#I've wanted to draw so bad I was willing to ANIMATE something and I don't know squat about it
moonstruckdraws · 18 days
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testing my rendering again made this in an hour
I haven't been able to draw lately and decided to cram this out while on a break
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averygayplant · 3 months
everyone's re-blogging Lloyd and Zane forbidden scrolls of spinjitzu angst and this is my fucking MOMENT Here are two snippets I impulsively wrote that were made with my AU in mind but are fairly non specific anyway of Lloyd having a Bad Time trying to find him.
In my AU, Lloyd can 'see' others' energy and sense their presence in the world. He can very easily pick out the presence of other masters because their elements give their energies a unique kind of signature that makes them easy to discern. He's especially sensitive to the OG 4 and Nya since he grew up with them, and could probably find them from anywhere, as long as they're in the same realm as him.
If Lloyd had ever claimed to be cold before in his life, he'd grossly over exaggerated.
He'd experienced a great very many kinds of cold- the gnawing, algid sensation of being possessed by the dead, the damp, clinging chill of the Oni mist, the tepid, dry frost of the Underworld- just to name a few.
This, though. This was different.
The air was so frigid, it burned where it's icy tongue could kiss his flesh. The hard packed snow beneath his feet caused the creeping frore to leech under his skin and throughout his body. The bleak world around him was so stiff, so thick with frost that at times it seemed to Lloyd he was barely moving forward at all. His breath came out in short, shallow puffs, for the very act of drawing air into his lungs made his body scream in protest at the abuse, at the sharp, frostbitten sensation that stabbed into them with every inhale.
He'd have to find shelter soon. The frost seemed to build up, to weigh upon him- almost as if maliciously slowing his approach.
It felt as if the element itself had turned against him. The thought left a dry, bitter taste in his mouth- though, perhaps this was simply just from the cold…
Lloyd reached out again for who he'd lost, searching desperately for the light in the dark that he knew belonged to the one he was searching for. Bile rose in his throat when he realized it was even fainter than before- even more scattered, distant… And wrong.
It was all so wrong. Once again, he forcefully silenced the voice trying to tell him something, a truth he didn't want to hear.
"Please don't let me be too late," Lloyd murmured softly, another count to a total he'd lost track of- willing with all the might not spent trudging forward that the ones who decided their fates would listen to him just this once.
Just this once, he begged silently.
Just this once, and he'd never ask them of anything ever again.
He did not even let himself wish that the wolves would go away, when they howled almost as soon as he'd made that promise. He was the grandson of deities that tore themselves asunder- this god-forsaken realm would have to try a lot fucking harder if it wanted Lloyd to bend to its will- a lot harder.
The howl came again, and Lloyd came to a hesitant stop. He would not die today. Of that, he was damn certain. ______
The cold was truly near unbearable.
Even within the shelter of the Land Bounty, the frost crept in with a malicious vigor as Lloyd huddled beneath a blanket he had managed to scavenge from the wreck. The wolf by his side seemed content to doze peacefully, making small grunts in its sleep. He was still struck by how bright the red coloring on its fur was, stark against its thick, white pelt.
'Red', as Lloyd had been calling him, seemed strangely self aware for a normal animal- but then, Lloyd is self aware, and he's like, a quarter of two animals. Mythical ones sure, but… Eh.
"I hope Zane is okay," He softly spoke aloud, mostly to comfort himself with the sound of his own voice. Red's eye cracked open, and the wolf lifted his head up slightly.
"That's who I'm looking for," Lloyd explained, pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders. "He's… He's kinda like a brother to me. More than that, honestly… He's the closest thing I've ever had to- to a parent, I guess."
Red huffed, and his eye slipped back closed.
"I know, I know- Everyone kept saying that if he was taken by the Emperor- …It doesn't matter. I can still sense him, I know he's alive. Even if-" He sighs, closing his eyes, tentatively reaching out one more time. The presence that pushed back was borderline unrecognizable, scattered, and vague, but it was still there. He knew it was Zane, because as he reached further, he brushed against the others, too.
"As long as I know he's out there, I can't stop trying," He finishes quietly. "I owe him everything- and Ninja never quit. I'll find him, even if it's finally what puts me in my damn grave. He'd do that for us without any hesitation."
The wolf beside him huffed- but oddly, Lloyd sensed an approving tone within it, as if it was agreeing with his sentiment.
"You're an odd kind of creature. …Not that I can really say anything," he joked weakly, flicking the end of his tail. "…I guess I don't really belong much of anywhere, do I? Not this realm, or any other." He looked over to find the wolf staring at him, and attempted a smile. He knew it looked more like a grimace.
"I'm sure you have a family somewhere," he says absently. "…Or maybe you lost it in the cold, like I lost Zane. …But you're a pack animal, right? And even if…" Lloyd sighs, closing his eyes.
"Nevermind. No matter what happens, what matters is that we don't have to face it alone. …I don't want to face it all alone, not again. Not ever again." If he thought his tears wouldn't freeze as soon as they fell, he might've started crying.
Red must've known that, because he let out a low whine, tentatively moving close enough for his head to rest on Lloyd's tail.
"It'll be fine," he murmurs, mostly to himself. "It's fine. Zane's gonna be there, right? …And you, I guess. For as long as you want to travel with me. Where are you going, Red?"
The wolf did not respond, of course. Lloyd reached out again. He took no comfort from the strange, uncanny presence that greeted him, and eventually fell into a fitful sleep, plagued by unpleasant recollections of the creeping sensation of cold.
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-Kun Volume 3: Flowers Blossoming In The Night
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God, it's been two months already? I'm so used to the typical quarterly release of series that Kodansha's catchup schedule with Iruma has caught me completely off-guard, but I'm all for it since I get to read more of this series! And what a trip down memory lane it is. Crazy to think that it's only been 4 years since the anime started airing, it feels like it's been much longer than that. Anyways, enough of my reminiscing, let me talk details with this volume!
The more I tend to read in a single sitting, the more I tend to compare the art of various series to one another. It's not a great practice, as each artist is aiming for something different in the mix, but sometimes it can help in making me aware of things that I wasn't previously.
A really great example of this is character blocking or posing. It's definitely something you can easily take for granted, and might not always feel like something noteworthy to share (unless it's really good). But anyways, the point was in my reads throughout today, I read a few series that had rather stiff characters and designs. Comparing that with Nishi's already incredibly fluid art, I could really feel the difference and effort that went into character posing to match that fluidity. Something that really puts effort into providing a dynamic feel where applicable, which plays really well alongside Nishi's static and delayed approach to humor.
I know it's really bad to try and talk about something that's so difficult to properly be aware of and to explain, but just the posing and the little details with lines and whatnot adds a lot to how you perceive and react to the poses and drawings.
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Also, the Clara moment is this volume! But before that, some anime content (since I've gone to grab a screenshot). The anime actually adds content to this sequence/chapter, and it's a really great addition in my opinion. When Clara's down and out after being mocked by her classmates she returns home, rather deflated. To cut a long story short, it's a really great addition that drives home the importance of family and how they can reflect on/help with the confidence of a high school student and the troubles that face them at school.
Also an all-in-one seduction attempt from Clara that proves nearly fatal for Kalego.
But! The all-important question, how does the anime version of the Clara scene compare to the manga?
Well, I don't want to say it's a non-contest, but I think the manga has the strongest essence and feel to it. For me, it mostly lies in the eyes. The manga version is just that bit more squinted/narrowed, which makes it feel more happy and playful, resulting in a far more effective and true visage for Clara.
Now, that's not to say that the anime's version is a wash, it's still great and really close to the manga. It also has the advantage of being able to build up to the moment better.
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Moving on, I've talked at end about the expressiveness of Nishi's art, and how willing they are to get down and dirty with little differences in art and approach to characters and whatnot. With that in mind I'll spare the trouble of re-hashing that and instead turn my attention towards the messages of this volume.
Okay, maybe I lied a little. I just can't get enough of Nishi's range. Five total characters on the page, and all of them look so different. The shading, the use of color, they're all so varied. And most importantly, they're all so cute and fun.
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Anyways, there's just so many and they're all so natural and well integrated that you can easily miss them. Things like Iruma starting to take agency in his own decisions and life (even if it is in the underworld where he may be eaten alive).
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I think my two favorite moments from this volume in regards to messages though would be Iruma's run-in with Kiriwo, and Sully's conversation with the big 3. Both present such simple but impactful aspects for the characters and story at large.
With Kiriwo, while it is about Iruma finding someone "like him", it's got way more to it than that. It's about finding your place to belong, somewhere that you feel that it's okay to be yourself. Add on top of that its emphasis on equality and a desire to let everyone be equal, and it just speaks so much to Iruma as a character (thanks to his terrible childhood where he was powerless against the life he was forced into). Also, something something acting in an expected manner for the sake of popularity and acceptance.
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Now with Sully, it's not really something directly relating to Iruma, but I still love it so much. With the chance to unanimously take the Demon King's Throne and rule over the underworld, something that countless Demons aspire towards, he casually shrugs it off for the sake of his (new, and definitely not kidnapped) grandson. Especially these days, and doubly so under the guise of Japanese work culture, denying an effective promotion that would (as Sully puts it) "take me away from my Grandson" just carries so much weight. Choosing family and happiness over accolades and achievements, it's a really admirable and heartwarming piece.
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Just to re-wind a little, it's super great to see how strong and important Kalego's established to be as a character so early on. His hardline on the students about the importance of education, and the dangers of the world really is very strong right out the gates.
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Anyways, I think I've made my point on this volume very well. It carries everything that I love about this story, and even without motion or all the other addition of an anime, displays and depicts it wonderfully to the reader. It's got the same energy and excitement, and all the same important and valuable pieces to it as well. Just always, always a good time. Can't wait for the next volume to drop (in two months!).
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mdhwrites · 2 months
Have you seen the new HSR short, Rondo Across Countless Kapas? Got any thoughts? 👀
From an animation and sapphic perspective? HOLY FUCK! Absolutely gorgeous and I think what it's doing with Acheron is really interesting, even if it's essentially purely through visual storytelling. You could have the sound off and get everything interesting about the short.
Turn the sound on and you get the part I have a problem with: I'm kind of done with the Memokeeper. Not Black Swan, just the memokeeper element of her. I'll get into it soon but for those who haven't seen it, enjoy one of the best dances I've ever seen.
So what is my issue with the dialogue? Well, it's that Penacony has this problem of people getting into kind of grand speeches on a subject, even potentially mundane ones. Aventurine is always going on about power dynamics and hinting at his plan (this leads to the fucking god awful self quoting of like two paragraphs from himself at the end of 2.0), Sparkle is constantly using these big speeches to belittle people or mock them and Black Swan...
Black Swan is talking about memories. I'm not even against these monologues or the like but Black Swan has been in a LOT of marketing materials at this point and they ALL use her memokeeper element and very little of her fortunetelling element, usually only using the latter to emphasize the former in some way. It's just gotten very repetitive to me. Worse yet is that owning Black Swan AMPLIFIED this problem because it's more kind of mysterious, kind of not talk of dreams and the universe and memories and past that a lot of the rest of the big dialogue from her is. I want her to stop being so dramatic and be more personable, at least for a little while.
This isn't even me calling Black Swan a bad character. There is genuinely more to her with how playful she can be or how she is the best manipulator on Penacony so far because she can figuratively be two faced, something Sparkle needs literal shapeshifting powers for and Aventurine can't do to save his life, which the same goes for Himeko. She also sells the best though that she's genuinely a good person who just is willing to get her hands dirty but it is up to interpretation (honestly kind of frustratingly so. I don't like that I can't actually say a ton about each Penacony character so far due to their attempts at duplicity meaning fuck you on concrete characterization besides your flavor of manipulator. No, backstory does not count as characterization either.)
Edit: This could definitely also just be a me thing at this point. I rewatched it and not a lot of it is spent on talking about the past or memories. Black Swan is still playing up the mysteries of Penacony, something that I'm also getting a bit tired of, but she doesn't actually have many lines on memories themselves. It's just somehow kind of stuck in my brain for some reason this element of her being over represented and so it's what my brain ended up focusing on.
Let's end this on a positive though. Star Rail is normally not good at mysteries but the fact that Acheron genuinely seems disconnected from her Emanator state, when she draws the blade, is deeply interesting to me. It even fits within my theory, that we'll find out the truth on soon, that Acheron is an Emanator of Nihility. Speaking of, hi VERY explicitly to Ix within the violence montage. There is no way of getting around the fact that one of those sketches was of them front and center.
And from a dramatic standpoint, I love the presentation. The fact that bringing them up while clearly trying to get extra information out of Acheron, to have her mind have to go there so Black Swan could more easily grab the memories she might lie about, only for her to get fucked up like she does is INCREDIBLE. The fact that Acheron is so sincere in her confusion afterwards only adds to the horror of it all.
I... Am mixed on her knowing who they were. I frankly would love it if because the statement is the Annihilation Gang, not the Everflame Manor, that when she goes "Oh, right, those guys..." She's actually talking about the dumbasses from this destruction cult, since Duke Inferno isn't the only part of it, that got Aha's help to try to kill Ix. It'd be a way for them to have their cake and eat it too that I think fits better than the girl with eternal memory issues to suddenly actually remember killing them all.
Overall, I do like the animated short. If I were to just think of it in a vacuum, I even like Black Swan's dramatic narration. It's a good flourish to the action, explains what's going on well enough and her calm narration provides great contrast from when EVERYTHING gets fucked. My hangups are entirely a weird thing that's just kind of getting to me about Penacony and I'm not entirely sure if I expect it to get better or worse come 2.1.
I just know that thanks to my tax return (I did not spend all of it on Star Rail, don't worry) and knowing the top up refresh was happening, I did spend a good amount and am guaranteed to get Acheron, even if it takes 160 pulls like it took for Black Swan..., and I am looking forward to playing with her.
Just with tempered expectations.
And final note for those maybe hoping for it: I haven't been inspired by this short to write AcheSwan. I frankly wish I knew why I didn't get inspired by Star Rail more for my writing.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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yakuzacanons · 9 months
Can I request headcanons for the lads and a mute s/o? Maybe their s/o uses a draw pad to communicate (Kinda like the little girl in Yakuza 3, though it doesn't have to be trauma related)
Oooh this is a super cool idea. This one might be rather brief since I don't think I've ever met a mute person and I wouldn't wanna get too lost in the fictional sauce if that makes sense (never wanna misconstrue the truth about anyone with any disability or say something blatantly incorrect or offensive and all that). Headcanons below da cut though, have a good one!
Kazuma Kiryu
Honestly unfazed. Willing to learn how to communicate in whatever ways their s/o prefers, whether it's by writing in a notepad or ASL. Does his best to be accommodating as much as possible. Kiryu's had to face a lot of traumatic things and has met people with a lot of trauma so he's got the patience of a saint.
Majima Goro
Might be oblivious to it at first but once he realizes that his s/o is mute, he'll feel so bad and apologize. The most gentle of all of the boys with anyone with a disability, especially after spending so much time with Makoto. Speaks up on your behalf and would punch the hell outta anyone who tried to even think about making fun of you.
Akiyama Shun
A little confused at first but settles into things pretty fast. Gets used to his s/o pulling out a notepad to write down things. Type of guy to just bring his own notepad with him everywhere just in case his s/o needs something to write on.
Saejima Taiga
The biggest sweetie about it. Takes his time and never rushes you. Actually kind of interested in learning sign language if you wouldn't mind teaching him. Whatever method of communication you prefer, he'll go to great lengths to meet you in the middle and learn to communicate with you properly. Absolutely not judgemental at all.
Ryuji Goda
It's such a contrast to his typically boistrous and loud personality that it honestly teaches him a lot. You'll notice Ryuji becoming more patient, less inflammatory, and listening more when people speak. Totally the type of guy to be like "They said NO PICKLES" like in those memes.
Nishikiyama Akira
It honestly doesn't change a thing for him. Does a lot of hand gestures though, like thumbs up or thumbs down when asking if you'd like something at a store. Still talks just as much as he normally does, just gets more animated. Scared of losing you in a crowd though because he knows he's prone to panicking pretty fast.
Daigo Dojima
Gentle sweetie man. Would honestly teach himself sign language late at night after a long day so he could surprise you with it. If a pen and paper is your preferred method of communication, he'll get you a nice notebook with good quality paper and a set of nice pens. He knows he doesn't really understand what you're dealing with but wants to at the very least have or provide the tools necessarily to make things smoother for you.
Mine Yoshitaka
Would have whole conversations with you in a notepad, just the two of you writing back and forth. It may seem silly, especially if you're not actually deaf, but Mine kind of likes that it's a way of talking that only the two of you can participate in without the prying ears of his coworkers or the nosiness of judgemental strangers. Type of man to leave little notes around the house saying encouraging things or telling you he loves you.
Tatsuo Shinada
Loud enough for the two of you. Very much the type of guy who, upon the two of you walking into a cafe, to proudly say "table for TWO, please!" while holding up two fingers. Totally fine with you being quiet, although at first he might confuse that with something being wrong until he understands that you're just completely mute. Points at stuff a lot for some reason, like for example if you're ordering food, he'll point at the spicy symbol as a way of asking if you want it spicy or not.
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pray4byron · 3 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a romantic Hazbin Match up!
Just call me Olivia.
Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight
Style: My style ranges depending on my mood but it consistantly falls into three categories of dresses (Usually knee length with a fit and flare waist), comfy (Sweaters and comforters), and sexy (Think corsets and bustiers.). I like wearing make-up and styling my hair into cute styles (Sadly I suck at braiding.) Shoes… honestly I think I like all shoes except crocks. I love Nail art too!
Hobbies/Interest: Drawing, singing, gaming, reading and shopping. I like trying out new things from activities and foods. Favorite subjects are history, mythology, and computer science, and I like building furniture when I have a guide.
Book genres: Romance, Fantasy, Historical, and Mystery
I'm called a social butterfly by everyone I know. I've also been told I have a tendency to adopt introverts into my circle and care for them. No joke, I've been invited to place because I'm willing to talk to strangers and not shy away from conversation. I've been told that I'm very entertaining to be around because I'm very bubbly and animated in my interactions because I like making people happy.
Jokes on everyone because internally I'm very shy and a nervous wreck, I just know how to hide it well. I definitely can suffer from feeling inadequet and have imposter syndrome XD Honestly to quote my favorite character: I'm an insecure, neurotic control freak… on crack. I can also be materialistic and pouty.
I'm very protective over my loved ones, think "Hurt them, I hurt you and no one will find the body." I tend to hover over loved ones if they are sick or sad and help take care of them.
I also can definitely be a bitch but usually the other person deserves my ire. I also will hold grudges if people backstab me or my loved ones. They can say they are sorry but I will not trust them again nor will I let them near my circle of people.
Fav Foods: I love spicy foods, baked goods, and love trying to make new dishes or eating them.
Love Languages: Physical Touch: I love to cuddle, hug and everything else under the sun. If I'm kissed on the forehead, I will swoon.
Emotional: This is a must because if there's no emotional connection why is there a relationship to begin with. I want to be able to talk to my partner and them to me no matter the situation. Both the good and the bad.
Gift giving: I don't care what kind of gift, for me it's the thought that counts that I was on his mind.
My type: I'm very specific in my type so I'mma choose two good and one bad: I want someone loving and caring, and not a jackass. Otherwise I will be the one punching them.
Lord… I sound like a mess XD I feel bad for this but I'm really curious so good luck!
hello olivia!! this was one i wasn’t so sure on who i was gonna do, but i decided on…
Sir Pentious !!
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Pentious definitely fits your type imo because he’s actually so genuine and sweet like I would not understand anyone who thinks he’s a jackass lmao
He’s very big on physical touch, but he’s scared shitless to initiate like anything ever, so the fact that he doesn’t have to worry too much calms him down a lot haha
Pen is a bit shy and a tad bit of a wreck haha so the fact that you’re social enough to draw him out of his shell a little AND aren’t too crazy for him is something that matches well with the row of you <3
He also feels very flattered if you ever get protective over him, it kinda makes him all warm inside, like you care about him so much to be protective? Like bro, he’s swooning
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megaawkwardhuman · 10 months
hello hi hey I'm icarus (but I'm also fine with virgo) and welcome to my blog!
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idkf how you got here but uhhh congrats?
also sorry if parts of the gif look weird idfk how to fix it
I'm a neurodivergent artist who talks about gay vampires (wwdits) a lot!
I do have other interests tho like ofmd, good omens, hannibal, re-animator, interview with the vampire, watcher, the band ghost, the world of mr plant, and south park (it's just that wwdits is just what I think about the most)
things I've made:
I've written a few fic before and one can be found on my blog! it's a post season 4 nandermo fic and here's a link if you wanna check it out :)
as for the rest can be found on my ao3 here! (I'm not going to move the post season 4 fic there mainly cause idk if I really wanna)
I made a uquiz a few months ago that basically tells you what you would be if you where in the wwdits universe (a vampire, a familiar. an energy vampire etc)
I have an instagram that I just post my art to and that's really it
things I like to make:
as you can probably gather by now I primarily do pixel art but I also like to doodle/sketch with good old pencil and paper
I make a LOT of kandi (primarily singles) buuut I don't really post it on here (I mean unless someone asks me to I'm more than willing to share)
I kinda write? like I've written fics before and I DO have a bunch of wips but it's kinda hard for me to finish a fic due to the fact that I get distracted easily and the fact that I'm really dyslexic (you have no idea how badly I wanna fist fight the english language in a denny's parking lot at 3am)
oh while it's not a medium or anything but I'd like to mention I LOVE to draw characters from the media I like as pastel bunnies! (tho at this current moment it's primarily wwdits characters I draw) is it weird? yeah but I like to so I'm not stopping anytime soon if you want a rough explanation as to why I made a long post about it
fav characters:
guillermo de la cruz from wwdits (seriously I'm fucking feral for this man he's my top blorbo atm! he has my gender in a chokehold and I relate to him A LOT also harvey guillen is just really fucking hot-)
nandor the relentless also from wwdits (not as crazy about him but like he fascinates me and I love his goofy cringefail vibes... HE'S ALSO REALLY HOT-)
dib from invader zim (while I haven't watched invader zim in a while I still consider dib to be a fav! hell he's my fucking profile pic. he's one of the first ever characters in something I've seen that I've related to)
stede from ofmd (he's a huge fucking mood and I too jump into things head first without any plans whatsoever)
argos from twomp (a new addition to my fav character list since I stumbled upon twomp more recently. idk I just like him like go googly eye man date that murderous plant dude! wow that must sound weird to those who don't know what the world of mr plant is XD. it also might have to do with the fact that he's kinda socially awkward)
mr plant from twomp (another new addition. idfk something about that murderous plant I find oddly relatable? I think it's the fact that he's also socially awkward. arguably more than argos)
herbert west from re-animator (idk I think this autistic man with no care for ethics is neat)
I have more but for now those are the ones I'm gonna list :)
other shit:
as I've already said I have dyslexia, I possibly have ADHD (never officially diagnosed buuuuut really fucking confident I do and a past therapist said I most likely do), I keep running into situations where I question if I have autism or not so take that as you will, and despite what it may seem I have really REALLY bad social anxiety (well I have overall anxiety too but let's just say there's a reason I spend a lot of time online and not out and about)
asks as you can already tell are open
DMs are also open (tho I will say it's mainly to mutuals)
nandermo shipper but I'm fine with other ships involving the two :)
overall I try to be nice on here cuz there's enough negativity out there why add to it? tho key word here is try (I've gone on small rants here before and there's the possibility I will again)
I really REALLY fucking love bats and frogs THEY'RE JUST LITTLE GUYS HOW CAN I NOT?
there will be moments where for one reason or another (sleep deprived, sad, bored, it's a tueday, etc etc) I'll be reminded that oh yeah I fucking love frogs and will just start spam reblogging frog posts so be warned if you see me reblog a frog photo and read the words frog blogging or frog posting in the tags run while you still can (or don't cuz frogs are the best and need to be loved and cherished)
tag stuff:
misc thoughts/ideas/this tag is mainly random shit: throwing up my thoughts onto tumblr again
theories/meta/looking too much into small stuff: word garbage™
answering asks: answering stuff
my art: *funny tag for my art*
bunny art related posts: bun stuff
mothman memo related posts: mothman memo stuff
fanfics I've written: gather around and lend me your time
edits I've made: edit shmedit
memes I've made: brought to you by ms paint
show + tags thing: + tags
all the weekly wwdits sparkle on images: sparkle on it's gay vamp day!!!
posts that involve irl friends of mine: friend chaos
follow for a fuck ton of reblogs, art, and long tangents about whatever takes over my mind atm
thanks for reading, have a nice day, and remember: baby bats are called pups
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this has nothing to do with this post I just thought this was important info plus I just wanted to throw in this cute bat image I found on google
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thesoulbox · 6 months
Whoop!! Hello!! This is just some basic info about me and the such, as well as some other things I'd like you to know!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Name: Maple/Reese/Sol
Pronouns: She/He/They
Writing / Drawing / Animating / Painting / Reading / Roleplaying / Gaming
FNAF / TWD (Game + Show) / Warrior Cats / The Office / TLOU / DBH / Adventure Time + Fionna And Cake / TOH / Amphibia
As of recent I have been incredibly hyperfixated on The Office and FNAF (specifically Security Breach)
How long have you been on Tumblr?: I've literally never used it before but I've had an account for a little while for reading stories and such, I honestly have no clue what I'm doing :)
What are your socials?: I have a YouTube, an Instagram, and an AO3 account! I also have Discord but I'd rather keep that personal! Here are some links below!
Are writing requests open? Yes yes yes!! I'm thinking of making a fnaf sb oneshot book, so feel free to send in story prompts! (Extra points if its a Gregory and Freddy duo prompt or something with Gregory, Cassidy, or C.C ^^)
Is the art on your account yours?/May I use your art? All art on this account is mine unless stated otherwise! If you would like to use my art/catified designs that's fine! Just please provide credit!!
Will you do requests for other fandoms? I don't mind doing requests or prompts for different fandoms in my fandoms list! Just please note that I most likely will take longer on them due to my own inability to stay focused on something that I'm not hyperfixated on!!
What are your boundaries? I will not tolerate any kind of nsfw content nor will I create anything of the sort, I am willing to write graphic content (violence-wise) and I don't mind writing darker topics, just please do not take requests too far. Constructive criticism is allowed, just please be gentle!!
As for my personal boundaries, please do not pester me over requests or story updates, I get demotivated really easily and being harrassed doesn't help matters any. I'd prefer it if you used tone tags whilst talking to me, I struggle with tone in text!! My anxiety is a menace and I tend to freak out and panic over simple topics like, discussions of heart issues, discussions about death, pet loss, etc. If a conversation is becoming too much I will let you know, all I ask is that you respect my boundaries 😭(also please do not bring up nsfw shizbiz in my messages, it's just yuck.)
Do you accept questions/ideas? Yes of course!! Feel free to send it in the ask thingy or in my messages!!
Do you have OCs? SLAPS DOWN A BIG ASS BOOK OF TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN. You called? I'll occasionally post art of them, so keep a lookout for that! I'm also willing to answer questions about them as well! :)
How long have you been writing fanfiction? I've technically been writing fanfics since I was 10?? But they were self inserts and they were really bad, I used to write x readers when I was 11-12 but I eventually stopped writing fanfics to write my own stories. I'm just now starting up again on AO3 after a 3 and a half year break!
Are there any certain requests you want? Anything FNAF SB related would be an absolute godsend. like I said before, I am absolutely stuck on it LMAO
Will you share stories/headcanons/art here? I will be sharing my stories on ao3 here, as well as some little character headcanons I have! Along with some catified refs of them because I can't draw a human for the life of me. I will also be sharing oc art and animations here but don't expect too much of that LMAO
But uhh I believe that's all! I can't think of anything else but if you have any other questions, just message me! Dont make it personal though or I'll hit your kneecaps with a shovel!! I can't wait to learn more about you all, have a lovely day! <3
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hoontsart · 13 days
I haven't drawn anything since I was a little kid and stopped drawing because I was bad at it. I am far worse than every sample of "I started out here, look where I am now!" I've seen. As near as I can tell I could learn how to draw if I invested an hour or two a day for a year, but whenever I do an exercise I am overwhelmed with self-hatred and have to stop within minutes. I don't think I can endure this for a week, let alone a year.
Are there any paths where I can at least learn something relatively quickly? I know that anything good takes time and I'm probably a horrible person for wanting skill to come quickly, but I think if I can see some progress, create something which at least looks something like what it's supposed to look like, I'll be more willing to put in effort to get better.
There are a lot of different paths you can take to help improve your drawing skills quickly, some more difficult than others. However, getting frustrated and overwhelmed is a big obstacle to learning that has to be overcome first.
I think the first thing you should do is find something art related that's fun. Coloring books, paint by number, any sort of little craft thing that you don't have to think very hard about and you just get to make. Hell, even something like those super simple "how to draw [animal]" step by step guides for little kids. You could also just do little doodles, like drawing circles and turning them into silly cat faces or frogs or flowers. Meditation drawing is also an option.
My suggestion would be to take that invested hour per day and spend half of it trying to follow some kind of art course like Draw-a-Box, doing figure studies like on Line of Action, or tutorials on one subject at a time, like drawing just eyes or just hands, etc. Then, after that half hour, or sooner if you start to feel frustrated, switch to your fun craft and just enjoy the process of coloring or doodling something. 50% Study, 50% Play. I think the Draw-a-Box lessons will suggest the same thing.
The most important thing when it comes to art isn't being good at it, it's enjoying the process so you not only want to learn more, but strive for the challenge of improving. It's never going to be perfect at the start, but that doesn't matter if you're having fun.
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leorawright · 8 months
oh my gosh how did i miss that u have overwatch matchups available???(it's a very easy answer. i am never on tumblr)
If you would be so kind as to do romantic one for me:
I am a genderfluid afab person and the only thing shorter than me is my patience. I am demisexual/demiromantic, poly, and like all genders.
I get angry really easily but hate showing it so i just end up going around in a bad mood acting like everything is ok
i have pretty bad anxiety and appreciate having someone confident enough around to help me with simple tasks(ex ordering food or speaking on the phone) but who won't make fun of me. I can also send myself into a spiral by thinking of things that stress me out. So someone who is a steady presence i always appreciate.
I enjoy all things creative. I mostly write and draw but am willing to try new things all the time.
I look at things in a very logical way. I don't like using my emotions to make decisions and i enjoy learning new things all the time. I am a naturally curious person who is always looking to expand my knowledge.
I have a mix of so many things wrong with my brain. ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression. I work really hard on them but sometimes i have days where i just struggle.
Mixed and can speak a lil bit of spanish. It isn't perfect but i can struggle my way thru most conversations.
I really like someone who is open with what i do wrong. Just tell me what i need to fix and don't make it into a whole thing. Open communication is very important to me. I don't want to feel like im walking on eggshells around them if they are too sensitive
I am a VERY determined person, once i set my mind on something i won't give up easily. I can almost be stubborn in my pursuit of goals.
I enjoy gaming, reading, watching anime/cartoons(i don't rlly like live action shows), drawing, and learning new things.
I LOVE cooking. Giving food to others and sharing a meal/snacks is a way of showing love to me. I honestly take it a bit like an insult if someone i care about isn't willing to give me a bite of food off their plate. I know it's silly so i never say anything about it or hold it against them. But to me sharing food and wanting others to experience the same good food as you is the same as saying "i love you" a million times.
I like toys and stuffed animals and cartoons and other stereotypically "childish" things. I'm not ashamed of it.. (well... usually...)
I love joking around and a good pun can get me wheezing from laughter.
I'm not much of a social person, and prefer to spend my time indoors and alone with only one or two other people. I enjoy parallel play and comfortable silences.
I hope this wasn't too much... i just can be really wordy and ramble a lot.. sorry!
I've picked out....
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Definitely the calm presence you need and never ever considers making fun of you for your social anxiety.
He enjoys seeing the things you write and draw and offers genuine compliments about everything
He also encourages having direct conversations and if he ever needs to talk to you he'll get straight to the point
He thinks your determination is admirable. Just make sure you eat and drink and take breaks or else he'll get super concerned
He can't really eat any of the food you make but he wishes he could (if only to see you smile)
Expect to receive a couple stuffed animals that he saw and got because he thought of you
If you enjoy a bit of sarcastic or sassy humor then Zenyatta will definitely make you laugh (he still doesn't really understand normal jokes tho...)
Zenyatta also enjoys comfortable silence especially if he's meditating you're just doing your usual things
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2xplusungood · 9 months
Im just gonna say it: My opinion is that recent "rebalances" to minecraft absolutely have sucked immensely lately, namely these two big ones:
Netherite changes: So now instead of simply mining the 24+whatever you need for tools ancient debris, you now also have to obtain netherite upgrades found in Bastion chests, which not only adds what feels like a completely unnecessary step to something that already requires a decent amount of commitment, but now gives the same problem to netherite armor that Elytras have: With limited world sizes, items that can only be collected through exploration are much more finite. Have fun no longer being able to have netherite on public servers becuase a group of the more grind-motivated players already have all the netherite upgrades in the world and have decided to gatekeep them from other people. Either that, or they are super generous with it and hand them out to everyone, which completely INVALIDATES the change's point of making netherite harder to get. In essence, it basically adds griefing potential without making it an overall better game.
Villager changes: This one I've seen coming for a long time now, ever since the Mojang devs hopped on Hermitcraft with Doc and said that villager changes were coming.
In my opinion, the biggest issue with villager trading is the random nature of trades and sitting there breaking and places lecterns to hopefully get mending. I think having a more straight forward way of getting the enchantment you want is a step in the right direction but its still probably the worst possible way it could've been implemented.
First off, you need to find a swamp biome (which holy shit I am so goddamned tired of wandering in random directions hoping to find a specific biome, not becuase I think its cool but because theres some specific bullshit I need from it before I leave it forever)
Then at the BARE MINIMUM, you now have to transport villagers TO that biome. I don't feel like I can stress enough how bad of an idea this is. Moving and transporting villagers is extremely annoying and is downright DISCOURAGED by the game (Lures do not work on them and theres no way to make them follow you becuase they are... you know... supposed to be PEOPLE and not just animals)
It was, however, by no means impossible and could still be done if you really needed to have them somewhere but it was never something you HAD to do to get specific items and if they do not add the two missing village types, you will now.
My next point is that Mojang seems to want to kill any gameplay outside of their views of how to play the game. Like I keep seeing these youtubes parroting the fact that "oh you can build these super overpowered villager breeders and converters to get super cheap trades" without actually answering "how is this a bad thing"
One of the biggest draws of minecraft is the extremely low skill floor but extremely high skill ceiling. A casual player can get all the tools they need to make whatever they like on a small to medium scale, but someone who is more willing to push minecraft to its limits are happily given the tool necessary to do so, regardless of how gamebreaking they can be.
Want infinite iron? Break the game by making a golem farm
Infinite copper: Break the game by utilizing the absolutely absurdly obscure mechanic of zombie reinforcements and then convert them to drowns.
Slime: Making a slime farm in a slime chunk or swamp using mushrooms
Need infinite TNT? Dupe it using coral, a mechanic that is 100% a bug but at this point will not be fixed (For the time being, barring any sudden changes in developer opinion) due to its millions of uses.
The point Im making is that farms not only add a means for getting a ridiculous amounts of materials to make ridiculous buildings that would otherwise take way more time, but also add a whole new layer of gameplay for the insane tech-minded crowd
Zombie discounts however? Somehow they are bad. Somehow, the ability to get cheap trades through a VERY involved process (Either you are manually infecting and curing them like a psychopath or building the infrastructure to automatically infect and cure them like a high functioning pyschopath). Its so terrible how you can... get certain enchantments easier... or get glass easier... or mid tier armor and weapons/tools? Like you don't even get these resources passively like most farms and each villager you bring into your trading hall requires some manner of time investment.
So WHY nerf villagers? Are they the most fun to deal with? Is actually doing this farms the pinnacle of gameplay? Not really, but the answer would be to streamline this process (Being able to manually cycle trades without constantly breaking the workblock would be a good start) and not just take it out back and old yeller that shit.
My tinfoil is that some Microsoft exec found out about villager farms and decided it didn't fit with the kid-friendly brand they've made.
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dappercritter · 1 year
On the Knuckles series announcement:
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Okay first of all, obviously I'm happy to see that hat return.
And more Maddie ofc.
But I'm worried about the plot. Not because of how much game lore we'll get referenced or how well they'll pull of the premise of "Iconic Character trains Comic Relief Character That Was Okay I Guess in the ways of the warrior, hijinx ensue" but because I'm worried I'm getting bored of the Sonic Cinematic Universe.
This is an entirely subjective criticism, so just know this is more of a vent than a real criticism post.
That said, as much as I liked the first movies for what they were able to do right, I feel like these movies are being held back by their attempts to mesh the creator's passion for the games with the studios' need to make it a basic funny animal movie series.
It's not offensively bad as the Peter Rabbit movies which had the charm of the source material gutted to make a James Corden vehicle, but it feels like it's got the same symptoms. The feeling like somebody feels it would be more marketable to focus on Sonic characters interacting with our world than fully indulging in Sonic's world. Something that I'm more willing to blame on Paramount execs than anybody onboard the creative team for the record.
I do think that part of this disappointment is me and some folks hoping that Knuckles was going to get a dedicated character study like Peacemaker or The Mandalorian (but with a red echidna), but without drawing unfair comparisons... Sonic Prime is doing it better?
Maybe not as a Knuckles show, but Sonic Prime while definitely made more for the fans and rushed because of the binge model curse is unapologetic about being about Sonic. The story is about Sonic, the characters of Sonic's world, and Sonic's world itself. It's written by people who love the games and want to make stories about the world of the games!
It doesn't feel the need to dress it up as a mid cgi animal buddy comedy thinking this will somehow make it more approachable to non-fans, or to hold back the stuff the fans came for with run-of-the-mill human characters.
(Alright, I'm going to just come out and say it: the Watchowski's are really nice in theory, but in execution they're a pretty average family.)
Well now that I've probably gone below the belt, now's the part where I remind everyone that you're welcome to enjoy what you like, and the show isn't even out yet so any real attempts to critique it are moot.
That and I don't have Paramount+ yet and I don't want it, so. Yeah. That's bit of a turn off, too.
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zip-toonz · 1 year
if u have ANYTHING to say abt trevor (either your interpretation, anyone else's, or just plain old canon trevs) id LOVE to hear abt it...i care abt him soooo much trevor fans make some noise ‼️
I HAVE MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT TREVOR WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!! First and Foremost I have to say I love your interpretations of the characters! I love reading your head canons and Ideas and I'm honored my stuff inspired you like your work inspires me! (Obsessed with Schrödinger's Trevor). I should draw our Trevors hanging out sometime I think that would be a fun art piece! Also the fanart you made for the PLA au still makes me go crazy /pos
ALRIGHT *cracks my knuckles so hard my bones turn to dust* Trevor time! Read more cause I never shut up about Trevor
Trevor is by far my favorite Pokémon character of all time. I use to spend hours scrounging up any fanart I could find back in like 2013-15. I'm pretty sure he did things to my gender identity. Trevor of Trans your Gender.
He reminds me a lot of one of my other big time blorbos Mary Ann
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Something about kids with this hairstyle I guess haha. I think they'd get along though they have similar personalities.
My Interpretation of Trevor!!
My interpretation of Trevor is a weird amalgamation of the game, manga, and anime. And sometimes I have multiple interpretations of him depending. But the one that I have a design for is a solid mix of all. He likes photography and wants to complete the pokedex. Gets really excited seeing Pokémon even if its a Pokémon he's already seen before and yet is very shy when meeting new people. He's only really comfortable with his friends, his sister, and Sycamore (who is effectively his father figure). Very smart but kind of clumsy, he tends to get a little beat up because he focuses in on things and forgets his surroundings. He's not big on battling but he loves studying Pokémon and want's to be a professor when he's older just like Sycamore. He takes photos of pokemon and keeps them in a little scrapbook with help from Shauna. Also he thrifts all his clothes and can never find anything that fits him just right.
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Canon Trevor HCs
I tend to have sadder head canons for him due to the lack of parents. I don't think he likes Celebrating his birthday because his parents are never there to celebrate it with him. He has a hard time making friends and is always silently worried his friends will leave him one day. He's scared of getting hurt and so he tends to shut himself off from others involuntarily because he's scared of being abandoned again, and most of the time he only meets new people through the others in his friend group. Sycamore is one of the few adults he trusts.
Because of the manga I like to think he has this sixth sense of snuffing out harmful or dangerous people based on their aura. Lysander makes this kid faint his vibes are so bad. But that's really just for fun rather than anything serious or concrete.
I think he's got a wet paper bag for a stomach and gets queasy very easily. Its possible his anxiety has something to contribute to his health. and he should probably be on some kind of medication to manage it.
I love love love how hes handled in the manga. He's not the coward he thinks he is. He's scared but he's willing to fight for what he believes in. He's willing to stand up for his friends even when he struggles to stand up for himself and its so nice watching him grow.
I have a few aus major with Trevor PLA and REVIVAL are my two major ones but there's also Paldea (a spin off following PLA) and Wondar (My fan region that features him minorly)
Despite both major ones having godly deer screwing him over in one way or another I characterized him differently
In PLA is emotionally dead. He's got no fucks left to give and handles Pokémon with his bare hands. He's exhausted and numb. I don't think I've talk a lot about him and his relationships in PLA but he practically adopted by Laventon, and ends up making good friends with Akari and Rei. When he does return home he finds himself missing them a lot. Also he never wants to see another shinx in his life hes got scars for days from shinx alone. Also theres a Yanmask with a mask of him implying he died before returning home. (Paradoxical nonsense but its meant to represent the part of him that lived in paldea and not the part of him that died if that makes any sense? its like the physical manifestation of the impact he had on the past).
In the Revival au (sometimes lovingly called Revival Rival cause its fun to say) he's physically dead. He's practically a walking corpse with a conscious. His heart barely beats, his skin is cold. A medical anomaly. Xerneas splinters a piece of its power off (so to speak) to bring him back because humans are far more complicated than foliage. Because of this he can understand Pokémon, Flowers grow in his wake, and can revive fainted Pokémon. It seems neat but to him it just further alienates him from his peers and is a responsibility he doesn't want to have to handle. Its overwhelming. He can't stray too far from Xerneas who's is practically his life support. I've jokingly compared it to a soul gem from Madoka where if he strays to far he slows down and then eventually loses consciousness/dies again. Theres a grace radius but he can't really explore places like Lumiose anymore because Xerneas can't/won't follow. Meaning he can't go home. He lingers around smaller towns and forest. When emotinally distressed he loses his ability to control these new powers.
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anyway!! enough of me rambling!! if you wanna talk about him more or have follow up questions just ask!! My dms are also open!! I can keep talking about this silly lil guy for ever!
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dany36 · 1 year
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i did it! 😍 I finished the game before New Years! I rushed the final part of the game and skipped the sub events that you can apparently do before the final fight, but since I eventually plan to replay this as Milla, I’ll just do them there. definitely enjoyed this game and I’m glad I finally got a chance to complete it. I felt like right after the big plot twist with Maxwell and Milla, the game kind of…hmmm dipped a bit in terms of the story pacing for me. but that ending?? fuck yes!!!!! <3 thank you namco for not going down the usual path of male protag + female protag = lovers. anyway, more long ramblings about this beautiful game below because i need to (as usual) dump out my feelings about it!
so first for the things i liked.
milla!! holy crap, she's definitely become one of my all-time favorite characters in the tales series and i'm aching to start a drawing of her. what an amazing character. she's such a determined, courageous, strong-willed, bad-ass woman, and OF COURSE i'm a huge sucker for female characters who just know what they're about and don't let anything or anyone stand in their way! yeah her anatomy is outrageous (she looks like she could snap in half at any moment) but just like velvet i'm letting it slide because her characterization is just wonderful. she starts out not really caring for anyone or anything but her "mission" and protecting humans and spirits alike, but then elize happens!! leia happens!! and of course jade happens as well but like!! elize and leia never hesitate to show their care, love, and admiration for milla and just ahhhhh their relationship in the game is everything to me. that post-battle scene of milla patting elize and thanking her for her help would always make my heart want to explode of joy. 🤧 thank you namco for feeding me with such an admirable protagonist who clicked so well with the rest of the female characters. can't wait to play her side of the story!
i've already mentioned in another post how much i love teepo (hands down best tales mascot yet), but i also loved elize and leia as well. i know it's implied that jiao had something to do with elize's parents but next time i'll try to do more sub-events about her to learn more about her past and well, just learn more about her overall. leia snuck her way into joining the party and although at first i didn't really care for her, she is also super helpful in battle and her bubbly personality is what was missing from the party before she joins. i just didn't like (and understand?) why she kept saying/thinking that she was getting in the way or holding the party back because...excuse me queen when does that ever happen lol you are nothing but helpful. she right away agrees to help jude and milla look for what they need to get milla to walk again and puts her life at risk for it, how is that holding them back? maybe there's something i missed but yeah, pure love for elize and leia.
the fighting system in this game is so damn good and fun omg, probably my favorite after berseria. linking arts is so satisfying and reminded me of those final attacks you could pull off in arise, except with like...you could execute them any time you filled up the linking bar and not just waiting for an enemy to almost die. i played as jude most of the time but in my next playthrough i will definitely play as milla since her attacks looked so fun as well.
that plot twist about milla having been built by maxwell to bait out exodus was totally unexpected for me and i was just in shock watching all those cutscenes play out. from clapping of joy that milla finally gets The Four back to having my mouth agape at leia and alvin fighting. like...damn, the storytelling and pacing of this story might not be the best but that portion of the game was really good. again, can't wait to see what the hell is going on with milla in that time that jude is all down and depressed!
so many animated cutscenes, and of course all of them are a joy to watch! i'm not entirely sure but i think out of all the tales games i've played, i felt like this one really had the most? either way, would always love whenever we'd get one since i love how they animate milla!
the ending. wow. i really thought they were going to go down the usual route of "male protag and female protag fall in love and stay together" because well, jude fell head over heels for milla but i never really got the impression that milla felt the same way for jude (again, need to play milla's side). i thought for sure that milla was going to find a way to live as a human, kind of what happens with ratatosk and emil in symphonia 2, but to my pleasant surprise, that doesn't happen! milla doesn't even HESITATE to say no to maxwell to his idea of her living as a human using the schism's mana--she right away knows that she will live on as maxwell and continue her duty to protect spirits and humans alike. GOD that just made me adore her character even more! i mean SURE it sucks for her because she herself says something along the lines of being sad that she will have to leave her found family behind, but (after looking it up in the youtubes cus i just couldn't wait) she says in the post-credit scene that she is proud of the path she has chosen! she has no regrets!! what a fucking queen!!!!!!!!!!
and honestly i much prefer this ending in regards to jude and milla's relationship: a relationship based on admiration and respect for each other because SHEESH it's such a breath of fresh air and i'm so so so glad that namco went this route for them because i was seriously dreading the cliched ending lol. not that i'm against the usual female protag + male protag ending up together--as long as the proper development is there (see marta and emil, luke and tear etc), but again i just felt like the feelings were very one-sided from jude so hurray for this ending!
ok and the part where elize puts teepo away? i literally screamed "NOOOOO" and was so sad but at the same time proud of elize because she no longer has to depend on teepo to express herself! and she has friends now! but still it was a depressing scene to see just because of how much i loved teepo :(
alright, now for the dislikes:
the music. this one is no surprise because honestly, ever since symphonia 2, i feel like tales games just have not done well in the music department. i think there's like one or two songs that i might have to download for my collection, but other than that, yet another disappointment in the series.
the overworlds. sorry but they were so boring and predictable to explore after like...the third or so area! they all pretty much have the same layout except with different colors. just really nothing interesting about them and the same music for almost all of the areas wasn't helpful either. if xillia 2 has the same layouts to its overworld i will seriously scream lol.
the voice acting. i think this game has the worst (english) voice acting in all of the tales games i've played, and it was especially jarring after coming from symphonia 2, which i thought did such an excellent job with its voice acting. it didn't have a japanese option otherwise i would have chosen it. those character pop-in voices that would occur during battles where your characters would say something just wouldn't match with the intensity of the character portraits, plus half the time i wouldn't even be able to hear what the hell they were saying. also, as much as i love elize, her voice just didn't sound like a 12 or 13 year old (or however old she's supposed to be). i felt like jude's and leia's voice acting was also pretty meh, like the skits would sometimes really have no oomph to them or were pretty monotone. milla's had the same issue to her but with her you can kinda brush it off due to her personality. i initially didn't really like milla's voice acting at all but overtime it ended up becoming my favorite out of the main gang lol.
alvin... oh boy. i'm sorry to alvin fans, i know he's supposed to be like the complex character of the gang, kind of like how zelos was, but unlike zelos whom i eventually learned to SOMEWHAT like despite his many flaws, alvin never really grew on me and i had no interest in learning more about his character. maybe my mind will change once i get another playthrough of the game, but his constant betrayals and running away just got old after the second time and honestly it was annoying. yeah he was part of exodus since he was a kid and did what he needed to survive, but eugh i never really felt he clicked well with the rest of the party, even when he was moping around before the final battle and elize went and cheered him up. good thing that milla and jude never gave up on him since it's thanks to his cousin that we learned about how spyrites worked, but other than that........next!!!
the antagonists. so weak. i already talked a bit about this, but nachtigal? lame af. also he was alvin's uncle? whatever, the game never really gave me a reason to want to feel sympathy for him, so i brushed over this "revelation" as fast as the game did. plus his presence throughout the game was barely felt? presa, agria, and wingul, eh, also whatever. i thought it was cool how you got to work "with them" for a bit, which was a nice surprise, but other than that, just like alvin, don't really care for them. not sure if there are sub-events where you can learn more about their past (like presa's parents abandoning her or whatever), so i'll try to be more on the lookout for them in my next playthrough, but honestly...not really impressed. i would say that this is probably the weakest thing about the game, i didn't really ever felt threatened by any of the antagonists throughout it.
the pacing after the maxwell twist. ok, one thing that really bothered me was that...jude decides that he wants to save elympios and reiza maxia, because obviously that's what a protagonist does: they want to sacrifice no one and save everyone. but my problem with this was that, before this, the game never really gives you, the player, a reason to care for elympios? at this point you know two people that are from there: nachtigal, who we barely know anything about and is just plain evil, and alvin, who...has betrayed the party countless of times and is heavily disliked by the most innocent person in the party (i forget if leia also actively hates him like elize?). he isn't exactly someone that the game managed to get me to have sympathy for, unlike sheena from symphonia or shionne from arise, both who are from a different world which you are also trying to save. so like, why should i also share the same mission as jude? but ok, whatever, it's the obvious noble thing to do even though i don't understand it, fine. but even THEN! the whole elympios bit felt severely rushed. tethe'alla is laughing. like i think only 8 hours pass from when jude says he wants to save elympios to the end of the game. so in this time you go to elympios, learn how spyrites can help its people (and somehow this is credited to jude because...why again? lol), explore two small areas of this brand new alien planet, volt makes an appearance, gaius and muzet are out trying to destroy spyrixes everywhere (although this was more of a tell rather than show bit cus i never got this impression from the game), the gang has a crisis of whether to stick with milla and jude or...go back to reize maxia (why was this an issue in the first place? why would they back down now? they tried to make it seem like it was this big crisis that they would have to fight gaius, but why would they feel conflicted with this??), and just...what? right after the plot twist i said this was contending to be in my top three favorite tales games, but this last portion of the game was just...not it, lol. i loved gaius and how much he loves his people and how far he is willing to protect them (similar to milla...), but at the end it seriously felt like "how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?" with how many times you fight him. the "final" level was also rather lame but i'd take that over arise's dreadful last level design.
so don't get me wrong, despite the rather weak antagonists (minus gaius and muzet, especially the latter lol her going insane was awesome) and that last portion of the game being...rather strange and honestly feeling kind of rushed, this tales game is such a pleasure and milla is one of the best tales protagonists. jude growing from being super dependent on milla and just following her around like a lost puppy to making his own decisions and saying he will be alright without milla (and changing the world helping with the spyrites research!) was also really great to watch unfold. great characters, great protagonists, great relationships within the cast, amazing gameplay, a refreshing ending...will definitely play this again!
with that i think i can confidently say that my ranking for the tales games is now as follows: symphonia, berseria, abyss, xillia, symphonia 2, zestiria, arise, vesperia.
alright, enough rambling. time to browse the xillia tag and reblog all that sweet content i've missed out on all these years!!
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etirabys · 2 years
maui night 3
No amusing drama to report today. I snorkeled with the giant, moved onto my fourth Stephen King book in four days, and had a three course meal at an amazing restaurant where I kept drifting away from reality. I've been spending so much time reading fiction that I feel like a kid again. I'm half in another world.
My parents are wealthy, and I'm indefinitely unemployed. Occasionally I wonder how these things will collide near the end of their lives. Just once, my dad tried to use the potential inheritance as the carrot to get me to do something that I didn't want to do, and I told him he wouldn't get me that way. It was true, in part because I discovered it was true and in part because I willed it to be true. He was hurt by this, although I was trying to communicate something complicatedly loving – that I wasn't holding up my end of our frayed relationship for the money. I think there's a good chance I won't see any inheritance, and when I simulate that, there's an amputated stump where an emotional reaction might reside. I imagine my sister calling me and saying "they left it all to me" or "they left it all to the church" and I just shrug, blank. Who knows if that'll be how I feel if it really happens. Greed is a potent transformative force.
My parents were poor in different ways in a poor country, and one thing I have never doubted in my comfortable life is that money matters. I found lucrative employment out of college, and then disappointed myself by not taking the common-in-my-social-circle pledge to donate 10% of my income to the charities estimated to decrease the most suffering per dollar. I increasingly needed Ritalin to defend myself from indifference to all tasks, and Ritalin increasingly made me sick. I told myself I'd take the pledge if my employment felt stable. It never did, so I never have.
I know I'm not giving back what I should. There's a moral dislocation in me because I don't donate, an alarm that has not stopped going off in a room down the hallway. But I'm more selfish and afraid than I am moral. I check my bank account and recalculate years of runway. I anticipate catastrophic medical bills, divorce, having severely disabled children. I'm afraid of losing luxuries I'm accustomed to – buying e-books without pausing to think about it, getting to be the chill guy who says "don't worry about it" when people break my stuff, traveling, takeout.
This is an odd little pyramid of priorities. I care more about having money than I care about satisfying one of my more persistent imperatives to be a good person. But apparently, more than either of those things, I care about having an emotionally authentic relationship with my parents. This absolutely amazes me, because the emotionally authentic relationship I have with them is dogshit. I draw boundaries they think are ridiculous and guard them like a rabid animal, I don't make a strong effort to hide my contempt or amusement when they do something that elicits it, and I share almost nothing about my interior life with them.
What exactly am I trying to do here? I value money and I'm not shy to myself about it. Why not be nicer and hope for payoff? Why this spectacular irrationality? One answer is that it threatens my independence. I want them to have no say over my important life decisions. The other answer is that I'm not a daughter that makes them happy to have, but using them would not just make me a displeasing one – it would make me a bad one.
(The answer to 'why not just be nice for its own sake?' is that I hate them and don't want to be nice. During the occasional interactions that get nasty, these days, I keep my cool largely because I'm buoyed by the hope that this might be the fight that's bad enough to justify breaking off the relationship for good.)
I'm bleakly amused at the ranking that falls out of my revealed preference:
not being nice to people I hate > filial piety > material greed > morality
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kodev · 2 years
I don't mean to be a bother but I was wondering how you got into game development (like coding and stuff). It's something I've always wanted to do, but I have no idea where to start ^_^' (feel free to ignore this ask of course)
AHH Of course I would love to help... err I'm actually very bad at playing video games which is sort of hilarious in context but I love rpgs of all kinds with my whole heart and I grew up around software development so I also got exposed to that side fairly early on. Um.. TBH I also kick my feet a lot about gamedevelopment but for where to start I have a few suggestions in no particular order:
Join a gamejam These will usually have themes (easy inspiration) or challenges, a deadline (gets your ass moving to actaully do something), and discord communities full of people willing to help you with anything pretty much! A lot of them are hosted in itch.
If you already have an idea For me I like to draw up a list of things that I personally like in video games I've played, and then try to see where I can expand on them. From there, I see which game engine would support me the best. It is possible to make an entire game without actually coding anything (RPGMAKER is pretty good for this, and I know some other ones support block coding), but I really recommend picking up some knowledge of coding if youre able! From there, I usually come up with characters, diagram interactions, and try to come up with a timeline of events.. If you're having trouble with this, I usually bounce my ideas off of a friend and get feed back and have a fun little ideajam which helps me to get moving again.
Some helpful links/things I like: Aseprite is good for pixel art/animation Not too experienced on the music side, but I know there are a lot of free music places out there! My rpgmaker masterpost has some included :) And u can always commission music artists! For writing... I've tried out Bibisco, Scrivener, Google Docs, etc... But I think as of the moment I like Fortelling the best :) For learning how to code: I will never stop recommending Codecademy if you're able to pay, but there are a lot of videos on youtube on practically every game engine-y thing you may desire! This is a good masterpost for unity-related stuff, but i recently found out that Unity also like donated a crapton of money to the US Military so I've been trying to adjust to unreal instead lol.. This is a good rpgmaker post! And this is a good general gamedev post if you haven't seen it already
And my final piece of advice is to play a lot of indie games! I spend a lot of time just browsing on itch and then playing different games I come across. Not all of them are amazing, but all of them do inform my direction on indie gamedev in some way or another
There's a lot of free resources on the net I can link you to if you need help with music or coding or game engine advice... but best of luck! And i hope this was helpful :)
feel free to ask me anything else!
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