#I would die for maps
starrycomics · 5 months
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By all rights Maps Mizoguchi should be Robin by now if DC had any sense of editorial direction, I am being deadly serious
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The Terror: When, How, Where - Part 4
I have done it. Here's the Summary of my last 3 parts (to which you can refer to to enjoy the full meltdown I had making this
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3)
Full Powerpoint can be found Here
I fully recommend checking out the powerpoint because damn... I worked hard for it :')
Full Map can be found Here (EDIT: Link now repaired)
EDIT: Reference for death count Here by Tumblruser Hangingfire
EDIT: For all your "figuring out when it's total night in the Arctic" needs Here
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visenyaism · 11 months
i will tell you all that have never done it that spelunking is not as scary as you think it is because it is genuinely difficult to constantly be cognizant of how far underground you are. like you are not dwelling on how much earth is above you all the times. really it’s just oh there’s a ceiling in here it’s made of rocks. i have encountered a ceiling before. not so scary plus the cold quiet dark is an ideal nap spot and the fossils and mud and pyrite are fun. just a regular part of nature nothing particularly evil or horrifying i promise
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napneeders · 1 year
idk like being a messenger and protector and also a thief and a liar and a trickster like saying i wrote this story when you can't write and don't know what's written in the book like saying this is fiction about the truth and this is the truth about things no one else believes like saying i don't have a lot of english without bothering to hide your english accent like being a chameleon but only putting in the least amount of effort necessary not because you have a commitment to truth but because the people you're fooling are not worth a more faithful performance like saying this is the prince which is a lie and saying i am his viceroy which is or becomes the truth like being picked to hoist the new message without the tragic hero even knowing you're the one whose last flag was the message that got all of you here
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bbcphile · 9 months
I just thought of a great way to torture Di Feisheng through fanfic: a time travel/time loop AU that takes place after Li Lianhua died on the beach, when Di Feisheng somehow finds himself back in time, stuck repeating the East Sea battle from 10 years earlier with Li Xiangyi!
Di Feisheng tries everything to convince Li Xiangyi to stop fighting and suppress the poison before it’s too late, because after having lost him before, he is more desperate than ever to save his life. But why would Li Xiangyi believe him that he didn’t kill Shan Gudao? Or that he had a reason to steal the body? Or the truth about his beloved shixiong? Or let him help suppress the Bicha poison?
So, time after time, they argue and fight, and the loop resets after one of them dies or they both fall into the water.
After ten years of desperately wanting to fight Li Xiangyi again, Di Feisheng’s dream came true, but it’s more like a curse. Because not only is he watching the person he loves suffer over and over again, but he’s essentially being forced to reenact his entire childhood trauma; he’s forced into repeated fights to the death with someone he doesn’t want to kill, and he can’t find a way out. (Not even with his own death, which he decides hurts less than watching Li Xiangyi die or succumb to the poison.)
(Eventually, he finds a way to convince Li Xiangyi of the truth of at least some of what he says, halts the spread of the poison enough to save his life, and the two of them work together to try to resolve everything 10 years earlier, and with more trust built up. But only after he's just about been pushed to the breaking point. :) )
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So uh... anyone else think Leif’s paralogue is some bullshit? The snipers using ballistae are just RIDICULOUSLY strong. I don’t have a single unit that can withstand two attacks in a row (including my freaking GENERAL) so the wrong placement by itself could be deadly, and literally ALL of my healers would die if they’re in range of just one of them! Plus they’re bulky enough that no one is able to kill them from afar with Lyn’s Astra Storm. It doesn’t seem like engaging Ike reduces damage from ballistae either.
As if that weren’t bad enough the computer goes full Cheating Bastard on you and the enemy mages have WAY more range on their staves, so they can silence or freeze or break you from miles away.
IMO the recommended level for this is WAY too low. I have three other maps of the same level to do (two other paralogues & the next story chapter) and I’ll STILL be scared to return to it.
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ganja-hq · 22 days
The other day I was on the bus w my boyfriend and we were talking about minecraft and I guess I said minecraft very loudly because a young boy came up to us and asked "do you (formal) like minecraft??" like it was the first time he'd heard two adults talking about it and as soon as I said yes this man just started info dumping about bed wars and mods and how his friends made fun of his ninja skin and I feel like maybe parents should respect and show interest in their children's hobbies more idk
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ro-botany · 27 days
minor grimodelling update:
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im2tired4usernames · 2 months
It's so frustrating when you look for "affordable" ways to live it's all
"get a roommate"
"live at home with parents"
"live in a tiny home that costs a billion dollars and needs a property to be set on"
"get finical aid that no one can actually get because there's so many hoops"
"live in a million dollar van"
"live in a absolutely desecrated fixer upper home that has holes in the floor roof and rats the size of a small dog and is unlivable "
"work three jobs don't use your lights and eat one meal a week you don't need your meds either"
"find a shitty run down appartment that MASSIVELY over charges will continue to bump rent up after You've stayed so long there and has a six month mim wait period"
I have no fuckin hope of ever bettering my life or gaining freedom and independence
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(I would love to hear your explanations in the tags, as always, share to get a larger data pool!)
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bug-kid-benny · 9 months
How's rain world treating you? Apart from the everything wanting to eat you
ITS SO FUN and challenging in the absolute best way possible!!! its my total favorite game rn i play basically every day im on my like 90 somethingth cycle in subterranean im having a blast and i only got mild ish spoilers from getting super excited and browsing through tumblr
i dont really know where im going right now but my main goals are explore as much as i can and befriend the scavengers (and also get better at the controls)
gourmand and survivor doodle from while i was in class today :D
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cheeseknives · 6 months
Damn I haven't played Black Ops in ages
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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the eternal conflict between the fact I'm lazy and would rather let someone else drive and the harsh reality of the inevitable tragic consequences of hitching a ride with @sntoot
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easy2deceive · 8 months
Fantasy art + old paintings makes me feel nauseous just imagining walking through the fields or on the mountains or the possibilities of there being life beyond what is shown. Like everything looks large but is so small. When I was younger my mother had a painting of a waterfall in a leafy place; I would dream of being in that painting and feeling stuck- like everything was so large yet the scenery looked so small and close- there would be the thought of life but the inability to leave the painting- or at least not the foliage and reflections.
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funkbun · 2 years
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invasive species
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vulpinecircuitry · 2 years
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i did portaits of all the PCs in my wild west campaign :)
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