#I wanted something similar to angel caleb
watertribe-enya · 1 year
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Caleb: Well, that was embarassing. Are you done here now?
Philip: Oh, now you show up again! Let me guess, I’m going to Hell now?! Because unlike all of you, I’m such a terrible, awful person!
Caleb:Philip, there is no such thing as “Hell”. The church made that up to control us through our fear of being punished and tortured.
Angel Caleb is back to pick his brother up after the series Finale. And he’s here to spill some facts! No Hell for no one today!
My take on the aftermath of “Watching and Dreaming”. I feel like implying that the evil puritan didn’t go to hell is a super good way to get on everybody’s shit list.
Happy Easter!
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I missed the first hour of combat but — C3E62, let's go!
"We built this for you!" oh honey.
Bor'dor has the lucky feat.
"In the aura of this oddly dunamantic energy emanating from Ashton—" Is this the first time Matt has confirmed that Ashton's abilities are dunamantic in nature? I know it's been obvious from our standpoint for a while now, and it was implied to the party by Caleb's mention of dunamis, but is that the first time it's been acknowledged in-game?
As Laudna starts to get flashes of memories eventually leading to Delilah, her ribcage cracks open to release a hound of ill omen modeled after the Briarwoods' undead hounds.
The dome above the temple begins to glow as a voice echoes from above. "Leave or be judged." A winged celestial being — a Dawnborn Angel — descends, with a flaming sword in one hand, to the middle of the chamber.
As far as I can tell, this is a home-brew. The Judicator seems to be modeled on a planetar (same AC and similar abilities, though likely a lower CR), but the "dawnborn angel" resembles nothing I can find.
Prism refers to herself at the Matron of Ravens' daughter. Now, her calling the Matron "mother" makes sense given the goddess' titles and namelessness; but being a shadar-kai and a wizard who has a "complicated relationship" with the Matron while calling herself the Matron's daughter is definitely cause for concern.
Deni$e has 3-4 rogue levels.
"The Judicator does not back down, it does not feel fear." It's also an "entity trained to hunt those of arcane persuasions." All I can think of are cybermen from Doctor Who.
The summons get the HDYWTDT on the Judicator!
A mid-combat break?? Is this gonna be a C2E86 situation where the entire episode is combat?
An angel, a demon, and an earth elemental walk into a bar...
Orym climbs the demon's back and sits on its shoulders like he's mounting a horse, which it begrudgingly allows.
Ashton speaks to the now-uncontrolled earth elemental in primordial. "We gotta get these people out of your home. Can you get me up there?" With its reaction (read: because Matt is giving the party some leeway here), the elemental grabs Ashton and attempts to huck them up to the angel with a nat20 (what the FUCK is the count on this? this pendulum has got to swing in this half, yeah?), because "the spirits of the forest have taken over where the arcana has failed."
The barlgura grapples the angel and brings it to the ground.
THERE'S the Chop Suey joke, finally. "When angels deserve to dieeee...."
Deni$e has a barbarian rage ability called "spirit of the mountain"? I can't find any barbarian subclass with this ability, and it's not a dwarf thing, so is this a home-brew barbarian subclass?
Bor'dor gets his second HDYWTDT on the angel with a 5th level inflict wounds. He holds its head, kisses its forehead, and says, "enough."
A second Judicator, the one that was patrolling the city, approaches the temple, but turns around and leaves at the sight.
It's so interesting to think about the way this battle would be interpreted in different campaigns. In C1, this would've been a heroic tale of villagers rising up against their oppressors and succeeding; in C2, it would've had underlying tones of national, material, Exandrian politics rather than theological ones, but still would've had that tinge of objective victory; and in C3, it is inundated by theological rhetoric and the politics of the gods, and mired by uncertain, subjective success.
The Judicators' masks are not worn, they are fused to the skull. (Again. Cybermen.)
Eventually, Abadeena's magic, alongside the spirits of the forest and the magic of the villagers, reduces the temple to rubble.
Orym is reconciling, trying to bring together conflicting goals, and Laudna clocks it with a pissed-off expression.
One by one, the remaining "captives" begin to follow the first into the forest, exiting the township and heading to the north, except for a single child. "I'm... I just wanted to feel like I belonged to something, you know, I—" And Abandeena responds, "Do you understand why this was wrong?" With that, they feel the final weight lifted, the hillside and village finally free.
Laudna approaches Abadeena. "Be careful not to become what you despise." She looks back with a genuine honesty. "Sometimes, you must do things you wish weren't yours to do for the betterment of your people. I'm not proud of everything I've done, but don't think your words are lost on me." "There's a thin line between being a savior and an oppressor." "Well. Thank you for being our saviors... we hear, of the Loam and the Leaf, thank you. For your deeds, whatever we can do, you have it." She casts some healing, and allows the Bells Hells to sleep in her house for the night because she can't cast scrying today.
Ashton asks for a private word with themself, Abadeena, and Prism. Nothing comes of it yet, as the village begins to gather toward the city center. They cook, swap stories, and sing.
For the first time in a long time, the village is free to give their thanks to the eidolons and to each other.
Bor'dor can't stop thinking of the face of the angel as they died, and he doesn't know whether he did the right thing. "Something is happening, and faith is shaken."
Prism is trying to view all of this with a skeptical, academic, objective mind, but she can't help but second-guess her subjective experience because everyone's happy and everyone's sad. She feels that this was a net good, but feels that compromises her objectivity.
Ashton believes that, leaving everything out of view out of consideration, this was a net good. They go with Prism and Abadeena behind a tree. ("It's time to get sexy now! It's our turn!" Talisein please)
There were tithes taken from the townsfolk. The temple was wealthy enough; these were not taken by the arbiters of the temple, according to Abadeena. She drags it to the city center, and Prolef begins to redistribute the wealth taken by the temple back to the townspeople.
While that exchange was happening, Orym finds Laudna. She remarks that the townspeople are ignorant of the greater evils in the world. They both agree that this ship is sinking, but this town doesn't know that; they agree that they are frustrated at their ignorance, their bliss, and lament that they have to get back to their people.
Laudna and Orym are so angry, but they can't articulate why — it feels to them like they just put themselves in great danger, when there's so much more at stake than there is in "this piss-ant town dealing with their piss-ant squabbles... I don't know why I'm so angry about it." "You've known more than your fair share of shit... I don't even think... I'm having trouble believing there's anything we can do. I just keep stepping forward because it's what I've always gone, but I don't know if there's anything we can do." "Ashton said something quite profound to me the other night, when were taking out watch around the campfire. Profound especially for them. Right now, if we try to change the world, it's just going to seem like an impossible task, it's just too much. But we can try and change that which we do have control over, our immediate surroundings. Save our friends." "I don't know how much time we have left on this planet — feels like it could all go soon, in a week. But I just wanna make do with the time that I have with the people that I care about, and I want to find them, I want to find them again." "Then let's find them. It's the only directive we have at the moment, the only thing we can control." Orym takes her hand. "I don't understand why you bounced down through history to be here with me right now, but I sure as hells am glad you are here." "I've seen a lot of shit, Orym. That's why we're still here." "And more coming." "We've shown we can take it. Let's just get the fuck out of this town."
Abadeena escorts them back to her cottage. She smiles, and reveals her first name: Joan. Whether the Bells Hells decide to kill her or trust her, she thanks them for trusting the village, agrees to help them on the path toward home, and offers them answers.
If the temple comes back, she does not believe this town is the only one rising up. They have a coalition binding together townships of the Loam and the Leaf, keeping them away from the influence of Vasselheim.
Prism asks if she's ever heard of Predathos or speculated on its nature, asks if Predathos is an elemental weapon against the divine during the Founding. Abadeena knows nothing about Predathos except for Ludinus' speech and the Bells Hells' knowledge, but she does recognize the confidence with which Ludinus spoke and the way his words influenced the people of her town. To them, the eidolons have a symbiotic relationship, as it has been for all those who lived on Exandria before the gods coopted it.
"The lands of Exandria hold to them innumerable eidolons that are tied to the forces of this world, of the titans that first shaped it. With the titans long-gone, they persist however they can, oftentimes among the rules of the gods who now rein. So they are echoes, shades, the remnants and the memory of the titans, of the great elemental queens and kinds of this world, the ones who originally sculpted it." Prism questions whether Predathos is more intelligent, more vengeant, than a simple "black hole."
Orym says to Prism that they don't know anything, and Prism retorts that she's trying to help by way of being really good at learning things. The only thing Orym has to go on is the track record of the people trying to release Predathos, which Prism agrees is "damning."
"Prism... I don't understand the gods, I don't know anything about the titans, I don't know eidolon from eyeliner. I believe that... I'm a widower because of the people who want to bring this about. So it's hard for me to wrangle with the other side." finally
Ah. So this encounter was not designed to pit the Bells Hells against the gods or against the titans, but it was designed to force them to reckon with the fact that they know nothing, nothing about what's happening around them, and further to force them to seek out information about the things they don't know.
AH. Abadeena does not wish to destroy the gods, but to return to a state of Exandria in which the gods and the Primordials lived in balance. Mortal races are an invasive species just as much as the gods are, but there was a point in history where they, the primordials, the eidolons, and the gods existed in conjunction with one another.
She also notes that the primordials, the eidolons, do not feel a threat from Predathos — and that the Matron of Ravens offers no warnings of Predathos, no insight, if she saw it coming at all.
Ashton and Laudna: Ashton doesn't think that the Hishari have anything to do with anything — that is something that they'll be asking of the Bells Hells "once everything quiets down." They are so angry right now, and Laudna notes that she and Orym feel the same. Ashton's worst nightmare was their very first divine intervention. "The gods saw me, a god saw me, I was not invisible. It was not hungry, it wasn't fearful, it wasn't — it was a messenger, it was sent, and it told me what I really didn't want to hear: that it doesn't fucking care, that I might as well be fucking gone, that I was a mistake."
Bor'dor goes out to look for Orym, but rolled a 4, so Orym — from his perch on a high tree — takes pity on him and (after Liam asks whether Bor'dor is a half-elf or not) reveals himself.
With a 19, Bor'dor impressively climbs the tree and joins Orym.
"Do you believe in god?" "I mean, it's beyond question. The gods have shaped the history of this world, they have dropped miracles from their seats on high and caused irreparable damage — and unmistakable good. I don't know that I care — I care about you and me, and I care about my family across the ocean." "My life is vert small. I wake up, I work, I go to sleep. My beliefs have been black and white. These people told just o go into a church and fight something that I can't fathom, and int he moment, where I felt victory, I didn't see a divinity or radiance or whatever the fuck you call it, I just felt sadness and compassion. Did you see the way it looked? There — why did we have to do that? Why is that what happened? And then I wonder, also, why — that woman, Abadeena, has no fucking clue what you people are talking about." [...] "I know, I think, barely more than you do, that people who are so determined to bust something out of our moon that it's worth killing a lot of people to get there. Do I believe in the gods? Yes. Have they had a ton of bearing in my life? No." "So you get to Ludinus, and then what? We just killed an angel, we saved a woman who has no clue about the fight that she's fighting. This village has no clue, they're fucked either way — what are we doing here? My life is very small. What are we doing here?" "I think that, um... Ashton, Laudna and I have friends that we were with, got pulled away from, and I think we've got a one in 2000 chance of stopping more people I care about from getting killed." "Okay. Let's do that, then."
Bonding over shit jokes and laxatives. Ah, the quintessential Critical Role experience.
But still, Bor'dor extends a hand. "I go where you go."
I'm just saying, my "multiple tables running at the same canon time concurrently, exactly like the way Pathfinder Society specials run" theory gains all the more merit.
Laudna stays up with Prism reading through books, and Marisha manifests Beau through Laudna. (Someone write an essay about how each of these players manifests specific aspects of a character throughout each campaign. Tag me when you do, if you do it before me.)
In the books, there are tithing ledgers, as well as deals and plans between the temple and the Silvercall Mill about buying out portions of the neighborhood. These plans were awaiting approval from others in the network — discussions about finding land for temples of the Wildmother and other deities hat wasn't already controlled. It's a lot of discussion about calculated expansion by Vasselheim and Othanzia.
With an arcana check, Prism identifies the runes on the Judicator as having an original draconic base, an arcana script that is divine and protective in nature but in some cases near anti-magic. It didn't present itself in battle, but the Judicator has the ability to dispel existing magic — its old magic, possibly related to the anti-magic cone displayed by the Mage Hunter golems that Ludinus employed.
Also in these papers is a discussion of Vasselheim sending forces to leyline nexuses. Prism notes that the leylines are stationary except for certain celestial events, of which the apogee solstice is the largest — nexuses stay where they are placed until the next apogee solstice moves that nexus, resulting in people gravitating to that area for the time between now and the next apogee solstice. It's about resources.
Prism has been away from her home for a decade. She believes that these past few days are validation for those ten years spent at the Cobalt Soul (or elsewhere), and stifles a personal smile.
In the morning, they are met with the smell of breakfast prepared by Abadeena. She offers to create a scroll for Prism so that she can copy the spell into her spellbook. (Again, because she's an Order of Scribes wizard, Prism can copy spells much more quickly than the average wizard.)
Ashton approaches Abadeena about the magic in their head. "It seems to bend the world... I have dreams, sometimes they're inhuman, sometimes I'm other people but I'm not... you ever seen anything like this?" "Like this? I have not at all... however, if you are to continue to travel, maybe speak with the spirits. Maybe things that are older than all of us combined have better insight than this frail form." ooooooo something something the Luxon is older than the world and so it makes sense that they might be some kind of primordial force. it makes sense that they might be a primordial titan that existed "before the gods" because the primordials also did.
Finishing breakfast, they enter the scrying chamber, and Orym enters unannounced — having taken a point of exhaustion from a sleepless night.
Again, Chetney giving each of the Bells Hells material gifts is a fucking genius move by Travis, because they all have scrying targets now. Whether intentional or not, it's genius, and it really goes reflect the themes of this campaign.
They see snow. Snow, falling, across a mountain range. They see Deanna first, with a prominent symbol of the Dawnfather — then they see FRIDA, a rosegold bipedal robot — then, the familiar image of Chetney, trekking behind with excitement and distance — then Imogen and Fearne, following behind, as FCG wheels up alongside them, all trekking through the snow. Prism and Orym recognize the smoky sight of Kravarad, and recognize that they are not far from Uthodurn. They see Imogen grasp her cloak and look back, as if she's making eye contact with the basin, with the scrying censor — Laudna shouts her name, but the image dissipates.
Regardless, they recognize that the other half of Bells Hells is on another continent, on the other side of the world.
Orym asks if there's anyone nearby who can transport them, and Abadeena notes that "those in Vasselheim could, if you had their favor." Yet she does know someone, about 5 days travel's away from Hearthdale, who could transport them: Hevestro, hierophant of the Emerald Tree, a powerful archdruid whom Abadeena once trained under.
So Team Issylra has two options: go to Vasselheim, a longer journey but with more people who could help, or go to Hevestro and count on the good will of a single archdruid.
Abadeena can scry two more times, and Prism can scry once, making for a total of 3 more scries. (Ahh, now I see why this episode is 5 hours long.)
Scry 1: Dariax. He's chewing on his nails with a dirty, scarred face, with a look of concern, sitting in a dark space they can't quite make out. He plays absentmindedly with the compass around his neck, thinking. A blue hand catches his holder, he gives a nod and stands with his spear — Dorian, also looking a bit worse for wear. "That's the bag of dicks—" "That's our bag of dicks!"
Scry 2: Bor'dor's Home / Brother. "Don't take your clothes off!" (Orym: "C'mon, let it happen.") "There, you see a vision of a homestead, modest but well-furnished, not quite the home of a farmer or a person who keeps cattle or sheep. It's an unfamiliar space to you (Bor'dor). You're uncertain whether this dagger is calling a connection to a place of import or a particular answer to your question, unfortunately."
Abadeena copies the scrying spell onto a scroll, which Prism copies into her spellbook.
Now, the Bells Hells must decide between two things: going to Vasselheim and trying to convince them to help, or taking their chances with the dangerous journey through a canyon to Hevestro's homestead. Orym's gut says the latter.
Matt confirms that no one in the party would know anything about the waters between western Issylra and eastern Wildemount, and that it would take a number of weeks to traverse it by ship. For the record, based on Exandrian timezones, geology, and cosmology, there could be an ocean the size of the Pacific in that space.
They decide to go toward the gorge where Hevestro lives, and Abadeena grants them a wind-based, cougar-shaped eidolon that will escort them. "If you meet others of the Valley Coalition, tell them of what has been done here, and let them know that we are ready to help them as well."
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Shadow Puppets AU - The Devil in the Woods
Come to think of it, Astrophel still did not really know what an angel was, except that Philip believed him to be one, much like the old man had believed him to be a devil. Angel, devil, god... humans had such funny concepts, but of all of them Astrophel liked Angel the best. He looked over at Caleb who still seemed a little confused, probably because he had not heard as much of the story as Philip had. Astrophel pointed towards the skies. "I come from up there." He said, only lying a little bit, "But a long time ago a big bully locked me away in the In-Between. That tablet is my window into your realm."
The explanation of being from 'up there' with the stars had been good enough for Philip, but Caleb seemed a little more skeptical, at least until Astrophel mentioned being locked up by a 'big bully'. That seemed to convince the elder Wittebane of something at least.  "And then Father buried him in the woods." Philip explained, "That's where I found him. And now we're best friends forever, we promised." Just as long as Father Josiah doesn't find out, he thought to himself. They were lucky, Caleb understood and agreed not to take the disk away, but Father Josiah had already buried the Collector once, he might throw the tablet into the river next. Or smash it to bits- Philip was terrified to think what would happen to Astrophel if his window to their world was broken, he'd probably go crazy. "Father Josiah knows about the tablet?" Caleb asked, "He can see Astrophel? And buried him?"
Oh yeah, that was the old man's name. The man had not really introduced himself to the Collector so much as he had just listed his name and a bunch of other stuff that gave him "divine right" to vanquish the "evil" from this land all while the Collector had cried and pleaded not to be buried, promising to play nice and be fair. No wonder Astrophel had not been able to recall the man's name, he had barely heard it. "He was mean!" He huffed, crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out, "He called me a devil and something about corrupting the flock! But I'm not a devil, just look at me!" The 'just look at me' claim might have held more water if Astrophel was not just a shadow on a nearby tree, but he thought the point still stood. Even as just a shadow he thought he still looked innocent enough, roughly the size of Philip with a cute smile and playful demeanor. How could Father Josiah have thought he was a devil?
"Yeah, just look at him!" Philip echoed, coming to the similar conclusion that Astrophel appearing to be around his same age who only wanted to play was hardly demonic.  "Besides, he saved my life today, remember? What Devil would do that?"
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jinxquickfoot · 1 day
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @16woodsequ. Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
82!! And that's counting the one-shot collections as 1 fic.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Still in Marvel, although I've had a few ideas around Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss that I probably would written if my MCU WIP list wasn't so impossibly long.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness
Let's Whump the Spider-Kid and Friends!
The One Where Peter is Tony's Weakness
You're Always Spider-Man
The One Where Clint is Tony's Weakness
You guys really like it when I kidnap Peter Parker.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Worst Thing, it's the only ending I wouldn't call 'happy'. I labelled it 'bittersweet' instead, which I think is fitting. Actually Dollhouse also is a strong contender.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Let's Whump the Spider-Kid and Friends! teeters on the edge of soppy. Everyone is alive post-Endgame, Peter gets a prom with all the Avengers and his high school friends, and the Spider-Kid in question gets a whole month of rest.
In hindsight, I wrote that fic during pretty extreme burnout (that I am now thankfully over), and I can see my need for rest and care just bleeding through Peter in those final chapters. I'm so grateful we both got what we needed.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not for a long time, since the debates over Civil War have... if not settled, maybe don't hold as much interest as they used to.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not yet, but I think I might be brave and include some Winterhawk smut in the Heart of Stone series.
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I've come across one or two with eerily similar premises and wondered, but I've never followed up. Tropes are tropes for a reason.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not a translation but Hair is Everything has a podfic!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Many! And tried to many at the same time which was a mistake, but I'm so glad I've gotten to work with so many incredible authors:
The One Where Clint is Steve's Weakness with @16woodsequ
The One Where T'Challa is Shuri's Weakness with @fluencca
The One Where Bruce is Thor's Weakness with @onwardmeteors
The One Where Peter is Peter's Weakness with @spagbol99
The One Where Bucky is Steve's Weakness with @usaonetwothree
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Winterhawk aka Clint/Bucky has my heart forever and ever, but I have a soft spot for Clint/Matt and Wanda/Vision as well. Outside of Marvel, I love reading for Stede/Ed, Husk/Angel, Caleb/Essek and Buck/Eddie.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
If I've posted it, I'll finish it (I swear, I know I haven't touched the Whumptoberverse in three years). I do have an outline for something called the Amendment trilogy which I thought had some promise, but I've done so many Civil War Fix-Its now I doubt it has anything original to say these days.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't think my plot twists are too shabby, and I like to think that I find new things to say about well-worn characters and tropes. I'm also pretty damn good at structure, but that's because I studied and practised the hell out of it. Oh and occasionally I like to think I'm funny, especially when writing for Tony.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I focus too much on getting a fic done than letting it breathe. I've been told several times the ending to The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness is disappointing, and I agree. I was ready to get out of there so I Game of Throned it instead of spending a good 5-10 chapters wrapping that fic up properly.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Short bits are fine if you pop the translation in the end notes. If not, I like to just say something like, "He switched to Russian [continues dialogue in English]."
19. First fandom you wrote for?
MCU and we're still going, baby.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
AH okay I want to include all those I co-wrote but that feels like cheating, because what I like about those fics is often what other people brought to them.
I used to say Budapest and that's still a strong contender. But I actually love The One Where Clint is Sam's Weakness, specifically the final chapter. The idea of mistakes and regrets and choices not making you who you are is a very personal thing for me. Clint saying "You’re my hero, Kate." might be my favorite line I've ever written in a fic. Sometimes the simplest ones are the best.
Low pressure tag: @fluencca @usaonetwothree @queenofalotofdifferentworlds @spagbol99 @teeelsie-posts
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caleb-pilot · 2 months
*bites and chews hardly on the various delicacies*
Do you remember the last time we went to that restaurant? You promised to message me every day. To let me know you’re okay…
And in fact you did.
Until this last mission came up, and you had to keep a no-contact rule.
*sets the silverware down and looks at Caleb, waiting for him to finish his meal*
The first week was completely fine… I didn’t even miss my troublemaker boyfriend.
*smiles and grips his hand to hold on*
But then the nightmares started…
*gulps and takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the pictures in her mind*
I- I saw you dying, Caleb. There was an explosion, fire everywhere. Heard you screaming in agony and … and…
*started to sob heavily tightening the grip around his hand*
I had … this nightmare … every night … since then…
*trembles under her sobbing*
And I couldn’t assure myself that you‘re okay, that this were just dumb nightmares… I couldn‘t hear your yoice on telephone or even texting you.
I was mortified for weeks, and really convinced that something bad had happened to you…
And then after all that… suddenly you texted you were home in a few hours…
— 🦄
he frowns.
i never wanted to worry you, but my job has strict protocols about these sorts of things. i… i’m sorry.
he says kissing their temple softly, and rubbing their back.
if it’s any consolation, i often find myself having a similar reoccurring dream. the room is on fire. the smoke choking me. blood pouring from my eardrums, and then bright white. an angel… calling me. it kinda looks like you..
he thinks to himself, staring blankly into the distance. he puts a note in his phone to text voice memos to her when he can.
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basalt-deltas · 9 months
Requests are OPEN!
Fandoms I write for — Spiderverse, Valorant, Life Series, Hermitcraft, Critical Role, Hazbin Hotel
Spiderverse — Miguel O’Hara, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy, any of the live action Spidermen, Peter B. Parker, Spiderman Noir, MJ (Zendaya version only SORRY), Miles Morales (both of em) Valorant — Phoenix, Yoru, Cypher, Jett, Gekko, Omen, Skye, Nanobomb, KAY/O Vox Machina — Percy De Rolo, Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Grog Mighty Nein — Caleb Widogast, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Jester Lavorre, Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionett, Fjord, Nott the Brave, Caduceus Clay, etc Hermitcraft — Just ask, I'm too tired to put all the sillies in here Life series — Again, just ask :thumbs up: Hazbin Hotel — Angel Dust, Alastor, Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, basically the whole cast
Reader — I’m best at male!reader, but I’ll also do fem!reader, gnc!reader, and trans!reader! Fear not, I am trans also!
Usual Genres — Angst, fluff, idk what does genres even mean. Punk Rock???
What I will write!!
⇨ character x reader (2nd person, you/yours, no y/n) ⇨ character x character (I won’t do certain ships, ask me first!!) ⇨ canon or canon-divergent ⇨ headcanon scenarios ⇨ character headcanons ⇨ oneshots ⇨ platonic, romantic, or familial ⇨ multiple requests from the same person ⇨ poly relationships ⇨ make canon cis/het characters queer ! ⇨ reader/characters with mental illness as long as it’s not romanticising or Weird about it (??) ⇨ Suggestive / 16+
What I will NOT write!!
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When requesting…
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cloudberry-sims · 2 years
A Decade Through Time: The Alderberg Legacy: Year 1604
From the Beginning I Currently 
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It was the last winter month in the first quarter of 1604 , 3 months after Marion Alderberg’s 6th birthday when her mother discovered the early signs of another pregnancy. 
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Since becoming a wife at the age of 17 , Priscilla has had 5 children: Marion , Caleb , Ambrose , Lettice and Lucy,  with this pregnancy just being 1 year a part from when she had her twin daughters. She will tell Griffyn that after this baby is born that she would like a longer break. 
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Echo the cat , the Alderbergs barn cat continued to live her life quietly on the farm even after 13 years since she was bought by William as a gift to the late Olive Alderberg, whom together with her twin would have been 19 today. 
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Once the harsh winter snow finally melted in Outland , the Calott’s sat inside watching little Hester play by the cozy fire place. 
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Hester looked like both her parents , with reddish brown hair and dark blue eyes. 
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The adults around her could tell that once she grows up , Hester would be a beauty to behold. Many suitors could potentially ask for Ralph for her hand , but Ursula and Magdalene would be by her side if she wishes to stay unmarried. Ursula was determined for her only child to live a life she wanted and not one she was forced to endure. 
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Priscilla’s pregnancy continued forward to her discomfort. This baby was a kicker and the back pain was immense. 
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But it all would be worth it in the end when she got to hold her 3rd son- James Alderberg. She was glad to see how healthy and strong he was and Priscilla will enjoy to see him grow bigger and stronger as time passes by.
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While Priscilla and Griffyn welcomed their 6th child into the world , Annabel Friswell to her parents great relief and joy aged up to a beautiful and charming  toddler. 
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Annabel was the epitome of an angel in her families eyes- she was a good and friendly girl , always smiling. 
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Stephen and Charles loved to play with her and didn't exclude her from their activities for being a girl , which their parents was grateful , especially now as their mother was forced to bed rest. 
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Avigail was expecting her 5th child and by the midwives orders had to rest more, as this pregnancy was more difficult then her previous ones. But Avigail didn’t mind and she cannot wait to meet her new baby boy or girl. 
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By the end of 1604 , 3 months after her distant cousin , Lucy Alderberg aged up to a toddler. Little Lucy surprisingly inherited her grandfather William’s hair and inherited her mothers and older sisters pretty green eyes. 
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She was always seen by her older sister Marion's side whom she idolized with her whole little heart.  
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Marion didn’t mind and hopes she and Lucy would always be close , even when they are both grown ups. 
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At the Horthall Hall , Francis Horthall celebrated his 6th birthday uneventfully. But there was something strange about the boy. As a babe and toddler , he was good and loved music , and now? He was showing a much more  spiteful side. Similar to a distant relative... 
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Meanwhile , the Wolfedens spent a warm spring day by a stream , Jane and Beatrice splashing around , scaring away the fish their father tried to catch, but he didn’t mind. 
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It was a family outing to celebrate Catherine’s 30th birthday and Jane’s 10th birthday. It was a enjoyable event ,she was happy that her girls were having a nice day in the sun, and hopes her mother back in the village were in good health and strength on her 50th birthday. 
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 And indeed she was: Although Anne’s once red hair turned completely white after a year of stressful events , she was still strong and healthy as she was at 40. 
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It daunted on her that she was 50 winters old  and the only surviving  sibling out of the 9 children her mother had in her life. She was a widow once , married twice , she outlived 3 out of her 5 children , although Esther was not her daughter by plasma. She even lost one grandchild.
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The watcher’s dice was a finicky thing , it randomly choose who lives and dies. Yet she hopes that the dice would grant her a long life before the grim reaper takes her hand , so she can watch over and guide her granddaughter Grace. 
If the dice was sentient , I think it felt guilty about killing off Sybil , Nathaniel and Isaac and made Anne live 19 extra years, meaning that when she dies Grace will be 20 years old in 1623. Her husband Mark will die in 1616 , so she will be a widow again for around 5 years the her remaining years.
Anne is technically going to be the oldest family member in the spread sheet as Joan and Millicent is not on the spreadsheet. After her its her husband Mark who will die at 63 , Geoffrey Dawne at 60 , Arthur at 51 and Mary together with Eleanor at 40. Poor Philip died at 30. I wonder who is going to die at 70. 
Fun fact: Francis has all the same traits as Rebecca had as a child - Good , Virtuoso and Mean-spirited. Although she's only related to him as the wife of his great maternal uncle/his fathers aunt by marriage. Families are weird. 
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edalynn · 6 months
my oc (aka me) 🤝 Cat
Belos having a weird internal view of them because of one thing that makes him inclined to like them vs him also projecting Evelyn onto them due to their romance with and influence on Hunter
OKAY YEAH, big mood. Belos is so blinded by his own fanatical obsessions that he doesn't even realize until after they're gone that it's happened. It's both due to his religious obsession and lack of care about Hunter in general that leads Belos to the same result over and over again. It makes me wonder how many of the previous Golden Guards went down the same path (probably being the reason they got killed), or if it actually hasn't happened again until Hunter- which I find hard to believe. But he's so convinced that all other humans think the same as him that even later he's disparaging Cat for not joining him while possessing Hunter, which is also something we see him do with Luz right before the start of the Day of Unity. The same ironically cannot be said for Dipper, however, who despite being a white, cishet passing person (aka, the most average human guy you could think of), Belos Does Not Care For. Honestly, I'm convinced that if Hunter hadn't managed to kidnap both and only kidnapped Dipper, Belos would have absolutely had him Dealt With after questioning him. Honestly, I think he's too curious and it reminds Belos too much of the parts he didn't like about Caleb.
Fun writing bits under the cut
Yes- he was just like those men, if you replace the bragging with religious fanaticism that is. He seemed almost obsessed with the delusional that he and the human were one in the same, believing that they were both chosen by their respective gods to purge their worlds of “evil” and “unpure” creatures. He almost held her to a holy or saint-like level, very similar to how he held himself. What with the compliments and the gifts and feasts he would task Hunter to bring her?
“Quite alright, dear.” The Emperor responded with a smile, “Listen to me- an old man rambling on about old folk tales while you must have far more worrisome concerns about happenings in your absence. The quicker we can get you home, the better. Your mission is far from over.” Cat swallowed down the bile threatening to rise in her throat, nodding to the witch. “We wouldn’t want to hold you back, now would we?” He continued. “I’ve actually been there before, you know? The Human Realm.” Belos added, voice sounding playful as if he was enticing her to ask more- which he almost assuredly was. Cat’s eyebrows shot up, head tilting in curiosity. The Emperor chuckled. “I see that got your attention.” He quipped before continuing, “Yes, but it was long ago now.” Belos brought a hand to his chin in contemplation, as if recalling fond memories, “And in that time I did read up a bit on your… human religions. The angels, the martyrs, the devils. Saints, though, are what I found most interesting. Normal humans raised to their “Heaven’s” ranks through completing missions of their “God”. Would that not make you one of these Holy Saints? Just as it would make I upon ridding the Isles’ of evil?” Cat fought down the urge to let out a huff of laughter. The notion that Angels and Saints were on the path of ridding the world of Evil was almost hilarious considering they’re closer to the relation of monsters themselves than humans were. And if Belos knew how many of them worked with demons and monsters he may just have a stroke. “I wouldn’t be so sure about “God’s Soldiers”. Every one I’ve ever met has been just as corrupt as the monsters we hunt.” She told him with a scoff, rolling her eyes. She started as a cold hand all but gripped her thigh. “See, that’s what makes you special, Cat.” Belos said, ice blue eyes boring into her, “You’re here to lead them all to righteousness. You’ll continue to guide them all toward salvation once you return home for me, won’t you?”
“You!” Belos spat, “We could’ve had Salvation!” Cat pushed her torso up on trembling arms, her right leg laid out at an awkward angle as she glared at the killer puppeteering her boyfriend’s body, shaky breath steadying. “I am nothing like you.” Cat snarled, lips curling and teeth bared. Hunter’s arms fell down to his sides, Belos lifting his chin in contempt. “You really are a Clawthorne.” He said flatly, almost sounding spiteful, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips as he glared down at the human, “What a pity. Die like the rest of your friends then, witch.”
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saphirered · 3 years
Saph I hope you feel better! I really liked the VM Snow White you just posted, but could you also please do the same prompt but with M9 boys including Molly? If you’re not feeling up to it that’s fine too!
Thank you! The meds are beginning to do their job luckily. I'm glad you liked the last one. I blinked, my hand slipped and now it's here. Prepare for some angst. Hope you enjoy! 😘
Caleb had always known his past would come to haunt him. He was prepared for it. Prepared to take the hit, take responsibility for everything and he’d face his past be that with or without the people he loves. Part of him, once he got used to having these fools around, having you around, wanted it to be on his own, to protect them and protect you. To not have any more lives lost in the grand scheme. The people he loves becoming collateral would be unacceptable. But you had become collateral in the grand scheme of things.
When it became clear to his enemies he was a bit more attached to you than the others, they took this weakness and exploited it. They pushed his buttons before, using you as a tool, verbal bait even, but he never fell for it. His reluctancy to act on his feelings, to keep them to himself instead, were the very thing he hoped would keep those loose ends from latching onto you. His love is a curse, the objects of his desire always to be torn away from him no matter how hard he tries to prevent it. He’s lost you to that same curse. Not lost. Almost lost.
You’ve been cursed, your conscious mind separated from your unconscious body. Simple healing spells wouldn’t do the trick here. This curse holds no roots in the divine. He’s spent days researching and that much he could confirm. This curse would take an arcane approach. Something he prides himself in to be his specialty. Lucky you. Lucky him. He had the others bring all books, ancient scrolls and other sources of knowledge brought to him, along with a wide variety of components once he’d made a significant dent in the research matter, assuring him this would have the greatest chances of success.
It’s not the soft canopy bed with the plush pillows from the fairytales you’re placed on. Instead you lay on a wooden table, inscribed with all sorts of arcane sigils. Nor do you look like some angelic peaceful being. Your brow is furrowed in discomfort, your hands balled into fists at your sides. Caleb moves a brush against areas of exposed skin, painting symbols to match with precision and care, afraid to even make a single mistake, triple checking every mark. He speaks the incantations while incorporating the components varying from precious gems crushed and whole, herbs and incense. And then he waits. He doesn’t expect the effects to be immediate, often with these magics it is not and he knows that but that doesn’t get rid of the impatience and fear.
“How I long to hear your voice again. I know this will work but that doesn’t ease away the sliver of doubt. What if… What if… That’s what I keep asking myself. I know it’s stupid.” Caleb wipes an hand over his brow as he pulls up a chair and sits at your side, elbows leaning on the table careful to avoid any sigils just in case.
“It also faced me with the harsh reality that I held off telling you how I feel. It looks so stupid now in hindsight because what good did it do anyone. In the end you still ended up paying for my mistakes. I was stupid to push you away, try to convince you your own feelings were unreciprocated. I know I didn’t have you fooled in the slightest but to know I could have loved you, it makes me feel like I am to blame for wasting that opportunity and possibly shortening our time together. The thought of losing you before having given you my love will forever be my greatest regret.”
Caleb watches the muscle of your hand unclench and relax. He hears a deep intake of breath and staring at your face he’s met with your smile, one filled with love as he helps you sit up. All is good once more.
Fjord’s drenched to the bone, out of breath, anger running through him like he’s never experienced. Still he’s unsure if his anger is directed at the one responsible for your eternal slumber or at himself for making a ballsy move that didn’t pay off in the slightest and in fact backfired in a worse way he could have ever imagined. He played a game of chicken with Uk’otoa and lost. He’d have been fine by letting someone else pay the price for him. Why should he care about some stranger becoming victim to the leviathan? The one who paid the price, became the victim to his actions didn’t end up being a stranger. It had to be you of all people hadn’t it?
Uk’otoa must have been watching his dreams, even his waking actions if that were possible and have seen his infatuation with you. When the leviathan threatened Fjord in another briny dream of his mentioning your name he had called bullshit. The snake had never been able to reach out to anyone it didn’t already have some kind of grasp on. Little did he know Uk’otoa had just that. Just enough of a sliver through him, and the Cloven Crystal to get to you.
So there Fjord sits at your bedside. You’re just as drenched as he is, hair dripping, skin glowing in the candle light of the room reflected off the water particles. Your lips are tinted blue, a redness around your eyes, your skin is cold. The sleep you’re in is a state of perpetual drowning and Fjord knows what it feels like, to drown. He can only hope you’re spared that pain. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to forgive himself if you are tortured like so because of his actions. Clasping your hand between both of his he runs his fingers over your knuckles. He bows his head. It still feels so wrong to not have you respond to his touch. So wrong.
“I want you to know that I am to blame for your fate. I’m about to do a very stupid thing to make it right. I know you’d tell me not to but I can’t sit by and watch you suffer like this. I’ve tried everything. I’ve begged and bargained. I’ve shouted at the skies but I got no reply. Everything comes up empty and I see no other choice than to do this. It might sound stupid but I came to ask for your forgiveness.” Fjord pauses. Usually he would have gotten a reply. He would sell his soul for just having you tell him everything will be alright. It’s a good thing he’s about to sell it for so much more than that. It’s worth it. It’s worth having you alive and well.
“I won’t ask for forgiveness for what I’m about to do because I will never regret it. I ask only you may one day forgive me for what I might become. I need you to know I love you and did, will do all of this out of love. That’s why I hope you’ll never see me again after I give myself to Uk’otoa. I can’t bare to watch that affection in your eyes being replaced by hatred, but most of all disappointment. I hoped to be worthy of your love and I will always regret never having truly experienced it.” Fjord’s voice cracks slightly. He studies your face, as if to ingrain every detail into his memory, as if he thinks he might never see it again.
“I’m afraid. I’m so deadly afraid.” Fjord whimpers pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before he lets go. He checks his supplies, taking out the Cloven Crystal, glaring at the orb intensely cursing the thing to oblivion. Coughs pull him out of his staring match with the crystal. Your body moves, leaning over the edge of the bed vomiting up brine. Fjord drops the orb and his belongings running over to you and helping you gather your bearings until you’re no longer chocking on sea water.
“You better not do what I think you’re planning with that orb or so help me Storm Lord, I will drown you myself.” Fjord can’t do anything but laugh despite the very real threat on his life as you pull him into your embrace.
Caduceus isn’t bothered by death. Death is part of life as much as living is. It’s inevitable. Every soul will move on, leaving its vessel for the earth, the fire or the wild things to bring forth something new. What does very much bother him are perversions of death, those who try to cheat death, upset the natural balance, maim and manipulate that what is and should be. He hates it with a passion and seeks to rectify it, return the world to that balance when faced with it. That’s where you come in. You much like him have a respect and understanding of life and death similar to his own. Very few people understand that. Very few people do not fear the end when they see it coming. You’re one of those very few people.
You understand Caduceus on a different level, in his sentiment and mannerisms while others may think him strange. Not that he cares if people do, you’ve been his filter in the big shiny new world past the borders of his grove. You’ve been his safety net, his grounding force, his safe haven when the world seems against him and he thinks his senses might be wrong. The Wild Mother must have gently blown her winds to bring you together.
That’s why it seems so wrong you’re affected by this darkness having taken hold over your body, leaving you in a state of not entirely alive nor dead. Resurrection has been futile as much as draining your life and allowing you to move to the care of the Wild Mother herself. You’re trapped and that’s why Caduceus fears what would happen should you die. He’s seen what this perversion of life and death has done to his home, the forests surrounding it and the creatures living in it. He’ll do everything in his power to prevent that from happening to you.
Caduceus has put your body through the typical burial rites and rituals, preserving what he can by using wards and the divine blessings granted to him by his goddess, sending her prayers of your recovery but you appear to be even beyond her reach now. He moves a damp cloth across your arms and face, brushing aside your hair, humming to himself until he’s done, moving on to clean the room around you, getting rid of the dust, placing things back where they belong and replacing the decayed flowers with fresh ones. Caduceus gathers his tea, preparing a cup for himself as he watches you.
“Can you show me how they’re doing?” The wind grows cold. He knew that would be the answer but still he could hope maybe that answer could change.
“Are they in pain?” The wind grows warm but then cold again. You were, but not anymore. It seems that the new wards he’s put up are doing their job. That’s good.
“Is there a cure?” The gentle breeze disappears. She doesn’t know then. This goes even beyond the goddess herself but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Caduceus will keep hope, though it is dwindling fast, for your sake he’ll have hope. He’s always spoken to the dead before and while you’re not really dead, there’s a strange comfort to something that feels so final.
“Hey. I’d ask you how you’re doing but that’s not gonna work now, is it? Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine. I know you are. You’ve managed to keep me alive with the others for much longer than I’ve been taking care of you like this. I think we’re going to be fine. I know you’re here but I still miss you. Calliope makes for terrible company watching things unfurl between the others. She’s too much of a hopeless romantic. You forgot to tell me the recipe to that special brew of yours. I’ve been trying to recreate it but I haven’t been able to. I think what I’m trying to say is, I could really do with having my best friend back. That’d be nice.”
Caduceus sips his tea, face devoid of his usual dopy smile. A sudden breeze hits through the window, blowing it open. A few lighter weight and loose items go flying but the thud of a heavier one is clear to hear. Caduceus closes the window and feels something solid hit his boot. It’s a crystal from the ones surrounding the grove. He picks it up, feeling the warmth run through it. The breeze directs towards you and he feels himself walking over to your body. The crystal calls to you and when it touches you your body runs with energy, pulsing, like you’ve been forcibly pulled back to this world. You look around eyes wide breathing heavy.
“Hey.” Caduceus smiles. “I made tea.”
Maybe pretending you and him were some high born assholes was a questionable decision. Taking on an invite directed at the said people you were impersonating even more so, and stealing, sorry, borrowing without asking, some things from their summer cottage to swim in luxuries, an out right terrible idea when these people happen to be very well connected.
So when these fancy folk came back to the cottage earlier than expected, the two of you had grabbed what you could before making your grand escape, chased by their private guards until you lost them. A safe distance away you set up camp. Time to inspect your findings before returning to the carnival. Your eye for valuables had always been much more keen than Molly’s and your appraisals usually spot on. It was only natural he would let you do your thing but he’d still help you.
Particularly proud of getting some ornate jewellery box Molly had pried it open and revealed the jackpot. But of course you couldn’t just sell recognisable jewellery as is and you couldn’t keep such a thing on you very long. So of course you went to work, prying the stones from their settings. A particular necklace was giving you trouble, not even your tools being able to pry it out, you even broke one so you left that one for last.
The two of you had argued, eventually setting on just smashing the stone with the pommel of Molly’s scimitar, the broken gem still providing plenty of pay and not being as recognisable in peaces. So you held the necklace across a stone while he smashed it. When it did a spark hit, next thing he knew you were on the ground, your hands burned where you held the precious metal. At first he thought you were simply knocked out but when you didn't wake up he grew worried. Splashing water in your face, shaking you, lifting your legs, nothing got you to wake up so instead he carried you and the jewellery back to the carnival. Two days and still you didn’t wake up. It became clear this bloody gem was cursed when dark veins started crawling up your skin as the days passed.
Since this was technically on him, Molly took care of you. He makes quite a doting nurse when he wants to be but never without an inappropriate comment or two. It was quite strange to not hear you laugh at or scold him for these comments. Nevertheless he’d fluff up the pillow beneath your head, provide you an extra blanket when the night was cold, tell you stories, or simply the events of the day, the people who came to the carnival, some things he lifted from people’s pockets and so on. Molly has to say he’s ashamed to admit he’d got frustrated with your unresponsiveness or rather the fact you still hadn’t woken up and there was nothing the others could do for you. A healer would still be a week or so out.
“You know, while I’ve really begun getting used to these little one-sided conversations and your lack of judgement at some of my more terrible decisions I really prefer sharing them with you in the moment. I’ve gotten caught by the guards twice now and without you, Gustav is getting a bit sick of bailing me out. I miss our little flirtations. I miss your sometimes wrong opinions, though you’d say they’re proven facts. I miss your company. I think our time apart has given me time to reflect how much you truly mean to me and how much I need you in my life.” Molly leans on his elbow as he studies your face unmoving. You look so peaceful and asleep but he’d much rather get lost in your eyes when you’re awake.
“I laughed at you when you told me the most valuable thing in the world anyone could ever give another is their heart but I think I know what that means now. I’ll offer you mine if you will have it. So please, come back and make sure my head doesn’t get up too high into the clouds or I might just float away.” Molly leans back looking at the ceiling of the tent with a sigh. He’s pulled out of his mind by a snicker.
“A dramatic confession of love to the unconscious target of your affections? And you call me cliche.” Molly looks at your face, eyes still closed but smug grin clear on your face. He pokes your side making you jump.
“You are insufferable.”
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kilannad · 3 years
"Don't You Trust Me?"
Essek appears in the room and has half a heartbeat to take it all in.
It’s a military room, minimalist and cheap in a way that would give their mother hives if she ever saw it. A single, small cot with tightly tucked black sheets, a punching bag in the opposite corner, and a flat table next to a chest, papers likely neatly tucked inside—Verin had always been the clean one between the two of them.
Which begged the question of where Verin—
Ah, Essek thinks as he twists around, Shield flickering up as Caleb had taught him, catching his brother’s double-bladed scimitar. There’s Verin.
“Hello, brother.” Verin does not remove himself and the Shield flickers as the magic runs its course. “I, ah, would you be so kind as to remove the blade?”
His eyes narrow and he lightly darts back, elegance belayed by the thick corded muscles that line his broad shoulders and tall frame, thick white hair pulled back in a hundred small braids. There are no beads in them, Essek notes distantly. Verin used to wear bells and such at the ends of his braids so he was always clinking, always announcing his presence. Apparently, such things weren’t useful when stationed at Bazzoxan. Verin is wearing simple cloth pants and a loose shirt—a similar style of Molly’s preferred cut—in dark purple and white. He looks very…settled, even as he keeps his hand on the center of his weapon.
“Brother,” he says and he looks happy, eyes darting over Essek, before something freezes his face. For a moment, Essek expects a hug as is Verin’s usual greeting. Instead, he gets a blade to his throat. “You’re not Essek.”
“Verin, I assure you—”
“You’re not floating. You’re not Essek.”
With a disgruntled sigh, and, keeping his hands up so that Verin didn’t think he is attacking, Essek gently floats a few feet off the ground. This way, at least, Verin isn’t taller.
“Me not floating does not mean I’m not me,” he says and then realizes how stupid that sentence sounds. The Nein’s influence, he decides. “Look, Verin—”
He’s cut off, this time by the expected hug. Verin keeps his blade but is careful as he wraps Essek up, hugging him so hard that his ribs crack and his back aches. He leans into it, just a little, before extricating himself. As much as he wants this to be a reunion—fifteen years, he thinks a little hysterically—he’s here for a reason.
“Verin, we need to speak.”
His eyes—the pale violet of their mother, though softer, always softer—catch on Essek’s and then once more examine him, closely this time, with a Taskhand’s keen eye.
“I’m told you’re a traitor,” he whispers into the air between them. “Essek, brother, please. Tell me it’s not true.”
Essek should lie. He’s spent so long doing it, tongue slick with the oil and slime of untruths. His job, his life, they often demanded it. He’s done it for the last three years, to his mother, his Queen, his people. His god. And yet—
As the Nein learned, Essek is truly terrible at lying to the people he cares about. His throat closes, his palms sweaty, and he looks away. It’s enough of an answer for Verin.
“Luxon be good, Essek.” He pulls away, huge frame filling up the room as he paces. “I knew you—” He stops abruptly, drawing in a huge breath as he tugs some braids. “You’ve always had…opinions about the Dynasty, the Umavi, the Luxon. All of it. But to steal a beacon? To go rogue on a mission and come back only to steal a political prisoner? To side with the Empire? Why, brother? What could possibly be worth loosing everything?”
“I had nothing here,” Essek snaps, and Verin flinches. He, only he, had known how truly miserable Essek found his lot in this place.
“You had me,” Verin murmurs, and Essek blinks as he turns away. The quiet settles and Essek doesn’t know what to say. It’d been a mistake to come here, after everything. But he’d had no choice. They needed Verin’s help to stop the Angel of Irons cult. All contacts Essek once had are now gone, his network torn about and picked clean in the hunt for him. Verin is his last chance.
“Why are you here, Essek?”
“I need your help.” Verin scoffs, shaking his head in a familiar way, even if it is no longer accompanied by the comforting sound of bells. “Verin, I mean it, truly. We think there’s a cult trying to free the Chained Oblivion.”
“There’s always a cult trying to free the Oblivion,” Verin counters. “Luxon protect us, none of them ever get far and certainly aren’t worth coming here. Essek, I’m a Taskhand. Everyone in the Dynasty has orders to take you in or kill you trying. You’ve been accused of high treason and blasphemy—”
“I know,” Essek cuts in, not wanting to hear what other crimes have been laid at his feet. “But, Verin, this time, it’s serious. The Angels of Iron cult is trying to wake up ancient warriors of the Betrayer Gods. They’ve been planting devices to open rips in to the Abyss to make it easier.”
Verin’s lips pucker as he runs a hand down his face. “These devices. They look like little balls with hoops around them?”
“Yes, a little. You’ve found some?”
“Maybe. That’s Dynasty business.”
“Verin,” Essek tries. “A demon by the name of Obann is heading into Bazzoxan to awaken the Laughing Hand. The very gates could open—”
“The gates open regularly,” Verin snaps. “We’re perfectly aware of the danger since we live with it every day.”
“Not like this. Verin, please. I wouldn’t lie about this.”
“You seem to have lied about a lot,” he counters. Essek swallows, unable to deny the pain in his brother’s face.
“We just want directions,” Essek whispers, hands twisting in front of him. Verin catches sight of it.
“I haven’t seen you without your mantle since the day the Bright Queen placed it on your shoulders.”
“I’m no longer Shadowhand.”
“No,” Verin says, sounding incredibly sad. “No, you’re not.”
“Verin,” Essek tries once more, pleading with his brother. “Please, don’t you trust me?”
Verin stares at him, long and hard. At where his feet are back on the ground, and his bared hands, at the simple black and white clothes in the Empire style. “No,” he says bluntly. “I used to think the world of you, Essek, even when the Umavi pushed me aside in favor of you. I used to thank the Luxon every prayer for giving me a big brother willing to look after me, to teach me how to braid my hair, how to dress to please the court. I would’ve done anything for you.”
Essek flinches hard, but his brother wasn’t done.
“Did you know that I was offered Consecution?”
“Verin that’s—”
“Incredible? Yes, I thought so too. After you denied it I thought it would be centuries before the Queen overlooked the insult enough to look at me and what I’ve accomplished.” Verin storms over to the simple chest by the table, flipping it open with one booted foot. As Essek thought, everything is neatly stacked and organized, making it all the easier for Verin to pull out one letter and fling it at Essek. He uses magic to pull it the rest of the way to him, paper crisp and expensive as he reads the letter. It’s long, full of flowering language and political politeness, but it takes only a second for Essek to grasp the implications.
It leaves a hole in his chest, uncertain how he could ever, possibly, make this better.
“You’re no longer a member of Den Thelyss,” Verin continues viciously, twisting the knife deep in Essek’s heart. “You’ve been stripped of all names, titles, wealth. Your research raided and destroyed for being blasphemous, your name struck from our family memoirs. And yet—and yet they will never forget that I’m your little brother. They didn’t let me forget it when you were a prodigy at magic, didn’t let me forget it when you became the youngest Shadowhand ever—and a new soul at that. And they won’t forget it now that you’re a traitor. The Queen revoked the offer of Consecution before I even learned about the bounty on your head and I doubt I will ever be offered it again.”
Verin pants hard, breathing deeply, but like he’s always done—he lets the anger drain away, turning away from Essek as if he isn’t even worth the energy. That, perhaps, hurts more than anything.
Essek should tell Verin what he’s discovered about the Luxon. Should lay every bit of information at his feet, every truth turned over to someone who’s always believed—even if not with zealotry. It would, at least, perhaps buy Verin the ability to regain the Queen’s favor.
“You’ve always been the better of the two of us,” Essek admits, laying the letter on the bed. “I’m sorry, for coming. We’ll stop the cult on our own, and leave whatever body and information we have to be found by you. It’s not much—”
“I don’t want you handing that kind of shit to me, Essek. And who’s this ‘we’ you keep talking about?”
“My group,” he explains. “Just—the people I travel with. We’re called the Mighty Nein. I think you’d like them.”
Verin stares at him blankly for a long minute and Essek knows when he makes the connection. Everyone calls Verin stupid but it’s more that he simply doesn’t do books or large concepts. With battles or people Verin is usually smarter than Essek.
“A Squad. You’re traveling with an Empire Squad. You’re serving the pigs on that Assembly—”
“We’re not,” Essek hurries to deny. “Not anymore. We’re, uh, well we’re trying to stop them. It’s all little complicated.”
“Complicated. You want me to—” Verin stops, drawing in a deep breath. Another. A third. With sudden energy and determination, Verin spins, beginning to pull on thick leather armor and the soft, tightened links of mythral chainmail. Essek can only watch with puzzlement as Verin jots a note down, pinning it to his pillow and returning the letter to his chest as he swipes up his double-bladed scimitar.
He forgoes the thick, curled metal piece that goes over his collarbones to denounce his position, instead turning back to Essek.
“I…don’t understand.”
“I seem to recall you enjoying deals. So, I’m going to guide you and your Squad into Bazzoxan,” Verin explains heatedly, but with the weary tiredness of a man who knows he’s making the best of bad decisions. “We’re going to take down this cult of yours as is my duty as Taskhand of Bazzoxan. And afterwards, Essek No-Name, you will be placed under arrest for treason against the Bright Queen. And so help me Luxon, if you fight, I will do my duty.”
“Let my friends go,” Essek adds. “After Obann is dealt with, I’ll gladly hand myself over. Just let my friends go. They didn’t have anything to do with the beacons.”
“They’re Empire people.”
“Only three were even born to the Empire and they’ve all been branded traitors from them. That’s my only stipulation.”
There is something very much like heartbreak across Verin’s face though Essek doesn’t understand why until he says;
“I always wanted you to feel like you had a place to belong. I just wish it wasn’t like this.” His face hardens as he clasps Essek’s forearm. “You will not fight when I arrest you and your friends go free.”
“Thank you, Verin.”
“Don’t thank me,” Verin mutters. “You’re making me choose between my brother and my country. And it is the one choice I have never been prepared for.”
Essek doesn’t have anything to say to that, so he only draws on his powers around them and twists, teleporting him and his brother to where the rest of the Nein are waiting.
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Want all your exile theories Pleassseee
Legend: Harry’s lyrical perspective in Exile, Taylor’s perspective, Harry’s own lyrics
Here’s an evaluation of everything I’ve gathered so far:
It’s a song touching on the incident that took place at the 2015 BBMAs. This was Taylor’s first official/fancy public appearance with Calvin Harris, and she took him with her to the awards. Too much too soon, right? Because she wanted a rebound and for Harry to see her moving on.
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Before the awards, Harry and Taylor we’re still attending parties together, like Caleb Followill’s, and staying in contact.
I think I’ve seen this film before
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After seeing Taylor at a party a month before, Harry had tweeted the word ‘Serendipity’ which is the title of a film based on a British woman and American man breakin up but then being brought back together by fate. He was hopeful.
Then, Taylor met Calvin. It’s February at this point. Paparazzi pics are out. Harry, on Taylor’s 24th birthday, had tweeted ‘better still be my winding wheel’ a lyric from a song about soulmates. On the exact day the pictures of Taylor & Calvin came out, he tweeted and instagrammed a picture of a wheel, captioning it: “my winding wheel.” (Dejected, right?)
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In any case. She’s his soulmate. This can’t be a serious thing.
Taylor stops contacting Harry after meeting Calvin. Ignores his calls and texts. Posts pictures of herself with Calvin on Instagram, like this one:
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Taylor shows up with Calvin to the Billboard awards. Very soon, but she wants him to see. The entire evening is spent with them being overly showy, lots of PDA, etc. Quite unlike Taylor. She wins several awards for 1989, and hugs Calvin each time. She’s seen laughing very exaggeratedly.
I can see you standing, honey with his arms around your body vs. I hope you can see, the shape that I’m in while he’s touching your skin
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Laughing, but the joke’s not funny at all
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Then, comes the blow. Just as One Direction are announced to have won an award and Harry comes up on the stage to retrieve it.
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I can see it written all over his face, comfortable silence is so overrated. Why won’t you ever say what you want to say? Even my phone, misses your call, by the way
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Taylor looks straight at him and whispers something into Calvin’s ear. At this point, you are internally groaning. Why did she do it? No one knows, it was a terrible thing to do. Imagine someone you were so close to doing that to you. Pain.
I can see you staring, honey
Like he’s just your understudy
Like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me
Those eyes add insult to injury
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Harry’s eyes keep flickering back to where they’re sitting. He’s hurt, although he’s trying to concentrate on the award he seems distract and he keeps looking in Taylor’s direction, like, “what are you doing?”
Anyway. Harry’s jealous. He writes a song about this whole experience called Woman.
Now. Taylor writes Exile about both of their perspectives of this incident. Harry’s jealous and confused, because this isn’t Taylor. Taylor’s not sure what she’s doing entirely, but she feels this is necessary because Harry has not noticed or acted on any of the signs she’s dropped that she misses him (songs, meaningful glances she sings about, etc.) but I argue that Taylor hasn’t been reading his mind correctly, either. Just a month before he’d tweeted many hints. There’s a lot of miscommunication and pain, because even if things are obvious to you, they may not always be obvious to the other person, no matter how in tune you are: Communication is important.
We always walked a very thin line vs. We’ll be a fine line
You never gave me a warning sign vs. It’s a sign of the times
I gave you so many signs, so many times
There is no amount of crying I can do for you vs. Just stop your crying it’s a sign of the times
I think that the song Sign of the Times is also about their miscommunication and their transition to a new life without each other’s tangible presence. It’s referenced in Exile, as well. (“I gave you so many signs, you couldnt even read my mind, couldn’t turn things around”) Harry sees this as the one big sign that him and Taylor were in the rocks, but Taylor has repeatedly given him so many signs, and so has he. There is no amount of crying that will fix this, a lyric shared between Exile and SOTT. They’re always back in the same pattern, and so always walk a fine line between being okay and facing the next roadblock (“we always walked a very thin line” is also an Exile reference to Fine Line, which I explained was about Haylor in this post)
And it took you five whole minutes
To pack us up and leave me with it vs. I can’t unpack the baggage you left
Holdin’ all this love out here in the hall vs. You left me in the hallway
But I’ve also noticed something else. Like I said in this post, there are a lot of similarities to Harry’s songs in Exile. Not only Woman, but in particular Meet Me in the Hallway. They both talk about their relationship essentially ending in a hallway. What hall was this? Did Harry confront her at the music awards? Did Taylor ignore him? Or is it something metaphorical?
All in all, I think that Taylor and Harry were both confused. Taylor was trying to get a rise out of Harry to see if he was still in this, (“I’m not your homeland anymore, so who am I offending?”) but Harry was just hurt and his signs were just as misunderstood as Taylor’s.
UPDATE: Exile also references British land in the lyric “you were my crown, now I’m in exile” ; There is also a lyrical parallel between Only Angel (“broke my fingers knocking on your bedroom door, I got splinters on my knuckles crawling ‘cross the floor”) and this song.
UPDATE: In Exile, Taylor uses prominent sound effects of birds chirping and ambulance sirens calling. This is significant, because one of the major sightings of Harry & Taylor at the Lake District involved them catching/watching birds. And, most importantly, the sirens represent the snow mobile accident they both got into.
UPDATE: Taylor refers to the song as one being about two people with communication issues who see each other out with someone else for the first time; two ships passing in the night. Checks out.
This is what I have so far, will update as I find something new.
Songs referenced: Exile, Woman, Meet Me in the Hallway, Falling, From the Dining Table, Sign of the Times, Only Angel, Fine Line
For more, visit my Haylor Theories Masterpost
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omniscientwreck · 3 years
To Belong
Alright here’s some hurt/comfort as requested. Canon divergence where Caleb wasn’t able to dispel Gaudius’ hold on Essek. 
One of Lucien’s many eyes looks toward him and everything slows. Warmth seeps in through his pores, sinking in through skin going straight to his head. He hears their call and for a moment he resists but, why would he? 
He’s never belonged. He didn’t belong in Roshona, surrounded by religious zealots blinded by the comfort that comes with trust. Incurious, simple minded fools. He didn’t even belong with the Nein, not really. None of them trust him, he’s been eclipsed by his sins and nothing can break through to them. 
He needs a blank slate, if he is to belong anywhere he has to be able to start over completely. That is what Gaudius offers, a new beginning, no judgement, no proving himself. He doesn’t have to work for their acceptance and love fills his heart. The Somnovum will take him as he is and there’s never anything he’s wanted more.
Everything is clearer now, these people were never in it for him. He drags his hands, beginning to pull at the strands of gravity as Lucien fills his mind with the power he can achieve once he’s one with them. When he joins the city.
The human lifts his hand to cast at him and without even thinking he waves his hand to counter the spell. “Essek no!” The blue tiefling looks horrified, feigning care even now. 
He curls his fingers in, pooling gravity and thrusts his hands forward, centering the darkness on the wizard who’s toyed with him for nearly a year. The effect isn’t immediate but it will pay off, he’s sure and those caught inside, the humans, the clerics, the angel, the halfling will feel it’s effects soon enough. 
The firbolg is the first. He hasn’t taken much damage but this seems to get to him. As Essek’s fingers clench he crumples like paper and Essek squeezes before releasing. He flies as far as he can but it isn’t far enough. More will come. 
Up next, he feels the thief resisting, she’s strong and muscles through but it’s not pretty. Her form stretches briefly as he pulls and stretches with two hands before snapping back into place and he’s sure she cries for the wizard who cannot hear or see her. Something twinges in the back of his mind but Lucien calls out again and he remembers the family waiting for him. 
The monk tries to appeal to him through her newfound abilities, she seems to be able to see through the darkness. She tries her hardest to reach some part of him still foolish enough to turn away from happiness and towards them, he hardly listens. She moves to run out of his grasp but just before she can make it he grabs hold and twists. Her body contorts and he can almost feel her crumble away, but she gains control and she just barely breaks out of his grasp. 
He feels Caleb try to resist but his efforts just aren’t enough. He looks Essek directly in the eyes, and he hears whispers of the wizard’s voice try to get through to him, “You must break free, we need more time”. Essek’s face stretches into a wicked grin at this obvious manipulation tactic (I will show you belonging the way he couldn’t bear to) as he twists his wrist and pulls down, compressing the body in front of him. The wizard nearly leaves his influence but he’ll have another chance to take him down. 
The angel didn’t stand a chance. She can’t resist the pull of his gravity and even if she could scream the monk’s name she wouldn’t be able to see her or save her. As he finishes with her his mind drifts back to memory, spurred by the wizard’s sweet words. We need more time. It will take time. You were not born with venom in your veins. Something snaps in the back of his mind and the Nonagon’s whispers turn to acid in his mind. He can see properly, he drops the spell and turns to Lucien, screaming as he turns on the beast with nine eyes, unleashing a torrent of inky black lightning, hitting him square in the chest. 
The battle is over and by some strange grace they’re all alive. The Nein are both celebrating and consoling each other. In the end they appealed to Molly and, for the second time, he was his own undoing. 
It feels like intruding to be there, he who has done another irrevocable deed. He would leave immediately if he still had the energy but that effort is insurmountable. Caduceus had gotten them back to their own plane and they’re resting in an open field, surrounded by Caleb’s alarm spell, taking turns at watch. None of them are quite ready to be around their loved ones quite yet, needing one more night together as a family before dealing with the gravity of what they’ve accomplished. 
Fjord holds Jester, keeping an eye on the horizon and whispering comfort as she silently cries into his shoulder. Beau and Yasha are curled together trying to sleep, Caleb has Frumpkin around his shoulders and Veth is curled into his side, Caduceus’ legs overlapping with Fjord’s in the tight space. There’s hardly room for Essek to sit in this small circle of sombre camaraderie, and the emotions of his travelling companions are simply too much for him so he stands to put some distance between them. Just for a moment. Just so he doesn’t have to look them in the eyes.
He stands, knees cracking and makes his way out to he open field. Nobody seems disturbed, none of them react and nobody calls after him. In the night air he’s met with stars and silence, the night sky used to comfort him. Now it’s a void he could be swallowed in and with the way he feels right now, he wishes it would. 
His hair is coated with somebody’s blood, his body is battered and bruised and his spirit is shattered. They’d taken him along to help, they’d allowed him such an important opportunity to redeem himself and he’d nearly killed them. He’d made it far easier for Lucien to knock them down, luckily Caduceus and Jester had been focused and able to heal quickly enough. He’d ended up being a burden and once again a traitor. 
“Essek.” He hears his name, a warning so he isn’t startled. Caleb’s voice drifts on the breeze, “Are you alright?” 
He sighs, letting his head fall and squeezing his eyes shut. “No.”
“Let’s sit.” 
He obliges, silent, waiting for Caleb to set the tone. 
“You need to know we do not blame you for what happened. Yasha turned too, these things are not our fault.” 
He can’t bare to look over but he does anyway. Caleb’s eyes shine with worry, furrowed brow pulling creases into his forehead. “It could have turned out so badly Caleb. That magic, it’s made to kill. You are all very lucky for your ability to escape and my comparative lack of experience in battle. I could have turned you to dust.” 
Caleb sighs, “Guilt over hypotheticals is a waste of your time and energy. You could have, but you didn’t. We’re all still here, and we wouldn’t be without you. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of comfortable self-loathing, you’ll waste years.” 
“You couldn’t understand Caleb, I was convinced. I didn’t even want to resist. It was only-” he pauses on the brink of the confession and decides to throw caution to the wind, “It was only you that brought me back. My mind wasn’t my own, I was imprisoned and lied to and I was stupid enough to believe it.” 
“I understand more than you know.” He looks instantly older, Essek has frequently wondered what Trent had done to Caleb to take such a bright and excellent man with so much kindness in his heart, and turn him hard. “I have been deceived, lied to, it lead to my worst moments. I’ve told you we are not so different and it’s clearer now more than ever. If there is redemption for me, as I’ve been assured many times there will be, you will find yours.” 
Essek shakes his head, “It would have been nobler for me to die for the world than to continue this pathetic existence. It would have been a just end, poetic and balanced. Now there’s so much unresolved I don’t know where to start or where to go.” 
Caleb’s hand covers his on the grass, “Well, we can start by researching, it’s what we do best. Everyone else has someone to go to, family to see, something to go back to. I only have forward momentum, more to learn and see. You could join me, we can go back to Aeor and see what comes.” 
Essek nods, “I do not deserve that but because I am a selfish creature I accept your offer.” 
Caleb squeezes his hand and he looks up again, into his eyes, “It does not matter what you think you deserve. You are not the decider of what I offer you.” He has a fierce look about him, he may have hit a nerve, “Trust that I know what I want and when I say I want you with me it’s not out of pity or some savior complex. Let me offer you this and quell any self-pity or doubt. I’m not obligated to like you or want to be around you, but I do because I like you Essek. I think it should be plain by now that I like you a great deal and I hope that you will come along with me, to see where this leads us.” 
Despite himself, Essek turns his hand over under Caleb’s and tentatively laces their fingers together. He’s seen him do similar things with the Nein and when Caleb doesn’t flinch he relaxes a bit. “I will trust you in this. I am also quite fond of you. Thank-you, for your words. For your trust. One day I hope to feel worthy of such a gift.” 
Caleb squeezes his hand and leads him back to the tent where they sit side by side wordlessly before falling asleep, still holding hands.
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elizabethemerald · 3 years
Summer at Brenatto's Camp for Young Adventurers
Veth sat proudly at the staff table watching her campers eat breakfast. Camp Brenatto was a raring success if she could say so herself. The camp offered the young folk of Nicodranas a place to learn about the wider world. Some kids even traveled from as a far as Zadash to attend the camp. 
With funding from her adventures, the rest of the Mighty Nein, and donations from some famous author, Terry Daring or something like that, the camp had beautiful grounds. It was the perfect place to learn about adventuring. The camp had a high ropes course, an archery range, a mock dungeon and as much as Veth hated it, a small water front where the kids could learn to swim. 
The camp was Veth’s second greatest pride and joy, after Luc. The curriculum covered every aspect of adventuring life she could think of. Camping, foraging, first aid, lock picking, archery, trap finding. The dungeon was an obstacle course filled with, carefully non lethal, traps for the kids to practice disarming. 
While each week was filled with learning and excitement, this week was a special one. This week the Mighty Nein were coming to visit. Certainly the various members of the Nein would show up when they had the time to help out through out the summer program, but this week the entire party was there because this week is spent discussing Party Makeup. 
The kids at the summer camp would spend the week talking with the Nein, learning about and trying out different roles within their own smaller parties. The best part though, every year had the campers the most excited, was the Mighty Nein getting a rare chance to show off. To put their skills and battle earned prowess on display. 
After breakfast concluded Veth lead the campers out to the practice field. She left them in the capable hands of the one of the counselors before casting invisibility on herself and slipping to the side. 
The practice field was a large open area, filled with bits of rubble and the facades of buildings. It was the perfect place for a demonstration. Even as the kids were still settling half a dozen gnolls appeared around the battle before running to cover. Then to the surprise of the kids a young blue dragon appeared out of the air, crashing to the ground and roaring. 
“Remember! Team dynamics are very important!” Veth called, still invisible. “You have your tanks!” 
Yasha flew in on her angelic wings, great sword in hand. She landed in front of the illusory dragon slashing at it twice, before roaring, a primal scream. The dragon struck back at her, causing gasps and screams from the campers, though she pantomimed shrugging off the blow. 
“You have your support casters, also great for an area of affect spell!”
Caleb ran in, throwing a handful of iron into the air and Yasha doubled in size, now able to look the dragon almost squarely in the eye. Then he slapped his hands together, a bead of light flew out from his hands detonating above the heads of a few of illusory gnolls, causing their illusion to shatter and fade. He then ducked behind some cover. Essek, under an illusion as well cast fly on himself then rose into the air casting magic missile as he did so. 
“Can’t forget your mobile heavy hitters!”
Kingsley ran in on one side of field slashing through one of the gnolls before running up to another. Fjord appeared on the other, taking a slash with the Star Razer at a different before slamming his blade into the ground and thunder stepping to the other side of the field, also now face to face with a gnoll. 
“And the healers! Capable of healing when they want to and dealing heavy damage as well.”
Jester dimension doored into the middle of the field with Caduceus on her arm. Her spectral lollipop bamfed into the air and struck the dragon, while Caduceus healed Yasha then cast spirit guardians. Drawing more gasps from the watching kids as they were suddenly surrounded by spectral beetles. There were now only a few gnolls left and the dragon itself. 
“No party would be compete without your flankers!”
Beau sprinted in, then pummeled the remaining gnolls, shattering their illusions. Then she did a standing backflip onto a wall that she scaled with ease until she stood at the top glaring at the dragon. At the same time Veth ran in, dropping her invisibility in favour of charging Brenatto’s Voltaic Bolt. She ran forward and fired the bolt into the dragon’s open mouth causing a surge of electricity to pass through the illusion. Then, a beat passed, and the dragon burst into rainbow sparkles. 
The Mighty Nein gathered again in front of the kids. Beau flipped off the top of the building, landing with a perfect three point landing and walking up to give Yasha a kiss on the cheek. Fjord used misty step to appear right at Jester’s side as she walked to the group. Veth stepped to the front, again addressing the awestruck kids. 
“No adventurer is complete on their own. Everyone has weaknesses and at some point will need a friend to help pick them back up. Remember that when you eventually join your own party. What role do you want to fill? What backup do you need? Now we will break you up into groups and you can ask the Mighty Nein any questions you might have.”
Veth watched for a moment as the campers spread out in smaller groups. Each small group approached one of the Nein. Some running up to Beau, excited after her display. One kid tried to do a similar flip and would have faceplanted had Yasha not grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, saving him the embarrassment and his front teeth. 
A few of the more studious came up to Caleb and Essek, quietly mumbling out questions to the wizards. One she guessed recognized Caleb, and she realized probably knew of him from the Soltryce Academy. 
Several kids found Fjord or Kingsley. Veth noted with pride that among the kids with those two were a pair of half-orcs, a tiefling as well, and few other more often prejudiced against races. She was sure this was the first time they had seen anyone who looked like them in an adventuring party. 
Luc lead the charge of kids up to the two clerics. He was now one of the oldest still attending the camp, not long from heading out on his own adventures. He hugged Caduceus around the middle and started talking rapidly to him. Likely about the dreams he still had from when Caduceus brought him back from the dead. As much as she wanted him to be an arcane rogue like herself, she felt that he was well on the road to becoming a cleric, though which deity wasn’t clear yet. 
There were a group of campers coming up to ask her questions as well. Veth smiled, then gesturing for them to wait, stepped back to address the whole camp again. 
“The most important part of a party, is not the tactical benefits. The most important part is that these people who you will stand shoulder to shoulder with, will one day become your family.” She smiled at the rest of the Mighty Nein, making eye contact with each of them, as they smiled back at her. “I love these people as much as I have loved anyone. I’ve saved the world by their side, and I would do it again any day of the week.” 
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highdwightofmylife · 4 years
i lost someone real close to my heart a while ago and so i have been feeling rather empty it's even been hard to eat or sleep well. But bc I have alot of free time now i tend to think how would some of the killers react to someone they care about being like this? maybe Wraith, Deathslinger, Suzie, Joey, Bubba and maybe Pyramid head? or something. Love your work.
Four characters is my limit but I'll let it slide. I don't know how recent you lost someone, but I know how it can feel. I wish I could assist in more ways than just offering you these basic hcs, but I hope they at least make you crack a smile! It gets better, even if it really doesn't feel like it will. It will likely always hurt, but overtime we learn how to cope. Stay safe, hon. Please take care of yourself.
HCS For a Depressed/Grieving Reader
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba has dealt with something similar. He understands more than you think, though he reacted a little differently during his time of grief.
He hates seeing you upset. He hates seeing you stare blankly. He hates seeing what this has done to you.
So he spends most of his time attempting to offer up distractions, thinking it'll help you cope. He reaches out to shyly hold your hand and looks down at you with those big puppy eyes. He tries to get you to craft things with him; bracelets, other jewellery.
He likes to take you outside and sit in the flowers with you. Sometimes the cornfields. Just... somewhere quiet. Flower crowns, flattening the earth with dumbass snow angels (without the snow obviously), tickling your face with tufts of grass.
At night, when you can't sleep, he'll make you curl up into him and he'll rub soothing circles into your back and you'll feel his breath settling on the top of his head.
Really worried you're not eating as much. You gotta stay healthy and strong! He keeps making food for you and will try and hand feed you, but he won't force it. He's just... very encouraging.
Let's be real, Caleb isn't the best at dealing with shit. He unfortunately gets lost at the bottom of bottle when he's feeling low. He see's you're down and he offers a drink. He always offers you a drink. It's not healthy, but it's who he is.
But that ain't gonna solve anything. Even he knows that.
He makes you sit on his lap. He puts his hat on your head and pulls you deep into his chest, where he calmly shuts his eyes and just... Chills. Just exists with you. No words, just company. It's nice.
Have you noticed how pretty the sky is at the saloon? Imagine sitting on the steps of the saloon and just. Staring up at the sky. He'll lean back on his elbows and just watch you out of his peripherals. And then he'll probably crack a smile and say somethin' dumb to catch your attention. "Funny how your stealin' all the pretty from the stars, huh?"
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Joy's first order of business when you're upset is to take off his hoodie and pull it over your head. It's so warm.
He drapes himself over your back and kisses at your temple and tells you it's okay.
Encourages you to talk about how you're feeling. Will offer small comments here and there in a soft tone.
Plays music for you. Literally makes you a whole mixtape of songs he thinks might lift your spirits.
Encourages you to eat every now and then. Offering you small bites here and there. If you cant take a full meal, he understands. He'll just discreetly offer you some of his own food. He worries.
Pyramid Head
Pyramid Head isn't a being of... Emotional Help. He exists to dispense judgement. And. Other things.
But somehow he's attached to you, and when you're down, then... Then he feels like something isn't quite right.
For some fucking reason, PH thinks that putting his hands on your head with comfort you. But like. Imagine two hands on each side of your head, holding you from behind with a grip that's not enough to hurt, but... It's strong. It's grounding. He's just letting you know that he's there.
Holds you. Breaths in your general direction with those alligator ass chuffing noises.
He doesn't really sleep and even if he does, it's very rarely and just for short power naps. So he never presses you to sleep because not sleeping is normal for him. But it's nice to rest against him as your body will finally make you sleep after a long ass time.
Hugs!!! Hugs all around. Wants to hold you constantly, thinking it will make you feel better.
Keeps slipping her hand over yours.
She takes your mind off things with a lot of chatter. She can talk for hours.
When you're upset, she'll curl up against your side at night. She coils her arms around one of yours and hold on tight, almost as if she's afraid to let you go.
Insists you eat and regularly brings you food, but won't force you.
Chilled fingers resting on your skin.
Smooth circles rubbed into your spine.
Imagine being sat on the forest floor with him. Your sat between his legs and he leans over to show you what he has. Hanging from long fingers is a small little flower. He gently presses it into your hands and then taps your chest, right where your heart flutters beneath your skin. Just telling you he's here. And he cares for you.
Worried about your health a lot. He presses you to his chest for hours as designated sleep time, even if you don't sleep. He'll just pat your head and muzzle your face into his chest and lie there with you. Offers you small snacks in the hope of igniting your appetite a little.
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idio-cies · 4 years
Jatp- Perfect Harmony Dissection
Holy Moly this show has taken me by surprise in the best possible way.
I forgot how good Kenny Ortega is... and omg the dynamics in this show are just *chefs kiss* anyway that’s for another post
All of these songs left an impression with me, but Perfect Harmony just got the cogs working in my brain so I wanted to dissect it because I can’t stop thinking about it.
This will be long but I hope people will bear with me.
I found out that Madison and Charlie wrote this one together for the show, so that’s cool. So, even if this is Julie’s fantasy/daydream, it objectively also has “Luke’s” input as well, considering Madison and Charlie were writing with the characters in mind.
The lead up to this song is Julie realising she is falling for Luke, and has Luke on the brain, so she slips up with calling Nick, Luke yadayada significant to say her crush has changed as well blah blah blah.
I first thought it was strange that they are all in black? They weren’t performing for anyone other than for merit. However Black is of course associated with death, mystery etc, but in this context ,with them being “fancy” it deems them as more elegant than anything. I like using this site for colour reference. Please make of it what you will, but I’m sticking with classy and mysterious with this performance.
Then I noticed how Julie and Nick are the centre of attention, plus Nick and Julie seem to improvise? They aren’t doing as the others are. Whether they are meant to or not. I think this is meant to draw parallels, with Nick sliding on the floor and Luke tumbling, then also the lift, how here it’s short and sweet, yet with Julie and Luke there are two and the second is drawn out and more meaningful etc.
I think she must be dancing normally in reality throughout this, but I’ll come back to that later.
So let’s get into this song.
“Step into my world”- I find this interesting because Luke is the one stepping over into hers, but also this is like some “in-between” that they're in;  significant of the Limbo that the guys are currently stuck in and also the fact that Julie is the bridge. The world is probably metaphorical for music as Luke helps re-establish it in Julie and is also the guy where music is his whole world, as he lets all of his emotions out and connects with people. It’s a running theme being called up again. However, you cannot deny the possible connotation of Julie potentially stepping over with them. It’s also ironic as Luke “steps” into Julie’s world “I’m sorry we came into your life” - Luke, ep 1, and literally steps over here.
“Bittersweet love story about a girl”- undeniable. Their story is bittersweet. Impossible to be together; yet have a connection that runs so deep.
But now we see the scenery, and it’s all monochrome and the candles just scream romance, but also to me, of serenity.
I mean even the dancefloor reflects to make it look as if they are dancing on water or in an in between world. The reason why I point out monochrome gives the intention of “black and white” there is a lack of complexity, it is clear about how true their bond is, and to them it isn’t complex. Also I can’t help but think of yin and yang which can also be included here as they balance each other out. Julie yin, Luke yang. This is ironic considering Julie is always symbolised with light and Luke the contrast with a dark and being, you know, dead.
I also came across a gifset of the parallels to dirty dancing that Perfect Harmony dance had, and again, the colours are flipped with the pair which is just... interesting in this instance.
“Shook me to the core  “Voice like an angel, never heard before”- pretty simple, Luke has always been amazed with Julie’s talent, plus a metaphor commonly attached to Julie, being called an angel. He is also calling her unique. Passage of touch.
But then we get the touch. So I think this whole hand passage thing is reflected in the time they tried to hold hands, then the last time and they could then touch. In this instance though it’s like Julie is the one being resurrected. Again, this could be another metaphor of his hand in helping her find her music again, but you cannot overlook the other implications.
So here is where they dance. I am no dance expert, but dance does have it’s own language that I think everyone can interpret, but I will try my best to explain. I also think “harmony” can be a way to express dance partners as well.
“Here in front of me”- I do think this is in reference being able to touch them, but the drawing up to her hands is so interesting because of the eye contact and draw. It’s more intimate.
Then they go into something similar to what the routine is meant to be in reality, but instead they make it like a pulse on the line “they’re shining so much brighter”
I point out a pulse because it’s “living” and it just juxtaposes with who Julie is talking about; the guys.
A twirl and lift on “than I have ever seen”- This is Julie talking about the guys. Ray calls them angels and then at the end of season they literally freaking glow so... (also pronoun change to collective when Julie starts singing)
“Life can be so mean”- ep 8, after Luke told him their demise would be one of three ways, Julie was going to be hurt all over again. Julie and Flynn had an understanding that the world was being cruel when they were discussing it. Also I just feel their dance here is like they are interpreting a rough ride/rollercoaster. They swing arms then tuck and twist.
“But when he goes, I know he doesn’t leave”- Luke will be in her heart, like she found with her Mum. She did let them go, and she understands she will have to do that, but they will live on in her heart.
Also hand over heart, as she “falls” into him and he doesn’t let her fall. That’s just cute.
“The truth is finally breaking through”- either their feelings or just what will be revealed to us. Though they are parted and Luke does the spinning on the ground so I expect a pitfall somewhere along the way (probs Caleb)
But he rolls right back to her
“Two worlds collide when I’m with you”- Well, the fact that they are the living and the dead.. so. Plus in-between. Don’t know how to interpret the dance here, I just like the swishy steps
“A voice is rising so, so high”- how Julie comes out of her shell. Also can’t help but link to the angel motif. Plus, Julie is lifted up, she is the catalyst, she is rising up in fame really. Luke is one of the people who helps her soar as well.
“We come to life, when we’re in perfect harmony”- Julie always being told she looks “alive again” when she’s doing music again.  Music and playing with Julie is what makes Luke and the guys feel alive. I gotta say, Charlie and Madison do exhibit some good harmonising.
The lift that happened is like the improv that Nick and Julie do, but then Luke and Julie here make eye contact as she comes down again, but goes back to similar to the dance she is meant to be doing. Until she reaches up on the line “We say we’re friends”, he also helps lift them up.
“We play pretend”. I mean, they kinda do. Luke tries to pass off his feelings with the guys, but that boy is WHIPPED.
“You’re more to me”- right off the bat, I like it. Arms out and a hug. YES. Also just look at that bliss on her face, bless her.
“We create” well yes they create “the perfect harmony”
The cut off is abrupt as Julie snaps back to reality. Then she looks in the mirror and realises Luke isn’t there and that she must’ve gone insane. This is what gets me. I think this is the moment that she realises that her feelings for Luke are deeper than she realised and I think she truly thought that they may have been dancing together in the end.
Is this just an extremely vivid daydream, because she had one of these when she mentally performed “I got the Music” and she must’ve done something during that time as she took someone’s drumsticks during her little renaissance. So what happened in real life? Did she just dance around a little, humming a bop? I just... I imagine that this is just a very lucid daydream, which is fair enough, relatable, but it just interacts so much with real life rather than actually just being all in her head. I just find it interesting.
The full version has some lines that I also want to point out. In the second verse there are these lines:
”You set me free”- Luke sings this line which can mean that she will set his soul free- she is a part of his “unfinished business”
“You and me together is more than chemistry”- Julie sings this line. We know that chemistry was pointed out by Alex and Reggie to Luke, and I believe Flynn also says about them being an appealing pair when performing. But they are more than chemistry. I mean they do work well together and they care about each other deeply, but I also can’t help but think of the “signs” her mother was giving her, and believing that the guys were sent to her.
“Love me as I am, I’ll hold your music here inside of my hands”- This is sung by both of them. They already do this, but holding their music in each other’s hand is interesting. I guess this is saying about trust and that they will do it together. I also think this relates to being able to finally hold hands. It’s like the saying “Whatever’s mine is yours”. They share pain, they share lyrics, their passion for music etc.
Then in the bridge we have the lines “I feel your rhythm in my heart”- I have a feeling that they are in sync with each other, they can immediately click and tune in with a melody. It’s also ironic as Luke doesn’t have a heart.
“You are my brightest burning star”- Luke sings this line. It makes sense. As I have said previously, Julie is this beacon of light, Luke clearly is in awe of her and inspires him. He also straight up calls her a star in ep 9 as well
“I never knew a love so real”- oh man, the irony. Their connection is pure and true, it’s just so annoying that he’s a ghost
“We’re heaven on earth, melody and words”- again with the metaphor of the middle ground where I suppose Julie sits. I understand the idiom and the bliss that they feel, and the connection they have and share with people. It’s just interesting as at the moment earth is currently Luke and the guys’ afterlife.
Anyway, that has been my dissection of Perfect Harmony. Thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far 😅
PS. the lack of visual aids is because Tumblr hates me, I apologise
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evelhak · 4 years
“Ancient” wlw ships
This is such a self-indulgent post but I need to get my thoughts out. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about all the girls I shipped in fiction when I was a kid and didn’t realize I was shipping them.
I mean, they pretty much all had boyfriends or ended up marrying a man, and I was pretty much on board, in my eyes it was just some part of the story that needed to happen, because it always did. I think the common thing with these characters was that the female best friend was, at least more often than not, narratively more important than the guy, or just seemed to have a much greater emotional impact in the story.
Thinking about this has been so fun and eye-opening that I just feel like sharing a list of my biggest ancient wlw pairs that I only now, years later, realize were totally in love in my mind, I just didn’t have a concept for it yet. I’m sure that’s relatable for some people, but maybe there’s someone out there who was shipping these same characters??
This will include mild spoilers. And it’ll be long.
1. Cornelia & Elyon from W.i.t.c.h.
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I COMPLETELY lived in these comics when I was 8-12 years old, and nothing in it was as compelling to me as Cornelia and Elyon. Guess I was already a sucker for best-friends-to-enemies-to-friends-again, even though I didn’t realize I also wanted them to become lovers. Best friends was all there was to me back then, that was the name I assigned to the highest form of love in my head. Which I still don’t see as invalid? I just didn’t realize I would’ve related to the romance aspect between best friends a hell of a lot more than I did to any of the relationships the W.i.t.c.h. girls had with their boyfriends. Cornelia and Caled was almost as bad as Buffy and Angel! Cornelia and Peter was just boring af. All the other W.i.t.c.h. girls’ boyfriends were all equally boring to me except for Will and Matt, but that was because their struggle to admit their feelings for each other was written in a funny way, not because their relationship had any actual depth.
But Elyon and Cornelia would’ve been perfect! I mean if your best friend has the ability to understand you so well, that with her magical intuition, she can draw you a picture of a guy you’re going to fall for, a guy she has never met... why would you even want to be with that guy anymore? Why wouldn’t you just be with her instead?? What Cornelia and Caleb had was limerence (I actually applaud the comics for eventually treating it as such and showing how it was harmful to both of the characters!) but what Cornelia and Elyon had was true love that transcends dimensions. Cornelia never gave up on Elyon, not even for a moment, after she became the W.i.t.c.h. girls’ enemy, and when she was in trouble, Cornelia had a hunch from another dimension, and she didn’t hesitate to come to her rescue. (The fact that during the same mission she also manages to fall for the dude Elyon drew for her in the past seems more like an accident, to be honest. The real deal was patching things up with Elyon, it was both more emotionally impactful AND more plot-relevant!)
It was also really sad to read the comics sometimes, because Elyon was absolutely my favourite character, and she wasn’t around much after the first arc, being a queen in another dimension. But every time there was a flashback to when Elyon was still living on Earth and being cute with Cornelia I was like MOOOOORE.
2. Sora and Layla from Kaleido Star
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If you haven’t watched this anime you’ve missed. SO. MUCH. This is probably my favourite anime ever. And it features another type of ship I LOVE. Which is partners in some sort of activity, usually sports. When it’s written well it’s just so impactful and intense. These girls are routinely risking their lives in their passion for acrobatics, so they need to have absolute trust in each other. And oh boy is the relationship between them written well. I love it when two characters initially don’t get the way the other thinks or sees the world, but as they grow closer, it’s the other’s way of thinking that really unlocks something huge for them.
Also what’s so compelling about Sora and Layla is that there really isn’t anything like them in any other anime, that I’ve come across, at least. These partnerships are always between two guys in a sports anime, the partnership is at the heart of the story and the emotional stakes are so high it’s no wonder most people don’t want to ship these guys with their intended female love interests. Kaleido Star takes this even further because the guy who is in love with Sora is literally a joke, or the fact that he’s in love with Sora is a running gag, and nothing more. All the focus is on Sora and Layla as partners, and how they change each other's lives for the better.
Also the way Sora pines for Layla when she’s away or not paying enough attention to her is SO... I mean you don’t even have to think it’s romantic for it to absolutely melt you. Although it feels pretty heavily romantically coded, and it doesn’t even feel like queer baiting, because it’s just SO real and honest. And how Layla can’t stop thinking about how Sora is changing her as a person. There’s no question about the fact that the relationship between these women is the true meat of the show.
3. Anne and Diana from Anne of Green Gables
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I read these books over and over again as a kid, and the Netflix show renewed my love for these two. They are kind of ridiculous, but SO cute. Looking back, it seems obvious that they had a crush on each other, they were just SO giddy all the time they were alone. Sure, you can excuse all their romantic gestures (like changing locks of hair, and vowing to never leave each other with joined hands and grand words) with saying Anne just romanticizes everything, but it never really felt like just that to me.
I’ll never forget how devastated Anne was about Diana getting married, and I don’t remember the wording but initially she wished she could keep Diana to herself for their whole lives. And every time they talked about marriage it was something they were both gonna do not as individuals, but rather the emphasis seemed to be on the shared experience, and how their children would be best friends and all that. It was all about them together. Like their romantic fantasies were nothing without the other somehow in the picture.
I don’t hate Anne and Gilbert but I don’t love them either. Gilbert has always been just sort of “meh”. He’s okay, but also the kind of love interest that can never compel me much.
4. Chocolat and Vanilla from Sugar Sugar Rune
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Seriously, this would have been SO GOOD if it was canon.
Think about it, best friends, chosen to compete against each other for the throne. These witches go to the human world to attract male attention and collect feelings from the men, turning the feelings into heart shaped crystals and whoever collects more will be the queen. I mean... the story was good as it is but if they had ended up together and been queens TOGETHER?? That would have been the best story. It could have had SUCH a compelling best-friends-to-competitors-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers storyline! There would have been room for so much character development.
And if my memory doesn’t betray me the story would not change much at all if they didn’t end up with the guys they do end up with! Especially Vanilla’s guy is like an afterthought and Chocolat’s guy is... well, a sum of my least favourite tropes, including the one that will remind everyone about Mortal Instruments a LITTLE too much, so he can get lost for all I care.
I cried many times while reading this, and it always had something to do with these two girls.
5. Yoko and Liao from Yoko Tsuno
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Okay, these two might have a problematic age gap, I’m not sure, but I didn’t know of that possibility as a kid, they just looked the same age to me. I was a huge Yoko Tsuno fan as a pre-teen, and there were so many interesting female adventurers in this series but for some reason the dynamic between Yoko and Liao was my favourite, even though Liao only appeared in one album. I just really felt like I needed to see more of these characters interacting and where their relationship would develop.
There was something about them that seemed rather original to me then, and a nice change. The reader had already gotten used to Yoko as the hero, she was always saving the day everywhere, she was like The Doctor in a way and not only because she time-travelled. She is simply badass. In Liao’s story there’s a prophecy about a girl who speaks to a dragon and saves everyone, and Yoko thinks that girl is her because she’s from the future and knows the dragon is a machine, but it turns out to be Liao, and that was somehow really satisfying. Yoko treats Liao obnoxiously in the beginning, doesn’t give her much credit, but is deeply humbled after Liao needs to save her ass multiple times because she’s just too sure of herself. It was cool to see how Yoko really needed to grow in this story and realize her limitations, and how wrong she was to treat Liao the way she did and look down on her just because Liao was physically weak, had a temper, and came from a much earlier time period than Yoko.
By the end they are clearly very attached to each other (Liao weeping in Yoko’s arms and Yoko confessing how full of herself she was when they met) and respect each other, and I just really would’ve liked to see where they would go from there. I thought about them meeting again A LOT when I was a kid.
That’s my big five! :D I could go on but this is already long, I need to sleep, and these are the characters that I’ve been thinking about the most lately. If you read this far for some reason it would be cool to hear if you have any similar (or different) experiences.
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