#If this gets more than 15 Notes I'll make the concept I had for an American Psycho Secret Boss a reality.
grimmdeltarune · 1 month
Random Chapter Three Secret Boss Ideas I Threw Together For No Reason.
Hi Y'all! It's been a good bit since I've made a new secret boss. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't. The latest one was. . .MIKE-MAYHEM TWENTY-THREE DAYS AGO??? I must of lost track of time. In that case, why don't I show off a collection of designs based on some ideas I had, some theories I enjoy, and some horror movies that I find interesting.
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Up first we have Shioreta! Shioreta is my take on what I'd like to call Dragon Theory. It's basically just that the Secret Boss of Chapter Three will be the How To Draw Dragons Book and may explore the themes of Asriel's True Nature. For Shioreta's Design, I based it off of the description of the dragon, Susie, stereotypical Japanese school girl attire, and a bit of inspiration from Sailor Moon. My idea for her lore is that she was abandoned by Asriel and has become a bit of an psycho who desperately wants a friend. She lives in a singular grayscale room with filled with flowers and a cherry Blossom tree, the petals of which would be blood red.
The next design on the choppin' block is Mirrorscare! This design is based on the one and only Scream franchise and is based on the "faker" trope that I've seen quite a bit in Secret Boss circles. Mirrorscare pretends to be Asriel or Ralsei or one of the goat people and eventually tries to attack the Fun Gang. That is honestly all of the lore I have for them.
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And now we have the one and only RIPley! Listen, I freakin' love Evil Dead. It is stupid gorey fun that can get REALLY dark and messed up. My idea for RIPley came from the bouquet given to Toriel. I'd say that the flowers eventually wilted which gave rise to something sinister. . .something evil and dead. . .RIPley's design is based on flowey (specifically one of his creepy faces), Ash Williams, the Deadites, and their arm is suppost to be made of lost assets. I guess you could say that they were assets that died in production, ayy? AYY???
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Also, yes. They have the Necronomicon.
Finally for this batch of designs, we have an idea that was brought to my attention by my lovely friend Glitch! So, without further adieu, please welcome Saudade!
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Saudade is supposed to be an old family recording of a happy memory of the Dreemurr Family. This now acts as her hitlist, as she stalks the land searching to find the 4 Remaining. . . She's inspired by The Ring and all of the creepy VHS tape goodness that comes with it! Her fight would probably have her come out of a TV to fight the Fun Gang.
And that, my friends, wraps up this collection of designs. I hope you found at least a few of them enjoyable and that you had just as much fun as I did designin' these freaks. To be totally honest with y'all, Mari absolutely popped off with RIPley. I may never recover from how sick they were able to make that freak. If you made it this far, you my friend get to have some bonus content featuring Buddy Bloomy!
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Buddy Bloomy was made by @glitch-the-artist , who also gave me the idea for Saudade!
Have a wonderful day and I hope to see y'all some time in the future!
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babyarmybabbles · 23 days
Run ARMY! (Arrival Part) a2 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 1,836
Notes: This fic fights me so much, it's so difficult to write, but I love the idea so much, so I'm stubbornly refusing to quit lmao. I'll figure it out eventually. For now, enjoy this fragment. Could probably use some formatting and clarity edits.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: Reader is a bit of an anxious mess
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
It wasn’t until your plane was landing on South Korean soil that the reality of your situation really started to sink in. Namely, that your situation was reality at all. Really, who could blame you? With the 15 hour flight behind you there were less than 24 hours between you and meeting BTS.
Less than 24 hours between you and filming with BTS.
It still felt like a dream as you disembarked from the plane and started heading to customs. Quite frankly you were still in shock about the whole thing. It felt like everything was progressing way too quickly, even though it had already been nearly two months since your name had initially been drawn from the Weverse raffle.
Honestly, even entering the raffle had been no more than a matter of rote to you. A notification from Weverse had announced a new special season of Run BTS! to celebrate the group's return from enlistment. The twist that made it special? They were going to pick one lucky Korean-speaking ARMY to film the series with BTS. Of course you'd entered the raffle. Hell, you're sure ARMY that didn't even meet the Korean speaking requirement had entered it.
It's just that you had never expected to win. You'd never even entertained the possibility. It had been just another of those things you did because you'd be wasting your fanclub membership otherwise. And also because you'd be insane not to. You'd giggled and done the whole "but what if?" routine with your ARMY friends, of course, but you'd never, ever, in a million years, believed your name would be picked. Never thought that one in ten million chance opportunity would be yours.
You make it through customs relatively unscathed and once more think that time is passing way too fast. You are maybe having the mental breakdown that had been pending since you'd received that fateful email from Hybe. You're not sure if you'd been able to hold it off until now through the sheer power of disbelief or if you'd simply been too busy.
Although a lot of the planning, and all of the expenses, for this trip were handled by Hybe you'd still had a pretty short window of time to sort your life out for a 9 day international vacation. Submitting your PTO request, finishing projects at work, dusting off your rusty Korean skills, making sure your passport was up to date, getting your visa sorted, finding someone to water your plants for you, corresponding with a freaking Hybe representative about details.
It had been a lot. Still was, actually. You move slowly through Incheon airport toward the baggage claim, taking your time to make sure you read the signs correctly. You always got anxious about getting lost in airports, no matter how many you'd been in. You were always convinced you were heading to the wrong place until you got there.
You’re sort of still sure you’re in the wrong place, actually. Just - in general. Not because of the airport specifically. Being in Korea, about to be carted off for last-minute paperwork and interviews, with intent to spend several days in the presence of your idols. You know you being here was a matter of random chance, but you can’t help but feel unworthy and out of place.
Mostly out of place. You’d never been the sort to do everything in your power to cross paths with your idols, and yet here you were. In fact, you’d maintained for years now that if you’d ever come across an idol in the wild you’d turn tail and run. You’re not sure how you’re going to handle being in close quarters with seven of them. You might faint. Actually, scratch that, you can almost guarantee you will.
You scoff at yourself a little bit. Here you are, about to live every AMRY's dream, and you're driving yourself into a panic attack at the baggage claim instead of enjoying it. Your luggage makes its slow and tottering way around the carousel, and you make no move to reach it any faster. Reality continues to make its presence known as your bag comes closer. By now, your fear has almost entirely overridden any excitement you're supposed to feel.
You swear that when you’d boarded your flight you’d been appropriately giddy. It's just that you're realizing some things right now. Like the fact you'll be spending a week in a house with seven strange men. Men you know of but have never met before. Men who are most assuredly stronger and more fit than you in every way. Men you've admired for years now. Men you are 100% sure to embarrass yourself in front of at some point.
Really, that's just a fact. It's a fact that feels scary right now, what with your anxiety overtaking your brain, but a fact nonetheless. You were a bit of an embarrassing person, and usually you'd embrace that, but right now it feels like a death knell.
You know that once the thing is actually happening and you don't have all this apprehension hanging over you anymore, you’ll be fine. You'll realize that everyone there are just people. That they're not so far off from yourself. You'll be far too busy being in the moment to cater to your anxiety. Everything will be fine.
If the voice in your head soothing you right now sounds more like your therapist than yourself, well, that’s for you to know. You’d internalize those kinder thoughts eventually. Your therapist said you would, anyways.
Your luggage is in front of you before you’re really ready. You're not really calm, but you’re not panicking either. You figure that’s as good as you’re gonna get, pull your big kid pants up over your anxieties and insecurities, and heave your luggage off of the conveyor belt. You suck in a stuttering breath and let it out smoother than it came in. The easy parts of this trip - the flight and the freaking out - were over. It’s time to find your ride.
You turn on your heel with a bit of determined flair. Dramatic? Maybe. But the animated movement makes you feel better and refocuses your attention to the task at hand. You let that energy carry you as stomp your way toward the loading area.
It doesn’t take you long to settle down and walk like a normal person again, but you cling tightly to the momentary confidence. You'll need it to bullshit your way through the next nine days. Finding the loading area you’d been told you’d be picked up from doesn’t take long either, and soon you’re paused off to the side to double check your instructions.
Well, you say instructions, it was more just a kind email explaining what to expect when you made it to Korea. Aside from a description of the person picking you up (the same Hybe representative you’d been corresponding with the whole time, thankfully) they’d also informed you that there would be some last-minute paperwork and that you’d be meeting the PD in charge of the show before being taken for a few interviews and photos. You’d get your post-travel rest after all of that.
It takes you several minutes of frantic double-triple-quadruple checking of your email and carefully surveying the crowd of travelers before you manage to spot who you’re looking for. She’s clear across the loading area from you, because of course she is, that’s just your luck, and the bright red hairband on her head combined with the sign with your name written in bold English in her hands tell you you have the right person.
She’s intimidatingly pretty and combined with the sharp way she’s dressed, black blazer and slacks and all, kinda makes you feel very under dressed and small in your baggy hoodie and paint-stained sweats. It’s a volatile combination of anxiety and relief that fills you as you start picking your way through the crowd. You dodge and weave through other travelers and their luggage to the best of your ability, but there are only so many toes you can dodge with your own suitcase being merrily unwieldy beside you.
You come to a stop in front of her entirely too quickly and your brain stalls as you desperately try to remember how to behave like a normal, rational, human being in front of a very attractive person. You somewhat hysterically think It’s good practice for when you meet BTS tomorrow. You fall hard on your manners about it and timidly call for her attention before introducing yourself and asking if she was who you were supposed to be looking for.
She smiles gently at you and suddenly you're a lot less nervous. Her smile makes her look kind and approachable and you’re immediately put at ease.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Cheong Haneul, and I'll be your liaison with Hybe for the duration of your stay." She finishes off her introduction with a neat bow, which you clumsily copy.
"Thank you for taking care of me." You reply awkwardly, wanting to be polite. Hopefully she’ll forgive your lack of social graces. Hurriedly, you push the conversation onward. "Uhm, sorry to be asking questions already, but what do you mean by liaison?"
Haneul waves a hand in dismissal of your apology and explains, "It just means I'll be in charge of you. Make sure you get to where you need to be, you have all the information you need, that sort of thing. Answering your questions is definitely part of that." Her charming little grin endears her to you further and stalls your nerves. You give a small smile back and soon enough the two of you are making your way to a black SUV parked nearby.
There’s a man in business attire waiting by the driver’s side door as you approach. Haneul introduces him briefly and you give him a nervous smile and profuse thanks as he helps load your suitcase and carry-on bag into the trunk. Your bulky backpack finds it’s way into the backseat with you as Haneul motions you ahead of her, following shortly after.
You can’t help but notice she’s about 20 time more graceful than you as she climbs into the vehicle. You resolve to take notes. Surely getting a good grade in entering vehicles is normal to want and possible to achieve. Surely. Soon enough all bags and passengers are safely loaded, and the SUV lurches into motion as you begin to leave behind the airport at last.
Hanuel turns to face you as you get going properly, and begins to speak.
“So, first things first, sorry to sweep you up as soon as you’ve landed, but we’ve got a couple of house-keeping things to get through before you meet the group tomorrow.” She takes a moment to pull a manila folder from the seat pocket in front of her, opening it to reveal a few packets of what looks like questionnaires.
"The PD
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criminalmutantsins · 6 months
Sylki Rewrite
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(Note: Although I don’t like Sylki, I don’t have a problem with anyone who ships them.) Warning: Internalized Homophobia Mention
Two weeks ago, I binged the Loki series. To put it shortly, I loved it! Loki has one of the best character development I’ve ever seen. He moved past his insecurities and realized what he truly wanted- to be loved and seen. The time aspect was easy to digest and didn’t complicate or overinflate the concept too much. I loved the new characters, especially Mobius and O.B. Mobius and Loki’s chemistry was amazing and so natural, which makes sense since Mobius was his first friend. O.B. was lovable and so nerdy. I hope they both return to future projects. Though I didn’t connect with her as much, B-15 was a good addition, and would be happy to see her return. When it comes to Sylvie, I'm mixed with her. She’s well-written for the most part, but I didn’t like the Sylki romance in S1, and her attitude got irritating in S2 (I'll most likely write a separate post on it). Alongside thinking Loki being attracted to a version of himself is weird, their romance felt rushed and unnatural. I couldn’t really see Loki being attracted to/like/in love with someone that quickly and Sylvie looked like she barely tolerated him, even in the second season. Honestly, I think this romance was pushed by Disney instead of the writers, mainly because there was a moment in Episode 4 where Mobius rants about how strange the attraction was. I’d like to think that was the writers calling out Disney for how weird this idea was. I would’ve liked it more if Loki and Sylvie had a sibling-like relationship. I would’ve written it where Loki feels protective of Sylvie because he sees a bit of himself in her such as his anger, loneliness, and wish to belong somewhere. But, he also respects her because she lived alone and in survival mode, teaching herself how to use magic and escape death. In turn, Sylvie sort of resents Loki, especially when he mentions his relationship with Frigga, since he lived in Asgard and had a family while she lived alone and in fear. I would have a scene where Sylvie lashes out at him (maybe when he accidentally breaks the Tempad), calling him a fool for taking his family’s love for granted. On the other hand, Loki snapped and said how she had the chance to be her true self while Loki lived under Thor’s shadow and Asgard’s expectations. Maybe go as far as to mention how he felt he had to hide his bisexuality and genderfluidity out of fear of not being accepted. By the end of the argument, both realize how their pain does not absolve others and that there is good and bad in their lives. Other than the kiss scene, the scene with Loki trying to stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains was great. 
I was so glad S2 left the ship behind. It was one of the reasons why I think S2 is a big improvement. I can’t really describe their relationship since there are moments when they get along but there are others when Sylvie is really standoffish and doesn't seem to like Loki. Maybe the closest description would be bickering siblings, which is close to what I wanted.
Did anyone else get nervous that there would be a Sylki kiss in the S2 finale? I was, especially when he was trying to stop her from killing HWR again. If they did, it would've messed with my enjoyment since there was no indication in previous episodes that they were continuing the romance. Thankfully, they didn't and the finale was perfect, even if it broke my heart that Loki will live alone for as long as he's alive. I wanted him to be happy with everyone.
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dragimalsdaydreams · 2 months
Dragon Booster Notes: Colors
a lot of DB fans I've talked to think that DB has way too many Draconium colors, and I'm inclined to agree, lmao. so here's my take on a more condensed version of the Draconium color wheel!
I've had to rearrange and heavily revamp certain colors and basic lore (such as Gold, which I'll get to), but I think I like what I've done with the place~ I've also changed the names of most of the crews because we seriously need less "dragon" in names, everyone's starting to sound like Troll Will Smith. like, we get it, this show is abt dragons, lmao
I'm also aware that some of the more specific colors were meant to evoke certain types of vehicles/machinery (like white = planes, and brown = construction vehicles), but that reference is somewhat lost in my take. my hope is that secondary colors in dragon palettes could better evoke that machinery, but I may need to chew on it more. I do genuinely like the dragons = cars schtick and think it's fun to play with in terms of colors/design, so I don't want to go TOO hard on my own lore and lose that silly aspect, haha
and be aware that I haven't changed my other DB notes to reflect these colors since I'm not fully settled yet. I may wait for more feedback to see what other fans think of this take
anyways, "narrator voice" begins under the cut:
Base Colors
the Racing Association recognizes the following seven colors as the standard, core colors of Draconium. however, there is continued debate over these classifications, considering the fluid, gradient nature of Draconium. the concept of sub-classes has gained momentum in some circles, and several racing teams operate under the idea of these sub-classes, though these sub-classes are not officially recognized. common sub-class signifiers include "dark/light", "white/black", or mixed/specific color names such as "turquoise" or "mahogany".
also note that Draconium influences the integument, temperament, and energy of a developing dragon on a situational basis rather than an evolutionary basis. Draconium colors do not constitute evolutionary lineages, but are instead influenced by direct parentage and environmental influences during a dragon's development within the egg. additionally, while most organisms exhibit a "dominating" color type, all organisms exhibit some mix of colors. "pure"-color dragons are rare, and often exhibit health disorders due to the lack of balancing influence from other colors.
common temperament: passionate, competitive, loyal, flashy. these dragons thrive as the center of attention, and are eager to compete to prove their place. though this makes Red dragons excellent competitors, they are prone to show-boating and losing sight of their goal. adequate attention and praise from their riders will solidify a Red dragon's confidence and prevent overcompensation.
physical traits: Red dragons often develop more decorative cartilage fins and "flare" for show.
class percentages: Raptors: 30%; Canids: 30%; Felids: 25%; Bulls: 15%
known crews: Red Flares
((replaces: Red))
common temperament: clever, inquisitive, stubborn, cautious. these dragons are considered the most intelligent of their kind, but also the most dangerous for that exact reason. they are quick to solve puzzles and avoid obstacles, quickly developing strategies for escape and success, outwitting even their riders. despite their potential as racers, very few Orange dragons will even cooperate with humans, much less compete on the track.
physical traits: many Orange dragons exhibit peculiar changes to the visual structure of the skull and surrounding integument/musculature, leaving the brain and Muffler visible. this does not seem to affect skull durability, but sparse research has yet to confirm. Orange dragons also seem to have a higher aptitude for telepathy than most modern dragons.
class percentages: Raptors: 85%; Canids: 4%; Felids: 7%; Bulls: 4%. this particular color skews heavily Raptor, but this may be due to historical/social influences rather than an innate aspect of this Color.
known crews: The Prophets ((and Keepers ("dark" Orange) but few know of them))
WARNING: most Orange dragons have defected from human society, and the dragon-led "Prophet" crew has been named a top terrorist organization by Dragon City Police. exercise extreme caution in areas you suspect Prophets or other Orange dragons may roam.
((replaces: Orange, Light Green. I almost put Light Green in Yellow instead, but then I thought abt the tension of two wildly different crews representing the same "dangerous" Orange color. maybe Prophets see Keepers as pathetic, living off of the little scraps of human society and meekly refusing to demand more. and maybe Keepers hate how they're associated with the "dangerous" Prophets just bc they're Orange too, painting a similar "terrorist" target on their backs. I think there could be an interesting conversation here abt the ideas of acceptance vs assimilation, and the cost of survival under the will of human society...))
common temperament: skittish, flighty, curious, adaptable, energetic. these dragons have a high well of energy perfectly suited for racing, but are often distracted and startled by the unexpected. a gentle, guiding hand can keep these dragons focused and on-track.
physical traits: Yellow dragons usually develop fins along their sides and tails to aid in gliding. these fins are usually cartilaginous, though some may develop bone-like spines and tendon attachments to further control fin shape. these dragons also tend to be smaller than dragons of other colors, but this is not a universal trait.
class percentages: Raptors: 50%; Canids: 25%; Felids: 20%; Bulls: 5%. Raptors adapt best to the flighted aspects of Yellow, while Bulls struggle to maintain their energy or properly utilize their fins.
known crews: Windstorm ("white" Yellow)
((replaces: White, Turquoise? we don't know much abt Turquoise...))
common temperament: steady, stubborn, focused, loyal. though Green dragons are not the quickest to start a race or make a decision, you can trust that they will dedicate their entire focus to their goal. their patient determination can carry riders through any obstacle, especially once a rider has a gained their loyalty.
physical traits: Green dragons tend to develop thicker hides/plates, and heavier musculature.
class percentages: Raptors: 3%; Canids: 10%; Felids: 7%; Bulls: 80%. due to the "heavy" nature of Green, this color skews heavily Bull. the delicate structure of a Raptor struggles most to handle the added weight that Green can induce in the body, though some Raptor breeders have been working to address this.
known crews: Will of the Dragon ((combining crews as well. I think it would be interesting if Kawake was the former head of the Will of the Dragon, and Fistus admires him and maybe feels guilty for taking over his role? maybe he tries to convince Kawake to come back after his recovery. idk, I need more interesting character dynamics))
((replaces: Green, Brown))
common temperament: easy-going, adaptable, playful, sociable. Blue dragons love the thrill of a race more than competition, prone to nipping playfully at other dragons or skipping about on the track in their excitement. they may need a reminder and extra incentive to keep their focus on the race rather than play.
physical traits: Blue dragons usually develop fins along their tails, spines, and legs to aid in swimming. much like Yellow dragons, these fins are usually cartilaginous, though some may develop bone-like spines and tendon attachments to further control fin shape.
class percentages: Raptors: 10%; Canids: 40%; Felids: 40%; Bulls: 10%. though Bulls and Raptors struggle with the swimming-oriented aspects of this color, they otherwise seem to adapt fine, despite their low numbers.
known crews: The Inner Order, Nautilus ("light" Blue)
((replaces: Blue, Light Blue))
common temperament: sociable, loyal, attentive, focused, cautious. one of the most sociable types of dragons, Purple dragons quickly pack-bond with any humans and dragons they spend extended time with. though a boon for solidifying connections within crews, this can also spell trouble outside of the crew, as Purple dragons are deeply suspicious of strangers. it takes a solid connection and stable environment to make sure a Purple dragon's healthy caution doesn't develop into outright hostility and tunnel-vision.
physical traits: Purple dragons often develop more exaggerated heat pits and larger audial fins.
class percentages: Raptors: 35%; Canids: 40%; Felids: 5%; Bulls: 20%. Felids are less adaptable to the "tracking" aspects of this color than other classes.
known crews: Huntsmen
((replaces: Purple. I'm going back and forth on whether I should just combine Black and Purple together? but I think they exhibit enough unique 'personality' traits that they prolly ought to be separate..))
common temperament: independent, stubborn, curious, clever. these dragons take a long time to warm up to their riders, and are often considered "aloof" by racers of other colors. but once their trust is gained, they quickly open up to their riders, showing a much more affectionate, playful personality than initially expected. even then, riders must keep a close eye on their own dragons to make sure they haven't wandered off into trouble on their own.
physical traits: ((tbh I can't think of any for this one. help))
class percentages: Raptors: 20%; Canids: 10%; Felids: 50%; Bulls: 20%.
known crews: Snake Eyes ("black" Magenta) ((idk if snakes still exist but I'm just going to say they do for now))
((replaces: Black. I just think "Black" is a silly color for a color wheel tbh, and it feels a little too on-the-nose for the "evil" group, y'know? also, let's be honest, most Black dragons have purple/magenta as secondary colors, so it feels appropriate.))
Special Cases
these cases of dragon and Draconium development are beyond the scope of typical racing, exhibiting unique and highly-specific traits compared to other color groupings.
Prismatic Dragons:
Prismatic dragons do not exhibit a single, dominating color of Draconium, but rather the intersection of all colors. thus, these dragons function as prisms-- able to refract different Draconium colors at will.
historically, Prismatic dragons were much more common, as Draconium naturally blends and merges across the spectrum, and organisms gather mixed collections of Draconium from their surrounding environments. it is only in the modern day that we rarely see Prismatic dragons emerge, and indeed have yet to see one for many years...
known crews: none ((that the Association knows of, at least~))
((I really want Yellow to be one of the main colors, and Gold doesn't feel as 'neutral' as I think it ought to be, so... *jazz hands*. on the one hand, I'm remiss to nix Beau's iconic black/gold color palette... on the other hand, what if the originally "gold" sections on his body changed colors to reflect whatever Draconium color he focused on, and simply shimmered a metallic silver otherwise? that sounds cool))
Grey Dragons:
Grey dragons exhibit a bizarrely neutral form of Draconium. however, unlike Prismatic, this is not due to a prism effect, but due to the lack of distinct color itself-- Draconium in its purest, most uninfluenced form.
Grey is even less understood than Prismatic. we know that no living dragon is Grey, only reanimated corpses. we do not know how these corpses reanimate, nor why it so rarely occurs.
some have suggested that, once a Prismatic dragon dies and the color of mixed Draconium drains from their body, they are truly Grey underneath, and are reanimated to continue some unspecified duty. this is impossible to verify, given the rarity of Prismatic and Grey dragons, but it is certainly an interesting theory.
perhaps it is simply the nature of life, that even Draconium must strike a balance-- that for all that there is light, that there must also be an absence. for all that there is life, that there must be death. perhaps this is too poetic a notion for an academic journal, but we have few other hypotheses to consider.
known crews: The Mechanists
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realhumanbean · 8 months
Lessons from Atomic Habits by James Clear
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After a really long while i've read a book that's been so practical in my day to day life. And as a psychology enthusiast, all the research examples has been rather entertaining to learn about. Thanks to an amazing person for gifting me this amazing book. I do feel very awesome after reading it. Starting with identity based changes really makes me hopeful about the changes being permanent.
I've definitely become a person who reads. The frustrating amounts of time spent on daily commute becomes something so productive with a book to read. Carrying a book around has also made me the "she's always reading" girl which just feeds into my indie girl vibe. Am loving it.
I don’t pile up clothes in my room anymore. I just take the clothes that need to be washed and put them on the floor so it gets in my way and i'm forced to take them out. Making it unattractive has been working effectively.
I don’t wanna jinx this one,but i'm also becoming a diligent student who gets her classwork done on the day it’s given. Ofc it wasn’t easy,but i tried out a few ways and found out what works the best for me so far. My way of taking notes is writing questions in my classwork copy and answering them later that day at home. In this way, it feels like half of the work is done for me already, I just have to retrieve information from my brain (which is also a great memorization skill) and check it off from my to do list. It also keeps me attentive in the class and helps me make the most out of my time in college.
This next one i've been doing without actually knowing how it’s been helping me until I read the book; creating a flow state. Making a to do list which consists of smaller tasks, even if I think I can study one subject for more than 45 minutes or so,i'd still stop there cuz anything more than that can get draining for me. So to keep the balance of challenge and satisfaction, i'd move on to another subject/topic and keep the flow up.
One of my favourite concepts from the book was about environment designing. It's crazy how a simple change in the environment can completely cut something out/ make something obvious in your head. By moving the Quran in my room instead of the living room is making me pick it up way more often. I also keep it on top of my prayer mat so everytime I reach for the prayer mat I have to pick up the Quran and read for at least 10-15 minutes after prayer.
The two minute rule also works for the previous point. I'll be honest, thinking of reading a full surah does make me a bit lazy. But if i'm thinking "I'll just read one page" it gets me in the flow and I do end up reading more than one page everytime.
"The people with the best self-control are typically the ones who need to use it the least." This stood out to me the most from the whole book. Self control is often looked at as something that comes naturally to us. But seeing the book be real about the trap of temptation does make me look at "self control" differently now. "It's easier to avoid temptation than resist it" ties back to creating a favourable environment and making the cues of good habits obvious and the cues of bad habits invisible.
I didn’t know I had that much to write about this book. But writing at least three tumblr posts a week is also a habit i'm tryna build so yay for me. This book is definitely something timeless and i'll be coming back to it in a few years InSha'Allah.
And for those(a singular person) who care about numbers. It's a 9/10 from me.
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asha-mage · 8 months
17, 23, 49! Gratz on finishing the next chapter of Sworn btw!
[Send me a number and I'll answer your fanfic related questions!]
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is hard to answer because my first response to most new media is 'a WoT AU would make this better'. It is my Forever Fandom.
That said, to delve into the Deep Cut Zone for a moment (and maybe expose myself as utter nerd), I got pretty far into an outline for a Danganronpa X WoT crossover where pre-War of Power versions of the Forsaken + Rand and Moiraine where locked up to play the Killing Game together. The idea was to show off the flaws that led to the Forsaken falling to the Shadow, and examine the disparity between where they started/where they ended up/what drives them. I'd like to say more but I've always vaguely kept the idea of doing it around in the back of my head, and its' the kind of thing can't be spoiled and still be good.
For a non WoT contender? I have the first two chapters of a Adam Taurus/Jaune Arc fic written out that I want to go back to one day. Basically a 'they get stranded alone in the north of Anima and have to work together to survive' type thing that is meant to get into a lot of what makes the two characters tick. Love me a good Dark Knight/Paladin combo. It would have a potential audience of like, four people, but I still might go back to it one day if I get back into RWBY again.
23 - What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
This will come as a shock to absolutely no one who knows me but- ABO. I find ABO fascinating less for horny reasons and more for the potential it has to impact world building, character relationships, and general societal fuckery in interesting ways ways. A good example is WoT- one day I really want to write a ABO that would explore the weird intricate of Omega Rand for example, and how that effects the already profound Gender Fuckery of WoT.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Heh. I should have known this was coming when I posted about finishing the Sworn Chapter 15 rough. Have this preview:
Rand resisted the urge to shiver at the sound of dead grass and fallen leaves crunching underfoot. So many layers of it had fallen and turned to mulch and fallen again that it made a thick blanket of under brush through which only peaks of strangely veined marble where visible, at least on the outer edges of the grounds. Even with his height, the grass rose well past his knees out here, and would likely grow taller and thicker, as spring turned to summer. It was late in the evening he thought, but it was hard to tell in this place. The trees made a thick canopy over most of the grounds, some towering higher than the highest oaks Rand ever seen in the Waterwood. That canopy let in only thin rays of light that allowed a vague sense of the time of day. He had slept more he knew, after they had settled with a fire in the main hall, out the way of the strange Aes Sedai, but how long before he had awoken he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t dreamed again, or if he had, he didn’t remember anything beyond unsettled lurching darkness. He would have stayed in the hall still, to keep watch over Mat, waiting for him to awaken, but Loial and Selene between them had managed to convince him that he wasn’t helping by looming. Stalking about Loial had called it, though Rand hadn’t agreed with that assessment. Still he had needed some fresh air, so he had come out here, to the edge to wander about the manor grounds and try to avoid brooding over Mat’s fate. It had been that or submit to a lecture from Loial about how beautifully preserved the ruins where as he made notes in his little book. Mat will be fine. Rand told himself firmly. The Aes Sedai had said as much as she worked her healing over him and they could not lie. If you believe that- A voice began in the back of his head, the one that sounded like Moiraine. Rand crushed it ruthlessly. Moiraine was wrong. It was that simple. It had to be that simple. He was not the Dragon.
More then a few lines. I hope that's okay 😉.
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The Dreaded Question - BarclayPierce ( Andy x Nica ) Drabble
Inspired by two fluffy prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
2 - "Have you thought about what present you want?" "You're enough for me."
15- "Sweet of you to think of me." "I always think of you."
Notes: This is pretty much just BarclayPierce and birthdays, enjoy :)
Tags: @losersclubisms @series-thoughts
It was that time of the year when people would start overwhelming him with that awkward question. Andy didn't use to care that much back when the sources for it were reduced to only three people. It used to be either Kyle, his mom or Mike, but things changed for good out of sudden and his social circle grew exponentially. He enjoyed it, but sometimes having the attention of so many people on him was exahusting.
Devon, the Wheeler cousins, the Cross sisters, the Ray Tilly twins with their GG doll and even doll shaped Jennifer Tilly were asking the same question over and over in turns. He never knew what to say. The last time he was completely sure of the answer he was six years old and it ruined his life.
Having so many people caring for him was a blessing and a curse. Nica was the onlyone who wasn't pushing the topic and it was a relief, but it putted him in a crossroad. She was facing a similar situation, but he wanted to do good for her and craved to know her answer to that same dreaded question.
" So, your birthday is coming… Any ideas on what I can get you?"
" Tiffany's head on a pike." Nica replied in a cheerfull tone. " Junior has some amazing design concepts he practiced on the Chucky heads."
She was joking to avoid the ask, it wasn't hard for him to see why.
" That's a gift that will not look nice in a wrapping. Maybe we can make it holes to place a few candles. "
The sole mention of that and the subsecuential mental image she got made her laugh histerically. He made her laugh and that was her cackling, perfectly distinguishable after being forced to hear Chucky's in her voice for so long.
" How about you?" She suddenly asked him ríght afterwards. " Have you thought about what present you want?"
Andy dropped the answer without hesitation, still a bit intoxicated by the reminder of her laugh.
" You are enough for me. "
He was direct, the only reply he gave to that question that wasn't a vague mess loaded of annoyance, and she smiled.
" Don't let the kids hear that or I'll end up packed in a giant box for you. " She kept the mockery going. " I don't want any more doll treatment, not even kidding. "
Both had good reasons to be fed up with any sort of doll metaphor, but hers were even worse, so he felt the need of over explain himself.
" I can only be accused of wanting to give you special treatment in the shittiest time of the year because i am a fucking hipocrite, but i care for you."
More than what he would express, he loved her and was ready to give her all the nice things he would usually reject for himself.
" Sweet of you to think of me. " Nica thankfully commented, seeking to reassure him.
As if she should have any doubts on the amount of time his mind would regularly spend on her.
" I always think of you. "
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altschmerzes · 2 years
Hey! I just read your post about the John chapters in Nona the Ninth and their corresponding book of John verses, and I'd love to read more! If you have a link to share, that would make my day.
for context: the john chapters in nona the ninth correspond to the book of john in the gospels of the new testament in the bible. i'm a theology nerd who has a degree in religion and - after first going a little nuts about the positioning and regard of john compared to matthew, mark, and luke in the gospels - i looked up the verses before reading the sections, jotting them down as i went, only to discover the verses had a pretty much DIRECT literal or thematic link to what was about to go. under the cut, i'll go into the verses and the summaries i wrote of the john chapters in nt9 to explain this to some friends. (my familiarity with the christian NT is a liiiiittle less than my familiarity with the torah, Being Jewish And All, but i think i'm pretty on the money with this one.)
for ease of clarity, the structure is 'verse from john, followed by what i refer to as a summary of the corresponding section in 'the gospel of the world's smallest violin.'' also, sections of the bible are sometimes given titles. so the title bit there with the quotes from john refer to that section's title.
also worth noting some of these quotes make me, as a jew, kind of. uncomfortable or annoyed but i'm putting that aside for the moment for the sake of ~literary analysis. also also, the quotes are from the nrsv for the most part.
John 20:8
The Empty Tomb Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside, and he saw and believed.
summary of the gospel of the world's smallest violin section:
we're introduced to the whole bit of that. john starts his story about what happened. he talks about how they believed what they were doing was going to work and it would be okay. the cryo plan. the others had questions but he knew it would be fine.
John 5:20
The Healing At The Pool
For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.
summary of the gospel of the world's smallest violin section:
they get shut down by the gov't. john and company start to get creative. the general public realizes everything is fucked vis a vis climate change. john starts getting into it with ulysses and titania - naming them, spending time with them, etc. most importantly, the bodies he touched stayed uncorrupted. they do not rot.
John 15:23
The Vine and the Branches
Whoever hates me hates my Father as well.
summary of the gospel of the world's smallest violin section:
they start believing him with what's going on. the bodies still don't rot. they're trying to figure out how to make it not real, how to make them respond the way they should, it doesn't work. nobody was paying attention to them yet. augustine was trying to get him to snap out of it and knock it off. mercy had been trying, but had stopped by then. he 'introduces' mercy and augustine to the bodies - ulysses and titania. he's able to move them for the first time.
(that one doesn't quite connect as well but i think it still resonates thematically - the concept of pushback, of him producing these 'miracles' and basically being like. if you love me, you'll stop trying to make me stop. you'll listen to me.)
John 5:18
The Authority of the Son
For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was calling God his own father, making himself equal to God.
corresponding smallest violin bit:
everybody else learns about what he can do as he gains more control over the body. everybody freaked the fuck out at first, they 'had a big fight over what it meant.' they ultimately believed, bought in, and john knew that 'it was fine.' he knew he'd 'touched something, come away with something, that could be used for good.' the line: 'Two scientists, an engineer, a detective, a lawyer, and an artist walk into a bar to help me become God.' they run trials. they knew if they were caught they'd be shut down and hushed up. he says they 'decided to stream' to tell the world.
John 8:1
this is a disputed part of the gospel of john. from the website i was using to reference: [The earliest manuscripts and many other ancient witnesses do not have John 7:53—8:11. A few manuscripts include these verses, wholly or in part, after John 7:36, John 21:25, Luke 21:38 or Luke 24:53.]
the included verse is: "Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders
-but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
corresponding smallest violin bit:
john starts telling the world. making their big announcement, getting attention. the audience members walk away and freak out. people say he's a satanist, or an alien, or something. everyone starts asking him to fix their problems. they actually talk about jesus directly here, that helping people 'was christ's whole problem' and 'got way too much attention and brought the heat down on everybody.' the mount of olives bit, for context, is a time when jesus is interrogated by leaders of the community and basically put through some paces, authority and legitimacy is questioned, and he works in the community. etc.
John 19:18
The Crucifixion
There they crucified him, and with him two others - one on each side and Jesus in the middle.
corresponding smallest violin bit:
they all end up with interpol warrants. the world is closing in on them, only the inner circle left. he talks about being unable to bring back people once they're gone. he talks about how the gov't announces they've got this plan with the ships. he talks about how they kept being called monsters, crazy, etc. the uh. cow thing happens. he tells harrow/alecto 'they didn't give a fuck about trying to save you. they left.'
John 5:1
The Healing at the Pool
Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals.
corresponding smallest violin bit: they decide they're going to get people to take them seriously. the people who ask him to reanimate a world leader who's died show up and he goes to this very important meeting. he does it. they pay him a shit tonne of money and they're given the nuke.
John 3:20
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the fight for fear that their deeds will be exposed.
corresponding smallest violin bit:
he says they never wanted to actually use the nuke, just have it to use as leverage. force people to take them seriously, listen to them. among other things john says 'either you're the evil wizard and everyone wants to know what you think, or you're the good wizard and nobody cares.' the plan to leave earth is still accelerating, they're still not listening to him. they paid people to find facilities where the gov'ts are making the ships. they see the whole story is kind of. bullshit. he finally gives up trying to be a scientist and announces to the world he's a necromancer.
John 9:22
The Pharisees Investigate the Healing
His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had declared that anyone who acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.
corresponding smallest violin bit:
"They made it clear that they'd arrest anyone who tried to join us. Floods of people came anyway." talks about the general reaction to his necromancer announcement. he's kind of. scaring everyone with what he can do. he's still trying to figure out the soul question. there's an exchange of fire b/w the local cops and the new people trying to join them. john kills people for the first time i believe. he..... 'forgot' to start their hearts again. they dragged in all the corpses.
John 1:20
John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah
He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, "I am not the Messiah."
corresponding smallest violin bit:
the escape plan from the gov'ts escalates. they work out the truth about the plan - that there will be one ship, one leaving, and everyone else is big fucked. nobody was listening to them anymore. and they - the other og lyctors - are asking john for a miracle. to fix this. he says he has to stall the ship leaving. they use the nuke as blackmail. the ships are counting down to launch. he sends gideon to the meeting with the nuke. he tells everyone the nuke is armed. he also takes over the man he's been puppeting around to have a second nuke threat. they start telling him to stop, that he still has time to walk this back. he walks away from everything, doesn't want to deal with this anymore. cristabel uh. kills herself. and he touches the soul and then walks away from her. he's touched the earth too, alecto, and that's what he's after now. everyone is dying or dead. he absorbs alecto, or as much of her as he can. he makes her body. he Becomes God. blasts through the planets. etc.
John 5:4
The Healing at the Pool
One who was there had been an invalid for 38 years.
corresponding smallest violin bit:
john and harrow talk about god. about loving god. he keeps on going with his story. says he'll bring back the good ones. fix them. the ones he can stand to look at and forgive. he talks about how he took their memories. talks about how the deaths happened broadly. he talks about alecto, i can't die if she's alive, etc. he needs the lyctors around him etc. the tomb is the death of god. harrow talks about how she wants to find god. maybe she's in the tomb. she walks into the river and to the tower in the river, and says she'll start there.
OKAY. so. there you have it.
it's not always a perfect or clear analogy but given what i know of the gospels and the context, and in a more thematic rather than specific sense, they all line up pretty fucking directly.
this has been: a guided tour through the gospel of john and also the gospel of the world's smallest violin with your host, gav
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talisidekick · 9 months
Catear Update
Alright, alright. This took a bit. A lot of personal stuff happened that delayed the progress on this. I'm sorry. But I made a promise because you all voted on that stupid poll (and almost made me wear a tail in public), so here's the progress:
After spending over $50 on a 12in. by 12in. square of 2in. long rust-coloured faux fur (I'm never buying from the US again, it was $10 for the fur, but like $40 in shipping) that took a month to arrive, I took a look at like hundreds of videos that were completely unhelpful in assisting me make catears at all. I then asked my spouse for help because I ... embarrassingly don't know how to sew ... and we started with something simple that I forgot was probably step 1 ...
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[Start ID: A photo graph from my terrible Samsung J6 camera of a cardboard piece cut from a cereal box with a bad tracing/template of catears in pencil on it. There's a pair of pliers with blue grips, a red mechanical pencil, some shaping wire, and a wide plastic headband atop it. /End ID]
... drawing a template on spare cardboard. My spouse was also smart(er than me by a lot) and bought some plastic headbands that are just ... way more comfortable than the metal wire ones for like $9 CAD. The band is wider and it hurts less. With a shitty template and apparently we had wire for some reason? I was expecting to have to go out and spend like $15 CAD on some but hey, we hoard shit 'cause we're poor and it pays off.
With the sewing machine set up, Watch came to pay a visit to supervise.
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[Start ID: Another shitty picture from my Samsung J6 of Watch, my black cat with yellow eyes, peering through at my spouse (off camera) through the sewing machine. /End ID]
She later discovered she didn't like the sound of the sewing machine and ran off. But you can see a bit of the faux fur we're dealing with on the left.
It's a good time to mention my spouse decided to get super high AF because they're off for a few days and despite being ... inebriated as heck, they powered through. There was only one fuck-up, and I take the blame for that. Some of the fur didn't get stitched right so we'll have to redo the seam, but a less high Witch from the following day has found an easier way to rectify that issue than just trying again and seeing what happens. I don't understand it, but they're confident so I'm going to learn what the heck they were talking about by seeing sometime later this week (I hope). The current state:
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[Start ID: A picture (still from my terribly Samsung J6 camera), of all the tools used: a comb to manipulate the fur, pliers to shape the wire, a pencil for the template, pins to hold the fabric together, scissors to cut through thick fabric, a pin cusion that looks like an orange with an attached red chilli-pepper pin sharpener, bent wire, a sewing machine, a headband, and the current status of the catears being stitched together to vaguely look like catears. /End ID]
Part of being a hoarder ... sorry "stingy" is that we had some faux fur in white from some tiny pillow-case we just never got around to getting a pillow for. This worked perfect for the inside of the ears. The stitching done on this is amazing and has a little loop so the wire can be threaded through. I explained this idea poorly to my spouse who then had a brainwave mid-job and executed it 10x better than I had badly explained it ... please note, while high as heck and with no concept of time. We had to stop here for now because reality just wasn't sticking for my spouse at this point, so I cleaned up so our cats wouldn't get up to mischief. As explained earlier, there is a flaw with one of the ears, it'll have to be restitched, but apparently there's a way to fix it involving a sort of 'holding stitch', not sure what that means, but I'll find out when we do this later this week (hopefully).
The ears, as they stand, actually don't really "need" the wire to hold their shape, the stitching does all the work here. The wire will just be there for stability and to somehow attach it to the band (not sure how yet, we're crossing that bridge when we get to it). We're apparently not using glue for any of this because my spouse decided to go for durability. Which I agree with. These may just be my every-day ears for the next bit.
Anywho, there's the progress update some of you have been wanting. I hope to have a finished product soon. We've learned a lot on this, and I do want to make more so the next set will be completely done by my hands (ideally), but right now my spouse is here because I can't sew for shit and they decided to use this as a tutorial for me.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Full TLT series to date thoughts on rereading Harrow the Ninth, chapters 11-15
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
(Fair warning, this one's a lot more personal than usual. Controversial hot takes inside.)
I really haven't had much to say about 11-13, but 14. Just. Let's address this in order of appearance.
Harrow "so rarely ate for pleasure that it was beyond imagining" that she would learn to cook. Just gonna smirk knowing chapter 25 is coming. Soup.
The BOE! It's not until the end of the chapter that Jod says the least bit of who they are but I gotta yell now. Fascinating how he views them. He's the paternal figure framing himself as "bitten" by their ungratefulness. These children of the children's children's children on down ten thousand years or more of history, of the billionaires who fled and he couldn't reach in time. He killed his whole SOLAR SYSTEM trying to kill them instead and he still has this tone. He's still trying to make them pay for their ancestors' sins. And I mean, what sins they were, if the dream River in Nona is at all the real story. But, I think it's kind of incredible. I don't think he's right to still be pursuing vengeance, I don't think his actions were acceptable, but I can see how he came to it and why he can't let it go.
And then John's gentleness with Harrow over the circumstances of her conception just totally undoes me every single time. Just to THINK about, really. I said it in the initial notes, but I'll expand it here: I know some people hate him, find him manipulative and irredeemable, but I think Muir is doing something deeper than that. At least with him. Ianthe is irredeemable and perfect for it. John…
Like, sure, you could read this as a scene where he realizes how much more power he has over Harrow knowing this blackmail, but he's never used it that we've seen, he's never leveraged it against her to get her to comply. He manipulates, yes, but I firmly believe he also cares in his own way, twisted by circumstance and ten thousand years of anger and pain and lack of therapy and nobody being able to tell him no.
And I guess I also just… I saw a tweet before Twitter went to hell, about how John is Maori, he's an Indigenous man with a whole lot of baggage from his society about it, and Muir making him out to be irredeemably evil feels so insensitive that I don't want to believe that of her until I have to. I think a lot of people are projecting their assumptions and biases and opinions and expectations of fiction onto him rather than giving him room to be more complex than that, even though a lot of them are the same people who love other characters, particularly women, for similar, if smaller-scale, atrocities. And, heck, I'm also projecting my life experiences onto him, I'm not saying that's BAD.
I just see a lot of who I could have become in John, the way I see myself in every sociopath in fiction who isn't played explicitly for a villain, because I don't think it's that clear cut, here. I want to think there's room for him to change, the way I have tried to change. Somehow. I bring my hope like a candle into dark places, knowing that at any moment (well, when the final book is released) it could be snuffed without warning.
And of course, chapter 15, where we learn Alecto died twice. Once when John blew up the world, and… once, metaphorically, when he left her in the Locked Tomb? Or something else? True death, the death of sleep, or the death of her heart? But the part of her that becomes Nona still loves completely and guilelessly. It bears thinking about.
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kutyozh · 1 year
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I posted 1,139 times in 2022
That's 306 more posts than 2021!
171 posts created (15%)
968 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
#/ also fun fact i can absolutely not swear in spanish since i learnt it in a religious setting where swearing was absolutely forbidden skdj
My Top Posts in 2022:
russian for the ask game?
YESSS of course!!
so there's a few layers to it - on an emotional level, russian was for some time the language of my 'home'. i didn't understand anything, but it compelled me *insert daniel craig meme* on an auditory level (i can still hear the way one of my neighbours pronounced the letter ш - very crunchy).
then ppl started to teach me a few words - the first word i remember being taught is птица (ptítsa) - bird, another one was разгон (razgón) - acceleration (that one i was taught, funnily enough, because they were drinking a spanish red wine called "Rasgón" and it reminded them of разгон, making it quite the pun). so you can see that i have a few personal memories with the language, and i got quite attached haha
it took me some time to start actively learning russian tho - maybe because i was scared it wouldn't be as good as i had imagined it - but boyyy was i wrong. the next thing that absolutely fascinated me was the way that vocabulary works sometimes:
много - немного (many - a few) любовь - нелюбовь (love - dislike)
aka how both the presence and the absence of something are interconnected etc etc *insert galaxy brain meme*. we have that concept in german too but it's not as present I'd say? or maybe i never noticed.
and then - the way the language produces images. beautiful. for example:
Любовь не картошка, её не выбросить в окошко. (Love is not a potato, one cannot throw it out of the window.)
and lyrics by Гречка - Картина:
За окном дождь И в душе моей дождь И между нами дождь И расстояние
Outside the window - rain and in my soul - rain and between us - rain and distance
(screaming about how to me the last line in russian is the most powerful one but seems so bland in english aksjfhsdj help.)
also i absolutely LOVE russian intonation - it flows in super predictable patterns (as it should) and is just so fun to listen to!! the melody is always something that i love listening to, even and especially when i don't know the language well!
this is what comes to my mind right now, and i hope as i learn more i will discover even more beautiful things about it!!
drop a language in my inbox and i'll tell you what i like about it
17 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
"And I seem to have such strength in me now, that I think I could stand anything, any suffering, only to be able to say and to repeat to myself every moment, 'I exist'. In thousands of agonies – I exist. I'm tormented on the rack – but I exist! Though I sit alone on a pillar – I exist! I see the sun, and if I don't see the sun, I know it's there. And there's a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there."
— Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Karamazov Brothers
19 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
"Yes, I want disorder. I keep wanting to set fire to the house. I keep imagining how I'll creep up and set fire to the house on the sly; it must be on the sly. They'll try to put it out, but it'll go on burning. And I shall know and say nothing. Ah, what silliness! And how bored I am!"
— Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Karamazov Brothers
29 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
34 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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babyarmybabbles · 10 days
Run ARMY! (Arrival Part) a3 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 1,862
Notes: I did some major overhauling during the baggage claim part, and decided on a different direction for the travel to the company. This took me hours and somehow I've only added 26 words? lol at least it reads a little better now.
I changed the formatting up quite a bit too. I wanted this to be an Addition instead of an Attempt, but every time I look at it I struggle so hard to move it forward. I'll probably go back to the games next time I work on it.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: Reader is a bit of an anxious mess
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
It wasn’t until your plane was landing on South Korean soil that the reality of your situation really started to sink in. Namely, that your situation was reality at all. Really, who could blame you? With the 15 hour flight behind you there were less than 24 hours between you and meeting BTS.
Less than 24 hours between you and filming with BTS.
It still felt like a dream as you disembarked from the plane and started heading to customs. Quite frankly you were still in shock about the whole thing. It felt like everything was progressing way too quickly, even though it had already been nearly two months since your name had initially been drawn from the Weverse raffle.
Honestly, even entering the raffle had been no more than a matter of rote to you. A notification from Weverse had announced a special new season of Run BTS! to celebrate the group's return from enlistment.
The twist that made it special? They were going to pick one lucky Korean-speaking ARMY to film the series with BTS. Of course you'd entered the raffle. Hell, you're sure ARMY that didn't even meet the Korean speaking requirement had entered it.
It's just that you had never expected to win. You'd never even entertained the possibility. It had been just another of those things you did because you'd be wasting your fanclub membership otherwise.
And also because you'd be insane not to.
You'd giggled and done the whole "but what if?" routine with your ARMY friends, of course, but you'd never, ever, in a million years, believed your name would be picked. Never thought that one in ten million chance opportunity would be yours.
You make it through customs relatively unscathed and once more think that time is passing way too fast. You are maybe having the mental breakdown that had been pending since you'd received that fateful email from Hybe. You're not sure if you'd been able to hold it off until now through the sheer power of disbelief or if you'd simply been too busy.
And you really had been busy. Although a lot of the planning, and all of the expenses, for this trip were handled by Hybe you'd still had a pretty short window of time to sort your life out for a 9 day international vacation.
Submitting your PTO request, finishing projects at work, dusting off your rusty Korean skills, making sure your passport was up to date, getting your visa sorted, finding someone to water your plants for you, corresponding with a freaking Hybe representative about details.
It had been a lot. Still was, actually.
You move slowly through Incheon airport toward the baggage claim, taking your time to make sure you read the signs correctly. You always got anxious about getting lost in airports, no matter how many you'd been in. You were always convinced you were heading to the wrong place until you got there.
You’re sort of still sure you’re in the wrong place, actually. Just- in general. Not because of the airport specifically.
Being in Korea, about to be carted off for last-minute paperwork and interviews, with intent to spend a week in the presence of your idols. It was surreal at best, and you couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t meant for you.
You know you being here was a matter of random chance, but you can’t help but feel unworthy and out of place.
Mostly out of place.
You’d never been the sort to do everything in your power to cross paths with your idols, and yet here you were. In fact, you’d maintained for years now that if you’d ever come across an idol in the wild you’d turn tail and run.
You’re not sure how you’re going to handle being in close quarters with seven of them. You might faint. Actually, scratch that, you can almost guarantee you will.
You scoff at yourself a little bit. Here you are, about to live every AMRY's dream, and you're driving yourself into a panic attack at the baggage claim instead of enjoying it.
Your luggage makes its slow and tottering way around the carousel, and you make no move to reach it any faster. As if you can hold off your anxieties by just not moving.
Your bag doesn’t care for your troubled mind and mercilessly continues on its journey.
You swear that when you’d boarded your flight you’d been appropriately giddy. It's just that you're realizing some things right now.
Like the fact you'll be spending a week in a house with seven strange men. Men you know of but have never met before. Men who are most assuredly stronger and more fit than you in every way. Men you've admired for years now. Men you are 100% sure to embarrass yourself in front of at some point.
You know that once everything is actually happening you’ll be fine. You'll realize that everyone there are just people. That they're not so different from yourself. You'll be far too busy being in the moment to pay attention to your anxiety. Everything will be fine.
Those facts don’t really help you at the moment, though. You’re still breathless with the force of your worries when your luggage finally passes in front of you. You heave it off of the conveyor belt, feeling as if it weighed twice as much as when you’d dropped it off.
You don’t feel ready to face what’s ahead at all. You're not really calm, but you’re not panicking either, stuck in a limbo of excitement, apprehension, and anxiety.
Someone grabs their bag next to you and bumps you in the process, jolting you from your thoughts. The two of you quickly apologize to each other, and you move away from the luggage claim.
You suck in a stuttering breath and let it out smoother than it came in. The easy parts of this trip - the flight and the freaking out - were over. It’s time to find your ride.
You turn on your heel with a bit of determined flair. Dramatic? Maybe. But the animated movement makes you feel better and refocuses your attention to the task at hand. You let that energy carry you as stomp your way toward the loading area.
It doesn’t take you long to settle down and walk like a normal person again, but you cling tightly to the momentary confidence. You'll need it to bullshit your way through the next nine days.
Finding the loading area you’d been told you’d be picked up from doesn’t take long either, and soon you’re paused off to the side to double check your instructions.
Well, you say instructions, it was more just a kind email explaining what to expect when you made it to Korea. Aside from a description of the person picking you up (the same Hybe representative you’d been corresponding with the whole time, thankfully) they’d also informed you that there would be some last-minute paperwork to take care of.
You’d also be meeting the PD in charge of the show before being taken for a few interviews and photos. You’d get your post-travel rest after all of that.
It was a good thing your flight had landed in the early morning, you definitely had a busy day ahead of you.
You alternate between glancing at your email and surveying the crowd for several minutes before you spot her.
She’s clear across the loading area from you, because of course she is, that’s just your luck. The bright red hairband on her head combined with the sign with your name written in bold English in her hands tell you you have the right person, so you begin to make your way over.
She’s intimidatingly pretty, all sharp features and stylishly dressed. You suddenly feel very underdressed and small in your baggy hoodie and paint-stained sweats.
You start picking your way through the crowd, filled with anxiety. It sort of feels like you’re attempting to approach a celebrity as you dodge and weave through other travelers and their luggage to the best of your ability. Good practice for later, you suppose.
You come to a stop in front of her and find yourself lost for words. She’s very pretty, and you’ve just remembered that you find pretty people incredibly intimidating.
You fall hard on your manners about it and timidly call for her attention before introducing yourself and asking if she was who you were supposed to be looking for.
She smiles gently at you and her entire face softens with the expression. You’re suddenly a lot less nervous. Her smile makes her look kind and approachable and you’re immediately put at ease.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Cheong Haneul, and I'll be your liaison with Hybe for the duration of your stay." She finishes off her introduction with a neat bow, which you clumsily copy.
"Thank you for taking care of me." You reply awkwardly, wanting to be polite. Hopefully she’ll forgive your lack of social graces. Hurriedly, you push the conversation onward. "Uhm, sorry to be asking questions already, but what do you mean by liaison?"
Haneul waves a hand in dismissal of your apology and explains, "It just means I'll be in charge of you. Make sure you get to where you need to be, you have all the information you need, that sort of thing. Answering your questions is definitely part of that."
Her charming little grin endears her to you further and stalls your nerves. You give a small smile back and soon enough the two of you are making your way to a black SUV parked nearby.
There’s a man in business attire waiting by the driver’s side door as you approach. Haneul introduces him briefly and you give him a nervous smile and profuse thanks as he helps load your suitcase and carry-on bag into the trunk. Your bulky backpack finds it’s way into the backseat with you as Haneul motions you ahead of her, following shortly after.
You can’t help but notice she’s about 20 time more graceful than you as she climbs into the vehicle. You resolve to take notes.
Surely getting a good grade in entering vehicles is normal to want and possible to achieve. Surely.
Soon enough all bags and passengers are safely loaded, and the SUV lurches into motion as you begin to leave behind the airport at last.
Hannuel spends the 30 minute drive to the Hybe building explaining various things to you. How the pre-interview will work, what to expect from the shooting, why you were meeting with the PD before hand, all sorts of little things you hadn’t even thought to ask about.
Your head is spinning with the onslaught of information by the time the vehicle pulls to a stop inside the underground parking garage. You can’t even bring to bear the nerves you’d been grappling with as you try to process Hanuel’s impromptu lecture.
The other woman must notice your dazed expression, because she kindly reminds you that she’ll be around for any questions. She then mercilessly ushers you out of the SUV, tutting about tight schedules.
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dollarbin · 2 months
Shakey Sundays #16:
Buffalo Springfield's Last Time Around
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Okay, does this album even qualify for a Shakey Sunday post? Young immediately disassociated himself from the record and it's hard to hear him anywhere on the album outside of the precious, handmade and somewhat juvenile I Am A Child.
Well, my cat's impressed, (note that she instinctively blocks out every person on the cover except Young, who refused to go along with the photo concept and turned his brooding guise down and away from his band mates: good kitty...) so let's give the record a spin:
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The lead track, On The Way Home, is a top 30 all time Neil Young song and the Monkees fanclub arrangement of it that appears on the record, sung by the soon to be big deal Jesus freak Richie Furay (I have a dollar bin solo late 70's record by Furay called I Still Have Dreams which has yet to ever make it to my turntable; hopefully the dreams Richie still has are psychedelic and not troubling in any way; maybe the record amazing!), may not measure it up to Young's own, innumerable, live versions (I saw Young play the song solo on the Booker T tour in 93 and it absolutely floured my 17 year old soul) but it's mix tape ready and sweet as all get out.
I kinda feel like Nick Drake used this take of the song as an inspiration for the initially baffling vibe on Bryter Layter; but Drake's song is better, of course...
And I kinda dig Young's complaint about what they did to his song. Just check out the complex, passionate and freeing potential of On The Way Home through Young's solo take from that same era:
Even so, Last Time Around is worth stretching your dollar bin buck when you see it for $4-8 smackeroos. None of the songs stink, and Stephen Stills, at this early stage, sucked a whole lot less.
But, essentially, it's a Furay/Messina record; they'd go on to found Poco after this album. I told my famous brother a few weeks back that there was surely no Poco song worth listening to, ever. He countered with the following little number. Let's listen with an open mind, then snicker at his famous tastes:
The vibe here is like Graham Parsons on way too many happy pills, or Neil Young if he pretty much sucked. There will be no Poco purchases in my near future.
Furay had been hanging about with Young and our favorite villain, Stephen Stills, for a year or three, walking in their shadows and planning for a sweet future in the manly arms of Jesus. Good for him. I see he is playing tonight, as I type, at a lodge in Montana. Tickets are still available in case you want to go: it seems that he is still busy merging rock and roll with country music; surely Richie was the first person to ever have such an idea; or maybe Jesus came up with it: I can see him dueling banjos with Richie on the Sea of Galilee.
Furay sings the best notes on this record; this may be his high water mark. Take a listen to Kind Woman: the guy had some pipes; maybe I'll try singing this to my wife tomorrow morning at the breakfast table... She loves when I bust out my trembling tenor. And my 15 year old just swoons.
Everything here is thoughtful and well paced; Stephen Stills' suckiness doesn't even get in the way. Never mind: looks like Stills doesn't actually play on the track; no matter it sounds so sweet.
Everyone other than Furay was making more important music elsewhere during the recording of this album. Young was focused on his first record, and it makes sense that he let the band have I Am A Child as it would not have fit anywhere on his own debut album.
Stills, meanwhile, was making some of the best music of his dumb career in Judy Collins' 68 band: let's end this very abbreviated Shakey Sunday with a terrific Collin's track - far better than anything on Third Time Around - in which Stills is does nothing more than play the bass:
Even Stephen Stills can't sink a track this great. No offense Richie, but I'd say Jesus would be way more into this track than anything on Last Time Around.
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stonewallsposts · 11 months
June Reading 
Each month this year I'm trying to read at least one political/historical work, and one novel in Italian. Unfortunately, the political works, I'm spending a lot of time on by taking notes and recapping them so I make sure I understand the arguments. And the Italian novels are just much slower for me to read than in English. For example, Saltatempo was around 250 pages and took 11 days, whereas Moll Flanders was 425 pages and took me 5 days, roughly one quarter of the time per page. But I'm determined to maintain this. It means I'm reading less books this year, and not chugging through my list of novels  as quickly. But of my massive list of books I started with, I'll probably have less than ten left by the end of the year. 
Moll Flanders- Daniel Defoe   (1722) 
Tale of a woman, born in Newgate prison, and how her life moves from servitude to legitimacy, to various troubles and eventually to crime, until she finally is caught, undergoes repentance, and sets things right as much as possible. There are no chapter divisions in the book. The tale just moves from incident to incident, as if she were telling her story to someone she met in a bar. 
Karl Marx- Early Writings (1834-35) 
The early writings consist of: Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the State, Letters from the Franco-German Yearbooks, On the Jewish Question, A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right Introduction, Excerpts from James Mill's Elements of Political Economy, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, Critical Notes on the Article: The King of Prussia and Social Reform, by a Prussian. 
The importance of these writings is to see the intellectual development of the foundations of Marxism.  
The most difficult and dense to get through was the Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the State. The articles I got the most from were On the Jewish Question and Excerpts from Mill's Elements of Political Economy. I had already read the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, so I skipped that section. 
There were a few places where I had to rely on outside sources to help me understand what Marx was talking about because it wasn't clear to me at all. The first was just understanding his approach to Hegel. But I found another article that helped explain where he was coming from. The introduction by Lucio Colletti was really helpful too. Apart from those sources, I'm not sure I would have gotten what Marx was talking about. 
The second article that helped immensely was an explanation of how and why Marx used abstraction in his arguments. This is an important concept in his arguments, and I was struggling to follow his thinking. Understanding how he thought about this helped unlock his thought process. 
This is all part of my effort to educate myself about Marxism.  
Non ti muovere- Margaret Mazzantini  (2001) 
Timoteo, a 50ish surgeon, has a 15 year-old daughter who is hit while riding her scooter in the rain to school. She is seriously injured. The story is a confessional Timoteo is thinking to his daughter while she is undergoing surgery. He confesses a long affair with another woman, intermixed with tidbits about how he met his wife, and their years together up to this point.  
The Mill on the Floss- George Eliot  (1860) 
Tale of Maggie Tulliver, a young passionate girl of 8 when we first meet her, until 19. She is seen as troublesome, but intensely passionate and loving. She breaks out on occasion against her more judgmental family, who want to box her in to a more social role. Eliot acknowledges the value of these roles at times, even while portraying their judgment as unfair. Maggie is caught up in her passions, which occasionally lead her astray, but she ends up coming back to her place. It's a good story that tells us about life and the way people looked at certain situations. 
The Twelve Caesars- Suetonius (121AD) 
I won't bother to give a recap of each of the twelve Caesars. But I will note the pattern the book reveals. Rome went from being a Republic to a monarchy. How did it happen? Why did it happen? What are the things that we should look for that cause a people as prosperous as the Romans to give up self-governance and submit to a single ruler? Most of those lessons aren't found in this book. But the fact is:  Rome got Julius Caesar as the first emperor. He was a relatively competent ruler and maybe the people felt that this single hand could accomplish more than the by then relatively useless Senate. But once a "king", or princeps, as they called him, was established, it was only 3 generations before that concentration of power went off the rails. What followed Caesar Augustus was the maleficence of Tiberius, Caligula, Gaius, and Nero, each murdered by people who hated them and their deaths rejoiced over by the populace. The point being that once power is concentrated in the hands of one man, you're not going back, and it's going to attract the worst, most power-hungry men. 
What this book shows is the malfeasance of men entrusted with too much power. There were, on occasions, emperors who showed themselves to be genuinely interested in governing well. They understood the trust that had been put in their hands and sought to rule wisely. But of the twelve Caesars, there were only 4 that fit that. And maybe we should throw out the first two since they were coming into the role from the viewpoint of a republic, not a monarchy. 
That was another thing to note. The republic didn't die at once. The Senate continued to exist, in a somewhat toothless form, well into the imperial age. The settings of the republic didn't disappear, they just lost their power over time until they were institutions in name only. 
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gonewiddershins · 1 year
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I posted 5,383 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
5,373 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,370 of my posts in 2022
#this amuses me - 1,559 posts
#spy x family - 531 posts
#animorphs - 369 posts
#mo dao zu shi - 267 posts
#tian guan ci fu - 206 posts
#batfamily - 204 posts
#svsss - 150 posts
#concept - 145 posts
#media - 124 posts
#queer stuff - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#every twilight/thorn princess fanart i see is so hot and/or serious – something straight out of a mafia movie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Book Rec Ask Meme (Part 3 of 7)
18. your least favorite book ever
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One of the effects of being a shameless DNF-er is how I don't really have least favorite books. Because they can't be my least fave if I drop them halfway through and go and happily read something else instead. Least favorite book (singular) ever is even worse- why on earth would I read a book I loathe that much? The only answer is "Buddy Reads" and even for that I have drawn lines I will Not Cross. And even if those lines were crossed, I feel uncomfortable rating that book as "the worst" because making me read something I don't like makes me very, very mad and that naturally spills over to my feelings about the actual book.
So I skimmed through Goodreads and randomly picked a book that made me mad enough that I remembered being mad to this day. This actually means the book had potential, because I tend to forget books which had no redeeming features whatsoever. But this is also the third draft of this answer so it's what you're getting. (There is actually book I dislike more than this one, but that's getting saved for the un-recommend question.)
Tangled by Emma Chase is an office romcom. And it would probably be pretty entertaining (my tastes they are so low) if (a) the author did not decide that swearing was an inherently funny action and used it to indicate idk- something positive about the male lead, (b) it weren't for the unquestioned gender essentialism - you know the thing, men are like this women are like that and god forbid anyone deviates even slightly from the norm, and (c) I didn't keep getting smacked in the face with constant workplace sexual harassment.
The harassment was bad enough to have my oblivious self feel mildly uncomfortable when I first read it. When I skimmed through it again to remember why I hated it so much it almost made me want to puke. If any guy thought about me the way the ML thought about the FL I would knee him in the balls. Also, I HATE it when romances end with a "grand gesture" that magically solves everything. Especially in this case. FL, you were so fucking bland that I don't remember a goddamned thing about you but you should have kneed him in the balls. For fuck's sake.
QUOTE: (slime. slime all over my face and my arms.)
Doe Eyes may be telling me no…but her body? Her body’s screaming, Yes, yes, fuck me on the bar. In the span of three minutes, she’s told me why she’s here, what she does for a living, and allowed me to fondle her hand. Those are not the actions of a woman who is not interested—those are the actions of a woman who does not want to be interested. And I can definitely work with that.
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
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3 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
1, 9 10 13 15 16 18 23 52 53 55 60 63 71 80 86 107 121 127 134 135 for ur ask meme
okay so there's are enough of these questions that I'm gonna answer this in parts because otherwise (a) I'll never finish and (b) tumblr WILL end up earing my drafts and I wince just thinking about that. So here we go-
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Beginning by K.A. Applegate. Anyone who's spent some time on my tumblr knows about my obsession with this series. It drilled into my ear and took over all higher life form function way back when I was an impressionable pre-teen. And then after sometime, when I thought I'd found other things to obsess about, I found copies of the final arc and it decided to permanently take up residence in my brain.
The Beginning is the final installment of the Animorphs series, which famously feature kids turning into animals to fight brain stealing alien puppeteers. It's not a climax- it's a extended denouement, because the books have always been about how children people are affected by war as much as as it was about the actual war. Animorphs also ended on a very bittersweet note, something unthinkable to baby me who had never seen a story end this way before. It was a learning experience.
"Jake, you can't . . ." She took a deep breath. "You can't equate the victim and the perpetrator."
"So as long as you're playing defense it's not possible to commit a war crime?" I asked. "That's pretty close to just saying that the winner makes the rules because it's the winner who writes the history."
She grabbed my arm and searched for my eyes, forcing me to look at her. "No, Jake, it isn't. There are a lot of close calls in history, lots of wars where the blame is evenly split between the sides. This isn't one of them. Before they came to Earth no human ever attacked a Yeerk. No human ever harmed a Yeerk. This one is clear: We are the victims. They made war on us."
"That's good," I said softly. "All of that is good. We have justification. We're the good guys."
Marco said, "That's right, Big Jake, we are."
I nodded. "That's good for the big picture. See, my problem is a little more personal."
Ax asked.
"Well, Ax-man, you're right, you did call my attention to the possibilities on the Pool ship. And when you did that I guess I should have thought, Well, Jake, it's a harsh, terrible thing to do, but you're justified because, after all, you're the victim here. But that's not what I thought. You know what I thought?"
Cassie released her grip on me. But Marco just took a step up close, right in my face.
"I know what you thought, Jake. You thought Die, you filthy worms. Feel the fear, Yeerks. Feel the pain. Feel the helplessness. You wanted them to suffer and the idea of them suffering and dying made you happy. You were thrilled. You were high."
Cassie winced. She looked away.
I said, "Yeah, Marco. That was about it: word for word."
9. your favourite book of 2020 2022
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3 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Book Rec Ask Meme (Part 2 of 7)
13. your favorite romance novel
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You should know by now that I don't actually have favorites. I have a list of things I like and how much I like them varies with time, emotions, circumstances, and also maybe the phases of the moon. But The Duke in Disguise by Cat Sabastian was the first book I thought of when I saw this question, so it's the answer by default.
A Duke in Disguise is a standalone (technically it's part of a series, but books in romance novels series are often functionally standalones with cameos) romance story about two childhood friends- a prickly left-leaning publisher trying to keep her business afloat and an illustrator (engraver, to be precise) who turns out to be the long-lost heir to a dukedom. It's filled with class rage and ideas about what independence means and wonderful friend and family characters. The heroine is bi and filled with rage goes to her ex-girlfriend when she wants to yell about stuff. It's great.
How one was meant to feed all these people on a couple of mutton chops Verity did not know. Supper was supposed to serve four: herself, Nate, Ash, and Charlie. But Nate had come home with three friends he met at the pub, which would have been bad enough even if he hadn’t evidently also invited Amelia Allenby, the half-grown daughter of Verity’s friend. At half past seven, a carriage pulled up in front of the house and disgorged a girl in pearl earbobs and a white muslin frock, dressed as if she were going to dine with the great and good of the land, rather than pick at too few mutton chops and be an eyewitness to sedition. Amelia was seventeen and looked upon Nate with a degree of hero worship that nobody who brought three hungry radicals home to dinner deserved.
15. a book rec you really enjoyed
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4 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
1, 19, 27
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold. I mean, I love almost everything this author writes but I'd only read her space opera series before this, and space opera was (at least back then) not as much my genre as Fantasy is.
It was also a very different type of fantasy from what I'd experienced. I'd mostly read grand sweeping fantasy epics before CoC, with a dash of Tamora Pierce to even things out. But I think this was the first time I'd seen adult fantasy which was less about world domination and more about people just trying to get by in the face of curses and life in general etc. Caz is a wonderful protagonist because he's so tired and so traumatized and he juxtaposes beautifully with Iselle (who is the /thematic/ protagonist) who's vibrant and a beacon of hope. The divinity-based magic system is wonderful. The way of breaking the curse is wonderfully clever. This book made me actually weep more than once. I just- //flails
It also made me be more active about searching for adult fantasy I was actually interested in, because till that point I really thought all we could have were chosen one quest narratives.
“Any man can be kind when he is comfortable. I'd always thought kindness a trivial virtue, therefore. But when we were hungry, thirsty, sick, frightened, with our deaths shouting at us, in the heart of horror, you were still as unfailingly courteous as a gentleman at ease before his own hearth.”
19. a book that put you in a reading slump
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5 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It just struck me how the MCU is milking the hell out of a nearly manufactured out of whole cloth mentor-mentee/dad-son relationship between a billionaire superhero and a socially disadvantaged kid superhero while the dc cinematic universe, which has multiple canon relationships like that, ignored them COMPLETELY in favor of more serial killer showcases.
7 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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its-hai-time · 2 years
Ok it's time to share my notes about my Apollo Justice 2 au. I have to call it an AU because I do not have the skill or capabilities to make it an actual fangame but I WISH I DID.
The title is still a work in progress so I just call it Apollo Justice 2. Also I'm transcribing these notes from literally 15 pages of physical notes that I wrote by hand.
Fake cover art :)
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(putting the cut here because this is going to be even longer than my last post about this)
To reiterate, this takes place about a year after the events of aa4.
So, aa4 gives us an interesting place to pick up from, seeing as the last case of that game was introducing the jurist system.
It's best to explain how I've decided to interpret the jurist system permanently joining the court system because it does change some of the structure.
To fit the jurist system in the courts, some changes had to be made to the way the law is handled. Because a full jury of people is handling each case now rather than one judge, the culprit does not necessarily need to be found. The focus will be entirely placed on the defendant. Your case simply has to win on the grounds of whether or not you've made a good point for your client's favor. This doesn't mean you can't find the true culprit because it wouldn't be an ace attorney game without the breakdowns, but the culprit will be found much more through Apollo's personal inability to stop until a case is fully solved.
This jurist system change was made to give Apollo even more personality regarding his cases, and it also makes it easier to change up the ace attorney format in very meaningful ways.
It also makes the courts seem a little more realistic, although I don't care about that for the most part. I don't mind the plot holes in these games because I enjoy them for their story and characters. I think that the people who get genuinely upset with how the courts work are missing the fundamental point of these games. The jurist change does make sense, but it also throws a wrench into a lot of things and I've made the executive decision to allow that wrench to hang from my strings because it doesn't really matter. This is Ace Attorney. The courts have always been a mess and they will always be a mess. AA4 introduced such an interesting concept and I will play in this space, God dammit!
I also think having to wait on the verdict for the jurists to deliberate adds an extra bit of drama. The stress of not knowing if what you said was enough. It's a fun idea and I like to imagine Apollo and Trucy waiting in the defense lobby stressed out of their minds.
Now, I can move on to the first case of the game.
I think how I'd stage the tutorial in this case is: this is the first case with the jurist system fully implemented and Apollo has to relearn how to go through a trial. The specific changes the jurist system has caused will be explained and I think Trucy would end up having too much fun re-explaining everything ("you can access the court record at any time-" "I know what the court record is!")
I think that in this first case, a true culprit is never found. Thanks to the jurists, the client is found not guilty, but there seems to be a lot of missing pieces. The real murderer is still out there.
I want this case to hang above every other case in the game, and every case in the game to connect back to this one. Seemingly chipping away at the mystery of what really happened. Eventually the final case should wrap back around and solve this case once and for all.
This doesn't fit anywhere so I'll just mention it now: Klavier isn't present during the first couple of cases because he's started his solo career and is currently on tour.
Also since Trucy got the rights to her family's tricks, she's practicing and planning for a huge magic show. Tickets are literally sold out, it's regarded as the return of the Gramaryes.
Our second case has one of Trucy's school friends as the defendant. The victim could be the owner of a bakery that her friend had frequented, and maybe the owner had some shady business that might connect back to case 1.
In this case we meet our new prosecutor.
Prosecutor Destiny Atlas is the prosecution for this game. And she seems to have some sort of connection to case 1 (despite not having been the prosecutor for that case). Each case she heads seems to be an excuse for her to keep chipping away at the mystery of case 1.
The first time we meet her is when she confronts Apollo and Trucy in the defense lobby before the first trial. She's quite hard to read, seemingly stone faced and speaks with a tone that's difficult to discern. She seems to have a lot of connections, enough to already know that Apollo and Trucy had investigated behind the detectives backs (or at least bribed Ema). ("I've gotten word of a couple of rats on my crime scene yesterday." "R-rats!?")
Now the fun thing about Destiny is she actually has a co-counsel. This is because we've never seen the prosecution have a co-counsel and I think it's a good idea to set her apart from all of the other prosecutors.
Her co-counsel is her personal assistant and wife, London Atlas. Apollo and Trucy meet London during their first investigation, she's very bubbly and sweet. Very easy to read and a very good contrast to Destiny. They don't realize she's connected to Prosecutor Atlas until the trial starts.
Here are their designs (if I don't change them up later)
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I wanted this au to seem like a genuine game pitch, a game that Capcom might make and release so I limited myself a lot when it came to writing the romance. Klapollo is not canon in this au, neither is narumitsu, and the way I rationalized Destiny and London is by saying that they are very professional and they practically don't get any coupley moments. Not to say I'm shoehorning in the lesbian rep here- they're still very clearly in love and they clearly respect each other and have a very healthy relationship. It's just the nature of the games being told in Apollo's perspective means that we will almost exclusively be seeing these two while they are at work and thus acting professionally.
Another thing about these two, is that they are both visible from the prosecutor's bench. This is because I thought a cute detail might be that Destiny doesn't emote much in court and so London does the emoting for her. Such as if you point out a contradiction, Destiny won't seem affected but London will be the one sweating.
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In the second case specifically, I want to establish that Destiny has an insane amount of connections all over LA. This should culminate in her knowing literally all of Apollo and Trucy's evidence before the trial has even started. Apollo and Trucy don't realize that she knows until the end of the trial when they've presented everything relevant and she has had a counter argument prepared for each evidence. This means that Apollo has to scrape through the trial on deduction and argument alone, no big game-changing evidence to flip everything on its side. Apollo has to come to a conclusion fast, and Prosecutor Atlas won't be pulling any punches.
This idea is specifically made to rectify my main complaint with aa4, the fact that everybody else seems to lead Apollo to the correct conclusions rather than him connecting the dots himself. I love Klavier, and I love that he drops the hints for Apollo to find, but I want a case where we get to see Apollo hold his own. The introduction of the Atlas' means that I can finally get my Apollo smart boy case.
The defendant being Trucy's friend allows us to see her a bit more desperate than usual, jumping onto the leads faster than Apollo can.
Her personal involvement here is important, she is desperate to prove her friend innocent, she's seen how scary it is to be tried for a crime you never committed. She's still joking around, and keeping up her sunshiney persona, but she's a lot more keen on investigating than usual.
It doesn't help that London and Prosecutor Atlas seem to know something that they don't. Seemingly pulling Apollo and Trucy along by the strings. They have some sort of motive for taking this case but for the time being they don't know what.
Ema should stay consistent for this case. Prosecutor Atlas doesn't really seem to care if she lets Apollo and Trucy investigate the crime scene, so Ema still gets to help out and give us a forensics mini game. Keeping at least something consistent within this case is very important to keep the right atmosphere.
After the first trial in case 2, Apollo and Trucy get much more secretive about the evidence they've gathered, they managed to get by in the trial that day but just barely, and Apollo would much rather have the evidence on his side.
The first trial should leave some unanswered questions, and something shouldn't be adding up at this point.
During the second investigation Apollo and Trucy should get to talk to London again. She can explain that Destiny doesn't tend to come to the crime scenes herself, so London tends to be the one to oversee investigation in her place. We get to hear about her and Destiny's relationship and how they respect each other a lot both personally and professionally.
Court proceeds as usual, Apollo finds the true suspect and solves the case, awesome!
Prosecutor Atlas doesn't seem to mind losing. Maybe her and London talk to Apollo about any new cases he's taking (none, but the thought counts). London noticeably does more of the talking.
I'm not entirely sold on my concept for case 3 but my heart tells me that this is the one Klavier gets arrested for. He had just gotten home from tour and is immediately behind bars. Talk about TOUGH LUCK!
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Calling back to that huuuuuuge magic show Trucy is going to have soon, she's too busy practicing incessantly for it, and so that leaves Phoenix (currently still studying for the bar) to co-counsel for this case.
I enjoy the idea that Phoenix being the co-counsel for this case is a silent way of saying that he doesn't blame Klavier for his disbarment. And also bringing Phoenix on investigations means a lot of good hijinx and the fact that he's so good at being so secretive means that Apollo can get some information to genuinely blindside Prosecutor Atlas.
This case here is an authentic return to form, a true ace attorney case.
Not only this, but Phoenix and Klavier finally get to have the conversation, Klavier can finally apologize for Phoenix's disbarment and Phoenix can finally tell him he doesn't blame Klavier for his disbarment. That he was just a kid just doing his job/ what he thought was right. How his life didn't end the moment he was disbarred, he's studying for the bar again. How he had learned a lot in the seven year gap and even if he wanted the past to change that's just not possible.
During this case I'd really like to get a bit more backstory on Klavier, whether or not he has parents, childhood memories, and just how growing up with Kristoph affected him.
I think Apollo in this case would be fun to explore, because it would be fun to show him caring much more about Klavier's wellbeing than he thought he did.
To reiterate, I won't make Klapollo canon in this. I ship it a lot, and Klavier will absolutely be flirting with Apollo, I just simply want to keep it to a realistic ace attorney game. This means that while there will be a lot more Klapollo moments to work off of, the ship itself will remain entirely subtextual.
As for Ema in this case: I think she would be fun to explore as well, first of all we will finally get her and Phoenix to interact again, and during her mini game I want it to feel a little nostalgic for them both. As for Klavier being in prison, I want to have her be in an even worse mood than usual, especially when the leads are slow. I think she and Klavier have an unlikely friendship and she is genuinely worried for him, not that she'd ever say that.
The case eventually has to tie back to the first case AGAIN, uncovering even more of the mystery. Having Phoenix with us in this is useful too because of just how well and quickly he thinks.
Case wraps up all good :)
The fourth case takes place at Trucy's huge magic show.
Something goes wrong and Trucy ends up in the hospital. There's also a MURDER so Apollo has a case to take. Phoenix is busy looking after Trucy, so who's going to investigate with Apollo???
Klavier Gavin.
It might be weird having a prosecutor as your co-counsel, but look at what Edgeworth did in Trials and Tribulations and tell me that this isn't perfectly in-bounds. Whatever the reasoning Klavier is Apollo's co-counsel and I am so fucking sold on this.
This case should tie back to the first case the most. This also being the case to wrap up Prosecutor Atlas's story. Her connection to the first case can finally be revealed, and it's a huuge thing. Good good prosecutor moment :)
The final pieces to the first case should be found, and the case can FINALLY be solved.
I kind of like the idea of the client from the first case actually having been guilty, there just wasn't enough evidence to prove that they were guilty at the time. I think all of the pieces should fit together within this case and they should finally be caught. Now, I don't think they're the client in the fourth case, but maybe a witness, or maybe they get roped back in by Apollo indicting them on a whim.
This is fun mainly because we've only ever defended a guilty client once before. It's obviously a thing that the writers were previously willing to do, but it hasn't been explored since then. Not in the trilogy because once was enough to get the point across, and not in Apollo Justice because it would have thrown off the formula way too much for a game that was already a huge change.
My theory for why it hasn't been explored since aa2 is that an idea like that died as soon as they started writing Dual Destinies. They wanted a zero spoiler, zero previous plotline, simple story. So they introduced another brand new defense attorney and prosecutor and gave them a story completely contained to that game and let that backstory die as soon as they started writing aa6. They didn't want to take on complexity and nuance in their characters. They wanted to skate by using a well known cast of characters and a bunch of gimmicks.
Another thing about Dual Destinies I am abandoning completely, "the dark age of the law." It's horrible. Literally Dual Destinies did nothing but rely on gimmicks. Fuck you, aa5.
As for if we learn anything about Apollo's backstory, Maybe. We could maybe play around with the idea of Apollo's father, though I'm not quite sure if I want to explore that at all. It could stay up in the air, not everything needs answers.
Apollo and Trucy finding out that they are siblings: also maybe. There is absolutely room in the fourth case for Apollo to piece that together, and I think the drama of a moment like that would be awesome. Many details of this idea are very foggy.
That's honestly true for this entire outline, very basic things to touch on, and literally no details of the cases themselves. A very bare bones structure here.
I think that's all for my Apollo Justice 2 pitch?? This is at least all of the notes I have. Feel free to add on to this in the notes I guess. Send post.
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