the difference between jegulus and jily is that Lily would be comfortable crying in front of others so long as James isn't present because she doesn't want to take away his smile, but Regulus would only cry in front of James because he was the only one that Regulus could afford to see him at his most vulnerable
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suzyq31 · 3 months
Another @jilymicrofics for team Gryffindor! Can easily be a continuation of my previous one. Prompts used: pride and joy.
The first thing that alerted Lily that things were amiss was the cat racing through the kitchen, ginger tail puffed and making disgruntled yowls. The next was the sound of clattering, and heavy footsteps over the record she had playing softly.
She summoned a towel and dried her hands, moving swiftly towards the direction that Mitsy had come from. Fleetwood Mac faded and the sound of laughter reached her next, easing some of the tension from her shoulders as she rounded the corner into the living room. 
James was chasing after Harry who careened around the sofa astride his toddler broom. The one she had banned from inside use over a month ago. There was also a broken picture frame and glass littering the hardwood floor. Much too close to her son’s socked feet. 
Her husband’s head snapped up, a flash of guilt in his eyes. Harry spotted her and the sheer delight on his small face was enough to bring her back from the edge of panic. James was right behind him beaming and waving away the jagged edges of glass with his wand.
Lily crossed her arms. 
“I thought we agreed that the broom would be outdoors only.”
He tugged at his hair, Harry already taking off around the sofa again. “I know…but It’s been raining for days. Poor lad needs an outlet.”
As if in agreement Harry gave a loud shriek of happiness and James’ grin widened. Lily glanced around the sitting room now in complete disarray; tufted cushions on the ground, records spilling out of the cabinet that had clearly been collided with and the last of her summer flowers now strewn across the rug. Last time Harry had knocked over a vase–one of the many Potter heirlooms that filled their home, and Lily had put a stop to the insanity, insisting that brooms were never meant for indoors, no matter how low to the ground they flew.
James’ hands on her waist drew her attention back from the mess and her small child who was still laughing with joy. 
“I’ll clean it up. I promise.”
Her answer was cut off by Harry, who noticed the lack of attention and came barreling towards them. Luckily James' reflexes were quick and with a wave his broom halted right near Lily’s shin. Harry slid forward on the broom, green eyes wide and mouth gaping open. Lily scooped him up before he could fall off and once safe in her arms he gave her a toothy grin. 
“I see you’re inheriting your fathers gift for trouble.”
Harry laughed and said “Da.” 
James smiled proudly, ruffling the matching dark mop of hair that their son had also inherited. “Admit it. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“He’s likely to shave years off my life,” she sighed, before kissing her son’s pudgy cheek, and tilting her head up towards James. “But you’re right.”
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enbysiriusblack · 10 days
marauders ship battle
submitted propaganda:
“chaos hehe”
the og canon ship that is SO overly hated when they've got it all. hot couple. rivals to lovers. head boy and girl. stem gf and frat bf. unrequited for a bit. they just GET EACH OTHER. vote for bambi's shot parents guys!!!
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ginnympotter · 4 months
Ohhhh can I give you two prompts??? 3 & 7
I would love me some Hinny, but I wouldn’t be opposed to Jily! 💕
I'm going with Jily becuz that's what those prompts scream to me!! thank you <3 all of these are really just excuses to write jily making out huh lol
"Tell me to leave and I'll never bother you again," James said, a tone of seriousness in his voice she never really quite heard.
Lily sighed, leaning her cheek into his hand. "You know that's not what I want."
"Then what do you want?" he asked, his eyes pleading.
She answered by lifting herself up on her toes and pressing her mouth to his. He reacted instantly, moving his hand to the back of her head, burying his fingers in her hair. She did the same to him, reveling in the feel of him. He moved them backward towards the wall and pulled Lily more firmly up against him as he pressed eager kiss after eager kiss to her lips. A soft groan moved from the back of her throat, which just encouraged James to kiss her with even more intensity.
She felt dizzy. She had been daydreaming about what it'd be like to kiss James Potter since the end of sixth year, and here they were, wrapped up in each other at 1am in the common room alone, and the feel of his lips was more intoxicating than she ever imagined. As James moved from her mouth to her jaw and down her throat, she felt like the world was spinning. "James," she said softly.
James lifted his mouth and smiled. He caressed her face. "You have no idea how much I love hearing you call me that." Then he kissed her again.
Lily suppressed a giggle. "Well, it is your name."
"You'd think I only ever had a surname, with the way you so determinedly only ever called me Potter."
"Well, you call me Evans all the time!"
"Out of endearment, not derision."
"It's not derision," she said earnestly. "It's not. Well... not anymore, at least."
The air between them suddenly became tense. James, looking quite euphoric one moment ago, looked sullen. He shifted his eyes away from her.
"James," she tried. "I know I used to... well, um... I know I wasn't-"
"It's fine," James said, loosening his grip on her. "Forget it."
But that wasn't what she wanted, nor what she thought he wanted if his body language was any indication. She tightened her hold on the back of his neck, forcing him to look at her. "I know I was a shrew to you in fifth year. I'm not saying that there were times that you didn't deserve it, being the arrogant git you were back then, but for the most part, I know I... I know I hurt you. And I know I can't take it back, but I just want- need you to know that I don't... I don't want to hurt you anymore. I just...want you. Nobody else, just you. If me snogging you wasn't obvious enough."
He smiled at that, relaxing at her touch as she grazed her nails against the nape of his neck. "Still nice to hear." He leaned his forehead against hers and sighed happily. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"And if it wasn't already obvious, I want you, too. All the time, so bad," he said.
"It's still nice to hear, too. Although, it was nice being shown as well."
His devious smile grew, shining on his face as he leaned back in. "Happy to continue the demonstration."
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itsaash · 7 months
Pumpkin Spice
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@noots-fic-fests thank you for including this prompt so I can take something that happened in my life and turn it into something decidedly better, ha. Enjoy some fluffy, domestic Jily! And I believe sweater weather Harry was born in March? So he'd be 8 months old the next October
Lily had just wanted to make something nice. Sure, sure, the days are long but the years are short. But when you’re in the thick of having a 8 month old people could just fuck right off with that advice. Because the never ending loop of naptime, nursing, introducing solid food, play time, diaper change, and repeat made some days interminably long. And James was an amazing partner and an even better dad, but the season had started up again, and Lily was not in the groove of solo parenting. She was skidding on one wheel on the edge of the groove threatening to fall over at any moment. 
When she was nursing Harry, cuddling his warm body close, she’d sometimes scroll on her phone and cooking videos were some of her favourites. She’d be lulled by the perfectly aesthetic backdrops and clean kitchens. The process of turning a group of ingredients into something new and amazing. Her feed knew her well and alternated between plans and ideas for baby food, and delicious looking snacks and drinks. Being October, pumpkin everything saturated the videos. Bread, muffins, cookies, stew, coffees, all featuring pumpkin. She didn’t have much time or energy for more time in the kitchen after the essentials of baby food and basic meals. But maybe a pumpkin spice syrup was achievable? 
So after forgetting to get canned pumpkin at the next two grocery store runs, Lily finally remembered and was excited to make something for herself. Harry went down for his afternoon nap, and after stepping carefully to sneak out of his room she went into the kitchen to make the syrup.  The can opener, pumpkin, vanilla, and spices were lined up on the counter, and she measured  the sugar into the water for a double batch. She stirred the sugar in with her little purple whisk and watched it dissolve. She checked the recipe again, ok, it needed to reduce for a while. She turned down the heat and went to the bathroom. 
Then went to move the laundry into the dryer. Shit, that was a pile of clean laundry. The clothes got put away, and she tracked down the new box of trash bags for the garbage in the laundry room that she had emptied the lint trap into. May as well take out the other bathroom garbages while she was at it. Weird, this bathroom smelled bad. She looked around, had a diaper fallen behind the trash can or something? There wasn’t an obvious culprit so Lily finished emptying the bins and brought them all downstairs to the main garbage in the kitchen. 
The kitchen was a haze of smoke. 
“What in the ever loving pumpkin fuck of goddamn stupid pumpkin fucking shit…”
A string of incomprehensible curses continued as Lily dropped the trash bags and raced to the stove to turn off the burner. The water had long since evaporated and the sugar was beyond burned with her cute little whisk melted sadly to the side of the smoking pot. The smell hit her senses like a freight train as she put on an oven mitt and carried the pot outside and left it on the porch, slamming the door just a bit on the way back in. She turned the hood fan all the way up and went around opening every window she could get her hands on. Thank god it wasn’t too cold outside yet. 
Lily hardly knew if she should laugh or cry. It smelled truly awful. How had she not realized that smell was a burning smell? How could she have forgotten this one thing she had wanted to do for herself so quickly? And how had the stupid fucking smoke detector not gone off?? Although now in hindsight, with no major harm done, and the smoke already dissipating, she supposed she was glad to not have a baby awoken from a nap by screeching added to this situation. She walked away from the blaring sound of the hood fan and sunk to the floor under an open window on the other side of the house. Which is where she was when James got home. 
“Hey Lils love! I’m home — oh shit wow you’re right there! You scared me,” James said. He came in the door and was startled when he turned to take his shoes off and saw Lily sitting there. He set down his bag and walked over to her and slid his back down the wall. “Why are we sitting on the floor?” he asked softly, nudging her with his shoulder. 
Lily waved her hand vaguely at the house, cheek resting on her bent up knees. “I ruined our house with this awful fucking smell. Can’t you smell it?”
“Well, yeah, but you don’t seem to be panicking, so I figured it’s not an emergency.” He scooched even closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Lily turned to tuck her face into the warmth of his shoulder. “Want to tell me what happened? You ok?”
Lily wasn’t crying, but her voice was thick and she was just so tired. 
“I just wanted to make pumpkin spice syrup. But then I got distracted and immediately forgot about it and it’s such a stupid thing to have done and now it smells so bad.” Her breath hitched at the end and she heaved a breath in. “And my little whisk and the pot are totally ruined.”
James just tightened his grip on her shoulders and hugged her close, let her breathe and be still and cry. 
“It doesn’t smell that bad,” he said, finally. 
“Fuck off, yes it does.”
“Ok, yeah it does.” He took in a theatrical sniff and winced. “That’s what burned sugar smells like? It’s nuclear level.”
“It was even worse 20 minutes ago,” Lily muttered. 
“Want to go cuddle on the furthest couch from the kitchen until Harry wakes up?” 
Lily laughed but nodded, and then moved to the couch in the theater room, which was quite separate from the rest of the house and had a baby monitor in it. James laid on the couch and Lily cuddled into his side, making herself small. James ran his fingers through her hair over and over. 
“You know it’s ok, right Lils? You’re fine, Harry’s fine, the house is fine. It’s ok.”
Lily hummed noncommittally. 
“Ok, but can you tell Loops about it? So that I can tell Sirius how bad sugar can smell? Because, honestly, who would’ve thought.”
James smiled to himself when Lily let out a real laugh and reached for her phone. She texted him, a smile quirking on her face. 
my house smells like sugar. And not the good kind like in cookies. Like the awful burned kind and it’s truly terrible. 
I also need to test my smoke alarms. 
These two things may be related.
Not one minute later her phone was ringing. James laughed and kept running his fingers through her hair as she talked to Remus. She told him the story, after reassuring him they were all fine, and her voice lost some of its tightness as they joked over the lengths they’d go to for a PSL and Remus threatening to come smell it for himself while the smell was “fresh”. She, laughing, said fuck off and good bye, hung up and turned to cuddle into James chest even closer. He smelled like the soap from the rink and like himself and when she breathed in deeply she didn’t smell the sugar at all. 
“I’m sorry I made our house smell terrible.”
“I literally don’t care, Lils. I’m just sorry it didn’t work out how you wanted it to.”
She let his breathing soothe her as his chest rose up and down under her cheek. 
“You can close your eyes if you want, flower. I’ll get Harry when he wakes up and I’ll go out with him and get a grocery store special for dinner.” Lily knew that meant a rotisserie chicken, a truly bizarre combination of the pre-made side dishes, and probably something sweet from the freezer aisle. But it was always perfect. She hugged him tighter and nodded. And she drifted off.
Lily woke later to the sounds of James and Harry coming into the house. James was keeping up a running conversation with Harry, talking to his son like he was much older than his 8 months. Lily stretched under the blanket that James must have laid over her, and the smell hit her nose. She cringed, but tried not to dwell and went to see her boys. 
“Mommy’s awake, Harry, look!” Harry babbled happily and Lily took him from James, kissing all over his face. 
“Did you two go on an adventure?” she said to Harry in an animated voice.
“We sure did,” James replied, picking up bags and heading to the kitchen. “To the wilds of Target. And we totally scored.”
Lily watched as he pulled groceries from the reusable bags like a magician pulling a never ending scarf from a sleeve. First came the expected rotisserie chicken, a container of spinach and artichoke dip, two options of chips, a pre-made spinach salad, and a few other grocery essentials.
“Wow, good choices, Harry!” Lily cooed. “I’ll be breaking into that dip immediately. Hopefully the terrible smell doesn’t ruin all this good food Daddy got us.”
“The power of spinach and artichoke dip can overcome anything,” James reassured her, and moved to take Harry from her. “Can you open up that bag, Lils?” he asked, pointing to one. Lily raised an eyebrow, but went to the bag and looked in. She paused for a long moment before reaching in and pulling out a wicker basket filled with all sorts of treasures. 
“James! What is this?!” she exclaimed as she freed the basket from the bag. 
“It’s a boo box!” James said happily. “You’ve been doing such a good job taking care of Harry when I’ve been on roadies, babe. And I love you so much, you do so much for us, so Harry and I wanted to do a little something for you.” He came over and leaned in to press a soft kiss below her ear and Harry pulled her hair happily.
“Thank you so much,” Lily said thickly. 
“You're welcome,” James said easily. He turned and settled Harry in his high chair, and got some blueberries and a mini cucumber from one of the bags and washed them to pass to Harry for him to gum. 
Lily looked through the basket. There was pumpkin spice syrup, of course there was. She huffed a laugh but was thankful for the easy version of the fall treat. Next she touched the new whisk, red this time, and sent James a small smile still tinged with sadness. There were also smaller bottles of brown sugar cinnamon, apple, and chai syrups. She set those aside and found three of the tubes that have all the ingredients you need for different soups, a foot mask, a lip mask, and finally underneath all of that she pulled out a crew neck sweater. It felt creamy and soft in her hands, with cute fall themed charms all over it. She hugged it to her chest and looked up at James. “James, baby. This is so nice.” James stepped close and took her into his arms, wrapping her in a hug from behind, his chin hooked on top of her head. He reached around her to point at some of the treasures. 
“Lots of syrups to try is fun, right? I’m so going to try that apple one in something. And look how funny that lip mask is. Harry laughed so cutely when I held it over my mouth and pretended to talk with it. Let’s see the sweater on, isn’t it so soft?” he rambled. 
Lily smiled with her eyes prickling as she pulled the sweater over her head. It was a bit oversized, the sleeves hung perfectly so she could scoop the cuff into her hands and feel the softness. James hugged her again, trailing his hands under the sweater to rub her back and feel the softness of the inside of the sweater. 
“I love it James, thank you.” 
“Love you, Lilyflower,” James said and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. Lily turned and pressed a kiss to Harry’s head, thanking him too. He burbled happily back at her with purple fingers and mouth. James pulled out his phone to take a picture when the doorbell rang. He set his phone down on the counter.
“I’ll get it! But I’m so getting a picture of you in that sweater with Harry when I’m back.” He pointed finger guns at her as he walked a few steps backwards towards the front door.
Lily laughed and watched James’ back as he turned around and walked down the hall to open the front door. Her thoughtful, giving husband. The smell of burnt sugar still undeniably hung in the air, but it was fading. Her guilt was fading too, replaced with love for her family. 
“Hey! Oh wow no way,” she heard James say from the door. 
“Who is it?” she called as she started to put away the soups and syrups into the pantry. 
James didn’t answer and she walked back to the side of the kitchen from where she could see the door. 
“James? Oh!” 
He surprised her, he was right there when she turned the corner, a big box in his hands.  
“No one was at the door when I opened it. They must’ve just delivered the box and left.”
“What is it?” Lily asked.
James placed the soft cardboard box on the counter and opened the lid, revealing 6 of the most beautiful cookies Lily had ever seen. They were huge, fluffy and delicious looking. A chocolate chunk on, one that must be red velvet, one that looked like it might be peanut butter, and more that she could only guess at the flavours, but couldn’t wait to taste them and find out. 
“Oh my god. They’re beautiful. Who are they from? Did you order these too?”
“Nope, not me, oh here’s the card,” James replied. “Awww, they’re from Loops, see.” He passed the card to Lily.
To Lily
I hope these drown out the burned smell!! Congrats getting through the day without a kitchen fire!
Lily laughed. “That little shit.”
“I’m surprised he went with cookies and not some sort of fire extinguishing blanket,” James laughed. 
“Don’t suggest it, or at least 2 will be at our door as fast as he can get them shipped here.”
“Actually, I think that’s kind of genius? I’m going to order one. I’ll send them one too.” He broke off a piece of the chocolate chip cookie and popped it into his mouth as he opened up his phone. “No harm in being prepared.”
Lily could only nod along with that logic, and she reached out and broke an orange cookie apart, and yes, as the taste of pumpkin spice cookie filled her senses, the burned smell finally faded away.
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stonecoldhedwig · 6 months
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December's Valentine (on AO3)
Sometimes, a one-night-stand with a guy off Tinder is just that: a one-night-stand. No lasting feelings, no strings attached. It's the kind of thing that's easy to get your head around when you're trying to get your heart around the end of a relationship. Sometimes, it's not that simple. Sometimes, you're a journalist, and you get assigned to write a piece on an up-and-coming restaurateur, who just might be that one-night-stand from Tinder that you can't stop thinking about. And sometimes, to make matters worse, the two of you get snowed in... Or: Lily shags James, and thinks she'll never see him again. Right? Wrong.
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Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Regulus Black, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Death Eaters - Character Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, the friends part comes rather quickly, angst (quickly resolved), Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Grief/Mourning, Obsession, Possessive Behavior, Murder, Self-Harm, (in the context of a blood ritual), Horcruxes, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, BAMF Harry Potter, Magical Theory (Harry Potter), Simp Tom Riddle, Mentor Voldemort (Harry Potter), Underage Drinking, Explicit Sexual Content, harry is 17, Age Difference, Slow Burn, Humor, I wrote this for myself but you can read it too :), Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Not beta read we die like sirius, Happy Ending, Sane Voldemort (Harry Potter), Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Re-edited as of september 2023, Translation Available in the AN Summary:
When Sirius died Harry's whole world crumbled.
Amidst grief and anger, one may find that hope and love can be found in the most unexpected places.
For Harry, that came in the form of Voldemort offering him a home.
A story of grief, healing, learning, and magic. But most importantly, this is a love story.
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2chaotic-2snazzy · 2 years
lily: if you found out you only had one day to live, what would you do?
james: something illegal
peter: accept my fate
sirius: kill my enemies knowing they won’t have a chance to revenge me
remus: i would message ten people saying that if they don’t forward the message to ten other people, i would die tomorrow
sirius: that’s fucking awesome, i want to change my answer
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matrixaffiliate · 1 year
New Story! FFN and AO3
It's always been in the details with James.
A little Jily fluff for my dear friend @tumbledfreckles I love you darling and hope you have an amazing day!
She watched him from her perch on the counter. His hazel eyes studied the jar's ingredients from behind his black rimmed glasses. He blew his fringe off the top of the frames and she smiled as it landed right back where it had been.
"I guess this is technically the same as the brand I thought you'd buy."
"You guess?"
James sighed. "Fine, the ingredients are identical, but…"
"But?" Lily pressed when James fell silent.
"It's nothing." He turned back to the stove.
Lily hopped off the counter and turned off the burner.
"What's wrong? I didn't think using a different brand of raspberry jam would be a big deal."
James shook his head and moved to the kitchen sink.
"I'm being ridiculous, Lils. Honestly, just ignore me."
Lily's blood boiled.
"I will do no such thing, you over dramatic lump! Now look at me and tell me what in the world is going on."
James stared down at the drain. His shoulders tensed and his hands gripped the counter on either side of the sink.
"James?" Lily moved to his side, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"It's Potter." She cut him off. "Has been for a few months now."
James chuckled. "I still have a hard time believing that sometimes."
"Don't change the subject. Why are you so upset about me buying a different brand of jam?"
"It doesn't matter, love."
"It matters to me; now tell me what's going on."
"It's not the raspberry jam Dad always bought." James' head dropped.
Lily's heart broke.
"Oh, James."
"I know, I know, it doesn't matter-"
"Come on." Lily pulled James away from the counter. "The market isn't closed, and we still have a few hours before Sirius and Marlene will be here."
"No, no I need to let it go."
"James, I will drag you out of this house by your shirt collar if you don't come willingly."
"But dinner-"
"Will still be here for us to make when we get back. Right now you need to show me what brand of jam your dad preferred."
James looked back at the ingredients he'd already pulled out. He started to shake his head 'no' but Lily cut him off again.
"No arguments, love."
She pulled his face between her hands and brought her lips to his. The ache in his heart pushed through in the details of his kiss. It was always the details with James. He took notice of every detail he could. He connected with people using details. He argued with people over details. He loved people in detail.
And when it came to missing his dead parents, James missed them in the details.
Like the right brand of raspberry jam.
"Dad bought Wilkin & Sons when he bought raspberry jam." James pulled back. "I'm sorry, I should have said before you went to the market."
Lily pressed up for another kiss, trying to pull some sadness from him.
"Come with me to buy it. It'll help."
James slid his hand along her waist. "You think so?"
"I know so." Lily stepped into him. "And if we hurry, we might even have time for other things before Sirius and Marlene get here."
A flicker of light hit James' eyes and Lily smirked up at him.
"It wouldn't hurt to try, I suppose." His smile still held a sadness to it, but he was smiling, a detail Lily didn't miss.
She didn't let him think twice. Lily had them out the door in under a minute and back at the market. The right brand in hand, James' smile lacked the sadness it had in their flat. Nostalgia painted his face as he rubbed his fingers over the label. His eyes told stories of this raspberry jam over hot scones and when it was made into a sauce for decadent puddings.
"Thank you." He murmured as they waited to pay.
Lily squeezed his arm. "Of course."
James looked around at the few people near them and leant close to her ear.
"Do you think there's still time for-" He kissed the shell of her ear. "Those other things you mentioned?"
"Keep that sort of thing up and we'll make time." Lily breathed and tried not to melt into a puddle on the floor in the market.
"I'll do just that then." He whispered as his fingers teased along the hem of her shirt.
Lily was shocked they made it back home before they made time for those other things.
It was all in the details with James. The light calluses on his fingers brushing against her skin, teasing, caressing, holding, gripping. The touch of his lips, tasting, savoring, feasting on the delicacy he found her to be. The rumble of his voice in his chest, her name it's continual reprise.
"We need to get dinner started." James nuzzled her neck.
"Do we have to?" Lily tangled her fingers deeper into his hair.
"Unless you want to listen to Sirius whine about how hungry he is when he gets here, yes."
"Alright." Lily groaned and pulled her hands from his hair.
"Hey." James kissed her again, a gentle and slow slide that pulled every ounce of breath out of her. "Thank you for helping me."
Lily pulled him back down to her, taking his breath to fill her lungs.
"You're welcome." She whispered.
It was always in the details with James, and Lily found herself grateful to be in the details with him.
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thegobletofweasleys · 11 months
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more badges for jily week 2023! collect as appropriate 😌
art credit
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marauderfic · 2 years
by monroeslittle
"She is eighteen, and she is ready for her life to start, for something to start." AU. Lily Evans isn't a witch.
Truly truly breathtaking. The author took a basic premise and created a story so epic and real that leaves an impression for life.
I admire the mature tone. We can't help but empathize with Lily because we are muggles. So, on one hand, of course we fall head over heels in love with James Potter. But, on the other hand, there's no way that a relationship with a wizard during the war would be easy.
The characterizations are on-point. I love everybody, even -- or should I say, specially, -- Petunia.
Honestly, this story is very well thought out and beautifuly written. A gem.
Illustrative quote:
They find Sirius at the bar, and he grins when he sees them. He is absurdly attractive in that way real people aren't supposed to be, and he looks like he knows it. He waggles his eyebrows suggestively at Lily when James introduces her as his girlfriend, and Lily grins back at him, because James introduced her as his girlfriend. His hand is on her waist, and she is his girlfriend.
"Nice to meet you, Lily," Sirius says. "I've heard a lot."
She takes the whiskey sour James hands her. "Care to share?" she asks.
"I don't think that is necessary," James cuts in.
"Snort when you laugh," Sirius says. "Smart. Really nice tits."
"Look!" James exclaims. "It's Remus! Lily, this is Remus!" He turns her away from Sirius to face another boy, and she bites back her laughter. "Remus, this is Lily," he introduces. "Lily, this is my mate, Remus. Remus is my best mate. I don't know that other guy. I've never seen him in my life."
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suzyq31 · 3 months
Alright, here goes nothing. Let's see if Gryffindor has a shot! Written for @jilymicrofics.
Prompt: Horrified
James' eyes went wide with horror beneath his glasses. “Don’t even joke about that.”
Lily laughed, the now empty bowl of ice cream perched on her stomach shaking with her movement.  “I’m not joking.”
He gave her a mock wounded look, taking another bite from his own bowl. “Well, you’re wrong."
With a sigh she heaved herself up from leaning against the sofa. With only a few weeks left of her pregnancy, nearly all movement was difficult. James sat up, arm extending to take the bowl and waving it away to fly across the cottage towards the kitchen. 
Lily adjusted her tank top and did her best to turn towards her husband. “I didn’t say I was right. Only that it’s a possibility. One you’ll have to resign yourself to.”
He shook his head and placed his hand where the bowl had been.  The warmth of him a stark contrast to the cold ceramic. “What’s that Muggle theory? Nature versus Nurture? He’ll have both. So it’s a done deal.”
She snorted. “I don’t think it’s been used to study the inheritance of Quidditch skills.”
“No. But they’ve got their football teams. I’m sure it’s similar.” 
“So you refuse to prepare yourself for the fact that your son might just not be interested in your favorite sport. Let alone want to play, or have a natural talent for it.”
James gave her the mischievous smile, the one he’d been giving her since they’d met. “I never prepare for the worst.”
“That’s true,” she conceded with a laugh.
His grin only widened. “He’ll be one of the greats. I know it.”
She was about to reply when a strong kick up near her ribs made her wince. James’s eyes went wide again, this time with wonder and a touch of concern. 
“You alright?”
She nodded, moving her hand over his. Months had passed since she’d first felt the fluttering inside her, now much more intense and jarring, yet it never stopped amazing either of them.
“I think that means he agrees with me,” he added.
“That or the sugar is finally hitting.” 
Her free hand found its way to James’ messy hair. More and more these days her mind was preoccupied with what was to come, wondering what their son would be like. If he would look anything like the man she loved, or if he would look like her at all.
James hummed absently, ducking down to kiss her lips, still tasting of strawberry ice cream . “Your sweet tooth and my quidditch skills. He’ll be unstoppable.”
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enbysiriusblack · 3 days
marauders ship battle
submitted propaganda:
the og canon ship that is SO overly hated when they've got it all. hot couple. rivals to lovers. head boy and girl. stem gf and frat bf. unrequited for a bit. they just GET EACH OTHER. vote for bambi's shot parents guys!!!
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On reddit there are SO MANY Snape stans and Snamione shippers who are against James and Jily. I don't get it. You ship a grown adult who abused his students and was an ex deatheater with the same student whom he abused, look shamed and made her feel inferior for her smartness. But You draw the line at James saying 'Don't make me hex you Evans'? Even though James died protecting his wife and son?
Please make it make sense.
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Yule Spirit
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Rating: Gen Characters: James Potter & Harry Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Summary: James and Lily move into their brand new home, Tetwell Estate. It's perfect, even if music randomly starts playing, James keeps hearing voices, and there might be a little boy haunting the place. Actually, it's definitely perfect. Little ghost boy and all. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43771569
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itsaash · 11 months
[podfic] Beekeeping in the Daylight, by halictus
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I hope everyone is having a lovely Monday, despite ao3 being down!
For some reason my podficcing time seemed to evaporate the past few months, so this took much longer than I thought it would, but I'm happy to share this podfic now! Listen for a sweet fic with Remus as a beekeeper, Sirius as a student teacher, and Lily and James conquering their deepest fears. Written by @halictus-writer and featuring @girlwithcurls96 as Remus' neighbour Minnie.
I'll make the ao3 post when I can, but in the meantime, here's a link to the audiobook file from google drive and you can also stream or download on archive.org here
Thanks for listening!!
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