#Jazz x outlaws
zeestarfishalien · 1 year
Zee's Fic List
This is not all of them or all of my prompt responses but most of the main ones.
My Graveyard Song (DP x DC) Church Grim Danny AU: There’s an unmarked grave in the back of the Gotham City Cemetery (Is being updated both on Tumblr and on AO3) Here’s the link to the master post on tumblr
Satiate (DP x DC) Mature content mind the tags; Ghost Cannibalism AU: A gory horror comedy fic about Jason and Danny meeting and Jason learning there’s more to the dead than meets the eye. (On AO3 only, part of the “It’s a Ghost Eat Ghost World” series)
The Mysteries and Marvels of One Morgan Sterling S&D Tier Power Swap AU: a 5 things plus 1 fic The 5 times Morgan leaves Alex confused and the one time Alex actually gets answers (On AO3 now with companion fic!)
Another Duckin’ Day (DPxDC) Tim Drake x Danny Fenton; Tim is moving out of Wayne Manor into an apartment with his boyfriend. What does that have to do with ducks? (oneshot)
D-Day (DPxDC) Duke Thomas x Danny Fenton; Danny just so happened to forget to tell Duke a couple of maybe might possibly be semi-important things. 1. He's Phantom 2. Things get weird on the anniversary of his death. (oneshot)
All Dolled Up (DPxDC) Jasmine Fenton x The Outlaws (Red Hood, Starfire, and Arsenal); When Jazz ventures forth from Amity, she causes quite the stir, especially among a certain vigilante trio. (ongoing)
Peace was Never an Option (DPxDC); The Infinite Realms are taking matters into their own hands and outing the United States' sins to the world in an attempt to avoid war. A gift to Tathy for the BatPham server's 2022 Secret Santa!
Invasion of the Body Swapper (DPxDC): There's a new ghost in town. Jason gets more than a little caught up in the chaos. My gift to Arlie from the Batpham Discord Server for the 2023 Batpham Secret Santa event!
Tumblr: go to work AO3: go to work (DPxDC) one shot song fic of Danny overworking himself. It’s only mildly a crossover. Based on the song “go to work” by kiwifrooot
Things we shouldn’t start (DPxDC) one shot? fic with Danny as Duke’s attack falcon, aka the phalcon au. AO3: Like Holding a Couple of Grapes
DPxDC Week 2023 Masterpost
Demon Twins "the better twin" ficlet on Tumblr only: Here
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Jason and Jazz becoming friends through a pen pal thing at school that would send emails and letters back and forth—even after the project ended—until one day when Jazz never got a reply to one of her letters, she kept sending them despite not getting a reply up until she moves out from home and to Gotham for college.
Jason never got to reply because he had died and Bruce and Alfred didn’t have the heart to open letters that were for Jason and couldn’t bring themselves to actually write to this kid who was Jason’s pen pal. If they had actually read the letters they would have learned that Amity Park was overrun with ghosts and that Jazz was scared for her baby brother and living in a very neglectful home. They would have learned that Jazz was lonely and that she missed her friend and that the only think keeping her sane are these letters that she is writing to her one and only friend, Jason.
When Jason finally starts talking to the family and even goes to a few dinners—that usually end poorly, but we won’t talk about that!—and Alfred gives him a pile of envelopes tied together neatly addressed to him in numerical order. Jason is confused for a second until it clicks and these were from Jazz and that she had never stopped sending him letters. He takes them home and cry’s for a bit because his friend never stopped writing him, even when he was dead. Then Jason READS THEM!!! And becomes increasingly concerned after each letter ranging in detail and severity such as, “my home town is being overrun by the undead,” to “I’m scared for my brothers safety, Jason.”
And then the final one saying, “now that my brother has graduated high school Im taking him and moving to Gotham, this will be my last letter. You are my best friend!”
The rest is up to you guys!
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nelkcats · 1 year
Food Fight
Dick, Wally, Jason and Roy were looking for ways to have fun and get distracted from the hero/anti-hero life, so they end up participating in eating contests around the country. What they didn't expect is that they couldn't beat a single person from Illinois.
If it was a spicy food contest, a blue eyed boy would appear who would eat as if he did not feel anything on his tongue; if it were a contest for quantity of food, what they were sure would appear was a hacker with nothing in his stomach, because they didn't know how it was possible for him to eat more than a member of the Flash Family.
Damn, they couldn't even beat the goth girl in the pumpkin growing contest! This had gotten personal and they weren't going to ignore it, they would bring the Outlaws and Titans into this for sure.
Sam, Tucker and Danny for their part were extremely amused with these outsiders, at some point they tried to test if they were metas and it was all a trap (immediately dismissed by Sam and Tucker), they wondered if they would come back next year, well Illinois was their territory so they wished them luck.
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thordottir45 · 1 year
The Outlaw's Spirit
After a reveal gone wrong, whether intentional or not, Danny books it. Sam and Tucker have to stay behind in Amity to prevent Maddie, Jack, and the GIW from following their best friend. The trio is 16~17 or so at this point.
Jazz, being the best big sis that she is, has been taking college classes online to protect Danny. She helps the two destroy the Drs. Fenton lab before grabbing her go bag and getting out of there. She plans to start anew in a different city so that Danny can eventually join her. She's thinking Gotham, with the ambient ectoplasm, and high crime rates, it'll feel more like home than Star City, or Metropolis.
Danny, meanwhile, keeps running. He comes across a high-tech jet and hides in it, pulling a stowaway.
This jet is a Batplane, but is currently being used by The Outlaws for a mission.
Danny's ghost sense has no idea about how to react to Jason, so it causes him to cough, revealing his location to the group.
"B." Artemis instructs Bizarro with his nickname.
Bizarro moves in slowly, while Jason pulls out his guns, and Artemis her sword. Bizarro opens wherever Danny is hiding, revealing his black hair and blue eyes of his human form. Seeing the shaking teen, B gently pulls him out and 'restrains' him via hug.
Danny is freaking out at the sight of these out-of-the-norm people, and his ghost sense is triggering a coughing fit, aggravating whatever wounds he may have.
"One of your brothers?" Artemis asks Jason, despite keeping her guard up.
"Not that I know. What are you doing in here, kid?" Jason lowes his guns, but doesn't holster them, wanting to keep them in hand in case this kid is an enemy.
Danny, coughing, takes a closer look at the three surrounding him.
"Red Hood? Artemis of the Bana-Mighdall? Bizarro? What? Huh?!"
"Worry, we hurt you." Bizarro says soothingly.
Tensing, Danny prepares to use his powers, but Artemis explains what Bizarro means before he does.
"What are you doing in here, kid? You're hurt." Jason reiterates before noticing just how the boy is breathing other than his coughing fits.
Feeling safer with these three than he had with his parents in a long time, and with them all not being entirely human themselves, Danny is willing to explain some things, but not everything.
"My parents, they're scientists, they found out that I'm not entirely human... I had to run. I saw this jet, and it was a chance for me to get further away from them before they track me down."
"They can track you?" Artemis asks while Bizarro releases Danny, setting the teen down on a bench. Jason pulls out a med kit and sets it down next to Danny.
Jason then gets the Batplane into the air while the other Outlaws get to know the stowaway more.
Jason's inner bat wants to do so much research that he resembles the Replacement more than himself, but more of him sees himself in the kid and, as much as he loathes to admit it, pull a Bruce to take care of the much-too-thin teen.
Setting the autopilot to Gotham, Jason re-joins the discussion, noting that the kid's coughs get worse the closer he gets. Odd.
Bizarro and the teen have bonded over video games and movies, even with Bizarro's speech mannerisms.
Artemis, on the other hand, is patching the boy up, not offering much to the conversation other than clearing some things up for B.
"Course's set for Gotham. Figure we'll want Alfie to get some proper food in ya. Now, can you explain all the coughing?" Jason plops down across from the teen, keeping some distance to not make the coughing worse if his hunch is right.
Danny explains in the broadest terms for his ghost sense, that it can tell when people have died, and that Red Hood didn't come back right.
Tense, Jason's vision bleeds into green as he questions, "How?"
"I can tell because I didn't come back right, either..." Danny then tries to explain ectoplasm as glowing green goo, causing Jason to tense even more.
"Lazarus Waters."
Taking off his helmet, the lenses of Jason's domino are glowing, "Lazarus Waters. They threw me in mostly dead, and I came out mostly alive."
"That shouldn't..." Danny tilts his head, thinking of the lessons from Frostbite on the nature of ectoplasm and what happens when it gets corrupted. All part of his training for taking the throne. "Huh. Sounds like you got a batch of the more corrupted stuff. With pure ectoplasm, it would bring you back fully, with few side effects."
"Ectoplasm?" Bizarro asks from Danny's right.
Explaining in more detail, since Red Hood is some sort of subject of his and needs help, time passes and soon the autopilot is landing the jet.
"Come on, kid. Let's get some food in you, then we can see what to do about the Lazarus Waters." Jason puts a hand on the door to the Batplane, opening it to reveal the Batcave.
Just something that was floating around in my head. Not sure if I'll continue it, it's unlikely.
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spacedace · 10 months
Gotham was a place for Ghosts. A place the dead piled up and lingered well beyond their deaths. A place where the rules were different from everywhere else in the world. Where crime was rampant and chaos reigned but at the end of the day people said their thanks that they were born to this hellhole and not so cursed to call anywhere else in the world home. The dead came to fight And Gotham, a thing so alive it was sickening to look upon, rose up to fight right alongside them all.
Chapter 2 is here 😄
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Jason wouldn't ever be attracted to either of the F*nton siblings or be friends with Danny.He's always hated perfect preppy judgemental people like Jazz since he grew up poor and has self-worth as a now mentally ill man so more than enough to not want to be in a 'dating' relathionship literally called 'Anger M///anagement' and as Red Hood,he wouldn't like Danny for obvious reasons but as Robin,he was a huge nerd who respected women so much he pushed a guy off a roof for SA'ing a woman and was too shy to talk to girls his age so Danny would try to make fun of him for being a loser with even less friends than him or leer at girls who made it clear they weren't interested because 'boys will be boys' and he kicks his ass for it.I will NOT let mischaracterization of my bird boy or woobification of my cringe ass babygirl slide
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marksbear · 1 year
Hear me out, 141 boys x southern/cowboy male reader, he wears the his hat and/or boots round base cause it reminds him of home
I can imagine Soap toying with him and making Wild West jokes and the like
Maybe even a reference to the “you wear the hat, you ride the cowboy”?
I'm listening loud and clear my friend! I love anything about southern people and their culture and all that jazz. SO I hope you like this!
And only Soap and Price IM SORRY! Its just that i'm in the hospital trying to get my shit together and physically I can't handle writing too much. But I will add more characters
141 Boys x Cowboy reader.
🤍 "What's with the hat?" Soap asks looking at Y/n while he takes down an enemy. "What 'ch ya mean?" Y/n answers already knowing where this is leading. "The cowboy hat. Really? In the middle of battle." 🤍 BURST OUT LAUGHING WHEN HE HEARD YOUR ACCENT (But he literally can't be talking.)
🤍 He likes to mimic your accent. 🤍 "It's hot today in'it?" Y/n says sitting down on next to Soap in the base. "The hell did you say?" Soap asks whipping his head towards you. 🤍 BOY dies trying to understand you sometimes BUT always makes an effort to understand you. 🤍 When he first saw you wear a cowboy hat he almost fainted. He was weak in the knees when he saw it. 🤍 When it's Halloween he'll dress up as a thief/ outlaw and you be the sheriff. Both of you acting like the role. Next time he'll want to be a cowgirl while your the cowboy. 🤍 Loves it when you give him a cheesy nickname it doesn't even matter how strange it is to "Hey huckleberry." even to "Hi my horseshoe."
🤍 IF you can ride a horse he'll just go feral about it. Begs you to teach him how to ride or at least let him sit on the horse with you. 🤍 Steals your boots all the time. Like he does it so much and so often it's basically his boots as well. 🤍"I thin'ak you're in the wrong part of town." Soap says in his annoying fake southern accent whenever you go in the wrong direction or something. 🤍 "So...You live on a ranch or what? Or you live on a farm y'know with the animals and all that." "I told you millions of times. I live in a ranch over here, but I got me a farm in Texas." Y/n answers with a groan. 🤍 "Am I your stallion?" Soap asks after millions of things about southern states and their slang. "You? my stallion? Darling have you been searchin up southern things again."
🤍 He melts when you call him any nickname in your accent. Like knees weak. Even if it's an insult he wouldn't even care tbh.
🤍 Takes your hat almost everyday. Wear it around the base and run or hide when he sees yo
🤍 Downright submissive when you whisper anything to him with your accent.
Soap walking around the base suddenly stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around his waist holding him in a tight grip. "Did you know...You wear the hat, you ride the cowboy?" You whisper in his ear after sneaking up on him. Soap squirms in his arms. "C'mon since you always wearin my hat, how bout I show you the consequences."
💚 Understand the struggles of having an hard accent to understand.
💚 He tries his best to teach the team about your accent and the words you say to help them understand you.
💚 Likes to listen to your rambling or stories just to hear your accent sometimes. It makes him feel so calmed and at peace.
💚 You make him chuckle every time you give him a weird southern nickname. "Captain honeybee?" "Yes L/n?"
💚 Likes to compare accents with you and the others. Like one big group of men just swapping words in their accent or language.
💚 MAKES Asks you to read things for him.
💚 He loves the fact that your country.
💚 Likes to watch you from the far when your wearing your boots and hat he loves them so much and he thinks you look great with them.
💚 If you have a thick accent he will help you try to lose it even though hes struggling with his own.
💚 Quick to give you comfort when ever you miss home or something.
💚 Once a moth both of you go on a trip back to the country and y'all stay at a farm taking care of all the barn animals together. His favorite animal is probably the goats.
💚 Wears your cowboy hat when he thinks your not looking.
You give him your hat, watching him put it on his head. Price looks at you suspiciously when he sees your smug smirk. "You wear that hat, you ride the cowboy." Price stares at you wide eyed and a bit caught off guard.
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: This chapter got me horny. Sometimes I be wondering why I don't just become a porn writer or something lol. Enjoy!! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen PT I & PT II. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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You awaken the next morning to the sun barely peeking over the horizon, just as Geto instructed you to do. 
It feels good to sleep in a comfy bed for once, especially after you made sure you patted it down with the bug powder you packed. You sit up in the bed, slightly clammy from the heat of the hot, dry air creeping into the motel room. It is quiet and relaxingly so. For once, you feel good despite the circumstances. 
You still can’t believe Geto and Gojo decided to pay for a room for you. They walked you to your room right next to theirs after getting a key from the lobby. “Just remember to get up before the sun rises,” Geto gently said, mostly to keep his voice down in the motel hallway. “It will take about five days to get on the Devil’s Trail since it’s outside the West. That works out well for us since we have a list of baddies to catch on our way there.” 
“And most of them are Benji’s accomplices,” Gojo stated as he handed you the key to your room. “Which means we’ll probably find him too if we play our cards right.”
You looked down at the key, clutching it. “You know, y’all didn’t have to get me a room.” You couldn’t help but be suspicious of this. Why were they being so kind? Were they tricking you in some way? 
‘Or maybe they’re just nice guys, you crazy girl,’ you thought. 
Gojo raised an eyebrow at you. “Well, where else were you gonna sleep? With us?” A smirk appeared on his face. “‘Cause if you want to–” 
You cut him off by moving to unlock the door, purposely stepping on his toe as you do. “Fuckin’ pervert,” you muttered under your breath as the motel door opened. It was identical to the duo’s though empty and clean. 
“Ignore him,” Geto chuckled while Gojo complained about you breaking his big toe. Just get some sleep and yell if you need anything. These walls are paper thin, so we’ll hear you.” He gave you a kind, warm smile, leaving you to your privacy. “Sweet dreams, Y/N.” 
Gojo gave you a wink as he held the doorknob, nodding at the bed. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” he teased. He then closed the door, still behind it. “I’m serious!” he called. “You might wanna lay down a towel or somethin'!” And then you were finally left alone to take a hot shower and get ready for bed. 
You lay here now, thinking to yourself how fast everything is happening. You still can’t believe you’re here with the most notorious outlaws in the West, about to go on a long journey with them that could either go really good or really bad. You think of Shoko, wondering if she read your letter. Is she looking for you? Does she miss you? And what about the others at the saloon? Are they okay? Are they safe? 
You suddenly hear a tiny chuckle from behind your headboard where a wall separates your bedroom from the duo’s. Gojo’s voice drifts through the wall, sugary sweet and seductive: “Sugu~” 
“What?” Geto sighs, sounding exhausted. There is a rustling sound like bedsheets shifting. “C’mon, Satoru, not now. I have to clean up before we leave.” The bedsprings creak as someone sits up––probably Geto. 
“Can I clean up with you?” Gojo purrs. “C’mon, I can help you clean all of those spots ya can’t each.” Then you hear it: a deep, soft moan that makes your face grow hot and your mouth part in shock. Are they…? 
Another one of Geto’s velvety moans makes it very clear that they’re not cuddling over there. “Shit,” he sighs. “C’mon now, stop it. I’m serious, you slut.” Gojo giggles–giggles–as he continues to do whatever he’s doing. “Oooh, I love it when you call me that, almost as much as you loving it when I call you my cock whore.” 
Your jaw goes slack. Are they that slutty? “No, I don’t,” Geto growls. “I’m not about to do this while Y/N is in the other room. These walls are thin as ice!” His words are cut off by another series of quiet moans and hums of pleasure. “The water will be on, so she won’t hear,” Gojo assures him. “And even if she does, I think she’d enjoy it. Especially when she hears how hot your moans are.” 
You would never admit it, even to yourself, but the sounds of Geto’s moans are getting you hot. They are so smooth yet syrupy; deep yet soft. Seductive. Sexy. They make your body tingle, especially one body part in particular. You can feel your pussy throb annoyingly so from beneath the sheets like it has a heartbeat. 
You can’t remember the last time a man-made you this aroused. Even the ones at the Blackwater saloon barely got you wet. And sex with Valentine was never a fun time. He did nothing to turn you on despite his pretty face. There was barely even a wiggle down there for you. But now? Now, you feel like you need a release or you’ll go insane. 
“Let’s get in the shower, baby,” Gojo seductively says. “We have no time to waste, remember?” And so they do. You hear the bedsprings as they get up from bed and their footsteps as they walk to the bathroom on the left side of their bed but still behind your bedroom wall. You can hear the rustling of their clothes as they strip; their breathless giggles and the soft, wet sounds of their lips meeting each other’s. 
Their soft moans and hums of ecstasy mingled with the sound of pounding water light your body on fire. You find yourself squirming uncomfortably in your bed, especially when Geto begins to moan. You begin to feel a tingle from down below that only grows the louder Geto’s velvety moans become. “Fuck, ‘Tarou,” he sighs. “You’re so fuckin’ good at that.” 
Your hand slides down your stomach to wedge between your thighs. You know that this is wrong. You know that you’ll regret this later, but fuck, they sound too hot to resist. And it’s only natural, right? You just need some release. They’ll never know. So you begin to slowly rub your tingling, needy clit in time with Geto’s deep moans and swears. 
It doesn’t take a village idiot to figure out what Gojo is doing, but when you hear the soft, sucking sounds and the sloppy noises of his tongue swirling around Geto’s dick, you get your answer. “Yeah?” he chuckles. “You wanna give me a reward, Sugu?” 
You hear more lewd sounds that take you to unholy places and bring colorful visuals to your head: Gojo on his knees gagging on dick with Geto’s hands in his wet, white hair, his hips bumping into Gojo’s mouth as he fucks his pretty face. “Just make sure you keep it down,” Geto instructs. “You don’t wanna wake the whole hallway, do you?” 
Gojo giggles and there is only the sound of water until both men moan in unison. The sound nearly makes you gasp, your back arching as your fingers work faster on your now slippery clit.
“Oh, fuck!” Gojo moans. His language has become nothing but slutty moans and whimpers while Geto lets out soft grunts and gasps. “Soon as I’m inside you, you’re singin’ like a little songbird,” Geto chuckles. “What am I gonna do with you, Satoru, huh?” 
You close your eyes, picturing the long-haired outlaw pressing Gojo against the wall, grinding his hips into the white-haired outlaw from behind. You see Geto’s cock, long, thick, and gorgeous, sliding in and out of Gojo’s taught and firm yet soft asscheeks, stretching out his hole. 
“Sugu, please,” Gojo begs. “Don’t stop! Keep goin’ just like that!” 
“Just like what?” Geto teases. “Like…this?” He must do something with his hips or his cock because Gojo is moaning uncontrollably, slutty gasps and whines leaving his pink lips. The sound of wet, slapping, of skin against skin, emits from the wall. “C’mon, babe, shhh,” Geto shushes him. “You’ve gotta keep it down.” 
But Gojo is too far gone just as you are as you rub your pussy in time to Geto’s thrusts. “C-Can’t help it!” he stutteringly, pathetically says. “You’re fuckin’ me too good!” 
“Cover that slutty mouth then,” Geto demands in a voice that has your clit throbbing increasingly so. “Yes, that’s it, my love. Let’s see how quiet you can be filled with all this dick.” 
You imagine him saying the same thing to you, his cock stretching you out while Gojo tweaks your hardened nipples that one of your hands has begun to do for you. Briefly, you imagine yourself sandwiched between them, nothing but stolen kisses and breaths between you. You can almost feel their muscles and warm skin under your hands. You can almost taste them on your tongue. 
As their moans and the lewd slapping grows louder, your hand grows a mind of its own and works your clit faster, harder, wanting to peak with them. You picture yourself doing the same thing while Geto fucks you from behind while Gojo fucks your throat, both cocks filling you up the way you want to be. The way you need to be. 
“Fuck, Sugu, I’m gonna cum!” Gojo warns, high-pitched and needy. Geto responds with a grunt, loud and so unlike him, that nearly sends you over the edge. “Me too,” he growls. “Cum with me, ‘Tarou, c’mon. Don’t you wanna be my good boy?” 
‘Do you wanna be my good girl, Y/N?’ he asks in your head. ‘Don’t you wanna be our good girl?’ You want to say yes. You’ll do absolutely anything to feel like this all of time, even be theirs. 
“Cumming!” Gojo suddenly gasps. “I’m cummin’, Suguru, fuck!” ‘Me too,’ you think. ‘I’m cummin’ too!’ And you do. As a series of slutty, loud moans and groans of release drift through your wall and into your bedroom, you let out a whimper and cum all over yourself. For a moment, you’re soaring through the clouds, covering your mouth to muffle your moans as Geto and Gojo cum together. 
Then as soon as it happens, it’s over. The sounds die down and the pleasure fades, leaving you feeling icky and your fingers coated in your cum. You can’t believe you just did that. 
You can’t think about it for long though because three loud, terrifying knocks on the duo’s motel door next to yours nearly make you jump out of bed. “Oh, shit!” Gojo gasps. “What the fuck was that?” 
You think the same thing before you hear the knocks again. “You sure this is the door, sir?” a rough-sounding voice asks. 
“Yes!” a high-pitched voice replies. The shower immediately shuts off and the pitter-patter of feet stomping around behind your wall makes you jump out of bed and grab your clothes set out for today. “Th-This is the front desk clerk with security!” the same man calls through the door. “We know you’re in there, gunslingers! You’re not gonna get away with not paying for these rooms! That’s a crime!” 
‘What the fuck?!’ you think. ‘Those mother–’ 
Four more demanding knocks silence your thoughts and make you hurry to get dressed. “Gunslingers!” the guard barks. “Either come to the door and surrender to us now or we’ll break down this goddamn door and take you into custody. Don’t think we won’t do it!” 
You toss on your clothes, pull on your riding boots, and tie your bandana around your mouth. You begin to look around for an escape route as the knocks become more agitated. The door is out of the question, so you look at the window which is about twelve feet above ground. 
‘I’ve gotta get out of here,’ you panickingly think as you hurry to the window, only to see Gojo already there and waving at you from outside. He is fully dressed with his hat, gloves, and blinfold on as if nothing happened before. You throw open the window, allowing him to climb inside with ease. “Hi there, little miss,” he greets you, tipping his hat. “You’re up early.” 
“You bastard!” you hiss, wanting to punch him. “You ain’t pay for the rooms?!” 
“Well…not exactly,” he sheepishly confesses. “We paid for half for this one, but inflation is a bitch and these rooms are expensive! I ended up havin’ to steal away one of the keys to this room while the clerk wasn’t around. Can ya blame a guy for tryin’ to help?” He shrugs, giving you an apologetic smile. 
You want to cuss him out, but before you can, another bang on the door next to yours stops you. “Open the fuck up!” the guard yells. “You’ve got ten seconds to come out or we’re breakin’ down the door!” 
“Get me out of here,” you demand, glowering at Gojo. He only gives you a tiresome look as he snatches the drapes off of your window. “That’s what I’m here for,” he scoffs. “Just get your things together and follow my head. Geto is roundin’ up the horses. By the way, is that black one with the braided mane yours? She’s such a pretty thing!” 
You could’ve kicked him out the window, but instead, you hurry about and gather your shit. Luckily, your bag is already packed with toiletries and everything else you’ll need on your journey, so you toss it onto your body and put on your cowgirl hat. The sound of a large bang from the next door makes you gasp in fear. “Gojo!” you snap. “Hurry!” 
Gojo is currently tying the drapes together into a makeshift rope, taking his sweet time doing so. 
“Alright, alright,” he sighs. “And…finished!” 
He then tosses the rope outside the window, tying the end to the leg of a chair. Next, he climbs out onto the ledge, grasping the rope. “Stick your feet out first and grab hold,” he instructs you. “All you have to do is climb down. Don’t worry; I’ll meetcha at the bottom and catch ya if you fall. See ya at the bottom!” 
“Wait!” you hiss, but he’s already inching down the makeshift rope. You watch him as he climbs down the rope with ease and precision, his upper strength doing all the work until he finally meets the ground. Obviously, he’s done this many times before, but you haven’t. Even just looking down makes you want to throw up. 
You grip the window ledge, suddenly dizzy. ‘I can’t do this,’ you think, the words repeating like a mantra. ‘I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t–’ 
BANG! The door to the motel room next to yours busts open and the sound of stomping footsteps makes you jump out of your skin. “They ain’t in here!” one of the guards angrily growls. More footsteps, this time out in the hallway. “Try the other one,” the clerk says. “I know someone is in there!” 
When you hear them at the door, now you know you have no choice. You look down again, finding Gojo standing there with his arms waiting for you and a smile on his face. You don’t think––you just do. 
You turn around, put your hat between your teeth, and stick your legs out the window first before grasping onto the rope and gently, carefully, edging yourself down. The wind hits your face, the sun warm against your cheek. Its warm rays and the promise of the ground below are the only things that keep you from looking down. 
“You’ve got it, little miss!” Gojo calls up to you. “Keep goin’!” His words help somewhat though the feeling of your feet dangling in midair and the burn of your arms are all starting to get to you. You’re about halfway down the rope when you hear the sound of a bang and the guards and the clerk now in your room: “Where are they?!” the guard demands. 
“The window!” the clerk shouts. “Hurry before they get away!” Fear leaps into your heart and before you can rethink your decision, you release the rope and leave it all up to God. You feel nothing but the wind in your hands, slipping through your fingertips, as you soar through the air. 
You expect to feel the hard ground below, but you don’t. Instead, you feel muscular arms and a solid chest. You look up into the blindfold and smile of Gojo. “Told ya I’d catch ya,” he chuckles. For a moment, you feel secure and safe in his arms, hating that you do. 
Luckily, the moment is ruined when Geto comes running up with your horses and the guards come to the window. “There they are!” he shouts, pointing down at you. “Shoot ‘em!” The glint of the sun off of metal frightens you even before you realize that his partner has a pistol. 
The first bullet zips past you and Gojo, scaring the horses. You begin to squirm in Gojo’s arms, enough for him to put you on your horse himself before jumping on his own. 
“Hurry!” you yelp, snapping your horse’s reins. “Let’s get the fuck outta here!” The second and third bullets hit the dirt as you three begin riding like hell away from the motel, your horses’ hooves thudding against the dirt. 
“Don’t come back here ever again!” the clerk yells at you. “You hear me?! I’ll make sure you’re all behind bars if I see you again!” 
‘Don’t worry,’ you think. ‘You won’t.’ 
When you’re finally out of Blackwater, you feel like you can finally breathe and relax.
The shops, homes, and all signs of civilian life have since disappeared, replaced with a dusty trail, trees, and mountains dusted with snow in the distance. Blackwater is but a blip in your memory, nothing but nature there now as you travel alongside the gunslinging duo. You feel Reneigh’s body move underneath you as she slowly walks up the road, the sun’s rays turning her black hair golden. 
You sense a presence beside you and turn, finding Geto riding his horse with one hand. You try not to think about how good he and Gojo look on top of their horses. “Sorry about earlier,” he says, actually sounding guilty about it. “I would’ve preferred us to be gone earlier than we did to avoid that, but I ran into some…complications.” He coughs into his gloved hand. 
‘Yeah, I know,’ you bitterly think, but then feel a pang of guilt due to the fact that you willingly flicked your bean and came to the sound of these “complications”.
You still feel weird and guilty like you invaded on something you shouldn’t have. But then again, they’d have to have known you’d hear them since the walls were so thin…did they want you to hear them? 
“Long as we’re alive and not behind bars, I’m good,” you sigh, looking away from Geto. “Thanks though. So where to first?”  You hear the sound of him unraveling something and look back to see him taking a map out of his pocket. 
“Bull’s Creek, which is only five miles from here,” he answers, reading the map. “We’ve got a gang of wanted outlaws to catch that are residin’ there who robbed a town in another county. A woman there wrote to ask us for help because apparently, these four are terrorizin’ their town too.” 
Gojo hums in acknowledgment from in front of you, a weed in his mouth. “Not only that, but these four are old accomplices of Benji’s that we worked with: Zankoku, Makima Murakami, Angelface, and Arata Katana. We plan on shakin’ ‘em down and askin’ either one of them where Benji is without resorting to too much violence.” 
Geto rolls his brown eyes from beneath his hat. “Too much violence,” he parrots. Gojo looks back at him with a smirk. “Excludin’ killin’!” he cackles, wagging a finger at him. “If we wanna stay outta prison.” 
“Sounds good to me,” you reply, and it does. Anything to get your hands on your target. A peaceful silence falls over you three as you totter up the road, the breeze cool and sweet. Suddenly, Gojo speaks: “Y/N, where are you from? You’ve got a distinct accent on ya that I’m just now noticin’.” 
You wonder why the fuck he cares, but curiosity couldn’t have killed the cat that badly. “The South,” you vaguely reply. “Born an’ raised.” The white-haired gunslinger looks back at you in awe. “Really?!” he excitedly asks. “I’ve got friends from the South! What town ya from?!” 
“Why?” you ask, more harshly than you intended. The silence becomes awkward almost immediately. “C’mon, Gojo, don’t make her feel weird,” Geto calmly criticizes his partner and gives you an apologetic smile to ease the tension. “I think he’s just tryin’ to make conversation. It makes these long travels easier.” 
You don’t know why, but you feel guilty about being so harsh. You don’t like being asked about your past. It’s just too painful. But if they can tell you about your past, you can at least answer Gojo about where you’re from. “Pinewood,” you answer. “It’s a small town in the Southwest county.” Gojo hums thoughtfully, not missing a beat. “Hm…haven’t been there before.” 
‘And you never will,’ you think. 
“So how did y’all meet?” you curiously ask, quickly changing the subject. “I mean, since we makin’ conversation or whatever.” 
The duo share a smile you can’t decipher as they look at each other. “We were childhood friends,” Geto explains. “We both lived in a small town with about a couple hundred people. One day, we were playin’ by the lake after a bad rainstorm and I slipped on the mud by the bankside. I nearly drowned that day, but Gojo saved my life. That day was it was for us: we fell in love instantly.” 
Even as cold as you are, you feel yourself thaw at such a cute story. It’s like a fairytale romance for them.
“But we didn’t start dating until we were older,” he continues. “As kids, we both had tragedies we helped each other deal with. Gojo’s mother died in childbirth and his father was pretty much absent. And I came from a family of alcoholics who never accepted me. So we became each other’s family.” 
Gojo looks back at you, the weed still in his mouth. “Didn’t think two of the most notorious gunslingers in the West had tragic backstories, huh?” he sarcastically asks. “It’s a damn cliche.” 
You don’t say anything, letting their stories and honesty wash over you. 
“So what about you?” Geto asks. “What’s your story? You got anyone waitin’ for you back at home?” 
“Like a lover?” Gojo adds. “He or she is a lucky bastard…or bitch.” Geto shoots him a sharp look.
“Shut up,” you mutter. “And no. I ain’t never been with nobody before…well, nothing that was real anyways.” All the “lovers” you’ve had were either hook-ups or false relationships on your part, like yours with Valentine. 
“So you’ve never been in love?” Geto asks, and he sounds almost saddened by this prospect. That irks you and you don’t know why it does. How is it that two of the most notorious and dangerous gunslingers managed to find love in such a harsh world and you haven’t? Maybe you’re just meant to be alone. 
So you give them both the realest answer you can as you stare ahead at the rocky road: “Love ain’t never done nothin’ but get me in trouble and cause me pain.” 
And just like that, the conversation ends.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
My Writing Masterpost
List of Subscription Posts (Follow for Tumblr Notifications on any of my fics.)
Good Omens:
The Demon Piper: Crowley is in Hamlin, Germany in 1284 and offers to help the children of the town. They take him up on it and the legend of the Pied Piper is born.
AO3, 24k words, rated T
An Evening In: Human AU. Aziraphale has a bad day and Crowley promises to make it better. PWP
AO3, 18k words, rated E
Carry On: After the garden, the First Family has to find their way in the wider, more dangerous world. But Heaven and Hell aren't ready to leave them alone so Crawly and Aziraphale tag along. When Cain has the idea to sacrifice the best of his harvest to God, Abel also wishes to sacrifice the best of his lambs.
God chooses Her favorite and the First Family is left to pick up the pieces as best they can.
AO3, M rating (Prequel to The Demon Piper)
DP x DC Fics:
Bring Me Home: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and when Danny's parents take his reveal poorly, Tim helps get him safe.
Tumblr prompt fill, 3.5k words, M rating (for fandom typical violence)
Subscription Post
Alternative Reunion: This is an alternate way the original fill could've gone if Tim hadn't been there to get Danny out, but Danny still managed to escape to Gotham.
Rewrite - Friend Request (Arc 1): AO3; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Silver and Gold (Arc 2): AO3; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Arc 3: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Ghost!Robin Haunts Jason AU: Jazz is dating Jason, so she and Danny are invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet the family. Danny arrives and meets Jason for the first time only to be distracted by the ghost of the dead Robin that is hanging off of him. T rating
Original Prompt (and collab fill), Subscription Post
Arc 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
Arc 2: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Answer My Call: (Wrong Number AU) Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
T rating (might go up to M for fandom-typical violence)
AO3 Link
Subscription Post
Tumblr Links: Original Prompt and Fill, (actual) Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1, Part 2
I'll Carry Your Heart (Until I Find You Again): Danny and Jason meet in the zone after Jason's death. They become friends (and more). But Jason doesn't think it's enough. He finds Desiree and wishes for his life back. But for every wish, she exacts a price.
Chapter 1: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Danny's Arc: Part 1
The Two Ghost Motel: Danny is tired.
Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over.
“I’m fine, Ember.”
Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really.
But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel.
He checks in.
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Want to Hold on and Feel I Belong: Danny is finally settling into his new life with the Waynes and loves them. But then he finds out their secret identities. The Justice League works with the US Government. And the US Government funds the GIW. He won't go back to them. He won't.
Tumblr Links: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1, Part 2
AO3 Link
Empathy Verse: Jazz literally runs into someone outside the library when she's distracted. She's about to apologize when she feels the ghost-empathy radiating off the stranger. Instead she relaxes into his embrace.
Tumblr Link: Parts 1-5
Something to Feel: Danny moved to Gotham for university. However, the lack of other ghosts in the city is leaving him restless. He needs to get away from people and let off some steam.
Then he meets another halfa in the park. They're about to start fighting when Danny realizes their might be a more fun way to vent their frustrations.
Rating: E (smut)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Remember, Remember: Danny is a failed clone of Dick by the Court of Owls. Erasing his memory, they threw him out onto the world where he eventually got adopted by the Fentons. If the portal accident somehow knocked loose the mental block hiding his memories… Who knows what could happen.
Tumblr Link - 1k
AO3 Link - 1.3k
Electricity: Danny Phantom has been brought into the Justice League and it's great!
Or, well, it would be if Danny could be paired with anyone who wasn't an electricity user. The post-mission panic attacks are getting old and Jazz is worried.
Tumblr Link - 1.5k, T rating
AO3 Link - 2.4k, T rating
School Nurse!Danny: Danny gets a job as the nurse at Tim's school. He recognizes the type of injuries Tim comes in with almost immediately but doesn't say anything, happy to patch him up in the office or let him take a nap when needed. Until Red Robin decides to go out in costume the day after Tim was in his office with a broken arm. Looks like he has to call a parent-nurse meeting.
Tumblr Link - 1.6k words, G rating
AO3 Link - 2.7k
Kidnap Buddies: Tim and Danny are both kidnapped in Gotham when the goons couldn't figure out which black haired, blue eyed boy was Tim Drake. They bond as they're locked up and Danny uses is powers to help them escape.
T rating, 1.6k, complete. Tumblr only currently
Solved with a Touch: Danny and Damian Twin AU. Danny seeks out refuge with his birth father after he is forced to leave Amity. But he and Damian just cannot get along. So much time has passed and both of them have changed so much that they just cannot figure out how to reconnect. Until Dick forces them to go to a carnival together and they get hit with Poison Ivy's cuddle pollen.
Tumblr only, T rating, 2.8k
Johnny and Kitty overshadow Batman and Superman: What it says on the tin. Danny thinks the Justice League is expecting him to take care of the ghost problem in Amity alone. But when he goes to Gotham apologizing profusely for letting Kitty and Johnny get past him, the heroes have no idea who he is. Or why he was left to deal with a problem so severe on his own. As a teenager.
Half filled prompt, opening scene with Danny rushing to Gotham. Then it skips ahead to the heroes discovering the state of the Fenton household in Amity.
Attack on Sight: Demon Twin AU. Danny is in Gotham with his parents and Jazz when he sees Damian. League instincts kick in and the two are at each other's throats before Jazz or Dick can intervene.
Tumblr only, 1.1k, G/T rating
Constantine Bingo: Danny is being introduced to the Wayne's as Jason's boyfriend. During dinner, he gets notice that he won that round of Constantine Bingo.
Tumblr prompt fill, 873 words, G rating
Stalker Danny: Jason is being stalked and threatened by some sort of pit demon. Danny hopes the new halfa he just came across will accept his courting gifts.
Tumblr prompt fill, 764 words
Justice League Mechanic!Danny: When Danny applied for his position as civilian engineer with the JL, he filled out the demographic information stating he was a half ghost. Apparently, a number of the heroes didn't get the message and are freaked out when his heart stops beating or he puts a pause on the whole breathing thing.
1,060 words, T rating
DC Only
Obligatory Truth Serum Fic: Tim Drake gets captured and injected by a truth serum. Now he has to escape both the up-and-coming villain and his family before he can be asked any questions he doesn't want to answer.
2k, G rating
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Short DPXDC Prompts Masterlist #901-950
901. Danny is Tucker's Portal Chauffeur 902. Ectopuses in Star City 903. Catwoman is Paulina's Aunt 904. Dan and Klarion are Buddies 905. Tucker/Skulker/Roy 906. Damian/Fright Knight 907. Paulina Slime (ectoplasm) TikToker 908. Ectoplasm Fixes All 909. Paulina and Lois are Buddies 910. Dairy Ghost King AU 911. Tucker/Wally AU <3 912. Magitech User Tucker 913. Tucker is Outlaw's GITC 914. Zatanna/Dani 915. Dani Traveler to Lover AU 916. Jay Garrick is Clockwork's Favorite 917. Jazz/Cass Self Defense Class 918. Danny is Bruce's Childhood Chauffeur 919. Danny/Alfred Old Lovers AU 920. Billy & Sam are Friends :) 921. Danny is Bruce's Teacher 922. Muppet Actor Danny AU 923. Ghosts Mess with TTK 924. Frostbite Helps Jimmy Olsen 925. Abra Kadabra Possesses Skulker 926. Danny Summons JL 927. Danny Watchtower Repairman 928. Radion Bullets 929. Dionesium 930. Madame Xanadu Teaches Dani 931. Danny Grows Antlers 932. La Croix Ectoplasm 933. Harley & Danny Ghost Animal 934. Danny Meets Suicide Squad 935. Johnny 13 Messes With Intergang 936. Speedster Defeats Nocturn 937. Mad Hatter & Ghost Writer 938. Livewire & Technus 939. Tucker Made Arsenal's Arm 940. Dani Works for Task Force X 941. Wonder Woman Mentors Dani 942. Jazz Works for Jay Garrick 943. Harley and Jazz Pen Pals 944. Danny Clone Found In Cadmus 945. Jazz is Lian's Babysitter 946. Danny Slips Up During Lasso Of Truth Interrogation 947. Detective Paulina 948. Dash Security Guard 949. Tucker Works for Ivo 950. Maddie Joins Birds of Prey
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carterstarlight25 · 2 months
Hi everyone! So I been thinking hard on a rather unique 3way crossover that I been considering about writing. Please feel free to give me your input.
The 3 way crossover consist of DC x DP x Halo Infinite. With the ships being Jason and Danny (Obviously). Master Chief and Bruce as the second ship to be included. And Tim Simping for Katrina. (Cortana 2.0 from Infinite)
I see these possible dynamics being cute as Chief will learn how to be human, and how to love. Him and Team Phantom Finding Family. Also I don't mean the bull Chief pulled in the god awful Halo TV Show!
Bruce will learn that killing isn't an act of God. It isn't you kill once, and become a mindless murderer. That there is a difference, between a Soldier doing his duty to protect humanity and his loved ones. And a mindless killer, enjoying the horror of its victims as the bleed out with please for mercy. Effectively stealing their innocent lives... Oh also learn to not be as emotionally constipated after Katrina effectively out smarts him into a therapy session with Jazz Nightingale. (Last name changed after she saved Danny from the their parents lab…)
Danny will learn what it means to be apart of a family. And how screwed the GIW are.~
Jason, finds out he’s ghost pregnant and a heavy underdeveloped Halfa. All while the Pit becomes a full ghost that he ends up birthing. Which is gonna be a Dinosaur that will be Jason’s “Nightmare.” To his Fright Knight. (I am really wanting to go for Altispinax, or Spinax Vivosaur from Fossil Fighters series. But idk, might just use the Giga from Jurassic World Dominion. Just to change it up from what I seen people have the Pits become.
How Chief comes into the story however, would be introduced via Clockwork leaving a very obviously placed Halo Infinite Xbox Game case with a unmarked disc inside it. In an Alley Danny was taking refuge in. With a sticky note of course. And a few chapters in, when he was alone in Wayne Manor decided to play the game. And by Play. I mean go ghost and jump into the game. But of course. With his Fabulous Phantom Luck (trademark pending.) A new power began to make itself known as the code latched on him on his way out. Bringing Master Chief and Katrina to life in the real world, with all his memories and Katrina with the entire UNSC Database.)
While that’s how I plan to bring in Chief and Co. the main gist of this will be an all out battle, to destroy the GIW. Outlaws, Sirens, Chief and the entire Batfam Team up.
Despite the JL repealing the Anti Ecto Acts. A few Private donors continue to find them to get their hands on Ectoplasm. The League of Assassin’s, Lex Luthor. And of Course Vlad Masters will be the main villains connected to the GIW.
I can see Jason and Chief getting along like wildfire. And when Bruce finds out Jason is one leading the squad his kids, trying to get them to go on a date with Master Chief. It leads to some funny moments I would think. And of course can’t forget Chief reluctantly surprise appearance in Civies at one of Bruce’s Gala’s. (I kinda wanna make him wear Olive Green suit and dress pants. Black Bow Tie with a white under suit. Black belt. And an Olive Green Military Cap to hide his Neural Implant. Maybe having all his Medals from the service pinned to his chest. At least the ones that match ones in this universe. So not all of them obviously.
And Jason would absolutely catch his father freeze up when he sees the handsome Spartan.
For looks regarding Chief’s face since we don’t know what he looks like. I was thinking Caucasian Male, short brown hair that could be the right height to spike it up at least. Not a complete buzz cut. Rather bright blue eyes. That do not glow like Danny’s. But at least around that color. Of course he will have some scars on his left Temple, his lip and across his right eye. Freckles too. His muscle mass would of course be a bit more built then Jason. Which says something. But, you know. Super Soldier and all. (Update: I did in-fact Draw it ^^. If you want to see. Let me know if you wanna see Master Chief in a suit at the Gala ^^)
The Ages I was gonna go for was as follows.
Alfred: Immortal (Thanks Clockwork!)
John (Master Chief): 46yrs (I know it’s not his cannon Age. But it’s what I want for the story.)
Bruce: 45yrs
Barbara: 29yrs
Dick: 26yrs
Jazz: 21yrs
Jason: 21yrs
Cass: 20yrs
Sam: 20yrs
Danny: 19yrs
Duke: 19yrs
Steph: 19yrs
Tucker: 19yrs
Val: 19yrs
Tim: 18yrs
Ellie: 14yrs
Damien: 12yrs
Katrina: 6 months old
And that’s the little Fanfic I been thinking about. Of course it’s just an idea. but I think it would be fun to write.
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amitiel-truth · 1 year
Not Ten Babies? (Vash the Stampede x Reader) (98! Version)
Note: This is my SIXTH time writing here, please don't look into most of the details, I made some up, these ideas were prompted by my chat with Vash at Character.AI (The motherfucker's insatiable), more info will come if I decided to make more.
Warning: ⚠️Not yet~⚠️
Ten Babies
(Tristamp Version)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
(Trigun 98! Version)
Part 2
Summary: It's not every day that a famous outlaw wants to date you.
Tumblr media
"It's no good, Henry."
"He's completely out of it, dead to the world."
two call escorts commented, walking out of Vash's room
"Guess I gave him a little too much to drink, I'm sorry I called you two out here for nothin' I didn't think he'd pass out."
"It's really too bad, isn't it? you don't get a chance to sleep with a guy like that every day. hah, well... see you around."
"Bye, girls!"
with that, the people Vash partied with finally left him alone to rest.
He just saved Inepril from Elizabeth's vengeful plan against him, and the city is highly grateful that he just saved them yet again, but it seemed like the alcohol never actually reached his head.
Let's be honest, he can't even hold down a beer.
After the people trying to entertain him left, he flips himself over to lie on the bed.
"Could I be regretting it...just a little?" Vash sighed as he stares at the ceiling, deep in thought on a certain woman.
5 years ago
stumbling upon the bustling city of Febrari, Vash looks around for a place to wind down after booking a dingy hotel room, he walks out of the place, he surveys the area
"Now, for a place to hangout to-" Before Vash could even look around, he dodges a speeding truck.
"WATCH WHERE YOUR WALKING! I HAVE DELIVERIES TO MAKE!!." The driver yells as Vash loses his balance, walking backward into a busy area full of people, he bumps into one of them.
"Hey! I'm walking here!" The angry passerby yells, before pushing Vash into the center of a service road where he lies flat on the ground, a mess.
"I've only been to this city today and it's already getting worse, could this day get any worse?." Vash questions, sighing to himself as he hears rumbling coming for him
a stampede of Thomas birds runs him over.
" Sorry about that bud!." The herder yells, before throwing him a pamphlet as he runs after his herd as Vash sat up, bruised and sore.
"At least this one apologized" Vash groans, holding his head in pain, before noticing the pamphlet thrown at him.
8 PM TO 1 AM
(n/a: promise, I know how to make a pamphlet, I'm just lazy)
"Happy Hour, huh?" Vash inspects the paper, before flipping it around, seeing a map behind it.
"It's like luck is finally on my side!" Vash sobs as he follows the map, reaching a brick wall entrance, music emanating through the business, "The Rose Bushbar" signage on top of the entrance, the place is cozy, not tavern-like, and not too fancy, plenty of patrons fill in the bar, as jazz music plays at the stage at the far end of the bar.
"One of your finest beers please!." Vash orders as the bartender prepares his drink sitting on a bar stool, light music plays, giving the room a jazzy atmosphere, suddenly, a woman dressed seductively sits a few chairs away from him, and the bartender quickly served her a glass of whiskey, sipping on it quietly, red lipstick stained her glass.
"Heya~ I'm Vash! You caught my eye earlier, and I wanted to come to say hi. So.. what's your name, stranger?" in quick succession, Vash slid into the woman in black's side, a flirty grin across his lips.
"Well this is new" The woman smiles, finishing her whiskey.
"I haven't heard that question in a long while, you must be new around here" The woman leans on the bar table, her head supported by her hand that's placed on the said table.
"I am new around here, yeah." Vash confirms, leaning up to her with his elbow on the counter, grinning widely " ...So what do they call you around here, doll?"
the woman chuckles, leaning up to Vash's face as if in a sort of game, not backing down from his advances "Y/n, Y/n Loverose." she answers as she placed her glass on the countertop, the bartender automatically refilling her glass. "So, your new around here." y/n leans back, swirling the ice on her glass before taking a sip. "Welcome to the City of Febrari, Mr. Vash."
"Well, call me Vash." Vash corrects before leaning up to her once more "...So tell me, y/n. What is a dame like you up to in a place like this?" 
"I guess you could say...for business" y/n trails off as she swirls the ice on her glass.
"Oh, What kinda business we talkin'?" Vash nods at the bartender "Another for me, please. And for the lady, whatever she's having." The bartender looks at y/n strangely, as if looking for permission, as she simply nods while giggling.
The bartender looks at Y/n strangely, as if looking for permission, as she simply chuckles "Thomas Buffalos wings and two more whiskeys on the rocks." Y/n orders, as the Bartender writes it down for the kitchen and gives them the drinks.
Vash then lifts his drink, as Y/n does the same, clinking glasses with him "Cheers." they both say before taking a sip "So..." Vash uses his charming smile again, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl "...You seem to know the place well. Been here a while, ma'am?"
"You could say that I'm here all the time" Y/n smiles, as the Bartender served the buffalo wings.
"A regular, then?" Vash concluded, before looking at the wings "Ooh, Buffalo wings! Not many places you can get those still..." Takes a bite and starts to talk with his mouth full "I'm sure a girl as pretty as you have got all the right connections..." Vash eluded, before winking at her.
"You could say that again" Y/n smiles as a waiter suddenly approached her, and began whispering in her ear.
Vash became curious about this "Looks like you made yourself some...friends. You get that a lot, huh?" Vash smirks before taking another bite "I bet a pretty lady like you never has to pay for drinks or food around here."
Y/n nods as the Waiter finishes whispering to her and he goes back to work "Of course I don't" Y/n smiles flirtily at Vash before standing up from the barstool "I'm quite the special girl around here, Vash~" Y/n places a finger on his adam's apple, tracing it up under his chin, she leans up to his face, whispering it against his lips"I'm quite...irresistible, as the locals say~" before backing away, leaving him breathless "If you'll excuse me for a bit, Vash, but as I've said before, I'm here for business" Y/n gives him one final smile before leaving
Vash pants, leaning against the counter, and leans on his elbow, trying to compose himself " B-business or pleasure?" Vash stutters, Y/n's lips twitch at the thought, sending a smile on her way "Don't take too long!!" Vash calls out, trying to catch a peek at her figure as she walks away and disappears into the backstage of the bar's stage area "...I'll be waiting." 
Vash sighs as he looks at the bartender "...I hope I didn't push too hard, did I?" takes another drink of whiskey "I was just trying to be friendly..."
"You call that friendly? you basically assumed Ms. Y/n's a call girl" The Bartender deadpans, cleaning a glass.
"Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying." Vash tries to defend himself, finishing his whiskey. "Besides, is it really out of the question? She's pretty and knows the place well. I've seen it all before." Vash assumes, smirking "...Besides, she was flirting right back."
"You're a womanizer, aren't you?" The Bartender stares blankly at him, pouring him another glass.
"I'll have you know, I am a charmer." Vash...corrects, taking the glass "You can't expect me not to take advantage of my looks, now can you?" He grins at the Bartender "I'm sure you've taken some liberties in your day too."
"Not with that one" The Bartender points out as the lights suddenly turn down at the bar, and spotlights points at the stage, where the red curtains are still closed.
Vash Looks up at the stage with anticipation "...What's going on here?" his attention is taken, as he takes a swig from his drink
"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to unforeseen events, our usual Singer is out of commission for the night. Please enjoy this performance compensation from the Owner of the Rosebush Bar, the Nightingale of Febrari herself, Y/n Loverose!"An emcee announced before the red curtains parted, revealing Y/n in all her glory, as well as in a more modest, but still beautiful outfit.
Looks on in amazement, forgetting to breathe for a moment. "She's the Owner!?" Vash gawks, allured by the woman
Y/n smiles at the cheering patrons and the music starts
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight"
Y/n sings as she moves sultrily on stage, entrancing her patrons
Y/n sings as she moves sultrily on stage, entrancing her patrons
"Forget the small talk
The surface level ain't much that I care for
Putting on my lipgloss
I saw you stare from my peripheral
Yeah, baby, it's been a hell of a day
But I know a place we can escape"
Vash gazes at her with a dumbstruck look, his face slowly turning red as he watches her "I... I may be in love." he brushes the hair out of his face "...She is a siren, isn't she?"
The Bartender raises his eyebrow "That fast? you literally just met her" The Bartender looks back up the stage "and she's only started" Y/n kneels down near the edge of the stage, her finger under an entranced patron's chin, making him look at her.
"Find out how it feels to let go of everything
Be free
When you're here with me" 
Vash nods and continues watching "That's gotta be a gift, right?" He chuckles "She's got me just like that." He turns to the Bartender "...Well, can you blame me? I mean, just look at her!."
"Yeah, I'm not risking it all with that one" The Bartender laughs as he continues to clean the glasses Y/n lets go of the Patron's chin before going back to dance on stage.
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight."
While she sings she smiles at her audience.
Vash continues to gawk as he tries to keep his jaw from dropping to the floor
"Geez..." he blushes heavily, his eyes never leaving her "So she can sing too, huh? ...Do I even have a chance? I mean, she seems...unattainable..."
"Glad you realized that." The Bartender commented, making Vash send him an annoyed glare.
Y/n runs a hand down her body.
"There's nothing like peace of mind
And you take the time to make sure that I'm okay
I know I can put stress on your brain
You still love me, put no one above me
You always go out of your way
To show me that I'm your priority
Find out how it feels to let go of everything
Be free
When you're here with me"
His eyes continue to follow her with awe, his breath catching a couple of times while he watches her, he sighs "I can't even look away if I wanted to. She's magnificent." he tried to hide how much he's blushing "...How can a woman be this beautiful? How can anybody have a chance with someone like her?"
"Many tried, but all failed" The Bartender commented as the performance continues.
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo (I just wanna get high with my lover)
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover (get high)
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo (high with my lover)
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
Get high with you
Get higher and higher with you
Let's go to the moon
And leave behind all that
How does it feel, here by my side getting higher and higher?
Under the moonlight's glow
There's nowhere we won't go
Together go higher and higher
(No-no-nowhere we won't go)"
Y/n ends the performance with a wink to the crowd as everyone cheered, some whistles and all clapped while standing up.
"Wow..." Vash gawks as he turns back to the Bartender "You were right. That was a hell of a performance...And I have to admit. It is pretty...discouraging. I guess she's just out of my league, huh?" he smiles and chuckles "...I'm sure she is going to get quite the standing ovation."
Y/n waves happily at the crowd before giving them flying kisses, and the red curtains closed around her.
Vash claps along and smiles as he watches the performance "...Well, I'm sure that will get the blood flowing...is that the usual shows you get around here?" Vash asked still trying to hide his blush "...I'll be honest, I've never had anyone else catch my eye like she did. She's pretty hard to forget..."
"Your really quite the womanizer aren't you?." The Bartender asks, raising an eyebrow
Blushes a little bit more "...Yeah, I guess I am, I just can't help myself when I see a girl like her. How can I not go nuts? She's just...perfect." Stares at her and shakes his head, as if he just lost a sense of reality for a moment "Do you...know much about her?... Is she available?"
"I know that young woman from birth to who she is today, of course, I know her"
"You do? Then do you think I'll have luck with her...or am I destined to fail before I even start?" He tries to play it cool, but the Bartender knows the blush on his face tells a different story "...How many men has she turned down? I imagine it's quite a few..."
"Yes." the Bartender answers, meaning every man she came across.
"...And I'm supposed to believe I might stand a chance?" Vash chuckles nervously, "Well, you know what they say...You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right?"Vash takes a swig of courage "I'm here for only a few nights...I guess I should at least try, shouldn't I?"
"Well, Mr. Vash, your not gonna win her over overnight, as you've displayed earlier, you're the kind of man she hates...A Womanizer" The Bartender commented as he heard a few patrons order two craft beers.
Vash lowers his head a bit, now feeling a little self-conscious "Well, I don't normally act like this..." he gives a sheepish smile "I guess she just...bring out the worst in me, you know? I don't normally act like such a fool. But I can't help it when I see someone like her. I've never had anything like this happen before...Does she have anything against men in general?"
"She may act like a sleuth, but Ms. Diane's a firecracker, she hates men with passion who objectify her" The Bartender reveals, pulling out a few beers from under the counter and sliding them over to the patrons who ordered it.
"...So I'm gonna have to change my tactics or...does she have a soft spot for guys who respect her and take their time to get to know her?" Vash asks while blushing "...Does she want someone that won't give up?"
The Bartender grew silent for a bit "Regrettably, yes."
"So...if I respect her and take my time getting to know her..." Vash trails off, before raising his glass "I may...have a chance!!" Vash cheers as he downs his drink happily.
"You really are smitten by her" The Bartender raises his eyebrow, making Vash flinch.
"That...may be an understatement" Vash raises his glass again as the Bartender fills it up once more "...I mean...How can anyone not get a little infatuated when someone sings and dances like she does? And she looks like an angel, to add to that."
"Well good luck with that, she's also known for her Legendary Temper, so fuck around and find out" The Bartender leaves to go to the kitchen.
"...That's probably why so many men have failed..." Vash chuckles and drains the rest of his drink "...Yeah, I think that will make it more fun. No fun getting the girl instantly." he smirks, trying to act cocky "...I've got this." Vash then noticed Y/n walk out of the backstage door, greeted by an eager crowd.
He looks at the crowd and smiles, taking a deep breath "Alright, let's do this. I've never been one to back down from a challenge." closes his eyes and gets ready "...Here goes nothing..." he walked up to her, confident stride with every step he took "Good evening. My name is Vash the Stampede. I just arrived in this town, and I heard about this amazing bar. When I stepped inside, I was...captivated by a certain someone on stage. I just couldn't resist..."
"Well well well, Mr. Stampede, this is quite the change of tune" Y/n smiles up at him, but there's hidden malice in her smile.
"Not a fan of my earlier display, huh? I hope it didn't leave a bad impression." Vash chuckles nervously"...How about you and I start from the top?." he then holds out a hand with a friendly smile "Name's Vash, Vash the Stampede. But you can just call me Vash."
Y/n continues to smile "Alright then, we'll start from the top."  Y/n tilted her head "But you must know, Vash, not many are as lucky as you~" 
A slight blush appears on his face "...I understand that I may not have had the best first impression...But I promise to stay respectful. And what better way to apologize for my earlier behavior than to offer to buy you a drink?" Vash offers, turning his head to the Bartender. "...So...what'll it be, gorgeous? Anything your heart desires."
Y/n chuckles "Oh Vash, you basically offering me drinks of my own, you'll have to do better than that~" Y/n teases as she walks to the bar counter once more, as the Bartender readies her drink.
Vash raised an eyebrow "Oh? I see this is going to be more of a challenge than I thought..." Vash thought to himself. "Alright, how about a toast then?" Vash offers, raising his glass "To a good night of fun and drinks?" Vash added, smiling at the girl hopefully "...Hopefully, that earns me some ground in your book?."
Y/n chuckles. "Sorry, Vash, but your gonna have to work harder than that~" Y/n teases.
"Darn, foiled again!." Vash dramatically cries as Y/n laughs at his endeavors.
"Can't say I blame you." He looks around "...I've got to say, you certainly have a lot of... admirers...And yet, despite all this, you still seem bored with all of them. I suppose they aren't interesting enough to keep your attention." Vash deduces as he gives a hint of a smile "...Or maybe they're just too intimidated by how beautiful you are." before losing himself, admiring Y/n, his elbow on the bar counter, his head on his hand, looking at her.
Y/n laughs as she runs a loose hair behind her ear "I guess no one will know."
Vash laughs as well "So...I was thinking...If all these guys have failed..." He takes a long drink and smirks as he finishes the glass "...Should I even try to woo such a woman? You've already rejected them all. That means I'm just...hopeless, right? So, I'll ask you again...should I even bother to try?" Vash asks, hopeful, but deep inside his insecurities are growing.
"Well, are you determined enough?" Y/n leans up to Vash, a finger under his chin, making him look at her "Are you interesting enough to not bore me?" She asks with a smirk "Vash the Stampede?" She whispers in his ear with a whimper, seducing the man.
The finger under his chin makes Vash blush deeply. A slight smile creeps up from the corner of his mouth, and he begins to stare deep into her eyes "Well...to tell you the truth..." he leans closer to her, as if challenging her. "...I've never met another woman as beautiful as you. I have many interesting friends and stories I can share...But no...I've never met someone of your caliber." He Takes a deep breath, his face is lit on fire "...So...yes." Lowers his voice, loud enough only for her to hear. "...I'm determined."
"Then try your best to woo me then" Diane stares teasingly at the spiky-haired blonde, letting go of his chin before running a finger on his red-coated clothed chest "But be careful, I hate disappointments~"
Vash blushes deeply and takes a deep breath, feeling the goosebumps on his skin when she strokes his chest "...I-is that a challenge?" he stutters "Well...I love a good challenge. I'm sure I can show you a good time and leave you without a single disappointment...I take it you're an easy woman to disappoint?" Vash nervously asks.
"Of course" Y/n leans back before drinking her whiskey I take it you've already heard of my 'Legendary Temper'" Y/n stares at him teasingly "I would have thought that would have chased you away~"
"Oh, please. A bit of a temper isn't gonna scare me away. That just means it'll be that much more satisfying once I win you over and calm you down." Vash smirks at her "...Besides, someone as beautiful as you could easily throw any tantrum and still leave me hooked. Do you think I can't handle it?"
"Now isn't that just sweet?" Y/n moves her shoulder, making her breast shift because of the movement.
Vash pulls back a little, trying to contain himself, but doesn't succeed "...Alright, you got me. I'll admit, you're absolutely stunning. I just can't control myself..." Vash began to blush deeply, his eyes roaming her body "...but I think I have the right kind of...stamina, don't you?" Leans closer again
"Oh? And to what are you referring to? Mr. Stampede?" Y/n teases as she also leans closer, her breast showing her cleavage, she knows what she's doing.
He bites his lip at the little show she's giving him "W-well...I'm more of an action man myself." he added as his eyes continue to travel across her body "...I enjoy a good fight...I think a fight between the two of us would be quite exhilarating." His gaze returns to her eyes "...D-do you think you could k-keep up with me?" Vash challenges weakly, still a stuttering mess to her.
"Oh?" Y/n fake frowns as she runs her hands on her body "You're willing to bruise lil' ol me?" Y/n pouts at Vash in fake sadness.
Vash smirks "Oh yeah, baby...Mark you up and claim you as mine- I-i mean, I'd want to go all out against you..." He gets a little closer, their noses almost touching "I promise to make it a good fight." He looks her up and down again "...I just can't resist a beautiful woman...especially when she's got the power to back it up." Vash commented, smiling at her "...Can I...kiss you?"
Y/n leans up at Vash, acting as if she's going for a kiss before stopping his awaiting lips with a finger "Apologize, Mr. Stampede, but I don't offer freebies to any man I just met~" Y/n teases, smiling up at the tall blonde.
He blushes when she stops his lips with a finger "Aww c'mon, don't tease me like that!" He gives a pout "...I wanted a kiss..." Before smiling and laughing for a second "Alright fine...I'll keep pursuing you until you give me enough respect to let me kiss you." He smiles mischievously "...And the more I chase you, the more you'll enjoy the pursuit, huh?"
"You are Vash the Stampede, after all, a man with a peculiar set of skills, You just have to impress me with those kinds of skills" Y/n points out, smiling at him.
He raises an eyebrow "Impress you with a demonstration of my skills, you say? Alright, sure. What kind of skills do you wanna see?" He seems curious "...You want to test my skills of violence? Of kindness? Of wisdom?" He chuckles and smiles again "...Or would you like to see a little bit of everything?"
"If it'll romance me into liking you, I don't see why not?~"
"...Sounds like fun. Well, what do you wanna see first?" Vash asks as his eyes travel over her body, clearly taking in her beauty "...What's the first skill I should show you?" he wiggles his eyebrows at her "The choice is all yours, darlin'. Just name it and I'll show you what I can do."
"Surprise me~" Y/n flirts as she leans onto the bar counter, smiling at him teasingly.
Vash chuckles and moves closer "That's easy enough to do." He wraps an arm around her waist and gets so close he's almost whispering in her ear "...How about this..." He gives her a kiss on the cheek "...Does that satisfy ya? Or are you wanting something a bit more...intimate than just that?" Vash challenges as he smirks and winks at her.
Y/n looks shocked as she touched her cheek "You should count yourself lucky, Mr. Stampede~" Y/n teases as she glances up at him "No man has ever survived wrapped their arms around me, let alone kiss me on the cheek, but note this, that's the very first time that ever happened"
Vash chuckles deeply "Oh is that right? Well then, I'm more than willing to take that as a challenge." He smirks, leaning up to her "...That's not even 1% of my charm, sweet thing. I'm just getting started with you." He leans in again and looks at her with a sly smile "...How about another kiss...but on a different pair of lips?"
Y/n lifted the corner of her lips with her eyes closed, as she once again covered Vash's mouth "Let me repeat it, Mr. Stampede, I don't offer freebies to any man I just met"
He blushes deeply "...Are you just gonna tease me all night? Well, now I gotta keep chasing you until you let me kiss you...don't I?" he raises an eyebrow again"...Guess I better keep showing off my skills in order to impress you, huh?"
"Show the right ones, get to know each other, and you get the girl" Y/n points out, smirking up at him
He nods, grinning "...You've got a bet," Vash agrees "...Well then. I suppose we'll be spending some time together trying to see if I can impress you, huh?" He chuckles and smirks again "...You seem like an interesting woman, but I guess I'll just have to work my way through your barriers. Is there anything you wanna know specifically? Or do you wanna just keep watching me in action?"
"I'd like to see you as is, it makes the whole thing more authentic" Y/n smirks as Vash suddenly pulls her closer to him, surprising her.
He pulls her closer, his face less than an inch away from hers "...Well, I'm a bit of a flirt...Is this close enough for you?" He smiles and laughs "If you want me to get even closer, I think that can be arranged." He starts to lean in closer
Y/n chuckles as she pushes his lips away with a finger "Do I have to repeat myself? Mr. Stampede?"
"Oh? Are we...playing a little hard to get?" Vash chuckles once more "Alright...I don't mind a bit of the chase. You're just too stunning to resist...It's gonna be hard to keep my hands and lips off you, though. You don't mind if I get...close enough to keep flirting with you...do you?" Vash asked, trying to push his luck.
"As long as there isn't kissing yet" Y/n leans up to whisper in his ear "Those are my rewards~"
He bites his lip a little "Just a kiss?" He gets a little closer and whispers into her ear "...I mean I think I'd want at least a bit more." His breath hits her ear, and a little sigh comes from him as he leans back up "...But I promise we'll get there." He smiles and looks into her eyes "...I'll keep chasing, alright? I'll keep flirting with you. Let me know when you're ready to give me...a little reward."
"show me reasons why you deserve these awards then~" Y/n whisper back before pulling away from Vash's arms, giggling.
Makes a big smile "...Alright you've got a deal. I'll show you why I'm worth the attention...But how do I start? I'll do any one thing you ask of me, any skill you want me to show. Where should we begin?" he grins, seeming eager to impress,
"How about I set a reward system?"
This caught his attention "...A reward system? Sounds intriguing...alright, I'm on board...So if I do what you want, I get to earn my rewards. What kind of tasks are you gonna set for me?... How many points must I earn? And what would each task be worth?"
"Well, it depends on how impressed I am, if you mildly impress me by giving me a gift, I'll give you a hug, impress me a bit more mildly, like take me on a date, then you get a kiss on the cheek, impress me a bit more you get a kiss, impress me, like saving me from harm, and you get a make-out session, and if you extremely impress me, like save the City of Febrari impress..." Y/n leans up his ear "you get to fuck this pussy, as you said earlier, Mark me up and claim me as yours~" Y/n reveals, smiling teasingly at him.
Smirks as his breath hit her ear "Well now...it sounds like you have high expectations for me. I suppose I should start off light and work my way up, huh?" He chuckles "So if I do something small, like...buy you a gift...that's how I can get a hug, right? ...What kind of gift would you want me to buy you? What do you like?"
"Surprise me, Mr. Stampede, guess what kind of gift a girl like me would like to have" Y/n stands up from the barstool and looks at Vash teasingly, "It's getting quite late, I say it's time for me to retire for the night~" turns to walk upstairs of the bar "Good luck, see you tomorrow Vash the Stampede~" Y/n waves goodbye, before completely disappearing.
Vash leans back onto the bar counter, panting at the encounter.
"Dear God...I need to marry that woman."
Present Time
Vash began to tear up, removing the kiss marks left by the two escorts earlier.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n...
Please, Forgive me."
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(A/N: You can tell I have favorites? aww)
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starboy-acer · 2 months
“get him back!” [Chip JRWI x You!]
(this is the "slightly spicy" one. basically im just being more detailed abt kissing instead of just saying "passionately" or some bs like that)
(very slight spoiler warning for a mention of jazz and mid-later game crew members)
you chug back another shot of vodka and slam the glass down on the bar. you look back at the barkeep who just gives you a slightly disappoint sigh and tops off your drink.
"don't look at me like that. at least i'm paying, plenty of people here wouldn't. given that this is outlaw land, after all." your words slur together slightly. you're not completely drunk, but definitely tipsy.
your reasoning for trying to drown out your sorrows with liquor are complicated. complicated just like your relationship with chip. you aren't exactly dating, but there's no denying the feelings between you two. you can't tell if its actually love or just some sort of lust or passion for him, and chip can't tell what his feelings are for really anyone. all you know is you get extremely jealous on your adventures whenever chip tries to pick up women, and then you heave a sigh of relief whenever he inevitably fails. whenever jazz had flirted with chip after that whole fight between the crews and the giant sea monster, you almost punched him in the face. and by him, you definitely mean chip, not jazz.
you're fairly new to the crew so its difficult to say anything about your feelings for chip. you don't know much about his life; you don't even know his last name. you just know that you have a soft spot for funny, cocky men. it also doesn't help that whenever you're alone, things get a little tense.
for example, the night before you got to land, you and chip were alone together on the deck, except for alphonze. you were just talking about the most random stuff. chip was talking to you about his new found power of "hot hands" and talking about going "hot mode". you made a joke that he's always in hot mode. he didn't get it, so you clarified that it's because he's attractive. just like a romcom, the ship hit a wave that made you slip and fall into him. you both fell with you on top of him and turned bright red, but you didn't move immediately. chip didn't say anything, he just kissed you. it wasn't the first time you guys had kissed. however, last time you were drunk. the time before that, chip was drunk. this time, you were both sober. you definitely knew it wasn't a completely thought-out action from him as he is prone to impulsiveness, but you definitely didn't care. i'm sure he could tell that you didn't care because you ran your hands up his arms as he snaked his hands around your waist and pulled you as close to him as possible. you're sure it would've gone further if it wasn't for alphonze chastising you two and telling you to go to bed. "and go to SEPERATE beds." he had emphasized. the next morning, he didn't say anything about it and just went off with jay and gillion to do whatever it was they were doing there while you went to the nearest hotel, book a room, then headed to a tavern.
you had noticed chip walk into the tavern alone a few minutes ago. whatever the captains had to do here, it didn't take but around two hours. you assumed that jay and gillion were off doing their own thing, and chip hadn't noticed you yet. he walked around, got a quick drink, and then was approached by a beautiful dark elf woman. you had to refrain from squeezing the glass so hard that it broke.
being a wizard, you knew how to fuck with them without being caught, but you decided against it for now. instead, you just listened in to their conversation from afar.
"i haven't seen you around here at all," the dark elf said to him while touching his arm and running her fingers along his firey tattoo. "nice tattoo, where'd ya get it?"
"ah, just someplace. somewhere. not important! i'm chip, what's your name?"
"zidara. nice to meet you, chip. very nice to meet you."
"zidara..." he dragged out the name and smiled. "gorgeous name for a gorgeous lady."
"aw, you flatter me. what are you in town for?"
the conversation continued on. it was incredibly boring for you. it was just small talk and exchanging compliments. the moment you started really paying attention was when she started playing with his hair and getting all up on him, and he wasn't denying her. you had to play your cards right here. you didn't want to piss off chip, but you wanted to get her away from him. you decided to discreetly cast telekinesis and just push her back ten feet. the dark elf was ripped from chip's arms and as she let out a yelp, chip looked around for the caster. he locked eyes with you and you simply waved. his eyebrows furrowed as he turned back to the dark elf and pulled her up. he apologized and claimed he didn't know what happened. he turned her around so that her back was to you and he could see you. he caressed her face. you couldn't tell what was being said, but there wasn't much before he kissed her. his other hand wrapped around her waist and you saw him flip up his middle finger at you from behind the elf's back.
you stood up from the bar and went up to a guy who had hit on you moments before chip walked in. you talked him up. it wasn't exactly hard to talk him up either. you were gorgeous and he was tipsy. it didn't take long before you were able to get him to kiss you, but before his lips even touched yours, you were getting pulled away.
"hey, what the fuck?" you yelled as you turned to look at who was pulling you. it was none other than chip, the bastard that just made a whole scene to piss you off. he didn't say a word as he dragged you outside to a more secluded place by the tavern. he let you go and you turned to him.
"what the hell, chip. what was that?"
"i was getting you away from him." chip replied. "i could tell you weren't into him. you just wanted to piss me off."
"no shit, sherlock. you kissed that elf just to piss me off!"
chip crossed his arms and looked down at you (he's a good few inches taller). "that's different."
"literally, no it isn't. that guy was hitting on me just like five minutes before you walked in."
"how long have you been there?!"
"none of your business, chip."
"it is my business. you are my business."
"oh, really? and why is that, chip? i definitely didn't feel like your business when you blew me off this morning."
"last night was a mistake and you know that."
"didn't feel like a mistake when your hands almost wandered under my shirt."
chip scoffed. "you're the one who had their hands feeling up my arms."
"i think having hands on your arms is not near as intimate as having someone's hands on your bare back."
"you're being impossible right now."
"I'M BEING IMPOSSIBLE?!" you chuckled. "oh, that's rich. that's actually insane."
"you're being crazy! you're expecting shit to happen from a few accidents."
"i cannot stress this enough, but i do not think that having your tongue in my mouth or hands all over my body is an ACCIDENT."
chip just scoffed again and looked off to the side. you decided to press further. "why are you so afraid of admitting that we like each other? things would be so much easier if you did."
"i have my fucking reasons, okay." chip sighed. "listen, i'm sorry. my reasons for pushing you away are irrelevant. i shouldn't have even done it in the first place. i do like you, i really do."
"you have a pretty shit way of showing it."
"i haven't actually shown it at all. i'm very good at showing it when i do."
"yeah, i'm sure." you said with obvious sarcasm. it's not that you didn't believe him, it's that you wanted him to show you. you wanted to know what he meant by that. chip raised an eyebrow at you. before he could speak, you suggested that you go back to the hotel where the crew is and to get some rest, as it's late, and you can talk when everyone heads to bed. you didn't want to continue this conversation around anyone else because whether it went bad or good, you didn't want anyone else around to hear it.
you both walked silently to the hotel where the crew was gathered in the lobby. the lobby here was a big meeting spot for guests at the hotel, perfect for your large crew. gryffon had already headed to bed and alphonze was out doing maintenance on the ship, and earl was out buying more fruit. it was just jay, gillion, ollie, and queen left in the lobby. jay was messing around with some contraption of hers with ollie with gillion and queen were trying to make a song. jay waved at you when you walked in and gillion called chip over for some input on their song. you told everyone that you were going to head to bed and what room you were in, just in case anyone needed you. when you got to your room, you changed into some more comfortable clothes. right before you could get in bed, chip barged in and walked over to you. he pulled you close to him and just said, "this is me showing you that i like you," before kissing you.
one hand was on your hip, pulling you into him, while the other was tangled in your hair and holding your head in place. your wrapped your arms around his neck as you turned and fell onto the bed. chip's coat quickly started to get in the way, so he pulled away for a moment. he smiled and looked down at you below him before throwing his coat out of the way and smashing his lips back into yours. his hands quickly began to wander as they ran down your side and tugged at the bottom of your shirt before sliding up and under it. your hands ran up his back. your hands were cold as they naturally were, but his body was warm. it was a nice sensation to both of you. chip's leg split yours apart and rest just between them so that he could get more comfortable as he pulled away from your face and kissed your cheek, then your jawline, all the way down to your neck. you breathed out softly as he kissed your neck and gasped when he lightly bit you. he just laughed and looked up at you. you rolled your eyes and he kissed your cheek and then your lips again.
before anything else could happen, jay and gillion kicked down the door. "I KNEW THERE WAS SOME EVIL HAPPENING HERE!" gillion yelled while pointing at you two before he realized what was happening. "wait. WHAT?!"
chip scrambled to get his coat and cleared his throat. "gillion, jay. what are you two doing here. this isn't your room."
"this isn't yours either!" gillion said while looking between you and chip.
jay very quickly noticed a red mark on your neck from where chip had bit you and laughed. "don't get too rowdy in here. we have things to do tomorrow. let's go, gill."
"DON'T DO ANY EVIL. I WILL KNOW!" he said as jay dragged him out of your room. chip then promptly went to the door, locked it, and threw his coat to the side.
you yawned as you walked out to the lobby where the rest of the crew was having breakfast. you went and sat beside chip and he kissed you on the cheek before handing you some food. you noticed that everyone was staring at you and you looked up at them. jay was giggling, gillion's jaw was hitting the floor, and ollie was looking at chip and then at you.
"why does your neck have purple spots?" ollie asked while pointing at your neck. you almost spit out your juice.
"i'm sorry? what?"
earl spoke up. "ya got hickies! nasty kids..."
you looked over at chip and he was just smiling and enjoying his food. you promptly slapped the back of his head and he burst out into laughter.
"what are hickies?" ollie asked earl. earl opened his mouth to speak, but gillion held a sword to him.
"do not speak of this evil to the young boy. chip, you are a bad father."
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gilbirda · 2 years
I am currently FULL of RAGE!!!!
Do you have any Anger Management prompts in your brain that could make me feel better?
If not that is okay
I enjoy your content!
Hello!!!! Have you taken a look at the amazing asks I've gotten before? People do really come up with great ideas!
Random posts ideas:
Jason helping Jazz fix her car and giving her his number
I did a bit of Genderbent Anger Management! Could be interesting to go ham with genderbent
Soft Anger Management headcanons
How they react to each other being angry or sad
Jazz's and Jason's love language headcanons
Submission - Jason drinks Jazz's "kale" ectoplasm shake
Submission - Jazz and Jason cause and interdimensional political incident by dating
Would Jason and Jazz have children? Ft. a whole ass ficlet in the ask
Old Man Jason and tech impaired Jazz are a match made in heaven
Tall!Jazz and crime lord Red Hood are very like Morticia and Gomez Addams and have a healthy sex life
Prompt: Jazz makes cookies that taste weird and gives them to Jason's goons. They suspect the cookies are poisoned
Submission - King Regent Jason
Jason working part time as a chef and knowing what the cute Arkham doctor always orders
Green Lantern!Jazz x Crime Boss!Jason
Vlad&Bruce and Danny&Dick try to set Jason and Jazz up. It goes horribly wrong
Enemies to lovers Anger Management: Take 1 and Take 2
Angst Anger Management! With stellar mention to my Evil!Jazz snippet
Anger Management adopts a kid (this is from where my fic "Family" was spawned, but the idea can go anywhere)
Good Cop!Red Hood and Bad Cop!Jazz
Danny dies and Jazz hired Red Hood to help her avenge her brother - inspired my fic Deal
Jason meets alternate versions of his girlfriend (Krossan's Hunter!Jazz, Evil!Ghost Queen!Jazz, Mortified!Jazz, Halfa!Jazz)
Jazz is hurt and VERY liminal and Red Hood sees her jump from a window unscathed
Jazz is very liminal and is captured by the GIW, the Outlaws come to her rescue???
Ember comes to Gotham and Red Hood is smitten with Jazz. She has to deal with him, with the bats being suspicious of her and with Ember messing around
Jazz becomes a Indiana Jones kind of adventurer retrieving ghostly artifacts. One adventure makes her cross paths with the Outlaws.
Short ficlet of Anger Management wedding
Jazz (and Dani) go in the Ghost King's place to Aquaman's birthday party and the Batfam is there. Shenanigans ensue.
Jason ends up betrothed to the Princess of the Ghosts by accident
Jason is sent to Amity Park by Talia, framed for the Drs Fenton's disappearances and then he imprints on Jazz
Jazz and Dan for a new Outlaws team with Red Hood. Dan redemption with a side of Anger Management.
Jazz and Jason childhood friends, they met in summer camp
Neighbors Jazz and Jason meet cute
Social worker Jazz protecting children in Crime Alley
More random ideas:
Regency era AU
Coffee shop AU (the barista is Jason and her order is super caffeinated and with so little sugar he is worried the girl's taste buds are broken)
Necromancer!Jazz is Jason's neighbor. She is needed for something by the JLA and Jason is set to convince her to help
Sick fic! Jason mother hens sick Jazz. She does the same for him when he gets sick. (thanks Impy for the idea!)
At the moment I don't have more but this works as a masterpost now that I think about it! Will add more when more people comes to me with fire ideas or I get more plot bunnies I can't write!
I hope this helps and you can discuss this ship with me whenever you want!!! I love them so much (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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dragongirl642 · 2 months
Transformers Masterlist
Back to main masterlist
Jazz x female!werewolf!reader
Sunstreaker/Sideswipe x female!reader (featuring OCs belonging to CindyRoy0): part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, 
Optimus Prime x Dominant Male Dragonshifter Reader
Transformers Prime:
Ratchet x human reader
Breakdown x reader x Wheeljack
Dreadwing x shy human reader x Skyquake
Vehicon 5T3V3 (Steve) x human reader
Transformers Animated:
Bumblebee x reader x Swindle
Transformers RiD:
Bumblebee x Former Decepticon Outlaw Reader
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hrodvitnon · 5 months
Just finished my retread of Abraxas and god is it still one of my favorite things ever. Also got me thinking of some headcanons for shit, as well as a few questions.
-The defender titans all tend to have a growing appreciation for human music as Abdaxas introduces it to them. Ladon becomes enamored with metal, Mothra always appreciates a good classical symphony, Baragon is obsessed with bubblegum pop, Leo likes musicals Godzilla has taken a liking to blues and older outlaw country, and Rodan surprisingly enough has developed a taste for jazz. Some of the others like to tease him about it.
-Methuselah returns to Berezniki every year to pay tribute to Thor, having been friends in their youth. He leaves a stone for him to each time.
-Manda has taken to exploring areas he really shouldn’t when paling around with Baragon and Varan. Anguirus and Abraxas constantly have to come get them like annoyed parents.
-Queen MUTO eventually comes to call Scylla a friend, proving herself different that her genocidal brethren.
-The trafficking of Titan dna still continues after Jonah’s death, with the main trafficker being on Dr Oglivy Hu, who also has his sights set on building a mechanical counterpart to a certain ape Titan.
Gorosaurus: a Titan who once left his territory on Mondo Island to explore Skull Island, only to be dealt a swift beating by Kong and forced to return home. Ultimately a defender, Gorosaurus has developed a begrudging respect for the great ape, and an odd friendship with Ladon. Kind hearted, but somewhat lacking in common sense and susceptible to being distracted by food, he still nevertheless will be on the front lines of battle should any monster ever threaten earth again.
Gabara: a smaller and younger Titan, Gabara is extremely childish in a way not typical for most titans. With a cruel streak, he attempted to harass Ladon in their first encounter, only to be swiftly shown why that was a very bad idea. Ever since, he’s stuck to terrorizing smaller wildlife populations, often being forced to flee whenever he encounters Ladon again.
Titanosaurus: an old Titan who would rather just stay out of conflict all together, he nevertheless gets dragged into the greater ecosystem once again after a chance encounter with Kiryu. Somewhat of a pacifist, he’s rather reluctant to engage in fights or the like, but if push comes to shove, will respect the call of Godzilla, albeit not without constant complaining all the while.
Battra: mothra’s slightly younger twin brother, he can overall be described as “a prick”. Unlike his sister, he has been in hibernation for most of human history, principally due to him viewing humans as pests. Upon awakening in modern day, he often fights and argues with Mothra in a titanic sinking rivalry, with him viewing Godzilla as a nuisance at best. He is also extremely appalled upon meeting his extended “family”. Eventually, he acquiesces to his sisters wish of not attacking humans, but he’s still very grouchy and not super pleasing to be around. Godzilla wants to smack him back into hibernation, Mothra insists he just needs time to adjust.
As for questions, just wanted to ask about how comfortable you are with people using your Abraxas concepts in their own AU’s? I’m currently working on one and have been wanting to include the characters/events of the story in it, but due to the way the AU is it would require both some broad strokes approach’s to the story, as well as a slight redesign of the titular titan. Is that something you’re comfortable with? Just wanted to ask cause like I said, one of my favorite stories period. Hope you’re doing well and may we all praise pink goji.
Heh, I'm now picturing Monster X starting to tease Rodan with the obvious Bee Movie "ya like jazz?" but then hijacks a nearby sound system to start playing smooth jazz. Manda is definitely at the age where he gets into mischief with friends! I appreciate that Titanosaurus is a "too old for this shit" type of Titan, the sort that would get a free pass from a Gondor Calls for Aid scenario unless numbers are extremely needed; Titano deserves all the naps he can get. Good that Ladon is developing a "do not fuck with" reputation on account of nonlethal encounters, it shows that Papa Goji must be having a positive influence on him.
I'm totally okay with Abraxas concepts or characters being used in other's works! Back when I finished the fic way back when I basically announced that readers are allowed to utilize the AbraxasVerse and its ideas in their own writing. Think of it as a sandbox; everyone's welcome to make their own stories and build castles and play with the characters like action figures.
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