#If I rip off your legs and rip out your eyes you'll have no choice but to listen to me.
breadmecoshy · 1 month
Marissa, victimized by an infection
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I came up with the concept of an infected Marissa who could become a secret boss in the game
When you come to her for the first time, she behaves as usual and asks you to listen to her song. You sit down in your seat, listen, she thanks you, and you leave. However, if you don't convert her into essence right away, the next time you visit her, she changes her appearance a little, and again asks you to listen to her sing, a little more insistently. As a result, with each of your visits, the signs that she is infected will become more obvious, and she will ask you to stay more and more intrusive, until finally she wants you to listen to her forever, and then the boss fight will happen
I think the Radiance captured her mind with bright memories of her beloved city and its inhabitants, now stricken by the plague, of her bright concerts and former glory, and of close friends who disappeared, were infected or were preparing to fall asleep forever. Most likely, she died possessed by these visions, and her ghost, who remained on the stage, unaware of his death, was also possessed
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crustgremlin · 7 months
How to start a pair of punk patch pants
(a potentially really shitty tutorial)
I've seen a couple videos on this but a lot of them seem to skip out on some really key information and tricks so I thought I'd just write a probably really long and really rambly post about it!!!
Step one: gathering supplies
In terms of supplies the main things you'll need are:
The pants
Approximately 4 rolls of dental floss (this can change depending on number of patches and your pant size)
A needle with a big enough eye to fit the floss through
Acrylic paints
Scrap denim or other scraps of fabric for the patches
Some kind of marker or pencil that will work on the fabric you've chosen
I will be going into some detail below about why you need each of these items!!
The pants themselves
personally I prefer either using a pair of jeans I already own or thrifting a pair to be as sustainable as possible, however if you really need to go out and buy a new pair for whatever reason get a high quality pair, this will help in the long run with preventing them from falling apart as easily.
The second main point I want to make is that the pants should not be skinny jeans. This is because when you sew on patches it slightly cinches in the fabric, and with skinny jeans generally being stretchy, this is going to result in the thread of the patches stretching out and snapping. Your patches will all just start falling off and it'll ruin your hard work.
This is why I'd recommend using a pair of jeans or pants that are a bit looser of a fit, such as straight legged pants or a pair of pants a size up from your actual size if possible!
Dental floss
The reason it's generally suggested to use dental floss rather than actual thread is because dental floss tends to overall be a lot stronger than your average thread, as well as often being more easily accessible to buy.
This ones pretty self-explanatory, just make sure you get a needle with a long/wide enough eye (the hole the thread goes through) for your floss to be able to fit through without trouble.
Acrylic paints
You may be wondering why I'm suggesting acrylics over fabric paints and there are a few reasons!
The first is simply that they're both cheaper and far easier to purchase for the average person than fabric paints, and I want this tutorial to be as accessible as possible for as many people as possible.
The second reason is that fabric paints require a lot of fucking around with setting the paint, whereas acrylics can just be left to dry and be finished, and so long as your pants are hand washed, the paints won't come out (unless you layer it on super thick or are really rough when you clean them).
Another pretty obvious one, these are needed so you can actually paint your patches!!!
Fabric/spare denim
You need fabric or scraps to be able to actually create patches for your pants, so this is essential.
Any kind of scrap fabric can do, a lot of fabric stores tend to have bins of scrap fabric that are either pre-priced or priced by weight and that can be a really good opportunity to acquire the fabric you need!
Another way (the method I tend to use) is thrifting a few pairs of jeans alongside the pair I want to patch and then ripping them up into patch-sized pieces!
Either way, I really advise against buying straight up new fabrics by the metre for this as it kinda goes against the entire idea of sustainability and reuse.
A really big tip I have for when you're cutting the fabric of your choice up for patches is to actually only cut a little slit, and then rip. This produces a really nice distressed edge and will help add some texture and more of a fucked up look to your pants a lot quicker than if you waited for the fabric to fray by itself!
This is literally just so you can draw your designs onto your patches! I've personally found that either a black or white (depending on how dark the fabric you're using is) pastel pencil is generally good enough to get the general gist of what you want down well enough for you to paint it on.
These are literally just to hold your patches in place and literally any kind from proper sewing pins to safety pins will work! (just don't forget they're in the jeans before you put them on I promise you it isn't fun to put on a pair of jeans full of pins).
Optional: a sketchbook
You may want a sketchbook or alternatively scraps of paper if you have any kind of original concept for a patch so you can draw it out a few times first to really nail it, and it's also helpful to have if you aren't as confident in your painting and drawing abilities!
Step two: patch making
I personally pre-rip/cut all of my patches before I paint anything on them generally speaking and then fit whatever design I want onto whatever piece I think it would fit on, however if you want to paint your patches and then rip/cut the design out that's also an option (and probably a much smarter one I'm just incredibly stubborn).
For punk pants you want a good mix of both punk bands, politics, and also maybe something a bit daft (I have the "he scream at he own ass" possum on the back pocket of a patched skirt for example). If you don't have bands and such, it kinda defeats the point of them being punk patched pants.
I personally generally pick a theme (eg. colourful patches, all black and white) when making anything patched because I think it makes everything look a bit more cohesive, but that is by no means a rule you actually have to follow I'm just autistic a fuck tbh.
Step three: the assembly
I personally put my main/bigger patches on first and put them on in a few different places until I get the placement I like, and then sew them on with the floss like this:
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The main thing you want to do to make sure your pants don't wind up looking a bit weird or bare is to fill in any gaps between your painted patches with small, blank patches. Like this:
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and that's pretty much it!!! I can't really explain via written text how to sew and how I personally tie off etc but if anyone would like a video tutorial lmk!!!
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kisses4choso · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS: patching them up when they're hurt. CHARACTERS: ZORO & SANJI WARNINGS: fwb dynamic, lots of tension, suggestive asf, foul language, cuts. NOTE: maybe i'm a little into wounded men, am i crazy?
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“fuck,” he groaned, and it was probably the hundredth time you’d heard that exact word drop from ZORO's bloody lips. “if you stayed still, maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much,” you emphasized your point by pushing his chest back, “or maybe if you were careful,” you sighed, moving on from the wound on his lower abdomen to the one right above it. 
“oh, what? you’re not even gonna thank me for saving your ass back there?” he complained again, huffing loudly when you swiped the wet towel against his chest a bit too harshly. “i didn’t need your help,” you retort, and he knew you well enough to understand you weren’t lying, but he couldn’t just stand back and watch as you were attacked.
he'd much rather sit there with you between his legs, tending to his wounds, than have you in the chair, hurt. the thought of it terrified him.
“i still deserve-” his words were cut off by a quiet hiss when you made a final swipe across his pecs, and maybe he was exaggerating a bit to make you feel bad, but he didn’t expect you to be so rough.
he held his breath as you opened the bottle of ointment, and watched as you poured it first on your hands and then onto his open wounds.
he moaned, and you coughed in surprise, "stop being loud."
"adrenaline's wearing off, give me a shot or two and maybe i'll shut up."
you sighed, indulged him by pouring him a full shot, and reached for gauze and bandages to put over his wounds as he drank. you began to wrap them across and around his body as gently as you could, and he made no complaint, except for the occasional groan. "just one more, okay? you got it, right? not gonna pass out on me?"
zoro didn't know if it was the blood loss or the alcohol that was causing the fuzzy feeling in his body that made him feel dumb, made him feel completely not himself. "mhm," he responded, and meant for it to sound sarcastic, he wanted to keep up with your banter, but the words left his lips weakly, a whimper at best.
"you look good," although you were no chopper, your work would do for a temporary fix.
you scanned his face, which was plastered with cutesy bandaids (you ran out of plain ones), and realizing your odd choice of words, you quickly corrected yourself, "i meant, the bandages look good. if they rip, i can fix them for you."
he leaned onto the chair he sat in, “no thanks, this hurt more than actually getting cut,” he mumbled, and you rolled your eyes. 
“all right, baby,” you laughed, focused on picking up all the tools you had lying around, but you turned to look at him once you realized he hadn’t even answered with a mean comment of his own. “you good? lost too much blood?” you poked his bare arm, and he released a shaky breath. 
“don't call me that,” he scoffed, eyes quickly abandoning yours when you stood up to your full height, towering over his sitting form, head slightly tilted down and gaze lowered to look at him.
“you mean baby? i was insulting you, don't get a big head.” 
he took yet another shot and smiled at his own foolishness; the pain in his chest was completely forgotten and replaced by a rush of confidence, “shut up and drink, maybe after a few shots you'll actually mean it.”
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SANJI's choked groan resounded in the room, and you dropped your hands from where they laid on his leg. "sorry, did that hurt?" you asked, peeked up at him to find his face completely flushed, "sanji?"
he closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes with a shaky hand, "just... just give me a second, please."
"okay," you nodded, and stood up from where you were kneeling to give sanji a break. "you should probably wait for chopper to help you, i don't want your wounds to get infected because of me."
he shook his head and shifted his weight on the barrel he sat on, "you're not hurting me."
"you're lying, i'm literally watching you tear up," you brushed his hair out of his face to get a good look at his eyes, which you could have sworn were watering, but he immediately shut them. "it's not that," the cook mumbled, hyper aware of your hands in his disheveled hair, he inwardly groaned. you smiled nervously, "then what is it?"
he bit his lower lip, trying to distract himself from your enveloping scent, "i can't."
"sanji, look at me," and he slowly opened his eyes, and you sighed, "see? you're one touch away from crying."
your words were about as helpful as your proximity and your touch.
his eyes looked down at his legs, embarrassed to be in such a state in front of you. "it doesn't hurt badly." you crossed your hands over your chest, clearly not believing him, "so, what? it hurts good?"
he bit the inside of his cheek, but didn't respond. how was he supposed to react to that? if he told you the truth, would you be disgusted? would you curse him out and leave?
you didn't miss a beat, "i didn't know you were into that kinda thing."
he cleared his throat, searched your eyes for any kind of judgement, but ultimately found none. he still felt compelled to apologize, "i'm sorry, love. i don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, but i just… i can't help myself when i'm around you."
you couldn't say you were surprised about sanji's interests, so you decided to test your limits, "don't be sorry. just be good and keep it down, yeah?"
he sat up straighter at that, and you took it as a sign to continue, "don't want the crew getting the wrong idea."
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i can take both just saying 🤞
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deonsx · 8 months
If They Seduce You On Your Anniversary
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai
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Content: Nsfw, Smut
Dazai Osamu
You were walking home tired. Today was your anniversary and you bought a gift for Dazai. Hoping that he would like it, you tried to go home before him, but when you opened the door, you saw candles lighting up every part of the house. "So, someone came before me," you curled your lips and smiled
Following the candles, you looked at the roses on your bed under the yellow light burning in your bedroom. You narrowed your eyes happily, looking at the empty room. Suddenly, you were pulled back from your waist by the hand coming from behind you, and the smell of your lover's perfume filled your nose, he laid his head on your neck and hugged you tightly from behind
"Finally you are here my beautiful bella" he gave you kisses from behind and took your hand and turned you towards him you could finally see osamu's face those two brown irises shining like gold looking at you with love, "I'm lucky to have you osamu dazai" this made your boyfriend's grin increase and made you look at him allowed him to embrace
He took you in his arms and laid you on the bed, you started to undress accompanied by the scent of roses, you did not forget to leave bites on your skin, he pulled you into a deep kiss and the brunette slid his own hands on you, caressing your beautiful body and skin. He got on top of you and slowly ripped your underwear off your skin “Time for some pleasure my love” you heard him giggle and that made you even more eager for him
He teased you before shoving his cock inside you, which angered you enough "Osamu Please..!" You called out to him with a slight nod of your head "I'll give you the pleasure easily this time darling" he licked his lips as he slowly entered you, back and forth quickly the sounds of skin filling the room your breathing sounds changed to his rhythm "Oh my god! you look so beautiful" he mockingly said what he had. exalted "I will fuck you until the morning my love"
Chuuya Nakahara
Today was your anniversary and you had completely forgotten about it. The thing that made you remember was that your boyfriend was approaching you with his house decorated with candles. You cursed yourself thousands of times and wanted to get angry, but your boyfriend didn't seem angry about this situation. "Hmm, you seem to have forgotten the situation... then" he paused. and licked his lips with his tongue
"You have to give me a nice show, my love" you didn't expect a horny person to come out of that romantic man, you were stunned for a moment, your boyfriend extended his hand to you and left you no choice but to hold him, he dragged you with your steps to the room and made sure to close the door hard behind you, while you gently pushed him onto the bed, he was out of it. He seemed very happy that you forgot this anniversary
"I need to sweeten my mouth after a long day at work" with this sentence you blushed from ear to ear and rubbed your legs together. You slowly tugged on the slightly tight work dress you were wearing while looking away. "Please don't tell me you're embarrassed...I know what you're thinking." He couldn't help but stare. He quickly laid you down on the bed. He got on top of you and opened your clothes slightly
"Nice perfume, but today the place I will leave bites is different." He spoke to you lustfully while pulling up your skirt, his hand moved towards your underwear and that's when he paused, "Wet already?" this made him giggle and he buried his head between your legs "stay still beautiful or you'll make me eat you out until morning"
Fyodor Dostoyevski
At the end of the night, you bought a special dress for your anniversary night and you got ready with it and headed home. When you opened the door of the house, everything was dark, that means your boyfriend Fyodor had not arrived yet. "Did he forget...?" While you were thinking to yourself, footsteps came from inside and as the moonlight hit the living room, his purple eyes matched the dress you were wearing
“Моя прекрасная леди, вы наконец оказали мне честь” (My beautiful lady, you have finally honored me) He loved talking to you in Russian, even though you didn't speak Russian, you could understand what he was saying from his face. His hands wrapped around your waist and pulled down the strap of your beautiful dress. "Impatient," you said while hissing at him
He quickly grabbed you by your legs, picked you up in his arms and quickly carried you to the bedroom. Normally it is impossible to see him like this. On the contrary, he is very patient and serious. "I need to open my New Year's present?" you glared at him as he laid you down on the bed "I haven't given you your gift yet" a confident grin appeared on his face "you're wrong..he's standing right in front of me”
He quickly opened the zipper of your dress and revealed your beautiful skin. He left bites on your beautiful neck that you are sure will not leave a mark tomorrow morning. "Fedya, I see you are very excited tonight." You made fun of him, but he did not speak. His hand wrapped around your neck slowly and hard, and while doing this, he continued to leave bites on your body. "Oh, you are already wet…I didn't know you had a masochistic side, dear”
Nikolai Gogol
It was a night you had been planning for a long time... your anniversary night, you were so excited to surprise him. It was hard for you to do it because you had to do it secretly from your boyfriend. You prepared a nice hotel night and now you were on your way. You checked into the hotel and quickly took the room card and held it to the door to prepare the room. The door opened, but with the smell of perfume from inside
You couldn't believe your eyes when you entered the room. "Nikolai!? What are you doing here?" Nikolai shook his head. "You are very bad at hiding things from me, my dear." You felt demoralized. He had rejected this beautiful feast that you had been arranging for him for months. "These were supposed to be surprises, Nikolai." He understood your seriousness when you said your name. "I've been trying for you for a long time, but you're ruining it all." You thought about leaving the room for a moment, but his colorful eyes had already poisoned you with his magic
He narrowed his eyes and examined your facial expression, then he took a deep breath and stood up, "I know, darling, I know you did all of this for me." You were very angry with him and you were about to cry because the plan you had been making for months was ruined. Your boyfriend looked at you as if he was taking pleasure in your filled eyes and then he caressed the area under your eyes with his hand, "I'm sorry." "Honey, I will make you forgive me." He slowly leaned you against the wall and covered your eyes with gentle kisses, then he held you in his arms and gave you bites. "What do you want, dear, what can I give you?" You listened carefully to this question he asked and whispered in his ear, "Maybe this time you should be the one on the bottom, my love”
Thanks for your request @perfectlyjollyland
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anglbby444 · 2 months
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Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader smut.
Warnings; none, vanilla sex <3
After bidding your maid farewell for the night with a kiss on the cheek, you nestle yourself into the soft comforters of the bed, which is surrounded by a room that is beautifully decorated thanks to your family’s maids, you feel a familiar crater form next to you. With a grin, you turn over and look into the eyes of your husband, Anthony Bridgerton. “Hello dearest.” He says after placing a gentle kiss on your bare shoulder, you humming contently in response. “Did you have dinner yet, my love?” He questions between more kisses to your shoulder as he leans over your figure. You murmured out an “mhm” as you take in and attempt to memorize the feel of his lips on your skin. “Mm, good good, so did I…although I must admit, you look rather delectable tonight, for a lack of a better choice of words.” He mumbles against your skin, drawing a playful scoff from you. “Anthony! How scandalous..” A smile finds its way onto your face as you sit up and turn around to face your husband, connecting your lips with his.
His hands begin to wander, fingers tracing every inch of skin he can find. Starting from your shoulder, his nimble fingers leave a trail of goosebumps down your arms, chest, breasts, and tummy as his teeth gently latch on to your earlobe. Although most of the skin he’s touching is covered by a soft pink silk nightdress, that doesn’t stop the goosebumps his touch creates on the soft flesh. A moan threatens to escape from your throat as his fingers begin to move lower and lower, eventually hovering above your mound as you feel him chuckle against your skin. You can feel his smirk grow as his fingers find their way into your panties. “A-Anthony!” You cry out.
It is no secret that Anthony Bridgerton likes to make you beg for him to fuck you. No matter if he knows exactly how you want him to fuck you, take you how he pleases. However, as you'll soon find out, that dosen't stop him from wanting to hear it from your pretty litle mouth. "Is your pretty little pussy wet for me? Hm?" Anthonys voice is a devilish one at that, his hot breath tickling the outer shell of your ear. He continues to kiss down towards your neck, lips suctioning a soft portion of skin as he chuckles when he feels you try to buck your hips up. In true mean Anthony fashion, he firmly grips your hips and pushes them down with a growl. "I take that as a yes.."
You let out a sharp breath as his fingers curl into your skin, ever so slightly gliding against your cunt. As Anthony felt the pool of dampness on your heat, he groaned and let out a laugh. "I guess I was right, wasn't I?" He drawls, softly twirling his middle finger around your sensitive bud. You attempted to come up with some sort of sassy remark, but find yourself failing to collect your words. Instead, you let out an almost pathetic sounding whimper. "Anthonyyy...." You call out his name, running your fingers through his hair as you try to buck your hips up once more. This time, he dosen't dissapoint. His forehead presses against you as he shakes his head in playful disbelief. "Say my name like that again and I might just break.." And you took that as a challenge.
"Oh Anthonyyy..." You mewl out his name again, giggling softly as you see him tilt his head and give you a deviant smile. To your surprise, he rips the blanket off of you, exposing your body to him. Although you still have your nightdress on, you can't help but get a bit flustered whenever he sees you so vulnerable. "Well...I think its time to get this pesky dress off of you..." You nod in response and begin to climb out of bed and slowly lift up the dress covering your legs. You know he wanted you to put on a little show. And that you did. Your hair falls down over your shoulders as you let the sleeves of the silk dress slip down your arms. The cold chill that washed over you was a familiar feeling to your already hard nipples. Anthony licked his lips as you fully step out of the nightgown and sashay over to him with a cheeky grin on your face. You crawl onto the bed and look at him with pleading eyes, waiting for him to make the next move. "How do you want me, darling?" His voice became soft, the voice he knows make you feel the safest. Even when hes going to fuck your brains out, as he usually does at least five times a week. "I want you inside me, Anthony.."
Fuck, he CANNOT say no to that. "Guess its a good thing you aren't wearing any panties tonight...Seems like you already knew you wanted my cock tonight." You nod at him with a crooked smile. To your pleasant surprise, he firmly gripped your legs and pulled you closer to him. He let out a chuckle as he placed one of your legs onto his shoulders, spitting on his hand and stroking his already hard cock. Your chest heaves, biting your lip as you look up at him with an already cockdrunk gaze. He leans down and places a passionate kiss to your lips. The two of you exchanged a knowing look, giving him the ok to slip his hard cock into you.
He grabbed onto one of your legs as he gave you a few gentle thrusts, letting you get used to the preassure his cock created inside her. God, you felt like you were in heaven every time he fucked you. He rolled his hips, his tip hitting you in just the right spot. The sensation made your eyes roll back. That sight and your high pitched moans told him all he needed to know. The sound of his skin slapping against yours echoded through the room as he started to speed up his movements, his hands finding their way up to your breasts. His large, gruff hands squeezed the pink and plump flesh.
{You’re pretty sure you came four times that night,,,}
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oh-its-souichi · 6 months
Marry part 4
Sakuna x reader
Im so stoked on the idea I started writing for part 5 I just rushed through this
Warning- same crazy stuff man
You woke up in his soft bed, comfortable warmth surrounding you. In the wives' hall, it was cold, and water leaked through the walls. In Sakunas' room, it was warm, and everything was lush. The only sound was the crackling of the fire. Not the hush of the other women and the scurrying of feet.
You had spent a majority of your time sleeping, the sickness your injuries gave you rocked your body, and it was only recently that your body was able to rejoice. The silence was nice, for awhile but once you spent more time awake you noticed no one came to visit, and sometimes, your maid would bring out food. It wasn't often, though, and you found yourself hungry most of the time.
Your maid told you she was working with someone else now, but things were changing in the temple. She said Sakuna was rarely there, and when he was, he didn't react to their presence. She said it made her feel scared. You nodded and wished you could give her more information, but you knew nothing. You were vaulted away more secluded than before.
You didnt know what day it was at this point or if it was day or night, there was no windows but you felt safer this way. Death didnt seem so close.
Rising from your bed, you stretched your arms and legs, pushing your feet into the plushy carpet. You made your way to the bathroom and ran the warm water. You only had a few pairs of clothes, so you chose to lounge around in a long satin robe. It was black and extremely comfortable. You stripped it off and slipped into the water, feeling goosebumps errupt all over your skin when the hot water soaked it. You sunk up to your ears and closed your eyes thinking about falling back asleep. The hot steam on your face and the lull of the fireplace beckoned you, you were tempted as there was nothing else to do. Your mind wandered from your maid, to your father and then to the injuries you had obtained from the wife in red. You found yourself replaying certain incidents and no matter how hard you tried to stray away, everything ended back at him. Sakuna.
Suddenly, a foreign sensation came over your body, like fingers dancing acrossed your skin. You eyes flew open, and the first thing you saw was teeth, they were formed into a wicked smile. You followed them down to his chin, then his neck to his body. You saw two of his arms plunged into the water. His hands grabbing at your body. "My wife" he purred. You stared up at him keeping half of your face submerged in the water. A shield of sorts. "Ive never seen you like this" he said, his voice was shockingly human sounding and deep like a drum. You sat under the pressure of his gaze not sure what to do. He mapped one of his hands up your stomach and to hand picking it up and bringing it out of the water. The cold air stung your skin but wuickly subsided when you felt his lips connect to your hand. He kissed it over and over again before bringjng it to the side of his face. He closed his eyes and hummed. "You'll never leave this place. You die and rot down here the rest of time." Your heart thumped at his sing song voice. Your mind wanted to whiz out of sontrol but you stayed numb. "Answer me" he said and you say his red eyes open. You popped your head out of the water "I understand." You said. You furrowed his eyebrows and a pained expression came over his face.
"Are you happy about it"
He was acting different, and it was giving you whiplash.
"Good, no, that you have a choice," he laughed, but you heard the danger in his voice, and it made the world around you feel less and less real. His eyes lapped over you hungrier and hungrier until you felt the first of his left arm slide around your back and rip you up out of the water. He pressed his lips to yours, and you felt like he was eating you alive. You tried to kiss him back, but the ferocity overwhelmed you. He pulled you closer and closer. So close, it hurt. His crushing strength made your bones ache. Your breath locked itself in your chest. You groaned in pain, but that seemed to encourage him as you felt his arms loop underneath your body and lift you out of the bath. The cold air made you gasp. He kept his lips to yours, and you felt him smile. "dont worry, you won't be cold for long," he whispered. He walked you out into the bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed. Your heart picked up as he stared down at you. He started to disrobe, and every part of you rejected it. You weren't ready for what you knew he wanted to do. Your voice ached to protest, but nothing came out. His robe dropped to the ground, and your eyes widened at his hulking form. He was all muscle and weapon of a man, curse, a whatever he was. He came forward his hand wrapping itself around your neck. He squeezed lightly but started to tighten his grip. Frightened, your hands flew up and grabbed onto his wrists. You dug your nails into his skin, and he hissed in reply.
"You dare hurt your husband?" He said, his voice deadly. You looked down at him and locked your eyes to his. At first, you only saw rage, but that melted away into sorrow. "Perhaps I've been too rough." He sighed. Slowly, he leaned forward and wrapped all of his arms around you. His weight made your chest lock up, and once again, you were fighting to breathe. You didn't dare speak, though. The fear of the tides turning with any word you said kept your mouth shut. "Things are different now," he muttered. Your heart slammed in your chest, a fear like you felt the day he killed his other wives clawed up your throat. "Why are thing different now" he rushed popping his head up and gripping onto your shoulders. He stared you in the eyes with one of the angriest expressions you had ever seen. His eyebrows were knitted together and his eyes sharp. You rationalized quickly with yourself and opene your mouth to speak "it-it-its" you stammered. "Its not, my husband, my love" you said. With each word your confidence built and you reminded yourself of the position you were in. The comfort and seclusion had numbed you of the danger at hand, this game of survival.
His expression relaxed, and you felt like a snake wrapping around its kill. "Im so grateful for what you've given me Ive not had the words to say it." You snaked your arms around his shoulders and brought your fingertips softly up and down his back. His eyes relaxed, and he searched your face.
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Bedeviled | Chapter 8: Summoning
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Pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst, horror
WC: 9.5k ohhhh
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, anxiety, cruelty, frightening depictions of Hell and things in it, terror, blood, fear, name-calling, more tension muahahahaha, i think that's all if there's anything i missed pls kindly let me know
This chapter could be frightening/disturbing to some readers, pls read at your own discretion
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A few hours later, JK walks over to the small fire that's still burning brightly. 
His eyes fall to the sleeping figure curled up on the ground by it.
Your cardigan is wrapped tightly around you; your hands clutching it closed in the front even as you sleep. 
The demon's gaze drifts over you; your bare feet are covered in ash and mud, blood still staining the cloth that doesn't have a single speck of white left on it. If they weren't so dirty, he's willing to bet bruises would be visible. 
Your legs are tucked up into your skirt and out of his view, so his eyes drag along your torn dress all the way up to your bloody and ripped cardigan. The sleeves are practically in shreds, but the rest of it seems fine. Blood can be seen on the skin of your arms through the tears in the sleeves. 
Your hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in weeks, falling over a part of your cheek as you breathe steadily; some of the strands blow gently from your breath. 
His gaze stops moving when he notices the streaks on your cheeks. There's grime all over your skin, but it looks like you cleaned little random lines of it off. 
That's when he realizes you must have been crying.
Eyes lingering a little longer on your face, he sees your eyelids twitch and a small frown appear. 
Your breath starts to quicken and your face scrunches a little as it becomes apparent that you're having a nightmare. 
"-'m sorry," he hears you mumble as a single tear slips over the bridge of your nose and drops to the ground. 
He can't tear his eyes away from the fascinating image of you without your walls up. 
You’re completely vulnerable.
It occurs to him in that second that he's been so incredibly foolish. Everyone has a weakness, he's just been looking for yours in the wrong place. You won't be swayed by riches, by anger, by lust. Nothing that benefits you.
No, your weakness is love. 
This boy you're in love with, this bestfriend. 
He's your weakness. 
A few ideas flit through his mind, but none of them stay very long. 
He doesn't have to think of anything anymore. 
You're here for this boy, not for you. You'll get to the Flame and the only choice you'll have is to trade it for your soul. 
All he has to worry about now is getting you there. 
He was so worried before that you would try and pull a fast one on him, but there was no need to worry so much. You'll do anything for this boy, there's no way you'll go back on your deal. 
He thought this revelation would bring relief, but instead, a strange, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar feeling settles in his chest as he watches you shift in your sleep. 
The demon shakes his head to clear it and turns to walk away. 
He's been around a mortal for longer than usual and it's making him lose his nerve. 
You jerk awake suddenly, the nightmare finally bringing you out of your deep slumber.
Almost immediately, you see him sitting on the log you had previously been sitting on; his eyes locked on his hands as he fiddles with something small that you can't see. 
"How long has it been?" You croak, seeing him jump and look at you. 
"A few hours," he mumbles as he tucks whatever he was looking at into his back pocket. 
"Are you all done?" You ask. 
"Am I done with what?" 
"Making deals," You say quietly. 
He just looks at you for a minute before saying, "For now."
You nod, then rub the sleep from your eyes. 
JK stands up suddenly, startling you, "Come on, we don't have time to sit around."
You stand up reluctantly, "Ok."
He starts walking and you follow behind, only turning back when the sound of the crackling fire ceases. 
It's gone, just like every time before. 
You turn back and keep your eyes on him as you walk around the rocks until you can see the Devil's Backbone again. 
Just looking at it gives you a creeping feeling that crawls up your spine. 
"Through it?" You ask uncertainly.
He nods, "Through it."
It only takes about fifteen minutes to get right up on the creepy stones. 
You look around, noticing it looks almost like a maze of rocks in front of you. There doesn't appear to be any way through them though. 
"How do we get through?" You ask, turning to look at him. 
Except he's not there. 
"Are you coming or not?" He snaps from over to your left. 
You stumble over the rock-covered ground to him. When you reach him, you still see no way through. 
Casting a doubtful glance over to him, he smirks, "What?"
When you say nothing, he points and you look, just barely seeing a small opening. You would never have seen it if you didn't know where to look. It's camouflaged, only visible with a trained eye and the right position. 
"You should trust me more, little human. Have I let you down yet?"
You make eye contact with him, keeping it a little longer than normal. 
His eyes fall to your wrist, then go back to looking into yours. 
A nasty smile twitches at his mouth, "You asked for that."
You look back over to the opening, deciding not to waste your breath; you'll need all you can get.
Wordlessly, he walks over and slips in, sliding between the two rocks seemingly without effort. You follow him, slipping in as you gather your courage.
The fit is a bit tight, which makes you wince when your wings get pinched uncomfortably while they're still folded in your cardigan. 
The second you're all the way in, a chilling breeze sweeps into the small crevice, sending goosebumps down your arms and legs as the sound of a ghostly sigh reaches your ears. 
You flinch and look around, seeing nothing but red tinted rocks that reach high into the sky. The space is small and you can see little paths leading in different directions from where you are. 
The jagged stones are thick at the bottom, probably five times the width of the largest tree trunks you've ever seen. As they go higher, they also begin to thin out. You can barely see the tip of the rock you're standing next to as you crane your neck to look up at it. 
You're willing to bet the top of the stones are still thicker than you could reach around. 
"Stop gawking and walk."
His voice echoes in here even though he's not even ten feet in front of you. 
You hold the ends of your sweater in your hands as you walk to him and join him in the middle of a small open area that sits in front of the paths, "How do we know which way to go?"
He groans loudly, "Are you seriously back to asking those idiotic questions? I thought you were done with that."
"I'm not asking idiotic questions," You say defensively, "I just want to be prepared in case you ditch me again and I have to find my way. What if I get lost?"
The demon leans close to you as if to tell a secret, which is useless since his words still bounce around the room. Anyone within a mile radius could hear him. 
"Then you're not worthy enough to take the Flame. Did I not tell you that you need to earn your way there, mortal?"
You pull your bottom lip into your mouth and chew on it anxiously. 
"I most certainly did," He says with a little more force, "Didn't I?"
When you don't answer right away, he snatches the collar of your white dress and pulls you closer, making you flinch. 
"Use your damn words and answer me."
"Yes," you choke out, refusing to look at him. 
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, you told me that," you close your eyes when he pulls you closer still.
"If you get lost here, if you lose all hope here, there is no one to blame but yourself. Do you understand that?"
You nod. 
He lets go of your collar and you stumble back a little, still not looking at him. 
"Just for that, I don't think I ought to join you after all."
You're about to protest, to beg him not to leave you again, but then you see the look on his face as he waits for your reaction and you snap your mouth shut. 
That's exactly what he wants you to do. 
He wants you to beg. 
You finally meet his eyes, "I guess I'll see you on the other side then."
That was clearly the last thing he was expecting you to say, you can tell by the way his face falls. 
His eyes narrow and jaw tightens, then he steps closer to you just to hiss, "Good luck, little girl,” Before he's turning and walking away, going into one of the paths. 
Then he's gone. 
Your lip trembles slightly as you stare at the path he went through. 
As much as you hate to be alone and wish he was still here, you know that you made the right decision not to fall into his little game. The fact that he was angry about your words means you didn't make the wrong choice. 
Glancing at the other paths, you debate on whether you ought to follow the one he went through. He might have been trying to throw you off. You're sure that no matter which one he chose, he'd end up wherever he wants anyway. 
All you can see in each direction is a dark crevice leading deeper into the Devil's Backbone. There are four different choices in front of you. He went through the second to last one. 
You step closer to get a better look. 
The first crevice doesn't shed any light, but a foul smell wafts from it. You step back and gag, then gather yourself before walking over to the second. 
Again, there is no light. There isn't a foul smell either. 
There is however, a strange sound, like that of random tapping echoing. 
You nibble on your bottom lip, extremely unsure. 
Moving to the next, the one he went into, you see the smallest amount of blood-red light showing the way when you get close enough. 
Nothing else, no smell, no sounds. 
The last crevice has nothing. No light, no sounds, no smells, nothing but pitch blackness. 
For some reason, that one gives you the most anxiety, so you step away quickly. 
What do these things mean? 
What would smells, sounds, lights, or lack of all of them, indicate?
There is one thing you are absolutely sure of: none of them will be easy. Perhaps some are more difficult than others, but you must not underestimate any of them. 
As you stand there and stare at each of them, the sound of a tiny giggle echoes from the second crevice. 
You jump and back away, staring at it as if you'll see something or someone crawl out of the shadows. 
The creepiest images begin to plague your mind as you stare into the blackness. The giggle doesn’t happen again, but then you realize the tapping has also stopped. 
Whatever you do, you will not be going into that one, that's for sure. 
You can probably handle the smell, you did it in the third circle. How much worse could this one be?
You walk back over to the first path and peer inside. 
The stench is awful, but it really doesn't seem impossible. 
The one he went into seems too easy, so does the last one. Those appear to be a trick at the entrance, there's probably something much worse waiting inside. 
You are not going into that second one. You get goosebumps just looking at it. 
Ten grueling minutes pass as you mull over the paths. 
You can't stay here, you need to make a choice. 
Walking over to the first crevice, you hold your breath and start walking in. 
You jump back, not having gone in yet. 
Whipping your head around, you don't see anything or anyone. 
Not that way. 
A chill runs down your spine as you realize that you nearly made a mistake. The chill only increases as you begin to understand that you need to go into the one you're most scared of. 
You close your eyes, breathing deeply. 
The sound of a tiny giggle reaches you and you jump back again, eyes flying open as you stare at the dark crack it's coming from. 
No more of this, ____, you chide yourself, you are an angel, this does not frighten you. 
You clench your fist, staring into the pitch black as you gather your head.
"Ok," you say out loud, "I'm coming in and don't you dare think you can scare me."
Before you have the chance of changing your mind, you march into the second crevice, the opening large enough to where you don't need to crouch or squeeze, you can just walk normally. 
JK sits crouched on a ledge about fifteen feet up, his eyes narrowing in confusion when you walk into the giant crack, soon disappearing from his view. 
What made you change your mind so suddenly? 
And why the hell would you turn around and pick the worst one?
The darkness is so deep, so thick that it feels almost tangible. 
You keep your arms out to the side, the tips of your fingers brushing against the cool stone walls. 
Looking up doesn't change anything, not here. Before, you could see the red sky above the Backbone, now it seems like light has just ceased to exist altogether. 
It's almost worse that there's no sound right now. You feel on edge, as if there's about to be a sound when you're least expecting it.
But still, there's nothing. 
Ever since you stepped foot into this pathway, it's felt like there's been someone walking behind you. You try not to think about it as you keep moving forward. It helps a little to think of perfectly natural causes if there comes a small sound.
You can't help but flinch a little though, when you hear a distinct footstep behind you. 
You definitely didn't mistake that.
Freezing right where you are, you hold your breath, as if the sound of it will cause all hell to break loose. 
When there isn't another sound for at least two minutes, you gulp and start moving again. 
But the sound of hurrying feet behind you makes you stop once more. 
"JK?" You call out, the sound of your own voice startling you a bit after silence for so long. You cringe, feeling like you physically broke the delicate quiet and something bad will happen now. 
The dead silence that stretches on for a good while seems even more terrifying than it's been. 
For some reason, you can tell it isn't him behind you, as much as you wanted to make yourself believe it was. You've come to know the feeling of his silence. 
And this isn't it. 
You clear your throat and blink a few times, even though it doesn't really matter when you can't see anything anyway. 
Do not act afraid. 
You nod a little. 
These things prey on fear, it gives them energy. Demons have always sought to wreak havoc and terror. 
You can't let it show. 
I am an angel. 
I am an angel. 
You do not scare me. 
I am an angel. 
I do not fear you.
You repeat these things in your head as you start to walk again, trying to hold yourself in a way that looks like you have more confidence than you do. 
The footsteps eventually start up again, but you do not stop. 
You will not stop, not until you need to. 
This continues for a few minutes, the presence not far behind as it makes no effort not to be heard. But you don't react. You keep your head up and arms stretched out to touch the walls. 
You're starting to gain the confidence you feared you lacked, keeping your mind on the goal. 
Just get out. 
That's when another giggle reaches your ears. 
It sounds like the voice of a little girl that's just played a prank and finds nothing more amusing. 
You flinch violently, using everything in you not to start running like your life depends on it. 
Closing your eyes, you decide you'd rather not see whatever might decide to show itself. 
You start walking a little quicker, but keep in mind not to run. 
The prayers repeating in your head are like a loud mantra that you're screaming internally, trying to block out the sound of the pitter patter of little feet running behind you. 
You have a horrid urge to turn and look to see how far behind it is, but you dare not. You probably wouldn't be able to see anything anyway. You're more scared though, that you will see something. You keep hurrying, fingers beginning to get sore from dragging along the rocks.
"Wanna play a game?"
A scream bursts from your lips and you flinch back at the little girl's voice suddenly appearing right in front of you. 
Slapping your hands over your face, you push yourself up against the wall. The feeling of the hard rock pressed against you brings the tiniest bit of comfort that at least something isn't behind you.
You don't want to see it. 
You don't ever ever ever want to see whatever it is. 
Or whatever it is pretending to be. 
Painful silence. 
A whimper gets caught in your throat. 
It feels like there's something standing right beside you, even though you can hear nothing. 
Don't bother thinking anything, just keep going. 
You have to force your legs to move. 
A million thanks pour from your heart when you feel nothing blocking your path as you continue forward, hands trembling as they leave your face and return to the wall on either side. 
JK walks back and forth in the small dimly lit area on the other side of the Backbone. 
Every once in a while, he glances up at the crevice that reeks of terror even as it just sits there. 
He's so confused. 
How could you even physically make yourself walk into that pathway?
No living soul has ever walked into that crevice and come out sane enough to tell the tale. 
The fear itself consumes them until they go mad and try to off themselves. 
He's a demon. 
He's the one that strikes fear in the hearts of humans, of all living things. 
And he will never step foot into that pathway. 
How could a small human girl call out to the darkness not to scare her and walk in without fear?
It's not possible. 
Nothing could make him face the entity that lurks there. 
He glances at the opening again. 
He might as well call it a bust and leave. 
She is not coming out of there. 
As you walk, you start to think of any memory you can to distract you. 
The tiny running feet picked up again, but you act like you can't hear it. 
Remember when we played hide and seek for the first time? You ask yourself. 
Yes. You do. 
You close your eyes, and the scene comes to your mind in crystal clear recollection. 
Yoongi was the first one to seek, telling you and your best friend to run and hide quickly, before he counted down from twenty. He said you weren't allowed to go anywhere outside of the gate. 
Taking off right away, you followed him to the old barn. 
"Come on Apple, let's hide here."
He held your hand as you climbed into the big barrel with him. Pulling your legs up to your chests, you tried not to giggle. 
Yoongi found both of you within a few minutes, laughing at you and telling you that you weren't supposed to hide together, you were supposed to separate so at least one of you could be the winner. 
Neither of you would hear of it, though. 
You would just need to find a better hiding spot. 
As the years came and went and more kids joined in, your hiding spots got better and better. 
Eventually, no one wanted to play with the two of you anymore because you were always the winning pair. 
They said it was stupid that you hid together and got caught together, stupid that the two of you insisted on seeking together. That it was cheating. 
You told them they were just too bad at the game to win with two seekers. Your best friend always nodded along, teasingly sticking his tongue out at them when they talked back to you, even when the two of you were young teens. 
A smile spreads on your face, your sore fingers starting to become numb as they keep rubbing and rubbing along the rough wall. 
You can see him waggling his fingers at them and mocking their taunts right back. 
A laugh bubbles up and bursts from your lips. 
Then a creepy giggle follows right after, close to your ear, which turns your stomach to rot. 
How about when you had the eating contest?
You gulp and conjure up the memory, refusing to open your eyes. 
It was his idea. 
The stupid ones always were. 
Well...most of them. 
"I bet I could eat more rice cakes than you." He had said one day.
You opened one eye to peek at him doubtfully. 
"Which ones? Honey?"
He nodded, "Yeah, I could eat a lot more than you."
That got your full attention and you sat up on the rickety cot he had placed in the corner of the abandoned shed a few months prior. 
Both of you had been putting whatever you could find that no one wanted anymore in there, slowly but surely making it your own special place. 
He smirked at you from his place on the ground. 
"You could not."
"Mother said I could," he sneered, "I'm a growing boy after all. She said because I'm eleven now I'll be more hungry than usual. And girls don't eat as much at this age, cause they don't need to."
He laughed at the red tinge that came into your cheeks and the tips of your ears. 
That always meant you were annoyed. 
"We'll see about that," You clambered off the cot, flinging straw everywhere as he jumped up too. 
With the help of some friends, you gathered as many honey rice cakes as you could manage without the grownups finding out. It was more than you thought you could get. 
Then the two of you sat in front of the plates piled high, your friends cheering you on as you ate and ate and ate those stupid sweets. 
You won, but at the cost of swearing that never again would you eat another honey rice cake as long as you lived. 
He made the same vow. 
He also apologized for his taunts and said he already knew you'd win. He just wanted to see you get competitive. 
Your mothers never could figure out why the two of you were sick for the rest of the day and you swore you'd never tell. 
You never did. 
The grownups never solved the mystery of where all the rice cakes went that day either. 
A shaky smile spreads on your face again, the memory warming your heart even as it clenches with fear. 
One step after another, you do not stop or slow down. 
It helps a lot to think about the past, so you wrack your brain trying to find something more to hold onto. 
The sound of footsteps running over to you from ahead this time, startles you enough to make you stumble and stop for a moment. 
Even though there is no audible or visual proof that there is something standing in front of you; you know there is. 
You swallow the lump in your throat but keep your eyes closed. 
"Open your eyes," Something hisses in the dark. 
You flinch when it outright speaks but make no move to listen to its order. 
Just act like you can't hear it. 
Don't engage. 
Gulping, you take an unsure step forward. 
Please, don't let me run into some little demon girl. 
Another step and there's still nothing in your path. 
I am an angel, I do not fear you. 
You take another step, then another, and another. 
It seems like whatever it was, has left. 
Picking up the pace, you start to wonder when you're gonna reach the end. It feels like you've been walking for a lot longer than it ought to take. 
Just as you're starting to think you might be reaching the end, you run right into a protruding rock. 
The feeling of a sudden object makes you shout as you stumble back. Then you put a hand to your chin and gasp a little.
You can't see, but the wet feeling on your fingers and the radiating pain are telling enough, you definitely hurt yourself.
What the heck?
You reach a trembling hand out until you feel what you ran into. Upon further inspection, running your hands up and down and to the sides, you realize with mounting horror that you've reached a fork in the road.
The rock you slammed your chin into is a long divider, the separator of the two paths. 
See, this. 
This is exactly what you were dreading. 
That thought brings a new wave of fear when you think of something else. 
This tunnel...is it always the same?
Your eyes widen and you reach out helplessly to feel your way down the left path. You don't have the time or the sanity to sit here and debate. 
You just realized something that you really wish you hadn't thought of. 
You were under the impression that this path was the scariest, but that it was always the same. Now you've figured it out. 
It brings your worst nightmares to life. If you imagine something you fear, it will happen.
Do not think. 
Do not think of anything but good. 
Tears build in your wide eyes as you feel the wall and hurry as fast as you dare in the dark. You don't want to be around when your nightmare inevitably takes form.
JK sits on a rock in the corner of the small room, staring at the opening. 
He's not sure why he hasn't left yet. 
You're not going to walk out of that path, he already knows that. You'll go insane and-
He picks up a small stone and tosses it against the wall, not even flinching when it echoes loudly. 
Of course you had to go and ruin his plan. You're so stupid. 
Of fucking course you chose the worst path. Now he gets nothing. He knew you'd fuck him over; he did all of this for absolutely nothing. 
Grinding his teeth, he picks up another little rock and chucks it at the wall angrily. 
I need to think of more memories. 
You keep walking quickly, trying desperately to grasp any memory you can, but they flit through your frazzled mind quicker than you can snatch them. 
Honestly, it's so much worse now that you figured it out. 
Now your mind is betraying you and shuffling through everything that's always scared you even as you scream at it not to. 
It's like that time when Yoongi told you not to think of a bowl, and that's immediately what you pictured in your head. He would always laugh at that and he would get you every single time. It always annoyed you, you tried so hard to think of anything else but always pictured what he said not to.
The mind is a tricky thing to control at times. 
Especially when clouded with fear. 
Your stomach plummets to your feet when you hear maniacal laughter coming from somewhere far behind you. 
Nope, you gotta think of something good. 
You smack your head, trying to pound a memory into it. 
Yes! That’s it!
You keep walking as you try to picture when you and your best friend had finally been allowed to sleep in the shed overnight. 
Your mothers never wanted you to sleep anywhere away from home the whole night, always insisting you two get back before everyone went to sleep. 
It was incredibly annoying, especially when you became teenagers just wanting some independence. 
But finally, it happened. 
It was on his seventeenth birthday. You had turned sixteen shortly before and both of you had begged your mothers, insisting you were more than old enough to spend the night away. 
It was honestly ridiculous, your mother had been scolding you for not getting married yet, and here she was not even letting you spend a single night away. 
"You act like you're so mature, that you can handle being in the woods at night, and yet you're not mature enough to be married? All of your friends are married. Aren't you embarrassed??"
"Why should I be?" You stomped your foot, "I don't want to get married yet!"
"Why not?" Your mother had gasped, "You want the whole village to see you as the old maid that couldn't get a man? Or perhaps the village whore that runs off into the woods with her boy best friend?"
Your mouth twisted in anger, and you said some things that made your mother pause. You felt bad for hitting where it hurt, but it was true after all. 
Then her face hardened. 
"All the more reason to get married and have children quickly. Maybe spending the night away from home will knock that into your stubborn head."
You had stormed out after that.  
A frown graces your features as you hurry through the path. 
Maybe this wasn't the happiest memory to choose from. But it's a good distraction so you stick with it. 
You met him by the old swing where he told you he was allowed to go. Honestly it was silly of him to ask at that point, he wasn't considered a failure and could do whatever he wanted. 
He was a boy after all. 
You had a feeling he only asked because he cared a lot about what his mother thought of him and always wanted to do what she wished.  
It wasn't the same for you. You always tried so hard to do your mother’s will. 
But no matter what, you never felt good enough. 
She was never going to be proud of you.
So, you stopped trying. 
You shake your head and make yourself jump to the part that will bring you comfort. 
He ran on ahead, encouraging you to go faster until he had you laughing. 
The shed was looking the best it ever had, with a small table by the bigger cot you shoved in, and the torn curtains hanging from the little window above the cot. 
There was also a chest where you kept extra clothes. 
"Finally! This is going to be great," he jumped up and down and clasped his hands, "Are you not excited, Apple?"
You nodded enthusiastically, your sour mood completely gone, “I am!” 
He walked over to the chest and opened it, pulling out two pears he had hidden there previously and presented them to you with a fancy flourish. 
You laughed and took one, bowing in a silly manner to match his. 
He grinned at you, "No one can reach us here, Apple. We've got all day and all night to talk about whatever we want, to do whatever we want."
It was such a relief. 
To be away from prying eyes, to not be the center of gossip for once in your life. 
The two of you munched on the sweet fruit and gossiped about everyone else in the village. You talked about how you suspected your friend Jisoo was with child and he shared how he had caught Minho with one of the Kim sisters in the barn. 
That was the thing. 
Everyone else in the village was actually doing questionable things, yet the two of you were always the ones being accused of it. Simply because you were a girl and best friends with a boy and how you were still unmarried at the crippling old age of sixteen. 
They didn't care to know the truth, they liked to come up with their own stories of how the two of you snuck away to do sinful things in the woods. 
You both tried not to let it bother you, but when it came from your parents and friends, it was more painful. 
The only two people in the whole village that cared to see things how they really were, were Tae and Yoongi. 
That night was wonderful though. 
He even taught you a lullaby when you began to get spooked as the sun went down. 
You had always convinced yourself there was the ghost of a teenage girl in the woods like everyone said there was, the most horrific images coming to mind whenever it was dark. He never failed to fight those fears off. 
Your eyes fly open suddenly when you hear the sound of weeping. 
Oh no. 
No, no you did not just think of her. 
A chill shoots down your spine as the weeping grows louder. 
How foolish could you be??
"It doesn't exist," You whisper to yourself, "It was a silly rumor that someone made up and spread around for fun."
She was never there and isn't here now. 
It's all in your head. 
You start walking faster when the weeping gets closer.
That's when you remember the lullaby. 
You start whispering it to yourself, mumbling the sweet tone as you keep going forward. 
Forward, don't stop, keep going forward. 
Please don't stop. 
It's not real, silly. 
But you cannot stop.  
JK is about to walk out, then he hears the softest sound. 
A sound that has never breached the walls of Hell. 
Is someone singing?
He stops in his tracks, listening carefully. 
It is someone singing. 
What the fuck?
He looks over at the opening. 
It's barely audible, the person must be whispering, the sound traveling through the slender path as it bounces off the walls. 
It's not the creature in there, this voice is something that thing could never imitate. 
Just as he takes a step closer, a loud wail sounds, the color draining from his face as he freezes and stares into the empty blackness.
When a sudden wail bounces off the rocks, you collapse on the ground and cover your ears with your hands, shaking like a leaf.
It's not here. 
It's all in your head. 
Singing the lullaby was actually helping. 
That must be why it changed tactics, to get your attention. 
You sit there curled up for a minute, the weeping calming to a soft cry once again.
You need to move. 
The sound of bare feet suddenly sprinting down the tunnel towards you makes your heart fly to your throat as you jump up and take off running like your life depends on it. 
An anguished cry echoes down the path behind you, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up. 
You don't even care about being careful anymore, you're running with arms pumping at your sides as you pray that you don't run into anything. 
And that nothing catches up to you. 
"Wait!" The voice sounds guttural and insane.
You trip and fall, arms and legs sprawled out against the ground for a second before you try and pick yourself back up. 
"Don't, please-"
The sound of a crying girl begging for you to stay sends a chill into your bones that you've never felt before. 
She's right behind you. 
"Help me-" she croaks out. 
Still shaking, you turn and look behind you.
A foolish idea. 
It's still incredibly dark, but now you can see the silhouette of a girl that doesn't look much younger than you. 
A raggedy dress hangs from her skeletal limbs and knotted hair falls past her shoulders. 
You can't see her face; just the contorted position she's standing in. 
You want to close your eyes. 
But you can't. 
It's like they're being physically held open so that you can watch yourself be tormented by whatever this is. 
"Won't you help me?" Her voice is low and scratchy, it sounds like she needs a drink. 
"You're not real," you whisper weakly, more to yourself than the figure in front of you, "You're not real..." 
"Help me." Her voice is stronger this time, as if you're starting to anger her. But still she only stands there, legs bent at an odd angle and stick thin arms hanging limp at her side. 
Her head cocks, and you notice that her hair is covering her face. 
For some reason, it's getting light enough for you to see more of her, but no more of your surroundings. 
Your heart is pounding out of your chest, body frozen in complete and utter terror as you stare at her. 
You've never been more terrified in your entire existence. 
It isn't real. 
A skinny hand reaches out and towards your figure still cowering on the floor. 
"H-h-h-help me," A choking sound bubbles out of her throat and she starts to twitch, a strange convulsion that looks like she can't control. 
Moving as slowly as you can, you start to stand. 
The figure just seems to watch you through her curtain of matted black hair, hand still outstretched. 
"Why do you need help?" You ask quietly. 
Another foolish idea.
Her head cocks to the other side so suddenly it startles you, but you keep your eyes locked on her. Through the strands of hair, you see an unnaturally large smile spread, full of teeth that look too big for her mouth. She stands half a head shorter than you. 
"I want you to be my friend, forever," She whispers in a horrifyingly teasing voice, “You always ignored me, even when you were a little girl. Both of you played without me,” Her voice breaks tearfully but the smile grows.
You need to get out of there. 
You're too scared. 
You cannot move. Especially knowing what will be behind your back and will be watching as you go. 
She knows about you and your best friend. 
What else does she know? Was she always there, watching us in those woods?
It doesn’t matter.
There's nothing more you want to do than turn and run, but you're frozen. 
Give me strength, please. 
You are an angel of God, do not fear her. 
Suddenly you feel your limbs unfreeze and you turn to walk away slowly. 
You can feel her staring as you walk off. 
The end has to be close; you can make it. 
It seems like you might actually get away, but then a loud screech sounds and you're tackled to the ground. 
You flip on your back and start trying to fight her off, then you freeze in horror when you see her hair has moved and she's staring at you with huge eyes that bulge out of her head as she screams wordlessly in your face. 
Out of your control, your body seizes up and starts shaking so hard you can't even move as terrified screams rip from you. Her hands wrap around your throat and start to squeeze. 
The scene in front of you continues to send you into a state of pure panic over and over again. Her insane eyes as she screams and screams until blood dribbles from her mouth. She's straddling your chest, bony limbs pressing into you. 
I can't breathe. 
I can't breathe. 
It feels like you’re about to lose consciousness, no matter how hard you fight it.
Then you suddenly feel a small flame of anger light in your chest, and you grab her wrists, squeezing them as hard as you can even as she continues to choke you. 
You are not about to let this hag ruin everything. Not after all you've come through already. You are so close.
A pained gasp leaves you as you pull with all your strength and separate her hands from your neck long enough to scream as loud as you can, "In the name of Christ, get away from me!!"
It's like some invisible force rips her from you as the ground starts to tremble. She flies back and onto the floor, the most horrendous shrieks coming out of her as she covers her ears and flails like she's being tortured. 
You watch as her back arches from the ground and she convulses. Her lips are tearing from the enraged wails she's letting out. 
Then you're up and running. The ground quakes and you stumble. Stones begin to fall as if the giant rocks are splitting, but you don't stop. There are inhuman shrieks echoing all around you as you run full speed ahead. 
Finally, there's a sliver of red light. 
You charge for it and hurl yourself out right before a big rock falls on top of you. 
Curled up and shivering, you let out a horrified sob as you lay on the ground. 
You did it. 
You made it out. 
Eventually, it feels like the earthquake stops. You open your eyes and look around. 
Then you see him.
Sitting up in surprise, you stare at the figure to your left that's on his hands and knees, shaking uncontrollably. 
You stand up, wobbling a bit before you walk over to him. 
He looks up at you and you see sweat dripping down his face as it scrunches in pain. His eyes look dazed, then they focus on you and anger flashes in them. 
JK stumbles to his feet, towering over you as he grabs your shoulders and drags you closer to him and shakes you, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He screams, "Why did you-"
He cuts himself off, then shoves you away, his hands quivering as he grabs at his head and stumbles back into the wall. 
You step back, hands coming up in small fists as you tuck them under your chin and watch him anxiously. 
"W-what did I do-"
The demon's glare fixes on you again, seeing you looking quite small standing there in confusion as you look at him with huge innocent eyes. 
That's what causes him so much rage. 
Your stupid innocence. 
He walks over to you until you need to crane your neck to look at him. 
"What did you do?" He pants, "Do you think there's anyone else as stupid as you that would utter that name here?"
That makes sense, you were just so distracted you didn't think about how it would affect more than that demon in the tunnel. 
Oh, well. 
Not like they don’t deserve it.
"Oh, is that all?" You shrug and walk around him, "Where's the exit?"
His jaw clenches as he stands there for a moment before turning to look at you. Long dark locks fall over his eyes as he stares at you in enraged disbelief. 
"Are you serious?"
"Am I serious about what?" You ask, this time he notices how scratchy your voice sounds. 
You stumble when his hand grips your arm tightly and he yanks you over to a different pathway, pulling you through it without a word until you two come out.
The red sky greets you, the smokey air even thicker than it was on the other side of the Devil’s Backbone. 
He shoves you, letting go of your arm as he does. You fumble for a second on the loose rocks but keep your footing. Then you turn and look at him, noticing how heavy he's breathing. 
"You are the most despicable creature I've ever come across," He seethes, chest rising and falling in angry breaths, "You're lucky that you have some use, or you'd be so fucked you wouldn't even believe it."
Straightening your back, you look at him steadily, "Oh yeah? You keep making threats like that," You walk over to him, "And yet I can bring you to your knees with a name."
You see him gulp as he stares daggers at you.
"You can hurt me, demon. But I can break you," You whisper. 
The demon's jaw clenches so hard it nearly shatters his teeth. 
The stare down lasts for a full minute.
"Who are you?" He finally says through grit teeth, voice quivering with rage. 
"I'm the one you promised to bring to the center of Hell," You still don't break eye contact, "And you will get nothing from me until I say so."
The fact that a mere human has the audacity to speak to him like this puts him in a state beyond anger, beyond hatred. 
He despises you with every ounce of his being. 
You don't flinch when he grabs your injured wrist and squeezes it harshly. 
"Hurt me all you want," You snap, "I'll take you down with me. If I'm in pain I might as well give you a hard time too, don't you think?"
He pulls you closer, his lips hovering above your own, so close you can feel his breath against your mouth. 
"Wanna call a truce?" You ask with a smug smile.
"Fuck you," He seethes, then lets go of your wrist and steps away. 
A truce then. 
You finally let out the breath you were holding, noticing that your hands are shaking slightly. 
Glad that worked. 
For a minute there, you were worried it might not. 
Lifting your head, you look over to the long stretch of mountains, burnt and smoking. Not far off, you can see flames rising and hear the sound of screams echoing. 
You close your eyes. 
Just hold on, ____. 
You can do this.
Opening them again, you look over to see him glaring at a rock on the ground. 
A scratchy laugh leaves your throat, and he looks up to see you holding a hand to your neck and wincing. 
Seemingly recovering quickly, you bring your hair around to the front and give him an amused look. 
"Don't be too mad at me," You call over, voice breaking, "It only means you can't hurt me anymore."
He scoffs, "I can do whatever the hell I want."
You start walking down the slippery slope, ignoring his glare following you. 
"I'm choosing not to hurt you right now," He calls after you, "It has nothing to do with-" 
You nod and give him a thumbs up, trying to focus on your footing and not fall on your bottom and go sliding down to wherever this leads. 
JK breathes out slowly and stalks after you. 
A few hours go by of just slipping and sliding and trying not to tumble down the mountain and end up in a heap at the bottom. 
You're tired but feel a spark of hope inside that keeps your energy up. 
"Where is the bottom??" You eventually gasp out, grabbing onto a rather large rock and holding a hand to your chest. 
You hear him scoff somewhere to your right. 
"What? Now you're complaining about walking down a mountain? Can't even do that, little mor- ah, fuck!"
Your head whips to the side when you hear rocks falling and a surprised shout. 
A laugh bursts from you when you see him on his butt, a look of bewilderment on his face as he sits on the side of the mountain. 
When it hits him that he just slipped and fell, his face turns red and he looks over at you. Anger is quick to take over as you see him clench his hands. 
You're laughing so hard you can't even really hold yourself up. Your grip on the rock slips and you scream as you fall to your hands and knees, grabbing the rocks so that you don't slide. 
"Ha!" He shouts from where he's slowly getting to his feet. 
A smile tugs at your lips at the way he very gingerly walks over to you. 
"Look who's falling on their ass now," He huffs when he reaches you. 
"I'm not though, am I?" You laugh as you look up at him from your position on your hands and knees, "That was all you, buddy."
His face falls, then his mouth twists in irritation. 
"Call me that again and I'll throw your ass down this mountain."
"Gonna help me up?" You ask, reaching a hand out. 
"No," he snaps, then starts making his way down the slope again. 
You can't help but laugh some more even though it hurts your throat; he's acting like a spoiled toddler that didn't get the cookie he wanted. 
Fumbling, you finally get to your feet and follow him carefully. 
Ten minutes go by and neither of you have said a word, just quietly looking for your next steps. The end of the mountain isn't far now. 
You swallow, your sore throat making you wince.
A few times, you make a wrong step and start to slip, but you're able to keep your balance. 
Thank goodness the bottom is close; your legs feel like jelly and your whole body is aching all over.
He doesn't look back once, just keeps trudging forward, face set in a scowl. 
As you wave the smoke from your face, you're not looking where you're going for only a moment, but that's all it takes for you to step on a loose rock and stumble forward. 
The steep mountainside makes it impossible to stop with your momentum. Your arms flail in the air and then you're falling. 
He turns at the sound of you shouting and rocks falling. It's a split second before you fall past him when he reaches out and grabs you. He's not sure why he did it, but there's no time to dwell on that. 
It all happened too fast, he didn't even think before acting, didn't brace himself before catching you. 
You collide into him and knock him over, sending both of you tumbling down the rest of the way, feet flying over your heads. 
You only stop when you reach the bottom. 
The sound of both of you panting is all you hear for a few moments. 
"Fucking hell," he eventually groans. 
Opening your eyes, you're met with his dark ones staring right back. 
A few seconds go by but neither of you move. Then you realize you're on top of him. 
JK doesn't tear his eyes away from your face as he watches the realization of the position you're in dawn on you.
"Oh," You say slowly, "Oh! Sorry."
You scramble off of him and onto the ground, small stones digging into your knees. 
He doesn't move for a second, just stares at the sky, then you see him gulp and sit up. 
"Remind me to actually break your wrist when this is over," He snaps, "Idiot."
"Don't count on it," you say quietly, then give him a small smile when he looks at you. 
He just stares at you blankly, then turns away. 
"Come on," He grunts as he stands up, not offering you a helping hand. 
Not that you expected it. 
"Are we in the sixth circle?" You ask, looking around. There's nothing but mountains, the flames you saw are on the other side of the mountain you're standing at the foot of now, "Don't tell me we have to climb up and then down this one too." 
He looks over to see you looking up at it and shaking your head. 
"I should make you climb it, but no." He sighs and rubs his temples as if he’s got a massive headache, "Yes this is the sixth circle, no I won't tell you anything more, please just shut up for a minute."
You say nothing, but only because you're confused about his simple answers and the fact that he even said 'please'. 
"Just-" He rubs his hands down his face and sits there for a minute. Then he snaps his fingers, and the small fire appears right in front of you, making you jump, "Just-...let's just stop for a minute."
"Ok," you say with a small voice. 
He walks over to a rock and plops down onto it, his hands going into his hair and gently yanking on it. 
You hear him muttering to himself. You think you catch him cursing you out, but that doesn't surprise you. 
Deciding to just sit on the ground, you pull your legs to your chest and wrap your arms around them, resting your chin between your knees. 
"How did you get out of there?" 
You look at him when he speaks, then you put your chin back where it was. 
"I thought you knew. That's why you're so mad at me right now, isn't it?"
He scoffs, "Right now? When the fuck did you ever think I was anything other than pissed at you?"
You shrug, still staring at the fire. 
Silence goes on after that for a few minutes, then he clears his throat. After a moment passes and he doesn't say anything, you lay your head on your knees and close your eyes. 
A broken cough rips from your chest and you wince, hand going to your throat as a reflex. 
Without any warning, he gets up and comes closer until he's standing over you. 
"Get up."
"Why?" You whisper tiredly, voice cracking, "I thought you wanted to rest-"
Your sentence gets cut off when he takes your arm and pulls you to your feet. 
"Why can't you just listen to me?" He snaps. 
You don't fight him when he takes your shoulders and faces you towards him. 
As much as you hate it, your heart starts hammering in your chest when he leans closer. 
"How old are you?" He asks quietly, his eyes going back and forth between your own. 
You gulp and avert your gaze, refusing to look at him. 
"Nineteen," You choke out. 
"Nineteen?" He says in what seems to be disbelief, "How can a nineteen-year-old girl take on the entity you faced?"
"I don't know," you say, trying to pull away. But he keeps a hold on your arms.
You start coughing again, a sharp pain slicing down your throat as you try to get a deep enough breath. 
"What happened in that passage?"
"What do you mean?" You look at him, then you immediately look away again. You’re not sure why you can’t face him right now. 
Before you can move from his grasp, you feel a hand on your jaw. He gently turns your face, then moves your knotted hair until he can see the bruises along your throat. 
"She did this?" He asks softly, a tinge of something more in his voice that you can’t decipher.
Your eyes fly to his, your heart thundering so hard you feel like you might pass out. 
The sound of your voice seems far more broken than you meant it to. You're just so tired, you don't know how much longer you can keep up this strong act. Your body aches so deeply, your bones feeling infected with exhaustion.
Without your consent, tears start to brim in your eyes. You haven't even gotten the chance to process the past few hours yet. It was so terrifying, and you had to just go from one thing to another without a moment to think. 
You close your eyes. 
Give me strength. 
The feeling of a gentle thumb running along your cheek makes your eyes fly open and meet his. 
His other hand falls to your throat. 
A shiver runs through you when the feeling of soft fingers brushes against the marks on your neck. 
"Why won't you give up?" The demon whispers so quietly you barely hear him, his eyes drifting over your face. 
You swallow the lump in your throat and lock eyes with him, not letting yourself look away this time. 
"Because if our places were reversed, he would never give up on me."
He stares at you for a moment longer, then he takes a step back. 
You pull yourself from his grip and walk over to the other side of the fire.
Dropping yourself to the ground, you curl your legs up and hug them again, stuffing your face into your knees before a sob can escape. 
He watches wordlessly as your shoulders shake with silent grief and you hold yourself tighter. 
The demon eventually sits down on the rock again, thumb moving to his mouth as he bites at the nail absentmindedly, his eyes glued to your figure on the other side of the fire. 
If this is what love does to humans, why do they dream of it and never want to let go?
JK tears his eyes from you and focuses on the fire. 
If this is what it breaks you down to, he’s glad that he will have no part of it. 
Imagine being so pathetic you’d lower yourself to that.
Love is weakness and misery. 
Then your words pop into his mind, and he swallows thickly. 
“You’re already in Hell, how much lower can you get?”
a/n: tysm for reading, hope you liked this long chapter!!
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Hi I know that your requests are closed but I really had to get this request to you before my brain forgot about it 😭 pls feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it 🤧
So like Negan has made Daryl his prisoner and the reader is Negan's wife . Also the reader is very sassy and has Negan in a chokehold and Negan basically does whatever she asks him to. So when the reader sees that Negan has bought Daryl as his prisoner she's lowkey attracted to him and suggests a threesome between them and then smut where Daryl fucks her so much better than Negan ever could 😩.
Hi Anon!!
I have to say that when I read your request I was like "threesome with Daryl and Negan? Fuck yeah!" But then thinking about I didn't image Daryl could be get hard with Negan there or being a prisoner so I stopped and thought about what could be better for the story and I was thinking about a dark Daryl full of rage and angry, accepts just to piss up Negan... I hope you don't mind if I gave to the reader my special touch.
I hope you'll like it!!
The Prisoner.
Negan x Reader x Daryl.
Anon request.
Warnings: Smut.
Words: 2800
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"Auh..." You mutter settling back and closing your eyes again. "A...Auh! Auh! Negan!" You call out to him and smack him upside the head, he looks up from between your legs. "May I ask what's on your head? I told you to eat my pussy, but I didn't mean it literally." You grunt in annoyance and push the man away by sitting on the bed, crossing your arms.
"You've always liked it when I give you a little nibble."
"A little nibble, not you ripping my skin off, what's wrong with you?" you snap again and he averts his gaze.
"It's Rick Grimes and his group in Alexandria..." He confesses remaining seated on the bed, running a hand through his hair.
"What about them?" You say bored as this isn't the first time you've talked about it.
"Nothing, forget about it, let's go on with what we were..." He says wanting to get on top of you, but you stop him.
"No, no, I'm not in the mood anymore." You huff and get up from the bed, he looks at you in disbelief. "Don't you have one of then as a prisoner?"
"Yes, Daryl, Rick's watchdog, but they still dare to go against me, that kid, Carl, came in here and nearly killed me."
"Oh yeah, that kid has the same hair on his balls as he does on his head." You can't help but laugh at your own comment. "Daryl... uhm yeah, I've seen Dwight 'take care of him' sometime... he's pretty cute..." You bite your lip in thought and a shiver runs through you.
"What?" Negan asks as you look up at him with a mischievous grin.
"I want you to bring him to my room, I want to meet him."
"Have you lost your mind? He's a prisoner."
"You screwed up my night of sex, so this is going to be my compensation."
"Since when do you think you can make demands on me?" He faces you, angry, getting off the bed and walking towards you, but it doesn't scare you.
"Since you decided to make me your wife. You know I'm not like those little girls who are afraid of you. If you want my pussy, you'll have to earn it." You challenge him, Negan stares at you licking his lips.
"And what makes you think I won't go with one of those little girls you say?"
"Because if they gave you what I did, you wouldn't be here anymore." You smile victoriously when you see him frown. You've won.
"And what do you plan to do with him?"
"Fuck him." You say sincerely.
"Of course I do, and don't waste any more of my time. If you behave yourself, I'll let you watch." You smile and wait, you know Negan is volatile, he needs a moment to calm down and you shouldn't insist too much, you've learned to control your demands to the point that he accepts them.
"Fine." He barks getting out of bed, getting dressed. "You're a whore."
"You should have made a better choice, honey." You joke again but see a sly smile on his mouth before he walks out of the room, leaving you alone.
You sigh and put on a robe, you don't want to scare the man as soon as you enter the room, you go to the bathroom and prepare the bathtub, you might want to take advantage of him, but you're not going to let him touch you if he's full of filth. You also prepare something to eat and when Negan returns he pushes the other man into the room. Daryl stumbles and falls face first to the floor, your first reflex is to go to help him, but you stop at the last second, Negan is still there, you can't let your guard down.
"Well?" the man says impatiently.
"Not tonight, honey, leave us alone, when I want you to look, I'll tell you." Again Negan hesitates, but finally leaves, slamming the door violently. "One of these days I'll lose my head" You whisper and wait a little longer before walking over to the man still lying on the floor.
He's so weak he can't even move, as if to ask him to put you on all fours and make you moan until you're hoarse. You watch him closely, his hair matted, dirty, too long for your taste, his skin black from the dust and dirt in the cell, among other things you don't want to think about. You frown at all the scars on his back, you're sure Dwight couldn't have done all that to him, some of them look very old. Carefully you bend down and touch his shoulder slowly. Daryl tenses and in one sudden movement you're lying on the ground, the man on top of you, his hands around your neck, his fingers squeezing your skin tightly. He's really choking you.
You gasp and thrash your arms and his face several times, but he doesn't seem willing to loosen his grip.
"H...Hi...Hilltop!... "You say barely. "Jesus!" You say again and then the pressure disappears.
Daryl looks at you with wide eyes through the strands of hair, his hands release your neck as you begin to cough loudly, you feel him move cautiously to your side, but he doesn't move too far away, studying you carefully, watching your every move in case it's a trap to finish what he has started. Still coughing you sit on the floor rubbing your neck, you glance sideways at him and see him avert his gaze, your robe has opened a little exposing your body, you smile, but adjust your clothes and throat clears.
"No doubt my brother was right..." You say, but you gesture to him pointing to the door and then put a finger to your lips as a sign of silence. "Come with me, I've prepared a hot bath for you."
He doesn't trust you, however, he gets up following you to the bathroom, as you promised him there is a bathtub waiting for him, you make him get in and start rubbing his skin and hair letting all the dirt dissolve in the water. There with the noise and away from the door, you can talk freely.
"Jesus sent me a message warning me that Negan had attacked your group." You tell him as you rub his scalp. "He asked me to help you get out of here, that Rick needs you in Alexandria." You continue, telling him your plan.
"Jesus is my brother, I became Negan's wife to know his plans from the inside and sabotage them little by little, I'm not proud and I'm sorry for what you people have had to suffer, but it's complicated to get close to him." You confess and sigh heavily.
Two years ago you showed up at the door of the Sanctuary, pretending to be lost, scared to death, in need of food and a home, Negan believed your story and took you in as a Savior with the condition of becoming his wife, again honoring your role you accepted desperately, however you were not going to let him treat you like trash as he did with the rest, when you gained his trust you showed your feisty character, contradicting him, making him angry, attracting his attention and becoming one of his favorite girls. Sex was the hardest part at first, but eventually you realized that the man was attractive, despite his volatile and sadistic nature, and knew how to treat you in bed, so you took it as your reward for being in the lion's den.
"If he catches ya freein' me, he'll kill us both and there will be consequences for my people."
"That won't happen, I've been thinking of a plan so you can escape and he won't suspect me..."
"Sleep with me? Negan told me as we were on our way here."
"That's what I told him, yes." You laugh and rinse his hair. You help him out of the tub, hand him a towel to cover himself. "Do you think you'd get hard if he was in front?"
"Ya wanna him to be in front?"
"I want you to threaten me and he can't defend himself, you'll lead me to one of the exit doors and escape before anyone can follow you."
"Why do y'think he would defend ya, won't his men follow me?"
"Don't worry, Jesus will be waiting for you and he'll know how to get rid of them, trust me."
"And what about Negan?"
"He'll do what you ask of him, I'm his favorite, he won't let you hurt me." You assure him, Daryl seems hesitant, but finally nods his head. "Good, now eat some, I need you to get your strength back." You hand him what you have prepared for him and he eagerly devours it.
In the next few minutes that Daryl is eating you explain to him in more detail your plan, of course sex was only a possibility, you don't think you could ever touch Daryl in that sense, you don't know him, but in a stressful situation like the one he's in, you're sure sex is the last thing on his mind. When he finishes eating you smile and let him relax a little more in your room, he's going to have to go back to a rough and filthy cell, at least if he gets some sleep on a bed, his body will thank you.
"Well, I'd better call the guys to be taken back to your cell." You say and he gives you a sidelong glance. "Remember the whole plan?" You ask and he nods again.
You are about to get out of bed when you feel his hand on your knee. You look down to discover his fingers slowly creeping up your skin, hiding under the fabric of your robe, you look at him in surprise and see him staring at you. You want to stop him, tell him he doesn't need to do that, you can have fun the day Jesus responds to your message and carry out the plan, but not now... you lose the thread of your own thoughts when his fingers brush against your mons and find their way between your legs. You gasp, your gaze unfocused for a second as his fingertips touch your button and stop there. His eyes watch you, his fingers move very slowly over your clit and Daryl watches as your face transforms into a grimace of pleasure. It's been a while since he's touched a woman, but he still knows what he's doing.
You close your eyes when you feel Daryl's lips on your neck, his hands run over your body giving you goosebumps, you sigh and hear a growl near you, you open your eyes again discovering Negan sitting on his couch, watching you, biting his lip, moving his leg nervously. He wants to join in, he can't stand to see Daryl touching you and making you moan and him not being able to prove he does it better. But you have to admit that Daryl is a better lover than you expected, that day he proved to you that he could make you shudder and beg just by fucking you with his fingers and now he's doing exactly the same. You moan low as you spread your legs wider for Negan to get a good look at how Daryl's fingers sink inside you over and over again making a wet sound to accompany your moans.
"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum..." You say feeling the pleasure building in your stomach and your pulse quickens.
"Stop it, get her on all fours." Negan says getting up from the couch unbuttoning his pants urgently pulling out his cock, hard, head red and angry, spitting pre cum fluid.
You can't help but smile and get even more excited, Daryl grunts, not happy to see another man's cock, but he has to admit he likes your body and is enjoying you, so he does as Negan asks; he pulls his fingers out of your pussy, helps you turn around and you rest your hands and knees on the mattress, you look at Negan with a naughty smile and open your mouth, egging him on.
"Oh honey, I'm going to fuck that slutty throat of yours." He growls walking straight towards you, grabs you by the hair and shoves his cock inside your mouth. "That's it, suck it like you know how." He says giving you a tug on your hair.
You could refuse, leave him desperate and hating you, but you need him relaxed, your guard down, so you close your lips around his swollen cock and start sucking, pumping up and down, licking and sucking his tip with special interest, hearing him curse and grunt through his teeth, his fingers not loosening their grip on your hair. Daryl watches you for a few seconds, his cock needing attention too, your hips are slightly raised and your legs spread, letting him see your wet pussy ready for him. He bites his lip jerking his length a couple of times before positioning himself behind you. You moan against Negan's cock as you feel him slide his tip between your folds, touching your clit then pressing and pushing inside you slowly, his size dilating you as he goes deeper, you pause for a second, your mouth wide open for Negan, but you are unable to process the excitement that is coursing through you at that moment. Daryl stays still inside you, then slowly pulls out again, only his tip still in your pussy before he thrusts once more, hard, deep, drawing a moan from you that you yourself have never heard before. You need to pull Negan's cock out of your mouth to breathe, as Daryl holds you tighter around the waist and does the same again, your eyes roll as he finds the perfect rhythm, fast and deep. Negan pushes his cock against your lips again and you obey letting yourself be fucked by both men until you feel yourself losing consciousness.
Negan cums in your mouth, holding you by the back of the neck as he unloads completely, you swallow quickly and slap him several times on the legs to get him to release you. He loves to see you desperate, but he pulls away and you spit out his cum, however, Daryl doesn't give you time to process it, pushes you back against the mattress fucking your aching pussy with more intensity and you feel your orgasm rock you, you clench around his cock and you both moan, his seed spilling inside you with the last more erratic and uncontrolled onslaughts.
Your body falls onto the bed totally exhausted, breathing hard, feeling yourself shaking, your knees like jelly, your pussy pulsing as you feel the hunter's semen dripping out. Daryl is also trying to recover, Negan is no better, sitting on his couch. You have to stick with the plan, but all that has hit you all hard. You swallow still feeling some traces of Negan's semen in your mouth, you look sideways at Daryl and he nods slyly.
The plan works better than you expected, Daryl gets dressed as he holds you down, a knife against your neck, you tense, you tremble and look at Negan pleading for help, the man is angry, but he won't make a move that would put you at risk. Daryl pulls you to the door you guide him with small signals, no one is after you, Negan's men keep their distance so you don't get hurt.
"Go." You tell him by slyly pushing him away.
"Come with me." He asks you without letting go, but you shake your head.
"We'll meet again, Daryl, when the Sanctuary falls." You assure him and smile.
Daryl looks at you for a few seconds and kisses you with intensity surprising you, then you see him quickly leave and escape with Jesus who is waiting for him hidden on the other side of the fences of the abandoned factory.
The war ends, Negan is defeated by Alexandria and the communities that have allied with them, the soldiers who faithfully followed the man are cornered, given the choice whether they want to change or die, many try to escape, but very few manage to go far away.
Daryl lowers his gun and searches the battlefield with his eyes, he feels his chest quicken when he sees you, hugging your brother, Jesus, as he pampers you and whispers something against your ear as your embrace grows stronger. He walks towards you, not wanting to break the moment, but it's been several weeks since you last saw each other and Daryl feels a strange pressure in his chest.
He's not the only one, when you separate from Jesus and discover him next to you you can't help a nervous smile and your heart pumping hard. Jesus watches you and walks away leaving you alone. There is chaos, rage, death and despair all around you, but now you see and hear nothing but yourselves. You smile and move a little closer to him.
"Yer alive..."
"I told you we would meet again."
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barbs4shua · 7 months
Sweet Dreams; Sad Reality| Yoon Jeonghan|pt 2
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Part One Here:
Synopsis: Jeonghan finally caught you touching yourself while having sweet nasty dreams of him. Would you let him bring your dreams and greatest want to reality?
Paring: Yoon Jeonghan × Fem reader.
"Answer me Y/n . . . I don't have all night" he demanded causing you to flinch.
"Be more specific" he growls
"Fuck it Jeonghan! I want you" you snapped frustrated at the fact that he had you like this. . . without even trying.
"Good" he leans in till his mouth was just above your ears as he takes your hand placing it on the bulge in his pants. "I'm only going to ask you once . . . do you want me to fuck you or make love to you?" He whispers in your ears, his hot breath causing you to hitch a breath.
Truthfully you wanted both. Needed.
"I uhhh __" you stuttered
"I can do both" he says and you're pinned beneath him in seconds.
You shouldn't allow this, someone could walk in but the thought of getting caught excites you more.
He takes a moment you take you in, his eyes scan your entire body, dragging his gaze till it stopped on your lips. You bit your lip in anticipation but he doesn't kiss you. Jeonghan runs his hands gently over your clothed heat and you curse at the touch.
"I can smell your arousal from here and it's making me so hard I might nut in seconds" he says pressing himself into you teasingly. Yes, he's really extremely hard.
He drags his hand from your heat till he grabs your neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. His gaze never leaves your face and you can see the smirk on lips. He seems to be enjoying this, torturing you with his touch like this. You probably look like a cock- hungry slut right now but for Jeonghan you'll be anything.
His lips captured yours in a slow kiss, hands roaming your body till he cups your boobs. You can taste the alcohol on his lips, he's been drinking but thankfully he's sober enough so this doesn't end up as a 'drunken moment'.
His tongue runs over your lips and you open up, granting his tongue access into your mouth. His tongue reaches the depths of your mouth and you moan into his. Unable to keep your hands to yourself, you grab his hair urging him to do more because your body needs more. Needs Jeonghan.
Tearing away from your lips, he begins to trail sloppy kisses on your neck as his skilled fingers undid the buttons on your blouse, it is ripped off your skin in seconds revealing your black bra with a bunny charm attached. Perfect choice because right now, you are a bunny-in-heat. Two years is such a long time to survive without sex, not even the quickest flings.
He continues peppering kisses on your skin, he reaches your stomach and pauses to hold your gaze.
"What hap__" before you could get the words out, Jeonghan dips and licks your belly button. "Fuck Jeonghan" you scream. How come you never knew how sensual this could be?
"You liked that didn't you, now try not to scream too much. This room isn't soundproof" he says as he continues the sweet assault till your sweatpants were off, your bra following immediately leaving you in just your panties which were already super soaked.
His latches on to your boob, as his hand cups the other, flicking the nipple while his tongue ran over the other. He's sucking, squeezing, kneading, smooching, licking and nipping with no consideration for the angry throb in-between your legs.
Your hands, slipped under his oversized white shirt, tugging at the hem, he takes your cue and pulls it off him. Still not satisfied, you help yourself in a sitting position and your fingers find the drawstring of his trousers. He pauses, watching you trying to take it off.
"Impatient are we? mmm?" He teases as his hand snakes round your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your fingers slip from his trousers, going round his neck as his hot mouth takes yours in a searing kiss. He's not exactly gentle this time, it's hot, it commanding and it's wanting.
"Jeonghan please ?..." You beg detaching your lips as you came up for air even though your lungs were filled with the scent of him. You can't believe he's kept your panties on all this while.
He pushes you back onto the mattress and quickly takes off his trousers, you see the outline of the bulge through his fitted boxers and you do not need to be told that this slender man had a truck in between his legs. You gulp at the sight as heat rise to your cheeks. You're about to be ripped open for the second time.
"Don't worry I'll be gentle" he says looking at you, following the movement of your eyes. He palms his crotch and you gasps watching him run his hands over his dick. Your hands too impatient flies to your panties but he grabs your it before you slip in your fingers.
"You don't get to touch yourself, it's how we ended up here, do it again and I'll fuck you till you're unable to leave this room with both legs" he growls.
You nod as beads of sweat form on your forehead. This was too much. Jeonghan was pushing your buttons. He wanted you to beg for him and that's exactly what you do.
"Touch me please. . . Jeonghan" you plead taking his large hands to your boobs again.
"I'm touching you Y/n" he chuckles holding your gaze "you should learn to be specific and I'll give you what you want"
You swallow hard as your eyes stray to his crotch again, licking your lips. You were so hot it felt like your body was being boiled - cock deprivation should be taken seriously in today's world.
Finally willing to save you from his slow torture, he leans in, planting a kiss on your clothed heat as his fingers fiddle with the waistband of your panties. You lift your hips so he takes it off easily, leaving you bare before him.
"So wet. . . .so fuckin drenched. You're so beautiful, more than I ever imagined" he says tracing your folds as his gaze travels down your body. Ok, maybe you weren't the only one who'd been thinking things.
He shifts and positions himself between your legs, holding each leg with his hands "like I said, do not scream" he said quietly in a husk voice before burying his head. He begins his worship session by breathing in your scent first before kissing your purring intimate lips causing your body to quake.
Without warming, his tongue drags over your folds and your hand flies to your mouth to conceal the lewd sentences rolling out.
"You taste so sweet, I could feast here all day" he praises and resumes his administration. Tongue flicking over your bud and you whine, raising your hips in a roll, thankfully his hands hold you down.
"Fuck . . . Fuck. . . Fuck" you moan breathlessly, your legs trembling, hands gripping the bed tightly as he fucked you with his tongue, his lips sucking and licking your clit till your eyes were stained with tears. He slips in a finger and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"So tight. . . need to stretch you out well" he groans and adds another finger.He curls them, pumping them in and out of your clenching cunt till you were a moaning mess, earning your first orgasm on his tongue and fingers.
"You did well baby girl" he says dragging himself up to kiss you. You taste yourself on his lips. He licks your earlobes making you shiver "I want you now Y/n" he whispers and you melt at his word.
"Then take me" you whisper back, surrendering yourself to him.
You feel his dick brush your pussy and you suck in a breath. He pauses to look into your eyes, as if asking for permission.
"Raw?" He mouths.
You nod, unable to wait any longer. You wanted him right now. The sheer need to be fucked overwhelming your senses and better judgement. "Yes Jeonghan. . . Raw. Take me already"
You'd probably take an emergency pill afterwards since you weren't on birth control. The thought of Jeonghan staining your walls with his cum made your pussy throb painfully.
Your legs circle his waist, eyes still locked in a gaze that screamed many unspoken words as he lines himself at your entrance.
He mouth captures yours again in a kiss, a very slow kiss as he begins to push himself in slowly and painfully, his length stretching you out nicely. You shut your eyes which swelled with tears at the slight sting. He pulls out and you whine at the emptiness, he smiles into the kiss and he fills you up again, this time at a go till he bottoms out.
"Look at me Y/n . . . Look at me as I take you completely" he growls as his hands cups your cheek.
Your eyes open at his command, he begins to thrust into you at a slow and agonizing pace as his darks orbs bore into yours.
He's drilling into you so gently, earning repeated gasps from you at his size which you were still adjusting to. You close your eyes falling deep into the pleasure, his hands kneading your breast.
He continues his snail-paced thrusts, delicious sounds leaving his lips driving you wild with want. You need more, more of him.
"Han. . .nnie more please. . . . more" you beg.
"I told you told I'll make love to___"
"Fuck me Jeonghan!" You snapped cutting him off. He could make love to you some other time. Not now, not this time. You were too needy and wrecked with want for lovemaking. You needed him to pound into you till hungry beast in your inside burst open. He could make love to you another time.
Another time?
Will there be another time?
"As you wish princess" this is all it takes for him to pick up the pace. He pulls out and before you can react, he rams into you, almost causing you to choke. This is what you wanted, needed.
He's nibbling on your collar bone as he thrust faster into you, making you cry out loud from so much pleasure.
"Fuck Y/n. . . . you take me so well. I thought you'd break at my size. You. . .you're perfect for me" he says and you clench, making him curse.
Your hands dig into his back as he keeps pumping into you. "So fuckin perfect. . . . You're mine Y/n. Fuck! You're better than I imagined. I waited for this for so long. . . Such a fuckin long wait" he groans as his hands holds your neck choking you slightly.
You feel the familiar sensation of your orgasm building inside and you pull him in, kissing him this time.
"You're clenching so hard. . . uhhhh" he groans loudly, his name leaving your lips at the same time as you reach your peak, your orgasm pulling in his too. You feel him twitching, painting your insides with his hot liquid as he buries his face in between your boobs.
"You're mine Y/n. Never forget that" he mumbles breathlessly and your eyes water again.
Yes, there will be a next time. Many other times because now you have Yoon Jeonghan and you won't be needing those taunting dreams anymore.
Note: sorry it took so long to update the part 2. I got caught up with work and some projects. I literally dreamt of this and knew I had to update before I choke in the dream 😅. I typed so fast and didn't get to edit yet. Pardon any typos please.
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gold-rhine · 1 year
Hello! How about praise, lingerie and cockwarming for heizou, dainsleif and beloved babygirl kaeya?
warnings nsfw
ngl i'm a visual person and a sucker for lingerie. all three of them would be fun to do in it, but tbh you leave me no choice. it's gotta be kaeya. my man might have no ass, but he has legs for days. thigh high stockings on *that*? absolutely obscene by itself. with his penchant for corsets, black leather and chains? borderline illegal. normally i prefer lace in lingerie, but i feel like it's not really kaeya's style.
a more structured leather look, not the boring straps on rings harness, but a pseudo-corset amalgamation of curved and angular shapes, with transparent mesh thrown in between. open back, the whole concoction hinges on the wide choker collar. narrow chains on the collar, over the shoulders, on the waist to loop over the hips, stockings transparent black with wide leather ribbons on top. there's probably a flimsy robe with the white fur trim over the whole thing, waiting to be thrown off. the overall look would be absolutely ridiculous and over the top on anyone else, except it looks incredible on kaeya. this whole thing is also exceptionally frustrating to actually deal with, as a metaphor to the disaster this man is himself, so much seemingly on display, but nothing is truly accessible and when you try to find how to open it up, its complicated and overlapping and you're not sure where are you even supposed to start. and kaeya is gonna be an insufferable tease and purposefully unhelpful too, all over you, arching in your hands, breathy delighted chuckle and whispering against your ear, dirty and aggravating. he wants to see what you'll do. do you have patience and self-control to actually figure out the clasps despite his provocations or do you just rip it open, betraying how much you can't wait to get to him? fascinating either way. (there's a secret third option to make him open it himself, but for that you need to know how to play your little incubus like a fiddle) in any case, some time later you should have him under you, spread and exposed, complicated leather pieces running askew, one stocking pulled down and the other having a tear, and he'll look ravished and exquisite at the same time, and it'll be worth it without doubt.
ngl my top thing to do to dain is actually lingerie, but you had to put kaeya in the same ask, so i'm gonna go praise for him i guess. i wouldn't say he's into service play per se, but he enjoys like. being given tasks that require self-control or endurance and then being praised when he completes them well, he's similar with diluc on that, but dain likes harder stuff and is much more experienced. so like, fuck his face without mercy, deepthroat, fingers buried in his light blond hair, pulling harshly, making him choke and gag helplessly, and then tell him he did good while he's trying to catch his breath on his knees in front of you, shaky hands wiping at the wet corners of his eyes
heizou - cockwarming, right in his office. the important thing is to make sure kujou sara is somewhere far on the assignment. otherwise, this exhibitionist little whore loves being seen sitting on your cock, not outright visible, but very fucking obvious from how he's squirming and trying to fuck himself, how ruffled and debauched he looks without you needing to even do anything, he'll get there himself with how he's writhing in your lap, pouting and begging you to finally fuck him. if someone scandalized actually manages to find sara and bring her to the office, heizou'll cover your exit like "you told me i can't wear collar that says "cockslut", you didn't say i couldn't BE one. how do you think 90% of my cases are being solved, huh??"
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vampiric-tempt · 8 months
Kinktober | 04
≡ noncon | havik x gn!reader (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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tw ➤ nsfw, smut, noncon, mentions of blood, abuse, extremely dark content, forced oral, gender neutral
a/n: Havik makes me a feral woman · ⋆ · Yes, this is a NONCON. Read at your own risk!!!
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❥・*。After the mission with your brothers, Kuai Liang and Tomas had no choice but to leave you behind. Things didn't turn out how it was supposed to be, with Bi-Han's betrayal and being overwhelmed by General Shao's forces. You were captured.
You expected to be killed on the spot, but instead, you were thrown into a dirty cell. Your whole body ached, wrists tightly bound by thick chains. Sure, you were a Lin Kuei assassin...if the clan was still here by the end of everything. But you were the weakest amongst the three brothers. Of course you'd be the one reduced to a lowly prisoner for Shang Tsung.
Loud footsteps could be heard approaching your cell and you mentally prepared for who it'd be. The figure appeared to be Havik. He sneered at your form on the ground, or what appeared to be one. Afterall, you witnessed what Kuai Liang did to him.
You chose to remain quiet. You weren't a fool to mock the person with a greater advantage.
"Fucking weak." He spat. "Nothing but a waste of space here. Why the sorcerer decided to keep you here is a mystery."
"I'd like to ask him the same thing." You say calmly.
Havik slammed his fist against the metal bars making you straighten your composure. He was dangerous, you'd be a fool to lower your guard.
"HA! Do you think your brothers will come and save you? You'll probably be dead by then." Havik mockingly tilted his head, peering down at you as you sat cross-legged, clothes battered in dried blood and dirt. He'd be lying if he didn't find you attractive like this.
"I have faith." You mutter under your breath.
"Foolish earthrealmer." He says lowly. "I should punish you for what Scorpion has done to me, but I rather like my new look."
He shifts in his spot, beginning to unlock the cell doors. You furrow your brow and remain steadfast. Havik chuckles as he dangerously approaches you while kneeling down to your form. "I think I know a way to make yourself useful."
You glare at him.
"I like that look in your eyes. It's like looking at a small little fire that I'd be more than happy to diminish." He suddenly grabs your face harshly and slams your head back into the wall. The impact straining a scream from you. "Ngh!" You grunt.
Havik groans at the sound, a bulge forming in his pants. "Yeah, I have the perfect idea." His eyes hungrily looks you up and down. He releases your face and grabs a knife from his side. He angled it at the edge of your clothing, ready to tear it in a swipe.
Still dazed from the impact, your eyes widened in realization. "Not that, fuck no!" You tried to crawl away but Havik was quick to slam the dagger into your shoulder.
"AGHh!" You shut your eyes, realizing he had pinned the knife to the wall through your fucking shoulder. Panic began to settle in. "Please, you must be joking. Why not torture me instead?!"
"That was the initial idea," Havik grips the collar of your outfit. "But taking a good look at you I realized how fucking hot you were. And to be fair, I haven't had sexual pleasure in awhile." And he rips it apart. He made quick work until you were completely naked before him. His eyes preying down on you. You shamefully huddled within yourself, trying to hide whatever you could.
Havik let out a satisfied growl, standing back up to his full height. He fumbled with his trousers till he held his hardened cock in his hand, stroking it lightly. You looked away in disgust, refusing to look at the man. He took a few steps closer and grips your hair to look back at him.
"Yeah, this angle is good. You look so fuckable." He laughs. "Now open that mouth and suck. If you try anything, I'll cut off your fucking legs."
You hated this, you hated him. Slowly opening your mouth for Havik to enter. He let you do your thing. Giving him licks and sucking as much as you could, but Havik grew impatient, shoving his entire length down your throat.
"Mmph!" Tears pricked your widened eyes as the intrusion burned your throat. He began to throat fuck you, his fingers gripping onto your hair to keep you still.
"Oh fuckk." He growls, abusing your throat for his own pleasure. "Yeah this is good, I needed this." He throws his head back in ecstacy. Meanwhile you were internally begging for his ruthlessness to end.
Eventually he pulled out, finishing out of your mouth as he shoots his cum all over your face and body. He practically moaned at the sight.
Tears drenched your face, hair in disarray, and still dirtied from the previous battle. Havik tucks his cock away and he steps back to admire his work. "I'll come back later, but next time, it’s your pretty little heat that's gonna be fucked." He laughs. "And I'm gonna leave you out for display. Filled with cum so when your allies come and save you, they'll find you ruined and fucked out. A worse punishment than death. Humiliation."
You panted eyes watery as you listened to his words. He soon left you in that cell, naked and bleeding from your shoulder.
"Hurry...please..." You begged helplessly in your cell.
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╰┈➤ other kinktober 2023 mk1 works
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Love Thy Enemy Part 4
<<First, <Last, Next >, ~Masterlist~
Vorrin wanted to destroy everything. Starting with this idiotic outfit.
The guards shoved him writhing and snarling into his bedroom, giving him no time for a proper charge before slamming and locking the grand oak door like the cell that it was. His fists slammed on the wood hard enough to send his nerves prickling, and a throat-scraping roar ripped the cold, empty quiet asunder.
He threw his overcoat off his shoulders, working his thumb into a little tear in the back—it must have happened when he fell to the street—and ripped it straight down the middle. He didn't stop tearing until the fabric lay in silky tatters on the floor. The suffocating tie of his tunic was next, ripped entirely from the collar to leave a jagged, triangular hole from throat to mid-chest.
More. More. His fingers itched, no, burned with hungry fury. Almost like if he didn’t find more things to release it on, it would consume him from the inside out. He searched the room rabidly, quickly settling on the bed. In a few strides, he reached the mattress and wrenched the bedsheets off, shredding the silk fabric into long, frayed strips. Next, pillows, ripping them by the seams and tossing the feathers to the ground in violent handfuls.
He kicked the table over. He broke the chair legs by crashing it into the stone wall. He was just about to pull down the velvet curtains when the door unlatched and Empress Callista strode through.
Two guards trailed at her heels, reaching for their weapons at the sight of Vorrin’s recent work. Empress Callista halted them.
“Are you done throwing a tantrum?” she said coolly, stepping within arms-length.
“How could you do that?” Vorrin seethed. His fingers twitched at his sides, fighting the overwhelming urge to wrap them around her throat. He wouldn’t last two seconds against her guard. And where would it get him? An execution order and nothing changed.
“Defend you? It was quite easy actually, despite your bad opinion of me, I don’t particularly like seeing my consort shoved to the ground and verbally assaulted for things outside his control.”
“She hadn’t seen her son since the surrender; she was scared.”
“Everyone is scared, but we all make a choice on how we manifest it. She chose poorly. As did you.”
Vorrin reeled, an incredulous scoff already on his lips. “Me?”
“You humiliated me.”
“You publicly spoke against an imperial ruling.” Her hand darted out like a cobra, seizing him by the jaw. “These people need to know that there are no other options. That I am impenetrable. You made me look weak.”
Vorrin gritted his teeth, expression turned to stone beneath her bruising grip. “You made yourself look weak.”
The implication was there, as stupid as it was for him to remind her. If she wanted him taken care of, she’d have to send him to the dungeons or kill him. She would never tame him into her pet.
Empress Callista raised a brow but said nothing, molten amber eyes poring over his own brown like she could read every thought and secret within. Vorrin broke first.
As his gaze hit the floor, Empress Callista stepped back toward the door.
“Since you take pleasure in destroying the comforts I provide you," she said, "you can enjoy the night without them.”
Vorrin scoffed knowingly. “I knew it wouldn’t be long until you were starving me for results.”
“Hm? No. Your manservants will bring you dinner, but they’re not staying. You can undo that hair on your own; no new outfit either, since you've proven you can't take care of them. You may sleep without a sheet or mattress since you apparently don't want them, as well as figure out how you'll be eating your food without a chair for your table." She swung the door wide and strode into the wall with a whoosh of fabric, rich black braid swinging on her back. She stopped just over the threshold, not even turning as she called one last punishment. "I'll see you in the morning."
As it turned out, undoing Pins's meticulous work was harder than Vorrin thought. The chains tangled in his awakening curls, only tying knots--in both metal and hair--the more he tried to free them. He was able to tear one side free, strand by broken strand, leaving a clump of wispy locks twisted around one end. The other side pulled at his scalp but held a much larger chunk of hair for him to risk tearing it out by force. He let his hang behind his ear with the rest of the tangles.
Luckily, today's outfit was more familiar than the previous one's, making it easy to remove what remained for bed. And he was used to sleeping unclothed, so he wasn't too concerned about lacking a nightshirt. That is, until night fell and the room became an ice house. He'd never realized how much the sheet had aided in keeping him warm.
He chided himself. He'd grown soft these past months, accustomed to the luxury he scorned. He'd slept in colder conditions than this on the battlefield, or even in the barracks when winter hit. There was only one hearth in that wing, and it hardly heated the entire space. He had his own here, but no flint to light it. He hadn't thought to ask either manservant when they dropped off dinner if they could spare some.
He curled up in the middle of the bed, drawing the lightweight covers--only spared by being crumpled on the floor during his fury--around his shoulders. With that, he fell into a restless slumber.
Until the knife woke him.
He knew it before he was fully conscious, eyes shooting open, hand flying to his side for a nonexistent weapon, and then toward the threat, only to have his arm pinned to his side like the one on the other side which the intruder knelt on.
Vorrin opened his mouth, but the blade held his cry hostage in his throat, a large lump he had to uncomfortably swallow.
"Don't try to scream," said the intruder from the dark overhead. "I'd rather not damage valuable goods."
Vorrin swallowed again. Was this a kidnapping? Another cursed gift the empress had bestowed on him by showing him attention? He never would have had to deal with this when he was just a general.
"You hate her, don’t you?"
The voice interrupted his thoughts, low and creaky, like wind on an old tavern door. The blade lifted just slightly to allow words.
"The empress," the voice urged impatiently. "You hate her."
A new warning bell sounded in Vorrin's skull. This could be a trap. The empress's own attacker sent to test him. Though his hatred was no secret.
The knife lifted a fraction further.
"We saw you in The Dregs. A chink in the dragoness's bloody scales. Or maybe a weapon. An unwieldy one. Now, why would she keep something like that so close?"
"Don't know," Vorrin growled noncommittally. "Guess I'm just that pretty. How'd you get in?"
A chuckle and the weight shifted off of him. "We're everywhere the light isn't."
"Freedom fighters. People in rebellion against the latest power exchange. Like you."
Half a question, half a statement.
This reeked of a trap.
What were the chances of an actual rebellion, what he'd wanted but found impossible to reach, coming straight to him within the palace walls.
"I'm not a freedom fighter."
"Not yet."
"No, I'm--"
The shadow dropped their hood.
The moonlight illuminated a long, hollow face, pale and ghostly as the ashen hair that framed it. The angry red lines of a sigil burned from the center of his forehead to his brows and hairline: an eye with a compass coming out of it, though the arrow points were shaped suspiciously like daggers. Even if Vorrin didn't recognize the man, he certainly recognized that mark. Not that he'd had many chances to see it on someone breathing.
"Since when are The Eye freedom fighters?"
"Since our home became enemy soil. A man can be a cutthroat and a patriot at the same time."
Vorrin tightened his jaw disbelievingly.
The assassin grinned. "The Empress may have also threatened our profit if that is a more trustworthy motive. She’ll have us all hunted like dogs before the year is out."
Vorrin slowly pushed himself upright, keeping eye contact all the while. He quietly slowed his breathing, in turn calming his heart. "Why are you here? What do you want from me?"
"Now that's the right question." The man sat crisscross on the mattress, chin leaned into one hand while the other still twirled his dagger. "I got in here, but believe it or not, we can’t get anywhere near the Empress."
Vorrin thought about his daily patdowns and her constant entourage of guards. He could believe it.
“You, on the other hand, my angry friend. You are up close and personal with the Empress all the time.”
“Only just,” Vorrin muttered, seeing where this was going. He’d only made contact with Empress Callista yesterday, and he was certain that whatever the man imagined their relationship to be was nowhere near the truth.
“Better than any of our other options.”
“Look,” Vorrin eyed the assassin’s dagger, preparing for a wrestle when this probably went badly. “I have no interest in joining The Eye.”
“Shame. But not important. I don’t come on behalf of the Eye; I come on behalf of a united rebellion. I am simply the vessel that was chosen and willing to reach you. That’s what you want after all, right? The Empress gone?” He flashed another crooked tooth grin at Vorrin’s narrowed eyes. “See, I’ve done my research, High General Vorrin. Your position. Your stand against the Empress’s army. Your surrender as a war prize for the lives of your men.”
“How…” Not even all his men knew the truth of that day.
“I make a habit of knowing exactly what I’m dealing with before walking into a dark room. Point is, we want the same things. Empress Callista dead and the kingdom restored under a Totholian flag.”
“Under who’s rule? Yours?”
“Thank you.” The assassin held a dramatic, flattered hand to their chest. “But not my style. No, the rebels are chasing the rumor of the King’s Duras’s survival.”
Vorrin straightened a little taller in his seat. King Duras may have been problematic but when it came down to it, a legitimate royal brought comfort. The people trusted it more than another total overturn of power. And it meant a chance to end this nightmare. “Do you know—“
“No,” the assassin said. “Could be true, could be rumor, but if anyone can find him, it will be us. In the meantime we need to move. Before her hold grows any tighter.
Vorrin tried not to show his disappointment. He’d never been a gambler. As much as he wanted the Avarose Empire out, he wanted anarchy even less. With no concrete option for the throne, he would do well not to kick the already panicking beehive.
“I know it’s risky,” the assassin said as if reading Vorrin’s thoughts. “But what can we do? What will you do? Accept your fate? Doom your men to the dungeons? And…don’t you want redemption?”
Vorrin clenched the covers. “Redemption?”
“You did what you had to in the moment. But you can still save your kingdom for real.”
Save the kingdom. He’d lived months with this guilt, it weighed on him at all times. And then there was Empress’s condescending. The way she had taken his life at sword point. What she’d done today. He couldn’t trust her word that his men would one day be released.
“What would you have me do? She doesn’t trust me.”
“Then make her. Get close to her. And when she lets her guard down…” The assassin pressed the dagger into Vorrin’s hand. “Finish what you started.”
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii i @deflated-bouncingball l @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia a @bouncyartist t @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 3 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax x @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin remlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516
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randynova · 2 years
Hello, Randy! Can I make a request? Doma insisting for his s/o to smoke and drink so she can be less tense and relax (and maybe he can get laid) hey thanks a lot! :)
I feel like Doma isn't the type to drink, and if he does, only if it's not that strong. So he doesn't have that much alcohol around him. But!
Opium? That's gonna be a theme here and my boy smokes it. So I hope you enjoy it!
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(s): ɴᴏɴ-ᴄᴏɴ sᴍᴜᴛ, ᴅʀᴜɢ ᴜsᴇ, ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ, ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ, ᴀʙᴜsᴇ
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
The bittersweet poppy alkaloids from the opium pipe filled the air in thick clouds of smoke, trickling out the corner's of the demon's mouth as he grinned at his wife. A hazy gaze painted his pale features and his claws firmly rested on your hips, humming in bliss.
It's been hours since you two first started smoking, your husband insisting every few minutes for you to take a drag, teasing, "Oh please, my petal, you'll feel much more relaxed! It won't be as much fun without my sweet wife accompanying me!" With no other choice, you did as he said, the narcotic lulling you as time passed by.
His gleeful voice drifted in the air, still singing a taunt, "Soon you'll feel as well as I…"
Your mind was swamped with fog, lashes fluttering shut as you struggled to stay awake, leaning against your husband in an attempt to not doze off. Yet the warmth he radiated at the moment seemed comforting, your hands finding their way to his chest, and weakly clutching his shirt.
The sight made the demon preen, your touch sending him deeper into a pool of euphoria. The effects of these narcotics the humans used had seemed to amplify his primal desires yet relax his entire body in a way he never thought possible.
"Mm, petal…," Doma whispers, nuzzling his nose into your hair, inhaling the sweet fragrance of oats and fruit. He grazes your covered thigh, slowly tearing at the threads of your kimino, yet never applying enough pressure to rip through. 
"You look so cute when you're sleepy, [Name]," Doma croons, slipping his hand away from your hip, dragging them along your sides, and entangling his nimble fingers into your tresses. Responding with a hum, the demon can only laugh at your mellowness. "But you'll enjoy this quite more if you inhale it… directly from the source again."
Taking one long drag of the pipe, he purses his lips into a thin line and pulls at your locks, craning your neck at a painful angle.
Cradling the back of your head against his palm, Doma pressed his lips feverishly against yours, exhaling and blowing a puff deep into your lungs, forcing you to breathe in the addicting poppy tears whilst holding you in place. Your eyes watered as the smoke entered your lungs, a gasp of air mixing with the smoke that only seared at your throat.
It's only until you start squeezing his biceps does the demon pull away.
Coughing violently, gasping for air, your body relaxes further, weakening against his grasp until small rasps left you, heaving in the opium completely until it clouded your mind.
With a satisfied hum, Doma puts the glass pipe aside and guides your body down, laying your feeble form across the cold floor. 
His beautiful rainbow hues bore into you, filled with lovesick greed as he nestles himself between your parted thighs, soft cold hands sliding up your warm flesh as he bunches up your kimino to your waist. You shiver at his touch, whimpering, a strange sense of bliss washing over you as his leaking cockhead parts your puffy folds.
"Mm, ah— petal…," he groans, sinking into your cunt and leaning over, resting on his forearms as he wallows in the overwhelming heat of your cunny. Fuck, you felt amazing. Yet, something felt different. He gives a slow thrust, biting back a whimper as he pulls back. Your walls have him in a vice grip and instinctively, you wrap your legs around his taut waist, hooking your arms around his neck. 
His thighs twitched as he grounded into your pussy, eyes rolling to the back of his head the moment you forced him deeper.
Stuttering, his movements falter and he gasps.  "You…ngh—ah–hahhh…" Doma buries his face in the crook of your neck, digging his fangs into your neck, and shutting his eyes. He felt… oversensitive. His stomach was churning and his balls were tightening immediately, almost as if he were a young human again. 
Where a virgin finally had the chance to stuff himself into the snug and velvet slick of a woman,  tepid core swallowing him greedily.
And he relished in the sensation.  
"Feels so good…!" He began pumping in and out of your pussy almost desperately, breathing heavily against your skin, muffling his moans.
Unbeknownst to the demon, the narcotics had a different effect on him. As opposed to humans, Doma's senses had been heightened and every deep stroke had him reeling, a new form of pleasure bubbling in his body and driving him deeper into a rapture of lust. 
The need to breed your sweet cunt had been amplified and soon, the demon had his arms around you in a tight embrace, wildly rutting as the ache in his lower abdomen continued to grow. Oddly quiet, the demon only grunts and whimpers as he chases his own high, rocking your body forward.
Almost like an animal.
With the poppy opium dulling your own senses, the stretch of Doma's cock had your mind spinning, the pleasure almost suffocating. Cute moans left you, arching your back as every thrust brought you closer to the edge.
And to think, all this started with the daunting question of, "won't my pretty petal be a good wife and join me in this time to relax?"
Which could only translate to, "obey and follow while you still have the choice".
Of course, no was not a part of the demon's vocabulary.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
©ʀᴀɴᴅʏɴᴏᴠᴀ || ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ || ɴᴏ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs, ᴇᴅɪᴛs, ᴄᴏᴘʏɪɴɢ, ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ, ᴇᴛᴄ. ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴄɪʀᴄᴜᴍsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇs.d
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couldntbedamned · 9 months
The Phoenix Protocol - 3
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Summary: No one else but Tony thought anything was off about Sharon. Investigating on his own, he discovered and brought down her Skrull impersonator and when he found the real Sharon near death, he made a choice that would change both of their lives.
AO3 Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Extremis, Extremis Tony Stark, Extremis Sharon Carter, Skrull Species, A Skrull Impersonates Sharon Carter, Canon-Typical Violence, Recreational Drug Use, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Childhood Memories, Team Cap Critical, SHIELD Critical, BAMF Sharon Carter, Sharon Carter Deserves the World, Tony Stark Has a Heart, more or less canon compliant up until civil war
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Chapter 3
The next week was filled with more testing, more binge-watching television (They'd moved on to Criminal Minds after finishing The X-Files - it wasn't like either needed more than a few hours' sleep.), more time down in Tony's labs, and best of all, blowing off any overtures Steve, Natasha, and the others tried to make.
("Tell them they can just stay upstate at the Compound," Tony said to FRIDAY after they'd shown up yet again. "They're neither needed nor wanted here.")
Slowly, but surely, Sharon was adjusting. One of her biggest accomplishments was when she was finally able to catch the uncooked eggs Tony tossed her without crushing them. She was also feeling pretty proud when she managed to dress in non-reinforced clothing without ripping it. She didn't mind the special fabrics Tony used to have clothing made, but sometimes a gal just wanted a super-soft hoodie and flannel pants.
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It was a Tuesday when they were in the lab. Tony was bound and determined to make her a tactical suit.
"I'm not an Avenger, Tony."
"Not at the moment, no, but you will be," he said confidently. "We're kinda skewed on the number of members we can trust at the moment and you've got the skills and then some."
"What makes you think I'd even want to? The hero life is a joke."
He scoffed. "Please. You'll go out of your mind with boredom, doing nothing. And it'll be a really great way to give the DoD and certain other people the middle finger. Win-win."
Sharon scowled but really couldn't argue with that. "It better look really cool."
"The coolest," Tony promised.
Boss, there appears to be an unregistered guest in the Penthouse.
"Oh, does there?" Tony asked with a frown. "How the hell did Romanoff break in? She's biometrically locked out!" He sighed and glanced at Sharon. "Ready to face the music?"
"Might as well," she said. "It's not as if I can just stay shut away in here forever."
They went up to the Penthouse, Tony forming a gauntlet and Sharon pulling a knife to have at the ready. (Where the hell did she keep a knife? Tony wondered. Her workout clothes were skin-tight!)
When they arrived, it wasn't Natasha - or any of the others - waiting for them at all.
"So, Share-Bear, how's life treating you as someone formerly accused of committing treason? And I have to say, Stark, that was a brilliant defense you argued. I almost shed a tear."
Bartholomew "Barty" Dugan was lounging on one of Tony's sofas, one long leg crossed over the other as if he were the one who owned the Tower. He wore his usual smirk and oh, she wanted to smack it off of his face. In her defense, he had a smack-able face; he himself owned up to that fact.
Sharon rolled her eyes but Tony immediately switched from looking angry at the intrusion to looking delighted.
"Listen, Break-and-Enter, I'm going to ignore for a minute that you somehow found a way to bypass all of my security for the time being, because I have something much more pressing to ask." He retracted the gauntlet and turned to Sharon. "Share-Bear? That's your nickname?"
"No," she said firmly just as Barty said "Yes! Yes, it is and she loves it."
"Dugan, I hate you," she said to him with a glare.
"She doesn't," Barty assured Tony, standing up and wrapping an arm around Sharon's shoulders. "I'm one of her favorite people and she adores me, I promise you."
"Stark, listen to me. Do not call me that. Ever." She shrugged Dugan's arm off. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be skulking around the Louvre or Tate Modern?"
"What? I can't visit one of my oldest friends after learning she'd been held captive by aliens?" Barty asked. His expression softened. "The others are worried sick and I'm currently the closest one here without a traditional 9-5ish type job. It's not like Kai can leave the students or Bailey leave the number-crunching to her colleagues."
"And just what is it you do, Mr. Dugan, it it?" Tony asked.
"Oh, this and that," he said airily.
"And how exactly did you crack my security when the Black Widow herself can't?" Tony asked. "I'm impressed."
Sharon snorted out a laugh. "Tony, meet Barty Dugan. When comes to bypassing security, he can run circles around Natasha Romanoff."
"It's a gift," Barty said modestly. "But seriously, Sharon, how are you?"
"Physically, never better," she answered. "All the rest? To be determined."
"And do you have anything to do with that?" Dugan asked Stark.
"Which part?" Tony asked back with all the maturity of a toddler.
"Barty, he saved my life. Stand down, Iisus Hristos."
"Ah, now that was Share-Bear here swearing in another language, which is a great way to tell how annoyed she is," Dugan explained to Tony, eyes glittering with mischief. "Latvian?" he asked Sharon.
"Romanian," she ground out.
"You should hear her go off in French; it's beautiful."
Tony wasn't sure what to make of this man. Even through his teasing it was obvious that he cared about Sharon deeply and given that Sharon hadn't stabbed him, she felt the same. He'd have to have FRIDAY run a check on him. And see if she could figure out who "the others" were, given that he had two other names: Kai and Bailey, along with a general idea of their professions.
"I need to get back down to my labs before Dum-E decides to clean the prototype we were working on with acetone. Are you good up here?" he asked Sharon.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Barty won't hurt me; he knows I'll kick his ass up and down this room."
"And I know that from painful experience," Barty added with a sheepish grin.
"You had it coming," Sharon said, unrepentant.
"I did," he admitted. "Then again, so did Martin and Kai, though I think Kai grew out of it. Bailey and Tripp always seemed to know better."
"Go on, Tony," Sharon encouraged. "If I feel like I'm about to explode I'll let you know."
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Down in the lab, Tony had FRIDAY pull up the camera feed from the penthouse.
"Get me everything you can on our new friend Barty. And try to figure out who the others are."
He pulled up the specs for Sharon's new tactical suit and finished kitting them out. At the same time, he kept an eye on the feed.
Before long FRIDAY had a basic dossier put together on Dugan.
He was the grandson of Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, one of his father's old friends and one of Cap's original sycophants. Barty was pushing forty and had a masters degree in art history and a bachelors in security management. He freelanced as a security consultant for various companies and museums. Also of note was that he'd turned down recruitment attempts by SHIELD four different times.
"Dig deeper."
Already on it, Boss.
Another dossier popped up, this one on Falsworth, Bailey, who was the granddaughter of another of his old man's crowd, James Falsworth. She was an accountant for Alchemax and apparently spoke no less than five languages. She, too, had given SHIELD the cold shoulder.
"So the Commandos' grand kids all know each other," he mused aloud. "Hey, FRI, any of them other than Sharon join SHIELD?"
Only one, Boss.
The obituary for Triplett, Agent Antoine displayed. His grandfather had been Gabe Jones.
Tony read through the hacked classified files Tripp had had a good record with SHIELD up to and after it's roots in HYDRA were uncovered. He'd died while on a mission with the formerly-assumed dead Agent Coulson's team.
There were two others: Jim Morita's grandson, Kai Morita, who was actually the principle of Peter's school, and Jacques Dernier's great nephew, Martin Dernier, who worked as a paramedic. The two of them had also said no when SHIELD had called.
"They talking about anything interesting?" he asked, watching the feed.
Audio started.
"So what, you're a super soldier now?" Dugan asked.
"Please, that's the last thing I am," Sharon said with a scoff.
"I mean, if you can regrow a limb that kind of makes you super, you know?"
"I'm not a soldier," she said tightly.
"Then what are you, because given that you were on the run for treason and the Merchant of Death himself had to argue your way out of a one-way ticket to the Raft - which I know nothing about - you're sure as hell not a CIA agent and we both know it'll be a cold day in hell before you go back to the evil empire."
"Honestly, I don't have a damn clue, Barty. I was maybe an hour away from death and then Stark showed up to save me and now I'm just... something more."
"At least the security here is good," Dugan said.
"Not good enough to keep you out."
Dugan smiled smugly. "Nothing ever is." He brightened. "Think he'll hire me for a consult?"
"You're not conning Tony Stark, Dugan," she said sternly. "Not when you're an anomaly."
"I'm just using the gift SHIELD's Project Legacy gave me," he said.
"Dugan!" Sharon hissed. "Shut up!"
"FRIDAY, get me everything on Project Legacy," Tony said. "And look into Dugan's consulting rates."
"Look, if Stark used something like Extremis - which again, I know nothing about - then I highly doubt he's going to come at me for my little... quirk."
"How are the others?"
"Martin's still burying himself in his work with as many shifts as he's legally able to take, Kai is too busy molding young minds to even consider having a social life, and Bailey is one request to turn an email into a PDF away from burning the entire place to the ground."
"In other words, they're doing great," Sharon said.
"They are. They'll be doing even better once I let them know you're okay and not on death's door."
"You should go report to them," Sharon said. "I'm fine. Right now this is the safest place for me to be while I get used to all of the changes."
Tony watched Sharon hugged Dugan tightly before he nodded and then disappeared.
"That would explain it," he said.
Sharon looked directly at the camera. How she knew where it was, he didn't know.
"Okay, you know now. Are we watching more Criminal Minds, or what?"
He pressed a button to answer, "Coming, Share-Bear."
Giving instructions to FRIDAY to keep compiling information on Sharon's friends, he went up so he could join her watch the BAU track down their latest unsub.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
i admit this one's wholly inspired by btd
trigger warnings: gore (teeth pulling), pet whump, humiliation, dehumanisation, crying, descriptions and aftermath of amputation and mutilation, broken bones, nsfw, noncon, blood, conditioned whumpee, torture, intimate/creepy whumper
Seth sat down in the leather chair without a word. He didn't need to say anything anymore. As soon as Pumpkin saw him settle down, they dragged themself out of their cage towards the other chair - the one with the restraints.
They were slow, whimpering as they tried pulling their body weight along. One of their arms was missing from the elbow down, and their other hand was mutilated quite badly last time. Their ankles were shattered, and Seth told them that he might rip out a kneecap sometime... if only he didn't need Pumpkin to be crawling around...
"Will you get here today, or...?"
"I'm s-sorry, I'm sorry, S-Sir..." Their head was throbbing, the pain radiating from their missing eye. It never really went away anymore. None of it did. "'m sorry..."
Seth grabbed them by the arm, yanking them up and into the chair. Pumpkin whined at the harsh treatment, already panting from exhaustion, but they hadn't forgotten to thank their owner for helping out.
"Now, I've thought about what I wanted to do thoroughly... Originally, I wanted to rip out your tongue." Pumpkin gulped, and Seth waved them off. "Relax. I said originally. I realised soon enough that it wouldn't work with my other plans. So I had to come up with something else."
A shiver ran down Pumpkin's spine, and they followed Seth's hand as he reached out for something on the desk, terrified of what it was going to be. Their heart skipped a beat when Seth grabbed pliers.
"You'll be a sweet little test dummy for me, won't you? Like always."
They nodded. What other choice did they have?
"Good. Open up." Seth forced their mouth open, shoving the tool inside without giving Pumpkin any time to prepare. "Just focus on the feeling, pet. I'll need you to write it down for me later."
"Oh, I knew I made the right fucking choice... I need that tongue in there..."
Pumpkin was clinging onto Seth's thigh to steady themself, as much as they could. Their legs were barely functional, their mind was far too overwhelmed with the pain of having all of their teeth ripped from their mouth one by one, but still, the thought of fainting or displeasing Seth was strong enough to keep them going.
In. Out. In. Out. There was nothing in the way now - no teeth to misuse. No annoyances. Nothing but the sweet, squishy insides of their mouth and throat. All that blood worked marvelously as lubrication too.
Pain. Nothing but pain. Shame was entirely pushed aside in favour of agony, the embarrassment of being a ruined product washed away by clearly satisfied moans.
They were still good for something. That was all that mattered.
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sexyandcringe · 2 years
Kiyoomi might start to love his birthday
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Warning: alcohol consumption, not proofread
Content: hurt, comfort, angst to fluff, Omi being a sad lonely and jealous bby :(
A/n: Happy birthday to the two love of my life Omi and @kissyomi ♡♡♡ (although you know i love Omi a little more...), here a stupid lil drabble i wrote for you two's bday, hope you like it 😔🖐🏽 [even if you don't, act like you do smh].
Listen to "Slow dancing in the dark" by Joji for better context!
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Kiyoomi hates birthdays.
He hates his birthdays because they have always been cold and lonely, and he hates others birthday because they look so happy, reminding him of his own lonely days.
It has gotten better, he thinks, since he joined the MSBY, because at least his teammates take an evening off from their daily routines to celebrate his birthday in the usual bar behind the corner.
Yet today, he can't feel joy.
Kiyoomi feels his chest tighten when you give Atsumu a warm hug as you walk in the bar, sparing him only a gentle wave and a polite "Happy Birthday, Kiyoomi." He knows that you only did that to respect his personal space, but he can't help but feel jealousy and insecurities rise at every passing second.
He watches you as you lean down to whisper something into Atsumu's ear, earning a laugh from the faux blond.
He orders another shot and hopes that the liquor would help lessen his pain; it doesn't work, because all he wants to do is rip Atsumu off of you and kiss you breathless, but, even though he is drunk, he still has some dignity left in him.
He looks around ignoring Bokuto's rambling, his head spinning from the alcohol and the crowded place, so he decides to head out first, getting up on his wobbly legs and uncaring of the people bumping into him.
He doesn't care that he is supposed to be the "star of the party", because there is no meaning in all this if he can't be your star. The star you look at is brighter and shinier than him - the star you look at is Atsumu.
He walks alone in the dark, his path uneven due to the toxin and the rain puddles.
It's ridiculous how he left because he didn't want to see you, but now that he is alone, all he can think about is you. He thinks of your pretty lips and kind smile, your shy giggles and sparkly eyes.
He thinks of you with Atsumu and it hurts.
"When im around slow dancing in the dark,"
"Kiyoomi!" he stops in his steps when he hears you call out to him and he wants to turn around, badly so, but he knows that if he meets your eyes now, in his drunken state, he might spit out something he will regret later. He hates to see you with Atsumu, but what he hates even more is not being able to see you at all.
"don't follow me you'll end up in my arms"
He listens to your footsteps getting closer and his heartbeat speeding up: he ignores it and keeps his pace until he feels a hand touching his shoulder.
"Kiyoomi!" you call out again and this time he has no other choice but to turn and meet your gaze. You look confused as you ask him "Where are you going?"
Where is he going? Hell, even he doesn't know that, he just wanted to get rid of the crowd, of the disgusting smell and especially of the image of you and Atsumu together, but he spares you this information.
You quirk an eyebrow "You do know that this is not the way to your home, right?" you watch his dumbfounded expression before continuing, "And how do you even intend on getting home like that." you point at his drunken condition.
He furrows his brows and tenses his shoulders up in defense. "I can get home just fine."
"Can't trust your words when you were wobbling around not even five minutes ago."
"I don't need your concern. Go back inside."
"Kiyoomi, stop being a child and come with me, it's your birthday party, afterall." You are on your way to grab his hand but he pushes it away, laughing sarcastically "So i can watch you be all over Atsumu again? No thanks." he bites out, his anger and jealousy getting the best of him.
"Give me reasons we should be complete"
He regrets opening his mouth right in that instant when he sees your startled expression.
He wishes that he had drank a little less, that he had loved you a little less.
You have... No fault in this. Nor does Atsumu.
"You... You should just go back to him."
Kiyoomi knows that Atsumu is way better than him; he is not socially awkward like him, he can make you laugh, he can give you a hug without feeling like exploding inside, he can give you the love and affection you deserve.
He hates himself for thinking that you two look good together. It hurts to even imagine it.
"you should be with him i can't compete."
"Where is this coming from?" you ask worried.
"You look at me like i was someone else,"
Kiyoomi doesn't have an answer to that, so he just bores into your eyes, in hopes that you would see the truth in his irises, but he's scared, he is so, so scared that once you know the truth, you'll run away forever, leaving him and his broken heart alone.
He doesn't want that.
"S-sorry i was just- i guess i drank too much. Don't mind me." he quickly tries to cover this whole mess up, but you know him, you know that he wouldn't randomly say something like that, even as drunk, for no reason.
You close the distance between you two, cradling his face between your hands - you hope that his drunken state would let you do at least this.
"Tell me, Kiyoomi, what's wrong?"
and you're so sweet when you ask that it makes him want to cry. Despite his want to tell you all his feelings, he can't - his fears are way too big and he doesn't want to carry the burden of regret when you decide to disappear from his life.
Yet, your smile makes him weak and he is unable to lie to you when you are looking at him with so much affection. You're holding him so tenderly that a tear escapes him, and he sobs.
"I love you." he confesses as another tear trickles down his face. "I'm sorry, i love you."
He doesn't want to see you with Atsumu anymore, he doesn't want to hold in the love and the pain anymore, he doesn't want to be alone in the dark again.
"Can't you see? I dont wanna slow dance, in the dark."
It takes you a few seconds before registrating his words. He loves you. Kiyoomi loves you, you who had had a crush on him for years and was too scared to ever confess because Kiyoomi once told you that he hates the idea of a relationship. You hid your emotions well, at least in front of him, you were able to hide the hurt whenever he unknowingly rejected your touch.
But now, with his confession, all your insecurities have drown out, all you see is Kiyoomi's sparkly eyes and his rosy lips.
It's a quick, swift movement before you close the distance between you two with your lips softy touching his. He tastes like mint and alcohol, but it's sweet.
Kiyoomi's eyes widen; he is taken aback from the sudden affection, he thinks he is dreaming, because you love Atsumu, so why would you be kissing him?
It's only until he feels the light tug of his hair, your fingers dancing between his curls and your soft breathing that he realizes he's not dreaming, that your kiss is real, so the moment you try to disconnect your lips, he pulls you in again and kisses you back.
For years, you and Kiyoomi have been pining on each other, both blocked by the fear of rejection, playing with each other's feelings as you buried your own ones in a deep corner of the heart.
No more.
You break the kiss, keeping your foreheads in touch with each other.
"Stupid, you should've said so way before. I love you, too."
Kiyoomi might start to love his birthdays.
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