#Ishikawa Kaito
kuruisu · 11 months
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My period's giving me cramps, so I'll go without bathing today.
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mashleverse · 2 months
Mashle: Magic and Muscles Seiyuu Event "After Party!" Live Broadcast
The archive of the seiyuu talk is now available to watch! Enjoy the shenanigans of the Japanese voice actors looking back at the series' two seasons, answering viewers' questions, and recapping the information about the upcoming seiyuu event next month! Including surprise (voice-only) appearance of Ueda Reina, Japanese voice actress of Lemon!
The post-event picture from official twitter:
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Referencing this scene from the first season:
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ruanbaijie · 2 years
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°˖✧ Ishikawa Kaito as NOÉ ARCHIVISTE ✧˖°
@animangacreators challenge 3 ✧ alphabet challenge: n
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bowcrazy · 8 months
Tsurune Character Songs Album Review
We had a lot of thoughts about these songs while working with the lyrics, so we decided to do a mini album review! Please enjoy listening to each songs as we reflect on the lyrics and composition~
Up Stairs
Mod Yumi: A very gentle, comforting song, as expected from a Minato/Seiya duet. The composers did an excellent job capturing the feeling of nostalgia; this somehow feels like a song I've known and loved for years. The lyrics are perfect--I love the references to the bridge scene from s1 ep10. The line "I had a place where my heart could relax" is so precious <3 Overall, I don't think it's the strongest song on the album, but it's definitely one of my top faves!
Mod Optimus Prime: A heartfelt way to start off the album! It's very sweet and mellow, which of course really fits the fact that, y'know, the song is about Minato and Seiya's relationship! It's more or less just a straight callback to all of season one, but it's really touching how (both literally and figuratively) they come together at the end there.
Mod Yumi: This song is so excessively dramatic and I kinda love it?? It does NOT sound like a song that ties into a soothing, chill slice of life archery anime and I am here for it. But I'm also weak for synth horns; give me a cheesy overexuberant fake brass section and I'm sold. Bonus points for all of the archery references and unnecessarily homoerotic lyrics. (And special shoutout to Mod Optimus Prime, our resident FukuJun stan, for helping me with the color codes because I was completely lost lmao)
Mod Optimus Prime: Probably the character duo song with the most...attitude to it? And sass, which of course, fits these two incredibly troublesome boys. To me, it's almost like the two are having a back-and-forth with each other while also brazenly admitting to each other just how tangled up they are—admittedly a reoccurring theme for the duet songs, but that doesn't make it any less cute, I think!
Ari no Mama de
Mod Yumi: Very cute and wholesome, doesn't really do it for me in terms of composition though. I do think this is the most well-acted song on the album. Having heard both of these seiyuu sing as other characters (notably Suzuki Ryouta as Bisco from Sabikui Bisco and Yano Shougo as Mafuyu from Given), I was blown away by how different they both managed to sound! Changing your voice to that extent while singing is not an easy thing to do. I was also tickled by the fact that they both noticeably sang less well than I know they're both capable of singing, because it suited the characters better to do so. Listening to this song, you wouldn't think either of these singers are particularly talented, but that fact is proof in and of itself that they ARE talented. Mad respect for the skill displayed here!
Mod Optimus Prime: Unsurprisingly, sunshine boy Ryouhei and the other local cheery boy have an easygoing and slow duet! I can't really say too much aside from the fact that the lyrics are both just really cute and earnest—you can see Ryouhei's influence here, haha.
Growing Up
Mod Yumi: Very cute, very catchy! I enjoy this song a lot. As a side note, I find it interesting that besides Minato, Nanao is the only character to be featured in two songs. One of the things I like about Nanao is that he's characterized mainly through his relationships with other characters. Sometimes when we see this happening it's more to do with lazy character writing (and lbr, it usually happens with female characters). But in this case, it actually builds our understanding of the character, rather than just casting him into the side character role of 'only here to develop the MCs'. To me it's always felt like he's the most put-together of the team, watching over everyone else and giving them a nudge in the right direction, while blending in so effortlessly they don't suspect a thing, like the social chameleon he is. Oops, this just turned into me gushing about Tsurune character writing lol. The song's nice idk what else to tell ya
Mod Optimus Prime: Also yet another honest song—a rare thing for Kacchan! It's obviously about Kaito and Nanao's close friendship and the further development during season two, so it's fitting we also get to see more of Nanao's (somewhat hidden) stubborn side here. Not to meme here, but really shows how their relationship fits the, "the more things change, the more things stay the same," aka them supporting ("protecting") each other through thick and thin.
Mod Yumi: I'm not the biggest fan of the composition of this song. I can't put my finger on why, but the main melody isn't working for me (and doesn't work great for Asashin's voice either tbh). That said, the backing track lives rent free in my head, I'm OBSESSED. And I love the dreamy feel of the lyrics! Whereas the others feel more like a dialogue between the singers, this one feels like a poem. The ethereal quality of the music and the lyrics draws me back to Masa-san's introduction, when he was a cryptid/ghost (lmao) appearing in the dead of night to guide Minato back to archery
Mod Optimus Prime: I've only heard Asanuma Shintarou (Masaki's VA) sing in a higher register, so this was both surprising and pleasant—it's quite soothing to hear! It's also fitting that the only Real Adult™️ with bounds of experience compared to these young'uns gets a really poetic and dramatic song with, of course, lots of moon references.
Mod Yumi: THIS IS THE BEST ONE. This song is a legit bop omg. Leave it to luck life to give us a character song that exceeds typical character songs! I also love the meaning of the lyrics; it almost feels like a new angle on the Shuu/Minato relationship in a way? Of course we know their history and their affectionate rivalry, but we don't really see either of them putting into words how they feel about each other (especially Shuu-- I had to laugh at the line "we didn't need mundane words"; like no dude we could actually use a few more words from you, given your track record of communicating approximately 7% of your thoughts smh). This song puts into words how much they mean to each other and how, despite their complicated history and rivalry, they still care about each other.
Mod Optimus Prime: Luck Life actually composed this song, which really shows in the style (that catchy guitar, anyone?)! I adore the constant references to "sounds"—while a bit cheesy and on those nose, of course, it fits these two to a T and calls back to that season one finale. Again, not that any of the songs are really subtle, but "We might be apart, but I believe we'll someday return / So we didn't need mundane words" really just sums up their unique friendship/rivalry. Also, love how the two only sing together at the end: really fits with the song's whole message/theme about the two being separated, but eventually reuniting! How sweet.
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cocotome · 9 months
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Yashiro Taku, Ishikawa Kaito, Okitsu Kazuyuki, Hirakawa Daisuke and Sugiyama Noriaki at Otomate Party 2023 Night after Spade no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Black World.
Hirarin said he wore red for Ace and purple (+ the hat) for San-chan. Yep, still cute lol! Maeno looks like a vampire!!!
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Morikubou Shoutarou, Kakihara Tetsuya, Hirakawa Daisuke, Suwabe Junichi and Maeno Tomoaki after Code Realize performance!
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imasallstars · 8 months
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Character: Producer (SideM Anime)
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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Screenshot from this VIDEO!!
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foodandfandom · 7 months
255,255,255 Lyric Video (Tokyo 24th Ward ED)
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class1akids · 1 year
Interview with Iida’s VA (Ishikawa) on the official site:
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(Crappy google translate, but you can get the gist).
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dearvoes · 19 days
Dear Vocalist Headliner [Personajes]
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SIMON (Guitarra) (CV. Kaito Ishikawa) 23 años/ 177 cm / 56 kg / Sangre tipo B Afición: dormir dos veces Comida favorita: nada en particular No le gusta: el queso mohoso (naturalmente, maloliente)
JUDAH (Vocalista) (CV. Soma Saito) 20 años/ 176 cm / 53 kg / Sangre tipo A Afición: la moda Comida favorita: la fresa (Tochiotome) No le gusta: el arroz (no es comida para humanos)
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mashleverse · 3 months
BBBB Dance LIVE at AnimeJapan 2024 (Mash Radio LIVE)
danced by (from left to right): Kobayashi Chiaki (Mash Burnedead), Ishikawa Kaito (Lance Crown), Kawashima Reiji (Finn Ames), Hanae Natsuki (Cell War),
and everyone who watched the event!
Note: Ishikawa Kaito wasn't supposed to be one of the guests in this event, which was why his appearance surprised everyone, including all the seiyuus!
Kobayashi Chiaki: OI!! HANAE-SAN!! (°ロ°) !
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The Mash Radio Live in Anime Japan featuring Kobayashi Chiaki, Kawashima Reiji, and Hanae Natsuki is so funny! Ishikawa Kaito just suddenly shows up unannounced, everyone is surprised!!
I don't think he's a secret guest or anything either, just look at him!
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Chiaki even tried to push him away omg why is Ishikai looking so confused even though he's the one making the surprise appearance?? His face is so funny lmaoooo
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At the end everyone is doing the BBBB dance, with Hanae dancing dangerously close to the monitor lol and Hanae shouted for Inorin's name for some reason??
I love how unhinged all the seiyuus here. Except Chiaki I think because he has to be the MC lol
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That was a blast, just like every other Mash Radio session. The crowds are a lot populated and more enthusiastic too from what I can see, happy to see the series are significantly more popular now.
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bowcrazy · 8 months
Tsurune Character Songs Album Translations - Growing Up
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Text of translation below cut
Our shadows side-by-side in a dusk-dyed town
Are days we take for granted
It’s nearly all changed since that time
But just as always, I'm by your side
You stubbornly try to shoulder everything
I have to support your bluffing back
No matter how much we clash
No matter how well our hearts understand each other
We surely feel like we can't give in
(That's so like us)
Because we don’t want to lose
Even if I feel in your back the reason I can take comfort
At that moment I knew the strength of your heart
Before we knew it, our elongated shadows
Both took on different shapes
Every part of us that’s growing
Strengthens the things they connect
Always pulling you by the hand so you won't stray
The answer we'd decided on is just like that day
No matter how much time passes
No matter how much we play at being adults
The two of us surely won't change
(That's so like us)
The doubts I've been harboring in my chest
Will clear up before I notice because you're watching over me
Honestly, I know that
Somehow we're similar in that we're opposites
I've been watching your gentle strength from by your side
The feelings we can't put into words
No matter how much they clash
No matter how much our hearts understand each other
Because they surely won't give in
(That's so like us)
Even if we keep our distance, I want to get over that someday
Our overlapping hearts cry out
"I don't want to lose!"
Translation by: Mod Yumi
Edited by: Mod Optimus Prime
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cocotome · 9 months
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Swiiiiiits! is back with their first duet cds since debut! They've come to Earth from the world of Glicoland (XD), a place filled with sweets, to make us happy with the power of sweets~! Yeah, it's cheesy but the songs aren't bad and the cast is really good!
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The first cd was released on 8/25! This duet features Lico (c.v. Minase Inori) and Gli (c.v. Shimazaki Nobunaga). Give their song Okashi wa Uchuu a listen here!
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The next volume will be a duet with be with Stein (c.v. Tamaru Atsushi) and Bis Jr. (c.v. Hirakawa Daisuke)! This will be a duet between the oldest and youngest members will be released on September 29th!
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The last duet will be with Lise (c.v. Ishikawa Kaito)and Dia (c.v. Takahashi Hidenori)! Their cd will be released on 10/27! Apparently they're childhood friends so their song will incorporate that relationship.
While this is obviously product placement (lol) I'll still listen to the drama cds since I know they'll be really cute! Check their official twitter here.
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potetopro · 1 year
Saitou Souma & Ishikawa Kaito Visit the Pony Farm
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anigst · 2 years
Vanitas no Carte - S02E04
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