#I've said it before and I'll say it again: i actually love how their partnership plays out & i lowkey wish there was more to it
jtownraindancer · 5 months
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Ace's TURИ for Burn Rewatch: Quarry
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The way I see it, each life series is related to a season.
Third Life- Fall
Last Life- Winter
Double Life- Spring
Limited Life- Summer
Secret Life- Fall
Real Life- Winter?
Last Life is winter. I haven't actually seen Last Life in a while so this might not be a great analysis but bear with me. Everyone sort of went into this season with an almost sense of scramble and knowing what was to come. The winter set in quick and they all made their groups hastily in an attempt for shelter (which ended up causing unstable alliances). The boogyman caused distrust as players just tried to survive and keep themselves safe. Everything feels inevitable and every player is aware of what's at the end. I have strong feelings about this one, but if anyone else who is more familiar with Last Life wants to add on, please please do.
Third Life is fall. Now, you might say, "but, Frog, what about Red Winter?" to which I point out that Red Winter was coming, but it never fully came. The Red King and Dogwarts fell before it could ever officially be winter. Third Life is also fall because of the slow decent into death of everything as well as scarcity of resources as winter approaches. It's not winter yet, but it lurks on the horizon and as things get colder, so do the players and their relationships with each other.
Double Life is spring. Third time around, everybody is sort of starting to get used to the game and how it goes. They know what'll happen, but their attitudes are lighter. The ranchers ranch, new fresh partnerships are made, and everyone is sort of out and about. New elements are introduced such as, goat horns, allays, frogs, powdered snow, and the warden (rip Rancher's Revenge). The whole energy feels kind of excited and fresh in a way. Like just coming out of hibernation.
Limited Life is summer. I feel like I don't need to explain this one too much. The amount of water and ocean themes we get tie into the warm weather aspect. Everyone is social with each other (even if that's because of murder). I've seen this season compared to little kids playing pretend on the playground which sort of ties in with the fun and lighthearted energy. And yet the ticking timer reminds them that nothing, not even summer, can last forever (play 2000's teen summer movie trailer music here)
Secret Life is fall and it's the start of the season cycle again. Lizzie's pumpkin vibes help this theory. This season also had a sense of division to it with the secret tasks forcing people to go off on their own most of the time. In sort of a call back to Third Life, this season could be seen as a omen of what's to come in the winter, and I think that with, as the biggest thing, the Canary Curse getting broken can show that these people have changed and that they are prepared for the winter ahead and that things are going to be different.
And then I guess Real Life would be winter. I haven't quite figured out where this fits into my season theory, but I feel like it could show how this winter is different than the ones that came before. I admit, this season was too short to get a great vibe, so depending on the next season it might get cut to Fall 2.0 (cause I definitely think it's been accepted as canon and I don't want to just remove it)
Anyways those are my thoughts. I'd love to hear what anybody else thinks. I definitely could have said more about some of these but I don't want to ramble too much. I also feel like this could kind of tie into some funky things with the winners too, but I'll save that for another time.
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waitmyturtles · 10 months
Well -- I think a lot of us on the internet were and are concerned about PerthChimon's chemistry. But there's a lot going on for Dangerous Romance, episode 1, that has gotten me HOOKED besides and beyond that chemistry issue, and I think what I saw today has got me at least less worried, if not intrigued, for reasons down below.
Firstly: we smell SOTUS on this show's breath, right? In a lot of ways, which I'll talk about below. I like the sinister turn that bullying and hazing has taken here -- weird to say that I like it, not by what's actually depicted, but by how it's been updated by its source inspiration in SOTUS and how the bullying is being leveraged so far as a storyline. As I'm always looking at teams behind shows for the Old GMMTV Challenge, I am noting that one of the directors of this show is Lit Phadung -- the screenwriter and director of SOTUS and SOTUS S. Despite the KristSingto chemistry issues of that franchise, Lit actually told a decent story in SOTUS, and an actually kind-of-compelling story of growth in SOTUS S and Our Skyy x SOTUS. So what we have in Lit is: a director who knows how to balance titchy issues of hazing along with actors with developing chemistry. Dangerous Romance is starting out FAR stronger than SOTUS, which is good for him, and which I'll get into more in a second.
One more note about the show's team. We got two of my favorite writers on the screenplay in Bee Pongsate and Pratchaya Thavornthummarut -- Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, etc. Big shit shows. I've talked with @chickenstrangers about this before, particularly in the context of when Bee and Pratchaya co-wrote 2gether -- when Bee and Pratchaya write together WITHOUT Backaof Noppharnach and Au Kornprom on their squad, the stories can get a little looser and messier. So I'm keeping my eye out for this. (Bee and Pratchaya wrote Vice Versa without P'Aof and Au, and... I know people have feelings about VV.) Anyway! Let's keep sharp eyes out for the writing.
I like where the screenplay is headed -- a battle of wits, enemies-to-lovers (ETL). I agree with @lurkingshan when she shared with me that ETL will need sexual tension.
Alright, so. On this. First off, this is my first show where I'm seeing Chimon in a starring role. I wrote to @neuroticbookworm and @lurkingshan as I was watching this: I WAS SURPRISED BY THE SASS LEVEL. Chimon's sashaying into this.
(Sailom: "Do you want to be my heroin(e)?" Welcome back, kinda, Kongpob, WITH SASS, SMARTS, and a hella survival streak.)
Secondly: these dudes are so young that they could be my children, but let me note that both Perth and Chimon are now YEARS-LONG veterans at GMMTV. Sure, they're wearing those damn high school uniforms again, but when they workshop, they have that many more years behind them to know what they're doing and what they need to achieve. I know there were some quibbles about Gawin Caskey's and Krist Perawat's chemistry in Be My Favorite, and I wonder if we might run into a similar issue here with DR. But that being said: what I appreciated about Gawin and Krist is that they had clearly workshopped the hell out of their partnership, with Krist really making strides beyond his early days with Singto in SOTUS (oh, the cringe). I ended up really loving GawinKrist together, and I think they managed Krist's character's slight aversion to sexual tension well within their pairing.
I don't smell cringe here with Dangerous Romance. I smell risk-taking. Perth = leather daddy? I'll fucking take it. And Chimon is grabbing faces and playing with fire against the big boy of school. I can't find the post (darn it! I will cite it when I find it!), but someone wrote that Sailom KNOWS he's smarter than Kang, and is willing to take risks to exploit that against Kang, and I am here for it. A battle of wits and wills.
I have my hopes seriously up that Perth and Chimon know what they need to do to make this GOOD. I think both of them have it in them to know what to do to make this ship not just successful, but dramatically compelling. I hope the screenplay can hold up to not eff it up. (I should have said this earlier, but I have NOT seen Never Let Me Go, and I understand that NLMG left folks feeling underwhelmed about PerthChimon. I am not tainted, so I will hold optimism for myself and anyone else who wants me to hold it for them!)
Other passing thoughts: I LOVE VIEW. I CANNOT WAIT FOR VIEW TO HAVE A STARRING ROLE! Her and Perth on screen together?! STRENGTH.
Euro is excellent -- I understand his turn in My Precious was great, too. Good to see you again, Marc Pahun. Let's see if Pawin can get a role that's not just being a high school side-buddy. I'm interested in Kang's daddy issues. I want to know what happened to Kang's mom. Papang as a potentially unethical doctor? Oh yeeeaaah.
HOPES ARE HIGH, FRIENDS! This was a banger of a first episode. I'm hanging a lot on PerthChimon succeeding -- I REALLY like what GMMTV is doing to mix ships up. More, more, more!
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
The Christmas Wish Part 2
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Words: 2.5k
I’ll get part 3 posted sometime this week… xxx
The Christmas Wish Masterlist Main Masterlist
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🤍 Van's POV 🤍
"We both need a pound for the Christmas raffle... and we can't wear our uniforms today, it's Christmas jumper day!"
"You burnt the toast AGAIN! Ughhh I can't eat it!"
"I want braids today Daddy, Maisie said she's going to wear braids and we said we were going to match!"
It's going to be one of those days, I can just tell. My head's spinning and it's not even 8am yet. I gulp the dregs of my tea down and turn to face my children. How can two such angelic beings be so goddamn exhausting?
"C'mon kids, go easy on me, one at a time," I smile weakly at them, digging into the pocket of my skinny jeans and coming out with a handful of fluff. "Damn it, I've not got any change on me... who carries loose change these days anyway?"
"Mummy always does... she has everything we need!" Leo pipes up, his gap-toothed grin faltering as his big sister elbows him harshly in the ribs. "Oww!"
"Hey, hey, what was that for?" I swiftly turn to Grace and she offers me nothing but a shrug. "Gracie... c'mon..." I glare at her pointedly and her little face eventually creases into a sheepish frown, her voice quiet and tentative when she finally speaks.
"I told Leo not to say that stuff about mummy... you know... about how she looks after us better."
Ouch... that stings. I must visibly wince as Grace jumps down off the breakfast bar stool and immediately flings her arms around my waist. "I didn't mean it daddy, I didn't mean it to sound like that. You're the best daddy there is! You're just as good as mummy, you're just different, you do stuff in a different way, that's all."
That's one way of phrasing it...
"It's okay angel, I know what you mean," I sigh, planting a soft kiss in her parting, stroking her hair. "I'm trying my best honey, I really am."
"I know you are daddy."
Leo jumps down too, not wanting to miss out on the opportunity for a cuddle and I envelope him as well, all of us glued together in a big family bear hug in the middle of the kitchen.
"I'll call in to the corner shop on the way to school and get you some change. We don't have Christmas jumpers but Leo... go and grab your felt tips, we can make our own. And Grace... go get your brush, I'll see what I can do."
The kids break away and I run my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath. I'd never imagined that having children would be quite so challenging and relentless, but then again I'd never signed up for this.
Having kids was always my end goal of course, it was my ultimate wish come true, a culmination of everything that I'd worked towards and hard for. I'd been saving for as long as I could remember, squirrelling away a portion of money from touring before we even got signed in preparation for this part of my life. It was supposed to be a good life, a better life. It was supposed to be more meaningful... and it was. I loved them so much it fucking scared me sometimes. It's just that whenever I envisioned this picture-postcard idealised dream I wasn't doing it alone. I was always with somebody, it was a partnership. I was doing it alongside the woman I loved... the mother of my children.
"What are we gonna do with these?"
Leo's enquiring voice breaks me out of my troubled thoughts and I see him standing there holding his pack of brightly coloured felt tip pens aloft.
"You'll see... c'mon take this off." I scoop him up to sit on my knee at the kitchen table, helping him to shrug out of his school uniform jumper. "We don't need no shop-bought naff Christmas jumpers, we'll make our own. They'll be just as good... nah... actually they'll be better... miles better. Now what d'ya want? Santa? Rudolph? A Christmas tree?"
"Rudolph!" Leo laughs, watching me as I spread his jumper out on the table and reach for the pens. "With a big red, shiny nose!"
"Mummy's not going to be happy with you doing that."
I can actually hear my ex-wife's stern tone in my daughter's voice and I can fully imagine the roasting I'll be getting later for ruining the kids' school uniforms. I figure that I'd rather incur her wrath and have two happy children though. It's not like I need to worry about appeasing her anymore, not now that fucking boyfriend of hers has moved in and they're playing happy families. The thought makes my throat feel tight but I swallow down the lump that's arisen, trying to focus instead on the things that I do actually have control over.
"Don't worry about mummy, I'll deal with her. Youse two are gonna be the best dressed kids in school today! Look at that Leo... proper artist at work here. Some mad drawing skills I've got, eh?"
"But it looks like a giraffe!" Leo giggles, pointing at the comical looking reindeer I've drawn on the front of his school jumper. "Reindeers don't have such long necks! And it's got an extra leg!"
"No it's not silly, that's a tail!" Grace chips in. She's giggling now too, reaching for the green felt tip as she announces out loud. "I'm doing a Christmas tree on mine. I'm a really good drawer, Miss Wilson told me so. She's always telling me how bright I am!"
"Brighter than the star on the top of any Christmas tree, eh kiddo?" I grin at her, pride warming me through with a pleasant glow. "So I suppose you'll be getting a good report then will ya when I go to parents' evening after school today?"
Grace freezes at my words, her smile instantly morphing into a worried looking frown, her eyes darting quickly up to me before they're fixed on the table below.
"But it's not parents' evening daddy, not today," she says quietly.
"Oh really?" This is news to me. "So why else would the school office be leaving me a voicemail, asking me to come and see your teacher today after school at 3.30pm?"
It's not very often my daughter's lost for words but she's silent now, shrugging as her lips pull into a flat line. She won't take her eyes off the tabletop, refusing to look me in the eye.
I know that look. I know it all too well. My heart sinks, the pride retreating. Leo starts shaking his head at his sister, tutting whilst wearing a wide smirk.
"You're in big trouble aren't ya? If Santa finds out..."
"Shut up Leo!" She snaps, her cheeks glowing hotly.
"Gracie... is there something you wanna tell me love?"
Yeah... it's definitely gonna be one of those days.
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🤍 Sacha's POV 🤍
I can really do without staying behind after class today. With just three weeks to go until Christmas I have a to do list a mile long and I've not even started ticking things off yet. I've been so busy dreaming up festive themed lessons for the school-kids to keep the Christmas magic alive that I've been neglecting my own seasonal plans.
My tree's usually up and decorated by December 1st, the whole house decked out like Santa's grotto, but this year the only thing I've managed to do is haul the tree out of the loft. It's been sitting in my hallway in its box for over a week now, taunting me every time I walk past. I've just been so tired after work I've been favouring lazing on the sofa watching trash TV when really there's a million and one other more productive things I should be doing. I've not even had chance to go shopping yet for the new tree decorations I promised myself that I'd get this year. Maybe I could walk into town this afternoon after this meeting with Grace's dad...
Ughhh the meeting... just the thought of it makes my gut clench with apprehension. It's all good when eager mums and dads are lapping up the praise at parents' evening, proudly beaming whilst I tell them how well behaved and perfect-mannered their sons are or how bright and inquisitive their daughters are. The mood swiftly changes though when I'm breaking the bad news to them that their sweet little cherubs aren't quite as angelic as they think. I'm still fuming about the formal complaint that Ryan Carter's mum tried to raise with the Headmaster when I told her that her son had been bullying the smaller kids in class. She refused to believe that her perfect little blue-eyed boy would ever step out of line and she even had the audacity to tell me that I was victimising him! I could tell that the apple didn't fall far from the tree with that one. She was so rude.
I glance at my watch... 3.36pm. He's late.
I'm trying not to let my pre-conceived ideas of Grace's so-called 'famous rockstar' dad influence my feelings before I've even met him but I just can't help myself. Against my better judgement I'd succumbed to Ellie's teasing in the staff room at lunchtime. She'd waved her phone around excitedly in my face announcing that I was in for a treat later because Grace's dad was, in her words, “a massive dilf".
I can't help but smile as I recall the humorous scene from earlier when I'd told Ellie that talking about the kids' parents in that way was inappropriate. She'd just smirked gleefully at my slack jaw as I'd proceeded to watch a clip of a live performance where Grace's dad was practically making out with the microphone on stage. I couldn't deny he was attractive.
"Told ya so!" She'd grinned, but I was resolute, shaking my head emphatically.
"I don't care if he's cute, I'll bet you any money he's neglecting those kids. I can see it now, Grace has already told me about her parents splitting up. Guys like her dad are all the same, I bet he's full of himself. Bet the lure of fame and money was too tempting for him and he's run off with some model or something!"
"You can't judge a book by its cover!" She laughs but I'm not budging. I know all too well the struggles of having an absent father. Men are so fickle.
Grace has been acting out of character all day, she's been unusually quiet and withdrawn. Any attempts at drawing out her usually cheerful nature have fallen flat. Even the announcement that she'd bagged the role of Mary in the class nativity play didn't have the expected effect, I just got a weak smile and a quiet "thank you Miss." I'm not sure whether she's just nervous about me speaking to her dad about her behaviour or whether there's something more serious going on at home, some underlying issue that's dampening her vivacious demeanour. Either way I'm determined to find out and help in any way that I can.
Ellie says I shouldn't get too involved but I didn't just take this job to teach kids to read and write. I fully feel like I'm helping to shape little lives and instilling good values and helping them to try and make sense of any confusing emotions. I still vividly remember my primary school teachers to this day, more fondly than any of my secondary school teachers and most of the academics at university too. These young years should be the most fun and carefree time of any person's life.
It's 3.45pm now... this doesn't bode well if he can't even be bothered to turn up on time for an appointment to talk about his own child. Maybe he's not going to show up at all. It's not like I ever see him at school pick up time. It's always either Grace's mum or another guy... a family friend I believe even though the kids call him 'Uncle Larry'. In the mornings the kids get dropped off early for breakfast club before I've arrived so I have no idea if he's even set foot near the school before.
I think of Grace and Leo sitting in the school office right now waiting and my heart aches for them. Maybe I should go down and see them? Ask the office to put another call through to the dad? Sighing heavily I get up from my seat and pick up my half-drunk cup of coffee, making for the door.
My head's down as I pull open the door, chuntering to myself about irresponsible parents, completely distracted so that I don't even notice the person who's on the other side. Even if I had the collision would probably be unavoidable. The tall figure's barrelling along that quickly and carelessly that our bodies bump each other's with enough force that I cry out in shock, upending my coffee cup and spilling the contents.
"What the.... Oh... I'm so sorry! My coffee!"
The thankfully not scalding liquid slops out and all over the front of a black suede jacket and I quickly assess the damage before I wrench my eyes upwards to finally see who's standing in front of me.
"Shit... am sorry love... was in so much of a rush I didn't see ya there! Ya drenched me!"
It's him. I can tell straight away after watching that video. Mousy brown hair long enough that it curls at his collar pushed back off his handsome face, blue eyes wide and bright as he peers down on me. He's wearing a slightly crooked grin that lights up his whole face and I falter for a second before I quickly re-gain my composure.
"I'm really sorry about that, you completely took me by surprise. It's Mr McCann isn't it? I was starting to think you weren't gonna show. I was just coming to see..." I trail off, letting my eyes wander down as he chuckles, brushing himself down. "Your jacket... I hope it's not ruined."
"Ahh, this old thing? Nah, it's fine, don't worry." He looks unbothered and I breathe an internal sigh of relief. "And it is me... you can call me Van though... and I guess you must be the amazing Miss Wilson I've been hearing so much about!"
My cheeks warm automatically and I laugh to cover my embarrassment, surprised when he sticks out a hand in a greeting. He's certainly charming enough and I remind myself sternly that we're here to discuss an important matter, not stand here exchanging pleasantries in the corridor.
"That's me!" I smile, taking the hand that he offers. "And seeing as we're on first name terms you can call me Sacha."
His large hand envelopes mine in a warm, firm handshake and I'm almost dismayed when he lets go.
"Sacha," he repeats, still grinning. "I tell ya, Gracie's always going on about ya. It's good to finally put a face to a name."
"Same here... Grace talks about you a lot too... her famous rockstar dad!"
"I hope it's all good," he replies and it's at that point my smile must slip as his face creases a little in concern as he steps back. "So... what's she been up to then?"
Here goes...
"Let's go and sit down and have a little chat shall we?"
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"Pedestrian" like tedbecca isn't a literal unicorn when it comes to tv relationships & actually good and non-toxic friends to romance. All the soulmatetisms aside, two people like Ted and Rebecca in love and having healthy romances isn't generic and pedestrian. Especially in this show, where we have seen a wonderful and supportive partnership with m/f couple Roy and Keeley which could have been mishandled easily in any other show. Don't get me wrong I love Hannah and its not like she can say it about this show but this show has already done pedestrian cw tier things like a contrived Roy/Keeley breakup there was no context for (s2 did NOT do enough to justify it) and they're on thin ice with Jack/Keeley with the rupertisms and portraying the first wlw relationship on the show with a power imbalance like that. Tedbecca becoming canon would be the least pedestrian thing at this point esp on a show that has shown itself to not be above "pedestrian" writing. Boat guy was about as generic pedestrian meetcute as you could get. How is that not "safe"?
You are right and you should say it! Dutch Guy's storyline is so cliche... Worse, his advances were borderline creepy and media should stop portraying that stuff as romantic.
However, using their short lived romance as a conduit to prove to Rebecca that what she seeks in a partner (creepiness aside) was there all along in the man she deeply knows and adores and who was not hell bent on getting in her pants? Brilliant. Stellar. 10 out of 10.
I'm low key hoping he will return (that would explain the casting call for the young Dutch girl) and we could establish once and for all that this was one of these giant red flags that she missed. Not holding my breath though.
I've said this in response to another post but I'll repeat it here. If this was Ted or Rebecca falling in love at first sight, or they became best friends and at the last minute, oh, we're in love, I would personally never have rooted for them as strongly as I do. Sure, it's nice. But it's been done before, loads of times. Talk about generic and pedestrian…
But that's not what's happening here. Instead, the writers made perfectly clear that these two were always gonna meet and improve each other's lives, by virtue of them being themselves, fully, good and bad.
Rebecca lost her way and Ted helped her find herself again. Showed her instant and unwavering support. Not as a friend, but as a human recognising a fellow human for who they were, what they were going through, and he was not gonna sit idly by and do nothing. Similarly, Rebecca had a sixth sense from the get go when Ted was struggling, even when she was still trying to sabotage him. She couldn’t help but want to make him better. That's the premise. That's how it all started. It's perfect. It's beautiful. Reducing them to the leading man and woman getting together at the end is undermining what they share in so many ways it makes me sad.
They're still not friends but we are witnessing instead them going through similar journeys, mostly not crossing paths, having gone through life altering trauma, at exactly the same second!! Cheering each other on. Being what the other needs to flourish. Unknowingly connected to one another in a way that only us, by design, are privy to. Fuck me!
Also, they had endless opportunities to set them up with someone else. Sassy, Dr. Sharon, Sam, Dutch Guy, John…. But they didn’t. Drives me nuts 😅
I mean yeah. We’ll see what happens but the cast seems pretty adamant we’re not going there. So… On verra bien.
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arcanescionmoved · 1 year
SHIPPING INFO: Caitlyn Kiramman.
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Tagged by: @misfits-of-zaun, @misstantabismuses, @independentzaun, @saviourofzaun Tagging: @hxundsprxdigy, @freedomsbounty, @legendscried, @bioniczaunites, almost everyone has done this already so XD
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I won't lie, I absolutely love Caitlyn x Vi (violyn, what a pretty ship name), however, I feel liek saying OTP means I'm exclusive to such things? Caitlyn and Vi are soulmates in my eyes, they will always be meant for each other; however with roleplaying, there is so much more we can go into. And that includes OCs!! So while I love this ship, I am not exclusive to it and that's all I'll write.
Caitlyn is around 25 years old (In her Baroness verse its conditional. could be 25 as well or older as 35/38). I would say the most I go with with caitlyn is perhaps 20 years pushing it. In reading it, I'm not bothered as long as things are tagged, but arcane is filled with very dark themes and its there. Caitlyn in IC setting would not go any further then at most 20 years difference.
For me, I'm not troubled by anything nsfw, whether its sexual, violence, or other topics in that area. So in terms of sexual relationships, I feel like for it to be considered nsfw is when hands start moving. They could be fully clothed, but its still the groping, hands slipping under shirts/pants, even intense make-out sessions I think would all quality for being nsfw.
That being said, nsfw for me is more of a warning to those who write with me. just hey, this is getting spicy and if you don't like it turn away because I typically do write out nsfw scenes including smut. I enjoy the writing of it because its a part of the characters and their developing relationship.
In terms of violence, again, its part of the story, no matter how ugly it is. I would say nsfw in violence if blades/weapons come out, and the writing is visual it would be marked as well.
Alright, the fun part!! So, I haven't been around much to truly establish much, but I have a few ships that I've gotten to play around with!
Naturally, I have Caitlyn and Vi, and what I love about my ships with them is like, with everyone I write with the ships are different. Caitlyn has different connections with different Vis because all writers play them differently! I first started writing with @freedomsbounty and her Vi, and we kind of changed things up where Vi didn't walk away in teh rain in that angst, but actually decided to embrace her feelings and then promised to return. So its definitely a different way.
But then I have my ship with @misstantabismuses which is far more in depth with spreading out the timeline to be longer, rather then working in what looked like 'days' in teh show. So its this first developed partnership/friends, bonding on a level of noticing each other and then in time this whole '...oh shit.... I think I like her what do I do' and exploring this sort of long-term development from work partners to friendship to lovers.
So I of course love exploring with any Vi and I'm open to it (which I hope it would be known that I would never force a ship! I do ship them but I am not going to be like 'your vi has to like caitlyn' sort of thing).
As for other ships, some I'm exploring is with my Baroness Caitlyn, she has a relationship with Jinx as well! Its definitely a unique perspective in the mirror reflection of Piltover Caitlyn being with Vi, but here Zaunite Caitlyn is with Jinx. There's also an exploration between Baroness Caitlyn and Sevika, where Sevika works for Caitlyn in a sort of 'trade off contract with Silco where Sevika is now her body guard. Fun things to play with!
I also am open to other ships not just exclusively romantic. For example, @legendscried Jayce and Caitlyn are absolutely in a found family relationship. They grew up both as misfits, both having heritage from other lands, and just overall connecting with each other and finding comfort in the other. They develop a brotherly/sisterly bond and its a very strong one. I briefly touched based with @astrxae to and the possibility of Caitlyn having a big sister in Irisa which will be fun to explore!! And then oh, Oh the twisted AU with @independentzaun where Caitlyn and Jinx are half sisters! This whole complicated mess with that and the whole "How far will you go to take care of your sister" while also, ALSO dealing with the resentment of teh past and unable to forgive and forget. And then having Vi in it with her head going 'your her half sister, i'm her half sister, but caitlyn and vi aren't related' like the mind fuckery of this whole situation is absolutely hilarious!
But yes, that being said, I'm open to trying so many things and open to exploration of all ships if we plot and play around with it!
Yes. While I am open to shipping, I don't like being thrown things at with no plotting behind it. That being said, I'm very much an open communication channel, I have tumblr DMs as well as Discord (I prefer discord cause I can sometimes get obsessed and excited and write PARAGRAPHS worth of things). But I'm very much one for establishing a relationship before writing it. I like to make sure like, a character will click wiht Caitlyn and that chemistry through OOC talking.
I'm not one to be like 'we have to write 5 threads to see if chemistry works', but my form of checking on chemistry is talking ooc and seeing how one action reacts to the other and so on. If that chemistry is establish, then its ten times easier to start writing a ship.
So basically, come talk to me OOC. 99% of the time, I'm sure i'll ship, I just need to be able to talk and ramble and plot with you.
So, I don't quite understand this just because, I don't know? I love ships, but not exclusively romantic. I'm in for all the ships, whether its romantic, platonic, even antagonistic! I'm here to write and enjoy teh development between characters. So if I develop a ship it happens.
I love all my ships, I have several of them so its more, like, I just enjoy writing them! Whether its Caitlyn x Vi, or exploring the realms of other ships, I wouldn't say I have a favorite. Because all of them are my favorites, that's why I'm writing them! A few to list that I'm enjoying playing with are Caitlyn x Vi, Caitlyn x Sevika, Caitlyn x Jinx, Caitlyn x Ran, I also have my platonic ships with Caitlyn x Jayce, Caitlyn x Irisa (OC). There is also an new antagonistic ship i'm getting with Caitlyn x Neopolitian which is going to be a very of Sherlock x Moriarty which is gunna be hella fun I bet!
Honestly, if we have a ship, its a favorite.
Message me and go 'CAN I OFFER YOU THIS MUSE!?' and then we talk. Really simple. I won't automatically say yes, but like I said. OOC communication and checking chemistry by talking.
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aroturier · 1 year
Dear me, someone actually tagged me in one of those questionaire things. This is a first--or at least a first time I spotted it. Thankyou @thatmysterywriter, for thinking of me...dunno how long ago you sent yours out into the ether but I'd only just seen it. Better late than never? Perhaps?
Historical or Futuristic
I currently only write for Kuroshitsuji so of course I only do historical. I'm not too interested in fururistic reading or writing. That said, I must confess I rarely pass up a Futurama or Star Trek marathon, but with Futurama, I think that's more about the comedy than the setting. Plus I have a bit of a crush on old Zoidberg.
Opening or Closing Chapter
Am I supposed to choose what I like or what I'm good at? If I'm choosing what I like, then I have to protest because how can you possibly have one without the other?
As for what I'm good at (or at least what comes easier--I don't think I ought to say what I am or am not good at, that's the reader's call), I need to get into a partnership like the one the authors of The Destroyer series had going. One guy would write the opening (this would be me,) and then the other guy would finish it. I feel like I've never properly written an ending to anything whereas i'm always thinking up beginnings. Maybe because like Professor Tolkein I'd rather live in my chosen imaginary worlds than write an ending and then have to exit the lands of my imagination and rejoin the mundane?
Light & Fluffy or Dark and Gritty
My taste in both writing and reading fluctuates depending on my mood, as can be seen in the variety of styles and kind of stories I create but I definitely have a strong bias for the dark and shockingly raw and gritty stuff.
When I write all I'm aiming to do is jerk a strong emotion of some kind out of my potential reader. I'm not too fussed exactly what emotion it is.
Animal Companion or Found Family
Goodness, I see no reason to choose. Kuroshitsuji is both a found family story and an animal companion tale, even though most of the animal companion element happens 'off camera' so to speak. We all love stories about the servants of the manor acting as a found family to each other, to the young master and even to the demon butler, though he fights it tooth and nail (or should that be fang and claw?) So...
Horror or Romance
Again, I see no reason to choose. I'd rather be dead than caught reading one without the other.
Hard Magic or Soft Magic System
I'm not certain I understand the distinction here, but if it means sort of free-floating magic without definite laws or parameters then no, I wouldn't like that. If the opposite of that is what a hard magic system means then it has my vote.
Stand-Alone or Series
I take them however they come, the only thing I care about is that they are well-written. But if there is a whacking great series of books then so much the better. Of course more is better!
One project at a Time or Always Juggling 2+
I...almost don't now how to answer this. I don't think I'm a typical writer-if there is such a thing. I started out an artist but then my eyes went bad and I had to think up a new creative outlet. I never read fiction at all until somewhen well past my fiftieth year. I started writing fiction before I'd started reading any which is definitely strange.
At first I'd get a random little scene pop into my head, and I'd write it down and move on, always short things. then I started collecting scraps of ideas, pieces of ideas, things I saw in other places like books, TV, life, etc., and I'd collect them, occasionally working them into other things I was writing.
Always in the back of my mind I'd be thinking of a novel I'd like to write but never getting anything done on it. I write down lots of ideas, beginnings and scenes, but in the end the ones that really get written come on me like a fever or a thunder storm blowing through. I'll need to go write them down like right NOW or else they escape me. Writing down ideas rarely captures the essence of what I was wanting to capture or evoke in a given story. Only the ones that come over me like a case of the flu ever really get properly written up into proper stories so I guess it boils down to a one-at-a-time kind of writer. Should've just said that and have done.
One Award Winner or One Bestseller
Neither, actually. I really like writing for a small group of people to whom I can speak and share impressions and suggestions. Fan Fiction is perfect for this sort of thing. They are usually an appreciative audience and are working on the same skills I am. I'm not interested in fame or wide acclaim. Just a few friendly, honest voices is much better.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi
I think I'd prefer to read fantasy, and I suppose Kuroshitsuji fits into that category. But for TV viewing I think it's hard to beat those awful sci-fi movies of the '60's for a good laugh. God I miss sitting up late on Saturday nights watching Martians invade earth or Godzilla kicking Tokyo's ass again...
Character Description or Setting Description
Well of course the room means nothing without some people in it, so you must have both abilities in your writer's tool box.
If you're asking which I prefer, I don't prefer either. A writer who can write descriptions could, I'm sure write a good description of either one.
If you're asking which I like to do or excel at, I again don't have a preference. I do like describing both characters and settings over action scenes. I like writing fight scenes, but it didn't come to me naturally. I had to learn how.
I think if you're going to divvy up writers into categories, those ought to be Characterisation/Description writers or Action writers. Those are the two categories I think writers all fall into. Either they rip through the plot with a lot of action and lots of things happening in their stories, or they dwell on the emotions and feelings of characters. And usually (in my experience) a writer who is good at action will struggle a bit on the characterisation of his characters and the one who likes to dwell on the emotions of their characters will struggle a bit writing action.
I think I am more of the characterisation and description kind of writer by nature, and had to learn how to write action scenes like fights or battles.
First Draft or Final Draft
Often I struggle getting that first draft down on paper. Not always, mind you but sometimes it really is like pulling teeth for me. It reminds me I started life as an artist not a writer.
Once I've got that first draft down I absolutely love the editing process. I love it so much I go wandering around amongst the current writers in my chosen fandom begging them to put me to work on their stories. Pretty sure I'm so damned eager for it I come off like the giggling Undertaker and scare them off with my creepy begging. (Laughing) They don't realise I don't give a damn if they change anything I suggest, I just love to edit. I learn a lot from it too, looking things up to make sure my suggestions are correct.
Editing is a joy to me. Finding that perfect word, getting the punctuation just so...oh well.
People who might enjoy this? Dunno, so I'll just send it out to some familiar names. Don't feel obligated.
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coastle-skewers · 1 month
The Butler's Secret
Binero/RyanColdson, Bineryan Divinity, Domito, Jeremy, angst, hurt no comfort, drama, substance abuse
2300 words
Author’s note: this one is a bit darker than my previous tales. Check the tags and read at your own risk. As always, if you are one of the people in the story, please do not feel offended. This is a work of fiction. Have fun :p
(Ryan POV)
The sun rising over Coastle woke Ryan from his sleep, his master still snoozing beside him. I had been a few weeks since he started working for him. He was grateful for the job, of course, and he cared for him, but that didn't mean it was easy. He was weak and frail while his master was an all powerful deity, nearly immortal. He did his job to the best of his abilities, but something inside him said it might never be enough. Whether this was true or just needless worry he didn't know.
Ryan got up to get dressed and prepare breakfast for himself and his master. He had mostly moved in to the Bluebin apartment, although his still owned his house on the Eastern island as well. He knew he should tear it down or sell it, but something in him couldn't let go of the security of having a plan B. He didn't want to be homeless again. The sound of Binero getting up in the other room snapped him out of his thoughts, and he returned to his duties.
He had a business plan, of course, he wasn't naive enough to think his butlering alone would make him rich. He had been laying the foundations of his plan to sell drinks to the citizens of Coastle by handing out free samples. Once they were all addicted to his drugs, he could ask good money for them. It might not be entirely ethical, he thought to himself, but it was a solid plan. He had a rich man dream after all.
Binero had joined him, they said good morning to another and enjoyed the breakfast Ryan had prepared. They chatted a bit about nothing, if they had slept well and what they were planning to do today. Binero had some Bluebin business to attend to  and didn't need his butler for that, which would give Ryan some free time. He would spend it cleaning out his old home and move his things. "I'll be back later when you need me, master," he said before getting up to leave. "I'll see you later," replied Binero, and then added: "I love you." Ryan hastily put on his hat and closed the door behind him.
(Binero POV)
"He didn't say it back," Binero mumbled to himself. Maybe he hadn't heard him? No, he must have, he said it loud and clear. The first weeks of their partnership had been like a dream, he felt as though the illusion of perfection had been broken in an instant and doubt filled his heart. Now that he thought of it, Ryan had seemed more distant the past few days. Was there something going on he didn't know about? He couldn't stand the thought of Ryan keeping big secrets from him, but it was very possible. How well did they really know each other? Things had moved so fast, he hadn't really stopped to think, and now that he had started, he couldn't help but feel worried that he would end up being alone again. Just like he had been, before... Well, maybe he was just overthinking it. Maybe all would be fine. He had work to do anyway, he couldn't spend his day worrying about what was probably nothing.
(Ryan POV)
"Honey, I'm home!" Ryan was greeted by a hug and a gentle kiss. Domito didn’t actually live with him, but he visited a lot. He was pretty much a permanent visitor and tended to watch the house while Ryan was away. "I've missed you. How is the new job?" Ryan ended the embrace and walked over to the kitchen. "Shall I make us some drinks?" he asked. "Always the servant," Domito chuckled. "Take a break, let me get the drinks. And you're avoiding the question." The piglins looked at him judgingly, as if they agreed. Ryan hesitated. He had never intended to be unfaithful to his fiancé, but life happened. He had promised Binero he would do just about anything for him, he didn't want to say no to his master. And he did care for him, of course. He cared for them both very much. Maybe it was his people pleasing nature that had gotten him into this complicated situation. Regardless, he didn't want to burden Domito with the knowledge and thought it best to act as if nothing had changed. "The job is good," he said. "Binero is a nice man." Domito seemed pleased with this answer and nodded. "He asked me to move in with him," Ryan added carefully. "It will be easier to do my job when I live on Coastle. No more boating back and forth every other day"
Domito was quiet for a moment. The homely sound of flowing lava and grunting piglins hung between them. "I've told you before," he said, "that I want to live where ever you are. If you're moving, I’ll come with you. We should find a house on Coastle together." It was a good offer, of course, one he would gladly have accepted under different circumstances. But Binero couldn't know about his engaged status. Domito moving to Coastle was asking for problems, and he couldn't risk it. He had a good thing going here. "You do not need to move there for me," he said. "I know you do not like crowded places, and you would rather live out here where there is more space. You should take this house" It wasn't a lie. Just bending the truth a little. He could see Domito wanted to say something, but stopped himself. He had that frown he always had when he was trying to find the right words to say. "You know I trust you," he started. "And I"m not usually the jealous type, but I would like to meet this new boss of yours. Just to see who it is my man is spending so much time with. Make sure he doesn't steal you from me." The last part was said as a joke, but it was just serious enough that Ryan knew he had to be careful. "He is not that special," he lied. "Well, I would like to meet this perfectly ordinary man anyway," said Domito. Ryan sighed. He knew his fiancé could be stubborn, and he wasn't getting out of this one. "Fine. Come with me to Coastle later today, I shall introduce you."
(Binero POV)
It was the late afternoon. Rockets had been sold and restocked, and Binero sat at his desk, quite satisfied with himself. His worries had subsided somewhat throughout the day. Ryan would be home again soon. Maybe they could watch another film, or listen to music, share some quality time. A knock on the door made him jump up from his seat, and he opened the door expecting to see Ryan. Instead, there was a tall man with long blonde hair. "Jeremy, what brings you here?" Binero sighed, more than a little disappointed. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Jeremy grinned widely and let himself in. "Haven't seen you in a while Binerosius. Heard you hired a butler? Where are you hiding him?" Jeremy started opening barrels, jokingly looking through them as if searching for the hidden butler. “I told you I don’t go by that name anymore,” said Binero, getting annoyed now. Jeremy stopped his searching, knowing he had already won. “You’re too easy to annoy,” he chuckled. “But really, how is your servant? Handsome?” Binero blushed. “No need to get jealous now, Jeremy.” “I’m not! I know we ended a long time ago, and it was better for both of us. I’m happy you’ve found someone.” He walked over to the bedroom, clearly planning to embarrass Binero even more. “You’re sleeping in the same bed already?” he teased. Binero ignored him and got himself a drink, refusing to feed Jeremy’s provocations any more.
There was another knock on the door. Before Binero could get to it, Jeremy flew past him. In the doorway stood Ryan, finally, and some other guy Binero didn’t remember meeting before. “Well, you must be the new butler!” said Jeremy, shaking Ryan’s hand. “I must say, you really look the part. Even got the little monocle! I can see why you’ve captured Bin’s little heart.” Ryan’s cheeks got noticably red. “Oh, thank you gentleman! And who are you, might I ask?” Jereme seemed offended at the question. “Has he really not mentioned me? I’m Jeremy, the king of the land!” Binero decided to interrupt before Jeremy scared away his butler and guest with his egotism. “Why don’t you come in first and then we’ll talk? Jeremy, shouldn’t you be going? You had other things to do correct?” “No, I just came to see you, I have nothing else to do today,” answered Jeremy, not taking the hint. With a sigh, Binero accepted that this afternoon would not be going as he had planned.
(Ryan POV)
Ryan thought he was going to lose his mind. This Jeremy guy seemed to know about the nature of his relationship with Binero, and he would ruin everything. He should burn down the house. No, of course not that, but something like that. Making sure he didn’t forget his butler duties, he made sure to get drinks and snacks for everyone. Jeremy kept yapping about past adventures he and Binero  had been on. Ryan wanted to drink another cup of poison, but resisted the urge. He had to stay sober. “Oh and Bin’s dad, he was a true asshole,” said Jeremy, clearly preparing for another long rant. “I had a bad father,” Ryan interrupted. “He was also my uncle.” The room went quiet. A single ‘What?” from Binero fell into the awkward silence. “Is normal where I’m from,” he added, as if that explained anything. Domito cleared his throat. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet you Binero. I’ve heard a lot about you.” “Only good things I hope?” Binero joked. “Actually, he hasn’t said that much,” Domito admitted. “Has he invited you to the wedding?”
Ryan dropped the glass he was holding. All eyes were on him now. “The wedding?” Jeremy repeated. “How interesting! Tell me, who’s getting married?” Ryan looked at Binero, the look of betrayal in his eyes said enough. “I, uh… well” – “You’re engaged?” Binero asked. Ryan wondered if he could just die right now, respawn by the beach and hope on a boat, row far away from here, an ocean to escape into, how nice that would be… “Ryan, answer me!” Binero’s divine voice echoed. Ryan shivered at the sound, feeling it in his bones. Binero only used that voice when he wanted to show off, or was actually angry. “Yes, master,” he muttered. “I am sorry I did not tell you. I – “ “Get out of my house,” Binero spoke, his voice filled with the pain of betrayal. “Master – Binero, you must know I did not mean to hurt you, and I care for you, I really – “ “No. I don’t need your sorry excuses. I thought you loved me, and you were a good chap, but it was all fake. Just leave.” Ryan held back his tears, knowing there was nothing he could to to fix this. “I - I should probably go too,” stuttered Domito. Jeremy had not said anything for a while. He sat in the window sill with a bowl of cookies, munching on them as though it was popcorn. “Domito, I can explain,” Ryan started, but Domito shook his head. “I think I understand just fine,” he said. “We’re done.” He walked out the door, ignoring Ryan’s pleas. The crunching of another cookie between Jeremy’s teeth was the only thing that broke the deafening silence that followed. “I think it’s best for me to leave, gentleman,” said Ryan, trying to keep a straight face, before he hurried out the door.
(Binero POV)
Jeremy sighed, patting Binero on the back. “That’s rough buddy.” Binero ignored him. Staring out of the window, his eyes filling with tears, he realized he was alone once again. Jeremy, being terrible at handling people’s emotions, made his exit. “Sorry about the boyfriend,” he said before closing the door behind him. Binero looked around his apartment, the emptiness weighing on him like an anvil. He had gotten so used to Ryan constantly being around, keeping him company, and the loneliness was crushing. How could he have let himself get so hurt by someone? He was an almighty god, he should be above these silly human emotions, and yet all he felt was the sharp pain of betrayal. His eyes hurt from the tears which blurred his surroundings. He stumbled towards his chair, trying to find something to hold on to. He felt utterly alone, adrift in a sea of heartache with no shore in sight.
(Ryan POV)
Blaze rods, he needed those. And nether warts. He needed strength. Domito had not said another word to him, and he probably would never forgive him. Ryan knew he had made a mistake, and he suffered the consequences. He wanted everything and ended up having nothing. Now, where did he put those bottles? He fired up the brewing stations hidden beneath the trapdoors. He looked at Phil, who screamed at him in return. As I deserve, he thought to himself. Phil meant well, really, being a teenager was just rough. He grew impatient waiting for the drinks to be done. He needed to escape from his thoughts, the guilt and loneliness was to heavy to bear. He wanted to feel nothing. In that dimly lit room, amidst the brewing potions and the weight of his mistakes, Ryan knew he was spiraling further into the abyss of his addiction. He let the emptiness consume him.
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starlling-writes · 7 months
Steel My Heart
An adventurer falls in love with his sword, but can they truly be together when their love is so dangerous?
Rating: Teen Contains: swearing, fantasy violence, alcohol consumption
Little fanfic inspired by Ginny Di's OC Temper, and the story Temper is writing. I've written this fanfic as if Temper is the author. Because of that, all the main characters are named after smithing terms - which I like to think that if anyone calls Temper out on in, she gets flustered and defensive, saying it's hard to come up with names. This is not the only fun little detail I've put in, but it's the only one I'll disclose (for now). Oh, and yes - even though Ginny really only has fem OCs, I made the main character of the story masc (I have reasons; no, I won't explain rn, sorry).
For now, it's just this one chapter, but I would like to one day make this a full-length fic, especially with all the ideas I already have for it.
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Writing Masterlist
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Woe to Weal
“How much can I get with—” Anneal paused as he dumped his coin purse on the bar and counted, then meekly continuing, “three silver?” He was down to his last coins. He didn’t enjoy relying on the sympathy of others, but he had no choice but to bank on it.
The barkeep gave him a pitying look before going back into the kitchen. Hopefully that was good. There hadn’t been much to scavenge or hunt on his way into this village, so any food would be good. On cue, his stomach growled like an owlbear. Not that it could be heard over the boisterous group that stumbled in, making everyone turn and look. A hallow pang turned Anneal’s head back to his measly fortune.
A fortune that was swiftly swiped up by the barkeep. In its place, a plate of food and a stein of juice were set. And the key for a room.  He was about to thank the barkeep but one of the new, rowdy patrons all but slammed into the bar beside him. “Good friend, some drinks and food, if you please!” the halfling lilted. “And later some rooms so we may rest at ease.”
They eyed the gold she offered, then the group of hers who were all lost in their own conversation. “You’re adventures.”
“That we are, indeed. And we’re open for hire, should you so need,” she honeyed on.
“Yeah, actually.” They reached under the bar and pulled out a small flier. “Go see the mayor when you got time. She’ll give you the details. If you can manage to handle this tonight, you can dine and stay for free.”
“Well well, what a deal—”
“Sorry,” Anneal cut in, “but is this request open to all adventurers?”
They both looked at him. The barkeep raised their brow as they looked him over again. “You’re an adventurer?”
“I am.” Anneal cleared his throat, then straightened up and adjusted himself. “I admit, I’m… a bit down on my luck at the moment, but I can hold my own.”
A strong hand clamped on his shoulder. It seemed that the halfing’s group had been listening in and were all now circled behind him. The orc woman leaned in close. “Trying to be competition, little man?”
She could easily snap him in half—he had mixed feelings about that. “No, no!” he quickly defended. “I—I’m clearly no competition for the four of you.”
“Correct,” she said.
“I merely meant more of a… partnership? If you will—if the job is even something that would benefit from more fighters?” He glanced to the barkeep, hoping his desperation wasn’t noticeable to everyone.
It was.
The barkeep shrugged. “Hell if I know. Mayor knows more,” they deflected, then promptly removed themself from the situation developing between all of the adventurers.
Anneal slowly turned and faced the group he callously interjected himself into for this job they knew nothing about. Their expressions ranged between friendly, curious, reluctant, and unimpressed.
The orc spoke up again. “So, how do you fight? You look like fragile magic wielder.”
“Uhh…” He didn’t enjoy being called fragile, but compared to her, it was fitting. Especially with how scruffed up he was at the moment. “Well, I guess it’s sorta like magic.” He flicked his hand and in it appeared a spectral dagger. “Right now, these are all I got. But I know how to fight with other weapons, too. I’m best at being sneaky and such. You know—typical rogue shit.”
She nodded acceptingly. “Not bad. Maybe we work on more fighting skills for you.”
“Wait, so… you’re all fine working together?”
“We all fall on hard times at least once. It’s always good to help others when you can.” The elf with pastel hair held out her hand. “I’m Cerromet.”
“Anneal. Nice to meet—ahh!” When he went to shake her hand, a small creature jumped over Cerromet’s shoulder and tried to bite his hand. Luckily, he withdrew in time.
Acting fast, Cerromet turned her hand and grabbed the little psudo-dragon by the belly. She held the fang-bearing creature to her chest and petted it sweetly under the chin. “Sorry about Bloom. She’s just hungry.”
“She’s not the only one!” piped up the gnome. She hopped up on the stool beside him and leaned over for a better look at the plate the barkeep left him. “It’ll be nice to have some actual food instead of goodberries.”
“I’m sorry the ones I make are so sour,” Cerromet pouted with a little attitude. “That’s just how my magic is, Pennyweld.”
The halfling leaned on the bar and stole his stein. She took a swig then said, “I’m Burr, by the way; and Bi’Kern is our burly friend. She’s tough, for sure, but kind in the end.”
“I don’t mean this as a criticism, just an honest question. Do you always speak in rhyme?” Anneal asked.
“It’s more fun to speak in song. Try it sometime and tell me I’m wrong.”
“But do you ever not speak in rhyme?”
“You’ll sooner see ancient dragons fill the sky, than you’ll hear a lilt fail from I.”
“Okay, okay… what’s a rhyme for orange?”
Bi’Kern smacked the back of his head. “Stop being ass. Just drink already.” Burr made a point to start chugging the drink she stole from him while conspicuously returning to the table they had claimed.
They all gathered around the table, eating and drinking, getting to know each other better. Anneal was grateful for how warm and welcoming they were with him. He needed it after the past month. He was still hesitant to think that they’d become his new adventuring group, but the more they talked and laughed together, the more hopeful he grew. The quest they’d take that evening would tell if they were actually compatible.
“Oh thank the gods. Finally, some adventurers who can sort this mess.” Mayor Planish was visibly relieved once the group explained they were interested in taking the quest. “You see, about a couple weeks ago now, this ancient mausoleum within our graveyard was opened. Not to get too into it, but this tomb has been thought to be impenetrable since before this town was even founded—so its opening is… is something. The tomb has been the cause for this horrid stench,” she waved her around the air, “that has permeated everything.”
“Good to know this isn’t usual,” Pennyweld not-so-quietly scoffed.
Planish smiled apologetically. “Yes, well, this stench isn’t the only thing. We sent a couple people to check out the tomb once we realized it was opened, but they never returned. There’s no telling if the worst has happened, or if there’s some force keeping them from returning. Or hells, maybe they found a treasure and magically snuck off. Townspeople have also started to go missing at night. We’re not yet certain that’s connected to the tomb, but it’s a safe bet.”
Something in her story pricked Anneal wrong. He couldn’t tell if she was lying by omission or just lying outright, but he could tell there were secrets she was keeping close to the chest. He held his tongue for now.
“So basically anything could be in there,” Cerromet said. “And we’re to go in blindly for how much of a reward?”
“1000 gold total. And I’m willing to let you keep almost anything you find inside the tomb.”
“Not to sound like a greedy cunt, but is any of that paid upfront?” Burr asked.
The mayor hesitated, then slowly nodded a couple times. “A portion can be arranged.”
The group exchanged glances. “Give us a bit to discuss it over,” Cerromet said, smiling in polite anger. She almost literally pushed the group all the way out of the building and across the street for enough privacy. “We all agree this is iffy, right?”
“Mayor knows more than she’s telling,” Bi’Kern agreed. Everyone nodded, having also caught on to that. “Pay is low, too.”
“Yeah, especially when we have no idea what we’re up against,” Pennyweld said.
“Perhaps we should do some recon and ask around before we decide to accept or turn the mayor down?”
They all agreed and split up to gather information on their own. Cerromet scoped out the cemetery for clues; Pennyweld and Bi’Kern asked around the taverns and eateries; Burr checked out the shops; and Anneal searched for signs of a thieves guild, and other less-reputable info circles.
Overall, their hour of research didn’t turn up much. There were rumors that the mausoleum belonged to an ancient spellcaster—some rumors specified a dark mage, others a philosopher of questionable alignment. There were also no signs within the cemetery that suggested anyone or thing left the mausoleum after it opened. At least, none remained currently.
The mission remained much of a mystery. But everyone, wanting answers, agreed that they were up for the challenge. Up for trying, at least. They reported back to the mayor, then used the initial portion of their pay to get prepare for the fight.
The cemetery was silent and empty, the nauseating stench repelling all visitors. The great, stone double doors of the mausoleum hung askew, cracked and split where they appeared to have been forced open. Entering the mausoleum, the antechamber was long and unassuming; a soft, floral smell offered some slight relief from the rotten stench. Rows of columns stood at each side and a dusting of pink flower petals, decorated the floor to the stone plinth that stood at the other end.
“Fresh petals,” Cerromet frowned. “How did they get here?”
The petals shouldn’t have been there. Who would have left them? Why? Everyone readied themselves for anything.
“That plaque over there seems to have some writing. You think it might hold a clue as to what we could be fighting?” Burr exchanged looks with the others before taking the lead, walking over to investigate.
A shiver made Anneal flinch. Something was near. He whipped around in time to see the petals rise up off the ground. In time to call out to the others so they could at least turn and see the petals swarming forward at them.
Everyone started fighting the flora off. All the melee fighters were having a rough go. Trying to punch and slash little, floaty petals was practically useless. Especially so for Anneal. Even when his spectral blades connected with the swarm, none of them shriveled or smushed the way the others were achieving.
“I thought you said you could fight,” Bi’Kern criticized.
He growled and unsummoned his blades in frustrations, settling for using his fists. “I can fight, but like I said before: I only have my astral knives. Whatever these things are, they must be too dumb to take any psychic damage from them.”
Bi’Kern laughed derisively. A few others held back their own smirks and laughs.
“Ow! These things bite!” Pennyweld called out.
“Did it just get redder?” Anneal asked.
“I think these things are vampiric,” Cerromet guessed. “Watch yourselves. I doubt them getting their fill of blood will be a good thing.”
The vampiric petals proved to be just a tedious hinderance rather than a real challenge. Anneal was once again feeling down on himself. His first test with this new group and he was basically useless—not to mention he didn’t find out any info earlier since this town was so small, there was no underground network. Unless he could really turn things around, he didn’t see things working out with this new group.
“Though they die not, may her gruesome works be ever confined,” Burr read off the plaque. “I don’t think these flowers are the threat this warning had in mind.”
“Agreed.” Everyone gathered at the end of the chamber by the plaque. From here, they saw two staircases, one on either side, curving downward. “Well, shall we continue?” Pennyweld said a bit too merrily.
They decided to split the party and explore both staircases. Burr cast dancing lights for her group, while Cerromet used the same spell via an enchanted ring. But they quickly found out that the dark stairwells led to the same place. Unamused looks were exchanged. Then Pennyweld let out an excited ooh, dashed up the stairs she had just come down, then down the opposite stairs behind the second half of the group. “Hey guys! Our stairs led to the same place!”
Cerromet chortled. Bi’Kern was less amused. But overall, the silliness was appreciated.
Beyond the landing, the hall split in two again. Betting the paths would converge again, the split up to explore. This time the path led to identical hallways with six coffins. All were broken open. All were empty. Well, not fully empty; they found a couple rings, a broken pair of earrings, and an old dagger.
“Here,” Bi’Kern said as she picked up the weapon. Turning towards Anneal, she tossed the dagger at him, saying, “Now you can fight.”
Thankfully his reflexes were better than her knife throwing skills. The blade didn’t draw blood, but it still stung a little. “Please don’t do that again.”
She shrugged. “What? You caught it.”
Brushing it off, Anneal looked the blade over. Did a few test slashes. It needed to be cleaned and sharpened, but overall, it was in good condition for being sealed down there for such a long time. He slid it into the empty sheath on his side.
Continuing on, they started hearing some questionable squelches. The horrid stench was more concentrated here too. With a silent look, they all prepared to fight. As the two hallways came together into a larger chamber, they could faintly see a sarcophagus on a dais. The source of the sound was deeper in the chamber, still shrouded in darkness. Cerromet sent her lights further in, dispelling the dark. When the creatures were revealed, they all wished they had let them stay in darkness as the group left.
Four, fleshy monstrosities lingered a dagger’s throw away. Three of the abominations looked like corrupted, wrong deer; the other creature was a mound of bloody viscera and eyeballs. They were definitely the source of the stench. And they just noticed the group.
 One of the abominations bellowed a guttural shriek. It made their skin crawl. Beyond the initial discomfort, there was no lasting effect. The beast exhaled sharply out its nose. Then the fight took off.
All three abominations reached out with an intestine-like appendage, aiming to ensnare them. Penelope and Anneal dodged, while Bi’Kern didn’t resist. She let the thing draw in her in. And when she was close, she ripped and sliced her way out of her restraints, then followed with another axe slash to its body.
Cerromet transformed into a dire wolf and lunged for the throat of another abomination. Her teeth sank easily into its flesh. The creature thrashed, trying to shake her off. As it finally managed to fling her off, Cerromet slashed at it with her claws skidding to a stop a few feet away—her slash missing its mark.
The mound schlepped over to Pennyweld just as her eyes went bright blue. The mound rose up, its flesh spreading into a wide blanket. It tried enveloping Pennyweld, but she kept it at bay with a fury of punches—no, not quite punches; her hands had morphed into bestial, clawed paws that she used to swipe at it. Anneal hadn’t seen anyone fight like her before; the others were only just getting used to this new ability of hers.
One of the abominations switched focus and tried to ensnare Pennyweld. It succeeded in catching one of her wrists. And with her less able to defend herself, the mound began to engulf her. She struggled to get free, to move away. But the creature’s hold held fast. Bi’Kern was too focused to try to assist; and Burr was in the middle of giving Cerromet some quick healing.
But thankfully Anneal was there, and swiftly slipped away from distracting the one that had been attacking Cerromet. He rushed in and sunk two of his spectral daggers into the mound’s fleshy mass. Luckily these things weren’t immune to psychic damage. It shrieked and thrashed, no longer interested in trying to consume Pennyweld—letting her switch her focus to fighting the abomination.
All in all, they had been in tougher fights. They all stayed conscious throughout the encounter. And they weren’t totally wiped of spells and abilities. Thankfully, the monsters dissolved away into nothing, their wretched stench gradually dissipating with them.
“I know this is a grave and all, but… should we check for any loot?”
“If you keep things like that in your tomb, I say anyone who thwarts them deserves to take whatever else you’ve buried with ya,” Anneal agreed. “Also, we did technically take this dagger already, so might as well be thorough about it.”
No one here was morally pure.
But that’s okay.
Besides the few metal weapons left behind by the unfortunate adventurers who first entered here, the only thing of note was the sarcophagus. The top was already halfway off. After seeing the other coffins in the other hallway, it was curious to see a skeleton still inside. The single ring it wore definitely gave off magical vibes. They doublechecked for traps. Seemed safe. They took the ring and the corpse crumbled to dust, catching them all by surprise. It was quickly agreed upon that if anyone asked, they found it like that.
As they started to leave the tomb, something caught Anneal’s eye. Kicked off to the side, partly covered by dirt, there was a stray metal button. He picked it up. It had a unique design on it that he swore he recognized. He pocketed it for the moment, then they left to report in.
“What?” Planish blurted in a panic after they gave their report. “There were really no corpses anywhere? How—what happened to her?”
“Her?” Anneal pressed. He crossed his arms, cocked his head, and gave her a challenging look. “How would you know the corpse was a woman when, according to you, no one has escaped the tomb?”
Planish’s eye twitched. “I—well, you see, the… the adventures had sent a Message before we lost contact.”
“Are you sure that’s how you know?” The rest of the group exchanged looks, unsure of where Anneal was going with this. He stepped forward, leaned on the mayor’s desk, looked her over. “You know, that’s quite the nice coat you have there.”
“Thank you?” she tentatively said. This felt like a trap, but she couldn’t determine how.
“Such a shame that you lost the button on your cuff.” He grabbed her left wrist and held up her sleeve. The broken threads had been snipped away, but the button had yet to be replaced. Anneal withdrew the one he picked up in the tomb and held it against her coat. Planish pulled her arm away, standing up from her desk and turning to hide the damaged sleeve. “You were there. And you escaped—likely while the group of adventurers you hired were fodder for those things.”
She growled. “What do you want?”
“The truth.” The others stepped forward and flanked him. None of them were going to let the mayor escape this without answers.
“Fine…” she sighed, frustrated, and withdrew a book from her desk. She proceeded to tell them the tale of how she found this book of poems behind an exterior stone of the mausoleum. Of how beautiful the poems are and how she fell in love with Izod, the long-departed writer. And so, she hired a group of adventurers to break into the tomb so that they could find the poet’s corpse and cast True Resurrection—so that she can be with her love. However, Planish was not expecting there to be monsters sealed away too, and was quick to flee for her life.
“You endangered your town for that?” Anneal scolded her. “People died because of you and your foolish, parasocial crush! That wasn’t even Izod’s tomb—a different name was on the sarcophagus. Someone hid that notebook behind a loose stone long after the thing had already been built.”
“That spell wouldn’t have worked anyway; that corpse was too long dead. Whoever convinced you otherwise has you severely misled.”
“This town needs new mayor.”
Planish had no further excuses. The group collected the rest of the reward money and left.
They returned to the tavern they met at for food and rest. True to their word, the owner let them eat and drink for free; they even returned Anneal’s three silver from earlier. The ladies were all quite jovial, but a cloud still hung over Anneal.
“You wanna talk about it?” Pennyweld softly asked him.
He took a slow, deep breath, and let it out while still staring into the bottom of his drink. “Can I see that sword we took?” Bi’Kern removed it from their bag of holding and handed it over. He checked the handle and found three, tiny rubies inlaid in the metal with a single rune etched below them. “Remember earlier when I mentioned I recently parted with my previous party? Well…” He stood the blade on the floor, his palm on the pommel to hold it up. “This is what happened to them.”
That sucked their energy away. He went on to explain how the three he traveled with before had ditched him—presumably after hearing about a mission they didn’t want to share the bounty of. He wished he could say he was surprised by their betrayal. But he was the last to join their party and had always felt not quite let in. It left a churning feeling in his gut to learn that the mission they tried to do without him was the one he’d succeed at without them.
“Shit,” Burr said, then took a long drink.
“Hey, you didn’t rhyme,” Anneal called her out, slipping out of his remorse.
With a quirked eyebrow, she leaned forward, using her cup to gesture and point at him, “What else is there to say, when things had gone that way?”
He laughed, conceding. “Fair enough.”
“Here,” Bi’Kern said as she placed a stein in front of Anneal. “One drink.”
Burr smiled and pulled out her lute, immediately starting to play. It was like a secret cue that the ladies knew, for they all took up their own drinks.
“Let’s see if you can keep up,” Cerromet smiled. Anneal felt it was a challenge—one he was not prepared for.
They all started singing along. The beginning was slow and somber, fitting Anneal’s mood. Then the ladies started drumming on the table as the song picked up. When the song cued, they drank. The song was about taking a moment to honor all that was past and gone, but not letting it hold you back from celebrating all the good things you currently have, and looking brightly to the future.
By the end, the bitterness Anneal felt before had dissolved. “Made a whole song for this kind of situation, huh?”
Burr shrugged. “We all have grief that weighs on our hearts, so I found a way to help using my musical arts.”
“Well, thank you.”
“So do you have any specific plans for after this?” Cerromet asked as she fed a chunk of meat to Bloom.
“Oh, uh,” he stammered. Guess they weren’t going to let him into their group. “No. but I’ll figure something out.”
“You should come with us to Ravalo then—if you’re okay with still being in our party.”
Anneal stared dumbfounded at her for a couple seconds. His emotions were being flung every which way tonight. “You’re all okay with me joining you?”
“Of course. We wouldn’t celebrate with you if we didn’t,” Bi’Kern added, her sass coming out more threateningly after having imbibed a few drinks.
Anneal laughed. It was wild to think about how quickly his fortunes had changed today. How quickly he comfortably fell into this new group.
He was too lost in thought thinking it all over that he wasn’t prepared to suddenly hear someone say feed me almost directly into his ear.
He flinched, choaking on his drink. After clearing his lungs and breathing normally again, he looked around for the source of the voice—it definitely wasn’t any of the ladies.
“You okay?” Pennyweld asked. Everyone was giving him curious or concerned looks.
“Yeah…” he said slowly. “Who the hell said that?”
“Said what?”
“Feed me.”
“Well I didn’t hear anything like that, so either you’re hallucinating, or it’s some sort of magic thing.” The others concurred with her. That didn’t make him feel better.
Fool. At your hip, the voice came again. Anneal looked down, and all around. Was someone invisible? Or super tiny? The voice growled, the dagger!
He took the dagger they had grabbed from the tomb out of the holster on his upper thigh and stared at it. “Hello?”
Feed me and restore my strength!
“Oh shit!” Startled, he dropped the dagger on the table. “The dagger talks!”
Burr burst into a fit of laughter. “Of all the weapons you find in the tomb, you grab the one that’s cursed?” she said amid her laughter. “Guess we better hurry to Ravalo & find a cleric to get it reversed.”
“You have some terrible luck,” Pennyweld said, pity nowhere to be heard as she continued to happily devour her plate of mushrooms and stewed veggies.
“If it makes me try to kill you guys, please stop me,” Anneal said flatly. He had had no personal experience with cursed weapons, but had heard plenty of tales of them compelling their wielders to harm those closest to them.
Bi’Kern laughed and slammed her now-empty stein on the table. “Phhwa! You won’t even get close to killing any of us before I break you.”
Anneal wasn’t entirely certain that she wouldn’t try to break him right now…
They other continued making jokes while he examined the dagger. It looked rough. Which was odd for what he knew about magical items—cursed or otherwise; he thought they were supposed to have some kind of immunity to damage. This was certainly no ordinary cursed weapon. It might not even be cursed for all he knew.
Well. Everything in balance, he guessed.
— — —
Writing Masterlist
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siamusotima-aranea · 1 year
God my life is in fucking shambles. I hate my job, I hate that despite being better than my last job it's somehow worse?? I hate the fact that I didn't get the other job I wanted despite having the qualifications and that interview probably being the best I've ever done. I hate that I don't have any real friends. I hate that that the one real friend I thought I had agreed to be roommates to get me away from my shitty crazy sister, then dicked me around for months, changed our rent budget without asking me despite KNOWING my money and health troubles, insisted on walk in closets and gated communities, and then called the whole thing off because she wants to get MARRIED AND START A FUCKING FAMILY. I hate that I'm so pissed about it! I hate that she just didn't say no in the first place!
I hate that I told her I wouldn't be mad if she backed out but I am I am SO FUCKING MAD and I don't think I'll ever see us as actually friends again, and it hurts and it sucks! And fuck it, I HATE BEING AROACE! I hate how much harder it makes my life! I hate how it's not my FUCKING CHOICE!! I've tried.i hate how no one gets how hard it is, and how fucking lonely it is, and how no one seems to have room in there lives for ME! Im too different! The world wasn't built for me to be in it. I hate that I can't afford to live somewhere nice or SAFE because I lost my potential roommates and didn't get the good job, and I hate that I can't even make work friends at my current job like I could at the last one! I hate that even if she would have been my roommate it was always going to be temporary, because I was always going to be a FAR lower priority than her partner. Not that I even want her to choose him over me, I like her partner! I wanted us all to be friend! I wanted to spoil the some day kid! I hate that no one can ever even imagine a space for me, a roll for me, I'm just in the way of their NORMAL lives. I don't want to change anyone's lives or replace anyone in them, I just want to be somewhere in there TOO. I hate that my sister prioritized her partner over everyone and everything else and that that seriously contributed to her kids neglect and why we can't FUCKING stand each other anymore! I hate that she told me that I was getting in the way of her living her life! I hate that I'm trying SO HARD to get out of her way but I just can't FUCKING afford to! I hate all the FUCKING Valentines day shit around! I hate how impossible it feels to have a future. I hate that time and time again I test it and I'm sure I don't want a romantic partnership, but no one seems to feel platonic love as strongly as I do, so the feeling is never mutual, never compatible. I hate my fucking ex. I hate that the relationship meant so much to me, but didn't even count as a relationship to him in the end. I hate how he said he was so happy to be in a relationship again before he bothered to call things off with me, and after starting a relationship with that other fucker! I hate how I couldn't even tell that it wasn't a romantic partnership when we were together. I hate that I wanted to build a future with him. I hate that the whole thing still hurts so many years later. I don't know what to do. And my god I have less and less energy to try and figure that out. No one around me has any guidance, because no one around me is LIKE ME. I'm tired. I don't know what to do.
0 notes
syubub · 3 years
Yoongi birthday reading/energy check!!
It's sweet sweet tangerine bois birthday!!
I wanted to do a cute little energy check up to see what's up and ask some fun little questions!!
I'm excited so let's just do this shit!!
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken as fact!!
I want to apologize for the absolute shit pictures but what's new lol
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So, let's start with the platform. First thing I noticed was the blue was brighter but the platform was darker? It was like someone cranked up the contrast to 100. Ngl it looked pretty cool. Yoongis platform doesn't typically have a barrier like some of the others do so I just kinda walked in and did the whole, "happy birthday, I have questions" His energy seemed a lot more... vibrant? And playful I guess? It was really nice. Now. The actual connection was intresting because the cord was blue again and like, real thick. (I don't think my perceived thickness of the cord has and real correlation with how strong the connection is. It was just thicc) this time though, the cord was connected at the chest instead of the third eye. So i was like, ??? But my guide didn't give my any sort of helpful input (my guide likes to watch me suffer in my confusion. I'm sure of it)
Anyway, cord like that and then yoobi gave me a headbutt to connect at the third eye. Idk why he gotta be like that :( istg next time he's gonna flick my forehead or something.
I was like "cool cool cool. I want to do the reading now pls" and idk how to explain the energy other than sassy. You know? Blah blah blah I'm thinking, "I don't remember him being so cheeky but maybe I've been gone long enough for him to level up into his final sass monster form"
Anywho, this was intresting because after the little strings were connected and stuff, we plopped down on the floor. And it was like everything I was doing irl was being mimicked infront of yoons energy? So we were sitting facing eachother and I was putting the cards down between us?? Usually that doesn't happen but it was kinda fun!!
Moving right along. I first asked if there was anything he wanted to say or needed to get across and it was 11. Now, 11 has come up before and I'm still not to sure what it's in reference to? My best guess is possibly he's been seeing 11:11 or that it's 2? Idk let me know if you have any clues lol. Other stuff was just kinda banter and stuff.
So so so.
The reading. First thing I asked was how he was doing. And I shuffled his preticular way (when I ask a question I always ask for the energy to tell me how much to shuffle or when to stop. For yoongi it's always 2-2-2. So 2 bridge shuffles, 2 hand shuffles and then split the pile in 2. That's why I think 11 might be 2 to him?)
The cards we got are ace of swords rev, justice,the heirophant rev, the empress.
So based off this I was like okay. I want to pull clarity cards for the two rev cards to get a better picture so I pulled the emperor rev for ace or swords rev and strength rev and wheel of fortune rev for the heirophant rev.
Starting with the ace of swords rev, and the emperor reverse. It seems like yoongi has been re thinking his relationship to control in his life. That's he's possibly noticing any unhealthy needs to control his life and the situation around him. It could also refer to his judgment being clouded by a rigid approach.
With the justice card it makes me think that he's possibly considering a big choice in his life or that he's really doing some deconstructing of his own views. This second idea fits in well with him getting clarity on some possibly unhealthy control issues in his life.
Now. The heirophant rev, strength rev and wheel of fortune reverse. This was intresting to me bc they are all major arcana. The heirophant rev can really talk about no longer needing outside approval and making your own way in your own time bc you are your own teacher. Strength in rev I kinda read as self doubt and feeling down in this case. Like a lack of confidence in himself and his abilities. And the wheel of fortune in reverse I took to mean as his breaking cycles. All together these cards kinda paint a picture about wanting and trying to break a cycle of self doubt and self limiting beliefs and learning more about himself and why he think what he does about himself and searching through everything for truth. It's really good!! In short he's doing some nice soul searching and trusting himself to guide his own way through this self discovery!
The empress! This card seems to pop up for yoobi a lot and I think it really speaks to the abundance that surrounds him! Not just money but the abundance of creativity, love, friends ect.
Now now now. I asked him if there was anything that he wanted to tell us about himself or bts or what's happening in the near future. For that I got 2 of cups, king of wands and 3 of coins.
So the 2 of cups is partnership. Usually romantic. Could be pertaining to the may 13th thing that is ever present lol but I'll get to that later. With the 3 of coins talking about teamwork, this could definitely hint at collaborations coming up!! That's the vibe I get. No one crush my dreams. And for the king of wands it could be talking about taking the reigns on a new project and starting to get it done. Like a new opportunity. This could be a new bts project like starting a new campaign or new venture or maybe personal like the a mixtape or doing more songs for other groups ect.
I had to ask him how he was feeling about the grammys. I had to. Had to. The cards were ace of wands, 2 of wands and death reverse. When these came flying out I could help but smile. Yoongis energy was almost giddy too!
Witht he ace of wands
It's that spark of creativity and inspiration. It's that feeling when you get super excited over some new thing. I think this is the perfect example for feeling reinvigorated. The 2 of wands takes that spark from the ace and tries to funnel that excitement and newness into something directional. Using that burst of creativity to start planning for future progress!! Its so nice to see that! If they don't win (IF) you bet we're gonna get some bangers about a corrupt system. If (WHEN) they do win we'll get bangers about how thankful they are to have gotten where they are in spite of a corrupt system. I just want to hear an uncensored version of yoongi being like, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WE DID IT BITCHES. FUCK ALL YOU BASTARDS THAT SAID WE COULDN'T."
I can dream....
What a nice dream.
Now I asked if there was anything yoobi wanted to say to us as in advice or comfort or anything like that and I got, Clearing negativity, make time for self care, when I'm tuned into the energy of abundance I become abundant. when I'm in a state of appreciation im in vibrational alignment with my true love nature. The world rev, 2 of swords rev and that project, that person, that idea is waiting.
Awe. Take care of yourselves!! Make sure to take time to enjoy what you like and try not to let any negativity get in the way of you enjoying your days. The world rev to me seems to be talking about seeking closure on the things in your life that have been impacting you. Tie up those loose ends so you can move foward without triping over yourself and 2 of swords rev I think talks about information overload and being kinda indecisive bc of that. Take a sep back to evaluate the situation at hand because sometimes it's so close you can't see what you're looking for. Those of you who are studying and getting frustrated because you just can't seem to get it, try taking a step back and doing something to take care of yourself and come back to it so you can approach with a clearer mind. Try not to get stuck or paralyzed by choice but if you do get stuck, take some time to detach yourself from the situation and come back later!
A fair few people wanted an update on yoobis soulmate as well. If you need a refresher here's the run down. Yoongis soulmate is impossible for me to read, yoongi is a smug ass and I'm nosy and probably a little dumb.
Now that that's cleared up
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I asked, "am I missing something?" (As to why I can't connect and why yoongi won't give me answers.)
I got queen of cups, magician and the high priestess. I read this as him being like, "yeah dude, you aren't woke enough"
YOONGI just give me answers pls. The high priestess is intuition and sacred knowledge, the magician is manifestation and the queen of cups is also intuition.
At this point I was like, okay you little shit, can you at least tell me how your soulmate is doing? Can you do that for me?
2 of cups, 2 of pentacles, 9 of wands and knight of wands. 2 of cups is partnership usually romantic, 2 of pentacles is priorities and managing them, 9 of wands persistence, knight of wands motivation for a new thing. His soulmate last time was in the process of going through some shit and figuring it out and it seems like now they've got a better clue of how to move foward and are currently heading towards good things/ important things in their life (possibly like working towards dream career or had an idea for a business the want to start or field they want to go in.)
I was thinking about the next question when this popped into my head, "if you know about your akashic book, do you know about your soulmates? Have you read it?" I used my pendulum. No movement at all. What so ever. "Are you listening to me?" Yes. "So answer my question please" No. "Do you like to watch me suffer?" Maybe. "Do you know the answer to the question" yes.
This cheeky son of a bitch.
Now I was like, fuck it. Imma ask him the big boi question.
"Is your soulmate present when I do these readings?" Yes.
I had to take a deep breath dude. Yoobi is testing my nerves.
"Are they hiding their energy?" No.
I was actually gonna combust. This makes no sense.
I asked yoongi if he would tell me what I'm not getting. Silence. So i ask my guide.
"lol ur dumb"
Watch me Google "how to fire your spirit guide"
Istg this feels like some dumb prank. Maybe I'm just genuinely oblivious to his soulmates energy or maybe I'm just doing something.
What do you want to bet that his soulmate is just hiding under the platform and I'm too stupid to notice or some dumb thing like that.
yoobi, sir, why must you do this?
I decided to continue.
"What message or thing have you learned from your soulmate recently that could be valuable to us?" I got healthy communication in relationships and deep replenishment.
Good to know you can have a nice communicative relationship with your soulmate bc I CAN'T.
I'm petty about it, sue me.
The message does stand though. Good communication and taking proper rest to replenish yourself.
Now I had to ask yoongi directly what he thought of may 13th.
I got the lovers, 7 of swords, the magician and judgement. The seven of swords was intresting and it makes me think there's some extra stuff at play here too. 7 of swords is about getting away with something and deceit. The clarifier was the magician.... this could mean a lot honestly. It could be that maybe yoongi will have his relationship exposed or possibly that maybe him and his soulmate meet but yoongi is disguised? Idk how that would work at all but I'm stumped. There's a lot of variations that this could be. The magician is about manifesting and having everything you need to create what you want. This could possibly mean that maybe he gets a sudden idea that's like, "oh I have to go here right now. Its super important" eventhough he has practice scheduled. So that would let down his team but he would be following his path and it might lead to him meeting his soulmate? Maybe vice versa? Idk let me know what you think??
With the judgement its about inner calling and kinda like the peak. Like shit has been leading up to this moment. With the lovers too it does seem like a union?
I asked him, "but like what's gonna happen on the 13th thought and I got the 10 of cups. Divine love, bliss, alignment, happy mushy gushy shit. This is why I'm so inclined to think that they'll meet on the 13th or things will get serious or their paths finally cross. The cards seem to heavily suggest that.
My dude. Yoongi is really sappy, pass it on.
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For the last question I asked yoomgi if there was messages/ advice he had given to his soulmate that we might benefit from.
First step, open your third eye, open your heart, sign from heaven, open your arms to receiving.
A lot of opening lol.
It's good advice though learning to be open and receptive and taking that first step in tackling life or any situation.
Oki. Now for the disconnecting. It was not nearly as strange as it has been in the past. I was just like thanks dude. Again, happy birthday blah blah and I got up to leave. I noticed it looked like we were in sitting in one of those old plastic hoola hoops? Like the pink and yellow ones lol. As I was looking at and and like??? Off to the side the numbers 13, 28, 54. Obvi 54 isn't a date and then I the last yoongi check up there was book pages and I feel like 54 and 28 were the pages?? I'm not actually sure as I'm writing this so I'm gonna check.
Yep I checked. They are the page #s.
So that's intresting.
Other than that though I just kinda left and he was like, "bye" and that's all.
Not as cool as other yoongi adventures but equally as frustrating.
Yoongis doing pretty okay and he's a cheeky little shit. My guide like to watch me suffer and yoobi is mushy gushy squishy.
Happy day of birth Syub!!
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
The Wonder Years: Part 8
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While getting ready for her first school dance, twelve-year-old Olivia starts a path toward discovering who she is truly meant to be. Parts 1-7 can be found under the the tag #alex and liv: the wonder years
Thank you @ghostwritingcabenson​ @imaginaryoperagloves​ @cabensons​ @oliviaswifey​ and my lovely anon for all of your really sweet comments and tags.
Cover courtesy of my tumblr wifey @ghostwritingcabenson​
Seeing the brightly colored frozen yogurt shop put Olivia at ease because it was the setting of some of her best childhood memories and now she was going to experience it with her girlfriend.
Olivia did as Jamie had done for her mom and opened the car door for Alex. That small act of chivalry earned a big smile and a ‘thank you’ from Alex, which made Olivia feel as if she had butterflies in her stomach. 
“Babe, why don’t you take Alex inside?” Jamie suggested. “I want to stay out here and talk to Ollie.” Uh oh.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Serena gestured for Alex to follow her. “We can get first pick of the toppings.”
“Yeah!” Alex said excitedly. “I want chocolate chips and chocolate brownie bites.”
“Is everything okay?” Olivia asked, worried that Jamie had a suspicion that she and Alex were hiding something.
“Everything is fine,” Jamie responded. “This is a good talk, I promise.” She pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet and handed it to Olivia.
“Cool! Twenty bucks!” Olivia folded the money and put it in her pocket. “Thanks, Jamie. I was saving up to buy a-”
“It’s not for you, kid,” Jamie interrupted. “It’s for you to treat Alex.”
Olivia tried to hide her disappointment. “But my mom always pays for frozen yogurt.”
Jamie made a failed attempt at stifling her laughter. “Think about it, kid. What’ll score you more points, you paying for her frozen yogurt or your mom paying?”
“Me, I guess,” Olivia groaned. “There goes my new bat.”
Jamie shook her head and wrapped her arm around Olivia to guide her toward the entrance. “I have so much to teach you, Ollie.”
Alex and Serena were already choosing their toppings when Olivia and Jamie entered the frozen yogurt shop. Olivia noticed that her mom had gotten their usual and she was eager to get the same-chocolate flavored frozen yogurt with Oreo crumbles, gummy worms and Fruity Pebbles-a tradition in the Benson household that they had named Dirt and Worms. 
“Mom, I’ll pay for me and Alex,” Olivia told her once all four cups of frozen yogurt were on the counter and ready to be weighed.
Serena took her debit card out of a pink and white polka dot Kate Spade wallet. “It’s okay, baby, I’ll get it. Save your money for that bat you’ve been wanting.” Olivia noticed her mom and Jamie exchange glances and she hoped Jamie could read her mind because she no longer had the slightest idea what to do. “On second thought, it’s probably not cool for your mom to pay for you on your first date.”
“I got this,” Olivia tried to say as smoothly as she could while she pulled out her twenty dollar bill and placed it on the counter.
“And I’m getting yours,” Jamie told Serena. “You already paid for dinner. We’re supposed to be in an equal partnership here.” After Alex and Olivia’s cups of frozen yogurt were paid for, Jamie inserted her card to pay for hers and Serena’s. 
“I paid for us to eat at Hot Dog On A Stick, not some expensive restaurant,” Serena reminded her. “That’s all we had time for after Barnes & Noble and GameStop.”
Jamie picked up their frozen yogurt cups and carried them over to the table. Olivia figured she should do the same for Alex until she saw Alex already eating brownie bites from her frozen yogurt. Better not take that away from her. “I learned an important lesson today, Ser. If I value my life, I will never attempt to take one of your fries. Is it the same with frozen yogurt?”
Serena scrunched her nose. “Yours is vanilla with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. No wonder you want to steal some of mine.”
Within seconds of sitting down at the table, Olivia’s phone started to vibrate. It was a text from Elliot confirming he'd be at their secret meeting, but Olivia didn't want to risk her mom seeing a message from her dad come through so she decided to put her phone in her pocket. 
"What's this big science project about?" Serena asked them. "I've never seen an assignment have that effect on Olivia."
Olivia was in the middle of chewing a gummy worm, so she was grateful when her quick thinking girlfriend decided to answer. "It's the end of the year project which is worth 25% of our grade. Mrs. Rodriguez is supposed to give us more details on Monday, but my brother had her class three years ago and he said she lets her students pick the topic. Sometimes that's harder because the possibilities are endless. She also doesn't like us to pick partners because someone could get their feelings hurt if they aren't picked, so she puts us in alphabetical order. If she does that, it's fine because I'll get to work with Olivia. Alphabetically there's no one in between us. We should start brainstorming, Olivia."
The last thing Olivia wanted was to think about a science project that wasn't due for another month, but her girlfriend’s enthusiasm was contagious and the project was the only thing keeping her mom from asking questions about what was actually on her mind.
Olivia felt her phone vibrate again, except this time it wasn’t a text from Elliot or any of her other friends. It was another message from her dad that read, “Hey Sport. Wanna get some pizza tomorrow?”
“Who’s that, baby?” her mom asked her. 
“Just Elliot,” Olivia said nonchalantly. “He’s asking if I’m still coming over tomorrow to watch the game. I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
Olivia was grateful that the bathroom was a single stall so nobody could follow her in there. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket immediately after locking the door behind her and started to respond to her dad. “Yeah can we go to Another One Bites the Crust? That’s my favorite. I can meet you there at 1.”
She waited two minutes before another response came through. “Daddy/daughter day tomorrow at 1. They have those rotating basketball hoops outside. Bring your A-game.”
When she returned to their table, a feeling of guilt hit her hard and suddenly. She occasionally hid things from her mom like when she didn’t tell her she had a girlfriend, but this was the first time she had actually lied to her. It was the worst she had ever felt in her entire life and she knew that lie was only the first of many that she’d tell her mom that weekend.
Serena asked Alex about her siblings and Olivia heard Alex talk about her older brother who was fifteen and nice to her and her younger brother who was almost nine and kind of annoying. Olivia loved to hear Alex talk about her home life and her friends and her favorite movies and TV shows, but that night her mind was on her dad and how much fun the two of them were going to have the next day eating pizza and playing basketball.
“Do you have any brothers and sisters?” Alex asked Serena.
With Serena distracted by Alex’s question, Jamie took it upon herself to attempt to steal a gummy worm, but her attempt was soon thwarted by Serena gently smacking her hand. “Hey! Nope. Hands off my worms. If you wanted gummy worms, you should have added some to your frozen yogurt.”
Olivia handed Jamie a couple of her own gummy worms. “Here, Jamie. You can have some of mine. I have a whole bunch.”
Jamie took the worms and held them up to show Serena. “Unlike you, your kid actually shares.”
“What can I say?” Serena smirked. “My kid is better than me. That means I’ve succeeded as a mom.” She held Jamie’s hand on top of the table before turning to Alex. “Sorry, Alex, before we were so rudely interrupted by my gummy worm thief, I was going to tell you that my brother Kyle is two years younger than me and my sister Lexie is one year younger than me. The three of us are really close, like best friends. Kyle and I live in the same building, but Lexie moved back to California after college. She lives in Santa Monica now.”
“Lexie Benson is your sister?” Alex asked, wide eyed and completely in disbelief. “Lexie Benson, the YouTuber? I’ve seen every single one of the videos on her YouTube channel! She does these really funny videos where viewers can request what era or theme they want and she does these in-character spoofs about-” Alex started to blush. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. She’s your sister so you know all about her channel and her videos. Wait, I think I’ve even seen you in some of them!”
“Yeah, she’ll force me every time I go out to Santa Monica,” Serena smiled at her. “And don’t apologize for getting excited over something. I’ll tell Lexie about you next time I talk to her.”
“Babe, your phone,” Jamie told her as she looked down at Serena’s phone and noticed an incoming video call. 
“It’s my mom,” Serena groaned. “If I don’t answer, she’s going to keep calling.” She swiped across the screen to answer. “Hi, Mom. I’m out right now with Olivia, do you mind if I-”
“Where’s my grandbaby?” Mrs. Benson interrupted her. “I want to talk to her.”
Serena handed the phone to Olivia. “Hi, Grandma!” Olivia said excitedly. “Wanna see my girlfriend Alex? She’s having frozen yogurt with me. Me and her went on our first date tonight.”
“Hi, Mrs. Benson,” Alex said after scooting closer to Olivia. “Pleased to meet you.”
“You’re adorable!” Mrs. Benson responded. “And so well mannered. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alex. So, tell me, how is my grandbaby on a date? Does she hold open the door and pull out your chair?”
“She’s a perfect gentleman and she’s so cute and sweet and she got me a rose and frozen yogurt tonight,” Alex beamed. “I like Olivia so much.”
Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach and she wanted nothing more than to kiss Alex if they were alone. “Doesn’t Alex look like a princess?” Olivia asked.
“She looks like Princess Grace,” Mrs. Benson told her granddaughter. “She could be a classic Hollywood starlet. And you look so handsome and grown up, my darling grandbaby.”
“Jamie cut my hair,” Olivia said excitedly.
“Jamie,” Mrs. Benson said in a teasing tone of voice, hoping Serena would hear. “Tall, dark, and handsome, herself, the one woman I would consider switching teams for.”
“Mom,” Serena groaned and Olivia couldn’t help but laugh when her mom put her head down on the table in embarrassment.
Olivia handed the phone over to Jamie. “Hi, Melanie. You’re looking beautiful as always. Where are you? I can see the sunset behind you. Are you on vacation?”
“Oh, no, I’m just on our rooftop,” Mrs. Benson said nonchalantly. “Didn’t my daughter tell you about the beach house in Malibu?”
Serena took the phone from Jamie. “I have to go now, Mom. Alex has to get home soon.”
“Not so fast,” Mrs. Benson told her. “Since you neglected to tell me when your spring break was, I looked it up on Columbia’s website and saw that it’s the week after next. I’m booking your flight to LAX. You can bring Jamie so I can finally meet her in person and my grandbaby can bring her little girlfriend and before you object and say you had something planned for my grandbaby, I will save you the effort and say nothing you can plan in that gloomy state you insist on living in is as much fun as the kids will have at the beach and at Disneyland.”
“Disneyland!” Alex said excitedly. “I’ll ask my mom if I can go as soon as I get home.”
Olivia’s dream of riding the teacups together and buying Alex a pair of sparkly Minnie Mouse ears could finally come true. “Please, Mom. Please can we go? I’ll do anything.”
“Don’t be the bad guy, Serena,” Mrs. Benson told her daughter. “I can hear how happy the kids are.”
“It’s 9:45 over here, Mom,” Serena said in a frustrated tone of voice. “I have to hang up now so we can take Alex home. Bye, Mom. I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Serena set her phone on the table and then turned to face Jamie. “One thing I hate about smartphones is that you can’t angrily close them when you wanna hang up on someone. Nothing gave me more satisfaction as a teenager than hanging up on my mom with my pink bedazzled Motorola Razr phone whenever she nagged me about something like she is right now. She completely undermines my parenting every chance she gets. What if I had something planned for Ollie?”
“At least you knew how to use that phone because, apparently, you can’t use this one,” they heard Mrs. Benson say. “I’m still on the line, Serena. I’m booking your flight and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Olivia looked across the table at her flustered mom and at Jamie who was trying to contain her laughter. The short interaction with her grandma had made all of her negative feelings go away. Tomorrow, she’d spend the afternoon with her dad and, as long as they could convince Mr. and Mrs. Cabot, she’d soon be at Disneyland with the love of her twelve-year-old life.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP Meme from Oliver & Company
Now, it's always once upon a time in New York City.
It's a big old bad old tough old town.
Let me have one, please.
Right away, you're making time and making friends
If they pick you out, you're on your way.
Get out there and go and try.
Why does nightfall find you feelin' so alone?
Dreaming is still how the strong survive
Keep your dream alive.
Got to look out and open your eyes,
You're in the fast lane
What's the matter with you? I said get outta here.
I don't eat cats. It's too much fur.
I've been watching you, and I think you're in serious need of some professional guidance.
I'm an expert at these things.
All you gotta do is learn some moves.
This city's got a beat.
When are we gonna get those hot dogs?
I hate to break it to ya, but the dynamic duo is now the dynamic uno.
Our partnership is herewith dissolved.
You're not being fair!
Fairs are for tourists, kid.
Consider it a free lesson in street savoir faire
Hey, wait! I helped you get those! Half of those are mine!
Why should I worry? Why should I care?
I got street savoir faire
You can wear the crown!
Everything goes.
Everything fits.
They love me at the Chelsea, they adore me at the Ritz!
Stop that racket! I'm trying to watch this show.
Shut up, you little rodent.
Come on, let's watch some boxing. I wanna see some action
You think this place is big enough?
What we need is some good quality stuff
Oh, shredded leather.
You insulted my pride! That means death!
It was your turn to get the food today!
You remain our preeminent benefactor.
It was tough. Only I could have done it.
I love a story with food in it.
Enter the opposition.
Gang war! Gang war! Watch out! Here comes a gang war!
Take cover!
It's just a cat.
I followed this dog.
He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!
Oh, boy! Dog pile!
Don't let me down!
What do you got?
Let's see what you got.
I was just on my way out.
Actually, I've got something much better than money.
Some luxury items that should make a considerable dent in my debt to you.
Oh, my! You waxed your car, didn't you? Did they use the buffer on it, because I can see myself.
I don't think you grasp the severity of the situation.
Now, I lent you money and I don't see it.
People like you get hurt.
I can't figure out why you'd rather hang around a dump like this when you could be living uptown with a class act like myself.
Isn't it rather dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence?
You bad, man.
Hey, you got something to say to me, fat boy?
Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
Oh, I'm having a bad day!
I like cats. I like to eat 'em.
Your master's calling.
Come on and say it to my face!
How am I ever gonna come up with all that money?
It's hopeless.
That took a lot of guts.
All right. Time for bed. We've got a big day tomorrow.
We've got two days to do or die.
You got a lot to learn. And if you don't learn, you don't eat!
But if you're tough, and always use your head, you'll be right at home, on the street.
When you got talent, everything is free.
You're gonna see how the best survive.
These are streets of gold.
You'll take the town, and you'll take it with style.
You're in charge of electronics.
Hey, but what about me? What do I do?
Ready? Go!
What have I done? Poor thing.
You oughta be ashamed of yourself!
Run along, little fellow. Go on, now. Shoo.
Be a lookout.
I only got one more wire, okay?
Oh, you poor kitty. Here. Let me help you.
Where's the kid?
We can't just take in a stray off the street.
Don't worry, kitty. I'll take care of you.
Your public awaits.
Girl, we've got work to do
Pass me the paint and glue.
Perfect isn't easy
When one knows the world is watching, one does what one must.
See how the breeding shows
Sometimes it's too much for even me!
But when all the world says "Yes", then, who am I to say "no"?
Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl
Perfection becomes me, ne c'est pas?
I'm beauty unleashed!
So classic and classy
They're barking up the wrong tree!
I have your hearts, and you have my pity
Pretty is nice, but still it's just pretty!
I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
What is the meaning of this?
I guess I'll have to handle this myself.
And do you have any idea whose home this is?
Isn't he cute?
What in Heaven's name are we waiting for?
Alas, our beleaguered benefactor bearing the brunt of our futile endeavours.
Cool it!
Our mission begins at daybreak.
I don't hear any practicing.
Oh, you wanna practice too!
We two can be good company.
You and me, just wait and see.
I'll handle that ruffian.
Body slam! Body slam! Oh, come on, you fool! Hit him! Hit him!
Come back here!
Huh, this place looks pretty nice. I mean, how bad off could it be here?
Chagall. Matisse. These are all masterpieces.
Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down.
Don't come any closer! I knew this would happen one day.
It's not you I'm after.
Not good enough for you?
I mean, do you even know who I am?
Something's not quite right here.
Shh. Quick. Before he comes back. Follow me.
I mean, let's just forget the whole thing.
No, no, you can't do that! You don't understand. The poor dear's so traumatized.
What is going on here?
Hurry. Use the fire escape.
Ooh, I could've danced all night! I could've danced all night!
You were very good.
I was rather good, wasn't I?
You okay, kid?
I have another home now. And someone who loves me.
You're in the gang.
I just wanna go back.
You wanna leave? Fine! There's the door.
You lighten up!
Oh, it's hopeless.
Looks like you're doing all right for yourself
So that's where you've been!
Feel it. That's it. Very good.
This is an airtight plan
I'll even toss in a little extra for your patience.
It's my final offer. Take it or leave it.
I said, push!
No, you don't kill 'im yet.
Did we bring something green and wrinkly to make me happy?
I'm getting your money tonight! It's coming tonight!
Hey, I think there's hope for you yet.
Yeah, you're starting to think big.
It's creepy down here.
I drew a perfectly good map.
A child could read that map.
I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I was framed!
This is a tough neighborhood. You'd better go home.
I came to find my kitty.
You brought a piggy bank.
What kind of a person would steal a poor little kitty?
I'm so scared. I don't know what to do.
I found a little lost kitten.
No! No, wait! You can't do this!
Keep your mouth shut.
Stop! Stop! Time out!
There's gotta be some way in.
Well, it's nice to see that one of you has some manners.
After you, my little croissant
And remember, quiet.
Oh! I broke a nail.
Oh, balderdash.
I don't think you really appreciate the situation. Somebody could get hurt.
You smell that?
It's party time!
Where are those dogs?
I thought I'd never see you again.
What's the occasion? Come to rescue your little friend?
All right! What a woman!
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go
This has all been very entertaining. But the party is over.
Hey, man, you're ugly!
Aah! Save me!
Hey, get off my back, woman! I'm driving!
All right, anybody want some cake?
Murder him! Twist his arm!
The gifts were great.
We'll start with a bath.
You know, you're not so bad for a bug-eyed little creep.
You come back here this minute!
Tell me why should I care
What a delightful scoundrel.
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baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Lieutenant Thire!Reader/"criminal reader"
Anything in italics is your internal dialogue hopefully that is clear but just case it wasn't. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PG, unless Star Wars swearing counts, If it does PG-13.
It's pretty fluffy with a a dash of spice.
Our Story
    "Stop right there!" The red and white armored trooper sternly warns. You freeze and slowly turn to face him, his blaster aimed and ready, as you nonchalantly raise your hands. You take the moment to catch your breath and think of a plan.
    "You're very fast sir, ya really must be something under all that armor. Maybe we can settle this with a drink? See where the night takes us?" You coyly ask, edging slowly towards the ledge. The updraft off the building blows strands of your messy hair wildly.
    "Your attempt at flirting isn't going to work with me. I will shoot! Now Stop Moving!"
    You come to a halt partially listening to his warning, but mostly because your heels were already teetering off the ledge of the roof. There was a decent 10 feet between you and jail time. Your mind races through the dwindling option for escape as two other troopers make their way up to the roof. The initial trooper with a pauldron-- that means he is higher rank, a lieutenant or captain maybe, you couldn't remember-- motions to the others and they make their way towards you with binders in hand.
    "I mean I don't even know your name yet sir. And honestly, I've never really been into handcuff but if that's your thing..."
    The troopers blaster waivers slightly and you swear you heard him chuckle as he shakes his helmet nearly imperceptibly. Tilting your own head to the side, you look at him through batting eyelashes and give him a mischievous smile.
    "You know if you shoot me, I'd most likely fall off the side of this building." You sigh. "Not a great ending to our blossoming story."
    "Well, don't move and Our story will continue, uh blossoming on... Lieutenant Thire" He clarifies. You hear a flapping sound, glancing down you see curtains blowing in the funneled wind.
An open window.
"Staying Still? Hmmph, now where's the fun in that Lieutenant!?"
    "Don't you dare! Hurry it along troopers!" He quickly barks. Thire must have seen the the glimmer in your eyes, or maybe the glint of the knife hidden in your sleeve. Giving them all a quick farewell salute, you jump back diving feet first down the side of the apartment.
    "For kriffsake!" You hear Thire yell, as you fly down the side of the building only slowed slightly by your vibroblade slicing into the duracrete. It was truely a beautiful firework display of sparks, flashing this way and that, off the speeding wall. Then with some skill and a lot of luck, you catch the top ledge of the window and swing yourself in.
A slight wobble in the landing, but a solid 9 for the overall execution.
    You try to orient your self in the dark room and then are momentarily blinded when the lights turns on. When your eyes are finally are able to adjust and focus you see a very, very large green Twi'lek. He is blocking you from an easy exit. His tiny human partner cautiously comes up behind him holding a bat.
    "Good evening folks" you greeted them with the ease of second hand speeder sales man.
    "What in the kriffing hell! What are you doing in here!" yelled the foreboding Twi'lek.
    "What do you mean..." You pretended to be shocked looking to the Twi'lek and then his partner who is still nervervously holding on to the bat.
    "You didn't get a written notice from your land lord?" You questioned and suddenly act as if you just now saw the weapon in her hands. The green giant looked down to his partner and his partner back up at him. Both looked equal and extremely confused.
You can work with this.
    Pulling out your datapad from your bag and start angrily taping the keys, pacing slightly with your back turned to them. "Steve! You son of a bantha! I could throttle you, just kill him!" You fumed to your small audience, trying to quickly put together a holonet site to give the story your weaving some actual weight.
    "I try, You known, to tell him," you said sounding exasperated. "I tell him a partnership takes two people... Two people working as a team." Your two suspicious hosts look to each other and back at you. Still unsure of what to make of this intruder and the verbal diarrhea of new information being spewed at them.
A troubled partnership with someone named Steve. That will be the key out of this situation, the legend that will be Steve and his inability to do his job.
    "When he doesn't do his part I get shafted." You practically wept, still avoiding eye contact with your increasing worried audience. You let out a resigned sigh, rubbing your temples trying collect yourself. Buying enough time for your site to become live. With a relieved but tired inhale you continue your one man show.
    "I'm so sorry, My name is Maree Jakorr" you said thinking of a grade school classmates mother. "And I'm part of a start up security company." You turn your datapad over and show them the holonet site you just put together. Its was barebones but got the job done.
It's Steve for kriffsakes, he can't even call up potential clients, and make sure the tenants are informed. There isn't much hope for his holonet site design abilities.
       You take another deep breathe you were getting a little too deep into lore. "As you can see we do mock break-ins to find weakness and then try implement different measures to increase security and safety. Of course this is supposed to be done with the home owners knowledge and consent." You explain. With a partially exaggerated groan you put away your datapad. "Well this is going to be fun to explain to the CG."
    "The gaurd doesn't have to know" squeaked the human. "I mean we don't need to call them." She said more confidently looking up at her partner. The Twi'lek looked lovely down nodding his head and pulling her in close.
You instantly adore these two, and make a mental note to send them something later for their trouble.
    "Oh you're too sweet hun, but as part of the test we call the CG to see how long it take them to respond to a threat. You know, extra data points for the algorithm, if that makes sense."
    "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You say truely apologetic. "Well I guess I should leave you two be, so you can get some resemblence of a normal evening back."
    "Feel free to use the front door... or window if you prefer." Joked the Twi'lek. They both chuckle and she stands on her tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Gosh these two.
    "I'll try my luck with the front door I think." You laughed. As you hand reaches for the handle, you can hear the sounds of troopers knocking on doors as they sweep the hall. Their footsteps and voices getting louder as they near.
    "Do you mind if I use the fresher quickly before I go?"
They both nod their heads and the Twi'lek takes the bat from his partner and puts it away in the closet. "Just that door there at the end of the hallway."
    "Thank you so much, I promise I'll be out of here in no time." You say closing the door behind you, making sure not to lock it. You search the cozy room, looking for an alternative way out. Not to thrilled with the prospect of using window again for escaping. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed, only a options, the last resort, hopefully.
    Depsite the nerf burger, extra fries and large shake you devoured for dinner, you manage to squeeze yourself from the air vent of the apartment and into the slightly larger main vent of the building.
    Without a second to spare you see the troopers through silted grate, knock on the door of the apartment you once occupied. Your tempted to eavsedrop on the conversation, knowing you had given that beautiful couple enough information to give the undoubtedly handsome Lieutenant a headache. You think better of it, and make your long overdue escape.
    Once out of the building you causal walk the back alleyways making your journey home. You send Lieutenant Thire a link and a small message;
"Dear Lieutenant Thire,
I hope this holonet link clears up any misunderstanding between you and the lovely and completely unsuspecting couple in apartment 459.
Sincerely, 'Our story lives on for another day.'
P.S. Please excuse the poorly designed website, Steve did his best. Best regards xox 💋. "
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Savannah & Jac
Savannah: How is it going? Savannah: I'm so proud of you for working at this with her, I just wanted you to know that Jac: 😖 ugh, THANK YOU 🙏 Jac: I'm really trying Jac: and she's being a LOT better today Jac: more like herself Jac: she still hasn't said what's really going on, but maybe she isn't even sure herself, you know? 😕 Jac: we'll get to the bottom of it Jac: how are you, honey? ❤ Savannah: 🙌🏾 I'm BEYOND happy for you both 🙌🏾 Savannah: Ty is being more like himself too, today must be fated Savannah: it's such a relief, isn't it? Jac: I am BEYOND glad Jac: I do not know what was in the water but we can both finally breathe out so that's the main thing Savannah: I know right?! I feel more centred than I have in forever Jac: It's nice not to be so stressed Jac: I had no idea the tension I was holding, honestly Savannah: Baby 😔 Savannah: I had an idea but there's been no time to give you a massage, we're always working Jac: and I love it Jac: but other people still demanding time we don't have now is like Jac: 😬 Savannah: ^^ so true Savannah: I feel like I constantly have to choose between Sienna & Ty Jac: Right? There's always someone to be let down Savannah: excuse me whilst I essentially tear myself in half & still manage to somehow hurt either of you more in the process Jac: 😔 Jac: Ty should really learn a little more self-sufficiency in this situation Jac: like Amelia Jac: Sienna, that's different Jac: but you two are in a partnership, that's meant to make things easier, not harder Savannah: it's my own fault, I love him so much that I can't help but make everything easier for him even if it means things are harder for me as a direct result Jac: he's still meant to return the favour Savannah: & he does, he just doesn't always realise exactly what I do need, which is my fault too Jac: I can't see that Jac: you're beyond communicative Jac: and when you're not, that means there's a problem Savannah: Honesty is important but so is maintaining the image he has of me, I cultivated it, I can't just let it go when it's not as effortless as it looks Jac: but you, actually you, are perfect Jac: if he didn't love you for all of you, he'd be just Jac: wrong Savannah: No I'm not Jac: Not like you have no flaws or can do no wrong Jac: but you're so caring and loving and you'll do anything for anyone, especially the people you care about Jac: and even at your lowest, you still try to keep positive, and see the way out and forward Jac: and when you do make mistakes, it's because of all of these things about you that are so amazing Savannah: You're perfect, I don't even know what to say or what response would come close Jac: I'm far from it Jac: I do things sometimes, just to be cruel because I feel bad Jac: I try not to but I still do Jac: and I don't look after anyone the way you do Savannah: you look after me Savannah: & Isabelle & Amelia Savannah: we all take so much from you & you never complain because you're too busy giving us more of you Savannah: that makes me feel bad Jac: You shouldn't feel bad, you give me so much back too Jac: when you're already stretched Jac: and it doesn't feel anything like work with you Jac: it's natural, easy Jac: but still worthwhile Savannah: It's the same for me, with you, everything else may feel like a demand on my time or a stressful obligation, but that's not how I feel about you Jac: that makes me happy to hear that Jac: I swear, other people didn't used to feel like this much work Savannah: I don't know why it's so different Savannah: why you're the only person who sees through who I have to be to who I actually am Jac: It's like Jac: I feel a million miles or years or lives ahead of everyone else but you Jac: it's not even arrogance I just Jac: they don't get it Savannah: ^^^^ Savannah: it's exhausting Jac: trying to be on their level, care about what they care about Jac: when there's so much more important things to be thinking or doing Jac: I'm really struggling Savannah: what can I do? Jac: See? 🥺 Jac: this is why I love you Jac: I just wanna be with you again, then we'll both feel better and like this world actually makes sense Savannah: where has she even taken you? I'll come & get you right now Jac: we hung out most of the day and just chilled but we've gone out for dinner, [a place] Savannah: okay, I'll be there once the bill hits the table Savannah: come out when you're ready Jac: Okay, that's not an issue, we're near mine, ish, so I didn't need a lift from her dad or anything Savannah: I'll wait for you at home then Jac: That's so cute Jac: imagine how perfect our Uni flat will be Savannah: 😊 Savannah: I'll make a start on my moodboard Jac: we can do a dream shop when I get back Savannah: oh my god, we have to Savannah: but I promise I'll FINALLY give you that massage too, because I have no doubt your goodbye with Amelia will be stressful Jac: At least she can't ask for a sleepover reasonably when it's Monday tomorrow Jac: because yeah Jac: I cannot when a massage is on offer 😍👼🏾 Savannah: I can though, can't I? Savannah: I don't ever want to leave you, but especially not to go back to my house Jac: Of course you can Jac: we'll be sensible so we can still get up in the morning Savannah: 👼🏾 I swear Jac: I trust you Jac: I got a new night-time tea, it's really relaxing, you'll ❤ it Savannah: that sounds amazing, I've been having the most intense dreams when I do sleep Jac: at least your brain is processing everything and storing it away Jac: even if that's exhausting Jac: you'll be having sweet dreams so soon Jac: but in the meantime, I'll do everything I can to help Savannah: this is literally the evidence that you're as caring & loving & positive as you believe I am Savannah: I don't even dream when I'm with Ty, which I used to think was a nice thing, because I felt so safe but now it just feels like I switch off when he doesn't need me Jac: oh 😔 I don't love that Savannah: It sounds horrible, I know Savannah: & it would kill him to hear me say so Jac: No, it's not horrible, it's how you feel Savannah: he hasn't given me any reason to feel like that though, it's my crazy Jac: not on purpose, I'm sure Savannah: What have you noticed? You can tell me Jac: Well, even if doesn't ask you to prioritize him and his happiness at all times Jac: he still lets you Jac: I'm sure he doesn't realize but it still happens Savannah: oh Jac: like, I'm not having a go at him, or you, because you know you do it and you know why Jac: but he really SHOULD be thinking more about it, you Savannah: of course Jac: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything Savannah: I asked for your perspective because I need it, you have nothing to apologise for Savannah: & you're right Savannah: I just don't know what to do about it Jac: I don't want to sound like THAT friend Jac: he's great, in lots of ways Jac: but I couldn't say I hadn't noticed, when I had, it would be a disservice to you both Jac: it needs to be brought to his attention somehow, but outright saying it would probably feel...cruel? Savannah: I understand & I totally trust in the kind of friend I know you are Jac: ❤❤ Jac: We will work this out Jac: but we need time to 💭 on it Savannah: We need a time out from it first, the last thing I want to do is bring your stress levels back up after you've finally had a break through with Amelia Savannah: I refuse to be THAT friend Jac: we don't need to think about it any more tonight Jac: we can just think about our future and how amazing it will be Savannah: thank god I still have the ability to look forward without my future solely depending upon him Jac: ^^ no matter what, we're never those kind of girls Savannah: 👏🏾🙌🏾 Jac: I've text my parents so they won't be shook to see you Jac: not that they are these days 🥰 Savannah: I'll pick them something up to thank them as well when I get your presents for you Jac: Presents? for me? Savannah: 🥰 surprises, yes Jac: you're the best surprise Jac: I didn't think we'd get to see each other today Savannah: I wasn't sure if we'd even get chance to talk properly Jac: I know Jac: and I hate that Jac: I worry about you when we can't keep in touch Savannah: I hate the idea of you worrying about me, but I feel the exact same way Savannah: I dread to think how awful I'll have done on my homework because I couldn't stop thinking about you Jac: you're too smart to ever mess up too bad Jac: but we can doublecheck 😋 Savannah: what your compliments do for my self worth they don't do for my concentration span, so whilst the offer to check my work is appreciated, I'm not sure how well it'd be received Savannah: unless I'm sitting there with my eyes closed & you're in silence Jac: I think I can manage stunned silence in your presence quite easily Jac: we can make it work Savannah: you really do have an answer for everything, I love that about you Jac: it's easy to be sure with you Savannah: I wish we could be together all the time, there wouldn't be any room for doubt for me then either Jac: so rude of my parents to overdo it with the kids 🙄 Savannah: so rude of my parents to exist if they were going to use that existence to destroy everything they built, including my faith, trust & sense of security Savannah: if they were better people you could just stay here Jac: I don't know how it doesn't break their hearts Jac: and make them change and be better Jac: because I can't 😢 Savannah: they'd have to heal from the heartbreak they inflicted upon each other first & they have a lot of work to do before that'll happen Savannah: my mother doesn't have anything left for me & my dad doesn't have anything to offer that I want Jac: So true Jac: inherited trauma is the hardest Jac: and I don't have an answer for that, I really, really wish I did Savannah: you are an answer to that Savannah: you make me feel like I did before any of this happened Jac: I'm going to take care of you Jac: and the you that's still that little girl Savannah: we used to be so close, me & my dad Savannah: I don't understand how he could do this Jac: Even if he didn't love your mum anymore, in the way he did before Jac: the way he's handled it all Savannah: I would literally move heaven & earth to make things work with Ty, do anything to avoid hurting him, under no illusion that we're unlikely to be together forever Savannah: he can't have ever loved her, me or Sienna Jac: He must have thought it would have hurt MORE to stay Jac: I'm not saying he's right, or it excuses it Savannah: maybe it would Jac: I just really think he does love you guys Jac: and that doesn't have to change how you think or feel about him, at all, and that's not why I would say it Jac: the situation is still the same Jac: but it's rare the intentions are that bad, people do what they think is right, or they do the wrong thing out of hurt, like your mum right now Savannah: I know you want that for me, for me to be loved, I love you for it Jac: You are loved, by lots of people Jac: me being the chief one, of course Savannah: I'm trying so hard to remind myself that he isn't his mistakes but I can't forgive them when his actions make me feel like I am one of said mistakes Savannah: & my mum reinforces that every time she can't bear to look at me Jac: I can't begin to imagine how hurtful that is Jac: and how much that must occupy your head, and how hard you must have to fight every day to not be consumed by those thoughts and feelings Jac: all I can and will continue to do is be here for you, whenever and in whatever capacity you need Savannah: all my life she's told me how beautiful I am, but now all that matters is how much I resemble him Savannah: what am I supposed to do? Jac: You're still beautiful Jac: and you're always going to look like him Jac: do you want to change your appearance? Savannah: No, but I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror again without feeling as awful as I do when my mum tells me to get out of her room Jac: just because she's the victim in her narrative with your dad Jac: doesn't mean she's not also capable of perpetuating unhealthy behaviour Jac: that isn't okay, to make you feel like that Savannah: I know, but she's incapable of having a conversation about it right now, medicated or not Jac: Does your aunt have any more luck with her? Jac: or can you vent to your aunt about her? Savannah: I can but that doesn't mean I feel comfortable doing it Jac: That makes sense Jac: there's always the uncertainty of where the information will end up, or if any judgment is silently being passed Savannah: ^^ Savannah: you're the only person I want to talk to Jac: we can stay up and talk Jac: School can be completed with one eye shut Jac: this is more important right now Savannah: we have to talk about you too, it's always me Jac: Okay, I can always call upon all my problems at any time Savannah: for instance, where is Jude going to be when we're having this deep & meaningful conversation? Jac: Cammie is at her mum's, Jude can take her bed Jac: I'll take the heat if Cam is mad about it Savannah: okay Jac: I'll make them share full-time and then you can move in Jac: sorted Savannah: & when I move in, I'll take the puppies to bed with us & take the blame if your parents are upset Jac: they can't talk Jac: they give it all that about training and rules and boundaries Jac: but there was always a dog in the bed when we used to sneak in in the morning as kids Savannah: 😄 Savannah: I can't wait to have a family like yours Jac: How many kids do you want? Jac: or more importantly, puppies? 😋 Savannah: More than 👶🏾👶🏾 obviously Savannah: & they'll each have their own 🐶 or 🐱 or both however many of them there are Jac: Aww, that's sweet Jac: I think two can be kind of perfect Jac: but they have to be the right two Savannah: so is that how many you want? Jac: I don't think much about that part of my future Jac: I don't know if I'd be a good parent Savannah: Well you have to, because who else are my 👶🏾👶🏾👶🏾👶🏾 going to be best friends with? Isabelle's children? I don't think so Jac: 😂😂 okay, fair point Jac: we cannot have that Savannah: & of course you're going to be 🧚🏻 godmother to them all because I can't trust anyone else if anything ever happened to me Jac: 🥺🥺 Jac: I will spoil them so hard, I promise Savannah: nobody else would be able to tell them what I'm really like, nobody knows me like you do Jac: You'll make me cry Jac: I don't wanna think about you ever not being here Jac: but I'd make sure they knew how much you loved them, and how incredible you were so they love you as much, always Savannah: I'll be with you forever, even if I do die first, because I love you that much too Jac: [don't actually cry in front of Amelia omg] Jac: I love you so much as well Jac: and we're paying up Jac: so I won't be long now 🙌 Savannah: that is perfect timing because I just arrived at your house Savannah: there was such a long queue in the shop Jac: So rude Jac: people are EXTRA with the Christmas shopping from like mid-october now Jac: thank god we aren't working retail Savannah: ^^^^^^^ Savannah: & this boy in front of me keep trying to flirt, it was so embarrassing Savannah: I have a boyfriend & I'm having a breakdown, excuse me Jac: The lack of awareness so many boys have is ALARMING Savannah: I almost wish I had started crying as he started speaking, he wouldn't have known where to look Jac: That would be kind of iconic Jac: but not worth the mascara Savannah: next time maybe, if I've gone makeup free Jac: or you could bring out some of the sign language I teach you Jac: it's very useful for that Savannah: 😄 true Savannah: are you going to teach me some more when you come home? Jac: We totally can Savannah: I'd like to Jac: why is it that whatever we do together, it's just the best time Jac: I'm really excited to see you Savannah: I know what you mean, I feel like a different person from who I was earlier Savannah: my mood has lifted purely because you'll be here soon Jac: It's the same for me, completely Jac: I'm so glad we found each other Savannah: I think your face looks perfect by the way, in that picture & always Jac: 😌😌 you're way too kind Savannah: my good deed is the gifts I've brought, how flawless you are is just what I genuinely believe Jac: thank goodness the walk back will give me time to cool down my 😳 Savannah: Oh no! I'll have to bring it back Savannah: 🌷 🌺 🌸 Jac: is that a clue to my gifts? 🧐 Savannah: perhaps 😊 Jac: 🥰 Savannah: [sends her a pic of her snuggling all these dogs cos we've made ourselves at home hens but she'd never post it because she don't look perfect enough] Jac: Awwh! Jac: You're [insert dog's name here]'s favourite, you know Savannah: Oh my god, am I? She's my favourite too! Jac: Yep, fully endorse this lovestory Savannah: 🥰🤗 Savannah: Teen motherhood definitely wasn't part of my plan but for her, I'll make the necessary changes Jac: If anyone could actually work it, it would be you Savannah: I literally can't even joke about it because of the degree at which I'll be tempting fate & how vitally important it is to me that no 👶🏾 happen yet Jac: We won't speak that into existence 🤐 Jac: can you imagine Savannah: I can imagine exactly what my dad would say Jac: 🤐 need that about as much as you need the 👶🏾 Savannah: I refuse to put a single foot wrong for him to claim is a cry for his attention Jac: As if Jac: the ego, like, yes, I'm going to permanently change MY life so you pay me attention Savannah: I can't make it any clearer that I'm not interested, we haven't spoken since he left Jac: exactly Jac: he wants you to make mistakes so he can have a valid in and come back to berate you because he knows IF he wants to make that contact as things are now, it's HIM that will face the criticism, rightly so, but he doesn't want that Savannah: ^^^ Jac: and he's meant to be the grown-up Jac: 🙄 Savannah: at least, having not acted like one for a long time, I'm fully prepared for his behaviour instead of being shocked by it once I reach my own adulthood Jac: 🌥 Jac: the only one defined by his mistakes, will be him Jac: you're gonna be happy and thrive, none of this will stop you Savannah: of course, because I've got you 🌞💛 Jac: if anyone is sunshine, it's you Jac: I just gravitate towards you 🌻🌻 Savannah: I'm willing you into my orbit right now for sure, you must be freezing out there Jac: yes, it's pretty cold Jac: the fashionable coat is gonna have to be swapped for the more practical 😖😂 Savannah: my poor baby! I'll warm you up Jac: 😳😳 works too Jac: for now, whilst I fast walk because I can't run on this ice Savannah: Don't walk too fast! Savannah: even with all the experience Ty has given me, I can't attest to be some kind of physiotherapist Jac: I 🤞 Savannah: I'll stop talking to you until you're back safely 👼🏾 Jac: ❤❤❤
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turned-the-page · 5 years
It's the night before the last dance and I have thoughts...
I've said this before but I'll say it again. IF there was a time when things were not platonic between tessa and Scott, I really do not believe Scott COULD have moved on as completely as he has done if he didn't receive a CLEAR message that he wasn't going to have a longterm romantic future with T and I think this was sorted out between them BEFORE J. As a matter of fact, i believe there would NOT have been an opportunity for J otherwise. I know men can be jerks and I have no doubt Scott can be an A1 Jerk but I dont think he has a malicious bone in his body. I dont think he invited J to his and Ts official events as an "in your face" to T. He brought her because he and T were no longer in a romantic relationship, T was aware of her existence and her presence was in no way disrespecting their skating partnership. This disrespect narrative was fandom's feelings and response to Scott's SO not being T. Of course I dont know how if T felt disrespected by Js presence at their events but I can't see what basis she would have for feeling disrespected. Two different relationships; scott wasn't being unfaithful to her so where's the basis for the disrespect?
So if they sampled romance and it didnt lead to longterm, they dealt with that and carried on with the other aspects of their very complex relationship. (Keeping in mind this is just my opinion being expressed on an "if" basis). Tessa and Scott didnt invent couples being in love with each other who couldn't make it work. Scott wouldn't be the first man to have to move on from a woman he loved. Same with Tessa. She wouldnt be the first woman to not marry a man she loves because of reasons only known to them (I say marry because Scott has stated he wants marriage and children). They know each other and their reality best. J isnt the first significant other Scott has had during their partnership so I think romance between both of them would only have been a small aspect of their overall 22 year relationship, and if that aspect didnt work out, this wouldn't and didnt negate the entirety of their relationship. This is what I think is going on now.
In that interview where Scott said he had two beautiful women his life, that's how it actually is. He has a private life with J and a professional life with T. No confusion on his part nor on Ts part I might add. T might have been surprised by the speed of the engagement but she was not surprised that he had J. This interview also put their business partnership in its proper context. They were skating partners who led completely separate private lives.
I have to say here that the announcement of the engagement at the wof hometown was definitely a misstep and left a bad taste towards Scott. But I also think he wasn't yet ready to announce his engagement and his announcement thunder was stolen, twice. Once by amorfatixx on tumblr and then by the wof guy who introduced him at his wof. Im just saying, I dont think he went there that day to make that announcement but once it was anounced for him, he had to say something, which definitely got him in trouble. Ive always thought it begged the question that if Scott had personally introduced J to that wof guy that would have been the time to gratulate him/them when they were face and shaking hands. Why congratulate him publicly if he and scott had a face to face opportunity? So that's why I think someone else informed the wof guy that J was Scott's fiancee. Someone who wanted J to get the attention.
With respect to what goes on in their private life that has nothing to do with what they present to the public as skating partners, I am genuinely baffled why the online fandom is convinced they are entitled to have any information at all. They say scott "hid"J. He didnt hide her. She's part of his private life. Private means not public. And when he brought her to events, he didnt announce her, he just brought her because that's his right. Those who needed to know who she was, knew who she was. Does the fandom really expect that Scott and tessa wake up each morning thinking about the feelings and desires of unknown strangers when they make decisions about their private lives? I must say, this kind of expectation is a head scratcher for me.
I know fandom has been pushing their destructive narrative about Scott but that narrative is not in anyway substantiated by what we can see of Scott and tessa's recent behaviour towards each other. I believe their life is no more dramatic than what they said. They have a complex relationship of 22 years which includes a skating partnership. They are retiring from the skating partnership. The skating partnership is the public aspect of their relationship. In as much as online fandom would like to think they have a stake in how they relate to each other after the last rtr performance tomorrow, they really dont. Scott and Tessa's life after their last public performance will strictly be private and nobody's business but theirs. Status of their relationship is really no longer a public commodity.
Ok, so about his change in behavior when J is at rtr shows. Yes, changes some of his interactions with T because he's mindful of her. What's wrong with that? It shows his awareness that certain type of closeness to T will make her unhappy so he reigned it in. What's wrong with that? Some online Fans bitch when they get the choreo without the sluttiness and when they get the sluttiness they say isnt this guy engaged? They also bitch that he no longer waxes eloquent about his love for T. I dont understand why he should continue to do so. There is now a significant other in his life and he's mindful of her feelings. Again, what's wrong with that? If any these stans were the fiancee, let them tell me that they would want their man spouting love lyrics about his business partner. When there was no one whose feelings could be hurt, he could say whatever he wanted but now he's showing the same consideration to J that he's always shown T. I mean would the fandom sky not fall if scott were start spouting love lyrics about J while still skating with T. And yet, there are some who bitch that he doesnt seem "happy" for his future with J. Again, would not the fandom sky fall if he showed great happiness about going off with J while skating with T. Oh my, poor scott. What's the guy to do except please himself. And by the way, Tessa was the first one to extensively use the business partner label for them but when Scott uses it stans take offence. When he called them bandmates stans ridiculed him to death.
Anyway, to end my thots, if they tried the romance and it didnt work, they acknowledged this between themselves and moved on with the rest of their relationship
And if they're retiring after 22 years, what's wrong with that? its skating for gawd sake, fancy dancing as Scott says. There is actual real life to explore and see what else they can do. And if Scott doesn't yet have a firm going forward in place, so what? He's 32 years old. He's completed a first career already. He part owner of a revenue generating business that bears his name, which is benefitting more than just the online fandom. Scott is already accused of being a one-trick pony. Let the man explore what else he is capable of doing.
His net worth is $2 million as of August 2019, which he earned with his skill and talent. So whichever of you think your hard earned ticket money is paying for his wedding, maybe you can do the math for all the shows you attended in 2018 and 2019 and see how much your ticket expenditure actually contributed to his earnings. Send him your bill and ask for reimbursement. And while you're doing the math maybe you can get the numbers on how much it costs to raise an Olympian, pay for tour buses to bring the tours to where you attended, etc. Maybe when you're done with the math instead of Scott needing to reimburse you your ticket money for enjoying his skating shows, you may owe money to alma and Joe moir as part of the cost of mortgaging their house to finance their Olympian.
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