be possible?
He pondered as he could feel his manliness rise to its fullest potential.
How would we be able to...
"Kaaaleeb. How long are you going to be in the bathroom?"
"Ahhh! Wait! Hold on just a minute Katie. I've gotta get dressed."
Jeese! Can't a man be left alone for just five minutes to contemplate carnal thoughts?
Kaleb headed to his familiar haunt, the Jotun's Corpse. If there was anyone in town who had connections to getting in touch with Amalthia, it would be him.
As he walked through the doors and towards his favorite barstool, he was immediately greeted by the mountainous norn who gave him the biggest, but one of the gentlest, bear hugs he had ever experienced.
"Welcome back to the lodge, boy! If I didn't know better, I swear I was looking at another norn."
"It's good to see you too, Ulf. So what makes you say that?"
"My boy. Tales of your ferocious battle have reached all the way to this humble watering hole. Normally I reserve bragging rights for myself, but today is your day."
The old norn grabbed a large copper goblet and spoon then started rapping the base of the drinking vessel with all his might. Everyone immediately took notice as the thunderous echo of his voice resonated throughout the tavern.
"Here ye. Here ye! Good denizens of Claypool. A newly minted town legend has returned and is standing before you today in these very halls. Kaleb Grimwald, a boy whom I knew since he was a wolf pup, has returned from a great battle and I am here to tell everyone of his heroic deeds."
"For it was those many months ago that he, and four of his bravest comrades faced and army of thousands of ravenous centaurs who were bent upon their total destruction. Did they falter?" Ulfgar paused then inclined his ear to the audience.
"NOoo!" The patrons shouted in unison.
"Did they shirk their duties?"
"Were they victorious?"
Kaleb stood there looking like a midget, compared to the norn, and just smiled. He knew that Ulfgar's days of adventure were long behind him and being able to tell a vicarious tale helped the old norn return to his glory days.
After the highly embellished account was finished and the merrymaking festivities had subsided, Kaleb sat down on his ever-familiar stool then soaked up as many lagers as his body could handle. He waited for a break in the revelry before asking the shaman about how to get in touch with a certain someone.
The old norn could sense that Kaleb had a question to ask so he went over and waved for the patrons nearby to leave. With the two of them sitting side-by-side Ulfgar folded his massive arms and smiled.
"What's on your mind, lad? You've got that I've-got-a-favor look on your face."
Kaleb knew that whenever Ulfgar referred to him as 'lad' it was on a much more serious and heartfelt note.
"First, I wanted to thank you for boasting about my heroic tale. And second, the numbers were just a wee bit inflated. It was hundreds of centaurs, not thousands."
"Bah. Just numbers. The people here know of your deeds and that is what they appreciate the most. Anyway, what was it that you really wanted to tell me?"
Kaleb traced the top of his stein with his left index finger before downing a draught. "Our suppliers were a couple of charr. The owner's daughter was the one who saved our lives. I just wanted to get in touch with her."
"Charrs, eh? Give me names, boy. That would be a good start."
"Let's see. The daughter's name is Amalthia. She has no last name since she's a gladium. And her father's name is Ludrick Crushsomethingorother."
"Crushblow! Centurion Ludrick Crushblow of the Fifty-First Blood Legion Brigade. Now that's a name I haven't heard mentioned by anyone in ages."
"So you know him?"
"Know him. Boy, he and I used to hang out all the time back during our great hunts. Every other week back when I lived just outside Hoelbrak, we could get together at the local pub and exchange some amazing tales. He's a good soul, lad. Don't let his fearsome appearance deceive you. He will stand by those who have honorable hearts," Ulfgar smiled as he took another drink.
"He always seemed like a grumpy old charr to me. But then, I never really got a chance to know him on a personal level like I did his daughter."
"Is that so? Well, what I can tell you is that there is more to him then you can possibly imagine. But in time, and if you are patient, you will learn these things."
"I hope to be that patient. By the way, what do you know about his daughter Amalthia?"
"Not much, I'm afraid. She was sent off to a fahrar before I really had a chance to know her. What I do know is that she was exiled from her warband for being unable to save one of her bandmates. It was supposedly due to her small physical size. Her warband leader blamed her for the death of their comrades and cast her out when she was nineteen. She's been living with her sire ever since."
"What about her mother? Amalthia mentioned her several times and in a none-too-good light I might add."
Kaleb downed the rest of his stein.
"Siri Blastfuse. Now that's a dam who has a heart as cold as Jormag itself. My advice - never cross her path."
"That bad, huh? I do know that Amalthia mentioned her mother more than once when listing off the negative things that went on in her life. She must have been a real bitch."
"Aaww. Now don't go insulting wolves that way, boy. My mother was Wolf Clan."
Kaleb looked at him sheepishly. "My apologies. I think the lager is taking effect. But I understand if you are unable to get in touch with her."
"No worries, lad. I'll find a way of keeping you and her in contact with each other."
"Good. If you can, I have a letter here that I've already written to her. If you can find a way, I would really appreciate it if you could forward it to her."
Kaleb handed the old norn a sealed envelope.
Tucking it into his shirt pocket, Ulfgar responded. "Consider it done, lad."
Feeling the effects of the alcohol, Kaleb tried to steady himself as he got up from his stool.
"Oh. One other thing... where is the nearest library?"
For the first time in their many years of knowing each other, Ulfgar was completely dumbstruck by the question. He scratched his beard for a moment with his fingers while pondering the question.
"Only one I know of is at the center of town. Why are you needin' a library for anyway?"
"Um. Learning new cooking recipes for when I get back into the army?"
"I think you've had too many lagers, boy. Go home to your folks and sleep it off. I promise it will all be better in the morning."
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juliebalfourf · 5 years
Monochrome Research.
Monochrome Film Processing and Printing
Task 1 – Folio 2
The effects of light on silver halide crystals
Black and white photography film consists of a transparent celluloid strip punched with sprocket holes and coated in a gelatine emulsion of silver halide crystals. The silver halide is the active ingredient of the film and reacts when exposed to light by converting to metallic silver. This creates the blackest parts of our negative whilst those least exposed remain lighter. The larger the silver halide crystals the faster/more sensitive the film, however this also means that the grains are larger (grainier prints). This reaction causes a “latent image” to form on the film, at this stage it is not visible, and it is only after processing is complete that the images can be seen for the first time.
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The structure of monochrome film.
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The production of a B & W negative.
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Development drum and film reel.
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When we process our film using a developing fluid such as ILFOTEC DDX* we wash away the silver emulsion leaving a reversed or “negative” of our image. * a solution of alkali and hydroquinone mixed with water. This causes the protective gelatine coating to soften and swell and the chemicals produce a black metal oxide.
Developing Fluid    
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Stop Bath.                   
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It is only after all of this process has been completed that you can remove your film from the canister (hopefully) revealing a strip of beautifully developed negatives ready to be dried and printed.
Timing and Solutions
Different speeds of film require different dilutions and exposure times throughout this process, fortunately each film comes with its own “idiot guide” inside the box, a very useful device for those of use who are not yet so familiar with film that it is second nature to us.
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The structure of Monochrome paper material
Paper used within the darkroom is light sensitive, it is coated with an emulsion of silver metal coated with gelatine and should only be removed from its protective packaging in darkroom conditions where only a safelight (red light) is used. This type of light does not emit such strong light waves and allows photographers greater control of the development.
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For those with little experience of darkroom Resin Coated papers are easiest to handle and are more resilient, for more experienced photographers Fibre based papers can be used.
Although it is reportedly more difficult to use, being softer and more delicate when wet, it gives a greater depth to monochrome images and is more durable.  
To create a print the image is transferred from the negative to the paper via an enlarger and both the time and grade of light are electronically controlled. Some experienced photographers can determine the focus with the naked eye but for complete accuracy an eyepiece should be used to check the grain of the print.
Both the exposure and the grade should be recorded and can be referred to for future use.
In a multi enlarger room such as the College darkroom I always try to work on the same machine whenever possible. Ensure the image is positioned in the frame with well-defined margins
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Test strips should be created at each stage, first for the contacts and then for each of the prints that follows. To create a test strip the paper should be exposed incrementally in blocks of 5 seconds, and then a further strip at the proposed exposure, before finally creating a print.
The process for printing is similar to that of film development and uses the same chemicals:
First place in a bath/Tray of developing fluid: two minutes
Then move a stop bath: 30-60 seconds
Followed by fix: 5 minutes
Then wash in running water: minimum 30 minutes
Squeeze dry and place in drying rack until completely dry.
35 mm SLR Analogue Camera
I use an Olympus OM10 with manual adaptor for shooting film. It has a 50 mm lens.
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The manual adaptor can be fitted to the camera and allows user to adjust the shutter speed. It is an additional piece and is attached by a small jack pin.
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The film is easily loaded but it is essential that the lead is threaded through the spindle before winding on.
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iipasteldisaster · 6 years
The way to Repair a Unfastened Doorway Knob or Unfastened Doorway Handle
The following post The way to Repair a Unfastened Doorway Knob or Unfastened Doorway Handle was originally published to: LOCK MASTERS
Doorway knobs and doorway handles undoubtedly are a staple section of household and professional areas. Frequently, you are going to obtain them affixed to inside doorways, and when they may be made use of on exterior doorways they can be made use of at the side of a deadbolt (or a different protected locking system) that may be employed to bolster protection. Considering the fact that doorway knobs and doorway handles are so commonly made use of, several house entrepreneurs have needed to handle an unfastened doorway knob or simply an unfastened doorway tackle in some unspecified time in the future.
Working with unfastened doorway handles and unfastened doorway knob complications, normally, is often an inconvenience, but it is just one in the quite a few tasks residence homeowners must shoulder. Related obligations involve finding out tips on how to resolve a trapped doorway latch. These types of challenges simply cannot be overlooked due to the fact they're going to compound, and many doorway lock complications and damaged doorway locks tend to be a lot more major than you're thinking that.
Now, the main target is largely over the challenges that bring on unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles, and the way to proficiently suitable these challenges. So as to dive into this matter now we have to 1st examine the differing types of doorway knobs and doorway handles which can be most often employed. This can arrive at bear whenever we check out the means during which these doorway knobs and doorway handles is often present.
Types of Doorway Knobs and Doorway Handles
The differing types of doorway knobs and doorway handle in many cases are denoted with the positioning in their screws. The kinds of doorway knobs and doorway handles are definitely the uncovered mounting screw doorway knob/handle as well as concealed mounting screw doorway knob/handle.
Doorway knobs and handles that employ uncovered screws are generally located as areas of the more mature doorway lock. Concerns using this variety of unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway manage are reasonably straightforward to take care of for the reason that you may begin to see the way the many sections operate jointly inside of the doorway system.
Concealed mounting screw doorway knobs and doorway handles are of the great deal extra modern-day style and design they usually could be identified on more recent doorway components. These doorway knobs and doorway handles forego using an uncovered mounting screw and opt to work with a mounting faceplate that obscures the screws which can be keeping the lock firmly set up. It really is due to this model of doorway knob and doorway manage is a little bit additional sophisticated to repair when compared to the a single explained earlier mentioned.
In the standard perception, it truly is pretty uncomplicated to cure unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles. Some residence entrepreneurs should be able to deal with this on their own possess by utilizing some Do it yourself capabilities, but I know that not absolutely everyone is at ease undertaking this, and which is alright. When you know you don't have the talents to deal with this then will not overexert on your own. Undertaking so may well consequence in you detrimental your lock. Alternatively, make contact with an area locksmith that gives household locksmith providers or business locksmith companies. They're going to ready to help you and properly assist you to cope with your unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles.
What brings about an unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway manage?
Given that you do have an essential knowledge in the sort of doorway knobs and doorway handles that happen to be employed, we will start out the descent into anything you really need to know to repair them. In advance of we get there on the closing spot, we now have to be familiar with why several of these challenges crop up during the very first spot. That is suitable due to the fact it is going to support residence homeowners prevent unfastened doorway knob and unfastened doorway take care of complications from the foreseeable future.
It is mindless to unravel the condition with momentary answers. I need to generate confident you might be geared up to deal with unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles need to them at any time occur once again (which they possibly will).
Listed here will be the explanations why unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles take place: The screws which might be employed to attach the parts to the doorway knob and doorway manage are getting to be unfastened after some time. This typically qualified prospects to your doorway mechanics getting to be unfastened and wobbly, which implies it can ordinarily not perform appropriately.
When it relates to more mature doorway knobs and doorway handles, age and servicing engage in a significant position. After a while, you will discover some elements that possibly should be switched out or adequately managed. The key culprits for this issue are classified as the buildup of filth in the lock system, and likewise the buildup of dust.
Another uncomplicated explanation driving unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway locks is a screw within just the doorway system has damaged off. Which means it impairs the graceful operate on the lock.
Tools for Unfastened Doorway Knobs and Unfastened Doorway Handles
The instruments which might be needed to take care of unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles are incredibly effortless to return by, in particular when you need to go the Do it yourself route. Otherwise, then you definitely can skip on the upcoming portion. Almost all of these instruments could be picked up for reasonable at your neighborhood Household Depot.
Given that unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles include countless screws, a normal screwdriver can be a must-have software. Take into account which the variety of screwdriver you utilize is going to be based on the design and style of screws which might be employed within your unfastened doorway knob and unfastened doorway cope with.
How To repair an Unfastened Doorway knob or Unfastened Doorway Handle
Now, let us get all the way down to the nitty-gritty, actually enjoyment things. As I discussed before on, unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles are usually not essentially quite tough to take care of, however, you really have to guarantee that you resolve them inside of a well-timed fashion, which you recognize whatever you are accomplishing. Unfastened doorway locks and unfastened doorway knobs can go away a spot as part of your protection should they are remaining unattended. So here’s that which you really have to do:
Tighten Inside Screws Unfastened Doorway knob or Unfastened Doorway Handle
So as to tighten the screws within an unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway tackle, you may need to operate on eliminating your unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway cope with from your doorway that it's at the moment on. Nonetheless, prior to deciding to start to try this, you must make time to sufficiently ascertain which kind of doorway knob you might have set up. For a brief recap, the 2 styles of doorway knobs and doorway handles tend to be the uncovered mounting screw doorway knob/handle as well as the concealed mounting screw doorway knob/handle.
To eliminate a unfastened doorway cope with that makes use of an uncovered mounting screw, you require to discover the established screw that is certainly keeping the doorway take care of securely set up. As you have found the established screw you may be capable of unscrewing it and take away the take care of that offers you entry to your interior mechanics of your lock as well as the remainder of the screws keeping it set up. These types of doorway knobs and doorway handles have a faceplate that should be eradicated too. When you have correctly taken from the unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway take care of, you'll be able to focus on tightening any screws which might be unfastened in just the doorway knob or doorway cope with.
For doorway knobs and doorway handles that make the most of concealed mounting screws, items are often a little bit tough. Challenging does not automatically indicate far more challenging. Primarily, you will want to copy the procedure talked over earlier mentioned, but concealed mounted screw doorway knobs do not need any established screws set up. Alternatively, they make full use of a doorway knob detents. Doorway knob detents are applied to lock a doorway knob or doorway manage its corresponding spindle devoid of the existence of any seen screws.
The doorway knob detents are spring-loaded mechanisms which have to generally be frustrated for that faceplate to generally be taken out correctly. When the faceplate is eradicated, you may attain obtain to your interior screws. As soon as you attain entry for the interior screws, the procedure turns into less of a challenge to deal with. When there is an ornamental trim or faceplate set up, it's got to get taken off so you're able to focus on tightening the screws.
Tightening the Setscrew with the Unfastened Doorway Knob or Doorway Handle
The answer to this issue is pretty very simple. Its simplicity stems from the undeniable fact that it is actually effortless to discover the challenge, and it truly is a difficulty that only influences just one style of doorway knob. Considering that the established screw is utilized to attach the doorway knob or doorway manage to its adjoining spindle, it only has an effect on uncovered mounting screw doorway knobs and doorway handles.
Should you convert your doorway knob and it does not shift the latch, it can be typically an indication which the lead to of your respective unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway tackle is usually an established screw that's not effectively set up.
To rectify this issue, you merely must test and locate the established screw. Some doorway knobs and doorway handles provide the established screw on their own inside that makes them straightforward to search out. On the other hand, for many others, you could have to unscrew the uncovered screws as a way to achieve entry into the established screw.
Repair or Switch Any Ruined Parts
In certain situations, the problems using your unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway take care of could prolong over and above some misplaced or unfastened screws. When this takes place, it can be typically the situation that some significant factors in just the lock are worn out or destroyed.
These complications could stem from the damaged spindle or maybe a doorway knob trim that may be rusted or held up by particles and dust. The variety of troubles that would go away you using an unfastened doorway knob or unfastened doorway manage can only be assessed when you just take your doorway cope with aside to gauge the extent with the difficulty.
The vast majority of the opposite procedures that were talked about experienced rather quick answers that don't have to have the acquisition and set up of recent elements. Should you be not comfortable carrying this out, usually do not be reluctant to speak to a knowledgeable locksmith who delivers ruined lock repair service expert services, or who will make it easier to improve the locks and doorway knobs you now have mounted. In certain conditions, you may not really need to invest in a complete new doorway knob established, due to the fact you merely really have to receive a handful of smaller pieces.
Final Thoughts
Unfastened doorway knobs and unfastened doorway handles are reasonably prevalent complications, nonetheless, they might be simply remedied. The trick is always to be sure that you tackle the difficulty early ahead of it escalates into anything substantially even worse. As I identified, will not be reluctant to speak to a locksmith to help you using this type of trouble, primarily if you don't feel you could deal with it oneself.
Source: http://www.locksmithfriscotx.biz/the-way-to-repair-a-unfastened-doorway-knob-or-unfastened-doorway-handle/
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heartslogos · 6 years
newfragile yellows [262]
Sylaise’ knitting needles even sound furious as she rants, somewhat unhelpfully, while - much more helpfully - knitting Solas’ new daughter a blanket for the rapidly approaching winter, which, according to Dirthamen, is going to be a very, very harsh one.
Ghilan’nain, much more immediate in her helpfulness, is preparing dinner for the three of them as Solas attempts to burp his new daughter, who was named by group vote as Ellana.
Solas was going to call her Ellana anyway, he’s not certain why everyone felt it necessary to democratize the act. No one ever did that for any of Mythal’s children.
He’s certain that he’s never had this much trouble attempting to burp a baby before. Ellana makes displeased nnnnnnng noise against his shoulder as he walks her around the first floor of his house.
“Well, you certainly aren’t going to ban her from my house. And I’m not removing every spindle from my house in order to keep her in a bubble. Do you know how important spindles are? To - not just my magic, mind - to living? And this girl is going to need to know how to spin thread. This is a survival skill. No niece or nephew or whatever of mine is going to go into this world completely unaware of how to spin thread because her other aunt cursed her for half-baked reasons that most likely have to do with dramatic effect.”
Sylaise says the words dramatic effect like Solas says the words elder brother. Distastefully, at the tip of his teeth like that would make the words any less vile or repulsive, and with a great deal of disbelieving vehemence that such a thing could exist.
And yet Elgar’nan still breathes and remains stubbornly older than him, so. There’s that.
“The spindle part won’t kick in until she’s eighteen, you have time. Once she turns eighteen we’ll just…keep them out of the way and never let Mythal near her again. Because Mythal would definitely kickstart her own curse by taking a spindle and poking Ellana would it,” Ghilan’nain says as she checks in on the pot hanging in Solas’ fireplace and then goes back to chopping vegetables at his table. “I’m sure if the seven of us got together and focused very hard we could break Mythal’s curse.”
“You assume Elgar’nan would help,” Solas says.
“Elgar’nan would help,” both of his sisters chide, giving him disappointed looks as he passes. “He did attempt to stop Mythal in the first place. And he even showed up to give Ellana a gift of his own! And it was quite a nice gift.”
It was the power to command armies, what in the name of the Fade is an infant child going to need the power to command armies for?
Solas keeps these comments to himself and focuses on trying to settle the fussy baby in his arms. He’s never wanted a baby to burp over his back so badly before.
“I’m thinking more about the endgame of the prophecy. What kind of man is marble?” Ghilan’nain asks.
“Jun was copper,” Sylaise points out, “Elgar’nan was fire, and Mythal was sea-foam.”
“That’s different and it’s also bullshit,” Ghilan’nain says. “We need to think about who this man is and how we can get him here so he’s around when this happens so we don’t have to wait very long.”
“You want us to find a man made of marble sometime before the next eighteen years is up,” Sylaise repeats, “I’m sorry, littlest sister, are you insane?”
“Andruil and I will handle it.”
Sylaise valiantly holds back some sort of comment, Solas can taste it.
Ellana, finally, burps and Solas lets out a sigh of relief he did not know he had been holding as he gently passes her off to Sylaise and goes to help Ghilan’nain with dinner.
It was very nice of them to burst into his house and commandeer it in the name of helping him with his new cursed daughter. He appreciates it. Really. He’ll send a thank you note. Eventually.
Ellana dreams.
As she dreams, she walks around the ruins of the castle of her grandparents who she never met, in all of its half-restored glory and she watches the face of her father as he sleeps in the chair next to her bed and holds her hand and hopes.
Ellana dreams and she remembers every single word that she’s wrung out of each of her aunts and uncles and her own father about this event.
They had all known it was going to happen.
Ellana knows every detail of what must happen in order for her to wake up next.
She must find the man of marble. The marble man. The wording changes, and Ellana is not sure what it is supposed to mean. Is he a man of literal marble? Is this a metaphor? Some sort of poetic language?
Is it his demeanor that is marble? His skin? His body? His voice? What part of him is marble?
Ellana dreams and there is power in dreams because you do not need to follow logic in dreams.
So Ellana thinks, I want to find a person.
Ellana finds several people.
Ellana finds her brother, outside of the castle. Her brother, who is equally as cursed as her - though he has already lived through his portion of his curse, and through it has come to give her his own guidance, and she feels very sad that they had to lose each other again like this. She sees her once-cursed always-burdened brother sitting next to her favorite dog and she wishes that they would come inside.
Her father suffers with his hope very quietly and it would be nice for him to have a break from her unresponsive silence.
Ellana finds her Aunt Mythal, calmly drying herbs as she goes about her business, confident in her prophecies and actions.
She finds her aunts Ghilan’nain and Andruil, still tirelessly working in their efforts to find a man made of marble, a marble of a man, etc. etc.
She finds her Uncle Jun, fed up with the idea of finding something, and creating a man of marble for her. Ellana feels warm with this. But she does not think that this is where fate leads her.
She finds her Aunt Sylaise bitterly complaining to her uncles Dirthamen and Falon’din who scowl into their tea as they plot and think and try to out-clever their eldest sister.
And for a moment, she thinks, her Uncles see her too.
She sees her Uncle Elgar’nan, standing by himself at the top of a cliff, staring into the sunset. And he whispers, eyes narrowed, “You must cross the sea twice.”
Ellana listens.
Ellana dreams herself over the sea. Time passes differently for a dreamer. She lopes across the ocean in strange strides that leave her drifting and bouncing in the air for long stretches of time where the sun rises and sets dozens of times between the smallest movements of her fingers, and when the stars remain in place for her as she bounces over storms and waves.
The first time she crosses the sea, Ellana finds a boy and a girl who are bickering with a familiarity that makes her ache of her own brother. She sits with them, for a time - out of time -, and she gathers that they are nobles of some sort and the boy wants to be a knight and the girl is very sensible in that she wants a house of her own and none of that foolish adventuring business.
Ellana, unsure of what she is meant to find here, goes to cross the sea one more time.
She crosses again, further to the North.
And on a small island in water that is sometimes pale blue enough to see the white sand - pale enough to turn violet with bloodshed - and sometimes black enough to swallow ships, she finds a man.
He is much older than her, and he is definitely a man in the sense that he is older, wiser, and probably more aware of the world than she is. She would not call her brother a man. She would call this person one.
Though…Ellana is not sure if that this is the man made of marble. He looks big. He looks very powerful. And indeed, as she watches him swing a sword almost as tall as he is, and half as wide - which is very wide, the sword itself is larger than her own body -, he could be, metaphorically and poetically speaking, be said to have been carved from marble.
(He looks nothing like the man that her Uncle is carefully creating for her, she double checks this very quickly because in dreams you can be many places multiple times at once and it still makes sense.)
He does not feel like a man made of marble or a marble man or whatever combination of words any of her aunts and uncles felt like using at the time of the retelling.
But. Uncle Elgar’nan had told her to cross the ocean twice. And he is who she found when she crossed it the second time.
On the other hand -
This is a man fighting a war many oceans and leagues and lands away. What reason would he have to come and find her? What reason would he have to leave his war to wake her up?
Ellana watches this man for a very long time. She watches him suffer. She watches him laugh. She watches him think. She watches him heal. She watches him stare out into the horizon, the line of his mouth unmoving and flat and empty. She watches the wheels turn in his mind to some conclusion she isn’t sure on.
Ellana watches him for a very long time. She will come back to this man, eventually. If anything, because she is interested in why the First Child of the Sun would think to tell her to come here. Why did the Uncle Elgar’nan see him?
But she has her own life to lead, her own battles to wage, and her own things to ponder.
Ellana leaves the man, who’s name she has not learned - they call him Hissrad, sometimes. Not all the time. Sometimes it is just numbers. And Ellana can learn numbers, but she does not like the concept of calling anyone a number. Nor does she like to think of him as Hissrad - because spending this much time here in what she has learned is Seheron has taught her some of the many languages being thrown around like knives, and she does not like what Hissrad is supposed to mean.
She does not think that this man likes it, either.
Ellana leaves this man and goes back to the first boy and girl she found.
If the marble man, man of marble, marble of man, whatever will not come to Ellana, she will go to him. And she cannot do that asleep.
What can she do in sleep?
She can dream.
Ellana dreams herself standing over Maxwell Trevelyan’s sleeping body and she touches his dream with hers.
“So. You want to be a knight?”
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inyri · 7 years
Befores and Afters (a Mass Effect story)- for Kaidan Week 2017
(OK, so I’m really cheating on this one with 0 writing time so far this week- I wrote this at Christmas 2012 for a gift exchange. Sorry.
Mass Effect 3. FemShep/Kaidan.)
Befores and Afters (Some things change. Some things don’t.) I. Mako Her drone just barely fits under the Mako. She wouldn’t need it, normally, but her hands are full with the torque wrench, she’s got a bolt between her teeth and her headlamp keeps threatening to fall off. The light from the drone offsets the shadows from the maintenance trench just enough, and when she mutters around the bolt it chirps cheerfully in response, its tinny voice reading off the next set of pre-programmed instructions. USING A MALLET BREAK THE CONTROL ARM FREE OF THE SPINDLE Mallet. Shepard rests the wrench on her stomach, feeling around her for the appropriate tool without result. Which is still on the workbench. Damn it. She bends her knee to kick the edge of the hoverboard with one booted heel, sending it scooting out from beneath the Mako- and squarely into Kaidan’s ankles, knocking him back a step before its momentum dies. “I thought I heard you muttering under there.” He crouches down beside her. “Isn’t it supposed to be impossible to break a Mako?” “Whmph-” She spits the bolt at him; it clinks off his belt buckle and lands on the floor beside his foot. “Whoever said that wasn’t trying hard enough. I think we cracked an axle on that last slide down the mountain.” Kaidan picks up the bolt, twirls it between his fingers. “That would explain the loud noise and the wheel wobble. I knew that terrain was impassable.” “We passed it just fine.”
“Until you broke the Mako.” He sets the bolt on her stomach, next to the wrench. “At least the system’s clear of geth. Maybe they’ll even give us a real mission soon, instead of mopping up stragglers in the Terminus.”
“Yeah, well. The medals were pretty shiny.” Her scar twitches, pulls her right eye closed into the semblance of a wink. Kaidan snorts. “And that and a dead Reaper’ll buy you a cup of coffee. Did you need something?” She gestures awkwardly toward the workbench. “I forgot the mallet- I haven’t fixed an axle since Basic. Wires and lasers are more my thing, y’know? But the mechanic’s on shore leave until tomorrow morning, so-” her drone peeks out from the repair bay, chiming impatiently, “-I figured I’d take a stab at it.” “A stab?” “Metaphorical stab. With hammering.” Lifting and setting the wrench beside her on the hoverboard, Shepard powers down the gravity control and starts to sits up even as he pushes her back down, one hand on her chest. “Hey, now- watch those hands, Alenko.” He grins and waves her off. “I’ll get it for you. Mallet, right?” “Yup. Should be on the… right. I think.” “So it is.” He rises and his footsteps move away for a moment, then pause. “On one condition.” Something scrapes along the bench surface; his footsteps come back, closer, and she turns her head to look at him as Kaidan waves the mallet in front of her, crouched down to whisper in her ear. She rolls her eyes at him. “On what condition?” “Promise you won’t steal the blankets again.” His voice is barely audible, even so close. (They were always careful, in those days- regulations and all- but caution turned every moment into an opportunity, like how the elevator just happened to get stuck for about a minute whenever they were in it together.) “You have seriously cold feet, Shepard.” “I promise.” Kaidan nods solemnly, reverses his grip and hands it to her, handle-first. “Have fun.” “Will do.” She kicks the hoverboard back into gear and slides back under the Mako as her drone reactivates with a happy-sounding hum. USING A MALLET BREAK THE CONTROL ARM FREE OF THE SPINDLE “Yeah, yeah.” After a moment, the drone’s synthetic voice is lost beneath a flurry of hammer blows. *** Shepard didn’t expect to find much left on Alchera, honestly. Her ship- Joker’s baby, but in her heart it was hers- sits in a dozen pieces on the surface, scattered armor pieces and dog tags like deformed metal flowers on red dirt but then she comes down a hill and there’s the Mako, resting on a rocky outcropping like she just drove up and left it there yesterday. Never mind that it’s been two years. Never mind that it must have fallen out of the sky, landed there when the Normandy broke up during re-entry (though she was mostly broken up already, long before she hit the atmosphere). Never mind that the rear axle she replaced so carefully is still intact when she peers beneath the vehicle, complete with the scratch on the right-hand side where the torque wrench slipped out of her hand. Maybe it really is impossible to break a Mako. She scales the rocks and kicks at the door until it opens, reaches inside and pulls the dangling fuzzy dice off the viewport; they fit neatly into an empty ammo pouch, and when she returns to the SR-2 she drapes them over the corner of the frame that holds his picture. ***
II. Armor “But now we’ve got reports about you and Cerberus.” She denies it, of course. She’s working with Cerberus, not for Cerberus, the change in preposition making all the difference in the world, but the words seem interchangeable to everyone but her. The armor doesn’t help. The style’s the same that she always favored, with plenty of pouches and pockets for spare wires and ammo and odds and ends. Her shotgun sits comfortably at the small of her back; her sniper rifle, an upgraded version of the gun she’s used since her trips to the firing range with Mom, rests along her spine in its scabbard. She looks the same- except for the orange blazon on her shoulder like a traitor’s brand. In the end, Kaidan walks away, and Shepard doesn’t fault him for it. When she gets back to the ship she dismantles one of the pop-up turrets and uses the laser to blast the painted logos off her armor. She’s finished with the body armor and halfway done with the helmet by the time Miranda stalks into the armory. “Shepard, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Her speech’s particularly clipped today, the consonants sharpened to knifepoints. “Making some adjustments to my gear.” Shepard finishes with the laser and makes a few passes with a buffing pad before picking up enamel and paintbrush. “Orange isn’t my color.” Miranda scowls, picking up her breastplate in one hand and one spaulder in the other. “This is Cerberus property, not some off-the-rack Alliance garbage. It’s not yours to deface.” She finishes the white stripe down the armguard, looks up and snorts. “Oh, really?” “We’ve discussed this, Shepard. You’ve already made non-standard adjustments to your weapons, the drones-” “-and half the crew are aliens and it pisses you off, Miranda. I get it.” The stripe’s still too damp to tape over; she’ll have to do the red later. “But I’m pretty sure we’ve established this is a non-standard mission.” Arms folded across her chest, Miranda stands in the doorway. “Field research suggests that this armor pattern is optimal across nearly every combat condition. You may lose the element of surprise.” She pushes a few buttons on her omni-tool and her drone flickers to life, hovering just at eye level in front of the other woman’s face. “If people see me coming, lady, it’ll be because I want them to.” Shepard smiles over the static buzz of the drone’s energy field. “So if I want to paint my armor bright fucking pink with lime green polka dots, I will.” Miranda narrows her eyes. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some work to do.” She turns her back to the door and doesn’t look up until she hears it close. *** She always liked the way Kaidan looked in blue- the color did something remarkable against his hair- but she has to admit his new armor is pretty spectacular. Maybe it’s the pockets. You can never have enough pockets. The first time she fights beside him when he wears it, they end up pinned between two buildings with a turret on their rear and an Atlas shooting rockets up their noses. Shepard hates Atlases- can’t get close enough to shotgun them, sniping takes forever, so she’s stuck plinking away at the damn thing from behind a crate between carefully timed Overloads. “Low on ammo here,” she shouts across to him, sending her drone behind them toward the turret. He throws a clip across; she reloads the rifle and aims across the crate, finally getting a clear line of sight to the mech’s pilot through the shattered bubble. Her shot catches the Cerberus soldier just between the eyes, and as he slumps out of the cockpit the mech powers down. Behind them, the turret explodes in a shower of sparks. “Clear?” Kaidan checks their tail. She crawls out of cover, looks right and left around the empty Atlas. “Clear.” The turret’s dead, a few parts still useable- she tucks those into her belt pouch- but its thermal clips don’t work with rifles. Shepard looks back to Kaidan with a shrug. “This rifle’s an ammo hog. Can you spare any more?” “Eh, I’ve got plenty.” He opens one of the front pockets. “The ammo pouches on this thing have ammo pouches. I feel like a munitions factory.” Shepard resolves at that moment to get a suit of it for herself. It would figure, of course, that the Ajax was a Cerberus design, stripped in bits and pieces off a couple dead engineers after a raid and retrofitted to Alliance spec. (Of course it was for engineers- practical, elegant design with plenty of gear space, easily adapted to different loadouts, better-than-standard performance enhancement. Only an engineer could create such a thing.) She can’t help but tease Kaidan about it, if only a little. “So I guess not everything Cerberus worked on is so bad, hm?” She brushes off the engraving on the chestpiece- SHEPARD, in big block letters, unmistakeable as anyone’s but hers. “I guess not,” Kaidan says, inspecting his own suit with its matching engraving; he looks her up and down, and grins. “I can think of a few good things they’ve done.” “This armor is pretty great.” She doesn’t notice he’s still looking until she turns around. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, it is.”
III. Rest It’s a travel day, which means mission planning. There aren’t many travel days, now, with the Reapers in almost every system, but this outpost’s at the furthest edge of the cluster and they decide to play it safe. If the Reapers follow them, there won’t be enough time for a full evacuation before they lose the whole thing- or the planet it’s on. Like Bekenstein. Shepard closes her eyes and flops back onto the bed. “I need a nap.” “You need a vacation.” Kaidan snatches the datapad from beneath her just before she rolls over onto her stomach. “A long vacation.” “Hmph.” She turns her head to the side, keeps her eyes closed. “Didn’t they tell you in Spectre training? We don’t get vacations. We just keep working until our bodies give out, then get replaced with new models. Like machines.” His hands slide under the white cotton of her shirt, fingers working at the knots that run like parallel ropes along her spine. “You’re not a machine, Shepard. You get to be tired once in a while.” He digs into a particularly stubborn spot; she winces, then relaxes. “Besides, we’ve done as much planning as we can.” “I keep telling myself that, but it’s never enough.” She rests her head on her folded arms. Kaidan lets it go for a while, brushing her hair away to get at her neck, pulling up the elastic cuffs at her ankles to work along the backs of her legs. “It has to be.” “What if it isn’t?” He stops, then, and when she turns to look at him he lifts her hand in his, presses his lips against the tattoo on her little finger. “It will be. Get some sleep, okay? EDI can let you know when we’re getting close.” “I don’t want to sleep.” “I thought you said-“ Shepard sighs. “I did. I lied. I want to forget, I guess- when I sleep, I remember.” She rolls onto her back again, looking up at the passing stars through the skylight. “Can I help you forget, then?” Kaidan, still sitting cross-legged on the bed, looks down at her. “Not if it involves tequila like last time. I was hung over all day.” Her nose wrinkles at the memory. (She’s had to stay away from it ever since; she’d always thought he was a whiskey drinker, anyway.) He chuckles, and bends down to kiss her stomach, just at the gap where the hem of her shirt pulls away from her waistband. “I can probably think of other ways.” “Mm?” She smiles. “Mm.” He gets the drawstring between his teeth and pulls.
*** Communication lines were spotty after the war ended, and it took some time to repair enough of the damage to get the Normandy airborne again. He knew she wasn’t gone, though. The others called it wishful thinking, made a plaque with her name to put up on the memorial wall, but he wouldn’t do it. Not yet. When he gets the message he’s already back on Earth, helping clean up the wreckage that used to be Vancouver, but half an hour later he’s on the first transport to London. “They found her.” Liara meets him outside the hospital- she’d been the first to know, as she was so often. Her voice cracks. “She’s in rough shape, but she’s alive. I’ve spoken with Miranda, and she’s coming to help, but-“ “That bad?” He swallows. He’d seen the records. “No, no. Alive. Awake, now. Shepard’s a hard woman to kill.” “Let me see her.” She’s terribly pale and wrapped nearly head to toe in bandages and clean white sheets, but when he comes through the door she smiles. “Hey, you.” “Hey.” There aren’t words for this, for the moments between ‘I thought you were dead’ and ‘don’t ever do that again’ and ‘I love you,’ so he settles for the first thing that comes out. “You did it.” She laughs like it hurts her, but she nudges his hand where it rests on the bedrail. “Just doing my job.”
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itbeatsbookmarks · 4 years
(Via: Lobsters)
Configuring a connection pool is something that developers often get wrong. There are several, possibly counter-intuitive for some, principles that need to be understood when configuring the pool.
10,000 Simultaneous Front-End Users
Imagine that you have a website that while maybe not Facebook-scale still often has 10,000 users making database requests simultaneously -- accounting for some 20,000 transactions per second. How big should your connection pool be? You might be surprised that the question is not how big but rather how small!
Watch this short video from the Oracle Real-World Performance group for an eye-opening demonstration (~10 min.):
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{Spoiler Alert} if you didn't watch the video. Oh come on! Watch it then come back here.
You can see from the video that reducing the connection pool size alone, in the absence of any other change, decreased the response times of the application from ~100ms to ~2ms -- over 50x improvement.
But why?
We seem to have understood in other parts of computing recently that less is more. Why is it that with only 4-threads an nginx web-server can substantially out-perform an Apache web-server with 100 processes? Isn't it obvious if you think back to Computer Science 101?
Even a computer with one CPU core can "simultaneously" support dozens or hundreds of threads. But we all [should] know that this is merely a trick by the operating system though the magic of time-slicing. In reality, that single core can only execute one thread at a time; then the OS switches contexts and that core executes code for another thread, and so on. It is a basic Law of Computing that given a single CPU resource, executing A and B sequentially will always be faster than executing A and B "simultaneously" through time-slicing. Once the number of threads exceeds the number of CPU cores, you're going slower by adding more threads, not faster.
That is almost true...
Limited Resources
It is not quite as simple as stated above, but it's close. There are a few other factors at play. When we look at what the major bottlenecks for a database are, they can be summarized as three basic categories: CPU, Disk, Network. We could add Memory in there, but compared to Disk and Network there are several orders of magnitude difference in bandwidth.
If we ignored Disk and Network it would be simple. On a server with 8 computing cores, setting the number of connections to 8 would provide optimal performance, and anything beyond this would start slowing down due to the overhead of context switching. But we cannot ignore Disk and Network. Databases typically store data on a Disk, which traditionally is comprised of spinning plates of metal with read/write heads mounted on a stepper-motor driven arm. The read/write heads can only be in one place at a time (reading/writing data for a single query) and must "seek" to a new location to read/write data for a different query. So there is a seek-time cost, and also a rotational cost whereby the disk has to wait for the data to "come around again" on the platter to be read/written. Caching of course helps here, but the principle still applies.
During this time ("I/O wait"), the connection/query/thread is simply "blocked" waiting for the disk. And it is during this time that the OS could put that CPU resource to better use by executing some more code for another thread. So, because threads become blocked on I/O, we can actually get more work done by having a number of connections/threads that is greater than the number of physical computing cores.
How many more? We shall see. The question of how many more also depends on the disk subsystem, because newer SSD drives do not have a "seek time" cost or rotational factors to deal with. Don't be tricked into thinking, "SSDs are faster and therefore I can have more threads". That is exactly 180 degrees backwards. Faster, no seeks, no rotational delays means less blocking and therefore fewer threads [closer to core count] will perform better than more threads. More threads only perform better when blocking creates opportunities for executing.
Network is similar to disk. Writing data out over the wire, through the ethernet interface, can also introduce blocking when the send/receive buffers fill up and stall. A 10-Gig interface is going to stall less than Gigabit ethernet, which will stall less than a 100-megabit. But network is a 3rd place runner in terms of resource blocking and some people often omit it from their calculations.
Here's another chart to break up the wall of text.
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You can see in the above PostgreSQL benchmark that TPS rates start to flatten out at around 50 connections. And in Oracle's video above they showed dropping the connections from 2048 down to just 96. We would say that even 96 is probably too high, unless you're looking at a 16 or 32-core box.
The Formula
The formula below is provided by the PostgreSQL project as a starting point, but we believe it will be largely applicable across databases. You should test your application, i.e. simulate expected load, and try different pool settings around this starting point:
connections = ((core_count * 2) + effective_spindle_count)
A formula which has held up pretty well across a lot of benchmarks for years is that for optimal throughput the number of active connections should be somewhere near ((core_count * 2) + effective_spindle_count). Core count should not include HT threads, even if hyperthreading is enabled. Effective spindle count is zero if the active data set is fully cached, and approaches the actual number of spindles as the cache hit rate falls. ... There hasn't been any analysis so far regarding how well the formula works with SSDs.
Guess what that means? Your little 4-Core i7 server with one hard disk should be running a connection pool of: 9 = ((4 * 2) + 1). Call it 10 as a nice round number. Seem low? Give it a try, we'd wager that you could easily handle 3000 front-end users running simple queries at 6000 TPS on such a setup. If you run load tests, you will probably see TPS rates starting to fall, and front-end response times starting to climb, as you push the connection pool much past 10 (on that given hardware).
Axiom: You want a small pool, saturated with threads waiting for connections.
If you have 10,000 front-end users, having a connection pool of 10,000 would be shear insanity. 1000 still horrible. Even 100 connections, overkill. You want a small pool of a few dozen connections at most, and you want the rest of the application threads blocked on the pool awaiting connections. If the pool is properly tuned it is set right at the limit of the number of queries the database is capable of processing simultaneously -- which is rarely much more than (CPU cores * 2) as noted above.
We never cease to amaze at the in-house web applications we've encountered, with a few dozen front-end users performing periodic activity, and a connection pool of 100 connections. Don't over-provision your database.
The prospect of "pool-locking" has been raised with respect to single actors that acquire many connections. This is largely an application-level issue. Yes, increasing the pool size can alleviate lockups in these scenarios, but we would urge you to examine first what can be done at the application level before enlarging the pool.
The calculation of pool size in order to avoid deadlock is a fairly simple resource allocation formula:
   pool size = Tn x (Cm - 1) + 1
Where Tn is the maximum number of threads, and Cm is the maximum number of simultaneous connections held by a single thread.
For example, imagine three threads (Tn=3), each of which requires four connections to perform some task (Cm=4). The pool size required to ensure that deadlock is never possible is:
   pool size = 3 x (4 - 1) + 1 = 10
Another example, you have a maximum of eight threads (Tn=8), each of which requires three connections to perform some task (Cm=3). The pool size required to ensure that deadlock is never possible is:
   pool size = 8 x (3 - 1) + 1 = 17
👉 This is not necessarily the optimal pool size, but the minimum required to avoid deadlock.
👉 In some environments, using a JTA (Java Transaction Manager) can dramatically reduce the number of connections required by returning the same Connection from getConnection() to a thread that is already holding a Connection in the current transaction.
Caveat Lector
Pool sizing is ultimately very specific to deployments.
For example, systems with a mix of long running transactions and very short transactions are generally the most difficult to tune with any connection pool. In those cases, creating two pool instances can work well (eg. one for long-running jobs, another for "realtime" queries).
In systems with primarily long running transactions, there is often an "outside" constraint on the number of connections needed -- such as a job execution queue that only allows a certain number of jobs to run at once. In these cases, the job queue size should be "right-sized" to match the pool (rather than the other way around).
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joincamping · 5 years
Virtuous Woman
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If my Creator allowed me to be someone's spouse someday, do I need to be a virtuous woman for him? Will my ordained husband expect to have a virtuous woman to be by his side?
What exactly a virtuous woman is, had been listed down in the book of Proverbs chapter 30. Let me reflect all of these points to myself. What I could do in regards to (try) in fulfilling this kind of criterion in the future.
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
Well, at this point, maybe I need to ask people surround me whether they see me as precious as rubies or not, hehe. But, indeed, to find (even) friend who has noble character isn't easy as find fake friends. HAHAHA, that's too many fake persons around us these days! LOL ...
"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
Hmm.. how to make my ordained husband has full confidence in me? If he expect me to take cares all house chores and our children, yea, I'm confidence with that. Since I love surrounding by kids and also teens, I also love to get a chance for teaching them. That's natural of mine as a teacher, haha. I also love to do ALL house chores, BUT in one term and condition, if the only job I had is as a full-time house maker.
I always appreciated highly for woman who still able to manage her house chores after almost whole her days spent as an office lady. I don't think I would be capable for that. Maybe if in the situation I haven't had any children yet, I would still able to handle simply house chores after office hours. But,if I had kids already, I think I couldn't manage my energy and emotions to handle both office works loads, all house chores and...give enough attentions to the kids who are still growing with their own personal issues and problems effectively!
Well, I think for this part, I need further communication with my ordained husband. So, I could (still) able to give him confidence and bring him goodness in whatever situation we would had later.
"She selects wool and flaxand works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
I really like this part! Yes, I like work and making money very much. Sometime, if I'd merged too deeply with something that I'm too passionate about, I couldn't feel time flies anymore. I'm always put myself into work field that I passionate to do. But, I've been wondering when I would become someone's wife later, of course, I need to share my focus to another things too, such as house chores, children,and also my husband's needs! I don't want to be a wife who hasn't produce anything good to my own family.
I'm always think that even my ordained husband has good income from his job, I still need to make money by my own for add more 'good thing' in our family. Why? Because I want to teach my children of how to enjoy living our life passion and become a such of blessing for needy people too. Since teaching is my life passion, I always think for making money from home (according to my own life passion) after I had my own children later. So, while make my own bussiness, I could teach my children and see their growth process day by day in the same time.
Hmm... That's maybe a little bit too much ideal picture for some people. I realized fully that financial situation somehow would oppress both husband and wife for keep sustaining their office jobs. Even after they had children. If I would be in this situation, I would pushing my self in order to set priority between my career OR maintain my child's growth and their education in more effective. Even, it mean that I would might not be able to possess maximal results in both of them. Maybe only one of them. If I must choose, I prefer to put maximum efforts in educating my own children, rather than sustaining my career... maybe.
Well.. well... once again. This thing needs to communicate further with my ordained spouse later. This would be not as simple as its seen, right?
"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
I think, this last part has conclude everything. The most important thing in order to set this kind of 'virtuous' woman require ORDAINED MAN to build further communication about the future. It's not only my future or his future,but... OUR FUTURE. As a woman, of course, I really hope to help my man would get respected and accomplish his highest divine life purpose. But, hey my [unknown yet] ordained man, could you be a man who also prepare yourself (your character, your life-calling) to be a partner with virtuous woman as well in the future? Have you working on that now?
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Selection and maintenance of the draft lower roller of the cotton ring spinning frame
The mechanical wave above 5mm appears and controlled within 5mm. The causes and elimination methods of roller mechanical wave are analyzed. The technical characteristics, application effects and cleaning methods of roller under three series of drafting of warp and weft ring spinning frame are introduced in detail.NSK 308d40df2 Bearing It is pointed out that the drafting lower roller of ring spinning frame plays an important role in the performance of the whole machine
① The roller mechanical wave is related to its installation, adjustment, cleaning, improper bearing pressing and matching, as well as its own material, surface quality, tooth profile error, etc;
② The future development direction is to manufacture and select roller with different requirements according to different spinning processes;
③ The quality of Lola products ultimately depends on the design, process technology, equipment and quality system level of manufacturing enterprises.
Key words: ring spinning frame; draft lower roller; mechanical wave; installation; cleaning; roughness; quality
In recent years, with the continuous improvement of roller design and manufacturing level, the quality and performance of the roller have been greatly improved. In the process of spinning, the mechanical wave of roller spinning can be roughly divided into three categories: harmful mechanical wave 8mm higher than the fundamental wave, harmless mechanical wave 5mm ~ 7mm higher than the fundamental wave and slight mechanical wave 5mm higher than the fundamental wave. With the improvement of spinning quality requirements of textile enterprises, the use performance requirements of roller products are higher and higher. In the spinning process, it is not allowed to produce roller spinning mechanical waves more than 5mm higher than the fundamental wave, and the slight mechanical waves less than 5mm are also required to be controlled within a certain range. Therefore, Lola manufacturing enterprises must continue to develop and manufacture high-precision products to meet the rapid development of market demand.
The cause of roller mechanical wave and its elimination 1. The cause of roller mechanical wave 2 elimination method (1) The core of roller manufacturing is how to improve the contact between teeth and yarn. At present, the tooth profile of the roller working face in most domestic manufacturers is processed by rolling machine, while the warp and weft roller is formed by the imported rolling machine, and the rolling plate of the rolling machine is also processed by the imported special high-precision machine tool, and the professional personnel optimizes the tooth profile for many times to process the roller tooth profile with the best tooth profile and processing parameters. The top width of roller teeth made by this method has excellent consistency, and there will be no tooth inhomogeneity in the rolling process of wire rolling machine. This processing method ensures that the best roller tooth surface contacts with the yarn and greatly reduces the generation of harmful mechanical waves.
(2) The mechanical wave of the roller is mainly caused by the front roller, so when matching the spinning frame in the textile factory, the front roller should try to choose the ultra-high precision non mechanical roller. (3) Install, adjust and clean the roller reasonably. (4) Roller bearing should be selected reasonably. Technical characteristics and application effect of roller under draft of warp and weft ring spinning frame
1 Series ultra-high precision mechanical free bolora (1) By using high quality steel and special treatment process, the bending and torsional strength of roller is increased by more than 10% compared with conventional roller. (2) Suitable for spinning combed, plain combed cotton, blended spinning and compact spinning above 4.8 tex. (3) Roller surface feels soft and smooth, with uniform color, without fiber hanging and bumping. (4) The front, middle and back row of rollers are all made of ultra-high precision non mechanical rollers, and the yarn evenness, coarseness, detail, nep and spindle difference are all significantly improved. (5) Long term use of roller is not out of tune, deformation, torsional vibration, stable operation and rust free.
2 torsional high strength ultra high precision roller
(1) The torsion and bending strength are increased by more than 10%, which completely solves the problems of coarseness, details and broken ends in the middle of spinning when the 1008 spindles or more are turned on or off. (2) It is suitable for ordinary and agglomerated spinning long cars with more than 1008 spindles. (3) It is equipped with high-quality spinning frame, and the spinning index reaches the level of 2007 ust bulletin 5. (4) The connection quality and surface quality of roller products have reached the highest level in China; the torsion and bending strength and yarn forming index of roller products are superior to those of domestic counterparts, reaching the leading level at home and abroad.
3 Series dense tooth ultra-high precision non mechanical Paula
(1) The number of teeth on the working face of roller is 10-12 more than that of conventional roller, which improves the spinning holding capacity and stability of drafting system, and improves the coarse pitch, details and neps significantly. (2) Suitable for spinning under 5.8tex ultra-fine combed pure yarn, blended yarn and compact yarn. (3) It is equipped with high-quality spinning frame, and the spinning index reaches the level of 2007 ust bulletin 5. Long term use of roller is not out of tune, deformation, torsional vibration, stable operation and rust free. (4) The connection quality level and surface quality level of roller can reach the level of new generation ultra-high precision roller in China; the yarn forming index and spinning performance are better than that of new generation ultra-high precision roller in China, reaching the leading level at home and abroad.
Usage of roller under ring spinning draft
1 roller configuration
In order to ensure the quality of the spinning frame, if there is no special requirement, the roller is equipped with "JW" new generation ultra-high precision non mechanical roller, and a white (left tooth) and yellow (right tooth) plastic cap are screwed on the outer thread of the roller. Ordinary middle and rear rollers have red (left) and blue (right) plastic caps screwed on the external thread. The product logo is engraved on the bottom of the roller. Please use it carefully.
2 cleaning
(1) First, wipe the antirust oil layer on the surface of the roller with cotton or soft gauze.
(2) Pour gasoline into the oil basin (the length of the oil basin should be greater than the length of the roller), put the roller into the oil basin, and do not stack the roller together during cleaning, so as to avoid collision between them, damage the surface and external thread of the roller and affect the spinning quality; at the same time, pay attention to handle the roller gently during cleaning, to prevent the end face of the guide hole and external thread of the roller surface from collision and affecting the use. First, clean the new ultra-high precision non mechanical wave front roller with "I" mark and white and yellow cap, and then clean the middle and rear rollers. When cleaning, first screw off the plastic cap, use a brush dipped with gasoline to clean the antirust oil in the guide hole, guide rod and internal thread on the roller surface, and wipe them clean.
3 installation
(1) The front roller of the warp and weft has a high single piece manufacturing accuracy. When the roller is installed on the machine, it should be placed directly on the calibrated roller seat. Each roller should be butted manually. At the same time, it should be noted that the inner ring of the roller bearing is in the middle of the outer ring. In case of deviation of the inner ring of the roller bearing, the roller gasket can be used for compensation. After all the rollers are manually butted and tightened, press down one cradle every three rollers, and use the special tool xg15 for inlay and disassembly of rollers to tighten all the front rollers in the way of head and tail clamping and tightening, without adjusting under the vehicle, so as to avoid the influence of roller connection and use quality caused by bending the roller guide rod. After the front roller is mounted on the vehicle, if there is a knock out at the bearing of individual roller seat and the runout at the connection of roller seat is greater than 0.03mm, it can be solved by slightly knocking the front and rear positions of roller seat and pad paper. It is better not to calibrate roller, so as to avoid the whole row of roller being calibrated into small waves and affecting normal use.
(2) The middle and rear rollers are butted and tightened into one section every three sections under the machine. When connecting, add a little lubricating oil to the guide post, guide hole and internal thread. First correct the two ends of roller bearing, and then correct the head and tail parts. When getting on the machine, lift the roller section onto the special tool car, and bundle it with soft rope. When arriving at the machine platform, put it on the middle and rear roller seats smoothly, and put each section of roller Use a roller inserter to tighten the connection. The roller inserter shall be used in pairs and clamped on the groove or knurled diameter of the roller. Finally, use dial indicator to measure the bending at each joint of middle and rear roller and use special roller straightener to straighten.
(3) If three rows of rollers are not in the middle during the installation of long cars with more than 600 spindles, the compensation gasket can be used for adjustment. After the roller is installed, the surface shall be cleaned again with cotton dipped in a small amount of gasoline. Before the start-up, 3 ♯ lithium-based lubricating oil shall be added to each roller bearing oil nozzle with Fu series high-pressure grease gun, and the spinning can be carried out after the spinning machine is running empty according to the start-up requirements.
4 maintenance
After the spinning frame has been operated for 15d-30d, the dial indicator and roller straightener shall be used to recheck and recalibrate the bending deformation of the front roller to ensure that the connection runout of the whole row of rollers is less than 0.03mm; when the spinning frame is used for the flat car every six months, the above methods shall still be used for recheck and recalibration. The daily oiling period of roller bearing is half a month. The oiling period shall be prolonged or shortened depending on the deterioration of the lubricating oil in the bearing and the flying flowers accumulated in the inner rings at both ends. Oil filling shall be combined with car cleaning (oil filling with oil gun in operation): when new oil is squeezed in, the dirty oil in the bearing and the flying flowers accumulated in the bearing shall be squeezed out, and the oil overflowing at both ends of the bearing and its oil flowers shall be wiped off with clean wiping cloth before start-up and spinning test.
Conclusion: Ring spinning draft roller is one of the key parts in the direct contact with the yarn on the spinning frame. It has been studied for more than 50 years in China, and we all have a certain understanding. The front roller is more important than the middle roller and the back roller. In recent years, with the emergence of a variety of new spinning processes, such as compact spinning, siro spinning and so on, the requirements of various spinning processes on the surface roughness of roller are not the same, and the surface roughness value is no longer the smaller the better, but kept in a smaller range. Therefore, the future development direction of roller is to manufacture and select roller with different requirements for different spinning processes. In short, the final quality of Lola products depends on the overall design, process technology, processing and manufacturing equipment and quality assurance system level of the manufacturing enterprise.
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somar78 · 5 years
The Best Custom BMW E9 Of 2019 – Fitted With An E46 M3 S54 Engine With 300+BHP
This article was written by John Ward of Fuel Bespoke Design – the builder of this immaculate custom BMW E9 named “Von Trapp”. When possible we like to bring you the story of a vehicle in the words of the person or people who built it, so you get direct insight into their thought process and methodology.
I found a sorry looking BMW 2800 CSA in a builder’s yard in NSW, Australia – the car had no engine or transmission but did look reasonably complete otherwise. I knew it would have some rust issues, they all do, back in the day Karmann the coachbuilders BMW outsourced to didn’t really focus on rustproofing the vehicles.
Having just completed the BMW 2002 aka “The Red Baron” I had a good idea of the journey I was in for, but this time I wanted to step it up a little. The E9 is in my opinion, one of the most beautiful cars to come out of BMW so I didn’t want to mess with the aesthetics but I did want to give it a new lease of life with more than a few hidden secrets.
After a complete strip down, it was off to Redistrip for a chemical dip to take it back to bare metal as it’s so much easier to repair a stripped clean body. She was pretty bad, just about every panel would need either repair work or replacement.
Above Image: John Ward, founder of Fuel Bespoke Design.
For major work like this I use the facilities at MotorRetro in Seven Hills, NSW. It’s a great concept, they have a fully equipped workshop, with everything from metal working tools to industrial spot welders and even specialist chassis beds to make sure your chassis is to factory specs and stays that way whilst undergoing major repairs like this one. They can take on all or parts of the project or offer advice and training so you can tackle it yourself.
I’m very hands on, so I did a large part of the work, in fact 600 hours of it, the boys at MotorRetro also chipped in 100 hours including lead wiping the way the factory did it.
The whole purpose of this project was to reimagine this iconic 70’s classic with all the modern engineering of today’s automotive era, so starting with the powerplant I made the decision to go with the E46 M3 3.2 litre 330HP S54 motor, the transmission would be the E36 M3 5-speed manual which was much slimmer than the E46 manual box and would fit in the E9 tunnel without modification.
I wanted to use as much of the M3 front suspension as possible, lower control arms, spindles, brakes and power steering rack were matched up with some custom Ground Control coil overs. With the help of Paul McKinnon at Evolution Motorsport in Mona Vale, NSW, we designed and fabricated a new front subframe that would position the suspension and steering geometry correctly, support the engine and clear the oil sump, which also needed to be modified to fit.
Moving on the rear subframe, the E9 set up wasn’t going to cut it, the open section trailing arms looked a little light duty considering the increased power so I acquired the complete rear subframe, drive shafts and differential from the E28 535i, it mounts straight up and with the early differential, that existing E9 centre mount can be used.
That’s the easy bit, the hard part is the spring set up, the E9 used a shock and separate trailing arm spring, the E28 has a coil over. So now the tiny E9 shock towers needed to be removed and replaced with the substantially larger E28 ones which requires significant fabrication work. Again, I used Ground Control coil overs for the rear. The differential was rebuilt with a LSD 4 clutch and 3.15 gearset and the M5 rear brake set up installed.
One of my main concerns was the rigidity of the chassis and how the pillarless designed body would handle the extra power. The E9 was very successful in the European Touring Car Championship and those cars could handle the power, so after some research I found the body strengthening specs they used back in the day and applied them to my chassis, which effectively involved stitch welding every seam in the entire chassis.
The E9, like the 2002, uses a dual remote brake booster set up, because of the size of the units, that just wasn’t an option so luckily whilst on a trip to the UK, I found a similar set up that just used a single booster with dual slave cylinders which would fit. I retained the original brake master although resleeved it with a slightly smaller bore.
The original wiring harness had been molested beyond repair so I decided to try a whole new system from Infinitybox, which is basically a CAN bus system, power cells feeding the 12v supplies controlled by a master control cell which only uses microamp triggers from the switches. It’s programmable and has some interesting customisation features like controls from your smartphone.
I kept the interior pretty stock, Rolls-Royce red Italian leather perfectly complementing the French walnut wood trim.
The custom 17-inch wheels are a 3-piece design in the style of the Alpina wheels. Finally, the car was dyno-tuned by Brintech Customs in Seven Hills, these guys do BMW engine swaps everyday so really get it. The run-in tune is just shy of 200KW at the wheels (~300 BHP or 268.2 RWHP), which is more than enough power to have some fun.
The good news is that the car, named Von Trapp, is now for sale in order to fund future projects John has in the pipeline. If you’d to contact him directly for more information you can click to visit Fuel Bespoke Design here.
Photos by Andrew Jones, follow him on Instagram here – Lens Flare Air
All images copyright © 2019 – Images may not be republished or used in any way without the written permission of Andrew Jones.
The post The Best Custom BMW E9 Of 2019 – Fitted With An E46 M3 S54 Engine With 300+BHP appeared first on Silodrome.
source https://silodrome.com/custom-bmw-e9/
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How to choose woodworking engraving machine
With the increasingly popular home improvement industry in recent years, the demand for carved wooden furniture is getting higher and higher. Now the engraving tools are upgraded so fast, and our requirements for wood engraving machines are getting higher and higher. It is very important for the various engraving machine brands on the market to distinguish the quality of wood engraving machines. I am not afraid to buy inferior quality. The product is afraid that the things carved out are not suitable. First of all, to judge the quality of a woodworking engraving machine, handicraft engraving machine, first look at his system. The more popular systems on the market include new generation systems, Weihong systems, and pirated systems. It is well known that the use of different systems has a different impact on the quality and use of handicraft engraving machines. The general new generation system is more expensive, the handling is better, and the quality is stable. Genuine Weihong system, most of the engraving machines on the market are used, characterized by simple and convenient, mature and stable performance. Piracy systems are cheaper and can be used, but some features still have a certain gap compared to other systems. Therefore, to judge the quality of the engraving machine, look at the system first, try to use the new generation system or the genuine Weihong system, or other systems with stable market and mature operation. Judging the quality of a woodworking engraving machine and handicraft engraving machine depends on the electric spindle configuration used by the engraving machine. There are many brands of electric spindles on the market, and the price is also uneven. The electric spindle is related to the speed, precision and service life of the engraving machine. The imported electric spindle is more expensive, and the cost performance is not very high. As long as it is not processed with special requirements, the domestic big brand electric spindle can fully meet the processing needs. The quality of the electric spindle should not be cheaper than the low-end brand, which plays an important role in the overall operation and service life of the engraving machine. To judge the quality of the engraving machine, it is necessary to look at the control motor used in the equipment. Is it a stepping motor? servo motor? Still a semi-servo motor. The stepper motor is a product of the 1970s. The processing speed is slow and the efficiency is backward. It has been eliminated. However, there are still many manufacturers using this type of motor to work, which seriously affects the quality processing of the engraving machine. The current trend in processing is to use semi-servo motors or full servo control. Semi-servo control, high speed, high precision, high efficiency, wide market recognition, if you want to have error compensation, more precise processing, you must use the full servo control method, of course, the price of the full servo motor is also the highest, quality It is also the best. Therefore, it is recommended that the engraving machine use a full servo motor or a semi-servo motor control. The lower end of the brand plays an important role in the overall operation and service life of the engraving machine. To judge whether the quality of the equipment is good or bad, it is necessary to look at the width and toughness of the gantry beam of the equipment. The wider the beam width of the engraving machine, the better the stability of the car body, the better the quality of the running process, and the longer the service life. Generally, the width of the gantry beam of the small woodworking engraving machine is less than 200mm. According to the different processing samples, the larger the body of the engraving machine, the higher the rigidity, precision and service life of the gantry beam. Therefore, to judge the quality of the equipment, it is necessary to look at the width of the gantry beam. The wider the width, the better the quality. To judge the quality of the crafts engraving machine, look at the configuration of the reducer. The reducer plays the role of adjusting acceleration and deceleration and controlling the acceleration and deceleration of the equipment during the operation of the equipment. Since the handicraft engraving machine works for a long time and the engraving and milling strength is relatively large, the control of acceleration and deceleration is very important for the engraving machine equipment, which directly affects the service life of the equipment. Considering the service life and quality requirements, it is recommended that the reducer use the imported ones better. Although the price is a little more expensive, the imported reducer has a very obvious effect on the overall performance of the equipment.
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ryliweb · 6 years
PS4 Slim SSD Upgrade – Things You Must Know
Solid state drives (SSD) have become very popular in the last few years for the high speed they offer that can become up to 8x faster than a regular hard disk drive (HDD) and the consistent reliability the high-end SSDs boast of to the extent that they are now shipped with a 10-year limited warranty, which is too much in the electronic space.
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Now with PS4 Slim allowing the internal hard drive swap, an SSD replacement might be a good option for some users who want the maximum possible speed out of their PS4 Slim gaming console.
It’s worth to state that there have been many arguments on whether it’s worth to equip PS4 Slim with an SSD or not, bearing in mind the relatively unreasonable price for a device that’s used merely for storage purposes compared to its sibling—the hard disk drive (HDD).
We don’t deny that SSDs will improve the overall performance of your PS4 Slim console, but according to our personal evaluation, we don’t recommend them for PS4 Slim, mainly because of their high price—it’s the big issue.
But if you still want to feel a bit superior to your pals, and money is your last concern, then an SSD cannot be a wrong choice.
Below we list the best suggested 1TB and 2TB SSD for PS4 Slim from which you can select what you feel is right for your needs.
What SSD Do We Recommend for PS4 Slim?
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I am making this section because there are still some people want an SSD for their PS4 Slim despite everything else said, and for this class of users this section is made where we recommend SSDs that we consider to be the best fit for PS4 Slim.
Note that because SSDs are expensive and a drive less than 1TB is too small for PS4 Slim, only 1TB/2TB SSDs are listed below.
Our criteria for choosing these drives are:
We make sure the drive is not less than 1TB of storage capacity
It should have a user-rating not less than 4.5
It’s designed by a prominent SSD manufacturer that has a high reputation in the market
It comes with an adequate price that’s not considered too expensive. This impels us to picking drives from mainstream space, and we strongly dissuade from going with a premium SSD for your PS4 Slim.
Note: The products prices are as of 03-May-2016 at 03:29 GMT –
Our PS4 Slim SSD Top Picks for Year 2016
The Best 1TB SSD for PS4 Slim
This is the most suitable option among other PS4 Slim SSD options considering the price and availability.
Capacity: 960GB
Warranty: 3 Years
Price: $199.99
SanDisk Ultra II SSD
Capacity: 960GB
Warranty: 3 Years
Price: $223.63
Mushkin Reactor SSD
Capacity: 1TB
Warranty: 3 Years
Price: $236.55
SanDisk X300 SSD
Capacity: 1TB
Warranty: 3 Years
Price: $239.95
Crucial BX200 SSD
Capacity: 960GB
Warranty: 3 Years
Price: $239.99
The Best 2TB SSD for PS4 Slim
There’s only one 2TB SSD brand that fits into PS4 Slim, that’s Samsung 850 EVO which comes at a very high price (more than $700). So I don’t really know if you see any justification in going for this drive that costs so high (more than the PS4 Slim console itself).
Samsung 850 Evo SSD
Capacity: 2TB
Warranty: 3 Years
Price: $728.95
Summary in Points—Is SSD Worth it for PS4 Slim?
Let’s boil down the entire research in a few points listed below. Just remember that if you need more details on a specific point you’ll find them within this research in the corresponding section.
An SSD will only increase the speed of PS4 Slim by a rate between 30% to 40% as has been already reported. It’s just NOT the same case with computer systems that will feel huge difference (up to 5x faster in the overall performance) once an SSD is added to them.
SSDs are way more expensive than HDDs (more than 5x the price of a regular HDD) and PS4 Slim will not gain much from an SSD due to its limitations. So do you think this small increase in speed is worth it for that unreasonable price?
An SSD in PS4 Slim will shine mostly in online gaming space on condition that your peers also use an SSD, or if you often install/uninstall many games within the week, or you like to launch multiple games at the same time and switch between them, or you often transfer huge files from/to your PS4 Slim. That’s because SSDs are very strong in handling multitasking operations and have much higher writing speed than hard drives. So if you’re one of these guys, then go with an SSD if you can afford the price.
We believe that a good 2TB internal hard drive for PS4 Slim for the overwhelming majority of PS4 Slim users is what they must look for at this stage because the speed of mechanical hard drives within the PS4 Slim console is adequate and not too bad, and the big issue with them is the small capacity. So consider here improving the capacity instead of speed. Or you can keep your current stock drive and go with a USB 3.0 external hard drive for your PS4 Slim if you are concerned about the capacity.
SSD as a Potential PS4 Slim Storage Upgrade
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Buying a hard drive for PS4 Slim is very simple, especially where there’re no many options available because the 2.5-inch hard drive industry is almost suspended from development after the advent of solid state drives (SSD) that have proven greater efficiency and reliability in mobile devices. You can read more on that in our PS4 Slim Internal Hard Drive Guide.
But does that mean it’s worth to swap the PS4 Slim stock hard drive for an SSD? Will that have the same effects/benefits as it is with computer systems? These questions require deep contemplation before making any decision in this regard, and we’ll try, at our best, to answer these questions sufficiently.
Into the World of Solid State Drives
Before we delve into discussing whether an SSD is good for PS4 Slim or not, and what SSDs we recommend, we would rather take you through a quick primer on the world of SSDs in order to enlighten you more on this matter so as to become clearly aware of what suits your needs best. That’s because a wide variety of PS4 Slim users don’t know about SSDs anything but that they are magnitudes faster than traditional hard drives (HDD), and they suppose consequently that PS4 Slim would run so much faster with an SSD than its current speed, but that’s more an illusion than a fact, and that’s for several reasons that will be addressed later in this article.
Let’s start first by knowing what an SSD is, and how it works and differs from the traditional hard drive like that found inside the PS4 Slim box.
What’s an SSD and How Does It Work
A solid-state drive (aka SSD) is a storage device that’s meant to handle the same functionality of hard disk drives (HDD), but in a much higher speed with decreased power consumption and lower failure rate. It’s main goal is to become a permanent data storage much the same job functionally (e.g., saving your data while the system is off, booting your system, etc.) as an HDD.
Unlike mechanical hard drives, SSDs don’t employ any moving/mechanical part in their architecture, rather they combine NAND flash memory blocks together and the data transmission occurs among them electronically via microscopic transistors, and instead of a magnetic coating on top of platters, the data is stored on interconnected flash memory chips that retain the data even when there’s no power present, and this is the major secret behind their strength that makes them much faster, more reliable and consume less electrical energy. You’re probably familiar with USB memory sticks – SSD can be thought of as an oversized and more sophisticated version of the humble USB memory stick. Like a memory stick, there are no moving parts to an SSD. Rather, information is stored in microchips.
How can this then give SSDs all their traits of which they boast? Well, as an analogy, what’s quicker and requires less energy? Having to walk across the room to retrieve a book to get information or simply magically having that book open in front of you when you need it? That’s how an HDD compares to an SSD; it simply requires more physical labor (mechanical movement) to get information.
The Strong Sides of SSDs
When manifesting the advantages of SSD, we need to put it in comparison with another type of storage device that’s made to carry out the same purpose, and that’s the mechanical hard disk drive (HDD).
Probably you’ve already realized the major advantages of solid-state drives while reading through the lines, but let’s put things down right in a table:
Stands for Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Solid State Drive (SSD) Speed HDD has higher latency, longer read/write times, and supports fewer IOPs (input output operations per second) compared to SSD. SSD has lower latency, faster read/writes, and supports more IOPs (input output operations per second) compared to HDD. Heat, Electricity, Noise Hard disk drives use more electricity to rotate the platters, generating heat and noise. Since no such rotation is needed in solid state drives, they use less power and do not generate heat or noise. Reliability and Failure Rate When comparing modern consumer SSDs with enterprise hard drives, the SSD wins the match in terms of reliability for having way less failure rate than HDDs. The ratio is something around 7:1 in favor of SSD. Due to the much low failure rate, modern SSDs are shipped with at least 5-year limited warranty for mainstream-grade devices, and 10 years for enthusiast-grade. This indicates how reliable SSDs have become. Defragmentation The performance of HDD drives worsens due to fragmentation; therefore, they need to be periodically defragmented. SSD drive performance is not impacted by fragmentation. So defragmentation is not necessary. Components HDD contains moving parts – a motor-driven spindle that holds one or more flat circular disks (called platters) coated with a thin layer of magnetic material. Read-and-write heads are positioned on top of the disks; all this is encased in a metal cas SSD has no moving parts; it is essentially a memory chip. It is interconnected, integrated circuits (ICs) with an interface connector. There are three basic components – controller, cache and capacitor. Warranty The longest warranty term given to a mechanical hard drive is 5 years for the enterprise space. Modern mainstream SSDs are now shipped with a 5 year warranty and a 10-year for enthusiasts. Weight HDDs are heavier than SSD drives. SSD drives are lighter than HDD drives because they do not have the rotating disks, spindle and motor. Dealing with vibration The moving parts of HDDs make them susceptible to crashes and damage due to vibration. SSD drives can withstand vibration up to 2000Hz, which is much more than HDD.
The Drawbacks of SSDs
Until recently, as Samsung released its 16TB enterprise SSD and 4TB consumer SSD, solid state drives used to be criticized for their limited capacity that didn’t cross the 1TB limit for almost 2 years, unlike mechanical hard drives that, at that time, were available in up to 8TB of storage capacity.
But in the middle of 2015 Samsung broke this barrier by releasing the first 2TB consumer SSD in the 2.5-inch form factor, then in the beginning of this year (2016) released a 4TB SSD of the same consumer-grade model line/series.
So if we consider the limited capacity issue resolved, the issue of high price is still existing. In order to imagine how expensive SSDs are, the price of a 1TB SSD costs currently, as of the time of writing, more than $350 on online retail store, whereas the same capacity of 2.5-inch hard drive costs barely $80 or even less. That’s quite a vast difference.
Now think deeply about it. Is it worth to spend as much as the price of PS4 Slim console itself just for a storage upgrade that won’t provide more than 40% improvement of speed? The entire decision is yours eventually.
PS4 Slim Speed Limitations
PS4 Slim system is designed to correspond with the standards specified by Sony for that particular generation of gaming consoles. These standards pose a limitation that a user cannot break/cross in normal situations (Check the PS4 Slim Specs Page). Some aspects of this limitation are:
You cannot upgrade your PS4 Slim hard drive to more than 2TB without a hassle. Yes, there are already some users who published their experience on upgrading the internal hard drive of PS4 Slim to a 5TB or even 6TB, but they faced major problems and errors with PS4 Slim operating system. Plus, the largest 2.5-inch hard drive that fits into PS4 Slim box comes into 2TB only. [Check our article: 4TB Internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Upgrade for PS4 Slim for more elaboration.]
Although PS4 Slim development team declines to give a clear answer on whether PS4 Slim incorporates SATA-II or SATA-III interface, many users reported, according to their personal testing and experimenting, that PS4 Slim bus speed is way slower than that offered by SATA-III interface, even after employing an SSD interfaced with SATA-III in their experiments. This leads us to deduce that PS4 Slim incorporates SATA II which consequently will immensely restrict the potential of any fast storage device designed for SATA-III.
PS4 Slim system will not allow any upgrade other than the hard drive. That means you cannot replace the processor or increase the RAM size or even change the operating system. This gives personal computers more credits over PS4 Slim in this matter.
Solid-state drives (SSD) are great, and they offer legendary performance boost to computer systems equipped with these flash-based monsters. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that SSDs will also function on the same level of performance/speed when incorporated into PS4 Slim.
What you need to know is that upgrading PS4 Slim console beyond its standards is more a dream than a reality, because even if the hardware specifications permit it, the PS4 Slim operating system has yet to handle the new hardware configuration according to its rules, and this is where the core problem is.
Products prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on amazon.com as applicable at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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New Post has been published on 2018/2019 Auto Reviews
New Post has been published on http://www.auto-reviewz.com/2019-lexus-gx-specs-and-price/
2019 Lexus GX Specs and Price
The changes will not be massive however they really exist, and they also generally are inclined never to find yourself with the assistance of the freshly advised paintwork as moreover, they imply a couple of changes around the apparent changes from the car furthermore some inner healthcare changes at the same time. In fact, the 2019 Lexus GX model merely is not the method that you just would count on that it must be. Even so, nonetheless it holds a variety of-wheel drive and the ability to tug three tonnes which will give time for you to handle a great deal of a great deal far more significant surfaces as well as couch half a dozen gentlemen and females at the same time.
2019 Lexus GX Review
They are some kind specs and will undoubtedly make having a GX product worth the costs. Lexus was one particular within the preliminary arrivals to look at the regular every day h2o with cost-effective, high quality SUV for neighborhood folks. The t-introduced in ’98 was slightly favored, and this was why it had been one of the very best-providing fantastic-accomplish Athletics energy vehicles within the USA. In a couple of years, lots of luxury SUV manufacturers have provided they’re distinctive with lots of types of characteristics, colors, alleviate and ease and comfort, and design, as foreign Athletics electricity autos are undoubtedly the most aimed to pursue and such as the most critical area of the car inside the auto organization. When everyone focuses on the 2019 Lexus GX, we, without doubt, want to get the review. At the beginning eyesight, it feels like to supply in the same way higher-finish and most excellent apart-highway functionality. It always seems to fool the correct? To make sure that we tried out our helpful the 2019 Lexus GX. The first vacation was surprisingly high and that we will undoubtedly say it is a particular person of the kind SUV which can usually be quickly referred to as adored one’s SUV. Also, it provides a terrible system, total entire body-organized, and off from-streets dealing with, however, it offers whole vacation and most excellent distinct individual comfort and ease and decreases because of its men and women.
There are numerous excellent characteristics and horrible parameters about the look of the 2019 Lexus GX. The honest facts are, the first achieve could be regarded as being a bust by most, because of the new spindle barbecue grill that was pretty tweaked in comparison to the only seen beforehand. It goes considerably from the airplane and results in an exuberant selection. Other parts of your 2019 Lexus GX are fantastic searching for a while they, however, be sure to continue to keep the appearance of typical SUV product or service. There are many excellent parts with a certain amount of asking yourself slashes and wrinkle additional on this website. Also, you will learn an crucial complete work integrated into the area of the car, and indeed it offers as well as a few high trying to find stainless rooftop construction element rails. The examination could be the once again quit Ms. Windows, and the submissions are darkish, and you can see last but not least 18” wheels that task correctly for this car also. The back complete is functional than correct seeking to check out. Typically, are inclined to not available your back front door large the same way one does on some yet another conventional design you could have incorporates a barn doorway that swings large open up through your nevertheless left.
Offered our fantastic attention, this is an excellent choice for the product to obtain on. The 2019 Lexus Is a regular Lexus difference, and you are going to know immediately that changes are made. The one element we can say will not be shown below could it be is like a transportable out-of-time. The 2019 Lexus GX interior was a great decision before, but we experienced needed significantly more changes which can be in the pursuing sentences. This continues to maintain the interior the car as considerable-school since it shows up, and areas exceedingly significant comfort and ease quantities but there appeared to be however placed for further. However when you past appear and commence to control to minimize usage and how all sorts of issues can seem to be jointly you may surely say sure for this car the specific way it would show up now. These 2019 Lexus GX then include clear family animal include recliners and hardwood paneling that offer ample mp3 temps shielding cloth on the most recent songs loudspeakers furthermore. Through your comfortable basis for see, the car physical appearance best. Several convenient alternatives mean that you can convert almost everything just how you may enjoy that it is. And therefore the car lacks any long-term breakthroughs or skills real factor but does one element you are supposed to do.
2019 Lexus GX Specs
The freshly designed 2019 Lexus GX includes a 4.6-liter V8 engine that may make 301 hp and 329 lb-feet of torque. It will take only 7. 8-10 much more circumstances to attain -60 miles per hour. The 6-sum auto transmission products the Lexus GX apparent journey. Utilizing a full-time 4-tire journey and lessen-range have a scenario, G offers an excellent off of-roads overall performance. It boasts a towing potential up to 6500 pounds. Something with regards to the 2019 Lexus GX is the fact traveling a vehicle a car and braking approach is not enough impulse if you find oneself working the car, and this is why 5500 lbs do spend some time to items practically up to speedily freeway charges like other SUVs in the marketplace. Several camcorders, some valves for every single hose, with double-the right time different handle the process with IQ (Ft.-i).
2019 Lexus GX Release Date and Price
One of the more updated 2019 Lexus GX will probably be in the marketplace rising season. This deals the release date in Mar of 2019 when you need to have the capacity to possess the car. The beginning price is all about $49,085 like a leash but could boost to $62,785 as more significant as obtainable.
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