#I was never in it for the lyrics and more in it for her voice/melodies
stuckinapril · 3 months
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folklouire · 8 months
head full of love and appreciation for folklore and evermore. head full
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lecsainz · 9 months
I didn't know you take requests about Seb too 😭😭 I don't have any specific request right now but can you write something about him... Just don't make it angst I need my fluff right now 😭😭
parings: sebastian vettel x girlfriend!reader
authors note: I loved writing this, can we talk about how Seb must be a DREAM of a boyfriend?
summary: the one where you go on a super chilly winter holiday date with your boyfriend for a mini getaway to meet his parents.
✩. . . masterlist !
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It was a crisp winter day, and Y/N found herself on an exciting adventure with her boyfriend, Sebastian Vettel. He had invited her to visit his parents in their cozy home in Heppenheim during his winter break. Y/N, however, wasn't exactly prepared for the chilly German weather.
As the snowflakes gently fell from the dark sky, Y/N shivered in her light dress, cursing herself for not packing warmer clothes. She glanced at her boyfriend, who was behind the wheel, his warm moletom hugging his frame.
"Seb, it's freezing!" Y/N exclaimed, rubbing her arms vigorously.
Sebastian chuckled, his eyes never leaving the road. "I did tell you to dress warmly, love."
Y/N pouted, but her annoyance melted away as Sebastian reached over and placed his hand on hers, intertwining their fingers. The warmth of his touch sent a pleasant tingle through her.
"Here," he said, unzipping his moletom. "Take this. I won't let my girl freeze."
Gratefully, Y/N slipped into Sebastian's hoodie, reveling in the comforting scent of his cologne. It was the perfect blend of warmth and his unique essence. She couldn't help but smile as she zipped it up, feeling a sense of closeness to him.
Seb resumed his driving, the car gliding smoothly through the snowy landscape. He reached out and held Y/N's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Better now?"
Y/N nodded, her heart fluttering at the simple gesture. "Much better. Thanks, love."
He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anything for you, darling."
Y/N glanced out at the winter wonderland passing by, her breath forming little clouds on the window. She couldn't help but feel a rush of contentment and glanced over at Sebastian, who was looking at her with a soft smile.
"What's on your mind?" he asked, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand.
Y/N's heart fluttered at his touch. "Just how lucky I am to be here with you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
He's smile widened, and he brought her hand to his lips, planting a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "I feel the same way," he confessed.
The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound in the car being the soft hum of the engine and the occasional crackling of the radio. Y/N couldn't resist the urge to break the silence, and she began to sing along to Taylor Swift's "Love Story" playing on the radio, her voice sweet and melodic.
Seb joined in, his voice harmonizing with hers, creating a sweet melody in the cozy confines of the car.
"You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess!" She sang, laughing as she exaggerated the lyrics.
He joined in with a grin, "It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"!"
They both erupted into laughter, the shared moment warming their hearts more than the moletom ever could.
As they approached Sebastian's childhood home, Y/N felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time was a big step, but with Seb by her side, she knew everything would be okay.
Sebastian parked the car, and they sat there for a moment, still holding hands. "You ready, love?"
Y/N nodded, a determined look on her face. "I am. Let's do this."
He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. "That's my girl."
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tosomeonessomeone · 3 months
your smile.
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words・ 2.9k /pairings・ Bang Chan x reader / genres・ fluff / warnings・ none
Karaoke ver.
As the night progressed and the karaoke session entered its peak, Chan's energy seemed to escalate. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he scrolled through the song list until he found it—Bruno Mars's signature tune, "Just the Way You Are."
A grin spread across Chan's face as he looked over at you, excitement dancing in his gaze. "Hey, guess what I'm going to sing next?"
You chuckled, already anticipating the song choice. "Let me guess, 'Just the Way You Are' by Bruno Mars?"
Chan's grin widened as he nodded enthusiastically. "You got it! It's my signature song, after all."
As the familiar melody filled the room, Chan's voice resonated with passion and emotion, capturing the essence of the heartfelt lyrics. With each note, his voice soared, carrying the sincerity and warmth of the song's message.
As Chan sang each part of the song, his eyes remained fixed on you, his voice carrying the weight of every heartfelt word.
"Her eyes, her eyes," he crooned, his gaze softening as he emphasized each syllable, "Make the stars look like they're not shinin'."
With each line, Chan's voice echoed with sincerity, his gaze never wavering as he continued, "Her hair, her hair, Falls perfectly without her tryin'."
As he sang his eyes seemed to convey a depth of emotion that resonated with the lyrics. "She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day," he sang, his voice filled with tenderness and affection.
But it was in the chorus that his gaze held the most intensity, as if every word was a silent declaration meant just for you. "When I see your face, There's not a thing that I would change," he sang, his eyes locked on yours, "Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are."
With a grateful smile and a nod of appreciation to the neon lights that had inadvertently concealed your blush, you leaned back, savoring the precious moments of your friendship with him.
As the final strains of the song melted into the air, Chan's gaze lingered, his eyes filled with an intensity that seemed to transcend the music. The room fell silent, as Chan hesitated, a flicker of emotion crossing his features.
Unable to contain the feelings that surged within him, Chan took a deep breath, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. "I... I couldn't hold it anymore," he admitted, his words carrying a weight of vulnerability.
With a tremor in his voice, Chan continued, his eyes never wavering from yours. "I know we've been through so much together, and... and I just need to say..." His words trailed off, lost in the intensity of the moment.
A swell of emotion rose within you, your heart pounding with anticipation. In the hush of the room, you could feel the weight of Chan's words hanging in the air, poised on the precipice of revelation.
And then, in a moment of clarity and courage, Chan spoke from the depths of his heart. "I care about you more than words can say. You mean everything to me, and I just needed you to know… I adore you"
In the intimate confines of the karaoke room, with the neon lights casting a soft glow around you, Chan's confession hung in the air like a delicate melody waiting to be embraced. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you, suspended in a moment of vulnerability and truth.
The tension between you intensified, the air crackling with unspoken emotion. And then, as if guided by an invisible force, you rose from your seat, drawn inexorably closer to him.
With each step, your heart pounded in your chest, the rhythm of anticipation matching the tempo of your shared desire. As you closed the distance between you, Chan's words faded into the background, replaced by the magnetic pull of your connection.
Gently, almost instinctively, you reached out, cupping Chan's face in your trembling hands. His gaze met yours, a flicker of vulnerability dancing in the depths of his eyes, mirroring the emotions that swirled within your own soul.
And then, without hesitation, you closed the remaining space between you, pressing your lips to his in a tender, passionate kiss. In that moment, the world fell away, leaving only the intoxicating sweetness of your shared embrace.
As your lips met, a surge of electricity coursed through your veins, igniting a fire that burned with an intensity you had never known. Chan responded in kind, his arms encircling you, drawing you closer until there was no space left between you.
In that timeless moment, the karaoke room faded into oblivion, its neon lights dimming in comparison to the brilliance of your love. The microphone slipped from Chan's grasp, forgotten amidst the overwhelming tide of emotion that consumed you.
Leaning back, breathless from the intensity of the moment, you whispered softly, "I adore you too," your words carrying the weight of sincerity and affection. With a tender smile, you closed the distance between you once more, sealing your declaration with another sweet kiss.
In that fleeting exchange, the depth of your emotions echoed in the gentle brush of your lips, a silent promise of devotion. It was a moment suspended in time, a testament to the bond that had blossomed between you and Chan, transcending words and defying explanation.
As you lingered in each other's embrace, the world outside faded away, leaving only the warmth of your shared affection to light the way forward.
His bedroom ver.
As Chan leaned back against a pile of pillows, he glanced at the ceiling, lost in thought. "So, what's been going on with you lately?"
You shrugged, propping yourself up on your elbows. "Oh, you know, the usual. Work, trying to find some time to relax in between."
He nodded, understandingly. "Yeah, it's been pretty hectic with the group too. We've got that comeback showcase next week, and then we're off to Japan for a mini-tour."
"That sounds intense," you remarked, fiddling with a loose thread on the carpet. "But exciting, too. I can't wait to see how everything turns out."
Chan grinned, his eyes lighting up. "Yeah, it's definitely going to be an adventure. By the way, have you heard about the new song we've been working on? It's going to blow everyone away."
You chuckled. "You say that about every song you guys make, but somehow, you always manage to deliver."
He laughed, running a hand through his hair. "Hey, you gotta have confidence, right?"
"Absolutely," you agreed, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Confidence is key."
"So, any exciting plans for after the tour?" you asked, breaking the silence.
Chan stretched his arms out above his head, considering your question. "Not really sure yet. Probably just some downtime with the members, catching up on sleep, maybe binge-watching a few shows."
"That sounds like a perfect way to recharge," you said, nodding in agreement. "You guys definitely deserve it after all the hard work."
He smiled gratefully. "Thanks. What about you? Any fun activities or trips planned?"
You shook your head. "Not really. Just hoping to catch up on some reading and maybe take a short trip to the countryside for some fresh air."
"That sounds nice," Chan said, his eyes brightening with enthusiasm. "Sometimes, the simplest things can be the most refreshing."
You smiled, appreciating his outlook on life. "Definitely. It's all about finding those little moments of peace and contentment."
As the conversation continued to flow effortlessly between the two of you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Chan's friendship and the moments of calmness he brought into your life, even amidst the chaos of his own.
The comfortable silence enveloped you both, punctuated only by the soft tapping of fingers on screens as you scrolled through your phones. It was a familiar scene, one you had shared many times before.
You couldn't help but notice the peacefulness of the moment, contrasting with the lively chaos that often surrounded Chan and his fellow members. 
You glanced over at Chan, his brow furrowed in concentration as he navigated through messages and notifications. 
Despite the tranquility of the moment, you knew that silence wasn't something he often experienced, especially with his energetic bandmates always around.
As the minutes passed, the silence remained unbroken, yet the connection between you and Chan only grew stronger, a silent acknowledgment of the bond you shared. 
And in that moment, surrounded by stillness, you felt grateful for the simple pleasure of each other's company.
You chuckled as you scrolled through TikTok, watching people confessing their feelings to each other in creative ways. Turning to Chan, you posed a playful question, "Hey, if you were to confess to someone, would you do it by singing a song?"
Chan looked up from his phone, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hmm, that's an interesting idea. I suppose it depends on the person and the situation."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his response. "Oh? So, you're saying there's a chance you might serenade someone?"
He laughed, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, I'm not ruling it out. Singing can be a powerful way to express your feelings, you know?"
"True," you nodded, thinking about the heartfelt emotions that music could convey. "It could definitely leave a lasting impression."
Chan grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll see me on TikTok, belting out a love song for someone special."
You chuckled, imagining Chan's smooth vocals serenading an unsuspecting recipient. "I'll keep an eye out for that, then."
As the conversation veered into playful banter, you couldn't help but appreciate Chan's lighthearted demeanor and his willingness to embrace romantic gestures, even if they involved a bit of singing.
Feeling Chan's gaze lingering on you, you tried to focus on your phone screen, scrolling through the endless stream of content. Despite the silence between you, his presence felt palpable, a gentle weight in the room.
Trying to maintain your composure, you pretended to be engrossed in whatever was on your phone, hoping to deflect any attention his way. But deep down, you couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind, what thoughts were swirling behind those piercing eyes.
The seconds ticked by, each one filled with an unspoken tension that hung in the air. You could feel the urge to look up, to meet his gaze, but something held you back, a fear of what you might find there.
In the quiet of the room, the only sound was the soft hum of the air conditioner, a steady rhythm that underscored the awkwardness of the moment. It was as if time itself had slowed down, stretching the silence into an eternity.
Finally, unable to bear the weight of the unspoken, you mustered the courage to glance up, meeting Chan's eyes with a hesitant smile. And in that fleeting moment, you found solace in the familiarity of his gaze, a silent understanding that bridged the distance between you.
With a shared small smile, the tension dissipated, replaced by a sense of ease that washed over you like a gentle tide. And as you returned to your phone, the silence no longer felt suffocating, but comforting, a reminder of the unspoken bond that bound you and Chan together.
As you thought silence would continue, Chan's melodic voice filled the room, softly crooning the lyrics of "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars, you felt a rush of warmth spread through you. His gentle rendition of the song enveloped you like a soothing embrace, drawing you in closer with each heartfelt note.
You turned to look at him, your gaze locking with his, as if caught in a spell woven by the power of music. His eyes sparkled with sincerity, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that resonated deep within your soul.
With a tender gesture, Chan reached out and delicately tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch sending shivers down your spine. It was a simple yet intimate gesture, one that spoke volumes without the need for words.
"And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while," Chan sang softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "Cause girl, you're amazing just the way you are."
His words hung in the air, lingering like a sweet melody, as if painting a portrait of admiration and adoration. In that moment, surrounded by the gentle strains of the song.
As the final notes of the song faded into the silence, you remained locked in a wordless exchange, the air tinged with an unspoken understanding. And in Chan's eyes, you found a reflection of your own worth and beauty, a reminder that you were truly loved just the way you are.
"Wow, if you serenade your crush like that, they'll be as smitten with you as I am right now," you joked softly, a smile playing on your lips.
Chan's eyes sparkled with amusement as he replied, "Well, I'm glad I've had that effect on you."
In that moment, something shifted within you, a realization dawning like a gentle sunrise. Before you could articulate your thoughts, Chan leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a tender, lingering kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as the world faded away, leaving only the warmth of Chan's touch and the softness of his lips against yours. It was a moment suspended in time, a silent promise of something more, something deeper than words could convey.
As he pulled back, you were left breathless, your heart racing with a mixture of surprise and longing. In Chan's gaze, you saw a reflection of your own feelings mirrored back at you, a silent affirmation of the connection between you.
Your hand instinctively reached for Chan's cheek, his warmth against your palm grounding you in the reality of the moment. He leaned into your touch, his eyes closing in a silent surrender to the emotions swirling between you.
As you drew closer, your breath mingling with his, you whispered softly, "Please, tell me this isn't a prank?"
Chan's eyes fluttered open, his gaze locking with yours in a silent vow. "It's not a prank," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "I've never been more serious about anything in my life."
His words hung in the air, a solemn declaration of his feelings, his intentions laid bare before you. In that fragile moment, doubt melted away, leaving only the undeniable truth of your connection.
With a gentle resolve, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting again in a tender embrace. It was a kiss filled with promise, a silent vow to explore the depths of this newfound love together.
And as you melted into each other's embrace, the world faded away, leaving only the sweet symphony of your beating hearts, a testament to the magic of love found in the most unexpected places.
Chan's arms wrapped around you, drawing you closer to his body. The world around you faded into insignificance as you melted into each other's embrace, lost in the warmth of the moment.
The softness of his lips against yours sent waves of warmth cascading through you, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment.
The forgotten phones lay untouched, a testament to the magnetic pull of your connection, drawing you closer together on the floor of his bedroom. In that intimate space, time seemed to stand still, each heartbeat echoing the rhythm of your shared passion.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you surrendered to the sweet surrender of the moment, lost in a world where only the two of you existed. And as you lay there, bodies entwined and hearts intertwined, you knew that this was just the beginning of a love story waiting to unfold.
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wordy-little-witch · 1 month
Okay but One Piece being in the pirate era and the lack of a frankly inordinate amount of sea shanties hurts me. Like you know DAMN well Roger was a partier, Buggy and Shanks undoubtedly know an incredible amount of shanties, from their first crews, from the new crews, from exploring and seeing and experiencing the world so thoroughly from such a young age.
Shanks would be the type to belt them, top of his lungs, but always adhere to the Codes, though he does think on it for a moment. People think he'd be a pirate head to toe, through and through, and he is! Truly, he is. He just doesn't really live by the Code and die by the Code the way some of the older generation does.
Buggy, despite popular belief, is the one to cling to those Codes with all he has. It's subtle, in the way he hums certain songs to himself but never sings the full lyrics without Meaning. He will sing and dance and party with his crew, they will make merry but they will do so properly. He's avant garde and nouveau expressionism but he's also old fashioned.
When he finds out Shanks taught this scrawny rubber twink everything the kid knows about piracy through sporadic meetings over a year, nearing a decade ago, he is absolutely livid. The swordsman is stupid but has a decent head on his shoulders for behavior. The redhead, from what he sees, knows more than most. He decides to put class in session.
He's surprised to be beaten so thoroughly and then furthermore to be removed succinctly. He's not gonna let it slide, obviously, but he'll play along. Sure. Could be fun. He was getting bored anyway.
Shit just so happens to hit the fan with this decision and all that follow. Shanks, knowing the truth of things, is simply VERY amused and Buggy is debating fratricide.
He's been playing this role for so long, it feels unnatural to drop it. It feels wrong. It makes him panic, makes him Itch.
It only comes to a head years later as he's humming to himself late in the evening on a certain day in September, having spent a good chunk of the day on his own, away from company and to the surprise of very few. Crocodile and Mihawk are among those who do not know why, but they alone are the ones to look for him.
Finding Buggy, singing softly to an animal as he gently brushes out their fur, surrounded by calm animals who seem to nearly build a wall with their bodies between himself and the world, was not anticipated to either men. Nor was hearing Buggy's voice, usually so shrill and rasped, flow gently over a melody with a grief filled expression. Ritchie, among the ones closest, gently head butted the clown with soulful eyes. Mihawk and Crocodile simply watch, seeing Buggy groom and pamper the creatures within the stables this far from town as he sings a specific sequence of songs.
Mihawk realizes first just what they're witnessing, and he grips the logia user's arm, guiding them both back. Crocodile, startled, goes to ask, and Hawkeyes simply shakes his head sharply. It is only once they are far enough that Mihawk breaths a stunned, "He's performing Rites."
"Rites," the swordsman reiterates, sending the other a suspicious look. "The Rites of the Code."
The mafioso takes a drag from his cigar, gesturing for the other to go on.
Mihawk sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I forget," he remarks dryly, "how uneducated in ours ways you are."
"Excuse me-?!"
"Rites," the other interrupts, "are a form of mourning. Frequency varies, and the honoring actions can be altered as well. The constant component are the shanties sung in remembrance and the flags flown. For some, a single instance can be sufficient..." Golden eyes drift to the side, unfocused, as he continues. "For others, there is a need to continue doing so. Often, it is a crew mourning a commanding officer. Unlike Marines, Pirates all share an unspoken connection. Though paths may vary and goals may differ, we all care Her in our veins."
Violet eyes love to the expanse of blue, the horizon bleeding across the world. He knew. He may lack some of the nuance of the Code from his priorities laying further inland, but he knew this. How could he not when his own blood sang salted sprays? He knew this much at the very least.
"So the clown is in mourning."
".... why?"
"...... ....... it is September."
"The 28th."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"You were there, too, 25 years ago. Loguetown."
Silence falls.
The wind rustles branches overhead. It carries the faintest wisps of a voice. The two men pointedly ignore it and the choked quality it had.
".... I see."
"..... yes. That is my theory, at any rate."
"............. Hawkeye."
"He was on the King's crew."
"Yes, this has been established."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Why him? Why the clown? He's not even 40 yet, so that day... he'd have been, what, 15, at the most? He'd have been on the crew for years by that point. He was there before the man was crowned, after all."
"Shanks was, as well. I believe the earliest mention was when he mentioned an incident from their childhood. He'd said they were... oh, what was it? Seven? Thereabouts. To be on a crew so young..."
"To be there so long, Hawkeye. The brat would have been with them since childhood. That crew was infamous for the things they did - the clown does not fit the pattern."
"He does not boast anything nearing the decorum expected of a fledgling of a King..."
"He knows the Codes, something never mentioned to us nor taught explicitly to his crew that we know of. He served under the King and kept it hidden from the world government for decades. He escaped the Grandline and settled as an East Blue nuisance for years. He was imprisoned in Impel Down with no sea stone."
Golden eyes widen. "You believe he has been hiding more than simply his heritage."
"What makes more sense? This, or what we have thought so far."
"How would we confirm it?"
"Just ask me, maybe?"
Neither man will admit to being startled when a new voice chimes in, soft and hoarse, drowsy. Buggy leans into Ritchie's side as the lion purrs loudly, the clown rubbing his eye.
He continues. "Tomorrow, though. It's late, I'm not feeling well, and Ritch and I have a date with my blanket nest."
"The lion?" / "Blanket nest?"
Buggy giggles softly. "Weighted blankets are expensive. Weighted Ritchies only cost snacks and chin scritches," he remarks softly. "As for the blankets, nests are the way to go. Good night."
Two dark haired men are left by a drowsy clown and lion in the woods on the edge of town with much to thing on and a list to compile for the next day.
The first question? How Mihawk had not sensed him whatsoever on approach.
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matts-k1tten · 2 months
can u do matt x popstar gf headcanons ??
ur matt x actress one was so good 😭
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐱 𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐠𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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ఌ ꨄ
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
• He’d listen to your music everyday, every night.
• Matt would admire your voice and praise you everyday for it.
• “Your voice is so beautiful, Makes me go crazy.” “Matt-“
• He would help you choose a beat for a song and recommend extra things like more drums or something like that.
• He would always be back stage for your concerts and cheer you on like a proud mother watching her daughters plays.
• He’d learn all the lyrics to your songs and sing to your songs in the car.
• I feel like Matt would always ask questions about what are your songs about or how do you find the melody and how do you tune your voice to make it sound “that good”.
• “How are you so amazing at everything? Like I swear you could sing anything.” “I don’t know Matt, I’m not THAT good.” “Stop you’re literally amazing, sweetheart.”
• You would use his voice in the background in some of your songs and sometimes sample his voice and make something out of it and he’d get so excited.
• “You used my voice?!” “Yeah…do you like it-“ “I LOVE IT OH MY FUCKING WORD IT SOUNDS AMAZING!”
• When you’d show him your outfits for a concert he’d hype you up and shower you with compliments.
• After a show I feel like he’d be so proud and treat you.
• While you’re performing he would definitely pay all his attention to you and take pictures and videos of you.
• He would always with you luck before going on stage and calm your nerves before going on.
• “Just breathe baby, I’ll be right here the whole time.” “But what if they don’t like me?” “What?! They’ll love you! You’re the most amazing person ever!”
• “You’re on in 5 minutes y/n/n!” “Ohhh shit, Matt that’s a huge crowd. They’re really here to see me?” “Of course they are! You have a beautiful voice! Everyone wishes they were me to be with a goddess like you.”
• Matt would cheer you on from back stage at every show.
• When you’d go on tour, Matt would be on every show and insist on bringing Nick and Chris.
• Matt would never get tired of hearing your songs even if he had to hear it over and over again at every show he goes to with you.
• He would be your #1 supporter fs and always will be your biggest fan.
• “You’re like immaculate. Can I have your autograph?” “Matt, I’m literally your girlfriend.”
a/n: tysm for requesting this and i’m so glad u liked my matt x actress!gf headcannons!! I really hope this is what u were looking for i literally had to look up popstar music bc i get so confused with the genres😭
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dewdropdinosaur · 3 months
As the World Caves In
Summary: Alastor has heard his fair share of voices in Hell, none quite like yours though.
Warnings: NONE. Except a sassy narrator. Have a wonderful day lovelies!
Requests are OPEN, so feel free to ask!
In the heart of Hell, where chaos reigned and sinners roamed, there existed a peculiar location known as the Hazbin Hotel. The sole purpose of such a place to redeem sinners like yourself dear reader, though let's not get too much into that. (We all know why are you on this website darling.) Among its more eccentric residents was Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon. He was a charismatic and enigmatic figure, whose mere mention sent shivers down the spines of even the toughest souls in Hell.
One day, as Alastor hummed and strolled through the halls of Hazbin Hotel, he heard a melodic voice echoing from a nearby room. Intrigued, he followed the sound and found Y/N, the cleaner Charlie had hired to aid Niffty in the small demon's never ending pursuit of a bug free haven. Gracefully going about their chores, Y/N sang with a voice that seemed to transcend Hell itself.
The song was unfamiliar to Alastor but nonetheless a haunting melody that told the tale of love amidst impending doom. Alastor, ever the connoisseur of entertainment, paused to listen. Must have been from a time later than him, shocking that a song from not the Roaring era peaked his interest. Though, the lyrics did resonate within him, in such a way that made his demonic heart stir with emotions he thought he'd long pushed down.
"My feet are aching, and your back is pretty tired. And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe. And set our grief aside. The papers say it's doomsday, the button has been pressed. We're gonna nuke each other up boys, 'til old Satan stands impressed."
Y/N, unaware of their creeping audience, continued to sing as they dusted and cleaned. A certain sadness filled their voice but the small smile that graced their face fueled the fires of the red demon's listening. The Radio Demon leaned against the doorway, his crimson eyes fixed on the cleaner. The dichotomy of the cleaner's sweet appearance and the dark setting of Hell created an atmosphere for such a song that was both beautiful and unsettling. The Radio Demon did love his ironies.
"And here it is, our final night alive. As the earth burns to the ground. Oh boy, it's you that I lie with, as the atom bomb locks in. Oh boy, it's you I watch TV with as the world.... as the world caves in."
The world caving in, a sentiment not unknown to Alastor though he might try to deny it. Few times had a performance stirred him to pensive thought, at least not a performance in his afterlife. As the final notes of the song hung in the air, Alastor applauded, his sharp teeth revealed in a sly grin. "My, my, my dear. That was quite the performance. I must say, you have a talent for making even the damned feel something."
Y/N jumped with a small yelp, startled by the sudden presence of the Radio Demon. They looked up at him with a mix of surprise and fear. "Alastor! I didn't realize you were there." Whipping around to face her demonic audience, Y/N felt an all too familiar pit of anxiety well up in her stomach at the sight of Alastor.
"No need to fret, my dear. I simply couldn't resist the allure of your singing," he replied, tipping his cane with a flourish. "I've heard many voices in Hell, but yours… it's truly captivating."
Y/N felt their cheeks flush with color, a compliment is a rarity in the underworld. Nonetheless one from the Radio Demon. "Thank you, Alastor. It's just a little something I do. Keeps spirits up, you know?" Rubbing the back of their neck with a sheepish grin, Y/N let out a small laugh. Almost as musical as their singing voice, Alastor noted that for later.
Alastor chuckled, his laughter statically filling the place. "Ah, the irony of keeping one's spirits up in Hell. Quite amusing, my dear. I do have a soft spot for a good performance. Now tell me, what is your preference for---"
As Y/N nodded along and answered his questions, a peculiar alliance formed between the Radio Demon and the sweet-voiced cleaner. Little did they know that their paths would cross again in this chaotic realm, where the unexpected was always just around the corner.
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minhosimthings · 4 months
Sex w music (Enha songs)
Alright anon I seriously did not understand what you meant so I just assigned songs to Enha combined with some smut hehe @xxxlov3xxx I KNOW ITS YOU BEHIND THIS
More under the cut!
Fever is such an inherently sexy song, even if it was about a boy who's obsessed with his lover so much that he gets a fever, and that's what makes it perfect for Heeseung. First of all, let's not pretend we didn't see him acting like a whore on that bed in the fever mv. And secondly it would be the sexiest thing to just see him thrust into you at every beat.
Just imagine, the lyrics so perfectly flowing out, and Heeseung providing you with the perfect, tenderly devastating stretch, your heavenly sounds moving out of your mouth in sync with the music. His thrusts start light, easy-going, until the beat of the song picks up, the lyrics start becoming a little too comfortable for him, and the smirk on his face just widens as he leaves you empty for a second and then crashes in again, the fire igniting in your belly so suddenly, that you all as well scream.
Bonus: "All I had to do was play this song and you'd be wriggling under me? My pathetic little princess."
Criminal love for Jay. HEAR ME OUT. It has such beautiful beats and such an amazing melody which I could get high on for days. And if you ever asked Jay, to try giving you pleasure to that song, I feel like he'd be both confused and aroused. Criminal Love combined with your sinful symphonies was a pretty remix Jay could listen to all day.
Paint a picture with me, of you wanting to record yourself while you're getting absolutely destroyed by Jay. And Jay has no problem with it considering its his darling whose asking. And then he's between your legs, the song playing in the background, his sultry voice turning you on. He's already sucked three orgasms from you, his tongue never wanting to leave from your cunt, considering how pretty your mouth was moaning to the melodies. And then you're riding out your fourth devastating orgasm to the ending notes of the song, as Jay looks up at you, his face covered with your cum.
Bonus: "You sound prettier than the song darling. Maybe I should take you to the studios someday."
Blind, atleast to me, is the party song that I would play at Jackson Wang's party (lol). And for that reason I am assigning it to Jake. It's such a fratboy party song, if you view it from the angle of the beats. And I firmly believe Jake would be in love with the idea of fucking you in some club's bathroom while this song plays in the background.
Let's be creative for a second. Jake, you, and his hands firmly pressing you against the glass of the mirror, it's already fogged up by your shaky breaths, Jake had gotten you too aroused by rubbing himself constantly against your clothes. His fingers slip between your folds, preparing you for his length. The song blares in your ears in the background. He finds your waist, pulling your body towards him. His pace fastens, causing your body to slam against her, your eyes still set on the mirror. Your arms shake from holding up your upper body. But of course Jake wouldn't leave you until the song is completed.
Bonus: "Eyes on the mirror baby. I'm not leaving you until the last note of the song ends."
Chaconne is the IT girl of Enha's discography for me, and it's an extremely sexy song and I will literally kill myself if I don't put this song for Sunghoon. Especially with how much he loves to dance to this song, and how fluid his body moves to the beat of this beautiful song, I can see him fucking you on the floor of the dance practice room to this song because you were just too needy and couldn't wait for him anymore.
Imagine Sunghoon speeding up, pummeling into you hard and fast, his large hands coating the surface of your ass and your back, groaning at the way you twitch and writhe underneath him, god damn had the song always sounded this pretty? His hands settle at your waist, gripping you tightly, accentuating the arch of you. He’s so fucking deep at this angle, you can feel him hitting your cervix with each thrust forward, as the best of the song repels your urge to faint into his arms at the overstimulation. It’s an addicting sensation right now—and it will be even later, when the dull ache overtakes you.
Bonus: "I'm never listening to this song again without you, love, you sound so pretty, like my gorgeous little slut."
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I am but a humble weary traveler, may I please have some fluff headcanons for the claymore queens (Dehya, Eula, Beidou, I can't remember if you've taken on Navia into your list of ladies, so if you want to swap her for Noelle thas good too.)?
(Genshin Impact) Dehya, Eula, Beidou, Navia, and Noelle random fluff
I write for Navia now, and how about both?
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(Dehya) "A-Archons above, it's freezing!"
Dehya had not seen snow until she went with S/O to Mondstadt.
The two were on a date walking through the streets in the winter months when snow began to fall.
As the snowflakes gently came down, Dehya was shivering, both her arms desperately holding onto her body for some warmth.
(Dehya) "H-H-How can anyone stand this?!"
(S/O) "Well, it'd probably help if you didn't dress like that."
(Dehya) "How was I supposed to it was going to snow?!"
Dehya grumbled something under her breath before falling silent when S/O wrapped their coat around hers.
(S/O) "Here, I'm a lot more used to the cold than you are."
Flashing Dehya a smile, S/O held her hand, quickly warming them.
Dehya's cheeks suddenly began to heat up as well, now it was starting to get a bit too warm.
(Dehya) "Um..T-Thanks."
Dehya returned the smile and snuggled even closer to them as they walked home.
Hopefully their next date would not include Dehya nearly turning into...what did S/O call it?
(Dehya) "Hey, what's that one sweet where it's like some...frozen treat on a stick?"
(S/O) "A popsicle?"
(Dehya) "Yeah that!"
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Eula sighed as she opened the door to her house.
It had been a long day, and the only thing she wanted to do was sit-
(Eula) "...Is that singing?"
It was S/O's voice, and the melody was coming from the kitchen.
The distinct scent of mooncrest pie caught her attention as she approached, watching S/O softly singing to themselves as they prepared it.
The singing wasn't the best Eula had heard but it still enamored her all the same. After all, it was by someone she loved.
And best of all, they hadn't noticed her yet.
(S/O) "I, can fix all those lies, But baby, when I run, I'm running to you! You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside, My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you!~"
Eula didn't recognize the song they were singing, but it seemed catchy at least.
Her smile grew end to end as she leaned against the wall, counting her blessings. A loving S/O, a warm home and dinner to come back to, most people would kill to have a thing.
And never in her life did she think she'd have anything like this.
(Eula) "Nice song."
(S/O) "GAH?!"
S/O jumped up in surprise, quickly turning around but relaxing when they realized it was just Eula.
(S/O) "How long were you there?"
(Eula) "I just arrived, truth be told. But I'm far more interested in that song's lyrics. Is it perhaps revealing something about your plans?"
S/O rolled their eyes playfully and set Eula's plate of food on the table.
(S/O) "Eat up before I take my vengeance on you, Eula."
(Eula) "How could I refuse?"
Eula happily sat down, her smile not going away for the entire night.
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(Beidou) "S/O! Come drink with the crew and I! We'll be finally reaching shore tomorrow."
It had been quite the voyage the Crux had embarked on. The trip had lasted nearly three weeks, and spirits were high after obtaining a large amount of mora.
Of course, the real party would be the three day feast, but that wasn't until they actually landed.
Everyone, including the captain, was drinking to celebrate their success, all of course, except the captain's love.
(S/O) "I-I think some of us should remain sober for tonight."
(Kazuha) "I would agree. Rest is important for all the sailors, Captain."
(Beidou) "Psh, buzzkill! Come on, S/O. Just one drink, I promise."
Both Kazuha and S/O raised a single eyebrow.
(Beidou) "Hey, I said one drink for them, not for me."
S/O sighed and relented, making Beidou do a small fist pump.
(Sailor) "All riiight! Welcome to the party!"
(S/O) "Only a single drink, okay?"
(Beidou) "Come on, it's not like we're gonna get that drunk together!"
Kazuha sighed, shaking his head as he realized there wasn't going to be any sleep had anytime soon.
S/O and Beidou were displaying way too much signs of PDA for his and the crew's liking, but it was pushed to the side by their singing.
Singing which he couldn't deny made him tap his foot in rhythm, but by the Archons it was loud, and disruptive of the beautiful starry night.
S/O and Beidou had their arms wrapped around each other's necks, swaying side to side with a mug in their hands, obviously far too gone to save.
(S/O) "No line was cut, no whale was freed, The Captain's mind was not on greed!"
(Beidou) "But he belonged to the whaleman's creed, She took that ship in tow!"
(S/O) "...Beidou."
Beidou's eye groggily opened as they rose from the bed in the captain's quarters.
Their clothes and hair were an absolute mess, accompanied by a killer headache.
(Beidou) "...That wasn't one drink, was it?"
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Navia inhaled deep of the scent coming from the oven, letting out a satisfied sigh.
(Navia) "S/O, your soufflé is ready!"
It smelled delicious, and for their first time making it, that was impressive!
(S/O) "W-WAIT! Navia, don't look!"
(Navia) "Hm? Why not?"
(S/O) "I-...I-I messed it up."
(Navia) "Nonsense, mon chéri/ma chérie! I bet it will look as good as it smells-"
Upon opening the oven and putting the soufflé on the table, she was quickly proven very wrong.
Navia's open smile faltered for a few seconds before quickly clearing her throat.
(Navia) "Aha...aaaah..." AHEM! "Well, next time I could help you plate the treats! That way it'll match your dazzling radiance!
Navia gave S/O a quick kiss on the cheek, which made them giggle.
(S/O) "Thank you. How about we both try it?"
(Navia) "I'd love to!"
Navia took a hearty spoonful, immediately putting it into her mouth the moment the soufflé cooled off enough.
She suddenly froze in place for a few moments, her facial expression remaining unchanged.
(S/O) "...It doesn't taste good, does it?"
As if time had finally resumed, Navia swallowed S/O's cooking, albeit reluctantly, and kept her smile.
(Navia) "Not as good as your lips.~"
(S/O) "..."
(Navia) "...N-No..."
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Noelle struggled to keep her heartbeat steady as she held the rose in her hand.
She knocked on S/O's door, and when they opened it, she gave a polite bow.
(Noelle) "Good evening, S/O. I wish to give you something!"
Noelle extended the rose to S/O, surprising them.
(S/O) "A rose! It's beautiful, Noelle. Thank you!"
S/O smiled at Noelle's flustered expression, noticing she wasn't meeting their eyes.
(Noelle) "I...I remember what you said about the meaning of Roses and...w-well...!"
S/O chuckled and adjusted the roses on her headband, making her freeze up.
(S/O) "I remember that first date. You gave me a rose saying that you'd keep my secr-"
(Noelle) "Ah! Please do not bring that up! It's...embarrassing."
(S/O) "I think it was adorable. Much like you are right now."
Noelle's fidgeting increased at their teasing.
(Noelle) "A-Anyways, would you like to go to dinner with me? I have finished all my tasks for today, and I had reservations at Good Hunter for us!"
(S/O) "I'd be honored to, my rose."
Noelle smiled at that, though the blush refused to fade away for the night.
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — GOJO x FEM READER
Gojo has had better ideas than putting all of your friends together in one house, but at least you have a pool. 
wc — 2k
tags — large friend group, set after cruel summer but can be read as a stand alone, summer vacation
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It’s already evening by the time you arrive. The sun is still warming the sky, but it’s descending steadily. It’s a shame. You had wanted to be there earlier. 
The minute you step out of the car and onto the grass, verdant in a way it never is in Tokyo, a large shape comes hurtling across the grass to snatch you up. Gojo grabs you around the waist and hauls you up so you’re trapped, kicking uselessly as he spins you around. He’s always been too strong for you. You pound his shoulders with your fists uselessly, demanding to be put down. 
“Hi,” he says breathlessly when he finally does. “What took you so long? I was waiting for you.” 
That shouldn’t make you as pleased as you are, but it does. You allow yourself a small indulgence, gentle brushing one stray lock of hair out of his face. He nuzzles into your touch like an overgrown cat, so sure of himself and what he deserves. 
Ijichi clears his throat. He cowers when Gojo shoots him a nasty look. You press your hand over his face and shove him back, leaning into the car through the passenger seat window to talk to the poor man. 
“You sure you don’t want to come?”
He eyes Gojo. “Absolutely, ma’am.” 
“I’ve told you that you don’t have to call me that,” you say affectionately. “I’m only two years above you, you know. Have a safe trip back.” 
As soon as he’s determined you’re done with your conversation, Gojo pulls you back to his side. He’s too handsy in a way only he can be, the way he always has been. He slings an arm around your shoulder as he steers you towards the house. You can hear music coming from inside, the strains of some pop melody off the radio’s top 100. Over it, Getou’s voice croons the lyrics, sweet and cheerful. 
It’s a beautiful house. Utahime picked it out and Gojo paid for it. It’s a beautiful pale blue, even more faded from the constant wear and tear of salt spray so it matches the soft hues of a perfectly sunny sky. The white trim makes it look like it’s been pulled off a movie set. It’s an adorable little thing. Utahime did a good job. 
As soon as you step through the doors, you’re attacked again. Haibara crashes into your arms so forcefully you knock backwards into Gojo, feeling your breath being crushed out of your chest. You wheeze in response, but still bring a hand up to stroke the crown of his head. You can’t be mad at him for being so excited to see you. 
Gojo can.
“Hey,” he warns, peeling Haibara off you. “Gotta be more careful.” 
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that you, Gojo, Getou and Shoko are the oldest now. Utahime graduated this year. 
“Sorry,” Haibara whines. Then he jumps on Gojo, too. 
Gojo laughs and pats his back. “You saw me two minutes ago, man.” 
As Haibara clings on to Gojo like a suckerfish, testing how long Gojo can put up with him, Nanami gets up off the couch. “Here,” he says, a hand out for your bags. “Let me take your things.” 
You follow him into the kitchen, where Getou and Utahime are arguing furiously. Shoko, without a care in the world, sits by the sink with her headphones in. Her eyes are closed, hair ruffled by the breeze coming in through the window. It’s beautiful outside. The previous owner had planted an apple tree right by the window, and now pink blossoms press against the glass like kisses. 
Utahime lights up when she sees you, opening her arms to you immediately. She looks so domestic in her white, frilly apron and floral sundress. Some part of you wants to fall into her arms forever. She laughs as she peppers your head with kisses. “So spoiled,” she says, but you know she loves you. She wouldn’t baby you so much otherwise. 
Of your entire class, Utahime had met you first. You were her first underclassman. She’s always been softer towards you and Shoko, but you have a special place in her heart. 
Getou’s a little more patient than Gojo is. He waits his turn for Utahime to release you before he scoops you up in a hug as well. You’re still wondering when Gojo and Getou will stop growing. It’s getting a little uncomfortable to hug them at this point. Even standing on your tip toes can’t get your arms over their shoulders, so your feet lift off the ground when he hugs you back. 
Shoko moves over on her seat to make room for you as the only two competent chefs in the entire house go back to arguing. Utahime throws syrup and ice in a shaker as she talks, pouring it into a tall glass of some sparkling liquid.
“No drinking before the pool,” she tells you as she hands you her signature mocktail. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” 
Getou rolls his eyes. “What are you worried about? Gojo and I are there.” 
She shoves his shoulder to get to the stack of plates she’s prepared. “Just because you guys are special grace sorcerers, you think you’re lifeguards too?” 
“Come on,” you interrupt. “No fighting, please! We’re here to have fun.” 
Utahime pauses on her way to the plates. She sighs, turns around, and plants another kiss on your hair. “Alright, alright. Truce?”
“We were never fighting.” 
You and Shoko exchange a look. Out back, Gojo has the grill set up. Nanami had taken your things to your room, but Haibara was already in the pool swimming laps. 
“Finally,” Gojo says when he sees the four of you coming with plates of food. 
“Show some gratitude,” Getou tells him playfully. “Utahime and I put a lot of work into these, you know.” 
Gojo’s already adding skewers to the grill. “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “Thank you mom and dad, we’re so appreciative of everything you do for us.” 
“Brat,” Utahime says, coming to your side. “Isn’t he such a little jerk?” 
You laugh. 
“She loves me,” Gojo says confidently. “She’s on my side.” 
That’s when Getou gets a sneaky look in his eye. “Want me to take over the grill?” 
“Nah,” Gojo says. “I’m better than you so- whoa!”
Getou snags Gojo by the waist and drags him towards the pool. He, in turn, grabs your wrist and takes you with him. When Getou dumps him in, you take the plunge too. 
Underneath the water, you open your eyes. Gojo’s white hair has turned blue in this underwater light, a few shades lighter than his electric eyes. He’s watching you back, his lips curved into a smile. 
Then, he grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you up with him. Breaking the surface, you gasp for air. 
“Are you okay?” Utahime calls. 
Gojo gives her a thumbs up as he starts pushing your wet hair away from where it hangs in your face. His hands are as pretty as the rest of him, long and slim, but they feel almost rough as he works. Maybe it’s the friction of the water against your skin. 
His hands feel good. He’s just touching you normally, but even the slightest bit of contact has your stomach in knots. 
For a second, you think he’s going to kiss you again, like he did last summer, but he just affectionately bumps your cheek with his. 
“Are you happy?” He asks, treading water. 
You follow him, regardless of where he’s going. “I’m always happy when we’re together. All of us.” 
He smiles. “Then I’m happy too.” 
Having finally reached his destination, he grabs the water gun floating on the surface of the pool that Haibara had left in earlier. Just as Nanami steps outside, he aims. 
Nanami curses him out as Haibara, who was on his way to greet him, ducks and weaves, ditching his best friend. Sometimes there are casualties in war, and he knows how to cut his losses. 
“I’ll avenge you!” He vows, tears in his eyes as he goes for the second gun. His aim is terrible. Instead of hitting Gojo, he hits you. 
Just as Gojo aims, Utahime calls,” Food’s ready!” 
It gives you deja vu. From the look on Gojo’s face, he feels the same. He gets out of the pool first and offers you a hand. You use it to pull him back in and climb out yourself. 
“Brat,” he mutters, parodying Utahime’s words. 
You just giggle, leaning into his side as the two of you walk towards the candlelit table. Utahime really does look like a mother in this light, her soft black hair falling over her shoulder. It’s slightly frizzy from the salt of the ocean nearby, but it only makes her look more charming. She’s wearing a floral bandana to push back her hair as she bustles about arranging plates. 
Nanami, ever dutiful, gets up to help her. When he passes her, he mutters something in her ear that turns his pale cheeks red, but she only coos and calls him her good boy. That makes the blush even worse. 
Gojo gives you a knowing look that you meet readily. “Ten bucks on the end of the summer?”
“Fifteen before,” you retort. 
“Ah, but there’s Getou,” Shoko says, coming up behind you. She drapes one arm over each of your shoulders. You turn your head to press a light kiss to her wrist. 
“Who says she can’t have both?” Gojo says. 
That’s sort of the crux of the situation. Both, all. It doesn’t really matter to you how things shake out as long as you all stay together. There’s a faith in this, something larger than yourself. Your friends are a god of sorts to you. This thing that all of you share is unbreakable, holy. No matter in what form it comes, you will always love each other. 
“Oh dear,” Shoko says, watching Haibara struggle under a stack of plates he insisted he could carry. “I’ll be right back.” 
Gojo secures you two one of the loveseats around the table. When you sneeze, he grabs a towel from the stack Nanami set out earlier and wraps it around you. You lean into him, relishing his warmth as he wraps an arm around you. 
“Nanami,” he calls. 
“Do me a favor?”
“I’d rather die.” 
“Yeah, yeah, we all know about your emo taste in music. Can you wrap a blanket around us?” 
“Why can’t you do it yourself?” 
“But I want you to tuck me in, please?” 
Utahime’s watching him. He brings the blanket. 
“Good boy,” Gojo coos, and Nanami turns bright red again. He stalks off to help Getou cook the last of the food, his shoulders rigid. 
“You tease him too much,” you tell Gojo as he settles in. Utahime comes by with a plate she already prepared for the two of you. Gojo blows her a kiss when he notices she’s piled his favorites on. She scoffs, but she’s pleased. 
She knows your favorites too. You snag her wrist and press a kiss to her hand. She ruffles your hair affectionately. “Eat up,” she tells you. “We have plenty more.” 
Slowly, the seats around you fill up. Shoko, carrying half of Haibara’s now much lower stack of plates, settles in on your right. Getou sits with her, letting her sprawl across him. He should be the one asking for more room, being so much taller, but it gives him more joy to indulge her. He feeds her a skewer by hand. 
Nanami and Haibara surround Utahime on either side. She rests her head on Nanami’s shoulder, taking slow, small bites. She’s always been elegant like that. Haibara leans against her in turn, chowing down with relish. Nanami hands him a napkin when he inevitably gets messy. 
When you’re done cataloguing your friends, making sure they’re comfortable, you realize you’re being watched yourself. Gojo’s eyes are intent. 
“Are you happy?”
“Why do you keep asking me that?” You laugh. 
He pretends to bristle. “What, I can’t care about my friends?” 
You give him a look that says please be serious. 
“Hey! I’m a changed man, you know. I can think about other people.” 
You laugh and snuggle in closer to him, letting his body heat continue to warm you up. “I’m just teasing. I know you care about us.” 
“I’m always happy when we’re all together.” 
“Okay,” Gojo says softly. He pulls the blanket over your heads for a minute. Before you can ask what he’s doing, he presses a light kiss to the corner of your lip. “I’ll make it happen then.” 
“Hey!” Getou kicks Gojo in the leg. “What are you guys doing under there? Hands where we can see them, mister!”
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grimm-writings · 2 months
HIIII i LOVE your blog!! could i request a bard reader performing a song in front of the party, and it slowly dawns upon chilchuck that the song is about loving him? 🥺
a way with words
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…ft! chilchuck x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, reader is a bit of a poetic shit <3, reader plays a string instrument (envisioned a lute or mandolin but i don’t specify!)
…wc! 1092
…notes! OH MY GODDDD this is so cute. what the hell. we need more bard representation in this got damn dungeon. (i know thistle could technically be one but one in a party i beg)
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To me, some parties employ a bard if they plan on going on ‘legendary’ outings into dungeons.
Somebody needs to be there to document their exploits through the written word – how else are legends made?!
You probably stumbled on the party with the intent to write a song of legend.  Eating the dragon that ate one of you sounds pretty legendary after all, right?
Safe to say if you’re not exactly humble about your profession you get on the nerves of a certain union man.
Even if your reason for joining the party was… less than virtuous, you did bring a certain joy to the party that they all appreciate.
If journeying is getting tiring, all you need to do is pluck a few strings of your instrument and hum a travelling song.
Sometimes you’d make a little ‘game’ out of it.  You know using the drunken sailor melody to make your own songs?  Well…
“What shall we do with a big red dragon, earl-ye in the morning!”  Your voice rings out, bouncing off the walls of the dungeon around you.  You eye the party around you before your gaze lands on the half-foot seeming disinterested in your performance. Well, that simply won’t do! You lunge, dragging him back by the shoulders, eyeing him expectantly.  He only gives you a wide-eyed look of surprise for a second before realising everyone is watching.  He’d hate to interrupt the song, so… “Tie it down and eat it for dinner?” he suggests, only guessing the rhythm vaguely.  To his surprise, you seem to really like it.  You laugh and pick up the music once more to sing his lyric once again. He has to admit, at least you’re having fun.  He doesn’t realise until you reach a stop that he’s been singing along at the end.
I imagine half-foots have a cultural appreciation for music.  It’s a big scene!  They have drinking songs, travelling songs, work songs…  I wouldn’t be surprised if most bards are half-foots!
And Chilchuck is no exception.  Have you seen his little jig?  Of course he likes music!
He has great hearing so he’ll also pick up on little accents in your music and singing others wouldn’t really get.
If you’re performing a campfire song, Chilchuck will likely join in (especially if he had a bit of drink).
It’s nice.  He seemed to be relaxing around you, and you seem to be becoming more of a friend to the party rather than a glorified biographer.
You have to admit that the half-foot has been growing you a considerable amount.  What a complex individual.  So much to read into and inspire… 
It would be one night when you’re on night watch that Chilchuck’s sensitive ears end up waking him up. ..
The half-foot was going to hiss and complain about you being too loud at this time in the night, when he realises you’re playing a melody and mumbling words to yourself. …Huh.  Are you writing a song?  Chilchuck tries to remain still with his eyes closed and listens closely.  It’s handy having such keen senses sometimes. He could only pick up a few words; brown, warmth… something about a kind soul? Chilchuck figures you might be setting up for the party’s “legendary” song.  Maybe you’re focusing on Falin.  Her hair is a very pale brown, and she’s a kind soul if a bit of a people pleaser. He rests easy, listening to your gentle plucking of your strings.  It’s a different melody from usual… he likes your softer side he can identify through your music.
He never tells you he listened to your little jam sesh.  If you knew he’s using your music as a way to fall asleep easier…  He can see your smug smile now, and it makes him endlessly frustrated (or flustered rather).
Chilchuck’s feelings are something he never really… knew.  They just sort of existed, and he let them.  It’s not like anything will happen.
Sure, he gets more red in the face around you… and MAYBE he gets a softer look in his eyes as he looks at you… and perhaps he thinks your singing voice is one of the prettiest sounds he has ever heard…
So what?
It’s a colder night when you take out your instrument and announce you finished writing a song.  It took you a long time to complete it, you admit, but you put a lot of heart into it.
A unique starter, the party might think.  Usually you write for fun.  Specifying putting heart into your music is something that rings an alarm in their heads.
You start playing a melody.  It’s a type of sombre, deep sound.  It resonates a less folksy mood and something more… personal. With eyes closed, you don’t notice Chilchuck perking up in familiarity.  That’s the tune he heard you playing weeks ago.  You only just refined it?  At least he can actually hear what the words are. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you sing about a character that has a kind soul, with deep brown eyes.  His warmth is something that you find yourself wanting to bathe in once a journey ends.  Chilchuck listens with a small smile. It’s only when you start mentioning things like silver strands of hair you wish to weave through your fingers, things start to fall into place.  Wringing his hands too often for a well-prepared man is a lyric that is too specific to merely be about some fictional character. He doesn’t say anything even as he joins in the applause at your finished peace, pretending the heat in his cheeks is from the frosty temperature.
That night, he catches you alone refilling your waterskin.  The atmosphere is thick with a kind of calmness.
Where Chilchuck is usually so stubborn, he finds the words escaping his lips in a soft voice.
“Are you in love with me?”  You don’t respond instantly.  He expected as such.  He follows your form with his eyes as you widen your eyes and glance away with a small laugh. “Wow.  Wasn’t as subtle as I thought,” you dryly tack onto your chuckle. He laughs along, approaching you.  He doesn’t do anything drastic, instead offering his own to you. “It’s okay,” he tells you, surprised at his own lack of embarrassment despite the situation.  “The fact you notice all that about me is… flattering.  You really have a way with words.” You return the grin he gives you and take his hand, squeezing it. “How could I not notice, when you are my intimate muse?”
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positivelyholland · 11 months
Styles-Swift reader where Taylor plays her Never Grow Up (Taylor's Version) for the first since Speak Now TV came out? 👀💜
pairing: taylor swift x daughter!reader
summary: Never Grow Up being played with the mother-daughter duo throughout the years.
warnings: it might make you cry it's so sweet
A/N i decided to add a little bit more to the request so i hope that it's ok
You sit cross-legged on the soft carpet of the living room, your favorite stuffed animals scattered around you. At five years old, you're growing up fast, so Taylor takes advantage of every moments the two of you spend together. Right now is one of those moments.
Taylor enters the room, a warm smile lighting up her face as she notices you waiting eagerly. She's dressed casually, wearing a cozy sweater and jeans, her signature curls cascading around her shoulders. With a playful twinkle in her eyes, she plops down on the couch opposite you.
"Hey there, my little superstar," she says, her voice filled with love. "Are you ready for something special today?"
Your eyes widen in anticipation. "What is it, Mommy?"
Taylor reaches for her guitar, which she always keeps nearby, and begins to strum a familiar tune. The opening chords of "Never Grow Up" fill the room, and you can't help but smile. Even while still being young, this song has always meant a lot to you.
As your mom starts to sing, her voice wraps around you like a warm hug. The lyrics, filled with heartfelt wisdom, remind you of the precious bond you share with your mother. They speak of cherishing every moment and embracing the magic of childhood.
You listen intently, your eyes fixed on your mom's gentle expression. She pours her heart into the song, and you can feel the depth of her emotions in every word. The way she looks at you, her love shining through, makes you feel like the most important person in the world.
As the song progresses, memories flood your mind. You remember the countless bedtime stories, the lullabies sung softly in your ear, and the tickles that made you giggle uncontrollably. And she has always been there, through the ups and downs, guiding you with unwavering love.
You watch a single tear escapes from her eye, and she pauses briefly to wipe it away. You reach out and take her hand in yours, feeling her warmth and the reassurance it brings. Together, you find strength in the music, in the shared experience of growing up, and in the bond that nothing can break.
As the last note ends, the room fills with silence, the melody still lingering in the air. Taylor gazes at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. She pulls you into her arms, holding you tight.
"I love you so much, y/n," she whispers, her voice filled with tenderness. "You are my greatest treasure, and I will cherish every moment we have together."
You snuggle against her, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. In this quiet moment, you know that no matter how much you grow, how much the world changes, your mother's love will always be there to guide you.
As you walked into the living room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement in the air. Your heart fluttered with anticipation as you saw your mothe, sitting on the couch, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
"Hey, sweetheart," Taylor said, patting the spot beside her. "Come sit with me."
You never know what to expect when your mom had that look on her face. But nevertheless, you sat down beside her, trying to hide the eagerness in your eyes. There was an air of secrecy about her, and you couldn't help but wonder what she had in store for you.
"Remember how I used to sing to you when you were little?" Taylor asked, a nostalgic glimmer in her eyes.
You nodded, a smile spreading across your face. Those moments had been some of the most precious memories of your childhood.
"I want to share something special with you today," your mom continued, her voice filled with tenderness. "Something I've been working on."
Your heart skipped a beat. Taylor had been teasing her re-recordings of her old songs for a while now, and she didn't even tell you when she would release them. You couldn't wait to hear what she had in store for you.
Taylor reached for her guitar, her fingers gracefully finding their place on the strings. The room was filled with anticipation, and you held your breath as she strummed the first chord.
As the familiar melody of "Never Grow Up" filled the room, tears welled up in your eyes.
The lyrics held a deep meaning that you hadn't fully grasped when you were younger, and now they resonated with your own journey of growing up.
As your mom sang, voice filled with emotion, you found yourself transported to a time when life was simpler.
Memories of playgrounds and scraped knees flooded your mind, and you realized just how much you missed those carefree days. But there was something bittersweet about those memories now, knowing that you could never go back to being that young and innocent again.
Taylor's voice cracked slightly on the chorus, and you saw tears glistening in her eyes as well. It was a song about letting go and embracing change, but it was also a reminder of the precious moments that would forever be etched in your heart.
As the final notes echoed through the room, you wiped away a stray tear and turned to Taylor, a mixture of gratitude and love in your eyes.
"That was beautiful, Mom," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.
Taylor smiled, a tear trickling down her cheek. "I wrote that song when you were just a baby. It's always been my way of holding on to the moments we shared, even as you grow older. You'll always be my baby girl, no matter how old you get."
You hugged her tightly, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and comfort in her embrace. In that moment, you realized that growing up didn't mean leaving everything behind. It meant carrying the memories and the love with you as you embarked on new chapters of your life.
Taylor gently wiped away your tears, her eyes shining with pride. "You're becoming such an incredible young woman, and I couldn't be prouder. But never forget that you'll always have a home in my heart, no matter where life takes you."
You smiled through your tears, feeling a renewed sense of warmth and belonging. This was a moment you would treasure forever—a moment where your mother's music had touched your soul in a profound way.
The two of you sat on the couch, wrapped in a comfortable silence, basking in the afterglow of the song. In that moment, time stood still, and you couldn't have asked for anything more.
With a heart full of love and gratitude, you snuggled closer to Taylor, knowing that no matter how old you grew, the bond between you would remain unbreakable.
In this moment, surrounded by the music and your mother's unwavering love, you know that growing up isn't about leaving the magic behind—it's about carrying it with you, forever.
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insidefernweh · 2 years
Well, hello.
A couple months ago one silly woman (me) decided that it’s time for creativity to take a hold of her and let something cool into this world.
And that’s how I decided to give birth to…a The Amazing Devil blanket. Or I might have dreamed it whilst being feverish. Who knows.
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It’s been three months of stitching, embroidering, sewing, unmaking the mistakes, cursing, saying ‘waahheeey’ at the end of the complete step, cursing again and enjoying the hell out of the process of something being made into the realness. 
It is literally the embodiment of me. I love it and hate it equally. It has got my favourite quotes from the songs. Yes, that’s me — your favourite girl with maelstrom of lyrics instead of a brain. It also has got some of my blood somewhere along the stitches (did i do it on purpose to please the fae gods aka Joey and Madeleine? you’ll never know. hashtag blood magic.) I wanted to get it done for the Ruin Appreciation Week (though it contains lyrics from all albums) so that was me last week because it was very FAR from being done:
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I’m posting the bigger picture + close ups of smaller details and songs’ lyrics. Please feel free to reach out if you want to see a better close up or just to pat me on the head.
I’m posting a video too. It’s silly so enjoey. (ha! see what I did here. that was a typing accident. it’s 1am now. forgive me my jokes.)
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warning: the video include some probably offensive actions to the professional seamstresses. i’m only a humble ignorant person who decided to sew for the first time in her life. i do hope you’ll like it.
references used:
the central embroidery: TAD’s old picture from some posters back in the love run era + some sage and forget-me-nots
top right and left bottom corners: pictures of joey and madeleine
songs: secret worlds, the calling, inkpot gods, drinking song for the socially anxious, chords, farewell wanderlust, not yet/love run (reprise), that unwanted animal, battle cries, elsa’s song, wild blue yonder
UPD: A few of you have been asking about the quotes I used on my blanket/quilt and why I chose them so here I am:
If you ask me for my fire, just watch me burn — you know what, I recently started to interpret this line in a positive way? It was a recent thing I understood about myself. I always thought I was good at working/doing things well in the long run, when you have to do it patiently and for years but in my journey of self-discovery I realized that in reality I’m much better as a sprinter — someone who does an incredible job while being under the vast amount of pressure and when you need to do it in a restricted period of time; I will give all of myself to this project/work, every bit of passion I have, every bit of patience. So yeah. If you ask me for my fire — just watch me burn. But then I’ll hibernate for a month. 
Can’t you hear it howling? — OKAY HANDS DOWN PROBABLY MY FAVOURITE LYRICS/MELODY SECTION FROM THE WHOLE RUIN ALBUM. Even not the part that is sung by Madeleine, but the back voices Joey’s harmonies sing in the final chorus at 4:28 and till the end. OOOOH WHY SO GOOD.
If I don’t make it back from where i’ve gone just know I loved you all along — this is such a beautiful closing of the song. also such a tormenting thought. i love it.
Such endless blue — I’ve always been drawn to the dark blue colours, especially when I paint. I always run out of the blue watercolour because contrary to this song, it’s not endless :D I’m manifesting an abyss of blue watercolour for myself here lol
You say the words so often but I barely know the meaning — okay so Elsa’ Song is primarily pretty heartbreaking right? The more heartbreaking part being that it is sung as a lullaby. Who didn’t have that moment when the meaning of the words you’re saying slips through your fingers just because you said them too often? Who didn’t have that sad awakening moment of losing trust in a person just because they always promised something and never did it?
After summers of fasting I feel hunger at last — I’ve been thinking about tattooing this quote for quite a while now. It reminds me of my depressive state which very often returned to me in summer and every time it slowly creeped away, I felt the hunger for life in the early autumn.  Every time felt like an eternity. 
Is nought but fumble-falls and guns and tumbleweeds, love, run — my favourite quote from the superior use of the English language that is that section in Love Run. I am in love with it. All the phonetic twirls makes me shiver sometimes.
Well, hello my hollow Holofernes — ALLITERATION SUPREMACY!!  
I’ll sing silence and ask my glass of wine for guidance — i love to sit at home alone and stare into my glass. it doesn’t answer though. what about it. and again — to sing silence? OXYMORONS GIVE ME THEM
Go tell me how we fucked you up and oh my god, it’s so unfair — ah. the hardship of parenting/teaching. I was there, I remember it all too well. 
Let’s us waltz for the dead — the oxymoronic style of this line IS JUST A CHEF’S KISS. WALTZ? VERY SOPHISTICATED THING? FOR THE DEAD? NOT THAT PLEASANT TYPE OF A THING? mister batey let me boop you affectionately on the nose you are so clever.
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gong-fourz · 19 days
The Secret Idol
Pairing: idol!Jeongin x reader Summary: It was a great feeling to know that he felt comfortable enough to share his biggest secret with you. WC: 1.3k Genre: fluff Nets: @blossomnet
taglist - m.list
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You strolled through the park, your mind lost in a tangle of thoughts and worries. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant murmur of laughter. But amidst the tranquility of the park, a soft melody drifted through the air, beckoning her closer.
Intrigued, you followed the sound until you came upon a secluded bench nestled beneath the shade of a towering oak tree. There, you found a young man with a guitar cradled in his arms, his fingers dancing across the strings with practiced ease. His voice, soft and soulful, filled the air with an enchanting allure, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
Mesmerized, you approached cautiously, not wanting to disrupt the serene atmosphere that surrounded him. You settled onto an adjacent bench, content to simply listen and absorb the music that seemed to emanate from his very soul.
As the melody continued to weave its spell, the young man glanced up, his eyes meeting yours with a warm, inviting gaze. Without a word, he continued to play, his voice joining the guitar in perfect harmony. His lyrics were like poetry, painting vivid pictures in your mind and stirring emotions you had long kept buried.
Time seemed to stand still as you sat there, lost in the music and the moment. The worries that had weighed so heavily on your mind melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment you hadn't felt in ages.
Eventually, the song came to an end, the final notes hanging in the air like a lingering echo. You found yourself holding your breath, not wanting to break the spell that had enveloped you both.
The young man set aside his guitar and turned to face you fully, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I hope you enjoyed the music," he said, his voice soft and gentle.
You nodded, unable to find your voice just yet. You was still caught up in the magic of the moment, the music still echoing in your ears and your heart.
"I'm glad," the young man replied, his smile widening. "It's not often I find someone who appreciates the beauty of a melody as much as you seem to."
You finally found your voice, though it was little more than a whisper. "Thank you," you said, your words carrying a depth of emotion you hadn't realized was there. "Your music…it touched something deep inside me."
The young man's smile grew even brighter, and he reached out a hand, offering it to you. "I'm glad I could bring a little joy into your day," he said. "My name's Jeongin, by the way."
You took his hand, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I'm Y/N," you replied, returning his smile with one of your own.
For a moment, you both simply sat there, hands clasped and smiles shared, the world around you fading into the background. It was as if you were the only two people in the park, cocooned in your own little bubble of music and magic.
But eventually, the spell had to be broken. With a reluctant sigh, you pulled your hand away, though you couldn't bring yourself to tear your gaze away from Jeongin's.
"I should probably be going," you said, your voice tinged with regret.
Jeongin nodded, though his smile never faltered. "I understand," he said. "But perhaps we'll meet again someday."
You nodded, a flicker of hope sparking in your chest. "I'd like that," you said, rising from the bench and gathering your things. As you turned to leave, you glanced back at Jeongin one last time, committing the memory of him and his music to your heart.
And as you walked away, the gentle melody of his guitar followed you, a reminder of the fleeting but beautiful encounter you had shared with the mysterious young man in the park.
Days turned into weeks, and you found yourself returning to the park more often than you ever had before. Each time, you hoped to catch another glimpse of Jeongin and his mesmerizing music. And more often than not, your wish was granted.
Your encounters became more frequent, and before long, you were spending countless hours together, sharing laughter, secrets, and dreams. You discovered that Jeongin was not just a talented musician, but also a kind-hearted soul with a passion for life.
You talked about everything and nothing, your conversations flowing effortlessly from one topic to the next. From your favorite books and movies to your hopes and aspirations, there was no subject too trivial or too profound for you to explore together.
As you grew closer, you couldn't help but admire Jeongin's gentle nature, his intelligence, and his unwavering determination. He had a way of seeing the beauty in the world, even in the darkest of times, and his optimism was infectious.
One evening, as you sat beneath the twinkling stars, Jeongin turned to you with a hesitant smile. "There's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
Your heart skipped a beat, sensing the weight of his words before he even spoke them. "What is it?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jeongin took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the ground. "My name isn't actually Jeongin," he confessed. "It's…It's I.N."
Your brow furrowed in confusion. "I.N?" you repeated, trying to make sense of the sudden revelation.
Jeongin nodded, his eyes shining with vulnerability. "Yeah," he said quietly. "It's…a nickname. It's what everyone calls me."
Realization dawned on you, and you felt a rush of understanding flood through you. "Wait," you said, your eyes widening in surprise. "Are you…are you a member of Stray Kids?"
Jeongin's eyes widened in shock, his gaze darting up to meet yours. "How did you…?" he began, but his voice trailed off as he realized the truth was already written on your face.
You couldn't help but smile at his reaction, though you could sense the underlying tension in the air. "I'm a fan," you admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment color your cheeks. "I've followed your group since your debut."
Jeongin seemed to relax slightly at your confession, though the tension didn't completely dissipate. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "I wanted to, but…I couldn't risk it."
You reached out a comforting hand, gently squeezing his shoulder. "It's okay," you said softly. "I understand. Your safety comes first."
Jeongin nodded, a grateful smile spreading across his face. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to me that you're so understanding."
You sat in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air between you both. You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the realization that the young musician you had encountered in the park was actually a member of one of the biggest idol groups in the industry.
Eventually, Jeongin broke the silence, his voice hesitant but determined. "I wanted to tell you because…I trust you," he said, his gaze meeting your with unwavering sincerity. "And it feels good to finally be able to share this part of my life with someone outside of my group."
You felt a surge of warmth fill your chest at his words, touched by the depth of trust he was placing in you. "I'm honored," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "Truly."
As you both sat there, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, you couldn't help but marvel at the twist of fate that had brought you together. What had started as a chance encounter in the park had blossomed into something far more meaningful—a bond forged through music, trust, and shared secrets.
And as you sat there, lost in conversation and the quiet beauty of the park, You couldn't help but feel grateful for the serendipitous moment that had brought I.N into your life.
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fruity-fruition · 2 months
More Tenma Siblings Headcanons from the top of my head
Ok this one's more hurt/comfort-ish than my last one
Tsukasa's first creation in terms of script writing and song is actually a really scuffy lullaby made when Saki first felt really bad in the hospital after THE show (the one that made Tsukasa want to become a star).
Tsukasa decided to put on his first self-made show with a song specially for her.
When Toya first came to them upset (specifically the "Never Give Up Cooking!" Flashback), Tsukasa puts on the exact same show for him as well. In his logic, it's because of how well it worked for Saki, but in a more outsider's sense, it's a Tenma initiation. Toya has no escape now. He's stuck as a Tenma.
While the song is really REALLY awkward and scuffed (he's literally a pre-tween leave him be), it becomes a staple between the three.
Eventually, as they grow up, the song does get less awkward with some tweeks in lyrics, rhythm, etc.
It was a bonding moment between them as well, song-writing together. It helped both Saki and Toya discover their absolute love for creating, just like how the song was Tsukasa's first step to creation.
It became a habit for Tsukasa to at least hum it to them when they're cuddling, or when he's comforting them. Toya came running from home and needs a place to stay? He runs his hands through his hair while voicing out the melody. Saki's gets a sudden hit of separation anxiety? She hears the faintest hum coming from her brother, who doesn't mind at all that she's clinging onto him so hard.
This results is both Saki and Toya humming the song whenever they're stressed. Saki sometimes get scolded in the middle of the test for humming (she didn't even realised she started). VBS silently wonders about the melody Toya sings before shows.
There's an area conversation between Emu, Tsukasa and Kaito, where Emu asks Kaito if the flowers always sing the same song. Kaito responds "No, they sing other songs. But they like to sing this one. This song you're always hearing is a song very special to Tsukasa" (or something along those lines). And Tsukasa snaps his finger and went "oh, so that's why it sounded familiar!"
Yeah. Yeah it's this lullaby.
Tsukasa has a bunch of blank memories from his childhood because of how often he suppressed his emotions,
(Fun fact! Suppressing so much emotions can cause amnesia! A really funny thing considering Tsukasa is canonically really forgetful <3)
But this lullaby is the biggest constant thing from his memories. Basically an anchor that his childhood was actually his if that makes sense.
(This one is a bit incoherent sorry I really didn't know how to word this one out)
Saki has separation anxiety due to being ripped away from everything she knew at a young age, and while she thinks she doing better now, she still gets a sudden hit of it randomly.
Days like these, she either asks Leo/Need to hang out, or ask Tsukasa or Toya if she could go with them to practice
The first time the entirety of VBS (-Akito since he's met her earlier) meet Saki, they're majorly confused on why she's there. They're also super confused on why this girl keeps glaring at Akito when Toya's not looking.
Emu is absolutely ECSTATIC that Saki's there. Nene and Rui seem to think having her there offers some sort of improvement too. (Rui's trying to get in her good graces)
Hhhh I'll update if there's more. This is an addition to my previous post.
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seivsite · 11 months
okioki so i was listening to "from the start" by laufey and started daydreaming to it LMFAO
so im thinkingggg maybe a drabble with blade or dan heng where reader secretly pines over them. one day reader is alone in a room and theyre listening to this song and they start singing along and getting really into it. then when they turn around they see blade/dan heng watching them and they're like "so who's this about?" (or smth idk you can change it) and reader gets really embarassed but confesses anyway
PHEW ok im done im sorry tjis was so long ACK
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includes: dan heng x fem!reader. soft bf dan heng, can be interpreted as imbibitor lunae, not proofread — wc: 691
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(Name) was listening to her playlist in her room, engaging in various activities such as reading and tidying up her space. The song “From the Start” by Laufey began playing, causing her to halt in her tracks and swiftly turn up the volume. She sang along to the lyrics, using a makeshift microphone hairbrush, and complemented her performance with gestures that mirrored the song’s sentiment.
Unbeknownst to the eyes of another person observing her, she sang the lyrics aloud, her voice carrying the melody of the song as her body gracefully moved to its rhythm, lost in the joy of the moment.
Have to get this off my chest
I’m telling you today
That when I talk to you, oh, Cupid walks right through
And shoots an arrow through my heart
As she sang, she made a makeshift arrow with her hand, delicately gesturing as if it pierced through her heart, adding a touch of emotion and artistry to her performance.
And I sound like a loon, but don’t you feel it too?
Confess I loved you from the start
Confess I loved you
Just thinking of you
I know I’ve loved you from the start
Startled by the unexpected claps, she froze up, slowly turning towards the door where the applause came from. There he stood, leaning against the doorway with a gentle smile on his face. “So, who’s this song about?” he inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of intrigue.
With a fond gaze, Dan Heng observed how she immediately blushed and hastily sought refuge under the covers of her blanket, attempting to escape his gaze.
“It’s rude to ignore someone who’s talking to you, you know,” he playfully chided, moving towards her form, gently patting her head above the blanket.
“Stop it, this is so embarrassing,” she whined, trying her best to avoid Dan Heng’s teasing but finding it rather difficult to resist his affectionate gestures. The playful banter between them brought forth a sense of warmth and familiarity, making their bond even stronger in that intimate moment.
Dan Heng chuckled at her response, settling himself more comfortably on her bed as he persisted with his question, “So, back to my previous question, who’s this song about? I’ve never seen you like that before.”
“I don’t think you’d wanna know,” she mumbled, her voice muffled as she hid her face in her pillow.
“Why?” Dan Heng inquired, curious to uncover the mystery.
“Because it’s...” she hesitated, the ending of her sentence inaudible to Dan Heng’s ears.
“Hmm? Can you repeat that?” He teased, finally catching a glimpse of her red face, though only the top half was visible due to her continued attempts to shield herself. The playful exchange between them brought a sense of lightness and comfort to the moment, allowing them to share a connection that transcended mere words.
She suddenly groaned and tried to turn away from him, “It’s you, idiot,” she whispered. Dan Heng froze in his spot, hearing her confession, before swiftly moving to be on top of her lying form, gently trapping her between his arms.
“Are you serious? (Name), oof—” Dan Heng began to say but was interrupted as she smacked him in the face with a pillow, causing him to fall down beside her.
Her back turned towards him, Dan Heng felt an overwhelming desire to cuddle her and shower her with kisses. Cautiously, he hugged her waist from behind, finding comfort in the fact that she didn’t push him away. He continued to cuddle into her, basking in the warmth of their affection.
“I like, no, love you too, my dearest,” he declared with sincerity, his heart brimming with affection.
He was taken aback by her sudden movement, now face to face. Dan Heng couldn’t resist the urge any longer and asked, “Can I kiss you?” to which she nodded in consent.
Sealing their lips together in a passionate kiss, they immersed themselves in a tender embrace, embracing each other with gentleness and devotion. The world around them seemed to fade away as they expressed their feelings through that intimate connection, creating a cherished moment that they would remember forever.
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NOTES. aaa i rly liked writing this, i’ll post a blade version probably later heheheeheh so soft n tiny dan heng bbg
TAG LIST. @rintosei @yanqingisim
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