#Ishid Lucrenze
manhwa-animated-cover · 3 months
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comiccaps · 10 months
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The Evil Lady's Hero |  Lee Haron, R.su
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shizumae · 4 years
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𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔, 𝕡𝕤𝕪𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖
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theanomalouskid · 4 years
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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celacilatte · 4 years
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Omigosh, I really am in love with this couple and the story is also adorable 
Read on the official site  link 1 | link 2
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cherryblossomssmash · 3 years
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Grand Duke Ishid Lucrenze ✨
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luvreyn · 4 years
My Manhwa List (2020) Part 1
Another year, another set of stories! Start the year by reading these worthwhile manhwas uwu
Villainess in Love
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So I’ve become Yunifer Magnolia, the villainess who’s crazed with jealousy that Duke Ishid Lucrenze, the devastatingly handsome hero, has eyes only for Raelle, Yunifer’s best friend. Yunifer torments Raelle so much that Yunifer’s killed off at the end. But... I’M Yunifer now. UGH! Good news is, I’ve reincarnated a year before her tragic end, so there’s time to make sure Ishid and Raelle have a fairy tale ending (and I stay alive). Bad news is, I got drunk and woke up with Ishid next to me. Crap.
- my new fav & you’ll understand why
- plot = 5/5
- artstyle= 4.5/5
- iseka-ish type
- mc is so so relatable hahaha
- fantasy w/ magic elements and stuff
- ugh ishid how can i even begin the words to describe why i love him so??
-  ml is endearing, considerate, handsome, strong, thoughtful w/ a mixture of sugar, spice and everything nice perfect ingredient to create the perfect little boy but author-nim accidentally mix another ingredient - the chemical x LMAO
- the love rival isnt expected lol
- mc is a so charming, knows and admits her flaws & just awesome ugh i wish i was ishid bcoz he’s so luckyyy
- redhaired boi is a jerk so :P (p.s: he’s the crown prince)
- overall, this is a gem & you’re missing out if you havent read this trust me the main characters are just so adorable and their chemistry is on point! THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND A PERFECT START FOR 2020!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Harley Takes the House
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Harley thought that marriage would be her ticket out of the Ernst household and away from the family’s three sons, aka her perpetual tormenters. But on the eve of her wedding, she’s transported back in time 20 years to a youth she’d hoped to forget. As long as she’s getting a second chance at childhood, Harley’s determined to stand up to her bullies. But what began as retaliation quickly turns into reconciliation as both Harley and the Ernst brothers come to understand each other’s pain.
- PLUTUS IS ALSO THE AUTHOR (p.s: plutus is the author of wmmap)
- so this is beautiful
- plot = 5/5 poor hari got adopted to be a sub to a dead girl :(((
- art style = 3.5/5
- cabel (3rd ml in wmmap is a part of this story uwu)
- back in time type of story
- family themed??
- a new fav basically bcoz i’m crying over wmmap 
- mc is lovable and cute
- brothers are funny
- only alarming concern is that the parents has an unhealthy way of coping up w/ the death of their daughter bcoz they adopted mc (hari) for being a lookalike & it affects the whole fam :--(
- overall, a highly recommended gem by plutus ~ if you love wmmap then you’re going to love this too ~
Amina of the Lamp
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What can you do with three wishes?Amina, one of the last wizards, loses her loved ones when her palace comes under attack. Trying to turn back time to save them, she gets stuck inside a lamp. 300 years later, Jakard, a military commander, wakes her up. He has three wishes before Amina returns to the lamp. What will he wish for?
- plot = 3/5 
- art = 3/5
- a interesting twist to aladdin/genie type of story
- nice concept
- mc is not annoying and so is the ml
- conclusion, an interesting read ~
Back to You
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What if an unexpected accident suddenly transported you back to ten years ago? For Hayoung, suddenly traveling back in time to high school means the opportunity to save the life of Jaehyun, the one person she's always loved... Will she be able to change both of their fates?
- i cant even begin to say how much this hurts me 
- plot = 5/5
- art = 3.5/5
- from the same author as strange & beautiful
- unrequited love 
- one sided love about a girl who loves a guy then this guy dies in a questionable fashion & after all these yrs she cant move on bcoz she regrets everything even when she’s on a blind date then one day she met an accident which brought her back in the time when the guy was alive
- i’m crying
- they deserve to be happy
- m y s t e r y how did the guy die
- what’s the purpose of being back in time???
- this will squeeze your heart in a painful sorrow bcoz once upon a time we all love someone & sometimes it doesnt go the way we want to bcoz we were afraid to take the chance
- if it isnt obvious this is a personal favorite
- conclusion, please read the gem that is ‘just a girl he knows’ so we can fangrl together ~ this is so beautiful i cant even stressed how beautiful this is 
Howling: The City of Nightmare
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A serial killer is on the loose and is targeting beautiful women. A joint investigation team has been formed to catch the criminal. While working on the case, they encounter a young man who claims to have extraordinary powers.
- the only horror in this list rn 
- well written i cant even
- plot = 5/5
- artstyle = 4/5
- more than a romance ok
- horror/thriller-ish
- ohmyghad i think i’m a good detective bcoz i figured who the serial killer is from the start so victory!
- super interesting and has a lot of potential
- great great story
- to conclude, an interesting story and a gem in its own right! it has a beautiful concept, and it’s more than a romance!
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jousaff-janedrian · 3 years
Sekarang rasanya lebih gampang jatuh cinta sama karakter komik daripada manusia. Dari komik kita bisa menilai orang dari cara komikus dan naratornya. Its is real a good person or not? Kayak gitu kan... banyak komik2 tsundere yang cowoknya super dingin misterius dan selalu keliatan kayak punya banyak rahasia. Rasanya walaupun dia Evil Prince pun ada hal yg mendasari kenapa dia jadi Evil pun dengan sense romantic-slash-comedy yang rasanya kayak ga mungkin banget gitu di dunia nyata kejatohan cowok model beginian.
I like this drawing portrait of Ishid Lucrenze.❤
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Udah sempurna banget. Sayangnya dia ga real aja. Kalopun ada keknya dia entah ada di belahan dunia mana gitu deh.
Bedanya dunia komik dan sebenernya... kalau di komik alurnya kayak kepaksa. Maksudnya pasti ada hal mendasari 'why' that Male Lead should have attached sama Female Leadnya. Bisa dalam alasan apapun dari yang mulai masuk akal sampe ga habis pikir kok bisa. Dari mulai emang suka dari pandangan pertama sampe alasan nikah kontrak segala. Its common story of manhwa's world. Appalagi kalo genre yang isekai gitu. Rasanya kayak lebih imaginatif dan maksa banget tapi anehnya emang itu kan yang diinginkan dari imajinasi imajinasi orang orang. Kayak kapan lagi bisa halu yang di fasilitasi gambar yang bagus dan cerita yang bikin penasaran terus. Kapan lagi bisa bayangin tidur eh bangun bangun udah jadi princess di dunia masa lalu yang tiba tiba harus kepaksa jatuh cinta sama seorang Prince/Duke ganteng nan dingin tapi punya banyak masa lalu kelam?
Itu kayak sesuatu yang pernah dibayangin mungkin ada di dunia but its not always relate with you. Di dunia nyata, sulit sekali mengejar cerita dengan alur seperti itu. Kayaknya selama dalam hidupku aku ga pernah ketemu orang dengan alur begitu dramatis ala ala komik. Mungkin yang lebih rumit sih ada, cuman dia ga selalu berakhir dengan ketemu pangeran ganteng dan jatuh cinta.
Di dunia ini yang lebih masuk akal dan sudah terencana, porsi porsi cerita dalam hidup yang sudah teratur bentuknya. Dan manusia hanya bisa menerima. Kita berada di posisi bidak bidak komik (kalau boleh di posisikan) hanya saja.... kita diposisi yang tidak di naratorkan dengan jelas. Kita juga tidak akan tau apa yang terjadi kedepannya. Beda sama komik yg kalo mau tau tinggal beli koin aja. Kita juga ga pernah bisa tau narasi dua sisi dari tokoh tokoh lain. Kita hanya bisa menilai lewat diri kita sendiri.
Dan perihal apa di cerita kamu nanti kamu bakal ketemu pangeran, itu sedikit rumit sepertinya. Kayak hampir mustahil dan tergantung takdir dan circle hidup. Kamu ga bisa maksa kayak dikomik komik kamu harus ketemu dan nge date sama CEO perusahaan kayak Kang Taemu atau Kang Doojoon atau Duke Ishid Lucrenze yang kelewat ganteng itu. Apalagi maksa buat jadi istrinya dan happy ending forever. Itu udah kayak alur imajinatif yang ga bakal ada duniaa... heyy bangun!!
Itu sebabnya why people would always like the stroyline of comic. Bcz they would be so happy and fluterring when they read it and imagine if they were her or him what would happen next?
Seseorang selalu ingin merasa diterima dan dicintai dalam hidupnya. Dan kadang itu berkebalikan di dunia nyata. Empty place empty feel. Kalo kamu ga lagi suka dengan siapa pun, terus baca komik bucin... what can u do?
U feel like ohh that would be great if I have someone to... but in the same time... gosh no i even dont have a crush. Then u start to imagine again... but stop... semesta tempat kita berjalan itu beda rotasinya... you have to going down to earth again dan contemplate your feel and thinking. Rasanya aneh. Kayak udah berharap dan hempaskan ke dunia nyata yang gersang. Hahah..
Its always been funny if we talk about comics.
Thats always not relate with our real life.
(A/N : Tapi masih, gue masih berharap jadi Yunifer Magnolia pacarnya Ishid 😀)
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dalnim96 · 3 years
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one of my fav.
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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Hot damn 🥵
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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Evil lady’s hero
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suckerformanhwa · 4 years
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