#I'm not a feminist but I do appreciate some feminists work over the years
blackpilljesus · 2 months
Isn't feminism the reason why housewives have better rights
It is. Moids cant be trusted. Their "protect and provide" line is bs. Feminism helped the likes of hilary crowder have the chance to look for a job that isn't prostitution after her conservative husband (steven crowder) abused & abandoned her leaving her to look after her twins even though her husband has a net worth of $20 million & she wanted to be a housewife.
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unbidden-yidden · 9 months
Honestly at this point, I'm really uninterested in hearing any gentile's "critique" of Judaism.
Whatever it is, whatever you're about to say, I am 1000% certain that at least one Jew has already raised this issue in ways that are thoughtful and centered in respect for other Jews. Probably lots of Jews; possibly whole theological movements. It's even possible that this particular topic has been under active discussion for hundreds or even thousands of years.
Someone has already said this better than you will. Someone has already raised whatever issue you have and grounded it in their own experiences of having lived a Jewish life.
So just leave it to us. Just stop. You're not helping. At best you're white-knighting, at worst you're actively contributing to an antisemitic majority culture.
"Well I've never seen Jews discussing [x] topic!" Your ignorance is not reality. These conversations are happening, possibly offline and at our Shabbos tables or shuls only, but they are happening.
"Well [x] topic impacts me personally!" Does it? Does it really? Because unless you live in Israel or Palestine, no Jewish group - no matter how seemingly numerous we may be in your city or neighborhood - is actually powerful enough to affect large-scale (or even typically small-scale) changes. Our fundamentalism is, for better or worse, directed at other Jews. The most intense thing I've heard of outside of Israel is a community getting together to petition the city to allow an eruv or a concentrated effort to make a few neighborhood blocks particularly Jewish because they're within walking distance of an orthodox shul. All other issues - no matter how ugly the opinions - are something that is part of much larger social trends that unfortunately some Jews happen to be engaging in. We'll deal with them; you focus on your people.
"I'm just listening to ex-fundamentalist Jews and white-knighting trying to help them be heard and not shouted down!" So first of all, if you knew anything about this topic, they typically call themselves OTD (which I'm sure you know what that stands for, because you've been listening) and secondly, great! You should listen to them. But their critiques are not your critiques. I can go on all day long about my family and their bullshit, and I can even (sometimes) appreciate you chiming in supportively. But it hits different when you go off chattering to other people about how my family is bullshit.
"Okay fine - I'm taking all that in and accept that my critiques aren't wanted, but what CAN I do, since I am literally vibrating in place about how Those People Over There Are Wrong and cannot simply ignore them?" Best thing you can do? Honestly? Learn about Judaism thoroughly from a variety of people, and learn how to be a good ally against antisemitism in all the spaces you want us in. Judaism not feminist enough for you? Learn how to make your feminist spaces safe and welcoming for Jews. Judaism not queer or trans enough for you? Learn how to make your queer and trans spaces safe and welcoming for Jews. Whatever movement you think we're not supporting enough or not showing up for enough, or whoever it is you think we're oppressing? Find the Jews who are doing that work (they exist, I promise) and listen to what they tell you about how to make your spaces be better.
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sabakos · 9 months
hi sabaki. why does emily wilson's odyssey translation suck
Okay so, while Wilson's translation is very "readable" and praised as such, it suffers from poor prosody and frequently truncates the meaning of the Greek in the name of fitting the count of the meter.
This claims to be a verse translation in iambic pentameter, and it just isn't that - while the lines do have ten syllables, they rarely scan, and are barely ever even iambic.
A few representative examples chosen at random from some of my favorite parts of the original:
(Book I lines 344-348)
Sullen Telemachus said, “Mother, no, you must not criticize the loyal bard for singing as it pleases him to sing. Poets are not to blame for how things are; Zeus is; he gives to each as is his will.
(Book X, lines 465-473)
We did as she had said. Then every day for a whole year we feasted there on meat and sweet strong wine. But when the year was over, when months had waned and seasons turned, and each long day had passed its course, my loyal men called me and said, ‘Be guided by the gods. Now it is time to think of our own country, if you are fated to survive and reach your high-roofed house and your forefathers’ land.’
(Book XXIII, lines 232-240)
This made him want to cry. He held his love, his faithful wife, and wept. As welcome as the land to swimmers, when Poseidon wrecks their ship at sea and breaks it with great waves and driving winds; a few escape the sea and reach the shore, their skin all caked with brine. Grateful to be alive, they crawl to land. So glad she was to see her own dear husband, and her white arms would not let go his neck.
None of this is unreadable, and though I could go into the meaning of some of the lines and nitpick at some inaccuracies, I'm not sure my arguments would be convincing anyway, since Wilson is a classics professor and I'm not! But I hope these examples at least show that it's shoddy poetic work, and frequently veers into bathos and triviality even in these moments of heightened emotion.
Speaking of bathos, she also named the book divisions for some reason, which is just plain weird - they aren't even original to the text! Why bother? They vary from boring, such as "11 - The Dead" to baffling, such as "13 - Two Tricksters." I guess Athena is supposed to be a "trickster" also? Haha. There's much where we're supposed to appreciate Wilson's cleverness, which is... grating to say the least.
And on the subject of tricksters, despite this being held up as one of her great achievements, I don't think that "complicated" is a particularly good translation for "polytropos" - which is often rendered "many-turns." This is mostly a matter of bad English rather than bad Greek - the word "complicated" just simply does not communicate to me someone with many tricks up their sleeve! It's a bad epithet. I am in a relationship with my epic poem and it's complicated, etc.
There's also the manner of the narrative that Wilson sold to PR agencies about how, as the first woman translator, she essentially claims that all of the previous (male) translators had unconscious sexist biases, and that her translations are more correct. This largely requires swallowing the claim that as a woman she's somehow immune to subconscious biases, which I'm not willing to accept. Again, I could go into detail about how her "feminist" translations distort the meaning in the face of legitimate scholarly interpretation (such as Helen's "bitchface" etc.) but I suspect getting into the weeds of this wouldn't be value positive. But I hope that in 2023 moreso than 2017 more people are willing to raise an eyebrow at this ludicrous claim on principle.
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feralkwe · 1 month
thinky thoughts
i was driving home with a friend yesterday, a friend i've had almost 20 years now, who was my very first internet friend in the early aughts when feminist blogging was in its heyday and who has become an irl friend now that i've moved to the mainland. she has functioned as a big sister in my life all this time. i love her to pieces, and my life has significantly improved with her in it.
we were talking about how weird it is to think the age our children were when we met, and the ways their lives and our lives have changed over the course of our friendship. we both started out single mothers stuck in poverty, and had our respective journeys out of those circumstances during which we've been supportive to one another, helping each other out when we had the means to do so. we've veered in and out of connected interests. i'm a gamer, she's never been into games and more often than not has no idea what i'm talking about. i have no grasp of interior design or fashion, and she has a knack for these things. but we take interest enough to appreciate what these things mean to each other. we've had disagreements and even fights over the years, but at the end of it we found the relationship to be worth the work you put in to maintaining it.
i met my best friends over fifteen years ago through fandom. we formed a fast kinship out of what we joke to be our objectively correct fandom opinions, mostly about the same character from that fandom. over the course of time we've wandered out of overlapping fandoms, supporting one another in our interests even though we didn't share them. i've read some of their fic in those fandoms. i've reblogged art of characters i know nothing about. we find dumb ways to show our interest in their interest. we found the connections beneath the fandoms, the human bonds, and built something enduring and beautiful that i can honestly say i could not be the person i am today without. even when we eventually fell into the same fandom again, we wound up engaging with it in very different ways. but we support each other, gently rib one another over "being wrong" and realize that at the end of the day, those things are ephemeral. our friendship endures.
i met my spouse almost 20 years ago, about the same time i met my big sister. we met through a job, both having come from backgrounds of poverty. we both enjoyed gaming (he started me on my first mmo), but quickly discovered we like very different games, but even when we play the same games we engage with them in very different ways. we share almost no other interests. he likes action movies, i like dumb comedies. he listens to goth and rockabilly, and i'm a classic rock and pop princess. he's read about a third of one of three of my original novels, one of my published shorts stories (he helped me work out the science i used) and (thank fuck) none of my fanfiction. but he shares my work with others, listens to me natter on about games he doesn't play, and we even will watch movies together because we enjoy time together, and i like to bite him at random intervals to keep it real and go with him to look at parts for his bike.
my point (i actually have one) is that in order to build long-term relationships you have to find the connections beyond the fleeting. you remember that your big sis loves pink lipstick so you send her a trinket bowl shaped like pink lips, or that 'none pizza with left beef' makes your spouse lose it until they cry laughing. that one of your besties has a laugh that carries over even your own loud one making music of the two of you, and the other will chase canada gooses with abandon until you fall in the grass in delight. you smile when they talk about their favorite actual play podcast and squeal over their tattoo that is inspired by an anime you've never seen. you bring up old shit to drag them and never let them live down the goofs that made you all laugh until you cried. you send them dumb cards or plants when their life is hard and you can't be there to make them soup when they're sick. you do these things because you love them. you love them for all the bits and pieces that comprise their whole even when those things don't align with your own. you might find the initial connection in the shared interests, but you build bonds separate from those through the commonality of your humanity.
relationships, platonic, not, and familial, take work. you have to put in effort. you don't have to like the same things, but you do have to have room to allow those varied and separate interests to shine in who they are. you take delight in their joy and share comfort in their sorrow. you talk to them. you reach out to them. you show that they matter to you more than your differences. that's love. that's something that endures.
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retrowaving1 · 6 months
I noticed people creating such descriptions on Tumblr, I assumed that I could do the same so that the people who visit my blog would be less confused about what they're seeing here. After all, I'm really open to communication, but it's probably better if you know what to expect from me:)
So, who the h am I?
> Obviously, Ohiko Amok is not my real name. Not only do I have Eastern/Central European origins, nobody can have a surname which stands for an aggressive dissociative behavioral syndrome (i guess).
I don't want to go by my real name on the internet unless it comes up in conversation with my mutuals.
> I'm a person of many professions: (1) personal tutor teaching adults with dyslexia, adhd, Asperger's etc.; to speak English (2) Marketing professional; (3) Graphic designer; (4) Apparently, I become an HR manager as well???
Sometimes I post some funny observations connected with my professional background, and even though some of them might seem tiny bit salty, I love my occupations wholeheartedly (except for some episodes of working with people, people are truly annoying sometimes).
> I have lots of hobbies; I like cooking (I'll gladly exchange recipes with anyone interested in mine), I like painting and drawing (both digitally and traditionally), I do yoga, I like reading (and sometimes even writing) and I like learning about skin issues (lol, I even have a certificate that I finished a course teaching about acne and how to properly deal with it xd). I also play a number of very simple computer games and enjoy board games, but I wouldn't call myself an enthusiast of neither. What I do adore is music - I'm the only person in my family who haven't had any musical trainings in the past, but being a daughter of a choir singer and a guy whose friends call him "Orchestra" for playing multiple instruments, together with being a sister of a sound designer and a former rock band frontman, I do have a strong appreciation for music. My taste in music is very vast and it'll be difficult to limit it to one genre or a group of artists, but I can easily name some of the most influential performers for me: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen, Dusty Springfield, Judy Garland, Fleetwood Mac, Czesław Niemen, Marek Grechuta, Volodymyr Ivasyuk, Okean Elzy, Skryabin..
I would love to bond over music with anyone with similar tastes <3
I also absolutely ADORE cats, they are my "spirit animals", so they are going to appear in my blog sometimes.
> I do not identify myself through pronouns, sexuality, belonging to a certain movement. I think all of those labels are secondary and often limit person to a certain degree. Biologically, I'm a woman. I'm bisexual, but I do not consider myself to be a part of LGBTQ community. I'm not religious. I'm not a feminist of any kind. I have my own strong ideas developed through the years living in a certain context, my own preferences and worldview, but I don't want to label them in any way, as it seems redundant.
> I come from Poland<3 If at some point you might get confused by my posts' being inspired by both Polish and Ukrainian popular culture and historical background, it's because I was born in Ukraine (albeit in a Polish family) and feel a strong connection and love to both countries.
> Since I've started to post on Tumblr regularly, I very often get some horny messages (i'm talking about real people, not porn bots), so here's one bit of information which I feel obliged to add to my account description: I'm currently engaged and I'm not looking for any relationships aside from friendly ones
> I don't reply to messages in russian
Cheers, if you've managed to read this whole post, I hope you'll enjoy the content I post on this account<3 Feel free to ask any questions that might come to your mind, I really like talking xd
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thehandthatleads02 · 2 months
Hi, Morgan here! I'm a 21 year old 5'4 mousy brunette in college. I've always done my best to behave well throughout my life and perform well academically. I've slept with very few people, have never had sex earlier than a month into a relationship, and have never really done anything outside of missionairy. In my four years at college I've been on the Dean's List every semester, I've never gotten lower than a B, and in highschool I never got lower than an A in any course, even ones which gave college credit. Thing is, I have this fantasy of being someone else. I've always had large breasts, and I know that if I ever decided to change my life, to focus on showing off my body rather than my brain, that I could do it. I could be the girl who's all boobs no brains, the one who's only able to live her life because she uses her body to get other people to take care of her, and it turns me on more than I could accurately describe in words whenever I think of that. I just wanted to reach out because I've loved your content for years and now that I'm really starting to come into my own and feel more confident in myself I decided to take the step to finally make a blog of my own and try my hand at reaching out to one of the most iconic members of this community. I don't quite know yet how to reconcile my kinks with all the work I've put in over the years as an academic but it's at the point now where I really don't think I can ignore it any longer. I used to proudly call myself a feminist and now I honestly feel a little guilty anytime I make a claim even somewhat related to the topic. What should I do? How should I move forward?
Although I'm not sure I would consider myself a "cornerstone" of the community, I do appreciate the sentiment. I think it is very normal to get to a point in your life and realize that the road before you is not the one you wanted. Often times it is a path we did not chose for ourselves, and I think it is healthy to eventually chose your own life when you have more experience. Sometimes that decision can come later that is ideal, but I always encourage people to explore their desires even if they seem unusual. (Assuming they are not harmful, of course)
For you? I'd say for now just explore where these feeling take you. Try some edging if you haven't, it can be an enlightening experience. Talk to some people who have blogs that seem to fit your interests. Don't be disappointed if that doesn't work out, because sometimes it goes really great. Don't let anyone push you into things you aren't ready to do.
Basically, enjoy yourself but be safe. Life's short, do something that makes you happy
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theclearblue · 1 month
favorite sapphic ships (can be from any media), go‼️‼️
Happy to do my part during Lesbian Visibility Week 🫡 (No order except for the last one being my fave)
1. Clarke/Lexa (The 100) - Unfortunately a victim of bury yours gays but first time for me seeing a Sapphic ship and I was like "girls....kissing girls?! Interesting this means nothing to me." (<- liar)
2. Emma/Regina (Once Upon a Time) - Same as before, just one of the earliest f/f ships for me
3. Korra/Asami (TLOK) - Didn't get why this was canon when I first watched it (I had yet to have some Realizations lmao), rewatched it at some point and was like Oh. oooohhhhh
4. Nobara/Maki (JJK) - Nobara is the lesbian of all time omg....the way she talks about Maki and appreciates her SO much. Maki so clearly appreciating her company and her support (but also maybe doesn't even know how much Nobara is so Ready to Fight anyone). They keep getting put on dates in official art....I know what they are....
5. Nami/Vivi (One Piece) - It has been...twenty one years (of irl time) since these two were separated...when they're reunited (which seems like it could hopefully be soon) it's gonna be the biggest Yuri event in the world (to me). LOVE them so much the way they looked out for each other throughout everything and Vivi recognizing Nami's strengths and Nami even though she's scared of fighting getting hurt because she loves Vivi SO much. Girls of all time.
6. Ymir/Historia (AOT) - I've had my issues with AOT so I don't end up talking about it a lot, but this is hands down the best ship. Historia was my fave character and they were IT to each other and the final letter Ymir sends to her is top five most devastating moments in the whole series. Love some tragic lesbians.
7. Hinako/Asashi (Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon) - Read a lot of published yuri at one point and this one was a standout. Hinako struggles with comphet, anxiety, trying to meet people's expectations of her, and is also good ace rep! The two of them start out as friends and Hinako coming to accept herself is sooo good, probably some of the best canon rep I've read (need an anime for this asap)
8. Rhaenicent (HOTD) - After Game of Thrones bombed so spectacularly at the end I thought I would not like HOTD, but they brought me back on board with the toxic lesbians. Literally inseparable from each other at the start and the one person that they trust, and it just devolves as EVERYONE around them fucks them over in a way where they end up blaming the other and are bitter and hostile about it, but even still after everything you can tell there's some love that never went away truly? Insane.
9. Pharah/Mercy (Overwatch) - ...Exposing myself as an overwatch fan....But these two have some of the gayest voicelines in the entire game (Pharah is my main so I would know lmao. I'm also automatically gay for any Mercy that pocket heals/buffs me ajssllflglh). Fly through the skies together and protect each other...HEAVY flirting while they're at it...Mercy is like the one person to know about Pharah's mommy issues....Yeah I like them lmao.
10. Utena/Anthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - Woooaaahhhh who saw this one coming as my fave sapphic ship....everyone? Ok. Anyways ship of all time to me. It's healthy. It's toxic. It's doomed. It's saved. It's canon. I can't even really put into words in one short paragraph why they work so well, but them and their relationship are the heart of RGU. When they get to the point where Utena realizes that what Anthy doesn't need is a prince to save her, rather that Anthy needs her own agency, and Anthy is FINALLY able to leave her abusive situation through that agency, and be able to find and love Utena with full trust. The queer and feminist themes of RGU really just make it unlike any other ship that I've seen.
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aidansloth · 2 years
this is my first time posting on Tumblr so constructive criticism/tips are appreciated <3
disclaimer, English is not my first language sorry if there are any mistakes
Gareth Emerson Headcanons (General):
he has ADHD
probably undiagnosed, but he researched about it and talked to his mom, she was really supportive but they don't have the money to get him diagnosed, so she does the best she can to understand him and do her own research
he also has 2 younger sisters (I think their ages would be around 7 and 11? A lot younger though) which 'force' (he enjoys it) him to play dress-up and have tea parties with them and their plushes
this would include Gareth's old plushies too (cute bats and a raccoon)
he loves his sisters so much ok-
on that note, he's a feminist 100%, as in he corrects other people on misogynistic behaviour and calls out other guys too
and also anti-racist
I'm so in love with him I can't-
he's also protective of his mom, since I headcanon that his dad was abusive, but they left once things got really bad and that's when they moved to Hawkins
this happened when he was like 11, he arrived during the school year and didn't talk to other people unless he had to
his mother was really worried about him, and that's when Eddie saw the cool introverted kid that liked D&D and decided he was going to be friends with him
they realised they both liked the same stuff and in no time Jeff and Kevin (the other guy with no name) tagged along
Gareth's mom loves his friends since they got him out of his shell
moving on, he's sarcastic like 99% of the time
Jeff loves to watch other people not understanding his sarcasm
because of his ADHD he often forgets to eat so his mom or sisters have to remind him
he also forgets to bring lunch a lot of the time so the Hellfire club learnt to always bring some extra food for him
Eddie and Gareth bond over being neurodivergent ('cause Eddie's autistic)
he stims and fidgets all the time, mostly by drumming his fingers on any surface available, but also bouncing his leg or tapping his foot
often his hyperfixations are new bands/singers, but also likes to learn about animals so he will just talk about hours about whatever animal he has his mind on
somehow always misplaces his drumsticks and has to buy new ones everytime (then he finds them under the sofa 7 months later)
either that or he breaks the drumsticks out of anger (that's very cishet man of him)
yes he has anger issues and drumming is his outlet
he also has anxiety and sometimes pulls all nighters just to perfection something he's making (like a patch, D&D figurines he's painting or a drawing)
yes I decided he likes sketching, but he doesn't think he's very good so he barely shows his art to other people
he often draws landscapes from Eddie's campaigns but also his D&D characters
I read someone else's headcanon on this, so don't credit me (don't remember who said it sorry), but because he stays up late he uses that time to study and catch up on homework otherwise he wouldn't do it
he just finds it easier to concentrate at night when everything is calm
all his pins are gifts from his friends or his mom
he made his cut-off flannel by himself one night he was bored and ended up loving it
he likes red but it's no his favourite colour, it's green
he's either bisexual or pansexual and identifies as demiboy (I don't care if it's the 80s, he does)
he knows how to cook basic things, just for when his mom has to work late and he has to make dinner for sisters
they love his cooking
doesn't really believe people when they compliment him, given he has been bullied most of his life for his hobbies and who he is, but doesn't correct people
if they compliment him he just thanks them because he doesn't want to put up a fight
one thing that he's very confident about is his skills on the drums (and his style obviously)
he feels like the dad/mom friend
he also has plants and has named all of them (they all have names of his favourite drummers and musicians)
would absolutely burst out crying if one of them were to die
also collects crystals or just pretty rocks
he loves tiger's eye (I don't remember if that's the exact name sorry)
this is pretty much what everybody said but loves Dr. Pepper
he would also love Monster, especially the Pacific Punch one (I am not projecting ok-)
had to share a room with his 12 year-old sister when they were little but once they moved he got his own and has never been happier
his room is covered in empty cans, vinyls and mixtapes
always forgets to throw away those empty cans and other rubbish
he tries okay
but other than that, it's all very clean and tidy
he tries to clean it every week but the rubbish always seems to pile up
his walls are covered in band posters and some drawings his sisters made of/for him
of course his plants on the balcony, and has a special hanger for his cut-off flannel
honorary mention to this man's thighs please
and his tummy
I love him.
he would be insicure about it though, cause you know, society
would rather die than use a 3 in 1 bodywash
and I respect that
he's always cold- I mean, he's wearing 3 layers in SPRING
so yeah his favourite season is winter, he loves curling up on the sofa with a soft blanket and a cup of hot chocolate
is scared of cockroaches, actually any bug
and the dark (he has a cute nightlight that he's had since he was a kid)
you know the scene when Eddie jumps on the table and everyone but Gareth is looking at him? he really said "here we go again", he literally looks so tired
he's just dealing with his theatrics on a daily basis
tired dad friend
he's really into astrology
he'll go "that's very Capricorn of you" at people
he once said something along those lines to Eddie
they didn't speak to each other for a week
loves bubble baths with scented candles and shit
on that note, he has a lot of scented candles for when Eddie comes to hang out so his sisters don't smell cigarette smoke (or weed-)
he would smell of his mom's freshly baked cinnamon cookies and coconut shampoo
because his little sisters get hurt very easily he's very good at patching people up
also has experience with periods because his mom taught him like the queen she is, also his sister already started hers so he often makes her tea and warms up her heating pad
he's either a Leo or a Cancer I don't make the rules
I'm sure I have others but I can't think of them right now (if there's enough I'll make a part 2)
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mistralonyxarisen · 1 year
My Pinned Post
Okay time for an extended about me as a pinned post. I'm trying to be more active and open in several communities. So here we are.
Howdy folks. I'm Mistral and I make fantasy fetish content in a variety of mediums. I'm a geeky cishet guy (he/him) with a strong kinky dominant side. I'm 40s and in an wonderful open relationship with a super awesome non-kinky partner that allows play partners of all kinds (virtual and in person). This blog is primarily focused on my favorite kink - hypnokink. I'm into hypnosis stuff both fantasy and real.
This is my backup blog that may need to become permanent. My original account is presently ACTIVE. For the time being I will be updating both blogs.
Standard stuff: Minors DNI and please move on. Consent and Safety: ALWAYS. I don't tolerate hate or anti-LGBTQIA+ views. Trans rights are human rights. No body shaming or kink shaming. No BS directed at someone's identity, race, or orientation. I'm a feminist - burn the patriarchy (I'll happily entertain Bimbo/Stepford/Misogyny fetishes and fantasies but if you espouse that in the real world - GTFO).
Click the KEEP READING to see the rest!
I'm on Kik and several other messenger platforms. I am on FetLife (if interested, DM me - they aren't directly linked). My website is here: https://mistralonyx.com/
I'm into a ton of geeky shit: video games, DnD (yes, I’m a DM), TTRPGs, board games, reading, writing fantasy/sci-fi, anime/hentai, it goes on.
I have a busy family, work, and social life. My schedule can be crazy, sometimes wide open, sometimes sevens layers of chaos. I attempt to squeeze in kink and hypnosis whenever I can. If I don't get back to you right away, I might have stuff going on. Patience is appreciated.
On the subject of kink:
I have played in the hypno kink space for over 20 years. I'm very much a dom tist. I have a switch side, but it takes a special trusted partner. I'm primarily drawn to women subjects (transwomen are women) but I've been known to help some guys drop too. I'm het but do lean hypnosexual. I adore my hypno partners and am a nurturing dom at heart.
I'm open to hypno kinky sessions in a variety of forms: text only, voice, video, and in-person. I prefer to set expectations and boundaries up front. I've had and still seek short and long term play partners. My preferred kinks are many (gestures to the blog) but some highlights are brainwashing, turning subs into very good girls, controlling their pleasure, and using it as a means to totally mind blank them. If you'd like to play online - DM me. Let's see if things click. You want to play in person and are in the DFW area - DM me, maybe we'll surprise each other.
A lot of the content I make on this site is Fantasy CNC (Consensual Non-Consent). Emphasis on the FANTASY part. I don't condone ANY real NC or violation of ANY kind. If that's your thing - fuck right off. Consent. Consent. Consent. That said - CNC Play is hot as fuck if done well. If curious, ask. Or check out any of the numerous fantasy posts on the blog.
My visual art is generated with a variety of methods including SD, 3D rendering, compositing, and over painting. You want to MAKE some custom content with me? Let's chat - I'm game.
That's about it. Always looking for friends, subjects, and good girls. Play safe out there, folks. And break those brains. ;)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Cruelty to Queen Camilla by u/narcwatchkiwi
Cruelty to Queen Camilla One of the things I have found objectionable is the Harkle's cruelty towards Queen Camilla.Recent revelations about the emotional impact on Queen Camilla of Harold's horrible smear campaign/book have really illustrated how cruel the Harkles behaviour has been, and how she has been hurt by this.I think the ageist and sexist stereotyping of Queen Camilla as the 'wicked stepmother' is absolutely disgraceful. This horrible cliche does real harm. Harold accused her of 'leaking' stories to the press, and claiming that she was 'dangerous' and that she had 'sacrificed him on her PR altar' etc. with this imagery - of a witch harming a child on a witches altar - Harold is actually using his male privilege here, and invoking the 'evil stepmother' myth is also using a stereotype associated with 'witches' - older women, often knowledgeable and clever, who were seen as threatening and subjected to genocides for hundreds of years, and these attitudes still affect women today. Genuine feminism needs to embrace all women - including and especially older women, strong and independent women, and celebrate the humanity of women, instead of either setting out a strict 'feminine' stereotype and demonizing any woman who steps out of line.Look, I think Camilla is a human being, she does a lot of charitable work now to prevent domestic violence, and I really like her wonderful book club, the 'Queen's Reading Room'. I also think she is very stylish!Queen Camilla looking fabulousI'm utterly sick of the way she was negatively compared to Diana, and as if she (Camilla) was the first person in history to ever have an affair. Diana had a long laundry list of lovers, including married men, whose wives weren't too happy about it. Charles even provided Diana with a luxurious lifestyle, and a house that she could live in with her numerous lovers. It's sad that Diana never managed to find lasting love, and that she died early in life, but she and Charles clearly just weren't suited in terms of personality, so somehow blaming Camilla is really missing the point - they just weren't compatible. Camilla was completely vilified in the press, and at one point was pelted with bread rolls in a supermarket.Look - I'm a quite romantically conservative person, so I think if I can not care whether Camilla had an affair with Charles I hope other people can get over it. Charles and Diana also had affairs, and it really is ancient history, and King Charles and Queen Camilla are obviously happy together and better suited, they always seem to be laughing together, and have the same hobbies (e.g. horses) and interests. Queen Camilla is smart, well read, kind, funny and practical. She's doing some good work to eliminate violence and misogyny towards women. I think any (genuine) feminist would appreciate that!Queen Camilla, looking beautiful. post link: https://ift.tt/N5m4A7y author: narcwatchkiwi submitted: September 01, 2023 at 04:19AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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anneboleynqueen · 1 year
What books on Anne Boleyn have you read that you would recommend? Sorry if this has been asked before
I have a tag on the blog for the books I read, "anneboleynqueen reads". There isn't much, as I'm a slow reader 😅 I find most of the books retelling the same things about Anne tbh. So I'll just recommend those which I found interesting:
Susan Bordo's The Creation of Anne Boleyn. It's been almost a decade since I've read it, but I greatly enjoyed it. It's more about Anne's image changing over the years.
Karen Lindsey's Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: A Feminist Reinterpretation Of The Wives Of Henry VIII. It's about all of Henry's wives, but I really appreciated this look on them thru the lens of feminism. I don't like personally calling any of Henry's wives a feminist just because they lived in a time when it wasn't a thing (as a movement), but it was quite interesting, for example, to look at the first Henry's attempts to court Anne as h*arrasment at work.
Elizabeth Norton's Anne Boleyn: Henry VIII's Obsession. I don't have much memory of reading this book, but according to my notes I did like it. I do remember it being super short and a nice read as an introduction to Anne. As you haven't specified if you've read anything, I'll add it here.
I think that one can choose to disagree with any narrative that's pushed by a book about a person who lived 500 years ago. I consider reading books about Anne more as piecing up opinions, cause that's really one of the few things that's different between the books about her. Plus, of course, there're older books that mess up some facts.
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destiniesfic · 1 year
hi! I completely agree with you that we should just enjoy things, take what works and not waste too much energy on hating what doesn't. that said, i respectfully disagree with you on the "interpreting" thing, at least in some respects. significantly aging down alicent, her close relationship (the text would've hinted at it, instead of the mostly neutral **they weren't horrible to each other BEFORE** vibes) with rhae prior to her marrying viserys, her "you want to usurp rhaenyra??" pikachu face-ing that clashed even with the things the show had previously established about her character, ep 10 rhaenyra, and i could go on, tbh, those were all distorsions. i'm focusing on alicent because her character work might be the worst offender, and endemic of a lot of problems the show's writing suffers from. like no one could convince me that the alicent who isolated and beefed with a literal child for years, the one who had most of her lines painting rhae in horrible colors, like "bastard blood shed" alicent? "mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth"? alicent? has anything in common with the show's version. sure, there were elements of interpretation, too, some of which i actually agreed with, but condal et co suffer from the same curse d&d did: thinking that they're so much smarter than grrm, that they can write better. 95% of times, they can't (funnily enough, some of the show's best original moments had nothing to do with them, after all). anyway, always great to read your thoughts!
Well, I'm going to own this one.
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Sooooo that is on me.
This is also all at the root of what I meant when I said something about "how the show portrayed women" in the original ask, which is what I consider to be the source of the majority of the book-to-show translation woes. Assuming the source text was primarily written by men who paint women in the least favorable light, sure, fine, but this led them to take it way too far the other direction, imo. My most trivial beef about this is actually found in Rhaenys, whose book counterpart 100% would have dracarys'd everyone at the coronation. F&B has her, not Daemon, tallying the dragons and urging their use! Show Rhaenys is so cool, but book Rhaenys is cooler, and I don't think boxing all of your women into "voice of reason" roles is the feminist win!!! that the writing staff want it to be.
But I do consider that take to be a reinterpretation, even if it's one that rubs me the wrong way. It's based in a philosophy rooted in one question: "What if the people who recorded history kinda sucked about women?" The biggest core divergence was aging Alicent down, I think, but I wouldn't consider that a "distortion" without the rest, and I generally think the writing for episodes 9 and 10 was kind of all over the place. If we'd had episode 6 and 7 Alicent through the entire back half of the season it would probably look a lot more like F&B, even though we began the story with her and Rhaenyra as friends. And honestly, the Queer Lady Sicko in me really wanted that, because who among us* hasn't had an intense, homoerotically charged friendship that's blown up spectacularly in a way you've wanted to go to war about?
Anyway, thanks for your ask and for keeping me honest. I totally get all of what you said! I haven't sat with this material as long, so I'm still refining my thoughts on it, and I appreciate you giving me more to think about.
*for a certain subset of us
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How do you know that it is true?
My daughter, when I tell her that I believe in God.
Now. She didn't expect a response. She is a feminist after all, and I am a Patriarchal male. A response wasn't even worth considering, let alone entertaining - no, scratch that - let alone even allowing to be aired.
Nevertheless what would I have said over a quiet table, or in a parlor where ideas were judged on their merit, and not upon the gender and emotional baggage of the participants?
That I don't know.
I mean, that I don't know, as in I don't have knowledge of God.
I have faith.
I have faith in a God that I have wrestled with and found to be GOOD. Good, as in a "Good God, that loves mankind". The same God that is proclaimed in most, if not every, Orthodox Vespers. I haven't attended many Liturgies - apostate as I am - so I couldn't speak to them.
But the God I worship isn't a simple God. He's not easy to anger, but that doesn't mean he can't be angered. He doesn't have the Pharisaical list of absolute rights and wrongs the Protestant God of Penal substitution has. Most importantly, his rules don't conflict with one another - pitting one group who follows one set of rules against another group who follows another set.
Do Protestants each worship the God of their desire, or are they merely distortions of the one...
I don't care.
Their god, or gods, are confusing, contradictory, at cross purposes to one another. They are angry or don't care, depending upon who you talk to. The whole matter is tedious.
My God is merely Good. Just Good. And he invites me to participate in his goodness. Do I need Orthodox praxis to participate in his goodness?
Some would say, "yes".
Yet, after a life of licentiousness, followed by years of repentance - outside of liturgy and confession, outside of ceremonial fasting, away from icons, St Mary of Egypt was recognized as a Saint.
This is not the normal path to acquiring the mind of Christ. There is a reason the Church offers the medicine it does. But to the Protestants out there, it is medicine. It is offered to help us participate with, and appreciate, the God we worship - to acquire his mind - it is not a "works based" righteousness.
So, back to my daughter.
Christianity is not about morality. If it were, the Stoics would be considered Christian, and they are not. It's about God. And the Icon of God, on Earth, was Christ.
Take what you will from this.
To understand Christ is to understand God, and to understand God is to understand Christ. It's not too complicated. God isn't looking for my damnation, he doesn't care about prescribed sets of rules. He Gave us the Spirit - the fruits thereof are what he wants from us. He wants us to acquire the mind of the Spirit - His Spirit.
At the end of the day - I don't worry about my "Salvation" anymore. I don't even care. I do not even think about it.
For he is a Good God, and he loves mankind.
Protestants use the, "Are you saved?" question for outreach. Everyone asking the question convincing themselves that if they answer, "yes", that this magical thinking will guarantee "Salvation".
Yet, their Salvations are as muddled as their gods, or as their distortion of the one true God.
Yes, Salvation is faith - as is mentioned in my 5th paragraph. Faith in the good God that I see dimly. Faith in the good God whose Christ came to this earth; and faith in the good God whose Spirit was promised, and with whose help I'm acquiring the ability - day-by-day - to see more clearly.
Seeing him with absolute clarity, however, I believe will take time.
But I think I'm on the path I need to be on.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy upon me, A Sinner.
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charleslebatman · 10 months
Apart from Impressionism, which art movement do you enjoy? Examples are greatly appreciated
So, I'm going to give the reason why I sometimes find it hard to give just masterpieces. It's because, over the years, I've mostly learned about contexts and art movements. Works and artists in particular, were dealt with a lot at the beginning of my studies. So it goes back and I've forgotten quite a lot. 🥲
Then, I was especially touched by performance art. But artistic performances, especially feminist ones, are very strong. Some are very violent. I'm not sure how well it's received by some. One performer in particular left me speechless. So much so that she's disturbing, but at the same time upsetting.
I've learned to love art with messages that denounce so many things. Especially from the 70s onwards. If you look at my university work at the moment, it's a long way from pure art. It touches on sociology, racism, social issues and history. That's why, if I'm going to give you specific canvas, I really have to go back to my courses. 🙃
However, I'm going to do it, it'll push me back into basic concepts. Then I have an amazing teacher who explains art amazingly, so I'm sure I could teach you lots of stuff. ☺️
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papirouge · 2 years
Sorry to be doing this in your inbox, I don't really like doin this, you can ignore this if you want. Mentions of sexual abuse ahead.
I accidentally saw some tiktok screenshots of people reacting to Amber Heard's rape account, and they left me feeling so gross. All of them thought the story was not a big deal, or even hot. And let me clarify, I dont know mcuh about this case, I havent been following it because I dont care about celebrities so i have no idea whos guilty and whos not, or if both are. Dont even know if the rape story is true, but the fact that people are reacting this way, a story that is similar to things women have actually gone through... and some even said "I don't even follow this case", basically admiting that there wasnt even any sort of bias or knowledge of whether she might have been lying or not.
Its all so disheartening. But i guess it does make sense. Ive heard that men invade or lurk womens rape groups where they discuss their sexual abuse to masturbate to these girls traumatic tales. And i remember years ago stumbling upon this forum where people (both men and women) woould post articles of real rape histories as fap folder and would try to dig the most details of these stories they could find, and would try to find photos of the female víctims.
And i avoid reading comments on rape stories because ive even seen victim blaming comments on stories where the rape victim was a 10 year old girl.
I guess porn truly has rotted men brains, where they see violent, hateful "sex" as normal or kinky. And many girls grew up reading violent degenerate fanfiction, so they think these stories are sexy or whatever.
Like I dont know. Perhaps im exaggerating, and I should lighten up. i cant help but remember feminists saying that no woman wants to be raped in response to assholes who claimed some women did, even if she found the man to be desirable, but the girls stating ir would be hot if it was Johnny depp are kinda undoing all that work. And i wonder if men would find it so 'fun' if it was a man telling a story about getting raped with a broken bottle.
Sorry to be vomiting all these words in your inbox lol. Im calmer right now. Guess im a little sensitive because it males me upset about how little people care about prostitutes and porn actresses and im doubting there will ever be an end to these industries. Men don't care. Women don't care. The only people who really care are radfems, a portion of Christians (lets be honest, many "christians" don't give a fuck) and some conservative people. And even then, some still put most of the blame on the prostituted instead of on the ones who create the demand (if theres no demand, theres no offer, simple as).
And like I said, i have no idea about this case, i'm no a depp stan or heard stan so its not really about them, just how messed up people act towards rape ahhhh
It's okay anon, my ask will always be open and I really appreciate how you and many other will share your insight about things that matter to you💜
Best advice I would give you anon is to realize that shit on the internet ≠ reality.
Yes, porn culture is widespread. Yes, violence is glamorized. Yes, weirdos fap themselves over female trauma...... but please, PLEASE for the sake of your mental wellbeing, just know that these websites are nothing but a tiny window of this World. Delete your TikTok & Instagram account. Slow down on 4chan/lolcow/kiwifarm because they will transform you into a cynical doomer. Tumblr should be on thin freaking ice. None of this is the reality. The degenerates displaying their obscenities aren't the norm.
Porn culture is a reality but some men are waking up. Look up the #nofap #pornfree movement. Good things are happening.
Beside radfem, Depp wk, and misogynist clout chasers, nobody cares about this trial. Most people only see crazy rich people tearing each other up. This case isn't gonna change the treatment of abused women worldwide and I hate whitefem acting like it did - they just obsess over it bc they relate to Heard, their bisexual White queen and also because they consider themselves as the standard of feminism ("if it happens to US now we're gonna care about it"). Note they NEVER had so much energy when another A+ celebrity (Megan Thee Stallion) got victim of abuse and she too got shredded into piece by crazy people online.... These whitefem they didn't care. They didn't wrote these corny post whining about how much step back for feminism it was🐊😭 (bc "feminism" couldn't be represented by a Black female rapper, you know 🙃)
See anon? This is only a circus. This performance outrage only manage to exhaust us mentally and make us fall into a doomer mentality. Terminally online people antics being continuously commented by terminally online people. Each defending its own little Chapel while pretending being more virtuous than the others. No wonder you feel drained by it.
Don't let the internet circus affect your mood.
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Ok. I'm about to drop a hot take about a show barely anybody cares about these days, but I think that a Daria reboot could work in the modern day
To be honest, I think if you have the right team of writers behind her and you don't try to make her animation style super clean and CGI polished she would be a much appreciated voice in the modern day pop culture lexicon. The only issue with making a Daria reboot today is that the big corporation that owns her IP would absolutely never in a million years get the right team of writers or animators behind this project. It just wouldn't happen. A Daria reboot would need to be at its core a cynical and socialist leaning look at the modern capitalism in decline of American society with a heavy tilt towards progressive ideology and social justice, but it would have to be done just the right kind of way where Daria herself is not only a self aware and politically aware girl, but who also falls into the mindset of a middle class white teenager with nihilism. But all they would do is turn her into some completely unironic pussy hat white feminist liberal with a cast of characters that would either be complete copies of her or just the flattest background characters ever written. There is just no way in this modern pink-capitalism era of #GirlPower reboots and remakes they would ever be able to make a modern Daria the way she deserved to be made, by some stoned college chicks who major in writing and animation that met at the GSA meeting and struck up a conversation about modern intersectional feminism and how much they hate capitalism and how much they want to write a show about some witty characters dissecting and satirizing modern life in their dorm rooms for free, posting episodes of this shitty, but brilliant little animated web series with kids from the theater department who do a good job but also feel like damn they're trying so hard up on YouTube once a week that somehow becomes a viral cult classic, THAT is the way Daria was meant to return to us and until that can be the reality she should absolutely never return. I don't think I could bear to see what the modern day Hollywood Oligarchy would do to her, because she's a character that is so very easy to do so very wrong and just ruin her forver and if they ruin Daria I don't think I could ever get over that
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